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sbalneavEvening all03:45
LaserJockhi sbalneav03:53
sbalneavHey LaserJock03:53
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@S0106000b6a5631f9.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavWhoa, that was freaky04:05
sbalneavctrlaltf1 to a text screen, ctlaltf7 back, and it boots me out04:05
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a5benwillisIm at an Education Tech Conference and have heard a lot of talk about edubuntu today. Of course Ive been using it a wile. I just thought I would share :-)04:53
sbalneavGood things, I hope? :)04:53
a5benwillisI also had dinner with a GM from DELL computers. We had a loong conversation about edubuntu.04:54
a5benwillissbalneav: Mostly good04:54
sbalneavWhat were the bad things?04:54
a5benwillisthe presenter said he didnt recomend it for a beginner because it lacked some things but should be ready with the next release?04:54
sbalneavWhat things did he say it lacked?04:55
a5benwillisSound support for different hardware04:55
a5benwillisissues with the ssl login04:55
a5benwilliscant remember the others if any04:55
a5benwillisThe dinner with Dell was very interesting.04:55
sbalneavWhich issues with the login?  I'm interested in those particularly, as I'm re-writing it now.04:55
a5benwillisHe tells me that Dell's trying to work out a deal to provide the hardware and ubuntu with a support contract to k-1204:56
a5benwillissbalneav: Even I've have huge issues with being able to authenticate against some other account databases. Novell in particular04:57
a5benwillissbalneav: I hear that theres some new code that changes the way that the login is encrypted allowing it to be more flexible??04:57
sbalneavWell, we still use ssh for the login portion, and plumbing the localdev/sound setup04:58
sbalneavbut we'll have the option of either running X over ssh, or unencrypted04:58
sbalneavso that slower workstations can avoid encrypted X04:59
a5benwillisI also had a lengthy conversation with the tech director of a medium sized school district in Washington state. He uses Edubuntu exclusively but he cant get the logins to work against his Netware servers..04:59
a5benwillissbalneav: OHHH! That reminds me af what the speaker said to a room of about 250 people.05:00
a5benwillissbalneav: Edubuntu can take up to 5 minutes to boot a client!!!05:00
a5benwillissbalneav: So he didnt think it was good for a beginner because they may think theyve done something wrong.05:00
sbalneavWe've fixed a lot of that.05:00
sbalneavDown to about 70 seconds on this 500mhz via client I'm running.05:01
a5benwillisgreat! I dont know if you recognize my name or not. But, I spent a lot of time here a few months ago working on edubuntu/netware authentication......05:01
a5benwillissbalneav: I really need to get back to my pilot project. It kind of stalled after all of that authentication work.05:02
sbalneavRight.  wonky netware pam stuff, if I remember correctly.05:02
a5benwilliscorrect "=)05:02
a5benwillissbalneav: I hear that Novell has released some new code to help with linux-netware authentication as well. This may help as well.05:03
sbalneavI've seen nothing, but then again, a lot of us are basically ignoring novell now.05:04
a5benwillisk-12 in the US still uses its fair share... It would be nice if it had more support in Edubuntu.05:05
a5benwillisI plan to start a group in my state to promote the use of open source software. I hope to be able to spread the word.05:06
a5benwillissbalneav: So when will the new login code be in place or released?05:08
sbalneavIt's already coming into the gutsy tribe releases.  I'm working on the scripted greeter now.05:09
a5benwillisthanks for the info! I guess I'll be spending more time here again as I try to get our project back online.05:10
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=== sbalneav logged in with scriped greeter
sbalneavSo, ldm, chatted with the greeter, got the userid, set the prompts, etc.05:51
sbalneavand logged in.05:51
sbalneavScott is soooo happy05:52
sbalneavall my truly great triumphs happen when there's no one to see :)05:54
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LaserJockhi RichEd09:10
RichEdhey LaserJock :)09:10
