aaroncampbell | chohmann: I'm actually on KDE | 12:01 |
dannyboy79 | can anyone help me rename a hard drive that is named VERY WEIRD within Places and on my desktop | 12:01 |
PriceChild | aggiz, you can purchase it from their site. | 12:01 |
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aaroncampbell | I don't seem to have that there | 12:01 |
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gnychis | i know the server install CD is only like 10MB ... but my CD burner is broken, I only have a DVD burner... is it possible to burn the CD ISO to a DVD? | 12:01 |
dannyboy79 | gnychis: yes, it is | 12:01 |
Rageagainstthis | of course | 12:01 |
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chohmann | aaroncampell: 1 sec | 12:01 |
gnychis | thanks guys | 12:01 |
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dannyboy79 | gnychis: np | 12:02 |
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Ramon | hello.... | 12:02 |
shrimants | Question: i have a core2duo processor, should i install 64bit ubuntu or 32 bit? | 12:02 |
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Imsdle | how do force an unstall to remove all CONfig files and force reinstall to do a fresh install of a new program | 12:02 |
Ramon | I'm trying to install Ubuntu and when it is installing the base system it says: Debootstrap error... when I go to the console.. it says: debootstrap: tar: debootstrap: Invalid tar magic | 12:02 |
dannyboy79 | anyone help with hard drive names within Places? | 12:02 |
PriceChild | shrimants, either will work. 64bit is missing some packages, such as wine, flash etc. but you will get a marginal performance increase. Not much though unless you're running openssh server or extreme video encoding/databasing | 12:03 |
dannyboy79 | Imsdle: sudo aptitude remove program name AND then sudo aptitude purge program name | 12:03 |
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mon^rch | Imsdle: synaptic has an option to remove all config files ;) | 12:03 |
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PriceChild | dannyboy79, its used by the label of the partition | 12:03 |
chohmann | aaroncampell: my menu item points to a program called shares-admin. Can you try that from the command line | 12:03 |
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zerver | is there a program in linux that looks like total commander in windows ? | 12:04 |
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dannyboy79 | PriceChild: how do I rename the label then. when I look within /dev/disks/by-label, there's nothing in that directory | 12:04 |
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aaroncampbell | chohmann: I don't have that | 12:04 |
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dannyboy79 | PriceChild: not to mention, all my other disks are named by their mount point | 12:04 |
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PriceChild | dannyboy79, I haven't a clue of the best way... | 12:05 |
homanj | what is the command to list my wireless card's chipset. | 12:05 |
PriceChild | homanj, lspci | 12:05 |
homanj | thanks. | 12:05 |
Imsdle | i can't use synaptic.. im running ubuntu server. but thanks! | 12:05 |
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mon^rch | zerver: try gnome-commander | 12:05 |
dannyboy79 | PriceChild: well do you know anyway to do it versus just the best way | 12:05 |
Thuggernaut | yo guys, i tried switching from the restricted-manager nvidia drivers to nvidia's own package, and got an X conflict on startup, any ideas what packages are conflict? | 12:05 |
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Ramon | I'm trying to install Ubuntu and when it is installing the base system it says: Debootstrap error... when I go to the console.. it says: debootstrap: tar: debootstrap: Invalid tar magic | 12:05 |
Ramon | what can I do to fix it? | 12:05 |
dannyboy79 | Thuggernaut: you need to purge everything related to nvidia, then start over | 12:06 |
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Thuggernaut | dannyboy79: how do i figure out what to purge? | 12:06 |
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PriceChild | !away > subzero2000 | 12:06 |
Pirate_Hunter | hello all, me Add & Remove menu has disappeared from Applications how do I put it back? | 12:06 |
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bluefox83 | a freind of mine has ubuntu 6.10 and uses wireless on his laptop...he wants to know if it's safe to upgrade to 7.04, and wants to know if there will be wireless issues | 12:06 |
Jordan_U | Pirate_Hunter, alacarte | 12:06 |
PriceChild | Pirate_Hunter, when did it disappear? What did you do? | 12:06 |
subzero2000 | PriceChild: Thanks | 12:06 |
M3G4crux | what is the name of this new free streaming server? | 12:07 |
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mon^rch | Imsdle: try sudo apt-get purge <program name> | 12:07 |
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aggiz | and wine sucked! | 12:07 |
Pirate_Hunter | PriceChild: I uninstalled firefox & opera cause I forgot the master password, heck i thought this was going to be an easy take and put back | 12:07 |
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aggiz | cant even see what im typing in wine | 12:07 |
Thuggernaut | how safe is that, to use apt-get purge? | 12:07 |
newtubuntu | PriceChild: yes, the drive works on my Ubuntu system, it is mounted and it is shared. But it's permissions are not set properly and I JUST want to change them... :-/ | 12:07 |
PriceChild | newtubuntu, permissions to the rest of the network? | 12:08 |
PriceChild | newtubuntu, how are you sharing it to the network? | 12:08 |
Pirate_Hunter | Jordan_U: I have alacarte open cant find an option to insert add & remove | 12:08 |
PriceChild | Pirate_Hunter, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 12:08 |
chohmann | aaroncampell: ugh. sorry, my system is ridiculously slow. I'm loading synaptic to see if share-admin is a package | 12:08 |
subzero2000 | PriceChild: Command to restore from "/away", please?... :) | 12:09 |
Pirate_Hunter | PriceChild: thanx so it was easy, lol where would I be without this community | 12:09 |
PriceChild | Pirate_Hunter, that's fixed it? | 12:09 |
PriceChild | subzero2000, Pardon? | 12:09 |
Pirate_Hunter | PriceChild: nope going to try it now | 12:09 |
Thuggernaut | do the restricted-modules packages conflict with nvidia's own? | 12:09 |
subzero2000 | How do I unset "/away"? | 12:09 |
newtubuntu | PriceChild: I set it up in File Sharing and I put it the same domain as the rest of my network. The network sees the drive but can't 'log' on it. | 12:09 |
M3G4crux | whats the best software to play guitar on ubuntu? | 12:09 |
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PriceChild | subzero2000, the same again with no argument | 12:09 |
subzero2000 | Thanks. | 12:09 |
PriceChild | newtubuntu, samba or nfs? | 12:09 |
newtubuntu | Samba | 12:10 |
Alata | Hmm, it seems like it is impossible to do the following: sudo echo "some settings" >> file/which/only/root/can/modify | 12:10 |
PriceChild | Thuggernaut, yes. | 12:10 |
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Alata | How should I solve it? | 12:10 |
Thuggernaut | ok thanks pricechild | 12:10 |
PriceChild | newtubuntu, set security = share in smb.conf instead of user | 12:10 |
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subzero2000 | PriceChild: I have a an Applescript under Colloquy that does that automatically for me, I'll see if I can get it to use "/away" instead. | 12:10 |
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PriceChild | Alata, yes, because the first half is sudo'd but after the >> isn't | 12:11 |
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Alata | Any way to get everyhing sudo'd? | 12:11 |
Pirate_Hunter | PriceChild: ;-) that fixed it aite thanx for that | 12:11 |
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subzero2000 | PriceChild: Never realized there was a server-side command to do that. Thanks again. | 12:11 |
PriceChild | Pirate_Hunter, cool | 12:11 |
PriceChild | Alata, one second | 12:11 |
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chohmann | aaroncampell:http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html | 12:11 |
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NimRod | thank you... you guys rule | 12:12 |
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Thuggernaut | peace out ubuntu peeps | 12:13 |
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PriceChild | Alata, hmm I can't remember myself... uses tee... I'm still googling | 12:13 |
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Alata | PriceChild: Aha, tee you say. I'll take a look. :-) | 12:14 |
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PriceChild | Alata, there's http://www.gratisoft.us/pipermail/sudo-users/2002-June/001094.html which explains a bit but not the way i remember | 12:14 |
Jordan_U | PriceChild, I have looked at gnome-keyboard-properties and my layout seems correct, apropos shows gnome-keyboard-layout but when I try to use it I get command not found | 12:14 |
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holycow | hey guys if forget, the keyring on ubuntu, is that pasworded on a per user basis or is it setup as a single master password once that everyone has to remember? | 12:15 |
Rageagainstthis | What do i need to kill to get an exclusive lock on /var/lib/rpm/Packages, if the package manager is not in use? | 12:15 |
PriceChild | Jordan_U, checked your xorg.conf? | 12:15 |
Alata | Wikipedia gives "echo "Body of file...." |sudo tee root_owned_file >/dev/null" as an example of tee, which seems to solve my problem. | 12:15 |
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PriceChild | holycow, per user | 12:16 |
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holycow | thank you | 12:16 |
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jeffdavis | is it possible to have 2 versions of a package installed and running simultaneously? (package is libvte9 -- i want gnome-terminal to use an old version but everything else to use the latest version) | 12:16 |
PriceChild | Alata, that sounds close... | 12:16 |
Jordan_U | Rageagainstthis, Is this Ubuntu...? | 12:16 |
PriceChild | Alata, cool well done :) | 12:16 |
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Rageagainstthis | Jordan_U: you got me it isnt. But i thought the same rules would apply. | 12:17 |
andrew_ | Anyone know the best MSN client for ubuntu is? I've been using aMSN, but it looks beat | 12:17 |
hendrixski | ummm... I did something stupid now my apt won't work :-( | 12:17 |
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pipegeek | Howdy. Anyone here have any experience trying to make a bootable ubuntu flash drive? | 12:17 |
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PriceChild | !best | andrew_ | 12:17 |
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ubotu | andrew_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 12:17 |
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soundray | hendrixski: what's the error? Use a pastebin please. | 12:18 |
hendrixski | andrew_, there's soething called aMSN I think... and that works.... also, GAIM I think can conect to it | 12:18 |
pipegeek | I've followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, but, on boot, I get "Missing Operating System". Drive is a 2GB sandisk cruzer, and the motherboard is known to support booting from USB flash drives | 12:18 |
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Jordan_U | Rageagainstthis, Just make sure that any package management applications aren't running, if you still get an error then it may be because an app crashed without releasing it's lock | 12:18 |
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PriceChild | Rageagainstthis, this channel is for #ubuntu support... | 12:18 |
hendrixski | soundray, I've googled the error that's not what I need... is there a way to purge all of my un-needed packages? | 12:18 |
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soundray | hendrixski: sure, you can feed multiple package names as arguments to 'sudo apt-get --purge remove' | 12:19 |
laster | i need helllp.. my flash player no play sonds on firefox | 12:19 |
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holycow | how do i reset the keyring password? is the same as th eusers? | 12:19 |
PriceChild | holycow, you will have set it the first time you used it | 12:20 |
holycow | yeah if they forget it then ? | 12:20 |
Rageagainstthis | Jordan_U: Yeah sorry guys. I was just asking cause ubuntu will do that to every once in awhile when synaptic crashes. I just didnt know how to undo that without restarting. | 12:20 |
hendrixski | soundray, yep, tried that not working though.... is there a way to purge all of the ones that aren't needed? | 12:20 |
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soundray | hendrixski: what do you mean by "aren't needed"? Do you mean packages that have no reverse dependencies? | 12:21 |
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soundray | hendrixski: if that's the issue, deborphan may come in handy | 12:21 |
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hendrixski | soundray, I think that after I've removed a package before it told me that to uninstall all of the no-longer-needed files there was some command | 12:22 |
hendrixski | I'm hoping to try that | 12:22 |
dsl441 | hi guys, euhm, can anyone advice me some lightweight msn client? | 12:22 |
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soundray | hendrixski: do you mean apt-get autoremove ? | 12:23 |
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leolandim | alguem fala portugues?? | 12:23 |
leolandim | q possa me ajudar? | 12:23 |
Quiliro | hello everyone | 12:23 |
soundray | !pt | leolandim | 12:23 |
ubotu | leolandim: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 12:23 |
hendrixski | soundray, yup that was the one I was thinking of... but that didn't work either... crap | 12:23 |
leolandim | ubotu ok vlw | 12:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ok vlw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:24 |
Quiliro | no pero hablo espaniol que es parecido | 12:24 |
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andruk | Where do I go to suggest a feature for the menu editor? | 12:24 |
bronze | When I use evolution to get my emails from gmail, it only gets 5 / 180 emails! (the 5 most recent). Why? | 12:25 |
dsl441 | euhm.. can anyone help me?:) | 12:25 |
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andruk | bronze: check your gmail settings | 12:25 |
soundray | andruk: launchpad. See the private message from ubotu | 12:25 |
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andruk | bronze: it is probably only popping the unread emails | 12:25 |
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soundray | !bugs > andruk | 12:25 |
hendrixski | soundray, :-) but that autoremove gave me a different error message which gives me more google results :-) | 12:25 |
bronze | andruk, thanks - that did it. | 12:26 |
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andruk | bronze: anytime | 12:26 |
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andruk | soundray: thanks. | 12:26 |
pepe_ | hello, how can i set the grub waiting time, to null that it will boot ubuntu right away ? is there an easy way ? :) | 12:26 |
nitro4ce | hi. i need an 'avi to dvd' convertion tool. | 12:27 |
nitro4ce | is there any for linux? | 12:27 |
soundray | nitro4ce: mencoder or transcode | 12:27 |
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nitro4ce | <pepe_> menu.lst | 12:27 |
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Pirate_Hunter | pepe_: how slow is your grub cause mine is fast and i doubt you cna do that it would just depend on the system | 12:27 |
moonlite | soundray: surely you can do better than just pointing out the lowlevel backends? | 12:28 |
nitro4ce | <pepe_> nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:28 |
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moonlite | aren't there any easy to use graphical tools+ | 12:28 |
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pepe_ | thx a lot nitro4ce | 12:29 |
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soundray | moonlite: surely you can do better than second-guessing other people's advice | 12:29 |
Pirate_Hunter | nitro4ce: amazing so their is | 12:29 |
nitro4ce | pepe: yw | 12:29 |
Wladi | hello. which program have i to use, if a want to unpack a abc.gz file? not a abc.tar.gz only .gz :( | 12:29 |
=== boyToy79 [n=guancio@213-35-233-83-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Wladi: gunzip | 12:29 |
moonlite | soundray: hm give me a second and i'll try | 12:29 |
Wladi | soundray: thx | 12:29 |
noway- | I have been trying to get the java plugin to work for firefox. I have followed directions from the forums, and on the wiki. It never shows up in about:plugins ... what is weird is that links in IRC open up in mozilla (netscape) not firefox as it should. Could there be a configuration problem with my firefox setup? | 12:30 |
=== Zyxus [n=mike@cpe-76-180-122-198.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quiliro | anybidy use ekiga to videoconference with netmeeting? | 12:31 |
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nitro4ce | <moonlite> do you know any graphical backend? | 12:31 |
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nitro4ce | <moonlite> didn't find any,, | 12:32 |
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moonlite | nitro4ce: googling it now | 12:32 |
dougb | anyone have a pownce invitation? | 12:32 |
moonlite | i know i saw one a while ago | 12:32 |
nitro4ce | <moonlite> k thx | 12:32 |
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moonlite | there is a kde app at the top of google | 12:32 |
moonlite | but im guessing you're looking for a gnome app? | 12:32 |
nitro4ce | yes | 12:32 |
nitro4ce | :p | 12:32 |
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kilosofgigas | hello are you reading me ;; ? | 12:34 |
soundray | kilosofgigas: no | 12:34 |
kilosofgigas | ok | 12:34 |
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kilosofgigas | got a problem | 12:34 |
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ethanb | Is there a way I can view/show the number of TCP connections? Also, is there a way to increase/decrease TCP connections? | 12:34 |
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Quiliro | /join#kubuntu-es | 12:35 |
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moonlite | nitro4ce: http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page | 12:35 |
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=== Krusnix [n=ubuntu@S0106000f3d35fdb0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Krusnix | Hi | 12:35 |
moonlite | that's something at least | 12:35 |
shawn34 | Is it possible to use an ubuntu live cd to recover files from a damaged windows drive? | 12:35 |
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ethanb | shawn34: you should be able to | 12:35 |
Alata | If I do "export MYFLAG=1" in a script, then MYFLAG is not set after the script has ended. But I want it to be... :-) | 12:35 |
nitro4ce | <moonlite> cool thanks | 12:35 |
soundray | shawn34: depends on the damage to the windows drive | 12:35 |
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Azul | shawn34: sure, i do that all the time | 12:36 |
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shawn34 | ethanb, currenlty windows isn't able to mount the partition | 12:36 |
DavidCraft | when I installed ubuntu I had in my xorg.conf a synaptic driver. I installed a patch for my video display (to get it to display in wide screen). Now all of a sudden, the synaptics driver is not there. How do I fix this? | 12:36 |
Azul | damaged drive or damaged windows? | 12:36 |
moonlite | i don't know why i googled for you. that should be your job. :) But i don't really like the casual "mencoder or transcode" answers. Not very friendly | 12:36 |
tw2113 | i need some quick hardware help | 12:36 |
Krusnix | Hello, I'm trying to wipe my current ubuntu partition and trying to make a new one to install ubuntu on. When I delete the partition ubuntu is in, and create a new one from the new freed up space | 12:36 |
Krusnix | What kind of configuration do i use? | 12:36 |
tw2113 | anyone know where system temperature sensors are usually located? | 12:36 |
bronze | Any skilled wine users here? | 12:36 |
shawn34 | Krusnix, use the default | 12:36 |
soundray | Alata: it will be set, but only within the shell where you called the script. Can you create a temporary file as a flag instead? | 12:36 |
Azul | tw2113: usually near the processor | 12:37 |
ethanb | shawn34: wait, are you trying to mount the drive or partition in Ubuntu...? | 12:37 |
tw2113 | k | 12:37 |
shawn34 | Azul, currently windows can not boot the partition | 12:37 |
Pirate_Hunter | Krusnix: EXT3 | 12:37 |
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tw2113 | i'm trying to analyze temps, and the system temp is around 114F | 12:37 |
bronze | Does anyone know how to run CS with WINE with 100hz? | 12:37 |
shawn34 | ethanb, its currenlty a windows only pc | 12:37 |
Azul | shawn34: boot from linux, mount the partition and take whatever you want | 12:37 |
andruk | DavidCraft: in a terminal type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" without the quotes, and go through the windows | 12:37 |
Krusnix | Shaun, I'm doing this manually | 12:37 |
Alata | soundray: No, it's not "my" variable, so to speak. | 12:37 |
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Krusnix | Since I have no idea how to do it by the "default" way | 12:37 |
Azul | shawn34: you don't have to install linux | 12:37 |
Pirate_Hunter | bronze: you should try the wine database on their site or go to #winehq | 12:37 |
shawn34 | Azul, i'm going to but want to salvage what I can off it first | 12:38 |
andruk | soundray: thanks | 12:38 |
Azul | tw2113: 114F? that's too low | 12:38 |
ethanb | shawn34: Well, I should think if you can boot the Live CD you should be able to have access to the Windows files... | 12:38 |
tw2113 | it seems high to me | 12:38 |
DavidCraft | andruk: uh yah... | 12:38 |
Krusnix | This is too chaotic -.- | 12:38 |
tw2113 | my CPU temp is 86F | 12:38 |
DavidCraft | did that anbd it screwed stuff up | 12:38 |
soundray | Alata: please provide more detail on the problem. | 12:38 |
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Azul | tw2113: my cpu temp is normally 60C | 12:38 |
ethanb | shawn34: Have you actually tried it yet? | 12:38 |
Neil- | !paste | 12:38 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:38 |
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pepe_ | do somebody know if there's a channel to compiz support ? | 12:38 |
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Azul | that's about 190 or so | 12:38 |
Azul | F | 12:39 |
stu-mc | Q: how do i set my bind9 dns server to foward to my isps dns if it cant find the answer localy ? might be a bit offtopic if so sorry | 12:39 |
soundray | pepe_: #ubuntu-effects | 12:39 |
tw2113 | so i have not much to worry about? | 12:39 |
cafuego | #ubuntu-effects | 12:39 |
pepe_ | thx | 12:39 |
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andruk | DavidCraft: did you read it and answer the questions properly, or did you just use the defaults for everything | 12:39 |
andruk | ? | 12:39 |
Azul | tw2113: no | 12:39 |
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ethanb | Is there a way I can view/show the number of TCP connections? Also, is there a way to increase/decrease TCP connections? | 12:39 |
andruk | pepe_: ubuntu-effects i do believe | 12:39 |
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Azul | i mean yes | 12:39 |
orbisvicis | anyone here use screenlets, & know how to change to fahrenheit? | 12:39 |
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Azul | you don't have to worry about | 12:39 |
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tw2113 | k | 12:39 |
tw2113 | thank you | 12:40 |
Azul | np | 12:40 |
Ausylo|ZzZ | hey guys, i was wondering the easiest way to get a broadcom wireless card working with 7.04 | 12:40 |
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Ausylo|ZzZ | clean install | 12:40 |
cafuego | Ausylo|ZzZ: install the firmware | 12:40 |
andruk | orbisvicis: multiply by 1.8 and add 32 | 12:40 |
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cafuego | Ausylo|ZzZ: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter | 12:40 |
Alata | soundray: Sure. Firefox checks if MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO is set. I want to set it in a script, so that after I have run the script, the variable should be set to be seen by all firefoxes started afterward. | 12:40 |
andruk | orbisvicis: ;-) | 12:40 |
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Ausylo | cafuego: im new to ubuntu, where do i get that | 12:41 |
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Pirate_Hunter | what does this mean: Please enter the video card's bus identifier? | 12:41 |
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cafuego | Ausylo: You litrally run 'sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter' ion aterminal. | 12:41 |
andruk | cafeugo: does that work well (at full speed, full rnage, etc)? | 12:41 |
=== orbisvicis is (relatively) lazy, andruk | ||
Cleric | first time ubuntu convert here. im looking for a website or application that will basically give me recommended software to install to do everything i ever did with Windows. Can anyone suggest anything? | 12:41 |
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eelmoo | yo | 12:41 |
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pyrak | join #amarok | 12:41 |
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Alata | soundray: Even if started from the GUI, for example. | 12:41 |
cafuego | andruk: Dunno, I've cerainly not had problems with them here. | 12:41 |
andruk | orbisvicis: lol, i apologize for the lame remark i made ;-) | 12:41 |
Ausylo | oh okay, just type that in terminal | 12:41 |
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cafuego | Pirate_Hunter: it emans "leave blank and hit return" | 12:41 |
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orbisvicis | andruk, lol | 12:42 |
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orbisvicis | np | 12:42 |
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Azul | can i have a user account with no password? | 12:42 |
Pirate_Hunter | cafuego: leave blank? it does has some preset values, are you sure you want me to delete that? | 12:42 |
Quiliro | Cleric: look for automatix | 12:42 |
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cafuego | Pirate_Hunter: If you have only one card, just hit return. | 12:42 |
Azul | !automatix | 12:42 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 12:42 |
ethanb | Cleric: Since you're new you may try the Add/Remove feature in the Applications menu. They have a catergorized list of possible apps. You can read there discriptions. | 12:42 |
andruk | Cleric: ubuntuguide.org i think, lemme check real quick | 12:43 |
cafuego | Pirate_Hunter: You can delete it or not, doesn't much matter. | 12:43 |
ethanb | I don't reccomend automatix | 12:43 |
pyrak | can someone help me with getting wine to work? i just got it from synaptic and i need to know what to do before double-clicking exe's launches them | 12:43 |
=== dede [n=dede@modemcable152.85-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ethanb | It's useless with 7.04 | 12:43 |
Krusnix | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27512/ - My problem is here anybody that wants to help feel free to look at it | 12:43 |
Azul | i don't recommend automatix either | 12:43 |
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Pirate_Hunter | cafuego: ok here goes nothing hmmmm...... | 12:43 |
Azul | it screwed my system a couple of times | 12:43 |
Quiliro | Cleric: easyubuntu | 12:43 |
ethanb | Yeah | 12:43 |
quaal | why does shared folders gui make like 300 copies of the same folder in smb.conf when i try to make samba shares with it. | 12:43 |
soundray | Alata: the best way I can think of is to edit /usr/bin/firefox to source /tmp/moz-disable-pango. Then you can include in your script an 'echo MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=true >/tmp/moz-disable-pango'. Making sense? | 12:43 |
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eelmoo | confidential | 12:43 |
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ethanb | Here's my question: Is there a way I can view/show the number of TCP connections? Also, is there a way to increase/decrease TCP connections? | 12:44 |
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andruk | Cleric: you can either read through ubuntuguide.org for things you miss from windows, or you can read through the discriptions of the packages you can install in synaptic. the choice is yours | 12:44 |
cafuego | Pirate_Hunter: the identifier is a way for X to distinguisg between multiple gfx cards, if you have only one, it matters not, as it will always be card #0 :-) | 12:44 |
pyrak | i installed wine but when i click on exe's they dont launch... what do i need to do? | 12:44 |
cdehaan | Hello! How can I install the drivers for my wireless card (apparently ath_pci) for my new Xen kernel, if I am not booted into it? | 12:44 |
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Pirate_Hunter | cafuego: if I dont know how much memory my video card takes what should I do? | 12:44 |
quaal | ethanb, netstat | 12:44 |
andruk | pyrak: you have to use the terminal to open the exe file | 12:44 |
cafuego | Pirate_Hunter: just leave blank, it will be detected | 12:44 |
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Pirate_Hunter | cafuego: kk | 12:45 |
imbecile | ok guys, today I am having good luck fixing problems... can someone help me get rid of window decoration for conky? | 12:45 |
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Cleric | ok thank you ill check those out. i think i saw Automatix2 recommended for ubuntu feisty on dl.tv, but its really no good? | 12:45 |
Alata | soundray: Yeah, I see what you mean. Thanks. I was hoping for a more general solution though, but maybe it's not possible. | 12:45 |
Krusnix | I make a pastebin as instructed and nobody looks at it -.- | 12:45 |
soundray | Alata: you could even add 'echo MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO= >/tmp/moz-disable-pango' to /etc/rc.local to make sure the file exists at system start | 12:45 |
quaal | why does shared folders gui make like 300 copies of the same folder in smb.conf when i try to make samba shares with it. | 12:45 |
ethanb | quaal, thanks I feel like an idiot | 12:45 |
quaal | ethanb, happens to everytone | 12:45 |
quaal | everyone | 12:45 |
ethanb | lol | 12:45 |
CppIsWeird | im having a sound issue (and mic). When i first boot into ubuntu, i have sound, but very soon after booting, eventually nothing will make sound anymore. Can anyone instruct me on how to fix this? | 12:45 |
andruk | pyrak: Applications > Accessories > Terminal. Then type in "wine <filepath>" without the quotes | 12:45 |
soundray | Alata: more general? | 12:45 |
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Pirate_Hunter | cafuego: should i enable this option - Use kernel framebuffer device interface? | 12:46 |
andruk | Cleric: It works for some people, it destroys others, and it isnt supported here. | 12:46 |
orbisvicis | brb | 12:46 |
andruk | Cleric: automatix, that is | 12:46 |
ReK_ | quick question: what cfg file is the startup fsck command in? i want to remove it | 12:46 |
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ReK_ | is it fstab? | 12:46 |
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Cleric | is easyubuntu supported here? | 12:46 |
Quiliro | anyone: ekiga with netmeeting? | 12:46 |
andruk | Cleric: I'm sorry, but I have no idea (I am still uneducated and uncultured) ;-) | 12:47 |
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Azul | easyubuntu is supported by ubuntu | 12:47 |
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Azul | !easyubuntu | 12:47 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 12:47 |
logankoester | What file sets my hostname at startup? | 12:47 |
Azul | not | 12:48 |
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pyrak | andruk, thanks, i thought you could just double-click in nautilus... is there a way to make it so you can? | 12:48 |
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Alata | soundray: Well, editing the firefox startup script seems a bit drastic. Ideally, I would like a solution that isn't as... obtrusive. For use on machines that aren't mine, for example. | 12:48 |
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mrigns_ | logankoester: /etc/host | 12:48 |
sams_choice | hello friends | 12:48 |
sams_choice | was that update from today clean? | 12:48 |
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logankoester | mrigns_: doesn't exist? | 12:48 |
mrigns_ | hmmm | 12:48 |
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logankoester | Is there a Right Way to change my hostname permanently? | 12:49 |
soundray | ReK_: don't be silly, that's not a good idea. You can 'touch /fastboot' to prevent fscking for one boot, but even that is iffy. | 12:49 |
andruk | pyrak: i dont know. if there is, i havent found it. but all you do is click on the white/green boxes and click install/uninstall/whatever...so its technically a double click... ;-) | 12:49 |
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pyrak | andruk, white/graan boxes? | 12:49 |
ReK_ | !kubuntu | 12:50 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 12:50 |
soundray | Alata: you could write a wrapper for /usr/bin/firefox and save it as /usr/local/bin/firefox | 12:50 |
andruk | logankoester: Administration > Network > General tab | 12:50 |
logankoester | AndrewB: no gui | 12:50 |
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logankoester | er andruk | 12:50 |
Pirate_Hunter | Whats the difference between the two? ImPS/2 & ExplorerPS/2 | 12:50 |
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andruk | pyrak: sorry...i read synaptic... my bad. i do not believe so. | 12:51 |
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Alata | soundray: Aye, that's an idea. I'll think about it. :-) | 12:51 |
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andruk | logankoester: ah. if you find out, would you let me know? | 12:51 |
ReK_ | you guys support kubuntu in here? their chan is dead... | 12:51 |
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soundray | ReK_: try | 12:52 |
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logankoester | andruk: Sure. You can do it with "sudo hostname foo" but it resets to the old name when you reboot | 12:52 |
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ReK_ | my soundcard worked fine under kubuntu edgy, but now kmix says it cant detect the mixer in feisty | 12:52 |
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andruk | logankoester: yeah, evidently you have to change more than one file | 12:53 |
o2o | sabgenton here | 12:53 |
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sabgenton | hey | 12:53 |
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soundray | ReK_: have you looked at the generic sound advice? Private msg from ubotu... | 12:53 |
soundray | !sound > ReK_ | 12:53 |
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Krusnix | My problem is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27519/ - I did this so that it'd be easier and there'd be less spam | 12:53 |
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ReK_ | ill try those thanks. reboots required cause i havent set up wireless on linux partition yet | 12:54 |
andruk | logankoester: evidently you have to change the /etc/hosts file as well | 12:54 |
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logankoester | andruk: what is that file supposed to look like? I don't have one | 12:54 |
andruk | logankoester: i have no idea...im just reading around | 12:54 |
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logankoester | hmm | 12:55 |
sabgenton | o2o: i was going to pm u but i cant grr | 12:55 |
terrorpup | you have to have /etc/hosts file logan | 12:55 |
Krusnix | This is absolutely ridiculous, I can't get around this problem | 12:55 |
Siph0n | is it possible to have a different workstation be a different user? for everything i open in that other workstation | 12:55 |
logankoester | oops my bad, I do have it | 12:55 |
logankoester | hehe | 12:55 |
soundray | Krusnix: change /media/sda2 to read '/' (just the slash) | 12:55 |
logankoester | In fact it's quite customized, and I'm just being silly | 12:55 |
logankoester | thank you | 12:55 |
logankoester | that's all i needed to know | 12:55 |
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orbisvicis | ive installed libgtkglext1 from synaptic and compiled python-gtkglext from http://gtkglext.cvs.sourceforge.net/gtkglext/pygtkglext/ ,but glchess 3d still gives same error .... ? | 12:55 |
Pirate_Hunter | how do u enable option in Xorg option menu if i press enter it will just move to the next menu | 12:55 |
o2o | sabgenton root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ramdisk=8192 is the parts I don't understand so it might be I have those wrong | 12:55 |
Krusnix | Oh great | 12:56 |
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Krusnix | rofl | 12:56 |
orbisvicis | how can i double check python gtkglext installed OK ? | 12:56 |
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Krusnix | I don't quite understand why though... | 12:56 |
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Krusnix | Is it because it'd be the root on the partition? | 12:56 |
soundray | Krusnix: "root" is synonymous with '/' in some instances | 12:56 |
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Krusnix | Ah | 12:56 |
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andruk | logankoester: no problem | 12:56 |
soundray | Krusnix: with a partition that size, consider making it smaller and giving some space to a separate /home | 12:57 |
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ReK_ | soundray: ALSA wasn't in edgy was it? | 12:57 |
soundray | ReK_: yes, it was | 12:57 |
Krusnix | /home? | 12:57 |
ReK_ | soundray: as default? | 12:57 |
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logankoester | Anyone know where to change the default motd that displays when there is no daily motd? | 12:57 |
soundray | Krusnix: this is where all your personal data goes | 12:57 |
soundray | ReK_: yes | 12:57 |
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Krusnix | O.0 | 12:57 |
Quiliro | Krusnix : you need to make you other partition smaller to make room for your swap partition to take as much as twice the RAM you have on hard disk space | 12:57 |
ReK_ | humm. i cant find my ccard in the supported list, yet it worked in edgy | 12:57 |
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terrorpup | sudo /etc/motd ; touch /etc/motd <-- will remove the old one and create a blank one | 12:58 |
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Krusnix | Well | 12:59 |
terrorpup | or just vi or pico /etc/motd and edit the file | 12:59 |
soundray | Quiliro: that's not accurate. Krusnix, you don't need RAM times two as swap if you have more than, say, 256MB of RAM | 12:59 |
bronze | How can I fix this: "| return 0;configure:2479: error: C compiler cannot create executables" ? | 12:59 |
Krusnix | I've got 2 gigs of ram :/ | 12:59 |
Krusnix | I'm just leaving that swap partition, because thats what ubuntu initially installed | 12:59 |
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soundray | Krusnix: the swap size is good then | 12:59 |
soundray | Krusnix: yeah | 12:59 |
Alata | There exists a command to do more or less advanced editing of text files automatically, from the command prompt. Anyone knows what I'm think about? | 12:59 |
soundray | Alata: sed? awk? | 01:00 |
Krusnix | But this /home idea is awesome | 01:00 |
andruk | Whenever I try to play anything in rhythmbox, it tells me "Resource busy or not available" and wont play the music file. help? | 01:00 |
Krusnix | Share files between both ops | 01:00 |
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soundray | Krusnix: well, you can share a root partition as well if you install ext2fsd in Windows. | 01:00 |
andruk | Alata: more, less, nano, pico, vi, vim, emacs? | 01:00 |
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Krusnix | writing that down :/ | 01:01 |
ReK_ | soundray: what would i have to do to disable the ALSA drivers packaged with ubuntu | 01:01 |
soundray | Krusnix: but a separate /home is good if you want to do a fresh install rather than upgrade, without losing your user data. | 01:01 |
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terrorpup | more or less, how do you edit with those, the only display | 01:01 |
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soundray | ReK_: blacklist them. Private message from ubotu: | 01:01 |
Alata | soundray: Thanks, sed it was, I think. | 01:01 |
Krusnix | Well I dont have any user data on the ubuntu partition | 01:01 |
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soundray | !blacklist > ReK_ | 01:01 |
Krusnix | I was screwing around with it for a week or two | 01:01 |
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terrorpup | nano, pico, edit, vi, vim, joe, emacs, awk and sed. | 01:02 |
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ReK_ | soundray: what's the module named? | 01:02 |
andruk | Whenever I try to play anything in rhythmbox, it tells me "Resource busy or not available" and wont play the music file. help? | 01:02 |
ReK_ | or can i just lsmod | grep alsa | 01:02 |
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soundray | ReK_: don't know. It depends on the sound card. "lsmod | grep snd" may help | 01:02 |
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Krusnix | Rythmbox seems kind of heavy to me | 01:02 |
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terrorpup | Alata sed's/oldtext/newtext/g' oldfile >> newfile | 01:02 |
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haggis | can anyone recommend a wireless network card that works in ubuntu? | 01:03 |
andruk | Krusnix: i agree. it is supposed to replace itunes though, and its lighter than amarok | 01:03 |
fsckr | anyone know what I can use to create an archive of about 2.7GB? I just tried to right click the directory and create archive but apparently 2.7GB is too much for it | 01:03 |
andruk | haggis: laptop or desktop? | 01:03 |
Alata | terrorpup: Ayup, that's what I had in mind. And similar stuff. ;-) | 01:03 |
Jordan_U | terrorpup, I am tired so I may be wrong... but won't that add the changes to the end of the file instead of replacing the old file with the modified one? | 01:03 |
haggis | andruk, desktop | 01:03 |
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Alata | Nevermind, man is there for a reason... | 01:04 |
Jordan_U | haggis, Anything from intel | 01:04 |
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soundray | fsckr: the problem will be your filesystem rather than your archiver. Save to an ext3 partition and you'll be fine. | 01:04 |
terrorpup | Jordan, no that does a global find and replace | 01:04 |
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cweagans | does anyone know of a good 2d vector animation program for ubuntu? | 01:04 |
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terrorpup | you have to do > or >> to create the file with the changes | 01:05 |
fsckr | I am on a ext3 partition. reason why I wanted to zip it up was to transfer it to my website | 01:05 |
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madnewbie | a little bit offtopic! does anybody know a VoIP traffic generator which can give per packet delay? TIA. | 01:05 |
Jordan_U | terrorpup, Sorry, I understood that but thought you said sed's/oldtext/newtext/g' samefilename >> samefilename | 01:05 |
andruk | cweagans: Inkscape, xfig, grace | 01:05 |
cweagans | thanks | 01:05 |
soundray | fsckr: what's the error you're getting? | 01:06 |
terrorpup | Jordan nope it was oldfile >> newfile | 01:06 |
andruk | cweagans: uh, i dont know about animation, but they are all good vector editors | 01:06 |
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fsckr | soundray, that it has exceeded its limit | 01:06 |
Alata | cweagans: xara | 01:06 |
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soundray | fsckr: what's "it"? | 01:06 |
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fsckr | well whatever program it uses when you right click and click on create archive | 01:07 |
OSBC | Hi, is someone using boinc with WCG project ? | 01:07 |
h3h_timo | hey all, im running feisty and installed the video drivers for my ati mobility x1600 card and rebooted but i still am not getting the correct resolution... any ideas?? | 01:07 |
andruk | Whenever I try to play anything in rhythmbox, it tells me "Resource busy or not available" and wont play the music file. help? | 01:07 |
fsckr | i know its not a space problem.....i have 500GB drive with 400+ avail | 01:07 |
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Jordan_U | h3h_timo, How did you install the drivers? | 01:07 |
soundray | fsckr: what extension did you choose? | 01:08 |
fsckr | .zip | 01:08 |
OSBC | andruk: check if you're playing on the right device (you can use aplay for example to check which device is the right one) | 01:08 |
