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mneptokfeelings. nothing more than feeeeelings ...12:52
Picione is the lonliest number...12:53
TheSheepwhat about 0?12:54
TheSheepand of course everybody forgets about i12:55
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ubotuVorian called the ops in #ubuntu05:15
Hobbseei'm surprised, i thought Vorian had ops in #ubuntu..05:16
Voriannope :(05:16
Vorianthanks for thinking of me though Hobbsee :)05:16
ajmitchHobbsee to the rescue?05:17
Hobbseeajmitch: nah05:17
crdlbMadpilot, mr rtfm in #ubuntu05:20
Tm_Tooowe, oooola05:22
Vorianhis keyboard must have been b0rken05:22
Tm_TVorian: my keayboard also sends RTFM by itself in time to time05:24
Tm_Tbah, can't type05:24
Madpilotcrdlb, thanks, was AFK05:24
Tm_T"There are no ignores" says irssi and yet noone is talking to me, this starts to be serious05:28
tonyyarussoMy keyboard sends previous things I've said earlier from time to time.05:30
Tm_Ttonyyarusso: no it's just echo in your house05:30
naliothyour unconcious mind, tonyyarusso05:30
Tm_Tmaybe turn on tv or something, so atleast it sounds to be alive05:30
Tm_TI would do that but have no tv05:31
Hobbseenalioth: i dont suppose you could make the rest of hte irc op council 30+ for #ubuntu?05:32
Hobbseenalioth: we cant actually add more ops, without seveas here05:32
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothwhat irc council?05:33
Voriandoes anyone else have the chanserv.py script other than se.veas?05:34
tonyyarussoVorian: pretty much any XChat using op05:35
tonyyarussoVorian: I may have one laying around just for reference, but it may be outdated.  lemme look05:35
Voriandid a fresh install and lost the script05:35
tonyyarussoVorian: Yeah, I have one that was current as of December 14th.05:35
effie_jayxVorian,  you don't like Seveas's ...05:36
Vorianits 404 atm05:36
=== effie_jayx thinks the ubuntu god will be upset ...
Hobbseenalioth: you, pricechild05:37
naliothHobbsee: what irc council?05:37
Hobbseenalioth: it's going thru the CC at the moment, last i heard05:37
Hobbseenalioth: the one that isnt confirmed yet.05:37
naliothHobbsee: oh, THAT one05:38
naliothwhen it is confirmed, updates will happen05:38
Hobbseefair enough05:39
Hobbseepricechild is pushing it05:39
tonyyarussoJune 26th is the mtg I _just_ read05:39
effie_jayxVorian,  I got Seveas's if you are interested05:39
Vorianjust pastebin it if you could effie_jayx :)05:39
=== Vorian highfives effie_jayx :)
effie_jayxVorian,  http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/26845/05:41
effie_jayxVorian,  anytime dude...05:41
Vorianthanks a million effie_jayx :)05:41
=== Vorian goes to bed now
effie_jayxDoes anyone here has a pony?05:42
Hobbsee!pony | effie_jayx05:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pony - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:43
Hobbsee@pony | effie_jayx05:43
ubotuNo | effie_jayx can't have a pony, Hobbsee!05:43
Hobbsee@pony effie_jayx05:43
ubotuNo effie_jayx can't have a pony, Hobbsee!05:43
Tm_Tmc44 is our pony05:44
effie_jayxI still don't get the joke... it's been like 6 months...05:44
Tm_Teffie_jayx: don't worry, me neither05:44
Tm_Teffie_jayx: must be some hu-man stuff05:44
Hobbseeeffie_jayx: Tm_T http://hobbsee.mailbolt.com/helpdeskwarning.png05:45
Tm_Tok, one more meatbag stuff I don't get05:45
effie_jayxI get lost in the injokes specially in the debian / ubuntu puns05:46
naliotheffie_jayx: not an 'in joke', but probably a NorthAm centric one05:46
effie_jayxHobbsee,  nice one...05:46
naliothmaybe not NorthAm05:47
effie_jayxi see...05:47
Hobbseeeffie_jayx: it's all to do with http://sc.tri-bit.com/No,_You_Can't_Have_a_Pony05:47
effie_jayxit's been on the planets a lot... due to debconf05:47
Hobbseewhich was broadcast around the ubuntu fridge, planet, etc05:47
effie_jayxaparently peole have been asking for ponies a lot05:47
Tm_THobbsee: you just destroyed all fun/humour in this pony thing05:48
effie_jayxTm_T,  No ... you can't have a pony05:48
Tm_TI can't?05:48
Tm_T@pony Tm_T05:49