RichEdstill need to get to your email ... will try before the meeting today09:11
jsgotangcoLaserJock: do you still sleep?09:11
LaserJocksleep?? what's that?09:11
LaserJockRichEd: is it the early meeting?09:12
RichEdyes indeed09:12
RichEd12:00 utc09:12
LaserJockok, well I know I won't be there09:13
LaserJockso, I just so an interesting forum thread on the Add-on CD09:13
LaserJocklots of questions09:13
LaserJockone was, "How do I install language support from the add-on CD"09:13
LaserJockwhich I totally didn't think about before09:14
LaserJockanother was how to get all the gcompris languages installed09:14
RichEdi'll mention the language add-on to ogra ... also the gcompris ... see if he has answers or ideas09:39
jsgotangcoRichEd: any roadmap to edubuntu community with regards to delegation of edubuntu membership, us in the CC could not keep up with the number of people09:40
RichEdjsgotangco: i'm also a bit swamped as well ... we can bring it up in the meeting today in the community section ?09:41
RichEdmy mailbox is going insane lately, with work and spam - i hardly get enough time to go though it all :(09:42
jsgotangcosure i'll try to attend, i haven't been sleeping properly the past 2 days though, was thinking of retiring early today09:42
RichEdjsgotangco: get some rest ... i know the feeling ... restless nights & interrupted sleep accumulates and interferes with immune system and concentration.09:47
RichEdso i'll bring the topic up today and let you know09:47
jsgotangcook its not really something high priority, we just have to let people know that edubuntu = ubuntu in terms of membership and probably revive the delegation powers of teams09:48
LaserJockjsgotangco: when did it ever go away?09:55
jsgotangcoit didn't09:56
jsgotangcojust lost steam on some parts i guess09:56
LaserJocktbh, I just thought we weren't just weren't attracting new members09:57
LaserJock- 1st weren't09:57
jsgotangcoeverytime after a CC we always get a complaint or two about the sched and not being accommodated of sorts09:57
LaserJockCC or EC?09:58
LaserJockmakes sense, there are probably a lot of applications09:58
LaserJockapparently some people aren't on IRC at all TZs ;-)09:59
jsgotangcomore meetings won't solve it, delegation should especially contribution-specific applications09:59
LaserJockRichEd: the forum thread is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=484973 and I've replied the best I can10:03
LaserJockI'm off for the night10:03
LaserJockbbl ;-)10:03
RichEdnight laser ... i'll look at the thread10:04
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biotroxplease don't kick me10:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about languange - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
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ubotuHelp! ogra, highvoltage, mhz, JaneW, Burgundavia or Seveas10:22
Hobbseehe went quietly10:22
highvoltageHobbsee: sorry, just got here10:23
Hobbseehighvoltage: kill [18:22]  [Whois]  biotrox is n=marcos@ (gaim)10:24
Hobbseehe's trolling all ubuntu channels10:24
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RichEdhi Hobbsee10:41
RichEdand hi highvoltage10:41
Hobbseehiya RichEd10:41
Hobbseehighvoltage: hrm.  seems to ahve gone away10:41
Hobbseeunfortunately, another villiage is missing it's idiot.10:41
HobbseeRichEd: how's it goign?10:56
highvoltageheya RichEd10:56
RichEdHobbsee: swamped with work ... trying to keep my nostrils above water level ... but okay otherwise10:57
RichEdand down under ?10:57
HobbseeRichEd: sounds normal10:57
HobbseeRichEd: finished exams for the semester, have a long TODO list of DOOM!!!, with a lot of kubuntu stuff on it, work, release stuff, assignments.  it's all good :)10:58
HobbseeRichEd: keeps me busy, you know the drill.10:58
jsgotangcowe don't have the luxury of youth anymore10:58
Hobbseespeaking to mark hopefully, at some point10:58
RichEdCan't remember if you are a Wallaby or an All Black ... but I hear that the Auz press are slagging off the Spriingboks at the moment.10:58
HobbseeRichEd: aussie here10:58
=== Hobbsee doesnt follow sport stuff
RichEdRugby between SA NZ and Auz is not just sport ... it's better than most of the other religions ;)10:59
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highvoltage0/win 1101:29