h3h_timo | Jordan_U, through the restricted devices manager | 01:08 |
Azul | i bought a new monitor how can i add a larger resolution in the screen resolution box? | 01:08 |
soundray | fsckr: does it happen when you use .tar.gz? | 01:08 |
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Jordan_U | h3h_timo, Try running this and choosing the resolutions you want supported, when asked for a driver choose "fglrx" : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 01:09 |
soundray | !fixres > Azul, please read the private message from ubotu | 01:09 |
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fsckr | haven't tried that. Is windows able to open a tar? Unfortunately my website is run from winblows server | 01:09 |
taa | i'm looking for a good diff/merge grahical tool fir ubuntu, any one have an idea pelase ? | 01:09 |
unagi | does ubuntu crash when using search for files for anyone? | 01:09 |
OSBC | fsckr: winrar supports tar | 01:09 |
sn0 | fsckr using winrar yyes | 01:09 |
dan-erik | Can anyone explain this to me: Aysiu wrote in a post at ubuntuforums that "gksudo nautilus" is so much better than "sudo nautilus", but he never explained why... So... Why? | 01:09 |
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andruk | OSBC: how do i get aplay? | 01:09 |
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fsckr | k thx guys Ill try that right now | 01:10 |
Jordan_U | andruk, You should already have it, it is a terminal application | 01:10 |
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andruk | Jordan_U, OSBC: oaky, thanks! | 01:10 |
OSBC | andruk: if you have alsa installed, you have aplay, otherwise, you can use another terminal application | 01:10 |
soundray | dan-erik: there are certain situations where calling a graphical application with sudo instead of gksudo can lead to hard-to-track problems. | 01:10 |
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dan-erik | soundray: but... I just don't see the difference... | 01:11 |
soundray | dan-erik: see also the ubotu factoid & link (private message) | 01:11 |
soundray | !gksu > dan-erik | 01:11 |
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taa | i am looking for a diff/merge tool, please help ! | 01:11 |
CppIsWeird | im having a sound issue (and mic). When i first boot into ubuntu, i have sound, but very soon after booting, eventually nothing will make sound anymore. Can anyone instruct me on how to fix this? | 01:12 |
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Jordan_U | dan-erik, Look at the output from running a program with sudo rather than gksudo, you will likely get errors with the former and not the latter | 01:12 |
andruk | OSBC: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27524/ | 01:12 |
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dan-erik | soundray: ah, excellent. I'll check it out. thanks. :) | 01:12 |
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soundray | taa: man diff, man patch | 01:13 |
andruk | !gksu > andruk | 01:13 |
Pirate_Hunter | Ive downloaded Firefox again but this time I can't find the startup icon in Applicatios/internet yet I can run it from terminal. How do I get the icon to show in apps? | 01:13 |
taa | soundray i found meld, and i linke it | 01:13 |
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Jordan_U | Pirate_Hunter, By downloaded do you mean installed with apt / synaptic ? | 01:14 |
brad_ | what is the native resolution for a 15.1 inch widescreen monitor? | 01:14 |
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Pirate_Hunter | Jordan_U: nope I used autopackage to get the latest from the mozilla site | 01:15 |
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fluffles | hello people, im thinking about buying a motherboard with AMD chipset and onboard ATi X1250 videochip. anyone knows if this is powerful enough to run XGL smoothly? and if my chipset works fine with Ubuntu? | 01:15 |
stumc | brad_: check at the monitors manufactures website for the monitor you have. | 01:15 |
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recoy^ | i need help with this error The Application "nautilus" has quit unexpectedly. | 01:15 |
recoy^ | You can inform the developers of what happened to help them fix it. Or you can restart the application right now. | 01:15 |
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IceTox | Anyone in here knows how to config a microphone.. It seems like the plug in my computer doesn't work. | 01:15 |
DerangedDingo | Pirate_Hunter: Right click your applications, select Edit Menus or whatever, and right click the Firefox entry under Internet. If one isn't there, hit "Add starter" | 01:16 |
Hazarath | Howdy, trying to figure out how to connect to an SSH network to proxy my connection. | 01:16 |
recoy^ | it wont go away | 01:16 |
andruk | OSBC: i tried aplay, and it gave me an error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27524/ | 01:16 |
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OSBC | andruk: i've seen, i'm looking for something | 01:16 |
soundray | IceTox: make sure it's not muted. Double-click the volume icon, unmute and adjust the slider. | 01:16 |
Pirate_Hunter | DerangedDingo: will try cause it wasn't in the edit menu options but will try to "add starter" | 01:16 |
andruk | SOBC: oh, sry, take your time (and thanks) | 01:16 |
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DerangedDingo | fluffles: I'd recommend an nVidia chip if it's possible. I'll check your ATI card in a second though. The problem is that ATI drivers aren't very great | 01:17 |
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IceTox | soundray, it's not muted. Been there - checked that. Now, what's the next step? Do you know what to do? :S | 01:17 |
ashraf | hi all | 01:17 |
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fluffles | DerangedDingo: yeah i figured that. but besides the drivers, is that GPU powerful enough? or do i need something like GeForce 8500GT 256MB DDR3 | 01:17 |
OSBC | andruk: pastebin the result of "aplay -l" please | 01:17 |
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recoy^ | can someone help me with this error The Application "nautilus" has quit unexpectedly. | 01:18 |
Pirate_Hunter | DerangedDingo: yeah got it back thanx | 01:18 |
recoy^ | it wont go away | 01:18 |
soundray | IceTox: under Switches, have you clicked Microphone Capture and Mic Boost? (You may have to enable these switches in Edit-Preferences) | 01:18 |
Hazarath | Trying to figure out how to connect to an SSH network to proxy my connection. | 01:18 |
OSBC | andruk: and look for a wav file | 01:18 |
andruk | OSBC: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27527/ | 01:18 |
OSBC | andruk: erm. that's weird, seems like you haven't the drivers for your sound card, but i'm not sure | 01:19 |
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DerangedDingo | fluffles: most video cards are powerful enough. it;s just the drivers to worry about. I run Compiz with AIGLX using a 64mb Intel Graphics Integrated Controller | 01:19 |
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Siph0n | this command: gksudo -u svn gedit /home/svn/repositories/Bingo/conf/svnserve.conf , gives this error, cannot open display: , any ideas why? :( | 01:20 |
DerangedDingo | fluffles: very smoothly too | 01:20 |
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andruk | SOBC: i can play mp3s just fine in other applications | 01:20 |
soundray | Hazarath: the keyword is port forwarding | 01:20 |
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fluffles | DerangedDingo: i see, so its not that GPU-intensive after all | 01:20 |
andruk | OSBC: i can play mp3s just fine in other applications | 01:20 |
Hazarath | soundray, explain, please. I might add that I'm trying to avoid my ISP's 'traffic shaping'. | 01:20 |
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fluffles | DerangedDingo: would you object to a private chat? | 01:21 |
DerangedDingo | fluffles: nope | 01:21 |
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Ausylo | hey guys, im trying to install 7.04 and it runs to the hardware scanning and all of that, beeps 2 times seperately, then goes to a black screen and stays there | 01:21 |
soundray | Hazarath: essentially, you open a port on a remote machine and leave it to ssh to tunnel the traffic to your local machine. It's a bit unintuitive to set up, but there are howtos around. | 01:22 |
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andruk | OSBC: i take that back.... i do have jack and pulseaudio instaled | 01:22 |
OSBC | andruck: okay, do you get a sound if you do that : aplay -Dhw:1 <somefile> | 01:22 |
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soundray | Hazarath: http://www.ssh.com/support/documentation/online/ssh/adminguide/32/Port_Forwarding.html comes up | 01:22 |
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soundray | Hazarath: I have my doubts that it will solve your problem, though | 01:23 |
imbecile | can someone send me a screenshot their uber 1337 conkyrc | 01:23 |
Ausylo | can anyone help? | 01:23 |
johnnyg | I have a weird, user created error. Apps like Beryl, Gaim (Pidgin) and Printer (when you are printing) show in the top right of the screen near the clock. While going through properties or dragging stuff around up there, I seem to have set a flag that says " don't show the icon up there, even if it is running" I have checked gaim and the preferences say "show the icon", so I believe it is an ubunut desktop setting. Any idea where | 01:23 |
johnnyg | I got to unset it? | 01:23 |
IceTox | soundray, switches? I'm a little bit new to ubuntu, where is the switches where you can enable mic capture and boost? I can't see anything like that on either the volume controller nor the system->preferences->sound | 01:23 |
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johnnyg | *where I go to unset it? | 01:24 |
Celdronis | hi.i need some help pls | 01:24 |
Hazarath | soundray, trying to proxy around it. | 01:24 |
soundray | IceTox: Edit-Preferences of the mixer application | 01:24 |
hippie | how do I check my disc for bad sectors? | 01:24 |
Scunizi | Celdronis, just ask your question | 01:24 |
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Celdronis | whats the command line [as su] for re configuring X? | 01:24 |
bobsomebody | if I have server running router service for my lan ( and i want to add a server for wifi what IP should it have? | 01:25 |
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Scunizi | Celdronis, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 01:25 |
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hippie | Celdronis - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:25 |
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defcons | how do I set the recording device? | 01:25 |
defcons | for mic | 01:25 |
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OSBC | andruk: whatever, rhythmbox uses the config in System->Preferences->Sound , maybe your config here isn't good | 01:25 |
soundray | bobsomebody: most routers will let you have the same IP for WLAN as for LAN | 01:25 |
IceTox | soundray, that only shows me what are going to be listed in the mixer application.. (mic, volume, Line-in, CD, Line-1, phone in.. etc) | 01:25 |
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bobsomebody | soundray: its physically two machines | 01:26 |
h3h_timo | hey all, ive been trying to set the resolution of my screen higher than it is, and ive been having no luck, ive had no problems before when installing the fglrx driver, but now its not doing so hot, are there any quick ways to change the resolution? | 01:26 |
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hippie | whats the command to check a HDD for bad sectors? | 01:26 |
bobsomebody | soundray, does that make a difference? | 01:26 |
kafran | someone here use aDesklets? can help me? | 01:27 |
DerangedDingo | fluffles: i'm recieving your messages but you aren't recieving mine I guess | 01:27 |
soundray | bobsomebody: you can use another 192.168 subnet then -- e.g. for the wireless router | 01:27 |
DerangedDingo | *receiving* | 01:27 |
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fluffles | DerangedDingo: hm strange, i've registered! | 01:27 |
Celdronis | Scunizi : here is my problem.I ran this likne u just wrote me to fix my screens refresh rate.But I messed my language settings | 01:27 |
Ausylo | heh | 01:27 |
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OSBC | DerangedDingo: to send privates you have to be registered to the nickserv service | 01:27 |
soundray | Celdronis: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:27 |
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fluffles | DerangedDingo: ah, you haven't registered to nickserv, so you cant send me messages | 01:28 |
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OSBC | andruk: still alive ? | 01:28 |
bobsomebody | soundray, ok, how should I set my ip on that server? IE, default gateway, subnet mask etc... | 01:28 |
Celdronis | Scunizi : u see I need both Greek and English.So how do i Choose BOTH these langs please? using dkpg.... | 01:28 |
Scunizi | Celdronis, not sure what that means.. the command just regenerates the xorg file for the video. | 01:28 |
fluffles | DerangedDingo: might want to /msg NickServ REGISTER <password> | 01:28 |
quaal | why does shared folders gui make like 300 copies of the same folder in smb.conf when i try to make samba shares with it. | 01:28 |
Scunizi | Celdronis, I don't have an answer to that.. sorry. | 01:28 |
bobsomebody | soundray, as far as the external nic is concerned | 01:28 |
andruk | SOBC: oh. that helped. but in the sounds dialog box, the sound capture of audio conferencing doesnt work... | 01:28 |
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Celdronis | Scunizi :Video and monitor worked PERFECT [@ optimal refresh rate] ,but i answered some questions and the lang options messed | 01:29 |
OSBC | andruk: maybe your mic isn't plugged or is muted ? | 01:29 |
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andruk | OSBC: no, it pops up an error whenever i select anything (autodetect is not an option) | 01:30 |
soundray | bobsomebody: that's hard to answer, not knowing what the topology of your network will be. | 01:30 |
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andruk | OSBC: sry, i keep misspelling your name | 01:30 |
OSBC | no probs | 01:30 |
Celdronis | someone knows how TWO languages are setup using -reconfigure xserver please? | 01:30 |
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OSBC | (it's just harder to see the hilights :p) | 01:30 |
soundray | bobsomebody: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/linag2/book/index.html might help | 01:30 |
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Celdronis | someone that uses more than one language with ubuintu here? | 01:31 |
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snail_ | I'm having issues with my man pages, I can't 'man fopen', most things are returning that there is no manual entry | 01:32 |
dmb | any wiki page for bash colors/ | 01:32 |
snail_ | ideas? | 01:32 |
Ausylo | i got 7.04 alt cd working fine in text mode, regular graphic mode will never work for me for some reason | 01:32 |
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dmb | ? | 01:32 |
soundray | snail_: install manpages-dev | 01:32 |
snail_ | thansk! | 01:32 |
snail_ | =) | 01:32 |
robj | hey folks | 01:32 |
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OSBC | andruk: I think you're sound card's driver isn't well supporting it, I have much more Subdevices than you with my Audigy | 01:32 |
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robj | got my new Dell 1505n with Ubuntu pre-installed and wireless doesn't work | 01:32 |
robj | at all | 01:32 |
robj | anyone have a similar experience? | 01:32 |
OSBC | andruk: you wanna search in the forums how do people with the same sound card | 01:33 |
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omha | robj, did you turn it on? | 01:33 |
soundray | robj: plenty of people have trouble with Broadcom devices | 01:33 |
Celdronis | thx scunizi :) | 01:33 |
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hippie | whats the command to check a HDD for bad sectors? my computer got knocked off the table while it was running, I wanna know if it damaged any part of my HDD | 01:33 |
robj | not broadcom | 01:33 |
robj | intel | 01:33 |
robj | 3945abg | 01:33 |
robj | its on and connects to the router | 01:33 |
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RememberPO1 | /J #mumble | 01:33 |
andruk | OSBC: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27532/ thats the error it gives me. as long as i can record something, im fine, but i would like to record something... | 01:33 |
robj | gets an IP and I can ping it from any other system | 01:33 |
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robj | but it do anything else | 01:34 |
robj | cant connect to the internet or anything else | 01:34 |
andruk | hippie: in a terminal: fsck | 01:34 |
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hippie | ok | 01:34 |
hippie | ty | 01:34 |
soundray | robj: can you ping another IP from the laptop? | 01:34 |
andruk | hippie: np | 01:34 |
h3h_timo | hey all, how do i just change the resolution of a monitor?? like you can do in fedora and rhel? | 01:34 |
robj | yup | 01:34 |
robj | only on the local lan | 01:34 |
Jordan_U_ | robj, You say you can ping it, can it ping anything else? | 01:34 |
robj | I can even access the router from it | 01:34 |
robj | yeah | 01:34 |
robj | just not outside the lan | 01:35 |
soundray | !fixres > h3h_timo, please read ubotu's private message | 01:35 |
robj | which makes no sense to me | 01:35 |
andruk | h3h_timo: should be System > Preferences > Screen Resolution | 01:35 |
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h3h_timo | soundray, thanks | 01:35 |
OSBC | andruk: well, I can't help you more. Maybe you'd get more luck on google | 01:35 |
soundray | robj: then your gateway isn't set up correctly | 01:35 |
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robj | its dhcp | 01:35 |
robj | whats to set up? | 01:35 |
andruk | OSBC: okay, thanks for helping me so much. (i kinda feel like an idiot) | 01:35 |
OSBC | andruk: don't | 01:35 |
robj | everything in this house is running Ubuntu and gets the same DHCP from the same router | 01:35 |
soundray | robj: the dhcp server, probably | 01:35 |
robj | wired and wirelessly | 01:36 |
CppIsWeird | what does the command ln do exactly? ( i read the man page with little more understanding achieved ) | 01:36 |
soundray | robj: okay | 01:36 |
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robj | I am on another ubuntu laptop now | 01:36 |
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OSBC | andruk: we all have things to learn ( and I have a large part left to learn ) | 01:36 |
robj | on the same wireless router talking to you | 01:36 |
Jordan_U_ | robj, Did it ever work correctly? | 01:36 |
robj | no | 01:36 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: its kind of like .lnk files on windows, but way more options than anybody knows what to do with | 01:36 |
robj | I just opened it and fired it up about 30 mins ago | 01:36 |
slickw0rm | best google it CPP | 01:36 |
robj | I even went as far as re-installing the factory load through GRUB and it hasnt changed a thing | 01:37 |
chohmann | robj: is your router setup to only allow a specific set of mac addresses, i.e. so your neighbors don't leech your connection? | 01:37 |
andruk | OSBC: i will never be satisfied until ive coded my own OS. which wont happen. an eternal studeant i will be | 01:37 |
=== mrigns_ farts | ||
soundray | robj: is ethernet connected at the same time? | 01:37 |
robj | nope wide open | 01:37 |
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CppIsWeird | andruk, "but way more options then anybody knows what to do with" that statement could be applied to just about every linux command. >_<' | 01:37 |
robj | nope | 01:37 |
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OSBC | Well, time to sleep for me, have all a good morning/afternoon/evening/night depending of your time zone ;) | 01:37 |
[UPG] Pritchard | http://digg.com/politics/White_House_Cheney_s_office_SUBPOENAED | 01:37 |
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andruk | mrigns_: vulgar, but awesome | 01:37 |
jrib | !offtopic | [UPG] Pritchard | 01:37 |
Jordan_U_ | robj, Is this one of the new Ubuntu Dells? | 01:37 |
ubotu | [UPG] Pritchard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:37 |
soundray | robj: any difference in 'route' output on your various machines? | 01:38 |
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[UPG] Pritchard | Lol. Okie. :P Random chatter I will bring elsewhere. | 01:38 |
OSBC | andruk: don't be negative, Bill Gates started as a student ;) | 01:38 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: Choice is the opposite of force | 01:38 |
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slickw0rm | i recently reformatted my windows partition, and somehow, grub doesnt load anymore.. how do i reinstall it? | 01:38 |
jrib | !grub > slickw0rm (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:38 |
slickw0rm | coz my linux partition is still there | 01:38 |
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slickw0rm | just cant get to it thats all | 01:38 |
andruk | OSBC: I prefer the Mark Shuttleworth example ;-) | 01:38 |
soundray | slickw0rm: in that private message, follow the Recovering... instructions | 01:39 |
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robj | and when I say bizarre I aint kidding | 01:39 |
slickw0rm | recovering? | 01:39 |
robj | nah | 01:39 |
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slickw0rm | ohokok | 01:39 |
soundray | slickw0rm: first URL in the private message that ubotu sent you | 01:39 |
robj | I even manually set the routing table up to go through a different WAP | 01:39 |
robj | no change | 01:39 |
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robj | wired works though | 01:39 |
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slickw0rm | oh...okok... thanks | 01:39 |
robj | it's a bit confusing | 01:39 |
chohmann | does it work from a livecd boot? | 01:40 |
robj | kinda hoping someone else experienced this behavior in hopes of an answer | 01:40 |
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chohmann | robj: does it work from livecd? | 01:40 |
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ramza3 | hello gnome/ubuntu, putting the keys ctrl-alt-d together is a strain on my hands, why 3 keys? same with copy/paste | 01:41 |
robj | haven't tried that yet | 01:41 |
robj | although thats next on the to do list | 01:41 |
chohmann | robj: also, does it work from starbucks? :) | 01:41 |
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robj | if it does then I will just install of the stock feisty iso | 01:41 |
slickw0rm | thanks guys..ive got it now | 01:41 |
robj | well I will be lurking | 01:41 |
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robj | off to the live CD | 01:41 |
robj | will report later | 01:41 |
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Jordan_U | robj, Anything out of the ordinary in your /etc/network/interfaces? | 01:41 |
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robj | nope | 01:42 |
robj | stock as stock gets | 01:42 |
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Jordan_U | robj, Is this one of the new Ubuntu Dells? ( just curious about the recovery from grub ) | 01:42 |
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Jordan_U | or system76? | 01:42 |
chohmann | robj: have you tried connecting to a different wireless router? | 01:42 |
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Smygis | ramza3, mark the text you wish to copy and middleklick (Mousescroll, both mousebuttons) where you want to paste it. And as for ctrl-alt-d, I dont know what is does | 01:43 |
robj | yeah | 01:43 |
robj | been there | 01:43 |
illriginal | Has anyone installed Photoshop 7.0 using Crossover? | 01:43 |
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omha | robj, can you connect to ? | 01:43 |
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slickw0rm | guys... dell is really weird... from what i heard.. u cant get the ubuntu on a dell through a business purchase | 01:44 |
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chohmann | robj: so it won't connect to any wireless router? | 01:44 |
slickw0rm | lol | 01:44 |
robj | it connects | 01:44 |
robj | just wont pass traffic/resolve anything outside the lan | 01:44 |
kitche | slickw0rm: you can't but if it's though business your IT can handle ubuntu just as easy | 01:44 |
slickw0rm | yeah.. | 01:44 |
slickw0rm | true | 01:44 |
Jordan_U | slickw0rm, I know they report that, but I have at least configured an order through small business... | 01:44 |
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Smygis | illriginal, No, But with wine. | 01:44 |
andruk | kitche: i think the ITs would appreciate 'buntu more than 'doze | 01:45 |
slickw0rm | u have? | 01:45 |
=== weerdo [n=weerdo@80-42-170-251.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | robj: maybe it isn't updating your /etc/resolv.conf properly | 01:45 |
=== Kyle123 [i=Kyle123@cpe-24-26-242-195.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slickw0rm | oh... shoots... didnt get my facts right then... | 01:45 |
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illriginal | smygis... did you have problems with your font? say if you try to type something, then get an error about fonts missing? | 01:45 |
soundray | robj: dhclient should normally do that | 01:45 |
illriginal | smygis... my font folder doesn't exist in my photoshop folder. | 01:45 |
chohmann | robj: sorry, just to be clear, you tried a different router and it exhibits the same problem? | 01:45 |
=== IdleFerret [i=worc1588@gentoo/user/ferret] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Pavel | Hi. I've installed Ubuntu on a laptop. (Normally, I use Debian, but I decided to give Ubuntu a try.) I been trying to figure out how to set up encrypted /home /var /tmp and swap without wrecking the hibernate capability. On my previous laptop, I've set up encrypted filesystems and swap, and I've set up hibernation (with some success), though never both at once. I found some howtos that describe it, but the best one requires a fixed swap | 01:45 |
slickw0rm | here in malaysia..they still shift dells with windows...just windows :( | 01:45 |
Pavel | password and typing in a password twice. Are there any better solutions? | 01:45 |
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Smygis | illriginal, Not that i know, no. | 01:45 |
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=== Neil- [n=neil@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust114.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyle123 | Ok guys i got a problem i am using the Allernate Ubuntu install cd cuz the othere wont work with my graphical interface it says, but when i install with the Alt. cd, it gets to Configuring WVDIAL (75%) and just stops all together what could be the problem here ? | 01:46 |
=== Bogaurd [n=rootkit@219-90-187-220.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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andruk | slickw0rm: sorry, that sucks | 01:47 |
illriginal | Has anyone here used Crossover to install photoshop? My fonts are missing when I try to type out text onto a photoshop image. | 01:47 |
Smygis | illriginal, I sitched to the gimp. Its a bit of a learning curve, But it works for me. | 01:47 |
soundray | Kyle123: a faulty CD most likely. Check it with the Check CD option | 01:47 |
Smygis | switched | 01:47 |
=== Tenerifedave [n=dave@158.pool85-53-88.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
illriginal | nah... it's not good enough for me | 01:47 |
slickw0rm | use wine | 01:47 |
illriginal | and too complicated for simple things :P | 01:47 |
=== faded515 [n=faded515@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust973.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
slickw0rm | i think that helps with the crossover | 01:47 |
Jordan_U | illriginal, Have you tried installing msttcorefonts ? | 01:47 |
=== AzMoo__ [n=matt@ppp121-45-172-31.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slickw0rm | illriginal | 01:47 |
DavidCraft | I installed a package to get my i830 intel video car drive to work in wide screen mode, now my synaptic driver is gone. How do I get it back w/o using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as this screws alot of stuff up. I tried inserting the symantic stuff into teh file directly but this crashes xserver. | 01:47 |
illriginal | Jordan_U... no sir. is that located in the synaptic? | 01:47 |
illriginal | yeah slickw0rm? | 01:48 |
pramz | hmm 25mbps download speed is nice :)\ | 01:48 |
Tenerifedave | i have a problem installing proftpd here is the paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27531/ - if anyone could help me that would be great | 01:48 |
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Jordan_U | illriginal, Yes | 01:48 |
Ausylo | bnt :) | 01:48 |
slickw0rm | illriginal...im not sure...but i think that wine would allow u to install a windows based photoshop on linux | 01:48 |
Jordan_U | DavidCraft, Can you be more clear about what you did / what your problem is, from what I can tell you installed 915resolution but it no longer works | 01:49 |
=== Mirdan [n=edgar@dsl-216-227-13-59.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
illriginal | slickw0rm I believe that wine has too many bugs with photoshop. | 01:49 |
kafran | can someone help me with aDesklets? | 01:49 |
slickw0rm | it worked for most of the applications i was running | 01:49 |
slickw0rm | oh...okok | 01:49 |
soundray | Tenerifedave: please paste your /etc/hosts | 01:49 |
=== Skycloud [n=jason@pool-71-111-89-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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slickw0rm | well..i didnt try photoshop on it.. sorry | 01:50 |
Skycloud | how do I open .txt files? | 01:50 |
soundray | Tenerifedave: on the pastebin please ;) | 01:50 |
slickw0rm | thanks for lettime me know tho | 01:50 |
kitche | Skycloud: gedit /path/to/txtfile | 01:50 |
kafran | Skycloud: open to edit or read only? | 01:50 |
duelboot | I bought a new monitor and between switching with using the restricted driver and editing xorg.conf (I thought I saved a working backup copy...wrong)...now it tells me Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) and No Drivers available....Fatal server error: no screens found please assist | 01:50 |
Skycloud | kafran: read | 01:50 |
Jordan_U | Skycloud, Applications -> Accessories -> Text Editor | 01:50 |
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duelboot | restricted driver for my video card that is | 01:50 |
kafran | Skycloud: try: #cat file.txt or #less file.txt (in terminal) | 01:50 |
Kyle123 | Soundray: i will check it and see what it says | 01:50 |
=== Tresmer_ [n=anthony@r74-192-217-108.bcstcmta02.clsttx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kafran | someone here use aDesklets? | 01:51 |
pramz | Tenerifedave, is the hostname computer defined in /etc/hosts ? | 01:51 |
Tenerifedave | yeah | 01:52 |
Jordan_U | duelboot, What do you mean by switching between using the restricted driver and editing your xorg.conf? the two are not mutually exclusive. | 01:52 |
Skycloud | How do I use crossover? | 01:52 |
=== kermitus [n=kermitus@74-61-50-154.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
palomer | hello | 01:52 |
pi3 | where can i get some linux stats (usage, countries)? | 01:52 |
palomer | I'd like to rip a CD to mp3 | 01:52 |
palomer | not ogg! | 01:52 |
=== Pichu0102 [n=pichu010@ppp-69-214-55-170.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DavidCraft | i installed 915resolution, and the synaptic entry for my touchpad is no longer there. I tried to dpkg-reconfigure and that left me with a blue screen apon restarting gdm. I REALLY want tapping off, its driving me to drink, and the only way i've seen any examples is using the synaptic touchpad driver. I've tried to add the Options to what i think is the driver in the .conf, but with no effect on the tapping, like: "MaxTapTime" "0" | 01:53 |
duelboot | Jordan_U, I realized that...but when I switched to my restricted driver, I noticed it would update my xorg.conf... | 01:53 |
eimajenthat | hello, I'm having a little trouble with the nVidia-glx driver on 7.04 on my Dell C840. I got X to start correctly, but a block on the right of the screen displays vertical lines, and a block on the bottom redisplays the top of the desktop. | 01:53 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: python is weirder | 01:53 |
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soundray | palomer: install lame | 01:53 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: ;-) | 01:53 |
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soundray | !info lame > palomer | 01:53 |
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duelboot | Jordan_U, I tried to make changes to allow a greater screen resolution and messed up my xorg.conf somehow | 01:53 |
robj | ok live CD works | 01:53 |
CppIsWeird | andruk, MUCH agreed. | 01:53 |
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robj | must be a corrupt image on this thing | 01:53 |
robj | no biggie | 01:53 |
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pramz | Tenerifedave, i'd recommend checking the config file | 01:53 |
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robj | fixed in 30 mins or your money back <as I click the install button> | 01:54 |
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Jordan_U | duelboot, Try running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 01:54 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: what do you program in? | 01:54 |
logankoester | Can anyone tell me how to execute a bash command in motd.tail? | 01:54 |
eimajenthat | How do I make the desktop be on the entire screen like it was with the nv driver? | 01:54 |
soundray | pramz: Tenerifedave seems to be in write-only mode | 01:54 |
Jordan_U | duelboot, If you want more options take out the "-phigh" | 01:54 |
CppIsWeird | andruk, cobalt | 01:54 |
logankoester | I mean to use it's output as my motd | 01:54 |
pramz | soundray, write-only mode ? | 01:55 |
Tenerifedave | oh soundray? | 01:55 |
Jordan_U | eimajenthat, What do you mean by on the entire screen? | 01:55 |
CppIsWeird | andruk, but im more proficient in malbolge. | 01:55 |
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andruk | CppIsWeird: o...m...g i can see why you say cpp is weird | 01:55 |
slickw0rm | anyone here C programming on linux? | 01:55 |
=== Pirate_Hunter [n=Pirate_H@host86-139-171-248.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delcoyote | hi is there any software for ubuntu that acts like an alarm clock? but music can be added? | 01:55 |
slickw0rm | anyone here done* C programming on linux? | 01:55 |
duelboot | Jordan_U, got it...it worked perfectly...thank you very much | 01:55 |
CppIsWeird | andruk, im kidding, i have a very long time running background in Java. | 01:55 |
Jordan_U | duelboot, np | 01:56 |
=== jettred2001 [n=jettred2@67-42-160-154.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pirate_Hunter | how do you enable resolution in Xserver cause I cant figure out the key to press to tick the resolution I want | 01:56 |
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soundray | Pirate_Hunter: space | 01:56 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: oh, thank goodness. i thought you were either a noob or a pre-linux guy. | 01:56 |
Pirate_Hunter | soundray: I dont know if I should just cry after all that its space | 01:56 |
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jrib | !anyone | slickw0rm | 01:56 |
ubotu | slickw0rm: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:56 |
bthornton | I recently changed my 100 Mbit NIC to a gigabit NIC in my Ubuntu machine and I have read that, in order to get peak performance, I need to enable "jumbo frames". What's the proper way to do this? | 01:57 |
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bthornton | ifconfig reports that the MTU is still at 1500 for the gigabit interface | 01:57 |
eimajenthat | Jordan_U: Well, right 1.5 inches just has vertical lines, and the bottom 1.2 inches just shows the top of the desktop again | 01:57 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: i take it that malbolge is a made up language then? | 01:57 |
soundray | Pirate_Hunter: let your tears run freely, but don't spoil your keyboard ;) | 01:57 |
andruk | lol | 01:57 |
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slickw0rm | who here does programming on linux | 01:58 |
andruk | Pirate_Hunter: you could allow the tears to collect on the space bar and depress it. ;-) | 01:58 |
slickw0rm | C programming to be precise? | 01:58 |
=== duelboot_ [n=duelboot@cpe-065-191-066-023.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CppIsWeird | andruk, no, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge | 01:58 |
andruk | slickw0rm: what do you need to know? | 01:58 |
Pirate_Hunter | funny guys very funny | 01:58 |
jrib | slickw0rm: ask your next question | 01:58 |
Jordan_U | slickw0rm, Is this a poll or do you have a question to ask? | 01:58 |
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slickw0rm | yeah...am asking a question | 01:59 |
=== seuaniu [n=seuaniu@mail.richardmrogerspc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eimajenthat | I'm having a little trouble with the nVidia-glx driver on 7.04 on my Dell C840. I got X to start correctly, but a block on the right of the screen displays vertical lines, and a block on the bottom redisplays the top of the desktop. | 01:59 |
slickw0rm | about the programming... | 01:59 |
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illriginal | Jordan_U is there a site that has different fonts for linux? Artistic like fonts as well? | 01:59 |
slickw0rm | what IDE does anyone here use | 01:59 |
jrib | slickw0rm: no you're not, you're just going to get a bunch of "yes" | 01:59 |
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slickw0rm | well..okok | 01:59 |
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slickw0rm | what IDE does anyone use | 02:00 |
=== tcleval [n=daniel@201009097027.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pirate_Hunter | anyway im setting up xserver cause at the moment it is out of range so im gonna need help | 02:00 |
HymnToLife | vi | 02:00 |
andruk | CppIsWeird: that is so freaking cool. | 02:00 |
Jordan_U | illriginal, AFIK any font can be used in Linux | 02:00 |
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eimajenthat | I'm sure I've done something wrong in my xorg.conf, but I'm not sure what. All I changed was the driver to "nvidia" instead of "nv" and added an option to use "DFP" | 02:00 |
petergreen | does ubuntu make apt archives availible for versions that are out of support and if so where? | 02:00 |
glogman | guys i try to join a channel and it says i have to be "identified"... what does that mean? | 02:00 |
soundray | CppIsWeird: thank you! Finally a language that will motivate me to learn programming. | 02:00 |
kitche | !register | glogman | 02:00 |
ubotu | glogman: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 02:00 |
kitche | !identify | glogman | 02:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about identify - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:00 |
glogman | thanks | 02:00 |
illriginal | Jordan_U doesn't it have to be a certain font type?... | 02:01 |
takua108 | I've got a problem installing ubuntu | 02:01 |
kitche | hmm maybe we should have a identify switch? | 02:01 |
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andruk | slickw0rm: Visual Studio running on wine ;-) | 02:01 |
=== kin1 [n=ubuntu@dsl092-000-036.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
takua108 | I keep getting error 18 from grub | 02:01 |
duelboot | Jordan_U, can I bother you again...bought a Westinghouse 37 (lvm-37w3) monitor...have nvidia GeForce2 MX/MX 400...am looking to getter better than 1280 x 1024...how would I do that? | 02:01 |
slickw0rm | haha... | 02:01 |
takua108 | any ideas? | 02:01 |
slickw0rm | okok...but was thinking of more of a linux way... | 02:01 |
slickw0rm | hehe | 02:01 |
slickw0rm | but thanks anyways | 02:01 |
andruk | lol | 02:01 |
andruk | np | 02:01 |
=== ryan8403 [n=ryan8403@rrcs-70-62-254-122.central.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kitche | Pirate_Hunter: umm you can do sudo X -configure just to get a basic X running then configure it later | 02:01 |
=== soundray is off to learn Malbolge. Bye! | ||
kin1 | hello all, would someone please help me figure out why I'm getting a grub error 17 under 7.04 AMD64? | 02:01 |
Jordan_U | illriginal, Considering that you can use Microsoft's fonts in Linux I would assume you could use anyone's, but I don't know much about fonts | 02:01 |
HymnToLife | slickw0rm, vi for teh win ! | 02:01 |
=== InfiL00p [n=bowserj@S0106000c418bd9f7.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | illriginal, any TrueType font will work | 02:02 |
=== cables [n=caleb@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | duelboot, Same command. | 02:02 |
slickw0rm | thanks mate | 02:02 |
kitche | kin1: your root () is most likely setup wrong | 02:02 |
illriginal | PERFECT! that's what I need Truetype :P | 02:02 |
illriginal | thanks! | 02:02 |
andruk | slickw0rm: once i learn cpp, i will probably use Anjuta | 02:02 |
Skycloud | ubuntu uses .deb files right? | 02:02 |
=== original2 [n=mike@c-69-255-41-93.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
worb | hello, i'm having some trouble installing realplayer I was wondering if someone could help | 02:03 |
slickw0rm | anjuta? thats an IDE? | 02:03 |
kitche | Skycloud: for packages yes but make sure it's ubuntu package and not debian | 02:03 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: did that but got tired of 1024*800 reso & graphics on 3d not rendering properly | 02:03 |
duelboot | didn't do it...that's the best it gave me...yesterday I was displaying better than that | 02:03 |
takua108 | ok I've installed ubuntu, and I'm sure it works great, but I can't tell because GRUB won't load (dual-bootin' XP here). I had to get "Super GRUB Disk" and uninstall GRUB and put XP in, and it worked, but now I can't get into Ubuntu. | 02:03 |
=== eobanb [n=eoban@adsl-76-229-153-39.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | Skycloud, Yes | 02:03 |
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duelboot | Jordan_U, ^^^ | 02:03 |
kermitus | Ok well I gotta ask, I tried reading as much as I could but I am still stumped... I have the Ubuntu Bible which is about 800 pages and nowhere does it make it clear howto install apps to a different hard drive or partition on the drive. Is it dependent on the partitions or hard drives disk name or is it defendant on installing on the terminal using apt-get or some other program that searches and installs files via various repository' | 02:03 |
kitche | Pirate_Hunter: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is another way that ubuntu uses | 02:03 |
duelboot | didn't do it...that's the best it gave me...yesterday I was displaying better than that... Jordan_U | 02:03 |
cables | Is there no way to manage albums in F-Spot? Am I just dense, or have they completely shunned albums in favor of tags? | 02:03 |
Jordan_U | duelboot, Did you use "nvidia" as the driver ( not "nv" ) ? | 02:03 |
andruk | kermitus: the repository thing | 02:04 |
kermitus | dependent not defendant, sorry :) | 02:04 |
kitche | kermitus: the packages actually have a set directory hiearchy | 02:04 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: doing the xserver config now just some options i dont know which ill need help on | 02:04 |
kitche | Pirate_Hunter: ok what are they | 02:04 |
duelboot | hmmmm...don't know...how do I tell? | 02:04 |
kin1 | kitchen, /dev/sdb3 is where I have /boot, and my grub entry has root as (hd1,2). I believe this is correct | 02:04 |
fisherwork | giving mythtv a whirl right now on a vm | 02:04 |
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jrib | cables: what's the difference between an album or a bunch of photos with a single tag? | 02:04 |
slickw0rm | thanks andruk | 02:04 |
kitche | kin1: yep it is but you should have a root ( ) by itself | 02:04 |
andruk | slickw0rm: np | 02:04 |
andruk | bye all, thanks for the help | 02:05 |
kitche | kin1: that root is the place where grub is installed to | 02:05 |
kin1 | it's installed on sdb3. I'm affraid I don't follow | 02:05 |
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eimajenthat | Could someone take a look at my xorg.conf? http://pastey.net/69978 | 02:05 |
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kermitus | Really, so I could not recreate the directory structure on a separate drive to satisfy the hierarchy issue? | 02:06 |
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kitche | kin1: this root is not part of any of the kernel lines | 02:06 |
Ausylo | hey guys, i just installed 7.04, installation complete.. restarted, loaded up thru the GUI and then the screen is black and its just hanging there | 02:06 |
cables | jrib, it's two different levels of categorization. Photos can be in only one album (say, an event or something like that) but they can be tagged multiple things (place, time, people in them) | 02:07 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: will tell you when i get to it, im multi-tasking but eating is having higher priority | 02:07 |
