Minataku | Alonea: Defrag it from Windows. Only option. | 12:13 |
Alonea | Minataku: I am trying to avoid reformatting it for the 4th time in 2 months | 12:13 |
Minataku | If you don't have Windows anymore, get the data off and convert the filesystem | 12:13 |
Minataku | Microsoft makes 100% safe NTFS access impossible from anything but Windows | 12:14 |
Minataku | (It's impossible in Windows as well, but let's not get pedantic) | 12:14 |
Alonea | Minataku: windows wont defrag it. either crashes or stays at 1%. I was just wondering if there was any linux apps that would do a ntfs drive as well as ext3 | 12:15 |
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Minataku | No, there's no Linux apps that will defrag an NTFS volume | 12:15 |
Minataku | As for an ext3 volume, it's not necessary | 12:15 |
Minataku | As I said | 12:15 |
Minataku | It will take longer than the life of your computer for the fragmentation of a Linux filesystem to reach the level of a Windows filesystem | 12:15 |
Alonea | Minataku: ok. thanks. just wondering. I figured linux didn't need it. | 12:16 |
=== Minataku nods | ||
Minataku | But yeah, NTFS is a complete piece of crap even from within Windows | 12:16 |
Alonea | Minataku: any idea why I have to restart to use wired? | 12:16 |
Minataku | Outside Windows it just gets worse | 12:16 |
Minataku | Alonea: None, that's pretty weird | 12:16 |
Alonea | Minataku: heh. yeah. | 12:16 |
Alonea | I think its because I got rid of knetwork manager because its buggy and screws up my pigdin | 12:17 |
Alonea | well, knetworkmanager and network manager | 12:17 |
Alonea | neither would work, or if it did, caused me too many problems | 12:18 |
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UbunutuNuubu | Wow, I really like Linux.... so quick even running off the CD.... | 12:21 |
Karti | Hi all, I have a standalone computer with Kubuntu Feisty, but would like to install beryl desktop so my system can be shown off! The problem is I don't have a lot of experience installing apps other than apt-get or the GUI adept, so I wondered if someone could point me to a .deb for the complete install as the beryl site seems to have lots of smaller files that are not .debs | 12:22 |
Minataku | !compiz | 12:22 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:22 |
Minataku | Read that | 12:22 |
Minataku | And go there | 12:22 |
Minataku | Beryl and Compiz are one now, BTW | 12:22 |
jontec | does anyone know why my chroot isn't getting an internet connection? I'm connected through wireless and it's a kubuntu 32-bit chroot | 12:22 |
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Karti | I understand that...my main problem is no access to the net or the repositorys | 12:23 |
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Lars_G | And once again I scurry around, looking for a solution in the wrong rooms trying to get some help | 12:23 |
barbaros | I changed style to plastik from polyester in Appearance -System settings but window title bar and other things look the same. what is wrong? | 12:24 |
Minataku | Karti: Wait... how are you here then? | 12:24 |
Alonea | Minataku: is there any hope for ATI cards working with beryl yet (decently that is), or am I forever doomed? | 12:24 |
Minataku | !ati | 12:24 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:24 |
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Minataku | As for them working, no clue | 12:24 |
Karti | It is a standalone system at work. My PC here is fine and looks great! | 12:24 |
Alonea | Minataku: I have those installed already. | 12:24 |
vlt | Hello. I'm using Kubuntu Edgy and a BCM43XX wifi chipset (via ndiswrapper). I want to connect to a EAP-TTLS secured WLAN? Is this possible? Where do I set this mode (I'm using knetworkmanager)? | 12:24 |
Lars_G | I'm trying to make my ipod continue to work as it worked before on ubuntu. the problem is, the device is recognized by the usb storage modules, but I don't see it on dcop/hal (to have it recognized by amarok) any suggestions? | 12:25 |
Minataku | Karti: I'd say ask someone for a list of the debs you need and stick them on a CD-R | 12:25 |
Minataku | Lars_G: Heh, WAY outside this channel's reach, I think | 12:25 |
Minataku | Er | 12:25 |
Minataku | Sorry, that's to vlt | 12:25 |
Alonea | Minataku: and they do work 3d accel. wise...but I am completely unable to get beryl to work with it and other people who ahve ati cards who did get it to work said performance was dismal. | 12:25 |
Lars_G | ok thanks | 12:25 |
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Minataku | Alonea: Well, ATI hates us all as individual people | 12:26 |
Minataku | So I wouldn't count on it being very good | 12:26 |
UbunutuNuubu | LOL | 12:26 |
Alonea | Minataku: that I do know, but I can't change my video card since its a laptop. | 12:26 |
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Alonea | Guess I will just have to wait until next computer, which wont be for quite a while for me. | 12:28 |
jontec | (my ati card is pretty great (laptop as well), but I don't do any 3d acceleration... O_o) | 12:28 |
Alonea | jontec: actually, whats funny is the reason why I wanted 3d so bad. the Open GL screensavers. Well, those and Unreal Tournament | 12:28 |
Minataku | Alonea: Blame ATI | 12:28 |
jontec | I haven't tried beryl. I've been wanting to, but I'm amd64, I see my life as complicated enough | 12:28 |
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jontec | Alonea: lol | 12:29 |
UbunutuNuubu | Minataku: I was configuring drivers in Xorg, freaked out, closed the terminal. Tried to reconfigure, config.dat is locked by a process now, so I cannot. Which process would that be so I can kill it? | 12:29 |
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jontec | why is this chroot being so evil! T_T | 12:29 |
Minataku | Oi | 12:29 |
UbunutuNuubu | Thanks | 12:29 |
Alonea | Minataku: I know its their fault, but I haven't checked on things for a few months and was wondering if there was any change in drivers, etc. that made any improvements or any sort. | 12:29 |
Minataku | No | 12:29 |
Minataku | That wasn't a command | 12:29 |
Minataku | That was an exclamation | 12:29 |
Minataku | XD | 12:29 |
UbunutuNuubu | hahaha | 12:30 |
UbunutuNuubu | Nuub is in my name :D | 12:30 |
Minataku | UbunutuNuubu: Probably whatever you ran in the first place isn't closed | 12:30 |
Minataku | "ps -A" and see if it's still running | 12:30 |
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UbunutuNuubu | Minataku: Thanks! Figured it out, I'm still wrapping my head around the terminology,,,, what is 'sudo'? | 12:31 |
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Minataku | ubuntulog: SUperuser DO | 12:31 |
Minataku | It performs a command with elevated priviliges | 12:31 |
UbunutuNuubu | Ahhh neat | 12:31 |
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Minataku | You'll notice that if you fail to type sudo before certain commands you'll get either "Command not found" or "Permission denied" | 12:32 |
UbunutuNuubu | new prob.... I lack permission to terminate the process: dpkg-reconfigure | 12:32 |
UbunutuNuubu | Ahhh | 12:32 |
Minataku | That's where sudo comes in | 12:32 |
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Minataku | After that, something else may be locked, tell me if it is and I'll help you with that | 12:33 |
UbunutuNuubu | Yah... I was trying to do it in the process table... time to start getting used to the terminal | 12:33 |
Minataku | UbunutuNuubu: Heh, I'm an advanced Linux user, I do everything from the terminal | 12:33 |
Minataku | I haven't used a file manager for at least 2 years now | 12:33 |
UbunutuNuubu | Minataku: That's wehre I want to be at! It's already getting much easier. ie. using process ID's as opposed to their whole names | 12:34 |
Minataku | ^^ | 12:35 |
Karti | What is the Super key? | 12:35 |
Minataku | Karti: It has a Windows logo on it | 12:35 |
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Karti | thanks ;) | 12:35 |
Minataku | np | 12:35 |
UbunutuNuubu | I feel like I'm 6 and it's Xmas | 12:36 |
Minataku | Heehee | 12:36 |
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jontec | I'm gonna try restarting to see if the chroot wants to work, but I think it's the fact that I'm using wireless | 12:39 |
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tjada | hey all | 12:40 |
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tjada_ | fed | 12:40 |
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Pollywog | I am trying to reinstall vmware-server from a tarball but it complains about my kernel | 12:41 |
Pollywog | I have the generic 386 kernel sources installed, from Feisty | 12:42 |
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UbunutuNuubu | How would I replace KDE with Compiz, I've done everything.. I just need the termianl command :S | 12:42 |
soulrider_ | UbunutuNuubu: you cant replace KDE with compiz | 12:43 |
soulrider_ | maybe what you want it to turn compiz on ? | 12:43 |
soulrider_ | or maybe use GNOME instead of KDE | 12:43 |
eagles0513875 | anyone know of any good web page creators | 12:44 |
Minataku | !compiz | 12:44 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:44 |
Minataku | Don't use GNOME | 12:44 |
eagles0513875 | !html' | 12:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about html' - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:44 |
Minataku | Ever | 12:44 |
eagles0513875 | !htmls | 12:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about htmls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:44 |
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Minataku | You'll be scarred for life | 12:44 |
eagles0513875 | !html | 12:44 |
ubotu | html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com | 12:45 |
eagles0513875 | anyone know an equivalent program for linux like dreamweaver or frontpg | 12:45 |
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Minataku | !compiz | UbunutuNuubu | 12:45 |
ubotu | UbunutuNuubu: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:45 |
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Minataku | In case you missed it | 12:45 |
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Lars_G | Ok the plot thickens. | 12:46 |
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Lars_G | the ipod shows in dmesg, it's mountable. it works. | 12:46 |
eagles0513875 | Minataku: what is a user friendly html editor | 12:46 |
Minataku | eagles0513875: Several were listed in !html | 12:46 |
Lars_G | But hal-device doesn't lists it | 12:46 |
eagles0513875 | ahhh ok | 12:46 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 12:46 |
Minataku | Personally, I use nano | 12:46 |
eagles0513875 | didnt see those | 12:46 |
Lars_G | eagles0513875: if you want wysiwyg try nvu | 12:46 |
Minataku | Lars_G: I hate that stupid HAL crap | 12:46 |
Minataku | So I can't help you with any of it | 12:47 |
eagles0513875 | were the ones listed like front pg u design the pg and it does the coding | 12:47 |
Lars_G | thanks Minataku | 12:47 |
eagles0513875 | !bluefish | 12:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bluefish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:47 |
Minataku | Lars_G: Stick around though | 12:47 |
Minataku | I'm sure someone else will come along who can | 12:47 |
Lars_G | Minataku: I will | 12:47 |
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Lars_G | eagles0513875: bluefish is good. and google it | 12:48 |
Minataku | Lars_G: Note, I'm not attacking you, just HAL | 12:48 |
Lars_G | Minataku: I know | 12:48 |
Minataku | I think it's the stupidest load of crap | 12:48 |
estebanbianchi | hello | 12:48 |
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estebanbianchi | what applicattion can i use to send/receive faxes on kubuntu? | 12:48 |
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UbunutuNuubu | Minataku: Ty ^^ was AFK for a second | 12:51 |
Minataku | np | 12:51 |
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loke | Hi, what could be the reason for linux-restricted-modules-common disable_modules to not work | 01:02 |
loke | I am trying to block nv and bcm43xx | 01:03 |
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satan | anybody?! | 01:04 |
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[GuS] | buffles: | 01:06 |
[GuS] | why the CTCP-PING ? | 01:06 |
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shadowhywind | hay there, when using twinview, is there a way just to make the taskbar stay on one screen, and not extend on both? | 01:13 |
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shadowhywind | I am also having a problem with my nvidia drivers (manual install) and a mismatch when kubuntu starts, any ideas | 01:20 |
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psygrass | hi..is there any deb files for the new amarok yet? | 01:27 |
psygrass | i can't compile it | 01:27 |
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coreymon77 | ??? | 01:28 |
coreymon77 | did someone ping me? | 01:28 |
jdt | hello, in Kmail, how do you view emails as html? | 01:28 |
coreymon77 | buffles: did you ping me? | 01:28 |
buffles | coreymon77: Yes, sorry | 01:28 |
coreymon77 | buffles: you need anything? | 01:29 |
buffles | coreymon77: No thank You, wrong server | 01:29 |
Sanne | jdt: when I'm getting an html email, kmail asks me if I want to view it in html. | 01:29 |
jdt | Sanne: ahh. mine doesnt do that, but I will go through the settings again... | 01:30 |
Sanne | jdt: I'm looking also, maybe I have changed something. | 01:30 |
jdt | Sanne: Thanks, I'll let you know if I find it also | 01:31 |
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loke | can I get some help please | 01:32 |
loke | ? | 01:32 |
loke | what is this forum all about, dead silent people? | 01:32 |
Sanne | jdt: security -> reading tab -> html messages: I have two options there and both are unchecked. | 01:33 |
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Dragnslcr | loke- have you tried asking an actual question yet? | 01:34 |
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loke | Hi, what could be the reason for linux-restricted-modules-common disable_modules to not work | 01:34 |
jdt | Sanne: Interesting. I just checked and both of mine where unchecked too. However I ticked the first one that says "Prefer HTML to Plain Text" and now it just shows html messages by default. which is ok I suppose. | 01:34 |
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loke | I asked it earlier the same question | 01:35 |
loke | I am trying to block nv and bcm43xx | 01:35 |
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Sanne | jdt: it's a bit insecure, you may want to read what it says on the first link in the warning under the options. | 01:35 |
loke | I have this line BLOCKED_DEVICES = "nv bcm43xx" | 01:35 |
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loke | in the file | 01:36 |
jdt | Sanne: So when it changed back. now it just shows the html source, but no prompt or way that I can see to say "view as html" | 01:36 |
Sanne | jdt: actually, read both links :) | 01:36 |
jdt | Sanne: Actually, there is a link that I can click to view it as html.. | 01:36 |
Sanne | jdt: I also found a "html status bar" in Appearance -> Message window and checked it. | 01:37 |
jdt | cant believe that all this time I never saw that! | 01:37 |
Sanne | jdt: ahhh! yes, that's what I meant. hehe :) | 01:37 |
loke | what the hell, people. you all should not be on this chat session | 01:37 |
loke | useless | 01:37 |
Sanne | jdt: the workings of our brain can be funny sometimes ;) | 01:37 |
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jdt | Sanne: Thanks for your help.. | 01:39 |
Sanne | jdt: you're welcome :) | 01:40 |
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coreymon77 | loke: whats the matter | 01:42 |
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coreymon77 | loke: and btw, you are not gonna get any help from anyone with that attitude | 01:42 |
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ardchoille | !patience | 01:43 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:43 |
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ardchoille | loke: It's not possible for any oe person to know everything about Linux.. except for maybe Linus :) If your questionisn't answered, try asking again later. It could be that the person with an answer is either not looking at their screen right now or hasn't entered the channel yet. | 01:44 |
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coreymon77 | loke: just be patient and polite and eventually someone will be able to help | 01:45 |
ardchoille | loke: You can also try http://ubuntuforums.org and see if you get an answer there. | 01:46 |
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loke | thanks guys, actully that attitude is what got me any replies. | 01:46 |
loke | Sorry about that | 01:46 |
coreymon77 | no problem | 01:47 |
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mneptok | loke: the attitude is still not welcome. please play nice. | 01:49 |
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malakhi | loke: You're trying to stop those two modules from loading, I assume? | 01:49 |
ardchoille | loke: I see you mentioned nv. Are you trying to get nvidia drivers working? | 01:50 |
ardchoille | Just a guess there. | 01:50 |
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheCreationist | Strange thing going on with Konversation. Every time I start it up, the server list shows up, but can't be closed (there are no buttons and the X doesn't close it either). Also, it keeps opening a title-less tab and says it can't connect. Anyone else having this issue? | 01:53 |
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coreymon77 | TheCreationist: maybe you could try asking in the #konversation channel | 01:54 |
nosrednaekim | TheCreationist: hey.. you fixed all your other problems? | 01:54 |
TheCreationist | nosrednaekim: I think so. Although now my CD burner doesn't show up again lol | 01:55 |
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nosrednaekim | TheCreationist: did you go back to edgy? | 02:01 |
TheCreationist | nosrednaekim: No, I've got everything running well in Ubuntu Feisty... Gave up on KDE, since the devs seem to neglect that version of Ubuntu. | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | TheCreationist: unfortunately so.. | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | its reallyquite annoying. | 02:02 |
TheCreationist | I think KDE is much better than gnome (and even easier for Windows-users to adapt to).. but oh well. | 02:03 |
TheCreationist | nosrednaekim: So now the only major problem I'm having is the same ata2 problems. | 02:03 |
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nosrednaekim | I always install ubuntu off of the ubuntu cd and then get the kubuntu-desktop | 02:04 |
TheCreationist | nosrednaekim: When I did the first install, I had the .20-15 kernel. Now it's got the -16 kernel. Both have the same problem. | 02:04 |
coreymon77 | TheCreationist: whats wrong with running it in kde? | 02:04 |
TheCreationist | coreymon77: Running what? | 02:04 |
coreymon77 | nosrednaekim: i just install kubuntu fresh | 02:04 |
coreymon77 | TheCreationist: feisty | 02:05 |
TheCreationist | coreymon77: Oh, Feisty doesn't work for me with KDE for some reason. | 02:05 |
TheCreationist | coreymon77: No sound is a big issue. | 02:05 |
coreymon77 | nosrednaekim: that way i avoid any conflict problems | 02:05 |
coreymon77 | TheCreationist: i tend to have sound problems | 02:05 |
coreymon77 | TheCreationist: but thats just becuase my sound card is fried | 02:05 |
TheCreationist | nosrednaekim: So do you have any ideas on how I can get my cd burner to be recognized? | 02:05 |
TheCreationist | nosrednaekim: dmesg reports that ata2 was the problem. | 02:06 |
coreymon77 | TheCreationist: my card sorta decides when it wants to work and when it doesnt | 02:06 |
loke | ardchoille, you are right | 02:06 |
TheCreationist | coreymon77: Sounds like Ubuntu ;) | 02:06 |
nosrednaekim | TheCreationist: hmm no I don't | 02:06 |
loke | and I am also using ndiswrapper | 02:06 |
ardchoille | !nivida | loke See if this helps | 02:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nivida - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:06 |
ardchoille | !nividia | loke See if this helps | 02:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nividia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:07 |
loke | so I need to stop those two from loading | 02:07 |
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nosrednaekim | !nvidia | 02:07 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:07 |
ardchoille | !nvidia | loke See if this helps | 02:07 |
ubotu | loke See if this helps: please see above | 02:07 |
darkrift411 | anyone here use superkaramba much? | 02:07 |
ardchoille | stupid keyboard, lol | 02:07 |
loke | problem seems to be as if the block statement is not working at all | 02:07 |
coreymon77 | TheCreationist: its not ubuntu, same thing happens in windows | 02:07 |
darkrift411 | i instaled it and put a few plugins on, but dont know how to group them so i can move the whole set together | 02:07 |
ardchoille | loke: I think that nvidia driver page will help | 02:08 |
nosrednaekim | darkrift411: you can't move the whole set together. | 02:08 |
darkrift411 | wow | 02:08 |
darkrift411 | that sucks | 02:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | well that narrowed it down | 02:08 |
coreymon77 | loke: what network card are you using? | 02:08 |
darkrift411 | and there is no snap that makes them auto align :@ | 02:08 |
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danus | ARGENTOP2P | 02:12 |
danus | JOIN_ARGENTOP2P | 02:12 |
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ardchoille | Holy capslock batman! | 02:13 |
coreymon77 | lol | 02:13 |
nosrednaekim | heh | 02:14 |
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darkrift411 | SPAM! | 02:18 |
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Lam_ | how do i get ntp to resync my clock via the terminal? | 02:28 |
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Lam_ | nvm got it | 02:29 |
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navets | i have a css question | 02:33 |
navets | when I make my webpage browswer window smaller, how do I make my webpage scale down also? | 02:33 |
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nosrednaekim | navets: Ctrl+-? | 02:34 |
nosrednaekim | but if you mean within css... this isn't the correct channel | 02:35 |
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navets | i was just asking everyone to see if anyone knows | 02:35 |
blizzzek | navets: with relative size, e.g. 50% instead of 600px.... but wrong channel anyway ;) | 02:35 |
jhutchins | navets: Depends on the web page code. | 02:35 |
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navets | blizzzek: thanks ill try it out | 02:36 |
jhutchins | navets: There's a new feature in the 3d desktops that scales the contents of the window if you shrink it, but not fully implemented anywhere else that I know of. | 02:36 |
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TheCreationist | Is there a way, when using Remote Desktop, to prevent the host computer from displaying the message saying another user is controlling your desktop? | 02:42 |
roho | haha | 02:42 |
TheCreationist | I'd like it to be completely transparent. | 02:42 |
rathel | How do I disable the scroll wheel on my mouse? | 02:42 |
roho | TheCreationist: you could just use vnc instead | 02:42 |
TheCreationist | roho: Well, this is using the vncviewer | 02:42 |
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roho | using vnc shouldn't have any notifications | 02:43 |
roho | except for a switch in color in the vnc taskbar color (on windows machines) | 02:43 |
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roho | maybe it's the frontend that's the problem | 02:44 |
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aaroncampbell_ | what will open a .7z file on kubuntu | 03:15 |
Fr0de | aaroncampbell_: p7zip | 03:16 |
Fr0de | aaroncampbell_: sudo aptitude install p7zip | 03:17 |
Fr0de | :) | 03:17 |
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darkrift411 | q: | 03:26 |
darkrift411 | oops | 03:27 |
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eriefisher | Hello..... | 03:34 |
Fr0de | eriefisher: hi :) | 03:34 |
eriefisher | pretty quiet here | 03:35 |
Fr0de | eriefisher: must be night time where most people are..? | 03:35 |
=== BrianDonohue [n=brian@S010600195b4be442.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
eriefisher | FrOde:where I should be? | 03:36 |
Fr0de | eriefisher: I'm in Australia, where it's 11:36 in the morning.. :) | 03:36 |
Fr0de | well, in Sydney it is.. | 03:36 |
BrianDonohue | !offtopic | 03:37 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 03:37 |
BrianDonohue | :P | 03:37 |
Fr0de | hehe.. call it a meta question - eriefisher asked why the channel is so quiet.. :P | 03:38 |
BrianDonohue | Haha, I don't care because I'm offtopic half the time in here anyway :P | 03:38 |
eriefisher | hey BianDonahue | 03:39 |
BrianDonohue | Hey. *BrianDonohue :P | 03:39 |
BrianDonohue | Haha | 03:39 |
BrianDonohue | Pfft that's dumb! | 03:39 |
BrianDonohue | You can't make your own channel on freenode! | 03:39 |
BrianDonohue | Well you can, but it doesn't give you op! | 03:40 |
coreymon77 | ya you can | 03:40 |
darkrift411 | lol | 03:40 |
darkrift411 | if you register it, you can get ops | 03:40 |
coreymon77 | ya it does, you identify as the channel owner and you can do whatever you want | 03:40 |
Fr0de | BrianDonohue: I just made #fr0de and I'm op in it.. ?? | 03:40 |
BrianDonohue | Some one join #brian | 03:40 |
BrianDonohue | I just got a message as soon as I made it: [21:39] [Notice] -ChanServ- You do not have channel operator access to [#brian] | 03:41 |
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coreymon77 | well then | 03:41 |
coreymon77 | identify as the contact | 03:41 |
BrianDonohue | How? | 03:41 |
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coreymon77 | with the password you used to register the channel | 03:42 |
coreymon77 | /msg chanserv identify #brian [password] | 03:42 |
killermach | I have a USB icon on my desktop that is no longer mounted, but I cannot delete the icon from the desktop and it's not showing in my ~/Desktop/ directory .. where is the link that displays this icon so I can delete it? | 03:43 |
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ManiDhillon | I have a strange problem! Can anyone help me? | 03:44 |
eriefisher | killermach:konsole>>sudo rm home/name/Desktop/<icon> | 03:44 |
killermach | sure we can, don't ask to ask, just ask | 03:44 |
coreymon77 | !ask | manchicken__ | 03:44 |
ubotu | manchicken__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:44 |
coreymon77 | whoops | 03:44 |
coreymon77 | wrong person | 03:44 |
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Daisuke_Ido | we can try to help :) | 03:45 |
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killermach | eriefisher, ls /home/user/Desktop shows no file by that name | 03:45 |
coreymon77 | they just left | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | oh well | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | watch, that's probably the problem | 03:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | intermittent internet connection :) | 03:46 |
coreymon77 | yup | 03:46 |
coreymon77 | probably | 03:46 |
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killermach | eriefisher, icon name is "16G Media (test2)" and " ls /home/user/Desktop/ " 16G Media (test2)" is not there | 03:47 |
eriefisher | killermach:in konqueror >>view show hidden files | 03:48 |
BrianDonohue | Muhaha! #BrianDonohue | 03:48 |
=== BluesKaj [n=Blues@bas1-sudbury98-1128712492.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | 'evening folks | 03:50 |
killermach | eriefisher, nope.. and "ls -al /home/user/Desktop/ " shows no files starting w/ "16" | 03:50 |
coreymon77 | and i have my own channel too | 03:50 |
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BrianDonohue | Now to learn the in's and out's of chanserv | 03:51 |
troll | /msg chanserv help | 03:51 |
eriefisher | killermach:it probably got left by hal-I've seen it before in Dapper-not sure how to delete it | 03:52 |
darkrift411 | chanserv is easy :) | 03:52 |
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darkrift411 | i was services oper on a few 10k+ networks for a few years | 03:52 |
BrianDonohue | Darkrift411, join #BrianDonohue if you're not busy so we can chat in there | 03:53 |
roho | darkrift411: did you get any chicks? | 03:53 |
BrianDonohue | I want to know some things. | 03:53 |
BrianDonohue | roho: Do you think he did? Lol | 03:53 |
darkrift411 | tons, i went to www.porn.com :) | 03:53 |
roho | i was being coy | 03:53 |
=== darkrift411 is married, doesnt need chicks | ||
Jucato | !offtopic | 03:54 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 03:54 |
BluesKaj | been fooling with vista all day...feel sorry for windows users even more now ...nice eye candy, but what PITA to install drivers...boated isn't the word for it either | 03:54 |
killermach | eriefisher, I also now notice a /home/user/test/ that shows a USB icon, if I delete it, it goes away.. if I create a new directory called test, it assumes the USB icon ... weird | 03:54 |
troll | i chan opped for a year or so... not the brightest thing i ever volenteered for | 03:54 |
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eriefisher | killermach:????????????? | 03:55 |
BluesKaj | roho, ya won't find much in the romance dept around here ...unless yer into geekola :) | 03:55 |
killermach | this is a different folder I found while trying to hunt the 16G Media (test2) folder | 03:56 |
soulrider | gosh, im so bored, anyone need any help ? | 03:56 |
BluesKaj | roho's looking for chicks , soulrider :) | 03:57 |
killermach | soulrider, I'm hunting mysterious icons on the desktop that will not go away.. you game? | 03:57 |
soulrider | killermach: =/ | 03:57 |
Agent_bob | soulrider yeah. howto get a script to use exit code from something it runs in the background or in another tty ? | 03:57 |
Jucato | soulrider: I need help. can you please shout !offtopic when I'm not looking? thanks :) | 03:57 |
soulrider | BluesKaj: roho whats creepy | 03:57 |
killermach | BlueDevil, icons .. chicks.. hmm.. how to choose | 03:57 |
BluesKaj | oooh mysterious icons | 03:57 |
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BrianDonohue | !offtopic | 03:58 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 03:58 |
soulrider | you guys know any good python books? i downloaded one but it wasnt really good | 03:58 |
BluesKaj | saving a text file after change leaves a backup copy ...what a pita , how do i stop that ? | 03:58 |
Agent_bob | good and python .... hmmm | 03:59 |
soulrider | i hope theres a Head First: Python | 03:59 |
soulrider | the java one was great | 03:59 |
killermach | BrianDonohue, so that's how to choose :) | 03:59 |
soulrider | ok, theres not :( | 03:59 |
Agent_bob | BluesKaj configure your editor | 04:00 |
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Jucato | !info diveintopython | 04:00 |
Agent_bob | dive into python online docs | 04:00 |
ubotu | diveintopython: free Python book for experienced programmers. In component main, is optional. Version 5.4-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 340 kB, installed size 4220 kB | 04:00 |
Jucato | soulrider: ^^^^^ | 04:00 |
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soulrider | hold on, need to browse packages.ubuntu.com :P | 04:01 |
jetsaredim | are there any amarok 1.4.6 builds anywhere? | 04:01 |
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Jucato | jetsaredim: afaik, it is being built now for Gutsy. it will probably be available in feisty-backports soon | 04:02 |
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roho | no, i was just joking | 04:03 |
roho | i actually have a girl in the third dimension | 04:03 |
roho | btw, i love beryl. | 04:03 |
Agent_bob | joking ! you can't do that here, it's against Jucato'ization of the channel policy | 04:04 |
=== Noldoaran [n=robb@adsl-69-234-52-76.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
killermach | odd.. the icon is "ON the Desktop" but not in konqueror /home/user/Desktop directory... it's coming from somewhere | 04:05 |
darkrift411 | wow | 04:05 |
Agent_bob | :) | 04:06 |
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BrianDonohue | !pythongonewild | 04:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pythongonewild - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:06 |
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killermach | oh. great.. I had to run konqueror as root to get it to let me copy files from the NTFS partition on the USB drive, and now I see there is a /root/.DCOPserver_user-desktop__0 file | 04:06 |
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Agent_bob | and what's so great about that ? | 04:08 |
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BluesKaj | thanks Agent_bob ...din't think of that , but i managed :) | 04:09 |
muhammad | i have problem about exchanging between arabic and english i used this command to be able to do that setxkbmap -layout "us,ar" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" what i want to do is to execute that command every reboot process how can i do that ? | 04:09 |
muhammad | i have added that command to rc.local and it doesnt seem to work also | 04:09 |
=== songwind [n=songwind@74-36-97-41.dr02.apvy.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Agent_bob | BluesKaj well the specific editor is what does things like that, so configuring the editor is the "propper" answer to that Q. | 04:10 |
soulrider | muhammad: you can change the keyboard layout in the kde control center | 04:10 |
Agent_bob | also some, though not all; editors have global configs you can edit | 04:10 |
Jucato | muhammad: the Keyboard layout in System Settings -> Regional & Language doesn't work for you? | 04:11 |
BluesKaj | well anyway Agent_bob , it was clear enuff | 04:11 |
muhammad | jucato yes it doesnt also | 04:12 |
Jucato | hm... | 04:12 |
muhammad | i tried that and nothing succeeded | 04:12 |
Agent_bob | muhammad setxkbmap would be an xorg related command and have nothing to do with system configuration i.e. the /etc/rc.local | 04:12 |
killermach | Agent_bob, well root shouldn't be DCOP'ing my user.. that's just wrong .. right? :) | 04:12 |
muhammad | soulrider i did that | 04:12 |
=== se7en [n=se7en@125-24-155-194.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
muhammad | agent_bob from the definition of rc.local it can ya can put some commands to be executed periodically | 04:13 |
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Agent_bob | killermach while i agree with the idea the folks at kde don't. kde and kdm write to /root all the time.... | 04:13 |
killermach | muhammad, try to put it in your .kde/Autostart | 04:13 |
killermach | as a shell script | 04:13 |
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muhammad | killermach ok i will try thx anyway | 04:14 |
Agent_bob | muhammad yeah ~/.kde/Autostart is what you want. | 04:14 |
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Agent_bob | that way X gets it not the kernel | 04:14 |
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Lonetorus | hello | 04:19 |
Agent_bob | killermach unless they have changed it in fiesty you can't login via kdm without files being writen in /root and you can't run anything as root without /root/ comming into play... or maybe i should say "shouldn't be able to" in place of "can't". and while discussing shoulds/shouldn'ts i should specify /<root's_home>/ rather than /root/ . unfortunately some coders do what i first did in their code /root/ is always as | 04:19 |
Lonetorus | is this the right place to say, WOW, linux has come a long way since i looked at it the last time (back in 2001) | 04:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | it is, and it has. | 04:19 |
Lonetorus | i tried ubunti about a year ago but stranded on getting two monitors running on my laptop | 04:20 |
Lonetorus | now it just works | 04:20 |
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Daisuke_Ido | i'm coming up on 8 months windows-free. had my token for nearly 2 months as a bona fide friend of Bill W. | 04:20 |
Lonetorus | \o/ | 04:20 |
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Agent_bob | Lonetorus long ways, yes. not sure all of it is in the right dirrection, but it's still a long ways. | 04:20 |
NickPresta | Lonetorus, if you're using Twinview, dual monitor support is great. | 04:21 |
Lonetorus | ahh yes, im not sure i want to discuss linux politics :D | 04:21 |
Agent_bob | :) | 04:21 |
Lonetorus | i swore that win xp would be the last ms os i would ever run :) | 04:21 |
darkrift411 | is it bad that i have 3 processes that are using 2.7g of virtual ram each? | 04:22 |
=== crocodile [n=itf@CPE001310d06b9f-CM0014e8b5929a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | Lonetorus: my thoughts exactly. i told myself i'd be comfortable with linux by the time vista came out. and i am, for the most part | 04:22 |
Agent_bob | sure ways to start a fight with a man, kick his dog, slap his kid, flurt with his gal, mention politics or religion. | 04:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | sad thing is those are in reverse order. | 04:23 |
BrianDonohue | Or which distro is the best. | 04:23 |
NickPresta | Lonetorus, I prefer to look at it as "The best tool for the job" and Windows might be the tool you need at one point and GNU+Linux might be the best at another point. I still keep Windows around for gaming - otherwise, I prefer GNU+Linux | 04:23 |
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Agent_bob | BrianDonohue that's political | 04:23 |
muhammad | thx alot guys it works now :D | 04:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | NickPresta: gaming was actually one of the reasons i switched. | 04:24 |
Lonetorus | NickPresta: yes, i am, allthough i would prefer to use two "seperate" desktops (so that maximizing a window, only goes to one monitor and not across both) but i was unable to get that working :( thank god i made a backup of my xorg.conf | 04:24 |
BrianDonohue | !offtopic | Agent_bob | 04:24 |
ubotu | Agent_bob: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 04:24 |
BrianDonohue | Haha :) | 04:24 |
Agent_bob | :) | 04:24 |
songwind | Lonetorus: I liked using Xinerama. It was (mostly) the best of both worlds | 04:24 |
Daisuke_Ido | dosbox serves my needs admirably (i'm from an older generation) | 04:24 |
songwind | You could move apps from one monitor to the other but they would maximize to their own monitor, not span. | 04:25 |
Agent_bob | :) | 04:25 |
NickPresta | Lonetorus, I don't know how you would do it in KWin normally but I can open a window and only have it on one monitor when fully maximised. I am using Beryl, however. | 04:25 |
Lonetorus | songwind: yes, but i cant get it running using the options inside the nvidia-settings app | 04:25 |
Agent_bob | nope | 04:25 |
songwind | ah, gotcha. | 04:25 |
Lonetorus | i guess i have to try setting it up manually | 04:25 |
songwind | Let me see if I still have the link for the tutorial I used, it was very thorough | 04:25 |
NickPresta | Lonetorus, I know it's possible because when I switch from Beryl to Kwin, the behavior is the same so it's defintely possible. | 04:25 |
Lonetorus | now i think its time to see if i can get one of my favorite games running :D | 04:26 |
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=== rO_ot [n=tam-box@h-67-100-8-114.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rO_ot | hi | 04:26 |
NickPresta | Daisuke_Ido, what was your gaming-related reason to switch? | 04:26 |
