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ubotu | New bug: #121646 in malone "Have a default filter for "Bugs reported by me"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121646 | 01:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121647 in launchpad-bazaar "Migrate all of authserver to SQLObject" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121647 | 02:00 |
ubotu | New bug: #121648 in launchpad-bazaar "'authserver' is a poor name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121648 | 02:00 |
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mpt | Goooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 04:00 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121668 in launchpad-answers "Project icons show as orange squares on Answers front page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121668 | 08:15 |
YokoZar | Seriously guys, launchpad is pink and green. | 08:17 |
spiv | Well, translations.launchpad.net is. | 08:18 |
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carlos | morning | 09:09 |
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morgs | carlos: hi! how can I get a pot file import approved? | 09:34 |
carlos | morgs: hey!, how's going? | 09:34 |
carlos | morgs: is it already uploaded in Launchpad? | 09:35 |
morgs | carlos: cool, I'm working on OLPC stuff :) | 09:35 |
morgs | carlos: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8150114/org.worldwideworkshop.poll.pot for https://translations.launchpad.net/olpc-poll-builder/trunk | 09:35 |
carlos | nice :-) | 09:35 |
carlos | morgs: I guess it's one of your projects | 09:36 |
carlos | isn't it? | 09:36 |
morgs | carlos: yes, quite a small project but could use translation :) | 09:36 |
carlos | ok | 09:37 |
=== carlos approves it | ||
carlos | morgs: do you have any translation already? | 09:38 |
morgs | carlos: not yet, most of the strings are very short | 09:39 |
carlos | ok | 09:39 |
morgs | somebody's going to do some translations for me, but using rosetta will help | 09:39 |
carlos | also, you should tag that project as using Launchpad translations | 09:39 |
morgs | ah | 09:39 |
morgs | carlos: I selected the "Uses Translations Officially" - is that it? | 09:40 |
carlos | yeah | 09:40 |
morgs | I might have done that after I uploaded the pot file | 09:40 |
morgs | if it makes a difference | 09:41 |
carlos | we are going to hide all templates if that flag is not set in next months | 09:41 |
morgs | OK | 09:41 |
aboyousif | guys i uploaded a translated po file and i'm in translation team .. can i improve it to my language ? | 09:41 |
carlos | aboyousif: sorry, I don't understand you question | 09:42 |
morgs | carlos: I see it's active - thanks very much! | 09:42 |
carlos | morgs: you are welcome | 09:42 |
aboyousif | carlos: i downloaded the po file and worked on it translation then i uploaded it . now i can't see it working .. | 09:43 |
carlos | aboyousif: working == imported? | 09:43 |
aboyousif | carlos .. i see no change in translation ( no translation applied yet ) | 09:43 |
carlos | ok | 09:43 |
carlos | when did you upload it? | 09:43 |
aboyousif | carlos: it is still all red | 09:44 |
aboyousif | carlos: today's morning .. | 09:44 |
aboyousif | carlos: 5 hours ago maybe | 09:44 |
aboyousif | carlos: i'm new to these stuff .. | 09:45 |
carlos | aboyousif: hmm | 09:45 |
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carlos | Import queue is being busy right now with new imports from Ubuntu | 09:46 |
carlos | but I still don't find your file | 09:46 |
carlos | aboyousif: which package is it for? | 09:46 |
aboyousif | carlos: jokosher arabic language | 09:46 |
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carlos | found it | 09:47 |
carlos | aboyousif: it's not for Ubuntu but directly for jokosher and it appears as being uploaded an hour ago | 09:48 |
aboyousif | carlos: hour ? | 09:48 |
carlos | yeah.. | 09:48 |
carlos | https://launchpad.net/translations/imports/+index?target=products&status=APPROVED&type=all | 09:48 |
aboyousif | carlos: does time difference matter ? | 09:48 |
carlos | that's the import queue | 09:48 |
carlos | aboyousif: well, it just helps me to find you request :-) | 09:48 |
carlos | aboyousif: uploaded files have a small delay to be finally imported | 09:49 |
carlos | but let me check whether everything is ok... | 09:49 |
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aboyousif | carlos: ok .. it is approved now .. what next ? | 09:50 |
aboyousif | does this will happen for every update i do with the .po file ? | 09:51 |
carlos | you don't need to do anything, the approvals are done automatically | 09:51 |
carlos | the same as the import | 09:51 |
carlos | once it's imported | 09:51 |
carlos | you will get an email | 09:51 |
carlos | with the confirmation of the import or with a list of errors found | 09:51 |
aboyousif | carlos: does it made by cron or something need time ? | 09:52 |
carlos | aboyousif: btw, everything is working well, it should be imported in next 10 minutes | 09:52 |
carlos | aboyousif: yeah | 09:52 |
aboyousif | carlos: ok no problem .. thanks for your help | 09:52 |
carlos | you are welcome | 09:52 |
aboyousif | carlos: another question plz .. sorry for that .. what is ubuntuero ? | 09:54 |
carlos | aboyousif: no worries, we are here to help | 09:54 |
carlos | aboyousif: someone that accepted Ubuntu's code of conduct | 09:54 |
aboyousif | carlos: and ? | 09:55 |
carlos | aboyousif: https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct | 09:55 |
carlos | just that | 09:55 |
