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unagi | hi? | 04:57 |
jrib | unagi: what did you do exactly? | 04:57 |
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unagi | well for a few days ive been trying to get maya to work | 04:58 |
unagi | i downloaded rpm's and converted them to deb | 04:58 |
unagi | i FINALLY get it to run but the problem is it locks my system up shortly after.......and it breaks my package manager | 04:58 |
jrib | well I can't help you with maya | 04:59 |
jrib | but we can fix the package manager probably | 04:59 |
jrib | pastebin the error | 04:59 |
unagi | ubuntu also crashes frequently | 04:59 |
unagi | whats pastebin | 04:59 |
unagi | !pastebin | 04:59 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:59 |
unagi | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27553/ | 05:00 |
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jrib | k, so now pastebin what happens when you try to reinstall awcommon | 05:01 |
unagi | sudo apt-get reinstall awcommon? | 05:02 |
jrib | no, use the .deb you have | 05:02 |
unagi | the package could be corrupt or you are not allowed to open the file | 05:04 |
jrib | what command did you use? | 05:05 |
unagi | i double clicked on the deb | 05:05 |
jrib | do it in a terminal | 05:05 |
jrib | sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb | 05:05 |
unagi | !pastebin | 05:06 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:06 |
unagi | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27554/ | 05:07 |
jrib | unagi: pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/awcommon* | 05:08 |
unagi | ok cool good news | 05:10 |
unagi | i fixed my package manager | 05:10 |
unagi | bad news....had to remove maya to do it | 05:10 |
jrib | ok | 05:10 |
unagi | or maybe not | 05:11 |
unagi | im confused | 05:11 |
unagi | linux doesnt make sense to me =*( | 05:11 |
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checkergrrl | hi there jrib | 08:45 |
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jrib | one sec | 08:46 |
checkergrrl | k | 08:47 |
jrib | checkergrrl: what do you actually want to accomplish? | 08:48 |
checkergrrl | okay | 08:48 |
checkergrrl | i want to find all the .txt files of a directory and compress(gzip) it to a new directory | 08:49 |
checkergrrl | is it possible? | 08:50 |
jrib | do you want to keep the originals? | 08:50 |
checkergrrl | nope | 08:51 |
checkergrrl | but if there is no othe option ..than its fine | 08:52 |
jrib | well, I'm trying to figure out the syntax to make it create them in a new directory | 08:52 |
checkergrrl | what about if the new directory is already created and we can point it out to it | 08:53 |
jrib | true, we can do something like gzip -c FILE > FILE.gz | 08:53 |
jrib | does that make sense? | 08:53 |
checkergrrl | mmmm | 08:53 |
checkergrrl | thats a new one | 08:53 |
checkergrrl | > | 08:53 |
jrib | what were you thinking? | 08:54 |
checkergrrl | let me try | 08:54 |
jrib | wait | 08:54 |
checkergrrl | okay | 08:54 |
jrib | here is what you can try (it will just print stuff and not do anything): | 08:54 |
checkergrrl | find -name *.txt gzip -c FILE > FILE.gz | 08:55 |
checkergrrl | gzip -v *.txt | 08:55 |
checkergrrl | works for all txt | 08:55 |
jrib | do you want to make several seperate .gz files or you want like a tarball? | 08:56 |
checkergrrl | for each .txt file i want to create a gz | 08:56 |
checkergrrl | but i want to use the "find" command | 08:57 |
jrib | find -name '*.txt' -exec echo "gzip -c {} > /path/to/new/directory/{}.gz" \; | 08:57 |
jrib | try that | 08:57 |
checkergrrl | k | 08:58 |
jrib | do those commands seem to do what you want? | 08:59 |
checkergrrl | yes...but i am getting this error msg: find: missing argument to '-exec' | 09:00 |
jrib | can you paste the command you used? | 09:00 |
checkergrrl | i used the one you typed | 09:01 |
jrib | was that the only output? | 09:02 |
checkergrrl | yep | 09:03 |
checkergrrl | find: missing argument to '-exec' | 09:03 |
jrib | it works here, did you copy and paste the whole thing or type it out? | 09:03 |
checkergrrl | type it out | 09:03 |
checkergrrl | mmmm | 09:04 |
checkergrrl | okay let me try again | 09:04 |
checkergrrl | hahha...now i got > | 09:06 |
checkergrrl | jrib...i will work on it | 09:06 |
checkergrrl | :) | 09:06 |
checkergrrl | there must be soemthign i am doing | 09:07 |
checkergrrl | maybe a space or something | 09:07 |
jrib | copy and paste what you are doing | 09:07 |
checkergrrl | well..i am using different boxes | 09:07 |
checkergrrl | hold on | 09:07 |
checkergrrl | let me try something different | 09:07 |
checkergrrl | i will paste it on IM | 09:08 |
checkergrrl | lol | 09:08 |
checkergrrl | jrib thanks for all your help | 09:10 |
checkergrrl | i will be around tomorrow | 09:10 |
checkergrrl | i got class to go to | 09:10 |
checkergrrl | :( | 09:10 |
jrib | k | 09:13 |
checkergrrl | hey jrib | 09:15 |
checkergrrl | it worked! | 09:15 |
jrib | hey | 09:15 |
checkergrrl | awesome :() | 09:15 |
checkergrrl | :) | 09:15 |
jrib | it didn't | 09:15 |
checkergrrl | it did | 09:15 |
jrib | because you have echo right? | 09:15 |
checkergrrl | yep | 09:16 |
checkergrrl | your command was right | 09:16 |
jrib | you have to get rid of the "echo" for it to actually do stuff instead of just printing it | 09:16 |
checkergrrl | wait | 09:16 |
checkergrrl | mmmm...okay ..i better go before i am late | 09:17 |
checkergrrl | i will c you tomorrow? | 09:17 |
jrib | sure, I'll probably be around | 09:17 |
checkergrrl | great | 09:17 |
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