=== stratus [n=stratus@] has joined #ubuntu-server === stratus [n=stratus@] has joined #ubuntu-server === leonel [n=leonel@] has joined #ubuntu-server === fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-server === Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-server === malakhi [n=malakhi@pool-70-104-204-16.nrflva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-server === tck [n=tck@A-79-117.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:51] is there a CD version with universe ? I mean if I need a Server in a Local LAN with No internet access how can I install universe Packages ? [03:03] leonel: you could try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageCDs [03:04] too easy ... I overlooked the problem thanks [03:04] malakhi: :) [03:05] np === YourMomsHero [n=cirish@] has left #ubuntu-server [] === Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-server === Burgundavia_ [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-server === stephanbuys [n=stephanb@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-server === coNP [n=conp@unaffiliated/conp] has joined #ubuntu-server === nictuku [n=yves@200-140-10-67.bsace706.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-server === [miles] [n=miles@bcn1.entorno.es] has joined #ubuntu-server === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B59EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:31] <[miles] > morning guys [11:31] <[miles] > fuck, has anyone every seen a problem, that when you use sudo xxxx it gives a resolve error [11:38] what sort of error? [11:40] <[miles] > gethostbyname() [11:40] <[miles] > Sudo: unable to lookup xxxxxxxx via gethostbyname() [11:50] [miles] : Yes. === stephanbuys [n=stephanb@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:58] <[miles] > shawarma: the hosts is correct... [11:58] <[miles] > however.. [11:59] <[miles] > I notice when I do a hostname -f [11:59] <[miles] > it errors [12:00] With the same error, I suppose? [12:01] [miles] : What does "grep `hostname` /etc/hosts" give? [12:03] <[miles] > seems to be working now [12:03] \o/ [12:03] <[miles] > I think the guy had spaces, or something in the file [12:03] <[miles] > I did not set up the box [12:03] <[miles] > bbias [12:04] usually that's when /etc/hostname isn't setup [12:05] ajmitch: Yes, that's bound to cause trouble. [12:05] happened to me yesterday, fresh install on linode [12:05] <[miles] > ah all sorted now [12:05] easily fixed [12:05] <[miles] > the guy was sweating buckets [12:05] doesn't stop sudo working, usually [12:06] <[miles] > trying to migrate him from ShitOS to Ubuntu Server [12:06] <[miles] > sorry, CentOS [12:06] Honest mistake. :) === ivoks [n=ivoks@19-21.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server === stratus [i=stratus@conference/debconf/x-088fbb3a52a41af4] has joined #ubuntu-server === TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-server [01:13] hehe. I've heard something fun about CentOS yesterday that nearly killed me :-) [01:19] <[miles] > tell [01:25] Nafallo: Yeah, tell us. I've been holding my breath. [01:26] a friend discovered that the damn thing sets the tcp window-size through env WINDOW === [miles] is about to pass out from holding his breath [01:26] and he set WINDOW=2 and wondered why things were slow... :-P === EtienneG [n=etienne@ubuntu/member/EtienneG] has joined #ubuntu-server [01:35] O_O [01:35] omg.. [01:37] :-) [01:37] windowmaker probably uses env WINDOW ;-) [01:38] I really like that the networkthingies took the env from his account :-P [01:45] Nafallo: I can't any mention of this anywhere.. How did he find out? [01:45] shawarma: debugging? :-) [01:46] shawarma: spent an hour on it :-P === ham1979 [i=GreenMan@host213-120-102-151.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:06] Hello [02:07] I have just upgraded from breezy badger to dapper and my postfix/mailmain/amavis /clamav server has stopped delivering mail [02:07] in the log there is postfix/qmgr delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[] : === fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:13] I can't believe I'm about to say this.. [02:13] ham1979: have you tried rebooting it? [02:13] ham1979: Lots of stuff happens during upgrades and postfix/mailman/amavis/clamav is quite an involved setup.. === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B59EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:16] yep tried rebooting [02:16] my amavis was renamed .conf.disabled i think [02:17] I've got to go and get some lunch. I can't think properly anymore. === Tomasz_svk [n=tomasz@adsl-dyn224.91-127-243.