rO_ot | how do that like I can have another computer desk and control it through the network with GUI? | 04:27 |
rO_ot | how's that called? | 04:27 |
songwind | Lonetorus: which game? | 04:27 |
rO_ot | anybody know? | 04:27 |
=== BrianDonohue is worried about my calculus exam | ||
songwind | r0_ot: Do you mean remote control? VNC or something? | 04:27 |
Agent_bob | rO_ot freeNX | 04:28 |
NickPresta | r0_ot: You would want to setup an ssh session with X forwarding. VNC does that too, IIRC | 04:28 |
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Daisuke_Ido | NickPresta: dosbox runs better under linux than windows :) | 04:28 |
killermach | ok.. hal won.. I just remounted the drive , and set it so any user could disable it, then I disabled it as my account and the icon disappeared | 04:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | give me classic adventure games and i'm a happy camper | 04:28 |
killermach | I would still like to know what controlled that | 04:28 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-59-129.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lonetorus | songwind: open transport tycoon | 04:29 |
NickPresta | Daisuke_Ido, ah, okay. I rarely play older games anymore. I bought a newer computer this past Christmas so I splurged and bought HL2, CS:S, oblivion, etc, etc to see what I've been missing :P | 04:29 |
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songwind | Lonetorus: Is that Open Source? | 04:29 |
xsacha | i logged in today and my adept-manager has disappeared, so i tried to install it with apt-get: it says i need these other files, i tried to d/l them but it says i need libapt-apt-pkg-libc6.4.6-3.53 and there is no release candidate for it | 04:29 |
Agent_bob | killermach the icon ? man that | 04:29 |
xsacha | libapt-pkg-libc6.4-3.53* | 04:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | openttd | 04:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | yes, it's open source | 04:30 |
Lonetorus | songwind: yes :) allthough you need the original gfx files from the commercial game | 04:30 |
Agent_bob | 's kde, configure the desktop and set it to display what ever devices you want | 04:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | !info openttd | 04:30 |
ubotu | Package openttd does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 04:30 |
Lonetorus | but they are available at a myriad sites as abandonware | 04:30 |
songwind | Lonetorus: Oh, so there was originally a game called "Transport Tycoon"? | 04:30 |
Agent_bob | sorry bumped the enter key in the middle of that | 04:30 |
BrianDonohue | !info openssh | 04:30 |
Lonetorus | yes | 04:30 |
ubotu | Package openssh does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 04:30 |
Lonetorus | also, transport tycoon delux | 04:30 |
Agent_bob | BrianDonohue it's openssh-[server/client] | 04:31 |
songwind | I need to find my copy of Sim City 4 and get that running in Crossover. | 04:31 |
Lonetorus | http://downloads.sourceforge.net/openttd/openttd-0.5.2-2-i386.deb | 04:31 |
Agent_bob | BrianDonohue but meta package ssh gets both | 04:31 |
BrianDonohue | Oh okay, good deal. | 04:31 |
BrianDonohue | Thanks. | 04:31 |
volenin | hi | 04:31 |
=== Ace2016 [n=ace@80-47-82-111.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lonetorus | crossover? | 04:32 |
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volenin | i wonder if anyone knows how the 'active' display gets selected in case I have 2 of them | 04:32 |
volenin | ? | 04:32 |
=== evsophomore2009 [n=mike@lnngmibas01-pool5-a157.lnngmi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
evsophomore2009 | Hey whats the SUDO code for Gaim Instant messanger | 04:32 |
BrianDonohue | sudo gaim? | 04:32 |
evsophomore2009 | yeah | 04:33 |
volenin | (on system startup, one display is kdm X server outputing to monitor, another one - freevo OR mythtv outputing to TV) | 04:33 |
NickPresta | evsophomore2009, `sudo apt-get install pidgin` | 04:33 |
evsophomore2009 | kk thanks | 04:33 |
Ace2016 | why do you need sudo for gaim??? | 04:33 |
Jucato | evsophomore2009: you want to run GAIM as root? | 04:33 |
NickPresta | I think he wanted the code to install it? Otherwise, you dont need sudo | 04:33 |
songwind | evsophomore2009 You should use gksudo for gaim, btw. | 04:33 |
Ace2016 | ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall -D | 04:33 |
intelikey | warning ! evsophomore2009 and BrianDonohue you should practice using the graphical root jr. frontend for graphical apps. | 04:34 |
Jucato | songwind: only if gksudo is installed (which isn't in Kubuntu) | 04:34 |
Ace2016 | gaim is outdated, changed name to pidgin | 04:34 |
intelikey | using sudo to run gui apps can muck perms | 04:34 |
songwind | true, I defaulted to gksudo because it's a gnome app | 04:34 |
songwind | kdesu in KDE | 04:34 |
NickPresta | evsophomore2009, if you want to run Gaim as root, kdesu | 04:34 |
xsacha | i logged in today and my adept-manager has disappeared, so i tried to install it with apt-get: it says i need these other files, i tried to d/l them but it says i need libapt-apt-pkg-libc6.4.6-3.53 and there is no release candidate for it | 04:34 |
intelikey | !sudo | 04:34 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 04:34 |
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xsacha | libapt-pkg-libc6.4-3.53* | 04:34 |
intelikey | !kdesu | 04:34 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 04:34 |
intelikey | !gksudo | 04:35 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info | 04:35 |
evsophomore2009 | NickPresta: i got it tho | 04:35 |
Jucato | xsacha: tried adept_manager (not adept-manager)? | 04:35 |
evsophomore2009 | NickPresta: thanks for your help, and actully wanting to help | 04:35 |
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xsacha | The program 'adept_manager' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install adept-manager bash: adept_manager: command not found | 04:35 |
Jucato | xsacha: sudo apt-get install adept | 04:36 |
=== intelikey prefers just using root account, not root jr. | ||
NickPresta | evsophomore2009, there are many, many Linux communities willing to help newbies. #kubuntu is pretty friendly so don't hesitate to ask questions. | 04:36 |
shane2peru | Hey, I need help with connecting Windows XP and Kubuntu Fiesty through Samba, anyone that can help in this area? | 04:36 |
Jucato | !samba | shane2peru | 04:36 |
ubotu | shane2peru: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 04:36 |
evsophomore2009 | NickPresta: how do i install it on root | 04:37 |
evsophomore2009 | it says it couldnt find package | 04:37 |
shane2peru | I know what it is, I followed this guide, and can't seem to get the two computers talking | 04:37 |
xsacha | Jucato: worked! :O im sure i tried that before and it wanted libc... anyway, now it gets something is wrong with apt database and that i should try apt-setup | 04:37 |
shane2peru | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 - This guide | 04:37 |
Ace2016 | evsophomore2009: what are you trying to do? compile pidgin from source? | 04:37 |
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Lunar_Lamp | !dns | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
BrianDonohue | !dhclient | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dhclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
evsophomore2009 | Ace2016: im trying to just install Gaim so i can use that instead of Kopete | 04:38 |
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intelikey | evsophomore2009 sudo apt-get install gaim | 04:38 |
Jucato | evsophomore2009: "sudo apt-get install gaim" is all you need | 04:38 |
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Jucato | or you can use Add/Remove Programs for that | 04:38 |
Lunar_Lamp | Is it possible to flush the dns records on my laptop? The url of a particular site is pointing to the wrong IP, and I know that it works fine for other people, I've just got the wrong one cached I think - can I get it to update? | 04:38 |
Ace2016 | evsophomore2009: gaim is outdated you should install pidgin, gaim changed its name to pidgin | 04:38 |
evsophomore2009 | Reading package lists... Done | 04:38 |
evsophomore2009 | Building dependency tree | 04:38 |
evsophomore2009 | Reading state information... Done | 04:38 |
evsophomore2009 | E: Couldn't find package giam | 04:38 |
=== francesco_ [n=francesc@host145-118.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
shane2peru | evsophomore2009, it is gaim | 04:39 |
francesco_ | !it | 04:39 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 04:39 |
intelikey | main not in the sources.list | 04:39 |
shane2peru | not giam | 04:39 |
evsophomore2009 | lol oh yeah | 04:39 |
Jucato | Ace2016: pidgin isn't available yet on feisty | 04:39 |
Ace2016 | yea i compiled it myself | 04:39 |
Jucato | anyway it's basically the same. just a bit more updated and a new name | 04:39 |
shane2peru | no samba guru's hanging around??? | 04:39 |
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Lonetorus | shane2peru: how does it fail, look at logs, google the errors you get | 04:40 |
Lonetorus | :) | 04:40 |
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intelikey | the Gnu Aol Instant Messemger gaim | 04:40 |
BrianDonohue | !#ubuntu | 04:40 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 04:40 |
shane2peru | Lontetorus: Ok, that would be great, how? what logs do I need to check? | 04:40 |
NickPresta | Jucato, are you sure? I don't have any extra repos and I have Pidgin... | 04:40 |
shane2peru | Lonetorus, sorry, mispelled. | 04:40 |
xsacha | Jucato: http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3078/hmmnd2.png <-- apt-setup doesnt exist, apt-get update doesnt change anything | 04:41 |
Lonetorus | shane2peru: hehe, dunno, i installed ubuntu a few hours ago :D | 04:41 |
ardo | sorry but italian channel is down? | 04:41 |
Jucato | NickPresta: yes. unless they put it in feisty-backports or feisty-proposed. it isn't in feisty | 04:41 |
Lonetorus | shane2peru: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ch09_01.html | 04:41 |
Jucato | xsacha: in Konsole, run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 04:42 |
ardo | is italian channel down? | 04:42 |
xsacha | ok, didnt seem to do anything -- same error | 04:42 |
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intelikey | well #ubuntu-it is not down | 04:44 |
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Jucato | xsacha: can you put the errors in pastebin? | 04:44 |
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xsacha | no errors in console | 04:44 |
Lonetorus | heh, holding my mouse over the trash reports 3 items in trash, if i open trash then it says 900 files | 04:44 |
Jucato | xsacha: ok how about "sudo apt-get -f install" of course make sure Adept isn't running in the first place | 04:45 |
NickPresta | out of curiosity, how do I find out which repo. a package comes from? I've tried apt-cache showpkg/etc but it doesn't seem to show much more than the author. | 04:45 |
Jucato | apt-cache policy <package> | 04:45 |
xsacha | it just says reading package lists, dependancy and so on and then 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 9 not upgraded. | 04:45 |
Jucato | and Adept still won't start upo? | 04:46 |
Jucato | !adeptfix | xsacha | 04:46 |
ubotu | xsacha: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 04:46 |
Jucato | try that (actually 2) commands | 04:46 |
NickPresta | Jucato, i tried that for Pidgin and nothing shows. (Does that mean I installed it directly). I see that it works for Firefox and other packages from a repo. | 04:46 |
xsacha | ok | 04:46 |
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Jucato | NickPresta: yes. it means you most probably compiled it from source | 04:47 |
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Jucato | if it's from a .deb package, it will show it as dpkg | 04:47 |
xsacha | Jucato: ok i tried those 2 commands, it has no output, ran adept_manager and received same error :( apt-get works fine though | 04:47 |
rO_ot | Jucato: lol you are here too | 04:48 |
NickPresta | Jucato, I know I didn't compile it from source but I do remember downloading various .debs for guification and such so I most likely grabbed pidgin 2.0.1 from the same place too. | 04:48 |
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intelikey | Jucato while you are digging in dpkg anyway, my database has some fictitious entries in it; any way to clean it up ? dpkg -l lists thing that aren't installed, and haven't been as far as i know... ? | 04:51 |
=== os2mac [n=jim@114-41-178-69.gci.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
shane2peru | ok, quick question about samba, when I make changes to the config, do I need to reboot the windows box? | 04:52 |
DaSkreech | Don't irc as rO_ot | 04:52 |
shane2peru | Also when adding users, do I use the windows username and password, or the Ubuntu username and password? | 04:52 |
xsacha | Jucato: i just noticed my sudo input has now changed, it says Enter password for [sacha] : or something instead of the usual "Password: " | 04:53 |
Jucato | intelikey: um.. I'm not really sure. sorry | 04:53 |
intelikey | Jucato k, np. | 04:53 |
Jucato | xsacha: are you on feisty, btw? | 04:53 |
xsacha | gutsy | 04:53 |
Jucato | sheesh! | 04:53 |
Jucato | you could have said so earlier :P | 04:53 |
xsacha | k | 04:53 |
Jucato | #ubuntu+1 and yes it's broken | 04:53 |
xsacha | aw :( | 04:53 |
Jucato | (that's what you get for running alpha :) | 04:54 |
xsacha | k, ill stick to apt-get then | 04:54 |
Jucato | apt has been upgraded to a new version and adept hasn't been updated to work with it | 04:55 |
=== intelikey has beta and rc1 software on his system, all from the dapper main,universe repos.... | ||
Jucato | well, beta and rc1 are definitely better than alpha, don't you think? ;) | 04:55 |
intelikey | yeah | 04:55 |
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xsacha | alpha gusty + alpha kde4 :D + alpha fusion | 04:56 |
BrianDonohue | I can't wait for Gutsy, personally. | 04:56 |
intelikey | but i still wonder why they are in the "stable" release.... | 04:56 |
LucidFox | SVGs are rendered incorrectly in KDE, how do I fix that? | 04:56 |
Jucato | BrianDonohue: may I ask why? | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | Fusion? | 04:56 |
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hitmanWilly | intelikey: probably has something to do with ubuntu being based off the sid branch... | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: Why wait? Dist-upgrade now :) | 04:57 |
intelikey | hitmanWilly sure. but that's really not an excuse for such. | 04:57 |
xsacha | DaSkreech: compiz | 04:57 |
shane2peru | does anyone know anything about samba? | 04:57 |
Dragnslcr | Heh, is Gutsy actually usable and something similar to stable yet? | 04:57 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: do you really want to seriously recommend that? | 04:57 |
xsacha | Dragnslcr: sure, it's stable here.. except that ive just lost adept-manager | 04:57 |
Jucato | Dragnslcr: it's alpha and comes with the usual alpha disclaimers | 04:57 |
Dragnslcr | Heh, losing Adept is kinda major | 04:58 |
xsacha | it had this crash error when i installed it, but i just said ok and continues install | 04:58 |
DaSkreech | xsacha: Alpha of an alpha ? | 04:58 |
DaSkreech | xsacha: you have Chutzpah | 04:58 |
xsacha | DaSkreech: yes | 04:58 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: No but if he can't wait... :) | 04:58 |
intelikey | adept major ? Dragnslcr i can't say that i've ever seen adept but one time.... | 04:58 |
DaSkreech | Dragnslcr: Use apt-get :) | 04:58 |
Jucato | I'm wondering if he's waiting because he's expecting KDE 4 to be in Gutsy | 04:59 |
Dragnslcr | Heh | 04:59 |
DaSkreech | intelikey: you barely run x | 04:59 |
=== LeoDioxide [n=root@c-71-204-242-223.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hitmanWilly | don't i remember similar discussions when feisty was on the way out.... | 04:59 |
intelikey | DaSkreech point is ? | 04:59 |
Jucato | intelikey: if KDE broke you'd not even be affected... | 04:59 |
Jucato | :P | 04:59 |
rO_ot | when is Gutsy out? | 04:59 |
Jucato | October | 04:59 |
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intelikey | Jucato true | 04:59 |
Jucato | Ubuntu always releases April and October (unless stated otherwise, like Dapper) | 04:59 |
BrianDonohue | I don't know, I always get excited. | 04:59 |
LeoDioxide | dude, my kubuntu boots into a resolution that is out of range, where can I change that? | 05:00 |
BrianDonohue | And no, I'm not waiting for KDE4. | 05:00 |
BrianDonohue | I'm using Gnome again, Jucato. | 05:00 |
BrianDonohue | Maybe if 4 makes some changes, then yes. | 05:00 |
Jucato | noooo!! | 05:00 |
=== Jucato runs away like crazy | ||
Dragnslcr | Is there any definite plan for KDE4 and Gutsy yet? Definitely not, hopefully, definitely waiting, etc. | 05:00 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: What do you knwo about Gutsy? | 05:00 |
roho | is it possible to play divx movies in konqueror? | 05:00 |
DaSkreech | Dragnslcr: Yes | 05:00 |
xsacha | BrianDonohue: what changes? | 05:00 |
intelikey | ok i'll leave that alone. but suffice it to say, when there are seven package management tools as long a dpkg is not broke it can't be major... | 05:00 |
Jucato | Dragnslcr: KDE 4 will be made available on a separate repository | 05:00 |
DaSkreech | roho: yes | 05:00 |
hitmanWilly | LeoDioxide: do you mean the bootscreen itself or the login menu? | 05:00 |
coreymon77 | well | 05:00 |
Dragnslcr | Jucato- nice | 05:00 |
roho | which codecs do i need? | 05:00 |
coreymon77 | kde4 is being released in october aswell | 05:00 |
LeoDioxide | hitmanWilly: login window, it just blackscreens | 05:00 |
Dragnslcr | I know the releases are supposed to be about the same time | 05:00 |
DaSkreech | hi coreymon77 | 05:01 |
xsacha | Dragnslcr: they pacage KDE4 with gusty, but have KDE3 primary | 05:01 |
BrianDonohue | Uhm, Well I'm not looking forward to glossy but. | 05:01 |
DaSkreech | yeah but after Gutsy | 05:01 |
Jucato | coreymon77: which means it won't make it to Gutsy | 05:01 |
coreymon77 | i guess the biggest things about klde4 is its ability to use qt | 05:01 |
coreymon77 | in other words | 05:01 |
Jucato | not even in Gutsy+1 | 05:01 |
Dragnslcr | But I would image Gutsy will be in freeze by the time KDE4 is final | 05:01 |
hitmanWilly | LeoDioxide: try a ctrl-alt-bksp when that happens, see what happens | 05:01 |
Jucato | coreymon77: KDE uses Qt | 05:01 |
coreymon77 | you can use kde one linux windows and macos completely natively | 05:01 |
xsacha | they will have KDE beta 4 along side KDE3 in gutsy (so they said) | 05:01 |
BrianDonohue | And compiz/beryl are no longer forked so it'll be nice to see what they do. | 05:01 |
xsacha | beta 3*? | 05:01 |
LeoDioxide | hitmanWilly: nothing, I've tried | 05:01 |
coreymon77 | i meant the nwer qt | 05:01 |
Jucato | !fixres | 05:01 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:01 |
Jucato | bah not that... | 05:01 |
Jucato | !xconfig | LeoDioxide | 05:01 |
ubotu | LeoDioxide: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 05:01 |
coreymon77 | it will no longer require x | 05:02 |
hitmanWilly | LeoDioxide: ok, /etc/X11/xorg.conf has all the settings | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 05:02 |
Jucato | coreymon77: what are you talking about? | 05:02 |
roho | so what codecs do i need to get divx to play in konqueror? | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | It can run on Windows | 05:02 |
LeoDioxide | hrm. | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | So amarok is going to be on Windows :-( | 05:02 |
Jucato | KDE on Linux still requires X | 05:02 |
coreymon77 | im talking about completely native | 05:02 |
intelikey | -phigh ???? uhh | 05:02 |
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coreymon77 | no emulation whatsoever | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | roho: libxine-extracodecs | 05:02 |
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roho | DaSkreech: thanks | 05:02 |
Jucato | and no *KDE* itself will not run on Windows | 05:02 |
coreymon77 | kde4 will | 05:02 |
Jucato | coreymon77: no | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | coreymon77: no | 05:02 |
coreymon77 | Jucato: yes | 05:03 |
hitmanWilly | wtf? oh, great | 05:03 |
DaSkreech | blast you Jucato | 05:03 |
Ace2016 | isn't it just kdelibs5? | 05:03 |
NickPresta | Cool stuff like Beryl, Amarok, et al should be kept to GNU+Linux, Solaris, BSD. Screw Windows. If they want what we got so bad, _they_ can switch. =D | 05:03 |
coreymon77 | DaSkreech: yes | 05:03 |
BrianDonohue | And the mobile version... Phewy! | 05:03 |
Jucato | coreymon77: *some* KDE *apps* *can be made to run* on Windows | 05:03 |
Ace2016 | that'll work in windows | 05:03 |
coreymon77 | i know | 05:03 |
roho | DaSkreech: it's already installed, but divx movies won't play within konqueror | 05:03 |
DaSkreech | coreymon77: no KDE apps will kdelibs will | 05:03 |
DaSkreech | K>D<E | 05:03 |
coreymon77 | but kde 4 will be able to work entirely in winodows | 05:03 |
DaSkreech | as in desktop environment wont | 05:03 |
Jucato | coreymon77: no no no! | 05:03 |
xsacha | Jucato: i thought all Qt4 apps could run on windows.. but of course the window manager, kwin wont | 05:03 |
coreymon77 | Jucato: yes yes yes! | 05:03 |
Jucato | xsacha: KDE isn't just Qt4 you know | 05:03 |
coreymon77 | Jucato: ask on the kde channel | 05:03 |
coreymon77 | kde will use qt4 | 05:04 |
Jucato | coreymon77: ask in the KDE developers channel | 05:04 |
LeoDioxide | yeah, well, I've fixed all my xorg settings, I can run the recovery and startx, just the boot fails | 05:04 |
hitmanWilly | that would be funny, kde on windows | 05:04 |
coreymon77 | its true | 05:04 |
coreymon77 | it will work | 05:04 |
Jucato | sheesh | 05:04 |
hitmanWilly | talk about slow and bulky... | 05:04 |
Ace2016 | hitmanWilly: nope that'd be a good desktop | 05:04 |
BrianDonohue | Not really hitmanWilly... Because although you'd have a great desktop-environment it's still windows. | 05:04 |
Ace2016 | (for windows) | 05:04 |
DaSkreech | coreymon77: again no. KDE APPS can work on windows (withinreason) | 05:04 |
coreymon77 | and it will work entirely on macos | 05:04 |
DaSkreech | coreymon77: So you are going to boot up Windows and run alt+f2 ? | 05:04 |
xsacha | lol | 05:04 |
coreymon77 | that will be perfectly native | 05:04 |
coreymon77 | DaSkreech: they will be much more easily ported | 05:05 |
DaSkreech | What they? | 05:05 |
Jucato | coreymon77: you don't know what you're talking about. the only KDE apps that can run on windows are those that will have a port on Windows. KDE 4 apps will not magically run on Windows | 05:05 |
coreymon77 | DaSkreech: the terminal, of course not | 05:05 |
BrianDonohue | Yeah, but if it's on Windows I'll cry because people will try it out, associate the windows problems with KDE and not use KDE when they switch to Linux. | 05:05 |
DaSkreech | coreymon77: you aren't talking about a they. You are talking about the desktop environment | 05:05 |
xsacha | of course you cant get rid of the windows stuff thats on there (taskbar and such), so kde on windows would just contribute to more memory hogging and bloat unfortunately | 05:05 |
coreymon77 | oaky | 05:05 |
coreymon77 | w/e | 05:05 |
LeoDioxide | can't replace explorer with kde? | 05:05 |
coreymon77 | maybe not windows | 05:05 |
coreymon77 | but macos definitely | 05:05 |
=== DaSkreech sighs | ||
Jucato | same thing on mac... | 05:06 |
BrianDonohue | coreymon77: If windows opened up it's API then maybe you could develop another DE, but explorer is set and completely integrated with everything. | 05:06 |
xsacha | LeoDioxide: would be good if you could | 05:06 |
coreymon77 | Jucato: kde already works on macos | 05:06 |
hitmanWilly | well, kde is slim by redmond standards, but it plus the underlying windows environment seems like too much overhead to me | 05:06 |
coreymon77 | Jucato: you ever heard of fink | 05:06 |
coreymon77 | ? | 05:06 |
DaSkreech | coreymon77: screencast it on your blog and I'll watch | 05:06 |
BrianDonohue | hitmanWilly: Definitely. | 05:06 |
Soth | according to the kde wiki they are looking for more help porting kde to windows... so it looks like there will at some point be kde on windows | 05:06 |
LeoDioxide | how do I check if my video card has acceleration? | 05:06 |
=== Jucato sighs... nvm... | ||
coreymon77 | see! i was right! | 05:07 |
NickPresta | LeoDioxide, `glxinfo | grep direct`. | 05:07 |
coreymon77 | and kde and most kde programs already work on macos | 05:07 |
=== BrianDonohue motions toward Jucato and CaSkreech, where's the chloroform for coreymon77? | ||
LeoDioxide | direct rendering, no. | 05:07 |
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LeoDioxide | direct renderer string: mesa glx | 05:07 |
coreymon77 | anyways | 05:08 |
coreymon77 | enough about that | 05:08 |
BrianDonohue | It's funny Jucato: I'm using Gnome but Konversation. I prefer it. | 05:08 |
Soth | and the last change on the page was the 12th of this month so it doesn't appear to have just been a flash in the pan type of idea that went away heh | 05:08 |
hitmanWilly | coreymon77: that's because mac is a unix environment, so the libs install cleaner and without as much hacking | 05:08 |
Jucato | coreymon77: not without porting. there will always be porting. they will not just work magically on all platforms | 05:08 |
coreymon77 | Jucato: its called fink | 05:08 |
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crdlb | LeoDioxide, what video card? | 05:08 |
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LeoDioxide | ati radeon x700 | 05:09 |
=== BrianDonohue listens intently for the chant "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry..." | ||
crdlb | LeoDioxide, feisty? | 05:09 |
LeoDioxide | yup, 64 bit | 05:09 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, glxinfo|grep client | 05:09 |
puppyuser2007046 | DaSkreech: hi!!! that jhutchins wn't give me my password!!!! :( | 05:09 |
intelikey | looks like i'll be busy today. later fellows | 05:09 |
LeoDioxide | SGI, 1.4 | 05:09 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: hi You don't need it. | 05:10 |
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DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: do you have sudo ? | 05:10 |
BrianDonohue | Anyone try "pendrivelinux"? I couldn't get Ubuntu to boot off of it yesterday so I just installed that instead. If anyone has any knowledge about Ubuntu on a pendrive, help me :D | 05:10 |
BrianDonohue | And I mean the live version, not just installing it to the PD. | 05:10 |
puppyuser2007046 | i don't know anything i want the password | 05:10 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 05:10 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: can you open a terminal and type sudo ? | 05:10 |
puppyuser2007046 | in puppy?? | 05:11 |
LeoDioxide | pastebin? | 05:11 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: yes | 05:11 |
BrianDonohue | !kubuntu | 05:11 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 05:11 |
BrianDonohue | Puppy doesn't use sudo, does it? | 05:11 |
LeoDioxide | !pastebin | 05:11 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 05:11 |
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DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: I have no clue that's why I'm asking | 05:11 |
BrianDonohue | As far as I know, it doesn't. | 05:12 |
puppyuser2007046 | sudo: can't stst /etc/sudoers: No such file or directory | 05:12 |
DaSkreech | hmm | 05:12 |
=== hitmanWilly runs all his systems without sudo, security hole waiting to happen | ||
DaSkreech | ok | 05:12 |
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DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: you have a Kubuntu live cd ? | 05:12 |
puppyuser2007046 | why do u allow such people in the community anyway?????????????? | 05:12 |
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puppyuser2007046 | yes i have kubuntu, ubuntu and edubuntu live cds | 05:13 |
LeoDioxide | crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26696/ | 05:13 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: boot up in one of them | 05:13 |
BrianDonohue | puppyuser2007046: try #puppylinux... I just joined in there, they seem nice too and may have some more info for you | 05:13 |
rO_ot | guys do you prefer DigiKam or F-Spot? | 05:14 |
puppyuser2007046 | BrianDonohue: i AM using the puppy linux live cd right now | 05:14 |
rO_ot | I am debating | 05:14 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, you need to add Load "dri" to the modules section of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:14 |
puppyuser2007046 | a stupid guy from your channel did the ssh thing on my ubuntu and changd the password..he won't give it now | 05:14 |
BrianDonohue | I mean, try their CHANNEL lol | 05:14 |
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DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: He wants to reset his password | 05:15 |
BrianDonohue | Oh. | 05:15 |
BrianDonohue | Lol. | 05:15 |
LeoDioxide | crdlb: ok thanks | 05:15 |
starhawk | hi | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: can you open a root terminal ? | 05:15 |
NickPresta | puppyuser2007046, why did you allow a stranger to login via ssh to your machine? | 05:15 |
LeoDioxide | crdlb: any idea on why my login screen messes up, but I can run KDE fine? | 05:15 |
puppyuser2007046 | in puppy??? there's somethng called console | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: no option for a root console ? | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | can you su ? | 05:15 |
BrianDonohue | Uhm, yeah, I have to chastise you for that... Why the HELL would you let some one login to your machine? | 05:15 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, nope, maybe a different resolution? | 05:15 |
puppyuser2007046 | NickPresta: well i thought all u guys are there 2 help | 05:16 |
LeoDioxide | crdlb: yeah, it's out of range and I don't know where that is set (btw, already have load dri) | 05:16 |
BrianDonohue | Yeah, most of us are, but don't trust too much. | 05:16 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: cause he doesn't want to type in commands himself | 05:16 |
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hitmanWilly | puppyuser2007046: there's no one checking for bad guys at the door here :P | 05:16 |
starhawk | I am having a problem with adept after my last update its missing how can I get it back | 05:17 |
puppyuser2007046 | i hav got to, i am new 2 linux and dunno abc of it.....and both linux and linux helpers are creating a very nice impression | 05:17 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, your log said you didn't | 05:17 |
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LeoDioxide | crdlb: maybe it isn't loading from my xorg.conf then? | 05:17 |
puppyuser2007046 | that asshole's online right now...can't u just kick him out??? | 05:17 |
BrianDonohue | Well we'll do our best to help you, just don't do anything dumb again. | 05:17 |
hitmanWilly | starhawk: running gutsy? | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | jhutchins: ping | 05:17 |
starhawk | yes | 05:17 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, pastebin your xorg.conf | 05:17 |
puppyuser2007046 | ok | 05:17 |
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hitmanWilly | starhawk: its a known bug, apt changed versions, adept didn't | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: do you know puppy? | 05:18 |
crdlb | starhawk, #ubuntu+1 | 05:18 |
BrianDonohue | DaSkreech: I've got it on my other flash drive (about 30 seconds ago) | 05:18 |
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DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: how do you get to root on the live ? | 05:18 |
starhawk | wheres that at | 05:18 |
BrianDonohue | Don't know yet, haven't even booted it! | 05:19 |
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puppyuser2007046 | DaSkreech: BrianDonohue: hitmanWilly: can any of you help me reset my password if i boot vis my ubuntu / kubuntu/edubuntu live cds?? | 05:19 |
BrianDonohue | Well, you need root access to that set up to change your password or add another user. | 05:19 |
LeoDioxide | crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26697/ | 05:19 |
puppyuser2007046 | so the only solution's to reinstall?? | 05:20 |
BrianDonohue | Uhm, not sure, you could bruteforce the password? | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: no if you have a live Cd it's easy | 05:20 |
puppyuser2007046 | what??? | 05:20 |
BrianDonohue | Did you try "jhutchins"? | 05:20 |
BrianDonohue | Listen to DaSkreech, I have no clue. | 05:20 |
puppyuser2007046 | yep i hav got loads of live cds | 05:20 |
BrianDonohue | I want to know this too though. | 05:20 |
puppyuser2007046 | yeah i hav askd him and he's avoiding | 05:21 |
BrianDonohue | hitmanWilly: How do I disable sudo anyway? | 05:21 |
DaSkreech | puppyuser2007046: I can walk it through easier with the Kubuntu | 05:21 |
BrianDonohue | puppyuser2007046: Reboot with your Kubuntu liveCD then come back. | 05:21 |
puppyuser2007046 | ok, wait a minute..let me boot in through kubuntu | 05:21 |
puppyuser2007046 | i will ashu18, ok????? | 05:21 |
puppyuser2007046 | i will be ashu18, ok??? | 05:22 |
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BrianDonohue | What a hilarious situation. | 05:22 |
DaSkreech | very | 05:22 |
BrianDonohue | Poor guy though. | 05:22 |
DaSkreech | he refuses to open a terminal and run anything | 05:22 |
BrianDonohue | lol | 05:23 |
DaSkreech | and then gives out his password to get the problem fixed | 05:23 |
BrianDonohue | Yeah... Basic internet safety. | 05:23 |
DaSkreech | far as i knwo jhutchins sshed in fixed the issue then changed his password so that non one else could get in | 05:23 |
DaSkreech | cause his Mom woke up and he had to run | 05:23 |
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BrianDonohue | He gave out his password IN THE ROOM!> | 05:24 |
BrianDonohue | !? | 05:24 |
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DaSkreech | Yeah | 05:25 |
DaSkreech | cause he refused to register with nickserv | 05:25 |
DaSkreech | it would take too long | 05:25 |
os2mac | anyone familiar with WiSpy? | 05:25 |
BrianDonohue | *Sigh* | 05:25 |
BrianDonohue | Dolt | 05:25 |
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DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: tell me about it | 05:26 |
DaSkreech | Funny part is in three years he's going to be laughing his head off at people like him | 05:26 |
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xsacha | LOL@me 3 years ago | 05:26 |
michael_m | i cant connect to a opensuse irc-is anyone familiar with opensuse????????? | 05:26 |
michael_m | im running kubuntu right now | 05:26 |
ashu18 | hey i am back | 05:26 |
BrianDonohue | All of were new at one point. | 05:27 |
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Jucato | michael_m: #opensuse or #opensuse-kde | 05:27 |
michael_m | jucato either cus im just trying to install it | 05:27 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: ok tell me a little about your harrd drive | 05:27 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech:walk me throuh the steps | 05:27 |
DaSkreech | is there anything on it other than ubuntu ? | 05:27 |
ashu18 | nope, just ubuntu | 05:28 |
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DaSkreech | ashu18: ok one hard drive ? | 05:28 |
ashu18 | yes, only one 40GB hard drive | 05:28 |
DaSkreech | ok | 05:28 |
LeoDioxide | crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26697/ | 05:29 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: open a konsole and type mkdir repair | 05:29 |
ashu18 | now what?? | 05:29 |
ashu18 | the prompt line is back | 05:30 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: sudo mount /dev/hda1 repair | 05:31 |
BrianDonohue | Then that means that command is finished, and DaSkreech will give you the next one. | 05:31 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, have you fully restarted X after adding Load "dri"? | 05:31 |
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LeoDioxide | crdlb: it was in there the first time I loaded it | 05:31 |
ashu18 | mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist | 05:31 |
crdlb | LeoDioxide, try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-dri | 05:32 |
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BrianDonohue | It's probably sda1 | 05:32 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: right sudo mount /dev/sda1 repair | 05:32 |
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ashu18 | k it's done...prompt's back | 05:33 |
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BrianDonohue | ashu18: stay patient, he'll be back. | 05:35 |
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DaSkreech | ashu18: ls repair | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | No idea what just happened ? | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | The machine slowed waaaay down then whhen I came back this chan was gone | 05:36 |
Lonetorus | yay | 05:37 |
Lonetorus | open transport tycoon runs now | 05:37 |
Lonetorus | \o/ | 05:37 |
ashu18 | bin boot cdrom dev etc home initrd initrd.img lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root sbin srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz | 05:37 |
=== Lonetorus is a happy linux newb | ||
=== twettypie0202_ [n=becky@cpe-75-179-10-206.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | ashu18: sweet :-) | 05:38 |
=== BrianDonohue gives Lonetorus a high five. | ||
DaSkreech | sudo chroot repair | 05:38 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: then type passwd <yourusernameonubuntu> | 05:38 |
DaSkreech | it will ask you for a password twice. Don't use the same one you had before | 05:39 |
ashu18 | i think i am root now??? | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: yes you are | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: see the # ? | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | that means you are root | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | once you put in the new password | 05:39 |
ashu18 | whoa!!! it's gonna work??????????/ | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | for the user on ubuntu you can reboot the cd | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: yeah it is | 05:40 |
ashu18 | thank u soooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 05:40 |
DaSkreech | as I said it's real easy | 05:40 |
BrianDonohue | Can anyone help me turn off automounting of USB drives? | 05:40 |
ashu18 | well it ws propbably really easy 4 u... | 05:40 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: ha ha ashu18 wants to turn on automounting | 05:40 |
BrianDonohue | DaSkreech: It's a pain in the effing ass. | 05:40 |
BrianDonohue | Especially for fooling around with paritions on flash-drives and stuff. | 05:41 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: anything is real easy if you know how | 05:41 |
ashu18 | btw has that justchin (or whatever) guy repaired that cd rom prob???????????? | 05:41 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-59-129.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | ashu18: You will find out when you reboot | 05:41 |
ashu18 | k, wait a min i will b back in ubuntu | 05:42 |
BrianDonohue | You just made that guy's day, DaSkreech | 05:42 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: not even close to close | 05:42 |
BrianDonohue | I also learned that you don't have to type someones full name. I feel smart now. Konversation is just like Konsole :D | 05:43 |
LeoDioxide | Lonetorus: openTTD rox | 05:43 |
Lonetorus | indeed it does | 05:43 |
BrianDonohue | What is it? | 05:43 |
