
swejaxslavik: ok I'll try that, thankx12:01
ParanoiakHi everybody12:01
GuyFromHellIs there anything special i should know for mounting a VFAT based mp3 player? Currently i plug it in and it doesn't seem writeable.12:01
ibanexerUSUL: oops your right12:01
demianibanex: it doesn't open in feisty12:01
demiannot even if i press the eject button12:01
slavikdemian: how old is this system and how is the drive connected?12:01
Ind[y] I have two bashrc files. I want the one to be used when I am on the console, and the other when I am on terminals and stuff. How can I do this?12:01
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GuyFromHell(permissions look fine, rwx------ with my username as owner)12:01
erUSULibanex: i know ;) it is curse (being allways right of course) XP12:01
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ibanexdemian: did you install feisty with the same cd rom drive?12:02
slavikInd[y] : how comfortable are you with scripting?12:02
ibanexerUSUL, : )12:02
slavikdemian: is this a new system?12:02
demianibanex: that's what bugs me12:02
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Ind[y] slavik: with bash not very much12:02
demiannew as in pc or in feitsy install12:02
graigsmiththis is really weird, if i do the manual f-spot import, it sees the pef image files. if i just stick the camera card in, it only sees jpegs, and ignores the pef files. any clue why only the import from camera dialog box is doing this?12:02
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erUSULInd[y] : that's why there is .bashrc and .bash_profile12:02
msldemian: It sounds as though the cdrom is still mounted, and you cannot use the eject button on your cdrom when it is mounted.12:03
demianno it's not that12:03
vasudevai've messed something up with my system, and now when i reboot, i end up in what looks like single-user mode. i have to 'telinit 2' to get anywhere useful. is there a collection of the base startup scripts and such, that i can apt-get, to make sure i've got what i need? i'm on feisty.12:03
SJrXI'm using Kubuntu but no one seems to have an answer for me. My Mouse wheel isn't working in X. Any ideas on how to fix it?12:03
Frednecki used sudo cp -a to copy my hard drive's contents to an external drive - it seems to still be going, but I suspect it's not doing anything anymore. Is there anyway to tell?12:03
slavikerUSUL: which gets executed when?12:03
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ibanexdemian: sudo eject /dev/cdrom ???12:03
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Ind[y] erUSUL: .bash_profile is for terminals xterms, and stuffs?12:03
demianIt doesn't even show up in sudo lshw -C disk12:03
slavikFredneck: does the ext. drive lights flash?12:03
sx66how do I install pidgin?12:04
dezinenevermind :)12:04
demianit's a very old compaq presario12:04
sx66sudo what?12:04
dezineused google12:04
Flannel!pidgin | sx6612:04
ubotusx66: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.12:04
slavikdemian: old is good :P12:04
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JowiGuyFromHell, does "mount" also show the device with (rw) permissions and a umask value?12:04
Fredneckslavik: there's only one light and it's staying on12:04
demianwell.... I'd like a newer system12:04
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slavikFredneck: what is that light supposed to indicate?12:04
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Fredneckslavik: I think it just means it's on12:04
GuyFromHellJowi, yea, in fact the mount line (i thought ahead) is at http://pastebin.com/93553112:04
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JowiGuyFromHell, example what my "mount" command show: /dev/sdb1 on /media/Sony type vfat (rw,gid=46,umask=007)12:04
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GuyFromHellJowi, or maybe not, depending how pastebin is feeling12:05
slavikFredneck: the terminal where you issued the cp command, is it back to a promt?12:05
Fredneckslavik: no, it's still thinking12:05
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erUSULslavik: Ind[y]  i never remember look here http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/1182-difference-between-bashrc-bash_profile.html12:05
Fredneckslavik: I'm looking at KDE system guard, and cp is listed as taking using a small amount of System%12:05
Fredneckslavik: But I've checked the properties of the folder I'm copying to, and the total number of files hasn't changed in hours12:06
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ubuntuEdgyhi what is "tiger"12:06
slavikFredneck: then I guess something is "stuck"12:06
demianit's not there12:06
slavikgstat is so nice in fbsd :P12:06
meccawhat up people? i'm running edgy on my laptop and i'm unable to display my screen on an lcd monitor using my lcd/crt fn key.  is there a way to get my fn keys working or does anyone have a workaround?12:06
Fredneckslavik: okay, that's what I thought12:06
demianmecca: install feisty fwan12:07
sx66so, on pidgin, how do I download it? I go to the page and it does not list ubuntu package.12:07
bruenigdemian, that won't help12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tiger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
bruenigI have the same problem actually12:07
slavikFredneck: you can always kill it and use nautilus instead ... that way you get a progress bar :)12:07
demianbruenig: what won't work?12:07
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bruenigthe fn key thing to adjust monitory brightness12:08
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Fredneckslavik: yeah, I will, I got the bulk of it moved anyway12:08
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ibanexsx66: you can get dependencies and compile it12:08
erUSULInd[y] : this seems to be more clear http://wm161.net/2007/02/14/bash_profile-vs-bashrc/12:08
demianit works on my girls accer a600012:08
GuyFromHellJowi, thus i am confused, any light you can shed?12:08
demianwith feisty12:08
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demianthat's all I know ;)12:08
JowiGuyFromHell, the "utf8" option is for iso9660 and not for vfat12:08
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JowiGuyFromHell, the "nodev" option might also screw it up12:08
slavikInd[y] : basically, when you log in, you can have a .xsessionrc (or .xsession, google for actual name) to change the symlink to point to the proper file, and also have in .profile a line to change the symlink to another version of .bashrc file12:09
meccai've got a sony vaio12:09
GuyFromHellJowi, it was mounted by gnome-volume-manager, do you know how i can change the settings under that circumstance?12:09
sx66ibanex: what is dependencies?12:09
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speedo_Is there a Frontpage like application for linux ?12:09
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slavikspeedo_: no (thank god)12:09
juan278when i try and compile summit i get " Can't find X includes." what should i do is there a package i can install12:09
erUSULspeedo_: nvu ?12:09
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SJrXspeedo_ yes there is, try bluefish12:10
slavikspeedo_: check out winefish if you want to write html/php/other code12:10
JowiGuyFromHell, unfortunatley I don't use gnome...12:10
slavikor bluefish, I forget the name12:10
slavikone of them is a web page editor, the other is for latex12:10
GuyFromHellJowi, okay, i'll do a bit of research then and be back12:10
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speedo_SJrX: I just downloaded bluefish and it doesn't do what I want to do12:10
cipyI want to install the compiz eye candy stuff, what do you recommend Xgl or AIXGL ?12:10
speedo_haven't tried winefish12:11
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SJrXwell what do you want it to do?12:11
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erUSULcipy: aiglx if your card support it (anything but ati-fglrx)12:11
speedo_I want to creat simple web pages fast ........ frontpage made that possible ...... I want simple but fast application in linux12:11
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Ind[y] erUSUL: thanks, worked12:12
Cain_UnAbelwhat codec does totem need to play .mov files?12:12
Ind[y] slavik: thank you for the info12:12
erUSULInd[y] : no problem12:12
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SJrXspeedo_ openoffice?12:12
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schreckI just got Ubuntu installed using the text-based installer, but nothing shows up on the screen...any ideas?12:12
SJrXlets you save in HTML12:12
juan278speedo_: how simple? would a word processor be good enough?12:13
SJrXspeedo_ I think you might have more luck asking in #html or #php or something12:13
Cain_UnAbeli've installed all the codecs from the wiki help file12:13
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Cain_UnAbelbut totem still cant plaly alot of media formats12:13
speedo_SJrX: download nvu12:13
madsporkmurdererin trying to repair a windows box with a live disk, i have tried to copy a file to a hard drive. I keep getting the error that it is a read only file system even though mount -l lists it as rw12:13
speedo_thanks for your input guys12:13
SJrXwhy nvu?12:13
SJrXI don't like those things12:13
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SJrXI have dreamweaver at work12:13
SJrXI prefer editing the HTML manually12:13
SJrXand having someone else make it look good :P12:14
pruebaque lo tiro12:14
demiancan anyone help me with my cdrom player.. plz12:14
speedo_SJrX: I gotta try it out12:14
schreckpersonally, I use eclipse's PDT for PHP apps...works well enough12:14
pruebayo no puedo12:14
erUSUL!es | prueba12:14
ubotuprueba: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:14
demianI've always got the weirdest problems12:14
juan278speedo_: for something a bit harder i used screem but didnt really do much and there was another 1 i cant rember that i quite liked12:14
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aabrahaohi,  I Just need to load ther interfaces values, any one?12:15
linxehI use aptana in eclipse for html / javascript12:15
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mnk0hey sup12:15
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mnk0anyone using eclipse+tomcat in fiesty ??12:15
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madsporkmurdererin trying to repair a windows box with a live disk, i have tried to copy a file to a hard drive. I keep getting the error that it is a read only file system even though mount -l lists it as rw. How is this happening and how can I sort it12:16
schreckis there a "safe mode" that I can use to diagnose ubuntu startup probs?12:16
ShackJackQuick question Ubuntities - where can I adjust the number of virtual desktops? I want to turn them off and just have one. I can't find them for the life of me in the Prefs (not using Compiz/Beryl)12:16
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mnk0ShackJack: single user mode12:16
mnk0add -s to the boot up sscript12:16
vasudevacan i get anyone to paste their /etc/fstab into pastebin.com for me?12:16
changemeeverytime I reboot I need to reinstall the nvidia driver for X to work.  What keeps blowing away my drivers?12:17
Flannelschreck: Under "sessions" at GDM, safe gnome.  or, failsafe gnome, or whatever the actual wording is.12:17
ShackJackmnk0: You mean to the session script? How many desktop does vanilla ubuntu have to begin with?12:17
mnk0ShackJack:  no the grub boot up script12:17
schreckFlannel: how can I get to that?12:17
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jammanschreck, when you are booting up, there will be something that says "press esc to acess the grub menu" or something like that. then select the repair one. (thats not exact)12:17
mnk0ShackJack: push E12:17
erUSULchalcedony: how do you (re)install them?12:17
mnk0to edit12:17
mnk0and then add -s12:17
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binskipy2uanyone here using MINT linux?12:18
schreckI didnt see that option,...went straight to loading ubuntu12:18
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Jowispeedo_, the mozilla seamonkey suit has got a html editor. nvu is also wysiwyg but a bit more complex.12:18
Flannelschreck: At GDM (the login screen), hit "sessions" and choose failsafe/safe/whatever12:18
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jammanschreck, you must be fast.12:18
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jammanschreck, right after post.12:18
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Flanneljamman: that's not what he wants.  He wants no startup scripts, not single user mode.12:18
Cain_UnAbelwhat codec do i need to get totem to play .mov formats?12:18
speedo_Jowi: I was just looking at that12:18
speedo_thanks though12:18
Jowispeedo_, http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/12:18
ShackJackmnk0: Gotcha - I guess I can go right into menu.1st and tack it on to the end of /boot/initrd... etc...12:18
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binskipy2uanyone here go from ubuntu 7.04 to MINT linux?(buntu based)12:19
mnk0ShackJack: yeha thats right12:19
erUSUL!mp3 | Cain_UnAbel12:19
binskipy2uif so whatcha think?12:19
ubotuCain_UnAbel: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:19
mnk0anyone familiar with tomcat/ecliipse ?!?12:19
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graigsmithi have a problem with f-spot, anyone an fspot expert?12:19
jammanFlannel, sorry. i must have read it much different than you did.12:19
aabrahaohi,  I Just need to load ther interfaces values, any one?12:19
Cain_UnAbeli've already installed all the codecs from the help file erUSUL12:19
vasudevais it possible to get ubuntu to regenerate /etc/fstab??12:19
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jammanCain_UnAbel, try automatix, http://getautomatix.com12:20
pepe__mnk0: what do u wanna know ?12:20
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qnycaabrahao, what do you mean?12:20
INIT_6_any ideas on this? When copying files from a samba share on my friends suse linux box to my ubuntu box. the speed goes from 18mb/s for about 1min the stalls for about a min. Is this just becuase my ram/swap is getting full and it has to write that to the drive so it stops?12:20
mnk0pepe__: having problems with the installation12:20
IndyGunFreakCain_UnAbel: what are you trying to play?12:20
buddywhat is better: sempron 1.8 or celeron M 1.73 with 1mb cache L2?12:20
Cain_UnAbel.mov and .divx in totem12:20
Flannel!automatix | Cain_UnAbel, jamman12:20
IndyGunFreak!automatix | jamman Cain_UnAbel12:20
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ubotuCain_UnAbel, jamman: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:20
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pepe__ok, what's the problem ?12:20
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ubotujamman Cain_UnAbel: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:20
mnk0pepe__: i get a blank page when i goto http://localhost:8180/12:20
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IndyGunFreakFlannel: pinch poke, you owe me a coke12:20
mnk0pepe__: also , in eclipse when i try to run as server, i can't selec the home directory12:20
aabrahaoI changed the interfaces value for an ip, and I restart the networking and dont the thes new value12:21
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qnycaabrahao, ifconfig12:21
ShackJackIndyGunFreak: Automatix site says their thing doesn't break ubuntu as it doesn't use force :)12:21
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gabriel_hola alguien habla espaol12:21
IndyGunFreakShackJack: Microsofts site say their software is fast and bug free12:21
pepe__sorry no idea12:21
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI12:21
graigsmithas if installing things wasn't easy enuf, i never saw the use for automatix.12:21
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erUSUL!es | gabriel_12:21
raf256!es | gabriel_12:21
ubotugabriel_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:21
jammanhey, how good would a two year old dual xeon server be?12:21
=== raf256 high fives erUSUL
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aabrahaoBut I change the interfaces, do I need to use ifconfig?12:21
Music_Shufflejamman, for?12:21
ShackJackIndyGunFreak: Oh, but it is ;)12:21
gabriel_gracias es que soy un nuevo XD12:21
meccamnk0: try 808012:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
IndyGunFreakShackJack: my point exactly.12:21
mnk0mecca: the post in server.xml is 818012:22
erUSULraf256: XD o/12:22
IndyGunFreakShackJack: my disdain for automtix isn't as passionate as many, but there's been enough problems, i pay attention.12:22
qnycaabrahao, to reload you can do ifdown ethX && ifup ethX12:22
citronbleu-vgabriel_ es spanish12:22
IndyGunFreakmost of them seem to come when people try to upgrade.12:22
jammanMusic_Shuffle, web, possibly windows file server. most likely web server using debian with zencart as the webpage (it's a free shopping cart software)12:22
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Music_Shufflejamman, sounds like a plan to me :D12:22
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jammanMusic_Shuffle, got it at a yard sale for 35$!12:23
linuxnubhow do you make a seperate channel to query ubotu on so you dont flood this one12:23
IndyGunFreaknice deal12:23
mnk0also when i netstat -npl12:23
citronbleu-vi am french and i am happy12:23
mnk0tcp6       0      0 :::8180                 :::*                    LISTEN     18745/jsvc.exec12:23
jammanMusic_Shuffle, SCSI, tho. how easy is it to set up? anybody know?12:23
erUSULlinuxnub: /msg ubotu factoid12:23
mnk0would suggest that server is listening on 818012:23
IndyGunFreaklinux_probe: just find Ubotu in the user menu, and righ tclick, then send him a private message12:23
Paranoiaki am french too and i am also happy :D12:23
Music_Shufflejamman, nothing that a little Google + #ubuntu can't outwit.  ;)12:23
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Pelolinuxnub,  /msg ubotu !whatever12:23
jammanMusic_Shuffle, amen brother.12:23
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FredneckI'm reinstalling kubuntu - i'd like to have a separate /home partition but I don't know how to do that12:24
asdf_Can anyone point me to a guide on how to get setup with gmail FS?12:24
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IndyGunFreakasdf_: gmail fs?12:24
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Peloasdf_,  FS ?12:24
jammanMusic_Shuffle, it was an awesome deal. about 250 gigs worth of 10000 rpm scsi drives, and a water cooled computer, LOADS of other computer stuff. the guy has a server buisness and this was too old.12:24
Cain_UnAbelhow do i set xchat to use firefox or opera for open in browser?12:24
jammanMusic_Shuffle, all for 50 $.12:24
DjQczonEhello, I want to know if I can run and install xubuntu on my old PII 233mhz, 128mb ram ?? Thank you :)12:24
kitcheIndyGunFreak Pelo filesystem most likely12:24
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ShackJackDjQczonE: yep :)12:25
mnk0jamman: omg thats sick12:25
asdf_IndyGunFreak, Pelo: GmailFS is a mountable file system for Gmail12:25
strtochar[] Is there a command line version of Limewire or something similar?12:25
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Music_Shufflejamman, nice going :D  Now gogo Ubuntu it!12:25
yrthhello everybody :) does anybody know how to change permission to the entire partition?12:25
jammanmnk0, heck yeah. my deal of the day.12:25
PeloCain_UnAbel, menu > system > prefs > default aps or something12:25
ShackJackDjQczonE: you should try to find another ram stick for it ideally...12:25
Gurgehhello... i just installed this program looking for something else... but.. since i'm here, does anybody knows where i can get de wxPython modules?12:25
jribyrth: what filesystem?12:25
Cain_UnAbelthanks Pelo12:25
jammanMusic_Shuffle, probly debian, stable, safe, familiar, its all good.12:25
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DjQczonEShackJack: Ok and what they do mean by the "Alternate Install CD" ??? (I'm just a little bit confused between the LiveCD and the install CD)12:26
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yrthjrib :) oh hello again :) it's ext312:26
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jammanMusic_Shuffle, my father wants to use MS server 2003 tho... :(12:26
DjQczonEShackJack: Yeah I know, but will it run fine with 132, or it could be slow...12:26
ShackJackDjQczonE: It's a CD that's not a "Live" CD - Live CD runs the OS when you boot from it and you can install from there...12:26
Music_Shufflejamman, ouch.  Talk him into sense.  :)12:26
ShackJackDjQczonE: alternate CD is text-mode installer...12:26
jribyrth: you can pass the -R switch to chown or chmod for it to apply recursively, make sure you only do this on the mounted partition and not for system files12:26
Cain_UnAbelhas anyone had a problem with frostwire connecting to the network12:26
DjQczonEShackJack: Ok thank you :)12:27
chirialguien me puede ayudar12:27
jammanMusic_Shuffle, he just bought this thing called ms action pack with 10 copies of vista buisness, mysql server, ms server 2003, etc. for 300 bucks.12:27
buddy what is better: sempron 1.8 or celeron M 1.73 with 1mb cache L2? for a notebook.. to run ubuntu?12:27
Music_Shuffleoh ok12:27
buddysomeone know?12:27
Pelojamman,  if you give us your father's adress we can send someone over to "explain" things to him,  I think Guido is available12:27
schreckwhat would cause a new install not to boot to the gui?12:27
IndyGunFreakbuddy: either one will run Ubuntu fine.12:27
jammanMusic_Shuffle, good deal, but i want him to use debian for the web.12:27
IndyGunFreakyou'll notice little difference12:27
Cain_UnAbeli tried dapper on a sempron buddy12:28
=== Zamolf [n=dani@host126-195-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
jammanPelo, Guido?12:28
ShackJackbuddy: They'll both do just fine, really...12:28
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Cain_UnAbelkind of slow imo12:28
qnyc!es | chiri12:28
ubotuchiri: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:28
yrthjrib, it's a separate partition that I've got for arch docs... and can't write anything unless I sudo it12:28
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andrewkkcan i allow normal users to mount a starcraft iso without needing sudo privilages?12:28
JowiDjQczonE, you need 192MB for the desktop-cd. use the alternate one (text based install that requres less ram).12:28
Pelobuddy,  intel is very reilable for ubuntu12:28
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Pelojamman,  , generic italian mafia enforcer12:28
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IndyGunFreakCain_UnAbel: how much memory did you have?12:28
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jribyrth: do you want to just make your user the owner?12:28
jammanPelo, i see... lol.12:28
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ShackJackJowi: late on the reply he left & I already replied :)12:28
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yrthnah, everybody, jrib12:28
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Cain_UnAbel1.8 ghz l2 cache12:29
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JowiShackJack, yeah, i noticed :)12:29
jammanWell, i may get a job with the guy that i bought it from and he uses MS server, so i guess i could use the experiance.12:29
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jetscreamerusing the loop module seems to really want root12:29
buddyto run xgl, compiz, etc, what is better: ati radeon 1100 or intel 950?12:29
buddyI wanna buy a lappy.. hehe12:29
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asdf_Does anyone know how to mount Gmail using GmailFS?12:29
Pelobuddy,  ati is tricky with linux , you better ask the advice ofthe ppl in #beryl and #ubuntu-effects12:30
Cain_UnAbeli downloaded mplayer-skins12:30
DromarHello, I have two screens and would like to have a DualDesktop... and it works, but not with XGL, I think there's something i need to add to the script xgl, can anyone help me? (and sorry for my bad english xD)12:30
Music_Shufflebuddy, iirc, the intel graphics chipsets do better with Beryl.  But...I bet someone knows more than me in the Beryl channel.12:30
Cain_UnAbelbut i only have three choices12:30
Frednecki am installing kubuntu, and think I should make a home partition, can someone help me do that?12:30
Cain_UnAbeland they're all the same12:30
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Cain_UnAbelhow do i get more skins for mplayer12:30
Jowibuddy, I use the intel chipset and it works great. but my GMA950 (945GM chip) has shared ram which isn't ideal.12:30
Peloasdf_,  I'm sure gmail as some forum or channel or other resources to help you with this12:30
safwanhi everyone12:30
nevrosishello somebody can help me?12:30
schreckwhat would cause a new install not to boot to the gui? Anyone12:30
Music_Shuffle!ask | nevrosis12:30
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ubotunevrosis: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:30
kitcheschreck: X might be configured wrong12:30
Music_ShuffleHah!  /win.12:30
nevrosisit's my first day with ubuntu!!12:30
Jowibuddy, but beryl runs and runs well.12:30
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buddyhmm I see12:31
IndyGunFreaknevrosis: so that makes you unable to ask a question?12:31
buddyrlz!! hehe12:31
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:31
jribyrth: well you can do: sudo chmod -R a=rwX /media/the_path_to_your_mounted_partition12:31
Pelonevrosis,  run , it's a trap meant to lure you away from windows12:31
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buddyI guess I will get the intel.. it has 1mb cache l2..12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about archive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
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yrththanks jrib12:31
asdf_Pelo:  I can't find anything else...12:31
Pelonevrosis,  what can we help you with ?12:31
jrib!permissions > yrth (see the private message from ubotu)12:31
Peloasdf_,  try the forum12:31
nevrosisi can't install flash player what i do12:31
schreckkitche: where is the X conf? /etc/X11/xorg.conf?12:31
hacked_kernelFredneck: if you have much empty space then you can make /home as big as you want, if not then its fine to have / only "the root partition"12:31
Jowinevrosis, welcome. if you have a problem be as specific as you can. if you just want to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic12:31
Cain_UnAbelhow do i get new skins for mplayer?12:31
kitcheschreck: yes12:32
safwanwhat is an equivalent to the executable file in windows to ubuntu12:32
schreckor is that even the file I would need?12:32
Pelonevrosis,  what architecture of  ubuntu did you install ?12:32
buddywell.. thanks a lot.. God bless all..12:32
jribsafwan: "the executable file"?  What do you mean that?12:32
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nevrosisandre sei italiano?12:32
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PeloCain_UnAbel, mplayer website12:33
Fredneckhacked kernel: yeah, i've got plenty of empty space, I just don't really understand how to use the installer12:33
nevrosishelp me please!!12:33
safwanjrib I mean when you develop a program using C# or c++ you must have a file execuatble in order for the machine to run12:33
Pelonevrosis,  what architecture of  ubuntu did you install ?12:33
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IndyGunFreaknevrosis: you don't listen well do you?12:33
nevrosis7.04(thank u!)12:33
yrththanks jrib :) it worked :)12:33
inazadsomeone can help me with the HTML ?12:33
Jowinevrosis, start the synaptic package manager and search for the Name "flash". you will find several packages. one of them is flashplayer-mozilla.12:34
vbabiywher can i find a archive of this room12:34
Pelonevrosis,   x86, amd ' ppc, ???12:34
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Seriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html
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(jaro/#ubuntu) thanks fuzzy_logic ill try that02:32
(jscinoz/#ubuntu) In a shell script how can i tell it to perform a certain act if one part returns and error?02:32
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(DaveG|/#ubuntu) Talaman72, where's that?02:32
(zachwlewis/#ubuntu) Thank you very much. You were very helpful.02:32
(fuzzy_logic/#ubuntu) Talaman72: you can't set much up here..02:32
(DaveG|/#ubuntu) Talaman72, oh.. yeah i did ;P02:32
(Talaman72/#ubuntu) system, preferences02:32
=== nexous [n=chatzill@clsm-208-111-243-30-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
fuzzy_logicjaro: np02:33
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nexousHow can I resize sda1 partition to 15gb rather than 30?02:34
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fuzzy_logicnexous: use gparted02:34
nexousfuzzy_logic: alright thanks.02:34
Pelonexous,  boot up the live cd,    menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor02:34
nexousWow, everyone is so pissy at fedora.02:34
jribjscinoz: command1 || command202:34
=== Pelo is getting old and slow
nexousfuzzy_logic: is that a gui or text-based?02:35
fuzzy_logicnexous: gui02:35
Pelonexous, ubuntu is the nice distro02:35
jarohmm how can i find out which keyboard i actually have in my laptop ??02:35
=== cipy [n=cristina@pool-72-68-42-201.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribjscinoz: google for "advanced bash scripting guide"02:35
arooniPelo: when i checked the CD on the comp that i burned the CD on ... it said it had no probs02:35
nexousPelo: I've noticed, I'm trying to dualboot fedora on an already installed ubuntu system, and their partitioner wouldn't allow me to edit the ubuntu partitions.02:35
jscinozalright, also whats the significance of the double | instead of one?02:35
arooniPelo: do you think it could be the drive?02:35
linuxnubnexous ubuntu is the place for nubs to linux heheh02:35
cipyhow can I find out what packages are installed on the box ?02:36
Peloarooni,  I don'T think you can edit a live drive02:36
linuxnubfedora is for advanced users really02:36
cipypossibly graphically02:36
jribjscinoz: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ops.html#ANDOR02:36
Peloarooni,  check the cd in another comp , it is possible,  but also check the forum,  this is a knowns error ,  I just don't remember what it is for02:36
linuxnubhowever fedora is much better once you learn linux02:36
arooniPelo: where is forum02:37
zkeetonHello:  I am having a heck of a time setting up printing.  I have followed various guides, as well as the Wiki. and for some reason I can not get my other Ubuntu computer to print.  I have just removed cups, and am re-installing it, and wondering if anyone can offer some advice?02:37
Peloarooni,   www.ubuntuforums.com02:37
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fuzzy_logiccipy: i'm not sure how it is graphically possible, but text-based you can do it with sudo apt-show-versions02:37
Pelozkeeton, what kind of printer ?02:37
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zkeetonIt is an HP psc 241002:38
Pelozkeeton, usb ? or parallel ?02:38
jarohmm how can i find out which keyboard i actually have in my laptop ??02:38
SteckAny telling when update-manager will allow updating to Gutsy Gibbon alpha ?02:38
jaro@ fuzzy_logic02:38
jmgSteck: when it is released02:38
jmgand it wont allow update to gutsy alpha02:38
Pelozkeeton, there are some hp printing packages in synaptic,  see if they can help02:38
jmgonly to final02:38
cipyfuzzy-logic: I don't have apt-show-versions installed02:38
fuzzy_logiczkeeton: type in your browser: http://localhost:631, have you tried that??02:39
kmlfuzzy_logic, :( not working, i think there is no solution to this tell now02:39
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Steckjmg: I'm using the -d flag, should work no?02:39
PeloSteck,  tray askiing in #ubuntu+102:39
Steckty :)02:39
fuzzy_logicjaro: mostly it just has the same name as your laptop02:39
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jarono asus02:39
jaroin the list02:39
arooniwhats the best program to burn a cd02:39
aroonii want to burn a cd slower.. i have an iso file02:40
arooniwhich is the feisty fawn version02:40
fuzzy_logickml: what do you want to do with your webcam?02:40
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zkeetonhaven't tried that yet either, let me re-install cups, and add the printer to the local computer.  It is strange, because according to the documentation, I should be able to enable sharing and my other Ubuntu computer should find it automatically, but it's not.  Then tried it manually, and still no printy02:40
Peloarooni,  gnomebaker or k3b02:40
iMayKnowarooni, i like gnome-baker, but that's just personal preference02:40
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Peloarooni, gnomebaker for gnome,  k3b for kde02:40
Paddy_EIREI have been looking for ubuntu professional certification but cannot find anyone providing this locally, is it possible to get this course for home study?02:40
fuzzy_logiccipy: just a sec plz02:41
aroonishould i just reburn the cd?02:41
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  try the site there is some info on there02:41
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kmlfuzzy_logic, :S i want to make it working on ubuntu,02:41
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zkeeton  Alright, it's downloading and installing cups now *hates waiting, LOL*02:41
Paddy_EIREPelo, I have although as I said there is no one doing this locally02:41
devinciBonsoir, le program files de Windows quivaut  quoi sous Linux. Exemple, j'ai tlcharger un torrent et il me demande avec quoi l'ouvrir alors je cherche le logiciel d'azureus.02:42
IndyGunFreakarooni: what kind of problem are you having?02:42
devincioups pardon02:42
=== SADV [n=David@cpe-72-185-34-225.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
arooniIndyGunFreak: so i tried to install linux and the cd is giving me : [912.540000]  SQUASHFS error:  Unable to read page, block 2648bc5c, size 84ad.... then it says 'Segmentation Fault', 'Segmentation Fault'02:42
PeloPaddy_EIRE, I mean check on the site for alternate methods of getting certified02:42
devincije me suis tromper de canal02:42
Pelodevinci,   #ubuntu-fr02:42
IndyGunFreakyes, burn it again02:42
darwin81arooni, Brasero is also good. If you're on Gnome try Gnomebaker and Brasero.02:42
IndyGunFreakand burn it slower.02:42
fuzzy_logickml: yes but how do you want to approach it? with a messenger or what?02:42
arooniIndyGunFreak: how mslow02:42
IndyGunFreakarooni: what kind of media?02:42
IndyGunFreakarooni: i usually burn at 2-4x02:42
Peloarooni,  1x02:42
AusMEI am creating a system where the only thing available will be a joystick. Can anyone point me to a filemanager that will use a joystick driver? or some interface driver that will allow a user to move the joystick as a mouse?02:43
arooniomg wow02:43
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aroonii burned at 48X02:43
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IndyGunFreakarooni: well, that might be part of the problem02:43
fuzzy_logiccipy: i don't know how you can do that.. maybe someone else does?02:43
IndyGunFreakits not a race, slower is better.02:43
Paddy_EIREPelo, no, there is a lack of information on the site02:43
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Peloarooni, 48 x in not necessaraly bad,  it just doesN't seem to work for you that's all02:43
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  google then02:43
arooniIndyGunFreak: but when i checked the CD integrity in another comp, it said no probls02:43
Kevin__ 02:44
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IndyGunFreakarooni: trust me, burn slower02:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
Alanhas anybody here managed to get azureus working with SOCKS proxy?  For some reason it works fine in Gentoo, but with the exact same version and configuration it doesn't work in Ubuntu ....02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chineese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
aroonioh noes (tyring to launch gnomebaker): process:14818): GStreamer-WARNING **: Twhhe GStreamer function gst_init_get_option_group() was called, but the GLib threading system has not been initialised02:45
=== Pelo gives ubotu a dirty look
arooniyet, something that must happen before any other GLib  is called. The application needs to be fixed so that it if (!g_thread_supported ())  as very first thing in its main() function. Please file a against this application.02:45
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chinese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
arooniIndyGunFreak: you dont think its a drive problem?02:45
IndyGunFreakarooni: no.02:45
fuzzy_logic!ubuntu-ch | IndyGunFreak02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
=== ChiCaBo0m [n=pirch@204.sub-70-203-52.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
fuzzy_logicdamn :P lol02:45
IndyGunFreakfuzzy_logic: lol02:45
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk02:45
zkeetonHrmm...this is strange:  I installed cups with sudo apt-get install cupsys* and now when I try to add the printer it's telling me that it can not connect to the cups server.  Tried a restart of cups and still no workie02:45
arooniIndyGunFreak: any idea on how to get gnomebaker working on feisty?02:45
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IndyGunFreakarooni: it should work fine.02:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
IndyGunFreakwhat kind of problem are you having with it?02:46
=== idaho45 [n=idaho@] has joined #ubuntu
aroonii ah02:46
darkriftanyone here able to help me resize a windows partition to make more room for unbuntu?02:46
arooniit was giving me an error when it launched02:46
raymondjtothwere cna i finde what run on wine the game at least02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
raymondjtothcant finde on site02:46
arooniin stderr i guess02:46
jribstop spamming the bot02:46
aroonilooks like it still launched02:46
=== ChiCaBo0m [n=pirch@204.sub-70-203-52.myvzw.com] has left #ubuntu []
blindWhy is gedit telling me that /home/blind/.q3a/q3config.cfg is on a read only disk? O_o02:46
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke02:46
yipeis there an ubotu hint for getting gamepads and joysticks to work? Or can anyone at least point me in the right direction?02:46
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)02:46
Peloraymondjtoth,  www.winehq.org has an application db02:46
fuzzy_logiczkeeton: are you working with localhost:631??02:46
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arooniok so what speed to burn at this time round?02:46
IndyGunFreakarooni: 2-4.., whatever is slowest02:47
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:47
raymondjtothpelo ok on site were do you finde it on site02:47
IndyGunFreaksomeof them don't go slower than 402:47
raymondjtoththat i dont see02:47
=== imbecile [n=imbecile@adsl-75-16-72-159.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:47
=== andres_j [n=andres@c-71-202-217-120.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Peloraymondjtoth,  look for application database or ask in #winehq02:47
IndyGunFreak!botabuse | ablabla02:47
ubotuablabla: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:47
zkeetonI am just trying to add the printer to the local computer, so that  I can I can try and get the network printing set up02:47
=== fuzzy_logic is brb\
=== andres_j [n=andres@c-71-202-217-120.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo gags ubotu
=== andres_j [n=andres@c-71-202-217-120.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
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IndyGunFreakmobutu: don't use automatix.02:48
IndyGunFreak!automatix | mobutu02:48
ubotumobutu: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:48
Pelomobutu, you don'T need automatix,  most of the stuff on there can be easily installed with synaptic02:48
arooniIndyGunFreak: did i get the right install: ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386 (i have an amd sempron 2400+ .. it just a reg 32 bit platform i think)02:48
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:49
=== blanky [n=Blank@pool-71-104-179-205.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakarooni: looks fine02:49
=== netsrot [n=netsrot@] has joined #ubuntu
mobutuyou are all bots02:49
PeloBorat_Sagdiyev, can we help you with something ?02:49
kmlfuzzy_logic, with amsn, and i want to access it, in cpp to test some image processing algorithms02:49
arooniIndyGunFreak: ok so i'm trying 4x, even though i have 1x and 2x... i'm really impatient, i want ubuntu! ;p02:49
=== Danux [n=danux@82-47-67-38.cable.ubr02.telf.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakarooni: what OS are you using Gnomebaker?02:49
arooni1X = an hour i think?02:49
IndyGunFreakarooni: well, patience is a virtue, use somethign slower.02:49
arooniIndyGunFreak: ubuntu 7.0402:49
Peloarooni,  patience young padawan02:50
=== LyleM [n=LyleM@adsl-69-152-175-232.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
aroonihow long does 1X take02:50
IndyGunFreakarooni: if you're using ubuntu 7.04, why are you burning anotyher one?02:50
aroonifor 700 mb02:50
Peloarooni,  as long as it needs02:50
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=== sacamano [n=jay@cpe-74-69-67-143.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakarooni: probably 4-6min.02:50
sacamanohey, how do i add a program to the startup list?02:50
arooniIndyGunFreak: cuz i need to install on desktop02:50
sbalneavarooni: 74 minutes02:50
jrib!startup > sacamano (see the private message from ubotu)02:50
aroonii have it on my laptop02:50
aroonisbalneav: no way?02:50
IndyGunFreakarooni: i guess i'mconfused.02:50
sbalneavAt 1x. yes02:50
sbalneava full cd is 74 minutes long02:51
IndyGunFreakso youhave 2 speeds, 1 has ubuntu installed, and gnomebaker?02:51
sacamanothank you!02:51
arooniIndyGunFreak: i have a laptop02:51
IndyGunFreaki mean 2 pcs02:51
aroonithats what i'm talking to you on02:51
aroonithen i have a desktop02:51
zkeetonFuzz Logic...any ideas why it won't connect to the cups server to add the printer locally02:51
madman91 I have a computer running azureus, it is seeding approximately 92 torrents. The folder that holds all the torrent file has much more than that however. Is there some way I can move only the currently opened torrents into another folder? Or maybe purge the old ones?02:51
=== andresjrmthissho [n=andres@c-71-202-217-120.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakok., now i understand02:51
aroonithat i'm trying to de=windowize02:51
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Pelomadman91,  open the folder and delete then ones you don'T want02:51
intangirim trying to build celestia on ubuntu, but i get this error when configuring:02:52
intangirconfigure: error: Package requirements (libgnomeui-2.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6 gtkglext-1.0) were not met02:52
intangiri installed libgnomeui-2.0-dev already02:52
nexousgparted shows all of my partitions with a lock symbol and I can't change size of hda102:52
=== selim [n=chatzill@p57A349A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelointangir,  try installeing the devs for the gtk pakcages as well02:52
intangirPelo: what are they?02:52
darkriftthats my prob too nexous02:52
darkriftbut only my ntfs partitions02:52
Pelointangir,  try in synaptic02:53
selimis someone in here who can help me with a network-manager-pptp problem?02:53
Pelonexous,  unmount them first02:53
Fatb0yi would like my ubuntu box to boot to console and not directly into GDM for x window.  Since they have changed the way ubuntu loads, does anyone have a link to a howto that shows how to easily make this happen.  With inittab it was an easy number change.02:53
madman91Pelo: how do i see which ones are in use.. without manually checking.. lsof doesnt work02:53
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-236-245-78.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
selimI try to establish a connection via wlan but it seems only to work with wired lan adapter not with the wireless02:53
nexousPelo: Most likely other partitions are also mounted on these mountpoints. y02:53
nexousDo i have to swapoff swap?02:54
Pelomadman91, I think you need to do it the hard way,  check in az, make a list,   delete what isn't one the list02:54
=== jojo_ [i=opera@crv60-1-88-165-105-192.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
sbalneavFatb0y: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove02:54
=== colbert [n=colbert@CPE000802b64568-CM0011e6c40b1f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowTrying to install Dapper on Dell C640.  Wiki says it works.  Tested MD5 and it id fine.  Get error starting Enterprise Volume Management Buffer i/o error  ANy suggestions.?02:54
=== passbe [n=passbe@ppp184-119.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
nexousI can now edit dev/hda2 with swap set to swapoff right now, but I still cant unmount dev/hda102:55
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Fatb0ysbalneav: to change it back do sudo update-rc.d -f gdm install?02:55
=== andresjr [n=andres@c-71-202-217-120.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloJack_Sparrow, look up the error msg in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.com02:55
sbalneavFatb0y: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults02:55
Pelonexous,  are you using the live cd ?02:55
nexousPelo: No, ubuntu is already installed on my system.02:56
madman91Pelo: eww02:56
Fatb0ysbalneav: thanks02:56
sbalneavwhoops, no -f on the defaults one.02:56
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Pelonexous,  you need to boot from the live cd,  you cannot edit partitons of a running hdd02:56
=== oscurochu [n=oscuroch@pool-71-180-56-67.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
oscurochuHow do I enable file sharing?02:56
nexousI only have a live cd of 6.06 and im running 7.04.02:56
Pelonexous, just trust me02:56
AusMEDoes anyone know how I can make my joystick move the mouse cursor?02:56
=== thesource [n=Elfboy@d14-6-rt4-bras.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== NeoRex [n=NeoRex@pool-72-94-137-61.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelonexous,  doesn't matter any ubuntu live cd will do02:56
thesourcecan some help with instrall tcl02:57
nexousPelo: okay02:57
PeloAusME, check in the forum02:57
nexousPelo: So boot the livecd?02:57
RoC_MasterMindoscurochu, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_share_folders_the_easy_way02:57
Pelonexous, do you realy expect me to say it for a fourth time ?02:57
nexousPelo:  hehe.02:57
thesourceconfigure: error:02:57
nexousPelo: nvm, i'll get it. :D02:57
thesource  Tcl cannot be found on this system.02:57
thesource  Eggdrop requires Tcl to compile. If you already have Tcl installed on02:57
thesource  this system, and I just wasn't looking in the right place for it, re-run02:57
thesource  ./configure using the --with-tcllib='/path/to/libtcl.so' and02:57
thesource  --with-tclinc='/path/to/tcl.h' options.02:57
thesource  See doc/COMPILE-GUIDE's 'Tcl Detection and Installation' section for more02:57
thesource  information.02:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %thesource!*@*] by jrib
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=== Pelo waves thesource bye bye
jrib!paste | thesource02:58
ubotuthesource: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:58
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thesourcesorry i did not mean for thsat02:58
=== whileimhere [n=richard@pool-71-121-91-127.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelojrib, you didn'T actualy kick him02:59
=== callen81 [n=alpha@d38-148-70.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribthesource: eggdrop is in the repositories02:59
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callen81is there a known bug with realtek gigabit nics02:59
jribPelo: that's ok, I just muted02:59
thesourceno but the tcl is02:59
whileimhereHi what package would I need to install to get downloaded flvs to play?02:59
jribthesource: no, I am telling you that eggdrop is as well02:59
=== Freebieee [n=pumpers@72-161-180-69.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mobutuwhileimhere: vlc or mplayer02:59
=== leonetix [n=leonetix@roaming-171-57.nss.udel.edu] has joined #ubuntu
randoman_god damn , that there was a lot of GARNOME Dependencies for ubuntu. :P02:59
xenexthesource, i just reinstalled tcl in synaptic to fix that02:59
AusMEWell, Pelo, I appreciate the response but I'm not able to find much in the forum (about the joystick operating like the mouse)02:59
FreebieeeHello, does anyone know how to get a VIA southbridge AC97 audio sound card working?02:59
=== goban [n=goban@ip68-107-157-9.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
thesourceok and ehrn i do ./configer for ehhdrop03:00
whileimhereI have both and they do play them but the time slider on the bottom doesnt work for them03:00
jrib!info eggdrop | thesource03:00
intangirconfigure: error: Package requirements (libgnomeui-2.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6 gtkglext-1.0) were not met03:00
ubotuthesource: eggdrop: Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.18-1 (feisty), package size 461 kB, installed size 1132 kB03:00
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RoC_MasterMindwhileimhere, sounds like those players don't support seeking...that's pretty normal03:00
=== revidnus [n=revidnus@ip68-225-67-93.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
xenexoh, the latest version. nice.03:00
PeloAusME,  you haven't search for very long,  search with keywords , just try joystick03:00
intangiri dont know what packages it wants03:00
=== ryan__ [n=ryan@user-0c9a9io.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribthesource: do you know about the universe repository?03:00
whileimhereThanks Roc_mastermind that is exactly what I ment03:00
intangiri couldve sworn before when i would get configure errors i had an easy way of finding its package03:00
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=== daskidud1 [n=justin@ool-4578e7ff.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryan__I'm having a problem with adding a new startup Sesssion if anyone can help03:01
=== xenex is waiting for xchat 2.8.3 to be in the repositories
whileimhereWhat player will play movs?03:01
intangiroff of some auto package file03:01
PeloAusME,  you can probably edit xorg.conf to specify a different device for the mouse03:01
jribintangir: what are you compiling?03:01
callen81just install vlc and never worry about codecs again03:01
callen81it'll play any media file you'll throw at it03:01
RoC_MasterMindvlc plays almost anything, proprietary, patented or not.03:01
=== illusions [n=asde@dsl-216-227-68-110.pmtnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
callen81could someone help me with my intergraded nic03:02
=== mtv [n=mtv@c-67-185-15-10.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MasterMindcallen81, hopefully.03:02
callen81it was working but stopped, works in windows fine and my wifi nic works fine too03:02
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mtvmy printer backend is not responding, where do i go from here?03:02
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RoC_MasterMindWhat does Windows have to do with this callen81 ?03:02
callen81that nic isn't fried03:03
RoC_MasterMinddoes it show up under lspci?03:03
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callen81yeah, but it wont link or grab an ip, ive checked my /ect/network/interface03:04
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devnullany way to downgrade to xorg 7.1 in feisty?03:04
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508D8F01.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MasterMinddevnull, there is always a way.03:04
devnullwell some insight would be great.03:05
illusionsI am having a problem when installing Ubuntu 7.04, the X server won't start... I have a Dell Inspiron 6400/E1505 with a Radeon X1400 video card, it keeps coming up with the error that it can't find the drivers for my Broadcom wireless NIC, any ideas as to why the X server keeps giving me errors? It says that it found 'screens' but none are compatible or something along those lines..03:05
Peloillusions,  you need to use the alternate install cd,  it is text based,   after the installation is complete you can then install the drivers for your ati video card03:06
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:06
callen81@illusions edit your driver to just nv for the time being and see if that works03:06
=== Mazaltarim [n=freak@fbl77-1-88-163-3-9.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Mazaltarim [n=freak@fbl77-1-88-163-3-9.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
illusionsIs there a way I can edit the current CD I am using to do a text based install?03:08
=== greg_g [n=greg@adsl-69-212-43-246.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
callen81you can do it from the cd03:08
=== Mazaltarim [n=freak@fbl77-1-88-163-3-9.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
callen81i have to do the same thing with my ferrari03:08
=== andresjrm [n=andres@c-71-202-217-120.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloillusions,  if you were using the dvd , you could select the text install but not with the cd,  you need to dl the alternate cd03:08
selimno one who can help me with this?03:08
illusionsI looked for a DVD on the website, I was unable to find it.03:09
Peloselim,  with what ?03:09
=== technx [n=technx@cpe-66-68-228-212.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Wonderboy_ [n=Wonderbo@pool-141-154-58-3.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wonderboy_I'm looking for some sort of dock that acts as the OS X dock whereas if I get an IM there will be some indication via the application's icon on the dock, does anyone know if here is one?03:09
Peloillusions,  they are further down the page,  but for now you just need the alternate isntall cd03:09
callen81just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver to vesa as well you need to set the screen to screen 003:09
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive03:09
arooniIndyGunFreak: omg it boots03:10
IndyGunFreakarooni: i told you03:10
Pelocallen81,  he can't boot the cd ,  x doesn't start , he need the alternate install cd,  and he's got an ati card not a nvdia one03:10
=== Bllz [n=louist@ppp-as35-29.nss.udel.edu] has joined #ubuntu
arooniIndyGunFreak: but now it boots right... and i get the brown background.... and the arrow, bjut nothing else?03:10
selimPelo: with my network-manager-pptp problem, I try to establish a pptp vpn connection with network-manager but it only gets connected with a wired connection if I try it with a working wireless interface I get errors03:10
IndyGunFreakpatience is a virtue.03:10
devnulli need a repos for xorg from edgy...03:10
Bllzhey guys03:10
IndyGunFreakarooni: give it a second, and make sure its done loading.03:10
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=== nexous [n=chatzill@clsm-208-111-243-30-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
driven_Wonderboy_: try http://code.google.com/p/avant-window-navigator/03:11
arooniIndyGunFreak: ok cuz i have another 1X cd on the way ;p03:11
nexousHow long do you think it will take to resize the partition?03:11
Pelo!wifi | selim  that's the most I can do for you03:11
ubotuselim  that's the most I can do for you: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:11
Tre1hi, anyone successfully used pptp-client on dapper ? always getting 'ubuntu pptp faild = Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP' and when i manually add routes via add route etc pptp-client starts giving me 1-3 errors per sec to stdout telling me unknown protocoll. encryption has to be active since im using it for relakks.com03:11
Pelonexous,  depends how much stuff needs to be moved,  no way to tell03:11
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Bllzquestion:  what's the best media player for use with an iPod?03:11
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nexousPelo:  estimate? hours?03:11
andresjrmnexous, it usually is no more than 10 minutes from what i remember03:11
selimpelo: but the wireless connection is working03:11
Bllzdevnull, I can't seem to install that03:11
harisaminhey guys...03:11
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harisamini have a question03:12
Bllzthere's always an apt-get error03:12
nexousandresjrm: okay.03:12
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aroonido i have enough power to run fesity?  2.4ghz sempron, 512 mb ram, separate graphics card?03:12
Wonderboy_driven_, I'll check it out, thanks.03:12
Peloselim,  like I said it is not something I can help you with , try in the forum if no one here can help03:12
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selimpelo: do you think there is some hint for the pptp connection in connection with the wireless?03:12
nexousError while resizing/moving /dev/hda103:12
pixelationSay, I had my doubts, but Xubuntu ain't bad.03:12
whileimhereHey guys I know that you suggested VLC for the FLV files but I have some that work fine under a windows OS but do not work with VLC on linux.03:12
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selimpelo: I tried no answer at all03:12
selimpelo: but thank you for answering03:12
BllzWill apt-get install AmaroK work in Gnome?03:12
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Peloselim,  no idea,  not realy my field,  don'T post to the forum,  search the forum03:13
arooniIndyGunFreak: what do you think03:13
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harisamini have a g3 powerbook with dapper on it....for some reason i cannot get any ubuntu distro on my G4 powermac...trust me i've tried everything and i just wanna try somethine else....can i install dapper from the G3 powerbook toa second hard drive on the G4 powermac with a network connection or something?03:13
illusionsIs there a faster server to download the Alternate cd ?03:13
QwertyMBllz: Yes it will :)03:13
Pelonexous,  do one operation at a time03:13
IndyGunFreakarooni: stillnot working?03:13
BllzQwertyM, I ask because I keep getting apt-get install errors when I do that03:13
nexousPelo:  I thought i was, only resizing it now.03:13
arooniIndyGunFreak: no its working..... but SLOW ;p03:13
=== _Michael [n=_Michael@pool-71-173-7-12.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
aroonii think its cuz it has to do it all in RAM03:13
IndyGunFreakarooni: did you get the desktop?03:13
Bllzand it can't verrify the package source or something like that03:13
Pelo!torrents | illusions03:13
ubotuillusions: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/ (DVDs)03:13
arooniIndyGunFreak: yes running setup wizard now03:13
IndyGunFreakarooni: yes, the live cd isn't very fast03:14
aroonidoes that mean im home free?03:14
madman91HOW do i see my host name03:14
Pelonexous,  ic03:14
QwertyMBllz: Must be some GPG keys that you haven't installed, for some added repos perhaps03:14
IndyGunFreakarooni: well, maybe.. just be forewarned, if you have trouble with that one, and it won't install completely03:14
IndyGunFreakdownload the alternate install cd, burn slow, and use it.. it'll get you installed.03:14
BllzQwertyM, how might I fix that?03:14
Pelonexous,  make sure all the partitons are unmounted03:14
arooniIndyGunFreak: where is the 'alternate install cd'03:14
Bllzsudo apt-get update?03:14
IndyGunFreakarooni: its on the ubuntu site.03:14
aroonimaybe i should start dloading it now03:15
nexousPelo: what about /dev/hda2 and /dev/hda5? if I'm only resizing /dev/hda103:15
andresjrmmadman97: cat /etc/hostname03:15
IndyGunFreakits called alternate install-i386.iso or something03:15
aroonijust in case03:15
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QwertyMBllz: Have you added any repos other than Ubuntu's default? And does APT stop after it says unverified ?03:15
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BllzQwertyM, not that I know of, and NO03:15
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QwertyMBllz: If APT doesnt stop, dont bother adding the keys ..03:15
Pelonexous, upload a screenshot of your gparted windows so I can see what you need to do03:15
illusionsAhh, thanks! I should have looked harder03:15
daskidud1why does coping files take so long?03:15
QwertyMYou can go on ..03:15
nexousPelo:  alright give me a sec.03:16
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BllzQwertyM, actually it stops but not right after saying it can't verrify03:16
IndyGunFreakarooni: the alternate install cd is a lot faster, ify ou're concerned aboutspeed03:16
bruenigdaskidud1, doesn't03:16
illusionsAre there any issues with the install on a Dell Latitude C640?03:16
IndyGunFreakbut it is 100% text based.03:16
QwertyMBllz: Then?03:16
=== CrashNBurn [n=aparco@d39-141-248.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
harisamini have a g3 powerbook with dapper on it....for some reason i cannot get any ubuntu distro on my G4 powermac...trust me i've tried everything and i just wanna try somethine else....can i install dapper from the G3 powerbook toa second hard drive on the G4 powermac with a network connection or something?03:16
Pelo!hardware | illusions03:16
ubotuillusions: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:16
BllzQwertyM, then it seems to be downloading but it craps out when it tries to install03:16
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Bllzit says it couldnt download some packages bc of an apt error03:17
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daskidud1it says preparing the files  but i dguess that culd be because of the amount that i am coping?03:17
s225hi all stupid question :p. I just installed nxserver on ubuntu connected nicely to a remote computer in full screen mode, How do I leave it?? :S thanks03:17
Pelodaskidud1, that sounds likely03:17
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arooniIndyGunFreak: how big should my swap parittion be?03:18
aroonii have a 300gb drive03:18
Freebieeehow can i safely reinstall the linux kernel and modules?03:18
aroonii want to deveote to linux03:18
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IndyGunFreakarooni: are you using thewhole 300gb drive for Ubuntu?03:18
daskidud1i'm copying friles from my windows partitions to my external in windows stopped booting03:18
wols_Freebieee: apt-get it03:18
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arooniIndyGunFreak: um i was thinking about it?03:18
Peloarooni,  twice your RAM03:18
IndyGunFreakarooni: ok.. just asking03:18
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andresjrms225: do a menu appear when you put the mouse on the top? or maybe Ctrl+Alt does somethin... (just guessing :))03:18
arooniIndyGunFreak: what woudl u suggest?03:18
wols_arooni: how much memory do you have?03:18
IndyGunFreakarooni: what pelo said, twice your ram/.03:19
Freebieeewols_ how?03:19
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Peloarooni,  you might want to consider making your /home on a seperate partition03:19
Freebieeewols_ what command would you suggest?03:19
IndyGunFreakif you have more than 1gig of ram though, 2gigs of swap is kinda pointless03:19
ryanakcasince /bin/sh points to /bin/dash, is it at all possible to get a copy of the original bourne shell? (sh)03:19
arooniPelo: what benefits does this ahve03:19
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jribryanakca: /bin/bash ?03:19
wols_Freebieee: in synpatic or aptitude on the command line (kernel package starts with "linux-image" as its name03:19
jribryanakca: that's what it was before03:19
wols_!apt | Freebieee03:19
ubotuFreebieee: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:19
Peloarooni, you can reinstall the os without whipping off your data03:19
Freebieeewols_ synaptic gave me a big warning...03:20
s225andresjrm: No no luck there :( It is like a am sitting at the remote computer (which is good!) but not in this case :P03:20
ryanakcajrib: isn't /bin/bash bourne again shell, and different than bourne shell?03:20
wols_Freebieee: what warning?03:20
arooniPelo: wont i not be able to use the nice:  /home/arooni .. structure?03:20
Cain_UnAbelhow do i apply mplayer skins?03:20
jribryanakca: yesh, I meant /bin/sh just pointed to bash before it pointed to dash03:20
wols_ryanakca: it is03:20
Freebieeewols_ About it being a dangerous action. But, is there a way to purge remove, then install it again?03:20
bigfuzzyjesusim having troubles installing themes, they arent in a .tar.gz format i have installed themes before, but when i try to put the un archived stuff into an archive and install it it says invalid file type03:20
Peloarooni,  you will but your /home will just be on a different partition then /03:20
wols_arooni: you will. just that /home is on another partition03:20
andresjrms225: haha if you are in linux just do <ctrl><alt>Backspace to kill the X Server, and then login again and search google or the documentation :)03:21
Peloarooni,  I have    10 gig for / , 2 gig for swap and the rest for /home , makes a nice clean installation03:21
arooniso should i do the 'manaul partition option" ?03:21
wols_Freebieee: yes. read what uboto told you. best use the commandline for that. you might still get a warning but it'll do it03:21
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Peloarooni, that would work well03:21
Freebieeewols_ alright then03:21
ryanakcajrib: yeah. I'm looking for the 1978 version of sh :) (just for historical/amusement purposes, nothing important)03:21
arooniPelo: where are programs installed to?  / ?03:21
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arooniand is it easy to give more later?03:21
Cain_UnAbelwhere do i extract the .tar.bz2 for mplayer skins?03:22
wols_ryanakca: #!/bin/sh for for script is usually a good idea since that is always there and gets rid of some bashisms03:22
jribCain_UnAbel: did you install it to ~/.mplayer/skins ?03:22
Freebieeewols_ I'll run "sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-generic && sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic" ?03:22
IndyGunFreakCain_UnAbel: where id you download mplayer skins?03:22
Peloarooni,   more or less,  technicaly they get installed to /user03:22
jribryanakca: oh, that sounds interesting...03:22
Pelo /usr03:22
wols_Freebieee: it has a version number appended I think03:22
ryanakcawols_: that's dash. not bourne shell.03:22
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wols_ryanakca: did you change it?03:22
Cain_UnAbeli just used apt get IndyGunFreak03:22
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FreebieeeYes wols_ but i found that the generic package "links" to the latest linux image03:23
ryanakcawols_: no, it's always been either bash or dash, not bourne shell.03:23
jribryanakca: wikipedia article has a link03:23
Cain_UnAbeland theres no .mplayer/skins dir03:23
harisaminguys can anyone help me please03:23
harisamini have a g3 powerbook with dapper on it....for some reason i cannot get any ubuntu distro on my G4 powermac...trust me i've tried everything and i just wanna try somethine else....can i install dapper from the G3 powerbook toa second hard drive on the G4 powermac with a network connection or something?03:23
wols_Freebieee: then it'S a meta package and removing it won't remove your kernel at all.03:23
iTG`NeatcheeI'm looking for some rather technical help with trying to backport a build of pidgin-otr from the gutsy repos to feisty.  Is there anyone here who can help, or is there a better room for this type of question?03:23
Pelo!install | harisamin03:23
FreebieeeCain_UnAbel I believe its in /usr/share somewhere03:23
ubotuharisamin: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:23
arooniPelo: should i 'make a new paritiotn table'?  i basically have 300gb which is listed as:  /dev/hdc103:23
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jribryanakca: http://minnie.tuhs.org/UnixTree/V7/usr/src/cmd/sh/ have fun if you try to compile03:23
Freebieeewols_ okay03:23
FreebieeeWols_ wish me luck03:24
Cain_UnAbeli extract the .tar.bz2 there Freebieee ?03:24
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Peloarooni,  assuming the whole hdd is free,  remove the hdc1 partition,  and make new ones03:24
illusionsDoes Ubuntu not worry about wireless NIC compatibility?03:24
FreebieeeCain_UnAbel there should be a mplayer directory in /usr/share, and in that there should be a theme folder03:24
jribCain_UnAbel: you create it03:24
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wols_Freebieee: messing with kernel is dangerous business. don't reboot until "dpkg -l |grep linux-image" shows an installed kernel "ii"03:25
amrcidiotguys, how do i writeto restricted files?03:25
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arooniPelo: ok ... so should my paritions be "primary" or "logical" ... and should they be ext3 or ext2?03:25
jribCain_UnAbel: stick to putting things in your HOME until you are more comfortable03:25
Freebieeewols_ okay03:25
Cain_UnAbeli cant extract the .tar.bz2 to that dir Freebieee03:25
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Peloamrcidiot,   sudo gedit /path/file03:25
wols_amrcidiot: gksudo gedit <file>03:25
iTG`NeatcheeI'm looking for some rather technical help with trying to backport a build of pidgin-otr from the gutsy repos to feisty.  Is there anyone here who can help, or is there a better room for this type of question?03:25
=== whileimhere [n=richard@pool-71-121-91-127.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
FreebieeeCain_UnAbel its at /usr/share/mplayer/Skin03:25
Cain_UnAbelbut i cant extract there03:25
andresjrmamrcidiot: use sudo su for command line or gksu for gnome frontend03:26
wols_iTG`Neatchee: just ask03:26
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_MichaelI forget the difference between gnome and KDE what is better for a new linux user coming from WinXP03:26
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ryanakcajrib: yep. hmmm... might be fun packaging a 28 year old shell :)03:26
wols_mikeg8: mater of taste mostly03:26
arooniPelo: any suggestions on primary versus logical and ext3 versus ext2?03:26
Flannel_Michael: theyll both be about the same.03:26
Peloarooni, make / primary  ext3,  swap will be linux swap,  /home primary ext303:26
devnullarooni: primary ext303:26
wols_arooni: ext3. rest irrelevant03:26
Peloarooni,  patience03:26
iTG`Neatcheewols_: Ok.  I need to backport pidgin-otr for amd64 from gutsy to feisty.  Can someone help me with that?03:26
Cain_UnAbeli didnt put it there jrib03:26
Cain_UnAbeli just used apt-get03:26
andresjrm_Michael: if you want something simple and easy to use: gnome, if you want somethin very integrated and a little more windows-like, kde03:26
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wols_iTG`Neatchee: ask a real question. not a "do my work for me"03:27
jribCain_UnAbel: what did you install using apt-get?03:27
nexousPelo: having a bit of trouble :-p03:27
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_MichaelK, i think i will try KDE for now thanks03:27
nexouspelo: no screen for oyu, i map it out for you.03:27
Flannel_Michael: although gnome might be better if theyve used FF/TB/GIMP/etc on XP, since they're GTK (gnome) based.03:27
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IndyGunFreakCain_UnAbel: there's only like 2 skins in that package i do believe03:27
aroonisorry Pelo ... im just so excitede!03:27
Cain_UnAbeli have a couple of .tar.bz2 that im trying to put there03:27
iTG`Neatcheewols_: I don't know where to begin, man.  All of the functionality is there, and should work in Feisty, but there's a few dependency issues (which could be resolved if I knew how to change the requirements)03:27
Cain_UnAbelbut i dont have permission03:27
jribCain_UnAbel: that installs the skins, it doesn't have any tar.gz03:27
wols_iTG`Neatchee: then if you get an error why don't you tell us?03:27
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Peloarooni,   I'm sending you a pick of my gparted, us it as a template03:28
wols_iTG`Neatchee: paste the error(s)03:28
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aroonithanks Pelo !03:28
Peloarooni,  you need to accept the file03:28
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arooniPelo: im not getting prompted hang on03:28
Cain_UnAbeli downloaded some skins in a .tar.bz2 jrib03:28
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iTG`Neatcheewols_: the errors are obvious, because I'm using a deb that's designed for gutsy, when I'm running feisty.  I don't know how to do a backport though.  That's what I'm asking.03:28
illusionsFeisty is 7.04 correct?03:29
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Flannelillusions: yes03:29
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jribCain_UnAbel: go to your home directory, view -> show hidden files, go to .mplayer (create it if it does not exist), then inside go to "skins" (create it if it does not exist).  Then extract in here03:29
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wols_iTG`Neatchee: have fun not telling us what errors and not getting help. bye03:29
iTG`Neatcheetyping error right now, geeze03:29
wols_!paste | iTG`Neatchee03:29
ubotuiTG`Neatchee: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:29
arooniPelo: would you mind posting here: http://imageshack.us/03:29
IndyGunFreakjrib: that won't work..03:29
devnullwols_: jeez dude. Drop the attitude.03:29
jribIndyGunFreak: why03:29
aroonifree image hosting ? ... ic ant get prompted03:30
arooniabout ur email03:30
IndyGunFreakCain_UnAbel: i just installed a theme if you want me to tell you how to do it.03:30
aroonii mean your picture of gparted03:30
Peloarooni,  I was looking for the url03:30
IndyGunFreakjrib: the skins theme is under /usr/share/mplayer03:30
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IndyGunFreakhe'll need root.03:30
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jribIndyGunFreak: it reads ~/.mplayer/skins too...03:30
IndyGunFreakjrib: it didn't for me.03:30
iTG`Neatcheewols_: for example, it's asking for libc6 >= 2.5-5 when feisty only has libc6 2.5-0 available03:30
IndyGunFreaki tried that.\03:30
=== NeoRex [n=NeoRex@pool-72-94-137-61.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
arooniPelo: so my home parition is:  mount point:  /home .... type:  primary..... location :  beginning..... use as::: ext3 .....03:30
finnanyone know which config file I have to edit to manually disable desktop effects?  since enabling it my gnome crashes badly, so I can't log in to graphically disable it.03:31
Peloarooni, http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturedevsdbgpartedky9.png03:31
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wols_iTG`Neatchee: in the source: debian/ directory. there are the files with all the dependencies in them you can edit03:31
wols_!packaging | iTG`Neatchee03:31
ubotuiTG`Neatchee: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports03:31
IndyGunFreakjrib: you know what, might be this, i named my folder skin.. the s got dropped for some reason.03:31
IndyGunFreaki'll try it now.03:31
amrcidiotI want to connect my DV Camera, to my pc, but when i connect it, and open KINO, it says it can't write or read the file. what do i do?03:31
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arooniPelo: so looks like what i typed matches up with your setup03:31
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging03:32
anandanbuHow to add beryl or compiz desktop effects to default startup applications03:32
Cain_UnAbelok i extracted them to skins jrib03:32
Peloarooni, I didn't see03:32
jribIndyGunFreak: yeah, works here, I just tried03:32
arooniPelo: so my home parition is:  mount point:  /home .... type:  primary..... location :  beginning..... use as::: ext3 .....03:32
IndyGunFreakjrib: thats probably what it was03:32
Cain_UnAbelbut they dont show up in mplayers skin browser03:32
Peloarooni,  yeah, looks like it03:32
jribCain_UnAbel: close mplayer and start it again03:32
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ryanakcajrib: hehe, http://www.xirium.com/tech/mud-shell/index.html mudsh03:32
Cain_UnAbelthey're still not there jrib03:33
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Cain_UnAbeli think i have to extract them to /usr/share/mplayer/skins03:33
amrcidiotanyone know?03:33
Cain_UnAbelexcept i dont have permission03:33
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jribCain_UnAbel: join me in #ubuntu-classroom03:33
arooniPelo: if i ujse that setup i get this error:  "can't have the end before the start".. and thats wehther i try location: beginning || end..... should i try type:  logical instead?03:33
jrib(and anyone else that wants to help Cain_UnAbel )03:34
ryanakcaamrcidiot: not enough permissions, either mounted as read only, or you don't have enough permissions03:34
mtvhow do i figure out what usblp0 in /dev is attached to?03:34
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amrcidiothow do i get permissions?03:34
amrcidiotor log onto root?03:34
Flannel!sudo | amrcidiot03:34
ubotuamrcidiot: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:34
ryanakca!chmod > amrcidiot03:35
Peloarooni, I never used the beginning and end values,  I just whipped the hdd,  then added a new partition , with the size, by default it start at the first available sector03:35
Flannelryanakca: chmod is not the answer.03:35
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andresjrmamrcidiot: or do Alt+F2, type gksu, Enter, and run a program from there03:35
FlannelOh, sorry.  mounting.  I should answer in context.03:35
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arooniPelo: how do i kill the setup app, it froze, but i can still launch terminal?03:36
ryanakcaFlannel: @.@ if user doesn't have access to /media/camera/ , well, it doesn't help, if it's fstab related/mounted read-only, that's different.03:36
Pelotry stepping back using the buttons,  otherwhise I donT' know03:37
ryanakcamtv: if it's a usb device, lsusb03:37
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andresjrmarooni: killall installer maybe?03:37
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ryanakcamtv: well, that should give you an idea... kindof03:37
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mtvryanakca: that you, it at least tells me my printer is hooked up03:37
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mtvat the moment, i am kinda at a standstill with my printer03:38
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macabro22Can someone help on editing a video to add a soundtrack?03:38
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madman91samba help please .. --> how do i find the //servername/sharename of a windows computer?03:38
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shawn34how can I add my user to the 'video' group03:38
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iTG`NeatcheeOk I'm kind of getting somewhere..03:38
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madman91shawn34: system -- admininstration -- users + groups03:38
amrcidioti tried doing what you said, but still problems. this is what i get http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j123/amrcidiot/Screenshot-Untitled-Kino.png (bottom left error)03:39
madman91shawn34: then manage groups -- find the video group -- blah blah blah03:39
shawn34madman91, i don't see video in there thats the problem03:39
madman91shawn34: is there a video group?03:39
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madman91shawn34: maybe you need to create it03:39
macabro22Which program can I use?03:39
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shawn34madman91, crw-rw---- 1 root video 171, 32 2007-06-24 15:48 003:39
iTG`NeatcheeIn order to install pidgin-otr, it requires pidgin << 1:3.0 and >= 1:2.0 to be installed.  I installed Pidgin 2.0.2 from source (because there is no amd64 pkg for feisty) so it tells me pidgin isn't installed.  What can I do about this?03:39
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shawn34madman91, thats a ls -l from /dev/dv193403:39
ibanexshawn34: you could try to edit /etc/group03:39
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madman91iTG`Neatchee: you instaleld with sudo make install right?03:40
larson9999linux rocks!03:40
IndyGunFreakiTG`Neatchee: install it properly?...lol03:40
madman91larson9999: whoooo03:40
iTG`NeatcheeLol, it's installed and running just fine03:40
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shawn34ibanex, ok found it in there. do i have to reboot or restart x?03:40
madman91iTG`Neatchee: I am a 64bit user and i installed from source.. and its fine03:40
raf256larson9999: why03:41
iTG`Neatcheemadman91: you got pidgin-otr working?03:41
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ibanexshawn34: i think it may depend on what app depends on the group... not sure03:41
madman91iTG`Neatchee: otr ?03:41
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iTG`Neatcheemadman91: off the record03:41
madman91samba help please .. --> how do i find the //servername/sharename of a windows computer?03:42
ice799Hi - I am having some serious problems installing ubuntu on old hardware -- the BIOS doesn't support booting from CD, so I installed grub4dos and got the ubuntu installer to load -- the problem is that when the installer tries to detect and mount the cdrom drive, it hangs in a retry loop trying to adjust the timeout for ata1. I believe this is because of the new ata_piix or whatever the module is called -- as a result the installer co03:42
ice799mplains that the CD is not mounted. It is strange because when I launch a shell from the installer /cdrom has all the files that are on the CD in that directory.. Is there a way to point the installer to that directory and have it continue installing?03:42
madman91iTG`Neatchee: what is that?03:42
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sharcleso I just installed feisty, and I didn't have the option of going to 1600x1200. I manually edited xorg.conf to add 1600x1200 and now that works. but I still can't get it to 60 Hz, it's just 50 Hz. How do I do that?03:42
amrcidioti'm not sure if anyone saw mine, there's a lot of people here. so this is what i said, "i tried doing what you said, but still problems. this is what i get http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j123/amrcidiot/Screenshot-Untitled-Kino.png (bottom left error)" it's not a permissions error03:42
iTG`Neatcheemadman91: one-click encryption for pidgin03:42
iTG`Neatcheevery strong, very easy03:42
andresjrmmadman91: what do you mean? network:/// will show you the network resources...03:42
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madman91iTG`Neatchee: i didnt install that03:42
iTG`Neatcheewell that's the problem :P03:42
madman91andresjrm: it doesnt03:42
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iTG`Neatcheeotr doesn't have a package for feisty03:43
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madman91andresjrm: it just shows the windows network.. and when i double click.. nothing is under it03:43
iTG`Neatcheeso i'm trying to get the gutsy package to work, and i'm having problems, because it's telling me pidgin isn't installed when it is :P03:43
madman91andresjrm: sometimes it does though03:43
devnullati driver will not compile. Think its because of xorg 7.2. Does anyone know a way to downgrade to 7.1?03:43
andresjrmmadman91: well that's what i mean :). strange that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't...03:43
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madman91andresjrm: yeah... any ideas?03:43
andresjrmmadman91: what do you want to do?03:44
madman91andresjrm: i have a windows computer on my network.. i want to access its share folder03:44
madman91and mount it .. preferably03:44
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madman91all i need right now... is the //servername/sharename03:44
madman91and i should get it to work03:44
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madman91andresjrm: the workgroup name is called WORKGROUP03:45
madman91andresjrm: and the computer name is .. seedbox i think03:45
madman91genetrix: hello03:45
andresjrmmadman91: i don't know :(03:45
madman91andresjrm: :(03:45
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Pelothat was nice, just dropping by to say hello03:46
andresjrmmadman91: have you tried using it directly? (smb://seddbox)03:46
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devnullok or how bout this03:46
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devnullHow do I get 3d acceleration with the ati driver?03:46
madman91andresjrm: no03:46
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:47
Pelodevnull,  try asking in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects,  they probably know abut that stuff03:47
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CNTRLXis there something i can use as a square on my desktop or something to magnify small text with my mouse?03:47
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joseAwayhey all03:48
Music_Shufflehi :)03:48
Peloamrcidiot,  try looking for a kino channel they might know03:48
ryanakcamtv: np :)03:48
joseAwayWho can recommend the best way to let users upload files to a designated directory without giving them 'real' user accounts?03:48
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ice799Hi - I am having some serious problems installing ubuntu on old hardware -- the BIOS doesn't support booting from CD, so I installed grub4dos and got the ubuntu installer to load -- the problem is that when the installer tries to detect and mount the cdrom drive, it hangs in a retry loop trying to adjust the timeout for ata1. I believe this is because of the new ata_piix or whatever the module is called -- as a result the installer co03:48
ice799mplains that the CD is not mounted. It is strange because when I launch a shell from the installer /cdrom has all the files that are on the CD in that directory.. Is there a way to point the installer to that directory and have it continue installing?03:48
madman91andresjrm: doesnt work03:48
daskidud1when i am copying why do i keep getting i/o errors?03:48
PeloCNTRLX,  I think there is a magnifinig glass ,  check in synaptic, or it might be part of the desktop effects03:48
rogue780does anyone else have problems with open office not saving some formatting when you save it as a doc file?03:49
madman91andresjrm: the wokrgroup is called WORKGROUP and the computer is called seedbox or seedbox. .. im not sure.. but i know its one of those (i am looking atthe windows computer)03:49
madman91andresjrm: i tried smb://WORKGROUP/seedbox(.)03:49
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Pelorogue780,  doc is the word file format,  OOo doesn'T save well in that,  blame MS03:50
Peloice799,  try the forum03:50
radioaktivstormhow do i turn off this SCIM thing....it just switched to arabic a while ago.03:50
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rogue780Pelo, unfortunately my university only accepts .doc format...and I need that paragraph indent03:50
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rogue780so instead of tabbing them all like I could...I'm just installing word on my windows box :(03:51
oscurochu, ""03:51
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Pelorogue780,  try asking in #openoffice.org  they might have some solution for you03:51
oscurochuI got this error "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"03:51
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Pelooscurochu, what were you doing ?03:51
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oscurochuPelo: compiling mysql.03:51
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KingpinCan anyone help me out with installing Steam?03:52
Pelooscurochu, I assume you installed build-essential ?03:52
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oscurochuPelo: I was running ./configure03:52
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Pelooscurochu, the question still applies03:52
rustalotwhy is the swap inside a logical partition?03:53
oscurochuPelo, I don't know03:53
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KingpinCan anyone help me out with installing Steam?03:53
Pelooscurochu,  sudo apt-get install build-essential   then try again03:53
oscurochuok thanks.03:53
PeloKingpin,  I do not accept private msg from ppl I don't know , and If I knew how to help you I would have offered03:54
KingpinOk sorry, I'm new03:54
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wolsiTG`Neatchee: you have the wrong version. 2.x is NOT 1.2.x03:55
wolspidgin << 1:3.0 and >= 1:2.003:55
wolssmaller then 1.3.0 version wise03:55
KingpinMessage me if you can help me install steam please.03:55
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PeloKingpin,  this is a  community support chanel, ie ppl here are users just like you , we can help with stuff we know about,   different ppl have different skills and there are different ppl at different time of day,03:56
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PeloKingpin,  if no one currently in can help try searching in the forum   www.ubuntuforums.com03:56
iTG`Neatcheewols: thing is, it's telling me pidgin is not installed at all, not that it's the wrong version03:56
oscurochuPelo: now I get this error: checking for termcap functions library... configure: error: No curses/termcap library found03:56
iTG`Neatcheewrong version I could deal with by forcing the deps03:56
wolsiTG`Neatchee: no -dev package for pidgin? it most probably needs some pidgin headers03:56
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crimsunoscurochu: install libncurses5-dev03:57
oscurochusudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev?03:57
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iTG`Neatcheewols: there's actually no feisty packages at all for pidgin.  I installed from source03:57
Pelooscurochu,  you will get a lot of msg like that , when you do ,  open up synaptic and search for the dependency that is missing, install it and run  ./configure again03:57
wolsiTG`Neatchee: and no you can't deal with that by forcing them. it's onething if the ubuntu packager wants that version but another one if the program to compiled needs it.03:57