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pips1meeting in 5?01:55
RichEdyes ...01:57
RichEd=== edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting === 3 mins01:57
pips1i'm currently busy at work... so I'll only be able to listen with half an ear...01:57
RichEdthat's fine pips1 ... and hi ...01:58
=== pips1 suddenly has this vision of himself as rembrandt
RichEdpips1: van gogh ...02:00
RichEdyou mean02:00
pips1yep, one of those painters, anyway. duh.02:00
=== pips1 now pictures himself as homer simpson
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sbalneavMorning all02:42
highvoltagehi sbalneav02:45
RichEdhey scotty02:45
sbalneavMorning RichEd, highvoltage02:46
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=== Alexandre [n=administ@] has joined #edubuntu
AlexandreHello guys , i'm soing the donwload now, how i configure my network?!?!?03:14
sbalneavAlexandre: depends on how your network's configured now. :)03:16
Alexandrei'm using lts, and wanna go to feisty sbalneav03:17
Alexandrebut ltsp 5.0 is diferent of 4.103:17
sbalneavYep, it is.03:18
Alexandresbalneav: did you use 5.0 or 4.1/4.2?!?!?!03:23
sbalneavI used to use 4.2, now I use 5.003:25
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AlexandreYou'll be here all day?!?!?103:28
AlexandreAfter donwload i'll install and try configure03:28
Alexandresbalneav: did you can help me?03:28
sbalneavI'll be here most of the day.03:29
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@c-69-245-220-180.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
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edistar_has anyone got any experience with edubuntu + ldap authentication?03:43
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sbalneavI'm running ldap auth here at work.03:46
edistarwith edubuntu?03:47
edistardo you have a good howto so that I can learn how to configure it etc?03:47
sbalneavThere's a ton of stuff available on the internet03:50
sbalneavAs well, go to wiki.edubuntu.org, and search for ldap03:50
edistargood idea, thanks03:52
sbalneavogra: so, I was having no end of trouble with the greeter.03:53
sbalneavIt was responding to commands from ldm, but wasn't sending the information back.03:54
ograback to where ?03:54
sbalneavto ldm03:54
sbalneavturns out, since I'm using printf03:54
sbalneavI had to do a setbuf(stdio, NULL)03:54
ograah :)03:57
ogracant you just write to stdout directly ?03:59
ograwithough printf involved04:01
ogra   /me goes for a break while waiting for new isos04:02
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BabyI plan to develop a classification of the games (and maybe some other stuff) in Debian ( http://www.miriamruiz.es/weblog/?p=69 ) about whether they are appropriate for children or not. Do you think edubuntu might be interested in participating?04:17
ograBaby, absolutely ... would you send a mail to edubuntu-users ?04:18
Babyof course, what's the address? :)04:18
Babyedubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com ?04:19
ograhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-users yep :)04:19
RichEd-1ogra: you beat me to it :)04:19
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
ograwell, i'm bored waiting for the next isos to test :)04:20
Babythanks!!! I'll write a mail there :)04:20
ograthanks :)04:20
ogra... also for doing that review :)04:20
=== tidrion [n=cescalan@mail.ogdenpubs.com] has joined #edubuntu
edistarif I want to log on the users of edubuntu with ldap, do I need to install the client in a chroot or can I just install it on the server normally?05:24
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edistarif I want to log on the users of edubuntu with ldap, do I need to install the client in a chroot or can I just install it on the server normally?05:40
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ograedistar, likely only on the server, but you need to make sure ssh uses it ... (ltsp logins are done through ssh)06:06
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edistarwtf... ssh aswell? crickey, how do I do that..06:07
ograonly ssh (for ltsp at least) :)06:07
ograthere are config files for ssh in pam ... you ned to make the right adjustments so the ldap server is used instead of local logins06:08