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu-server === mat1980 [n=mat1980@host18-197-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:27] hi, I have Ubuntu 7.04 Server. I have installed MySQL server there. But if i want to connect there throught PHPMyAdmin at another server, it write Error: #1130 - Host 'support11.cust.nextra.sk' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server [02:29] Tomasz_svk: did you gave access priviledge to the user you use from other host? maybe it has access only from localhost. [02:30] i commented line #bind-address ... but it nothing done [02:30] If it was allowed, PhpMyAdmin wrote something as Server not respond [02:32] But I don not want to install there Apache + PHP, because it is only game server, I need only MySQL === fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:38] Tomasz_svk: sorry... I'm not very experienced with mysql. [02:39] is special only mysql support channel? [02:39] thank you for your time [02:39] is special only mysql support channel? [02:39] thank you === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B59EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server === Tomasz_svk [n=tomasz@adsl-dyn224.91-127-243.t-com.sk] has left #ubuntu-server [] === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B59EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:58] I am having trouble with amavis since upgrading from Breezy Badger to Dapper [02:59] I realised that the config files are now separate I have copied some changes across but am getting same message delivery temporarily suspended [03:09] ham1979: This is amavisd-new? === mat1980 [n=mat1980@host18-197-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu-server [] === ||arifaX_ [n=||arifaX@p54B59EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server === Tomasz_svk [n=tomasz@adsl-dyn224.91-127-243.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu-server === Tomasz_svk [n=tomasz@adsl-dyn224.91-127-243.t-com.sk] has left #ubuntu-server [] === hansin321 [n=eric@c-71-196-138-170.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [03:24] I forget, but what is the 'standard/usual' location/path where to download and unpack source code to for compilation? /usr/src? Thanks. [03:26] shawarma - yes amavisd-new [03:26] shouldn't have bothered upgrading! [03:26] hansin321: depends on your environment. /usr/src would be where you would put deb sources. /usr/local/src would be raw sources, i think. [03:26] hansin321: Your home directory, I suppose. [03:27] malakhi: no. [03:27] shawarma: oh? [03:27] Why would you put source in /usr/src where noone can write? [03:28] Thanks malakhi & shawarma. I suppose either would do. Good info on .deb vs. .tar.gz [03:28] shawarma: root can. That's why I said it depends. If you're compiling for the entire system, then root is obviously doing the work. [03:28] No. [03:28] You should never log in as root. [03:28] You should fiddle with the source as your normal user and when you want to install stuff, you "sudo make install" or whatever. === ||arifaX_ [n=||arifaX@p54B59EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [03:29] There's no reason at all why root would be doing the compiling. [03:29] shawarma: I have had the same issue. If you compile from home directory that works, but I have also been told before that /usr/local/src is where a lot of people compile from. But the root issue makes sense, especially since you only need to be root usually for 'make install'. [03:30] hansin321: It used to be very normal for new Linux users to log in as root and do all their work that way. If you're doing that, you've lost already, but in that case it may *feel* right to be doing stuff in /usr/(local)/src, but it's really not. [03:31] shawarma: I guess what I should say is that /usr/src, etc are where source code is supposed to be stored, with working occurring in /home [03:31] hansin321: Yes, you should. Breezy is ancient and entirely unsupported. [03:32] malakhi: In rare cases, yes. [03:32] shawarma: that's the FHS standard [03:32] hansin321: Sorry. That wasn't for you. [03:32] shawarma: Ok, thanks. So maybe making a ~/src or ~/.src directory for onself might not be a bad idea. [03:32] hansin321: despite my debate, that's what I do. [03:32] hansin321: I have a src/ directory in my homedir where I do all my work. [03:33] Thanks all. Learned a little more new today. [03:33] malakhi: "Source code may be place placed in this subdirectory, only for reference purposes. [35] " [03:33] malakhi: From fhs. [03:33] malakhi: You can put a reference version of the linux kernel source there, for instance. [03:34] shawarma: which is what I just said. You place the source there, and pull a local copy to /home for actual use. [03:34] malakhi: You're not supposed to put all that tarballs of source you find everywhere in /usr/src and pull them from there when