Lonetorus | i played the original back in 1995 | 05:43 |
LeoDioxide | transport tycoon, ONLINE | 05:43 |
BrianDonohue | What is it? | 05:43 |
Lonetorus | its a transportation simulation | 05:43 |
BrianDonohue | Neat! | 05:43 |
=== starhawk is now known as starhawk1 | ||
LeoDioxide | lots of fun, you transport stuff to make money | 05:43 |
Lonetorus | a financial game, where you build and manage a transportation company | 05:44 |
LeoDioxide | but you need to put many hours into it, which is why I stopped playing | 05:44 |
DaSkreech | !tab | BrianDonohue | 05:44 |
ubotu | BrianDonohue: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 05:44 |
BrianDonohue | I know, I found that out DaSkreech | 05:44 |
=== ashu18 [n=ashutosh@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | hell befall on that guy...he has practically done NOTHING | 05:44 |
DaSkreech | Everythign is easy once you know how | 05:45 |
Lonetorus | heh | 05:45 |
ashu18 | anyway thanks 2 u DaSkreech and u too BrianDonohue | 05:46 |
BrianDonohue | Np. I'm only 4 nooblevels above you. DaSkreech is like 4 above me, haha. | 05:46 |
ashu18 | i m in linux montessori | 05:46 |
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BrianDonohue | This is something I want to let everyone know. | 05:47 |
=== BrianDonohue loves this channel and has set it to autojoin rather than #ubuntu | ||
ashu18 | #ubuntu is so much crowded | 05:48 |
BrianDonohue | Slightly elitist. | 05:48 |
BrianDonohue | Maybe someone should post for them the Freenode Channel Guidelines. | 05:48 |
=== tikal26 [n=tikal26@pool-71-251-137-238.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | DaSkreech: can u ssh into my system and check out the cd rom problem??? | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: You are using konversation it autojoins here anyway :-) | 05:49 |
BrianDonohue | Oh. | 05:49 |
BrianDonohue | Yeah. | 05:49 |
BrianDonohue | ashu18: Do you ever learn? | 05:49 |
ashu18 | just tell me hoe 2 register so that i can send u a private message | 05:49 |
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DaSkreech | Jucato: ping :) | 05:49 |
ashu18 | yeah i do and i think i do trust u guys | 05:49 |
Lonetorus | o_O | 05:49 |
Lonetorus | i would not trust a stranger with access to my box | 05:50 |
Lonetorus | no exceptions | 05:50 |
Jucato | huh? | 05:50 |
BrianDonohue | Maybe if you slept with his mom and made them breakfast you could trust them, but yeah. | 05:50 |
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ashu18 | my box is empty...i havn't even updated it......it will be completely same if i reinstall | 05:50 |
Jucato | !register | ashu18 | 05:50 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: ashu18 needs helps getting a cdrom (well anycdrom) to auto mount | 05:50 |
ubotu | ashu18: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:51 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: oh.. I'm not that good there :) | 05:51 |
BrianDonohue | Why doesn't it automount to begin with anyway? | 05:51 |
ashu18 | as well as manual mount | 05:51 |
Lonetorus | yeah ok, if its a clean box | 05:51 |
Lonetorus | then maybe reinstall right after the visit :D | 05:51 |
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Lonetorus | or use something like watch(8) if something like that is available in linux | 05:51 |
Lonetorus | (interactive monitoring of ttys) | 05:52 |
ashu18 | what's watch(8) ???? | 05:52 |
Lonetorus | on unix | 05:52 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: Oh I don't think manual mounting works either | 05:53 |
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ashu18 | hey tell me how to register | 05:55 |
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Jucato | I already did! | 05:55 |
Jucato | <ubotu> ashu18: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:55 |
ashu18 | well i was disconnected | 05:55 |
Jucato | that was before you got disconnected :) | 05:55 |
=== Jucato goes for lunch... behave! :) | ||
ashu18 | but i lost the link | 05:56 |
Lonetorus | how do i modify (add) to the applications menu? | 05:58 |
Lonetorus | i would like to stick a shortcut there to open transport tycoon | 05:58 |
trpr | right click on the K -> menu editor | 05:59 |
=== BrianDonohue [n=brian@S010600195b4be442.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BrianDonohue | Lol, I went out for a smoke, come back in, start walking towards my bedroom with the laptop (I was in the kitchen) and the damn thing went to sleep on me because of critical battery | 05:59 |
Lonetorus | ahh, got it, thx | 06:00 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: how on earth do i send u the password?? | 06:01 |
DaSkreech | !register | 06:01 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 06:01 |
ashu18 | ubotu: shut up | 06:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about shut up - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:02 |
ashu18 | ubotu is funny.........lol | 06:02 |
Lonetorus | send it in a query (private msg) | 06:02 |
ashu18 | !register | 06:02 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 06:02 |
=== prakapenka [n=prakapen@ool-18b9b4be.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
roho | is it possible to redirect server messages in konversation into the active window | 06:03 |
roho | like with /whois | 06:03 |
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-70-224-0-74.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | roho: what ? | 06:03 |
roho | well, all the server output goes into the server tabs. i want it in the active window | 06:04 |
roho | so when i whois someone, i don't have to change tabs to see the output | 06:04 |
DaSkreech | roho: as far as i know when you /whois someone in konversation it appends it in chan | 06:04 |
roho | it doesn't do that with me | 06:05 |
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ashu18 | DaSkreech: the password is reverse of what it was yesterday.....do u remember yesterdays' passwd?? | 06:06 |
ashu18 | and plz do the ssh thing quicky and change the passwd | 06:06 |
ashu18 | and tell me | 06:06 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: yes | 06:06 |
ashu18 | i don't want that jhut guy to butt in again | 06:06 |
ashu18 | plz be quick | 06:07 |
BrianDonohue | I think he was trying to help and ran out of time and didn't want anyone else in, I don't think he was out to be malicious. | 06:07 |
ashu18 | BrianDonohue: i dunno why u all are idolizing him but he is still avoiding me | 06:08 |
=== klepij [n=klepij@adsl-69-221-113-87.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BrianDonohue | He's not here. | 06:08 |
ashu18 | jhutchins: give me my password ;) | 06:08 |
BrianDonohue | He's also avoiding everyone else. | 06:08 |
ashu18 | he's here | 06:08 |
BrianDonohue | Yeah, in the room, but not here. | 06:08 |
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ashu18 | DaSkreech: plz do it quick | 06:09 |
roho | who is "him"? | 06:09 |
BrianDonohue | Jhutchins. | 06:09 |
roho | ok, not me :D | 06:10 |
ashu18 | BrianDonohue: is DaSkreech in my system right now??? | 06:10 |
BrianDonohue | I don't know, lmao. | 06:11 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: yes and I changed the password | 06:11 |
ashu18 | i had another guy from #ubuntu do that ssh thing and he could actually talk with me in the Terminal!!! | 06:11 |
DaSkreech | Yeah I can too :) | 06:11 |
ashu18 | plz do | 06:13 |
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=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pool-151-202-8-88.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | it's really weird!!!!!!! | 06:13 |
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roho | it's called talk | 06:13 |
=== t00talinfo is now known as tootalinf0 | ||
=== tootalinf0 is now known as tOOtalinfo | ||
roho | DaSkreech: tell ashu18 how to secure his/her system. | 06:13 |
ashu18 | roho: i am a 'his' | 06:13 |
tOOtalinfo | sorry | 06:13 |
ashu18 | :) | 06:13 |
tOOtalinfo | hi | 06:13 |
DaSkreech | Now I forgot what was the problem? :-) | 06:13 |
tOOtalinfo | my SATA drive isn't being recognize | 06:13 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: just type all the command in the world and see why my cds won't mount | 06:13 |
ashu18 | tell me when to insert a cd | 06:13 |
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DaSkreech | go ahead | 06:15 |
ashu18 | now? | 06:15 |
DaSkreech | yeah | 06:15 |
=== tripppy [n=tripppy@c220-237-80-19.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | there's one cd in the cd rom now | 06:15 |
ashu18 | that kubuntu live cd | 06:15 |
ashu18 | it's not mounting, aint?? | 06:17 |
=== se7en [n=se7en@125-24-155-194.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | I can see it | 06:17 |
ashu18 | whoa!!!! u did it??????????????????????????????????????????????? | 06:18 |
DaSkreech | it's in /media/cdrom | 06:18 |
ashu18 | :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* | 06:18 |
ashu18 | :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* | 06:18 |
DaSkreech | stop that | 06:18 |
ashu18 | wait i am putting another cd | 06:18 |
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ashu18 | it doesn't mount this one | 06:19 |
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david_ | alguien habla en espaol | 06:20 |
ashu18 | plz do something so that it will automount?? | 06:20 |
=== LeoDioxide [n=root@c-71-204-242-223.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
DaSkreech | !es | 06:20 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:20 |
david_ | ok | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | I can't even make that one force moutn | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | mount | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | how scratched is it ? | 06:20 |
ashu18 | very clean | 06:20 |
ashu18 | ok, let me put another one..... | 06:21 |
ashu18 | a blank one this time | 06:21 |
DaSkreech | k | 06:22 |
hagabaka | was putting in your CD doing that :-*:-*:-* thing? :D | 06:22 |
ashu18 | hurrah!! | 06:22 |
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ashu18 | will it auto mount now?? | 06:23 |
DaSkreech | Not sure | 06:23 |
ashu18 | a video cd this time | 06:24 |
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ashu18 | can u find the problem?? | 06:24 |
=== Kprofthreat [n=kpr@adsl-68-126-4-50.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Sort of. I'm at work now and trying to do this and a meeting at the same time | 06:25 |
BrianDonohue | Guys, I'm out for the night. | 06:26 |
BrianDonohue | Talk to you all later. | 06:26 |
ashu18 | oh....... | 06:26 |
DaSkreech | BrianDonohue: night | 06:26 |
ashu18 | why didn't u tell me then???? i am irritating u | 06:26 |
ashu18 | BrianDonohue: good night!! | 06:26 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: ok, i m going too.....when will u be free and available? | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/95868 | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | this page looks lke it could help | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414825 | 06:28 |
=== yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-98-94-122.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | i guess i am understanding parts of it.....anyway, plz tell when u will be free | 06:30 |
ashu18 | my problem is a blown up version of that bug...their kubuntu is at least auto mounting something | 06:31 |
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=== pb_ [n=pb@ip68-101-196-217.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pb_ | . | 06:34 |
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DaSkreech | ashu18: if it helps you can throw out for help in #ubuntu as well | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | Who makes your drive? | 06:37 |
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=== dmordan [n=dmordan@adsl-69-209-135-8.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
roho | why can't girls like linux? i'd do free tech support for a girl | 06:40 |
roho | (without a moustache) | 06:41 |
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netdaemon | just wondering...what are some of the reasons to use kde over gnome? | 06:52 |
netdaemon | i can't decide for the life of me which to use =\ | 06:53 |
DaSkreech | roho: so what if she did have a moustache? | 06:53 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: less memory usage | 06:53 |
roho | i dunno' | 06:54 |
roho | sex with a girl with a moustache isn't my thing | 06:54 |
netdaemon | DaSkreech, anything other than that? | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | roho: you said tech support | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: KDE4 :) | 06:55 |
=== pjdid [n=adsmfh@c-69-252-255-218.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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pjdid | does anyone know any "GOOD" screen capture recording programs for linux | 06:55 |
netdaemon | DaSkreech, havn't tried it yet =( | 06:55 |
roho | oh, did i? | 06:55 |
DaSkreech | recordmydesktop seems to be the new fling | 06:55 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: you can when Gutsy comes out | 06:55 |
netdaemon | sweet | 06:56 |
netdaemon | will it be default? | 06:56 |
DaSkreech | Nope :) | 06:56 |
DaSkreech | We would be nuts | 06:56 |
pjdid | have you used it? | 06:57 |
DaSkreech | but we will have a unsupported KDE4 Cd | 06:57 |
DaSkreech | pjdid: no I haven't. As i said it seems to be the new rage | 06:57 |
DaSkreech | Someone uses it at work | 06:57 |
netdaemon | hmmm | 06:57 |
netdaemon | that might be enough reason to use it... | 06:57 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: katapult :) | 06:57 |
netdaemon | how would i go about getting kopete to let me set my own alias like gaim/pidgin does? | 06:58 |
netdaemon | global identity dosn't seem to work =\ | 06:58 |
DaSkreech | Not sure. I'm not too into kopete | 06:58 |
netdaemon | and whats katapult? | 06:58 |
DaSkreech | I suffer it | 06:59 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: are you in KDE? | 06:59 |
netdaemon | not at the moment | 06:59 |
netdaemon | on a slow connection, so it'd be hard to maintain both | 06:59 |
netdaemon | gnomes little hide things from the user gets on my nerves a bit...and the lack of konqueror... | 07:00 |
netdaemon | but the interface is a bit cleaner =\ | 07:00 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: ah. press alt+space in kubuntu and smile a lot :) | 07:00 |
netdaemon | hmmm | 07:00 |
netdaemon | what does it do ._.? | 07:00 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: you can pull out anything that you don't like from the KDE interface | 07:00 |
DaSkreech | !katapult | 07:01 |
ubotu | katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want. | 07:01 |
netdaemon | not quite the same as alt+f2? | 07:02 |
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DaSkreech | not quite the same no :) | 07:02 |
netdaemon | hrm | 07:04 |
netdaemon | i wonders... | 07:04 |
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estebanbianchi | hey | 07:06 |
estebanbianchi | i need some help witj adept | 07:06 |
estebanbianchi | it seems to be vlocked by an a terminal or ap-get activity | 07:06 |
=== harnold [n=harnold@p54A70EA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
netdaemon | any way to skip downloading the package lists on the kubuntu install? | 07:06 |
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DaSkreech | !adept crash fix | 07:08 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:08 |
pb_ | Hello | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: know anyone with quickish type net ? | 07:09 |
pb_ | Just installed Kubuntu 7.04 over my windows XP install, it's working great, no problems | 07:09 |
pb_ | but I was wondering, how much is involved with using Beryl/Compiz? | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | !beryl | 07:10 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:10 |
netdaemon | DaSkreech, yeah but thats a lot of gas money, lol | 07:10 |
DaSkreech | By using I assume you mean installing | 07:10 |
=== underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-236-67-32.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
xsacha | !compiz-fusion | 07:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:10 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: ha ha How much to call them ? | 07:10 |
DaSkreech | Or IM? | 07:10 |
Kprofthreat | pb_: Do you use an Nvidia or ATI card? | 07:10 |
=== Edulix [n=edulix@216.Red-88-27-106.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pb_ | Yes, installing/configuring. I'm not unfamiliar with installations and the like | 07:11 |
pb_ | I have an ATI Radeon | 07:11 |
Kprofthreat | Ah | 07:11 |
netdaemon | DaSkreech, not to much | 07:11 |
pb_ | I pulled it out of my ex-main windows XP box | 07:11 |
Kprofthreat | Then it's going to be a little trickier for you. | 07:11 |
pb_ | rats | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | pb_: Much easier now but you have to have a compositing Which means installing drivers | 07:11 |
Kprofthreat | Yes | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | !ati | 07:11 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:11 |
Kprofthreat | In fact | 07:11 |
pb_ | rgr | 07:11 |
=== harnold [n=harnold@p54A70EA3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
estebanbianchi | !adept | 07:12 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 07:12 |
estebanbianchi | !adept crash fix | 07:12 |
Kprofthreat | Here's your one stop answer, pb_ | 07:12 |
Kprofthreat | http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_beryl_ati_radeon | 07:12 |
underdog5004 | I've got rtorrent on my server. The directory it's writing the downloaded files to is just about full. I'm going to get another harddrive for my downloads, but I still want to be able to use the other one. I want rtorrent to see (and upload) files from my old hd while downloading/uploading to my new hd. Any ideas? | 07:12 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:12 |
pb_ | I've spent a few hours reading up on the ATI installation on the web, but I thought I'd ping you folks to see what you all might have to add | 07:12 |
Kprofthreat | Although I would keep the driver guide and another guide open just for help | 07:12 |
Kprofthreat | Well, first | 07:13 |
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kprofthreat | Check to make sure your card supports 3D rendering | 07:13 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: call them and get them to download two cds for you :) | 07:13 |
pb_ | Kprofthreat, thanks for the link, it's one that I hadn't come across, going to check it out | 07:13 |
netdaemon | DaSkreech, i have both ubuntu and kubuntu though, the problem is picking which one to use =S | 07:13 |
Kprofthreat | pb_: glxinfo | grep direct in your konsole | 07:14 |
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DaSkreech | underdog5004: mount the new hard drive as a sub folder of the download folder | 07:14 |
DaSkreech | pb_: ping #ubuntu-effects | 07:14 |
DaSkreech | they are the masters :) | 07:14 |
underdog5004 | DaSkreech, you are a genius | 07:14 |
Kprofthreat | Ask for crdlib, he helped get my beryl running fully again | 07:15 |
Kprofthreat | And watch out for the bug that causes your window borders to disappear | 07:15 |
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underdog5004 | but there is still the problem of two different dirs for rtorrent to look in | 07:15 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: oh you have the kubuntu live cd ? | 07:15 |
netdaemon | i do indeed | 07:15 |
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DaSkreech | underdog5004: far as I know it's not a big deal | 07:16 |
Kprofthreat | pb_: Do you know how to restart x? | 07:16 |
underdog5004 | DaSkreech, what do you mean? | 07:16 |
netdaemon | i used the schools bandwidth to get both before semester ended, hehe | 07:16 |
pb_ | Kprofthreat, I ran the glxinfo | 07:16 |
Chani | meh, I'm not used to using a binary distro... how do I figure out what packages these dependencies are in? configure: error: Library requirements (gtk+ >= 1.2.0 imlibgdk >= 1.9.0) not met; | 07:16 |
Kprofthreat | And | 07:16 |
pb_ | it gave a copious amount of information | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: I'd say go with kubuntu for three reasons. One is you are interested in KDE4 so might as well get some history | 07:16 |
underdog5004 | I'll still have files in /Downlads, but I'll also have more stuff in /Downloads/Other_Downloads | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: two is we are much nicer than #ubuntu shhhh :) | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | underdog5004: if it's already downloaded then rtorrent should have no problem seeding it | 07:17 |
netdaemon | ah i'm pretty good support for myself, been a *nix user for 4 years, hehe | 07:17 |
Chani | mm, kde4 | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | you can move them all into one folder as well if you keep the .torrent around | 07:17 |
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netdaemon | DaSkreech, and 3? | 07:17 |
draik | Anyone here work Tech Support and use Remedy at work? | 07:17 |
draik | Anyone heard of Remedy for Linux? | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: and three if you want to go to ubuntu it's a one liner to remove all thigns KDE | 07:17 |
underdog5004 | DaSkreech, right, but I'm going to have to change dirs in the config file to reflect the new hd, basically, I can only point rtorrent to one of the dirs | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | not anywhere near that easy for gnome | 07:18 |
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netdaemon | DaSkreech, i was thinking of the poor packagers that have to package gnome | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | netdaemon: who cares about support? We are nice ;-) | 07:18 |
netdaemon | lol | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | underdog5004: again. it's easy to move them over and still keep them seeding | 07:19 |
netdaemon | ktorrent is yummy too.... | 07:19 |
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underdog5004 | DaSkreech, but the problem there is that I don't use both disks for storage.... | 07:20 |
netdaemon | ktorrent and konqueror... | 07:20 |
=== netdaemon mouth waters | ||
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wolferine | whats the 'normal' thing to do when Bash scripting, use the .bash extension or is something else more suited for an extension? | 07:20 |
DaSkreech | underdog5004: partiton? | 07:20 |
underdog5004 | DaSkreech, not following you...make a lvm thing? | 07:21 |
DaSkreech | underdog5004: or that | 07:21 |
netdaemon | well i'm out | 07:21 |
netdaemon | thanks for the help DaSkreech | 07:21 |
underdog5004 | I don't understand, though. I'm sorry, I'm pretty tired... | 07:21 |
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underdog5004 | Could you explain a bit more? | 07:22 |
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DaSkreech | underdog5004: I really don't know exactly what you are planning but I'm letting you know that it can work :) | 07:23 |
underdog5004 | lol, ok | 07:23 |
ldb__ | is ubuntu.com down? | 07:23 |
underdog5004 | I've got /dev/hda3 dedicated to bt stuff. I want to add a drive (say, /dev/hdb1). I want rtorrent to seed the files that are on /dev/hda3, but also download new files to /dev/hdb1 | 07:24 |
underdog5004 | does that make sense? | 07:24 |
Jucato | ldb__: works ok here | 07:24 |
ldb__ | k thanks | 07:25 |
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Chani | huh. aptitude search imlibgdk returns nothing. | 07:26 |
Jucato | Chani: what are you looking for? | 07:28 |
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Chani | Jucato: dependencies for some source code | 07:28 |
Jucato | what is it saying that's missing? | 07:29 |
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Chani | I pasted earl;ier... just a sec, I may have eliminated some | 07:29 |
Jucato | maybe you're looking for imlib11-dev? | 07:29 |
Jucato | !Info imlib11-dev | 07:29 |
ubotu | imlib11-dev: Imlib is an imaging library for X and X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.14-32ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 86 kB, installed size 288 kB | 07:29 |
Chani | aha, it configures now | 07:29 |
Jucato | there's also | 07:30 |
Chani | it was gdk-imlibsomething | 07:30 |
Jucato | !info gdk-imlib11-dev | 07:30 |
ubotu | gdk-imlib11-dev: Header files needed for Gdk-Imlib development. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.14-32ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 75 kB, installed size 256 kB | 07:30 |
Jucato | yeah :) | 07:30 |
=== blargon [n=blargon@dsl231-055-031.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | :-) | 07:30 |
underdog5004 | DaSkreech, any more ideas? | 07:31 |
DaSkreech | underdog5004: sorry. what about? | 07:31 |
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underdog5004 | I've got /dev/hda3 dedicated to bt stuff. I want to add a drive (say, /dev/hdb1). I want rtorrent to seed the files that are on /dev/hda3, but also download new files to /dev/hdb1 | 07:31 |
wolferine | what are we working on tonight ppls? | 07:31 |
underdog5004 | wolferine, me | 07:31 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ashu18 | ||
underdog5004 | lol, I want rtorrent to seed from one folder and d/l to another | 07:32 |
underdog5004 | basically | 07:32 |
DaSkreech | underdog5004: how much space on /dev/hdb1 ? | 07:32 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: hey give me the password....i forgot to ask u!!!!!!!!! | 07:32 |
=== wolferine holds underdog5004 down so DaSkreech can place the drill next to his forehead | ||
DaSkreech | ashu18: Yeah you logged off | 07:32 |
underdog5004 | DaSkreech, probably 200, same as the other drive | 07:32 |
ashu18 | yep this ubuntu hangs so often...there is no option but to restart....practically everything stops working | 07:32 |
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rohan | there are going to be no kubuntu packages for amarok 1.4.6 ? | 07:35 |
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ashu18 | DaSkreech: can u ssh in now?? i am free...hopefully this ubuntu won't hang too...u were probably in the midst of somethng when i restarted?? | 07:37 |
wolferine | rohan, is it stable? | 07:37 |
rohan | wolferine: yes, released | 07:37 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: yeah | 07:37 |
wolferine | is it stable though? | 07:37 |
wolferine | u could possibly find it on SoS | 07:38 |
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wolferine | 'ubuntu repos sos' | 07:38 |
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ashu18 | the kubuntu cd's in there | 07:38 |
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ashu18 | do whatever u want | 07:39 |
ashu18 | nd jst pray that ubuntu won't hang | 07:39 |
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rohan | wolferine: you mean medibuntu ? | 07:39 |
michael__ | GOD why does the damn process table NEVER WORK!!!!!!!!! | 07:40 |
underdog5004 | michael__, chill out | 07:40 |
underdog5004 | what's the problem? | 07:40 |
michael__ | im sorry, but lately ubuntu has been pissing me off enough to make me want to switch back to windows | 07:40 |
michael__ | when ever i do ctrl esc, the process table shows up, all the values for memory are like 8888888888 and no procs are listed | 07:40 |
wolferine | rohan, some repos may have 'newer' releases, thats all I am saying | 07:41 |
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underdog5004 | michael__, weird...I really don't know much about it...are you on some exotic hardware? | 07:41 |
michael__ | no | 07:41 |
michael__ | it works some times | 07:41 |
michael__ | and then sometims it doesnt work | 07:41 |
wolferine | keyboard setup properly? | 07:41 |
michael__ | it drives me insane | 07:41 |
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DaSkreech | ashu18: Hung again? | 07:42 |
ashu18 | nope | 07:42 |
wolferine | well.. you do appear to be losing it | 07:42 |
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DaSkreech | ashu18: Hmm | 07:42 |
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ashu18 | the cd's in there; can't u force mount it?? | 07:42 |
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DaSkreech | HOld on | 07:43 |
Edulix | michael__: maybe it's a bug in that software | 07:43 |
Edulix | you could try another one | 07:43 |
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Edulix | like.. top, or gnome-sytem-monitor | 07:43 |
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underdog5004 | or top | 07:43 |
Edulix | underdog5004: top or top? hehe | 07:44 |
underdog5004 | whoops | 07:44 |
DaSkreech | freaky | 07:44 |
michael__ | should that be in aptget | 07:44 |
Edulix | michael__: you probably have top installed, but it's for console | 07:44 |
DaSkreech | if I sudo anything with the cddrive it hangs | 07:44 |
Edulix | you might prefer gnome-system-monitor if you like GUI | 07:44 |
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
blargon | Hi y'all! | 07:45 |
Edulix | hehe he's gone | 07:45 |
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Daisuke_Ido | amarok and arts just took a sabbatical :\ | 07:46 |
axg123 | what | 07:46 |
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Daisuke_Ido | massive crash i can't get either one to recover from | 07:46 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: well i got stuck again!!! this is really dung man!!!!!! how can linux dream of luring windows users with all these rubbish?// | 07:47 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: it hung again ? | 07:48 |
ashu18 | yep, i restarted, aint? | 07:48 |
DaSkreech | yeah | 07:48 |
DaSkreech | You need some driver help | 07:49 |
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ashu18 | the entire system freezes, inclusing the mouse, keyboard, cd-rom and all....i have NO option | 07:49 |
rohan | ashu18: arrey tera problem kya hai ? kya ho raha hai ? kyon bhadak raha hai linux pe ! | 07:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | !en | rohan | 07:49 |
ubotu | rohan: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 07:49 |
wolferine | !ru | rohan | 07:49 |
ubotu | rohan: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 07:49 |
wolferine | hehe | 07:49 |
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rohan | lol | 07:49 |
rohan | wolferine: it was not russian :P | 07:49 |
wolferine | yeah | 07:49 |
wolferine | :P | 07:49 |
rohan | ashu18: so, when does the computer hang ? | 07:49 |
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wolferine | looks russian to me | 07:49 |
ashu18 | rohan: say what dear ubotu hs got 4 u | 07:49 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: u can ssh in again....until it hangs | 07:50 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: I'm in already | 07:50 |
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ashu18 | rohan: it practically hangs EVERY half an hour or so...i just dunno why | 07:50 |
rohan | ashu18: is it a laptop ? | 07:50 |
rohan | or a desktop ? | 07:50 |
ashu18 | nope a desktop | 07:50 |
rohan | ashu18: ok, can you paste the dmesg output somewhere ? | 07:51 |
ashu18 | pastebin?? | 07:51 |
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rohan | yes, that or rafb.net/paste | 07:51 |
DaSkreech | rohan: I'll do it | 07:51 |
rohan | DaSkreech: ok | 07:51 |
Edulix | ashu18: I had a similar problem, but I couldn't see what was happening because when rebooting, the log was not here (I had to push the reboot button) | 07:52 |
ashu18 | rohan: DaSkreech is in my system right now...so he ll explain better | 07:52 |
Edulix | ashu18: do you have a samsung cd drive? :P | 07:52 |
ashu18 | Edulix: same here :( | 07:52 |
rohan | Edulix: my god, i was going to ask the same thing ! | 07:52 |
ashu18 | Edulix: Yes!!!! | 07:52 |
Edulix | rohan: hehe | 07:52 |
rohan | ashu18: which drive ? | 07:52 |
rohan | ashu18: samsung drives and libata are known to cause lots of timeouts on system | 07:52 |
Edulix | rohan: I have one too. I found a simple solution: just don't use it lol | 07:52 |
ashu18 | rohan: whatwhich drive?? | 07:53 |
rohan | Edulix: no, the solution is to update the firmware | 07:53 |
Edulix | rohan: uhm | 07:53 |
rohan | ashu18: which drive do you have ? just upgrade the firmware .. | 07:53 |
ashu18 | rohan: it gave no trouble with Windows | 07:53 |
Edulix | ruham: how to do that? I'd like to have my cd back hehe | 07:53 |
rohan | have a look - http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8316 | 07:53 |
rohan | ashu18: yes, that's known too | 07:53 |
Daisuke_Ido | ashu18: LNW. Linux is Not Windows. get used to it. | 07:53 |
rohan | Edulix: http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8316 | 07:53 |
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=== Daisuke_Ido is bitter | ||
Daisuke_Ido | but at least amarok's working again :D | 07:54 |
rohan | DaSkreech: can you use lspci and tell me which drive does he have ? | 07:54 |
Daisuke_Ido | so now i can drift off to sleep to the soothing sounds of sigur ros :) | 07:54 |
ashu18 | rohan: but i hav TSSTCorp H-292A | 07:54 |
=== Edulix is happy thinking that he will have his drive back | ||
Edulix | rohan: how to update the firmware in linux? | 07:55 |
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ashu18 | rohan: Edulix: what is firmware??? i am a nerd in linux | 07:55 |
Edulix | ashu18: it's the software that runs inside the cdrom | 07:56 |
Edulix | (or inside any piece of hardware lol) | 07:56 |
word | firmware isn't just linux | 07:56 |
DaSkreech | rohan: sorry? | 07:56 |
DaSkreech | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26704/ | 07:56 |
ashu18 | k, so how to update it and all | 07:56 |
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Edulix | ashu18: that was my question xd | 07:56 |
rohan | DaSkreech: use cdrecord dev=/dev/sr0 -inq to give me the drive | 07:57 |
rohan | Edulix: you need to reboot to windows to update the firware, there is to other way | 07:57 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: shall i take out the cd??? | 07:57 |
Edulix | rohan: to windows? even if I don't have it? :( | 07:57 |
rohan | or download a freedos bootable disk and hope that your dos flashing program works in freedos, Edulix | 07:57 |
Edulix | hehe | 07:58 |
DaSkreech | Vendor_info : 'TSSTcorp' | 07:58 |
DaSkreech | Identification : 'CD-R/RW TS-H292A' | 07:58 |
rohan | bingo ! | 07:58 |
Edulix | rohan: I have a TS-L632D | 07:58 |
Edulix | DaSkreech: where did you get that info? | 07:59 |
Edulix | which command | 07:59 |
ashu18 | rohan: is this samsung cd-rw the mother of all causes?? | 07:59 |
rohan | yes | 07:59 |
Edulix | I have a TS-L632D | 07:59 |
Edulix | :P | 07:59 |
rohan | TSSTCORP drives are KNOWN to screw | 07:59 |
rohan | Edulix: Edulix Edulix mate ! | 07:59 |
ashu18 | i meant the mother of problems.... | 07:59 |
rohan | Edulix: i have the same drive | 07:59 |
Edulix | hehe | 07:59 |
Daisuke_Ido | roh | 07:59 |
Edulix | rohan: how to check it for sure? which command | 07:59 |
rohan | Edulix: i can tell you .. download - http://www.toshibaer.com/firmware/download.php?TS-L632D/TS-L632D_SC03.zip and http://www.toshibaer.com/firmware/download.php?TS-L632D/TS-L632D_AC01_Acer_OEM.zip | 07:59 |
ashu18 | i am thrashing mine then....which company's better | 08:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | rohan: really now? because i have yet to have a single problem with this tsst drive. | 08:00 |
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rohan | Daisuke_Ido: you can refer to - http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8316 | 08:00 |
DaSkreech | rohan: Would they cause system lockups ? | 08:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | 8 months under linux | 08:00 |
rohan | DaSkreech: yes, they do .. manufacturers fault | 08:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | and it has yet to cause a single issue | 08:00 |
DaSkreech | Daisuke_Ido: which model ? | 08:00 |
Edulix | rohan: but I have a samsung r40 laptop :P not toshiba. probably it's the same though | 08:00 |
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rohan | Edulix: it doesn't matter ! | 08:01 |
rohan | Edulix: i am asking you to download acer and samsung firmware, and you have neither :P but it will solve your problem | 08:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | TSSTcorpCD/DVDW SH-162A | 08:01 |
rohan | Edulix: you will need windows tho' .. dunno if it'd work in wine, probably not | 08:01 |
rohan | DaSkreech: sorry, i can't find firmware updates for that drive | 08:02 |
Edulix | rohan: i wouldn't risk using wine for a firmware update hehe | 08:02 |
rohan | DaSkreech: but the drive is 90% the root of his problems | 08:02 |
rohan | ashu18: i know, i've experienced the frustration ;) | 08:02 |
DaSkreech | rohan meet ashu18 ashu rohan | 08:02 |
DaSkreech | chat :) get to know each other :-) | 08:03 |
ashu18 | rohan: where r u frm?? | 08:03 |
rohan | DaSkreech: can you just paste the dmesg somewhere, to confirm ? | 08:03 |
rohan | ashu18: mumbai, india, like you i think / | 08:03 |
wolferine | is this now a dating channel? | 08:03 |
ashu18 | rohan: he pasted it...see the link's above | 08:03 |
wolferine | hehe | 08:03 |
DaSkreech | rohan: you are late :0 | 08:03 |
Edulix | rohan: please tell me with which linux command can I really check my drive version | 08:03 |
DaSkreech | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26704/ | 08:03 |
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=== Edulix : ok, dmesg | grep TS worked | ||
Edulix | [ 5.313522] hdc: TSSTcorpCD/DVDW TS-L632D, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive | 08:04 |
=== sheldonc [n=sheldon@d64-180-175-69.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rohan | Edulix: cdrecord dev=/dev/sr0 -inq | 08:04 |
=== asimon [n=asimon@dslb-084-058-250-028.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
willie | my box crashe halfway through adept updating some kde stuff - now X won;t start and I get a whole load of "unable to write hash table" errors when doing "dpkg --configure -a" Whats rhe best way to get this system to remove and reinstall all KDE packages? | 08:04 |
rohan | DaSkreech: err.. i need dmesg after the hang ;) | 08:05 |
ashu18 | willie: just insert you Kubuntu Live CD and reboot your system.....then select 'Start or Install Kubuntu' | 08:05 |
rohan | ashu18: the hang lasts for what seems like 2-3 minutes, right ? | 08:05 |
willie | I think the prob was a dodgy fan on the graphics board - thats sorted now | 08:05 |
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ashu18 | rohan: i dunno...i immediately press the 'Reset' button of my cpu | 08:05 |
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willie | ashu18: ta | 08:05 |
rohan | ashu18: damn ! next time just wait for some time .. it will start working | 08:06 |
ashu18 | rohan: ok i will | 08:06 |
rohan | ashu18: during the hang, nothing will work .. keyboard, mouse, nothing | 08:06 |
ashu18 | btw, i think it's gonna hang any second now | 08:06 |
willie | that seems a bit drastic -- you mean a complete reinstall --all non-graphic stuff looks fine | 08:06 |
ashu18 | rohan: that's correct!! | 08:06 |
rohan | ashu18: good, let DaSkreech be in | 08:06 |
Edulix | time to go | 08:06 |
Edulix | thanks all! | 08:06 |
rohan | Edulix: err | 08:07 |
rohan | Edulix: did it work ? | 08:07 |
Edulix | rohan: I will try later | 08:07 |
Edulix | I have to go now ;) | 08:07 |
rohan | Edulix: just update your firmware to the one in SC03 package | 08:07 |
Edulix | ok | 08:07 |
Edulix | thanks! | 08:07 |
rohan | Edulix: use the flasher in AC01 package | 08:07 |
rohan | no problem | 08:07 |
Edulix | I'll come back | 08:07 |
rohan | ok | 08:07 |
rohan | Edulix: just pm me | 08:07 |
willie | OK bbl | 08:07 |