carlos | usually it's a requirement to join some Ubuntu teams in Launchpad | 09:55 |
aboyousif | carlos: it is like a contract or something ? | 09:56 |
aboyousif | ethical requirements and fellow steps ? | 09:56 |
carlos | kind of, yes | 09:56 |
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carlos | just saying that you will be polite and respectful with others | 09:56 |
carlos | the full text is in the URL I gave you | 09:57 |
aboyousif | carlos: yeah i read it now .. thanks a lot | 09:57 |
carlos | np | 09:57 |
carlos | aboyousif: btw, your file is now imported | 09:58 |
aboyousif | carlos: cool thanks alot | 09:58 |
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aboyousif | carlos: what is karma ? and how it is counted ? | 10:06 |
carlos | aboyousif: https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaCalculation | 10:07 |
aboyousif | thanks | 10:10 |
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geser | Hi | 11:04 |
geser | I uploaded xcache yesterday and got a reject and an accept mail at the same time for this upload | 11:05 |
geser | see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/26686/ | 11:05 |
geser | what happened there? | 11:06 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121697 in malone "'Triaged' bugs don't show up in Gutsy list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121697 | 11:16 |
shawarma | I've a question about code hosting on LP.. Just like the planet ubuntu team, I'd like to share some code on the ubuntu-dk team, so I was wondering which product to upload it to. I took a peek at https://code.launchpad.net/~planet-ubuntu/ and they uploaded it to a config product, which seems logical, but the config product has to to with autotools, and it looks pretty strange on https://code.launchpad.net/config that planet-ubuntu has a branch of config. | 11:39 |
shawarma | Is this considered an acceptable side effect of the way LP handles bazaar branches <-> products relationships? | 11:41 |
shawarma | i.e. should I avoid uploading to the "web" product in ubuntu-dk since that's the name of a specific product that is completely unrelated to what I'm working with? | 11:43 |
mwhudson | if there's no project involved, upload to the +junk not-project | 11:57 |
mwhudson | uploading branches for random project with appropriate names doesn't sound like too great an idea to me | 11:58 |
shawarma | mwhudson: No, it doesn't. | 11:58 |
shawarma | I'll consider if I should create an actual project for this, or if I should just use +junk.. | 11:59 |
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mwhudson | you can upload to +junk and then reassign it, no need to decide now | 12:01 |
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shawarma | mwhudson: Ah, cool. Thanks! | 12:04 |
mwhudson | launchpad in general is very flexible about letting you move things around, change their names etc | 12:12 |
mwhudson | (not so flexible about letting you delete things in general) | 12:12 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121711 in soyuz "Upload rejected because of non-ASCII chars" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121711 | 12:35 |
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kiko | BjornT, ping? | 01:11 |
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AlinuxOS | hello all guys, is there in launchpad available something like common terms tradution ? | 01:45 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121735 in launchpad "dpkg output is folded like quoted text in comments" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121735 | 02:40 |
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mwhudson | agoliveira: hi :) | 03:51 |
agoliveira | mwhudson: Hi! Found the place ;) | 03:52 |
agoliveira | Hi all. I have a task to do and I don't know if I can do it with LP. I need to integrate 2 different sources for matchbox, one is upstream and the other a fork done by the maemo project. Actually, the task from mdz reads "Import the one from maemo (remember NOT to call it 'trunk'. import upstream matchbox as well, and see if we can reconcile them in bazaar)". Any idea if I can use LP powers to help me or not? | 03:53 |
mwhudson | probably bzr would see the two imports has having completely different histories | 03:54 |
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agoliveira | The only thing I can think of is to create a branch like "matchbox-ume", import one of the sources and apply the other source's changes manually as necessary. Any other ideas? | 03:57 |
mwhudson | that makes sense | 04:00 |
mwhudson | you could _try_ using bzr-svn on it | 04:00 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121750 in launchpad "get_series_branch_error() is less helpful than it could be" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121750 | 04:20 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121759 in launchpad "Don't render page if an HTTP 3xx (Redirection) code has been set." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121759 | 05:25 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121760 in launchpad "Unhelpful footer in branch change notification email" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121760 | 05:35 |
ubotu | New bug: #121761 in launchpad "Text of Link to See Team Membership is Misleading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121761 | 05:35 |
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dato | hello. I'm trying to set the Bug Tracker for a just registered project to "Launchpad". is there a web interface to do it? I can only find a link that points fo feedback@launchpad.net | 06:19 |