ubotuNo Tm_T can't have a pony, Tm_T!05:49
Tm_TI can't, ok, so, who will buy mc44 from us then?05:49
Tm_TI know!05:51
Tm_T06:51 < Amarok> Tm_T: So your on a box about not finding any sound-engine plugins .. And i get ponies.05:51
Tm_Toki, so I need box, but make sure I don't find any sound engine, check05:52
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naliothi just built deluge (had no problems) from cvs06:06
naliothlooks interesting06:06
naliothwonder how much CPU it eats06:06
crdlbmore than rtorrent does :P06:06
naliotha newfangled gtk/python torrent client, Tm_T06:06
naliothcrdlb: oh?06:07
crdlbI haven't found anything lighter than rtorrent06:07
Tm_Ttorrent client? hmmh, doesn't interest me then06:07
naliothi use rtorrent now06:07
naliothcrdlb: what does it do that exceeds rtorrent?06:07
crdlbwell it has a gui06:08
crdlband I think there's a webui in the latest version06:08
=== nalioth hates GUIs
naliothsee above06:08
Tm_TI hate worthless guis06:08
nalioththe only thing i wish rtorrent did was allow selective downloading06:12
crdlbit does06:12
naliothyou can download one TV show out of a seasons torrent?06:12
crdlbin the file listing, you press space to set the priority to high normal or off06:12
naliothwill have to look at that06:13
naliothi just got the latest rtorrent (cuz i just upgraded my dapper box a few days ago)06:15
naliothcrdlb: thanks for the tip06:21
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ubotuIn #kubuntu, DaSkreech said: !botslap is Meesa sorry master. Messo try harder?07:53
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Amaranthtroll/moron in #ubuntu-devel :/08:12
tonyyarussoOh pretty please let me feed it....bah  (/me has such good lines if this were an in-person convo)08:17
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Lucifer_stunndo u forgive me 4 ur $$$ loss?08:30
tonyyarussoWe have no monetary loss from you.08:30
Lucifer_stunnyou will.  cuz u r not a publicly traded CO on the NYSE or the CSE or the Japanese Stock Exchange :D08:31
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ajmitchoh dear08:32
Madpilotwtf was that all about?08:32
ajmitchMadpilot: him trolling #ubuntu-devel08:32
ajmitchexcept that there was noone around to deal with it...08:32
=== tonyyarusso wonders how we lose money from not having money, but hey
Madpilothow is someone one trolls in AIMglish going to loose someone money, anyway?08:36
=== ajmitch shrugs
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=== elkbuntu reads the devel scrollback and her brain explodes
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ajmitchelkbuntu: could be worse, it could be -nz08:57
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DisabledDuckanybody know why i can't join #ubuntu?09:04
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GazzaKI take it you are forwarded to #ubuntu-read-topic09:06
GazzaKthat'll be the router exploit then, as detailed in that channels topic09:06
GazzaKhave you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit09:07
DisabledDuckdoing that now09:07
DisabledDuckthat seemed to fix it09:08
GazzaKyou now need to hope an op is awake so they can do the test09:09
MadpilotDisabledDuck, please join #madpilot - I need to test your router re-configuration to make sure it's working09:09
GazzaKcheers Madpilot09:10
MadpilotGazzaK, ops lurk, remember? It's more fun that way. :)09:10
GazzaKt'is scary, you lurkers09:10
MadpilotCue the shark music. ;)09:11
MadpilotDisabledDuck, before the banforward in #ubuntu comes off, we need to test your reconfigured router. We can't test here, so please join #madpilot for a moment...09:11
Madpilotso much for that "fix"09:12
MadpilotI DCC09:12
GazzaKtake it that was a fail then :p09:12
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crdlbwell he's in #ubuntu with a different client09:12
MadpilotDisabledDuck, you'll have to close and restart your IRC client for the settings to change properly...09:13
DisabledDucksorry, i was trying different clients09:13