rohan | if i am not here | 08:07 |
DaSkreech | rohan: honestly can You PM? | 08:07 |
ashu18 | EDulix 's a newbie too????? he knows a lot more than i do | 08:08 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: u still in here?? | 08:08 |
wolferine | keep it down | 08:09 |
wolferine | excessive use of the ? mark | 08:09 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: yes | 08:09 |
ashu18 | wolferine: ok,sorry for that | 08:09 |
zinden | Good morning all, got a question....Which docker works best for KDE ? | 08:09 |
wolferine | np | 08:09 |
zinden | KSmoothDock, using that at the moment....is it the best one or is there a better one? | 08:10 |
ashu18 | rohan: which company hs got better cd/dvd rom drives?? | 08:10 |
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rohan | ashu18: well, i'd prefer sony .. but i'm stuck with samsung too, because it came with the laptop | 08:11 |
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ashu18 | rohan: does ur samsung stink too? | 08:11 |
underdog5004 | plextor is the best there is, imho | 08:11 |
rohan | ashu18: yes, but it works fine after the firmware upgrade | 08:12 |
ashu18 | underdog5004: all these plextor and all will be available in india? | 08:12 |
underdog5004 | ashu18, I don't see why not... | 08:12 |
=== faded515 [n=faded515@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust973.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
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underdog5004 | Plextor is kind of the ferrarri of cd/dvd rom manufacturers | 08:13 |
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underdog5004 | I'm going to bed...good night | 08:13 |
=== kain__ is now known as kain1234 | ||
kain1234 | i need some help mounting an external hd and an sd card reader | 08:14 |
ashu18 | rohan: roughly, how many ubuntu + kubuntu + edubuntu + xubuntu users are there in the world? | 08:14 |
kain1234 | and gaining access to /mnt | 08:14 |
rohan | ashu18: no way to guess .. but lots :) | 08:14 |
kain1234 | i've been dealing with this for like a week | 08:14 |
ashu18 | rohan: the number's increasing rapidly for sure | 08:14 |
ashu18 | jhutchins: u still here? havn't u got any work 2 do | 08:15 |
=== andreamordini [n=andreamo@chello084114222114.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rohan | yes, ashu18 , it's a cdrom drive problem | 08:16 |
rohan | ashu18: is it a branded pc, or assembled ? | 08:16 |
ashu18 | assembled | 08:16 |
rohan | damn | 08:17 |
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rohan | ashu18: can you ask him to change your drive ? it'll be the easiest way out .. because there are no firmware updates for your drive | 08:17 |
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andreamordini | Hello. opening synaptic I had this message: | 08:17 |
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andreamordini | E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room | 08:17 |
andreamordini | E: Error occurred while processing adduser (NewFileVer1) | 08:17 |
andreamordini | E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status | 08:17 |
andreamordini | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 08:17 |
andreamordini | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 08:17 |
wolferine | flooding the channel? | 08:17 |
=== pCarsten__ [n=carsten@cpe.atm2-0-1041036.0x50c74d26.kjnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | rohan: u mean i ll ask dad?? | 08:17 |
andreamordini | someone can helo me? | 08:17 |
DaSkreech | !paste | andreamordini | 08:17 |
ubotu | andreamordini: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:17 |
rohan | ashu18: hey wait | 08:18 |
=== wolferine helos andreamordini | ||
andreamordini | hello, sorry for my flow | 08:18 |
=== pb_ [n=pb@ip68-101-196-217.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pb_ | Kprofthreat | 08:19 |
rohan | ashu18: download this - http://cd-rom.free-driver-download.com/24561/Samsung-TS-H292A-CD-RW-Firmware-TS02.html | 08:19 |
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ashu18 | will it open in ubuntu? | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | andreamordini: something seems wrong with your /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:19 |
rohan | ashu18: no, just download the .bin | 08:20 |
rohan | got it ? | 08:20 |
ashu18 | rohan: yeah...now what? | 08:20 |
andreamordini | yea, but what? I modified nothing since last time | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | andreamordini: open adept -> adept menu -> manage repos -> third party repos -> make sure it's empty -> click save | 08:20 |
rohan | ashu18: download http://www.samsungodd.com/KorLib/File/sfdnwin.exe | 08:20 |
=== raul [n=mctux02@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rohan | ashu18: downloaded ? | 08:21 |
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andreamordini | I can't open adept. an error is reported | 08:21 |
rohan | ashu18: now save both the file in windows partition .. | 08:21 |
=== Kprofthrea1 [n=kpr@adsl-68-126-253-70.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | rohan: wait it's noon and download's super slow | 08:21 |
pb_ | Kprofthreat, system got hosed, restarted in CLI, ran commands, back to normal | 08:21 |
xsacha | andreamordini: wat error? | 08:21 |
ashu18 | rohan: i don't have windows | 08:22 |
Kprofthrea1 | Good | 08:22 |
rohan | ashu18: damn ! | 08:22 |
pb_ | Thanks for giving me that extra bit at the end | 08:22 |
rohan | how will you update your firmware, then | 08:22 |
Kprofthrea1 | Join #pb | 08:22 |
rohan | ashu18: it was not installed with your pc ? | 08:22 |
pb_ | rgr | 08:22 |
ashu18 | yeah it was...but i dumped it 20 dayz ago thiking ubuntu is much better | 08:23 |
ashu18 | and my worries have started since | 08:23 |
andreamordini | it says "could not open cache" | 08:23 |
andreamordini | and | 08:23 |
rohan | ashu18: it is much much better .. but damned manufacturers don't provide firmware update utilities for linux ! | 08:23 |
xsacha | andreamordini: you wouldnt happen to be using gutsy gibbon would you? | 08:23 |
ashu18 | rohan: my sis and mom are furious too | 08:23 |
DaSkreech | !easysource | andreamordini | 08:23 |
ubotu | andreamordini: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 08:23 |
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ashu18 | rohan: DaSkreech: is there ANY way i can do it here? | 08:24 |
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andreamordini | I will try to create a new source.list | 08:24 |
andreamordini | thanks! | 08:24 |
xsacha | andreamordini: gutsy gibbon? 7.10? | 08:24 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: what about? | 08:25 |
andreamordini | 7.04 | 08:25 |
xsacha | ok | 08:25 |
rohan | ashu18: no, because it's samsungs fault | 08:25 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: rohan found some firware updates but i don't hav windows to get it to work!!!!!!!!!!!! | 08:25 |
=== Kprofthrea1 is now known as Kprofthreat | ||
DaSkreech | rohan: would wine work? | 08:25 |
wolferine | nite | 08:25 |
DaSkreech | course wine is huge | 08:25 |
DaSkreech | nite | 08:26 |
rohan | DaSkreech: i don't think so | 08:27 |
rohan | not for firmware | 08:27 |
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DaSkreech | rohan: Can he pop the drive out and go next door? | 08:27 |
ashu18 | :( | 08:27 |
rohan | DaSkreech: he can | 08:28 |
rohan | ashu18: does anyone near you have 'doze | 08:28 |
ashu18 | rohan: what's 'doze? windows? | 08:28 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: do you have someone who lives near you with a computer? | 08:28 |
ldb__ | for some reason my route to any ubuntu.com server is broke (we just had a storm here) -- is there a list of mirrors i could use for apt-get ? | 08:28 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: of course there are loads of people and EVERYONE has got dear windows | 08:29 |
rohan | yes, ashu18 | 08:29 |
xsacha | try different country ubuntu mirrors ldb__ ? | 08:29 |
xsacha | like au.ubuntu.org and so on | 08:29 |
ldb__ | i cant connect to ubuntu.org either | 08:29 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: rohan: u mean 2 say i put the drive in their system and update it there? | 08:29 |
ldb__ | oh hmm, wait | 08:29 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: ok hope you have a phillips screwdrriver :) | 08:29 |
rohan | lol DaSkreech | 08:30 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: bingo | 08:30 |
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=== katja [n=katja@a83-245-204-253.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | hah i hav | 08:30 |
ashu18 | lol | 08:30 |
DaSkreech | rohan: WD does firmware updates as an ISO why can't everyone just do that ? | 08:30 |
rohan | DaSkreech: i wish .. that would eliminate dependance on OS ! | 08:30 |
ldb__ | nah, wont work -- i cant resolve any ubuntu.com or ubunto.org hostnames | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | rohan: Exactly! I think we should start a movement | 08:31 |
xsacha | ldb__: try this: http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ | 08:31 |
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ldb__ | that did work | 08:31 |
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xsacha | so just use country codes :) | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: course we need to figure out how to burn the firmware to a cd so you can carry it :) | 08:31 |
ldb__ | like i said, i did | 08:32 |
=== DaSkreech cues rohan and goes back to work :) | ||
ashu18 | can't i take it on a pen drive??? it does accept my pen drive | 08:32 |
ashu18 | also, it did accept the blank cd earlier today, didn't it? | 08:32 |
eagles0513875 | !html | 08:33 |
ubotu | html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com | 08:33 |
ashu18 | !windows | 08:33 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 08:33 |
ashu18 | LOL................hahahaha | 08:34 |
ashu18 | this ubotu is funny!!! | 08:34 |
rohan | ashu18: you writer will work _perfectly_ it will just cause timeouts every now and then | 08:34 |
rohan | ashu18: the only solution is to upgrade the firmware | 08:34 |
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ashu18 | u mean it will timeout even after upgrading? | 08:34 |
ashu18 | rohan: won't it be much better if i just replace my cd rom drive? | 08:36 |
andreamordini | now everything seems to be ok. thanks! | 08:37 |
rohan | ashu18: well, if you can afford it, go ahead | 08:37 |
rohan | ashu18: but then don't but a samsung | 08:37 |
willie | ashu18: how long have you been using (k)ubuntu? | 08:38 |
ashu18 | rohan: i am not mad u know.... | 08:38 |
ashu18 | willie: about a month...i had it alongside windows for a couple of days and then i knocked off windows | 08:38 |
willie | yeah -- thought so --- wanker -- your advice sucks | 08:39 |
ashu18 | willie: i hadn't noticed this terrible problem | 08:39 |
eagles0513875 | !ftp | 08:39 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 08:39 |
willie | until you know what you arer talking about -- shut the fuck up --- tosser | 08:39 |
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=== TheGateKeeper_ [n=chatzill@82-36-117-241.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Chani | o.0 | 08:40 |
rohan | ashu18: the problem was introduced in ubuntu feisty only, because it has libata enabled | 08:40 |
rohan | ashu18: and every new distro does.. | 08:40 |
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ashu18 | rohan: still it's so hard to believe how come linux gives us all for free!!! i mean u just can't believe it using windows! | 08:41 |
Chani | hehe | 08:42 |
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rohan | ashu18: yeah .. that's one of the biggest things .. free ! | 08:42 |
Chani | that's what happens when people work together: everyone gets more :) | 08:42 |
ashu18 | i still had everything free in windows...but of course the OS was a pirated one.... | 08:43 |
ashu18 | here, there's no piracy and all, u can use whatever u want | 08:43 |
DaSkreech | yeah that's bad | 08:43 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: what are the femmes in your family angry about? | 08:43 |
=== sakabatou__ [n=sakabato@sb-217-129-120-240.netvisao.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rohan | DaSkreech: here the femmes all want windows .. or something which is easy to use | 08:44 |
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rohan | DaSkreech: most of indian femmes are computer dumb .. the house-wifey ones | 08:44 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: they had never b4 heard of a thing called ubuntu...and they were very reluctant to get rid of dear old windows | 08:44 |
DaSkreech | rohan: not my femmes :0 | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | rohan: not my femmes :D | 08:45 |
rohan | good for ya | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: what did they do under windows? | 08:45 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: i somehow managed to convince them but now it mount cds, so they can't listen to songs or watch movies and..well u know................ | 08:45 |
rohan | ashu18: huh ... it should mount cd's automatically / | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | in fact if I can figure out how to get vulture's eye on one of their computers I'll be in pretty good stead | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: yeah. did you install the codecs to listen to those things? | 08:46 |
ashu18 | I mean it WONT mount cds..... | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | rohan: it doesn't | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | rohan: that's the first complaint | 08:46 |
ashu18 | i did...but the things are in CDs, how will i get to play them?? | 08:47 |
DaSkreech | Oh wait' it's audio cds | 08:47 |
DaSkreech | yeah they will play | 08:47 |
ashu18 | it's all types of cds | 08:47 |
rohan | DaSkreech: huh ! when i insert a cd, an icon is shown on the desktop, and a dialog pops up asking waht do i want to do .. | 08:48 |
DaSkreech | MP3 cds ? | 08:48 |
ashu18 | anyway, i am goading dad to change the cd-rw to a sony or whatever today | 08:48 |
=== Indice [n=Indice@spynet.sm.chereda.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rohan | play video, open in new window etc, DaSkreech | 08:48 |
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DaSkreech | rohan: not on his machine. go on ask him to put in a CD | 08:48 |
rohan | wow one more indian .. Administrator .. | 08:48 |
rohan | DaSkreech: that's strange | 08:48 |
=== Administrator is now known as micman | ||
micman | rohan is it ok | 08:49 |
ashu18 | rohan: u don't know yet? ubuntu doesn't mount ANY cd on my system | 08:49 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: You can just drop the bin to a USB drive and flash it on another computer | 08:49 |
ashu18 | automatically or manually | 08:49 |
rohan | ashu18: huh .. strange | 08:49 |
=== bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-82-78.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
micman | ashu18 dude do u remember #ubuntu-in | 08:49 |
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eagles0513875 | bbl | 08:50 |
micman | hello i m new to this world. i m micman | 08:50 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: well it will be lots of less hassle to get a new cd-rw | 08:50 |
ashu18 | micman: u were in #ubuntu-in? | 08:50 |
micman | no ksivaji da | 08:50 |
eagles0513875 | what otherchat clients r their besides gaim and the kde default one | 08:50 |
eagles0513875 | !chat | 08:51 |
ubotu | Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 08:51 |
DaSkreech | ashu18: :-) I don't think the CD is what is stopping the automount | 08:51 |
micman | no ksivaji da. he tol me about u. | 08:51 |
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=== thill2708 [n=thomas@cpe-66-91-209-104.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | micman: he told me | 08:51 |
eagles0513875 | btw this msg needs to be changed and gaim has been forced to eb renamed | 08:51 |
rohan | eagles0513875: do /msg ubotu <whatever> .. don't do it in the channel ! | 08:51 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: so what's stopping?? | 08:51 |
DaSkreech | !im | 08:51 |
thill2708 | how do I listen to shoutcast stations in amarok? | 08:51 |
ubotu | Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 08:51 |
micman | and about the problem with u r system and how u lost u r family photos | 08:51 |
ashu18 | micman:well i did.... | 08:52 |
ashu18 | micman: it's not solved yet | 08:52 |
=== grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | !automount | 08:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:52 |
micman | bettter u switch to linux | 08:52 |
micman | bettter u switch to windows | 08:52 |
ashu18 | micman: i AM in linux | 08:52 |
ashu18 | micman: well i don't see what's good in windows...ubuntu will be treat but for this problem........ | 08:53 |
thill2708 | anyone? | 08:54 |
Kprofthreat | !amarok | pb_ | 08:54 |
ubotu | pb_: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 08:54 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: rohan told the problem is due to the Saamsung drive... | 08:54 |
ashu18 | rohan: DaSkreech says getting anew cd-rw drive won't solve the problem | 08:54 |
se7en | thill2708: UNDRER PLAYLISTS > RADIO STREAMS | 08:55 |
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=== |Dylan| [n=dylan@c-67-169-228-190.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ashu18 | DaSkreech: did u find any errors in my system? | 08:56 |
thill2708 | se7en: no suitable pluging | 08:56 |
thill2708 | plugin | 08:56 |
thill2708 | tried that already | 08:56 |
=== Northernl [n=Northern@rdbck-6686.palmer.mtaonline.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
thill2708 | se7en: actually, that's what it said when I clicked on the link and amarok opened | 08:56 |
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ashu18 | DaSkreech: rohan: u there? | 08:57 |
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=== mcchanger [i=mcchange@gateway/tor/x-ef7ef508112f72f5] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mcchanger | why don't i find w32codecs in feisty? | 08:58 |
rohan | yes, ashu18 | 08:58 |
DaSkreech | thill2708: under playalists | 08:58 |
rohan | mcchanger: it's not in the repos .. | 08:58 |
noiesmo | !w32codecs | mcchanger | 08:58 |
ubotu | mcchanger: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 08:58 |
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thill2708 | DaSkreech: yes, then add media stream. Thing is... I get a plugin error... | 08:58 |
rohan | noiesmo: ouch ! | 08:58 |
rohan | that factoid is outdated | 08:59 |
DaSkreech | thill2708: just click it again | 08:59 |
DaSkreech | thill2708: no idea why it does that | 08:59 |
rohan | mcchanger: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 08:59 |
thill2708 | just click it again... you're serius | 08:59 |
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rohan | it has an article on w32codecs | 08:59 |
noiesmo | rohan, hey i didnt set it i suppose it should be medubuntu | 08:59 |
thill2708 | serious* | 08:59 |
mcchanger | rohan: thank you | 08:59 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: rohan: i ll try to update the firmware and see what happens.....see u both later.... | 08:59 |
rohan | yes, noiesmo | 08:59 |
mcchanger | rohan: is there a seveas repo for feisty? | 08:59 |
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mcchanger | !codecs | 09:00 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:00 |
noiesmo | http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/index.php | 09:01 |
mcchanger | the medibuntu repo is not working, any idea why? | 09:01 |
|Dylan| | mcchanger: id bet its a temporary outage for some random reason, dont know though. | 09:02 |
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thill2708 | sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs did the trick | 09:03 |
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DaSkreech | thill2708: sorry assumed you had that already :) | 09:04 |
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thill2708 | DaSkreech: hah, makes two of us | 09:05 |
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thill2708 | when I install I usually set that all up | 09:05 |
cbpye | has anyone else experienced instability with Kubuntu 7.04 amd64? I mean really random and horrid instability? | 09:05 |
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DaSkreech | night all | 09:07 |
cbpye | I'll take that as a large collective "No, my X server hasn't been randomly restarting itself for no apparent reason." | 09:07 |
=== Chani doesn't even have an amd64 | ||
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AscendedDaniel | cbpye: I had X restarting itself a while back | 09:08 |
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AscendedDaniel | I thought it was due to using dual monitors | 09:09 |
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AscendedDaniel | hello cbpye | 09:17 |
micman | hi | 09:17 |
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kain1234 | i need some help mounting an external hd and an sd card reader | 09:17 |
kain1234 | and gaining access to /mnt | 09:17 |
kain1234 | i've been dealing with this for like a week | 09:17 |
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micman | !mount | kain1234 | 09:17 |
ubotu | kain1234: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 09:17 |
kain1234 | !DiskMounter | 09:18 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 09:18 |
kain1234 | !fuse | 09:18 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 09:18 |
rohan | why is kubuntu's musicbrainz crippled ? can't i look up tag info of mp3 files ? | 09:18 |
kain1234 | !GParted | 09:18 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 09:18 |
kain1234 | !QTParted | 09:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:19 |
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micman | !botabuse | kain1234 | 09:19 |
ubotu | kain1234: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 09:19 |
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Biohazard | Hi, my Amarok doesn't start anymore. Yesterday it worked fine, now it doesn't start. When I run it in a terminal, this is the output: http://rafb.net/p/ARBNPX10.html | 09:21 |
kain1234 | ok none of that helps | 09:21 |
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kain1234 | how do i get access to mnt | 09:21 |
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Admiral_Chicago | this ipod is mounted as read only, i need to change this, any ideas? | 09:22 |
mat1980 | kain1234: isn't your hd auto-mounted? | 09:23 |
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roho | does konqueror keep cache/history info in places other that ~/.kde/cache-hostname ? | 09:25 |
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|Dylan| | Biohazard: have you checked whether the amarok process itself is running? | 09:26 |
[Al] chemist_ex | my kde panel got all messed up and now it doesn't show at all. where can I adjust the settings from if I can access the panel? It is not in "system settings" please help. | 09:27 |
mat1980 | roho: Did you try to see in some subdirectory of ~/.kde/app/ ? | 09:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | !permission | 09:27 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 09:27 |
roho | mat1980: not yet. thanks | 09:27 |
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Biohazard | |Dylan|, it is running. The blue image doesn't disappear until I use pkill amarok | 09:27 |
Biohazard | Or what do you mean? | 09:28 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: can you kill it and verify that its dead and gone? | 09:28 |
mat1980 | [Al] chemist_ex: try to lunch the program kcontrol | 09:28 |
mat1980 | Al] chemist_ex: ehm... sorry for my terrible english... | 09:28 |
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[Al] chemist_ex | ok I got to that. Let me look around thank you. | 09:29 |
Biohazard | |Dylan|, I am new to linux, if I kill it, it isn't guaranteed that it is gone? | 09:29 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: if you cant see its process after killing it, then yes, its gone--but killing can fail for a number of reasons | 09:29 |
[Al] chemist_ex | mat1980, thank you. this is my second kde install to have this porblem. they should really fix it :p | 09:29 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: try ps -A | grep -i amarok | 09:30 |
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|Dylan| | Biohazard: or actually pgrep amarok (sorry bout the long line b4) | 09:30 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: tell me if pgrep returns a number or nothing | 09:30 |
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Biohazard | |Dylan|, no it returns nothing. If Amarok is running it retunrs two lines. | 09:31 |
mat1980 | [Al] chemist_ex: I've never messed up kde panel. What did you do? have you resolved? | 09:31 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: hm, im not sure then. im just a regular user, no guru by any means. | 09:31 |
[Al] chemist_ex | mat1980, I will tell it to hide automatically. Then it will dissapear and not come back till I restart. Sometimes, now for example, it never comes back. | 09:32 |
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|Dylan| | Biohazard: possibly theres a problem with the arts server or such | 09:32 |
Biohazard | |Dylan|, ok thanks so far. Could it be a result by an software update? | 09:33 |
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|Dylan| | Biohazard: i highly doubt it, it sounds like something to do with your configuration. | 09:33 |
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|Dylan| | Biohazard: i think kde can reset the sound server, not sure though. let me check for a way to restart the server. | 09:33 |
Biohazard | I didn't change anything since yesterday except this update today. | 09:34 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: did it crash once and then stop working, or just stop working out of the blue? | 09:34 |
Biohazard | It just stops working out of the blue | 09:35 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: i assume your sound is working otherwise? | 09:35 |
mat1980 | [Al] chemist_ex: uhm... never happened. But usually I don't set auto-hide. Don't know what could cause that problem. | 09:36 |
[Al] chemist_ex | oh well, i know how to fix it. | 09:36 |
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Biohazard | |Dylan|, oh. It's amazing. I cannot play any musik nor video file. | 09:37 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: amazing? i dont follow. | 09:38 |
noiesmo | The update you did must have muted the sound Biohazard sometimes that happens very annoying | 09:38 |
Biohazard | Because it should work^^ I don't understand why now all musik programs hang up. | 09:39 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: ah, didnt mention that before. :) probably update related then, of course | 09:39 |
Biohazard | noiesmo, the sound isn't muted. | 09:39 |
noiesmo | Biohazard, ok | 09:39 |
Biohazard | yes I saw it when you gave the the advice to check whether my sound is working without Amarok. | 09:40 |
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|Dylan| | Biohazard: this is way out of my scope of knowledge at this point, unfortunately. i bet you could find someone more knowledgeable at a different time of day | 09:41 |
flake | I've removed a bunch of stuff on my drive, but it's still showing 1.2Gb available, 99% when I do a df -hT .. and i just deleted a 1.2Gb folder | 09:42 |
Biohazard | okay thank you so far |Dylan| | 09:42 |
|Dylan| | Biohazard: np, gl.... hope you solve the prob soon, sucks to be soundless :-/ | 09:42 |
Biohazard | indeed | 09:43 |
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mat1980 | flake: maybe you just moved that stuff to trash | 09:44 |
flake | no, trash is empty | 09:44 |
[Al] chemist_ex | flake I have experienced this incosistancy before. I never solved and gave up. | 09:44 |
flake | is there another tool i can use to look at partitions/disk space | 09:46 |
mat1980 | flake: there should be a program that can show you graphically where the space is used. Wait a moment, I do a search | 09:46 |
[Al] chemist_ex | qtparted or gparted I beleive will tell you size and how much is used. | 09:46 |
flake | thanks, installing now | 09:47 |
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flake | ahh.. 3 more gigs, thanks | 09:48 |
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|Dylan| | g'nite all | 09:48 |
mat1980 | flake: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filelight | 09:50 |
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flake | cool | 09:53 |
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lordofthepigs | Hello! I was fiddling with my appearance settings. I chose an icon set and applied it, the changed back to the crystal set. | 09:56 |
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lordofthepigs | Now my konqueror file manager icons are 64px in the detailed list view, and I can't find out how to bring them back down to 16px | 09:57 |
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lordofthepigs | Does anyone know how I can fix that? | 09:57 |
flake | Settings / Appearance & themes ? | 09:58 |
flake | -> icons | 09:58 |
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flake | switch to advanced tab for size | 09:58 |
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LasseP | datatyp | 09:59 |
lordofthepigs | (oops, little error) | 09:59 |
lordofthepigs | Did anyone say anything while I screwed up? | 09:59 |
flake | settings / appearance & themes / icons, switch to advanced tab to change size ? | 09:59 |
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lordofthepigs | I tried. | 10:00 |
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lordofthepigs | it had no effect | 10:01 |
shirasE_ | Hey. | 10:01 |
lordofthepigs | Well actually it had an effect, it made my desktop icons tiny | 10:01 |
lordofthepigs | but it didn't affect my "Detailed list" icon size in konqueror | 10:02 |
flake | did you select the use of icon from list on left hand side? | 10:02 |
flake | maybe make it 'all icons' | 10:02 |
flake | instead of leaving it at desktop icons | 10:02 |
lordofthepigs | All icons has the size controls disables | 10:03 |
lordofthepigs | disabled | 10:03 |
flake | according to filelight, my root takes up 121Gb - I have a ton of crap :/ | 10:03 |
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flake | have you gone through each icon use and check its size | 10:04 |
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lordofthepigs | yeah, and they all seem fine | 10:05 |
flake | otay.. I do have a bunch of stuff in my .Trash folder, it shows as empty on my gui ~: | 10:05 |
shirasE_ | Hey I'm new and just installed Ubuntu 7.04. | 10:06 |
lordofthepigs | Oh, and since I'm at it, how can I get an application to start automatically when KDE start up | 10:06 |
shirasE_ | First time using Linux and I found code to make it identify my NTFS format. | 10:06 |
shirasE_ | And I was wondering if there is anyway to execute this code automatically? | 10:06 |
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crazy_bus | Is there anyway to get akregator to use another download manager other than kget or the konqueror one? | 10:07 |
flake | lord - did you log off/on | 10:08 |
lordofthepigs | yeah, didn't change anything | 10:08 |
mat1980 | llordofthepigs: just logout with that application still working. kde will remember the session and start it at start up. | 10:08 |
lordofthepigs | mat1980: Hmm... I'm talking about stuff that runs in the background, Vidalia/TOR and Skype, specifically | 10:09 |
flake | shirasE_ - I think you put the code into /etc/fstab file | 10:09 |
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flake | is it a mount command | 10:09 |
shirasE_ | flake: Ok thanks I'll let you know how I go | 10:09 |
shirasE_ | flake: Yes it is a mount command. | 10:09 |
flake | k | 10:10 |
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shirasE_ | flake: How do I add it into the file. | 10:12 |
shirasE_ | flake: This is the code I currently have. | 10:12 |
shirasE_ | sudo mkdir /media/windows | 10:12 |
shirasE_ | sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 | 10:12 |
flake | sudo gedt /etc/fstab | 10:12 |
shirasE_ | flake: Sorry just the second line of code, the first one only needs to be done once. | 10:13 |
flake | oops sudo gedit | 10:13 |
shirasE_ | Yeah I can open it but, I'm not sure what exactly to add. | 10:13 |
flake | mount /dev/hda1 ..... | 10:13 |
flake | don't need sudo | 10:13 |
shirasE_ | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_manually.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read_only | 10:13 |
shirasE_ | ^_^ | 10:14 |
shirasE_ | But the format inside the fstab file. | 10:14 |
acemo | is there any svn support or a plugin for this in kate? | 10:14 |
shirasE_ | Is different. | 10:14 |
flake | wow.. my .Trash was full but icon on panel was not reporting correctly .. grrr now df -hT reports 79% free and 15G available | 10:14 |
flake | or deleting | 10:14 |
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flake | shirasE_ do a pastebin please | 10:15 |
acemo | can someone reccomand me an text editor with highlights and svn support? | 10:16 |
shirasE_ | flake: What is a pastebin? you just want me to paste? | 10:16 |
flake | nevermind, look at that website, it tells you how to add it | 10:17 |
flake | gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:17 |
mat1980 | lordofthepigs: uhm... I remember that there should be a way to configure the session. Start kcontrol and look there. I have not installed kde on the pc I'm working now. | 10:17 |
flake | put that line, /dev/hda1 /media/windows/.... at the end | 10:17 |
flake | what do you mean the by the format looks different, is it a binary file | 10:18 |
flake | or a text file | 10:18 |
shirasE_ | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | # | 10:19 |
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shirasE_ | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | # /dev/sdb1 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | UUID=58cfa6e8-4df3-415e-b298-38aacc029624 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | # /dev/sdb5 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | UUID=519fa1f0-5e72-4d06-b02d-7fca57eaa4e8 none swap sw 0 0 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 10:19 |
shirasE_ | /dev/sda1 /media/windows/ | 10:19 |
flake | lordofthepings - you try using the theme manager to change the icons - can you uninstall/reinstall the theme? | 10:19 |
flake | at end, put that line /dev/hda1 ...... | 10:20 |
shirasE_ | I added it already. | 10:20 |
^V^ | !pastebin | 10:20 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:20 |
shirasE_ | My drive is sda1. | 10:20 |
flake | ok | 10:20 |
shirasE_ | ^V^: Sorry, and thanks. | 10:21 |
shirasE_ | flake: I'll restart in a second and let you know if it works, thanks for your time. | 10:21 |
flake | crossin fingers, maybe i'm good for somethin | 10:21 |
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^V^ | shirasE_: try sudo mount -a | 10:23 |
^V^ | I dont think there was a need to reboot... | 10:24 |
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bjwebb | how do i find out ig xgl is running? | 10:26 |
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lordofthepigs | flake: I switched icon sets several times, for some reason, changing to KDE-lowcolor made my icon 32px wide | 10:27 |
lordofthepigs | so it's better than before, but still no cake | 10:27 |
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Dusk_ | i have usb adsl modem..i'm gonna install kubuntu few minutes later..will this be a problem? | 10:27 |
lordofthepigs | I can't uninstall any of the icon themes, the button is greyed out for all of them | 10:27 |
flake | try changing to different theme and resizing, or the one you were trying out and sizing it back smaller? | 10:28 |
bjwebb | and ive lost my virtual teminals somehow | 10:28 |
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flake | prob some setting is stepping on another, don't know if it's at a higher level like theme manager/icon manager or at a lower level like in some config file | 10:29 |
lordofthepigs | Well, the only thing that is wrong is konqueror | 10:30 |
lordofthepigs | the rest looks fine | 10:31 |
lordofthepigs | and left panel in konqueror is actually fine too, only the left part has too big icons | 10:31 |
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flake | hold control key down and move middle mouse button to zoom in/out ? | 10:31 |
lordi | hi guys | 10:31 |
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lordi | Im running ku on a virtual machine cause on my new sys it doesn't boot, what can i do? | 10:32 |
lordofthepigs | flake: Duuuuh... | 10:32 |
flake | woohoo, i fixed something | 10:32 |
lordofthepigs | I finally found the icon size setting in konqueror | 10:32 |
flake | doh | 10:32 |
^V^ | lordi: ku? | 10:33 |
lordofthepigs | it wasn't the zoom though | 10:33 |
flake | ok glad you found it | 10:33 |
lordofthepigs | yeah, me too :) | 10:33 |
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lordofthepigs | thanks for the help! | 10:33 |
lordi | kubuntu | 10:34 |
^V^ | it installed okay? | 10:35 |
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^V^ | as in, have you tried to install it on natively? | 10:35 |
lordi | no it doesnt even boot the live cd complete | 10:35 |
lordi | i think its a driver problem | 10:35 |
^V^ | maybe not | 10:35 |
lordi | cause its a new system | 10:35 |
micman | hello friends i m new to this kubuntu world | 10:35 |
flake | yw, g2g | 10:36 |
lordi | ok then what else can i do? | 10:36 |
micman | only today i got an internet connection | 10:36 |
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micman | can u help me out with my silly doubts in linux | 10:36 |
^V^ | try adding: "noacpi acpi=off noapic nolapic" to the end of the boot string | 10:36 |
bjwebb_ | i can't get xgl to work :( | 10:36 |
^V^ | no quotes | 10:36 |
lordi | hmm k will try thx | 10:37 |
bjwebb_ | and im missing my virtual terminals for some reason | 10:37 |
bjwebb_ | how can i get them back? | 10:37 |
micman | i dont have doubts for now , but rememeber my name OK | 10:37 |
^V^ | lordi: what motherboard btw? | 10:37 |
micman | is SuperKiddo there? | 10:37 |
lordi | abit fp-in9 sli nforce 650i | 10:37 |
micman | hello guys ,isn't anyone interested in chatting with me | 10:38 |
bjwebb_ | how can i restore the virtual terminals if they no longer appear | 10:38 |
micman | wait! see i m not a tech geek; but i m interested in such stuffs | 10:39 |
^V^ | micman: ask the questions and if anyone knows they will try to help | 10:39 |
micman | well thank u!! | 10:39 |
micman | i would like to know if anyone one in here is a well experienced in knowledge related to IT | 10:40 |
bjwebb_ | hello? | 10:40 |
micman | did u get my question? | 10:41 |
lordofthepigs | micman: Do you have anything more specific? | 10:41 |
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micman | i mean i would like to know if there some experienced person (in IT) who could guide me in my engineering studies | 10:42 |
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micman | is any one still in there? | 10:43 |
^V^ | micman: have you got any specific kubuntu questions? | 10:43 |
micman | i m sorry. i don't have any Kubuntu ques for now. i shall login later. THX . | 10:44 |
bjwebb_ | hello? | 10:44 |
Lynoure | bjwebb_: What do you want to ask? | 10:45 |
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bjwebb_ | firstly, how can i get my virtual terminals back | 10:46 |
bjwebb_ | eg ctrl+alt+f1 | 10:46 |
bjwebb_ | they don't ssem to be there anymore :( | 10:46 |