you need them. [03:35] malakhi: That's not what it's for. === ||arifaX_ [n=||arifaX@p54B59EAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [03:35] ham1979: Yes, you should. Breezy is ancient and entirely unsupported. [03:35] ham1979: Was it a very specialized amavisd setup? [03:35] shawarma: Well, I'll just agree to disagree with you then. [03:36] malakhi: Why, oh why, would you put all the source code you find in random places in /usr/src ? [03:37] shawarma: because multiple people need access to the same source. I know that revision control would be preferred, but sometimes that sort of overhead is unnecessary. [03:37] shawarma: And I'm not talking about random source. I'm talking about a package that is frequently recompiled for use by the whole system, and all its users. [03:38] malakhi: Right. those are the rare cases I mentioned. :) [03:38] shawarma: Not especially - i used http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ which doesn't seem too tricky! [03:38] malakhi: And even then, revision control is really the way to do it. [03:38] shawarma: I guess the misunderstanding is that I use it that way pretty regularly, so it's not rare to me :) [03:39] ham1979: I really don't remember what changed from breezy->dapper anymore. [03:39] malakhi: Why on earth are you not using a vcs? [03:40] shawarma: not worth the hastle. We're not actually altering the source code. Just recompiling against new deps, etc. [03:40] ham1979: To be honest, I'd recommend just storing your current config for reference and starting over. === kupesoft [n=dave@red-gw.cs.toronto.edu] has joined #ubuntu-server [03:40] Do any of you know, if I build/compile Asterisk if I need the package 'linux-source' or is 'linux-headers-server' probably enough? [03:40] ham1979: I'm pretty sure it's going to be a less painful procedure. [03:41] hansin321: neither [03:41] hansin321: linux-libc-dev [03:41] is that part of 'build-essential'? [03:41] hansin321: I believe so, yes. [03:41] hansin321: indirecly, yes. [03:42] hansin321: It's a dependency of libc6-dev which is a dependency of build-essential. [03:42] shawarma: When I compiled before, I think I got an error that was corrected by 'linux-headers-xxx', or at least that is what I remember. [03:42] hansin321: Possibly something about compiler.h? [03:44] Well, some of the fine details of this stuff is a little over my head, so not sure why. It may have been for compiling Zaptel which creates a kernel driver. That mean a little more? [03:45] hansin321: Yes, that's something entirely different. :) [03:45] hansin321: In that case, you need the kernel headers. [03:45] hansin321: Are the zaptel drivers in Ubuntu not sufficient? [03:45] Thought so (once I thout about it). But still don't need full kernel source, right? [03:46] hansin321: Just the headers. linux-headers-`uname -r` probably. [03:46] shawarma: Ubuntu stuff is 1.2.X series, and current is 1.4.x. Asterisk compiles very nice and easy and I wan't to run 1.4.x series. [03:47] hansin321: zaptel-source | 1:1.4.3~dfsg-2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages [03:48] hansin321: You could grab that, do the module-assistant dance and be happy. :) [03:51] shawarma: That is an option I suppose. 1.4.3 is the latest... Not sure how to do the module-assistant dancce; Is it anything like the 'Twist' or the 'Hammer-Time' dance ;) [03:51] hansin321: almost. :) [03:52] I look it up. Thanks for pointing it out for me... [03:52] hansin321: You grab the zaptel-source package from gutsy, install it, run 'module-assistant build zapel' or something to that effect. [03:52] hansin321: And then you dance. === [miles] [n=miles@bcn1.entorno.es] has joined #ubuntu-server [03:57] shawarma: Thanks. I'll do the Geico 'Its my birthday, got my car fixed' thingy ;) [03:58] hansin321: :) [04:02] Thanks all for the help, off to work for me... === mathiaz [n=mathiaz@206-248-181-179.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === nictuku [n=yves@200-140-10-67.bsace706.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-server === CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-21-182.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-server === lbm [n=lbm@0x555373ab.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-server === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B5A96B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server === phil_ [n=chatzill@cpc1-leed11-0-0-cust693.