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pygi | i | 10:03 |
Ubuntu-Craft | :-[ | 10:04 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Jun 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 28 Jun 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 29 Jun 11:00 UTC: MOTU Team | 03 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | ||
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RichEd | edubuntu meeting about to start ... take your seats ... | 02:01 |
pygi | hey RichEd | 02:02 |
RichEd | 1 min to collect coffee | 02:02 |
RichEd | hi pygi | 02:02 |
pips1 | hi | 02:04 |
=== ogra waves with fresh coffee in his hands | ||
RichEd | ogra: you want to kick off with technical | 02:04 |
ogra | sure | 02:04 |
ogra | please este tribe2 images ! | 02:05 |
=== RichEd watches oliver spill the coffee while waving it | ||
ogra | http://www.ksta.de/html/artikel/1179819882951.shtml | 02:05 |
ogra | err | 02:05 |
ogra | damned, wrong paste, ignore taht | 02:05 |
ogra | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20070626.2/ | 02:05 |
ogra | and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily-live/20070627/ | 02:05 |
ogra | please test these | 02:06 |
ogra | the server CD will suffer from bug #121547 atm | 02:06 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy] LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121547 | 02:06 |
ogra | beyond that i heard that sbalneav got the new ldm working with feedback messages to the user yesterday ... | 02:07 |
ogra | i havent merged that code yet | 02:07 |
=== RichEd is back in 2 mins | ||
ogra | i started the work on ltspfs hal integration on the weeken | 02:07 |
ogra | http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ltspfs-hal-root.png | 02:07 |
ogra | thats my first result, we have an ltspfs rootdevice now where all volumes that get mounted will register under | 02:07 |
ogra | well, thats been my week, mainly ltsp and CD building releated | 02:08 |
ogra | any questions abotu tech ? | 02:08 |
ogra | *about | 02:08 |
ogra | hmm, doesnt seem like | 02:10 |
=== pips1 looks around for vagrant | ||
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RichEd | LaserJock asked me to raise the following queries: | 02:11 |
RichEd | "How do I install language support from the add-on CD" | 02:11 |
RichEd | he saw that in the forum ... is is a simple process ? | 02:11 |
ogra | he's travelling (or preparing to) | 02:11 |
ogra | and said his contract stuff isnt sorted yet :/ | 02:11 |
stgraber | hello | 02:11 |
ogra | dunno whats holding it up | 02:11 |
ogra | synaptic atm | 02:11 |
RichEd | ogra: ^^ query ? | 02:12 |
RichEd | and also: <LaserJock> another was how to get all the gcompris languages installed | 02:12 |
ogra | the language selector should work as well if the CD is mounted, but dont quote me on it, i havent tested that | 02:12 |
ogra | the gcompris language stuff is a bit complicated | 02:12 |
ogra | we dont have enough langs to just add them to the langpack selection in the seeds | 02:13 |
ogra | so they need to be special cased either or i need to build funny scriptbased metapackage sor other weird stuff | 02:13 |
ogra | in former releases we just installed all the gcompris sound packages | 02:14 |
ogra | now that its on the addon CD we would need some new way to handle them | 02:14 |
RichEd | so how do we move forward on this ... log a request / bug in lp | 02:14 |
ogra | i'll talk to LaserJock about that | 02:14 |
RichEd | okie | 02:14 |
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ogra | well, thats all from my side about tech, dunno if you want to add something RichEd | 02:15 |
ogra | RichEd was busy with tech stuff as well this week :) | 02:16 |
RichEd | just the comments from LaserJock ... | 02:16 |
RichEd | and some spec work for the Edulinux Moodle project | 02:17 |
ogra | yeah | 02:17 |
RichEd | I was just chatting to pips1 about that ... we will let you know when the project server is up ... if people want to read or comment | 02:17 |
RichEd | just to fill you in: we are building an single CD bundle: edubuntu / moodle / database ... simple install | 02:18 |
RichEd | this is part of an EU project ... with schools / universities as partners ... | 02:18 |
RichEd | they request various features, and we are evaluating which moodle add-ons to bundle | 02:19 |
RichEd | the results will be public | 02:19 |
RichEd | and prepared as an .iso for all to download. | 02:19 |
RichEd | --- that's all from me | 02:19 |
RichEd | anyone else with technical ? | 02:20 |
ogra | doesnt look like | 02:20 |
RichEd | moving on to artwork then ... | 02:20 |
ogra | (sorry i'm a bit distracted jumping around between different running installs) | 02:20 |
RichEd | still no sign of cbx33 lately ... anyone seen him in #edubuntu in the past month ? | 02:20 |
ogra | as i said, he told me he wanted to draw back a bit from all the duties he took himself | 02:21 |
ogra | he felt it was to much | 02:21 |
RichEd | i'll need to check his level of commitment ... as we may need a replacement if he is too busy with other work | 02:21 |
ogra | but he didnt want to drp all | 02:21 |
RichEd | do we have anyone else who is keen to help with artwork ... not necessarily as creator, but also as organisational ? | 02:22 |
ogra | yeah, i need to check what up with TCM as well if he doenst want to maintain it anymore | 02:22 |
ogra | *what's | 02:22 |
RichEd | ... okay let me check with pete re his availability ... | 02:23 |
RichEd | and also see if he can put together a short list of responsibilities / items he used to care for | 02:24 |
ogra | well for edubuntu tech thats specifically only TCM | 02:25 |
=== RichEd checks the agenda ... is documentation next ? | ||
ogra | and artwork indeed, but i count more on kwwii with that to be honest | 02:25 |
ogra | i think doc was before art :) | 02:25 |
RichEd | ogra: kwii helps out with production but will not lead ... we need to give him requests / guidelines etc. | 02:26 |
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ogra | RichEd, we can care ourself about coloring as long as his pics are easily chngeable | 02:27 |
ogra | *he* shall give *us* the specs for his pics ... i'm fine with changing colors or logos then | 02:27 |
RichEd | okay ... I will review the artwork process that willvdl has put together and see where we have gaps ... and chat to you and/or kwii | 02:28 |
ogra | (i can even script that if we make up a proper palette from the colors we have atm) | 02:28 |
RichEd | (just saying we need someone to keep an eye on the overall process / deadlines ... to free ogra up for tech focus) | 02:28 |
RichEd | mmm no sign of willvdl for web sites & documentation ... | 02:29 |