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:57
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wolsiTG`Neatchee: if it did work with >1.3.0 it would say so03:57
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oscurochuok, thanks.03:57
hendrixskiis there a channel for openoffice questions?03:57
iTG`Neatchee1.3.0 != 1:3.003:58
Pelooscurochu,  isn'T there a mysql pacakge in synaptic ?03:58
wolsoops. didn't see the ":"03:58
wolsiTG`Neatchee: but as I said: it mos probably misses a header file03:58
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oscurochuPelo, yes. but I always have errors when using apache, so im just going to do this all from source so i know what's wrong.03:58
BillTheFishWhere can i find video support?03:58
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hendrixskioh... #openoffice.org lol.. :-)03:58
iTG`Neatcheewols: probably.  Anything I can do about it, since I installed from source?03:59
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wolsiTG`Neatchee: there is a pidgin-dev at least in debian sid. check ubuntu repos for such a thing03:59
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wolsiTG`Neatchee: why did you install from source?03:59
=== Pelo is out, g'night folks
CNTRLXjust get pidgin from their site03:59
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oscurochuThanks, Pelo03:59
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wolsiTG`Neatchee: there is a reason this is discouraged03:59
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ketzalhello aLejandro xd04:00
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iTG`Neatcheewols: because there are no feisty packages for pidgin.  Gutsy packages require libnss3 (when pidgin actually only needs libnss)04:00
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aLejandroHOla ketzal04:00
wolsiTG`Neatchee: you already are bedning gutsy package04:00
CNTRLXim running pidgin from ubuntu 5.1004:00
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BillTheFishAlright, i'm using 7.06 though my video isn't correct.. its maxed out at 800x600.. I'm using Nvidia GeForce.. Any suggestions?04:01
iTG`NeatcheeCNTRLX: i have pidgin, that's not the problem.  I'm trying to get OTR to work in pidgin04:01
orestesmhi, i am having a weird problem with wireless networking on my laptop; it works just fine when I boot off of the CD but does not connect to the router when I boot from the installed image on the HD; anyone see this before?04:01
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CNTRLXoooh ok04:01
wolsBillTheFish: wrong monitot settings?04:01
iTG`Neatcheewols: say again?04:01
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wolsiTG`Neatchee: you already are bedning gutsy packages. so what'S another package. and what you need is pidgin-dev, for your used version04:02
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iTG`Neatcheeok, but i'm afraid that installing the dev package will break my current install, because the gutsy package installs pidgin to a slightly different location from the source install04:03
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enviouzis there anyway to refresh the desktop? after closing wine my icons are huge04:04
iTG`Neatcheesource installs to /usr/local, while gutsy packages just install to /usr04:04
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Frogzooenviouz: reset your res'n04:04
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illusionswhat is the kernel version for 7.04?04:05
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gravemindhey, sup04:05
Jordan_U illusions #ubuntu+104:05
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royelCan someone tell me if there is a way to run the "import wizard" that Ubuntu first runs when you set up the OS04:06
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buzzedany good wifi tools... wifi-radar does not seem to launch04:06
aroonii'm having trouble manually partitoning (the wizard that comes with ubuntu install) ... i have one 300gb drive.   so far i have created (1) primary 10GB partition, location (beginning) use as (ext3), mount point (/).  and (2) swap, primary, location (beginning), use as (swap)....... QUESTION:  whenever i try to create the last parition for /home.... i get this error: "Can't have end before...04:06
shadeofgreyokay folks04:06
arooni...start" .... ideas?04:06
graveminddoes any body make dvds with menu screens? I want to find out how04:06
enviouzafter closing it screen resolutions says the same as it always does but stuff is just huge unless i hiot ctrl+alt+backspace and the login again04:06
Jordan_Ubuzzed, network-manager04:06
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Sandma1can someone help me reinstall my NVidia driver??04:06
Jordan_USandma1, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager04:06
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shadeofgreyheres the fifteen million dollar trivia question.  does the exchange from an ATI to Nvidia graphiocs card in the new apple macbookpro's mean that installing ubuntu on them gets far easier?04:07
enviouzgravemind:  i havent figured out how to do that with linux let04:07
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Yes04:07
gravemindenviouz: I could always transfer my videos to the imac and use iDVD :P04:07
wolsshadeofgrey: not really. but the graphics will get faster in Linux04:07
Sandma1ok but what do i do there?04:07
=== Jordan_U waits for check from shadeofgrey
iTG`Neatcheewols:  also there is no dev package in the gutsy repos for pidgin :(04:07
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shadeofgreyi wanna run ubuntu really bad04:07
enviouzi transfer mine to windows and do it (only reason i even have a win partition)04:07
shadeofgreybut not bad enough to give up an apple for a pc04:07
aroonine ideas?04:07
yo2kSandma1: man apt-get04:07
wolsiTG`Neatchee: backport from debian sid then?04:07
gravemindenviouz: here's something I found, but I'm too tired to try it tonight04:08
K350I'm - desperately - looking for a DJ software such as the window  programs ACID, mixmeister and the like for Linux - Ubuntu..anyone?04:08
emethow do I decrypt CSS DRM DVDs04:08
Flannelshadeofgrey: nvidia is better than ATI, yes.  But the biggest hurdle for the macs are EFI, not the GUI.04:08
iTG`Neatcheewols: there's no pidgin package in ubuntu repos prior to gutsy04:08
Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, The macbooks are even better, intel graphics04:08
enviouzill check that out04:08
iTG`Neatcheeit's a rename from Gaim04:08
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:08
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iTG`Neatcheewols: it's a rename of Gaim, but the rename breaks a bunch of plugins.04:08
Jordan_UFlannel, BIOS emulation, no need to mess with EFI ( unless you want to )04:08
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shadeofgreyflannel -- so what your saying is that until ubuntu adds efi support its going to always be touch and go and really complicated to get ubuntu ruinning on a mac of any flavor04:09
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iTG`Neatcheewols: and the newest version of the software (with a ton more features, and security fixes) has no gaim named version.04:09
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enviouzK350:  theres audacity rosegarden ardour ect depending on what you want to do (i use them for audio creation though)04:10
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, No, A major goal of Edgy was intel mac support, and with BIOS emulation it is for the most part just like any PC04:10
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:10
iTG`Neatcheewols: there is a fixed version of pidgin-otr plugin for the rename, but they, for some reason that i can't fathom, didn't release it for feisty, only gutsy04:10
b4ggi0who can teach me  how can I add static route to a pptp VPN client automatically.thanks.04:10
dick-richardsonI'm going to install kubuntu to see if it fixes the cpu soft lockup errors I'm getting...will my repos change?04:10
shadeofgreyJordan_U, than why are the install instructions so damb complicated?  installing bootcamp - the installing refit etc etc...  its a huge risk04:11
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Although Ubuntu does also have EFI support ( and has had it since before Apple used it )04:11
crimsuniTG`Neatchee: well we didn't release pidgin for feisty, so it would have made next to no sense to release pidgin-otr for feisty.04:11
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iTG`Neatcheecrimsun: right, and i still don't know why pidgin itself wasn't released for feisty lol04:11
Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, They are no more complicated than installing windows on intel macs04:11
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iTG`Neatcheecrimsun: as a backport i mean04:11
cipyhow can I restore the original xorg.conf  ?04:11
dick-richardsonI'm going to install kubuntu to see if it fixes the cpu soft lockup errors I'm getting...will my repos change?04:12
K350enviouz: Those softwares are nto quite what I'm looking for.  I'm looking for a more DJ spesific sort of tool04:12
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crimsuniTG`Neatchee: do the legwork, then ;)04:12
Jordan_Ucipy, Did you back it up?04:12
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cipyno, I didn't04:12
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iTG`Neatcheecrimsun: if i knew how, i'd be glad to XD04:12
Jordan_Ucipy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh04:12
K350enviouz: Rosegarden and those program ar emore of multitrack recorders adn midi sequezners then DJ softwares...if you understnad what I mean?04:12
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crimsuniTG`Neatchee: we have backport procedures documented on the Ubuntu wiki.04:12
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:13
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ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports04:13
enviouzK350:  like making custom mixes or?04:13
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K350enviouz: yeah sort of:-)04:13
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shadeofgreyJordan_U, then you have way better access to far better instructions than me04:13
enviouzok let me check a few things out ill get back to you in a few mins04:13
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K350enviouz: okay..pls pm..okay?04:14
dick-richardsonI'm going to install kubuntu to see if it fixes the cpu soft lockup errors I'm getting...will my repos change?04:14
enviouzok will do04:14
Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBook04:14
oscurochuWhen I ran ./configure, i made a type and made the prefix /us/local/mysql instead of /usr/local/mysql. How can I fix this without recompiling it?04:14
K350enviouz: thx:-)04:14
shadeofgreyJordan_U, are you saying that  your supremely confident you could help me through installing ubuntu on my coreduo macbookpro with ATI support?04:14
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Flanneloscurochu: Why don't you just use mysql from the repositories?04:14
Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Considering that I have the exact same computer, Yes :)04:15
yo2koscurochu: ./consigure --help04:15
cipyI have a  "nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 440 Go] " video adapter, what driver should I use ?04:15
oscurochuit doesn't work right04:15
wols oscurochu you can't04:15
yo2koscurochu: ./configure --help04:15
yo2koscurochu: ./configure -h04:15
dthackerdick-richardson: they'll be changed back to defaults.04:15
w9fyiis anybody here?04:15
Piciw9fyi: is this a trick question?04:15
oscurochuwhat if i just move /us/local/mysql to /usr/local/mysql?04:15
BogaurdI'm having the same issue as described in this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/118580 - There has already been a response posted - does this mean in the next kernel release these modules will be present/enabled?04:15
shadeofgreyJordan_U, have i told you yoiur my new hero?  because its true04:15
dick-richardsondthacker: right...I'm mostly curious if the ubuntu specification in /etc/apt/sources.list needs to be changed to kubuntu04:15
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royelCan someone tell me if there is a way to run the "import wizard" that Ubuntu first runs when you set up the OS04:16
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n2diyw9fyi: 1046 of us OM.04:16
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PiciBogaurd: Only if you are running 2.6.22, which right now is only in Gutsy04:16
yo2koscurochu: make uninstall than ./configure again...04:16
shadeofgreyJordan_U, but see -- the part i dont get is this...  i tried running the liveCD without installation and xorg.conf sent me hate mail.  it wouldnt initialize the gui04:16
dthackerdick-richardson: give me a few mins to boot a laptop and I'll check04:16
dick-richardsondthacker: thank you! :)04:17
shadeofgreyJordan_U, it wouldnt even give me a cmdline04:17
wolsshadeofgrey: it can only do vesa or fglrx. not fglrx on the CD04:17
oscurochudo i have to run make again? or can i just run make install?04:17
BogaurdPici: hrmm. I'm not no. I'm running feisty. Would it be possible to somehow enable this module on feisty?04:17
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Yea, that is due to thee ATI card, you can get to a terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+F104:17
PiciBogaurd: I think it would require compiling your own kernel, but I'm not sure.04:17
rocketsHow come nobody's written an mplayer plugin for totem? It seems to work much MUCH better then gstreamer04:17
yo2koscurochu: have you make install?04:17
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dick-richardsonrockets: totem-xine works much better04:18
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shadeofgreyJordan_U, so okay then.  what do i have to do to get instructions forinstalling on a macbopokpro with ati graphics and the original coreduo chipset?04:18
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rocketsdick-richardson, either way, gstreamer sucks. so why is it the default? it can BARELY handle wmv04:18
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Then run this and choose "fglrx" when asked : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:18
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shadeofgreyJordan_U, also -- does the factt that we bought early and cant do 64 bit syupport mean i have to buy thenew macbookpro to run leopard?04:18
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yo2koscurochu: 1.make uninstall, 2. ./configure04:18
dick-richardsonrockets: I don't have problems with the files I'm getting using w32codecs and totem-xine...what are you seeing?04:19
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, AFAIK no, but I am not sure.04:19
yo2koscurochu: 3. make, 4. make install04:19
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rocketsdick-richardson, with totem-gstreamer, if i play wmv its fine, unless i try to drag the time to the middle of the movie or something04:19
rocketsit just doesnt play04:19
shadeofgreyokay well look04:19
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oscurochui was hoping there was a way around recompiling. ok thanks anyways.04:19
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oscurochuis there a linux equivalent of the windows cls?04:20
dick-richardsongotcha, not sure then...04:20
crimsunoscurochu: `clear` or `reset`04:20
oscurochuoh ok04:20
yo2koscurochu: clr04:20
shadeofgreyi run mac because im an adobe slut.  im interested in running ubuntu becvause before i got my mac i waas making $300 a person converting all the university students in my town from windows to ubuntu so their parents didnt have to pay to have the machine cleaned at the end of every semester because the FAU Universdity network is absurdly infdected04:21
dick-richardsonare desktop effects in kubuntu?04:21
Jordan_Udick-richardson, AFIK yes, but ask in #kubuntu04:21
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dick-richardsonwill do, thank you :)04:22
shadeofgreyand i have 15 people RIGHT now looking to get me to install ubuntu on their dells and hp laptops and shit but i dont feel right about saying i can do it fort them because i havent used ubuntu since dapper and have no idea how hard it is to do laptop installas with feisty04:22
shadeofgreyor whatever the hell you guys call the most recent release04:22
dthackerdick-richardson: you will not need to change to kubuntu04:22
yo2koscurochu: sorry, clear i mean... ( i create a filename clr, that is contain bash script to clear like cls)04:23
dick-richardsondthacker: thank you!!!04:23
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CTho_how is supertux only 2 stars popularity? that game freaking rules!04:23
iMayKnowshadeofgrey, fiesty is rediculously easy on a laptop04:23
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dthackershadeofgrey: feisty, and I've only had one issue between two laptops.04:24
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shadeofgreyiMayKnow, yeah but what about wireless?  thats the ine thing i could never gurantee compatability with because there were so many variants of wireless cards in use04:24
dick-richardsonanyone come across the Bug: cpu soft lockup on cpu#0! ?04:24
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imbecilehey guys how do i change my splash screen?04:24
gravemindhow do you mount a .bin?04:25
ajmorris_oops lol, testing msgs... sorry all04:25
Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Wow, they have added some new stuff to the howto, I am glad I looked it over, now I can set the minimum fan speed in Ubuntu instead of having to reboot into OSX :)04:25
cipyI've installed the nvidia-glx driver, but my screen becomes black when I start the X server, anyone facing the same  problem ?04:25
SlashLifegravemind: iirc considering it to be a .iso suffices04:25
SlashLifeNot sure, but it's worth a try.04:25
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gravemindSlashLife: I think it gave me wrong fs type04:25
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shadeofgreyJordan_U, what page are you lookimng at?04:26
Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Your card will just work in Feisty04:26
imbecilegravemind,  does it have a .cue file?04:26
gravemindimbecile: yeah04:26
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imbecilegravemind,  are you trying to burn it?04:26
shadeofgreyJordan_U, what page are you lookimng at?04:26
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook most of it applies to macbook pro also, and the howto is better than the macbook pro one IMHO04:26
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dthackerdick-richardson:  I see a few entries on launchpad for that error.04:26
gravemindimbecile: no, just mount04:26
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ezE_this Xchat is sooooo old  .1604:26
dick-richardsondthacker: where's launchpad?04:27
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dthackerdick-richardson: first one to pop up is #10835504:27
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imbecilegravemind,  im not sure how to do that but i do know when burning you just drag the cue over04:27
yo2kgravemind: .bin same windows .exe, i think...04:27
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, I can help you where there are differences, the only real difference is with the GFX since the macbook pro uses an ATI card and macbook uses intel04:27
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mattycozehey guys, I need to make a website and I use Ubuntu, I need a good WYSIWYG editor, does anyone know what would be good>04:28
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imbecilegravemind,  and leave the bin. the cue is like a placemarker and pulls over the bin04:28
natsumey_NIS using what kind of port ?04:28
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preactionshadeofgrey: i've noticed on my MBP that I have to use the console to load the fglrx driver before I can load X04:28
yo2kmattycoze: bluefush , nvu or ...?04:28
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SlashLifematti: text editor > "WYSIWYG"04:28
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SlashLife~ mattycoze04:29
preactionshadeofgrey: otherwise, the last time i loaded the fiesty live CD, everything else worked04:29
SlashLifeshoot, I'm getting tired.04:29
yo2kmattycoze: bluefish , nvu or ...?04:29
mattycozelol i haven't got time to use a text editor04:29
gravemindimbecile: yeah, I burn cue/bins all the time but I can't figure out how to mount one04:29
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gravemindyo2k: what?04:29
mattycozethanks i'll check them out04:29
preaction!html | mattycoze04:29
ubotumattycoze: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com04:29
ignignoktgravemind, maybe acetone204:29
ignignoktor acetoneiso or something similar04:29
clouder`grranyone know what I can use to rip a cd over a network?  I have an audio CD in my mom's computer because my cdrom drive doesn't work but I want to rip it using my compy04:29
bruenig!iso | gravemind04:29
ubotugravemind: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:29
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Jordan_Umattycoze, bluefish is good I am told04:29
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ignignoktcan anyone help me with k3b?  i get a cdrecord error code 25404:30
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ignignoktwhen burning anything04:30
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gravemindbruenig: does that include bchunk? cause I already tried that and it gave me two isos from one cue/bin04:30
ignignoktimages, movies, audio cds04:30
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dukex64can someone help me get my back and forward buttons on my mouse to work.  i tried following the guides and how-tos but still no luck04:30
andresjrmignignokt: what's the error message?04:30
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ignignoktcdrecord error04:30
ignignoktcode 25404:30
ignignoktthat's it04:30
albertmkCan anyone tell me how to make my Ubuntu 7.04 64-bit get "32-bit compatibility environment"?????????04:30
ignignoktit says using TAO writing might help the error but it doesn't04:31
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eyemeanwhen ever i parallels and have windows xp in it, the workstation is transparent04:31
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ignignokti can link you to the console output if you want andresjrm, it's on ubuntuforums04:31
brueniggravemind, you don't have a browser?04:31
Jordan_U!chroot | albertmk04:31
Cain_UnAbelwhenever i use mplayer and close it , esd takes up my sound card until i kill it , is there a way around this?04:31
ubotualbertmk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box04:31
eyemeancan i change it to be solid04:31
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andresjrmignignokt: ok04:31
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gravemindbruenig: I'm looking at that site, lol. just a though04:31
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andresjrmalbertmk: search for a package with the words emul and linux in it04:32
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gravemindbruenig: I don't really want to convert to iso, I just want to mount the bin/cue04:32
ignignoktgravemind: have you tried acetone yet?04:32
brueniggravemind, convert then mount04:32
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ignignoktit's not in the repos, it's a gui for mounting04:32
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gravemindignignokt: Is it in synaptic?04:32
ignignokti think it does bin/cue04:32
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gravemindbruenig: I said, it gives me 2 isos, neither of which is usable04:33
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dick-richardso1just happened again :(04:33
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gravemindignignokt: how do I get it then04:33
John`i'm trying to run a program in wine, but this program run as a file that use cmd.exe in windows.  Whenever i run it using wineconsole i get the error message of c:\\windows and c:\\windows\\system32 is not accessible both in the dos screen and in the terminal, is there a way to do it?04:33
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ignignoktgravemind:  1 sec04:34
BogaurdI need to get the IFQ module working with ubuntu - this module is not included in the ubuntu kernel at the moment - does anybody know of a location from which one could download this module?04:34
lgcHi! My laptop won't hibernate because seemingly it can't find the swap device. But from 'top' I see that the swap space is actually being used. Any ideas? Thanks.04:34
=== HorizonXP [n=HorizonX@CPE001217163e0b-CM000a739a2880.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Ubuntu
gravemindignignokt: "Only Ubuntu Linux : Mount and Unmount ISO,MDF,NRG Images Using Acetone..."04:34
andresjrmignignokt: is cdrecord setuid?04:34
graveminddoesn't include bin cue : (04:34
HorizonXPi'm trying to compile mplayerplug-in, but i'm getting an error...can someone help?04:34
ignignokt:| sorry gravemind04:34
bruenig|laptopgravemind, acetone is a joke, it is a front end for mount04:34
gravemindAcetoneISO2 in QT4 has just been released and is able to mount ISO BIN NRG MDF IMG04:35
ignignoktandres: i don't know04:35
jribHorizonXP: why compile?  it is packaged04:35
n2diyw9fyi: 1046 of us OM.04:35
gravemindit can mount bin04:35
yo2kHorizonXP: what error ?04:35
gravemindI don't care if it is a joke then04:35
bruenig|laptopguarantee you that it converts04:35
HorizonXPjrib: because it doesn't have proper support for Compiz04:35
bruenig|laptopthen mounts04:35
Cain_UnAbelis there a way to connect frostwire to gnutell manually?04:35
jribHorizonXP: what does that mean?04:35
John`ignignokt: can you help me?04:35
gravemindbruenig|laptop: using bin2iso?04:35
HorizonXPyo2k: when i make, it quits with "[plugin-ui.o]  Error 1"04:35
gravemindI haven't tried that one yet04:35
bruenig|laptopusing acetone04:35
ignignoktwhat's your problem john?04:35
Jordan_UJohn`, Try #winehq04:35
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bruenig|laptopgravemind, cues are just text files aren't they?04:36
HorizonXPjrib: as in, it doesn't allow Compiz or Beryl to handle drawing the video, so it lags and doesn't allow desktop effects04:36
daskidud1this hates copying for me.  it keeps getting i/o errors04:36
andresjrmignignokt: i check mine is not, so that's not the problem... maybe you are not in the right group...04:36
gravemindbruenig|laptop: I mean, does it convert with bin2iso, because bchunk didn't seem to work04:36
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HorizonXPyo2k: you want me to pastebin it?04:36
yo2kHorizonXP: file plugin-ui.o not found04:36
bruenig|laptopgravemind, try it, it is a simple c program, compile it and do ./bin2iso whatever.bin04:36
ignignoktandresjr: what group should I be in?04:36
bruenig|laptopthe cue should not be needed04:36
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ignignoktthat's the weird thing, i've been burning cds for a very long time and all of the sudden it started doing this04:37
yo2kHorizonXP: no... thank's04:37
ignignoktok, i'll try that04:37
lgcJordan_U, perhaps you have an idea...04:37
HorizonXPyo2k: as in, the compiled binary?04:37
bruenig|laptopignignokt, hardware failure maybe, I had a drive go out on me not to long ago04:37
daskidud1any reason that i keep getting i/o errors when copying to my external?04:37
bruenig|laptopand not completely, just cd burning04:37
bruenig|laptopall else still worked04:37
HorizonXPyo2k: i don't get it... there's a plugin.o file in there04:37
Jordan_Ulgc, Nope, no idea :(04:37
jribHorizonXP: I'm still not sure what you are referring, it works fine here with compiz04:37
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albertmkCan anyone tell me how to make my Ubuntu 7.04 64-bit get "32-bit compatibility environment"?????????04:38
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andresjrmignignokt: or any group 'ls -l /dev/`readlink /dev/cdrw`' tells you (and ensure that it is group writable)04:38
HorizonXPjrib: well it didn't for me when I upgraded to Compiz Fusion04:38
ignignoktthanks bruenig04:38
jrib!chroot > albertmk (see the private message from ubotu)04:38
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ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:38
ignignokti'll swap one04:38
yo2kHorizonXP: what you first step to compiling ?04:38
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jribHorizonXP: so what do you need to change with the ubuntu package now?04:39
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HorizonXPjrib: nothing really, i have a compiled version of mplayer that works fine, i just wanna get firefox to use it instead of totem04:39
daskidud1anyone have an idea about why my stuff isn't copying?04:39
WassimHey everyone, I have a brief question. I downloaded Xubuntu. It is saved in Iso? format. I want to put it on a CD so that I can install it on my laptop. Can anyone help?04:39
HorizonXPyo2k: whatoptions.sh, then configure (with those options), make04:39
jribHorizonXP: so remove the totem plugin04:40
Jordan_U!iso | Wassim04:40
HorizonXPi did04:40
ubotuWassim: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:40
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Jordan_UWassim, Sorry, wrong link04:40
jribHorizonXP: did you restart your browser?04:40
HorizonXPbut if I try to install mplayer-mozilla, it tries to install mplayer too04:40
Flannel!burning | Wassim04:40
ubotuWassim: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:40
HorizonXPwhich I don't want04:40
ignignoktandresjr: i can't discern exactly the command you were telling me to do04:40
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andrupal_spun my machine into an infinite loop...how do I mount the hd from live cd to change the bad file?04:40
=== Tecmaniaco say hello!!!
Tecmaniacohi guys04:41
andresjrmignignok: what does discern mean? (sorry, english is not my first language)04:41
Jordan_Uandrupal_, Just boot the LiveCD and go to Places -> Computer04:41
TecmaniacoIm new in this chanel04:41
yo2kHorizonXP: sudo updatedb than find plugin-ui.o04:41
Jordan_Uandresjrm, Find out04:41
ignignoktandresjrm: no problem, i just mean i don't understand what command you want me to do04:41
jribHorizonXP: well your choices then are 1) install mplayer properly as a deb 2) compile the plugin 3) use equivs 4) figure out exactly what the issue is and get the repository version to work with compiz .  Did you pastebin your compiling errors?04:42
Jordan_Uandresjrm, There are many channels for other languages, if you would rather have help in your native language04:42
TecmaniacoCan i do a quetion for you?04:42
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ignignoktJordan_U: he's giving help at the moment04:42
jribTecmaniaco: yes, just ask04:42
Jordan_U!ask | Tecmaniaco04:42
ubotuTecmaniaco: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:42
andresjrmignignok: oh, what it does is look what does /dev/cdrom point to, and then give you the information of it04:42
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Jordan_Uignignokt, Ahh, missed that, just saw his last comment04:43
ignignoktandresjrm: but what command do i put in?04:43
TecmaniacoI cannt install Beryl in my Laptop ?04:43
HorizonXPjrib: how would i install mplayer properly as a deb?04:43
iTG`Neatcheecrimsun: alright, so i've installed prevu.  How do I make, for example, the gutsy deb of pidgin available for use in prevu?04:43
andresjrmJordan_U: i am not asking :) i am answering, and i prefer to be in this channel, because channels in spanish usally have less people04:43
crimsuniTG`Neatchee: follow its usage instructions.04:43
n2diy! ask | Tecmaniaco04:43
ubotuTecmaniaco: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:43
Jordan_UTecmaniaco, Can't as in don't know how, or as in it isn't working?04:43
andresjrmignignokt: ls -l /dev/`readlink /dev/cdrw`04:44
ignignoktthank you04:44
jribHorizonXP: download the source package, make the necessary modifications, and rebuild it: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html04:44
Tecmaniacoi have a Compaq with 1.33 Mhz AMD Atlon XP 512Mb Ram and Ati 64Mb04:44
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daskidud1if i am copying using the terminal, how do i know it is working?04:44
greg_gcould someone recommend a program that would stress my video card and processor but be able to run in a window (not fullscreen) I want to do some diagnosing04:45
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greg_gglxgears isn't cutting it04:45
Jordan_UTecmaniaco, Is your card supported by the open source ATI drivers?04:45
ignignoktandresjrm: that gives me a lot of text, what do i do with that04:45
Tecmaniacoyeah ia try install but my laptop is very slow04:45
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iTG`Neatcheecrimsun: oh wait, i see what i did.  Haha, the guide was written for edgy users, so i forgot to change "feisty" references to "gutsy"04:45
iTG`Neatcheehehe i'm smart :(04:45
Jordan_Ugreg_g, for the CPU you can run: yes > /dev/null04:46
greg_gwhat does "yes"do?04:46
andresjrmignignokt: it should give you just one line, first there is the permissions, a space, a number, then a username, and then the group you should belong to to be able to burn discs04:46
tupais pureftpd a wrapper for ftp, or do they work differently?04:46
Tecmaniacotha last time that try install Beryl the machine is blocked04:46
andresjrmignignokt: ensure that the permissions are "brw-rw----"04:47
ignignoktandresjrm: then i'm not putting in right, i'm getting a line for every device.  you have two odd characters in the command you gave me, maybe i have to replace those with somethign?04:47
greg_gthanks Jordan_U , I got it04:47
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andresjrmignignokt, those characters are right :), i think you are getting so many lines because /dev/cdrw does not exist, does /dev/cdrom exist? (check with ls /dev/cdrom)04:48
oipatWhy does the Restricted Drivers Manager require a reboot when installing the nvidia drivers?04:48
ignignoktandresjrm:  i think that's it, hang on04:48
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jriboipat: it probably only needs you to restart X04:49
Tecmaniacosorry that my English is bad04:49
WassimWow! THank you! I put my Xubuntu iso on a CD using InfraRecorder. Now I want to put it in my Laptop, but do I need another file to read the Install file?04:49
Tecmaniacoi will try04:49
troopperioipat: ctrl+alt+backspace04:49
oipatjrib: Yea, thats what I thought, just had to make sure I didn't do anything foolish.04:49
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jriboipat: I think it just wants to keep things simple for new users04:50
andrupal_I need to be able to delete or "save as" files on my HD from livecd...how can I access these?04:50
TecmaniacoCan I do another question please???04:50
n2diyWassim: just conigure your laptop to boot from the cdrom04:50
ignignoktandresjrm: yes, i got it.  i added a group called "cdrom" and added myself to it04:50
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Wassimn2diy! THANK YOU!04:50
WassimHave a goodnight everyone.04:50
jribTecmaniaco: yes, the question we do not like is: "Can I ask a question"04:50
Jordan_Uandrupal_, Just boot the LiveCD and go to Places -> Computer04:50
WassimWish me luck. I might be back with Ubuntu in a few hours.04:50
WassimXubuntu. ;)04:50
ignignoktandresjrm: do i need to log out and in for that to take effect?04:51
Talaman72how do i put my computer into the same domain/workgroup as the rest of my computers?04:51
n2diyWassim: you too, happy install.04:51
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jribTecmaniaco: it's ok, ask your question :)04:51
andrupal_Jordan_U:  Yes I did this, but it won't let me replace the bad file04:51
andresjrmignignokt: good :). but you need to check that the device in /dev/ belongs to that group. mine is /dev/hdc, but i don't know wich one is yours04:51
ignignoktah ok04:51
ignignoktit's /dev/scd104:51
Jordan_Uandrupal_, Try editing it with sudo ( gksudo gedit /path/to/file )04:52
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andresjrmok ignignokt, /dev/sdcd1 should belong to the group cdrom, then. and be group writable04:52
megafaunahi. I think I got a trojan horse from irc. Can someone recommend a good antivirus pls?04:52
ignignoktok, how do i make it belong to that group?04:52
porthosehow can I find out what my IP address is via the command line04:52
TecmaniacoCan I Install a LAMP in a Machine with a Processor300Mhz04:52
andresjrmsudo chown root:cdrom /dev/scd104:52
andrupal_now livecd freezes again...ack.04:52
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Jordan_Uporthose, ifconfig04:52
craigbass1976megafauna, in Ubuntu you got a Trojan?04:52
n2diymegafauna: what is your OS?04:52
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Tecmaniacois CentOS04:53
megafaunaI had some link to some warez channel installed on my gnome toolbar04:53
ignignoktandresjrm:  thanks :) shall i log out/in to test?04:53
craigbass1976AVG has AV for linux, but I doubt that's your problem04:53
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craigbass1976megafauna, AVG has AV for linux, but I doubt that's your problem04:53
andrupal_why does livecd freeze constantly?04:53
megafaunacraigbass1976 I am installing that now.......04:53
craigbass1976megafauna, why do you think you got a trojan?04:53
n2diymegafauna: are there any other OSs on the hard drives?04:54
andresjrmignignokt: yes, but just to be sure do 'sudo chmod g+w /dev/scd1' to ensure it is group writable ;)04:54
Jordan_Uandrupal_, How much memory is there?04:54
Ironman273Could someone help me with a grub issue?04:54
ignignoktgreat, thanks andres04:54
megafaunacraigbass1976 no, the windows hd is dead. I googled "linux irc virus" and it listed a couple of trojans04:54
andrupal_1GB I think.04:54
Tecmaniacono theres not04:54
megafaunacraigbass1976 but i'm actually not sure04:54
ignignokti'll test04:54
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iMayKnowIronman273, what is your grub issue?04:54
craigbass1976megafauna, well, is there any behavior that causes you to believe a trojan is on your box?04:54
Ironman273I use ubuntu as a secondary boot just to "play" with it.  I installed some updates and now grub doesn't list my Vista partition.04:55
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megafaunacraigbass1976 no. just a fear from reading google04:55
megafaunacraigbass1976 and the link to the warez chan installed on my gnome toolbar04:55
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craigbass1976Anyone... Isn't there a way to put a create mask on a directory?  craig is in the var-www group, but whenever he creates a file in /var/www, it's owned by craig user and group04:55
Tecmaniacowell i think that is all04:56
craigbass1976megafauna, what's warex again? Heard of it, but not sure04:56
megafaunacraigbass1976 how could it have been installed automatically from irc? I didn't click anything I shouldn't have (am kinda savey)04:56
Tecmaniacothanks for all04:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:56
iMayKnowIronman273, if you look in /boot/grub/menu.list they list several configurations that might help you to put your vista install back in the list... to figure out what partition number (e.g. hda1) your vista partition is on you can use something like gparted04:56
craigbass1976!create mask04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about create mask - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
Talaman72how do i put my computer into the same domain/workgroup as the rest of my computers?   I can see my network, but when i double click on it it jacks up04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about create - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
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megafaunacraigbass1976 it was from some nasty irc channel. warez it said04:56
ubotuTor & other common anonymizing proxies get abused to attack & spam Ubuntu channels, so they're blocked. Get a cloak from Freenode instead, and stop wasting your time with Tor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks04:56
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megafaunacraigbass1976 i assume for pirated software. I haen't gone there btw04:57
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shadeofgreyokasy herws the really important question04:57
shadeofgreyis anybody working on a version of ubuntu that uses beryl by default rather than gnome?04:57
newuserHi. I have a desktop running ubuntu 7.04 ATI x1600. Does anyone know how to lower the contrast? gamma doesn't help.04:57
shadeofgreyberyl kicks aero's ass and then some04:57
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craigbass1976megafauna, I don't know.  I suppose it's possible, but I just doubt you've got a trojan04:57
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Flannelshadeofgrey: #ubuntu-effects would probably eb a better place to ask04:58
vletmixHow can I get network manager to store a wep key without setting creating a keyring pass?04:58
megafaunacraigbass1976 well that's good news. how do i run the avg scanner w/ sudo?04:58
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blankyhey guys, for m4a playback I need gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse right?04:58
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Jordan_Ushadeofgrey, Gutsy ( next version of Ubuntu ) might04:58
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megafaunacraigbass1976 that was rhetorical. sorry04:59
blankybecause I already have gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse but my m4a file wont play from rythm box so I'm installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad cause it said in the wiki it might be needed to make it work04:59
andrupal_How does gkedit work?  Where do I type this in the desktop?04:59
crimsunblanky: for GSt-based ones, you need gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse.04:59
eyemeanhow can i edit grub loade rpls, because winddows i slisted but i dont have it installed04:59
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Ironman273iMayKnow: thanks for the help04:59
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andresjrmandrupal_: i suppose you mean gedit... it is in Applications > Accessories > Text Editor04:59
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Jordan_Ueyemean, sudo update-grub or manually edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:00
blankycrimsun: alright thanks05:00
iTG`Neatcheecrimsun: aight, new question.  Can I prevu a package and force it to ignore specific deps in the package?  For example, I want to try building pidgin using libnss instead of libnss305:00
Talaman72is ubuntu down?05:00
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andrupal_Well I meant gksudo gedit05:00
crimsuniTG`Neatchee: I don't use prevu.05:00
eyemeancheers jordan_l05:00
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andrupal_I need to deal with a file on the HD from livecd05:00
Jordan_UiTG`Neatchee, Yes, it is possible, look at man apt-get for more info05:00
andresjrmandrupal_: Alt+F205:00
John`how come when i add the wineHQ apt repository through terminal, i get this error message :  shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory05:00
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n2diyJohn, what is getcwp?05:02
andrupal_GD live Cd is freezing again...this is impossible.   I've got a hung terminal that won't boot and the liveCD environment won't allow me to work on the file that's causing the problem!05:02
jribJohn`: you are in a directory you deleted05:02
iTG`NeatcheeJordan_U: i don't see anything in that man entry about forcing the use of different packages05:02
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ubuntuI made several atualization in this livecd, is there a way to save it to use again?05:03
John`jrib: how do i fix that?05:03
jribJohn`: type 'cd'05:03
andresjrmandrupal_: what about just run sudo nano <thefileyouwant> from the Terminal?05:03
Talaman72ok, network issue05:03
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Talaman72how do i put my computer into the same domain/workgroup as the rest of my computers?   I can see my network, but when i double click on it it jacks up05:03
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n2diyjrib: in a deleted directory? That is interesting to know.05:03
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Dr_willisTalaman72,  the samba config file has those options.05:03
andrupal_I can't figure out what path to use to the file...it's on the HD...not a part of the root on live cd...05:03
Dr_willis!info samba-doc05:04
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 6754 kB, installed size 14512 kB05:04
craigbass1976If a group (var-wwww) owns a directory, how do I make it so that any files created in that folder (by users in the group) are owned by the user and group var-www?05:04
mslandrupal_: You need to mount the partition first.   mount /dev/hda1    or simlar05:04
andresjrmandrupal_: but if you can use it, then it is mounted, the disk should be mounted on /media/05:04
craigbass1976I thought I was looking at a create mask, but that seems to be samba specific05:04
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andrupal_ok will try once livecd boots for the 5th time05:05
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n2diyandrupal_: click on places > home folder05:05
Talaman72Dr_willis, where is that?05:05
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:05
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ubuntuI made several atualization in this livecd, is there a way to save it to use again?05:05
ignignoktandresjrm:  I BURNED A CD!05:05
Dr_willisTalaman72,  in /etc/samba of course. :) notice the 'samba-doc' package.. 2 full books of how to use samba..05:05
ignignoktthanks a lot man05:05
CNTRLXare you in vernon Willis?05:05
SAM_themanI need help... my hp 3653 isn't supported ??05:05
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Dr_willisCNTRLX,  im in indiana.05:05
andresjrmignignokt: great! your welcome :)05:05
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ignignokti'm off to burn then, thanks again05:06
Talaman72Dr_willis, um, how about in the gui?05:06
Dr_willisTalaman72,  no idea. I could of edited/changed the work group in the time it took you to type "Dr_willis, um, how about in the gui?"05:06
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Wonderboy_Hey, I'm trying to install avant-window-navigator and I'm getting this error when I try to run it:  undefined symbol: g_type_register_static_simple05:07
Dr_willisSamba is one of those things thats worth learning :) I reread 'using samba' last night. and learned a few new things..05:07
Talaman72well that's good for you Dr_willis, but it doesn't really help me05:07
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Talaman72wow, and we are trying to get linux a bigger share of the market...good job05:08
craigbass1976Dr_willis, Your smart; I'll ask you.  If a group (var-wwww) owns a directory, how do I make it so that any files created in that folder (by users in the group) are owned by the user and group var-www?05:08
Dr_willisTalaman72,  edit the file with sudo. read the comments.. its rather straight forward.05:08
jribcraigbass1976: you want to setgid the directory, but that will only do the group part of your question05:08
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Dr_williscraigbass1976,  groups and masks like that are somthing ive rarely used.  Like you mentioned - i did see that option for samba shares.. Not sure how it is done for normal dirs.05:09
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megafaunaso can someone recommend a good virus scanner or something along those lines for Ubuntu pls?05:09
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jribcraigbass1976: you can probably look at ACL's too, but I don't specifics on that05:09
craigbass1976Dr_willis, Bah, I'll just copy it up to my home dir and copy it over again.  It's what I've been doing.05:10
troopperimegafauna: if you think its trojan try avast for linux05:10
craigbass1976jrib, I worked with ACL's on Solaris, and I can't remember if they were more of a pain than they were worth or not05:10
n2diymegafauna: no, sorry I can't, I don't need one with Linux/Ubuntu.05:10
Dr_williscraigbass1976,  heh. Ive rarely had users creating web content. so never looked into that stuff.05:10
megafaunatroopperi thanks, i juust did avg and it didn't find a thing....05:10
oipatWhy can't I use the Windows button in any shortcut combinations?05:10
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craigbass1976megafauna, clamav?05:10
megafaunacraigbass1976 thanks, i'll check them out too05:11
craigbass1976Dr_willis, I am the user, and was just hoping to avoid another cp05:11
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Talaman72i just iggy the "dr", pretty much pointless info from that one05:11
Flanneloipat: you can05:11
craigbass1976Dr_willis, I shut down root ssh, or I'd just sudo it from here05:11
phpcurioushi guys, i have a question: how do i get started with Samba? that is a software which i can share files with pcs that have other OS right?05:11
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craigbass1976phpcurious, yes05:12
phpcuriouscraigbass1976: so how do i use samba?05:12
Dr_willisphpcode,  yes. There are some samba books in the repos.05:12
Dr_willis!info samba-doc05:12
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 6754 kB, installed size 14512 kB05:12
craigbass1976phpcurious, OReilly has a samba book, and there's also a quick and dirty fix in their Linux cookbook.05:12
Dr_willisphpcode,  that package samba-doc includes 2 full book on samba.05:12
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phpcuriousDr_willis: in pdf format?05:13
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Dr_willisIt includes the book craigbass1976  just mentioned. :) may be a older verion however.05:13
craigbass1976phpcurious, I can give you a conf file for such a "wide open" file sharing setup if you want05:13
Dr_willishtml format. :)05:13
n2diyphpcurious: Load it, read the docs, and play with it?05:13
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wastedfluidhey guys.  I'm having problems with standby+hibernation.  Neither work worth a damn after One successful hibernation.  on 6.06, stand by worked fine.. but on 7.04, it's not as good.  Are there any other methods / solutions / or anything for laptop users on 7.04?05:13
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shadeofgreyokay folkks...  i was just told that for beryl under ubuntu its bettert o have intel integrated graphics rather than an Nvidia 8600 card or better.  does anybody here truly concur with that assessment?05:13
phpcuriouscraigbass1976: i don't know if you understand my situation but actually I have VMWare with Ubuntu Virtual Machine05:13
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lukas_Hi, are there anyway to see compile options of a deb package ?05:14
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jriblukas_: apt-get source PACKAGE   read debian/rules05:14
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craigbass1976phpcurious, then no, I don't understand.  I've never run across VMware05:14
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lukas_jrib: oh, thanks you :)05:14
Dr_willisshadeofgrey,  i find that hard to belive.05:14
n2diylukas, read the docs for dpkg.05:14
phpcuriouscraigbass1976: i actually wanted to get a file from an NTFS partition05:14
Tom47when is pastebin content reset/05:14
Dr_willisshadeofgrey,  beryl is very much a work in progress also. So i dont touch it.05:14
phpcuriousand possibly edit it from Ubuntu VM05:15
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craigbass1976phpcurious, and the ntfs is on the same drive as ubuntu?05:15
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Dr_willisphpcode,  from a ntfs PARTITION on the local machine? or a remote machine thats sharing a directory?05:15
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phpcuriousDr_willis: NTFS partition on the same machine yes05:15
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iTG`Neatcheephpcurious: ubuntu comes with ntfs read-only native to the install.  You can add read/write capability by installing an app called ntfs-3g05:16
Dr_willisphpcurious,  thats much easier. :)05:16
craigbass1976phpcurious, if is on the same box, then you just need to mount -t ntfs /dev/??? /mnt and there you go.  THere is a package somewhere that lets you mount up ntfs in Ubuntu05:16
craigbass1976phpcurious, samba is for over a network05:16
phpcuriousi thought samba is for local machine also...?05:17
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iTG`Neatcheephpcurious: you CAN use samba for local machine, but it is a CRAZY workaround05:17
phpcurioussorry for being noob05:17
craigbass1976phpcurious, why do you need to share it out if it's right on the same box?05:17
Dr_willisphpcurious,  the point of samba is to share data on the network. :)05:17
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iTG`Neatcheesamba is actually a networking protocol, but it has write capabilities to ntfs05:17
iTG`Neatcheeso you CAN use it as a workaround and read/write to NTFS filesystems with it05:17
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iTG`Neatcheebut it's hella bootleg :P05:17
JunHi. I have a nvidia gforce 2 mx 100/200 installd in my pc. My screen displays some kind of linear traces in diff application. Is there any site where I can download the driver for it. Nividia.com does not have any.05:17
mslIf he is inside the ubuntu VM, I don't think he will have access to /dev/hda#, because he can only see the VM disk05:18
Dr_willisiTG`Neatchee,  i cant recall ever seeing THAT.05:18
iTG`Neatcheesorry, not protocol, but you know what i mean05:18
iTG`NeatcheeDr_willis: i ran into that option when i was trying to fix a write problem with ntfs-3g05:18
iTG`Neatcheeit's really hard to get implemented though05:18
abrahaI made some updates in the live cd the i'm runing now, and I want to save it?05:18
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craigbass1976msl, ahh balls.  Might be true I guess05:18
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Dr_willisiTG`Neatchee,  Hmm.. May be somthing in the newer releases. not mentioned in the docs ive seen05:18
Dr_willisI hate to say it - but id like to see some sort of 'samba setup wizard' for ubuntu to help out all these new users. :)05:19
iTG`NeatcheeDr_willis: it's not really designed for that sort of functionality, so it wouldn't be in any docs.05:19
Dr_willisiTG`Neatchee,  so they took the 'undocumented feature' feature that MS always uses also! :)05:19
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iTG`Neatcheehahah yup :P05:20
iTG`Neatcheei never actually got it to work myself05:20
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K350enviouz: u there?05:21
aroonihow long is 'Installing system' supposed to take via the regular livecd?05:21
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K350depends on  a few things05:21
renhehi hi hablan espaol05:21
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craigbass1976arooni, the whole process usually takes me about an hour, from the time I stick the cd in to the time it first boots up for real to Ubuntu05:21
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arooniits been installing for maybe 40 min05:22
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craigbass1976arooni, even on a 600MHZ box with 256RAM05:22
iTG`Neatcheehas anyone yet figured out why with one of the recent kernel updates, some systems have their swap partition getting a new UUID on reboots?05:22
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aroonicraigbass1976: problem is... the progress window got messed up and i cant see how far its gone :(05:23
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n2diyarooni: is your hard drive cooking?05:23
iTG`Neatcheei had to change my fstab to use the /dev assignment for my swap, instead of its UUID or my swap partition wouldn't work05:23
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quantumduckdoes anyone know if it's possible to non-destructively move an ext3 partition with any existing tools?05:23
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Talaman72and wow, his is a wack job05:23
aroonin2diy: think so.... i couldnt get the hard drive light hooked up to mobo... cd is still being read05:24
arooniso thats a good sign i think05:24
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n2diyarooni: is your hard drive cooking?05:24
craigbass1976arooni, if your drive stops, I would assume it's safe to take the cd out and reboot.  You could be having graphics card problems.  I trie dinstalling on a dell inspiron 1100 a couple weeks ago and had to give up.05:24
ignignokti burned two cds that worked, one at 8x and one at 24x05:24
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ignignoktas soon as i tried one at 48x, the cdrecord error code 254 came back05:24
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n2diyarooni: ok, can you hear it?05:24
ignignokti'm retrying it at 8x05:24
n2diyarooni: what about the CD LED?05:25
aroonin2diy: that works.... still blinking for reads05:25
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aroonii guess its probably still going05:25
ComputinChuckis there a way to set up dvdrip/transcode to encode to theora?05:25
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n2diyarooni: let the install cook.05:25
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Pelocan anyone connect to the gnomebaker home page ?  http://gnomebaker.sourceforge.net/v2/05:26
megafaunacraigbass1976 avast is awesome thanks. I am running it now. will find out if i'm paranoid or not tomorrow morning.  ttyl:)05:26
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ignignoktPelo: it works for me05:26
n2diyarooni: Another good sign is when you can turn your Caps Lock LED on and off.05:27
ignignoktmaybe not05:27
Wonderboy_Has anyone here successfully installed avant-window-navigator?05:27
ALL4Nhey, what is the best vncviewer for linux?   I have tried the regular vncviewer but it does not send alt-tab to the other side05:27
ermac0Pelo, its good05:27
Peloignignokt,  getting html ?  cause all I get is a list of folders05:27
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ignignoktPelo: yeah same here05:27
ignignoktno html05:27
Peloermac0,  getting actulay webpage or just folders ?05:27
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ermac0the contents of the v205:28
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ermac0bad linking index not found05:28
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iTG`Neatcheeyay!  it looks like i can backport pidgin, and pidgin-otr, if i edit the source install to use to libnss instead of libnss305:28
Pelook so no worky for anyone else, thanks guys05:28
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roachclitHey guys how do you make a LOGIN to pop up after like 10 minutes05:29
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novato_brhow can I get remove full instalation beryl ?05:29
Peloroachclit,  menu > system > admin > login window,  there is a delay in there somewhere05:29
Pelonovato_br,  use synaptic05:30
oscurochuI get this error when running ./configure for apache: config.status: error: cannot find input file: support/apxs.in05:30
jazzencati cannot seem to get ANY livecd running on my desktop: all of them hang at usb detection point or CPU detection.  usually the boot hangs when the distro starts scanning for usbhid.05:30
novato_brbut, Pelo , on synaptic have the lib relation with beryl, how can I know if I can remove it ?05:30
jazzencatI have tried Ubuntu, Knoppix, Gentoo...05:31
Pelojazzencat,  what  video card ?05:31
oscurochu"./configure --enable-isapi --enable-cgi --enable-rewrite --enable-module=so05:31
jazzencatnVidia 6200TC05:31
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who_cares6200 shouldn't be a problem05:31
NeoGeo64I've been told I'm a bad person for using XMMS.05:31
Pelojazzencat,  you won'T be able to use the live cd, you need the alternate install cd05:31
who_caresI ran Edgy with one05:31
NeoGeo64Am I a bad person for using XMMS.05:31
jazzencatMSI K8N Neo4 Mobo with AMD64 3500+ CPU05:31
pragma_xmms was hot back in the day05:31
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n2diyjazzencat: check your boot opitons, and play with them.05:31
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jazzencatxmms is still good.05:32
Pelonovato_br, you can see the dependencies in the right click menu  under properties,  make notes and remove then to05:32
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roachclithey Pelo, I know how to do that, I need one to automatically pop up, after I walk away from my computer, to ask for a LOGIN05:32
kudoi need some help about ubuntu05:32
jazzencatlike nodetect, noapci?05:32
kudowho is can hekp me05:32
novato_brthx, Pelo05:32
n2diywho_cares: Entwhistle?05:32
jazzencatthen it boots, and X won't start05:32
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PeloNeoGeo64,  xmms users donT' deserve an answer05:32
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jazzencatwhat's wrong with xmms?05:33
Pelokudo,  ask a question and patitently wait for the answer05:33
Tom47!ask > kudo05:33
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Pelojazzencat,  just being funny05:33
irotascan anyone suggest a simple utility to convert AVI to MPEG ?05:33
jazzencatbeats most of the media players for windows... :P05:33
jazzencati know.05:33
Dr_willisjazzencat,  its very old.. and has some bugs that proberly will never get fixxed. :(  I like it also. heh05:33
Peloirotas, avidumux probably05:33
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Peloirotas, avidemux05:33
Dr_willisjazzencat,  been trying out others.05:33
billthefishAlright, i've got a strange question.. Why is it that my mouse cursor dissapears after restarting X?05:33
irotasPelo: thanks, i'll try it05:34
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abrahamade some updates in the live cd the I'm running now, and I want to save it, how?05:34
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colbertI just installed Feisty, and Terminal doesn't work, can someone help05:34
colbertit wont' start05:34
jazzencatmy main issue usually is the ammount of bloat that others tend to install on the computer..05:34
Peloabraha, you can'T05:34
Dr_willisabraha,  as far as i know. Not doable.05:34
Dr_willisabraha,  seen SOME disrots with live cd's that have that feature05:34
Dr_willisNot ubuntu's however05:34
iTG`Neatcheecolbert: can you be more specific?  How are you trying to start it?  Any error messages?05:34
Pelocolbert,  alt-f2   xterm  see if that works for you05:34
roachclitIs there a way I can walk away from my computer, and then after like 10 minutes it prompts for a LOGIN after sitting IDLE?05:34
ermac0term doesn't work?05:34
colberti'm clicking on the launcher, using ALT+F2 and typing gnome-terminal, nothing05:35
Peloroachclit,  put a password on your screen saver05:35
jazzencatbeen trying to find some alternatives to mp3, but not many players out there support it.05:35
colberti just clicked on the launcher, i see Starting Terminal and a busy cursor but it goes away now and nothing happens05:35
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dmbdoes doing to advance install bring the same exact desktop as the normal livecd install?05:35
n2diyroachclit: sounds like a kiosk?05:35
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dmbthe same exact everything?05:35
Pelocolbert, try with xterm , it is a different terminal05:35
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tritiumdmb: yes05:36
jazzencatwhat is the command to get ubuntu's live cd to give you verbose boot messages?05:36
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billthefishanyone experience the mouse cursor dissapearing? Its not the whole mouse not working.. because moving around the mouse i see things highlight and stuff.. but just no cursor after loging out05:36
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Pelodmb,  I think the advance install just lets you partition manualy , the rest is the same05:36
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Pelobillthefish, check in the forum05:36
billthefishwill do05:37
dmbdoes the advance installer run debootstrap and then install the ubuntu metapackage?05:37
jessidhello to everybody. How can i make two PCs running Ubuntu 7.04 to share files? I already have them connected through a cable...is it possible to configure them in a gui environmet? Thanks!!!05:37
colbertPelo: ok i typed gnome-terminal in xterm, i see a big error, how do i copy in xterm (copy the text)05:37
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iTG`NeatcheeIf I want to start a backport request and confirm a working backport that i just made, do I go to "register a new project" on launchpad?05:37
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Pelocolbert,  I think you are missing the point, xterm is a terminal , gnome-terminal is another,  crtl+c wil probably copy05:37
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iTG`NeatcheeI don't want to do it wrong my first time :P05:37
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n2diyjessid: how are the connected? NIC cards? Crossover cable, router?05:38
colbertPelo: no i understand, but i would really like to be able to use gnome-terminal, I want to fix it.. and ctrl+c doesn't work05:38
illusionshey, is there any news on a directory service like nds or active directory that is worth anything in linux? i realize that ldap is there but its not as good as nds05:38
Dr_willisjessid,  easy way to transfer files.. is using ssh, or sshfs, or nfs,05:38
jessidn2diy crossover cables05:38
Pelocolbert,  I remember someone else with that problem  ( donT' know the fix) try resitnatlling gnome-terminal from synaptic,  or check in the forum05:39
etherwould there be any major problem with installing ubuntu on a hard drive of one computer, taking that hard drive out, and sticking it in another computer?05:39
Dr_willismost of the filemanagers can do remote/ssh connections access/coping also.05:39
jessidDr_willis nautilus allows me to do that?05:39
n2diyjessid: can the two(?) boxes ping each other?05:39
Dr_willisether,  i had some issues in the PAST with that.. not sure if its much of an issue now a days05:39
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Peloether,  if they are the same hardware it will work, if not ... your guess is as good as mine05:39
Dr_willisjessid,  i belive it can. but i rarely use nautilus05:39
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etherhmm.. thanks that's why I'm hesitant to try it05:40
etherthe other computer has no cd drive05:40
Peloether, why not just move the cd drive ...05:40
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ethertried that, it didn't work05:40
etherthe cd drive wouldn't cooperate with the other computer05:40
Pelo!install | ether05:40
ubotuether: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:40
Dr_willisether,  sounds like a bad ide port, or cable. :)05:41
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=== Pelo concurs
jessidn2diy: yes they ping each other but in nautilus I cant see the other one...I even tryed samba with a windows machine, but it asks for a password and a user....I dont know what to write there because i have tryed with my own user and pass, but nothing05:41
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Dr_willisjessid,  for samba, you must set up the linxu users with a samba password. 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'05:42
yurimxpxmancould someone point me in the right direction to spoofing an IP address with netcat?05:42
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HBBMHi guys. I'm having problems to install my PCTEL HSP56 micromodem on my ubuntu 7.04, please gimme a hand.05:42
colbertPelo: http://www.bobgill.net/error.jpg05:42
=== Pelo points yurimxpxman to the door
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n2diyjessid: Well, you can't access the other box, without it's owner's permission!05:42
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Maxwell_im having a bit of a problem installing ubuntu on my laptop05:42
jessidDr_willis aahh very interesting... I will do that immediatly05:43
colbertPelo: i changed my theme but still the same thing05:43
yurimxpxmanPelo: this is for a legitimate purpose05:43
PeloMaxwell_, can hyou be more specific ?05:43
Peloyurimxpxman,  I was making a joke05:43
Maxwell_gimme a sec while i type05:43
vecinaDoes linux have a subtitling program? I... aquired a movie in japanese, but it'd be cool to have some subs. Most subtitling programs are windows tho05:43
Dr_willisjessid,  the samba-doc package has several large books in it on samba ussage. :)05:43
Pelocolbert,  look up the first line of the error msg in the forum05:43
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oscurochuI need help installing apache. When I run ./configure, I get this, "config.status: error: cannot find input file: support/apxs.in"05:44
Flanneloscurochu: Install apache from the repository.05:44
Pelovecina, you just need the subtitle file and you can have the subs displayed in any player05:44
oscurochuFlannel, it doesn't work for me.05:44
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Flanneloscurochu: If you're installing vanilla apache, you should ask questions in #apache05:45
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:45
oscurochuFlannel: thanks05:45
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:45
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HBBMHi guys. I'm having problems to install my PCTEL HSP56 micromodem on my ubuntu 7.04, please gimme a hand.05:45
armyriadAre there any applications like Dreamweaver for Ubuntu?05:45
PeloHBBM,  try looking up the model in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.com05:45
Maxwell_basically when i boot the cd i have, and select start or install it shows the loading screen, then goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor and does no more. I've checked the CD for errors but it says none were found. Im using an IBM T22 laptop. Any Ideas on whats going wrong?05:46
Peloarmyriad,  http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html05:46
jessidDr_willis, n2diy: thanks a lot!!!! now that i know i have to set pass and user, i will read about nfs...I prefer using linux than win...again: thanks a lot!!!!05:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dreameaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dreamweaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
=== Vich [n=vich@ppp59-167-169-162.lns4.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:47
n2diyjessid: GL05:47
PeloMaxwell_,  did you try the alternate install cd ? is it text based , might be easier05:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bmpx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:47
Dr_willisi just installed bmpx and bmp :) moments ago05:47
Cusoon959oh sorry05:47
=== BTF_AFK feels dumb
=== greatgazoo [n=chamilto@pool-162-83-129-101.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Maxwell_No I havn't I've been trying to avoid downloading another 200+mb file :P05:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bmp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:47
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:47
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@a81-197-38-57.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Cusoon959bmpx is cool but sorta bloated05:48
Cusoon959I liked bmp05:48
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Pelo!hardware | maxkelley  check in there to see if there is a known problem iwth your hardware and try the forum to05:48
ubotumaxkelley  check in there to see if there is a known problem iwth your hardware and try the forum to: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:48
BTF_AFKalright, i'm sure i'll be laughed at about this.. but i can't seem to edit the xorg.conf, i'm sure i just used the wrong command.. what is the correct? i used "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"05:49
ari-freehmm what is hot babe in medibuntu05:49
PeloSAM_theman, was that meant for anyone in particular ?05:49
HBBMPelo, I recognized my device with scanModem. But I want to know whether anybody work to improve the modem installation on Ubuntu.05:49
PeloHBBM,  I can'T realy help with that , sorry05:49
atrustrying to play a dvd with totem or xine. the sound effects all come through fine but the speech is muted. how can i get the sound to play properly?05:49
HBBMPelo, cause is very dificult to install it.05:50
metbsdi'm downloading kubuntu dvd05:50
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:50
PeloHBBM,  things are getting better from release to release,  but I can'T make any promises for your hardware05:50
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BTF_AFKusing kubuntu, i guess gedit doesn't exist.. what am i to use?05:50
=== john [n=chatzill@cpe-24-95-66-88.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisinstall gedit if you want05:50
PeloBTF_AFK, kate05:50
Dr_willisor kedit, kate,  vi, vim, nano, pico, fte, mcedit05:51
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Dr_williswas that 12?05:51
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Peloshow off05:51
Dr_willisI sort of like fte. :)05:51
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johnI need help uninstalling KDE.05:51
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Dr_willisjohn why are you bothering to do this?05:52
iTG`NeatcheeI apologize ahead of time for being a noob, but I'm new to LaunchPad.  Anyway, I'm just now starting to help develop backports for Ubuntu, and I'd like to open a request (and then confirm my own request hehe) for a backport of pidgin to Feisty.  Do I need to "register a new project"? I don't want to do it wrong, and "register a new project" sounds to me like something a developer of the software would do...which I am not -_-05:52
=== mccain [n=mccain@c-71-61-65-3.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SAM_themanonly people that can help05:52
PeloSAM_theman,  how about your give us the short version05:52
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alakranhello, is there a key combination to activate the screen lock? or how can i make such a macro?05:53
n2diy! requests |iTG`Neatchee:05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about requests - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
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n2diy! requests |i TG`Neatchee:05:53
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Peloalakran,  explain screen lock05:53
K`zanAnyone around who might be able to help me get a wireless adapter working WPA PSK?  I found a link that perports to be able to do it ( http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html ) but nothing I can find looks like that and nothing seems to know anything about WPA.  Even installed gnome to see if that helped :-(.  TIA!05:53
johnI need help uninstalling KDE because I want to stick with Gnome. I tried serveral methods but it's still in the sessions list when I login.05:53
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n2diy! features | iTG`Neatchee:05:53
colbertWhat are some terminal emulators I could install ?05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about features - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
Dr_willisi though there was some feature where ya could put the mouse in the upper left corner (or one corner) and the screen would blank/lock05:54
alakrani want to activate screen lock by key combo rather than clicking on upper right on the shutdown button and choosing screen lock05:54
iTG`Neatcheejohn: are you trying to replace KDE with something else, like gnome, or xfce?05:54
windsamuraidoes anyone know why i keep getting Warning: Unable to open /dev/hda read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/hda05:54
windsamuraihas been opened read-only. and Error: Unable to open /dev/hda - unrecognised disk label. when attempting to use parted?05:54
johnI already have Gnome. I want to remove KDE.05:54
iTG`Neatcheen2diy: oh the failure :P05:54
Dr_williscolbert,  You mean 'serial' terminal emulators like minicom? or xterm type like xterm, rxvt, powershell, eterm ?05:54
Pelojohn from the login screen you can select which  desktop manager you want to use, play around with the options on there05:54
alakran(in winxp it would be windowskey+L)05:54
iTG`Neatcheejohn: you should just be able to do it through synaptic then, i think05:54
n2diy! bugs | iTG`Neatchee:05:54
ubotuiTG`Neatchee:: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:54
colbertDr_willis: emulators like gnome-terminal05:54
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Dr_williscolbert,  fire up the package manager and search for terminal :) theres proberly a dozen total. 'twin' is a amuseing one to try out.05:55
Tom47alakran try ctl alt L05:55
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Pelojohn , in synaptic  search for kde and remove the packages installed and the related stuff05:55
colbertDr_willis: ok05:55
johni tried05:55
n2diyiTG`Neatchee: persistence. :)05:55
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Dr_willisi find kde having too many handy apps to not have it installed.05:55
johnand it's still in the sessions thing05:55
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Dr_willisif you just want it removed form the sessions.. look for the kde.desktop file  and remove it.05:55
alakrantom47: thank you so much!! it was so obvious :)05:55
Tom47alakran if you dont like that you can use Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts to change05:56
metbsdyes kde is nice05:56
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Dr_willisit will still be installed.. just not shown :) big deal05:56
metbsdbut what's good about gnome05:56
HBBMPelo, Many errors can be found to install modems on newers kernel realeases. I'm afraid the future ubuntu releases can't support the modem utily. What do you think about it?05:56
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windsamuraii'm having problems using parted can anyone help?05:56
Dr_willismetbsd,  my wife has easier time with gnome.05:56
alakrantom47: nah its perfect tytyyt05:56
PeloHBBM, it's realy not my area of expertise , sorry05:56
iTG`Neatcheen2diy: i was confident you'd find it sooner or later :P05:56
K`zanAnyone?  I'm tired of having to run wincrap just to get the wireless :-(05:56
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Pelo!wifi | k05:57
ubotuk: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:57
HBBMPelo, ok. Thanks.05:57
n2diyiTG`Neatchee: Hope it helps! :)05:57
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Pelolater folks05:57
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johni don't see kde.desktop in synaptic05:57
maxkelleyhallo welt?05:57
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K`zanubotu: Been through that and I am obviously missing something or something :-(, it ain't working no matter what I do :-(05:58
topshottanero vision for ubuntu?05:58
Dr_willisjohn its not a PACKAGE.. 'gdm' reads these .desktop files to determine what 'session' entries for it to show.05:58
Flanneltopshotta: just use a native burning program.05:58
johnbut what do i delete in it then?05:58
johnwhat files?05:58
metbsdbut in general speaking, what's better about gnome than kde05:59
topshottaFlannel: I want to turn AVI into dvd's though05:59
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Flanneltopshotta: there are linux programs to do that.05:59
Dr_willisjohn use the locate command perhaps to find it.    of course this is a lot of bother to just remove a entry from the gdm session menu.05:59
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dawn`chorusmetbsd, better is a relative term.  /j #ubuntu-offtopic05:59
topshottaFlannel: Any good ones?05:59
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Flanneljohn: you should remvoe the packages, not just the files.  And remember to do it all with --purge (or "complete removal" in synaptic)05:59
slavikmetbsd: I like gnome, that's why it's better :P05:59
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metbsdoh ok05:59
Flanneltopshotta: I don't know what they are, but I do know that they exist.05:59
metbsdis there ktorrent equivalent in gnome06:00
slavikmetbsd: if you like kde, then that is better :)06:00
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slavikmetbsd: I use azureus06:00
eyemeanhi, if im running windows xp as a virtual machin on parallels should i still install antivirus and firewall? cheers06:00
johni don' see 'complete removal06:00
praveenheh iam havin audio problems in festy fawn06:00
topshottatopshotta: test06:00
metbsdyes i like kde, and kde4 is going to kick ass06:00
slavikeyemean: there is parallels for Linux?06:00
Flanneljohn: in synaptic?  You flag them for "complete removal" as opposed to just "removal"06:01
slavikmetbsd: what's the eta on kde4?06:01
iMayKnoweyemean, if you're running windows on anything with access to the internet, you should install and antivirus and firewall06:01
eyemeanyes slavik06:01
windsamuraii'm using parted and i keep getting Error: Unable to open /dev/hda - unrecognised disk label. Anyone know why this is happening?06:01
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iMayKnowno ifs, ands or buts06:01
HBBMIs there anybody have experience to install the arcaic pctel micromodem on Ubuntu? Anybody got it?06:01
metbsdslavik, they have some new features that 3.5 don't have06:01
eyemeancheers imayknow06:01
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blankyguess not haha06:02
Dr_willis!find visualboy06:02
ubotuFound: visualboyadvance06:02
Dr_willisit exists.. happy? :)06:02
eyemeanwould u like link slavik?06:02
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slavikeyemean: nah, I'll look it up later06:02
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johni dont know how to flag it06:02
slavikmetbsd: so, what is eta on kde4?06:02
blankyDr_willis: what did that do haha06:02
eyemeanok kool, but are you using ubuntu 7.04?06:02
Flanneljohn: right click on the little box thing, and choose c.r.06:02
metbsdslavik, oct 0706:03
mikethe best burner k3b?06:03
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Dr_willisblanky,  used the 'search' feature of the bot06:03
BTF_AFKalright, another stupid question.. my KDE clock is 24 hour format.. how to i change it to 12?06:03
slavikhmm, we'll see ... and what features does it have that I would want?06:03
Dr_willis!find emulator06:03
ubotuFound: gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal, xterm, aterm, aterm-ml (and 25 others)06:03
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HBBMIs there anybody have experience to install the arcaic pctel micromodem on Ubuntu 7.04? Anybody got it?06:03
metbsdk3b is is for kde06:03
Dr_willisBTF_AFK,  right click on the clock,. change the time format.06:03
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mikeI am in Ubuntu06:03
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johnYEah well that option's not available for me. only one i can click on is mark for installation06:03
Dr_willisBTF_AFK,  the change wont take effect till ya log out/back in. (yes its silly)06:03
metbsdi wonder what kubuntu dvd has in 4.7 G06:04
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slavikmike: there is also gnomebaker06:04
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slavikmike: you can still use k3b ...06:04
windsamuraiCan someone plz help me? I am trying to use parted to try and get rid of a partition except it keeps saying Error: Unable to open /dev/hda - unrecognised disk label. Does anyone know whats wrong?06:04
mikeslavik: Work ok?06:04
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slavikmike: why shouldn't it?06:04
johnis there another way to remove it?06:04
slavikmike: they all use cdrecord anyway06:04
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Dr_williswindsamurai,  thisis from a live cd?06:05
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windsamuraiits fully installed on my comp06:05
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Flanneljohn: on which package?  There's more than one that make up kde.  the .desktop file is in either kdebase-data or ksmserver, completely remove both of those, and you should have kde no longer in sessions.06:05
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Dr_williswindsamurai,  its best to use gparted from a livecd. You dont want to be resizing mounted filesystems. could try running it with 'sudo' or 'gksu' also06:05
windsamuraii have one ntfs partition one ext2 for ubuntu and another ext2 one that i was going to use as a shared except i never did06:06
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johnboth won't let me uninstall06:06
windsamuraik ill try that06:06
Flanneljohn: Are they installed?06:06
johni think it's already uninstalled.. but then i see it in the seessions manager thing06:06
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Dr_willisits possible the --purge option was needed.06:07
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Flanneljohn: at a terminal, (close synaptic), `sudo apt-get remove --purge kdebase-data ksmserver`  I'm assuming the file is kde.desktop, but I don't know for sure.06:08
Flanneljohn: if you could give me an exact filename, we can figure out what package it came from06:08
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Dr_willisFlannel,  /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop06:08
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Dr_willisI like editing/tweaking my Sessions. Its fun06:09
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johnE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:09
johnE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:09
Flannelthat's ksmserver06:09
Flanneljohn: you need to close synaptic06:09
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johnDo you want to continue [Y/n] ? y06:10
johnjohn@john-desktop:~$ y06:10
johnbash: y: command not found06:10
topshottaIrc protocol for firefox. anyone know about that?06:10
eyemeanby every106:10
Flanneltopshotta: you mean setting the handler?  It's the same as in FF anywhere else.  Don't know specifics though.06:11
eyemeanlove the great help here06:11
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Seriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html
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(Dr_willis/#ubuntu) ermac0, you may want to read up on samba with the docs in the 'samba-doc' package. You may have to do some manual editing of the samba config file to get it set how ya want it.06:15
(slavik/#ubuntu) bvod: behold the superior drm :D (I honestly don't know how to fix your problem)06:15
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(reed026/#ubuntu) would I install xubuntu in the GUI mode and still be able to run it as an apache mysql php server06:15
(bvod/#ubuntu) alright, ill see what i can do thanks06:15
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(Dr_willis/#ubuntu) reed026, just dont start the X/gdm stuff. :) and there ya go..06:16
(slavik/#ubuntu) NickGarvey: looks like windows has made the switch to ubuntu for me :)06:16
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ermac0Dr_willis, thanx, I thought as much, 'if there is a will , there is a way'06:16
Dr_willisreed026,  or ya can always run the services just in the background.06:16
reed026ok :)06:16
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Dr_willisermac0,  ive been playing with samba, and smbfs (samba FUSE stuff) all week.06:16
Talaman72question, how do i command line mount using smbmnt if i want to mount a printer?>06:16
GeeTuxhi all06:16
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GeeTuxquestion, how install vmware i have a error06:17
slavikTalaman72: there is a way to do it through printer set up :)06:17
sir_binaryHey,I need some help06:17
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Dr_willisTalaman72,  i think you would use the cups configuration/tools for that.06:17
slavikGeeTux: is it when compiling the network modules?06:17
sir_binarythe windows are too small all of a sudden06:17
Talaman72yeah, that one isn't working06:17
harisaminFlannel: hey are u there? remember me?06:17
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GeeTuxslavik yes06:17
sir_binaryI'm using ubuntu with the xfce desktop06:17
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slavikGeeTux: google for a perl patch script :)06:18
sir_binaryit was fine earlier today but I must have done something06:18
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slaviksir_binary: I suggest also joining #xubuntu, they use xfce :)06:18
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sir_binaryok I'll try there06:18
ermac0Dr_willis, as FUSE, for music , video, streaming, mnt's everything i read06:18
GeeTuxslavik: wait06:18
harisaminhey guys....i had ubuntu running on this G4 powerpc about a week ago....somethign went wrong in trying to update to feisty so i had to reinstall ubunt again06:18
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NickGarveyharisamin: ok06:19
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse06:19
harisaminwell i could never get it to reinstall ....tried several versions...breezy...dapper...edgy and didnt work....even tried the minimal installation...i keep getting this debootstrap error06:19
slavikGeeTux: still waiting06:19
harisamini tried different hard drives too06:19
harisamini'm sure its not the harddrive06:19
ermac0ubotu, i guess you would have to put your coding cap on, and figure the bugs out06:19
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bvodlibdvdread3 folder does not exist06:20
GeeTuxUsing compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override.06:20
GeeTuxWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running06:20