crdlbwell the other one survived09:13
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MadpilotDisabledDuck, #madpilot again09:14
MadpilotDisabledDuck, you should be able to get back into #ubuntu - thanks for fixing your router.09:16
DisabledDuckwhat exactly was the problem exactly?09:16
Madpilotstupid default router settings, bypassed by changing which port you use to get to IRC, generally.09:17
DisabledDuckah, ok09:17
DisabledDuckwell, thank you09:17
ubotuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu09:19
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ubotuafflux called the ops in #ubuntu11:56
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ubotuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu12:56
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ubotuIn ubotu, micman said: _4str0 is using abusive words.02:24
HobbseeDj_Vic wants to be let back in02:25
Hobbseehe was cursing a few days ago02:25
GazzaKhis username is a bit ott though02:25
ompaulHobbsee, then the answer should be wait another day02:26
HobbseeGazzaK: this is true02:26
Hobbseehe's banned here too02:26
Hobbseei should probably undo that02:26
GazzaKand freenode has a user saying he is trolling debian channels02:26
GazzaKseems proud of the username too02:27
ompaulHobbsee, no way02:27
ompauldo not let that back in real name is reason enough02:27
ompaulbeing an op does not give every troll a right to abuse you or those around you02:28
Hobbseeompaul: fair enough02:29
=== Hobbsee shoves the guy on ignore
ompaulthats my Hobbsee :)02:30
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Hobbseeompaul: since when i am i your hobbsee?  :P02:31
elkbuntuHobbsee, since you met him in spain and he adopted you?02:31
Hobbseeah right02:31
Hobbseefair enough :)02:32
=== elkbuntu giggles
ompaulHobbsee, there ya go - elkbuntu is now the historian02:32
Hobbseei do hope this isnt the monty-python style historian.02:33
elkbuntuwith ompaul, one never can tell02:34
elkbuntui just *had* to go buy a tub of my favourite icecream today... now i think that may have been a slight mistake02:39
elkbuntuSara Lee Rocky Road Overload .... mmmmmm....02:41
elkbuntuyou've seriously never had icecream until you have this stuff02:41
elkbuntus/have/have had/02:41
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elkbuntui only ever have it when my folks go away, otherwise i'd be guilted into sharing it02:43
mc44no sharing!02:43
elkbuntumc44, damn straight02:44
Hobbseesmart elkbuntu02:45
elkbuntuwhy thankyou02:46
elkbuntuthe only problem is, with nobody guilting you, it is possible to consume the whole litre in a night02:46
Hobbseethis is ture02:47
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ompaulwe need a new factoid03:14
ompaulwhere it tells people politely that this channel does not mind what you do in the privacy of your own command line but please do not instruct people here in how to set root passwords03:15
ompaulany polite word smiths here?03:16
PumpernickelHmm... "Regardless of what works for you, please don't advise people to go against Ubuntu user security policy by creating a root account.  See sudo, gksudo, $(whatever it is in KDE), etc."?03:18
ompaulChannel policy is not to advise people how to set a root password, all work can be done with "sudo",03:18
ompaulPumpernickel, thats not bad :)03:19
PumpernickelThanks :)03:19
ompaulLet me see if I can get it shorter03:19
ubotuiTurtle called the ops in #ubuntu03:20
ompaulRegardless of what you yourself do, and are free to do: Please do not advise people to go against user security policy by creating a root password, please see !sudo03:21
elkbuntuok, he really is trolling03:23
ompaulPumpernickel, ^^ can you make that shorter?03:24
ompaularrr it is so easy03:25
ompaulRegardless of what you yourself do, and are free to do: Please do not advise against user security policy to create a root password, please see !sudo instead.03:25
ompaulI want it shorter ...03:25
ompaulRegardless of what you do: Please do not advise against user security policy to create a root password, please see !sudo instead.03:26
