
kruuligot everything up and running superm1 :>12:34
kruulidont even need a soundcard when im using my xbox as a frontend :D12:34
superm1great kruuli12:35
kruuliso np with the usb soundcard then :)12:35
kruuliyeah its great12:35
superm1did you do it with xbmc?12:35
superm1or add mythtv12:35
kruulipython script for xbmc12:35
superm1does it have support for comm skip and scheduleing?12:35
superm1and stuff?12:35
kruuliyeah everything12:35
kruulidont have any of the plugins like video and music and stuff12:35
kruulibut xbmc rocks at that so np12:36
kruulixmltv is a pain in the ass12:36
kruulihave to add everything by hand12:36
superm1wow the comm skip and such too?12:36
superm1that's pretty neat then12:36
kruuliyeah comm skip and all12:37
kruuliit access the mythtv database and backend12:37
kruulii belive12:37
superm1could you point me at this python script?12:38
superm1i'd be interested to read about it12:38
kruuliyeah the xbox is small and quiet so its a sweat setup .. extra + for me when i dont have to use my crapy soundcard and graphics card12:38
kruulihes using a pretty old XBMC .. my mythtv autostarts now when i boot the xbox12:41
superm1i didn't see any indications that comm skip was active12:43
kruulicheck the youtube vid :)12:43
superm1i did12:43
superm1it looked like he just opened the heroes vid12:44
superm1but nothing more12:44
kruuliyou can set .. dont skip always skip and ask12:44
superm1well that's pretty awesome12:44
superm1does it play in mplayer then (like the rest of xbmc)?12:44
superm1how can mplayer handle the cutlists12:44
superm1and jump points12:44
kruulidunno :o12:45
kruulidosnt mythtv like flag that in the database?12:45
kruulithink it picks it from there then12:45
superm1but no app is able to use those i thought12:45
superm1other than mythtv12:45
kruuliseems like xbmcmythtv does :)12:45
superm1kruuli, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48082112:46
superm1you might want to see if you can help that fellow out12:46
kruulithat was a pain .. only problem i encountered12:47
superm1i'm guessing he just hasn't opened up mysql?12:47
kruulitbh dont really know how it got fixed12:47
superm1and set his master backend appropriately in mythtv-setup12:47
kruuliit has to do with the new mysql12:47
kruulichangeing password chache or something12:47
kruuliso you have to go back using old passwords12:47
superm1you might want to leave that info for him12:49
superm1and let him know12:49
superm1has his current password12:49
kruuliah posted12:50
superm1i almost want an xbox just to play with this thing12:50
superm1but it wouldnt take any of my HD stuff12:50
superm1so wouldnt be worth it in the end12:51
kruulinope thats the thing12:51
=== reclusivemonkey [n=monkey@host86-133-225-36.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
kruulionly got analog atm12:51
superm1as of the build two days ago though:12:51
superm1mythbuntu works for HD12:51
superm1off the live disk12:51
superm1(for me at least)12:51
kruulilol .. thats crazy :)12:51
superm1i only tried it with 720p stuff - i anticipate the 1080i would throw it though because turning on bob is a mess12:52
superm1unless you turn on prop. drivers12:52
kruulithink the script is acting a bit wierd though12:53
kruuliif i go into live tv it starts putting everyting in recordings12:53
kruuliprolly some setting i got wrong12:53
superm1well isn't that normal behavior?12:54
superm1just you need to filter it12:54
superm1to show or not show live tv recordings12:54
superm1DaveMorris, this reminds me - about the pre-entered info for mythtv-setup.  Do you think its feasible to do a basic dump with preset settings on no tuners, and automatically determine a person's ip address, hostname and pass those through sed on the dump and put that all into mysql?12:54
superm1so if someone has "no" tuners - they dont need to run mythtv-setup12:55
superm1it automatically binds on their ethernet interface then12:55
superm1and lets the frontend run12:55
superm1then later adding a tuner can be figured out too12:55
kruulisuperm1 oh ok .. but after a while i get a question "do you want to keep recording 300 min left" and after that i ends the feed12:56
superm1so it sounds like your filling up your drive12:57
superm1perhaps this can't trigger autoexpire12:57
superm1like how normal mythfrontend can12:57
superm1so it relies on the backend to do that12:57
kruuliyeah .. i see all the stats the backend gives me01:00
kruulioh .. think i know whats wrong01:00
kruulisuperm1 wheres mythtvs livetv buffer?01:00
superm1same place as the recordings area01:00
kruuliah k01:00
DaveMorrissuperm1 that might work01:23
superm1the only thing is its a bit messy figuring out the ip address in python01:24
DaveMorrisbut isn't that all you setup on mythtv-setup really, the tunner cards etc01:24
superm1well you need to go to the general page01:24
superm1or that first info isn't populated right01:24
=== DaveMorris hasn't done a mythtv-setup for ages
=== superm1 superm1 has done too many :)
superm1actually this might be possible to take a step further01:26
superm1and move that into the normal mythtv packages01:26
superm1to at least prefill that data01:27
superm1using the results of 'hostname' and a bunch of ifconfig | cut magic01:27
DaveMorrissounds good01:30
