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bspencer | tko: are you around? | 02:36 |
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horaceli | bspencer, howdy | 02:51 |
bspencer | howdy | 02:51 |
horaceli | we 'll have a meeting 7 minutes later. are you in office now? | 02:51 |
bspencer | yes | 02:52 |
horaceli | Oops. i entered the wrong channel | 02:52 |
bspencer | :) np | 02:52 |
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tko | bspencer: at 3am I'm usually sleeping.. usually I wouldn't be awake for a few hours still | 05:47 |
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Mithrandir | morning everybody | 11:52 |
Mithrandir | I should send out a preliminary agenda for a meeting on Thursday | 11:52 |
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ubuntu-mobile | somebody kwows where I can find list of components, libs, X-stufs .. for ubuntu mobile ? | 02:44 |
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agoliveira | ubuntu-mobile: What do you mean by "list of components"? | 02:50 |
jozzel | I mean which components is it going to use , kernel, ulibc , ... | 02:51 |
jozzel | or is it more general , and the choice is free, | 02:51 |
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jozzel | which kind of embedded X is it going to use , ... | 02:52 |
agoliveira | Right now it will be the same as Ubuntu has as it's going to be used for web tablets and hardware like that. After, there will probably be changes in this area but there's nothing certain yet. | 02:54 |
Mithrandir | hi Adilson | 02:55 |
agoliveira | Mithrandir: Hi there! | 02:55 |
Mithrandir | do you have any items for the agenda for the meeting on Thursday? | 02:55 |
jozzel | On which platvorms will it be suported , ARM, MIPS , ... | 02:56 |
jozzel | ? | 02:56 |
Mithrandir | jozzel: initially, an ia32-compatible called lpia | 02:56 |
agoliveira | Mithrandir: Perhaps talk about the point we are now. I didn't think about it yet.; | 02:57 |
Mithrandir | I'm planning on sending out an invitation for the meeting later today, so if something pops up, tell me | 02:58 |
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agoliveira | Mithrandir: Oh, sorry, you were talking about the embedded meeting not the devel meeting. For that I don't have any specifics actually, I just want to wrap-up the issues of last week and set the points to the continued work. | 02:59 |
Mithrandir | yes, the embedded meeting. | 03:01 |
Mithrandir | ok, so a summary of the work done in mountain view | 03:01 |
agoliveira | Yes | 03:01 |
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jozzel | ia32 , is that lpia , can someone tell me more about that ? Or where can I find more about it ? | 03:09 |
inz | http://www.intel.com/technology/systems/lpia/ | 03:10 |
jozzel | got it: Low power on Intel Architecture | 03:10 |
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agoliveira | Yes, that's silly as hell but that's way it was done. | 05:24 |
happycube | lol a zaurus | 05:27 |
happycube | and i think a clie | 05:27 |
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tko | bspencer: maemo 3.x all include the old hildon-libs. hildon-1 will be included in chinook/4.x (it's the "Consolidated Hildon Framework" in the roadmap) | 06:44 |
bspencer | tko: Thx. So 3.x will eventually be obsolete and the "Consolidated Hildon Framework" is the future, 4.x, and what Nokia will be using going forward. | 06:46 |
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tko | bspencer: yes | 06:47 |
tko | the motion is generally forward :) | 06:47 |
bspencer | tko: how often does a new tag get applied (e.g. 0.0.18)? Is there some validation with each tag? | 06:47 |
tko | bspencer: depends.. at least when things need to be pushed to internal integration which might be weekly, some times maybe more often, sometimes less | 06:49 |
bspencer | does 0.0.18 exist now? | 06:49 |
tko | validation in current setup is more or less "it works on the developers environment" | 06:49 |
tko | dunno, I'd have to check | 06:49 |
