
ubotuNew bug: #122713 in xubuntu-docs (main) "Path in xubuntu documentation does not match true situation" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12271301:15
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nixternalI think we had the start of a 3 stooges line going there for a second09:03
=== Admiral_Chicago falls over
fijamI have recently joined xubuntu documentation team, and I have a few basic questions to ask.09:27
fijamAFAIK, the xubuntu documentation will be based on the ubuntu documentation, which has been recently copied over existing xubuntu documentation in the snv09:28
fijamMy first question is how the main chapters should be linked from the main index.xml file?09:29
fijamcurrently it's like that 'About Ubuntu' links to /about-ubuntu/C/index.html09:30
fijamwhile the actual relevant file is /about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.xml09:30
fijamconsequently, yelp alerts user of an invalid file09:31
fijamwhat is the proper way to do that?09:31
fijamIn case if all my reasoning is wrong, please refer me to the relevant wiki pages.09:34
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