edistarI adjusted pam already..06:09
edistarbut not with ssh, does pam notice the encryption at all?06:09
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happywithedls -l06:11
happywithedHi ogra, sbalneav06:11
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@c-69-245-220-180.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograedistar, ssh doesnt care whats in the backend and pam doesnt need to know about encryption :)06:12
edistarwish me luck, I need to have it running in 4 weeks..06:15
edistarenough time06:15
ograthere are many people here and in #ltsp that have doent that before, just wait until one of tem comes around and has soem time06:15
edistarok :)06:16
happywithedI want to migrate my classroom server from an AMD64 box to more power PPC64 box.  I will retire the AMD64 completely as it is making all kinds of noises.  So I do want to tranfer everything from that box to the PPC64.  I already installed the classroom server on the PPC64 and confirmed that my clients can connect.  The next steps are to transfer the Ldif database and the NFS. I have serveral questions on this regard.06:16
ogracliebow is a good ldap guy :)06:16
happywithedQ1) I remember that you have to use the slapcat and slapadd commands to transfer the files from one system to the other.  In what directory do I have to do that in the AMD64 and the PPC64?06:17
happywithedQ2) How do I tranfer all of the NFS data from the AMD64 to the PCC64? Do I just have to copy the /home directory?  Will that suffice?06:18
happywithedQ3) Is there anything else I need to do? besides that?06:19
happywithedQ4) It would be nice if I could do some replication of my PPC64 into another machine so that I don't have to do this in the future if my PPC64 goes bad on me, too.  Are there any scripts for replication of the Edubuntu classroom server available?06:20
happywithedogra: thanks, but I think cliebow is not in now.  Any ideas?06:22
ograhappywithed, that was directed to edistar06:22
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ogranot now, sorry, i'm very busy building edubuntu tribe2 CDs06:23
happywithedno problem06:23
happywithedanyone else willing to help?06:27
happywithedI'll try the ubuntu irc, then06:30
=== rajkalyan [n=rajkalya@140-155.186-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockmorning Edubuntu people06:59
LaserJockogra: how are the CDs coming?07:16
ograi just had a hang with the desktop CD07:17
ograserver suffers from bug #121547 and another one i didnt file yet, but is fine otherwise07:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12154707:18
LaserJockwell, I still can't get the Desktop CD to boot on my mac VMware but I'm suspecting it's just my machine07:21
LaserJockI tried it at home on Ubuntu VMware and it worked07:22
SimonAnibalLaserJock, we've had some issues with interoperability between VMware Fusion and VMware Server/Workstation07:26
SimonAnibalNodnod, we had a consultant build us a Samba/LDAP server to replace our NT 4.0 Domain Controller. He set it up on VMware Fusion on his MacBook, but that image didn't work on our VMware Server07:28
SimonAnibalI don't recall whether he was able to figure out how to make it work somehow, or whether he just recreated his work completely on the VMware server.07:28
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LaserJockogra: when you get back from dinner, I have a question about the About Edubuntu stuff07:53
ograLaserJock, seb and i agreed to talk about a patch to have both items but different icons07:55
ograafter tribe release07:55
LaserJockogra: well, don't we install an edubuntu icon for the menu?08:22
ograbut thats used in any place where a distributor icon is used08:23
ograso both items in the menu have the same icon08:23
ograi want the ubuntu icon for the ubuntu item08:23
ograits a compromise replacing it would be a lot harder08:24
=== ogra needs to reboot for more tests ... bbl
LaserJockwe could install an edubuntu.png and have About Edubuntu use that08:25
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Alexandresbalneav: i'm back, now on edubuntu did you can help me to configure my network?!?!?!08:49
Alexandresbalneav: my network has 1 server and 8 thins08:51
sbalneavAlexandre: Is the autoconfiguration working?08:59