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [04:38] hello all, I'm having some problems with my LAMP server. keep getting buffer I/O errors on the /home partition and its affecting the servers ability to serve files to the network. anyone able to help? [04:39] phil_: what is the exact error [04:42] buffer I/O error on device sda2, logical block2129920, then ata1: command 0x25 timeout, stat 0x0d host_stat 0x21, then ata1 translated stat_err 0x0d0/00 to scsi SK/ASC?ASCQ 0xb/47/00 [04:42] phil_: check dmesg. may be faulty hardware [04:42] hm [04:42] where 'then' is a line break [04:43] I can't really get to a prompt, when I change screens it just keep filling up with these errors and although I can type stuff, I can't type it at a prompt [04:43] does that make sense? [04:45] also, these errors don't show up when I access the box through slogin from another machine. I only see them when I plug a monitor into the server [04:45] phil_: timeout waiting on device sound lise a hardware error to me. I've had similar problems when a fan nicked a SCSI cable. [04:46] phil_: You see them when you plug a monitor in because they are being echoed to the console. [04:47] phil_: if you type 'dmesg' from a remote login you will see them as well. [04:47] ok. I just changed the cables today thinking it might be something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bust drive considering the bloody thing is only 6 months old! [04:48] phil_: unmount that filesystem and run do an fsck and check for bad blocks. [04:48] okay, I'll check through dmesg and see if that throws up anything else. Do you think it would be worth checking the drives SMART status? I already did a fsck check and it came out fine. [04:50] phil_: SMART status may be worth checking. It should give you some indication about errors reported by the drive. [04:51] ok, will do. thanks for the help dendrobates & mathiaz [04:52] phil_: I forgot badblocks was decoupled from fsck. you could also try 'badblocks -n /dev/sda2' === jdstrand [n=james@mail.strandboge.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [04:52] ah, okay, I'll try that as well. thanks : ) === [miles] [n=miles@bcn1.entorno.es] has joined #ubuntu-server === EtienneG [n=etienne@ubuntu/member/EtienneG] has joined #ubuntu-server === stratus [i=stratus@conference/debconf/x-e9724530c3d1f523] has joined #ubuntu-server === YourMomsHero [n=cirish@] has joined #ubuntu-server === leonel [n=leonel@] has joined #ubuntu-server === YourMomsHero [n=cirish@] has joined #ubuntu-server === stratus [i=stratus@conference/debconf/x-80b6a65fa9af596d] has joined #ubuntu-server === tck [n=tck@A-79-117.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu-server === Panzer_ [n=panzer@rrcs-24-129-147-86.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === tck [n=tck@A-79-117.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu-server === olem [n=olem@haven.senso-rezo.org] has joined #ubuntu-server === sahafeez [n=sahafeez@] has joined #ubuntu-server === ksclarke [n=kevin@ltoptsd02.Princeton.EDU] has joined #ubuntu-server === Panzer_ [n=panzer@rrcs-24-129-147-86.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B5A96B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server === bsdunix [n=jaime@CPE-72-131-70-243.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [08:25] anyone here? === bsdunix [n=jaime@CPE-72-131-70-243.wi.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-server [] [08:27] nope === stratus [i=stratus@conference/debconf/x-99f9eb1970793fff] has joined #ubuntu-server === r00tintheb0x [n=r00tinth@] has joined #ubuntu-server === ksclarke [n=kevin@ltoptsd02.Princeton.EDU] has left #ubuntu-server [] === nictuku [n=yves@200-140-10-67.bsace706.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-server === Triumph|TK [n=email@pool-71-123-104-166.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [09:43] anyone alive? === Panzer_ [n=panzer@rrcs-24-129-147-86.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === Panzer_ [n=panzer@rrcs-24-129-147-86.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:03] Triumph|TK: Just ask. [10:07] lol [10:07] i hate just asking it seems rude [10:07] i like to say hi first [10:09] my ssh server is giving me connection refused when i try to access it [10:10] i went through the config a few times [10:10] i have the ports forwarded [10:15] It's ok to say hi first, but the asking to ask bit is more annoying than just plain rudeness :) [10:15] Triumph|TK: brb === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B5A96B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:18] ok === TK2 [n=email@pool-71-123-72-75.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:19] lost connection there [10:22] Triumph|TK: Can you connect from the machine itself? === Panzer_ [n=panzer@rrcs-24-129-147-86.