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ubotuNew bug: #121089 in launchpad-answers "Manage answer contacts has obsolete information" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12108912:35
ubotuNew bug: #121093 in launchpad-answers "Notify user that his preferred languages were modified" [Medium,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12109312:40
ubotuNew bug: #121094 in launchpad-answers "Only add English to a team preferred languages when registering as answer contact" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12109412:40
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greg_g_Is "rejected" the right option to select if I want to cancel a bug, as in, it seems to no longer be reproducible on my computer, and never was on anyone elses02:39
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crimsungreg_g_: yes02:52
greg_g_crimsun: thanks02:54
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jkakarI seem to be getting a lot of timeouts right now...03:51
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mptGoooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:30
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jameshlifeless, thumper, spiv, BjornT: do we have a reviewers team meeting now?08:06
thumperlast weeks was over half an hour late too08:08
thumperunfortunately this is right around my daughters' dinner time08:08
=== thumper waits twiddling thumbs
jameshlooks like reviews need allocating08:09
lifelessuhm yes08:12
=== spiv pokes lifeless
=== lifeless bad
lifelessthumper: yah, unfortunately tuesday and thursday are good days to pair program08:13
lifelessso its very likely discussions will be happening around this time 08:13
thumperlifeless: why?08:13
lifelessanyhow, let me grab the agenda08:14
spivthumper: our various household schedules line up particularly favourably on tue/thur.08:14
lifeless== Agenda ==08:14
lifeless * Roll call08:14
lifeless * Next meeting08:14
lifeless * Queue status.08:14
lifeless * Preimplementation call status/progress (barry in .eu)08:14
spivI'm here.08:15
jameshI'm here08:15
BjornTi'm here08:15
lifelessnext meeting: 2007-06-26 at 0600 UTC 08:16
thumperlifeless: if tuesdays are bad what aboud Wed?08:16
BjornTi'll won't be here next week - london sprint08:16
thumperI just have commitments on Mondays08:16
thumperI'll be in London too08:16
lifelessthat would be two in one day for bjorn I think08:17
lifelessyou're away for the week; so I don't think the meeting time will affect you next week08:17
lifelessspiv, jamesh - same time is ok ?08:17
BjornTyeah. i also find it useful to have the two reviewer meetings a bit apart08:17
thumperjamesh is away too08:17
jameshlifeless: I'll be in London then08:17
spivFine with me.08:17
lifelessme and spiv can have a beer then08:17
spivAlthough it sounds like it'll be a lonely meeting!08:17
spivAh, you're never lonely with beer ;)08:18
=== jamesh needs to get a fridge magnet
lifelessjamesh: can you do review allocation today? Sorry to ask; been pairing and writing all day08:18
jameshlifeless: sure.08:18
jameshI'll go lightly on the people who'll be at the meeting next week08:19
lifelessdon't go too heavy on spiv either though; hes sprinting at the moment too08:19
thumpergive it all to the americans!08:19
=== jamesh wonders who won't be sprinting
spivjamesh: give them all to kiko, he's good at delegating ;)08:20
lifelessThere are 15 open reviews, 4 over target.08:20
lifelessthats a 25% ratio, not hot - but much better than recently08:20
spivGiven the massive dump of stuff on the review queue on Thursday/Friday, I'd say that's pretty good.08:21
spivAccording to the number of kb in the mailman archives, we've already had more reviews this month than any previous month.08:22
jameshI'll have my overdue one sent in today08:23
lifelessany extra business?08:23
spivI'm concerned about the effect of the mad rush to get stuff in at the end of the release cycle.08:24
thumperspiv: any release cycle will end in a rush08:24
lifelessBut launchpad isn't doing strictly 'time based releases'08:24
lifelessthumper: not true.08:24
lifelesslaunchpad is doing regular releases 08:24
jameshafter the SSO stuff is out of the way, I should have time to do the "incremental diff" feature for the pending-reviews script08:24
jameshwhich should help08:25
lifelessthis is different08:25
spivIt puts pressure on reviewers to let things in they perhaps they shouldn't, when during a rush it's even more important to be cautious.08:25
lifelessI think launchpad should do a couple of cycles and let people get used to the rhythm08:25
lifelessit may well settle as people get better as estimating what will fit in a month; and what won't08:25
lifelessits a new discipline here08:25
spivAnd it also strains the available time resources of the reviewers, and strains infrastructure like the pending reviews script which could barely keep up.08:26
=== william [n=william@c58-107-52-79.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #launchpad