cables | jrib, it's just that the tag-only paradigm just seems very clumsy for me, and it doesn't transfer well to online photo galleries. | 02:07 |
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kin1 | what's wrong that makes you want to have someone look at your xorg.conf file, eimajenthat? | 02:07 |
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Ausylo | anyone help? | 02:08 |
cables | Flickr has sets, Picasa has albums, tags won't replace either of those in that case since Flickr already has tags | 02:08 |
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Bin | is it possible to retrieve a router's password through wireless? | 02:08 |
Skycloud | I just downloaded and install crossover but I can't find out where it's at, what do I do? | 02:08 |
fisherwork | can anybody help me figure out why my brand new hp notebook won't boot any version of ubuntu 7.04? | 02:08 |
kin1 | kitchen, this is my grub entry | 02:08 |
kin1 | http://rafb.net/p/U8SPvv25.html | 02:09 |
kin1 | I believe it's correct | 02:09 |
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kitche | kin1: that's not what I m talking about it's not part of that section at all | 02:09 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: since im back heer how much memory should I give to my graphics card | 02:09 |
kin1 | oh | 02:09 |
kitche | kin1: it's toward the beginning of the menu.lst | 02:09 |
takua108 | can anyone tell me why I'm getting grub error 18 on my 7.04? :| | 02:10 |
kitche | Pirate_Hunter: up to you but you don't have to tell xorg about it | 02:10 |
Bin | Pirate_Hunter: as much memory as you can | 02:10 |
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Jordan_U | Pirate_Hunter, Is it integrated ( intel )? if not then none | 02:10 |
Skycloud | Does anybody here have crossover? | 02:10 |
fisherhome | i do | 02:10 |
kitche | Pirate_Hunter: my vram is part of the bios | 02:10 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche & Bin & Jordan_U: this PC is SiS everythign is provided by them and all the components are default I dotn know how much memory this card comes with or takes so what should I do? | 02:11 |
eimajenthat | kin1: Thanks for asking. I just got the nvidia-glx driver installed instead of nv, and now part of the screen is not being used. It's a Dell C840, with a 15" 1600x1200 screen. However, Gnome will now only let me use 1400x1050, and the remaining pixels in the screen are displaying uselessness. | 02:11 |
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scoobydoo28139 | what is the copy paste bin url? | 02:12 |
Bin | Pirate_Hunter: then you must learn.. ur using ubuntu i persume | 02:12 |
kitche | takua108: look up gentoo grub error 18 and click the first link it tells you how to fix your error and such | 02:12 |
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Jordan_U | !paste > scoobydoo28139 | 02:12 |
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scoobydoo28139 | ty | 02:12 |
scoobydoo28139 | ty jordan: | 02:13 |
kitche | Pirate_Hunter: you can leave that part out if you want to | 02:13 |
Pirate_Hunter | Bin: yes i am but i still dont know how much to give | 02:13 |
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Jordan_U | scoobydoo28139, np | 02:13 |
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takua108 | kitche: you mean I should Google that? | 02:13 |
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Bin | Pirate_Hunter: give to what? | 02:13 |
Bin | Pirate_Hunter: ur using vbox or something? | 02:13 |
kitche | takua108: yeah it's hard to explain but their document tells you | 02:13 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: how would that affect the system afterwards | 02:13 |
Ausylo | anyone know why after a fresh install of 7.04, it goes to load up and then just hangs at a black screen | 02:13 |
takua108 | ok thanks kitche | 02:13 |
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kitche | Pirate_Hunter: probbaly you won't notice | 02:14 |
Pirate_Hunter | Bin: im setting Xserver | 02:14 |
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eimajenthat | kin1: do you have any idea what could be causing this oddness? | 02:14 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: lol i like that "(probably) wont notice" | 02:15 |
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Bin | Pirate_Hunter: what kind of server is this for? | 02:15 |
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kitche | Pirate_Hunter: I don't notice at all between my nvidia and my intel | 02:15 |
kin1 | kitche, I don't have a line like that, nor do I believe I've even seen a line you described | 02:15 |
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Pirate_Hunter | Bin do you know what im talking about? | 02:15 |
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kitche | kin1: well that's probably why your getting grub error 17 | 02:15 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: how much is 64mb in kB | 02:16 |
Ausylo | ? | 02:16 |
illriginal | Hey uhm... guys? Where's the font folder? | 02:16 |
Bin | 64 000 kb | 02:16 |
jrib | illriginal: ~/.fonts | 02:16 |
jrib | !fonts > illriginal (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:16 |
Bin | unless u r talking about byte and bit | 02:16 |
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mandra | hello | 02:17 |
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Pirate_Hunter | Bin: bin kilobyte im pretty sure its kyllobyte (kB) | 02:17 |
Jordan_U | !hi | mandra | 02:17 |
ubotu | mandra: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:17 |
illriginal | jrib... it's not in: /home/illriginal/.fonts | 02:17 |
jrib | illriginal: create it | 02:17 |
illriginal | those are other fonts I installed with a mac theme... oh ok... | 02:18 |
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jrib | illriginal: you're trying to install a font right? | 02:18 |
illriginal | jrib, but how will photoshop recognize where the fonts are? | 02:18 |
illriginal | yeah jrib. | 02:18 |
kitche | kin1: what is your / mounted to? | 02:18 |
kitche | kin1: since I left your pastebin | 02:18 |
jrib | illriginal: photoshop? as in "photoshop running through wine"? | 02:18 |
illriginal | well through crossover | 02:18 |
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jrib | illriginal: ah don't know about crossover. You can install a font in ubuntu by dropping it in ~/.fonts. What crossover does, I have no idea. It's probably best to ask crossover for support about that | 02:19 |
illriginal | jrib.. i installed a file from synaptic, the msfonts... where did they go? | 02:19 |
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illriginal | ok jrib | 02:19 |
Pirate_Hunter | hmm i guess u guyz/females got bored of me :-( im on my own again | 02:19 |
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kitche | illriginal: probably they went into /usr/lib/fonts or something like that | 02:19 |
illriginal | kitche.... ahhh ok ill check that :P | 02:19 |
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IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: whats your issue now? | 02:20 |
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kitche | Pirate_Hunter: 64megs is like 63xxxxxx can't remember the other numbers | 02:20 |
larson9999 | linux rocks! | 02:20 |
larson9999 | so do i! | 02:20 |
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asdf | Is it possible to display images sizes of thumbnails on the desktop? | 02:20 |
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Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: setting xserver manually, asking what is 64mb in kB and a few other questions thta will pop up soon | 02:20 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: enter in google, something like, "How many kb are in a MB", and it will pop up a formula for you | 02:21 |
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IndyGunFreak | i think its like 1099 though. | 02:21 |
Pirate_Hunter | kitche: I knew it was going to be soem ridiculous number oh well might have to elave it blank but then it will take from the system which is annoying and cause major 100% CPU | 02:21 |
Jordan_U | Pirate_Hunter, use -phigh and it won't ask those questions | 02:21 |
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kitche | Pirate_Hunter: well it will take from the system anyways | 02:21 |
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IndyGunFreak | uh o. | 02:22 |
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Pirate_Hunter | Jordan_U: did that but it si not as precise and doesnt do the graphics d rndering settings | 02:22 |
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Pelo | sigh ... | 02:22 |
Azul | how can i configure the screen saver? | 02:22 |
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Pelo | Azul, menu > system > prefs > screensaver | 02:22 |
taint | any ideas how I can start ftpd? as of right now it's refusing my connection request | 02:22 |
Skycloud | Does anybody here use crossover? | 02:22 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: don't know if you're listening to me, but... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=How+many+KB+are+in+a+MB&btnG=Google+Search | 02:23 |
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Jordan_U | Azul, You can either use xscreensaver instead of gnome screensaver or edit some config files manually | 02:23 |
Azul | Pelo: it doesn't allow me to change the settings | 02:23 |
IndyGunFreak | then use calc and multiply that by 64\ | 02:23 |
kitche | taint: which ftpd server are you talking about or are you talking about ftpd | 02:23 |
Pelo | taint, set it to passive mode that usualy does it for me | 02:23 |
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greg8800 | Hello, we are a web hosting company that uses Debian Sarge right now and we are considering using the latest version of Ubuntu instead of Etch for our next generation of servers. Can you provide me with a list of reasons to use Ubuntu instead of Etch? Thanks in advance | 02:23 |
Azul | Jordan_U: xscreensaver is installed but how can i let him dominate? | 02:23 |
asdf | Is it possible to display images sizes of thumbnails on the desktop? | 02:23 |
Pelo | Azul, which settings were you trying to change | 02:23 |
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Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: funny enough i did but thanx for the help I was browsing google for that | 02:23 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:23 |
Azul | Pelo: settings of the GL Matrix screen saver | 02:23 |
Jordan_U | Azul, Remove the package gnome-screensaver | 02:24 |
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ansimation | ftpd | 02:24 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: next questin? | 02:24 |
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Pelo | greg8800, this is a user support channel, not a very good place to ask for a marketting comparisson of distros | 02:24 |
Azul | Jordan_U: if i have to edit files manually, where are they located? | 02:24 |
Pirate_Hunter | will come soon | 02:24 |
greg8800 | Pelo - where should I go to seek that info? | 02:24 |
asdf | Is it possible to display images sizes of thumbnails on the desktop? | 02:24 |
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Bin | it is | 02:25 |
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greg8800 | Pelo - im looking for engineering comparison :P | 02:25 |
Pelo | greg8800, have you given the official site a look ? threr might be sme info there | 02:25 |
Bin | depedends if ur skilled enough asdf | 02:25 |
Jordan_U | Azul, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198809 | 02:25 |
kitche | greg8800: look up linux comparisons it should tell you what you want to know since that's a bit offtopic for this channel | 02:25 |
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Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: this should be right 65536 or about right (between 64mb - 65mb) | 02:25 |
asdf | Bin: how about some details... | 02:25 |
ansimation | kitche: it's ftpd | 02:25 |
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IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: well. whast 64 * 1024 | 02:26 |
DisabledDuck | what is the command to find your ip address? | 02:26 |
IndyGunFreak | Ubuntu has a handy calculator | 02:26 |
kitche | ansimation: it's not part of Linux unless you most likely installed it yourself | 02:26 |
muty | help please! I lost all file associations in nautilus can someone tell me how to restore this. Here is a screenshot to clarify what I mean: http://bayimg.com/BacGoaaBj | 02:26 |
Bin | well im not rly sure asdf , once i just messed up my icons and they looked extremely large | 02:26 |
Azul | Jordan_U: thanks | 02:26 |
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kitche | ansimation: but check inetd.conf it's probbaly not even started | 02:26 |
Jordan_U | Azul, np | 02:26 |
ansimation | kitche: I did install it. via apt-get. but it's still refusing my connections | 02:26 |
jrib | DisabledDuck: ifconfig or wget -q -O - http://www.whatismyip.org depending on what you want | 02:26 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: yes thats what ive done i feel like being in primary school sadly there are no sweets for right answers | 02:26 |
ansimation | ok | 02:26 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:27 |
kitche | ansimation: it's probably still commented out in that file | 02:27 |
kitche | ansimation: since it's started though inetd | 02:27 |
jrib | greg8800: someone may want to discuss it with you in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to try there | 02:27 |
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greg8800 | ty jrib | 02:27 |
Pelo | muty, pick a file, right click, properties, open with , specify the app , do for each file type | 02:27 |
Stormx2 | When using X11 video output, I get strange grey lines to the right hand side of the outputted video. This affects Totem and VLC. Switching video output module on VLC removes this, but causes a lower fps rate. Any suggestions? | 02:27 |
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takua108 | ok really fast question | 02:27 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: Should i enable this option is it stable? "Use kernel framebuffer device interface? " | 02:28 |
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Rageagainstthis | is a c programming irc channel? | 02:28 |
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jrib | pi3: well you can try linuxcounter and ubuntucounter in google. I'm not sure if the country info is available there though | 02:28 |
jrib | Rageagainstthis: ##c | 02:28 |
osxdude|lapto1 | My Device Manager will not load! Any help! | 02:28 |
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IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: not sure, why not..lol, worst that happens is you have to reconfigure.lol | 02:28 |
EdLin | Rageagainstthis: ##c | 02:29 |
muty | Pelo: ok but I still lost all icons. snapshots for the videos previews for pics and etc | 02:29 |
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Rageagainstthis | jrib: thank you sir | 02:29 |
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takua108 | in order to fix my "error 18" thing in grub, I have to "put a boot partition in the acceptable range," which is like the first 512MB of my HDD or whatever. So...how do I do this? I can do partition stuff in my Ubuntu boot-cd, but I need to know how, like, what I should call it, what format it should be, etc. (sorry for the length :|) | 02:29 |
Pelo | muty, do a search in the forum for mime type , there migth be a fix in there | 02:29 |
IndyGunFreak | jrib: thats a pretty neat wget command to get your IP address, didn't know that | 02:29 |
kitche | IndyGunFreak: I just use a bash script myself :) | 02:30 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: i get the sense that you enjoyed every last word you typed just now... Indy behave | 02:30 |
kitche | IndyGunFreak: which is pretty much the same as jrib said | 02:30 |
ansimation | find: inetd.conf: No such file or directory | 02:30 |
=== IndyGunFreak is bash retarded..lol | ||
muty | Pelo: thx | 02:30 |
asdf | Is it possible to display images sizes of thumbnails on the desktop? | 02:30 |
Pelo | takua108, try asking in #grub | 02:30 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: naa.. i'm not real sure on the frame buffer | 02:30 |
IndyGunFreak | try google. | 02:30 |
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Ausylo | beginner ubuntu help needed here please | 02:30 |
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takua108 | Pelo: I did, but nobody answered :\ | 02:30 |
IndyGunFreak | !ask | 02:30 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:30 |
IndyGunFreak | :) | 02:31 |
Pelo | takua108, did you try just flagging the first partition as a boot partition ? that might be all you need | 02:31 |
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kitche | Pelo: takua108 where you installed grub was in a bad spot | 02:31 |
Ausylo | just installed ubuntu 7.04 and it loads the gui on startup, then it goes to a black screen and stays there | 02:31 |
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Ausylo | restarted a few times as well, same outcome | 02:31 |
ethanb | Reboot and go into "Safe Graphics Mode" | 02:32 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: what is the model for a standard default UK keyboard i.e. pc101/pc104 etc | 02:32 |
Pelo | Ausylo, what is yoru video card ? | 02:32 |
ansimation | kitche: I have no inetd.conf. not that I can locate anyways. it isn't in /etc | 02:32 |
takua108 | um...my first partition is windows XP, so...what do I need to do? I've got a WinXP partition, a "swap" partition, and an ubuntu partition | 02:32 |
ethanb | Ausylo: Reboot and go into "Safe Graphics Mode" | 02:32 |
Ausylo | i have a go geforce 6100 series, its a laptop | 02:32 |
kitche | ansimation: then it's probably not installed maybe you have a xinetd.conf instead | 02:32 |
Stormx2 | takua108: You shouldn't need a /boot partition for a default ubuntu install, and it won't matter where on the disk it is if you do reallllly want one | 02:32 |
Ausylo | reboot and hit ESC, right? | 02:32 |
Pelo | takua108, can you uplaod a screen shot of gparted for that hdd ? | 02:32 |
=== sarixe [n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ethanb | Reboot when Ubuntu pops up choose the second option | 02:32 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: sorry, that i have no idea on.. here in the US, I beliee its 105. | 02:32 |
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Ausylo | from disc? or hdd | 02:33 |
ethanb | Disc | 02:33 |
Pelo | !ati | Ausylo start with this | 02:33 |
ubotu | Ausylo start with this: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:33 |
=== hawker [n=hawker@cpe-24-58-88-253.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
takua108 | Pelo: um, I'm in Windows XP, can I upload a screenshot of the Microsoft Admin Tool thing that does the same thing? | 02:33 |
kitche | Stormx2: but it does matter where grub is installed that's used for the bootloader | 02:33 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: hang on, i'm looking | 02:33 |
ansimation | kitche: that isn't fount either | 02:33 |
muty | Pelo I can't find anything. Can you please tell which packet handles these so I can reinstall it | 02:33 |
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imbecile | anybody, is there a way to make pidgin so there is no entry in window list? | 02:33 |
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kitche | ansimation: ok install either one | 02:33 |
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Pelo | takua108, that will do nicely | 02:33 |
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hawker | i seem to can't get my beryl working | 02:33 |
takua108 | kk | 02:33 |
hawker | my screen turns white | 02:33 |
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Stormx2 | kitche: grub is a 2-stage loader. Half of it is in your boot record (which isn't a partition) and half is in your /boot | 02:33 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: np im going with 104 but heck if tis wrong the keyboard setting is the easiest to change from system unless Xserver bypasses that lol | 02:33 |
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IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: i have a list. for UK, it has Dvorak, International(with dead keys), and Mac.. but it looks like all three are 104 | 02:34 |
kitche | Stormx2: correct but if the MBr part is in a spot that the bios doesn't like it will error 18 like it does for him | 02:34 |
Pelo | muty, I would but I donT' know , try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop , should restore all the default stuff | 02:34 |
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osxdude|laptop | My Device manager will not load! It comes up, then disappears and never comes back until next launch. Any help? | 02:34 |
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Stormx2 | kitche: Ah, okay. So he's installing it in the boot record of a partition? | 02:34 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: yes made the right choice as a guess np where would I be without this IRC | 02:34 |
Pelo | osxdude|laptop, try launching it from the terminal with gksu | 02:34 |
m0dY | how to make apt-get tell when ther is no internet connection when it is trying to update ? | 02:34 |
muty | Pelo: I tried it already alas no help :S | 02:34 |
imbecile | can someone tell me what is wrong? i followed directions exactly http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27539/ | 02:34 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: lol | 02:34 |
ali4728 | Help ! My 4GB ram shows as 3.2GB on my Ubuntu 7.04 box. Any suggestions? | 02:35 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: probably using Windows...lol | 02:35 |
takua108 | Pelo: http://upload.thetyphooncorp.com/HDD.png | 02:35 |
kitche | Stormx2: with grub error 18 deals with the boot records and such being past what the bios can understand at least that's how I read it | 02:35 |
Pelo | muty, my best suggestion is to search the forum extensively for file association , mime , and stuff like that, ther emight be a fix in there | 02:35 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: you hit the nail on the head and you know something im actually enjoying ubuntu even with its weird ways | 02:35 |
Pelo | takua108, hold on , I'm looking | 02:36 |
muty | Pelo: thx for the tip I will | 02:36 |
fisherhome | can anybody help me figure out why my brand new hp notebook won't boot any version of ubuntu 7.04? | 02:36 |
Stormx2 | kitche: If the BIOS couldn't see the boot record, you wouldn't have grub to give you an error, surely? | 02:36 |
osxdude|laptop | Pelo, what's the command name? | 02:36 |
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Pelo | takua108, your ubuntu part is the 486 meg one on disk 0 ? | 02:36 |
kitche | Stormx2: look up grub error 18 and you will see what I am talking about | 02:37 |
takua108 | Pelo: no, that's my swap partition. the 50.92GB one is my ubuntu | 02:37 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: which do I choose ImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2 ? | 02:37 |
Pelo | osxdude|laptop, hwdb-gui | 02:37 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: its not so much its wierd, its just its notwindows. | 02:37 |
Stormx2 | kitche: Hokay. | 02:37 |
user1 | fisherhome: what error do you get? | 02:37 |
ali4728 | Help ! My 4GB ram shows as 3.2GB on my Ubuntu 7.04 box. Any suggestions? | 02:37 |
=== SpectralDesign [n=cbrown@CPEbeefadd5feed-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: what kidn of mouse do you have? | 02:37 |
Azul | when i change my user password, the root password changes along with it.. or at least when i do sudo.. i don't want that, what should i do? | 02:37 |
Azul | i want a user that's not able to use sudo | 02:37 |
Tenerifedave | anyone know the command to list your hard drives and where they are in a shell? | 02:38 |
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Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: PS2 connected mouse & keyboard | 02:38 |
kitche | Azul: well have the user not be part of the admin group | 02:38 |
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ethanb | ali4728: What type of RAM and what brand? | 02:38 |
osxdude|laptop | ali4728: It should. | 02:38 |
Azul | or better, able to use sudo but with the root password | 02:38 |
CppIsWeird | how do i get java to work in firefox? | 02:38 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: i'm guessing either of those will be OK, do you know what model it is? | 02:38 |
Stormx2 | kitche: Ah yeah, I see. To do with booting the kernel :) | 02:38 |
Pelo | takua108, I can't see anythying obviously wrong, did you try reinstalling grub ? | 02:38 |
kitche | Azul: well sudo uses the user's password | 02:39 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: this is funny it is made by genius, I would luv to say a few things to them | 02:39 |
Pelo | !java | CppIsWeird | 02:39 |
ubotu | CppIsWeird: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 02:39 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: lmao | 02:39 |
ali4728 | ethanb: 4 X CORSAIR VS2GBKIT667D2 R | 02:39 |
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CppIsWeird | Pelo: its installed, but its still not working in FF | 02:39 |
asdf | Is it possible to display images sizes of thumbnails on the desktop? | 02:39 |
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Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: im going with Explorer | 02:40 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: probably a safe bet | 02:40 |
Pelo | CppIsWeird, did you install the pluggin package ? | 02:40 |
takua108 | Pelo: I reinstalled ubuntu after uninstalling grub, which ended up the same way. The stuff on the Internet says that older BIOSes don't like boot partitions that aren't in the first "x" MB (512 I think)...so can I reinstall ubuntu "before" the WinXP partition somehow? | 02:40 |
osxdude|laptop | Pelo, I mean device manager. | 02:40 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: mine always configures as generic | 02:40 |
msl | Azul: you should be able to accomplish that by manually editing the /etc/sudoers file | 02:40 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: hrm I havent got that option stupid sis motherboard | 02:40 |
Pelo | osxdude|laptop, no clue then | 02:40 |
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mandra | Is it possible/safe to upgrade 5.10 to 7.04? | 02:41 |
msl | I'm not sure if rootpw can be set per user or as a global option though | 02:41 |
IndyGunFreak | ok. | 02:41 |
IndyGunFreak | Pirate_Hunter: why are you reconfiguring x? | 02:41 |
ethanb | mandra: possible yes. Though I always prefer a clean install... But that's just me | 02:41 |
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mandra | i have years of proggies on here. i will back up and try thanks! | 02:42 |
Pelo | takua108, a simpler solution might be to install ubuntu on a seperate hdd, I see you have several , that's how I am setup | 02:42 |
Pirate_Hunter | IndyGunFreak: could get higher resolution and 3d acceleration was messed up I still enjoy my mame games in my spare time | 02:42 |
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ethanb | mandra: Definetly ALWAYS backup. Lol. I'd die if all my stuff was obliterated. | 02:42 |
IndyGunFreak | i see | 02:42 |
Pirate_Hunter | well thatd eosnt require 3d but heck might asw ell setup everythign properly | 02:42 |
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takua108 | Pelo: ok, that's what I was thinking...but then how do I get the bootloader to work? Is it a BIOS setting to see which HDD boots first? | 02:43 |
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mandra | good idea i actually have a new one to add anyway, thanks again | 02:43 |
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ethanb | np | 02:43 |
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imbecile | /j #ubuntu-xgl | 02:44 |
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AzMoo | Hey, how do I change my locale? I changed LANG in /etc/environment to en_AU.iso88591 but after a reboot "locale" says LANG="en_AU.UTF-8" still. | 02:44 |
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Pelo | takua108, in my case, I installed xp on one hdd, then installed ubu on the other, I boot from the ubuntu hdd ( yes it is a bios setting to select the boot drive), since xp was already installed when I installed ubuntu grub detected it and it was added automaticaly | 02:44 |
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kitche | AzMoo: think it's sudo dpkg-reconfigure locale maybe | 02:44 |
K350 | I've Ubuntu Feisty fawn gnome-desktop. The icons on the desktop is quite large. How can I make them smaller? In Nautilus they're okay.... | 02:45 |
osxdude|laptop | Pelo: exactly how I did it. | 02:45 |
takua108 | Pelo: alright thanks...I'll get to work migrating all of the stuff off of my 2nd HDD onto my iPod, and then I'll install Ubuntu on that HDD. Thanks! | 02:45 |
gat-man | hey guys, need help. | 02:45 |
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osxdude|laptop | gat-man: what kind? | 02:45 |
gat-man | technical of course ;) | 02:46 |
Pelo | takua108, no problem , while you are messing with stuff like that , consider makeing your /home folder on a seperate on your ubuntu hdd, it will make your life a lot simpler in the future | 02:46 |
ethanb | gat-man: just ask yer question. No need to ask to ask.. =) | 02:46 |
pi3 | gat-man: ask, ask | 02:46 |
takua108 | Pelo: You mean, put my /home on another HDD than ubuntu? | 02:46 |
SEOmoz | !git | 02:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about git - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:46 |
=== else [n=else@p508C1235.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mike101124 | HI, I need some help. I have a hp laserjet 3150 printer. Can I get it working with ubuntu? | 02:46 |
Pelo | takua108, no , same hdd, hold on | 02:46 |
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kitche | SEOmoz: are you looking for git-core? | 02:46 |
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Pirate_Hunter | going to log out and restart graphics BRB | 02:47 |
IndyGunFreak | !cups | mike101124 | 02:47 |
ubotu | mike101124: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 02:47 |
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gat-man | the problem is; I effed up sudo, now when I use it it gives me an error like "sudo has 770 permission on /var/use/sudo" or something fimilar | 02:47 |
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SEOmoz | !git-core | 02:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about git-core - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:47 |
kitche | !info git | SEOmoz | 02:47 |
ubotu | seomoz: git: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-10 (feisty), package size 255 kB, installed size 972 kB | 02:47 |
gat-man | becuase I made var world writable | 02:47 |
kitche | !info git-core | SEOmoz | 02:47 |
ubotu | seomoz: git-core: content addressable filesystem. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (feisty), package size 2295 kB, installed size 5128 kB | 02:47 |
osxdude|laptop | !find device | 02:47 |
ubotu | Found: hal-device-manager, device3dfx-source, kde-hal-device-manager, libdevice-serialport-perl, libipoddevice-dev (and 4 others) | 02:47 |
SEOmoz | thx kitche | 02:47 |
sn0w | does anyone know if it is possible to allocate more ram to a shared memory video card, if that is even a setting I can adjust somewhere | 02:47 |
gat-man | (accedintly) | 02:47 |
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imbecile | installing kiba-dock from pricechilds post in the forums.. i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27539/ any suggestions? | 02:48 |
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mtbosworth | can anyone help me with networking/ssh problems? | 02:48 |
mike101124 | ubotu: I looked there, and it is described as unsupported . Is there a work around? | 02:48 |
gat-man | so how can I change var back? | 02:48 |
IndyGunFreak | !ssh | 02:48 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 02:48 |
Pelo | takua108, this is how my ubuntu hdd is partitioned http://img215.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ubuntuhddui3.png | 02:48 |
chohmann | snow: what type of video card/ | 02:49 |
=== recoy^_ [n=recoy@cpe-67-49-123-45.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gat-man | so can anyone help me please? | 02:49 |
recoy^_ | hello! | 02:49 |
takua108 | Pelo: Ah, so you mean, make a separate partition for my /home? | 02:49 |
kitche | my partitioning is setup like BSD way lol home is part of /usr | 02:49 |
Pelo | gat-man, what is your issue | 02:49 |
mtbosworth | basically, my problem is that I have ssh install and after I run the server and try ssh username@ipaddress I always get "Connection refused on port 22" | 02:49 |
gat-man | I just explained it | 02:49 |
ethanb | gat-man: have you tried to log in as root and manually changing the permission? | 02:50 |
Pelo | takua108, yes , that way when / if you need to reinstall the OS you won'T have to backup your data , | 02:50 |
gat-man | the problem is; I effed up sudo, now when I use it it gives me an error like "sudo has 770 permission on /var/use/sudo" or something fimilar | 02:50 |
recoy^_ | gat-man: check your om | 02:50 |
recoy^_ | pm | 02:50 |
gat-man | ethanb, I cant use sudo. | 02:50 |
=== Beau [n=beau@213-202-173-88.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gat-man | I cannot do anything from sudo | 02:50 |
mtbosworth | I used nmap to look at my ip and it doesn't list port 22 as being open | 02:50 |
kitche | mtbosworth: does the other place that your sshing into have sshd installed? | 02:50 |
Pelo | gat-man, go in menu > system > admin > users and change yoru users permissions | 02:50 |
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takua108 | Pelo: Alright, thanks, sounds great. I'm formatting what's currently my Linux partition to NTFS, so I can basically have a Windows HDD and a Linux HDD (although the Windows HDD will have two partitions, but oh well) | 02:50 |
mtbosworth | so how do open port 22? | 02:50 |
ethanb | gat-man: I mean loggin out and typing "root" in the login feild and your pass | 02:50 |
mtbosworth | iptables? | 02:50 |
gat-man | Pelo, but how will I login as root? | 02:51 |
kitche | mtbosworth: start the sshd server | 02:51 |
asdf | Is it possible to display images sizes of thumbnails on the desktop? | 02:51 |
gat-man | ethanb, I didnt set a pass for root | 02:51 |
mtbosworth | I'm trying to ssh into the same system to test it out | 02:51 |
gat-man | it didnt ask me for it in the installation | 02:51 |
kitche | mtbosworth: ok but see if sshd is running | 02:51 |
ethanb | get-man: the pass should be the one you use now | 02:51 |
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gat-man | with the user? | 02:51 |
CppIsWeird | I am having an audio problem, sound works when i freshly boot ubuntu, however shortly thereafter (it seems to be when more then one app tries to play something) the sound no longer functions. Any idea how to go about correcting this problem? I've gone through the "Sound not working" document on ubuntu, and everything seems in order, also to note that no where in there did it mention sound dieing. | 02:51 |
=== recoy^ [n=recoy@cpe-67-49-123-45.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | takua108, since I barely use windows anymore I make the extra space on my windows hdd into an extension for my /home partitions, basicaly I mouned the extra partition to /home/download | 02:51 |
ethanb | gat-man: yeah | 02:51 |
gat-man | sweet | 02:51 |
Beau | Hey guys. I installed Pidgin from a .deb but it won't let me connect to MSN. Any ideas? | 02:52 |
ethanb | gat-man: that's what i've always done and it works | 02:52 |
mike101124 | my printer - hp3150 is listed as unsupported . Is ther a work around to get it going? | 02:52 |
takua108 | Pelo: awesome ^^ | 02:52 |
kitche | Beau: probably MSN messing around with their servers but pidgin has a bug about it I believe at least they did a few weeks ago | 02:52 |
recoy^ | need some help plz while updating to fiesty | 02:52 |
mtbosworth | how do I check if sshd is running/ | 02:52 |
mtbosworth | ? | 02:52 |
=== sgfsdge is now known as Giorgos[a] | ||
Pelo | takua108, you would also make it a fat32 partition and have access to i from both OS | 02:52 |
recoy^ | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/Release Unable to find expected entry main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 02:52 |
kitche | mtbosworth: umm try starting it :) sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start | 02:52 |
=== Giorgos[a] is now known as Giwrgos | ||
preaction | mtbosworth: ps aux | grep "sshd" | 02:53 |
gat-man | ethanb, don't take this too seriously; but I cant talk on IRC much it's a bit messy, is there any other way I can talk to you? | 02:53 |
Pelo | afk | 02:53 |
Beau | Kitche: Thanks, I thought it was SSL support but I installed SSL etc. It just refuses to connect from the very start. | 02:53 |
takua108 | Pelo: Ah, I forgot about that, I'll have to do that | 02:53 |
kitche | Beau: yep it's still up there about MSN | 02:53 |
ethanb | gat-man: I have email | 02:53 |
Beau | Kitche: Cheers :) | 02:53 |
Giwrgos | can someone please tell me how can i make a web server so i can make a site from my pc?in windows i used apache.how can i do this in ubuntu? | 02:53 |
gat-man | msn? | 02:53 |
docta_v | are there any procmail gurus in here? | 02:53 |
ethanb | gat-man: yeah one sec | 02:53 |
=== dredhammer [n=dredhamm@pool-141-157-251-213.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | Beau: it's MSN server playing with protcols and such it happens all the time | 02:53 |
gat-man | sweet thanks | 02:53 |
docta_v | i want to copy a single message to multiple mailboxes... 3 or more | 02:53 |
Beau | Kitche: Ah yeah =D | 02:53 |
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ethanb | gat-man: Comatose777@gmail.com is my MSN username | 02:54 |
Beau | Now I have another problem haha, I have earphones plugged in but sound comes out of my speakers :S. Any ideas? | 02:54 |
msl | Giwrgos: well, you could use apache | 02:54 |
Talaman72 | anyone know where i can get help for idjc? | 02:54 |
chohmann | Giwrgos: same way. Install apache. | 02:54 |
mtbosworth | could my sshd be located elsewhere? | 02:54 |
Giwrgos | msl well ok and after i install it?what do i do?this is the 1st time i attempt this in linux lol | 02:54 |
gat-man | I just add ya as gat6000@Hotmail.com | 02:54 |
ethanb | gat-man: loggin in now | 02:54 |
gat-man | k | 02:54 |
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mtbosworth | it says command not found for /etc/init.d/sshd | 02:55 |
sn0w | does anyone know if it is possible to allocate more ram to a shared memory video card, if that is even a setting I can adjust somewhere | 02:55 |
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asdf | Is it possible to display images sizes of thumbnails on the desktop? | 02:55 |
msl | Giwrgos: sudo apt-get install apache2 | 02:55 |
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chohmann | sn)w: what type of video card? | 02:55 |
recoy^ | need help with regist. error | 02:55 |
Talaman72 | when i try to connect to a server it says the connection failed | 02:55 |
sn0w | ati xpress 1250 | 02:55 |
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dredhammer | hello i am tryiing to compile the latest version of clamav and it tells me i need clamav user and clamav group | 02:55 |
sn0w | its def a shared memory card | 02:55 |
chohmann | sn0w: what type of video card? | 02:55 |
msl | Giwrgos: The put your files in /var/www/ | 02:55 |
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Giwrgos | and i am done msl? | 02:56 |
dredhammer | how do i add a group and user that doesn't compromise security | 02:56 |
msl | Giwrgos: I think so :) | 02:56 |
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Giwrgos | ok msl | 02:56 |
Giwrgos | thx a lot:) | 02:56 |
Giwrgos | and do u know | 02:56 |
kitche | dredhammer: useradd clamav and groupadd clamav | 02:56 |
Giwrgos | a good website creator? | 02:56 |
lancerdragoon | Nvu | 02:56 |
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mtbosworth | it says command not found for /etc/init.d/sshd | 02:56 |
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chohmann | Giwrgos: by default your web root will point to /var/www | 02:56 |
preaction | !html | Giwrgos | 02:56 |
ubotu | Giwrgos: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com | 02:56 |
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kitche | mtbosworth: then you don't have openssh-server installed most likely or your typing it in wrong | 02:57 |
Pelo | bbl | 02:57 |
bluebanana | hello, update manager is not working. The error message is "Error: Broken Count > 0". What must I do? | 02:57 |
Giwrgos | thQ preaction | 02:57 |
kitche | mtbosworth: go to /etc/init.d and see if you do have a sshd script in there | 02:57 |
Stormx2 | bluebanana: System > Administration > Synaptic | 02:57 |
chohmann | sn0w: for my intel integrated video card, I use the VideoRam option in my video card device section of xorg.conf | 02:58 |
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mtbosworth | hmm .. I copied and pasted your exact command | 02:58 |
mtbosworth | I'll check | 02:58 |
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sn0w | chohmann, cool thanks let me check if i have that | 02:58 |
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ryaba | hello | 02:58 |
bluebanana | Stormx2, ok. i'm there now | 02:58 |
bluebanana | synaptic says i have one broken package | 02:59 |
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mattthebaker | i recently updated to 7.04 by cd installation, and after enabling the nvidia 3d driver X locks the machine on startup | 02:59 |
bluebanana | how did it break? and how can i fix this? | 02:59 |
lancerdragoon | bluebanana: Repair the package then. | 02:59 |
mtbosworth | there is no script for sshd | 02:59 |
lancerdragoon | bluebanana: Mark for reinstall, I think. | 02:59 |
mtbosworth | you are right | 02:59 |
ryaba | how i can i install the ffmpeg? | 02:59 |
mtbosworth | I just ran sudo apt-get install ssh | 02:59 |
bluebanana | i can't choose to reinstall. Only to 1) remove OR 2) complete removal | 02:59 |
Giwrgos | preaction can i also ask u sth else? | 02:59 |
mtbosworth | is it not included in that? | 02:59 |
kitche | mtbosworth: then you don't have openssh-server installed | 03:00 |
preaction | Giwrgos: ask the channel | 03:00 |
Stormx2 | bluebanana: Go to "custom filters" on the left, right click the package, remove. | 03:00 |
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Giwrgos | this might sound a bit silly.i use ubuntu 6.10 how can i upgrade to 7.04?:P | 03:00 |
lancerdragoon | ryaba: Use Add/remove | 03:00 |
Stormx2 | bluebanana: Go with "remove" | 03:00 |
bluebanana | ok. i'm removing it (smplayer). does that mean i won't have smplayer now? | 03:00 |
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Stormx2 | !upgrade | Giwrgos | 03:00 |
ubotu | Giwrgos: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:00 |
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bluebanana | yes. smplayer is now gone | 03:00 |
Sam330 | is Wubi supported here? | 03:00 |
ryaba | then | 03:01 |
bluebanana | wonder why smplayer is broken | 03:01 |
AzMoo | Does anybody know why my apache error messages are in hex/ | 03:01 |
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lancerdragoon | bluebanana: search for it in the search box | 03:01 |
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ryaba | for ffmpeg configuration to php | 03:01 |
lancerdragoon | Wait, shit, I'm typing the wrong names. | 03:01 |
sn0w | chohmann, does it take it in bytes? | 03:01 |
mtbosworth | I just ran sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 03:01 |
kitche | !language | lancerdragoon | 03:01 |
Pirate_Hunter | my zsnes keeps taking 100% CPU (without a rom being loaded) and this is before I decided to config Xserver | 03:01 |
ubotu | lancerdragoon: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:01 |
mtbosworth | it said that I already have it installed | 03:01 |
mtbosworth | still no sshd file in /etc/init.d | 03:02 |
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chohmann | sn0w: yes, and it needs to be a multiple of 8 | 03:02 |
dredhammer | Thanks kitche | 03:02 |
lancerdragoon | Sorry. | 03:02 |
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Pirate_Hunter | Is this a bug with the emulator? | 03:02 |
bluebanana | lancerdragoon, smplayer is not in search. I think i had to install it outside of the repos | 03:02 |
sn0w | chohmann: ok thanks | 03:02 |
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kitche | mtbosworth: hmm odd uninstall it and reinstall it | 03:02 |
ryaba | need some help i need to the ffmpeg | 03:02 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, ls /etc/init.d/ssh | 03:02 |
Talaman72 | brb | 03:03 |
lancerdragoon | bluebanana: I suppose you need to find the package again, if you did indeed install it out of the repos. | 03:03 |