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:23] i havn't tried but i have tried connecting from another computer inside my network using the network ip [10:23] and that does work === qhartman [n=qhartman@] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:25] Anyone here have experience with the Proliant DL360s? [10:25] the new ones with the 6 SFF SAS drives [10:35] TK2: Um... then what is it that doesn't work? [10:35] external ip [10:35] I see. Well.. Does your router run Ubuntu? === stratus_ [i=stratus@conference/debconf/x-f2972def83155eba] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:35] does my router run ubuntu? sorry i dont understand === fabbione_ [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:36] TK2: I'm not sure I can ask any clearer.. Do you have a router? [10:36] yes [10:36] is my ubuntu server on my router? [10:36] yes [10:37] What kind of router is it? [10:37] westell [10:38] when i try to connect externally it says connection refused not connection timed out [10:38] so its making a connection the server is just refusing it [10:40] You router can reject connections as well. [10:41] i forwarded port 22 === Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:43] so dsl modem / router ---> ubuntu box --> network ? [10:43] or dsl modem / router ---> network --> ubuntu box ? [10:43] 2nd one [10:44] the ubuntu box is just on the switch [10:44] with the network [10:44] k [10:44] is that wrong? [10:44] so you are trying to connect from the outside to the ubuntu box? [10:45] im trying to make my web server and my ssh server accessable via my external ip outside my network , my ftp server for some reason DOES work from outsdie my network but the others don't [10:45] the apache server might be a whole different issue but im concentrating on 1 at a time [10:46] although i am testing the ssh server from inside my network using my external ip [10:46] trying to give as many details as possible [10:47] that's fine, I'm looking at 2 or 3 different things atm, so slow to respond ;) [10:47] not a problem [10:47] not wrong, by the way, that's a normal setup [10:48] it is also quite common for ISP's to block port 22 and port 80 [10:48] really [10:48] hmm [10:49] maybe i should try changing the ports [10:50] to be honost, I'm surprised ftp works [10:50] my ISP used to block anything < 1024 [10:50] im on verizon dsl =O [10:50] then they moved to selective ports, IE 21 80 53 88, others [10:52] im going to change my ssh port to 420 and try it [10:55] same error connection refused [10:55] oh wait forgot to forward new port [10:58] same error connection refused [11:00] i think it might be that i set up my hosts config wrong but then again my ftp works === skreet [n=skreet@c-24-91-74-2.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:02] mr.alphabet could i ask you some questions about my host config [11:03] please [11:03] exit [11:05] sure [11:06] ok in /etc/hosts [11:06] my 1st line should be localhost [11:06] what should my 2nd line be === skreet [n=skreet@c-24-91-74-2.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:10] Dominus.stp.wi.charter.com Dominus [11:10] that's mine [11:10] ok mine is similar [11:10] IP FQDN Machine Name [11:11] server.myhome.westell.com server [11:11] yeah [11:11] no [11:11] no [11:11] =O [11:11] the is important [11:12] localhost [11:12] Dominus.stp.wi.charter.com Dominus [11:12] ok [11:12] ill put the [11:12] the server.myhome.westell.com server [11:12] is a third line [11:13] so my 2nd line should be server.myhome.westll.com server [11:13] yes [11:13] gotcha [11:13] well, westell [11:13] with the e ;) [11:15] k restarting my network [11:16] still refused [11:17] try something above 10k [11:17] ok [11:17] you have a connection on the outside world you are trying from, right? [11:17] nop [11:18] is that a problem === nrpil [n=nrpil@s5591f679.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:19] usually you aren't able to use the external IP address to engage the port forwarding on the westell unless you are outside the network [11:19] can you ssh or http to the box from inside your network? [11:20] http no, ive had friends try [11:20] k [11:20] let's back up a step [11:20] all ears [11:20] your help is much appreciated [11:21] these services you are trying to reach on the ubuntu machine, can you connect to them at all from _inside_ your network, IE using the 192 address [11:21] yes [11:23] okay, so you have somebody outside your network trying to hit whatever.your.ip.address:port is and they are getting a connection refused [11:23] i have not had them try to connect via ssh but when trying to connect to the web server they are getting page cannot be displayed [11:24] and they are trying 123.456.789.123:450 [11:24] *fill in your ip address and port here* [11:25] port is 80 i never added the port for them [11:25] but yes http://myip [11:25] k [11:26] and i have had them succesfully access the ftp server in the same way [11:27] If you are using port forwarding on the westell to get around the port 80 limitation, the outside world needs to refernce that port in the address bar [11:27] IE my http port is 8888 [11:27] so to visit my home web server from outside, I need http://123.456.789.32:8888 === fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:28] my router translates 8888 on the outside to 80 on the inside and forwards it to my webserver [11:29] so 123.456.789.32:8888 --> 8888-router with NAT-80 --> === mathiaz [n=mathiaz@206-248-181-179.