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qhartmanHas anyone had success getting HP's various tools and utilities for Proliant machines (which are supported under Debian) working with Ubuntu?01:41
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appellationTo somebody: I'm trying to find out the latest news on porting Edgy to PowerPC (if there is any). Having trouble finding it. Anyone know where to look?04:31
mralphabetI am by no means the expert, but it's not something I have seen04:31
mralphabetHave you looked in launchpad for any powerpc references?04:32
shawarmaappellation: Porting it to powerpc? It alread runs there?04:32
appellationRight. Good idea. Launchpad is new to me...04:32
shawarmaappellation: And why edgy? 04:36
appellationshawarma: I thought PowerPC isn't supported in Fawn yet.04:36
shawarmaappellation: Um... You said Edgy.04:36
shawarmaappellation: And "yet" and "fawn" do not belong in the same sentence. :)04:36
appellationRight. So, I was looking for documentation on Edgy, and I'm having trouble finding it.04:36
shawarmaappellation: Feisty Fawn was released back in April.04:36
shawarmaappellation: Why are you trying to run edgy?04:37
shawarmaappellation: If that's what you really want, the iso's are here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/04:37
shawarmaappellation: there's powerpc iso's as well.04:38
appellationshawarma: Let's clear some things up first. Am I right or wrong: Fawn does NOT run on Fawn.04:38
appellationtyping too early..ugh04:38
shawarmaappellation: Um..04:38
appellationby which I mean: Fawn does NOT run on PowerPC04:38
shawarmaappellation: Sure it does.04:39
appellationThat's great. The documentation I found did not indicate it was supported. Thank you.04:39
shawarmaIt's not an officially supported platform anymore, though (you will not be able to buy support for it).04:39
shawarmaIt works, and there are several core developers using iBooks, so it's not going to be dropped anytime soon.04:40
appellationAh...that's why I was confused. Excellent. I'll go get some coffee now.04:40
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kronushi, I have a fresh install of ubuntu server, is mysql set up with a root password out of the box, or do I still have to edit my.conf and set a root pass?05:49
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mralphabetkronus: you need to set it05:51
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