lancerdragoon | bluebanana: If you did not, try sudo apt-get install smplayer | 03:03 |
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mtbosworth | ssh is there | 03:03 |
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lockdown2 | mtbosworth, that is for the openssh-server | 03:04 |
mtbosworth | I'll remove openssh-server through the package manager and reinstall | 03:04 |
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IceTox | Hey, trying to set up skype, but it occurs my microphone doesn't work. The mic doesn't work at all actually even if it's connected to the headset I'm currently using. Anyone knows why the microphone doesn't work when the speakers does? | 03:04 |
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ryaba | is there easy way to install dreamweaver in ubuntu | 03:05 |
dcordes | how can I adjust the timeout of the dhcp client discover timeout? | 03:05 |
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luke | hi all | 03:05 |
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mtbosworth | in the package manager I have a listing for ssh, openssh-server, and opensshclient | 03:05 |
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mtbosworth | should I mark them all for reinstallation? | 03:06 |
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Ausylo | okay, i am just reinstalling 7.04 now, that option for safe graphics mode was not on the cd | 03:06 |
Ausylo | im using an alt cd | 03:06 |
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mtbosworth | in the package manager I have a listing for ssh, openssh-server, and opensshclient | 03:06 |
mtbosworth | should I mark them all for reinstallation? | 03:06 |
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luke | testing a remote connection through a sidekick via my home nix box. can someone help me out by private messaging me? | 03:08 |
fbettag | morning | 03:08 |
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Ausylo | any reason why i would only get a booting GUI screen then black and nothing? | 03:08 |
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niter3 | Hi guys, i'm finding my machine is locking up. Which logs can I look through to perhaps figure out why? | 03:08 |
mtbosworth | so after reinstalling there is still no sshd in /etc/init.d | 03:08 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, there isn't going to be because it is just ssh | 03:09 |
mtbosworth | cool, ssh is there | 03:09 |
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chohmann | Ausylo: any warnings/errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 03:09 |
kitche | mtbosworth: might be that file instead :) | 03:09 |
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mtbosworth | so I ran sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start | 03:10 |
c_lisp | I install kubuntu-desktop when I try to load the session it says check kstartuplog and locks up anybody else get that? | 03:10 |
kitche | mtbosworth: yeah | 03:11 |
mtbosworth | then nmap my ip | 03:11 |
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mtbosworth | and port 22 is still not open | 03:11 |
kitche | mtbosworth: it probably won't | 03:11 |
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rolando | Hola alguien podria ayudarme con una pinnacle 700-usb? | 03:11 |
MySQL_Sidu | is the icon in ubuntu free to use in my program ? | 03:11 |
kitche | !es | rolando | 03:11 |
ubotu | rolando: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:11 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, can you do a netstat -an|grep :22 | 03:11 |
fbettag | i just downloaded 7.0.4 server cd, is it possible to get the same install routine as i get via netinstall/* | 03:11 |
fbettag | ? | 03:11 |
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pi3 | does dpkg --configure -a require root privileges? | 03:12 |
jrib | pi3: yes | 03:12 |
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mtbosworth | tcp 0 0* LISTEN | 03:12 |
mtbosworth | tcp 0 0* LISTEN | 03:12 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart | 03:12 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, does that give you any output? | 03:13 |
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mtbosworth | yeah | 03:13 |
mtbosworth | Restarting, OpenBSD Secure Shell server | 03:13 |
niter3 | Hi guys, i'm finding my machine is locking up. Which logs can I look through to perhaps figure out why? | 03:13 |
mtbosworth | the netstat command returns the same info | 03:14 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, does it say [ OK ] to the right? | 03:14 |
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mtbosworth | yesh | 03:14 |
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Sidey | question: how can I see the devices that are mounted in ubuntu server command line ? | 03:14 |
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MySQL_Sidu | seems too busy here - no one answer - i guess it is open source - so i can use it | 03:15 |
alecw2 | How can I start Compiz-Fusion so it doesn't have the black screen bug? | 03:15 |
mtbosworth | yes it says [OK] | 03:15 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, anything showing up in /var/log/syslog related to ssh? | 03:15 |
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msl | Sidey: mount | 03:16 |
casio_ | ?? | 03:16 |
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Sidey | without anything? | 03:16 |
msl | true | 03:16 |
casio_ | anybody here ? | 03:16 |
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Sidey | ahh thank you | 03:16 |
casio_ | hello ? | 03:16 |
Sidey | thats one part down | 03:16 |
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casio_ | hi sidey | 03:16 |
unique1 | hey, I was wondering if anybody had a link for a how to on network installing ubuntu | 03:16 |
Sidey | I just went thru that unique.. | 03:17 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, how about anything in /var/log/auth.log for sshd? | 03:17 |
Sidey | that was a pain | 03:17 |
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alecw2 | How can I start Compiz-Fusion so it doesn't have the black screen bug? | 03:17 |
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need4speed | hello world | 03:18 |
mtbosworth | Jun 27 20:12:36 [compname] nmbd[5156] : Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name [workgroupname] <1b> for the workgroup [workgroupname] | 03:18 |
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unique1 | well I was hoping to have a system setup to where if I had a system without a cd/dvd drive I could install it | 03:18 |
mtbosworth | I noticed this several times | 03:18 |
need4speed | how do i mount automatically this /dev/sda5 /media/disk? | 03:18 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, looks related to samba | 03:18 |
CppIsWeird | I am having an audio problem, sound works when i freshly boot ubuntu, however shortly thereafter (it seems to be when more then one app tries to play something) the sound no longer functions. Any idea how to go about correcting this problem? I've gone through the "Sound not working" document on ubuntu, and everything seems in order, also to note that no where in there did it mention sound dieing. | 03:19 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, anything in auth.log ? | 03:19 |
lancerdragoon | unique1: maybe use the alternate install disk? | 03:19 |
mtbosworth | samba seems to work for me | 03:19 |
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unique1 | no cd/dvd drive will be on the computers I use | 03:19 |
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lashmoove | how do i enable global shortcuts for use with multimedia keys + amorak, i have amorak setup already, however the global shortcuts only work on somedays, and not today | 03:19 |
enviouz | anybody having probs with progress bars? mins all white instead of white and orange like it should be? | 03:19 |
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hawker | i'm proud of myself | 03:19 |
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hawker | i learned linux in 2 days | 03:20 |
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Ausylo | ok | 03:20 |
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kitche | hawker: umm you haven't learned linux that fast | 03:20 |
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lockdown2 | mtbosworth, sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -d | 03:20 |
hawker | yeah i have | 03:20 |
lashmoove | kitche: u dont know maybe he has | 03:20 |
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mtbosworth | Jun 27 20:13:17 boz sshd[7883] : error: Bind to port 22 on failed: Cannot assign requested address. | 03:21 |
hawker | i haven't slept yet but it was worth it | 03:21 |
hawker | i also had to reinstall about 5 times | 03:21 |
mtbosworth | would be the router | 03:21 |
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need4speed | any help for mounting a partition /dev/sda5? | 03:21 |
unagi | !gtk | 03:21 |
mtbosworth | does that mean its trying to connect to the router? | 03:21 |
kitche | lashmoove: it takes a few weeks at least to learn all of linux | 03:21 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 03:21 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, specify a ListenAddress in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 03:21 |
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kitche | mtbosworth: it means it can't assign to that port how are you starting the sshd | 03:22 |
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lashmoove | kitche: i would say years, but he said days... | 03:22 |
unagi | !gui | 03:22 |
ubotu | The graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively) | 03:22 |
unagi | !kde | 03:22 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. | 03:22 |
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nj786 | hey guys i restarted my compute rlike 5 times and my icons on my desktop wont appear | 03:22 |
kitche | lashmoove: yeah I understand weeks though at least the gui's and stuff | 03:22 |
unique1 | well learning all of linux and learning enough to use it everyday in complete happiness is two different things | 03:22 |
unagi | !themes | 03:22 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 03:22 |
lashmoove | nj786: u messed something p | 03:23 |
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nj786 | lashmoove, no before when my icons didnt appear i would have to restart but this time they didnt come back | 03:23 |
nj786 | lashmoove, what should i do? | 03:23 |
mtbosworth | great, I see ssh running on port 22 now | 03:23 |
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lancerdragoon | unique: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=427540&highlight=ubuntu+install+without+cd | 03:24 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, nice | 03:24 |
unique1 | thank you | 03:24 |
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mtbosworth | however, when I try to connect from the same machine it says "Read from socket failed: Connecton reset by peer" | 03:24 |
lashmoove | hey.. what controls the use of globale shortcuts in ubuntu ? | 03:24 |
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kitche | mtbosworth: umm do ssh localhost | 03:24 |
nj786 | lasmoove, any ideas? | 03:24 |
mtbosworth | I used ssh [username] @[ip] | 03:24 |
lancerdragoon | unique: might not be what you want but the thread might offer some help | 03:25 |
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kitche | mtbosworth: or ssh | 03:25 |
nj786 | lashmoove* | 03:25 |
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hawker | hmm | 03:25 |
hawker | my xchat just killed itself | 03:25 |
unique1 | thats fine. I appreciate the help | 03:25 |
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lancerdragoon | unique: no problem | 03:25 |
Master_Z | hey everyone, I need some help. My sigmatel stac9200 sound chip is detected by feisty, and I can go to volume control and mess around, but I have no sound. Whats wrong with this? | 03:25 |
need4speed | btw can virtualbox install os like winxp in it have same ip block with the orig ubuntu interface ip? | 03:25 |
mtbosworth | on both it said "ssh; connection to host ... port 22 : Connection refused" | 03:25 |
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lashmoove | nj786: try changing the theme your icons are using ? | 03:26 |
Master_Z | ps: its unmuted and the device is on alsa currently | 03:26 |
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lockdown2 | mtbosworth, try ssh where is the IP of your machine which sould be the IP you used for ListenAddress | 03:26 |
kitche | mtbosworth: check the logs sudo nano /var/log/messages to see why | 03:26 |
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nj786 | lashmoove, i created my icons like the mac style | 03:26 |
Sidey | ok. stupid REALLY stupid question.. to shut down the server, without using ctrl alt del ? kill -n? | 03:26 |
nj786 | lashmoove, as in made them drop down on my desktop | 03:26 |
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kitche | lockdown2: well his computer won't look for 192 since it's local it | 03:26 |
msl | Sidey: to shut down what werver? The apache? | 03:27 |
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Sidey | entire machine | 03:27 |
lockdown2 | kitche, he specified an address in his sshd config to listen on, most likely not so it won't be listening on localhost | 03:27 |
lashmoove | are u running compiz ? beryl ? compiz-fusion? metacity ? | 03:27 |
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kitche | lockdown2: it should be automatically | 03:27 |
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IceTox | Hey, trying to set up skype, but it occurs my microphone doesn't work. The mic doesn't work at all actually even if it's connected to the headset I'm currently using. Anyone knows why the microphone doesn't work when the speakers does? | 03:27 |
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bulmer | use tail -f /var/log/messages instead | 03:28 |
lockdown2 | kitche, but it wouldn't start with the default, it was giving an error about binding to the address of his gateway for some reason | 03:28 |
msl | Sidey: sudo shutdown -h now | 03:28 |
nj786 | hey can anybody help me get my desktop icons back? | 03:28 |
Sidey | thats it | 03:28 |
Sidey | tty | 03:28 |
kitche | lockdown2: because he was probably use the wrong command to start it :) | 03:28 |
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Giwrgos | people i just installed XMMS using sudo apt-get install xmms and i cannot start it.any ideas?(it wont start at all) | 03:28 |
lockdown2 | kitche, he just installed it and it should have started after the install but it didn't, and when he did /etc/init.d/ssh start in auth.log it gave the bind error message | 03:28 |
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unagi_ | there arent any good themes out there | 03:29 |
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mtbosworth | Jun 27 20:13:17 boz sshd[7883] : error: Bind to port 22 on failed: Cannot assign requested address. | 03:29 |
enviouz | anybody know how to fix progress bars? | 03:30 |
casio_ | hello? | 03:30 |
mtbosworth | nm | 03:30 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, ifconfig -a do you have an interface with inet addr: ? | 03:30 |
mtbosworth | Jun 27 20:23:25 boz kernel: [ 3775.804856] nfsd: peername failed (err 107)! | 03:30 |
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mtbosworth | nevermind the previous error , I pasted the wrong thing | 03:30 |
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msl | casio_: I'm pretty sure we can all see you | 03:30 |
mtbosworth | the peername failed is what I'm looking at | 03:31 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, the second one is nfsd, not related to ssh | 03:31 |
casio_ | that's ok | 03:31 |
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mtbosworth | ok | 03:31 |
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casio_ | this is my first time to join the IRC | 03:31 |
knotgifted | How can I enable a program (e.g. Tilda) to run when I boot up/log in. | 03:31 |
knotgifted | ? | 03:31 |
Master_Z | guys help | 03:31 |
Gadget | This is my first time here too | 03:31 |
lockdown2 | mtbosworth, netstat -an|grep :22 how does it show up? | 03:31 |
Master_Z | My sigmatel stac9200 sound chip is detected by feisty, and I can go to volume control and mess around, but I have no sound. Whats wrong with this? | 03:31 |
Gadget | I need help with installing a sound driver | 03:31 |
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casio_ | i come from china .and you ? | 03:32 |
Gadget | or something like that | 03:32 |
jrattner | Question: Would you recomend Easy Ubuntu or Automatix? | 03:32 |
jrattner | ? | 03:32 |
CppIsWeird | I am having an audio problem, sound works when i freshly boot ubuntu, however shortly thereafter (it seems to be when more then one app tries to play something) the sound no longer functions. Any idea how to go about correcting this problem? I've gone through the "Sound not working" document on ubuntu, and everything seems in order, also to note that no where in there did it mention sound dieing. | 03:32 |
Gadget | My sigmatel ship is doing the same on feisty | 03:32 |
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nj786 | can anybody elo me get my pannel icons back they dissapeared? | 03:32 |
nj786 | help | 03:32 |
Gadget | I get no sound at all from feisty | 03:32 |
jrattner | !easyubuntu | 03:32 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 03:32 |
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CppIsWeird | nj786, define panel icons | 03:32 |
CppIsWeird | nj786, the application menu and all? | 03:33 |
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Brady | I am having a problem installing things when someone gets a chance. | 03:33 |
jrattner | !automatix | 03:33 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 03:33 |
casio_ | reinstall the alsa | 03:33 |
Pelo | nj786, which icons, ? all of them or just the runnig apps ones ? | 03:33 |
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Master_Z | gadget: it sucks, when some people on the forums claim that it works | 03:33 |
jrib | Brady: what are you trying to install? | 03:33 |
msl | Brady: What error do you get | 03:33 |
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mtbosworth | I did a "find" in the messages file for "ssh" and found nothing | 03:33 |
nj786 | pelo, the ones that are like avant icons | 03:33 |
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Ausylo | hey guys, i just installed 7.04 and i notice when it loads, up top in text it says something about BIOS BUG #81 | 03:33 |
mtbosworth | I'll try to connect from my laptop to my machine | 03:33 |
Ausylo | whats that? | 03:33 |
Brady | I am trying to install updates for ubuntu and I am trying to install frostwire | 03:33 |
bluebanana | i'm installing a package via synaptic. Will it install everything in its properties> Dependencies list? | 03:33 |
bulmer | use tail -f /var/log/messages instead to see whats going on | 03:33 |
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Pelo | nj786, at the bottom ? rigght clkc, add to pannel, windows list | 03:33 |
jrib | bluebanana: yes | 03:34 |
nj786 | pelo, yes those they disspapeared | 03:34 |
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nj786 | and i cannot add any i cons | 03:34 |
Gadget | I've already tried to reinstall alsa (I think) via : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto with no Luck | 03:34 |
enviouz | Ausylo: at boot edit the boot line and add linux noapic | 03:34 |
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bluebanana | and if i remove the package I installed, will it also remove all the other dependencies that were automatically installed? | 03:34 |
imbecile | how do i add trevinos repo? | 03:34 |
jrattner | How do i figure out what version kernel im running | 03:34 |
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bung | anyone know the opposite of mount --bind ? i cant find it | 03:34 |
Brady | the error is E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure-a' to correct the problem | 03:34 |
Brady | E:cache>open () failed, please report | 03:34 |
Ausylo | enviouz: can we talk in PM on steps for that? | 03:34 |
Pelo | nj786, that is how you add them, pick an empty spot on the bottom pannel , right click, add to pannel, select : window list | 03:34 |
lockdown2 | jrattner, uname -a | 03:34 |
nj786 | pelo, it will not allow me to add to pannel | 03:34 |
casio_ | does anybody install ubuntu on thinkpad ? | 03:34 |
linos | hi, can someone tell me if there is a chat room for discussions pertaining to hardware design (electrical engineering) thanks in advanced | 03:34 |
jrattner | lockdown2, i meant which version of ubuntu I have | 03:35 |
Music_Shuffle | linos, try #hardware | 03:35 |
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enviouz | Ausylo: yea | 03:35 |
casio_ | such as Ttt43 | 03:35 |
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casio_ | T43 | 03:35 |
Pelo | nj786, you need to select an empty spot on the pannel | 03:35 |
Ausylo | k, i'll PM ya | 03:35 |
jrib | bluebanana: no, I don't think so (I have not used synaptic lately). If you use 'aptitude' to install and remove it will though. Or you can try 'sudo apt-get autoremove' | 03:35 |
lancerdragoon | cat /etc/issue | 03:35 |
chadeldridg2 | Is there any ftp client out for ubuntu that is similar to FlashFXP ? | 03:35 |
lockdown2 | jrattner, cat /etc/*-release | 03:35 |
notjohndoc | jrib, that got it, thanks for the help | 03:35 |
linos | Music_Shuffle: thanks | 03:35 |
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notjohndoc | jrib: I also apologize for that | 03:35 |
jrattner | lockdown2, what is the nickname for 7.04? | 03:35 |
bluebanana | ok. So people could get stuck with a lot of unused packages just taking up space in one's hard drive | 03:35 |
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Music_Shuffle | linos, GL. | 03:35 |
nj786 | pelo, i did | 03:35 |
jrib | notjohndoc: np, thanks for understanding | 03:35 |
Ausylo | enviouz: i gotta be registered i guess | 03:35 |
nj786 | i cannot | 03:35 |
fisherhome | what process during the booting of a liveCD do you think would cause my laptop screen to do a weird black to white fade and the machine become locked solid? it happens on any version (64/32, live/alternate, safe/normal graphics mode) it's a new hp tx 1000 (turon 64 x2 / 2gb) | 03:35 |
lockdown2 | jrattner, feisty fawn i believe | 03:35 |
Jordan_U | linos, ##electronics | 03:36 |
Pelo | nj786, upload a screenshot of your desktop so I can have a look | 03:36 |
kitche | jrib: well he didn't relize his hostmask also had it in there | 03:36 |
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Brady | can anyone help me out with installing something or shall I stay on hold? | 03:36 |
alecw2 | How can I start Compiz-Fusion so it doesn't have the black screen bug? | 03:36 |
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Gadget | Does anyone know of a successful Ubuntu Feisty install on a Motion LE1600 Tablet??? or at least how to get sount to work? | 03:36 |
notjohndoc | Brady, what are you installing? | 03:36 |
IndyGunFreak | Brady: well what do you want to install. | 03:36 |
Gadget | *sound | 03:36 |
fisherhome | brady what are you trying to install? | 03:36 |
fisherhome | wow duh. | 03:36 |
bulmer | fisherhome am guessing its when it uses vga mode | 03:36 |
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kitche | alecw2: umm check the compiz-fusion site I don't know how it's started yet but it probably tells you about it | 03:37 |
Brady | I am trying to install anything and I get this error message: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure-a' to correct the problem | 03:37 |
notjohndoc | gadget, what kind of card do you have? | 03:37 |
knotgifted | How can I enable a program (e.g. Tilda) to run when I boot up/log in? | 03:37 |
fisherhome | it's a touch screen.. can i force it to use something else? | 03:37 |
Jordan_U | Brady, run: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:37 |
Brady | from the terminal? | 03:37 |
IndyGunFreak | Brady: so why didn't you run it? | 03:37 |
Jordan_U | Brady, Yes | 03:37 |
alecw2 | ktche, what is the site? | 03:37 |
lancerdragoon | knotgifted: Preferences -> Sessions | 03:37 |
chadeldridg2 | Can anyone suggest a ftp client other than gftp .. it sucks horribly | 03:37 |
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jvolkman | chadeldridg2, you can just use nautilus | 03:37 |
Brady | and then it will allow me to install the other packages that I am trying to install? | 03:37 |
fisherhome | hehe don't be afraid of the terminal | 03:37 |
fisherhome | it is your friend | 03:37 |
chadeldridg2 | thats even worse | 03:37 |
Brady | haha | 03:37 |
Gadget | notjohndoc: it's a Sigmatel STAC 9758,59 | 03:37 |
Jordan_U | Brady, Yes | 03:37 |
kitche | alecw2: opencompositing.org it seems | 03:37 |
enviouz | well Ausylo its really simple. when your pc boots there is a screen that lasts about 10 secs. it will list your kernels. hit esc there. then highlight your kernel and hit e. highlight it again and hit e. at the end type linux noapic. then hit enter follwed by b to boot. | 03:37 |
Brady | ok I will give that a try right now and tell you how it goes | 03:38 |
imbecile | how do i add trevinos repo? ppppllleeeaassseee and thank you.. i'm in a huge hurry | 03:38 |
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IndyGunFreak | chadeldridg2: maybe you can run the windows ftp client you prefer in wine? | 03:38 |
chadeldridg2 | need something that actually handles files and ftp functions correctly ... ie the move function | 03:38 |
fisherhome | ubuntu is relatively breakproof with the auto root-off feature | 03:38 |
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fisherhome | er default root account off i should say | 03:38 |
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chadeldridg2 | indygunfreak: hadnt thought of that .. worth a try i guess | 03:38 |
Master_Z | notjohndoc: my sound card is of the same type as his (mine is sigmatel stac9200) and I also have NO sound | 03:38 |
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jvolkman | chadeldridg2, what kind of features are you looking for? | 03:38 |
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notjohndoc | sorry gadget, i don't know anything about that card, but i had some horrible trouble with my laptop sound as well | 03:38 |
Gadget | Master_Z, what type of computer? | 03:39 |
Jordan_U | imbecile, System -> Administration -> Software Sources | 03:39 |
CppIsWeird | is there a very simple ERD database design tool? (like i dont want it to do anything accept a gui to graphically design a database) | 03:39 |
notjohndoc | the quick fix was to upgrade the kernel, i really wouldn't suggest that though | 03:39 |
enviouz | Ausylo: your pc still boots fine though right? | 03:39 |
Gadget | Yeah it's integrated Laptop sound | 03:39 |
Master_Z | gadget: gateway mt3705 notebook | 03:39 |
chadeldridg2 | jvolkman: neither nautalis or gftp seem to support the move function and i have a massive amount of files on ftp that need to be shuffled around | 03:39 |
fisherhome | good old integrated stuff | 03:39 |
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Gadget | It's the ONLY thing keeping me back on Ubuntu | 03:39 |
fisherhome | realtek finally made that standable | 03:39 |
Gadget | Yeah my Desktop is Realtek, not bad | 03:39 |
Ausylo | enviouz: ok did that | 03:40 |
Grim76 | chadeldridg2: There was a port of Filezilla to debian I don't know if it made it to Ubuntu, but that might make you more comfortable | 03:40 |
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Master_Z | gadget: same, I love everything about ubuntu except I lack sound :( | 03:40 |
notjohndoc | my laptop is realteck high def...not fun | 03:40 |
Ausylo | enviouz: rebooting now | 03:40 |
mtbosworth | ok, so when I try to connect from my windows laptop (using putty) is says "Network Error: Software caused connection to abort" | 03:40 |
Ausylo | enviouz: wow, it worked | 03:40 |
Brady | hahaha thanks guys that worked like a charm, I thought I tried it before but I guess I typed it in wrong now I can install anything I want thanks again | 03:40 |
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Ausylo | enviouz: sweet | 03:40 |
enviouz | Ausylo: your pc still boots fine before right? | 03:40 |
chadeldridg2 | its just really odd that windows has a better selection of ftp clients .. | 03:40 |
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Brady | goodbye | 03:40 |
fisherhome | awesome brady =] | 03:40 |
chadeldridg2 | thanks for your ideas | 03:40 |
dmb | any way to have the window list not blink (notification blink) when a mouse wheel scrolls the windows? | 03:40 |
fisherhome | now go enjoy Synaptic | 03:40 |
Gadget | Master_z, what types of things have you done to try and get sound working? | 03:40 |
lockdown2 | chadeldridg2, command line ftp is the way to go | 03:40 |
cvd | where is the soruce list located? | 03:41 |
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notjohndoc | anyone know what i could do about having sound through my headphones and my internal pc speakers at the same time | 03:41 |
cvd | source | 03:41 |
Skycloud | Does anybody here use crossover and play Warcraft 3? | 03:41 |
dmb | any way to have the window list not blink (notification blink) in gnome panel when a mouse wheel scrolls the windows? | 03:41 |
jrib | cvd: /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:41 |
notjohndoc | Skycloud: yeah | 03:41 |
Grim76 | lockdown2: agreed cli ftp rules | 03:41 |
cvd | thx | 03:41 |
chadeldridg2 | lockdown2: true ... but i get annoyed with it easy .. and flashfxp has me spoiled | 03:41 |
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Master_Z | gadget: basic things really, went into terminal and did a few things (sudo modprobes), switched to alsa mixer, made sure it was unmuted, reinstalled the driver, etc. | 03:41 |
Skycloud | notjohndoc: I'm having trouble installing the expansion, it says that I don't have the regular game installed, what do I do | 03:41 |
alienseer23 | I have an hp all-in-one printer that has a slew of media reader slots on it, I used to be able to just put in an SD card and it would mout right away, but it is not mounting, or showing up anywhere I can see, how do I get access to this card thru my all-in-one again? | 03:41 |
notjohndoc | Skycloud: sorry man, i don't have the expansion, but i'll do some research for you | 03:42 |
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Skycloud | notjohndoc: ok thanks | 03:42 |
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mtbosworth | ok, so when I try to connect from my windows laptop (using putty) is says "Network Error: Software caused connection to abort" | 03:42 |
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enviouz | alienseer23: not sure. i have to use the slots on my pc | 03:42 |
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mtbosworth | putty is looking for port 22 on my ubuntu machine | 03:43 |
fisherhome | so how do you think i can get this notebook to do anything except cost me money? | 03:43 |
Jordan_U | mtbosworth, Do you have openssh installed? | 03:43 |
notjohndoc | Skycloud: can you give me your exact error word for word? | 03:43 |
chadeldridg2 | filezilla does seem to work well in wine .. so ill just use that for now.. thanks | 03:43 |
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mtbosworth | yeah | 03:43 |
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fisherhome | hp is punishing me bc microsoft is punishing them | 03:43 |
Jordan_U | mtbosworth, server, not just client? | 03:43 |
kitche | Jordan_U: it's not binding to port 22 | 03:43 |
Master_Z | gadget: you'd think it would work since I did those things, yet I lack sound :( | 03:43 |
ko12upt | hey guys im stuck at failsafe log in and using bitx so can someone give me a hand? When i login regular i cant get it in zeals up. | 03:43 |
Skycloud | notjohndoc: it's not really an error, but when I try to install the expansion, the expansion game tells me to install Warcraft 3 first | 03:43 |
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AnObfuscator | Hi, is the kernel in Ubuntu Desktop compiled with Physical Address Extension support? | 03:44 |
enviouz | fisherhome: what problem are you having? i too have hp but its a desktop | 03:44 |
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mtbosworth | yeah, using nmap I can see it running on port 22 | 03:44 |
ko12upt | i can see the desktop tan background and a grey square about 300x300 pixles in the top left | 03:44 |
mtbosworth | so its up | 03:44 |
mtbosworth | I just can't connect | 03:44 |
fisherhome | mines a new notebook, a pavilion tx 1000 | 03:44 |
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Ausylo | enviouz: do you know anything about getting a broadcom wireless adapter working with 7.04? | 03:44 |
Grim76 | chadeldridg2: try apt-get install filezilla there is a port into Ubuntu | 03:44 |
fisherhome | it wont take any form of ubuntu | 03:44 |
fisherhome | it's brand spanking new too | 03:44 |
fisherhome | turin 64 x2, 2gb, the works | 03:45 |
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fisherhome | turon* | 03:45 |
enviouz | Ausylo: naw i dont use wireless | 03:45 |
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ko12upt | ausylo | 03:45 |
Ausylo | enviouz: ok | 03:45 |
Skycloud | notjohndoc: should I reboot the computer? It should work because crossover emulates a windows reboot doesnt it? | 03:45 |
ko12upt | i can get it working | 03:45 |
Ausylo | ok | 03:45 |
Jordan_U | Ausylo, Install bcm43xx-fwcutter | 03:45 |
ko12upt | get the driver from broad com | 03:45 |
mtbosworth | if I try and connect from the same machine (ssh [ip] ) then it says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" | 03:45 |
ko12upt | yes | 03:45 |
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ko12upt | thats it | 03:45 |
enviouz | fisherhome: if its like brand new as in a new model the kernel may not support it yet | 03:45 |
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fisherhome | broadcom doesnt support direct to consumer | 03:45 |
ko12upt | bcm43xx-fwcutter thats all you need | 03:45 |
fisherhome | believe me, i tried that from every angel | 03:45 |
Ausylo | ok | 03:45 |
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ko12upt | and ndiswrapper i think | 03:46 |
fisherhome | angle* | 03:46 |
Ausylo | so just throw the file on a thumbdrive and copy it? | 03:46 |
Gadget | Any one use a tablet PC? | 03:46 |
fisherhome | enviouz, it could be, yeh but its hard to believe it'd be too new for linux | 03:46 |
ko12upt | ausylo goto package manager | 03:46 |
Jordan_U | ko12upt, No, ndiswrapper is not required ( or desired ) | 03:46 |
ko12upt | and search for that cutter thing | 03:46 |
Ausylo | where is that at, im new | 03:46 |
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Ausylo | to ubuntu | 03:46 |
ko12upt | i cant scroll up im stuck at terminal | 03:46 |
enviouz | well i had the same prob with my pc up until the latest versions of ubuntu and fedora | 03:46 |
Jordan_U | !synaptic > Ausylo | 03:46 |
ko12upt | :) | 03:46 |
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mtbosworth | if I try and connect from the same machine (ssh [ip] ) then it says "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer" | 03:47 |
Sidey | msl: to mount the cd rom is mount /dev/cdrom right? | 03:47 |
mtbosworth | would it be something in my config settings for ssh? | 03:47 |
enviouz | fisherhome: getting spinlock bug? | 03:47 |
fisherhome | there is also no XP support so i cant install anything but CRAPsta | 03:47 |
bluebanana | how do i make a new directory? | 03:47 |
johndoc | wait wait wait Skycloud, it tells you to install Warcraft 3 first? | 03:47 |
fisherhome | not sure what that is | 03:47 |
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bluebanana | how do i make a new directory in terminal?? | 03:47 |
fisherhome | mkdir | 03:47 |
lancerdragoon | bluebanana: mkdir <name of dir> | 03:47 |
bluebanana | thanks | 03:47 |
fisherhome | ^ how to make directory | 03:47 |
jrib | !cli > bluebanana (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:47 |
fisherhome | k | 03:47 |
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Skycloud | johndoc: Never mind I think I found the problem, let me check | 03:47 |
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johndoc | ok | 03:47 |
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bluebanana | jrib, thanks! | 03:48 |
ko12upt | i need some help also i thought i would help while waiting i need to get into my gui when i boot my machine reg. it zeals up freezes after i enter the log in and pass i get to the desktop and see the tan color but it also shows a grey box top left corner | 03:48 |
Skycloud | johndoc: Yup I found it out, I wasnt using the same bottle, I had to use the same bottle that WC3 is using | 03:48 |
bzaks | how can you tell if the CD you have is the 64bit vs the 32 bit version? | 03:48 |
johndoc | Skycloud: have you used burning crusade before? | 03:48 |
Ausylo | ko12upt: i tried the sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter command in terminal and it came back with couldnt find package | 03:48 |
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jrib | bzaks: check the md5sum? | 03:48 |
Skycloud | johndoc: yeah, I get errors sometimes though and my computer reboots for some reason on WoW | 03:48 |
fisherhome | it just a bizzare video show.. it's a touch screen tablet style so the screen goes from black to white in this slow wave across the screen as the pixels appear to be melting | 03:48 |
shane_ | Hey - I'm looking for a wireless PCI card that works well with Ubuntu Feisty - does anybody have any recommendations? | 03:48 |
bzaks | okay | 03:48 |
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Jordan_U | Ausylo, You need to enable the universe repository | 03:48 |
fisherhome | then of course it does nothing, and just sits there. | 03:49 |
bzaks | jrib, can you tell me how? | 03:49 |
ko12upt | auso univer repo | 03:49 |
ko12upt | main server | 03:49 |
jrib | bzaks: if it's a desktop cd you could boot it and run 'uname -a' too | 03:49 |
johndoc | Skycloud: what does burning crusade do? is it worth the 50 bucks? | 03:49 |
Sidey | shane_: most of the 3com's are easy detected | 03:49 |
iMayKnow | shane_, the foxconn cards work pretty well | 03:49 |
enviouz | i got the spinlock bug on previous versions of ubuntu and fedora. this was due to hp using damn ati chipset though (was all in the ide and sata controller | 03:49 |
Ausylo | can you tell me how to do that | 03:49 |
Jordan_U | Ausylo, System -> Administration -> Software Sources | 03:49 |
Sidey | old but they work well | 03:49 |
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iMayKnow | and they're cheap | 03:49 |
bzaks | sweet! | 03:49 |
Fenyx | Hello everyone! | 03:49 |
bzaks | thanks Jrib! | 03:49 |
ko12upt | admin then packman then look at the top | 03:49 |
Skycloud | johndoc: oh yeah, it's better and since you can get to the outlands with it its awsome | 03:49 |
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iMayKnow | hey Fenyx | 03:49 |
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ko12upt | go through and find repositories | 03:49 |
shane_ | Sidey, iMayKnow: Thanks a lot, I'll look into them. | 03:49 |
Skycloud | johndoc: I'm hopefully getting it for my birthday tommorow | 03:49 |
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johndoc | ohh well, happy birthday skycloud | 03:50 |
Skycloud | johndoc: download the trial, and try it out, its better | 03:50 |
johndoc | will do | 03:50 |
enviouz | fisherhome: you using ide or sata? | 03:50 |
Sidey | shane_: np. hope it helps. I got a old 3c905 picked it right up.. | 03:50 |
ko12upt | i cant help too much im also stuck hmm let me try something someone will help you while im gone lol brb | 03:50 |
Skycloud | johndoc: thx 14 in six hours ^.^ | 03:50 |
fisherhome | idk all i know is it sucks and this brand new machine is a brick to me | 03:50 |
Ausylo | Jordan_U: ok im in there now, now what | 03:50 |
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imbecile | pleeeaaassse... what file do i use to edit repos? | 03:50 |
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fisherhome | as soon as the recovery media comes back, i'm ebaying this son of a bitch | 03:50 |
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johndoc | skycloud: you have a long hard road ahead of you, enjoy the next few years as much as possible | 03:51 |
enviouz | one thing you may try is linux ide=nodma | 03:51 |
lancerdragoon | imbecile: /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:51 |
Jordan_U | Ausylo, Check the box next to community maintained software | 03:51 |
fisherhome | i already ordered a dell w/ ubuntu on it | 03:51 |
enviouz | ahh ic | 03:51 |
fisherhome | on digg today, by the way | 03:51 |
SAM_theman | !Ekgia | 03:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ekgia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:51 |
mtbosworth | so if I try to connect to my ssh server is says "Connection reset by peer" | 03:51 |
Ausylo | it was checked, uncheck it? | 03:51 |
bzaks | So if I have no internet but wireless, and I have the ndiswrapper-util (1.9) and the latest ndiswrapper-common deb files, plus my broadcom drivers (bcmwl5.inf and sys), can someone please walk me through all this? | 03:51 |
SAM_theman | !Ekiga | 03:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ekiga - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:51 |
imbecile | lancerdragoon, tyvm | 03:51 |
Ausylo | Jordan_U: it was already checked, uncheck it? | 03:51 |
lancerdragoon | np | 03:51 |
bzaks | I tried several tuts and got no where | 03:51 |
iMayKnow | imbecile, you can also use synaptic or system -> admin -> software sources | 03:51 |
Skycloud | johndoc: its gonna be great, I'm going to a good private high school for Science and Technology ^.^ | 03:51 |
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Jordan_U | Ausylo, No, keep it checked | 03:51 |
Ausylo | Jordan_U: okay, now what | 03:51 |
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cvd | any use the backports? | 03:52 |
fisherhome | enviouz, how do you do that? | 03:52 |
fisherhome | the ide=nodma thing | 03:52 |
Gadget | what's the best way to re-install alsa? | 03:52 |
fisherhome | would i enter that as bootup? | 03:52 |
Skycloud | johndoc: do you know where C:\program files is on here? | 03:52 |
IndyGunFreak | Gadget: synaptic? | 03:52 |
johndoc | hmm...i did, hang on and let me check | 03:52 |
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Jordan_U | Ausylo, That means you must have spelled it wrong, copy and paste: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter | 03:52 |
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enviouz | when the cd boots hit f6 then remove splash and quite. and add linux ide=nodma to the end | 03:52 |
Gadget | okay yea synaptic | 03:53 |
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Fenyx | I'm trying to get Subversion and Apache working together. But I keep getting <m:human-readable errcode="13"> | 03:53 |
Fenyx | Could not open the requested SVN filesystem | 03:53 |
Fenyx | </m:human-readable> whenever I go to the URL for the repository. I've gone through half a dozen how-tos and always get the same thing. Any ideas? | 03:53 |
Sidey | trying again. whats the command to mount cd rom? | 03:53 |
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fisherhome | you don't say, eh? i may try that right now since this piece of shot is not doing anything | 03:53 |
enviouz | at one time i had to use almost 15 switchs at boot to get mine to boot | 03:53 |
Gadget | Does anyon know why the process on this webpage makes my sound driver go away?? :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 03:53 |
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Ausylo | Jordan_U: tried it again and same error, couldnt find package | 03:53 |
enviouz | also removing splash and quite will let you read the output for any errors | 03:54 |
Jordan_U | Ausylo, Try "sudo apt-get update" | 03:54 |
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Ausylo | k | 03:54 |
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Jordan_U | Ausylo, Then try installing again | 03:54 |
MrXorg | Can someone help me with xorg I made a big mistake | 03:54 |
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Jordan_U | MrXorg, What mistake? | 03:54 |
mtbosworth | my problem is trying to ssh into my machine | 03:54 |
Shadowpillar | okay | 03:54 |
Shadowpillar | I want to know something | 03:54 |
imbecile | iMayKnow, how do i add trevino repo with software sources? | 03:55 |
Shadowpillar | why does network manager keep switching my connection despite the stability of the connection? | 03:55 |
mtbosworth | it says "connection reset by peer" | 03:55 |
Shadowpillar | it keeps putting me on a dead interface | 03:55 |
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Ausylo | Jordan_U: lots of failed to fetch errors, im not on the internet yet | 03:55 |
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enviouz | fisherhome: a note though. if you are using ide and add linux ide=nodma disk access will be super slow | 03:55 |
Shadowpillar | every 5 minutes it'll switch me to a dead interface and cut my connection off | 03:55 |
fisherhome | here goes nothing envious =] | 03:55 |
fisherhome | no, it's SATA | 03:55 |
Shadowpillar | for no reason | 03:55 |