=== RichEd checks in canonical quickly | ||
ogra | he was busy with the admins i saw | 02:29 |
ogra | about the server update | 02:29 |
RichEd | nope not there either ... | 02:29 |
ogra | but i have no idea where we stand atm | 02:29 |
RichEd | highvoltage: ogra and I saw you chatting to willvdl re the website ubuntu uprade from dapper | 02:30 |
RichEd | any news ? status ? | 02:30 |
highvoltage | RichEd: yes | 02:30 |
highvoltage | RichEd: server was upgraded to dapper last week | 02:30 |
highvoltage | RichEd: edubuntu.org was upgraded to drupal 5.1 friday evening | 02:31 |
RichEd | upgraded to dapper ? | 02:31 |
highvoltage | RichEd: most of the canical2007 theme is ported to edubuntu | 02:31 |
highvoltage | RichEd: yes, it was still running breezy | 02:31 |
RichEd | oh ... any reason why it did not go to feisty ? | 02:31 |
highvoltage | RichEd: I didn't mention it before publicly, since there might have been security risks attached to it | 02:31 |
RichEd | okay ... | 02:31 |
highvoltage | RichEd: well, dapper is the LTS release | 02:32 |
highvoltage | RichEd: matthew is doing some colour work on the theme | 02:32 |
=== RichEd is impressed with all the changes ... w00t | ||
highvoltage | matthew uses photoshop, he says he can do it quicker than me | 02:32 |
highvoltage | I'm just going to put it up as I get it, faster incremental changes work better than the big bang stuff | 02:33 |
=== pips1 is happy to hear about progress | ||
highvoltage | we can even have it up today or tomorrow, if you'd be happy with a brown backround gradient | 02:33 |
highvoltage | pips1: yes, even SSL is working ;) | 02:33 |
pips1 | \o/ | 02:34 |
pips1 | finally | 02:34 |
pips1 | :-) | 02:34 |
highvoltage | pips1: it was also relient on the server upgrade | 02:34 |
pips1 | what about the content? | 02:34 |
pips1 | ic | 02:34 |
highvoltage | I really can't believe it was left on breezy that long :/ | 02:34 |
jsgotangco | heh | 02:35 |
highvoltage | pips1: depends what kind of content you mean. we can have forums now. now that ssl works, we can have users register themselves, so that will work. | 02:36 |
highvoltage | pips1: in terms of updating existing content, I suppose that's willvdl's baby | 02:36 |
pips1 | We had a meeting at UDS Sevilla about the websites of Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu... an idea that was discussed was that it would help the new site visitors if there was some kind of consistency across all sites... not so much in terms of "look", but more in terms of navigation | 02:36 |
RichEd | pips1: that is part of the move to the canonical theme ... | 02:37 |
highvoltage | we can be consistent with canonical and ubuntu | 02:37 |
highvoltage | Kubuntu's look is a whole other discussion | 02:37 |
RichEd | the idea is to keep the horizontal toobars at the top, so that, for example, if you are on edubuntu.org but click on support / marketplace, then you go straight to the area on ubuntu.com | 02:38 |
=== RichEd goes to get an example quickly ... | ||
highvoltage | the canonical theme is way superior to the ubuntu theme. I think metthew will eventually re-do ubuntu's theme | 02:38 |
highvoltage | it lacks some features, which the canonical one has | 02:38 |
pips1 | Yes. RichEd, I remember your idea in particular, that even the page hiearchy could be the same, e.g. /getubuntu/download should be the same for Ubuntu.com, Kubuntu and Edubuntu.org... | 02:38 |
highvoltage | (such as support for a right sidebar) | 02:38 |
RichEd | pips1: the download will need some work ... there will need to be some decisions taken on the naming ... | 02:39 |
pips1 | right. | 02:39 |
RichEd | they have embedded ubuntu in the name in some locations, and do we swop out ubuntu for edubuntu or make edubuntu a subset of ubuntu ... | 02:40 |
RichEd | small matters just to clear up. | 02:40 |
=== afflux [i=fnord@pentabarf.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
RichEd | here is the example I mentioned: | 02:40 |
RichEd | http://chi.ubuntu-us.org/ | 02:40 |
pips1 | Let me just throw in this idea again: why don't we copy the entire ubuntu.com content (i.e. the whole database) and use that as a "base" for the edubuntu relaunch... we can delete pages that aren't relevant to edubuntu, modify pages to make them specifically relevant to edubuntu, and add a few pages that we need in addtion. What does everybody think about this approach? | 02:41 |
RichEd | if you load it, you will see that there are a small set of chicago specific pages, but the main links back to ubuntu are direct and consistent | 02:41 |
RichEd | pips1: that is almost exactly what the example does | 02:41 |
RichEd | oops ... let me clarify ... | 02:42 |
highvoltage | pips1: I don't think we're going to do the big-bang-relaunch thing | 02:42 |
RichEd | i don't think we want to have duplicate pages on our site ... if the info is accurate on ubuntu.com | 02:42 |
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RichEd | we should only host major deviations ... | 02:42 |
RichEd | minor deviations are best covered on the ubuntu site as a flavour change I think ? | 02:43 |
pips1 | highvoltage: it doesn't have to be a "big bang" type of thing, I am just suggesting that we could re-use the content from ubuntu.com... | 02:43 |
pips1 | RichEd: hmm. | 02:43 |
pips1 | Well, the big question is really: how to we insure best maintenance with the least effort? | 02:44 |
pips1 | *do | 02:44 |
highvoltage | pips1: yep, absolutely | 02:44 |
pips1 | so we don't want *double* content | 02:44 |
highvoltage | pips1: you have editing right, don't you? If you want to re-create a page, feel free to do so | 02:44 |
pips1 | nah, I'm just trying to figure out a way to align edubuntu and ubuntu.com sites (both in terms of look/template, but also in terms of navigation structure/content) with as little unnessasary work as possible | 02:46 |
pips1 | hmm | 02:46 |
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pips1 | *unnecessary | 02:46 |
=== sbalneav goes to the principals office for a lateslip | ||
RichEd | pips1: i think you and I should have a meeting with will and highvoltage to get a plan together ... before will leaves next week | 02:48 |
pips1 | so my idea was to copy the whole ubuntu.com site's database and simply tweak the content here and there... hmm. I realise this not ideal. We really want most content on the ubuntu site, and only some additional content that is relevant to edubuntu, i.e. mostly content about the educational applications and about our specific community (communication channels such as irc channel etc) | 02:49 |
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sbalneav | Will going on holidays? | 02:49 |