spivI already had a mini-rant about this on the list :)08:26
lifelessbut - see my thoughts about this above08:26
thumperI agree with lifeless, we need to give it a couple of cycles08:26
thumperhopefully it'll settle naturally08:27
spivSo, I hope you're right that this is a one off, and it'll get better in future cycles.08:27
lifelessI think we should be able to say 'this cycle was 4 foophwoards bad'08:27
jameshspiv: it took Gnome a while to settle in to time based releases08:27
lifelessperhaps by graphing commits per week08:27
lifelessor commits per day even08:27
lifelessand if it goes WAY up08:27
lifelessat the end, then its being bunched up and we want to aim to reduce the spike.08:28
jameshspiv: I agree that we should get people to aim to merge before the deadline rather than at the deadline too08:28
lifelessa little bzrlib work should give a decent graph easily.08:28
spivI think maybe people should be reminded at the launchpad meeting that if you add your branch to the review queue on the last Friday, it's just way too late to expect it to land, so they should aim for much earlier.08:29
jameshgiven the amount of stuff that went in right at the end, it means there is a lot of code that each team hasn't been testing against08:29
lifelesswhy don't we propose a window08:29
spivBut perhaps that will happen naturally after people saw what happened this time?08:30
lifelesse.g. if the release is going to be cut on 'Monday'08:30
lifelessthen we say 'it must be in the review queue by the Tuesday before'08:30
thumpersounds fair (I think)08:30
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spivThat sounds about right; especially given that some branches need to go through needs-reply before they're ready.08:31
BjornTyeah, something like that sounds good.08:31
lifelessany other business?08:31
BjornTlifeless: yes, one more thing08:31
BjornTlifeless: there was discussion about the "fasttrack" process before. who's responsibility is it to get it documented and implemented?08:32
lifelessoh, spiv - as you started a rant, can you raise this recommendation at the next LP meeting please.08:32
lifelessBjornT: Yours I thought, from the previous reviewer meetings about it.08:32
spivOk.  I'll have to do it by proxy as I'm not normally awake at that time :)08:32
spivBut sure, I can arrange that.08:32
BjornTlifeless: oh, i thought it was yours :) but sure, i can do it.08:33
lifelessBjornT: ahha, classic falling in the cracks.08:33
lifelessBjornT: thanks!08:33
lifelessany other other business?08:35
lifelessthanks for coming08:35
thumperthanks lifeless08:35
lifelesssee some of you next bat-time08:35
thumperspiv: do you want to do a call about that review?08:35
thumperspiv: tomorrow?08:36
thumperspiv: or are you all sorted?08:36
spivthumper: I'm fine atm, but I haven't started yet!08:36
spivthumper: I see you updated the incremental diff on the queue, though?08:37
thumperyeah, although it might be easier just to look at the full diff08:37
spivI'll take a look.  I actually have a copy of that branch locally, too :)08:37
spivThanks for making the diff.08:37
thumpernight all08:38
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ubotuNew bug: #121133 in launchpad-bazaar "make link to codebrowse more prominent" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12113308:50
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Hobbseemorning carlos 09:24
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ubotuNew bug: #121138 in launchpad "rocketfuel-setup shouldn't mess with the developer's .ssh/config" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12113810:41
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Hobbseeerm...bzr help is here or #bzr?11:52
Hobbseei'm confused about the options, and dont know what i want to do11:52
stubHobbsee: #bzr. We are just users here like you.11:53
stubUnless you mean the Launchpad/bzr integration or supermirror stuff.11:53
Hobbseestub: cool, thanks.  i cant tell if i want to register a branch or a series, i think11:53
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Hobbseewhine.  i dont undersatnd this.12:01
Hobbseeoh wait.12:03
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Hobbseehey cool, it even worked.12:11
Hobbseeyay!  \o/12:13
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cprovmorning folks01:38
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jfroche_hello, does Rosetta have a search functionality ?02:12
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carlosjfroche_: not yet02:34
carlosjfroche_: but we prepared our web pages to allow Google to index all translations02:34
carlosso it would be used as a workaround02:34
jfroche_search feature in a translation tool is for me one of the most basic feature for usability02:35
carlosjfroche_: If you want to track that feature development, you can subscribe to https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/4402:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 44 in rosetta "Translations should be searchable" [High,Confirmed]   - Assigned to   (danilo)02:35
