
benmayimor to put it another way. how do I login as root?12:01
intelikeysldkfj yes that should be sufficient.  thank you.12:01
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magnetronbenmayim: don't login as root... use sudo12:01
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magnetron!sudo | benmayim12:01
ubotubenmayim: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:01
benmayimI don't know how to use sudo, I don't know command line commands.12:02
imbecilesu su sudio12:02
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barry253all - got the ATI driver working12:02
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LDZ420If i hand install software an then remove the file is there some registry entries that I also need to remove12:02
tarzeaubarry253: great12:02
DrLaunchHow come there aren't any Pidgin packages for Ubuntu 7.04?12:02
barry253tarzeau: thanks for your help12:02
tarzeauLDZ420: there is. you don't need to but you can12:02
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tarzeauLDZ420: check debconf-get-selections12:03
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SkycloudCan anybody help me out, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu, everytime after it's done installing, and I reboot, I get 'Operating System Not Found' what should I do?12:03
tarzeauLDZ420: there might also be leftover files depending if you purged stuff. or if users have generated files in their homes. or shared highscore files12:03
CentinexWhen I attempt to boot into the Ubuntu installation, the computer stops responding after configuring network interfaces...[ok] . What could be causing this problem?12:03
imbecilebenmayim, try sudo and the name of the file you want to open12:03
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CentinexOr, since no one has any ideas, is there a way to go into a debugging mode to diagnose the problem further?12:05
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Skycloud Can anybody help me out, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu, everytime after it's done installing, and I reboot, I get 'Operating System Not Found' what should I do?12:06
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urso_Skycloud do you install well the grub ?12:06
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eyemeanhi does any1 know a good messenger for msn or yahoo where i can chat with audio and webcam?12:06
urso_eyemean amsn12:07
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ryoohkiis there a commandline wizard to add a printer?  i have sudo rights but no password and cannot forward the x display12:07
eyemeanfor some reason wen i installed that on ubuntu 7.04 it acts up alot12:07
ryoohkialso no root password12:07
Skycloudurso_, What do you mean, I just used the Live CD to install, isn't it supposed to do everything for you?12:07
magnetron!sudo | ryoohki12:07
uboturyoohki: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:07
ryoohkiwhen i use cups( localhost:631) it asks for a root password12:08
clemryoohki: sudo passwd root --> to give root a password12:08
xenexHow do you install mouse cursors system wide?12:08
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LDZ420tarzeau: thx for the help, and I was just wandering because I come from a windows world12:08
ryoohkiplease tell me things i don't know12:08
urso_Skycloud shure butyou nede to chose the right configurations i think ... to be honestly i dont see many things that can miss there ifnot the grub ou making the partions and seect the partition that will bot12:08
ryoohkii know all about sudo12:08
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ryoohkiis there a command line wizard to add a printer to ubuntu?12:09
magnetronryoohki: you use your OWN pass with sudo. don't enable root12:09
eyemeanurso: is there any other messenger pls?12:09
heroinanyone know of a nice application to simple slideshow my pictures?12:09
clemis it possible to use kernel 2.6.17 in Feisty. Do I need edgy repos to install it?12:09
heroinheroin: just on the screen..12:09
ryoohkii am not asking a sudo question12:09
Skycloudurso_, I just had it use all of my hdd, and make its own partitions, since I wasn't sure how to setup the partitions.12:09
=== __mikem [n=__mikem@19-187.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
urso_Skycloud do you install the swap file?12:09
imbecileanyone ever have problems burning dvd with k3b? i can burn cd image just not dvd.. anything special i need to install for dvd? help please.. or maybe a dvd burning module that will work12:09
magnetronclem: don't advise against the security policy in this channel. never advise anyone here to enable root!12:09
ubotuRegardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo12:10
ryoohkionce i sudo( i can sudo) is there a command line wizard to add a printer?12:10
Skycloudurso_, All I did was follow the instructions on the install program on the desktop of the Live CD.12:10
magnetron!repeat | ryoohki12:10
uboturyoohki: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:10
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clemmagnetron: I'm more in favor of using sudo, but you can't do everything with sudo and sometimes you do need access to a root account. If somebody asks I answer.12:10
ryoohkii can sudo su - and then links localhost:631 but then it asks for the root password12:10
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eyemeandoes any1 else have problems with amsn on ubuntu 7.04?12:10
magnetron!noroot | clem12:10
ubotuclem: Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo12:10
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aaroncampbellis there a way to make diff ignore differences in line endings?  (\r vs \n vs \r\n)12:11
clemmagnetron: keep an open mind. There's pros and cons on both sides.12:11
ryoohkiso what i getting is the is no ubuntu equivelent to redhat's system-config-printers?12:11
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:11
urso_urso_ urgggg o0 0o ermmm ... i dont know is i'm probably the best person to help but ... in every linux instalation you nede to parition the hd you need one swap file and one place to have ... thefiles whereyou will install the ubuntu12:11
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Ecnerifed_I installed iptraf, but its not what im looking for :( i need a prog that will just log the bandwidth usage of my server, anyone know what i can get?12:12
urso_urso_ the swap file is 1 or 3 times more then the memory you have in your pc12:12
magnetronclem: don't you get it? don't advise against the ubuntu security policy when you're in this channel?12:12
magnetronclem: do you understand?12:12
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clemmagnetron: crystal clean, I play by the rules.12:12
urso_urso_ so yo need to partition the swap file and then the ext3 the place where you will put the files12:12
clem"clear" sorry.12:12
moesyzlakJust installed Feisty, I have a file.run (game installer) that I am trying to run using "sh file.run" in terminal, but it keeps loading its shell installer, not the GUI one that came up when I ran it on Edgy.. is there a diff cmd or something ??12:12
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urso_Skycloud understand?12:12
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ryoohkii find it hard to believe there is no commandline utility to add printers to cups from a root shell like redhat has12:13
bobi just downloaded the quake 4 demo, how do i install it?12:13
Skycloudurso_, Not quite, so I can't just let the install program on the Live CD do everything?12:13
urso_Skycloud i put my nick beford the message but the messege is to you ...12:13
imbecileis there any way to just use an iso to make a vm? do i HAVE to burn it?12:13
urso_Skycloud and install butyou nede to partition the swap file i think linux allways nede one swap file12:13
kitcheryoohki: well considering redhat is for corporate env.12:13
reed026I am still getting a Grub Error 18.12:13
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mpetersenLooking for help on passing 'ide=nodma' while installing 7.0412:14
Skycloudurso_ I'm pretty sure it has a swap file, because it installed ubuntu, but when I reboot it says there is no OS.12:14
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ryoohkiyeah ut ppl do need to ssh into machines that disallow x forwarding but do allow sudo12:14
reed026I make a partition and set it to the /boot and make it an EPIBoot then partion the rest of my HB and include a swap.12:14
urso_Skycloud the swap file is 1 or 3 times the amount of memory you have there ... and you nede to chose install grub ...12:14
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects12:15
=== feoc_ [n=colin@88-110-184-223.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Skycloudurso_, I do all that at the part about setting up my partitions?12:15
mpetersenDoes anyone know about passing ide=nodma for an install?12:15
urso_Skycloud i recomend  tthe swap file be 2 times more then the amount of memory you have therebecause 2 times + the memory makes 3 times ...12:15
=== iTurtle [n=iTurtle@c-71-203-10-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
axisyswhat is a good netmeeting like tool? besides gnome meeting12:15
iTurtlehow can I make a floppy bootable?\12:15
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mpetersenplease msg me to get my attention if anyone does...12:16
iTurtleEcnerifed_: what's your question?12:16
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Ecnerifed_I installed iptraf, but its not what im looking for :( i need a prog that will just log the bandwidth usage of my server, anyone know what i can get?12:16
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urso_Skycloud hahaaha12:16
urso_Skycloud i think im see the problem ...12:16
iTurtle!bandwith | Ecnerifed_12:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bandwith - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:16
Skycloudurso_ whats the problem =(?12:16
mpetersenCacti, rrdtool ?12:16
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mpetersenEcnerifed_ : cacti, rrdtool ?12:16
persicaurso_: I recommend not making the swap file bigger than the physical memory if you have more than 512M.  If you make it larger a runaway process will grind your system to a halt when it has to start doing heavy swapping.  With less swap the process will die with an out-of-memory error before it forces other active processes into the swap.12:16
urso_Skycloud right ... ermmm ... lets me ssee you use the ... all disck right?12:16
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Ecnerifed_does 1 of them maybe have a web based interface? :P12:17
Ecnerifed_otherwise i can still make do12:17
mpetersenEcnerifed_: Cacti does12:17
moesyzlakhttp://www.claws-mail.org/downloads.php?section=downloads << can some1 tell me how to download the Ubuntu version i don't understand12:17
Skycloudurso_ all disk?12:17
urso_persica ok i like emory extra and the swap file dont e use until the memory is full12:17
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mpetersenEcnerifed_: You could also use OpenNMS.  Both of these are a little overkill for a single server, but would work well.12:17
=== iTurtle [n=iTurtle@c-71-203-10-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
iTurtlehow can I make a floppy bootable?12:18
Ecnerifed_kk, thanks12:18
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mzuverinkWhat is the lightest weight WM?12:18
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mpeterseniTurtle: That's not so easy, why can't you boot off a CD?12:18
axisysany suggestion on netmeeting like tool?12:18
iTurtlempetersen: I'm trying to install windows 95 :)12:18
mpeterseniTurtle: you'd probably have to get a disk image.12:18
bruenigmzuverink, fluxbox, openbox, icewm, evilwm, pick one, they are all approximately the same12:18
mpeterseniTurle: oh, bootdisk.com12:18
urso_Skycloud if im not mistake you ... partition the hdd and dont chose the boot ... from the hd12:18
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mzuverinkbruenig, ok, thanks12:18
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mpeterseniTurtle: do you have a Windows box to create it from?12:18
Skycloudurso_ what do you mean?12:19
iTurtlempetersen: yes. this one.12:19
magnetronaxisys: use ekiga. it is packaged with ubuntu and it is compible with netmeeting + all the sip clients12:19
iTurtlempetersen: so with the boot disk I can boot from the win95 floppy?12:19
pqajjvHi all. We have fun problem. We have a situation where something like a  `chown -R / ` happened. So lots of files have the wrong owner. Is there a command or script or process to restore ubuntu to default file ownership without re-installing?12:19
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vlitzerhow i can restart the X system when i am on console mode?12:19
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imbecilecan anyone tell me how to burn a iso to a dvd?12:19
axisysmagnetron: let me give it a try12:19
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urso_Skycloud try make the partitions manually ... when you install the ubuntu and when you go to partition ... select boot to the ext3 ... and install grub12:19
mpeterseniTurtle: You can create a bootdisk that will recognize your cd-rom and stuff to run the installer from.12:19
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iTurtlepqajjv: on the live cd there's a "repair system" option12:19
clemmoesyzlak: you need to add a repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list, then add a key, then update your sources, then claws will be in synaptic.12:20
magnetronaxisys: it's in the Applications > internet category12:20
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Skycloudurso_ alright, i'll be back when its finished installing again ok?12:20
ericrwimbecile, in gnome, you can right-click it and 'write to cd (or similar)12:20
iTurtlempetersen: ok. thank you.12:20
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urso_Skycloud im not see many more thingsthta can be your problem i dont now if there are someone here thta have another idea that can help you12:20
mpetersenanyone know how to pass 'ide=nodma' to the 7.04 installer?12:20
clemmoesyzlak: do you know how to do that?12:20
imbecileericrw,  thanks12:20
mpetersenor feisty installer12:20
=== iTurtle [n=iTurtle@c-71-203-10-234.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ericrwimbecile, you can use 'k3b' as well, (kde app, but very nice)12:20
Skycloudurso_ I don't think i ever installed grub, i'll be back in a little bit12:20
=== lxgg [n=lxgg@pD9E30C7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
urso_Skycloud ok :) partition manully the ext3 must be boot ... and install grub12:20
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lxgghey guys12:20
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lxggI need some help here12:20
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Skycloudurso_ you install grub, at the part about partitioning right?12:20
ericrwimbecile, or from the console use cdrecord.  The command line options are pretty simple.12:20
axisysmpetersen: it says it is a softphone12:20
Skycloudurso_ I dont have to do apt-get grub or anything?12:21
=== theine [n=theine@th316.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lxggI am searching for a tool that lists files in Ubuntu in a txt file12:21
mweimbecile: make sure it gets burned as a file system and not just a file on the dvd, though.12:21
imbecileericrw,  ive tried k3b and it failed 6 times12:21
axisysi am just trying to share my desktop.. not worry much of audio12:21
mpetersenlxgg: that does what?12:21
brueniglxgg, explain12:21
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pqajjviTurtle: Thanks. Do you know exactly what steps are taken?12:21
=== baghyay [n=baghyay@adsl196-115-67-217-196.adsl196-11.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
urso_Skycloud i allways chose manualy the partitions that will boot :x and install grub because i use many more then one os and i wantto install mac here to12:21
dragonphyreI have a laptop, and a desktop running Ubuntu. What I would like to be able to do is make my laptop kind of like a 2nd screen--an extended desktop, and be able to just move my mouse off the side of the screen and see the mouse move over on my laptop. Does anybody know what I'm talking about, and could they point me in the right direction to start?12:21
vlitzeris there a way to restart the X server when in textmode in other session? Sometimes my xsession turns to a flashing white and my system freezes12:21
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-232-76.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Skycloudurso_ alright, i'll be back in a little bit12:21
supremesoniclxgg, find /* > listoffiles.txt12:22
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technelIs there a command to regenerate /etc/fstab?12:22
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urso_Skycloud :)12:22
domubuntu pl12:22
moesyzlakclem: yes.. i have the key, it said OK when i added it in shell, i have added the sources.. how do I "update the sources" i guess is what I am missing :)12:22
=== Iwizzard [n=fredrik@84-218-11-143.eurobelladsl.telenor.se] has joined #ubuntu
lxggI am searching for a tool that generates a txt file of my files in a directory or in a specific device; So when I open the txt files I can seach through the list and look for a specific file.12:22
clemmoesyzlak: sudo apt-get update12:22
bruenigsupremesonic, or find /12:22
urso_dragonphyre 2 monitors whith one single desktop?12:22
lxggsupremesonic thanks gona have a look12:23
brueniglxgg, yeah just find /path/to/directory > textfile12:23
cras1lxgg you can use ls -l >> file.txt12:23
moesyzlakclem: of course ;) thx12:23
mpetersenlxgg you can redirect the output from find to a text file.  You can also redirect the output of ls to a text file.12:23
clemmagnetron: is it ok to advise the use of a 3pp repository ? (just to be on the safe side..).12:23
bruenigthe output of ls is far less helpful12:23
lxgghow ?12:23
mpetersen'find /dir > ~/textfile'12:23
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domhey what dys ubuntu is poland?? das is huj12:23
cras1 lxgg you can use ls -l >> file.txt12:23
lxggohhhhhhhhhhhh coool thanks12:23
mwels -l lists all files on the system? didn't know that12:23
clemmoesyzlak: then you can use "sudo aptitude search claws" to see the packages.12:23
lxgggona try that12:23
mpetersenor 'ls -l /dir > ~/file.txt'12:23
moesyzlakAlso I just installed Feisty, I have a quake4.run (game installer) that I am trying to run using "sh file.run" in terminal, but it keeps loading its shell installer, not the GUI one that came up when I ran it on Edgy.. is there a diff cmd or something ??12:23
clemmoesyzlak: and you probably know about sudo apt-get install... :)12:23
mweit doesn't list recursively12:23
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mpetersenlxgg: use find if you want all the sub directories12:24
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dragonphyreurso: No. Two seperate computers, with two seperate monitors. Each computer would remain independant, but I would just move the mouse over to the other screen.12:24
magnetronclem: avoid it, please. and never recommend automatix or easyubuntu12:24
clemmagnetron: I don't like automatix...12:24
echeeseI'm not sure if I should use the 64 bit or 32 bit version of Ubuntu.12:24
echeeseI can run both12:24
mpetersendragonphyre: You can use ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X generally.12:24
SlimeyPetedragonphyre: synergy12:24
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msldragonphyre: synergy2.sourceforge.net     or    apt-get install quicksynergy12:24
magnetronecheese: will you use the computer for deskop use or server use?12:24
mpetersendragonphyre: Synergy would do that, but I'm not sure it would work right if the X session is crashed.12:24
urso_dragonphyre using te monitor of your desktop and use xinerama probably work ... of you want to work to pcs working whith one ou need one ... software to the kernel12:24
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supremesonicanyone know how hard it would be to crack a truecrypt volume there have 15digits password. with a supercomputer - and the people knowing that it was 15digits. The partition is using sha1 -twfish-serpent. I'm asking like about 1 year, or 2 year. Or 100years? I don't know.12:25
=== whileimhere [n=richard@pool-71-121-91-127.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mweat least ls -R if you want a recursive list12:25
clemmagnetron: how do you answer questions about installing things that are not in Ubuntu repos then? Shall we just ignore them?12:25
echeesemagnetron, both, I'm a web developer.12:25
baghyaypaltalk in ubuntu ??12:25
=== shinygerbil [n=shinyger@ip-89-168-1-255.cust.homechoice.net] has joined #ubuntu
echeeseMostly desktop12:25
agent47aI edited my xorg.conf for multi monitor support.  There are 2 layouts and I can choose by setting the Default Layout in Server Flags.  Is there a better way of choosing layouts?  Often I want to disconnect my laptop from the external monitor when it is still in in multi monitor layout.12:25
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magnetronecheese: you will have an easier time with the i386 variant12:26
pqajjvHi all. We have fun problem. We have a situation where something like a  `chown -R / ` happened. So lots of files have the wrong owner. Is there a command or script or process to restore ubuntu to default file ownership without re-installing?12:26
pqajjvI personally don't know what the default permissions should be, or I would write a script.12:26
clemmoesyzlak: sorry .. I don't know much about quake4 at all..12:26
echeesemagnetron, The only other problem is I can't decide between 6.06 or 7.0412:27
bruenigpqajjv, no of course not12:27
bruenigpqajjv, reinstall all the debs, that should do it12:27
whileimhereI have some .ico files for icons. Where do I put them so that GNOME finds them automatically12:27
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ericrwimbecile, make sure that your user is in the group for writing to cds.. (I forgot waht the group is under ubuntu)12:27
pqajjvAnd is there a good way to reinstall them all? I tried re-installing one with sudo aptitude reinstall mysql, for instance. I don't know that it did anything.12:27
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technelI used the diskmounter utility to automount a backup drive, but I can't modify it without root. Any ideas?12:28
moesyzlakclem: not about quake4, but rather the cmd to run a .run file.. is it "sh" or anything else? or other ways to execute this type of file..12:28
imbecileericrw, how do i determine that it is?12:28
magnetronclem: you have to use your responsibility when recommending stuff to users here. avoid things that would possibly damage the users computer setup.12:28
bruenigtechnel, use sudo and modify it from cli12:28
clemmoesyzlak: ./file.run12:28
technelbruenig, Well I did umount it and chown to "michael", but it just goes back after restart...12:28
mwemoesyzlak: chmod +x it first12:28
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pqajjvbruenig, is there a command to force dpkg to fill all the installed packages?12:29
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clemmagnetron: that's fair enough.12:29
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lxggmpetersen --> with the find it is perfect to list files and output in txt file; However I want seperations for the subdirectories and the file type and file size ....any idea ?12:30
bruenigtechnel, mount it the real way with /etc/fstab12:30
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supremesonicls /*12:30
clemmoesyzlak: after you've installed claws you should comment out the repo or remove it from your /etc/apt/sources.list and update again. Unless you want to get updates on claws of course.. but be aware that if that repo updates packages you already have it can alter your system.12:31
technelbruenig, I have an entry in fstab and I looked at the ubuntu wiki, but I couldn't find anything about permissions for mounting... (note: diskmounter just adds it to fstab and it's done)12:31
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sqwishyCan you guys help me out? I need you to say stuff you like about ubuntu or linux in general, :D short and sweet like 'portability' or 'Compiz/Beryl' or 'different desktop enviroments'. Try not to repeat something anyone already said.12:31
technelbruenig, How do I change the mount permissions?12:31
bruenigtechnel, what is the filesystem12:31
technelbruenig, vfat12:31
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bruenigtechnel, add the following options, fmask=111,dmask=00012:32
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echeeseI can't decide between 6.06 and 7.0412:32
awerner32ok so i have my wifi with the mad wifi driver and i was trying to path that to use airodump for a little hobby because i was bored in the shop and wanted to see if i could crack the wifi in the store. things were going well and then shutdown when i left and when i booted back ath0 which is my wifi module wasnt on the ifconfig -a list. so i decided reload the module and "#sudo modprobe ath_pci12:32
awerner32FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)"12:32
awerner32so i reinstalled the madwifi drivers unpatched and tried it again; same error12:33
bruenigin between12:33
moesyzlakclem: ok i will, yes should be careful always :] 12:33
mpetersenAnyone know about passing ide=nodma to 7.04 installer?12:33
jareth_guys, i need help. after installing feisty, there is no entry for xp on one of me four sata disks...12:33
technelbruenig, Ok, restarting, one second...12:33
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pqajjvso, any way to force ubuntu to reinstall all packages?12:34
bronzeHow can I check if I'm running XGL? Is there a way to check it?12:34
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clemsorry to ask again (it's been a while so I'll try again). Anybody has kernel 2.6.17 running in Feisty? Does it work well? If so shall I pull it out of Edgy's repositories?12:34
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john86can I run ubuntu with ASUS A8V Deluxe motherboard with geforce6800GT ?12:34
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Azulmaybe if your windows act funny12:35
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evealguien habla espaol12:35
jareth_xp is installed on sda112:35
jareth_how do i create grub entry for that12:35
moesyzlakbronze: everything is really slow? ;)12:35
kitche!es | eve12:35
ubotueve: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:35
evealguien habla espaol12:35
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ADINSXhi folks, does anyone use sshfs on ubuntu?  I installed it with apt-get and tried adding my username to the fuse group with "sudo usermod -a -G fuse" but it still won't let me mount filesystems as non-root... I can do it with root, however12:36
clemjareth_: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst .. there's a windows example commented out in there.12:36
javbi`m having an issue with ethernet on ubuntu 7.10. It is taking something like "eth0=avh0" ... any ideas?12:36
bronzemoesyzlak, no, I don't think so. I'm using Beryl and the system is responsive.12:36
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jareth_clem.. wait...12:36
vbabiyEvery one12:36
kitcheADINSX: yes that is correct so what's the problem your having?12:36
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newtubuntuany thoughts on AMD64 vs. 32bits ?12:36
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moesyzlakbronze: ATI or nVidia card ?12:36
vbabiynewtubuntu: what do you mean12:37
vbabiysoftware or hardware12:37
jareth_clem: what will my root for xp be? /dev/sda112:37
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newtubuntuvbabiy, which to choose12:37
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=== supremesonic yells long live linux!
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clemjareth_: should be /dev/sda112:37
bronzemoesyzlak, nvidia geforce 7900GTX12:37
technelbruenig, Thanks12:37
jareth_oki... i change that, reboot and get back ok?12:38
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vbabiynewtubuntu: in hardware or software12:38
bruenig!thanks | technel12:38
ubotutechnel: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:38
moesyzlakbronze: Which Beryl version? "beryl --version" in shell12:38
newtubuntuI have an AMD64 proc, should I use AMD64 Ubuntu ?12:38
clemjareth_: hold on..12:38
clemjareth_: sorry ... root should be (hd0,0)12:38
vbabiynewtubuntu: I have 64bit but I use 32bit more software support12:38
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vbabiyThere are hacks around it12:39
bronzeberyl-core 0.2.112:39
vbabiybut 32bit is much easier12:39
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bronzemoesyzlak, beryl-core 0.2.112:39
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jareth_clem: sure?12:39
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clemjareth_: /dev/sda1 might also work... it's basically the same, hd0,0 is grub syntax.. /dev/sda1 is the way linux sees it.12:39
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newtubuntuvbabiy, I heard I could have problems with AMD64 Ubuntu, and that I don't lose performance on 32 bits. Is that so ?12:39
moesyzlakbronze: You are not using XGL, nVidia uses AiGLX12:39
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jareth_clem: thanks, i get back on you... !12:40
clemjareth_: ok12:40
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sn0wmis3ranyone know of a 64bit config tool for compiz, reg compiz not compizfusion12:40
ADINSXwell kitche i can't mount a remote filesystem as a user12:40
vbabiynewtubuntu: There might be a small increase in speed on 64bit but I don't think enough to justify install 64bit12:40
bronzemoesyzlak, which one is "the best"? There's probably not an answer but still12:40
ADINSXand i should be able to according to the guides i find, i have added my username to the fuse group, is there any other group i need to belong to?12:40
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supremesonicvbabiy, can't you install ubuntu 64bit, and hack the /etc/apt/source.list to use 32bit for something?12:40
newtubuntusoftware availability is a big issue on 64bits ?12:41
yeniklasorCan you tell me fastest torrent program what?12:41
StrongArmwhats the alternative GPL version of realplayer12:41
vbabiysupremesonic: that's not what i meant12:41
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kitcheStrongArm: helxi12:41
kitcheStrongArm: helix*12:41
vbabiynewtubuntu: yes12:41
moesyzlakbronze: That's not the idea, but as someone who used XGL with an ATI card then got a nVidia card and hence now using AiGLX, trust me, nVidia is the way to go :)12:41
supremesonicvbabiy, okay. But can't you do that?12:41
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vbabiysupremesonic:  not sure12:41
newtubuntusupremesonic:  I think you are talking about using 32bits apps in chroot or something like that12:41
hans0loI've got a client with a 24-drive ubuntu server. He's a windows user and si scared of the CLI. Is there any way to rename partition labels through the GUI?12:41
supremesonicvbabiy, I wanna know becuase I might wanna buy 64amd next time.12:41
StrongArmhelxi ?12:42
bronzemoesyzlak, Ok then :)12:42
john86can I run ubuntu with ASUS A8V Deluxe motherboard with geforce6800GT ?12:42
StrongArmno such pkg as helxi12:42
Skycloudurso_ are you there?12:42
gerroonce again I embark on my journey to get xubuntu on a dell latitude c640, but this time... I got floppies!! :)12:42
StrongArmkitche:  no such pkg as helxi12:42
supremesonicnewtubuntu, I wanna use some 32bit programs and some 64bit. Like if java is 64 bit it should be so much better I heard.12:42
=== ph03nix [n=ph03nix@ip68-226-124-114.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SkycloudCan anybody help me setup my partitions?12:42
preactionhans0lo: uhm... if he's afraid of the CLI, I would hope you allow him absolutely no access to a 24-drive ubuntu server... the possibilities are very bad for you12:42
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hans0lopreaction: thanks but that doesn't answer my question.12:43
preactionhans0lo: but it might be possible through gparted12:43
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urso_Skycloud yes i'm :)12:43
newtubuntusupremesonic:  I am on 64bits today, and the Java plugin doesn't work12:43
hans0lopreaction: all right, I'll try that out, thanks :)12:43
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Skycloudurso_ I don't know how to setup my partitions, and It doesn't say anything about grub.12:43
preactionhans0lo: are they raided though? i mean, there's an entirely different tool for that if they are12:43
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StrongArmwhats the GPL version of realplayer12:43
hans0lopreaction: nope, JBOD12:43
gerronewtubuntu: grab the java plugin from getjava site and set it up manually or use x86 system on that computer12:44
bruenigStrongArm, mplayer?12:44
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newtubuntuthe Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is available, but not Sun-Java6-Plugin (in order to work in Firefox) it just doesn't work on AMD6412:44
preactionhans0lo: concatenated? or individual disks individually managed?12:44
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Jordan_Unewtubuntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava12:44
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urso_Skycloud are you in the partitions setup?12:44
hans0lopreaction: individual disks. all 750GB SATA's12:44
Skycloudurso_ yes12:44
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supremesonicnewtubuntu, if you don't have 64bit os. You can't use 64 bit programs.12:44
gerronewtubuntu: I think you have to make a symbolic link to your browser plugin section or such12:44
StrongArmmplayer does play12:44
StrongArmmplayer does play  it12:44
sn0wmis3ranyone know of any 64bit compiz settings tools12:45
preactionhans0lo: gparted would probably be your best bet then, otherwise the Disks Manager might allow you to edit disk / volume labels12:45
Pirate_HunterStrongArm: why dont you stick with Rythmbox its easy and does the same with a crappy interface... I wonder if it has themes but heck does the job and guess what music comes outt he same12:45
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urso_Skycloud you got there one option that says to manuually partitions right?12:45
supremesonicnewtubuntu, I'm also thinking more like my IDE environment for creating java application can sometimes be a little slwo12:45
abduliounitedHello to All!!!12:45
Skycloudurso_ yes12:45
Jordan_Upreaction, hans0lo I don't think that gparted allows editing of disk labels12:45
mdolan__does anyone know if xvidcap is in any of the ubuntu repos? can't find it...12:45
urso_Skycloud so select this ... and then create one swap file 1 or 2 times the amount of the memory thta your personal computer have12:46
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hans0loJordan_U: You may be right, I'm not seing any options for it :/12:46
abduliounitedI have a problem with my microphone. the audio is working perfect but my microphone not at all. how I can set-up my alsamixer??12:46
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Pirate_HunterJordan_U: Im sure for you to edit the disk label it must be formated otherwise it is just stuck unless im wrong12:46
Skycloudurso_ memory as in ram?12:46
bronzeWhen I play x-moto (game), the game periodically de-selects itself and enters windowed mode. How can I prevent this?12:46
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jareth_clem: didn't work... :(12:46
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mpetersenOk, I installed 6.06 and I'm dist-upgrading to 7.04.  I guess that might work as a work around for me.  Hopefully I can boot 7.04 with nodma.12:47
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urso_Skycloud yes ram memory ... and after you create one swap file create one ext3 file that will be your linux files ... or your hd12:47
cheeseboywhats app to setup nvidia tv clone ?12:47
abduliounitedI dont know how to enable my microphone when I run alsamixer...any idea12:47
clemjareth_: what did it say?12:47
hans0lopreaction: looks like you can only set the MSDOS disk label with gparted12:47
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, You can change a disk label without reformatting, I know that gparted has some option they call changing the disk label which does not do what I generally know that term to mean12:47
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jareth_clem: not valid .. bla bla12:48
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fuzzy_logichi people12:48
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gdbmpetersen: I hope your upgrade from 6.06 -> 7.04 without going to 6.10 first works for you, as well. ;-)12:48
Skycloudurso_ I won't be dual booting though12:48
Pirate_HunterJordan_U: thats new always thought disk label couldnt be changed but than I only had to do it when I formatted my HD12:48
hans0loJordan_U: Someone's got to have made a GUI for this, even if it's only a frontend to the CLI tools12:48
mpetersengdb: Me too..  shouldn't be that much different.12:48
fuzzy_logicgdb: i don't think that will :)12:48
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mpetersengdb: you really think it'll fail?12:48
jareth_clem: i got 4 sata disks12:48
urso_Skycloud do this and and keep install12:48
IdleOnempetersen, you shouldnt leepfrog versions like that and there is alot of difference12:48
kitcheStrongArm: I said helix12:48
clemPirate_Hunter: why do you want to change the label? Just for the link on the desktop?12:48
jareth_xp is on /dev/sda112:48
mpetersenOk, now everyone jumps out of the woodwork.12:49
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hans0loclem: Yes, that's why12:49
fuzzy_logicgdb: if you do apt-get distupgrade it will upgrade to 6.1012:49
gdbmpetersen: I honestly don't know the odds.  It's not recommended to do it.  Since I keep my volatile data on another partition, I always do a clean install.12:49
kitcheStrongArm: I fixed it after I misspelled it you didn't see my correction12:49
Pirate_Hunterclem: not me someone wanted I said it wasnt possible wihtout reformat12:49
Skycloudurso_ only 2 partitions then?12:49
urso_Skycloud and chose install grub in the mrb when cames thegrub instalation12:49
mpetersenSo 6.10 to 7.04 is the much more likely to work?12:49
clemjareth_: try with root /dev/sda1 so12:49
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bronzeWhen I play x-moto (game), the game periodically de-selects itself and enters windowed mode. How can I prevent this?12:49
urso_Skycloud yes you nede the swap file and the ext312:49
IdleOnempetersen, yes12:49
gdbTakes me about 30 minutes to get everything taken care of.12:49
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Skycloudurso_ i've never seen a grub installtion12:49
mpetersenI would LOVE to do a clean install if I could pass ide=nodma to the 7.04 installer12:49
jareth_clem: ok12:49
gdbmpetersen: Perhaps using the alternative CD?12:49
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cheeseboywhat app you use to setup nvidia tv clone ?12:49
mpetersenI am using the alt CD trying to do a CLI install12:49
gdbah ok12:50
gdbSo you're doing that already.12:50
jribcheeseboy: nvidia-settings12:50
mpetersenalso, my upgrade is a cli, so that might make things a little better on the upgrade?12:50
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, You can do it with e2label without reformatting12:50
clemPirate_Hunter: you can use mintDisk to replace fstab just for fat/ntfs partitions. It's got more features than fstab and one of them is that you can give aliases to your partitions and define where the shortcuts go.12:50
Pirate_Huntermpetersen: have you actually backed up your data cause I think you may need to reading the way things are going12:50
jribcheeseboy: at least I think you can use it...12:50
mpetersenI have no data that I care about.12:50
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mpetersenjust some OpenVPN certs with backups.12:50
gdbmpetersen: I don't think that will have an impact.  I don't anticipate that you'll have *major* issues, but you might run into a snag here and there.12:50
urso_Skycloud do you have there some option to chose the boot in the partitions ?12:50
Skycloudurso_ I12:50
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Skycloudurso_ I'm not sure12:51
urso_Skycloud to chose if will run from swap or ext3 ?12:51
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jareth_clem: and chainloader option?12:51
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clemjareth_: yep12:51
Pirate_HunterJordan_U & clem: thanks thats new to me will try it out sometime i..e when I buy my new HD12:51
urso_Skycloud check this i dont have the rightplace in my memory ... but you nede to have something looks like there12:51
clemPirate_Hunter: no problem.12:51
urso_Skycloud after you find this in thepartitions makes the ext3 boot12:51
gdbI've so far upgraded the OS on my desktop to Windows Vista, on my server to Ubuntu Feisty, and on my phone to the new Treo 700p ROM release in the last couple days.  Yikes!12:52
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jareth_clem: +1 or sthg else?12:52
mpetersengdb: I can probably fix a snag here and there... it's literally a base system with OpenVPN.12:52
mpetersenoh, and ssh12:52
gdbmpetersen: I think you'll probably be fine for the most part.12:52
Skycloudurso_ I don't understand12:52
=== gdb isn't much of a naysayer.
mpetersenmtr-tiny that sort of stuff.12:52
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cheeseboyjrib, nothing about tv12:53
urso_Skycloud you have there one option when you set up thepartitions ... manually thta lets you to chose what partitions you ant this hd start to run so when you find this just chose to run first from the ext312:53
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Skycloudurso_ alright12:53
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:53
jribcheeseboy: x server display configuration12:53
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ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:53
Pirate_Hunterhey jrib12:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
jribPirate_Hunter: hi12:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nodma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
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wiglafMy DLink DWL-G650 is not recognized by ubuntu, I've tried the wifi troubleshooting guide and I get to the first step which tells me it's not detected...any suggestions?12:56
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wiglafhello? anyone in the room?12:57
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endoargh, I cannot get divx to run properly at all12:58
Pirate_Hunterwiglaf: just ask the question12:58
_jarethclem: I got an error 11 from grub when booting XP12:58
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endo!divx | endo12:58
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_jarethcan someone help me with that?12:58
wiglafI did, Pirate, I did...ha12:58
makuseruhow can i veiw .divix streams in firefox?12:58
FhajadI need someone to help me figure to tell No-IP 2.1.4 to give its external IP instead of the internal IP the router gives it (
makuseruw/e its called12:59
Pirate_Hunter_jareth can u still access your linux distro?12:59
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wiglafMy Cardbus wifi adaptor is not recognized...or at least not by lshw, how do I get a look at what's connected to my computer?12:59
VSpikewiglaf: lspci ?12:59
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Pirate_Hunterwiglaf: sorry ask again I moved to another virtual area and didnt see it12:59
wiglafha...thanks Vspike, I'll giver a go12:59
FhajadI need someone to help me figure to tell No-IP 2.1.4 to give its external IP instead of the internal IP the router gives it (
init6anyone in here familiar with ubuntu:virtualbox:windowsXP:blackberry desktop manager?12:59
_jarethPirate_Hunter: how do i get XP to boot again from /dev/sda12:59
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bruenig_jareth, /dev/sda is the mbr01:00
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bruenig_jareth, do you mean /dev/sda101:00
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Pirate_Hunter_jareth: give me a sec what ive got in mind is supposed to fix GRUB but i have to look for it01:00
wiglafI have a cardbus bridge in that list01:00
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_jarethPirate_Hunter: thanks..01:00
FhajadI take it no one knows how to solve my no=IP problem, hrm?01:00
=== _jareth just spend hours installing XP and after that ubuntu...
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:01
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clem_jareth: you've got 4 lines in menu.lst for your windows entry right?01:01
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clemjareth_: error 11 or error 15?01:02
_jarethtitle           Windows XP Pro01:02
_jarethroot            root /dev/sda1 so01:02
_jarethchainloader     +101:02
_jaretherror 1101:02
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Pirate_Hunter_jareth: this is like for newbs and yeha dont feel bad if it gets the job done thans its cool check the link: http://forjamari.linex.org/projects/supergrub/01:02
clemyour root line is not correct01:02
clemshould be "root   /dev/sda1"01:02
clemor "root   (hd0,0)"01:02
wiglafThe card appears to have power, and all reports on the community documentation are that this card (DLink DWL-G650) works out of box, so I'm thinking it might by something in my laptop that isn't talking right...any terminal commands that will take a look at the cardbus?01:03
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=== Pelo is resisting the urge to install his A/C
clemjareth_: try to replace " root            root /dev/sda1 so" with " root            /dev/sda1"01:03
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_jarethclem, i tried that before...01:03
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_jarethubuntu messedit up with the live cd...01:04
VSpikewiglaf: it doesn't show up on the lspci output?01:04
wiglafno card, just the cardbus bridge, Vspike01:04
Pelo_jareth, how so ?01:04
makuseruhow can i veiw .divx streams in firefox?01:04
clem_jareth: you've got a syntax error.. you've written root twice :) and so (you probably meant ro?) is not appropriate here.01:04
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Pelomakuseru,  install  mplayer-mozilla and remove totem-mozilla01:04
Pirate_Hunter_jareth: have u checked the link supergrub is supposed to repair it automatically but than it depends on you01:04
wiglaf02:05.0 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c475 (rev 80)01:05
_jarethi did.. i'm going to try it all.. sorry for my temper...01:05
wiglafthat's the only cardbus reference in my lspci01:05
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makuseruPelo: i have mplayer, and i dont have totem01:05
clem_jareth: title           Windows 95/98/NT/200001:05
clemroot            (hd0,0)01:05
clemchainloader     +101:05
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makuseruclem: use pastebin01:05
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clemmakuseru: sorry for that.01:06
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Pelomakuseru,   mplayer-mozilla , it's the plugin , not like mplayer,  but I guess you can always paste the stream's url in the stand alone mplayer01:06
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makuseruPelo: i know, im telling you i have the plugin01:06
aggelos how can i recover files from my "creative zen v plus"?01:07
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Peloaggelos, is that a usbflash mp3 player ?01:07
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FhajadI need someone to help me figure to tell No-IP 2.1.4 to give its external IP instead of the internal IP the router gives it (
aggelospelo yes it is01:07
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aggelos@pelo yes it is01:08
Pirate_Hunteraggelos: sorry but what does that have to do with linux distro01:08
awerner32ok so i have my wifi with the mad wifi driver and i was trying to path that to use airodump for a little hobby because i was bored in the shop and wanted to see if i could crack the wifi in the store. things were going well and then shutdown when i left and when i booted back ath0 which is my wifi module wasnt on the ifconfig -a list. so i decided reload the module and "#sudo modprobe ath_pci01:08
Peloaggelos,  plug it in , open it up in nautlus,  ctrl_h to view hidden fiels,   looin in .Trash01:08
awerner32FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)"01:08
awerner32so i reinstalled the madwifi drivers unpatched and tried it again; same error01:08
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unique1is it worth it to upgrade to ubuntu studio from fiesty?01:08
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Peloaggelos,  I donT' take private msg  talk to me in the channel01:09
javbi`m having an issue with ethernet on ubuntu 7.10. It is taking something like "eth0=avh0" ... any ideas?01:09
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jscinozThe UUID of my swap partition keeps changing, meaning i have to edit /etc/fstab every few boots, why does this happen and how can i fix it?01:09
wiglafawerner32: ouch! I can't help you, but maybe you can help me get wifi running... :)01:09
Swamijihi :)01:09
clemjscinoz: you can use the /dev/xxx instead.01:09
jscinozok thanks, just  wondering though, why does the UUID change?01:10
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leali'm using "xwinwrap -a -fs -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet -loop 0 movie.mpg" as screensaver... but i need to move the mouse to see the video... how can i fix that??01:10
jettred2001can I make my own room01:10
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Swamijitoday, i have been plying around with themes... and i came to know about docking... i installed avant.. but its not what i had in my mind.. and its not what i had seen in youtube..01:10
Pelojettred2001,  sure , just joing a blank one01:11
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jettred2001ok how01:11
FhajadI need help with someone experinced with no-ip.01:11
Swamijiwhat i wanted was something similar to what we have in mac01:11
jettred2001I am new to this chat01:11
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wiglafHow can I get Ubuntu to detect my cardbus wifi adaptor?01:11
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Pelojettred2001,  just type  /join #jettred01:11
clemjscinoz: I think the UUID is more precise in a way.. it identifies a particular partition, but it's less stable as well cause it changes if you make changes to the partition table. The need of UUID comes from the fact that some bios don't always sort partitions in the same order depending on whether external drives are plugged or not... hence sda1 could be something today and something else tomorrow..01:11
rustalotHow do I reinstall (and have it autoconfigure) X and kdm?01:11
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FhajadI need help with someone experinced with no-ip.01:11
clemjscinoz: I "think" this is it.01:11
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PeloSwamiji, try kxdockers01:12
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Swamijithen, googling... googling.. and i came out with something named gnome-dock01:12
SwamijiPelo: kxdockers?01:12
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lealsomebody using xwinwrap???01:12
jscinozhmm strange, i havn't changed anything to do with the partition table...01:12
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TheDebuggerkxdocker is good if you have KDE01:12
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SwamijiPelo: kxdockers have that mac look?01:12
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clemjscinoz: sometimes just installing a distro on another partition breaks the UUIDs..01:12
PeloSwamiji, no idea01:12
xoqawhere's the .local file located?01:12
TheDebuggerFor gnome, the one thats work the best is avant-window-manager imo01:13
jscinozI haven't it just changes after a regular reboot01:13
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SwamijiTheDebugger: i am hving ubuntu, its not having kde :(01:13
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abduliouniteddo you know why when I try to log in to skype I got this error?? sign in failed: database failure01:13
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jettred2001ok now do I have to do anything to keep the room01:13
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FhajadI need help with someone experinced with no-ip.01:14
TheDebuggerSwamiji: Then try avant-window-manager :)01:14
benmayimI've unpacked Joomla into the apache2 www folder, but when I open a browser, and file-open file, and pick install.php, it asks what program to open it with. How do I get a php file to run in the web browser?01:14
SwamijiTheDebugger: i have it installed :D01:14
Swamijiit just higlights, but no animation like mac :(01:14
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Swamijianimation as in "poppinjg out feeling"01:15
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wiglafbenmayim: can you just point the browser to the file with the address bar?01:15
Swamijido, u how to install gnome-dock?01:15
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benmayimwiglaf, i didn't try that, one minute.01:15
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Swamijii searched in synaptic, but, it dint show up :-s01:15
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FhajadCan anyone help me set up my Linux Box with a static IP behind a router for others to access?01:16
wiglafSwamiji: do you have all the repos enabled01:16
clembenmayim: you might have to install libapache2-mod-php5, maybe that'll install php support in apache.. not sure.01:16
Skycloudurso_ it didnt work01:16
eyemeanhi does any1 know how i can get microphone and webcam to work on ubuntu? pls01:16
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aoeuhtnswhenever I close and reopen the lid on my Dell laptop, the screen stays black - the only way I've gotten it back (short of restarting X) is to switch to a virtual console and switch back...01:16
wiglafHow do I get ubuntu to find my cardbus wifi adaptor?01:16
FhajadCan anyone help me set up my Linux Box with a static IP behind a router for others to access?01:16
aoeuhtnsanybody have this problem or know why it might be happening?01:16
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rustalotIs there a way to tell Konqueror to render say, 'mail.google.com', using Firefox?01:17
urso_Skycloud you shure you have your bios ... directed to start to run from the hd you have the ubuntu installed?01:17
Swamijiwiglaf: repos, well, i really dont know what shud i add in the sources to get gnome-dock.. where can i find the repo i shud add?01:17
FhajadCan anyone help me set up my Linux Box with a static IP behind a router for others to access?01:17
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Pirate_Hunterif I were to install PW (IP filter) as a service in wine would it pick up my connection and filter it like Moblock?01:17
jettred2001is there a paint program on ubuntu01:17
qnyc!patience | Fhajad01:17
ubotuFhajad: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:17
wiglafSwamiji: google!01:17
urso_Skycloud or you install some new hd in your pc? to install ubuntu01:17
Swamijiwiglaf: lol.. lemme try :) till then brb ;)01:18
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Skycloudurso_ i'll try another hd some other time I guess, I might change my bios01:18
wiglafjettred2001: not by default, only teh GiMP01:18
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wiglafJettred: but there are a few available in the supported repos01:18
benmayimwiglaf, it does the same thing from the url line as open file.01:18
sharcleI'm running Feisty and want to run qcharts under Wine - this should work just by installing the wine from synaptic, right? Or is there any reason why I'd need to install from source?01:18
FhajadFuck this, back to Google.01:18
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wiglafjettred: check out synaptic...do a search for "Paint"01:18
jettred2001how do i get them01:18
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Pirate_HunterFhajad: lamguage01:19
urso_Skycloud no you are not understand ... ifyou install one new hd in your pc to install ubuntu you nede to chose in the bios ... hardware what the hd the pc will start to boot01:19
wiglafbenmayim: you may need the php5 package01:19
technelI am trying to move a directory between two HD's. It says: inter-device move failed: .... unable to remove target: Is a directory --- Why?01:19
eapachesharcle: the wine in synaptic is out of date, but you don't need to install from source01:19
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benmayimI have the package, I just don't know where it is or how to connect it to the browserl01:19
sharcleeapache thanks01:19
Skycloudurso_ theres only 1 hd plugged in01:19
lazellamahow can I make it so I call see all my files by default. so i don't have to use ls -a....why are .filename files automatically hidden?01:19
urso_Skycloud you only have one hd in in the pc you try to install the ubuntu?01:20
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eapachesharcle: follow the instructions here for the latest version http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb01:20
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kitchelazellama: . means hidden also means current directory01:20
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jettred2001is 3.3 gb enough to run roller coster tycoon on ubuntu01:20
Pirate_Hunterlazellama: why would windows have hidden files, i wont answer that for you01:20
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qnyclazellama, you can alias ls="ls -a"01:20
urso_Skycloud do you have one ormore then one hd in the pc you try to install the ubuntu?01:21
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unagi_does anyone here have a problem with the system restarting when trying to 'search for files'?01:21
sharcleeapache, it says it can't authenticate it. Is there a reason for that?01:21
qnyclazellama, put that in your ~/.bash_profile01:21
bruenigunagi_, how are you searching for them with find, locate which or what01:21
eapachesharcle: after which command?01:21
qnyclazellama, or better yet make another command like lsa, so you still have ls01:21
Skycloudurso_ i only have 101:21
bruenigwhereis maybe01:22
benmayimwiglaf, I have the php5 package, I just don't know how to tie it to the browser, or where the php5 is located.01:22
unagi_start>places>search for files01:22
sharcleafter I reload01:22
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sharcle"public key is not available"01:22
lazellamaqnyc, ok thanks.01:22
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urso_Skycloud then i really dont know more how to try to help sorry . can someone else here try to help Skycloud whith some ubuntu instalation there that says  dont have os after install the ubuntu01:22
eapachesharcle: did you run "wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -" before the required command for feisty?01:22
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sharcleeapache, no, i'll try that01:23
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unagi_any ideas?01:23
urso_Skycloud here this install very good :| whith no problems :\ im really not see whta this can be :x01:23
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eapachesharcle: you must have skipped that. above the list of OSs and there respective commands is a universal command that must be run first01:24
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=== sharcle smacks self for not reading
Skycloudurso_ hmm, my bios says that my hd is my second master hd, and not my first master hd, could that affect it?01:24
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Elliot_Mhow can i get beryle to work with a ATI graphics card?01:25
Elliot_Mi tried but it doesent work01:25
Elliot_Mne ideas ?01:25
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unagi_what do u mean by it doesnt work01:25
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unagi_what does it not do01:25
Elliot_Mthe box01:25
urso_Skycloud shure it afects ... try to make master ... you nede to select the jumpers when you install one new hd hardwra ein one pc01:25
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qoshey guys ... is there someone who can tell me about the ID value in this line: "Cpu(s):  0.0% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 99.3% id,  0.3% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si01:25
qos" its from the TOP command...01:25
unagi_do u have 'the box' turned on?01:25
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Skycloudurso_ but its the only hd plugged in01:25
Elliot_Mi uninsalled it01:25
samitheberberElliot_M: You need XQL or AIGLX01:26
Elliot_Mwhats that?01:26
Skycloudurso_ i have the master plugged into it, and somthing else plugged into it01:26
jettred2001can ubuntu support java??01:26
FirebirdI believe it's "idle", qos01:26
thosmosjettred2001: yes01:26
qnycqos, yep it's idle01:26
jettred2001which one01:26
qosFirebird, qnyc: thanks ...01:26
thosmosjettred2001: 5 or 6 or both01:26
eapachejettred2001: 1.601:26
jettred2001ok ty01:27
samitheberberElliot_M: I used beryl with XGL+fglrx, fglrx didn't have composite working so XGL replaced that.01:27
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Skycloudurso_ I'01:27
urso_Skycloud im not a shure it is from the bios but i think it is ...01:27
Skycloudurso_ I'm going to try a different hd, i have another one that I havn't used yet01:28
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Elliot_Mso step by stem what should i do01:28
Lfubhi to all01:28
Elliot_Minstall beryle01:28
urso_Skycloud no forget ...01:28
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Elliot_Mthen what?01:28
urso_Skycloud if itisfrom the bios ... probbaly if you put another one ... you will have the same problem01:28
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urso_Skycloud ermmm give me one minute please lets me think01:29
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Lfubdo anyone trying install LFS by Ubuntu ?01:29
urso_Skycloud the error message is that dont have os right? when you turn the pc on right?01:30
Qqhi looking for help on  installing cacti through synaptic, i get the same error on multiple computers, anyone else experience this error?01:30
eapacheQq: what error?01:30
urso_Skycloud do you try in the bios autodetect and check if the boot options are running from this hd first?01:30
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Swamijii have emerald themes installed... and i can see several themes in the emerald theme manager.. but how to select and apply a theme? i can select it, but i dont see any apply button :(01:31
mrsnobug 9373301:31
mrsno!bug 9373301:31
mrsnohmm , Qq please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cacti/+bug/9373301:31
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insomninjaIf I burn an iso file to a cd and then create an isofile from the burned cd (dd if=... of=...) the md5sums of both iso files should be the same right?01:32
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c_lisphow do you disable recent documents in ubuntu01:32
Elliot_Mhow can i install ? XGL+fglrx01:32
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samitheberberElliot_M: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Beryl_.28ATI.2901:32
Ig2How do i start FIFA MANAGER 07 in OpenGL because when i start it my screen gets black and i cant do anything about it please help01:33
Specanyone know why blackace11 was banned from this channel around 3 hours ago?01:33
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jettred2001thosmos can I privat chat with you01:33
lazellamaAnyone know how I can get fluxbox to work. i've read quite a bit of info on the forums. but none of it seems to help. no matter what i do, after i log in it always says "/home/me/.fluxbox/startup could not be found" or /home/me/.xsession could not be found Anyone in here have flux running?01:33
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Ig2How do i start FIFA MANAGER 07 in OpenGL because when i start it my screen gets black and i cant do anything about it please help01:33
eapachec_lisp: run "chmod +400 .recently-used"01:33
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init_6anyone use virtualbox with winxp and blackberry desktop software?01:34
Specare there reasons for bans in the banlist?01:35
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urso_Skycloud do you check your boot options in the bios?01:35
PiciSpec: yes.01:35
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c_lispeapache if you open up a file after you do that the menu is enabled again01:36
urso_Skycloud do you see the step where it says install the grub?01:36
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thedonvaughnlazellama: u did install fluxbox ?   do you have /home/me/.fluxbox dir?01:36
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Pirate_Hunterim back had to eat something now what did i miss01:36
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:37
eapachec_lisp: hmm... one sec01:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
japhy_ryderI'm using cron for the first time - using crontab -e I was able to have one command successfully execute, but none since then...when I type cron in a terminal I get "can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 5491", any ideas?01:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about controller - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gamepad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-games - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
lazellamathedonvaughn, Yes.01:39
Xraven92is it possible to partion your hard drive without loosing hte data currently on it?01:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
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Pirate_HunterXraven92: yes but im not the best person to help you on that01:40
urso_Xraven92 partition magic to the windows probably it works well :)01:40
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urso_Xraven92 then you can have space to install ubuntu01:40
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Xraven92awsome thanks01:40
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urso_you are wellcome :)01:40
Xraven92and the ubuntu installer includes grub so i can dual boot right?01:40
magnetronXraven92: the Ubuntu installer has the option to resize your current partitions to give you the possibility to add new ones for ubuntu01:40
kmastaare there any other open source ATI drivers other than radeon01:40
taintI just installed 6.06 and it didn't ask me for a root password. now I try to login as root, and I can't because I don't know the root password. any ideas?01:40
mongolaiyou can dual boot01:40
eapachec_lisp: try "chmod +400 .recently-used" and then "chmod +400 .recently-used.xbel"01:40
ub12Hello can someone give me their preferred method for setting up a dual boot XP/Ubuntu laptop? XP is already installed01:40
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xcdhi, should my swap partition show up in 'mount' as mounted?01:41
Elliot_Mk i tried to install beryl but there is no icon showing up when i tried to install it01:41
urso_taint lol01:41
xcdor do i view that somewhere else01:41
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Pirate_Hunterwho can help me Ive just read the manual and still achieved nothing - i need to get owner privilege to /usr/share/xmame/roms01:41
abduliounitedHey There ..thank you very much...finally I fixed my microphone...urrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaa good nite01:41
tainthah, just realized I was still on this nick. hehe01:41
ub12taint your first user you set up password is the superuser password01:41
urso_taint try one live cd to make the backups :)01:41
qnycxcd, no it won't show as mounted01:42
magnetronub12: just use the standard ubuntu installer, it will ask if ubuntu should resize the current windows partition.01:42
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vbabiyHey guys where can i get some good direction to create packages01:42
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xcdqnyc: ok thanks.01:42
taintub12: yeah I tried that one. it's not working01:42
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aoeuhtnsxcd: you can use the command free to see how much swap is available01:42
xcdalso, anyone know how to turn off the automount ubuntu seems to do whenever you try to access a disk01:42
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qnycsudo | taint01:42
jrib!packageguide > vbabiy (see the private message from ubotu)01:42
xcdaoeuhtns: thanks01:42
mongolaimagnetron, the ubuntu installer can non-destructively resize NTFS partitions?01:42
kmastaelliot_M what kind of graphics card do you have01:42
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qnyc!sudo | taint01:42
ubotutaint: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:42
jribvbabiy: #ubuntu-motu is full of helpful packagers as well01:42
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magnetronmongolai: yes01:42
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CaptainMorganwhere do I set environment variables? I thought it was in .bashrc... no?01:43
taintqnyc: still doesn't help me login as root.01:43
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Pirate_Hunterachieved nothing - i need to get owner privilege to ~/usr/share/xmame/roms01:43
mongolaishoot, wish i'd known that before partition magic ruined my old tables ;P01:43
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jribCaptainMorgan: sure, you could use that01:43
Pirate_Hunter who can help me Ive just read the manual and still achieved nothing - i need to get owner privilege to ~/usr/share/xmame/roms01:43
lashmoovewhy is compiz-fusion not dodging when i tell it to? is it because the settings from the beryl-manager is overriding it?01:43
Xraven92does the ubuntu installerlet you partion your harddrive with out loosing the data already on it?01:43
jriblashmoove: try #ubuntu-effects01:43
mongolaiCaptainMorgan, you can also use "set env"01:43
ub12ansimation, you might have to set up su I just searching for it now on google.com/linux01:44
qnycjaphy_ryder, you might try to install lockfile-progs01:44
lashmoovecool thanks01:44
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Elliot_Mkmasta  ATI X140001:44
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eapachePirate_Hunter: try "sudo chmod +666 /usr/share/xmame/roms"01:45
ansimationin 5.*installation it asked me for a root password. now I just installed 6.06 because I don't have the feisty fawn cd's yet and and it didn't even ask me to set one01:45
CThowhat's an app that's similar to ms paint?01:45
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largoshas anyone had trouble with tomcat5.5 starting up in feisty?01:45
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ub12ansimation, try "sudo passwd root" and set the root password01:45
Xraven92does the ubuntu installerlet you partion your harddrive with out loosing the data already on it?01:45
ansimationCTho: the gimp?01:45
ansimationsec let me run tot hat room and try it01:45
eapacheCTho: gpaint is similar. it's in add/remove01:45
CThoansimation: are you intentionally trolling?01:45
jribansimation: what are you installing exactly?01:45
CThoeapache: thanks ,i'll give it a shot01:45
Pirate_Huntereapache: so that should give me owner permission to the roms folder even knowing its a sub directory?01:45
largosXraven92: yeah, but you have to explicity run gparted from the live cd before doing the install, iirc.01:45
blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 remote to my ubuntu laptop?01:46
qnycPirate_Hunter, if you want to change owner, use chown01:46
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jribPirate_Hunter: don't chown system files01:46
mongolaiXraven92, still backup first. I have learned to *never* trust soft partitioners01:46
qnycPirate_Hunter, probably be better to install those under your ~/01:46
=== chalcedony smiles
qnycPirate_Hunter, and change the xmame config accordingly01:46
chalcedonywhat's a command to tell me how much ram and what kind it is in my computer?01:46
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eapachePirate_Hunter: it should give everyone full access. just run it in terminal. like qnyc said though, you shouldn't give yourself access to sys files01:47
ansimationI wasn't aware that I was trolling, CTho01:47
largoschalcedony: free will tell you how much01:47
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CThoansimation: ok.  well, for future reference, when somebody asks for a simple grpahics app, gimp is ALWAYS the wrong answer01:47
mongolaichalcedony, you might have to take a look in the BIOS to tell you what kind01:47
chalcedonylargos: ty :)01:47
Xraven92thanks mon01:47
ub12chalcedony, lspci will tell you some info01:47
ansimationub12: that worked. thanks man, appreciate it.01:47
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CThois there a way to get a screenshot onto the clipboard directly?01:47
Pirate_Hunterjrib/qnyc: i just want to gain permission to roms cause i want to save my roms, whats the point of having xmame emulator if you cnat save the roms (games) for it? im not much of a gamer but mame is old school01:47
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ub12ansimation, no problem01:47
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CThon/m, gnu paint can grab it for me01:48
qoshey guys ... can someone tell me if there is something strange with the following line: "Mem:    515504k total,   511700k used,     3804k free,     8808k buffers" its from the TOP command01:48
qnycPirate_Hunter, use something like ~/mame/roms/ instead01:48
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blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 remote to my ubuntu laptop?01:48
chalcedonyty mongolai , ub1201:48
blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 controller to my ubuntu laptop?01:48
jrib!repeat > blackace11 (see the private message from ubotu)01:48
jettred2001can some one help me with the java download01:48
Pirate_Huntereapache: its not a sys file so it should be ok I dont see how giving access to the rom folder will make a security risk I juts want the rom folder not the whole directory path lets hope ubuntu understands that01:48
jrib!java > jettred2001 (see the private message from ubotu)01:49
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mongolaiblackace11, is the x360 remote a normal USB device?01:49
Pirate_Hunterqnyc: will try that01:49
mongolai...i don't own one01:49
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blackace11i ment controller so i reposted01:49
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ub12chalcedony, np01:49
phil_nick d7o01:49
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mongolaiit doesn't work as is?01:49
qnycit's a normal usb controller afaik01:50
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speaker219does anyone know how to stop XChat-Gnome IRC client from automatically connecting to a server at startup? thanks01:50
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bthorntonWhat kind of performance increase can I expect (with regards to transfer bandwidth) by upgrading from 100 Mbit ethernet to gigabit?  I got a feeling that a 10x increase isn't going to happen...01:51
mongolaispeaker219, this doesn't answer your question, but have you tried normal XChat?01:51
T-ConnectionOk how I change the screen size over 1024 x768?01:51
japhy_ryderCould someone verify, to make sure I'm not missing something simple, that crontab -e and the addition of "49 18 26  6   tue   gedit" to whatever file that opens should have caused gedit to open at 6:49 my time today...01:51
Elliot_Mkmasta: ne ideas ?01:51
kling0nlist speaker219 click "xchat-file-(choose network)-edit-remove check mark01:51
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eapachebthornton: depends on your service provider01:51
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jribjaphy_ryder: you need to set DISPLAY01:51
bthorntoneapache: I'm my service provider.01:52
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bthorntoneapache: We're talking about me upgrading my internal NICs to gigabit and then getting a gigabit switch.01:52
japhy_ryderjrib: can you be more specific? display for what?01:52
blackace11hold on customer needs assistance... be back soon01:52
eyemeani still can find my webcam on hardware list, can any1 help? pls01:52
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speaker219mongolai, what do you mean "normal" xchat? also, there are no check marks in the server list.01:52
jribjaphy_ryder: echo $DISPLAY will tell you what the current value is.  gedit needs to know where to open.  It will look like "DISPLAY=:0 gedit" instead of "gedit" probably01:52
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bthorntoneapache: And my main concern is transfer speed of large files (i.e. multi-gigabyte).01:53
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eapachebthornton: I'm not an expert on networks, but I believe that it would then depend on who you connect to and the speed of their servers01:53
CentinexIs there any way I can find out why Ubuntu 7.04 is hanging during "Loading hardware drivers..." ?01:53
Pirate_Huntersudo chmod +666 ~/mame/roms/ doesnt work error message - chmod: invalid mode: `+666'01:53
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mongolaispeaker219, there's XChat-Gnome, and plain old "XChat"01:53
mpetersenargh..  so I'm having endless trouble with getting nodma to work on 7.04, can anyone help?01:53
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eapachebthornton: or do you mean file transfer over lan?01:53
speaker219mongolai, should i try regular xchat?01:53
c_lispPirate_hunger don't put a + before the numbers01:53
nickrudPirate_Hunter, no + on the 66601:53
speaker219mongolai, does that one have a gui?01:53
mongolaiGive it a shot. I tried XC-Gnome, but line plain XChat better. Yes Good GUI01:54
Pirate_Hunternickrud :kk going to try again01:54
qoshey guys ... can someone tell me if there is something strange with the following line: "Mem:    515504k total,   511700k used,     3804k free,     8808k buffers" its a bit few free memory out there, huh?01:54
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speaker219thanks mongolai, i01:54
qnycspeaker219, xchat-gnome is just a bit... "simplified"01:54
mpetersenmy upgrade failed, the UID mounting isn't working right...01:54
bthorntoneapache: File transfer over LAN.01:54
speaker219mongolai and qnyc, thanks, i'm not that new to ubuntu, but new to XChat01:54
mongolaiqos, why does that seem strange?01:55
thedonvaughnqos: free memory is wasted memory.01:55
mpetersenwhat's the name of the new system that re-assigns /dev/hdX to /dev/sdX?01:55
T-ConnectionMame doesn't work on Linux?01:55
Siph0nis there a way to open a new terminal and be a different user? without logging off  and logging back in01:55
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T-ConnectionLike 0.11601:55
mpetersenSiph0n: without using sudo?01:55
nickrudSiph0n, sudo01:55
mongolaispeaker219, no problem. Hope you like regular XChat better01:55
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mpetersenSiph0n: sudo -u username -s01:55
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ali1234Centinex: press escape (i think) to see the boot messages (before it hangs)01:55
eapachebthornton: then assuming that all the components supported that speed, you'd get pretty close to 10x01:55
Centinexali1234, thanks.01:55
Elliot_Mhow can i get beryl to work with a ATI X1400 graphics card?01:56
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ali1234Centinex: if not, try ctrl-c / F-keys etc01:56
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mpetersenso, anyone know how to disable DMA on 7.04?!01:56
Siph0nmpetersen: i dont wanna be super user lol, i wanna be just a different user....01:56
eapachebthornton: I'm not positive though. networks aren't my field01:56
kitcheSiph0n: su - <user>01:56
thedonvaughnmpetersen: you want to disable DMA?  with your disc drives?01:56
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mpetersenSiph0n: that's what the -u specifies01:56
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mpetersenthedonvaughn: Yes, on install, for 7.0401:57
mongolaiSiph0n, mpetersen's command was for an arbitrary user01:57
Siph0noh k thqanx! :)01:57
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T-ConnectionI got ATI working. I went to Admin, RSD and enabled my ATI card01:57
qosthedonvaughn, why is it wasted memory?01:57
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thedonvaughnmpetersen: i believe it's turned on by default in the kernel or your module for your controller.  You can use hdparm or sdparm possibly to disable in real time, otherwise need to reconfigure your kernel01:57
thosmosis there any significant reason to install 7.04 on a LAMP server that will need to potentially run for years, rather than 6.06 LTS?  I doubt I'll get a yes, but I'm just curious.01:57
mongolaiqos, because it's not doing anything01:57
gerrowhat command (not file) could I run to find my hard drive location01:57
Elliot_Mhow do i get to admin?01:57
qosmongolai, my server lags ... i am searching for a reason for it?01:57
nickrudGerrath, sudo fdisk -l01:58
thedonvaughnqos: because if memory is being used or in buffer doesn't mean it's not available to other applications.  The OS is constantly swapping out pages of ram to other applications etc.  so free ram is not being used by anything... just wasted01:58
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T-ConnectionI try the beta ubuntu and it doesn't load right.01:58
mongolaiqos, you're right though. What processes are consuming the most ram?01:58
mpetersenthedonvaughn: you used to be able to issue 'ide=nodma' as a kernel param, it seems to have stopped working in 7.04.  And hdparm wasn't helping, I'll try sdparm I guess.01:58
gerronickrud: thx so much knew it had to be fdisk something01:58
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thedonvaughnmpetersen: sdparm is for scsi (and sata i think) hdparm for ide/pata01:58
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T-ConnectionI can't wait on 7.10 version with new programs.01:58
gerronickrud: shame it doesn't work though, I'm on this debian ramdisk I booted up with floppies trying to do net install of ubuntu01:58
mpetersenthedonvaughn: I have a CF to IDE adapter.  6.06 detects it as hdc.  7.04 seems to think its sda.01:59
lxgganybody know a programm where I can generate a list of a external harddisk files and subdirecory list with sizes of files and types of files ?01:59
japhy_ryderjrib: thanks, its working now, I tried initially using wget as my command and that didn't work thats why I tested with gedit, I must have mistyped the wget commands since they're working now as well01:59
kitchempetersen: 7.04 uses libata01:59
nickrudgerro, odd, that's always given me my fixed partitions01:59
mongolaiqos, what's your swap usage look like?02:00
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mpetersenkitche: Can I not use libata?  Or how do I get libata to do nodma?02:00
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qosmongolai, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27346/ take a look at yourself02:00
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gerronickrud: all I know is there is a 20gb hard drive in here, it also has a location for a second hard drive02:00
T-ConnectionHere is my display set up at. :0.0 How I change it?02:00
DjKoRn`Macany flashget like application for linux??? i want the multi-parts download...02:00
mongolaiok just a sec...02:00
gerroDjkoRn`Mac: yeah flashget plugin for firefox02:00
jettred2001am i regesterd02:00
kitchempetersen: I haven't looked at the new kernels closely really02:00
T-ConnectionI want it set to 1280 x 102402:01
nickrudgerro, you mean 'location' as in not a drive, but a hole for a drive?02:01
mpetersenkitche: ok, thanks though02:01
Gearmanhow do i transfer a file from my laptop to my desktop useing wireless network?02:01
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Elliot_Mhow do i access admin on ubuntu 7.0402:01
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gerronickrud: I Just want to know what I need to fdisk to format and partition that hard drive02:01
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mpetersenElliot_M: with sudo ?02:01
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lxgganybody know a programm where I can generate a list of a external harddisk files and subdirecory list with sizes of files and types of files ?02:02
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T-ConnectionWhat will happen I change it to :1280.1024?02:02
DjKoRn`Macgerro, i mean... a Download manager..... not a plugin... is there any?02:02
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Pirate_Huntersudo chmod 666 ~/mame/roms/ looks in my home/me/ directory which is weird, I than try cd /, which puts me in root from there I do the path cd /usr/share/games/xmame and I try sudo chmod 666 roms (nothing happens) & if I try the same with /roms or /roms/ it cnat find the directory. seriously how hard is to gain permission to a directory for playing roms?02:02
ali1234lxgg: you can to that with "ls" and "file"02:02
kmastadoes fglrx support XGL02:02
mongolaiqos, on a side note, are you using ISPConfig?02:02
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blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 usb controller to my ubuntu laptop?02:03
qosmongolai, i dont know what u mean... my ISP hasn anything todo with this server.02:03
nickrudgerro, you're saying that fdisk is not seeing the 20gb? If so, that's something I haven't seen before, so sorry02:03
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qnyclxgg, try du02:03
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mongolaiqos, ISPConfig is a server administration tool. You'd know if you are using it. ;D02:03
ubuntuhello all02:04
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|Night|2hey there02:04
ubuntuanyone know some stuff about grub?02:04
boi1555so i am a begginer with linux and ubuntu .. tho im good with comps (at least macs and windows) wanted to buy a book ... good idea ? any suggestions?02:04
ubuntui have a error 1702:04
blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 usb controller to my ubuntu laptop?02:04
|Night|2how do i install http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Downloads02:04
jupengfeiubuntu, maybe you haven't install the system well.02:04
mongolaiqos, I'm unsure of what's going on with your server.02:05
ubuntuyeah it's worked previously02:05
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Pirate_Hunterkk i need to gain permission to the sub-directory /roms found in cd ~/usr/share/games/xmame now how do I make the directory make me a owner please don't tempt me to run as root - tha'll just be scary02:05
ubuntui fdisk checked02:05
T-ConnectionCan someone help me to change the screen setting to 1280 x 1024 please?02:05
ubuntuand it looks like this02:05
qosmongolai, unsure? what are your suggestions02:05
ubuntu Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System02:05
ubuntu/dev/sda1   *           1       15659   125780886    7  HPFS/NTFS02:05
ubuntu/dev/sda2           15660       15908     2000092+  82  Linux swap / Solaris02:05
ubuntu/dev/sda3           15909       30401   116415022+  83  Linux02:05
qnycPirate_Hunter, chown02:05
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ubuntugrub loads and recognizes i have ubuntu on my drive02:05
jupengfeiT-Connection,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:06
PurpZeY!xorg | T-Connection02:06
ubotuT-Connection: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:06
thornomadhi ... i am trying some test scripts ... and I keep getting runtime error that says like "echo: bad interpreter: No such file or directory" or "if: bad interpreter: No such file or directory" ... I have tried copying some known working scripts (from web pages) and I get the same errors ... I feel like I am doing something wrong ... don't know what.  any ideas what this is about ?02:06
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rcr239hey im having a problem, i recently installed the linuxMCE on top of 6.10 and i got the Video Out of Range Message, how can i fix this. im new to linux so dont be too harsh :)02:06
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mongolaiqos, from the top output, I really can't tell. You most definitely know more about mysql and samba than I do...02:06
ubuntubut i can't boot into fiesty02:06
ali1234thornomad: did you start the script with #!/bin/sh02:06
jupengfeiT-Connection, and then try select the correct driver02:06
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thornomadali1234: i used #!/bin/bash02:06
Pirate_Hunterqnyc: so I should go on the lines of sudo chown 666 ~/mame/roms/02:06
mongolai...perhaps a memory leak somewhere?02:07
Skycloudurso_ it worked!!!02:07
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blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 usb controller to my ubuntu laptop?02:07
qnycPirate_Hunter, chown owner[:group]  file02:07
T-ConnectionIt hard keep up on a           bigchat screen.02:07
gerroDjKoRn`Mac open up synaptic and click search then type download manager, now take your pick02:07
thornomadali1234: tried /bin/sh ... but that didn't work either02:07
crackcorpgerman here ?02:07
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rcr239any help ?02:07
PurpZeY!de | crackcorp02:07
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ubotucrackcorp: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:08
urso_Skycloud great :) is was bios problem then?02:08
blackace11another question is how do i get beryl and beryl-manager to start when ubuntu boots up instead of me typing it every time i boot?02:08
Pirate_Hunterqnyc: please give me an example cause i seriosuly dont get that and its past midnight make my life easier02:08
ali1234thornomad: it must be the very first thing in the file also... and the file must be executable too02:08
thingfishblackace11: you use gnome?02:08
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PurpZeYblackace11: Add beryl-manager to Sessions, in System --> Administration02:08
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mongolaiqos, what's the output of" ps ax"02:08
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thingfishblackace11: ^^02:08
Kyle123Can you install Ubuntu on a seperate partition that windows is not installed to and when i reboot will it give me the option to boot in to windows or Ubuntu ?02:08
qnycPirate_Hunter, chown username ~/mame/roms/02:08
thingfishKyle123: yep02:09
PurpZeYKyle123: Yes.02:09
ubuntucan anyone help with a grub error?02:09
mongolaiKyle123, it's possible, sure02:09
thornomadali1234: yea, is executable ... am running it as ./test.sh ... some "if" statments work, but others throw this error02:09
mongolaiubuntu, what error02:09
blackace11it's system preferences02:09
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Kyle123when installing Ubuntu will it format that partition ?02:09
ubuntuerror 1702:09
T-ConnectionI install ubuntu on slave drive to keep my xp from boot error.02:09
technelI have a second hard drive that I am using. I have it mounted with permissions to myself (I think). "rails" is a command to generate a boilerplate file structure for Ruby on Rails applications. When I run "rails test", the files are generated OK up until this message: "Operation not permitted - test/script/about". Any ideas?02:09
PurpZeYKyle123: Not the windows partition.02:09
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thingfishKyle123: just install ubuntu, it'll take care of it.02:09
ubuntuhere's my partition table02:09
ali1234thornomad: pastebin it and i'll take a look02:09
thingfishKyle123: just make sure you don't pick the windows partition when you install ubuntu.02:10
Kyle123the thing is i have 2 partitions one 1 windows and other stuff on 2 there are games and stuff like that, will it format and delete everythign on partition 2 were i want to install it ?02:10
blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 usb controller to my ubuntu laptop?02:10
thingfishKyle123: if you want to keep those two partitions, you'll need a third for ubuntu.02:10
Pirate_Hunterthanx will try that but if I do the way u posted it will look in /home/me/ directory so I have to literally go into the actual path where the folder is. I know thats not normal02:10
MarcNubuntu: have you tried google?  http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/slackware-linux-help/54246-grub-error-17-a.html02:10
PurpZeYKyle123: It would delete whatever is on a partition you selected, but you can create a 3rd02:10
ubuntu   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System02:10
ubuntu/dev/sda1   *           1       15659   125780886    7  HPFS/NTFS02:10
ubuntu/dev/sda2           15660       15908     2000092+  82  Linux swap / Solaris02:10
ubuntu/dev/sda3           15909       30401   116415022+  83  Linux02:10
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mongolaiThe partitioner is one thing the ubuntu installer needs to be more clear about.02:11
qnyc!pastebin > ubuntu02:11
Kyle123ok cool, how much space does Ubuntu need for the install roughly ?02:11
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thornomadali1234: just a second, putting it together02:11
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gerronickrud: think you could look this over https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies then search for "I chose a mirror close to me," I'm stuck on that part of guide :(02:11
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qnycPirate_Hunter, I'm not following you02:11
qosmongolai, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27348/02:11
rcr239can anyone help me out question ?02:11
thingfishKyle123: 10G ought to be plenty02:11
PurpZeY!ask | rcr23902:11
uboturcr239: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:11
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Kyle123ok cool, and that 10g would be install files and have enough extra to play with ?02:11
thingfishKyle123: 20 would be better02:11
ansimationif I run apt-get dist-upgrade, will that upgrade me to feisty? from dapper which I am using currently?02:11
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blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 usb controller to my ubuntu laptop?02:12
rcr239hey im having a problem, i recently installed the linuxMCE on top of 6.10 and i got the Video Out of Range Message, how can i fix this. im new to linux so dont be too harsh :)02:12
nickrudgerro, a sec02:12
ali1234thornomad: pastebin it and i'll take a look02:12
Pirate_Hunterqnyc: if i try ~/mame/roms it gives me no such directory or folder in /home/me/etc... which means its looking in the wrong place02:12
thingfishKyle123: you'll have a hard time filling up 20gb with a linux install + other apps you choose to install.02:12
PurpZeYKyle123: 15-20g for breathing room.02:12
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Kyle123alright cool thanx guys02:12
qnycPirate_Hunter, ~ means /home/me/02:12
mongolaiqos, I should have asked this in the beginning: What kind of load was the top output coming from?02:12
thornomadali1234: pastebin .. you mean at paste.debian.net ? or something else ?02:12
strombo :o02:12
rustalotmy two key is messed up02:13
jupengfeiansimation,   No, you must instead  the source.lst to feisty's02:13
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qnycPirate_Hunter, we're saying you should make a mame subdirectory under your home, instead of in /usr02:13
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ali1234thornomad: anywhere you like02:13
rustalotwhenever i press it it goes 222222202:13
fogwarhey guys. how do i run gparted from terminal?02:13
ali1234thornomad: just not in the channel, k? ;)02:13
qnycPirate_Hunter, you can change mame's config to point wherever02:13
Ecnerifed_can anyone help me out with setting up a simple local cacti setup please? i cant get it working and theres no1 around in #cacti - thanks alot :)02:13
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qosmongolai, kind of load?02:13
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PurpZeYrustalot: Sounds like the key is broken, physically.02:13
thornomadali1234: smile, no problem. let me try paste.debian.net ... first time it wouldn't take it.02:13
pilgrimhey y'all. what happened to my /dev/hda ..it doesn't exist!02:13
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ansimationjupengfei: if I change the repositories in sources.list to fiesty's repositories, it'll upgrade it?02:13
nickrudgerro, by that he means the repository mirror that he uses to get the deb packages from; I'm assuming he just accepted the default.02:13
mongolaiqos, yea, system load. How many clients connected to your server?02:14
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ansimationso wtf does dist-upgrade do then exactly?02:14
jupengfeiansimation,  yes02:14
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gerronickrud: well on my screen it says set users and passwords and that doesn't work so I pressed alt f2 and tried using fdisk02:14
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FrogzooEcnerifed_: cacti has extensive documentation if you look02:14
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thornomadali1234: http://paste.debian.net/3148902:14
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gerronickrud: just trying to show you where I'm coming from sort of confused02:14
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Pirate_Hunterqnyc: hmmm I didnt know thats what you were trying to say, hmm I was thinking something else. Yeah I kow that but I wnated to try in usr cause it would help me when I need to mount or gain permission to other folders02:14
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pilgrimI have an IDE HD and I want to run fdisk on it. However there is no /dev/hda02:15
jupengfeiansimation, then you do dist-upgrade, it will upgrade your system automaticly02:15
pilgrimwhere did it go?02:15
nickrudgerro, you might want to step back a few steps. The debian installer will let you. It sounds like you missed the disk formatting step02:15
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qosmongolai, i think the heaviest load comes from an running filesharing process... but i shut it down... its not in the output ;) blame me02:15
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jupengfeipilgrim,  if you know less about fdisk, you can try Gparted02:16
mongolaiqos, samba?02:16
gerronickrud: it has no go back option and esc doesn't work :/02:16
ansimationjupengfei: I get that, but if it's using the dapper repositories (which it is now) what will running dist-upgrade do?02:16
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rcr239how can i set my resolution if i cannot get into gui, i keep getting unsupported resolution on my monitor02:16
pilgrimjupengfei, I don't know less about fdisk. I'm comfortable with it, I'm just wondering where is my HDA?02:16
gerronickrud: I'm going to read the guides he mentions that he used, but this article is sooo old he was installing hoary02:16
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qosmongolai, not that kind of filesharing. its a torrent client ;)02:17
nickrudgerro, if my memory serves, you can just keep hitting the cancel button. At some point you get to a menu of all install options02:17
robert_has 2.6.21 been patched to work with ubuntu yet?02:17
mongolaiqos, OOooohh. Gotcha!02:17
jupengfeiIt seemed ubuntu can upgrade dapper to edgy, and from edgy to feisty.02:17
Ecnerifed_Frogzoo: ive looked in the docs, but i would think a localhost connection doesnt need SNMP?02:17
mongolaiqos, yea, that'll do it02:17
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qnycpilgrim, look for /dev/sda02:17
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blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 usb controller to my ubuntu laptop?02:17
jupengfeiPilgrim  It seemed ubuntu can upgrade dapper to edgy, and from edgy to feisty.02:17
Pirate_Huntersomehow ive gained access I dont know which of the commands did it but ive done it and it is only for that folder so thanx02:18
=== taime1 still runs edgy
qosmongolai, but top reports just 2-5% cpu usage ... and 3.5-6% mem usage02:18
pilgrimqnyc, strange. why is it sda all of a sudden?02:18
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blackace11hello, can i get assistance with installing an xbox 360 usb controller to my ubuntu laptop?02:18
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qosmongolai, seems to be not much02:18
mongolaircr239, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and put a feasible resolution in the appropriate range.02:18
pilgrimjupengfei, I am on feisty buddy. Thanks though :)02:18
PurpZeYblackace11: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318382&highlight=xbox+360+edgy02:18
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qnycpilgrim, not sure, running feisty here and ide does seem to be emulated as scsi02:18
blackace11i not running edgy02:18
blackace11it's fiesty02:18
rcr239i can do that from recovery mode mongolai02:18
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jettred2001I am still so very lost on the java download02:19
ali1234thornomad: i get no error when i run that...02:19
pilgrimqnyc, ahh...whatever. thanks for your help.02:19
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PurpZeYblackace11: That tutorial should still work subject to changes found here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40457702:19
Pirate_Hunterpilgrim: hmm I sense a harsh tone in you02:19
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Skycloudurso_ yeah I think it was a bios problem, all I did was put another hd in and made it the master, and the old one a slave02:19
thornomadali1234: yea isn't that strange ? i searched google for those errors ... but I couldn't find anyhintg ... I get: "$ chmod +x test.sh && ./test.sh02:19
thornomadif: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"02:19
blackace11my friend was working on this earlier and when i rebooted it wouldn't load02:19
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qnycwhat's the problem jettred200102:19
nickrudgerro, I'm sorry but I've gotta go. Work for the day is done, I'm headed for home.02:20
jupengfeipilgrim,   I haven't see such problem02:20
blackace11so he went to recovery and deleted that stuff02:20
jettred2001I have no Idea what to do02:20
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gerronickrud: it says debian installer/ main menu, but more importantly is it possible I can load up usb drivers on floppy and do a usb install? my bios doesn't support booting from usb but I already have a usb with xubuntu installed02:20
urso_Skycloud right that what i was think you nede to change the jumper .... in your hd beford put it in thepc :)02:20
qnycjettred2001, trying to install sun java?02:20
PurpZeYblackace11: I'm genuinely unsure if I can help you set it up, but, please be a little more descriptive anyway.02:20
Skycloudurso_ I gtg, I'm going to log onto irc on the gentoo computer02:20
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urso_Skycloud so wellcome to linux ubuntu :)02:20
jupengfeipilgrim, sorry,  maybe you can use some disk tools, like PQ...02:20
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Skycloudurso_ thx ^.^02:21
blackace11oh ok02:21
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blackace11i'll run through it and try02:21
pilgrimjupengfei, it's all good :D. I can use sda no problem02:21
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pilgrimPirate_Hunter, good sense abilities.02:21
qnycjettred2001, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin02:21
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ProN00bcan anyone tell me an application to make diagrams ? (mindmaps, erds, uml stuffs)02:21
Pirate_Hunterpilgrim: sarcasm nice well when u need help and u dont get it you'll know why02:22
ali1234thornomad: do you have an unusual setup?02:22
qnycProN00b, dia02:22
nickrudgerro, probably. I haven't done it, but there's probably instructions on the net somewhere.02:22
qnycProN00b, dia-gnome02:22
ProN00bhmkay, lets see02:22
mrsnoProN00b http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mind_Mapping_software02:22
jettred2001ok how02:22
nickrudgerro, ciao02:22
ProN00buuh, 21mb install02:22
SAM_themanI am not able to use azurze02:22
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ProN00bmust be impressing02:22
qnycjettred2001, jsut type that in a terminal02:23
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jribProN00b: graphviz?02:23
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wangchunhi all, i tried to make my site to handle url like http://www.example.com/path/%2E%2E/, but apache always redirects me to http://www.example.com/, how to avoid apache to do so? lighttpd seems  do as what i expected.02:23
ProN00bjrib, i think i have that installed, but i don't understand how to operate it02:23
T-ConnectionOk I have the Package Configuration up. So what now?02:24
thornomadali1234: i don't think so. i am running the server edition ... i can't figure it out.  other if/else statments works, no errors ... i don't understand.  if i run this one: http://paste.debian.net/31491 it works.  i can't figure it02:24
ansimationmeh, I just ordered a fiesty cd02:24
cotyrotheryI just got a voodoo gfx card but when I pluged it in and restarted the computer the ubuntu screen would show up that it was loading then it would finish and I would have a black screen and not a log in screen02:24
jettred2001I got it in02:24
jribProN00b: http://www.linux.com/articles/4965502:24
T-ConnectionI'm at this part of that faq. Run the Autodetect Script Again02:25
pilgrimPirate_Hunter, I said "whatever" as in I don't care why hda is now sda all of a sudden. All I care is that I found my HD. Besides, how do you know I was being sarcastic in my comment to you.02:25
satxHey, anybody having issues with Adobe Flash Player and Firefox? I have problems after install seeing videos on FOxnews, etc.02:25
MarcNthornomad: try     sh -x ./yourscript02:25
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ali1234thornomad: perhaps you have some kind of odd character in there which gets lost when you paste it?02:25
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pilgrimsatx, using it with epiphany and ff02:25
pilgrimworks fine02:25
jettred2001qnyc: I got it in02:25
satxWHich version did you install and from what repository?02:25
thornomadasli1234: hmm ... that could be ... am using an editor (not nano) ... let me try something different02:26
ProN00bjrib, yeah, that looks good, but i was looking for a tool, not a toolkit02:26
Pirate_Hunterpilgrim: dont toy around uve explained urself and thats good if u believe u werent being sarcastic leave it as dat!!02:26
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qnycjettred2001, good stuff, if you install ubuntu-restricted-extras, you'll also get flash plugin and a couple of other things02:26
T-Connectionhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto - I don't understand this.02:26
intelikeyhowto dl 64bit packages on a 32bit system  (dapper) ?       i have a list but it would take forever and a day to use http://packages.ubuntu.org  to get them all    takes # minutes just to find one...   ???02:26
jribProN00b: it is a tool, but do you want something like oodraw?02:26
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cotyrotherycan anyone help with what I just posted02:27
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T-ConnectionI wish this chat have smaller words.02:27
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blackace11on the second to last step it is taking really long time executing02:27
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mongolaison of a glaven! I just killed XFCE by hitting ctrl+alt+f1 to flip to a virtual terminal. Anyone else ever have this happen?02:27
ProN00bjrib, dia seems good, graphviz would be cool if it had a gui...02:27
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thornomadali1234: when i ran the sh -x ./test.sh command nothing happened02:28
Music_Shuffle!caps | kmasta02:28
bruenig!offtopic | kmasta no one cares02:28
kmastai care, ati made me cry02:28
ubotukmasta: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:28
ubotukmasta no one cares: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:28
qnycProN00b, dia is especially good for UML02:28
bruenigrevision: no one but you02:28
MarcNthornomad: it should run your bash script and show each step.02:28
satxI used Totem firts, worked fine. Then installed flash player and neither EPiphany or ff would work. Had to delte rpt/so files02:28
T-ConnectionThe faq need snapshots for Newbees.02:28
Ecnerifed_Ive installed cacti and i just wanna use it to monitor localhost, but its not showing any graphs :S anyone help???02:28
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T-ConnectionI'm lost.02:28
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kmastacan you see i'm in pain?02:28
bruenigyour bad for buying ati02:29
cotyrotheryCan someone help me with getting my new gfx card installed please02:29
Ecnerifed_please :D02:29
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ali1234thornomad: -x should print the commands as they are executed, as with "echo on" in a dos batch file...02:29
qoskmasta, what are u talking about?02:29
intelikeykmasta if you are in pain because of the computer.  turn the computer off!02:29
kmastai know i've made mistakes in the past, but I'm a different person now02:29
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unagiok i have a rather large problem now02:29
mongolaiqos, sorry my xorg froze *hard* had to reboot. did you get your mem situation resolved?02:30
bruenig!enter | unagi02:30
ubotuunagi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:30
unagii tried to install an rpm package i dled with no luck but more specifically when i try to run the package manager for any other reason it says E: The package awcommon needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.02:30
bruenigunagi, don't do that02:30
thornomadali1234: i tried it on another script, and it does just that ... however, when I do it on this script (the one I showed you) I get nothing02:30
Pirate_Hunterkmasta: lol this is just funny02:30
qoskmasta, my ati works fine02:30
thornomadali1234: i feel like i am missing something really simple02:30
Pirate_Hunterkmasta: anyway u should turn off the pc02:30
Piciunagi: Ubuntu doesnt use rpm packages, it uses deb's02:30
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ali1234thornomad: dos line endings?02:31
cotyrotherycome on anyone know why my screen is black when I put in my gfx card02:31
cotyrotheryplease help02:31
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bruenigunagi, don't ever use rpms again, sudo dpkg -r --force-all awcommon02:31
unagii know that,......which is why i used alien to convert them02:31
thornomadali1234: sorry, don't follow ... what's that mean ?02:31
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bruenigunagi, don't use alien to convert them02:31
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bruenigunagi, rm them, get them off your computer02:31
qosmongolai, i lowered the number of clients. i hope that solves it. the problem was solved after shuting the filesharing process...02:31
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MarcNcotyrothery: card not supported or X server not configured.  Try from the console    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:31
ali1234thornomad: what editor did you use to make the file?02:31
cotyrotherythen restart02:31
jettred2001qnyc: I don't see that02:32
unagiwhat does  sudo dpkg -r --force-all awcommon do02:32
mongolaiqos, that's good to know!02:32
bruenigunagi, if there was a foolproof way to convert rpm to deb, do you not think that dpkg would have it built in?02:32
ProN00bwow dia seems aweasome, thanks !02:32
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thornomadi used smultron (for mac os x) ... the same editor I did the others in (that are working)02:32
bruenigunagi, removes it02:32
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gerroanyone know how to create a floppy with usb drivers so I can load ubuntu from flash drive :)02:32
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mongolaianyone else have trouble getting xorg to run at a certain, *known good* resolution and refresh rate?02:32
ali1234thornomad: can you run the script under mac os? (you should have /bin/sh at least)02:33
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Pirate_Hunteroff topic: is it me or there is something about using ubuntu that stops you from downloading junk compared to windows, its like on windows one would download programs that wreent useful yet in ubuntu everything is relevant and if it isn't it wont be downloaded02:33
qosmongolai, thanks for your help. my bed is calling me ... see u02:33
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qnycjettred2001, install it the same way, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:33
unagididnt work02:33
mongolaiqos, later. Sleep well!02:33
bruenigPirate_Hunter, it is you02:33
qnycjettred2001, or use the synaptic package manager (gui)02:33
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tony_00021hey everyone! need a tip on super-simple editor for console. something so easy my old mum could use it. I need something so easy to use so that I can use it, ha ha. any ideas?02:33
bruenigunagi, well it is a known risk when doing something stupid like installing rpms that it can screw with your system02:33
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thornomadali1234: interesting ... i get the same error.  this is really odd.02:34
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unagii was under the impression that mostly only happens when its system based rpm02:34
bruenigtony_00021, nano is the easiest02:34
Pirate_Hunterbruenig: lol & i thought other were the same I guess I'll leave ubuntu the way it is and windows heck windows will be windows02:34
mongolaitony_00021, try nano, or pico. they are the same thing, easier than vi02:34
eapachetony_00021: try pico02:34
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Ecnerifed_Ive installed cacti and i just wanna use it to monitor localhost, but its not showing any graphs :S anyone help pleeeeeeez?02:34
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:35
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gregoroviuswhat's the difference between azureus and azureus-gcj?02:35
jettred2001qnyc: this is all that I see Linux RPM (self-extracting file), Linux (self-extracting file), Linux x64 *, Linux x64 RPM *02:35
tony_00021bruenig, mongolai, eapache thanks guys/girls EXACTLY what i was looking for02:35
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thornomadali1234: i think it may be the editor ... because if i run a "cat" on it ... it doesn't display right ... let me look at the encoding of my editor ... that is odd ...02:35
mongolaitony_00021, sweet!02:36
qnycjettred2001, what are you doing?02:36
bruenigunagi, you recognize that rpms and debs have functionality which allows scripts to be run at certain parts of the install, those scripts are system specific and since ubuntu does thing differently than rpms distros, those scripts can error or could do something malicious leaving dpkg angry at you. If you want to use alien at the very least extract the deb afterwards and inspect it02:36
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blackace11now that i have my xpad saved and it works on calibration... is there a program where i can use it in place of keystrokes, even on my desktop?02:36
ali1234thornomad: it sounds like something to do with the encoding, yeah. try running nano on the server, and pasting it into the shell window, that should fix any encoding problems.02:36
blackace11not just in gaames02:36
Pirate_Hunterwell time for bed 1:35 and im done for today got commands for gaining file permission and im happy for now "one step closer to mastering ubuntu... lol"02:36
unagiso what should i do to fix this02:36
jribProN00b: the article mentions "dotty"02:36
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jettred2001qnyc : trying to download java so I can play yahoo games02:37
bruenigunagi, sudo dpkg -r --force-all is the strongest removal command I know of02:37
qnycjettred2001, I though you said you got it after you ran: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin02:37
BennyHI am having problems updating ubuntu. Just installed it and went to update but it asks for a administrative password. I was never prompted for one during setup.02:38
blackace11now that i have my xpad saved and it works on calibration... is there a program where i can use it in place of keystrokes, even on my desktop?02:38
bruenigBennyH, it is your user password02:38
BennyHI tryed that02:38
thornomadali1234: yea ... seems so ... what should i have for encoding ?  it says it is using UTF-802:38
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unagiso basically im screwed02:38
ali1234thornomad: ascii (although utf-8 should work on ubuntu, i think)02:38