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eagles0513875 | if i downloaded and compiled the pidgin (gaim replacement) source code will it break | 10:47 |
eagles0513875 | my installation | 10:47 |
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^V^ | it shouldn't break anything | 10:48 |
bjwebb_ | anyone know how to get the virtual terminals back if they aren't there anymore? | 10:48 |
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brian__ | anyone who can answer a quick question please pm me, Im trying to get something in my x11 startup (run something on login) | 10:51 |
^V^ | brian__: post your question to the channel please | 10:52 |
brian__ | sure, didnt want to create noise with something so small :) | 10:52 |
brian__ | I want to open a konsole everytime I log in, in a certain position on the screen with a certain size | 10:52 |
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brian__ | anyone have any ideas? | 10:55 |
brian__ | the certain size and position thing can be omitted for now | 10:55 |
brian__ | I can try to figure that out later, but the autostartup would be nice | 10:56 |
^V^ | ~/.kde/Autostart/ | 10:56 |
brian__ | its empty, what do I put in there? an ln to konsole? | 10:57 |
^V^ | a shell script | 10:57 |
brian__ | oh it will run any script in there? | 10:57 |
^V^ | don't forget to set +x on it so it actually gets executed | 10:57 |
brian__ | nice, thanks :) | 10:57 |
^V^ | doesn't a konsole stay up between log-ons if you don't close it? | 10:58 |
se7en | yes it will stay open if just don't close it on a restart | 10:59 |
brian__ | yeah but I want to always have one even if I close it | 10:59 |
^V^ | I keep mine open all the time | 10:59 |
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brian__ | thanks though :) | 10:59 |
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bjwebb | can someone help? | 11:09 |
bjwebb | im missing /ect/inittab | 11:09 |
bjwebb | and i can't start virtual terminals | 11:09 |
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lupul | hy there! does anybody know which linux has the lowest system requirements? | 11:13 |
pag | lupul, just a guess: DSL or Puppy linux? | 11:19 |
lupul | ok | 11:19 |
lupul | i was thinking about xubuntu | 11:19 |
lupul | i assume they're both on kde? | 11:20 |
lupul | puppy and dsl | 11:20 |
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mat1980 | lupul: none of them | 11:20 |
lupul | actually i know dsl. the very damn small one | 11:20 |
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xlinux | im gonna try this one again, although Ive had no success in the past.. Amarok crashes offline when trying to play a song, kaffeine wont play videos offline | 11:25 |
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eagles0513875 | how do i add a program that i have installed from soure to the menu list | 11:26 |
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xlinux | find out what the terminal command is to launch the program and create a launcher | 11:27 |
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mat1980 | eagles0513875: start kmenuedit and make a new entry | 11:27 |
eagles0513875 | ok what would the workpath be to it | 11:28 |
mat1980 | eagles0513875: don't know. but usually you only need to fill the command line. | 11:29 |
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eagles0513875 | ok cuz i just installed pidgin and i would like to add that | 11:29 |
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mat1980 | eagles0513875: I assume that if you give the command pidgin in a terminal the application start. Well, than just add a new entry with pidgin as command. | 11:31 |
eagles0513875 | ok | 11:31 |
eagles0513875 | done and it works | 11:33 |
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Kprofthreat | Well...I got America's Army workin on Wine...but PB kicks me from games | 11:37 |
Kprofthreat | Oh well | 11:37 |
Kprofthreat | =/ | 11:37 |
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DexterF | !wpa | 11:45 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:45 |
Kprofthreat | Meh, the dream is over. =[ | 11:45 |
DexterF | can I connect to WPA from the 7.04 live dvd? I noticed wpa_supplicant is installed but I wouldn't know what to do | 11:47 |
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thill2708 | are there any plans to implement kickoff in gutsy? | 11:49 |
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wes | hey somebody can help me? =/ my gnome's screen stay 'blinking' when i turn it on and didnt sign in.. | 11:52 |
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DexterF | your "gnome's screen"? what's that supposed to mean? | 11:53 |
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DexterF | guys I'm looking at the bot's link to wpa - this sucks hard. is there no easy way yet? at least a *little* easier? | 11:56 |
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Dusk_ | i can't install my usb adsl modem on kubuntu..where can i get help?? | 11:59 |
Dusk_ | asus aam6000ug white usb modem | 11:59 |
Dusk_ | i can't get any link cause kubuntu can't recognize it | 11:59 |
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mat1980 | Dusk_: usb adsl modems are quite hard to configure under Linux. We lack drivers. | 12:01 |
Dusk_ | can't ueagle fix this problem? | 12:02 |
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mat1980 | Dusk_: ueagle? what is it? | 12:03 |
Dusk_ | eagle usb project | 12:03 |
Dusk_ | https://gna.org/projects/ueagleatm/ | 12:03 |
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mat1980 | Dusk_: didn't know that. | 12:05 |
Dusk_ | mat1980 is there br2684ctl -c 0 -b -a 8.35 package on kubuntu? | 12:06 |
Dusk_ | mat1980 sorry! the package name is br268ctl only | 12:07 |
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mat1980 | Dusk_: yes, there is. | 12:10 |
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Dusk_ | also when i try to turn off or restart kubuntu it says Out of Sync on my monitor..what is it about? | 12:11 |
Dusk_ | A black screen | 12:11 |
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sabgenton | is there a back forward with the mouse in konqueror? | 12:12 |
sabgenton | fire fox has it don't it?? | 12:12 |
mat1980 | Dusk_: you'r X server is configured to work with a too high refresh rate | 12:13 |
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Olgem | Kwalletmanager fails to start, some xserver error :/ | 12:14 |
Dusk_ | mat1980: how can i fix it?? | 12:15 |
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mat1980 | Dusk_: on a console give the command sudo k | 12:17 |
Dusk_ | ok thanks mat1980 | 12:17 |
mat1980 | Dusk_: sorry.. on a console give the command sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg and configure properly the video settings | 12:17 |
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lupul | can anyone tell me how to install dsl on usb drive? | 12:18 |
lupul | or puppylinux | 12:18 |
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lupul | or how to make a bootable usb disk with kubuntu feisty | 12:18 |
Olgem | well | 12:18 |
Olgem | join #dsl | 12:18 |
Olgem | its dedicated to dsl | 12:19 |
bjwebb | ive been messing around with some of my grpahic card settings and now beryl won't start | 12:20 |
bjwebb | http://paste2.org/p/3979 | 12:20 |
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Ace2016 | Hi all | 12:22 |
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Dusk_ | lupul: try this http://atm.eagle-usb.org/wakka.php?wiki=PagePrincipaleEn | 12:23 |
lupul | thanks | 12:23 |
Ace2016 | oh i used to have an eagle modem, it drove me nuts!!!!! then i got a router :D | 12:23 |
bjwebb | ive got an adol modem :( | 12:24 |
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Dusk_ | i'm slowly driving nuts too | 12:24 |
Dusk_ | i use pardus linux distro also | 12:25 |
Dusk_ | and it installs usb modems easily | 12:25 |
Dusk_ | you should try it | 12:25 |
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lupul | pardus? | 12:26 |
lupul | weird name | 12:26 |
lupul | ok i'll try | 12:26 |
lupul | thanks | 12:26 |
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Dusk_ | http://www.pardus.org.tr | 12:27 |
Ace2016 | its in another language any english version? | 12:27 |
Dusk_ | sorry | 12:27 |
Dusk_ | http://www.pardus.org.tr/eng/index.html | 12:27 |
Dusk_ | this is the eng site | 12:27 |
Dusk_ | with 3 commands i easily use my usb modem | 12:28 |
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Dusk_ | adsl-setup | 12:29 |
Dusk_ | br268ctl | 12:29 |
Dusk_ | adsl-start | 12:29 |
Dusk_ | this is it | 12:29 |
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luca_b | Hello. I've got one question for the shell experts out there: I have several text files with one record per item, and I need to make a big file which contains all records from all files (one per line). What do you suggest to do? | 12:33 |
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ksivaji | Jucato hi | 12:36 |
Jucato | hi ksivaji | 12:36 |
ksivaji | Jucato i want my nick to be ksivaji when i log in | 12:37 |
ksivaji | my current nick is sivaji every time i change it to ksivai | 12:37 |
Jucato | ksivaji: you're using Konversation right? go to Settings -> Identities or press F8 | 12:38 |
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ksivaji | yes Jucato can u get me | 12:38 |
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ksivaji | Jucato ya i got it | 12:38 |
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ardchoille | luca_b: You could do a for loop | 12:40 |
luca_b | ardchoille: thanks, I managed using a Python module and a for loop | 12:41 |
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ardchoille | luca_b: A python module? Wasn't needed, all you needed was a for loo in bash: for i in *; do echo $i >> /path/file; done | 12:51 |
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bjwebb | hi | 12:53 |
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bjwebb | my keyboard's function keys aren't working | 12:53 |
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bjwebb | okay my function keys won't work when beryl is started | 12:57 |
bjwebb | and i can't switch to a virtual teminal either | 12:57 |
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Dusk_ | how can i find pppoe deb package for kubuntu? | 12:58 |
fritsch | Dusk_: apt-cache search ppoe | 12:59 |
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Dusk_ | i'm not on kubuntu now cause i couldn'e install modem driver | 12:59 |
Dusk_ | i want to find the deb package and install it manually | 12:59 |
fritsch | Dusk_: packages.ubuntu.com | 01:00 |
fritsch | search for pppoe | 01:00 |
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bjwebb | i can't access my virtual terminals :( | 01:01 |
Dusk_ | fritsch ok thanks | 01:01 |
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Dusk_ | fritsch: whick one i will download?? | 01:02 |
Dusk_ | fritsch: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/net/pppoe | 01:02 |
Dusk_ | fritsch: oh ok i found..thanks | 01:03 |
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Dusk_ | fritsch: do i need to install it on konsole or just double clicking will make it install with dependencies?? | 01:05 |
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fritsch | Dusk_: normally pppoeconf is installed by default | 01:06 |
fritsch | Dusk_: have your tried running it? | 01:06 |
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Dusk_ | i used to use other distros so i don't know some of kubuntu commands | 01:06 |
Dusk_ | pppoe is also installed by default?? | 01:07 |
Dusk_ | or ppp? | 01:07 |
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fritsch | ppp pppoeconfig | 01:09 |
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Dusk_ | fritsch: ok thanks...i'm fed up with trying to install my usb modem on kubuntu :( | 01:10 |
bjwebb | eciadsl? | 01:10 |
fritsch | Dusk_: you have a normal DSL modem? or a dialin one? | 01:10 |
Dusk_ | normal DSL modem | 01:11 |
Dusk_ | asus aam6000ug(white) adsl modem | 01:11 |
fritsch | Dusk_: are the kernel modules loaded correctly? | 01:12 |
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Dusk_ | must be | 01:12 |
Dusk_ | i found the eagle-usb atm firmwares | 01:12 |
fritsch | Dusk_: mmh | 01:13 |
fritsch | Dusk_: okay try with pppoeconf | 01:13 |
Dusk_ | what do i need to do to install them correctly | 01:13 |
fritsch | normally the kernel should bring everything ... | 01:13 |
Dusk_ | or how can i know they where loaded correctly_ | 01:13 |
fritsch | Dusk_: http://linux-usb.sourceforge.net/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html | 01:14 |
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fritsch | Dusk_: mmh all modules are already included in the ubuntu kernel | 01:15 |
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fritsch | Dusk_: have a look, if speedtch is loaded | 01:15 |
Dusk_ | fritsch: ok..let me have a look | 01:15 |
jorik808 | a completely passwordless system, is that possible ? (regardless of the badness of the idea) | 01:15 |
Dusk_ | thanks, | 01:15 |
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sivaji_ | kumamoto you are from india right | 01:24 |
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ksivaji | if i install a package usign adept where it will be stored | 01:25 |
ksivaji | i mean dir | 01:25 |
ubunturos | ksivaji: do you mean the executable? | 01:26 |
ksivaji | yes | 01:27 |
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ubunturos | ksivaji: it is usually in /usr/bin | 01:28 |
ksivaji | ubunturos ok | 01:29 |
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ubunturos | ksivaji: [OT] Rajnikant fan? | 01:29 |
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ksivaji | ubunturos ya but this is my actual name sivaji | 01:31 |
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ksivaji | ubunturos u r from india | 01:31 |
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ubunturos | ksivaji: yes, :) | 01:31 |
ksivaji | where exactly | 01:31 |
eguzkia | hello i need help to install 3d driver on my nvidia GeForce 420Go | 01:31 |
eguzkia | i have installed nvidia-glx | 01:31 |
eguzkia | but doesen't work | 01:31 |
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_4strO | yop yop | 01:32 |
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noiesmo | eguzkia, have you tried the nvidia-glx-new | 01:35 |
ksivaji | ubunturos : | 01:36 |
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eguzkia | noiesmo:no where i can find this package | 01:36 |
noiesmo | eguzkia, its in restricted repo | 01:37 |
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eguzkia | noiesmo:i don't have this package in synaptic | 01:37 |
eguzkia | noiesmo: may be a new repository | 01:37 |
noiesmo | eguzkia, you need to edit the sources or repositories in synaptic then update | 01:38 |
eguzkia | noiesmo: can you write me the repository | 01:38 |
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noiesmo | eguzkia, deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main restricted | 01:39 |
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noiesmo | eguzkia, you add "restriced" to your repositories well the ones under ubuntu supported packages | 01:40 |
eguzkia | noiesmo: i red feisty but i have edgy | 01:40 |
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noiesmo | eguzkia, just replace feisty with edgy | 01:41 |
eguzkia | ok | 01:41 |
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noiesmo | eguzkia, you will need to update package manager before new packages avail | 01:42 |
eguzkia | ok | 01:42 |
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ksivaji | i installed google toolbar and plugins for firefox it work good but all the buttons and texts looks small how can i enlarge this | 01:46 |
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mor0o0o | hi | 01:48 |
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Dusk_ | when i give pppoe-status, pppoe-start or pppoe-setup commands i give a /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf not found warning | 01:55 |
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Dusk_ | when i give pppoe-status, pppoe-start or pppoe-setup commands i give a /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf not found warning | 01:59 |
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wsjunior | hey guys, with compiz fusion superkaramba gadgets just appear in one desktop, is there any way to make it appera in all workspaces? | 01:59 |
Dusk_ | what should i do plz help | 01:59 |
nostferka | i am using kdevelop and have jsut written a simple hello world programme | 01:59 |
nostferka | how do i compile it? | 01:59 |
wsjunior | nostferka: c language? | 02:00 |
nostferka | c++ | 02:00 |
wsjunior | nostferka: g++ file.cpp -o outputfilename | 02:00 |
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nostferka | nothing easier? | 02:02 |
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wsjunior | nostferka: isnt it easier enough?! | 02:02 |
wsjunior | u mena easier like pressing a button?! | 02:02 |
nostferka | yes | 02:02 |
nostferka | lol | 02:02 |
wsjunior | i dont think it is possible to do that with kdevelop | 02:03 |
nostferka | or shall we say "more typing efficient" | 02:03 |
nostferka | surely then kdevelop is just a fancy text editor? | 02:03 |
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karthikp | Can somebody help me with getting bluetooth working on kubuntu? | 02:07 |
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ksivaji | karthikp have you tried ubuntu | 02:10 |
ksivaji | karthikp have you tried #ubuntu channel | 02:10 |
phpcode | ksivaji: karthikp has left this server (Remote closed the connection) | 02:11 |
ksivaji | ya just now i saw | 02:11 |
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tim | I need to install a MP3 encoder thing for Amarok what it called? | 02:24 |
grul | tim, yes, because mp3 is bla bla proprietary | 02:24 |
grul | !mp3 | 02:24 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:24 |
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killermach | tim, install libmad | 02:26 |
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micman | hello | 02:34 |
micman | hello superkiddo r u there? | 02:34 |
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micman | do u know anything about the language Ruby? | 02:35 |
ksivaji | micman hi | 02:35 |
micman | hello shiva | 02:35 |
ksivaji | micman hey started again | 02:35 |
ksivaji | micman thu | 02:35 |
micman | just started to excel with u r help | 02:35 |
ksivaji | micman why you are in windows | 02:36 |
ksivaji | micman | 02:36 |
micman | how to ask doubts to the supervisor? Shiva! | 02:36 |
micman | i want the format. | 02:37 |
ksivaji | just put your query here | 02:37 |
micman | do u know anything about the language Ruby? | 02:37 |
ksivaji | ya ruby is a script | 02:37 |
ksivaji | come to #ubuntu-in | 02:37 |
ksivaji | micman why you are in windows ? | 02:38 |
dromer | hi all, I'm getting segmentation fault on firefox somehow. I _can_ run it over x-forwarding however :S only not on the local machine | 02:38 |
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ksivaji | hi jucato | 02:39 |
Jucato | hello again | 02:39 |
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micman | shiva introduce me to the tech geeks... in a serious mood. | 02:42 |
ksivaji | Jucato micman is my friend just now started using linux help ok | 02:42 |
micman | hello jucato!! | 02:42 |
Jucato | O.o | 02:42 |
=== Jucato is not a tech geek (yet) | ||
micman | what do u mean by that? | 02:43 |
ksivaji | Jucato what does it means | 02:43 |
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micman | so do i. | 02:43 |
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Jucato | what do I mean by what? | 02:44 |
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Kprofthreat | CODSWALLOP | 02:44 |
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micman | do u know anything about Ruby lang. | 02:44 |
ksivaji | Jucato O.o | 02:44 |
aroo | micman: this isn't a ruby help channel | 02:44 |
ksivaji | micman he knows everything | 02:44 |
Jucato | nothing about ruby. sorry | 02:44 |
micman | is that jucatos version no. :0] | 02:44 |
Jucato | no I don't | 02:44 |
micman | ok aroo | 02:44 |
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Jucato | O.o <--- emoticon. like raising an eyebrow, almost similar to :O | 02:45 |
micman | Shiva: can explain the word everything in this context | 02:45 |
micman | Shiva: can u explain the word everything in this context | 02:45 |
ksivaji | ya i will | 02:45 |
micman | ok jucato . lets get into tech.. | 02:45 |
ksivaji | micman first you upgrade | 02:46 |
micman | c . i know something about FOSS. | 02:46 |
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micman | i m expecting Linux to rule the future. | 02:46 |
ksivaji | micman ho ho ho | 02:46 |
micman | shiva ! stop kidding. | 02:47 |
micman | Work while work and play while u play | 02:47 |
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ksivaji | micman i got source for prozilla a download manager | 02:47 |
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ksivaji | gnomefre1k hi | 02:47 |
micman | now where is jucato? is he taking a nap amidst our Quarrrel. | 02:47 |
ksivaji | gnomefreak. hi | 02:48 |
micman | now this an "Open Question". | 02:48 |
micman | i m doing my third year in comp. engg. | 02:48 |
gnomefreak | hi | 02:49 |
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ksivaji | micman receive that file | 02:49 |
micman | Shiva !will that incur me download cost? | 02:49 |
ksivaji | that is small 200kb | 02:50 |
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micman | small drops of water make a mighty ocean. | 02:50 |
ksivaji | micman ok upto u | 02:50 |
micman | that download was a failure | 02:50 |
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micman | where is Jucato | 02:51 |
ksivaji | micman let me digg prozilla bye | 02:51 |
Jucato | ksivaji, micman: please take your conversation elsewhere, like to #kubuntu-offtopic | 02:51 |
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micman | ok jucato :( | 02:52 |
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atk | Hi. I've changed from ubuntu to kubuntu (7.04). When kontact asks for gpg passphrase it does that by using gnome passphrase dialog. How to change that to a kde one with perhaps the passphrase saved to wallet or somehow cached? | 02:54 |
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AutoMatriX | hi | 03:00 |
=== Linux_Galore waves | ||
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RytmenPinnen | Hi, is there a way to scan for usb devices that tries to connect to my computer? | 03:07 |
ubuntu | hi | 03:08 |
RytmenPinnen | I'm trying transfer some songs to my iriver t10 but it wont connect, it just says "USB connect in the display" | 03:08 |
ubuntu | how do i change my name on konversation? | 03:08 |
ubuntu | new too this help plz | 03:08 |
RytmenPinnen | ./nick [yer name] | 03:08 |
RytmenPinnen | I think :) | 03:08 |
ubuntu | k thanks | 03:08 |
RytmenPinnen | lemme try | 03:08 |
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TheIdiot | yay | 03:09 |
=== TheIdiot is now known as RytmenPinnen | ||
Daisuke_Ido | TheIdiot: dmesg | tail | 03:09 |
RytmenPinnen | now someone help me please :) | 03:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | after you plug it in | 03:09 |
ubuntu | ./JOSHUA3556 | 03:09 |
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RytmenPinnen | ok I'll try that | 03:09 |
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ubuntu | ./nick {Joshua3556} | 03:09 |
ubuntu | haveing problems | 03:09 |
ubuntu | lol | 03:09 |
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RytmenPinnen | um | 03:10 |
RytmenPinnen | no . | 03:10 |
ubuntu | ./ [Joshua8568] | 03:10 |
ubuntu | i meant i am | 03:10 |
ubuntu | not u | 03:10 |
ubuntu | lol | 03:10 |
RytmenPinnen | oh rigght... | 03:10 |
ubuntu | trying too get this nickname changed | 03:10 |
ubuntu | first time u have used irc on kubuntu | 03:11 |
ubuntu | so ya lol | 03:11 |
ubuntu | i have | 03:11 |
ksivaji | RytmenPinnen you want to change your nick right | 03:11 |
RytmenPinnen | no | 03:11 |
ubuntu | i do | 03:11 |
RytmenPinnen | I know how to do that :P | 03:11 |
ubuntu | can u do it? | 03:11 |
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ubuntu | or do i have too? | 03:11 |
RytmenPinnen | yes you have to as far as i know | 03:11 |
ksivaji | RytmenPinnen what u wnat to be done | 03:12 |
RytmenPinnen | /nick [your desired name] | 03:12 |
ubuntu | oh dat would be cool if admins could | 03:12 |
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Jucato | ubuntu: just type /nick <the nick you want> | 03:12 |
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RytmenPinnen | I want to connect my iriver t10 mp3 player but it wont connect | 03:12 |
[joshua355] | there we go yay | 03:12 |
[joshua355] | lol | 03:12 |
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Jucato | the [ ] is not necessary | 03:12 |
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[joshua355] | i river? | 03:12 |
[joshua355] | never heard dat kinda mp3 player | 03:13 |
[joshua355] | LMFAO | 03:13 |
RytmenPinnen | dmesg | tail . I was told that scans for usb devices | 03:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | the iriver's been around for a long time | 03:13 |
[joshua355] | oh | 03:13 |
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RytmenPinnen | ok it gives me some output but I'm not sure if its useful | 03:13 |
[joshua355] | ok i have another problem | 03:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | it shows the last several lines of dmesg output | 03:14 |
[joshua355] | i have a creative soundblaster audigy | 03:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | !paste | RytmenPinnen | 03:14 |
ubotu | RytmenPinnen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 03:14 |
[joshua355] | and i getting no sound | 03:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | use that to paste the dmesg output | 03:14 |
[joshua355] | where would i go about getting the drivers? | 03:14 |
[joshua355] | for linux i mean | 03:14 |
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Daisuke_Ido | have you tried googling it? | 03:15 |
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RytmenPinnen | me? | 03:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | no | 03:15 |
[joshua355] | yes | 03:16 |
[joshua355] | i have | 03:16 |
RytmenPinnen | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26728/ there, anything useful? | 03:16 |
RytmenPinnen | tried with both the device pluggen and not plugged | 03:16 |
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mat1980 | RytmenPinnen: "sda: unknown partition table" sounds not good... | 03:17 |
[joshua355] | nope lol | 03:17 |
RytmenPinnen | aha | 03:17 |
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[joshua355] | u must of lost ur partion? | 03:18 |
[joshua355] | or fucked it up who knows | 03:18 |
[joshua355] | lol | 03:18 |
aroo | !language | 03:18 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | !language | [joshua355] | 03:18 |
[joshua355] | srry | 03:18 |
ubotu | [joshua355] : please see above | 03:18 |
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RytmenPinnen | the thing is that it worked about 20 minutes ago, but then there was some odd error when I did a transfer and the device locked up | 03:18 |
[joshua355] | messed it up | 03:18 |
[joshua355] | lol | 03:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | is there a recovery mode you can boot into? | 03:18 |
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Daisuke_Ido | most flash-based players have some sort of recovery | 03:19 |
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[joshua355] | ok i found the drivers | 03:19 |
RytmenPinnen | not as far as I know, but the device works it just doesnt connect to my comp, The family machine is a win comp, lemme try on thatone, brb | 03:19 |
[joshua355] | finally lol | 03:19 |
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[joshua355] | hmm | 03:20 |
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klobster | can I mount multiple partitions on the same folder? | 03:22 |
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ksivaji | klobster no | 03:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | what filesystem is the iriver using? | 03:24 |
[joshua355] | how long u had ur iriver? | 03:25 |
RytmenPinnen | Daisuke_Ido I believe its somekind of FAT | 03:27 |
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RytmenPinnen | and my god windows is slow and annoying, | 03:27 |
saintz0r | this is a little bit offtopic: can anyone help me on how to make .torrent files using rtorrent? | 03:27 |
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[joshua355] | lol | 03:28 |
[joshua355] | should say | 03:28 |
[joshua355] | go too help file | 03:29 |
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ksivaji | saintz0r google alone can help you .. | 03:30 |
simone_ | salve | 03:30 |
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RytmenPinnen | hmm, dont seem to show up the gaytes computer either most be the player | 03:36 |
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[joshua355] | http://files.printf.dk/guides/audigy2.htm ok i found out how too do it | 03:38 |
[joshua355] | but problem where is the editor too do this? | 03:38 |
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[joshua355] | i downloaded the tar file or wateva | 03:39 |
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[joshua355] | now i gotta compile or something | 03:39 |
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fly | Kubuntu wont load! | 03:54 |
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ubunturos | fly: what's the error? that would help many on this channel to solve the problem | 03:54 |
fly | um | 03:55 |
fly | it goes ro black screen saying... | 03:55 |
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fly | Uncompressing linux... Ok, booting the kernal. :/ | 03:56 |
fly | live cd... | 03:56 |
ubunturos | fly: are you using a pressed media or a CD burnt from an ISO? | 03:57 |
luke | I have an IBM Thinkpad that has a VGA Port, I want to use the Laptop Screen and an external Monitor as a Dual-Screen Setup, but whenever I try in kcontrol Xserver breaks and I have to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:57 |
luke | can anyone help me? | 03:57 |
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fly | CD burnt from an ISO? | 03:58 |
VSpike | Has anyone applied the KDE 3.5.7 updates on Feisty? | 03:58 |
luke | VSpike, I have | 03:58 |
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fly | not a ? ^ | 03:58 |
VSpike | luke: how do you find them? | 03:58 |
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ubunturos | fly: did you verify the ISO (checked the md5sum?) and verfiy after burning the ISO? | 03:59 |
a9913 | fly, try booting with vga=normal | 03:59 |
luke | VSpike, not much of a difference from 3.5.6 but there are no problems with it | 03:59 |
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VSpike | luke: I did a similar upgrade on my Edgy system to 3.5.6 and had lots of problem, but I think that Edgy install was just messed up anyway so I can't say that was the cause. Had all kinds of odd problems with it. Did a clean install to Feisty and vowed to be super careful about what I installed, and adding extra repos and so on. | 04:00 |
luke | yea, when first packaged for Feisty it screwed up my system and I had to downgrade, but it's all fixed now | 04:01 |
fly | befor the black screen the loading splash comes up. bar doesnt fill up thouhg...md5sum? | 04:01 |
VSpike | luke: I resisted those when they were annouced but OTOH they are touted as mainly bug fixes to 3.5.6 so could make the system *more* stable rather than less | 04:01 |
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VSpike | Oh well, I've consulted widely with one person and they say it's fine so maybe I'll do it | 04:02 |
VSpike | :) | 04:02 |
luke | lol | 04:02 |
luke | easily persuadable :) | 04:02 |
ubunturos | fly: if you have downloaded the ISO file from a mirror, it would have a file called md5sum that contains the checksum. | 04:02 |
VSpike | luke: it's easy when you're just looking for "permission" to do something you already want to do ;) | 04:03 |
ubunturos | fly: on the command line go to the directory where the ISO file is located using command line | 04:03 |
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ubunturos | fly: and issue md5sum <isofilename.iso> and compare the two checksums | 04:03 |
luke | VSpike, lol, it's good to be careful | 04:03 |
VSpike | luke: yep. Is there an expected release date for Gutsy? Because if I do have problems they would likely be solved by a distro upgrade anyway. | 04:04 |
fly | i just got iso | 04:04 |
luke | VSpike, October | 04:04 |
ubunturos | fly: from a DVD? | 04:04 |
ubunturos | fly: (of a magazine?) | 04:05 |
fly | download | 04:05 |
luke | VSpike, about the same time as KDE4 | 04:05 |
ubunturos | fly: downloaded using a p2p client? | 04:05 |
fly | nopw | 04:05 |
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fly | from kubuntu.org | 04:05 |
luke | VSpike, have you installed Amarok 1.4.6 yet? | 04:06 |
ubunturos | fly: well, could you see a file called md5sum.txt or something of that sort? | 04:06 |
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eguzkia | hello please i need help to install driver nvidia!!! | 04:07 |
VSpike | luke: yes | 04:07 |
eguzkia | i have loss about 4 days with that stupid driver damn........ | 04:07 |
VSpike | luke: i do have the backports repo enabled so I got that this morning | 04:08 |
fly | found them | 04:08 |
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ubunturos | fly: compare the value with the one generated by the md5sum command | 04:08 |
jermain | Hi everyone | 04:09 |
jermain | You puny mortals! Respond to my salutations! | 04:09 |
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jermain | :) | 04:09 |
ubunturos | jermain: :) | 04:09 |
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jermain | can someone help me with something? I'm using the ftp command to upload stuff to a remote server and it works but | 04:10 |
fly | ubunturos command? | 04:10 |
eguzkia | please someone use nvidia driver? | 04:10 |
jermain | i can't select in which directory i want the file stored | 04:10 |
ubunturos | fly: md5sum <isofilename.iso> | 04:10 |
NickPresta | jermain, are you using the `cd` command to change the working directory? | 04:11 |
jermain | yeah | 04:11 |
shadowhywind | i just installed my hp printer in linux, and every program can see it but firefox, anyone have any ideas | 04:11 |
jermain | but it still stores it in the root dir | 04:11 |
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VSpike | eguzkia: you havne't said what the problem is or what you have already tried | 04:12 |
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NickPresta | jermain, is there any sort of restriction on your server? have you tried with a GUI client? | 04:12 |
eguzkia | VSpike: i have installed nvidia-glx but i receive an error when startx (EE) no device found | 04:12 |
jermain | it works with a GUI | 04:13 |
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jermain | oh crap | 04:14 |
fly | ubunturos number same on dowloaded iso | 04:14 |
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jermain | ever had those days where you go "i need help" and when you get help you say "i allready tried that!" | 04:14 |
ubunturos | fly: ok. Did you use a CD-R or CD-RW? | 04:14 |
jermain | and then you try again and it works? | 04:14 |
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jermain | ... | 04:14 |
fly | cd r | 04:14 |
NickPresta | jermain, heh. That has happened to me at least once =P | 04:15 |
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jermain | it happened to me just now | 04:15 |
jermain | :p | 04:15 |
jermain | the cd helped | 04:15 |
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ubunturos | fly: used K3b to burn it? | 04:17 |
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JohnFlux_ | how can I tell what distro I'm running ? | 04:17 |
=== ubunturos asks users watching the conversation to help fly wherever, /me is going wrong. | ||
JohnFlux_ | from the command line | 04:18 |
VSpike | eguzkia: could you paste output of "lspci | grep -i vga". And does it work with the nv driver? | 04:18 |
ubunturos | JohnFlux_: the base distro, lsb_release -a | 04:18 |
llutz | JohnFlux_: lsb_release -id | 04:18 |
JohnFlux_ | hmm it has the program rpm | 04:18 |
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JohnFlux_ | ah thank you | 04:18 |
JohnFlux_ | hmm SuSE | 04:18 |
JohnFlux_ | :( | 04:18 |
fly | ubunturos nope this http://www.cdburnerxp.se/ | 04:18 |
eguzkia | VSpike: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go] (rev a3) | 04:19 |
ubunturos | fly: possibly is a failed burnt. But I'm not sure. Try burning it to a CD-RW and test it. See what the results are | 04:19 |
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ubunturos | JohnFlux_: not OpenSuSE? | 04:19 |
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fly | lost my only cd-rw :( | 04:20 |
JohnFlux_ | ubunturos: opensuse 10.2 | 04:20 |
ubunturos | JohnFlux_: ah, I see | 04:20 |
jhutchins | Under linux, you can check the md5sum of a burned CD to see if it's valid. md5sum /dev/cdrom | 04:20 |
ubunturos | fly: see ^^^^ | 04:20 |
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ubunturos | and compare the md5sum of the CD with that of the ISO | 04:21 |
eguzkia | VSpike: i have write "nvidia" in my /etc/modules, there isn't | 04:21 |
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VSpike | eguzkia: did you see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2514272 | 04:22 |
eguzkia | VSpike: i have write "nvidia" in my /etc/modules, but when i do lsmod there isn't | 04:22 |
eguzkia | how can i insert the nvdia module | 04:22 |
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fly | im on windows though... | 04:24 |
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Lacrymology | people, I'm sick of KDE... how do I install fluxbox? | 04:25 |
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ubunturos | fly: currently? | 04:26 |
fly | yeah | 04:26 |
ubunturos | fly: ah, how did the md5sum work then? | 04:27 |
ubunturos | fly: anyways, I would suggest burning the ISO to CD-RW at a low speed (say 4x) and try it out. | 04:27 |
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fly | used dos.. ill try once i get one..ty | 04:28 |
oliver_ | hi, hi | 04:29 |
apetrescu | Arrg, for some reason, in Feisty they've split vim into 'vim' and 'vim-full', with a lot of very important functionality in the latter. The problem is, vim-full has a LOT of gnome-related dependencies that a Kubuntu user may not want to install (I don't). Is there any other supported way to get vim-full through repos, without pulling in all those ridiculous dependencies? (I *don't* need a GUI for vim, I just need things like syntax | 04:29 |
apetrescu | highlighting, which are in vim-full) | 04:29 |
oliver_ | i need help in getting swat to work ... | 04:30 |
Lacrymology | how do I change the windows manager? | 04:30 |
walber | Someone work or already worked with wine(emulator of windows API)? Because I have some problems with install a application that only run on Windows XP. | 04:30 |
Jucato | the vim split was started in edgy btw... | 04:30 |
jermain | apetrescu: why not just use kate? | 04:30 |
Jucato | apetrescu: try vim-runtime... | 04:30 |
apetrescu | jermain: Becuase I need a *console* editor. | 04:30 |
jermain | icic | 04:30 |
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apetrescu | Jucato: vim-runtime will have syntax highlighting? | 04:30 |