beuno | dato: is it a standard bugtracker like bugzilla or something? | 06:24 |
dato | > I'm trying to set the Bug Tracker for a just registered project to "Launchpad" | 06:25 |
Hobbsee | ie, trying to use the launchpad bugs, for the project | 06:25 |
dato | right | 06:25 |
beuno | aaaah, right, then it's easy :D | 06:25 |
Hobbsee | i thought you could just file a bug on the project, and it would automatically get set up | 06:25 |
beuno | you have to specify that the project uses Launchpad for bugs | 06:26 |
beuno | under "Define Launchpad usage" | 06:26 |
dato | beuno: right, and I'm asking *how* to do that | 06:26 |
beuno | dato: left hand side | 06:26 |
beuno | "Define Launchpad usage" | 06:26 |
dato | aaah, thanks | 06:27 |
beuno | you have all the option right there | 06:27 |
beuno | dato, :D | 06:27 |
dato | completely missed it | 06:27 |
beuno | dato: it took me a few scans to find it too | 06:27 |
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glatzor | hello danilos | 07:05 |
glatzor | danilos: Is there a possibility to reset the whole German translation that was done inside of Rosetta excluding some packages? | 07:06 |
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alefteris | Hi all! is it possible for a group administrator in launchpad to email all the members of that group? Is there an email address that addresses all group members? | 07:45 |
Kmos | alefteris: no.. only mailing list | 07:48 |
Kmos | alefteris: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/launchpad-users | 07:50 |
alefteris | ok thanks. I have and one wishitem for launchpad, members to be able to turn on and off notifications coming from groups (for example when a group is subscribed to bug reports or is an answer contact for a ubuntu)) | 07:51 |
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alefteris | shoud probably file a bug about it.. | 07:51 |
alefteris | Kmos, I was refering to members of a particular group. for example i would like to be able to send an email to all members of the ubuntu-greek-users group | 07:54 |
Kmos | i think that's not possible | 07:57 |
Kmos | you need to create a mailing list | 07:57 |
Kmos | but wait for an LP member | 07:57 |
Kmos | to confirm that to you | 07:57 |
gnomefreak | alefteris: last time i had to do that i had to do separate emails to each user (or cc) or use a mailing list | 08:02 |
danilos | glatzor: how much of 'bad translations' are there? | 08:03 |
danilos | glatzor (it certainly is, but requires direct database queries, and I'd like to avoid that) | 08:03 |
glatzor | danilos: I don't know exactly, but I find them here and there | 08:04 |
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glatzor | danilos: the german team was a bad example for having a very low qa | 08:04 |
glatzor | danilos: at one point in history we had 170 members with write access | 08:05 |
danilos | glatzor: yeah, but the idea is that we now have a simpler 'changed in LP' filter which allows you to easily revert changes | 08:05 |
danilos | glatzor: I know the story, it's about the same with every Ubuntu l10n team | 08:05 |
danilos | unfortunately :( | 08:05 |
glatzor | danilos: it helps to find strings in a package | 08:06 |
glatzor | but we still need to find the corresponding packages | 08:06 |
alefteris | another question i have. currently we have two team: ubuntu-greek-users and ubuntu-greek-testers what we use to subscribe to bugs. In the last team people that want to get notifications about bugs can subscribe. The testers team is a subteam of greek-users team. If i set a mailing list address for greek-users, notifications from testers can get delivered to that email address? Or i have to delete testers team and subscribe users team to al | 08:06 |
alefteris | la tha bugs again? | 08:06 |
glatzor | and revert 50 strings and more takes also time | 08:06 |
danilos | glatzor: right, but for packages, you could normally use https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+lang/de to see what packages have changed strings, but I agree it takes a while | 08:08 |
danilos | glatzor: what worries me is that one may lose genuine improvements and fixes by using a 'revert all' function, even more so if it's done across entire DB | 08:09 |
alefteris | generaly the question is: if a team has other teams as members, do those other teams receive notifications of the primary team? | 08:09 |
danilos | of course, this page is broken atm, and I hope to fix it by today | 08:09 |
glatzor | danilos: there is a way to sort the packages by changed strings? looking at all the graphs is also very time consuming and perhaps sometimes requires a magnifier :) | 08:10 |
danilos | glatzor: indeed, no way at the moment :) | 08:10 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121784 in soyuz "ftpmaster-tools code reoganization" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121784 | 08:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #121804 in launchpad "Branch notification Subject header should not say "(no title)"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121804 | 11:30 |
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nosrednaekim | hey I have a quick q about launchpad. I want to see duplicate bugs while in a bug entry, how do I do that? It just says that there are two duplicates, no numbers or anything | 11:37 |
Kmos | nosrednaekim: check the little windows on the left side | 11:45 |
Kmos | and click on tem | 11:45 |
Kmos | them | 11:45 |
nosrednaekim | I already found it.... thanks anyway! | 11:45 |
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