ompaulRegardless of what you do: Please do not advise against user security policy to create a root password, please see !sudo03:26
ompaulahh minor grammer03:27
Hobbseeheads up in #kubuntu @ iTurtle03:27
Tm_THobbsee: yu03:27
ompaulRegardless of what you do: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !sudo03:27
ompaulRegardless of your choices: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !sudo03:28
ompaulelkbuntu, would you approve of that?03:28
ompaulHobbsee, also, PriceChild ?03:29
Hobbsee+1 here03:29
Hobbseemaybe the rootsudo link, too03:29
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:29
=== PriceChild looks
ompaulokay the one in #ubuntu is different03:30
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:31
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:31
PriceChildgive a link to that at the end of this new factoid03:31
ompaulthen worksfor me needs to be shorter03:31
ompaulit should be03:31
ompaulCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok.03:31
ompaulthe last line was for automatix and fiends03:32
ompaulmethinks the !sudo works03:32
ompauldo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:33
ompaulthat is ! sudo03:33
ompaulit is a bit wordy03:33
ompaulokay so rootsudo it is03:33
ompaulubotu  noroot is <reply> Regardless of your choices: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo03:34
ompaul!noroot is <reply> Regardless of your choices: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo03:34
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!03:34
ompaulstupid bot03:34
Tm_Tok, so its alive03:35
ompaul!noroot is <reply> Regardless of your choices: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo03:35
ompaul!noroot is Regardless of your choices: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo03:35
ubotuI'll remember that, ompaul03:35
=== ompaul sends a wide area lart to Seveas land
ompaulubotu no noroot is <reply> Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo03:41
ubotuI'll remember that ompaul03:41
ubotuRegardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo03:41
ubotuPaladine called the ops in #ubuntuforums03:43
Hobbseewhy arent people getting what !foo | user means?04:02
Hobbseeis the #ubuntu community seriously that dumb that they cant read, and figure out what's being addressed to them?04:03
PiciHobbsee: I've always wondered that.04:03
mc44!dumb | Hobbsee04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dumb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:03
PiciI dont know why they don't get it.04:03
Hobbseeand the ones who go and address the bot with their questions - i would have thoguth that uBOTu would be fairly obvious04:03
mc44Hobbsee: meh, #ubuntu is very confusing for a new irc user04:04
=== PriceChild thinks perhaps ubotu should "/nick uBOTu" again :P
Hobbseemc44: this si true - but surely tehn you shut up, instead of talking lots, and watch to see what's going on?04:04
mc44Hobbsee: if only people were sane :)04:05
mc44but mostly they are frustrated with something not working, so sitting back and relaxing isn't high on the priorties04:05
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Tm_Thi Jucato04:37
Jucatohi Tm_T04:38
Tm_TJucato: I started to wonder, how widely are pc+net connection available there?04:42
Jucatodepends on which kind :)04:43
Tm_Twell any kind04:45
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Jucatowell, DSL is almost pretty much available from the local telcos... the only problem is no one applies much :)04:45
Tm_Tso, infrastructure is there04:46
Tm_Tthat's always good04:47
Jucatobut it's less the internet connection availability and more of computer per household availability :)04:47
naliothJucato: are you causing trouble again?04:47
Tm_TJucato: hum?04:47
Jucatonalioth: oh noes :)04:47
JucatoTm_T: meaning, people here have computers at home :)04:48
Jucatoand if they do, internet connection is not always a priority... and they usually make do with dial up (also easily available from the local telco)04:48