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Jucato | apetrescu: iirc, yes | 04:31 |
apetrescu | Jucato, thanks! | 04:31 |
Jucato | apetrescu: you just then have to turn it on in .vimrc | 04:31 |
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apetrescu | Is vim-full just a metapackage for all the other vim-related packages? | 04:31 |
apetrescu | Oh, yeah, I know :) | 04:31 |
Jucato | apetrescu: metapackage for the other split vim packages | 04:31 |
Jucato | and gvim | 04:31 |
apetrescu | Aah | 04:31 |
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apetrescu | That would explain all the gnome dependencies. | 04:31 |
apetrescu | Hmm, Jucato, vim-runtime doesn't fix it. | 04:33 |
apetrescu | Still get: Error while processing vimrc, the command is not available in this version: syntax on | 04:33 |
Jucato | hm... that's the only one I installed back then... can't recall now... | 04:33 |
apetrescu | I'll try installing some language-specific ones, like vim-ruby, and hope that they pull in whatever is neccesary. | 04:34 |
apetrescu | Which seems to be vim-gui-common which has no dependencise | 04:34 |
apetrescu | Ah! | 04:34 |
apetrescu | That did it. | 04:34 |
apetrescu | vim-gui-common | 04:34 |
Jucato | aho k | 04:35 |
Jucato | ah ok* | 04:35 |
VSpike | eguzkia: did you try "sudo modprobe nvidia" | 04:35 |
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jermain | hmm,.. i have another ftp problem. If i use a wildcard (*.txt), it only uploads the very first .txt file. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong? | 04:39 |
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VSpike | jermain: you may have to use a command like mput | 04:40 |
ninHer | hi all | 04:40 |
jermain | ooh, i'll try that. Thank you | 04:41 |
jermain | hi ninHer | 04:41 |
VSpike | jermain: you could also try ncftp. It's command line, but a bit more intuitive that raw ftp | 04:41 |
ninHer | hi all | 04:41 |
ninHer | sorry | 04:41 |
jermain | hmm is ncftp much different from ftp? | 04:41 |
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VSpike | jermain: it just has a lot of nice enhancements. Like tab completion. Bookmarks. And the fact that if you do "put *.txt" it does what you expect :) | 04:44 |
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VSpike | jermain: probably lots of other clever stuff too but those are the reasons I use it | 04:44 |
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geir | Hi, does anyone here know if Network Computings Officestation L200 works with Kubuntu 7.04? | 04:48 |
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Lacrymology | what's a nice wllpaper setter? | 04:55 |
Lacrymology | because I'm installing Eterm just for Esetroot | 04:55 |
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Arwen | hey guys, apt-get build-dep amarok is broken | 05:06 |
zinden | sudo apt-get build-dep amarok | 05:07 |
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jermain | VSpike: thanks man! it works like a charm xD | 05:21 |
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VSpike | jermain: yw :) | 05:22 |
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hilary | hello? | 05:25 |
ubuntu__ | hello | 05:26 |
hilary | hey =) | 05:26 |
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hilary | anybody else here? | 05:27 |
zinden | yepp | 05:27 |
hilary | hey =D | 05:28 |
hilary | do u know if Linux (or Ubuntu) can pick up viruses? i heard somewhere they were pretty immune coz like only 3 viruses have ever been made for linux | 05:28 |
Arwen | hilary, nope.... and ick, Hilary? | 05:28 |
Arwen | !u | hilary | 05:28 |
ubotu | hilary: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 05:28 |
hilary | sorry, i will say you next time | 05:29 |
hilary | im new to this so i apologise whole heartedly | 05:29 |
zinden | hilary: there is a few viruses for linux, but not much though. If you like, you can install a virus program | 05:29 |
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hilary | ok thank you | 05:29 |
Arwen | and for the love of god, capitalize "I"... anyway, there are not a lot of viruses for Linux, mostly due to low adoption rates of Linux. | 05:29 |
Arwen | that of course doesn't mean you can't get a virus, so you should be smart about what you install | 05:29 |
jermain | hilary: you dont have to worry about virusses on linux | 05:30 |
Arwen | jermain, FALSE | 05:30 |
jermain | people dont bother to because windows offers a lot more | 05:30 |
jermain | *GASP* | 05:30 |
jermain | Arwen: ? I thought only companies would need to be scared? | 05:30 |
Arwen | jermain, well, I guess, but it's a lie to say that you don't have to be worried | 05:31 |
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Arwen | I'm not really worried about viruses on Windows either, but that's not to say they don't exist | 05:31 |
jermain | yea but i always figured | 05:31 |
jermain | for a virus to do damage it would need a way to become root | 05:31 |
Arwen | besides, if you add a suspicious 3rd party repository, you could get nasty code that way | 05:32 |
jermain | and sudo = <3 | 05:32 |
Arwen | jermain, same as on Windows. It would have to be run as root/admin or exploit a privilege escalation bug. | 05:32 |
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Arwen | in fact, I think the latest kernel update fixed one of those bugs | 05:32 |
jermain | :( | 05:33 |
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jermain | i much prefered when i was ignorent | 05:34 |
jermain | :p | 05:34 |
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hilary | Can you recommend any anti-virus software, preferably software which is free? | 05:34 |
jermain | the repositories should have i think | 05:35 |
VSpike | clamav | 05:35 |
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Arwen | hilary, you don't need anti-virus... use common sense isntead. | 05:35 |
jermain | iVSpike: i was about to suggest that | 05:35 |
Arwen | that said, you can try using clamav if you want.. | 05:35 |
jermain | ;) | 05:35 |
hilary | I lack common sense so I'll go with the Clamav | 05:35 |
Arwen | ye... whenever people ask me about av, I just say "use your brains" | 05:36 |
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jermain | guess i'll get some clamav too :( | 05:36 |
arcson | ola a todos | 05:37 |
jermain | ola | 05:37 |
arcson | estou tentando executar o phyton no meu ubuntu mas nao estou conseguiundo. | 05:37 |
arcson | alguem sabe como abilito esse pacote? | 05:37 |
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arcson | so um comentario .... a interface 3d do ubuntu e D++++++ conheci esses dias muito legal | 05:38 |
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zorglu_ | !gusty | 05:39 |
ubotu | It is spelt guTSy :) | 05:39 |
arcson | ? | 05:39 |
zorglu_ | what is the release date of gutsy ? | 05:40 |
Tm_T | !release | 05:40 |
ubotu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases | 05:40 |
zorglu_ | Tm_T: thanks | 05:40 |
Tm_T | ubotu: you never really sleep, do you? | 05:41 |
zorglu_ | hmm the page didnt contiains the info tho :) just the timebase stuff | 05:41 |
Tm_T | appaerntly he doesn't even dare to answer to that | 05:41 |
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zorglu_ | !feisty | 05:41 |
ubotu | Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Kubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php | 05:41 |
Tm_T | zorglu_: interesting | 05:42 |
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Tm_T | !gutsy | 05:42 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 05:42 |
zorglu_ | Tm_T: ahhhhh i did a mistake in my very first query :) | 05:42 |
Tm_T | zorglu_: well you did, and ubotu corrected (; | 05:42 |
zorglu_ | Tm_T: i believed it was a geek joke or something | 05:43 |
Tm_T | it's not a joke, it's correction | 05:43 |
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Tm_T | right, ubotu? | 05:43 |
Tm_T | hmh, why he doesn't speak to me :( | 05:43 |
zorglu_ | ubuntu.com is not konqueror friendly, a lot of bug due to javascrip | 05:44 |
zorglu_ | anybody remember when feisty has been released ? | 05:44 |
Tm_T | zorglu_: never noticed expect one small, related to window size | 05:44 |
zinden | fesity: 19 april ? | 05:44 |
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zorglu_ | zinden: thanks | 05:44 |
Tm_T | yup | 05:44 |
brightedge | Hello :) I'm having a problem with 7.04 saving my wireless lan settings. The first time I ran 7.04, it detected my Netgear WG511 and I was able to connect to my wlan. After a reboot, I am unable to connect. Lights are on the card, but nothing. Can someone point me in the right direction? | 05:44 |
zorglu_ | so a lot of time before gutsy :) | 05:45 |
Tm_T | not much | 05:45 |
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zorglu_ | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=554110 <- brightedge try to read this, it may help | 05:47 |
brightedge | thanks zorglu :) | 05:47 |
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hilary | I think I need more help =( When I try to go to any webpage, it says that an error has occured, saying 'Time out on Server, Connection was to ubuntu.com at port 80' | 05:48 |
hilary | How do I rectify that? I can use my messengers (AIM and Yahoo) but cannot find webpages =( | 05:49 |
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hlppls | Hi all | 05:51 |
hilary | Hello =) | 05:51 |
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nosrednaekim | hilary: did you only try konqueror? | 05:52 |
nosrednaekim | hilary: try installing firefox and see if that works. | 05:52 |
hilary | I've just tried with Mozilla Firefox too | 05:52 |
nosrednaekim | hilary: same thing? | 05:52 |
hilary | Yep | 05:52 |
hilary | Well it says Connecting to (website) and the blue bar at the bottom right hand is frozen | 05:53 |
hilary | so I presume that means its going to time out eventually... | 05:53 |
nosrednaekim | hilary: I keep forgetting what the fix to this is.. | 05:53 |
nosrednaekim | its a fairly common problem. | 05:53 |
hilary | is it? | 05:54 |
nosrednaekim | hilary: yeah. | 05:54 |
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nosrednaekim | can you ping www.google.com? | 05:54 |
Arwen | ick... time to compile amarok... | 05:54 |
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hilary | I'm going to sound stupid but what does ping mean? | 05:54 |
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Arwen | !ping | 05:55 |
ubotu | pong | 05:55 |
Arwen | ... | 05:55 |
nosrednaekim | it means to try to contact | 05:55 |
ubuntu | plop | 05:55 |
nosrednaekim | a server | 05:55 |
hilary | oh right | 05:55 |
Arwen | ping is a Internet IP protocol. You send a packet to a server and the server sends the packet back. | 05:55 |
hilary | it does nothing, it just says "failed to connect to google.com, time out" or something | 05:55 |
Arwen | so if you receive it, your Internet works. If it doesn't, it's not working. | 05:55 |
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nosrednaekim | hilary: you ran "ping www.google.com"? | 05:56 |
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Arwen | !terminal | hilary | 05:56 |
ubotu | hilary: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 05:56 |
Arwen | we're telling you to type "ping google.com" into a terminal | 05:56 |
hilary | yeah just tried it | 05:56 |
nosrednaekim | hilary: result? | 05:57 |
Arwen | and what *exactly* does it say? | 05:57 |
hilary | PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 05:58 |
hilary | 64 bytes from lm-in-f104.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=241 time=30.5 ms | 05:58 |
hilary | 64 bytes from lm-in-f104.google.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=241 time=30.9 ms | 05:58 |
hilary | 64 bytes from lm-in-f104.google.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=241 time=29.3 ms | 05:58 |
hilary | 64 bytes from lm-in-f104.google.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=241 time=30.6 ms | 05:58 |
hilary | Something like that | 05:58 |
Arwen | ok, so you have a working net connection at least | 05:58 |
nosrednaekim | hilary: ok.. good | 05:58 |
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nosrednaekim | I think its probably that ipv6 stuff | 05:58 |
hilary | ipv6 stuff? | 05:59 |
nosrednaekim | !ipv6 | 05:59 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 05:59 |
hilary | I have clicked that URL but it does not seem to be loading | 06:00 |
Arwen | hah... | 06:00 |
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Arwen | run "kdesu /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" | 06:00 |
Admiral_Chicago | !update | 06:01 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 06:01 |
Arwen | run "kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"* | 06:01 |
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hilary | ok | 06:04 |
nosrednaekim | http://tech.blorge.com/Structure:%20/2007/06/21/upgrade-to-ubuntu-on-the-windows-marketplace/ | 06:04 |
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hilary | that blacklist command just brought up this on the terminal. | 06:06 |
hilary | kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 06:06 |
hilary | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167 | 06:06 |
hilary | Major opcode: 144 | 06:06 |
hilary | Minor opcode: 3 | 06:06 |
hilary | Resource id: 0x0 | 06:06 |
hilary | Failed to open device | 06:06 |
hilary | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167 | 06:07 |
hilary | Major opcode: 144 | 06:07 |
hilary | Minor opcode: 3 | 06:07 |
hilary | Resource id: 0x0 | 06:07 |
hilary | Failed to open device | 06:07 |
hilary | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167 | 06:07 |
Arwen | !pastebin | hilary | 06:07 |
ubotu | hilary: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 06:07 |
faidillinger | im watching porno | 06:07 |
Arwen | !offtopic | faidillinger | 06:07 |
ubotu | faidillinger: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:07 |
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hilary | I wont be able to use pastebin, it just says timeout on server when I click any links | 06:08 |
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faidillinger | allright | 06:08 |
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Arwen | hilary, oh yeah... lol | 06:08 |
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jhutchins | hilary: There's another pastebin at http://wiki.mandriva.com/ | 06:08 |
Arwen | anyway, in that case, could you dump output like that to another channel? maybe #anon32 ? | 06:08 |
Arwen | jhutchins, she has HTTP issues | 06:08 |
jhutchins | D'Oh! | 06:08 |
llutz | hilary: sudo echo blacklist ipv6 >>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 06:09 |
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jhutchins | http://rafb.net/paste/ | 06:09 |
Arwen | zzz... compiling amarok is such a PITA... | 06:09 |
Arwen | I had to install half of KDE before I had enough headers.. | 06:09 |
zinden | me too ;) so you are not alone when it comes to compiling amarok | 06:11 |
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nosrednaekim | Riddell hasn't released debs for it yet? | 06:11 |
ismail | hi all | 06:11 |
ismail | did anyone here have problems with beryl? | 06:12 |
Dr_willis | beryl IS a problem. :) | 06:12 |
ismail | ok how about compiz? | 06:12 |
llutz | beryl-probs easy solution: sudo aptitude remove beryl | 06:12 |
Arwen | nosrednaekim, there's only inferior non-mp4 debs out.. | 06:12 |
nosrednaekim | Arwen: oh | 06:13 |
Riddell | Arwen: xine should work with mp4 | 06:13 |
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ismail | in either beryl or compiz im having a problem with the window decoration | 06:13 |
ismail | it dissapears | 06:13 |
Arwen | Riddell, not MP4 the container, MP4 *tags* | 06:13 |
Dr_willis | Beryl is still very muich a work in progress.... | 06:13 |
Arwen | Beryl is DEAD | 06:13 |
Arwen | stop using it, move to compiz | 06:14 |
zinden | LOOOL | 06:14 |
Arwen | that's not a joke.. | 06:14 |
ismail | i'm trying to use compiz Arwen but the windows decoration doesnt work | 06:14 |
Arwen | ismail, is your card nvidia? | 06:14 |
ismail | yes | 06:14 |
ismail | i installed the drivers | 06:14 |
ismail | and 3d works | 06:15 |
Arwen | do you have addarbglxvisuals somewhere in your xorg.conf ? | 06:15 |
Arwen | (I think that's what it is) | 06:15 |
ismail | when i use ubuntu i dont have this problem | 06:15 |
ismail | only in kubuntu | 06:15 |
ismail | hmmm lemme check the xorg conf | 06:15 |
Arwen | hmm | 06:15 |
deep | AddARGBLXVisuals (: | 06:16 |
deep | XLG* | 06:16 |
deep | haha | 06:16 |
deep | GLX, even | 06:16 |
deep | AddARGBGLXVisuals | 06:16 |
deep | long word | 06:16 |
ismail | where to? | 06:16 |
ismail | which secsion? | 06:16 |
deep | Device (;: | 06:16 |
Arwen | ismail, just check if that word is in it. We'll tell you how to add it if it's not. | 06:16 |
Arwen | oh wait, if it works in ubuntu but not kubuntu.... | 06:17 |
zinden | works in both | 06:17 |
Arwen | ismail, try installing "compiz-kde" or "emerald" | 06:17 |
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Arwen | yay, amarok done compiling | 06:18 |
ismail | under device. the identifier is nvidia (medel) and driver is nvidia | 06:18 |
ismail | thats it | 06:18 |
=== Arwen sighs and gives up | ||
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ismail | Arwen iv already tried that.. it doesnt work | 06:19 |
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ismail | i'm wondering it has something to do with metacity | 06:19 |
jhutchins | ismail: Beryl/compiz is alpha-test software that doesn't work for a majority of systems running linux. Even when it works one day, any changes to the system, especially the graphics system or beryl/compiz, may cause it to break the next day. | 06:20 |
jhutchins | ismail: Your best bet is to either back out the last change you made, if it was working for you, or to wait for the next update. | 06:20 |
jhutchins | ismail: Actually finding and fixing the bug is likely to be futile, as the bug will move in the next update. | 06:21 |
ismail | AddARGBLXVisuals is not in the xorg.conf | 06:21 |
jhutchins | ismail: Running KDE on one of the 3D desktops is an additional challenge, and it's not surprizing if it doesn't work. | 06:21 |
ismail | i guess so | 06:22 |
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Tm_T | faidillinger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 06:23 |
ismail | it would have been nice if i could get compix working | 06:23 |
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ismail | ok here is another one.. can we use the opensuse kmenu on kubuntu? | 06:25 |
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shentey | Hi! How can I always execute a shell script as root? If I set the suid bit it fails. | 06:25 |
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shentey | If I run the same script with sudo it works correctly. So what am I doing wrong? | 06:26 |
ismail | i dont know if im right but i dont think you can make a script run as root by it self | 06:27 |
ismail | you have to grant it privilages | 06:28 |
ismail | have you tried sudo -s? | 06:28 |
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Briareos1 | 18:31] <Briareos1> when i do a right click in konqueror it needs more than a minute to open the box. this is since 2-3 days like that. any ideas? | 06:31 |
Briareos1 | [18:31] <Briareos1> while this is the konqueror hangs completely | 06:31 |
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shentey | Yes, this runs correctly. | 06:31 |
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shentey | How can I then run a script as root without user interaction? | 06:33 |
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chris_scummette | hi there | 06:34 |
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BrianDonohue | Hey all. | 06:39 |
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BrianDonohue | Hey ashu18 | 06:40 |
BrianDonohue | How's the CD problem? | 06:40 |
ashu18 | DaSkreech: hav u changd my password again? plz give it to me | 06:40 |
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BrianDonohue | Do you check to see if people are even here? | 06:40 |
ashu18 | BrianDonohue: it's as bad as ever | 06:40 |
BrianDonohue | He's in a different timezone than you are. | 06:40 |
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BrianDonohue | He's probably sleeping. | 06:40 |
BrianDonohue | If he was at work last night at 130 my time then that means it's probably night right now. | 06:41 |
ashu18 | BrianDonohue: well he told he ll be avaialable around 10 pm ist | 06:41 |
BrianDonohue | Oh. | 06:41 |
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ashu18 | anyway, he has changed my user password...i need it......... | 06:42 |
BrianDonohue | Well listen, to be honest, I think something during your install broke. Instead of fiddling around, I would just reinstall because it's a fresh install anyway. | 06:42 |
ashu18 | BrianDonohue: hah!!! i hav reinstalled about a 100 times | 06:42 |
BrianDonohue | Hm, I don't know. | 06:42 |
BrianDonohue | Automounting just "works" for me so I can't really be much help. | 06:43 |
BrianDonohue | The best we could do is reset your password again. | 06:43 |
ashu18 | BrianDonohue: k i ll hav to catch tomorrow... | 06:43 |
ashu18 | he should hav told me that he had reset the password | 06:43 |
BrianDonohue | He did, the first time. | 06:43 |
ashu18 | well there wasn't any need to change it then | 06:44 |
BrianDonohue | He changed it because you asked him to, so other people couldn't get in. | 06:44 |
ashu18 | another guy says Samsung CD-RW drives have a known compatibility problem with most linux distros and i will hav to upgrade the firmware | 06:45 |
BrianDonohue | Well, you can't do anything right now but wait to get the password back from him. | 06:45 |
ashu18 | but i don't hav windows to do it | 06:45 |
ashu18 | yeah.....ok bye then....see u later | 06:45 |
ashu18 | oh yes, do u know any good games in ubuntu...something 3d | 06:46 |
BrianDonohue | America's Army | 06:46 |
BrianDonohue | UT2004 | 06:46 |
BrianDonohue | Nexius | 06:46 |
_4str1 | wolfstein | 06:46 |
_4str1 | cube2 | 06:46 |
ashu18 | whoa!! a bunch of them!!! | 06:47 |
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ashu18 | are they insteresting? | 06:47 |
ksivaji | ashu18 hi dude | 06:47 |
ashu18 | ksivaji: hullo | 06:47 |
_4str1 | !game | 06:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:47 |
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ksivaji | !dma | 06:47 |
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ubotu | dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA | 06:48 |
ashu18 | _4str1 : ksivaji: BrianDonohue: why don't u hav 'Kubotu' here?? why ubotu? | 06:48 |
ksivaji | !ubotu | ashu18 | 06:49 |
ubotu | ashu18: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:49 |
ashu18 | ksivaji: i don't want information...i mean this is a #kubuntu channel so u should hav 'kubotu' | 06:49 |
ashu18 | anyway, gotta go now....hopefully DaSkreech will be there 2moro.........g'nite all! | 06:50 |
ksivaji | ashu18 bye | 06:50 |
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semistud2354 | does anyone know how to get my java running in 64bit firefox | 06:50 |
ksivaji | semistud2354 ya | 06:50 |
semistud2354 | and flash | 06:50 |
semistud2354 | i looked online and i dont see 64 bit support | 06:51 |
ksivaji | semistud2354 wait | 06:51 |
semistud2354 | for flash | 06:51 |
ksivaji | semistud2354 http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/05/13-must-do-things-on-new-ubuntu-704.html | 06:51 |
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semistud2354 | thats all for 32 bit systems | 06:54 |
LucidFox | is it possible not to launch kicker on KDE startup? | 06:54 |
ksivaji | semistud2354 you have 64bit kubuntu | 06:54 |
ksivaji | ? | 06:55 |
semistud2354 | yea | 06:55 |
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ksivaji | semistud2354 how do u say that http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/05/13-must-do-things-on-new-ubuntu-704.html is for 32bit | 06:55 |
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semistud2354 | flash is not in my package list | 06:56 |
semistud2354 | for adept | 06:56 |
semistud2354 | where on my 32 bit installation | 06:56 |
semistud2354 | it was there from the start | 06:57 |
ksivaji | semistud2354 have u enable universal repo | 06:57 |
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ksivaji | !univ | 06:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about univ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:57 |
semistud2354 | uhh no | 06:58 |
ksivaji | !universal | 06:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about universal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:58 |
semistud2354 | i dunno | 06:58 |
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semistud2354 | is there like a flash player that other ppl made | 06:59 |
semistud2354 | thats a plug in | 06:59 |
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ismail | yeah | 06:59 |
ksivaji | semistud2354 http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/05/13-must-do-things-on-new-ubuntu-704.html see first one install/enabling additional plugin | 06:59 |
ismail | there is an opensource project for flash | 07:00 |
llutz | gnash | 07:00 |
semistud2354 | have you tryed it | 07:01 |
semistud2354 | does it work | 07:01 |
ksivaji | is there any risk in enabling dma | 07:01 |
not_a_k | when i click accept on calendar events that people send me they end up in korganizer at 2:30 rather than the actual time they were set for. any idea what's wrong here? | 07:01 |
llutz | ksivaji: usually not, it will be disabled if it doesnt work | 07:02 |
semistud2354 | whats better gnash or klash | 07:02 |
ksivaji | llutz how to check it is enabled or not ? | 07:03 |
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llutz | ksivaji: hdparm -d /dev/your-device | 07:04 |
ksivaji | llutz using_dma = 1 (on) i think it on right | 07:05 |
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ksivaji | llutz using_dma = 1 (on) i think it is on right | 07:05 |
llutz | ksivaji:" on " means on, syes | 07:05 |
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ksivaji | llutz tell me simple open source package because i want to digg it | 07:06 |
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ksivaji | digg means study or learn or understand | 07:07 |
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pyrotix | HALP. I just ctr alt backspaced by background and now I have no wallpaper, only black. What do I need to launch to have it back to normal? | 07:07 |
jhutchins_lt | ksivaji: Actually, digg is a link sharing blog/site, dig is the word you're after. | 07:07 |
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jhutchins_lt | pyrotix: Should restart automatically. What had you done before that? | 07:08 |
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pyrotix | had konq and amarok crash | 07:08 |
pyrotix | restarting the computer will fix it | 07:08 |
ksivaji | jhutchins_lt sorry i am poor in english i cant understand that can u rephrase that for me | 07:08 |
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pyrotix | but for future reference is there anything I can do to launch while still logged in? | 07:09 |
jhutchins_lt | ksivaji: The word you are looking for is "dig", not "digg". | 07:09 |
ksivaji | jhutchins_lt ho thank u | 07:09 |
jhutchins_lt | ksivaji: Well, if you're still on windows, there's firefox, an open-source browser. | 07:10 |
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ksivaji | jhutchins_lt i am windows kubuntu | 07:10 |
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jhutchins_lt | ksivaji: Then everything you're running is open source. | 07:10 |
shadowhywind | hay all having a werid issue, if i leave my computer sit for like 5 mins without doing anything.. when i come back, its becomes very slow | 07:11 |
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ksivaji | jhutchins_lt i just started using this i have only little knowledge on programming so i am searching for simple software not like firefox | 07:12 |
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jhutchins_lt | ksivaji: Ah, you want to look through the source code for something simple. | 07:12 |
ksivaji | shadowhywind do u have swap partition | 07:12 |
shadowhywind | yes | 07:12 |
ksivaji | jhutchins_lt yes | 07:12 |
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ksivaji | shadowhywind "swapon -s" paste the output here | 07:13 |
shadowhywind | dev/sda6 partition 522072 0 -1 | 07:13 |
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ksivaji | shadowhywind sorry if you have swap partiton on file it will be slow thats what i tried but u have swap on sda | 07:15 |
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shadowhywind | but why would that make it slow, only if i don't touch the comp for like 5 mins? | 07:15 |
shadowhywind | its not like i am running any ram intensive programs | 07:16 |
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ksivaji | shadowhywind because unused program will be moved to swap memory | 07:16 |
shadowhywind | includeing my mouse? | 07:17 |
ksivaji | how much ram u have | 07:17 |
shadowhywind | 2 gigs | 07:17 |
ksivaji | i means size | 07:17 |
SeanTater | 9/10 of my packets are bring dropped, and when I disabled SPI on my router, it improves to 4/5. Is my router just dropping that many packets? | 07:18 |
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ksivaji | jhutchins_lt : you got anything | 07:18 |
shadowhywind | ksivaji and i have had this same sort of setup (harddrive partitions before and never had this issue | 07:19 |
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ksivaji | shadowhywind sorry i cant get you can u rephrase that for me | 07:19 |
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jhutchins_lt | ksivaji: I'm a sysadmin, not a coder. Init scripts are a good place to start! | 07:22 |
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ksivaji | jhutchins_lt ok fine | 07:22 |
ksivaji | jhutchins_lt you are a system admin in which firm | 07:23 |
jhutchins_lt | Independent consultant. | 07:24 |
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jhutchins_lt | I spend lots of time doing housework and training horses instead. | 07:24 |
BrianDonohue | Lol jhutchins_lt, ashu18 came back. | 07:24 |
shadowhywind | jsivaji sorry for the deley had to take care ofsoemthing, what i meant to say was, I have had this same sort of set up with the swap on the saaame harddrive before ad no issues. | 07:24 |
shadowhywind | Funny thing, After you sent your last message to me, i left when i came back my compter s now fully slo again.. | 07:25 |
jhutchins_lt | BrianDonohue: Yeah, sorry I missed him. | 07:25 |
jhutchins_lt | BrianDonohue: Hope he learned something. Did he manage to get into his system? | 07:25 |
shadowhywind | and my swap is still completely free | 07:25 |
BrianDonohue | jhutchins_lt: Yeah, he did, after DaSkreech walked him through the repair with his LiveCD and then he got DaSkreech to ssh back in again to figure out the mounting problem, the DaSkreech changed the password as you did and so ashu18 is locked out again. | 07:26 |
BrianDonohue | Lol. | 07:26 |
BrianDonohue | He refuses to learn. | 07:27 |
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BrianDonohue | then* | 07:27 |
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zombielion | i was needing help installing mplayer everytime i try to install it says break install | 07:28 |
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ksivaji | zombielion use aptitude | 07:30 |
BrianDonohue | jhutchins_lt: So at the moment he's stuck doing nothing, because I didn't remember how to reset his password and then he left. | 07:31 |
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zombielion | i have kubuntu 7.04 and i have been trying in the adept manager | 07:33 |
jhutchins_lt | BrianDonohue: From the live CD, mount the root partition rw, edit /etc/shadow and _remove_ the user password. | 07:33 |
jhutchins_lt | The mounting problem should be fixed, I edited his fstab. | 07:33 |
ksivaji | zombielion "sudo aptitude install mplayer" run this command | 07:33 |
jhutchins_lt | BrianDonohue: Wasn't trying to mess him up, he just departed in such haste... | 07:34 |
BrianDonohue | I know. | 07:34 |
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BrianDonohue | jhutchins_lt: Part of it is his refusal to understand what's happening. | 07:35 |
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crocodile | I want to remove amarok, but apt is going to also remove kubuntu-desktop package | 07:43 |
crocodile | why, and how do I stop it? | 07:43 |
llutz | crocodile: why stopping it? its just a meta-package | 07:44 |
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crocodile | are you sure it won't uninstall all of KDE? | 07:46 |
=== polopolo [n=paul@ip5457cfa6.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins_lt | crocodile: Right. | 07:47 |
HymnToLife | 'course not | 07:47 |
llutz | crocodile: yes | 07:47 |
tps1 | your anthem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74xThdyCk9o | 07:47 |
HymnToLife | Amarok isn't even part of KDE anyway | 07:47 |
polopolo | I cannot use Add/remove programs anymore on kubuntu 7.04 | 07:47 |
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins_lt | crocodile: The deal is, once you remove amarok, you don't have all of the packages in kubuntu-desktop. | 07:47 |
jhutchins_lt | crocodile: If it didn't remove that, next time you updated it would re-install amarok. | 07:47 |
crocodile | gotcha, what else for example is in that package? | 07:48 |
jhutchins_lt | crocodile: Nothing. | 07:48 |
HymnToLife | in the package itself ? nothing | 07:48 |
=== matysek away | ||
Arwen | crocodile, hate to jump in too, but the *-desktop packages just exist so you can easily install all of X version. They have nothing in them. | 07:48 |
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=== JUV [n=rodzinka@abgg153.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins_lt | crocodile: It has dependencies, like a normal package, so when you install it it pulls all of the programs for the desktop. | 07:48 |
llutz | crocodile: apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop | 07:49 |
crocodile | thanks guys sound like a no brainer, amarok and kubuntu-desktop are gone now :> | 07:49 |
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ardchoille | !meta | 07:49 |
crocodile | llutz - thanks it says it's safe too | 07:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about meta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:49 |
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Tm_T | !info kubuntu-desktop | 07:50 |
=== ninix [n=s0nix@modemcable052.179-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ninix | hi | 07:50 |
ubotu | kubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.32ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB | 07:50 |
polopolo | Nobody can hep my? | 07:50 |
Tm_T | polopolo: how you can't use it? | 07:50 |
ninix | is there a way to modify the way of item placement in the KDE menu ? like.... i want all soft in Menu->KIND..... and not Menu->KIND->More Applicatio | 07:51 |
hyper__ch | hiho | 07:51 |
=== necro is now known as metbsd | ||
=== family [n=family@c-71-62-203-126.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
polopolo | The error says another adept ot apt-get is running | 07:51 |
=== family is now known as devnull | ||
devnull | !pidgin | 07:52 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 07:52 |
ardchoille | ninix: Yes, open the menu editor and move the items in he "more apps" fodlers.. move those out of that folder and it works fine. | 07:52 |
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@01-095.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== hyper__ch is now known as hyper_ch | ||
polopolo | Tm_T: The error says another adept ot apt-get is running | 07:52 |
devnull | Anyone know how to get pidgin installed? | 07:52 |
Tm_T | polopolo: well, close the other app? | 07:53 |
metbsd | how do i get resolution of 1280x800? | 07:53 |
ardchoille | !fixres | 07:53 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:53 |
=== Schuenemann [n=linux@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | devnull: get it from here www.getdeb.net | 07:53 |
polopolo | I not running another question | 07:53 |
Tm_T | polopolo: sure? | 07:53 |
nosrednaekim | metbsd: what type of graphics card do you have? | 07:53 |
polopolo | Sure | 07:53 |
ardchoille | polopolo: Is adept open? synaptic? aptitude? | 07:53 |
metbsd | how to check | 07:53 |
polopolo | I only running Konversation | 07:53 |
polopolo | adept: no synaptic: no aptitude: no! | 07:54 |
Schuenemann | which program can I use for editing videos? like inserting subtitles, for example | 07:54 |
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nosrednaekim | metbsd: just follow that lin that uboto said | 07:56 |
metbsd | how do i check what video card i have | 07:56 |
ninix | ardchoille: emm no. cause i will be forced to do this manually everytime i install a new app | 07:56 |
polopolo | No answer? | 07:56 |
polopolo | I already have restarted my pc | 07:56 |
devnull | nosrednaekim: any repos by chance? and if not, how do i install .deb (been years since I used debian) iirc its dpkg, correct? | 07:57 |
nosrednaekim | "dpkg -i <package location>" | 07:58 |
Arwen | devnull, what are we trying to do? and yes, it's "dpkg -i" | 07:58 |
devnull | Arwen: Pidgin ^_^ | 07:58 |
ardchoille | ninix: How often do you install new apps? I haven't installed a new app since Feisty was released. Besides it only takes a few seconds to move those items out of the more apps folder. | 07:58 |
Arwen | there's a repository for that, devnull | 07:58 |
nosrednaekim | devnull: I don't know... get deb might have a repo | 07:58 |
devnull | gah it does feel better to get off that suse garbage thouygh =/ | 07:58 |
Arwen | devnull, add "deb http://www.telemail.fi/mlind/ubuntu feisty main" to your sources.list | 07:59 |
ninix | ardchoille: i know, but it strange this only appear since i installed something like "kmenu-gnome-apps.........." | 07:59 |
Arwen | that has pidgin in it | 07:59 |
ninix | that's why i was searching an option | 07:59 |
Tm_T | polopolo: do in konsole: "ps aux | grep adept" | 07:59 |
ninix | thx anyway | 07:59 |
devnull | Arwen: Awesome. Ty ^_^ | 07:59 |
devnull | Kubuntu is looking so much better since I last tried it (breezy) | 07:59 |
polopolo | Tm_T: and then? | 07:59 |
Arwen | devnull, oh yeah, if you happen to want a newever freetype, tack "fonts" onto that line | 08:00 |
Tm_T | polopolo: what does it give? | 08:00 |
polopolo | should I use paste.ubuntu-nl.org? | 08:00 |
Tm_T | sure | 08:00 |
nosrednaekim | devnull: good to hear it! | 08:00 |
=== igor_ [n=igor@23-2-207-82.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
devnull | Been pretty much everywhere. suse, gentoo, etc. However I'm finding kubuntu/ubuntu's "it just works" bit a little relieving | 08:01 |
metbsd | but how do i check what my video card is? | 08:01 |
=== DaveTheAve [n=David@163-015.dsl.scrtc.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llutz | metbsd: lspci|grep -i vga | 08:02 |
metbsd | i'm doing dpkg xorg reconfigure | 08:02 |
polopolo | Tn_T: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26760/ | 08:02 |
DaveTheAve | Help me quick! I think i just killed the server!!! I ran usermod -G gooma david and now the ONLY user david can't sudo!!!!! All i was trying to do was add david to the gooma group!! | 08:02 |
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DaveTheAve | plz help me! | 08:04 |
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metbsd | sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.custom | 08:04 |