Siph0ni get this error, Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server , when trying to use sudo -u <usr> gedit filename02:38
Siph0nany ideas why?02:39
ProN00bjrib, yeah, i tried that, looks like something a 5 year old programmed after his brain structure got messed up by beeing thaught vi/emacs were good editors02:39
mongolaiSiph0n, use gksudo instead02:39
Siph0nmongolai:  ok thx02:39
asdfDoes anyone know if it is possible to rearrange your open tabs in the menu bar?02:39
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asdfopen apps*02:39
blackace11gnomefreak, are you familiar with the xbox game controller?02:39
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asdflike task bar shuffle for Windows XP02:39
gnomefreakblackace11: no02:39
thornomadali1234: interesting ... when i paste into nano and save I read this at the bottom "File Name to Write [Mac Format] " ... so I think I am pasting a problem ...02:40
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mongolaiSiph0n, use gksu instead02:40
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ali1234blackace11: i use the xpad02:40
blackace11do you know any programs that i can run that will emulate it as a mouse/keyboard02:40
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Ecnerifed_Ive installed cacti and i just wanna use it to monitor localhost, but its not showing any graphs :S anyone help pleeeeeeez?02:40
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blackace11thanks i use it as xpad02:40
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X_100_Destino_Xalgum ai fala portugus??02:40
blackace11and it is calibrated properly02:40
Ecnerifed_pls help me out!! :D02:40
Siph0ngksudo gives me this: No protocol specified02:40
ali1234blackace11: there is a program like that, i think it's called xkeys02:40
jrib!pt | X_100_Destino_X02:40
ubotuX_100_Destino_X: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:40
mongolaiSiph0n, try gksu02:40
Noah0504What email client does everyone use?  I'm having trouble choosing between Thunderbird 2 and Evolution.02:40
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blackace11ty, can i get that in synaptic?02:41
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ali1234thornomad: yes. i guess you'll have to type it again :/02:41
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thornomadali1234: am getting the same error when i do it that way ... does nano have its "own" paste call ... like its CTRL-K for cut ?02:41
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mongolaianyone here know of a GTK/GNOME based man page browser?02:41
ali1234blackace11: yes, i'm sure it is in there, just forget the name02:41
p47hello does anybody knows how can I run swat4 on linux ?02:41
Siph0ngksu gives the same error02:41
p47hello does anybody knows how can I run swat4 on linux ?02:41
jribmongolai: gman?02:42
asdfDoes anyone know how to rearrange the open apps in the menubar in gnome like task bar shuffle for windows?02:42
jettred2001qnyc: ok I am getting it downloaded now02:42
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blackace11i just installed it02:42
mongolaiSiph0n, lemme make a new user and try it out. Just a sec...02:42
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ali1234thornomad: no, because it is a console app - pasting is controlled by the local terminal window02:42
Siph0nmongolai: awesome thx :)02:42
hellpmehgood morning earthlings! it's 9:08am02:42
mongolaijrib, that's probably the one, thanks!02:42
Picimongolai: check out gman02:42
mongolaiPici, Thanks, I will!02:43
blackace11how do i run it?02:43
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hellpmehim on desktop ubuntu now and i have an unformated partition,how do i format that partition if on desktop xwindow of ubuntu 7.04?what program should i use?02:43
blackace11terminal -> xkeys ?02:43
ali1234thornomad: it might have it's own clipboard but that is not accessable from outside nano02:43
qnychellpmeh, gparted02:43
p47hello does anybody knows how can I run swat4 on linux ?02:43
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ali1234blackace11: xkeys is the wrong program, sorry :/02:44
Ecnerifed_can no one help me eh? =/02:44
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jrib!please > Ecnerifed_ (see the private message from ubotu)02:44
hellpmehgnyc, is that by default installed or should i use apt-get to install gparted or automatix?02:44
T-ConnectionOk I give up on this. Something is wrong. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:44
thornomadali1234: this is really wierd ... if i create the file from scratch, no problem ... only if i paste it in ... same commands ... that is strange.  i don't know whose fault that is but it is disturbing.  stupid mac02:44
ali1234blackace11: you need qjoypad02:44
qnychellpmeh, use apt-get to install gparted, NEVER use automatix02:44
mongolaislow computer here, hehe02:45
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:45
hellpmehwhy not automatix?what will happen if i use automatix?02:45
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:45
hellpmehqnyc, what about synaptic?02:45
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:45
qnychellpmeh, synaptic is great02:45
blackace11not on synaptic02:45
blackace11were would i get it?02:46
T-ConnectionIf it doesn't work then forget it. XD02:46
ali1234blackace11: probably. search for it...02:46
Ecnerifed_does oneone think that they might be able to help me with a very simple cacti setup02:46
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javbi`m having an issue with ethernet on ubuntu 7.10. It is taking something like "eth0=avh0" ... any ideas?02:46
FunnyLookinHat!gutsy | javb02:46
ubotujavb: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+102:46
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ali1234thornomad: definately an encoding/special character problem then02:46
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hellpmehok doing sudo apt-get install gparted02:46
mongolaiSiph0n, ok, I get an error too.02:46
javbi`m having an issue with ethernet on ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty). It is taking something like "eth0=avh0" ... any ideas?02:47
blackace11i used search on synaptic and couldn't find it02:47
thornomadali1234: something about when I paste ... that is strange.  i might have to ask the people who created the program about that.  amazing.02:47
T-ConnectionDon't use those betas.02:47
docta_vi'm trying to run apt-mirror against an i386 repo from an amd64 system02:47
docta_vapt-mirror is complaining it can't find an amd64 Packages.gz file02:47
hellpmehcan beryl cause damage to my ubuntu box?02:47
kitchejavb: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support02:47
thornomadali1234: thanks for troubleshooting ... solved it !  doesn't make my life easier, but solved it nonetheless.  thanks again. hope you have a good night02:47
docta_vanyway i can tell apt-mirror to only look for i386 on a specific repo?02:47
qnycblackace11, I did a "apt-cache search joy", came up with lots of stuff, joy2key looks like what you want02:47
thingfishhellnot hardly02:47
javbkitche, sorry, is feisty02:47
thingfishhellpmeh: not hardly02:47
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docta_vhellpmeh: if it starts to smoke, seek shelter and cover head02:48
kitchejavb: so your on 7.04 then umm it's due to avahi02:48
javbkitche... what is this02:48
hellpmehhahahah docta_v02:48
docta_vdoh.. no one has apt-mirror tips for me? :(02:48
blackace11but it says it cant find it with joy2key02:48
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gnomefreak!info joy2key feisty02:49
ubotujoy2key: Translate joystick movements into equivalent keystrokes. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-5 (feisty), package size 18 kB, installed size 88 kB02:49
ali1234blackace11: you'll need to do a manual install then02:49
Ecnerifed_*sigh* anyone? =/02:49
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gnomefreakblackace11: enable universe repo02:49
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gnomefreakali1234: its in universe02:49
T-ConnectionBrb. I will set the settings back.02:49
kitche!info avahi | javb02:49
ubotujavb: Package avahi does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:49
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ali1234blackace11: wait, joy2key is available02:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:50
root___who has beryl?02:50
blackace11joy2key is on synaptic02:50
ali1234blackace11: ^ what gnomefreak said02:50
gnomefreakroot___: try in #ubuntu-effects02:50
webmarenhey anybody feel like helping me get my widescreen to work02:50
kitchejavb: it's like dbus or close to it if I remember correctly haven't really read up on it02:50
root___nono i got it02:50
blackace11but when i try and run in terminol it has error02:50
webmareni got a new GeForce 7100GS02:50
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gnomefreakblackace11: enable universe repo02:50
blackace11gnomefreak, how do i do that02:50
webmarenand it won't use 1280x80002:50
gnomefreak!universe | blackace1102:50
ubotublackace11: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:50
root___i was wondering if anyone had the unstable version02:50
T-ConnectionReset done. XD02:50
root___that worked for more than a day?02:50
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gnomefreakblackace11: follow the instruction on that link02:51
T-Connection7.04 doesn't seem to be stable to me.02:51
hellpmehis reiserfs better than ext3?02:51
PanzerMKZI don't like 7.0402:51
webmarenT-Connection: it's stable enough for me02:51
gdbT-Connection: Can you define what you mean?02:51
ali1234blackace11: if you have installed joy2key then you already have enabled universe02:51
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Picihellpmeh: if you have to ask why to use it, there isnt a reason to use it.02:51
webmarenso anybody wanna shed some light on fixing my screen res02:51
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T-ConnectionThe Termal doesn't seem to work right.02:52
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hellpmehwhat a politician answer you have there mr Pici02:52
mongolaiwebmaren, I'm also waiting for an xorg guru. It might be a while.02:52
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webmarento the intarweb!02:52
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PanzerMKZwhat is that then02:52
PanzerMKZdpkp reset xorg02:52
PanzerMKZor something like that02:52
gdbT-Connection: And what is it doing incorrectly for you?02:52
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T-ConnectionWell I try to change my screen settings. But nothing will change it.02:53
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cotyrotheryguys im having the most horrible trouble with getting this gfx card to work02:53
blackace11can i send a pic of my terminal output?02:53
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T-ConnectionThat is Termal problem.02:54
blackace11william@william-laptop:~$ joy2key02:54
blackace11joy2key - reads joystick status and dispatches keyboard events02:54
blackace11By Peter Amstutz (tetron@interreality.org)02:54
blackace11This is free software under the GNU General Public License (GPL v2)02:54
blackace11              (see COPYING in the joy2key archive)02:54
blackace11You are welcome to use/modify this code, and please e-mail me02:54
blackace11if anything cool comes of it!02:54
blackace11Version: 1.6.1   Binary built on Jan 26 2007 at 16:32:5002:54
ali1234blackace11: joy2key is not a gui app, you must configure it by hand02:54
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blackace11Error opening /dev/js0!02:54
blackace11Are you sure you have joystick support in your kernel?02:54
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qnycoh dear02:54
ikrothe linux is good system... much02:54
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cotyrotherycome on guys is anyone able to help out02:54
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cotyrotherythis is serious to me02:54
jribblackace11: you need to use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to make large pastes02:54
cotyrotheryI did all the reconfiguring02:55
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blackace11ok thanks jrib02:55
cotyrotherybut it keeps giving me the xserver crap02:55
mongolaiwebmaren, wanna race to fix our issues?02:55
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webmarenmongolai: i just want mine fixed02:55
ali1234blackace11: you must configure joy2key properly. read "man joy2key"02:55
T-ConnectionHow I get rid of hidden junkies?02:55
blackace11were do i find the file?02:56
mongolaiwebmaren, me too. But we seem to have a similar issue...02:56
|thunder"The BBC has been accused of forcing people to use Microsoft operating systems and has been threatened with a complaint to the European Commission. "  haha02:56
kitchecotyrothery: say what's wrong02:56
ali1234blackace11: just type "man joy2key" in terminal02:56
webmarenmongolai: what's your problem02:56
T-ConnectionI know on XP I can use 3 programs to get rid of hidden crap.02:56
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mongolaiwebmaren, I need to force xorg to go into 1280X1024 @ 75 Hz02:57
jribT-Connection: there is no hidden junk in linux really, apps tend to  be honest since they are open source02:57
cotyrotherykitche: well when I plug in my new card and I reconfigure everything to voodoo and all the right settings I get a problem with the x server with a blue screen02:57
T-ConnectionOh ok.02:57
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PiciT-Connection: What kind of hidden junk are you expecting?02:57
webmarenmongolai, you have to force that, really, wow02:57
mongolaiyes, I do02:57
kitchecotyrothery: then your xorg.conf is not configured correctly02:57
cotyrotherykitche: it even tolled me the same thing when I tried to do live cd02:57
PanzerMKZbut what of the updating the system all the time. It breaks things.02:57
T-ConnectionLike things that isn't fully uninstall.02:57
T-ConnectionOr leftovers.02:58
PanzerMKZhad 686 SMP kernel02:58
kitchecotyrothery: try this sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak then X --configure just to get a running X up02:58
n2diyI'm trying to add an email address to Thunderbird, and I'm getting the following error: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed02:58
n2diyLocation: chrome://messenger/content/addressbook/abMailListDialog.xul02:58
n2diyLine Number 94, Column 3: This happens when I try to import the address, or add it manually, ideas?02:58
PiciT-Connection: There really isnt that kind of problem in *nix02:58
PanzerMKZthen when it uptimes02:58
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PanzerMKZI get 386 uni proc kernel02:58
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cotyrotherykitche: cp: unrecognized option `--configure'02:58
T-ConnectionEven online games short cuts won't go uninstall?02:58
kitchecotyrothery: umm X --configure is a command by itself02:59
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kitchecotyrothery: so just do cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak first02:59
hellpmehimage '/media/disk/VirtualBox/WindowsXP.vdi' (VERR_FILE_TOO_BIG).  <--this is the error when i try to allocate 4gb for my winxp using virtualbox, cant i allocate more than 2gb?02:59
ant_Xits X -configure02:59
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webmarenif anybody would deign to look at my nvidia-glx-new errors, it'd be much appreciated: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27355/02:59
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ant_ its X -configure02:59
cotyrotherykitche: cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak': Permission denied02:59
milllmannndo i need to do anything sepcific to remotely connect to mySQL besides just getting it installed and setting the root password?02:59
cotyrotherykitche: should I be in root03:00
qnychellpmeh, what filesystem?03:00
ant_and X -configre creates Xorg.conf.new i think03:00
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hellpmehi formated it as fat3203:00
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hellpmehi formated it as fat32 using gparted03:00
kitchecotyrothery: sudo cp03:00
T-Connectionwebmaren use the drivers that ubuntu have listed.03:00
r00tintheb0xim sorry hellpmeh, you know windows can read EXT* correct?03:01
qnychellpmeh, fat32 has a 4gb file size limit03:01
T-ConnectionType Nvidia03:01
cotyrotherycp: missing file operand03:01
cotyrotherycp: missing file operand03:01
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blackace11can i go to private chat and ask more?03:01
T-ConnectionAdmis - SPM03:01
r00tintheb0xcotyrothery http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-us&q=cp+%22missing+file+operand%2203:02
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cotyrotherythat came up with nothing03:02
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blackace11can i go to private chat and ask more?03:02
hellpmehit cannot handle 4gn qnyc03:02
T-ConnectionI seen those Nivida drivers on there.03:02
hellpmeh4gb rather03:02
ant_cotyrothery use mv instead of cp03:02
hellpmehbut when i tried 3gb yes i got no problem03:02
ali1234blackace11: about joy2key? i'll help you configure it03:02
cotyrotheryoh god this is a pain03:02
hellpmehits formatting now03:03
cotyrotheryI should have never got this dumb thing03:03
cotyrotheryor is it ubuntu03:03
qnychellpmeh, maybe it's trying to make it slightly over 403:03
r00tintheb0xcotyrothery take it easy.... you're making a simple mistake.03:03
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ant_cotyrothery, did you backup your xorg.conf?03:03
r00tintheb0xcotyrothery "sudo cp /what/you/want/to/copy /where/you/want/to/copy/it/to"03:03
blackace11alil234 did you get side message?03:03
hellpmehthen i guess i have to format this disk new partition 28gb using ext3 or what reiserfs?03:03
hellpmehwhat do you think qnyc?03:03
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ali1234blackace11: no, you must be registered with nickserv03:04
kitcheant_: no since that is what he's doing now03:04
blackace11oh how?03:04
cotyrotherydon't worry about backing it up03:04
webmarenoh, thanks T-Connection03:04
r00tintheb0xcotyrothery how do you figure its a pain, its more simple than Windows right click copy, right click paste.03:04
ali1234blackace11: /msg nickserv help03:04
r00tintheb0xcotyrothery what are you trying to accomplish... i can help.03:04
qnychellpmeh, I recommend ext303:04
greyfrog!register | blackace1103:04
ubotublackace11: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:04
cotyrotheryIm trying to get my new voodoo card to work03:04
qnychellpmeh, if you really need a windows format, you could use ntf03:04
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r00tintheb0xcotyrothery Voodoo im taking it means ATI?03:05
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T-ConnectionFor Nvidia users. Go to Synaptic Package Manager and type Nvidia on search.03:05
qnycvoodoo is old 3dfx is it not?03:05
r00tintheb0xcotyrothery im sorry... im a UNIX admin... i dont dink with desktop stuff much anymore... but i havent lost my touch.03:05
blackace11register sjp53k903:05
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kitcher00tintheb0x: voodoo is nvidia which is old\03:05
n2diyLine Number 94, Column 3: This happens when I try to import the address, or add it manually, ideas?03:05
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r00tintheb0xhe needs the legacy drivers then.03:05
kitcher00tintheb0x: well voodoo is not an nvidia card03:06
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epidemicsorry, didn't mean to paste that03:06
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cotyrotherywell what is the darn problem with the card its real annoying03:06
cotyrotheryit driving me CRAZY03:06
Piciepidemic: its okay, we forgive you :)03:06
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dick-richardsonWith the incorporation of hildon w/gutsy, will we be able to install ubuntu on aa nokia n800?03:06
r00tintheb0xcotyrothery hold on one sec... i need to add an alias to a server. When im done in like 45 seconds i'll get it working for you. CALM DOWN for gods sake.03:07
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epidemichey, any of you guys using fglrx? I followed the guide @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and when I try and start it, I get an error that says no screens found... Any of you guys have an idea on what's going on?03:07
hellpmehcan gparted format a /dev/sda5(fat32) or /media/disk to a new format ext3?03:07
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Picileinuz: ask a question.03:07
Ramonhello... i just installed ubuntu and its not starting the X server03:07
randomanwhat would cause Xinerama to turn off direct rendering03:07
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Ecnerifed_Ive installed cacti and i just wanna use it to monitor localhost, but its not showing any graphs :S anyone help pleez?03:08
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T-ConnectionI don't use that faq. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI - I use Restricted Drivers to install ATI.03:08
cotyrotheryr00tintheb0x: if you get this to work for me I owe you a TON03:08
cotyrotheryfor keeping me sane03:08
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kismetI have 2GB of ram and 1.9Gb is being used is that normal?03:08
leinuzPici: I can t PM you Why03:08
Ramonanyone can help me?03:09
hellpmehhow can i format a /dev/sda5(fat32 21gb) or /media/disk to a new format ext3?03:09
epidemici don't know, i'm trying to get something that supports opengl better...03:09
RamonI just installed ubuntu and its not starting the gui03:09
Ramoni have an old IBM crt monitor03:09
leinuzPici: During Update I got Error from cache03:09
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SelrachI have a problem. When I managed to install ubuntu via the alternative ISO, during bootup I get dropped to a text session. The last few lines before it prompts for a text login is this: Loading ACPI modules.. | Starting ACPI Services... | Killed. Anyone have any idea whats going on?03:10
thirsohow do i find out if my output device is /dev/dsp, /dev/dsp1 or something else?03:10
cotyrotherykismet: how the heck are you using so much ram03:10
kismetcotyrothery, i have no clue -> Mem:   2073976k total,  2017180k used,    56796k free,   533428k buffers03:10
qnyckismet, it's perfectly normal03:10
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PanzerMKZso I have dapper installed03:11
cotyrotherykismet: what are you running in the background03:11
PanzerMKZand I have turned off the updater03:11
gdbkismet: Yes, it is normal.  Linux uses free memory (that which is not being used for running programs) as a disk cache.03:11
qnyclinux actually takes advantage of your ram ;)03:11
ztomichellpmeh: first unmount the drive. Then #man mkfs.vfat03:11
PanzerMKZbut yet it still updates03:11
kismetcotyrothery, i am using wine and mounted partitions03:11
hellpmehoh i got it now,unmount then format03:11
PanzerMKZhow do I stop it03:11
cotyrotherywell look in your process to see what is taking it all03:11
hellpmehthanks anyways ztomic03:11
Selrachthe strange thing is when I tried installing just plain Debian, it booted up just fine...03:11
kismetqnyc, just won't fry it will it?03:11
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kismetand the swap is barely being used03:11
thirsohow do i find out if my output device is /dev/dsp, /dev/dsp1 or something else?03:11
Ramoni need assistance!03:11
Ramonsomeone who can help me?03:12
Neil___hey guys, I have a quick question...03:12
qnyckismet, lol no it's normal for the reason gdb gave03:12
Ramonthere's no way with any linux distro to start the X server03:12
Neil___is linux mint supported by ubuntu?03:12
T-ConnectionI thought Debian came with ubuntu?03:12
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Ramonplease someone send me a private03:12
SelrachRamon, is your problem with all the distros you've tried?03:12
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kismetqnyc, ok cool coz i am using superkaramba and its been like at max bar for just about ever :/03:12
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Neil___Does anyone know if ubuntu support linux mint?03:12
ztomicIsn't Ubuntu GREAT!03:13
cotyrotherykismet: what process is using the most of your ram did you look03:13
PiciT-Connection: Ubuntu is a derivation of Debian03:13
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epidemicthat deserves a question mark, not an exclamation...03:13
T-ConnectionOh ok03:13
kismetcotyrothery, how do i check that?03:13
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gdbcotyrothery: the kernel is, you're trying to solve a non-existant problem03:13
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qnycNeil___, nope03:13
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Pici!debian > T-Connection (see the pm from ubotu)03:13
cotyrotherywell I have 760 mb of ram03:13
ztomicepidemic: was that for me?03:13
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cotyrotheryand only 200 mb is in use03:13
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nephishhello all03:13
Neil___qnyc: Even though it's a modification of ubuntu, and uses the feisty repositories?03:13
dick-richardsonAre we going to be able to install ubuntu on a nokia n800 with gutsy?03:13
epidemicztomic: correct03:13
Neil___Assuming any help you got for ubuntu would partially apply to mint..03:14
kitcheNeil___: no03:14
ztomicepidemic: are you having problems?03:14
qnyccotyrothery, as we've said, it's normal03:14
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kismetcotyrothery, would activity on ntfs partitons cause high usage of ram?03:14
gdbcotyrothery: of actual running software03:14
nephishhow can i get out of gnome and x to just have a terminal ?03:14
greyfrog!alpha | dick-richardson03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alpha - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
gdbhe's looking at total RAM allocated, which should be basically everything03:14
cotyrotherydude I have ran 3 os's on my computer and not use all my ram03:14
epidemicztomic: i was joking when I said that03:14
gdbprograms + disk cache03:14
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cotyrotherythat does not sound normal03:14
greyfrogdick-richardson, should prolly ask in #ubuntu+103:14
=== gdb shrugs
kitchenephish: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:14
ztomicepidemic: ahh! ok???????????????????03:14
=== Alberio_ [n=paarth@c-69-138-206-205.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sasahi all, I just installed GParted...I do not see it in any of the menus.....how can I run it?03:14
kismetnephish, alt+f1, or you want to close gui altogether sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop03:14
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SelrachExcuse me, can anyone help me?03:15
dick-richardsongreyfrog: will do, thank you!03:15
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jribSasa: system -> administration -> GNOME Partition Editor03:15
Pici!ask | Selrach03:15
ubotuSelrach: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:15
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Selrach... lol03:15
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johndocSo how do I hack the gibson from my ubuntu machine?03:15
Sasajrib: YOU ROCK03:15
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T-ConnectionOk Pici03:15
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SelrachI have a problem. When I managed to install ubuntu via the alternative ISO, during bootup I get dropped to a text session. The last few lines before it prompts for a text login is this: Loading ACPI modules.. | Starting ACPI Services... | Killed. Anyone have any idea whats going on? (repost)03:15
jrib!gutsy > johndoc (see the private message from ubotu)03:15
kismetI used the "top" command and Xorg = 117mb03:15
ircbloodhow ccccan i restart my cpu from terminal?03:15
jribjohndoc: is that what you mean?03:15
gdbircblood: $ sudo reboot03:16
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cotyrotheryKismet go to system >> administration >> system monitor03:16
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kismetcotyrothery, i am on kde03:16
nephishalt+ f1 isn't doing anything. i have restricted nvidia drivers locking me up and i need to get rid of them03:16
cotyrotherygo there03:16
greyfrognephish, ctrl+alt+f103:16
mongolaiSelrach, it seems that your ACPI implementation is not properly supported.03:16
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kitchenephish: yeah the new nvidia drivers fix that03:16
Selrachtheres a problem there03:16
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Selrachif I disable it03:16
Selrachi get droped to BusyBox03:16
kitchegreyfrog: that won't help him with the nvidia drivers that ubuntu uses by default03:17
Selrachunder the kernel boot command03:17
nephishcan i do that at the gdm login screen?03:17
Drewor get freebsd03:17
johndoclolz, not quite jrib03:17
jribjohndoc: k, what did you mean?03:17
Selrachstrange thing is Debian has no issues with my ACPI03:17
johndocDrew!  I was just asking how to hack the gibson from my ubuntu machine.  You know anything about that?03:17
thosmosdselect ROCKS!!03:17
Selrachnor Mandriva...03:17
jrib!enter | Selrach03:17
ubotuSelrach: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:17
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T-ConnectionI always wonder why my Soyo showing that I have 2 Intel 4 3.20ghz.03:17
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Drewjohndoc of coarse I do03:17
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calcSelrach: hmm if it works on debian but not on ubuntu you might want to file a bug mentioning which exact debian kernel and revision works03:18
greyfrogkitche, didn't know that, thanks for the info...03:18
DrewI EAT gibsons for breakfast and lunch03:18
Ecnerifed_Ive installed cacti and i just wanna use it to monitor localhost, but its not showing any graphs :S anyone help pleez?03:18
advancedsimpliciHow can I have terminal open up saw, 3 blank tabs everytime I open terminal?03:18
DrewI eat real food for dinner03:18
kitchegreyfrog: the default binary drivers seem to have a bug in them that is fixed in the drivers they just released03:18
johndocMe too bro03:18
calcT-Connection: probably from hyperthreading03:18
Selrachmy system uses an ATI based video card, but it doesn't seem get to a point to start03:18
cotyrotheryI guess I'll wait until later when someone can help with my gfx card03:18
T-ConnectionWhat is your favorite screen saver?03:18
Drewati based video card?03:19
calcT-Connection: blank03:19
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SelrachI use an ASUS video card03:19
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:19
Selrachbut its chipset is ATI i believe03:19
DrewI feel bad for you03:19
johndocjrib, i wasn't talking about gutsy03:19
ztomicleinuzMei: ask your question.03:19
advancedsimplicisomeone auto complete my name with just saying Hi or something please.03:19
johndocspeaking of gutsy though, i do have a serious question03:19
gdbadvancedsimplici: hi03:19
advancedsimplicigdb: thanks.03:19
calcjohndoc: ask it then03:19
Drewjohndoc its not like you use ubuntu03:19
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kismetcotyrothery, i am looking via kde info center and Disk cache is at 47% Disk buffers at 24% and Application Data is at 25%, so it could be the fact that i am using ntfs mounts?03:19
SelrachI wish I could get Ubuntu working...03:20
leinuzMeiNeed help? during Update it showed an error in installing? ::E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libkrb53_1.4.4-5ubuntu3.1_i386.deb: failed in buffer_read(fd)03:20
SelrachI'm currently running mandriva...03:20
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Drewmy ubuntu eats my partition space up hard core03:20
cookiehello, anyone knows how can I view .ppt under xubuntu?03:20
advancedsimpliciSelrach: What's going wrong with ubuntu?03:20
johndocI upgraded my feisty to the 2.6.22 kernel using the gutsy repositories (sp?) so I could get my sound working on my toshiba laptop and now it locks up and i'm not real sure what's causing it03:20
bruenigcookie, openoffice03:20
DrewI have 500 mb free and in 5 min of browsing the web its full03:20
mongolaihas anyone else here had problems with Audacity capturing audio through the line-in input?03:20
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kitchejohndoc: umm well that is the bad thing to do anyways lol03:20
calcjohndoc: oh thats weird, btw which Realtek sound codec do you have?03:21
jribcookie: openoffice Presentation can view them03:21
johndoci don't know off the top of my head03:21
loganIs there any hope in getting a ATI USB ALL IN WONDER TV CAPTURE device working in linux?03:21
calcjohndoc: it might not even work with the new kernel regardless03:21
johndocI don't have the lappy with me right now03:21
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calcjohndoc: my toshiba laptop has alc268 and i don't think the new kernel works with it either03:21
cookiejrib, is there any alternative since openoffice is a little bit big03:21
johndocit seems to be locking up as if the process were overloaded03:21
jribcookie: I don't know of one03:21
Selrachi wonder if my ECS motherboard is to blame for ubuntu not working03:22
johndocthe sound works now since the update03:22
Drewselrach did you even check to see if your hardware is compatible03:22
calcSelrach: in general ACPI issues are motherboard issues, not kernel issues, its just that the kernel people keep adding hacks to work around bad motherboards03:22
asdfDoes anyone know of a way to capture only a portion of the screen like in Mac OS X?03:22
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johndocit just locks up a lot and i can't even get to console03:22
Selrachhow do I check that?03:22
T-ConnectionI like the Hufo's Tunnel screen saver03:22
Ecnerifed_does oneone think that they might be able to help me with a very simple cacti setup?03:23
johndoci know calc, it just seemed to be the quickest way to get my sound working...stupid move on my part, but it was so easy i hate to go back03:23
SelrachI guess I just assumed it would work since other distros worked on this hardware03:23
calcSelrach: so yes its 99% certain its your motherboard that has a bad acpi bios that is causing it not to work, though if other dists like Debian do work there is probably some code the ubuntu people can use to make it work too03:23
johndocit was a pain trying to get it working before the kernel upgrade03:23
jribSelrach: what exactly doesn't work, what happens03:23
SelrachI drop to command line login when I try to boot ubuntu03:23
Selrachits ACPI I believe03:23
eyemeanhi any1 know how i can get ubuntu to recognise my mic and webcam pls?03:23
ztomicleinuzMei: are you using kerberos? Have you googled the problem?03:23
Selrachproblem is03:23
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bruenig!webcam | eyemean03:24
ubotueyemean: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:24
Selrachif I disable ACPI... It doesnt even get to login03:24
T-ConnectionLattice is kind of cool too.03:24
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jribSelrach: seriously, please stop pressing enter to break up your sentences.  Use a '.' instead03:24
eyemeanthank you for link03:24
Lord_Drachenblutsup johndoc03:24
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calcSelrach: best bet is to first make sure you update your hardware to the latest bios available on their website03:24
johndocHey Lord_Drachenblut03:24
leinuzMeiYes about that not yet...03:24
Selrachdo you want my hardware specs? It might help resolve this03:24
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pHro-<3 porn03:25
ztomicWhay am I getting all the tough problems? Does anyone use Kerberos?03:25
calcSelrach: sure thats fine03:25
asdfDoes anyone know of a way to screencapture only a section of the screen like in Mac OS X?03:25
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calcSelrach: just need the exact motherboard model number03:25
calcSelrach: oh yea and the brand03:25
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javbhi people. Something weird, firefox become slow when opening the download window at the time a new download will start03:25
javbany ideas?03:25
SelrachECS KN1 Lite Extreme - Athlon 64 3500+ - 1 GB ram, 160 GB WD hard drive03:25
Drewits firefox03:25
Selrachany other specs you need?03:25
calcSelrach: thats all03:25
mathieu2anyone know how i would get imagemagick's posterize option to work the same way as the gimp ?03:25
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Drewfirefox is slow03:26
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Drewfor me at least03:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:26
Drewoon every machine03:26
SelrachI grew up on MS DOS, so it helps me with command prompt, console, etc...03:26
T-ConnectionAnyone watch porno on ubuntu? j/k03:26
calcSelrach: you sure its Lite Extreme, not one or the other?03:27
Drewmy first computer was a black acer on 95 I was 503:27
Selrachyea, I kept my motherboard box03:27
SelrachI assembled this PC from scratch03:27
calcSelrach: ah its the same bios regardless of Lite or Extreme (according to their website)03:27
loganHas anyone here ever used GATOS?03:28
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gatmanhello guys03:28
loganI installed it but I don't know where to go to access it03:28
Selrachdo you think I need to flash my BIOS?03:28
gatmanI need some advice (not a technicall questioN)03:28
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Lord_Drachenblutlogan: never heard of it03:28
calcSelrach: hmm oops no i am wrong its not the same, was looking at the wrong box03:28
loganIt allows you to use ATI All-In-Wonder capture cards on linux03:29
gatmanwhat is the main differnece between ubuntu server edition and desktop edition?03:29
calcSelrach: you will need to find out what your current bios revision is when your system posts to figure out which one you have03:29
Selrachones for server and ones for client?03:29
ztomicleinuzMei: I don't use Kerberos. Sorry.03:29
kitchegatman: one installs cli and kernel is server based and the other is gui and desktop geared03:29
Selrachwhere can I find this when I login to BIOS?03:29
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gatmankitche, so the server edition has no gui, x, what so ever?03:30
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calcSelrach:  http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Downloads/ProductsDetail_Download.aspx?detailid=492&DetailName=Bios&DetailDesc=&CategoryID=1&MenuID=6&LanID=9 or http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Downloads/ProductsDetail_Download.aspx?detailid=564&DetailName=Bios&DetailDesc=&CategoryID=1&MenuID=6&LanID=903:30
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gatmanbecause the truth is, I wanna have a server, but at the same time, use the distro as a desktop OS.03:30
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calcSelrach: its during post there should be a revision on the screen when it posts and/or a date on the screen somewhere that should match the date of the bios available on the site03:31
gatmanthe server edition comes with LAMP, so I dunno...03:31
ztomicEh! java wont install on wine. that sux!03:31
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Selrachnone of them mention ACPI changes03:32
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calcSelrach: depending on how old your bios is on your board it could be multiple revisions old03:32
jesusphreakso I know it is preferable to use aptitude when possible, but what should one do about SVN?03:32
colbertI am doing sudo apt-get update and it keeps saying: "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 26 11:08:20 2007"03:32
calcSelrach: so old that you can't see all the changes on their site03:32
Selrachi got it last year03:32
Picicolbert: Try sudo -k or if that doesnt work sudo -K03:32
calcSelrach: i've bought hardware before that had 1.5 year old bios before03:32
gatmanwhy isn't anyone talking to me :( ?03:32
jribjesusphreak: what do you mean?  what are you trying to do?03:32
calcSelrach: depends on how long it has sat in the market03:33
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colbertPici: same thing03:33
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gatmanshould I go to another channel?03:33
spasticteapotgatman: chill out.03:33
spasticteapotIt can take a while.03:33
Selrachso how do I check my current motherboard BIOS?03:33
blackace11can someone help me configure joy2key?03:33
spasticteapotgatman: What's the problem?03:33
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Selrachwhen i go into config?03:33
gatmanit's a bit crowded, can I msg you?03:33
Picicolbert: sudo -k with no other arguments?03:33
colbertPici: yes03:33
SelrachI don't want to screw up my motherboard by flashing it badly :|03:33
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Picicolbert: and sudo -K ?03:33
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colbertPici: yes same03:34
blackace11can someone help me configure joy2key?03:34
kitchegatman: install the desktop edition and install the server stuff that you want03:34
Ecnerifed_Ive installed cacti and i just wanna use it to monitor localhost, but its not showing any graphs :S anyone help pleez?03:34
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gatmankitche, I find that a pain, can't I do the opposite?03:34
Picicolbert: er, Your time is really set 1 month in advance?03:34
blackace11can someone help me configure joy2key?03:34
kitchegatman: yes03:34
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ztomicSelrach: just flash that fat B@$^ard.03:34
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mynimoim currently installing winxp in my ubuntu box using virtualbox, how can i move out my keyboard and mouse to my ubuntu box?03:34
jesusphreakanyone? Is there a 'right' way to download source (from svn, cvs, whatever)?03:34
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gatmankitche, server edition comes prepaired with LAMP, but is the desktop utilties scarce?03:35
mynimoi can see my mouse and keyboard is locked in my virtualbox03:35
blackace11can someone help me configure joy2key?03:35
colbertPici: No I was checking calendar in the ADministration> Time & Date yesterday, accidentally left it at July 25.. I changed it back this morning03:35
kitchegatman: they use the same repos so you can get a desktop real easy03:35
jribjesusphreak: if you're just downloading, just use the tools to download it: svn co, etc...03:35
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gatmankitche, agian, does it come with X?03:35
blackace11can someone help me configure joy2key?03:36
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ztomicjesusphreak: hard in windows, easy in linux.03:36
kitchegatman: server does not03:36
jribblackace11: wait about 20 minutes before repeating please03:36
ztomicfollow the faq03:36
kitchegatman: but you can install it with ubuntu-desktop package03:36
gatmankitche, damn...03:36
colbertPici: i fixed it03:36
Picicolbert: What did you do?03:36
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gatmanyeah, I guess I'll INSTALL the desktop one then...03:36
colbertPici: I had to change date back to july 26, then sudo -K, then go back and change date to today03:36
gatmanvia WUBI03:37
Picicolbert: Odd :/03:37
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colbertPici: hehe, believe it's a security measure. Learn something new everyday :)03:37
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blackace11jrib, do you know if ubuntu supports higher resolutions then 1024 x 768?03:37
jribblackace11: it does03:38
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jrib!fixres > blackace11 (see the private message from ubotu)03:38
gregorygregcan someone help me out with suspend mode?03:38
mynimoanyone using virtualbox in ubuntu?03:38
gregorygregon fiesty?03:38
jrib!anyone | mynimo03:38
ubotumynimo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:38
gregorygregokay sure03:38
gregorygregI need to set my alsadriver to unload/reload when I enter/exit suspend mode03:39
ztomicgregorygreg: ask and ye shall receive.03:39
gregorygregbecause my sound is distorted when I come out of suspend mode03:39
mynimopls help me how to get my keyboard and mouse to my host or orig os and not inside the virtualbox window? anyon pls?03:39
mynimowhat should i click?03:39
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jribmynimo: ctrl-alt  gets you out I think03:39
Jordan_Umynimo, In vmware it's ctrl+alt03:39
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gatmanwill ubuntu mount my ntfs hdds automaticaly?03:39
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gregorygregit did for me gatman03:39
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | gatman03:40
ubotugatman: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:40
T-ConnectionDoes ubuntu have XFree86?03:40
eyemeantried easywebcam but does not see my webcam and help part is in french03:40
gatmanI said automaticaly03:40
jribT-Connection: ubuntu uses Xorg...03:40
eyemeancanany1 pls help03:40
kitchemynimo: right ctrl03:40
gregorygregztomic did you see my question?03:40
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gregorygregany idea or are you checkin it out on the internat03:40
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T-ConnectionCool updates.03:40
kitcheT-Connection:  XFree86 is barely used anymore think it might still be used with Unix03:41
Jordan_Ugatman, It will from the LiveCD, but I don't think that installing one package from synaptic is very "manual"03:41
mynimoright ctrl?03:41
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mynimoright cursor then ctrl?03:41
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kitchemynimo: right ctrl03:41
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gatmanJordan_U, i'm gonna get ubuntu from wubi03:41
ztomicgregorygreg: which card? Mine works fine. I don't have an answer... gosh! i hate that. 2nd time in a row.03:41
kitchemynimo: you should have two ctrl's one of the left one on the right03:41
gregorygreghere this is what someone told me to do03:41
gregorygregadded snd-hda-intel to my modules to unload on suspend + removed volume control.03:41
gregorygreghe said it worked for him, only I am not sure what config file I would have to edit03:42
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Jordan_Ugatman, Then it has to have NTFS support, but remember that wubi is still BETA03:42
gregorygreg(I have an intel card)03:42
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rcbaxter_I'm having a terrible time trying to remove a packge... Anyone ever get this: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 12703:42
gatmanJordan_U, it's just a booter man...03:42
mynimomy toshiba laptop has only left ctrl key in my keyboard :((03:42
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mynimono right ctrl key of my keyboard03:42
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ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html03:43
kitchemynimo: if you look at the bottom right corner of virtualbox it tells you what key to press03:43
gregorygregztomic: launchpad link is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10011403:43
Ecnerifed_Ive installed cacti and i just wanna use it to monitor localhost, but its not showing any graphs :S anyone help pleez?03:43
newtubuntuwhen we install a VM running XP (using VMWare or VirtualBox), does the required diskspace of the VM go on the / or /home directory ?03:43
Ecnerifed_does oneone think that they might be able to help me with a very simple cacti setup?03:43
Tom47trying to complete tomcat installation and cannot configure03:43
mynimoyes i tried that right ctrl, but i dont have right ctrl key :(03:43
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Jordan_Ugatman, No, it is Ubuntu running from an image file on an NTFS partition using a hacked together grub running from ntldr...03:44
Rilekshello all03:44
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nikosapihello, how can I find out what kind of support packages were compiled with? (eg. mmx, O2, O3, arch, etc..)03:44
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Tom47trying to complete tomcat installation and cannot configure APR support03:44
jribnewtubuntu: it goes where you put the image03:44
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gatmanJordan_U, aka; booter.03:44
Rilekshello,how can i get a shell account03:45
jrib!offtopic > Rileks (see the private message from ubotu)03:45
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ztomicgregorygreg: it looks like a bug... I'm not surprised it's a Sony product. Is yours?03:45
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jribnikosapi: you could 'apt-get source PACKAGE' and the read debian/rules.  Don't know of an easier way03:45
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savetheWorldRileks: on what machine? your own?03:45
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gregorygreghaha yeah I got a sony FE03:45
nikosapijrib: thanks03:45
gregorygregsony products are awful03:45
newtubuntujrib: I haven't built my system yet (I'm here from Vista yuck). I will setup my 320Gb hd with Ubuntu, but I want to make sure I allocate my space properly... So should VMs be built on / or /home ?03:45
jribnikosapi: I'm guessing there is probably some policy that you could refer to03:46
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sycofantThe graphical install (from the LiveCD's X desktop) on 6.06 is hanging for me - is there a better way for be to install straight from the GRUB prompt?03:46
gregorygregdoes that mean there is no fix?03:46
jribnewtubuntu: I keep them in my HOME03:46
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, I would put them on /home if it is a separate partition, that way you can keep / smaller03:46
ztomicgregorygreg: Oh my god!03:47
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newtubuntuI'm planning to use 200/320Gb for a shared FAT32 partition, then the remaining 120Gb is for Ubuntu which will run 1 virtual machine of... say 10Gb max (enough!)03:47
newtubuntuhow should I split my diskspace between / and /home ?03:47
gregorygregwhatchu mean oh my god? ha03:47
aliaskI'm having major problems with mounting a network drive at boot. It's been working fine for nearly 4 months, and now won't work at all. I can make a new local folder and manually mount to that, but it's hardly ideal.03:47
gatmanyou know, ubuntu is the only distro that I knew how to install beryl on.03:48
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Jordan_Unewtubuntu, You can read and write to ext3 from windows, I would just make a separate /home and keep your windows data files there too, saves space03:48
gatmanprobably the most user friendly...03:48
newtubuntuif I plan using 120Gb for Ubuntu, I should I split it between / and /home ?03:48
ztomicgregorygreg: why people continue to buy Sony stuff is beyond my comprehension. I refuse to work on your problem.03:48
gregorygregalright well different question then03:48
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spasticteapotgregorygreg: What's wrong with your Sony crap?03:48
gregorygreghow can I add a module to unload on suspend?03:48
sycofantAny hints - text based install from 6.06 Live CD?03:48
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Music_Shufflenewtubuntu, how about....30/90 for / and /home?03:48
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spasticteapotNo, really...it's almost all junk.03:48
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spasticteapotgregorygreg: Seriously...what's the issue?03:49
Jordan_Usycofant, You need a separate CD to do text based install03:49
gregorygregok well my sound is seriously distorted when I come out of suspend mode03:49
jribsycofant: use the alternate cd if you need a text based install03:49
Selrachcalc, I found my motherboard manual, and on the cover it says KN1 Lite Extreme...03:49
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javbany ideas on how to make pdf files from open office or any app in ubuntu with security options ?03:49
newtubuntuJordan_U: last night I was strongly recommended to build a FAT32 partition for sharing between XP and Linux03:49
spasticteapotgregorygreg: No idea, sorry.03:49
osxdude|TXaliask: Did you check the connection?03:49
sycofantMore download :(03:49
spasticteapotRestart ALSA?03:49
spasticteapotSwitch sound driver maybe/03:49
ztomicspasticteapot: buy sony. go ahead. buy some more sony crap.03:49
sycofantThe text-based installer is not available on the LiveCD at all?03:49
aliaskosxdude|TX: Yes, like I said, I can mount it manually - it just won't do it from fstab.03:50
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gregorygreghey guys come on03:50
gatmanbrb, installing ubuntu :)03:50
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, Many people do that, I just don't see the point when you can read and write to ext3 from windows, and same with NTFS from Linux03:50
spasticteapotztomic: I don't touch the stuff.03:50
aliaskAlso, it halts booting, and i need to press control alt delete to get ubuntu to even boot at all.03:50
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spasticteapotztomic: I'm an IBM fan.03:50
PurpZeYgregorygreg: I haven't really been following, but I can tell you that a lot of people have problems with suspend03:50
spasticteapotFor consumer electronics, I'll build my own.03:50
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Jordan_Unewtubuntu, But you can't ( or rather shouldn't ) put your /home on NTFS, which is why I would use ext303:50
newtubuntuJordan_U: So my /home will be accessible from an XP virtual machine ?03:51
someone2005I've got evolution installed and seems my mails going into the outbox instead of the sent folder...Any Ideas ?03:51
tritiumsomeone2005: check the account settings03:51
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, Oh, I thought you were doing a dual boot03:51
spasticteapotgregorygreg: Switch audio drivers.03:51
gregorygregokay one more time.  does anyone know how I can add my snd-hda-intel driver to the list of modules to unload on suspend?03:51
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someone2005There fine03:51
gregorygregalright I'll try that and see if it works03:51
spasticteapotYou should be able to choose ALSA or OSS. If you're using one, use the other.03:51
tritiumsomeone2005: you mean "they're" fine?03:51
T-ConnectionI'm doing this wrong? dpkg -i fglrx-kernel-source_8.38.6-1_i386.deb xorg-driver-fglrx_8.38.6-1_i386.deb03:52
newtubuntuJordan_U: if I can avoid the dual boot with VirtualBox or VMWare, I WILL.03:52
imbecilehey guys, how can i turn a bin/cue vcd back to an mpeg?03:52
eyemeantried easycam but didnt work for me any other suggestions pls?03:52
newtubuntuneed to have my files accessible from the VM and Linux03:52
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gregorygregI don't have to restart in order for the switch to take effect?03:53
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T-ConnectionThis way? dpkg -i <fglrx-kernel-source_8.38.6-1_i386.deb> <xorg-driver-fglrx_8.38.6-1_i386.deb>03:53
spasticteapotgregorygreg: Nope.03:53
newtubuntuOK, so back to a 120Gb split, how should I allocate it between / and /home ?03:53
newtubuntumore space in root or more in home ?03:53
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Jordan_UT-Connection, Why not use Restricted manager03:53
tritiumnewtubuntu: that's up to you03:53
ztomicspasticteapot: good to hear. sorry I misread your question up there.03:54
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T-ConnectionI done that.03:54
rcbaxter_subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 12703:54
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ztomichad to P folks03:54
Jordan_UT-Connection, So what are you trying to do now?03:54
tritium!offtopic > ztomic (see the private message from ubotu)03:54
chadeldridgecan anyone recomend a FTP client for gnome ?03:54
tritiumchadeldridge: gftp03:54
newtubuntutritium: I just don't know 'where space goes' when using Linux. SHall I plan for lots of room for apps in root, or lots of room for ?? in /home ?03:54
T-ConnectionI trying to get an update drivers.03:54
newtubuntuI'll have my files on a 200GB FAT32 share03:54
Tom47newtubuntu just looking over yr shoulder here .... using fat32 is the conservative route .... some aspects of ntfs in linux and ext2/3 in windows are considered by some to still be in (late) beta03:54
chadeldridgei shall try it .. thanks03:55
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tritiumnewtubuntu: it really depends on your needs.  The base install shouldn't take up more than 2-3 GB.  How much you put in /home depends on you, really.03:55
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gregorygregpiece of shit still has the same problem03:55
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gregorygregI hate this computer03:55
Jordan_U!ohmy | gregorygreg03:55
ubotugregorygreg: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:55
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newtubuntutritium:  /home is for personal files only ? all apps go in / is that right ?03:55
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nephishok, that worked, thanks, gents03:55
tritiumnewtubuntu: essentially03:56
nephishkismet, thanks03:56
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newtubuntuthank you all  brb, going to CLEAN SLATE my brand new Dell and install Ubuntu on it... (full disk)03:56
=== Ravenndude` [n=matt@dynamic-acs-24-239-118-177.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
T-ConnectionI'm going now. Bye. I will be back tomorrow03:56
newtubuntuUbuntu, please be with me!03:56
ztomicIve been asked to leave folks. Sorry but my expertise is needed elsewhere because it is not recognized in this channel. Later folks.03:57
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hellpmeeok im here03:58
hellpmeegood grief03:58
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osxdude|TXyay! it's hellpmee!03:59
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hellpmeeis my window having a problem? i cant see anybody's message except me03:59
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hellpmeeoh ok there you are osxdude|TX03:59
Jordan_Uhellpmee, Nobody has said anything :)03:59
Picihellpmee: no, its just quiet.03:59
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hellpmeeok thanks guys. i thought im having a problem with my box03:59
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osxdude|TXdid you see my message?03:59
hellpmeemy first time to use ubuntu desktop.damn im beginning to fall inlove very fast in loading unloading unlike last few years04:00
=== kristi [n=kristi@c-71-205-120-112.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hellpmeeyes osxdude|TX04:00
kristiI have a problem with k3b... trying to burn a video DVD gives an error saying that not all the necessary video files are on the disc.  Am I missing something?04:00
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osxdude|TXare they not DVD files?04:01
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kristiosxdude|TX: It's a .MPEG file that I want to watch on my dvd player.04:01
hellpmeebtw is there a way to load my usb mouse when the dekstop xwindow is already loaded?04:01
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X_100_Destino_Xalguem ai sabe algum canal de java em pt?04:02
=== transfix [n=transfix@cpe-72-177-39-35.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gregorygreghow do I control which modules are unloaded on suspend?04:02
hellpmeeif i plugged my usb mouse after booting,it wont work,how do i fix this?unlike winxp when you plug usb mouse it will always run04:02
kristi!ps | X_100_Destino_X04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:02
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osxdude|TXI think you can only burn DVD Video files kristi04:03
kristiosxdude|TX: How do I convert it to "DVD video"?04:03
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hellpmeeis pidgin supported in apt-get?04:04
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl562.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumhellpmee: not until the next release (gutsy)04:04
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hellpmeeoh ok04:04
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tritiumgregorygreg: see /etc/default/acpi-support04:04
Picihellpmee: Thats in October if all goes as planned.04:04
hellpmeeis there an application in ubuntu that can chat yahoo mesgr with mic and webcam?04:05
hellpmeePici: cool04:05
tritiumgregorygreg: add the modules names in between the quotes on the line: MODULES=""04:05
=== dusk [n=dusk@utopia.ccs.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
osxdude|TXwill the upgrade be smooth?04:05
kristihellpmee: Kopete and Gaim both support webcams, I think.04:05
twocarlogaim doesnt04:06
duskwhy is firefox GTK different then the rest of my GTK apps?04:06
hellpmeeare you sure gaim supports webcam kristi?04:06
=== Skyhook [n=skyhook1@bas1-kitchener06-1177578009.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumhellpmee: no, not yet04:06
gregoroviusdoes anyone know of a good, simple traffic shaping script? I just need something that lets me prioritize some ports, but everything seems too complicated04:06
hellpmeeoh ok04:06
kitchedusk: what do you mean?04:06
hellpmeewhat about winscp for ubuntu desktop xwindow? what should i use?04:06
Peloosxdude|TX,  if you want a smooth upgrade just mount your /home to a seperate partition and reinstall the os from scratch,  doesn'T get smoother then that04:06
jribhellpmee: you can use nautilus04:06
gregoroviusI tried wondershaper but it puts Voip at the same priority than bittorrent04:07
duskkitche: Im using fluxbox, I set a GTK with gtk-theme-switch, but firefox doesnt wnat to play along04:07
kristihellpmee: If I was sure, I wouldn't have said "I think" ;)04:07
osxdude|TXi mean to Gusty from Feisey04:07
kitchedusk: firefox uses it's own theme setup04:07
hellpmeejrib, is nautilus by deafult installed in ubuntu 7.04?04:07
tritiumhellpmee: yes04:07
jribhellpmee: yeah, it's name of the file manager04:07
kristiPelo: Took me forever before I realized the wisdom in having a separate /home partition.  It's amazing how much trouble that has saved me.04:07
kitchehellpmee: if you use gnome of course04:07
=== Dorne [n=jonathan@bas2-toronto12-1128663417.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
duskkitche: well, yea, but you can set it to use the GTK theme, I just forget how04:07
kitchedusk: though it's configuration04:08
=== burnin [n=burnin@204-228-142-194.ip.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu
kristiI have a problem with k3b... trying to burn a video DVD gives an error saying that not all the necessary video files are on the disc.  Am I missing something?04:08
=== Evilbadwrong [n=colin@71-212-49-146.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
duskkitche: which config?04:08
duskkitche: it's done through .gtkrc.mine04:08
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Pelokristi,  how did you make the dvd files ?04:08
burninI'm trying to do a network install on a via epia motherboard using a pxe netboot. It pxe boots fine, I go through the initial install screens and it ends with "No kernel modules were found."04:08
burninI've tried a couple of mirrors but no luck.04:09
burninis there something about the C3 processor on the via epia board that is not supported?04:09
kristiPelo: I didn't make it... it's a standard .AVI file.04:09
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:09
kristiPelo: How do I convert it to DVD format?04:09
burninit should just be an i38604:09
asdfDoes anyone know of a way to screencapture only a section of the screen like in Mac OS X?04:09
dusk!firefox gtk04:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox gtk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
hellpmeewhere can i click nautilus? im trying to find it04:09
Pelokristi, use devede works very nicely04:09
=== python__ [n=chatzill@68-190-147-178.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kitchedusk: seems like you need a .gtkrc file and have firefox on default theme04:09
qnychellpmee, places -> home folder, it's the file browser04:10
duskdusk: you dont have the touch firefox's theme04:10
Pelokristi,  it's in the repos04:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about devede - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
=== TheGoodShepherd [n=lollersk@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitchedusk: you sure do like talking to yourself but I know about that already04:11
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osxdude|TXwait: if I have a symlink, will it be deleted?04:11
duskkitche: it was a mistake04:11
=== zabin [n=zabin@c-68-59-30-108.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
c_lispon ubuntu live installsion cd what program can I use to make free space on a partition thats running windows so I can dual boot it with windows04:11
=== iceportal [n=chris@cpe-76-186-211-181.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zabindoes anyone know how to stop the vnc service?04:12
xerox_5555Where is the Turkish Channel on Ubuntu ?04:12
xerox_5555irc servert04:12
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kitchedusk: but see if you have a .gtkrc file in your home dir04:12
twocarloc_lisp : gpart04:12
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zabindoes anyone know how to stop vncserver service?04:13
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Peloc_lisp,   menu > system > admin > gnome partiton editor04:13
zabindoes anyone know how to stop vncserver service?04:13
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tritiumzabin: if it has an initscript in /etc/init.d, use "sudo invoke-rc.d <servicename> start | stop | restart"04:13
tritiumzabin: also, no need to repeat so requently04:14
duskkitche: I do04:14
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=== Wolfwalker [n=sIRC@75-120-213-168.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #Ubuntu
cens0ri have a problem trying to mount a directory04:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:15
Pelocens0r, more info04:15
kitchedusk: ok what I most been finding is stuff for kwin and metacity and nothing about fluxbox04:15
zabintritium: i do now know the service name and i do know how to stop things with /etc/init.d/*. any idea what it could be its not under anything starting with V04:15
hellpmeewow this is cool04:15
tritiumzabin: which package did you install?04:15
duskkitche: show me, ill adapt04:15
cens0rhere is the entry in fstab:04:15
cens0r/Debian/web    /mnt/web       smbfs   credentials=/home/arbeck/.cred-file,fmask=666,dmask=777 0       004:15
imbecilewhat movie player can i use besides vlc to play bin/cue vcd?04:15
=== bonks [i=j4yb0i@ip70-190-219-167.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileplease someone04:16
kitchedusk: the ubuntu forums have many things I just did a google search on firefox and gtk2 themes04:16
gdbzabin: Which vnc server package do you have installed?04:16
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Pelocens0r,  are you sure  /Debian/web is the correct devtree for  that folder ?04:16
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WolfwalkerIs it impossible to run 3D graphic games in Ubuntu with an ATI Radeon Xpress 200 card?04:17
zabintritium maybe let me explain some more sorry. at work i cant just vnc to my desktop at home. so to do this i have to tunnel a few ports. i can vnc out on a windows machine but now a linux machine i think the problem is that i am tring to connect to localhost:5900. but my linux machine thinks im trying to connect to its self which im not.04:17
=== memedx [i=dum6oy@dsl-241-140.melsa.net.id] has joined #ubuntu
cens0ryes, it stopped working after i had it mounted and a power outage caused a reboot with files open04:17
cens0ri get a response like this back now:04:17
Peloimbecile, xine  but if it is a kvcd the support isnt' great in linux04:17
cens0rCould not resolve mount point /mnt/web04:17
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imbecilePelo,  :( it is a kvcd04:17
cens0ri've tried removing the web directory, but it says the resource is busy04:17
Jordan_UWolfwalker, What shows up when you try the restricted driver manager04:17
newbuntuhi all hi Pelo de Drummondville04:18
Pelocens0r,  make sure there is still a mount point, and check the permissions04:18
Pelohey newbuntu04:18
tritiumzabin: so why are you trying to stop the service?04:18
Peloimbecile,  just watch it on your tv04:18
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Peloimbecile,  you do know that a bin/cue is a cd image right ?04:18
zabinim thinking because its tring to connect to localhost which is being tunneled though but it is trying to connect to its self.04:18
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newbuntuI'm on my 32bits CD-ROM right now, starting a clean install of Feisty04:18
=== de0xyrib0se [n=none@ool-4578e316.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UWolfwalker, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager04:19
MrOtaconwhats the best download manager (like flashget) to use in ubuntu? i want to queue up files, have 40 to get, and pref. be able to import from a text file04:19
gdbzabin: Which vnc server package do you have installed?04:19
=== MSIGuy [n=chris@host-150-116-111-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wolfwalker|Jordan_U:| where is the restricted driver manager?04:19
Pelonewbuntu, ;-)04:19
n2diyHow can I get Nautilus to _not_ abbreviate file sizes?04:19
newbuntuwould need some handholding if anyone is available04:19
cens0rPelo, i can't even do a ls -l on the directory04:19
de0xyrib0seanyone here good with rsync? i'm trying to do a hard link backup schema and what i dont get from all these examples is how in the world would it actually keep versions of file changes since hard links are always pointing to the same file04:19
gdbzabin: I'm asking because you can you "dpkg -l package_name" and look for some sort of control utility for it.04:19
imbecilePelo,  unfortunately i cant burn cd or dvd it fails every time i nobody has let me know why.. yes i know its an image04:19
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zabingdb: now do i find out. i think just vnc04:19
ali1234MrOtacon: wget (it has no gui but it is simple and fast)04:19
Pelocens0r,   delete the mount point,  and make a new one04:19
gdber dpkg -L04:19
varun0does anyone know what the difference between the "generic" kernel and the "kernel with ubuntu patches" is?04:19
MrOtaconali1234: can it import links from a file?04:19
WolfwalkerNever mind, you answered the question before I asked it04:19
gdbanyway, ah, dpkg -l | grep vnc may help you04:19
ali1234MrOtacon: yes04:19
osxdude|palmTXWolfwalker: in the System>Admin  menu04:20
MrOtaconali1234: thanx :D04:20
Jordan_UMrOtacon, It is very powerful04:20
tritiumvarun0: the generic kernel has ubuntu patches.  What's generic about it is architecture04:20
MSIGuyHow the heck do I alias ls to ls -alh ?04:20
kitchevarun0: you mean vanilla kernel?04:20
MrOtaconJordan_U: thanks04:20
MSIGuyI just don't see what I'm doing wrong!  lol04:20
Peloimbecile,  if I recall correctly  bin/cue is the default image format for NERO, you can probably install nero for linux and try burning with that04:20
zabingdb: how do i find out? you said dpkg -L?04:20
MSIGuyk3b does bin/cue04:20
varun0kitche: I was just looking at synaptic to download my kernel sources.........and I saw packages with those sorts of descriptions.........04:20
Jordan_Uimbecile, You can convert nero files to iso04:20
tritiumzabin: dpkg -L <packagename>04:20
cens0rPelo, "rmdir: web: Device or resource busy"04:20
zabinhow do i know the packagename?04:21
varun0tritium: so it's not compiled for a specific architecture is what you're saying?04:21
gdbzabin: "dpkg -l | grep vnc" to look for every installed package that has "vnc" in the name.. then dpkg -L on what you find so you can see what files belong to that specific package04:21
zabindpkg -L vncviewer?04:21
=== yuck [n=tim@fl-69-68-23-166.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
gdbzabin: that's client software, you're asking about a server, yes?04:21
Jordan_Uimbecile, install nrg2iso04:21
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MrOtaconimbecile: get bchunk - then use "bchunk file.cue file.bin file.iso" and it will convert it to iso - then mount with "mount -t iso9660 -o loop file.iso /media/cdrom"04:21
osxdude|palmTXMSIGuy: Right click, then "Create Link"04:21
ali1234how can i use WPA wireless networking with a static IP address?04:21
Pelocens0r,  comment out the line in fstab,  make a copy of it ,  change the mount point it in ,  make a new mount point , restart04:21
MSIGuyosxdude|palmTX: , ?04:21
tritiumvarun0: there are not specific i686 vs i386 kernels, as there was little performance difference04:21
imbecilePelo,  Jordan_U, iso fails as well04:21
=== cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-130.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
qnycMSIGuy, put in your .bash_profile the line, alias ls ="ls -alh"04:21
zabingdb: ii  vnc-common                                 3.3.7-13ubuntu2                        Virtual network computing server software04:21
zabinii  xvncviewer                                 3.3.7-13ubuntu2                        Virtual network computing client software fo04:21
n2diyvarun0: you might get an answer in #unbuntu-kernel04:21
yuckim having trouble with my fonts. I downloaded a TTF and copied it to the fonts directory, but GIMP doesn't show it. what should i do?04:21
jettred2001I would like to make my own room how do I do that04:21
Peloimbecile,  what are you usint to burn with ?04:22
Jordan_Uimbecile, Fails in what way?04:22
MSIGuyqnyc: Ok.04:22
=== KDan [n=KDan@87-194-122-30.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kitchevarun0: it's redunant to even use i386 anymore04:22
osxdude|palmTXJordan_U: really? nice.04:22
newbuntuif I want to erase EVERYTHING on my HD, including Vista and my current boot loader and ALL else, I have to go in manual mode in the partition manager right ?04:22
MSIGuywhere's the .bash_profile?04:22
Jordan_Ujettred2001, /join #wherever04:22
n2diyjettred2001: /join #your-room04:22
qnycMSIGuy, in ~/ (your home directory)04:22
gdbzabin: ah, interesting, well, then dpkg -L on those to see - i don't see a server in there04:22
MrOtaconnewbuntu: yes - then delete all the partitions, then create a new one - with mount point /04:22
qnycMSIGuy, create it if it doesn't exist04:22
zabinneither do i .04:22
yuckim having trouble with my fonts. I downloaded a TTF and copied it to the fonts directory, but GIMP doesn't show it. what should i do?04:22
=== cens0r [n=sexymeli@c-67-183-140-114.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
osxdude|palmTXoh I thought you meant folders...04:22
Pelonewbuntu, you can start the partition editor from the desktop , delete all the partitions you want and make the new ones you need in there04:22
MSIGuyBah, all I needed was the extra quotes04:22
varun0tritium: that makes sense. so if I want to download my kernel sources, I can just download "linux-generic"?04:23
MSIGuyI only had single quotes, not doubles...  stupid me.04:23
imbecilePelo,  Jordan_U , O am using k3b, gnome baker and brasero.. all fail.. the disk seems like it stops spinning04:23
MSIGuyHmm...  now to get the color working.04:23
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MrOtacon!info bchunk | inbecile04:23
ubotuinbecile: bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-4 (feisty), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB04:23
n2diyHow can I get Nautilus to _not_ abbreviate file sizes?04:23
osxdude|palmTXI'm a Lunix noob. Okay?04:23
MSIGuyosxdude|palmTX: Nah, I was thinking about your reply, "What?"  lol04:23
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varun0kitche: how is it redundant? (Just curious)04:23
yuckim having trouble with my fonts. I downloaded a TTF and copied it to the fonts directory, but GIMP doesn't show it. what should i do?04:23
zabingdb: i dont think the service is running because i checked to see what services are running from the service option in gonme. any ideas what coudl be causing the problem?04:23
noway-I am having problems getting the java JRE working under firefox.  I have the sun-java6-plugin installed, do I have to do something else?04:23
MSIGuyqnyc: Are the colors decided by the .bash_profile too?04:23
Peloimbecile, consider that your burner might be damaged04:23
=== eyemean [n=eyemean@87-194-46-209.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MrOtaconme too - 3 days and counting :) - just a fast learner04:23
tritiumvarun0: do you truly need the source, or just headers?04:23
kitchevarun0: not really used anymore most go with i486 if they do go i386 way04:23
osxdude|palmTXIt's true!04:23
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aliaskAnyone know why mounting a smbfs share from fstab locking up, but doing it manually using mount -t smbfs works fine?04:24
gdbzabin: I'm afraid I've not caught exactly what the issue is other than you're wanting to shut down a running vnc server process.04:24
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jettred2001is that it04:24
varun0tritium: I want to recompile the kernel (I know, I know........I don't need to.........:-D but I just want to tinker around)04:24
Peloosxdude|palmTX,  noobiness is a state of mind,  I,ve been a noob for a year now04:24
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imbecilePelo,  it worked when i had windows04:24
Peloimbecile, then go back to windows04:24
osxdude|palmTXI've been a noob for 2 months.04:25
qnycMSIGuy, colors for ls?04:25
varun0kitche: ah I see what you're saying04:25
newbuntuOK, my first partition will be / with 60Gb of space, ext3 and marked with mount point: /  that ok ^04:25
imbecilePelo,  I dont like windows04:25
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n2diyPelo: that isn't a very productive answer.04:25
MrOtaconosxdude|palmTX: you'll get it eventually dude :)04:25
gdber I've been a noob since 1994.04:25
qnycMSIGuy, you can use .bashrc also, there's already some stuff in there04:25
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MSIGuyThat's what I just found out...  lol04:25
yuckim having trouble with my fonts. I downloaded a TTF and copied it to the fonts directory, but GIMP doesn't show it. what should i do?04:25
dthackerIs there a way to rerun just the network part of Ubuntu-server setup?04:25
Pelon2diy,read the previous ones before commenting on my answers04:25
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wintermu1eI've upgraded to feisty, but now my scsi cdrom (its a laptop) doesn't work04:25
MSIGuyqnyc: Yeah, I loved how it assigned different things different colors.04:26
zabingdb at work i have to tunnel port 5900 and 5901 to vnc in to my computer at home. i can use vnc on a windows machine with just vnc lisner installed on it and it works fine just using the host name as localhost:5900 but when i try to vnc on my linux machine it tries to connect to its self because it thinks thats im referring to it as localhost i believe.04:26
wintermu1ehas anyone had this probme before?04:26
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tritiumkitche: there are no i486 or i686 kernels any more04:26
Peloyuck,  asking every 2 mintues is not gonna get hyou an answer faster,  if you don'T get help here try the forum04:26
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kitcheyuck: did you restart gimp after you put that ttf in the ~/.fonts folder or whereever you put them04:26
kitchetritium: umm did I say there was in ubuntu04:26
qnycMSIGuy, put a line alias ls="ls --color"04:26
kitchetritium: I was talking about in general04:26
tritiumkitche: this is #ubuntu, after all04:26
gdbzabin: The Linux system you're trying to connect from is at work?04:26
n2diyPelo: oh, is he being a pest? I can't read back throught a couple hours worth of post to get up to speed.04:26
MSIGuyin the .bashrc or the .bash_profile?04:26
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newbuntushould my /, /home, and swap be primary or logical partitions ?04:27
jettred2001n2diy: do I have to do anything else when I am in the room04:27
kitchetritium: and yes there is i386 kernels in ubuntu you just don't notice them :)04:27
yuckkitche: i "sudo nautilus fonts://" and moved it from my desktop to the folder. then i restarted gimp. is that right?04:27
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imbecilecan anyone tell me how to convert an kvcd (bin/cue) to mpg?04:27
ugaritmy feisty toshiba laptop wifi has been working perfectly and now I get this error:  SIOCGFFLAGS error device not found for my wifi card.  This happened after the last software updates.  How do I fix?04:27
qnycMSIGuy, I'm actually not 100% sure .bash_profile is sourced by ubuntu, .bashrc will definitely work04:27
tritiumkitche: I didn't say there weren't.  I said there are not i686 or i486.04:27
zabingdb: the port is blocked at work though but port 22 isnt so i can tunnel 590004:27
gdbzabin: ie; you have both a windows and linux client at the office, and you're connecting remotely to a linux server at your home?04:27
kitcheyuck: yeah04:27
osxdude|palmTXheh. pong timeout.04:27
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n2diyjettred2001: no04:27
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yuckkitche: then maybe the font is corrupt?04:27
jettred2001ok ty04:27
qnycMSIGuy, there should already be some commented out ls aliases in there04:27
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zabingdb: the windows client is running on vmware.04:28
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gdbzabin: And connecting to port 5900 at localhost on the Linux machine does not work to opena display on your home machine?04:28
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imbecileim doomed to not being able to watch this :(04:28
newbuntushould my /  /home swap and share (FAT32) be logical or primary partitions types ?04:28
Peloimbecile,  just find an avi copy04:28
=== gdb hasn't used VNC in a very long time, unfortunately. I use NX Desktop which has no such issues. :-/ Let me think there.
gdber here*04:28
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Peloimbecile,  you can also try uncompressing hte bin file and playing the dat file04:29
duelbootNeed help getting my westinghouse lvm-37w3 to display better than 1280x1024...any help?04:29
imbecilePelo,  its a scene release.. no avi made of it yet04:29
ugaritwhere is the log of what was updated last?04:29
yuckkitche: i got it. i copied it into my gnome folder, not my gimp folder04:29
mattycozehay anyone know a good BSD chat room?04:29
yuckkitche: thanks04:29
qnycnewbuntu, either way04:29
kitchemattycoze: umm one of the BSD irc rooms04:29
Peloduelboot, edit your xorg.conf file and add the extra resolutions you need04:29
newbuntuall partitions can be either logical or primary ?04:29
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mattycozekitche linke?04:30
newbuntuany ones should be a primary ?04:30
duelbootPelo, would do, if I knew the syntax04:30
gdbmattycoze: You'll probably find #freebsd the friendliest.  The other 2 will be more akin to #debian and we all know how great a place that is.04:30
asdfDoes anyone know of a way to screencapture only a section of the screen like in Mac OS X?04:30
qnycnewbuntu, you can only have 4 primary, so if you need more, one primary will be extended and contain all the logical partitions04:30
kitchemattycoze: ##freebsd #openbsd or #netbsd04:30
zabinduelboot: dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg04:30
kitchemattycoze: you have to be registered and identified to join the freebsd one04:30
mattycozelol they a bit hostie?04:30
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Pelonewbuntu,  you are limited to 4 primary partition as I recall  the rest have to be logical04:30
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duelbootthx zabin will try now04:30
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newbuntuwhat's a 'primary' get vs. a logical ?04:31
gdbFreeBSD tends to attact a more accepting crowd than NetBSD or OpenBSD.  I used to be NetBSD user and the community is very Debian-like in mindset.04:31
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Peloduelboot,   gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   about half way down04:31
tony_00021gdb, what does that mindset entail?04:31
ugaritwhere is the log of what was updated last?04:31
zabinduelboot: sorry its "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"04:31
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ugaritmy feisty toshiba laptop wifi has been working perfectly and now I get this error:  SIOCGFFLAGS error device not found for my wifi card.  This happened after the last software updates.  How do I fix?04:31
qnycnewbuntu, nothing anymore, it's a historical distinction, originally there was only primary, limited to 404:31
gdbtony_00021: Generally being an ass on IRC and on mailing lists.04:31
mattycozeoh okay, i'm trying to figure out what all the hype about bsd is04:31
tritiummattycoze: hype?04:32
n2diyugarit: /var/logs04:32
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tony_00021u mean like ubuntu ;)04:32
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Ubuntu-Craftyes We like ubuntu04:32
MrOtaconanyway to export a cookie from firefox?04:32
Pelougarit,  perform the wifi installation sequence again04:32
mattycozelol nothing like ubuntu04:32
gdbActually, I've found the Ubuntu community to be by far the friendiest public community I've had the pleasure to be a part of.04:32
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ali1234if i try to manually set up my wireless connection i only get the option of using WEP encryption. but if i click on the network, it is detected as WPA properly, however there is no way to enter a static IP. how can i have a static IP on a WPA network, without resorting to 'sudo killall dhclient' and reconfiguring manually every time I reboot?04:32
tritiumtony_00021: no, not at all04:32
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MSIGuyqnyc: Thanks for the help.04:32
PeloMrOtacon, try asking in #firefox04:32
duelbootzabin, then restart gdm?04:32
ugaritPelo: how do I perform the wifi installation sequence again?04:33
qnycMSIGuy, you're welcome04:33
MrOtaconPelo: :) - ok, thanks04:33
MSIGuyI'm going to read up a little more on the bash files, see what should go where, what the difference is.04:33
Pelo!wifi | ugarit04:33
ztomicgdb: much more friendly than #debian, huh?04:33
ubotuugarit: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:33
MSIGuyztomic: you want friendly, go to #slackware...  lol04:33
Pelogbd if you're gonna be like that we're not gonna help you anymore04:33
aliaskAnyone know why mounting a smbfs share from fstab locking up, but doing it manually using mount -t smbfs works fine? It also locks the folder I was mounting to, so I can't remount to that point...04:33
tony_00021naw actually.. it was sarcarm. i think ubuntu-people are gr8. even i can run linux now :)04:33
gdbztomic: By leaps and bounds. :-)04:34
ztomicMSIGuy: never been there... of course, why would I?04:34
Peloaliask,  the lovely ppl in #samba might be able to help04:34
MSIGuyI remeber the first question I asked their...04:34
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MSIGuyMy response was, "Go fsck yourself"...  lol04:34
gdbPelo: Help?  I'm sorry, I do believe I'm here seeking to solve an issue. :-)04:34
aliaskPelo: I'll give it a shot, but I think it's something more to do with ubuntu04:34
gdber I don't believe04:34
ztomicMSIGuy: their=there?04:35
MSIGuyNo, but I do have  a beard.04:35
ztomicI hate the 3 there's04:35
ugaritubotu: that won't help since the wifi hardware is no longer showing up in that utility04:35
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MrOtaconMSIGuy: me too04:35
n2diyztomic:  and the triple dueces.04:35
zabinduelboot: yes /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:35
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Pelougarit,  ubotu  is a bot , I triggered ti to give you the wifi info link04:35
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asdfI just installed kommando does anyone know how to start the app?04:36
MSIGuyHm...  now I need to install codecs and media players.04:36
=== MSIGuy fires up aptitude
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Peloasdf,   type kommando in the terminal04:36
lousygaruawhat can i do when toolbar icons in openoffice just disappeared? i tried reinstalling openoffice-style-gnome but didn't help04:36
PurpZeY!codec | MSIGuy04:36
ubotuMSIGuy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:36
ugaritPelo: that utility only works if the wifi device is already recognized04:36
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asdfPelo: I get command not found when I type kommando in the terminal04:36
Pelolousygarua,   in the openoffice menu ,   in tools  > options `, under dysplay I beleive04:37
ztomicMSIGuy: shame we have to use MS codecs,04:37
Peloasdf, nothing in the menues ?04:37
speaker219can anyone help me? i messed up my fonts settings. can someone tell me the default font settings in System > Preferences > Font? thanks04:37
ugaritPelo: I'm getting this error: SIOCGFFLAGS error device not found for my wifi card.04:37
MSIGuyIt is.04:37
MrOtaconanyone know how to use rapidshare links with wget? i have a premium account - just cant get the cookie from firefox04:37
asdfPelo: nope04:37
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MSIGuyBut as long as it plays, truthfully, I'm content.04:37
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ztomicMSIGuy: just don't use mp3 when ogg is so good.04:37
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n2diyHow can I get Nautilus to _not_ abbreviate file sizes?04:38
Pelospeaker219,   sans 10, 3 x,     sans bold  10,  monospace 1004:38
tony_00021yeah its out of necessity04:38
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Peloasdf,  what was the name of the package ?04:38
qnycasdf, I've never used it, but looking at the package contents, you might want to look at /usr/share/doc/kommando/examples/kommandorc04:38
lousygaruaPelo: ok thanks. it's still weird it just happened out of the blue04:38
MSIGuyI use FLAC.04:38
asdfpelo: kommando04:38
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gdbWhat's wrong with mp3?04:38
qnycasdf, there's definitely no binary, it's just a library04:39
MSIGuyCompression for one!  lol04:39
ztomicGod! I hate hearing the 'N' word!04:39
tritiumgdb: patent-encumbered format04:39
Peloasdf,  I don'T knwo then, check on their site04:39
ztomicFLAC IS COOL!04:39
Pelogdb,  propriatary format,  you need to add support for it seperately04:39
Pelo!mp3 | gdb04:39
ubotugdb: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:39
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gdbtritium: It's not proprietary.04:39
tritiumgdb: it sure is04:39
Pelotony_00021,  nautilus is the file manager in ubuntu04:39
gdbIt sure isn't. :-)04:39
asdfqnyc: does that mean there's no terminal call?04:39
gdbThe patent expired on it in October of last year.04:40
qnycasdf, correct04:40
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MSIGuyNigg-....  Ah...  I bet you thought I was going to say it...  :P04:40
speaker219Pelo, thanks, just switched it back =)04:40
MrOtaconanyway to export a cookie in konqueror?04:40
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tritium!mp3 > gdb (see the private message from ubotu)04:40
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qnycasdf this looks like the example config file: /usr/share/doc/kommando/examples/kommandorc04:40
asdfqnyc: so how would I get it going?04:40
LKRaidercould anyone get the svn source of the OpenChrome VIA driver? ( http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/branches/experimental_branch )04:40
qnycasdf, beyond that I'm afraid I don't know04:40
ztomicand earlier I got bitched at for being "off-topic."04:41
n2diyMrOtacon: what do you want to export it to? Cookies are just text files, copy and paste might work?04:41
LKRaiderMy ISP wont allow svn access :(04:41
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slavi1LKRaider: sue them04:41
tritiumztomic: however, I didn't ask you to leave, as you suggested04:41
MrOtaconn2diy: i need it for wget - im trying to download from rapidshare... a list of 40 files04:41
eyemeancan any1 help me with enableing the mic on ubuntu pls04:41
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rvbI connected an external usb drive to my computer and the next time I started it I got this message after choosing Ubuntu 7.04 or Windows XP in GRUB: "Error 29: Disk write error". Used XP disc to do fixboot and fixmbr which got Windows started. When I try to install Debian or Ubuntu I get this at the part where I accept partition changes: "Input/output error during write on /dev/hdb ERROR!!!"...04:41
rvb...on Ubuntu and "Input/output error during read on /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/disc ERROR!!!" on Debian. dmesg gives me several: "end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector" and then a number. There were lots of 0 and 8 and a few 74252424. I just reformatted the drive with XP cd and installed XP, I also tried loading the optimized and then fail-safe defaults on BIOS but I *still* get that...04:42
rvb...message when I get to the part where I accept partition changes, so I can't install either Debian or Ubuntu. Any ideas on what the problem is?04:42
LKRaiderslavi1: I will, but right now I need the video drivers :(04:42
eyemeanim trying to also get cam to work and its a nightmare04:42
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asdfqnyc: thanks anyway04:42
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LKRaiderslavi1: could you checkout the code and zip it to me?04:42
greenmanspiritdoes ubuntu server come with an easy way to install a mail server that works with php?04:42
qnyceyemean, go to System -> Preferences -> Volume Control, that is the mixer, your microphone is probably muted in there04:42
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n2diyMrOtacon: GL, I don't have a clue.04:43
MSIGuyHmm...  I need to get kismet configured.04:43
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d4rkmonkeyHey! I recently have been through the process of converting to using a single-boot of Ubuntu, instead of dual booting with Linux04:43
MrOtaconn2diy: :) its ok - thanks dude04:43
d4rkmonkeyThe one thing I really miss, is ALT code...04:44
lanei'm trying to make a screen capture video.  is there a better way for me to do this than to string together a bunch of screenshots?04:44
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know how I can use shortcuts like alt+<number> to make special characters/04:44
MrOtaconahhh - got it :)04:44
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n2diyd4rkmonkey: as in third level keyboard codes?04:44
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Arenloryes to you pig ^_^04:45
d4rkmonkeyn2diy I don't know what you mean by that lol04:45
rvbOk, here's my question which was too long for this channel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27359/04:45
MrOtaconhe means ascii codes i think04:45
eyemean<qnyc> mic is not muted04:45
tony_00021any tips on a simple(user friendly) IDE for c++ with word completion that works well in gnome?04:45
n2diyd4rkmonkey: extended ascii characters?04:45
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d4rkmonkeyI said alt just cus the keyboard shortcuts in windows use alt04:45
d4rkmonkeythen the ascii code04:45
n2diyd4rkmonkey: ctrl+alt, u, xxxx04:46
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MrOtaconi dunno d4rkmonkey... i only just found out that they dont work in ubuntu that way - Lol - never tried b404:46
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org04:46
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d4rkmonkeywtf ctrl+alt, u, xxxx ?04:46
=== d4rkmonkey doesn't understand
noway-I am having problems install the in JRE plugin for Firefox.  I have followed the wiki, but with no luck, it is not in about:plugins.04:46
ztomicgreenmanspirit: google ubuntu e-mail server04:47
noway-I have also tried creating a sym link to the jre plugins04:47
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d4rkmonkeyn2diy I don't quite understand what you mean04:47
noway-Any suggestions?04:47
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:47
n2diyd4rkmonkey: press the ctrl key and the alt key at the same, then the u key, and then your character code.04:47
pighai hai04:47
d4rkmonkeydoesn't work..04:47
d4rkmonkeyI'll show you me trying to do an upside-down question mark with that04:47
MrOtaconnoway-: close firefox then open a terminal and "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin"04:47
d4rkmonkeyI'm looking for an alt+<number> type shortcut04:48
pigthe work is fuck u04:48
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noway-MrOtacon, I have done that before, which I see the files in the /usr/bin/firefox/plugins directory, but about:plugins shows nothing04:48
d4rkmonkeyare there any packages or anything I can install to get that to work?04:48
mattycoze!pig :o04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pig :o - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:48
Arenlorpig, iie baka, warui!04:49
MrOtaconnoway-: did you also install sun-java6-jre?04:49
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asdfDoes anyone know of a way to screencapture only a section of the screen like in Mac OS X?04:49
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noway-MrOtacon, yes it is installed also, along with sun-java6-fonts04:49
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kitched4rkmonkey: ubuntu has ascii turned off by default for some reason04:49
MSIGuyI think my net just crapped out on me, someone say something?04:49
n2diyd4rkmonkey: let me experiment, I just did this last week.04:49
d4rkmonkeykitche is there a way to turn it back on?04:49
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pighai how in there have sex for my04:49
MrOtaconnoway-: I am sorry - i do not know why - perhaps java is disabled in your browser - other than that - not a clue :(04:49
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kitched4rkmonkey: not sure04:50
qnycnoway, is sun-java6-plugin installed?04:50
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noway-qnyc, yes.04:50
MSIGuyI don't see the restricted codec's in the add/remove app...04:50
MSIGuyIs it still there?04:50
Arenlornoway-, don't move the files from the java plugin into the firefox plugins folder, just use a symlink, that's what i did and it worked flawlessly, then again I installed from the package from java.com04:50
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gregoroviusanyone knows of a simple way to prioritize VoiP over bittorrent? I just need a simple bandwidth shaping tool and it all seems to be quite complex04:51
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wolfwalkerRight, I'm back04:51
noway-Arenlor, aye.. someone on the forums did the same.  This did not work for me.  I can see the files in the directory though.04:51
=== TabooTreez [n=TabooTre@CPE-70-94-4-87.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
mneptokFlannel: thanks04:51
greenmanspiritztomic: do you mean the flurdy.com article?04:51
wolfwalkerJordan_U: About this restricted drivers04:51
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wolfwalkerI don't have any listed under System, Admin04:51
eyemeanok i managed ot get mic to work with skype, so problem is with amsn, but i still cant get camera to work04:51
Arenlornoway- hmm that is confusing, I'd try to undo all the java stuff, rm it all and start over to see if that helps, don't forget to rm the symlink04:52
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netdaemonis there any reason that my mp3 encoding capabilities would completely disapear from sound juicer?04:52
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@cpe-65-185-163-101.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wolfwalkerSound juicer sucks eggs.  Get Soundkonverter04:53
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noway-Arenlor, alright, worth a shot :-)04:53
wolfwalkerOr run dBpowerAMP under Wine04:53
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scoobydoo28139ubuntu just crashed04:54
wolfwalkerOh well, Jordan must be afk04:54
netdaemonwine can suck eggs04:54
newbuntuI just started my installation with the following partitions:  / (ext3), /home (ext3), swap and /dox (FAT32 to be shared). The installation returned the following error:   The attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in SCSI1 0,0,0 partition #3 (sda) at /dox failed. Do you want to resume partitioning ? You may resume partitioning from the partitioning menu.    Any clues ?04:54
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BillyBeanshi how do i make my borders look like the blurred see through borders in xp?04:54
wolfwalkerCan someone help me with my ATI Radeon Xpress 200 card?04:54
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Arenlornoway- it could just be a bad file or something, or the install just somehow went haywire or you missed a small step, make sure to su/sudo when you do it just to be careful (unless you did that last time, then make sure not to)04:54
=== Stoffer [n=Stoffer@nj-71-53-29-19.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolfwalkerHow do I get it to run graphics accelerator?04:54
craigbass1976What's the lightest weight Ubuntu, Xub?04:54
scoobydoo28139the screen said /dev/sda2 been mounted 39 times force check04:54
scoobydoo28139then crash04:54
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mneptokcraigbass1976: server04:54
Stofferanyone here use k9copy?04:54
craigbass1976scoobydoo28139, I just got here, but that's normal04:55
=== pixelation [n=pixelati@64-83-207-152.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
enviouzwolfwalker:  laptop or desktop?04:55
pixelationHey guise.04:55
qnycwolfwalker, do you have restricted-manager package installed?04:55
craigbass1976scoobydoo28139, Oh, not the crash part.  Sorry04:55
mneptokscoobydoo28139: what happens when you reboot?04:55
craigbass1976scoobydoo28139, I was typing, not reading. :)04:55
enviouzok you need the updated drivers. not the ones from the reops they have a bug04:55
enviouzhang on ill get you a link04:55
wolfwalkerI don't have anything restricted.  I checked system>admin and it doesn't have anything about restricted drivers.04:55
scoobydoo28139I do that to np thanks for the reply though04:55
mneptokwolfwalker: Ubuntu or Kubuntu?04:56
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qnycwolfwalker, type dpkg -l restricted-manager04:56
scoobydoo28139When i boot it is fine now but it did flash colors that made no sense04:56
qnycwolfwalker, to see if it's installed04:56
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mneptokwolfwalker: System > Admin > Restricted drivers manager04:56
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scoobydoo28139thought all was lost, what is /dev/sda2?04:56
wolfwalkerI don't have that04:56
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wolfwalkerI swear, there is no restricted drivers manager under system > admin04:57
mneptokscoobydoo28139: forcefsck is run every 30 boots (unless you're on a laptop using the battery)04:57
qnycwolfwalker, are you on 7.04, btw?04:57
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newbuntuanyone, I need help with partitioning please, see long error msg above. Any help will be appreciated.04:57
wolfwalkerVersion 6 LTS04:57
mneptokwolfwalker: that's why04:57
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=== qnyc nods
pixelationI accidentally ran a crap load of programs all at once, then Xubuntu crashed. When I restarted, The taskbar and application bar didn't load.04:57
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scoobydoo28139mneptok: is that like chkdsk?04:57
mneptokwolfwalker: 6.06 does not have the restricted drivers manager04:57
snake_i have a problem with my sound card. it was ok but i do not know what i messed up. i did sudo apt-get autoremove and its not working anymore04:57
wolfwalkerOkay.............. so now what?04:57
mneptokscoobydoo28139: yes, except with less Suck(tm)04:57
pixelationOh, plus the application that crashed Xubuntu loaded when I logged on.04:57
wolfwalkersnake_:  What I did was just use a five dollar USB stick soundcard.04:58
wolfwalkerIt works :)04:58
mneptokwolfwalker: update to Feisty?04:58
snake_wolfwalker: the sound card was ok04:58
wolfwalkerOkay, I have the OS already here on a disk somewhere04:58
qnycwolfwalker, you're life would be easier, feisty is soooo slick ;)04:58
scoobydoo28139mneptok: I think when it got done the restricted drivers goofed, its fine now04:58
snake_but now i am not listening sound04:59
wolfwalkerSlick schmick, I just recently installed this OS and now have to redo everything04:59
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Music_Shufflemneptok, curious, is there any way to make it run...every 40 times?  Or more as opposed to whatever the default is?04:59
wolfwalkerBut the 3D graphics accelerator would actually WORK under Feisty?04:59
qnycwolfwalker, could just update, but that involved 6.06 -> 6.10 -> 7.0404:59
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enviouzyes i have same card (on a desktop) workls great with up[dated drivers (not the ones from the repo)05:00
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wolfwalkerOkay, where do you get the updated drivers?05:00
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wolfwalkerOkay, so which do I need from there?05:01
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qnycnewbuntu, if it were me personally, I always partition first with gparted using gparted livecd or sysresccd (both small livecds)05:02
qnycnewbuntu, might give that a try before the ubuntu install05:02
noway-Arenlor, no luck... I didn't add the sym links though... do you have a refernce to what the sym links should be?05:02
enviouzwith my fiesty install i grabbed all the fglrx debs (driver, control, kernel source, and driver dev) as well as restricted modules and restricted common05:03
BillyBeanshow do i get beryl to work?05:03
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mneptokMusic_Shuffle: /etc/init.d is where the scripts live. never bothered to see what activates them.05:03
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scoobydoo28139WOW I thought support for ubuntu was easy, looking at this room a lot i feel guilty for asking:)05:03
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enviouznote though these only wrok with fiesty (7.04). after you update the kernel05:03
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psyber_does anyone in here run fiesty 64bit version?05:04
scoobydoo28139psyber: i did05:04
d4rkmonkeybut I have a 64bit CD!05:04
qnycBillyBeans, the folks in #ubuntu-effects can help05:04
Arenlornoway- sudo ln -s /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/05:04
ArenlorIf the path for your java is slightly different, simply adjust the commands to reflect this.05:04
=== Xraven [n=ubuntu@d53-64-254-212.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
noway-Arenlor, thanks05:04
enviouzalso you need the modules for your specific kernel (not all of them)05:04
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scoobydoo28139psyber_: what do ya need?05:04
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n2diyd4rkmonkey: right control+ right shift+ character code 05:04
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:04
Xravenif i use gparted to create a partion, will it delete the date already on my drive?05:04
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=== wolfwalker stumbles from the room rubbing his poor overworked (so called) brain
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psyber_scoobydoo28139:  I am a bit concerned that half of the system tools are unavailable for amd64 systems..... did I do something wrong during the install?05:05
enviouzXraven:  any data on that partition yes05:06
DaBigShowone know how to finish installing pidgin-2.0.205:06
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DaBigShowDoes anyone05:06
Xravenevious: so if i creat a new partion it will wipe my hard drive?05:06
noway-Arenlor, no luck... not in about:plugins05:06
scoobydoo28139psyber_:In my experience it ran good on this machine , but some tools were diferent, also other progy's too05:06
enviouzXraven:  what is your partition sceme currently?05:06
qnycXraven, you can resize your existing partiion to make room for new ones, if it's windows, defrag first, and backup!05:07
ArenlorDaBigShow there is a INSTALL file in it05:07
noway-Arenlor, could it be a different plugin directory?05:07
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Xravenright now its 100 % to windows05:07
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enviouzhow much space is windows actually using though?05:07
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Xravenlike 40 gigs05:07
enviouzout of?05:07
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PanzerMKZso how do you stop a ubuntu system from updating?05:07
Arenlornoway- I'm not sure maybe, not sure why I would be though, but have you tried using Java?05:07
PanzerMKZauto updating that is05:08
scoobydoo28139psyber_: I did note though, in my novice experience, that the 64 edition was faster on my amd duel core.05:08
Xraventhis is what i have set up in g parted: 100 gigs to windows, a 512mb swap and 40 gigs of a new partion NTFS05:08
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noway-Arenlor, I havent tried using it, but java -version works05:08
Xraveni havent hit apply yet05:08
enviouzok during install if you select guided resize partion x (where x is your windows partition) you can resize the windows partition and make a new sceme for ubuntu without damaging your data on the windows partition05:09
qnycPanzerMKZ, it doesn't actually update though does it? just notifies you of updates...05:09
n2diyHow can I get Nautilus to _not_ abbreviate file sizes?05:09
Arenlornoway- as long as Java works I think you should be fine05:09
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psyber_scoobydoo28139: cool thanks.  I am trying to install gnome partion but it says that the program is unavailable on amd6405:09
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enviouzdont choose use whole disk05:09
qnycPanzerMKZ, you could uninstall update-manager05:09
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Xraveni got an error message on the partion part of ubuntu instalation05:09
PanzerMKZit updated05:09
enviouzwhat is it?05:09
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PanzerMKZI noticed that I had dropped to one proc05:10
osxdude|palmTXyeah, Xraven, what is the errormessage you got05:10
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scoobydoo28139psyber_: thats stuff is why I re-installed this 32 bit edition05:10
thufir007hawat12has anyone actually gotten a Samsung ml2510 working?05:10
Xravenwait im goan run it again05:10
MrOtaconit shouldn't update without asking for root password - the updater sudo's the update process05:10
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PanzerMKZand then I checked and I was not using the 686 smp kernel05:10
=== HAROLD [n=linux@c-75-69-170-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
psyber_scoobydoo28139: yeah... that is what I am thinking about doing too.  Was just wondering if this was a common issue or if I did something dumb05:11
santimscan someone help me getting Flash working on my 64bit machine  running 7.04?????05:11
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n2diyPanzerMKZ: how many CPUs does lshw report?05:11
PanzerMKZbut I guess then I will uninstall updater05:11
osxdude|palmTXthe updater uses Synaptic. Thats why you need "sudo"05:11
scoobydoo28139psyber_: If you did then i did rite along with ya so, your not alone:)05:11
XravenAn error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.05:11
XravenThe resize operation is aborted.05:11
PanzerMKZI don't have the computer here now05:11
psyber_lol another 64bit issue I think I am gonna go back to 3205:11
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psyber_it looks like gusty might be a bit more 64bit friendly05:12
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scoobydoo28139psyber_: are you a registered user?05:12
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osxdude|palmTXso if you want to chack for updates, use Synaptic.05:12
enviouzive never gotten that one before05:12
=== blenderhead001 [n=blenderh@adsl-068-209-133-121.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
enviouzXraven:  are you in windows right now?05:12
PanzerMKZI mean it has been great05:12
Xravenno live ubuntu cd05:12
=== TabooTreez [n=TabooTre@CPE-70-94-4-87.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
newbuntumay I leave 200Gb of free space and format it in FAT32 with gparted AFTER I installed my /, /home and swap ?05:12
=== bob__ [n=bob@bas3-hamilton14-1167923611.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
PanzerMKZonce I got the right kernels and such.05:12
MrOtaconsantims: check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172705:12
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PanzerMKZjust hated to see that I was on only one today05:12
osxdude|palmTXXraven: make sur the frive is not mounter05:12
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vbabiyhey guys whats a good site downloader05:13
MrOtaconnewbuntu: yeah - should'nt matter if you dont use the free space05:13
=== bob__ [n=bob@bas3-hamilton14-1167923611.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
psyber_scoobydoo28139: registered with what? ubuntu forums?05:13
Xraventhen it takes me to "prepare Partitions" screen05:13
rbilvbabiy: man wget05:13
=== CaNeS [i=Punisher@bas4-montreal02-1096722524.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileok guys, steam is coming out of my ears here... how do i write to an ntfs partition? ive installed ntfs-3g AND fuse with no luck05:13
vbabiyrbil: that will follow links05:13
n2diyPanzerMKZ: no your system reported (1) CPU?05:13
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osxdude|palmTXvbabiy: That's for the offtopic channel.05:13
PanzerMKZyea just one05:13
=== Alonea [n=chatzill@24-119-114-203.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrOtaconimbecile: sudo gedit /etc/fstab05:13
vbabiyosxdude|palmTX: why?05:13
jooxchat ?05:14
qnycvbabiy, there's a gui front end too if you need it, gwget05:14
osxdude|palmTXoh. never mind.05:14
n2diyPanzerMKZ: hmmm, I wonder what cpu (0) was doing?05:14
Xravenany help ?05:14
MrOtaconimbecile: add -3g after the ntfs there, so it becomes ntfs-3g05:14
enviouzXraven:  brb im gonna check something out once05:14
Xravenkk thanks05:14
psyber_scoobydoo28139: psyberpnk is my ubuntu forums name05:14
MrOtaconimbecile: then save (make sure ro isn't listed as an option)05:14
n2diyPanzerMKZ: hmmm, I wonder what cpu (0) was doing?05:14
PanzerMKZit reported cpu (0)05:14
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twocarlofor every ubuntu installation, i need to create swap partition after the first partition05:14
PanzerMKZcpu 1 was gone05:14
chasetoyshow do i get flash installed on ubuntu 7.04?05:14
MrOtaconimbecile: then sudo umount -a, then sudo mount -a05:14
MrOtaconimbecile: now you can write to it05:15
scoobydoo28139psyber_: ok's i am noob ,so i am learniing also05:15
n2diyPanzerMKZ: ok, so it didn't find the second CPU, #1?05:15
PanzerMKZthat is correct05:15
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osxdude|palmTXoh no my battery is 15%! GTG Soon!05:15
santimsMrOtacon: thank you for that link i had some of the 32lib stuff installed i guess i needed some more05:15
Xravenso if i try partitioning with  GParted its going to delete the data already on it?05:15
qnycchasetoys, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:15
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PanzerMKZbut when I go back and boot on the older kernel in grub then it finds the second proc05:15
MrOtaconsantims: np dude :)05:15
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jscinozhey guys i made a linux boot CD, if i want to add kernel options like i had in grub do i put it on the  "kernel vmlinuz" line?05:15
PanzerMKZbut X breaks05:15
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n2diyPanzerMKZ: ok, when you search for a new kernel, look under linux, not kernel.05:15
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gregoroviuswhich is the proper way to 'make install' on ubuntu, so it creates an apt entry?05:16
Aloneahey, are there IME's for Linux?05:16
PanzerMKZtoday I searched for smp05:16
osxdude|palmTXXraven. I thnk the installer uses gparted. THat is why it's inc;uded on the CD.05:16
enviouznot sure Xraven ive never did it that way05:16
qnycgregorovius, checkinstall05:16
scoobydoo28139psyber_: you can pm if ya have any questions05:16
osxdude|palmTX(stupid keyboard)05:16
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gregoroviusqnyc, thanks05:16
PanzerMKZand found the same version of smp kernel as what it had updated to05:16
jooi have the 'Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz', but installed SMP kernel. why dose it install 'SMP kernel'?05:16
Xravenso it wont delete the data on my hard drive?05:16
psyber_scoobydoo28139:  yeah I dont have time to tweek my system like I used to.  It needs to work as much out of the box as possible.  I think I will wait until 64bit support is a bit more rampant05:16
TabooTreezdoes anyone now how I can auto mount my windows partition  upon login?05:16
imbecileMrOtacon,  its telling me the device is busy05:17