Tm_Tah, sounds good04:48
Jucatoone reason why not so many people buy computers is because there are so many internet cafe's here04:49
Tm_Tthat always helps and is sort of reasonable04:49
Jucatoand makes it actually harder to promote FOSS and Linux :)04:50
Tm_TI have seen many people have pc in the corner just waiting without use04:50
Tm_TJucato: net cafe's don't care about freedom that is?04:50
Jucatomost of the internet cafe's here thrive on PC/online games, that work only on Windows04:50
Tm_TI see04:50
=== Tm_T is pumping sugar to the machine
Tm_Tkola and kake04:56
Tm_TI meant, err, Kola and Kake04:56
Tm_TsomethinK I always forKet04:56
Tm_Tmaybe I should turn my KDE aKain to welsh, there's no 'K' in that language afterall (:05:00
Jucatowhat? they only have G's? :)05:00
Tm_Thumm, well05:01
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Tm_TJucato: "find K" puzzle: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cymru/vocab/05:05
Tm_Twow, that vocabylary extension is nice05:06
Tm_Tsomething I would like to see in KDE05:06
Tm_They, new games!05:09
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PriceChildwow only one dc07:44
naliothunfortunately, the other channels do not have our unique methods07:45
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ubotukitche called the ops in #ubuntu08:16
ubotuwols called the ops in #ubuntu08:16
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, kbrooks said: !root is umm, ops, please delete all mentions of getting root account back from the wiki page please, or you are simply a hypocrite. thank you.10:55
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h154n2c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ompaulBurgundavia, got a moment or two?11:07
=== Vorian [n=Steve@c-76-104-8-94.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Amaranthompaul: looks like a case of "I misread the wiki, please fix it!"11:16
Burgundaviaompaul: I do11:16
ompaulBurgundavia, it would be nice to get the root sudo page to a place of sanity11:17
BurgundaviaI thought it was11:17
ompaulit is back telling people how to set up root on it11:17
ompaulwithout dire warnings ;-)11:17
ompaulBurgundavia, when you are happy lock it ;-)11:18
Amaranthit's not telling them that11:19
Amaranthit's telling them how to _lock_ root if they for some reason enabled it11:20
Burgundaviait is telling them to use -i to create a root sheel11:20
Burgundaviashell, rather11:20
Burgundaviaalso not recommended11:20
ompaulbig you will have to hand up your first born warnings and so on should be there11:21
ompaulor better yet not have that stuff there at all11:21
BurgundaviaI just changed it to tell them how to redisable it11:22
jribompaul: I removed the warning, because it doesn't actual say how to enable it anymore.  Just mentions 'sudo -i' and how to disable it if someone has enabled it in the past11:22
Amaranthsudo -i is useful sometimes11:22
Amaranthwell, i use sudo -s but yeah11:23
ompauljrib, it does say how to enable it - or did 5 mins ago11:23
Burgundaviaplease look now11:23
ompauljrib, sudo -i     (equivalent to sudo su -) sudo -s     (equivalent to sudo su) sudo -i -u username11:23
ompauljrib, all of which were wrong11:24
jribwell  sudo -i  isn't the same as enabling the root account, the page used to contain  sudo passwd root  , I thought you were referring to this11:24
Amaranthompaul: as i said, according to the history at least as far back as the 9th it did _not_ tell you how to enable root11:24
ompaulBurgundavia, how about if this move:  To use sudo on the command line, preface the command with sudo, as below:  TO the bottom of the page11:26
Burgundaviaompaul: go nuts11:26
BurgundaviaI will proof it11:26
ompaulBurgundavia, you don't have to ask twice :)11:26
ompaulBurgundavia, its all yours - more than likely my sentiments are too strong11:34
Burgundaviaok, looking11:35
ompaulBurgundavia, actually maybe the part Allowing other users to run sudo should be after notes11:35