metbsd | sudo sh -c 'md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf > /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum' | 08:04 |
metbsd | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:04 |
metbsd | oops | 08:04 |
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metbsd | Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller | 08:05 |
metbsd | this is the video card i have | 08:05 |
metbsd | what should i choose in configuration | 08:05 |
nosrednaekim | DaveTheAve: I think you have to boot recovery mode | 08:05 |
polopolo | Tm_T: and then? | 08:06 |
DaveTheAve | ?? | 08:06 |
Tm_T | polopolo: well, give the url (: | 08:06 |
DaveTheAve | What will i do than? | 08:06 |
Tm_T | ah you did, my bad | 08:06 |
nosrednaekim | metbsd: intel | 08:06 |
nosrednaekim | metbsd: or i810, not sure what it has | 08:06 |
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llutz | metbsd: i think it's i810 | 08:07 |
nosrednaekim | DaveTheAve: I think you can just run passwd. | 08:07 |
DaveTheAve | ok thanks | 08:07 |
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
metbsd | i'm going to reboot | 08:08 |
metbsd | hopefully new setting will work | 08:08 |
metbsd | is this the right way to test new resolution? reboot? | 08:08 |
Tm_T | polopolo: hum, and "lsof / | grep apt" ? | 08:08 |
llutz | metbsd: ctrl-atl-backspace | 08:08 |
=== KennethP__ is now known as KennethP | ||
polopolo | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26761/ | 08:09 |
polopolo | Tm_T http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26761/ | 08:10 |
Tm_T | hum | 08:10 |
Arwen | hey guys, I have an Intel X3000 GMA and the "i810" driver doesn't seem to work with it | 08:10 |
Tm_T | interesting | 08:10 |
Tm_T | polopolo: hum, I recommend to try use apt-get or something, I just don't understand | 08:11 |
nosrednaekim | Arwen: is that the newest chipset? | 08:11 |
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Arwen | nosrednaekim, it's in the G965 chipsets... I think the latest is 975 | 08:11 |
Arwen | can't say how new or old it is though | 08:11 |
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nosrednaekim | Arwen: oh.. ok. is there an "intel" driver in that list? | 08:12 |
necro | i still have no right resolution | 08:12 |
Arwen | nosrednaekim, hmm, I'll go check | 08:12 |
llutz | Arwen: i810 should work, used it here with my 965g before | 08:12 |
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Arwen | llutz, not working here... | 08:13 |
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firephoto | Arwen: on feisty install the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver | 08:13 |
Arwen | firephoto, ok, thanks | 08:14 |
necro | can't get my 1280x800 resolution | 08:14 |
nosrednaekim | !fixres | necro | 08:14 |
ubotu | necro: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:14 |
polopolo | Tm_T: I have the answer | 08:15 |
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devnull | Is there a way to get the recently used programs on the kde menu? | 08:16 |
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fusiogen | coucou! | 08:17 |
hyper_ch | fusiogen: coucou | 08:18 |
Tm_T | polopolo: oki | 08:18 |
nosrednaekim | devnull: yeah, wondering that myself | 08:18 |
necro | i don't have monitorrange in ddcprobe command | 08:18 |
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hyper_ch | devnull: sure its somehow possible | 08:18 |
drkns | hello fella | 08:18 |
drkns | s | 08:18 |
devnull | Yeah heh. Thats the only thing that kinda bugs me. Everything else is great | 08:18 |
polopolo | Tm_T: dpkg --configure -a is the answer :D | 08:19 |
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drkns | i wold like to see mov files what is the codec or program to use? | 08:19 |
devnull | hyper_ch: Not necessarily. It could be the way kde was compiled | 08:19 |
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hyper_ch | devnull: since it's open source you could modify it ;) | 08:19 |
devnull | hyper_ch: true ;) | 08:20 |
Tm_T | polopolo: interesting, yet, I don't understand | 08:20 |
Arwen | http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2007062209235346 - hey guys, even MS agrees that K/Ubuntu rules! | 08:20 |
devnull | But tbh, I've had my fill of compiling kde lol | 08:20 |
hyper_ch | is for anyone else amarok failing to submit to last.fm? | 08:20 |
polopolo | Tm_T: I also not | 08:20 |
=== Arwen wonders what the hell last.fm is even good for | ||
nosrednaekim | hyper_ch: seems to be working here | 08:21 |
Tm_T | polopolo: you said it whines about other apt so... bah, I don't care (: | 08:21 |
Arwen | whee... now hundreds of other people know what kind of bad music I listen too | 08:21 |
devnull | Arwen: I agre its pointless | 08:21 |
hyper_ch | Arwen: for showing off what kind of music you like :) | 08:21 |
Tm_T | Arwen: well, I use it as for myself | 08:21 |
wilman | Hey guys, when in audacity I setup this function : play other tracks while recording, after i recorded, the recorded stuff suddenly disapears. every time when I finished recording with this function it is just gone | 08:21 |
polopolo | Tm_T: it says the error | 08:21 |
nosrednaekim | wilman: #audacity | 08:21 |
Tm_T | Arwen: I don't care if other's don't look what I listen, but I can easily see what I have listened and when | 08:22 |
Arwen | hmm | 08:22 |
drkns | ok no application for apple quick time files???? | 08:22 |
=== Arwen has all of 5 songs, no need for that | ||
Arwen | drkns, stop talking in AOL first of all.. | 08:22 |
Arwen | second, it's "QuickTime" | 08:22 |
Arwen | third, every single media player available plays it, you just FAIL | 08:22 |
drkns | ?? what AOL | 08:23 |
Arwen | !restrictedformats | drkns | 08:23 |
ubotu | drkns: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:23 |
nosrednaekim | Arwen: I think he's foreign... be nice | 08:23 |
=== bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-8-127.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | next time read the f***ing manual before asking questions... | 08:23 |
Arwen | nosrednaekim, I wasn't commenting on his English but rather his usage of multiple '?'s | 08:23 |
jhutchins_lt | He's just excited. | 08:24 |
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Arwen | lol | 08:24 |
drkns | Arwen, I just switched to kubuntu from vista and i am not an IRC user as well but if your the kind of person who use linux, I will go back to vista again | 08:25 |
=== gary_ [n=gary@user-5444c808.lns1-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
devnull | hmm | 08:25 |
_4strO | !nvidia | 08:25 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:25 |
devnull | why is java being a pain to install? | 08:25 |
Tm_T | drkns: glad we are not all like that (: | 08:25 |
=== peanutb_ [n=paulb@c-24-16-243-186.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | Arwen: behave | 08:25 |
Arwen | drkns, suite yourself. I believe they tell you to read the f***ing manual in ##windows too. | 08:25 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ | ||
=== Arwen hears too many of those questions each day, sorry... | ||
nosrednaekim | !attitude | Arwen | 08:26 |
ubotu | Arwen: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:26 |
Tm_T | Arwen: one more in that attitude and you're out | 08:26 |
nosrednaekim | well... that wasn't right | 08:26 |
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nosrednaekim | drkns: did you read that link from ubotu? | 08:26 |
drkns | i dont give a shit how many times you here this kind of question just get out of here or just dont f****kin read my s***t ok | 08:26 |
=== anne [n=anne@81-232-150-243-no26.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | well well.. | 08:27 |
Tm_T | drkns: calm down, everything is ok now (; | 08:27 |
=== gary_ [n=gary@user-5444c808.lns1-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | !attitude | drkns | 08:27 |
ubotu | drkns: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:27 |
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drkns | bye | 08:27 |
Arwen | .. | 08:27 |
nosrednaekim | look... what.... you..... did... | 08:27 |
=== anne is now known as Cuito | ||
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devnull | Having a problem with package manager I think. Keeps telling me it can't do anything. Hold for details | 08:28 |
=== andrea [n=andrea@host-62-10-230-123.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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andrea | ,nmm,n | 08:29 |
ferronica | need help regarding Ktorrent using under gnome | 08:29 |
nosrednaekim | devnull: I doubt the details are going to be so shocking that i'm going to flip out of my chair | 08:29 |
ksivaji | devnull you means adept | 08:29 |
Tm_T | Arwen: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | 08:29 |
Arwen | ferronica, details? | 08:29 |
nosrednaekim | ;) | 08:29 |
devnull | ksivaji: correct | 08:29 |
Arwen | Tm_T, yes, I'm sorry, just frustrated | 08:29 |
Tm_T | Arwen: I'm too, so, please, try | 08:29 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Tm_T] by Tm_T | ||
devnull | blah. That was dumb. It kept messing up w/ java because I didn't scroll down and hit the tickbox... | 08:30 |
Tm_T | devnull: <3 | 08:30 |
Tm_T | isn't that lovely? | 08:30 |
ferronica | Arwen: i think bug problem | 08:30 |
ksivaji | devnull "sudo dpkg --configure -a" run this commnad | 08:30 |
devnull | Tm_T: xD | 08:30 |
=== ninix [n=s0nix@modemcable052.179-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
Arwen | ferronica, more details? lol | 08:31 |
devnull | ksivaji: a step ahead actually ^_^ | 08:31 |
ksivaji | devnull what happen | 08:31 |
ksivaji | what error u get | 08:31 |
Tm_T | it's time for me to go... behave and have fun with peace! | 08:31 |
=== juan278 [n=juan278@cpc3-gran1-0-0-cust584.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | yay -< | 08:31 |
ksivaji | devnull | 08:32 |
ferronica | Arwen: i am unable to remove one torrent from it | 08:32 |
Arwen | that's really odd, does it say anything? | 08:32 |
devnull | ksivaji: finally got it fixed. It was due to the fact that I did not know there was a checkbox for the java install. So i blindly hit next next | 08:32 |
=== treck_ [n=treck@20150049252.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ksivaji | devnull lol | 08:32 |
ferronica | Arwen: it took me to crash handler window | 08:32 |
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Arwen | hmm, well, dunno what to say, sounds like a bug :-) | 08:33 |
=== Hc [n=toffe@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ferronica | Arwen: should i give you Backtrace k-torrent generated?? | 08:33 |
Arwen | nah, I know nothing about programming, rather, go file a bug report | 08:33 |
ferronica | Arwen: but other torrent which i added recently working fine | 08:35 |
=== Edulix [n=edulix@40.Red-83-55-179.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
devnull | Anything to look out for in the 64bit version of kubuntu feisty? Getting ready to install on my other pc | 08:36 |
nosrednaekim | devnull: bad support for java, falsh, and of course 32 bit apps | 08:36 |
nosrednaekim | but thats about standard I heaar | 08:36 |
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Arwen | devnull, what nosrednaekim said | 08:37 |
Arwen | you miss out on a few apps | 08:37 |
ferronica | Arwen: Cannot delete /home/tushar/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/tor0/: Directory not empty | 08:37 |
Arwen | and probably some proprietary drivers | 08:37 |
Arwen | ferronica, do it manually? | 08:37 |
ferronica | Arwen: how ? | 08:37 |
Arwen | ... | 08:38 |
Arwen | rm -r /home/tushar/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/tor0 | 08:38 |
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zoohouse | Anyone here familiar with the Gopher protocol? | 08:39 |
graff | alguem sabe dixer o nome do canal do ubuntu em pt??? | 08:40 |
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ferronica | Arwen: whatever under tor0 should i delete all? | 08:40 |
BrianDonohue | I've got an interesting situation for anyone willing to help: I'd like to be able to remotely access my machine (basic ssh) but be able to do it graphically | 08:40 |
venik212 | I attached a USB drive to my computer, but the icon keeps disappearing from my Kubuntu 7.04 desktop | 08:41 |
Arwen | ferronica, well, that would be a guaranteed solution :-) | 08:41 |
ferronica | Arwen: ok i did | 08:41 |
venik212 | I can see the drive from /media and I can access it, but why does it disappear? | 08:41 |
Arwen | ferronica, try again? | 08:42 |
graff | alguem fala portugues? | 08:42 |
hyper_ch | !pt | graff | 08:43 |
ubotu | graff: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 08:43 |
graff | ok | 08:43 |
ferronica | Arwen: yes it worked | 08:43 |
BrianDonohue | Or anyone that might know even the basics about SSH | 08:43 |
llutz | BrianDonohue: use freenx/nxserver | 08:43 |
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ferronica | Arwen: all torrent info deleted which are in tor0 | 08:43 |
BrianDonohue | I was thinking just XDMPC | 08:45 |
llutz | BrianDonohue: too slow :) | 08:45 |
zoohouse | Anyone here familiar with the Gopher protocol? | 08:45 |
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walber | <BrianDonohue> Or you can try use vnc, it can be use in Windows and Linux too. Another option is krdc of the kubuntu. | 08:47 |
hyper_ch | I use krdc/krfb even in Xubuntu | 08:48 |
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walber | This is really interesting tools for access and control a desktop for another machine. | 08:50 |
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venik212 | I attached a USB drive to my computer, but the icon keeps disappearing from my Kubuntu 7.04 desktop | 08:51 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 08:51 |
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venik212 | I can see the drive from /media and I can access it, but why does it disappear? | 08:51 |
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walber | <venik212> Did you try to press F5 button and refresh the screen? | 08:53 |
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venik212 | It seems to do nothing | 08:53 |
venik212 | (F5, that is) | 08:54 |
venik212 | I can choose Refresh Desktop from the context menu, but that does nothng as well | 08:54 |
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necro | so where do i check what software is available in kubuntu? | 08:55 |
necro | i want to install many many things | 08:55 |
ardchoille | necro: you can browse through adept | 08:55 |
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walber | But you are sure that your pendrive is mounted? | 08:55 |
necro | so if it's not found in adepte i'm out of luck? | 08:55 |
ardchoille | necro: No, you probably don't have all the repos enabled. | 08:56 |
ardchoille | !repos | necro | 08:56 |
ubotu | necro: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 08:56 |
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ardchoille | necro: And if it isn't in the repos, you can install from ubuntu .debs as well. | 08:56 |
q-ik | a lost my sound when i install a camera canon - amarok crashed :( no sound no where :/ | 08:56 |
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ardchoille | necro: Keep in mind that the ubuntu repos are huge, I've never had to compile anything. | 08:58 |
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walber | <venik212> The icon that appear in desktop when a pendrive is pluggin is a text file that contain informations of the device + kde informations too. | 09:00 |
yourfriend | ardchoille - thank god its not like Gentoo or BSD .. LOL | 09:00 |
ardchoille | lol | 09:01 |
venik212 | Actually, it is not a pendrive but a USB disk drive (500 gb). When I clciked on it, I could access everything on the drive | 09:01 |
venik212 | clicked, even | 09:01 |
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Arwen | ardchoille, no matter how large the repos are, if you need a feature that's disabled by default for stupid reasons... compiling time.. | 09:02 |
devnull | heh | 09:02 |
ardchoille | Arwen: True | 09:02 |
devnull | Gentoo is not all that bad. The compiling does get old after a while though. | 09:02 |
=== Arwen has had to compile mplayer, amarok, vlc, and fglrx | ||
devnull | all easy compiles ^_^ | 09:03 |
Arwen | compiling takes too long :-\ | 09:03 |
Arwen | devnull, mplayer was tricky actually | 09:03 |
devnull | kde/glibc =/ | 09:03 |
ardchoille | devnull: Well, for folks like me that haven't been able to find libpatience.so.0, that would get old in about 5 minutes, lol | 09:03 |
devnull | ardchoille: lol yeah =/ | 09:03 |
Arwen | as for why you need to build your own kde/glib.. | 09:03 |
devnull | Arwen: in gentoo I meant | 09:04 |
Arwen | ah | 09:04 |
Arwen | but portage does it all for you | 09:04 |
devnull | True, doesn't mean I always use portage though | 09:04 |
devnull | and for the most part, portage only sets the proper configure time options to pass, then compiles | 09:05 |
yourfriend | devnull >> gentoo is for suckerz. lol jk | 09:05 |
Arwen | Gentoo has binary KDE doesn't it? | 09:05 |
yourfriend | devnull >> Its just not a usable system for most general users | 09:05 |
devnull | Arwen: Nope | 09:05 |
devnull | Very few binaries at all | 09:06 |
Arwen | well, I coulda sworn they provided binary packages for those that didn't have uber-cpus | 09:06 |
devnull | I loved it, it just gets old having to recompiling completely for a x.0.0.1 change | 09:06 |
yourfriend | devnull >> yeah thats all gentoo can do is compile. lmao | 09:06 |
yourfriend | Kubuntu rocks! | 09:07 |
Arwen | on the other hand, if you compile everything, that means you get exactly the features you want | 09:07 |
devnull | It does however, when done properly, create a very stable and efficient system. Just not for people like me who like bleeding edge | 09:07 |
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devnull | Arwen: Exactly. | 09:07 |
yourfriend | yes but it well never have a major install base | 09:07 |
yourfriend | look what i started... ugh | 09:08 |
Arwen | Linux doesn't have a major install base either,, but yeah, back on topic now | 09:08 |
devnull | Tbh your quite right yourfriend | 09:08 |
yourfriend | Arwen : thats what all of us are trying to change | 09:08 |
yourfriend | =) | 09:09 |
devnull | It is not for the basic users and never will be. However it is a GREAT learning experience | 09:09 |
BrianDonohue | What about simple SSH? Anyone have any clue about that? | 09:09 |
=== Arwen isn't interested in spreading the word :-\ | ||
yourfriend | dev >> right you are. but for us total nerds. lol | 09:09 |
devnull | And I'm glad I had the oppurtunity to learn it myself. | 09:09 |
devnull | yourfriend: xD | 09:09 |
yourfriend | dev >> I can give Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu to my grandmother or a friend who is a lawyer and they can use it without any issue | 09:10 |
yourfriend | dev >> now that kicks ass! | 09:10 |
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devnull | yourfriend: Your absolutely right. This pc im on is for my family. I got sick of troubleshooting windows issues with my retarded father who decides he is going to physically delete antivirus files and wonder why viruses get in | 09:11 |
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devnull | I mean its great when you restart the computer and get: ntldr not found. | 09:11 |
yourfriend | dev >> yes. malware is most often propigated by user ignorance as any other factor but Linux helps a bit on that front | 09:12 |
devnull | Very true. I have not had to troubleshoot anything like that since switching them to linux. (well except that my brother plays that retarded runescape game and was complaining about the game freezing after like 20 minutes or something) | 09:12 |
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yourfriend | devnull > all OS's have bugs eh? | 09:13 |
devnull | But that was on suse, hoping the issue is non-existant now. Suse is bloated. | 09:13 |
yourfriend | devnull > suse is also crap | 09:13 |
devnull | agreed. And the community is horrid. | 09:13 |
yourfriend | dev >> I think you mean "community" | 09:14 |
yourfriend | dev >> lol | 09:14 |
devnull | once again, agreed. | 09:14 |
devnull | They all have that "german superiority" complex. | 09:14 |
BrianDonohue | !info vega-strike | 09:14 |
ubotu | Package vega-strike does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 09:14 |
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yourfriend | devnull >> who cares about them they are irrelevant >> Its all about Canonical, Redhat, IBM, HP,Sun in the FOSS space | 09:15 |
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devnull | And all they do is sit there and bash on *ubuntu in the channel | 09:15 |
tsdgeos | lol, canonical better than novell? | 09:15 |
tsdgeos | fanboys | 09:15 |
yourfriend | > I dont even know a single company in the dozens I work for that even EVER used Novell | 09:16 |
devnull | I will agree with that. | 09:16 |
yourfriend | wasted 0's and 1's | 09:16 |
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devnull | only school iirc | 09:16 |
devnull | they used that novell program (god if I Remember the name) | 09:16 |
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devnull | groupware or groupwise | 09:17 |
yourfriend | >> hold on a sec let me check if Novell Netware is a success? Oh, yeah.. total failure. lol | 09:17 |
devnull | something like that | 09:17 |
devnull | yeah netware | 09:17 |
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yourfriend | I call it crapware | 09:17 |
devnull | hehe | 09:17 |
yourfriend | fukem who cares | 09:17 |
yourfriend | they can hold hands with MS all they want | 09:17 |
devnull | In the world of *nix its the community that matters. | 09:17 |
yourfriend | rgr that | 09:17 |
devnull | You have no community, you have no support. | 09:18 |
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yourfriend | projects are significantly community driven but with considerable corporate sponsorship and investment | 09:18 |
yourfriend | yes | 09:18 |
yourfriend | yes | 09:18 |
devnull | I found it relieving to come here, ask a question and be immediately answered, without people questioning my reasoning | 09:18 |
yourfriend | devnull > because we are not a-holes like the Openbsd peeps | 09:19 |
devnull | heh true | 09:19 |
hyper_ch | devnull: /me questions your nickname ^^ | 09:19 |
walber | <venik212> In configuration system > Desktop > Behave you can choise what icons of devices you want(mounted or not). | 09:19 |
BrianDonohue | linux_vegastrike-cvs.sh: 26: Syntax error: Bad substitution | 09:19 |
BrianDonohue | What do that mean? | 09:19 |
BrianDonohue | Line 26 of the shell script? | 09:19 |
devnull | I find it very funny in suse that they think their package management system is so godly, and refuse to support anything else, when it has more bugs than one can count. | 09:20 |
devnull | hyper_ch: /dev/null | 09:20 |
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BrianDonohue | Argh, in my opinion RPM is on the way out | 09:20 |
=== hyper_ch moves sudo mv devnull to /dev/null ;) | ||
devnull | =( | 09:20 |
yourfriend | devnull >> who cares >> Novell is total crap | 09:21 |
hyper_ch | ups... I should not combine two toughts into one sentence | 09:21 |
BrianDonohue | The only good RPM based distro is Fedora. | 09:21 |
devnull | well .deb and rpm are very close lol | 09:21 |
venik212 | thanks-- the relevant box is clicked, but no icon.. ;-( | 09:21 |
BrianDonohue | Well, I mean the package managers that support RPM. | 09:21 |
yourfriend | brianDonahue >> ugh FC is alphaware | 09:21 |
hyper_ch | I think FC is also quite nice | 09:21 |
devnull | correct | 09:22 |
BrianDonohue | Well, it always will be just because of the development chain, but it's some nice work. | 09:22 |
yourfriend | brianDonahue >> precisely | 09:22 |
BrianDonohue | Can someone look at a shell script for me? I'll give you the link | 09:22 |
BrianDonohue | http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net/files/index.html | 09:22 |
BrianDonohue | Bottom one | 09:22 |
yourfriend | brianDonahue >> Centos if you want RPM based | 09:22 |
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devnull | hmm | 09:22 |
BrianDonohue | CentOS is a great server OS. | 09:22 |
devnull | amarok keeps freezing on startup | 09:22 |
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BrianDonohue | I'm very happy with Ubuntu, to be honest. I don't think I'll be moving. | 09:23 |
BrianDonohue | The only reason why I have something else on my flash drive is that I couldn't get Ubuntu to boot. | 09:23 |
hyper_ch | BrianDonohue: for server I still use debian (sarge)... it has just proven to be rock stable | 09:23 |
jhutchins_lt | RPM has a lot of features that other package managers don't, like for instance verifying a package, or the whole system. It has better info on relationships between installed packages than .deb. | 09:23 |
=== zoohouse [n=joel@adsl-153-64-40.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zoohouse | what is the command to start up services? | 09:24 |
BrianDonohue | Yeah. | 09:24 |
devnull | Anyone else have that issue w/ amarok 1.4.6? It freezes on startup | 09:24 |
zoohouse | . /etc something | 09:24 |
ardchoille | jhutchins_lt: Unfortunately, rpm's can't be used on ubuntu | 09:24 |
yourfriend | devnull >> I use VLC | 09:24 |
BrianDonohue | It might be a nice idea to use apt's dependency checking combined with rpm's. | 09:24 |
xst | In edgy I configured the fonts size in emacs in .Xresources but this file isn't loaded in feisty. Neither are .Xdefaults. What to do? | 09:25 |
hyper_ch | zoohouse: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 09:25 |
BrianDonohue | Because I've had nothing but bad experiences with yum and yast. | 09:25 |
devnull | yast = garbage | 09:25 |
BrianDonohue | When I was using SuSe, first thing I did was installed apt4SuSe | 09:25 |
yourfriend | brianDonahue >> It might be nice if there were a user friendly Debian based distro that kicked all others a$$es. Oh wait thats Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Xubuntu | 09:25 |
BrianDonohue | Yeah, I'm impressed with it. | 09:25 |
zoohouse | thanks hyper_ch, | 09:26 |
BrianDonohue | Also, when you are going to write out my name, use tab so you spell it correctly so it shows up in red, so I know you're talking to me. | 09:26 |
yourfriend | ardchoille >> there is alien | 09:26 |
ardchoille | yourfriend: using alien is quite dangerous | 09:26 |
ardchoille | !alien | 09:26 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 09:26 |
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yourfriend | ardchoille >> yes I Know and I don't use it. Just saying | 09:26 |
ardchoille | Yeah | 09:26 |
Arwen | alien isn't in of itself dangerous, but if you use the script conversion, then.. | 09:27 |
yourfriend | very true | 09:27 |
yourfriend | its better to use the .deb or compile if there is no package | 09:27 |
ardchoille | Since using Ubuntu (started when Warty was released), I haven't had the need to stray from the repos. | 09:27 |
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devnull | blah. amarok is being a pain | 09:27 |
BrianDonohue | Lol, you're not hard to please then, ardchoille, haha. | 09:28 |
ardchoille | lol | 09:28 |
yourfriend | devnull >> error messages? | 09:28 |
BrianDonohue | I am always on the search for compilation just because it seems like the things I REALLY want are never in the repos. | 09:28 |
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Misterfixit | the weather in nashville sucks right now, but if I had a swimming pool it would be ok. | 09:29 |
BrianDonohue | !offtopic | 09:29 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 09:29 |
Misterfixit | gee that was like totally random | 09:29 |
BrianDonohue | :P | 09:29 |
Misterfixit | sorry | 09:29 |
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Misterfixit | wrong channel | 09:29 |
BrianDonohue | I'm just kidding, haha. | 09:29 |
BrianDonohue | We haven't been ontopic for what, an hour? | 09:29 |
ardchoille | lol | 09:29 |
RytmenPinnen | something that I feel should be in the ubuntu repos is the perl audi converter with konqueror plugin, makes converting audio files easier than anything | 09:29 |
Misterfixit | i thought i had Konversation set up to automatically log into the group #crazy.as.a.bed.bug | 09:30 |
devnull | yourfriend: funny thing is I can't find any. running from cli gives me: http://pastebin.ca/584448 | 09:30 |
ardchoille | !info kaudiokonverter | 09:30 |
ubotu | Package kaudiokonverter does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 09:30 |
Misterfixit | :-) | 09:30 |
ardchoille | !info soundkonverter | 09:30 |
=== Misterfixit is away: Gone away for now. | ||
ubotu | soundkonverter: KDE frontend to various audio converters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 365 kB, installed size 1456 kB | 09:30 |
=== pirateking [n=pirateki@ppp-70-225-178-7.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | !info zsh | 09:31 |
ubotu | zsh: A shell with lots of features. In component main, is optional. Version 4.3.2-25ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2169 kB, installed size 6528 kB | 09:31 |
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ardchoille | RytmenPinnen: soundkonverter can convert quite a few sound formats | 09:31 |
GrueTamer | go zsh | 09:31 |
Arwen | not that you really want to convert sound files, but.. | 09:31 |
GrueTamer | because it corrects my spelling! | 09:31 |
Arwen | really? | 09:32 |
GrueTamer | yeah | 09:32 |
GrueTamer | if i type in 'chomd', it asks me to correct it to chmod | 09:32 |
GrueTamer | and, i can cd to directories by just typing their name | 09:32 |
ardchoille | GrueTamer: That's cool. I've been looking for a keyboard that will print what I meant instead of what I typed, lol | 09:32 |
GrueTamer | of course, ive got a custom .zshrc file, but i can give you the contents if you want | 09:33 |
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=== kies_ is now known as pirateking | ||
BrianDonohue | Lol, haha, ubotu is a typical geek!! | 09:34 |
BrianDonohue | !women | 09:34 |
ubotu | The women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively. | 09:34 |
BrianDonohue | Haha\ | 09:34 |
BrianDonohue | Shit, nevermind. | 09:34 |
dromer | how can I see which ftpd I have installed and what program I can use to manage users etc. ? | 09:34 |
BrianDonohue | But I found that article again :D | 09:34 |
=== Arwen thinks #ubuntu-women should die. It's misogynistic as hell. | ||
=== BrianDonohue doesn't know what misogynistic is | ||
BrianDonohue | !misogynistic | 09:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about misogynistic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:35 |
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devnull | BrianDonohue: That did not help at all lol | 09:35 |
hyper_ch | hmm, what is misogynistic | 09:35 |
Arwen | sexism basically | 09:35 |
gnomefreak | Arwen: please read the coc than fix your comment BrianDonohue watch your language | 09:35 |
BrianDonohue | Oh. | 09:35 |
BrianDonohue | Sorry. | 09:35 |
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Arwen | gnomefreak, "how to talk to women about Ubuntu".... | 09:36 |
hyper_ch | gnomefreak: what did BrianDonohue do??? | 09:36 |
BrianDonohue | I said shit. | 09:36 |
BrianDonohue | Lol | 09:36 |
BrianDonohue | Again. | 09:36 |
gnomefreak | Arwen: that is not what you said | 09:36 |
BrianDonohue | Sorry | 09:36 |
hyper_ch | BrianDonohue: oh... didn't see that :) | 09:36 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
Arwen | I said that the channel was misogynistic and I gave an example. If you want to correct me, please do. | 09:37 |
=== BrianDonohue [n=brian@S010600195b4be442.ls.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu [requested] | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak | ||
gnomefreak | 15:34 * Arwen thinks #ubuntu-women should die. | 09:37 |
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hyper_ch | gnomefreak: and what is wrong with expressing one's opinion? | 09:37 |
gnomefreak | Arwen: you need to rethink your comments | 09:37 |
Arwen | gnomefreak, "because it's misogynistic". We shouldn't have a separate channel for women. | 09:38 |
hyper_ch | gnomefreak: and banning for using s***... c'mon... | 09:38 |
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gnomefreak | hyper_ch: one this is a support channel | 09:38 |
gnomefreak | hyper_ch: i didnt ban him | 09:38 |
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BrianDonohue | I'll uh.... Watch my mouth. | 09:38 |
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hyper_ch | gnomefreak: banning... kicking... all the same... | 09:38 |
dromer | how can I manage users on a ftpd? | 09:39 |
hyper_ch | dromer: depends on the ftp server you use | 09:39 |
devnull | Ok one more time, anyone else had problems w/ amarok 1.4.6? Mine freezes on startup | 09:39 |
gnomefreak | hyper_ch: if you have a problem with it please read !grules than !coc than come back and comment | 09:39 |
gnomefreak | thats !rules | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | dromer: hava a look at http://www.howtoforge.com --> they have some excellent tutorials on how to setup an ftp server | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | !grules | 09:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about grules - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | !coc | 09:40 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 09:40 |
hyper_ch | gnomefreak: I'm expressing my opinion... no matter what! | 09:40 |
gnomefreak | hyper_ch: this is not a channel for your opinions | 09:41 |
hyper_ch | gnomefreak: in the end everything said is an opinion | 09:41 |
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BrianDonohue | I also don't believe anything has been disruptive, gnomefreak. At the time of the first conversation no problems were being posed, now there are some and this discussion has continued so I do believe it would be in everyone's best interest if we all dropped it. | 09:42 |
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BrianDonohue | devnull: Is that the version built from source? | 09:42 |
BrianDonohue | Or the version in the repo... | 09:42 |
hyper_ch | wow... getting kicked so easily? Not even having used offensive language... wow... power really corrupts | 09:42 |
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devnull | BrianDonohue: repo | 09:43 |
BrianDonohue | Hmm | 09:43 |
gnomefreak | hyper_ch: read the topic | 09:43 |
BrianDonohue | devnull: Mine just worked when I installed it, I've gotten lucky with that I guess. | 09:43 |
BrianDonohue | Will it just not run? | 09:43 |
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dromer | hyper_ch: I'm running an ftpd, but I'm not sure which one atm | 09:43 |
BrianDonohue | !topic | 09:44 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 09:44 |
q-ik | hello - could anyone help me :) - i cant run alsaconf, I all ready install alsa-base/utils/source etc but i cant run alsaconf :/ | 09:44 |
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yourfriend | have a great weekend every1 | 09:45 |
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_peerless | hey, I am trying to install xubuntu from a usb drive (on a laptop that doesnt have a cdrom drive). I made the stick bootable using syslinux. I copied over the alternate cdrom iso to the stick, renamed isolinux folder and .bin and .cfg to syslinux. Booted up, started the install. I get to the point where it tries to detect cdrom, cant. I go to a shell and try to mount the usb as cdrom, but I am stuck at this step. If I check the syslog when plugging in | 09:47 |
devnull | blah. I cannot get this issue to go away. I even removed ~/.kde/config/amarokrc and ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok | 09:47 |
devnull | !mp3 | 09:48 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:48 |
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BrianDonohue | devnull: I'm gonna take a stab.... Maybe it's xine? | 09:52 |
bdexterholland | sorry, but, someone knows how to make kubuntu shows a message in some programmed hour? | 09:53 |
devnull | BrianDonohue: Yeah I was thinking the same thing, Im installing the restricted formats packages now and see if that resolves it | 09:53 |
BrianDonohue | I've gotta header though. | 09:53 |
BrianDonohue | Should be back in 4 hours. | 09:53 |
bdexterholland | sorry, but, someone knows how to make kubuntu shows a message in some programmed hour? | 09:54 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: You can use kdialog in a cronjob | 09:54 |
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bdexterholland | can you show me a example? i've already tried it | 09:54 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: Open a terminal and run: kdialog --caption "message title" --msgbox "message body" | 09:55 |
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bdexterholland | but, how i can put it on cronjob? i've tried at crontab: 32-40 22 * * * root xmessage halting | 09:56 |
bobbob | hey | 09:56 |
bobbob | im having a problem | 09:56 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: Why is the root in there? | 09:56 |
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bdexterholland | the user... | 09:57 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: And your not using xmessage in this example, you're using kdialog | 09:57 |
bdexterholland | i've read that is necessary at crontab | 09:57 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: To edit root's cronjobs, run: sudo crontab -e | 09:57 |
bdexterholland | i've tried kdialog too | 09:57 |
bdexterholland | ill try what you said... thanks... | 09:59 |
bobbob | i did a fresh install | 09:59 |
bobbob | and my mouse is stuck on super slow | 09:59 |
bobbob | i can change it | 09:59 |
bobbob | any ideas how i can fix this? | 09:59 |
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ardchoille | bdexterholland: In order to run graphical apps (kdialog) from a cronjob, you have to tell cron which display to use: env DISPLAY=:0. | 10:00 |
bdexterholland | how the full command line will be? | 10:01 |
bdexterholland | please... | 10:01 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: So it would be: env DISPLAY=:0. kdialog --caption "message title" --msgbox "message body" | 10:01 |
bdexterholland | ok, thanks... | 10:01 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: http://imacgregor.com/Linux/CrontabTutorial | 10:02 |
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Schuenemann | hey | 10:03 |
Schuenemann | can anyone recommend me a program for editing videos? Adding subtitles, for example | 10:03 |
Arwen | uh.. you don't need to edit video to add subtitles | 10:03 |
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Schuenemann | no? | 10:03 |
Arwen | http://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/subtitles/ssa.html | 10:04 |
daSkreech | Schuenemann: nope | 10:04 |
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Arwen | nope, ever heard of softsubs? | 10:04 |
Schuenemann | I want them IN the video, not a separate text file | 10:04 |
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Schuenemann | hmm... I guess not | 10:04 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, then use a competent container like Matroska | 10:04 |
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Schuenemann | what's that? I write the subtitles in a text file and that matroska fuses them? | 10:05 |
Schuenemann | them == video and text | 10:06 |
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Arwen | Matroska is an encapsulation method of audio, video, and text.. | 10:06 |
Arwen | the text is still not part of the video, but they're in the same file | 10:06 |