AusicaemiaI have a problem, the entries that I put in the Startup Programs part of System>Preferences>Sessions get erased when I reboot.06:20
harisamini think it might be my cd rom ....for some reason maybe trying to update to fgesity might have caused some error....i;'ve tried several linux ppc distros on this G4 and they come up with some error....and i've tried those same CDs on another G4 powerpc...and they work06:20
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slavikGeeTux: first you run install, then the script, then the configure stuff06:20
harisaminso my conclusion is that there is something wrong with my cdrom dirve06:20
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slavikGeeTux: you also need the headers and build-essential :)06:20
harisamini dotn have a disk drive06:21
AusicaemiaI removed the Beagle Desktop client, and added Pidgin to startup, and when I rebooted Beagle started up and no Pidgin.06:21
ermac0harisamin, network boot06:21
Ausicaemiaand then when I checked, none of my changes stayed in the startup thing06:21
harisaminis there a way for me to install ubuntu wihtout a disk drive  or cdrom drive....i do have a usb flashcard...06:21
GeeTuxslavik: i am installed build-essential and kernel06:21
AusicaemiaSo does anybody know what is wrong?06:21
harisaminermac0: but dont u need to download a cd of some sort to do that06:21
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slavikGeeTux: google for the patch06:21
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Jordan_Uharisamin, Yes, you can install from a flashcard if your computer supports booting from it06:22
harisaminermac0: thats the probelm here06:22
slavikGeeTux: I have it on my work system, but not here06:22
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harisaminJordan_U: i think i can but i cant find a good guide....looked at one that some ppl suggested...i have 2 hard drives by the way...lon running os X and th other WAS running ubuntu06:22
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gladiewrhi guys - having some usb  networking issues - any help please?06:22
ermac0you have w2k3 R2 can install any OS from nt boot06:22
harisaminJordan_U: i think i can get it to boot from the flashdrive06:23
ermac0course you need w2k3 r206:23
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harisaminJordan_U: but i need help...and i only have a 512mb flashdrive06:23
bvodcould have gstreamer codec installed be my problem06:23
iTG`NeatcheeWhy is it that i'm trying to backport pidgin-otr with prevu, and it tells me that it can't find pidgin-dev even though I just downloaded, backported, and installed pidgin-dev?06:23
Jordan_Uharisamin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick Is this a PPC mac?06:23
AusicaemiaSo does anybody know what that is happening?06:23
harisaminJordan_U: yes06:23
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AusicaemiaWhy don't my startup entries stay?06:23
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Jordan_Uharisamin, Then that guide won't work...06:24
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GeeTuxslavik: ubuntu then kernel 2.606:24
harisaminJordan_U: ok....any other ideas?06:24
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GeeTuxok yes install the patch06:24
Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, I always found that to be annoying06:24
AusicaemiaPaddy_EIRE, Is there a way to fix it?06:24
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AusicaemiaOr did you at least find a workaround or something?06:24
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Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, you can have all the things you want to start running already then save session06:24
harisaminJordan_U: i do have a G3 powerbook running xubuntu dapper....is there anything i can do form that?06:24
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slavikGeeTux: ???06:25
Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, add the entries aswell to make doubly sure06:25
ermac0Ausicaemia, it could be that you need to edit the source file it self , not a linked file.06:25
Vignalehey guys...how do i get my ubuntu to play mp3's?06:25
AusicaemiaWhat is the file called/where is it located?06:25
AusicaemiaDo you know?06:25
ermac0Ausicaemia, just like changing your MOTD06:25
harisaminJordan_U: are u there?06:25
Jordan_Uharisamin, You could install from it by putting the one you want to install to in target disk mode, you would need to change some things manually to get it to work though most likely06:25
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Vignalecan someone help me pls??06:26
dawn`chorusVignale, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:26
harisaminJordan_U: what is target disk mode and how do i do that on a powerpc06:26
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Paddy_EIRE!ask | Vignale06:26
ubotuVignale: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:26
ermac0Ausicaemia, no i haven't had to start that project , :) auto start on boot right,  cant GDM already do that for you06:26
mikeHow do I stop beryl without logging out?06:26
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Tom47!restrictedformats > vignale06:26
Paddy_EIREmike, do you have beryl-manager06:27
Ausicaemiaermac0, Yeah, I'm adding stuff to the Startup Programs part of the session manager06:27
slavikmike: choose metacity as the window decoration06:27
Jordan_Uharisamin, Boot the Mac you want to install to while holding down "T" then you can connect it to your other mac as if it were a Firewire Drive06:27
Ausicaemiaermac0, But when I reboot the ones I removed are back and the ones I added don't stay.06:27
mikePaddy_EIRE: yes06:27
VignaleHow do i get my mp3's playing on rhythmbox?06:27
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ermac0mike, beryl should allow you to go to metacity if beryl doesn't load by default06:27
harisaminJordan_U: do i need a firewire cable ...i dotn have one...can i use an ethernet cable06:27
Paddy_EIREmike, then select metacity as your window manager06:27
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Jordan_Uharisamin, No, you need Firewire :(06:28
harisaminJordan_U: dammit06:28
Jordan_Uharisamin, Not even USB will work06:28
Dr_willisJordan_U,  thats a neat trick. ive never heard of befor. :)06:28
Paddy_EIREmike, the jewel icon on your sys tray06:28
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gladiewrhi guys - having some usb networking issues - any help please?06:28
harisaminJordan_U: u think i cna try replacing the cd rom drive...i do have others06:28
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mikePaddy_EIRE: yes it is ,,Beryl is working fine,I was just wondering how to stop it06:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:29
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Dr_willisusb-networking.... Hmm.. clarify that for a start06:29
Jordan_Uharisamin, That is probably easiest, does the CD rom drive work at all?06:29
Biscuitian_WarheHi, for some reason the Volume Up/Down keys on my computer only control my Front Speakers, I want it to control the PCM (I have a surround sound system)06:29
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gladiewrdr_willis has an ali host to host link06:30
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bobdrakenwelp im back06:30
bobdrakenanyone on?06:30
Jordan_UBiscuitian_Warhe, What channels it controls can be set in System -> Preferences -> Sound06:30
bobdrakenim pissed i tried the alter cd06:30
pixelationXarchiver won't extract...06:30
pixelationI did tons of googling.06:30
pynoobHey... Is the Breezy repo no longer available?06:30
bobdrakenand that didnt work either.. so im stuck on fedora and well06:30
pixelationNothing on my problem.06:30
crimsunpynoob: Breezy was EOL'd some months ago.06:30
Biscuitian_WarheJordan_U: oh snap, thanks.06:30
bobdrakenhow do i say this nicely06:30
bobdrakenit sucks06:30
slavikJordan_U: that is new06:31
Jordan_UBiscuitian_Warhe, np :)06:31
pixelationCan anyone help me with Xarchiver?06:31
bobdrakenlet me ask everyone a question... if you couldnt use ubuntu.. what distro would you use06:31
AusicaemiaSo does anybody know why my startup entries get reset on reboot?06:31
Dr_willisgladiewr,  you got a PC->USB<-PC kind of cable?06:31
Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, did you try what I said06:31
slavikBiscuitian_Warhe: thanks for asking that question, needed to know that myself ^^06:31
Jordan_Uslavik, Not really, I think I even remember it being in Dapper06:31
dawn`chorusVignale, understand?06:31
ermac0Ausicaemia, the gdm config you want to edit would be your login username, not root06:31
AusicaemiaI'd prefer to actually define the startup programs, rather than save a session.06:31
Biscuitian_Warheslavik: Haha yeah, I dunno why it picked only 2 of the speakers, oh well :P06:31
Biscuitian_WarheIt works now06:32
AusicaemiaYeah, thats what I'm editing it as.06:32
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slavikbobdraken: Fedora prolly06:32
gladiewrdr_willis -> yea i do its an ali m653206:32
ermac0hmm interesting06:32
Ausicaemiaermac0, System>Preferences>Session>Startup Programs, adding stuff in there06:32
Biscuitian_Warhebobdraken: I'd use Arch, it's sleek and fast06:32
Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, it still ultimately the exact same thing06:32
Ausicaemiaermac0, Reboot, stuff I added isn't there, stuff I removed is gone.06:32
ermac0Ausicaemia, i dunno dude, im looking as well06:32
bobdrakensalvik im on fedora now.. i guess i just dont like it06:32
Dr_willisgladiewr,  have ya googled to see if that thing is supported at all?  Those things are a bit rare. :) ones ive seen are just fancy serial cables.06:32
bobdrakeni dono06:32
bobdrakeni cant get ubuntu to install06:33
bobdraken:  (06:33
dawn`chorushmm ... who should I report this broken link on the help.ubuntu.com site?  broken link -> http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/06:33
bvodgot it working06:33
Biscuitian_Warhebobdraken: which install method/what error does it give?06:33
Flanneldawn`chorus: What page is that link on?06:33
Ausicaemiadawn`chorus, That link isn't broken.06:33
bvodhad to manuelly resinstall the file06:33
Jordan_Udawn`chorus, Works for me06:33
AusicaemiaI'm viewing it right now06:33
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Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, but hey, must be a bug with certain installs....unless you want to get into the guts of it and fix it file a bug on launchpad I have06:33
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dawn`chorusOK.  I'm getting "You do not have permission to access this document."06:34
gladiewrdr_willis, its supported with the cdc_subset module. i have it recognized as usb0 and its configured but it isnt actually talking to the rest of the network (the other pc has bridging running)06:34
geeksaucehey has anyone had any success with pidgin, which has replaced gaim06:34
dawn`chorusFlannel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu06:34
Ausicaemiageeksauce: Running it right now.06:34
ermac0just use psi06:34
ermac0geeksauce, psi06:34
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Biscuitian_Warhegeeksauce: Pidgin is much cooler, though it's really not much different06:34
ermac0Biscuitian_Warhe, true06:34
tomd123geeksauce, im using it now06:35
geeksauceAusicaemia, did you have to compile sourcecode or do the fedora binaries work?06:35
bobdrakenhow can i install vlc in fedora06:35
bobdrakenit wont let me06:35
pixelationI really need help.. I have scanned the forums, and googled the hell out of myself.06:35
Paddy_EIREgeeksauce, yeah there is a command to get all the dependencies that gaim would use and pidgin ran straight away...no probs06:35
ermac0Biscuitian_Warhe, ssl ?06:35
Tom47!offtopic > bobdraken06:35
AusicaemiaI used a deb off www.getdeb.net06:35
tritiumbobdraken: wrong channel06:35
Biscuitian_Warheermac0: no?06:35
Flanneldawn`chorus: yeah, that link works fine.  Although the "adding repositories" stuff is outdated.06:35
dawn`choruspixelation, just calmly state your question.  :)06:35
slavikapt-get build-dep gaim06:35
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ermac0Biscuitian_Warhe,  i think psi is more secure cuz of ssl,06:35
ermac0Biscuitian_Warhe,  and can use php06:35
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dawn`chorusFlannel, hm.. strange.  at least we know it isn't broken.  :)06:35
slavikI tried compiling pidgin earlier today, but was a no go ... not sure why06:35
Biscuitian_Warheermac0: gotta love php :D06:36
wastedfluidI'm having problems hibernating from an acer 5100 + 7.04.  Any recommendations for a site to check out or something?  I searched google, but came up empty handed.  Hibernation works the first time you try it, but none after that.06:36
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Ausicaemiageeksauce, www.getdeb.net, search for pidgin, also has pidgin-data and guifications06:36
defryskslavik, pidging is available at getdeb.net06:36
ermac0Biscuitian_Warhe, i'm, telling you man06:36
pixelationXarchiver will not extract any files.06:36
ermac0Biscuitian_Warhe, its great06:36
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geeksaucethanks Ausicaemia06:36
Biscuitian_Warheermac0: sweeet06:36
slavikdefrysk: I know ...06:36
ermac0slavik, missing libdev-pidgin06:37
Paddy_EIREpixelation, what type of archive are you dealing with06:37
slavikermac0: no idea, configure went fine06:37
Dr_willisHmm. the LinuxMint repoitories have pidgen..06:38
ermac0slavik, did you make without errors ?06:38
slavikermac0: that's where the error came ...06:38
Paddy_EIREpixelation, hmm, that normally works straight away...did you try right clicking the file and choosing extract here06:39
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daquinohow do i get sound in flashplugin ?06:39
pixelationpaddy_eire I'll try right now, brb06:39
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gladiewrdr_willis, any ideas?06:39
HeyGabeHi. I had kernel panic. Now PC won't start.06:39
HeyGabeSays "Incomplete Literal Tree."06:40
HeyGabeSomeone help. :)06:40
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Biscuitian_WarheHeyGabe: What'd you do right before that happened?06:40
Biscuitian_WarheNew hardware, software, etc?06:40
harisaminJordan_U: yeah it does work06:40
pixelationpaddy_eire it didn't work...06:40
HeyGabeHad a hard reset (Power button).06:40
Paddy_EIREpixelation, whats the error06:40
HeyGabeIt never came back up.06:40
pixelationpaddy_eire lemme get it up06:41
harisaminJordan_U: but i've tried several distros and several cds ....speaking for linux distros ....and it never goes all thew ay through06:41
harisaminJordan_U: i might just try it and see what happens06:41
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HeyGabeWon't reboot from LiveCD either.06:41
randoman__anyone know why i get errors when garnome trys to installed zinity?06:41
Biscuitian_WarheHeyGabe: Ewww, that's probally why. I know from my experience that especially when a comp is doing something that freezes itself, that if it doesn't finish and it was important, it probally won't play nice.06:41
randoman__then it stops installed after that06:41
Biscuitian_WarheHeyGabe: Does your pc turn on, and does it say anything?06:41
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HeyGabeYeah. It loads grub, I pick the kernel and then it goes to the "starting up..."06:42
Biscuitian_WarheTry recovery mode?06:42
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Paddy_EIREHeyGabe, have you tried choosing a previous kernel06:42
Bennedettohey, can anyone help me with a compiz fusion issue quick?06:43
BennedettoHow do I turn it off!06:43
HeyGabeI've tried three other kernels on two differnet physical disks.06:43
Paddy_EIREBennedetto, #ubuntu-effects06:43
Jordan_Uharisamin, Try the minimal CD, it grabs almost everything from the internet so is less likely to be affected by a bad CD ROM drive06:43
Bennedettook thanks06:43
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pixelationpaddy_eire bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing.06:43
Jordan_U!minimal | harisamin06:43
ubotuharisamin: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:43
Paddy_EIREpixelation, sounds like a faulty archive to me06:43
harisaminJordan_U: i tried the minimal cd....dint work...same debootstrap error06:44
pixelationpaddy_eire but this is with almost every archive I have downloaded06:44
Paddy_EIREpixelation, have you tried downloading that same file from an alternative source06:44
Biscuitian_WarheHeyGabe: Hmm, I really doubt it's going to work, did you put in the livecd, access yer bios/boot menu, and choose the cd?06:44
Frogzooanyone care to suggest a card index application (eg ms cardfile or jotnotes), I currently use hnb, is there anything similiar/better?06:44
Paddy_EIREpixelation, where from so I CAN TRY06:44
pixelationpaddy_eire many times06:44
HeyGabeYeah, the boot CD errors too. I suggest it's failing hardware.06:44
pixelationpaddy_eire okay lemme find one06:45
Biscuitian_Warhewell with a hard poweroff like that06:45
Biscuitian_Warhei know for a week straight my bios would not load because i did that so much, so i just reset the cmos about 5 times, and it hasn't acted up since :P06:45
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pixelationpaddy_eire http://icculus.org/news/news.php?id=188306:45
harisaminJordan_U: i actually didnt tell u this....but i've been trying the alternate cds....i tried the edgy desktop cd....to install from there...now that cd loads the x window system...but i get the cursor spiinning i can move the cursor....but nothing loads after that06:45
harisaminJordan_U: any idea what i could do for that instead?06:46
Paddy_EIREpixelation, could you send me another link to some other file you have tried..which is not so big06:46
pixelationpaddy_eire yeah06:46
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Jordan_Uharisamin, How much RAM does it have?06:47
harisaminJordan_U: any idea what i coudl do to solve that...it just hangs on that circle curssor with the bropwn background06:47
harisamin1.128 gigs06:47
pixelationpaddy_eire actually the error messages on the other files are different because of an incompatability error (i have 64 bit06:48
Paddy_EIREpixelation, is there any particular reason why you choose 64bit06:48
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Jordan_Uharisamin, Have you tried restarting X after that? Or killing X and starting it via "startx" from a terminal ?06:49
pixelationpaddy_eire because it came with my computer?06:49
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Wonderboy_I'm upgrading to edgy at the moment and for some reason my fonts went all weird, anyone know anything about it?06:49
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harisaminJordan_U: how  do i kill X?06:49
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Paddy_EIREpixelation, I have a 64bit processor but would not consider running 64bit OS, you should use the 32bit ubuntu less hassle06:49
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pixelationpaddy_eire okay.. this is going to be a bitch to re-install.06:50
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pixelationpaddy_eire allrighty then, bye bye.06:50
Paddy_EIREpixelation, you are also not really benefiting any by using a 64bit distro as majority of the app are 3206:50
Jordan_Uharisamin, Go to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 and run: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:50
Dante_JHello all. Yesterday I did a fresh install going from 6.10 to 7.04 on a ThinkPad T30. I have 2 areas of concern 1) USB is lost after waking from Suspend 2) Nautilis at times has been using abnormally high CPU 100% until I kill it.06:50
pixelationpaddy_eire bye then.06:50
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demoncorsairhey room06:50
Paddy_EIREpixelation, no probs06:50
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roomdemoncorsair, Hi06:50
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demoncorsairis ubuntu hard to install on a 166Mhz06:51
demoncorsairthis coming from a  gentoo user06:51
harisaminJordan_U: and then type 'startx'?06:51
Dante_Jis there room in your heart Jordan_U ?06:51
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ermac0demoncorsair, you might as well install openbsd as a console server06:51
Jordan_Uharisamin, Yes.06:51
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Wonderboy_Does anyone know why the default font for applications would change when upgrading from Dapper to Edgy?06:52
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Jordan_Udemoncorsair, No, just use the text based installer06:52
Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, maybe they changed it06:52
Wonderboy_Paddy_EIRE: Indeed, it seems that way. Heh.06:52
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Jordan_U!alternate | demoncorsair06:52
ubotudemoncorsair: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal06:52
Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, why using edgy?06:53
Wonderboy_Paddy_EIRE: Upgrading all the way to feisty most likely.06:53
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Wonderboy_But I'm a little upset that so far my font is ugly in my applications. heh06:54
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Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, then change it06:54
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Wonderboy_Paddy_EIRE: I don't remember what the default was for Dapper.06:54
AusicaemiaI'll ask again now in case anyone has come in that knows.06:54
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Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, sans06:55
Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, I think06:55
AusicaemiaDoes anybody know why my startup entries get reset on reboot? Is there are a way to edit the file directly or something?06:55
Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, perhaps you had sub pixel smoothing enabled before aswell, that helps06:55
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Wonderboy_Anyway to change default font from cli? I'm using fluxbox and I'm not sure how to get to the default font interface.06:56
Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, not sure if that applies itself in real-time though06:56
Paddy_EIREWonderboy_, sorry I use Gnome06:56
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Dante_JHello again, my question again, one at a time: Yesterday I did a fresh install going from 6.10 to 7.04 on a ThinkPad T30. USB is lost after waking from Suspend. PCMCIA devices work fine.06:57
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Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, have you tried the forums? the way I said works perfectly...I mean how many times are you going to need to change your startup entries at high speed?06:58
korupthey guys i have a problem i have a nvidia geforce graphics adaptor and im using my television as my monitor but its not showing the desktop it goes to a black screen i know the os is working but i cant see the gui06:58
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korupti see the booting process its just when its going into the gui06:59
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jordan_Is it possible to transfer files with two SSH hops?  (ie - logged into one computer which is logged into another via SSH on both)06:59
AusicaemiaPaddy_EIRE, I've checked the forums, I guess I'll post a thread or something06:59
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RoC_MasterMindjordan_, yes...you can scp the file to the middle computer, then to the end 3rd computer.07:00
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Flanneljordan_: you might have to do them one computer at a time.07:00
AusicaemiaPaddy_EIRE, I just want to know why this isn't working. All well and good if saving the session works, but I would prefer to find a solution to this problem.07:00
jordan_RoC_mastermind: what is scp?07:00
koruptim pretty sure it has something to do with the graphics settings but im not sure what to do.07:00
Wonderboy_secure copy07:00
Flannel!scp | jordan_07:00
ubotujordan_: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/07:00
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Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, as I said though my desktop has a similar bug and I dont think many ppl would no which file that writes to07:01
koruptwonder boy have you heard of any problems like this befor07:01
jordan_thank you, flannel07:01
Wonderboy_korupt: what's the problem?07:01
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Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, bugs a bug learn to program if you want to no why its not working07:01
Wonderboy_korupt: ah, no, never used a tv for it.07:02
koruptim using my nvidia card to hook up my television as the monitor. i see the booting process but when it goes to enter the guii it flakes07:02
AusicaemiaPaddy_EIRE, It may not be a bug, it may be a permission error, which is exactly why I'm asking the question.07:02
Wonderboy_Have you tried restarting x?07:02
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Wonderboy_It's been a long time since I've had an X problem.07:02
korupti cant get into x? i have tried init 5 at07:02
Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, either way you'd be quicker tinkering yourself07:02
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Wonderboy_Can you boot to cli?07:03
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korupti can boot to logon before entering gui07:03
Paddy_EIREAusicaemia, your the only other person besides me that I know of anyway that has encountered this problem07:03
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koruptthe failsafe07:03
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Wonderboy_Right, do that and then use the xorg reconfiguration utility07:04
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korupti tried that command its not found but i could be typing it right07:04
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Paddy_EIRElater all :D07:05
sidletAnybody here have any comments on game pad support for linus?07:05
korupti tried these variables xorgconfig xorg and X11Config07:05
Wonderboy_Hm... Type x and then tab to see what commands are availible. Look for one that is a configuration.07:05
sidleti'm pondering on getting one, and curious on how well its going to work out07:05
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koruptsounds good wonderboy im sure in there i can set up the graphics card also one more thing i know my card is restricted can i enable it from x config07:05
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toddyany one has the experience of configuring vsftpd07:06
Dante_JMy once more: Yesterday I did a fresh install going from 6.10 to 7.04 on a ThinkPad T30. USB is lost after waking from Suspend. This was not a problem in 6.1007:06
Wonderboy_korupt: I don't think you can... But hey, things could have changed since the last time I used it. ;)07:06
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Wonderboy_perhaps there is a restricted-driver command from cli07:06
calcDante_J: saw the same thing recently on my desktop machine, it was working until late this past week07:06
calcDante_J: i don't know if its usb is still dead or if it was a one time thing07:06
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calchmm nevermind my desktop is running gutsy actually, i forgot about that07:07
korupti will try google see what i can find on that thank you wonder boy for the input always nice to find help in the irc channel i have seen alot of channels that dont help at all so thank you very much07:07
Wonderboy_korupt: sudo apt-cache search restricted07:07
Wonderboy_that will help :)07:08
koruptthank you soo much :)07:08
Wonderboy_No problem07:08
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Wonderboy_good luck07:08
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korupttime to see if this works be back in a little while :)07:09
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toddyi can upload files through a vsftpd through my vsftpd on my own PC,But others can't:showing 553 error:Could not create file,why07:10
toddyany one can help?07:10
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alecw1I'm having a problem with Java! Whenever I open a java program, like "FrostWire" it doesn't work! Nothing happens, I don't get an error message or anything. I have Java 6 installed. What's wrong?07:11
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alecw1Running "frostwire" from the terminal gives me this: Java exec not found in PATH, starting auto-search...07:12
alecw1OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/lib/  hierarchy07:12
alecw1You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com07:12
alecw1ls: /usr/java/j*: No such file or directory07:12
alecw1OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/java/  hierarchy07:12
alecw1You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com07:12
alecw1ls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory07:12
alecw1OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /opt/  hierarchy07:12
alecw1You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com07:12
alecw1Sorry for the flooding. :(07:12
DerangedDingowhat's the channel for Compiz/etc07:13
kravlinhey. just wondering. if you can't execute pmount what's another way to mount a drive?07:13
mister_roboto!beryl | DerangedDingo07:13
ubotuDerangedDingo: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:13
Dante_JMy question: Yesterday I did a fresh install going from 6.10 to 7.04 on a ThinkPad T30. Previously Suspend worked perfectly. With 7.10 USB is lost after waking from Suspend.07:14
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toddyQUESTION: i can upload files through my vsftpd on my own PC,But others can't:showing 553 error:Could not create file,why07:14
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kravlinHow do i mount files without pmount? I need to back up some files before a clean install.07:14
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mister_robototoddy: i seem to recall configuration is necessary to allow other users but don't remember exactly. did you try googling for your error message?07:15
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toddyyes!but no correct anwser !and my vsftpd is 2.0.507:16
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taufiqi can't hear my sound in laptop lenovo 3000 y 400 whit UBUNTU 7.0407:16
toddythey use the anonymous  to login07:16
CryoniqHi! Is there a way to burn .img image under ubuntu? k3b doesnt seem to be able to handle that =/07:17
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RoC_MasterMindwhat's the best way to temporarily turn off gnome-panel so I can play with kiba-dock?07:18
toddymister_roboto:is there a manual for this?07:18
alecw1How can I change the rendering platform in Compiz-fusion?07:18
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iTG`Neatcheewoohoo!  it took me all night but i finally got pidgin-otr to work on feisty ^^07:19
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defryskalecw1, /j #ubuntu-effects07:19
iTG`Neatcheehorray for meeee!07:19
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kravlinanyone know how to mount in a live-cd?07:20
mister_robototoddy: did you read the man page?   there's this too: http://vsftpd.beasts.org/vsftpd_conf.html07:20
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toddythanks you so much!any way,i'm new!07:20
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toddymister_roboto thank you!07:21
mister_robototoddy: you're welcome07:21
kravlinanyone know how to mount while on a live-cd?07:21
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dawn`choruskravlin, same way you do otherwise.  are you having problems?07:22
slavikhow do I fix the problem with hotkey-setup not wanting to upgrade (the removal script has troubles)07:22
kravlin dawn`chorus: yeah. It says pmount can'07:23
kravlin't be executed07:23
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dawn`choruskravlin, oh.  i dunno about pmount.07:23
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buizeim using ubuntu for 1st time07:24
buizecan someone help me out07:24
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kravlinbuize: it might be better if you stated your question.07:24
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kravlinAnyone know how to mount if Ubuntu tells you it can't use Pmount or am i screwed?07:25
buizei just installed wine07:25
buizei have to move 2 dlls from the desktop to /.wine/windows/system3207:25
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Dante_JYesterday I did a fresh install going from 6.10 to 7.04 on a ThinkPad T30. Previously Suspend worked perfectly. With 7.10 the USB bus is lost after waking from Suspend. A restart is required to activate USB again.07:26
buizei can't browse to the .wine folder for some reason?07:26
kravlinbuize: This is the ubuntu channel for general ubuntu questions. if you want help with wine i would suggest going to #winehq07:26
dawn`chorusbuize, display hidden files.  it's in the menu.07:26
kravlinbuize: They are hidden.07:26
utNubu068Hi everybody. does anyone know of a good networking tutorial to help me get 2 ubuntu 7.04 computers to see each other?07:26
slavikbuize: in nautilus, did you enable hidden directories? (Ctrl+H)07:26
buizety :D07:26
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kravlinbuize: All files that start with a period are hidden07:26
slavikbuize: as a convention, anything that begins with a dot '.' is not automatically listed :)07:27
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xdemondogxhey all07:27
kravlinanyone know how to mount a drive without using Pmount?07:27
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bulmerdid you try just the regular mount command and being as root?07:27
Nippahave you tried regular old mount?07:27
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qnycutNubu068, explain see each other, what do you want to do?07:28
buizesweet i got WoW to work07:28
buizethx guys07:28
dawn`chorusbuize, Ubuntu love you.  remember!07:28
buizeits not bad07:28
buizei'm liking it so far07:28
utNubu068I have tried to make shares on both computers, but I can't browse them thru the network servers folder.07:29
buizethe installation was so painless07:29
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buizei'm not even going to bother with a win xp partition07:29
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xdemondogxguys if ya install ubuntu with dual boot will it take hard disk space or sometihng like that?07:29
kravlinnippa: so the command would be sudo mount sda3?07:29
nrdbHi I am using openoffice 2.0.2 database with postgresql when I try to filter a query on a date filed it uses the construct " <field name> > {D '2006-01-01}" but postgresql is erroring on this :( can I get it to use "<field name> > '2006-01-01'" ?07:29
Nippaprobably sudo mount /dev/sda3 , but yeah07:29
utNubu068tried smb and nfs with no luck07:29
kravlinxdemondogsx: yes it will. Are you running windows right now?07:29
dawn`chorusxdemondogx, yes.  it will take up more hard disk space, unless you shrink one of the partitions.07:29
xdemondogxwhat are partisions?07:30
dawn`chorusxdemondogx, they're like slices of pie.  your hdd is a pie.  partitions are slices you can divide up any way you like.07:30
_Codeman_Ok, I lock my session, my brother starts a new session and is on for a bit, then logs off, then it goes to a gray screen and doesn't respond to anything except Ctrl+Alt+Del07:30
dawn`chorushard disk drive.07:30
xdemondogxowh thnx07:30
_Codeman_any ideas?07:31
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xdemondogxdawn: ya know a way too shrink the partitions?07:31
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pynoobYou can resize a partition.. the problem is the file system07:31
kravlinxdemondogx: BEFORE you partition anything please run a defragmenting program a few times.07:31
=== Vegancheesesteak [n=nick@dsl092-238-126.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dante_Jkravlin, first find the hdd try: dmesg | grep hda or dmesg | grep sda07:31
dawn`chorusxdemondogx, check the amount of free space you have on your windows partition.  and do what the other folks are telling you.  :)07:32
defryskxdemondogx, first you dont know what partitions are and now want to shrink them ? you seem to know more then you let on to07:32
pynoobSomeone has told you to backup everything first, right? :D07:32
kravlinnow they have07:32
xdemondogxand if ya boot Ubuntu for the first time is it like starting over?07:32
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dawn`chorusxdemondogx, ubuntu installer can take certain settings and files from Windows, so you won't be starting over completely.07:33
kravlinxdemondogx: One question. why do you want to install ubuntu?07:33
Dante_Jkravlin, do you know the partition you're after, if not try: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda  (taking forgranted that you're hdd is sda)07:33
xdemondogxwin getting sucky~.~07:33
kravlindante_J: I did find it.07:34
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kravlindante_J: its sda307:34
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kravlinbut it doesn't like it.07:34
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dawn`chorusxdemondogx, you'll want to read some howto's on how to dual boot.  Read some here.  http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/index07:34
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J-_is there anyway I can use the system>admin>'network' gui in fluxbox on a server? if so, what's the package name?07:35
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pynoobWhat do you need the gui for?07:36
xdemondogxdawn: so it CAN take some files of windows??07:36
kravlindante_j: I get this error when running  sudo mount /dev/sda307:36
kravlin mount: can't find /dev/sda3 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:36
xdemondogxare those important?07:36
pynoobyou need to specify the mount point07:36
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pynoobas well07:36
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pynoobsuod mount /dev/sda3 /mount/point07:37
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Dante_Jmsg kravlin, did you make the directory to mount into as I mentioned? /media/temp07:37
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kravlindante_J; im currently running off a live cd. I need to do some backups before a clean install. Some crappy partitioning has rendered my install useless.07:38
DraconicusI noticed that a Feisty install I had offered to run the AutoRun.exe on a Windows install CD through WINE once when I popped it in. Does this always happen if WINE is installed? I can't really check right now.07:38
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Dante_Jyou can make a directory in /media when running the live cd. I did it last night07:39
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clearzenHow do I stop Rythmbox from loading everytime I insert my ipod?07:41
J-_what's the command to get Network running from the terminal?07:41
StoLAi go smoke some crack ->07:41
pynoobsudo dhclient eth0 ? :D07:41
clearzenJ-_: sudo /etc/init.d/networking start07:41
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tritium!offtopic > StoLA (see the private message from ubotu)07:41
dawn`chorusclearzen, System > Pref's > Removable Drives and Media07:41
Vegancheesesteakhi. does anyone know how to load an icm color profile into xorg?07:41
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Dante_JYesterday I did a fresh install going from 6.10 to 7.04 on a ThinkPad T30. Previously Suspend worked perfectly. With 7.10 the USB bus is lost after waking from Suspend. A restart is required to activate USB again.07:42
J-_clearzen: didn't work, heh.07:42
clearzendawn`chorus: Thank you. That was getting to be very annoying .07:42
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clearzentry sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:42
Dante_JAny Kernel hackers, or friends of such about?07:42
dawn`chorusclearzen, i know what you mean.  and you're welcome.07:42
kravlindante_J: it doesn;t look like it will let me.07:42
J-_clearzen: that just restarted my network.07:44
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m4O4`zzZclearzen : even worse for me, when i plugin my PSP it'll start rythmbox xD now there's really NO use for rythmbox with a psp ;)07:44
clearzenJ-_: What do you want to do? I thought you wanted to start your networking07:44
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J-_i just want the dhcp client to come up so I can configure my internal IP, etc. from terminal07:44
clearzenm4O4`zzZ: lol, that sucks. I use my ipod as a portable hard drive as much as a music player personally.07:45
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ant-J-_, are you having problems with nm-applet?07:45
m4O4`zzZdhcp ? shouldn't that be done with ifconfig ?07:45
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EvFan1Hi everybody! I'm running the normal Desktop Effects in FIesty, but after a reboot my windows are doing something really wierd. They are sticking to the panels and other windows. Like it's hard to get them to not stick to each other. Does anyone know if this is normal and how I can turn it off.07:46
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ant-m4O4`zzZ, unless he has wireless, which would be iwconfig07:46
clearzenJ-_: sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth007:46
J-_clearzen: system>admin> and 'network', click on the that and a small gui window pops up. I want to run something from terminal to get that same gui window to popup in fluxbox so I can configure the internal IP07:47
m4O4`zzZEvFan1 i don't exactly remember the values, but i guess u have set the sticking feature a bit too wide ... check gconf-editor and search for the Compiz settings (compiz = desktop effects)07:47
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clearzenJ-_: gksu mouse /etc/network/interfaces07:47
ant-J-_, type 'nm-applet &'07:47
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clearzenJ-_: Wait, mouse is in Xfce I think07:47
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clearzenJ-_: just use nano07:47
ryanricardquick question: is there any way to change the name of the "Applications" menu?07:48
Dante_JYesterday I did a fresh install going from 6.10 to 7.04 on a ThinkPad T30. Previously Suspend worked perfectly. With 7.10 the USB bus is lost after waking from Suspend. A restart is required to activate USB again.07:48
kravlinDante_J: I just mounted it to my home directory. it was much easier07:48
ryanricardpreferably to nothing (just the logo)07:48
J-_hmm, clearzen where is the file located that I need to configure then?07:48
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skarevolutiryanricard: in xubuntu?07:48
clearzenJ-_: the path to the file is /etc/network/interfaces07:49
ryanricardregular old gnome07:49
m4O4`zzZgnome is NOT old ! it's just .. uhm ... "conventional" ;-)07:49
ant-J-_ , for the gui type 'nm-applet'07:49
ant-j- i mean 'gksu nm-applet'07:50
ryanricardyeah, that's what I mean07:50
m4O4`zzZryanricard i'm not really sure, but i think u have to edit the theme you're using07:50
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clearzenJ-_: I thought you wanted the command line equivalent. If not gksu nm-applet is what you want07:50
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m4O4`zzZryanricard no wait, that was totally wrong from me ... it can't be the theme as themes work for every language ... sry, my fault07:51
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ryanricardm404`zzZ:I've tried changing the name in ~/.config/menu/applications.menu but it doesn't change the name07:51
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m4O4`zzZdid u edit the file ?07:51
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bruenigryanakca, you can use the applet that only has the logo, but you can't change the name07:52
H3lpHello everyone07:52
bruenigryanricard, ^07:52
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ryanricardbruenig:how do I use only the logo?07:52
ryanricardthat's what I want to do anyway07:52
J-_clearzen ant- thanks muchly! But now I face a different problem is there's no notification area in fluxbox which in turn gives me another problem of clicking on the icon to run it =X07:53
bruenigryanricard, right click on the panel, select add to panel, get the applet that only has the logo07:53
H3lpi'm facing problems with aMSN , where i cannot login after upgrading to version 97 due to a TLS problem where even though i downloaded it aMSN still asks for it prohibiting me of logging in can anyone help out ?!07:53
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bruenigryanricard, and right click and remove the other applet, the one with the three menus07:53
ignignoktmy sound card disappeared.  bad.07:53
ryanricardit worked07:53
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ryanricardbruenig:thanks, that was easy07:53
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ignignoktwell not really, but no apps play sound (some crash, some just look frozen) and the vol. control in my tray says there's no device to control07:54
bruenigwhen gnome actually can do something, it is usually easy to do so07:54
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EvFan1m4O4`zzZ: I tried that and I couldn't find anything.07:54
ant-J-_, what do you mean? do you want the nm-applet to start at every new fluxbox session?07:54
ignignoktmy sound card shows up with lspci07:54
skarevolutiH3lp: go to #amsn07:54
ignignoktso can anyone help?07:54
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H3lpthank you skarevoluti07:55
J-_ant-: that yeah, but I primarily want a system tray like place that'll show it?07:55
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m4O4`zzZEvFan1, google for "Compiz Settings Manager" and download that ... there are options in there for that.07:55
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EvFan1m4O4`zzZ: Thanks!07:55
ignignokt"the volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control.  this means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured."07:56
DerangedDingoHello, does anyone know if there's a way to reset all my desktop effects/compiz preferences to defaults?07:56
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ant-J-_, the nm-applet should show up in the right of the toolbar07:57
nrdbwhen will a latter version of OpenOffice (greater than 2.0.2) be ready for ubuntu 6.06 ?07:57
bastidrazorgimp resizing images.. isn't there a way to resize multiple files at once07:57
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kravlinI cant get any windows to open. any suggestions?07:57
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DanaGIs there an easy way to get this effect:  http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=293&libid=5007:57
J-_ant-: hmm okay, I'll check it out, thanks muchly.07:57
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mythrilI have a kernel message that keeps printing to my shell, how do I get it to stop?07:58
DanaGI know xplanet can do it, but I don't know how to set it up.07:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thinclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:58
DerangedDingoHello, does anyone know if there's a way to reset all my desktop effects/compiz preferences to defaults?07:58
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bruenigDerangedDingo, #ubuntu-effects, I imagine deleting a config directory would do the trick07:59
ignignoktbruenig, any advice for me?07:59
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J-_ant-: weird, I go to search in synaptic to install, and it's not there, unless it's already installed. but i doubt it is.08:00
ignignoktthat's a shame :(08:00
kravlini can't seem to get any windows of any kind open currently. menus work fine and so do icons but i cant get a terminal open.08:00
bruenigJ-_, what are you looking for08:00
DerangedDingothanks bruenig. i thought i'd ask here since not many people in Ubuntu-Effects... are... responsive08:01
bruenigkravlin, try restarting x, ctrl + alt + backspace08:01
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mythrilkravlin ctrl-alt-f1 should bring you to a terminal08:01
bruenigDerangedDingo, ~/.compiz or something like that08:01
mythrilif that helps at all08:01
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J-_bruenig: nm-applet08:01
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bruenigJ-_, network-manager-gnome08:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about conky - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:03
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colberthow do I install conky ?08:03
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bruenigcolbert, sudo apt-get install conky08:04
J-_no network devices found =|08:04
spf2kim looking for a good program so that i can learn how to write code in c/c++.  do you guys know any good ones?  eclipse any good?08:04
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bruenigspf2k, sounds like you are looking for a book08:04
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MRHi, is the alternate iso the live cd?08:04
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spf2kbruenig> well, you need a program as well08:05
bruenigMR, no the desktop is the live cd, the alternate is the text install08:05
defryskMR, no08:05
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bruenigspf2k, vim is good, gedit has syntax highlighting08:05
MROh ok08:05
bruenigI use geany on occasion, usually just vim though08:05
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spf2kbruenig> those are just text editors08:06
bruenigspf2k, right08:06
reed026does xubuntu come installed with LAMP08:06
bruenigreed026, no08:06
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bruenigspf2k, compile using gcc08:06
bruenigor g++08:06
MRI am confused about the grub re-install guide then. I have download and burnt the desktop cd. Now when i start the computer with the cd, it goes to install, not desktop terminal -> grub ?08:07
reed026ahh sudo apt-get apache ?08:07
spf2kbruenig> ever use eclipse?08:07
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reed026or is it possible to download through Repos08:07
bruenigMR, you fire up a terminal and do it yourself08:07
J-_heh weird, my network is enabled, yet nm-applet isn't picking up it is. can't configure it neither. =S08:07
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MRbruenig: How can i get to the terminal , that's the problem i am facing08:08
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bruenigMR, applications>accessories>terminal08:08
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bruenigJ-_, what is the interface08:08
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=== Cu_Ranh ./s -m irc.netfpt.com
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:08
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bruenigJ-_, wlan0?08:09
MRbruening: My xp installation has over-written the MBR. I cannot' access ubuntu08:09
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tzolkinif guys could easily suck their own cocks .. women would be obsoleted08:09
dawn`choruswhat was that all about?08:09
bruenigMR, put the live cd in, open a terminal, and follow the guide08:09
bruenig!ops | tzolkin08:09
ubotutzolkin: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:09
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skipeBoa Noite!!08:09
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skipeI need to help!!08:10
tzolkinbruenig: do you disagree?08:10
bruenig!ops | tzolkin08:10
ubotutzolkin: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:10
Myrttitzolkin: behave!08:10
netGwhere can I find some hordware suggestions for example: 64X2 vs Intel c2d 5000+, or ATI vs Nvidia vs Intel GMA08:10
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bastidrazorimagemagick is the way to go. CLI has a blue million configuration options08:10
dawn`chorusskipe, don't be shy.  just ask.  :)08:10
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dawn`chorusso how many users is Ubuntu up to now?  anyone know?08:11
tonyyarussodawn`chorus: We can only guess.08:11
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tonyyarussomillions, but who knows how many08:11
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bruenigdawn`chorus, I would imagine that the number of ubuntu forums members it the best measure, add a little to it and that is probably about it08:12
dawn`chorustonyyarusso, any recent estimates by Canonical?  i'm sure such a thing is hard to gauge.08:12
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tonyyarussodawn`chorus: I haven't heard any - just off-the-cuff remarks in interviews08:12
dawn`chorusbruenig, that's reasonable.08:12
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bruenigMembers: 328,47608:12
bruenigso probably 400,00008:12
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dawn`chorusyeah.  that's sounds right.  good strong number, there.08:13
tonyyarussobruenig: that doesn't factor in any non-individual deployments08:13
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hyljeguaranteed 400k but i'd go much further up08:13
bruenigbut people leave too08:13
bruenigbut still have membership08:13
hyljei for one have not joined the forums, for exampl08:13
bruenigand some people become members even if they aren't ubuntu users, so I would say that is fair08:13
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dawn`chorusi just can't wait for Gutsy to get done.08:14
bruenigwhat does gutsy have08:14
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clearzenbruenig: What about business users? It wouldn't factor in those numbers08:14
boubbinhow to decode avis to divx or xvid ?08:14
dawn`chorusno idea.  but if they live up to Feisty, it'll be splendid.08:14
_Codeman_Ok, I lock my session, my brother starts a new session and is on for a bit, then logs off, then it goes to a gray screen and doesn't respond to anything except Ctrl+Alt+Del, any idea why it would do that08:14
tonyyarusso!gutsy | bruenig, look at last link08:14
ubotubruenig, look at last link: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+108:14
colbertCan I play video formats with a fresh Feisty install or what do I need to do08:14
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bruenigclearzen, there aren't that many of those08:14
dawn`choruscolbert, you'll need to install some codecs for restricted formats.  i'll give a link.  just a sec.08:15
tonyyarussoI'd argue that.  I get the impression there are many more than you think.08:15
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J-_bruenig: not totally sure08:15
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natbetanyone know how to get surround sound working?08:15
bruenigJ-_, do iwconfig and see which interface has stuff by it08:15
phpcurioushow do you re-install a package in ubuntu?08:15
clearzen!restricted | colbert08:15
ubotucolbert: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:15
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dawn`choruscolbert, http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html08:16
tonyyarussophpcurious: sudo aptitude reinstall packagename08:16
phpcuriousahhh thanks08:16
tmcksi'm trying to build linux-restricted modules for a custom kernel (2.6.21) -- I've modified the version in the debian/rules file but it appears to still be building against my original kernel headers -- any pointers?08:16
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bruenigtonyyarusso, that list is underwhelming, at least at the top, the first two have no real impact on end user, except I guess the first one if it prints out more meaningful errors so people can understand it, the next one no impact, free flash won't happen by gutsy08:16
bruenigthen a bunch of mobile stuff08:17
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tonyyarussotmcks: I can't stick around now to look at much, but check if it has a manual link to the dir or anything silly like that?08:17
dawn`chorustmcks, i'm a newb, but maybe /usr/src/linux needs to point to the new headers?08:17
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tmcksdawn`chorus: i have that link in place08:17
tmckstonyyarusso: it doesn't appear to08:18
bruenigJ-_, did you figure that out?08:18
MrOtaconhey guys - the power is going down in my apt block @ 9 in the morning, but i wont be here.. i want my computer to shut down at, say 8:45 as i have active torrents... anyone know how to use the shutdown command to do this?08:18
clearzenMrOtacon: make a cron job for it08:18
dawn`chorusMrOtacon, sudo shutdown -h +MIN can do it to.08:18
bruenigMrOtacon, you could count the number of seconds and do shutdown -t seconds08:18
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bruenigoh it has mins?08:19
MrOtacondawn`chorus: thanks :)08:19
dawn`choruswith the + in front.08:19
MrOtaconthanks everyone08:19
bruenigI would have gone cron job route myself08:19
J-_bruenig: not sure what to figure out actially? =\ whether it be wlan0 or not, not sure where to check.08:19
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dawn`choruslike sudo shutdown -h +120 is two hours from now.08:19
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defryskMrOtacon, sudo shutdown -h hh:mm08:20
MrOtacon:) - yep - works fine, thanks a lot :D08:20
kravlinwoot. now i'm using smart to try and find out if my disk is good or not.08:20
kravlinany help with that one?08:20
bruenigJ-_, I said, open a terminal, do iwconfig and see which one has wireless stuff by it08:20
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dawn`chorusMrOtacon, there's always four correct ways to do anything in Linux.  :)08:20
dawn`chorusif not more.08:20
MrOtacondawn`chorus: :D - just getting used to it - ditched XP yesterday08:20
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ignignokti thought i should let you know, the sound stopped working because i was messing with groups08:21
dawn`chorusMrOtacon, Linux Pocket Guide.  written for Fedora, has a couple Debian commands, but is a good primer for $10.08:21
ignignoktsomehow i removed my permission to access sound devices08:21
ignignoktall's well now :)08:21
Nippa$(sleep XXm; sudo shutdown now) & would do it too... >_>08:21
arooniok so my livecd said ubuntu was installed and such08:21
bruenigJ-_, or...08:21
aroonibut when i tell my bios to boot from the ubuntu disk08:22
arooninothign happens..... ;:(08:22
bruenigNippa, except you would need to be there to give it the password08:22
clearzenNippa: Can you use hours with that instead of mins?08:22
Nippayeah, hours work instead of minutes08:22
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bruenigthat command will not work, it will ask you for a password08:22
dawn`chorusthat'd suck.08:23
Nippabruenig: well that could be fixed by putting it in a script and sudoing that instead of the shutdown command ... but I guess that takes away some of the simplicity08:23
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bruenigyeah or I suppose you could do sudo bash -c "sleep whatever; shutdown -h now"08:23
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colbertI want to copy my crontab from my Edgy partition over to this Feisty install, where is that located on root ?08:23
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bruenigor something like that08:24
bruenigdo ls /etc  | grep cron08:24
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clearzenWhat is the differance between the sudo -i and sudo -s -H commands?08:24
colbertbruenig: ok it's there08:24
ant-clearzen, 'man sudo'08:25
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bruenigsudo -i and sudo -s seem identical to me08:25
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MRAll done. Thanks08:25
greenboy623all: i'm looking to build a Ubuntu pc here very soon, i only have experience in OSX and Mandrake 5-908:25
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crdlbclearzen, sudo -i is like 'su -', and sudo -s is like 'su'08:26
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greenboy623what'll be different in ubuntu if anything?08:26
clearzencrdlb: thanks08:26
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defryskgreenboy623, easyer packagemanagemnt and more speed08:26
bruenigless speed08:26
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bruenigubuntu is slow amongst the distros08:27
greenboy623cuz i'm getting sick of mandrake08:27
TixerWhat's a good IRC client with DCC for Ubuntu, that can be administered by SSH?08:27
glickbruenig, in what way?08:27
defryskglick, IN A TROLLING WAY08:27
bruenigglick, have you tried a lot of other distros08:27
TixerAlso, how do you enable remote desktop?08:27
defryskoops caps08:27
glickyeha i used to use debian, slackware, and tried fedora08:27
glickand suse08:27
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bruenigglick, well it is certainly slower then slack08:28
bruenigfedora and suse are just as bad08:28
glickin what way?08:28
bruenignever used debian08:28
greenboy623suse is a pain in the ass at times08:28
ignignoktdebian = ubuntu08:28
ignignokti didn't expect them to be THAT similar08:28
glickdebian != ubuntu08:28
ignignoktoh cmon08:28
greenboy623never used debian either08:28
=== jetole_ [n=jetole@c-67-191-47-9.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigit enables everything08:29
ignignokti was exaggerating, for what it's worth08:29
bruenigmakes it really slow08:29
glickbruenig, what do you mean enables everything?08:29
Talaman72try linux.org08:29
TixerAlso, how do you enable remote desktop?08:29
bruenigin terms of compilation08:29
glickits pretty fast on my computer08:29
tmcksmy issue exactly: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29200508:29
TixerI have a server running, that I forgot to enable Remote desktop on, but SSH is active.08:29
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jetole_hey guys08:29
dawn`chorus!hi | jetole_08:30
ubotujetole_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:30
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jetole_thanks bot and owner08:30
bruenigglick, fast compared to what, fast being a relative term08:30
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bruenig!thanks | jetole_08:30
ubotujetole_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:30
ALL4Nis it possible to have different resolution on the different workspaces in gnome/xfce?08:30
glickbruenig, seems like just vague trolling to me08:30
jetole_well that just cheered me up a little08:30
glickif you want it "faster" you can boot into a shell08:31
jetole_has anyone been able to get java (from any company) to work in 64bit firefox?08:31
TixerHow do you enable Remote Desktop over SSH?08:31
clearzen Tixer: You can forward X over ssh ssh -X  user@
jetole_Tixer, I wouldn't08:31
TixerI kinda need to see stuff....08:31
glickor use a less memory intensive window manager like xubuntu08:31
greenboy623bruenig, i'm going to be running ubuntu on a 1.6 ghz athlon cpu with a gig of ram08:31
jetole_Tixer, use vnc08:31
greenboy623it's not  gonna slug on that is it?08:31
TixerIt's a mythTV box, and it's not outputting anything over TVout08:31
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clearzenTixer: -C uses compression and --:1 will change the xsession it runs on08:32
TixerI'd use VNC, but I want a really fast way to install it...08:32
Tixerso what do I type into putty to forward X?08:32
brueniggreenboy623, depending on your own preferences, it will be fine and usable, others are just faster which is something I am a bit obsessive over08:32
clearzenTixer: xvncviewer should work too08:32
TixerI need a vnc server08:32
TixerI'm on Windows, I need to see what my server is up to.08:32
clearzenTixer: It's a bitch with putty08:32
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greenboy623bruenig, i like speed, tho being a poor boy and all, i get used to dealing with slugs08:32
jetole_Tixer, from a command line try => startx ssh -X server.x.y.z gnome-session -- :108:33
jetole_Tixer, from a true terminal08:33
TixerIsn't there a way to just activate remote desktop?08:33
jetole_not a xterm in X08:33
glicki find ubuntu plenty fast08:33
bruenigglick, I have used a ridiculous number of distros, and alongside fedora and suse, ubuntu is in the slower groups08:33
clearzenTixer: X over ssh is much more secure08:33
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TixerI don't really care about security08:33
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TixerThis box doesn't go outside.08:33
greenboy623tixer, how couldn't u?08:33
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alecw1What's the problem running Beryl and Wine together?08:33
jetole_Tixer, Menu => System => Preferences => Remote Desktop08:33
greenboy623does it have any wire to any network?08:33
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Tixerjetole_: I on;y have SSH access...08:34
Tixerit has a wire to MY network08:34
dawn`chorusi've seen noticeable difference btwn Ubuntu vs. Arch, say, but not Ubuntu vs. Fedora or Suse or Sabayon...08:34
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Tixerwhere it recieves TV from08:34
Tixernot from the internet though08:34
J-_how do I reconfigure X?08:34
Tixeroutside connections are blocked.08:34
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greenboy623ohh ic08:34
dawn`chorusJ-_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:35
greenboy623physical disconnection?08:35
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J-_now that I fooled around with init, X won't start08:35
clearzenJ-_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:35
greenboy623then u should care about security08:35
TixerJust router blocks all outbound traffic08:35
Tixerso no worries.08:35
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greenboy623i dunno08:35
jetole_Tixer, I just gave you an answer a minute ago08:35
bruenigJ-_, did you figure out your connection issue yet08:35
Tixerbesides, I don't really care, it's a MythTV box08:35
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jetole_well at least to get a remote desktop I did08:35
TixerDoes someone want to steal the copy of House I downloaded?08:35
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TixerI don't think so.08:36
greenboy623i'll take it08:36
jetole_change to a terminal screen and type => startx ssh -X server.x.y.z gnome-session -- :108:36
Zeph_anyone know if there is a sync tool for ubuntu?08:36
greenboy623never seen it, but hellz yes, i'll take it08:36
dawn`chorusJ-_, you mean X won't start on boot or X won't start at all?08:36
Zeph_for pocket pc's08:36
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jetole_so no one on here has java working for 64 bit firefox?08:36
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Tixerjetole: I'm using Putty to connect.08:36
J-_clearzen: no i haven't, I tried to change my xsession, and I guess i fooled around with the wrong thing.08:36
bruenigjetole_, few people use 64 bit, it is kind of pointless08:36
Tixerjetole: startx ssh won't work.08:37
_AhtiIts a stupid place to ask this, but what would be the best Linux distribution aside from Ubuntu? Ubuntu broke down on me for the last time :P (Really broke) I don't require a "easy-to-use" distro, but i'd like one with good hardware detection and with stable software :)08:37
J-_ment bruenig08:37
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jetole_Tixer, then you have bigger problems, lol08:37
jetole_bruenig, why?08:37
bruenigjetole_, what is the point of using it?08:37
greenboy623_ahti: i've used debian before, and it's pretty solid08:37
Tixerwhy do I have bigger problems?08:37
dawn`chorus_Ahti, Fedora, OpenSuSE, PCLinuxOS08:37
glickbroke in what way?08:37
bruenigunless you need some big floating point numbers, there is very little performance boost08:38
MRHi, Is there a way to change from the amd64 to the normal i386 version?08:38
kravlinif i want to test my hard drive for problems using SMART and i have smartmontools what modifiers do i want to add?08:38
bruenigMR, reinstall08:38
jetole_bruenig, because 64 bit processing is faster then 32bit by using larger data paths and performing higher math computations per cpu cycle08:38
greenboy623and if u really wanna get into the thick of it you can look at gentoo lol08:38
bruenigjetole_, it is very small08:38
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MRbruenig: is it possible to update the souce list, and do dist-upgrade08:38
bruenigjetole_, at least as it is applied now08:38
greenboy623my g-d i've never seen a longer install process08:38
dawn`chorusgreenboy623, +108:38
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bruenigjetole_, certainly theoretically it is far better, but no one really takes advantage of it so you don't get much boost08:39
J-_dawn`chorus: boot, xdm comes up, I type in my password, and it just hangs, then goes back to gdm. I went to a tty, tried to log in and it was successful08:39
bruenigMR, no it isn't08:39
Tixerwhy do I have bigger problems if I'm using putty??08:39
glickhow did ubuntu break?08:39
_AhtiI've had the weirdest issues with Gentoo... I can't get the X server run AT ALL! Freaky bastard08:39
jetole_bruenig, java is the only thing not working on this at the moment and on my 32 bit installation on a 64 bit server I own there are a few apps I am having trouble with08:39
bruenigjetole_, well for server maybe08:39
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:39
rucarrotI met a dpkg error when I upgrade my os from drapper to edgy. the volumeid can't pass by the error: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/volumeid_093-0ubuntu18_i386.deb (--install):08:39
_Ahti!spam | StoLA08:39
ubotuStoLA: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)08:39
greenboy623not as bad as my issues08:39
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kravlin if i want to test my hard drive for problems using SMART and i have smartmontools what modifiers do i want to add?08:40
greenboy623half of the time when installing i can't chroot into the system to finish setup08:40
MRbruenig: Ok Thank you08:40
jetole_actually my mistake, that wasn't a server I was refering to, I do have a 64 bit server I run but it has no X let alone firefox ;)08:40
dawn`chorusJ-_, did you change the xdm script?08:40
bruenigjetole_, for desktop computing, I couldn't tell any difference08:40
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dawn`chorusJ-_, what -did- you do?08:41
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J-_dawn`chorus: I don't think so, I was fooling around in .fluxbox, trying to get init working so nm-applet would run once the computer restarts08:41
randoman__anyone know what package i would need If i get this08:41
randoman__ checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found08:41
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bruenigor something like that08:41
jetole_bruenig, the difference is there, If I compile two hello worlds against 64bit and 32bit apps the difference is there, but that aside, there are more apps I could not run with 32bit on a 64bit08:41
randoman__k ill check it out08:41
J-_it was either my home directory, or in .fluxbox. where init and .init is.08:41
bruenigrandoman__, apt-cache search python | grep dev08:42
dawn`chorusJ-_, that's beyond me, man.  you'll have to expand upon "fooling around".  :)08:42
greenboy623outta here, gotta apply an osx update08:42
kravlin if i want to test my hard drive for problems using SMART and i have smartmontools what modifiers do i want to add?08:42
randoman__but ill do that08:42
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J-_dawn`chorus: lol, guess that's what I get for fooling around >.> =(08:42
J-_gonna try and reconfigure X08:42
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dawn`chorusJ-_, if X starts, but not on boot, that's probably not the issue.08:43
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zirodayrandoman__: what package?08:43
J-_dawn`chorus: k, if xdm starts, would that mean X has started?08:43
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randoman__i installed python-dev and it seems to be working08:43
Frogzookravlin: read the docs in /usr/share/doc/smartmontools/08:43
randoman__its installing08:43
TixerHow do you enable default remote desktop over SSH?08:43
zirodayrandoman__: ok then08:43
kravlin if i want to test my hard drive for problems using SMART and i have smartmontools what modifiers do i want to add?08:44
randoman__thanks for the help guys08:44
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Zeph_i need a sync tool for pocket pc ubuntu what would u reccomend i use?08:44
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MRbruenig: When i restart my computer with the desktop cd and choose install, i get heaps of errors and then the terminal. How can i load the GUI interface?08:45
dawn`chorusJ-_, that's a good question.  i've seen X die both before and after gdm.  i've had weird looking gdm screens, and fine gnome screens.08:45
randoman__greatly appreciated08:45
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magnetheadSimple question: What does the "sigmatel output bias" switch do in alsa mixer?08:45
bruenigMR, there might be some problem with your disk, try getting another one08:45
Zeph_bruenig: like sync music onto the 1gb card08:45
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Zeph_on my pocket pc08:45
nenolodinstalled ubuntu feisty with debootstrap08:45
bruenigZeph_, you can't just copy it over08:45
zirodayZeph_: rsync08:45
randoman__but now i can continue installing gnome2.18.208:45
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nenolodbut i get /usr/bin/locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory08:45
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nenolodhow do i fix it in ubuntu, my method for fixing it in debian does not work08:45
MRbruenig: ok, brb08:45
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bruenigoh rsync then, I get what you mean08:46
magnetheadand is there a way i can change the front/rear balance of my surround sound (currently running using the 4 channel stereo option)08:46
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_AhtiHmm... Would installing a liveCD distro have any... well... say i installed SLAX on my laptop's hard-drive... Would that work like, say Ubuntu on my harddrive?08:46
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aroonihey folks,i installed ubuntu 7.04 from the livecd.. but when i go to boot up.... nothing happens08:47
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dawn`chorusarooni, do you get GRUB screen?08:47
zirodayarooni: specify nothing, do you get to grub?08:47
tonsofpcsarooni: did you install a bootloader? was your bios 'mbr protect' enabled?08:47
aroonii see "Verifiying DMI Pool Data .................." thats it08:48
aroonii told bios to boot from that hard drive too08:48
J-_dawn`chorus: cool08:48
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arooniso i dont think there would be a grub08:48
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aroonior i didnt get there at least08:48
aroonitonsofpcs: i just used live cd08:48
J-_oh noes, I did something to mess err something up! I deleted the init thinger and flux isn't booting up heh! =(08:48
arooniso if it installed a bootloader, then one was.... otherwise no08:49
arooniand i have no idea if my bios is mbr protect enabled08:49
J-_thank goodness for mc!08:49
dawn`chorusJ-_, one way to test.  get to tty.  and then, X --config /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:49
J-_but.. yeah!08:49
=== MarcusTheReveren [n=angel@71-221-173-245.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
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TixerHow do you enable default remote desktop over SSH?08:50
dawn`chorusJ-_, you in irssi?08:50
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magnetheadSimple question: What does the "sigmatel output bias" switch do in alsa mixer?08:50
J-_dawn`chorus: yes08:51
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J-_on my desktop08:51
J-_not on the server08:51
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colbertHow do I get my mounted drives to not show on my desktop /?08:51
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_AhtiIs installing a distro intended as a liveCD "only" generally a smart idea? Say i was installing SLAX on my harddrive?08:52
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dawn`choruscolbert,  System Tools > Conf' Editor > Apps > Nautilus > Desktop.08:53
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J-_fatal server error, then on another line below; unrecognized option --config08:53
dawn`chorusan easier way?08:53
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dawn`chorusJ-_, oh.  not two -'s.  just one.  -config.  X -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:54
imbecile_hahahahahaha.. I found something on digg you guys might think is funny http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report?url=www.linuxsucks.org08:54
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zirodayimbecile_: you actually seen the site?08:54
MISTERTibbslinuxsux has what, 100 registered users??08:54
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MISTERTibbsLinuxsux runs on ~ ~ ~ Linux!08:55
_AhtiMISTERTibbs: Lol, i read that too, hilarious.08:55
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imbecile_MISTERTibbs,  thats the funny part08:55
zirodayhave any of u ACTUALLY gone to the site08:55
MISTERTibbsziroday, yes08:55
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zirodayMISTERTibbs: its pro linux08:56
imbecile_ziroday,  yeah those freaks took down the posts telling that it runs on linux08:56
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zirodayread some of thier articles08:56
MISTERTibbsziroday, ???08:56
gnomefreakguys please stay on topic08:56
MISTERTibbsziroday, I admit I only read the posts08:56
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A_blost but entertained :)08:57
J-_dawn`chorus: yeah still fatal error. Think I'm going to remove nm-applet or network-manager-gnome. and see what that does.08:57
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dawn`chorusJ-_, watch that work like a charm!08:58
dawn`choruswhat's the topic again?08:58
dawn`chorusoh.  *buntu08:58
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novato_brhow can I keep app on only desktop ( beryl )?09:00
J-_woah sorry09:00
J-_yeah network-manager-gnome didn't do it! heh09:01
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linxuz3ranyone using Compiz or beryl and running vmware?09:01
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gonzoismJ-_ what server is it ?09:01
pr4bhwhy cant touchpad on ubuntu cant behave like it does in windows? :s09:02
pr4bhthats the only thing that is making me miss windows apart from that im happy with ubuntu09:02
gonzoismpr4bh like scroll on the side ?09:02
joe3i have a pc with a pci card and an onboard video when i boot w/ the pci attachment everything displays fine during boot until it tries to load X, then i get a blank screen, if i use the mobo connector then i boot into ubuntu fine, i can't turn the mobo graphix off in the bios, do you think i have a hardware problem or a problem with ubuntu?09:03
novato_brin beryl, when I change desktop, it show on another desktop my app minimized, how can I do it's not show it on another desktop?09:03
gonzoismpr4bh and recognize 2 fingers ?09:03
ericrwpr4bh, there is a program to control the trackpad09:03
ericrwpr4bh, I use it to disable all those stupid "features"09:03
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gonzoismpr4bh synaptics09:03
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ericrwpr4bh, there qtsynaptics as well (maybe a different name?)  that i think is a lot better (and I'm a gnome user)09:04
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pr4bhoh ok ericrw09:04
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pr4bhill give it a spin and come back09:04
pr4bhthanks :)09:04
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ericrwthe package is qsynaptics09:05
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pr4bhyeah, installing it now :)09:05
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TixerSuccess! I've finally finished coding something!09:05
pr4bhi hope it doesnt cause any conflict with the main mouse setting app in gnome09:05
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TixerI have found a way to prevent a web site from being banned!09:06
gonzoismTixer  name it tor09:06
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TixerI've done better09:06
J-_'waiting for x server to shutdown freefontpath blah blah, recount is 2; should be 1:fixing.' then xinit: unexpected signal 109:07
gonzoismTixer did ya name it freenet ?09:07
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TixerI found a way to prevent a web site I run from being banned by any country09:07
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TixerAnd I did it for the cost of nothing09:07
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pr4bhhmm, qsynaptics still wouldnt provide more acceleration09:07
TixerI'ts pretty awesome09:07
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TixerI tied my site into like, 20 popular sites09:07
glickhas anyone played civ4 on ubuntu/winex?09:08
Tixerthey'd have to ban those to take out my site :)09:08
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gonzoismTixer  no, they wouldn't.  sorry.09:08
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joe3when i try to load from a graphics card into X i get a blank screen but the mobo card is working fine, how do I configure X to work?09:09
alecw1are you tehre/09:10
alecw1what did you do with your site? :)09:11
J-_that was fun, reconfigured X and it is, now working! =D thanks but my menu is gone! =(09:11
TixerI have a script that drops my dynamic IP nightly, and gets a new one09:11
A_bTixer, in my old comp studies- a way in leaves a way out :)09:11
alecw1What for? :P09:11
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J-_no custom fluxbox menu =(09:11
J-_ah well09:11
=== J-_ quiets down
TixerIt then emails a few hotmail / gmail / yahoo accounts, posts on Wikipedia, and a bunch of other shit.09:12
TixerTo get TO said IP, you need to log in.09:12
TixerSince it's email accounts :)09:12
TixerNoone can ban it if they don't know the IP09:12
alecw1Running something illegally? :P09:12
Tixerand they're not going to knock out every webmail provider09:12
TixerThink a massive torrent farm :)09:12
J-_!ohmy Tixer09:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy tixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:12
hideandseekI have no sound :(.  I made sure the correct sound card was selected in my sound preferences.  Also, I can hear sound when ubuntu starts up, just not when I'm in ubuntu09:12
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gnomefreakTixer alecw1 please move it over to #ubuntu-offtopic09:12
joe3I'm really trying to get help configuring X, it works fine with my mobo video card, but not my pci card help?09:13
gordonjcpTixer: everyone can design a security system they can't see any way to break09:13
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gonzoismjoe3  did you disable the mobo card ?09:14
gonzoismjoe3  either with software or with a jumper ?09:14
gonzoismjoe3 software being the bios09:15
gnomefreakjoe3: make sure you are using the right busID09:15
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Tixergordonjcp: Find a way to break my security then :)09:16
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gordonjcpTixer: I have09:16
Tixerwhat is it?09:16
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A_bwell Tixer could it be that you have established a set time release of ip?09:17
gordonjcpTixer: hint - how do other people find out what the new IP or hostname is?09:18
TixerBy checking an email?09:18
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A_bso ip is identifiable and traceable within a time span09:18
dosageThis sounds like a good chat, what is the main question being asked?09:18
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TixerIP isn't IDable or tracable09:19
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dosagethats the statement?09:19
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dosagethat you cant trace an IP?09:19
gordonjcp08:18 < Tixer> IP isn't IDable or tracable09:19
gordonjcper, what?09:19
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Tixermove discussion to #randomness plzkthx.09:19
gordonjcpTixer: -> #ubuntu-offtopic ;-)09:19
gnomefreakgordonjcp: join #ubuntu-offtopic to continue09:19
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gordonjcpgnomefreak: way ahead of you09:20
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joe3I've tried lspci and it's listing my "chipset graphics controller" (i'm guessing that's the mobo video controller" and my ATI card how do i get X to just use the ati card?09:20
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gonzoismjoe3 i think you have to tell it the bus id  or something.  identify it to X by its numbers09:23
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gonzoismjoe3  you can see in the X log where it talks about it09:23
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joe3i'm not sure how to tell this to x because the newest version doesn't have an xorg.conf file?09:23
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joe3is there an autoconfigure option for X?09:24
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gonzoismjoe3 no xorg.conf ?  are you sure ?09:25
gonzoismjoe3  is it ubuntu ?09:25
joe3I'm using feisty, newest update, it should be in etc/xorg right?09:25
mcmx_Hi i have a problem, when using home directories on an nfs4 share i get a problem when a new user logs on pam_mkhomedir creates the home directory with user nobody then the logging on user has no permissions, any help would be great, cheers09:26
gonzoismjoe3 /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:26
humehi....is there an audio recorder in ubuntu that can record line in audio directly to mp3 or ogg?09:26
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gonzoismhume audacity is pretty good.09:26
LeoDioxidehume: you have to encode it, but audacity does that =] 09:26
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humei do use audacity, but would prefer something that did not first record as wav, then encode - I have a looot of sound, takes large amout of disk space and processor power....09:27
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gonzoismhume i think it can encode on the fly09:28
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LeoDioxidemcmx_: why not give user nobody permissions?09:28
LeoDioxidemcmx_: also, you can specify which user samba uses in the /etc/samba/****.conf file09:28
LeoDioxidefor default09:28
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mcmx_all the users are stored in ldap if that makes a difference09:29
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LeoDioxidemcmx_: can you explain your setup for me?09:30
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mcmx_yeah, i have a server running LDAP and another running nfs4. clients authenticate against ldap to logon, nfs home directories are mounted from the server09:31
mcmx_all ubuntu edgy09:31
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mcmx_pam_mkhomedir is supposed to create the home directory on the share properly but just creates it with user nobody09:32
melchior7whats the command to get unix time? (seconds since 1970)09:32
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pixelationI need help remembering the name of a program.09:32
LeoDioxidemelchior7: date?09:33
Irealmelchior7: date +%s09:33
melchior7leo/Ireal, thanks09:33
gonzoismpixelation   gimp ?09:33
mcmx_LeoDioxide: any better?09:33
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gonzoismpixelation   xtree ?09:33
pixelationIt was basically like the add/remove programs.. You could browse by genre of download (media, utility etc).09:33
joe3alright, i found xorg.conf and see that it is pointing to the wrong bus id, i can see the bus id in lspci, where do i look up the driver for an ati radeon 9200 pro?09:34
LeoDioxidemcmx_: yeah, lemme find an answer for you09:34
=== J-_ mutters to self, I can go into Fluxbox in su, but not as user.
=== J-_ reformats
joe3is there an autoconfig option for xorg?09:34
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Flannelpixelation: That still doesn't narrow it down a whole lot.  More details.  GUI? textmode? what else?09:34
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Ireala hola09:35
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gonzoismpixelation synaptic ?09:35
pixelationGUI, there was a side bar, and you would click the type of downloads you wanted to browse. You would put checkmarks next to the items you wanted to download. And then when ready you would hit the green checkmark at the top and the downloads would start.09:35
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Flannelpixelation: synaptic package manager.09:35
LeoDioxidemcmx_: it seems to me that unless pam_mkhomedir is failing horribly, all your users are being bounced back as the default login09:36
pixelationI don't think it was that.09:36
gonzoismpixelation or was it in kde ?  adept ?09:36
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Flannelpixelation: system > admin > Synaptic package manager.  It was.  Is.  gnome or kde or what?09:36
mcmx_LeoDioxide: any suggestions?09:36
pixelationI recall it starting with a 'x'. It wasn't adept. It might've been in gnome.09:36
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Flannelpixelation: it's synaptic.  Go check it out, youll see.09:37
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gonzoismpixelation run the synaptic command09:37
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pixelationThat isn't it.09:37
pixelationThe other program had icons instead of text.09:37
pixelationIt started with an 'x'.09:37
=== Ireal really likes guessing games!