MrXorg | Jordon_U: I replaced my file with someone else's that looked like mine to get svideo working | 03:55 |
Jordan_U | Ausylo, You need to be connected to the internet or grab the firmware from another computer that is | 03:55 |
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Jordan_U | MrXorg, Did you back up your old one? | 03:56 |
enviouz | umm that switch may still woirk but if not i do know there is a sata switch but i cant remember what it is | 03:56 |
alex__ | hey, i'm having some trouble with my windows network, i can't seem to open any of the both windows computer i share the network with | 03:56 |
Ausylo | Jordan_U: okay, ill just hook up wired and do that then | 03:56 |
msl | bzaks: I can try and walk you through it | 03:56 |
alex__ | how can i fix this? | 03:56 |
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mfpockets | hey | 03:56 |
Shadowpillar | alex__: are you in the same domain? | 03:56 |
bzaks | thanks msl | 03:56 |
bzaks | I really appreciate it | 03:56 |
Gadget | How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my integrated Bluetooth? | 03:56 |
mfpockets | anyone here have an asus eax1300 graphic card | 03:56 |
alex__ | shadowpillar: yes, MSHOME | 03:56 |
msl | bzaks: have you added blacklist bcm43xx to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist? | 03:57 |
mtbosworth | now when I try ssh [my ip] it says "Connection closed by UNKNOWN" | 03:57 |
MrXorg | Jordon_U: How can I get the default xorg file back? | 03:57 |
enviouz | if that dont work though let me know and ill try to find my old boot line you can try that | 03:57 |
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Shadowpillar | hrmm no idea | 03:57 |
Jordan_U | MrXorg, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 03:57 |
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dcordes | how can I adjust the timeout of the dhcp client discover? | 03:57 |
fisherhome | it still does it's weird video thing and then dies | 03:57 |
MrXorg | Better yet how can I write to it with a shell | 03:57 |
fisherhome | any other switches i could try? | 03:57 |
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fisherhome | like to disable video? lol | 03:58 |
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mfpockets | anyone.... help installing asus eax1300 drivers | 03:58 |
Jordan_U | msl, Sorry to but in, but why are you telling him to blacklist bcm43xx, did grabbing the firmware not work? | 03:58 |
enviouz | ok give me a few mins to go through my notes and ill find my old boot switches | 03:58 |
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bzaks | msl: actually I haven't this is going to be a complete fresh install | 03:58 |
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=== ko12upt [n=root@c-71-195-166-175.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ko12upt | hey i cant figure it out lol | 03:58 |
Gadget | resotre XORG: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258186 | 03:58 |
=== Gron [n=unix@1-1-1-45a.has.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
msl | Jordan_U: he was asking about ndiswrapper, which is also the only way I have gotten to work | 03:59 |
mtbosworth | now when I try ssh [my ip] it says "Connection closed by UNKNOWN" | 03:59 |
ko12upt | im still stuck my computer zeals up after log in | 03:59 |
fisherhome | you're the greatest bro, thanks | 03:59 |
bzaks | msl: this is going to be a fresh install of the Ubuntu 7.04 64bit version for the AMD | 03:59 |
mtbosworth | anyone? | 03:59 |
=== gwak_ [n=gregul@77-97-203-69.cable.ubr06.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Jordan_U | bzaks, msl Try installing bcm43xx-fwcutter first | 03:59 |
=== nbourdeau [n=nbourdea@modemcable056.24-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
casio_ | 03:59 | |
ko12upt | bangs his head against the wall until brain matter is seen | 03:59 |
Pelo | mtbosworth, search the error msg in the forum | 03:59 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, msl Before NDIS wrapper that is | 03:59 |
Pelo | !cn | casio_ | 03:59 |
ubotu | casio_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 03:59 |
msl | bzaks: I haven't done it with AMD64, so I don't know if it works | 03:59 |
Gadget | How do I disable the OS from having to ask for my root password all the time? | 03:59 |
nbourdeau | #freepbx | 04:00 |
bzaks | Jordan: I'll see if I can find the Deb, i'm tossing everything onto this laptop | 04:00 |
enviouz | try this linex vesa ide=nodma apm=off acpi=off vga=normal nosmp noapic maxcpus=0 | 04:00 |
ko12upt | aww much better | 04:00 |
=== dawn`chorus [n=billy@c-68-62-197-16.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
casio_ | thank you ! | 04:00 |
=== johnp [n=john@pool-70-18-134-61.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ko12upt | gadget sudo passwd | 04:00 |
mfpockets | gadget: you can enable logging in as admin then on initial login log in as root originally | 04:00 |
enviouz | note it should be linux not linex | 04:00 |
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=== HEx [i=HEx@213-228-241-143.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== HydroUK [n=HydroUK@host217-44-88-56.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bzaks | this is actually a surprise for my GF | 04:01 |
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tritium | Gadget: better to use "sudo -i" to get a root shell | 04:01 |
bzaks | she just got a new hd | 04:01 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, The .deb for bcm43xx-fwcutter still needs you to be connected to the Internet because it grabs the firmware from broadcom's site | 04:01 |
bzaks | and I wanted to show her linux | 04:01 |
bzaks | damnit | 04:01 |
=== ChevyMan [n=bob@12-219-101-249.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bzaks | I can download package only on this computer right? | 04:01 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, What do you mean? | 04:01 |
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unagi | !maya | 04:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about maya - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:01 |
bzaks | I'm talking to you on another computer | 04:01 |
bzaks | no interwebs on the laptop | 04:01 |
tritium | !enter | bzaks | 04:01 |
ubotu | bzaks: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:01 |
bzaks | for some reason the wired connection is shot | 04:01 |
bzaks | oops | 04:02 |
Gadget | So I don't get it fully : do I use "sudo -i passwd"?? | 04:02 |
=== MrXorg [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-67-151-83.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
enviouz | also fisherhome what chipset do you have? | 04:02 |
cvd | after a compile and ready to install , ca i create a .deb from that? | 04:02 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, No, you need to be connected to the internet to do it automatically, I can give you a link to the firmware though, you just need to put it in /lib/firmware | 04:02 |
bzaks | so how do I get around the fwcutter problem? | 04:02 |
bzaks | okay, Jordan, I'd love a chance to get it | 04:03 |
tritium | !checkinstall > cvd (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:03 |
=== Skycloud [n=jason@pool-71-111-89-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bronze | What's the terminal command to delete a folder? | 04:03 |
=== eobanb [n=eoban@CPE-72-128-87-129.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | bzaks, http://trogdoor.googlepages.com/firmware.zip | 04:03 |
bzaks | sudo rm name -r | 04:03 |
bzaks | right? | 04:03 |
tritium | bronze: rmdir | 04:03 |
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jrib | !cli > bronze (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:03 |
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cvd | damn the answers are fast here | 04:04 |
cvd | :-) | 04:04 |
=== _Smash_temp [n=smash@pD95FED66.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skycloud | Can anybody help me, my computer is rebooting a lot, when I was on youtube, it rebooted, when I was playing WoW it rebooted, when I tried to play WC3 it reboots. But when I don't do those things its perfectly fine. | 04:04 |
=== brady [n=chatzill@c-65-96-121-213.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bzaks | that's really weird, any messages? or just a freak out reboot? | 04:04 |
dawn`chorus | Skycloud, perhaps a hardware issue? | 04:04 |
HydroUK | can anyone help me when using firefox every 3 to 4 mins everything locks up and i have to switch off and on again. i have purged and reinstalled firefox but have the same problem im using a netgear usb adaptor?? | 04:05 |
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Jordan_U | Skycloud, Were you using gnash to watch the youtube videos? | 04:05 |
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Skycloud | Jordan_U: gnash? I was using firefox | 04:05 |
Jordan_U | Skycloud, gnash is an alternate flash plugin | 04:05 |
=== Airforce5555 [n=stephen@ppp-69-214-48-137.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skycloud | Jordan_U: oh, no I don't think so, I just installed the regular flash plugin when firefox said I need it. | 04:06 |
EADG_ | Skycloud: do a memory/ram test with the live cd, I had reboot issues from a bad dimm a few monts ago. | 04:06 |
fisherhome | sorry bro im gunna head out, i'll catch up with you shortluy | 04:06 |
Jordan_U | Skycloud, If you were then the one thing all those things would have in common would be their use of OpenGL | 04:06 |
=== arpegius [n=arpegius@c-65-96-179-78.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bzaks | yeah, but open GL, that would just make things look ugly, right? not cause a kernel panic and shutdown? | 04:06 |
=== Athanasius [n=sysadmin@c-68-62-50-110.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skycloud | Jordan_U: I don't think I used opengl on any of them | 04:06 |
enviouz | k hope that last set of switches i gave works | 04:06 |
_dac | I'm running Ubuntu 7.04,But there's no sound from speakers or pc speaker, any Ideas? | 04:07 |
=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | Skycloud, WoW? | 04:07 |
Music_Shuffle | !sound | _dac | 04:07 |
ubotu | _dac: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:07 |
=== korupt [n=root@c-71-195-166-175.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bzaks | _dac: got power to your speakers? | 04:07 |
Skycloud | Jordan_U: I tried WoW like 3 times only one time with opengl | 04:07 |
brady | I recently installed a new kernel and thought that I could delete the .deb package after I installed it but now there is an error in the update manager that says: 'E: The package linux-image-2.6.22-rc2-ge5de73bc-dirty needs to be reinstalled but I can't find an archive for it.' | 04:07 |
Skycloud | Jordan_U: and all 3 of them shutdown the comp | 04:07 |
korupt | hey guys how can i log in as root? | 04:07 |
HydroUK | any help?? | 04:07 |
jrib | !root > korupt (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:07 |
bzaks | sudo su | 04:07 |
_dac | ok thanks... | 04:07 |
Jordan_U | Skycloud, Any 3D program in Linux uses OpenGL | 04:07 |
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imbecile | how do i add a key using software sources?? pleeeaassseee | 04:07 |
tritium | bzaks: sudo -i rather than sudo su | 04:07 |
jrib | !please > HydroUK (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:07 |
Skycloud | Jordan_U: how do I set them up to all use opengl? | 04:08 |
bzaks | tritium: how come? | 04:08 |
=== Eric1854 [n=veenenen@68-117-101-105.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
korupt | right now im at terminal and need to get into gui with out it freezing up | 04:08 |
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arpegius | setting up apache2 and mod-musicindex... anyone succssfully set this up and can help a guy out? | 04:08 |
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Jordan_U | imbecile, System -> Administration -> Software Sources | 04:08 |
jrib | imbecile: what repository? | 04:08 |
tritium | brady: if you delete the package, you delete the files contained in it | 04:08 |
_dac | bzaks, Ithink so... | 04:08 |
tritium | !rootsudo > bzaks (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:08 |
korupt | this is a fresh install and i added the ndiswrapper driver and now it wont login | 04:08 |
mattthebaker | what is the name of the wrapper package that installs all of the development tools (gcc, g++, etc.) | 04:08 |
Jordan_U | Skycloud, They already do, that's not the problem... What GFX card do you have? | 04:08 |
tritium | mattthebaker: build-essential | 04:08 |
imbecile | jrib, trevino | 04:08 |
=== apberzerk [n=pweaver@ppp-70-247-209-168.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brady | ok but I just downloaded the package again, shouldn't that fix it? | 04:09 |
mattthebaker | tritium: ty | 04:09 |
tritium | brady: it has to be installed again as well | 04:09 |
Skycloud | Jordan_U: Nvidia GeForce 6200, I had to use ndiswrapper to install the driver. | 04:09 |
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bzaks | _dac: can you plug it in to something else for a sec to test | 04:09 |
brady | oh that sucks | 04:09 |
bzaks | like an IPod? | 04:09 |
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Skycloud | Jordan_U: wait no I used synaptic package manager to get the driver for that | 04:09 |
Jordan_U | Skycloud, NDIS wrapper is for wireless cards.... | 04:09 |
tritium | brady: huh? That's how you install stuff. | 04:09 |
=== homanj_ [n=homanj@24-197-203-144.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skycloud | Jordan_U: ya I tried messing with my card, and it didn't work =/ | 04:10 |
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tritium | brady: it doesn't suck. debian package management actually rocks | 04:10 |
Eric1854 | I'm trying to get file uploading in php to work. I got the server to allow uploads, but they all come out corrupt. Any ideas? | 04:10 |
danCrazyMan | My friend ran the ubuntu installer (alternate cd), and used guided partitioning. He's kind of clueless, so I'm not quite sure how he did it. Upon booting, he has a "Windows" option, but it is the recovery system which came w/ the machine, which gets stuck on the loading screen (I'm assuming it can't find its recovery partitions because they've been moved). Either way, I'm noticing he has several partitions, two of which are ar | 04:10 |
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danCrazyMan | ound 28gb. One is the Linux ext3, so I'm assuming the other one is is his resized Windows Install. According to cfdisk, its a Linux LVM though. Any ideas? | 04:10 |
unagi | !root | 04:10 |
ubotu | do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 04:10 |
Jordan_U | Skycloud, Use System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager, check to see that the driver is enabled | 04:10 |
=== asdokasdofj [n=adomasod@CPE-24-166-189-134.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brady | I know but I already installed this kernel and I would think that I wouldn't need to instlall it again since my system is running with that kernel righ now | 04:10 |
asdokasdofj | anyone know of a PHP imap client that has threaded view? sorta like gmail? | 04:10 |
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_dac | no, I'm disabled and can't move to good, perhaps tomorrow, but thank you... | 04:10 |
Skycloud | Jordan_U: I just did and it is | 04:10 |
tritium | brady: but you _un_installed it after that | 04:10 |
unagi | how do u change the permissions of a file? | 04:10 |
jrib | imbecile: read http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/ | 04:10 |
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jrib | !permissions > unagi (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:11 |
brady | I didn't uninstall it I just deleted the debian package | 04:11 |
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Eric1854 | unagi: sudo chmod your_username the_file | 04:11 |
unagi | !permissions | 04:11 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 04:11 |
bzaks | Jordan_U: Can you help me now with this fwcutter thing? Do I need to get the deb still? | 04:11 |
bzaks | I have the firmware zip | 04:11 |
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dsl575 | hi guys, can anyone help me with installing finch (or any other cli msn, lightweight client) | 04:11 |
brady | shouldn't all the essential files still exist in some other folder | 04:11 |
tritium | brady: then it should still be installed. apt-cache policy <packagename> to verify installed status | 04:11 |
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brady | I know that it is still installed but why is it giving me the error message that it can't find the package | 04:12 |
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danCrazyMan | Also, when we try to do "mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda5 -t ntfs" It says "wrong fs type/ superblock ..." | 04:12 |
tritium | brady: what's the exact error message, and at what time do you get it? | 04:12 |
_dac | bzaks, I know they don't have batteries, but whether or not a adapter??? | 04:12 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, No, you should still install fwcutter once you are connected to the internet with the laptop just so your firmware gets updated automatically, but all you need is the firmware to connect now | 04:12 |
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Assassin` | any one here play with snes9express | 04:12 |
bzaks | So Jordan, do I just unzip this folder in the firmware folder? | 04:13 |
korupt | assassin use zsnes | 04:13 |
korupt | thats the best one | 04:13 |
Assassin` | i had that one | 04:13 |
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korupt | i have to get my computer working ill be back later | 04:13 |
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Assassin` | it crashes when i try to load a rom | 04:13 |
brady | when I try to update my software with the update manager it says : 'E: The package linux-image-2.6.22-rc2-ge5de73bc-dirty needs to be reinstalled but I can't find an archive for it.' | 04:13 |
=== hays [n=hays@pool-138-88-255-10.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linos | can someone help me out... why is it when I look up the networks for irc ubuntu channels, they are not listed. in fact the ubuntu channels are listed to be located on the freenode network, why? | 04:13 |
hays | is ubuntu publicly traded? | 04:13 |
unagi | chmod: invalid mode: `unagi' | 04:13 |
hays | on the stock market | 04:13 |
Assassin` | how do i restore default settings in zsnes? | 04:13 |
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jrib | unagi: did you read the page from ubotu? what are you trying to do exactly? | 04:13 |
jrib | hays: no | 04:14 |
Eric1854 | Does anyone here have any experience with setting up uploading on a web server? | 04:14 |
hays | or if I want to invest in linux, am I stuck with sourceforge and red hat | 04:14 |
_dac | after I've rested in the morning I can fall to the ground and check the speaker wiring etc.... | 04:14 |
unagi | im trying to install maya on ubuntu from rpm | 04:14 |
jrib | unagi: what are you trying to do with chmod? | 04:14 |
unagi | but the package manager is saying that the deb cant be opened because the permissions arent right | 04:14 |
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speaker219 | hello | 04:14 |
brady | it was originally on the desktop then I deleted it so now I just put it back on the desktop and it still gives me the same message | 04:14 |
unagi | im doing what i was told to do before | 04:14 |
=== danCrazyMan [n=dan@71-87-210-252.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi | sudo dpkg -i awcommon_9.5-2_i386.deb | 04:15 |
=== Moronis [n=moroni@201-13-219-232.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bzaks | _dac do you have an audio device to plug the speakers in to test their ability to make sound before thinking it could be the computer | 04:15 |
tritium | brady: that's not an official ubuntu package. where is it from? did it not install properly? | 04:15 |
johndoc | does anyone know anything about using the wifi 4965agn with native drivers? | 04:15 |
asdokasdofj | anyone know of a PHP imap client that has threaded view? sorta like gmail? | 04:15 |
=== Moronis [n=moroni@201-13-219-232.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
bzaks | jordan_u do I just unzip this file directly into firmware? | 04:15 |
jrib | unagi: pastebin your error | 04:15 |
=== danCrazyMan [n=dan@71-87-210-252.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brady | it installed properly and I am running ubuntu on the PS3 so I downloaded a kernel to enable the PS3's wifi | 04:15 |
danCrazyMan | My friend ran the ubuntu installer (alternate cd), and used guided partitioning. He's kind of clueless, so I'm not quite sure how he did it. Upon booting, he has a "Windows" option, but it is the recovery system which came w/ the machine, which gets stuck on the loading screen (I'm assuming it can't find its recovery partitions because they've been moved). Either way, I'm noticing he has several partitions, two of which are ar | 04:15 |
danCrazyMan | ound 28gb. One is the Linux ext3, so I'm assuming the other one is is his resized Windows Install. According to cfdisk, its a Linux LVM though. Any ideas? | 04:15 |
HydroUK | why does firefox kepp locking up i have re installed but still the same problem | 04:15 |
brady | I can give you the link to it if you would like to check it up | 04:16 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, Yes, you will need to use sudo to do it though ( it requires root privaleges ) | 04:16 |
HydroUK | keep | 04:16 |
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=== Maczimus [n=tad@ppp-70-245-135-30.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_dac | no, I just have this old compaq7000 and a trnsister radio | 04:16 |
bzaks | jordan_u: now what do I do with these .fw files in "/lib/firmware" install ndiswrapper? | 04:16 |
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=== speaker219 [n=charlie@adsl-144-242-7.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | bzaks, No, just reboot or run: sudo modprobe bcm43xx-fwcutter | 04:17 |
=== eggs [n=john@nc-76-3-75-177.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | bzaks, No, just reboot or run: sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 04:17 |
Jordan_U | ( no fwcutter ) | 04:17 |
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=== Maczimus [n=tad@ppp-70-245-135-30.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
eggs | Hi i recently updated from 6.06>6.10>7.04 | 04:17 |
bzaks | Jordan_U: should I see something? | 04:17 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, No | 04:17 |
eggs | and my xconfg is messed up | 04:18 |
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kafran | someone that use aDesklets here??? | 04:18 |
unagi | i dont understand why installing maya has to be such a hassle | 04:18 |
jrib | !xconfig > eggs (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:18 |
cvd | cheackinstall and autoapt, but autoapt for what? | 04:18 |
bzaks | Jordan_U: So I just have internet? even though network manager says nothing? | 04:18 |
mongolai | anyone here know how to set-up gnome to have different desktops for different workspaces? | 04:18 |
jrib | eggs: try regenerating it | 04:18 |
=== Talaman72 [i=kris@66-215-57-61.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | bzaks, Now try to connect with the network manager applet | 04:18 |
=== antitab_ [n=Michael@pool-72-81-16-190.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | mongolai: you can use "wallpapoz" (google) | 04:18 |
eggs | how do i do that? | 04:18 |
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_dac | thanks for all bzaks | 04:19 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, Network manager should see it now, check that the card is in roaming mode in System -> Administration -> networking | 04:19 |
mongolai | jrib, looking that up now... | 04:19 |
jrib | unagi: ask the people who produce maya. You paid for it, tell them how you feel about it as a customer | 04:19 |
brady | tritium, the lnk to where I got the kernel is from here: http://psubuntu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=342 | 04:19 |
unagi | erm | 04:19 |
jrib | eggs: see the message from ubotu | 04:19 |
bzaks | jordan_u I do see that. So I'm setting the essid because I know it. Is that okay? | 04:19 |
unagi | how do you find your host id in linux | 04:19 |
eggs | do i need to get out of x? | 04:20 |
jrib | eggs: you don't need to | 04:20 |
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Assassin` | [22:13:48] <Assassin`> how do i restore default settings in zsnes? | 04:20 |
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Jordan_U | bzaks, Yes, but as long as it's set to manual in netwok-admin it won't show up in network-manager | 04:20 |
milllmannn | Why would I need to set up DNS stuff on my server? | 04:20 |
Assassin` | never mind | 04:20 |
Assassin` | -_- | 04:20 |
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bnall | any ideas on sunbird? good? bad? better programs? | 04:21 |
killux | are prepatches just like updates for the kernel? | 04:21 |
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milllmannn | Do i need it if i am running on a VPN? | 04:21 |
bzaks | So when does it work Jordan_U? I mean, I see the light on, but I can't ping anything | 04:21 |
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milllmannn | i mean, VPS | 04:21 |
brady | tritium: can we enter a private chat? | 04:21 |
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Jordan_U | bzaks, It should work now, try setting it to roaming instead of adding the ssid yourself and see if it shows up in network-manager | 04:22 |
bnall | not sure if anyone saw this earlier - connection running slow | 04:22 |
rat | what is the command for getting linux to stop asking for a password? | 04:22 |
bnall | sunbirf? | 04:22 |
Talaman72 | how do i get idjc setup? | 04:22 |
Jordan_U | rat, What do you mean? | 04:23 |
hbskinner | sometimes with I use ifdown if freezes on "DHCPRELEASE" | 04:23 |
rat | for root or anything | 04:23 |
rat | i want it to just never ask for a password | 04:23 |
hbskinner | and then I can't seem to open another terminal | 04:23 |
rat | i'm using xubuntu | 04:23 |
Jordan_U | rat, You shouldn't do that... | 04:23 |
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bnall | is sunbird any good? any better choices? | 04:23 |
hbskinner | anyone have any ideas? | 04:23 |
rat | oh no? | 04:23 |
bzaks | Jordan_u: did you give me the firmware for 4318 or 4306? | 04:24 |
Jordan_U | rat, That is insecure and a good way to accidentaly brick your computer | 04:24 |
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SAM_theman | anyone here uses Ekiga?? | 04:24 |
rat | well nobody has access to my physical computer | 04:24 |
SAM_theman | if you do pm your sip | 04:24 |
LeoDioxide | rat: you're on the internet aren't you? | 04:24 |
rat | unless they break down a door and dodge bullets | 04:24 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, I gave you firmware for all models I think, hence the multiple .fw files | 04:24 |
bzaks | oh okay | 04:24 |
rat | fair enough | 04:24 |
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bzaks | hmm | 04:24 |
brady | Can anyone else help me with my problem? | 04:24 |
rat | i take it this is why it's a bad idea to irc in root | 04:25 |
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LeoDioxide | quite a bit | 04:25 |
Jordan_U | rat, Yes, a VERRY bad idea | 04:25 |
rat | but i think i mean that password is stored | 04:25 |
cvd | how many thing ubuntu download after installing the auto-atp ans then auto-apt update? this thin still downloading thins | 04:25 |
rat | the command has the word ALL in it twice | 04:25 |
bzaks | network manager doesn't seem the recognize I took it out of manual and into roaming | 04:25 |
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Jordan_U | bzaks, I may have forgotten a step ( though I don't think I did ) try rebooting as that should do anything I might have forgotten | 04:26 |
aoeuhtns | I'm trying to install gentoo on an old laptop with PCMCIA network card which works with the liveCD but not my installed system | 04:26 |
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bzaks | sweet | 04:26 |
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Jordan_U | aoeuhtns, This is #ubuntu ... | 04:26 |
bzaks | I put it to sleep and brought it back to life | 04:26 |
bzaks | and boom | 04:26 |
bzaks | it worke | 04:26 |
LeoDioxide | rat: the idea is that any insecurities arising from you running an IRC Client automatically give the attacker root access to your machine | 04:26 |
bzaks | (sorry tritium.. habbit) | 04:26 |
aoeuhtns | Jordan_U, haha ooops sorry wrong window | 04:27 |
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eboyjr | yo | 04:27 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, That means I forgot something, glad it works :) | 04:27 |
cvd | ? | 04:27 |
rat | what if i'm never root, but it let's me do everything without bugging me | 04:27 |
LeoDioxide | rat: you'd be root, think about that question. | 04:27 |
Jordan_U | rat, How is that different from being root? | 04:27 |
eboyjr | What IRC Client are you using? | 04:27 |
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LeoDioxide | eboyjr wants in on this action... | 04:28 |
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rat | i'm not root right now | 04:28 |
rat | heh | 04:28 |
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bzaks | okay Jordan, now that I've downloaded and installed bcm43xx-fwcutter, do I need to do anything else? | 04:29 |
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rat | can't you get it to where it asks you once for the password when you startup and then it's ok from there | 04:29 |
Jordan_U | bzaks, Nope | 04:29 |
bzaks | awesome! | 04:29 |
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MrXorg | Can anyone tell me how to edit xorg in a shell | 04:29 |
bzaks | that was a billion times easier than any other time | 04:29 |
bzaks | thank you a toin! | 04:29 |
bzaks | ton*** | 04:29 |
LeoDioxide | rat: thats the same as you logging in as root | 04:29 |
bnall | has anyone used sunbird? | 04:29 |
Jordan_U | rat, That would be logging in as root | 04:29 |
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jrib | MrXorg: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:29 |
gangrene | MrXorg: as root go vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:29 |
gangrene | ok, noob question | 04:30 |
gangrene | I've installed firefox | 04:30 |
rat | so you're telling me that everyone who uses linux is constantly typing their password over and over | 04:30 |
Kyle123 | what is the difference in Ubuntu 7.04 that you download off of the ubuntu.com site, and Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04 ? | 04:30 |
gangrene | now firefox does not run when I do 'firefox' in xterm | 04:30 |
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jrib | Kyle123: none? I'm not sure I understand the question... | 04:30 |
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Jordan_U | Kyle123, Nothing? | 04:30 |
jrib | gangrene: any output? | 04:30 |
EADG_ | rat: yes, and I sleep better at night because of it :/ | 04:30 |
mongolai | rat, i believe you can set-up sudo to remember your password for a certain amount of time. the default is 15 min, i think. | 04:30 |
CineScope | rat: only when it is required, similar to macosx | 04:30 |
gangrene | jrib: no | 04:30 |
eboyjr | Why is it that you have to keep entering your password, and that gedit can not access certain files unless you open the terminal and use sudo? | 04:30 |
eboyjr | It is sort of annoying me. | 04:31 |
jrib | gangrene: ps -ef | grep firefox-bin return anything? | 04:31 |
gaten | gangrene: do 'ps aux|grep -i firefox' | 04:31 |
brady | Is anyone available to help? | 04:31 |
Kyle123 | the Feisty Fawn DVD is 3.97 gb and the Ubuntu i downloaded from the home page is only 690 mb | 04:31 |
PurpZeY | !sudo | eboyjr | 04:31 |
ubotu | eboyjr: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 04:31 |
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Jordan_U | rat, That is why ( among other things ) we don't get viruses | 04:31 |
gaten | brady: with what | 04:31 |
rat | actually i just installed xubuntu a little while ago so maybe it's just because i had to setup everything | 04:31 |
brady | I am having a probleming with my update manager | 04:31 |
jrib | eboyjr: you really shouldn't need to do that that often? What are you doing that requires root privileves so often? | 04:31 |
gaten | brady: more details please | 04:31 |
rat | normally i probably wouldn't be needing to do it so often | 04:31 |
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eboyjr | I am trying to edit the apache2.conf files and ports.conf and stuff. | 04:32 |
mongolai | eboyjr, try "gksudo gedit &" from a terminal. Root gedit. you can leave it open... | 04:32 |
brady | I am running Ubuntu on my PS3 and I just recently installed a kernel that utilizes the PS3's wifi card | 04:32 |
Jordan_U | rat, Yes, during normal use you hardly ever need root privileges | 04:32 |
brady | then I deleted the debian package | 04:32 |
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gangrene | hrmm | 04:32 |
brady | because I thought it wasn't necessary anymore | 04:32 |
Kyle123 | 3.97gig dvd of Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, is that right ? | 04:32 |
gangrene | firefox-bin and firefox appear to exist | 04:32 |
rat | what's a good way to kill a process | 04:32 |
brady | and now when I go to the update manager it gives me this error | 04:32 |
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jrib | Kyle123: the dvd has all of the main and restricted repository including kubuntu, xubuntu, etc... | 04:32 |
gangrene | yet I get command not found | 04:32 |
gaten | rat: kill PID | 04:33 |
ADiCT3D | Can someone help me setup a udev rule? I need to make a persistent +Read/Write to a /dev/vboxdrv | 04:33 |
Kyle123 | ah alright | 04:33 |
Kyle123 | what is the difference in all of the different versions ? or is there any ? | 04:33 |
rat | i guess i should list it with "top" | 04:33 |
brady | 'E: The package linux-image-2.6.22-rc2-ge5de73bc-dirty needs to be reinstalled but I can't find an archive for it.' | 04:33 |
gaten | rat: or if it's in X, you can do xkill and click on the window | 04:33 |
eboyjr | I have to leave the gedit open... Is it a good idea to edit the Text Editor command by putting a sudo in front of it? | 04:33 |
gaten | rat: or ps | 04:33 |
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gaten | brady: thats a kernel image | 04:33 |
brady | I then redownloaded the package and it's in the same spot that it was last time, my desktop, and it still gives me that error | 04:33 |
brady | i know | 04:33 |
mongolai | Kyle123, you mean number versions or K/Edu/Ubuntu? | 04:34 |
jrib | Kyle123: ubuntu uses gnome by default, kubuntu uses kde, xubuntu uses xfce. They all use the same repository and you can install the same programs (including kde on ubuntu). The difference is the default programs and settings | 04:34 |
gaten | brady: did you reinstal the package w/ dpk? | 04:34 |
Jordan_U | rat, killall <process name> | 04:34 |
gaten | brady: dpkg* | 04:34 |
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brady | i never reinstalled it, i'm not sure why i would have to | 04:34 |
Kyle123 | alright gotcha thanx | 04:34 |
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brady | i just followed the directions on this website http://psubuntu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=342 | 04:35 |
vbabiy | Hey guys is there any vim guru here | 04:35 |
ADiCT3D | !udev | 04:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about udev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:35 |
mongolai | eboyjr, you can either hit alt+f2 and do "gksudo gedit" *or* from a terminal "gksudo gedit &" and leave gedit open as long as you want. | 04:35 |
ADiCT3D | !dev rules | 04:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dev rules - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:35 |
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Jordan_U | !anyone | vbabiy | 04:35 |
ubotu | vbabiy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:35 |
vbabiy | Jordan_U: I know | 04:35 |
gaten | brady: well, if you uninstalled it and started having problems... | 04:35 |
vbabiy | Jordan_U: MY BAD :) | 04:35 |
eboyjr | Cool, thanks a lot mongolai. | 04:35 |
brady | well I didn't uninstall it I just deleted the .deb from the desktop | 04:36 |
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mongolai | no prob, eboyjr | 04:36 |
brady | should i still reinstall it? | 04:36 |
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gaten | brady: yes | 04:36 |
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Jamesinator | How do I lock a user to their home directory and prevent access to anything outside of their home-directory tree? | 04:36 |
brady | just by following the same directions that were on that website? | 04:36 |
curiogeo | any user rights specialists who can tell me why - net rpc group delmem "DOM\users" alan -Uroot%notdumb as root would give an error like Could not del alan from DOM\users: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED | 04:37 |
gaten | Jamesinator: permissions of 007 on your folders | 04:37 |
mongolai | Jamesinator, I'm not sure you'd want to... | 04:37 |
gaten | brady: you should be able to do sudo dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.22-rc2_2.6.22-rc2-10.00.Custom_powerpc.deb | 04:37 |
bnall | any way to keep my dial up modem from dialing out every time i boot up? (i normally use the lan interface but sometimes need to dial up) | 04:37 |
gaten | Jamesinator: but don't do that ;) they won't be able to run anything | 04:37 |
Jamesinator | gaten: Could you elaborate? | 04:37 |
brady | and that will completely fix the problem? | 04:37 |
Jamesinator | Mongolal: If I didn't want to do it, why would I be asking? | 04:37 |
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gaten | Jamesinator: you really cant do that because they need to access things like /bin and so on | 04:38 |
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mongolai | Jamesinator, every *human* user needs access to at least /bin /usr/bin and /usr/sbin... | 04:38 |
Jordan_U | brady, Blacklist whatever module it uses, or remove it from your /etc/networking/interfaces | 04:38 |
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Jamesinator | mongolai: I'm aware, but that wasn't what I was asking. ;) | 04:38 |
brady | Jordan_U sorry I'm no quite sure what that means | 04:39 |
Jamesinator | That being the case, my question would more appropriately be how would I prevent a user from looking at files outside of their home directory tree? | 04:39 |
gaten | Jamesinator: yes it is. "anything outside their home-directory tree" | 04:39 |
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mongolai | Jamesinator, sorry... Do you just want to limit others from accessing your ~/? | 04:39 |
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gaten | Jamesinator: are you concerned about other users files or system files. the default permissions for system files are usually fine | 04:39 |
bnall | how can i apply permissions from a folder to all files in that folder? | 04:40 |
ADiCT3D | Can someone help me setup a udev rule? I need to make a persistent +Read/Write to a /dev/vboxdrv | 04:40 |
Jordan_U | brady, The drivers for your modem are in a kernel module, if you prevent it from loading, then your modem won't be used | 04:40 |
gaten | bnall: chmod -R 777 DIR | 04:40 |
Jamesinator | I don't want said user to be able to screw with system files or read other users' files | 04:40 |
eboyjr | What's a good way to set up Ubuntu to look the most like Windows 98? ( with System, Preferences, Theme ) | 04:40 |
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gaten | Jamesinator: then you need to do a chmod -R 700 /home/* | 04:41 |
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brady | so I just need to go to the terminal and type in what gaten told me to then it will be all better? | 04:41 |
Jordan_U | eboyjr, 1: Why?!? 2: use redmond theme | 04:41 |
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mongolai | bnall, chmod +"whatever" * whatever of course being your modes... | 04:41 |
korupt | aright i figured something out im having some kind of hardware error | 04:41 |
urso_ | eboyjr do you like windows 98 aperance? lol i dontttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt | 04:41 |
gaten | Jamesinator: and they won't be able to screw w/ system files unless they get the root/adin account | 04:41 |
bnall | thanks | 04:41 |
Jamesinator | Ok, I'll try that. Thank you. | 04:41 |
gaten | Jamesinator: yw | 04:41 |
eboyjr | Well, I don't... but I just wanted to get more accustomed. ;) | 04:41 |
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dawn`chorus | eboyjr, imo the kubuntu somewhat resembles the windows layout. | 04:42 |
urso_ | eboyjr accustomed who like this? | 04:42 |
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urso_ | anyone use the windows 998 now | 04:42 |
napkin_ | does anyone know how i would cleanly install the latest CVS snapshot of ALSA? | 04:42 |
korupt | here is my problem im in recovery mode right now and i did a iwconfig at the command line and saw wlan0 when i log into ubuntu it stalls and if i do a iwconfig in gnome failsafe then it says wlan0 isnt there what could be going on | 04:42 |
urso_ | only old computers not upgrade | 04:42 |
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eboyjr | I have a Windows 98 on my REALLY OLD laptop. With 2GB HD and 16MB RAM | 04:43 |
urso_ | eboyjr you got the compiz or beryl now they are very great :) | 04:43 |
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cdubya | how can I point this machine at another gateway using the network-manager-gnome?......... | 04:43 |
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dawn`chorus | eboyjr, i don't think your laptop meets the minimum requirements to run Ubuntu. let me double check. | 04:43 |
urso_ | eboyjr and you can build your own custom looks aperance ... | 04:43 |
brady | I just have a quick question, if I type this in at the terminal: sudo dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.22-rc2_2.6.22-rc2-10.00.Custom_powerpc.deb Won't it make it so I don't have access to the PS3's wifi? | 04:44 |
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need4speed | anyone in here who knows how to set virtualbox new guest os to have an ip that can have internet as well as my main ubuntu box? | 04:44 |
eboyjr | No, I have Ubuntu right now (im using it) on a Windows XP | 04:44 |
wols_ | korupt: badly installed wlan? | 04:44 |
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wols_ | korupt: what chip? what driver? | 04:44 |
gaten | need4speed: you can do the bridged networking | 04:44 |
Jordan_U | How can I switch to another tty from the terminal? | 04:44 |
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gaten | Jordan_U: ALT+CTRL+Fn | 04:44 |
wols_ | Jordan_U: ctrl+alt+Fx | 04:44 |
gaten | hah beat ya | 04:45 |
Jordan_U | I need to switch to an other tty in a VM and when I try to it changes it in my host instead | 04:45 |
brady | So shouldn't I just type in sudo -i "file path to the kernel that I want" | 04:45 |
Scunizi | Jordan_U: ctrl+alt+Fz | 04:45 |
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Jordan_U | wols_, gaten Scunizi From a terminal ? | 04:45 |
lineman60 | dose ubuntu server run selinux? | 04:45 |
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need4speed | gaten: where is the settings for bridged? in vmware i know how to do it but i cant find it in virtualbox | 04:45 |
korupt | anyone know what could be going on right now im in recovery mode not in gui, when i type iwconfig it shows my wireless card and ext wlan0, when i log onto ubuntu it stalls and i cant get any further. when i installed the driver before it said it couldnt find wlan0 so im in a rut | 04:45 |
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Flannel | brady: sudo -i is different than sudo dpkg -i | 04:45 |
drgonzo | hello all | 04:45 |
gaten | brady: no... that command would do nothing | 04:45 |
wols_ | Jordan_U: what "terminal"? | 04:45 |
drgonzo | is there anyway to get kmail to group messages via day/week/month/year like outlook? | 04:45 |
Jamesinator | gaten: Works great, thanks! | 04:45 |
gaten | need4speed: ooh Vbox... oh boy, i dont remember | 04:46 |
wols_ | korupt: I asked you something | 04:46 |
Jordan_U | wols_, An xterm, or any terminal, the problem is that I need to change tty's in a VM | 04:46 |
brady | ok sorry i meant sudo dpkg -i "file path to my preferred kernel" | 04:46 |
korupt | wols? im having a hard time everything is big and i cant scoll back up | 04:46 |
brady | would that solve the problem? | 04:46 |
korupt | what was the question once more please | 04:46 |
dawn`chorus | eboyjr, oh. i'm sorry. i thought you were wanting to install Ubuntu on 16MB of RAM. | 04:46 |
mongolai | Jordan_U, what do you mean by "in a VM"? | 04:46 |
wols_ | korupt: /lastlog korupt | 04:46 |
Flannel | brady: is it the deb file of the kernel you want to install? | 04:46 |
need4speed | gaten: were you able to run vmware in ubuntu 7.04 without a problem? | 04:46 |
Jordan_U | mongolai, A vmware virtual machine | 04:47 |
gaten | need4speed: it needs a patch | 04:47 |