bspencer | me too | 06:49 |
jacob-laptop | hi Ben, i have ported poulsbo patches to 2.6.22 kernel. how should i send it to you? i already pushed it into our local git | 06:50 |
tko | http://repository.maemo.org/sardine/armel/sardine/packagestatus.html says hildon-desktop 0.0.18-1 is in sardine, which is a good sign in that it proves the tag actually built :) | 06:50 |
tko | (can be found via sardine.garage.maemo.org / Build environment) | 06:51 |
tko | so you could consider sardine status as additional validation step | 06:51 |
=== bspencer checks | ||
bspencer | a good link. thanks. | 06:54 |
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rusty | hmm.... the gutsy apt package changed it's "Priority:" from "required" to "important"... now debootstrap doesn't install apt | 07:18 |
tko | who needs apt anyway? :) | 07:18 |
happycube | lol | 07:31 |
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moimart | hi | 08:54 |
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agoliveira | moimart: Ola Moises, que pasa? :) | 08:58 |
agoliveira | moimart: Had a good trip back home? | 08:58 |
moimart | agoliveira: bien y tu? :) | 08:59 |
moimart | agoliveira: yeah, i slept all the way home :) | 09:00 |
moimart | agoliveira: and you? | 09:00 |
agoliveira | moimart: Lucky bastard :) It wasn't the best flight I had in my life but was better that the other way around. | 09:01 |
moimart | agoliveira: when checking in one of the attendes told us if we wanted to be volunteers for losing the plane, get another one the next day and be paid 600 | 09:04 |
moimart | agoliveira: we weren't so lucky bastards :( | 09:04 |
agoliveira | moimart: Hmmm... In cash? If I had the option I would jump on it ;) | 09:05 |
agoliveira | Or better: I would trade for a 1st class seat! | 09:05 |
moimart | agoliveira: yeah in cash, but eventually there were seats for us :) | 09:06 |
moimart | when we heard 600 we said "yeah of course, count me in" :) | 09:07 |
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bspencer | moimart: hi -- how was the flight home? | 09:41 |
=== bspencer reads previous comments. | ||
bspencer | moimart: do you know about the Nokia patch to gtk to detect when an edit field gets/loses focus ? | 09:41 |
moimart | bspencer: fine, and yours? | 09:43 |
bspencer | moimart: whew, that 1hr flight was a killer ;) | 09:43 |
tko | bspencer: that's built in to gtkentry already and it proxies the info to im context | 09:43 |
Mithrandir | bspencer: any idea if you'll make it to London the week before guadec? | 09:43 |
moimart | bspencer: Mine, seemed to last one hour for me | 09:44 |
bspencer | tko: aha. is that code you pushed upstream? | 09:45 |
moimart | bspencer: btw, there gonna be radical changes in libhildondesktop | 09:46 |
bspencer | moimart: better not | 09:46 |
bspencer | or we'll be sleeping in your living room while you re-teach us | 09:46 |
tko | bspencer: that part has been there forever.. we have some changes that affect calls to gtk_im_context_reset I don't completely understand | 09:46 |
moimart | bspencer: we decided we are gonna rename the prefix hildon_desktop_ by hd_ | 09:46 |
moimart | bspencer: nothing to worry actually :) | 09:47 |
bspencer | tko: is it possible with stock gtk to get notification for keyboard to start/stop? | 09:47 |
bspencer | is that what gtk_im_context_reset does for us? | 09:48 |
bspencer | (I'll go find that code) | 09:48 |
bspencer | Mithrandir: hopefully. At least a 2-3 days are planned. | 09:48 |
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Mithrandir | bspencer: good to hear | 09:49 |
tko | bspencer: I think the necessary logic for showing/hiding the keyboard for gtkentry and gtktextview is possible withing imcontext. we export the show/show functions for widgets imcontext doesn't know about. the reset changes are related to word completion IIRC | 09:53 |
bspencer | word completion -- hmm.. that's too fancy for us yet. ;) I'll look at imcontext. thx. | 09:56 |
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