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gonzoismpixelation is it currently installed ?09:38
pixelationIt was.09:38
pixelationNow it isn't.09:38
gonzoismpixelation do you have any reason to believe it might not be now ?09:38
gonzoismpixelation ah09:38
Flannelpixelation: it's automatix.  You don't want to use it.  It breaks systems.09:38
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pixelationO rly?09:38
=== Hana [n=alyssa@adsl-69-110-71-153.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelhttp://linuxfud.files.wordpress.com/2006/10/automatix2.png  looks like that?09:39
nrdbI installed the odbc-postgresql package, but when I start OpenOffice Database connection wizard it says libodbc.so.1 and there isn't, there is a libodbcinst.so.1 how do I fix this ?09:39
pixelationYeah that was it.09:39
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DjViperpixelation: smartass comments are lame...09:39
Flannelpixelation: yeah.  That breaks your system.  You don't want to use it.09:39
gonzoismpixelation i use it.  every time.  i like it.  i don't understand why other people hate it.09:39
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Flannelgonzoism: because it breaks things09:39
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LeoDioxidemcmx_: check the config on the ldap server, and make sure its logging into the nfs with the users instead of nobody09:39
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pixelationDjViper: no really it is.09:39
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humegonzoism, got any idea on how to make audacity encode as mp3 on the fly?09:40
mcmx_LeoDioxide: Logging into the nfs?09:40
pixelationThank you room.09:40
gonzoismhume  i'll check09:41
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LeoDioxidemcmx_: sounds like you have one server with LDAP, another with your filesystems and directories, and the third being the user09:41
hideandseekHi, is there a way to force screen resolutions?  My max screen revolution right now is 800x600 and my monitor supports much higher than that.09:42
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LeoDioxideusers tries to login to home directory, server #2 goes to the ldap, authenticates, ldap says "great, give him a default user account"09:42
mcmx_LeoDioxide: yeah, well thats the plan09:43
gonzoismhume k09:43
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gonzoismhume record your sounds/voice then export as mp3.09:43
mcmx_home directories are mounted through fstab straight to /home from the fileserver09:43
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gonzoismhume its in the first dropdown menu09:43
LeoDioxidemcmx_: so either the LDAP server is seeing nobody and assigning everyone a default account, or samba is just failing to use the LDAP server and using the default account09:44
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mcmx_there is no samba in use the client machines are ubuntu09:44
gonzoismhume  see it ?09:44
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humegonzoism, ok, but then it saves it temporarily as another, larger, format.... until encoded as mp3. but i'll guess that's what i need to do09:44
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LeoDioxideoh, it's not that kind of plugin...09:45
humeright now i ran into a problem: it cannot play sound, there is a problem with audio device... you know how to find out which device to use?09:45
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:46
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jetscreamer!info hwinfo09:48
ubotuhwinfo: Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 13.11-3 (feisty), package size 40 kB, installed size 108 kB09:48
LeoDioxidemcmx_: I dunno man, turn off the default account, and see if the LDAP logs show anyone even logging in09:48
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andreas_Hi. Can someone please help me install some fonts that I have downloaded?09:49
Flannel!fonts | andreas_09:49
ubotuandreas_: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:49
AusicaemiaI'll ask again now09:49
AusicaemiaDoes anybody know why my startup entries get reset on reboot? Is there are a way to edit the file directly or something?09:50
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AusicaemiaForum thread for more specific details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48369909:50
jessidhello. I would like to put my laptop to hibernate and in theory it can, but when i try to "restore" it (dont know how to call that process) it never starts again. i have to turn it off (pushing the power button during 5 secs)and turn it on again... Is is possible to fix that and make the hybernation work well???  Thanks a lot!!!09:50
usuario_q pasa09:50
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marfeathis it possible to cat a virtual terminal's stdout? (i'm ssh'ed on a box and I want to read the contents of another terminal)09:53
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gonzoismlots of joiners09:53
matasonHi, I plugged in a usb keyboard last week for an hour or so and ever since my laptop has num-lock on by default - any ideas? I'm running Gnome on Ubuntu 7.0409:53
osphyany how-to for xgl on feisty fawn.09:54
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kuzmasterhey everyone09:54
marfeath!compiz | osphy09:54
ubotuosphy: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:54
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:54
gonzoismmatason i think there is an option for that in the menu.  under user pref.'s  keyboard maybe09:54
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:54
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:55
matasongonzoism: thanks I'll check it out09:55
mitrovarranyone know how to get rid of the redirect that makes the kernel load the nvidia_new module when you try to load the nvidia one?09:55
Flanneluse ntfs-3g, it's built-in on feisty (just have to enable it)09:55
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:56
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someone2005ok I'm confused does ubuntu use Motif or GTK ?09:56
mitrovarrI accidentally installed the nvidia-glx-new package and now it refuses to let me use the regular nvidia driver09:56
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tritiumsomeone2005: gnome uses GTK.  Very little uses Motif any more.09:57
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humegonzoism, i got a problem in audacity with playback, it seems it cannot play through the alsa device set in preferences, but I cannot change it. You know how to manage this?09:57
someone2005ok thanks I'll give that a try...09:57
kuzmasterhow safe is it to use ntfs-3g on ubuntu to rename files on ntfs drives?09:58
marfeathkuzmaster: I use it on a regular basis, if it is just xp you are fine09:58
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wigfreitzwhats the ubuntu mozilla room? I cant find it09:59
marfeathno problem09:59
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Tom47marfeath: you may find yr answer amongst this lot ... http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/submitted/handle_terminal_output.jsp09:59
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marfeathTom47: thanks!09:59
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Flannelwigfreitz: that'd be because there isn't one10:00
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matasongonzoism: Couldn't see any specific setting regarding num-lock on boot, I know KDE has this option from my googling10:01
matasonAnd there's plenty of instructions of how to get num-lock on by default!10:01
wigfreitzFlannel: there bloody is10:01
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Flannelwigfreitz: no, there isn't.  This is the channel where you'd ask Ubuntu questions that have to do with FF/seamonkey/et al.10:02
wigfreitzFlannel, you talk poo mate #ubuntu-mozillateam10:02
mitrovarrwell, I managed to extract a solution to the nvidia_new thing from google.  Anyone interested?10:04
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jetscreamerwhat is an nvidia_new thing10:04
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mitrovarrwell, I installed nvidia-glx-new by mistake since I thought I have a geforce 6 in here but it's really a 410:05
mitrovarrbut no matter what I did, it refused to load module nvidia from nvidia-glx instead10:05
mitrovarreven despite doing a complete removal of nvidia-glx-new10:05
mitrovarrthere's a hidden file in /lib/linux-restricted-modules that redirects it.  Get rid of it and it's fixed10:06
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mitrovarrit apparently happens with nvidia-glx-legacy too10:06
mitrovarrwell, i'm rebooting10:06
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:08
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dosageHaving random ubunto lockup issues, is there a good channel to ask some questions in?10:10
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LeoDioxidewhy yes, yes it is!10:10
enviouzdosage:  like x crashing or something else?10:10
dosageTotal Freeze, no mouse, no keyboard, no interation at all10:11
dosagePower button is the only solution10:11
enviouzi seen that happen only once before10:11
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enviouzati graphics?10:11
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MISTERTibbsdosage, dmesg|more will give you a log10:11
mcmx_LeoDioxide: It appears i cannot change ownership of a file on any nfsv4 share even if the permissions permit this, it works fine on the local file system, any ideas on that?10:12
enviouzusing restricted driver?10:12
dosagedefault ati drivers10:12
mcmx_That would be a cause of the home directory prob10:12
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enviouzahh ic nvm10:12
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enviouzi asked becaus ethe old ati restricted driver was bugged10:13
dosageI was thinking about switching to the drivers provided by ATI, but I am ... scared10:13
LeoDioxidemcmx_: that is interesting, can you login as root and try?10:13
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:14
crazedi <3 ubuntu10:14
mcmx_LeoDioxide: i am trying to change permissions as root no avail. its nfsv3 sorry10:14
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crazedthis channel makes me happy :10:14
dosageI thought it might be my use of compiz, but I get the same random lockups with and without10:14
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hideandseekHow do I add more workspaces?10:14
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enviouzdosage:  dont switch to the ati driver from the repo. its bugged. i have a link to the new packages but they never will be put in the repos10:15
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LeoDioxidemcmx_: are the filesystems mounted read-only?  I know that over a network sometimes you won't get errors10:15
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matasonhideandseek: There may be other ways but this is how I know, add a workspace switcher to a panel then right-click and choose prefs, there's an option for number of workspaces there10:16
dosageWhy not?10:16
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mcmx_no my options in exports is (rw,sync) i can create directories on the share ok10:16
mcmx_and they do belong to the user once created but try and chown it to another user it fails10:16
dosagealright, I might be on the wrong page ... I am using the drivers that are part of the base text based install10:16
mcmx_permission denied10:17
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LeoDioxidepermission denied as root, I've never heard of it10:17
dosageshould I look for something that is newer?10:17
jepeswhere can i find  a big list of supported printers? i would like to use the list as a reference for selling pc's with ubuntu installed.10:17
enviouzdosage:  those are the open source drivers right?10:17
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dosageyes I am retty sure10:17
gonzoismLeoDioxide sometimes you get those when trying to delete files with the immutable attribute.  (lsattr  or chattr +i filename.txt)10:18
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:18
enviouzok idk about them ones. i only use the closed drivers10:18
dosageThe only restricted drivers I am using would be the atheros for my wifi10:18
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mcmx_LeoDioxide: i know i cant get my head round it lol10:18
gonzoismmcmx_ are you deleting ?10:18
dosageI have an older ati card though, the forums seem to conclude I sould continue with the default open drivers10:19
yo2k!cups | jepes10:19
ubotujepes: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:19
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enviouzdosage:  ati rage by chance?10:19
dosagemobility 910010:19
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dosage<-- on a laptop10:19
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mcmx_gonzoism: yeah  and its still creating directories as nobody10:20
gonzoism!ati | gonzoism10:20
enviouzi dont know much about ati's numbering. how old is it?10:20
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gonzoismmcmx_ does lsof | grep dirname show anything ?10:20
dosage2 years or so10:20
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MrOtaconhey guys - is there anyway i can add myself as a root so that i don't have to type in a password when i sudo stuff?10:20
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MrOtaconi added myself to sudoers through "sudo visudo"10:21
mcmx_gonzoism: nope10:21
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MrOtaconand added my user as a root with "sudo adduser me root"10:21
gonzoismMrOtacon yeah, there is a sudoers group or something in the config in the menu10:21
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GeekMaster1I'm back10:21
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GeekMaster1Wondering if there was anyone else that was experienced with VMWare that I haven't talked to yet.10:21
enviouzidk why they would suggest that. maybe the closed drivers dont support that exact card10:22
dosageenviouz: you thinking the issues might be video card related?10:22
GeekMaster1I'm having a real hard time making my VMWare with Vista 32 bit Home Premium installed on my Ubuntu Feisty seamless as if it's a part of Ubuntu as I have seen on other guides and posts.10:22
GeekMaster1So far what I've done is:10:22
GeekMaster1-Install RDesktop10:22
GeekMaster1-Install Vista (Home Premium 32 bit) on VMWare10:22
GeekMaster1-InstallVMWare Tools on my Vista (Home Premium 32 bit) VM10:22
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MrOtacongonzoism: I cant find that man - would chaning my main group to root work? also - do i have to change uid?10:22
enviouzidk much about the open drivers but it may be.10:22
gonzoismMrOtacon  see the user admin thing in the menu ?  are you in gnome ?10:23
enviouzlet me check once and see if the closed drivers support taht card10:23
MrOtacongonzoism: yeah - im in gnome - admin>users n groups10:23
gonzoismMrOtacon   you just have to add yourself to the sudoers group10:23
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dosageThanks env, loving ubuntu, but the lockups are getting to me10:24
milestoneHi all10:24
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GeekMaster1If ANYONE can help me please contact me at : AIM: danielmichel0101 Yahoo~: danielmichel0101 MSN: danielmichel0101@hotmail.com ICQ: 488336961 GTalk: xcingix@gmail.com10:24
MrOtacongonzoism: thats the thing - there isn't a sudoers group10:24
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Ind[y] I have installed openssh-server. How do I use it? Through which command?10:24
gonzoismMrOtacon ah.  weird. i somehow added my dad to it the other day.10:24
gonzoismMrOtacon feisty10:24
MrOtacongonzoism: yeah10:24
gonzoismMrOtacon maybe a root group then10:24
yo2kInd[y] : man ssh10:24
milestoneI have an edgy servcer to which I only have ssh access. Now I want to remotely configure software raid 1. I found a howto for the process for red hat, which should be easily adaptable10:25
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JPi have uninstalled a lot of evolution, but now i have also uninstalled some thing like gnome panel so my gnome has no taskbar anymore...10:25
PepperyNoob question but how do I cp a bunch of directories to the current one?10:25
MrOtaconyeah - there is root group... i just changed myself to it - hopefully it'll work.. let me reoot to try :)10:25
PepperyI get errors about it omitting directories.10:25
milestonelooking at /etc/fstab I see lines starting with UUID is that a label or what is that?10:25
hehellphow can i solve this when i boot this 7.04 live cd it asks for username and password?10:25
MrOtaconalso - the shutdown -P command just halts my comp instead of shutting it down... does anyone know why this is? apci is enabled in the bios10:25
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yo2kPeppery: man cp10:25
hideandseekhow do I find out if my Nvidia drivers are up to date?10:25
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hehellpwhat causes this to ask for username and password?10:26
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Pepperyyo2k: Thats not helpful.10:27
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gonzoismhideandseek  glxinfo |grep irect    does it say Yes ?10:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:28
milestonethe raid howto is available via http://togami.com/~warren/guides/remoteraidcrazies/10:28
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hideandseekXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:28
hideandseekXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:28
hideandseekXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:28
hideandseekError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual10:28
stewrazcan i get some help please, i have just switched out to ubuntu, from windows. i am tryying to get some torrents downloading, however they seem to go very slow when i compare it to what i was getting through XP. i have changed the port to something and made sure it is open in the router10:28
yo2kPeppery: you mean cp = copy ?10:28
stewrazany thoughts10:28
milestoneany help is highly appreciated10:28
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gonzoismstewraz try a popular torrent, and let it go for a little while to make enough connections10:29
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gonzoismstewraz are you getting over 40k/sec on the connection now ?  not just P2P but any connection ? or all of the added up10:29
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stewrazgonzoism- i am using azurus, one thing is a little weird though, i have set the ports etc, however i still get an warnign when i start it up10:30
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LeoDioxidestewraz: are you getting full connectivity, (green face) or yellow?10:30
milestoneok the UUID is something like a label. That is at least what the manpage of fstab sais10:30
stewrazi am getting about 20k10:30
GeekMaster1I'm having a real hard time making my VMWare with Vista 32 bit Home Premium installed on my Ubuntu Feisty seamless as if it's a part of Ubuntu as I have seen on other guides and posts.10:30
enviouzdosage:  ok i guess the closed driver dosent support that card nothing below 950010:30
stewrazi have 5 going10:30
GeekMaster1So far what I've done is:10:30
GeekMaster1-Install RDesktop10:30
GeekMaster1-Install Vista (Home Premium 32 bit) on VMWare10:30
GeekMaster1-InstallVMWare Tools on my Vista (Home Premium 32 bit) VM10:30
stewrazgreen faces on all10:30
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Mamanhallo every body.... excuse me.. can someone help me how to crack .rar password in linux10:31
GeekMaster1please IM me @ AIM: danielmichel0101 Yahoo~: danielmichel0101 MSN: danielmichel0101@hotmail.com ICQ: 488336961 GTalk: xcingix@gmail.com10:31
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stewrazwhich makes me wonder why i still get a warning when i start up10:31
LeoDioxidewhich warning?10:31
aidanI have a Terminal profile for using IRSSI, is there any way to set that automatically through the Application In Terminal launcher?10:31
Pepperyyo2k: yeah -_-10:31
stewrazsomethign about the port 6118 not usable as it is taken by another ip address10:31
dosageenviouz: Thats teh impression I got, but I also noted that going through the ati website looking for linux drivers points me to the exact same ones for the 9500+10:31
PepperyThe man page doesn't help10:31
stewrazi dont use port 611810:31
dosagewell using thier wizard anyway10:32
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:32
yo2kPeppery: ooo... sorry...10:32
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LeoDioxidestewraz: does it choose random ports after it says unusable?  Are you saving the settings?10:32
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gonzoismstewraz try killing azureus. then do a ps ax|grep java and see if it is still running in the background somewhere10:33
stewraznope it has saved the settings i use port 4922210:33
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enviouzthat is strange10:33
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stewrazthese setting save10:33
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stewrazport 6118 was the defult that azurus sets10:33
dosageack! somebody typed the command to show the system log, can you show me again?10:33
dosagedmesg or something like that10:34
gonzoismdosage dmesg10:34
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dosagethanks =)10:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
hideandseekdo you know if beryl will work with a legacy card?10:35
zirodaytry and find out10:35
stewrazps ax|grep java does not show anything when azureus is closed10:35
hideandseekya i tried10:35
hideandseekbut it isnt working10:36
dosagegonzoism: will that log show information AFTER a crash and reboot?10:36
yo2kdosage: /var/log10:36
LeoDioxidedosage: thats just the current system, you can check other logs in /var/log10:36
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dosageahh, thanks so much10:37
dosageim a linux noob, can you tell?10:37
LeoDioxideso am I10:37
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Irealyou still live in the DOS age ? ;P10:37
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Refakkihi all10:37
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stewrazthis is the message i get UPnp: mapping 'UDP tracker Client port (udp/6118) has been reserved by please select a diffent port10:39
GeekMaster1If I JUST installed a program and it doesn't add it'self on to any menus how do I know whow to run it?10:39
stewrazany help is appreciated10:39
stewrazi have not set this port anywhere in azurus10:39
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LeoDioxidestewraz: change both the tcp and udp ports....10:40
dosageYippy ... kaboom ... reviewing logs10:40
LeoDioxideGeekMaster1: which program?10:40
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stewrazleodioxide - azureus seems to not have a setting for both, i can only see one menu to change it10:41
GeekMaster1Any given program. I want to kno wan easy way yo know how to run any given program that I have installed on my computer.10:41
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GeekMaster1LeoDioxide: Any given program. I want to kno wan easy way yo know how to run any given program that I have installed on my computer.10:41
LeoDioxidestewraz: try setting your options for expert mode10:41
yo2kGeekMaster1: like what ?10:41
stewrazleodioxide - the setting is meant to change both TCP and UDP10:41
Ajitdo I need internet connection to use apt-get ?10:41
stewrazmmm ok, how do i change that10:41
LeoDioxidestewraz: I think the config wizard lets you10:42
GeekMaster1yo2k: TheWidgetFactory10:42
yo2kAjit: yes or no, see your /etc/apt/sources.list10:42
mat1980GeekMaster1: you have to know the name of the command. you could look in the file installed by the packege. Then add that command in a new entry in the menu.10:42
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AusicaemiaDoes anybody know why my startup entries get reset on reboot? Is there are a way to edit the file directly or something?10:42
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AusicaemiaForum thread for more specific details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48369910:42
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stewrazleodioxide - ok did that but it still only has the one setting for both10:43
yo2kGeekMaster1: you type dpkg -i packages / apt-get insyall packages or ..?10:43
GeekMaster1I searched my computer for thewidgetfactory wiget, factory, the widget and other variations. I KNOW it's installed. I just dont know how to run it10:43
GeekMaster1yo2k: I installed it via Synaptic10:44
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LeoDioxidewow, that must be a new feature or something, my azureus has 2 seperate boxes for tcp and udp10:44
SqrlKngHey, does anyone have experience with the "No monitor detected" error after switching to the actual nVidia driver?10:44
stewraznever mind i will try another client10:45
SqrlKngwhen trying to start xserver, anyway10:45
yo2kGeekMaster1: actually, via synaptic add to menu at desktop... / or type sudo updatedb10:45
stewrazthanks for ur help guys10:45
dosagewould a log entry of "input: Power Button (CM) as /class/input/input7" mean what I think it means, a log of me pushing the power button?10:45
yo2kGeekMaster1: than type locate your-application10:45
stewrazone more leodioxide, why does my ratio show as red10:46
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LeoDioxidestewraz: it's not over 1.010:46
stewrazi have a good ratio rating10:46
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stewrazahhh yeah im not there yet10:46
LeoDioxidegood luck10:46
LeoDioxidelook for that UDP port!10:46
stewrazwill do10:46
LeoDioxideor ignore it, its only a fallback10:46
stewrazthanks heaps, have a good night/day where ever u r10:46
LeoDioxidehehe, cya10:47
mat1980SqrlKng: once I got that error, but much time ago. Have you tried to reconfigure xorg?10:47
randoman__anyone know what package nsinstall is in10:47
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SqrlKngyeah, still doesn't work using the nVidia ones.. only boots with the nv driver10:47
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enviouzi think so dosage10:48
yo2krandoman__: man dpkg10:48
GeekMaster1yo2k: http://pastebin.com/93584010:48
mat1980SqrlKng: monitor is configured in the same way with both driver?10:48
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SqrlKngyeah, the only thing I change is that first option10:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:49
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dosageLogs are indicating a lot of bluetooth activity around the time of crashing, is there an easy way to disable the bluetooth feature to rule it out as the cause?10:50
dosagenot wifi, but bluetooth10:50
mat1980SqrlKng: sorry... no idea... there should be a channel dedicated to X. Maybe there someone could help you more.10:50
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SqrlKngwhat would it be?10:50
dawnhi! question regarding mouse cursors for ubuntu 7.0410:50
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enviouzim not sure dosage10:50
yo2kGeekMaster1: i can't open your pastebin, so slower my connection...10:51
dawncan anybody help me? om me please..10:51
passbedoes anyone here know if you can set a pidgin buddy pounce to your entire contact list ?10:51
dawnpm* ^10:51
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GeekMaster1danny@danny-desktop:~$ thewidgetfactory10:51
GeekMaster1bash: thewidgetfactory: command not found10:51
derek_Hi! When I resume the computer from hibernation, why does the Wi-Fi light start glowing? And then I cannot even turn it off unless I restart/shutdown the system.10:51
mat1980SqrlKng: http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode&chat=xorg10:52
enviouzdosage:  check under system-->admin-->services10:52
SqrlKngmat1980:  thanks10:52
yo2kGeekMaster1: type locate appl-name10:52
mat1980SqrlKng: you're wellcome! good luck!10:52
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GeekMaster1yo2k: I did. It's in my pastebin.10:52
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yo2kGeekMaster1: sudo updatedb10:53
yo2kGeekMaster1: than locate appl-name again...10:53
toddyi've installed my vsftpd,but when i upload a file to the directory /pub/upload/ it shows that "Consider using PASV.550 Permission denied."10:53
randoman__thanks, apt-get install firefox* fixed it10:53
toddyany ideas?10:54
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GeekMaster1yo2k: EXACTLY what I did and showed you in the pastebin10:54
randoman__nm apt-get install firefox-dev fixed it :P10:54
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dosagekaboom ... brb10:55
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toddyany one can help?10:55
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LeoDioxidetoddy: does the ftp account have the right permissions?10:56
toddyit's the anonymous count10:56
aidanI have a Terminal profile for using IRSSI, is there any way to set that automatically through the Application In Terminal launcher?10:56
LeoDioxideso, does the directory have the right permissions then?10:56
yo2kGeekMaster1: actually all linux can find file with command locate appl-name, if you install an appl, run updatedb than you can find where it's found.10:56
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GeekMaster1Thank you10:57
GeekMaster1Later guys10:57
LeoDioxideaidan: try the #irssi channel10:57
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toddythe upload/ has been chmoded to 77710:57
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spartacusHi. I've got an odd problem with ATI + Desktop Effects. Now, I've got the current ATI drivers installed, and have got DRI enabled (verified with fglrxinfo, glxinfo, and xdriinfo). Yet when I run desktop-effects, I'm told " GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is not supported by direct rendering context, trying indirect rendering context instead" then "GLX_SGIX_fbconfig is missing". Any hints?10:58
toddyLeoDioxide:the upload/ has been chmoded to 77710:58
yo2ktoddy: owner ?10:58
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spartacusI've checked FAQs and Wikis and have found a few mentions of this, but no answers :-/10:59
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LeoDioxidetoddy: hmm, is the vsftpd config setup to allow you access and all that good stuff?10:59
mcmx_anyone have any ideas why all files and folders on my nfs server are created with the user nobody no matter which user i am?10:59
|Kamen|hey guys and gals, I hope I'm in the right place for this, but I'm having some troule with VLC media player. whenever I try and use the scrollbar to skip forward or back, it closes the video and starts from the beginning!10:59
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toddya count named ftp what's anonymous10:59
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spartacus|Kamen|: maybe your video doesn't have an index?10:59
toddyLeoDioxide:I think so!11:00
yo2ktoddy: check with ls -l11:00
toddybut what could i do?11:00
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toddyin the ftp?11:00
LeoDioxideat least check it11:00
=== spartacus hasn't used VLC for a while, but mplayer will tell you if that's what's happening
LeoDioxideumm, do you have access to the vsftpd config file?11:00
Irealmplayer -idx will make you an index, is the movie incomplete ?11:00
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|Kamen|not incomplete, I dont think. they are .flv flash movies I got off youtube11:01
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yo2ktoddy: check if user to sign on have an access the folder/directory11:01
Irealah, i don't think you can easily skip through those, at least not with mplayer :)11:01
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|Kamen|any good converter to put them into a better format?11:02
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Irealmencoder? i dunno11:02
spartacusmmm. flv is made to be streamed right? maybe the problem is similar... but i dunno how to work around.11:02
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spartacusmencoder would be a good bet... it's part of mplayer. http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/info.html11:02
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OxSanyone using e17 that can help me ?11:03
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|Kamen|heh. what confuses me is when viewing the files on youtube, the scrollbar works as it should11:03
|Kamen|so I've no idea why I wouldnt be able to with the downloaded file11:03
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dosageenv: Thanks for the tip, got the bluetooth shutdown, now just waiting for a crash11:03
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cheetooshello , where the password files are stored in ubuntu dapper ?11:04
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OxSim on enlightenment using the darkness theme but all my applications backgrounds are using metacity11:04
OxSand they're really bright white and ugly11:04
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enviouzgood to hear. ill b back in a few11:04
OxSdoes anyone know how to fix this?11:04
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toddyyo2k:it's the root can login!11:05
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toddyshould i use the chawn commend?11:06
yo2ktoddy: root is user administrator, root can anything...11:06
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yo2ktoddy: change your owner folder with user ftp to sign in11:07
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yo2ktoddy: type man chown11:07
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dosageanyone have an idea what "gconfd ([MyName] -5412): Failed to send buffer" would indicate in teh syslog ?11:08
toddyyo2k:i'm trying11:08
yo2kdosege: dmesg11:08
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dosageyo2k: this is an entry before the crash11:09
toddyyo2k:sorry,but "No manual entry for chawn"11:09
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|Kamen|isnt it chown? (still new on the commands yet)11:10
yo2kdosage: dmesg is log of all activiti on linux, sorry if don't help you...11:11
yo2ktoddy: no manual?11:11
yo2ktoddy: man chown right?11:11
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LeoDioxidetoddy: does it keep crashing, or just that once?11:12
LeoDioxidedosage: does it keep crashing?11:12
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yo2ktoddy: man command --> that's manual how to type a command in linux11:14
toddyalways?i have configed for two days,never archived11:14
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yo2ktoddy: maybe you don't install it? actually man is installed by default11:15
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toddyi know,i've remove it days ago!11:16
dosageLeodioxide: yes it does, still holding from the last config change I made, so it may be fixed, but I am still investigating just in case11:16
toddyi'm getting it at once!11:16
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yo2ktoddy: man = manual page, sorry if i can't help you...11:17
windflying can somebody can give me a available radio URL?11:17
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toddythat's ok!11:18
toddyany way,a'm new for linux11:18
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|Kamen|toddy: you have been typing chawn in channel. the command is chown with an o.11:18
yo2ktoddy: i'm new in ubuntu too...11:19
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toddyjo2k:hehe!it's just hard for me!11:20
OxSis there anyway to change the metacity themes in enlightenment11:20
OxSi want to have the xfce-dusk theme11:20
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yo2ktoddy: that's ok...11:21
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LeoDioxideOxS: I did it once, it involved heading into your .enlightement directory in your home folder11:21
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OxSyou dont have a link do you LeoDioxide ?11:21
LeoDioxidelemme look11:21
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OxSid also like to make nautilus --no-desktop my default file browser11:22
DinocrisisPlease the command for know dominio's name?11:22
LeoDioxideOxS: http://www3.get-e.org/E17_User_Guide/English/_pages/6.2.2.html11:22
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ZERO_SHIFT\I have a problem that I'd like to get fixed11:22
ZERO_SHIFTany one?11:22
LeoDioxideask away11:22
LeoDioxidedon't ask to ask, just ask!11:22
ZERO_SHIFT I installed SuSE and then removed it's partition however I want to get to my ubuntu partition is there a way of installing GRUB?11:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:23
OxSthank you LeoDioxide11:23
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LeoDioxideZERO_SHIFT: I'd say boot a live CD and install grub gentoo-style, by hand.11:24
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ZERO_SHIFTLeoDioxide, an ubuntu live cd?11:24
ZERO_SHIFTLeoDioxide,  can you install grub only11:25
LeoDioxideZERO_SHIFT: probably a gentoo live cd, and then follow the gentoo handbook for setting up grub11:25
LeoDioxideat least, thats what I'm familiar with11:25
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LeoDioxideyou can install grub only, yes11:25
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ZERO_SHIFTLeoDioxide, Thanks11:25
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ZERO_SHIFTany SuSE users?11:26
LeoDioxidein the ubuntu channel?!11:26
OxSLeoDioxide, thats for the theme11:26
OxSmy problem is all my applications11:26
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OxSlike xchat is white while the theme is darkness11:27
OxSand i've set everything to use the darkness theme11:27
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LeoDioxidedoes the darkness theme have all the application tie-ins?11:28
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LeoDioxideI remember e-themes being notoriously short-handed11:28
andys_My Thinkpad died!  The world is falling apart11:29
OxSthe window border is the right color11:29
OxSbut the rest of the applications is using Gnome's human theme i think11:29
OxSmetacity is in the process list11:29
JowiOxS, that is normal. xchat is a gtk application.11:29
OxShow can i change it to xfce-dusk11:30
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JowiOxS, there are not many native enlightenment apps.11:30
yo2kbye guys... thank's a lot...11:30
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OxSits usuing the default gtk theme11:31
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OxSsomeone said there was a way to change that but im clueless as to how11:31
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AzMooHey, is there any way that when I log in, I can force a program to wait for another one to load before it starts up?11:32
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JowiOxS, change the setting with gtk-chtheme or similar app. or you can use this script I made that imports the gnome settings and uses it in other WM's. (first script on this page http://burninghands.eu/scripts.html )11:32
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OxSim trying to install gtk-chtheme right now11:33
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OxSwhere do i extract gtk-chtheme.tar.bz211:34
greedo__is there a way to mount iso files from nautilus, without using the command line ?11:34
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osfamerondouble click on them?11:34
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greedo__does not mount it11:34
osfameronoh.  I thought it did11:35
XiXaQit probably should.11:35
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osfameroncos I've definitely used .iso files, and I'm fare too stupid to remember the command line invocation11:35
JowiOxS, wherever you want. in a subfolder in your home directory or in /opt for example11:35
LeoDioxidemount /directory /file?11:35
OxSi had it in my home folder11:35
XiXaQgreedo__, I think I've read about extensions for nautilus.11:35
OxSi couldnt get it to run11:35
windflyingHow can I stop the *less* command?11:36
XiXaQwindflying, q11:36
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greedo__gonna look for that then11:37
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windflyingThanks XiXaQ  niekie11:37
JowiOxS, here http://burninghands.eu/files/gtk-chtheme-0.3.1_0.3.1-1_i386.deb (use "sudo dpkg -i filename" to install it )11:37
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OxShow do i set prefered apps in enlightenment11:40
SqrlKngHello, can someone tell me where I can find the steps to update my nvidia driver?11:40
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hideandseekHi all11:40
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surviversqrlkng, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2911:40
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mat1980SqrlKng: just update the kernel.11:41
hideandseekSo I installed the updated Nvidia drivers for my legacy gf2 ti.  After installing X will no longer start.  I says "No screens found."  What do I do?!?11:41
supremesonicis it me or is google down?11:41
surviverit u :D11:42
Irealhideandseek: check the logs :)11:42
hideandseekwhere can I find those?>11:42
Irealhideandseek: somewhere in /var/log, look for files named Xorg.*11:42
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greedo__another question, under windows my lcd screen looks ok, but under ubuntu it looks blurry . is there anything to tweak ?11:42
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surviverfind the log in /etc/x11/xorg.conf11:43
surviverhideandseek, here u find them /etc/x11/xorg.conf11:43
JowiOxS, sorry. try again now11:43
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hideandseekIreal: I had to boot into Ubuntu with the CD, since all I can do is use the terminal11:44
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Irealhideandseek: well.. you have to use the terminal ;)11:44
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hideandseeksurviver:  I am looking at that file, but I dont see any logs here just my settings.  I see different screens11:44
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Irealsurviver: that's the configuration file, not the log.11:44
surviverhideandseek, u got this bleu screen before you login?11:44
hideandseekIreal: well I have no problem with that, its just i cant pull up wiki and look at the solution, or talk to you kids on irc11:45
surviverireal, yeah thought he could use it to boot in normal mode11:45
SqrlKngwait, hideandseek -- what graphics card are you using?11:45
hideandseekGF2 ti11:45
hideandseeklegacy drivers11:45
hideandseekI got the updated drivers from Nvidia's web site11:45
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Irealhideandseek: i suppose that's true (irssi is a text IRC client)11:45
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hideandseeknever used it, I just installed linux for the first time about 3 hours ago11:46
Irealhideandseek: oo, spiffy :)11:46
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hideandseekI was trying to get beryl to work and then found out that my drivers werent up to date so that wouldnt work11:46
hideandseekbut now I get a blue screen when I bootup telling me that I'm missing screens11:46
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Irealhideandseek: you could try to run the nvidia-config application when in the terminal, if i'm not mistaken, it configures your xorg.conf properly. That's the file that tells the X-server how to act :)11:46
hideandseekcan I run that right now even though I am using the CD?11:47
OxSgtk-theme-switch isnt working11:47
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Irealhideandseek: don't think so11:48
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surviverireal, maybe he has to try to get the log file from cd place it somewhere on stick , and just replace it with his? log11:48
hideandseekso I have to reboot to terminal and then run the file11:48
Irealhideandseek: yes, don't forget to run it using sudo: sudo nvidia-config :)11:48
hideandseekis there somewhere i can paste my xorg.conf file or email it?11:48
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JowiOxS, gtk-chtheme that you got from me? what's wrong with it?11:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:49
kelvieI need to reinstall ubuntu -- is there a file somewhere that holds the name of every package I installed?11:49
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kelvieand a quick way to install em all at once11:49
kelvieafter I reinstall11:49
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CheshireViking!clone | kelvie11:49
ubotukelvie: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate11:49
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kelvieubotu: ugh.. so I have to chroot?11:50
kelvieCheshireViking: ^11:50
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CheshireVikingkelvie, chroot?11:50
kelvieCheshireViking: from the liveCD11:50
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kelvieCheshireViking: I can't access the computer directly..11:50
kelvieCheshireViking: the kernel is screwed up11:51
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Irealhideandseek: that's the x.org file from the CD or your HD ?11:51
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hideandseekfrom my HD11:51
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Irealhideandseek: okay, to use the nvidia drivers change Driver "nv" to Driver "nvidia"11:52
kelviebah I'll just chroot11:52
CheshireVikingkelvie, i don't know, i've never used this method, i'd just seen the factoid, not sure whether you'll be able to go ahead using it, maybe someone else in the channel would know, but I'm afraid I can't help anymore with that11:52
kelvieit isn't that hard11:52
niekieHmm, isn11:52
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kelvieCheshireViking: it's fine, you helped plenty :)11:52
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kelvieI'm just lazy and wanted to knwo if there's an easier way :O11:52
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niekieHmm, isn't it the other way around? (nvidia to nv)11:52
Ajitmy system takes 6 minutes to boot feisty fawn. other OS take 2 minute (I have windows xp in C drive, windows 2000 professional in D drive and Windows Advance server in E drive , all are fat 32) , ubuntu is in ext3.11:52
Irealhideandseek: doesn't look bad otherwise :)11:52
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niekieOr maybe I'm confused now..11:52
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CheshireVikingkelvie, no probs11:52
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kelvieAjit: I've found reiserfs to be a fair bit faster, but you won't approach windows speeds11:53
OxSthank you Jowi11:53
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kelvieAjit: if possible, you can try to use an initrd image with hibernate/suspend211:53
kelviebut that's more like a workaround11:53
kelvieand not very flexible11:53
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hideandseekIreal, so all i need to do is make that one change?11:54
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Ajitkelvie: what is initrd image with hibernate/suspend211:54
kelvieAjit: basically.. you boot your computer, and as soon as it's finished you create a hibernate image11:54
Ajiti am less familier with linux11:54
JowiAjit, it has nothing to do with the fs type. it's possibly something at boot that hangs or take a long time to perform (can be network configuration trying to find an ip address for example)11:54
kelvieAjit: and in essence, you "unhibernate" every time on boot11:54
hideandseekIreal, when I try to save it says i dont have permissions.  I'm using gedit, do I have to use pico, nano, or vi?11:54
Irealhideandseek: it is a root file, sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf :)11:55
Irealhideandseek: you wouldn't want regular users messing with yer xorg files now would ya :)11:55
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kelvieit saves loads of time, but I can see a lot of ... not so fun things happening11:55
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kelvieso I wouldn't do it esp. if you're unfamilliar with linux :P11:56
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Irealbut 6 minutes is /very/ long :)11:56
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hideandseekwell as far as I know I'm the only user11:56
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JowiAjit, normal boot time should be around 90 seconds or so.11:56
Irealhideandseek: well there's your account, and the root account :) and the account you work with is restricted so it cannot mess with the system too much11:56
Ajitkelvie: if suppose I dont do unhibernate every time then what would happen?11:57
kelvieAjit: hrm?11:57
kelvieAjit: you're not doing it right now :P11:57
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Irealhideandseek: to perform changes to the system you need root-priviledges which you can attain using the sudo comand. you just type your own password after executing it and you have ascended to greater power!11:57
kelvieAjit: of course, you have to set up the option in GRUB/LILO or whatever to boot normally11:57
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kelvieand nothing ill will come of that11:57
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hideandseekIreal: ya, I took a couple of unix courses, but I kinda slept through em a little bit.  Wish I paid more attention.  You said I can use some kind of terminal chat program right?  What do I have to do to use it?11:58
supremesonicany remember that program there can encrypt a whole usb pen or other partition on the fly?11:58
Jowikelvie, why suggesting a hibernation offer instead of fixing the issue?11:58
AjitI just installed on saturday to use as my personal desktop at my home. currently i am in office.11:58
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supremesonicI forgot it name11:58
kelvieJowi: the thing is, linux can't boot as fast as windows11:58
Jowikelvie, nonsense11:58
SqrlKn1Hello ... so I've gotten the nvidia-glx-new thing updated, can someone tell me how to get the nvidia kernel updated, too?11:58
Jowikelvie, 6 minutes = something is wrong11:59
kelvieJowi: a well tuned windows XP can boot in something like 20 seconds11:59
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kelvieJowi: well if it takes two minutes for windows..11:59
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AjitI am using default loader GRUB as I saw in my system.11:59
scorp123Hi all ..11:59
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supremesonicif you install only the linux kernel and gnu utils bootup is like 5seconds11:59
kelvieJowi: well then be my guest and help him, I'mma go to sleep :P11:59
selinuxiumhi all, I am onsite at a clients and the firewall here blocks port 22,any ideas on how I can set up a ssh session?11:59
Irealhideandseek: check your pm :)12:00
Jelloanyone an idea http://pastebin.com/935861 ? :s12:00
Jellojust installed but sh path, path doesn't work :s12:00
supremesonicanyone remember what that encryption partition tool is called for *nix systems?12:00
scorp123selinuxium: how did you get to this IRC channel then?12:00
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Ajitkellvie: what changes should I do in grub file.12:00
hideandseekin nano what do you press to exit?12:01
Jelloctr + x12:01
scorp123selinuxium: ... I'm assuming here that IRC would be blocked too ...12:01
hideandseekok thanks12:01
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Irealhideandseek: i'm going to lunch :)12:01
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hideandseekthanks for the help12:01
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selinuxiumscorp, using a java port 80 vnc to my winblows pc at the office, then ircing from there....12:02
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:02
scorp123selinuxium: do they have a proxy then? e.g. Port 80 can get out?12:02
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JowiAjit, when ubuntu boots, hit escape button to see what is taking long to start.12:02
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selinuxiumscorp123: port 80 goes out yes...12:03
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scorp123selinuxium: did you try to use the -p option? e.g. force ssh to use port 80?12:04
scorp123selinuxium: also, if they have a SOCKS proxy, ssh protocol 2 should be able to pass through.12:05
scorp123selinuxium: but the easiest thing would of course be if they changed their firewall to let ssh connections out.12:05
Ajiti am very curious to use linux and shift my desktop from windows to linux but i am efiiciently use this with the help of you community people. I am using windows since long time.12:05
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leagrisBless the lowlattency kernel. Got mencoder stuck at 100% for several hours without ever noticing any slowness. The CPU fan running full speed alerted me though ;D12:08
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hideandseekok so I tried editing the xorg.conf file but apparently when I used the CD it actually saved my changes, so changed the nv to nvidia didnt change anything12:09
hideandseekI'm still getting the same blue screen when I boot into ubuntu12:10
JelloArg, okay12:10
JelloI download something12:10
Jellobut why can I run it :s12:10
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Jellohttp://pastebin.com/935861 :s12:10
dosageok ... big question ....12:10
JelloI make a fault12:10
Jellobut... what :\12:10
JelloI installed with apt-get install12:10
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scorp123!enter | Jello12:10
ubotuJello: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:10
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Jellookat scorp123  and ubotu12:11
scorp123ubotu is a bot ;)12:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot ;) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:11
hideandseekI also tried using nvidia-config but it says it isnt valid.  Any ideas about configuring my screens?12:11
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JelloI know, but I wanted to say 'thanxs' to him12:11
scorp123Jello: yes, he's a useful little bot. Rescued me many times with useful info :)12:12
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bvodmay i ask how do i turn on x-cd-roast?12:12
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hideandseekalso is it possible to revert back to my previous settings before I loaded the new nvidia drivers that hosed my X12:12
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Jellobut scorp123 , how do you run an app? sh 'file' gives 'no binairy..',and just the path gives the error on http://pastebin.com/935861 , I just don't get it12:12
dosageI am going to change video drivers .... in the event I am no longer able to boot after the install, how can I revert using the command line?12:13
MRbvod: Maybe you need to install it? use apt-get install programname12:13
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bvodit is installed12:13
hideandseekWow dosage sounds like we both have the same question :o12:13
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AusicaemiaDoes anybody know why my startup entries get reset on reboot? Is there are a way to edit the file directly or something?12:13
bvodit says: warning no root configuration file found, superuse must start and configure it first before other users can use it12:13
AusicaemiaForum thread for more specific details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48369912:13
dosagelol, my bad for having to look at the keyboard when typing12:13
scorp123Jello: usually you just invoke the binary's name ... as you did. Confusing this is :-/12:14
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Davehello everyone, i have a problem and have searched everywhere but cannot find a cure! anyone available for help please?12:15
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Ausicaemia^ Don't ask to ask a question, just ask it.12:15
scorp123!ask | Dave12:15
ubotuDave: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:15
[ThC] Primskilearn the bot that answer12:15
Davelol fair enough12:15
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[ThC] Primskilike !question < nick12:15
[ThC] Primskioh12:15
[ThC] Primskiu did12:15
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:15
[ThC] Primski:D12:15
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Jellomm, it's strange , cannot execute binary file :\ I just don't get it12:15
AusicaemiaSo anyway, does anyone know why my startup is doing that?12:15
scorp123Jello: what are the permissions on that file?12:16
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verb_guys when I use the command dd to make an iso of a CD  like this "$ dd if=/dev/hda of=mycd.iso " it gives me this error "dd: reading `/dev/hda': Input/output error"   what's the problem ?12:16
Lundnhave someone gotten the banshee daap to work ? mine is connecting for ever to my itunes.. it worked when both had itunes (before i installed ubuntu)12:16
scorp123Jello: also, that game ... maybe it has its own forum where you might get more help?12:16
Davewell i have a rhine-II network card and it doesnt show up in ubuntu networking12:16
Jellouser: root, group: groot, -rwxr-xr-x12:16
ubotuDVD ISOs are available via http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12:16
scorp123verb_: are you sure /dev/hda is your CD ??  /dev/hda is usually the first harddisk ...12:16
Nafallobaah. I wanna know what's on the DVD ISOs. what extra value do they bring? :-)12:16
miramanaverb_: try /dev/hdc12:17
_Codeman_Ok, I lock my session, my brother starts a new session and is on for a bit, then logs off, then it goes to a gray screen and doesn't respond to anything except Ctrl+Alt+Del, any idea why it would do that12:17
[ThC] Primskinafallo, think all distros are up, ubuntu, kubuntu and stuff12:17
verb_scorp123, yes , I have 2 cd drives one is hda and the other is hdb12:17
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scorp123verb_: so your harddisks are SATA or SCSI then?12:17
scorp123verb_: e.g. /dev/sda and /dev/sdb ....12:18
hideandseekIs it possible to revert back to before I loaded the new video drivers so I can stop getting the blue screen and try again?12:18
Nafallo[ThC] Primski: can I choose at boot what I want to run? desktop, alternate or server etc? :-)12:18
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[ThC] PrimskiNafallo, hm dunno, havent tried that, you would probably have to have differnet installs for that.12:18
Ind[y] A good DAV client?12:18
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[ThC] Primskion dvd, when installing, you can choose what to install, ubutnu server/desktop, kubuntu/...12:19
scorp123verb_: looking at that error message again which you posted ... maybe the CD you try to copy is damaged?12:19
Nafallo[ThC] Primski: yea, I just want them supported out of the same disk. that might add value for me :-)12:19
Davecan anybody help me with my problem? i'm sorry im a bit of a n00b lol12:19
nesta./j #ubuntu-fr12:19
Nafallo[ThC] Primski: kewl, thanks :-)12:19
hideandseekdave just ask the question12:19
=== Nafallo goes to download
Davei have lol12:19
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Davewell i have a rhine-II network card and it doesnt show up in ubuntu networking12:19
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[ThC] Primskidave, rhine-II...whats that? manufacturer? and no drivers ?12:19
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scorp123Dave: I don't know that card ... what brand is that?12:20
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hideandseekSystem Preferences->Restricted devices12:20
Daverhine-II is the card12:20
Davevia technologies12:20
OxSin system > preferences > network proxy > advanced config there was three settings that got removed and i cant add them back12:20
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OxShow can i do it manually?12:20
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scorp123Dave: read about pastebin ....12:20
scorp123!pastebin | Dave12:21
[ThC] PrimskiDave, does your networking work on Ubutnu Live CD ?12:21
ubotuDave: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:21
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Daveok cool12:21
scorp123Dave: can you please do a "sudo lspci" and paste the results on the page you were just given please?12:21
verb_scorp123,  sorry for not replying , I got busy suddenly  ....it's SCSI I Think  , and the CD is not damaged (it's a playstation game that works perfectly in ePSXe)12:21
Daveand no it doesnt work in live cd12:21
[ThC] Primski:s12:21
Daveok scorp123 no worries12:21
scorp123verb_: PlayStation games are copy-protected as far as I know12:21
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Davewell the problem is, im not on that computer lol12:22
scorp123verb_: copying them with standard methods might therefore fail ....12:22
verb_scorp123,  but they work in the emulator12:22
scorp123verb_: it's an original disk?12:22
Ind[y] Could somebody recommend me a DAV client?12:22
verb_scorp123, what do you recommend ?12:22
Daveas i cannot connect to the net :(12:22
OxShow do i add *.local localhost  to system > preferences > network proxy > advanced config manually?12:22
Tribeswell, my english is not very good but I try to help you jello, i think you have to run the programm with root rights12:22
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scorp123verb_: maybe your CD drive has problems reading some sectors ... can you try it in a different drive?12:22
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Theleoi have used mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb to make an f 32 filesystem for my disk.Windows does recognize that this is a FAT filesystem formated disk but does not let me assign a letter on the drive.I was told that this was due to the 32GB limitation of FAT32 imposed by windows.Any ideas to give an option that will format the drive correctly12:23
Davebut when i go lspci, my network card comes up12:23
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scorp123Dave: do you have a USB stick? You could copy and paste the output to a text file, put this on a USB stick and then paste from there.12:23
[ThC] Primskiwhat does it say ? any errors ?12:23
OxSdoes anybody know?12:23
verb_scorp123, yes , as I told you , I have 2 drives and tried them both , they gave the exact same error ....maybe it's protection as you said , is there any way to backup this CD12:23
Davegood idea scorp12312:24
OxSwhat file does system > pref > network proxy > advanced config handle?12:24
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scorp123verb_: hmmmmm .... maybe you will find instructions on sites such as "gamecopyworld.com" ... but please note that we are going off-topic here, and that site might be illegal depending on where you live.12:24
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OxSignore host list12:25
OxShow do i edit ignore host list manually?12:25
Ind[y] Could somebody recommend me a GUI DAV client please?12:25
verb_scorp123,  even in the US it's completely legal to have backups :) ...thanks for your time scorp123  , I really appreciate your help12:25
Theleoany ideas or should i format the disk with a third party software?12:25
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Lundnany fixes for itunes 7 share bug :S12:26
scorp123Theleo: did you partition the drive properly?12:26
hideandseekIs it possible to revert back to previous settings before a driver update?12:26
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Ind[y] Could somebody recommend me a GUI DAV client please?12:26
AusicaemiaDoes anybody know why changes to Startup Programs don't get saved on my machine? Is there are a way to edit the file directly or something?12:26
Theleofdisk /dev/sdb12:26
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scorp123Theleo: because you wrote you formatted /dev/sdb directly .... shouldn't that be /dev/sdb1 or something like that?12:26
Theleofollow the options and the rest...12:26
Theleooh yes sorry12:26
Theleoit was sdb112:26
INIT_6After copying about 300gb so far. I thought it would be a good idea to restart my ubuntu linux box. During the shutdown it's stuck on unmounting local filesystem. it's been on this screen for about 7min. If I flip over to TTY1-6 Doesn't let me login. The cursur is flashing on the right hand side where the [ok]  goes. Should I just let it sit for a while and hope it does something or restart it manually12:27
scorp123Theleo: I'd recommend to use Windoze to format that disk ...12:27
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scorp123Theleo: to each his own.12:27
Theleowell i tried that but windows doesnt let me format the disk as FAT3212:28
Theleoonly NTFS12:28
scorp123Theleo: as FAT32 is native to Windows I'd say it has a better chance of properly formatting the disk in that format.12:28
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OxSi followed this help file https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2320  about the network proxy ignore list and now i cant connect to the internet through my user12:28
OxSand i cant add them back with network proxy settings12:28
scorp123Theleo: oh yes, that's a limitation Microsoft built on purpose into XP ... they want to force you to use NTFS ... :)12:28
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Daveok scorp123 - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27110/12:28
Theleouncle bill and his o/s ...hahhahah12:28
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OxSwhere are the settings for proxy configuration12:29
OxSthe actual file12:29
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Theleowell i think i will end up with a third party software and finish it there if there is no option with mkfs that will do the work for me12:29
scorp123Dave: OK ... your system does see the card ... so maybe it's just the module (= "driver") that's missing. Let me check ....12:29
[ThC] Primskiyep12:30
[ThC] Primskii read that, driver doesnt get loaded12:30
[ThC] Primskiquick google search12:30
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[ThC] Primskihttp://groups.google.com/group/fa.linux.kernel/msg/f0ba450fa5204bfd12:30
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Ind[y] Could somebody recommend me a GUI WebDAV/DAV client please?12:31
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scorp123Dave: can you try this command:  "sudo modprobe via-rhine"12:31
hideandseekSo I got a blue screen after I loaded the legacy nvidia drivers for my card.  After that I get a blue screen that says that I have no screens.  Is it possible to revert back to before the driver install or maybe fix the issue12:31
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Daveyep sure scorp123 1 sec12:31
scorp123Dave: and then check again if the interface does show up?12:31
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[ThC] Primskidave and scorp123, check this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/gentoo-linux-help/50875-no-internet-boot-solved.html12:32
Daveok did that, and still not showing12:32
Daveok cool12:32
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scorp123[ThC] Primski: not sure how helpful that is ... via-rhine module is already there by default.12:34
scorp123so need to compile the kernel again IMHO12:34
[ThC] Primskihm, yea12:34
scorp123the rest of the instructions are either for SUSE or for Gentoo ...12:34
Davewell tried 'ifconfig eth0 up' and it said blah blah no such device12:34
[ThC] Primskithere is a linux driver on via hp tho, think that could help ?12:34
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scorp123Dave: try this .... "sudo /etc/init.d/network stop"  and then after a few seconds "sudo /etc/init.d/network start" ... does this change anything?12:35
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hideandseekcant dave use ndiswrapper?12:35
scorp123hideandseek: not for an Ethernet interface I think12:35
Daveno such file scorp12312:35
hideandseekSo I got a blue screen after I loaded the legacy nvidia drivers for my card.  After that I get a blue screen that says that I have no screens.  Is it possible to revert back to before the driver install or maybe fix the issue12:35
scorp123just a sec12:35
wolsblue screen?12:36
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wolsare you in the wrong oS?12:36
hideandseeki wish i was12:36
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scorp123Dave: try this .... "sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop"  and then after a few seconds "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start" ... does this change anything?12:36
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wolshideandseek: what driver did you use before?12:36
hideandseekwols: cause then I'd know how to fix it12:36
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scorp123I mistyped it ... should be "networking" and not "network".12:36
fatbrainWhen I start an app, I get an error that the lib.so.3 was unable to be found (I have it in /usr/local/lib, I think it looks for it in /usr/lib). Anyway I can fix that?12:36
hideandseekwols: I installed the latest nvidia driver from www.nvidia.com12:36
wolsfatbrain: cat /etc/ld.so.conf12:37
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wolshideandseek: why?12:37
scorp123fatbrain: ln -s /usr/local/lib/lib.so.3 /usr/lib/lib.so.3  .... dirty, but it works :)12:37
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Ind[y] Could somebody recommend me a GUI WebDAV/DAV client please?12:37
Daveok.... went through and said no such device eth0 then eth1 then eth2 then ath012:37
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scorp123Ind[y] : use Google12:37
hideandseekwols: when I boot into ubuntu, it tells me that X has failed to start.  Then I ran the diagnostic and it says that I dont have any screens.  I ran the driver update so I can use beryl.12:38
wolshideandseek: supposedly the nvidia installer has a --uninstall option. maybe it even works12:38
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Ind[y] scorp123: I did. Found nothing.12:38
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wolshideandseek: that is no reason for nvidia.com drivers12:38
wolswhat videocard?12:38
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fatbrainwols: include /etc/ld.so.conf.d./*.conf12:38
fatbrainscorp123: and if I dont want it dirty? :D12:38
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hideandseekwols: nvidia geforce 2 ti.  it uses legacy drivers and the standard glx wont work.  So i get the latest linux drivers from the site12:39
scorp123fatbrain: follow the other instructions you were given :)12:39
wolsfatbrain: add /usr/local/lib/12:39
[ThC] Primskidave, what did the 'sudo modprobe via-rhine' output ?12:39
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Davenothing at all12:39
fatbrainwols: will try that, thanks12:39
wolshideandseek: again. there is no reason12:39
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wolsfatbrain: then run ldconfig12:39
scorp123... lunch time here ... g2g12:39
snipexppl i wanna modify a file owned by root and it says i cant what can i do ?12:39
GerritWhere can I find an explanation of the icons as used by KNetworkManager? KNetworkManager's help as a Q&A but the answer doesn't seem to be there.12:39
[ThC] Primskitry, sudo rmmod viga-rhine and then again12:39
snipex(xmms skin directory)12:39
[ThC] Primskitry, sudo rmmod via-rhine and then again12:39
[ThC] Primskidamn12:40
Davethanks for your help scorp123 enjoy12:40
scorp123snipex: you're not supposed to modify stuff that belongs to root ;)12:40
hideandseekwols: well regardless, I'm still having problems getting X to start. What is the command to uninstall the nvidia drivers?12:40
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Daveok will do12:40
snipexbut its xmms skin file12:40
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wolshideandseek: I told you. ask nvidia for anything more12:40
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fatbrainwolf: I added a new line with the content "/usr/local/lib" and tried to start my app, same error, unable to find my lib.so.312:40
wolsfatbrain: read all I wrote. not just half12:40
hideandseekwols: do you mean ask tech support for nvidia driver support?12:40
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Daveerror module via-rhine does not exist in /proc/modules12:41
selinuxiumsnipex: sudo chown user:user /path/to/file12:41
fatbrainwols: ay, that helps, thanks12:41
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selinuxiumsnipex:  where user is your user name.12:41
fatbrainrunning on solaris 6.4 on 2colors :(12:41
[ThC] Primskidave, hm, module indeed isnt loaded, so if modprobe, isnt outputting anything, means it loaded it successfully12:41
[ThC] Primskistrange, inded12:41
snipexwhat ???12:41
snipexsrry im still used 2 windows12:41
Davelol sounds it12:41
[ThC] Primskiim out of ideas, sry12:41
Daveok dude no worries12:42
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[ThC] Primskigoogled it, but no solutions so far12:42
Daveyeah same12:42
wolsDave: dmesg12:42
[ThC] Primskigood luck with that :)12:42
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ciaconcan someone help me with my v4linux problem?? --> http://pastebin.ca/58810712:42
aidanHow can I create a terminal with a certain profile selected? Or, what environment variable controls the selected profile?12:42
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shadeofgreyhas anybody present installed ubuntu on a coreduo macbookpro?12:42
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snipex~/.xmms/Skins where is that ???12:43
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Davewant me to pastebin that wols?12:43
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wolssnipex: in your ~12:43
hideandseekhow do I quit irssi?12:43
wolshideandseek: /exit12:43
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snipex~where is it12:43
selinuxiumsnipex: ~/ is your personal route the . hides the file. are you using nautilus to browse the files?12:43
wolssnipex: cd ~12:43
wolsand then you will know12:44
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snipexim usin default file manager12:44
aidansnipex: that's nautilus12:44
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snipexwhere is option to show hidden files or w/e ?12:45
selinuxiumsnipex: go to you rhome folder  ie the one with your user name. press Ctrl + h   to show the hidden files, you should now see the foilder12:45
snipexty very much12:45
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Davewols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27112/12:45
Daveoutput of dmesg12:46
snipexty ppl works now12:46
snipexit aint owned by root12:46
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selinuxiumsnipex: cool :)12:47
hideandseekwols:  the uninstall command worked. I'm back in ubuntu and the X is now working.  Thank you so much, I can use ubuntu again12:47
=== CraSher hi every linux geek
shadeofgreyi say again -- dsoes anyboldy here ghappen to have experience with installing ubuntu on a coreduo macbookpro?12:47
snipexi tough u r geek if u use windows cuz u got2geek to fix those stupid errors12:48
wolsDave: sudo modprobe via-rhine12:48
CraShercheck utube tutorials12:48
Davecomes back with nothing12:48
wolshideandseek: get 9631 legacy drievrs from ubuntu or such12:48
wolsDave: dmesg again12:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 9631 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
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hideandseek!legacy drivers12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about legacy drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
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Davei see in the dmesg it says invalid mac address12:49
wolsDave: full output12:49
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Daveline 260 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27112/12:50
CraShermy automatix can't download enything. Should i do "sudo apt-get update" to update list of servers?12:50
aldinhi, i need to find if my distro is ubuntu, how do i find it, i need it for one script and i need only "ubuntu" or "Ubuntu" as result, thanks in advance12:50
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell12:50
aidan"uname" should also do it12:51
xpointuname -a12:51
xpointor hust try a new tty12:51
aidanHow can I create a terminal with a certain terminal profile selected? Or, what environment variable controls the selected profile?12:51
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iTurtlecan I make a panel from the command line?12:52
GrandeMagociao a tutti12:52
GrandeMagoposso chiedere una cosa12:52
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iTurtle!it | GrandeMago12:52
ubotuGrandeMago: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:52
xpointenglist please12:52
aldinaidan: uname says linux, wols, lsb_release gives me bunch of text i need only one, and if possible with grep so that i get only one word which will fit in my UBUNTU variable12:52
GrandeMagoazz, scusate12:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:52
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:52
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OxS!seen jowi12:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen jowi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
aidanaldin: do some cool stuff with tr12:53
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snipexhey ppl12:53
Daveso you do think its my mac address being wrong wols?12:53
iTurtlehow can I make a panel from command line12:53
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snipexwait a sec i got dapper drake12:53
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:53
CraSheranyone use compiz-fushion here?12:53
snipexisnt now 7.04 version available ?12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
iTurtlesnipex: 7.04 means "year 2007, month 04"12:54
iTurtlesnipex: yes, it has been released. (april 0712:54
xpointiTurtle, what panel do you have in mind ?12:54
aldinaidan: ok, i'll "man" it12:54
wolsDave: what kernel version?12:54
Davehow do i find that12:54
wolsDave: looks more like a driver bug12:54
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Daveah right12:54
iTurtle!compiz | CraSher12:54
wolswhat kernel version?12:54
ubotuCraSher: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:54
Davehow do i find my kernel version out?12:55
snipexiTurtle : so why dont i have it ? i updated ubuntu12:55
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xpointDave, uname -a12:55
iTurtlesnipex: I need more information...12:55
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snipexiTurtle : what info ? i got linux ubuntu via net, 3 days ago12:55
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Davei cant lol not without the network12:56
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hideandseekwols: so you are saying I should use any drivers provided by nvidia, only ubuntu?12:56
Daveunless i download a new iso12:56
wolsDave: you have wireless12:56
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Davehmm yeah auctually12:56
wolshideandseek: unless you know what your are doing or want a broken system12:56
Davei'll try share with this windows im on12:56
wolsDave: and I guess you haev a windows install too?12:57
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Davelol yeah :(12:57
wolsdownload a newer kernel perhaps12:57
CraSheri can't join #ubuntu-effects nor display /motd;(12:57
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Davewouldnt know how to install it12:57
liuyangHello, i'v compiled the new kernel, but blacklist in new kernel doesn't work, does anyone know why?12:57
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Davewould be easier for me to download a new iso and install from scratch12:57
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Daveor am i being to windows minded? lol12:58
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snipexi got LTS ubuntu12:58
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nico_grats snipex, ubuntu rules12:58
snipexstill dapper12:58
nico_hm ok12:58
nico_it's better then windows anyway :D12:58
snipexppl is LTS dapper drake equal to feisty fawn or not ?12:58
snipexyes it is12:58
snipexwindows's net didnt work12:59
nico_no, feisty is brand new12:59
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snipexi just inserted ubuntu cd in my comp and12:59
snipexnet worked12:59
snipexso what is poin of LTS ?12:59
nico_ubuntu is cool12:59
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hyljesnipex: stationary target12:59
nico_are you running a live-cd now snipex? or did you install12:59
snipexi was sick of windows12:59
nexousHow do I edit bootloader to select ubuntu or fedora?12:59
nico_just edit the bootloader to remove windows :D01:00
GerritWhere can I find an explanation of knetworkmanager's icons?01:00
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snipexppl whats better fedora or ubuntu ?01:00
MenZaDepends on your taste.01:00
snipexif i want a stable version for music and games01:00
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MenZaSome prefer Fedora, some prefer Ubuntu.01:00
nexoussnipex: ubuntu ftw :-p01:00
snipexmodern desktop01:00
[ThC] Primskiwho prefers fedora ? LOL01:01
[ThC] Primski:P01:01
MenZaI don't think you can get an unbiased opinion in here ;)01:01
snipexHEY PPL01:01
Irealsnipex: firestarter.01:01
nexousMenZa:  prolly not :-p01:01
nexoussnipex: I'm doing that right now :D01:01
nico_Gerrit: http://en.opensuse.org/Projects/KNetworkManager01:01
Irealmandriva ftw!!01:01
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Gerritsnipex: I recently switched.01:01
=== Dave3 [n=info@156.pool85-60-14.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
Dave3sorry about that, windows lol01:01
snipexfrom ubuntu to fedora or fedora2ubuntu ?01:01
nexoussnipex: Well, I'm trying to figure out how to edit the boot loader, just as long as you have extra space fedora will create new partitions.01:02
nico_it's a SuSe guide but the program is all the same01:02
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Gerritsnipex: I have recently switched.01:02
nico_but i'm still having sound problems over here01:02
snipexfrom what to what ?01:02
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surviverhello evry1, i got little prob, i made a backup but now i want to delete it so i have more space on my pc i tried this rm -d -r -f /media/sda4/backup but without succes any suggestions?01:02
nico_Gerrit: still looking for a knetworkmanager guide?01:03
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Gneasurviver: why -d?01:03
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milestonedoes anyone know what error 18 means when booting with grub?01:03
Gerritnico_: I see the documentation, but I don't see an explanation of the icons.01:03
GerritI could RTSL.01:03
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MenZaWhich group allows you to use sudo?01:04
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Gneamilestone: yes, the selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS - basically it means that your hard drive is larger than what your BIOS can handle.01:04
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survivergnea, directory01:05
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Gneasurviver: rm -rf will suffice.01:05
OxShow do i edit http_proxy no_proxy?01:05
milestoneGnea: I am running scsi disks01:05
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Gneamilestone: then there's a problem with your scsi disk.01:06
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milestoneis there a way to circumvent this by editing the configuration within the boot shell?01:06
GerritI suppose the blue icon with the lock means "protected", but I also see an icon of a PC, and I don't know what that one means.01:06
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milestoneGnea: how can i check that?01:06
Gneamilestone: possibly, but the edit won't be permanent01:06
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survivergnea, sry for afk lol i help my mum with her windows :p but ill try01:06
milestoneGnea: i know. but i need to get the system up again01:06
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snipexppl : what is fedora better in than ubuntu ?01:07
Gneamilestone: get the system booted up and install scsitools01:07
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Gerritsnipex: I find rpm better than yum, but I find that ubuntu is better in recognising my laptop hardware.01:07
shadeofgreydude i havent talked to you in eons!01:07
GerritI mean01:07
GerritI find rpm better than deb01:07
Gneamilestone: did you install or upgrade anything before this happened?01:07
milestoneGnea: that is the point. The system does not come up anymore01:07
GerritBut I find apt-get better than yum01:08
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survivergnea, without succes :(01:08
milestoneGnea: I was in the process of setting up software raid 101:08
defryskGerrit, rpm better then yum ? what does that mean ?01:08
GneaGerrit: you are horribly misled.01:08
Gerritdefrysk: I meant rpm better than deb.01:08
nexousfor my menu.lst, root for /dev/hda4 would be what?01:08
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Irealnexous: hd(0,3)01:08
nexousIreal: okay.01:08
defryskGerrit, not sure if I agree, but anyway its off topic01:08
Gneamilestone: were you using a guide?01:08
GerritGnea: Debian package manager does not seem to register in the package database when the package was installed, and allows packets to asks question interactively. The latter is a horrible mistake, in my opinion.01:08
Gerritdefrysk: Is a comparison between ubuntu and fedora offtopic?01:09
milestonei just added a new kernel config to grub with savedefault --default=5 --once01:09
defryskGerrit, yes01:09
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milestoneGnea: yes01:09
GerritI have used Redhat and Fedora for years, and ubuntu for days.01:09
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milestoneGnea: http://togami.com/~warren/guides/remoteraidcrazies/01:09
GerritI'm answering snipex' question.01:09
nico_guys, does anyone know a reason why my sound won't work anymore? no mute settings here, every volume to the max01:09
nico_what did i forget01:09
flowingfireHi there.  Does anybody know what I need to do to get a presentation to show up on my televiaion?  I have a svideo cable connected... no picture yet01:09
nexousEh this is a pain in the arse.01:10
=== Maha` [i=tabac@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xB9002659] has joined #ubuntu
GneaGerrit: a timestamp is not a good way to distinguish between package managers. debian provides a solidly robust system that rpm can't even compare to.01:10
GerritI prefer the ubuntu way of installing software (post-installation).01:10
Irealnico_: did you put the cable in ?01:10
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nexousAnyone successfully dual boot fedora and ubuntu, with ubuntu as default boot?01:10
GerritGnea: I find that RPM is a lot more robust and comprehensive.01:10
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defrysknexous, no reason why it would not be01:10
GneaGerrit: how long have you used ubuntu?01:10
GerritGnea: For example, the RPM --qf option, queryformat, offers a lot more tags than Debian's equivalent.01:10
flowingfireanyone know what to do in ubuntu to show video on my TV through an SVIDEO cable?01:10
nexousdefrysk: I'm having trouble with boot loader.01:10
GerritGnea: Not long, but long enough to experience the limitations of the debian package manager.01:10
defrysknexous, first intalled fedora and then ubuntu ?01:11
GerritGnea: Debian package manager has about 30 fields, I think.01:11
GneaGerrit: that's quite a good load of FUD you're building01:11
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flowingfirei can do video on my TV with windows and mac but i don't know what to do in Ubuntu01:11
GerritGnea: I'm not spreading FUD.01:11
nexousdefrysk: other way.01:11
GerritGnea: There is no Debian package manager equivalent of RPM's 'INSTALL-DATE'.01:11
defrysknexous, then you have to go to #fedora01:11
GneaGerrit: how long is 'not very long'?01:11
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GerritGnea: ten days.01:11
nexousdefrysk: and ask what?01:11
GerritI missed RPM's INSTALL-DATE within a day,01:11
nexousdefrysk: I hate going there, there all grumpy.01:11
GneaGerrit: then that doesn't count. when you hit the 1 year mark, then we'll talk. :)01:12
defrysknexous, how to set up ubuntu in the bootloader01:12
PriceChild!offtopic | Gnea Gerrit01:12
ubotuGnea Gerrit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:12
GerritAnd I dislike it that, during a big install with debian, I cannot walk away, because packages might asks questions interactively during install.01:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about svideo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:12
nexousdefrysk: other way, i need fedora setup in ubuntu's bootloader.01:12
defrysknexous, you could also install ubuntu's grub01:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about presentations - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:12
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nexousdefrysk: I did not install fedoras bootloader.01:12
GerritPriceChild: I do not find my conversation offtopic. I am comparing Ubuntu to a different distribution. I think that is ontopic.01:12
jrib!fishing | flowingfire01:12
ubotuflowingfire: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...01:12
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PriceChildGerrit, this channel is ubuntu _SUPPORT_, nothing else. Please move on.01:12
GneaPriceChild: it's quite ontopic, actually01:12
defryskubuntu's bootloader should have dertected the fedora install01:12
survivergnea, i got this weird thing :s i do rm -df and stuff he doesnt say anything he gives new line, like it is ok but then when i take look there lot of files (17 giga) in it some are locked other arnt01:13
jribflowingfire: what video card do you have?01:13
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flowingfirejrib: Not sure... It's built into my laptop I think...01:13
flowingfireActually, I think it's ATI01:13
nexousdefrysk: On startup I should have had the option your saying?01:13
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GerritPriceChild: A user asks me whether I can support him/her regarding my opinion on comparing Fedora and Ubuntu. That's what I'm doing. I have cited things that I like about *Ubuntu and cited things tat I do not like about it.01:13
nexousI read a tutorial showing I have to edit menu.lst and add fedora option to it.01:14
defrysknexous, if you have ubuntu's grub installed yes01:14
GerritPriceChild: In my opinion, that counts as support.01:14
nexousdefrysk: i thought I did, how do i check? :-p01:14
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defrysknexous, reboot and have a look at the bootloaders options ? and have a look at menu.list first01:14
GerritI like the hardware recognition and the seperation between the distribution installation and software installation. I dislike the package manager for the reasons I cited. I think giving my opinion when a user asks me to counts as support.01:15
jribflowingfire: ok, I only know that if you have an nvidia card you can use 'nvidia-settings', but I don't know how to do it with an ATI.  Try searching for 'ati tvout ubuntu', I'm getting a few hits on google01:15
GneaGerrit: well, i think that you'll find, over time, that even though there's a lack of obvious timestamping, that the system is actually much more robust than RPM.  RPM is nothing more than a patchwork of an originally horribly written package management system.  i used it about a decade ago and it was dreadful... not much has changed in that regard since.  I don't consider 10 days as a good timeframe to judge a package management syste01:15
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nexousI'm in menu.lst right now, fedora is no where in it.01:15
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flowingfirethx.. ok01:15
surviverjrib,  hy there back got litte prob (again :p) i wanted to delete my backup located /media/sda4/backup , some files are locked some arent i tried rm -drf and stuff but he wont delete hem :( no error message just blanc line01:15
nexousI'm just not sure what to put in the kernel and initrd fields.01:15
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Irealnexous: why don't you look at the grub file of your fedora config ?01:15
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defrysknexous, that surprises me, I would reinitiate grub , to let it detect fedora's kernel01:16
nexousIreal: I'm not sure where it's located :-p01:16
jribsurviver: you shouldn't need the "-d".  Did you use sudo?01:16
nexousdefrysk: how do I do that?01:16
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valdashey, anyone has hp dv6000?01:16
surviverjrib, dit without d and did with sudo no succes01:16
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defryskthere should be a way of recovering grub in the installation disk of ubuntu01:16
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defrysk!grub > nexous01:16
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Ind[y] How can I make a .deb file for my Python program?01:17
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elkbuntuInd[y] , ask in #ubuntu-motu :)01:17
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ArtVandalaeHi guys, I just got a wireless card for my Feisty machine. It's installed okay, but when I type: ifconfig it doesn't appear in there. If I try ifconfig eth1 up. it doesn't work. It's a broadcom card, are all the required broadcom drivers shipped with Feisty?01:17
PriceChildInd[y] , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New will be a good read (bottom section)01:17
GerritGnea: The timestamping is not a major issue. However, the fact that packages asks questions interactively, is. I would like to seperate configuration from installation, because: (1) during installation, I don't know the answers to those questions (2) I would like to be able to 'walk away' during a big installation/upgrade lasting an hour or more. I am aware that it's possible to disable interactive configuration, but since debian packages are not desig01:17
PriceChildGerrit, Gnea, You are offtopic, Please move on.01:17
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GerritGnea: It is true that ten days is a good timeframe to judge a package management style.01:18
surviverartvandalae, ifconfig is only wired connection that u can see01:18
GerritPriceChild: I disagree.01:18
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Ind[y] ok, thanks guys01:18
jribGerrit: this channel is only for support, you can speak about this topic in #ubuntu-offtopic01:18
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sipiornot really offtopic, just pedantic and tedious01:18
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surviverartvandalae, try iwconifg01:18
Gerritjrib: A user asks me to compare fedora and ubuntu. In comparing this, I support him in choosing a distribution.01:18
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jribGerrit: do it #ubuntu-offtopic please01:19
defryskGerrit, dont argue please01:19
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Irealoh, i thought he was trying to start a flamewar;P01:19
GerritRight. Okay.01:19
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GneaGerrit: of course, you are entitled to your own opinion, and hopefully you'll enjoy the fact that timestamps are, indeed, made available within the package management system via ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/  although I do admit that that is a bit of an issue, and maybe we should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic since the discussion doesn't seem to be helpful to other ubuntu users.01:20
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Gnearead what i just said.01:20
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surviverjrib, oke found a way to delete them lol i just set off the locked files permissions in gui :D01:21
nico_big storm going on here outside :D01:21
ciaconany hint what this could mean??  ==>>>        sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/extra/ov51x-jpeg.ko          insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/extra/ov51x-jpeg.ko': -1 File exists01:21
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[ThC] Primskinico_ where are you ? :o01:23
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OldPinkI feel like blogging01:23
OldPinkBut what about....01:23
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cafuegochickens, blog about chickens01:23
fritz<fritz> can any1 assist me in a problem?...i want to install gizmo 2 be able 2 make calls on messenger...i donwloaded the files onto my desktop...now what....how do i make adept see them?01:23
[ThC] Primskieverybody wants to be a jurnalist :PX01:23
PriceChild!offtopic > OldPink01:24
OldPinkI don't have a category under which chickens fall :P01:24
zirodayfritz: what files?01:24
IrealOldPink: to become ontopic, you could blog about ubuntu!01:24
PriceChildfritz, amsn is in the repositories which allows voice calls...01:24
OldPinkMy last blog was about Ubuntu actually. :)01:24
OldPinkOh no, second from last01:24
[ThC] Primskishow01:24
[ThC] Primskilets see01:24
nico_[ThC] Primski, the netherlands01:24
surviveranyone can help? i got like 5000 locked files i want to unlock them at once but there in submaps and stuff ?01:24
[ThC] Primskiwe'll be the judge of that ;)01:24
OldPinkMy most recent one was about my host's downtime :S01:24
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[ThC] Primskinico_ oh, should be here soon then :S im in slovenia, like 1000km southern ;)01:25
jribsurviver: what are the permissions on them01:25
sipiorsurviver: what's a submap?01:25
fritzwell i need 2 make calls on yahoo01:25
[ThC] Primskigetting cloudy allready :s01:25
nico_[ThC] Primski, ok, dunno big thunder and a lot of rain here :D01:25
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fritzcan i do that from amsn?01:25
jribOldPink: you can talk about blogging in #ubuntu-offtopic, but this channel is really busy, so it is for ubuntu support only01:25
[ThC] Primskilol, in these hot days, a few drops wont kill anyone :P01:25
surviverjrib, only read so when i go set them to write read i can delete them but there like 500 files and in them again 400 files etc01:25
fritzwell i need 2 make calls on yahoo can i do that from amsn?01:25
=== cafuego blogs about jrib
surviversipior, files :) where u put stuff in xD01:26
nico_[ThC] Primski, hot days? it's been raining here for a week01:26
[ThC] Primski:O01:26
PriceChildfritz, no amsn is just for msn.... sorry i misread you're question01:26
jribsurviver: if you use sudo, you won't need to mess with permissions01:26
[ThC] Primskiwe had like 30+ for the past week01:26
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PriceChildfritz, didn't realise you meant yahoo instead of msn01:26
OldPinkSorry jrib. It's actually quite quiet at the moment, and I was trying to spark some conversation. I'll just idle here for a bit and help out with anything that crops up. :)01:26
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jribOldPink: thanks01:26
nico_[ThC] Primski, lol, 30+ is to warm for me but it's better then the rain01:26
surviverjrib, did sudo rm -rf but he wont delete them :s:s01:26
neil_It's really worth installing feisty fresh isnt it :)01:26
[ThC] Primskiwell nico_ hope ur see barriers will hold :)01:27
jribsurviver: you get errors?01:27
[ThC] Primskihate to see such beautifull country get flooded01:27
sipiorsurviver: thank you, i haven't been patronised nearly enough lately01:27
neil_Had hell with my upgrade, but having restricted-packages on its own is way better than old manually installed packages01:27
nico_[ThC] Primski, we have the Stormvloedkering, that will hold :D01:27
beeman_nlwhere should i go if i found an error in the website of https://help.ubuntu.com/01:27
OldPinkneil_: I'd say no. I installed 6.06 and have upgraded throughout and am now at 7.04, never had a problem upgrading01:27
surviversipior, yw :)01:27
beeman_nli can't seem to find a colofon or something01:27
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surviverjrib, nope just blanc line01:27
[ThC] Primskinico_ hehe, cool, saw that on discovery yea ;)01:27
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neil_Really.. It may be due to my n00bish past, but my codecs and similar stuff are a headache01:27
jribsurviver: pastebin the command and all the output please?  are you sure it isn't just taking a while?01:27
surviverjrib, but when i set a couple the permission to write read and then there unlocked i do the command he deletes those01:28
nico_[ThC] Primski, yep, even the americans are interested :D01:28
[ThC] Primskilol01:28
[ThC] Primski:)01:28
surviverjrib, ill pastebin sec01:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:28