highvoltage | pips1: I tend to think it's more efficient to link to certain pages than to copy the entire site over. we have help.ubuntu.com for documentation | 02:49 |
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RichEd | pips1: there are a lot more resources working on the ubuntu.com site, like the marketing people, so their content will change more quickly .. and we may struggle to keep up with the mods | 02:50 |
pips1 | sure, linking is preferable | 02:50 |
highvoltage | so I think it will get messy copying over the entire ubuntu site | 02:50 |
RichEd | sbalneav: will only had a short contract specifically around a project (NEPAD) and that expires end June | 02:50 |
highvoltage | pips1: what's the state of the community site? did I miss the update on that? | 02:50 |
pips1 | in addition we should have some redirection happening also... for some crucial / very popular url paths that exist on the ubuntu.com site... | 02:50 |
=== highvoltage scrrolls up on high-latency-connection | ||
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pips1 | highvoltage: nope you didn't miss anything | 02:51 |
pips1 | the beta site is still unchanged ever since UES :-(( | 02:51 |
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pips1 | i've been too busy :-(( | 02:51 |
highvoltage | there's an edubuntu-website team in launchpad. perhaps you should ping the group and ask if anyone wants to help out with the areas you're too busy with | 02:52 |
pips1 | hmm. | 02:52 |
pips1 | I don't know if that will help | 02:53 |
RichEd | well now is a good time to bring up LP and community applications ... | 02:53 |
RichEd | we are getting more requests by people asking to become edubuntu members | 02:53 |
RichEd | some spam, but quite a few are real ... | 02:53 |
RichEd | so: 1. how do we streamline the approval process (I get too busy to attend to all) | 02:54 |
pips1 | I think it's too difficult to communicate the overall idea/vision... I think the most effective will be if I set aside a block of time and then just get it done. | 02:54 |
RichEd | and 2. perhaps we should have a wiki page outlining how the people could get involved, with the subgroups, and a short intro on what they do ? | 02:54 |
RichEd | (like the edubuntu website example) | 02:55 |
RichEd | ogra: any suggestions on how or who can do the approvals ? | 02:55 |
=== pips1 looks for the "teams" in launchpad | ||
pips1 | arg, where the **** do I find the team search on LP? | 02:56 |
ogra | RichEd, EC approvals ? | 02:57 |
RichEd | people requesting to become an edubuntu member | 02:57 |
ogra | we should have anoother EC meeting for that and announce it loudly | 02:57 |
jsgotangco | yep | 02:57 |
RichEd | I do not get around to them all :( ... they can get lost in my inbox at times | 02:57 |
RichEd | pips1: my point exactly ... ^^ ... if you can't find all the edubuntu teams / education teams ... we should perhaps have a guide page ? | 02:58 |
highvoltage | pips1: I understand what you'd like to achive, but we also have to be realistic and get done what we can as soon as possible | 02:58 |
highvoltage | [6~[6~~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~some ideas are a bit big for right now. | 02:58 |
RichEd | pips [Home] [[People] ] drop down | 02:59 |
RichEd | pips1: ^ | 02:59 |
ogra | i dont really care about all the other teams atm, but we should urgenty go over membership stuff and have the EC meeting for that | 02:59 |
ogra | its just a lot of paperwork (mailing all applicants etc)( | 03:00 |
pips1 | finally found it: https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu | 03:00 |
pips1 | There are five applicants listed | 03:01 |
pips1 | Has anyone ever heard of anyone on that list? | 03:01 |
RichEd | pips1: there are also some education teams | 03:01 |
ogra | pips1, no, but we need to tell them about the process and mail them a date for an EC meeting | 03:02 |
jsgotangco | hi | 03:02 |
pips1 | ogra: ic, right | 03:02 |
RichEd | pips1: Halmeren (jonasgauguin) ... new user in #edubuntu ... spoken to him ... enthusiastic | 03:02 |
pips1 | ah, this is the full team listing: https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu/+members | 03:02 |
ogra | there are a *lot* of pending members | 03:04 |
ogra | *sigh* | 03:04 |
pips1 | oh, there are 31 (!) applicants waiting | 03:04 |
RichEd | shall we table a slot for the next meeting ... and give 30 mins to work through all the issues ? | 03:04 |
RichEd | it will also be the 1st meeting for July which is a potential EC meeting no ? | 03:04 |
ogra | yep | 03:05 |
jsgotangco | just my thought: its perfectly fine to delegate approval of membership to specific teams if there is a reason to do so (language for instance) | 03:05 |
RichEd | so 1: manage the approvals ... | 03:05 |
ogra | jsgotangco, well, thats why we have the edubuntu team :) | 03:05 |
jsgotangco | yep | 03:05 |
RichEd | but 2: shall we also draft a welcome email with some ideas on how the new members could gt involved | 03:05 |
RichEd | like artwork / web site etc. with the names of people to chat to ? | 03:05 |
ogra | yeah | 03:05 |
ogra | and outlining the membership rpocess | 03:06 |
highvoltage | sounds good | 03:06 |
pips1 | oh, and then there is edubuntu-members too : https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-members/+members | 03:06 |
RichEd | would a wiki page be a good idea ... make an agenda for the meeting ... and also some guidelines | 03:06 |
RichEd | pips1: mail me the names of any edubuntu / education groups you find ... | 03:06 |
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pips1 | which lists another 23 applicants waiting | 03:07 |
RichEd | i'll create a wiki page, with descriptions,and we can see if there is any duplication / overlap | 03:07 |
RichEd | and get a tidy up going | 03:07 |
RichEd | any suggestions for a sensible wiki page name: EdubuntuCommunity ? | 03:08 |
pips1 | ++ | 03:08 |
RichEd | ahh ... that page exists, created by Willvdl | 03:09 |
pips1 | sorry, folks, I got to get back to work. :-/ | 03:09 |
RichEd | it is a good start, so I will expand on it ... and we can use it as the base for the discussion next week | 03:10 |
RichEd | --- | 03:10 |
RichEd | Any other pressing matters for today ? | 03:10 |
ogra | nope | 03:10 |
=== RichEd also has a lot to attend to ... | ||
RichEd | anyone else ? | 03:10 |
=== ogra has to test | ||
RichEd | Open to the floor for questions / toppics / issues ? | 03:10 |
RichEd | Going once ... | 03:10 |
=== RichEd looks around for any raised hands | ||
pips1 | hehe | 03:11 |
RichEd | Going twice ... | 03:11 |
RichEd | Okay spread the news about an EC meeting next week when you see people in the channel ... | 03:11 |