n2diyPanzerMKZ: search for linux, and you'll see a listing of all available kernels, search for kernel, and you get zilch.05:17
newbuntuchasetoys:  AMD64 or 32bits ?05:17
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PanzerMKZok I searched for SMP only05:17
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:17
PanzerMKZnot linux or kernel05:17
chasetoysnewbuntu: 3205:17
enviouzive never ran an install from the live invironment. i always use text mode for manufactures05:17
MrOtaconimbecile: you have to close anything using the directory and leave it also - so just goto your home folder in xterminal or something and make sure anything accessing stuff on it is closed05:17
PanzerMKZand I found the smp 686 kernel I was searching for05:17
PanzerMKZinstalled it and booted it05:17
MrOtaconimbecile: then it will work - or at least should05:17
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osxdude|palmTXTabooTreez. If it is an NTFS drive, ntfs-config will auto mount the NTFS drive on boot.05:17
PanzerMKZit booted fine. Just the update has also broken X05:18
psyber_scoobydoo28139:  catch u later.  Thanks for the help05:18
TabooTreezosxdude|palmTX, how do I enable that05:18
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scoobydoo28139psyber_: later man05:18
FlannelXraven: You've got data on a partition you want to keep?  orwhats the situation?05:18
newbuntuchasetoys:  Synaptic, sun-java6-plugin05:18
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PanzerMKZbut thanks for the help.05:19
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n2diyPanzerMKZ: ok, here is what I'm running on my dual PIIs: darryl@Chatto:~$ uname -a05:19
n2diyLinux Chatto 2.6.15-28-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 10 09:56:30 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux05:19
osxdude|palmTXTabooTreez: go to Synaptic and search for ntfs-config.05:19
Xravenyea theres a partion taking 100% of the drive i need05:19
unagii dont understand usplash05:19
osxdude|palmTXme neither05:19
unagithe splash displays for the shutdown but not the start up is that normal?05:19
Xraveni want to reduce it to 50% without loosing the data on it05:19
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FlannelXraven: What sort of partition?  NTFS?  How much data do you have on it?05:19
TabooTreezosxdude|palmTX, its installed05:19
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XravenNTFS, 40 gigs05:19
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Xravenout of 160 gigs05:20
PanzerMKZn2diy: yea I was running 2.6.15-26-686 SMP05:20
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particlemanok...I have an ATI Radeon 9200, I configured it using the ati driver according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver05:20
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jooi installed xchat..05:20
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rustalotI'm looking to get a linux laptop. Is system76 a good retailer?05:20
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PanzerMKZand then it updated to 2.6.15-27 386 kernel05:20
FlannelXraven: you should be ok.  You should defrag first.  And actually, if you have the ability, shrink it with a windows tool.  That's safer.05:20
daniellibanorihi, I've bought a Thinkpad T61 and I am trying to install Ubuntu, but, when I choose 'start or install...' option, I get a busybox shell saying 'can't find sh' or something similar. Could anyone help me?05:20
particlemanbut despite adding the 1360x768 resolution to xorg.conf, it's not showing up when I try and change my display resolution in gnome05:20
osxdude|palmTXTabooTreez: Go to Applications>System Tools>NTFS Config... Tool.05:20
jooi rejoin...05:20
n2diyPanzerMKZ: did you restart the box? Kernel changes require rebooting.05:20
MrOtaconXraven: you can resize with gparted05:20
enviouzFlannel:  the problem is the resize is failing when Xraven tries to install05:21
osxdude|palmTX(Hurry! my battery is low!_05:21
particlemanand in fact my list of available resolutions in gnome's screen resolution utility seem to have nothing to do with the list in xorg.conf05:21
Xravenwill it delete the data on it?05:21
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particlemancurrently running Dapper, kernel 2.6.15-27\05:21
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fduplexdaniellibanori: you might want to run the test cd option at the boot menu. Maybe the disc is damaged or the drive is having trouble reading it05:21
PanzerMKZn2diy: yea I got the newer kernel 2.6.15-27 smp 686 and restarted. it runs on the new kernel and shows up both procs05:21
MrOtaconsorry qtparted - gparted cannot05:21
qnycXraven, no but you should back up important data05:21
FlannelXraven: Will what?  Shrinking?  no.  Unless something goes wrong, then it might.  You *should* defrag it before shrkning it (and use a windows based shrinker, if you've got one)05:21
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TabooTreezosxdude|palmTX, it has a check mark to enable it but I can only enable external devices not internal05:22
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Ok, now I'm confused, sounds like it worked?05:22
PanzerMKZn2diy: now the issue is how to stop it from updating to the -28 kernel and fixing x so that I can get x on the newer smp kernel05:22
qnycMrOtacon, qtparted and gparted are both the same parted05:22
daniellibanorifduplex, I will try, but, I think it's hard05:22
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MrOtaconXraven: i recommend using partition magic 8 - if you can get it - great for windows partitions and fast - never lost data uing it05:22
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joobeomi'm first..05:22
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osxdude|palmTXThat means you have no NTFS drive inside...05:22
qnycbah, I trust gparted more than Partition Magic05:22
Xravenyea i have it05:22
rbilqnyc: no kidding05:23
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TabooTreezosxdude|palmTX, well I do. I dual boot windows and ubuntu.05:23
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Ah, ok, go into update manager, and tell it to only update security patches, or something like that.05:23
MrOtaconqnyc: i always thought gparted was only able to copy ntfs and not resize?05:23
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osxdude|palmTXI GET THAT THE BATTER Y IS LO... TabooTree: Hmmm...is ntfs-3g installed?05:23
PanzerMKZn2diy: thanks. I will try that tomorrow05:24
davidfwatsonhow do I register my username here on irc?05:24
qnycit fully supports ntfs05:24
n2diyPanzerMKZ: GL05:24
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osxdude|palmTXDFW: You don't.05:24
crxyemok, I;m ready do do an update from edgy to feisty , my question is I use connection-manager for my wireless connection and I noticed 7.04 uses knetwork manager now, and it works well, should I remove connection-maanger before I upgrade ? ?05:24
davidfwatsonah, k05:24
PanzerMKZn2diy: I hope so. it is a dual 733 so losing one proc means alot05:24
MrOtaconcool - i must have been cause i was using the livecd with no network at the time - it was complaining about needing ntfsprogs05:24
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mangojamboHi, I'm having problem to use gmailfs ... do someone here use that ?05:25
n2diyPanzerMKZ: I know, I'm running dual 333 mhz!05:25
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osxdude|palmTXDFW: Heh, that's an airport -Dallas & Fort Worth-05:25
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PanzerMKZn2diy: my file server is a dual 500 cel running dapper server. Runs great05:25
qnycXraven, what to do in a nutshell: defrag, backup, boot with gparted livecd or sysresccd, run gparted to resize ntfs and create linux partitions, reboot in windows and it will disk check the ntfs partition.05:26
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qnycXraven, then run ubuntu install cd05:26
PanzerMKZn2diy: but this is my first time with a gui on a linux box.05:26
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particlemanhmm...ok not to be a pest...just wanna make sure my graphics problems haven't gotten lost in the shuffle05:26
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n2diyPanzerMKZ: roger that, haven't set up any servers, but my test/back up box is the sister to this one, running dual 300 mhz PIIs.05:27
brucewangAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! im getting so mad!!!!! line 9 in etc/fstab is bad now :/05:27
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SelrachI have a problem with Ubuntu, it would seem ACPI is going wacko in it, disabling it doesn't any good, and I just tried updating the BIOS, and that does not appear to help any. Any suggestions would be appreciated.05:27
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osxdude|palmTXBruce, calm down!05:27
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linuxnub!acpi | Selrach05:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:27
SelrachI can only login to a command prompt login05:28
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PanzerMKZn2diy: I have been having a world of a time installing 7.04 server on a compaq DL360. Had to redo the install cd minus a few things.05:28
osxdude|palmTXi think it's case sensitive05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
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revmischawhy doesn't this work? http://pastebin.on.nimp.org/234ddde05:28
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osxdude|palmTXguess nt...05:28
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n2diyPanzerMKZ: Roger that, I just DLed 7.04, and it goes on the test box tomorrow.05:28
brucewangosxdude|palmTX,  Ive tried 4 different alternatives to watch a stupid movie and all have been nothing but problems... this have been going on for 14 hours05:29
linuxnub!google | Selrach05:29
ubotuSelrach: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux05:29
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osxdude|palmTXgtg. My batt is low and it's 10:3 CDT.05:29
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MrOtaconi also have acpi probs you know... i havent figured out how to fix em so i am listening to whatever anyone says too :) - my comp only halts whenever i use poweroff or shutdown -P... i have to pull the cable05:29
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Selrachthe problem isnt like yours05:29
Selrachmy problem is that Ubuntu refuses to boot into a GUI05:29
Selrachafter starting ACPI services it sayed Killed05:29
Selrachand then I get the command prompt login05:30
MrOtaconahh - had that too, but that was my nvidia drivers05:30
PanzerMKZn2diy: I tried to install 7.04 desktop on this dual 733 and it installed fine and I liked it but it would hardlock05:30
chasetoyshow do i install beryl05:30
chasetoyswait how do i install nvidia drivers first05:30
Selrachmy motherboard uses nvidia chipsets05:30
Selrachcould that be it?05:30
qnyc!ops @ revmischa05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops @ revmischa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:30
qnycrevmischa pasted a nasty link05:30
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n2diyPanzerMKZ: That isn't good news, did you figure out why it was locking up?05:30
MrOtaconi'm certain there is a prob with nvidia and acpi05:30
SelrachI updated my BIOS05:31
Selrachand it fixed a few problems but nothing related to mine05:31
brucewangwho can tell me how to write to an ntfs partition? and dont give me that !ntfs stuff thats one of the reasons im irritated05:31
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Selrachthe splash screen of my BIOS is fixed now :O05:31
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Flannelbrucewang: install ntfs-config, then go to system > ntfs or whatever, and enable it.05:31
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MrOtaconsee if this gets you into a gui05:31
dauoalagio2wtf that was disgusting05:31
Hobbseeqnyc: thanks.  and you wanted !ops | revmischa05:31
MrOtaconsudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx          sudo apt-get remove nvidia-settings             sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:32
qnycahh ok, thank you sir05:32
quaalwhy have all my samba shares disappeared05:32
MrOtaconthen in the device section - change where it says nvidia to nv05:32
Selrachi don't use nvidia video card05:32
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quaaland i cannot share samba anymore05:32
quaalonly unix shares05:32
Hobbseeqnyc: no problem05:32
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Selrachmy motherboard simply has it for part of its chipset05:32
Selrachit has no built in video05:32
MrOtaconahh - ok, mn :)05:32
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: missed the last bit of stuff. my modem disconnected05:32
SelrachI have an ATI video card in my PCI express slot05:32
chasetoys how do i install nvidia drivers05:33
Flannelbrucewang: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions  Has all the instructions (without my crappy interpretation)05:33
shadeofgreyhey everybody..  could someone please look at a webpage that i found describing how to install feisty on macbookpro's with ati graphics cards?05:33
n2diyPanzerMKZ: That isn't good news, did you figure out why it was locking up?05:33
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: I just dumped that install and went back to dapper05:33
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Selrachodd thing is, mrotacon... I can install debian/mandriva just fine on the same machine05:33
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brucewangFlannel,  can you help me with my fstab as well?05:33
shadeofgreyhe tells how to load the text installer and incluses what has to be done to update and then install packages through apt get but doesnt say a word about using bootcamp or anything05:33
mcquaidhmm, without updating anything, I seem to be having a slight network problem05:34
shadeofgreyhe also says to use the alternate x386 iso05:34
MrOtaconyeah - debain works for me too - even acpi... im sure there is something wrong in feisty05:34
brucewangsomeone who was trying to help me got it messed up05:34
Flannelshadeofgrey: That's what you want to use.  Since it's an intel mac, right?05:34
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Ok, re-install, or did you have a recovery option? I haven't tried an upgrade yet.05:34
mcquaidi run two boxes on my lan, both can ping each other, but one can't ping itself either by ip or localhost05:34
MrOtaconchasetoys: check this http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Install_Nvidia_driver :)05:34
Flannelbrucewang: pastebin it05:34
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shadeofgreyflannel:  yes05:34
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: reinstalled.05:34
SelrachI moved back to mandriva... it has better audio support for some reason05:34
Selrachmy audio was glitchy when playing CDs on debian05:34
shadeofgreyflannel:  could you take a look at the page i found and then help me fill in the blanks?05:34
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Flannelshadeofgrey: yeah, you want the i386 CD then, and alternate is much more flexible than the DEsktop CD.05:34
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: the FF install was new. I did not lose much.05:34
mcquaidand in network-admin and ifconfig, lo is not listed05:34
MaelyaI receive this error message 'Makefile.linux:151: *** Cannot find a kernel config file.  Stop.' when I try to run install.sh for the Intel 82865G graphics card driver?05:35
quaalwhy have all my samba shares disappeared, and i cannot share on samba anymore? i can only make unix shares. if i make samba shares they disappear after i close the shared folders window.05:35
shadeofgreyFlannel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41419405:35
mcquaidi have lo listed in /etc/network/interfaces05:35
MaelyaDoes anyone know how to fix this? :/05:35
abelI need a theme05:35
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Roger that, what am I saying, recover is an M$ option! :)05:35
Flannelshadeofgrey: Jordan_U has done it, he'd be your best resource.. whenever he wakes up.05:35
Selrachmrotacon: do you have any ideas how I can fix the problem with ubuntu? I would really like to get it running so I can actually try it05:35
linuxnub!samba | quaal05:35
ubotuquaal: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:35
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea I have been down that road many times.05:35
n2diyPanzerMKZ: And that is why I have a test box here, all I loose is the install time.05:35
quaallinuxnub, thank you i am well aware of what samba accomplishes.05:36
Flannelshadeofgrey: but, from what I understand, it's pretty cut and dry.  You don't need to use bootcamp, because of BIOS emulation.05:36
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MrOtaconSelrach: other than installing kde desktop and using the kdm manager instead of gdm - i dont know what to try05:36
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Selrachmy problem is that I don't get any GUI at all, I tried kubuntu too05:36
maethhow can i stop the vmware ethernet without restarting my pc? im using ubuntu feisty fawn05:36
Selrachsame issue05:36
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linuxnubgreat quaal then fix it05:36
quaallinuxnub, do not speak to me.05:37
shadeofgrey'you do have to use bootcamp05:37
SelrachI tried installing ati drivers, but nada05:37
shadeofgreyim not looking to vm'05:37
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MrOtaconSelrach: im sorryi cant be a better help - ni dude05:37
MaelyaHas anyone else had any trouble with installing Intel graphics card drivers on Ubuntu?05:37
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shadeofgreySelrach, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41419405:37
rbilSelrach: do u get to a login prompt?05:37
Selrachafter Killed.05:37
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Things will get hairy here if I like Feisty, currently I don't have a /home partition, but the next install will, so who knows what kind of migration problems I'll have to a new box with a /home partition?05:37
Flannelshadeofgrey: BIOS emulation isn't a VM, it's a hardware emulation of the BIOS, so you can install GRUB and stuff.05:37
Selrachi don't even know what was killed05:37
rbilhave u looked at the xorg log file?05:37
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Selrachno.. I didn't think to check there05:38
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shadeofgreyim going to let the installer put down lilo instead of grub05:38
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maethhow can i stop a restricted driver without restarting my pc???05:38
shadeofgreyim curious to see if the alternate cd will boot in liveCD mode05:38
particlemanalright...time to ask again05:38
qnycmaeth, video card?05:38
Hmmmmhey guys, how can i change the time at which cron.daily runs?05:38
Selrachrbil: the strange thing is05:38
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Flannelshadeofgrey: Alternate CD doesn't have a liveCD, so no it wont.05:38
tritiumshadeofgrey: it won't05:39
shadeofgreymaeth, /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:39
maethqnyc, is not a video card...05:39
chasetoyswheres this05:39
chasetoysIn the left window of the menu editor choose System Tools, then click the New Entry button.05:39
maethshadeofgrey, is not a video card05:39
Selrachrbil: I got the same error when I boot up as when I tried to use the live CD05:39
particlemanI'm trying to get my ATI Radeon 9200 to display at 1360x768...I think I made the relevant changes in my xorg.conf, but the list of resolutions in gnome has nothing to do with that file05:39
particlemanany ideas?05:39
maethshadeofgrey, is the vmware virtual ethernet05:39
n2diyHmmmm: study the man cron page, don't know how to do it otherwise.05:39
maethqnyc, is the vmware virtual ethernet05:39
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rbilSelrach: are u sure the disk is good?05:39
Selrachmy hard drive?05:39
santimshow do i give myself access to my /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins folder in order to finish trying to get flash to work on my machine??? i think i knew how to do this a while ago but cant remember how to do it05:39
qnycmaeth, sorry not sure about that one?05:39
Selrachoh the CD05:39
PanzerMKZ_n2diy; are your boxen just file servers?05:39
Selrachyes, I am sure05:39
rbilSelrach: livecd disk05:40
SelrachI verified tis MD5 before05:40
qnycmaeth, s/?/./05:40
SelrachI burned it05:40
Selrachand verified burned data05:40
tritium!enter | Selrach05:40
ubotuSelrach: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:40
Selrachbah, sorry old habit05:40
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MrOtaconHmmmm: get Kcron - then set it up in there (nice and easy interface) - then, once finished, run "crontabs -e" and change start time (it is in the format minutes hours day week month etc - not visa versa)05:40
maethqnyc, how is that?05:40
rbilSelrach: what error did u get? what video card u using?05:40
n2diyPanzerMKZ: I guess, or I don't know, just desktop stuff for email and browsing, and causing trouble here. :)05:40
qnycmaeth, typed a ? instead of . ;)05:40
c_lispon ubuntu can you install kde for a second manager I tried to but I get a error trying to login to it05:40
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MaelyaI receive the error message 'The DRI drivers can not be installed without the latest kernel modules.05:40
MaelyaInstallation will be aborted. ' when I try to install an Intel graphics card driver. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm using the 82865G Intel video card05:40
HmmmmMrOtacon:  im using a headless server here. any cnfig i can edit manualy?05:40
brucewangFlannel, "the volume "maxtor"  uses the file system which is not supported by your system" when i try my external drive,,, here is the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27362/05:41
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jetolehey guys, I am having a problem with vmware pre-removal script failing with an error code that is causing problems with synaptic and apt-get, I basically want vmware off this system for the moment, is there a legitimate way to force it off?05:41
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: oh. for the file server I would like to have atleast sse. I run folding05:41
Selrachit wasn't an error per say, the last 3 lines are this: Loading ACPI modules | Starting ACPI services | Killed (then i get login prompt if on hard driver install) ASUS ESX1600XT (ati)05:41
MrOtaconHmmmm:  "crontabs -e" will work, just create the cron manually in there... forget about the Kcron05:41
jetolevmware install script was failing as well and I don't need it on there either way05:41
Flannelbrucewang: don't use fuse.  Use NTFS-3g.  You're on 7.04, it's already installed.05:41
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MrOtaconsorry - im a bit tipsy - its crontab -e not crontabs -e05:42
dr_willisI thought NTFS-3G used fuse..05:42
jetoleMrOtacon, crontab -e05:42
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:42
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brucewangFlannel,  how do i switch back?05:42
MrOtaconjetole: ja :)05:42
n2diyPanzerMKZ: OK!! you left me in the dust there, not a clue what sse or folding is?05:42
HmmmmMrOtacon:  i have the cron working .problem is it executes at 6 AM. i need it to work at 4 AM05:42
linuxnubya ntfs-3g is awesome05:42
w116tjbubotu: That's not necessary for Feisty, right? It comes preinstalled?05:42
Selrachrbil: I used 7.04, and I tried both Ubuntu and Kubuntu05:42
jetoleHmmm 0 4 * * *05:42
MrOtaconsee where it says 0 6 @ the start - change it to 0 405:42
Flannelbrucewang: remove whatever packages you installed for fuse, and then follow  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:42
MaelyaDoes anyone know how to install an Intel graphics card driver on Ubuntu?05:42
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: sse are hardcoded instructions on the proc. and folding@home is a research program05:43
andruki suddenly have no sound.  i have no idea how to start looking for help.  anybody know any good commands i can look up to get error messages?05:43
foose12does this thing chose a color for you name for you, or can you oick your own?05:43
thufir007hawat12i'm at the ubuntu download page and it's not clear what distinguishes desktop ubuntu from LTS05:43
Flannelw116tjb: you have to install a configuration utility, and then enable it.  But yes, the majority of it is preinstalled.05:43
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Selrachandruk: is your volume up? is it muted?05:43
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Flannelthufir007hawat12: LTS is desktop as well.05:43
jetolecan anyone please suggest a way to remove a package with a failing un install script?05:43
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newbuntuOK guys, it's either pretty bad or something very comon, but I've just completed a brand new install of Feisty 32bits (on an AMD64 proc), and when I rebooted after install, I get a full gribbish window, with the error msg that X-Window could not start and I get in command line  :(05:43
MaelyaOr does Ubuntu not offer support for Intel based graphics card drivers? anyone know? :(05:43
n2diyPanzerMKZ: OK!! I'll take your word for it, still looking at your dust trail. :)05:43
Flannelthufir007hawat12: 6.06 (the current LTS) is an older version of Ubuntu than 7.04 (the newest version).  They're both full desktops05:43
linuxnub!delete | jetole05:44
andrukSelrach: unfortunately, the sound is up and the speakers are not muted05:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about delete - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:44
jetoleMaelya, yes it does05:44
dr_willisMaelya,  they should be decently well supported. Depends on the specific card i guess.05:44
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:44
newbuntuone msg I get in bootup is MP-BIOS bug:  8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC05:44
MrOtaconHmmmm:  see where it says 0 6 @ the start - change it to 0 405:44
shadeofgreyMaelya, the folks in ubuntu-effects are good wwith that sort of help05:44
newbuntuany clues please ?05:44
Selrachandruk: desktop or laptop?05:44
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: no worries mate. I know alot of this stuff from the hardware/windwos days. I am learning much with linux05:44
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n2diyPanzerMKZ: If your hard coding proc, you might be happier in #ubuntu-kernel?05:44
andrukSelrach: desktop05:44
alecw1How do I set my account as the "root"?05:44
thufir007hawat12flannel, thanks.  also, just google for a bittorrent seed of ubuntu to download?  i prefer to download with bittorrent05:44
jetolelinuxnub, any more information? I can google it if I know what I am looking for05:44
raddyHello Everybody05:44
Selrachyou don't05:45
Selrachuse sudo :alecw105:45
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: for folding look up folding.stanford.edu05:45
alecw1Selrach, I mean permanately.05:45
MaelyaOk , thanks guys for your help05:45
andrukSelrach: ill look around for help on ubuntuforums, i just dont know whats wrong05:45
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santimshow do i change permissions for a folder so that i can copy some files into it?05:45
enviouznewbuntu:  at boot edit the boot line and add linux noapic05:45
HmmmmMrOtacon: cool. taking a look05:45
Selrachalecw1: why? its not wise to have root power permanently05:45
MrOtaconHmmmm: :)05:45
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: I will be getting into kernel compiling later. Once I know that I can keep this box from breaking when it updates. I don't want to get a new nice kernel and then everything blow up in my face05:45
newbuntuenvious: How do I accomplish this ?05:45
linuxnubjetole : nope05:46
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Ok, checking the Stanford link now. Mate eh,? Are you from OZ?05:46
thufir007hawat12can I download ubuntu through bittorrent?05:46
Flannelthufir007hawat12: releases.ubuntu.com is the easiest way.  I don't know about the new website.  But torrents are available at all the mirrors.05:46
raddyas per your suggestions i was able to disable dosfsck running always05:46
mage__how can I let myself use sudo without asking for a password all the time?05:46
kitchethufir007hawat12: yes05:46
jetoleok, again, can someone please please tell me how I uninstall a package with a failing un install script?05:46
thufir007hawat12ok, looking.  where pls, kitchie05:46
alecw1Well, I ask because I would like to delete a folder in a protected area... and it won't let me.05:46
raddynow, only one problem05:46
shadeofgreythufir007hawat12, yes..  much much faster05:46
alecw1It says only "root" can.05:46
linuxnubnever had any problems of any kind whatsoever with Feisty05:46
qnycFlannel, brucewang, actually ntfs3 isn't installed by default, it's still in universe in fact05:46
raddyplease help05:46
Flannelthufir007hawat12: releases.ubuntu.com, then either 6.06.1 (the LTS) or 7.04, and then the arch you want and Desktop CD.05:46
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c_lispyou can install kde on ubuntu for a second manager?05:46
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: no. just have to many aussie friends.05:46
kitchemage__: man sudo might tell you05:46
enviouzat boot when grub start hit esc. then highlight your kernel and hit e to edit then just add it to the end05:46
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Selrachalexw1: try logging into recovery mode, then. you will be in as root05:46
jetolelinuxnub, congrats05:46
Selrachalecw1: thats the only way I know how05:46
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Roger roger.05:47
mage__c_lisp theres a kde-desktop metapackage that installs all that KDE stuff05:47
Selrachalecw1: for ubuntu that is.05:47
alecw1Selrach, is there another solution?05:47
raddyMy realtek based integrated wired ethernet controller is not usable05:47
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: but yea I want to get into kernel compiles05:47
HmmmmMrOtacon: , one more query. which file would that info reside in?05:47
alecw1Ok. I'll ask again in a few minutes.05:47
SelrachI don't know, alec. ubuntu doesn't allow standard root access05:47
linuxnubmeh its ok05:47
raddycan anybody help me?05:47
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linuxnubi run Fiesty as my server but i run Sabayon to get things done :)05:47
mobutusure it does!  you just need to give 'sudo passwd root'05:47
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Ok, but isn't compiling, and coding two different games?05:47
Flannel!sudo | alecw1, Selrach05:47
ubotualecw1, Selrach: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:47
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Flannelmobutu: Don't suggest that in here please.  Thanks.05:48
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tritiumSelrach: it does, but it's not recommended05:48
newbuntubrb Enviouz05:48
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thufir007hawat12found it.  thanks guys.05:48
alecw1Thanks Flannel, I'll look at this.05:48
MrOtaconHmmmm: im not sure - crontab creates a tmp file and loads your crons into that - then saves them once you are done05:48
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea they are. coding is making code is making the code. compiling is making the programs from the code.05:48
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Selrachubuntu sure doesn't want to work :/05:48
Selrachfor me05:48
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alecw1Is there a way I can change the folder permissions with the GUI?05:49
shadeofgreySelrach, what kind of computer are you using?05:49
HmmmmMrOtacon:  fourint it in etc/conrtab05:49
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: sse is not something that you could code. it is already in your proc05:49
Selrachdefine "type"05:49
linuxnubselrach ubuntu is nothing more than a Debian snapshot really05:49
shadeofgreywhat hardware05:49
shadeofgrey'how much ram05:49
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shadeofgreywhat video card05:49
shadeofgreywhat network card05:49
MrOtaconHmmmm: yep - thats it :)05:49
SelrachAthlon 64 3500+, ECS KN1 Lite, 1 GB ram, ASUS, ati based video card05:49
dr_willis'whats the air speed of a laden swallow?'05:49
budjifeisty problem, "Cannot Display this Video mode" on a Dell Dimension 4400 LCD screen, where& what do i need to edit?05:49
Selrachnetwork card is irrelevant since it works fine05:50
shadeofgreythats your proble,05:50
Selrachlinuxnub: I know, but debian worked without a problem but ubuntu does not05:50
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: wiki SSE and SSE205:50
linuxnubit just makes thngs easier for the nubs05:50
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Ok, that is what I thought. No way I could code for the kernel, but I'll have a look at sse. And the next time I compile a kernel, I'll do it Friday afternoon, and hope it is done, when I come home Sunday night!?05:50
Flannelalecw1: You don't want to change permissions.  You want to use sudo to remove it.  You can open a sudo'd nautilus shell, and do whatever (don't change permissions on system files ever).  alt-f2, then `gksu nautilus`, and close that window as SOON as you're done.05:50
shadeofgreyati vidfeo cards dont work well with any version of linux because ATI is communist and refduses to release stable drivers for linux use05:50
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wolsbudji: nowhere. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:50
dr_willisgotta love huge generalizations.. :)05:50
enviouzi disagree shadeofgrey05:50
wolsshadeofgrey: don't talk such BS please05:50
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Selrachshade: my card works fine with mandriva/debian05:51
tritiumshadeofgrey: please, now, and watch the !enter too05:51
andrukdr_willis: hey, if the shoe fits05:51
linuxnubhmm wierd05:51
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea I was going to see about doing the compile on a network. so that it does not take all that long.05:51
thufir007hawat12I want to try ubuntu to get my ML-2510 samsung working05:51
linuxnububuntu should install much easier than the debs05:51
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Selrachit does05:51
alecw1Thanks Flannel! :D05:51
Selrachbut it does not boot properly05:51
wols!printing | thufir007hawat1205:51
ubotuthufir007hawat12: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:51
Selrachi get dropped to command prompt05:51
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linuxnubwhat kinda system selrach05:52
shadeofgreywols, your saying there IS good ATI driver support in ubuntu?05:52
SelrachAthlon 64, ECS KN1 Lite, 1 GB ram05:52
budji@wols: the problem is at boot-time, right after grub...05:52
n2diyPanzerMKZ_: FB on folding, that is out of my league too. I'm into electronics hardware/radio stuff. Now, let me go look at SSE.05:52
wolsshadeofgrey: yes. there is ati05:52
SelrachATI video card05:52
rbilSelrach: but you're running Linux when you get to the command prompt?05:52
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wolsslurpee: and ati the company is not communist05:52
Selrachrbil: essentially, yes.05:52
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Selrachjust no GUI05:52
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: but I wanted to get in that too.05:52
enviouzmy ati card works perfectly05:52
shadeofgreythere is ati support but it doesnt come close to nvidia05:52
wolsSelrach: what videocard exactly and what drivers do you use for it?05:52
rbilSelrach: why don't you download the proprietary drivers for the ATI and install them?05:52
dr_willisSome of my ati cards work very well.. not the newer ones.. :) then again theres been issues with the newest nvidia cards..05:52
shadeofgreyisnt that true?05:53
tritiumshadeofgrey: s/your/you're, s/there/their05:53
MrOtaconanyone played unreal 2004 on ubuntu? does it run well?05:53
dr_willisnvidia and ati BOTH need to get their linux support act together.05:53
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Wanted, or want?05:53
Selrachwols: uh... lemme look it up i forget the exact number05:53
alecw1MrOtacon, I have the same question...05:53
MrOtacondr_willis: +1 on that05:53
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: want05:53
wolsSelrach: lspci05:53
linuxnubdid it autodetect your hardware ok?05:53
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shadeofgreytritium, i dont understand what you just said to me.05:53
MrOtaconalecw1: :) - just unrarring the iso now05:53
shadeofgreyat all05:53
dr_willisI wish that Intel would come out with stand alone cards... and show ati and nvidia how to do linux support.05:53
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Where are you, approx.?05:53
tritiumshadeofgrey: just correcting your poor grammar05:53
enviouztheres new ati packages too but they arent nor will ever be put in the fiesty repos05:54
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: southern US05:54
ZambeziNo! What should I do. I got my second kernelpanic. :-(05:54
thufir007hawat12ubotu thanks for the links.  it just stalls in cups in fedora 7 :(05:54
ZambeziI run Dapper.05:54
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brucewangFlannel,  what is the page that u just gave me?05:54
wolsdr_willis: they will. but a) if they are any good (they tried it before) or b) have open drivers remains to be seen05:54
n2diyPanzerMKZ: good, check out www.arrl.org05:54
alecw1Great, maybe you could help me out. :P I've got a few friends obsessed with the game, I'd like to run it with Linux. :) (MrOtacon)05:54
wolsZambezi: tell us what the kernel panic says. all of it05:54
Flannelbrucewang: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:54
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Selrachwols: Radeon X160005:54
Zambezithufir007hawat12, You know ubotu is a bot. :-P05:54
wolsSelrach: what driver?05:54
Selrachbut my card is from asus manufacturer05:54
linuxnubunreal runs great in linux btw05:54
dr_williswols,  from what ive been reading.. Intel is planning on it.. and kicking booty.. but who knows if it will pan out.  Gee whatever happened to Matrox...05:55
enviouzwell i was told that someting about it being a big change or something but theya re in the gutsy repos05:55
shadeofgreytritium, my original question still applies...  is my bias against ati video cards misplaced?  is there truly GOOD ati video card drivers for ubuntu somewhere?05:55
alecw1Unreal 2004, linuxnub?05:55
MrOtaconalecw1: as soon as i get it running - i'll tell ya :) - i'm using info from here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39470605:55
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: cool05:55
linuxnubyes it should05:55
dr_willisI rember when there wers several video card makers . :) seems like now theres just 3.05:55
Selrachwols: I tried the guide about ATI cards on the forums, but it doesnt change anything05:55
shadeofgreytritium, everyone else ive talkesd to says ati support in ubuntu is dismal at best05:55
alecw1MrOtacon, linuxnub tells me it works great. :)05:55
thufir007hawat12zambezi heh. oh, then thanks to, err, wals for the links05:55
PanzerMKZ_dr_willis: 305:55
MrOtaconcool :D - i've been playin quake 3 all day :D05:55
thufir007hawat12my samsung stalls in fedora.  might it work in fedora?05:55
wolsSelrach: answer my question. don't tell me stuff since you think I wanna hear it05:55
tritiumshadeofgrey: asking your question in fine, but please stay away from gross generalities, and refrain from name-calling05:55
enviouzSelrach:  no 3d acceleration?05:55
n2diyPanzerMKZ: n2diy is my call sign.05:55
alecw1Can I PM you with a question, MrOtacon?05:55
=== sasa [n=SUser_1@ip68-99-53-176.cl.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnubit runs great for me but not on ubuntu lol05:55
Zambeziwols, It says host unreachable when I try to ping it. It froze during slocate *|grep .exe in screen. I stopped the coomand cause it took too long time and nothing happend.05:55
santimshow do i get read/write access to a folder?05:55
MrOtaconalecw1: sure05:55
dr_willisPanzerMKZ_,  ati/nvidia/intel. Matrox i guess is a distant forth.. who else is even out there...05:56
Selrachwols: then what exactly are you wanting me to tell you?05:56
PanzerMKZ_n2diy I kinda thought something like that05:56
=== swingdj [n=kschaper@c-24-20-232-136.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbilSelrach: what video driver is loading in xorg.conf?05:56
wolsSelrach:scroll up the stuff witht he "?" at the end are questions05:56
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Selrachrbil: I don't know I never checked... since I thought it just wanst working05:56
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linuxnubfor high performance you go with a source based distro such as Sabayon or Gentoo then you have no problems with high performance games like that05:56
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rbilSelrach: I'd guess it is a video driver problem if you can get to a login prompt05:57
alecw1linuxnub, what are your system specs?05:57
linuxnububuntu is a serious resource hog ive found05:57
tritiumlinuxnub: even still, quite diminishing returns for all the effort05:57
alecw1MrOtacon, did you get my PM?05:57
Selrachmy question though is, what is it killing when it boots up?05:57
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wolslinuxnub: blame gnome05:57
linuxnubnah Sabayon installs binary05:57
rbilSelrach: login and do ... less /etc/xorg.conf and see what driver it's trying to use05:57
sasahey all...I have a rather simple question.....which program can I use to resize (cut) MP3 files. I also need to compress them05:57
linuxnubinstall = 20 minutes full system05:57
MrOtaconalecw1: no.. you have to be registered to pm... do /nickserv register then password05:57
wolsSelrach: how can we tell, you think we are psychic? for this to answer there are logs05:57
shadeofgreyhasd anybody present successfully installed ubuntu on coreduo macbookpros?05:57
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tritiumlinuxnub: still, very little performance gains05:57
thufir007hawat12hmm.  the ubuntu site claims that the 2510 works, can anyone confirm?05:57
Selrachokay okay sorry05:57
shadeofgreyi REALLY want to dual boot ubuntu really badly05:57
n2diyPanzerMKZ: SSE may have to wait, this folding site looks similiar to the SETI projects, with distributed computing.05:57
mobutusasa: if you want a graphical way for that, try 'audacity'05:57
rbilSelrach: killing what? only X isn't starting05:57
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alecw1/n alecwh05:58
Selrachthe last line before the prompt is Killed05:58
Flannelshadeofgrey: Jordan_U has.  He's AFK at the moment.05:58
alecw1I have a registered name, it's "alecwh"05:58
linuxnubwell its enough of a performance gain that games run great on it but wont on binary distros05:58
Selrachcomes up05:58
alecw1how do I change to it?05:58
=== kde19 [n=alex@modemcable113.77-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willislinuxnub,  ive not seen that documented anywhere.05:58
wolsalecw1: you ghost the current alcwh nick05:58
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: it is exactly then same other then the search for aliens. more like curing cancer and alheimeraze05:58
Selrachwell, I guess I should shutdown and check out this stuff05:58
Selracherr reboot05:58
linuxnubwant me to document it for ya?05:58
MrOtacondo /nick then use that name - then /nickserv identify then ur password05:58
rbilSelrach: killing acpi, but not bringing down the system05:58
=== agn0stic [n=agn0stic@c-68-51-66-5.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
alecw1It doesn't work.05:58
Selrachwhy would it kill ACPI?05:58
alecw1 /nick alecwh05:58
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shadeofgreyFlannel, hesd the only one you trust?05:59
n2diyPanzerMKZ: Yep, roger that.05:59
internetrromg, my clock says its 1:56am, and I don't think its that late, the time.gov says its 10:00pm whats wrong?!?05:59
linuxnubproof is in how it performs for me05:59
wolsalecw1: I told you what to do. but this is OT in here. ask #freenode or something05:59
dr_willislinuxnub,  im betting its more gentoo hype.. but i dont care either way.. i dont play games much.. and i dont plan on using gentoo.05:59
MrOtaconalecw1:  no space at start05:59
tritiumlinuxnub: no, that's not proof.  that's your experience.  For others, their experience may (and does) differ05:59
Selrachi'll BBL, i'll see if I can resolve these issues05:59
wolsinternetrr: what do you have your timezone set to?05:59
Zambeziwols, And now the servers CD started to blink, I pulled the box out to check on which channel it had (KVM-switch) and then it rebooted. :-S05:59
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alecw1MrOtacon, it might just be easier to join "#randomness"05:59
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linuxnubit aint Gentoo hype lol i hate Gentoo cuz of the 4 day installs05:59
MrOtaconlol - ok05:59
mobutuyou know what i love doing in #ubuntu after a long day05:59
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brucewangFlannel,  it says i dont have permissions to write to it still05:59
mobutusaying how great other linux dists are06:00
dr_willislinuxnub,  one example does not a 'proof' make. but this is all offtopic anyway.06:00
linuxnuband lets not forget the 20 hour world updates06:00
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: just to give you an example what the 500 cel does in 5 hours the p3 450 will do in one hour with sse helping06:00
=== GameSpot [n=game@d53-64-11-209.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpotis this the official channel06:00
GameSpotfor ubuntu linux06:00
Zambeziwols, Okay, the problem is this: I can't use Feisty cause it won't find one of my harddrives.06:00
Flannelshadeofgrey: he's the only one I know about. I'm sure there are other though.06:00
mobutua u t o m a t i x06:00
DarkMageZGameSpot, yes it is.06:00
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linuxnubgentoo sux but its great for higher performance06:00
Flannel!automatix | mobutu06:00
ubotumobutu: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:00
internetrrwols: America/North_Dakota/New_Salem I'm central time06:00
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GameSpotI need some help, does anyone have any spare time to assist me06:00
=== antitab [n=Michael@pool-72-81-119-137.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sasamobuty: thank you very much, I'm trying it now06:00
linuxnubmy system absolutely screams with a gentoo kde install06:00
GameSpotits a fairly short question06:00
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agn0stic!ask | GameSpot06:00
ubotuGameSpot: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:00
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  roger that, I bookmared the folding page, and now I'm off to google sse.06:00
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someone2005yea , says buy new computer some time...06:01
tallen_any suggestions to Firefox "Illegal instruction" on execute? Ubuntu Egdy AMD x64 (2.6.20-15-generic)06:01
=== dthacker-lt [n=kvirc@ip68-107-233-209.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpotI added a new harddrive to my computer, im using ubuntu fiesty06:01
linuxnubim thinking same thing might be true for slackware installs too06:01
=== Android [n=Android_@81-179-69-205.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willislinuxnub,  the benchmarks ive seen to not  give much of an improvement.. but to each their own.06:01
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GameSpotwhen i type fdisk -l it says that my new harddrive has a partition named linux lvm06:01
GameSpotwhich makes no sense because i just installed the hd and i dindt make any partitions on it06:01
GameSpotis it a bug?06:01
linuxnubi think alot of it has to do with all the garbage ubuntu throws into a base install06:01
GameSpotno but06:02
GameSpoti just added this hd06:02
GameSpotubuntu is on another hd06:02
linuxnubwith gentoo or slacks you can install vanilla systems that just scream06:02
GameSpotanyone know whats wrong06:02
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n2diyPanzerMKZ:  SSE brings up a lot of hits for the Shanghia Stock Exchange, suggestions to narrow the search?06:02
Flannel!enter | GameSpot06:02
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ubotuGameSpot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:02
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sasamobutu: thanks again06:03
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GameSpotwhat does !enter do06:03
GameSpotok I will retype that in one setence and maybe make it more clear06:03
=== original2 [n=mike@c-69-255-41-93.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willislinuxnub,  so your argument boils down to gentoo not running a lot of services and stuff in the background basiclly makes it faster. Not the fact that its a source disrto. Or so it seems. But this is off topic here. so im dropping it.06:03
=== fruitopia [n=Fruitopi@bas1-quebec09-1177749136.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
DarkMageZGameSpot, under edgy wasn't there a disk management tool under system > administration? you'd beable to setup a new partition on the new drive using that.06:03
andrukin rhythmbox, i get an error when i try to play files "Resource busy or not available".  can i find out what other program is locking the file?06:03
mobutui bet slackware is really fast06:03
FlannelGameSpot: If it's new, just reformat it and keep using it.06:03
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_SIMD_Extensions06:03
GameSpotHow do i reformat it using fdisk?06:03
brucewangFlannel,  it says i dont have permissions to write to it still06:03
Flannelmobutu: please take the offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, or elsewhere.  Thanks.06:03
dr_willismobutu,  not any faster then ubuntu from what ive seen06:03
linuxnubya that is probably the case06:03
someone2005sound interesting...06:04
dr_willisGameSpot,  you use fdisk to set up partitions, not format.06:04
mobutuim kidding.  i bet everyone in this channel uses ubuntu06:04
tallen_I attempt to start Firefox from the console, it bombs with a core dump. Running Edgy on AMD64 (FX55). Any suggestions? I cant google so its a real bear to find out where to go.06:04
=== Evolution2 [n=roy@rrcs-24-213-195-172.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelGameSpot: Use gparted, that's probably easier for you.06:04
Evolution2i just got wine but i think i dont have the latest version because i would like to use it for utorrent and WMP 11. iam running kubuntu 7.0406:04
dr_willismobutu,  using 'linux mint' at the moment.06:04
GameSpothow would i format my second harddrive, then how would i merge it with my 1st hd so ubuntu can use it, so i can store movies etc on the secondary hd?06:04
Flannelbrucewang: What's your fstab look like? (pastebin it)06:04
someone2005I should have installed that...06:04
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mobutuEvolution2: i have successfully used uTorrent with really old versions of wine06:04
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Roger, looking.06:04
dr_willisGameSpot,  dont 'merge' just partition/format/mount it to some /media/data dir or similer. is how id do it.06:05
varun0is there a way to query what version of a package I have installed?06:05
linuxnubi been trying to figure out how to strip out all the extra junk in ubuntu that the system doesnt need to run06:05
GameSpotsee i dont know how to do that though06:05
FlannelGameSpot: Ironically, you'd use LVM to merge it.  As it is now, you'll just be able to add it somewhere.  Each partition will be a folder somewheree.06:05
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: helps with the math. great for video stuff.06:05
GameSpoti just installed linux yesterday and i never used it before06:05
Evolution2mobutu:i would like the latest version please06:05
agn0stic!fstab | GameSpot06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:05
ubotuGameSpot: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:05
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter06:05
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andrukGameSpot: what you want to do is install a dual boot system on the first hard drive, and use the second hard drive for storage?06:05
FlannelGameSpot: once it's formatted (with Gparted), go to System > Administration > disks and you should be able to specify where t omount it.06:05
GameSpotno i dont want a dual boot06:05
andrukin rhythmbox, i get an error when i try to play files "Resource busy or not available".  can i find out what other program is locking the file?06:06
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p5B15DF73.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
degresevenhas anyone here been able to get an xbox 1 controller working in ubuntu?06:06
GameSpoti just want to add the 2nd harddrive so ubuntu can read it06:06
GameSpotso i can use the second harddrive for storage06:06
brucewangFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27366/06:06
alecw1Can I partition an External Hard drive? (myBook)06:06
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Ok, waiting for it to load. I'm surprised we haven't been asked to move this to OT, I guess we are entertaining the ops?06:06
linuxnubandruk : you can run top or ps aux in console to find out whats eating up your resources06:06
agn0sticGameSpot: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz this will help you if you want to learn your way around linux, and learn it well.06:06
=== budluva_ [n=budluva@S010600179a27a377.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnubthen sudo kill ####06:07
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: I would say it is something that is on topic. the fact that the linux kernel can use sse and such.06:07
DarkMageZGameSpot, if you install gparted. if you then run it and confirm that your new harddrive is partitioned in the way you like it. then you can setup your fstab so that you'll beable to access the new drive @ every boot.06:07
GameSpotwell see I run a server company, www.staminus.net and I need to install a second harddrive on it06:07
rbilGameSpot: man mkfs06:07
GameSpotim familiar with linux06:07
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Of course, silly me! :)06:07
GameSpotbut im running into problems for some reason06:07
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: just remember. the kernel code is out there.06:08
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tallen_any help on the Firefox issue? Please?06:08
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linuxnubyou trying to burn an iso gamespot?06:08
agn0sticGameSpot: process of adding hard drive - make directory to mount it in (say /media/newdrive), add lines to /etc/fstab, mount06:08
DarkMageZtallen_, what does "firefox --safe-mode" do?06:08
Evolution2can someone help ,me intall the new version of wine06:08
GameSpotim so confused06:09
GameSpotcan someone talk to pm with me06:09
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: you into networking ?06:09
=== galaxium [n=draek@S0106001a92915dda.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZambeziSeriously. What should I chose when Edgy is unstable, when Dapper starts to kernelpanic for no reason (read unknown, might be cups and I need another cups cause the one in the repos doesn't work) and when Feisty doesn't find all the harddrives. I have big trouble and need advice.06:09
=== christian [n=christia@c-68-53-31-163.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpotCan anyone SSH into my computer and install the harddrive for me06:09
brucewangFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27366/06:09
GameSpotI will pay them through paypal06:09
GameSpotim serious06:09
GameSpotcan anyone SSH into my computer06:09
tallen_DarkMageZ: "Illegal instruction (core dumped)"06:09
linuxnubevolution2 : use Synaptic to get the latest wine06:09
tritium!enter > GameSpot (see the private message from ubotu)06:09
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Just between this box and my test box.06:09
=== trend [n=trend@97-81-110-210.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnubor apt-get06:10
trendhow can I get ubuntu to sync date/time?06:10
alecw1How do I change my root password?06:10
andruklinuxnub: pulseaudio, firefox-bin, rhythmbox are the sound-related ones06:10
DarkMageZtallen_, do you have any other browsers you can temporaily use?06:10
trendi setup the daemon06:10
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: I built networks all the time. ubuntu server makes a great dumb file server.06:10
tritium!rootsudo > alecw1 (see the private message from ubotu)06:10
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: I just don't update that often06:10
linuxnubkill firefox then try it06:10
tallen_DarkMageZ: no, I guess I can install, eh, er, Links?06:10
n2diytrend: right click on your clock, and select adjust date and time.06:10
=== melchior7 [n=tato@adsl-75-23-61-215.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpottritium - can you SSH into my computer and install a new harddrive for me?06:10
=== cookie [n=cookie10@ip24-253-71-82.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
trendi don't have gui installed.. only command line06:10
Fathefnerdo they make ubuntu for really really dumb people06:10
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GameSpotwhy did they make linux so hard to use for the regular consumer06:11
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linuxnubGameSpot : lol06:11
GameSpoti mean its good, but i understand why windows is more famous06:11
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mobutuGameSpot: it's not hard.  what is wrong with your hard drive06:11
=== MikeBa [n=chatzill@c-76-97-241-153.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkMageZtallen_, "sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser"06:11
dr_willisGameSpot,  'they' who. :)06:11
andrukGameSpot: trust me, for what it has to do, it is easier than windows06:11
GameSpoti mean u gotta type like 50 commands in terminal just to like.. make a folder?06:11
rbilGameSpot: u can easily do it yourself. Run gparted and create a partition on that drive and then format it ext306:11
=== tritium shakes his head at GameSpot
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  FB, I plan to DL Edubuntu which sets up a client server and thin terminals, I just don't have the hardware for the server yet, and shipit refused my request, so I need to DL it.06:11
dr_willisGameSpot,  linux isent a company.. its a project.06:11
mobutuGameSpot: right click, 'make new folder' ?06:12
GameSpotthen whats novell06:12
GameSpotisnt that a company06:12
linuxnubGameSpot : mkdir06:12
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: how much bandwidth do you have?06:12
agn0sticGameSpot: novell is a company, yes06:12
tritiumGameSpot: they don't make linux.  They sell a distribution.06:12
tallen_DarkMageZ: ah, excellent. Thanks I should be able to google it out from here.06:12
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n2diyPanzerMKZ:  56k06:12
brucewanganybody, can you help me fix my fstab? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27366/    Pllllleeeeeaaaassseeee06:12
andrukbruceang: what is wrong?06:12
dr_willisGameSpot,  you fdisk the drive with gparted, or fdisk, format the partitons with mkfs (or gparted) then edit the /etc/fstab file to mount them where you want. Its well documented all over.06:12
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea I got about 20 dumb terminals so I am going to be trying it to06:12
GameSpoteither way, in windows u just pop in a harddrive and it auto installs, in linux, u gotta type 100 commands in terminal just to see it06:12
christianI really love this06:13
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: where are you06:13
christianubuntu is so awesome06:13
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  I'm in the coal fields of Eastern PA.06:13
DarkMageZtallen_, well. probably not. but you might beable to grab information on how to debug firefox.06:13
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christianthis is my first day06:13
Evolution2ok so i have wine but how d i run stuff like utorrent with it06:13
dr_willisGameSpot,  ive also had windows ask to 'format' a drive it thought was unformated.. but it wasent.. it just had another OS on it.. so windows killed it.  I perfer the linux way06:13
rbilGameSpot: just run gparted, like I said06:13
tallen_DarkMageZ: doh! "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" googly moogly...06:13
agn0sticandruk: what exactly is the problem?06:13
tritiumGameSpot: no, you don't06:13
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: well if it where not that expensive I would snend you some hardware up there06:13
wolsintelikey: and coukld be you told ubuntu your BIOS clock is set to UTC when it isn06:13
GameSpoti gotta switch back to windows, i cant even install my new harddrive what a waste of money06:13
DarkMageZtallen_, see. illegal instruction and core dump are such generic terms.06:13
brucewangandruk,  i cant write to an ntfs partition.. ive followed directions on the wiki06:13
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  I have _one_ phone company, and _one_ cable company.06:13
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linuxnubGameSpot : HAL should autodetect your new drive06:14
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea I know what you mena06:14
tallen_DarkMageZ: no I mean when I use epiphany it core dumps as well.06:14
GameSpotit did06:14
GameSpotit detected my drive06:14
Evolution2ok so i have wine but how d i run stuff like utorrent with it06:14
GameSpotbut it wont work06:14
dr_willisGameSpot,  yea..  in the time its taken you to discuss this.. i could of allready done it... do whatever you want.. learn to use linux.. or give up..06:14
GameSpotlike i dont have more space to add files06:14
=== tritium wonders how many times GameSpot has to be reminded about !enter
agn0sticGameSpot: read the link I sent you, will enlighten you as to the "magic" of linux06:14
GameSpotno im not giving up06:14
GameSpotbut no one will help me06:14
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: you got a slot 1?06:14
DarkMageZtallen_, oh. that's not cool. :(06:14
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christiancan someone direct me to the right instruction page for installing programs not on the install list?06:14
GameSpotevery keeps saying stuff i have no clue what it means06:14
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brucewangi am at wits end here06:14
rbilGameSpot: what error did u get when running gparted?06:14
DarkMageZtallen_, "sudo apt-get install konqueror" ?06:14
wolschristian: what program?06:14
dr_willisGameSpot,  for a new ext2/3 partition/filesystem i make a directory on the drive then  change the permissions on that directory so the USER i want to use it. has access to that dir.06:14
GameSpoti dont know hat gparted is06:14
andrukbrucewang: so, the ntfs partition is the second harddrive?06:15
dthacker-ltHi, I'm trying to build an internal dns server and I'm getting errors in the logs at startup.  If you could help, please look at http://pastebin.com/93722606:15
GameSpoti dont even have gparted06:15
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tallen_DarkMageZ: I am wondering if its something with the video card driver (I have Nividia 7650GT)06:15
mobutuGameSpot: can you open a Terminal ?06:15
christianI have downloaded songbird for linux, but I don't know how to install it06:15
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brucewangdthacker-lt,  its an external06:15
GameSpotim in terminal now06:15
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mobutuok, what happens when you type "gparted &"06:15
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wolschristian: what format is it in the file?06:15
brucewangerr andruk, its an external06:15
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: you got a slot 1 box?06:15
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Go figure, cable TV was invented here, and I only have one provider!? Slot 1, not sure, have to check my DB. I have tons of hardware, but it is all ancient.06:15
DarkMageZtallen_, well. your driver doesn't have any known issues like that. so it'd be best if you could aquire a backtrace from firefox.06:15
cookiehello guys06:15
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpotdo i type sudo apt-get install gparted06:15
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GameSpotto install it?06:16
christianwell, I unzipped it into a folder06:16
christianwas that wrong?06:16
agn0sticGameSpot: yes06:16
mobutuGameSpot: yes06:16
rbilGampeSpot: if it's not installed, do that06:16
andrukbrucewang: oh, sorry, thats beyond me (i dont know too much)06:16
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tritiumcookie: please don't use all caps06:16
mobutucookie: IS THERE DANGER TO THE MANIFOLD ?06:16
dr_williscookie,  not sure those are supported under ANY linux at this time.06:16
wolsGameSpot: you can. or you just can install it from the GUI where you normally install programs06:16
brucewanganybody, can you help me fix my fstab? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27366/    Pllllleeeeeaaaassseeee06:16
linuxnub!tar : christian06:16
rickb|serverhello. a friend of mine install ubuntu.. Well is there a default password for the root, or when you install ubuntu from the live cd do you specify the password?06:16
mobutuGameSpot: you can private message me if you want about all this crap06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tar : christian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:16
GameSpotafter i install gparted, then what should I do06:16
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea I know what you mean. I work in a computer junkyard. My workstation used to cost 10K$ now it is worth 50$06:16
cookieok, sry for caps06:16
GameSpotI will mobutu06:16
tritium!rootsudo > rickb|server (see the private message from ubotu)06:16
dr_willisbrucewang,  it may be worth wile to  summerize the problem a bit.06:16
thufir007hawat12since https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersSamsung says it works with v6.06, is that what I should install?06:17
wolsroot | rickb|server06:17
agn0stic!tar | christian06:17
ubotuchristian: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:17
wols!root | rickb|server06:17
uboturickb|server: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:17
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andrukbrucewang: a possibly easy way to fix it would be to boot into the liveCD, then check out the fstab entry for the external harddrive06:17
tritiumwols: already taken care of06:17
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Are you sure? It might cost you that to get ride of the monitor? :/06:17
trend /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate is how you update your time :)06:17
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GameSpotok gparted install06:17
linuxnubrickb : if your addicted to su like me, then do sudo -i06:17
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GameSpotAfter I install gparted, what command do i type to start the program, and then what do i do after that06:18
DarkMageZtallen_, if you can sucessfully run konqueror webbrowser. then goto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace and see if you can generate a backtrace of firefox.06:18
agn0sticGameSpot: now sudo gparted (if you've used any disk partitioner it should be familiar)06:18
niuqhow do i register?06:18
linuxnuball sudo really does is prevent the nubs from destroying thier system06:18
wolsniuq: /msg nickserv help. or ask #freenode or frnoode.org. not us06:18
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=== tritium thinks the world has forgotten that "your" is possessive
yellow_chickendo firefox support rotation?  i want to rotate a webpage upside down06:18
PanzerMKZ_n2diy; I am just talking of the tower. The monitor is sept and I have plenty of them if I need another. We don't throw them out. We send to a ecycler06:18
andrukGameSpot: gksudo gparted06:18
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GameSpotit works06:18
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:18
GameSpoti only typed sudo06:18
ali1234linuxnub: it saves you having to remember two passwords also06:19
agn0sticlinuxnub: nothings stopping you from "sudo rm -rf /"06:19
andrukthats fine06:19
christianAfter I decompressed it, I was able to run the program in the folder that it was in06:19
niuqwols: thx06:19
mobutuyellow_chicken: I don't think so06:19
linuxnubagn0stic : LOL06:19
GameSpotok after now the GUI screen for gparted came up, what do i do now06:19
yellow_chickenmobutu: evince does06:19
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christianbut Im not sure that's an install... shouldn't it be located somewhere else?06:19
brucewangdr_willis,  I need to be able to write to my ntfs partition and it says i dont have permissions to write to it.. and no !ntfs instructions didnt work 4 me06:19
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Yes, I have two slot 1 boxes this one, and the test box, but I think their bus speed is maxed out?06:19
yellow_chickenmobutu: know any altrnatves?06:19
GameSpotGparted doesnt see my second harddrive, but fdisk does, what should i do now??06:19
mobutuyellow_chicken: you could take a screenshot and rotate it!06:20
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea I bet it is. but what about say a p3 600 or so06:20
christianholy crap, I can't keep up with all these conversations06:20
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dr_willisbrucewang,  normally its just a matter of the proper mount options/entry in the fstab file.06:20
GameSpotoh nvm, gparted sees my harddrive06:20
GameSpotwhat should i do06:20
dr_willis!info ntfs-write06:20
ubotuPackage ntfs-write does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:20
PanzerMKZ_christian: don't keep up with them all just keep up with the one that you are in06:20
dr_willis!info ntfs-config06:20
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB06:20
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andrukGameSpot: you may have already done this, but you have to change the hard drive being operated on up in the upper right hand corner06:20
dr_willisbrucewang,  i belive i jsut had to install/run ntfs-config and it set that up for me on my last few feisty installs.06:20
christianthat's what I mean, cant tell whose in my conversation06:20
GameSpoti did06:21
yellow_chickenmobutu: i want ot rotate x chat, i am 90 degrss off right now, any my speelling is off\?06:21
GameSpotandruk and now i did this06:21
wiglafHow do I enable my cardbus wifi adaptor in feisty?06:21
PanzerMKZ_christian: see you now know when I am talking to you06:21
christianexcept yours is yellow to mw06:21
brucewangdr_willis,  did that already... heres the pastebin  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27366/06:21
GameSpoti clicked on the old partition on my new harddrive, then right clicked, and i selected format to ex3 type06:21
christianhow do you do that?06:21
agn0sticchristian: that's why we type out names, or use PMs - it's busy tonight06:21
ali1234wiglaf: is it a broadcom?06:21
GameSpotis that correct?06:21
tritiumchristian: use nicks, then.06:21
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wiglafali: DLink DWL-G65006:21
tritium!enter | GameSpot (please, for the umpteenth time)06:21
ubotuGameSpot (please, for the umpteenth time): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:21
PanzerMKZ_christian: you see how I put your name at the front. that is why it is yellow. that is how you know someone is talking to you06:21
wiglafI'm pretty sure it's an Atheros chip06:21
agn0sticGameSpot: yes, if you want to use ext3 - (fine for storage)06:21
christiansorry i'm such a noob06:22
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: like the other day I was looking for a set of slo1 1gig/133 procs06:22
agn0sticchristian: everyone's a noob sometimes =)06:22
GameSpotok, so i dont have to delete the old partition on the new harddrive right? I can just right click and select format to ext3 and it will auto delete and format to ext3 correct?06:22
andrukchristian: we all started out as noobs06:22
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: well I blew up the server they where in so I got the procs06:22
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andrukchristian, well, i still am...06:22
trendthanks guys .. nite06:22
agn0sticGameSpot: yes, or you can do it manually06:22
brucewangeverybody just gives up on me :(06:22
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  This box is maxed out at 333 mhz, and I'm sure it's sister would be too. I do have some rebuilds in the basement, that might support that CPU, but I don't even know if the are bootable. The where rescued at the curb.06:22
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GameSpotnow the flags for the new partitions06:22
christianandruk: oops i exited on accident06:22
agn0sticGameSpot: I assume you're sure there's nothing you want on it06:23
GameSpotare boot,lvm - is that correct?06:23
PanzerMKZ_christian: don't worry mate. you will become a pro06:23
GameSpotno there isnt06:23
ali1234wiglaf: check dmesg and lspci to figure out what chipset it uses06:23
jettred2001what is Atlantic Designer?06:23
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: noprob.06:23
wiglafAli: thanks, just a sec06:23
GameSpotagn0stic, its done formatting, the flags on it are boot and lvm, are those the right flags06:23
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agn0sticGameSpot: I can only type so fast, sir.06:23
christiani was trying to copy someone's name and I think I accidentally brought them up in private.  So i got nervous and tried to close the private and shut it all down by mistake06:23
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: it is just weird to see all those procs and such. I asked around one day for a amd proc and I got a 2.4gig for free06:23
dthacker-ltjettred2001: it's an app to design game boards for Atlantic, which is a clone of Monopoly06:24
intelikeyi'm having trubble locating a package for dapper. "Search string 'libmodplug0c2' not found"  any clue-by-four on that ?06:24
PanzerMKZ_christian: see you are learning something06:24
qnycjettred2001, board designer for monopoly clone atlantik?06:24
ali1234christian: you using gaim? press tab to complete a person's name...06:24
ali1234(probably other clients too)06:24
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tritium(most clients)06:24
PanzerMKZ_christian; also I am guessing your nick is not registered so you would not have been alble to speak to them06:24
agn0sticGameSpot: You don't need boot if you don't want to boot from it. You probably want to set user and auto. But frankly, the default flags should be fine (if I remember correctly - someone slap me if I'm wrong). Just remember to set a mount point (directory) for it06:24
christianandruk: ok, forgive me for asking again.  Can you direct me to a site that explains how to install a downloaded program?06:24
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brucewanganybody, can you help me fix my fstab? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27366/    Pllllleeeeeaaaassseeee06:24
brucewanganybody, can you help me fix my fstab? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27366/    Pllllleeeeeaaaassseeee06:24
intelikeylibmodplug* is depended on, but i can't find it...   ???06:24
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newbuntufinished installing Ubuntu:  X-Server won't start :(   IO-APIC error msg.  I tried adding 'linux noapic' to boot sequence (as per Enviouz), but it doesn't work  :(06:25
WaltzingAlongbrucewang: what seems wrong?06:25
crimsunintelikey: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2vucjc  (i386)06:25
tritiumGameSpot: watch the language, please06:25
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Yes, you'd be suprised what you can get for the asking. My radio gang meets on the air weekly, and we list stuff in our swap and shop segment, and for the price of a car ride, loads of stuff is available for free. Hams hate to throw stuff away.06:25
vexati0nanyone have problems using Nautilus to write to CIFS shares on a Vista/WS2k8 box?06:25
GameSpotnow i deleted the partition, and i had to make a new one, and now the LVM flag is gone06:25
GameSpothow do i add new flags??06:25
christianpanzerMKZ_: I'm in XChat06:25
andrukchristian: do you know what window manager you are using?  (are there two start bars or one?)06:26
agn0sticRelated to brucewang, what is up with the UUID stuff in his fstab? I've never seen that06:26
brucewangWaltzingAlong,  i can write to my ntfs partition... and please dont just tell me !ntfs (when i try it says i dont have permissions)06:26
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea I know what you mena. I have been to the local ham fest.06:26
agn0sticGameSpot: It doesn't matter.06:26
christianI had trouble figuring out gaim yet06:26
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PanzerMKZ_christian: cool06:26
brucewangagn0stic,  i have no clue thats why i need help06:26
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andrukchristian: do you know what window manager you are using?  (are there two start bars or one?)06:26
intelikeycrimsun that's i386  i need amd6406:26
agn0sticbrucewang: me neither, I've never seen that.06:26
ali1234agn0stic: UUIDs are used so your fstab doesnt have a fit when drives get moved around - especially useful with usb/firewire storage06:27
dr_willisbrucewang,  so you unmounted the disk and remounted it with 'mount /media/sdb1' yet?06:27
intelikeycrimsun sorry for not specifying that.06:27
christianandruk: there is a bar on top and bottom.  It's ubuntu feisty fawn with the human theme06:27
GameSpotagn0stic, should i select primary partition or extended06:27
agn0sticali1234: yeah, I just checked mine, and they were there. Is this new with feisty?06:27
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brucewangdr_willis,  no i have not tried that06:27
intelikeycrimsun thank you.06:27
dr_willisbrucewang,  as a test see if the root user can write to it 'sudo touch /media/sda1 This_is_a_Test'06:27
agn0sticGameSpot: If you just want one big partition, primary06:27
dr_willisbrucewang,  if you allready had it mounted the fstab will NOT change it untill you remount it.06:27
andrukchristian: okay, then it should be as easy as clicking System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager06:27
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Cool, you can find a lot of "stuff" at those. Ever been to the Trenton State Computer Fest.?06:27
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ali1234agn0stic: no, it's been around for a while06:27
christianpanzerMKZ_:is gaim better?06:27
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: no. I don't travel much.06:28
WaltzingAlongbrucewang: have you tried ntfs-3g instead?06:28
ali1234agn0stic: couldn't say when exactly, i havnt had to touch fstab since i started using ubuntu06:28
agn0sticali1234: huh. I haven't used an auto-generated fstab in a while. I'll do some research06:28
andrukWaltzingAlong: the new gaim06:28
PanzerMKZ_christian: I like gaim some. I have mIRC for my IRC stuff06:28
christianandruk:i've played in that a few times, but I'm bot sure I'm using it correctly.06:28
brucewangWaltzingAlong,  i have ntfs-3g and not fuse thats another problem i saw in there06:28
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GameSpotagn0stic, The new partition is made, its in ex3 mode with no flags though, how do i go from here?06:29
christianandruk: i got it open again06:29
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy; just around here in the south. AL06:29
GameSpotalso, it says my i bought a 200gig hd, but gparted is only saying its 186gigs, even though i formatted it and its empty, whats wrong?06:29
christianPanzerMKZ:i used mIRC back in the day on winders (country pronunciation)06:29
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UbuntuServerUserIs it recommended to use Swat for Samba?06:29
brucewangim pouring the whiskey on pretty thick after 15 hours just trying to watch a stupid bin/cue kvcd06:29
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: swat?06:30
wiglafI got the following message, and it may be causing my cardbus bridge (which was moved from PCI Bus #02 to Bus #06) problems :  PCI: Bus #03 (-#06) is hidden behind transparent bridge #02 (-#02) (try 'pci=assign-busses')06:30
agn0sticGameSpot: 186 gigs is correct. there's some funk with the meaning of mega, kilo, and gigabytes06:30
andrukchristian: okay, so it loads packages you have installed, those with green boxes by them are installed, those with white (unmarked) boxes are not installed.  click on a box and a little menu will popup, you can install/reinstall/uninstall/completely-remove packages06:30
UbuntuServerUserOr what are your guys's expericces with it06:30
tritiumUbuntuServerUser: not if you have a complicated configuration for samba06:30
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat.06:30
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ali1234brucewang: i have watched a vcd image using vlc, without burning to disc06:30
GameSpotagn0stic, now its saying that the partition has 3gig used, what is used in the partition, i just made it, now it dropped frim 186gigs free to 183gigs?06:30
dr_willisali1234,  heh - i was JUST about to say the same thing.06:30
christianandruk: I can't find the package that I've downloaded though06:30
brucewangali1234,  my vlc is broken.. i spent a few hours trying to get help on that too06:30
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UbuntuServerUsertritium I'm just trying to setup a simple share to setup the computer running ubuntu server as aserver...you suggest running swat then?06:31
=== dr_willis wonders how people manage to break all this stuff.
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ali1234brucewang: broken? did you drop it?06:31
tritiumUbuntuServerUser: it would be your choice, really.06:31
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: then just setup samba06:31
UbuntuServerUserFor backup, maybe users IDK yet06:31
mobutuGameSpot: that's going to happen in any operating system.  there's stuff like partition table and block sizes that takes up that 3 gigs06:31
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n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Roger S.AL, I was in Birmingham for the first time, back in 2001, nice city. Getting ready to send a link for the TSCF.06:31
newbuntufinished installing Ubuntu:  X-Server won't start :(   IO-APIC error msg.  I tried adding 'linux noapic' to boot sequence (as per Enviouz), but it doesn't work  :(06:31
dr_willisUbuntuServerUser,  you may want to install the 'samba-doc' package and read the 2 included using samba books.06:31
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yea that is where I am06:31
agn0sticGameSpot: I don't have any idea dude. Have you been clicking things without understanding what it means, or what? I can't understand why you're having so much trouble with gparted. I haven't touched it in awhile, I'll fire it up and look at it's interface.06:31
UbuntuServerUserIs that a good resource?06:31
tallen_DarkMageZ: oh https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/60236, thanks for your assistance.06:31
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tritiumUbuntuServerUser: yes, the wiki is generally a good resource06:31
GameSpotok now everything with the partition is done, my new harddrive has a ext3 partition called /dev/sdb1 - what do i do from here to adding it into ubuntu so i can use it to store movies etc06:32
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dr_willisGameSpot,  edit the fstab and have it mount to some place. like /media/storage06:32
UbuntuServerUsertritium, OK the only thing I don't like about it is I don't know when to use CLI because its kind of both06:32
imbecileali1234, you want a pastebin of the error?06:32
agn0sticGameSpot: did you set a mount point for it in gparted? If not, I think it mounts under /media/sdb1 or /mnt/sdb106:32
GameSpotmobutu, but its a new harddrive, no operating system on it yet, its a storage drive that i just made a new partition on06:32
ali1234imbecile: from vlc? sure06:32
UbuntuServerUserthere should be a CLI section and a GUI sectin06:32
GameSpotso i dont understand what it taking up the 3 gigs on the new partition06:32
dr_willisGameSpot,  i always set up a directory on the drives and chown it to be owned by the user i want accessing the drive.06:32
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n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Ok, here is the link, they call it the Trenton Computer Fest, but it is actually the Trentor State CF: http://www.answers.com/topic/trenton-computer-festival-1?cat=technology06:32
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GameSpotdr_willis,  i only have 2 accts on this pc, mine and root06:33
dr_willisGameSpot,  it a 300gb drive?06:33
GameSpothow do i make it so both accounts can access the root06:33
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dr_willisGameSpot,  so make a dir for 'mine' and chown it for 'mine'06:33
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: seems to me swat would be overkill for a simple file server06:33
andrukchristian: thats right06:33
GameSpotIts a 200gb hd from what it says on the package, but it is only showing up as 186 gig free06:33
FlannelGameSpot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount  and then fstab (which is how thigns get mounted permanantly),  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab06:33
GameSpotnot sure why thats ahppening06:33
PanzerMKZ_christian: you getting the hang of it?06:33
dr_willisGameSpot,  the user has no NEED to access the 'root' of the drive. just have the single  directory on the drive call it 'minedata' or similer.06:33
Evolution2how do i run wine to run utorrent06:33
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: so what else you into?06:33
mobutuGameSpot: that's common  . read http://storageadvisors.adaptec.com/2006/03/03/i-lost-a-terabyte/06:33
andrukchristian: you need to open the package you downloaded06:33
dr_willisEvolution2,  wine utorrent.exe06:33
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ ok then....thanks for input, I'm just used to GUI's and a web GUI sounds nice....is there a sort of all in one webGUI for ubuntu server?06:34
Evolution2in konsole?06:34
andrukchristian: what type of file did you dl?06:34
PanzerMKZ_Evolution2: check out native linux torrent06:34
mobutuGameSpot: drive manufacturers dont lie, it's just stretching the truth. you're not missing anything.06:34
dr_willisEvolution2,  i always ask 'where else ya going to type that' :)06:34
GameSpotok, how do i make it so this new storage drive can be accessible to my account, HOME, and the root account06:34
calcGameSpot: 200gb hard drive makers spec is 186GB everyone else spec, or also now known as GiB06:34
dr_willisEvolution2,  no one has ever came up with a good answer. heh.06:34
christianwell, I unzipped it and deleted the original download06:34
GameSpoti have enabled root just for advanced purposes06:34
agn0sticGameSpot: 1 megabyte is 1024 kilobytes, not 1000. That's why it's showing up as less (I do believe). The package says 200, but it's not really. It's 2000 megs06:34
dr_willisEvolution2,  there are a great many decent native linux torrent apps also.06:34
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newbuntufinished installing Ubuntu:  X-Server won't start :(   IO-APIC error msg.  I tried adding 'linux noapic' to boot sequence (as per Enviouz), but it doesn't work  :(06:34
FlannelGameSpot: Gigabytes vs Gibibytes.  200*1 000 000 000 = 186 * 1024 * 1024 * 102406:34
andrukchristian: that means you probably need to compile it06:34
wiglafdmesg tells me there is a card in slot 0, but lspci only detects the bridge...how do I get it to read the card?06:34
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: just add the user. once you get samba installed then smbpasswd -a (user name) at the cli06:34
FlannelGameSpot: there are no "advanced purposes" that require the root user.06:35
andrukchristian: what package did you download?06:35
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UbuntuServerUserk thanks Panzer06:35
GameSpotFlannel,  just for fun i enabled it lol06:35
wolsnewbuntu: what is your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?06:35
Evolution2yes, it tell me "module not found"06:35
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imbecileali1234, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27367/06:35
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: then smbpasswd -e (user) name. the first one adds that user. the second enables the user06:35
calcFlannel: except few things use the new redefined Gigabytes other than hard drive makers06:35
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ali1234wiglaf: sounds bad? lspci should detect the card06:35
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Camping, hiking, bicycling, radio, radio, public service radio, feeding my food addiction, etc...06:36
GameSpoti enabled root because i want to feel like im the owner of my pc, i dont want to use a secondary account, I want to feel like I am the god of my pc and it will worship me and i have full root access to all its private secret datas and commands06:36
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christianandruk: songbird... tar.gz06:36
dr_willisGameSpot,  i make a dir on the drive. (called willis-data) 'sudo mkdir /media/data/willis-data' for my user,   then chown it.. 'sudo chown willis.willis /media/data/willis-data'   , then user willis cam access that directory however he wants.  make a link from it to his /home/willis/data dir if you want.06:36
wiglafali1234: that's what I told it to do...ha06:36
Flannelcalc: oh, I'm well aware of that.  But, it's the stupid things we have to live with.06:36
=== EADG [n=vader@d206-75-103-225.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
PanzerMKZ_Evolution2: try bittorrent. or rtorrent at the command line06:36
calcFlannel: gigabytes for the first 50 years or so meant 2^3006:36
UbuntuServerUserEvolution2: try Transmission06:36
GameSpotdr_willis, i cant even access the drive yet because i havent added it into ubuntu06:36
Airwulfhow can I set in nautilus that .tm documents are associated (opened) with texmacs?06:36
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: cool. yea I know what you mean being a foodie is06:36
dr_willisGameSpot,  the root stuff is there to protect you from yourself for the most part.06:36
newbuntuwols: how do I access it ?06:36
GameSpotim not sure how to do that06:36
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dr_willisGameSpot,  edit the fstab and mount it somewhere...06:36
FlannelGameSpot: and you're going to break it.  There is NO reason to be root.  At all.  Let alone for general purpose thigns.06:36
agn0sticGameSpot: Oh my. That is a bad thing. Root (and sudo) exists to protect yourself from yourself, so it asks you for a password if you try to do something silly like delete your root directory06:36
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you get those two commands?06:36
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wiglafali1234: I got this message from dmesg, though : 'PCI: Bus #03 (-#06) is hidden behind transparent bridge #02 (-#02) (try 'pci=assign-busses')'06:36
andrukchristian: i wouldnt install many files from downloads unless you know what youre doing.  use synaptic.  ill walk you through it06:36
mobutuEvolution2: what's your wine + utorrent error ?06:36
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agn0sticGameSpot: never, never, never mess around with root unless you know exactly what you're doing06:37
agn0sticGameSpot: and you don't06:37
MrOtaconEvolution2: I use qbittorrent - its really cool06:37
GameSpotsay well i have 7 computers and this is my old one im testing linux on06:37
Evolution2so wait i cant use wine? because i was going to use it for windows media player06:37
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Yea, I tried to kick the food, but that is as hard, if not harder, then cigs.06:37
GameSpotso i really dont care if i explode this pc06:37
Evolution2wine 0.9.3306:37
christianandruk: great, thanks06:37
UbuntuServerUser@ panzerMKZ_ i'm setting up a share first, how would I setup a share on a second HDD06:37
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Evolution2and its tell me module not found in konsole06:37
ali1234wiglaf: never seen owt like that, but it sounds like it may be something to do with the problem, if the card is not seen, it is hidden, right?06:37
fwpi've got some problems with ssh being slow in 7.1006:37
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mobutuAirwulf: right click on the document , "Properties" -> "Open with"06:37
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wiglafali1234: right06:37
GameSpotOK LETS MOVE ON06:37
Flannelfwp: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support, thanks06:37
mecfs4Greetings from Adelaide Australia06:37
fwpFlannel: why is that ?06:37
ali1234imbecile: run vlc using a video driver other than gl06:38
MrOtaconEvolution2: do you want to just try qbittorrent instead of utorrent?06:38
mobutuEvolution2: windows media player uses a lot of internal windows stuff that wine doesn't emulate well, give up on that06:38
Flannelfwp: because it's not released yet.  Development versions have their own sets of issues.06:38
=== tovella [n=ktraglin@ool-4579ba05.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: well with ubuntu just make the folder on the second drive and then right click and share out06:38
wiglafali1234: further down in dmesg, it tells me that the cardbus bridge was moved from #02 to #06...so I just need help reassigning the bridges, I guess06:38
christianandruk: OK, I've archived the folder again to a tar.gz06:38
GameSpotI have created a partition on my new harddrive which I will be using for storage purpose. The new partition is ext3 and is called /dev/sdb1 - How do I add this and mount it so i can start to store music/movies on this new harddrive?06:38
wolsnewbuntu: by looking into /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:38
imbecileali1234,  it wont play with another video driver :(06:38
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: then just use those two commands to add and enable users06:38
agn0stic!fstab | GameSpot06:38
ubotuGameSpot: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:38
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ I'm using ubuntu Server CLI and this is not easy :(06:38
dr_willisGameSpot,  edit the fstab file. create a new entry for the new drive using the existing lines as examples.06:38
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andrukchristian: just ignore the downloaded file.  we can install songbird through synaptic06:38
Evolution2but yeah utorrent and itunes would be great06:38
Airwulfmobutu, that's what i know. But I want to associate it with a symbol and that it will automatically open it with texmacs on double click. like for example .pdf files06:38
GameSpoti dont know what you are talking about06:38
andrukchristian: that is what i highly suggest doing06:39
dr_willisGameSpot,  go to /etc/fstab EDIT THAT FILE06:39
agn0sticGameSpot: Follow the link! Sheesh!06:39
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: well then go to I think /etc/samba/smb.conf06:39
FlannelGameSpot: Read the links ubotu (and myself) gave you.06:39
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GameSpothow do i go there06:39
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba and I get smbfs first then mount second drive right?06:39
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=== dr_willis gives up.
newbuntuwols:  It's VERY long with a few error mgs, but at the end it says:   Fatal server error:06:39
newbuntuno screens found06:39
MrOtaconEvolution2: Here is the link for it http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net/06:39
=== phrog [n=phrogxix@adsl-68-78-71-211.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrOtaconEvolution2: works fine in ubuntu06:39
agn0sticGameSpot: Google, do you use it? Google fstab how to06:39
GameSpotwhat do i type in terminal to access the fstab and to add my new harddrive into the configuration06:39
wolsnewbuntu: I need the long part06:39
dr_willisi think its time for some Linux 101 reading/tutorials.06:39
christianandruk: OK, I have synaptic open06:39
GameSpotwow why not just tell me here06:39
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: you need food to servive06:39
wolsthe last stuff is irrelevant. it's not the real error06:39
GameSpoti had no reason to come here them06:39
mobutuAirwulf: i missed a lot of scrollback.  did you try what i suggested ?06:39
FlannelGameSpot: Read the links.  They'll tell you everything you need to know.06:39
=== Bird [n=Bird@71-222-253-30.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpoti could of just gone to google06:39
agn0sticGameSpot: "sudo vi /etc/fstab"06:39
Evolution2does it matter i have kubuntu06:39
newbuntuFatal server error: no screens found06:39
fwpFlannel: I have the same problem with 7.04 too06:40
dr_willisGameSpot,  qwe have been.. and you just say 'i dont understand' you need to learn some very basic basics..06:40
tovellaGameSpot: which version of ubuntu are you using?06:40
wolsagn0stic: don't tell people in here to use vi please06:40
fwpever since I installed ssh is slow06:40
calcadaptec article is wrong in that hard drive makers would still use round numbers for disk capacity if they had to use real gigabytes instead of their reformulated ones, they would just allow a little more storage during the design phase06:40
dr_willisGameSpot,  it pays to google WHILE you are here.06:40
newbuntuwols:  where and how do I send it to you ?06:40
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Beer is food!06:40
agn0sticwols: yeah that's a good idea actually06:40
MrOtaconEvolution2: nope - i have both kde and gnome and it runs fine in both06:40
dr_willisand ask for clarification on parts you dont understand.06:40
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: well you have to have the second drive in the os. smbfs is not going to do you anygood til you get the second drive where you can see it local06:40
fwpand I removed the GSSAPI stuff in /etc/ssh/ssh_config06:40
GameSpotOK how do i fstab in terminal to add my newly partitioned harddrive06:40
agn0sticwols: that's mapped to "edit fstab" in my brain06:40
BirdCan someone help me with a boot problem?06:40
=== blackace11 [n=blackace@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
MrOtaconEvolution2: just dont use ktorrent... its a bunch of garbage06:40
wiglafWhat can I break by reassigning PCI Busses? and how do I do it safely?06:40
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: barcardi is better then beer06:40
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Beer is a sandwich in a can!06:40
dr_willisGameSpot,  with the editor you like to use.. you edit the /etc/fstab file06:40
calcit wouldn't be a 232.83 GB drive they would make a real 250GB fit if they were to use the 2^30 instead, that difference in capacity is so minor they could make it work06:40
tovellaGameSpot: in that case, udev should take care of it for you.06:40
mary-kateok...i got a question...i had a forgin IP connect to my ubuntu machine...and since then it's been locking up on me...is this a bug? or did somebody mess it up somewhere?06:40
Comrade-Sergeiwhat does it mean when all my KDE based programs say "cannot talk to klauncher"?06:40
Evolution2so IYO what is the best torrent Client06:40
GameSpotwow please talk in english06:40
GameSpoti have no clue what you guys are saying06:41
wolswiglaf: how can you reassing pci busses in the first place? except by buying new hardware?06:41
Evolution2this is for anyone06:41
=== HiDaRK [n=hidark@199.Red-88-1-203.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
blackace11may i get some help with qjoypad? i have already installed the drivers for my xbox 360 gamepad06:41
mary-katei use VNC and had ports open so i can connect from anywhere in the world06:41
mobutuEvolution2: i like uTorrent06:41
calcbut they couldn't be bothered since no one big enough called them on it long ago06:41
newbuntuwols: how do I send it to you ?06:41
dr_willisGameSpot, what part.. "editor" ?06:41
wiglafwols: with pci=assign-busses06:41
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ how might I be able to do that via CLI? i don't even know where it is or if its mounted06:41
PanzerMKZ_Evolution2: I use rtorrrent06:41
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wols!paste | newbuntu06:41
ubotunewbuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:41
wiglafwols: or so says dmesg, at any rate06:41
wolswiglaf: why would you do such a thing?06:41
tovellaGameSpot: click on Places, then Computer.06:41
BirdAnybody?  help with boot problem?06:41
Airwulfmobutu, That's what I know already. I want to associate it with a special texmacs symbol and that it is automatically opened with texmacs on double click06:41
MrOtaconEvolution2: the best imho is utorrent... but qbittorrent is my closley followed second choic - which i am using in ubuntu because i dont want to have to wine utorrent06:41
GameSpotHOW DO I open fstab in the terminal and mount my new harddrive and add it into the configuration for god sakes06:41
wiglafwols: dmesg told me to06:41
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you would have to check /etc/fstab06:41
foose12comrade-segei: i think you need to install kubuntu06:41
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illusin1How can I move my ubuntu installation to another hard drive (it's currently installed on an external drive which is very slow)?06:41
Evolution2how come wine tells me module not found for utorrent06:41
wolswiglaf: ask your real question then06:41
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: see if it is in there06:42
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Rum doesn't have nearly the nutrients that beer does. Add home brewing to my interests.06:42
=== Nutubuntu [n=jn@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrOtaconGameSpot: sudo gedit /etc/fstab06:42
tovellaGameSpot: you may not have to do that at all.06:42
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ali1234imbecile: sure? you've tried vlc --vout xvid etc06:42
GameSpotso what should i do06:42
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mary-katei'm here06:42
Comrade-Sergeifoose12 heh yea right im good with gnome06:42
mobutuAirwulf: i don't understand what you are trying to do06:42
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello212186005030.401.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
mary-katebut the channel is going fast!06:42
tovellaGameSpot: click on Places, then Computer.06:42
agn0sticGameSpot: http://rute.2038bug.com/node7.html.gz read this, or google for RUTE and start reading from chapter four. I was really, really lost when I started using linux, and this is what saved my hide06:42
GameSpoti did tovella06:42
GameSpotnow what shold i do06:42
MrOtaconwhat are you trying to do GameSpot?06:42
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GameSpotI have created a partition on my new harddrive which I will be using for storage purpose. The new partition is ext3 and is called /dev/sdb1 - How do I add this and mount it so i can start to store music/movies on this new harddrive?06:42
ali1234blackace11: hey you're back, i got disconnected before, sorry about that06:42
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: you know we got the 5.5% limit here. there is a brew club here. some of the linux nerds are on that one too06:42
GameSpotthats what im trying to do MrOtacon06:42
christianandruk: you still there?06:43
Nutubuntusudo gedit is a bad idea; gksudo gedit instead06:43
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ how ...via command dir? (Sorry I've read the docs but can't remmber)06:43
foose12comrade-segei: well that's just my guess, there could be other ways though06:43
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andrukchristian: yeah, reading things, one sec06:43
tovellaGameSpot: now click on filesystem, then media06:43
FlannelGameSpot: If you'd stop whining, and start reading the links we've given you, you'd know exactly what you were doing.  You're trying to learn linux, you said that yourself.  But Why are you so hesitant to learn anything?06:43
fwpdoes anyone else have a problem with slow ssh in 7.04 ?06:43
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: cd /etc/06:43
blackace11i'm back!06:43
illusin1How can I move my ubuntu installation to another hard drive (it's currently installed on an external drive which is very slow)?06:43
GameSpottovella - i have gone to places > ocmputer, now what06:43
GameSpotok done06:43
w116tjbWhy is sudo gedit bad?06:43
GameSpotim in media now06:43
BirdCan somebody help me with GRUB?????06:43
newbuntuwols:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27369/06:43
blackace11coworkers talked me into beating them at some spades06:43
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wiglafwols: i've been through it, and came down to the pci busses...the real question is "Why doesn't lspci see what card is in my cardbus slot, despite dmesg telling me that there is one there?" or, more initially: "How do I get my Cardbus Wifi Adapter to work?"06:43
christianandruk:  ok sorry06:43
Comrade-Sergeifoose12 im not going to reinstall over it06:43
Comrade-Sergeiwhat does it mean when all my KDE based programs say "cannot talk to klauncher"?06:43
tovellaGameSpot: ... hang on.06:43
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mobutuBird: just ask your question06:43
Flannel!ask | Bird06:43
ubotuBird: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:43
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Thank god for homebrew and microbrew.06:43
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UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ how do I list everything itn /etc06:44
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: but enjoy the beer.06:44
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: ls06:44
andrukchristian: np, and actually, i was wrong.  here's a website that walks you through the install: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28Songbird.2906:44
Evolution2how come i get module not found with wine06:44
BirdLol, ok, well, when trying to get into Windows XP from GRUB it tells me "Disk read error" the last time I got into XP just fine, but upon a restart I can't anymore06:44
ali1234blackace11: i think from your error before, it looked like you tried to read from a none-existing axis on the joystick06:44
mobutuw116tjb: because then you'd be able to edit any file on your system with your instance of gedit , whch is probably not what you want to do06:44
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UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ command not found06:44
tovellaGameSpot: do you see the other disk partition, there (in /media)?06:44
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: the command that I would use to view fstab is cat /etc/fstab06:44
mobutuEvolution2: what command line are you typing06:44
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: "ls"06:44
Nutubuntuw116tjb, sudo is for text mode. sometimes - rarely - it will seriously mess up a system if it's used with a gui app06:44
christianandruk: awesome!  Thanks dude!06:45
blackace11alil234 go to there window06:45
GameSpotno i do not, heres whats listed: cdrom, cdrom0, cdrom1, floppy1, floppy206:45
w116tjbmobutu: Thanks. So gksudo gedit limits it to the current file?06:45
illusin1How can I move my ubuntu installation to another hard drive (it's currently installed on an external drive which is very slow)?06:45
tovellaGameSpot: ok, hang on...06:45
Evolution2mobutu: wine utorrent.exe06:45
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: yall have plenty of time up there to make the beers though yees?06:45
andrukchristian: or you could use automatix2 to install it (gui based)06:45
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mobutuw116tjb: i don't know.  i would type   'sudo gedit FILENAMEHERE'06:45
GameSpottovella - but, in fdisk -l. it shows my second harddrive with the partition06:45
ali1234blackace11: there window?06:45
asepi try to use wget on the terminal and get this message "Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name." so what shoul i do06:45
Evolution2i have the standalone file06:45
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  isn't beer a synonomous (sp) for happiness?06:45
MrOtaconGameSpot: do "vol_id /dev/sdb1" and take note of the uuid06:45
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: laugh06:45
mobutuEvolution2: is utorrent.exe in your path?   try wine ./utorrent.exe06:45
wiglafillusin1: that's tough...but the new installers should be able to move your users and settings if you mount the disk before you install from the livecd06:46
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n8k99does ekiga support video chat for yahoo messenger06:46
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mobutuEvolution2: if utorrent.exe is in your current directory06:46
Evolution2mobutu: its in my desktop06:46
christianandruk: is that a program already on ubuntu?06:46
illusin1wiglaf: cool, thanks for something of an answer :P06:46
Comrade-Sergeiwhat does it mean when all my KDE based programs say "cannot talk to klauncher"?06:46
mary-kateif somebody can help...msg me...i can't keep up very well with a fast channel06:46
andrukno, but it is really easy to install06:46
PanzerMKZ_why is Evolution2 using wine for a torrent prog?06:46
tovellaGameSpot:  what would you like to call this storage area (name)?06:46
blackace11tryed opining a dialogue window with ya06:46
buizeubuntu is awesome06:46
ali1234blackace11: if you're trying to msg me, you need to identify to nickserv again with the password you set earlier06:46
GameSpotwhats what it gave me MrOtacon06:46
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buizetihs is my 2nd day using it06:46
DisabledDuckwhats a good ftp client?06:46
WaltzingAlongEvolution2: wine "~/Desktop/utorrent.exe"06:46
UbuntuServerUser@ PanzerMKZ_ http://pastebin.com/93723406:46
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PanzerMKZ_DisabledDuck: ftp06:46
GameSpottovella I would like to call it storage06:46
mobutuasep: what does '    export | grep PROXY    ' say ?06:46
dr_willisDisabledDuck,  the gnome and kde file managers can do ftp.06:46
WaltzingAlongDisabledDuck: ftp  or filezilla06:47
Nutubuntuillusin1, alternatively you could look into cloning your current HD with dd or going fs by fs with dump/restore ...06:47
andrukGameSpot: please do not use the enter key to format things06:47
wiglafillusin1: sorry, man...I don't use linux to keep it around for longer than a few months...once it starts working, it's time to try a new distro06:47
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: hold on06:47
wiglafgood call, Nutubuntu06:47
haqboxhi all. I got these message --> [   81.142562]  **WARNING** I2C adapter driver [NVIDIA i2c adapter 0 at 1:00.0]  forgot to specify physical device; fix it! <-- When I type dmesg. How do I fix it?06:47
blackace11nickserv identiy06:47
corDisabledDuck: gftp06:47
asepmobutu : thanx06:47
Evolution2PanzerMKZ_: what are you suggesting06:47
MrOtaconGameSpot:  ok - one sec06:47
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spirit_my first start with ubuntu06:47
andrukchristian: i would install automatix (it makes a lot of things easy to install)06:47
SelrachI am in need of some help, those of you who helped me before. I still have the same error as before, no GUI will boot...06:47
Comrade-Sergeiwhat does the cannot talk to klauncher mean when i load a KDE program?06:47
PanzerMKZ_Evolution2: that you first try all the linux native clients out there06:47
spirit_fuck this is really great06:47
BirdI can't get into Windows XP through GRUB anymore, I get "Disk Read Error Occured, press ctrl+alt+del to restart" How can I possibly fix this, I don't think I did anything to corrupt the XP install (I just restarted and tried to get back in)06:47
Flannel!automatix | andruk, christian06:48
ubotuandruk, christian: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:48
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tovellaGameSpot: ok, then enter this in a terminal window: sudo mkdir /media/storage06:48
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  I guess we do, but we hustle a little bit, you folks take your time at doing everything. But I can understand why, when it is 90 degress out, and 90 percent humidity, I wouldn't hussle either. And we've had three days of that, with a couple more coming.06:48
Evolution2PanzerMKZ_: i did06:48
Evolution2tried almost all of them06:48
Evolution2even azureus06:48
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:48
Evolution2but utorrent is simply too good06:48
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: ok and where is your second drive mounted??06:48
PanzerMKZ_Evolution2: is not utorrent also on linux native?06:49
dr_willisive used utorrent with wine.. just a simple download of the utorrent.exe and a 'wine utorrent.exe'06:49
MrOtaconGameSpot: add this line to your fstab - UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:49
SelrachCould someone help me with my GUI issue? I'm using an ATI video card06:49
tovellaGameSpot: now this one: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/storage06:49
andrukFlannel: thanks06:49
Evolution2PanzerMKZ_: no06:49
Evolution2need wine06:49
dr_willistheres no utorrent native for linux that i know of (yet)  they do test it with wine I hear.06:49
Comrade-Sergeiwhat does the cannot talk to klauncher mean when i load a KDE program?06:49
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ well last time I had computer in GUI kubuntu it was under hdab06:49
mobutuwhat does UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0  mean06:49
DarkMageZSelrach, could you please describe the problem some more06:49
andrukchristian: nevermind, use the link i gave you06:49
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dr_willisComrade-Sergei,  perhaps ask in #kde06:49
phrogI tell you, I use KTorrent in GNOME with no problems and it does me right.06:49
Flannel!uuid | mobutu06:49
ubotumobutu: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:49
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ it is slave to master06:49
Comrade-Sergeidr_willis, i dont even run KDE06:50
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qnycComrade-Sergei, or #kubuntu06:50
Selrachokay, my last 3 lines before I'm given the text login, are06:50
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: there should not be a hbab06:50
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n2diyPanzerMKZ:  hey, I see your actually helping someone, I'll go silent, maybe I can too. Before I'm asked to go OT.06:50
DShepherdhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/firefox-distro-addon-support -- what does the white cross in the red box mean? top right-hand corner06:50
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Flannel!paste | Selrach06:50
ubotuSelrach: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:50
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: pm me then06:50
GameSpottovella i have mounted it, is that it06:50
qnycComrade-Sergei, what kde program?06:50
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ hdb sorry06:50
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SelrachLoading ACPI modules, starting ACPI services, and Killed06:50
dr_willisComrade-Sergei,  it pays to ask where people are knowledgable.. and the #kde guys are the expert in kde related things...06:50
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Selrachthen I get the text login...06:50
tovellaGameSpot: no,  if you want it to mount upon reboot, there's a little more to do.06:50
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newbuntuwols: still reading my long paste ?06:51
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you must then make a entry in fstab or hand mount hba06:51
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Comrade-Sergeiqnyc, amarok and kopete nostly06:51
wiglafwhen's Ubuntu going to include the 'sudo fix-everything' command line?06:51
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: hdb rather06:51
mobutuEvolution2: i have no idea why wine is complaining about 'module not found' .06:51
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GameSpotok i have typed the sudo mount cmd you gave me, what should i do now06:51
MrOtaconGameSpot: yeah, just setup that that you just did in the rc.local to do it automatically everyboot if you dont want it in fstab06:51
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ well I don't want to bother you too much, there an easy CLI guide to that?06:51
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PanzerMKZ_n2diy: you get my pm?06:51
andrukwiglaf: its a little thing called the liveCD.  it even has a GUI06:51
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: no bother06:51
Evolution2WaltzingAlong: thanks it worked.06:51
=== Selrach feels lost in all the traffic.