OldPinkneil_: In all seriousness, I've NEVER seen a problem when upgrading. And I doubt it's just luck.01:28
OldPinkneil_: Usually I ugrade to the release candidate01:28
nico_[ThC] Primski, I01:29
nico_[ThC] Primski, I've been to slovenia once01:29
Irealupgrading debian sid can be fun :P01:29
nexousAnyone dualbooting fedora core 7 and ubuntu feisty?01:29
cafuegonexous: i am01:29
[ThC] Primskinico_ rly? cool, i've been to netherlands few times, 3 i think01:29
nico_[ThC] Primski, but only for 1 minute, we didnt have the right papers with us so we could return :D01:29
[ThC] Primskilol01:29
defrysk!ot > nico_01:29
nexouscafuego: could you pastebin your menu.lst for me/01:29
cafuegonexous: No, the machine that dualboots isn't on.01:29
[ThC] Primskinico_ where were u traveling ?01:29
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neil_OldPink: Probably right.. My codecs and streaming is a right mess, but on a fresh install, just added restricted-packages, its 100% better01:30
nexouscafuego: ehh :/01:30
neil_prob not the best way to fix it tho01:30
defrysk!ot > [ThC] Primski01:30
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surviverjrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27115/01:30
[ThC] Primski!ot01:30
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:30
cafuegonexous: Bbasically I created /boot/fedora under grub and put the fedora ekrnel and initrd there, then I added kernel lines for fedora to my menu.lst01:30
OldPinkneil_: I had problems streaming in Firefox in 6.06 and 6.10, they sorted themselves on upgrade to 7.0401:30
[ThC] Primski!ot doesnt do  anything01:30
[ThC] Primskijust say what your problem is01:30
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nexouscafuego: alright.01:30
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[ThC] Primskioff offtopic01:31
[ThC] Primskihihi01:31
cafuegonexous: So root (hdx,y) stays the same for grub, you just use kernel /boot/fedora/vmlinuz-whatever root=/dev/whatever rgbh01:31
[ThC] Primskino spammes allowed a ?01:31
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[ThC] Primskikeke we'll shut up01:31
[ThC] Primskicarry on01:31
nexouscafuego: alright, well I'm trying something like that and going to reboot, hopefully it works.01:31
jribsurviver: to delete everything in /media/sda4/backup you should do:  sudo rm -rf /media/sda4/backup      Triple check for typos.  If you put a space in the wrong spot you will wipe your drive01:31
nico_there's a private chat thing01:31
cafuegonexous: As long as you leabr the Ubuntu lines you can always mount the fedora stuff and copy files off.01:31
[ThC] Primskiits ok, lunch time anyways, bbl01:31
nexouscafuego: alright.01:32
OldPinkneil_: By all means, fresh install. But it's so much hassle :P01:32
dawn`chorusnexous, you could pastebin your menu.lst and the output of sudo fdisk -l and I'll look over it for you.01:32
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surviverjrib, thats not the prob :p its seperate partitions :D nothing is on it without backup :) but ill keep my eyes open :)01:32
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nexousdawn`chorus: give me a sec to reboot if it doesn't work and i will :-d01:32
jribsurviver: but what you pasted did not use correct syntax01:32
queshello all01:32
surviverjrib, lol?01:33
dawn`chorusnexous, sure.  i wouldnt' do it that way, leading to extra mounts of your ubuntu root partition, but however you like..01:33
jribsurviver: you need to pass the path to what you want to delete to rm01:33
surviverjrib, ow yeah i went first to the place that i want to delete then delete it01:33
OldPinkAnyone tried Wubi? I gave it to a friend who offered me $50 to download, install, partition etc. remotely. I told him that was too much hassle for just trying it out, and to either try it himself or use Wubi. I've not heard back from him though :S01:33
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nexousI selected fedora core 7 from bootloader.01:33
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quesquick question: i want to install ubuntu LTS as a virtual pc on my windows xp machine, so i can run apache2, php, mysql on it and use it as my test server..... do i download ubuntu server 6.06 LTS from here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download? it says its a virtual pc image, does that mean when i run the ISO it immediatelly installes it as a virtual machine?01:34
nico_but i'm still having sound problems (actually i dont have any sound at all)01:34
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surviverjrib, now he gives nothing i think hes doing sonthing i ll let u know what comes out just an empty place with blinking cursor01:34
jribsurviver: he's working01:34
surviverjrib, think so to i hear my hard drive working :p01:35
surviverjrib, k let see01:35
surviverjrib, great thx :):)01:35
ubuntuEdgygood morning all01:35
quesanyone :)?01:35
surviverlol good afternoon xD01:35
ubuntuEdgyohhh :)01:36
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dawn`chorusnexous, well, pastebin 1. your menu.lst, 2. the output of sudo fdisk -l 3.  the contents of /boot on the Fedora partition.01:36
zirodayevening ubuntuEdgy01:36
nexousdawn`chorus: alright, give me a sec.01:36
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nico_afternoon already?01:36
nexousdawn`chorus: also, how do i view hda4(the partition of fedora)01:36
OldPinkAfternoon! (just - 12:36 PM)01:36
ubuntuEdgyevening ziroday01:36
nexousdawn`chorus: to show the contents.01:36
surviveroldpink, where u live got same time :D01:36
eyemeanhi, i have a major proble, when i shut down ubuntu, everything closes then ubuntu logo comes up where orange bar becomes black then pc hangs and dose not turn off01:37
dawn`chorusnexous, sudo mkdir /mnt/hda4 && sudo mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda4 && cd /mnt/hda4/boot01:37
nico_ubuntuEdgy, is it evening there already?01:37
nico_13:39 here01:37
nexousdawn`chorus: alright.01:37
zirodaynico_: no tis evening here (asia)01:37
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OldPinksurviver: Offtopic a bit, but in the UK? Near Newcastle. :) You?01:37
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ubuntuEdgy12.38 here :)01:38
surviveroldpink, ha in belgium :))01:38
OldPink... I can see myself getting told off for offtopicing again. Come in #ubuntu-offtopic? :)01:38
nico_belgium, our neighboors01:38
mezziah13.38.. and i just woke up01:38
ubuntuEdgyme too01:39
nexousdawn`chorus: When i run sudo mkdir....... Mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'01:39
nico_mezziah where are you now?01:39
survivernico_, nl?01:39
nico_same time01:39
ubuntuEdgyloosen woman is on guys >:o01:39
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nico_im from NL01:39
mezziahi'm in western germany right now and you?01:39
mezziahoh, okay then01:39
survivernico, hehe thought so :D01:39
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dawn`chorusnexous, what filesystem type did you make hda4?01:39
iwkseehy guys, your support is needed: http://www.noooxml.org/petition01:40
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nexousdawn`chorus: it's unknown :/01:40
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nexousext3 do i want it?01:40
nico_but does anyone know how to fix a sound problem? i dont have anything muted, and my volume is turned up enough01:40
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jrib!offtopic | mezziah, surviver, ubuntuEdgy, iwkse01:40
ubotumezziah, surviver, ubuntuEdgy, iwkse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:40
=== Cheese [n=Cheese@p508E3B40.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nico_survivor, where are you?01:40
mezziahjrib: yes i know, thanks for the information tho01:40
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dakaryo brother01:40
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dawn`chorusnexous, so when you run sudo fdisk-l, fdisk calls hda4 unknown filesystem type?01:41
nico_man, somebody get a life or something01:41
nico_the offtopic thing is getting anoying01:41
nexousdawn`chorus: actually, it calls it Linux VLM in that, but unknown in gparted.01:41
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mezziahnico_: do you have ubuntu or kubuntu installed?01:41
jribnico_: this channel is too busy, the only way to keep it useful is to ask non support discussions to move to #ubuntu-offtopic01:41
ubuntuEdgyi need a life :(01:41
dawn`chorusnexous, i have no clue what that is, bro.  i'd have went ext3.  :}01:42
nico_mezziah, ubuntu01:42
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mezziahnico_: did you install kde-apps recently?01:42
nexousdawn`chorus: I'll set it to ext201:42
dawn`chorusnexous, why ext2 and not 3. 3 is just ext2 with journaling so you can quicky fsck it.01:42
nico_mezziah: perhaps some KDE things got installed recently01:42
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nexousdawn`chorus: formating it at ext3 already.01:43
mezziahnico_: you could browse your current processes and see if arts is running, if so, kill it and try again01:43
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nexousI'm about to give up and throw my drive back to 30gb and just run ubuntu without fedora.01:43
OldPinkIs Fedora worth trying?01:44
Tm_Twhat is all this talk about Fedora? just quit it thanks01:44
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OldPinkTm_T chill!01:44
dawn`chorusnexous, oh.  well, adding Fedora to your existing menu.lst is really easy ... one you know how.  Fedora will use initrd just like Ubuntu, so just ... well, yeah anyway01:44
mezziahOldPink: i wouldn't say it's better that ubuntu but yes, it's worth01:44
nico_mezziah, no arts running here01:44
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Tm_TOldPink: I don't like to be frozen01:45
nexousdawn`chorus: I'm just not sure what to add to kernel and initrd options in menu.lst01:45
nexousdawn`chorus: I'll post my menu and fdisk like you said before.01:45
dawn`chorusnexous, that's where the contents of Fedora's boot come in.  :)01:45
nexousdawn`chorus: I did not install fedora's bootloader.01:45
nexousdawn`chorus: tutorial told me not to as it would overwrite ubuntu's01:46
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ArtVandalaeMy wireless card says it supports WEP and WPA encryption schemes, but I need WPA-PSK... can my card still support it (even if it's software based encryption)?01:46
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dawn`chorusnexous, that's true.  you did it right.  before i learned, i've overwrite the MBR and then use Super Grub Disc to fix it.01:46
nico_mezziah, i'm deinstalling a lot of kde-libs now (apt autoremove)01:47
SergemineHi guys!01:47
nico_retrying now01:47
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mezziahnico_: there's no need for that - what soundcard do you have?01:47
nexousdawn`chorus: http://pastebin.ca/58816601:47
nexousdawn`chorus: menu.lst ^^01:47
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SergemineDoes anyone know if there are drivers for Realtek HD Audio ouncard?01:48
nico_i think it's a intell card01:48
beeman_nlwhere should i go if i found an error in the website of https://help.ubuntu.com/01:48
dawn`chorusnexous, that's Ubuntu's menu.lst?01:48
beeman_nlanyone got a clue? :)01:48
nexousdawn`chorus: yes.01:48
nico_mezziah, yes, Acer notebook01:48
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SergemineDRIVERS for Realtek HD Audio ouncard????01:48
nexousdawn`chorus: feisty /boot/grub/menu.lst01:48
nico_it worked before01:48
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nexousdawn`chorus: http://pastebin.ca/588170 <-- fdisk01:49
mezziahah ok, i see. did you already try searching google '<acer nootboke type> sound'? i bet there are more persons out there that had probs with it01:49
jribbeeman_nl: depends on what part.  If it's on the wiki, you can fix it.  If not, you can file a bug somewhere on launchpad.net or speak with the folks at #ubuntu-doc01:49
SergemineDRIVERS for Realtek HD Audio souncard???? Are there any? For HD Sound in linux at all?01:49
beeman_nljrib: thanks01:49
dawn`chorusnexous, what we really need is the name of the kernel and initrd files.01:49
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beeman_nljrib: i guess i'll be going to ubuntu-doc, it is not on the community part01:49
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nico_mezziah, well it cant be drivers, because my sound card worked right after the fresh install but on day it just didnt work01:50
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nexousdawn`chorus: It's core 701:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi-dae - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:50
mezziahnico_: since when doesn't it work anymore? did you already try rebooting?01:50
dawn`chorusnexous, yes.  well, it'll be something like vmlinuz-2.6.21-2 or something for the kernel.01:51
nexousdawn`chorus: 2.6.21-1.3194.fc701:51
nico_yeah i have to reboot or shutdown all the time because my hibernate doesnt work either01:51
supremesonicanyone know what this might be?01:51
supremesonicroot@hotbox:/home/user# lsof -i -n | grep 3276801:51
supremesonicavahi-dae 4883  avahi   14u  IPv4  16490       UDP *:3276801:51
kbrookssupremesonic, um01:51
ericrwsupremesonic, I think you're looking for avahi (or avahi-daemon).  It provides zeroconf networking01:51
mezziah umm...01:52
supremesonicericrw, so I should't worry about it?01:52
ericrwsupremesonic, you should embrace it!01:52
SeveredCrossHey y'all, what's the Windows key on a keyboard map to in Ubuntu/01:52
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dawn`chorusnexous, and initrd.img- ?01:52
SeveredCrossIs it hyper?01:52
nico_mezziah, and i dont feel like reinstalling again :D01:52
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mezziahnico_: yes, i belive that01:52
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wolsSeveredCross: meta?01:53
SeveredCrossIs it meta?01:53
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SeveredCrossI have no bloody idea.01:53
SeveredCrossWhat are Super and Hyper then?01:53
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ericrwsupremesonic, it lets you find computers and devices on the network.  For instance, it will automatically detect network file shares and printers on the network.  (not Windows shares or printers, but SFTP servers.. and Bonjour/Rendevous enabled printers)01:53
nexousdawn`chorus: also there is more in menu.lst, just the other ubuntu recovery, etc. View cut them off.01:54
npnufnI want to change color of selected text and it's background.  How can I01:54
gdbSeveredCross: I'm not sure, but CTRL-ESC has the same function.  Perhaps that's helpful. :-)01:54
ericrwSeveredCross, Super is the menu-key usually01:54
SeveredCrossThanks gdb.01:54
supremesonicericrw, okay. My internet have just been quite slow, and when I was seeking google it tend to fail to find it after some time01:54
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ericrwsupremesonic, wireless internet?01:55
gdbSeveredCross: also, SHIFT+F10 is the menu key01:55
dawn`chorusnexous, i'm keeping the F7 entry where you put it.  did you find the filename of the initrd image yet?01:55
supremesonicericrw, yeah. But the connection is like  75% good01:55
SeveredCrossThe Windows key is Hyper.01:55
nexousdawn`chorus: no.01:55
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mezziahanyone knows a resource for e17 themes except get-e.org?01:56
ericrwsupremesonic, avahi will automatically configure your network interface if it detects a network card with a line protocol up which has not received an IP through DHCP01:56
npnufnI want to change color of selected text and it's background.  How can I?  What are the configuration files for the colors.01:56
nexousdawn`chorus: if I locate for initrd i get 3 of them,01:57
sipiorSeveredCross: i believe those can be configured via System->Preferences->Keyboard01:57
SeveredCrossThanks everyone.01:57
ericrwsupremesonic, that is, if you were to plugin your *wired* network connection, but you had no firewall/router setup (or dhcp was broken), then avahi would automatically give your wired interface (say, eth0)  an IP address.01:57
dawn`chorusnexous, ah.  yes.  i remember now.  pastebin all the contents of F7's /boot.  i'll sort it out.01:57
nexousdawn`chorus: /boot/initrd-2.6.21-1.3194.fc7.img01:57
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nexousdawn`chorus: I'm not sure where the boot is located for f701:57
nexousdawn`chorus: All i know is i installed into hda401:58
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supremesonicericrw, im just worry I have a trojan or something there consume my consume my internet.01:58
ericrwsupremesonic, however, that *shouldn't* affect your wireless access as it shouldn't be setting a default route...01:58
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dawn`chorusnexous, i mean the /boot folder for F7 when I say that.01:59
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npnufnany one knows the configuration files for the gtk-colors01:59
nexousit's just /boot01:59
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treehi. does anyone happen to know of any punctuation checker?01:59
ericrwsupremesonic, but I mention it because avahi is known to automatically configure network interfaces that do NOT have an active line protocol (aka, no cable plugged in)01:59
niekieHi all, I'm having a bit of a problem.. it seems all identd daemons that come with the Ubuntu server repositories fail to work and return ERROR:NO-USER (I am forcing the IDENTD to output my user ID now, and that works, but it fails to look up the real user)01:59
niekieAnybody know what causes that?01:59
nexousdawn`chorus: media/_boot/grub01:59
ericrwsupremesonic, and that has been a source of repeated problems for my wife - but only for her access to our zeroconf based devices at home, not to the internet.01:59
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AusicaemiaDoes anybody know why changes to Startup Programs don't get saved on my machine? Is there are a way to edit the file directly or something?02:00
sipiortree: that strikes me as a very hard problem to solve. i've never heard of such a beast.02:00
supremesonicericrw, it found my wireless internet and configured it automatic02:00
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treesipior, i only found checkers for windows02:00
supremesonicericrw, http://rafb.net/p/TBJCt957.html02:00
nexousdawn`chorus: in that I have, initrd-2.6.21-1.3194.fc7.img, System.map-2.6.21-1.3194.fc7, and vmlinz-2.6.21-1.3194.fc702:01
ericrwsupremesonic, when you lose your internet next time, run:  'route -n'.   Compare that to the 'route -n' of when your internet is working.02:01
dawn`chorusnexous, http://pastebin.ca/588177  <- your new menu.lst.  you can change to root=UUID later, if it works.02:01
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ericrwsupremesonic, also, check  the output of 'ifconfig' for both cases02:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ident - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about identd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:01
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supremesonicericrw, thanks I will :)02:01
sipiortree: but surely they don't figure out where to put commas and such? or were you speaking of something different?02:01
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ziroday!find iden > niekie ( see pm form ubotu)02:01
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nexousdawn`chorus: so should they be /boot/ or /media/_boot/grub?02:02
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treesipior, setting commas and such is what i am looking for and what some win apps are offering02:02
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niekieziroday: the problem is, all identd's with Ubuntu don't seem to work :S02:02
niekieUnless I force a specific output, that is..02:02
treesipior, which proves: it is possible02:02
nexousdawn`chorus: because i foudn those files in media/boot now? so just add change to media/_boot?02:02
ericrwsupremesonic, also, if "your wireless is automatically detected", make sure that you're connecting to YOUR access point.  you might be roaming between two access points (one being your neighbor's) and dropping while it transfers02:02
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zirodayniekie: dunno sorry02:02
niekieziroday: allright, no problem :)02:03
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dawn`chorusnexous, let's test what we got, first.02:03
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sipiortree: interesting. it seems like a terrible idea, though perhaps computers are managing english better than users now :-)02:03
supremesonicericrw, it are :) I had to set my password for it, and all of the others wireless is encrypted also02:03
nexousdawn`chorus: alright.02:03
treesipior, there is a linux tool for german punctuation, but this time, I need english02:03
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treesipior, that is what computers are there for02:04
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sipiortree: well, best of luck finding it. you might try staroffice, if any linux app had it, it would02:04
nexousdawn`chorus: rebooting now.02:04
treesipior, the problem is, english is not my native language02:04
dawn`chorusnexous, cross your fingers.  :)02:04
swarnaHi,I am trying to create ubuntu package for firefox- but i am getting an error related to nsFontMetricsPSPango .cpp02:04
nexousdawn`chorus: I am. :p02:04
treesipior, i believe they announced it for 2.402:04
swarnasomebody please help me in solving this02:05
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dawn`chorusnexous, expect code to fly by.  no bootsplash.02:05
ericrwtree, sipior:  openoffice.org supports German.02:05
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treesipior, but 2.4 is supossed to get released end of 200802:05
ericrwand english...02:05
nexousdawn`chorus: I selected fc7 from bootloader again, cannot mount selected partition still.02:05
AusicaemiaDoes anybody know why changes to Startup Programs don't get saved on my machine? Is there are a way to edit the file directly or something?02:05
treeericrw, i know, but i need it for an english document02:05
sipiortree: we'll just agree to disagree on the role of computers in teaching people to write properly :)02:06
nexousdawn`chorus: give me a sec to do something.02:06
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dawn`chorusnexous, must be that weird filesystem type you've used.  i thought that was what initrd was supposed to take care of, but maybe something's wrong.  I can't be sure.  you'd better ask in #fedora.02:06
ericrwtree, I just scrolled up -- you want it to automatically place commas?  Thats really not a good idea.02:06
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treeericrw, i placed commas, but need it to be checked02:07
ericrwtree, I don't think it would be possible for a computer to automatically place commas, it is too flexible a language.02:07
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SeveredCrossswarna, there are already packages.02:07
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SeveredCrossThere's a gnomefreaks repository that has Firefox and Thunderbird 2.0.whatever packages.02:07
treeericrw, sipior: seems like, i'll need to do it manually02:07
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nico_still got no sound02:08
swarnaSeveredCross, I have added a patch to it to support tamil printing02:08
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ericrwtree, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_commaproof.html02:08
treeericrw, thank you. i'll have a look02:09
gnomefreakswarna: join #ubuntu-mozillateam and ask02:09
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sipiortree: yes, but consider it an opportunity to get a better feel for a foreign language. ask a native speaker to check your work, and you'll get a better feel for the language than letting a computer do the work (and not as well as you could)02:09
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treesipior, there is some truth to it.02:10
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SeveredCrossWheee Beryl.02:11
nico_anyone got a idea why my sound wo'nt work anymore?02:11
mezziahsipior: so true, although it gets frustrating sometimes.02:11
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swarnagnomefreak, but no response from ubuntu-mozillateam02:13
GneaPriceChild: sorry for the problem before, won't happen again.02:13
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AusicaemiaNevermind, finally fixed it.02:13
AusicaemiaWas a permissions error on the autostart folder02:14
shakusi have a very odd entry under 'active connections' (my machine connecting to some dsl line on port 30001) in firestarter that shows up neither with netstat -a or wireshark. is this some sort of bug in firestarter or something more omnious?02:14
treeericrw, it is an interesting document. thanks again02:14
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AusicaemiaAnyone know anything about FSTAB?02:15
[ThC] Primskiwhat would you like to know ?02:15
[ThC] Primski!ask02:15
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:15
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AusicaemiaWell, I have my FAT32 archive partition (/dev/hda5) mounted at /media/hda5 thanks to automatix02:16
AusicaemiaBut when I change the /media/hda5 to /media/archives, it won't mount.02:16
AusicaemiaI get an error.02:16
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[ThC] Primskiwhat error would that be ?02:16
[ThC] Primskiand post your fstab02:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:17
sipiorshakus: how do you know the machine is connecting to a machine on a dsl line?02:17
AusicaemiaDidn't get a name, just when I rebooted Ubuntu the Usplash spat out "FAILED" at Mount Local Filesystems02:17
dawn`chorusAusicaemia, create a symlink from /media/hda5 to /media/archives.  :)02:17
AusicaemiaI'll post the line though02:17
shakussipior: reverse dns :)02:17
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AusicaemiaOh yeah also, when I tried to mount it manually it complained about permissions02:17
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[ThC] Primskiyou need to be root to mount02:18
AusicaemiaBut it doesn't when the line is /media/hda502:18
[ThC] Primskiso, sudo mount...02:18
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[ThC] Primskialso, does the /media/archive folder exist ?02:18
AusicaemiaYeah I know that, but It doesn't complain about it when I'm not root if the mount point is /media/hda502:18
AusicaemiaNo, is that the reason?02:18
AusicaemiaIts been a long time since I did anything with Fstab02:19
[ThC] Primskicould be, i think folder has to exists prior to mounting02:19
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[ThC] Primskido mkdir and then try again02:19
drownerhello all02:19
mezziahAusicaemia: the exact error message would help us i think02:19
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sipiorshakus: unreliable at best :) if it troubles you, use a known good machine to scan with a packet sniffer. what sort of traffice is purpotedly going to this machine?02:19
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dawn`chorus!hi | drowner02:19
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AusicaemiaI'll do that, reboot, and post results.02:19
ubotudrowner: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:19
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drowneri was wanting a bit of generic advice02:19
drowneri want to create a seperate /home partition02:19
dawn`chorusdrowner, what's on your mind?02:19
drownerand i found psychocats' guide, which is sensational02:20
swarnaSeveredCross, Do you have any idea about this02:20
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SeveredCrossswarna: Nope.02:20
SeveredCrossNo clue.02:20
SeveredCrossNever could get Firefox to properly compile. ^_^02:20
drownerbut i would like to know what this line means before i type it in (/new refers to the new home folder, we are currently in the old /home)02:20
drownerfind . -depth -print0 | sudo cpio --null --sparse -pvd /new/02:20
shakussipior: no traffic as far as i can tell. it's just there02:21
mezziahokay now i also have a question, it might be an easy one, but i really don't get it. how can i set up custom fonts for terminals like rxtv? and how can i see what fonts i can use for terminals?02:21
dawn`chorusdrowner, that's called "magic pixie dust".02:21
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swarnaSeveredCross, the error i am getting is in nsFontMetricsPSPango.cpp02:21
drownerdawn`chorus: pardon?02:21
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dawn`chorusdrowner, i'm only kidding.  if you really want to learn you could search online for those commands, or read their man pages.  man find.  man cpio02:22
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sipiorshakus: and what process is associated with this connection on your side?02:22
swarnaSeveredCross, it is getting compiled properly but the problem is only while packaging02:22
drownerdawn`chorus: i DID that., but its the combination that is confusing me02:22
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dawn`chorusdrowner, do you know what a 'pipe' is?02:22
shakussipior: firestarter doesn't say02:22
mezziahhttp://www3.get-e.org/Screenshots/User_Submitted/_images/sharp.png <- i'd like to use this font, but i don't have a clue how to install and configure it.  i already tried searching google and stuff.02:22
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swarnanobody is giving response in ubuntu-mozillateam02:23
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drownerdawn`chorus: yeah i think so. it takes the outpur of one command and sticks it in another?02:23
SeveredCrossswarna: No bloody clue, don't look at me.02:23
SeveredCrossI've never made a Debian package.02:23
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SeveredCrossAlways fails for me.02:23
sipiorshakus: odd. i would get a packet sniffer on that connection and see what comes out.02:23
ZeroA4mezziah, do you have que font file ?02:23
dawn`chorusdrowner, exactly.  it redirects the output of a command from standard output (your screen) and turns it into the input (which would usually be your keyboard strokes) of the next command.02:23
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sipiorshakus: it's probably nothing. still, can't hurt02:23
mezziahZeroA4: i don't know what you mean.02:23
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Devyll^I need comunicate (chat) with another user which is logged at my server with ssh. How can I do that ? (he is logged with ssh to my server. I am logged with ssh to my server . we need to chat) can anyone help me please ?02:24
ZeroA4mezziah, the file of the font...02:24
primskidevyll^hmm there is a command, i know, i've used it, cant remember tho :S anyone ?02:24
sipiorDevyll^: try "write"02:24
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Devyll^what is this ? a module to be installed ?02:25
mezziahZeroA4: no, though i have installed the xfonts-terminus package using apt-get.02:25
sipiorDevyll^: no, it should already be there. "man write"02:25
shakussipior: i ran wireshark for a couple of minutes but nothing came up02:25
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mezziahi bet there's a good resource for installing custom terminal fonts, but i can't find it.02:26
shakussipior: http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/2443/screenshotjb3.png02:26
ZeroA4mezziah, the font must have a file... it can be in a package like the one you installed... but if not you can install it by donwload the file and drag and drop it to the font folder02:27
drownerdawn`chorus: Ok, i think i know what the 'find' command does02:27
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drownerdawn`chorus:  But im not sure why we need to cpio. Like, why not just cp it?02:27
sipiorshakus: i assume that address doesn't correspond to any of the five CLOSE_WAITs you have?02:28
shakussipior: no02:28
mezziahZeroA4: yes, okay. do you have any resources for other fonts which i can use for terminals?02:28
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dawn`chorusdrowner, aysiu must've thought that working w/ the archives was easier/more efficient/etc.02:28
ZeroA4mezziah, don't know...02:29
sipiorshakus: odd that it doesn't show up at all in netstat.02:29
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mezziahZeroA4: ok, but thanks for your help.02:29
drowneroh ok02:29
sipiorshakus: i hate to suggest it, but you may want to run a rootkit checker on your machine02:29
sipiorshakus: do you run tripwire or the like?02:29
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Martinp23Is there a way to chkdsk /f NTFS partitions within ubuntu?02:30
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shakussipior: i'll check it out now02:30
sipiorshakus: of course i'm not thinking about this clearly...where does firestarter get its information about active connections?02:30
SeveredCrossThere's ntfsfix Martinp23.02:31
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shakussipior: i have no idea. iptables or the like?02:31
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sipiorshakus: i guess my point is that they should be getting the information from the same place02:32
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sipiorshakus: if you retart the firestater control app, does the connection persist02:32
shakussipior: yes02:32
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shakussipior: i've added deny rules for both the host and the port. i think i'll just go offline/reboot and see what happens02:33
Martinp23SeveredCross: Thanks :)02:33
sipiorshakus: yeah, sounds reasonable. best of luck to you.02:34
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herz1I installed the at-spi-dbgsym package, because I got some warning while running an application in development02:34
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shakussipior: i don't see how this could possibly be a trojan, unless it was in a nocd crack i used with cedega (for a game which i own:p), but that shouldn't have been a problem02:35
herz1how do I tell gdb that /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libatk-bridge.so contains the symbols for the dl_open()ed libatk-bridge.so?02:35
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sipiorshakus: just keep an eye on it in future. probably nothing.02:35
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eyemeanim new to linux, ive installed firestarter, wondering if i need to install antivirus aswell?02:37
eyemeansoz, im using ubuntu 7.0402:37
sipioreyemean: generally, no02:37
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eyemeanbut of course firewall is good is needed?02:38
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sipioreyemean: properly configured, yes02:38
eyemeanany recomendations for configuration sipior?02:38
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dawn`choruseyemean, you may want AV for scanning emails, flash drives, you know, stuff that gets spread around to other (possible windows) computers.02:39
sipioreyemean: block everything you don't absolutely need :)02:39
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eyemeanyes good idea dawn chorus, could u recomend antivirus? or should i just use avg linux02:40
eyemeancheers sipior, lol02:40
dawn`choruseyemean, clamav is in the repos.02:41
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mattm591_can anyone here help me with some problems i have with internal bluetooth on my easynote gn45 laptop02:42
sipiorthat's interesting. do folks here use antivirus software on their linux boxes often? i got the impression that was more more common for mail servers than desktop boxes.02:42
dawn`chorussipior, i scan my flash drives fairly regularly.  mail less often.02:42
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sipiorof course, i am incurably lazy, which may have helped to cement this impression.02:42
dawn`chorusgmail filters executables from attachments, so i feel comfortable rarely scanning mail.02:43
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GeekMaster1For some reason I cannot enable 60 HZ02:44
GeekMaster1My Xorg is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48385202:44
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GeekMaster1Can ANYONE help me?02:44
sipiordawn`chorus: have you ever found an infection on one of your flash drives?02:44
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swamigeek master..02:44
swamieven i cant enable it :(02:44
swamijust 50 hertz :-s02:44
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RAOFGeekMaster1, swami: It's not 50Hz.  The nvidia driver is just deliberately misreporting your refresh rate.02:45
swamii also need to enable 32 bit depth and 1280x102402:45
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RAOFGeekMaster1, swami: Your real refresh rate is almost certainly 60Hz (and you can see this in nvidia-settings)02:45
dawn`chorussipior, yes.  an executable that Windows deliberately put on there.  :)02:45
frojndwhy my java won't work?02:45
GeekMaster1RAOF: How do I check for sure what my refresh rate is?02:45
frojndI can't visit sites taht support java :S02:45
swaminvidia settings..02:45
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swamilemme see :D02:45
frojndI mean, I can visit them but..02:45
sipiordawn`chorus: heh, damnable windows :)02:45
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mattm591_does anyone know how i can see if ubuntu has found my bluetooth adapter?02:46
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GeekMaster1RAOF: Is there a command for me to check my refresh rate?02:46
frojndmattm591_: when u plug it in, there is somekind of alert or message02:46
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tobi-wanhi folks! i have a program that uses shared memory. when i re-start udev, the program subsequently fails with shm_open(): permission denied02:47
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mattm591_frojnd: its internal so there i cant plug it in or take it out02:47
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tobi-wana reboot resolves the solution, but i ask myself: is there a way to restart udev without restarting my computer?02:47
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swamihope most of u guys ahve seen several videos of beryl-ubuntu in youtube :)02:47
mat1980 frojnd: install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin02:47
swamiin that they show that mac effect..02:47
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GeekMaster1OOOOOK. I guess noone knows if there is a command for me to check my refresh rate.02:47
emiliohi, any1 using HP w22 monitor ?02:47
swamii mean when the mouse reaches the taskbar like bar at the bottom..02:47
swamiicons popping out02:47
swamihow to enable that?02:48
liviuanybody from romania?02:48
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bartzitzhello, having trouble netboot'ing Feisty. it mounts squashfs file and seems to continue, then errors like this show: Cannot create directory /dev/shm/var.lock: No such file or directory. after this it fails. what could be the problem?02:48
Martinp23SeveredCross: No - ntfsresize and gparted are still complaining that I need to boot into windows twice :(02:48
RAOFGeekMaster1: Yes, yo ucan check it with nvidia-settings.02:48
enviouzGeekMaster1:  most lcd screns have an auto button as well as a selection in the menu that shows current refresh rate and resolution02:49
mat1980!ro | liviu02:49
ubotuliviu: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro02:49
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GeekMaster1OK thanks guys. On to fonts...... When I type "xdpyinfo | grep resolution" I get "resolution:    85x87 dots per inch". Can anyone help me find out why it's not 96dpi?02:50
bartzitznetboot experts, anyone?02:50
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sipiorGeekMaster1: cause that's how your monitor's made02:50
daquinoyou guys think you load enough modules ? i have never seen this long of an output from lsmod in my life...02:50
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Martinp23SeveredCross: It looks like ntfscheck is trying to fix only some errors, and then demanding a full check on restart (which looks like the only way I'll be able to get around this error :\).  Thanks anyway02:51
Polis_tttanyone that got any experience of ups with ubuntu 6.10, which mark that supports that and how it works?02:51
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GeekMaster1My monitor is MADE not to show 96dpi for my fonts? Why is it I can use 96DPI on my mac installation partition and my Windows instillation partition?02:51
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dawn`chorusdaquino, well, that's part of what makes Ubuntu Ubuntu.  :)02:51
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gordonjcpGeekMaster1: xorg.conf defines DPI in terms of screen size02:52
daquinodawn`chorus: do you realize what you just said ?02:52
GeekMaster1sipior: My monitor is MADE not to show 96dpi for my fonts? Why is it I can use 96DPI on my mac installation partition and my Windows instillation partition?02:52
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dawn`chorusdaquino, what?  the bloat?  sure.02:52
sipiorGeekMaster1: it's not really 96dpi. bit of a fantasy really.02:52
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bartzitzcould anyone help me with feisty netboot problem?02:52
GeekMaster1gordonjcp: I have no idea what you mean. So you're saying I can edit my Xorg to show 96DPI for my fonts? If so, how do I do that?02:52
dawn`choruswho freaking cares?  kids run around with 4 gig of ram and 3 GHz dual core processors.  sure, don't run Ubuntu on granny's PII.  who cares?02:53
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gordonjcpGeekMaster1: is it actually important?02:53
gordonjcpGeekMaster1: I suspect it will give you more problems that you had to start with02:53
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daquinodawn`chorus:  bloat ? this is rediculous.... this isn't bloat this is bad detection... and then in reality when i plug in my mouse it doesn't even detect it02:53
frojndinstall sun-java6-jre02:53
RAOFGeekMaster1: The DPI of your screen is the resolution divided by the size.  It's a property of the size of your pixels, and is a physical property of the screen.02:53
GeekMaster1godonjcp: I'm a webdesigner. I do it for a living. it is VERY important. Every minuscule detail.02:53
frojndmat1980: no good, even with this java won't work :s02:54
sipiorGeekMaster1: i think not.02:54
frojndand that all the sudden02:54
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dawn`chorusdaquino, try getting it to work in Windows.02:54
daquinodawn`chorus:  did you just speak english ?02:55
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GeekMaster1gordonjcp: You suspect IT will give me more problems than I started with? "IT" being what?02:55
dawn`chorusdaquino, are you in my gene pool?02:55
RAOFGeekMaster1: You can set what DPI fonts should be drawn for in System->Preferences->Fonts.  However, since your screen is not 96DPI, it'll just make them bigger.02:55
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sipiorGeekMaster1: if you're planning on being obnoxious in this channel, "GeekMaster" is not a great nom de plume02:56
daquinodawn`chorus: your responses are fluff02:56
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GeekMaster1RAOF: So what should I set my fonts DPI to in  "System->Preferences->Fonts" to make them show the correct size?02:56
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dawn`chorusdaquino, and?  you come into Ubuntu *support* to just moane and groan like some little kid?  if you have a question, ask the room.  otherwise #ubuntu-offtopic.02:56
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GeekMaster1sipior: I'm really NOT a prick. I never meant to be obnoxious. If ANYTHING I said sort of came off that way I am VERY sorry02:57
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RAOFGeekMaster1: The DPI reported.  That is: 86DPI02:57
sipiorGeekMaster1: no worries, all forgotten :)02:57
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neopsychegreetings.. quesitons about other linux distro.... is xandros really 'open source' ??? I see that they are ... giving away a 'free distribution' version that is for 'non-commercial use' but isnt all GNU software open to use for commercial use??? xandros is confusing.02:57
GeekMaster1RAOF: So set it to 86 DPI in "System->Preferences->Fonts"?02:58
neopsycheCant i simply re-sell / distribute any linux distro???02:58
bartzitznetbooting feisty, anyone? or is it a wrong place to ask this?02:58
neopsychefor example.. SUSE linux is distributed free online02:58
RAOFGeekMaster1: Yup.02:58
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GeekMaster1Thank you ALL for your help.02:58
GeekMaster1Ubuntu IRC RULES02:58
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mok_bartzitz, what about netbooting?02:58
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bartzitzmok_: i've setup all the needed stuff to install it over the network. it fails after mounting squashfs02:59
neopsycheyeah ubuntu IRC rules... XANDROS SUCKS@!!!! because theres only 2 people in there02:59
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mok_bartzitz,  I've only done it from the live CD02:59
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mok_bartzitz, that works without problems03:00
tobi-wansorry to repost: are there any udev-wizards here? obviously, re-reading the rules using udevcontrol does not apply them and /etc/init.d/udev restart messes up my system :-/03:00
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enviouzcan i just install kde without breaking anything? i currently use ubuntu studio03:01
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RAOFenviouz: Yes.  Just install the "kubuntu-desktop" package.03:01
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enviouzok ty03:01
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enviouzwhere to get desktop themes?03:02
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:02
dawn`chorusenviouz, art.gnome.org03:02
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enviouzty Frogzoo and dawn`chorus03:03
dawn`chorusyour welcome, enviouz03:03
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zulfikarhallo jio03:03
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bartzitz_ has anyone here installed feisty over a LAN?03:04
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benmayimI've installed Ubuntu 7.04 with LAMP, and I want to install Joomla on it. How do I do it?03:05
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:06
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GerritWat program is responsible for the intelligent tab completion that makes that if I type 'latex <tab>' it shows *.tex? Where is this configured?03:07
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benmayimI've installed Ubuntu 7.04 with LAMP. How do Iget Lamp to run .php files in the web browser?03:07
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CyberMadbenmayim apt-get install apache2 php4 libapache2-mod-php403:09
CyberMadapt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php503:09
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chadeldridgeHas anyone sucessfully gotten a Treo 700wx to sync with synce ?03:09
z3r0ph3wli know that its not right chanel to ask about beryl but in beryl channel nobody answer. hej i have problem with beryl then i choose beryl window manager in try icon of beryl nothing happening. why?03:09
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=== mypapit chalo!!!!!!!!!1
benmayimcybermad, I need all those in addition to the LAMP that installed with Ubuntu?03:10
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Vorianz3r0ph3wl, join #ubuntu-effects03:10
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CyberMadbenmayim sorry i can't help you, but i usually use that if i want to install apache + mysql + php4/5 and it's works03:12
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richeeThere was some other software like easy ubuntu..can someone help me recollect it name?03:12
enviouzbenmayim:  i use a prog called xammp03:12
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domasergh, apparently 7.04 desktop cd doesn't boot properly in parallels either03:12
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domaswhy is Ubuntu the only linux that fails to run in parallels in every release :)03:12
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benmayimI know about xamp, but I thought if you installed Ubuntu with the LAMP server, you would be able to use that.03:12
sipiorrichee: you probably are looking for automatix, but it's not supported or particularly recommended.03:12
richeesipior: yes03:13
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=== domas upgrades to parallels3 and tries again
richeesipior: thanks been long since I used ubuntu just installed fiesty03:13
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enviouznot sure. i just use xamp because it was part of a tutorial on installing torrentflux03:13
ZeroA4domas, must be something between parallels and ubuntu... it runs ok in vmware03:13
domasfor LTS one I had to use alternate install CD03:14
domasfor 7.04, server cd doesn't like the way parallels emulates CD-ROM03:14
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domasand desktop CD shows black blank screen03:14
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Assassyn2ubuntu 6.10 is last edition?03:14
xqAre there any good mirrors for Gutsy? The main mirror is slow. ;003:14
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ZeroA4Assassyn2, no... it is 7.0403:15
Assassyn2where can i get it pls03:15
domasAssassyn2: from any ubuntu download site?03:15
domasAssassyn2: do note that 6.10 has long-term-support03:15
ZeroA4domas, cant you try VMware or Virtualbox ? they have free versions03:15
xqAnd there is a huge list of mirrors. hehe03:15
enviouzi recommend the torrents though03:15
dyrneAssassyn2: so wait, youre downloading ubuntu and fedora? :)03:15
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FrogzooAssassyn2:get the torrent etc. @ http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/feisty/release/ubuntu-7.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent03:15
domasZeroA4: mmm, I'm on macosx03:15
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ZeroA4domas, no! LTS is 6.0603:15
domasah, confusing03:15
imbrandondomas, vmware has osx version03:15
domasI do find ubuntu versions confusing :)03:15
imbrandonwhy confusing ? Y.MM03:16
imbrandonnot too hard :)03:16
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Assassyn2what version03:16
ZeroA4domas, it's easy... year.month03:16
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Assassyn2i don`t know or fedora or ubuntu03:16
enviouzspeaking of lts when is the next release?03:16
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ZeroA4Ubuntu 7.10 will be released in october03:17
imbrandonenviouz, 8.04 possibly, hasent been announced yet03:17
defrysketc etc03:17
xqVirtualBox supports MacOS as does VMWare, I believe.03:17
enviouzahh ok ty. wasnt sure if it would be gutsy or the next one03:17
domasZeroA4: year/month means nothing03:18
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domasZeroA4: for me the much more important is libc version, for example :)03:18
ZeroA4i not sure if 7.10 will be LTS03:18
defrysk2008.06 should be 2008.0403:18
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ZeroA4domas, distrowatch tells it03:18
xqAre there any mirrors for Gutsy alpha that anyone know of?03:19
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domasso when there's more differences between say 6.4 and 6.10 rather than between 6.10 and 7.4.. :)03:19
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Assassyn2what is LTS?03:19
domasthe numbers then look confusing03:19
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domasbut I guess you've heard that over and over :))03:20
enviouzlong term support03:20
drownerAssassyn2: Long Term Support03:20
defrysklong term support or something03:20
neolhow do i kill a single firefox windows.. .... ??? one firefox window has got hang here03:20
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ZeroA4Assassyn2, Long Term Suport03:20
enviouz5 years aint it? or is it 3?03:20
Assassyn2ubuntu 7.04 last stable version?03:20
enviouzyea Assassyn203:20
ZeroA4Assassyn2, yes03:20
xqneol: click the "x" or use the menu bar and right click and go to close03:20
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Nirooghi ppl03:20
Assassyn2phiu thanks god03:21
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Assassyn2i don`t like beta vers03:21
Niroogwhat do i have to do to remove completely mysql and php ?03:21
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neolsorry i got disconnected can someone give that reply back please03:21
xqneol: click the "x" or use the menu bar and right click and go to03:22
xq            close03:22
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enviouzAssassyn2:  you can prob get the cd instead of the dvd. i havent noticed much difference in them03:22
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neolxq: but its not closing dude03:22
enviouzaside from needing more updates when using the dvd03:22
ZeroA4Niroog, the complete removal option in synaptic does not help ?03:22
Niroogtrying now03:23
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enviouzdvd has more apps but they have most been updated03:23
neoldoes someone know how to kill a single firefox windows ??? :)03:23
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Irealneol: they is related all !!!03:23
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Assassyn2i`ll get this time the dvd and burn it03:23
Frogzooneol: alt f403:24
Assassyn2is it worth to doanload 64bit?03:24
neolFrogzoo: that is not working the windows has got hang dude03:24
enviouzAssassyn2:  idk ive never used 6403:24
Frogzooneol: xkill03:25
ZeroA4Assassyn2, 64 got problems with flash and java03:25
defryskneol, looks like a ff crash , you'll have to close them all03:25
neolFrogzoo: thanks03:25
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defryskhmm obviously not :S03:26
Adrosshey, i'm looking to set up a mailing list prog, similiar to yahoo groups. I tried phplist, but then I realised that it only sends out singular announcements, it doesn't send out discussions to all recipients. So, can anyone recommend me a good mailing list program?03:26
mweI'm looking at a shell script. it says 'killall -KILL nas >&-' what does >&- mean?03:26
enviouzneol:  you should be able to restore your ff session though03:26
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neoldefrysk: whats an ff crash ??03:26
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defryskneol, never mind03:26
dyrneAssassyn2: unless you just want to fool around with it or need your apps to have access to > 4 gig ram.. not atm03:26
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Quicktabbhi i need help. i can't install gap plug-in for gimp. how can i install it?03:26
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Irealferyfersistant crash :)03:26
neolenviouz: how do i do that ??03:26
defrysklol Ireal03:27
defryskff is short for firefox afaIk03:27
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Assassyn2ok than 32bit perfect for me for now03:27
enviouzwell if you kill the process when you open ff again it should ask you if you want to restore session or start new03:27
assasukassehi everyone, is there someone using an usb irda adaptor with ubuntu? does it work?03:27
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neolenviouz: that happens only in windows and not in linux... hehe03:27
enviouzno in linux too03:28
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neolenviouz: but here its not working ;)03:28
ZeroA4neol, my fx does restores session in ubuntu03:28
enviouzstrange. does it to me every time03:28
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defryskneol, you are not using feisty then03:28
neoldefrysk: yes i'm03:28
neolsorry i'm using feisty03:29
defryskneol, then it should restore03:29
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Frogzoo!hardware | assasukasse03:29
ubotuassasukasse: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:29
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enviouzdid you close it or kill it from the system monitor?03:29
Quicktabbhi i need help. i can't install any plug-in for gimp. can anyone help me plz! thnks03:29
chadeldridgeAnyone a guru at synce ?03:29
neoli used xkill03:29
enviouzidk then but it should ask you to rstore03:30
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greedocan you recommend a gui tool to view sqlite or mysql databases and run queries ?03:30
neolit didnt03:30
enviouzits weird that it didnt for you03:30
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Adrossgreedo: phpmyadmin03:30
Adrossgreedo: web interface03:31
assasukasseFrogzoo: is not much use..no irda usb listed there03:31
greedoyeah taht's what i'm using03:31
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Irealit's too bad they discontinued mysqlcc, it was such a nice program03:31
Adrosswhy do you want to change?03:31
greedobut i find it kinda slow03:31
guardianhi ireal, you there :)03:31
Irealgreedo: it is probably the worst thing evar, but it does the job best :)03:31
murraycgreedo: mergeant, if you can get it to work.03:31
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greedook gonna look for mergeant03:31
Irealguardian: yikes, the french are coming~, elderberries anyone ;)03:31
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Shockdoes ubuntu have accelerated support for intel g965/x3000 video card series?03:34
ZeroA4Ireal, MySQL Query Browser is in the repos03:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g065 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:34
IrealZeroA4: is that the gtk app ?03:34
kafranwhich program can I use to make a move from photos (like an slide) with a music on background??03:34
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ZeroA4Ireal, dont know if its GTK...03:34
Irealcause there was this "official" mysql admin app, i didn't like it one bit03:35
ZeroA4Shock, it has for some intel cards... 900 series03:35
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eyemeandawn chrous, thanx for clamav, but it says i have to be in root to update signatures03:35
chadeldridgekafran:  Picasa2 can do something like that03:35
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ZeroA4Ireal, MySQL Query Browser is from MySQL but is other program03:36
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enviouzeyeman try sudo clamav or what ever the launch command is03:36
IrealZeroA4: i'll try it sometime then ^_^03:36
kafranchadeldridge: have picasa for linux?03:36
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ZeroA4Ireal, :)03:37
chadeldridgeyes ... its on the google site03:37
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chadeldridgeidentical to the m$ version03:37
xdr__does anyone know any good vga drivers for links2??03:37
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eyemeanthanx enviouz, but didnt work03:37
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eyemeanim new to linux03:37
CharminTheMoosexdr__ vga drivers for links2? why would ya need them?03:37
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enviouznot sure then. what did it say? command not found?03:38
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enviouzok maybe somebody else knows the command to start it then03:38
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ZeroA4xdr__, i think you need fbdev or vesa... like at the boot03:38
eyemeank thanx for trying though, much appreciated03:38
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xdr__i got mixed up soz03:38
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eyemeanis there a way i can find the command for it?03:39
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Frogzoo!docs | eyemean03:39
ubotueyemean: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:39
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greedoZeroA4: what's the package name please ?03:40
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enviouztry sudo freshclam -d03:40
eyemeancheers ubotu and frogzoo03:40
ZeroA4greedo, for?03:40
greedoZeroA4: mysql browser03:40
GastenI'm looking for a program which I can use to find rgb and hexrgb values, instead of firing up Gimp. Ie, it's a stand alone color pallete. Does that exist?03:40
VSpikedoes anyone know where I can find a list of kernel options that can be passed from grub/lilo?03:40
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eyemeanbash: try: command not found03:41
ZeroA4greedo, mysql-query-browser03:41
AzMooHey, is there any way I can restrict logins to a particular group?03:41
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kafranchadeldridge: cant find linux version, on linux site only the win version ;/03:41
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enviouzsudo freshclam -d03:41
greedoduh was dread simple :D thx03:41
kafranchadeldridge: on google site03:41
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enviouzsorry i didnt mean to add try as part of the command03:41
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Raimis i've problem with my network card.it detects 8139too driver..but network device not working.03:42
kafranchadeldridge: found it ;) thx03:42
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Quicktabbhi i can't install any plug-in in gimp. help me plz. thx03:42
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eyemeanlol, soz enviouz, i guess that did comething cause it then just went to next command line03:42
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enviouzeyemean:  found this http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2005/10/clamav-free-anti-virus-solution-for.html03:43
neolhow do i uninstall xmms along with the packages which are download in /var/cache/apt ???? respective packages should also be deleted, bcoz i have some problem with my xmms here,,, so i'm downloading the packages again and installing xmms :)03:43
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enviouzidk neol maybe try complete remove in the package manager03:44
Assassynubuntu server is ok?03:44
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MisterXhi there03:45
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Irealneol: wow, that sounded vague :)03:45
enviouznot unless you running a server03:45
MisterXi have a problem with my via graphic chip (onboard)03:45
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Assassyni mean is it stable?03:45
Assassynany1 tried it?03:45
orangeyhey all!03:45
tclevalhow can i install a deb source file? i need kqemu and i only see a source package on the repositories03:45
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orangeyI'm having an interesting problem.. In my logs, I get a "302", but users are reporting blank pages about half the time.03:45
enviouzi think its command line only03:45
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MisterXtcleval: dpkg -i package03:46
orangeyreloading the page gives the "right" page, though.03:46
neolIreal: i know what problem i am facing here so i am doing that dude03:46
eyemeanenvious - thank you very much. ur a star03:46
tclevalMisterX, and it get compiled?03:46
neolenviouz: how do i do that ??03:46
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MisterXtcleval: if it's a .deb package? yepp.03:46
orangeyI meant to do that in #apache03:46
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StallmanDrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org -03:46
StallmanDrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org -03:46
StallmanDrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org -03:46
StallmanDrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.org - DrLight.o03:46
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Ireali never liked RMS!03:47
enviouzopen synaptic (ystem admins synaptic) find the package the right click and choose mark for complete removal. then click apply03:47
Assassynthese days noobs like this one still exists?03:47
neolwhat the hell is going on03:47
neolstop u moron03:47
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MisterX^^ can someone help me with my via graphics chip?03:47
neolenviouz: that wasnt for u it was for stallman03:48
enviouznaw i meant wtf was his prob03:48
MisterXP4M800PRO-M2 Mainboard with integrated S3 Unichrome Pro 2d/3d Graphics03:48
MisterXi tried to install several drivers from the official ubuntu repositories03:48
eyemeangoes to show why people like that have no lives03:48
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MisterXbut nothing worked... i hang around here with a vesa driver :(03:49
gordonjcpAssassyn: seems so03:49
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enviouzidk if the complete removal will remove all dependancies too but i do know it removes the package as well as any config files ect03:49
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eyemeanthanx again enviouz, much appreciated03:49
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neolenviouz: give me a command for console.... to do the same for completely removing xmms03:50
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MisterXneol: apt-get remove xmms03:50
enviouzoh idk how to do it from a terminal i always have to do it from the package manager03:50
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sohoamwhat's the command to open a terminal and display top?03:51
variantsohoam: gnome-terminal -e top03:51
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neolMisterX: will that remove xmms packages from /var/cache/apt also ??03:51
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sohoamvariant: great...thx03:51
variantsohoam: you would be better with htop though (apt-get it)03:51
MisterXneol: don't know, but i think so. just try it03:51
sohoamvariant: ok03:51
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neolMisterX: yes sir03:51
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enviouzif you use the command Misterx gave if the dependancies were only needed for xmms it will afterwards tell you packages were installed taht were no longer needed and to use autoremove command03:52
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MisterX^^ can someone help me with my via graphics-chip?03:52
variantwhy does boot up manager allow editing of hte startup and shutdown scripts? says it requires deep knowledge of the system.. well I happen to know that I dont need a braile display thanks...03:52
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enviouzidk if it removes config files and stuff though03:53
MisterXgoing mad here...03:53
variantnot allow*03:53
variantMisterX: whats the problem?03:53
enviouzidk about that misterx ive only used ati03:53
neolenviouz: so i should use autoremove... then ??03:53
enviouzdo sudo apt-get remove xmms03:53
meniskHi, I recently tried to upgrade to the fglrx 8.37.6 driver. The driver didn't work under XGL for me, so I purged it and reverted to the 'ati' driver. Now when I go to the restricted driver manager it says my hardware doesn't require any restricted drivers? Any ideas?03:53
MisterXvariant: well, i can't install any other driver than vesa03:53
enviouzthen sudo apt-get autoremove03:53
MisterX^^ i want to enable 3d acceleration03:53
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MisterXmainboard: P4M800PRO-M203:54
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MisterXIntegrated S3 UniChrome Pro 2D/3D Graphics03:54
neolMisterX: dont u have ur motherbroad cd, that might include drivers for linux03:54
_AndrewHi all, I have a problem. My laptop hard drive seems like its about to break but I don't want to lose all my data. I have Ubuntu install on my desktop and I want to copy my user directory over to my desktop. I'm connected to the internet via wifi but my desktop has a crossover cable to my laptop. I can't figure out how to get file sharing to work between the ubuntu computers.03:54
enviouzmenisk where did you get the driver from?03:54
MisterX^^ that's the graphics chip03:54
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:54
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MisterXneol: well, the manual didn't tell me of any linux drivers...03:54
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MisterXbut that's indeed an idea...03:55
variant_Andrew: use scp.. or enable shared folders in nautilus03:55
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meniskenviouz: I had the 8.34.8 driver from the repo working perfectly, then when I updated with the one from the ATI site by making .deb packages it all went to hell.03:55
MisterX^^ anyway, i tried some drivers but neither one of them did work03:55
neolMisterX: check the cd which has come along with ur mobo03:55
ZeroA4_Andrew, install openssh-server in both... open ssh://ip in nautilus where ip is the onther pc ip03:55
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MisterX^^ on my way...03:55
enviouzyea i never got them to compile right either. hang on a min i have a link to the updated debs03:55
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=== L0cKn back
variant_Andrew: "scp -r /home/_andrew/ user@host-ipaddress:/home/username:"03:56
meniskenviouz: So I can still have 8.37.6?03:56
IdleOne!samba | _Andrew03:56
ubotu_Andrew: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:56
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enviouzthey will always be at that site (will never make it to the repos)03:56
_AndrewIdleOne: They're both ubuntu computers not windows03:56
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variant_Andrew: do what I did then. you can still use samba ubuntu to ubutnu though (it's a very nice system)03:57
ZeroA4_Andrew, install openssh-server in both... open ssh://ip in nautilus where ip is the onther pc ip03:57
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_AndrewZeroA4: Will do03:57
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variantZeroA4: you only need the server in one..03:57
meniskenviouz: Can you help me install them, as every other time the have failed.03:57
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Quicktabbhi need help, i can't install gap plugin for gimp. how can i install it?03:58
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enviouzyea. first open the synaptic package manager03:58
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MisterXcan't find the cd...03:58
rockphotojust wan to tell that i am online with gutsy alpha1 topcom skyracer 3011 wlan pccard on my acer travelmate 240 laptop03:58
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ZeroA4variant, yeah...03:59
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meniskenviouz: Do I just install xorg-driver-fglrx and fglrx kernel source?03:59
enviouzmenisk first do a search for fglrx03:59
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MisterXvariant: no cd available03:59
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enviouzwell you need the updated fglrx driver control module restricted modules and common modules04:00
MisterXsilly me...04:00
variantMisterX: comment out the cd line in sources.list04:00
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meniskenviouz: I am happy to use 8.34.8 as they have worked for me.04:01
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MisterXi mean... i have the ubuntu install disc here04:01
enviouzi use the updated ones because the fix probs with x crashing during switch users suspen and hibrinate04:01
_AndrewI have another problem before we get to my file sharing problem. I plugged in the Desktop to my laptop but how do I share my Internet connection via my laptop?04:01
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cycomI'm having an issue with my bluetooth mighty mouse.  It connects just fine, but the side buttons respond as left click, and the scrollball only does vertical scrolling.  I've added a section for mightymouse to my Xorg.conf (per the instructions in the forums, etc.) but haven't been able to get the buttons to respond, and horizontal scrolling doesn't show an event in Xev04:02
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fosohey, my computer is getting slow and sometimes stops for like 10 seconds, i can hear the hd going, whats up?04:02
meniskenviouz: How do I get the updated ones? Sorry for my noobyness.04:02
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enviouzstill have the link i gave you?04:02
meniskenviouz: yes04:03
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enviouzok go there and d/l the following files04:03
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shadeofgreyokay folks'04:03
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IdleOne!repos | MisterX04:03
ubotuMisterX: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:03
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enviouzfglrx-control_8.37.6+  fglrx-kernel-source_8.37.6+
shadeofgreyi need to talk to someone about installing ubuntu feisty on a coreduo macbookpro04:03
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MisterXidaho45: do you have a certain reason to tell me that?04:04
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IdleOneshadeofgrey, ask away and someone will try to help if they can04:04
MisterXIdleOne: ^^ do you have a certain reason... ?04:04
shadeofgreyspecifically what actions i have to take to enable ATI video support in the liveCD and then do the actualinstall withthe same settiungs04:04
fosoi have a 2.8 ghz processor and 20+gigs free, but its slow, i thought that only happened in wondows04:04
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jsoohsi want to run a script in a terminal 'sh script.sh' and have to results displayed as if i were entering the commands one by one, instead of looking at a blinking cursor and assuming it's being done in the background...how do i do that?04:04
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enviouzmenisk:  you dont use the 64bit version do you?04:04
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meniskenviouz: Used to, too many issues :P04:05
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shadeofgreyfoso, how manyt megs of ram do you have and what kiknd of video card?04:05
enviouzok good because these are 386 debs04:05
IdleOneMisterX, all the packages you need can be downloaded from the repositories online making the need for the cd not necessary04:05
MisterXvariant: i just found the cd that came with my motherboard04:05
meniskenviouz: I know, goody.04:05
enviouzdo you know what kernel you use?04:05
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wolsMisterX: that helps you in ubuntu how?04:05
meniskenviouz: 2.6.20 -1604:05
fososhadeofgrey, i have 512 mem, and an ati card, it was working, this garbage is fairly recent04:05
MisterXIdleOne: i know that. but i don't see any connection to the problem concerning my graphics driver04:06
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alexseifHi, I'm having touble with amarok it doesn't play the tracks!04:06
enviouzgeneric, 386 or lowlatency?04:06
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MisterXwols: hum. nothing. cause it seems to be just for windows users04:06
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neolenviouz: i did < apt-get remove xmms > and then < apt-get autoremove xmms > but still the xmms packages are not deleted from /var/cache/apt ??? :(04:06
meniskenviouz: I think lowlatency, how do I check?04:06
enviouzuname -r04:06
MisterX^^ it's just im trying to setup a 3d driver for my VIA Graphics Chipset for nearly 5 hours...04:06
variantneol: rm /var/cache/apt/xmms*04:06
dyrnejsoohs: you can paste your script if you like but id /join #bash and ask there04:07
IdleOneMisterX, the drivers that came with the cd are for windows you need to install Linux drivers for yor graphics card so the cd you have is useless unless the manufacturer provides linux drivers04:07
MisterXand ive no idea what to do now....04:07
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MisterX^^ yes.04:07
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meniskenviouz: Ah, generic, it was my old kernel that was lowlatency.04:07
ZeroA4MisterX, VIA has drivers for linux04:07
MisterXi recognized it a minute ago04:07
dyrnejsuther: pastebin i mean :)04:07
MisterXtell me news, folk04:07
neolvariant: that will only remove packages starting with xmms** name... i want everything related to xmms to b removed04:07
enviouzok. have you got the first 2 files yet?04:07
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IdleOne!enter | MisterX04:07
ubotuMisterX: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:07
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variantneol: just rm everything.. its just the installation packages04:08
alexseifHi, I'm having touble with amarok it doesn't play the tracks!04:08
yangyiyunis this taking in chinese ?04:08
meniskenviouz: Yes, they're on my desktop.04:08
ZeroA4MisterX, did you get the drivers from Viaarena?04:08
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neolvariant: but i have lot other packages in that folder dude... i cant do that04:08
MisterXthere were some official driver at the official site04:08
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neolMisterX: then u should try those first04:09
enviouzok now get linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic_2.  linux-restricted-modules-common_2.
ZeroA4MisterX, they dont work ?04:09
MisterXeither it doesnt work on my machine or i was too stupid to install em04:09
wolsMisterX: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-closed@lists.debian.org/msg129284.html04:09
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enviouzlet me know when thema re done04:09
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MisterX^^ my english is not the best...04:09
ZeroA4MisterX, a never used them04:09
ZeroA4but they have a page for ubuntu04:10
MisterXmaybe i misunderstood some advices04:10
neolwols: do u know how to remove the an application along with the respective packages in /var/cache/apt... ??? what the command for it ??04:10
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MisterXim kind of new to linux...04:10
MisterXand, as i said... im not that good at english...04:10
wols!apt | neol04:10
ubotuneol: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:10
alexseifHi, I'm having touble with amarok it doesn't play the tracks!04:11
wolsyou can't do both things together04:11
MisterXwols: the link is about K8xxx - i need M800Pro04:11
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ZeroA4MisterX, where are you from?04:11
neolwols: ok tell me the command then  ?04:11
wolsneol: the packages in /var/cache are unecessary. you can always delete them via apt04:11
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wolsMisterX: what is your exact problem? ubuntu ships with unichrome drivers afaik04:11
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gerhardhi i need to install audacious, now i have the following error when ./configure-ing: checking for glib-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 pango... no       configure: error: Cannot find glib2/gtk2/pango04:11
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MisterXwols: correct. i installed the unichrome drivers04:12
gerhardwhich package needs to be installed?04:12
mezziahgerhard: libpongo, development package04:12
MisterXthen i changed the xorg.conf (replaced "vesa" with "via")04:12
meniskenviouz: Done04:12
wols!apt | gerhard04:12
ubotugerhard: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:12
_AndrewZeroA4: Thanks I got the file sharing working now04:12
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MisterXrestarting the x-server didnt work04:12
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ZeroA4_Andrew, :)04:12
wols!doesn't work04:12
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:12
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MisterXdidn't found the driver04:12
=== Savenger_ [n=savenger@i577A0A48.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
enviouzok now grab these last two files xorg-driver-fglrx-dev_7.1.0-8.37.6+  xorg-driver-fglrx_7.1.0-8.37.6+
wolsMisterX: xorg.log output please04:13
MisterXsomething like "looking for via driver - module doesn't exist" or something04:13
MisterX^^ moment please04:13
=== Ernz [n=ernz@user-544548ff.lns5-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ErnzHello, this question may seem a little random, but I played a game on Ubuntu a while back. It was an FPS and all the world objects graphics were outset with thick black lines and vivid colours. Can anyone name that game?04:13
MisterXhum... where to find?04:13
wolsMisterX: /var/log/04:14
MisterX... need to fix locate later... *narf*04:14
gordonjcpErnz: what kind of fps?04:14
Ernzgordonjcp, sorta ut2004 style thing04:15
gerhardmezziah: ich kann keine nachrichten verschicken, ich brauch die neuere version fr audacious-mac, das untersttzt nur audacious ber 1.3.004:15
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ericrwErnz, PadMan ?04:15
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:15
meniskenviouz: Got 'em.04:15
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mezziahgerhard: aren't you able to answer me in query?04:15
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gordonjcpErnz: nexuiz?04:16
enviouzok now do one last thing in a terminal hit fglrxinfo. just tell me if it says mesa or ati04:16
mezziahoh that's bad. aren't there any binary packages?04:16
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LIJIDoes someone know a good OGG Video convertor?04:16
ErnzGordonjcp: I was thinking Nexuiz.....04:16
MisterX(EE) No drivers available.04:16
MisterXFatal server error:04:16
MisterXno screens found04:16
gordonjcpErnz: doesn't have flat colours though04:16
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ericrwErnz, quake3 ? :) http://offload1.ioquake3.org/images/cel-shading.jpg04:17
mezziahgerhard: i suggest you install a client that supports private messages so that we can talk in your native language04:17
MisterXwols: ^^04:17
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meniskenviouz: I haven't got any fglrx stuff on, I purged it all. Running the open source driver.04:17
Ernzericrw: Nope, sorry.04:17
LIJIDoes someone know a good OGG Video convertor?04:17
gordonjcpwell, it's what I use anyway04:17
ericrw(Ernz - yeah, thats quake3 with cell shading!)04:17
enviouzahh ok np we will start the install now04:17
LIJIThanks, but I need to convert from OGG04:17
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|jason|hi -- im trying to build pidgin on xubuntu feisty -- i seem to recall there was a package i had to install first but i cant remember what it was called - can anyone help?04:17
meniskenviouz: :)04:17
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PreZI hate it when someone mentioned my name while I was gone, and I can't find it in the scrollback04:18
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wolsPreZ: /lastlog04:18
gordonjcpPreZ: /lastlog ?04:18
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skreetI've installed a few .pcf.gz files into /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi and run fc-cache but the fonts.dir file isnt' updated and the font isn't available, any advise?04:18
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enviouz2 things i should note though if you get a warning saying package is already installed or and older version is available in the channel just ignore it04:18
gordonjcpPreZ: or were you away for a long time?04:18
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gordonjcpLIJI: mencoder?04:18
meniskenviouz: Ok.04:18
enviouzright click the common module and install that with the package manager first04:18
PreZgordonjcp, a long time.  And I didn04:18
LIJIthanks, I'll try it04:18
PreZI didn't know lastlog worked in xchat, well I'll be04:19
gordonjcp*think* it works in xchat04:19
cycomAnyone else using a mighty mouse?  Preferably bluetooth?  I'm having a heck of a time.04:19
LungaNIs it possible to have 4 diffrent wallpapers on the 4 workspaces?04:19
PreZit does04:19
gordonjcpirssi+screen ftw04:19
PreZI thought it was an ircii/bitchx/irssi thing04:19
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gerhardmezziah, join #sdsdfsdfsd04:19
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PreZgord, I have irssi + screen for when I IRC from work, but I'm at home right now04:19
meniskenviouz: heh, got the error.04:19
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amagetorvDoes anyone know a quick fix to get the version 7.05 wireless adapter working04:20
enviouzalready installed or older version?04:20
amagetorvnew install v 7.0404:20
PreZGG will be out in October, right?04:20
wolsamagetorv: what wlan chip?04:20
meniskenviouz: Old version available.04:20
enviouzok just click insatll anyway04:20
meniskenviouz: I did04:20
PreZSo what is Shuttleworth going to do when he its Zany Zebra? :P04:21
meniskenviouz: That one is done.04:21
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enviouznext do the same with the restricted module04:21
wols!wireless | amagetorv04:22
ubotuamagetorv: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:22
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brainiacHi folks, I was wondering, what's a good webmin alternativ? And plz state alternatives and not im or such..04:22
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meniskenviouz: done.04:22
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enviouznow fglrx kernel source04:23
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dyrnebrainiac: i dont think there is one.. i mean phpmyadmin is great for sql stuff but..04:23
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rbadminHi. Anyone know how I can remove disks from an LVM that is made up of a RAID-1 array? I have 2x500GB SATA drives in an LVM. I need to split the array, recreate an LVM, and add the disks back in (giving me 1TB non-RAID)04:23
meniskenviouz: Done.04:23
alexseifhow do I install an upgrade to firefox?04:24
enviouzfglrx control04:24
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alexseif how do I install an upgrade to firefox?04:25
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brainiacdyrne, there's got to be... this is linux04:25
meniskenviouz: Done.04:25
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Remo_Ahi all04:25
dyrnealexseif: firefox can update itself but not from major release  i think youd have to just install firefox to go from 1.5 to 204:25
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meniskRemo_A: Hi.04:26
neolis their anybody here who has nvidia graphics card and yet not installed nvidia drivers ?????04:26
alexseifi tried "sudo apt-get install firefox"04:26
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alexseifdoesn't work04:26
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Remo_AIs there a way to see, what pages link to page? I mean, you know page A and want to find page B, which links to page A.04:26
alexseifI downloaded the new version now how do I install that04:26
ubotuIceweasel's homepage is http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ with more detailed information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceweasel04:26
dyrnebrainiac: yeah but not a supported one. the typicall attitude is.. linux uses config files read the guides :)  used to drive me crazy04:26
MisterXneol: well... replace nvidia with via and im the one youre looking for04:26
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Remo_Apage = homepage04:26
enviouzalexseif:  try upgrade firefox04:27
LungaNIs it possible to have 4 diffrent wallpapers on the 4 workspaces?04:27
neolMisterX: no not u ;)04:27
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brainiacdyrne, great... is webmin supported by ubuntu? I've heard it's no longer in deb04:27
zap0hello,  how do i get a password ?  to login ?04:27
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neolMisterX: did u get ur drivers installed for via ??04:27
dyrnebrainiac: i dont think its in official repos anymore04:27
meniskenviouz: Dependency not satisfiable... It wants xorg-driver-fglrx04:27
wolszap0: you set on at intall time04:27
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alexseifyep I think it'll work thnx04:27
Shamai1how can i make myself mount and unmount drives without using sudo???04:27
meniskenviouz: Should I do that .bed now?04:27
dyrneLungaN: in kde it is. dunno about gnome04:27
enviouzok sorry about that close the package manager and install the driver first04:27
brainiacdyrne, do u have it running?04:28
zap0i no longer have it, wols, can i get it from somewhere on the disk ?      if so, how ?04:28
LungaNHmm okey, anyone other have an idea how to do it in gnome? using beryl too04:28
meniskenviouz: .deb*04:28
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neolMisterX: ??04:28
dyrneShamai1: add users,defaults  to options column in fstab instead of just defaults04:28
dyrnebrainiac: nope. sorry04:28
MisterXdefinitly not.04:28
enviouzi forgot the driver had to be installed before the dev04:28
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dyrnebrainiac: server is fedora anyway right now04:28
WeeJeWelWhat would I call the Ctrl-Alt-Del for linux?04:28
alexseifits not its updating other stuff!!!!!04:28
brainiacdyrne, hm.. I'll just try itz out in vmware and see if it works properly..04:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:28
meniskenviouz: That;s better :)04:29
skreetI've installed a few .pcf.gz files into /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi and run fc-cache but the fonts.dir file isnt' updated and the font isn't available, any advise?04:29
wolsWeeJeWel: ctrl+alt+del works04:29
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enviouzall installed now?04:29
meniskenviouz: All installed.04:29
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WeeJeWelwols, nothing happens04:29
LIJIgordonjcp: Thanks, I got Mencoder to work :)04:29
meniskenviouz: Do I just shove fglrx in my xorg.conf?04:29
enviouzok now try to open the driver manager04:29
enviouzerr restricted manager rather04:29
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neolMisterX: use this command and tell me output of it < glxinfo|grepdirect >04:30
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meniskenviouz: It see the driver, just hit install?04:30
enviouzis the box checked?04:30
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meniskenviouz: No.04:30
Shamai1dyrne, can i do the same for pen drivers as wel??04:30
enviouzok check the box04:30
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meniskenviouz: Didn't install anything over the top..04:31
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meniskenviouz: Restart X or full reboot?04:31
alexseifits not its updating other stuff!!!!!04:31
enviouzshouldnt as the driver is already on your system just wasnt enabled. i usually do a full reboot04:31
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Zeelothey, I just installed ubuntu feisty the and I wanted to add a simple LAMP server to test my projects but none of it seems to be included, is there a simple way of doing this without installing the server version?04:31
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shadeofgreyhas anybiody herr e successfullty installedd ubuntu on a coreduop macbookpro?04:32
meniskenviouz: I'll jump back on once I've rebooted at let you know how it went.04:32
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enviouzk ill be here04:32
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TFroganyhone here have any experience calibrating a Saitek joystick in ubuntu?04:32
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skreetI've installed a few .pcf.gz files into /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi and run fc-cache but the fonts.dir file isnt' updated and the font isn't available, any advise?04:32
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alexseifhow do you install something that you downloaded ?04:33
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Shamai1alexseif, what u downloaded? i mean the filename04:34
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enviouzalexseif:  is it a .deb?04:34
Shamai1ok, the best way is look at its readme which is online04:34
shadeofgreyyou doint need it tsusw04:34
alexseifI can't upgrade it so I downloaded the new version and I want to install it04:34
skreetWell, you could use Synaptic, that's the easiest way.04:34
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alexseifhow do I find that out04:34
shadeofgreyfirefox comesd with the install of ubuntu already04:34
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Shamai1extract it and execute ./firefox04:35
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enviouzwhats the file extension?04:35
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Shamai1it will do the rest04:35
skreetBut, if you must download i, get a .deb file and use dpkg -i [filename] 04:35
alexseifI'll try04:35
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skreetI've installed a few .pcf.gz files into /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi and run fc-cache but the fonts.dir file isnt' updated and the font isn't available, any advise?04:35
Shamai1nd rem if its an update then first del this dir or move it somewhere ~/.mozilla04:35
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alexseifthank you shamail!04:36
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zbadoneis there any workarounds for getting sound to work with a Intel 82801G sound chip? it's a Toshiba Satellite A205-S4577?04:36
mckninwhat's the defacto secure FTP daemon these days?04:36
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Irealzbadone: ah yes, i've had to do something here, try this04:36
skreetzbadone I'm fairly certain that intel released drivers for that?04:36
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grammastahey, is anyone familiar with hellanzb here ? I need some help04:37
zbadonelet me have it!04:37
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Irealzbadone: rmmod the intel driver, then modprobe snd-hda-intel type=laptop04:37
Ireali think that fixed it for me04:37
meniskenviouz: No luck, it says Mesa GLX not the ATI driver.04:37
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enviouzok something isnt right04:38
zbadoneIreal: ok, now booting up laptop04:38
meniskenviouz: The Restricted driver manager is now saying my hardware doesn't need driver, again.04:38
zbadonewill try this method04:38
meniskenviouz: Why must I have and ATI?04:39
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enviouzthis doesnt make any sense04:40
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:40
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meniskenviouz: How about we try the old 8.34.8, they worked. Shall I purge the 8.37.6 ones? Or are wee still gonna work this out?04:41
meniskenviouz: menisk@RustySpork:~$ modinfo fglrx04:41
meniskmodinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko: No such file or directory04:41
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meniskenviouz: That can't be good.04:42
=== puckman just installed ubuntu on his iMac
meniskpuckman: Wise...04:42
puckmananyone know how to make desktop effects work with an ATI X1600 card?04:42
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mike3_AH! ATi04:42
mike3_Buy an nvidia04:42
enviouzif they worked fine for you open synaptic and remove the fglrx driver. fglrx control. restricted modules (including common). select complete removal04:42
meniskpuckman: Follow enviouz, he's helping me set my ATI up.04:43
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meniskpuckman: Get compiz fusion, way cooler.04:43
puckmanok, thats cool too04:43
enviouzpuckman what driver you using?04:43
puckmanbut I thought the issue was the driver here04:43
mike3_Don't listen to menisk, get Beryl04:43
P4blohi any1 can tell me how to install MythTV on my Ubuntu?04:43
enviouzpuckman yea the old driver04:43
meniskmike3_: Beryl and compiz have come together again.04:43
mike3_P4blo, There is a wonderful faq out there.04:43
meniskmike3_: I worship beryl before this.04:44
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puckmanenviouz: I switched on the restricted driver04:44
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puckmanenviouz: via the manager, that gave me the full res04:44
enviouzyea the old driver is still in the repos. the new one will never make it there04:44
meniskenviouz: He just needs XGL.04:44
P4bloye but I need to know just how to install it, I have no questions...04:44
mike3_P4blo, A quick clue, enable other repositories04:44
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mike3_apt-get install mythtv04:44
mike3_ta da04:44
komper 04:45
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puckmanenviouz: so what do I do?04:45
P4blook thx04:45
enviouzhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Testing/fglrx-8.37.6-Feisty/  <---- new driver04:45
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ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:45
mckninHi everyone, I'm trying to install an ftp daemon through apt-get and it's having problems with my hostname. I changed the /etc/hostname to reflect the correct hostname...but it's still trying to resolve the old one. Is there a way to rehash (per-say) the hostname via /etc/hostnae?04:45
meniskenviouz: Hope he goes better than I did.04:45
z0rg   #ubuntu-russian04:45
komper    ...   ...:))04:46
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enviouzmenisk:  i think for some reason tehre was still reminants of the one you tried to compile04:46
mike3_mcknin, Which ftp daemon you installing?04:46
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meniskenviouz: How do I fix that?04:46
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meniskenviouz: I used apt-get purge to remove them.04:47
enviouzopen synaptic remove fglrx driver. fglrx dev. fglrx control. fglrx kernel source. restricted modules (including the common one) then reboot and come back04:47
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meniskenviouz: Yes sir!04:48
enviouzyea puckman04:48
puckmanenviouz: I'm there, which one do I download04:48
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enviouzfirst what kernel do you have?04:48
puckmanHow do I check that?04:48
enviouzin a terminal type uname -r04:49
puckmanI just downloaded ubuntu, installed it and ran update.04:49
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mike3_mcknin, I'm checking for you. I can't belive the Fiesty faq tells you to reboot after changing the hostname.04:49
cycomighty mouse on ubuntu? Anyone get it working right?  I keep having this problem where it doesn't detect the buttons.04:49
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mike3_Ubuntu is really trying to make it user friendly/windows. :004:49
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puckmanenviouz: 2.6.20-16-generic04:50
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enviouzok get fglrx control and fglrx kernel source first (save them to desktop)04:50
mike3_mcknin, you there04:50
ndeehow can I generate the same output like the tablename.find method?04:50
puckmanenviouz: done04:51
mike3_mcknin, just change your /etc/hostname file and try a /etc/init.d/hostname restart04:51
m1ri am intrested how can i make certain program start before usplash starts04:51
puckmanenviouz: btw thanks!04:51
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mike3_try looking at the hosts files too04:51
enviouznp. most people dont know about the updated debs04:52
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swamican someone help me out, in enabling that mac effect in ubuntu.. i saw several youtube videos like that04:52
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puckmanenviouz: so whats next ^_^04:52
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swamii mean04:52
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puckmanenviouz: I want to show desktop effects to the Mac heads at work04:52
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swamihow will i explain what i meant :(04:53
swamiit was like..04:53
GOOCHYi did it - it's pretty sweet04:53
enviouznow get linux restricted modules generic and common (these are 2 seperate files) by the way make sure you are getting the .deb files04:53
swamiwhen the mouse reaches the bar at the bottom04:53
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swamiicons keep rolling04:53
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swamiand popping out04:53
puckmanenviouz: where do I get these?04:53
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enviouzsame page04:54
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puckmanaaah, I see04:54
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puckmanerm, there are loads, which ones?04:54
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enviouzthose 204:54
swamiwhen i did uname -r it was generic earlier04:54
swamii refered some forums, and did some thng04:55
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swaminow its not generic04:55
swamiits 38604:55
swamiany issues?04:55
puckmanok, on my desktop04:55