RichEd | And gong .... closed for today and thanks all | 03:11 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Jun 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 28 Jun 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 29 Jun 11:00 UTC: MOTU Team | 03 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | ||
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Admiral_Chicago | hey hey hey, i'm here | 07:56 |
Admiral_Chicago | agenda anyoe? | 08:00 |
nixternal | #ubuntu-meeting-offtopic ;p | 08:02 |
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Admiral_Chicago | haha. | 08:09 |
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mr_pouit | @schedule Paris | 09:43 |
ubotu | Schedule for Europe/Paris: 27 Jun 22:00: Xubuntu Developers | 28 Jun 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 29 Jun 13:00: MOTU Team | 03 Jul 21:00: Technical Board | 04 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 05 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09:43 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu Developers | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 28 Jun 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 29 Jun 11:00 UTC: MOTU Team | 03 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | ||
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=== j1mc prays for Admiral_Chicago's router. | ||
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j1mc | hi all. | 10:01 |
j1mc | do we have any Xubunteros here? | 10:01 |
=== Admiral_Chicago raises hand | ||
mr_pouit | o/ | 10:01 |
j1mc | :) | 10:02 |
j1mc | hi mr_pouit and Admiral_Chicago | 10:02 |
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j1mc | hi fijam | 10:02 |
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fijam | hello everybody | 10:02 |
hyper_ch | hiho | 10:03 |
sacater | hi | 10:03 |
j1mc | hi hyper_ch and sacater | 10:03 |
sacater | i have been called forth | 10:03 |
j1mc | :) | 10:03 |
hyper_ch | what is juliux doing in here? | 10:03 |
=== sacater shrugs | ||
juliux | hyper_ch, ilden;) | 10:03 |
sacater | well | 10:03 |
sacater | ask the other question | 10:03 |
sacater | what is he NOT doing here | 10:03 |
sacater | in* | 10:03 |
hyper_ch | sacater: ^^ | 10:03 |
hyper_ch | where is thesheep??? | 10:04 |
sacater | he is in xubuntu-dev | 10:04 |
j1mc | we have an agenda up at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings , but I'm not married to it, as per usual. | 10:04 |
=== sacater pulls it up | ||
j1mc | it isn't even really much of an "agenda," unfortunately. | 10:04 |
hyper_ch | what's an agenda? ^^ | 10:04 |
sacater | btw, has anyone considered meeting by VoIP | 10:05 |
j1mc | i would like to hear from mr_pouit on how things are going, and i'd like to hear from everyone else on their interests and how we might make xubuntu better for gutsy. | 10:05 |
hyper_ch | sacater: not a good thing ;) you couldn't understand a word with my accent | 10:05 |
j1mc | mr_pouit - did you have anything on your mind that you would like discussed here? | 10:06 |
sacater | hyper_ch: heh | 10:06 |
Admiral_Chicago | i added somethign to the agenda | 10:06 |
mr_pouit | j1mc: I uploaded xubuntu-restricted-extras yesterday | 10:06 |
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hyper_ch | ^^ | 10:06 |
mr_pouit | I am waiting for a possible xfce 4.4.2 release (they spoke of it on xfce4-dev) | 10:07 |
j1mc | mr_pouit: great! did you go with the packages that we had discussed in the mailing list? | 10:07 |
mr_pouit | yes | 10:07 |
j1mc | thank you for doing that. and, yes, i had heard about a possible xfce 4.4.2 release, too. | 10:07 |
sacater | when is xfce 4.4.2 due to be releaseed | 10:07 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: thanks for adding that. i had heard about that, too. | 10:08 |
j1mc | s/heard/thought | 10:08 |
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Jester45 | sorry to interrupt but is this for gusty or the next release | 10:08 |
sacater | gutsy | 10:08 |
sacater | well | 10:09 |
Jester45 | ok | 10:09 |
sacater | next release is gutsy | 10:09 |
mr_pouit | sacater: nothing has been decided yet. It seems this is mostly to fix a very bad bug with gtk 2.11. | 10:09 |
Jester45 | both? | 10:09 |
sacater | due october | 10:09 |
sacater | the next next release (2008) hasnt been thought about yet | 10:09 |
sacater | and of course hasnt been code-named either | 10:09 |
Jester45 | sacater, gusty or the one after that, but i guess thats to far into the furture to be working on it | 10:09 |
sacater | the next release, due october, is gutsy | 10:10 |
j1mc | mr_pouit: thanks for your help with packaging items from Xfce. | 10:10 |
mr_pouit | np ;) | 10:10 |
=== sacater feels a traitor, joining this meeting from his fluxbox lappy :P | ||
j1mc | are there any new xfce apps that might be included with gutsy? i'm thinking of the "places" panel plugin. | 10:11 |
j1mc | i'm not sure of it's status. | 10:11 |
mr_pouit | is it in gutsy? | 10:11 |
=== sacater raises his hand | ||
mr_pouit | iirc, gpocentek packaged it | 10:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | sacater: i'm on an ubuntu lappy | 10:11 |
j1mc | mr_pouit: ah, so it would be available via the panel plugins menu? | 10:12 |
sacater | with gutsy, can we do a different default xfce-menu style, instead of applications and stuff at the top | 10:12 |
j1mc | i know that somerville32 was interested in that. | 10:12 |
sacater | its all inverted to how most people use xfce | 10:12 |
mr_pouit | xfce4-places-plugin | 0.2.0-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Sources | 10:12 |
j1mc | thank you... | 10:13 |
fijam | btw, got a question. How is that right-click desktop menu done in xubuntu? xfce doesn't have it by default | 10:13 |
fijam | sorry if this is offtopic | 10:14 |
sacater | anyone know somewhere I can post a screenshot? | 10:14 |
sacater | fijam: easy | 10:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | imageshack.us | 10:14 |
sacater | go to xfce settings | 10:14 |
sacater | Admiral_Chicago: ty | 10:14 |
j1mc | sacater: yes, xubuntu does have a different menu layout than other Xfce-based distros, but that doesn't mean we're bad. | 10:14 |
sacater | and then do 'right click menu' or something | 10:14 |
j1mc | or that it's a wrong approach. | 10:14 |
sacater | j1mc: never implied that | 10:14 |
fijam | sacater: yes, but it is customized. In default xfce 4.4 installation it is just the applications menu, while we have 'create directory', 'create from template' etc. | 10:15 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: would you like to talk about the help you need with the release notes? | 10:16 |
Admiral_Chicago | sure | 10:16 |
Admiral_Chicago | well I have a few ideas. | 10:16 |