underdog5004 | I'm trying to get rtorrent to seed from one directory, and download/upload to/from another directory. Does anybody know how to do this? | 10:06 |
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Arwen | does that help? | 10:06 |
dave | my ps/2 mouse and keyboardhave stopped working but usb ones work... :S | 10:06 |
Schuenemann | hmmm... not much | 10:06 |
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Schuenemann | what will be the video's format? AVI, mpeg? | 10:07 |
Schuenemann | any? | 10:07 |
Arwen | the *file*'s format will be Matroska | 10:07 |
Arwen | the actual video/audio will stay the same | 10:07 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: Here are some good examples for using kdialog: http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/37601 | 10:07 |
Schuenemann | will I need matroska to play the video? | 10:07 |
Arwen | if you want, I can recommend mencoder/kino/aegisub/whatever to hardsub your subtitles but that greatly degrades the quality | 10:07 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, you will need a matroska-supporting player like mplayer, vlc, etc | 10:08 |
Schuenemann | hmmm... that's bad | 10:08 |
Schuenemann | I don't think "everyone" has that | 10:08 |
dave | my ps/2 mouse and keyboardhave stopped working but usb ones work... any ideas anyone? | 10:08 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, use aegisub then. It can burn the subtitle directly into the video. | 10:08 |
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Arwen | or wait, I'm thinking wrong... mencoder* | 10:08 |
bdexterholland | ardchoille, thanks, that env DISPLAY is what was remaing for me :D | 10:08 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, does mencoder have a gui? | 10:09 |
intelikey | dave sudo modprobe psmouse | 10:09 |
ardchoille | bdexterholland: Yes, cron doesn't know which display to use so you have to tell it which one :) | 10:09 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, NO | 10:09 |
bdexterholland | sorry about my english, i'm brasilian... | 10:09 |
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intelikey | dave dmesg | 10:09 |
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Schuenemann | !br | bdexterholland | 10:09 |
ubotu | bdexterholland: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 10:09 |
bdexterholland | bye | 10:09 |
Arwen | you won't be able to do this without some knowledge of scripting. Windows, Linux, or any other OS. | 10:09 |
intelikey | dave you do know that if you unplug ps/2 it wont work until you reboot ? | 10:10 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, I can't believe that... why can't I just choose something like "display this text from this frame to this frame" ? | 10:10 |
Arwen | because it's not that easy | 10:10 |
dave | intelikey it wasnt | 10:10 |
dave | intelikey have checkedall connections | 10:10 |
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Schuenemann | Arwen, how come so many boneheads do that? :p | 10:10 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, unless, if you want to manually draw the words onto the video yourself, you could use a generic video editor | 10:11 |
intelikey | dave ok did you check dmesg to see what was going on ? | 10:11 |
ardchoille | Schuenemann: There are many apps that will rip subtitles along with the video. These come to my mind: k9copy, acidrip, xdvdshrink | 10:11 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, they don't do it efficiently :-) | 10:11 |
dave | intelikey what am i looking for exactly, not an expert yet ;) | 10:11 |
Arwen | ardchoille, he wants to hardsub something | 10:11 |
Arwen | not rip | 10:11 |
ardchoille | Arwen: Oh, ok. | 10:11 |
intelikey | dave anything concerning the "ps/2" devices | 10:11 |
Schuenemann | but do you mean not efficiently? | 10:11 |
Schuenemann | they fuck the video? | 10:11 |
Schuenemann | sorry, mess the video* | 10:11 |
pyrotix | is there any way to disable sound from a web page/flash thing in konqueror? | 10:12 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, no, they just do it very very slowly | 10:12 |
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pyrotix | while having other applications still continue with sound | 10:12 |
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Arwen | but, hardsubbing invariably degrades the quality of a video since you have to recompress it | 10:12 |
dave | intelikey can see mouse -- "input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse as /class/input/input3" | 10:12 |
Schuenemann | recompress all frames? | 10:12 |
Schuenemann | or just the modified ones | 10:12 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, all of em | 10:13 |
Schuenemann | gee... | 10:13 |
Arwen | videos use inter-frame compression so editing one requires changes to the following ones | 10:13 |
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intelikey | dave ok that's either the ps/2 mouse or a ps/2 type mouse with usb interface | 10:13 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, you *could* just tell your friends to stop being lazy and use a matroska-supporting player :-) | 10:13 |
Arwen | there's a lot of em | 10:13 |
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Schuenemann | heheh | 10:13 |
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intelikey | dave do you have a /dev/psaux ? | 10:14 |
Schuenemann | I'd like to add some frames before the video too, to present it | 10:14 |
dave | intelikey ? | 10:14 |
intelikey | dave ls /dev/psaux | 10:14 |
dave | intelikey yeh | 10:14 |
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Schuenemann | Arwen, I'd like to try the inneficient method before... which program I need? | 10:15 |
intelikey | dave cat /dev/psaux | od and move the mouse around | 10:15 |
dave | inteikey no actually | 10:15 |
Schuenemann | I think window$ movie maker does it, or not? | 10:15 |
intelikey | oh | 10:15 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, kino probably | 10:15 |
intelikey | dave ok. | 10:15 |
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Arwen | *I thought you were transferring the subtitles from a file to the video not making them from scratch* | 10:16 |
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Schuenemann | nah... I'll have to think of them | 10:16 |
dave | inteikey got a bus, disk, fd, input, net, pts, shm,snd | 10:16 |
intelikey | dave lsmod | grep mouse | 10:16 |
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dave | psmouse 38920 0 | 10:17 |
dave | intelikey | 10:17 |
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intelikey | hmmm that should have made a psaux device | 10:17 |
intelikey | dave what kernel version ? | 10:17 |
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intelikey | dave uname -r | 10:18 |
dave | intelikey 2.6.20-16-generic | 10:19 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, I think kino can't open .wmv | 10:19 |
intelikey | hmmm let me think a minute | 10:19 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, you FAIL. WMV sucks. | 10:19 |
Schuenemann | that W guarantees that | 10:19 |
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Arwen | yeh... not to mention that the format itself is pretty useless | 10:20 |
Schuenemann | can I convert it? using what? | 10:20 |
Arwen | anyway, you'll have to decompress it if kino doesn't support it | 10:20 |
intelikey | dave any information that i need to know about the mouse and keyboard stopping ? like upgrades or package install/removals that went off just before the issue ? | 10:20 |
Arwen | use mencoder to dump an uncompressed video out of it (sorry, command line mucking) | 10:20 |
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Schuenemann | I'll try | 10:21 |
intelikey | dave edited any files in /etc/ lately ? | 10:21 |
Arwen | #mplayer can help you btw | 10:21 |
dave | intelikey - yes updated the xserver as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Radeon_9200/9250_%28RV280%29_and_DVI?highlight=%28dvi%29 for my dvi monitor | 10:21 |
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intelikey | ok let me look at that just a minute. | 10:21 |
dave | intelikey - but it was working then stopped then worked then nowt | 10:22 |
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intelikey | dave that may well be the issue. that driver may not support multiple mice... if you'd like to pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file i'll look into that but i don't see anything that "should" have affected it. | 10:25 |
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dave | intelikey pastebin it? | 10:25 |
intelikey | !pastebin | dave | 10:25 |
ubotu | dave: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:25 |
dave | intelikey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26791/ | 10:26 |
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doobeh | Quick question-- Is it possible to install Kubuntu from the shell, using the 7.04 live cd? | 10:28 |
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underdog5004 | I'm trying to get rtorrent to seed from one directory, and download/upload to/from another directory. Does anybody know how to do this? I know I asked before, but maybe there is someone in here now that knows! | 10:28 |
intelikey | dave that xorg.conf section line 56 option "Device" "/dev/psaux" x is looking for a device you no longer have. you might try sudo mknod /dev/psaux c 10 1 and see if it helps. | 10:28 |
toma | hi, anyone able to help me setup a bluestooth headphone? | 10:28 |
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underdog5004 | doobeh, I don't know...you may want to google around | 10:29 |
underdog5004 | toma, have you tried on your own yet? | 10:29 |
dave | intelikey it says file exists | 10:29 |
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intelikey | dave you said it didn't when i asked you to ls it | 10:30 |
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toma | underdog5004: yep, the bluetooth usb adapter works (i think) and it sees the headphone. But i don't know how to pair with it. | 10:30 |
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dave | intelikey sorry my bad, as i saidim not an expert | 10:30 |
underdog5004 | !bluetooth | 10:30 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 10:30 |
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toma | thnxs, let me read it | 10:31 |
underdog5004 | alrighty | 10:31 |
Schuenemann | !infrared | 10:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about infrared - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:31 |
underdog5004 | I've never used bluetooth, sorry | 10:31 |
underdog5004 | !ir | 10:31 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. | 10:31 |
Schuenemann | !irda | 10:31 |
ubotu | Information about using IrDA interfaces under Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto | 10:31 |
underdog5004 | lol | 10:31 |
Schuenemann | :) | 10:31 |
intelikey | dave k so cat /dev/psaux | od and move the mouse around use [ctrl] +C to exit that. | 10:31 |
dave | scrolls lots ofnumbers but no worky | 10:32 |
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per_ | Hello. I am new to Linux and haven't used irc for many years. Can I just ask questions here? | 10:33 |
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Schuenemann | that's the purpose of the channel | 10:33 |
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intelikey | dave yes ok. that test confirms that the hardware and kernel are talking peace to each other, so the issue is definitly xorg related. and seeing the xorg.conf i have to assume that either 1. you didn't build the driver correctly or 2, the driver is flawed (bug) maybe 3. your hardware and the particular driver are incompatable. read the docs on the driver you built and go from there. | 10:34 |
frojnd | how can I set myself to NOT away in konversation? | 10:34 |
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Schuenemann | try /unaway | 10:35 |
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dave | intelikey - any way i can 'go back'? | 10:35 |
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intelikey | dave yes should be simple enough. let me revisit the page and i'll tell ya. | 10:35 |
underdog5004 | per_, yup, feel free | 10:36 |
underdog5004 | per_, we try to keep the elitism to a minimum | 10:36 |
toma | underdog5004: that does not cover pairing | 10:36 |
underdog5004 | toma, ok, lemme look around...what's the model? | 10:37 |
intelikey | dave should be as simple as sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-driver-ati and restart X | 10:37 |
toma | underdog5004: if you dont know, i will google for a while | 10:37 |
dave | thanks inteikey | 10:37 |
intelikey | np | 10:37 |
dave | thanks intelikey | 10:37 |
underdog5004 | toma, which model is it? | 10:37 |
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per_ | I am trying to get my bluetooth devices to connect at startup. I have gotten as far as editing the bluez-utils file. The problem is that I don't know how to save it after editing it in terminal. Can anybody help? | 10:38 |
underdog5004 | per_, lol, are you using vi, vim, emac, nano? Which editor? | 10:39 |
=== sysdba is now known as bdexterholland | ||
intelikey | dave if for some reason you need a full reload of the xorg just change xserver-xorg-driver-ati to xserver-xorg* | 10:39 |
intelikey | and the star is important there. | 10:40 |
dave | intelikey thanks | 10:40 |
intelikey | welcome | 10:40 |
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bdexterholland | sorry again, i asked for a command thats show a message for a user, now, i need something that shows a message for any logged logged user, anyone can help me? | 10:41 |
per_ | I am new at kubuntu (and Linux), so I don't know if I understand the question. I am running kubuntu Feisty, and the program Terminal programm is just called Terminal. | 10:41 |
underdog5004 | per_, ok, but when you edited the file, what command did you use? | 10:41 |
bdexterholland | sorry again, i asked for a command thats show a message for a user, now, i need something that shows a message for any logged logged user, anyone can help me? | 10:41 |
intelikey | dave you have a backup copy of your xorg.conf at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26791/ :) not that you'll need it. | 10:42 |
intelikey | back in a while. | 10:42 |
per_ | I used the command: sudo nano /etc/default/bluetooth | 10:42 |
per_ | sudo nano /etc/default/bluez-utils did not work | 10:42 |
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underdog5004 | per_, ok, to save it, hit Ctrl + X, then hit y, then enter | 10:43 |
underdog5004 | that's when you're at the editing part | 10:43 |
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per_ | thanks underdog. I will try that | 10:43 |
underdog5004 | alrighty | 10:43 |
underdog5004 | brb | 10:43 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, how do I get that lavc codec? | 10:43 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, it's built in | 10:44 |
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Schuenemann | I get this message: [mp2 @ 0x87bb7ec] bitrate 224 is not allowed in mp2 | 10:44 |
Schuenemann | Couldn't open codec mp2, br=224 | 10:44 |
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Arwen | mp2? uh... your file sucks so much you ought to shoot yourself :-) | 10:45 |
per_ | thank you underdog. It worked | 10:45 |
Schuenemann | :-( | 10:45 |
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Schuenemann | I read it here: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mencoder_Introduction_Guide | 10:45 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, and yeah, it's telling you that 224 is not a valid bitrate for MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio, your file is b0rk3d | 10:45 |
Schuenemann | what does that mean? | 10:45 |
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Arwen | uh... it means the audio in your file is broken beyond belief | 10:46 |
Schuenemann | is it? I didn't notice | 10:46 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, lol, let's start from the beginning. What are you trying to get mencoder to do? | 10:46 |
Schuenemann | convert a wmv into something compatible with kino | 10:47 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, ok, you need to do this in 2 parts | 10:47 |
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Schuenemann | that are... | 10:48 |
Arwen | I'm working on it... not an mplayer expert | 10:48 |
Schuenemann | ahh | 10:48 |
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underdog5004 | per_, I'm back...did it work? | 10:52 |
rathel | How do I restart my sound device? I'm getting pops and stuff ever since Konqueror crashed. | 10:52 |
underdog5004 | oh, looked back a bit...I'm glad it worked for you | 10:53 |
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underdog5004 | rathel, try sudo /etc/init.d/alsad restart... maybe try replacing alsad with alsa | 10:53 |
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-132-244-70.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | Schuenemann, "mencoder -oac copy -ovc <somecodec+options> -o <outputfilename> -of rawvideo <inputfilename>" | 10:54 |
per_ | It worked just fine underdog. Thank you very much :-) | 10:54 |
underdog5004 | per_, awesome, have fun with linux...once you learn how to use it, it becomes way powerful! | 10:54 |
per_ | I have only been doing this for a month, but I have already found out that! Linux is great! | 10:55 |
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Schuenemann | Arwen, mencoder movie.wmv -o movie.avi -ovc lavc -oac lavc | 10:55 |
Schuenemann | like this? | 10:56 |
rathel | underdog5004: Thanks that worked. | 10:56 |
Schuenemann | oh wait, you used "copy" | 10:56 |
underdog5004 | rathel, good to hear it | 10:56 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, well, if you call lavc, you need to pass it options | 10:56 |
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Arwen | you want to grab the audio and the video seperately | 10:56 |
Schuenemann | nope | 10:56 |
Arwen | yes, you do | 10:56 |
Arwen | :-) | 10:56 |
Schuenemann | heh | 10:56 |
underdog5004 | I'm trying to get rtorrent to seed from one directory, and download/upload to/from another directory. Does anybody know how to do this? I know I asked before, but maybe there is someone in here now that knows! | 10:56 |
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Schuenemann | <somecodec+options> | 10:57 |
Schuenemann | what should go here? | 10:57 |
Arwen | mencoder movie.wmv -o movie.raw -ovc <something> -oac copy -of rawvideo | 10:57 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, your choice of codec and the options to make it useful | 10:57 |
=== Vanelike [n=Frank@ip5654433e.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | since you're going to edit it, I recommend choosing uncompressed video (raw) | 10:57 |
Schuenemann | I don't have a clue | 10:58 |
Arwen | lol... | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | what is raw? like bitmap? | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | no compression | 10:58 |
Arwen | yeah, basically a bunch of pictures | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | so, what is this <something> ? | 10:58 |
Arwen | because if you choose a compressed format, edit it, and then compress it again, the quality will be much worse | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | hehe | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | I see | 10:58 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, <something> would be "raw" in this case | 10:58 |
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=== Vane is now known as Vanelike | ||
Arwen | (mind you, 20 minutes uncompressed video is 4GB, so you better have some disk space) | 10:59 |
Schuenemann | but that raw is still a video, right? | 10:59 |
Schuenemann | just uncompressed | 10:59 |
Arwen | yeah, it'll be editable by a competent video editor | 10:59 |
Schuenemann | mencoder movie.wmv -o movie.raw -ovc raw -oac copy -of rawvideo | 10:59 |
Schuenemann | ? | 10:59 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, yeah, try that | 10:59 |
Schuenemann | working | 10:59 |
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Schuenemann | lots of duplicate frames, according to the output | 11:00 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, hmm, I mighta messed something up, I'm not good at this kinda stuff | 11:00 |
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Arwen | examine it and see if it's crappy | 11:00 |
Schuenemann | ok, 80% so far | 11:00 |
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Schuenemann | appearently, the movie.raw is an image | 11:01 |
Arwen | it's not, the .raw extension is just one I made up | 11:01 |
Arwen | it happens to also be an image extension | 11:01 |
[Al] chemist_ex | hey whats the best dock for kde? | 11:02 |
folko | Hello dear ALL it's my firs install of Ubuntu OS - coool | 11:02 |
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Schuenemann | failed to load the video | 11:02 |
Arwen | [Al] chemist_ex, docks suck. | 11:02 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, huh... | 11:02 |
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folko | can some one help me to fix sount for Ubuntu 7.04 | 11:03 |
yurimxpxman | what's a good P2P app that doesn't use the Gnutella network? | 11:03 |
Schuenemann | I think I have to edit the default preferences for video creation | 11:03 |
rathel | How would you make a script for TAR that backs up a direcoty into an archive than you run it again, instead of overwriting the entire archive, it'll only overwrite the changed files? I've tried a few ways but they overwrote the archive. | 11:03 |
[Al] chemist_ex | Arweb, I agree but I am having a trend whore off. Can you tell me a few of them? | 11:03 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, ye, my options were probably bad | 11:03 |
Arwen | [Al] chemist_ex, kiba-dock | 11:03 |
Schuenemann | aw... | 11:03 |
Schuenemann | yurimxpxman, ed2k? | 11:03 |
Arwen | go ask in #mplayer | 11:03 |
[Al] chemist_ex | thanks :) | 11:03 |
Arwen | yurimxpxman, BitTorrent | 11:03 |
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yurimxpxman | Arwen: something non-BT.. I can't find a torrent for what I want | 11:04 |
Arwen | ed2k or dc++ then | 11:04 |
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Schuenemann | Arwen, sigh... what can I do? | 11:04 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, um, give up? or wait patiently in #mplayer | 11:05 |
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dwidmann | :O Seems they're actually making good use of the backports repository in Feisty!! | 11:05 |
Arwen | dwidmann, how so? :O | 11:06 |
dwidmann | Arwen: I just pulled Amarok 1.4.6 from the official backports section .... not from a seperate repository (ie: kubuntu.org/packages/....) | 11:07 |
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Arwen | dwidmann, and I just finished compiling my own copy of amarok 1.4.6 :-\ | 11:08 |
Arwen | medibuntu is so slow.. | 11:08 |
dwidmann | Arwen: I've seen other stuff in there, but that's the only example I could remember. At least we're getting backports from the backports repository now though :) | 11:08 |
Arwen | yeah | 11:08 |
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Darkrift411 | q: | 11:11 |
Darkrift411 | every time i reboot, all sorts of crap opens up that i havent used in a while | 11:12 |
Darkrift411 | what can i do to reset my stored session :S | 11:12 |
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Schuenemann | wow, there's winamp for linux? I didn't know that | 11:12 |
Arwen | there is? o.O | 11:12 |
nosrednaekim | Schuenemann: really? since when? | 11:12 |
=== Arwen would still use amarok, but that's interesting | ||
Schuenemann | http://superdownloads.uol.com.br/download/3/winamp-3-linux/ | 11:12 |
Schuenemann | alpha, though | 11:12 |
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Arwen | is it official? | 11:13 |
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vlad88 | I hear that Winamp 3 is opensource now | 11:13 |
Arwen | and is there an English translation of that? | 11:13 |
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vlad88 | in Wine's site | 11:13 |
Schuenemann | hmm I dunno | 11:13 |
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vlad88 | http://www.winehq.org/site/winelib#winamp | 11:15 |
Schuenemann | lol, sorry for the hoax =D | 11:15 |
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vlad88 | Somebody knows a good replacement for mIRC? | 11:20 |
Schuenemann | konversation | 11:20 |
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Schuenemann | not THAT good, though | 11:21 |
underdog5004 | vlad88, xchat, konversation, probably others | 11:21 |
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Darkrift411 | vlad88, seems xchat is somewhat close to mirc | 11:22 |
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Darkrift411 | and has scripting support (different languages though) | 11:22 |
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=== underdog5004 loves xchat | ||
Arwen | xchat is nothing like mirc, lol | 11:22 |
Arwen | xchat is actually good | 11:22 |
Darkrift411 | im a hardcore mirc user and xchat is the closest ive seen | 11:22 |
vlad88 | :\ I tried them, but nothing seems to be as *perfect* as mIRC | 11:22 |
Darkrift411 | well Arwen, either you know nothing about mirc, or you havent tried many clients | 11:22 |
vlad88 | I will give a shot again to x-chat | 11:22 |
underdog5004 | xchat, all one word | 11:22 |
underdog5004 | sudo apt-get install xchat | 11:23 |
Arwen | Darkrift411, uh, I've used mirc and the ui looks ridiculously stupid | 11:23 |
Arwen | I mean, windows inside of windows? | 11:23 |
Darkrift411 | lol Arwen | 11:23 |
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Darkrift411 | like i said yo know nothing of mirc | 11:23 |
Darkrift411 | thats the default | 11:23 |
Darkrift411 | mirc is completeny scriptable, so you can change ANYTHING | 11:23 |
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underdog5004 | Darkrift411, take a chill pill | 11:23 |
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Darkrift411 | mine looked nothing like mirc | 11:23 |
vlad88 | I love that UI style (MDI I think) | 11:23 |
Arwen | yeah, and I stopped using it because I couldn't be bothered to tweak a halfassed irc client to make it less halfassed | 11:23 |
vlad88 | there's very nice script for it, like the NoName script | 11:24 |
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Darkrift411 | most scripts completely changed mirc | 11:24 |
Gerrit | Hi, I'm connected via my wireless device but KNetworkManager says 'Wired ethernet connection active: ...' in the tooltip, even though it lists my connection as wireless in the context menu. | 11:25 |
Arwen | also, paying for an IRC client is kinda stupid | 11:25 |
Darkrift411 | lol | 11:26 |
underdog5004 | Gerrit, that means that your eth0 is up as well as your wireless | 11:26 |
Darkrift411 | who said anything about paying | 11:26 |
Darkrift411 | heh | 11:26 |
underdog5004 | Arwen, agreed | 11:26 |
vlad88 | Darkrift411: LOL | 11:26 |
Darkrift411 | btw vlad88 | 11:26 |
Darkrift411 | you can still have mirc | 11:26 |
Darkrift411 | im running mirc right now | 11:26 |
Darkrift411 | under kubuntu | 11:26 |
Darkrift411 | it might run under wine, but i have it running under crossover office | 11:27 |
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Gerrit | underdog5004: It's up but it's not connected. | 11:27 |
underdog5004 | Gerrit, that's ok, it'll only say inactive if you ifdown it...(if you de-activate it) | 11:28 |
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Gerrit | I see. | 11:28 |
vlad88 | Darkrift411: yes, I tried to run it with Wine long time ago, it was fine, minor fonts issues. | 11:28 |
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vlad88 | Darkrift411: still I would prefer to use a *free* alternative | 11:29 |
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underdog5004 | vlad88, xchat is the way to go imho | 11:29 |
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ardchoille | vlad88: konversation, xchat, irssi, there are a lot of choices. | 11:29 |
nosrednaekim | /nosrednaekim is using GAIM | 11:29 |
=== nosrednaekim is using GAIM | ||
underdog5004 | hey nosrednaekim, long time no see | 11:30 |
coreymon77 | wasnt gaim discontinued | 11:30 |
coreymon77 | ? | 11:30 |
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coreymon77 | isnt it pidgin now? | 11:30 |
underdog5004 | I'm trying to get rtorrent to seed from one directory, and download/upload to/from another directory. Does anybody know how to do this? | 11:30 |
nosrednaekim | underdog5004: yep.... do I know you? | 11:30 |
nosrednaekim | coreymon77: not in fiesty yet | 11:30 |
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underdog5004 | nosrednaekim, you gave me info on how to scp with the -r flag | 11:31 |
underdog5004 | actually, the -R flag, which was wrong, but w/e | 11:31 |
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nosrednaekim | underdog5004: haha yeah..except I said to use the -R | 11:31 |
vlad88 | Thanks, I think I will stay with Konversation for now, there's very nice integration with KDE (well, obviously XD) | 11:31 |
ardchoille | coreymon77: Yes, they renamed it. I don't see why, but they did. Personally, I would have told AOL to get bent. | 11:31 |
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coreymon77 | nosrednaekim: yes in feisty, not through apt, but with a ubuntu .deb yes | 11:31 |
nosrednaekim | underdog5004: I kinda forget the names of all the people I see/help | 11:31 |
nosrednaekim | coreymon77: well yeah | 11:32 |
coreymon77 | nosrednaekim: just use the deb | 11:32 |
underdog5004 | lol, np | 11:32 |
nosrednaekim | coreymon77: GAIM beta 6 works fine | 11:32 |
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coreymon77 | okay | 11:32 |
morg0th | hellow all =) | 11:33 |
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coreymon77 | hi | 11:33 |
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dale | Does anyone know any partitioning tools for kde? | 11:33 |
ashtar | qtparted | 11:34 |
coreymon77 | dale: qtparted | 11:34 |
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dale | Will i have to install loads of gnome libs? | 11:34 |
nosrednaekim | dale: qtparted | 11:34 |
dale | yes | 11:35 |
coreymon77 | dale: qtparted is a kde program | 11:35 |
dale | ok thanks | 11:35 |
=== ToyMan [n=Stuart@user-12lcqol.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Schuenemann | Arwen, I have to go... thanks. If you discover something, please tell me :) | 11:35 |
dale | How do i install multimedia codecs eg: wav, mpg, mp3 etc.. | 11:38 |
Schuenemann | dale, install libxine-extracodecs | 11:38 |
Arwen | !restrictedformats | dale | 11:38 |
ubotu | dale: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:38 |
Schuenemann | I have to go, bye | 11:38 |
Arwen | Schuenemann, bye, I'll look into it | 11:38 |
nosrednaekim | bye | 11:38 |
dale | Thanks alot. | 11:38 |
Schuenemann | see you in another life, brother | 11:39 |
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morg0th | may be, everebody help me: how do i set russian encoding in Kopete? | 11:43 |
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Alonea | ok, I installed google earth, but it just stays at the initializing phase. anyone else have it and successfully get it to work? | 11:44 |
coreymon77 | Alonea: i take it this is over wine? | 11:46 |
Alonea | coreymon77: no | 11:46 |
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Alonea | there is a linux version. also a mac version too | 11:46 |
Alonea | they make it for all 3 systems. | 11:47 |
Arwen | I've had googleearth working before (btw, it uses statically linked winelib) | 11:47 |
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Alonea | Arwen: well, I installed the bin file, followed the install thing, and then the program started to load, but it seems to be stuck at initializing | 11:48 |
Arwen | any console errors? | 11:48 |
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PhinnFort | Alonea: firewalled or something? | 11:48 |
Alonea | Arwen: no | 11:48 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: also, try just exiting and restarting it | 11:48 |
Arwen | hmm, no idea then, it's proprietary so I guess that's expected? | 11:49 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 11:49 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: not sure. I am directly connected to my router though, since it times out too much with wpa | 11:49 |
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PhinnFort | Alonea: try restarting the program | 11:49 |
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Alonea | PhinnFort: did that. | 11:49 |
PhinnFort | still no go? | 11:49 |
Alonea | nope. I can try again | 11:50 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: can you try running it in a konsole? | 11:50 |
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Alonea | PhinnFort: umm, I can try. | 11:50 |
=== PhinnFort reminds Alonea on the definition of madness | ||
PhinnFort | repeat something and expecting a different outcome | 11:50 |
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nosrednaekim | PhinnFort: too long in windows teched them.. | 11:51 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: ah, but I am indeed quite mad though | 11:51 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 11:51 |
PhinnFort | nosrednaekim: the reboot syndrome | 11:51 |
jzilla | Hello friends. I am trying to change the resoulition of the virtual terminals (Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6) to something higher than 800x600. Where would be a good place to start? | 11:51 |
nosrednaekim | PhinnFort: and other such psycological maladies | 11:51 |
nosrednaekim | !windows | 11:51 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 11:51 |
PhinnFort | jzilla: menu.lst | 11:51 |
PhinnFort | jzilla: wait a sec, and I'll try to find the appropriate thingy | 11:52 |
nosrednaekim | jzilla: you need them to be in framebuffers.. not sure if they are by default | 11:52 |
PhinnFort | jzilla: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution | 11:52 |
PhinnFort | nosrednaekim: they are | 11:52 |
jzilla | thanks! | 11:52 |
PhinnFort | yw;) | 11:52 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: ok, it appears to be stuck, but I cant kill the process. says I dont have permission | 11:52 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: run "kdesu xkill" in alt+f2 | 11:53 |
PhinnFort | then click on it | 11:53 |
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dale | How can i use the "wallet" feature for kcontact? | 11:53 |
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PhinnFort | dale: whaddayamean? | 11:53 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: er, I am confused. what do I click on? The googleearth isn't at the bottom, but the process is there. | 11:54 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: click on the window | 11:54 |
dale | I would like to use the kde wallet feature for all of my passwords that other apps use. | 11:54 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: your cursor should turn into skull'n'bones | 11:54 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: which window though? | 11:54 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: google earth= | 11:54 |
PhinnFort | ? | 11:54 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: or just run "sudo killall googleearth" in a terminal | 11:54 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: there isnt a window at the moment. | 11:55 |
PhinnFort | ^^ | 11:55 |
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Alonea | ok, trying one more time to get it to load up | 11:56 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: it could be that it just needs a lot of time to load | 11:56 |
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PhinnFort | Alonea: bandwidth? | 11:56 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: I have cable. | 11:56 |
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PhinnFort | hmm | 11:57 |
jzilla | Thanks, wish me luck! | 11:57 |
Alonea | and ktorrent isn't on. | 11:57 |
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PhinnFort | http://earth.google.com/support/bin/topic.py?topic=1130&ctx=homepage | 11:58 |
Alonea | and my windows is borked..well, really, its the ntfs is so fragmented that I can't defrag it. otherwise i would do it in windows | 11:58 |
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PhinnFort | heh | 11:58 |
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smylanakis | sorry i am new in kubuntu | 11:59 |
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smylanakis | could anyone please help me out and guide me through ? | 11:59 |
smylanakis | i am interested to update the resolution | 11:59 |
smylanakis | of the display of kubuntu | 12:00 |
rami | i can help | 12:00 |
rami | system settings | 12:00 |
smylanakis | is there any easy way to have more than 1024 * 768 ? | 12:00 |
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smylanakis | thank you | 12:00 |
RawSewage | did you install Nvidia drivers | 12:00 |
rami | monitor(freely translated from sw2edish | 12:00 |
smylanakis | no i did not... where can i find them ? | 12:00 |
RawSewage | do you have an NVidia card | 12:00 |
rami | we are all rookies.... | 12:00 |
Alonea | PhinnFort: yeah. i looked around on that earlier. haven't found anything that really relates to me. I have ati, but not those cards they listed were bad | 12:01 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: I haven't even tried GoogleEarth under linux, so I don't know what could be wrong;) | 12:01 |
RawSewage | smylanakis, if you have an Nvidia card and install the Nvidia drivers, after youre done, do sudo nvidia-settings and change the resolution there, and then save | 12:01 |
Alonea | me neither..i was just hoping it would work outta the box. | 12:01 |
smylanakis | yes i have an nvidia card | 12:01 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: it's google;) | 12:01 |
RawSewage | nvidia-settings will give you a GUI | 12:02 |
RawSewage | you have to do sudo nvidia-settings or it wont save it when you Save | 12:02 |
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Alonea | PhinnFort: i really like google. wanted to look at Dallas for my trip tomorrow | 12:03 |
smylanakis | yes but how am i going to be sure what the right version of nvidia driver is going to be and secondly from where can i download them ? | 12:03 |
RawSewage | !nvidia | 12:03 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:03 |
PhinnFort | Alonea: I just know it runs really smooth on my parents mac | 12:03 |
ardchoille | smylanakis: That is a very nice how to for nvidia drivers | 12:04 |
PhinnFort | lucky apple has a standardized set of hardware;) | 12:04 |
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smylanakis | wowww i am really confused ! there are several links in here and i dont know how to start.. should i download first the binary drivers ?/ are there any other ? these are my first 10 minutes in kubuntu.. dont take me wrong ! please.. | 12:07 |
smylanakis | just installed it ! | 12:08 |
PhinnFort | smylanakis: just search for nvidia in add/remove programs | 12:08 |
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smylanakis | ok | 12:08 |
smylanakis | just a minute please | 12:08 |
PhinnFort | <red>DON'T PANIC</red> | 12:08 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 12:08 |
PhinnFort | in large, friendly letters on the cover | 12:09 |
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jzilla | is there a way to tell what resoultion the TTY is currently in? | 12:13 |
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