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AlexandreI want configure my Edubuntu feisty, some one can help me?!?!?!?09:21
LaserJockAlexandre: that's a very vague question09:23
AlexandreI install the edubuntu now, and want configure09:24
AlexandreLaserJock: i have 1 server (with 2 conections) and 8 thins09:24
AlexandreLaserJock: I use dapper, but wanna change to feisty, but ltsp is different09:26
sbalneavAlexandre: Have you read the Edubuntu handbook?09:26
AlexandreLaserJock: so i wanna try install for edubuntu09:26
AlexandreI1m reading09:26
AlexandreMy / opt is empty09:30
Alexandrewithout nothign09:30
sbalneavsudo ltsp-build-client09:31
ograAlexandre: but you installed from the server CD ?09:33
AlexandreDesktop iso09:34
ograwell, for a server you should use the server distro ;)09:34
=== rajkalyan [n=rajkalya@140-155.186-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
AlexandreSo i need to do this steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall?!!?09:40
AlexandreOk Houston we have problems!!!!!!09:40
LaserJockwoah, you don't need so many !'s and ?'s :-)09:41
AlexandreLaserJock: ok , so what can i do?09:41
LaserJockwell, you could use the Edubuntu Classroom Server CD09:41
LaserJockto install Edubuntu as an LTSP server09:42
LaserJockor I think you can use that wiki page you mentioned09:42
AlexandreLaserJock: k09:42
cliebowanyone wanna run apt-cache search java sun in feisty..see if java shows?09:45
LaserJockcliebow: works for me09:46
cliebowwonder what i messed up this time..09:47
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=== rajkalyan__ is now known as rajkalyan
LaserJockcliebow: do you have Multiverse enabled?09:49
cliebowjust checking09:50
cliebowthere...do now for sure..all set..09:51
cliebowLaserJock, Thanks..09:52
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=== cliebow [n=cliebow@c-68-38-0-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
cliebowkernel updates seem to assume one's install is in hd 0,0 this seem logical?09:54
LaserJockwhat do you mean?09:55
cliebowit causes a stir if your install id 0,209:55
ograkernel updtaes use whats in your grub config09:55
cliebowhmmm..i couldnt even use memtest affter kernel update without specifying correct partiton..09:56
cliebowweird it now shows hard drive as sda as well09:57
ogradid you fiddle with menu.lst ?09:59
ogrado you have other grub based OSes ?09:59
cliebowto getit to boot..yup09:59
cliebowjust winders09:59
ograwell, what did you change in menu.lst ? :)10:01
ograrevert that and it should work ;)10:01
cliebowjust changed 0,0 to 0,2..but i did rip out emtried for about ten old kernels10:01
ograwhere exactly did you change 0,0 to 0.2 ?10:02
ograthere is only one line where you should do that10:02
LaserJockcliebow: you aren't supposed to change the "Automagic" parts :-)10:02
=== ogra is on a liveCd so cant look that up atm
cliebowtitle           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-16-generic10:03
cliebowroot            (hd0,2)10:03
cliebowkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=1c0e718b-a1a9-4d61-bbd6-2b854487936c ro quiet splash10:03
cliebowno worries..i got everything working..10:03
cliebowwhat is preferred way of removing entries for old kernel entries?10:03
ogradelete them :)10:04
LaserJockremove the kernel that they belong to10:04
ograwell, what LaserJock said is more proper :)10:04
cliebowok..i had still dapper kernels in there10:04
cliebowand edgy10:05
cliebowlike 15 of them 8~)10:07
=== sperotek [n=chatzill@mercury.k-o.org] has joined #edubuntu
sperotekhey, i just installed edubuntu 7.04 to fix the local devices (flash drives) problems I was having on thin clients yesterday. However, the flash drives still don't show up, so I looked at the lts.conf file, and it says localdev=true. Any help?10:30
ogradid you check that ?10:32
speroteki thought my admin account would already let me do everything, like allow use of fuse filesystems10:35
sperotekwhat is a fuse filesystem?10:35
ografuse is the abbreviation of "filesystem in userspace" its the underlying architecture of ltspfs which is teh network filesystem ltsp uses for local device access10:36
sperotekwow perfect, thanks, well written guide :)10:42
ograthanks :)10:44
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