Admiral_Chicago | we can talk about the newest uploads related to using the internet | 10:16 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: is there a wiki page up for the release notes yet, even if they're a draft? | 10:16 |
Admiral_Chicago | such as nspluginwrapper, and iceape | 10:16 |
Admiral_Chicago | i created the page, still need to add content | 10:17 |
j1mc | linky? | 10:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | sec | 10:18 |
Admiral_Chicago | should be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe2/Xubuntu | 10:19 |
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j1mc | what are nspluginwrapper and iceape... | 10:20 |
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Admiral_Chicago | the other thing is we have gutsy commit list, so we can search through that and look for updates | 10:21 |
j1mc | if you're sure that they're new to Xubuntu for this release, please add them. I think we should also mention the upload of Xubuntu-restricted-extras. | 10:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | nspluginwrapper lets you use flash in 64 bit firefox | 10:21 |
j1mc | ah, ok... | 10:21 |
j1mc | and nsplusinwrapper is available for install with tribe 2? | 10:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | iceape is the mozilla suite, firefox + thunderbird + sunbird iirc | 10:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | well i know its the mozilla suite | 10:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | but its a testing build | 10:22 |
j1mc | ok. thanks. | 10:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | we also have firefox-trunk a package to test bleeding edgy firefox 3 | 10:22 |
fijam | it may be unbranded, hence the 'ice' | 10:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | it is unbranded | 10:23 |
Admiral_Chicago | nspluginwrapper is uploaded and installable, the spec in progress is to launch and install it to config automagically when someone uploads something like flashplugin-nonfree | 10:24 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: if you wouldn't mind just adding the new items that you want to cover, i'm sure we can get some people to help flesh out the content. | 10:24 |
j1mc | it would be good if we could be included in Martin Pitt's (or whoever sends out the note) release announement for tribe 2. | 10:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | yes | 10:25 |
j1mc | would anyone here be will to help flesh-out the release notes for tribe 2? | 10:25 |
j1mc | other than Admiral_Chicago ? :) | 10:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: this would be a good place to get started on docs :) | 10:26 |
fijam | I suppose so | 10:26 |
fijam | sure, I'll help, just need clear instructions | 10:26 |
j1mc | fijam: thanks. :) one good example is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe1/Xubuntu | 10:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: i'll be clear. what is your time zone? | 10:28 |
fijam | GMT +2 | 10:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | you are east coast? | 10:28 |
fijam | j1mc: thanks for the link | 10:28 |
fijam | Admiral_Chicago: Europe, PL | 10:29 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: he's 7 hours ahead of us. :) | 10:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah okay. UTC + 2 | 10:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | thanks | 10:29 |
fijam | this would allow for contstant work on the documentation :) | 10:30 |
j1mc | heh :) | 10:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: i'll be working on it ~6 UTC, so like 8AM for you. | 10:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm not sure of your schedule | 10:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | you may have work / a real life unlike me | 10:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | anyone else willing to help on the notes | 10:31 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: if you can get the commit list and forward it on to me, i can get a start on things, too. | 10:31 |
fijam | That's the middle of the night for me. Seriously though, I have the holidays right now, so I guess I could be strarting at about 10 (local time) | 10:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: I | 10:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | err https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/gutsy-changes/ | 10:31 |
j1mc | thank you. | 10:32 |
j1mc | we need to contact someone from the dev team and let them know we'll have these ready so that they can include us in the announcement. | 10:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: way ahead of you. did it already | 10:33 |
j1mc | awesome. :) | 10:33 |
j1mc | can we have something on xubuntu.org, too? | 10:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'll add it as well after the notes are out like i did on the last one | 10:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | win 6 | 10:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | err | 10:34 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: you have access to xubuntu.org to add it? | 10:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | yea | 10:34 |
j1mc | w00t | 10:35 |
j1mc | anything else on this topic? | 10:35 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i'm looking for a way to streamline the process for the future | 10:35 |
j1mc | next then? | 10:35 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: good idea... | 10:36 |
Admiral_Chicago | but for now, I think I can handle it. it snuck up on me this time | 10:36 |
j1mc | mr_pouit: is there anything you'd recommend for us here? | 10:36 |
j1mc | any way for us to make sure we know about the latest updates provided in each milestone release? | 10:36 |
j1mc | ... so that we can be sure to highlight them in the release notes? | 10:36 |
fijam | good question | 10:37 |
mr_pouit | gutsy-changes, as said previously | 10:37 |
fijam | and how do we pick the most relevant ones? | 10:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | mr_pouit: is there anything you wnt highlighted? | 10:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: look for the ones with "Lionel Le Folgoc" next to them | 10:37 |
fijam | whatever it is - acknowledged | 10:38 |
mr_pouit | fijam: you can subscribe to the rss feed, that's better | 10:38 |
mr_pouit | so your mailbos won't get flooded | 10:38 |
mr_pouit | *box | 10:38 |
j1mc | this is good stuff to know. :) | 10:38 |
fijam | not a bad idea | 10:39 |
