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kraut | moin | 08:44 |
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BenC | crimsun: ping | 03:07 |
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zul | BenC: the xen kernels in ubuntu-gutsy are still trying to isntall a bzImage | 04:29 |
BenC | build_image_xen = vmlinuz | 04:36 |
BenC | doesn't look like it | 04:36 |
zul | vmlinux | 04:36 |
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BenC | ok, commit a fix and I can pull it | 04:36 |
zul | sure | 04:36 |
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xivulon | mjg59, I have some issues with hibernation/suspend that are relevant for the ubuntu windows-installer. I am out of my depth here and would appreciate some help. | 05:33 |
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mjg59 | xivulon: What sort of issues? | 06:22 |
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xivulon | mjg59, wubi installs Ubuntu within a file on an ntfs partition. The ntfs partition is mounted using fuse. This in short is the setup. Hybernation freezes with a prompt like: _ | 06:30 |
xivulon | suspend starts and then automatically resumes after a few secs | 06:30 |
xivulon | or according to some users it freezes completely | 06:31 |
xivulon | In an implementation which does not use fuse (image file is inside ext3), suspend works but hybernation still freezes | 06:31 |
xivulon | I have played with the acpi-support parameters but did not get too far. | 06:32 |
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xivulon | First question I guess is how to turn on verbose logs for the suspend/hibernation process | 06:34 |
xivulon | If you still have windows lying around you might also want to try directly, so far most of our clienst are first timers, and I would appreciate some feedback from devs | 06:36 |
mjg59 | xivulon: I think the easiest thing to do is probably for me to give it a test myself | 06:36 |
mjg59 | But right now I suspect that suspend + root on fuse isn't going to work terribly well | 06:36 |
xivulon | http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/minefield.html | 06:36 |
mjg59 | I'm on holiday right now, though | 06:37 |
mjg59 | I'll be back next week | 06:37 |
xivulon | sounds good | 06:37 |
xivulon | the offer is still valid for any other good soul around here | 06:37 |
xivulon | Another issue we have is fs robustness. | 06:37 |
xivulon | Users do tend to hard boot more than the should | 06:38 |
xivulon | Since ext3 is inside ntfs (ntfs-3g), a hard reboot sometimes compromises the journal | 06:38 |
xivulon | I have played a bit with /etc/sysctl.conf hoping to minimize damage. But I am quite clueless about filesystems | 06:39 |
xivulon | If anyone else wants to try wubi, please do, we are close to release candidate and any feedback would be much appreciated. | 06:43 |
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poningru_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/121216 | 09:09 |
poningru_ | anyother info that I can file on there? that will be helpful I mean | 09:10 |
crimsun | BenC: pong | 09:55 |
BenC | crimsun: any luck on those hda chips? | 10:43 |
crimsun | BenC: I only got Tim's email this afternoon, and I'm still at work, but I will look tonight. | 10:43 |
BenC | crimsun: thanks, and sorry for bugging, but it's sort of urgent...if you could give me some tips on what to look for, I'd have a go at it myself | 10:44 |
crimsun | ok, give me about 5 minutes to get to a point | 10:45 |
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