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-59-129.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DaveMorrisyou could also maybe do some majic based on the tuner card selected01:30
superm1after i get mythtv-setup's launch in ubiquity i'll toy with that01:30
DaveMorrissince they choose the cards during install, and if you know the location (based on locale)01:31
superm1the problem is i think at  this point a lot of that will be dependent on keescook's udev magic01:31
DaveMorriscan't you do it based on the cards they say they have during the installer01:31
superm1wasn't sure what to do with that right now.  make the user think they are doing something productive by chosing ;)01:31
superm1well the udev stuff keescook was going to do would make symlinks01:32
superm1so you would know a pvr 500 is /dev/v4l/pvr50001:32
superm1(for ex)01:32
superm1so card names could be fully represented when chosen01:32
DaveMorrissounds good01:32
superm1twokedo's firmware detector needs to get going though too for this to work01:33
DaveMorristhat your friend?01:33
superm1he is interning at micron this summer and wanted a summer project01:33
DaveMorrisyou know anything about connecting 3rd party boxes to mythtv?01:33
superm13rd party as in?01:33
DaveMorrissky, ntl01:33
superm1can't say i do01:33
DaveMorrisper per view stuff01:33
superm1well for non pay per view stuff01:34
superm1its not bad01:34
DaveMorrisI wanna add sections for them to the manual, for the diff countries etc01:34
superm1set up a n IR blaster01:34
superm1or serial changer01:34
DaveMorrisyeah thats it01:34
superm1or firewire changer01:34
keescookthe udev stuff still hasn't gotten very far yet, I'm afraid.01:34
superm1keescook, :(01:34
DaveMorrisyou need IR blasters here, but me and Daviey only use freeview stuff01:34
keescookthe v4l folks haven't been very interested in helping01:34
superm1keescook, any idea why?01:35
keescooknot sure; I figure they are busy with other stuff01:35
keescookthe real problem is that there is no "unique" information exported really01:35
keescookI'm considering just writing a special external handler for it01:35
superm1an external utility01:35
superm1where would it parse from?01:35
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DaveMorrishmm, my mythbuntu blog posting is turning up on the mythdora blog feed12:11
DaveMorrisI've had around 15 referrals from it :)12:11
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DavieyDaveMorris: It's the wordpress shared tag!  :D01:59
lagasuperm1: you were right. i *am* running into focus issues with mythfrontend running on :0.102:00
rogue780yey! the power's back on02:51
lagacomputer is working much better now, huh?02:53
rogue780yeah. for a while there I had the black screen of death. now everything's workin'02:54
superm1Daviey, ping03:27
superm1laga, hey03:27
superm1what happened with focus?03:27
superm1DaveMorris, what blog posting?03:27
lagasuperm1: i told you about my plans wrt using my normal computer a s a frontend, right?03:33
lagasuperm1: keyboard and mouse is bound to my normal KDE session on :0.0; on :0.1, where mythfrontend resides, i can't use the config menus.03:35
lagai think i have found a setting in kde that'll solve that problem, though03:35
superm1yup that sounds just like what i had happen to03:35
superm1what setting?03:35
lagai'll tell you later, i have to run03:36
DaveMorrissuperm1: http://davemorris.wordpress.com/2007/06/26/mythbuntu/03:38
DaveMorrisyeah eventually, either a walk through in the manual or in the installer03:40
lagawhy do you need LVM? just use storage groups once 0.21 is released :)03:40
DaveMorrisbut when is .21 gonna be released ;)03:41
=== superm1 looks at http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/roadmap and realizes the number of tickets is no longer going down for the 0.21 target
laga100 active tickets? not too bad :P03:43
superm1it was at 91 a few days ago though03:43
superm1and 94 a few days before that03:44
lagadarn, projectm is not working for me in mythmusic :(03:44
DaveMorrisyep esp since some are plugin related03:44
lagagotta investigate later03:44
lagaomg it's working03:45
lagaalmost. :)03:46
=== laga is really afk now
superm1Daviey, i'm ready with regard to the installer to go alpha 2 publicly as soon as you have the metas ready04:41
=== DaveMorris notes all the pressure is on Daviey
superm1DaveMorris, the final page count for alpha 2 is 1505:02
superm1the last page does mythtv-setup05:02
superm1*before* you reboot05:02
DaveMorrissounds good05:02
DaveMorrissuperm1: you any good with LIRCD?05:02
DaveMorrisand wanna write that section for the manual?05:02
superm1i did author http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Feisty & ""/Install_Lirc_Edgy05:03
superm1i've been purposely putting off doing anything lirc related on mythbuntu until I spoke to the ubuntu media centre guys05:03
DaveMorrisok, I'll grab all the content from there05:03
superm1because they are supposed to change a lot for gutsy05:04
superm1DaveMorris, http://d.gardon.free.fr/vase/Capture-1.png05:07
superm1that's something up and coming from the umc folks05:07
superm1 ubuntu media centre05:08
DaveMorrisseems good, whats myth-control in the repos about?05:08
superm1what repo?05:09
DaveMorrisubuntu ones05:09
superm1apt-cache search myth-control turned up nothing05:09