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:29] ok and that is all set up through the router [11:30] through my router, yes [11:30] I don't know if the westell can do that kind of translation [11:30] ok this information is very helpful [11:31] is that called trigger ports by any chance? [11:31] Forward a range of ports to an IP [11:31] address on the LAN only after [11:31] specific outbound traffic [11:31] if the westell *can't* do port to different port translation, you will need to get your apache to answer on the different port as well [11:31] IE 123.456.789.32:8888 --> 8888-router with NAT-8888 --> [11:32] what is the service called in your router [11:33] port forwarding ;) [11:33] I don't run a westell [11:34] thank god for you [11:34] its a modem / router [11:34] i have another linksys i could use also [11:34] but this way is easier [11:34] http://www.google.com/search?q=westell+port+forwarding [11:34] putting a linksys in place would not solve your problem [11:35] that would only mean modem/westell(NAT) --> linksys(NAT) --> network [11:35] IE 123.456.789.32:80 --> 80-router with NAT-80 --> [11:35] level of complexity x2 [11:35] i have this set up as of now, is this wrong? [11:36] that should be right, as long as verizon doesn't block port 80 [11:36] ohhh i see what ur saying now [11:36] this is just to see if that port is being blocked [11:36] excuse my ignorance [11:37] It's really Verizon Router serving IP to you --> modem/westel blah blah blah [11:37] in the Verizon Router they can block whatever they want and it will not reach you [11:37] in my port forwarding options i have global port range and base port range im thinking the 8888 should be the global and 80 should be the base === mralphabet doesn't think so [11:38] ok then ill just change the apache port to 8888 to test it [11:39] http://www.voip.com/help/Residential/Installation/Networking/westell_port_fwd.aspx [11:39] ^^ similar configuration [11:40] http://www.portforward.com/ [11:40] i know how to port forward though [11:41] im gunna change the apache listen port to 8888 and forward 8888 on my router then ill let ya know what happens [11:41] again thanks for your time === mpathy [n=mm@dslb-084-056-153-037.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:47] Hi there.. [11:48] Having problems with an dist-upgrade.. [11:48] From Dapper to Edgy worked [11:49] Now after another reboot started dist-upgrade Edgy to Feisty, and now I got this: http://pastie.caboo.se/72487.txt [11:51] mralphabet [11:51] mralphabet [11:51] it works [11:51] it works [11:52] grats [11:52] :) [11:52] port 8888 did the trick [11:52] :) :_) :) :) [11:53] thank you so much [11:53] I looks like Ubuntu only works good with Grub - isnt that some kind of bad? [11:54] TK2: no problem [11:55] hmm [11:57] mpathy: dist-upgrade may not be the recommended path up to feisty [11:58] mpathy: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core [11:58] mpathy: sudo do-release-upgrade [11:58] ? [11:59] that's the recommended upgrade method to feisty (from edgy) [11:59] Why I didnt get at least one simple warning on that somewhere..? Which person think of that who works with debian based systems for years? [12:00] can I do it yet altough? [12:00] well, it's listed on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [12:01] it was listed in the documentation for months [12:01] mpathy: if you want to stick with lilo, check /etc/kernel-img.conf to see what bootloader it's trying to setup on kernel install [12:01] most likely it has postinst hooks there to run update-grub [12:01] ajmitch: it works until I did dist-upgrade also with liko [12:02] ajmitch: yes.. as lilo does never exist.. [12:02] do I have to edit the post-inst file now forever? [12:02] no [12:03] but? [12:04] I run lilo after every new kernel thats not the problem.. but if ubuntu tries every time to do update-grub, it would be really annoying [12:04] and I told you where it says what gets run [12:07] ajmitch: I changed it and he puts out the help text on sudo apt-get -f install [12:08] ajmitch: but there are no parameters, you update with only "lilo" [12:09] so what do you have for postinst_hook in /etc/kernel-img.conf now? === malakhi [n=malakhi@dsl-066-037-092-135.citizip.com] has joined #ubuntu-server