MrOtaconGameSpot: if you "cd /media/storage" thats your drive now06:52
GameSpotMrOtacon - I have created /media/storage, then I have mounted /media/storage to my harddrive partition, which is /dev/sdb1 - from there what do I do?06:52
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you see the way fstab is setup. just go with that06:52
MrOtaconclean and ready to use06:52
PanzerMKZ_Selrach: never lost.06:52
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Yep, a reply is waiting for you.06:52
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BirdGRUB won't boot into Windows XP any more, it says "Disk Read Error Occured, Press ctrl+alt+del" to restart, It was working fine before  but now it doesn't, what should I do?:-/06:52
MrOtaconGameSpot: if its mounted - you can use it06:52
tovellayou must create an entry in fstab, so enter the command: gksu gedit /etc/fstab &06:52
Evolution2WaltzingAlong: how do i make it show up in the kmenu06:52
GameSpotyes but, will it be mounted forever/06:52
GameSpoti dont have to do anything in dstab?06:53
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ so i have to create an entry in fstab using nano? Where is fstab located?06:53
tovellaGameSpot: you must create an entry in fstab, so enter the command: gksu gedit /etc/fstab &06:53
MrOtaconbut in fstab - add "UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1"06:53
GameSpothow do i do that06:53
Evolution2WaltzingAlong: or do i always have to run utorrent using konsole06:53
Selrachthe last people who tried to help me suggested that my video card is causing problems06:53
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: /etc/fstab06:53
GameSpottovella what do i put as the entry06:53
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tovellaMrOtacon: wrong, we dont' want to mount it as /06:53
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: not seeing your replies.06:53
tovellaGameSpot: ... hang on.06:53
wiglafokay, but seriously, guys...I want wireless internet in Feisty...I have a Dlink DWL-G650 (google says Atheros chipset) and a USB wifi adapter (ZyDAN? chipset) and neither are found by any hardware detection.  Correction: They are seen, but not identified or communicated with.  Where can I look for help on either of these (sorry for the long msg)06:53
MrOtaconyeah srry - "UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage              ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1"06:53
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UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ so how would I add this drive...I don't even know if its there, I can't just create it can I?06:54
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you have to fdisk it and all that06:54
RodI'm having trouble with Ubuntu remembering my private key passphrase. I enter it with ssh-add and it is OK until I logout or reboot. Shouldn't the keyring remember this06:54
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corwiglaf: google for ndiswrapper06:54
MrOtaconGameSpot: UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:54
Bird GRUB won't boot into Windows XP any more, it says "Disk Read Error Occured, Press ctrl+alt+del" to restart, It was working fine before  but now it doesn't, what should I do?:-/06:54
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ yea IDK how to do that06:54
anathematicdecent ftp server for server?06:54
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ whats the tool called that I need to use?06:54
n2diyPanzerMKZ:  Ok, sent a second one, did you see that one?06:54
wiglafcor: ndiswrapper is a no go if dmesg can't find the device06:54
GameSpotMrOtacon,  are you sure06:54
mobutuRod: why do you think ssh-add would keep your passphrase if you log out or reboot ?06:55
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd06:55
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MrOtaconGameSpot: yes06:55
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP06:55
tovellaGameSpot: UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0    /media/storage      ext3    defaults06:55
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: no. you registed with freenode?06:55
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: IDK?06:55
GameSpotUUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:55
GameSpotso i just copy that06:55
GameSpotwhere do i add this06:55
PanzerMKZ_freak there are alot of ftp servers06:55
RodIm new to Ubuntu. I thought that was what the keyring was for. It keeps track of WEP keys and network passwords06:55
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ I don't know06:55
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GameSpottovella - i dont have to add remount like MrOtacon did?06:55
Bird GRUB won't boot into Windows XP any more, it says "Disk Read Error Occured, Press ctrl+alt+del" to restart, It was working fine before  but now it doesn't, what should I do?:-/06:55
tovellaGameSpot: sorry i messed up... yeah, you got it.06:55
MrOtaconat the bottom of fstab06:56
GameSpotUUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0    /media/storage      ext3    defaults06:56
GameSpotso thats it?06:56
GameSpotwhich one do i add06:56
n2diyPanzerMKZ_: Yes, I thought I was, maybe I was "updated?"06:56
MrOtaconthe remount is just for disk error - i always put it in06:56
GameSpotMrOtacon or tovella06:56
GameSpotwhich line06:56
chalcedonymary-kate i'm using feisty fawn...whenever i'm using the machine for chatting or for bircd, after about 10, 20 minutes the whole machine freezes, forcing me to force a shut down then reboot...and i need some help to figure out what's wrong06:56
Evolution2PanzerMKZ_: i got it to work but how do i get it in the kmenu06:56
SelrachOkay, I am having issues with my install of Kubuntu, it refuses to boot into the GUI, I am simply dropped to console login. The last 3 lines are: Loading ACPI modules,06:56
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: the tool is fdisk06:56
tovellaGameSpot: you may want to add the 0 0 to at the end.06:56
MrOtaconboth are the same - mine just  says mount as readonly if thee is a error06:56
SelrachStarting ACPI modules, and Killed. Some help would be appreciated...06:56
Bird GRUB won't boot into Windows XP any more, it says "Disk Read Error Occured, Press ctrl+alt+del" to restart, It was working fine before  but now it doesn't, what should I do?:-/06:56
PanzerMKZ_Evolution2: that I don't know. I just gnome06:56
GameSpottovella - so I should add exactly this: UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:57
dr_willisBird,  id say boot a windows xp disk into rescue mode and have it scan that disk.06:57
w116tjbHow can I get write access to an ntfs drive?06:57
PanzerMKZ_n2diy: join me in #n2diy06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
tovellaGameSpot: yes, that will work.06:57
Evolution2PanzerMKZ_: thanks06:57
PanzerMKZ_Evolution2: np06:57
SelrachLooks like I'm on my own :|06:57
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-configure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
newbuntuwols ?06:57
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GameSpottovella where do i add it06:57
BirdWell I'll give that a try, see what happens06:58
GameSpottovella at the end of the fstab cfg?06:58
DShepherddr_willis, ^ maybe?06:58
tovellaGameSpot: me thinks you've already got it.06:58
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you got to fdisk and partition06:58
dr_willisDShepherd,  i forget thename of the tool.06:58
chalcedonyi'm tring to help mary-kate who can't watch this window. she's having troube with her feisty locking up randomly during chat programs, she has to reboot the whole box. what could be doing it?06:58
=== Evolution2 [n=roy@rrcs-24-213-195-172.nys.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
GameSpotwhat do you mean06:58
tovellaGameSpot: UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage    ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:58
dr_willischalcedony,  random lockups are often due to the X video drivers.06:58
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GameSpotso i add that at the end of fstab?06:58
DShepherddr_willis, its ntfs-config.. but i dont think ubotu knows about that. I dont think its in the repos either..06:58
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level1how do I start mysql?06:58
MrOtaconGameSpot: yes dude06:59
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dr_willisDShepherd,  it has to be.. i got it some how. :)06:59
GameSpotand thats it?06:59
GameSpotand i reboot?06:59
dr_willis!find ntfs06:59
ubotuFound: libntfs-dev, libntfs9, ntfsprogs, libntfs-3g-dev, libntfs-3g0 (and 4 others)06:59
varkaGameSpot: sudo mount -a06:59
tovellaGameSpot: you don't have to reboot.06:59
chalcedonydr_willis: ty much .. um how can she check that?06:59
w116tjbI'm talking just in Feisty... I have my music on a separate hard drive that uses ntfs... How can I add files to it?06:59
GameSpottovella do i have to type sudo mount -a ?06:59
dr_willis!find  ntfs-config06:59
ubotuFound: ntfs-config06:59
tovellaGameSpot: yes.06:59
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DShepherddr_willis, ok.. i guess its there :-)06:59
dr_willischalcedony,  well.. depends on her video card.. she could use a console based irc client to get here.. and perhaps get some help. and survice the crash..06:59
dr_willisUnless its a really bad crash06:59
dr_willis!info ntfs-config07:00
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB07:00
GameSpottovella it gives me a error - mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 does not exist07:00
MrOtacon!info bitchx | chalcedony07:00
ubotuchalcedony: bitchx: Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1506 kB, installed size 6508 kB07:00
w116tjbType that in terminal?07:00
w116tjbCause it says it doesn't exist.07:00
dr_willisI perfer irssi to bitchx. :)07:00
chalcedonydr_willis: she IS here on her windows box. the channel is hard for her to read (visually impaired)07:00
tovellaGameSpot: do again: vol_id /dev/sdb107:00
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dr_willischalcedony,  guess ya start with 'what video card does the machine have'07:01
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UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ Unable to read /etc/fstab07:01
GameSpotthats the id tovella07:01
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: what shell you running07:01
particlemanI'm trying to get 1360x768 resolution to work on my Radeon 9200 under Dapper07:01
Orgullomoorehmm...any tips to get my microphone working?07:01
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ CLI07:01
UbuntuServerUserUbuntu Server07:01
GameSpotim so confused07:01
GameSpotwhat could i hav done wrong07:02
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OrgullomooreI'm trying to record something in Audacity, but it shows no input07:02
st3v3dndhey all, does anyone know how to stop totem from closing when a clip ends?07:02
tovellaGameSpot: then ID_FS_UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 is what you need.07:02
particlemandpkg-configure xserv doesn't give me that choice, and adding the resolution manually to xorg.conf doesn't work either07:02
Orgullomoorein Windows I just had to plug it in and press record...07:02
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GameSpotso i put id_fs07:02
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GameSpotinsted of just uiid?07:02
qnycOrgullomoore, have you tried System -> Preferences -> Volume Control ?07:02
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: did you "cat /etc/fstab"07:02
tovellaGameSpot: sorry, messed up again.07:02
lO_osranyone Passwordless login?07:02
katiecan someone help me07:02
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about passwordless - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
w116tjbHow can I force my refresh rate to go higher? It's at 60 and that's as high as it will go.07:02
tovellaGameSpot: UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d007:02
chalcedonykatie: try to tell us what to help with?07:03
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tovellaGameSpot: damn tiny keyboard...07:03
lO_osrcan I ask to ask?07:03
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ yes...that just gave me an output07:03
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Orgullomooreqnyc> indeed, mic volume is up07:03
VletmixWhat package do I add to modify the more detailed compiz settings?07:03
katiei try to start ubuntu but it says my fstab is all messed up07:03
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ http://pastebin.com/93723407:03
GameSpotID_FS_UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       107:03
GameSpotis that right07:03
katiewhat could be wrong ?07:03
TaJMoXparticleman if you cant get your res and you added it in xorg conf then your monitor settings are probably wrong07:03
particlemanoh yes...and I know the resolution works with my monitor and card, because it works fine under windows07:03
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: oh so you want to mod it then. ok so sudo nano /etc/fstab07:03
TaJMoXlike refresh and virtical sync07:03
tovellaGameSpot: UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d007:03
katiecan i paste it in here?07:03
chalcedonydr_willis: what command to determine video card please?07:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:04
MrOtaconGameSpot: no - you don't need the ID_FS _ that'll throw up an error07:04
FlannelGameSpot: no, get rid of the ",errors=remount-ro" that's only for /07:04
lO_osrpassworles login anyone/anybody?07:04
FlannelGameSpot: just 'defaults'07:04
dr_willischalcedony,  hmm.. i always know what my pc's have.. :) guess lspci will give you a clue07:04
particlemanTajMox-that's the thing...the list of resolutions in xorg.conf has nothing to do with the list of resolutions available in the gnome display settings applet07:04
FlannellO_osr: why do you want to do that?07:04
TaJMoXkatie - pastebin your /etc/fstab and also sudo fdisk -l07:04
w116tjbTajMoX: Yeah... I want to increase the refresh rate because my screen has a slight flicker that drives me crazy.07:04
GameSpotshould i keep the 0     1 though?07:04
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particlemanand I've tried to dig for the relevant other config file, but I can't find it07:04
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ OK done (btw should I always login my usual username and not login to root all the time07:04
GameSpotor remove the numbers as well07:04
tovellaFlannel: GameSpot: i agree, i just use defaults without the remount & errors stuff.07:04
FlannelGameSpot: yeah, just change the flags.07:04
lO_osrFlannel: all XP ppl want passwordless login07:04
TaJMoXparticleman - right because your monitor settings are wrong in your xorg.conf07:04
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UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ so what I need to edit07:04
tovellagame keep the numbers.07:05
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FlannellO_osr: No, they dont.  Just think they do.  Just like they think they want to run as root, but they don't really.07:05
GameSpotok please tell me if this is EXACTLY what i should type into fstab, here it is:  UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage               ext3    defaults07:05
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: yes all the time as reg user. use sudo to go to root.07:05
FlannelGameSpot: then 0 107:05
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GameSpot0 107:05
GameSpotwith how many spaces07:05
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you will add a line for hdb07:05
lO_osrohh this sux07:05
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ ok I'm listening07:05
lO_osrthere's no passworless loging?07:05
imbecilewell i'm still at square one at approaching 16 hours07:05
tovellaGameSpot: in fact, just put "0   0", instead of 0  107:05
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qnyclO_osr, System -> Administration -> Login Window07:05
GameSpotare you sure07:05
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FlannellO_osr: You don't want passwordless login.  But yes, you can technically set it up.07:06
GameSpotFlannel does 0 0 sound good?07:06
tovellaGameSpot: that's the way mine is.07:06
FlannelGameSpot: no, 0 207:06
qnyclO_osr, Security tab -> Enable Automatic Login07:06
GameSpotso 0 207:06
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: you will have to make hdb look like hda. you got the same file system07:06
GameSpoti dont get it whats the difference07:06
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tovellaGameSpot: make sure you save the file before you remount.07:06
GameSpotshould I PUT 0 0 , 0 1 , or 0 2 ??????07:06
particlemanhmm...ok, dumb question, but how do I fix it?07:06
MrOtaconlO_osr: passwordless login is easy - goto system>administration>login window - then click the security tab - then tick automatic login, then choose the user to auto login - but i strongly do not recommend having an automatic login07:06
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tovellaGameSpot: 0  007:06
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ I believe its formated as ext307:06
GameSpotwhy is Flannel  saying 0 207:06
dr_willisGameSpot,   the  'man mount' docs detail what those #'s do. for future referance.07:07
particlemandpkg-reconfigure can't autodetect my monitor, and doesn't list that resolution for a generic monitor07:07
FlannelGameSpot: Read some documentation instead of freaking out.  Good grief.07:07
tovellaGameSpot: ask him.07:07
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: is hda formatted ext3?07:07
dr_willisIts all about how the filesystem gets checked at boot time.07:07
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MrOtaconGameSpot: i admit, it is confusing at first - but just take a breath, and calm down :D - you'll get it eventually07:07
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ how can I tell for sure? Isn't hda my boot drive so it should be07:07
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: hda should be in fstab07:08
FlannelGameSpot, tovella, all non-roots should be 2. or 0.  2 is better than zero.  `man fstab` and read the last paragraph07:08
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ well hda1 is ext307:08
GameSpotwell im adding 0 207:08
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ and then theres this random hda507:09
GameSpotwish me luck that my computer doesnt explode07:09
MrOtacon:D - good luck dude07:09
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ http://pastebin.com/93723407:09
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tovellaFlannel: GameSpot: first lets get it working, then we can tweak it to what's most appropriate.07:09
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NutubuntuUbuntuServerUser, hda is the master drive on the primary ide channel. may or may not contain the boot s07:09
Flanneltovella: might as well set it correctly the first time, and forget about it.07:09
GameSpotok heres the final test07:09
particlemanok...reran dpkg-reconfigure, no effect07:09
GameSpottyping mount -a07:09
GameSpot1 sec07:09
dr_willisya need a 'sudo' :) most likely07:09
MrOtaconi take it it worked?07:10
GameSpot$ sudo mount -a07:10
GameSpotmount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 does not exist07:10
GameSpot[4] +  Done                    gksu gedit /etc/fstab07:10
tovellaFlannel: perhaps when it's done, i'll get a chance to look over the manpage, again.. it has been a while.07:10
GameSpotno luck07:10
UbuntuServerUserNutubuntu pretty shure it does07:10
GameSpotplz tell me what am i doing wrong07:10
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: hda5 is your swap07:10
UbuntuServerUserwhats a swap btw?07:10
Flannel!enter | GameSpot07:10
ubotuGameSpot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:10
dr_willissounds like a typo in the uuid #07:10
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info07:10
GameSpotbut what am i doing wrong07:10
GameSpotits not, i double checked it about 5000 types now07:10
FlannelGameSpot: You're using the enter key as punctuation.07:10
UbuntuServerUserWhy is swap a whole partition?07:11
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varkaGameSpot: tovella: youre sure talking about the right device? ;)07:11
NutubuntuUbuntuServerUser, it has its own fs07:11
FlannelUbuntuServerUser: Because usually it's easier to do it that way.  You can also use a swapfile if you'd prefer07:11
GameSpotyes watch i will paste the decivice07:11
Flannel!swap | UbuntuServerUser07:11
ubotuUbuntuServerUser: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info07:11
dr_willisls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/     - is how i get my uuid #'s07:11
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UbuntuServerUsernah really don't care07:11
GameSpotDevice Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:11
GameSpot/dev/sdb1               1       24321   195358401   83  Linux07:11
UbuntuServerUserjust curious07:11
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GameSpotits the right stuff07:11
tovellaGameSpot: what does the line (in fstab) say?07:11
UbuntuServerUser!pastebin | GameSpot07:11
particlemanseems the gent who had a handle on my problem has left the building07:11
ubotuGameSpot: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:11
FlannelGameSpot: STOP pasting here.07:11
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dr_willisGameSpot,  there was no need to paste that.. and my command gave a much clearer output.07:12
newtubuntuI am back, sorry. Wols are you here ?07:12
GameSpottovella is says: # /dev/sdb107:12
GameSpotUUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d0 /media/storage               ext3    defaults 0       207:12
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andrukUbuntuServerUser, Windows uses a swapfile, but if it gets too big, windows tells you that your are out of memory, when you really arent07:12
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ hope your still here BRB07:13
dr_willisdid you TYPE IN the #'s or did you cut/paste them. ya dident get a 0 and o mixxed up did ya? :)07:13
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: yea I am here07:13
GameSpottovella the drives works, when i go to storage in media folder, the hd is there, but I dont know why i cannot mount it07:13
MrOtaconGameSpot: use dr_willis's ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ - and check the uuid there (its highlighted)07:13
UbuntuServerUserandruk interesting07:13
dr_willisof course ya dont really need to uise the uuid  at all.07:13
UbuntuServerUserI'l brb07:13
MrOtaconif it works, its mounted?07:13
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jfkldsjfdklsfjkdhi i've just installed ftpd on my ubuntu server and i can access it within my network but it's really really slow / not letting me connect through from the internet07:14
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GameSpotMrOtacon,  do i have to be root to add the harddrive into mount?07:14
Nutubuntujfkldsjfdklsfjkd, firewall?07:14
Flanneljfkldsjfdklsfjkd: Make sure you forward the appropriate ports.07:14
dr_willisshall i suggest learning to use ssh and dumping FTP tottaly? :)07:14
GameSpotbecause when i typed ls -l, it says the main linux boot hd is root07:14
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jfkldsjfdklsfjkdNutubuntu and Flannel should be fine i've opened up the correct port07:14
antknighti installed nvidia drivers but every time I reboot x stops and my system tells me its using part of the new driver and part of the old.07:15
jfkldsjfdklsfjkdshoudl it be on tcp or udp?07:15
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MrOtaconGameSpot: to edit the etc/fstab and to use mount - yes07:15
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MrOtaconjust sudo su07:15
MrOtaconthen do everything from in there07:15
Nutubuntuftp is a connection-oriented service, jfkldsjfdklsfjkd07:15
GameSpotso do i have to login as root?07:15
FlannelMrOtacon: `sudo -i` not sudo su07:15
jfkldsjfdklsfjkdNutubuntu: so tcp? :)07:16
linux_probeftp = TCP07:16
PanzerMKZ_ftp is good07:16
Flanneljfkldsjfdklsfjkd: UDP packets never make it out of your LAN07:16
PanzerMKZ_ssh is ok07:16
tovellaGameSpot: you may be able to put stuff in /media/storage, but that doesn't mean the disk is mounted at /media/storage.  if you type the command: mount you should see something.07:16
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FlannelPanzerMKZ_: scp is good.07:16
testtest3434hello all07:16
PanzerMKZ_Flannel: UDP makes it out of lan07:16
jfkldsjfdklsfjkdhaha oh i see Flannel, sorry not the best networking wizz07:16
linux_probeproftpd by default uses port 21 and port 1025-65535 passive mode07:16
bobgillIn file browser windows you have the mounted drives and stuff on the left pane, and you have folders you have added as favourites too.. how do you add a folder to that part again ??07:16
tovellaGameSpot: actually, by disk, i meant the partition you creatged.07:16
PanzerMKZ_Flannel: yes scp is good07:16
MrOtaconFlannel: sudo -i or sudo su, doesnt matter which in this case07:16
GameSpottovella I TYPED MOUNT and it says : /dev/sdb1 on /media/storage type ext3 (rw)07:17
GameSpotit shows the storage07:17
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testtest3434I'm currently on a fiesty install boot, And im trying to install fiesty on a 500gig sata II drive. Anyway when i click manual and select the drive size it won't let me do larget then 70gigs am I doing something wrong?07:17
GameSpotbut when i type mount -a it says it doesnt exist07:17
qnycbobgill, add a bookmark07:17
sparrantknight seems to have an onjoin privmsg "moron"07:17
testtest3434it's a shame fiesty install cd doesn't come with an irc client other then gaim :)07:17
andrukGameSpot: what is the actual error it gives you?07:17
antknightsparr, no.07:17
sparrthat, or he just doesnt like me07:17
testtest3434anyway but no complaints :)07:17
Nutubuntutesttest3434, lba enabled in cmos?07:17
antknightsparr, not that either.07:17
MrOtaconGameSpot: it says its mounted cause you mounted it manually using the mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/storage07:18
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testtest3434nutbuntu: dunno I'll have to check07:18
tovellaok, lets try it the old way.  replace UUID=... with /dev/sdb107:18
MrOtaconGameSpot: that method does not look at fstab07:18
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antknightsparr, its me, geartrooper :P07:18
GameSpotandruk it says the uuid media does not exist07:18
bobgillqnyc: thanks!07:18
GameSpotor something07:18
tovellaGameSpot: ok, lets try it the old way.  replace UUID=... with /dev/sdb107:18
testtest3434i'll give that a go thanks07:18
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GameSpotso i take out uuid07:18
sparrantknight: which explains your oddly familiar nick coloring...  kvirc trying to help me out and i didnt realize it07:18
GameSpotor do i put uuid=/dev/sdb107:18
MrOtaconGameSpot: now umount /dev/sdb1 - cause you can't mount it with mount -a if its already mounted07:19
antknightthought I'd add some mystery to the everyday.07:19
MrOtacontake out uuid07:19
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tovellaGameSpot: remove UUID=a8200799-b5ae-4603-9fb9-24dc421316d007:19
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UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ OK I'm back, now what do I do in regard to setting up my second HDD in /etc/fstab?07:19
defrysksuch patience07:20
defryskwould drive me nuts07:20
tovellaGameSpot: in it's place, type or paste: /dev/sdb107:20
GameSpottovella so the new line looks like /dev/sdb1 /media/storage               ext3    defaults 0       007:20
GameSpotis that correct07:20
MrOtaconno - change the last zero to 207:20
MrOtaconor 107:20
tovellaGameSpot: exactly, now save the file & remount.07:20
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: did you format the drive07:20
GameSpotMrOtacon,  are u sure07:20
antknightrestarting after installing a driver stops x.07:20
GameSpotMrOtacon,  all my other mounts are 0 007:20
FlannelGameSpot: yes.  2 is what it should be.07:20
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GameSpotwhy are all my other mounted stuff 0 007:20
FlannelGameSpot: root should be 0 107:21
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GameSpotim not root07:21
GameSpotshould i login as root?07:21
f70do you like abiword or open office?07:21
MrOtaconGameSpot: he means "/" mount point07:21
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ I think I may have a long time ago to ext3, but got all sorts of errors when I tried to mount it...shoudl I format again just to be on the safe side?07:21
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: yea I would07:21
tovellaGameSpot: sudo mount -a07:21
defryskf70, take that to #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
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GameSpotit says [1] +  Done                    gksu gedit /etc/fstab07:21
MrOtaconGameSpot: no - the root filesystem is what flannel is refering to - it should have 0 1 flags07:21
kurttiAny good reasons to update to Feisty from Edgy?07:22
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GameSpotMrOtacon,  in fstab, all the other partitions on my main harddrive are 0 0 as well07:22
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: fdisk if I remember07:22
FlannelGameSpot: no no.  There's a line in there that says /dev/whatever / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1, or it should.  If it's 0 0, you should change it to 0 107:22
antknightkurtti, wobbly windows!07:22
GameSpotare u sure07:22
GameSpotit was 0 0 by default07:22
MrOtaconGameSpot: i do not know why - do as flannel says - "/" should def be 0 107:22
GameSpoti never did anything07:22
kurttiantknight, nope i have those already07:23
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ fdisk hdb?07:23
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: man fdisk07:23
GameSpothow do i see if its mounted now07:23
FlannelGameSpot: it was not 0 0 by default.  It hsould be 0 2, and all other partitions should be 0 2, except /proc if you've got one, and any removable media (well, and swap).07:23
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ its the slave07:23
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MrOtacondo "sudo umount /dev/sdb1"07:23
GameSpotI typed sudo mount -a, and nothing came up, no error message or positive message07:23
MrOtaconthen do "sudo mount -a"07:23
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GameSpoti did07:24
MrOtaconand see if its mounted at the end07:24
defryskkurtti, no reasons really except for newer shinier and further away from end of life07:24
GameSpothow did i see07:24
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: yea I kinda guessed that when you said it was hdb07:24
polpolGameSpot, df07:24
UbuntuServerUserk im reading07:24
GameSpotI typed mount07:24
GameSpotlrm on /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw)07:24
GameSpotbinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)07:24
GameSpot/dev/sdb1 on /media/storage type ext3 (rw)07:24
GameSpotlinux07@AC2007:~$ gksu gedit /etc/fstab &07:24
MrOtaconjust type mount07:24
GameSpotlook at the bottom07:24
GameSpotit says its there07:24
GameSpotis that right?07:24
GameSpotso if i reboot will it stay there07:24
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MrOtaconGameSpot: yes - it should auto mount during boot07:25
GameSpotMrOtacon,  so am i all done now07:25
MrOtaconGameSpot: :) yes dude, you can take that sigh of relief now07:25
GameSpotthank you guys and have a merry happy christmas07:25
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gregoroviusHi... I'm trying to compile a module (8250_pnp), but when I do 'make /drivers/serial/8250_pnp.ko' I get a .o file... help?07:25
newtubuntushould I play in my BIOS to solve a 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC  problem ?07:25
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varkaMrOtacon: tovella: i'm astonished about your patience ;)07:26
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tovellavarka: ...years of abuse... :)07:26
antknightsparr any idea how to ensure my x will remain after installing drivers?  so far its killing gdm07:27
antknight*after restart07:27
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ fdisk /dev/hdb then what? No format option is available do you want me to delete the partition?07:27
wolsantknight: install the drievrs right07:28
sparrantknight: you have to install the kernel module AND the X driver, they have to match.  if you check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log you will probably see that they dont match07:28
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: yea nd then you might need to fdisk to get the new partition07:28
wolsnewbuntu:  Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)07:28
GameSpotHow do I add files onto m new harddrive07:28
hellslingerdoes anyone know what the ubuntu kernel source code apt-source is?07:29
tovellaGameSpot: hello.07:29
Mirandahi where would I get info on shell commands?07:29
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: and then man format for the commands to format07:29
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wolsGameSpot: is it mounted yet?07:29
Jordan_UGameSpot, What FS, internal or external?07:29
GameSpotits mounted07:29
wolshellslinger: linux-image07:29
wols!refcard | Miranda07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about refcard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ man brings up the manual07:29
wols!cli | Miranda07:29
ubotuMiranda: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:29
antknightsparr, indeed.07:29
GameSpotits in media/storage - how can i add files to it, it wont let me copy and paste my music into that folder07:29
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: yea07:29
Jordan_UGameSpot, What FS ?07:29
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: don't know the commands off the top of my hand07:29
GameSpotwhat does fs mean07:29
Jordan_UGameSpot, File system07:30
PanzerMKZ_Miranda: you did bad to river tam07:30
wolsGameSpot: wrong permissions. you need to chown /media/storage to your user or make it world writable and executable07:30
GameSpottovella,  was helping me out07:30
NutubuntuGameSpot, fs = file system (e.g., ext2, ext3, reiserfs ...)07:30
GameSpothow do i do that07:30
PanzerMKZ_Miranda: sorry been watching to much Firefly07:30
GameSpotoh its ext307:30
wolsUbuntuServerUser: mkfs.ext3 is what you need if you have a partition made07:30
GameSpoti have access to the root acct07:30
GameSpotits my computer07:30
Jordan_UGameSpot, Do you have permissions to write to it?07:30
Mirandasorry I just wanted to ask what shell commands are.  I am not a linux user, sorry.07:30
GameSpot.....im on the regular account, i use sudo on this one07:30
antknightwols, I thought the right kernel-header plus the nvidia kernel compiler did that07:30
tovellaGameSpot: there are a couple of ways to resolve that problem.  do you intend to have anyone else use that partition?07:30
GameSpotbut i also have the root account enabled07:30
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wolsGameSpot: man chmod, man chown07:30
wols!permissions | GameSpot07:31
ubotuGameSpot: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:31
PanzerMKZ_Miranda: well do you use windows?07:31
wolsantknight: did what?07:31
GameSpot!enter GameSpot07:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter gamespot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
GameSpot!enter | Gamespot07:31
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:31
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_: 83 Linux right?07:31
wolsUbuntuServerUser: yes07:31
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: wols says yes07:32
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=== coraline wriggles it
tovellaGameSpot: there are a couple of ways to resolve that problem.  do you intend to have anyone else use that partition?07:32
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antknightwols, I installed the nvidia driver, it compiled a kernel and updated /xserver-xorg.  what else needs to be done?07:33
UbuntuServerUserso now its fdisk t /dev/hdb right07:33
valehruThe Trevino compiz repo doesnt support x64 right?07:33
coralinedid you sacrifice the chicken?07:33
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VletmixAnyone know of a remote desktop client for linux which supports the RFPv6 protocol?07:33
wolsantknight: it did not compile a kernel. and how did you install the nvidia drivers?07:33
wolsUbuntuServerUser: mo "t" in there07:33
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antknightwith sh ./NVIDIA-driver07:33
UbuntuServerUserwols mo "t" ?07:33
Jordan_Uwols, Use the restricted driver manager07:33
wolsantknight: no t07:34
wolsJordan_U: don't tell me07:34
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wolsJordan_U: and I was not asking you07:34
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: no t07:34
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antknightwell, then I don't know what to do.07:34
wolsUbuntuServerUser: I'd use cfdisk or parted. better suited for ubuntu btw07:34
UbuntuServerUserI'm using CLI07:34
wolsantknight: answer my question07:34
wolsGameSpot: yes, cfdisk07:34
antknightno t?07:34
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ so how I create new 83 linux partition?07:35
wolsantknight: that was not for you07:35
hellslingerwols: linux image doesn't appear to have the kernel source code in it, is there any other way to get ubuntu kernel source?07:35
wolsantknight: answer my questions please07:35
antknightI did07:35
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antknightwith sudo sh ./NVIDIA-driver07:35
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wolshellslinger: I told you.apt-get source linux-image... doesn't give you anything?07:35
CAsurferdoes anyone know of any computer shops that will build desktops made using only hardware with open source drivers?07:35
wolsantknight: what videocard exactly. what chip?07:35
UbuntuServerUserNVM I GOt it07:36
wolsantknight: unless in rare circumstances this is not suppported by ubuntu07:36
wolsantknight: not supported by us here07:36
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UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ I got it!07:36
wols!nvidia | antknight07:36
ubotuantknight: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:36
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PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: take a moment to pat yourself on the back. Go outside have a fag and calm down07:37
wolsPanzerMKZ_: that the famous "fag after"?07:37
UbuntuServerUserIDK whether to laugh at that or consider it normal07:37
PanzerMKZ_that one07:37
qnycCAsurfer, check out http://system76.com/07:37
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: a laugh is always good07:37
lO_osranyone been able to watch youtube with gnash?07:37
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ rgr that07:38
lO_osrmacro flash isn't avail for 64bit07:38
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antknightwols the 6600 GT is supported07:38
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ ok so I need to apt-get format...is there any other tool included in ubuntu server to format?07:38
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CAsurferqnyc: thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for07:38
wolsantknight: it is not supported to use nvidia.com drives directly, period07:38
PanzerMKZ_what is that wols? parted then?07:38
Jordan_UlO_osr, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava07:38
wolsantknight: if you do use them: you are on your own07:38
wolsPanzerMKZ_: what is what?07:38
antknightwols, ok, thanks.07:39
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wolsantknight: ubotu told you what to do07:39
PanzerMKZ_wols: the command to format a drive?07:39
wolsmkfs rather07:39
newtubuntuwols, I am back sorry07:39
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newtubuntudid you get my paste ?07:39
NutubuntuG'night all07:39
wolsnewtubuntu: yes. missing nvidia module07:39
wolsnewtubuntu: nothing about acpi or such. look for the (EE) errors in that paste07:40
wolsnewtubuntu: noapic nolapic possibly. not BIOS07:40
newtubuntuCan I do the Restricted Drivers Manager from the CD to enable the nVidia, will it 'Save' properly on the HD installation ?07:41
antknightaccording to the link my driver is nvidia-glx07:41
gregoroviusHi... I'm trying to compile a module (8250_pnp), but when I do 'make /drivers/serial/8250_pnp.ko' I get a .o file... can anyone help?07:41
FrogzooPanzerMKZ_: best to use 'sudo mkfs.ext3 -T largefile /dev/sd##'07:42
newtubuntuwols: I tried all three:   linux noapic ; noapic (alone) ; and nolapic   in the boot loader and none change anything07:42
wolsgregorovius: kernel-package07:42
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, You can definitely do it from the liveCD and I am fairly sure that it will carry to the installed system07:42
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PanzerMKZ_Frogzoo: ain't there another command to format a drive to?07:42
wolsnewtubuntu: why "linux". makes no sense07:42
PanzerMKZ_other then mkfs?07:42
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wolsnewtubuntu: also, why do you care about the 8250 thing?07:42
newtubuntuwols: I had AMD64 up and running in no time. Can it be related to the fact that I have a dual core AMD64 proc and trying to install 32bits Ubuntu ?07:42
Jordan_UPanzerMKZ_, parted?07:42
FrogzooPanzerMKZ_: like I say, that's the best way07:42
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newtubuntuwols:  just because Enviouz suggested it07:43
PanzerMKZ_I got to remember how I did mine07:43
UbuntuServerUserIm reading the manual07:43
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wolsnewtubuntu: not related to that07:43
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Jordan_U!hi | adrian_07:44
ubotuadrian_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:44
newtubuntuwols:  error 8254 is one of the reasons why X-Window doesn't load no ?07:44
wols8250 is the original IBM PC serial port07:44
wols8254 or 8250? be precise!07:44
adrian_why cant i install beryl on ubuntu07:44
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wolsand no it'S not. the reason X doesn't load is cause you are missing the nvidia drivers07:44
Jordan_Uadrian_, Do you use fglrx?07:44
newtubuntuI never mentioned 825007:44
adrian_what is that07:45
wolsnewtubuntu: if this paste is from you http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27369/ that is07:45
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_  HOws this? mkfs -v -t ext3 /dev/hdb07:45
tovellanewtubuntu: i too have installed the 32bit version on a 64bit machine.  i wanted java & flash (with sound) to work from an ltsp server & 32bit was the only way i found to get it working.07:45
Jordan_Uadrian_, What GFX card do you have, and what problems have you had installing beryl?07:45
newtubuntu8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC07:45
gregoroviuswols, how can I make it build a single module? I can't find the option07:45
newtubuntuyes, that;s my paste07:45
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MagnetoDoes anyone know how to rename all the files in a folder + subsequent subfolders with a different extension?07:45
adrian_i dont know how to install it and i dont know what video card i have07:45
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newtubuntutovella:  did you run into X-Window not starting errors ?07:46
wolsgregorovius: you cannot and you shouldn't07:46
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Jordan_Uadrian_, Are you using 7.04 ( Feisty ) ?07:46
adrian_i think so07:46
leagrisPlease, help me, everything work fine, nothing to do. Feisty is too stable. It's boring ;D07:47
tovellanewtubuntu: not at all, it works great.07:47
Flanneladrian_: You're in luck.  For a good portion of the cards, it's automated.07:47
Jordan_Uadrian_, Try System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects07:47
QwertyMMagneto: You'll need to learn a bit of bash commands for that .. (mv)07:47
gregoroviuswols, why not? I'm using the same source tree with the same .config...07:47
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QwertyMNot sure of a solution however07:47
QwertyMbut thats the key07:47
Magnetonothing in Quantus?07:47
adrian_i did but it messes up and leaves a black bar on the right07:47
QwertyMQuantus ?07:47
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_  HOws this? mkfs -v -t ext3 /dev/hdb07:47
wolsgregorovius: did you use kernel-package to compile and isntall it (I'm guessing custom kernel?)07:48
Jordan_Uadrian_, Did the effects work at all?07:48
Magnetoits a programming editor07:48
gregoroviuswols, no, I'm using the stock kernel07:48
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adrian_yes the cube did but it messed up the top bar07:48
Jordan_Uadrian_, Try #ubuntu-effects07:48
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Frogzooleagris: I have the same problem - let me know if you find a fix07:48
PanzerMKZ_UbuntuServerUser: did you get the commands from earlier? I think there was a largefile in there somewhere?07:48
ubuntu_hello all. I'm currently chatting from a live cd installer of Fiesty. I've tried both a kubuntu 7.04 and  ubuntu cd with the same problem. I've got a 500gig sataII drive. This is a rather new computer and my bios and the partition software for the ubuntu installer detects it as a 500 gig hard drive. But when i try to manually set my partitions through the installer it won't let me create one larger then 68607 MB in size anyone got any07:48
agn0sticleagris: "sudo locate *.so | xargs rm -f" that will make things work less, if you want07:49
ubuntu_Someone here previously said check that LBA is set in bios. I couldn't find that setting.. But bios and ubuntu detects it as a 500gig hard drive07:49
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QwertyMMagneto: the ls command can be used to list all files of a folder and that o/p can be passed to mv command so it can rename all files it receives .. that's just my idea .. I dont know how to implement it .. :)07:49
UbuntuServerUserPanzerMKZ_ all I got was mkfs.ext3 and that didn't make any sense to me07:49
andrukrhythmbox will not play anything.  the error it gives me is "resource busy or not available"07:50
Jordan_Uubuntu_, Can you create them with gparted?07:50
Jordan_Uubuntu_, It is available on the LiveCD07:50
ubuntu_jordan_U you read my mind. I was just trying that now07:50
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agn0sticandruk: something else is using your sound card, or whatnot. Either close whatever it is, or install jack (I think rythmbox can cooperate with jack)07:51
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andrukagn0stic: how do i use jack?07:51
agn0sticandruk: rather jackd07:51
andrukhow do i use that?07:52
andruki have it installed07:52
jupengfeiWhat's jack??07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
agn0sticandruk: huh, it should be running automatically07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jackd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
leagrisagn0stic, doh, not realy, Sure I can find some minor bugs like displaying email source in thunderbird, selecting part of the source and printing only that part output tiny tiny crunched zied fonts on printer ;)07:52
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jupengfeiWhat does it use to do?07:52
UbuntuServerUserCan anyone tell me how to run command mkfs -v -t ext3 /dev/hdb    is that the proper syntax?07:52
andrukan0stic: its not07:52
agn0sticjackd is used to allow multiple things to use your sound system07:52
ubuntu_mmm gparted has no problems07:53
pixelationHow does one go about copying a folder to /opt/lampp ?07:53
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wolsagn0stic: how is jackd better than dmix?07:53
paganjewagn0stic, and why does it matter07:53
andruki thought dmix did that07:53
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andrukand jack was used to pipe audio and midi from application to application (and to yoru sound card)07:54
agn0sticwols: i don't know, I've never used dmix. andruk: it does, as well07:54
bunghow do i change the window decorator theme?07:54
bungwhat preference ssetting07:54
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andrukk...still dont know how to use it.  man jackd isnt very helpful07:54
UbuntuServerUserCan anyone tell me how to run command mkfs -v -t ext3 /dev/hdb    is that the proper syntax?07:54
leagrisIf you are some Kernel guru, may be you can help find a fix for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/11831007:55
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: no07:55
antknightI have an observation I'd like to share.  ubuntu has no 3d effects like, emblems or characters in the system itself.07:55
antknightlike for splash screens, etc07:55
ubuntu_Jordan_U:  gparted worked thanks for the suggestion07:55
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: you created a partition on hdb. you don't want to format the whole disk (tho it would work under linux just fine)07:55
Jordan_Uubuntu_, np07:55
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antknightif wobbly windows are possible, there should be 3d effects07:56
UbuntuServerUserwols I already created a partition, now I want to format it right? Thats what Panzer suggested07:56
paganjewantknight, why should it, 3d effect requires certain hardware that certain ubuntoors may not have07:56
leagrisantknight, may be you'd like to make your own set of beryl ubuntu styles and decorations?. Put a launchpad project and specifications, publish it and voila :)07:56
wolsUbuntuServerUser: yes. but /dev/hdb doesn't format a partition. it formats the whole disk. and that is bad (more or less)07:56
antknightleagris, I could make the 3d but I'm no programmer07:57
UbuntuServerUserwols I want to format the whole disk and then mount it into samba so I can share stuff and add stuff to it07:57
lO_osrwhat's better hplip or hpjips?07:57
leagrisantknight, just some decent designer work needed here07:57
antknightleagris, I'd be happy to help.07:57
wolsUbuntuServerUser: no you don't. you you did you wouldn't have made a partition. you want to fomrat a partition only07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hplip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
wols*if you did07:57
paganjewlO_osr, it depends on what printer you have installed07:58
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:58
lO_osrpaganjew: it's an allinone HP07:58
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paganjewlO_osr, including fax? is it a laser or inkjet?07:58
UbuntuServerUserwols ok so what I'm hearing you say is that I don't need to format. So whats my next step in mounting it to samba?07:58
someone2005I can't believe that...07:58
wolsUbuntuServerUser: your hearing is very faulty07:58
lO_osrpaganjew: not laser jet nor fax07:59
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leagrisantknight, If you'd have some nice SVG ubuntu logo replacing the boring beryl crystal on 3D cube caps, that may be a good start :)07:59
bunghey im on gnome-look, am i lookin for gtk1.x or 2.x themes for ubuntu 7.04 ?07:59
UbuntuServerUserwols what I need to do then?07:59
someone2005did I say I can't believe that ..Just curious...07:59
antknightleagris, I was thinking actual 3d but I'll see what I can do.07:59
kandinskidoes feisty fawn have good NTFS write support out of the box?07:59
wolsUbuntuServerUser: format the partition as I said07:59
paganjewlO_osr, use hplip it has a nice GUI07:59
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wolskandinski: you need to install ot08:00
UbuntuServerUserwols how might I do that through mkfs?08:00
wols!ntfs-3g | paganjew08:00
ubotupaganjew: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:00
paganjewlO_osr, or just install them both :)08:00
kandinskiI want to migrate a dual-booting laptop to a bigger hard disk, and I would have to DD the ntfs partition over to the new disk08:00
Jordan_Ubung, 2.x Try art.gnome.org also08:00
qnyclO_osr, you're going to want to run HPLIP Toolbox (hp-toolbox) to configure it, you'll need to install python-qt3 which isn't obvious (otherwise it just won't run)08:00
ubuntu_later all08:00
wolsUbuntuServerUser: what is the partition you made?08:00
paganjewlO_osr, they do not conflict08:00
antknightlater folks08:00
kandinskiwols, do you think that would work?08:00
UbuntuServerUserwols: a linux (83) on hdb08:00
qnyclO_osr, then just add the printer in there, it will take care of which driver08:00
someone2005deb able08:00
bungthanks Jordan_U08:00
wolskandinski: what would work?08:00
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kandinskiI want to migrate a dual-booting laptop to a bigger hard disk, and I would have to DD the ntfs partition over to the new disk08:01
wolsUbuntuServerUser: hdb is NOT the partition you made08:01
lO_osrthanks pals, we all can be friends in the end :'-))))08:01
wolskandinski: and?08:01
wolskandinski: what has that to do with ntfs support?08:01
kandinskiI would need ntfs support in order to be able to write it08:02
UbuntuServerUserwols : i did fdisk /dev/hdb then t then 83 so how I format that partition? If thats what your saying I need to do?08:02
wolskandinski: with dd?08:02
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: I asked you a question08:02
leagriskandinski, dd makes block copy, the NTFS would need somme fixing before beying usable on the new device.08:02
Jordan_Ukandinski, dd doesn't care about FS type08:02
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UbuntuServerUserwols I made a linux partition08:02
wolskandinski: after you use dd to copy the disk, run fixboot from a windows recovery console. but this is OT in here08:03
UbuntuServerUserim in CLI08:03
wolsUbuntuServerUser: I know that. what is the name of that partition?08:03
kandinskiwols: thanks, it is a dual boot disk after all08:03
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: do you know the distinction between "disk" and "partition"?08:03
UbuntuServerUserwols how Do I know the name?08:03
wolsUbuntuServerUser: you crated it08:03
UbuntuServerUserwols Yes but I wasn't aware I named it08:03
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wolsyou didn't name it, but it still has a name under which you access it08:04
kandinskiJordan_U: I see, DD can copy disks in filesystems that Ubuntu can't read or write?08:04
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leagriskandinski, used dd to move a Linux system to a new disk some time ago and EXT3FS needed some fixing before it worked because I used it on greater patition sizes. Though I found it the fastest way of moving08:04
wolskandinski: yes08:04
Jordan_Ukandinski, Yes, it just does a block copy08:04
newtubuntuI'm at a loss...08:04
mattycozehow many ppl use Dvorak keyboards?08:04
UbuntuServerUserwols I did exactly fdisk /dev/hdb then command t then 83 and it said "changed system type of partition 1 to 83 (linux_08:04
wolsnewtubuntu: about what exactly08:04
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paganjewmattycoze, what ever the amount more people should be08:05
newtubuntuI tried everything I found in docs and on google, nothing works, my X-Server won't start and I get all the gribbish text on a black screen then logon in command line08:05
wolsUbuntuServerUser: that doesn't create a partition. and you might have changed an existing (windows) partition to some other type. which might be bad08:05
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newtubuntuthis is uncomfortable for me...08:05
wolsUbuntuServerUser: use cfdisk I guess. better suited for you08:05
mattycozepaganjew is it easy to learn?08:05
selanitHiya.  I've just had a system crash, and I'd like to figure out what caused it.  It's a fully updated Kubuntu box.  I was editing an SVG document in Inkscape and listening to music in Amarok, with one Dolphin window open.  Then - the music became static and stopped, after which the keyboard and mouse were dead.  I couldn't log in via SSH, either.  I had a to do a hard reboot, which is annoying.  How can I track down the source of t08:05
selanithe error so I can file a bug report?08:05
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wolsnewtubuntu: I told you. you fscked up your nvidia install08:05
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, What GFX card and did it ever work?08:05
wols!nvidia | newtubuntu08:05
ubotunewtubuntu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:05
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UbuntuServerUserwols: all I see in here is hda1 and hda5 my ext3 and linux swap my second HDD isn't in here :(08:06
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wolsSelanit: possibly kern.log or syslog. but chances are slim. and if you use proprietary drivers (fglrx or nvidia) no one will or can help you anyways08:06
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: where?08:06
newtubuntuwols:  how and where did I ?  Do you suggest I re-install Ubuntu from scratch ?  If so, where can I make sure it will install my inVidia properly ?08:06
UbuntuServerUserwols cfdisk08:06
wolsUbuntuServerUser: cfdisk /dev/hdb08:07
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Selanitwols: Well, I'm using nvidia, and the system logs appear to be clean - so I guess I'm out of luck.08:07
wolsnewtubuntu: no I don't suggest a reinstall. this is not windows. fix your nvidia install. nvidia didn't install on its own08:07
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UbuntuServerUserwols ah now were getting somewhere...for some reason its still NTFS08:07
wolsnewtubuntu: and ubotu gave you a link08:07
UbuntuServerUserwols delete and create linux?08:07
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cyberalleyguycan anyone help me with a network install via my local mirror?08:07
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: I don't know what you want to do. and I won't hand hold you either. think for yourself. just a little tiny bit08:08
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mcquaidi only recently upgraded to fiesty. previously, i had two ubuntu boxes (one dapper, one edgy) using samba to share files08:08
newtubuntuwols:  I don't understand when people type:  !something | newtubuntu     where am I suppose to type this ?08:08
wols!ask | cyberalleyguy08:08
ubotucyberalleyguy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:08
mcquaidi since upgraded the edgy box and now samba only works one way08:08
wolsnewtubuntu: nowhere. ubotu told you something just after that ! line08:08
mcquaidthe feisty box can read the dapper box but not the other way around08:08
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UbuntuServerUserwhat does write partition to disk mean?08:09
wolsmcquaid: error messages are something awesome08:09
wolsUbuntuServerUser: it means to actually write changes to disk08:09
UbuntuServerUserdiff then formating?08:09
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: have you fomratted anywhere?08:09
cyberalleyguyi thought i did08:10
leagrisSelanit, doing crash probes and debuging require specially crafted and managed environment. There are few chances you can do it because so many components and special multitasking conditions may trigger a crash bug. You have a chance if the crash repeat and you can identify in which condition of use. By the way you could discuss it on the #kubuntu room and search the web and launchpad for an already exsisting reported bug.08:10
UbuntuServerUserjust changed type to linux08:10
UbuntuServerUserits now listed as linux08:10
mcquaidyes errors are awesome.  but just a pretty generic samba error of the network not being found08:10
wolsmcquaid: smbclient -L <ip of other machine>08:10
newtubuntuwols:  I know it's not windows, but IF I re-installed, would the be an easier way for me to make sure the nvidia will install properly ?08:11
UbuntuServerUseras hdb108:11
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wolsnewtubuntu: no08:11
wolsnewtubuntu: what did you do to install nvidia drives?08:11
newtubuntuwols:  nothing08:11
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wolsnewtubuntu: I don't believe you08:11
Selanitleagris: It's happened three or four times now.  I suspect the culprit is Inkscape, but I don't have any particular evidence or debug data.  Perhaps I should find out if Inkscape has a debug mode or something that will generate data when it fails.08:11
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wolsnewtubuntu: what exact ubuntu version?08:11
newtubuntuFeisty Fawn 7.04 32bits08:12
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, Did you get a message that Ubuntu was using restricted drivers?08:12
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leagrisnewtubuntu, using the proprietary driver manager in the System menu or installing nvidia-glx package that drag all required dependencies.08:12
wolsnewtubuntu: no ubuntu CD can ship with nvidia drivers cause it would be a GPL violation. which is why you have to install it optionally08:12
Jordan_Uwols, It can, and it does08:12
wolsnewtubuntu: die you use something like ency, automatix, or some other script?08:12
wolsJordan_U: how so?08:12
newtubuntuno but I tried fixing things up (5 minutes ago) with the Restricted Driver Manager (from the LiveCD), but it didn't change a thing08:12
wolsJordan_U: being a GPL violation and all...08:13
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newtubuntuno, I know nothing about those scripts08:13
Jordan_Uwols, It is not enabled by default, and it is arguable that it is not a GPL violation either way08:13
wolsJordan_U: it ships together with GPL software. GPL violation08:13
SelanitSigh.  Well, at least I saved shortly before the crash.  Saving is a Good Thing.(TM)08:13
wolsJordan_U: and it it's not enabled by default, he did install it somewhow by an action of his. no automatic install08:13
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newtubuntuhow do I get my nvidia information to know extacly what card I have and what driver to install ?08:14
SelanitThanks anyway, people.08:14
wols!nvidia | newtubuntu08:14
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ubotunewtubuntu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:14
UbuntuServerUserwhy does GPL matter and why not just make it easier for user so ubuntu can take over windows?08:14
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greatcaffeineIs there a working driver for 8800s yet?08:14
Jordan_Uwols, No, it is automatic, it warns you though and gives you the option of using it08:14
wolsUbuntuServerUser: cause without the GPL you wouldn't be allowed to use ubuntu or any other linux. copyright violation08:14
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mcquaidwols, one thing I notice from that is the workgroups are different08:14
wolsmcquaid: that usually does it the way you use ti08:15
wolsmcquaid: edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and restart samba08:15
mcquaidbut I believe that only effects windows08:15
tommy_Question: how much space (in mb) is needed to install ubuntu?, whats the minimum needed08:15
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UbuntuServerUser4 gigs08:15
Flanneltommy_: about 2GB08:15
wolsmcquaid: connection by IP of course still works08:15
Jordan_Uwols, The drivers don't link directly to the kernel, they use "open source" wrappers, it is a technicality but it is legal AFAIK08:15
mcquaidyes by ip is fine08:15
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wolstooth: google Ubuntu system requirements08:15
tommy_Can someone please name a distro that can fit on my 256mb usb?08:16
tommy_will xubuntu fit?08:16
ali1234tommy_: slax08:16
leagrisSelanit, a deadlock crash is rare and may be caused by bad hardware conditions as well. Editing SVG may require some parts of bad RAM, trigger AGP PCI-E race condition in communication... Wat you'd like to do is clean up other components as much as possible. Using reduced desktop environment or no desktop manager just plain Xwindow and just display Iknscape. Trying with different kind of SVG files ...08:16
wolsJordan_U: that doesn't matter. it ships prorpietary and non GPLed software as a bundly. big no no08:16
jettred2001how can I get more space on my computer08:16
Phrozen_Onehows Ubuntu's dev team coming on making easier to configure and use admin tools for common server duties such as file, print, dns, dhcp, etc. servers?08:16
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Jordan_Utommy_, DSL will fit in 5008:16
greatcaffeinetommy_: www.slackware.com08:16
nj786how do u open a .rar file?08:16
wolsJordan_U: and there are lots of kernel devs who dispute your interpretation. and they actually have a copyright on the kernel08:16
Flanneltommy_: probably not.  You'll want a liveCD based distro anyway.  Better liveCD experiences when your distro is geared for it08:16
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cyberalleyguywhere can i get some info on net install using a local mirror08:16
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, what os do u have installed08:16
wolsnj786: install unrar or unrar-nonfree08:16
nj786wols_, from?08:17
wolsgreatcaffeine: do not advertise other distros in here like that please08:17
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, operating systems08:17
wolsnj786: from your repos?08:17
tommy_alright then THANK YOU, you people are great!08:17
nj786wols, sorry repos?08:17
wolsnj786: where dou you install stuff from?08:17
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Jordan_Uwols, It is not my interpretation, I am just telling you why / how they are there, and they are there, there is no disputing that08:17
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, windows xp or ubuntu all alone08:17
imbecileok guys, no help in #azureus  .. can someone pleeeeeeeaaaassssseeeeee help me... ive been running into roadblocks all day  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27375/08:17
nj786wols, synaptic?08:18
greatcaffeineAnyone know if Nvidia has released a working 8800 driver yet?08:18
wolsJordan_U: as I said: some kernel devs differ and there is a dispute08:18
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, how many gigs on your HD08:18
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Jordan_Uwols, I know08:18
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newtubuntuwols:  I am sorry, this is beyond my competencies.  :(08:18
jettred2001825 total08:18
nj786wols, i am a newbie so sorry.....08:18
Phrozen_Onewhats the status on ease of use on administrating ubuntu server for different roles?08:18
newtubuntuI don't even understand what they are talking about08:18
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UbuntuServerUserPhrozen_one hard as hell08:18
VletmixHow can I get an icon for the trash and for my home folder on my desktop?08:19
FlannelPhrozen_One: Good?  The text is so pretty.08:19
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, 825 GIGS? why do u need MORE room?08:19
jettred2001no 8.508:19
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Jordan_Uimbecile, What version of Java are you running?08:19
oscar232Do the 8-series nvidia cards work with ubuntu?  Or is there a list of video cards from nvidia that are known to work?08:19
newtubuntuis there a way to probe my card to know PRECISELY what model number I have, then maybe I could find something on NVidia's Website ?08:19
Phrozen_Onewell as soon as *nix gets to a point where it has gui config tools for common server duties, there will be a wave of new users08:19
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, oh.  damn!  small.   what do u want your machine to be able to do?08:19
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jettred2001and I have 3.3mb08:19
wolsnewtubuntu: make at least an effort to install it. I won't do your work for you when you are lazy. have specific questions08:19
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wolsnj786: you install it from the same place like everything else08:20
ddonkyhow can i search my roomies windows share for a certain file?08:20
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, lspci08:20
greatcaffeineoscar232: Depends on what you need to do, really...  Mine is working with the basic "nv" driver right now, but I can't get a real nvidia driver to work.08:20
FlannelPhrozen_One: Servers generally don't run GUIs, because they're a waste of cycles.  As such, GUI administration utilities aren't exactly in high demand.08:20
jettred2001to play roller coaster tycoon08:20
Music_Shuffleoscar232, almost all do, pretty much.08:20
newtubuntuwols:  I'm not lazy, I don't have this competency!08:20
imbecileJordan_U,  all kinds of random packages.. i dont really know what im doing.. what ones do i need just for azureus and firefox? thats all i really need i suppose08:20
matasonHi, I have Ubuntu 7.04 on an IBM X31, I plugged in a usb keyboard last week (it's not plugged in now) and my laptop keyboard hasn't worked right since, the num lock light is on constantly, when I boot num lock is on, num lock comes on intermittently - any ideas how I can fix this?08:20
FlannelPhrozen_One: although, if you do want GUI stuff, there are some.08:20
Phrozen_OneFlannel, I understand that, but why not some type of remote admin utlity working over ssh08:20
wolsPhrozen_One: it will also be a time when the number of spamzombie servers dramatically increases08:20
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Jordan_Uimbecile, Remove blackdown java08:20
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oscar232I tried the 8600 this morning and it didn't work ... either with the nv or the nvidia driver08:20
leagrisVletmix, http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg10t16.htm08:20
wolsnewtubuntu: then acquire it. you acquire it by trying and reading documentation08:21
FlannelPhrozen_One: Because things like webmin are stupid.  But they do exist, unfortunately.08:21
navetscan anyone tell me a  good php debugger08:21
nj786wols, im guessing add/removie or synaptic?08:21
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, well, you COULD use partition magic to shrink the system.  that would give u some room08:21
UbuntuServerUserflannel remote GUI do they have it for WEB?08:21
wolsnj786: yes. which is the same thing08:21
matasonI should also mention I'm using Gnome08:21
UbuntuServerUserflannel why don't you like web admin?08:21
nj786wols, ok what do i type in synaptic?>08:21
someone2005ubuntu any good ?08:21
UbuntuServerUserssh is confusing hell out of me08:21
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wolsnj786: nothing. you read the documentation for synaptic so you can learn how to use it08:21
jettred2001how would I do that08:21
mcquaidwols, i changed both smb.confs to workgroup but one is still reporting HOME when doing smbclient -L08:21
oscar232All I need is beryl/compiz (no games), but I am also driving a 30" (apple cinema) display, so I need dual-dvi08:21
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, OR u could go by your local goodwill, pcfixx or other computer salvage/resale store and buy a larger HDD08:21
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wolsmcquaid: I said "and restart samba"08:21
oscar232(or rather, dual-link dvi)08:22
ali1234oscar232: the aiglx page has a compatibility list08:22
Jordan_U!synaptic | nj78608:22
oscar232thanks, ali08:22
ubotunj786: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:22
MISTERTibbsjettred2001, u can probably download partition magic or similar - google it08:22
wolsoscar232: what exact gf8 do you have?08:22
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jettred2001that would be easy if i had the money08:22
leagrisFlannel, webmin was good at times you'd like newbe admins to manage a remote Linux box server. Nowadays, I'd call Webmin a nightmare and security threat.08:22
wolsMISTERTibbs: no need for that08:22
wolsMISTERTibbs: and he'd have to pay for it08:22
FlannelPhrozen_One: With servers and configuration, editing text files is about as friendly as any GUI-sort of thing would be.  Since all you're doing is toggling/tweaking options.  Any GUI with adequate freedom/expression would be just as intimidating to GUI-people as a text file.08:22
MISTERTibbswols, suggestions??08:22
oscar232jettred2001 ... I left it at the office, but I think it was the 8600 gto08:22
mcquaidwols, yes restarted samba on both08:22
ddonkyi connected to it by samba, and its mounted on the desktop, but i want to see all mp3s by a certain artist08:22
wolsjettred2001: use gparted on the ubuntu live cd08:22
wolsmcquaid: how exactly?08:23
Flannelleagris: I think you mean UbuntuServerUser, but yes.  Read what he said, UbuntuServerUser.08:23
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Phrozen_OneFlannel, where I would appreciate gui utils is for things such as LDAP that are very intimidating08:23
nj786wols, can  install unrar and unrar free? and what is the difference between the two?08:23
mcquaidwols, /etc/init.d/samba restart08:23
nj786can i808:23
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matasonIt also happens cross application so it's not something specific to an appplication08:23
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MISTERTibbsjettred2001, DOH!  wols is so right.  i forgot gparted comes with the cd.  sorry08:23
randoman_hey guys what are all the packags I need installed to make and ./configure files08:23
wolsnj786: one is free the to other is not. non-free can use the latest rar archive vresions. the free one can't08:23
DjKoRn`!bin wifi08:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin wifi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
wolsrandoman_: build-essnetial08:23
wols!wireless | DjKoRn`08:24
ubotuDjKoRn`: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:24
DjKoRn`!bin hp pavilion dv600008:24
cman355!bin ispconfig08:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin ispconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:24
FlannelPhrozen_One: There are LDAP gui things.  Just like there are Mysql gui things.  They all run locally, and connect to remote hosts through the normal methods.  Those sorts of things aren't abnormal, nor are they 'configruing' usually, just data manipulation.08:24
wolsDjKoRn`: learn how to use the bot and I aleady told you where to look08:24
jettred2001ok hold on08:24
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wolscman355: there is no !bin.08:24
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randoman_man im a moron08:25
randoman_I though i installed that package08:25
randoman_but I guess not08:25
newtubuntuJordan_U ; wols:  could you have a look at my lspci pastebin:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27376/08:25
randoman_thanks man08:25
jettred2001so its a cd08:25
DjKoRn`learn.... hmm.. now how?08:25
wolsUbuntuServerUser: so do you have now a hdb1?08:25
randoman_dont i need to do ubuntu-restricted-extra08:25
wols!help | DjKoRn`08:25
ubotuDjKoRn`: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:25
newtubuntuwhat in this represents my video card model number ?08:25
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Jordan_U!compile | randoman_08:25
uboturandoman_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:25
GameSpotI have installed my new harddrive, it is located in media/storage08:25
wolsnewtubuntu: and?08:26
leagrisUbuntuServerUser, webmin is a huge set of plugins, CGI scripts quite hard to maintain and not always quite aware of proper ways of modifying configurations files according to the distribution Ubuntu rules. It is a potential source of remote exploits and so a security threat unless you know carefully what it is doing, what modules it uses, whou can use what functions and maintain it upt to date carefully.08:26
GameSpothow do i make a short cut to this harddrive on my desktop so i can add my music into it08:26
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!08:26
=== tyler446 [n=tyler446@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpotanyone here?08:26
wolsGameSpot: no, we are all aslepp08:26
tyler446I installed ubuntu 6.06 how can I change it to xubuntu 7.04?08:26
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GameSpothow do i make a short cut to my new harddrive on my desktop08:26
Flanneltyler446: did you just install 6.06?08:26
newtubuntuwols:  in the pastebin, what represents my card model number so I can know what driver to install ?08:26
GameSpoti just mounted it08:26
wolstyler446: upgrade to 6.10, then upgrade to 7.0408:26
tyler446flannel: yes08:27
UbuntuServerUserwols yes08:27
Flanneltyler446: If it's a fresh install, your shortest (time and bandwidth) is to download 7.04, and install that.08:27
wolsnewtubuntu: it's a geforce6 series card. all nvidia drivers currently in ubuntu will work for you08:27
tyler446flannel: I tried installing xubuntu-desktop but everything is all old and crappy08:27
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, nVidia Corporation C51 PCI Express Bridge (rev a2) <--- that is your GFX card08:27
UbuntuServerUserwols trying to mount samba server via smbfs08:27
UbuntuServerUsersamba share*08:27
wolsUbuntuServerUser: good08:27
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Flanneltyler446: If you want xubuntu, when you download 7.04, download xubuntu instead of ubuntu.  So you can do both in one fell swoop.08:27
newtubuntuwols:  I install any nvidia driver and it will work ?08:27
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tyler446flannel: I used instlux to install ubuntu because every other boot method will not work08:28
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wolsnewtubuntu: you can install the latest one in ubuntu08:28
UbuntuServerUser@ leagris thanks for info08:28
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Phrozen_Oneanyone in here have experience installing Ubuntu workstation images over the wire?08:28
Flanneltyler446: so, use instlux to install 7.04 too.  If you'd feel more comfortable upgrading, see the following link.08:28
cman355ubuntu on tap!08:28
Flannel!upgrade | tyler44608:28
ubotutyler446: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:28
wolsPhrozen_One: ask your real question08:28
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GameSpotis anyone here to help me08:28
tyler446flannel: can't it only has this available08:28
Jordan_U!anyone | GameSpot08:28
ubotuGameSpot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:28
Flanneltyler446: eh?  What?08:29
cman355Phrozen_one: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/02/21/ubuntu-draft-available-on-tap/08:29
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wolsFlannel: funny speak for "netinstall" I guess08:29
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Phrozen_Oneokay, anyone have a single sign on solution with ubuntu?08:29
GameSpotI installed a new harddrive, its mounted/in media, but when i try to add music, it says permission denied, you do not have access08:29
tyler446flannel: I did a net install of ubuntu 6.06 over top windows because cd, usb, floppy, and every other boot method doesn't work on this crappy laptop :)08:29
celvinAny body knows where ir seveas?08:30
leagrisPhrozen_One, nope, you could have a look at UDPcast if you need to install several Workkstation images via a LAN. Use multicast optimized transmission to duplicate disk images. Install one box, replicate it instantly to thouzands of box with on multicast transmitter.08:30
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:30
GameSpotwhy doesnt anyone help me08:30
GameSpotwhat did i do wrong08:30
Flanneltyler446: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows08:30
wols!patience | GameSpot08:30
ubotuGameSpot: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:30
GameSpotive been sitting here for the last 1 hour08:30
GameSpotis there really that long of a line08:30
jmak642can anyone point me to a reference on how to set mount points for my hard disks and how to get them to automount?  is it safe to just edit /etc/fstab still?  I see my primary partition /dev/sdc1 is commented out in there, so i got the sense that it would be a bad idea08:30
tyler446flannel: dude are you a bot?08:30
oscar232Anybody know how the NVIDIA 7-series compares to the 8-series for ubuntu/linux/beryl performance?  I can easily get 7xxx to work, but not 8xxx, and can't decide if it's worth the effort to try to get the 8xxx working08:30
Phrozen_OneGameSpot, please don't whine on IRC, it makes you look bad08:30
wolsjmak642: man fstab08:31
imbecileJordan_U,  heres the new pastebin of errors for it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27377/08:31
GameSpotPhrozen_One, like i care08:31
GameSpotirc isnt real life08:31
wolsjmak642: it's not commented out.08:31
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wols!uuid | jmak64208:31
ubotujmak642: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:31
celvinor any people can help me to INVITE ubotu to my IRC channel?08:31
Flannel!patience | GameSpot08:31
ubotuGameSpot: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:31
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Phrozen_OneGameSpot, always try to gain respect online, regardless of how pointless you may think it is08:31
GameSpotcan you help me08:31
imbecileGameSpot,  try 16 hours :/08:31
wolscelvin: will not work08:31
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cman355GameSpot try the forums yet?08:31
GameSpotFlannel - when i try to add music files to my new harddrive, it says permission denied08:31
Jordan_UGameSpot, Can you write to it with sudo?08:31
GameSpotits mounted08:32
GameSpothow would i do that08:32
UbuntuServerUserhow do I delete directorys via CLI?08:32
imbecileGameSpot,  you get more bees with honey08:32
Flannel!permissions | GameSpot08:32
ubotuGameSpot: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux08:32
wolsUbuntuServerUser: rm -rf <directory>. but careful :)08:32
GameSpothow would I copy a folder from desktop, into my new harddrive located in /media/storage08:32
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UbuntuServerUserthanks ;)08:32
wolsGameSpot: drag+drop it08:32
GameSpotit says persmission dnied08:32
jmak642so the #/dev/sdc1 is just a label for the uuid?08:32
Phrozen_OneGameSpot, thats a very nub question08:32
jmak642got it08:32
GameSpotit says permission denied, you cannot write to this oflder08:32
leagrisGameSpot, what fimesystem on your new harddrive?08:33
Phrozen_OneGameSpot, use sudo on the console08:33
wolsGameSpot: then you haven't set the permissions right on your mountpoint08:33
GameSpotits ext308:33
leagrisGameSpot, Filesystem08:33
celvinwols, whi?08:33
MISTERTibbsPhrozen_One, we all learn in our own time.  back off08:33
GameSpothow do i set persmissions08:33
GameSpotdo i use chown?08:33
Flannel!permissions | GameSpot08:33
ubotuGameSpot: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux08:33
imbecileGameSpot,  you can cut and paste the file08:33
Phrozen_OneMISTERTibbs, point taken08:33
leagrisGameSpot, whas this EXT3 filesystem created on the same box?08:33
GameSpoti cant, it says permission denied, you cannot write08:33
jmak642last question would be, can i set a mount point inside my home directory? like /home/jmak/Smut08:33
newtubuntuwols: my lack of knowledge is not for lack of effort. Look:   As of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) the recommended way to install the binary drivers is to use System  Administration  Restricted Devices Manager.08:33
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Jordan_Ujmak642, Yes08:33
FlannelGameSpot: READ the links ubotu gives you.  theyre informative, and you're attempting to learn linux, remember?08:33
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jmak642sweet, thanks folks08:33
newtubuntuI did this, from the LiveCD, but it doesn<t seem to apply to the HD system08:34
wolsnewtubuntu: good. now we're getting somewher. and what is your problem with that?08:34
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oscar232ubuntu 7.04 install, manual partitioning option is really strange:  it doesn't let you create large partitions.  Anybody else experience this?  I have a 500GB disk, tried to create a 8GB swap, and rest as '/', but it kept automatically reducing my desired '/' size to ~60GB... I ended up using the automatic partitioner, but this was weird because I have installed ubuntu 7.04 server many times and it always let me do what I wanted (jus08:34
GameSpotbasically, I have ubuntu on another HD, I added a new HD for storage and made a partition ext3. I mounted it and added it into media/storage08:34
helloyocan i determine what /dev/ location my usb connected phone is at?08:34
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GameSpotwhen I try to add files into it, it says permission denied, you cannot write08:34
MISTERTibbsFlannel, u mean we have to R T F M?  I AM shocked!  Almost too shocked for words!08:34
wolsnewtubuntu: why do you want to use nvidia on the livecd?08:34
Flannelnewtubuntu: Right. Whatever you install on the liveCD doesn't transfer to your real system, you'll have to reinstall them after install08:34
imbecilecan someone please help me? here is my azureus errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27377/    #azureus wont help me because they say its not an official release08:34
wols!permissions | GameSpot08:34
ubotuGameSpot: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux08:34
wolsGameSpot: set your permissions right on the mountpoint08:34
GameSpotjust tell me08:34
GameSpotits going to take like 5 secs08:34
FlannelMISTERTibbs: No, not rtfm.  That's not polite.08:34
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GameSpothow would i set the write permissions08:35
MISTERTibbsread the friendly manual08:35
wolsimbecile: what port does azureus want to listen on?08:35
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, You can however install from the LiveCD to your HD install with chroot08:35
newtubuntuwols:  THAT is my question, I don't find ANY information on how to install a driver after the install08:35
MISTERTibbsread the fine manaul08:35
imbecilewols, 6881 i believe08:35
wolsnewtubuntu: you just told me how to do it via restricted drivers. the live CD is not "installed08:35
MISTERTibbsFlannel, u must have a dirty mind, lol!08:35
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager ?08:35
wolsimbecile: sudo netstat -anp |grep LIST08:35
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gatenwhere do i change what application is launched when i press my little music key?08:36
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Flannel!mediakeys | gaten08:36
matasonIs there a way to tell which files are changed on plugging in a usb device?08:36
wolsnewtubuntu: you have ubuntu on your harrddisk installed and running?08:36
ubotugaten: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net08:36
leagrisGameSpot, EXT3 manages user rights using UID and GID. IF you plug some disk created with another system. UID and GID may not match your current user. You'd have to a) synk UID GID across systems or create some directory with proper UID GID and access rights on the new disk using a privileged user. Like with sudo on console or opening file manager with root privileges.08:36
mcquaidwols, it's weird it's still reporting home instead of workgroup.  /etc/init.d/samba restart should be sufficient, correct?08:36
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wolsnewtubuntu: if not: boot from it and on the commandline, log in and run "sudo dpkg-reconfiugre xserver-xorg." then run "startx"08:36
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wolsmcquaid: did you do it as root?08:37
gatenFlannel: actually i need to change the application it launces. the option is "launch media player", which launces rythm box. i want to launch banshee08:37
wolsmcquaid: then it does08:37
SkycloudI'm having a problem installing ndiswrapper, Whats a good pastebin so I can show you the errors I'm getting?08:37
imbecilewols, yeah its 6881. did you read my pastebin?08:37
wols!paste | Skycloud08:37
ubotuSkycloud: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:37
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mcquaidbut yet smbclient reports home08:37
newtubuntuJordan_U, wols:  Guys, I CAN'T do System Administration Restricted Drivers Manager::  I can't BOOT in graphic mode!  I'm here from the LiveCD.  All I get to is to the command line if I don't leave the CD in...08:37
wolsimbecile: I did. paste the 6881 line08:37
Flannel!away > ajmorris_|AFK08:37
oscar232anyone else have problems doing manual disk partitions for ubuntu desktop 7.04, with large hard disks?08:37
wolsnewtubuntu: i told you08:37
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someone2005whats the default Permission ?08:37
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coralinewhat's your umask?08:38
GameSpothow do i create user access to my new harddrive, should i use chown? its located in media/storage and it says i cannot write to it because permission is denied. thanks08:38
MISTERTibbsoscar232, I did 80 gigs no problems08:38
wolsnewtubuntu: in the dpkg-reconfigure UI choose either nv or vesa08:38
coralineman chown08:38
Flannelgaten: Well, check that menu first.  If it doesn't call Rhythm box directly, and launches something like "media-player" or something, let me know.  We'll go from there.08:38
coralineman chmod08:38
GameSpotwhat command would i type in man chown08:38
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oscar232mistertibbs ... it kept reducing the size down to about 60GB, but I wanted >400GB08:38
AusicaemiaI have yet another query, is there anyway to tell Ubuntu to stop resuming saved sessions?08:38
UbuntuServerUserVia CLI how do I see whats in a directory? Its not listed https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/basic-commands/C/ar01s03.html#id249761008:38
wolsGameSpot: none. you read what's written there08:38
oscar232I wonder if it has some weird heuristic about super large paritions08:38
wols!permissions | GameSpot08:38
ubotuGameSpot: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux08:38
MISTERTibbsoscar232, weird.  by any chance are u dual booting08:38
FlannelGameSpot: We've given you the answer.  We'e been giving you the answer all night, multiple times.  You're being belligerent and generally unpleasant.  Please stop.08:38
AusicaemiaI saved a session, and Ubuntu keeps resuming with that window/app configuration08:38
SkycloudAlright heres the problem I'm having when I try to install ndiswrapper, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27378/08:39
Ausicaemiaand I don't want it to, so is there a way to tell it to stop? Haha.08:39
oscar232not dual booting, but I did have 2 disks (each was 500GB)08:39
UbuntuServerUsergamespot, I had same problem and couldn't understand it08:39
UbuntuServerUserits not just you man08:39
mcquaidhmm, it seems workgroup  = blah doesn't actually change the workgroup, but the domain08:39
GameSpotso how do i fix it08:39
oscar232works fine with server install08:39
gatenFlannel: it says "Launch Media player". there is no option to define "media player"08:39
wolsSkycloud: why do you compile it yourself?08:39
oscar232just not desktop08:39
UbuntuServerUseridk never figured it out08:39
newtubuntuwols:  the instructions you are giving me are to be run from here (LiveCD) or from my command line when Ubuntu fails to boot X-Window ?08:39
nj786why do i have a folded paper icon for IE>08:39
Ausicaemiagamespot: Its probably a FSTAB problem.08:39
GameSpotthis channel is a joke, i come here for help, and everyone gives me links to more useless vocabulary terms i do not understand, i mean seriously, just help me and stop giving me 100s of links.08:39
wolsnewtubuntu: commandline08:39
oscar232I don't think I like the desktop install ... I'm going to try the alternate install tomorrow08:39
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Skycloudwols: I don't know another way to get it I tried wget ndiswrapper, but it wasn't there08:39
wolsAusicaemia: not with a ext3 partition08:40
MISTERTibbsoscar232, sorry.  i'm officially out of my depth with your issue08:40
wolsSkycloud: there is no wget08:40
coralineGameSpot: Linux is too complicated for you.  Use Windows or MacOS X.08:40
=== Sonda [n=sondaaa@p508BF2BB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolsSkycloud: ndiswrapper is in ubuntu08:40
AusicaemiaOh so his archive thing is an EXT3 partition?08:40
oscar232ok, no worries.08:40
imbecilewols, its not running right now so nothing is open08:40
Skycloudwols: I don't know the command, I can't remember08:40
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UbuntuServerUserSo much for ubuntu taking over windows08:40
Skycloudwols: it is??08:40
Jordan_U!patience | GameSpot08:40
ubotuGameSpot: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:40
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oscar232My guess is it uses a different partitioner program (or rather a wrapper program) for the desktop08:40
Flannelgaten: Er... the "Launch Media Player" isn't just a text for whatever the command is?  Interesting.  Um.  Oh.  It might be in gconf.  you'll want to install 'gconf-editor' and then run that, and look for where that might be.08:40
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MISTERTibbsditto what ubotu said08:40
Skycloudwols: when I try to use ndiswrapper command it says: Command not found08:40
gatenGameSpot: go hire a consultant08:40
wols!!packages | Skycloud08:40
ubotuSkycloud: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!08:40
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: What's that supposed to mean>?08:40
oscar232and maybe it has some kind of math error were it wasn't expecting big disks08:40
GameSpotim switching to fedora08:41
gatenFlannel: right, good idea. thanks08:41
GameSpotthis is ridiculous08:41
GameSpotno one helps08:41
comicinkerhelp! I have a problems with my services08:41
newtubuntuwols:  sorry to be anal, but will Terminal's command line in here do ?  Or I have to LEAVE the CD ?08:41
wolsimbecile: well, it said it cannot bind to socket. that is your error08:41
AusicaemiaLOL Fedora.08:41
coralineI did help.08:41
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osiris_GameSpot: Good luck with fedora heh08:41
coralineLinux is too complicated for you.08:41
AusicaemiaFedora is only useful for servers.08:41
coralineThere is no shame in that.08:41
wolsnewtubuntu: boot from hdd08:41
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:41
coralineBuy a book and read08:41
leagrisnewtubuntu, what you could do is boot your installed ubnuto without gfx. Login on console, do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select the nv (free nvidia gfx driver) then it will be able to load the gfx desktop. Doe a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart. Then while in the gfx mode again it will be easier for you to go to the restricted driver manager.08:41
AusicaemiaGameSpot: Not every question can be answered, and not every problem can be solved.08:41
coralineand in a few weeks, try again.08:41
osiris_GameSpot: Good luck with yum and RPM's heh08:41
GameSpotso your saying i cant host servers on desktop editiong08:41
GameSpotof ubuntu08:41
Jordan_UGameSpot, We are not paid to help you, I would have gladly held your hand throughout if I didn't think you could do it yourself of if you weren't so impolite08:41
imbecilewols,  is that why it doesnt open?08:41
coralinejust buy a book and learn more first.08:41
AusicaemiaGameSpot: Additionally, not everyone possesses the knowledge to solve everything.08:42
coralinethen try again.08:42
comicinkerthe entry for adminstrating services from my gnome panel disappeared08:42
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UbuntuServerUserWheres Linus?08:42
wolsimbecile: It seems so. als what ubuntu version do you run?08:42
AusicaemiaGameSpot: So stop whining, do some research yourself, and ask again later08:42
gatenGameSpot: yes you can host servers on desktop addition08:42
FlannelGameSpot: we said nothing of the sort.  Linux makes no distinction between "Desktops" or "Servers", they're all just programs.08:42
coralineLinux is very complicated and is not the right OS for everyone.08:42
AusicaemiaMaybe then somebody who knows can help you.08:42
MISTERTibbsUbuntu Linux for Dummies available at Amazon08:42
imbecilewols,  feisty08:42
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wolsAusicaemia: we told him multiple times where to look. he's just too lazy to read that08:42
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AusicaemiaFedora does make a stable server distro.08:42
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osiris_GameSpot: What's your problem?08:42
MISTERTibbsGoogle ubuntu ebooks for fre online books08:42
wolsimbecile: then why do you run java1.4?08:42
comicinkercan somebody help me with that problem?08:42
wols!java | imbecile08:42
ubotuimbecile: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre08:42
GameSpoti think im gonna switch to fedora core08:42
brad016how do you make a program run at startup?08:42
GameSpotit looks cooler08:42
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Ausicaemia^"Looks Cooler" hahahaha08:43
imbecilewols,  i dunno.. im a newb08:43
Skycloudwols: Thanks, I'm installing now08:43
FlannelGameSpot: Go ahead.  Linux is all about choice.08:43
AusicaemiaWow, my god.08:43
UbuntuServerUseranyone know how I can get a list of directorys in CLI ?08:43
wolsGameSpot: have fun08:43
randoman_man my computer is slow as shit for somereason08:43
GameSpotwhat would you suggest08:43
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wolsimbecile: read08:43
FlannelUbuntuServerUser: 'ls'? Or what do you mean?08:43
GameSpotubuntu, fedora, or mandrake08:43
Skycloudwols: So not many people compile from source code anymore then?08:43
GameSpotwhich is the best08:43
UbuntuServerUserdirectorys not files08:43
wolsUbuntuServerUser: man ls08:43
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oscar232UbuntuServerUser: "type ls"08:43
osiris_GameSpot: Ubuntu all the way!08:43
Jordan_U!best | GameSpot08:43
ubotuGameSpot: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:43
adrian_which ones better ubuntu or kubuntu08:43
FlannelGameSpot: The best thing you could do is to stop using enter for punctuation.08:43
oscar232UbuntuServerUser: type 'man ls'08:43
cman355I'm compiling right now08:43
GameSpotwhy is ubuntu better then fedora08:43
leagrisGameSpot, the best distribution is the one you are confortable to work with but it is off topic here.08:43
AusicaemiaGameSpot: It isn't.08:44
wolsSkycloud: rarely. cause making proper .debs is complicated, something many people can't. and the typicl ubuntu user certainly can't compile stuff08:44
brad016is fedora debian based08:44
GameSpoti tried fedora and it had more newer apps and better features08:44
gatenbrad016: no08:44
Jordan_Ubrad016, No, rpm08:44
osiris_brad016: No08:44
oscar232Are people happy with beryl?08:44
AusicaemiaGameSpot, But at the same time, Fedora isn't better than Ubuntu08:44
UbuntuServerUseroscar232 ls lists the files, I need a listing of directorys08:44
someone2005man ls08:44
GameSpoti dont get why more people like ubuntu, fedora has all newer apps, kernel, and has a lot more features08:44
brad016so in fedora you have to compile all you apps!08:44
UbuntuServerUsercompile apps? what a joke08:44
leagris!offtopic | gamespot08:44
ubotugamespot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:44
defryskGameSpot, /j #fedora08:44
AusicaemiaGameSpot: Compile your own apps and Kernel, its not hard.08:44
MISTERTibbsGameSpot, use what works for u.  switch over.  cya.  good luck.08:44
wolsbrad016: no08:44
oscar232then type 'find'08:44
UbuntuServerUserwhat is it 1988?08:44
osiris_GameSpot: What a load of bollocks08:44
gatenbrad016: no. rpm is similar to deb in idea08:45
oscar232find -t d08:45
FlannelUbuntuServerUser: directories are files.  But, try this `ls -al | grep drwx`08:45
AusicaemiaGameSpot, If you're not content with what is in the repositories, then compile yourself.08:45
MISTERTibbsoscar232, beyryl is eyecandy.  I don't use or need it.08:45
nj786does anybody know why i only see a folded page for the icon for IE08:45
comicinkercan somebody help me with that problem? I cannot add some items to the gnome adminstration panel because the selection deselect itself08:45
osiris_Ausicaemia: Well said.08:45
brad016Ausicaemia, ya but it is harder than double click and install08:45
cman355community!   I get faster more helpful support from the Ubuntu community than i did from SUSE or Fedora.08:45
AusicaemiaGameSpot, The packages that ARE in the repositories are there because they have been tested to work with the distributions.08:45
GameSpotosiris_ what does bollocks mean08:45
gatenGameSpot: if you want uber cutting edge and control, try gentoo08:45
brad016 how do you make a program run at startup?08:45
MISTERTibbscomicinker, are u working as root??08:45
AusicaemiaGameSpot, If they don't have the bleeding edge, then it hasn't been tested to work.08:45
Flannelbrad016: which startup? boot? or login?08:45
cman355yeah if you want rice get Gentoo08:45
osiris_GameSpot: It means i can smell the bullshit from here!.08:45
matasonWhat files affect keyboard configuration?08:45
GameSpotosiris_,  dont swear08:46
Flannel!session | brad01608:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about session - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
GameSpotim 12 yrs old08:46
GameSpotand dont like that language08:46
UbuntuServerUserFlannel I'm in root and ls isn't listing any directories, I need to get where my second HDD is stored08:46
wolsMetaBot: for console or X?08:46
imbecileGameSpot,  well one reason is ubuntu is easier to use.. heh go ahead and try fedora08:46
defryskGameSpot, then grow up08:46
Flannel!startup | brad01608:46
ubotubrad016: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:46
FlannelAlright guys, that sort of stuff is getting offtopic.  Please keep it ubuntu help related.08:46
comicinkerI am using the "change menu" command where no root privilegs are required08:46
oscar232sorry .. 'find -type d'08:46
brad016ubotu, thanks08:46
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:46
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comicinkerI thougt08:46
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GameSpotok if u guys can answer this question ill stick to ubuntu: how do i add access to my username so i can access my new harddrive and write files onto it, its in /media/storage - it gives me the error "permission denied, you cannot write"08:47
AusicaemiaGameSpot, People use Ubuntu because of a number of things. One of the largest support groups, excellent package management, regular releases, just overall a great package.08:47
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: Have you mounted it?08:47
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AusicaemiaGameSpot, Linux is more than just "new apps" and "cool features".08:47
UbuntuServerUserosiris_ i don't know08:47
UbuntuServerUserosiris_ I'm trying tomount this second hdd to samba so I can create files and shre them on it08:47
MISTERTibbsGameSpot, http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/314124_dellfolo03.html08:47
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: What file system does your second hd use?08:47
FlannelGameSpot: We've alread answered that.  Please stop asking.08:47
Jordan_UGameSpot, Do you think that you switching to another distro is some sort of threat?08:47
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GameSpoti will be leaving ubuntu08:47
UbuntuServerUserosiris_ linux 83 I partitioned it earlier08:47
GameSpotand switching to fedora08:47
leagrisGameSpot, do a ls -ld /media/mountpoint first to check permissions on the mountpoint08:48
AusicaemiaWell do it.08:48
GameSpotbtw, im a billionaire, but you guys probably dont care08:48
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Jordan_UGameSpot, That's great I hope you like it08:48
GameSpoteither way i just needed some help08:48
UbuntuServerUserIts bill!08:48
defryskGameSpot, good for you and /j #fedora08:48
AusicaemiaIts not like the team loses money or whatever.08:48
FlannelGameSpot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:48
DarkMageZGameSpot, "sudo chown -R (your username) /media/storage"08:48
MISTERTibbs12 year old billionairre?08:48
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osiris_Can someone kick him or what he's just spamming the channel with useless shi*t08:48
GameSpotdark MAGE08:48
GameSpotTHANK U08:48
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:48
GameSpotthats all i needed god damnit08:48
oscar232to find directories, type 'find -type d -maxdepth 1'08:48
GameSpotthank you darkmagez08:48
AusicaemiaGameSpot. Dude people linked you that shit like.. 10 minutes ago.08:48
AusicaemiaBut you didn't check it.08:49
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:49
AusicaemiaYeah, fair enough.08:49
elkbuntuFlannel, who?08:49
imbecilesomeone please help me with azureus.. #azureus is no help http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27379/08:49
AusicaemiaBut honest to god, hard to hold your tongue in this instance.08:49
GameSpotafter I use chown, do i have to enter a cmd to save the setting, or will it auto save08:49
Jordan_Uimbecile, Did you try removing blackdown java?08:49
GameSpoteven after i reboot08:49
oscar232Anybody try running 2 30-inch cinema displays on linux?08:50
comicinkerMISTERTibbs: and I can add programs and stuff like that, but I cannot ad the administrator shortcuts to the service administration08:50
imbecileJordan_U,  yeah i removed it08:50
DarkMageZGameSpot, those permissions are written to that harddrive.08:50
osiris_ls -la08:50
brad016oscar232, you got too much damn fuckin' money08:50
UbuntuServerUserosiris_ linux 83 I partitioned it earlier08:50
DarkMageZGameSpot, so next time you mount it. those permissions will be read in the same way.08:50
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gatenthus chan is gettin outta control08:50
GameSpotDarkMageZ is there a way to add a shortcut to that new harddrive on my desktop08:50
oscar232brad016: that's probably true ... but at least I'm putting it to a good use :)08:50
GameSpotso i can acess it from there?08:50
MISTERTibbscomicinker, i'm not sure u can manually do that.08:50
predaeus!ohmy | brad01608:50
ubotubrad016: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:50
Ausicaemiagaten, How so?08:51
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: cd /media08:51
=== leagris serve cooked wine with honey and canola to help bring more quite and kindness to the channel.
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brad016oscar232, ya linux IS always a good use of hardware08:51
gatenAusicaemia: swearing08:51
Jordan_Uimbecile, try: sudo update-alternatives --config java08:51
MISTERTibbscomicinker, i think service shortcuts are generated by the application once it's installed08:51
DarkMageZGameSpot, if you google on how to do a symlink. you'll probably find the answer. :)08:51
GameSpotso i have to do a symlink08:51
UbuntuServerUserosiris ah it wrked IM in now why wasn't that DIRECTORY listed when I did ls ???08:51
GameSpottheres no other way08:51
Ausicaemiagaten, Wow, 3 times in 5 minutes. Not really that much of a drama to be honest.08:51
oscar232Actually, I probably use more hardware than anybody in this room08:51
Jordan_Uimbecile, I think Azureus works best with gcj but I am not sure08:51
oscar232(for actual computation)08:51
DarkMageZGameSpot, that's how i'd personally do it. i'm sure there are other ways. but none that i know of.08:51
comicinkerok, thanks. things are going fast here. it very exhausting to follow the chat... sorry08:51
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gatenAusicaemia: im not starting another war08:52
UbuntuServerUserosiris_ ah it wrked IM in now why wasn't that DIRECTORY listed when I did ls ???08:52
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: You prob wasn't in the right location to start with.08:52
Ausicaemiagaten, Either am I. Just really not "out of control".08:52
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GameSpotthats a joke08:52
GameSpoti have to use symlink just to access my other hd08:52
imbecileJordan_U,     3    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java?08:52
UbuntuServerUserosiris_ why you have that _ in your name08:52
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: Its my tail08:52
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UbuntuServerUserosiris_ no I was at /root08:53
brad016can you use an Apple AirPort wireless thing in ubuntu?08:53
Jordan_Uimbecile, That might work, I am not sure what version is best for Azureus08:53
UbuntuServerUserit was listing it08:53
DarkMageZGameSpot, symlinks are basically equal to windows's shortcuts...08:53
Jordan_Ubrad016, sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter08:53
AusicaemiaRight, I have yet another query, is there anyway to tell Ubuntu to stop resuming saved sessions?08:53
leagrisvecnah, yoo, here Bubulle. I guess we met somewhere else :)08:53
brad016Jordan_U, nice, quick answers08:53
predaeusGameSpot, just add a shortcut/starter for "nautilus location/of/harddrive"08:53
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: As long as you can access it now :)08:53
MISTERTibbsbrad016, yes.  there's a wiki for it somewhere08:53
brad016MISTERTibbs, cool08:53
UbuntuServerUserosiris_ true.....ok now I'm in here only thing listed is cdrom and cdrom0 (I ONLY Have one cd drive???) so where is hdb?08:54
predaeusno need to symlink to Desktop08:54
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someone2005yea sure ?08:54
GameSpotis this that right cmd for symlink:08:54
osiris_UbuntuServerUser: Is it an IDE drive?08:54
UbuntuServerUseryes slave08:55
wolsUbuntuServerUser: you make a directory08:55
imbecileJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27380/08:55
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DarkMageZGameSpot, predaeus has a better idea :)08:55
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predaeusGameSpot, right click on Desktop, select create starter or whatever it is called (sorry I am not in Gnome right now and can not check) and enter "nautilus path/to/my/hd" as program to execute08:55
UbuntuServerUserI have to make a directory for a HDD? man this is weird why isn't this already done?08:55
adrian__are there any aviation rooms/08:55
brad016Jordan_U, it came up with some devil-ish Windows-like installation08:56
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Jordan_Uimbecile, Try gij08:56
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: cause linux doesn't have silly drive letters08:56
GameSpotdo you mean create launcher predaeus08:56
MISTERTibbs  adrian_ aviation ubunutu???08:56
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brad016Jordan_U, I'm affraid to go any further, does it like run in wine?08:56
imbecileJordan_U,  i dont know how to08:56
predaeusGameSpot, yes08:56
GameSpotso i would type this08:56
leagris!flightgear | adrian__08:56
FlannelUbuntuServerUser: You make a directory whereever you'd like it.  And, the harddrive (and it's partitions) already exist.  But you still need to mount them places for them to be in your tree usable/etc.08:56
Jordan_Ubrad016, what?08:56
GameSpotnautilus /media/storage08:56
oscar232UbuntuServerUser:  Each disk has to be mounted at a mount-point, so it becomes part of the singly-rooted directory tree08:56
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predaeusGameSpot, yes08:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flightgear - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keybindings - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:56
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net08:57
Ademananyone know of some programs that can play aif files? apple audio files i guess08:57
brad016Jordan_U, in the terminal " sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter" it has a windows-like installation windows08:57
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Jordan_Uimbecile, select "1"08:57
predaeusGameSpot, nautilus is the Gnome file manager. If the drive is mounted at that location and accessible by your user, it should work08:57
oscar232UbuntuServerUser:  This is actually much more elegant than windows because there is one globally unique hierarchy08:57
UbuntuServerUserflannel, oscar, I understand now, OK I made a directory called "server"08:57
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brad016Jordan_U, nev-mind08:57
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UbuntuServerUseryes that make sense08:57
GameSpotit works08:57
Jordan_Ubrad016, Yea, it looks better if you install the package from synaptic08:57
RAHdoes anyone know about the black window problem you get when using Compiz?08:57
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predaeusgaten, don't mess with the bot please, ask it in private if you have any personal questions08:57
Bogaurdis the mail notification utility that comes with gnome capable of checking multiple imap folders at once?08:57
wols!effects | RAH08:57
ubotuRAH: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects08:57
FlannelRAH: #ubuntu-effects for eyecandy help.08:57
GameSpotway better then DarkMageZ  retarded idea08:57
predaeusgaten, like "/msg ubotu myquestoin"08:58
RAHlol shot08:58
oscar232Yeah, RAH, that's a problem I was getting for a while ... I'll find the link to fix ...08:58
cman355!language | GameSpot08:58
ubotuGameSpot: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:58
brad016Jordan_U, but will it work the same if it installs from the terminal?08:58
gatenpredaeus: k. thx08:58
michael_mcan someone help me with a ata...bus error08:58
Jordan_Ubrad016, Yup08:58
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wolsmichael_m: paste it in a pastebin08:58
GameSpotmichael_m, yes i can help you, as long as your not korean08:58
brad016Jordan_U, cool08:58
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michael_mk lol08:58
imbecileJordan_U,  you are my hero08:58
osiris_GameSpot: Please dont mock peoples answers, you have come here for help the people in here dont *have* to help you at all.08:58
oscar232the black window problem is caused by some kind of running-out-of-memory problem08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about racism - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
Flannel!coc | GameSpot08:58
ubotuGameSpot: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/08:58
Jordan_Ubrad016, Synaptic is basically a front end to apt-get / dpkg08:58
Jordan_Uimbecile, :)08:59
FlannelGameSpot: read it.  Know it.  It applies in this channel.08:59
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GameSpoti will waste 10 mins of my life reading it08:59
brad016Jordan_U, but apt-get dpkg is only if the packed is on the local filesystem08:59
UbuntuServerUser flannel, oscar, I understand now, OK I made a directory called "server" what do I do next?08:59
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GameSpot!enter | Flannel08:59
ubotuFlannel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:59
wolsbrad016: no. apt-get can download stuff. dpkg can't08:59
Jordan_Ubrad016, apt-get uses dpkg, and it downloads the packages just like synaptic09:00
imbecileJordan_U,  17 hours and many problems ive been asking questions on and this is the first one that actually worked09:00
michael_mthis shows up when i run the command dmesg. i think its causing a very slow boot also.   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27381/09:00
oscar232UbuntuServerUser, I mised the first part of your question ... do you have a hdd that is already formatted and you want to mount it?09:00
wols!permissions UbuntuServerUser09:00
FlannelUbuntuServerUser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount That'll get you up to speed, on commands, and theory, and stuff.09:00
wolscheck it has the proper permissions/owner09:00
oscar232Or do you still need to format/partition it?09:00
UbuntuServerUserno thats done09:00
comicinkerby starting "sudo services-admin" happens exactly nothing. can somebody help?09:00
imbecileJordan_U,  thank you very much09:00
Jordan_Uimbecile, np :)09:00
UbuntuServerUseroscar232 spent last hour figuring that out09:00
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brad016Jordan_U, when i install something i use sudo apt-get install "Package name"09:00
oscar232Do you know the '/dev' name for the hdd?09:00
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michael_mGameSpot: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27381/09:00
UbuntuServerUserYou goign to walk me through or can I read this mounjting guide?09:01
michael_mwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27381/09:01
Ademanany way to make synaptic automatically (or prompt you) to remove newly undepended packages? (i believe adept works like that)09:01
FlannelUbuntuServerUser: hdb is the drive.  (/dev/hdb) but its on a partition, not a drive.  (probably /dev/hdb1)09:01
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comicinkercan somebody help? by starting "sudo services-admin" happens exactly nothing.09:01
oscar232ok, then you want to issue:  mount /dev/hdb /disk (or wherever you want it to live)09:01
MISTERTibbsAdeman, apt-get autoremove will remove orphaned files09:01
FlannelUbuntuServerUser: that mounting guide should be all you need.  It's really good.  If you have further questions/whatever, feel free to ask.09:02
oscar232oh yeah ... you want /dev/hdb1 or whatever09:02
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FlannelUbuntuServerUser: and better yet, you'll know what you're doing as well as how to do it. Instead of just "now paste this command"09:02
oscar232/dev/hdb represents the block-device, but you want the specific partition09:02
imbecileJordan_U,  now i get drunk and play video games.. thanks again09:02
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someone2005huh ?09:03
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oscar232check out /etc/fstab as well09:03
UbuntuServerUserFlannel, oscar232 (yes I understand I actually read unlike some people) OK so let me get this straight. I created a directory called server under /media which I'm going to mount to share. However under /dev I see two hdb directories, one hdb then another hdb109:03
oscar232you want the hdb109:03
=== imbecile has a borked fstab :(
oscar232the hdb represents the entire block-device, but the hdb1 represents the first partition in that, which is what you want to mount09:04
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FlannelUbuntuServerUser: /media/server is your mountpoint (where you're mounting your new partition), in /dev/ hdb is the ENTIRE disk (physical drive), hdb1 is the first partition on that disk.09:04
ZappattaI've just used gparted off the live disc to free 2GB out of an ntfs partion. Now I want to add those two gigabytes to an ext3 partition. But when I try to resize it, I can only set it new size to a lower value. Anybody knows why?09:04
Jordan_UUbuntuServerUser, hdb is the drive, hdb1 is the first partition on that drive09:04
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UbuntuServerUsercan I mount hdb?09:04
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FlannelZappatta: you can only move the foot of ext3 drives.  How big is the current one?  (and how much data does it have on it)09:04
UbuntuServerUserignore that question I always need a partition09:05
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UbuntuServerUserOK thanks letme read this mounting guide...BTW i have to do this anyway even if I'm going to samba share it right?09:05
oscar232YOu can't mount hdb because it's not a recognizable linux file system ... you need to mount the portion of that device that is actually formatted (as ext3 or whatever)09:05
UbuntuServerUserYes I figured tht out09:05
ZappattaFlannel, its 3.83GB bit. Has 470MB free.09:05
abhihi i'm facing a strange problem with edgy eft when my net connection at office does not work. edgy eft takes long time to start up after i log in from GDM. any idea how to stop this?09:05
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comicinkercan somebody help me? I cannot start any service anymore09:05
abhieven my other programs run slowly09:05
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randoman_anyone know why im getting this09:06
randoman_warning: failed to load external entity "/schemas.xslt"09:06
abhiit takes me very long time to start even a simple terminal09:06
ZappattaFlannel, the position of the free space is on the disk is right before the ext3 partition I want to resize.09:06
FlannelZappatta: ah.  That's no good.  If your Existing one was say... 2GB, you could do some fancy footwork to make them all one partition.09:06
Jordan_Uabhi, Any reason you aren't running Feisty?09:06
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oscar232abhi ... are you using a distributed authentication mechanism?09:06
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abhiJordan_U: I'm happy using eft09:06
abhioscar232: NO IDEA09:06
michael_mcan someone help me (ata...bus error i think???)     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27381/09:06
someone2005progress huh09:06
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oscar232Did you install the machine yourself, or was it installed as part of a corporation?09:06
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abhioscar232: i installed it myself09:07
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oscar232Then the problem is likely related to .... 1) disk problems, 2) network problems09:07
FlannelZappatta: right.  You can only expand ext3 backwards.  Do you have additional room on your large partition (that you shrunk by 2GB) to temporarily play around?  (say... 4 more GB?)09:07
ZappattaFlannel, Well my other option would be to create a new ext3 partition and move the /home mountpoint there. Wouldn't it?09:07
abhioscar232: it got hold of all the ip etc from our dhcp server09:07
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abhioscar232: yes it's a network problem09:07
oscar232do you have any kind of networking problems once things start?09:07
FlannelZappatta: yes.  You can move /home to it's own partition (and acutally, that's generally a good idea anyway)09:07
oscar232can you do nslookups?09:07
oscar232It's probably a dns problem09:08
ZappattaFlannel, Yeah. i have 13 GB more of free space to play with.09:08
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abhioscar232: wait09:08
oscar232Check /etc/resolve.conf09:08
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oscar232you may have 2 dns servers, one bad one that times out09:08
michael_mcan someone help me (ata...bus error i think???)     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27381/09:08
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shadowimmageI'm having a big problem with my wireless card... in lspci it doesn't come up, but I see 2 cardbus bridges09:08
oscar232that's the most likely problem09:08
abhioscar232: wait09:08
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abhiabhi: dns is of the ISP09:09
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oscar232does it list more than 1 dns server?09:09
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ZappattaFlannel, it is a good idea. But space is more of an issue for me than having thing set up correctly. Not sure how much space I can free by that...09:09
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FlannelZappatta: well, I'll explain what all you'd be doing, if you wanted to.  Shrink it by 4 more, take four of that six (the "temporary" four) and make that a partition, then move all your stuff (from your current 3.8 drive) onto thta four.  Then remove that partition (the 3.8) and then you now have 2+3.8 of freespace, make that into a 5.8, move the stuff from the 4 to that 5.8 and then remove the 4 (put back to the big partition)09:09
randoman_so anyone know how to fix this09:09
randoman_warning: failed to load external entity "/schemas.xslt"09:09
randoman_cannot parse /schemas.xslt09:09
aroonihelp!  i just installed nvidia drivers, and now x window system won't boot :( (ubuntu 7.04)09:09
oscar232abhi ... once you are logged in, does it work fine?09:10
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UbuntuServerUserBTW i have to mount drives anyway  to media/server even if I'm going to samba share it right?09:10
aroonii'm getting error:  (WW) NVIDIA: No matching Device serction for instance (BUSID PCI:1:0:0) (EE) No devices detected09:10
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arooniany ideas09:10
FlannelZappatta: `du -hc /home` and read the last line09:10
oscar232arooni: switch back to 'nv'09:11
aroonioscar232: how do i do that?09:11
aroonii do have a nvidia fx card installed09:11
aroonipromise ;p09:11
oscar232vi (or emacs) /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and replace 'nvidia' with 'nv'09:11
oscar232arooni, which card do you have?09:12
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aroonioscar232: nvidia fx 520009:12
arooni256mb ram09:12
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oscar232arooni, check /var/log/xorg.0.log09:12
comicinkerhelp! sudo soesn't work anymore09:12
oscar232see if there is an error message09:12
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comicinkerhelp! sudo doesn't work anymore09:13
FlannelZappatta: also, if you're looking to save space, (especially if you're going to be moving everything around), `sudo apt-get autoclean` will remove all the old packages you've downloaded (ones that are obsolete), `sudo apt-get clean` will remove all of your package cache.09:13
abhi_oscar232: the DNS servers are of the ISP09:13
abhi_oscar232: on top i have the domain name of our netwrk09:13
Flannel!doesntwork | comicinker09:13
ubotucomicinker: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.09:13
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aroonioscar232: i dont have a xorg log file09:13
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ZappattaFlannel, 209332. Is that in Kilobytes?09:13
abhi_oscar232: how do i make sure edgy does not slow down whether my internet connection is up or down?09:13
aroonibut i do have an Xorg.0.log ;p09:13
UbuntuServerUserHey you guys I mounted my drive!!!! I think it worked!!09:13
FlannelZappatta: er, looks like you forgot the -h?09:13
abhi_oscar232: i don't want it to get sluggish whenever my net connection goes down09:14
abhi_oscar232: what should i do?09:14
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Zappattaoh yeah09:14
comicinkeruboto: if I try to ececute a program as sudo exactly nothing happens09:14
ZappattaFlannel, 205m09:14
aroonioscar232: error was:  "No devices detected"09:14
k0d3rHey guys :) Who can help me with  route? plz...09:14
oscar232abhi ... it's hard to make a general answer... it kinds of depends on what is failing with your network09:14
oscar232if it's dns, you can try adding '/etc/hosts' entries for things you visit a lot09:14
Flannelcomicinker: try `sudo -K` on it's own line.  Then see if it works again.09:14
aroonioscar232: also in log file there is:  'Nvidia; no matching device section for instance (BUSId PCI:1:0:0) found09:15
oscar232if you are using nfs, then it's going to be slow regardless09:15
pinkspartanHi folks, never used the irc before but I'm having issues, my sound output works just fine on my ubuntu install but I can't get my microphone to work at all. it works in windows just fine, but not in ubuntu....any help ?09:15
UbuntuServerUserwill my mount stay on after restart?09:15
chrisnz_Newbie - using ubuntu 7.04 - how to install the .deb file for a brother printer MFC 215c - So close I can smell it!!  Help!09:15
abhi_oscar232: no i'm not using nfs09:15
comicinkerResult: simeon is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.09:15
ZappattaFlannel, I guess i could free an extra 500MB for the home dir. then move the rest the a new bigger partion. Solve both problems. Any tips to prevent me from messing up the mount points?09:15
FlannelZappatta: so, most of your space isn't taken up by your homedir.  If you want, you can do it ... Oh, you know what?  Feisty has a graphical disk usage... doohickey.09:15
comicinkermy login name is simeon09:15
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Flannelcomicinker: ah.  Well, there you go.  Was your user originally?  Did you try and edit your sudoers?09:16
fritzmy windows xp service pack 2 won't connect 2 the internet. a;though in control panel i checked and the connection is good, even ran a cmd ipconfig and got a network adress...so i'm quite puzzled why it doesen't connect09:16
UbuntuServerUserWhat is lost+found09:16
oscar232abhi, if you installed ubuntu yourself (so you don't need to contact a remote authentication/directory server, etc to get access keys, etc), and if you don't have any mounted remote file systems, then I'm not sure why it's slow unless you issue a network-command09:16
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FlannelZappatta: it's pretty and round and graphical.  You'll be able to know what's sucking up the most space.  Even if you can't do anything about it.09:16
comicinkerwell, I tried to add a new user, but simeon is the initial user and it worked in the beginning09:16
abhi_oscar232: it takes long time to load even a terminal09:16
aroonioscar232: ok so i replaced 'nvidia' with 'nv' in the xorg conf file and now i'm restarting09:17
Flannelcomicinker: What did you do to add the new user?09:17
shadowimmagedoes anyone here know how to fix my wifi card problem? I can't get it to work properly... it sees networks, but as soon as I try connecting to something, it dies.09:17
ZappattaFlannel, already used that. Seems like I can't really do anything about it. When i intalled feisty I didn't plan for it to become my primarily used OS, but now it is. I figure its worth allocating more disk space to :)09:18
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aroonioscar232: so i did that and now my error is :  "(WW) NV: No matching Devicer section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:0) found ... (EE)  no devices detected)"  ... ideas?09:18
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abhi_oscar232: and it even takes long time to load simple applications09:19
abhi_oscar232: it just slows down :(09:19
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oscar232abhi ... it sounds like it's not a networking problem.  It sounds like a bad hard disk. Have you checked /var/log/messages09:19
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abhi_oscar232: bad hard disK?09:19
abhi_oscar232: it's a brand new hard disk09:19
comicinkerFlannel: well, I tried to add a new user recently, but simeon is the initial user and it worked in the beginning (for 2 months)09:19
abhi_oscar232:  and i get this problem only when my net connection / my gateway goes down09:19
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oscar232I have seen similar behavior before with bad hard disks .09:19
oscar232only when you net goes down09:19
pinkspartananyone here using the A8n-sli deluxe motherboard and had issues with the microphone ?09:19
abhi_oscar232: only when my net goes down09:19
abhi_oscar232: but once it's up09:19
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oscar232bizarre ...09:19
abhi_oscar232: it works fine09:19
comicinkerFlannel: so I have to correct the user and the groups maybe09:19
oscar232what commands are you running?  just opening terminals?09:19
FlannelZappatta: right.  Well, it's not uncommon to reinstall after you've gotten used to stuff.  That's one reason why having /home on it's own is handy.  Also, most of the time, the majority of your system doesn't get hat much better, it's mostly /home that expands.09:19
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aroonioscar232: any other suggestinos to get x back up?09:19
comicinkeri executed the user administration tool in the administration panel09:19
FlannelZappatta: Home on it's own partition is useful, because when you reinstall (for whatever reason) you just mount /home, without formatting it.  So you don't lose any personal data.09:20
comicinkerthen I added the a user "networking" and set the password09:20
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oscar232arooni ... hmm, usually nv is the "generic" fallback (i.e. it's the open-source alternative to teh closed-source nvidia, and it tends to work in more situations, but without the hardware acceleration. I'm not sure why it can't be found)09:20
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baboI've messed up my ethernet interface, everything worked fine till I started messing with it. Now I get "could not find information on interface eth1:avahi in /proc/net/dev". The interface seems to be there in /proc/net/dev but it loses 100% of it's packets. In 'ifconfig /all' I get "error fetching interface information, device not found" :-( can anyone help ?09:20
oscar232arooni ... you may want to put the xorg.conf file back the way it was, and the do an apt-get to uninstall the nvidia driver09:20
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comicinkerFanell: thats all09:21
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Flannelcomicinker: What did you do to add the user?  GUI or command line?09:21
aroonioscar232: really?  that means i cant run nvidia drivers?09:21
kingcobrawhat yo all into09:21
comicinkerFlannel: the GUI09:21
abhi_Flannel: u have any idea why i'm facing this strange problem?09:21
oscar232arooni ... I'm not saying that ...09:21
kingcobrahow about just running vista lmfao09:21
oscar232arooni .. there are a ton of options you can pass to the nvidia driver tha tmight fix your problem09:21
Flannelcomicinker: hmm.  Alright.  That's odd.  Go to a terminal, and type `groups`  What does it spit back at you?09:21
predaeus!offtopic | kingcobra09:21
ubotukingcobra: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:21
ZappattaFlannel, I don't think I have time to reinstall right now. But i think I can reallocate more space & copy home dir to its own partition.09:21
oscar232YOu shoudl play around with nvidia-xconfig09:21
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oscar232it has ways to generate xorg.conf files and to probe your device09:22
comicinkerthit shows me "simeon"09:22
kingcobrai was jsut messing09:22
aroonioscar232: but dont i have to keep drivers installed to do that?09:22
abhi_oscar232: u think it's got something do to with IPv6?09:22
aroonioscar232: and how to i put xorg file back to 'way it was'09:22
comicinkerFlannel: it shows me "simeon"09:22
aroonicuz i dont know how it was to start09:22
oscar232arooni ... yeah, I was just giving you a failback to get it to the state it was in earlier09:22
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FlannelZappatta: Right.  I imagine for the time being your install will be fine.  3.8 - 200, you'll have half a gig left for system stuffs.  Then you'll have a 2GB /home folder.09:23
oscar232arooni ... sorry,when I said "change nvidia to nv" and that didn't work, I was just saying change it back to "nvidia" again09:23
Flannelcomicinker: and thats... it?09:23
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aroonioscar232: but xorg didnt work with nvidia either :(09:23
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oscar232arooni ... but play with nvidia-xconfig ... it has commands to see if the card can be detected09:23
comicinkerFlannel: a  "sudo groups" shows me nothing09:24
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Flannelcomicinker: I see.  Well, you've somehow managed to remove yourself from a whole lot of groups.  Most of the ones you need to be in to do anything.  Get a piece of paper, or something.  And write this down, since you're going to need to reboot to run this command.09:24
oscar232do 'man nvidia-xconfig'09:24
ZappattaFlannel, let me just recap on what I'm going to do. 1. Create a new 6GB ext3 partition, copy old 4GB partition there. 2. Create a new 500MB partition, copy /home there. 3. delete OLD 4GB ext3 partition, add free space to old NTFS partition. 4. edit /etc/fstab. set the / mount point to new 6GB partition. set /home mount point to new 0.5GB parition. right? :)09:24
predaeusarooni, if X will not start and no other driver works, use "vesa" as a backup it is the minimal fallback driver09:24
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oscar232for exampe:  nviida-xconfig --probe-all-gpus09:24
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comicinkerI'm ready09:25
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SkycloudWhats the command to see wireless internet cards? its like ifconfig but not09:25
Flannelcomicinker: your username is "simeon", right?09:25
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MISTERTibbsSkycloud, iwconfig09:25
vzduchZappatta: are you sure that 500 MB /home is enough?09:25
SkycloudMISTERTibbs: thanks09:25
MISTERTibbsSkycloud, np.  run man iwconfig for details09:25
aroonipredaeus: can i restart x without having to reboot machine?09:26
arooniif so how?09:26
Flannelcomicinker: actually, it might be easier to save this to a textfile in your homedir, and then copy/paste.09:26
Flannelarooni: ctrl-alt-backspace09:26
oscar232arooni:  you can do ctrl-alt-backspace09:26
Zappattavzduch, under the limitations I have, yeah. right now its taking 200mb.09:26
Flannelcomicinker: usermod -G adm, dialout, cdrom, floppy, audio, dip, video, plugdev, lpadmin, scanner, admin -a simeon09:26
abhi_oscar232: i sometimes get this message after a long time of logging in from GDM and into GNOME it says HAL Failed09:26
abhi_oscar232: this happens when my gateway goes down09:26
arooniFlannel: nothing happend when i tried that09:26
aroonidoes that mean x didnt want to load09:26
Flannelcomicinker: that's the command you need to run.  However, you need to do some special stuff to get to the point where you can run that.09:26
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Flannelarooni: is this not in X when you do it?09:26
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arooniFlannel:  right its command line09:27
aroonii mean not x, i cant get x to load :(09:27
comicinkerFlannel: so I need i live cd09:27
ZappattaI save most media, which takes most space, on my NTFS partition.09:27
Flannelcomicinker: You need to reboot, then at GRUB (which is riht after your post screen), you need to select "recvery mode"09:27
Flannelcomicinker: no no no.09:27
Flannelcomicinker: if you don't see a grub menu, you need to hit "escape" to see it.09:27
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zs6jceHi guys, i`m new to Ubuntu, and have 1Q? IS the "NTFS-Cong Tool" Stable/Trustable and Usable.09:28
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Flannelcomicinker: Then select recovery mdoe, and then run that command.  Then you should be ok.09:28
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Flannelzs6jce: yes09:28
comicinkerI see the boot menu. but if I cannot login as a root, nor cannot use the sudo command, how can I be able to execute that command?09:28
osiris_zs6jce: Yes i have been using it for a while now.09:28
zs6jceThanks alot09:29
ZappattaFlannel, I would probably have to set grub again to use the new partition. Wouldn't I?09:29
Flannelcomicinker: You select, at the grub menu, the "recovery mode", which gives you a root prompt. (and only a terminal)09:29
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comicinkerzs6jce: yes09:29
FlannelZappatta: You're reusing the same partition for everythign except home, right?09:29
comicinkerFlannel: password required09:29
oscar232abhi: I'm not sure what the problem is, but it realy sounds like you have a remote-file system mounted somewhere.  Either than or it's trying to contact a kerberos server, but you have already said that you installed it yourself09:29
zs6jcethank you going to install and play around with it09:30
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aroonihow do i change screen resolution?"09:30
osiris_zs6jce: Enjoy :)09:30
ZappattaFlannel, I was thinking about creating a new 6GB partition and simply copying everything there.09:30
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MISTERTibbsarooni, System>Preferences>Screen Resolution09:30
comicinkerFlannel: Is there a password required for the recovery mode?09:30
jettred2001I am downloading ubuntu 6.06 server1386.iso will this help me to be able to play roller coaster tycoon???09:30
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aroonioscar232: so the nv driver worked if i did the --probe-all-gpus .... but now max resolution is 1024x768... and my monitor supports 1280x102409:31
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vzduchfor those who want to know: you can pass options to the livecd kernel (along the lines of the limitations indicated by the help screens) by pressing F6 on the boot screen.. you can then e.g. turn off the bootsplash by deleting 'splash' and, if you like, adjust the console resolution by inserting a 'vga=' option09:31
oscar232sorry,guys, but I have to go to sleep.  Good luck with you problems.09:32
comicinkeranyway I just will try it09:32
arooniok thansk for help oscar23209:32
aroonimaybe i will try 'vesa'09:32
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wols!fixres | arooni09:33
ubotuarooni: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:33
aroonihey i like how ubuntu can read from ntfs09:33
aroonithats pretty nice09:33
aroonican read all my windows drives09:33
wolsarooni: it can write too09:33
arooniwols: hmmm not taht ive seen09:33
wolslinux systems could read ntfs since kernel 2.209:33
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wols!ntfs-3g | arooni09:33
ubotuarooni: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:33
aroonii cant create a folder in my desktop manager09:33
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vzduch<-- off to work, gonna continue installing apps tonight09:34
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FlannelZappatta: ah.  Yeah, you'd have to change a few things.09:34
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mat1980arooni: where are you tring to create it?09:34
FlannelZappatta: you'd have to change grub on the MBR, and then change the stuff in your menu.lst. Neither are difficult09:35
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jettred2001I need some help09:35
aroonimat1980: well i want to get my resolution issue first09:35
aroonifixed first09:35
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imbecileFlannel,  u seem like u know what you are talking about.. any books or websites u can recommend for learning command line stuff?09:36
Flannel!cli | imbecile09:36
ubotuimbecile: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:36
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insmod<arooni> whats  wrong with it09:36
Flannelimbecile: check out the wiki page.  Also, NUN had some CLI tutorial talk things.  Let me fish up their URLs.09:37
daftmandoes anyone have problem running wine application that use directsound? my application crash if I choose alsa or oss09:37
Shamailwhen i run any executable file that i've created (be it shell or a simple C prog) i get this error09:37
Shamailbash: ./gnome1: Permission denied09:37
imbecileFlannel,  thanks alot, i think a bit part of me learning what im doing in linux lies in the command line09:37
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baboI've messed up my ethernet interface, everything worked fine till I started messing with it. Now I get "could not find information on interface eth1:avahi in /proc/net/dev". The interface seems to be there in /proc/net/dev but it loses 100% of it's packets. In 'ifconfig /all' I get "error fetching interface information, device not found" :-( can anyone help ?09:37
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daftmane.g if I don't select any sound drivers, GuildWars and Warcraft 3 run fine. with a sound driver, they both crash09:38
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ZappattaFlannel, ok. I'll look for a guide someone on the interwebs. One last question. I copy the files between the partitions simply by using cp -r?09:38
arooniinsmod: well i wasnt seeing the option for 1280x1024 reoslution... so i edited xorg config file.. and voila.... i get 1280x1024 resoltuion09:38
arooninow i'd like to setup dual monitor support09:38
babocan anyone help ?09:38
aroonii'm running the nvidia binary drivers09:38
jettred2001I am trying to play roller coaster tycoon and am in the process of downloading ubuntu-6.06.1-server-1386-iso I need to know if that will help me to play it09:38
mat1980Shamail: you have to add execution permission to the file. If it is xxx.sh give the command chmod +x xxx.sh09:38
aroonihow can i set up dual monitor supprot with nvidia drivers and ubuntu 7.04?09:38
chrisnz_has anyone online installed non standard printers -  like Brother?09:39
Shamailmat1980, i did chmod a+x file09:39
insmod<babo>is it in interfaces?09:39
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AusicaemiaRight, I have yet another query, is there anyway to tell Ubuntu to stop resuming saved sessions?09:39
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insmod<arooni> that what i would have said :)09:39
leagrisarooni, nvidia-settings09:39
baboinsmod: interfaces ?09:39
mat1980Shamail: could be the partition mounted with noexec?09:39
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Shamaillemme check...09:40
insmod<arooni> cat /etc/network/interfaces09:40
Flannelimbecile: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts#head-37ccfda5939ad342f26a895f38e492240018f0e209:40
aroonileagris: ok... but how do i setup dual monitor support from within this?09:40
Shamailmat1980, the partition is mounted as users, defaults09:40
daftmanhi does anyone know how to fix wine sound problem?09:40
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Shamailmat1980, u were right! i can exec it now! THNX09:42
leagrisarooni, sudo ndivia-settings plug your second monitor first so it is detected. go to X Server Display Configuration09:42
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CheshireVikingdaftman, it might be worth you asking in #winehq if you haven't done yet, if there's anyone in there, they might be able to help a bit more09:42
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mat1980Shamail: what was the problem? the partition?09:42
FlannelZappatta: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem  Notnecessarily anything on that page, but near the top there's a link that talks about Copying/Resizing partitions on a dual boot system.09:42
leagrisarooni, if you had not plug the second display you can click autodetection here09:42
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aroonileagris: it see sit....09:42
aroonileagris: should i do twinview or separate x screen?09:42
intelikeydid someone tell me that totem "can not play dvd's" ?09:43
mat1980Shamail: realy subtle problem :)09:43
AusicaemiaIs there anyway to tell Ubuntu to stop resuming saved sessions?09:43
ZappattaFlannel, allright mate. Thanks a lot. You've been mighty helpful.09:43
Shamailnyways THANKS a lot!09:43
FlannelZappatta: it gives the proper method of moving files (you have to be careful to retain permissions, and symlinks, and stuff).  You use cpio.09:43
WeeJeWelAusicaemia, do you use Xfce or KDE?09:43
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newtubuntuleagris ; wols ; Jordan_U :  THANK YOU!09:43
leagrisarooni, depend on your needs. Separate displays bring you two separate desktops with separate screen ID. Tweenview extend one desktop and screen ID stretched to boths screens09:43
daftmanCheshireViking: thank you09:44
Jordan_Unewtubuntu, np09:44
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newtubuntuI am up and running in my brand new Ubuntu 32bits, taking ALL my 320Gb HD (Vista is simply GONE)09:44
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aroonileagris: i want twinview then.... but how can i change resolution of the second screen?  its stuck right now at 800x60009:44
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intelikeyis there a plugin for totem that will let it play DVD ?09:44
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Irealnewtubuntu: restore your backup ^_^09:45
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xoRockalow, any admin from indonesia?09:45
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xoRocki need a bit of help here09:45
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leagrisarooni, configure button and or Resolution select box. You may have to Autodetect displays in order for the drivers to know the cpaabilities of that screen09:45
^NighT^WalkeR^hey guys... what is a good html editor for linux?09:45
pwuertz^NighT^WalkeR^: Quanta09:46
Ireal^NighT^WalkeR^: nvu is nice enough, but dont expect miracles, i prefer vim ;P09:46
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^NighT^WalkeR^pwuertz: thanx09:46
mat1980intelikey: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html09:46
insmod^NighT^WalkeR^, i like bluefish09:46
imbecilei think of linux like building a model car09:46
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J-_I just installed nm-applet in fluxbox, and it is currently not configured to my connection in fluxbox. Is there anyway to do so?09:46
chalcedonyi need to know if this stuff indicates a video card? Model: "Hewlett-Packard Company PCIxx21/x515 Cardbus Controller"09:46
chalcedonyVendor: pc 0x104c "Texas Instruments"09:46
chalcedonyDevice: pci 0x8031 "PCIxx21/x514 Cardbus Controller"09:46
aroonileagris: so the resolution box can only be set to 'auto' or 'off'.  and when i hit detect displays, the options dont change.. (i know for fact this moinitor supports upto 1280x1024'09:46
insmod^NighT^WalkeR^, and mcedit in term09:46
comicinkerFlannel: Thank you very much, it solved all problems!09:46
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someone2005That was not correct...09:47
Flannelcomicinker: Now, whatever you did (mustve fiddled around with your own groups)... don't do it again ;)09:47
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chalcedonyIreal: vim :)09:47
Flannelcomicinker: the important group, of all of those, was the 'admin' group.  That's what lets you sudo.  All the others were just other things (scanner lets you use the scanner, audio audio, etc)09:47
insmod<arooni> i thought you got it09:47
^NighT^WalkeR^does any of those have an inbuilt FTP client?09:47
comicinkeronly one thing was wrong: the comma separated command list didn't work first because of the spaces09:48
someone2005gone to new..09:48
someone2005again ?09:48
spirit_theres a bug in  snd_hda_intel09:48
comicinkeryes. and i will be carefull next time with the gui09:48
insmod<arooni> they all should09:48
arooniinsmod: so basically i get  dual montiors working.. but i cant make second monitor 1280x102409:48
Flannelcomicinker: Yeah.  I was wary of the spaces (because last time I remember not having any spaces), but the man page had spaces.  So, I put them in.09:48
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pwuertz^NighT^WalkeR^: quanta does... but he is right, bluefish is for gnome users09:48
nilweedhi, I recently got a software update popup for libexif12 and libkrb53.  When I click "Install Updates" it tells me that the software cannot be authenticated.  Did anybody else get this recently?  How do I determine where the update is coming from?  Running Feisty/amd64.  --thanks09:48
intelikeymat1980 i installed libdvdcss2 already   but totem keeps erroring with "install the right 'plugin' to play dvds"   ?09:48
crimsunspirit_: there are _many_ bugs in snd-hda-intel.09:48
pwuertz^NighT^WalkeR^: quanta might have some kde deps09:49
comicinkeranyway, thank you09:49
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insmod<arooni> define it in the monitor section -- can you post the xorg09:49
intelikeymat1980 dappre.09:49
spirit_yes but this fucking bug hates my -.-09:49
leagrisarooni depending on the connector and cable used to hook the monitor. If it can't autodect supported resolution, you may check the advanced button09:49
AusicaemiaIs there anyway to tell Ubuntu to stop resuming saved sessions?09:49
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arooniinsmod: when i detect displays on the second display i get:  'g_object_unref: assertion to "G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed) .....09:49
leo|termHow do i get my windows computer to use a local profile, when logging on to my samba pdc?09:49
intelikeycrimsun can dapper's totem play dvd's ?  know off hand ?09:49
xoRocki need help, please someone who can speak indonesian PV me, thanxs09:49
arooniinsmod: yup paste coming right up09:49
insmod<arooni> lol i never use gui apts09:49
J-_I just installed nm-applet in fluxbox, and it is currently not configured to my connection in fluxbox. Is there anyway to do configure that applet to my configuration? what is the daemon called that controls nm-applet?09:49
intelikeycrimsun 64bit dapper that is    ?09:49
Flannel!id | xoRock09:49
ubotuxoRock: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:50
IrealAusicaemia: it's in the control center, i think it's called session management :)09:50
crimsunintelikey: only unencrypted by default AFAIR09:50
leagrisarooni, some HD15 analog connector dont transmit DDC signals needed for screen capability probe.09:50
AusicaemiaWhat control center?09:50
xoRocki'm, seems no body there09:50
IrealAusicaemia: what are you using KDE or gnome ?09:50
intelikeycrimsun with libdvdcss2   ?09:50
Jordan_Uintangir, Totem-gstreamer cannot play DVD's in any version09:50
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crimsunintelikey: I've used totem-xine + libdvdcss2 et al.09:50
aroonileagris: insmod http://pastie.caboo.se/7394409:50
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intelikeyJordan_U totem-xine    ?09:51
crimsunhave not, however, played a retail commercial DVD on amd64/dapper (default).09:51
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IrealAusicaemia: gnome-control-center should have some entry about session management, either that, or use the menu in the top left corner. I'm not running gnome atm so i can't give you the details ^^09:51
Jordan_Uintangir, I recommend VLC for DVD support, I like to keep totem-gstreamer as it's the best gstreamer player, but totem-xine works09:51
AusicaemiaOkay, thanks.09:51
AusicaemiaSo many different GUI's for GNOME settings09:51
intelikeycrimsun k  thanks.   this thing has been a nightmare.   tosheba lappy09:52
imbecileFlannel,  alot of this stuff applies too right? http://www.i-hacked.com/content/view/136/42/09:52
AusicaemiaSomebody should actually make a conglomerate, a proper one.09:52
r0cks0ulhelp on totem it wont play any videos i have remove the gstreamer09:52
insmod<arooni> so what do you want ?09:52
IrealAusicaemia: i don't think gnome-contrl-center is that bad actually :)09:52
r0cks0ulbut dont know to put it back i think i changed it to something else09:52
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, Why did you remove gstreamer?09:52
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intelikeyJordan_U k09:52
arooniinsmod: i want the second screen hooked up via twinview. and i want its resolution to be 1280x102409:52
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insmod<arooni> ah yes other mon09:52
leagrisarooni, try having the monitor plugged and turned on before system boot or before the nvidia driver loads09:52
[nige] anyone haveing problems with network manager not sending through hostname?09:53
=== intelikey wonders what he would want "*streemer" for...