wols_ | Jordan_U: what is exactly your problem? why do you need to switch? | 04:47 |
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korupt | not sure about 5 minutes ago | 04:47 |
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smacnay | Is ubuntu sticking to its 6 month cycles and are the upgrades from one version to the next working well? | 04:47 |
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mongolai | Oh, Ok, that's what I thought, but I was unsure. | 04:47 |
Jordan_U | wols_, I want to be able to get out of X without stopping it | 04:47 |
korupt | aww lol | 04:47 |
need4speed | gaten: teach me how, did you install vmware player or only vmware server? | 04:47 |
wols_ | Jordan_U: why? | 04:47 |
need4speed | please? | 04:47 |
Jordan_U | smacnay, Yes | 04:47 |
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Jordan_U | wols_, Why not? | 04:47 |
gaten | need4speed: ok hold on. i user server | 04:47 |
brady | well I assume so because after I installed the kernel then dleted the deb file my update manager started complaining that it wasn't there anymore | 04:47 |
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korupt | lol okay wols its a trendnet driver mrv8335 | 04:48 |
eboyjr | dawn`chorus` haha | 04:48 |
bnall | mongolai - that worked but is there any way to make it apply the permissions automatically when i drop the file into that folder? | 04:48 |
Scunizi | Jordan_U: ctrl+alt+F# to get out of x without closing it | 04:48 |
need4speed | gaten: ok waiting | 04:48 |
Flannel | brady: The deb file is independant of the stuff it installs. | 04:48 |
korupt | im using it right now so i know its working fine | 04:48 |
dawn`chorus | eboyjr, :P | 04:48 |
unagi | is an external drive read-only by default....meaning can it be made writeable? | 04:48 |
BloodyTux | hey | 04:48 |
wols_ | korupt: that is no chip | 04:48 |
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korupt | not sure chip set | 04:48 |
wols_ | korupt: it's the maker of the card. and I asked you more | 04:48 |
Jordan_U | Scunizi, Like I said before, that affects the Host OS, not the Guest | 04:48 |
brady | so why is it giving me an error when i go into my update manager? | 04:48 |
jrib | Jordan_U: possibly 'chvt'... | 04:48 |
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BloodyTux | nothing but midis will play on my laptop, using 7.04 regular ubuntu. anyone wanna help | 04:48 |
wols_ | korupt: how is the wlan connected to your PC? | 04:48 |
BloodyTux | all i hear are midis and certain wavs | 04:49 |
lineman60 | brady did you crash when updateing? | 04:49 |
scoobydoo28139 | i need to reclaim my drive for windows. What is a good way to wipe it for a fresah windows install? | 04:49 |
korupt | internal card i placed it in there | 04:49 |
brady | no i didn't | 04:49 |
PurpZeY | BloodyTux: Have you configured ALSA? | 04:49 |
Scunizi | ohh.. i missed that you're in a vm.. maybe as long as the mouse pointer is in the vm box it will work. that provides focus sometimes. | 04:49 |
scoobydoo28139 | *fresh | 04:49 |
BloodyTux | yes | 04:49 |
korupt | this si a desktop | 04:49 |
korupt | is | 04:49 |
BloodyTux | a long time ago | 04:49 |
lineman60 | whats the error? | 04:49 |
BloodyTux | how do i do it again? | 04:49 |
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mongolai | bnall, I'm not sure... It really depends on the permissions of the source file(s) | 04:49 |
Scunizi | Jordan_U, (repeat) ohh.. i missed that you're in a vm.. maybe as long as the mouse pointer is in the vm box it will work. that provides focus sometimes. | 04:49 |
unagi | why cant ubuntu write to external drives? | 04:49 |
brady | there is a version of that kernel that is slightly updated, should i just try installing that to see if that works? | 04:49 |
korupt | wols the card is working set properly or i think i would be able to log onto here | 04:49 |
wols_ | lineman60: lspci | 04:49 |
korupt | wouldnt* | 04:50 |
gaten | need4speed: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_fawn_vmware_server_howto | 04:50 |
smacnay | anyone have a favourite version xubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu? | 04:50 |
gat-man | hello guys | 04:50 |
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Jordan_U | unagi, It can | 04:50 |
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BloodyTux | how do i configure alsa | 04:50 |
unagi | it tells me that my drive is read only | 04:50 |
BloodyTux | ??? | 04:50 |
Jordan_U | unagi, Is the external drive NTFS? | 04:50 |
lineman60 | no ida | 04:50 |
unagi | yes | 04:50 |
need4speed | k thanks | 04:50 |
PurpZeY | alsa | BloodyTux | 04:50 |
PurpZeY | !alsa | BloodyTux | 04:50 |
ubotu | BloodyTux: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:50 |
Jordan_U | !ntfs-3g | unagi | 04:50 |
ubotu | unagi: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 04:50 |
gaten | freakazoid0223: just install windows. it will overwrite the ubuntu stuff | 04:50 |
mongolai | bnall, actually there is a way to set permissions like you want, I just can't think of it right now... | 04:50 |
zoidberg_ | hey guys where can i get help configuring beryl on ubuntu...i know there is another channel for this kidna stuff? | 04:50 |
unagi | ty | 04:50 |
Jordan_U | unagi, np | 04:51 |
jrib | !effects > zoidberg_ (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:51 |
PurpZeY | zoidberg_: #ubuntu-effects or #beryl | 04:51 |
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unagi | i love the linux community | 04:51 |
unagi | so helpful =) | 04:51 |
gat-man | I just installed mysql, and it didnt show any configuration, how do I know what my pass\username is? | 04:51 |
bnall | well thanks for the help | 04:51 |
scoobydoo28139 | hello... | 04:51 |
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korupt | wols im not sure whats going on, I can use the card from the recovery mode. but when i log on its getting stuck like i see a grey screen in the left corner the background but no boot splash | 04:52 |
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bnall | anyone else know how to make folder permissions autmatically apply to all files put into that folder? | 04:52 |
brady | I am just going to try installing the update to that kernel right now so if that wouldn't help or if it would be harmful please tell me now | 04:52 |
funjon | so, I have an interesting issue with a dapper server, apache2 isn't honoring "HostnameLookups Off" in the apache2.conf file | 04:52 |
cdubya | !network-manager | 04:52 |
ubotu | networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 04:52 |
funjon | anyone seen this before? | 04:52 |
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gaten | scoobydoo28139: just install windows, it will overwrite the ubuntu stuff | 04:52 |
Megaqwerty | I'm running a 6.06 server, and can't seem to get port 25 to open. I've tried running: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT but it doesn't open the port. I have also tried rebooting afterward to no effect. Any ideas? | 04:52 |
scoobydoo28139 | are you seing my chat text? | 04:52 |
Scunizi | funjon, you might ask that in #ubuntu-server | 04:52 |
Megaqwerty | scoobydoo28139: yes, we are. | 04:52 |
PurpZeY | brady: It *shouldn't* cause you issues, if you are running restricted drivers for video it may. | 04:52 |
zoidberg_ | okay guys so i finally upgraded fesity | 04:52 |
jrib | gat-man: you should be able to login as the root user into mysql and then set passwords, se \e /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian.gz | 04:52 |
dadeEldron | Ohhh man ubuntu is the coolest thing I have ever seen | 04:53 |
eboyjr | I was looking through my screen savers and I found on called, "Molecule", I say it say something like "Calculating molecule...". I tried to go to the next one but Ubuntu froze. I turned it off and back on, and then I went to System > Preferences > Screensaver. Then it froze again! So, I can't change my screensaver or it will freeze again. What can I do? | 04:53 |
funjon | Mega: go look in /etc/mail/sendmail.mc, uncomment the appropriate line that restricts to lcoalhost only | 04:53 |
funjon | Scunizi: thanks | 04:53 |
RadiantFire | bnall: if you mean after the folder is already crated, that can't be done. It depends on the permissions of whoever crates the files | 04:53 |
dadeEldron | Don't even deny it | 04:53 |
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Megaqwerty | funjon: thanks. | 04:53 |
scoobydoo28139 | gaten: it only recognizes 120 of my drive now | 04:53 |
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zoidberg_ | is there a guide for basically having firefox multimedia ready....streaming videos etc. especially streamng DIVX? | 04:53 |
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scoobydoo28139 | its 160 | 04:53 |
nickydixx | uit | 04:53 |
brady | i'm not really sure what that means so i'm assuming that it wouldn't affect me | 04:53 |
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gaten | scoobydoo28139: what does? windows? so you have a dual boot and want to get all the drive space for windows | 04:53 |
dadeEldron | Can anyone tell me how to get support for mp3s? | 04:53 |
jrib | !mp3 > dadeEldron (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:53 |
bnall | i created the folder but i want the permissions to be applied to a file when a put a new file in the folder - make sense? | 04:53 |
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jrib | !restricted > zoidberg_ (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:54 |
ChevyMan | Megaqwerty | 04:54 |
Scunizi | !restricted | jrib | 04:54 |
ubotu | jrib: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:54 |
Megaqwerty | ChevyMan: yes? | 04:54 |
Alysum | hi how do I add another hdd to ubuntu which is on slave ? | 04:54 |
jrib | Scunizi: please don't do that | 04:54 |
korupt | where is the log file at so i can take a look at errors in it | 04:54 |
dadeEldron | I don't seam to have automatix | 04:54 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: are you running service on port 25? | 04:54 |
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brady | PurpZeY am I correct in that assumption? | 04:54 |
scoobydoo28139 | I am selling this computer and need ubuntu off it. I need to completely format the drive | 04:54 |
jrib | dadeEldron: don't use automatix, you do not need it | 04:54 |
RadiantFire | dadeEldron: don't use automatix, it breaks things | 04:54 |
Scunizi | jrib, why not.. that's where you'll find the answer.. | 04:54 |
scoobydoo28139 | and install windows | 04:54 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: Postfix I'm pretty sure. | 04:54 |
bung | anyone know why ubuntu uses UUID=xxxx-x-x-x-x-xxxx in fstab instead of /dev/xxx# ? | 04:54 |
unagi | i screwed up my package manager.....says maya8.0 needs to be reinstalled but cant find it | 04:54 |
jrib | Scunizi: but I didn't ask the question | 04:54 |
ChevyMan | Megaqwerty - add the -i ethx flag...maybe | 04:54 |
PurpZeY | brady: It's likely not going to cause an issue...even if it does you can just boot from the old kernel | 04:54 |
dadeEldron | how do I get mp3 support? i need my music and porno!!! | 04:54 |
gaten | scoobydoo28139: windows install should do it. just delete all the partitions during the install and create a big new partition to install windows onto | 04:54 |
RadiantFire | bung: UUID is guaranteed to be unique, regardless of the order disks are detected | 04:54 |
Megaqwerty | ChevyMan: I'll try it | 04:55 |
jrib | dadeEldron: read the message from ubotu | 04:55 |
cwill1 | bung: stable if you move the drive around | 04:55 |
brady | ok thank you | 04:55 |
Scunizi | jrib, sorry,,,, i miss read.. | 04:55 |
bung | thanks | 04:55 |
brady | peace | 04:55 |
scoobydoo28139 | gaten i will try again | 04:55 |
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eboyjr | How can I change my screensaver manually, without going to System > Preferences > Screensaver???????? | 04:55 |
CineScope | does umount work with UUID's? | 04:55 |
eboyjr | Ubuntu will freeze if I go to System > Preferences > Screensaver. | 04:56 |
eboyjr | So then I have to reboot. | 04:56 |
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Megaqwerty | ChevyMan: nope, didn't work | 04:56 |
gaten | eboyjr: you could use gconf-editor | 04:56 |
dadeEldron | thanks guys, should I use synaptic? is that a good program? | 04:56 |
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jrib | dadeEldron: yes | 04:56 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: how are you checking to see if the port is open | 04:56 |
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Megaqwerty | gaten: nmap from a remote box | 04:56 |
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gaten | Megaqwerty: inside the internal network? | 04:57 |
unagi | sigh i think im going to reformat my drive and reinstall ubuntu | 04:57 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: outside. | 04:57 |
eboyjr | gaten: where is the file which stores the screensaver info? | 04:57 |
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jrib | unagi: you don't need to reinstall ubuntu | 04:57 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: are you behind a router? try canyouseeme.org | 04:57 |
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unagi | but it acts so screwy | 04:57 |
unagi | ive probably broken it in many ways | 04:57 |
jrib | unagi: join me in #ubuntu-classroom | 04:57 |
bnall | what folder do pictures need to be in to be used for the screensaver? | 04:57 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: the server is in the DMZ, and my http and ssh ports are open | 04:57 |
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gaten | eboyjr: im not sure, but if you run gconf-editor and search for screensaver you can see where to change it | 04:58 |
jrib | bnall: ~/Pictures iirc | 04:58 |
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PurpZeY | bnall: In home folder I believe | 04:58 |
bnall | thanks | 04:58 |
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=== PurpZeY might be wrog | ||
gaten | Megaqwerty: ok, so it is the box itself. try running nc on port 25 without postfix running, and see if its open like that | 04:58 |
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dadeEldron | Where can I find the best Italian Disco music? | 04:58 |
gaten | dadeEldron: an italian disco?? | 04:59 |
mongolai | dadeEldron, in italy? | 04:59 |
eboyjr | gaten: Hmm.. I can't seem to find that. Im guessing that it is under system. | 04:59 |
dadeEldron | Like italo disco music | 04:59 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: I need a little elaboration, I've only used netcat once. | 04:59 |
Scunizi | dadeEldron, florence | 04:59 |
dadeEldron | have you guys never heard of italo disco!!!!>>> | 04:59 |
=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-164-193.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | PurpZeY, I think you select f-spot in the screen saver dialog and you specify the folders to use in f-spot from the appication menu | 04:59 |
Flannel | dadeEldron: #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks. | 04:59 |
dadeEldron | it is like cheesy 80's music | 04:59 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: ok, kill the postfix process and issue a "sudo nc -l -p 25" | 04:59 |
Pelo | bnall, I think you select f-spot in the screen saver dialog and you specify the folders to use in f-spot from the appication menu | 04:59 |
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PurpZeY | Pelo: I imagine you know better than I...Thanks..=) | 04:59 |
dadeEldron | thanks everyone | 04:59 |
gaten | eboyjr: um, do a search w/ find. easier that way | 05:00 |
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Pelo | PurpZeY, sorry , it wasn'T meant for you | 05:00 |
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Megaqwerty | gaten: alright | 05:00 |
Jamesinator | Is it possible to forward / intercept ports with IPtables? Ex, can you forward an incoming connection from port 27080 to port 80? | 05:00 |
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dr_willis | Jamesinator, yes i belive it can | 05:01 |
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Megaqwerty | gaten: after doing that, port 25 is still filtered | 05:01 |
Jamesinator | How do you forward / intercept ports with IPtables? Ex, can you forward an incoming connection from port 27080 to port 80? * | 05:01 |
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Jamesinator | dr_willis: Thank you. :P | 05:01 |
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eboyjr | g: I did a search and found 4 whatevers and there is nothing about Molecule or w/e | 05:01 |
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Pelo | Jamesinator, I think your question is way over the skill level of this channel, try man iptables see if anything comes up | 05:02 |
Jamesinator | Alright. | 05:02 |
BloodyTux | ok.... so it says it doesnt have the module for my sound card, now what | 05:02 |
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gaten | Megaqwerty: hmm. try clearing all the iptables rules and see if that works | 05:02 |
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need4speed | any suggestion here that can do virtual machine in text based, except qemu?anything that can support x86 or x86_64? | 05:02 |
BloodyTux | i have a intel STAC92xx | 05:02 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: where is the iptables file? | 05:02 |
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gaten | Megaqwerty: just do a "iptables -X\iptables -F" | 05:03 |
ChevyMan | Megaqwerty - /etc/init.d/iptables stop ..as root | 05:03 |
noodles12 | I'm using feisty. When i go to places>network. normally my windows network shows up and i can access my files on my brother's XP machine. Today for some reason only "windows network" shows up and i can't see the other computers. What is the cause of this problem? | 05:03 |
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dr_willis | need4speed, to do what exactly? | 05:03 |
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eboyjr | Who can tell me where the key value is on the Ubuntu Configuration Editor for the screensaver setting? | 05:03 |
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Megaqwerty | gaten: I want to back up my current config. | 05:04 |
BloodyTux | i can't here sound on my sound card, it says it doesnt have the modules, i have a Intel STAC92xx | 05:04 |
nconlon | hello | 05:04 |
need4speed | i need to create two or three OS acting as NAT with dhcp and dns forward or gateway server | 05:04 |
Pelo | eboyjr, try under /app/screensaver | 05:04 |
Megaqwerty | ChevyMan: apparently that isn't relevant in Dapper | 05:04 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: yeah, umm its like iptables-save or something. look at the man page for it, i can't remember | 05:04 |
Megaqwerty | k | 05:04 |
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ChevyMan | Megaqwerty - sorry, ignore my comment. wrong distro. | 05:05 |
BloodyTux | Can anyone help? | 05:05 |
Pelo | eboyjr, thre is a search feature in edit | 05:05 |
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dr_willis | need4speed, could alwasy use vmware and install ssh on them... but not sure of the details of your project.. so cant really suggest anything else. i only know of vmware, qemu, virtualbox, for linux. Theres dosbox. but thats not what ya want.. and that other dosemulator. :) not sure what all it can do. | 05:05 |
eboyjr | Pelo: there is no app/screensaver. I did a find, and found 4:. /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/screensaver /apps/gnome-screensaver /schemas/apps/gnome_settings_daemon/screensaver /schemas/apps/gnome-screensaver... That's it! | 05:05 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: so how do I restore from whatever iptables-save does? | 05:05 |
dr_willis | !iptables | 05:06 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 05:06 |
Pelo | eboyjr, look in those | 05:06 |
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gaten | Megaqwerty: iptables-restore | 05:06 |
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dr_willis | Hmm.. I need to find a good howto/book or two on iptables | 05:06 |
gaten | !iptables | 05:06 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 05:06 |
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=== Mr_Giraffe [n=jnschaef@c-68-34-175-242.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mr_Giraffe | success! | 05:06 |
need4speed | dr_willis, can vmware run in text based? | 05:06 |
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eboyjr | Pelo: Well, there is nothing significant I can change. | 05:06 |
eboyjr | ! | 05:06 |
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dr_willis | need4speed, no idea.. never needed such a thing. Not sure why its a requirement. Theres various vmware console/interfacces that may do what you want. | 05:07 |
eboyjr | In a lot of ways, Ubuntu is BETTER than WINDOWS | 05:07 |
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MrOtacon | hi - is there an avi to mp4 converter for ubuntu? | 05:07 |
dr_willis | eboyjr, a lot? heh... | 05:07 |
dr_willis | just a lot? | 05:07 |
Pelo | eboyjr, what are you trying to do exactly ? | 05:07 |
need4speed | hmm | 05:07 |
Scunizi | MrOtacon, you might look at mencoder | 05:08 |
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MrOtacon | !info mencoder | 05:08 |
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ubotu | mencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu9.1 (feisty), package size 3474 kB, installed size 8736 kB | 05:08 |
eboyjr | Pelo: I'm trying to change my screensaver, but I can't do it the System > Preferences > Screensaver way 'cause it will freeze. | 05:08 |
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MrOtacon | Scunizi: Ok - Thanks :) | 05:08 |
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Megaqwerty | gaten: iptables v1.3.3: Can't use -F with -X | 05:08 |
eboyjr | Pelo: (its because my comp. doesn't handle one of the screensavers) | 05:08 |
=== quiiver_ [n=quiiver@cpe-24-90-254-182.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiiver_ | hello! | 05:09 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: two seperate commands | 05:09 |
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Pelo | eboyjr, which one ? | 05:09 |
hatter | any of you recommend a php based web project management package ? | 05:09 |
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quiiver_ | I have a lacie drive that is HFS+ | 05:09 |
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eboyjr | dr_willis: u know, you have the workspaces, and when you rename a file, it auto selects the spot before the extension | 05:09 |
quiiver_ | when I mount it in Ubuntu it comes up but read only | 05:09 |
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cvd | auto-apt its good one? | 05:10 |
eboyjr | Pelo: I think it is called Molecule | 05:10 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: also make sure the input and output chains are set to allow | 05:10 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: err accept | 05:10 |
=== sarixe [n=sarixe@ool-435403e9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nxion | Hi all iam in need of some help with Apache2 who ever can help mp can you please PM me ! | 05:10 |
Mr_Giraffe | test test test | 05:10 |
Pelo | eboyjr, in the terminal, locate molecule ( a few will show up) , find the one for the screensaver and remove it | 05:11 |
eboyjr | Nxion: I think I can help | 05:11 |
Scunizi | Nxion, you might also ask on #ubuntu-server | 05:11 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: I just got locked out of my server with that command | 05:11 |
Nxion | iasked no one will answer on #ubuntu-server | 05:11 |
Megaqwerty | (it's via ssh) | 05:11 |
eboyjr | Pelo: hmmm.. how can I do that? | 05:11 |
Pelo | Nxion, patience is a must | 05:12 |
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gaten | Megaqwerty: well, thats something to mention at the beginning | 05:12 |
eboyjr | Pelo: something like search molecule | 05:12 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: lol, blast | 05:12 |
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eboyjr | "search molecule" | 05:12 |
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Pelo | eboyjr, "locate molecule" | 05:12 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: they aren't carried over on reboot right? | 05:12 |
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Pelo | no quotes | 05:12 |
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gaten | Megaqwerty: no. and in that case you would want to set the in and out policy to accept BEFORE you do all that | 05:12 |
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Nxion | eboyjr; how do i get rid of the annoying apache-default at the end of my link to my site "test.com/apache2-default/" | 05:13 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: what? I don't understand what you just said... | 05:13 |
eboyjr | Pelo: /usr/share/xscreensaver/config/molecule.xml | 05:13 |
eboyjr | /usr/share/man/man6/molecule.6x.gz | 05:13 |
eboyjr | /usr/share/applications/screensavers/molecule.desktop | 05:13 |
eboyjr | /usr/lib/xscreensaver/molecule | 05:13 |
Nxion | i just want to type in my URL and it go to my site | 05:13 |
eboyjr | Pelo: I found 4 | 05:13 |
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sherl0ck | wow i need to say something | 05:14 |
Pelo | eboyjr, try this line sudo mv /usr/share/applications/screensavers/molecule.desktop ~/Desktop | 05:14 |
Nxion | and not have it ALWAYS say that when I try to access my website | 05:14 |
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sherl0ck | i say this daily to myself as i live and learn.... | 05:14 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: netfilter has 3 default chains, input, output and forward. each of them has a policy. "accept" means that everything is allowed in out and forwarded | 05:14 |
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sherl0ck | linux never ceases to amaze me | 05:14 |
unagi_ | jrib are u still here | 05:14 |
jrib | unagi_: yes | 05:14 |
unagi_ | ubuntu crashed on me | 05:14 |
unagi_ | again | 05:14 |
=== Pelo waves something shiny in front of sherl0ck | ||
Bllz | Hey all, how can i sync my banshee music collection to my ipod? do i have to use gtkpod or can i sync it directly with a plugin or something? | 05:15 |
Eric1854 | I'm trying up to upload files using php, but the files keep getting corrupted. Can anyone help me? | 05:15 |
jrib | unagi_: what exactly happened and what were you doing when it happened | 05:15 |
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eboyjr | Pelo: cool i see in my deskto | 05:15 |
eboyjr | p | 05:15 |
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unagi_ | it crashes to a mostly black screen with lines.....different every time......and im not doing any one thing to do it.....it happens randomly | 05:15 |
Pelo | eboyjr, ok now try to open up the screensaver gui again | 05:15 |
unagi_ | restarting x does nothing | 05:15 |
=== travis [n=travis@cpe-72-185-4-126.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
imbecile | can someone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27557/ | 05:16 |
eboyjr | Nxion; sorry, i thought i can answer that. | 05:16 |
jrib | unagi_: are you using beryl or compiz? | 05:16 |
wols_ | unagi_: what driver? | 05:16 |
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unagi_ | yes | 05:16 |
dadeEldron | I used the add/remove software thing to get the mp3 codecs and I still can't play them | 05:16 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: okay, so in the future how would I set it to accept port 25 inbound and outbound? iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 25 -j ACCEPT && iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 25 -j ACCEPT ? | 05:16 |
unagi_ | is that whats doing it? | 05:16 |
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Pelo | !mp3 | dadeEldron | 05:16 |
ubotu | dadeEldron: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:16 |
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unagi_ | how do i find the driver im running | 05:16 |
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jrib | unagi_: well I would say, try disabling it. If it still happens, then see wols_ question | 05:17 |
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wols_ | imbecile: the error is prtty clear | 05:17 |
Scunizi | dadeEldron, what program are you trying to play them in? | 05:17 |
unagi_ | whats the command to stop beryl | 05:17 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: ehh, that looks right. honestly i can't remember, you' | 05:17 |
imbecile | wols_, im not sure how to fix it tho | 05:17 |
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Pelo | unagi_, sudo killall beryl | 05:17 |
eboyjr | Pelo: thanks a lot! It's also weird that my mouse cursor turns black when the Screensaver Preferences window is open... weird | 05:17 |
wols_ | imbecile: creat what it complains about | 05:17 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: no, I just took a shot in the dark there... | 05:17 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: you'll want to add in some --state-established rules. | 05:17 |
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wols_ | imbecile: man mkdir | 05:17 |
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Megaqwerty | gaten: sorry, now I'm really confused. | 05:18 |
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unagi_ | when i kill it i lost the borders on windows | 05:18 |
gaten | Megaqwerty: you should go look at a howto. it can explain better than I. | 05:18 |
Pelo | eboyjr, I can't help you with that , now if you don'T wantot use molecule anymore , just delete the file on your desktop, if you want to try and use it again , just move it back to it's original location | 05:18 |
Megaqwerty | gaten: k | 05:18 |
Megaqwerty | !iptables | 05:18 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 05:18 |
eboyjr | Pelo: Okay, thanks for all of your help! | 05:18 |
unagi_ | ok got it | 05:18 |
=== toast [n=toast@h17.28.17.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eboyjr | Hi toast | 05:19 |
unagi_ | is there another 3d desktop util like beryl that is stable? | 05:19 |
cvd | hey i check in synaptic and there is a ubuntu-desktop , what is that? | 05:19 |
toast | hi eboyjr :) | 05:19 |
wols_ | cvd: a metapackage for the ubuntu desktop | 05:19 |
gnychis | whats the ideal size for swap space with 1GB of memory? | 05:19 |
eboyjr | toast: cool name! | 05:19 |
Pelo | unagi_, just the desktop effects , under system > prefs, try asking for more help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:19 |
dadeEldron | trying to play them in amarok | 05:20 |
imbecile | wols_, ok i did that | 05:20 |
toast | Well, it's not /that/ cool, eboyjr. :) | 05:20 |
wols_ | gnychis: 512MB or so | 05:20 |
toast | Thank you though. | 05:20 |
unagi_ | ah | 05:20 |
unagi_ | wow | 05:20 |
eboyjr | lol | 05:20 |
unagi_ | what did i need beryl for | 05:20 |
wols_ | imbecile: and? | 05:20 |
unagi_ | lol | 05:20 |
cvd | metapackage? | 05:20 |
tritium | !enter > unagi_ (see the private message from ubotu) | 05:20 |
Scunizi | dadeEldron, if amarok was open when you did the install make sure you close it totally then open it again. That might fix it. | 05:20 |
unagi_ | are there settings for the desktop effects? | 05:20 |
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wols_ | cvd: a package the brings nothing on its own, only has dependecies which makes apt install more packages | 05:20 |
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imbecile | wols_, and i dont know what to do yet | 05:20 |
unagi_ | !desktopeffects | 05:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about desktopeffects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:21 |
unagi_ | !desktop effects | 05:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about desktop effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:21 |
Scunizi | gnychis, I use 1.5 gig | 05:21 |
Pelo | cvd, to make the installation easier, all the packages that are part of ubuntu have been made as dependencies of ubuntu-desktop , that way you only have to install ubuntu-desktop and all the other packages will be instaled | 05:21 |
tritium | unagi_: you can query ubotu in private | 05:21 |
dadeEldron | I did the install then I opened it | 05:21 |
eboyjr | On the desktop effects, what would make it so that it would give off the error message, "Desktop effects could not be enabled"??? | 05:21 |
=== acuster [n=acuster@AToulouse-256-1-44-236.w90-38.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi_ | what is the best desktop environment? | 05:21 |
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tritium | !best | 05:22 |
ubotu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 05:22 |
wols_ | imbecile: you restart the app after you made the dir | 05:22 |
PurpZeY | eboyjr: If you don't have the gfx to support it. | 05:22 |
blackace11 | hello all | 05:22 |
eboyjr | PurpZey; whats the gfx? | 05:22 |
wols_ | eboyjr: what videocard, what chip? | 05:22 |
wols_ | eboyjr: and what driver do you use? | 05:22 |
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c2b93.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi_ | i have so many installed desktop managers and i really dont know the difference or how to use them.....i still have an osx theme that i dont even want but i dont know how to change it | 05:22 |
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Pelo | unagi_, depends on your taste I like gnome but freaks seem to like kde, and then there are the wierdos , they like xcfe, the nuts jobs on the other end like fluxbox | 05:22 |
eboyjr | wols_; Intel Pentium 4... | 05:23 |
=== antigod [n=divinity@ool-44c00798.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blackace11 | i'm using compiz and i am wondering how to set up where i can spin the cube with my middle mouse button? | 05:23 |
unagi_ | how do i uninstall kde | 05:23 |
=== Fathefner [n=Fathefne@cpe-70-112-44-127.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | eboyjr: the intel pentium 4 is your videocard? wow | 05:23 |
sherl0ck | unagi_, sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop | 05:23 |
Pelo | ,. | 05:23 |
Flannel | !effects | blackace11 | 05:23 |
ubotu | blackace11: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 05:23 |
wols_ | sherl0ck: and that will remove more than the meta package? | 05:23 |
CppIsWeird | how do i turn off this NetworkManager Applet thing? | 05:23 |
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Fathefner | how to u use vnc on ubuntu | 05:24 |
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eboyjr | wols_; Well this is my dad's comp. i dont know much about it... i see a sticker that says Intel Pentium 4.. He got this in 2003. | 05:24 |
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sherl0ck | i believe so | 05:24 |
cvd | ok | 05:24 |
kafran | someone here use aDesklets??? | 05:24 |
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Pelo | g'night folks | 05:24 |
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blackace11 | ok ty | 05:24 |
wols_ | eboyjr: lspci | 05:24 |
=== Bllz [n=louist@ppp-as33-3.nss.udel.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi_ | all of a sudden i cant change desktops....wierd | 05:24 |
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Bllz | hey everybody | 05:25 |
osxdude|palmTX | um...hi | 05:25 |
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=== unagi [n=unagi@udp166479uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bllz | Can I sync music to my ipod with banshee? do i need a plugin or something? | 05:25 |
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unagi | the aptitude command didnt work | 05:26 |
Jamesinator | I'm trying to unmount a device but I can't because it's in use somewhere. How can I find out where it's being used so I can unmount it? | 05:26 |
wols_ | unagi: uninstall your kdelibs package | 05:26 |
eboyjr | wols_; VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF | 05:26 |
osxdude|palmTX | blitz: I wouldn't. | 05:26 |
wols_ | eboyjr: no beryl for you | 05:26 |
dadeEldron | are there restricted plug ins for 7.04, it only talks about kubuntu | 05:27 |
dadeEldron | kubuntu 7.04 | 05:27 |
=== unagi [n=unagi@udp166479uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi | still get the kde login | 05:27 |
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unagi | and now my close buttons are gone | 05:27 |
unagi | !ntfs | 05:28 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 05:28 |
noodles12 | I'm using feisty. When i go to places>network. normally my windows network shows up and i can access my files on my brother's XP machine. Today for some reason only "windows network" shows up and i can't see the other computers. What is the cause of this problem? | 05:28 |
wols_ | unagi: then you haven't uninstalled your kdelibs | 05:28 |
=== rbs-tito_ [n=tito@host86-128-95-21.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi | i just did | 05:28 |
Bllz | anybody know how i can sync my music collection to my ipod with banshee? do i need to use gtkpod or is there a plugin or something? | 05:28 |
unagi | sudo aptitude remove kdelibs | 05:28 |
Flannel | unagi: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome | 05:28 |
rbs-tito_ | Bllz: I use rhythymbox | 05:28 |
=== fiveiron [n=fiveiron@74-137-145-70.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | unagi: that's not the command | 05:29 |
rbs-tito_ | !ipod | unagi | 05:29 |
ubotu | unagi: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 05:29 |
eboyjr | wols_; on a scale of 1-10, what would be the rating of the ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF??? | 05:29 |
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andkore | so whats the difference between kubuntu, ubuntu and xubuntu? i know k is kde and u is gnome but are those the only diffs? | 05:29 |
wols_ | eboyjr: for what? I guess a 2 or so | 05:29 |
unagi | woa the decorator just popped up | 05:29 |
andkore | and xubuntu is xfce | 05:29 |
wols_ | eboyjr: if rated very generously | 05:29 |
eboyjr | wols_; hah okay | 05:29 |
Bllz | rbs-tito, thanks. quick question though: does rhytmbox support album art? | 05:29 |
Flannel | andkore: yes. Xubuntu is XFCE. window manager (+ apps for that WM) are the only difference. They're all Ubuntu (the distro). | 05:29 |
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eboyjr | wols_; wow | 05:30 |
andkore | but why cant u just have all the wm's u want and switch | 05:30 |
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osxdude|palmTX | I can't beleve a MSI nVidia GeForce 5200 won't work with beryl! | 05:30 |
Flannel | andkore: you can | 05:30 |
andkore | why are there different distros for each | 05:30 |
andkore | that seems stupid | 05:30 |
andkore | ok | 05:30 |
wols_ | osxdude|palmTX: you are mistaken | 05:30 |
Flannel | andkore: Each CD has a different one by default, that's it. | 05:30 |
andkore | are you serious? | 05:30 |
Flannel | andkore: they're all the same distro. Yes. | 05:30 |
andkore | i'm sorry but whoever came up with that is like stupid as hell | 05:30 |
wols_ | osxdude|palmTX:what dirve do you use? | 05:30 |
andkore | i mean it takes like 5 seconds to change the WM | 05:30 |
wols_ | andkore: stop it | 05:30 |
andkore | couldn't they have just made a little app if changing a text file wasn't "user friendly" enough? | 05:31 |
Cra1 | does anyone happen to know where Ubuntu stores the data regarding the wallpaper (either the file itself or some config file?) | 05:31 |
andkore | ok ok i'm sorry | 05:31 |
osxdude|palmTX | really? cause I have no luck. Legacy driver | 05:31 |
wols_ | andkore: ubuntu aims to be a newbie firendly distro. it's necessary | 05:31 |
andkore | i guess i just dont understand the philosophy | 05:31 |
wols_ | ie. debian has a special kde boot/install CD too | 05:31 |
Flannel | andkore: CDs aren't big enough to put multiple WMs on. And exactly, it takes 5 seconds to add additional ones after you've installed. Whats the problem? | 05:31 |
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andkore | wait wait. so the cd doesn't come with each of them? | 05:31 |
unagi | !aptitude | 05:31 |
ubotu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide | 05:31 |
osxdude|palmTX | brb | 05:31 |
Jamesinator | andkore: You could always watch the intro video in Examples, I think it gives an overview of the philosophy. ;) | 05:31 |
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andkore | i mean it's not a big deal i'm just curious | 05:31 |
andkore | yeah i was just trying to find their reasoning | 05:32 |
andkore | checking wikipedia | 05:32 |
=== travis_ [n=travis@cpe-72-185-4-126.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | andkore: right. Each CD has one WM on it. Xubuntu installs Xubuntu, Ubuntu Ubuntu, Kubuntu installs Kubuntu. Each only has their own flavor on it. | 05:32 |
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Jamesinator | Well, I think that joke went over your head. | 05:32 |
=== osxdude|palmTX [n=upirc@adsl-68-253-202-120.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi | !kernal | 05:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kernal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:32 |
unagi | !kernel | 05:32 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 05:32 |
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unagi | why is it that my grub shows 2 kenels of ubuntu | 05:32 |
Flannel | unagi: because one is a recovery console, and one is normal boot. | 05:33 |
Bllz | I formatted a partition as FAT32 with gparted and now I can't write to it! anybody know what's up? | 05:33 |
osxdude|palmTX | unagi: one is the on you installed and another is an updated | 05:33 |
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osxdude|palmTX | on | 05:33 |
osxdude|palmTX | e | 05:33 |
wols_ | !fat | Bllz | 05:33 |
ubotu | Bllz: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 05:33 |
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Bllz | oh and it doesn't appear on my desktop...i have to seek it out in my media folder | 05:34 |
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bruenig | oh no | 05:34 |
andkore | i'm sorry where is the examples thing? | 05:34 |
need4speed | A previous installation of VMware software has been detected. <-- how do i uninstall vmware? | 05:34 |
personwhothinksu | Who makes/made Ubuntu? | 05:34 |
Bllz | wols, i should already have a FAT32 support. I only reformatted... | 05:34 |
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travis1 | anyone else use gsynaptics for their touchpad? | 05:34 |
Flannel | !canonical | personwhothinksu | 05:34 |
ubotu | personwhothinksu: Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/ | 05:34 |
PurpZeY | personwhothinksu: It's open source...Supported by cannonical | 05:34 |
osxdude|palmTX | ubotu | 05:34 |
bruenig | gysnaptics? | 05:34 |
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rbs-tito_ | personwhothinksu: Canonical and the communirt | 05:34 |
rbs-tito_ | *community | 05:34 |
Flannel | andkore: what examples? | 05:34 |
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travis1 | gsynaptics -> Touchpad under Add/Remove Programs | 05:35 |
osxdude|palmTX | S...oh I won't even say anything. | 05:35 |
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bruenig | more needless gui stuff | 05:35 |
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andkore | someone said the intro video explains the philosophy of the WM distro names/separation, and i wanted to know where to find it | 05:35 |
personwhothinksu | Cool! | 05:35 |
bruenig | !synaptics | travis1 | 05:35 |
ubotu | travis1: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad | 05:35 |
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travis1 | lol bruenig | 05:35 |
Flannel | andkore: shrug. I just basically gave you the reasoning in a nutshell. | 05:36 |
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andkore | not really | 05:36 |
andkore | well i guess i wouldn't know lol | 05:36 |
Bllz | andkore, it's Nelson Mandella | 05:36 |
andkore | i'm confused bllz | 05:36 |
Flannel | andkore: Ask questions, they'll get answered | 05:37 |
andkore | that dude worked against apartheid in south africa | 05:37 |
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andkore | ubuntu is a phrase from south africa | 05:37 |
Flannel | andkore: actually, #ubuntu-offtopic is the best place for this discussion. | 05:37 |
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andkore | i dont see the correlation | 05:37 |
andkore | i just wanna find that video | 05:37 |
bruenig | andkore, don't know if sitting in a prison is working against apartheid but what Bllz said already | 05:37 |
wols_ | I doubt shuttleworth sat in a prison ever | 05:37 |
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bruenig | andkore, http://youtube.com/watch?v=sbgQBocg0zM | 05:37 |
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andkore | bruenig, he got put in prison b/c of what he did, but anyways i'm completely confused | 05:38 |
andkore | ty bruenig | 05:38 |
Bllz | andkore, you said somebody explained the philosophy (we're talking about ubuntu, right?) in a video. If we're talking about the same one, that person is Nelso Mandella. I should have been a bit more clear lol XD | 05:38 |
andkore | oh i get it now | 05:38 |
wols_ | andkore: shuttleworth made billions by building thawte. nothing about prison | 05:38 |
Flannel | Bllz: no, he's talking about the reasoning for Ubuntu and Kubuntu and Xubuntu. | 05:38 |