jfroche_don't want to be bad at you guys, you are doing a really great job but #44 was first reported on 2005-01-1102:36
carlosjfroche_: there are technical problems to do a proper fix for that02:43
carlosand we know that, that's why we changed Launchpad to allow google to index all translations02:43
carlosjfroche_: the main problem is related with performance02:43
carlosjfroche_: there is a draft plan already about how to implement it but still needs to be scheduled in our new release cycle schedule02:45
jfroche_carlos:  it's a performance problem for huge projects, is it such a big problem for smaller projects ?02:47
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carlosjfroche_: we share the same database across all projects so it's more or less the same for all projects02:48
carlosjfroche_: in February we already did some DB schema changes to improve the situation and we have another one planned (we designed it as a two steps optimisation)02:49
carlosand we hope that should be enough to fix that performance problem02:50
jfroche_carlos: this is a good news ! hope this second improvement will be soon schedule 'cause it's a long awaited feature ;)02:52
carlosit will02:53
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RainC1is it possible to change the name (not display name) of a project?03:43
matsubaraRainC1: yes, it is. File a question in launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion and a LP admin will change it for you.03:46
RainC1matsubara: ok, thanks03:46
=== Hobbsee waves to matsubara
matsubarahi Hobbsee 03:47
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mwhudsoni'm upgrading codebrowse, should only be down for a moment or two04:15
carlosmwhudson: one...04:17
mwhudsonback up04:17
carlosmwhudson: two...04:17
carlosyou were fast :-P04:17
mwhudsonplease test away04:17
carlosmwhudson: works here04:19
mwhudsonif anyone wants to upgrade their lp branch to dirstate-tags that would let me verify a bug fix :)04:23
mwhudsonthough loggerhead actually has unit tests now, so i should be a bit more confident04:23
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ubotuNew bug: #121193 in launchpad-bazaar "Unclear how to configure so that "lp:product" URLs in bzr will use a designated branch" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12119306:10
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ubotuNew bug: #121199 in malone ""Report a bug in ..." link on bug page is hard to find" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12119906:31
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ubotuNew bug: #121200 in launchpad-bazaar "Branching/checking out "lp:~user/project/branch" URLs should use write-access if possible" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12120006:40
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rdalei've successfully created a new branch in project hexperides, but it is in my personal name, rather than the hexperides team: sftp://rdale@bazaar.launchpad.net/~rdale/hexperides/hexperides07:13
rdaleis it possible to change it to a team branch?07:13
stgraberrdale: IIRC you can change the branch owner in LP07:15
stgraberrdale: https://code.launchpad.net/~rdale/hexperides/hexperides/+reassign07:18
rdaleok, great i'll try that thanks07:19
stgraberno problem07:20
rdalehmm, i can't seem to quite get launchpad - i created a team called 'hexperides', but i see there is one called 'hexperides-developers'  that i didn't create07:22
stgraberhexperides_developers was created by Cristo a month ago (he's the only member and the team is moderated)07:25
rdaleah ok thanks again, i'll stick with my hexperides one for the branch ownership then07:27
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pochubarry: do you have any ETA for the ML spec?07:31
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ubotuNew bug: #121211 in rosetta "Broken translation group link in project/distro overview page." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12121108:25
LaserJockdarn, where'd Joey go?08:26
barrypochu: only very rough.  i think it will be a month or so08:27
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AlinuxOShello all, is there terminology data base in launchpad ?08:50
AlinuxOSif yes I would like to start working on it ?08:50
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ubotuNew bug: #121219 in launchpad-answers ""Answer contact for" displays misleading message" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12121909:31
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Ph0t0nwhat meaning "[Errno 13]  Directories directly under a user directory must be named after a product name registered in Launchpad <https://launchpad.net/>." when try to create one brach10:25
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mptGooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!11:00
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