zbadoneIreal: ok, I think you where BSing me about the modprobe snd_hda_intel type=laptop, funny kid04:55
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enviouznot that i know of but ive never use the 386. only generic and low latency04:55
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zbadoneUnkown parameter 'type04:55
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swamino, in the boot loader, both generic and 386 shows up04:56
swamibut when i selct it..04:56
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swamii dint dint any difference04:56
zbadoneis there any workarounds for getting sound to work with a Intel 82801G sound chip? it's a Toshiba Satellite A205-S4577?04:56
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enviouznow last 2 xorg-driver-fglrx-dev_7.1.0-8.37.6+   and   xorg-driver-fglrx_7.1.0-8.37.6+
swamiyeah.. sound is a problem.. in 366 theres no sound :D04:56
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enviouzchange the default kernel should do the trick swami04:57
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swamienvoiuz... i am a newbie :(04:57
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swamicould u be a bit more specific in what i shud do..04:57
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enviouzlet me think a min04:58
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swamiorite :)04:58
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markvandenborrewhat would be the best way to troubleshoot vertical scrolling not working on my touchpad?04:58
mweswami: why did you change to the 386 kernel instead of the generic one?04:58
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buzzedi upgraded to 7 and now Nautilus startup bar hangs out long after the desktop has loaded04:59
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swamii was getting an error message sayin some libc header file not present while i was installing the nvidia driver...04:59
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swamiso, i did some apt het install thing...04:59
swamiand generic becme 38604:59
Shadelinehow do you add to the startup menu in Ubuntu?04:59
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mweI see04:59
mike3_Shadeline, See if there is a scanner05:00
mike3_i know there is in KDE05:00
swamian during the process it asked me to insert the ubuntu cd as well05:00
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ShadelineI want to add a program at startup.05:00
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mweswami: just remove if you don't like it05:00
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mike3_Shadeline, which program?05:00
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ShadelineFirst I want to see if the program starts up as either a service or something else.05:00
DJ-_-hi...when i try to open php pages on firefox at times it shows as download...how do i disable this05:00
swamicud u tell me the command for that?05:00
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Shadelinethe icon does not popup on startup.05:01
mike3_Shadeline, why not put it in your .gnomerc file?05:01
meniskenviouz: I've removed all the stuff and rebooted, just shove it on again?05:01
cycomAnyone working with a mighty mouse in ubuntu?05:01
enviouzswami:  in terminal do sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:01
Shadelinewhere do i find that file?05:01
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mweswami: it shouldn't ask for the CD. sounds like your sources.list needs some tuning05:01
mike3_Shadeline, home directory.05:01
mweswami: fix that first05:01
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swamiam sure it asked the cd :(05:01
Shadelineshould i use sudo gedit?  or can i edit it normally?05:01
mike3_if that file isn't there just createe the file and type the command that stars firestarter or whatever05:01
mweswami: that's why you need to tune sources.list05:01
swamijust a min :)05:01
mike3_then reboot gnome05:01
mike3_that should do it05:01
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ubuntuEdgyim trying to compy some files and i keep getting this error "Error "Access denied" while copying" it have try ssh and ftp nothing seems to work05:02
enviouzmenisk:  sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager05:02
mike3_Shadeline, actually05:02
ShadelineMike, in the /home directory?05:02
mike3_Shadeline, might be a better way05:02
DJ-_-when i try to open php pages on firefox at times it shows as download...how do i disable this? any ideas?05:02
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Shadelineokay.. is there a management program I could use to see all stuff that starts up and modifiy it?05:03
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mike3_Open Control Center and navigate to Sessions followed by Startup Programs and click on add. Then locate waht you want to add.05:03
mike3_See if you can do that05:03
IrealDJ-_-: enable the mod_php module :)05:03
DJ-_-Ireal: how? i am not using apache05:03
alexseifamarok isn't playing the songs it just goes to the next track till the end pf the playlist!05:03
meniskenviouz: Done.05:03
IrealDJ-_-: well, you /need/ apache to parse php scripts :)05:03
trekkmesomehow  i lost all filerpermissions with ubuntu 7, my user is locked out of all folders, weven its own home folder, what can i so to undo that?05:03
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wolsIreal: no05:03
Shadelinelocation of control center, Mike?05:03
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DJ-_-Ireal: I am just using firefox to surf some web server05:03
Shamai1what format song u r playn?05:03
mike3_alecw1, Does your startup sound work?05:03
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Irealwols: no?05:04
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neolwols: how do i know whether my onboard graphics card supports 3d acceleratoin or beryl ??05:04
swami@enviouz : if i insert a "#" will it be removed? or i have to delete them?05:04
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wolsalmost any webserver can run php via fastcgi and php5-cli can run it as normal scrtipts05:04
DJ-_-Ireal: you did not get what I mean, I said at times firefox shows up the download window when opening php pages05:04
CybeDoes anyone know a roulette game for Linux?05:04
puckmanurg, fucking phone05:04
enviouzi usually move the one i want as default to the top05:04
neolwols: is there some command for it ??05:04
dyrnetrekkme: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~05:04
mike3_neol, Look up linux compatable hardware..05:04
puckmanenviouz: so I got those 4 files on my desktop05:04
enviouzbut yea i think you can just use # to comment it out05:05
swamiohh.. thats nice :)05:05
ShadelineThanks Mike3_ !!05:05
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alexseifamarok isn't playing the songs it just goes to the next track till the end pf the playlist!05:05
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enviouzpuckman should have 605:05
Irealwols: okay, do you want me to say webserver instead of apache ?05:05
mike3_neol, Search web.. If you want to see if it's enabled. you can use glxinfo |grep render05:05
swamiokie.. lemme try it :)05:05
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neolmike3_: that is their but i wannted the command... is theri some command for it ??05:05
DJ-_-anyone know why firefox shows up a download window at certain times when trying to view php pages?05:05
meniskenviouz: I have installed the restricted modules, what next?05:05
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puckmanenviouz: /me scrolls back up05:05
IdleOne!language | puckman05:05
ubotupuckman: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:05
FunnyLookinHatCybe, I don't think there is one..  I can't find one at least   : (05:05
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CybeFunnyLookinHat - But there must be :s I've searched everywhere too05:06
enviouzmenisk:  open the restricted manager and try to enable the driver again (it should download a few files)05:06
Sevensinshello everybody05:06
alexseifamarok isn't playing the songs it just goes to the next track till the end pf the playlist!05:06
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puckmanenviouz: what were the last 2 files?05:06
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FunnyLookinHatCybe, There's probably an online (flash) game available somewhere that you could play05:06
Sevensinsi think i have a question only one of you people can answer05:06
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zbadoneIreal: ok, I think you where BSing me about the modprobe snd_hda_intel type=laptop, funny kid05:06
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hellogoodbyedoes ubuntu support side scrolling on a trackpad? (my vertical scrolling works)05:06
mike3_neol, I'm not to sure if I know what you mean05:06
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meniskenviouz: It did.05:07
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CybeFunnyLookinHat: Yes I know, just wanted one for download05:07
nivekc1what i wine good for cuz i cant get it to do anything05:07
neolmike3_: that is only for 3d acceleration, what about beryl supporting ???05:07
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enviouzxorg-driver-fglrx-dev_7.1.0-8.37.6+   and   xorg-driver-fglrx_7.1.0-8.37.6+
DJ-_-wols: hi, do know why firefox shows up a download window at certain times when trying to open php pages?05:07
FunnyLookinHatCybe, http://wizardofodds.com/play/roulette/05:07
Irealzbadone: i wasnt :)05:07
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meniskenviouz: I'll restart and let you know how it goes.05:07
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FunnyLookinHatCybe, oh ok.  well I don't think there is one unfortunately05:07
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enviouzk ill be here05:07
swamienviouz, : done.. so lemme reboot and check it?05:07
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mike3_neol, What do you mean what about Beryl?05:07
enviouzk swami ill be here05:07
zbadoneUnkown parameter 'type05:07
Shamai1alexseif, which song r u tryin to play! imean format05:07
mike3_Will your hardware support Beryl?05:07
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CybeFunnyLookinHat: No, it's too bad :( but thanks anyway :)05:07
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zbadoneIreal: Unkown parameter "type"05:08
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IdleOneneol, if your hardware supports 3d then you can run beryl05:08
sehuteHow do I pair my bluetooth device? The bluetooth dongle works. hcitool scan works. The dialog asking for a pin-code does not appear. I'm using Feisty.05:08
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Shamai1then have u installed proper decoder 4 that05:08
alexseifi dunno?05:08
Shamai1ubuntu doesn't defaults to play mp305:08
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nivekc1isnt wine supposed to allow me to install software intended for windows?05:08
Sevensinsi have a soundblaster audigy and i use jokosher to record some audio ... it works fine as long as everything is set to auto it all playys ... and records ... but as soon as i chosse arch ALSA it doesnt work ... i reconized that it must have st to do with a device called "sink" st for audio input05:08
alexseifbansheee works05:08
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Shamai1means have u installed somethin in addition05:08
acbotcheeky ubuntu throws me in here on first boot of xchat :p05:08
Irealzbadone: ah, it was model. check out modinfo and use your own brain a bit as well :)05:08
neolmike3_: yes it should support beryl05:08
IdleOnenivekc1, #winehq can help you more05:08
nivekc1 ok thanks05:08
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Shamai1nd which level user r u?05:08
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alexseifI'm new to linux05:09
Shamai1then to tell u first05:09
skreetI've installed a few .pcf.gz files into /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi and run fc-cache but the fonts.dir file isnt' updated and the font isn't available, any advise?05:09
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neolIdleOne: are u sure about that ???05:09
jimcooncatalexseif: welcome to the dark side05:09
alexseifbut I don't mind diging tutorials and docs05:09
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mike3_alexseif, Make sure amarok is looking at the right source for sound.05:09
Shamai1ubuntu doesnot have decoder 4 mp3 by default05:09
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alexseifwell I have to engines05:09
IdleOneneol, sure about what?05:09
alexseifand the sound is on autodetect05:10
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alexseifsorry thats 2 engines05:10
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mike3_alexseif, Is it one song, or many songs?05:10
Shamai1to play mp3 on players like amrok totem etc u need gstreamer-plugin-mp305:10
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neolIdleOne: about this < if your hardware supports 3d then you can run beryl >05:10
alexseifits any song05:10
alexseifok one sec05:10
IdleOneneol, yeah05:10
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bartzitzhello, could anyone help me with feisty netboot'ing?05:10
IdleOne!beryl | neol05:11
ubotuneol: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:11
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DJ-_-anyone know why firefox shows up a download window at certain times when trying to open php web pages?05:11
shaw1I'm new to Linux and am using Ubuntu.  I can't get my Maxtor One Touch to mount. Can anyone help?05:11
alexseifshamail: I still couldn't upgrade my firefox! I can run it of the folder but it doesn't replace the old version05:11
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marltuhello. I want to play .ts file. What codecs do I need because totem player says that i don't have proper codec to play and it asks to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg but it's already installed05:11
mike3_shaw1, What is the filesystem?05:12
meniskenviouz: \o/ Compiz once more, thank you.05:12
Shamai1so have u removed ~/.mozilla05:12
Shamai1u need to wash away this dir05:12
sehuteDJ: Uninstall the fasterfox extension, install the download statusbar extension. This is what I would have done.05:12
shaw1I can't recall.  I last used it with Win XP a year ago.05:12
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mike3_you'll loose your bookmakrs.05:12
mike3_be carefuls05:12
Shamai1the the command like ./firefox will start the new firefox05:12
mike3_shaw1, Chances are it's ntfs05:12
enviouznp menisk05:12
Shamai1take a backup05:12
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shaw1That's my guess.05:12
DJ-_-sehute: no other way you know of?05:13
mike3_shaw1, mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/dirc05:13
bartzitzanyone has experience with netboot installation?05:13
alexseifno I'm scared to do that05:13
enviouzsorry the new driver didnt work05:13
mike3_shaw1, How are you hooking it up? USB?05:13
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sehuteDJ-_-: are you on the latest version of firefox without any extensions?05:13
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Shamai1then dont remove, just move it somewhere05:13
mike3_shaw1, If so, it should automount to your desktop05:13
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Zeelothey, I just installed ubuntu feisty the and I wanted to add a simple LAMP server to test my projects but none of it seems to be included, is there a simple way of doing this without installing the server version?05:13
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DJ-_-bartzitz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot05:13
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Shamai1nd if u're stuck then move back them05:13
shaw1Connected via firewire05:13
meniskenviouz: You can apologise for helping :P05:13
DJ-_-sehute: i am on the latest version but with extensions05:14
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sehuteDJ-_-: I think it's one of your extensions05:14
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sehuteDJ-_-: I've had similar problems with Fasterfox05:14
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mike3_Zeelot, You don't have to install the server version for any server servicese. :) Should all be in Synaptic.05:14
DJ-_-sehute: ok, just have 3 extensions including fasterfox05:14
neolIdleOne: mike3_ thanks05:14
sehuteDJ-_-: then remove fasterfox, you don't need it anywars05:14
alexseifShamai1: I found gstreamer-0.10-fluendo-mp305:14
shaw1Mike3, it's connected via firewire.05:14
sehuteDJ-_-: anyways05:14
puckmanenviouz: thanks for the help so far but have to run off, son is sick :(05:14
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DJ-_-sehute: wont it become slow?05:14
enviouzi just know how it is to do things over again thats all05:15
sehuteDJ-_-: no05:15
Zeelotmike3_: hmm I couldnt seem to find but I'll look again05:15
DJ-_-sehute: the surfing?05:15
alexseifbut not the one you stated05:15
mike3_shaw1, Have you tried just plugging it in?05:15
Shamai1i thought it should do05:15
sehuteDJ-_-: No, it will just work05:15
DJ-_-sehute: ok, if you say so05:15
enviouzok puckman05:15
Shamai1actually, honestly m a FEDORA user05:15
ZeelotI search for apache and nothing comes up05:15
sehuteDJ-_-: You could also try changing the settings in fasterfox to something less insane05:15
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Zeelotsame with PHP05:15
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mike3_Zeelot, Did you enable the third party respotoires ?05:15
Shamai1so 4 me i yum that thing05:15
DJ-_-sehute: lol ok05:15
marcel__I am trying to make my html document executable by typing chmod a+x document.html  but nothing happens - where's my mistake?05:15
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sehuteDJ-_-: :)05:15
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Zeelotmike3_: where do I do that?05:16
enviouzShamai1:  fedora huh05:16
swamii forgot the name of the person to whom i was talking :(05:16
alexseifwho uses amarok on ubuntu ?05:16
mike3_Zeelot, secv05:16
swamienviouz, hi05:16
DJ-_-sehute: well tx, i guess i will just stick to it then, cuz I need all the current settings until i get fed up tx ne wayz05:16
swamieverythig is fine :)05:16
enviouzhey swami05:16
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marltuhow to launch .ts movie under ubuntu?05:16
enviouzgreat :)05:16
swamihow do i make this xchat like mirc?05:16
alexseifwho uses amarok on ubuntu ?05:16
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Shamai1m cluleless, u r on ubuntu right??05:16
swamii mean i cant see the names of the people :(05:16
Zeelotin software sources there is nothing under third party05:16
marcel__how do you make file executable ?05:17
mike3_Zeelot, try this http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/05:17
disposablemarcel__, chmod ugo+x filename05:17
sehuteDJ-_-: there are articles about how you can change the settings under about:config manually. That way you don't need fasterfox and can change only the settings that makes things work well for you and not screw up the php-pages05:17
swamiand join quit messages is what i see more than the talks ::O05:17
DJ-_-marcel__: in terminal do: ./filename05:17
mike3_swami, change the colors05:17
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swamiokie. :)05:17
swamii just installed ubuntu yesterday..05:17
sehuteDJ-_-: good luck anyways05:17
DJ-_-sehute: get me a few of them in pm05:17
swamiand i understood most of my questions are kinda silly05:17
sehuteDJ-_-: neh, search the web yourself. :)05:18
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marcel__it says syntax error05:18
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DJ-_-sehute: well i saw the http pipelining max reqs and more stuff, i have tweaked it before...even with initial delay and stuff but still seems slow05:18
marcel__./document.html: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'05:18
marcel__./document.html: line 1: `<html>'05:18
enviouzShamai1:  were you talking 2 me?05:18
eallikI have a (probably) stupid question: I used to be able to find and install JEdit in Synaptic Package Manager, but ever since I messed with some java and java related packages, I cannot install it (it gives me an error message the concent of which I don't remember but had something to do with dependencies).. a while ago a did a complete removal of the package after which the package dissapeared completely... apt-get install jedit says: Package05:18
eallikThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:18
eallikis only available from another source05:18
jimcooncathi, first time using xchat-gnome. I like it, but where do I turn off join/part messages?05:18
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DJ-_-sehute: any other you know of?05:19
DJ-_-sehute: dont worry i have done ma research before getting help hehe05:19
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disposablemarcel__, are you trying to execute a html document?05:19
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sehuteDJ-_-: Actually, I would recommend just uninstalling fasterfox anyways. If it's slow, try Swiftfox instead or upgrade your internet connection.05:19
lexmessiahanything to see the user list, using default xchat ?05:19
marcel__not possible?05:19
kipseronsomone can help me i insall beryl and when i try to change the windows manager to beryl its go back to gdm and dont work05:19
shookiehey guys.. im trying to get my firewall script to load at boot. rc2-5.d05:19
disposablemarcel__, no. you can only execure programs.05:19
shookiehow do i do that? its located in /etc/firehol/firehol.sh05:20
DJ-_-sehute: well ok, ma net is fine on 512kbps, i will look into firefox a bit05:20
gerroanyone in here using a dell latitude with feisty?05:20
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bartzitznoone uses netboot installations here, really?05:20
marcel__thanks, you saved me a lot of time05:20
mike3_shookie, iMaybe call it via rc.local05:20
DJ-_-sehute: tx 4 ya tym05:20
swamimike3_, i am in the colors window05:20
sehuteDJ-_-: good luck to you :)05:20
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marcel__so there is no way of opening a file from command line?05:20
shookiemike3: wish i know how to do so...05:20
kipseronwhat file05:20
mike3_swami, Play aroun with colors.05:20
Zeelotmike3_:  all the official repositories are enabled05:20
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swamiohkie :D05:20
gerromarcel__: use cat file to display it or cat file | less so you press spacebar to view page at a time, to edit it try vi05:20
mike3_Zeelot, Ok search for your app.05:21
Zeelotmultiverse and all those05:21
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disposablemarcel__, browsername ./document.html05:21
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gerromarcel__: vi very difficult for beginner I recommend moving documents to a non text mode environment then editing them.05:21
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mike3_gerro, Use nano05:21
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disposablemarcel__, use: links, dillo, w3m, konqueror, firefox, opera instead of 'browsername'05:21
sehutefopen("myfile", "r");05:21
marcel__thanks disposable, it works!!!!05:22
swamimike3_, so u r saying colors is the only option? i cant disable those messages that come from the server? i mean.. i only want the messages that come from people?05:22
kipseronsomone can help me i insall beryl and when i try to change the windows manager to beryl its go back to gdm and dont work05:22
sehutemarcel__: pico, jed or nano should work for you05:22
disposablemarcel__, no problem05:22
Zeelotmike3_: apache still returns nothing05:22
mike3_swami, I'm sure there is some options.  You'd have to google.05:22
marcel__thanks and bye05:22
sx66how do I get xmradio to work with firefox?05:22
swamiohkie :)05:22
swamilemme see :)05:22
mike3_Zeelot, Are you trying to install apache?05:22
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Zeelotapache mysql and php05:22
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gerromarcel__: or nano that is good too05:23
ZeelotI need apache2 and php5 but not even old ones are showing up05:23
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predaeusjimcooncat, to disable part/join messages, quit xchat, then edit ~/.xchat/xchat.conf and set irc_conf_mode = 105:23
mike3_Zeelot, from the cmd line if you put in apt-get install apache05:23
mike3_Zeelot, what happens?05:23
shookiecan i put something like S19firehol in rc2.d and the contents be #!/bin/sh ... /path/to/script05:23
predaeusjimcooncat, to disable part/join messages temporary, right click on channel tap and select the appropriate option05:23
mike3_shookie, you have the right idea, but place it in the file /etc/rc.local05:23
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Zeelotyea that works...weird, why don't they show in add/remove?05:24
mike3_Zeelot, You are suppose to do it via Synaptic05:24
jimcooncatpredaeus: thanks!05:24
mike3_Zeelot, That's the frontend to apt-get05:24
mike3_Zeelot, Not add/Remove05:24
Zeelotmike3_: alright05:24
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mike3_It's 95 degree today!05:25
jimcooncatpredaeus: I don't see the tabs here like I do with xchat05:25
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Zeelotmike3_: thanks05:25
mike3_Zeelot, np05:25
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predaeusjimcooncat, ? you can chose between tree or tab view under View/Layout/..05:26
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jimcooncatpredaeus: no View menu, using XChat-GNOME 0.1605:26
shaw1mike3_, yes I have it plugged in now.  It shows up in Gnome Partition Editor as unallocated space, but wont mount.  I tried the command you provided but it says the mount point doesn't exist.05:27
predaeusjimcooncat, ah, I just use regular xchat, didn't like the gnome minimalistic interface for it. you can just install the other xchat from repositories if you want to try.05:27
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Bassettshow could i test the input of my mic, is there a loopback program or anything?05:27
swamimike3_,  : done :)05:27
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swaminow it dont look cluttered at all :)05:28
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unimatrix9hello all, nice to see you05:28
shookiemike3_: i need it to run before another application that is running at S20205:28
monicamskien sois05:28
mike3_shaw1, That command was an example05:28
shookiemike3_: i need it to run before another application that is running at S2005:28
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predaeusBassetts, you could use audacity, or that gnome record program, or also teamspeak to test05:28
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enviouzshaw1: what are you trying to use as the mount point?05:28
monicamsdecidme vuestros msn05:28
jimcooncatpredaeus: thanks. I use xchat at home and had to mess with it a lot to get it to look nice. This one looked nice out of the gate, the join/part thing is the only irritant so far. Appreciate the help.05:28
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unimatrix9how would i use the gamepad, so that it works as a mouse?05:28
Vichvi is evil05:29
shookierc.local runs after everythin loads correct?05:29
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Bassettspredaeus, that gnome record program?05:29
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mike3_shookie, I need to figure that out myself too. :) I've been lazy. I've only been using Ubunto for 3 days05:29
pakassome one use nubuntu?05:29
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shookiegood advise05:29
Vichsorry pakas, that's how I feel05:29
mike3_shookie, I'm a Gentoo user05:29
hendrixskiVich, there are people who would start an argument with you over that statement05:29
ryanakcaubotu, please tell monicams about es05:29
VichI know hendrixski05:29
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predaeusjimcooncat, then just exit xchat and change the config setting for it to be always disabled like I explained above. Should work with gnome-xchat too I think. But you need to exit first, or it will overwrite the settings when you quit.05:29
Vichsome people might say that I like starting arguments05:30
mike3_shookie, Got fed up when I messed up my box and wanted my MythTV box back up and running in the same night. Ubuntu was the way to go. I am actually very very impress with how much was supported out of the box.05:30
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predaeusBassetts, sorry I do not remember it's name, I am not using Gnome anymore, can't look.05:30
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hendrixskiVich, ah... well, if you like arguments then there are a few topics that will ALWAYS start one... like religion, Politics, and prefered editor05:30
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disposableVich, do you have a question or do you just enjoy making the screen scroll faster with unnecessary rubbish?05:31
swamii googled a lot.. but never got any method to enable that mac effect shown in youtube videos :(05:31
Vichunfortunately the latter, disposable05:32
unimatrix9i like to use the gamepad to control gnome desktop, how can i do this? any tips are welcome!05:32
Vichbut at least I'm honest05:32
predaeusswami, you mean expos?05:32
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swamii mean05:32
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swamii really dont know the name..05:32
swamii have seen on a mac..05:32
hendrixskiIs there a separate command for creating debian packages from Qt applications?05:32
swamiwhen the mouse pointer reaches the bottom of the screen..05:33
mp3guyis there a guide somewhere that tells you how to install windows on a second hard disk AFTER installing ubuntu?05:33
hendrixskiI seem to be doing something wrong, and that's the nearest thing I can think of05:33
swamiseveral icons pop up05:33
swamiand keeps on rolling05:33
Vichyou mean all the windows laid out05:33
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Vichthat's a dock05:33
mike3_mp3guy, Just run it under vmware.05:33
swamidock :D05:33
hendrixskimp3guy, yeah, those guides will generally tell you not to do it...05:33
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mp3guymike3_, performance is too crap under vmware05:33
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unimatrix9mp3guy, i think you can install, and after that reinstall grub05:33
swamihow do i get that? :)05:33
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Vichyou could try gnome-dock or kibi-dock05:34
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:34
idioti have a script that is using an 'su root -c command', asking for a password, and failing (presumably because there is no root user).  script is written by someone else and can't be changed...any suggestions on how to get around this?05:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:34
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mp3guywould it be safer to disconnect my ubuntu drive while installing windows?05:34
swamiubotu: sorry for that :(05:34
unimatrix9after installing windows!, look there!05:34
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ShadelineI have tried to use sessions as a way to have FIRESTARTER start up on Ubuntu, but everytime it starts up.. it says I do not have root privelges and it will not startup!!05:34
Vichswami: do a search for dock at ubuntuforums.org05:34
Vichyou'll find some guides and feedback05:34
hendrixskimp3guy, when you install windows it will put in its own boot loader, which won't recognize anything but windows05:34
swamiubotu was a bot :O05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about was a bot :o - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
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Vichyeah lol05:34
unimatrix9mp3guy, just make sure windows does not overwrite your ubuntu partition05:35
kbrooksShadeline, yes. you typed "firestarter", not  "gksudo firestarter".05:35
swamithen how did it understand that , intellegent bot b-)05:35
hendrixskimp3guy, so you'll have to reinstall grub after reinstalling Windows05:35
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:35
mike3_mp3guy, It's not that hard at all. Just make sure you install it on a sepearte partition and that you configure Grub to load Windows. That's it05:35
Shadelinewill gksudo help?05:35
unimatrix9read the after install windows, or lost ...etc05:35
kbrooksShadeline, yes...05:35
mp3guyhendrixski, unimatrix9, I'm aware of all of this, just want to make sure there is a fool proof guide to do it somewhere05:35
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Shadelinewhat is the difference between sudo and gksudo??05:35
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unimatrix9or o as mike say's05:35
Vich!windows | Vich05:36
kbrooksShadeline, sudo is cli, gksudo is gui05:36
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kbrooks!gksudo | Shadeline05:36
ubotuShadeline: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info05:36
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unimatrix9hmm, diner is ready05:36
unimatrix9bye all happy tuxing!05:36
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ShadelineThanks, kbrooks!05:36
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Vichlol mental health clinic05:36
simpleHHey, how do I get ubuntu to have middle click support? it's not recognizing clicking the scroll wheel on my wireless targus mouse.05:37
hendrixskimp3guy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=29542005:37
shaw1mike3_, sorry I misunderstood05:37
shaw1Like I said, I'm new to this.05:37
VichsimpleH: it should have it by default05:37
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Vichit does vary between applications05:37
simpleHodd...like it recognizes scrolling, but it wont autoscroll on clicking05:37
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Vichwhat application?05:38
Be-Coolthe best command i ever seen (sudo apt-get) :)05:38
dyrnesimpleH: you can edit gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  that is where the setting for mouse is anyway05:38
Vichis autoscroll enabled in the firefox config?05:38
simpleHah, thanks, it wasn't05:38
simpleHlemme check if it works now05:38
mike3_shaw1, What you need to do if find out which filesystem is on that drive05:38
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simpleHawesome, thanks :D05:38
Vichno worries05:39
simpleHI hadn't configured firefox in so long I forgot...it's one of those set it and forget situations, hehe05:39
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hendrixskiIs there a separate command for creating debian packages from Qt applications?05:39
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mike3_shaw1, The good thing is, is that your firewire is supported and found under Ubuntu. So it's that much easier for you. Just find out what filesystem. Sounds like it doesn't see anything.05:39
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milestoneis there a way to verify that a boot sector that i installed with grub will work?05:39
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milestonei mean before rebooting the system?05:39
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kbrooksmilestone, youy can use qemu.05:40
shaw1How do I find out the filesystem?05:40
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kbrooksmilestone, sudo apt-get install qemu; sudo qemu -hda /dev/sda (etc...)05:40
mattwalstonI have two ubuntu installs and both offer the same behavior, anyone have a suggestion before I file a bug... when running # ifconfig tun0 pointtopoint both the inet addr and p-t-p are set to
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milestonekbrooks: aha ok i will check it out05:40
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mattwalstonIt is reproduced every time05:40
CarlFKbox duel boots Ubuntu and XP.  I can't remember my XP password.  is there some way I can reset it if I boot into Ubuntu?05:40
kbrooksmilestone, but it does require root privs for accessing the hd direectly.05:40
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kbrooksmilestone, hence the sudo.05:41
kbrooksCarlFK, should be a way.05:41
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milestonekbrooks: i am root ;)05:41
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milestoneok i will check it out05:41
kbrooksmilestone, no you are not05:42
disposableCarlFK, you should find some 'sam database' or something like that. google for it. or try #windows05:42
dyrneCarlFK: there are tools i think i saw some discussion of that in the slax forum recently also05:42
VichCarlFK -> foget that05:42
kbrooksmilestone, "sudo ..." gives root privileges to the command passed to it.05:42
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Vichthere is a bootable disck05:42
milestonekbrooks: as far as i can tell (and hope) i am :-) I did sudo su -05:42
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kbrooksmilestone, do not do that.05:42
swamiW: GPG error: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3FF0DB166A7476EA05:42
swamiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:42
swamiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:42
Vichyou can overwrite the password, or blank it out05:42
milestonekbrooks: ok05:42
swamiwhat does that mean :(05:42
kbrooks!sudo | milestone05:42
ubotumilestone: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:42
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Vich2 different things swami05:43
kbrooksmilestone, there is an alternative command to "sudo su -" in that page.05:43
swamii did that to get a dock thing05:43
CarlFKVich: sounds good.  URL?05:43
Vich1. You don't have the key added05:43
Vichone moment CarlFK05:43
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milestonekbrooks: that i did not know. I will read that too05:43
kbrooksVich, it's only a warning05:43
kbrooksVich, not a error05:43
shaw1mike3_, how do I determine the filesystem on this disk?05:43
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swamiVich: this is what i did05:43
swamiwget http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/8434D43A.gpg05:43
swamisudo apt-key add 8434D43A.gpg05:43
swamirm 8434D43A.gpg05:43
swamisudo apt-get update05:43
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kenro_Are there any DCclient devs here?05:44
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rambo3shaw1, sudo fdisk -l05:44
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Vichswami, which dock are you trying to instal05:44
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kenro_My DirectConnect client didn't come with a hublist. How do I add one?05:45
kbrooksswami, look at your GUI for  any package mjanager that might be locking 'apt-get update'. shut it down.05:45
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kbrooksswami, then rerun that.05:45
BaRbOnErOsSoi've a samba/win lan but eac new file added in windows network side  although  in a shared directory, can't be open in the samba side net05:45
cycomMan, I got my mighty mouse squeeze working, but I still can't get left and right on the trackball :(05:45
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BaRbOnErOsSosomebody coul help me?05:45
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swamisorry, i had forgotten to to close that synapitic05:45
swamimy bad05:45
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shaw1rambo3, thank you.  The drive doesn't show up in there.  Probably because I can't get it to mount?05:45
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kbrooksVich, wrong question. you meant to ask is synaptic running'05:45
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Vichthat was the second thing05:46
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disposableBaRbOnErOsSo, people are too busy typing your nick05:46
Vich1. the key, 2. synaptic05:46
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VichI'm just trying to answer too many questions at once at 1:45am in the morning05:46
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VichCarlFK: http://www.petri.co.il/forgot_administrator_password.htm#105:46
swamiVich: now there is no eeror :)05:46
disposableBaRbOnErOsSo, can you post your smb.conf somewhere?05:46
CarlFKVich: thanks05:47
rambo3shaw1 yes05:47
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BaRbOnErOsSowhere is located this file?05:47
swamibut, i cant see anything got installed... usually i used to see it in system preferences05:47
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BaRbOnErOsSoi'm really newbie05:47
disposableBaRbOnErOsSo, /etc/samba/smb.conf05:47
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neolhow do i open any folder as root so i can delete files easily in GUI mode ???? :)05:48
Vichlol in gui mode05:48
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kbrooksVich, stop laughing :-) help him05:49
neolVich: i guess that is possible05:49
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chris3435i need help i am trying to get a logitech dual action gamepad to work with epsxe. When i try to configure the gamepad inside of epsxe all the buttons work fine except the analog stick and direction buttons. I ran jscalibrator the direction buttons + analog stick run fine in it. it just doesnt work for epsxe05:49
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disposableneol, i'm not sure if it's possible, but try 'sudo nautilus'05:49
milestonekbrooks: Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated05:49
neolVich: by using nautilus05:49
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rambo3shaw1  if you prefer you can use gparted to list fs.05:49
Vichkbrooks, are you training me or something?05:49
kbrooksmilestone, um, ignore that error :-)05:49
disposableneol, or 'gksu nautilus'05:49
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neoldisposable: i know some other way ??05:49
kbrooksmilestone, it's not necessary for a simple test05:49
kbrooksdisposable, gksu == gksudo05:49
tucciI downloaded a program that's not in any repository, but I can't figure out how to open it. I've got the bin file but nothing happens when i click on it05:49
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neoldisposable: instead of using nautilus ??05:49
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rambo3tucci, ./file.bon05:50
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Vichneol, why wouldn't you want to use nautilus?05:50
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disposableneol, if you've konqueror installed you can do the same with konqueror05:50
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neolok thanks anyways05:50
Vichneol: basically, you run an instance of the file-manager as root05:50
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MeeKscan ubuntu be installed and booted off an external usb drive05:50
nblracerim running the newest release of Ubuntu, and the synaptic manger has changed from what im last used too. How do i add unoficail or beta repositorys05:51
rambo3!install | MeeKs05:51
ubotuMeeKs: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:51
VichI don't see why not MeeKs05:51
rambo3 MeeKs   yes05:51
milestonekbrooks: Could not open SDL display05:51
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dyrnetucci: there are a number of ways to do it but.. basically if you look at the properties of the file or ls -l  youll see that it doesnt have a executable flag set. you can do this in the properties or chmod +x file.bin and then you can just execute it05:51
kenro_My DirectConnect client didn't come with a hublist. How do I add one?05:51
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cman325Where do I get a list of those bot piped commands05:52
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Lee_Pepperare there any Kernel devs available???05:53
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Vichkenro_, have you tried reading the help?05:53
tuccidyrne: it is flagged as executable in properties05:54
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Vichif it's terminal based, run with --help05:54
kbrookspeople are impatient05:54
Vichthere's plenty of hubs online05:54
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Vichkbrooks, you said it05:54
Vichnow who wants to argue with me about religion?05:54
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kbrooksVich, "it" = ?05:55
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=== nickrud considers
dyrnetucci: 'file filename.bin' this is what type of file?05:55
cman325I'm a pastafarion Vich05:55
kbrooksVich, do it over in #ubuntu-offtopic05:55
rambo3tucci,  just open terminal , cd into directory chmod +x file.bin and type  ./file.bin05:55
Vichalready one step ahead of you kbrooks05:55
kbrookspakas, you haven't asked a question.05:55
dyrneVich: everyone knows zorastrianism is the only tru religion05:55
pakassome onde use's nubuntu??05:56
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tuccidyrne: it's listed as an executable file in properties05:56
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tuccirambo: not sure what you mean05:56
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CarlFKhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/admin/chntpw  "change user passwords in a Windows NT/2000 userdatabase"05:56
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dyrnetucci: i dunno i guess i might 'head filename.bin' to see what the first line is. maybe just bash filename.bin  what is the url you downloaded it from05:57
Telarian02Hello, having glx problems xorg is not loading glx and a quick look at the logs says (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so05:57
Telarian02dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, my guess is that the load glx is pointing the file the two slashes //libglx.so can anyone help me delete that one slash libglx.so is present05:57
ThePioneerCan anyone tell me how to go about setting up svideo in Feisty05:57
kenro_Vich, Such a simple solution, huh?05:57
tuccidyrne: it's celtx, screenwriting software from celtx.com05:57
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mat1980ThePioneer: in a terminal type sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg05:58
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CarlFKThePioneer: from what I have seen, it is very dependant on your cards binary drivers05:58
Vichsorry kenro_?05:58
ThePioneerI have a Gateway MX695605:58
ThePioneerNot sure what video card05:58
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dyrnetucci: yikes thats a farily big file one sec05:58
CarlFKThePioneer: on my nvidia, I ended up useing TwinView to span the deaktop between a monitor and TV05:59
kenro_Vich,  Is dcqt a two-part app? You need a server in the background?05:59
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tuccidyrne: no problem, brb05:59
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kenro_Because I don't have a 'help' menu option.05:59
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ThePioneerIt didn't take --reconfigure06:00
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ThePioneersudo dpkg xserver-xorg06:00
Almindoris there a way to get quake3 engine for ubuntu as package, or atleast binaries?06:00
AlmindorI can't compile the damn thing06:00
Almindorafter succesfuly dos2unixing, I get errors with nasm :(06:00
nickrudThePioneer, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:01
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mike3_Almindor, They all come in binary formats.06:01
Almindormike3_, what do you mean?06:01
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CarlFKThePioneer:  be sure to bother the manufacture about Linux drivers.  slim chance that it will help today (but you never know) but maybe in a few years ...06:01
Vichwell kenro_, I'm unfamiliar with dcqt06:01
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VichI've used dc clients before, but not dcqt06:02
judran23hello can somebody tell me how to connect wirelessly my laptop with ubuntu 7.04 ????06:02
Telarian02load glx is pointing to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so" where do I edit glx to point to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/libglx.so"?06:02
ThePioneerOk. I'm in the configure screen how do I set it to send and recieve through the svideo06:02
mike3_Almindor, Well if you could get quake 3 in source you could potentially change the game.06:02
eljakjudran23,  you have to install right driver and firmware, than use a tool like wlassistant06:03
Almindormike3_, not the whole thing, the engine06:03
Almindormike3_, and I did get it :) it's full of asm files too hehe06:03
kenro_Vich, Very good reason to be directconnecting my querries to dc devs, eh? :)06:03
rambo3!twinview | TheInfinity06:03
ubotuTheInfinity: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:03
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rambo3ThePioneer,  read up06:03
dyrnetucci: id run it in a terminal. see if it is complaining about any .so files06:03
neoli have a problem with my current version of xmms in ubuntu 7.04.... how do i install the latest verion of xmms ??? :)06:03
judran23my card is BCM43XX06:04
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mike3_Almindor, tee he he.. :)06:04
Vichprobably kenro_ ;p06:04
ThePioneerAny good reads?06:04
tuccidyrne: how do I do that?06:04
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dyrnetucci: is the folder on your desktop?06:04
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Almindormike3_, problem is it blows in the middle of compilation with "CC1: handling warnings as errors" and 3 "warnings" :(06:04
tuccidyrne: yes06:04
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Almindormike3_, that thing is using old "cons" so I have no idea how to get along06:04
eljakjudran23, you have to do a search on the net for what driver is suitable for your card like acx or ndiswrapper etc...06:04
rambo3ThePioneer, if you are configuring TV out . ubotu posted a link , if not never mind06:04
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neolanyone who can help me out here :'(06:05
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patzlaffhi I've one pentium duo 2 core and I've installed the ubuntu ia6406:05
mat1980ThePioneer: sorry for mispelled command. is your card an intel 950 right?06:05
kenro_Vich,  Not wishing to beat you over the head about it, but I asked how to contact dc devs... L)06:05
jamilhi everybody06:05
patzlaffmy problem is... the flash player doesn't work06:05
dyrnetucci: open a terminal then type 'cd Desktop/celtx' then type ./celtx-bin   i think is the filename you need the ./ to say this directory or the full path /home/username/Desktop/celtx/celtx-bin06:05
Vichoh, I didn't realise it was a question06:06
VichI'm not sure who the devs are06:06
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patzlaffanyone have some suggestion ?06:06
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Vicha quick googling revealed nothing :/06:06
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paquitoyo no hablo ingles06:06
neolokay i repeat again < i have a problem with my current version of xmms in ubuntu 7.04.... how do i install the latest verion of xmms ??? > :)06:06
ThePioneerI do believe so06:06
nnydoes anyone know where network-manager stores WPA keys once you have entered them.. i switched mine but it is still trying to use the old one06:06
kenro_Vich,  And I appologize for that smartass. I'd asked for devs long before you responded.06:06
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rambo3!backports | NeoGeo6406:06
ubotuNeoGeo64: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:07
dyrnetucci: ubuntu will try to run stuff from the shared bin/ directories (your app isnt in any of the bin/ dirs) unless you tell it where the file is you want to run06:07
ThePioneerI want video out from the sivdeo to tv06:07
Lundnwhat editor do u guys use ? emacs vim or a third06:07
rambo3!backports | neol06:07
ubotuneol: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:07
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Telarian02in xorg.conf in section "module"  I have load "glx" in xorg logs glx is pointing to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so" anyone know where I can edit glx to point to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/libglx.so"?06:07
rambo3ThePioneer, then i posted you right link06:07
patzlaffjoin #ubuntu-br06:07
Vichkenro_ does man dcqt return anything?06:07
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rambo3!twinview | ThePioneer06:08
ubotuThePioneer: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:08
dyrnetucci: lunchtime. see if someone else can help if you get an error06:08
paquitoeres espaol06:08
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paquitorodrigo de fuente06:09
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:09
Vichkenro_, are you sure it's dcqt and not dctc?06:09
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nnydoes anyone know where network-manager stores WPA keys once you have entered them.. i switched mine but it is still trying to use the old one06:10
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kenro_Vich, Neither, plain or -, return. There are neither manpages nor info/help mods for DC client.06:10
alecw1I'm having problems with my Emerald theme manager. I recently switched to Compiz-fusion, and whenever I type: "emerald --replace &" I get this error multiple times in the Terminal: (emerald:7380): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type (nil)"06:10
alecw1Is there a fix?06:10
alecw1Emerald still runs, but when I close the terminal, it reverts back to Metacity.06:10
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Vichkenro_, just make it clear for me -> what is the name of the client?06:11
kenro_Vich,  client is dc-qt06:12
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rambo3alecw1, wonder if this would work : bash -c 'emerald --replace &'06:12
Jack_SparrowDoes Ubuntu keep copies of the updates so I dont need to re-download them06:13
alecw1Let me try Rambo.06:13
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alecw1No, that did not rambo3.06:13
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alecw1The command didn't do anything. :P06:14
rambo3alecw1, try without ' '06:14
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jetscreamerif you don't clear the cache yes the packages are still there06:14
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kenro_Vich,  ... uh... yeah. When in doubt, or all else fails, check SourceForge. Sorry.06:14
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judehey i try to load to beryl n this is what i got  Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16906:14
Vichactually, just google it06:14
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Vichfirst result ;/06:14
Vich.g google06:14
judecan any one tell me what to do?06:14
alecw1Ok, that worked, but I got the same error.06:14
Vichdarn, no google bot06:14
Jack_Sparrowjetscreamer:  what folder, and can I burn them to a cd and reuse them?06:14
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:16
judran23the card it seems to be installed but the only problem is it doesnt connect06:16
Vichah c'est bon!06:16
Vichje deteste anglais06:16
jetscreamerJack_Sparrow: /var/cache/apt/archives and yes sure, burn away06:16
Vichau revoir06:16
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jetscreamerJack_Sparrow: remember they may be outdated sometime soon06:17
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eljaktry to use wlassistant if you dont have it install it06:17
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rambo3alecw1, i don't know , i  know only about berylmanager --replace . if no one answers try #ubuntu-effects06:17
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alecw1ok, thanks rambo. :)06:18
kenro_Vich,  Why you hate englais?06:18
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Jack_Sparrowjetscreamer:  thanks, I just want to get some of the updates without an hour plus download06:18
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Vichkenro_, it's so ambiguous and confusing06:19
Jack_Sparrowjetscreamer: I had it just about how I wanted it and then tried to install ati drivers and hosed it up.06:19
Vichso many ways to say the same thing06:19
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Vichand it's probably the most butchered of all languages06:19
tucciI've got a binary file for a program that's not in any repository (AFAIK), I can't get it to run06:19
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kravlinabout how much swap space should Ubuntu have?06:20
rambo3tucci, what file what program06:20
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Jack_Sparrowjetscreamer: How do I get the updtaer to look at the archives and not download a new copy or if I put them into that folder it will see them and use them instead06:20
rambo3kravlin, depends06:20
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kravlinrambo3: on?06:20
kenro_Vich, That last I'll give you, but it's mine. Tho ah don subscrob t'the idea that it's mah gawdgiven right t' butcher it.06:20
cybybuddyanyone here knows CCE?06:21
krupa^hey.. i tried to install ubuntu on my AMD 64 Athlon pc.. and its not loading (black screen after installation etc)... what release i should download?06:21
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rambo3kravlin ok 512 MB swap06:21
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tuccirambo3: it's celtx (celtx.com), screenwriting software. Trying to run it in the terminal gives this: error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:21
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cybybuddyNotebook CCE NCV-C5H6 Intel Celeron M410 1,64 com 512MB de RAM e 60GB de HD << I wanna know if its a good machine06:21
Vichhar haugh verry funi kenro_06:21
rambo3!find libmozjs06:21
ubotuFound: libmozjs-dev, libmozjs0d, libmozjs0d-dbg06:21
koen_hi, what does a green marking colour mean in a "ls" output06:21
andreasdohlheres the thing: using a bthomehub, cant connect to internet via ethernet or wlan... getting an ipadress SOMETIMES, can ping to router sometimes, sometimes i get "operation not permitted"06:21
kravlinrambo3: is that a minimum? I have around 111.12 GB to give it.06:21
andreasdohlcannot access internet or webconfig on router at all06:21
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rambo3tucci, you need libmozjs-dev installed06:22
kravlinrambo3: For the entire install.06:22
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ubuntu_I'm trying to partition my HD using a 7.04 Live CD. I keep trying to unmount the partitions but they keep getting remounted. I can partition until they stay unmounted. How can I stop this from happening>06:22
rambo3kravlin, swap is just temporery unloading place like virtual memory06:22
kenro_Vich,  I'll admit, though, some cound rightfully argue that I speak Alabaman, not English. ;)06:22
tuccirambo3: how do i do that? "apt get libmozjs.dev"?06:22
koen_ubuntu_ use the gparted live cd06:22
bthoemAnyone know of any issues with Promise TX4 SATA controller? Installed Ubuntu this weekend and ran into serious problems with my NTFS partitions on this controller.06:22
rambo3tucci, yeah use synaptic06:22
krupa^is it better to download Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - Supported to 2009 ? or Ubuntu 7.04 - Supported to 2008 - for AMD 64 athlon?06:22
jetscreamerJack_Sparrow: i usually just cp them back to that dir, but there is a way to use the cd as a flat file repo... i forget how, never needed to.06:23
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leitaoHi People. My evolution, which comes with feisty, is closing after I send an e-mail. Do anyone know any issue like this one?06:23
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ubuntu_koen_: I've tried that but I run into issues with it not seeing my HD b/c of the drivers required06:23
andreasdohltucci: sudo apt-get install libmozjs06:23
bthoemAlso - did not find a driver to support my Canon Pixma IP8500 printer. Any advice on "compatible" drivers I can use?06:23
koen_ubuntu_ this is a bug in gparted which is fixed in version 0.3.x Feisty comes with 0.2.5 Its a pitty that they don't update the iso to 0.3.x06:23
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koen_have you tried the official gparted 0.3.7 live cd?06:24
Jack_Sparrowjetscreamer: I remember something about how to add it to the repo list..06:24
ubuntu_koen_: I'll try dloading it now... fyi i'm using a sata drive on a tablet06:24
andreasdohlbthoem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3899506:24
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Jack_Sparrowjetscreamer: But if it is in that folder it will pull from there first?06:24
bthoemI have a ATI FireGL V7100 graphics card. Ubuntu did not recognize it. Are there drivers for it?06:24
tuccirambo3: got an error message there was a problem downloading the packagae or the commit would break packagaes06:24
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andreasdohlbthoem: should be official ATI drivers out there? check ubuntuguide.org06:25
koen_ubuntu_ it here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115843&package_id=17382806:25
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koen_ubuntu_ try 0.3.4-706:25
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ubuntu_koen_: already dloading :)06:26
krupa^is it better to download Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - Supported to 2009 ? or Ubuntu 7.04 - Supported to 2008 - for AMD 64 athlon?06:26
Fedmancan someone recommend me a good docker for gnome? like kxdocker for kde06:26
bthoemandreasdohl: Thank you for the print driver tips. I'll try that!06:26
koen_ubuntu_ kay. i leave now. good luck bye06:26
defryskFedman, alltray06:26
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jetscreamerJack_Sparrow: if you cp them back, they will be used and not redownloaded unless there is a new version available06:27
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Fedmandefrysk: thx I have it already but i didn't ment an app for sending programs to the notification area. Rather something like the osx dock06:27
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narusecan anyone tell me please when i connect a non conventional usb device, where it does plug in /dev06:28
naruseor how could i know?06:29
kravlinrambo3: I'm manually partitioning before a new install. If i have the / partition in ext3 and 2 gigs of swap space (a web site said twice my RAM) do i need anything else? I cant think of anything.06:29
GigaClonI get this when I insert a Disc into my DVD drive. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'NEW'.06:29
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GigaClonhowever I can mount it fine manually06:29
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rambo3kravlin, that should be enough .06:29
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naruseany help pls?06:30
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Avielhey all06:31
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Avieli need help on ubuntu plz06:31
Avielnow installed it06:31
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Avieland dont know06:31
Avielsome 1 can help?06:31
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SteckAsk your question.. someone might be able to answer.06:31
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Avielok ok06:31
Avieli dont know what to do now06:31
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Avielubuntu run good06:32
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Avielbut did i need install firewall?06:32
doc|workI'm following http://flurdy.com/docs/eclipse/install.html and wondering is java 1.5 the most recent release of java I can use?06:32
Avielor how i can instal ssh06:32
Avielor ftpd06:32
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Avielits write error idk what to do06:32
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Jack_SparrowAviel: No need for firewall, iptables handles it nicely.06:32
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tucciI need to install libmozjs, but Adept says it can't download the package or the commit would break packages. Anyone have any idea?06:32
Avielso how i can install ftp?06:32
Avieland ssh06:32
Jack_SparrowAviel: If you want a firewall manager check out firestarter or guarddgog06:33
Avieland software06:33
SteckAviel: You can install 'Firestarter' in the Add/Remove list, but I do not use a firewall personally06:33
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Avielhow i can install software?06:33
Aviellike media player06:33
Avielthat i can hear music06:33
Avieland movie06:33
Jack_SparrowAviel: synaptic06:33
SteckClick on Applications in the upper left, then go to Add/Remove06:33
SteckBrowse the list Aviel06:33
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Avielsec its in hebrew06:33
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Avielcan u talk sample eng?06:34
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Vichyou mean simple english?06:34
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VichAviel, to play many audio and video formats you should try automatix06:34
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Avielok ok06:34
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:34
Avieland how i can install software?06:34
kazolHow do I change the current gui to a terminal? Is it Ctrl+F{n}?06:35
Jack_SparrowAviel: Please avoid automatix06:35
Avielin control06:35
Avielalt + f2?06:35
Jack_SparrowVich: That script is garbage06:35
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kazolVich: Isn't vlc the best for playing all formats?06:35
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VichI didn't realise you folk were against it06:35
Vichas a player, yes06:36
Jack_SparrowTop of the list06:36
Vichbut you need the codecs06:36
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kane77kazol, the only format it doesnt play is .xls ;)06:36
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs06:36
bthoemFound these ATI videodrivers for my Intellistation on IBMs website - they are for 32-bits Red Hat. (http://www-304.ibm.com/jct01004c/systems/support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?brandind=5000008&lndocid=MIGR-61481)Should work fine with Ubuntu?06:36
VichJack_Sparrow, I know many beginners that would have gave up on ubuntu if not for automatix06:36
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rambo3bthoem, no06:37
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Jack_SparrowVich: NOt something recommended here.. This channel shows people how to do it right..06:37
narusehow do i know where does  a non conventional usb device is linked in /dev?06:37
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Vichgotcha Jack_Sparrow06:37
Vichduly noted06:37
Jack_SparrowNot trying to war..06:37
VichI realise that06:37
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Jack_Sparrowadding codecs is easy06:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:37
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:38
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Jack_SparrowLove that bot06:38
tucciI need to install libmozjs, but Adept says it can't download the package or the commit would break packages. Anyone have any idea?06:38
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ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.06:38
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Jack_Sparrowjetscreamer: Thanks... forgot to tell you that just saved me and Ubuntu an hour of bandwidth06:39
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doc|workI'm following http://flurdy.com/docs/eclipse/install.html and wondering is java 1.5 the most recent release of java I can use?06:39
tek-opsI'm curious, it debian's FAI or redhat's Kickstart the preferred method for network-based autoinstall by the Ubuntu project?06:39
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pupeno_I am having trouble geting an IP from a DHCP server... most of the times it doesn't work, some times it works. I've tried disabling avahi, but eth0:avahi is still created. Does anybody know about this?06:40
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cpareHello alll06:40
Aviel15hey its me again06:40
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Aviel15how i can install ftp?06:40
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Aviel15or ssh06:40
cpareanyone familiar with OpenLDAP?06:40
doc|workAviel15: apt-get install ssh vsftpd06:40
Aviel15on new ubuntu06:40
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doc|workpossibly sshd06:40
Aviel15press alt+f2?06:40
pupeno_Aviel15: the ssh client is already installed and you have various ftp clients as well (nautilus for example).06:40
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Aviel15press alt+f206:41
Aviel15and apt-get?06:41
geniitek-ops I prefer the FAI method since you can refer back to the Debian docs etc06:41
Aviel15apt-get install06:41
bthoemrambo3, saw your comment on my question regd the IBM-drivers for my ATI FireGL 7100 graphics card. You say I should not try these?06:41
spiderfirehow do you configure kde like the gtk themes?06:41
doc|workAviel15: you should be able to use a terminal to do it, rather than going to the console06:41
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tek-opsgenii does FAI support selective "disk_config" based on the append arguement of your pxelinux.cfg file?06:42
spiderfirei mean what do you have to install to configure kde06:42
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tek-opsor any other way for that matter?06:42
pupeno_Aviel15: use synaptic or adept instead of aptitude (or apt-get).06:42
asmarinwhere i can find virt-manager for ubuntu?06:42
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spiderfirecause kde is ugly06:42
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asmarinvirt-manager arent on ubuntu repositories06:42
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Jack_SparrowAviel15:  Also please check out SYnaptic package manager under system... admin...06:42
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:42
geniitek-ops If you mean how to partition etc, that is inside a preseed file. There are "recipes" yoiu can use for that etc06:42
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ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy06:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virt-manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:43
ReServe2How do I use spesific DNS adresses for a DNS server?06:43
rambo3bthoem, why do you need those drivers first of all . RH drivers would be for xfree86 there .06:43
tek-opsgenii yes partitions, I'll look into that, do you know off hand where the preseed file is by default?06:43
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geniitek-ops I'm not sure one exists by default. I found a prototype to work from off the help page for network installs06:44
tek-opsok great, thanks genii06:44
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geniitek-ops np06:44
chadeldridgeDoes anyone know of a program that will autorotate my screen when i rotate my monitor ?06:44
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bthoemrambo3, Ubuntu 7.04 did not recognize my card and I'd like to take advantage of at least a higher resolution. Are you suggesting there are other drivers?06:44
colbertHow do I find where a program has been installed to? ie., which directory06:44
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ibanexchadeldridge: how would it know you rotated your monitor?06:45
chadeldridgecolbert:  you could always do a locate for the name but you need to run sudo updatedb first06:45
pupeno_colbert: dpkg -L package-name06:45
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pupeno_colbert: most likely /usr/bin/06:45
chadeldridgeibanex:  the dell24 inch has a built in sensor for its oriantation06:45
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rambo3bthoem, so if you switch to ati driver it would not start ?06:46
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chadeldridgecolbert:  you will prob find it in /usr/bin though06:46
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koen_hi what does a green marking mean in a "ls" output06:46
pupeno_koen_: binary (executable).06:46
ibanexchadeldridge: didn't even know that existed, no idea then sorry06:46
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chadeldridgeha .. np ... i dont really even care if it does it automatically if i had something to click that said rotate display 90 deg06:47
lllllllQuick question: what's the best bittorrent client for ubuntu/linux? Ideally I'd use uTorrent but I'm not going to sort Wine out just for that.06:47
geniikoen_ If you do ls -l   and look at the colours compared to the bits set for the file you can sort it out06:47
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koen_pupeno_ impossible. it are dirs...06:47
calc_koen_: then execute bit is set on it?06:47
bthoemrambo3, I installed a driver package yesterday claiming to support this card through automatix2 - Envy? However, nothing happened after restart. So I am looking for drivers that enable the features of my card.06:47
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calc_koen_: hmm actually that doesn't matter, hmm06:47
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:47
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geniikoen_ Directories can also have their executable bit set which means ls lists them as binaries06:47
calc_genii: but it doesn't06:48
pupeno_koen_: not sure then. The last time I saw that it was a broken filesystem and we had to re-install.06:48
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calc_genii: i thought it would logically but it doesn't since dirs need x anyway06:48
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tucciIn Adept Manager, j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin is listed as broken. Would it be good for me to remove it and reinstall?06:48
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ibanexlllllll: i like ktorrent06:48
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rambo3bthoem, in terminal type : fglrxinfo06:48
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geniicalc_ Interesting06:48
koen_it gives this as output drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-06-25 18:05 Documents06:48
ibanexlllllll: there are a ton for linux, no need for wine06:48
jetscreameryou might have java 606:48
jetscreameror 506:49
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geniikoen_ so d means dir, the w is writeable, x is executable and r is readable06:49
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lllllllibanex: I know, too many for me to choose from... I'm just looking for one with a good set of features that's stable06:49
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calc_why is the dir 0 size though?06:49
diego_toto mamonesss06:49
calc_shouldn't it be at least size of one block?06:49
bthoemrambo3, Will try fglrxinfo when I am on my Ubuntu machine later this evening. Will you be on this channel for a while?06:50
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maxagazwhat it the best tool to rip a dvd ?06:50
Aviel15ssh work thx man06:50
Aviel15and ftp the same?06:50
Aviel15apt-get install proftpd?06:50
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dyrnemaxagaz: cat06:50
geniicalc Yes, it should be the default size for some empty dir06:50
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rambo3bthoem, no i don't think so , but there are always people here just ask for fglrx help or search ubuntuforums.org for firegl06:50
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Aviel15install ftp like thas guys?06:51
calcgenii: his is size 0 though06:51
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ibanexlllllll: 'sudo apt-get install ktorrent' see what you think, it can watch directories and it has a built in torrent search browser which is cool06:51
Aviel15apt-get install proftpd?06:51
geniilike 409606:51
maxagazdyrne: seriously...06:51
Jack_Sparrowmaxagaz: acidrip... k9copy06:51
calcgenii: actually his ls output is probably not from a linux fs06:51
lllllllcheers, I'll have a go06:51
calcgenii: maybe fat32/ntfs?06:51
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maxagazJack_Sparrow: thanks06:51
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calckoen_: what fs is that from?06:51
dyrnemaxagaz: i was jk'ing but cat or dd to make an iso dvdrip i guess is a popular one for converting to another format or whatever06:51
koen_genii i know that :P But it says they are created as root isnt it? It's strange because i just created it as a normal user from nautilus. It might have to deal with ntfs-3g06:52
geniicalc I'm pretty sure fat ls shows sizes. If ntfs more likely it can't find the size then06:52
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calcgenii: ah ok06:52
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geniikoen_ Ah, ntfs then06:52
koen_ill test moment06:52
calcall bets are off for ntfs, its a weird beast ;)06:52
Jack_Sparrowmaxagaz: If you have used DVD Shrink on MS then K9 should suit you06:53
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mezziahwhats the command for uninstalling a program which i installed with "make install"?06:53
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xeno_I'm still trying to figure out the wireless problem with my Satellite A55.06:53
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geniimezziah make clean06:53
surviverxeno_, iwconfig helps?06:53
koen_yeah you are right06:53
xeno_I've tried both the native NIC, and an inserted PCMCIA card.06:53
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mezziahgenii: ty06:53
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nileshhi all - which EXTERNAL sound cards (5.1 channel) are best supported under Linux?06:54
xeno_Just a minute I'll play with iwconfig.06:54
geniimezziah np06:54
koen_genii it has to deal with ntfs-3g. thanks for the help06:54
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geniikoen_ good luck with it06:54
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zeldafan500clonewhats an ubuntu06:54
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zeldafan500clonewtf happened to my name06:54
faemirdoes anyone know a bulk file renamer that can rename images (.bmps) that are all within subfolders within subfolders?06:54
mezziahgenii: hmm didn't work..06:55
rambo3nilesh, i am going by basic rule of open source and saying anything with Intel06:55
surviverfaemir, mv?06:55
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ibanexnilesh: you can check if they are supported by ALSA http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/06:55
faemirsurviver: how would i go abotu doing that then?06:55
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geniimezziah There is also: make uninstall     and make dist or make dist-clean06:56
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surviverfaemir, (firstname) (thenewname)06:56
ReServe2How do I use spesific DNS adresses and use them every time I boot?06:56
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geniidis/dist-clean will wipe any remnants it made before06:56
faemirsurviver: but i need to do loads of files06:56
faemirpreferrably all at once06:56
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rambo3ReServe2, like host myserver.com ?06:56
mezziahgenii: not one of the commands you mentioned works.. it says it has no rule to create uninstall, dist, dist-clean06:56
surviverfaemir, well then i dont know :s maybe sonthing with -a? try mv --help06:57
faemirthe folder structure is: music > xband > xalbum > picture.bmp06:57
faemirthanks anyway06:57
xeno_First line of output I've got from iwconfig:  unassociated  ESSID:""06:57
geniimezzziah Badly written Makefile then. Did it actually do the "make" before?06:57
mezziahgenii: yes06:57
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egoleoanyone using feisty on acer 5570?06:58
zeldafan500|wtfdamnit my internet went right after i asked 'srsly wtf is an ubuntu'06:58
zeldafan500|wtfsrsly, wtf is an ubuntu?06:58
egoleohow do i get my acer webcam to work on ubuntu feisty?06:58
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Aviel15how i can install ftp06:58
mezziahzeldafan500|wtf: it's an african word06:58
Aviel15ftp server06:58
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Aviel15apt-get install vsftp?06:59
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Aviel15or vsftpd06:59
doc|workAviel15: possibly the latter06:59
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lockdownAviel15, http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq06:59
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geniimezzziah If the makefile did not provide for the options make clean make dist  etc etc then worst case you can look at the makefile and see where it put the files it made07:00
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mezziahgenii: ok, thanks07:00
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Aviel15     ?07:00
zeldafan500lol, africa07:00
zeldafan500africa stinks07:00
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geniiWell, must return to work :)07:00
zeldafan500lol someone sayd ubuntu was an african word07:00
rbs-titoIt is07:01
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zeldafan500africa must stink if ubuntu is named after it07:01
zeldafan500windows ftw07:01
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:01
Aviel15how i can install ftp??07:01
Aviel15apt-get install vsftp??07:01
zeldafan500oh, youve got a code of conduct, lol07:01
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zeldafan500Windows Vista FTW.07:02
dyrneAviel15: whate are you wanting to do? ftp takes a little effort to secure and you might just need ssh07:02
Aviel15i got ssh07:02
Aviel15ssh serv07:02
zeldafan500i got windows.07:02
mistyI'm looking into Ubuntu LTS.  I see that it is already one version behind the latest Ubuntu release, and I wonder if that is going to limit me in versions of packages, the kernel, etc07:02
Aviel15i just want to learn ubuntu07:02
zeldafan500and its better than ubuntu.07:02
Aviel15cuz i going to buy server07:02
rbs-titozeldafan500: We aren't all anti-windows fanatics. This is a support channel, please stop spamming.07:02
zeldafan500because its windows.07:02
mezziahzeldafan500: what youre doing here when youre a windows fanboy?07:02
Aviel15and i want to know all07:02
dyrneAviel15: you can use sftp and winscp under windows to access it. no need for ftp07:02
defryskAviel15, maybe you like this http://fireftp.mozdev.org/07:02
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zeldafan500im saying windows pwnz.07:02
mistyI'm coming from SuSE, which stops releasing new major kernel versions after a year or so07:02
dyrneAviel15: but sudo apt-get install vsftpd  will install it and start the ftp daemon07:02
Aviel15i wanna install proftpd07:03
Aviel15how i can do it?07:03
rbs-titozeldafan500: join ##windows07:03
supremesoniczeldafan500, the only reason is you think windows is better than any *nix system is because you are too stupid to learn or look07:03
Aviel15kk i try vsftpd07:03
CheshireViking!offtopic | zeldafan50007:03
ubotuzeldafan500: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:03
egoleohow do i get acer webcam to work07:03
=== thefish [n=thefish@dsl-fixed-62-69-44-72.surfdsl.murphx.net] has joined #ubuntu
calcmisty: LTS is good for just working desktop in a company, if you want the latest run 7.04 though07:03
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dyrneAviel15: i would recommend using ssh though07:03
Aviel15ftp online07:03
hyljemisty: releases get just security and other minor updates, for features a new release is needed07:03
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Aviel15ssh online07:03
Aviel15i got 2 pc07:04
n0000bhi... need help installing a printer.. brother dcp 110c07:04
egoleoand also how to install webmin07:04
Aviel15so i try it on my network07:04
Aviel15webmin online07:04
zeldafan500dell is better07:04
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mistyhylje: What things will I miss by running LTS?07:04
dyrneAviel15: try using winscp first if youre wanting to connect a win machine to ubuntu server07:04
mistyhow often will LTS get major releases?07:04
hyljemisty: shiny new features07:04
ticnailer69what up guys and gals07:04
ticnailer69well not gals but....07:04
ibanexn0000b: have you tried cups? in a browser go to: http://localhost:63107:04
calcmisty: i think every 2 years07:04
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calcmisty: eg every 4 releases07:04
mistynot gals? do you actually think that no women run linux?07:05
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jitendrai got to install 6 cctv. can anyone help?07:05
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mistycalc: thanks07:05
rbs-tito!ops | zeldafan50007:05
ubotuzeldafan500: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:05
Aviel15hey guys07:05
mistyHow long are the non-LTS releases supported?07:05
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nixternalrbs-tito: what's up?07:05
calcmisty: 1.5 years (i think)07:05
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PriceChildmisty, 18 months07:05
zeldafan500i know how to access a secret channel with ubuntu stuff, it really helps. type /join 0 (not #0 just 0)07:05
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Aviel15its write me thas FTP server is anonymous only how i can fix it??07:05
Ceiling_CatOk, quick question. I have a machine with dapper installed. I want to update it to the newest version, along with all the packages07:05
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Aviel15its write me thas FTP server is anonymous only how i can fix it??07:05
Ceiling_Cathow do I do this from the comamnd line?07:05
mistythen they can be upgraded with apt-get?07:05
rbs-titonixternal: zeldafan500 is up ;)07:05
mistyto the new version?07:05
Aviel15thx for all help[07:05
Ceiling_Catsudo apt-get  what?07:05
Aviel15its write me thas FTP server is anonymous only how i can fix it??07:05
nixternalAmaranth: pwnd!07:06
dyrneAviel15: gksu gedit /etc/vsftpd.conf07:06
calcmisty: yea07:06
Aviel15k thx bro07:06
nixternalright as I was asking about him, and scrolled up, he went silly there07:06
mistyHow pain-free are those major upgrades?07:06
PiciiAmaranth : fyi; zeldafan500clone <<07:06
mistyI know with suse you end up just doing a clean install and restoring from backup07:06
Ceiling_Catmisty - to Feisty07:06
calcmisty: no need to clean install debian based distros07:06
ticnailer69I'm trying to set up an ftp server by installing proftpd but when I try to run it, it says: no address assosiated with no host name.........how could I give my server a host name?07:06
dyrneAviel15: after you make changes do sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart    it needs to startup with the new config file07:06
Ceiling_CatI want to upgrade from Dapper to Feisty. THere's an apt-get upgrade-type command that does that07:06
Ceiling_CatI cannot remmeber what that command is07:06
mistygreat news, maybe I will reconsider and run the latest then.  Is it appropriate for a server?07:06
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AmaranthPicii: he can't talk07:07
jimcooncatmisty, we haven't had an upgrade from one LTS to another LTS yet07:07
calcmisty: there is a server variant as well, when you go to download the iso there is one for server too07:07
PiciiAmaranth : ah. Okay.07:07
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calcjimcooncat: hmm yea LTS to LTS upgrade will be... interesting07:07
mistyI couldn't find what the difference was, calc07:07
mistybetween desktop and server07:07
calcmisty: it installs a different set of packages07:07
mistymaybe it doesn't install a gui?07:07
jitendraguys, i wanna install 6 CCTVs. want to use ubuntu system. can anyone tell which software would work for me07:07
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jimcooncatcalc: I'll be doing a clean install when that time comes07:07
mistyI'll go look at the website some more07:07
calcmisty: or is supposed to from what i have read, i have never installed server myself07:07
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mistycalc: but no matter what, you can always install any package, right?07:08
mistyit's just the defaults that are different?07:08
calcmisty: yes07:08
jimcooncatmisty, no gui on server07:08
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mistygreat, thanks all for the help :)07:08
ZeZui'm using feisty via vnc, it works but the keyboard is bad, i see no option in tightvnc viewer, anyone know how i can fix this /07:08
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calcmisty: the server version just installs different packages by default07:08
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jimcooncatmisty, you can add one if you want once you install -- of course people will advise you not to07:08
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mistyI don't typically run a gui on my servers, but it might be nice for getting started with a new dist07:09
stratoshi all07:09
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mistyZeZu: what do you mean 'keyboard is bad'?07:09
caravelhi all07:09
mistyYou can adjust what gets refreshed on the screen, the bandwidth, etc07:09
ZeZuasdf in console returns abfh07:09
mistyoh it probably has to do with the keymap on the server you're connecting to07:09
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mistyI've never tried it with a different keymap or lang setting07:09
stratosguys i need help to able my 3D acceleration ... i have an ati x1300 ... i followed different hows to but no one works07:09
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=== phaero [n=phaero@h73n2fls31o891.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Aviel15how i can restart vsftpd cuz i change something on vsftpd.conf?07:10
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ZeZuwell they are both US keyboards afaik07:10
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Aviel15how i can restart vsftpd cuz i change something on vsftpd.conf?07:10
ibanexAviel15: sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart07:10
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ReServe2rambo3; No, I have BIND9 on that server I want to use hard coded DNS adresses. Just want it to relay DNS request that BIND9 does not hold.07:10
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ReServe2rambo3; sorry for not answering right away07:11
phealySo, a quick question for everyone. I have an already existing partition that only contains /home. Is there a way to install ubuntu onto that partition w/o formatting it? the livecd installer says it has to be formatted first; will the alternate installer let me install there?07:11
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phealygoogling didn't seem to give much07:12
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pixelationIs it just me, or is the 32 bit version of Xubuntu much much slower than the 64 bit on a amd64 processor?07:13
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TakesinnWhat apps in ubuntu can use MTP (M$'s Media Transfer Protocol)07:13
ibanexphealy: I believe you would have to resize that partition if you did want to save the data.  what is your goal?07:13
yellabs2how can i disable keys of the keyboard , in my case numlock?07:14
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rambo3ReServe2, i don't know  . i would sugest checking out this page :  http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/20607:14
Lee_Peppercan any one help me with some questions on building a custom distro..07:14
yellabs2where is the keyboard layout config ? on ubut07:14
phealyI've got one partition on my laptop's hd, it already has /home which I copied over while mucking with partitions. since the partition is freshly created and only has /home, I'd think I would be able to reinstall onto it somewhat easily07:14
bthoemAny client in/ for Ubuntu supporting direct connection to WinXP remote desktop?07:15
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ibanexpixelation: probably, I did some research before choosing (core 2 duo) and went with 64bit for speed but sacrificed some compatibility07:15
phealybthoem: rdesktop07:15
phealybthoem: works quite well.07:15
bthoemphealy, Thanks!07:15
capiirahmm how to search in gnome ?07:15
yellabs2how can i disable keys of the keyboard , in my case numlock?07:15
ircbloodLee_Pepper its hard...?07:15
phealyno problem :)07:15
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capiirai mean search incl. subdirs07:16
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ircbloodyellabs2 check system prefrencess?07:16
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Lee_Pepperircblood: ive build a couble but i want to make my own package list for install07:16
Lee_Pepperno extra crap07:16
Aviel15hey guys07:16
ReServe2rambo3; the problem is that I add the local adress of the BIND9 server in my xDSL router, so DNS adress on BIND9 computer is the IP to itseld.07:16
Aviel15how i can install Apache Webserver?07:16
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Aviel15how i can install Apache Webserver?07:16
yellabs2i mean the config file of the keyboard07:16
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yellabs2where is it located?07:16
cycomMighty mouse? Ubuntu? Anyone get horizontal scroll working? for some reason, button 8 (squeeze) works, but scroll doesn't. :(07:17
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ReServe2rambo3; xDSL router the DHCP server07:17
yellabs2for example , we know where xorg.conf is , thats easy07:17
yellabs2now where is keyboard config?07:17
Aviel15can u help me plz??07:17
Aviel15how i can install Apache Webserver?07:17
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phealyany ideas, ibanex? I've done this a number of times with the regular debian installer, so I'm betting the alternate CD will let me07:17
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randoman<randoman> anyone know what packages i need to install if gnome is07:17
ibanexphealy: if your installing to that partition it's going to overwrite your /home07:17
swamihi, everyone :D07:17
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ircbloodyellabs2: System menu is on the top bar of ur desktop and preferences is a submenu under system07:17
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Aviel15:( no 1 not help me07:17
phealyibanex: bah. I just want to keep the data.07:18
Aviel15how i can install Apache Webserver?07:18
ircbloodhi swami07:18
ReServe2rambo3; and DNS computer gets its DNS-adresses from DHCP... I think setting hardcoded DNS IP in DNS computer will solve this problem....07:18
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ibanexphealy: you can back it up befor installing07:18
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Lee_Pepperircblood: any howtoos on building a ubuntu distro from bootstrap???07:18
PiciiAviel15 : sudo apt-get install apache207:18
Aviel15thx man07:18
Aviel15good channel07:18
swamii downlaoded a few plugins for my compiz07:18
phealywell, yeah, but that's a pain :-P home is rather large07:18
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swamithose are havin an extension .tar.gz07:19
ibanexphealy: how large?07:19
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phealyit's backing up now, but it's going to take a while07:19
phealyaround 30 gig right now07:19
kimmey2k3my extern harddrive is connected to my pc via usb2 but it takes 1h15m to transfer 30gb between my pc and the drive.. any way to speed it up?07:19
ibanexphealy: yeah : ) it'll be worth it07:19
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swamihow do i install it? when i dowble click it, its oopening in some winrar like thing :(07:19
rambo3ReServe2, i realy don't know much about BIND9 . you should ask someone else07:19
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ibanexphealy: what's your backup method?07:19
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egoleohow to install webmin on feisty07:19
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phealyI should just stick to the alternate install cd. I've installed debian so many times I'm quite used to it.07:19
ircbloodLee_Pepper: im not sure never looked really07:19
askandHi! I am a little curious on programming..what is the easiest way to make graphical interface to bashscripts?07:20
swamiibanex: do u play guitar? :)07:20
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phealyibanex: normally I just have copies of all the important stuff on another machine07:20
ibanexswami: how do you know that?!?!?07:20
lyamwhat is default runlevel directory?07:20
phealyanything not elsewhere is rebuildable, but I'd rather not do so right now07:20
Lee_Pepperircblood: thanks ill hunt for a while..07:20
ircbloodegoleo: synapatic package manager?07:20
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swamii mean my guitar has a similar name like ur nick ;)07:20
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egoleoi tried that and is not07:20
phealyI don't have anything USB, so backups go over the network.07:20
swamiits an ibanez :D07:21
Piciiaskand : look up zenity07:21
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ibanexphealy: same with me07:21
phealyand unfortunately I don't have gigabit07:21
ircbloodlyam: what do u mean?07:21
ibanexswami: thank god, yes it sounds like ibanez, i thought you had stalked me in the past : )07:21
snipexppl tell me program to emulate windows programs that supports directx and can run games07:21
swamiibanex:  lol07:21
lyamI need path to the default runlevel directory07:21
supremesonicaskand, look at zenity07:21
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phealylyam: /etc/rc2.d07:21
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Jack_Sparrowsnipex: cedega07:22
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snipexjack : free07:22
snipexfree program07:22
phealythere isn't one, snipex07:22
swamisomeone please tell me how to install those files which are the plugins for compiz :( they are in .tar.gx file type :-s07:22
phealywine will do opengl07:22
Jack_Sparrowwine but not so much for games/directx07:22
phealybut not d3d07:22
phealyat least not last I looked...07:22
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snipexi got a problem with it07:23
supremesonicphealy, some d3d but not always.07:23
ircbloodremineds me of trying to watch dvds07:23
snipexwhen i select folder and press next no window appears07:23
phealygood to know, supremesonic :)07:23
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Jack_Sparrowsnipex: cedega costs less than ANY of your WIndows games07:23
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snipexit costs 5 dollars a month yes ?07:24
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ibanexswami: do you know if you can apt-get them? such as "sudo apt-get install beryl-plugins" or are you installing the new ones07:24
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Jack_Sparrowsnipex: Id suggest you just look it over and see what games will and wont run07:24
deja-vudoes anyone know how to get a usb Belkin wireless adaptor working, followed alot of tutorials and have come to a dead end07:25
snipexjack : it will run warrock07:25
snipexgame i wanna play07:25
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Jack_Sparrowdeja-vu: I assume you tried ndiswrapper07:25
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swamiibanex: those were not for beryl..07:25
swamiibanex: those were for compiz...07:25
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eyemeanhi i been looking everywhere to try enable 5.1 surround sound on ubuntu 7.04, can any1 pls help?07:25
swamiibanex: and i had uninstalled beryl yesterday07:25
deja-vuyeah i used ndiswrapper and the drivers that came with the adaptor it shows in iwconfig07:26
Jack_Sparrowsnipex: No idea, I dont play andy Windows games, I ran cedega just to check it out07:26
deja-vujust doesnt want to work07:26
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ibanexswami: beryl should be the 'new' compiz, unless you are going for the spakin new ones after the merge07:26
deja-vuim new to this distro07:26
snipexJack : is installation of cedega easy ? cuz i used windows 3 days ago07:26
egoleohow do i install webmin07:26
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gordonjcpdon't install webmin07:26
snipexand i dont wanna pay if it doesnt work07:26
wietz0rdeja-vu: It _should_ just work07:26
egoleoi tried using synaptic07:26
gordonjcpwebmin is teh suck07:26
Jack_Sparrowsnipex: yes, it was quite painless.07:26
egoleonot well07:26
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snipexjack : u got cedega ???07:27
Piciiegoleo : Check out the documentation on webmin's website.07:27
swamiibanex: well.. if i say what the plugins are u will understand... snow, animation, wall, etc.. are the plugins07:27
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Piciiegoleo : I dont think its in the ubuntu repositories.07:27
Jack_Sparrowsnipex: not in this machine07:27
swamiibanex: they are for compiz ryt?07:27
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ibanexswami: i've got those for beryl too07:27