superm1run: apt-cache policy myth-control05:10
DaveMorrisI could of sworn I saw it at home05:10
DaveMorrisI must of been tired and got confused with mythcontrols05:11
superm1hopefully - 'cuz i never heard of this :)05:12
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lagasuperm1: since the PSU in my main box has just blown up, the mythweb auth backport might take even longer :(09:26
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superm1laga, it works in trunk though right?10:00
lagasuperm1: except for that error message when purging :(10:01
lagai never figured that one out10:02
lagai'll get a replacement PSU on friday, i think10:02
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kruuliany good guides on xmltv and grabbers?10:27
kruulicant get the freakin thing to work10:27
lagawhat's your problem?10:28
lagaoh, ask in #mythtv-users10:28
lagathere are more people10:28
kruuliwill do10:29
superm1laga, is everything else working on -fixes10:48
superm1just the purge?10:48
lagasuperm1: nothing is working on -fixes yet :(10:51
lagai was gonna fix the purge on -trunk first, but that was time-consuming as usual. i didn't get very far :(10:51
superm1ah okay10:51
superm1possible easy fix laga...10:56
superm1do you "set +e"10:56
superm1or set -e10:56
superm1in the file?10:56
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Davieysuperm1: pong11:14
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superm1Daviey, hey11:14
superm1making progress on metas?11:14
superm1i'm about ready on the installer11:16
DavieyI know, i read...11:16
superm1i have one or two more minor things to take care of11:16
superm1and tribe-2 (ubuntu) is coming out this week or next week afaik11:16
superm1wanted to try to be ready at the same time as them11:17
Davieyfreeze went on yesterday aiui11:17
Davieyfair nuff; i'll defiently have the seeds out tommorow :)11:17
=== Daviey notes there is little/none documentation on this process
superm1from what it looks like, most of it is listing packages in those seeds that you need?11:20
superm1and germination handles the rest11:20
superm1but that is probably a very simplified explanation11:20
Davieyyes :)11:21
superm1well Daviey if you have any questions about it that you think i can help, ask away and i'll try :)11:24
Davieywill do.. thanks11:38
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kruulimight aswell post it here also :) http://tv.swedb.se/component/option,com_joomlaboard/Itemid,61/func,view/id,1930/catid,3/ <-- help!11:53
superm1kruuli, looks like that grabber is broken11:54
kruuliyou think?11:54
superm1that's what i read11:54
kruulihum ok11:55
kruuliim more on the line that i did something wrong when installing it or havent configured it the right way or something11:55
superm1well that grabber, where did you get it11:55
superm1that its sitting in /usr/local/bin11:55
superm1instead of /usr/bin11:55
kruulifrom tv.swedb.se11:56
kruuliit should be in /usr/bin?11:56
kruuliyeah your on to something there11:59
kruulithink it depends on what user you are on when installing the graber and what user you were on when installing mythtv11:59
superm1well its all about how you installed the grabber12:00
kruulicould it be that the grabber uses root and mythtv uses my personal login?12:00
superm1is it installed with the 'xmltv' package?12:00
superm1and then how does it work?12:01
superm1does it need to find the grabber next?12:01
superm1and download it from within xmltv?12:01
kruulithink thats the solution to my problems12:04
kruuliwill try it right away12:04
superm1keescook, nixternal ack'ed that revu as well today (after advised change from TheMuso).  would you be able to give it one more once over and upload?  To answer your previous question, SVGs aren't available since its all modified from that existing GTK theme blueheart12:11
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DaveMorrisevening all12:14
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superm1hey DaveMorris12:15
keescooksuperm1: I'm presently swamped -- perhaps later in the week after tribe2 releases?12:15
superm1keescook, sure.  no rush at this point since its just a gtk theme :)12:16
superm1keescook, with how things are going is tribe 2 on schedule?12:16
superm1i saw some bug reports re apport and the partitioner being big12:16
keescookyeah, looks on schedule, but tons of last-minute fixes/updates.12:16
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV12:17
kruulikeescook game developer?12:17
superm1DaveMorris, you should look in the topic12:17
superm1its there too12:17
keescookkruuli: hm?12:17
kruulisuperm1 the guide says i should move the file videosource.xmltv .. but after a search of my system if finds no such file :/ any idea where it can be?12:18
kruulikeescook isnt tribes a game? :D12:18
superm1kruuli, tribe 2 is the ubuntu alpha 2 :)12:18
keescookkruuli: ah, "tribes" is, yes.  alpha-releases for ubuntu gutsy are called "tribe".  :)12:19
kruuligot it! :D12:19
superm1kruuli, off hand no12:19
DaveMorrissuperm1: oh well12:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mythbuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:30
DaveMorrissuperm1: ^^12:31
superm1we can get Seveas to add us12:31

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