Burgundaviajdub and I are having it out in #gnome-hackers11:36
=== ompaul wonders about dropping in on that one
ompaularrr nothing like a good scrap11:37
ompaulwhich network?11:37
ompaulBurgundavia, ^^11:37
Burgundaviagimp net11:38
ompaulit would be :)11:38
Burgundaviaompaul: your edit looks good11:39
ompaulBurgundavia, I think that last suggestion is important11:42
ompaulpush everything away from the creation of a shell11:43
ompaulyou got edit open?11:43
ompaulokay someone else had11:46
ompaulthey did nothing11:46
ompaulnow question11:46
ompaulShould I put this at after the intro to the not supported line?  * Please don't suggest this to others unless you will be available 24/7 to support them if they have issues as a result of it.11:46
ompaulBurgundavia, or is that a bridge too far?11:47
Burgundaviadon't suggest what?11:48
ompaulI'll save it you can cull it if you don't like it11:48
ompauldone it is all yours11:49
jribI really don't see why  sudo -i  should be considered dangerous11:50
jriband especially  sudo -i -u username11:50
Burgundaviabecause you end up with a root shell11:50
Burgundaviawhich is a very bad thing11:50
Burgundaviabecause if you have to type sudo before anything you do, you start thinking "hmm, this is dangerous"11:51
jribI never liked the "protect the user from himself" argument11:51
ompauljrib, #debian beckons :-P11:52
=== ompaul runs
Burgundaviajrib: then you seriously have never help the average user11:52
Burgundaviahelped, rather11:52
ompauljrib, you are not the target audience for this distro11:52
jribwell I agree there should be a strong warning, but it's not really dangerous.  There is a an approriate use for it.  But, I do think the 'sudo -i -u username' should be moved elsewhere since that one doesn't give you a root shell11:54
ompauljrib, it is in the "We don't support these" list11:55
ubotuRegardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo11:55
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:55
jribompaul: why wouldn't starting a shell as another user be unsupported?11:56
jriberm, double negative there11:56
ompaulsorry I did not see that11:56
=== ompaul was blinded :)
ompauljrib, su - username works11:56
Burgundaviajrib: any time you end up with use root, it is dangerous11:57
Burgundaviabest practices for Ubuntu is to use sudo before every invocation11:58
ompaulBurgundavia, so do we remove the become other users or do you want sudo to be there?11:59
Burgundaviabecoming another user is nice, but make it clear that it is not recommended to do it with root11:59
ompaulso what I am thinking is that su exists so it should be su - username12:00
ompaulsu is not broken it is just not for root12:00
ompaulsu is for friends not for root :)12:00
ompaulpuppies are for 13 years not just birthdays12:01
jribyou lost me with that one ompaul12:01
GazzaKpuppies, where?12:01
ompauljrib, you can do su - ompaul12:01
jribI mean the puppies12:01
TheSheepdragons are for live, not just for hogwatch12:01
ompaulTheSheep, you should know12:02
=== TheSheep stuffs himself with sulfur
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu12:02
ompauljrib, it was based on some really loose links in my head between sudo is for root just not for friends - puppies are not for christmas they are for life12:06
jribI see12:06
ompauljrib, I would say to anyone su - $username12:07
ompaulsu - amanda might be interesting12:07
ompaulBurgundavia, ^^ how do you overcome that?12:07
BurgundaviaI have no idea12:08
ompaulcos on the boxes in work currently I become work (they are not all ubuntu yet)12:08
ompaulbecome root and then su - amanda12:08
jribthat's what sudo -i -u  is for :)12:09
ompauljrib, what password for amanda?12:10
ompaulthere is none12:10
jribit will ask for your password12:10
=== ompaul head desks
ompaulokay that needs to be in the part above12:11
ompaulBurgundavia, final edit12:16
ompaulI am off to bed hope it reads well enough12:18
Burgundaviaok, thanks12:18

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