mr_pouit | most of the 'main' changes will be post-tribe2 anyway | 10:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | added some changes to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe2/Xubuntu about packages to highlight | 10:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | wine 0.9.38 maybe... | 10:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | gnumeric | 10:41 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: thanks. I think that this topic is something that could get added to our "ways to contribute to Xubuntu" list. | 10:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | definetl | 10:41 |
j1mc | noted. | 10:41 |
j1mc | :) | 10:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm looking to make this a team effort, not a "Let Freddy hack on it all the time" | 10:41 |
j1mc | ok... | 10:42 |
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j1mc | sacater: Jester45 you all still here? :) | 10:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | latest panel too..plans to include 4.4.2 | 10:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | not as a commit, but works in progess | 10:43 |
j1mc | one of the things that came up at the last meeting was ways for people to contribute to Xubuntu in whatever way they can. | 10:43 |
j1mc | i'm curious to know how others might want to contribute to Xubuntu... what interests them. | 10:43 |
j1mc | Jester45: I know I see you providing great support in #xubuntu all the time. | 10:44 |
j1mc | ... ok, maybe they stepped away. | 10:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | xubuntu art has been uploaded, what does that mean mr_pouit? | 10:45 |
mr_pouit | xubuntu art? | 10:45 |
mr_pouit | iirc, jmak hasn't finished yet | 10:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | you can ignore me then... | 10:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | I'm thinking that we can do a "look forward to section" | 10:47 |
j1mc | mr_pouit: it looks like you uploaded a change in the xubuntu-artwork package that fixed a bug: Fixed xubuntu-artwork-usplash.prerm to update-initramfs -u on package | 10:47 |
j1mc | remove.(LP: #83410) | 10:47 |
mr_pouit | j1mc: ah yes | 10:48 |
mr_pouit | Admiral_Chicago: sorry, you were right :P | 10:48 |
j1mc | well, seeing as we have myself, Admiral_Chicago and fijam here... shall we talk a bit about documentation? | 10:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | hehe, i think we can stop talking about the release noted | 10:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | lets | 10:49 |
j1mc | well, we're slowly making progress, uploading our first real patch yesterday, but we should probably have a timeframe mapped out to make sure we don't get too rushed at the end. | 10:50 |
j1mc | and maybe we can assign each other specific sections to focus on... | 10:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | agreed. I return to school August 15th, about a month before string freeze | 10:51 |
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j1mc | welcome back, hyper_ch | 10:51 |
j1mc | ok. i'll see if i can draft something up. | 10:52 |
hyper_ch | j1mc: thx, just rebooting the router | 10:52 |
j1mc | hyper_ch: :) | 10:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: i'll take multimedia | 10:52 |
j1mc | ok :) | 10:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | i've been working on it anyways | 10:52 |
hyper_ch | are there now plans to integrate a gui search for files? | 10:52 |
j1mc | hyper_ch: good question . . . can we save that to be our next topic? | 10:53 |
fijam | exactly, there was Tracker once suggested | 10:53 |
hyper_ch | j1mc: sure :) | 10:53 |
j1mc | cool. | 10:53 |
fijam | well, if I might say something about the documentation | 10:54 |
j1mc | i'll set up a basic list of topics to be included, and will let each of you know when it's ready. from there, we can just assign our names to topics. | 10:54 |
j1mc | fijam: go ahead. | 10:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: i'd suggest making a wiki page wth all the topic | 10:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | you beat me to it | 10:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: also, milestones for when to get them donw | 10:54 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: sounds good. | 10:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | imho i think the next section should be done in a week. | 10:55 |
j1mc | fijam: what were you going to say? | 10:55 |
fijam | yes... | 10:55 |
fijam | I think I'll just thoroughly study the patches in the coming days before I start commiting my own to the mailing list | 10:55 |
fijam | so I get the confidence on where the changes are heading to | 10:55 |
j1mc | fijam: that's cool. :) if you all would like... i think we're all new to documentation... maybe we could share our patches with each other before sending them out to the list, as long as it doesn't slow things down too much. | 10:56 |
fijam | I must say that I share the doubts of Lucius, that editing ubuntu documentation may create some obstacles in compariston to 'starting from the scratch' approach | 10:56 |
Jester45 | im here now | 10:56 |
=== j1mc has been bad, sitting on Admiral_Chicago's multimedia page for a while. | ||
Jester45 | let me read what i missed | 10:56 |
fijam | but I understand that both approaches have its advantages and disadvantages | 10:57 |
fijam | and I will gladly follow the chosen path | 10:57 |
=== j1mc nods | ||
Admiral_Chicago | i agree but we read the ubuntu docs were carefully and there is a lot of similarities | 10:57 |
Admiral_Chicago | however i was unhappy with the way some things were described and what not | 10:57 |
=== j1mc meant to nod at the "i understand both approaches . . . " statement. | ||
j1mc | i've found that (iirc) pressing Alt-F2 on Xubuntu brings up the XFCE documentation. :) | 10:58 |
j1mc | it may be a bit outdated (for xfce 4.2, i think) but it may help us. | 10:58 |
Jester45 | are you sure thats not alt+F1 | 10:59 |
fijam | allright, I see rational and careful modification of the existing ubuntu documetnation as a viable solution | 10:59 |
j1mc | I think it's alt-f2. i don't have a xubuntu box with me here now, though. | 11:00 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: rewritting from scratch would also require us to learn much more docbook than we should responsibly consider | 11:00 |
Jester45 | j1mc, well con feisty Alt+F2 is the run dialog F1 is the docs | 11:00 |
j1mc | yeah... :) it's much easier to learn as we go by modifying the ubuntu docs. :) | 11:00 |
j1mc | Jester45: you're probably right. i'll have to check it out when I get home. | 11:00 |
Jester45 | j1mc, thanks its nice to know someone noticed me helping out | 11:01 |
Admiral_Chicago | our goal is to have good solid docs done that are TBH | 11:01 |
j1mc | as a matter of fact, i know you're right. :) | 11:01 |