r0cks0uli followed instructions on a forum that might be better plugin they said09:53
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer09:53
r0cks0ulive done that but still it wont09:53
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newtubuntuare the little 'Desktop Effects' dangerous or stable ?   I'm tacky but I need a few 'cool bells & whistles' to learn to love my new Ubuntu and feel at home in it.. :-P  Any good hints that don't impact the OS performance too much ?09:54
intelikeyJordan_U isn't gstreamer like for streaming *   ?  or am i all wet ?09:54
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, What error do you get when trying to play something?09:54
r0cks0ulno plugins to handle etc.09:54
GameSpot!stable | newtubuntu09:54
insmod<arooni> is "1600x1200" tomusch for it?09:54
ubotunewtubuntu: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:54
insmodto much09:54
r0cks0ulim trying to play mpg09:54
compengi!seen someothernick09:54
Talaman72someothernick was last seen Fri Jun  1 16:45:31 2007 changing nick from someothe1nick in #ubuntu09:54
arooniinsmod: thats right, it can only handle 1280x102409:54
Jordan_Uintelikey, gstreamer is a general library for media, doesn't need to be streaming09:54
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imbecile!seen brucewang09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen brucewang - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
Talaman72brucewang was last seen Tue Jun 26 21:31:41 2007 changing nick to imbecile in #ubuntu09:54
arooniinsmod: the montior specifically09:54
GameSpotr0cks0ul, try gstreamer plugin09:55
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r0cks0uli cant play any videos at all not just mpg's09:55
insmod<arooni> then delete that as the first loaded09:55
GameSpotr0cks0ul,  go to synaptic manager and load the gstreamer mpeg/wmv player09:55
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GameSpotr0cks0ul,  it is a codec09:55
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, even the example video that comes with Ubuntu?09:55
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insmod<arooni> u have Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"09:55
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, Feisty?09:56
GameSpotr0cks0ul, once again, in synaptic manager, under System>administration, then load the codec gstreamer09:56
r0cks0ulim using feisty when i first install it it automatically prompt me to install some plugins and it worked09:56
arooniinsmod:  ok made that change, any others?09:56
r0cks0ulbut then i've changed it09:56
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intelikeyi really wish the http://packages.ubuntu.com/ had a search feature09:57
GameSpotr0cks0ul, if you want the videos to work for porn reasons, you can always watch flash based porn movies.09:57
imbecilehey guys, say i make a huge vm (like 80Gb) does that take up my hd space? or is it just how much i have installed on the vm.. i would like to know09:57
Flannelimbecile: yeah.  For the most part, terminal is terminal.  However, Ubuntu does stuff the debian way.  Which in some cases is different than redhat/others.  Especially when it comes to some administration stuffs (apaches config files are signifigantly different, for instance)09:57
r0cks0uland now it wont i have mplayer installed though and it works fine09:57
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insmod<arooni> are both 1280?09:57
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r0cks0ulI dont watch porn gamespot hehehe09:57
GameSpoti doubt it09:57
GameSpotbut hey, whatever09:57
arooniinsmod: right... both montiors support up to 1280x102409:57
imbecileFlannel,  so overall it is an ok referance? i bookmarked links u gave me09:58
GameSpot!enter | r0cks0ul09:58
ubotur0cks0ul: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:58
insmod<arooni> so why are you using 2 resolutions "CRT-0: 1280x1024 +0+0, CRT-1: nvidia-auto-select +1280+0; CRT-0: 1024x768 +0+0, CRT-1:09:58
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DarkMageZGameSpot, no need to go overkill on the !enter.09:58
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, I know I already said this, but make sure you have totem-gstreamer and not totem-xine ( or get the xine codecs )09:58
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spirit_want cubase for linux -.-09:59
arooniinsmod:  not sure, thats what the nvidia settings app auto genereated09:59
GameSpotdoes anyone else get this red line across the screen in xchat09:59
someone2005let me know...09:59
Flannelimbecile: yeah.  In general, bash is bash.  And the linux filesystem is (more or lesS) the same on debian/redhat (there are differences).  So yeah. Looks good.09:59
DarkMageZGameSpot, yes. that's to inform you where the text was before you looked away.09:59
GameSpotin the channel, im getting this red line across the whole channel screen, not sure why? anyone else haeve this problem09:59
Jordan_UGameSpot, That is so you know where you switched to another window09:59
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insmod<arooni> i usually just write my own09:59
FlannelGameSpot: that's the "last line you saw" line.09:59
r0cks0ulive got all of the codecs installed whats fluendo?09:59
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gordonjcpFlannel: that's a good idea10:00
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intelikeyis there any way to search for package names on packages.ubuntu.com   ?10:00
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, And you have totem-gstreamer, not -xine ?10:00
Flannelintelikey: er... The first box10:00
GameSpothow do i know im using the latest x chat version, i typed apt-get xchat in terminal and it installed, but is that the latest version??10:00
intelikeyflannel what box ?10:00
Jordan_UGameSpot, That is the latest version in the repositories10:00
kaoHi has anyone got google earth working on ubuntu?10:01
r0cks0uli just figured out i have xine10:01
Flannelintelikey: http://packages.ubuntu.com/  scroll down past the lists, theres a "search package directories", type in a name.10:01
Flannel!earth | kao10:01
ubotukao: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository10:01
Jordan_Ur0cks0ul, sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer10:01
GameSpotis there anyway to dual boot fedora and ubuntu, or would that just be pointless10:01
arooniinsmod: so what would you change10:01
r0cks0uli remember ive replaced gstreamer w/ xine10:01
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r0cks0ulthanks ya all10:01
GameSpotalso, why does ubuntu put a red line under everything i misspell? is that a built in thing or is it only for my computer?10:01
kaoI have downloaded it but have probs - if you have it working I will go and figure it out10:01
arooniinsmod: cuz i cant escape 800x600 resolution ont ath monitor10:02
insmod<arooni> well if you want 1280 change it to that10:02
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Jordan_UGameSpot, Yes, you can, you can even have them share the same /home partition to save space and sync preferences10:02
r0cks0uli think im fine now i think10:02
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insmod<arooni> so the hz are wrong or the modes10:02
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GameSpotI'm getting scared, every mispelled work is underlined by a red line, does htis mean someone hacked me10:02
drgonzohello all10:02
GameSpotor does everyone have it10:02
AusicaemiaGameSpot: The Red Line is an aspell feature.10:02
Flannelintelikey: even when searching for descriptions however, it's an all or nothingthing.  So if you type in "text irc" you probably won't get anything, (because the string "text irc" doesn't appear) Apt-cache is much more flexible10:02
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imbecileoff to bed, look forward to me bugging you guys tomorrow10:03
GameSpotis it built into ubuntu ?10:03
AusicaemiaGameSpot: aspell is a library for GAIM/Pidgin, XCHAT, and various other things.10:03
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AusicaemiaGameSpot: No, its built as a dependency for some applications.10:03
r0cks0uldo you know the channel for beryl?10:03
GameSpothow come the spell checker is on 100%10:03
GameSpotits on for xchat10:03
drgonzoI've been reading some posts of ubuntuforums about using bogofilter and spamassassin together. I've noticed though that my version of evolution has plugins for both Do i still need to follow the steps of adding filters like the howto suggests ?10:03
Flannelr0cks0ul: #ubuntu-effects, or #beryl10:03
GameSpotits on for every application10:03
AusicaemiaGameSpot, Most of the time you can disable it in preferences10:03
r0cks0ulthankis Flannel10:03
GameSpotdo u have it on?10:03
abhi_hi i'm gacing a strange problem on edgy. when every my internet gateway of my office lan goes down edgy becomes sluggish. even opening a simple terminal takes long time. if i disable networking Ubuntu works fine. but i don't want this solution because i need to access files from servers on the office lan.10:04
insmod<arooni> check the monitor HorizSync and VertRefresh10:04
GameSpotfor some reason its spell checking every where, whether im in a browser, or xchat, or gaim10:04
AusicaemiaGameSpot, Only programs that use aspell get its features, and for stock ubuntu it's only PIDGIN and XCHAT10:04
GameSpoti dont know why10:04
AusicaemiaGameSpot, Firefox has its own spell checking thing.10:04
imbecileoh ya, 1 more question.. why no pidgin in repos?10:04
GameSpotmy browser10:04
intelikeyFlannel ah found what you were talking about...   had to leave the /dapper/ of the end of the url   hehhe   my bad.10:04
GameSpotalso geeditor10:04
FlannelGameSpot: You'll find linux is more integrated than windows, because everything is open.  aspell has a standard interface, and lots of programs use it, because it's there.10:04
Flannel!pidgin | imbecile10:04
ubotuimbecile: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.10:04
abhi_this is happening on all computers running Ubuntu10:04
Ausicaemiagedit has works with aspell10:04
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AusicaemiaIf you're that worried about having spell check everywhere, uninstall aspell.10:04
imbecilenice, thx again flannel10:04
GameSpothow come ubuntu is a mispelled word under spell checker, LOL10:04
Jordan_Uimbecile, It's available as a .deb from getdeb.org10:05
AusicaemiaGameSpot, because it's not an english word.10:05
imbecilepoo on aol btw10:05
AusicaemiaOr a proper noun.10:05
cvd_Hey a quick q here10:05
newtubuntuwhat is the best way of installing Flash player ?10:05
Flannel!flash | newtubuntu10:05
ubotunewtubuntu: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:05
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Flannelnewtubuntu: follow that URL10:05
AusicaemiaSo anyway, if you're that worried just fire up synaptic and do a search for aspell10:05
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GameSpotalso, another questions, for websites that play videos using windows media player, how do i play those movies on linux10:05
GameSpotlike streaming videos10:05
AusicaemiaAnd uninstall the package, but some applications might complain.10:05
AusicaemiaGameSpot, Install either mplayer or VLC10:06
abhi_hi i'm gacing a strange problem on edgy. when every my internet gateway of my office lan goes down edgy becomes sluggish. even opening a simple terminal takes long time. if i disable networking Ubuntu works fine. but i don't want this solution because i need to access files from servers on the office lan. this problem happens on all the edgy boxes10:06
GameSpotwhich one are u using10:06
GameSpotand can i do it by apt-get ?10:06
abhi_i have installed them myself10:06
AusicaemiaGameSpot, they also have plugins for Mozilla which can be installed from Synaptic.10:06
abhi_they cannot get access to the LAN when the internet goes down10:06
AusicaemiaYeah, VLC and Mplayer are availble on APT.10:06
cvd_How the hell a adjust a default audio volume in mplapler? cuz everytime start the volume to load10:06
AusicaemiaI'm using MPLAYER at the moment.10:06
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GameSpotabhi, please wait for your turn, you may chat in an hour, go make a sandwich and we will be there to help you when your back, thanks10:06
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cvd_How the hell a adjust a default audio volume in mplayer? cuz everytime start the volume to load10:07
Jordan_UGameSpot, What are you talking about?10:07
abhi_ok i'll make a sandwich10:07
GameSpotJordan_U, i really do not know10:07
Jordan_Uabhi_, There is no "line"10:07
GameSpotI am under the influence of marijuana and my judgement is really impaired, so i kind of have no clue what im saying10:08
Ausicaemiacvd: That is not an mplayer thing, it is a sound driver thing.10:08
abhi_Jordan_U:  there is a line my ethernet card lights are up10:08
Ausicaemiacvd: Open your sound config, and set the default volume.10:08
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abhi_Jordan_U: our office LAN is working fine10:08
GameSpotAusicaemia - how would i get a streaming video player through apt-get10:08
cvd_nopt cuz totem and vlc remember my seeting but mplayer not10:08
AusicaemiaGameSpot, I just told you.10:08
abhi_Jordan_U: it's just our Internet connection which goes down when i get this problem10:08
AusicaemiaGameSpot, Open up Synaptic and do a search for VLC or MPLAYER, and install one or the other and its appropariate mozilla plugin10:09
abhi_Jordan_U: the Windoze boxes and SuSE boxes don't seem to b facing any problem10:09
AusicaemiaGameSpot, vlc-mozilla or mplayer-mozilla10:09
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FlannelGameSpot: to search with apt, `apt-cache search [stuff] `10:09
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GameSpotAusicaemia,  how do i search for mozilla plugins10:09
Ausicaemia... Just search for VLC or MPLAYER10:09
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AusicaemiaAnd the plugins for whatever one you searched for will appear.10:09
insmod<cvd_>lower the default vol10:09
Jordan_UGameSpot, Add the word "mozilla" or "firefox"10:09
insmod<cvd_>any mixer10:10
Jordan_UGameSpot, But there are usually so few that it's not really worth narrowing down10:10
GameSpoti cannot find a streaming video player10:10
GameSpotdoes anyone have the exact name so i can search it10:10
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insmod<cvd> if u want just mplayer  use gmplayer10:11
cvd_but then i have ti adjust when using another thing10:11
Kprofthrea1Hi all. I recently added a secondary slave IDE hdd and am trying to mount it. I successfully edited my fstab (it seems) and can now see it. But when I click on it to open the drive, it says "You do not have enough permissions to read file:///media/hdd110:11
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xoRocka dbf file in my office file server (ubuntu desktop) can be access by 1 client only, other shows error when tried to open it (client use msdos client under dos)10:11
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insmod<cvd> if u want just mplayer  use gmplayer10:11
Jordan_UGameSpot, VLC, Totem, mplayer10:11
GameSpotdont i have totem installed?10:11
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GameSpotit says its isntalled10:11
cvd_just mplayer for movies10:11
Jordan_UGameSpot, They all do streaming10:11
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GameSpotbut i cannot play streaming video10:11
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Jordan_UGameSpot, What video can't you play>10:11
GameSpotstreaming wmv videos10:12
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GameSpot/run www.shaggit.org10:12
GameSpotthat site10:12
Jordan_UGameSpot, You may just not have the needed codecs10:12
insmod<Gatall w32codecsmeSpot> ins10:12
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insmod<GatallSpot> install w32codecs10:12
GameSpotin synaptic manager, how come some plugins have this pink thing next to them, and some dont10:13
xoRocka dbf file in my office file server (ubuntu desktop) can be access by 1 client only, other shows error when tried to open it (client use msdos client under dos), help?10:13
Jordan_UGameSpot, Please don't post porn links, or at least say that they are NSFW10:13
GameSpotdid not mean to post it10:13
GameSpoti meant to run it10:13
GameSpotbut i didnt know the cmd10:13
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abhi_Jordan_U: when i disable the networking using /etc/init.d/networking stop the problem disappears but this is not the solution i want i need to be able to access files on the servers in my office lan.10:14
GameSpotnvm i can play streaming videos, i dindt have to install anything10:14
Jordan_UGameSpot, Install w32codecs and gstreamer0.10-pitfdll10:14
cvd_there always something in linux, that turn me down10:14
GameSpothow come i cannot make the videos streaming full screen, in windows i could make them full screen, but theres no option in linux10:14
GameSpotit works10:14
GameSpotfor some reason10:14
GameSpoti just tried and magically it started working10:14
Jordan_UGameSpot, Right click -> Open in Totem10:14
GameSpotbut i cant make them appear in full screen10:14
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insmod<GatallSpot> i told you how10:14
spirit_witch command starts the jack deamon?10:15
GameSpotno such thing10:15
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Jordan_UGameSpot, There may be a quicker way but that works10:15
GameSpottheres no option to open in totem10:15
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GameSpotonly option to save10:15
insmod<GameSpot> install w32codecs10:15
Jordan_UGameSpot, Really?10:15
GameSpoti clicked opened with movie player10:15
GameSpotbut it made my totem freeze10:15
cvd_totem mplayer or vlc that integrate with firefox?10:15
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insmod<GameSpot> wmv?10:16
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GameSpotit doesnt work10:16
GameSpotit says permission denied u do not have access to open the file10:16
GameSpotits a .wmv clip10:16
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Jordan_UGameSpot, Do you have permission to read the file?10:16
insmod<GameSpot> install w32codecs10:16
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GameSpotyes.. why wouldnt i10:16
Jordan_Uinsmod, That is not his problem10:17
insmodsounds it10:17
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GameSpotI can see the streaming video in firefox, but when i right click and hit "play him totem", totem says i do not have access to open the file10:17
Jordan_UGameSpot, If it is from that partition that you were having permission problems with earlier10:17
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CyberMadwhen you use Terminal Server Client, how to easily switch from Windows to Ubuntu?10:17
GameSpotno its not10:18
GameSpoti fixed that10:18
GameSpoti used chown -R10:18
GameSpotand now i have access10:18
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J-_If I want to run a daemon with root privs at startup with fluxbox(nm-applet) how can I do so?10:18
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J-_do I just time nm-applet & or put a sudo in front?10:19
Jordan_UGameSpot, You can try copying the link location and using vlc, though totem should work10:19
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GameSpotit does not work10:19
GameSpotwhat should i do10:19
cvd_how long i can keep feisty with out upgrade to a newver version?10:19
GameSpotis there a way i have to set permission to use totme?10:19
Jordan_UJ-_, I don't think nm-applet needs root privileges, network-manager does but not nm-applet10:19
J-_cool, thanks. I'll check it out =)10:20
GameSpotOMFG Jordan_U10:20
Flannelcvd_: non-LTS are supported for 18 months on the desktop.10:20
GameSpotit worked10:20
GameSpottotem is working now10:20
Flannel!enter | GameSpot10:20
ubotuGameSpot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:20
GameSpoti dont understand, this is so wierd10:20
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Jordan_UGameSpot, I'm just that good :)10:21
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:21
=== J-_ is running 6.06 (server edition) but that's besides the point. support channel ftw =P
cvd_you know that , i dont but everytime i tray to use windows xp/vista now its feels can of slow and stupid, why?10:21
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ColdopmI need a quick hand from someone....I am only able to run on LiveCD right now and could use some help big time...!10:22
=== J-_ quickly runs to #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chat.
Flannel!ask | Coldopm10:22
ubotuColdopm: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:22
=== rolson [n=rolson@cpe-76-176-19-7.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpothow come your not listed as a official helper10:23
newtubuntuVMWare or VirtualBox for an XP virtual machine. Which one is better ? Why ?10:23
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FlannelGameSpot: There are no official helpers10:23
Jordan_UGameSpot, Official Helper?10:23
GameSpotHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:23
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HobbseeGameSpot: what?10:24
Jordan_UGameSpot, Don't do that.10:24
ColdopmOK well, I installed Edgy, did all the updates, and just finished upgrading to 7.04. Rebooted the computer and enter user/pass and it says something about fail to write authentication and I cannot login anymore???10:24
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FlannelGameSpot: those are ops.  For administrative issues, not technical ones.10:24
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GameSpotim sorry i got confused10:24
=== Chris` is now known as Vich
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domasergh, ubuntu installed but crashes on next system boot.10:24
=== domas reinstalls
FlannelColdopm: Xauthory? or ICEauthority?  Sound familiar?10:25
Myrttidomas: why?10:25
Jordan_UGameSpot, It basically set's off alarms in all of the chanel op's irc clients, and you don't want to piss them off :)10:25
GameSpothow can i donate to ubuntu10:25
newtubuntuVMWare or VirtualBox for an XP virtual machine. Which one is better ? Why ?10:25
HobbseeGameSpot: we are the people that you call when someone is spamming and such.  we usually respond with kicks, removes, and bans.  and worse.10:25
HobbseeGameSpot: we dont do tech help, per se, and abusing the !ops call will just get you kicked.10:25
domasMyrtti: Ubuntu never loved Parallels.10:25
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ColdopmFlannel, no it doesn't, want me to restart and write down exact error?10:25
GameSpotwhat is !ops10:25
HobbseeGameSpot: ubuntu.com/donate, i believe10:25
compengiis there a way i can right a text in a pdf file?10:25
Hobbsee!ops > GameSpot10:25
FlannelColdopm: exact errors are always better.  Yeah, if you don't mind.10:25
HobbseeGameSpot: the factoid called earlier10:25
GameSpotwhat does ops do10:25
cvd_yep everytime i startup the pc and logon ubuntu freeze and i have to restart.. and then its fine10:25
Coldopmflannel, OK brb10:25
=== THE [n=ubuntu@cm218-252-124-135.hkcable.com.hk] has joined #ubuntu
domasand I need it to run on Parallels - there was decision to run our server farm on Ubuntu, and I'll need to engineer packages somehow ;-)10:26
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DarkMageZGameSpot, it calls the admins. which will annoy them if it wasn't nessesary.10:26
cvd_maybe its firefox, a video driver or something, how i know?10:26
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domasnow some servers are already running ubuntu10:26
domasthats probably the biggest website running ubuntu \o/10:26
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GameSpotwell 2 years ago i won the megamillions in usa worth 221 millions dollars10:27
GameSpotso i dont mind donating to ubuntu lol10:27
Hobbsee!offtopic | GameSpot10:27
ubotuGameSpot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:27
domasonce we migrate properly, folks at canonical will probably open a bottle of champagne ;-)10:27
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GameSpot!offtopic | domas10:27
ubotudomas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:27
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-23-222.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpotplease talk about alcoholic drinks in offtopic channel, thanks domas10:27
domas:-) +++10:28
=== EdLin [n=jlee@pool-70-107-85-38.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
domasanyway, what are successful methods of installing/running ubuntu in parallels? :)10:28
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Jordan_Udomas, Why parallels? AFIK vmware has better Linux support10:29
cvd_hey one question any native soft in linux to create flash things?10:29
=== EdLin [n=jlee@pool-70-107-85-38.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
debouitIl y a t-il des francais ?10:29
domasJordan_U: actually, all other distros I've tested run properly in parallels10:29
Flannel!fr | debouit10:29
ubotudebouit: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:29
domasJordan_U: parallels were first to offer proper virtualization on macosx10:29
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Jordan_Udomas, I wouldn't call it "proper" ...10:30
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recoy^hello all!10:30
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domasJordan_U: 'proper' as in 'chip-based'10:30
Jordan_Udomas, Still no good support for USB devices10:30
domasJordan_U: thats what I need least :)10:30
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domasJordan_U: I emulate servers on my poor workstation :)10:30
newtubuntuVMWare or VirtualBox for an XP virtual machine. Which one is better ? Why ?10:30
=== jsk [n=jsk@client-86-27-52-243.brhm.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpotI see they have made a ubuntu-women channel/organization, do they get a different version of ubuntu as well, a easier one to work with, since women arent.. you know, that educated10:31
=== punux [n=punux@202-224.dsl.bbtel.com] has joined #ubuntu
GameSpottechnology wise10:31
domaspink background10:31
punuxhow do you unlock a locked folder in ubuntu?10:31
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@d53-64-11-209.nap.wideopenwest.com] by Hobbsee
=== GameSpot was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (and now you're just trolling. goodbye.)
Myrtti!offtopic | GameSpot10:31
ubotuGameSpot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:31
recoy^can someone help me install this? http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html10:31
Myrttitoo late :-(10:31
Jordan_Urecoy^, Use Synaptic10:31
domasI guess I'd write parallels support10:32
domasthey end up fixing stuff :)10:32
recoy^Jordan_U: synaptic?10:32
=== Coldopm [n=ubuntu@S01060014d1354769.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Urecoy^, Applications in Ubuntu are installed via Applications -> Add/remove and for more advanced features, synaptic10:32
domasriiight, -server kernel doesn't boot10:33
punuxdoes anyone know how to unlock a locked folder?10:33
recoy^Jordan_U: ok ill try thankyou10:33
cvd_where is GameSpot?10:33
Jordan_Ucvd_, He was kicked10:34
ColdopmFlannel: The error I am getting is, "GDM could not write to your authorization file. This could be because you are out of Disk Space, or your home directory is not open for writing. In any case you cannot be logged in. Please contact your system admin."10:34
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Jordan_Upunux, What do you mean by locked?10:34
recoy^Jordan_U: it says i already have it installed10:34
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FlannelColdopm: alright, so the next question is obviously, are you out of space?  Or are your permissions messed up?10:34
=== nuked_omen is now known as Azul
Jordan_Urecoy^, Then use it from Applications -> Sound & Video10:35
ColdopmWell I am not out of space thats for sure10:35
THEi have a troblem when i boot ubuntu10:35
THEwho can help me10:35
punuxJordan_U: my desktop is locked, like it won't let me download or save anything to it and says I need root access to change permissions but i don't know the terminal commands to unlock it10:35
Jordan_UTHE, Give more details, if someone can help they will10:35
ColdopmFlannel: I have no idea how to check my current permissions since I am running LiveCD10:35
FlannelColdopm: You can boot up into single user mode (at grub, recovery console), that'll just be a terminal.  And you can check your permissions for your home folder and stuff.10:35
cvd_hey what is better .ogg . flac or its the same10:35
FlannelColdopm: oh, ok.  You'll just need to mount your harddrive10:35
^NighT^WalkeR^can someone name me server for local use of PHP?10:35
phoinix_Hello, can someone help me? I've just installed uubntu, in a packard bell laptop. Everything works flawlssly except the sound card. I get the initial ubuntu sound during login, along with a scremingly loud very high frequency sound. And after that, sound is dead10:35
Jordan_Ucvd_, ogg is lossy, flac is lossless10:36
Azulcvd_: .flac is better of course10:36
ColdopmFlannel can this be done with LiveCD?10:36
FlannelColdopm: yeah.10:36
Azulbut flac consumes huge disk space10:36
Flannel^NighT^WalkeR^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP10:36
ColdopmFlannel: One sec i will brb10:36
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^NighT^WalkeR^apache... right... had forgot the name10:36
Azultoo bad most mp3 players don't play ogg10:36
ColdopmFlannel: Can you give me a hint as to how to mount my HD?10:36
Pirate_Huntercvd_: depends .ogg is mostly use as itis useful but flac has much better compression at the cost of system resources10:36
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cvd_so its save to encode all to flac onstead og .ogg10:37
recoy^Jordan_U: check pm10:37
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Azulcvd_: right10:37
=== Fl1p [n=david@port-83-236-208-174.static.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
Azulcvd_: probably use flac only when you want to edit the file10:37
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-195-014.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Azulbut for general purpose ogg is best10:37
Jordan_Urecoy^, It's better to stay in channel if you don't mind, then others can chime in10:38
newtubuntuweird, I think the drives I created in my installation didn't mount on boot10:38
Fl1phi, what's the easiest way to install an older version from vim, using the apt-get ?10:38
ColdopmFlannel: Is there a chance I can login as /root and change the permissions from there?10:38
THEtarget filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init10:38
THEBusyBox v1.1.3 (debian 1:1.1.3ubuntu3) build-in shell (ash)10:38
THE/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off10:38
=== aLCHEMY [n=nabil@ars84-1-82-243-0-199.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
THEhow to fix10:38
cvd_and theora is like xvid?10:38
Pirate_Huntercvd_: I wouldnt advice to use flac unless you really need it .ogg would do for most videos10:38
FlannelColdopm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount#head-0fdee867fdf2bacbf96cfbb0c41eda446d2ca8ee  but, I've gotta run. There are plenty of other people that can help.  You can chagne permissions from the liveCD, actually.10:38
Azulnewtubuntu: you can always edit /etc/fstab10:38
Fl1pis it true that vim 70 doesnt support syntax highlighting ?10:38
ColdopmFlannel: ty anyways10:38
Azuli don't know about theora10:39
newtubuntuI created:  / , /home (as a separate partition with mountpoint setup as:  /home) ; and of course my swap.10:39
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Azulflac is audio, not video10:39
THEhow know10:39
THEwho know10:39
THEtarget filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init10:39
THEBusyBox v1.1.3 (debian 1:1.1.3ubuntu3) build-in shell (ash)10:39
THE/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off10:39
Azulflac = free lose-less audio codec10:39
ColdopmCan anyone give me and Idea how to login as root? Is there a default password for root as user?10:39
Jordan_U!repeat | THE10:39
ubotuTHE: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:39
Jordan_UColdopm, Why do you want to log in as root?10:40
domasColdopm: log in as your primary user, 'sudo bash'10:40
cvd_damnit i cant play any internet radio10:40
recoy^Jordan_U:  how do i install VLC then since it doesnt want to read .avi files10:40
domasColdopm: or 'sudo make me a sandwitch'10:40
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Pirate_HunterAzul: hmmm10:40
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ColdopmJordan: I cannot login as user for some reason, so I want to login as root to change my permissions...10:41
qnycColdopm, domas sudo -i is much better for a root terminal10:41
Jordan_Urecoy^, There are some files that it just won't play, you can try win32codecs though10:41
Jordan_U!w32codecs | recoy^10:41
uboturecoy^: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs10:41
heskethjhey guys10:41
AzulColdopm: why don't you type root in the log in screen and the password?10:41
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THEanyone know10:41
simplyw001Azul: doesn't work10:41
predaeusFl1p, it sure does support it, but I do not know how to enable it.10:41
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:41
Azulsimplyw001: why not?10:42
ColdopmAzul: I am not to sure what the default pass is for root...just finished installing10:42
heskethjjust wondering if it is possible to disable hibernation or whatever gives the kinit: no resume image error at startup. It takes too long so I want to turn it off.10:42
simplyw001Azul: root account is disabled by default on ubuntu10:42
domasqnyc: *shrug*, if I'm logged into ubuntu, I usually need to do everything as root :)10:42
cvd_vlc integrates fully with firefox?10:42
simplyw001Coldopm: Why can't you log in? You tried graphical safe mode? Text mode?10:42
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AzulColdopm: if you can't log in as root or as a user, i think there is pretty much nothing you can do10:42
Azulyou might as well reinstall10:42
=== jensen [n=jhornick@c-24-1-211-66.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ucvd_, If you install the firefox plugin10:42
Azuland NOT forget your passwords10:42
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THE~.~good channel10:42
cvd_after intaalin the moz-vlc10:43
=== ealx [n=tuxealx@d83-190-166-129.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
qnycColdopm, you use sudo with your user password10:43
simplyw001Azul: There *is* no default root password10:43
cvd_its till say no player10:43
qnycdomas, I just meant sudo -i is better than sudo bash10:43
simplyw001qnyc: he can't log in10:43
Coldopmsimply: yes tried them all, it gives me GDM could not write to your auth file error...Anyone in here have any idea?10:43
simplyw001Coldopm: then log in on a tty10:43
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CyberMadwhen you use Terminal Server Client, how to easily switch from Windows to Ubuntu?10:43
Fl1ppredaeus : you simply type :syntax in command mode10:43
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CyberMadi use full screen mode10:44
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Fl1ppredaeus : but it says not supported in this version10:44
cvd_the only player that work great was the mplyer but with out sound10:44
Coldopmqnyc: can you explain please I am relatively new10:44
predaeusFl1p, might need some special configuration, or the vim that was packaged for ubuntu was compiled without support, but I think that would be unlikely10:45
simplyw001Coldopm: he's assuming you can log in, in which case sudo -i gives you a root shell10:45
cvd_damn it theres always  something10:45
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simplyw001but if you can't, then it's a moot point10:45
simplyw001Hit ctrl+alt+f1 and log in there10:45
simplyw001as user10:45
qnycColdopm, you could try ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a text console and see if you can log in there, ctrl+alt+f7 to get back10:45
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-28-155.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
qnycColdopm, see if it's a password problem or an X problem10:46
arooniwhats a good media plaeyr10:46
aroonii want a winamp linke player10:46
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qnycxmms is like winamp10:47
Azulor beep10:47
aroonibut i also want to be able to have the app scan my entire comp for media10:47
gordonjcpor indeed, beep10:47
ealxHi, What's the difference between libqt-dev libqt4-dev-kdecopy?10:47
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=== Za---- is now known as Za
simplyw001gordonjcp: Why would you reccommend such an ancient program?10:47
arooniso i can have a media library10:47
gordonjcparooni: then perhaps you want rhythmbox10:47
cvd_audacious its better10:47
Fl1ppredaeus : hmm yes still possible, i am currently reading something about runtimes...10:47
=== Za is now known as Za-Lurking
gordonjcpsimplyw001: because he wants something like winamp10:47
=== peter07_ [n=zeeed@abqm234.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Azulwinamp is the best mp3 player even when it's old10:47
Azuli use winamp 2.8 still10:47
simplyw001gordonjcp: So xmms2 then. Or beep. Or audacious or anything else that's actually updated in living memory10:48
Azulvery simple.. no being a smart ass and making databases, libraries and stuff10:48
gordonjcpwow, it's up to 2.8 now?10:48
cvd_audacious feels more like winamp than xmms10:48
Azulit's 5.something now10:48
bouterhi   how do I make a filesystem on ubuntu in w95 fat32 ?       I already fdisked it to the right parameters. I just don' t know the sysntax to make the filesystem10:48
=== AaronH [n=AaronH@203-109-240-235.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
aroonidoes WINE really work?10:48
simplyw001simplyw001: Or even rhythmbox, which is like winamp in many areas.10:48
gordonjcpAzul: I haven't actually used Windows since 95 was current10:48
aroonicuz can't i install winamp10:48
aroonivia WINE?10:48
=== gejr [n=vaagland@062016209061.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
gordonjcparooni: probably not a lot of point in doing that10:48
cvd_its there a way to share a folder to a guest os?10:48
THEtarget filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init10:48
THEBusyBox v1.1.3 (debian 1:1.1.3ubuntu3) build-in shell (ash)10:48
THE/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off10:48
THEwho know10:49
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cvd_using a virtual machine10:49
arooniwhy not gordonjcp ?10:49
=== gordonjcp uses wine for his eprom programmer software
predaeusFl1p, see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+question/6111  and http://fuzzyblog.com/archives/2005/12/10/fixing-vim-syntax-highlighting-on-ubuntu/  and other web entries. Do these fixes work?10:49
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gordonjcparooni: 'cos there are lots of native mp3 players in Linux10:49
EdLincvd_: vmware can do it10:49
Jordan_UTHE, That is in my experience a hard problem to diagnose, if it is a fresh install try installing with the alternate install CD10:49
=== AaronH [n=AaronH@203-109-240-235.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has left #ubuntu []
aroonigordonjcp: can any mentioned play files on NTFS drives/ scan files on NTFS drives?10:49
Azulwine something you really can't do in linux10:49
cvd_i never can do it10:49
Azulnot an mp3 player10:49
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cvd_i don know how to10:50
Azulor notepad, or ie explorer10:50
simplyw001arooni: As long as the ntfs drives are mounted, they all can10:50
Jordan_Uaroo, Filesystems are transparent to applications10:50
EdLincvd_: you can even do it with the free player if you use samba or cifs.10:50
cvd_cuz i have q fat32 to my files10:50
Jordan_Uaroo, If it is mounted, then an application can read it10:50
predaeusTHE, probably a udev problem, search the web for it (e.g. google brings up results)10:50
=== debouit [n=debouit@ril69-3-88-169-248-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
gejrSo..I'm trying to play a video on my laptop.The video file is on my ubuntu server. It plays for a couple of seconds and then stops and complains about losing packets etc. How much bandwidth is needed to stream video in this way? The server is mounted on the laptop through sshfs btw.10:50
aroonisimplyw001: if i can brose the drives, does that mean they're mounted10:50
cvd_with virtualbox?10:50
newtubuntuyoung:  between VMWare and VirtualBox, which one would you recommend to run virtual machines ?10:50
=== EdLin doesn't own VMWare, but knows a friend who does.
qnycgejr, ssh is processor intensive as it is encrypted10:51
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp59-167-2-105.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Going...Going...GONE!"]
gordonjcparooni: that's a different problem10:51
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gordonjcparooni: you need to mount the ntfs drive10:51
youngyou can use virtualbox freely.10:51
cvd_that my dream come true share the same HDfat32 with a guest os10:51
qnycgejr, you could be limited to 40 kB/s or even lower depending on your processor10:51
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | arooni10:51
aroonigordonjcp: but i can double click and play files on those drives10:51
ubotuarooni: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:51
gejrqnyc: yea i realized that might be a problem as i was typing out the question.. :) do you think samba would be better?10:51
gejrqnyc: or anything else?10:52
Azulbut ssh is secure10:52
gordonjcparooni: then the drives are mounted10:52
aroonithat doesnt mean its mounted?10:52
simplyw001arooni: Then you should have no problems10:52
arooniah ok10:52
simplyw001arooni: that does mean it's mounted10:52
gordonjcparooni: you're pretty much there, in that case10:52
=== debouit [n=debouit@ril69-3-88-169-248-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
cvd_i can do it with the Virtual Box?10:52
newtubuntuyoung:  between VMWare and VirtualBox, which one would you recommend to run virtual machines ?10:52
qnycgejr, anything else ;)10:52
gejrqnyc: what options do i have?10:52
cvd_VistualBox feels faster10:52
qnycgejr, nfs and samba are built in to ubuntu gui, if you want to use that10:52
newtubuntucvd_  you used both ?10:53
cvd_vmware its like bloated more profesional10:53
EdLinnewtubuntu: try out the free VMWare player with an Ubuntu image from the site, and try virtualbox, and see which is better.10:53
qnycgejr, I guess nfs if you're all linux, samba otherwise10:53
cvd_only VirtualBox10:53
Azulis virtual box free?10:53
newtubuntuI'm unable to use VMWare, I always get 'vmmon' errors10:53
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gejrqnyc: ok thank you a lot. I'll read up on nfs.10:53
bouterAzul yes10:53
arooniis there any danger to using ntfs-config10:53
cvd_Virtual = free10:53
qnycgejr, you can do it through System -> Administration -> Shared Folders10:53
aroonimeaning any danger to writing to ntfs?10:53
bouterVMWare server free10:53
Jordan_Uaroo, No, it is very stable10:53
newtubuntubouter: but VirtualBox is not in Synaptic10:54
gejrqnyc: I'd rather stick to terminal :)10:54
qnycgejr, nice10:54
gejrbesides, i don't run ubuntu on my lap10:54
youngyes. VirtualBox is free for personally use.10:54
cvd_its in Automatix10:54
bouterit' s better to use vmware10:54
EdLinthere's also QEMU, which is better, virtualbox or QEMU?10:54
arooniok so which app will run through my whole comp and find all media files10:54
Jordan_U!automatix | cvd_10:54
ubotucvd_: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:54
arooniand put them into a media lbirary?10:54
bouterabout the vmon errors     quit simple to solve10:54
newtubuntubouter: why is it better to use VMWare ?10:54
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Azulis ubuntu free to use in a private company?10:54
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bouterI suppose you' re trying to install vmware on feisty?10:54
newtubuntubouter:  Yes10:55
qnycAzul, it's completely free for any use10:55
gordonjcpAzul: of course10:55
EdLinAzul: absolutely10:55
Jordan_UAzul, Ubuntu is free to use for anything10:55
cvd_i dont have any problems with the Auto10:55
debouitto help me please I to seek a French chate. I does not include/understand, I am nouvaux10:55
wolfangerlive free or die ;)10:55
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newtubuntudebouit:  vas sur ubuntu-fr10:55
Azul!fr | debouit10:55
jensenso, i have a box with 2 NIC's, how would I configure it so that it uses a certain one as its primairy outbound interface?10:55
ubotudebouit: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:55
cvd_and i found lost o soft thanks to automatix10:55
qnycAzul, software that is GPL or some other open source licenses are completely free10:56
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recoy^/etc/apt/sources.list   <----- how do i get to this?10:56
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Jordan_UAzul, Almost everything is licensed under the GPL, I recommend reading it, it is an interesting license10:56
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AzulJordan_U: i'll consider it10:56
bouternewtubuntu    try these steps    http://kb.barnoid.com/?p=1810:56
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THEanyone have time to help me?  #.#10:57
recoy^me too?10:57
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Jordan_Urecoy^, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:57
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bouternow..   is there anyone who can help me with my little problem10:57
Jordan_UTHE, Have you tried the alternate install CD?10:57
coldopmI cannot login to ubuntu through GUI, it tells me that GDM cannot write to my authorization file...I can login from terminal tho..Can anyone help me get my GUI working again?10:58
THEi haven't it10:58
cvd_where can i read about share a HD with a guest os?10:58
Jordan_U!anyone | bouter10:58
ubotubouter: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:58
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THEi using ubuntu 6.10 Live to load this10:58
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peter07_hi, how can I get information about my Ram memory (for example frequency ...)??10:58
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THEmy ubuntu in hdd4 is feisty10:58
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the 5th release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes10:58
recoy^(gedit:11960): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:10:58
recoy^Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.10:58
qnycTHE, you should seriously consider obtaining 7.0410:58
bouterthen I 'll just quote myself10:59
bouter how do I make a filesystem on ubuntu in w95 fat32 ?       I already fdisked it to the right parameters. I just don' t know the sysntax to make the filesystem10:59
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents10:59
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gordonjcpbouter: you want to make a fat32 fs?10:59
boutergordonjcp    yes10:59
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gordonjcpbouter: man mkfs.vfat10:59
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Jordan_UTHE, Try it, there is probably a way to fix it, but the alternate CD is probably easier, and like others have said, definitely get Feisty ( the newest version )10:59
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cvd_what is the command to know the version of ubuntu tha i have?10:59
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cvd_and kernel11:00
coldopmOr how can i edit my permissions from teminal?11:00
Jordan_Ucvd_, lsb_release -a11:00
Jordan_U!permissions | coldopm11:00
ubotucoldopm: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux11:00
cvd_and whay the lsb mean?11:00
recoy^Jordan_U: waht does that mean?11:00
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THEjordan_u,can i pm you to talk a few mins11:00
cvd_what does11:00
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Jordan_Urecoy^, What?11:01
recoy^recoy@recoy-desktop:~$  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:01
recoy^(gedit:11960): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:11:01
recoy^Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.11:01
=== Frederick [n=imanewbi@unaffiliated/frederick] has joined #ubuntu
Frederickhow do I get the path for myjvm?11:01
Jordan_UTHE, it is best to stay in channel, that way other people can chime in and help also11:01
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recoy^Jordan_U: what does that error mean?11:02
boutergordonjcp   so    mkfs -F 32 -i diskname -v      should do the trick?11:02
Jordan_Urecoy^, It can be ignored11:02
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Azul /j #politics11:02
Bruni want set ukranian lang. But i have problem. Did you help me&11:02
THEi need to dl a feisty DVD to fix this?11:02
Brunbrun@serverpz:~$ set-language-env11:02
BrunThe program 'set-language-env' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:11:02
Brunsudo apt-get install language-env11:02
BrunMake sure you have the 'universe' component enabled11:02
Brunbash: set-language-env:   11:02
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Jordan_UTHE, There is also a feisty CD, you don't *need* to, but I can't help you otherwise11:03
coldopmJordan: !permissions says event not found11:03
Azulgaim sucks for yahoo chat11:03
boutergordonjcp   so    mkfs -F 32 -n diskname -v      should do the trick?11:03
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:04
Azultakes forever and many clicks to go to a room11:04
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newtubuntubouter:  I dont even have /opt/vmware ...  on my system11:04
THEoh....can i use edgy dvd to fix11:04
Jordan_UBrun, have you installed the package language-env?11:04
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FrogzooBrun: 1) don't paste in chan 2) sudo apt-get install language-env11:04
newtubuntubouter:  why is vmware better than virtualbox ?11:04
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cvd_any know its there are drivers for my video 760gx-m?11:04
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boutervmware is better because there are more options in it11:05
cvd_i cant use the 3d11:05
THEi can mount my hdd4 on edgy live dvd11:05
bouternewtubuntu     opt/vmware        you should change that to the folder where you extracted the tar.bz11:05
Azuli got a canon iP1300 printer, i couldn't find the driver when i go to the new printer installation dialog.. what should i do?11:05
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Jordan_Ucvd_, What GFX card?11:05
cvd_sis 760gx-m11:05
newtubuntubouter: I did not extract a tar.bz11:05
abhihi i'm facing a problem with edgy eft. when the internet connection goes down on my office lan, edgy runs sluggish. it takes me long time to open even a simple terminal. any reason why this is happening?11:06
recoy^If anyone could PM to help me that would be great11:06
newtubuntuI simply used the Synaptic installer11:06
wolscvd_: there are11:06
Jordan_UAzul, Try drivers of models that are close, it sometimes works11:06
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wolscvd_: but I dunno if they are in ubuntu11:06
cvd_only the 2d not the 3d11:06
wolscvd_: what driver did you try?11:06
newtubuntuwols:  I got it, I'm running from my HD now  :-)11:06
FrogzooBrun: to enable universe, open synaptic -> settings -> repositories  & enable universe & multiverse11:06
abhiJordan_U: any clues?11:06
abhiwols: any clues?11:06
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cvd_only have the default ubuntu11:06
bouternewtubuntu    download the latest version of vmwareserver     extract it    do the steps on the site (keeping in mind that /opt/vmware is diff)11:07
THEshould i do some modify in my feisty11:07
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coldopmanyone know the sudo to turn on write permissions?11:07
yeniklasorDo you know any program to select an area of the screen then zoom (fullscreen) it ?11:07
Jordan_Ucoldopm, For ntfs?11:07
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cvd_i have this tool tha i installed SisCrtl11:07
tulgaI installed ubuntu server edition. then I want install clean gnome development release. howto do it? where is guide?11:07
THEchmod 77711:07
BrunFrogzoo: ok, thanks11:08
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wolscvd_: you're right there is no3D driver out there11:08
coldopmJordan: yes11:08
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | coldopm11:08
Pirate_Huntersomeone please check my pastebin @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27384/plain/11:08
ubotucoldopm: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:08
wolstulga: what "development realease"?11:08
cvd_but when i run it it says"To eneble the Suscrtl interface , place option "enblesisctrl" "yes" in the device section of your config fiel11:09
cvd_how do this?11:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about warrock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:09
wolscvd_: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:09
heskethjHey, does anybody know how to disable hibernation/kinit. I get these "kinit: no resume image" at boot and I assume it is because it is looking for an image to restore from hibernation. I don't use hibernation so I'd like to turn this off as it is time wasting.11:09
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)11:10
udosThe apt sources for breezy seem broken.11:10
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udosI did an apt-get update11:10
udosall 40411:10
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ubotubreezy is the third release of Ubuntu. Version 5.10, codename "Breezy Badger".  Upgrading to !dapper : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades11:10
Frogzooudos: breezy is deceased11:10
Frogzooudos: 404 for evermore..11:10
udos...when I tried to install lynx and some other odbc stuff11:10
Frederickhow do I get the path for my jvm?11:10
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idefixwhich LaTeX in Synaptic is the best to install for normal use?11:11
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents11:11
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udosFrogzoo: does that mean I can no longer apt-get breezy packages?11:11
wolsudos: exactly11:11
Frogzooudos: yes it means that11:11
Pirate_Huntersomeone please check my pastebin @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27384/plain/11:11
Pirate_Hunterseriously its t do with permission problem11:11
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tuna-fishI am trying to get windows to work as dual boot, but grub gives me error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. What to do?11:12
idefixeat more tuna11:12
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wols!permission | Pirate_Hunter11:12
ubotuPirate_Hunter: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux11:12
winnexdid you install on a laptop?11:12
wolsread that Pirate_Hunter11:12
nileshFrederick: type "which java" into your shell11:12
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cvd_thanks, i think a need i restard11:13
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179144036.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
coldopmOK, I am a little NewB. I am currently in Ctrl+alt+f1 interface. I need to know how to turn on write permission. Please help!11:13
cvd_c ya later11:13
Pirate_Hunterwols: ive been through that last night with the ppl here so far the folder looks like ive got permission but I cnat actually write anything and im the actual owner11:13
Fredericknilesh: this game ve /usr/bin/java =/11:13
wolstnnc: you need chainloader. but ubuntu should have put your windows partition on the menu by default. possibly run update-grub11:13
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nileshFrederick: well, that's your answer - right?11:14
wolsPirate_Hunter: you don't have the permission to enter that folder. read that 2nd link11:14
Fredericknilesh: no :( Im installing subervion it cant find the sdk11:14
wolsFrederick: svn, subversion11:14
wols!packages | Frederick11:14
ubotuFrederick: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!11:14
Frederickwols: I need to build from source11:14
coldopmOK, I am a little NewB. I am currently in Ctrl+alt+f1 interface. I need to know how to turn on write permission. Please help! This is because I can't login to my GUI as i get the eror"GDM cannot write to auth file" Sorry for the spam I just wanted to explain a little further...11:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:15
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Pirate_Hunterwols: I cna enter the folder i have been to the folder, i have rigth clicked the folder, I have unclicked and cliked write permission so I ahve access to the folder11:15
wolscoldopm: is gdm running?11:15
cvd_beryl, compiz work with gforce 6200?11:15
wolscvd_: yes11:15
winnextry ctrl+alt+f711:15
cvd_cost $62?11:15
coldopmwols: When I try to login it just says cant write to auth file..11:15
wolscvd_: expensive11:15
wolscoldopm: I asked you something11:16
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cvd_its suposed to be cheaper?11:16
wolscvd_: were do you live?11:16
cvd_Puerto Rico11:16
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coldopmwols: I answered the best I could. I don't know if it is. All I know is it is saying that write permission is turned off....11:16
predaeuscoldopm, if you need to search the web, you can install lynx which is a text based web browser11:16
=== scratch_ [n=scratch@159.168-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
stefgHi, i'm a bit lost on the following problem. I want to write a script that ssh's into another box, starts vlc there to stream TV to the local box, and then starts vlc on the local box to watch the stream. The problem is once the script is ssh'd into the server, i can't start a /local/ vlc from it. any hints, links or ideas?11:17
wolsstefg: erro message?11:17
yeniklasorDo you know any program to select an area of the screen then zoom (fullscreen) it ?11:17
heskethjHey, does anybody know how to disable hibernation/kinit. I get these "kinit: no resume image" at boot and I assume it is because it is looking for an image to restore from hibernation. I don't use hibernation so I'd like to turn this off as it is time wasting.11:18
wolscoldopm: stop gdm first.11:18
cvd_its like 20$ ++ shipping for no matter what thing you bye in newegg11:18
wolsthen empty your /tmp folder, then restart it11:18
predaeusheskethj, it likely does not even take half a second11:18
coldopmwols: how can I do this (kep in mind all I have access to is ctrl+alt+f1 interface)11:18
wols /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:19
stefgwols: no error message, because the script will only 'hang' at the point where it starts the remote vlc. How do i tell that i want to execute a *local* command now?11:19
heskethjpredaeus, it seems to be the longest process on my boot. It might take about 5 seconds11:19
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predaeusheskethj, hm ok, weird.11:19
wolsstefg: you mean on the box that ssh starts from?11:19
=== stefg thinks about some subshell
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cvd_what is the price of gforce 6200 over there?11:20
coldopmwols: I typed sudo gdm stop and it said GDM already running. Abrting!11:20
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wolscoldopm: you need to use sudo of course11:20
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wolscvd_: your 20$ shipping explains it11:21
stefgwols: goes like : ssh user@server vlc -some_arguments ...... then it executes vlc on the remote box, and waits for vlc to be terminated again (which is right). Now i need that to go to background and start a local vlc to watch the stream11:21
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coldopmwhat is GDM neways?11:21
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osiris_coldopm: Gnome display manager11:22
Brunhow i can install driver to Video Card? ATI Radeon 7000/VE11:22
wolscoldopm: a display manager11:22
wols!ati | Brun11:22
ubotuBrun: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:22
coldopmso when i try to login and it tells me GDM could not write to auth file...I am having a grafical issue?11:22
wolsBrun: you will need the driver named "ati"11:23
cvd_hey beryl its waht and compiz is what? i know but i need boath? i dont understand11:23
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wolsBrun: nothing to actually install, only config. ubuntu already comes with the driver11:23
Brunwen download it11:23
wols!effects | cvd_11:23
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ubotucvd_: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects11:23
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cvd_ok cya later time to... do things11:24
BadRobothi there what is it the pastebin site?11:24
wols!paste | BadRobot11:24
ubotuBadRobot: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:24
cvd_any form PR here?11:24
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jensenso, i have a box with 2 NIC's, how would I configure it so that it uses a certain one as its primairy outbound interface?11:24
wolsjensen: set the default route for that nic11:25
wolsjensen: what are you trying to do exactly?11:25
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coldopmFrom the main GUI login screen, What would I use to try and login as root...User/Pass? I did not set anything up when I installed..7.0411:26
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Brunwols, Thanks11:26
wolscoldopm: there is no root login11:26
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coldopmwols: ok owner? Anyhing higher?11:27
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wolscoldopm: higher than what?11:27
predaeusheskethj, I think that hibernate might be part of the kernel and not an init script. No idea how to disable it, there does not even seem to be a module that you could blacklist. You could search the forums, maybe there is details where people configure it.11:27
BadRobotso can anyone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27385/11:28
heskethjpredaeus, I've googled a bit with little luck. Perhaps there is a boot parameter? Thanks for helping though.11:28
stefgHi, i could use some mentoring on using a subshell in a script. I need to write a script that does ssh user@server vlc -some_arguments_starting_a_stream. It executes vlc on the remote box, and waits for vlc to be terminated again (which is right). Now i need that to go to background and start a local vlc to watch the stream. Hints, links or ideas?11:28
predaeusheskethj, yes! Actually I think there is one.11:28
coldopmwols: I have no idea...took me forever to install and update then first time I reboot and now I cant login kinda frusterated11:29
wolsBadRobot: remove your duplicate entries. the warnings are pretty clear11:29
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BadRobotI'm having problems with duplicate lines on the synaptic,i try to update the source list but it gives the errors11:29
wolscoldopm: you set up a user11:29
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wolsuse that11:29
predaeusheskethj, I remember there was one to specify where the RAM image is located when it is not on swap.11:29
coldopmwols: i know11:29
BadRobotso,how do i do that?11:29
wolscoldopm: you logged in the VT1 too11:29
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coldopmwols: but it ill not let me login11:29
osiris_BadRobot: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:29
wolscoldopm: have you restarted gdm like I told you? removed the auth files?11:29
osiris_BadRobot: Check for any duplicate entries11:29
=== Keith-BlindUser [n=keith@mmds-216-19-30-69.mm.az.commspeed.net] has joined #ubuntu
heskethjpredaeus, ok. Any idea where I might find it or where to look11:30
coldopmwols: VT1 is virtual terminal?11:30
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wolscoldopm: what are the permissions on /tmp and on your user's home directory?11:30
CyberMadwhen you use Terminal Server Client, how to easily switch from Windows to Ubuntu? I use full screen mode..11:30
CyberMadis there any hotkey11:30
coldopmwols: How do i restart GDM? Remove Auth Files?11:30
BadRobotright,thx osiris11:30
snipexi want to switch from GNOME to KDE i got ubuntu dapper LTS what do i have to do are there any guides for this ?11:30
wolscoldopm: I told you. scroll up11:31
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wolssnipex: install kubuntu-desktop11:31
Frogzoo_CyberMad: just have it full screen and switch virtual desktop with a hotkey11:31
askandWhat is the easiest way to make a gui to a bashscript?11:31
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Frogzoo_askand: tcl ?11:31
snipexisnt it possible to uninstall gnome and install KDE ?11:31
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snipexnot installing kubuntu11:31
wolsFrogzoo_: tcl is a script language like bash itself11:31
Frogzoo_askand: tk/tcl I mean11:31
coldopmwols waaay to much to read ...ty neways for your help11:32
=== faded515 [n=faded515@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust973.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu
wolssnipex: install kde then11:32
magnetronaskand: try writing the script in python instead11:32
wolsif you are lazy, don't expect hel11:32
askandmagnetron: ok ill try!11:32
wolssnipex: apt-get isntall kde11:32
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snipexand this wont screw my comp ?11:33
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wolssnipex: but why don't you want kubuntu-desktop?11:33
coldopmwols: lazy? I have told you 6 times I am new at this and you keep talking to me like I am 10 years into linux...11:33
askandmagnetron:  you can write linuxcommands in pythoncode?11:33
=== NecromantiA [n=number23@ppp194-195.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
snipexcuz then i hav to download 600 MB again11:33
wolscoldopm: I expect you to rad what I wrote and follow the instructions. you ignored it, fine, but then expect help11:33
wolssnipex: no11:33
magnetronaskand: yes11:33
wolssnipex: where did I say "download a kubuntu ISO"?11:34
snipexkubuntu desktop11:34
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Frogzoo_coldopm: no, but it gets boring helping people who haven't or won't read the documentation already available11:34
askand magnetron: do you have a link to a good pyhonguide?11:34
wolssnipex: wrong11:34
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NecromantiAhi a have xubuntu 7.04 and i try to find drivers for conexant f 201 modem if someone have them msg me ty:D11:34
snipexi understood u tht way11:34
snipexok ok my mistake11:34
snipexso how do i do it ?11:34
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wolsaskand: http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/11:34
wolssnipex: install kubuntu-desktop11:34
snipexwhere ?11:34
snipexsynaptic ?11:34
wolsNecromantiA: winmodem?11:34
coldopmwols: if you told me how to reset gdm...I missed it, but I am 500 lines of text past that point so would have just ben easier for you to type the cmd for me again.....11:34
wolssnipex: wherever you install stuff11:35
NecromantiAwols yes i use it in xp11:35
snipexsynaptic ye11:35
wolscoldopm: /lastlog wols11:35
magnetronaskand: http://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/11:35
wolsNecromantiA: linmodems.org11:35
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coldopm/lastlog wols11:35
NecromantiAty i see11:35
CyberMadFrogzoo_ damn.. i tried find out how to switch workspace.. i tried ALT+CTRL+F1  then i get in to console.. how to switch back to xwindow?11:35
askandmagnetron: thanks ill try to learn11:35
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snipexso i install those 4 packages ?11:35
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raddyHello Everybody11:35
Frogzoo_CyberMad: ctrl alt f711:35
raddyCan anybody help me?11:35
levanderDoes Real have a player for Linux?  If so, is it free (as in freedom, not beer)?  Is it in the Canonical repositories?11:35
wolscoldopm: no leading space11:36
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Frogzoo_raddy: we don't know11:36
wolslevander: helixplayer11:36
wols!ask < raddy11:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask < raddy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:36
wols!ask | raddy11:36
uboturaddy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:36
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coldopm/lastlog wols11:36
wolssnipex: its more than just 411:36
levanderwols: But, was that written by Real themselves?  I'm asking because Real Player 11 looks really cool.11:36
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snipexwols : i install those 4 packages, restart system, and what then ? will it give me option to choose between gnome or kde ?11:36
snipexno its just 411:36
wolscoldopm: what is a LEADING space?11:37
predaeusheskethj, probably try "noresume" as kernel boot option. see http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/gregkh/lkn/lkn_pdf/ch09.pdf  or google for more info about noresume11:37
coldopmwols: I have no idea11:37
wolslevander: yes, helixplayer was written by real.com11:37
wolssnipex: yes11:37
Azuli have real player and real files11:37
NecromantiAwols conexant site only win driv11:37
wolscoldopm: what country are you from?11:37
Azulthe worst invention in the music industry11:37
snipexit will give me option to choose ?11:37
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wolssnipex: learn to read what I type11:37
snipexwols : r u 100% sure that it cant screw up my comp ?11:37
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snipexi just wanna be sure11:38
wolssnipex: seeing what you ask, I am pretty sure YOU screw up your computer, but that's nothing anyone can prevent11:38
coldopmwols: wow, go get a hug from daddy, I thought this site was to HELP people if you can't do it don't try. Not everyone is a super genious like you with 18 hours a day to spend in front of there computer...11:38
heskethjpredaeus, Cheers! I'll give that a try11:38
Frogzoo_!patience | coldopm11:38
ubotucoldopm: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:38
snipexwols i used windows and im quite new to linux so yes i can screw my comp11:38
wolscoldopm: understanding the english language has nothing to do with being a genius11:38
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wolscoldopm: which is why I asked where you are from11:39
Azulcoldopm: is that what wols get from helping people?11:39
wolse.g. maybe english is a second language for you. but if it's the first there is no excuse11:39
=== pequatre [n=pequatre@AOrleans-152-1-4-159.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
coldopmwols: ty for your help. I will try to figure it out...11:39
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wolsyou seem to be a canuck.11:39
Myrttiwow, love is in the air11:39
=== wols hugs Myrtti
wolslotsa love11:40
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NecromantiAgtp usb modems:(11:40
wolsMyrtti: have you seen my E! pills?11:40
wolsNoah0504: mo. many of those ar winmodems too11:40
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wolsNecromantiA: check if there are linux drivers BEFORE you buy anything11:40
CeldronisId like to ask something if someone is jind enough to answer me :)11:41
wols!ask | Celdronis11:41
ubotuCeldronis: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:41
coldopmSo can anyone please tell me how to reset my GDM from VT1?11:41
Myrtticoldopm: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:41
CyberMadthe control+ALT+Left  or  right doesn't work :(11:42
CyberMadsorry.. i mean doesn't work when i login to terminal server11:42
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coldopmmyrtti: Tyvm11:42
Celdronisubotu : my system is AMD 64 3000,1GB ram ,1 EIDE 80GB HDD and Creative's Audigy 2.Is Audigy detected while setup or dop i have to set it up mysef11:42
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Celdronisubotu and I need the system to have good suport of Greek language11:43
Frogzoo_Celdronis: that should pretty much just install11:43
jussi01!bot | Celdronis11:43
ubotuCeldronis: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:43
MatthaiHi, anyyone knows how to setup ubuntu server from desktop edition? apt-get remove ubuntu-dekstop is not a solution...11:43
coldopmmyrtti: could you possibly tell me how to open my aut file for writing?11:44
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baboguys, can you do me a favour and check whether this link is working please ? http://www.FlowerHour.biz11:44
Myrtticoldopm: sorry, no11:44
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VSpikebabo: yep11:44
CeldronisFrogzoo_ what about Greek language support [ i want toi be able to type greeks in openoffice :)11:45
jhaigMatthai: Do you mean that it removes too much or too little?11:45
baboVSpike: which country are you in ?11:45
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jussi01babo: nope11:45
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VSpikebabo: england11:45
Matthaitoo little11:45
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Matthaionly 45kb11:45
babojussi01: where are you ?11:45
Frogzoo_Celdronis: shouldn't be a problem - greek's a common enough language11:45
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jussi01babo: finland11:45
predaeuscoldopm, what does "ls -l ~/.ICEauthority" say?11:45
predaeuscoldopm, what permissions?11:45
babois there anyone from the US or Canada that can test this for me ? http://www.flowerhour.biz ...11:46
CeldronisFrogzoo_ i suppose my Radeon 9250 AGP will be fine with it :)11:46
coldopmWhen I try to login 7.04 from GUI, I get the following error, " GDM could not write to your authorization file" I am currently logged in VT1. Can anone please tell me the command to allow writing?11:46
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jhaigMatthai: I think you will need to go through and remove everything you don't need.  ubuntu-desktop is not a real package - it just has dependencies that make sure everything you need for a desktop in installed.11:46
coldopmpred: one second11:46
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Frogzoo_Celdronis: yep, should be fine11:46
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Matthaiyes, I did this, but Ithought there is a more easy solution :-/11:46
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magnetronbabo: please no ads11:46
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jhaigMatthai: I think the proper solution is to use the alternative install CD.11:46
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VSpikemagnetron: FWIW I don't think it is an ad, unless this a place where lots of florists hang out11:47
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Matthaithe problem is that server install CD has an error in kernel and I cannot use it in VirtualBox11:47
babomagnetron, what ads ?11:47
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jhaigMatthai: I think if you uninstall X you will find that lots of desktop packages will be automatically uninstalled.11:47
CeldronisFrogzoo_ thx for ur time :) Ill try the install and coemn back later [hopefully for chatting only and not for installation support] 11:47
=== danny3793 [n=daniel@adsl-149-127-165.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolscoldopm: a long time ago I asked you about the perms of your /tmp file and your user's home directory11:47
Matthaiyes, but not all. OK, thanks anyway11:48
danny3793how can i delete things off my CD-RW CDs so i can write new items to them?? it tells me i do not have ownership of the items11:48
magnetron"Unlimited email reminders from ONLY $19.99 per month.", babo11:48
Matthaibtw:anyone knows wheh there will be support for crypto disks in ubuntu installer?11:48
babomagnetron: what ?11:48
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babomagnetron, that's an offer to florists who sign their customers up to my service ... what business is it of yours ?11:49
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coldopmwols: I am not to familiar with sudo commands....So if you could let m know how I get in I could tell you ;p11:49
Celdronisoh someone's got ubuntu work with Ati X1300 ? its on another pc... :)11:49
wolscoldopm: no sudo required. do you have a prompt?11:49
coldopmwols: yes11:49
predaeus!offtopic | babo11:49
ubotubabo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:49
=== Kyle123 [i=Kyle123@cpe-24-26-242-195.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
VSpikebabo: just tried it from a shell account I have in canada and I can connect no problem11:49
wolscoldopm: ls -al /tmp   ls -al ~11:49
baboVSpike: :-)11:49
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babok thanks guys11:50
wolscoldopm: also if you stop gdm, you should be able to get into X by running "startx"11:50
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CeldronisAti X1300 is working fine with ubuntu ?11:50
danny3793how do i delete items off my CD-RW's??11:50
askandIs there a graphical way to create programs with pygtk?11:50
wolsbabo: our business is that you are a fscking spammer. no go away11:50
tulgaI want install gnome 2.19 in my ubuntu box. howto do it?11:50
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wolstulga: wait until ubuntu packages it11:51
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`4aFkA`how can i change the LINUX boot loader into the windows boot.ini???11:51
CeldronisFrogzoo_ u knwo if ATI's X1300 is supported? its on another pc....11:51
defrysktulga, only way for now is to upgrade to gutsy gibbon11:51
=== debouit [n=debouit@ril69-3-88-169-248-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
babowols: it's an opt-in email campaign you moron ....11:51
Kyle123Alright i just tried to install Ubuntu 7.04 on my Asus G2P laptop, i already have windows vista installed but i have a partition that is 10gb that i want to install Ubuntu to, but when it was loading all of the drivers and such before the install part, it came to an error that says if i remember correctly, X (something) had stoped because of my Graphical Interface, and retry when it is fixed, what does that mean exactly ? my screen was 11:51
wols`4aFkA`: boot from the windows CD in recovrey mode and run fixmbr11:51
magnetron!gutsy | defrysk tulga11:51
ubotudefrysk tulga: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+111:51
wols`4aFkA`: but this is OT here11:51
selinuxiumtulga: gutsy is far from stable at the moment11:51
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wolsbabo: stop that language. it's spam in HERE11:52
magnetron!ops | babo11:52
ubotubabo: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:52
coldopmwols: I appriciate your help......I am super tired. Thank you very much for trying...11:52
danny3793how do i delete items on my CDs, i need to empty me CDs :(11:52
`4aFkA`wols i have AMD processor and the fixmbr don't work on AMD 64bit11:52
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Frogzoo_!fglrx | Celdronis11:52
ubotuCeldronis: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:52
wols`4aFkA`: that is BS11:52
predaeustulga, mind that Gutsy is in Beta state. which means, only install/upgrade it if you want to test it. It is not safe for use.11:52
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NecromantiAwols: I find drivers for that modem in opensuse madrake and feboracore maybe is somethind same in this drivers to ubuntu to?11:52
wols`4aFkA`: anyways, windows help is OT here11:52
brad016how do you compile a tar source11:53
magnetronbabo: we did not opt in for you to post that link here11:53
`4aFkA`wols ok11:53
gordonjcpbrad016: it depends11:53
wolsNecromantiA: it is then. but you might have to compile them yourself11:53
brad016gordonjcp, like11:53
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NecromantiArecompile kernel?11:53
wolsbrad016: by reading the docs that come with it or are on the website11:53
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babomagnetron: you think I'm advertising by asking someone to check that my site is up from their country ?11:53
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wolsNecromantiA: compile a module for the kernel. not the kernel itself11:53
magnetronbabo: yes11:53
brad016wolfanger, okay, i'll se of there arre docs11:53
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:54
gordonjcpbrad016: well, in general, if it's packaged with the autoconf gubbins, you'd untar it, cd to the directory and type "./configure && make && sudo make install"11:54
thedonvaughnbrad016, extract it by tar -zxf for .tar.gz or tar -jxf for .tar.bz2.  then read the README or INSTALL file that comes with it.  usually it's "./configure && make && make install"11:54
CeldronisFrogzoo_ ?11:54
Pirate_Hunterjust configuring Cedega and this came up: Your OpenGL drivers do not appear to be setup correctly - how cna i fix it11:54
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wolsbrad016: don't just run the make and make install11:54
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NecromantiAok then i can find a how to to help me11:54
wols!checkinstall | brad01611:54
ubotubrad016: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!11:54
gordonjcpbrad016: you'd probably want to run "./configure --help" to find the options for compiling, in case there's something you need to set11:54
Frogzoo_!fglrx | Celdronis11:54
ubotuCeldronis: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:54
Kyle123anyone know what i can do ? i know there is alot of chating going on here lol, send me a private messae thing if you can.11:54
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Frogzoo_Celdronis: read ubotu ^11:55
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gordonjcpbrad016: what are you trying to compile?11:55
Sergoanyone used compiz fusion? how to change windows style11:55
wolsNecromantiA: first step is to find out what driver those other distros use. 2nd is then to find the driver, prefarable as a .deb package11:55
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wols!effects | Sergo11:55
ubotuSergo: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects11:55
Pheanixhow can I run my Itoons down loaded TVshows and Music on Ubuntu?11:55
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CeldronisFrogzoo_ ill check the docs11:55
magnetronPirate_Hunter: for cedega issues, ask the commercial company who produces it. (transgaming). it is a proprietary software.11:55
dvi installed kubuntu-desktop but found that i didn't like it at all. is there some neat way of removing all of KDE from my system?11:55
Pirate_Hunteranyone know how I cna configure OpenGL drivers to work properly in ubuntu11:55
Frogzoo_Celdronis: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:55
Pirate_Huntermagnetron: kk11:55
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predaeusKyle123, probably a driver issue, you could install in text mode (it is a wizard) with the "Alternate CD" but it might not boot up then to the graphical interface due to the same driver problems. You might then have to install correct drivers through console (text interface).11:56
defryskdv, sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop gdm11:56
wolsdv: dpkg -l |grep kdebase11:57
wolsdv: remove that with apt-get11:57
wolsdv: same for kdelibs11:57
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Kyle123Anyone help me with a Graphical Interface Error when trying to install Ubuntu11:57
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Pheanixhow can I run iToon Downloads?11:58
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dvdefrysk: autoremove doesn't list any KDE packages...11:58
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defryskdv, first sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop11:58
defryskdv, then sudo apt-get autoremove11:59
dvdefrysk: right11:59
defryskor is it sudo autoremove ?11:59
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defryskhmm ;s11:59
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Lorne_Kun|Laptopthis is odd...11:59
=== Lorne_Kun|Laptop cant get the terminal to open...
magnetronPheanix: ask that company, they encrypt their movies and music to prevent you from viewing/listening it11:59
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wolfangerdoes somebody use last valknut release ? or know a multidownload dcpp client 4 linux ?12:00
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PheanixMagnetron: Thank you.12:00
tunganetI believe my soundcard is a 4 channel one, but i cannot get my rear speakers to work without turning on "matrix mode" for my speakers. How come?? :(12:00
defryskdv, read http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/01/30/howto-switch-from-ubuntu-to-kubuntu-or-xubuntu-or-edubuntu-or-vice-versa-610-edgy/12:00
dvwols: i guess that's neat enough. thanks12:00
idefixI don't know which one to pick from synapitc? what is a good MiKTeX or LaTeX compiler?12:01
magnetronwolfanger: In add/remove applications, there is a software called "dc_gui2" try that one12:01
DarkMageZwolfanger, download from multiple sources at one time or download multiple files at a time?12:01
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tunganetI believe my soundcard is a 4 channel one, but i cannot get my rear/center speakers to work without turning on "matrix mode" for my speakers. How come?? :(12:01
wolfangermultiple sources at one time12:02
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wolfangerthe valknut on repo is a old release i guess 0.3712:02
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Jordan_ULorne_Kun|Laptop, Try pressing alt+F2 and running "xterm"12:02
Lorne_Kun|Laptopthnx :)12:03
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Frederickfolks Im trying to build subversion from sources but I get the following error: You don't seem to have Berkeley DB version 4.0.14 or newer12:03
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Frederickinstalled and linked to APR-UTIL.12:03
dvdefrysk: well, it doesn't work. apt-get autoremove only lists wireshark (for reasons beyond me because i installed and use it)12:04
Lorne_Kun|Laptopahh thats why everything was buggerred :012:04
Frederickbut I do have berkeley db installed at least apt says so, concerning the linked part im really not sure12:04
Lorne_Kun|Laptopthe flash plugin didnt finish installing :)12:04
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=== Lorne_Kun|Laptop smiles and happily goes off back to linuxland :)
zero-9376askand: i too am looking at a GUI for a bash script12:05
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askandzero-9376:  have you find anything? I am trying to learn pygtk but its hard12:06
idefixis it really dangerous to install software that can't be authenticated?12:06
stefgidefix: if not now, maybe in the future?12:07
gordonjcpthere's a thing that pops up dialogue boxes from bash scripts12:07
ceil420i think that's more a "don't come crying to us if it doesn't work" message than a "this software's gonna break your computer" message12:07
gordonjcpcan't remember what it's called though12:07
CyberMadhow to make by default there is confirmation on delete something?12:07
Pirate_Hunterfor the sis grapchics card what is the equivelant driver in ubuntu when doing Xorg12:07
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stefgCyberMad: gui or cli ?12:08
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J-_can I 'wget domain.com/file.deb' with no gui in my home directory? Then once I wget how do I install a .deb with no gui?12:08
zero-9376no, i initially was planning to to learn/use python later but im fast approaching my deadline and having a gui would be preferable for my supervisor12:08
stefgJ-_: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb12:09
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J-_stefg: thanks =)12:09
CyberMadstefg GUI.. gnome (ubuntu)12:09
stefgCyberMad: it's got a trashbin ...12:10
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CyberMadand cli too.. :) nice question..12:10
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stefgCyberMad: on cli that would involve to alias the rm -command with a small script that puts a 'really do it?' confirmation prompt before the actual action (Ugh, how annoying)12:11
jensenCyberMad:  alias rm='rm -i'12:11
jensenif you need it, but as stefg says, annoying.12:11
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Pirate_Hunter for the sis grapchics card what is the equivelant driver in ubuntu when doing Xorg12:11
CyberMadstefg hehe, how about GUI?12:12
jensenPirate_Hunter: probably xserver-xorg-video-sis12:12
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wotanistHi, how do I access a hidden folder in my home directory?12:13
stefgCyberMad: did the invention of the trashbin pass unnoticed by you ?12:13
Pirate_Hunterjensen: hmm I dont think that is actually available as I was looking at it12:13
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jensenPirate_Hunter: well, off a quick search that package shows up. you might need to load the kernel module to use the driver though.12:14
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Jordan_UKagar, apt-get moo12:15
wolswotanist: just type its name12:15
Kagarpackage "moo" not found12:15
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Pirate_Hunterjensen: hmm how would I do that12:15
wotanistHow do I get to the home directory from Terminal? :S12:16
Jordan_UKagar, Not, apt-get install moo, just apt-get moo12:16
KagarI just can't stand this udder disappointment12:16
wolswotanist: cd12:16
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wotanistok :)12:16
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jhaigKagar: Try "apt-get moo"12:16
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Kagar         (__)12:17
Kagar         (oo)12:17
Kagar   /------\/12:17
Kagar  / |    ||12:17
Kagar *  /\---/\12:17
Kagar    ~~   ~~12:17
Kagar...."Have you mooed today?"...12:17
AlexC_Kagar: don't12:17
jensenPirate_Hunter: modconf or modprobe are ways you can browser, or set parameters on the module12:17
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dffhow do i get more Debug on the startup?12:17
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J-_What is ubuntu dapper compared to, or build on? unstable, sarge, sid?12:17
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AlexC_Kagar: this is the busiest channel on freenode, so we can't have it filled up with pictures of a cow! =D12:17
wolsJ-_: deprecated. old oldstable12:18
Kagarhas anyone had any experience with the simpletech external hard drives?12:18
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wolsJ-_: ubuntu always builds on the current sid12:18
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jhaigI thought the apt-get moo easter egg had been remove (or rather, changed)12:18
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wols!anyone | Kagar12:18
ubotuKagar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:18
BadRobothi there,i just have installed Ubuntustudio,and i was wondering how can i get that ugly Ubuntu start up(I mean the screen that appears when i've to type my username and password) screen for the Ubuntustudio12:18
dffI need more debug on the starup!12:18
ubotuubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.12:18
Jordan_Ujhaig, Maybe you are thinking of aptitude moo12:18
Pirate_Hunterjensen: hmmm...? kk just the start of that sentence tells me Im better off the way i am at the moment. oh well it not really important at this precise moment I cna figure out how to do it as I get better using ubuntu12:19
MaxdamantusJordan_U, it's apt-get moo12:19
AlexC_dff: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove quite12:19
Maxdamantusaptitude moo says there are no easter eggs.12:19
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jhaigJordan_U: Yes, that is it.12:19
J-_I'm not asking for current.. Dapper Drake is a bit older than feisty, no?12:19
Jordan_UMaxdamantus, Then you havn't tried aptitude moo :)12:19
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Maxdamantus[root@maxdamantus (/download/xchat-2.8.2)] $ aptitude moo12:19
MaxdamantusThere are no Easter Eggs in this program.12:19
MaxdamantusTry apt-get moo12:19
jhaigMaxdamantus: Try "aptitude -v moo" and then "aptitude -vv moo" (and so on)12:19
Jordan_Ujhaig, Maxdamantus And remember -v for verbosity :)12:20
Jordan_UBut this is all very offtopic...12:20
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jensenwols, i was working on using the second nic to address a second machine and forward using its conection, deleting the default eth1 route restores normal connect for the host, but the client still gets no where12:20
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Hadronmorning all. Just tried to scan from my HP Officejet for the first time since I upgraded to Feisty. Nothing. Anyone got any ideas?12:21
Hadronps, printer works fine.12:21
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jhaigJ-_: Dapper is a year older than Feisty, but with long term support.12:21
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thufir007hawat12why doesn't feisty have long term support?12:22
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Hadronthufir007hawat12: because its not a "long term support" release ....12:22
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DabianHow do I know if Pidgin is part of ubuntu?12:22
AzulDabian: you don't have to.. it isnt12:22
raddyHello Everybody12:22
hub|ankebuthow can download deb pakage for retroshare ????12:22
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DabianAzul: Why does it appear in the main section then?12:22
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jensenDabian: Pidgin was renamed after feisty, you can find the older package gaim in the repository, or build from source downloaded from the pidgin page12:23
wolsjensen: install ipmasq12:23
Azul!pidgin | Dabian12:23
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ubotuDabian: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.12:23
DabianI have !pidgin12:23
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hub|ankebuthow can download deb pakage for retroshare ????12:23
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raddyMy Realtek based integrated wired ethernet controller is not usable in Ubuntu12:23
MaxdamantusIt doesn't go any further than "What is it?  It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course."12:23
DabianIf pidgin isn't in feisty, how come I have it installed?12:23
raddyCan anybody help me in that?12:23
MaxdamantusPfft.. That PHP script to continuously aptitude moo was useless.12:23
jhaigthufir007hawat12: Not every version has long term support.  It is a lot of work keeping updates for multiple versions, especially when a new version comes out every 6 months.  However, some people don't want to have to upgrade every 6 months so every so often a release is given longer support.12:23
Azulwhen i tried to install pidgin from the repos, it asked me to remove the nautilus-sendto package12:23
Dabianaptitude tells me its in main!12:23
Azuli didn't see much difference really12:24
Jordan_UDabian, Are you running Gutsy?12:24
AzulDabian: i have no clue12:24
defryskDabian, you must have used a not ubuntu repository12:24
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hub|ankebutPidgin   >>>>>    getdeb.org12:24
DabianJordan_U: Not to my knowledge12:24
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Jordan_UDabian, lsb_release -a12:24
AzulDabian: can you run it?12:24
Dabiandefrysk: How do I know?  There must be a way to find out which repository my software comes from.12:24
hub|ankebuthow can download deb pakage for retroshare ????12:24
hub|ankebuthow can download deb pakage for retroshare ????12:24
DabianAzul: I am talking from pidgin ...12:24
defryskDabian, did you use automatix or something ?12:24
wolsDabian: apt-cache policy <package>12:24
Jordan_U!repeat | hub|ankebut12:25
ubotuhub|ankebut: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:25
Dabianhub|ankebut: How do I repeat myself?12:25
AzulDabian: o_O12:25
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Dabiankick the little pig!12:25
raddyCan anybody help me??12:26
AzulDabian: it must have changed sometime this week cuz i tried it last week and couldn't install it without removing the nautilus-sendto package12:26
Dabiandefrysk: Nah .. I never used automatix or linuxconfig.  Well, maybe I tried linuxconfig once upon a time, I dont recall.12:26
Jordan_U!anyone | raddy12:26
uboturaddy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:26
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Azulraddy: no one would know if you don't ask12:26
defryskDabian, then you have downloaded it from getdeb,net12:26
DabianAzul: I may have removed nautilus-sendto .. I dont know what its good for.12:26
Dabiandefrysk: Nope12:26
Jordan_UDabian, Look at the output of lsb_release -a12:26
raddyhey, i asked it12:26
defryskDabian, then you are trolling12:26
Dabiandefrysk: At least not to my knowledge12:26
=== PsySine [n=sdfg@90-228-228-235-no126.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyok 64bit dapper drake  i have a recuring reproducable problem that i have no idea what is causing it.    tosheba satelite a130  ati vidio using vesa driver was working fine now xorg resets after the main user logins in   it goes to the desktop plays the welcome sound and kills x !     any ideas ?12:27
raddyMy Realtek based integrated wired ethernet controller is not usable in Ubuntu12:27
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AzulDabian: when you right-click in nautilus, you get a send to option.. that's what this package is good for12:27
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DabianLSB Version:    core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-noarch:core-2.0-amd64:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.1-amd64:graphics-2.0-noarch:graphics-3.0-noarch:graphics-3.1-noarch:graphics-2.0-amd64:graphics-3.0-amd64:graphics-3.1-amd64:desktop-3.1-noarch:desktop-3.1-amd6412:27
Azulto send to places including bluetooth devices12:27
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DabianAzul: I never noticed that.12:27
DabianAzul: I'm not too comfertable with GUI's yet.. :/12:27
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intelikeyi have reinstalled twice for the same issue  already   fixed for a few logins then   bang,  this error12:27
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Azuli took pidgin out and went back to gaim12:28
CyberMadi tried to add printer that already shared under windows, the printer is Epson Stylus C58, but it's not listed on ubuntu printer driver12:28
DabianAzul: So, where did you get pidgin?12:28
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CyberMadhow to fix it?12:28
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AzulDabian: synaptic.. i'm not sure which repository though?12:28
raddyJordan_U: Azul: My Realtek based integrated wired ethernet controller is not usable in Ubuntu12:28
Jordan_UDabian, That output makes no sense...12:28
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wolsraddy: what realtek chip exactly?12:29
DabianAzul: I dont have a send-to when I right-click, apparently :)12:29
AzulDabian: sucks to be you :P12:29
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DabianAzul: Heh .. never used it ;)12:29
drachenblutAzul: why did you ditch pidgin for gaim12:29
Passahow can i uninstall the quake 4 multiplayer demo12:29
Passawhich doesnt even work but i dont want to get into that right now..12:29
Jordan_UDabian, Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:29
wolsPassa: how did you install it?12:29
Dabiandrachenblut: He misses something12:29
intelikeyand i can't access a console because as soon as this problem starts up  the stupid thing stops displaying the console also12:29
Passainstalled the .run file12:29
jensenDabian: many people built a 3rd party .deb from the sources you probably downloaded and installed one12:30
=== jsk is away: Gone away for now.
Azuldrachenblut: i just said.. for some reason pidgin doesn't like nautilus-sendto and wants it removed before it gets installed12:30
raddywols: Realtek RTL8168/8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC12:30
Dabianjensen: Pidgin is in aptitude12:30
Dabianjensen: It must come from a source.12:30
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Jordan_UDabian, Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:30
wolsDabian: apc-ache policy pidgin12:30
wolsDabian: apt-ache policy pidgin12:30
DabianJordan_U: I could .. but there must be a way to find out .. oh .. wols12:30
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CyberMadwhere to find driver for epson stylus c58?12:31
wols!printing | CyberMad12:31
ubotuCyberMad: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:31
Dabianwols: That worlded!12:31
CyberMadthnks :)12:31
Dabianwols: Worked too :)12:31
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wolsDabian: we want to know what it says12:31
defryskapt-cache policy pidgin12:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:31
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defryskwols, mind your typo's ;)12:31
Stokesywell well well12:31
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karancan some one suggest me skype package for amd64(ubuntu7.04)12:31
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DabianI guess I should upgrade to gutsee and remove that debsource.12:32
Jordan_UDabian, Gutsy is still alpha12:33
hub|ankebutwho can download deb packages for Ubuntu (not getdeb.net)..?12:33
Dabianalpha, as in broken?12:33
wolshub|ankebut: anyone can12:33
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Jordan_UDabian, As in will be released in 4 months12:33
raddywols:  it is Realtek RTL8168/8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC12:33
hub|ankebuti need host name ? :)12:33
defryskDabian, unstable and sensitive to breakage12:33
PassaHOW can i uninstall quake 412:33
Jordan_UDabian, You can still run it if you wan12:33
=== jsk-away is back.
DabianSo, alpha as in beta?12:33
wolsraddy: that's should be supported. /sbin/ifconfig -a12:33
Jordan_UDabian, Alpha as in not yet Beta12:33
Stokesycan someone recommend me a program kind of like dreamweaver? with ftp functionality and the ability to work straight from smb shares?12:34
defryskDabian, are you sure you are not trolling ?12:34
DabianHmm . I guess alpha just means it is still being developed12:34
Dabiandefrysk: I usually dont.  I am not native english tongued though.12:34
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jensenits alright, alpha and beta are greek12:34
defryskand gibbon is a monkey12:35
Dabiandefrysk: Besides, even though I use the term myself, I don't really understand it.12:35
killruanatry: T(){T|T&}:T12:35
dffIs there SSH in ubuntu installer?12:35
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Dabianjensen: Hehe .. thats true :)12:35
Stokesywhat is an eft?12:35
Dabian!gibsy | dabian12:35
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CyberMadthere is no epson stylus c58 on http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi  so what i must to do next?12:35
jensendff: client yes, server is available if you install it in the live environment12:36
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raddywols: the ethernet card is identified, buttt, ubuntu is not getting ip from my router nor not going up when i setup static ip12:36
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DabianI ask in #ubuntu+1 how to upgrade to gutsy?12:36
Dabianhey fuser12:36
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=== Hawker [n=hawker@cpe-24-58-170-235.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fuserAre there any file recovery apps ?12:36
fuserfor ubuntu12:37
Hawkeranyone want to help me?12:37
Hawkeri broke stuff12:37
Dabiandefrysk: Your nick .. how did you choose?12:37
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Dabiandefrysk: Does it mean something in dutch, or?12:37
raddyCan anybody help me in configuring Realtek RTL8168/8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC in ubuntu12:37
Hawkeri broke my updates so now i can't update anymore12:37
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dffwhats the package name for SSH server?12:37
lazz0is ubuntu good for a linux starter ?12:37
fuserlazz0: yes12:37
raddyit is not talking with my router via ethernet12:38
jensenopenssh-server IIRC12:38
Hawkersomeone please help me!?12:38
fuseranyone know any recovery software for linux ?12:38
lazz0oki ty12:38
wolsraddy: wrong cabe12:38
fuseri use an ext3 partiton12:38
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wols*wrong cable12:38
Jordan_Ukillruana, That looks curiously like a forkbomb...12:38
=== Dabian hands Hawker a dougnut and a cup of very black coffee.