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Bllz | haha yeah i kinda butted into your conversation | 05:39 |
Bllz | lol but i guess that's IRC for you | 05:39 |
bruenig | nelson mandella contributed code to automatic codec installation didn't he? | 05:39 |
andkore | lolol | 05:39 |
osxdude|palmTX | !offtopic | 05:39 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:39 |
andkore | wow i see u guys completely misunderstood me | 05:39 |
=== SAM_theman [n=SAM_them@user-1120bea.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | Bllz: I doubt nelson meandela even knows de differences between xubuntu and ubuntu. or what gnome is | 05:39 |
Bllz | oh. Gotcha. haah i should have just held my piece | 05:39 |
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=== unagi [n=unagi@udp166479uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | wols_, mandella prefers kde he said that gnome treats its users as if they are stupid | 05:39 |
need4speed | what is the command in apt-get to check if the package is installed or not? | 05:39 |
unagi | wow i have royally screwed up my pc | 05:39 |
Bllz | wols_, excellent point | 05:39 |
wols_ | andkore: you are intentioanlyl misleading imho. stop trolling or use #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:39 |
Flannel | unagi: because one is a recovery console, and one is normal boot. Or, you have two versions (because you've updated which installed a newer one). | 05:40 |
bruenig | need4speed, sudo apt-get install package | 05:40 |
andkore | are you kidding me? | 05:40 |
travis1 | lol "gnomes... in africa?" | 05:40 |
=== taliba_irl [n=taliba@83-70-75-26.b-ras1.srl.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bllz | He's a cool guy though... | 05:40 |
wols_ | andkore: your discussions is the at the wrrong place here | 05:40 |
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andkore | i can't believe your seroius | 05:40 |
unagi | i have recovery and normal boot twice | 05:40 |
need4speed | bruenig i dont want to install it | 05:40 |
Bllz | from what i can tell... havent met him personally | 05:40 |
wols_ | andkore: go to the other channel | 05:40 |
need4speed | i want to remove it | 05:40 |
Flannel | unagi: different versions. Check the numbers. | 05:40 |
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bruenig | need4speed, sudo apt-get remove package | 05:40 |
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Flannel | unagi: one is 2.6.20-XX and one is 2.6.20-YY | 05:40 |
osxdude|palmTX | !OFFTOPIC | 05:40 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:40 |
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andkore | first of all, why would i intentionally mislead, second of all, i clearly wasn't, third of all, why are you so uptight about keeping "ontopic", it's a bit crazy | 05:40 |
wols_ | osxdude|palmTX: what drivre do you use that you can't use beryl? | 05:40 |
bruenig | or am I thinking add/remove. Which one did mandella contribute to, was it add/remove or auto codec install? | 05:41 |
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need4speed | i cant remove it | 05:41 |
wols_ | !ops please keep andkore on topic | 05:41 |
bruenig | need4speed, what does it say | 05:41 |
wols_ | !ops | please keep andkore on topic | 05:41 |
ubotu | please keep andkore on topic: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:41 |
Flannel | andkore: Because there's 1100 people in this channel, we can't chit chat. This is a support channel, we try and keep the S/N ratio up. | 05:41 |
Cra1 | where is the current wallpaper stored (is it in a config file?) | 05:41 |
osxdude|palmTX | I am using the oldest one I think... | 05:41 |
andkore | S/N? | 05:41 |
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need4speed | but when i tried sudo vmware-install.pl , it says a previous installation of vmware software has been detected.how do i solve this? | 05:41 |
Flannel | andkore: I'll explain it in #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:41 |
nixternal | andkore: please stay on topic | 05:41 |
nalioth | andkore: #ubuntu-offtopic if for off topic chatter, this is a help channel. Thanks | 05:41 |
bruenig | Cra1, the png is not in a config file, there is a config file that points you to the png though | 05:41 |
wols_ | osxdude|palmTX: don't "think", but check | 05:41 |
unagi | !slackware | 05:41 |
ubotu | Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) | 05:41 |
Bllz | alright ... banshee is not recongizing my ipod... | 05:41 |
funjon | so, i asked before, and i asked in #ubuntu-server, but noone is there. does anyone have any idea why apache on a dapper box would ignore "HostnameLookups Off" in apache2.conf and continue performing lookups? | 05:42 |
holycow | andkore, signal to noise ratio | 05:42 |
=== awangga_ [i=kndfizg@h678631.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | andkore, i agree with you, its a bit nazi but it is meant well | 05:42 |
Bllz | oh wait... i lie | 05:42 |
holycow | the ultimate benefit is quicker help for noobs | 05:42 |
osxdude|palmTX | wols_, .......yes I am using the oldest nVidia driver for my card. | 05:42 |
Bllz | it does recognize my ipod, but i just have no idea how to sync to it | 05:42 |
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wols_ | osxdude|palmTX: use the 96.31 legacy driver | 05:43 |
osxdude|palmTX | Bllz Drag files. | 05:43 |
Bllz | wait... problem solved... sorry for the stream of useless crap comming from me | 05:43 |
Stoffer | I'm trying to play a DVD, but I'm getting errors saying that libdvdread has no support for encrypted DVD's. Is there a package that could fix this? I've tried other players, but nothing works. | 05:44 |
osxdude|palmTX | wols_: i'll try. Thanks. | 05:44 |
holycow | !dvdcss | 05:44 |
holycow | !libdvdcss | 05:44 |
holycow | *hmm* | 05:44 |
nalioth | Stoffer: /msg ubotu dvd | 05:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvdcss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:44 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 05:45 |
osxdude|palmTX | I think it's searching | 05:45 |
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holycow | ah there you go | 05:45 |
mneptok | holycow: c'mon. you can do better for descriptive adjectives than running afoul of Godwin. | 05:45 |
unagi | how do u run a program as root | 05:46 |
=== calvarez [n=Hhhhh@r82h185.res.gatech.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eboyjr | What is something really cool that Ubuntu can do? ( That you like the best ) | 05:46 |
unagi | !root | 05:46 |
ubotu | do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 05:46 |
=== seb_tech [n=sbms@host-12-173-142-176.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stoffer | hmm...searching for dvdcss only came up with 2 packages I already have installed, plus gxine and ogle | 05:46 |
Stoffer | the 2 I have are libdvdread and libdvdread-dev | 05:46 |
osxdude|palmTX | unagi: enter "sudo" in front of a command. | 05:46 |
=== allworld [n=allworld@19-111.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | !dvd | 05:46 |
mneptok | eboyjr: cost me nothing | 05:46 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 05:46 |
osxdude|palmTX | !beep | 05:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:46 |
osxdude|palmTX | oh. ok. | 05:46 |
holycow | Stoffer, if you have libdvdcss installed and you still have problems with decrytping there isn't anything you can do but buy a linux versio nof a dvd player ... i think windvd or something offers one but i can't remember | 05:47 |
Bllz | what's better, rhythmbox or banshee? | 05:47 |
=== gyaresu [n=gyaresu@ppp121-44-217-101.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | dvdcss is not legal everywhere, and its a reverse engineer of the encryption used on dvds | 05:47 |
holycow | so its not going to be perfect | 05:47 |
Stoffer | ic | 05:47 |
holycow | and less than 1/10th of a percent of dvds have a problem in my experience | 05:47 |
unagi | !ntfs-config | 05:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:47 |
Stoffer | that explains why I couldn't copy it :P | 05:47 |
holycow | right | 05:47 |
eboyjr | mneptok; ya, but you have to buy the computer. I heard that Dell is/going_to sell comps. with Ubuntu right on it. | 05:47 |
Stoffer | but I'm just trying to watch it this time ... lame | 05:48 |
seb_tech | i am having a problem with google earth and celestia, i'm a new ubuntu user, can anyone help? | 05:48 |
holycow | basically the industry is charging you for a dvd, and when you pay for something like windvd a portion of that money goes back to them | 05:48 |
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Stoffer | The Man screws me over again! | 05:48 |
mneptok | eboyjr: not "going to." "are" | 05:48 |
holycow | Stoffer, on top of that, the only products that can play dvds are not only licenced BUT MANDATED to play commercials and that fbi warnin nonsense | 05:48 |
CppIsWeird | how do i figure out what drive my wireless card is using? | 05:48 |
unagi | is there a flavor of linux similar to ubuntu that runs .rpm? | 05:48 |
eboyjr | mneptok; oh ok | 05:48 |
holycow | Stoffer, so on licenced dvd playback software, you cant even skip over commercials or the fbi warning | 05:49 |
holycow | and you paid twice for the priviledge of watching a dvd | 05:49 |
Flannel | unagi: er, there are RPM based distros. But ubuntu isn't one of them. | 05:49 |
Stoffer | holycow, so I need to find a illegal version of dvdcss that does encrypted dvds | 05:49 |
holycow | i hope that gives you an overview | 05:49 |
eboyjr | Who can tell me what makes Ubuntu BETTER than Windows... that you like most | 05:49 |
=== matt__ [n=chatzill@cpe-76-185-178-57.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seb_tech | has anyone had problems with google earth or celestia? other windows(such as tip of the day) are shown behind the planet? | 05:49 |
Flannel | eboyjr: #ubuntu-offtopic would be the perfect place to ask that. | 05:49 |
holycow | Stoffer, not illegal, dvdcss is legal pretty much everywhere except the us and maybe uk or au don't know | 05:49 |
unagi | what are the differences between ubuntu and other flavors.........or at least the main difference | 05:49 |
nalioth | eboyjr: join #ubuntu-offtopic for that question :) | 05:49 |
osxdude|palmTX | eboyjr: | 05:50 |
holycow | it just can't be included in the default distro because ubuntu is distributed in the us | 05:50 |
sayers | Hello | 05:50 |
osxdude|palmTX | ...i forgot... | 05:50 |
holycow | so you haveto install it your self | 05:50 |
eboyjr | Flannel; nalioth; ok thx i will do that | 05:50 |
=== HAROLD [n=linux@c-75-69-170-233.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Mr_Gogo [n=gogo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michael_the_choi | I'm having problems with ubuntu on my macbook. I've just done the kernel change recommended on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook to make it suspend and wake properl, but now it won't work with linux-restricted-modules, seemingly because of a version mismatch, so I'm having no luck with my wireless. | 05:52 |
=== crakhed [n=guess@pool-72-64-103-8.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mr_Gogo | wusa :) | 05:52 |
osxdude|palmTX | MtheC: Uninstall the old one. | 05:53 |
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=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michael_the_choi | the old one what? | 05:54 |
Stoffer | holycow, is there any reason to install libdvdcss and libdvdcss2? | 05:54 |
=== slavik was able to compile avisynth 3.0 :D | ||
=== flaco [n=flaco@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | Stoffer, nope | 05:54 |
slavik | are there any IVTC tools for linux? | 05:54 |
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Bllz | guys i still can't write to my FAT32 partition | 05:55 |
=== SeXXXmachine [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bllz | i formatted it with gnome partition manager | 05:55 |
Bllz | but no can do | 05:55 |
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Bllz | and i think it's mounted | 05:55 |
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holycow | make sure its mounted rw and owned by you | 05:55 |
Bllz | i just don't have permissions... | 05:55 |
slavik | Bllz: you think or you know? | 05:55 |
Bllz | holycow, how do i do that? | 05:55 |
=== cdubya [n=chris@adsl-75-58-100-230.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zoidberg_ | hey guys how can you watch movies inteneded for the DIVX web player on firefox? | 05:56 |
matt__ | would anyone know how I could take the soundcard output and stream it over shoutcast or something? I am using VNC for remote desktop but this has no sound, and i was looking for a way to stream sound over the internet using another application to go along with vnc. | 05:56 |
Bllz | slavik, i'd go out on a limb to say that i know | 05:56 |
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michael_the_choi | osxdude|palmTX: The old kernel? the old linux-restricted-modules? | 05:56 |
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osxdude|palmTX | bllz: login to root smehow and see | 05:56 |
holycow | no need to login as root | 05:56 |
zoidberg_ | hey guys how can you watch movies inteneded for the DIVX web player on firefox? | 05:56 |
holycow | this isn't debian | 05:56 |
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holycow | sudo everything | 05:56 |
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slavik | matt__: shoutcast could work ... but why would you pipe system sounds? | 05:56 |
Mr_Gogo | holy cow! | 05:56 |
Mr_Gogo | :) | 05:56 |
Stoffer | holycow, well, libdvdread isn't giving me problems anymore, but nothing else works. You don't think trying gxine over xine would make a difference, do you? | 05:56 |
holycow | Bllz, ls -al will list all contents in a folder with permissions and ownership info | 05:56 |
Bllz | holycow, it should be owned as me seeing as i formatted it, right? | 05:56 |
=== Mr_Gogo is caughin' | ||
cdubya | how can I setup a static IP (or is it possible) whilst using network-manager-gnome......so that I can point this machine at a different gateway than the nameserver entry? | 05:56 |
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holycow | chmod you use to change rw status | 05:57 |
=== DST51598 [n=DST51598@zaqdb7377d0.zaq.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matt__ | slavik: well sound editing for one | 05:57 |
holycow | chown you use for modifying who owns it | 05:57 |
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=== CVD [n=cvd@adsl-64-237-227-222.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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holycow | you will use all three in combination with sudo to set perms, ownership of your mount point | 05:57 |
slavik | matt__: ahh, then you can use shoutcast with the ability to stream wav | 05:57 |
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=== EchoBinary [n=EchoBina@216-15-49-236.c3-0.grg-ubr1.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zoidberg_ | guys how do you watch DIVX movies in FIREFOX? | 05:57 |
matt__ | slavik: but from what i see, i can only select a playlist of soundfiles to stream | 05:58 |
CVD | after sudo checkinstall, error | 05:58 |
=== zacwitte [n=themoebi@24-241-226-173.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CVD | Selecting previously deselected package pidgin. | 05:58 |
CVD | (Reading database ... 126875 files and directories currently installed.) | 05:58 |
CVD | Unpacking pidgin (from .../pidgin_2.0.2-1_i386.deb) ... | 05:58 |
CVD | dpkg: error processing /home/cvd/Desktop/pidgin-2.0.2/pidgin_2.0.2-1_i386.deb (- | 05:58 |
CVD | -install): | 05:58 |
CVD | trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/strip', which is also in package binutils | 05:58 |
CVD | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 05:58 |
slavik | matt__: shoutcast allows you to configure a directory and then it creates a playlist based in the directory | 05:58 |
CVD | Errors were encountered while processing: | 05:58 |
holycow | Bllz, no, typically if have used gparted that will probably chown it as root instead of user because it runs as root (even though it really shouldn't, its quite dangerous ) | 05:58 |
CVD | /home/cvd/Desktop/pidgin-2.0.2/pidgin_2.0.2-1_i386.deb | 05:58 |
Bllz | holycow, you're losing me | 05:58 |
CVD | /var/tmp/DkdhpSCnJGZjpprpjZNGS/dpkginstall.log (END) | 05:58 |
cdubya | um, Stoffer, gxine uses the xine engine methinks..... | 05:58 |
Flannel | !paste | CVD | 05:58 |
ubotu | CVD: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:58 |
slavik | matt__: check the config file, also, make sure the directory ends with a slash :) | 05:58 |
logreeval | excuse me, but does any one know if ipods can be compatible with ubuntu? | 05:58 |
Bllz | i don't even know how to read this ls -al output | 05:58 |
holycow | Bllz, *nod* three commands, look up how the work and google examples of how they are used :) | 05:58 |
slavik | matt__: why are you editing sound remotely though? | 05:58 |
=== Guilty_as_Sin [n=private@71-80-22-118.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | Bllz, right google that as well | 05:58 |
matt__ | slavik: well what directory would i choose to be able to send system sounds? | 05:58 |
Stoffer | cdubya, I'm sure it does, but I'm trying anything | 05:58 |
cdubya | Stoffer, what's the problem? | 05:59 |
holycow | Bllz, unfortunately i can only give you the answer, not teach you how to use it | 05:59 |
Flannel | CVD: pidgin isn't in the repositories, we don't support it (until gutsy comes out). Although, it sounds like you've got a bad deb. MAke sure you get the correct one (from whereever) for your version of Ubuntu | 05:59 |
Bllz | lol ugh... 56k ... the joys of new OSs | 05:59 |
Bllz | lol | 05:59 |
zoidberg_ | guys how do you watch DIVX movies in FIREFOX? | 05:59 |
Stoffer | cdubya, xine itself is saying it can't find dmux for /dev/dvd, and no other players will play this thing | 05:59 |
Bllz | okay. i'll work on it | 05:59 |
CVD | a create the deb | 05:59 |
cdubya | Stoffer, you tried mplayer? | 05:59 |
holycow | Bllz, *nod* just give it time, don't rush too much | 05:59 |
holycow | think of it as a game | 05:59 |
=== techjim [n=iaintgot@c-68-80-48-38.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stoffer | cdubya, first vlc player was complaining about libdvdread, but I installed libdvdcss2 and still nothing | 05:59 |
holycow | when you get bored or tired walk away for a couple of days | 05:59 |
CVD | checkinstal | 05:59 |
Stoffer | cdubya, yeah, it just crashes | 05:59 |
zacwitte | I've got two network cards in my computer and ubuntu sees them as eth0 and eth1 but it only seems to be sending DHCP requests on eth0 which I don't use. How can I remedy this? | 05:59 |
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holycow | when you come back things will seem crystal and you will think why you ever used windows :) | 06:00 |
wols_ | zacwitte: edit /etc/network/interfaces | 06:00 |
slavik | matt__: no idea, afaik, there is nothing that can pipe /dev/dsp over network ... | 06:00 |
wols_ | zacwitte: but by default ubuntu will use DHCP on both | 06:00 |
osxdude|palmTX | zacwitte: put eth0 in roaming mode. | 06:00 |
Bllz | wait, holycow, cant i just type the command to change the ownership of my partition to my username? | 06:00 |
zoidberg_ | can anyone please help me? | 06:00 |
zoidberg_ | guys how do you watch DIVX movies in FIREFOX? | 06:00 |
holycow | yes you can | 06:00 |
holycow | you just need to know where its mounted | 06:00 |
dr_willis | I just watch them in a video player program. | 06:00 |
Bllz | so the command would be sudo chown /media/sda3 | 06:00 |
slavik | zoidberg_: downlaod them, then use favorite player :) | 06:00 |
matt__ | slavik: i use thin clients connecting at various places between the house, connecting to instruments, etc. It would also be useful to just be able to hear sound without having to find the file and stream it over to my thin client | 06:00 |
holycow | close sudo chown user.usergroup /media/sda3 | 06:01 |
Mr_Gogo | zoi: dbl click the xvided avi and the player will install what it needs | 06:01 |
cdubya | Stoffer, and you tried everything verbatim from here....... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | 06:01 |
holycow | user.usergroup are usually the same for the user you are logged in as | 06:01 |
Mr_Gogo | kindo automated :) | 06:01 |
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matt__ | slavik: its hard to explain without it sounding strange | 06:01 |
holycow | oopsie | 06:01 |
Bllz | okay. my login is louist so that's my user, right? | 06:01 |
Mr_Gogo | yup | 06:01 |
slavik | matt__: sorry, I don't know how to achieve what you want. I understand what you are saying ... | 06:01 |
holycow | sudo chown -R user.usergroup /media/sda3 | 06:01 |
Bllz | lol now what the hell is a usergroup? | 06:01 |
=== husr-001 [n=chatzill@ip72-196-16-105.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matt__ | slavik: thanks | 06:01 |
slavik | Bllz: a group of users :) | 06:01 |
dr_willis | Bllz, same as your username in most cases | 06:01 |
Mr_Gogo | :)nice | 06:01 |
Bllz | okay | 06:01 |
=== bluebanana [n=jeff@S010600c09f5f99a4.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | is this a ext2/3 mounted filesystem we are chowning? | 06:02 |
Bllz | so chown -R louist.louist /media/sda3 | 06:02 |
slavik | Bllz: users can be put into groups :D | 06:02 |
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holycow | Bllz, user accounts are simply users, and by default they get their own group created to which they become members | 06:02 |
slavik | Bllz: colon, not period | 06:02 |
Bllz | dr_willis, it's FAT32 | 06:02 |
Stoffer | cdubya, i'll work through it now | 06:02 |
Bllz | okay | 06:02 |
dr_willis | Bllz, Im thinking you are on the wrong trafck then. that chown stuff wont work | 06:02 |
cdubya | Stoffer, had you looked at that page already? | 06:02 |
bluebanana | does anybody here use pilot-xfer or pilot-link? | 06:02 |
Bllz | dr_willis, how come? | 06:02 |
holycow | if you have a user called bob that you created on the system, typically it will automatically have a group named bob also to which it belongs, especially if you used a gui | 06:02 |
dr_willis | Bllz, to read/write a fat/vfat partition it needs the options set at mount time. | 06:02 |
husr-001 | Is there a way to redirect the internet? | 06:02 |
dr_willis | plain and simple. chown/chmoding it most likely wont work | 06:02 |
Bllz | aah... that sounds like a step i skipped | 06:02 |
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@cpe-70-116-28-137.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | Bllz: you will in effect be running chown on the files in /dev/sda3 | 06:03 |
bluebanana | I would like to know: How can I make a backup copy of the files on my PDA onto a backup folder in my computer? | 06:03 |
slavik | husr-001: how and to where? | 06:03 |
=== Stoffer_ [n=Stoffer@nj-71-53-29-19.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Bllz | dr_willis, how do i set the read/write permissions for that partition? | 06:03 |
Stoffer_ | cdubya, whoa...xchat does not like beryl.... anyway, xchat crashed, what did you say last? | 06:03 |
dr_willis | Bllz, by editing the fstab and puitting in a proper entry for the filesystem. its documented all over the place. | 06:03 |
dr_willis | !vfat | 06:03 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 06:03 |
cdubya | Stoffer, I wondered if you had already looked at that wiki page before? | 06:03 |
=== brooksbp [n=brooksbp@c-75-71-79-250.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyemean | hi, just wondering, is a wireless network adaptor the same as just having a wireless internet adaptor? | 06:03 |
osxdude|palmTX | !fuse | 06:03 |
Bllz | wait, dr_willis, it says i'm not the owner though | 06:03 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 06:03 |
Bllz | so maybe the chown would work? | 06:04 |
Stoffer | cdubya, nope | 06:04 |
dr_willis | Bllz, i doubt if it will work.. since its how mounting vfat/fat works... | 06:04 |
=== InterNut [n=InterNut@c-84c471d5.319-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bllz | any harm in trying? | 06:04 |
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wols_ | Bllz: there is no harm in finally reading what ubtou told you about, like I did about an hour ago already | 06:05 |
Bllz | aah it says operation not permitted | 06:05 |
=== PhilKC [i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
cdubya | Stoffer, it'll pretty much walk you through the process verbatim. Just follow the directions as they say and you should be good to go. I had it up in no time after I upgraded to Feisty. | 06:05 |
Bllz | wols_ did it and got confused | 06:05 |
matt__ | slavik: i don't know much about the linux sound system, what is /dev/dsp? | 06:05 |
matt__ | i cant seem to find info about it | 06:05 |
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p5B15FF92.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bllz | !fat|bllz | 06:06 |
wols_ | matt__: the way OSS is accessed | 06:06 |
=== HellDragon_ [n=JD@modemcable136.38-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
allworld | #list | 06:06 |
slavik | matt__: default sound device :) | 06:06 |
osxdude|palmTX | !fat | pllz is the correct way | 06:06 |
ubotu | pllz is the correct way: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 06:06 |
wols_ | it'S the old, legacy sound system | 06:06 |
wols_ | slavik: no | 06:06 |
=== FiZzY [n=Most@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matt__ | can it be accessed like a sound file? i know that may be stupid | 06:07 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-25-91.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
slavik | no? | 06:07 |
wols_ | matt__: it's a device file | 06:07 |
matt__ | ok | 06:07 |
slavik | wols_: you sure? | 06:07 |
wols_ | slavik: yes, very sure. alsa is default. Not OSS | 06:07 |
FiZzY | What is the default monitor refresh in Ubuntu dapper live CD? - Because after it loaded Xwindows Ubuntu KILLED my monitor, it won't even turn on now... | 06:07 |
=== HellDragon_ is now known as HellDragon | ||
wols_ | FiZzY: how old is your monitor? | 06:07 |
slavik | wols_: does it matter if it's alsa or oss? I am pretty sure matt__ uses alsa | 06:07 |
cdubya | I guess you can't configure network-manager-gnome to use a static IP? | 06:08 |
FiZzY | wols_, Not that old - it's a NEC 3FGx | 06:08 |
wols_ | slavik: yes it does | 06:08 |
wols_ | FiZzY: I asked you a question | 06:08 |
matt__ | slavik: i use alsa | 06:08 |
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osxdude|palmTX | FiZzY: change the cord.. | 06:08 |
FiZzY | Windows does not kill that monitor, I mean what does start at 100hz? | 06:08 |
wols_ | cdubya: man interfaces | 06:08 |
=== CineScope [n=cory@mo-67-77-182-254.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cdubya | kewl, thanks | 06:08 |
wols_ | FiZzY: ubuntu doesn't | 06:08 |
andkore | holycow, re: nazi but well meant: i understand a little more now why they are uptight... i didn't see hte 1000 user count lol | 06:08 |
FiZzY | wols_, about 4 years old I guess I don't know when they made the NEC 3FGx | 06:08 |
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holycow | *nod* | 06:09 |
=== roger21 [n=roger21@helloworld.homelinux.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FiZzY | What does it start at... refresh wise? | 06:09 |
wols_ | tidrion: then it couldn't kill it with too high frequency | 06:09 |
roger21 | salut | 06:09 |
osxdude|palmTX | Whoa, 100Hz? Es muy...ah, what's high in sppanish? | 06:09 |
FiZzY | Osx, The power cord? | 06:09 |
wols_ | FiZzY: only if it's from the early 90s or so it maybe could (even that is very improbable | 06:09 |
roger21 | is there a package search engine for ubuntu just like for debian ? | 06:09 |
awangga_ | low | 06:09 |
osxdude|palmTX | FiZ, ALL the cords. | 06:09 |
wols_ | roger21: yes. apt-cache, apt-file, puo. etc | 06:09 |
roger21 | roh | 06:09 |
=== awangga_ is now known as awangga | ||
FiZzY | wols_, They should warn people on the site of that, this may make your monitor literally go "boom" - finito. | 06:10 |
=== ogami1972 [n=ogami197@72-48-98-96.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roger21 | i meant on the web | 06:10 |
osxdude|palmTX | At least the power cord. | 06:10 |
wols_ | FiZzY: ubuntu did not kill your monitor | 06:10 |
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wols_ | roger21: as I said: puo | 06:10 |
roger21 | oh | 06:10 |
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osxdude|palmTX | FiZzy: you did. Now find one of those cords and REPLACE 'EM | 06:10 |
FiZzY | Wols_, No X - just loaded up the screen went black and the monitor can no longer start.. it was the wind. | 06:10 |
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osxdude|palmTX | the wind? | 06:11 |
roger21 | Pyrexia of Unknown Origin ? | 06:11 |
FiZzY | osx, Did it same clickity click... | 06:11 |
roger21 | Prohibited User Operation ? | 06:11 |
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=== devcenter [n=devcente@201-13-76-178.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FiZzY | This is the second monitor that has died when using Ubuntu, both NEC's interestingly enough. | 06:11 |
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roger21 | puc | 06:12 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-134-68-122.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osxdude|palmTX | FiZzY What? (Qu? | 06:12 |
FiZzY | Osx, Yeah the second one... | 06:12 |
devcenter | how to cheat rapidshare | 06:12 |
Stoffer | cdubya, yeah, well, none of that worked. I already had everything they mentioned installed, and regionset didn't help (or work) | 06:12 |
osxdude|palmTX | Clickity clk? | 06:12 |
FiZzY | This is not the first time this has happened, it's the second time. | 06:12 |
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cdubya | wols_, been there, done that......when I setup the interface as static and restart, network-manager-gnome disappears and the networking applet (the other one that's under System > Administration > Networking.......it comes up.... | 06:12 |
cafuego | FiZzY: all *ALL* monitors these days have protection against signals with too high a refresh rate. | 06:13 |
FiZzY | osx, Yeah the monitor when I press power starts clicking but wont fully turn on and stops by itself - same with the other monitor which Ubuntu/X also killed. - Both are NEC's. | 06:13 |
cdubya | Stoffer, so you have all those libraries installed and what's the error xine gives you? | 06:13 |
caro | hol | 06:13 |
devcenter | i need to download file, but i have to wait 30 minutes | 06:13 |
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cafuego | FiZzY: If it didn't handle it, the monitor was faulty to begin with. | 06:13 |
caro | hi | 06:13 |
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FiZzY | caf, worked fine with windows for years | 06:13 |
FiZzY | hrmm | 06:13 |
FiZzY | Anyways what can ya do huh | 06:13 |
FiZzY | Shit happens | 06:13 |
cafuego | FiZzY: Get it replaced by NEC for a non-faulty one. | 06:13 |
devcenter | how to cheat rapidshare | 06:13 |
FiZzY | But i'd really like to know what is the rate that the LIVECD starts at | 06:14 |
dr_willis | devcenter, you may have better luck with googling for that info. | 06:14 |
FiZzY | is it 90hz, 60hz etc tec? | 06:14 |
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Stoffer | cdubya, no demuxer plugin availabe to handle /dev/dvd | 06:14 |
osxdude|palmTX | FiZzY: It's probably a refresh rate problem 100 Hz probaby | 06:14 |
dr_willis | FiZzY, i thought it was 60. but it may probe the monitor for its rates it can do. | 06:14 |
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cafuego | FiZzY: 60 | 06:14 |
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osxdude|palmTX | Holycrap1 does that happen all the time? | 06:14 |
Stoffer | cdubya, mplayer says something else, totem something else, vlc something else... etc | 06:14 |
osxdude|palmTX | that's a yes | 06:14 |
devcenter | dr_willis, | 06:14 |
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gnychis | if i'm doing a software raid-0, for grub to work, does the /boot need to be at the beginning of the first disk? or does it not matter where it is on the disk | 06:15 |
devcenter | but i dont meet | 06:15 |
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-76-98-226-136.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | gnychis: you don't want to do software raid 0. Or any raid 0. | 06:15 |
FiZzY | 60? | 06:15 |
matt__ | slavik: why did it matter if i was running alsa or oss? | 06:15 |
FiZzY | Then it could'nt have been Ubuntu, maybe it was too hot.... | 06:15 |
gnychis | cafuego: yes i do | 06:16 |
cafuego | gnychis: You're aware you lose all data when one disk dies, right? | 06:16 |
cafuego | gnychis: And that using lvm would be a much better idea? | 06:16 |
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gnychis | cafuego: i'm well aware, but i disagree that lvm would be a better idea for what i want | 06:16 |
Stoffer | cdubya, you got my last reply right? w/ the xine error? | 06:17 |
cafuego | a single large partition, i hazard | 06:17 |
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cdubya | yeah, researching for you..... | 06:17 |
cafuego | gnychis: oh well... there shouldn't be an issue with /boot being anywhere in particular, but start of either drive is probably a good idea. | 06:18 |
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cdubya | Stoffer, can you give me the errors for mplayer and vlc? | 06:18 |
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chasetoys | how do i get the windows media 8 decoder? | 06:18 |
urso_ | hello :) | 06:18 |
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Stoffer | cdubya, I'll pastebin them all | 06:18 |
cdubya | k | 06:18 |
wols_ | !codecs | chasetoys | 06:18 |
ubotu | chasetoys: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:18 |
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SirJim | if i have a patch for the 2.6.20 kernel, can i apply it to | 06:20 |
crimsun | SirJim: maybe. Try it. | 06:21 |
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SirJim | ok.. will it fail outright if it can't? | 06:21 |
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NickGarve1 | you'll know if it didn't work | 06:21 |
SirJim | i'll just try it then :) | 06:21 |
SirJim | okidok1, thanks :) | 06:21 |
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gat-man | guys, I really need help installing a graphics card driver, can anyone help? | 06:22 |
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NickGarve1 | gat-man: read the ubuntu wiki pages? | 06:22 |
heatman | hello could someone tell me where i can find rep for apt-get to be able to install realplayer... everything ive trying brings up errors... I run Ubuntu 7.04 | 06:23 |
rbs-tito | heatman: I believe automatix has it | 06:23 |
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NickGarve1 | !real | heatman | 06:23 |
ubotu | heatman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:23 |
NickGarve1 | lets not suggest automatix.. | 06:23 |
cdubya | Stoffer, you still here? | 06:23 |
NickGarve1 | !automatix | rbs-tito | 06:23 |
ubotu | rbs-tito: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:23 |
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Stoffer | cdubya, http://pastebin.ca/593121 | 06:24 |
Stoffer | cdubya, tried to get 'em all | 06:24 |
heatman | rebs-tito: thats another thing.... seems it cant find automatix either :S | 06:24 |
rbs-tito | heatman: Forget automatix, apprently I'm not supposed to suggest it | 06:25 |
NickGarve1 | :) | 06:25 |
heatman | hehe ok | 06:25 |
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wols_ | heatman: helixplayer | 06:25 |
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wsjunior | guys i have a problem with my touchpad here. some time after log in into kde the scroll stop working and i need to switch to a virtual terminal and then come back to x session to have it working again. it seems it is a reported bug, does anybody know a fix for this? | 06:25 |
cdubya | Stoffer, are you registered here? | 06:26 |
wsjunior | it also happens inside gnome | 06:26 |
Stoffer | cdubya, w/ nickserv? | 06:26 |
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cdubya | yep | 06:26 |
Stoffer | cdubya, yeah, why? | 06:26 |
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wsjunior | just stop working after some time and the only way to have it working again is switching to vt and then back to x. its annoying, does anybody know a fix for this? | 06:26 |
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cdubya | if you want, we can do this is an individual dialog if it would help | 06:27 |
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Stoffer | cdubya, sure | 06:27 |
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cdubya | k, hang on | 06:27 |
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eboyjr | Quick question: How do you add extra workspaces? | 06:28 |
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Hazarath | Need help with my ATI Redeion 9100: it won't enable 3D. | 06:28 |
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eboyjr | Quick question: How do you add extra workspaces? | 06:28 |
Hazarath | I know, bad spelling, heh. | 06:28 |
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need4speed | A previous installation of VMware software has been detected. <--how do i uninstall vmware? sudo apt-get remove vmware wont work | 06:28 |
chalcedony | eboyjr: to what? | 06:28 |
raddy | Hello Everybody | 06:29 |
eboyjr | Ubuntu, chalcedony | 06:29 |
raddy | Howdy | 06:29 |
chalcedony | eboyjr: do you have some boxes in the bottom left hand corner of your screen? | 06:29 |
chalcedony | raddy: hi | 06:30 |
eboyjr | c: yes | 06:30 |
chalcedony | er eboyjr RIGHT | 06:30 |
eboyjr | caci: yesss | 06:30 |
dr_willis | need4speed, remove it witht he purge option.. but i dont recall ever needing to remove it to upgrade it. | 06:30 |
eboyjr | chalcedony: yes | 06:30 |
rockets | It looks like the latest proprietary ATI driver has basic support for the composite extension! | 06:31 |
=== Helmi [n=helmi@pD95EFB7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chalcedony | eboyjr: when i hilght there i have "switch between workspaces" | 06:31 |
need4speed | remove it with the purge? what do you mean dr_willis | 06:31 |
need4speed | ? | 06:31 |
wols_ | need4speed: read the apt howto | 06:31 |
wols_ | !apt | need4speed | 06:31 |
need4speed | lately there was an error | 06:31 |
ubotu | need4speed: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 06:31 |
eboyjr | chalcedony: me too | 06:31 |
chalcedony | wols_: nice :) | 06:31 |
raddy | chalcedony: i have realtek based integrated wired ethernet controller | 06:31 |
=== fibonacci [n=x@201008050023.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
need4speed | and if i checked any installed vmware isnt installed | 06:32 |
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dr_willis | need4speed, apt-get remove --purge whatever | 06:32 |
wols_ | need4speed: dpkg -l | grep vmware | 06:32 |
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raddy | chalcedony: when my system boots, i receives the following error | 06:32 |
eboyjr | chalcedony: I only have 2 workspaces, but I need five! | 06:32 |
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raddy | chalcedony: kernel: [ 205.476670] r8169: eth0: link down | 06:32 |
raddy | kernel: [ 205.476704] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready | 06:32 |
chalcedony | eboyjr: it's been awhile since i used multiple spaces, and i think that was before edgy | 06:33 |
raddy | chalcedony: and the interface is not getting activated | 06:33 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-18-214-21.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | raddy: use a different kernel version | 06:33 |
corevette | Google Desktop released for Linux!!!! http://desktop.google.com | 06:33 |
eboyjr | chalcedony: oh okay, ill look around in the preferences. thx! | 06:33 |
chalcedony | raddy: you're over myhead | 06:33 |
osxdude|palmTX | eboyjr: right click the workspace switcher and click "Settings" there yoyu can change # o' wkspcs | 06:34 |
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chalcedony | everything i used to use to do that isn't there. | 06:34 |
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eboyjr | osxdude|palmTX: thx | 06:34 |
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osxdude|palmTX | welcome. | 06:34 |
need4speed | $ sudo apt-get remove --purge vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-16 | 06:34 |
need4speed | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 06:34 |
need4speed | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 06:34 |
need4speed | :( | 06:35 |
=== cabajgtr [n=ben@c-76-102-176-210.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | need4speed: you need to close whatever other package managers you have open (synaptic, adept, update-manager, other apt-gets) | 06:35 |
wols_ | need4speed: close your other apt frontends | 06:35 |
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alecw1 | I'm having a problem, I have Compiz Fusion installed, and I have it boot at startup via Session manager. For other reasons, I need to boot up in "indirect rendering". However, when I restart my PC, it doesn't boot in indirect rendering. Here is what I have in session manager: "compiz --replace --indirect-rendering ccp". What's the problem? | 06:35 |
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=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-164-193.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
need4speed | k doing it now.. | 06:36 |
Flannel | !effects | alecw1 | 06:36 |
ubotu | alecw1: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 06:36 |
raddy | wols : thats is expensive solution, are you sure the kernel is the culprit? | 06:36 |
chalcedony | actually what i came here about is how to simplify or reduce .jpgs created by scanning them in with XSane ? | 06:36 |
logreeval | Hello? | 06:36 |
logreeval | hello | 06:36 |
=== crakhed [n=guess@pool-72-64-96-56.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | raddy: do you have to pay money to get a new kernel? | 06:36 |
osxdude|palmTX | hi. | 06:36 |
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Hazarath | ATI driver issues here: won't enable 3D. | 06:36 |
corevette | alcewl: join #opencompositing-dev | 06:36 |
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wols_ | if so, I have to tell you, you get ripped off | 06:36 |
logreeval | i am in the process of installing ubuntu | 06:36 |
=== N00b [n=kyo@c-71-59-210-214.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | Hazarath: what ati chip? | 06:36 |
Jamesinator | I have 4 partitions -- an NTFS partition, two ext3 partitions, and a swap partition. One of the ext3 partitions is for my main ubuntu system, and I'm trying to use the second ext3 partition as a storage device. However, it's read-only. How can I make it read/write? | 06:36 |
need4speed | sudo dpkg -l |grep vmware <--when i type this again after that autormove vmware, it is still there why? | 06:37 |
chalcedony | logreeval hi try to ask your question in one line, it's easier for helpers to see it | 06:37 |
N00b | hey im on 6.06 and i cant get my Nvidia graphics card to work, can anyone help? | 06:37 |
=== Cra1 [n=crav@cpe-97-99-199-110.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hazarath | wols_, ATI Redion 9100 | 06:37 |
logreeval | how long does it take to edit partitions? | 06:37 |
logreeval | ok, thanks | 06:37 |
=== rockets [n=zach@pool-68-160-236-146.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cra1 | how do i read and overwrite a particular line of a file from terminal? | 06:37 |
cafuego | Jamesinator: chown the directory (after moutning it) | 06:37 |
eboyjr | logreeval: one sec | 06:37 |
need4speed | is there a way to update dpkg lists or records that it has removed that certain package? | 06:37 |
wols_ | Hazarath: use the "ati" driver that comes with ubuntu | 06:37 |
eboyjr | logreeval: ond | 06:37 |
wols_ | !ati | Hazarath | 06:37 |
ubotu | Hazarath: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:37 |
logreeval | ond? | 06:37 |
eboyjr | logreeval: i had sec then ind | 06:38 |
wols_ | need4speed: no. dpkg -l always shows what's installed right now | 06:38 |
eboyjr | logreeval: ond** | 06:38 |
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Hazarath | wols_, I have the Easy ubuntu drivers installed, btw. | 06:38 |
eboyjr | logreeval: my keyboard is too sensitive | 06:38 |
wols_ | !easyubuntu | 06:38 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 06:38 |
need4speed | $ sudo dpkg -l |grep vmwarerc vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-16 vmware-player modules for Linux (kernel 2.6. | 06:38 |
need4speed | $ | 06:38 |
logreeval | ah | 06:38 |
wols_ | Hazarath: and if it'S the fglrx one: it won't work with your card | 06:38 |
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wols_ | !paste | need4speed | 06:38 |
ubotu | need4speed: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:38 |
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wols_ | need4speed: use it | 06:39 |
Hazarath | wols_, So, gotta stick with generics? x.x | 06:39 |
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need4speed | ok | 06:39 |
wols_ | Hazarath: you gotta stick with ati | 06:39 |
wols_ | Hazarath: as I told you | 06:39 |
cabajgtr | Is it possible to boot off a firewire drive if my bios doesn't support it directly? | 06:39 |