j1mc | Jester45: you provide good support. | 11:01 |
j1mc | I'll let you both know when I have the documentation "schedule" up. | 11:02 |
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j1mc | we also need to check with somerville32 and maxamillion about our revised spec for the Xubuntu Documentation Browser. | 11:02 |
fijam_ | I think I lost the connection | 11:03 |
fijam_ | what was the last thing I said? | 11:03 |
j1mc | fijam_: [15:59] <fijam> allright, I see rational and careful modification of the existing ubuntu documetnation as a viable solution | 11:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: i'm a bit concerned if that will go through | 11:03 |
j1mc | Admiral_Chicago: me, too. | 11:03 |
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j1mc | i'm not counting on it. | 11:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | we haven't had much feedback about that. | 11:04 |
fijam_ | the documentation browser? | 11:04 |
j1mc | fijam_: yes | 11:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: cubs win. 6-4: sweep rockies. | 11:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | sorry about the OT | 11:04 |
fijam_ | I am no coder. sorry. | 11:04 |
j1mc | somerville32 leaves for the summer in the next few days. he won't be back until august. | 11:04 |
j1mc | we need to get a status update from him on this quickly. | 11:05 |
j1mc | or get some input from him on this quickly. | 11:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | ye | 11:05 |
j1mc | i'll send him a note. | 11:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | cool | 11:05 |
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Admiral_Chicago | speaking of which... | 11:06 |
j1mc | hi maxamillion | 11:06 |
maxamillion | hi | 11:06 |
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maxamillion | sorry | 11:06 |
j1mc | np | 11:06 |
maxamillion | i was in a meeting with my boss (i'm at work) | 11:06 |
Jester45 | <j1mc> we also need to check with somerville32 and maxamillion about our revised spec for the Xubuntu Documentation Browser. | 11:06 |
fijam_ | Hello | 11:06 |
maxamillion | Jester45: thanks | 11:06 |
fijam_ | j1mc: you suggested that we could share the patches, before commiting them to the mailing list. How? On the channel? | 11:06 |
Jester45 | np, helping out | 11:06 |
maxamillion | j1mc: i haven't had a chance to look over the revised spec | 11:06 |
j1mc | fijam_: we could email them to each other. | 11:06 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: google docs works. | 11:06 |
Admiral_Chicago | as well | 11:06 |
fijam_ | great idea, I'd love that | 11:07 |
j1mc | maxamillion: np. do you think you could talk it over with somerville32 in the next day or so? | 11:07 |
j1mc | he leaves for the summer in the very near future. | 11:08 |
maxamillion | j1mc: as soon as i catch him online i can ... i might just have to text message him soon and try to see if he would have free time to look it over | 11:08 |
j1mc | also, in regards to somerville32, he offered to host the test xubuntu.org site on his home server, but i don't know if that is set up. | 11:08 |
=== hyper_ch got two servers | ||
maxamillion | j1mc: another thing is that i am about to start up a summer session concurrent systems programming in C course in a week and won't have much time | 11:09 |
j1mc | maxamillion: ah, ok... | 11:09 |
j1mc | perhaps we need to defer the X-D-B. schedules getting in the way. | 11:10 |
maxamillion | j1mc: but at the same time, from the sounds of it ... the app would only take a weekend of hacking to get finished and from there we just need to get it in the repos and promoted to main | 11:10 |
j1mc | yeah... | 11:10 |
j1mc | please see if you can talk to cody about it. | 11:10 |
maxamillion | j1mc: will do | 11:10 |
maxamillion | j1mc: i imagine that between us we would be able to pull it off | 11:10 |
maxamillion | j1mc: well ... the coding atleast | 11:10 |
j1mc | please send him an email... i'm not sure when he'll be on IRC. | 11:10 |
j1mc | guys, i'm sorry, but i need to go... :( i have work stuff to do. | 11:11 |
j1mc | please continue... :) | 11:11 |
j1mc | maybe see how Jester45 can help us out with his awesome skills. :) | 11:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | I | 11:13 |
Admiral_Chicago | j1mc: Ill continue the discussions | 11:13 |
fijam_ | I have a suggestion, since the xubuntu documentation will be in general ubuntu documentation + xfce specific features + a few selected apps, maybe we could see if an cooperation with xfce team on their documentation could be a good idea | 11:13 |
fijam_ | s/an/a | 11:13 |
fijam_ | this would enable us to push the documentation forward, and have some influence on timing | 11:14 |
fijam_ | please comment | 11:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | the issue is getting in contact with people and making sure its being worked on | 11:16 |
=== fijam_ is now known as fijam | ||
servaas-xubuntu- | fijam maybe there are documenters of other distros also interested ? | 11:16 |
fijam | coordinating this is of course a challenge, but I think that the advantages would be substancial | 11:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | do you mean an upstream documentation browser? | 11:18 |
Admiral_Chicago | i don't know how upstream deals with their doc displays | 11:18 |
fijam | I mean we help xfce people write xfce 4.4 documentation (which is not completed yet) and at the same time we help ourselves | 11:19 |
fijam | and we are not forced to wait till they finish it, so we could incorporate it in xubuntu documentation | 11:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah yes, jim was talking about getting better work with upstream, their docs need love too | 11:20 |
fijam | sorry if I am unclear on this, it's getting late | 11:20 |
fijam | right, I'll drop Jim an email to get to know how he sees it, ok? | 11:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | cool | 11:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | I can't think of anythign else, anyone else with idead? | 11:22 |
fijam | it would be cool. if you could set the google doc for us, if we all agree to use it | 11:23 |
fijam | s/./, | 11:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: google docs for what | 11:24 |
fijam | for documentation patches exchange | 11:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah yes, I'll set that up | 11:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | fijam: are you on launchpad? | 11:25 |
fijam | yes | 11:25 |
fijam | https://launchpad.net/~fijam7 | 11:25 |
Admiral_Chicago | thanks | 11:25 |
fijam | got to go in a few minutes | 11:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | your email on there? | 11:26 |