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snipexjack : but u got it ?07:27
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ibanexswami: i believe they are in that package, see what happens07:27
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phealyI do, snipex. why?07:27
Jack_Sparrowsnipex: yes,07:27
egoleoi tried had way and is complaining of dependencies07:28
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ibanexswami: it could be in beryl-plugins-unsupported07:28
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swamiibanex: exactly.. they sed its unsupported07:28
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swamibut, in those utube videos, i see them working, and thats how i googled and found these :(07:28
ibanexswami: i would get em anyways... :) i don't think it's a big deal, but it's up to you07:28
javabytei installed dvb-utils but i can't find the atsc directory anywhere - it's not where it's supposed to be at /usr/share/dvb/scan/atsc/.. any ideas where it's got too?07:29
snipexim thinking of buying cedega07:29
swamiunsupported != buggy ???07:29
swamiibanex: unsupported != buggy ???07:29
cycomsnipex: I like it! It lets me play dawn of war and Battlefield 214207:29
Aviel15hey guys07:29
phealyswami: unsupported == don't ask for help if it doesn't work, not "it won't work"07:29
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Aviel15the vsftpd not working07:29
swamiibanex: ohh.. sorry :(07:29
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ibanexswami: no worries, phealy: good description07:30
Jack_Sparrowsnipex: Check your distro for info on the games you want to be sure they work with cedega and your choice of OS07:30
eZtaRCan anyone help me with openGL support07:30
swamiibanex: but, still u dint tell me how to install them :(07:30
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ircbloodyou can ask for help when ever,just some places might be better to ask then others07:30
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snipexjack : game works on cedega and i got ubuntu dapper drake07:30
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XchatHello. In the Synaptic Package Manager, there is a bitchx-gtk which says its a graphical interface to BitchX. How do I run that? I installed it but I'm only able to use the version run from the console. I don't have the graphical version under "Applications > Internet". Please help!07:31
ibanexswami: try "sudo apt-cache search beryl-plugins-unsupported"07:31
Jack_Sparrowsnipex: google dapper cedega and your game07:31
snipexcycom : what version of ubuntu u got cedega on ?07:31
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swamiibanex: okie :) lemme try that :)07:31
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ibanexswami: if its there "sudo apt-get install beryl-plugins-unsupported"07:31
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ibanexswami: if its not, we might have to change your sources.list07:31
Jack_SparrowI use dapper and call of duty would not work with 2.6 kernel and the copy protection.07:31
swamiibanex: but, i had uninstalled beryl yesterday... so, will downloading this work :O07:32
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VichJack_Sparrow, you pay me a great insult07:32
cycomsnipex: feisty07:32
Vichwell, not me personally07:32
Aviel15guys its write me when i try to connect to my ftp07:32
ibanexswami: you should just apt-get everything again then, including beryl-plugins-unsupported07:32
Jack_SparrowVich.. how is that07:32
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Aviel15vsftpd: both local and anonymous access disabled!07:32
deja-vuanyone got a usb Belkin G wireless adaptor working? could really use a point in the right direction. id settle for any direction actually07:33
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Aviel15how i can fix it?07:33
Vichmainly over the automatix thing, but I was actually just referencing the latest pirates movie07:33
phealysomeone's been watching pirates too much (*looks at Vich*)07:33
INIT_6I have 5 drives. 3 of them are fine and working great. 2 or maxtor 300gb SATA 1. I can cfdisk them and re-write the partion table just fine. However, can't run mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc1. error says can't becuase it's being used. I restarted the computer and nothing is mounting it. any ideas?07:33
swamiibanex: well, how :( am a newbie :( so i dont know the commands :-<07:33
Aviel15its write me vsftpd: both local and anonymous access disabled!07:33
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Aviel15when i try to connect to ftp07:33
Aviel15how i can fix it?07:33
Jack_Sparrowvich, Did not intend to slight anyone, you recommended Automatix and I said it was not a good idea..07:33
eZtaRCan anyone help me with openGL support? Because every time i try to play a game using openGL to render, i get big colored boxes where either text or inputboxes should appear, and my system freezes07:34
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Aviel15help plz gyus07:34
ibanexswami: sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-plugins beryl-plugins-unsupported emerald07:34
Aviel15i new in ubuntu07:34
Aviel15how i can fix07:34
Aviel15its write: vsftpd: both local and anonymous access disabled!07:34
swamiibanex: thanks a lot :) lemme try that :)07:34
ibanexswami: i think thats all... have you had beryl working before? no problem07:34
swamiyeah it was working..07:34
INIT_6aviel15 do you have firewall07:34
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swamiibanex: but i never saw any other effect other than the cube and wobbly07:35
INIT_6are you blocking your self07:35
swamiibanex: :(07:35
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Aviel15dont know it07:35
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Aviel15i just install today ubuntu07:35
ibanexswami: thats fine, as long as it worked... the other effects are enabled and configured with "beryl-settings" from a terminal07:35
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swamiibanex: the word terminal is as of now scary for me :(07:35
ronzohello fello ubuntu users!07:36
snipexppl is ubuntu's default firewall good ?07:36
INIT_6if you can't access your ftp from your own box then maybe the deamon has a problem loading you sure it's up07:36
swamiibanex: so, did u mean here is no graphical configuration for beryl?07:36
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ibanexswami: as it was to me a while ago, but it's the best thing ever... beryl-settings will pop up the graphical config : )07:36
ronzoswami, there is one07:36
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Jack_Sparrowsnipex: YEs, iptables default setup is fine07:36
limbeauxI have an amd dual core.  should i intall the smp kernel?07:36
Aviel15what is deamon07:36
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limbeauxor does it really make a difference07:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deamon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
swamiibanex: ronzo yeah i saw that.. but there is no plug in setting in tht07:36
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snipexseems ill have to stop playin wr :'(07:37
ronzoswami, i have one running for me, let me find the package for ya. =)07:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about daemons - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:37
Jack_Sparrowsnipex: If you need to open up a port, get firestarter or guarddog for manual gui controls07:37
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega07:37
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swamironzo: :D thank you :)07:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deamon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:37
bsdunixwhy is it that sudo apt-get remove pkgname --purge accomplishes absolutely nothing, ever?07:37
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ibanexswami: after you apt-get all of those you should have them07:37
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XchatSomeone help me, please!07:37
swamironzo: my mom always says i like spoon feeding :P07:37
INIT_6aviel, it's a service what runs in the background like your ftpd07:38
Picii!ask | Xchat07:38
ubotuXchat: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:38
swamiibanex: i apt got everything07:38
Aviel15and what its od?07:38
swamiibanex: :)07:38
INIT_6the d at that the end stands for deameon07:38
snipexjack : why would i need to open a port ??? i just wanna know if it can protect me from hackers07:38
bsdunixronzo: my wife says i like breast feeding, same thing maybe07:38
Jack_Sparrowswami: No spoonfeeding here, just suppositiories07:38
ronzoswami, do you have beryl-settings installed?07:38
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INIT_6anyways you might want to restart it. aviel. what ftp program are you using again?07:38
XchatPicii, I already did07:38
swamiJack_Sparrow: i was just kidding :D07:38
XchatHello. In the Synaptic Package Manager, there is a bitchx-gtk which says its a graphical interface to BitchX. How do I run that? I installed it but I'm only able to use the version run from the console. I don't have the graphical version under "Applications > Internet". Please help!07:38
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Jack_Sparrowme too07:39
swamironzo: yeah now it appears at the bottom of applications07:39
ronzowhat is a good audio converter? im trying to convert an m4a to mp307:39
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swamiJack_Sparrow: :P07:39
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bsdunixXchat: irssi in cli is probably what you really need07:39
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ronzoswami, yea, under system tools. you should now be able to run it07:39
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snipexye ppl i wanna convert mp4 to mp3 , any good free converters07:39
PiciiXchat : I'm installing it now, let me look and I'll let you know.07:39
ciciwhat is the lastest version of nvidia-glx driver ?07:39
swamironzo: but, this is the same window i got yesterday :( there is no plug in settings :(07:40
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phealyibanex: fyi, the alternate install CD will let you do what I wanted :-P07:40
XchatPicii: Okay :)07:40
ibanexphealy: really? what other options does it have07:40
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phealyso let's just hope it doesn't nuke my /home, and if it does I'll restore from backup07:40
bsdunixanybody here got an amiga?07:40
phealylots more options, IIRC. like doing encrypted root fs07:40
apadoxi have this problem   my notebook has no other way of installing ubuntu than this   i connected hard disk from my notebook to my pc and i have downloaded alternate version of feisty  can someone guide me further07:40
INIT_6does anyone now why when I run mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc1 it' says it's being used. However, nothing mounted it doesn't have a filesystem. and rebooted. Have any ideas why it says it's being used?07:40
ibanexphealy: i'm thinkin it will nuke it... go for it tho if its backed up07:41
Jack_SparrowIf I want to try and install ati video drivers and I make a copy of Xorg before I do and things go wrong.  Can I just replace my xorg with the working one and get back into my system?07:41
ronzoswami, is beryl-plugins-data on there?07:41
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swamironzo: nope :(07:41
ShackJackJack_Sparrow: yep..07:41
ronzoill PM07:41
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ronzoswami, its not cooperating07:42
bsdunixINIT_6: physically remove the drive in question, see if you can function normally without it, if so, maybe it is some stale links07:42
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snipexppl does Cedega work on dapper ???????07:42
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persicaapadox: It isn't part of a raid or lvm set, is it?07:42
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swamironzo: i have general, window mgmt, desktop, vfx, accessibility, extras, development, and image format :(07:42
apadoxi put out my notebook harddisk07:42
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apadoxand connect to pc07:42
ibanexswami: i think i forgot about the package ronzo mentioned, apt get it07:43
apadoxi see now two partitions07:43
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apadoxon xp07:43
persicaINIT_6: is it part of a raid set or LVM set?07:43
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apadoxand i dont see linux partitions that are empty07:43
swamiibanex: && ronzo : what package?07:43
ronzoswami, i have a working install of beryl. install manager, plugins, plugins-data, settings, settings-bindings, and that should do it07:43
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persicaapadox: sorry, I misspoke.  But for you, you're trying to do an alternate install on a laptop, starting with an image of the CD on your desktop?07:43
ronzoswami, you can look at them in synaptic too07:43
apadoxis there a way to install grub over xp07:43
apadoxor something07:43
apadoxso that disk can be bootable07:43
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PiciiXchat : The command is gtkBitchX07:44
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swamironzo: this is what i did07:44
apadoxi have one fat32 partition07:44
swamironzo: sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-plugins beryl-plugins-unsupported emerald07:44
Chris689I know this is simple, but could someone help me change my screen resolution...07:44
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ibanexswami: hes saying also get beryl-plugins-data07:44
XchatPicii: Okay, thanks. Is there way I can make it appear under Applications > Internet?07:44
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persicaapadox: Yes, there is a way to install GRUB on the MBR of that notebook harddisk.  However, if you aren't installing on the notebook itself you'll have a lot of trouble with some of the hardware detection I think.07:44
ibanexswami: so "sudo apt-get install beryl-plugins-data"07:44
swamiibanex: ohhh okie :)07:44
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CarlFKhow can I get the .py out of python-grub-3.1.0-1pclos2007.i586.rpm ?07:44
ronzoswami, that should do it for you. =)07:44
apadoxmy notebook is dead if i dont do something07:45
CarlFKor install it07:45
PiciiXchat : if you run the alacarte menu editor (which is on the menus somewhere I think), you can add a custom entry.07:45
apadoxdont have optiacl drive07:45
ronzodoes anyone know of a good audio converter? have some m4a i want to convert to mp3 / ogg07:45
apadoxand i dont have other boot options07:45
Chris689I've got beryl running, but I want to change my res to 1280*1024...but it doesn't show up as an option..07:45
apadoxhave to try something from xp07:45
CarlFKas far as I know, it is just some 'simple' python - if I can get the dern .py file, I can just run it...07:45
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Chris689I've edited my xorg.conf to include 1280*1024 and restarted...07:45
ronzoChris689, edit your xorg.conf file07:45
swamiibanex: i did that07:45
neulhi y'all07:45
Chris689did it07:45
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ronzoChris689, what video card are you using?07:46
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swamiibanex: and it sed 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:46
PiciiCarlFK : alien might be able to extract it, take a look at the switches/manpage.07:46
Chris689Radeon 9600SE07:46
persicaapadox: What you will probably want to do is run the CD from your desktop, install on your laptop's harddrive (you said you have it hooked up, right?) but you'll want to skip the grub step and do it manually.07:46
Aviel15when i try to write sudo apt-get autoremove vsftpd07:46
Aviel15when i try to write sudo apt-get autoremove vsftpd07:46
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Aviel15its write: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:46
CarlFKPicii: thanks07:46
PiciiCarlFK : but dont install it, I'm not sure what it will do.07:46
neulnewbie... need advice07:46
Aviel15how i can fix it plz07:46
swamiibanex: beryl-plugins-data is already the newest version.07:46
swamiberyl-plugins-data set to manual installed.07:46
Aviel15how i can fix it plz07:46
Aviel15its write: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:46
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ibanexibanex: and nothing shows up in beryl-settings07:46
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:47
PiciiAviel15 : manually run sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a07:47
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Aviel15k thx07:47
swamiibanex: nothing??? there several things , but nothing like berly plugins section :(07:47
swamiibanex: beryl*07:47
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ShackJackPicii - I would've never thought of that ;)07:47
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neuldownloaded 7.04... how do I burn it onto disc?07:48
PiciiShackJack :p07:48
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Picii!ubuntu | judran2307:48
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ubotujudran23: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:48
ShackJackjudran23: "Can't install Debian"07:48
Aviel15go nero express07:48
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Aviel15click image07:48
Aviel15and select the rar07:48
Aviel15and click burn07:48
ronzoneul, install k3b and you can install the image07:48
apadoxpersica  can i install grub on fat32 partition or something that will install linux from my harddrive07:48
jlhi everybody!07:48
ronzoswami, if you open synaptic, it makes install beryl much easier. =)07:48
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ibanexswami: "sudo apt-get install beryl-plugins-unsupported-data"07:48
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ShackJackjl is here - yay!07:49
judran23sHACKjACK ;)07:49
ibanexswami: ronzo: that data package is prob missing too07:49
Talcitedoes anyone know why my system hangs after suspending?07:49
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somepersonwhere can i find gnome-power-manager, i have to edit something to disable hibernation?07:49
apadoxto emulate cd installation just to mount fat32 partition and to install from there07:49
neulronzo, please clarify...07:49
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swamiibanex: beryl-plugins-unsupported-data is already the newest version.07:49
ronzoneul, what operating system are you using?07:49
judran23THANKS UBUNTU07:49
ShackJacksomeperson: just type in terminal - or under prefs...07:49
swamiibanex: :(07:49
ibanexswami: neeevermind07:49
swamiibanex: done07:49
ZoOl__What is the Synaptic Package manager and where can I find it? I need to remove Amarok because it crashes...07:50
neuldouble booting Win and Ubuntu 5.1007:50
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ronzoZoOl__, system > admin > synaptic07:50
swamiibanex: now i can see the plugins like snow, water, etc... but everything is kept disabled, and i cant change it as well!!!07:50
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ZoOl__thank you...07:50
judran23 double booting Win and Ubuntu 5.10 AT THE SAME TIME?07:50
ibanexswami: mess around with the settings thing, you have them now.  i have to eat, good luck07:50
jlhi ShackJack, do i know you?07:50
swamiibanex: alright :D07:50
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somepersonI'm not actually getting anything when I trpe it in the terminal07:50
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ronzoneul, if your in windows, install a version of nero and there will be an option to "burn image". if your in ubuntu, do apt-get install k3b, and there will also be an option to burn an image. =)07:51
somepersonsupoosedly there is a line I have to edit to disable hibernation07:51
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neullol judran... i have both, but not at the same time :)07:51
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gerroneul: don't use nero use isorecorder, nero is worst thing ever created for windows and has no support for burning iso files07:51
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W8TAHanyone here running kvirc on feisty?07:51
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jldoes somebody knows if the intel 915 graphics card is fully supported in ubuntu?07:52
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Freladorlots of peeps here o.O07:52
ronzojl, i think so. im using the i81007:52
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swamironzo: now am tired, lemme go take a shower :D rest of the messing with settings after that :D07:52
neulmust I convert the ISO file, or burn it as ISO?07:52
Ravenndude`What is the package that I need to install to get my dual AMD processors (AMD MPs) recognized?07:52
Freladorhey, could anyone...help me out maybe?07:52
ronzohehe, later swami07:52
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ronzoask away, freakazoid022307:53
CarlFKRavenndude`: it should be enabled07:53
ronzoFrelador, **07:53
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ShackJack!ask | Frelador07:53
swamironzo: in the mean time even i'm downloading that k3b :)07:53
ubotuFrelador: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:53
CarlFKRavenndude`: run top, hit 1, see if it shows 2 cpu's07:53
Freladoroh, sure07:53
Freladorthe old rule07:53
Freladorwell, i want to install ubuntu soon07:53
ronzoswami, k3b ftw. =)07:53
jlronzo: but glx version reports to be 1.2 not 1.307:53
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swamironzo: :P07:53
Freladorthough i sadly have no experience with linux ;{07:53
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swamironzo: BRB - Bath Room Break!!! ;)07:53
Freladorim even lost at the download menu07:53
ShackJack!enter | Frelador07:53
ubotuFrelador: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:53
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Freladormeh, im sorry, im always doing that ;D07:54
ronzojl, what driver are you using in xorg?07:54
Ravenndude`CarlFK, ahh thanks. Then is there an optimization of some sort? I remember having to install a certain kernel package ... K7 I believe?07:54
somepersonwhat is the easiest way to disable hibernation, someone told me to edit something in gnome-power-manager, but I can't find where07:54
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jlronzo, i'm using the i810 driver07:55
Freladorso, on the ubuntu website, at the download page, whats the last checkbox for? the one that says something about an alternate desktop cd07:55
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CarlFKRavenndude`: about a year ago the made SMP the default - works just as well on a one CPU box07:55
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CarlFKFrelador: don't check it07:55
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Ravenndude`CarlFK, Ahh, thank you very much =)07:55
eyemeanCM8738 5.1 surround sound on ubuntu 7.04, can any1 help please?07:55
CarlFKFrelador: like checking it, only you don't.07:55
luisbgwhat range of cpu temperatures do you think are "safe"?07:55
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ronzojl, what i ended up having to do was to force it to use the resolution. i use 1280x768, and it wouldn't support it. i had to delete / coment out the other ones07:55
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Ravenndude`luisbg, It depends on the CPU07:55
CarlFKFrelador: if you have problems with the normal one, you may need to check it07:55
ShackJacksomeperson: you can go into gconf2 and look for can_hiberate key and uncheck it...07:56
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ronzojl, it then worked for me after that07:56
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Freladorwell, i dont even know what "normal" is in this case..07:56
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somepersonwhere is that?07:56
somepersoni am fairly new to this, sorry07:56
Freladoroh, well, i guess i know what you mean07:56
ronzoany audio converters or a way to have audacity read a m4a file?07:57
Freladorwhere should i install ubuntu on? ntfs partition or fat?07:57
ShackJacksomeperson: Shoud be under system tools or type gconf-editor in Ternimal... and search for can_hibernate07:57
luisbgRavenndude`, in this case is a core 2 duo, but I'm wondering generally07:57
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jlronzo, i'm using the same resolution, what version of glx do you have?07:57
sixr420i got 2 ubuntu 7.04 machines, both have an extra 500 gig hard drive /mount/500 on both,  im interesting in software that can keep the 2 sync'd,  i add and delete to each from both computers,    any ideas?07:57
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Ravenndude`luisbg, Give this a read: http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/Core-Duo-Temperature-Guide-ftopict221745.html07:58
eyemeanfrelador - it has its own ext3 system so u would need to format to ext3 during installation07:58
Gomaziai have a 3d Card (Sapphire 1950 x) brand new and can't seem to be able to configure it with Ubuntu07:58
somepersonthanks, that worked ShackJack07:58
Gomaziaany help?07:58
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ShackJack!ask | Gomazia07:58
Freladoreyemean: well, i was told to install it onto a fat partition o.O07:58
ronzojl, how do i find the version?07:58
ubotuGomazia: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:58
luisbgRavenndude`, thanks07:59
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Freladoreyemean: but i thought i would ask again lol07:59
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Gomaziahow do i configure my sapphire 1950 x with Ubuntu?07:59
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incorrectGomazia, have you installed ubuntu?07:59
eyemeanas far as i know its best to defragment drive, format it then delete07:59
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jlronzo go to the terminal glxinfo and you will see the line "glx version:"08:00
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eyemeanthen install ubuntu08:00
ronzojl, version is 1.208:00
incorrectGomazia, does X not work?08:00
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allspiritsevehow do I do an online installation of ubuntu? I have no blank cds, though I do have a feisty live cd that doesn't boot up due to issues with my laptop08:00
Freladorcya and thanks for help, maybe i will check back later ;D08:00
Gomaziabut not the 3d08:00
Gomaziai was trying Beryl08:01
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ronzojl, is the 1280x768 the only resolution in your xorg? for all the lines?08:01
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incorrectGomazia, i found google to be pretty good at quickly finding the answer to such questions08:01
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Gomaziaok, the prob is that i have 1 week of Ubuntu...08:01
newuserhi. Is there any way to lower the brightness/contrast in ubuntu?08:01
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jlronzo, yes but in different depth modes08:02
Gomaziaand i'm very used to win XP08:02
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Gomaziabut willing to change...08:02
SeXXXmachineand so is everyone else08:02
sixr420anybody know of software thaht can sync folders?  i got 2 ubuntu 7.04 machines, both have an extra 500 gig hard drive /mount/500 onboth,  im interesting in software that can keep the 2 sync'd,  i add and delete to each from both computers.08:02
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mrobbertGomazia: Is this card using an ATI or an Nvidia chipset or something entirely different?08:03
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ronzojl, for the depths ,you want each one to be only 1280x76808:03
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ronzojl, you may also have to do a modline08:03
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ShackJackGomazia: You can also check out the #ubuntu-effects channel for focused help on beryl/3d, etc...08:03
SubOn1How can I resize my boot ext3 partition?08:04
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Gomaziauses ATI Radeon08:04
eyemeanfrelador - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6104490811311898236 that is for dual boot, but obviously just ignore the windows part and u should be ok08:04
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ShackJackSubOn1: check out gparted (built in)08:04
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SubOn1ShackJack: I have it won't let me resize it08:05
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jlronzo the depth is ok is working at 24, the only problem that i have is the glx version thats why i don't have fully 3d support08:05
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mrobbertGomazia: I've heard of quite a few people having problems with the ATI drivers so you are not alone.08:05
omhaj #php08:05
ShackJackSubOn1: you have to unmount it first - right click, etc..08:05
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SubOn1ShackJack: it says i cant unmount it08:05
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Gomaziaarrghhhh.... :(08:05
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ShackJackSubOn1: You can also use it from live CD and you shouldn't have a problem..08:05
darwin81How can I make Ubuntu not start GDM on start up?08:05
ronzojl, can you run glxgears?08:06
nnyok ill trade someone.. someone help me figure out where network-manager is storing my old WPA key, and i'll help someone figure out somehitng else08:06
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SubOn1ShackJack: gparted is on the livecd? because i had to install it on my system08:06
nnydarwin81, chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm08:06
nnydarwin81, sudo before that08:06
cycomAnyone get a mighty mouse working with horizontal scroll? Xev doesn't show any events for the left and right, but cat /dev/input/input8 (the current mouse input) shows activity when I move the scroll ball horizontally.08:06
Gomaziai'll try #ubuntu-effects. Thanks !08:06
ber1for compatibility issues, i need to install windows and uninstall windows. is there anything special to this, or can i just install windows over my entire harddrive and simply override the ubuntu partition during installation?08:06
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ShackJackSubOn1: Hmm... should be... not entirely sure...08:06
survivernny, whats the difference with +x?08:06
mrobbertGomazia: I have gotten them to work so, but my system got a little sluggish so I turned off the effects. Is there any reason that you haven't upgraded to 7.04? 6.06 is now a year old and the 3D effects have come a long way in that year.08:06
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nnydarwin81, sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/gdm to fix08:06
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caravelhi again -- trying hard to share thunderbird data across profiles (several distros and xp, multiboot workstation) -- but I fail to find a complete or up-to-date how to for this. Could anyone please help me to confirm the procedure with version ?08:06
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darwin81nny, Will that just boot into a command line08:06
nnysurviver, -x removes executable rights, +x adds it08:07
digitalbcanyone use pdt eclipse?08:07
nnydarwin81, yes08:07
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caravel(...) I just need to confirm the complete lists of files which I can redirect using user_pref statements, and those which I have to symlink in linux profiles08:07
SubOn1ShackJack: hold on searching the disc08:07
ZtingeRI downloaded Ubuntu 7.04 some days ago and burned it out. It boots up fine to the CD menu, but as soon as i choose anything i get a screen that says "Kernel alive" and then the monitor goes off after a second. Anyone heard of issues with this?08:07
survivernny, ow lol good to know i know the + lol never needed the - :p08:07
darwin81nny, What can I do to change it back?08:07
jlronzo yes i can, its works at 450-550 fps, what about you?08:07
ZtingeRUsing 64bit version08:07
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persicaDoes anyone here have some experience on installing ubuntu from an existing partition on a harddrive?  apadox had a laptop with no optical drive to install from and is trying to install from one partition on his hard drive to another.  I'm not sure how to set up a bootloader for that.08:07
nnydarwin81, sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/gdm to fix08:07
Gomaziathe only reason is that i found this version first, so i downloaded it...08:07
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fuzzy_logichi people08:08
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nnyanyone who might have a lead on WPA key storage location, hook me up ^^08:08
Gomazia'll get 7.0408:08
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=== Pelo drags himself into the channel and punches in
darwin81nny, oh sorry didn't notice you had answered above08:08
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Pelonny, try the forum08:08
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nnydarwin81, np08:08
nnyPelo, have been looking.. will do08:08
mrobbertGomazia: 7.04 is the first version that I even got them to work. It is just a matter of a check box  or two and they're automatically installed and activated.08:08
SubOn1ShackJack: no gparted on the disc08:09
pi3does kubuntu require less ram than ubuntu for the average user?08:09
Pelonny, wonT' does keys be located in the keyring thingy like all the others ?08:09
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fuzzy_logicpi3: not really if you do the same things08:09
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Pelopi no  kbe is more demanding08:09
crackintoshCan someone explain why my feisty installation says I have jdk 1.5 installed when I type 'sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk' but when I type 'locate jdk' I dont get any binaries. only documentation.08:09
fuzzy_logicpi3: consider xubuntu if speed is important for you08:09
Commander-Apeis there a way to forward mails from an imap account to a pop3 account automatically?08:09
ronzojl, i get about 520 fps08:09
mrobbertGomazia: You can even just try running it as a LiveCD to see if they will work out of the box.08:09
nnyPelo, maybe.. last time i looked, they were in /etc/network, but i can't find em now and i changed my WPA ket08:09
pi3fuzzy_logic: what do you recommend to use for a 256mb ram pc?08:09
SubOn1ShackJack: when i ran the install CD and went through the installation as far as the disk partitioning it wouldnt allow me to resize it08:09
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nnymay just do a dpkg-reconfigure08:09
Gomaziai will08:09
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survivernny, tried locate wpa?08:10
fuzzy_logicpi3: xubuntu :)08:10
ronzojl, so you should be able to run it. i havne't seen it any higher than that08:10
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pi3fuzzy_logic: and normal use, i mean firefox-gaim-email08:10
Pelonny,   menu > system > admin > keyring manager or something08:10
pi3okapi14, thanks fuzzy_logic08:10
ZtingeRHave anyone heard of any issues with 7.04 64bit?08:10
fuzzy_logicpi3: np :)08:10
BllzHey guys08:10
fuzzy_logicbi Bllz08:10
c_lispsay im on another computer somewhere is there a way to scream my mp3s from my pc to a ssh client somewhere?08:10
BllzI can't seem to apt-get install AmaoK08:10
persicapi3: start with a server install, then install xfce-desktop.08:10
Jack_SparrowI am at cli and I need to replace xorg.conf with my renamed backup.. anyone able to help me with the cli commands08:10
Gomaziamrobbert : Thank's for the advice08:10
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Bllzwould downloading it as a package solve the problem?08:10
ronzogotta run, sorry. =(08:10
sixr420ZtingeR: i did with software08:11
pi3persica: the livecd requires more ram than the install right?08:11
persicaAnyone here have some experience with setting up grub to boot a cd image loaded into a partition?08:11
surviverztinger, yes some couple with all 64 bit no online watching stuff :p like macromedia or kind of08:11
ZtingeRWell, i cant get the CD running properly08:11
fuzzy_logicBllz: the apt-get system is case-sensitive, so try amarok with a small a08:11
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pha|conJack_Sparrow: mv xorg.conf.old xorg.conf08:11
Pelopersica,  try asking in #grub  but donT' expect much08:11
persicapi3: yeah.  The server edition install also installs fewer things in the background that will suck up memory.08:11
surviverztinger, u need to run him from bootup08:11
ZoOl__I'm using the desktop effects but my " workstations on a cube" do not work anymore. Any ideas?08:11
ZtingeRI get the bootmenu, but screen goes blank if i choose anything.08:11
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SubOn1Anyone else know how I can resize a partition?08:11
persicaPelo: hehe, thanks.08:11
Bllzoh okay08:11
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Jack_Sparrowpha|con: ty08:12
fuzzy_logicSub0n1: gparted :)08:12
Bllzfuzzy_logic, i think that's not the problem though.  I'll download it, but something either wont install or wont download ... other parts will though08:12
bensodeTrying to install KRB5-USER on 6.06 LTS server but getting a unmet dependencies error that the packages are broken?08:12
jlronzo in other graphics cards it is higher than that08:12
PeloZtingeR,  nvdia or ati video card ?  use the alternate install cd08:12
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BllzIt seems like a dependency issue more than anything... but that's my noob guess08:12
Bllz(and by noob i  mean absolute noob)08:12
Pelo!alternate | ZtingeR08:12
ubotuZtingeR: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal08:12
fuzzy_logicBllz: what program do you use? terminal, aptitude, synaptic??08:12
Jack_Sparrowpha|con: ty so in my case it would be mv xorg.good xorg.conf08:12
SubOn1fuzzy_logic: gparted won't let me resize it08:12
pha|conJack_Sparrow: yup08:12
fuzzy_logicSub0n1: what kind of partition is it?08:13
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newuseranyone know hwo to adjust Contrast/Brightness?08:13
Bllzfuzzy_logic, terminal I guess?08:13
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Bllzwhatever the default Gnome one is08:13
ZtingeRok, ill check for the alternative08:13
ZtingeRthanx for the tip08:13
fuzzy_logicSub0n1: what kind of error message do you get?08:13
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Bllzfuzzy_logic, I just checked. it's definitely terminal08:14
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fuzzy_logicBllz: so when you type sudo apt-get install amarok what error message do you get??08:14
Aviel15hey guys08:14
fuzzy_logichi Aviel15 :)08:14
Aviel15i now format my ubuntu and i install it again08:14
Aviel15i want to do it for server08:14
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Aviel15i can choose there server?08:14
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SubOn1fuzzy_logic: it's the boot partition ext308:14
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fuzzy_logicAviel15: you have to download the server edition from www.ubuntu.com08:15
Ca0ssome body speak spanish?08:15
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Bllzhmm... that's a good questioni08:15
ivananyone running windows with vmware with ubuntu on it?08:15
Aviel15oh cool08:15
magnetron!es | Ca0s08:15
ubotuCa0s: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:15
daquinohow do i get the mouse drivers to reload so that my usb mouse works ? i dont want to reboot....08:15
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digitalbcivan: i have done it08:15
Bllzi'll get back to you on that08:15
Bllzgive me a few minutes (dialup... sigh...)08:15
ZtingeRWell, im off while the CD is downloaded. Thanx for the help, c ya08:15
ivandigitalbc simple?08:15
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Pelodaquino,  restart x08:15
snipexppl does cedega work on linux ubuntu dapper drake ???08:15
daquinoPelo:  tried that08:15
fuzzy_logicSub0n1: you have to go to the official site of gparted (search on google for it), and download the iso cd, burn a cd and boot from it.. that way you will be able to resize it08:16
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daquinoPelo:  and x is configured for usb mice so that shouldn't be the problem08:16
daquinoits something iwth the systems auto detect08:16
SubOn1fuzzy_logic: ah ok perfect ty08:16
daquinohot pluggin wahtever08:16
Pelodaquino,  thre is a command to restart the usb manager thingy but I don'T know what it is08:16
Aviel15download thas?08:16
Aviel15 http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-server-i386.iso08:16
fuzzy_logicSub0n1: np :)08:16
fuzzy_logicAviel15: yes08:16
magnetronsnipex: you will have to ask Cedega about that. i can recommend you to use Wine instead08:16
Aviel15k man08:16
Aviel15come private08:16
Aviel15i need alot help08:16
hippieHELP!!!! upgraded to 7.04 and none of my music works!08:16
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snipexmagnetron : i got a problem with it08:16
annulushippie buy a mac ^_^08:17
bensodenevermind found my own boo-boo08:17
magnetronask the channel about it, snipex08:17
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Pelo!mp3 | hippie08:17
ubotuhippie: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:17
bensodehelps to enable the correct repository ...08:17
SubOn1fuzzy_logic: do you know if it will resize an NTFS partition?08:17
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Pelo!sound | hippie08:17
ubotuhippie: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:17
fuzzy_logicSub0n1: it will08:17
Pelohippie,  also check your speaker connection08:17
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newuseranyone know how to change brightness/contrast?08:18
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SlashLifeerr... O_o08:18
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fuzzy_logicnewuser: just with your monitor settings i guess?08:18
Pelonewuser, check in the forum08:18
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hippiemy stereo connection is fine..... it just wont play any of my music, nither xmms or amarok work08:18
PeloSlashLife,  can we help you with something ?08:18
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hippiethx for the links08:18
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frojndwhy would start screen saver even though I am watching movie in full screen mode ??08:18
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newusersorry i did...but all i found is support for laptops08:18
SlashLifePelo: fuzzy_logic already translated it. :)08:18
fuzzy_logicSlashLife: translated what??08:19
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Pelofrojnd,  because they are unrelated , mplyer has a function to stop the x screensaver from starting, check in the prefs08:19
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StrongArm__I have a visio diagram, is it possible edit it, if so, with what?08:19
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J_Phi all08:19
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SlashLifeFujitsu: Four lines of mumbling at newuser. :>08:20
fuzzy_logichi J_P08:20
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Ca0shi, some body can help me =D08:20
SlashLifefuzzy_logic: Err... see above.08:20
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Kryczekhi guys! sorry to bother you (as a last recourse) but I have this annoying problem since recently with my Ubuntu install: every time I boot the PCM is muted, and I have to go in alsamixer to unmute it and raise the volume from 0 to something usable... It used to work before, and I tried to enforce saving the alsa state with "alsactl store", but it doesn't change anything: something is muting my soundcard every time I boot, and it's only since recently08:20
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Kryczekany idea why? :)08:20
Ca0skernel panic - not syncing: vfc unable to moount root fs unknown-block   =(08:20
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hippieany fixes for this damn headache inducing refresh rate..... I had 75hz in 6.06 but cant go no higher than 60Hz in 7.04... video card is nVIDIA GeForce408:20
frojndPelo: I am using VLC player, and the funniest thing is this wasn't my problem before, now on all the sudden x changes to screen saver,...08:21
PeloKryczek,  corret the problem and save your session in  menu >`system > prefs> sessions 3rd tab08:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:21
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J_PAnyone know hoe open a diferent session in gnome ? I would like some like as CTRL+AL+F8 oher X to get a remote desktop and in default CTRL+ALT+F7 my native GUI...08:21
KryczekPelo: I'm using Kubuntu actually, but I suppose all that does is call "alsactl store"08:21
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Pelofrojnd,  I think vlc also has that function,  but ask in the #vlc channel, they will probably know better08:21
PeloKryczek, try asking in #kubuntu08:22
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KryczekPelo: it's not KDE related :)08:22
predaeushippie, do you have an LCD or TFT monitor or do you have a CRT monitor?08:22
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frojndPelo: um well there is only me on #vlc channel08:22
PeloKryczek, no but they will probably know better where the thingy you need to doodle is08:22
t2_hi,  my mic is not working on kubuntu.. i have full-duplex turned on int kde control center and the mic is not muted in Kmix..  I am testing the mic with Krec audio recorder program and getting no output when i play a recorded sound.  can someone please point me to a simple method as i found 10's of troubleshooting commands on the net i have no idea how to decipher them08:23
mzanfardinocan someone suggest a tool for editing PDF files?08:23
Aviel15ubuntu compelete08:23
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hippiecrappy old CRT.... used to run 75Hz just fine, but now it wont let me go higher than 60Hz witch = one massive headache08:23
Aviel15i on the new desktop08:23
Pelofrojnd, they have a channel somewhere,  #vic is probably not the correct name for it , maybe it's on an other network,  chek on their site08:23
Aviel15what to do on start??08:23
fuzzy_logict2_: try asking in #kubuntu, that's the place for kubuntu questions08:23
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Aviel15i in my new ubuntu after format08:24
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Aviel15what need to do on start?08:24
PeloAviel15, is it iinstalled ?08:24
fuzzy_logicAviel15: what do you mean?08:24
t2_fuzzy_logic: i actually have xubuntu then installed kde on top.  anyway ill ask there08:24
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Kryczekt2_: try "alsamixer" on the command line, and use 'm' and 'M' keys08:24
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J_Phi all comeback08:24
predaeushippie, did you install the legacy drivers? I think you need them for the geforce4. Also you can specify refresh rate like so "1280x1024_60" (or "_75") in xorg.conf.08:25
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Kryczekpredaeus: no, legacy drivers are for the TNT208:25
hippieI have the glx driver08:25
KryczekI have normal drivers with a gf3 :)08:25
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hippienon legacy has alwase worked good in the pase08:25
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EricBhas anyone tried playing Counter-Strike 1.6 using wine?08:25
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PeloEricB,  ask in #winehq08:26
EricBPelo, ty08:26
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xNinjaEricB what about bf2 ?08:26
predaeushippie, did you try to set the refresh rate like above?08:26
hippienot yet... working on it08:26
Aviel15i need security?08:26
EricBxNinja, I haven't tried it08:26
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Aviel15or some updates08:26
Aviel15idk its new ubuntu08:26
Aviel15i write from my own pc08:26
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xNinjaEricB i see08:27
EricBxNinja, have you?08:27
PeloAviel15,  waht is your native language ?08:27
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Pelodo we have an hebrew channel ?08:27
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:27
SqrlKngHey, can someone help me out with the command to update the nvidia kernel?08:27
xNinjai did before maybe 5 months but was running with a very bad resolution.....640x!08:27
dxdemetriouit's ok to use automatix2 with feisty? I ask to know if I'll continue to have my os that is from breezy08:27
xNinjaand everythings in low08:27
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Pelo!he | Aviel1508:28
ubotuAviel15:         :08:28
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il08:28
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Aviel15thx alot08:28
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PeloAviel15,  just thought you would have an easier time of it there08:28
pixelationHow do you CD to desktop?08:29
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predaeuspixelation, cd ~/Desktop08:29
cybybuddywhat is the difference: TFT and WXGA?08:29
hippiewtf?.... my xorg.conf is blank!08:29
Pelopixelation,   cd Desktop08:29
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cybybuddywhat is better?08:29
Aviel15no 1 there08:29
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Aviel15so help me here08:29
Pelohippie,    wrong file     /etc/X11/xorg.conf    as in X one one08:29
Aviel15i just now install the ubuntu08:30
Aviel15what i need to to08:30
PeloAviel15,  what do you need help with,  we need specific questions08:30
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hippiethats the one08:30
hippieits blank08:30
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fuzzy_logicAviel15: nothing really :) just use it08:30
cybybuddywhat is the difference: TFT and WXGA? somebody knows?08:30
PeloAviel15, you don'T need to update anything,   updates are automatic when needed08:30
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pixelationI mean how do you CD to desktop under Root?08:30
jnunezelena estas?08:30
esanchezsi aki08:31
Pelopixelation,  depends on which desktop you need , your /home / user /desktop ?    cd /home/user/Desktop08:31
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ompaul!root | pixelation08:31
ubotupixelation: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:31
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pixelationThe one with the wallpaper?08:31
Peloompaul, read the questions first08:31
jnunezabla en espaol08:31
esanchezeso digo yo08:31
esanchezen espaol08:31
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Pelopixelation,   the last command I gave your  cd /home/usernamehere/Desktop08:31
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:31
drawsoekps ahi esta el ubuntu-es08:31
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Pelo!es | esanchez jnunez08:32
ubotuesanchez jnunez: please see above08:32
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jnunezno te entiendo08:32
Decoyhey there!08:32
jnunezen espaol plis08:32
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Pelo!es | esanchez jnunez08:32
ubotuesanchez jnunez: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:32
drawsoekQue para soporte en espaol usa #ubuntu-es08:32
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esanchezola!! ana!08:32
Piciijnunez : escribe /j #ubuntu-es08:32
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Piciior that works too08:32
KylerI've been working on a custom Ubuntu LiveCD.  That's gone well but now I need to make a DVD.08:32
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DecoyAre there any girls amoung us?08:33
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PeloDecoy, this isnT' taht kind of channel08:33
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Decoyok, sorry08:34
fuzzy_logicDecoy: #ubuntu-offtopic08:34
gerrodoing alternate cd install and it says "Your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. This proably means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive. if so you can insert it and try again." if it wasn't in the drive then *HOW* did I get to this message in the first place!? what a stupid error message08:34
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Decoyok, thanks08:34
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magnetrongerro: maybe you damaged the cd08:34
Decoysorry again)08:34
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Pelogerro,  look up the error msg in the forum ,  there is a fix for it08:34
gerromagnetron: nope its working and that is no excuse for such a bogus and confused error08:35
mylogichung over at work, bleh08:35
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Jamesbond84I've got a Ubuntu live CD but I can't set the resolution higher the 800x600?08:35
RuckusCan some one please help me with getting menu's with dvdauthor? My menu seems to just loop and never draws the buttons. My dvdauthor xml file can be seen here: http://pastebin.archlinux.org/5801M08:35
magnetrongerro: if you got an error, then maybe the cd is damaged. verify it08:35
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domaswhee, booted up install on new parallels08:35
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PeloJamesbond84,  that is often the case , you'll be able to fix it after you have installed08:35
domasevery ubuntu install is different experience :)08:36
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scott_have a laptop here.. swapped out the BC43XX wireless card for something a little more complaint, an intel 2100.. but I can't get the wireless light to come on or the card to actually turn "on" any suggestions????08:36
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gerromagnetron: there is no error message, it simply says the cd is not there but HOW can it not be there if its actually able to respond with ANY sort of information I mean it is responding it can't say itself does not exist08:36
Jamesbond84Pelo: really... was the reason why I didn't want to install.08:36
pha|condomas: mine always go thusly:  install, use for about 3 months before i get bored, screw around with obscure things until it breaks, repeat08:36
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aldinhow to install real player?08:36
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ompaul!broadcom | scott_08:36
ubotuscott_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:37
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scott_ompaul, its no longer a broadcom08:37
magnetrongerro: a strange error message, still an error message08:37
=== scott_ reads his post
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domaspha|con: I have >15 virtual machines on my mac :)08:37
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ompaulscott_, it is all wireless there08:37
gerromagnetron: its worse than the remount and continously format error message when I try to install from live cd08:37
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Jamesbond84are the Sony Ericsson K800i drivers for Ubuntu?08:37
scott_ompaul yeah looking around there for the last hour.. this is specific to the mobo in the gateway08:37
CeltCan anyone here help with a connection issue involving Kopete?08:37
pha|condomas: my laptop is my ubuntu playground, so i can't really do that effectively08:37
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gerromagnetron: I hate mounting :(08:37
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dxdemetriouIf I install a program from debian that is not in apt and later added but with different install locations, will be a problem or it'll be fixed?08:38
pha|condomas: most of the screwing around i do is via ssh from my slack box08:38
scott_ompaul, as far as "supported?" the section says "Works great" etc. but I am unable to actually "activate' the wireless card08:38
magnetrongerro: who said anything about mounting? just verify the cd08:38
pha|conor work08:38
scott_ompaul, nothing in dmesg about it turning on or off either08:38
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ompaulscott_, you got a physical button to turn it on or off?08:38
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scott_ompaul, function hot key (fn f2)08:39
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ompaulscott_, then I have no idea hit the mailing list (sounder) or the forums08:39
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scott_ompaul, got "eth2 Radio is disabled by RF Switch" from dmesg08:39
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ompaulscott_, be aware that the help section of one is reflected in the other08:39
domaspha|con: well, I also ssh into VMs08:39
ompaulscott_, I know little or nothing about wireless :-(08:40
domassometimes when I'm working, I end up having quite a few of them running08:40
scott_\ompk thx08:40
scott_ompaul, k thanks!08:40
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domas+++ for ubuntu for games in installer :)08:40
pha|condomas: if i could i would, but the laptop doesn't have the power for that.  for the most part i use it as a proxy/x11 server for my gf and i cause our work connections are heavily filtered08:40
Jamesbond84is it possible to use your 3g phone as a modem?08:41
gerromagnetron: it says its either using firewire cd or symbolic link for sr0 is messed up08:41
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gerromagnetron: and I am completely lost on what is going on can I just do a usb install??08:41
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domaspha|con: my macbook is newer generation than my imac :(08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usbinstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashinstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:41
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magnetron!install > gerro08:41
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Jamesbond84yes, no??08:41
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magnetronJamesbond84: yes, but it depends on your mobile phone. if you use bluetooth, it will most likely work. usb - depends on the manufacturer08:42
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Jamesbond84magnetron: thanks.08:43
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imbecilewas there a netsplit?08:44
cobra306can anybody tell how to use 3D acceleration in Mesa driver that comes with ubuntu ?08:45
imbecileoh nm08:45
Jonnyi got the same problem cobra08:45
Jonnywell, i installed some things a friend told me to do08:45
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Jonnynow i get a weird error08:45
cobra306fglrx has it enabled but beryl works weird08:45
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Jack_Sparrowhow did you install them?08:45
Jonnyroot@jonny-laptop:/home/jonny/Tibia# ./Tibia08:45
DutchyCan anyone tell me how i mount specific things (such as smb shares) as a user instead of root? i need it for write-enabled windows shares08:45
JonnyMesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable, found non-freed data08:45
JonnyPlease report at bugzilla.freedesktop.org08:45
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ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto08:46
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surviverdutchy, try chown08:46
cobra306well i just wanted the open source driver for getting beryl working08:46
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MountaingodOk, I've got a fairly deep problem here that ubuntu caused and I don't think I can rectify it. My laptop originally came with no WinXP disk, but instead a 4gb 'hidden' partition with all the data required to revert everything to factory defaults. After installing Feisty and giving it a new partition, I now find Packard Bell's reversion program can't get to it's hidden partition to reset my...08:46
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Mountaingod...laptop, even though I was careful not to touch it in the repartitioning! Ubuntu has done something to cause this, I want to know how to reverse it.08:46
magnetronDutchy: use the places > connect to server shortcut in Gnome08:46
cobra306but it hasnt the 3D acceleration i need for games and things like that08:46
surviverdutchy, chown -R $USER: /the root08:46
Dutchysurviver: operation not permitted08:46
cobra306i use an ATI Mobility Radeon X70008:46
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wiglafI'm looking for help getting wifi up and running on a Dapper laptop using a DLink cardbus adaptor...can anyone help?08:47
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JonnyWhen i try to start up a game, i get this error Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable, found non-freed data08:47
gerroanyone here know how to install xubuntu or ubuntu anything on a dell latitude c640 or any latitude?08:47
magnetron!ask | wiglaf08:47
ubotuwiglaf: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:47
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wiglafthanks Magnetron08:47
Jack_SparrowMountaingod: How did you set the partition?08:47
Dutchymagnetron: does that mount? ie. can i have programs use it?08:47
Jonnyi got a dell latitude D51008:47
cobra306help us there was someone that said that Mesa driver supported 3D in ATI08:47
magnetronDutchy: try it08:48
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JonnyMesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable, found non-freed data208:48
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wiglafJonny...just fire in the CD! Dells use well-supported hardware08:48
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scoobydoo28139does ubuntu suport touch screen?08:48
JonnyWiglaf i know, it was the other guy who asked08:48
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wiglafah, sorry08:48
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:48
Jonnygerro i think08:48
jvolkmanis there a way to configure ssh to set my terminal window's title to something meaningful?08:49
gerroJonny: heeelp me plzzzz08:49
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Jonnygerro, it should just work08:49
eljakscoobydoo28139, i think better ask if xorg supports touch screens check you xorg.conf08:49
gerroJonny: the cdrom can be switched with a floppy drive because it has a docking bay and I think it uses firewire to connect that so cdrom can't detect itself and it has all these screwed up options in bios08:49
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scoobydoo28139tks,,looking now08:49
Jonnygerro, not sure on that then08:50
magnetronjvolkman: you could configure gnome-terminal to use any title you want08:50
gerroJonny: and it lags up for a good half hour complaining floppy is missing because its replaced with cdrom08:50
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wiglafgerro: is there a boot from CD option in BIOS, despite the mess?08:50
gerrowiglaf: it is booting from cd08:50
jvolkmanmagnetron, right, but i'd rather have it done automatically when I ssh to a host08:50
MountaingodJack_Sparrow: I used the default partitioning system that comes with the Feisty disk. I shortened the windows partition and used the free space to make an ubuntu partition. I was careful not to touch this 4gb 'hidden' partition that I knew I needed should I want to reset my laptop. I think it's GRUB that's causing it; the Packard Bell program tells me the hidden partition isn't there but I...08:50
Mountaingod...know it is./] 08:50
wietz0ris there a dreamweaver clone for linux ?08:50
JonnyAnyone know how to fix this error? when i load a game i get this "Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable, found non-freed data08:51
wiglafgerro: do you have access to floppies? you could do a network install08:51
gerrowiglaf: regular cd complains about fb0 and sr0 buffer I/O errors then eventually gives me an ash prompt, while alternate cd can't detect the cd to mount it08:51
wiglafgerro: or you could install from Knoppix, if you can get knoppix running08:51
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gerrowiglaf: network install? yes I have floppies if they will work with this weird swappable cdrom/floppy drive thing08:51
wiglafgerro: i had the same problems with the alt CD08:51
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Jack_SparrowMountaingod: You can always get back to windows by fdisk /mbr but that will kill off grub08:51
wiglafgerro: there are some great docs in the wiki that will lead you through these other installs08:52
magnetron!install > gerro08:52
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Dutchymagnetron: do those mounts appear anywhere on my filesystem? i need amarok to find it08:52
MountaingodHmm... So that would revert my bootloading back to what it was before ubuntu?08:52
gerrowiglaf: already reading it... I just wish those install method were actually supported and didn't contain examples from ubuntu 1.008:52
magnetronDutchy: it's in the VFS08:53
gerrowiglaf: and most them assume weird dual boot methods and other crap when I just want a standard ubuntu setup08:53
magnetronDutchy: try08:53
ComputinChucki've got a library of ogg files that i want to put on an ipod.  i know rhythmbox can encode ogg to mp3 on-the-fly but so far i've only been able to get it to encode 128-bit mp3s.  is there any way to change the settings for this process?08:53
gerrowiglaf well actually xubuntu08:53
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JonnyAnyone know how to fix this error? when i load a game i get this "Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable, found non-freed data08:53
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wiglafgerro: yeah, it can be confusing...so you can't get a liveCD up at all? can you boot from USB?08:53
Dutchymagnetron: VFS?08:53
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magnetronDutchy: did you try it or not?08:54
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Dutchyi did08:54
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Dutchyi need to know if it appears anywhere in /08:54
magnetronDutchy: what happened?08:54
raymondjtothwhats a good dvd player for ubutnu i have vlc08:54
mon^rchhow do i get gwenview to display .jpg's?08:54
raymondjtothbut any good one08:54
Dutchyamarok lets me select a folder anywhere in /08:54
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Dutchyi can see it in nautilus but thats not what i need08:55
cman325Do any video players set themselves up as the wallpaper like vlc for windows08:55
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Jonnyno one knows my problem?08:55
Aviel15can i get suppot?08:55
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calccman325: maybe vlc for linux..?08:55
cman325Calc: nope08:55
calccman325: vlc was on linux before windows afaik08:55
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raymondjtothany one know of good dvd player for ubuntu besides vlc i want the best08:55
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detgarJonny: what game?08:55
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calccman325: you can't set vlc to display on the root window?08:56
Dutchyand i dont know what a VFS is, im guessing virtual file system which would mean its not anywhere in /08:56
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calcraymondjtoth: totem, mplayer, xine all work great too08:56
gerrowiglaf: I don't even know if I can boot from usb the thing has usb 1.0 support and I don't know about 2.0 it also lists a bunch of jibbery named ports and network protocols for boot methods08:56
detgarjonny: don't know anything about that, sorry08:56
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Jonnyok ;'(08:56
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raymondjtothcalc im talking dvd to watch i bought all mine08:56
wiglafgerro: and you can't use the CD and 1.44 floppy at the same time, can you?08:57
calcraymondjtoth: they can all play dvd's with the right library installed08:57
magnetronDutchy: using that method will put it in the Gnome VFS, virtual file system.08:57
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cman325calc: I can fullscreen but I can't set it as my wallpaper08:57
gerrowiglaf: no and I'm not certain if floppy will work either08:57
raymondjtothcalc any software08:57
raymondjtoth;like vlc is08:57
cman325calc: I guess it's just a win thing08:57
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Aviel15can i get support?08:57
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:57
Dutchymagnetron: i need to access it through a kde application, getting my point?08:57
ubotusupport is The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org08:57
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calccman325: it should be doable but i haven't used vlc in a long time08:57
magnetron!ask | Aviel1508:57
ubotuAviel15: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:57
stefg!ask | Aviel1508:58
raymondjtothcalc any other software08:58
wiglafgerro: do you have it on quiet boot? I'm wondering what the readout is when the BIOS looks for the CD drive08:58
raymondjtothlike vlc is08:58
calccman325: you would need to look if there is an option for it to run on the root window (i think that is the term)08:58
incorrecthas anyone built a shared fs system with ubuntu08:58
incorrectmaybe with gfs?08:58
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gerrowiglaf: do you know of any dell latitude c640 issues on ubuntu forum or elsewhere?08:58
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cman325calc: THanks I'll check it out and hit the vlc website.08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
wiglafgerro: I've never looked, sorry08:58
LGKeizmoo: os: Microsoft Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600) up: 3days 4hrs 21mins 55secs cpu: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz at 1993MHz (7% Load) gfx: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000 128MB res: 1024x768 32bit 60Hz ram: 971/1535MB (63.24%) [||||||----]  hdd: C:\ 59.91GB/111.76GB net: Wireless-G PCI Adapter with SRX400 - 108MB/s -1GB In 379.59MB Out08:58
calcraymondjtoth: you just need the css library installed for those other players to play bought dvd's08:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:58
Jonbomoo: os: Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate - (6.0.6000) up: 17hrs 38mins 11secs cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz at 2399MHz (8% Load) gfx: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB res: 1680x1050 32bit 59Hz ram: 955/2045.9MB (46.69%) [|||||-----]  hdd: C:\ 207.71GB/298.09GB D:\ 234.73GB/298.09GB net: NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller - 100MB/s 907.26MB In 256.38MB Out08:58
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gerrowiglaf: have what on quiet boot?08:58
=== calc bbl
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raymondjtothcalc want to learn how to install software since new08:59
wiglafgerro: the BIOS...when you turn it on, do you get a screen with a bunch of tests happening?08:59
Jack_Sparrowgerro I am running c640 here08:59
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raymondjtoththat why i ask for software08:59
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blueziohello, I got my IPN2220 wifi card working with no encryption and WEP, but WPA is having problems: network-admin never worked for me, and wpa_supplicant with -dd says "Association request to the driver failed". Any tips?08:59
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Jack_Sparrowgerro I am running c640 here sorry I missed your earlier question08:59
mon^rchhow do i get gwenview to display .jpg's?08:59
raymondjtothcal understand09:00
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gerroJack_Sparrow: how did you install linux on it!?09:00
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Jack_SparrowI just dropped in a cd09:00
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Jack_Sparrowgerro I did have to burn a new cd off the origianl but at a slower speed, I kept getting odd errors09:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about calc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:01
wiglafis there a program/package that will help me find my cardbus wifi adaptor and install it?09:02
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:02
gerroJack_Sparrow: well I'm trying to put xubuntu on it and it has alternate or live cd install which should I use?09:02
Jack_Sparrowgerro, I had no problem with Ubuntu Live09:02
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Jack_Sparrowgerro, I did have to burn the image slower than 2409:03
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Jack_Sparrowgerro, are you getting errors or what?09:03
raymondjtothany one know what a good dvd plaer is in ubuntu diont use vlc much want the best program09:03
gerroJack_Sparrow: I have ubuntu live and it works on several computers and has no defects, I did burn that slower than 24 but just because I'm paranoid09:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:03
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Jack_Sparrowgerro, Where are you hanging up?09:04
gerroJack_Sparrow: I keep getting buffer I/O error for fb0 and sr0 several of them streaming down screen after waiting a long while then it gives an ash prompt09:04
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Jack_Sparrowgerro, that is exactly what I was getting, even thought it would verify..09:04
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:04
Jack_SparrowBurn it even slower.09:04
ripsterhi all09:04
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stefggerro: dirty drive?09:05
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gerrostefg: perhaps, I mean it is an old laptop and my friend got it used from someone09:05
Jack_Sparrowstefg:  THey have a drive rated at 24 but it dosent xfer well.09:05
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incorrecthas anyone simulated a shared fs under vmware09:05
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randomanhey does anyone know why i get  black screen when running gnome after running09:06
randoman aptitude install ub09:06
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christoph__Hello, I have a problem with samba shared folders09:06
Jack_Sparrowgerro, I am fighting my wat through the ATI mobility 7500 drivers... xorg sees it as a 900009:06
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largoshas anyone in here had success with installing phppgadmin in ubuntu?09:07
stefgincorrect: that better goes to #vmware and iirc with the 1.x series player the shared fs was broken09:07
christoph__When I copy/move an existent file to the share, it's modified time is changed... even though the file is the same.09:07
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randomanaptitude install ubuntu-desktop09:07
Jack_Sparrowgerro here is the best link I have on that so far..09:07
gerroJack_Sparrow: for ati or the cd?09:07
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gerroJack_Sparrow:  I can't manage to get anything installed so don't know if I should even bother with the ati09:08
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Jack_Sparrowgerro It took forever to find someone with a solution for the error we had/have09:08
gerroJack_Sparrow: this one has ati radeon 7500 though09:08
Dutchyso is there anyone who can help me? what i have is a share on my server (be it smb or ftp), and i want to mount it on ~/myshare/ and i want my user to be able to write it, is there anyone who knows how to do that?09:08
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christoph__This also happens when I move I file from a windows computer to samba09:08
gerroJack_Sparrow: what was the solution?09:08
Jack_SparrowI have the same 7500 but the xorg will show 900009:08
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Jack_SparrowBurn the cd very slow....09:08
JonnyAnyone here know the problem to this?Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable, found non-freed data09:08
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largosDutchy: you may need to look into Fuse if you want to mount ftp as a local file system09:09
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Jack_Sparrowand verify the md509:09
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christoph__Any ideas?09:09
Dutchylargos: didnt work :| it gives my user a permission denied09:09
gerrook then09:09
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stefggerro: got a usb port on the machine? There's a way to install from a USB drive, if the optical drive is so unreiliable09:09
HojjatHi all, I got stock with boot loader issues. I need help09:09
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Dutchylargos: the point was that i want my user to write, i've succesfully mounted as root09:09
christoph__Can anyone help me with my problem?09:10
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largosDutchy: sorry, I just tuned in and didn't see your actual problem.09:10
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dyrneDutchy: smbfs as the type in fstab should work. ive never dont it but i think  a line like \\computername\share  /mnt/point  smbfs  users,defaults  0  0   though im not sure and i dunno about read/write access. never used samba09:10
Pirate_Hunterhi ppl is there a download manager for ubuntu that provides multiple connections to the same ip or domain, ive tried the ones available and they dont provide that09:10
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Aviel15how i can install proftpd guys?09:10
TenerifeDavei have a problem, i cannot get my wireless networking working :(09:11
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christoph__OK, noone can help me... Bye09:11
dyrneDutchy: why am i talking to you?09:11
HojjatI installed GRUB on hd0,1 (I didn't want it to touch MBR) now, when I use my own boot loader to activate that partition, nothing happens09:11
dyrneJonny: nm :)09:11
Dutchydyrne: that mounts as root09:11
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stefgHojjat: that's an unsupportable question, because you chose to use *your* boot-loader. Why is your mbr untouchable?09:12
TenerifeDavehow would i know if i am connected to my wireless network?09:12
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HojjatI want to use BootMagic, because if I decided to format my linux partition, things would still work :)09:13
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HojjatI'm not a linux user but a tester/newcomer09:13
Dutchydamn, i would've figured mounting as non-root would be easier to find09:13
TenerifeDaveanyone available to help me out please?09:13
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stefgHojjat: then seek support for boot magic... #ubuntu only supports grub09:13
HojjatI prevsiouly had this experience of installing GRUB on the partition, not the MBR, and making it work afterwards09:13
centaur5The nvidia driver no longer works and I've tried reinstalling nvidia-glx-new and reconfiguring the xorg.conf file multiple times and still can't figure it out. What should I try next?09:14
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Hojjatstefg, I'm pretty certain it has nothing to do with the third party boot loader. Just suppose I have installed GRUB on a partition not MBR (and GRUB supports it, doesn't it) now I have made that partition active, but GRUB doesn't appear. How is that?09:14
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IdleOneTenerifeDave, unplug your wired connection and see if it stays online09:15
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nothingssomethinwhere's the quee i need some help09:16
stefgHojjat: that's obviously a problem of boot magic (doesn't chainload grub). So how should anyone in #ubuntu know?09:16
IdleOnenothingssomethin, no queue just ask09:16
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cman325Hojjat check out supergrub http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/09:16
Slasherhey, i'm having an issue with my ati drivers...09:16
nothingssomethinhere it goes09:16
Hojjatstefg I understand what you are thinking, but as I have done that previously with Fedora Core 5 etc, I'm sure it has nothing to do with Boot Magic09:16
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Slasherglx programs give me "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0"."09:17
HojjatLet me change my question: Suppose that I hve installed Ubuntu on hd0,1 and its swap on hd0,2 and suppose that I have installed GRUB on hd0,1. How can I boot to Linux then?09:17
Slasherthey run skippy and i didn't see a solution on the forums09:17
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MeroveusPreQuest (http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/products/csd_system/prequest/) can be installed on RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake and Debian.. I can safely assume the installation would work smoothly on Ubuntu as well?09:18
TenerifeDaveunplug my wired connection IdleOne ?09:18
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TenerifeDavehow would that say if im connected to my wireless09:18
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dotpavanSlasher, skippy was known to crash on feisty-1, I guess it still doesnt work09:18
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TenerifeDavei would get disconnected yes because im using the internet through my wired connection09:18
IdleOneTenerifeDave, you can also right click on the top panel and then click add to panel  window opens ) and then add the Network Manger Applet and it will give you some info09:19
stefgHojjat: i can't help with your problem, only suggest to have a small separate grub partition (so you're not wiping menu.lst if you nuke the Linux-partition)09:19
Hojjatcman325, thank you for th link09:19
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dotpavanTenerifeDave, check the gnome-network-manager, or use ifconfig09:19
Hojjatstefg, thanks for that :)09:19
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TenerifeDaveok well i've done that09:19
IdleOneTenerifeDave, if Ubuntu is using the wireless then it wont disconnect when you unplug the network wires09:19
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TenerifeDave85% signal strength but nothing recieved09:20
NeXtDaYI downloaded brusher for the gimp. where to put them? in which folder?09:20
TenerifeDaveim using the internet through wired09:20
ripsterwhat kind of irc client are you guys using?09:20
WolfwalkerQuestion: When I try to install Yahoo IM under wine in Ubuntu (version 6 LTS) it says Yahoo is requesting an Active X something and do I want to download it. WHen I say yes it tries to get it from winehq but fails. What's my next move?09:20
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TheUni5I'll find out09:20
Slasherdotpavan, I mean the framerate is very low, like glxgears reports 1100 fps but doesn't look like more then 5fps09:20
TenerifeDaveand want to set up shared internet through wireless09:20
TenerifeDavebut doesnt seem to want to do it09:20
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HojjatAll, where are the GRUB config files stored?09:21
IdleOneripster, most ppl use Xchat or irssi there is also BitchX and several others search irc in synaptic09:21
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t2hi, can improper connection of the F_AUDIO_PANEL on the motherboard (to get the audio ports at the front of computer case to work) affect the sound on a mic when it's connected DIRECTLY to the soundcard (ie not using front ports) ?   On feisty using krec the mic recording is extremely low, i have to turn on Mic boost and even then sound quality is poor.  Tried another mic and same issue.  or is this related to ubuntu sound configuration instead ?09:21
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dotpavanSlasher, no idea, is this prob occuring using any other app?09:21
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erUSULHojjat: /boot/grub/09:21
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cman325Are there any DJ programs for ubuntu similar to Virtual DJ09:21
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TenerifeDavei followed this tutorial - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137009:21
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TenerifeDavebut nothing09:21
Wolfwalker|cman325:| Audacity doth rock mightily09:22
witlesshi.  when i plug in my portable audio device, i don't get a window that opens showing the storage contents anymore.  how can i turn that back on?09:22
WolfwalkerUgly as homemade sin on Ubuntu, but it works09:22
HojjaterUSUL, Slasher, thank you :)09:22
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cman325Wolfwalker any plugins you recommend?09:22
WolfwalkerOr try Ardour, a Jack plugin09:22
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RxDxhow can i enable the unstable actualizations on Feisty? like Kernel, Gnome, Pidgin... everything beta..09:22
cman325Cool Thanks09:22
WolfwalkerQuestion: When I try to install Yahoo IM under wine in Ubuntu (version 6 LTS) it says Yahoo is requesting an Active X something and do I want to download it. WHen I say yes it tries to get it from winehq but fails. What's my next move?09:23
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cman325Ive used audacity for editing but not DJ'ing yet.09:23
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dotpavanWolfwalker, pidgin works great for y! IM09:23
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Pirate_Hunterhi ppl is there a download manager for ubuntu that provides multiple connections to the same ip or domain, ive tried the ones available and they dont provide that09:23
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WolfwalkerPidgin doesn't allow file sending between it and real Yahoo IM09:23
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TabooTreezanyone here using avant window navigator?09:24
Slasherdotpavan, I've other such problems with beryl, especially when playing video, i removed beryl and i was hoping to get direct rendering fixed before reinstalling it09:24
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erUSULPirate_Hunter: d4x (gui) or axel (cli)09:24
jack_why are alll my shipit requests not getting approved09:24
TabooTreezwhen I run avant there a huge black box at the bottom of the screen that surround the dock09:24
NeXtDaYagain:I downloaded brusher for the gimp. where to put them? in which folder? any help.. please09:25
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NeXtDaYbrushes even09:25
Pirate_HuntererUSUL: I think ive got d4x havent tested it yet and ill look for axel... thanx for the info09:25
SlasherTabooTreez, you're not using a composite manager09:25
alecw1How can I uninstall a program from Wine?09:25
dotpavanSlasher, maybe you have disable the appropriate part in xorg.conf, I had a similar problem on dapper09:25
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TabooTreezalecw1, ahhh. I have the nividia driver installed how would one enbale that?09:25
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TabooTreezSlasher, how would I enable composite. I use Nvidia.09:25
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erUSULPirate_Hunter: no problem09:25
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alecw1sudo nvidia-settings09:26
erUSUL!effects | TabooTreez09:26
ubotuTabooTreez: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects09:26
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WolfwalkerI would be mad that nobody is paying attention to my question.......... but it's so busy here I can hardly blame you :/09:26
maximum212where can i download Wowscape09:26
TabooTreezfound it09:26
TabooTreezthanks a lot09:26
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GrpdsHdoes any one know about installing VPN's on ubuntu distro09:26
SlasherTabooTreez, if you're on feisty it comes with compiz as "desktop effects" under preferences09:26
Slasherjust got there and enable09:26
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alecw1How can I uninstall a Wine program? It does NOT have an uninstall.exe or anything.09:26
Nergari need help, i just installed slackware on a different partition, but when i booted ubuntu back i got an fdisk error. Log : http://pastebin.com/93621109:26
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nothingssomethini have a dell laoptop and everything pretty much works fine , i am running ubuntu fistey (sorry if not spelled right) with the new update. on my latitude i have nvida gforce go graphics card witch includes a s video out on it .... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything se09:27
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Wolfwalker|cman325:| so what exactly are you trying to do with this audio program?09:27
nothingssomethinsorry for flood09:27
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erUSULcman325: mixxx09:27
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Wolfwalker|cman325:| You want to use it as a player, sequencer, tracker?09:28
jaelaewow the official ubuntu channel got huge09:28
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Wolfwalker|jaelae:| Yeah, for real09:28
IdleOnejaelae, got? it has been :)09:28
jaelaein 3 years09:28
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alecw1How can I uninstall a Wine program? It does NOT have an uninstall.exe or anything.09:29
=== Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@247.98.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
NeXtDaYam I asking a tough question? ;-)09:29
Wolfwalker|jaelae:| Well Ubuntu has become massively popular as one of the most user-friendly Linux OSs09:29
nothingssomethinwjat is your question09:29
erUSUL!repeat | alecw109:29
ubotualecw1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:29
=== stewlatin [n=stew@mo-76-3-48-234.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
WolfwalkerPopularity is such a burden :P09:29
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jaelaedefinitely not a bad thing though09:29
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:29
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WolfwalkerYeah, just need some spare channels09:30
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WolfwalkerAnd some more people who know what they are doing to counter all the people (like me) who are new to this and haven't the slightest clue09:30
KeanuHey, im getting extreemly slow transfer through my network..09:30
jribNeXtDaY: http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-using-brushes.html09:30
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KeanuCan anyone tell me a program to use.. OR Why im getting a slow transfer?09:31
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NeXtDaYjrib thanks alot. I won't ask again :P09:31
mentalederrangedhey dudes, I keep trying to install Ubuntu to an external hard drive. It seems succesful but GRUB won't load on my computer. Without the bootloader, I can't start ubuntu. Ideally, I'd like to be able to have the bootloader on the drive itself, but I have tried putting it on my main drive too. either way I get an error before GRUB even shows me any options. Any ideas?09:31
=== zaggynl [n=zaggynl@dsl-083-247-110-137.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nothingssomethini have a dell laoptop and everything pretty much works fine as far as hardware wise and orignal install goes , i am running ubuntu fistey (sorry if not spelled right) with the new update. on my latitude i have nvida gforce go graphics card witch includes a s video out on it .... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INST09:31
jribNeXtDaY: it's ~/.gimp-2.2/brushes/  here09:31
stewlatinHow do you run Compcomm in 7.04?09:32
=== BrokenWings [n=joost@c514718ad.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jribstewlatin: ask in #ubuntu-effects09:32
KeanuAnyone? Can anyone help me with the network problem?09:32
Nergari need help, i just installed slackware on a different partition, but when i booted ubuntu back i got an fdisk error. Log : http://pastebin.com/93621109:32
NeXtDaYjrib ok09:32
=== mcscruff [n=mcscruff@cpc2-folk1-0-0-cust101.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Keanu: what was the problem again?09:32
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raymondjtothhi what eles do i got for dvd player i need somthing with close caption in it09:33
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raymondjtothhard of hearing in one ear09:33
nothingssomethinNeXtDaY did you probe your cmos for settings that alow it to boot from alternate os?????09:33
=== youssef [n=ubuntu@ip-213-49-234-46.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
raymondjtothvlc verson for ubuntu dont have close caption in it09:33
KeanuWell - I'm getting extreemly slow transfers through my network.. And was wondering if anyone could tell me why.. Or give me a program to allow me to transfer through my network? - Because iv got a 900MB file to transfer onto my ubunut pc.09:33
raymondjtothwill use it for other stuff09:33
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pike_Keanu: cat /etc/resolv.conf and lemme know how manu nameservers ya see. also you might about:config in firefox and disable ipv609:33
KeanuOkay, 2 secconds.09:33
raymondjtothwhat i got09:33
NeXtDaYnothingssomethin: what?09:33
dotpavanraymondjtoth, if you have the .sub file, vlc works09:33
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youssefHello. I upgraded from Edgy to Feisty09:33
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WolfwalkerQuestion: When I try to install Yahoo IM under wine in Ubuntu (version 6 LTS) it says Yahoo is requesting an Active X something and do I want to download it. WHen I say yes it tries to get it from winehq but fails. What's my next move?09:34
youssefand now it would not start (black screen)09:34
raymondjtothdot i dont there stor bought dvd and need close caption (cc) like tv has09:34
=== Tailsfan [n=chatzill@206-252-160-20-user.feather.net] has joined #ubuntu
nothingssomethinin your cmos09:34
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
KeanuPike_ - It says
KeanuYet my network runs on
=== deeon [n=mbecker@p54AE25B2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileis trevinos repo already in feisty or do i have to add it?09:35
Keanuanyway to change it?09:35
NeXtDaYnothingssomethin: you must be mistaken, my question was about gimp :)09:35
nothingssomethinthere are boot options that allow or disable looking for other operating systems mostely on compaq's and old ones09:35
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raymondjtothwhat i got guys and gals09:35
Nergarso can anyone help me?09:35
raymondjtothany help for me or im i out09:35
dotpavanWolfwalker, you could try the activex part in this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_internet_explorer_p209:35
mentalederranged hey dudes, I keep trying to install Ubuntu to an external hard drive. It seems succesful but GRUB won't load on my computer. Without the bootloader, I can't start ubuntu. Ideally, I'd like to be able to have the bootloader on the drive itself, but I have tried putting it on my main drive too. either way I get an error before GRUB even shows me any options. Any ideas?09:35
=== Uzuul [n=arno@vig38-2-81-56-113-154.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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youssefin failsafe, it tells me that "apt" is not installed09:35
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youssefand that I should install it with apt-get09:36
raymondjtothany one see my q:(09:36
nothingssomethinoooh because that will not let it load any alternate bootloader  or kernal09:36
dotpavan!patience > raymondjtoth09:36
=== jester626 [n=jhunter@74-135-58-21.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
TenerifeDavequestion: i am having trouble setting up my wireless network, i want to share eth0 to wlan0 and followed this turtorial 'http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370' - but nothing! any help please?09:36
KeanuPike_ - Did you get it?09:36
=== oliver [n=oliver@dslb-084-056-179-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
KeanuOr see it.09:37
=== taigeR_ [n=nobody@82-71-24-100.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
rodrigo__alguem ai pode me ajuda09:37
TailsfanHello, Every time I try to shut down my PC, it just shows the Logo and bar empty, but it doesn't turn off my PC automatically, any ideas on how to fix this09:37
youssefI see that the channel is to busy, see you later09:37
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centaur5I finally got the nvidia module to work but when I try to run glxgears it says "Xlib: extension GLX missing on display :0.0". How can I fix that?09:37
jrib!pt | rodrigo__09:37
uboturodrigo__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.09:37
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KeanuCan anyone tell me how to edit resolv.conf?09:38
nothingssomethini have a dell laoptop and everything pretty much works fine , i am running ubuntu fistey (sorry if not spelled right) with the new update. on my latitude i have nvida gforce go graphics card witch includes a s video out on it .... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything se09:38
youssefkeanu with mc?09:38
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raymondjtoth!pt > rodrigo__09:38
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KeanuI don't mind what.. I just need to edit a number.09:38
=== Zyxus [n=michal@cpe-76-180-122-198.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nnyok so..09:38
nnyi know !wireless works09:38
Agiphi people09:38
Aviel15how i can install proftpd guys?09:38
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.09:38
Aviel15on my new ubuntu09:38
wols!ftpd | Aviel1509:38
ubotuAviel15: FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP09:38
=== rodrigo__ [n=rodrigo@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd09:39
FirebirdKeanu: open a terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf09:39
nnyNetworkManager app has no wireless card listed, but it lists with iwconfig, and iwlist -scan shows networks... whats the deal?????09:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:39
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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Aviel15       09:39
Aviel15   09:39
raymondjtothany one know of good dvd program that will alow dvd to play with close caption vlc donbt do it09:39
Aviel15  09:39
raymondjtothdont do it09:39
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ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa09:39
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alecw1How can I uninstall a Wine program? It does NOT have an uninstall.exe or anything. The program is "Fireworks 8".09:39
Aviel15       09:39
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=== paer [n=paer@h129n1fls301o1003.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Agipis there a software to remove unnecessary packages from ubuntu?09:39
ubotu        :09:40
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ubotu/join #ubuntu-il09:40
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dotpavanraymondjtoth, so, you tried the subtitles option in vlc and it didnt work?09:40
=== greg_g [n=greg@adsl-69-212-43-246.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
youssefsee you later09:40
MuiskeDoes anyone know how to kill programs that are frozen?09:40
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dotpavanMuiske, pkill frozen-app-name09:40
raymondjtothdot yes when to there chat and sed will not work need 8.6b at leasta nd will not work on new ubuntu09:40
youssefMuiske: xkill09:40
raymondjtoththere support chat sed09:40
Aviel15help help guys09:40
Aviel15how i can install proftpd guys?09:41
Agipor unnecessary software from the system09:41
Aviel15new ubuntu after Format09:41
nnywhere do i tell modprobe to autoload a module at boot?09:41
raymondjtothdot what now09:41
youssefAviel15: apt-get install proftpd?09:41
dotpavanraymondjtoth, sorry, couldnt get you.. 8.6b?09:41
Aviel15oh its work?09:41
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Aviel15sudo agp-get install provsftpd09:41
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dotpavan!enter | Aviel1509:41
ubotuAviel15: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:41
jribnny: /etc/modules09:41
wolsnny: /etc/modules09:41
KeanuAnyone? Is there an edit command in Terminal?09:42
=== vertigo [n=kasper@84-107-155-187.dsl.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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Agipis there a software to remove unnecessary programs from ubuntu?09:42
raymondjtothdot no chat suppoort sed will not work on new verson on ubuntu site09:42
wolsKeanu: use nano09:42
raymondjtothsince it differnt build09:42
dotpavanKeanu, pico for terminal. gedit for gui=based editor09:42
dukex64can someone help me get wpa working on my wireless card in 7.0409:42
raymondjtothon 7.0409:42
FirebirdI answered earlier Keanu :) you missed it09:42
wolsdotpavan: not pico09:42
Muiskedotpavan, Unfortunately pkill doesn't work... the programs aren't active, but are shown in the system monitor09:42
=== AzMoo__ [n=matt@ppp121-45-9-247.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aviel15hey guys i from israel09:42