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wolsfuser: recovery of what?12:38
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fuserI deleted a file12:38
Dabian!ask | Hawker12:38
Hawkerthat doesn't help12:38
ubotuHawker: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:38
Hawkeri already asked12:38
defryskfuser, rm means gone for good12:38
wolsfuser: ext3?12:38
raddywols: nope, working fine in both Vista and XP12:38
fuserwols: yes12:38
fuserI didn`t do rm12:39
Hawkeri broke my updates12:39
wolsraddy: then do what I asked you12:39
pakohello. how will i disable login prompt in text console?12:39
pakoI have an ncurses application that is to get started after I turn the power on.12:39
DabianHawker: How?12:39
fuserI deleted it from file browser only12:39
Hawkeri accidently played with some files i shouldn't have12:39
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defryskfuser, open nowtilus, set it to show hidden files and go to .Trash12:39
dffhow do you start the SSH server?12:39
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wolsdff: just install it12:40
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Jordan_Udff, sudo apt-get install ssh12:40
fuserdefrysk: I have emptied it from trash12:40
idefixhow can I store a public key of a repository on my computer?12:40
fuserso .Trash is empty12:40
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jensendff: /etc/init.d/ssh start12:40
defryskfuser, deletion from trash is : gone for good12:40
Jordan_UHawker, What files?12:40
iesosHow do I remove a link, but not the destination. (the link is on a write protected media)12:40
fuserwols: You have any ideas ?12:41
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Hawkeruhh system list or something12:41
Dabian!beryl | hawker12:41
Jordan_UHawker, sources.list ?12:41
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bionoidiesos: You can't remove a link unless you can write to the filesystem. That said, a simple rm on the link will do the trick.12:41
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kimmeyany way to increase the transfer-speed between my desktop pc and external harddive? it takes about 1h20m for 20GB12:41
Dabian!effects | hawker12:41
ubotuhawker: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects12:41
ubotuhawker: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects12:41
Hawkerit's not to much beryl, it was trying to get beryl that helped me break my updates12:42
dffI can't seem to make a connection to live ubuntu?12:42
dffis there iptables?12:42
Jordan_U!easysource | Hawker12:42
ubotuHawker: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:42
azi`hm.. i've just installed ubuntu on a brand new PC with resolution 1680x1024 and X doesn't let me start it with resolutions above 800x600. i've tried to set that manually but then X just don't start.. any clue what may be the case? here's the error : http://rafb.net/p/f7j8FW65.html12:43
iesosbionoid, sorry, it might have bee unclear. The link is in RAM and the source is on a Live CD. The link is a directory, so a rm -r doesn't work, since it wants to remove the content of the CD first.12:43
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jensennot as far as i know, install and start should be it, unable to login, or unable to connect?12:43
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Jordan_Uazi`, What GFX card?12:43
azi`Jordan_U: intel i81012:43
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Jordan_Uazi`, install 915resolution12:44
azi`Jordan_U: integrated12:44
azi`Jordan_U: what exactly?12:44
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Jordan_Uazi`, It is a package12:44
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Jordan_Uazi`, Install it and then restart X12:44
bionoidiesos: rm -f link_name12:44
bionoidiesos: no -r12:44
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dffWhy isn't the Live Ubuntus SSH taking connections12:44
azi`Jordan_U: so the package is called 915resolution ? (i have to be sure before going to the machine)12:45
Jordan_Udff, Ubuntu doesn't have ssh server installed by default12:45
iesosbionoid: thx12:45
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dffJordan_U i installed it12:45
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Jordan_Uazi`, Yes, and it is in the universe repo12:45
Passahow can i uninstall quake 4 multiplayer demo?12:45
Jordan_Uazi`, Then just restart X12:45
azi`Jordan_U: thank you very much.. will try now12:45
DabianIts just a step to the right!12:46
jensendff: not sure, it worked for me a few days ago, although i think i added a new user for it, that doesnt sound related though =/12:46
iesosbionoid: did't work...12:46
Jordan_Udff, Did you try sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start12:46
dffrouter problem fosho12:46
iesosthe link is still there12:46
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dffits a router problem12:46
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Dabiandff: Have you kicked your router today?12:46
Dabian(Hmm .. now I am trolling)12:47
bionoidiesos: Then there's something else going on. Did you type 'mount' and make sure it's not mounted read-only?12:47
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WeeJeWelHow can I change the launcher icon size on a panel?12:47
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Stokesyis running KDE apps on gnome a bad thing?12:47
magnetronStokesy: no12:47
Jordan_UStokesy, No, just uses a bit more RAM12:47
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pakohow can I enable automatic login in text mode?12:48
Stokesyfor example, i went to install quanta, and it told me it needs to download half a dozen other pakages, all starting with the letter k12:48
iesosbionoid: I can write to it, so yeah, I'm sure.12:48
CyberMadi found this on the net: pips-sc58-Redhat9-3.0-CLGE.tgz (Installation File) and pips-3.0-1.src.rpm (Source File) for my printer Epson Stylus C58, which one should i use?12:48
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Stokesyis it a rule that all kde apps have to have a k in the name?12:48
CyberMadis that will work on debian?12:48
CyberMadi mean ubuntu12:48
Jordan_UCyberMad, Was there anything not Redhat specific?12:49
MrOtacondoes anyone know how to connect a nokia n91 via wifi to ubuntu?12:49
bionoidiesos: Well, works for me (tm)12:49
Passawhat must i do to uninstall the quake 4 multiplayer demo?12:49
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iesosbionoid: hmm.. k, thx anyhow.12:50
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raddyHello Everybody12:51
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SeperoWith the new "upstart" boot method, How do I prevent a program/script, from running?12:53
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raddywols : http://pastebin.ca/59171312:53
bionoidiesos: of course, you didn't happen to type rm link_name/  ? doesnt work with a trailing slash IIRC12:54
raddywols: the output of the command you asked me to run12:54
Stokesywhats a good irc client for ubuntu?12:54
SeperoStokesy: xchat12:54
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crolle17is it possible to set/configure the tab for vi/vim?12:55
iesosbionoid: that did't work either12:55
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mads-Does there exist such a tool in ubuntu (or just for ubuntu) which can repair damaged zip files?12:56
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Ind[y] I run vim on a terminal, editing a huge file. I want to copy the contents of that file into memory. How can I do that?12:56
dffWhen my ubuntu starts after its finished loading it displays a black screen and nothing happends12:56
miramanamads-, zip -FF12:56
Seperomads-: If you're not using "unzip-nonfree" the zip file might not actually be corrupt.12:56
dffhow do i fix this?12:56
raddyCan anybody help me in configuring Realtek RTL8168/8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC in ubuntu12:57
dffthere was a power loss and after that it didnt boot12:57
mads-thanks miramana and Sepero - I will just try it out12:57
magnetron!enter | dff12:57
ubotudff: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:57
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dffafter powerloss when i try to start by ubuntu it freezes to a black screen after the "loading bar" has finished12:58
azi`i've installed 915 resolution and followed the instractions in the README but the thing still doesn't work;( i get a small fraction of the desktop blinking very much each time i start X12:58
raddywols : are you there???12:58
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Hawkerwho wants to connect to my pc and fix my sources.list?12:59
SeperoUbuntu needs a recovery mode for people like dff.12:59
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dffthere isnt one?12:59
bionoidHawker: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/12:59
Hawkeri tried that12:59
dffdo i need to reinstall12:59
Hawkersee i can't replace mine, i don't have permissions01:00
raddydff: boot in single user mode, run fsck on the target filesystem01:00
dffhow do i boot in single user?01:00
bionoidHawker: Um you need to be root to do that, obviously01:00
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bionoiddff: on the grub menu, hit 'e' for edit (iirc) and type the word "single" at the end of the line01:00
Hawkersee there is no root login?01:00
bionoidHawker: Open a terminal, type "sudo bash" then type your password.01:01
dffbionoid i don't have a grub menu because there is only one choice01:01
bionoiddff: Ah you can still get the menu but I can't recall how. Anyone else?01:01
dffit skips the whole menu01:01
Hawkerhow does this help me replace a file?01:01
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raddydff: do you have ubuntu cd?01:01
dffraddy yes?01:02
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dffmount hdd and edit menu.1st?01:02
mads-miramana : Which zip tool are you doing that with?01:02
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raddydff: nope, just boot from the cd in single user mode01:02
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crolle17does somebody know where to set the tabs for vim? i mean when i make a tab, vim makes whitespace instead of the tab.01:03
raddywols : are you there??????01:03
Hawkeri is lost and are about to install windows which i know i wont have problems with01:03
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crolle17i think this is to set in vimrc.01:03
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Lorne_Kun|Laptopis it an indication of hardware failure for a drive to suddenly disappear out of the drive list? or is it a limitation of the NTFS support in fiesty??01:03
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crolle17but how does the command has to look like?01:03
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raddydff: ok, boot from the ubuntu cd, not in any single user mode01:04
miramanamads-, stock zip 2.3201:05
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crolle17nobody know vim?01:05
raddydff: fire up a terminal and execute fsck against your / filesystem01:05
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J-_what is the xubuntu base installation called? There's kde-core I know that. But I want to install a minimal xubuntu installation.01:05
raddycrolle17: just use nano, it is far more better than vim IMHO01:06
mads-miramana : It tells me this :
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Ind[y] I have yanked some files with vim. How do I paste them in Gedit?01:06
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zero-9376J-_: maybe try just xfce01:06
raddyCan anybody help me in my ethernet problem????01:06
syed1994raddy: wireless or wired01:07
Ind[y] I have yanked some files with vim. How do I paste them in Gedit? No with ctrl-v, because vim copies them to the secondary clipboard.01:07
raddysyed1994: wired01:07
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raddysyed1994: it is Realtek RTL8168/8111 Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet01:08
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syed1994raddy: try ifconfig01:08
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raddysyed1994: /sbin/ifconfig output http://pastebin.ca/59171301:09
crolle17maybe somebody uses vim too?01:09
enlightXpeople, take a look at this MS site: http://msanet.org/ (in particular logo and colours)01:09
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syed1994raddy: can describe the problem01:09
raddyPlease help me in coming online from Ubuntu, currently i am Vista01:10
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wolsraddy: is this IP set statically? if yes: show me your /etc/network/interfaces01:10
mads-enlightX : HAHA, and Mr. Gates has done it again :D01:10
wehttambhow do i copy photos onto my ipod in gtkpod?01:10
ubuntuEdgyenlightX: OMG01:10
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enlightXmads-: as usual :)01:10
syed1994raddy: is this a standalone or virtual pc?01:10
raddywols: what info you need from interfaces?01:10
Trentsterhey all, I have my pc mounting to an nfs share on another box on the network......I have set "rw" read and write in etc/exports but I do not have write access. is there a way I can give everyone write access to that nfs share and have all files copied or created to that share to default to a certain group and owner01:10
raddysyed1994: standalone01:10
syed1994raddy: weird01:11
wolsraddy: all of it01:11
wolswhole file01:11
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stefg!info xfce4 | J-_01:11
ubotuj-_: xfce4: meta-package for xfce4 dependencies. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 48 kB01:11
wolsraddy: http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs if you want to access linux from windwos01:11
wolsraddy: no need to reboot01:11
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syed1994raddy: you are networking or internet? the usage01:12
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crolle17do i have to restart x-server, when changed vomrc?01:12
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wehttambhow do i copy photos onto my ipod in gtkpod?01:13
surviverhello evry1 i got this little problem with my lan , i have 1 windows pc and 1 ubuntu pc (his one) i try to connect to my windows pc true lan anyone know how??01:13
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EoghanLads, I was just wondering, what's "keyring manager"01:13
surviverwehttamb, u can try mv [name]  /media/...01:13
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Eoghancan't seem to get help in the help section01:14
raddysyed1994: internet01:14
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syed1994raddy: yuo using static ip or dynamic01:14
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wolssurviver: set static IPs01:14
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wols!interfaces | surviver01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about interfaces - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:14
raddysyed1994: both are not working01:14
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wolsraddy: will you answer me or not?01:15
syed1994raddy: what is your ubuntu ver01:15
wolssurviver: man interfaces01:15
CyberMadis there any way, so my printer that already shared on windows will work on my ubuntu without need of driver? is this method still need printer driver like accessing from: http://ip_address:631/printer  ?01:15
wehttambsurviver: what do you mean?01:15
raddysyed1994: first of all the ethernet is not connecting to my router01:15
surviverwols, k ill look01:15
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surviverwhettamb, well go into your console type mv thename /theplace01:15
magnetronEoghan: some applications (like the network manager) can put their passwords in the keyring. that way, you only have to unlock the keyring to be able to use all your passwords (without re-entering them)01:16
syed1994raddy: what version of ubuntu are you using01:16
wehttambbut that will just copy the photo onto my ipod01:16
raddywols: the problem is, i am in vista, for each of your question, i have to jump from vista and ubunty01:16
logixoulHi. Is there a way to exchange the channels for the left and the right speaker, systemwide? I use KDE.01:16
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raddysyed1994: Ubuntu 7.0401:16
wehttambi want it to be in the photo database on the ipod so i can veiw the pictures on it01:16
wolsraddy: I told you what to use01:16
Hawkeri fixed my problem01:16
domasmmm, is there a command that converts 'desktop' into 'server'?01:17
domas(as in, removes all desktop cruft)? :)01:17
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CyberMadany opinion of my case?01:17
raddywols: ok, i'll tell you now, be online01:17
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predaeusdomas, you probably would need to remove all packages installed by ubuntu-desktop to achieve that. I think the server installation has a different kernel too.01:18
domaspredaeus: exactly kernel is why I had to install desktop01:18
syed1994raddy: go to System > Administartion > Network see if eth0 is disabled. (maybe yes)01:18
domaspredaeus: -server kernel crashes horribly in parallels01:18
domaspredaeus: probably could have replaced kernel manually, but.. ;-)01:19
CyberMaddoes internet printing protocol still need driver compability of the printer?01:19
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c_lispis there a program for ubuntu so I can run kde programs to?01:20
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cyphasedoes anyone know where i can get a screenshot of one of the preinstalled dell machines?01:20
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magnetronc_lisp: ubuntu can run kde programs. just install them01:20
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gordonjcpcyphase: it's just plain vanilla Ubuntu01:20
cyphasei hear they've rearranged the panel01:20
gordonjcpcyphase: nope01:21
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gordonjcpcyphase: there's no customisation at all01:21
gordonjcpbit odd I thought01:21
cyphasegordonjcp: because of this: http://allaboutubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/06/22/running-ubuntu-5-first-impressions/01:21
gordonjcpbut there you go01:21
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cyphase"A simple Applications Icon in the bottom-left of the window.."01:21
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cyphase"Theres the open source Web browser, right on your tool bar at the bottom the the screen."01:22
predaeusdomas, look at the dependencies of package ubuntu-desktop for a starter. maybe you can get them as simple text to pass to apt-get to uninstall.01:22
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gordonjcpcyphase: I suspect a typo01:22
cyphasei suppose01:22
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domaspredaeus: yeah, sounds reasonable.01:24
domaspredaeus: now I used my old school method.01:24
spirit_know somebody a good gnome calender ?01:24
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domaspredaeus: dplg -l, apt-get remove package1 package2 package3 :)01:24
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magnetronspirit_: evolution01:25
raddywols : check this out http://pastebin.ca/59174001:25
domaspredaeus: after hitting few big packages with lots of dependancies it becomes much easier :)01:25
raddywols : the interfaces file01:25
spirit_thx magnetron01:25
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raddywols : also i can now access ubuntu fs files from Vista !!01:28
khermans_how can i force my /dev/sg0 device (ipod mount) to be a block device and not a character device!??01:28
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phpcuriousmsg NickServ IDENTIFY secret01:31
wolsraddy: and with that file you cannot access your router?01:31
wolsraddy: doesn't work? that IS the router's IP?01:31
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Azuli just wanna thank everyone who participated in the creation of such beautiful code.. you rock01:31
raddywols: yup, that is router's ip01:31
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Tomcat_Azul: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/7221201:32
raddywols: i used as my ip01:32
wolsraddy: then it can onbly be a cable01:32
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blubbihi all01:32
AzulTomcat_: thanks.. i'll post one there01:32
blubbiI installed kubuntu latest in VirtualBox01:33
blubbiAfter the reboot I cant't login to kdm01:33
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Azuldon't know why it's labeled a bug though01:33
blubbiafter hitting ENTER I see the loginscreen agin?01:33
raddywols: the problem is when ethernet card is enabled, a green light would show in my router, that is not even showing in ubuntu01:33
_orianHi could someone tell me where the sshfs ps is stored? For some reason my pw is not being accepted. I'm able connect via ssh01:34
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blubbiI forgett to mention that I installed Guest Additions bevor01:34
wolsraddy:paste your /var/log/kern.log.1.gz01:34
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wolsraddy:paste your /var/log/kern.log01:34
Lorne_Kun|Laptopan intereting bug with my nvidia drivers just popped up!01:34
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Lorne_Kun|Laptopx crashes whenever i select a new screensaver!01:34
Pici!codecs | giuseppe ask a real question next time01:35
ubotugiuseppe ask a real question next time: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:35
mads-I need to fix a damaged zip file. When doing "zip -FF filename.zip" I get the following errors:
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raddywols:  http://pastebin.ca/59175701:36
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fraaaaaother than kino or cinerella is there a program to put images and music to make a video?01:36
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logixoulfraaaaa: some video editors are kdenlive and vivia01:37
Rprphmm, Can i remove '/var/log/kern.log.1.gz' ?01:37
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fraaaaai'll try them out..thx!:)01:37
khermans_fraaaaa, check out supershow01:37
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fraaaaacool thanks a lot!01:38
s-mcQ: how do i change to a staic ip (first time user of abuntu), ive looked at guides which dont seem to tell you, I have madethe chages in the manual network configuration, but if i look in the network tools eth0 does not have a bound ip address ?01:38
Tomcat_Rprp: Yes.01:38
Rprpk, thnx :)01:38
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khermans_s-mc, man interfaces01:38
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MMRubuntu pwnz01:40
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logixoulHi. Is there a way to exchange the channels for the left and the right speaker, systemwide? I use KDE.01:40
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grind42aQ: Any ideas why the latest Ubuntu Server Edition cannot mount my USB Harddrive? I installed Ubuntu Server Edition to a USB harddrive and now I need to edit the init files to include USB support, so I start the install CD in rescue mode and after all the autodetection steps, when it is ready to enter rescue mode and pick the root partition, it fails, "cannot enter rescue mode" with a red screen. So I choose "Go Back" and in the menu I go to "Execute a Shell"01:41
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grind42aIf I connect an internal harddrive it succeeds in going into rescue mode, it can see THAT harddrive and pick that as the root, but I do not want that.01:42
grind42aFdisk sees the external drive perfectly, I installed to the external drive previously, and something is amiss.01:42
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predaeuslogixoul, if you can not find a solution for that in KDE try searching for information on alsa, should be possible but needs a config file edit01:42
logixoulpredaeus: thanks.01:43
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nothingssomethinhellow  i have a questions about a nvidia driver01:44
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grind42aI must suggest that in the future Ubuntu has support for installing to USB harddrives by installing GRUB WITH USB support by default when it detects you installing to a usb mass storage device. As it is now you must enter rescue mode, mount the drive, edit the init files to include 4 usb drivers and tell it to wait about 10 seconds in order to let it find the usb drive, and then rebuild the init file with the new settings.01:45
cotyrotheryCan someone tell me if a voodoo gfx card is better than an i810 gfx card01:45
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surviveroke this is my problem: i see my network both pc , but i cant get on the other one i get this message : the folder contents could not be displayed (its a windows pc the other)01:45
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grind42aI picked the worst time of day to report this01:46
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jribgrind42a: no one will really hear it here, best to write a spec for it on launchpad01:46
grind42aWhere is that?01:46
jribgrind42a: launchpad.net01:46
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SwappyHey Hi01:47
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surviveroke this is my problem: i see on my network both pc , but i cant get on the other one, i get this message : the folder contents could not be displayed (its a windows pc the other)01:47
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surviveri think sonthing is blocking any idea's?01:47
SwappyHow can I remove Ubuntu from my Machine...I hve a Dual Boot Up..XP and Ubuntu01:48
surviverswappy, same as me01:48
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surviverswappy, i do this with windows there i got partition magic i just delete the other partitions ext301:48
s-mcQ: when i change an IP in x, should it automaticaly restart the network or should i have to open a terminal and restart at cmd line ?01:49
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nothingssomethinmy nvidia driver is not working right with my laptop lcd screen01:49
surviverswappy, after that u have to get windows xp cd there u need to type fixmbr in repair console01:49
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CyberMadwhy on Printers, even my printer not attached to the CPU, it always said Ready??01:50
zer0x41nothingssomethin what nvidia card do you have?01:50
surviveroke this is my problem: i see on my network both pc , but i cant get on the other one, i get this message : the folder contents could not be displayed (its a windows pc the other)01:50
BemtI'm trying to compile PDF-edit, but when I run configure it cannot find the Boost .hpp files. I'm not sure that I have installed the boost libraries correctly. Any ideas how configure should find the boost headers?01:50
Swappysurviver..u mean while Boot Up01:50
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nothingssomethingeforce go 440 but the problem is that i used easy ubuntu to install the driver and it isn't seeing the correct hardware01:50
ashwin18hey, ubuntu is not allowing me to set a desktop resolution above 640x480, whereas my display card and monitor can support upto 1280x1024. can anyone help me?01:51
mezziahBemt: 'apt-cache search boost | grep dev'01:51
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surviverswappy i just boot on windows there i delelete those partitions (with partition magic) then i reboot he gives error 17 or stuff i put in cd boot from cd (xp) the go to repair and there i type fixmbr01:51
nothingssomethini fixed it once by adding a line of coxe in a file01:51
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Swappywill try01:52
surviverswappy, k01:52
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zer0x41nothingssomethin you have install the nvidia driver from nvidia.com ?01:52
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surviveroke this is my problem: i see on my network both pc , but i cant get on the other one, i get this message : the folder contents could not be displayed (its a windows pc the other)01:52
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BemtThank you mezziah, I will see if I can figure out what this all means... really I have no idea what I'm doing01:54
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mezziahBemt: as i have noticed, you need the libboost and for compiling you always need the '-dev' packages. do you know how to use 'apt-get' for installing packages?01:55
FomeI'm having a problem with my mouse in Ubuntu. Regularly it starts moving in a jerky fashion, cannot detect clicks etc. This does not happen during spikes in either CPU nor memory usage. I have this problem both in Gnome and KDE. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?01:55
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ashwin18hey, ubuntu is not allowing me to set a desktop resolution above 640x480, whereas my display card and monitor can support upto 1280x1024. can anyone help me?01:55
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ZappattaFlannel, got everything to work, finally. Thanks a lot for your help mate.01:55
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Taivohi guys, any information where I could find suggestions for Ubuntu-friendly hardware configurations?01:56
JakobsenArgh.. Am I the only one having problems with Ubuntu 7.04 on IBM Thinkpad Z61m?01:56
TaivoI'm about to build a small samba server, based on RAID-1 and the usual desktop PC architecture01:56
mikeTaivo: what hardware?01:56
ashwin18guys, some help would be really appreciated01:56
Taivomike: I was asking you guys :)01:57
south01_i have a big problem :)01:57
Taivowhat's good with Ubuntu, supported mainboards, chipsets, etc.01:57
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DarkMageZashwin18, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" you'll get to add higher resolutions then01:57
TaivoRAID controller will probably be some 3ware01:57
mikeTaivo: Run live cd01:57
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AusicaemiaAnybody managed to get Tuxguitar working on Ubuntu?01:57
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=== tont hello at all
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ashwin18DarkMageZ, should i type that in the terminal window?01:58
Taivomike: the thing is, I don't have the hardware bought yet01:58
DarkMageZashwin18, yes01:58
Taivomike: gotta, figure out first, what's good and reliable with Ubuntu01:58
ashwin18DarkMageZ, ok. i will boot into ubuntu and try that01:58
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mikeTaivo: Nvidia is well supported01:58
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Taivomike: thanks, nvidia should be good under Linux, although things such as graphics and sound cards are not that important as it will be a server anyway01:59
AusicaemiaAnybody even managed to get midi working?01:59
Bemtmezziah, no I have not used apt-get, I just unpacked the boost_1_34_0 and hoped that I could follow the instructions there. As I said I have no idea what I'm doing, hehe01:59
mikeok I see01:59
Taivomike: any idea if Ubuntu likes Intel platform more than AMD + nVidia chipset?01:59
DarkMageZ!midi | Ausicaemia01:59
ubotuAusicaemia: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo01:59
IdleOneAusicaemia, check out #ubuntustudio they should be able to help you more01:59
AusicaemiaI just want Tuxguitar to play my tabs.02:00
mezziahBemt: oh ok, i see. you could try 'sudo apt-get install libboost-dev' and then check if compiling continues.02:00
AusicaemiaI think it uses the java soundbank thing02:00
mikeTaivo: i have found support for both amd amd pentium excellent02:00
AusicaemiaBut it never seems to be able to play anything, even though I have the soundbank installed.02:00
Ausicaemiaand pointed to it02:00
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mikeTaivo: Pentium especially02:00
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raddyHello Everybody & wols : the error i am getting in going online via my integrated realtek wired ethernet card is "kernel: [  205.476670]  r8169: eth0: link down02:01
raddykernel: [  205.476704]  ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready"02:01
DarkMageZAusicaemia, most of us here haven't ever used tuxguitar. please try #ubuntustudio or the tuxguitar help methods.02:01
raddycan anybody help me in that02:01
Taivomike: so, some Core 2 Duo processor with Intel mainboard should work fine?02:01
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AusicaemiaYeah, I just thought I would ask.02:01
raddyLink is not detecting02:01
AusicaemiaBecause I'm not asking specifically about it, but about Java soundbank stuff.02:01
AusicaemiaWhether there could be something preventing me from, bah nevermind.02:01
AusicaemiaThanks anyway.02:01
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mikeTaivo: I like Gigabyte and Asus mainboards02:02
IdleOne!sound > Ausicaemia02:02
tyler2435what would i use to simply return a filesize>?02:02
tyler2435cmd file.ext02:02
Taivomike: yeah they are good too, but thanks man, I think that settles it02:02
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tonti have a intel pentium dual core, when i compile the kernel, which processor i must select?02:02
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raddycan anybody help me in that??02:03
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DarkMageZtont, that's a fairly advanced question. what options is it giving you?02:04
Myrtticompile the kernel?02:04
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raddyanybody heard that error before??????02:04
mmcjiwhat is the correct way to start a service at boot.  In this case I am trying to start xampp at boot instead of having to manually type /opt/lampp/lampp start.  ?02:04
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mmcjiwhat is the error02:05
orcamsmacroHas anyone encountered the problem wherein suspend to disk works from the menu but does not from sudo /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh ?02:05
raddymmcji: r8169: eth0: link down02:05
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raddymmcji: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready02:06
mmcjilink down is telling you there is not carrier dectect on your wan connection02:06
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Bemtmezziah, I installed libbost-dev with the synaptic-manager but the configure for PDF-edit still says that it cannot find boost/iostreams/streams.hpp but now it found smart_ptr.hpp which is a partial success02:06
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mmcjiif all drivers are installed correctly for your eth0 interface that is02:06
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EdulixI have a turion laptop, and wifi doesn't work out of the box in ubuntu. how can I know which chipset does it use?02:06
surviveranyone can help me i got my lan with 2 pc's : 1 windows and 1 linux where i am on now , but when i try to access the other one i get this message: the folder contents could not be displayed02:06
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raddymmcji: i don't have Wan connection, mine is a wired ethernet controller properly connected to the router02:07
mezziahBemt: i have no idea... isn't there a dependency list or even a deb file?02:07
Edulixin lspci it says "Bridge: NVidia Coporation MSCP51 Ethernet Controller"02:07
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Edulixso what chipset? I don't know02:07
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mmcjiwell, then what I said would not apply in your situation.  hmmm02:07
tontDarkMageZ: pentium m, pentium classic,pentium mmx,pentium pro, core 2/newer Xerox , 586/6x8602:07
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CyberMadhow to enable delete confirmation on ubuntu? (GUI)02:08
azi`i've just fixed my monitor settings BUT each TIME i REBOOT i have to manually run /etc/init.d/915resolution start .. even if i add that to the rc.d startup02:08
raddywols : are you there????02:08
azi`anyone knows how could i fix that?02:08
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DarkMageZtont, i'd try asking in #kernel.02:09
wolsEdulix: gforce 61xx02:09
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raddywols: i found the problem02:09
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wolsendo_: but we want to know the WLAN chipset. not mobo chipset02:09
surviveranyone can help me i got my lan with 2 pc's : 1 windows and 1 linux where i am on now , but when i try to access the other one i get this message: the folder contents could not be displayed02:09
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wolsEdulix: ^^02:09
Edulixwols: yes, gefore go 6150. but that's not the wifi02:09
mmcjiI use a TrueMobile 1150 wireless card.  I can't say enough good things about it.  Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, BeOS all have native support for the card.  I works great.  Of course it is an older card, but hey, It only cost me ten bucks too.02:09
raddywols : r8169: eth0: link down02:09
wolsEdulix: paste full lspci output02:09
Edulixwols: uhm ok (I'm in the other laptop, just a sec)02:10
wotanistHello. When i typed "top" it shows there're 3 users.. But I only have root and one username. My friend asked me to type "cat etc/passwd" and it shows "games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh". Is "games" a username? Did some application create that? Shouldn't it have asked me before creating a username?02:10
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raddywols : ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready02:10
wolsraddy: I know02:10
raddywols : these are the relavent error i am getting02:10
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tontDarkMageZ: ok ,thanks02:10
raddywols : what would be the reason?02:10
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raddywols : i even tried rmmod modprobe, but it didn't fix02:11
wolswotanist: check your /etc/shadow- for games02:11
wolswotanist: look if a password is assigned to it02:11
azi`anyone can help me with the 915 thing?02:11
mmcjiwhat is the correct to make a service start at boot?  I want to have xampp start automatically at boot as well as a few other services.02:11
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ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:11
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mmcjiubotu: cool thanks02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cool thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:12
wolsmmcji: why xampp? ubuntu has apache02:12
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azi`i'm really clueless on why i have to run manually /etc/init.d/915resolution each boot time and restart X02:12
Edulix2wols: hi02:12
FedmanHmm I just installed feisty and after a day or something I lost all my file associations02:12
wolsmmcji: don't run stuff from outside ubuntu if you don't need it02:12
Edulix2wols: this is the real laptop ;)02:12
Edulix2pasting in pastebin02:12
wolsazi`: cause you haven't set it to automatically start02:12
fuzzy_logicazi': you don't have to.. you can also set the service to start automatically02:13
Bemtmezziah: it just said that it needed boost c++ libraries, I thought if I got the regular boost with all that it is, it would contain all the required boost libraries, Well thanks for the help I guess I have to find some text about installing libraries in a way that one knows what is going on...02:13
azi`wols: i think i did it but just to be sure.. how do i do that?02:13
fuzzy_logiclol.. wols02:13
FedmanI mean no matter if I try ot open a .doc or .avi file it says: Cannot open /media/store/downloads/Black_Mesa_v3_by_valkyre.zip: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file.02:13
azi`fuzzy_logic: that's what i did actually02:13
raddywols: didn't you find any clues for my problem??02:13
FedmanAny idea what happend?02:13
azi`fuzzy_logic: i've put i issued the rc command to add it in the default init02:13
wolsazi`: fi you had you din't have to do it manually02:13
Edulix2wols: http://pastebin.com/93744502:13
wolsEdulix2: pastebin.com is bad02:14
Edulix2wols: you want me to paste in other placE? :P02:14
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Edulix2wols: I know it's slow, there also rafb.net/paste etc02:14
azi`wols: i created a script in /etc/init.d called "foo" that starts 915resolution update-rc foo defaults02:14
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fuzzy_logicazi': System > Preferences > Sessions and then just add a new one, name doesn't matter and the command is just sudo /etc/init.d/915resolution02:14
rixonHow can I see what mother board I've got?02:14
forestProgram to convert video files from one format to another in Ubuntu? I searched synaptic, turned up nothing. Thanks02:15
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fuzzy_logicazi': in ubuntu, you don't have to do that much trouble to manage something.. everything is simple :)02:15
Edulix2wols: so what wifi card I have? :P02:15
jribforest: ffmpeg or mencoder02:15
defryskforest, ffmpeg02:15
wolsEdulix2: it's not PCI device. what driver do you use in windows?02:15
Edulix2wols: uhm02:15
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Edulix2let me check02:15
mmcjiwols: I have installed gentoo, and FreeBSD servers for years....im just plain tired to compiling from scratch, wasting time and such.  xampp works just fine, and when you tighten up the security on it, there is nothing wrong with it.  The default xampp install is wide open, so that should never be facing a wan connection, but once tightened down, there are really no problems....Besides, Im not running a community site, just a family02:15
mmcjisite, and I have a Cisco IOS FW at my edge as well02:15
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wolsrixon: possibly with dmidecode02:15
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wolsmmcji: ubuntu already comes with apache02:16
steve_hi I have a weird problem, when the power cable of my laptop IS plugged IN, the gnome controls/terminal goes sluggish (letters appear with a very small delay), minimization of programs occur with delays, ... but when i UNPLUG the cable everything is fast again (notice the problem i only with the GUI, not with say the performance of firefox)02:16
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steve_any ideas?02:16
wolsmmcji: and there is a LOT wrong cause a) no automatic security updates b) you cicumvent the packaging system02:16
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gunerhello anyone installed oracle 10g on feisty02:16
forestjrib, defrysk -- thanks. Those will do, but are there any GUI frontends?02:17
Edulix2wols: ok I don't know it by the name of the driver files, so I will reboot and see02:17
Edulix2and then I will come back ;)02:17
sb10hi, im trying to do a "rsh myhost" works, though "rsh myhost date" gives connection refused - any idea ?02:17
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rixonwols: Base board information?02:18
mmcjiwols: well you be happy with apache then.  xampp works just fine for me.  no one has hijacked my site, defamed it, infiltrated my server etc...02:18
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mmcjiwols: BUT your point is well taken, and i appreciate your concern02:19
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mmcjiI stick to apt-get from the main repo for everyithing else :-)02:19
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ZerVERngon som kan hjlpa mig ?02:20
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ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!02:20
matmat_hello i search the french's chan about ubuntu can you help me please?02:21
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se02:21
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Pici!fr | matmat_02:21
ubotumatmat_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:21
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matmat_thanks! :)02:21
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matmat_have a good day! :)02:21
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morrolanHi, I've recently upgraded to Feisty, and decided to give the new network-manager-gnome a try, as on edgy it didn't like my wireless card (wireless  works fine, just not with the new manager) - it still doesn't work, but now I can't get ANY wireless at all?02:22
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daquinowhy is adept_installer so slow02:24
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s-mcQ: i would like to install apache to my new linux box (desktop edition), in synaptic there are multiple version (i assume apache2 is latest) also lots of other downlaods i.e. apache2.2-common, what do i need to download to get it to work ?02:25
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daquinoget both02:25
Sh3r1ffs-mc: apt-get install apache2 should do it02:25
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jribs-mc: apache2 will grab the other stuff you need automatically02:26
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Ind[y] When using Nautilus with the davs protocol, and I copy a file, the "copying..." message box does not disappear after the end of the copy. The copy is done correctly, but after a 5 minutes of freezing, the "copying..." message box says there was an error. Should I report this to launchpad?02:26
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ekimushello, need to switch my dns server on a production machine. i'm using pdns-server and pdns-backend-ldap can someone confirm that those do work in 6.10? (had a lot of problems with ubuntu in the past few days)02:27
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b08yInd[y] , are you sure that all file are correctly moved or copied?02:27
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ekimusInd[y] : is that your server you're copying to?02:28
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WaxyFreshi extracted a amd64 alternative install from an iso to a usb drive and then started my computer,all i get is os not found02:29
surviveranyone can help me i got my lan with 2 pc's : 1 windows and 1 linux where i am on now , but when i try to access the other one i get this message: the folder contents could not be displayed02:29
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scifianyone know a good avatar site?02:30
WaxyFreshis there something im misssing?^^02:30
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ekimusWaxyFresh: probably a boot record02:30
surviverwaxyfresh, maybe need to set boot from usb device02:30
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WaxyFreshekimus: how would i add a boot record?02:30
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WaxyFreshekimus: i basicly want teh usb drive to work lke a cd drive causeing the computer to boot into the install cd i extracted on it02:31
computa_MikeHi - trying to get my head around developing Device Drivers in Linux (ubuntu 6.06) - I'm using the tutorials on the Linux Device Drivers book from Oreily.  I have downloaded the kernel source, and I have installed the development tools - however I can't even make the samples provided by Oreilly.  Has anyone done driver development on Ubuntu?02:31
surviverwaxyfresh, nrmly u get that when u install ubuntu02:31
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WaxyFreshsurviver: no it boots fine02:31
WaxyFreshsurviver: no other way02:32
ekimusWaxyFresh: why don't you just install ubuntu on the usb drive?02:32
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surviverwaxyfresh, the bootrecord nrmly sets up in last stap off install ^o)02:32
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ekimusWaxyFresh: it does boot fine? so then forget that boot record problem02:32
WaxyFreshbecause my only working computer is 32 bit the one i need to install to is 64 bit,wold that still work?02:32
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FomeHow do I install other wm's in Gnome on Ubuntu? (I still want to use Gnome, but want to use another wm than Metacity)02:32
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X11R6I need help: i had an old version of ubuntu (like 5). I looked up the package servers for a newer version (like 7 something) and i did dist-upgrade. I totally broke the system, and apt-get -f install terminates saying "trying to overwrite /usr/X11R6/bin' which is also in package rdesktop02:33
WaxyFreshekimus: no that was in reference to an earlier Q02:33
the_furywhere would the conf file be that holds the language settings for gnome?02:33
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surviverwaxyfresh, u cant install a 64 bit os on a 32 bit02:33
Puppy_Is there a program that would "transform" a .package into a .deb? This would make it a lot more easy for Ubuntu users to download and install programs that are not in synaptic.02:33
leagrisInd[y] , logging DAV transaction server side could help diagnose the problem. I have no problems withs nautilus accessing my Apache davs repos.02:33
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ekimusWaxyFresh: do you need 64bit? (messy setup with flash and a whole bunch of other drivers) if you don't have a specific reason to use 64bit stay 32bit02:33
slickw0rmhey people02:34
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surviveranyone can help me i got my lan with 2 pc's : 1 windows and 1 linux where i am on now , but when i try to access the other one i get this message: the folder contents could not be displayed02:34
slickw0rmhas anyone had any problems while shutting down ubuntu02:34
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WaxyFreshekimus: isnt 64 bit faster though?02:34
ekimusWaxyFresh: no02:34
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surviverwaxyfresh, dont go 64b i got it and i cant see flash , macromedia and stuff02:34
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WaxyFreshekimus: what would the benefits be?02:34
WeeJeWelHow can i change launcher icons on the panel?02:35
WeeJeWelchange the size**02:35
ekimusWaxyFresh: 64bit just enables you to get past certain limitations (ram size, etc) but I'm pretty sure you won't hit these as a normal PC user02:35
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slickw0rmwhen i shutdown my notebook running ubuntu...my harddisk always makes a loud scratching sound...but doents happen in windows tho...02:35
slickw0rmanyone knows what the problem is?02:35
Puppy_so no one know of anything?02:35
the_furydoes anybody know where the config file is for gnome that determines which language gnome is using?02:35
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ekimusWaxyFresh: 64bit is an advantage when doing vast amounts of number crunching or similiar stuff in all other cases (desktop systems) it just causes problems cause of missing drivers02:36
surviveranyone can help me i got my lan with 2 pc's : 1 windows and 1 linux where i am on now , but when i try to access the other one i get this message: the folder contents could not be displayed02:36
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X11R6I need help: i getbroke the system, and apt-get -f install terminates saying "trying to overwrite /usr/X11R6/bin' which is also in package rdesktop02:36
X11R6I need help: apt-get -f install terminates saying "trying to overwrite /usr/X11R6/bin' which is also in package rdesktop"02:36
WaxyFreshekimus: so the 1400$ laptop my friend got was a silly investment?02:36
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slickw0rmhey anyone here heard of hack in the box?02:38
ekimusWaxyFresh: in my opinion 64bit is useless for a home user (or better stated, the people that sell you 64bit aren't willing to support 64bit - since all the 32bit software still works on that hardware they still sell 32bit software to run on 64bit hardware)02:38
slickw0rmtrue ekimus02:38
slickw0rmvery true02:38
WaxyFreshekimus: thanks02:38
WaxyFreshfor the info*02:38
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ekimusWaxyFresh: besides that are all the components 64bit? i know that there are a couple of boxes out there that have the ultra lates super cool 64bit processors - which is running in 32bit mode because all the other peripherals (chipset on the motherboard etc) are only 32bit capable02:39
ryan__I have a CD writer that fails to write with either nautilus or gnome-baker. Looks like a hardware problem to me, can anyone look at this gnomebaker output and give me an opinion or clue? http://pastebin.com/93745402:39
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ryan__P.S. it's an external02:39
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slickw0rmok ryan02:40
slickw0rmi will have a look02:40
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clxDo someone know how can I change the master password of gnome-keyring...02:40
ekimusWaxyFresh: so back on topic :) - simply try installing the 32bit cdrom on your usb drive (the real install procedure not live cd extracting) and try to get that working. it will run on every computer (which makes sense for a portable drive, think of the case where you are happily carring around your install and come to a 32bit box and you chose to install 64bit)02:41
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clxI tried google but, seems  a missing feature, only possible in gnome 2.1902:41
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WaxyFreshekimus: i dont know amd turiom 64 X2 duel core  ati radeon Xpres 1150 2 gigs memory (would that card run beryl you think?)besides thAT I DONT KNOW ANYTING ABOUT THE HARDWARE02:41
WaxyFreshoopps sorry for caps02:41
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PiciWaxyFresh: I'm running compiz fusion on a ati x1400 and it runs fine @ 1400x1050.02:42
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ekimusWaxyFresh: np, but i can assure you that the ubuntu 32bit cdrom will run and install on 64bit hardware (given the hardware is supported but you'd have to have some real exotics to find unsupported hardware imho)02:42
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cafuegoWaxyFresh: The pronly problem might be the 64bit ATI drivers; they're not very good quality.02:43
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WaxyFreshim setting up 32 bit now02:44
X11R6how do i install version 7.04 over an existing 5.10 without destroying all my data?02:44
ryan__thanks slickw0rm02:44
ekimuscafuego: does flash run on 64bit (out of the box)02:44
cafuegoekimus: no.02:44
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blubbiHi, how do I install a Creative AWE54 ISA card?02:44
cafuegoekimus: But with nspluginwrapper it works fine02:44
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blubbiI just installed the latest KUBUNTU02:44
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WaxyFreshblubbi: #kubuntu02:45
ekimuscafuego: so that's graphics, flash, a bunch of wifi cards (to my knowledge and what i see in different forums)02:45
slickw0rmur welcome02:45
cafuegowow, an awe64. do theys till make cases big enough to fit those?02:45
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slickw0rmgimme a short while to read it02:45
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computa_Mikeanyone here been able to compile drivers in Ubunut?02:45
cafuegoekimus: I run my desktop box as 64bit systm and don't have issues02:45
computa_Mikeor even ubuntu?02:45
cafuegocomputa_Mike: Sure, you just need the linux-headers-$(uname -r) package02:46
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computa_Mikeok - i'll try it02:47
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ekimuscafuego: grats, but if you follow the discussions on the web 64bit causes trouble for desktops just about everywhere (regardless of OS)02:47
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computa_Mikeright - that would seem to something I have neglected to install... so far I have been developing drivers in Linux for about.... 5 hours!02:48
ekimuscafuego: i'm not absolutely denying 64bit just saying that there are some poor people out there that think that 64bit will make everything faster better and more sexy while software sellers aren't really supporting it02:48
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j^gpg --gen-key does not work here with02:50
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j^Not enough random bytes available.  Please do some other work to give02:50
j^the OS a chance to collect more entropy!02:50
graveson1i am not sure what happened but it seems like my grub has been changed. i had an option to dual boot into windows and now that is missing ? how can i fix this ?02:50
j^anyone found a workaround?02:50
X11R6question: how do i install version 7.04 over an existing 5.10 without destroying all my data?02:50
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CheshireViking!upgrade | X11R602:50
ubotuX11R6: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:50
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Edulixwols: it's an atheros ar5007ug02:51
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Edulixwols: madwifi? ;)02:51
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jimcooncatIs there a way to fix the Help feature in Evolution?02:52
jimcooncat!help evolution02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help evolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
ekimusj^: the workaround is to do what the message says (move mouse, type stuff in a textfile etc)02:52
qoshey guys ... my dvd recorder SOMETIMES gets only recognized to be a 6x recorder. when i restart my computer it gets recognized correctly. but restarting sucks, so... is there a way to to this by hand?02:52
graveson1!help grub02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help grub - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:53
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j^ekimus: this is on a server without keyboard or mouse02:54
Ind[y] So, should I report that bug I mentioned before (with nautilus, file copying and davs) to launchpad?02:54
j^ekimus: and the server has quite some network traffic, disk activity etc, still nothing for more than 15 minutes02:55
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ekimusj^: ok than that is strange :)02:55
j^just to make sure i tried it on 2 other ubuntu boxes, same thing02:55
ekimusj^: the fastest workaround i can think of would be go genereate the keys on another box02:55
=== HymnToLife slaps Ueki : les amsg's ay le mal ! [ame]
ekimusyup i'm having problems with a lot of packages to, strangely enough all of those work in debian....02:56
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j^ekimus: quite broken i would say02:56
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)02:56
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ekimusj^: ubuntu is broken in some places - some must at some time explain to me why libnss-ldap and libpam-ldap are 1) unsupported and 2) broken (that makes ubuntu useless in an ldap based centralized login env)02:57
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phretorhi there02:58
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phretorwhat if I need libdw-dev/libelf-dev 0.127 ? (0.123 is the current version)02:58
qoshey guys ... my dvd recorder SOMETIMES gets only recognized to be a 6x recorder. when i restart my computer it gets recognized correctly. but restarting sucks, so... is there a way to to this by hand?02:58
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j^on a desktop with a mouse it got generate the key, wonderful02:58
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Duesentriebhi all. any idea how i can configure the java browser plugin? on windows&mac, there's a java configuration item in the system setup... where would i find that in ubuntu?02:59
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xukunhi all, I,m trying to restore directory from Trash to /media/sda1 but I get "Access is denied to /media/sda1" any idea how to solve this?02:59
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Duesentriebi need a way to tell java to allow more memory to be used by the plugin...02:59
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Duesentriebxukun: change the permissions in the mount options. or do it as root.03:00
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cafuegoekimus: pam-ldap and libnss-ldap are working fine for me03:00
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BloodyTuxhey, so is there a program i can just shove a src into and it'll make a deb for me? i forgot the website about dpkg and all tha03:00
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cafuegoekimus: Only thing to keep in mind is that you make sure you tell libnss-ldap to *fail* at bootup when udev tries to retrieve group names before networking is up.03:01
xukunDuesentrieb, yes that is what I was thinking, but I don not know how to change the permissions in the mount option03:01
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instabincan any one help with the open vpn client03:01
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Duesentriebxukun: man fstab, man mount03:02
instabini cant get the open vpn client to connect03:02
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BotaniCarinstabin: do you get any errors back ?03:02
neopsycheif i already have windows installed (ntfs) on my entire hdisk is there a way to repartition to split my drive up to install ubuntu?03:03
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instabinBotaniCar all i have is the gui and it wont let me pick the connection03:03
BotaniCarinstabin: use a connection client that generates reports03:03
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s-mcim trying to get me moneys worth out of u lot (puzzles of my own comment there). Q: how do i start a ssh server/service on ubuntu ?03:03
xukunDuesentrieb, I have done that already but did not get what I was looking for03:03
strabescan anyone confirm that the zen microphoto works out of the box with amarok in feisty?03:03
instabinBotaniCar is the addon for gnome netowrk monitor03:03
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BotaniCarinstabin: you might also try to connect by hand from terminal window, that is bound to give some feedback03:03
Picis-mc: you need to install the ssh package first.03:04
BotaniCarinstabin: try to connect with abovementioned method first , so you know setup and keys are ok03:04
ekimuscafuego: yes but still it is unsupported (plus FC, SuSE and debian managed to make it work out of the box)03:04
Picis-mc: The package name is just ssh.03:04
Duesentriebxukun: look at the umask option03:04
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s-mcPici: i have done that03:04
BotaniCarinstabin: then, sure of setup working , you can blame gnome applet03:04
instabinBotaniCar: I have allready use the files to connect with windows03:04
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shakushow do i remove the networking icon from the dock?03:05
Picis-mc: It should start automatically, but you can use `sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start` to manually start it.03:05
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BotaniCarinstabin: i am sorry but i cant help with gnome applet problems, i dont use them :(03:05
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s-mcPici: thanks03:05
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instabinBotaniCar: Well thanks any way03:05
naufraghihello!, some hint to debug a qt4 app uting libqt4-debug package?03:05
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jimcooncatIs there a way to fix the Help feature in Evolution?03:06
jimcooncatoops, sorry03:06
s-mcPici: says command not found. but i can see ssh folders etc so it must be on here.03:06
xukunDuesentrieb, thanks I will03:07
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guneranyone installed oracle on ubuntu03:07
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SAM_themanHello Azurze isn't working for me on 7.0403:08
forestCan anyone point me to a nice tutorial for how to use ffmpeg to transcode a video from one format to another?03:09
Picis-mc: Are you sure that the ssh is isntalled? and that it installed its dependency openssh-client and openssh-server?03:09
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s-mcPici: i used get-apt install ssh command. i can see a ssh folder in /etc a ssh_config within the /etc/ssh/ folder03:10
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fire_storm_hi , when i try to enable desktop effects i get this error, "The Composite extension is not available" , i use nvidia 7600 GS and the restricted drivers03:10
strabescan anyone confirm that the zen microphoto works out of the box with amarok in feisty?03:10
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azoi have a problem i've already metioned previously.. each time the system boot's up i have to run /etc/init.d/958resolution even though i've added it to the system boot time procedure..03:11
s-mcPici: re doing the package just to confirm i got everything03:11
azoanyone knows what could be the reason?03:12
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Picis-mc: does ssh exist in /etc/init.d/ ?03:12
zabini am having a problem getting samba to work does anyone have any ideas?03:12
s-mcPici: nope03:12
PlantainReading Ubuntuguide.org, it talks about dyndns and updating, but I'm not sure if that'll autoupdate everytime I get a new IP03:12
ShinSR71zabin : specify your problem03:12
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Picis-mc: What version of Ubuntu are you running?03:13
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s-mcits installing (needs more space) dunno what i installed then but seems as if i dint get it or at least not it all03:13
Picis-mc: Okay03:13
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s-mcPici: ok working now, thanks for help.03:13
zabini clicked on a floder that i wanteed to share and told it to share and i can not find it when i look under neetwork places on a windows machine. that are also on the same workgroup03:13
hccmbhello all03:14
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zabinalos when i try to connect the drive though mounting it on  drive at work by mounting it . it sats that it can not find it.03:14
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hccmbi have an new monitor, wich does higher resolution, how would i set it higher? the old could only do 1024x76803:14
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hccmbthe new can do more...03:14
hccmbhow do i reconfirure xorg?03:15
fire_storm_hi , when i try to enable desktop effects i get this error, "The Composite extension is not available" , i use nvidia 7600 GS and the restricted drivers03:15
Some_PersonIs rw ntfs support available yet?03:15
Pici!fixres | hccmb check out this link03:15
ubotuhccmb check out this link: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:15
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hyljehccmb: $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg-xserver03:15
CheshireViking!ntfs-3g | Some_Person03:16
ubotuSome_Person: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:16
bronzeWhen I play x-moto, the game periodically (every 10 minutes or so) de-selects itself and enters windowed mode. This is very annoying because I lose control over the biker!03:16
silver_does anybody knows where can i find driver which support 3d on my video card ? 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XPAi1 (rev 82)03:16
Some_PersonWill it screw up my system?03:16
bronzeSome_Person, this is basically a must for any linux user. And no, it won't screw anything up.03:16
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scorp123Hi all ...03:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about maya - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:17
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Some_PersonGreat! Because I used NTFS 3G on Breezy, and it worked, but suddenly my NTFS partition disappeared!03:17
bronzeSome_Person, what do you mean? Disappeared from your file browser or disappeared for real (deleted).03:18
Some_PersonFrom my system/03:18
scorp123SAM_theman: www.autodesk.com03:18
SAM_themanI know03:18
scorp123SAM_theman: they own "Maya" now03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autodesk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
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CheshireVikingSome_Person, I thought it was still classed as in development, but looking at the ntfs-3g website, they say its a stable release since february 200703:19
Some_PersonThis was in June 200603:19
scorp123CheshireViking: I fail to see what this has to do with the issue at hand or how this would get his data back?03:20
scorp123Some_Person: do you know on what partition (e.g. /dev/sdb1 ... etc.) your NTFS filesystem was?03:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:21
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Some_Personit was /dev/hda103:21
soundraySome_Person: there is no way of using a computer without risking data loss, so always have a backup.03:21
CheshireVikingscorp123, the original question was whether r/w access for ntfs was available and whether it would mess up the system03:21
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:21
s-mcQ: in firestarter i add a rule to allow all connections from yet it stop a ssh conenction, if i goto the event veiwer and allow conenctions from client it adds a rule allowing, it now allows ssh connections from my pc, why did my network rule not work ?03:21
ham1979I have a group called virtual with 2 users one is the vitual user for postfix setup but i want to give same permission for mailuser so i can get into the folder and backup the mail!03:21
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bronze!ntfs-3g | Some_Person03:21
ubotuSome_Person: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:21
scorp123CheshireViking: the "ntfs" module from the kernel *WILL* mess up your filesystem, yes.03:21
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Some_PersonI'll try it again now that it's stable03:21
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scorp123Some_Person: does this command show anything: "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda"03:22
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Some_PersonThis was last year you know03:22
Some_PersonThe partition is long gone03:22
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bronzeWhen I tried to install it with synaptic it says "Package could not be verified, bla bla bla not safe".03:23
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bronzeWonder what that means...03:23
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WaxyFreshi just did an 5.10 install (its the most up to date i have)and when i go to start it x.org fails,what should i do?03:23
scorp123You said it "suddenly disappeared" ... ?  OK, now I'm confused. :)03:23
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bronzeIt suddenly disappeared a year ago :)03:23
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scorp123bronze: some packages are signed with GPG keys ... so this one you got there isn't. Can happen. No big deal usually. Just say "Yes, install anyway".03:24
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azoso is there ANYONE that has ever used 915resolution?03:24
bronzescorp123, roger that.03:24
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BadRobothi there could anyone help me to change the login screen ,i'm using Ubuntustudio,but before i've had Ubuntu.so i would to see the Ubuntustudio login screen appear on the start up(I mean when i have to type my login)03:25
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BadRobotanyone good on that?03:25
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scorp123BadRobot: www.gnome-look.org03:25
scorp123BadRobot: install a GDM-Login theme you like, voila, done. Mission accomplished.03:26
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openminddjanyone able to get simple backup to work?  I am using Feisty and when i click on Backup Now! nothing happens...03:26
xipietotecBadRobot, Go to System Administration Login window, install whatever GDM themes you want03:26
WaxyFreshXorg failed to start "caught signal 4"03:26
bronzeCan anyone help me getting 72hz refresh rate at 1280x1024. I can only choose between 50, 54 and 55....03:26
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scorp123bronze: Laptop?03:27
bronzeStill, I run 85hz for some reason....03:27
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soundray!fixres > bronze, please read the private message from ubotu03:27
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:27
bronzescorp123, no, desktop with CRT capable of 160hz03:27
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scorp123bronze: !fixres03:27
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scorp123bronze: X.org in the current release does sometimes a bad job detecting the right specs for some monitors ... :-/03:28
WaxyFreshis there a irc room for help with xorg?03:28
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ryan__slickw0rm -- any luck?03:29
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BalachmarHi can anyone help me with installing the sensor applet?03:29
soundrayryan__: wrong channel?03:29
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BalachmarI have the applet installed and the hdd stuff as well. But now only the hdd temp is shown03:29
CheshireVikingWaxyFresh, you could try #xorg03:29
ryan__soundray - no03:29
chadeldridg1I am unable to book meetings using Evolution on Exchnage.  I get the message "Unable to Book".  Is there an Evolution channel that is active, or has anyone here seen the issue?03:30
BalachmarAns I really want to know the cpu temp, because it just blacked out on me03:30
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lukeis there a channel for GPartEd related issues around here?03:30
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kapistusHey peeps.03:30
chadeldridg1luke:  what is your issue ?03:30
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lukechadeldridg1, moving unallocated space forward03:30
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endo_!compiz | endo03:31
ubotuendo: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:31
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endo_which do you guys prefer, beryl or compiz?03:31
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Balachmarsorry I just dropped of, but the sensor applet still doesn't work03:31
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AlsvartrHi all. Could somebody help me please? I have a problem with icq connection. I've tried gaim, pidgin, sim, licq, but all the same - I have an error "connection reset by peer"... But ICQ2GO at icq.com works perfectly.03:31
BadRobotthx brothers and sisters03:31
kapistusAnyone feeling bored enough to give me a hand with a resolution-issue i have at hand?03:31
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BadRoboti think i found it03:31
chadeldridg1luke:  gparted has some stupid issues with free space on a drive and moving it .. there is a linux live cd that has a partition manager on it that works almost every time ... let me try to find it for ya03:31
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lukechadeldridg1, thanks03:32
chadeldridg1luke:  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:32
bronzerestart xorg03:32
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JamesinatorIs there a specific channel I should use for game-related questions, or is #ubuntu just a generic q&a channel?03:32
openminddjanyone able to get simple backup to work?  I am using Feisty and when i click on Backup Now! nothing happens...Also, when i click save, nothing seems to happen03:32
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JamesinatorSpecifically, getting lxdoom running03:33
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soundrayopenminddj: have you configured it?03:33
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AlsvartrSo, nobody knows? (03:34
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:34
openminddjsoundray: when i go into the config and save my changes.  I exit, reopen and the changes are not there.  Also when i click backup now, nothing happens03:34
lukechadeldridg1, how will this get my unallocated space to where it's supposed to be, it's the same programme03:34
JamesinatorAlsvartr: What was your question?03:34
AlsvartrI have a problem with icq connection. I've tried gaim, pidgin, sim, licq, but all the same - I have an error "connection reset by peer"... But ICQ2GO at icq.com works perfectly.03:34
BalachmarCan no one help me with my sensor applet problem? I want to know what is causing the blackouts...03:35
chadeldridg1luke:  it operates outside of your xenvironment03:35
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endo_!compiz | endo_03:35
lukechadeldridg1, I do that with the Ubuntu LiveCD03:35
chadeldridg1luke:  not the same ... but try it and see03:36
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lukechadeldridg1, I have tried this one before and it would not boot properly03:36
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Some_PersonCan I hide the network icon in the system tray/03:37
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JamesinatorSome_Person: Right click and select "Remove from panel"?03:37
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:37
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ubuntuuserDoes Feisty server already have LTSP 5 built in, and do I have to actually configure anything?03:37
lukechadeldridg1, I'll give the USB one a go, thanks03:37
soundrayopenminddj: can you start 'gksudo simple-backup-config' in a terminal and see if it reports any issues as you configure and save03:37
Some_PersonThere's no "Remove from panel"03:37
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pmehtai am facing the problem listed in Page 3 of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42703:38
Some_PersonJust "Enable Networking", "Connection Information", and "About"03:38
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ubuntuuserdoes anyone use ltsp with feisty server?03:39
Some_PersonHow do I remove the Networking icon in the system tray?03:39
openminddjsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27411/03:39
s0m3nak3dguyHi, all... I have a buffer read error when i try and start ubuntu. I'm new to ubuntu so does anyone know how to fix this?03:39
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nothingssomethinin terminal how do i change my wireless card to something that will work03:40
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kapistusThat resolution-trick didn't work, any other ideas?03:40
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kapistusMy resolution caps at 1024x768 and it's a pain in the butt because if have a 20" widescreen.03:41
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soundrayopenminddj: try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install python2.5-minimal', then the above again03:42
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AlsvartrI have a problem with icq connection. I've tried gaim, pidgin, sim, licq, but all the same - I have an error "connection reset by peer"... But ICQ2GO at icq.com works perfectly.03:42
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bronzeI have kinda the same problem. No way whatsoever to get my refresh rate to 72 or 75hz. I can only choose between 50, 54 and 55hz, but when I check it with my screen, it says 85hz.03:42
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kapistusBronze, i cannot even choose between those rates, it sets mine to 6003:43
durabim still trying to get my wg111v2 working with ndiswrapper03:43
ham1979I have a group called virtual with 2 users one is the vitual user for postfix setup but i want to give  permission for mailuser so i can get into the folder and backup the mail!03:43
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durabthe driver seems to be loaded and there are no problems as far as I know, but wpa_supplicant is segfaulting03:43
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openminddjsoundray: running that command wants to remove quite a few packages. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27413/03:44
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mat1980ham1979: add mailuser to virtual group. Then add read permission to that files to virtual group.03:44
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WaxyFreshwhats 2 gig in kilobytes?03:45
soundrayopenminddj: it suggests to autoremove those because they are not needed. This has nothing to do with the reinstall. Try gksudo simple-backup-config again03:45
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PlantainWaxyFresh: Approximately 2 * 1,000 == 2000mB, 2,000 * 1,000 = 2,000,000kB. (Don't eat me maths nazi's)03:46
s-mcok im getting closer to my end goal, thank so much for the help people. Q: how do i conenct to a share on a windows computer? and what ports would this use (need to open a firewall)?03:46
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nothingssomethinwhat is the correct way to ping in terminal03:47
ubuntuuser2097152 kilobytes03:47
Picinothingssomethin: ping ipaddress03:47
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s0m3nak3dguyanyone know how to fix a 'Buffer I/O read error' on startup of live cd? i can't boot into the cd at all03:47
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nothingssomethindoes that ping forever and does it give you a report03:47
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durabis this output from ndiswrapper indicating that my usb dongle, wg111v2 driver is correctly installed ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27415/03:47
openminddjsoundray: same situation after the reinstall03:47
jribWaxyFresh: install the "units" package03:47
DjainetteHello all03:47
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PiciActually... 1000 kilobytes = 1mb, 1024 kibibytes = 1mib03:47
nothingssomethini need a report03:48
Picibut thats offtopic03:48
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durabnothingssomethin: ping -c 5 www.farts.com03:48
durabsends 5 packets and generates some simple stats03:49
Picinothingssomethin: check out the ping manpage `man ping` for more info03:49
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nothingssomethinwhere at03:50
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s-mcchange of plan how do i create a share that a windows client can save into03:50
nothingssomethinon web or term03:50
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Picinothingssomethin: terminal03:50
snake_i did apt-get autoremove and now i have no sound and i can not play videos in browsers03:50
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nothingssomethinwhat is google's ip adress03:51
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durab72.14.253.147 is one03:51
defryskgoogle for it03:51
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WaxyFreshim setting up xorg and wondering what x.org server modules to setup the only ones not selected are dbe record v41 what are these?03:51
snake_i get an error of the sound server03:52
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snake_Error - artse03:52
durabanyone with ndiswrapper chops? I have apparently installed/wrapped the xp driver for a wg111v2 and I'm not sure if ndiswrapper -l output confirms this. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27415/03:52
DjainetteI'm looking for an acpi expert.03:52
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soundrayopenminddj: you might try from scratch with the default /etc/sbackup.conf (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27416/)03:52
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wiolakto wie jak zainstalowa jave na linuxie??03:54
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Some_PersonI'm using Beryl on ubuntu, and I'm having a problem. #ubuntu-effects has no one helpful in it. Can I ask here?03:54
soundray!pl | wiola03:54
ubotuwiola: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl03:54
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durabSome_Person: ask, dont ask to ask03:55
Some_PersonEvery once in a while on Beryl Ubuntu, the titlebar turns all white03:55
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Some_PersonRolling over the close/max/minimize buttons puts it back to normal03:56
nhyAre there any powerpc users in here?03:56
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Some_Personbut its very annoying to me03:56
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openminddjsoundray: i have updated the conf and restarted the program but it seems to have the same problem03:56
durabSome_Person: I get the same thing, but only a hard boot fixes it03:56
nothingssomethindo wireless cards work in debug mode03:56
Some_Personhard boot?03:56
nothingssomethinit blinks like it works03:57
durabpower cycle, unplug03:57
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nothingssomethinbut i can't ping03:57
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Some_Personheres what it looks like: http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/447/screenshotmb2.png03:57
benmayimI have ubuntu 6.06 server installed. How do I find out the name of my database used for file serving with php, and its password, or is the password the same as my user/admin password?03:58
variantDoes anyone know if those Dell ubuntu boxes require the user to set a password the first time they start it or what? how are passwords and users handled on the dell boxes?03:58
nothingssomethinwhat is the equivilant to ipconfig in lunix03:58
variantnothingssomethin: ifconfig03:58
kitchevariant: it probably uses the oem install03:58
nothingssomethinhad to be diffrent pissh03:58
variantkitche: does that set a default password with autologin?03:58
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soundrayopenminddj: there's something strange going on with your python setup. Is this an upgraded system?03:59
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Some_PersonIs there any other way to fix it? I don't really want to do a "hard boot".03:59
kitchevariant: no one the computer boots up it will ask you for that ifno just like in windows03:59
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benmayimno one can tell me??03:59
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variantkitche: i see.. not bought a windows computer since winME though so I don't know how they do it04:00
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soundray!lamp > benmayim, you may find these help pages useful (private message from ubotu)04:00
AlsvartrCould somebody help me please? I have a problem with icq connection. I've tried gaim, pidgin, sim, licq, but all the same - I have an error "connection reset by peer"... But ICQ2GO at icq.com works perfectly.04:00
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WaxyFreshmylaptop keeps stalling at starting hotplug subsystem and stalls for 5+ mins any ideas?04:01
soundrayAlsvartr: your ISP or employer may be blocking chat traffic04:01
variantAlsvartr: sounds like some network filtering going on along the line04:01
openminddjsoundray: i dont think so but i am making some progress with sudo sbackupd04:01
variantAlsvartr: the web interface uses an http version04:01
nothingssomethinwhat is pause in ubuntu04:01
variantnothingssomethin: pause?04:02
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openminddjsoundray: running the program this way has at least created something in /var/backup04:02
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nothingssomethinlike dir /p04:02
nothingssomethinso it will stop and let you read04:02
variantah, pipe it to less04:02
variantls | less04:02
Some_PersonAck, screw it, goodbye Beryl104:02
soundrayopenminddj: okay... I've never tried using it that way, but if it works, that's great04:02
WaxyFreshso no idea why when booting up it stalls at starting hotplug sys for 5+ mins?04:03
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variantnothingssomethin: then you can search the output too, by pressing / and enter a search term04:03
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openminddjsoundray: thanks for the help, i'll continue troubleshooting04:03
benmayimI have ubuntu 6.06 server installed. How do I find out the name of my database used for file serving with php, and its password, or is the password the same as my user/admin password?04:04
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benmayimWith the LAMP that comes with the install (second item menu during install).04:04
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kapistusCould someone shed some light on that resolution cap -problem i was talking about earlier?04:05
kitchebenmayim: you have to make the database and such yourself04:05
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benmayimkitche, you mean there are no databases in it when it is installed?04:05
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variantbenmayim: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.0604:06
kitchebenmayim: correct04:06
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ihavenoname hi =D04:07
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benmayimvariant, is that ubuntu 6.06 server or desktop. I don't feel like reading all that to find out later that it's talking about the desktop and not the server.04:07
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liableoh, so you ask for help and cant be bothered to read the offered help?04:08
nothingssomethinhow do i change my adapter in terminal ???? to something like eth1 instead of eth004:08
benmayimvariant, went to the site, it is about server, thx.04:09
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nothingssomethinanyone know???04:09
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Picinothingssomethin: I'm not really sure what you are asking.04:10
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rotmanHi, I am running kubuntu feisty, and I would like to know how to play midi files...04:11
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rotmanI have installed pmidi04:11
rotmanand pmidi -l gives me 3 devices04:11
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nothingssomethincurrently i am stuck in debug mode04:11
rotmanbut on all devices I get silence04:11
durabnothingssomethin: I get the feeling you have plugged in a wireless card and are now trying to connect to the internet with it?04:11
nothingssomethinwell yes04:11
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nothingssomethinbut do it in terminal04:12
Pici!enter | nothingssomethin04:12
ubotunothingssomethin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:12
nothingssomethinbecause i am stuck in debug mode till apt-get something04:12
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durabif you do "ping www.google.com" what does it say04:12
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nothingssomethinand it is wanting to use eth0 and that's my ethernet carn (not plugeds in)  and eth1 is my wireless card04:13
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durabeth1 is not your wireless card04:14
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nothingssomethinthat's what it said when i checked it in the network connections in ubuntu04:14
liablehow do you know its not?04:14
liabledr_willis: ^^04:15
nothingssomethini have 3 network cards04:15
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liabledr_willis: sorry04:15
durabwhat devices do you see if you do "ifconfig"04:15
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BenCANNOUNCE: Dell/Ubuntu live expert forum in-progress: http://www.dellcommunity.com/supportforums/board?board.id=sw_linux04:15
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s-mcQ: samba - i cant connect it doesnt like my password ( i think i read something about encrpted passwords and windows not liking them) can anyone help me please.04:15
liabledurab: how do you know eth1 isnt his wireless?04:15
liablenothingssomethin: ifconfig -a ?04:15
nothingssomethinby the way this is my laptop and i am useing my desktop04:16
mahtavamatt88i'm looking to get the "extra" keys on my Logitec G11 working under ubuntu, can anyyone help?04:16
nothingssomethinlet me try04:16
durabbecause wireless!=eth04:16
liabledurab: excuse me?04:16
kitche!offtopic | BenC04:16
ubotuBenC: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:16
durabnot the protocol, the naming04:16
kitchedurab: eth1 can be wireless that is what my broadocm uses if I use the native driver04:16
liabledurab: how do you explain my intel wireless card that i am using now thats eth1?04:16
durabI sit corrected04:16
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jturek_oi all04:17
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durabthats how I explain it04:17
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durabsorry to offend your geek pride04:17
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jturek_Anybody know of a wizard or GUI to setup multiple monitor support on Feisty or Gutsy?04:17
durablittle touchy, aren't we?04:17
liabledurab: you didnt offend my geek pride, you just gave bad advice04:17
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nothingssomethinhow do i pause it is going all the way past before i can read it all04:17
durabof that I am guilty04:17
miasmawhat's the package name for apache fop in ubuntu?04:18
durabperhaps now we have a conversation started you could look over my ndiswrapper output04:18
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dr_willis!find apache04:18
yondiejturek_, it depends on wat type of graphik kard you are usin04:18
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ubotuFound: apache2, apache2-doc, apache2-mpm-event, apache2-mpm-perchild, apache2-mpm-prefork (and 160 others)04:18
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dr_willis160 others.. gesh04:18
durabis that driver correctly loaded?04:18
jturek_yondie: I have a Dell D610  onboard intel card04:18
Raiders32!find header04:18
ubotuFound: libqt3-compat-headers, libqt3-headers, libxaw-headers, libxmu-headers, linux-headers-2.6.20-15 (and 38 others)04:18
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nothingssomethinit says there is a wifi004:19
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ryan__Oh my god how do I post a new question on the launchpad Q&A system??04:20
kitchedurab: it shoudl say hardware present also04:20
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nothingssomethinbut it is not being used04:20
kitchedurab: never mind it does not use to the new ndiswrapper04:20
liablenothingssomethin: ifconfig wifi0 up04:20
jribryan__: click on "ask a question", https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu04:20
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yondiejturek_, then u need to use xinerama twinhead or something similliar04:20
durabkitche: I don't understand04:20
yondiehang on a seck04:20
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liablenothingssomethin: then iwconfig wifi004:20
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fasemprebenehi to everybody04:21
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durabwpa_supplicant is seg faulting when I try to connect... figured I'd verify each step04:21
BenCkitche: pretty sure ubuntu help is on topic here04:21
fasemprebene'm a newbye04:21
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rohangnomefreak: hi .. any updates on the sun-java6 issue ?04:21
fasemprebenei have a little problem with ubuntu 7.0404:21
ryan__whew, thanks jrib04:21
fasemprebenesomeone can help me?04:22
kitcheBenC: yes it is but not links being posted that don't have to deal with ubuntu problems04:22
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benmayimvariant, upon further reading of that website, he specifically states that he did not us option 2 - Install LAMP server, and I don't want to start over.04:22
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BenCkitche: it's a forum for people with ubuntu problems, specific to Dell04:22
rohanfasemprebene: ask, don't ask to ask :)04:22
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miasmais it possible that there is no fop package in ubuntu. if I look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/text/docbook-xsl, it says "Package not available"04:22
fasemprebeneah ok04:22
magnetron!ask | fasemprebene04:22
magnetron!enter | fasemprebene04:22
ubotufasemprebene: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:22
ubotufasemprebene: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:22
kitcheBenC: I know what it is I m not blind04:23
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rohanmagnetron: oh, i did not know ubotu already had factoids for it04:23
BenCkitche: then maybe you need to reword your argument04:23
kitcheBenc: it's still offtopic04:23
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fasemprebenesince this morning my broser "firefox" close alone while i explore the net and simetimes ubuntu disconect the session04:23
kapistusCould someone help me? I'm very new to this OS and i have trouble getting the correct resolution to match my 20" widescreen. All i get is 1024x768. I have Ati's radeon 9600xt.04:24
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BenCkitche: so help with Ubuntu on Dell is offtopic for #ubuntu, I'll be sure to spread the word04:24
nothingssomethinok from what it says about it i belive that that is my dell truemoble the cisco areonet is the one i can see blinking04:24
BenCkitche: so mentioning ubuntu forums is offtopic too?04:24
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rohan!ati > kapistus04:24
benmayimI have mysql installed, How do I access it? do I have to install something like ISPconfig to access it? Why didn't the option 2 put a pkg on the system that would be able to access it, and if it did, how do I find it?04:24
rohan!ati | kapistus04:24
ubotukapistus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:24
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kapistusOh, thanks04:24
nothingssomethinthe dell truemoble is off and also it says that wifi0 is off04:24
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kitchebenmayim: mysql is the command04:24
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pike_benmayim: consider installing phpmyadmin too. you can access it in browser by pointing to localhost04:25
Assassynanyone installed VMware on ubuntu 7.04?04:25
benmayimkitche, from the command line terminal?04:25
kitchebenmayim: there is some frontends to mysql if you wish04:25
kitchebenmayim: yes04:25
benmayimI'm not a linux guru, I don't know command line very well.04:25
rohanAssassyn: you want vmware player or normal vmware ?04:26
durabwhen im using tightvnc I get just a desktop and a terminal, whats the name of the file browser to run?04:26
kitchebenmayim: well grab a gui frontednt o mysql since mysql is a command line program04:26
magnetronbenmayim: mysql is a command line application, but there is some graphical frontends for it04:26
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Assassynto create virtual disks etc so i can install some OSes04:26
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yondieAssassyn, to create vmdk u need qemu04:27
dr_willisof course mysql is the kind of program that whole books are written on. :)  so dont expect it to be point and click04:27
rohanAssassyn: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware04:27
rohanyondie: not really, he can use vmware too04:27
Assassynso what should i install? qemu or vmware?04:27
dr_willisAssassyn,  ive installed vmware server to let me do all sorts of things.04:27
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benmayimkitche, I did the command line command and got in, now I'll have to get out my mysql handbook and see what databases are there already and/or make my own.04:27
nothingssomethinok how do i enable and disable cards04:27
yondierohan i mean to create the vmware image04:27
yondieuse qemu-img04:27
dr_willisAssassyn,  qemu, vmware-server, virtualbox, do similer things.04:27
rohanAssassyn: just read :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware if you want vmware04:27
Paddy_EIREhey there I am currently watching a video and the audio seems to be delayed a little is there any tricks or handy tools to sort this out04:27
rohanAmaranth: as yondie said, if you want absolute free, you can go for qemu04:28
MrOtaconhey guys - i just installed beryl, but wondered if there was anywhere i could download settings files from as i do not understand why it wont let me type in windows04:28
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Paddy_EIREits a local video not a stream04:28
kitchebenmayim: by default there is just mostly permissions databases and such that mysql needs to run right04:28
nothingssomethinor make certian one default04:28
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yondiei prefer kernel-xen but well dat`s just me04:28
dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  most of the media players have some sort of audio-shifting feature  - but ive rarely seen the problem.04:28
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Assassynok.. what`s best from your list dr_willis?04:28
magnetronPaddy_EIRE: VLC has a configurable sound delay04:28
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dr_willisAssassyn,  i tend to USE vmware-server04:28
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dr_willisAssassyn,  it deopends on your exact needs as to whats best.04:28
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Assassynto install windows XP on it04:29
yondieor how passionate are u on using non-propitery stuff04:29
Paddy_EIREmagnetron, vlc seems to be unable to play .divx very well04:29
dr_willisAssassyn,  i would say use vmware then.04:29
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magnetronPaddy_EIRE: ok04:29
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Paddy_EIREmagnetron, big green band across the top04:29
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magnetronPaddy_EIRE: ok04:29
dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  cant say that ive ever seen that issue.04:30
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dr_willisdefine 'big' :) 1/2 the screen? or a single line?04:30
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Paddy_EIREdr_willis, yeah the whole vid is basically unwatchable in vlc04:31
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MrOtacondoes anyone have a beryl settings file with decent settings?04:31
kitchePaddy_EIRE: soudns to me like a codec issue did you try the xvid codec?04:31
dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  interesting. coyuld try a newer version of vlc.04:31
dr_willisI dident think vlc USED the codec stuff like other programs do.04:31
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tinglewhen will there be a next release?04:31
yondiexine works all the time04:32
rohantingle: october04:32
rohan!gutsy | tingle04:32
ubotutingle: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+104:32
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Paddy_EIREhmm, maybe so although I have found the sound shift feature in SMplayer :D the best vid player on linux afaik04:32
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tinglethanks guys04:32
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yondiehurm.. anyone have any idea how to play midi file? without consuming 100% cpu usage04:33
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ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo04:33
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Paddy_EIREdr_willis, maybe its that video output option in vlc should be something else other than xv or x1104:33
computa_Mikehello - i posted on here earlier about having problems compiling Linux Drivers - I was advised to install the headers, which I have done (i think) but now I am getting an error :make[1] : *** No rule to make target `Source'.  Stop.04:34
computa_Mikeany ideas?04:34
nothingssomethinok how do i change settings of network devices in terminal04:34
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dr_willisPaddy_EIRE,  thats possible.04:34
dr_willisnothingssomethin,  what settings exactly?04:34
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Paddy_EIREthanks anyhow SMplayer works perfect for now04:34
mat1980computa_Mike: you havn't done ./configure04:34
dr_willisnothingssomethin,  'ifconfig' for most cases controls stuff.04:34
nothingssomethinwell the default device to use or to change the one i want to use04:35
computa_MikeMat1980 - thanks - do i just go to the comamnd line and type that in?04:35
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org04:35
nothingssomethinthat i thoought only displays stuff04:35
pike_nothingssomethin: gksu /etc/network/interfaces  to change the defualt autoconnect settings04:35
pike_nothingssomethin: er.. gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces04:35
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pike_nothingssomethin: or nano for cli04:36
dr_willisnothingssomethin,  what you are wanting to change is not clear.. and ifconfig does set various settings for the network devices. :) theres other ways to set them as well. depending on what you want done.04:36
nothingssomethinok i'm going to try that04:36
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mat1980computa_Mike: yes. Read the file README. There it should be explained how to compile the driver.04:37
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MrOtaconhow do i get the window close buttons back in beryl?04:37
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computa_MikeMat - that's the problem - I'm working through the OReilly book on developing device drivers and I basically have just the sample code...04:37
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dr_williscomputa_Mike,  sounds like your make file or command is incorrect. its looking to build the wrong thing.04:38
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nothingssomethini am forced to use diagnostic mode and it won't let me onto the internet and with little digging i found out that it's trying to use my hard line ethernet device witch is not pluged in and the other card is in pcimcia slot and it is blinking away and acting normal i really don't know what to do but it won't even ping google so it's not online04:39
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_Titatovenaar_does nVIDIA's sli work on ubu?04:39
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dr_willisnothingssomethin,  you are trying to use a wireless card instead of the wired card?04:39
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nothingssomethinwell yeah04:40
computa_MikeMat1980 - so what is this ./cofigure command do?04:40
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dr_willisnothingssomethin,  thats MUCh clearer then what you've been asking. :)04:40
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nothingssomethinis that not possable in debug mode because i did it before04:40
kitchecomputa_Mike: look at the configure file it's just a script04:40
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computa_Mikethanks dr_Willis :I downloaded the code from the OReilly examples site - has anyone tried compiling it?04:41
dr_willisnothingssomethin, debug mode? if you got the drivers/modules/card configufed right it should work in the other modes04:41
nothingssomethinit did it automaticly last time04:41
mat1980computa_Mike: it should check that on your system there is all you need, and maybe configure something for match the compilation to your system04:41
nothingssomethinit is configed right04:41
dr_willisnothingssomethin,  'last time' as in last Install? or last reboot? or last week?04:41
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computa_Mikeok - I'll give it a whirl...04:41
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nothingssomethini used it before i started haveing problems with nvidia04:41
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nothingssomethinthat's why i'm in debug mode04:42
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dr_willisnothingssomethin,  if there was a kernel update lately, you may need to reinstall the proper wireless card modules.04:42
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computa_MikeMat1980 : Configure doesn't seem to do anything04:42
=== dr_willis is still not sure what 'debug' mode is. rescue mode/recovery mode you mean?
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nothingssomethinwould i need the internet for that04:43
kitchecomputa_Mike: you have to be in the folder of the source code and type ./configure since it's a script in the source directory04:43
nothingssomethincause i don't got it on my laptop04:43
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nothingssomethinuntill the card starts working04:43
dan1hello everyone, i'm measuring performance of usb flash drive. benchmark prog (iozone) reports read speeds of, as an example, 1261238 kbytes/sec04:43
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nothingssomethinbut the card looks like it's working just fine i don't understand04:44
dan1this is clearly way too high, i have turned off caching, but these results cannot be right. can anyone help explain/suggest why04:44
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pike_dan1: well.. flash is fast ;p04:44
computa_Mikekitchie : the source code I am trying to compile has a load of .c files and a makefile - no configure file...04:44
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bthoemI need to change the default OS to boot in GRUB. What is the way to change that?04:45
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kitchecomputa_Mike: then just run make04:45
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dan1pike: i tested on mac,  uncached read 10 megs/sec, manufacturer reports similar04:45
tamyoie mi msn04:45
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blubbihi all04:46
computa_MikeKitchie: ok  I have ran make and I get the following error : make[1] : *** No rule to make target `Source'.  Stop.04:46
Ryarlyeghanyone here who can help me with some nvidia problems04:46
jribbthoem: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, look for the line that says "default"04:46
dan1flash is fast but not over 1gb/sec04:46
RyarlyeghI just bought a new card, put it in my computer, but my 3d still doesn't seem to work04:46
blubbiI am new to ubunt... where can I find a package for isapnptools04:46
kitchedan1: umm it's more like 153.959717 megabytes04:46
RyarlyeghI tried the restricted drivers, but it fails with the bootup and forces me to reconfigure my nvidia driver to nv-driver, which kinda sucks04:47
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dan1kitchie...divide by 1024 to get meg/sec?04:47
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MrOtaconanyone here use beryl?04:47
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jribMrOtacon: try #ubuntu-effects, but ask a specific question04:47
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MrOtaconjrib: thanks04:47
dr_willis!find isapnp04:48
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ubotuFile isapnp found in module-init-tools04:48
dan1kitchie: how are you getting that figure04:48
kitchedan1: from google sicne I forgot how to do the math for it myself lol04:49
r0tdoes ubuntu 7.04 work on Intel core 2 duo desktop processor with Intel 965 chipset (D965RY Motherboard)04:49
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calcr0t: thats what i run it on04:49
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calcr0t: a c2d 6300 with P965 here04:50
dan1kitchie: what did you put into google to convert04:50
calcr0t: not the exact same motherboard though04:50
kitchedan1: the kilobyte number to MB04:50
r0tcalc: ok. The older ubuntu versions did not work04:50
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dan11 261 238 kilobytes = 1 231.67773 megabytes04:51
kitchedan1: but it does seem like to be 1 gig04:51
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dan1yep, how could linux be reporting this write speed, i'm clearly doing something wrong04:51
dan1sorry read speed, but write is too high also04:52
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blubbicould anybody tell me if isapnptools is in the repository?04:52
dr_williswe talkinbg a factor of 10 or 100x too high? :)04:52
blubbiI searched in Adept Manager... but no results04:52
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dr_willis!find isapnptools04:52
HamishHello, I'm looking to install a dual boot Windows-Ubuntu, and I found a good guide on the internet04:52
ubotuPackage/file isapnptools does not exist in feisty04:52
blubbi!find isapnptools04:52
HamishBut there is a problem,04:52
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blubbidr_willis: ?04:53
HamishThe screenshots in the guide look a little different than my install program04:53
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dr_willisI aint had to mess with isa stuff in ages.. lets see04:53
HamishI can't find an option to resize the partition04:53
calcr0t: i think 6.10 worked for me too, but i don't remember for certain whether i used that or just a preview cd for 7.0404:53
dan1willis: if you're talking to me, yes 100x too high!04:53
blubbidr_willis: thanks04:53
blubbidr_willis: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/base/isapnptools04:53
calcr0t: i'm currently running gutsy on it though04:53
r0tcalc: I got some strange error messages like 'failed to allocate memory resource' in the older versions04:53
computa_MikeAnybody recommend a linux distribution that I can write drivers in, because I've been plugging away with Ubuntu since this morning and I can't seem to compile the sample drivers that are on the OReilly site - anyone been able to do that?04:53
blubbidr_willis: but it doesn't ocure in the repository04:53
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dr_willisblubbi,  may of been removed in the latest releases.04:54
calccomputa_Mike: did you install the linux headers for your version?04:54
HamishThere is only: Use entire disk, use largest continuous free space and manual.04:54
HamishWhich one should I use?04:54
calccomputa_Mike: also what is the url for the stuff you are reading?04:54
computa_Mikecalc: I have installed the headers and the kernel sources...04:54
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dr_willisHamish,  i find it best to have a spare hard drive just for linux. :) but thats not always an option.04:54
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pike_computa_Mike: slackware is a good distro if ya want standardized linux and build tools. course 'good distro' can be subjective04:54
Hamishdr_willis: It's strange, in windows I have 2 hard drives but in my actual computer I can only find one.04:55
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dr_willisHamish,  failing that - i normally use a live cd. and the gparted program to resize a existing install of windows and shrink it. to have a block of unallocated drive space at the end of the drive.04:55
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computa_Mikepike: naturally - I still think Ubuntu is a good distro - I use if at home and recommend it to all my friends...04:55
calccomputa_Mike: which kernel was the driver information for?04:55
dr_willisHamish,  use 'sudo fdisk -l' to see what hard drives are seen.04:55
MTecknologyWill nessus have a free version that will be maintained or is going to become strictly a pay for program?04:55
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dr_willisHamish,  you want to be VERY carefull - it would suck ifyou overwrote your windows install.04:55
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HamishI know04:55
HamishI've read the warnings04:55
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computa_Mikethe document (book) i am going throught is the OReilly Linux Device Drivers Book (revision3 ) available on line04:56
calccomputa_Mike: its possible 2.6 has changed too much since the document was written, otherwise it may be just some minor configuration issue04:56
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mezHi!, Whats the easiest way to upgrade to network manager 0.6.5? im new to linux :)04:56
Hamishdr_willis: It says I have sda1, sda2 and sda504:56
calccomputa_Mike: what kind of error did you get when you tried to compile it?04:56
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computa_Mikei'm getting a STOP error04:56
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r0tcalc: have you tried running any other linux distros with your config ?04:57
dr_willisHamish,  so you got 1 hard drive with 3 partitions it seems.  you did do 'sudo fdisk -l' (no sudo may not list them all)04:57
calcr0t: no04:57
mezHi!, Whats the easiest way to upgrade to network manager 0.6.5? im new to linux :)04:57
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HamishI did sudo fdisk -l04:57
calccomputa_Mike: can you paste the whole output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:57
computa_MikeIn particular I am geeting  *** No rule to make target `Source'.  Stop.04:57
computa_Mikecalc : i'll do it now.04:57
dr_willisHamish,  you are not confusing different drive letters under windows with different 'drives' :)  You can have 1 hard drive with 5+ partitions, c: D: e: and so on.. or ya can have several drives with 1 partition each.04:57
eXistenzWhere can I get the fglrx 8.28 for ubuntu feisty?04:57
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HamishAhh okay.04:58
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calccomputa_Mike: hmm thats odd, i think you could probably ask about it on kernelnewbies04:58
r0tcalc: my hunch is that I have a hardware problem... none of the linux distros I have tried seemed to work04:58
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HamishSo should I just use one of the partitions that I don't have anything on?04:58
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dr_willisHamish,  'drive' = book, partition, = chapters the book is divided into. :)04:58
calccomputa_Mike: http://kernelnewbies.org/ irc channel on oftc04:58
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dr_willisHamish,  correct. it would be best to delete the unneeded partitions. and then let the installer use the Unallocated space.04:58
r0tcalc: I will give ubuntu a try anyway :)04:59
calcr0t: its possible, if you have overclocked put it back at stock settings, also make sure you have up to date bios on the motherboard04:59
Some_PersonI'm trying to make KDE apps have Human theme in Ubuntu; is there an Ubuntu human theme for KDE?04:59
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HamishSo I'm going to delete sda5.04:59
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Some_Person(note: I do not have KDE)04:59
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r0tcalc: hmm.. maybe i should update the bios!!04:59
kitcheSome_Person: well probably not since kde apps use QT05:00
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Some_PersonI have KDE's kcontrol, it lets me set a theme for KDE apps05:00
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benmayimI installed ubuntu606server with LAMP and created a database from the command line, but when I went to install joomla and it asked the name of the database and password, it accepted the database name, but a blank password? Is this secure?05:00
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calcr0t: some 965 motherboards have had a LOT of bios updates05:00
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Some_PersonI just need a human theme05:00
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calcr0t: so its possible yours is an old buggy one05:00
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r0tcalc: ok... but is it safe ?05:00
kitchebenmayim: well not really but you didn't put in a password for your user05:01
Hamishdr_willis: I've deleted sda5, when I press next it says No Root File System, please select one from the partitioning menu05:01
calcr0t: as long as you follow the directions and don't power off the system while its doing the update, etc05:01
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benmayimkitche, the installation never asked me for one.05:01
eXistenzanyone can help me? :)05:01
HamishPlease correct this from the partitioning menu*05:01
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eXistenzI would like to get the fglrx 8.2805:01
calcr0t: do you have windows on the system too?05:01
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kitchebenmayim: you have to make one though the mysql command might want to read up on mysql05:02
calccomputa_Mike: seems something must be wrong with your makefile05:02
r0tcalc: yes WinXP it is working fine05:02
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computa_MikeI'm going to try kernel Newbies - i'll let you guys know if i find anything out...05:02
benmayimAnd if i change it with mysqladmin, then the rest of the LAMP components probably won't be able to access mysql.05:02
calcr0t: some companies, not sure about the one that made yours have windows bios update utilities also05:02
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calcr0t: so you wouldn't have to worry about booting into DOS somehow05:02
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r0tcalc: ok05:03
dr_willisHamish,  you are now trying to do things manually. I would delete the partitiosn, let it write the changes to disk.. then backup and try the 'use all unallocated' space option.05:03
mattm591hello. my friend has managed to cock up there grub boot loader by reinstalling windows over the top. they still have ubuntu installed on the hdd but can't boot to it. they're also having problems booting from cdrom to repair it. is there anyway to repair it either from within windows (unlikely) or to repair it using a usb drive (hopefully!!!)05:03
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=== calc is going back to work, bbs
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kitche!grub | mattm59105:03
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schoolinuxHi, I need to know something about Lenovo N200, anybody can help?05:03
ubotumattm591: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:03
Hamishdr_willis: Shall I delete it from the terminal?05:03
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dr_willismattm591,  clarify the booting cdrom issue? that may be easiest to fix.05:03
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mezHi!, Whats the easiest way to upgrade to network manager 0.6.5? im new to linux :)05:03
mezHi!, Whats the easiest way to upgrade to network manager 0.6.5? im new to linux :)05:03
mezHi!, Whats the easiest way to upgrade to network manager 0.6.5? im new to linux :)05:03
Pici!repeat | mez05:03
kitche!repeat | mez05:03
ubotumez: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:03
r0tcalc: thanks for the info.. i will try the BIOS update and then Linux05:03
dr_willisHamish,  i tend to use gparted, or the other fdisk tools to delete the partitions i dont want, then reboot the isntaller. :) just to be safe05:03
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mattm591dr_willis: well i've tried to guide them through changing the boot order in bios but they have put cd rom at the top of the list and it still refuses to detect the cdrom in the drive and boots straight to win. not too sure why05:04
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dr_willismez,  'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' should update the whole system.05:04
mezty doc05:04
schoolinuxI need to know something about notebook Lenovo N200, anybody can help?05:04
calcr0t: btw what is it that Linux is failing at when you try to install?05:04
dr_willismattm591,  they sure its a good cd? :) ive seen some pcs where ya got to hit a key for it to boot the cd.. some have a Fkey ya hit to pop up a boot this device.. list also.05:05
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benmayimkitche, If I give the mysql databases a password, will the rest of the LAMP (php and apache2) be able to work with each other, or will I have to change info in their config files?05:05
StatusXxXhow do i mount my ubuntu partition with ubuntu live?05:05
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kitchebenmayim: it only effects mysql05:05
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mezReading state information... Done05:05
mez0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:05
mattm591dr_willish: they have the boot list pop up, choose cd, and it still ignores it. i did wonder if it was a corrupt cd but it loads fine in windows (as in it shows the options to install OOo and FF etc.)05:05
dr_willismattm591,  if they cant get it to boot off a cd.. i dont think they will have much luck booting off a usb-gizmo either.05:05
dan1with hdparm i can measure read speed, but not write speed, any way to measure write speed of disk??05:05
r0tcalc: it says : failed to allocate memory resource @(some address) and does not boot further05:05
rocketsIs it safe to use restricted-manager with kubuntu?05:05
dr_willismatti,  showing the stuff in windows does not mean its 100%. try booting it on another pc would be a better test.05:06
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dr_willisrockets,  i use it all the time.05:06
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benmayimkitche, what is the command for creating a password for mysql, then I can look it up in my manual for its forms.05:06
rocketsdr_willis: thanks05:06
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r0tcalc: some linux distros also complained about BIOS related stuff05:06
mattm591dr_willis: ok will do. if this still doesn't work, and with the theoretical option of it booting from usb is it possible to repair from that?05:06
calcr0t: oh ok, yea the bios update might help there, worth a shot anyway05:06
rocketsdr_willis: because it really is great :-D and I don't want to give it up now that I'm using kubuntu05:06
kitchebenmayim: it's mysql query05:07
brian1I really need somebodies help sorting things out for installing apps. Everytime I try to install something (even with the add/remove ) I get the error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:07
brian1E: _cache->open() failed, please report.05:07
brian1Im a beginner so I don't even know where to start. I want to sort this out so I can install the new ubuntu updates and flash. Can anybody help?05:07
Some_PersonSo there is no Ubuntu Human KDE theme?05:07
dr_willismattm591,  ive never had much luck booting usb gizmos. you may be able to find some mini-disrto to install to usb devvice and boot it.05:07
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dan1anyone know how to measure disk write speed in linux?05:07
rocketsSome_Person: there is no officail one05:07
benmayimkitche, you mean "mysql query" ?05:07
mattm591dr_willis: ok thanks a lot for your help i'll see what can be done!05:07
dr_willisdan1,  thers some benchmark tools for that.05:07
dr_willis!info bonnie05:07
pike_dan1: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/hda    for example05:07
ubotuPackage bonnie does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:07
kitchebenmayim: you have to put the password in using an query pretty much05:07
r0tcalc: cool, i will update the bios then, Thanks for the help05:07
dr_willis!info find benchmark05:07
ubotuPackage find does not exist in feisty05:08
kitchebenmayim: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/set-password.html05:08
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Hamishdr_willis: I now have sda1 and 16 GiB unallocated.05:08
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HamishIs that what I want?05:08
dr_willisHamish,  that will give ya 16gb for linux tyo install to.. that should be good05:08
MSIGuySo what media player does everyone like?05:08
benmayimkitche, I mean, what is the exact wording for the command.05:08
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MSIGuyDo people really use Totem?05:09
kitchebenmayim: SET PASSWORD [FOR user]  = PASSWORD('some password')05:09
dan1dr_willis: i don't think bonnie can be used on external disks or network share??05:09
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brian1please anyone?05:09
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calcr0t: looks like intel released a new bios every week for a while05:09
dr_willisdan1,  external = usb - i dotn see why not..  network shares - no idea.05:09
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drayHello folks, hope you can help me. Running xbuntu, using the 'add/remove programs' feature to install a few programs.  it goes through its usual update, i pick a simple small program, worked fine last night, today it just hangs ....  so, how can this be fixed/updated/removed?05:09
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dan1 Timing cached reads:   2266 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1133.99 MB/sec05:10
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StatusXxXHow did you boot to single user mode?05:10
dr_willisdray,  try 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' from the shell.05:10
alesanI see my openoffice installation lacks ALL the icons like the buttons etc05:10
alesanshould I reinstall something? any idea?05:10
dan1is buffered basically uncached or what is the difference between buffered and cached read?05:10
alesanin the toolbar in the dialog boxes all the icons are missing05:11
Hamishdr_willis: Now in the installer I should choose: Guided: Use the largest continuous free space, is that right?05:11
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draythanks dr, would you know the pid/process name for the add/remove program so I can kill it? i have a feeling it might interfere with any apt commands i run05:11
dr_willisHamish,  yep.05:11
kitchedan1: buffered is cached05:11
linuxorHI, How to change the owner of a repertory?? thx05:11
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HamishIt can't import data from Windows 2000?05:12
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dr_willisdray,  use 'ps ax' and look i guess..  apt-get will spit out a warning if its cant get a lock.05:12
StatusXxXHow do you boot in single user mode?05:12
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dan1kitchie: with hdparm it reports speeds for buffered read and for cached read, what is the difference, looking thru man now!05:12
kitcheStatusXxX: it's recovery mode05:12
dr_willisStatusXxX,  theres a rescue/recovery mode in the grub menus normally.05:12
StatusXxXdr_willis well i dont have one05:12
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StatusXxXand the system is broken05:12
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dr_willisStatusXxX,  so what entrys do you have in the grub menus?05:13
StatusXxXdr_willis only the one05:13
StatusXxXthat boots normally05:14
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StatusXxXi need to boot from grubs command line05:14
dr_willisStatusXxX,  use the 'e' to edit the boot options for that entry and append 'single' to the end of the kernel= line.05:14
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dr_willissimiler to    kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=UUID=b089b9c2-9b6a-4cda-a096-4c02be27da0d ro single05:14
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geoffthefishi just installed 6.06 server but it failed to detect my network card (compaq presario sr50), how should i proceed?05:15
dr_willisyour uuid will vary. :) of course.05:15
=== pike_ shudders at the ugly uuid
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dr_willispike_,  uuid saved me a lot of grief when i moved a lot of hds around last week. :)05:15
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dr_willisi normally set up fstab to mount based on Label. :) looks nicer that way05:15
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brian1I really need somebodies help sorting things out for installing apps. Everytime I try to install something (even with the add/remove ) I get the error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:16
brian1E: _cache->open() failed, please report.05:16
brian1Im a beginner so I don't even know where to start. I want to sort this out so I can install the new ubuntu updates and flash. Can anybody help?05:16
fritzcan you help me with the transparency feature in kubuntu .....i found the translucrency feature in kcontrol but it doesen't work05:16
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fritz1. Make sure your xorg graphics driver has composite support and that you have composite turned on in your xorg.conf.05:16
fritzcan any1 translate that?05:16
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dr_willisbrian1,  as the error suggests.. run that command as the root user.   'sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:17
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StatusXxXHow am i supposed to fsck my main filesystem?05:17
Picifritz: you might want to try asking in #kubuntu05:17
StatusXxXits mounted05:17
Hamishdr_willis: After installing, would it be possible to ever decrease the size of the windows partition and increase the size of the ubuntu one?05:17
HamishIncase I need more space?05:17
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dr_willisHamish,  yea. proberly easier to just add a 2nd hard drive. :)05:18
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dr_willisHamish,  given how cheap they are these days.. unless this is a laptop.05:18
kapistusErhm, could someone give me a hand here? i'm still new to this and eh.. I have no idea how to install Half-life 2, haha05:18
khermans_is there an advanced ubuntu help channel?05:18
Hamishnah its a desktop05:18
brian1dr_willis: I tried that and got Usage: command-not-found [options]  <command-name>05:18
dr_williskapistus,  thats more of a cedega/wine issue. :) and im sure googling willget some hits.05:18
linuxorHI, How to change the owner of a repertory?? thx05:18
johndoccrossover office is starting to port a few games05:18
dr_willisbrian1,  i would say you did a typo.05:18
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PiciStatusXxX: Drop into single user mode, it unmounts all the filesystems05:19
khermans_kapistus, look at cedega05:19
dr_willisbrian1,  you dident include the  quotes did you....05:19
kapistusdr_willis, i installed wine just a moment ago but it makes no difference.05:19
osxdude|laptopis cedega better than wine?05:19
johndockapistus: are you willing to pay?05:19
khermans_osxdude|laptop, for games yes05:19
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johndoccedega is just like wine05:19
dr_williskapistus,  makes no differance... how... vague.. :)05:19
kapistusjohndoc, err... No?05:19
brian1dr_willis: I did, I'll take them out05:19
johndocit just automates some things05:19
johndocthen use wine kapistus05:19
mattm591can anyone help me try and get my internal bluetooth working on my laptop. i'm 90% sure I have it but ubuntu doesn't seem to want to use it... i've installed bluez-utils and gnome-bluetooth or something but it still can't be detected by other bluetooth devices05:19
khermans_johndoc, it is true that cedega is based on wine05:19
osxdude|laptopmy wine is messed up so thanks.05:19
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khermans_osxdude|laptop, how so?05:20
johndocno, it's true that cedega is built on top of wine05:20
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kapistusBut all i have is "Wine config" And "Wine regedit" or something like that.05:20
khermans_osxdude|laptop, just go grab the latest binary for your distro05:20
kitchekhermans_: well cedega was called winex05:20
khermans_kitche, yes of course05:20
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brian1dr_willis: Now it asks for a password, but it doesn't allow me to type at all05:20
kapistusOkay, would you tell me what to do with them?05:20
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Neil-christ, how can I stop gaim stealing focus everytime someone says a message in irc?05:20
osxdude|laptopIt only shows th first word on each line in dialogs and installer windows.05:20
Neil-anyone know?!05:20
khermans_brian1, you are typing05:20
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UrbanMystichi, i am facing a problem when booting up on ubuntu05:20
twistiesherro thar. anybody know how to fix Postal 2 sound problems?05:20
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kbrooksCan I talk simplicity in here related to Ubuntu? :-)05:20
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UrbanMysticwhen gnome starts to load, it some how hangs05:21
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UrbanMysticis anyone facing the same problem?05:21
brian1khermans: on the terminal05:21
johndockapistus, you should google for something like wine "game name"05:21
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johndocmaybe even throw the distro name in the query05:21
kapistusHmm, okay, i'll try that.05:21
vistakillerwhat game?05:21
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magnetronhttp://appdb.winehq.org/    johndoc kapistus05:21
dan1pike: think i have this figured out, for anyone who may encounter a similar problem05:21
cmontarahola a todos05:22
kbrooks(please highlight me when you talk to me)05:22
cmontarahay alguien pro esta sala05:22
johndocerr...i don't need it magnetron05:22
osxdude|laptopvistakiller. half-life 205:22
cmontaraque hable espaol05:22
magnetron!es | cmontara05:22
ubotucmontara: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:22
dan1the -U option with iozone unmounts the device between each test. using this option, i am getting much more believable results (approx 10-15 megs/sec read and write)05:22
mattm591does anyone know what I can do to try and find out if my laptop has bluetooth?05:22
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dan1i think this prevents linux cache from helping out!05:23
kitchemattm591: umm go to it's website and look it up?05:23
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mat1980UrbanMystic: never. Have you enough free space?05:23
brian1dr_willis: I think I may have gotten it to work05:23
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mattm591kitche: yes the website thinks it does, but ubuntu thinks it doesnt05:23
dan1i also use -e option to turn of caching, but this didn't seem to have much effect. anyway, thanks for discussion guys05:23
osxdude|laptopmattm591: usually most laptops but a bluetooth light on.05:23
draydr, i think that command you gave me is recplacing the entire contents of my hard drive .. j/k05:23
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UrbanMysticmat1980, in my home partition? yes i do05:23
mattm591osxdue: mine doesn't have anywhere for a bluetooth light. its internal.  it does have a hot key to turn it on and off though05:24
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UrbanMysticeven in my root partition i have enough05:24
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UrbanMysticinfact, even my brother's laptop with ubuntu was giving the same problem mat198005:24
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efuentesay algien de espaa05:24
efuenteso k able es paiol05:25
osxdude|laptop!es | efuentes05:25
ubotuefuentes: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:25
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mat1980UrbanMystic: does it give you some message?05:26
Pici!pt | efuentes05:26
ubotuefuentes: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:26
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olliwollihi, does somebody know a reason, why org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement does not emit any signals. I want to build an application that does something when before/after the computer goes to suspend.05:26
Lee_Pepperis there any one who could help me in identifying a distro by a python script (eg. ident ubuntu from debian??)05:26
UrbanMysticnope no messages come up05:26
mattm591so is there no command to see if ubuntu has detected my bluetooth as being present?05:27
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UrbanMysticactually it doesnt hang always, but it takes just too long to load05:27
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dr_willismattm591,  check dmesg output?05:28
jribLee_Pepper: what do you mean?  use lsb_release?05:28
UrbanMysticmaybe half hour or so, i dont know coz i restart the GUI and login again and again until it works05:28
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dawkirstHello, how can I know if Ubuntu 7.04 will work on my Compaq Presario 700 laptop?05:28
dr_willisLee_Pepper,  lsb_release  -a05:28
Lee_Pepperjrib: never heard of that is it a file i can read and get the distro  and version etc??05:28
jribdawkirst: try the desktop cd, it is also a live cd you can try straight from the cd drive05:28
dr_willisLee_Pepper,  its a command. :)05:29
Neil-Whats that app you can start in a console, and it shows all keystrokes/events?05:29
jribLee_Pepper: you can use "lsb_release -appropriate_switch' or read /etc/lsb-release05:29
mattm591so does this "[   30.440000]  Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized05:29
mattm591[   30.440000]  Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized05:29
mattm591[   30.460000]  Bluetooth: L2CAP ver 2.805:29
mattm591[   30.460000]  Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized05:29
mattm591[   30.636000]  Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized05:29
mattm591[   30.636000]  Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized05:29
mattm591[   30.636000]  Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.805:29
mattm591" indicate that bluetooth is present?05:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
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jrib!paste | mattm59105:29
ubotumattm591: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:29
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koen_hi, i have a question about gnome panels: how to have the normal right-button features (like "lock to panel", "move" etc.) on panel-icons which have their own right-click menu (like gaim and nerworkmanager applet)05:29
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Lee_Pepperthank you guys...05:29
mat1980UrbanMystic: /var/log/messages or /var/log/user.log do contain something about this?05:29
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Lee_Pepperexactly what i needed05:29
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UrbanMysticlet me see05:30
dawkirstjrib, thanks, but then I'll only know for certain when I've tried it for an extensive time using the live CD, or when I've already installed it. Isn't there a way to be certain it'll work before any of that?05:30
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jrib!laptop > dawkirst (see the private message from ubotu)05:30
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mattm591dr_willis: so does this (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27436/) show that a bluetooth receiver is present05:30
jribdawkirst: if it loads the desktop you are in good shape... if it doesn't it still might work05:30
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dr_willismattm591,  looks like its seeing it and initlizing it..05:31
dawkirstjrib, thanks a million :)05:31
mattm591dr_willis: so why is it that i can't use it!!!!05:31
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dr_willismattm591,  i would guess its not configured right yet.05:31
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dr_willismattm591,  i recall some pin file/command from using bluetooth a few months back05:32
dr_willis!find bluetooth05:32
ubotuFound: kdebluetooth, kdebluetooth-irmcsync, libbluetooth2, libbluetooth2-dev, bluetooth (and 3 others)05:32
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bethkoHow do I get ahold of someone on the gusty dev team?05:32
Hamishdr_willis: The install program is removing things, is that normal?05:32
dr_willismattm591,  and then i used it under KDE. so i ran the kdebluetooth service.05:32
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dr_willisHamish,  depends.. if it updating things.. it will remove the old/install the new05:33
mattm591dr_willis: i do have the ubuntu bluetooth service installed but that doesn't think it exsists05:33
Hamishwell it's finished now05:33
HamishSo I'm going to reboot.05:33
Hamishthanks for your help05:33
osxdude|laptopmattm591: reinstall05:33
UrbanMysticmat1980, i have pasted the log here: http://pastebin.com/93757405:33
UrbanMysticsee if u can see any important msg05:33
dr_willismattm591,  there may be some bluetooth wiki/forum pages fr using them under gnome. ive only used one under kde.05:33
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UrbanMystici also tried to delete the .gnome* directories from my home folder05:34
mattm591dr_willis: ok then... i'll look over it again, it just seems to be telling me to install these packages and expect it to work!05:34
bethkoHow do I contact the devolopment team?05:34
UrbanMystici believe that resets the setting. correct me if i am wrong05:34
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dr_willismattm591,   bluetooth is one of those 'never quite works right'; things from what ive seen.. evenunder windows..  its always been flakey for me.05:35
osxdude|laptopUrbanMystic, it probably will.05:35
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UrbanMysticbut even that doesn't work every time05:35
mattm591dr_willis: i may have to spend on an adapter that is known to work.. gutted that i have it already but just can't use it!05:35
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bethkoThere are no contacts on the blue prints page and I know this is the wrong chat.05:35
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kitchebethko: http://www.canonical.com05:36
bethkoThats the company05:36
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kitchebethko: they are also the developers05:36
twistiesCan anyone help me setting up dual-monitors correctly?05:36
bethkoI need the chat room05:36
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dr_willistwisties,  what video card?05:36
kitchebethko: none of the developers use irc really05:37
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twistiesdr_willis: nVidia 7900GS 51205:37
dr_willis'need'  heh.05:37
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twistiesIve got the nVidia driver installed05:37
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dr_willistwisties,  nvidia includes a command line tool that can tweak the xorg.conf to set them up. what kind of montior setup ya got?05:37
dr_willistwisties,  #1 thing to rember is BACKUP your working xorg.conf file.05:37
kitchebethkot but it's #ubuntu-dev05:37
bethkoyeah, talking and writing code don't really mix but still05:37
jrib!es  | mari_1305:37
ubotumari_13: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:37
twistiesive got a 19inch benq lcd on the right of a 17inch acer crt05:38
bethkoThank you! :)05:38
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dr_willistwisties,  well backup ya xorg.conf ad check out     nvidia-xconfig  -A05:38
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dr_willisI got a lcd/tv here.. so my xor5g.conf is not going to be quite the same as yours will be05:38
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twistieswill do dr_willis.05:39
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Fallenouhello, i have some kernel panic problem , here are all informations about my problem : http://fallen.yozora-irc.net/photos/panic/05:39
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Fallenouif you want more information just ask me :s05:39
dr_willistwisties,   nvidia-xconfig  -twinview05:39
Fallenouthank you in advance :)05:39
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dr_willistwisties,  will MOST likely get them both working. :) hopefully05:39
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mat1980UrbanMystic: please paste ~/.xsession-errors05:39
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twistieswell ive had it working the way i liked once before05:40
koen_hey. how to move icons on your gnome panel like the gaim icon, and the nerworkmanager icon?05:40
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dr_willistwisties,  you now know why i keep dated/archives of my xorg.conf files. :)05:40
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twistiesbut at the moment I get the one panel stretched over both monitors (I previously had one on each) and windows didnt spawn right between the two screens05:40
dr_williskoen_,  cant just drag/drop them from the menu to the panel?05:40
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dr_willistwisties,  thats a twinview/xinerama differance.05:41
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=== genii sips an iced cappucino
nothingssomethinwhy does apt-get say it has super cow powers??? do i have a virus or something05:41
dr_willistwisties,  twinview is supposed to be 'smarter' and the apps are supposed to work better when using Twinview05:41
Picinothingssomethin: its just a little humor05:41
dr_willis!info cowsay05:41
ubotucowsay: A configurable talking cow. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-8 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 268 kB05:41
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osxdude|laptopnothingssomethin: yeah. I have it too.05:41
geniinothingssomethin:  Try apt-get install moo05:41
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dr_willisfortune | cowsay05:42
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bobjones_hi all, iam wondering if its possible that a LG L1950T is slightly incompatible with linux? or possible my nvidia 7600gt.  Ubuntor resoultion gui says its running at 50mhz, but the monitors menus states 60mhz.  Also the feisty live cd boots up with the moniter out of sync05:43
Picigenii: its just `apt-get moo`05:43
geniiPici Sorry :)05:43
nothingssomethinlol have i mooed today05:43
koen_i mean that you move or unlock icons that already reside on the panel. dr_willis05:43
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dr_williskoen_,  Hmm.. Middle click on them?05:44
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nothingssomethinwhat is the orignal default driver for nvidia installed with ubuntu05:44
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kitchenothingssomethin: nv05:44
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UrbanMysticmat1980, pastebin seems to be giving prob05:44
koen_dr_willis, how to middle click on my laptop :P i dont have a middle mouse button on my touchpad05:44
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UrbanMysticso i pasted here: http://cpp.sourceforge.net/?show=3771205:44
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dr_williskoen_,  'cord' the buttons.. click both at same time05:45
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koen_is there a short key to make the default right click menu appear05:45
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nothingssomethinit can't find that package05:45
ibanexhi all, is there a way to check a version of a package with apt-get?05:45
koen_dr_willis. doesnt work05:45
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:45
dr_williskoen_,  you may not have mouse-cording setup in the xorg.conf  then. It works that way with my laptop.05:45
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Piciibanex: apt-cache policy packagename05:46
ibanexkoen_: you can use xmodmap to redirect a key to a pointer button as well05:46
twistiesdr_willis: ok, now to reset all the custom panels05:46
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twistiesoh and change the resolution on the crt05:46
ibanexPici: great, thanks05:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:46
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twistiesdr_wllis: How does one go about changing the res on the crt (screen 0) to 1280x1024 from command line?05:47
dr_willistwisties,  some programs are still stupid about where they position things.05:47
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dr_willistwisties,  could manually edit the xorg.conf i guess.. ive not had to tweak them much on my system05:47
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twistiesill survive. its mainly vlc or mplayer. I want them to fullscreen in one screen only05:47
dr_willistwisties,  may be some xrand tool to let ya change them on the fly05:47
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bobjones_hi all, iam wondering if its possible that a LG L1950T is slightly incompatible with linux? or possible my nvidia 7600gt.  Ubuntu resoultion gui says its running at 50mhz, but the monitors menus states 60mhz.  Also the feisty live cd boots up with the moniter out of sync05:48
dr_willistwisties,  ive gotten xine/vlc/mplayer to be on monitor #2 (my tv) full screened Just fine. :)05:48
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twistiesi had it working brilliantly05:48
twistiesuntill running beryl with dual screens screwed it all up05:48
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ibanexkoen_: this may help, check out the xmodmap script http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/84538-right-clicking-macbook.html05:49
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jribbobjones_: mine does that too, nvidia-settings says 60 too, so I just assume the screen resolution program is wrong05:50
nothingssomethinlspci|grep what is the middle symbol on my keyboard05:50
r0tcalc: i went through the release notes for the BIOS updates and it seems that the errors reported by Linux seem to have been fixed05:50
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johndochey jrib05:50
Picinothingssomethin: its a pipe, its shift-\05:50
jribjohndoc: hi05:50
Picinothingssomethin: At least on US keyboards.05:50
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ttuuxxxhere's a question if you can download a beta version of vista/longhorn and its image is compressed from 769MB to 1.44MB then why doesn't ubuntu do this also, ?05:50
nothingssomethinaaah ok05:50
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computa_Mikemat1980 - found out why i couldn't compile my drivers - they were stored in a folder called "Oreilly Examples" - following advice from kernel Newbies I renamed the folder removing the space and all of a sudden they compile... and work.05:51
jrib!minimal > ttuuxxx (see the private message from ubotu)05:51
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voicihi, how can i find out which daemon is listening on a specific port on localhost. for example i have a ftp-service running on 21. how would i find out which ftp-daemon it would be?05:51
s-mcQ: can i use .deb packages on ubuntu05:51
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nothingssomethinhow do i un freze an action05:51
nothingssomethinin term05:51
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Picis-mc: Yes, debs are the standard Ubuntu package format05:51
jribs-mc: only if they are .deb packages for your version of ubuntu.  Use the repos first if it is in the repos.  What do you want to install?05:51
ttuuxxxthanks jrib05:52
twistiesdr_wliis: Ok where does one look in the xorg.conf for screen res and what does one change?05:52
nickrudvoici, sudo netstat -tlpn05:52
voicinickrud: tnx05:52
s-mclooking at webmin, need a gui for bind. (windows has spoilt me)05:52
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dr_willistwisties,  now is the time to read up on xorg.conf :) its not too complex a file. but theres a lot of room to make typos/errors.05:52
dr_willistwisties,  nvidia has a lotof docs on their specific twinview settings/options also.05:53
ttuuxxxsorry just every time i download ubuntu its usually over 700mb and a supercompessed iso at 1.44mb would be so much better for both05:53
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dr_willistwisties,  i THINK you want to mess with the 'metamodes' feature of twinview05:53
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twistiesok, if i use the GUI (i know im lazy) to change the res will it screw up any of my other options?05:54
dr_willistwisties,  not sure what gui you are refering to.05:54
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bobjones_jrib: ok cool, checked nvidia display settings aswell, says 60 too.  do you think the live cd booting up with monitor out of sync is anything to worry about, i guess i could always grab the alternate install cd.  the fedore 7 live cd also dosent work, the monitor is in sync, but the screen is garbeled05:54
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dr_willistwisties,  theres the xrand stuff that can change the res on a per user basis.05:54
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dr_willis Option         "MetaModes" "nvidia-auto-select, nvidia-auto-select"     - is what i got in my xorg.conf05:54
jribbobjones_: nothing wrong with using the alternate cd, I prefer it05:54
dr_willistwisties,  so both my monitors are set to autoselect. it seems05:54
nothingssomethini was soposto input this command..... lspci|grep-invidia...... but instead i just intered this one and now it is froze just a  blinking dot... grep-invidia05:54
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dr_willisnothingssomethin,  its not froze.. its waiting for input.05:55
kitchenothingssomethin: ctrl+C05:55
dr_willisnothingssomethin,  hit ctrl-c05:55
twistiesi was referring to nvidia-settings GUI05:55
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nothingssomethinwow yall are cool05:55
dr_willisBash 101 stuff. :)05:55
dr_willistwisties,  cant say that ive ever used that. :)05:55
nothingssomethinsynpact package manager05:55
kitcheit's not even bash it has to deal with how the shell knows05:56
nothingssomethinsearch for nvidia05:56
dr_willistwisties,  when in doubt.. BACKUP your working xorg.conf :)05:56
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mylogicbackup everything you do O.o05:56
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mylogicconfigs especially05:56
wobxmv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /dev/null05:56
dr_willistwisties,  and if ya run that with 'sudo nvidia-settings' it should change the xorg.conf (i think)05:56
mat1980UrbanMystic: can't find something useful. filemp3-c.c:line518(III_huffman_decode):assertionfailed:(i<=SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT) could be the problem, but I'm not sure at all. Could be that gnome tries to start rhythmbox and then stops after its crash? Does rhythmbox start automatically on startup?05:56
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mat1980computa_Mike: ok, well done!05:57
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twistiesdr_willis: yeah i've learned to sudo that when opening it otherwise it doesnt save the xorg and restarting X just resets it all05:57
dan1anyone know if it is possible to run ubuntu fiesty on mac pro?05:57
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dr_willistwisties,  makes logical sence to me. :)05:58
nick_hi all05:58
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bobjones_last question, is all the pata/sata bugs sorted out in feisty for the intel 965 chipset, i had a nightmare of a time installing dapper, and edgy on this machine, dont want to go through that again05:58
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nick_anyone get joost to work on ububtu?05:58
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Firebirdno issues here bobjones_, but that's all I know05:58
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Music_ShuffleHi :)05:59
nick_hi corri05:59
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nick_anyone get joost to work on ububtu?06:00
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=== dr_willis wonders if anytine knows what joost is
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dr_willis!info joost06:00
ubotuPackage joost does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:00
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bobjones_Firebird: great, thanks, guess i got no excuses to hold off upgrading06:00
corrideatAre the official Ubuntu webpages (ubuntu.com) available in another language than English? I want its address to link to into a Spanish website.06:00
Firebirdnp, what motherboard do you have btw? :)06:01
Otacon22how can i make "" in festival?06:01
s-mcq: when using package installer it tells me i need to install 4 other items so the package i want will work, will i tgrab me these other packages or do i need to write them down then get them myself ?06:01
Firebirdor are you planning to use06:01
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bobjones_intel dp965lt06:01
twistiesok dr_willis: got the res working perfectly and looks beautiful. now to add the panel to the right monitor and i'll be happy06:01
Firebirdk :)06:01
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dr_willistwisties,  i just make a new panel. and drag it over there.06:01
mat1980nick_: are you talking about http://www.joost.com/ ?06:01
dr_willisi got a side panel on the tv to launch a few apps..06:01
twistiesyup exactly what i did last time06:01
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iphv37how do i get jack starting?06:01
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fuzzy_logichi people06:02
iphv37must be there any poblem there i don't stand!06:02
nick_yea the tv player06:02
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nick_tryed to installed worked fine then gave me a error06:02
demiandoes anyone know how I can find and correct clusters om my harddrive?06:03
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neozendemian: as in.... fix errors in your filesystem?06:03
neozentry fsck06:03
demianeverytime ubuntu tries fsck it says the disk is dammaged06:03
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jetscreamershutdown -Fr now06:03
neozenmight be time to buy a new one06:03
walkovera c programming question... I want to make my program able to handle arguments but i everytime i make an if statement saying something like if(argv[1]  == "string") it always go false. I know the stuff about that argv[0]  is the name of the program and then 1 is the first arguments so thats not it. Any suggestions?06:03
demianneozen: no the hardware06:04
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jetscreamerif that doesn't work get a new drive06:04
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jetscreameror try dd'ing it clean06:04
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fuzzy_logicdemian: do you get any further information about what is damaged?06:04
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neozenmound read only and backup data first06:04
demianfuzzy_logic: no06:04
jetscreamerjust buy a new one and restore from that backup you make every night06:04
jetscreameryes, that backup06:05
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=== neozen grins @ jetscreamer
neozenthat's cold06:05
demianjust buy a new one! I wish :)06:05
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Music_Shufflejetscreamer, oh THAT backup?  ;)06:05
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Piciwalkover: Try asking in ##c06:06
bobjones_thanks all, seeyas06:06
demiancan I unmount and then mount the hardrive I've got ubuntu runnung?06:06
jetscreamerdemian: so fsck errors out when it's fsck'ing on_boot?06:06
jetscreameryes you can but shutdown -Fr now will do it when you boot up06:07
mat1980walkover: http://www-ccs.ucsd.edu/c/string.html#strcmp06:07
jetscreameryou need to remount it ro if you want to do it inplace06:07
walkoverthanks mat1980 and Pici06:07
demianI'll first try the shutdown with -Fr06:07
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jetscreameryou can also touch /forcefsck for the same result06:08
twistiesWOOT! dual-monitors working once again!06:08
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terlmannparameters set.... finalizing target...06:09
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voiciis there a way to mount a remote ftp into the local filesystem?06:09
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Halos_kihola, queria preguntar una duda ya que tengo el linux metio06:09
Halos_kiquiero meter un programa, el Zattoo, para ver la TV, y no s porqu no lo puedo ejecutar06:10
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crolle17how to grep a bunch of ascii-files?06:11
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crolle17searching for a string inside these files...06:11
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jetscreamergrep -i what where06:12
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dr_willisvoici,  the 'fuse' tools let you do that in a nice way06:12
demianehm... no06:12
demianI rebooted with the splash on06:12
Fragilityis there any reason no website thinks it is relevent to explain how to upgrade drivers?06:12
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jetscreameryou should just know06:12
demianbu while doing zo I thought of another question06:12
kitcheFragility: well because you just install the drivers06:12
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Fragilitybecause I just installed ubuntu for the first time and pretty much nthing is supported06:12
dr_willisFragility,  'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' normally does it.06:12
demianis there a way to isolate bad clusters06:13
Fragilityand I downloaded the drive for into graphics and it doesnt go06:13
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dr_willisFragility,  you normally DONT download drivers from the nvidia or whever site..06:13
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kitcheFragility: what video card?06:13
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dr_willisFragility,  you use the package manager to install them06:13
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jetscreameror do you.. sounds like nvidia or ati to me06:13
=== jetscreamer wanders off
Fallenouhello, i have some kernel panic problem , here are all informations about my problem : http://fallen.yozora-irc.net/photos/panic/06:13
dr_willis!info restricted-manager06:13
uboturestricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB06:13
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Fragilityyeah I downloaded a driver from intel and clicking to install isnt working, though it is an application06:14
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neztitihi guys06:14
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FragilityI guess that explains why the website for intel support on ubuntu doesnt actually have a download link?06:14
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Fragility(even when you click on 'download)06:14
jetscreamertry ./installerthingy06:14
dr_willisFragility,   for what video card? most intel cards are allredy included.06:14
the_fury_I get an MD5Sum mismatch fetch error for literally every package I've attempted to install06:14
neztitiany one know where to put the softcam in the vdr??06:14
Rprp  ArmEagle Ballena bXi CashFree cce ceil420 cryton datachild- dfgh45yyth dings dionoea dolske dz0 EiNZTEiN ElectricKetchup evil64 fwp gavins HardDisk_WP hussam jeremyb kaitlyn kbrosnan Konky marek82 MarkMc mavhk mconnor mojojojo_ Molluck` not_a_k Peng poningru PWolf Rprp sacater savetheWorld Schucz screwt8 shans Simon--- Sortkatt steve Torey ttuttle tuxd00d TwigEther zoubi06:14
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kitcheFallenou: big enough picture don't you think?06:14
Fallenousorry if they are too big06:15
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Fallenoui didn't know my cam was on 5Mbpix06:15
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kitcheFallenou: which one has the panic in it sicne I don't see it06:15
Fallenouthe last06:15
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=== MaddMaxx needs help
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the_fury_I am getting an MD5Sum mismatch for every package I attempt to install06:16
MaddMaxxI have Ubuntu installed on hdb, but I cannot see hdb from Computer at all.06:16
the_fury_any ideas?06:16
MaddMaxxAny ideas?06:16
crolle17jetscreamer, option -i means ignore case06:16
magnetronany ideas?06:16
GneaMaddMaxx: what do you mean, "cannot see hdb"?06:16
neztitiany one know where to put the softcam in the vdr??06:16
MaddMaxxI mean I cannot view it at all through the GUI.06:17
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crolle17jetscreamer, does it searches in subdirectories too?06:17
dr_willisMaddMaxx,   try the 'mount' command and see whats mounted where.06:17
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MaddMaxxHow do I do that?06:17
GneaMaddMaxx: view what, exactly? the filesystem?06:17
=== MaddMaxx is 100% totally new to linux.