fijam | in opengpg, but it's fijam7@gmail.com | 11:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | okay thank you | 11:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'll set it up and mail it | 11:26 |
fijam | s/gpg/pgp | 11:26 |
fijam | no problem | 11:26 |
fijam | allright | 11:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | if that's all, I think we can conclude the meeting | 11:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | anything else? | 11:27 |
Admiral_Chicago | no objections? | 11:27 |
fijam | I just realized that I have to deal with some red-tape tomorrow morning, expect news from me about 3PM utc | 11:30 |
fijam | very well, thank you for the meeting then | 11:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | good meeting everyone | 11:31 |
fijam | see you soon | 11:31 |
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Jester45 | is the meeting over? | 11:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | i think so | 11:35 |
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hyper_ch | you need a server for the xubuntu test page? | 11:36 |
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Jester45 | i might have one | 11:38 |
hyper_ch | well, I have two servers.... considering getting a third one to just host OSS | 11:39 |
Jester45 | oss opensource software | 11:40 |
Jester45 | ? | 11:40 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: | 11:40 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: yes | 11:40 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: just mirroring OSS | 11:40 |
Jester45 | its vidd's server but its not doing anything | 11:40 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: 150Gb.... | 11:41 |
Jester45 | o | 11:41 |
=== slackwarelife [n=slackwar@host95-187-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
hyper_ch | costs me only 20.- per month | 11:41 |
Jester45 | vidd.us and jester45.homelinux.net are bot hosting on it | 11:41 |
Jester45 | both* | 11:41 |
hyper_ch | ^^ | 11:41 |
Jester45 | how many USD ? about | 11:41 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: dunno | 11:42 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: how about you find out :) | 11:42 |
Jester45 | well... i got unlimited everything for ever and it only costed me a few days of web design | 11:42 |
hyper_ch | the only problem with those servers are the ram is low (256mb) but just for hosting OSS stuff you don't need more ram.... and it's got a 100mbit connection | 11:42 |
Jester45 | naw but you can if you want :) | 11:42 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: I didn't ask how much it is in $ | 11:43 |
Jester45 | vidd's server is co-located at an ISP | 11:43 |
Jester45 | yea.. | 11:43 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: you're good at webdesign? | 11:43 |
Jester45 | a little | 11:44 |
Jester45 | i will get better im only 16 now... just wait till i get more money for a good line + server | 11:44 |
hyper_ch | wanna design something for me? ^^ | 11:44 |
coreymon77 | Jester45: there are plenty of currency converters on the internet, go find one on google | 11:44 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: I'm not creative... I can do php but the graphic stuff is out of my capabilities | 11:45 |
Jester45 | depends on what you want | 11:45 |
Jester45 | coreymon77, im just lazy | 11:45 |
Jester45 | and firefox is taking to much ram right now :) i dont need another tab | 11:45 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: ever themed Wordpress? | 11:46 |
Jester45 | working on that right now | 11:46 |
Jester45 | and phpBB2 | 11:47 |
stgraber | hyper_ch: 20 and 256MB, that looks like kimsufi.net am I right ? :) | 11:47 |
Jester45 | i been buggin vidd to set up dual network cards so that he could get 200mbit line on the box | 11:47 |
hyper_ch | stgraber: it does | 11:47 |
hyper_ch | stgraber: got one as personal backup and mp3 streaming server... works just fine | 11:48 |
Jester45 | http://vidd.us/wordpress/ | 11:48 |
stgraber | hyper_ch: be careful, OVH doesn't allow mirroring of software/iso nor iptv/radio if taking much bandwidth ... | 11:48 |
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hyper_ch | stgraber: they don't? oh :( that's a pitty.... well, I haven't had an issue with my streaming in the office yet | 11:49 |
stgraber | (my main problem with moving 5 other servers to them (bigger than kimsufi's ones)) | 11:49 |
stgraber | hyper_ch: http://www.ovh.de/kundenbereich/agb/OVH_Anlage_DRS.pdf | 11:49 |
hyper_ch | stgraber: oh well, I just thought for that price I could donate a server for OSS | 11:50 |
stgraber | yes, it's too bad, I'd have moved some high-traffic game servers / radio / web hosting servers to them otherwise | 11:51 |
stgraber | they also don't allow IRC (bouncers, bot, ...) which can also be a real problem | 11:51 |
Jester45 | hyper_ch, well you could go to vidd, he trying to start a hosting site if you didnt notice | 11:51 |
Jester45 | he just hasnt had the time to fill in the site | 11:52 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: start a hosting site? | 11:52 |
Jester45 | and i think he kinda doesnt want to | 11:52 |
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Jester45 | ya right now he is getting mail working | 11:53 |
hyper_ch | stgraber: too bad... well, I'm the only one listening to my streaming server and I use it for backusp... have been doing so for quite a while so I guess I'm within their limits | 11:53 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: mail is simple to get it working but what does he try to do? | 11:53 |
stgraber | yes, I think so | 11:53 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: you said "start a site"? | 11:53 |
Jester45 | we are making if where you just click an extra option and you get billed and its auto installed | 11:53 |
Jester45 | start a company | 11:54 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: ah ^^ | 11:54 |
Jester45 | im thinking the base package will be ftp+space+bandwidith | 11:54 |
hyper_ch | Jester45: well, I got another server elsewhere | 11:55 |
hyper_ch | :) | 11:55 |
Jester45 | then you can add apache support, subdomain, wordpress, phpbb, and other goodies | 11:55 |
hyper_ch | yuck... phpbb | 11:56 |
hyper_ch | go away devil!!!! | 11:56 |
Jester45 | andhe said once he gets a few subscribers his gonna set up a rackmount server | 11:57 |
Jester45 | the first thing i thought was yea game server :) | 11:57 |
hyper_ch | lol | 11:58 |
hyper_ch | anyway, I'm off to bed... gnihgt :) | 11:58 |
stgraber | hyper_ch: night | 11:58 |
Jester45 | bye | 11:59 |
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