raymondjtothdot sed need to be reconpiled09:42
KeanuWols - How do I save in "Nano"09:42
Aviel15did have here hebrew chan?09:42
raymondjtothand any other will do this09:42
dotpavanraymondjtoth, totem works good, or smplayer09:42
Aviel15did have here he ch?09:43
raymondjtothdot i need close caption09:43
wolsKeanu: look in the lower twoo rows09:43
vertigohello, I just installed Ubuntu Gnome version, and would like to have my second harddisk partitions to mount on startup, instead of me having to click them on every boot09:43
youssefsee you later09:43
vertigohow can i achieve this? :)09:43
=== apadox [n=chatzill@78-0-84-182.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
fr500there should be orb for linux as my home media server is an ubuntu box....09:43
nothingssomethini have a dell laoptop and everything pretty much works fine , i am running ubuntu fistey (sorry if not spelled right) with the new update. on my latitude i have nvida gforce go graphics card witch includes a s video out on it .... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything se09:43
raymondjtothyou know dot like what tv has close caption cc09:43
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dotpavanMuiske, sometimes FF gets into such things, still, pkill works fine for me..09:43
colbertI have a .run file, how do I execute it? I'm using sh file.run in shell but it keeps running the shell installer, I have used it before with a GUI installer but forgot ??09:43
wolsvertigo: what filesystems on that harddisk?09:43
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dotpavanraymondjtoth, you mean subtitles, right?09:44
wolscolbert: why do you want to run such a file. what is it?09:44
KeanuWols - I don't see anything in the lower bar that will help . I see Get help, write out, read file, prev page ,cut text, cur pos, exit, justify , where is, next page, uncut text, to spell.09:44
raymondjtothdo if some one deaf cant hear you know that thing09:44
colbertwols: it's fine, it's a game installer i have used before, its works09:44
wolsKeanu: think hard what "write out" is09:44
vertigowols, its NTFS but didnt have to install NTFS-3G, they just mount when you click them09:44
nothingssomethinraymond my cc worked for mr in extended gui09:44
raymondjtothif some one dead and wants to watch a movie09:44
wolscolbert: sh <file>09:44
KeanuOh - Wols09:44
raymondjtothno how i do this09:44
KeanuI was being slow.09:44
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-088-068-204-222.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
raymondjtothand what player09:44
wolscolbert: or chmoa a+x ./installer.run09:44
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wolsvertigo: but mounts read only.09:45
wols!ntfs | vertigo09:45
raymondjtothno im dead cant hear now i fix this09:45
ubotuvertigo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:45
nothingssomethinselect extended gui09:45
=== SqrlKng [n=truman@12-201-86-172.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
vertigoI believe I can write to them.. Ill check that09:45
nothingssomethinbut i'm just an ease droper09:45
raymondjtothwant to watch movie but no cc in vlc09:45
raymondjtothno ok09:45
raymondjtothdot understand now09:45
=== Kostuch [n=micha@ip-] has joined #ubuntu
Nergari need help, i just installed slackware on a different partition, but when i booted ubuntu back i got an fdisk error. Log : http://pastebin.com/93621109:46
raymondjtothim deaf and need cc close caption on09:46
raymondjtothor movie will do no good to me09:46
vertigonope, its Read Only indeed, do i have to install NTFS-3G to make it work? :)09:46
raymondjtothand in elgish09:46
=== J_P [n=juliano@] has joined #ubuntu
J_Phi all09:46
hippieok.. got my monitor refresh rate fixed, but my music only works in amarok, still no support in xmms, how to fix it so xmms works?09:46
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nothingssomethinyes there is cc in vlc media , you still need to select cc in the menu dvd tho09:46
=== michal_ [n=michal@dui122.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
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nothingssomethinand enable it  in vlc09:47
puffy-sanhippie: what Audio I/O driver you are using in xmms?09:47
aaanoneHey, I installed Kubuntu and now that I have my sound won't work under either GNOME or KDE09:47
J_P people, I would like habilit the XDMCP, but machine is remotaly, anyone know what file I need edit to configure gnome for this ?09:47
nothingssomethinin extended gui09:47
hippiealsa, same as alwase09:47
=== [DnH] `Lapinou`sn is now known as d3sty
dotpavanraymondjtoth, hmmn, yes, subtitles.. I am not suire why it isnt working for you.. so you I presume you have a dvd and playing it in vlc, right? then check preferences-->video-->subtitles09:47
askandHi! I am curios at programming..is there a good program/way to create graphical interface to for example bashscripts?09:47
nothingssomethin.... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything seems to be working fine untill i attempe to tempt my luck and plug in the s-vid... nothing happening untill i start fishing around and come across desktop effects it gives me a prompt saying that it is installing the nvida some09:48
wolsaskand: not for basscripts. tryp pyhon09:48
wolstry python09:48
=== Lara [n=chatzill@ip565e9e6d.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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askandwols: is there a good program for that?09:48
raymondjtothdot yes there on my version dont work here for close caption09:48
dotpavanaskand, see this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=56145109:49
wolsaskand: yes. it's called "python"09:49
KeanuAnyone know why im getting such slow file transfers? Via my network?09:49
=== bluefox83 [n=bluefox@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
raymondjtothnot subtitles for other lagig to translote to english09:49
=== Grenade [n=iamsoupm@cpe-72-181-130-119.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== kmasta [n=kurtis@63-228-39-194.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Larawould someone be kind enough to guide me through the installation of ubuntu :)09:49
wolsaskand: http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/09:49
=== serAphim [n=seraphim@e179128092.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
raymondjtothif in usa and bought over sea movie its called close caaption09:49
KeanuI'm getting a max of like.. 10KB/PS09:49
raymondjtoth!close caption09:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about close caption - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:49
=== mik3_ [n=mike@82-40-71-226.cable.ubr09.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
dotpavanraymondjtoth, then I guess the dvd doesnt have that .sub file.. unless the dvd comes with the relavant .SUB file, it wont work.. you can dig the internet to dload a sub file for that media09:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about black - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:49
=== cabuloso [n=cabuloso@20150223049.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about black-screen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:50
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:50
=== KennyTheGeek [n=kenny@0x535de6c2.bynxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
kazim59what is dbus? There is something seriously wrong with my dbus... many programs report error, failed to register object... e.g. Pidgin says "Need to register the object with dbus subsystem"... I think I saw this error somewhere as well "failed to start dbus server "... ideas?09:50
=== spydrrrrr [n=spydrrrr@vistar2.vistar.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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raymondjtothdot i been to vlc chat support irc chanle and sed it will not work with close caption or subtitles on here dew to old verson and new build dont support ubuntu 7.0409:50
raymondjtothnew one on site09:50
spydrrrrrWhere does ubuntu store the iptables rules when I type iptables-save?09:51
nothingssomethinraymon if your dvd does not come in english subtittles then it won't work in english that is if the movie is in a diffrent language i'm not quite following tour question09:51
kmastai just installed 32bitfirefox w/flash on my AMD64 system, and there seems to be some issues with the volume. it's really really low09:51
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jrib!iptables > spydrrrrr (see the private message from ubotu)09:51
raymondjtothno it is english im DEAF09:51
raymondjtothAND NEED CLOSE CAPTION09:51
dotpavanraymondjtoth, then you could give "totem" a try, or "smplayer" is also good.. see if they show you the subtitles09:51
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Grenadehow does one make a program run on boot. i'm trying to get ntp setup. i have it running... well it seems to be running anyway. just not on boot09:51
Sergohello all09:51
raymondjtothdot is close caption the same as saying09:51
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kenshinxanyone here use nucleus blog?09:52
nothingssomethini'll tell you what09:52
spydrrrrrubotu: I did that but it does not tell me where the default file is saves09:52
Sergoi have a question: it is possible to change name of my username/login09:52
jribGrenade: when your user logs in is enough or does it have to run when the computer boots/09:52
raymondjtothdot how i get it09:52
Grenadeon boot09:52
cilugnedonDoes anyone here use complete hard disk encryption on feisty?09:52
spydrrrrrWhere does ubuntu load it's default rule set for iptables from?09:52
raymondjtothdo i use sudo commaqnd09:52
jribspydrrrrr: it doesn't save it anywhere, read the bottom of the wiki page09:52
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Alex288288Alright, i got a Aspire 9410,  I Beryl Acts Really weird  and doesnt work most of the time, when i enable it.  And i got a Intel 950 Series . Any Ideas ?09:52
dotpavanraymondjtoth, totem is already installed09:52
cilugnedonwith cryptsetup and encrypted physical volume for lvm?09:52
spydrrrrrjrib: ok hold on I will check it09:52
raymondjtothdot dont play them09:52
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jribspydrrrrr: "Configuration on startup"09:52
raymondjtothit dont open it up what eles do i need to do to get it working in it09:52
nothingssomethini have a movie on my laptop i would be glad to assure the exact steps to do this if only someone would hepl me get my graphiscs cart working again09:52
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dotpavanraymondjtoth, what is the error? it plays the video or not?09:53
raymondjtothhold on09:53
hippiebtw... where did the userlist go in xchat?09:53
jribGrenade: read:  man update-rc.d09:53
cilugnedonMy system is booting, but only after I manually enter the cryptsetup luksOpen command in busybox.09:53
fr500is there something like orb for ubuntu?09:53
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kazim59no one for dbus help... hmmm... will try later sometime!09:53
jribGrenade: or use /etc/rc.local depending on what you are doing...09:53
raymondjtothdot The audio device is busy. Is another application using it?09:54
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gerroapt-get xserver-xorg-dev is not working09:54
gerroand I can ping www.google.com with 100% receive rate09:54
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spydrrrrrjrib: I thought when you typed iptables-save it would save it to a default location like it does on Fedora and Red Hat...09:54
raymondjtothdot that the err09:54
jribgerro: it's:  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev09:54
Grenadein case I drop this server into production i'd like to be able to have ntp running if it needs to be rebooted without having to log into the machine.09:54
Nergari need help, i just installed slackware on a different partition, but when i booted ubuntu back i got an fsck error. Log : http://pastebin.com/93621109:54
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gerrojrib: I have a root prompt and its not letting me apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev09:55
dotpavanraymondjtoth, I guess vlc didnt exit properly, go to system monitor and kill vlc and esd09:55
jribgerro: pastebin the output09:55
Grenadesome tech support ppl can barely log into windows09:55
raymondjtothhow i do this09:55
raymondjtothdont im new09:55
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dotpavanraymondjtoth, go to system monitor.. the thing that shows your comp performance09:55
varustahcan i use onboard at the login screen?09:55
cilugnedonI'm not getting any prompt for entering my cryptsetup password for my physical volume for lvm in order to unlock my lvm where my root is residing.09:55
jribspydrrrrr: not according to its man page09:56
cilugnedonCan anyone help?09:56
raymondjtothdot were is it i dont see it09:56
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spydrrrrrjrib: ok good to know09:56
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gerrojrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27162/09:56
dotpavanraymondjtoth, main menu-->system-->admin-->system monitor09:57
gerrojrib: its simply refusing to install09:57
nothingssomethin.... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything seems to be working fine untill i attempe to tempt my luck and plug in the s-vid... nothing happening untill i start fishing around and come across desktop effects it gives me a prompt saying that it is installing the nvida some09:57
greg_gwhat is the command to see the computer's IP??09:57
KeanuHey, im getting extreemly slow transfer speeds through my network.. I need to transfer 2 files.. One being 970MB.. another being 500MB... Yet im transfering at about 10KB/PS.. Can anyone tell me how I can get that back up to normal Network Speeds?09:57
jribgerro: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list09:57
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dotpavangreg_g, ifconfig shows it09:57
raymondjtothdot its not there09:58
gerrojrib: I just installed feisty 7.04 it has default apt sources.list09:58
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jribgreg_g: wget -q -O - www.whatismyip.org    should work too09:58
jribgerro: pastebin them09:58
greg_gjrib, not really, since that shows the modem's IP, not my internal ip09:58
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gerrojrib: this first time I have booted the system after install :(09:59
jribgreg_g: you're right, just be specific :)09:59
gentleI have a hp ipaq pocket pc and I wanna change its OS from windows mobile 5.0 to an open source OS, is it possible?09:59
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alecw1How do I uninstall Windows applications from Wine? I installed Fireworks 8, and I want to remove it, but I can't seem to do it.09:59
dotpavanraymondjtoth, not there? wierd.. ok type this in terminal: "pkill vlc" and "pkill esd" (without the quotes) and try playing with totem09:59
jribgerro: k09:59
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jribalecw1: try #winehq if no one here knows09:59
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gerrojrib: I'll just use dpkg but for the record apt-get is broken09:59
Nergarc'mon ppl09:59
greg_gjrib, yeah yeah, specific schmpifics09:59
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KeanuCan anyone help me with my problem?09:59
Nergarcan anyone help me please?09:59
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Nergari need help, i just installed slackware on a different partition, but when i booted ubuntu back i got an fsck error. Log : http://pastebin.com/93621110:00
jribgerro: it's not.  It's clearly an issue with your /etc/apt/sources.list yet you refuse to pastebin them10:00
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gentle I have a hp ipaq pocket pc and I wanna change its OS from windows mobile 5.0 to an open source OS, is it possible?10:00
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FhajadI'm trying to get No-ip 2.1.4 on Version 5.10 of Ubuntu, but everything along the way of making the executable just results in errors. And yes, I did sudo.10:00
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KeanuFhajad - I'm trying to do the exact same thing.10:00
dotpavangentle, have you googled? http://www.ipaqlinux.com/10:00
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nothingssomethin.... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything seems to be working fine untill i attempe to tempt my luck and plug in the s-vid... nothing happening untill i start fishing around and come across desktop effects it gives me a prompt saying that it is installing the nvida some10:01
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jribFhajad: you should upgrade as 5.10 is no longer supported10:01
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FhajadI realize that but I can't burn CDs. This computer hates that now.10:01
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cilugnedonI can hardly believe that amount those about 1200 people nobody uses harddisk encryption with cryptsetup?10:01
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FhajadAnd I had a bunch of copies laying around.10:01
gentlenot yet I will do it10:01
KeanuI'm trying to install No-IP on Ubuntu Server - yet im getting errors like mad.10:01
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gerroxserver-xorg-dev is not in package.ubuntu.com/feisty/10:01
jribFhajad: you don't need to burn cd's, you can upgrade10:01
KeanuPlus the slow transfer.10:01
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jrib!info xserver-xorg-dev10:01
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ubotuxserver-xorg-dev: X.Org X server -- development files. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.2.0-3ubuntu8 (feisty), package size 288 kB, installed size 1600 kB10:01
Fhajadjrib: It wont let me.10:01
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gerroI checked library development it isn't there10:02
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saxinanyone know irc-channel to compiz fusion?10:02
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TrumanHello .. can someone tell me what the "libc" headers are, and where I can get them?10:02
jribgerro: it is, you need to pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list if you want help with this issue from me10:02
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saxinkdubois: cheers!10:02
kazim59Nergar: thats not a fatal error... didn't it boot?10:02
jribFhajad: why not? what happens?10:02
TheCreationistGuys, I need help setting up a wireless connection.  I've look all over ubuntu forums, but can't find anything.  I have a Buffalo Airstation router, and I know there's something to do with IP addresses.10:02
Fhajadjrib: I go to the Update Manager and it just tells me I'm unsupported and I should upgrade.10:02
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pi3Truman: it's very risky to update your libc10:02
gerrojrib; never mind it in other location10:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:02
TheCreationistI had it working well in Kubuntu, but I don't remember what I needed to change... can anyone shed any light on this?10:03
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Nergarkazim59, yes, after i did a control+D10:03
nothingssomethinis there a higher fourm for people who know kernals and junk??? maybe for developers and souch10:03
Trumanpi3:  Ah, well I'm trying to get my nvidia driver updated, and it keeps telling me I have to get those libc things10:03
dotpavanTruman, do you have build-essentials?10:03
jribnothingssomethin: this one is for support with begginer and advanced issues10:03
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kazim59Nergar: you need to edit your /etc/fstab file when you are in ubuntu10:03
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kazim59Nergar: shall I tell you how?10:03
nothingssomethin.... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything seems to be working fine untill i attempe to tempt my luck and plug in the s-vid... nothing happening untill i start fishing around and come across desktop effects it gives me a prompt saying that it is installing the nvida some10:03
Nergarkazim59, yes please10:03
=== raymondjtoth [n=chatzill@c-24-1-138-249.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nothingssomethinguess i'll try again10:03
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:03
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kazim59Nergar: edit your /etc/fstab as root (sudo gedit /etc/fstab)10:04
nothingssomethinit don't seem too terablly complicated i thought10:04
Nergarkazim59, it is my /home partition in both, ubuntu and slackware10:04
dotpavanraymondjtoth, so, what happened?10:04
lesshasteI've just upgraded from edgy to feisty and my wifi setup has completely dissappeared. I used to use nm-applet and it all sort of magically worked10:04
anticitizen1i've just installed Ubuntu 5.10, whats the best way to update it?10:04
lesshastewhat can I do?10:04
Trumandotpavan:  I'm not sure, this is a fresh installation, and I'm pretty new to linux10:04
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raymondjtothsays i need this10:04
nothingssomethinthe internet10:04
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raymondjtothlibdvdcss this10:04
dotpavanTruman, ok do this "sudo apt-get install build-essentials" and then see if you could proceed10:05
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nothingssomethinupdate it with the internet is the best wat with update manager10:05
markvandenborreanyone intimately familiar with alsa around?10:05
jrib!upgrade > anticitizen1 (see the private message from ubotu)10:05
raymondjtothdot take off 210:05
Trumandotpavan Ah, alright .. I'll try it out.  Thanks.10:05
dotpavanraymondjtoth, ok, so you dont have multimedia codecs..10:05
=== dimix [n=ubuntu@222.159-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
raymondjtoththought i did10:05
nothingssomethinbut you'll need to update the orignal security updates10:05
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dotpavan!multimedia ! raymondjtoth10:05
markvandenborreI am fighting alsa in feisty10:05
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dotpavan!multimedia | raymondjtoth10:05
uboturaymondjtoth: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications10:05
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kazim59Nergar: edit /etc/fstab as root (in ubuntu)10:05
jribanticitizen1: if you've just installed it, you're better off downloading a 7.04 iso and reinstalling10:05
TheCreationistGuys, I need help setting up a wireless connection.  I've look all over ubuntu forums, but can't find anything.  I have a Buffalo Airstation router, and I know there's something to do with IP addresses.10:05
TheCreationistI had it working well in Kubuntu, but I don't remember what I needed to change... can anyone shed any light on this?10:05
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Trumanoh wait, I had one other question:  I downloaded the nvidia driver and set up my GAIM account and then ctrl+alt+backspaced out of xserver so I could install the nvidia thing .. then when I restarted x, it gave me a fresh desktop (without the driver) and my GAIM didn't have any active accounts set up10:06
Fhajadjrib: So how can I update via Ubuntu itself without having to burn a CD and what not?10:06
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jribFhajad: have you seen the wiki page on upgrading?10:06
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gerrojrib: xserver-xorg-dev is installed but do you know where to get libc development package?10:06
kazim59Nergar: set the last column to 0 in 'UUID=bc77755c-827c-416f-9897-fbe31a2d9338' row10:06
doc|workI'm getting a lot of /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found10:06
doc|workanyone got any suggestions why?10:06
Nergarkazim59, fstab: http://pastebin.com/93624710:06
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jribgerro: install build-essential .  What are you actually trying to accomplish by the way?10:07
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lesshasteAlso... I have to boot the generic kernel and the 386 one doesn't work at all10:07
nothingssomethin03:04:36 PM) anticitizen1: i've just installed Ubuntu 5.10, whats the best way to update it?10:07
nothingssomethinupdate it with the internet is the best wat with update manager10:07
nothingssomethinbut first  you'll need to update the orignal security updates then you can use the update manager.10:07
lesshastedoes the generic kernel not have mad-wifi suppoty?10:07
jrib!upgrade > Fhajad (see the private message from ubotu)10:07
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nothingssomethinif you don't have a fast connection plan on watching a movie10:08
nothingssomethinor two10:08
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:08
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predaeuslesshaste, there is no point in using the 368 kernel if you can use the generic one.10:08
nnywhats the channel for ubuntu desktop effects?10:08
nothingssomethini have no graphics10:09
lesshastepredaeus: ok.. so any idea how to get wifi working? It was fine before the upgrade10:09
nothingssomethinhere let me post it fully10:09
jribnny: #ubuntu-effects10:09
wols!effects < nny10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effects < nny - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:09
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nothingssomethini didn't want to create traffic10:09
asdf_Does anyone know of a text replacement app?10:09
ubotuFor help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions.10:09
nothingssomethini have a dell laoptop and everything pretty much works fine , i am running ubuntu fistey (sorry if not spelled right) with the new update. on my latitude i have nvida gforce go graphics card witch includes a s video out on it .... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install the drivedrs and everything se10:09
anticitizen1OK, if i download & burn the new .ISO can i just overwrite the previous installation?10:09
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jribnothingssomethin: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to explain the details and make your statement shorter because you get cut off10:10
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dotpavannothingssomethin, not sure if many use easyubuntu here, so maybe it is hard to grasp what might have gone wrong10:10
jribanticitizen1: yes10:10
predaeuslesshaste, sorry no idea. I am not familiar with wifi setups.10:10
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:10
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lesshastepredaeus: ok thanks10:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:10
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kazim59Nergar: I modified ur post... save it to /etc/fstab10:10
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anticitizen1ok, Thank You very much, ill start downloading the .ISO file.10:10
predaeus!wifi | lesshaste10:10
ubotulesshaste: please see above10:10
lesshasteubotu: thanks.. something major must have changed as I used to just run nm-applet10:11
nothingssomethini have a dell laoptop and everything pretty much works fine , i am running ubuntu fistey (sorry if not spelled right) with the new update. on my latitude i have nvida gforce go graphics card witch10:11
nothingssomethinincludes a s video out on it .... issue:::........ i downloaded easy ubuntu and i said HEY GRAY it had my nvida drivers (choice from 2, 1 official 2 legacy) BY THE WAY THIS IS A CLEAN INSTALL"  so i install10:11
nothingssomethinthe drivedrs and everything seems to be working fine untill i attempe to tempt my luck and plug in the s-vid... nothing happening untill i start fishing around and come across desktop effects it gives me a prompt saying that it is installing the nvida something or other and10:11
nothingssomethinneeds a restart upon restart i have monoter up untill around the time the loader(the windows like stadus bar) ends.............then ooh crap black screen but sound i would like to revert revert revert to orignal config PLEASE HELP10:11
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TenerifeDavei'm still having problems can someone please help? I am connected to my internal wireless network, but have no connectivity to other computers on the network, any ideas?10:11
jribnothingssomethin: no, I said to use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , not write an essay :)10:11
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dotpavannothingssomethin, try #ubuntu-effects10:12
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SourceCodewhat folder do I put ubuntu desktop backgrounds in?10:12
jribSourceCode: any you want10:12
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:12
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gronbaekTenerifeDave: Are you sure it is not your AP that seperates wireless from normal LAN traffic?10:13
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TheCreationistI am unable to connect to my wireless router.  Ubuntu sees the network, but I have no internet access.  I remember in Kubuntu I had to set the Gateway IP to something, but I can't remember.  Can anyone help me with this, please?10:13
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TenerifeDaveno, i have eth0 coming in from outside, then wlan0 going to internal network10:13
Nergarkazim59, you changed sda7 but the log says sda310:13
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lesshasteI am not even sure if the kernel  has the madwifi stuff compiled in10:14
lesshastehow do I check?10:14
Fhajadjrib: It's giving me depository errors now. Saying it can't open the upgrades and such.10:14
mike3_Hey guys, why is it that my hard drive partitions are registering as sba and such. Shouldn't it be HDAx10:14
jribFhajad: pastebin the errors10:14
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asdf_Does anyone know of a text replacement app?10:14
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kazim59Nergar: your log says that sda3 is found clean... it gives error in UUID=....10:14
Sweetreleasemike33 if its sata its gets labled sda10:15
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jribasdf_: like 'sed'?10:15
dotpavanlesshaste, check your kernel agains the results of this: apt-cache search madwifi10:15
gronbaekYes, but assuming you have a router with wireless buildin, some routers seperates wireless traffic from wired traffic. Which would mean that a wireless client would not be able to se a wired server.10:15
Nergarkazim59, oh, sorry10:15
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asdf_jrib: I'm not sure what sed is...10:15
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Fhajadjrib: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com10:15
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kazim59Nergar: restart to see if it fixed ur problem!10:15
Fhajadbreezy-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/10:15
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jribFhajad: use pastebin to paste the full output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:15
Sweetreleasemike3_ if its sata its gets labled sda10:15
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gronbaekIs both eth0 and wifi0 connected to the same router?10:16
lesshastedotpavan: I need restricted modules it seems10:16
nothingssomethinhow did you make it into a link10:16
jribasdf_: it lets you do something like    sed s/foo/bar/ file    to change all "foo" into "bar" in the file "file"10:16
mike3_Sweetrelease, it's plugged in via IDE and a IDEA slot ont he mother board.10:16
TenerifeDaveeth0 is coming from a router on my roof (wisp) then into my computer10:16
mike3_nothing like sata10:16
TenerifeDavethen wlan0 going to my own ap for others in the house10:16
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raymondjtothdot what did i type10:17
Sweetreleasemike3_ oh then idk, sorry10:17
raymondjtothi cant rember it10:17
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TenerifeDaveconfusing i know gronbaek lol10:17
mike3_Sweetrelease, what?10:17
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jaelaeI knew it!! mike3_ is here10:17
dotpavan!multimedia | raymondjtoth10:17
uboturaymondjtoth: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications10:17
Sweetreleasei dont know10:17
nothingssomethinhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27167/ does this liunk work right10:17
raymondjtothdot no mine10:17
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Jack_SparrowLooking for someone to help with dri drivers for ATI mobility 7500 on Dell LAptop10:17
raymondjtothnot your10:17
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asdf_jrib: I'm looking for something that will replace writing on the fly w/ hot keys, like "hj" + enter will turn into Hello, John10:17
dotpavan!libdvdcss2 | raymondjtoth10:17
uboturaymondjtoth: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:17
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asdf_jrib: kind of like texter for windows: http://lifehacker.com/software/texter/lifehacker-code-texter-windows-238306.php10:18
jribasdf_: oh, at all times or just in a text editor?10:18
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asdf_jrib: at all times10:18
tessieserver undernet10:18
askandIs there a way to have kind of postit on your desktop?10:18
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:18
jribasdf_: ah, no idea then10:18
herbaliseranybody can tell me soft to write pdf's,  pdfwriter10:18
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gronbaekUh, im not quite sure i got that. So it's two differet connections. One router which your connected to using eth0/wire, and one AP which you are connected to using Wifi0/wireless.10:18
Fhajadjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2716810:18
PriceChildherbaliser, use any software, then print to pdf10:18
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TenerifeDaveyep gronbaek10:18
gronbaekAnd you can't access other computers on the AP?10:19
Sweetreleaseto the group, Question.  why does a HDD get labled as sda instead of hda if it isent sata?10:19
dotpavanherbaliser, pdfedit10:19
TenerifeDavenope that is correct10:19
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jribnothingssomethin: hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a prompt and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'10:19
gronbaekAre the AP and the router connected in any way?10:19
predaeusherbaliser, openoffice writer with export to pdf, or lyx with latex2pdf export10:19
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asdf_Does anyone know of a text replacement app for Linux like Texter for Windows?10:19
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TenerifeDaveonly through my computer when it works properly lol10:19
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doc|workasdf_: sed10:19
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FhajadKeanu: You have any luck yet with No-IP?10:20
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asdf_doc|work: I'm talking about text replacement on the fly not in an editor10:20
jribasdf_: you need to be specific in your question, explain what you explained to me...10:20
askandIs there a way to have kind of postit on your desktop?10:20
doc|workasdf_: it's a command10:20
asdf_I'm looking for something that will replace writing on the fly w/ hot keys, like "hj" + enter will turn into Hello, John10:20
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cman325askand checkout tomboy notes10:20
kazim59askand: Sticky Notes?10:20
gronbaekOK, some AP's uses some sort of isolation, so wireless clients can't communicate diretcly. I think my Linksys router uses that by default.10:20
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SweetreleaseQuestion:  why does a HDD get labled as sda instead of hda if it isent sata?10:21
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jribFhajad: I'm not sure of the proper procedure, but I would try commenting those repos that are failing and then upgrading again10:21
TenerifeDavei've used it in the same setup in windows though10:21
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rvbCould anyone help me out with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2906074 It's about Ubuntu getting messed up by an external harddrive being connected and now it won't start or even let me reinstall.10:21
dotpavandoc|work, asdf_ something like mac's textpander, right?10:21
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gronbaekThere must be some sort of router connected which the AP is connected to, can you access taht?10:21
asdf_dotpavan: exactly10:21
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TenerifeDavethe ap isnt connected to any router10:22
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tnwfreenx server installation ?10:22
zoidberg_hey guys10:22
zoidberg_i got a new dell machine10:22
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zoidberg_right now i only have a dapper cd and i installed dapper successfully10:22
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gronbaekOK, so it's basically just there to male you able to communicate from one wireless computer to another, and not to provide Internet connection?10:23
nexousHi, when I go to install feisty from desktop cd, it stops at 80% of installing system, 'Configuring target system'10:23
tnwsshd freenx nxclient vorhandeb10:23
tnwsshd freenx nxclient vorhanden10:23
gronbaekDo you get an IP from the AP, to wifi0?10:23
FhajadKeanu: Hello?10:23
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TenerifeDaveno i dont gronbaek10:23
tnweng ??10:23
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zoidberg_when i try to upgrade to edgy by 'gksu "update-manager -c" '...i get this message10:23
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TenerifeDavein windows i had a ip server which did it for me10:24
zoidberg_"authenticating the upgrade failed....there might be an error in the server'?10:24
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shaun_what packages do i need on the server side to get ssh -X working?10:24
zoidberg_any idea what i should do...i cant burn any more cds....10:24
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gronbaekOK, but you can see it in the list of APs.10:24
vertigohmmz, just installed NTFS3G, and did the ntfsfix trick... but after a reboot my 2nd HD appears to be completely gone..10:24
TenerifeDaveyeah, i am connected to it10:24
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TenerifeDaveother computers are too10:24
TenerifeDavejust cant communicate10:25
rvbzoidberg_: A little tip, write your question in *one* message, don't spread it out over six. Makes it easier to read.10:25
dotpavanasdf_, I have also been looking for something like that, plz let me know if you come across one.. I am looking right now10:25
asdf_Does anyone know of a text expander utility for Linux like Texter in Windows or Textpander in Mac?10:25
TenerifeDaveall computers are on same ip 192.168.0.**10:25
zoidberg_rvb, sorry10:25
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zoidberg_rvb, can u help me though?10:25
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LeGeekoHey, sorry to bother you but my X server crashed, and refuses to un-crash10:26
dotpavanasdf_, try this: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Snippits?content=5219710:26
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wolsLeGeeko: logs are a wonderful thing10:26
LeGeekoCan someone please tell me how to fix it? Thanks!10:26
Savengerhi all10:26
rvbzoidberg_: Nope, don't know the answer.10:26
kduboisLeGeeko: be more specific10:26
jribLeGeeko: what is your current status?10:26
orbisvicisif I make/sudo make install something; how can i uninstall it ?10:26
rvbasdf_: do you want something that searches and replaces text in files?10:26
zaggynlMy usb hdd keeps freezing while I'm watching DVDs from it/copying large files, log shows this: Jun 25 21:19:38 AMD3200L kernel: [ 3310.911436]  usb 5-1: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 210:26
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LeGeekoIn terminal login, just installed a new graphics driver10:27
Super_Cat_Froghi - does anybody know of any tools for fat32 file recovery (from deleted files)10:27
lesshastethe restricted modules worked beautifully10:27
asdf_rvb: no -- just that replaces text on the fly...10:27
jriborbisvicis: sometimes  sudo make uninstall  will be provided, but it is not guaranteed.  Instead, consider using checkinstall instead of make install:10:27
jrib!checkinstall > orbisvicis (see the private message from ubotu)10:27
kduboisorbisvicis: usually sudo make uninstall will do it, but some programs dont have an uninstall rule.....10:27
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jribLeGeeko: and what happens when you try to start X again?10:28
LeGeekoIt gives my the "screen not found" error10:28
Slartanyone know of a good application to display logs from several linux machines (just text logs, syslog, kernel log samba log etc). Needs to be fairly realtime updated10:28
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gronbaekOK, but if your wireless interface don't have an IP, you can't communicate with other computers. So you need to either manually setup an IP for wifi0.10:28
TenerifeDavei have10:29
asdf_dotpavan: that looks like it will do the trick, now just figuring out how to use it...10:29
LeonidasHi all..10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dbus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
gronbaekOK, sorry I misunderstod then.10:29
LeonidasMy root partition is running out with space i've got only 150 MB left :(  can i resize my / partition without using any livecd etc. coz my laptop's DVD -rom is not working10:29
gronbaekAnd the other client also has an IP?10:29
jribLeGeeko: so it's an issue with your xorg.conf.  revert to the old one or fix the issue.  If you want help fixing the new one, you should pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log after a failed attempt to start X10:29
TenerifeDavedont understand why its not working10:29
fuzzy_logichi people..10:29
Savengeri'm trying to chroot, but i get a "Exec format error", what can I do? I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 with Kernel 2.6.20-16-generic10:29
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TenerifeDavebut works in windows fine10:29
gronbaekAnd you can't ping that IP?10:29
LeGeekoOK, but how do I use the old one again?10:29
dotpavanLeGeeko, see the error log in /etc/X11 after entering in safe mode, it might give some info10:29
pike_Leonidas: how much of that is /home?10:29
sanyi86hi all10:29
jribLeGeeko: how did you make a new one?10:30
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pike_Leonidas: du -ach /home10:30
asdf_dotpavan: can you use this app w/ Gnome?10:30
TenerifeDavewhen i try to ping the other computer it comes back with...10:30
TenerifeDaveFrom icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable10:30
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fuzzy_logichi sanyi8610:30
jribLeGeeko: it usually makes backups in /etc/X11 named xorg.conf.*10:30
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Leonidas230 MB10:30
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jribLeGeeko: did you use the restricted drivers manager?10:31
dotpavanasdf_, it should10:31
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LeGeekoNo, i used apt-get install nvidia-glx10:31
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jribLeGeeko: did you install the restricted-modules for your kernel?10:31
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fuzzy_logicLeGeeko: i would use restricted drivers manager10:31
LeGeekoNo, I did not install restricted-modules10:32
jrib!nvidia > LeGeeko (see the private message from ubotu)10:32
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LeGeekoIt may have been installed before though10:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:32
gronbaekHm... I'm not really sure about the AP part, how it works without wired connection. But i works in when your computer is connected to the AP, when booting into Windows?10:32
asdf_dotpavan: do you have the script up and running?10:32
fuzzy_logichello shaun_10:33
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shaun_when i search for xbase-clients the package shows up10:33
tym-http://geekhouss.miniville.fr/ind :)10:33
TenerifeDaveit wouldnt need a wired connection, its a wireless ap10:33
shaun_but when i try to isntall it it says "No candidate version found for xbase-clients"10:33
Leonidaspike_, what's is my home directory space usage todo with resizing ?10:33
shaun_is there some way to install this package?10:33
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unagianyone here have any problems with ubuntu crashing to a black screen with scrambled video or like green lines?10:34
jribshaun_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list10:34
fuzzy_logicshaun_: just a sec plz10:34
kaktuskattaHi I need some help with my webcam. It's a Logitech Quickcam Messenger, but I'm unable to get it to work10:34
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gronbaekHm... could you perhaps disconnect eth0, and try again. I mean, maybe when you are "pinging", its done on the wrong interface. That would explain why you can't get a route to that host.10:34
dotpavanasdf_, reading the readme file, have to configure10:34
TenerifeDavei've tried just having the wireless on and disconnecting eth0, still the same10:35
kaktuskattaAnd now I accidently overwrote the settings on /dev/video0, so my TV-tuner doesn't work anymore !10:35
gronbaekI'm not sure how Ubuntu works when using two interfaces simultanously.10:35
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shaun_jrib, http://rafb.net/p/VKhsXe94.html10:35
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TenerifeDaveworks fine, i've used it before10:35
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Savengeri'm trying to chroot, but i get a "Exec format error", what can I do? I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 with Kernel 2.6.20-16-generic10:36
kaktuskattaanyone with webcam experience here?10:36
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mok0! bot | mok010:36
jribshaun_: are you running ubuntu?10:37
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zaggynlMy usb hdd keeps freezing while I'm watching DVDs from it/copying large files, log shows this: Jun 25 21:19:38 AMD3200L kernel: [ 3310.911436]  usb 5-1: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 210:37
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asdf_dotpavan: here's something interesting, too: http://www.mail-archive.com/gnu-emacs-sources@gnu.org/msg00685.html10:37
kduboiskaktuskatta: i have tv tuner experience... from what i know, you have to get the right chipset (look at the v4l wiki) to get the webcam to work....10:37
dotpavankaktuskatta, use camorama, for chat, you could use kopete10:37
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kaktuskattakdubois: How to I revert back to my old settings?10:38
hippiehave no window decorators in beryl on kubuntu, how to fix?10:38
Sweetreleasehippie sudo apt-get install emerald10:38
hippiethought that came with beryl10:38
pike_Leonidas: well by default home is under /  if you want to resize / just boot either ubuntu livecd or gparted livecd10:38
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asdf_dotpavan: any luck on the read me?10:39
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Sweetreleaseif you follow th guides online it will tell you to install it in one sweep but its not a dependency10:39
jribhippie: #ubuntu-effects is for issues with beryl.  If you have an nvidia card, you probably need AddARGBGLXVisuals in your xorg.conf (see wiki)10:39
Chokoloffbon nuit a tous10:39
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hippiedid the apt-get.... already have emerald10:40
Leonidaspike_: fine, but my laptop dvd rom is not working10:40
kaktuskattakdubois: I downloaded the drivers for my cam through a link on ubuntuforums.org10:40
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kiplantthow to enable the middle click of my USB mouse ? here is my xorg.conf (mouse part): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27173/10:40
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Bakefywhat is a good/easy/basic web server10:40
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Shaftinokiplantt, I had a problem with mine, till i removed the emulate 3 button option10:41
rvbBakefy: Maybe this is what you're looking for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighttpd10:41
Leonidaspike_: Is there any other way then running a livecd10:41
shaun_jrib, yeah i'm running ubuntu10:41
dotpavanasdf_, nope, installing rails10:41
Sweetreleasehippie, when you click on the beryl icon and go to window decorator does it say emerald?10:41
kiplanttShaftino: I'll try that10:41
shaun_jrib, oh shoot, u konw what i'm not10:41
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hippieberyl isnt running atm10:42
jribshaun_: ok, because I was about to give you a lecture about using debian repos on ubuntu :)10:42
pike_Leonidas: the partition cannot be mounted while resized. im not sure if you have any other option really10:42
Sweetreleaseis there emerald setting manager?10:42
hippieyes there is10:42
Bakefythanks RVB!10:42
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Sweetreleaseand when you open that is there choices?10:42
hippiesays emerald theme manager10:42
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gronbaekTenerifeDave: I'm not sure then, I've done some "pinging" on my own network, as tests, but I can't really figure out what to try next.10:43
gronbaekEspecially if it works in windows.10:43
Leonidaspike_: i guess than i will have to boot with external cd-rom or maybe try to boot from USB stick10:43
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ubuntuEdgyany one use firestarter ?10:43
Leonidaspike_, thanx for ur help :)10:43
Sweetreleasehippie, and when you open that is there choices?10:43
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ubuntuEdgywhat dose the "lock mean"10:43
reed026hmm does Xubuntu tend to freeze when it gets to Preparing to configure xubuntu-docs on older machines?10:44
gronbaekMy best gues was still that the "double" network connection could be a problem, but i'm not sure.10:44
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TenerifeDavei wouldnt say so, because i've tried without the wired network and its the same10:44
hippieyes there is choices10:44
TenerifeDaveanyone else have any ideas?10:44
hippiejust opened it10:44
Sweetreleaseclick one10:44
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Shaftinohippie, try running 'emerald --replace'10:44
Shaftinohippie, or 'beryl --replace'10:45
kiplantthow to enable the middle click of my mouse ? here is my xorg.conf (mouse part): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27177/10:45
cobra306has anyone already installed Mesa3D drivers with DRI from CVS ?10:45
Sweetreleaseno i think he just dident change the teme10:45
diminthedammy ubuntu 7.04 has no sound anymore without any noticeable errors. How can I troubleshoot?10:45
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Sweetreleasethe default is the gnome looking one10:45
Martinp23kiplantt: Remove the "emulate 3 button mouse" line.10:45
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cobra306has anyone already installed Mesa3D drivers with DRI from CVS ??10:45
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kiplanttMartinp23: I commented it (see 6th line)10:45
joshritgerI am using 7.04 and it recognizes my wireless card, but when I try to connect to the network it will not let me. I have a mac filter and passphrase  on the network. I have added the comps mac adress and put inthe pass phrase any ideas?10:45
ergun_hi is there anyone who uses bluetooth on ubuntu 6.110:46
TenerifeDavesame problem as be joshritger10:46
Martinp23kiplantt: Did you restart X (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace)?  (Save open work first!)10:46
marfeathjoshritger: did you give it the wireless card's mac address or your wired?10:46
hippierunning beryl --replace.... still no window decorator10:46
kiplanttjoshritger & TenerifeDave: first try without passwords and MAC protection10:46
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hippiebut im in the #ubuntu effects so ill leave yall alone10:47
kiplanttMartinp23: of course10:47
Sweetreleaseergun_ its 6.10, the 0 is kinda important. its a date not a version number10:47
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TenerifeDavecannot try without passowrd, as i dont know the login password10:47
joshritgerhow do i know the cards adress10:47
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TenerifeDaveand cannot reset it10:47
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rvbCould anyone help me out with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2906074 It's about Ubuntu getting messed up by an external harddrive being connected and now it won't start or even let me reinstall.10:47
Savengeri'm trying to chroot, but i get a "Exec format error", what can I do? I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 with Kernel 2.6.20-16-generic10:47
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Sweetreleasehippie have you logged out and logged in since installing beryl, sometimes you need to restart x10:48
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asdf_dotpavan: any luck?10:48
stewlatinany idea how to give my computer a bluetooth ftp profile so a i can browse file on my phone10:48
marfeathjoshritger: type iwconfig, and it will show a wireless device, take note of what it is (something like eth1 or wifi0) and then type ifconfig, it is the HwAddr10:48
hippieno... doint that now10:49
kiplantthow to enable the middle click of my mouse ? here is my xorg.conf (mouse part): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27177/10:49
dotpavanasdf_, nope, cant figure out anything..10:49
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ceil420what's the command to search running processes by name? i wanna kill a locked up Audacious, but dno the PID :x10:50
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cobra306`DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY' undeclared (first use in this function) --> i get this error when compiling Mesa3D, can anybody tell me what is the problem ?10:50
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ZyxusSavenger: you can't chroot 32bit <-> 64 bit10:50
Savengerceil420: with "pidof <name>" you get the id10:50
ceil420(or if "audacious" is the process's name)10:50
joshritgerI had the right mac adress10:50
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ceil420eh i guess 'audacious' is it's name10:50
kaktuskattakiplantt: what type of mouse do you have?10:50
ceil420thanks, Savenger10:50
SavengerZyxus: thanks! but, what can i do now?10:50
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asdf_Can anyone explain how to use either of these apps: http://www.mail-archive.com/gnu-emacs-sources@gnu.org/msg00685.html or http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Snippits?content=5219710:51
Savengerceil420: np ;-)10:51
kiplanttkaktuskatta: USB mouse10:51
kiplanttkaktuskatta: but I installed Ubuntu with only the touchpad of my laptop10:51
stewlatincan someone help me with my bluetooth10:51
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asdf_Can anyone explain how to use this utility? http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Snippits?content=5219710:52
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kaktuskattakiplantt: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27179/10:52
marfeathstewlatin: hate to break it to you but bluetooth support is really bad right now.  there is a utility you should look for called gnome-bluetooth, but that is only if you are supported10:52
kiplanttkaktuskatta: thanks10:52
kaktuskattakiplantt: A link to my conf. I have a logitech MX51010:52
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hippieit works!!10:53
kaktuskattakiplantt: Note that both external and mousepad is there10:53
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Bakefywhat is the command to change permissions to a folder?10:53
hippiegot wondow decorators now10:53
NickNamedhello all10:53
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kaktuskattaI think this will work10:53
marfeathBakefy: chmod10:53
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wietz0rBakefy: chmod or chown10:53
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:53
wietz0rBakefy: man chmod10:53
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NickNamedI'm having some trouble with grub, its not detecting one of my drives10:53
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:53
asdf_Does anyone know of a text expander utility for Linux like Texter in Windows or Textpander in Mac?10:53
kiplanttkaktuskatta: I'm going to try10:53
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wietz0rasdf_: Explain ?10:54
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dotpavanstewlatin, marfeath, my experience: got an unnamed local chinese bluetooth usb for $8 with no company name or drivers, feisty worked out of the box whereas xp struggled :)10:54
asdf_wietz0r: you type a little bit of text like "hJ" and hit enter and then your text gets replaced to say "Hello, John"10:54
asdf_wietz0r: you can setup a whole bunch of hotkeys10:54
stewlatinyea, my $20 bluetooth adapter works I can usually browse files on phones that i pair with I was wondering how to do that with my computer10:54
wietz0rasdf_: textmate does this10:54
pike_asdf_: vim can do that10:55
cwgannonI'm trying to run: " $find . -depth -print0 | cpio null sparse -pvd /mnt/newhome/" but I'm receiving an error message in Terminal.  The message is "cpio: You must specify one of -oipt options."  Any suggestions?10:55
wietz0rasdf_: Emacs aswell10:55
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SavengerZyxus: do you have any idea? It's for that openmoko. I downloaded the dev-stuff for it, and after that I had to chroot into a dir of that stuff.10:55
Bakefywietz0r, lets say this is a webserver, and I want to be able to drag and drop pictures to the directory /var/www/  do I just type (in terminal) sudo chmod 777 /var/www/10:55
mrcreativitycan some here help me fic my window decorations please?10:55
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asdf_witz0r: I mean in any application specifically firefox or any app on the desktop10:55
mrcreativitycan someone help me please?10:55
marfeathdotpavan: stewlatin: I'm using a dell inspiron.  Bluetooth doesnt work in linux10:55
wietz0rBakefy: Not sure actually10:55
asdf_witz0r: I want to be able to use my hotkeys in any app...know what i mean?10:55
wietz0rasdf_: I don't know how to do this10:56
cobra306`DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY' undeclared (first use in this function) --> i get this error when compiling Mesa3D, can anybody tell me what is the problem ?10:56
Bakefyokay, I will just see if that lets me.... so what if I get hacked, nothing important here.10:56
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stewlatinI'm using the $20 Wal-Mart usb bluetooth adapter10:56
lockdowncwgannon, you have to specify what you want cpio to do,  create, extract, print, etc10:56
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dotpavanmarfeath, mine is a 2 year old toshiba with usb bluetooth, it works (after bluez-utils and a couple of kde obex apps)..10:56
fr500is there any good software for managinag a WebServer (apache), bind and an FTP Server, i run an ISP10:57
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Leonidasmrcreativity:  have you tried to google for it? there are lots of solutions on http://ubuntuforums.org10:57
dotpavanstewlatin, did you go through the bluetooth page on ubuntu wiki?10:57
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cwgannonlockdown: I'm following the guide found here: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition, but it doesn't tell me how or that I need to.10:57
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stewlatinYea, I was trying to figure out how to browse files on my computer from my phone10:57
oohey all, my feisty seems to be stuck in a "partial update" state.. can't get out of it. plus now it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop and a host of other packages. any ideas?10:58
mrcreativitycan someone help me please?10:58
mrcreativitycan some here help me fix my window decorations please?10:58
krsj'ai un eplie de paquets corrompu avec synaptics, a vous arrive aussi?10:58
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aroomrcreativity: you haven't said what your problem is10:58
Savengerkrs: try joining #ubuntu-fr10:58
aroomrcreativity: so no, no one can help you10:58
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mrcreativitymy titlebar decoration is stuck on one theme10:58
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Leonidasmrcreativity:  stop repeating your question , can u tell  the exact problem10:58
mrcreativityi cant seem to change it no matter what theme i choos10:59
asdf_Does anyone know of a text expander utility for Linux like Texter in Windows or Textpander in Mac?10:59
krsSavenger: soory10:59
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mrcreativitythe theme controls changes10:59
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Savengerkrs: no problem ;-) but no one understands you in here ;-)10:59
mrcreativitybut not the window decorations10:59
cwgannonlockdown: it turns out i needed a double-dash rather than single for the options -- it's all fixed now, thanks10:59
aroomrcreativity: using gnome?10:59
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Leonidasmrcreativity:  r u using beryl?10:59
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mrcreativitygnome and beryl, but i have configured beryl to use gtk decorations11:00
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aroomrcreativity: window decorations are separate from the window styles. the decoration controls the borders, title bars, and window behavior. the window style controls widgets, scroll bars, buttons, loading bars and stuff inside the window.11:00
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aroomrcreativity: are you sure you're changing both decorations and style11:01
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mrcreativityim confused...11:01
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aroomrcreativity: ?11:01
mrcreativitywhen i change the theme, my panels change, the scroll bars change,11:01
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mrcreativityevgerything except the title bar11:01
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Wibble-hi - ubuntu upgraded my kernel, now vmware doesn't work.  It wants me to re-configure, but it can't find the "linux" subdir of the kernel headers directory (which are installed according to aptitude - provided by linux-libc-dev 2.6.20-16.29 - my kernel vn is now 2.6.20-16 rather than -15) how can I get the appropriate headers installed?11:02
aroomrcreativity: are you using gnomes theme manager11:02
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aroomrcreativity: or beryls11:02
mrcreativityaroo...the gnome theme manager11:02
tarzeauWibble-: want to try virtualbox?11:02
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Wibble-tarzeau: not really - I've already got a vmware machine set up I want to boot ;)11:02
Savengerkrs: no problem ;-) but no one understands you in here ;-)11:03
SavengerZyxus: do you have any idea? It's for that openmoko. I downloaded the dev-stuff for it, and after that I had to chroot into a dir of that stuff.11:03
tarzeauWibble-: and ubuntu don't have the kernel headers you want?11:03
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mrcreativityis the beryl theme manager the same as emerald theme manager? if yes, beryl is using gtk as the default for window decorations11:03
tarzeauWibble-: try a later kernel?11:03
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer11:03
gronbaekWibble-: When you updated the kernel, did you also update the haeders used when vmware-configure compiles the modules for your kernel?11:03
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Wibble-tarzeau: correct... ubuntu upgraded the kernel two days ago and I only just tried the virtual machine,,, it needs a new kernel module, but the headers which are installed don't seem to give vmware what it needs11:04
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Wibble-gronbaek: aptitude suggests the kernel headers are installed (linux-headers-2.6.20-16, which matches uname -a)11:04
Wibble-and the directory *does* exist, but does not have a "linux" sub-directory11:04
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marfeathWibble-: get module-assistant, then type sudo m-a update,prepare and that should set it up for you11:04
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tarzeauWibble-: they are exactly the same version?11:05
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Wibble-tarzeau: yes11:05
tarzeauWibble-: the package of linux-source or linux-headers must be the same like linux-image (including revision)11:05
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tarzeauWibble-: are you very damn sure?11:05
tarzeauWibble-: what which vmware version?11:05
Wibble-I shall check again :)11:05
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tarzeauWibble-: the 5.x has problem with very new linux kernels11:05
tarzeauWibble-: try 6.x11:05
LeonidasIs there any way i can install glibc-2.4 on dapper? i get glibc-2.3.5-0ubuntu1 only to install thru apt-get11:05
mrcreativityi disabled beryl, and now eeverything is back to normal11:06
mrcreativitythanks everyone11:06
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unagican anyone help me......ubuntu is giving me errors when i try to install updates11:06
mrcreativitycan anyone help me with real player please? i cant seem to change the volume11:06
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voorhees86hey any body there?11:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:07
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Wibble-I found a vmware-server-kernel-modules in apt! I'm gonna try that one... maybe that'll update when apt decides to upgrade the kernel ;)11:07
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wietz0r!ask | voorhees8611:07
ubotuvoorhees86: please see above11:07
voorhees86im having problems with the boot11:07
bubblybedsgirlwibble tim?11:07
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wietz0rvoorhees86: what boot ?11:07
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voorhees86i just install the ubuntu, and my system dont boot right11:08
mrcreativityi cant seem to change the realplayer volume,11:08
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wietz0rmrcreativity: use a proper video player, like mplayer11:08
Leonidasmrcreativity:  i wud recommend Rythmbox or Amarok to play audio & music11:08
voorhees86they just boot when i boot form cd and choose the option, boot form fist hard drive11:08
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mrcreativitybut how do i play rmvb files? i11:08
Wibble-marfeath: thank you - that worked just great.11:08
wietz0rmrcreativity: mplayer plays them11:08
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wietz0rvoorhees86: It's a problem with your grub configuratioin11:09
wietz0r!grub | voorhees8611:09
ubotuvoorhees86: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:09
marfeathWibble-: your welcome :P11:09
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unagi'could not download all repository indexes'11:09
unagiany ideas?11:09
mrcreativitydo i need to install extra codecs?11:09
bubblybedsgirlanyone got the nvidia 3d driver working on latest ubuntu witha 8800gts card ?11:09
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tarzeaububblybedsgirl: which ubuntu? which nvidia driver?11:10
wietz0rmrcreativity: You need to install mplayer11:10
mrcreativitydoing it as we speak11:10
tarzeaububblybedsgirl: 32 or 64bit?11:10
awenasidilisomei just got a toshiba e750 and i can't get any pdf readers to run on it anyone got a clue how to fix it11:10
marfeathmrcreativity: I've had poor luck playng rvmb in linux, you shoudl look into converting these files to xvid or something11:10
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bubblybedsgirl32 bit11:10
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bubblybedsgirlthough i am runing a dual core cpu11:10
tarzeaububblybedsgirl: so what?11:10
bubblybedsgirli have the x86 version installed11:10
voorhees86<wietz0r> so?11:10
tarzeaububblybedsgirl: just install the binary driver?11:10
Leonidasmrcreativity:  totem also runs them fine11:10
wietz0rvoorhees86: Reaaaaaaaad.11:10
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mrcreativitymarfeath...realplayer plays them perfectly, except that i change the colume11:10
bubblybedsgirlx crashes11:10
tarzeaububblybedsgirl: error log online?11:10
bubblybedsgirlor rather11:10
bubblybedsgirlwont start11:11
voorhees86i just read and a run the exacly command form that page11:11
tarzeaububblybedsgirl: your kernel or ubuntu kernel?11:11
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marfeathmrcreativity: I can usually get them to play, I just reccomend a better codec that works under a stable player11:11
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asdf_Does anyone know if it is possible to run autohotkey scripts in Ubuntu?11:11
gerrodoes anyone know what the sr0 device would be called?11:12
LeonidasIs there any way i can install glibc-2.4 on dapper? i get glibc-2.3.5-0ubuntu1 only to install thru apt-get11:12
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pyrakhas anyone developed a patch for the issue with headphone insertion not turning off main speakers?11:12
marfeathLeonidas: Why would you need to revert that?11:12
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gerropyrak: yeah use feisty and that problem is fixed otherwise install latest alsa driver11:12
erUSULgerro: /dev/sr0 ??11:12
asdf_Does anyone know if you can run autohotkey scripts in ubuntu?11:12
gerroerUSUL: yes what device would that be?11:12
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Leonidasmarfeath:  i need to run truecrypt11:13
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eniguys i installed skype and i have to edit which are my devices, but there are a lot.. like HDA Intel and things, is there a way to knw which is the microphone and which are the speakers11:13
marfeathLeonidas: And it requires and older version of glibc?11:13
Zyxusgerro: try cdrom or dvd11:13
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erUSULgerro: an ATAPI (cd/dvd readers/burners) device or Scsi optical device (cd/dvd readers/burners)11:13
Souljahanyone here.. i have a quick question11:13
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unagiis there anything in ubuntu similar to windows task manager?11:14
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marfeathunagi: gnome-system-monitor11:14
Souljahin ubuntu v5.10.. does it have a LIVE CD function11:14
pyrakgerro, hmmm... i'm using feisty and its not fixt...11:14
doc|workunagi: open up a terminal and type 'top' :)11:14
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angel_how can i transfer files from my desktop to my ipod? im using ubuntu but i cant transfer my mp3 files to my ipod11:14
Leonidasmarfeath:   i hav installed it from apt-get, it installed f9 , now when i run it it gives me error11:14
unagity marfeath11:14
gerroerUSUL Zyxus: my laptop has switchable floppy/cdrom thing and it thinks the one object currently inserted is both so I think removing all floppy support from kernel will fix that11:14
gerroerUSUL Zyxus: would that work?11:14
preactionangel_: sudo apt-get install gtkpod11:14
unagialso im getting some errors when trying to isntall updates11:14
Leonidasmarfeath:   truecrypt: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by truecrypt)11:14
unagiany idea why?11:14
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Souljahin ubuntu v5.10.. does it have a LIVE CD function11:14
unagiCould not download all repository indexes11:15
sebastiancan someone please try do connect to "irc.thg.se" for me?11:15
asdf_Does anyone know of a text substitution utility for Linux like Texter in Windows or Textpander in Mac?11:15
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shutdownrunnercan you connect to http://tnij.org/3v9 ?11:15
erUSULgerro: dunno sorry11:15
tony_00021hi all! simple question i have searched for auto-start of beryl on feisty without avail any links or help?11:15
angel_preaction whats next after installing it?11:15
Souljahin ubuntu v5.10.. does it have a LIVE CD function11:15
preactionangel_: run it?11:15
marfeathLeonidas: that is a dangerous lib to change, i dont reccomend it.  Have you looked into luks?11:15
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Souljahi just need a quick answer guys11:15
Zyxusgerro: use udev rule to set synlink from sr0 to cdrom/dvd11:15
Souljahplease answer it11:15
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Solidhi, anyone made pcsx2 work on ubuntu, at least the bios?11:16
Igrhi, how i set rootpassword in ubuntu??11:16
erUSULasdf_: sed + reg expresions ??11:16
Souljahdoes ubuntu v5.10 have a live cd function11:16
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asdf_erUSUL: what are reg expressions?11:16
erUSUL!root | Igr11:16
Leonidasmarfeath:  okaym i dunno about luks11:16
ubotuIgr: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:16
tarzeauIgr: sudo passwd11:16
preaction!root | Igr11:16
ibanexasdf_: vim expressions?11:16
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gerroerUsul Zyxus: I have a live cd and need to access some form of console to try editing that11:16
angel_but where can i find the program?11:16
preactionangel_: in the menu?11:16
asdf_ibanex: I'm looking for something that will replace text in any app, not just vim -- firefox specifically11:16
erUSULasdf_: regular espressions11:16
marfeathLeonidas: I'm using it on my whole drive, and it will be sufficient security for what you need, check out using that instead.11:16
angel_i have this in my installation11:16
angel_sudo apt-get install gtkpod11:16
angel_You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:11:16
angel_The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:16
angel_  ymessenger: Depends: libgdk-pixbuf2 (>= 0.13.0) but it is not going to be installed11:16
angel_              Depends: libssl0.9.6 but it is not installable11:16
angel_              Depends: xlibs (> 3.3.6) but it is not installable11:16
marfeath!luks | Leonidas11:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about luks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:16
angel_E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).11:17
preaction!paste | angel_11:17
ubotuangel_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:17
grimboy_ukAnyone know how I might find out the name of the current machine?11:17
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ibanexasdf_: gottcha, dunno11:17
asdf_erUSUL: can you explain?11:17
Zyxusgerro: udev rules are run at boot when devices are recognized11:17
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pyrakgerro, synaptic says i already have the latest feisty installation of alsa... perhaps i need something else to make linux recognize my headphone jack?11:17
nickrudgrimboy_uk, hostname11:17
angel_!paste | angel_11:17
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Souljahdoes ubuntu v5.10 have a live cd function11:18
erUSULasdf_: sed -e 's/find/replace/' < oldfile > newfile will replace (with replace ;)) all instances of find in the oldfile and put the result in newfile (text files)11:18
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aroo5.1? ouch11:18
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Souljahi want to know becuase i have an old pc11:18
tony_00021grimboy_uk: just start a gnome terminal session, what u find before the at sign id the name of your computer11:18
Souljahwith 128mb ram11:18
Souljahand i can't run any higher than 5.111:18
preactionangel_: it means that it can't install ymessenger, but you installed gtkpod11:18
asdf_erUSUL: I'm talking about on the fly substition like "hj" + enter will replace hj with Hello, John11:18
preactionSouljah: why not? use xubuntu fiesty, should work fine11:18
Solidhi, anyone made pcsx2 work on ubuntu, at least the bios?11:18
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Leonidasmarfeath:  ok.. thanx , i will give luks a shot11:19
aroomy 128mb laptop runs xubuntu 7.0411:19
grimboy_uktony_00021, Yeah, thanks, but I can use hostname from a script.11:19
pyraknevermind, i hadn't enabled headphone jack sense11:19
Souljahit says 256mb ram minimum11:19
marfeathLeonidas: it is alot better maintained in linux that truecrypt, i spent a long time on this... good luck11:19
Souljahmy old pc has 12811:19
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erUSULasdf_: ooops!11:19
marfeathSouljah: You can install with the "alternate install disk"11:19
tony_00021grimboy_uk: try the command hostname11:19
Aviel15i got new ubuntu!!11:20
Aviel15sey mzl tov11:20
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-001-222.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
marfeathSouljah: you can install feisty on that computer just fine11:20
Aviel15mzl tov11:20
pyrakcan someone suggest a bittorent client?11:20
Souljahok then11:20
preactionSouljah: try anyway? it just means a lot of disk swapping. you may also want to look at fluxubuntu or something lightweight like xubuntu or similar (iceboxwm is small i think)11:20
eniHOW DO I FIND how the built-in microphone in my laptop is called [the device name]  so i can configure skype correctly !11:20
Aviel15and how i cant install proftpd11:20
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arooSouljah: my 128mb laptop runs xubuntu 7.0411:20
marfeathpyrak: rtorrent or ctorrent11:20
Solidpyrak ktorrent transmission deluge11:20
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tony_00021pyrak what are you requisites11:20
Souljahthanks for the info guys11:20
Souljahi won't bug you all now11:20
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arooSouljah: might need alternate cd though11:20
angel_but i cant find the gtkpod on my menu11:20
bluefox83eni, probably lspci11:20
Souljahlink to alternate?11:20
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marfeathyou will need the alternate disk11:20
pyrakmeh, something simple... just the default one doesn't let me have more than one dl at once for some reason11:21
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arooSouljah: should just be up with the other isos11:21
DShepherdpyrak, deluge11:21
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DShepherd!info deluge | pyrak11:21
Solidpyrak ktorrent11:21
ubotupyrak: Package deluge does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:21
asdf_Can anyone explain how to get this going? http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Snippits?content=5219711:21
Paranoiakhello everybody11:21
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angel_preaction: but i cant find gtkpod on my menu11:22
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enibluefox83, lspci and what to grep ?11:22
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c13plyhey guys11:22
bluefox83eni, i have no idea...look through it all and find something that says a microphone11:22
c13plyi've got problem with cedega 6.011:22
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asdf_Can anyone explain how to get setup with Snippit?  The App page is here: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Snippits?content=5219711:23
c13plyany1 can help me/11:23
bubblybedsgirltarzeau: you get the url?11:23
preactionangel_: it's not under Applications > Sound & Video?11:23
preaction!anyone | c13ply11:23
ubotuc13ply: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:23
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preaction!aolspeak | c13ply11:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aolspeak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
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c13plywhen i open game in cedega11:23
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wietz0rpreaction: lol pwnd11:24
angel_ok tnx it just appear now11:24
c13plyi ve got error with11:24
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gumby600mI'm trying to track down why my laptop keeps crashing.  I was looking through the dmesg log and found this: "[19919.104000]  pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 1"... only the funny thing is, although i have a pcmcia slot, i have never ever put a card in there since I've gotten my laptop.... Any ideas on what this means??11:24
c13plyi dont know whats i have to do11:24
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preaction!enter | c13ply11:24
ubotuc13ply: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:24
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wietz0rc13ply: /join #cedega11:24
tarzeaububblybedsgirl: no?11:24
arooc13ply: this isn't cedega channel11:24
asdf_Can anyone explain how to run a ruby script?  ./scriptname doesn't seem to do anything11:24
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bubblybedsgirli pm'ed it11:24
pyraksolid, will ktorrent work with my gnome installation?11:24
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preactionasdf_: ruby <scriptname> perhaps?11:25
wietz0rc13ply: I mean it, join the cedega channel11:25
joseAwayasdf_, scripts must be +x and have the #!/whatever/ruby at the top to be executed in that manner11:25
wietz0rasdf_: chmod + x <name>.rb && ./<name>.rb11:25
aroopyrak: if you install ktorrent you'll have to install dependencies but it will work11:25
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ipxIs there any good hdd-test program? Just installed a new computer and cannot partition it (gets error during the process on both windows installation and gparted) and want to see if it is broken.11:25
asdf_preaction, joseAway, wietz0r: can any of you look at this script/app and explain how to run it...http://www.mail-archive.com/gnu-emacs-sources@gnu.org/msg00685.html11:26
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cobra306`DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY' undeclared (first use in this function) --> i get this error when compiling Mesa3D, can anybody tell me what is the problem ??11:26
Solidpyrak yeah, you've to download some kde libs, everything should be fine11:26
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preactionasdf_: that's not ruby, that's lisp. and it's meant to be used inside emacs11:27
VivekShamra1Is there any good hdd-test program? Just installed a new computer and cannot partition it (gets error during the process on both windows installation and gparted) and want to see if it is broken.11:27
tarzeauVivekShamra1: badblocks11:27
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asdf_preaction: I thought that app was for substitution anywhere?11:27
VivekShamra1how to get rid of it and have it working ?11:27
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preactionasdf_: i don't know, but i do know that it's lisp11:28
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Pirate_Hunterhello people my keyboard is messed up in ubuntu i.e shift+2 gives me @ instead of speach marks and thats not the only keys giving me the wrong settings - how do I fix this?11:28
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tarzeauPirate_Hunter: x or console?11:28
VivekShamra1tarzeau : how to get rid of it and have it working ?11:28
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tarzeauPirate_Hunter: try setxkbmap de ?11:29
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tarzeauVivekShamra1: the tool is called "badblocks" :)11:29
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VivekShamra1tarzeau : ah gr811:29
VivekShamra1tarzeau : thnks11:29
tarzeauVivekShamra1: you're welcome11:29
VivekShamra1tarzeau: lemme google it11:29
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Pirate_Huntertarzeau: sorry didnt get that, what should I try and what does it do?11:29
tarzeauVivekShamra1: it has got a manual page11:29
tarzeauVivekShamra1: and it should be already there11:29
tarzeauPirate_Hunter: type in that command in a termina and see if it fixes your problem11:30
tarzeauPirate_Hunter: if so just tell your x config file to use de instead of us11:30
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Jack_SparrowI need someone that has ati mobility 7500 working (preferably in Dapper)11:30
asdf_Can xautomation be used for text substituion?11:31
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Pirate_Huntertarzeau nope didnt help it gives me this, Error loading new keyboard description11:32
fuzzy_logicmac_uk_00: ./quit :)11:32
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tarzeauPirate_Hunter: strange. dunno then11:32
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Pirate_Huntertarzeau lol np ill wait till someone helps me11:33
kristiAmarok keeps crashing every time I drag an mp3 file to the playlist.  This is a fresh install... any ideas?11:33
bur[n] erkristi: update to 1.4.6 :)  kubuntu.org11:33
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angel_what's with this error? Error initialising iPod: Problem creating iPod directory or file: '/media/disk/iPod_Control/iPod_Control'.11:34
Pirate_Hunterhello people my keyboard is messed up in ubuntu i.e shift+2 gives me @ instead of speach marks and thats not the only keys giving me the wrong settings - how do I fix this?11:34
kitchePirate_Hunter: seems like you picked a us keyboard11:34
kristibur[n] er: Uhm, Amarok is fully updated (to the Ubuntu reps, anyway)... and that doesn't help anyway.11:34
bur[n] erPirate_Hunter: change the layout away from US English?11:34
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bur[n] erkristi: their are seperate repos on kubuntu.org that show the amarok 1.4.6 repos11:35
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bur[n] erkristi: it was released a few days ago11:35
dotpavanasdf_, snippit uses xautomation and erb (embedded ruby), I installed both, still configuring..11:35
kristibur[n] er: Ah... when I'm not using Kubuntu, nor do I feel I should be forced to update again... you know?11:35
kristiThis makes no sense.11:35
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Pirate_Hunterbur[n] er + kitche zeha tried that changed it to UK but nothing has changed do i need to restart_11:35
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angel_can any one help me with this error11:35
angel_Error initialising iPod: Problem creating iPod directory or file: '/media/disk/iPod_Control/iPod_Control'.11:35
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bur[n] erkristi: I'm sure you don't "have" to and there's a way to fix it, but I'd spend the time updating to the most current instead of bughunting on an older version11:35
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bur[n] erkristi: you don't need kubuntu... you just add the kubuntu repos... "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install amarok" and done :)11:36
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Pirate_Hunterhello people my keyboard is messed up in ubuntu i.e shift+2 gives me @ instead of speach marks and thats not the only keys giving me the wrong settings - how do I fix this?11:38
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bubblybedsgirlhello, im having problems getting my nvidia 8800gts to wrok in 3d11:38
arooshift+2 on my keyboard should yield @11:39
arooPirate_Hunter: is your keyboard a different type?11:39
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: always close your regexes11:39
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: Give some more info about the matter11:39
bubblybedsgirli've tried 2 things11:39
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bubblybedsgirl1. system -> preferences -> desktop effects11:39
bubblybedsgirlwhich changes my x conf11:39
bubblybedsgirland requires a restart of X11:40
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bubblybedsgirlX wont start and yields this log : http://www.superdsblog.com/Xorg.0.log11:40
Pirate_Hunteraroo: in what way? it a normal keyboard but the layout is not being picked up and I dont know the model for a standard pc in the keyboard layout11:40
unagihow do you revert xconf to an original state?11:40
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thompawhats the name of the network applet that shows wireless places. i need it back11:40
bubblybedsgirlthen i found some package to download with apt-get11:40
Commander-Apewhich package do i need to bind a command or a script to my remote control?11:40
uberushaximusyou could just delete it11:40
thompais it net monitor?11:40
bubblybedsgirlthis crashed11:40
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unagiubuntu rebuilds it?11:40
bubblybedsgirlor rather, wouldnt start11:40
unagianyone had ubuntu crash often to a black screen with green lines?11:40
uberushaximusor do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg11:40
arooPirate_Hunter: i'm confused what you're asking. you said that shift+2 gives you an @ symbol which seems correct for every keyboard I've ever seen11:40
gerroI loaded up install cd and pressed f6 is there anyway I can set boot option to do "modprobe -r floppy11:40
gerrorm /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/block/floppy.ko" or something equal to that?11:40
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device! Whell there's your problem11:40
thompanetmonitor i dont want11:41
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bubblybedsgirlworks ok with the nv driver11:41
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Pirate_Hunteraroo: im in the UK it is supposed to be speech marks not @11:41
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: Let me flex my google skills11:41
arooPirate_Hunter: speech marks as in quotations?11:41
herchow do i determine what kernel i have in terminal?11:41
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wietz0rherc: uname -a11:42
Paranoiakuname -a11:42
kitchePirate_Hunter: then you picked the us keyboard layout most likely11:42
Pirate_Hunteraroo: yeha thats right11:42
gerrobubblybedsgirl: do not toy with different custom kernels, nvidia-glx-new legacy or regular, it will screw your system over and be very difficult to find help in setting it up so that you can use regular nvidia driver11:42
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arooPirate_Hunter: you should change keyboard settings to your local layout11:42
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bubblybedsgirli didnt know that was a custom kernel11:42
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gerrobubblybedsgirl: I learned that lesson hard way this morning trying to delete everything releated to nvidia so I could manually install the driver myself11:42
bubblybedsgirljust thought it was a driver :)11:42
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Pirate_Hunteraroo: I ahve I said that before but it is still showing doing the samething all my key are changed and the uk dvork layout doesn't pick up11:43
gerrobubblybedsgirl: what package you talking about?11:43
bubblybedsgirlthe 8800gts is quite a new card, so may not be supported properly yet11:43
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: Not a whole lot of success stories with the 880011:43
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bubblybedsgirlthe one you mentioned gerro11:43
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Commander-Apewhich package do i need to bind a command or a script to my remote control?11:43
bubblybedsgirlnope not alot11:43
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Cainhow do i see what graphics card i have?11:43
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: amd64 ?11:44
Caingrep : lspci something?11:44
bubblybedsgirli have a nice black border down both sides of my screen with the nv driver11:44
bubblybedsgirlnope, x8611:44
bubblybedsgirlIntel Dual Core11:44
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cobra306`DRM_VBLANK_SECONDARY' undeclared (first use in this function) --> i get this error when compiling Mesa3D, can anybody tell me what is the problem ?11:44
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digitalhav0cwow have any of you tried windows vista?11:44
bubblybedsgirldigitalhav0c: i have11:44
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digitalhav0ci like it11:44
digitalhav0ckind of11:44
Commander-Ape** which package do i need to bind a command or a script to my remote control? **11:44
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: Yes I can't say crap in this channel, so you have to add more letters11:45
wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263851&highlight=nvidia+edgy11:45
bubblybedsgirli like the prettyness of it11:45
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bubblybedsgirlbut it's harder to navigate around11:45
falcon866why are all my ship it requests not getting approved11:45
bubblybedsgirlstupid annoying things11:45
digitalhav0cim still trying to get used to it11:45
bubblybedsgirlso am i11:45
digitalhav0cyeah i know what youre saying11:45
bubblybedsgirli've had it 3 months :P11:45
kitchefalcon866: where do you live but shipit has a limit now11:45
digitalhav0ci run ubuntu on my tablet though11:45
bubblybedsgirli knew my way round xp like the back of my hand11:45
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bubblybedsgirland then some11:45
digitalhav0cyeah me too11:46
falcon866i ordered one back in april and i got it11:46
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shawn34what is the 'disk' group for in linux ?11:46
falcon866but they are turning me down11:46
falcon866they turned me down in may and june11:46
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digitalhav0cfalcon866 what do you mean turning  you down?11:46
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falcon866not approving me11:46
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falcon866i mean not approving the ship it requests11:47
digitalhav0coh ok11:47
Zyxusshawn34: ls -al /dev|grep disk11:47
digitalhav0cwho are you ordering from?11:47
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kitchefalcon866: think they only send out so much to one person now11:47
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bubblybedsgirlwietz0r: just going to try that11:47
falcon866so baisclly one request per release11:47
digitalhav0coh ok11:47
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wietz0rbubblybedsgirl: It's for edgy tho11:48
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shawn34Zyxus, is it safe to add myself to this group?11:48
Zyxusshawn34: definitely11:48
bubblybedsgirlwell worth a shot11:48
falcon866i only have a breezy badger cd11:48
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pike_shawn34: but shut down immediately if you start to smell anything burning11:49
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shawn34pike_, what do you mean?11:51
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ibob63I have got desktop effect working - but how do I get the "cube" view?11:51
falcon866is breezy still supported11:51
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gnomefreakibob63: try #ubuntu-effects11:51
Pirate_Hunteroff topic: I want to conenct to irc.irchiway.net what is the command to connect to another server without disconnecting from this server?11:51
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andreasdohlanyone good at networking in ubuntu?11:52
gerroanyone know how to remaster a xubuntu cd to remove floppy support or a simple boot option to disable fd0 (floppy)11:52
alecw1What are some good video editing applications available for LInux? I'm looking for any sort, HD editing especially. What are some suggestions?11:52
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wietz0rgerro: What ?11:52
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gnomefreakPirate_Hunter: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:52
gnomefreakfalcon866: no11:52
ibob63thanks gnomefreak11:52
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shawn34pike_, what do you mean?11:53
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Paranoiakalecw1 google ubuntu studio, there are some packages inside that would interess you11:53
wietz0ralecw1: Cinerella, Kino,11:53
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gerrowietz0r: read the last post here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/9585711:53
alecw1Paranoiak, I'm just looking for packages, not an OS.11:53
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andreasdohlim having problems connecting to my bthomehub router... with cable and wireless11:54
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pike_shawn34: jk sorry11:54
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gnomefreak!ubuntu-studio | alecw111:54
ubotualecw1: ubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.11:54
gerrowietz0r: I can't use any sort of ubuntu until I kill off my imaginary floppy drive caused by my switchable floppy/cdrom dock that sucks so horribly11:54
andreasdohlsometimes it gives an ip, sometimes it dont. sometimes i can ping it, sometimes it gives "operation not permitted"11:54
Paranoiakyes but in this release you can find interesting packages11:55
andreasdohlive chcked in windows and everything is working fine11:55
=== AzMoo_ [n=matt@unaffiliated/azmoo] has joined #ubuntu
hyperb0lixandreasdohl: got root?11:55
alecw1Thanks. :)(11:55
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andreasdohlit worked just fine before i reset my router... i didnt change anything on my ubuntu11:55
wietz0rgerro: install from usb?11:55
wietz0rgerro: or null-modem cable11:55
wietz0rgerro: or floppy11:55
=== Guilty_as_Sin [n=private@71-80-22-118.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
andreasdohlno one knows what may be wrong?11:56
gerrowietz0r: fine usb method, do you have a link to a guide for that?11:56
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shawn34Zyxus, does it suppose a security risk to add myself to the 'disk' group11:57
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gerrowietz0r: I don't want a system that uses fat32 or some broken down 6.06 ubuntu I want feisty 7.04 and working normally as if installed through cd11:57
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Cainif im using Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device what should i use for xgl nvidia or ati?11:57
=== hippie [n=hippie@c-71-59-180-143.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dosageAnyone have any suggestions on how to troubleshoot a total system hang (no mouse / keyboard response)11:57
gerrowietz0r: most those guides for usb install on ubuntu site are horrible11:57
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andreasdohldosage check your var/messages log11:58
andreasdohlvar/log maybe...11:58
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dosageI have scanned through those, but as I am a newbi, I am not really sure what I am looking for11:58
andreasdohltried the recovery?11:58
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pike_dosage: cat /var/log/messages first off what is around time of hangup?11:59
gnomefreakCain: neither if you are not using a nvidia or ati card11:59
gnomefreakCain: for intel card use intel drivers ;)11:59
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming]
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pike_dosage: nvidia card?11:59
Cainalright gnomefreak11:59
crdlbCain, and you really should use AIGLX11:59
crdlbit would be much faster11:59
=== rauble [n=jaraub@216-220-163-5.dsl.paonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
andreasdohldosdage: you shoud have a recovery option in your grub11:59
pike_dosage: or dmesg11:59
seodavi1sorry, first time on irc, dont want to but in on what seems to be you trying to help dosage.  Anyone free i can ask for a few bits of help?12:00
andreasdohlis it a usb keyboard/mice dosage?12:00
gnomefreakmon^rch: you would have to aska  question before you can get answered12:00
dosagelaptop, touchpad12:00
jribseodavi1: welcome, you can just ask the channel your question.  Someone will try to help you if they know how12:00
gnomefreakseodavi1: just ask yoru question if someone knows they will answer you12:00
=== rachel [n=rachel@cpc5-lutn4-0-0-cust315.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rvbI connected an external usb harddrive to my computer, next time I started it Ubuntu wouldn't start, now I can only access the windows partition (after doing fixmbr to get rid of grub). I've tried reinstalling Ubuntu but that doesn't work, now I tried Debian which won't install either. I've written a thread on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2906074 about it which has more info and...12:00
rvb...would appreciate if someone could take the time to check it out. Thanks.12:01
=== rachel is now known as bubblybedsgirl
dosagelockups seem to be random12:01
bubblybedsgirloh well12:01
bubblybedsgirlno luck12:01
=== lunahood [n=lunahood@dslb-084-058-213-126.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu

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