Gneayou need a newbie guide then06:17
MaddMaxxView the filesystem, add/remove files, etc.06:17
MaddMaxxFuck that. ^-^06:17
GneaMaddMaxx: can you open a web browser?06:18
magnetron!language | MaddMaxx06:18
ubotuMaddMaxx: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:18
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MaddMaxxEverything runs and my other hds look fine.06:18
Fallenoukitche < 3.JPG06:18
GneaMaddMaxx: uh, no. we wrote such guides so that we don't have to repeat ourselves.06:18
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MaddMaxxGnea: it good exercise.06:18
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MaddMaxxAnd if I check my drives with mount, it shows that /dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdb2 are there06:19
dr_willisMaddMaxx,  and where does it show them mounted TO?06:20
MaddMaxxBut only hdba stuff shows up in Computer.06:20
MaddMaxxOhh, that's a good question, one moment.06:20
dr_willis /me wonders if this is the .hidden thing that was in Dapper Drake ...06:20
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MaddMaxx / type ext306:20
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dr_willismaddler,  if its mounted to / - then you are using it.. its the root drive..06:21
kitcheFallenou:you have it as root (hd0,1) that loosk wrong06:21
dr_willisoops wrong nick. :006:21
dr_willisMaddMaxx, ,  if its mounted to / - then you are using it.. its the root drive..06:21
MaddMaxxWell, hrmm.06:21
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Fallenoukitche < what looks wrong ?06:21
dr_willisMaddMaxx,   You are thinking in windows drive letter terms. :)06:21
MaddMaxxI cannot see it in computer though and it isn't automounting to the desktop like the other drives/partitions.06:21
MaddMaxxNoo, Im trying not to.06:22
Fallenouroot is /boot i think in grub, so (hd0,1)06:22
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Fallenoukitche < anyway root (hd0,1) works for other kernels :o06:22
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MaddMaxxI like my numbered hds ^-^06:22
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densinhi all. I install dovecot-pop3d , how I set it start ever time it reboot06:22
MaddMaxxStill though, if it's mounted, why can I not view it from Computer?06:22
dr_willis MaddMaxx  if hdb1 is mounted to / - then its mounted to /   you are allready seeing it. if you want to see the root directory of it  go to '/'06:22
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dr_willisMaddMaxx,   theres  no need for it to have an entry in /media/  since its above /media/ its / :)06:23
mat1980densin: update-rc.d06:23
MaddMaxxhrm, one moment.....06:23
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GneaMaddMaxx: each partition is going to be mounted to its own mount point, somewhere within the root / heirarchy (instead of c: d: e: drives and so on, you get one / filesystem and can add drives onto it in subdirectories)06:24
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lllllllHow do I stop GNOME hiding files from me? According to WineFile, there's a whole load of extra folders in my home folder which I can't see normally06:24
mat1980MaddMaxx: http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/06:24
GneaMaddMaxx: are you trying to read a usb flashdrive?06:24
GigaClonlllllll, Ctrl+H in the file browser06:25
MaddMaxxJust regular physical internal harddrives.06:25
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Gnealllllll: dot files (files that have a . in front of them) are hidden by default. there's something in the system configuration to change that06:25
MaddMaxxokay, I see what you mean.06:25
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MaddMaxxHdb can be found in /dev/06:26
lllllllAh, I see. Cheers06:26
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enriquehow can i deactivate compiz fusion?06:26
GneaMaddMaxx: /dev/hdb is just the device file that linux uses to talk to the drive - you don't want to mess with those files directly06:26
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MaddMaxxHow do I make it so it also in /media?06:26
GneaMaddMaxx: what for?06:26
MaddMaxxOr rather, viewable in /media, like my two paritions of hda?06:26
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MaddMaxxSo I can use it like I can use my two partitions of hda?06:26
navetsdoes anyone know of a good php editior I can use for error checking?06:27
shifoeyou have to mount it06:27
shifoeto see it in media06:27
GneaMaddMaxx: that makes no sense at all, whatsoever.06:27
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MaddMaxxAnd I've been trying to figure out how to do that via command line for the last half hour shifoe.06:27
GneaMaddMaxx: they're already mounted and running the OS, so they're already mounted - you can't remount them while they're already mounted :)06:27
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MaddMaxxYes, any ideas?06:27
MaddMaxxIf they are mounted, why can I not see them in "Computer" or mount them so they are viewable on my desktop?06:28
shifoeim guessing you've tried 'mount /dev/hdb' ?06:28
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killuxis there any fix06:28
mat1980MaddMaxx: please, read the article I've posted. You will understand, and we will save time.06:28
GneaMaddMaxx: they're there, you just have to make sure you're browsing the / of the filesystem06:28
MaddMaxxwhich article?06:28
mat1980MaddMaxx: http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/06:28
killuxis there any fix for the snd_hda_intel sound problem06:28
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killuxthat fixes the headphones too06:29
GneaMaddMaxx: and yes, read what mat1980 gave you. very good article. read the entire thing before asking another question, please.06:29
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Evolution2why is the "full upgrade" button in adept is blacked out. it wont let me click on it anymore. it that normal?06:29
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nothingssomethindoes anyone know how to remove the easy ubuntu driver package and reinstall the orignal one06:30
nothingssomethini'm stumped06:30
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nothingssomethinsorry for nvidia06:30
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happywithedwhere do I go with questions about ldap in ubuntu?06:31
Gnea!nvidia | nothingssomethin06:31
ubotunothingssomethin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:31
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Gnea!ldap | happywithed06:31
ubotuhappywithed: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer06:31
bartzitzhello, how can i suspend-to-disk my laptop from command line?06:31
matthew__anybody here>06:32
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koen_hi, i have a problem with my repositories. When i install a package i always get a message that they can't be authenticated... though it are packages from the official-ubuntu repositories.06:32
bartzitzmatthew__: just ask a question06:32
phretorhi there, good tutorials for upgrading from dapper to feisty?06:32
Evolution2why is the "full upgrade" button in adept is blacked out. it wont let me click on it anymore.06:32
Gneabartzitz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SuspendHowto06:32
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matthew__does anybody know what codecs i need to play dvds?06:32
bartzitzGnea: thanks06:32
johndoci'm having some more sound issues on my laptop guys06:33
phretoror just dist-upgrade?06:33
kitchematthew__: libdvdcss206:33
Gneamatthew__: yes06:33
kitche!dvd | matthew__06:33
ubotumatthew__: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:33
koen_does anybody know how to authenticate the original ubuntu repos06:33
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johndocwhen i plug my headphones in i get sound from my headphones and the speakers06:33
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nothingssomethinoes anyone know how to uninstalll the nvidia easy ubuntu driver package and install the default driver that came with ubuntu???06:33
nothingssomethin fistey fawn 706:33
Gnea!nvidia | nothingssomethin06:33
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ubotunothingssomethin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:33
Gnea!repeat | nothingssomethin06:33
ubotunothingssomethin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:33
killuxis there any fix for the snd_hda_intel sound problem06:33
killuxon feisty?06:34
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yondiekillux, recompile alsa back06:34
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johndockillux, i upgraded my kernel and have it fixed kind of06:34
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killuxyondie any links?06:34
Gnea!repo | koen_06:34
ubotukoen_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:34
johndocexcept for this issue i'm having now06:34
killuxheadpones working?06:34
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johndocthey work, but the speakers stay on as well06:34
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yondiekillux, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:34
killuxwhat model laptop06:35
yondiewat`s the different between headphone and speakers06:35
johndoctoshiba p20506:35
johndoci mean pc speakers06:35
=== Skycloud [n=jason@pool-71-111-89-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
johndocthe internal ones06:35
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killuxyondie whats your laptop model?06:35
Gneayondie: headphones are placed directly on your ears, speakers sit in the room06:35
SkycloudHow can I access my external hd, or my flash drive in the terminal?06:35
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vertigo_hello, im using Ubuntu + Beryl, and sometimes when i have like 5 browsers opened up (with one on the foreground) all of sudden i see 5 thumbnails of these browsers instead of the big one..06:35
yondieGnea: i know just being sarkastik06:36
johndoci've followed that sound guide a dozen times, it didn't help me06:36
vertigo_I really like this function, but I get into it be accident.. how does it work? :)06:36
Gneayondie: i was about to say, what is wrong with you? ;)06:36
Edulix2Hi, I'm compiling my own kernel following this instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile06:36
yondiekillux, i don`t have the problem ..... my laptop is a 3rd hand Acer 5000 series06:36
Edulix2I am in the directory /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.2006:36
koen_ubotu. i know that. but does it say anything about authenticating my repos?06:36
johndocwhat is your model killux?06:37
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kitche!key | koen_06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about key - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
SkycloudHow can I access my external hd, or my flash drive in the terminal?06:37
johndoci'm almost sure you're having the same issue that i had06:37
nenewenas a todos06:37
killuxtoshiba satellite L35-s217406:37
Edulix2but ls -l debian/config/i386/ doesn't work, because config/ doesn't exist06:37
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kitchekoen_: you just need the key for the repos it's on the wiki how to grab them I believe06:37
happywithedwhere do I have to run the slapcat command on a Feisty box to create a backup of my ldap in a ldif database?06:37
johndocSkycloud, don't you just find it in your /media directory?06:37
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Skycloudjohndoc: I don't know I'll check06:38
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killuxim on an ubuntu live cd and im trying to remove a module06:38
killuxbut it saying its busy06:38
bartzitzGnea: sorry, but there's nothing regarding the actual command to suspend i should use on that page06:38
Skycloudjohndoc: Yup there it is, thanks06:38
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johndocno problem skycloud06:38
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killuxhow can i remove it?06:38
yondieEdulix2: because it`s Config instead of config06:38
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endohow can I get a compiz manager like the beryl manager?06:39
endocompiz fusion rocks06:39
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bartzitzwhich command should i use to suspend my laptop to disk from command line?06:40
endoim sick of running the command through the terminal and having to keep it open06:40
yondieendo, well don` like gui too much... well06:40
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yondiebartzitz, sudo hibernate06:40
johndocno one has any ideas about the headphones and internal pc speakers working at the same time?06:40
exelhola alguien m puede ayudar ?06:40
exelhelp !06:40
Gneabartzitz: right, it tells you how to set it up so that it'll work.06:40
Skycloudjohndoc: Now I'm having problems, I'm trying to get in my folder called Real WoW, but it says it doesn't exist, I think it's because it has a space, how do I get into it06:40
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johndocdo you not have a gui man?06:40
Gneabartzitz: what laptop do you have?06:40
bartzitzi don't have 'hibernate' command, is it from some package?06:40
Skycloudjohndoc: Nvm I just pressed tab after real, and it typed it for me06:40
AlexC_endo: then add & at the end of the command, and stop trying to get peoples attention,06:40
bartzitzGnea: samsung X40+06:40
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yondiejohndoc, it means it`s related to the hardware part06:41
AlexC_endo: sorry, name looked similar to exel06:41
Gneabartzitz: there is no 'hibernate' command anywhere06:41
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Edulix2yondie: ok so it was a typo in the wiki ;)06:41
Edulix2yondie: if you have a wiki user there please edit it06:41
Edulix2yondie: and the directory i386 doesn't exist either, it seems the structure of the debian/ directory has changed... is there any updated howto anywhere?06:41
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johndoci know that yondie06:41
endoAlexC_: no worries06:41
koen_kitche, what do you mean with "!key | koen_"06:41
AlexC_endo: but still, add & to the end06:41
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johndocohh ok Skycloud06:41
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endoAlexC_: I didn't know about that trick06:41
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AlexC_endo: ;) well - you do now06:41
SkycloudDoes anybody know if you can play World of Warcraft with wine?06:41
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:41
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Evolution2why is the "full upgrade" button in adept is blacked out. it wont let me click on it anymore. it that normal? can someone explain06:41
kitcheSkycloud: yes you can06:41
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vertigo_  whats the  "view all opened programs / browsers as smaller images on desktop" hotkey? / mouse-click-trick06:41
johndoccheck you pm Skycloud06:42
bartzitzGnea: youndi suggestion (sudo hibernate) doesn't work06:42
magnetronSkycloud: you can. see appdb.winehq.org06:42
kitcheEvolution2: becuase they might not be updates?06:42
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happywithedI need to replicate an ldap server and move it from one fiesty box to another.  Any ideas how to do that?06:42
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bartzitzGnea: hibernate - smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk), found with apt-cache06:43
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SkycloudDoes anybody here play WoW with wine, when i do wine WoW.exe I get a bunch of errors06:43
johndocI use crossover to play it06:43
Gneabartzitz: i gave you that URL so you could make it work. if you're unwilling to follow those directions, then you'll never get suspend to work. it's that simple.06:43
Sherlockcedegaa would be a good move06:43
Skycloudjohndoc: Doesn't that cost money though >.<?06:43
magnetroni need to run a command in terminal repeatedly, to keep an eye on the results. any commands that will do this for me?06:43
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KISSklasheya guys? in there anyway to change the destination on a game? the game exe searches for its files in /home/user06:43
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magnetronSkycloud: see appdb.winehq.org06:44
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johndoccedega was a pain getting WoW to work06:44
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bartzitzGnea: i've read it and will follow the directions, no doubt, just needed a cli command to make debugging easier (maybe?) and just to have a cli option06:44
Sherlockhey hamish06:44
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ibanexmagnetron: watch <command>06:44
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HamishI was looking at a guide for setting up midi on the Ubuntu Forums.06:44
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johndocSkycloud...yeah...it has a fee06:44
magnetronibanex: thank you06:44
Skycloudmagnetron: I'm there there right now, It doesn't tell you how to run WoW06:44
HamishBut it was using words like "ismod"06:44
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Gneabartzitz: so what's stopping you from seeing what files the hibernate package installed?06:44
HamishSo I didn't really get it..06:45
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johndocSkycloud: check your message from me06:45
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Skycloudmagnetron: I get errors like this when I type in : wine WoW.exe Real WoW06:45
njeroI am using opera and when I watch youtube and have multiple tabs open, the flash player dies on all tabs if I close a tab with a flash video on it. Anyone know a workaround?06:45
bartzitzGnea: nothing, just revealed that this package exists at all, will check it now06:45
Skycloudjohndoc: How do I check?06:45
HamishAhh, nevermind! I read it wrong.06:45
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dave_hi i am at my friends trying to install ubuntu on his computer and i have been to the how to for installing his graphics card and it is downloading the wrong files he is running a radion 9250 and tv out is not working can anyone help06:45
johndocwhat client are you using?06:45
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Skycloudjohndoc: Xchat06:46
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johndoclook at the list on your left06:46
johndocmy name should be in it06:46
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Skycloudjohndoc: It isn't =/06:46
magnetronSkycloud: the secret page: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=648206:46
Skycloudjohndoc: don't I have to register on some site to get pms?06:46
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johndocohh, you might have to register with free node06:46
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Skycloudmagnetron: I'm there right now, it doesn't tell you anything06:47
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magnetronSkycloud: it tells you alot, and it also links you to http://www.wowwiki.com/Linux/Wine06:48
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ZeZuanyone know if there is an ooffice support channel? I'm trying to figure out how embedded videos work within it..06:48
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Skycloudmagnetron: The comments, or the description?06:49
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kitcheZeZu: #openoffice.org06:49
magnetronSkycloud: the first paragraph, labelled "Main Information"06:49
dave_i am trying to migrate some one from windows to ubuntu but am having a problem with his radion 9250 card i have the desktop affects working but tv out dose not work can anyone help06:49
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ScuniziDoes anyone know who has authority to change the Admin's password on a Loco's email list other than the current Admin (now missing 1+ month) ?06:51
Gnea!tvout | dave_06:51
ubotudave_: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)06:51
davedis there a unix command to run another command but timeout after X amount of time if it's not done?06:51
killuxim on an ubuntu live cd and im trying to remove a module06:51
killuxbut it saying its busy06:52
killuxhow can i remove it?06:52
Gneakillux: make it unbusy06:52
Gneakillux: what module?06:52
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killuxhow can i find out what processes is using it06:52
Gneakillux: blacklist it and reboot06:52
killuxso i can kill them06:52
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Gnea!blacklist | killux06:52
ubotukillux: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 06:52
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killuxwill that apply for the live cd though06:53
Gneaoh, the livecd... no... i think there's a nosound argument you can pass at boottime?06:53
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killuxyea but i want to test the sound06:53
killuxcause its not working06:53
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Gneadid you fiddle with the mixer?06:54
KISSklashow do i change a searchpath for an exe??06:54
killuxGnea its a module problem06:54
Gneakillux: how do you know?06:54
newtubuntufinished a Feisty installation, but my partitions don't mount. I created /, and /home (on a separate partition). It doesn't mount.06:54
killuxbecause its the classic snd_hda_intel problem06:54
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killuxim trying to load with a model like auto or 3stack06:54
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Gneai have a snd_hda_intel and it works just fine06:55
mirrais there anyway to view a file before changes were made to it06:55
mirralike see a certain file how it was yesterday06:55
bipolardoes anyone know what the major/minor numbers for block device /dev/sdz would be?06:55
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killuxgnea what kind06:55
killux* Gnea06:55
Gneakillux: one that works. what's yours?06:55
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Gneatoshiba satellite06:55
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killuxtoshiba satellite L35-S217406:56
talonzzhello all question on wine06:56
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talonzzif i may06:56
killuxis it the exact same model Gnea ?06:56
Gneano, but close enough06:56
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Gneayou have to make sure the mixer settings don't have it muted06:56
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Gneakillux: it's also possible that it loaded drivers for your modem - cat /proc/asound/cards06:57
killuxits not muted according to alsa mixer06:57
Gneaare you sure it's the right card?06:57
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Gneaif the modem got installed, then you likely have 2 alsa devices06:58
killuxwhats your cat /proc/asound/card output06:58
killuxi do06:58
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Artemis3i have a problem starting the livecd with an acer travelmate 527TXV BusyBox fails and casper.log shows /cdrom failed help?06:58
Gneasee, that's the problem06:58
killuxhold on06:58
killuxwhat do you mean by two devices06:58
Gnea0: 1:06:58
killuxcan i see your output so i can compare06:58
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Gnea 0 [I82801CAICH3   ] : ICH - Intel 82801CA-ICH306:59
Gnea 1 [Modem          ] : ICH-MODEM - Intel 82801CA-ICH3 Modem06:59
torpedo|dogI've got a problem. Nautilus is taking up 100% CPU time.06:59
Edulix2 which command should I use to apply a patch like the one in http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.network/62891 ?  I'm trying patch -p2 < the.patch but it says it contains only garbage06:59
Paddy_EIREkillux, lspci in a terminal then pastebin it06:59
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Gneakillux: see, i had to make it so that the modem loaded second06:59
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killuxhold on let me get on my laptop so i can show you guys06:59
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Gneakillux: whatever alsa module detects first, it takes the 0 position, which is the default soundcard07:00
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FxglCan you compile PPC binaries on a i386 system, if so, is there any comprehensive guides on the subject?07:00
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Paddy_EIREFxgl, have you tried searching on google or the ubuntu forums07:00
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killux_ 0 [SB             ] : HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB07:01
killux_                      HDA ATI SB at 0xd0400000 irq 1907:01
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FxglI've googled and searched the ubuntu forums.07:01
killux_thats the output of cat /proc/asound/card07:01
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Gneakillux: do you ahve speakers or headphones plugged in?07:01
Gneakillux: try plugging them in, i had a problem once where i couldn't hear sound and something was blocking it on an external output07:02
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robdemanhi all... how do ai Make a permanent mount to a Windows file share? I Want to backup files from Webmin to a windows network share07:03
killux_headphones are in07:03
Gneakillux: also, what you using to test sound with?07:03
killux_now what07:03
killux_an mp307:03
Gneausing what mp3 player?07:03
mirrais there anyway to restore files that were changed accidentally?07:03
Paddy_EIREFxgl, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=%7Bmoz%3AdistributionID%7D%3A%7Bmoz%3Alocale%7D%3A%7Bmoz%3Aofficial%7D&q=compile+PPC+binaries+on+i386&btnG=Search you have seen these results then07:03
killux_is there a safer way to test the sound07:03
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Gneado you have a /dev/dsp file?07:03
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Gneakillux: yes07:04
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killux_i have that file07:04
Gneaok, kill xmms and run this: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp07:04
Gneashould sound like snow on a TV07:04
killux_with headphones07:05
killux_with headphones07:05
henrybhey i have a apache2 server installed with mod rewrite but it wont work in subfolders only in the documentroot07:05
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killux_ok hold on07:05
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killux_i dont hear anything07:06
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Gneawhat mixer do you use? alsamixer?07:06
killux_i dont know which one is my headphones07:06
newtubuntufinished a Feisty installation, but my partitions don't mount. I created /, and /home (on a separate partition). It doesn't mount.07:06
GneaDo either MASTER or PCM have a MM on them or OO?07:06
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killux_front has an 0007:07
Gneano, just Master or PCM07:07
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killux_there is no master07:07
killux_PCM doesnt07:07
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Gneawhat does PCM have?07:07
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nitro4cehi. i need a download manager. is d4x ok?07:08
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Gneakillux: is the volume on PCM up?07:08
quajiThis'll probably be considered blasphemy, but... Is anyone (also) using AIX?07:08
webmareni need help getting 1280x800 working on my new install07:08
Gneakillux: do you have a Master Mono?07:08
webmarenalready tried modelining with xvidtune07:08
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killux_Master Mono07:09
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Edulix2patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input << that's what I get07:09
nitro4cewebmaren> xorg.conf07:09
Gneain the mixer07:09
Edulix2 someone please tell me how to apply the patch in http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.network/6289107:09
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killux_nothing in alsa mixerh has the word master07:09
Gneashould be next to front07:09
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Edulix2(the patch command only lol)07:09
webmarennitro4cq: already added the res i need07:09
webmarenand the modeline07:09
ubuntu__Hi somebody can give me a website to i download xchat for ubuntu ?07:09
killux_Gnea there is no master anything07:09
webmarenubuntu__: go to terminal07:10
Paddy_EIREubuntu__, sudo apt-get install xchat07:10
ubuntu__and /07:10
webmaren^ what he said07:10
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ubuntu__buntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install xchat07:10
ubuntu__Reading package lists... Done07:10
ubuntu__Building dependency tree... Done07:10
ubuntu__E: Couldn't find package xchat07:10
killux_Gnea any help?07:10
ubuntu__read ppl07:10
newtubuntuI have application windows that 'randomly' go black. Example: when launching Synaptic, the window appears but it's all black. Or when launching a web page in new browser, the new browser launched but the entire window is black. Any clues ?07:10
webmarentry xchat-common07:10
Gnea!paste | ubuntu__07:10
ubotuubuntu__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:10
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onechardtry xchat-gnome07:11
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3619P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
Gneakillux_: sec07:11
killux_or just use chatzilla07:11
Otacon22there is a software voice recognition software for linux that support italian language?07:11
jribnewtubuntu: compiz/beryl related bug, ask #ubuntu-effects07:11
ubuntu__I NEED WEBsITE !07:11
Gnea!pastebin | ubuntu__07:11
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ubotuubuntu__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:11
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magnetronwelcome ubuntu__07:11
webmarenubuntu__ what version do you have07:11
newtubuntujrib:  what's compiz/beryl ?07:11
Paddy_EIREubuntu__, here is one http://www.google.com/07:11
Gneaubuntu__: there's the website.07:12
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onechardubuntu__sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome07:12
jribnewtubuntu: do you have fancy 3d effects on your desktop?07:12
ubuntu__ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome07:12
ubuntu__Reading package lists... Done07:12
ubuntu__Building dependency tree... Done07:12
ubuntu__E: Couldn't find package xchat-gnome07:12
ubuntu__read Paddy_EIRE07:12
Gneaubuntu__: STOP PASTING07:12
ubuntu__iOK SORRY !07:12
newtubuntujrib: oh yes, I've enable the little wobbler just for fun. That's what's causing my pain ?  Does it mean we should avoid all effects all-together ?07:12
Gneanope, too late, you were already told.07:12
SkycloudCan somebody help me, I'm trying to edit the config.wtf for wine, but its not here /home/<username>/.wine/07:13
Evolution2i would like to know what repositories i need to have in adept for WINE.07:13
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Paddy_EIREubuntu__, read www.google.com/07:13
ubuntu__too mich idiots in here07:13
Gneaubuntu__: use the pastebin or you will get no help.07:13
jribnewtubuntu: it's a bug, I don't really know the latest details, but it used to happen when your video card was out of memory07:13
webmarenubuntu__: what version of ubuntu do you have07:13
pike_Skycloud: run winecfg  to do initial wine setup might help07:13
newtubuntujrib: thank you.07:13
Paddy_EIREwhat an idiot07:13
WhitorHi... I'm using this guide: http://vorian.org/?p=82, and I'm having trouble with the step adding the KEY. This command keeps telling me "permission denied": KEY=81836EBF; gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv $KEY && gpg --export --armor $KEY | sudo apt-key add -     Is there an easier way to add a key? or is this formatted for something other than a shell ?07:13
Gneakillux_: check this out: http://cilaes.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-704-feisty-toshiba-sound.html07:13
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Skycloudpike_: I get errors like err:imagelist:ImageList_ReplaceIcon no color! when i do that07:14
killux_thats what i tried to do07:14
killux_but i cant remove the module07:14
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pike_Skycloud: i have not idea sorry. ive only used wine for basic stuff.07:14
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Gneakillux_: ok, try this: sudo lsof | grep libasound07:15
gharzguys, i've just installed Kompozer on wine... can somebody help how to uninstall this?07:15
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Gneakillux_: any results?07:15
gharzshould i just delete the folder?07:15
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Paddy_EIRESkycloud, have you tried winehq07:15
c_lisphow do you mount a sd memory stick?07:15
SkycloudPaddy_EIRE: I07:15
SkycloudPaddy_EIRE: I'm there right now reading07:15
killux_yea i got results07:15
ZeZuanyone know if there is a repos. for JMF (Java Media Frm.)  in universe07:15
Gneakillux_: can you paste them to pastebin?07:16
flavioribeirothere's a way to know if the hard disk is sci, ata or sata without open it? just seeing a txt or conf file07:16
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fuzzy_logicWhitor: are you using sudo?07:16
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flavioribeirothere's a way to know if the hard disk is scsi, ata or sata without open it? just seeing a txt or conf file07:16
Gneaflavioribeiro: read the dmesg07:16
Whitorfuzzy_logic:  Even when I use sudo it does the same thing07:16
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killux_Gnea: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27448/07:17
farcl0udhow do i make windows transparent?07:17
Ix01I read on the ubuntu wiki not long ago of a driver for sis/via unichrome graphics to get drivers for it does anyone know the drivers name?07:17
pike_Skycloud: might /join #winehq  and ask there as well. cant hurt07:17
Music_Shufflefarcl0ud, in Beryl?07:17
Whitorfuzzy_logic: It doesn't look like a properly formed shell command to me ... but I'm not really sure ...07:17
Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, in what WM07:17
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FxglAllright, searching around made me no wiser, so I guess it is out of my grasp.07:17
Gneakillux_: lol, esd is running07:18
Gneakillux_: killall -9 esd07:18
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WhitorKEY... what command is that?07:18
fuzzy_logicWhitor: what i understand from that guide, you want to install compiz.. but compiz is already installed on ubuntu..07:18
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Paddy_EIREFxgl, which app are you trying to port anyway07:18
fuzzy_logicWhitor: go to System > Preferences > GL Desktop07:18
lllllllI can't move or delete a file because ubuntu tells me I don't have permissions for it's parent folder. How do I change this?07:18
Whitorfuzzy_logic: no, that guide is for Compiz-fusion07:18
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fuzzy_logicWhitor: oh :$ what's that? lol07:18
Gneakillux_: and a ton of other apps.... gah, i think you'd need to start the livecd in command line mode to enable sound at this point07:19
Whitorfuzzy_logic: I'km trying to put the merged compiz / Beryl version on this machine07:19
lllllllthe file's in home/07:19
pike_lllllll: what folder is that? you usually want to use sudo or gksu nautilus    changing permissions under / isnt that great in idea07:19
fuzzy_logicWhitor: ahh ok07:19
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Fxglsome game named supermariowar07:19
killux_maybe ill just install debian07:19
Gnea!language | killux_07:19
ubotukillux_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:19
pike_lllllll: lol nm07:19
Gneakillux_: yeah, that blows07:19
Whitorfuzzy_logic: the prob is loading the key07:19
killux_compile the the latest kernel07:19
killux_and then try to fix it from there07:19
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Whitorwhat kind of a command is that in the ADD KEY step of the guide ?07:19
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fuzzy_logicWhitor: i really don't know what you should do.. i'm sorry.. maybe someone else?07:20
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lllllllcheers pike_, I'll have a go at that. Obvious really; I'm still learning ubuntu07:20
Whitorfuzzy_logic: thanks !07:20
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Paddy_EIREFxgl, you do realise that there are already native  linux versions of that game07:20
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Fxglfor a ppc?07:20
WhitorCan someone help me with this command: KEY=81836EBF; gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv $KEY && gpg --export --armor $KEY | sudo apt-key add -07:21
Fxglthe .deb package gives me errors about architechture mismatch or something07:21
Fxglwrong architecture 'i38607:21
WhitorThats a cut and past from a how to http://vorian.org/?p=8207:21
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flavioribeiroSCSI device sda: 142264000 512-byte hdwr sectors (72839 MB)07:22
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flavioribeiroit means that scsi right? O;07:22
Fragilitywhat is a command line/program for managing graphics properties07:22
Paddy_EIREFxgl, oh, sry my mistake07:22
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JamesinatorHow do I find out the total, used, and free space about a mounted device from inside a terminal?07:22
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rfordinal_athomehi all! i have before Ubuntu the Gentoo linux where i have easy installed ut2004 and some mods. how can I do this in Ubuntu?07:22
magnetronJamesinator: du df07:22
WhitorJamesinator: df07:22
Gneaflavioribeiro: not necessarily. SATA uses a SCSI layer07:22
Fragilitybecause it says the name of my graphics card but says the capabilities are unknown, and is going very slowly07:22
JamesinatorThank you.07:22
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Fragilitythe computer is running ubuntu significantly slower than it was on xp...07:23
Paddy_EIRErfordinal_athome, Im sure there is a how to in the forums07:23
c_lispanybody know how to detect sd/mmc cards on ubuntu?07:23
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flavioribeiroGnea, can u see? http://rafb.net/p/q4i7yy57.html07:23
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pike_Jamesinator: df -h   makes it a bit more readable for us mere humans07:24
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Jamesinatorpike_: Thanks, I know, I was reading the manpage on it07:24
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Gneaflavioribeiro: looks like it's a SCSI - not many 73gig SATA drives AFAIK07:25
rfordinal_athomePaddy_EIRE: all is about manually install - download manually, modify scripts, etc... I gentoo i haved just entered "emerge ut2004-xymod" for example. is here none repository for games?07:25
craigbass1976How can you tell which version of php is installed on a box?  I did php --version, but got nothing. Is this because php is not an executable, or because I don't have07:25
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flavioribeirook Gnea07:25
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Assassyna good program for ubuntu 7.04 for yahoo messenger?07:26
BoglizkI cant configure stuff due to "C cant create executables"07:26
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Jamesinatorcraigbass1976: If you can run php, try making a file called "info.php" with the contents: "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" and then do "php info.php | more"07:26
BoglizkAssassyn: Gaim should do fine07:26
kitcheBoglizk: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:27
farcl0udum... sorry for the late response... uh... gnome is my WM?07:27
fuzzy_logicAssasyn: pidgin07:27
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Boglizkkitche: Thanks07:27
Paddy_EIRErfordinal_athome, I dont think that there is an Unreal Tournament repo... thats a commercial game right07:27
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Paddy_EIRErfordinal_athome, the install process seems simple enough07:27
farcl0udso how do i make windows transparent in gnome?07:27
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Paddy_EIRErfordinal_athome, for a gentoo user it should be a breeze :)07:27
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craigbass1976Jamesinator, command not found.  I didn't think I ever installed php, but wasn't sure07:28
Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, in what window manger compiz, beryl07:28
nickrudcraigbass1976, there's a variety of php packages; aptitude search php5 will give you a list. And yes, there's no php07:28
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nickrudcraigbass1976, automatically installed07:28
Fragilitywhat is a command to look at graphics properties?07:28
Jamesinatorcraigbass1976: sudo apt-get check php5 <-- I think?07:28
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rfordinal_athomePaddy_EIRE: yes, I know, I have ut2004 purchased :)) before i have installed Kubuntu, in Gentoo i have installed ut2004 and other mods just with one command and entering original DVD into CDROM. i think that Ubuntu is more userfriendly07:29
Jamesinatorcraigbass1976: sudo apt-get install php5 <-- if you want to install it instead of checking if you have it07:29
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pike_Fragility: can you be more specific?07:30
farcl0udwhats beryl?07:30
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:30
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Paddy_EIRErfordinal_athome, then there must be a similar process for ubuntu, have you checked there website Epics' that is07:30
pike_farcl0ud: do a search on youtube for demos :) its eyecandy07:30
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rfordinal_athomePaddy_EIRE: when I install ut2004 manually in Kubuntu, my adept can't inform me about new version. okay, i continue with finding :) thanx07:31
Paddy_EIREno pobs07:31
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dr_willisrfordinal_athome,  thats what happens with manual installs.07:32
Fragilitymy intel extreme graphics card is showing up as unknown, and going extremely slowly07:32
Assassyngot a problem07:32
dr_willisrfordinal_athome,  unless ya found a deb package.07:32
Assassyni want sto install vmware07:32
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MDM686is this the official Ubuntu IRC chat?07:32
Assassynbut it asks me to remove xinetd07:32
Fragilityessentially, this computer (not the one I am one, my notebook) is running more slowly on ubuntu than xp07:32
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Assassynand i use it for swat07:32
Fragilitywhich is the last thing I was expecting07:32
Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, http://www.beryl-project.org/  and  http://compiz.org/07:32
gursikhHey you guys know on macs the iphoto software you can quickly,easily make a slideshow to music with stupid fancy effects pretty easily? Is there something like that I can use on ubuntu to make those picture slideshows ?07:32
dr_willisAssassyn,  ya could always start swat manually.07:32
JamesinatorMDM686: Topic: Official Ubuntu Support Channel07:32
rfordinal_athomedr_willis: deb package with install process?07:33
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Fragilityand I just installed ubuntu studio07:33
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xarannboth gnome and kde are way slower than xp's explorer07:33
MDM686ok thanks hard to see with this client ;)07:33
orbisvicishow do you create python bindings for gtkglext, from source ?07:33
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Assassyndr_willis: start manually?07:33
xarannlinux with an extensive graphical interface is in no way built for performance07:33
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essesanyone have any experience trying to get ubuntu installed on to an existing raid array (promise IDE)07:33
dr_willisAssassyn,  yes.. you can start swat manually when you need it. (which is proberly rarely)07:33
Paddy_EIRExarann, must be the way you have it setup07:33
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=== _Johny says hello to everybody
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dr_willisAssassyn,  a read of the swat docs will tell ya the proper command. I perfer to NOT use swat any more. its a big.. OLD and outdated in ways.07:34
dr_willisbit old. :)07:34
Fragilityok, let me put it this way, how do I make it so device manager is aware of my video cards capabilities?07:34
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Paddy_EIRExarann, and its not explorer that xp uses its luna07:34
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dr_willisAssassyn,  the command may be 'swat'  for all i rember.07:34
_JohnyWhich groups I should be in to lauunch the X server?07:34
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Assassynand what r u using then?07:34
xarannwtf is luna07:35
xarannis that a specific theme for explorer?07:35
pike_Fragility: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf   does it say i810?07:35
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dr_willisxarann,  yes.07:35
luisbgwhat's the gnome alternative for k3b?07:35
xarannthought so07:35
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dr_willisAssassyn,  i have read/learned to configure samba how i wanted by editing the samba.conf file. I dont need a gui. :)07:35
Paddy_EIREits not a theme07:35
dr_willis!info samba-doc07:35
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 6754 kB, installed size 14512 kB07:35
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kitcheluisbg: gnome baker is probably as close as your gonna get07:35
dr_willisAssassyn,  the samba doc pckage has several books on the topic.07:35
pike_luisbg: gnomebaker but while its ok its not quite k3b07:36
FragilityI went to packet manager and just got a newer version of i81007:36
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Fragilitybut lemme put that in07:36
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essesahh look there's life :)07:36
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HorizonXPi have these two packages that i've recompiled myself with some patches, but Ubuntu keeps wanting to update them, leaving that icon in my tray; how do I exclude those packages from being updated?07:36
essesanyone have any luck installing ubuntu onto a raid set?07:36
luisbgwhy is gnomebaker not included by default in ubuntu?07:36
Boglizkconfigure: error: Fluxbox requires the X Window System libraries and headers <-- Does anyone know which package(s) they are refering to?07:36
SFX-BladerunnerI just used Wubi-7.04.01.exe to install ubuntu on a 250gig SATA disk (for 10gig) and I run windows XP on another 60gig ATA drive. when I reboot, I get a screen to select which OS to boot, and when I select ubuntu, I get a screen saying its booting something.. and then it sits there still07:36
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SFX-Bladerunnercan anyone help me?07:37
Assassynesses: you got into truble with raid?07:37
kitcheluisbg: it's not part of gnome that's why07:37
pike_luisbg: nautilus provides cd writing support out of box07:37
essesassassyn.... yeah07:37
luisbgpike_, iso burning?07:37
essesthe installer sees the raid controller and drives just fine... but as 2 separate drives it doesn't recognize the striped set07:37
pike_luisbg: yeah. though i dont use nautilus much so not sure of the interface07:37
MaddMaxxWhen I try to mount my hard drives, which are ALL currently unmounted, by using the "mount" command, I get the response:"mount: only root can do that".  What is root and how do I prevent this shit from happening so I can actually mount my drives?  Perhaps someone could point me in the direction of a website/page explaining this?07:37
HorizonXPi have these two packages that i've recompiled myself with some patches, but Ubuntu keeps wanting to update them, leaving that icon in my tray; how do I exclude those packages from being updated?07:37
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Assassyndamn that is f#cked up07:38
esseshah! that's what I said!07:38
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essesi feel like I need to install a driver before the installer kicks off07:38
Paddy_EIRE!sudo | MaddMaxx07:38
ubotuMaddMaxx: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:38
HorizonXPi have these two packages that i've recompiled myself with some patches, but Ubuntu keeps wanting to update them, leaving that icon in my tray; how do I exclude those packages from being updated?07:38
MaddMaxxI have tried that.07:38
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terayamI need some help getting networkmanager to recognize my wusb11 adapter as a network device07:38
essesassasyn: any idea i fthere's a way to do that?07:38
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Paddy_EIREMaddMaxx, not hard enough thats all the info you need07:39
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SFX-Bladerunner(19:36:49) (SFX-Bladerunner) I just used Wubi-7.04.01.exe to install ubuntu on a 250gig SATA disk (for 10gig) and I run windows XP on another 60gig ATA drive. when I reboot, I get a screen to select which OS to boot, and when I select ubuntu, I get a screen saying its booting something.. and then it sits there still, pm me plz07:39
farcl0udi guess u have to have a decent system to run beryl?07:39
MaddMaxxIt still not letting me mount my other hds that I couldnt mount before.07:39
MaddMaxxMaybe Il go back to windows or something.07:39
Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, not really07:39
MaddMaxxOr Gentoo ^-^07:39
farcl0udoh ok07:39
wolsfarcl0ud: no. but you need a supported videocard07:39
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HorizonXPplease someone help?07:40
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Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, what gfx card you got07:40
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wolsMangosDebian: allow user to mount07:40
wolsMangosDebian: man fstab07:40
Evolution2i would like to know what are the recommended third party repositories should be in Adept. please  help07:40
farcl0udlet me seeee07:40
wolsEvolution2: none07:40
wolsdamn maddmaxx07:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hold - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
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Pici!patience | HorizonXP07:41
ubotuHorizonXP: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:41
wolsHorizonXP: hold is a status flag which tells apt (or aptitude) not to automatically upgrade a package. To hold a package, 'echo pkgname hold|dpkg --set-selections' or use = in aptitude's curses interface. You can ignore a hold by using apt-get install foopkg; or by using + in aptitude's curses interface. [Note that this is *NOT* the same as packages which have been "held back" because07:41
pike_Evolution2: i havent ever really had a need for anything other than seveas's and multiverse07:41
wols they rquire packages tha07:41
wolst are not currently (or tri07:41
farcl0udradeon r25007:41
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wolsfarcl0ud: supported IIRC: use the "ati" driver07:42
Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, spec07:42
saffiHi, i am trying the livecd. i can boot kubuntu 6.06 but have the wireless is not come up (only bluetooth) - while trying Fiesty 7.04 it fails during boot  "can't access tty; job control turned off"07:42
wolssaffi: what wlan chip?07:42
Evolution2wols: thanks. but is there a reason why the "upgrade button" in adept is shaded in07:42
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Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, that card sounds to me like its supported although I cannot be sure07:42
saffiintel 394507:42
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wolsEvolution2: no clue07:42
nothingssomethinanyone here that saw me b407:42
farcl0udjust because it's radeon?07:43
Paddy_EIREfarcl0ud, what is the memory size of the gfx card07:43
HorizonXPwols: let me try that07:43
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saffiwols: intell pro 394507:43
PiciHorizonXP: Wubi is not an Official way of installing Ubuntu, you can request support in: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23407:43
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Evolution2wols: which ones do you have07:43
nothingssomethinwell after much investigation and deliberation i finally got my laptop to load up xserver!!!! yay07:43
HorizonXPPici: I'm not using Wubi....07:44
guerbyhi, I have a disk icon on my ubuntu desktop but the disk is not present and I can't remove the icon I get a popup "disk not mounted" but the icon won't go away, any idea?07:44
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PiciHorizonXP: I'm sorry, got confused.07:44
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nothingssomethinbut i have a new request and need a bit more assitance07:44
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saffiwols: for being in the safe side i have added a usb (TRENDnet) and PCMCIA (BELKIN) so i am shooting all over07:45
PiciSFX-Bladerunner: Wubi is not an Official way of installing Ubuntu, you can request support in: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23407:45
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Paddy_EIREFxgl, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnFeisty07:45
antonioabdulioHi to everyone!!07:45
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s-mcQ: how do i copy a directory ?07:45
nothingssomethinfirst question ......does the nvidia-glx driver have support for the tv out (svideo) capability option??????07:46
farcl0udat least 128MB heh07:46
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thirsonothingssomethin: yes07:46
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saffiDoes 6.06 considered better then 7.4 with regard to hardware ?07:46
Paddy_EIREs-mc, cp /name/of/dir /location/to/paste07:46
nothingssomethinhow do i direct it to the svideo and tell it what to doi?07:46
antonioabduliogood news for the one who has a problem with the microphone using alsa mixer driver, just go here: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Record_from_mic07:46
farcl0udi guess i should dl beryl and test it out! :)07:46
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thirsoPaddy_EIRE: how do i delete a folder thru the terminal?07:47
s-mcPaddy_EIRE: i tried that stated ommitting directory07:47
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farcl0udrmv ?07:47
Paddy_EIREthirso, rm07:47
nothingssomethini noted this complicated article and will include link for observation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition?highlight=%28nvidia%29%7C%28tv%29%7C%28out%2907:47
saffiDoes a liveCD support wireless07:47
Paddy_EIREsaffi, no reason why not07:47
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nothingssomethinplease mental note that i am useing fully upgraded ubuntu fistey fawn 7.407:48
thirsoPaddy_EIRE: i got this: rm: cannot remove `/mnt/sansa': Is a directory07:48
Paddy_EIREsaffi, depending on the hardware and driver availability ofcourse07:48
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thirsoPaddy_EIRE: even with the -d07:48
Paddy_EIREthirso, rm -r07:48
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thirsoah ok thanks07:48
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saffiPadd_EIRE: Thanks, the intell chip should be ok07:48
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s-mcPaddy_EIRE: i tried that, it errored stating ommitting directory07:49
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Paddy_EIREs-mc, have you run with sudo07:49
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s-mcyep, still the same07:49
Paddy_EIREs-mc, hmmm07:49
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nico_cool, joined the ubuntu channel from Windows XP07:49
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nico_first time something was succesfull in this07:50
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nico_OS today07:50
Paddy_EIREs-mc, you could do gksudo nautilus and then navigate to the dir and try deleting it the gui way07:50
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yaeyosorry if this has been asked before but is there any chance of a kernel 2.6.21 backport?07:50
s-mcPaddy_EIRE: ok thanks07:51
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yaeyomy laptop seriously is overheating and I need to do something fast07:51
Paddy_EIREyaeyo, what temp07:51
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lagrimohow can i install a new clipboard manager?07:51
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Assassynanyone using qemu?07:51
nico_is there anybody in this channel who has experience with a ubuntu setup with the alternate CD?07:51
Paddy_EIREyaeyo, I have similar issues from time to time07:51
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lagrimojust download/install with synaptic and it starts aut start up?07:52
Paddy_EIREyaeyo, what temp07:52
SkycloudI'm having trouble using the mouse scroll wheel, on my mouse, when I move it nothing scrolls, can anybody help me please.07:52
fuzzy_logicnico_: what do you want to know?07:52
yaeyoPaddy_EIRE: one sec, Im trying to figure it out07:52
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fuzzy_logicSkycloud: what mouse do you have?07:52
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yaeyoPaddy_EIRE: I have a hp nc8430, good luck understanding which temp is which07:52
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Paddy_EIREyaeyo, I freaked out over nothing before07:52
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Skycloudfuzzy_logic: I don't know, but it was just working, until my computer rebooted07:52
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Skycloudfuzzy_logic: and it works on my other computer07:53
Assassynanyone using qemu?07:53
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Paddy_EIREyaeyo, it really should be fine, did you sudo aptitude install lm-sensors07:53
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adrian_Hi all, wheres the best doc link to sharing files on a home network for novices?07:53
yaeyoPaddy_EIRE: its not just the fact that it almost burn to the touch but also the fans. it is pretty loud as well07:53
nico_fuzzy_logic: what are the most important things to keep in mind, drivers and stuff07:53
yaeyoPaddy_EIRE: I have not installed them07:53
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=== L0cKn bye all
fuzzy_logicSkycould: so it worked before?07:53
Paddy_EIREyaeyo, then you reboot I think and run the sensors command07:53
saffinico_: i tried it didn't work for me, but nothing works for me with 7.04 only 6.0607:53
adrian_I would like to share files between 2 ubuntu computers07:54
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Paddy_EIREyaeyo, then install and get back here07:54
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nico_i'l end up installing the standard feisty anyway but it's worth a try, no standard software and more customisable07:54
yaeyoPaddy_EIRE: ok. be right back07:54
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SFX-BladerunnerPici ill just make a partition and install ubuntu properly =)07:54
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PiciSFX-Bladerunner: okay :)07:54
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Skycloudfuzzy_logic: yes it worked b407:55
Paddy_EIRESomeone try and help yaeyo eh07:55
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SFX-Bladerunneris this possible though without burning a cd?07:55
SFX-BladerunnerI do have the ISO07:55
Paddy_EIREI gota go07:55
c_lispcan you not install kde on ubuntu as a second session07:55
SFX-Bladerunnerbut cba to burn a cd if it is possible07:55
fuzzy_logicnico_: the alternate install is just the same install as the normal, but then without booting the live cd and text-only07:55
Skycloudfuzzy_logic: everything but the mouse wheel works07:55
c_lispI get a error say check configuration when trying to load in kde07:55
c_lispI install kubuntu-desktop07:55
fuzzy_logicSkycloud: did you install or change anything before rebooting?07:55
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nico_fuzzy_logic: even the same amount of software installed?07:55
nothingssomethinis this site  correct editing of xorg.conf for a fistey fawn 7.04 fully upgraded laptop??? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition?highlight=%28nvidia%29%7C%28tv%29%7C%28out%2907:55
imbecileok guys, i cant get ettercap to detect eth1 .... any suggestions?07:56
Skycloudfuzzy_logic: I messed with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:56
Skycloudfuzzy_logic: so my video card would work07:56
fuzzy_logicnico_: yes, as far as i know exactly the same07:56
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WhitorWhats a good DVD ripping software ?07:56
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fuzzy_logicSkycloud: do you remember what exactly you changed?07:56
nico_strange, the early alternate CD'07:56
mopeyWhitor, Acidrip07:56
Skycloudfuzzy_logic: not really07:56
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nico_s installed less software07:56
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Whitormopey: thanks07:56
Skycloudfuzzy_logic: I think I changed somthing that has to do with the mouse though07:56
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fuzzy_logicSkycloud: just a sec plz07:57
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nothingssomethin is  the synaptic package nvtv the correct install to fix this or is this for diffrent components than tc-out svideo???07:57
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nothingssomethinool to control TV chips on NVidia cards under Linux07:57
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SFX-Bladerunnerbtw, will ubuntu even work on my pc? (compatible drivers) cuz my pc is fairly old07:57
Soli1hi, anyone managed to make diablo 2 work with plugy?07:57
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kane77how can I remove nginx it always returns error when trying to remove07:58
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SFX-Bladerunnerpentium 4 2.4ghz cpu (no hyper threating), 512mb 266DDR1 ram, sb audigy, geforce 7600GS, old cd writer and dvd rom07:58
Skycloudfuzzy_logic: How do I know my mouse port, I think I changed that.07:58
ericgoldhi everybody. Noob here with a question re sound that has stoppped working.07:58
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mopeySFX-Bladerunner, probably.  Put in the livecd and see if you have any issues.07:59
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fuzzy_logicSkycloud: something with mice in it..07:59
imbecileanyone familiar with ettercap?, i cant get it to detect eth1 .... any suggestions?07:59
Skycloudfuzzy_logic: I think I found out how to fixit07:59
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fuzzy_logicSkycloud: ok :)07:59
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nico_hm you can also install a console only system07:59
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kane77how can I skip the  "invoke-rc.d: initscript" when removing app??08:00
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adrian_Hi all, wheres the best doc link to sharing files on a home network for novices? I want to share my files between my 2 ubuntu machines on a network that is hooked up to the internet08:00
SFX-Bladerunnermopey, is it possible to install ubuntu in windows with the ISO loaded to daemon tools (I preferrably not burn a disc if I dont have to) ?08:01
jaroI got the following error-message while trying to insert the newly build driver syntek for my webcam:insmod: error inserting 'stk11xx.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module   .. what can I do ?08:01
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KaffI got a problem. My STLab USB2Lan adapter is detected and works like a dream when I run Live CD, but fail to be detected when I install and boot Ubuntu from my hd. Can someone help me?08:01
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mopeyI don't think so.  You maybe could use a vm, but the easiest would probably just be to burn a disk.08:02
JamesinatorIs there a way to set a "max size" for a directory?08:02
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jaroI got the following error-message while trying to insert the newly build driver syntek for my webcam:insmod: error inserting 'stk11xx.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module   .. what can I do ?08:03
SFX-Bladerunnerso now I have to reinstall NERO aswell lol08:03
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SFX-Bladerunneror does anyone know a quick free/easy to get program to burn discs?08:03
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macfreakhi! I have a question, can Ubuntu be installed on a macbook with intel duo core?08:03
JamesinatorSFX-Bladerunner: Isn't a CD/DVD burner included with Ubuntu?08:03
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imbecileSFX-Bladerunner,  k3b08:03
pike_SFX-Bladerunner: k3b is better than nero in linux imo08:03
instabinSFX-Bladerunner: there are plenty of them in the package manager08:04
jaroHi, i have a question: what can I do to fix the following errormessage : insmod: error inserting 'stk11xx.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module  ??08:04
ericgoldhi everybody. Noob here with a question re sound that has stoppped working.08:04
instabinSFX-Bladerunner: automatix can install some for you also08:04
SFX-BladerunnerI mean08:04
SFX-Bladerunnerburn the ubuntu disc in windows08:04
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:04
pike_SFX-Bladerunner: brace yourself when its done burning though. that trumpet scares the hell out of me every time08:04
JamesinatorSFX-Bladerunner: AVS disc creator or CD mate08:05
JamesinatorThey're crappy but free08:05
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imbecilepike_,  i love the trumpet08:05
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macfreakhi! I have a question, can Ubuntu be installed on a macbook with intel duo core?08:05
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jaroHi, i have a question: what can I do to fix the following errormessage : insmod: error inserting 'stk11xx.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module  ??08:06
imbecilemacfreak,  should be ok08:06
nothingssomethinwould this be the correct referal file for fistey fawn on a laptop??08:06
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nomuxjaro: try: sudo modprobe stk11xx08:06
jaroFATAL: Module stk11xx not found.08:06
jarobecause it isnt in the path08:06
Tawandai installed a bittroent client but its not in the applications menu of ubuntu,where is it?????08:06
macfreakThanks Imbecile. will try to do that, is it the same installer CD i got from Ubuntu? can't find the package downloadable on the site.08:06
JamesinatorJaro: You've said that three times already within 5 minutes. Read the guide to asking questions in the topic, would you please?08:06
jaroi built it with make08:06
trelaynehi all. anyone know how to figure out what IPtables rule is stopping a packet?08:06
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KaffI got a problem. My STLab USB2Lan adapter is detected and works like a dream when I run Live CD, but fail to be detected when I install and boot Ubuntu from my hd. Can someone help me? I already tried $sudo modpobe usbnet08:07
macfreaktrelayne, usually for windows, is using netstat -r to see the rules and the ip routings.08:07
=== debouit [n=debouit@ril69-3-88-169-248-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
JamesinatorTawanda: Applications->Internet should have it. If not, right click on "Applications" and select "Edit Menus". There you can navigate to Apps->Internet and enable the BitTorrent item.08:07
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pike_Tawanda: not all packages setup launchers for ya but to check do 'pkill gnome-panel' it might re-appear with the link08:07
=== debouit [n=debouit@ril69-3-88-169-248-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomuxjaro: look at the makefile, is there a section 'install'?08:08
Tawandacheeres pike08:08
imbecilemacfreak,  I know very little about macs but i believe you use the ppc one.. dont quote me on that though08:08
jarothere is a section: driver08:08
vukaHi, i have a question. Im getting an error when i try to verify the ubuntu cd, version 7.04. It says there is error in 2 files. How do i fix it?08:08
jaromake driver08:08
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jarobut the same happens08:08
Jamesinatorvuka: Reburn.08:08
BigAl99hi. I'm considering buying a dell inspiron 1720... anyone know how compatible the hardware is? I've searched the usual sites but nothing is coming up (probably because the lappy is so new). thanks08:08
macfreakThanks imbecille. Will try that out on the CDs Ubuntu sent me. Cheers!08:08
mortal5is there any way to connect to a ubuntu desktop using window's "remote desktop"08:08
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nothingssomethinhey can anyone see my type08:09
vukajame: ive tried it. it still doesnt work.08:09
JamesinatorIs there a way to set a "max size" for a directory?08:09
BigAl99nothingssomethin, yes! :)08:09
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nomuxjaro: you could copy the driver to the right place, then depmod -a and modprobe ...08:09
jarowhere would the right place be ?08:09
nothingssomethinsry... just makin sure08:09
BigAl99Jamesinator, you could use user quotas to achieve that08:09
imbecilemacfreak,  well did they send you an x86 or ppc disk?08:09
BigAl99if you set a limit on the home dir, for example08:09
nothingssomethinam i in the right place for this question??08:09
Jamesinatorvuka: Try burning at a lower speed, and make sure to enable "verify burned data"08:09
astevensmortal5: maybe use vnc instead?08:10
BigAl99nothingssomethin, i have answered your question :)08:10
spirit_why is port 2207 and 2208 open on Ubuntu?08:10
imbecilemacfreak,  if the cd boots up then you have  the right one08:10
vukaJame: thanks.08:10
mortal5...and no, I don't have access to vnc lol08:10
SFX-Bladerunnerim trying to create a partition on my 2nd HD (windows not installed on it), but in partition magic it says ''this partition crosses the 1024 cylinder boundary and may not be bootable" ?08:10
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ericgoldMacFreak, The PPC distro would not work -- you have an intel chip in your MacBook08:11
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jaronomux:  in which place are those modules , usually ?08:11
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JamesinatorBigAl: This is for use within a subdirectory of my LAMP server that FTP users can access. How would I setup user quotas to work with this situation?08:11
nomuxjaro: lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb or a similar place#08:11
=== PTrader [n=daniel@proxy.montelac.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileericgold,  thanks for that clarification.. i always wondered about that08:11
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jarousb ok :) thx08:11
jaroill try that08:11
astevenswe are looking for help porting our free GPL linux clustering software to ubuntu. we are at www.infiscale.com and would appreciate anyone familiar with ubuntu wanting to help. thanks in advance.08:11
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instabinastevens: what do you need08:12
astevensjust help getting it packaged correctly08:12
emilioim spanish08:12
imbecile!es | emilio08:12
ubotuemilio: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:12
=== kyle123 [i=kyle123@cpe-24-26-240-213.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tawandapkill gnome-panel  ddnt work,what about the default client where is it??08:12
astevensand any help with massaging specifics in init or other places08:12
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nothingssomethinso i can use that site for a fistey fawn laptop configureation????08:12
astevenswe make vnfs images where they are like live capsules for the clusters to run08:12
=== BigToe7000 [n=tehbigto@cpc1-hatf3-0-0-cust104.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
JamesinatorBigAl99: This is for use within a subdirectory of my LAMP server that FTP users can access. How would I setup user quotas to work with this situation?08:13
=== phrontist [n=bjorn@pool-71-241-255-104.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
astevensright now we mainly run caos, rh, and centos, but we would really like to support ubuntu.08:13
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nothingssomethinsorry i'm alittle slow i'm moveing between 2 half computers08:13
BigAl99i'm not sure tbh... sorry08:13
=== newtubunt1 [n=marco@modemcable213.180-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Ploujdoes this laptop have a DVI video output: http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&cs=19&kc=6V440&l=en&oc=DNCWJL1&s=dhs&sm=2 ?08:13
JamesinatorOk, thanks anyway08:13
phrontisthow do I list users on a system? (not just logged in)08:13
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Tawandawhere do i find the synaptic package manager08:13
ericgoldHelp please, fixing sound that has stopped working08:13
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jaronomux: i stell get an error message, and dmesg says: stk11xx: disagrees about version of symbol video_devdata08:13
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imbecileanyone know where to go to get help with ettercap? its not detecting my eth108:14
newtubunt1which package should I install or where can I find the right QuickTime version to have access to ALL QT files including Apple streaming ?08:14
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AldolielTawanda, System / Administration Menu08:14
SFX-Bladerunnercan I install linux on an NTFS formatted partition?08:14
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nothingssomethinTawanda system >administration08:14
kyle123Ok i go to install Ubuntu 7.04 and it gave me a graphical error so i did the reconfigure, but it takes me to the command line and what is the command to install text based or to restart the installer after i selected the right graphic driver from the reconfig file08:14
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romperstomperhi, where i can find k3b's MAD plugin and how i can install it?08:14
imbecileSFX-Bladerunner,  use gparted08:14
Soli1hi, anyone managed to make diablo 2 work with plugy?08:14
kitcheSFX-Bladerunner: natively no08:14
=== AJ__Z0 [n=nAJZ0@ip70-174-169-115.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rixonBroadcom 1390 - best way to get it working?08:14
Tawandathnak you aldoliel08:14
Kaffericgold: does it work if you boot from CD?08:14
=== tiiimos [n=timos@BSN-77-93-160.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ramonhello... my repositories are not working... uncommented them and the same thing :S cannot find anything when I do apt-get update....08:14
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AldolielPleasure :)08:14
Tawandaand nothingssomthing thanks08:15
=== Bronni [n=daniel@p57A556B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
jaronomux:  it is said i have to load videodev beforehand, but i did that..08:15
SFX-Bladerunnerpartitionmagic gives me options linux ext2, linux ext3 and linux swap08:15
Ramondo you know where can I get a list of repositories to add?08:15
=== tfault [n=martin@0x5730538f.vjnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SFX-Bladerunnerany of those work?08:15
=== Jamesinator is now known as Jamesinator|BRB
romperstomperanyone know where i can find k3b MAD mp3 plugin08:15
nothingssomethinwell that is my trouble i'm not usre that computer type that is for08:15
tiiimosI've installed nvidia-glx-new package and than renameed "nv" into "nvidia" and when I restarted KDE and I wasn't able to come back... any i deas?08:15
=== deep` [n=deep@c-9f2a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Ramondo you know where can I get a list of repositories to add?08:16
kyle123what is the command tostart the installer GUI from the command ?08:16
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newtubunt1which package should I install or where can I find the right QuickTime version to have access to ALL QT files including Apple streaming ?08:16
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nomuxjaro: i think the new stk1xx source is too old, possibly.08:16
ericgoldKeff, next thing to try I suppose. The sound *did* work yesterday ! Heck, it even worked after I installed a bunch of ugly codecs and watched a commerical DVD in VLC.08:16
=== RivaeAerya [n=robin@h8441230009.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jaronomux:  oh08:16
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gat-manguys I have two problems08:17
pike_tiiimos: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log  might tell you a bit you can paste that and maybe /var/log/messages08:17
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pike_pastebin i mean08:17
kyle123does anyone know the text command to start the installer from the command prompt ?08:17
gat-mancan I ask them here?08:17
Ramonhello? please someone who can help me?... where can I get a list of repositories to add to my ubuntu lite?08:17
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nomuxjaro: did you try google? are there other with the same problem?08:17
=== quarkpup [n=quarkpup@udp156649uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
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pike_!easysource | Ramon for basics08:17
ubotuRamon for basics: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:17
SFX-Bladerunnerimbecile gparted is for linux08:17
jaronomux : i have read something about kernel sources being not the right one08:17
SFX-BladerunnerI need to partition in windows08:17
SFX-Bladerunnerand set up a partition to install linux on08:18
jaronomux:  but my kernelsource is that from the actual kernel.. i evne made a symbolic link08:18
Ramongreat thanks08:18
=== xarann [n=wut@modemcable131.236-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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gat-manwhen I enable desktop effects, the screen turns white, and I have to press esc to get it back, how can I enable the effects?08:18
SFX-Bladerunnerdoes linux support fat32?08:18
AldolielSFX-Bladerunner, Why do you need to do it that way, can't you use the livecd?08:18
AldolielSFX-Bladerunner, Yes08:18
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J_Phi all08:18
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Aldolielkyle123, I don't think you can08:18
rixonBroadcom 1390 - best way to go wireless with this?08:18
kitcheSFX-Bladerunner: yes but it can only run nateivly on ext2 ext3 or reiserfs08:18
nothingssomethinbut i must say it does somewhat enlighten me but still gives no complete solution to the fact that i have alaptop and it is diffrent i can't nelive noone had written advice for this as of yet due to it is a dell laptop and verry popular gpu and has trouble by default when installing nvidia-glx driver, as far as the monoter association goes08:18
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IceToxHey guys.. Trying to get skype working, but the microphone won't work. However, the headset that the microphone is connected to is working excellent. Anyone knows anything about the matter?08:18
SFX-Bladerunnerkitche, ok, ill format it for ext2 then08:18
SFX-Bladerunnerproblem solved08:19
imbecileSFX-Bladerunner,  yeah you can run off the livecd.. are you going to do a dual boot?08:19
J_Ppeople, how I do for put one dir of the binaries to path on linux ? What file I add for have in path ?08:19
SFX-Bladerunneryes imbecile08:19
Ramonhow do I know the version and name of the distro i have?08:19
=== Nyarlathotep [n=pablo@177.Red-81-37-168.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
gat-mankitche, when I enable desktop effects, the screen turns white, and I have to press esc to get it back, how can I enable the effects?08:19
tiiimoshttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27459/   pike_  this is out put08:19
Ramoni tried uname -r but it givs me just the kernel08:19
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SFX-BladerunnerI got a 60gig hd with windows, 250gig hd extended, and I want to create a linux partition on that 250gig hd08:19
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nomuxjaro: what does 'uname -r' print?08:19
gat-mananyone else can answer too :P08:19
wolssarixe: the problem with your tty is I think a sorta known problem with 7.04 kernel08:19
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wolsas for your wlan: i3945 is supported08:19
jaronomux:  btw.. i got the driver from the svn-repos...08:19
sn0jaro try lsb_release -a08:20
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sn0err whoops, Ramon even sorryy :-)08:20
=== jose1711 [n=jose1711@darkstar.bozenka.tuke.sk] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileSFX-Bladerunner,  well there are several options.. you can use norton partition magic in win or fdisk.. in linux you can use gparted08:20
jose1711hello, is there anyone from Slovakia here?08:20
Ramonthx man08:20
SFX-Bladerunnerimbecile, im using partitionmagic now08:20
Xraven92if i use partion magic to partion my hard drive before i run the ubuntu installer, will i loose thedata already on the har drive?08:20
villenaalgun espaol08:20
SFX-Bladerunnerive made free space on the hd08:20
jaroNo LSB modules are available.08:20
SFX-Bladerunnerand now set it up to make an ext2 partition08:20
nothingssomethinthat is theonly reason  i am leary about installing the available nvtv synaptic package08:20
jarofeisty 7.0408:20
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:20
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wolsXraven92: no. but don't create partition for ubuntu. only free unallocated space08:20
AldolielSFX-Bladerunner, The Ubuntu installer can do all this for you08:20
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents08:20
SFX-Bladerunnerso then when I reboot with ubuntu cd it can install it on that partition?08:21
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:21
tiiimospike_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27460/08:21
Xraven92wols..how do i do that 0.o?08:21
wolsSFX-Bladerunner: only make free space08:21
SFX-Bladerunnerhmm well ive already done it now Aldoliel lol08:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktopeffects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:21
gat-man!desktop effects08:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktop effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:21
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F0FB2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wolskyle123: just make free space or use the ubuntu installer to resize your windows08:21
=== isabit [n=isabut@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.08:21
wols!effects < gat-man08:21
ubotuFor help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects08:21
wols!effects | gat-man08:21
ubotugat-man: please see above08:21
sarixewols: i didn't say anything08:21
imbecileSFX-Bladerunner,  delete a part of the partition and leave it blank for yr ubuntu install then choose "install to biggest freespace" that makes it alot easier imo08:21
Ramonand if I have hoary... which should i select on the http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ there's no hoary option08:22
gat-manwols, can you help me? it seams that the effects are installed...08:22
kyle123does anyone know the command to start the Ubuntu GUI installer from the command prompt ? i had to reconfigure the graphical driver and it leaves me at the prompt screen for command08:22
=== Evolution2 [n=roy@rrcs-24-213-195-172.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xraven92does partion magic delete data that is on the hard drive?08:22
Ramondpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:22
imbecileXraven92,  it can08:22
=== Adlai [i=adlaiff6@nat/google/x-a659057198728ec3] has joined #ubuntu
Ramonkyle: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:22
=== Buzz [i=Boss@adsl196-71-89-217-196.adsl196-11.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
wolsXraven92: we dom't know. ask the makers of partition magic08:23
AldolielXraven92, If you tell it to, yes08:23
tiiimospike_: still there ? :P08:23
wolsXraven92: this is a ubuntu only channel08:23
Ramonand if I have hoary... which should i select on the http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ there's no hoary option08:23
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imbecileXraven92,  what are you trying to do? a dual boot?08:23
pike_tiiimos: yeah08:23
=== bets [n=bets@dsl-aur-fecaf800-182.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kyle123Ramon: i did that and i selected the right driver and it leaves me at the command prompt, i need to restart the installer after i select the driver but how ?08:23
=== Tawanda [n=tawanda@host81-151-156-145.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu []
nomuxjaro: did you install: linux-source-2.6.20 ?08:23
wolsRamon: hoary is not supported anymor IIRC08:23
=== dahito [n=dahito@host-84-222-5-202.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
jaroi think so08:23
=== Van_Slanzar_Fane [n=Ellahn@201-1-13-52.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu
jarolinux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic is already the newest version.08:24
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wolskyle123: /etc/init.d/gdm start08:24
Ramonman the thing is that it is the only one that works for me... tried debian, ubuntu, ubuntu-lite, xubuntu etc and all of them are giving me errors during the installation08:24
Xraven92imb: yea i want to dual boot windows and ubuntu08:24
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imbecilewols,  i think Xraven92 is trying to do a dual boot08:24
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wolskyle123: if you have installed ubuntu there is no isntaller anymore and it's not needed08:24
wolsimbecile: and? I don' care. pmagic is a WINDOWS program. does this look like a windows channel?08:25
Xraven92when i tried partioning with the installer, i got an error08:25
ericgoldHelp plases, getting sound back up running08:25
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kyle123wols: i havent gotten to the installer yet, because of the graphical error, and i did the reconfigure already but need to start the installer from the command prompt, will that command work ?08:25
=== harun [n=harun@p548324A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wolskyle123: use the alternative install CD08:25
Ramonwhere can I download the latest release?08:25
wolsRamon: ubuntu.com08:25
Aldolielkyle123, 'startx'08:25
imbecilewols,  no, but helping him install ubuntu is a linux issue imo08:26
Ramon:$ hha ok08:26
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pike_tiiimos: might paste  the link here again with the problem. im a little busy right now sorry08:26
kbrooksHow do I backup Ubuntu to somewhere on the web?08:26
kyle123wols: the alternate cd install is it on the same disc as the regular one ?08:26
wolskyle123: no08:26
=== skipper [n=tmoore@adsl-69-152-225-230.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
wols!backup | kbrooks08:26
=== Steeley_ [n=andrew@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotukbrooks: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:26
harunis some body from germany08:26
kyle123wols: were would i be able to aquire the alternate cd install08:27
wols!ed | harun08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:27
tiiimospike_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27460/08:27
wols!de | harun08:27
ubotuharun: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:27
orbisvicisis it a bad idea to install the pygtkglext package from debian ?08:27
newtubunt1I just installed gparted using synaptic, how will I launch it now that it's installed ? I can't find it in my applications08:27
harunwho is ad08:27
wolskyle123: same place you got your CD on ubuntu.com08:27
wolsorbisvicis: yes08:27
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kbrookswols, is there a simple link that is easy to use, and CAN backup over the web?08:27
orbisviciswols, oh08:27
wolskbrooks: read what ubotu told you08:27
kbrookswols, all right...08:27
=== Akshaya [n=petra@e177222172.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
wolsnewtubunt1: under adminstation stuff08:28
imbecileXraven92,  ok just resize the partition and dont add a filesystem to it.. keep it blank.. use that to install ubuntu to  using the "install to biggest free space" in the installer08:28
kyle123wols: im on the ubuntu.com and dont see anythign about it on the download page :(08:28
wolsnewtubunt1: or from a terminal: gksudo gparted08:28
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Overcast!backup | kbrooks08:28
ubotukbrooks: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:28
=== Nukhem [n=bart@63.133-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
jaronomux:  its strange... its other distributions that have those problem, but they can work it out..08:28
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wolskyle123: RIGHT BELOW the big gree download image08:28
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kbrooksOvercast, i got those links, thanks08:29
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ZummiG777Question: What is the best way to change the hardware cards for eth1 and eth0?  So I want to change eth0 to eth1 and eth1 to eth0.08:29
BrightEyes`hello.are there any drivers for k-world exper tv-pvr 883rf tv card?08:29
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wolsZummiG777: ifrename?08:30
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wolsZummiG777: or if you load them via modules: load the one you want to be eth0 first08:30
wolsZummiG777: via /etc/modules08:30
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jaroim installing easycam.. .maybe that works08:30
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kyle123wols: alright got it thanks man08:30
OrnedanHi. Where does the boot process get logged to in Kubuntu 7.04?08:31
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wietz0rQuick question, if I don't have a root user password + account, wouldn't single user mode be undoable ?08:31
nomuxjaro: ok. i've to go to work, bye08:31
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jaronomux:  thanks for your help :) very appreciated08:31
wolswietz0r: no08:31
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Ramonubuntu 7.04 is the latest version?08:32
wolswietz0r: you have an account but no password08:32
tiiimoshow can I checked if driver is installed for nvidia, I just installed nvidia-glx-new package08:32
wolsRamon: yes08:32
wolstiiimos: dpkg -l |grep nvidia08:32
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IceToxAnyone in here knows how to config a microphone.. It seems like the plug in my computer doesn't work.08:32
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cookiehello guys08:32
newtubunt1I'm in gparted trying to format my non-allocated free space to FAT32...  I am not able to name the partition the name I want. Is this normal and I will rename it later ? (it is automatically called: New Partition #1)08:32
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tiiimosis my  driver installed: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ output of dpkg -l |grep nvidia08:33
cookieI installed Ubuntu on my thinkpad and I messed up my shrtcut keys08:33
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cseaHi. I have a question. My mplayer would crash when starting to play avi, using the xv driver. while everything goes right using the gl driver.why?08:33
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Ramonand the alternate version doesnt need any files to be downloaded from the internet while it is installing right?08:33
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cookieHow do I set up the shortcut keys to default08:33
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s-mcQ: in apache2 do i configure a file for each virtual host (within the sites-eneabled dir) ?08:34
lllllllAm I right in thinking firestarter is up and running from startup by default?08:34
kane77does aptitude remove --purge remove configuration also?08:34
cookieCan somebody pls help me?08:34
lllllllEven though it gives no sign of this?08:34
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tiiimosso do I have or not have driver installed: dpkg -l |grep nvidia08:34
cookieHow do I set up my shortcut keys to default08:34
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nickrudcookie, what shortcut keys?08:35
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cookieU know, all of them08:35
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tiiimosso do I have or not have driver installed: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27463/08:35
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cookieI want to set them to what they were08:35
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nickrudcookie, a sec then08:35
nerdygirl_ellieHi!  How do I change my default application for .xls files to OpenOffice instead of Gnumeric?08:35
cookieI messed them up and my enter key doesn't work anymore08:35
cookieok, I will wait08:35
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pontyquestion: how come my mouse arrow is still visible in full screen mode using mplayer?08:36
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wietz0rwols: Wouldn't that be horribly insecure ?08:36
wietz0rwols: Maybe I'm just understanding it wrong08:36
wolswietz0r: no08:36
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kane77ponty, doesnt it hide after a while?08:36
cseawhy the mplayer crashed when attending to play an avi file, using xv driver? how can i solve it?08:36
wietz0rwols: How would it work then ?08:36
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wolsphsyical access trumps everything08:36
wolsand you need phys access to boot in single user mode08:36
pontykane77: no08:37
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nerdygirl_elliecsea: Did it give any error message or just die or lock up or?08:37
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wietz0rwols: One could just boot up in single user mode and it would start up ?08:37
pontycsea: try gl or gl2...might work better08:37
wolswietz0r: yes08:37
cookienickrud: u know what to do?08:37
wolsor one could just take the damn ocmputer08:37
dezineIn ubuntu, how can I get on the internet from my pc. Example, My pc is connected to the modem and I usually connect my mac to the internet through my pc, it doesn't seem to work if I plug in my linux instead08:37
wolsphysical access trumps everything. as I said08:37
nickrudcookie, I'm looking up the keys you need to unset08:37
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cookieall of them08:38
wietz0rwols: It does infact trump everything, but comeon that's not even trying08:38
wolsdezine: plug linux into what?08:38
cookieSet them to default08:38
wolswietz0r: uf you can rbboot a machine and ahve access to the console, no OS security in the world will help you08:38
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dezineI want to connect it to the internet from my pc so an ethernet cord08:39
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pontyno ideas to why my mouse arrow won't disappear in full screen mode using mplayer?08:39
cseato ellie: it says x11 error: BadAlloc(insufficient resource)08:39
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wolsdezine: what chip on the card and what does ifocnfig -a say=08:39
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nerdygirl_elliecsea: I have no idea.  You could try xine instead.  It's what I use.08:40
dezineWell I'm not sure what card the laptop has, I have to fire it up gimme a second08:40
jimbojwhi all - just to confirm, this is the _official_ channel for Ubuntu - right?08:40
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cookienickrud: Do u know what can I do?08:40
wolsjimbojw: yes08:40
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jimbojwwols: ty - have a nice day!08:40
nuked_omenwhy does gedit always generate file~ when i edit any file08:40
nuked_omenit's annoying08:40
nickrudcookie, a sec, I'm also at work08:40
nerdygirl_ellieponty: Can you just drag it to the lower right hand corner?08:40
wolsnuked_omen: backup08:40
cseaponty: yes, it works fine using gl drivers.08:40
cookienickrud: OK08:41
nuked_omenwols: can i disable that?08:41
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wolsnuked_omen: no clue08:41
nuked_omeni'm gonna try myself08:41
cseapony & ellie: thank you:)08:41
nickrudcookie, ok, boss is gone again, I had to answer a question for him.08:41
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Van_Slanzar_FaneBug here: Using Ubuntu x64 and Mozilla Firefox. Flash Player doesn't support x64, and other Flash Plugins either don't work or the Embed vid (at Youtube) appears with a glitch, where the bar you use to play/pause is placed in the middle of the video, instead of the bottom, and the video simply doesn't play at all. It could be a problem with Java, but it's most likely a problem with the flash plugin. Any tutorials or plugin recomme08:41
Van_Slanzar_Fanendations (other than gnash and klash, which I've already tried, and the flash plugin, which's only x86) would be greatly appreciated.08:41
pontynerdygirl_ellie: yeah, i can do that...i'm just wondering why it doesn't disappear like when i use totem08:41
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nerdygirl_ellienuked_omen: yes you can, it is under edit -Preferences, the second folder tab, bottom checkbox08:41
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nuked_omennerdygirl_ellie: ahh, thanks a lot08:42
cookienickrud: so u got it now?08:42
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nerdygirl_ellienuked_omen: I would leave it on, but that is me.08:42
nerdygirl_ellienuked_omen: I am a clutz. :D08:42
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wolsVan_Slanzar_Fane: nspluginwrapper or a 32bit ffox08:43
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nuked_omennerdygirl_ellie: it doesn't get deleted even if i save the file.. besides, i know what i'm doing, i don't need the computer to save a copy.. but that is me08:43
Van_Slanzar_Fanewols, Thanks, gonna try that.08:43
nerdygirl_ellieHow do I change my default application for .xls files to OpenOffice instead of Gnumeric?08:43
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nuked_omennerdygirl_ellie: open with08:43
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nuked_omennerdygirl_ellie: right-click > properties > open with tab08:43
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nerdygirl_ellienuked_omen: but it doesn't "remember" that.  I have to do it every time, and Gnumeric won't read from a smb share08:44
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Spud__Hello people.  I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 64bit on my machine, and everything is working great. However, I have two internal hard drives, and I want to format the second unused HDD and put a swap partition on it.  Can anyone tell me how I might go about that?08:44
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nerdygirl_ellienuked_omen:  ... and I am a klutz. :)08:44
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dezinewols I don't know what card it is.. it's a dell laptop. Doing the command says "device not found".08:45
nickrudcookie, ok, you need to log out, and go to a virtual terminal (clt-alt-f1) login there, and then delete the following directories: ~/.gconf/apps/metacity/keybindings_commands ~/.gconf/apps/metacity/windows_keybindings ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-settings-daemon/keybindings08:45
nuked_omennerdygirl_ellie: if you do the right-click > properties > open with tab, it should remember08:45
nuked_omenalways does with me08:45
nerdygirl_elliewill try again.08:45
ericgoldSound problem fixed !! I find a great troubleshooting guide on hte ubuntu web site called https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting08:45
nuked_omenthere is an option button you should check08:45
pontynerdygirl_ellie: you have to use the 'add' button in that tab if open office isn't already listed08:45
ericgoldbye all08:46
wolsdezine: it won't say device not found08:46
LyleMSpud__: do you really need a swap partition?08:46
nuked_omennerdygirl_ellie: this might sound stupid but what is a klutz?08:46
wolsdezine: /sbin/ifconfig08:46
wolsdezine: /sbin/ifconfig -a08:46
dezineI can get online directly.. I don't have a router at the moment but I can connect my mac like this. Modem>Pc>mac into pc ethernet08:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about klutz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
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wolsLyleM: you can also use a swap file08:46
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wolsbut you should have a little swap, even if just a little08:46
nerdygirl_ellieA klutz is a person that does clumsy things.08:46
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wolsdezine: does your PC have two network interfaces?08:46
nuked_omennerdygirl_ellie: google says "A klutz is person who is clumsy, foolish, inept, or accident-prone"08:46
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Spud__LyleM: Well, I have 2GB of RAM, but I do like playing modern games and stuff08:46
cookienickrud: what will that do?08:47
nuked_omenlol @ foolish08:47
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dezineyeah I do08:47
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dezinethe command you told me to input shows a bunch of info, too much to post. What am I looking for?08:47
orbisviciscan someone help me download the files on http://gtkglext.cvs.sourceforge.net/gtkglext/pygtkglext/08:47
nickrudcookie, those are the locations that gnome keeps your custom keybindings. When those are gone, gnome will revert to the default key bindings.08:48
nuked_omendezine: right-click > save target as08:48
dezineMy pc without linux has two, my laptop has one08:48
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wolsdezine: paste the output of what I asked you08:48
nuked_omenponty: he looks very klutz!08:48
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wolsdezine: /sbin/ifconfig -a, lspci, dmesg and ca /etc/network/interfaces08:49
wolsdezine: /sbin/ifconfig -a, lspci, dmesg and cat /etc/network/interfaces08:49
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WaxyFreshso the only cd i have is ubuntu 5.10 but when i try to install on my amd64 gateway laptop it will freeze after the install when the boot process gets to loading hotplug...then after ten minutes it continues loading then goes to a black screen.are there any install options i should choose?08:49
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kane77why doesnt libapache-mod-php5 doesnt have candidate?? how do I enable php support for apache?08:49
cookienickrud:how do I delete them?08:49
orbisvicissome cvs command08:49
LyleMSpud__: i would use gparted and make a new partition on that drive and make it partition08:49
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dezinesave target as? Don't see that, do you want me to do that one the ubuntu or windows pc?08:49
wols!info libapache2-mod-php508:49
ubotulibapache2-mod-php5: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 module). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.1-0ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 2471 kB, installed size 5588 kB08:49
wols!info apache08:49
ubotuapache: versatile, high-performance HTTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.34-4.1 (feisty), package size 384 kB, installed size 816 kB08:49
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morpheusany freeradius gurus here?08:50
vieirarOk something happened to my gnome install. How can I reinstall all of gnome in feisty?08:50
antonioabduliosomeone can you tell me the best Microsoft IE for Ubuntu to be installed?08:50
wolsdezine: where did I say anything about save as?08:50
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wolsantonioabdulio: none08:50
vieirarI keep getting an error about gconf being configured wrong ore metacity not installed08:50
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antonioabdulioI found this one: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu08:50
dezineoh, someone else told me that I got mixed up08:50
SkycloudMy computer keeps crashing when I'm on youtube with firefox, anybody know whats wrong with it?08:51
cookienickrud: How do I delete them?08:51
newtubunt1if I have a G5 OS X and a few Windows XP machine, should I install both NFS and Samba, or Samba only ?08:51
wolsSkycloud: the flashplugin is probably wrong08:51
mannhey guys, I've created a new application, and would wish it to be integrated with Ubuntu. What's the procedure for that?08:51
wolsnewtubunt1: samba08:51
nickrudcookie, can I pm you so I can give some commands to write down?08:51
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Skycloudwols: How do I fix it?08:51
cookienickrud: of course08:51
dezineEh, nevermind I'm confused I'm going to have to look around on the net08:51
newtubunt1wols:  NFS wouldn't be useful with the G5 ?08:51
wolsSkycloud: not enough data08:51
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wolsnewtubunt1: apple, by default ships samba08:52
Skycloudwols: What do you need to know?08:52
wolsSkycloud: nothing08:52
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Skycloudwols: then how do I fix it08:52
cookienickrud: I am not registered08:52
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nothingssomethinis ubuntu fistey fawn based linux x64 or 86 ????08:52
WhitorHi, When I try to run compiz I get this error: /usr/bin/compiz.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/compiz/libdecoration.so: undefined symbol: decor_apply_gravity08:52
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ferronica_Can  i find my Motherboard model Number on Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn 7.04 GNOME ???08:52
newtubunt1wols:  I asked my question too late and had already installed both, should I remore NFS ? Or can it be useful ? Harmful ?08:52
nickrudcookie, join #clearinggconf08:52
nickrudjoin #clearinggconf08:52
wolsnewtubunt1: of course you can08:52
antonioabduliowhen I install a new package I have to restart the ubuntu??08:53
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wolsnewtubunt1: it can be harmful since it opens a port. but then you should never expose samba or nfs ports ot the internet anyways08:53
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wolsantonioabdulio: no08:53
lancerdragoon@antonioabdulio: No, you don't, unless it specifically asks you to.08:53
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Skycloudwols: How do I fix it?08:53
mannantonioabdulio: Nope. Unless you've installed a new kernel image08:53
antonioabduliogreat men08:53
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unsightfullhello folks, I have two problems, and I was wondering if anyone could help me08:53
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newtubunt1in Share Folders, should I check the 'This computer is a WINS server ?08:54
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wols!anyone | unsightfull08:54
amigraveis there an official firefox build in the ubuntu repositories ?08:54
ubotuunsightfull: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:54
unsightfull1: sendmail won't actually send any mail08:54
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wolsnewtubunt1: doesn't hurt. but only one WINS server in the LAN08:54
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wolsunsightfull: check your syslog for postfix messages then08:54
wolsnewtubunt1:  doesn't hurt. but only one WINS server in the LAN08:54
newtubunt1wols:  What's the role of the WINS server ? and how do I know if I have another one already ?08:54
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wolsnewtubunt1: some windows sorta directory service for network shares. old stuff08:55
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mannguys, how do I integrate a new application with Ubuntu repositories?08:56
kane77apache still asks me to save the .php file instead of opening it! what do I do??08:56
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imbecilehow do i open etter.conf in terminal? gksu gedit etter.conf ?08:56
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pike_imbecile: if its under /etc/ yes :)08:57
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mannkane77: you shd check if you have modphp installed08:57
WaxyFreshi installed 5.10 and now it stalls while booting,im about to reinstall what options should i try,its a amd6408:57
nerdygirl_ellieantonioabdulio: IES4linux. It will install 5 6 or 7, and it works!08:57
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niekkokane77: Did you check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP08:57
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imbecilepike_,  how do i grep the file?08:57
wolskane77: what apache version?08:57
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kane77mann, I installed the libapache2-mod-php, but I cant do a2enmod php508:58
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kane77wols, 208:58
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pike_grep something /etc/filename.conf08:58
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wols!lamp | kane7708:58
ubotukane77: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:58
Spud__Alright, gparted shows a padlock on the second harddrive which only has 1 partition on it, a big NTFS partition, but it won't let me remove or format the big NTFS partition on the second drive, even though it's not being used at all08:58
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unsightfull@wols: where exactly should I look?08:59
wolsSpud__: pastebin the output of mount08:59
wolsunsightfull: /var/log08:59
WaxyFreshi installed 5.10 and now it stalls while booting,im about to reinstall what options should i try,its a amd64 if you need more info just ask08:59
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gursikhHey you guys know on macs the iphoto software you can quickly,easily make a slideshow to music with stupid fancy effects pretty easily? Is there something like that I can use on ubuntu to make those picture slideshows ?08:59
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Spud__nevermind, I forgot the unmount it ><08:59
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wolsWaxyFresh: 5.10 is not supported anymore. upgrade08:59
QuizHi i got question about my phone SE w300i can i use my phone like web camera via usb cable?08:59
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wolsespecially for amd6409:00
Quizon ubuntu09:00
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unsightfullI have a lot of messages saying 'restarting sendmail due to signal' :o what s that about?09:00
jaromake[1] : *** No rule to make target `init/main.o', needed by `init/built-in.o'.  Stop.09:00
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WaxyFreshwols: i cant no burner untill i get the 5.10 working on my other laptop,then ill burn a newer one,so any help?09:00
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wols!enter | jaro09:00
ubotujaro: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:00
gdbunsightfull: sendmail is being sent a SIGHUP somehow09:00
wolsjaro: what do you want to compile?09:00
nerdygirl_elliejaro: what application are you trying to compile?09:00
jarother kernel09:00
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unsightfullhmm hmm09:00
nerdygirl_elliejaro: why!?09:01
jaroi read that i should od09:01
wolsjaro: wrong way09:01
unsightfullIs that supposed to be a problem?09:01
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gdbsignal 1, sighup, hangup signal09:01
=== hellie87 was wondering
wolsjaro: install build-essnetial and kernel-package. use kernel-package to compile it09:01
jaroCd Repertory where the sources of the core are 2.6.20 sudo make oldconfig sudo make prepares sudo make09:01
hellie87what is g++ ;o?09:01
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unsightfullyes I know about signals :-)09:01
SkycloudHow do I take screen shots with linux?09:01
gdbhellie87: GNU C++09:01
jarobut that gives this error message09:01
SkycloudI want to show my friend what it looks like09:01
wolsunsightfull: have you actually isntalled sendmail?09:01
unsightfullI have09:01
nerdygirl_ellieSkycloud: Printscreen, or if you want a movie, run istambul.09:01
=== hellie87 was wondering why it isn't installed auto?
sanotehuHi guys, I've been unable to start X and not really sure why, I suspect it's because of some packages that Aptitude incorrectly considered "unused" and uninstalled. I'm running Ubuntu from the liveCD, is there any way I can use this to change the packages on my hard drive?09:01
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mannskycloud, application->accessories->take screenshot09:01
hellie87cause i seem to need it for c++ compiling :(09:01
kane77niekko, I did.. it doesnt work.. I had followed the guide before and installed apache and mysql and php... but now it doesnt work...09:01
newtubunt1what's the role of the WINS server and how do I know if I already have one on the network ?09:01
WaxyFreshSkycloud: if you want to impress them try google videos and beryl09:02
Skycloudmann: Where does the ss save at?09:02
wolsjaro: that is still the wrong way to make an ubuntu kernel09:02
unsightfullvia apt-get install sendmail09:02
mannit asks you where to save09:02
jarohm ok09:02
WaxyFreshSkycloud: search beryl + ubuntu on google vids09:02
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jaroi got kernel-package now09:02
nerdygirl_ellienewtubunt1: a wins server is used for netbios name resolution in a windows network.09:02
wolsknightwse: "doesnthat's work"09:02
niekkoSkycloud: GIMP also can be used.09:02
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VSpikenewtubunt1: nerdygirl_ellie beat me to it.09:02
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wolskane77: "doesn't work" is an eminentlys useless error description09:02
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jarowould that be a new kernel that i would have to boot from ?09:02
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VSpikenewtubunt1: there are several ways windows does name resolution for networking.  NetBIOS, DNS, WINS, LMHOSTS09:03
wolssanotehu: you can but you don't need. to boot via hdd and sue the console09:03
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WaxyFreshwols: anything i could try?i know its not suported but i need to get it to work before i can burn a newer version09:03
niekkokane77: Also the troubleshooting section?09:03
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wolsWaxyFresh: noacpi, nolapi, noapic09:03
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sanotehuwols, I haven't figured out how to connect to the internet through the recovery console09:03
WaxyFreshwols: thanks09:03
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wolssanotehu: no recovrey console needed09:04
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VSpikenewtubunt1: NetBIOS works without a server (uses broadcasts) but is not routable, hence they created WINS server to solve the problem.  They are deprecated now.  Windows has moved away from NetBIOS/WINS to Active Directory, which is DNS with extensions09:04
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sanotehuwols, what do you mean "sue the console"?09:04
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nerdygirl_ellienewtubunt1: you need one if your windows network ( (contains pc's before windows 2000) and (broadcast name resolution is disabled)) or ((your windows  network spans multiple sites) and (you don't have a netbios helper, sort of a broadcast name resolution forwarder))09:04
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wolssanotehu: and before you do anything, check WHY it's not wroking anymore. check your Xorg.log09:04
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kane77wols, it wouldnt parse the php files and instead it wants to save them.. I have installed libapache2-mod-php5 and tried a2enmod php5.. it only says that there is no such mod :(09:04
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wolssanotehu: I mean use the console. if X cannot start you will get a console09:04
sanotehuwols, where is xorg.log?09:05
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unsightfullhmm hmm09:05
knightwseHey wols ! just wanted to say thanx for your help on my smb mounting prob yesterday09:05
kane77niekko, been there done that... still nothing...09:05
wolskane77: dpkg -l |grep apache09:05
VSpikenewtubunt1: Older systems can be configured to use DNS for name resoltion as well, if that's helpful09:05
unsightfullsendmail also says there it can't get a valid hostname09:05
wolssanotehu: /var/log (on the harddisk)09:05
unsightfullis that a problem? :o09:05
nerdygirl_ellieVSpike: but not to locate a domain controller.09:05
UbuntuServerUserI'm trying to mount a samba share using the command "sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=test //media/server /dev/hdb1" and I get the error 958: Connection to media failed SMB connection failed09:05
wolsunsightfull: do you have sendmial installed? or postfix?09:05
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kane77wols, http://pastebin.ca/59238909:06
sanotehuwols, I've got an Xorg.0.log, same thing?09:06
VSpikenerdygirl_ellie: true.09:06
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: wth are you doing?09:06
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nerdygirl_ellieUbuntuServerUser: shouldn't that be \\media\server?09:06
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: is you /dev/hdb1 mounted? if so: where?09:06
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recoy^can anyone help me install http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html09:06
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nerdygirl_elliewols: Trying to mount, really mount not nautilus mount an smb share.09:06
wolsnerdygirl_ellie: no. it shouldn't be that at all, but the forward slashes are right09:06
magnetronrecoy^: use synaptic instead09:06
UbuntuServerUserits mounted in /media/server09:07
wolsrecoy^: vlc is in ubuntu09:07
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: answer my question please09:07
lagrimoi would like to start glipper and gDesklets on startup. but when I try both I receive the error: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/12189/09:07
recoy^magnetron: i have snaptic installed but it still wont work09:07
VSpikenerdygirl_ellie: IIRC you can do \\\\media\\server but the forward slashes are easier09:07
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lagrimoand the session stops09:07
UbuntuServerUserwols: its mounted in /media/server09:07
lagrimoany idea?09:07
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recoy^wols: where is vlc in ubuntu?09:07
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: and you want to make it available to anothe PC (windows or samba)?09:07
UbuntuServerUserwols yes09:08
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magnetronrecoy^: in Add/remove applications, search for vlc09:08
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: if so, edit your smb.conf and make it available. then on the OTHER PC mount it or connect to it09:08
nerdygirl_ellieUbuntuServerUser: oh, I see... you are trying to share a drive, not mount one. :)09:08
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ompaulrecoy^, applications sound & video vlc09:08
nerdygirl_ellieUbuntuServerUser: silly me09:08
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ChrisFI wanted to install Ubuntu in a dual boot but I need to resize my windows partition.  I thought I could do that with the ubuntu installed but I don't see how.  When it comes up with the partitioning options, I have Use Whole Disk as a choice or manual.  How do I do it?09:08
recoy^ompaul: i must not have it installed yet09:08
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UbuntuServerUserwols: so the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/configuring-samba.html#windows-networking-clients is wrong in saying I should use smbfs?09:09
newtubunt1VSpike:  thank you. All I want is a simple way of sharing and networking:  my new Ubuntu with:  2 XP laptops and 1 OS X desktop09:09
wolsChrisF: defrag your windows drive in windows, then run gparted on the LiveCD09:09
VSpikeUbuntuServerUser: "man smb.conf" is pretty informative09:09
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VSpikenewtubunt1: if they are all on a single network, you dont need wins.09:09
jarono webcam09:09
wolsUbuntuServerUser: no that h owto is right. you are incapable of reading it properly09:09
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nerdygirl_ellieChrisF: gparted can do it, or you can run the demo version of partition magic.  Don't run PM if you have any existing linux partitions that you want to keep.09:10
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!09:10
recoy^magnetron:  there no VLC in add/remove09:10
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UbuntuServerUserwols propbably, thought it was pretty straigh foward guess its not written to be newbie friendly09:10
UbuntuServerUserthanks guys09:10
wols"Local mounting of remote network resources using the SMB protocol is also possible using the smbfs program." is what it says and then tells you how09:10
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sanotehuwols, at the end I get some error-looking statements like "Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc, removing from list!" I don't know what to do about that though.09:10
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wolsUbuntuServerUser: all you need to do si edit your smb.conf and restart samba on that server now09:11
VSpikerecoy^: "sudo apt-get install vlc" will work I think#09:11
recoy^magnetron: xfmedia, kino, kaffiene09:11
nerdygirl_elliewols: he's gone.09:11
wolssanotehu: either show me all, or don't bother09:11
wols!paste | sanotehu09:11
ubotusanotehu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:11
sanotehuwols, thanks09:11
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recoy^VSpike: Reading package lists... Done09:11
recoy^Building dependency tree... Done09:11
recoy^E: Couldn't find package vlc09:11
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nerdygirl_ellieVLC won't be in apt unless you have universe enabled.09:12
magnetronrecoy^: you need to enable the "universe" repository first09:12
nuked_omenhow can i make beryl start when ubuntu starts up09:12
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sanotehuwols, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27466/09:12
recoy^magnetron: ok how do i do that?09:12
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magnetronrecoy^: ask the channel09:12
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recoy^help! need to enable the "universe" repository09:13
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tux0hey guys09:13
osxdude|palmTXgo to synaptic09:13
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nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: Open System -> Administration -> Software sources.  Check all the boxes. except prereleased updates.09:13
fuzzy_logicnaked_omen: System > Preferences > Sessions09:13
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dfgasis there a program that will sort the menu, like games  in gnome like they do in kde?09:13
wolssanotehu: which file EXACTLY is this. full path where you got it09:13
tux0anyone care to give a hand?09:14
tux0i need to expand my ubuntu partition09:14
fuzzy_logicdfgas: if everything is ok, gnome does that automatically09:14
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fuzzy_logicnuked_omen: lol sorry :)09:14
sanotehuwols, /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:14
dfgasfuzzy_logic: the games menu is just all the games09:14
osxdude|palmTXoops sry09:14
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie:  everyone says that but i dont have software sources on my list09:14
nuked_omenno prob09:14
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fuzzy_logicnuked_omen: np09:14
nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: ok.  one sec.09:14
wolssanotehu: I told you explicitly to check the harddisk. NOT your livecd logs!09:14
dfgasfuzzy_logic: in kde in the games menu you have the submenus of the type of games09:14
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yurimxpxmanhey, can somebody please help me with this error I'm getting in nc?Can't grab with bind : Cannot assign requested address09:14
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tux0guys, anyone?09:15
tux0i need a hand with the disk partitions09:15
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fuzzy_logicdfgas: oh i don't know really.. sorry09:15
sanotehuwols, um, I thought I was doing that, does / not represent the hard disk anymore?09:15
nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: how about system -> admin -> synaptic package manager  ?09:15
fuzzy_logictux0: use gparted09:15
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wolssanotehu: not when you boot from livecd09:15
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WhitorHi, When I do a sudo compiz --replace  borders back ?.... I don't get any window decorations ... how can I get my09:15
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: yes i got that09:15
tux0fuzzy_logic: THANKS!09:15
dfgasfuzzy_logic: heh, thanks for your help anyways, gues i will manually do it09:15
antonioabduliotux0: I wish I was able to help you :(09:15
Spud__Okay, now I have my swap file on a separate partition on the out edge of a different physical disk, but I left with an empty space where the swap partition used to be on my main hard disk.  How can I merge that with the rest of my main partition?09:15
fuzzy_logictux0: download the gparted iso and boot from it, otherwise you can't expand it in ubuntu itself09:15
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fuzzy_logictux0: np09:15
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nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: great, open it and go to settings -> repositories.09:16
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: ok im there09:16
nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: check all of the boxes on the ubuntu software page.09:16
intelikeyfor a laptop what is the monitor setting?   1280x960@60 ?  for short screen  ?09:16
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: under the installation media tab?09:17
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tux0guys 1 more, do any ovu kno how to configure ubuntu on a vaio? meaning the brightness and volume usage with the fn key09:17
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wolsinimesekene: rarely 1280x96009:17
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: is that right?09:17
sanotehuwols, ok, in /media/disk/var/log I have Xorg.0.log, Xorg.0.log.old, and Xorg.20.log, which one do you want to see?09:17
intelikeytrying to reconfigure xorg  what should i put for a monitor ?09:17
nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: no.09:17
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osxdude|palmTXinteliky: really big screen!09:17
wolssanotehu: 0.log I guess. basically the newest09:17
wolsthere should be a Xorg.log09:18
wotanistHi, how do I change to another username in the terminal?09:18
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nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: you should see several tabs. ubuntu software, third party software, updates....09:18
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nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: what do you see?09:18
osxdude|palmTXwotanist: choose E09:18
jribwotanist: su - USERNAME09:18
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tux0well, take care guys, thanx again 4 ure help09:18
unsightfullanother question.. why hasn't the squeak package been upgraded to a newer version? is there no maintainer anymore?09:18
intelikeywols 1280x960 is the closest to 1280x800 that i see09:18
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osxdude|palmTXnot again...09:18
wols!easysource | recoy^09:18
uboturecoy^: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:18
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: installation media, software updates,  auth09:18
wolsintelikey: you need to edit xorg.conf by hand then afterwards09:18
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recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: that all there is09:18
nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: what version of Ubuntu are you running?09:19
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: 6.06LTS09:19
sanotehuwols, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27468/09:19
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nerdygirl_ellierecoy^: Ahh.  I see.  mkay, here's what you need to do, and I can't walk you through it unfortunately.  You have to figure out how to enable the "universe" package repository.  That's where you get community maintained software for ubuntu.  Once that is set, you should be able to get vlc.09:20
mcquaidI have samba working on two boxes if i specify the ip, but neither shows up automatically in network09:20
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intelikeywols hmmmmm   one other thing,  i can't access a console anymore,  any thoughts on that ?     the  ctrl alt f keys don't do anything but kill xorg which gdm restarts imediately    ?09:20
Gothfunc_after copying a website from ntfs to ext3, ls reveals that the copy is successful.  viewing the website on the local apache however, causes an internal server error.  if i browse the parent directory in firefox, i see the the folder is MISSING from the listing (yet ls is fine).  if i mkdir 'temp and copy all the contents into the new dir, i09:20
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recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: ok so who can walk me through it lol09:21
iTurtleWhat's a quick way to download to09:21
mcquaidi ran smbclient -L i.p on both and noticed the workgroup is different on both boxes.  I have workgroup = workgroup in both conf files09:21
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recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: im totally new09:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
Music_Shuffle!info ktorrent | iTurtle09:21
ubotuiturtle: ktorrent: BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-0ubuntu2.1 (feisty), package size 2347 kB, installed size 8852 kB09:21
wolssanotehu: apt-get install xorg xfonts-base  on the harddisk09:21
iTurtleMusic_Shuffle: ktorrent isn0't worki09:21
nerdygirl_ellie recoy^:  I could do it by editing the files in /etc/apt/, and then doing an apt-get update, but I am scared to walk you through it.  if you break your sources, lots of stuff can break.09:21
iTurtleMusic_Shuffle: *working for me09:21
Music_ShuffleiTurtle, what's wrong?09:21
Music_Shuffle!info deluge | iTurtle09:21
ubotuiturtle: Package deluge does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:21
wolsintelikey: usually a X driver problem but I dunno09:21
sanotehuwols, thanks, I'll try it and let you know how it goes09:21
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Music_Shuffle!info torrent09:22
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mcquaidbut smbclient reports that as domain.  It has an addtional listing that says workgroup and one has workgroup but the other has HOME09:22
iTurtleMusic_Shuffle: Sorry, my turtle's scurrying on the keyboard ;) Anyway, it just stalls and does nothing09:22
Gothfunc_if i mkdir 'temp' and copy all the contents into the new dir, the directory is browsable, but the subdirectories aren't, so i need to repeat the process with each subdir.  this is also true for each file for them not to produce internal server errors (i have to create a new file and paste the contents of the old file in)09:22
ubotuPackage torrent does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:22
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mcquaidwhere is that HOME value being set09:22
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html09:22
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Music_ShuffleiTurtle, try the others in that list?09:22
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recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: well im here to learn how else am i going to get it done?09:22
iTurtleMusic_Shuffle: all of them :P09:22
Gothfunc_any ideas why this unusual behaviour happens with directories copied from ntfs?09:22
wolsmcquaid: /etc/passwd09:22
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Music_ShuffleiTurtle, k, then its not the programs that are the problem, its your router/network/PC :P09:23
nerdygirl_ellieGothfunc_ Could it be the ownership or permissions need to be reset?09:23
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iTurtleMusic_Shuffle: it worked fineyesterday09:23
recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: check pm real quick plz09:23
Gothfunc_nerdygirl_ellie: tried that, 777 etc.09:23
Spud__Okay, now I have my swap file on a separate partition on the outer edge of a different physical disk, but I am left with an empty space where the swap partition used to be at the end of my main hard disk.  How can I merge that back into the rest of my main partition?09:23
Music_ShuffleiTurtle, tried restarting every component?09:23
iTurtlegood idea.09:23
imbecileshould i uncomment these lines for ettercap? #redir_command_on = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"   #redir_command_off = "iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"09:23
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Naradahi all; how do i get quake2 to run on the left screen in a twinview setup09:23
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nerdygirl_ellie Gothfunc_:  the directories need to be executable to be traversable.09:23
nerdygirl_ellieNarada: Rewrite quake.09:24
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WhitorIs Emerald ported to compiz yet ?09:24
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Gothfunc_nerdygirl_ellie: tried that..... chmod 777...09:24
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tovellaneed to get the right-click function working with single button mouse.  how can i make a Macintosh single-button mouse work on an Ubuntu x86 PC?09:24
Naradanerdygirl_ellie: Would you mind being quick?  I'm in a rush09:24
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jribWhitor: yes, it's in compiz fusion, but this isn't really the right place to ask that.  Try #ubuntu-effects or the compiz fusion channel if there is one09:24
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imbecilewhere can i ask ettercap questions?09:25
SkycloudHow do I access my slave hd?09:25
kane77okay I still have problem with apache.. I've been able to trace it down to phpmyadmin package... if I create .php file with phpinfo() it displays it right.. but when I try to open phpmyadmin it tries to download the file (some .phtml) what could that be??09:25
jribSkycloud: what filesystem?09:25
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Whitorjrib: thanks... I asked already in #ubuntu-effects and it seems a pretty dead channel right now09:25
Skycloudjrib: not sure09:25
jribSkycloud: is there data on it?09:26
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Skycloudjrib: I think so, I tried install ubuntu on it once, but it didnt work so I just made it a slave09:26
intelikeywhat's the command that's used to generate the origenal xorg.conf ?   the automatic one ?09:26
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jribSkycloud: k, let me rephrase, is there data you care about on it?09:26
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Skycloudjrib: no09:27
Skycloudjrib: I havn't put anything on it yet lol09:27
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jribSkycloud: install gparted and format it as ext3, then put it in your fstab09:27
jrib!fstab > Skycloud (see the private message from ubotu)09:27
Scuniziintelikey, it's listed in the top lines of your xorg.conf file.09:27
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Skycloudjrib: and how would i do all that lol09:28
intelikeyScunizi not mine :(09:28
Skycloudjrib: nvm09:28
intelikeySkycloud care to share it with me ?09:28
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recoy^if i upgrade from dapper to fiesty will i lose everything i have done to dapper?09:28
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jribSkycloud: yeah, gparted is a gui, it should be straighforward.  And fstab I sent you some intstructions for, but you can ask questions if you're not sure about something09:28
Skycloud!fstab > intelikey09:28
mcquaidwols, plz look at http://www.pastebin.ca/592433.  Can't figure out where the HOME valube is being set.09:28
Scuniziintelikey, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:28
intelikeySkycloud not fstab09:29
Skycloudintelikey: then what?09:29
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kyle123ok im trying to install Ubuntu with the alternate install cd, im at the partitioning part and it is telling me that "no root file system is defined" how do i define the root file system ?09:29
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intelikeyScunizi k if phi will make it auto... but i doubt it.09:29
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iratik_Mouse not visible at all! Even installed beryl , and enabled nvidia-glx ... still no mouse cursor (although mouse works.. cursor is not visible) help!??09:29
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recoy^nerdygirl_ellie: will i lose everything i have done in dapper when i upgrade to fiesty09:30
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Skycloudjrib: can I find gparted in synaptic09:30
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jribSkycloud: yep09:30
doctor_zoidbergguys can someone help me....i jst installed dapper on this machine and i dont have any cd burning capabilities...i'm trying to upgrade to edgy and then eventually feisty but whenever i run sudo apt-get update i get some GPG errors?09:30
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DigitalNinjaAnyone have any thoughts on Intel video? I just got a new system with an Intel motherboard. I don't like the video.09:30
Skycloudjrib: k09:30
Scuniziintelikey, so you want it to happen automatically?  the line was taken directly from my xorg (Dapper)09:30
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jribSkycloud: make sure you only mess with your slave drive, don't format the drive ubuntu is on ;)09:30
kyle123How do you define the root file system in the partitioner on the alternate cd ?09:30
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DigitalNinjakyle123: /09:31
intelikeyScunizi that's not it   i mean the one that ubiquity uses09:31
Overcastladies and gents09:31
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Jack_Sparrowdoctor_zoidberg: k3b will burn or if you have an iso right click and send to burner09:31
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Overcastthere doesnt happen to be a redhat style service command in ubuntu now does there09:31
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Overcastservice servicename restart09:31
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doctor_zoidbergJack_Sparrow, i dont have a burner...like i said i dont have burning capapbilities09:32
Skycloudjrib: k09:32
Scuniziintelikey, sorry I don't know that one.. just the one listed in xorg. The listing in xorg was auto generated on install.09:32
iratik_Changing mouse cursors doesn't help09:32
kyle123DigitalNinja what do you mean exactly ? just hit " / " on that partition ?09:32
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Jack_Sparrowah sorry09:32
AyabaraIs there an app for enrypting disks that exists on both OS X and Ubuntu?09:32
Uncensoredrun xgl on ubunthu for 3d desktop?09:32
DigitalNinjakyle123: No, sorry. Are you trying to do a manual partition?09:33
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:33
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luisbgin the generic kernel where can I manipulate the fan speed?09:33
Scunizi!xorg | intelikey09:33
ubotuintelikey: please see above09:33
iratik_Mouse Cursor Not Visible, Mouse Works, Cursor Invisible Regardless of Cursor Chosen - Help!!09:33
scoobydoo28139Is there a list of compadable dell printers?(mainly Photo944)09:33
kyle123DigitalNinja: yes manual partition the guided partition wouldnt find the one i had already created09:33
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DigitalNinjakyle123: Are you trying to save some data on an old partition?09:34
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doctor_zoidbergguys can someone help me....i jst installed dapper on this machine and i dont have any cd burning capabilities...i'm trying to upgrade to edgy and then eventually feisty but whenever i run sudo apt-get update i get some GPG errors?09:34
kyle123DigitalNinja: yes i have windows vista installed on one of the partitions that i dont want to touch09:34
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Overcastdoctor_zoidberg: make sure you are using the appropriate apt servers and distribution servers09:35
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Overcastdoctor_zoidberg: repo's thats what they're called oi memory is horrible09:35
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stefgdoctor_zoidberg: consider skipping edgy (update is troublesome) and install Feisty from an usb stick (as outlined in !install)09:35
DigitalNinjakyle123: Before you do anything make sure you defrag windows first.09:35
shigutsoanybody knows how to Minimize "Wine Desktop"??09:35
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DigitalNinjakyle123: My laptop dual boots Windows XP and Feisty09:36
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DaveG|anyone know where i can get an amd64 deb of VLC 0.8.6c? for some reason if i try to get the build-deps it just won't get the deps.......09:36
Uncensoredxterm and command09:36
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kyle123DigitalNinja alright i will do that first, nice that is what im trying to accomplish by doing this lol, but how would i set the root system ?09:37
TeknineHello, Im new to ubuntu and have just installed feisty fawn, can anyone help me getting the restricted formats installed?09:37
=== John [n=winfried@pD9E2DB6A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
eXistenzWhere can I get the fglrx 8.28 package for ubuntu?09:37
eXistenzI'm on feisty09:37
stefg!w32codecs | Teknine09:37
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ubotuTeknine: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs09:37
DigitalNinjakyle123: Wait! Did you put Windows on a small partition or the whole drive?09:37
AbeeLhello, i have problems with virtualbox, libqt3c102-mt09:37
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ubotuFor information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org09:38
SkycloudeXistenz: Have you looked in synaptic09:38
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dfgasarghh, anyone know how to get kde4 installed on ubuntu?09:38
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bb__identify 65409:38
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intelikeywell that's it.  but i don't know exactly what to try.    the laptop is in a startup loop  1. it boots normally, 2. gdm starts,  3. it automatically login the admin user.  4. gnome starts and gets all the way to the welcome sound then resets xorg.   repete from step 209:39
kyle123DigitalNinja how would i set up the root in the manuel partition part ?09:39
Skyclouddfgas System>Administration>Synpatic Package Manager09:39
AbeeLhi, can you help me? i can install virtualbox in my ubuntu09:39
Skyclouddfgas: Then search for kde4 I think, and it installs itself09:39
Gothfunc_AbeeL: well done :D09:39
AbeeLi can`t09:39
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AbeeLexcuse me..09:40
DigitalNinjakyle123: I need to know if you put Windows in a small partition or if you have windows on the entire drive.09:40
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UbuntuServerUse1I have a simple question, I'm trying to delete media/server (I created it) with rm -f /media/server and it says : rm cannot remove `/media/server': Is a directory how I remove it?09:40
DigitalNinjakyle123: If you do this wrong you could loose data09:40
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kyle123DigitalNinja: there are 2 partitions on my laptop 1 and 2 vista is installed on 1, the other one (2) was just blank and i had installed a few games and put some files on it, then i used Vista to take the free space on parition 2, to make partition 3 while running vista and partitioning at the same time lol09:41
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intelikeyand the keyboard is useless in the console.  i did however manage to access the console   that's one step in the right dirrection.09:41
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DigitalNinjakyle123: Okay09:41
AbeeLheeeeelp ...09:41
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intelikeyhowto reconfigure or reset the console keyboard ?09:41
DigitalNinjakyle123: Just boot the alternate CD and do a manual partition09:41
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DigitalNinjakyle123: Make sure you can see all the partitions. Select the one you want to install ubuntu on and mark it as the / partition09:42
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UbuntuServerUse1 I have a simple question, I'm trying to delete media/server (I created it) with rm -f /media/server and it says : rm cannot remove `/media/server': Is a directory how I remove it?09:42
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DigitalNinjakyle123: Don't forget you need a Swap partition09:42
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kyle123DigitalNinja: ok, but it is telling me that no root is defined and it only lets me pick, the file type like fat32 and a bunch of others, also i can mount, make bootable and thats about it.09:42
intelikeyi pressed [alt]   for the alt+sysRQ+r  but alt prints   88888888888888888809:42
UbuntuServerUse1!patience | UbuntuServerUse109:43
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heroinHey how can i save or copy paste a irssi log or chat ?09:43
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DigitalNinjakyle123: You might need to delete the partition and then create a new one09:43
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DigitalNinjakyle123: Make sure you have space for swap09:44
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pepe_<UbuntuServerUse1> do rmdir09:44
intelikeyDigitalNinja why do you stress "swap space" ?09:44
kyle123DigitalNinja: DigitalNinja: whats size should the swap partition be ? i have a 10gb for Ubuntu.09:44
DaveG|.... can anyone help me with finding a ubuntu deb for vlc 0.8.6c?09:44
DigitalNinjaintelikey: I don't think he has a swap partition09:45
intelikeyDaveG|  http://packages.ubuntu.com09:45
DigitalNinjakyle123: How much RAM do you have?09:45
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DigitalNinjakyle123: I make mine 1G09:45
kyle123DigitalNinja: i have 2gb ram09:45
intelikeyDigitalNinja i dont think he needs one...  your point ?09:45
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DigitalNinjaintelikey: All linux systems need a swap partition09:45
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intelikeyDigitalNinja hmmm  for what ?09:46
DigitalNinjaintelikey: It's like virtual ram or the windows paging file09:46
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DigitalNinjaintelikey: The same reason windows needs a paging file09:46
DaveG|intelikey, ... that's not 0.8.6c... it's only 0.8.6a09:46
intelikeyDigitalNinja but it's not used hardly at all.   and i never use one.09:46
Skycloudjrib: Ok I formated the slave now what09:46
DigitalNinjaintelikey: When you run out of ram your system will stop working09:47
bobgillHow can I change how long my password gets stored after I enter it?09:47
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intelikeyDigitalNinja no it wont.  that's what the  OONK call is for in the kernel09:47
DigitalNinjaintelikey: if you have swap and you run out of ram your system will slow down but keep running09:47
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Mr_Gogogood evenin'!09:47
newtubunt1I've setup file sharing and changed my domain name on Ubuntu, etc. in such a way that I can now add a network place (in XP) pointing to my share Ubuntu disk. XP sees Ubuntu since it prompts for a user name and password for authentication. But when I enter my user name and password, the little login windows flashes and prompts me again as if it refused my Ubuntu user name and password.  Why is that ?09:48
Mr_Gogoanyone using ubuntu here? :)09:48
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adam0509I use Ubuntu09:48
DigitalNinjaintelikey: I don't know about the 00NK call. What is that?09:48
SkycloudMr_Gogo: umm this is ubuntu channel isnt it..09:48
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adam0509of course we're in #ubuntu, so...09:48
sanotehuwols, no luck, apt-get told me the packages were already installed and I still can't use X09:49
Mr_Gogoumn.. yeah.. actually it is... :)09:49
intelikeyoomk = out of memory kill09:49
SkycloudMr_Gogo: We don't use ubuntu we just sit here and talk about it for entertainment ^.^09:49
adam0509X is sooo bad : too heavy, too complicated...09:49
Mr_GogoSkycloud:  that was i wanted to hear :)09:49
gilo2quick question, is there anything special you have to do to remove a usb flash drive when you're done using it like on a windows machine?09:49
intelikeyDigitalNinja it's one of the many thing about linux that makes it more stable. more solid.09:49
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vmbrusselThe gnome copy pop up box needs options. It should allow you to specify if you want to verify there's room ahead of time for one. Another should be a display of the number of files and folders to copy along with the total capacity and estimated speeds.09:50
sanotehugilo2, right-click, choose "unmount"09:50
SkycloudMr_Gogo: Its called sarcasm you know that right?09:50
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Mr_Gogoyep :)09:50
yehwehMr_Gogo: And help ppl with problems with xp ;)09:50
njeroanyone here successfully compiled minimo?09:50
DigitalNinjaintelikey: What does it have to do with swap?09:50
gilo2sanotehu thanks09:50
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yehwehumm vista09:50
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DigitalNinjaintelikey: Or not having one09:50
Mr_Gogoxp: it's the last windows ever :)09:50
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SkycloudMr_Gogo: Yeah we all use winblows and not linux09:50
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sanotehugilo2, np09:50
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SkycloudMr_Gogo: erm windows09:50
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tovellahow can i make a Macintosh single-button mouse (right-click) work on an Ubuntu x86 PC?09:50
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yehwehwindows ftl09:51
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Skycloudyehweh: winblows*09:51
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Mr_Gogohehe. i've heard that!09:51
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Mr_Gogoalright. beer anyone?09:51
apogeeIve setup my system but id like to change the refresh rate fo my monitor09:51
newtubunt1I've setup file sharing and changed my domain name on Ubuntu, etc. in such a way that I can now add a network place (in XP) pointing to my share Ubuntu disk. XP sees Ubuntu since it prompts for a user name and password for authentication. But when I enter my user name and password, the little login windows flashes and prompts me again as if it refused my Ubuntu user name and password.  Why is that ?09:51
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apogeecan someone help pls?09:51
Mr_Gogonewtubunt1: you already said that. didn't you?09:51
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naldo38minesh where are you?09:52
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Mr_Gogowait and see if anyone has got the answer...09:52
ompaul!refresh > apogee (Please check the message from the bot thanks)09:52
ubuB0nk3rsHi people, quick question.. is it ok to just remove a bluetooth dongle (with no connections)?09:52
newtubunt1Mr_Gogo, yes, I'm trying to setup a XP - Ubuntu share09:52
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ompaul!samba > newtubunt1 (Please check the message from the bot)09:52
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apogeeI need to change ther refresh rate of my screen and also need to set it up properly09:52
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Mr_Gogonewtubunt1:  if you keep tryin', you'll succeed :)09:52
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Mr_Gogoapogee: ask google for "ubuntu device refresh rate"09:53
ompaulapogee, the bot sent you a private message (ubotu) please read it09:53
newtubunt1Mr_Gogo:  I'm sure I will. Any idea why Ubuntu refuses to authenticate on the XP ?09:53
njero!minimo > njero09:53
yehwehapogee: system>preferences > screen resolution09:53
ColdopmCan anyone recommend a program for unpaking .rar files?09:53
apogeei just did09:53
Slypis there anyone to help me on an ubuntu installation?09:53
Mr_Gogocoz of the xp's default net. auth policy09:53
Coldopmslyp: I can try09:53
kazim59My friend wants to connect to irc.freenode.net #ubuntu, but he's behind college proxy that allows no other port than 80... whats the solution?09:53
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apogeesomeone knopw how do i change my monitor ?09:54
Slypthx Coldopm09:54
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Coldopmslyp: whats the problem?09:54
Coldopmslyp sure09:54
Slypi have intalled ubuntu09:54
Mr_Gogo:) it's nice09:54
Mr_Gogobaby's cryin'09:54
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SkycloudHow can I change a partitions path?09:54
luisbghow do I control the fans? I want them to go faster so the cpu is cooler09:55
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ColdopmSlyp: what is the issue? I just signed in so I missed it09:55
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yehwehSkycloud: What do you mean by partition path? do you want to change the mount point?09:55
unsightfull@skycload: edit /etc/fstab09:55
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Devias_Wazejust lookin for someone cool to talk to09:55
Skycloudyehweh: Yeah09:55
Devias_Waze<------- Baghdad09:55
Vletkazim59: Perhaps you could install an irc proxy on your system, listening on port 8009:55
Slypwhen i boot , grub dont whant to boot09:55
Skycloudyehweh: I have a slave hd, and I want to set it up so I can put thing in it, and I want it to be in /media09:56
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mike3_Counting the mins...09:56
GigaClonwhen i stick a CD in my tray I get a "Invalid options when mounting" message09:56
DominoEffectHrm. Anyone feel like helping a noob out with some problems? :(09:56
ratso if i want the best performance, i should be using xubuntu, right?09:56
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kazim59Vlet: how do I do that? can u explain more...09:56
yehwehSkycloud: like unsightfull said09:56
GigaClonbut I can mount it just fine with sudo mount09:56
mike3_DominoEffect, Just ask your problem09:56
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DominoEffectWell, first off, my resolution appears to be severely broken.09:56
ColdopmSlyp: R u trying to dual boot and keep your exsisting windows while running linux on the same machine?09:56
newtubunt1I partitioned my disk with / and /home on a separate partition, but in my 'Computer' places, I see only one volume called 'Filesystem'. Any reasons why ?09:56
Skycloudunsightfull: thanks09:56
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Slypon ubuntu website I see that i need to edit boot09:56
yehwehSkycloud: edit /etc/fstab as root09:56
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pike_!fixres | DominoEffect09:57
ubotuDominoEffect: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:57
unsightfull@skykloud: np09:57
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Slyp<Coldopm> Slyp: R u trying to dual boot and keep your exsisting windows while running linux on the same machine?>>> yes on 2 separates dd09:57
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yehwehSkycloud: mkdir /media/"slave drive"09:57
kazim59The CGI IRC web service makes me land in #ubuntu-users-proxy09:57
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ratSo uh would Xubuntu 6.06 be faster than 7.04?09:57
ColdopmSlyp and GRUB is not booting either OS?09:57
Mr_Gogofaster? :)09:57
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Mr_Gogokewl  :)09:58
Slypi edit boot to change hd1(1,0) to hd1(0,0)09:58
ratja, all i care about is performance really09:58
Mr_Gogoyeah. it's about 350 hp!09:58
=== Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host138-209-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Slypubuntu launch09:58
sanguisdexhi there, I have searched google but is there a way to make an icon that will mount a remote drive via sshfs and open that folder?09:58
Selrachexcuse me, how do I change my clocks output to AM/PM instead of military time?09:58
Skycloudyehweh: I get this error when I do edit /etc/fstab while im in root Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/fstab" -- using "application/*"09:58
SkycloudError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/*"09:58
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Mr_Gogoalloy engine09:58
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Coldopmslyp: So Ubuntu runs and Windows does not anymore?09:58
kyle123what should the file system be ? fat 32, fat12, XFS, JFS, EFI, EXT2, EXT3 any ideas ?09:58
pike_sanguisdex: we call these scripts :)09:58
killorI'm so pissed09:58
Mr_Gogoext3 for sure09:58
Selrachkyle: for what?09:58
Mr_Gogokillor: install freesbie :)09:58
Slypi dont know -_-!09:58
yehwehSkycloud: sudo gedit /etc/fstab09:59
Selrachif for linux, dont use windows file systems.09:59
Slypon single dd win  could launch09:59
sanotehuI can't start X and I have no idea why. Can anyone help? Here's my Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/27471/09:59
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Skycloudyehweh: alright that did it for me thanks09:59
apogeeh i need some help please09:59
ColdopmSlyp: You dont know? R u using LiveCD now, another computer? Does Ubuntu OS run? Does it not give you an option when you first boot?09:59
ferronicahow to download DELUGE for ubuntu Fiesty Fawn GNOME09:59
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Selrachsanto: are you using the 64 bit version?09:59
ubuB0nk3rsSelrach.. assuming your using gnome/kde here.. you right-click on the clock applet and it is an option in amongst its preferences09:59
DominoEffectNeither of those options helped me fix my resolution...09:59
Mr_Gogosanotehu: very kind of you! start sshd and gimme your account details :)09:59
Skycloudyehweh: great it isnt even in there >.>09:59
wolsmcquaid: in /etc/samba/smb.conf09:59
SlypColdopm, but after ubuntu lauding, my tft pass in "out of frequence"10:00
Mr_Gogohi, spoiled :)10:00
sanguisdexpike_: ok well that is what I have done.  How to I get it to stop asking me weather I want to display or run it?10:00
yehwehSkycloud: It wont be inthere you have to put it in10:00
apogee[brand & model]  can someone help me change my monitors details ] 10:00
kyle123im doing the Manuel Partition, and need to know what kinda filesystem to pick from the long list10:00
Spoiled_Mananybody know how to view tif images on ubuntu??10:00
Skycloudyehweh: oh my bad10:00
ibanexhi all, how can i make my Gnome Window List have a static width for each window? (ie. like Firefox tabs)10:00
Mr_Gogoit iz...10:00
Selrachsanot: are you using the 64 bit distro?10:00
mcquaidwols, I don't think so, I don't have 'HOME' in either smb.conf yet smbclient lists one as HOME10:00
Spoiled_Manhi Mr Gogo10:00
Coldopmslyp: r u just making the transition from WinX to Ubuntu?10:00
killorI can't su, I can't even use the network-admin program on the desktop10:00
sanotehuSelrach, nope, 32-bit10:00
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yehwehSkycloud: what is it. It probaly is hdb10:01
Selrachokay, then. I had to install 32 bit because the 64 bit is bugged to heck10:01
SlypColdopm, intallation of ubuntu on a other dd10:01
sanotehuMr_Gogo: What's sshd? I don't seem to have it on the liveCD I'm running10:01
Tannerhow do i fix this? "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++"10:01
mcquaidanyway, been playing with the conf and I have one showing up in the network the other not10:01
Skycloudyehweh: ya its hdb, what should I set my options to?10:01
ColdopmSlyp: I mean did you just do the install? If so is it 7.04?10:01
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SlypColdopm,  i follow ubuntu site web installation description10:01
Mr_Gogosanotehu: you don't have anything on the liveCD you're running :) do not expect everything to work at this point ! :)10:01
pike_sanguisdex: ah. wall as far as naut goes im not sure ive never fooled with the launchers.  i usually just place the script or really a link on desktop to the script and change the icon10:01
yehwehset it to default10:01
Slypyes 7.0410:01
kyle123should the file system be Fat32 ?10:01
nenoitomei can lol10:01
mweTanner install build-essential and maybe ligstdc++ probably10:01
yehwehSkycloud: defaults10:02
ferronicahow to download DELUGE for ubuntu Fiesty Fawn GNOME10:02
sanotehuMr_Gogo: No, I actually have Ubuntu installed on my hard drive, I'm just using a liveCD so that firefox will work10:02
Mr_Gogoapogee: install something else 'for the greater good of good'10:02
Tannerhave build-essential, ill try ligstdc++10:02
SlypColdopm,  thze thing strange is that ubuntu lauch and... nothing10:02
mweTanner libstdc++10:02
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apogeemr gogo i wasn t ironic10:02
mweTanner sorry10:02
Coldopmslyp the system you are installing 7.04 on, do you want it to dual boot or just run Ubuntu exclusivly?10:02
Mr_Gogosanotehu: sayin' your firefox is not working on the installed os?10:02
pike_sanguisdex: i dont know in nautilus. i know you can right click and open with and set it there i think10:02
apogeei wasnt talking to u10:02
Skycloudyehweh: so just leave them alone?10:02
apogeemr gogo10:02
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SlypColdopm,  dual boot10:02
Spoiled_Mananybody got any idea about tif images?10:02
sanotehuMr_Gogo: X isn't working, so I can't display firefox10:02
killorsays sudo doesnt allow root shell or whatever10:02
Tannermwe, do you know what the package name is for apt-get?10:02
killordoesn't let me use network-admin10:02
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killorcan someone help?10:02
apogeemr gogo i have succesfully installed harder OSes like FreeBSD10:03
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Mr_Gogosanotehu: poor you! try again then :)10:03
yehwehSkycloud: As far as I know it should work when you set the options toi defaults10:03
ColdopmSlyp: is there an active working windows OS on it right now?10:03
apogeeso mr gogo10:03
Mr_Gogoapogee: : and succeeded? :)10:03
sanotehuMr_Gogo: I don't understand what you want me to do.10:03
SlypColdopm,  yes10:03
Mr_Gogothen ubuntu is not compatible with your hw :)10:03
PriceChild!ohmy | apogee10:03
ubotuapogee: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:03
SlypColdopm,  i pass windows on first boot to get help on irc ^^10:03
Coldopmslyp: OK so, restart the Ubuntu install and partition you drive manually....10:03
Mr_Gogoyea.. cursin' won't help :)10:03
Gothfunc_i have copied files (a website) over a samba network.  ls shows the files, but apache serves an internal server error.  when recreated, all the files and dirs work fine.  why is this happening?  how can i cure files without recreating them (arduous with lots of files)10:04
mwesanotehu it's complaining about missing /dev/wacom could you paste xorg.conf?10:04
sanguisdexpike_: I was looking at that there is no command prompt option in the open w/ list10:04
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sanotehumwe, sure, hold on10:04
Slypcol sorry for my english ^^'10:04
intelikeyanyone know how to reconfigure the keyboard (console not xorg)  ?10:04
ColdopmSlyp the GRUB should work10:04
apogeemr_gogo :No-One asked or forced you to reply me, why u had to be ironic ?10:04
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askandcan someone help me confirm a bug?10:04
PriceChildapogee, lets calm down and get back on topic please :)10:04
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Coldopmon a new instal I mean. But please be careful if your windows install has crucial data on it..10:04
PriceChildaskand, #ubuntu-bugs if no-one can help here :)10:04
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killorNE1 HLP??10:05
Mr_Gogoapogee: i apologyze. go on!10:05
SlypColdopm,  i have a black screnn after ubuntu lauch10:05
sanotehumwe, er, sorry but where's xorg.conf kept?10:05
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ubuB0nk3rskillor  - whats up?10:05
Mr_Gogo.    /etc/X1110:05
mwesanotehu /etc/X1110:05
Mr_Gogoalways been there10:05
ColdopmSlyp so u cant even get to the install part of it?10:05
SlypColdopm, i allready do the manual partition10:05
Mr_Gogobrb to get some beer10:05
killorFirst, I lost a whole lot of options from the Administrator bar10:05
Tannermwe: i already have all the libstdc++ libraries in /usr/lib; any ideas?10:05
Lord_Drachenblutsanotehu: /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:05
killorI can't su10:05
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SyntuxHow to list all running process with its dependencies ?10:06
Skycloudyehweh: how do I know if I set it up right?10:06
killorthen when I use the 'network-admin' program to modify something it says sudo won't let me run shell from root.10:06
ColdopmSlyp so no errors? just black screen?10:06
thirsoDoes anyone use BANSHEE to transfer music to a mp3 player?10:06
intelikeyMr_Gogo yeah it's been there for the last three or four years hasn't it  :)10:06
apogeePriceChild : my question is this.I need the X server to be configured with my specific Nec Mutlisync 75 F monitor ,or its frequncy range.10:06
ubuB0nk3rskillor.. did you remove a package before this occured?10:06
thirsoDoes anyone use BANSHEE to transfer music to an mp3 player?*10:06
apogeePricechild : how can i do this ?10:06
killorwell, I did the network-admin thing before10:06
SlypColdopm,  yes but after lauching (with the logo and the waiting "barre") black screen10:06
PriceChildapogee, have you gone through "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"10:06
killorthen, it stopped working10:06
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ompaul!sudo | Kill_X10:07
ubotuKill_X: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:07
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Mr_Gogoubuntu is a good start though10:07
killorit gave me an error10:07
ompaul!sudo | killor10:07
mwesanotehu tablet pc?10:07
yehwehSkycloud: it wont mount ;) but let me check and get back to you10:07
ubotukillor: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:07
ubuB0nk3rskillor - network-admin thing? elaborate for me please?10:07
killorlike the 3rd time i tried it10:07
sanotehumwe, laptop10:07
Mr_Gogoi kind'o like it10:07
killorup top10:07
Skycloudyehweh: how do I know it wont mount, or that it worked10:07
SlypColdopm, the first time i lauch it it done somting that it dont do anymore10:07
kyle123what is the correct file system to format my partition to, Fat32 ? or anything along those lines on the list ?10:07
intelikeyanyone know how to reconfigure the keyboard (console not xorg)  ?10:07
killorSystem > Administration, when you try to modify Users and Groups for example10:07
Slypcol changing someting i dont remember -_-10:07
Mr_Gogoit does even recognize my cannon camera! :)10:07
killorit asks for the network-admin password to be able to use it.10:07
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sanotehumwe, for the record I have never used a Wacom10:07
ColdopmSlyp: it sounds to me like you have a GDM problem...Have you tried reinstalling 7.04 on your new partition and seeing if that helps? I mean if there is no crucial data on there then should be quick and painless10:08
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killorto be able to do it actually.10:08
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yehwehSkycloud: first when you do a mount it will throw an error10:08
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Coldopmslyp if you are familiar with VT1 then maybe there is a faster way to correct it, but I dont want to give you the wrong advice..10:08
WhitorHi... Compiz fusion is working fine... but I cant get the Compiz Settings Manager to make any changes.... It runs, (the settings manager) but when I enable or disable anything, nbothing happens10:08
ubuB0nk3rskillor  - and that somehow borked and you've lost some options in the process?10:08
imbecilehow do i safely remove an external ntfs drive?10:08
killoralso, is anything supposed to prompt after I use "sudo -s"?10:08
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SlypColdopm, ok i will trying to reinstall10:08
yehweh!mount > Skycloud10:08
intelikeysanotehu wacom errors are not considered errors by the ubuntu team.10:08
Mr_Gogoberyl is kindo' a try to fly10:08
mwesanotehu well I'd try putting a # at the beginning of lines 73-81 to make it ignore them and see what happens. what's the stylus thing?10:08
intelikeyits a feature10:08
killorubu, the error came up and I lost some options of the Administration10:09
Coldopmslyp GOOD LUCK!10:09
killorlike I'm a regular user10:09
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SlypColdopm, it's my first linux intallation ^'10:09
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Mr_Gogokillor: and you're not? :)10:09
yehwehSkycloud: check pm from the bot10:09
sanotehumwe, no idea, I'll try it anyway, have to go offline for a bit10:09
apogeePrechild  it reports package as NOT installed10:09
killorI need a stronger uid, or I need to be able to access root, to which I never had the chance to set a password to.10:09
Mr_GogoSlyp: reinstall 5 more times and rejoin :))10:09
Whitorberyl has gone away... Wouldn't it be better to work on compiz-fusion ? (the merger of Compiz and beryl groups)10:09
thirsoDoes anyone use BANSHEE to transfer music to an mp3 player?*10:09
mwesanotehu comment out those lines and see what happens10:09
SlypMr_Gogo, thx for advise :p10:09
killori tried thru prompt, sudo -s, then the password, then no error comes up, but I don't know if it's working after it.10:10
Mr_Gogonp :)10:10
wolsMr_Gogo: sudo grep -i workgroup /etc/samba/smb.conf10:10
intelikeyMr_Gogo i think that's what i'll have to do....  reload to fix the keyboard.10:10
jarosh.. ich glaube ich brauchde die LInux-Source10:10
HaSH!sudo | killor10:10
ubotukillor: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:10
Tanneranyone have any idea why ld would report back "cannot find -lstdc++"10:10
HaSHkillor: try sudo su -10:10
kyle123when formatting a partition what do i format it as ? LVM, Ext2, Ext3, XFS, JSF, EFI? does it need to be a certain one ?10:10
wolsmcquaid: on all machines running samba10:10
apogeePrechild  :sudo command reports package isnt installed10:10
Mr_Gogoor try dosu :)10:10
sanotehumwe, will do10:10
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killornothing comes up, hash.10:10
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Slypso see you later !!!! il will try to reinstall!!!10:10
intelikeytanner cause libstdc++ is not installed ?10:11
Mr_GogoSlyp: good luck my man! :)10:11
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HaSHkillor: "sudo su -" will make you root10:11
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HaSHonce run that run whoami10:11
intelikeyor is it libstderr ?10:11
HaSHit should say root10:11
Tannerintelikey: it however is10:11
killornothing comes up.10:11
=== kph [n=ubuntu@host86-147-138-144.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeytanner bug in the package ?    what release of ubuntu ?10:11
HaSHyou cant run whoami?10:11
Mr_Gogoroot is disabled by default10:11
killortino@Universal:~$ sudo su -10:11
killortino@Universal:~$ ls10:11
killorDesktop  Examples10:11
killortino@Universal:~$ whoami10:11
Tannerintelikey:  fiesty10:11
Mr_Gogono way10:11
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:12
HaSHi used to sudo su -10:12
yehwehSkycloud: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=494349&postcount=210:12
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kazim59where are help pages of irc.freenode.net10:12
apogeeprechild  :?10:12
HaSHkillor: sudo passwd should let ya set a root password.10:12
ferronicahow to download DELUGE for ubuntu Fiesty Fawn GNOME10:12
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intelikeytanner  hmmm.   idk.   check the bug reports   maybe get luck there10:12
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killorsee, hash?10:12
HaSHnot unless they have changed somthing.10:12
magnetron!register | kazim5910:12
ubotukazim59: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:12
mwesanotehu you may have to remove some more if you don't have the pen it's looking for10:12
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[D-Coy] Adamsudo -s10:12
Mr_Gogowhat time is it?10:12
killornothing comes up10:12
dougbon a power pc G3 350mhz proc, would ubuntu 6.06 be able to run on it?10:12
Mr_Gogo...2 minutes to midnight!10:12
killorwhen i use sudo10:12
sanotehumwe, I'll comment out all the wacom devices10:13
kazim59magnetron: no i don't want to register... I want to access irc when I am behind proxy... the proxy doesn't allow anything except port 8010:13
HaSHkillor: hmm try opening a new terminal10:13
intelikeyWed Jun 27 20:13:16 200710:13
Mr_Gogokillor: if nothing comes up, then you don't need sudo!10:13
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mwesanotehu yeah also the corresponding entries at the end of the file10:13
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kane77okay I still have problem with apache.. I've been able to trace it down to phpmyadmin package... if I create .php file with phpinfo() it displays it right.. but when I try to open phpmyadmin it tries to download the file (some .phtml) what could that be??10:13
mwesanotehu lines 150-15210:13
Mr_Gogosomeone pls play iron m. :)10:13
=== snipex [n=boris@BSN-77-126-127.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_dougb: id run xubuntu or really for my taste do a server install and apt-get fluxbox and xserver-xorg and core fonts10:13
killorI might have to get off my user and do it again.10:14
sanotehumwe, ok, going offline to see how this goes10:14
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pike_dougb: but yes10:14
killorclose my shell.10:14
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newtubuntuquick silly question from a real newbie:  how do I log in as root ?10:14
Skycloudyehweh: I think that worked, now all of a sudden there is a lost+found folder where i mounted10:14
snipexcan some1 tell me dapper movie player ?10:14
intelikey        anyone know how to reconfigure the keyboard (console not xorg)  ?10:14
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HaSHwell killor all the things i told ya used to work for me when i used *ubuntu....but its been a while seince ive used it...so they might have changed somthing10:14
Skycloudyehweh: do I have to do that command every reboot?10:14
Mr_Gogonewtubuntu: you don't. rtfm!10:14
yehwehSkycloud: when ever you mount a drive it will have lost and found10:14
intelikeynewtubuntu they will tell you "you don't"    you can but it's not a good idea.10:14
newtubuntuwhen I logoff and go to the login window I get an error msg that root is not allowed to login from there...10:14
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pike_newtubuntu: you cant. root accound isnt 'enabled' if it was youd gksu gdmsetup and enable root login though10:14
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killorkk, brb gona restart and try this over/10:15
intelikey!root > newtubuntu10:15
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yehwehyou can add it to /etc/fstab and it will do it on every reboot10:15
Skycloudyehweh: thanks10:15
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wolsmcquaid: sudo grep -i workgroup /etc/samba/smb.conf10:15
newtubuntuMr_Gogo:  rtfm ?10:15
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yehwehSkycloud: np bud, have fun!10:15
Mr_Gogoask google for details!10:15
Mr_Gogo :)10:15
wolsnewtubuntu: read the FINE manual10:15
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kyle123does anyone know what you they formated there HD as before you installed Ubuntu ?10:15
magnetron!rtfm | Mr_Gogo10:15
ubotuMr_Gogo: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:15
mwerunning X as root is probaby a bad idea10:15
robert_what package is gnomeConf.sh in?10:15
wols!root | newtubuntu10:15
ubotunewtubuntu: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:15
dromerhow can I install/activate the kqemu accelerator?10:15
Mr_Gogomehehe :)10:15
Mr_Gogofine manual :)10:15
Mr_Gogofor sure!10:15
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bobgillcan someone suggest a site with html/web page templates ??10:16
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wolsrobert_: man dpkg, dpkg -S to be exact10:16
Mr_Gogobobgill: google could!10:16
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wolsbobgill: ask #web10:16
Mr_Gogoor just google for it10:16
NeXtDaYis there a program that can run playstation2 game CDs in Ubuntu?10:16
wolsMr_Gogo: please stop that10:16
intelikeynobody knows !    *supply bywords here*10:16
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robert_er, I can't build gnome stuff without gnome-config10:17
wolsNeXtDaY: since that would probably violate the DMCA and EUCD: no10:17
Mr_Gogowols: what's wrong?10:17
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TalaturenJonny|, hiho10:17
wolsMr_Gogo: you know what's wrong with your behaviour. don't do it10:17
newtubuntuok, let me ask a different question then, if I need to change read/write permissions on an entire volume (AND the volume name), how do I get root privilege without going in the console for sudo tasks ?10:17
NeXtDaYwols: ?10:17
Mr_Gogookay :)10:17
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Jonny|Talaturen, please dont anoy me...10:17
Jonny|im not in the mood10:17
wolsnewtubuntu: you can't10:17
Jonny|Anyone know is Mesa 7.0 is out?10:17
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TalaturenJonny|, have not mode???10:17
kane77I had set up apache with php5 mod.. I extracted phpmyadmin into directory of the same name in /var/www/ when I try to display localhost/phpmyadmin it wants me to save the file (some .phtml) instead of displaying it... what could that be??10:17
dfgask i have a amd turion 64 running 32bit ubuntu,     what swiftfox should i get? athlon64  32bit?10:18
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kyle123is Fat32 suitable for Ubuntu ?10:18
Jonny|Anyone know is Mesa 7.0 is out?10:18
wolskane77: you install phpmyadmin from ubuntu10:18
Mr_Gogonope :)10:18
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TalaturenJonny| i sell mode10:18
ferronicahow to download DELUGE for ubuntu Fiesty Fawn GNOME10:18
intelikeykyle123 no10:18
newtubuntucan't change my disk's permissions and name ?10:18
Mr_Gogowhat's deluge?10:18
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kyle123intelikey: whats should it be ?10:18
TeknineHello, i have followed the tutorial on installing restricted formats no media seems to play, the media player shows up but nothing appears10:18
wolsnewtubuntu: of course you can. sudo is your friend10:18
Jonny|anyone know why i get this error while trying to launch a game?10:18
Jonny|Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable,10:18
Jonny|found non-freed data10:18
_Adramelech_newtuubuntu: you hve to set a root password and set gdm to allow to log in root10:18
kane77wols, I tried that as well.. it doesnt work.. I'm desperate.. it worked yesterday...10:18
=== tomer [n=tomer@c-67-188-111-80.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeykyle123 ext[2-3] 10:18
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wols!doesn't work | kane7710:18
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tomerhi why am i getting this10:18
ubotukane77: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:18
tomerW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6-dev_2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu15_i386.deb10:19
tomer  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 10:19
TalaturenJonny| stop lier i sell to you mode ok10:19
tomerwhen i try to get stuff10:19
Jonny|Talaturen, please GTFO10:19
Talaturen!doesn't work | Jonny|10:19
ubotuJonny|: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:19
wolstomer: what version of ubuntu?10:19
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kyle123intelikey: alright cool thanx, is there a difference between ext2 and ext 3 ?10:19
mwe_Adramelech_  running X as root is usually not a good idea10:19
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newtubuntu_Adramelech: where do I set gdm to allow root to login ?10:19
kane77wols, it still wants me to save the .phtml file instead of displaying it...10:19
Pizzariohttp://dtc59.miniville.fr/ New web 2 tool going on ubuntu10:19
tomer5.04 hoary hedgehog10:19
mwenewtubuntu why would you want that?10:19
Mr_Gogotry reinstalling, kane10:19
intelikeykyle123 yes.    one is journalized the other isn't.  that however is the only differance.10:19
Jonny|anyone know why i get this error while trying to launch a game? Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable,10:20
=== subzero2000 [n=subzero2@c-69-180-224-4.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jonny|found non-freed data10:20
Talaturen!doesn't work | Jonny|10:20
ubotuJonny|: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:20
_Adramelech_nwe :for sure , just answering his question about the gdm login10:20
newtubuntumwe:  I want to manage my disk permissions in a graphical user interface10:20
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TeknineHello, i have followed the tutorial on installing restricted formats no media seems to play, the media player shows up but nothing appears, any help please thanks!!!10:20
charlyburkhello to the channel!10:20
kane77Mr_Gogo, I think what I'll do I'll --purge remove apache and then try to install phpmyadmin10:20
tomerwols: 5.0410:20
ferronicahow to download DELUGE for ubuntu Fiesty Fawn GNOME10:20
=== merc_work [n=merc@rrcs-65-31-76-89.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mcquaidwols both boxes report workgroup = WORKGROUP but I know I have that in both already10:20
kyle123intelikey: which ones would be better to go with, i dont knwo what the journalized means exactly10:20
wolstomer: not supported anymore. gone. done for10:20
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mwenewtubuntu then gksudo run the programs you need root access to. don't run your entire session as root10:20
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intelikeykyle123 for larger drives journalizing is generally considered a good idea.  thus ubuntu defaults to ext310:20
wolskane77: usr/share/phpmyadmin/index.php that is what you call in the browser. not some strange phtml10:20
mcquaidwhen using smbclient, that is reported as the domain10:20
=== RememberPOL [n=pol@adsl-75-34-12-80.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
tomerso i cant get any packages?? but my linux is working. it would suck to have to reintall evertyhing10:21
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wolskane77: and that is straight fromt he ubuntu phpmyadmin package which is the only one we support here basically10:21
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kane77wols, the same response...10:21
wolstomer: you should have upgraded before.10:21
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tomerwols: oh... so now the only solution is a full reinstall?10:21
kane77wols, wants me to save it...10:21
Kornholijo!doesn't work J10:21
wolskane77: remove AND purge all apache packages. then reinstall after this guide:10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn't work j - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
Jonny|anyone know why i get this error while trying to launch a game? Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable,10:21
Jonny|found non-freed data10:21
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wols!Lamp | kane7710:21
ubotukane77: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:21
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolstomer: pretty much yes10:21
charlyburki wan't to do a strange thing with ubuntu live cd. I wan't to access remotely to livecd somebody knows how i can do it?10:22
Kornholijo!doesn't work Jonny|10:22
intelikeykyle123 it means it has a journal file  keeps all transactions in a journal thus disk scanning and most fs error correcting is much faster.10:22
tomerwols: ok thanks10:22
Jonny|kornholijo ffs10:22
aaroncampbellI had to re-do a bunch of network stuff on my system, and now it seems that samba isn't working quite right.  I can access \\ from a windows computer, but not \\aaron (which is what I used to use)10:22
Kornholijo!doesn't work | Jonny|10:22
ubotuJonny|: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:22
newtubuntumwe: where do I find doc on gksudo-ing programs ?  All I want is my Docs volume to be read/write for everyone without going 'terminal'10:22
wolscharlyburk: not until you cleary tell us what you want in simple english, not broken english10:22
ferronicahow to download DELUGE for ubuntu Fiesty Fawn GNOME10:22
wols!language | johns^10:22
ubotujohns^: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:22
wols!language | Jonny|10:22
ubotuJonny|: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:22
Kornholijo!language wols10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language wols - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
=== Nido [n=Nido@212-127-212-156.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Jonny|kornholijo and talaturen are like stalkers...10:23
Jonny|they wont stop harrasing me10:23
mwenewtubuntu Docs volume?10:23
intelikeykyle123 an ext3 fs can be mounted as ext2 or ext3  thus read/use the journal or not.   so ubuntu defaults to ext310:23
Talaturen!doesn't work | Jonny|10:23
ubotuJonny|: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:23
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jribSkycloud: hey, still around?10:23
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wolsTalaturen: please stop. or jrib will remove you10:23
Kornholijo!language Jonny|10:23
iratik_Can anyone help me out .... we just bought like 8 systems for a small-office ... upon running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. ... there is no visible mouse pointer (although the mouse is functional) - no resolution i try works -- can anyone please give me some guidance - or an alternative mouse interface ?10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language jonny - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
newtubuntumwe:  a FAT32 shared volume that I affectionately call 'Dox'10:23
apogeeprechild :im runnig xserver -xorg u know fi ati 9200 is supported by module ATI?10:23
Kornholijo!language | Jonny|10:23
ubotuJonny|: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:23
Jonny|!language | Kornholijo10:23
ubotuKornholijo: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:23
wolsjrib: Kornholijo and Talaturen are harrassing Jonny|10:23
jribyes, please stop with the bot spam10:23
Talaturenwols, he say dont work!! and i make bot tell him.........10:23
Nidois there a way to make a user run a script once it logs in through the GDM screen?10:23
=== virulent is now known as vortex
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ppp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:24
wolsTalaturen: stop it. you know it10:24
mwe!fstab | newtubuntu10:24
ubotunewtubuntu: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:24
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto10:24
Nidoother then tell him to do it manually :p10:24
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:24
Kornholijo!root | Jonny|10:24
ubotuJonny|: please see above10:24
intelikeywols wouldn't know how to reconfigure the console keyboard would you ?10:24
wolsKornholijo: stop please10:24
jribNido: you can use ~/.xprofile  for example10:24
wolsintelikey:  in what way?10:24
Kornholijo!sudo | Jonny|10:24
mwe!diskmounter | newtubuntu10:24
ubotuJonny|: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:24
Nidojrib thanks10:24
ubotunewtubuntu: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse10:24
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intelikeywols it's not working.  i.e.  alt key prints 8888 on the screen   enter does nothing noticable and most letters don't work.10:25
Jonny|anyone know the problem of this when i try to launch a game?Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable,10:25
Jonny|found non-freed data10:25
jribNido: yeah, or you can use the gnome startup thing (if you use gnome).  Depends on what you want to do exactly10:25
Kornholijo!mesa | Jonny|10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mesa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
jrib!startup > Nido (see the private message from ubotu)10:25
wolsintelikey: dpkg-reconfigure console-data IIRC10:25
jribKornholijo: seriously, stop.10:25
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Jonny|he stalks me -_-10:25
intelikeyconsole-data  i'll try that.  @ wols10:26
=== Commander-Ape [n=commande@p508F225E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Jonny|im new to Ubuntu, and tells me to do stuff in terminal, and since im new i dont know what im doing10:26
Nidojrib: basically I want to automagically mount the sshfs partition on the server once I'm logging in10:26
imbecilewill someone please help me fix vlc? here is a pastebin of the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27476/ please and thank you10:26
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Commander-Apehow can i find out if "input core support" and "event interface suppert" is activated in my kernel?10:26
Commander-Apeim running feisty fawn10:26
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Nidoit's on my home computer; and the server is in-network; so it doesn't matter if the connection lives when I log out. Since that usually means the computer goes off as well10:26
wolsJonny|: what do you want to do?10:26
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Nidobrb; I gonna test it10:26
Jonny|Well, play this game basicly10:26
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Jonny|i filed a bugzilla report10:26
wolsimbecile: where did you get that vlc?10:26
imbecilewols,  the repos10:27
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_Adramelech_Jonny| i guess your game have some implemention not yet supported on mesa library10:27
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ethanbQuestion here: If I have Ubuntu installed on some harddrive, and I then take it and connect it to a computer with different hardware and try to boot, will Ubuntu configure drivers/configs for the new hardware? Or what should I do?10:27
wolsJonny|: what videocard?10:27
Nidosw33t. it works10:27
kane77wols, ok, so I did purge and reinstall... and still the same thing!!!10:27
wolsethanb: it will (mostly) work yes10:27
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Skycloudjrib: yeah10:27
wolskane77: how exactly did you purge it all?10:27
jribNido: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=430312 comes up in google10:27
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Kornholijowols: omg10:27
Mr_Gogoethanb: give up!10:27
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kane77wols, sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin10:28
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ethanbWhy? Should I just install a clean Ubuntu on it instead?10:28
wolskane77: that didn't remove apache. dpkg -l |grep apache. lots more packages10:28
=== Xraven92 [n=Xraven92@d53-64-254-212.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyif i can ever get back to something usable i'll try that.  i found the enter key.  it's  3 plus f510:28
Nidojrib: that doesn't work for some reason10:28
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jribNido: and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97532 http://myy.helia.fi/~karte/mount_sshfs.html look helpful too10:28
=== sanotehu [n=ubuntu@ip68-5-224-82.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolsintelikey: do it in a X terminal10:28
jribSkycloud: did you manage to setup fstab?10:28
Xraven92!seen imbecile10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen imbecile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
Talaman72imbecile was last seen Tue Jun 26 21:31:41 2007 changing nick from brucewang in #ubuntu10:28
Skycloudjrib: yup10:28
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jribTalaman72: turn that off please10:29
jribSkycloud: ah, so you're good to go then10:29
Nidojrib: that doesn't work for some reason10:29
imbecilehmmm.. im here10:29
wolsintelikey: console-data is the right one (at least on debian)10:29
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Skycloudjrib: yup10:29
Nidobut this works; and this is good enough for now10:29
Nidothank you for your time10:29
iratik_Can anyone help me out .... we just bought like 8 systems for a small-office ... upon running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. ... there is no visible mouse pointer (although the mouse is functional) - no resolution i try works -- can anyone please give me some guidance - or an alternative mouse interface ?10:29
imbecilewols,  the repos.. any suggestion on how to fix?10:30
ethanbwols, what may not configure do you think? I may have to manually change video cards settings but is there anything else or should I just do a clean install. Would that be easier?10:30
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wolsompaul: all I can say is google for glx. or possibly your viodecard doesn't support overlay or such10:30
NidoIU just notice it's "10:30
Nidohug day".10:30
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@] has joined #ubuntu
sanotehumwe, no luck; I also tried following the instructions in the comments of xorg.conf and ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg to regenerate the file, but that didn't help either, just screwed up the splash screen... I'm pretty sure the problem must be in the "can't load default font: fixed" error, but at this point I think I might as well just reinstall Ubuntu10:30
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ompaulwols,  ?10:30
wolsethanb: usually not10:30
wolsompaul: hm?10:31
Commander-Apewhere can i look at my kernel configuration?10:31
ompaulwols, ::<wols> ompaul: all I can say is google for glx. or possibly your viodecard doesn't support overlay or such10:31
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ethanbwols, sorry, but usually not to what part of the question?10:31
wolsompaul: oops. my infamous bad nick complete. sorry10:31
=== Krusnix [n=jathavan@S0106000f3d35fdb0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolsreinstall shouldn't be necessary10:31
KrusnixI've got a question10:32
jribimbecile: right click -> eject/unmount  to safely remove your external ntfs driver10:32
intelikey<wols> intelikey: do it in a X terminal <<< yeah.  had to hold the power button down to get to anything.10:32
KrusnixI'm trying to install the osx kiba dock for beryl and I get this error in the terminal10:32
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killorhere's my problem, HaSH.10:32
charlyburknmap says thats no open ports10:32
=== DerHorst [n=Horst@e176120243.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
f70how do you install flock?10:32
Krusnixdeb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy10:32
killortino@Universal:~$ sudo su -10:32
killortino is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.10:32
jrib!paste > killor (see the private message from ubotu)10:33
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KrusnixI type that in, and then I get this10:33
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imbecilejrib,  it always tells me stuff needs to be written to device then tells me i cant ejectvolume10:33
Krusnixbash: deb: command not found10:33
Krusnixbash: deb: command not found10:33
Krusnixbash: deb: command not found10:33
jrib!paste > Krusnix (see the private message from ubotu)10:33
Krusnix3 times?10:33
preactionkillor: add tino to the "admin" group10:33
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charlyburkComander-ape you can go to /usr/src/linux and execute make menucongig or make xconfig10:33
jribkillor: how what?10:33
killordo i add tino to the admin group10:33
Mr_Gogonite !10:33
cafuegokillor: System > Adminsitration > users10:33
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killorI dont have that10:34
killorit went away.10:34
=== jj [n=joar@6.84-48-124.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mr_Gogokillor: give up!:)10:34
aggizAnyone know if Vmware is good?10:34
preaction!enter | killor10:34
ubotukillor: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:34
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-99-100.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
_Adramelech_Krusnix: what you have is a repository10:34
=== Fulcrom [n=Keelber@pool-141-150-210-66.delv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribkillor: reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu then issue:  adduser tino admin10:34
iFries_aggiz: it is good10:34
cafuegoaggiz: it's not great for web browsing10:34
killorok brb10:34
HaSHkillor: wait10:34
aggizi need to play counter-strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:34
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Skycloudaggiz: it doesnt work with wine?10:34
aggizyou can only buy vmware?10:34
charlyburkaggiz: yes, vmware is good but qemu is better and is free10:34
cafuegoaggiz: It won't run very well on vmware10:34
imbecilei get this error when trying to run vlc.. any suggestions? [00000321]  main private error: option glx-shm does not exist Segmentation fault (core dumped)10:35
HaSHi have a link10:35
Skycloudaggiz: ?10:35
aggizi cant see anything10:35
HaSHkillor: http://linuxfordummies.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=vi9rhcqk1tiug9qth6vii8rqf4&topic=148.010:35
aggizwhen i mount it with wine10:35
uberushaximusvmware is free asn in free beer10:35
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ticnailer69counter stryke sucks10:35
_Adramelech_Krusnix: need to add it to synaptip.  System -> administration -> software sources -> third party ->add10:35
uberushaximusCS works fine in fine10:35
HaSHmight be able to do it without rebooiting10:35
Skycloudaggiz: oh, buy crossover10:35
preaction!enter | aggiz10:35
ubotuaggiz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:35
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bobgilli can't get the cmd right, what would i type to extract all zip files in current directory to /templates ??10:35
jribimbecile: even if you just plug it in, don't do anything with it, and then try to eject right away it says that?10:35
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Skycloudaggiz: crossover most likely can play it10:35
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killorkk sec.10:35
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imbecilejrib,  yes10:36
uberushaximusSky: it works great in wine10:36
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cafuegoaggiz: vmware won't give you 3d acceleration, crossover or wine will run CS for you *with* 3d acceleration.10:36
jribbobgill: go to the /templates directory and issue:  for z in /path/to/zip/files/*; do unzip $z; done10:36
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uberushaximus!howdy | recoy^10:36
uboturecoy^: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:36
recoy^can anyone help me upgrade from dapper to fiesty?10:36
apogeeprechild r u there?10:36
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uberushaximus!caps | recoy^10:36
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uboturecoy^: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:36
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killorthat all sounds great, HaSH10:36
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killorbut I can't su - untill I change root pw10:36
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jribimbecile: if you don't have any programs accessing the contents of the drive (including nautilus showing the files), I don't know.  Try to check bugs.ubuntu.com for bugs or ask again later10:37
charlyburkaggiz: qemu works very good. and is in the repositories. If you have a processor with virtualization you can use it too...10:37
zax1any one knows the server and channel for thunderbird and sunbird projects?10:37
apogeepricechild :hello again10:37
brk3what are the commands to build a ubuntu source package? I have the .tar.gz and .dsc files etc..10:37
HaSHhmmm ok killor had forgoten...sorry :-)10:37
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aggizwow got many answers ty guys :P10:37
EADG_!upgrade | recoy^10:37
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uboturecoy^: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:37
jjbobgill: try 'unzip -d /templates /path/to/zipfile.zip'10:37
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HaSH.....was thinking you had axx.....but not with that user10:37
imbecilejrib,  thanks10:37
aggizso whats best qemu , crossover or wine?10:37
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jribbrk3: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html10:37
intelikeywols is there a magic sysRQ key list some place ?10:37
brk3jrib: thanks alot10:37
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charlyburkkillor: if you need to chango root pass you need to boot with live cd and edit /etc/shadow10:38
wolsintelikey: ask ##kernel10:38
yehwehrecoy^: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:38
chadeldridg1I cant get sound to play through my usb headset ... even though everything is set to it in the sounds setup.  Sound still comes from my speakers.10:38
intelikeyon ubuntu.com i meant10:38
jribbrk3: you might want to   /msg ubotu packaging  for more details10:38
wolsintelikey: I don't use ubuntu so I don't know10:38
iphv37how do i configure clamav to run without problems?10:38
intelikeywols smart man.10:38
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Bi0sanybody are tvtuner expert?? pinnacle pctv usb2...pics ok,no sound..10:38
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f70how do you install flock?10:39
bobgilljrib: ok that worked, but surely there is a simpler cmd ?10:39
intelikeywols i use it cause they ship it     (dialup)10:39
charlyburkaggiz: crossover and wine are windows emulators, qemu is like vmware, it simulates a complete machine and you install in it a S.O. Wat do you want to do?10:39
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bobgilljj: it says "cannot create extraction directory" but i have the directory there10:39
tidrionati or nvidia?10:39
jribbobgill: one isn't apparent to me10:39
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tidrionwhich works better with ubuntu10:39
recoy^yehweh: what is the command to check what version i have because i might edgy not dapper10:39
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wolstidrion: nvidia in general with linux10:39
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell10:39
cafuegotidrion: on a 64bit system, nvidia. on 32bit, doesn't matter much.10:39
Kornholijo!fglrx | Jonny|10:39
ubotuJonny|: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:39
Kornholijo!fglrx > Jonny|10:40
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imbecilei get this error when trying to run vlc.. any suggestions? [00000321]  main private error: option glx-shm does not exist Segmentation fault (core dumped)  pllleeeeaaasseee and thank you10:40
aggizCharlybuck i want to play CS lagg free :P10:40
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iphv37clamav! anyone uses it?10:40
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aggizand with sound10:40
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wols!anyone | iphv3710:40
ubotuiphv37: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:40
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yehwehrecoy^: so what version are you on?10:41
chadeldridg1I cant get sound to play through my usb headset ... even though everything is set to it in the sounds setup.  Sound still comes from my speakers.10:41
mroci'm having trouble with clamtk - when i start it as root (sudo clamtk), click on update, it says everything's up to date.  quit and start it up again, i get the same out of date message.10:41
recoy^yehweh: what is the command to check10:41
iphv37i'd already made it!!10:41
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yehwehlsb_release -a10:41
cafuegoaggiz: vmware won't give you 3d acceleration, crossover or wine will run CS for you *with* 3d acceleration.10:41
recoy^yehweh: i think i upgraded to 6.1010:41
iphv37i can't use clamav!10:41
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imbecileanyone tried running vlc in wine?10:41
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preactionimbecile: why would you do that?10:42
iphv37it shows me errors|10:42
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Bi0simbecile:why? have nativ vers.10:42
yehwehrecoy^: lsb_release -a " wols did reply but did not put your name in it ..10:42
aggizcan i sudo apt-get install crossover?10:42
preaction!enter | iphv3710:42
ubotuiphv37: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:42
cafuegoaggiz: No, crossover is not free.10:42
recoy^oh sorry wols10:42
cafuegoaggiz: wine is10:42
preaction!paste | iphv3710:42
ubotuiphv37: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:42
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aggizdamn :/10:42
preactioniphv37: pastebin your errors and give us the link10:42
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recoy^yehweh:  i think i need to restart brb10:43
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imbecilepreaction, Bi0s,  because nobody will help me fix vlc.. here is the pastebin of the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27476/10:43
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oupagrysehi people10:43
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Jonny|anyone know the problem of this when i try to launch a game?Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable,10:44
Jonny|found non-freed data10:44
Jonny|i went afk earlier and didnt see any message's10:44
wolsJonny|: what videodriver, what videocard?10:44
Jonny|00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)10:45
Jonny|i think thats it10:45
oupagrysecould someone please tell me how to updat from 4.1 to 7.04?10:45
Jonny|im new to Ubuntu10:45
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wolsoupagryse: reinstall10:45
Bi0simbecile: im not expert, but seems something wrong with Your videocard install...10:45
charlyburksomobody knows how i can remotely install ubuntu? i have a new computer but without screen... nmap says all ports are closed10:45
Jonny|and driver...is i81010:45
charlyburkin live cd10:45
uberushaximuswols, why do that?10:45
wolsJonny|: ok, then mesa is doing your 3D. other 3D stuff works?10:45
jriboupagryse: you should just install a fresh 7.04 since you would need to upgrade one by one and I'm not sure those early repos are still up even10:45
imbecileBi0s,  yayyyy i just fixed it after 3 days... yayyyyyy10:45
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wolsuberushaximus: do what?10:45
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Jonny|wols, i have no idea this is the only game i play which works for linux10:46
DekkharynHi! My problem; I tried 7.04 and got the busybox /bin/sh can't access tty problem. I tried break=top, suggested on Forums, no dice. Tried 6.06 LTS, that booted into Ubuntu just fine, but neither Keyboard nor Mouse responded. It's been suggested that I have BIOS issues, but there's no fix I can find in the BIOS nor a BIOS reflash I can do since there are no updates online for it. Please help!10:46
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wolsuberushaximus: cause 4.1 is not supported anymore, not even 5.10 is10:46
iphv37there's my problem!--> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27478/ <-- (i think!)10:46
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oupagrysethanks jrib10:46
killorwoot :D10:46
killor<3 to whoever told me to do it.10:46
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charlyburk oupagryse: you can change in sources.list your version for edgy10:46
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Bi0simbecile:installed from what source: -restricted drv, or automatix?10:46
uberushaximuswols, you sould still use update-manager10:46
killorNext question, I need to setup GTK to setup XChat, because it says my C compiler wont compile executables.10:46
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Bi0snot same10:46
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oupagrysei want to make a linux dotA lan machine10:46
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jribkillor: what are you trying to compile?10:47
recoy^yehweh: check pm plz10:47
charlyburkand do apt-get update; apt-get upgrade10:47
n1cohey guys10:47
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n1coive been trying to configure this ubuntu on a vaio10:47
wolsuberushaximus: for updatemanager you need to install one distro after the other. that means he as to install 6.06, 6.10 and 7.04. he's better off reinstalling10:47
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n1coand everything is awsm except i cant get it to work with the FN key10:47
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uberushaximuswols, haha I see10:47
n1coanyone who knos howta configure that?10:47
killori tried to ./configure xchat10:47
Jonny|wols, my driver is i810 the one im using10:47
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nny nickserv identify servitude10:48
nnyhey evryone, have my IRC password -_-10:48
killornot that I need it anyway, but whatever.10:48
_Adramelech_: D10:48
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nnycough *10:49
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mrocany help for clamtk (or a better place to look for help)?  virus definitions refuse to update as far as i can tell.10:49
uberushaximuskillor: the latest xchat binary is in the gutsy repos10:49
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killorand where's that? :P10:49
uberushaximusplease hold10:50
cafuegomroc: clamav has a cron script that does the updating autoagically; a user can't, as they get stored in a system location.10:50
Sergoanyone know how to raise mouse  accuracy in linux?10:50
iphv37mroc, i think i'm in the same situation...10:50
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cafuegomroc: /etc/cron.d/clamav-freshclam10:51
Jonny|anyone know the problem of this when i try to launch a game?Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable,10:51
Jonny|found non-freed data, im using i810 driver, and00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) graphics card10:51
cafuegomroc: You could run 'sudo /usr/bin/freshclam' and see what happens.10:51
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uberushaximuskillor, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/net/xchat and http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/net/xchat-common10:52
FuncootHey guys, I am having trouble installing Xine10:52
charlyburkRamon: hello10:52
mroccafuego:  ok...that's great if it updates automagically.  i didn't know why the graphical method wasn't updating.  i'll see what happens with the /etc/cron.d/clamav-freshclam thing10:52
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killorwhich one is it?10:52
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jribkillor: why aren't you using xchat from the feisty repositories?10:53
cafuegomroc: it might complain about outdated versions, just ignore that,10:53
RamonI need some assistance installing ubuntu... I don't know whats happening but i've been trying debian, and debian based distros like kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-lite etc... and all of them are giving me "debootstrap" errors when doing the "base installation"10:53
killorxchat comes with ubuntu or something?10:53
cafuegomroc: You just want main.cvd and daily.cvd to be up to date10:53
jribkillor: it is in the repositories.  Do you know APT and universe?10:53
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brk3jrib: Im getting an error that it cant find a debian directory.. is there a command to generate this?10:53
Jonny|use irssi ;p10:53
FuncootWhat do yall use to play your encrypted DVDs?10:53
cafuegoa dvd player10:54
jrib!repos > killor (see the private message from ubotu)10:54
jrib!software > killor (see the private message from ubotu)10:54
FuncootOn Linux10:54
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jribbrk3: how did you obtain the source?10:54
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charlyburkbye to eberbody! i will go to take a beer...10:54
cafuegoi don't play 'en on Linux, but I do rip 'em with mplayer and dvdcss10:54
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brk3jrib: from packages.ubuntu.com10:54
RamonI need some assistance installing ubuntu... I don't know whats happening but i've been trying debian, and debian based distros like kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-lite etc... and all of them are giving me "debootstrap" errors when doing the "base installation"10:54
mroccafuego:  yeah, it did complain about the version being off, but it's saying main.cvd and daily.inc are up to date.10:54
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jribbrk3: what are you rebuilding?10:54
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brk3jrib: amarok10:54
cafuegomroc: all fine then10:54
aaroncampbellI had to re-do a bunch of network stuff on my system, and now it seems that samba isn't working quite right.  I can access \\ from a windows computer, but not \\aaron (which is what I used to use)10:54
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jribbrk3: you know you can just do 'apt-get source amarok'?10:55
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aaroncampbellI've been told it's a WINS problem, but where would I look to handle this?10:55
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Funcooteverytime I try to install something, I get the error saying that a makefile can't be found10:55
DekkharynWhat's the polite wait before re-asking a question, please?10:55
brk3jrib: yes but I want to make a couple of changes to the source before I repackage it10:55
jribDekkharyn: wait about 15-20 minutes and repeat10:55
mroccafuego:  great!  wish i knew why the graphical frontend (clamtk) was reporting the signatures out of date.   oh well.  thanks for the help.10:55
RamonI need some assistance installing ubuntu... I don't know whats happening but i've been trying debian, and debian based distros like kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-lite etc... and all of them are giving me "debootstrap" errors when doing the "base installation"10:55
Dekkharynjrib, understood, I'll ask again after another ten minutes then. Thankyou10:55
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pike_Dekkharyn: what was your question?10:56
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brk3jrib: it seems when I run apt-get source -b amarok it generates the debian directory10:56
pike_see now you can repeat immediately :)10:56
jribbrk3: right, so once you do that you well end up with an amarok-VERSION directory, cd in there, then issue dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot10:56
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Dekkharynpike_, Hi! My problem; I tried 7.04 and got the busybox /bin/sh can't access tty problem. I tried break=top, suggested on Forums, no dice. Tried 6.06 LTS, that booted into Ubuntu just fine, but neither Keyboard nor Mouse responded. It's been suggested that I have BIOS issues, but there's no fix I can find in the BIOS nor a BIOS reflash I can do since there are no updates online for it. Does anyone have any suggestions of what might mak10:56
Dekkharyne it work?10:56
jribbrk3: you shouldn't need the -b, that builds it10:56
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Ramoncan someone please help me?10:56
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jrib!please > Ramon (see the private message from ubotu)10:57
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brk3jrib: on running the dkkg-buildpackage command Im getting: dpkg-parsechangelog: error: cannot open debian/changelog to find format: No such file or directory10:57
Netham45My e-Dick just grew 10 inches10:57
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jribDekkharyn: check bugs.ubuntu.com too, I've seen taht a couple of times, but have no idea how to troubleshoot10:57
jrib!offtopic | Netham4510:58
ubotuNetham45: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:58
brk3Netham45: so not its 11 inches? :p10:58
Dekkharynjrib, hm. Good point. I only poked about in the forum. Thanks for the heads up10:58
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Netham45have a 10TB disk array, and 5 monitors.10:58
Netham45my e-Dick is like 50 inches.10:58
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Netham45did I get kicked?10:59
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cafuegoNetham45: yes10:59
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cafuegoNetham45: minors visit this channel10:59
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Jack_SparrowMy wife seems to always boot without the internet cable plugged into her laptop.  Is there a cli command to refresh that connection that I could write into a script for her.?10:59
cafuegoour dick has no place here10:59
brk3jrib: any idea what that error is? Im sure I have done everything correctly just don't know why that debian folder is missing10:59
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killorSame thing guys.11:00
EchoBinaryunless your name is richard :-D11:00
jribbrk3: did you cd inside amarok-VERSION?11:00
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killorXChat STILL needs GTK 2.0 to be installed.11:00
dfgask i have a amd turion 64 running 32bit ubuntu,     what swiftfox should i get? athlon64  32bit?11:00
brk3jrib: yes11:00
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cafuegodfgas: 32bit11:00
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killorhow do you unzip a .bz2 file?11:00
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dfgascafuego: but what processor one?11:00
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jribkillux: right click -> extract11:00
Sergosorry, where i can get docs on xorg.conf/11:00
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C_Kodebzip2 -j I beleive11:01
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jribSergo: man xorg.conf11:01
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cafuegodfgas: i doubt very much it would make any discernible difference either way11:01
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brk3jrib: I think Ive found the problem11:01
newtubuntucan I edit my fstab without going in terminal ?  Is there a graphical application I can run to edit the fstab ? gedit ?11:02
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Bob_le_PointuYes, gedit.11:02
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Xraventhis is a stupid question.....how do i re-align my desktop because its getting cut off on the left side and thers black space on the right11:02
Bob_le_PointuOr any text editor.11:02
jribnewtubuntu: alt-f2  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab11:02
aaroncampbellI had to re-do a bunch of network stuff on my system, and now it seems that samba isn't working quite right.  I can access \\ from a windows computer, but not \\aaron (which is what I used to use)11:02
aaroncampbellI've been told it's a WINS problem, but where would I look to handle this?11:02
C_Kodeany GNU text editor will work11:02
advhow do i apt-get sdl?11:02
C_Kodeer GUI11:02
advwhat's the name for the sdl package?11:02
cafuegoXraven: monitor controls11:02
snergeHow do do specify the order of your video devices, my webcam and my tv tuner keep switching around video0 and video1 ?11:02
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snergedo you11:02
skinnypuppy1334What is there for offline browsing in ubuntu? I'd like to be able to put webpages on cd with images and links easily.11:03
jribadv: libsdl1.2debian seems to be it in feisty11:03
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bayzidersFrom the second I log in my proccesor is maxed out at 100%, and the system monitor wont open. How do I fix this????11:03
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Bob_le_Pointuadv: libsdl1.2-***11:03
Bob_le_PointuDepends on features you need.11:03
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SkiessiHow can I turn off this fucking PC speaker?11:04
PriceChild!ohmy | Skiessi11:04
ubotuSkiessi: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:04
jribSkiessi: system -> preferences -> sounds -> system beep11:04
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advBob_le_Pointu: what features?11:05
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skinnypuppy1334Offline browsing in ubuntu???11:05
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newtubuntujrib:  thank you. After I've edited the fstab, must I logoff or reboot ? (I know this sounds like a Windows user, which I was until 48hrs ago...)11:05
jribnewtubuntu: depends on what you did11:06
RamonI need some assistance installing ubuntu... I don't know whats happening but i've been trying debian, and debian based distros like kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-lite etc... and all of them are giving me "debootstrap" errors when doing the "base installation"11:06
yehweh!pastebin > yehweh11:06
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DaveTarmacAnyone in here good with network cards? I need advice on a wireless card to buy that works on both Ubuntu (perferably Atheros) and Vista11:06
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DaveTarmacIf anyone knows any good sites for this, please can you share?11:06
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-narkoman:#ubuntu- Hello ! i am from LAtvia & Russia :)))))))))))11:07
brk3DaveTarmac: there are cheap usb ones on ebay made by bluenext that are supported well on  ubuntu and windows11:07
cafuegonarkoman: don't use /notice11:07
AQ_^i need to connect my quakenet, bouncer but how i can change my ident?11:07
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DaveTarmacbrk3: Do yo uknow any PCI ones? I'd prefer one to sit inside my computer11:07
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Xravenuh....how do i get rid of the line thats going down the middle of my desktop?11:07
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harrisonpowerssounds like a dope site11:08
narkoman=] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 11:08
newtubuntujrib:  I added:  jrib:  /media/mountname  smbfs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  0    to be able to share my disk11:08
sarixefecking spam11:08
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cafuegoIs it retard day today or something?11:08
brk3wft someone kick oracleGD11:08
narkomantyt estj ktonibutj11:08
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narkomans rociiji ?11:08
rustalothow do I take an .iso of an SD card?11:08
jribnarkoman: stop11:08
sarixeoracleGD is already out11:08
narkomanjrib ??11:09
bayziderFrom the second I log in my my proccesor is maxed out at 100%, if I do any thing my system crashes. How do I fix this >=(?11:09
jrib!ru | narkoman11:09
ubotunarkoman:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke11:09
brk3DaveTarmac: no sorry that was just one that sprang to mind11:09
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skinnypuppy1334Offline browsing with ubuntu???11:09
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lllllllWhat's the best shredder program for Ubuntu/linux? I used Eraser on XP and that was amazing11:09
DaveTarmacbrk3: ok, cheers for the advice anyhoo11:09
narkomanjrib & ?11:09
EADG_lllllll: wipe11:09
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cafuegonarkoman: jrib means 'don't spam the channel with oneliner rubbish"11:10
bayziderAlso my entire gig of ram is maxed out and all I have open is beryl and xchat11:10
iphv37anyone knows how to open a page? if so, help me! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27478/11:10
bayziderPlease help11:10
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jribcafuego: thanks11:10
brk3bayzider: just reboot11:10
narkoman!ru | narkoman11:10
Ramonok seems nobody can help :(11:10
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ompaulbayzider, paste the output of the command "free" into paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:11
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skinnypuppy1334Might TOP also help?11:11
narkomantam zhe nety neodnovo ruskovo11:11
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cafuegonarkoman: We really only speak english here.11:11
Puppy_How big of a deal is this when adding a network printer? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27488/11:11
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narkomantam zhe nety neodnovo ruskovo11:12
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narkomanchavoo ?11:12
narkomandelatj ?11:12
narkomanvi takije vesolije11:12
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jribnarkoman: please speak only english here and keep comments to a single line11:12
cafuegonarkoman: Are you a bot?11:12
narkoman=] ] 11:12
narkomani dont11:12
narkomanbut small understand11:12
jribnarkoman: type this: /join #ubuntu-ru11:13
narkomani am11:13
narkomanti suka11:13
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killorchecking for gcc... gcc11:13
killorchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:13
killorI can't ./configure anything/11:13
jribkillor: you need to install build-essential11:13
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cafuegokillor: try looking at configure.log - it will tell you why.11:13
Puppy_How big of a deal is this when adding a network printer? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27488/11:14
killorwhere is that jrib?11:14
Xravenhow do i open a .bin file so i can install java?11:14
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killorcafuego, it already says the error.11:14
jribkillor: it's a package in the repositories11:14
jrib!java > Xraven (see the private message from ubotu)11:14
cafuegoXraven: java is packaged for Ubuntu, no .bin is needed.11:14
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iphv37one more time.... anyone to help me with clamav?11:15
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killorso the repositories are basically11:16
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Dekkharynjrib, thanks for pointing me towards the bugs.ubuntu.com - it seems people have installed Ubuntu 7.04 quite successfully without issue from the alternate installer. I will attempt this; if it fails then I will probably just wait for Gusty and try something else in the meantime. Thank you for all your help so far!11:16
rjune__what package coontains the gui usermanager?11:16
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killorthe CD?11:16
SyPhyis there a favorites option for xchat?11:16
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raaviHello, Does anyone have success installing driver for nvidia GeForce 8500 GT under 64 bit in ubuntu.11:16
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bayziderFrom the second I log in my proccesor is maxed out at 100%, with no apps besides beryl and avant open. Also systyem monitor wont open. How do I fix this? Please answer this quickly, my system crashes about 3 minutes after boot up.11:17
taahow to read .chm files (anything but xchm please) ?11:17
advchecking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no11:17
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advhow can i install sdl?11:17
cafuegoadv: you need the -dev package11:17
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advcafuego: i think i have it11:17
raavitaa: There is one for gnome too...11:17
cafuego'apt-cache search sdl dev' should list 'em11:17
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raavitaa: Its called GnoChm11:18
Jonny|anyone know the problem of this when i try to launch a game?Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable,11:18
Jonny|found non-freed data11:18
rjune__What package owns the gui user manager.11:18
taaraavi dont have it installed, ty :)11:18
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raavitaa: You can install through Automatix11:19
Andy80from this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI   I read: The 'fglrx' driver does not support cards earlier than the 9500. This means that my 9250 is not supported by ATI?11:19
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cafuegoAndy80: Your 9250 works 100% fine with the open driver.11:19
iphv37hey, r u ignoring me? clamav seems to affect my pc! it seems to work everytime i open a program, and with some of them, the window do not open!..11:19
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cafuegoAndy80: ... which is lucky, as the open driver is of much betetr quality.11:19
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CppIsWeirdim having a sound issue (and mic). When i first boot into ubuntu, i have sound, but very soon after booting, eventually nothing will make sound anymore. Can anyone instruct me on how to fix this?11:20
taaraavi automatix know how to install rpm package !?11:20
Andy80cafuego: with open driver it works. I know... it's the driver I'm currently using... but I was asking if the propetary driver will work with it :\11:20
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Kai-laptopim looking to buy a pcmcia or pc card wifi adaptor, does anyone have any suggestions to one thats fully supported in linux (not ndiswrapper) that i could get at a decent price at places like ebay?11:20
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magnetron!hardware | Kai-laptop11:20
ubotuKai-laptop: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:20
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PurpZeYKai-laptop: Somewhere online there is a list of supported...oh11:20
Andy80cafuego: "ati" is the open driver you're talking about?11:20
PhynxPhireI have a Toshiba p105 s921 running Ubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn, with the latest alsa drivers, And a 82801G ICH7 HDA Intel Sound card, Ive tried everything, and i get absolutely no sound at all.11:20
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kyle123When Ubuntu is installing how long does it usually take for it to Configure WVDIAL at 75% ?11:21
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illriginalDoes anyone know if you can hide the desktop icons?11:21
Kai-laptopremove them?11:21
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illriginalNah... I don't want to remove them.. I Just want to hide them11:22
advhow can i copy a file from the host to target via ssh?11:22
pike_illriginal: illriginal in xfce you can i dont know about gnome.. maybe move em all to .filename :)11:22
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moonliteadv: scp file username@hostname:/path/to/folder11:22
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raaviillriginal: You can tell nautilus not to draw the desktop...then, you will not see any icons on the desktop...11:22
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unsightfullhello, I have yet another question, I want to remove grub from my mbr and install another bootloader in its place11:23
advmoonlite: is the file on the host or the sshed machine?11:23
illriginalraavi... and it will be reverse-able yes?11:23
adv*is "file"11:23
pike_unsightfull: you dont need to remove it just install whatever you want over it11:23
PhynxPhireI have a Toshiba p105 s921 running Ubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn, with the latest alsa drivers, And a 82801G ICH7 HDA Intel Sound card, Ive tried everything, and i get absolutely no sound at all.11:23
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moonliteadv: what do you mean?11:23
brk3jrib: when I run apt-get source amarok is there a way of making it download from the backports respitory rather than the default one?11:23
illriginalraavi, I'd like to take a screenshot without icons being shown.11:23
=== luciano [n=luciano@201-13-111-242.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
kyle123When Ubuntu is installing how long does it usually take for it to Configure WVDIAL at 75% ?11:23
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moonlitethe first argument is the place where the file is and the second where you want to put it11:23
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advmoonlite: scp file (file is on my pc, or on the remote pc)?11:24
moonliteif the file is on a remote ssh-server ten switch the arguments11:24
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unsightfull@spike allright.. and what if I want to install it on my first partition instead of on my mbr?11:24
ArenlorI am trying to turn on desktop effects but it says that the Composite extension is not available11:24
moonliteadv: think of it this way: scp is like normal cp, except that you also can type ssh-hosts as targets or sources11:24
=== freeagy [n=senki@catv-5984f23d.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu
illriginalDamn Linux has gotta be more versatile11:25
raaviillriginal: Then don't put any icons on the desktop, and you can hide volumes through GConf...11:25
=== HymnToLife` [n=fkraiem@unaffiliated/hymntolife] has joined #ubuntu
PhynxPhire I have a Toshiba p105 s921 running Ubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn, with the latest alsa drivers, And a 82801G ICH7 HDA Intel Sound card, Ive tried everything, and i get absolutely no sound at all.11:25
illriginalI thought hiding icons was normal :P11:25
moonliteadv: the first argument being source and the second being target11:25
brk3jrib: sorry for the bother ive got it working finally! thanks for the help11:26
advk thx11:26
illriginalraavi, as of now, I have my trashcan icon only on my desktop.11:26
moonliteillriginal: why would you want to "hide" files on your desktop, and not just move them away from the desktop?11:26
iphv37none helps me with clamav here? i think it is an ubuntu problem...11:26
moonliteillriginal: i would guess it just isn't a relevant use case11:26
illriginalmoonlite lol how do I hide my trashcan icon? :P11:26
PhynxPhireI have a Toshiba p105 s921 running Ubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn, with the latest alsa drivers, And a 82801G ICH7 HDA Intel Sound card, Ive tried everything, and i get absolutely no sound at all.11:26
illriginalmoonlite... well that sucks.11:26
moonliteillriginal: oh ok. that was a different something. You will have to tinker with some gconf-settings.11:27
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dannyboy79I have a hard drive icon on my desktop that I can't figure out how to change?11:27
PurpZeYPhynxPhire: Did you make sure alsamixer is set as your sound output11:27
CppIsWeirdim having a sound issue (and mic). When i first boot into ubuntu, i have sound, but very soon after booting, eventually nothing will make sound anymore. Can anyone instruct me on how to fix this?11:27
moonliteillriginal: and it hsould be hidden by default so i'm guessing you did something to actually show it at first?11:27
SyPhyhow come when i do commands in xchat they are not working (e.g. whois)11:28
illriginalyeah moonlite11:28
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moonlitedo the oppossite then :)11:28
=== Volodya [n=khrustal@postoffice.balu.net.ua] has joined #ubuntu
brk3PurpZeY: you have to change a value in the registry, would you like me to walk you though it?11:28
PurpZeYbrk3: What?11:28
farcl0udhow do i fix this ?   dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of psx:11:28
farcl0ud psx depends on libgtkglext1; however:11:28
farcl0ud  Package libgtkglext1 is not installed.11:28
farcl0uddpkg: error processing psx (--install):11:28
farcl0ud dependency problems - leaving unconfigured11:28
farcl0udErrors were encountered while processing:11:28
killornow once i got build-essentials marked11:28
killorHow do you install it?11:28
raaviillriginal: you can also hide the trash can....check on Configuration Editor->apps->nautilus->desktop11:28
dannyboy79anyone know how to rename a hard drive icon on the desktop?11:28
PhynxPhirePurpZey: yes alsa is my default output11:29
brk3PurpZeY: sorry, wrong nick!11:29
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illriginalraavi.. .yeah im tryin to find that right now.11:29
Arenlorfarcl0ud install libgtkglext111:29
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PurpZeYbrk3: No worries.11:29
moonlitekillor: in synaptic? then just press apply11:29
yehweh!paste| farcl0ud11:29
ubotufarcl0ud: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:29
=== ID_ [n=heidi@AStrasbourg-157-1-14-91.w90-40.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
brk3dannyboy79: you have to change a value in the registry, would you like me to walk you though it?11:29
killorapply where11:29
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PurpZeYPhynxPhire: And you've toyed with alsamixer?11:29
farcl0udwhats the command for that arenlor?11:29
killorah nvm11:29
PhynxPhirei have also edited the alsabase with all sorts of different model anmes11:29
Scuniziwhich files do I need from synaptic to play swf files in Totem or vlc?11:29
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farcl0udoh, whoops11:29
raaviillriginal: okay11:29
dannyboy79brk3: yes please. I wasn't aware of linux having a registry11:29
Arenlorapt-get install libgtkglext1 in the terminal, or just use synaptic to install it11:30
sarixeScunizi: vlc should play them automatically11:30
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PhynxPhirealsamixer is at full volume and unmuted11:30
kyle123what can i do if my Ubuntu install is stuck on 75% at Configuring wvdial ?11:30
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GunmanicHey all :)11:30
AlataQuick question: what's the command to list currently running programs?11:30
killorafter installing build-essentials i can ./configure whatever I want, correct? without a gcc error?11:30
brk3dannyboy79: well its more a gnome registry.. first press alt-f2 and type gconf-editor11:30
chohmannalata: ps11:30
DavidCraftwhen I installed ubuntu I had in my xorg.conf a synaptic driver.  I installed a patch for my video display (to get it to display in wide screen). Now all of a sudden, the synaptics driver is not there.  How do I fix this?11:30
Scunizisarixe, it doesn't .. it tries but gives an error ffmpeg error: av_open_input_stream failed11:30
PurpZeYPhynxPhire: Have tried amplification?11:30
dannyboy79brk3:  I figured that's what you were talking about, got it open11:31
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PurpZeYGuess he didn't want the forum I found11:31
brk3dannyboy79: now go to apps->nautilus->desktop11:31
moonlitekillor: it doesn't really work that way. You'll have to have all dev-packages for all dependencies for the program you are trying to compile11:31
sarixeScunizi: try fiddling with your codec and output settings11:31
dannyboy79brk3: ok11:31
sarixebut now i gotta go11:31
CppIsWeirdim having a sound issue (and mic). When i first boot into ubuntu, i have sound, but very soon after booting, eventually nothing will make sound anymore. Can anyone instruct me on how to fix this?11:31
brk3dannyboy79: and uncheck the value 'volumes visible'11:31
Scunizisarixe, thanks.. I'll try that.11:31
Arenloranyone know why desktop effects is claiming that Composite extension is not available?11:31
moonlitekillor: however, i'd like to kow why you are trying to compile a program in the first place?11:31
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Alatachohmann: Thanks. :-)11:31
kyle123what can i do if my Ubuntu install is stuck on 75% at Configuring wvdial ?11:32
gilo2is there a GUI for IPSec?11:32
GunmanicOne quick question: How do I kill the X server, I'm Running Xubuntu11:32
killorI was trying to compile XChat, but it's in the repositories, so I can get it installed through there I'm guessing.11:32
dannyboy79brk3: why is that? I'll do it but I would just like an explaination11:32
farcl0udkewl, thank you arenlor11:32
gordonjcpGunmanic: ctrl-alt-backspace?11:32
PurpZeYGunmanic: ctrl-alt-bksp11:32
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Gunmanictried that but it still boots X in the background11:32
dannyboy79brk3: WOW, they are all gone.11:32
brk3dannyboy79: it will hide the hard drive icon on your desktop, that is what you want no?11:32
moonlitekillor: what irc-client are you using now?11:32
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dannyboy79brk3: no, I want to change a name of 1 of them.11:32
PurpZeYkyle123: You mean the install of wvdial freezes or ubuntu freezes completely on install?11:32
kyle123ctrl + alt +backspace does nothing :(11:33
GunmanicI just want pure Terminal, trying to install Nvidia driver11:33
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brk3dannyboy79: oh.. sorry! then think you need to change the mount point in /etc/fstab11:33
killorthe one that comnes11:33
PurpZeYkyle123: There is a CLI line, I think it's like killall x or something like that. I'm sure someone can clarify.11:33
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GunmanicPLz, anyone11:33
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moonlitekillor: that would be xchat (or a special version of xchat called xchat-gnome)11:33
dannyboy79brk3: nope, mount is correct but it's showing me some weird name11:33
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chohmannGunmanic: ctrl+alt+f1. ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to x11:34
dannyboy79brk3: it's showing as DRV8_VOL1. really strange?11:34
Arenloranyone on here know about Desktop Effects?11:34
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fuzzy_logicArenlor: what do you want to know??11:35
brk3dannyboy79: ya thats kind of strange alright11:35
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Gunmanicok I did that, and the installer still says X is running11:35
brk3Arenlor: you need to go to #ubuntu-effects11:35
Arenlorfuzzy_logic, it's claiming that the Composite extension is not available11:35
ParanoyaMguys, i have a trouble with iptables11:35
dannyboy79brk3: any suggestions?11:35
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gilo2does anyone know if they make an IPSec GUI / application?11:35
ParanoyaMiptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `-tee': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)11:35
ParanoyaMPerhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.11:35
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brk3dannyboy79: is it called something completely different in /etc/fstab?11:35
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lllllllIf I say "sudo apt-get install [xxx] ", where is the specified program downloaded to?11:35
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CppIsWeirdim having a sound issue (and mic). When i first boot into ubuntu, i have sound, but very soon after booting, eventually nothing will make sound anymore. Can anyone instruct me on how to fix this?11:36
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brk3lllllll: /usr/bin usually11:36
fuzzy_logicArenlor: a little googling brought me to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44644211:37
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dannyboy79brk3: it's wrong under Places also. but when I look in /dev/disk/by-label there is only 1 symlink pointing to that drive's device id which is /dev/hdb1. do you think I can just delete that symlink?11:37
ParanoyaMwhat wrong in this command? sudo iptables -t mangle -p udp --dport 50138 -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ROUTE --oif eth0 --tee11:37
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dannyboy79brk3: I actually just noticed this now!!! this might be the solution I hope.11:37
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brk3dannyboy79: let us know if it works :)11:38
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ParanoyaMwhat wrong in this command? sudo iptables -t mangle -p udp --dport 50138 -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ROUTE --oif eth0 --tee11:38
dannyboy79brk3: so you think that's it? No damage if I delete it?11:38
fuzzy_logicParanoyaM: i'm sure 1 time asking is more than enough11:38
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chohmanngunmanic: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_disable_Ctrl.2BAlt.2BBackspace_from_restarting_X_in_GNOME_and_KDE_3.5.x11:38
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ParanoyaMsorr, but nobody answer11:38
lllllllif I've "sudo apt-get install [xxx] " -ed something, how do I uninstall it? Can I just delete the file?11:39
Arenlorfuzzy_logic, thanks11:39
PurpZeYlllllll: apt-remove11:39
fuzzy_logicArenlor: np11:39
lllllllah, nice11:39
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chohmanngunmanic: sorry, please disregard. I miss understood the wiki11:40
pike_lllllll: if you want to remove config files and stuff too apt-get remove packagename --purge   i believbe11:40
CppIsWeirdim having a sound issue (and mic). When i first boot into ubuntu, i have sound, but very soon after booting, eventually nothing will make sound anymore. Can anyone instruct me on how to fix this?11:40
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lllllllI see. I'm getting "bash: apt-remove: command not found" for apt-remove11:40
nfsclamboi have an issue with one of my network adapters not showing up...how do i fix that?11:40
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DavidCraftwhen I installed ubuntu I had in my xorg.conf a synaptic driver.  I installed a patch for my video display (to get it to display in wide screen). Now all of a sudden, the synaptics driver is not there.  How do I fix this?11:40
bobgillIf I am in a long path like /dir/dir/bleh/etc/file/game, and I need to copy a file from /media/bleh to here, how can I just copy to "current" or where I am at11:40
pike_bobgill: ./11:41
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pike_bobgill: ../ is back one dir ../.. back two dirs etc11:41
bobgillpike_: awesome, thanks11:41
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ParanoyaMwhat wrong in this command? sudo iptables -t mangle -p udp --dport 50138 -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ROUTE --oif eth0 --tee11:42
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pike_!ru | ParanoyaM11:42
ubotuParanoyaM:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke11:42
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linxehhas anyone experienced latency/performance issues when using Windows or Mac X servers for displaying apps from an ubuntu box? I've got several boxes here, all with different ubuntu installs (64bit, 32bit etc), and have quite awful performance, its really annoying because I might have to go back to redhat11:43
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ParanoyaMi was there, they directed me here11:43
pike_ParanoyaM: jk'ing sorry :)11:43
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Rageagainstthiswhere can I download the egdy alternate cd?11:44
illriginalDoes anyone know how to properly hide desktop icons temporarily?11:44
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BloodyTuxhow do i install a .bin?11:44
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PriceChildBloodyTux, what is it?11:44
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C_hello all11:45
BloodyTuxits some game11:45
PriceChildBloodyTux, linux isn't like windows... Linux does choose what to do with it by its extention, rather what's in it.11:45
C_okay have some ?'s11:45
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PriceChildBloodyTux, ./filename.bin11:45
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TeknineHello, I am wondering if someone can help me troubleshoot getting WoW to run on my linux installation, I have it working to a point.. but as soon as i click enter world is when it locks up, anyone help me please :(11:45
PriceChildBloodyTux, do that whilst cd'd into the correct dir11:45
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geo_ante na doume11:45
matt1982is it possible to play DivX movies on Ubuntu? I just looked in the Faq but its not that clear to me, sorry for the noob question11:45
PriceChildTeknine, #winehq is probably the best place for that...11:45
madsporkmurdererI am trying to re-enable my swap partition after my box decided to rearrange my hard drives for me; I know it is /dev/sdb1 that I want to use but it seems that this is neither the label or uuid- how do I find one of these orr use /dev/sdb1 with swapon11:45
illriginalTeknine... you need cedega.11:45
PriceChild!mp3 | matt198211:45
ubotumatt1982: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:45
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illriginalwine sucks.11:46
nuked_omenwhen i give a user a password, he can type sudo -i and type in his password and have root privileges.. i want ubuntu to ask him for root password, not his user password to issue such commands, how?11:46
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C_Im running an amd67 with an ati video card and can some one help me get desktop efc's work11:46
illriginalit's the worst idea ever mentioned and created.11:46
C_*64 that is11:46
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PriceChildillriginal, I hear wow works well in wine... most people use it instead of cedega to run wow... please don't be like that11:46
kyle123there any reason my install you get stuck on 75% at Configuring wvdial ?11:46
BloodyTuxit keeps telling me command not found...11:46
Rageagainstthisis there still a way to download edgy eft alternate cd somewhere?11:47
frankiezWhich package should I use to burn cd roms ? Im using Ubuntu11:47
PriceChildBloodyTux, sure you're in the right directory?11:47
BloodyTuxin desktop11:47
illriginalwine sucks.11:47
BloodyTuxshould i create a seperate folder11:47
PriceChildRageagainstthis, http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso11:47
C_has any one had any luck getting ATI and Desktop Effects to work11:47
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illriginalwine is horrible.. ill express my opinion how ever i feel.11:47
PriceChildillriginal, Please stop.11:47
EADG_illriginal: take it to #wine11:47
PriceChildillriginal, support the user or move on.11:48
illriginalno thanks :P11:48
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illriginalexactly, cedega > wine11:48
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RageagainstthisPriceChild: thanks man, you saved me11:48
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illriginal   /discussion11:48
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/11:48
=== SadMimba [n=ss@dsl-244-210-182.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildRageagainstthis, good luck11:48
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:48
advanced1impliciHi, how can I extract .rar files? When I go to extract it says archive type not supported.11:48
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illriginaladvancedlimplici.... go to synaptic11:48
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illriginaland type rar11:48
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advanced1impliciillriginal: okay thanks.11:49
illriginaland download the support file for it :P11:49
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PriceChildadvanced1implici, sudo apt-get install unrar, then unrar file.rar11:49
illriginalor that ^11:49
illriginalDoes anyone know how to properly hide desktop icons temporarily?11:49
ipx-laptopIs there any easy way to install GTK2+? Its really a dependency h-ll to install it through source :( Running into so many problems i cant even count them on one hand!11:49
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=== echo3 [n=karl@cpe-72-183-14-248.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
chohmanngunmanic: do "ctrl+alt+f1". then "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"11:49
frankiezwhich package should I download to burn cd's on Ubuntu ?11:49
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PriceChildipx-laptop, what are you really trying to do?11:49
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PriceChildfrankiez, sudo apt-get install gnomebaker11:49
=== Nimrod6 [n=lan@cpe-74-78-22-162.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Imsdlehow do you force a reinstall of osmething to wipe all the settings and reinstall... i.e. mythtv-backend11:50
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knotgiftedis tilda safe to use with xubuntu?11:50
frankiezThanx PriceChild11:50
PriceChildknotgifted, have you tried?11:50
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ipx-laptopPriceChild: installing xfce4-battery-plugin-0.5.011:50
dromerhow can I see what my hostname on the network is?11:50
knotgiftedpricechild: i tried on ubuntu, afterward, my computer would not boot up11:50
ipx-laptopPriceChild: it depends on gtk2+, like ive heard many apps do11:50
ipx-laptopPriceChild: and i cannot compile it without11:50
PriceChildknotgifted, tilda being the game like console?11:50
yehwehImsdle: purge11:51
knotgiftedpricechild: it would boot.. but it would be at this very basic prompt. yes, tilda the quake-like-console terminal11:51
newtubuntuI'm really trying hard here, and I think I'm over-complicating things. All I want is to be able to share a partition (FAT32) with any pc on the network. I need to be able to edit the drive's permissions. How do I proceed ?11:51
gdbDoes anyone know how to force the gnome-terminal cursor to be green?11:51
cleverImsdle: mythtv stores a large portion of its settings in mysql11:51
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PriceChild!info xfce4-battery-plugin | ipx-laptop11:51
ubotuipx-laptop: xfce4-battery-plugin: battery monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.0-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 31 kB, installed size 268 kB11:51
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-164-86-192.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildipx-laptop, why trying to build yourself?11:51
cleverImsdle: youll probly want to drop the database 'mythconverg'11:51
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shrimantshellow, what is the non help chatting version of this channel?11:51
cleverImsdle: #mythtv-users can give more info11:51
PriceChildknotgifted, unrelated issue... you've broken it somehow11:51
PriceChild!offtopic | shrimants11:51
ubotushrimants: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:51
illriginalTo hide/unhide desktop icons: gconf-editor app nautilus desktop11:51
Jordan_UWhen I try to type a tilda I get a > instead11:51
shrimantsah thanks11:51
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illriginalnow im outs!11:52
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PriceChildJordan_U, change your keyboard layout to the correct version11:52
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knotgiftedpricechild: i ran 'daemon tilda' in terminal11:52
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ipx-laptopPriceChild: thanks alot, didnt know it was in the repos! :)11:52
Jordan_UPriceChild, Where? I never changed it and it was working yesterday11:52
ipx-laptopPriceChild: But anyways, isnt gtk+ 2.0 a good package to have installed? Arent there many programs depending on it?11:52
PriceChildipx-laptop, you should never have to compile stuff until a last resort... "always" check the repos first11:52
ipx-laptopok :)11:52
rustalothow do I make an iso of an sd card11:52
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pike_cat /dev/sda1 > file.iso  i guess maybe11:53
pike_rustalot: ^11:53
PriceChildipx-laptop, and you will want libgtk2 soemthing if you want to compile11:53
pike_rustalot: dd is probably better11:53
rustalothow do I use dd?11:53
PriceChildipx-laptop, do an "apt-get build-dep package" to get all the build dependencies (if its in ubuntu) if you want to recompile11:53
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knotgiftedin terminal, is it possible to run a program, e.g. blender, beep-music-player, firefox... without locking up the terminal?11:53
PriceChildJordan_U, I don't believe you :)11:53
gdbdd if=/dev/device of=image.iso11:53
PriceChildJordan_U, obviously you changed something for it to change... it doesn't do it by itself11:54
pike_rustalot: ^ what gdb said :)11:54
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yehwehknotgifted: add a & at the end11:55
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EADG_knotgifted: send the program to the background; program &11:55
dromerso, how can I see whet domain name my network uses?11:55
knotgiftedyehweh, EADG_: thanks11:55
newtubuntuI do you change a drive's permissions and make it RW to EVERYONE ?11:55
ipx-laptopPriceChild: okok11:55
Jordan_Uknotgifted, If you also want the program to keep running when you close the terminal use screen11:55
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newtubuntuHOW do you change, that is...11:56
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yehwehnewtubuntu: chmod  -R 666 /media/drive11:56
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PriceChildyehweh, newtubuntu don't do that11:56
newtubuntuPriceChild:  Why ?11:56
PriceChildnewtubuntu, this is something you have mounted in your /etc/fstab right?11:56
yehwehPriceChild: as soon as i typed it I realised that was stupid. my bad11:57
vadwhat alternative is for putty?11:57
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vadanyone know?11:57
Jordan_Uvad, ssh ?11:57
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Nimrod6df -h shows my / is 100%, i dont know what to delete in there and i googling isnt helping11:57
vadi forget about ssh11:57
newtubuntuPriceChild:  I tried mounting it in fstab, but I fail in following the doc's directions for sharing a volume with windows11:57
PriceChildnewtubuntu, because you want to change the way you mount it, not change what is on there so you can use it11:57
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yehwehnewtubuntu: it recursively changes the permission for all the files. thats not a good thing to do11:57
vadjordan_U thanks11:57
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Jordan_Uvad, np11:58
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PriceChildnewtubuntu, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows is nice11:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-crash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptcrash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:58
PriceChildNimrod6, sudo apt-get clean11:58
Jordan_UNimrod6, Try apt-cache clean11:58
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aaroncampbellI had to re-do a bunch of network stuff on my system, and now it seems that samba isn't working quite right.  I can access \\ from a windows computer, but not \\aaron (which is what I used to use)11:58
aaroncampbellI've been told it's a WINS problem, but where would I look to handle this?11:58
Nimrod6tried apt-get clean11:58
Nimrod6ill try apt-cache thanks11:58
PriceChildNimrod6, apt-get autoremove11:59
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PriceChildNimrod6, clean stuff in your /tmp you don't need11:59
newtubuntuwhat I'm trying to do should be SO simple and intuitive, I JUST want to make the darn drive visible and writable to the entire network11:59
Nimrod6I did the basics... found those in the forums11:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adept-crash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adeptcrash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
Nimrod6df still shows / is @ 100%11:59
PriceChildnewtubuntu, oh so it works fine on the actual machine?11:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crashapt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
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Jordan_U!botabuse | blue|palm12:00
ubotublue|palm: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:00
blue|palmJordan_U, apologies12:00
chohmannaaroncampell: Main Menu>System>Administration>SharedFolders12:00
uberushaximusJordan_U, beat me to it ;)12:00
aggizAnyone got a link where I can get Crossover?12:00
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uberushaximusaggiz, you tried wine with CS already?12:00
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uberushaximusit works exceedingly well12:01

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