=== CVD [n=cvd@adsl-72-50-68-188.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logreeval | the resizing partition thing has been sitting here for like 5 minutes at 0 percent? | 06:39 |
wols_ | cabajgtr: no. you can only boot off stuff that is supported by BIOS. you will need a bootfloppy or a boot cd, etc | 06:39 |
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cabajgtr | ok, but with a boot cd, shouldn't I be able to boot to the firewire? | 06:40 |
CVD | can some one wanna see my config log and tell me why C compiler cannot create executables | 06:40 |
Cra1 | how do i read and overwrite a particular line of a file from terminal? | 06:40 |
Jamesinator | cafuego: Thanks! I'm able to modify it now. | 06:40 |
need4speed | http://www.pastebin.ca/593139 <--this is my problem with vmware | 06:41 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
eboyjr | Is it possible to set the background coloUr of the terminal window to black??? | 06:41 |
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logreeval | how long does it take to edit partition sizes, mine is at zero percent | 06:41 |
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earnest | my audio is no working can any body help me? | 06:41 |
wsjunior | just stop working after some time and the only way to have it working again is switching to vt and then back to x. its annoying, does anybody know a fix for this? | 06:41 |
wsjunior | guys i have a problem with my touchpad here. some time after log in into kde the scroll stop working and i need to switch to a virtual terminal and then come back to x session to have it working again. it seems it is a reported bug, does anybody know a fix for this? | 06:41 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@d53-64-11-209.nap.wideopenwest.com] by Hobbsee | ||
eboyjr | Is it possible to set the background coloUr of the terminal window to black??? | 06:42 |
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Jamesinator | eboyjr: Yes, use the profiles | 06:42 |
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wols_ | need4speed: learn to type what I tell you. don't make stuff up | 06:43 |
wols_ | 2dpkg -l (this is a lowercase L) | 06:43 |
wols_ | and I didn't say anythng about vmwarerc | 06:43 |
logreeval | anyone? | 06:43 |
Jamesinator | !ntfs | 06:43 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:43 |
Jamesinator | !ntfs-3g | 06:44 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 06:44 |
heatman | !xslt | 06:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xslt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:44 |
need4speed | wols_, its not capital | 06:44 |
wols_ | Jamesinator: msg the bot. don't use the channel for that | 06:44 |
logreeval | oh, its working noow | 06:44 |
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Jamesinator | wols_: Ok, sorry | 06:44 |
raddy | wols_: i meant, it is not easy for using a custom kernel, | 06:44 |
earnest | can any body help me to startup my audio devices? | 06:44 |
chalcedony | i hope this is an easier question, if i want to transfer files from my linux box to someone's apache server, how do i do that? | 06:45 |
CVD | ? | 06:45 |
wols_ | raddy: nobody said custom. just use another ubuntu kernel | 06:45 |
=== Endasil5 [n=Endasil5@rn-cgr1a24.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raddy | wols_: another means?? | 06:45 |
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wols_ | chalcedony: depends what this other guy runs that allows file uploads | 06:45 |
wols_ | raddy: another kernel. different vresion | 06:45 |
chalcedony | wols_: he does | 06:46 |
eboyjr | jam: Thanks jam: | 06:46 |
Endasil5 | WOOT | 06:46 |
eboyjr | Jammer: thx! | 06:46 |
chalcedony | wols_: but what's the command ? | 06:46 |
alecw1 | I've installed Mozilla Thunderbird from the repos, but I don't know how to get an icon on my desktop. Any help? (It also isn't in the Start menu. :( | 06:46 |
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eboyjr | not jammeR-, james: Thanks! | 06:46 |
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earnest | my video is also not working under linux how to fix it? | 06:46 |
wols_ | chalcedony: for the slow ones: what servre is he running that allows uploads? by what means? | 06:46 |
eboyjr | Jamesinator: Thanks! | 06:46 |
need4speed | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27572/ <--ok here. vmware still not remove. :( | 06:47 |
wols_ | usually, apache does not allow uploads directly | 06:47 |
chalcedony | wols_: i guess ill have to wait till he gets here to find that out, are there choices? | 06:47 |
=== wols_ ignores need4speed since need4speed ignores his requests too | ||
wols_ | chalcedony: ssh, ftp, webdav, etc | 06:47 |
need4speed | i just did paste it to the right website wols | 06:48 |
chalcedony | wols_: he said "ftp" but i'm sure that is not what will work from my box | 06:48 |
osxdude|palmTX | gbye | 06:48 |
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need4speed | and i did typed dpkg -l |grep vmware | 06:48 |
raddy | wols_: is multiple kernels available for Ubuntu 7.04?? | 06:48 |
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=== SlicerDicer- [n=SlicerDi@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | raddy considering there was just a security update not long ago yes. also where did I say aynthing about feisty only? | 06:49 |
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earnest | can any one help me? to solve my problems of video&audio? | 06:49 |
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wols_ | !anyone | earnest | 06:49 |
ubotu | earnest: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:50 |
logreeval | Hi, I just got the partition split in half. Now, what do I do for the swap and what do i do for the main ubuntu partition?, what file type, mount area.. etc | 06:50 |
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logreeval | please, anybody? | 06:51 |
=== mpan [n=mpan@a88-112-7-114.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eboyjr | logreeval: linux format is ext3 | 06:52 |
wols_ | logreeval: less open ended questions. be specific | 06:52 |
logreeval | ok | 06:52 |
earnest | how to solve my audio,vedio defects? | 06:52 |
eboyjr | logreeval: main linux mount is just a slash '/" | 06:52 |
=== original2_ [n=mike@c-69-255-41-93.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logreeval | I get error, file system doesn't have expected for windows to like | 06:53 |
need4speed | sudo dpkg -l |grep vmware <-- when i typed this now, i see no result, but when i install vmware again it says previous installation has been detected. | 06:53 |
logreeval | thank you for the help | 06:53 |
wols_ | earnest: don't just rephrase your anyone question if you want help | 06:53 |
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=== DerangedDingo [n=john@24-113-250-73.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | logreeval: that is no error. it's broken english | 06:53 |
wols_ | tell us th real error | 06:53 |
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need4speed | sudo dpkg --purge vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-16 <-- i used this command to remove vmware, but still i cant install fresh vmware, any help? | 06:53 |
need4speed | sorry wols_ | 06:53 |
Cra1 | how do i read and overwrite a particular line of a file from terminal? | 06:54 |
wols_ | need4speed: how did you install vmware before? | 06:54 |
wols_ | automatix or manually or such? | 06:54 |
=== original2_ [n=mike@c-69-255-41-93.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | also, have you checked if the vmware kernel moduels are still loaded? | 06:54 |
need4speed | someone instructed me to use automatix and it didnt install it | 06:54 |
wols_ | !automatix | 06:54 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:54 |
logreeval | File system doesn't have expected sizes for windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k(1k expected); number of clusters is 20017 (39957 expected); size of fats is 79 sectors (157 expected). | 06:54 |
=== kenshinx [n=kris@adsl-68-77-7-28.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | then we cannot help you. ask automatix people. they broke it, they fix it | 06:55 |
wols_ | logreeval: why doy ou create a fat partition? | 06:55 |
need4speed | hehehee | 06:55 |
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logreeval | I have media direct from dell and system restore from dell | 06:55 |
=== Frustian [n=Frust@bas2-hamilton14-1167891496.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | logreeval: then ask dell. they are supposed to support you | 06:56 |
wols_ | logreeval: I don't get why you need us | 06:56 |
logreeval | because i dont know what to do | 06:56 |
wols_ | ask dell | 06:56 |
logreeval | but i have voided the contract by trying to install this | 06:56 |
=== heatman [n=kvirc@bas13-ottawa23-1177810283.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Time] | ||
wols_ | what are you trying to do? install ubuntu? | 06:57 |
wols_ | if so: make some free unallocated space on the disk and let ubuntu do the rest | 06:57 |
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wols_ | cause obviously paritionting manually is above your capaobilities | 06:57 |
rockets | Anybody tried out google desktop for linux yet? | 06:57 |
logreeval | install ubuntu for a xp/ubuntu dual boot | 06:57 |
=== rbs-tito [n=tito@88-109-79-149.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
need4speed | anyways | 06:57 |
logreeval | but it doesnt have that option | 06:57 |
DerangedDingo | Hey all, I'm having some trouble with VNC. I got the server to work perfectly, but if someone tries to connect to it they get a blank page | 06:57 |
need4speed | how do i check if vmware kernel module is loaded? | 06:57 |
Frustian | Is there any way to install/upgrade a 64 bit ubuntu on a 32 bit ubuntu (I doubt it, but if it's possible it could save me a lot of work) | 06:58 |
wols_ | need4speed: man lsmod | 06:58 |
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=== chohmann [n=chohmann@cpe-76-80-179-68.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | Frustian: no. reinstall | 06:58 |
need4speed | ok | 06:58 |
Frustian | k, ty | 06:58 |
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logreeval | now i cant put my other partition back :( | 06:58 |
logreeval | i am so confused | 06:58 |
Cra1 | how can i edit a particular line in a file from terminal? | 06:59 |
wols_ | nano <file> | 06:59 |
logreeval | should it be "Primary" or "Logical" | 06:59 |
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=== bung [n=bung@d209-89-218-32.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xerox_5555 | hello | 07:00 |
wols_ | logreeval: doesn't matter | 07:00 |
bung | why do i keep seeing a "http cache cleaner" appear in my taskbar every few hours? | 07:00 |
=== SmokeyDaBear [n=CppIsWei@ip68-110-144-164.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
need4speed | vboxdrv <--is this the vmware kernel module? | 07:00 |
xerox_5555 | how is change the splah | 07:00 |
xerox_5555 | splash | 07:00 |
wols_ | need4speed: that is virtualbox | 07:00 |
DerangedDingo | bung: is it when you try and run a KDE app? | 07:00 |
wols_ | !pslash | 07:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pslash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:00 |
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logreeval | now, i keep getting the error...can i click ignore? | 07:00 |
=== buize [n=rahul@ool-4355e726.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cra1 | bung: i think it's something in firefox, fixing the "memory leak" by clearing out old cache | 07:01 |
Jordan_U | !usplash | xerox_5555 | 07:01 |
ubotu | xerox_5555: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 07:01 |
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=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DerangedDingo | bung: no.... i had the same thing pop up every time I started the KDE RSS reader | 07:01 |
DerangedDingo | bung: forget what it's called | 07:01 |
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Jordan_U | xerox_5555, Or are you talking about the splash when you log in? | 07:01 |
alecw1 | I've installed Mozilla Thunderbird from the repos, but I don't know | 07:01 |
bung | DerangedDingo, i have amarok open, thats it | 07:01 |
bung | Cra1, I dont have firefox open | 07:01 |
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alecw1 | how to make a desktop icon** | 07:02 |
xerox_5555 | Jordan_U, ok | 07:02 |
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Crav | bung: sorry, in that case, i have no idea what it is, now i want to know too! | 07:02 |
logreeval | do you know? | 07:02 |
Hazarath | Ok, whomever helped me before: xserver is now totally inopratable. | 07:02 |
DerangedDingo | bung: probably it, but I don't understand why it would for Amarok... it doesn't use a connection unless it's retrieving artwork.. so.. that's wierd | 07:02 |
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thefallenarchan1 | hello | 07:03 |
thefallenarchan1 | does anyone here have an acer aspire 5050-3371? | 07:03 |
Hazarath | Need to recover my xserver, tried to install ATI's drivers, and it went... well, it went. | 07:03 |
xerox_5555 | Where is the Turkish Ubuntu channel ? | 07:03 |
xerox_5555 | in irc | 07:03 |
crdlb | Hazarath, what card? | 07:04 |
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slavik | xerox_5555: what is the 2 letter extension for turkish top level domain ??? | 07:04 |
Hazarath | crdlb, ATI Redion 9100. | 07:04 |
thefallenarchan1 | newbie to linux and needin some help | 07:04 |
DerangedDingo | Can anyone here help me with VNC? | 07:04 |
crdlb | Hazarath, that card is not supported by ati's drivers | 07:04 |
deaden | any public bitlbee irc servers? | 07:04 |
DerangedDingo | thefallenarchan1: whatcha need help with | 07:05 |
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crdlb | Hazarath, if you're on feisty | 07:05 |
Hazarath | crdlb, got 6.10. | 07:05 |
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eboyjr | What are all of the different versions about? | 07:05 |
thefallenarchan1 | i have an acer aspire 5050-3371 with the atheros 5007g wireless chipset i have done ndiswrapper as well as madwifi and can't get it to rec. the chip | 07:05 |
crdlb | Hazarath, how did you install the driver? | 07:05 |
eboyjr | Feisty, Gusty, Breezy | 07:05 |
chohmann | xerox_5555: #ubuntu.tr | 07:05 |
xerox_5555 | chohmann, thanks | 07:06 |
Hazarath | crdlb, with the Howto from ubotu. | 07:06 |
DerangedDingo | thefallenarchan1: so you can't use wireless internet? | 07:06 |
thefallenarchan1 | right | 07:06 |
alecw1 | Is it possible to add a .desktop file to Avant Windows Manager? | 07:06 |
thefallenarchan1 | i have even tried driverloader | 07:06 |
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crdlb | Hazarath, ok just: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 07:06 |
Jordan_U | thefallenarchan1, Did you remove NDIS wrapper before trying madwifi? | 07:06 |
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crdlb | and choose the "ati" driver | 07:06 |
thefallenarchan1 | yes | 07:06 |
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thefallenarchan1 | i am used to mandrake ubuntu is new to me | 07:07 |
DerangedDingo | thefallenarchan1: Did you search the distributor's website for Linux drivers? | 07:07 |
Hazarath | crdlb, again, xserver is dead. I need to recover the server before I can do anything. x.x | 07:07 |
thefallenarchan1 | yea with no prevail | 07:07 |
crdlb | Hazarath, you can do that from the terminal | 07:07 |
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cabajgtr | Does anyone no of a good tutorial to use a grub boot cd to load a ubuntu off a firewire drive? | 07:07 |
thefallenarchan1 | if i type lspci it shows its an atheros but it also says unident. | 07:08 |
Hazarath | crdlb, ok, I'll run it from the command prompt from recovery mode. | 07:08 |
logreeval | the forward button of "Migrate Documents and Settings" doesnt work | 07:08 |
crdlb | Hazarath, that works, but you don't need the sudo then | 07:08 |
crdlb | since you're root in recovery mode | 07:08 |
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Hazarath | crdlb, all I CAN do. x.x | 07:08 |
dadeEldron | Hey I have been trying to figure out why I can't play movies and mp3's for a while, I used those links to try and figure it out but I just don't know what I am doing wrong.. Should it be so complicated to get playback for this stuff? | 07:08 |
DerangedDingo | thefallenarchan1: I don't know much about this, all I can suggest is that A) you prolly need a driver, and B) Ubuntu can't recognize it | 07:09 |
dadeEldron | do most of you just convert to ogg format? | 07:09 |
wols_ | dadeEldron: install vlc. instant video | 07:09 |
wols_ | thefallenarchan1: update-pciids as root | 07:09 |
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thefallenarchan1 | it is trying to use the restricted driver but when i open network manger it shows a wired connection and dial up but no wireless | 07:09 |
DerangedDingo | Can anyone here help me with VNC? | 07:10 |
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dr_willis | dadeEldron, you just need to install the right packages. | 07:10 |
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dr_willis | DerangedDingo, what sort of help.. i use vnc quite often. | 07:10 |
Hazarath | crdlb, how do I tell it to restart from BASH? | 07:10 |
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dadeEldron | I am installing vlc right now | 07:10 |
dadeEldron | lets see.... | 07:11 |
DerangedDingo | dr_willis: thank you! I configured the server and opened a port for the server to use, but if a client tries to connect they get a blank page | 07:11 |
CVD | why the update manager say "A parcial Upgrade"? | 07:11 |
dr_willis | dadeEldron, for mp3 theres a few packages ya may need to install. | 07:11 |
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zacwitte | the nvidia drivers seem to be locking my computer at a black screen. I can't even kill X or switch to another terminal. any ideas how i can debug this? | 07:11 |
crdlb | Hazarath, if you run that dpkg-reconfigure command in recovery mode, then reboot into regular ubuntu, X will try to start | 07:11 |
thefallenarchan1 | wols i have just updated anyhthing else i should do | 07:11 |
synchroph | hi guys, please help me with playing .swf files in totem | 07:11 |
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wols_ | thefallenarchan1: that simply should take care of unident lspci entries | 07:12 |
DerangedDingo | dr_willis: they can connect, but, maybe because the server is on display :1 and i'm the only user on this computer there's no screen to load? | 07:12 |
need4speed | anyways is there bridge option in virtualbox besides nat or internal network? | 07:12 |
Naisenu | How do I install a .bin file? I double-clicked it and it tried to open in Firefox and gave errors. Went to a terminal typed: sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin and got "Command Not Found" (Yes it was in the right directory.) Per this link, it appears to be correct syntax: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-61650.html | 07:12 |
thefallenarchan1 | a reboot necc.? | 07:12 |
dr_willis | DerangedDingo, i recall that the vncserver packages (or some of them) goofed up and did not start a window manager. You just got a X display with no window manager. To fix this I copied the vnc config file from /etc to the users dir (with the right name) and edited it to make it run my users .vnc/xstartup script (which is now VNC used to work) | 07:12 |
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wols_ | thefallenarchan1: you should check madwifi.org i if they support your chipset and if they do use their drivers. ndiswrapper otherwise | 07:12 |
dadeEldron | well vlc works | 07:12 |
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thefallenarchan1 | i have used mawifi and ndiswrapper niether of them have worked | 07:13 |
dadeEldron | how can associate all movie files with vlc | 07:13 |
dadeEldron | ? | 07:13 |
Hazarath | crdlb, ok, x is working... now, to see if 3D support is... :s | 07:13 |
thefallenarchan1 | ndiswrapper said invailid driver and madwifi just dont work | 07:13 |
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crdlb | Hazarath, it won't be | 07:13 |
wols_ | !doesn't work | thefallenarchan1 | 07:13 |
ubotu | thefallenarchan1: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 07:13 |
crdlb | Hazarath, sudo apt-get --purge remove xorg-driver-fglrx | 07:13 |
wols_ | dadeEldron: "open with" | 07:13 |
crdlb | that will give you free 3d support back | 07:13 |
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dadeEldron | thx | 07:14 |
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thefallenarchan1 | after i install madwifi i iwconfig and it says no wireless | 07:14 |
thefallenarchan1 | for lo and eth0 | 07:14 |
wols_ | thefallenarchan1: then check if drivres are loaded | 07:14 |
wols_ | thefallenarchan1: check dmesg | 07:14 |
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DerangedDingo | dr_willis: ... I'm.. confused.. I copy my /etc/vnc.conf file to my client's home directory? | 07:14 |
dr_willis | DerangedDingo, read the file its comments tell it what it needs to be called in theusers home dir. | 07:15 |
dadeEldron | whew!!!! thanks wols_ | 07:15 |
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Hazarath | crdlb, ok, I'll restart x, and then run what to verfy I got 3D? | 07:15 |
wols_ | !codecs | dadeEldron | 07:15 |
ubotu | dadeEldron: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:15 |
thefallenarchan1 | what should i be lookin for the inf ???? | 07:15 |
dr_willis | DerangedDingo, this is common practice for a lot of tools. the system wide config can be copied/renamed, and tweaked. | 07:15 |
crdlb | Hazarath, you don't need to restart X, and: glxinfo|grep direct | 07:15 |
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dadeEldron | now which packages do I need to make amarok play mp3? | 07:15 |
dadeEldron | I tried that page | 07:15 |
wols_ | thefallenarchan1: I told you | 07:15 |
dadeEldron | I did what it said | 07:15 |
wols_ | dadeEldron: ubtou told you | 07:16 |
dadeEldron | I still can't play | 07:16 |
dadeEldron | I heard your bot | 07:16 |
dr_willis | DerangedDingo, # After this file, $(HOME)/.vncrc will be sourced, so values can be | 07:16 |
dadeEldron | I went to those 2 websites | 07:16 |
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mikel | moin | 07:16 |
thefallenarchan1 | i have alot of rejecting I/O to dead device | 07:16 |
thefallenarchan1 | 07:16 | |
DerangedDingo | dr_willis: OK, sorry for the stupid reply earlier. i'll give it a go. but.. I'm a tad bit confused | 07:16 |
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jcapote | if i were to install ubuntu using one video card, and then swap it with another video card will it be able to reconfigure itself? | 07:16 |
dr_willis | DerangedDingo, so copy it to .vncrc then tweak it to death. :) i change the line that says... # $vncStartup = "/etc/X11/Xsession"; | 07:17 |
DerangedDingo | I'll return later with questions if it doesn't work | 07:17 |
Hazarath | crdlb: libGl warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b | 07:17 |
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DerangedDingo | ok | 07:17 |
DerangedDingo | thanks! | 07:17 |
crdlb | Hazarath, harmless, everybody gets that | 07:17 |
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dr_willis | DerangedDingo, change that line/uncomment it. and point it to some x startup script you make. run 'xterm & and some window manager' in it. | 07:17 |
wols_ | dadeEldron: and what info did you take from the first link? | 07:17 |
Hazarath | crdlbThe other reply is yes. | 07:17 |
chowmeined | jcapote: you could try | 07:17 |
chowmeined | jcapote: if you have another computer handy, i could help you get it working if it fails | 07:17 |
wols_ | jcapote: depends on the videocards used | 07:17 |
jcapote | chowmeined: im using some bullshit pci one now, then im putting in a brand new nvidia | 07:18 |
crdlb | Hazarath, then you now have 3d acceleration with the open source driver | 07:18 |
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chowmeined | jcapote: what model? | 07:18 |
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jcapote | 7300gt | 07:18 |
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wols_ | jcapote: the crrent pci one | 07:18 |
Hazarath | crdlb, now, if VLC will play back properly so my subtitles will work. o.o;;; | 07:18 |
jcapote | the pci one is a rage 128 | 07:18 |
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jcapote | old skool | 07:18 |
wols_ | jcapote: you will need new drivers | 07:18 |
wols_ | when you install the 7300gt | 07:18 |
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chowmeined | wols_: wont it still work (poorly) with 'vesa'? | 07:19 |
jcapote | wols_: i know, but will ubuntu detect the card and force a software update | 07:19 |
chowmeined | sure it wont be accelerated.. but wont it still work? | 07:19 |
funjon | so, has anyone else seen an instance where an ubu 6.06 box running Apache2 will be doing nslokups on IPs in the access logs even though the apache2.conf file has 'HostnameLookups Off' set? | 07:19 |
wols_ | chowmeined: sure. but he'd be stupid to buy a 7300gt and use it with vesa :) | 07:19 |
wols_ | jcapote: no | 07:19 |
chowmeined | wols_: just so he isnt stuck without a graphical environment when he reboots | 07:19 |
villa77 | hola | 07:19 |
wols_ | jcapote: but it depends on what driver you use now | 07:19 |
Hazarath | crdlb, ok, lost overlay support. I can't play video. | 07:19 |
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wols_ | jcapote: sooner or later you have to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:20 |
crdlb | Hazarath, what's the exact error? | 07:20 |
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thefallenarchan1 | still no wireless but restricted drivers says it is in use | 07:20 |
thefallenarchan1 | hal | 07:20 |
jcapote | wols_: ah ok, thats all i needed | 07:20 |
serenecloud | has anyone had any luck getting Office 2000 to run properly with WINE? | 07:20 |
dadeEldron | I went to that website... then I followed the instructions for 7.04...a.dfgadga. ohhh wait I am an idiot.... | 07:20 |
Hazarath | crdlb, I open a film, I get a blue screen, and the sound plays, no video. | 07:20 |
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cafuego | whut? | 07:20 |
wols_ | dadeEldron: good thing you said it and not me | 07:20 |
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rockets | Anybody know a way to make X restart on logout with KDM | 07:20 |
crdlb | Hazarath, have you tried anything other than VLC? | 07:21 |
dadeEldron | hahahah thanks though | 07:21 |
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crdlb | Hazarath, you're not using compiz/beryl are you? | 07:21 |
jcapote | wols_: so dpkg-reconfigure will trigger the restricted drivers manager and stuff | 07:21 |
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wols_ | jcapote: no | 07:21 |
Hazarath | crdlb, tried with 'Movie Player', black screen, but same. | 07:21 |
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theRealballchalk | http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/hatsoff/index.html?cid=251015 | 07:21 |
wols_ | jcapote: it configures Xorg | 07:21 |
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Hazarath | brb | 07:21 |
jcapote | wols_: then via automatix i could install the restricted nvidia driver | 07:21 |
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defrysk | !autoamtix > jcapote | 07:22 |
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defrysk | !automatix > jcapote | 07:22 |
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wols_ | jcapote: if you use autoamtix you won#t get any support here | 07:22 |
wols_ | !automatix | jcapote | 07:22 |
ubotu | jcapote: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:22 |
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MISTERTibbs | jcapote, everything I've seen about ubunut and automatix says don't do it. | 07:22 |
jcapote | oh nm then | 07:22 |
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bluebanana | I would like to know: How can I make a backup copy of the files on my PDA onto a backup folder in my computer? | 07:23 |
jcapote | ive only used it for very basic tasks | 07:23 |
jcapote | i was a fan of easyubuntu myself | 07:23 |
Hazarath | crdlb, what did you ask? I'm using 6.10, I think that's 'Edgy'? | 07:23 |
MISTERTibbs | jcapote, y not synaptic? | 07:23 |
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wols_ | jcapote: doesn't natter. as soon as you use it for _anything_: no support | 07:23 |
pentagramjohnson | hey does anyone know of a good kde or gnome program that can convert video files into either psp video files or ipod videos files (.mp4)? | 07:23 |
wols_ | !eayubuntu | 07:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about eayubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:23 |
crdlb | Hazarath, maybe try restarting X? I've never heard of that happening | 07:23 |
wols_ | !easyubuntu | 07:23 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 07:23 |
Hazarath | Ok, restarting. | 07:24 |
crdlb | Hazarath, and you're not using beryl? | 07:24 |
defrysk | wols_, stetch your fingers and try again ;p | 07:24 |
serenecloud | has anyone had any luck getting Office 2000 to run properly with WINE? | 07:24 |
wols_ | jcapote: if you want help here, you use synaptic or apt-get | 07:24 |
Hazarath | crdlb, No idea? | 07:24 |
crdlb | Hazarath, 3d effects? | 07:24 |
jcapote | MISTERTibbs: dont get me wrong i use synaptic/apt-get for 99% of the things i install, theres just some things that i dont know of all the packages needed to get working | 07:24 |
wols_ | Hazarath: dri enabled/disabled? | 07:24 |
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Hazarath | Er... huh? | 07:24 |
crdlb | wols_, enabled | 07:24 |
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Hazarath | Ah, driver. | 07:25 |
pentagramjohnson | hey does anyone know of any good programs that can convert video files into either psp video files or ipod videos files (.mp4)? | 07:25 |
thefallenarchan1 | can someone give some 1-1 help ? | 07:25 |
jcapote | pentagramjohnson: ffmpeg | 07:25 |
MISTERTibbs | jcapote, okeydokey | 07:25 |
wols_ | Hazarath: start vlc via xterm. check the xterm for output | 07:25 |
pentagramjohnson | alright cool. thanks | 07:25 |
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MISTERTibbs | !ffmpeg | 07:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:25 |
Hazarath | wols_, Um... waht's that? o.O | 07:25 |
defrysk | !info ffmpeg | 07:25 |
ubotu | ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 176 kB, installed size 620 kB | 07:25 |
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wols_ | Hazarath: gnome-terminal | 07:26 |
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Nexus | Hello, Trying to get my 8800GTX to work with Ubuntu 7.04 Fawn, im using http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-nvidia-acceleration-in-feisty-nvidia-8800-and-legacy-users.html this walkthrough but im stuck where it says sudo vi /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules* and then Change the DISABLED_MODULES=" to DISABLED_MODULES=nv | 07:26 |
Hazarath | So... open the file via termanal? o.o | 07:26 |
Nexus | It wont let me edit it to add the "nv" | 07:27 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Peppery | Nexus: Try sudo nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules for starters, it's easier to get the hang of | 07:27 |
wols_ | !nvidia | Nexus | 07:27 |
ubotu | Nexus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:27 |
enviouz | anybody know what category nes and ps1 emulators would be under? | 07:27 |
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Hazarath | wols_, What do I do exactly? | 07:28 |
wols_ | Nexus: this howto is not uspported. use restricted drivers | 07:28 |
wols_ | Hazarath: start vlc | 07:28 |
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Hazarath | wols_, started... | 07:29 |
Hobbsee | !wireless > thefallenarchan1 | 07:29 |
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dadeEldron | ohhh man I am installing so much crap I don't even know whats going on | 07:29 |
Ausylo | anyone know how to get passed the black screen problem after boot | 07:29 |
Ausylo | ? | 07:29 |
Hazarath | wols_, I am registered, so, PMs are possable. | 07:29 |
ibanex | Ausylo: what happens? | 07:30 |
Ausylo | ibanex: gui loads | 07:30 |
Ausylo | and then black screen and thats it | 07:30 |
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Ausylo | i did the command earlier | 07:30 |
Ausylo | but i forgot | 07:30 |
wols_ | Ausylo: press ctrl+alt+f1 | 07:30 |
devin | Hey people.. | 07:30 |
Ausylo | at what point | 07:31 |
DrkCodeman | is there a good application for peer - peer for ubuntu? | 07:31 |
ibanex | Ausylo: or you can get the alternate install cd | 07:31 |
Ausylo | i installed with alt cd | 07:31 |
Hazarath | crdlb, wols_, help? | 07:31 |
devin | DrkCodeman yes try frostwire | 07:32 |
enviouz | DrkCodeman: i use azureus | 07:32 |
DrkCodeman | frostwire k | 07:32 |
Nexus | wols_: Im having trouble, lspci | grep -i nvidia reveals a card with "NVIDIA" in it, when i type that command it doesnt display anything.. | 07:32 |
DrkCodeman | is that torrent | 07:32 |
DrkCodeman | ? | 07:32 |
enviouz | az is | 07:32 |
DrkCodeman | i already ahve azureus :) | 07:32 |
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devin | DrkCodeman its both | 07:32 |
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ibanex | drkCodeman: frostwire is like limewire... but better | 07:32 |
Hazarath | I use KTorrent, bypasses my ISP's 'traffic shaping'. >.> | 07:32 |
wols_ | Nexus: sudo update-pciids ; lspci |grep -i vga | 07:32 |
DrkCodeman | frostwire is a torrent client | 07:32 |
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DrkCodeman | k :D | 07:32 |
enviouz | frostwire connects to the getenula network (cant spell it ) | 07:32 |
DrkCodeman | ugh | 07:33 |
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DrkCodeman | not on apt-get | 07:33 |
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defrysk | !info frostwire | 07:33 |
enviouz | just a note though if you use torrents (provate trackers) frostwire wont work? | 07:33 |
ubotu | Package frostwire does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 07:33 |
Ausylo | at what point do i press ctrl alt f1 | 07:33 |
Ausylo | ? | 07:33 |
DrkCodeman | aww | 07:33 |
enviouz | DrkCodeman: get the package from frostwire.com | 07:33 |
devin | You can use frostwire to upload/download your torrents as well but like ibanex its like limewire but better | 07:34 |
enviouz | you have to have java though | 07:34 |
Hazarath | Ok, to all, my overlay won't work with the open source drivers for my ATI Redeon 9100, help? | 07:34 |
devin | yea with out java it won't run | 07:34 |
Ausylo | wols_ when do i hit ctrl alt f1 | 07:34 |
DrkCodeman | lol it has the ubuntu symbol | 07:34 |
enviouz | yep thats it | 07:34 |
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Nexus | wols_: Ok I did that command and when i do -i nvidia it still displays nothing | 07:35 |
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Nexus | Video Card: (nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX) Sound Card: (Realtek AC97 Audio) | 07:35 |
Nexus | im sure i have it :S | 07:35 |
enviouz | thats what i like about that site when you go to it the package for your distro is almost always already selected | 07:35 |
wols_ | Nexus: I told you to do something. do that or don't bother me | 07:35 |
devin | ouch | 07:35 |
=== rockets [n=zach@pool-68-160-236-146.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DrkCodeman | now how do i install the package?\ | 07:36 |
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Nexus | wols_: I did that, now what? | 07:36 |
DrkCodeman | its a .deb looks like a rpm | 07:36 |
wols_ | DrkCodeman: sudo dpkg -i | 07:36 |
Nexus | i ujst said i did it. | 07:36 |
wols_ | Nexus: what does it say? | 07:36 |
Nexus | just* | 07:36 |
DrkCodeman | ahh ok | 07:36 |
DrkCodeman | dpkg | 07:36 |
Ausylo | wols_: at what point do i press ctrl alt f1 | 07:36 |
Hazarath | Ok, to all, my overlay won't work with the open source drivers for my ATI Redeon 9100, help? | 07:36 |
MrXorg | Can someone tell me how to save a files in vim? | 07:37 |
wols_ | Ausylo: edit the install's menu.lst. remove the "quiet" kernel parameter and set "vga=normal" | 07:37 |
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Nexus | wols_: Compatible controller: InnoTek Systemberatung GMbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter | 07:37 |
Nexus | o.0 | 07:37 |
wols_ | Ausylo: then boot and tell su what the last is you see | 07:37 |
Ausylo | wols_: i cant get into ubuntu though | 07:37 |
DrkCodeman | odd ran frostwire and nothing | 07:37 |
DrkCodeman | after i installed it | 07:37 |
rockets | Does the low latency kernel have any benifits if you're not doing audio work? | 07:37 |
wols_ | Nexus: you are running ubuntu under virtualbox. there is no nvidia graphnic card and no 3D for you. install it properly if you want that | 07:37 |
devin | DrkCodeman you need java | 07:37 |
MrXorg | Anyone? | 07:38 |
DrkCodeman | i should have java i use azures | 07:38 |
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Nexus | wols_: Would there be any other way I could get my resolution higher, thats all i really want. | 07:38 |
enviouz | open terminal do cd "directory where it is" dpkg -i "filename" | 07:38 |
wols_ | Ausylo: boot from a livecd , mount the harddisdk partition and edit boot/grub/menu.lst. or oot in recovery mode | 07:38 |
wols_ | !fixres | Nexus | 07:38 |
ubotu | Nexus: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:38 |
MrXorg | vim | save file /help? | 07:38 |
DrkCodeman | whats the package for the latest java? | 07:38 |
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wols_ | !java | DrkCodeman | 07:38 |
ubotu | DrkCodeman: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 07:38 |
bluebanana | I would like to know: How can I make a backup copy of the files on my PDA onto a backup folder in my computer? | 07:38 |
wols_ | DrkCodeman: you want java5 or java6 | 07:38 |
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wols_ | bluebanana: depends on your pda | 07:39 |
DrkCodeman | ahh ok | 07:39 |
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devin | DrkCodeman might wanna double check | 07:39 |
berent | is there anyway to recovr yahoo password | 07:39 |
enviouz | umm i used sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts | 07:39 |
Hazarath | My overlay won't work with the open source drivers for my ATI Redeon 9100, help? | 07:39 |
DrkCodeman | to bad there isnt flash for 64bit | 07:39 |
wols_ | !repeat Hazarath | 07:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about repeat hazarath - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:39 |
wols_ | !repeat |Hazarath | 07:40 |
ubotu | Hazarath: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:40 |
wols_ | Hazarath: and what did what I told you produce for output? | 07:40 |
berent | is there anyway to recover yahoo password | 07:40 |
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enviouz | there is DrkCodeman http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox | 07:40 |
wols_ | berent: OT. ask yahoo not us | 07:40 |
bluebanana | wols_, i'm using an old pda with a palm os version 4.0 | 07:40 |
Hazarath | wols_, you told me to open vlc, and that's it. No other instructions. | 07:41 |
DrkCodeman | ya i know what has to be done to install flash | 07:41 |
DrkCodeman | it requires a 32bit version of firefox | 07:41 |
enviouz | at least thats what i assume from reading that anyway | 07:41 |
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berent | wols_ : is there anyway to recover yahoo password. I don't know alternate email id i gave and also i forgot the secret question rest i answered | 07:41 |
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Hazarath | berent, this is ubuntu help. | 07:41 |
DrkCodeman | im not to concernd with flash | 07:41 |
wols_ | berent: you are still OT. go away and ask yahoo | 07:41 |
enviouz | sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash | 07:41 |
defrysk | berent, you are in the wrong channel for this | 07:42 |
berent | wols_ : what's OT | 07:42 |
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wols_ | !OT | 07:42 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:42 |
berent | defrysk : which is right channel for this? | 07:42 |
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sayers | are there any better torrent programs for ubuntu? | 07:42 |
defrysk | berent, dunno, this is not the one | 07:42 |
Hazarath | berent, prolly not on freenode at all. | 07:42 |
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berent | Hazarath : then which node? | 07:43 |
berent | sayers: bit torrent | 07:43 |
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Hazarath | berent, prolly try Yahoo, or something like that. This is for the OS ubuntum not third party sites. | 07:44 |
SomoneSomwhere | What Repo's do i need for Beryl | 07:44 |
Hazarath | ^ubuntu, sorru. | 07:44 |
wols_ | SomoneSomwhere: it's in the normal repos. nothing special needed | 07:44 |
SomoneSomwhere | !beryl | 07:44 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:44 |
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Hazarath | wols_, what did you want me to do? You told me _what_ to do, but not _how. | 07:44 |
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wols_ | SomoneSomwhere: what videocard and is 3D enabled? | 07:44 |
SomoneSomwhere | You sure? I just checked and theres nothing | 07:44 |
wols_ | Hazarath: open an xterm, run vlc | 07:45 |
SomoneSomwhere | Radeon 9550 and i dunno | 07:45 |
Ausylo | boot apic was the command | 07:45 |
wols_ | !info beryl | 07:45 |
ubotu | beryl: Compositing window manager, decorator and theme support - Beryl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1.dfsg+git20070318-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2 kB, installed size 44 kB | 07:45 |
wols_ | SomoneSomwhere: yes we are sure | 07:45 |
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mo0osah | SomoneSomwhere: try glxgears and post the results | 07:45 |
Hazarath | !info xterm | 07:45 |
ubotu | xterm: X terminal emulator. In component main, is optional. Version 223-1 (feisty), package size 428 kB, installed size 1032 kB | 07:45 |
rockets | God I love linux | 07:45 |
rockets | just had to say that. | 07:45 |
defrysk | mo0osah, glxgears is not a benchmarker | 07:46 |
wols_ | Hazarath: ou have gnome-terminal installed | 07:46 |
eboyjr | Can anybody tell me where the "My Documents" on Ubuntu is? | 07:46 |
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wols_ | eboyjr: ~ | 07:46 |
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Frustian | When I logged on today, the update manager had 902(!) updates, considering I fully updated yesterday it's quite weird, but halfway through installing the update manager gave an error and wouldn't boot up the update manager, it gave a description saying if I enter "sudo apt-get install -f", it would work, so I did and it worked. After it finished updating, the font characters are all screwed up (The popup for entering your admin p | 07:46 |
Frustian | assword has hollow boxes instead of characters, same for some program menus, like terminal) | 07:46 |
Ausylo | wols_: ok im in, where do i find boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:46 |
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bballin | 1000 people here | 07:46 |
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wols_ | Ausylo: in /boot/grub/menu.lst as I said | 07:46 |
bballin | thats al;ot | 07:46 |
mo0osah | defrysk: don't you get the fps in the terminal? | 07:46 |
Flannel | eboyjr: You have a home folder. That's where all your stuff goes. You'll probably want to break it down further, with whatever directory structure you'd like. | 07:46 |
enviouz | SomoneSomwhere: are you using the open drivers or restricted ones? | 07:46 |
wols_ | mo0osah: no. glxgears is not a nenchmark or test program for 3D hardware accel | 07:47 |
SomoneSomwhere | enviouz Most likely restricted Im on a live DVD testing things | 07:47 |
wols_ | SomoneSomwhere: what videocard, what driver? | 07:47 |
defrysk | mo0osah, even if I did its not a benchmarker, to check direct rendering do : glxinfo | grep direct | 07:47 |
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eboyjr | Flannel: So I can put something like "docs" in /home/docs? ( is a good idea ) | 07:47 |
mo0osah | ohh ok | 07:47 |
xoqa | help, i have no sound when i play a dvd! | 07:47 |
enviouz | ahh ok. nvm then i was gonna say there are new restricted packages that fix a few bugs available but not in the repos | 07:47 |
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Hazarath | wols_, 'No accelerated IMDCT transform found' | 07:47 |
SomoneSomwhere | wols Radeon 9550 how do i check the Driver | 07:47 |
wols_ | eboyjr: that is not your home directory unless your username is "docs" | 07:47 |
xoqa | i've been trying to fix this for the past hour. | 07:47 |
Flannel | eboyjr: well, your home folder is /home/username/ (or ~/ for short), but yes. docs, or whatever. | 07:47 |
bballin | i have a question what form of linux is pclinuxos | 07:48 |
Flannel | eboyjr: ~/docs/ or ~/work or whatever youd like. | 07:48 |
xoqa | i'm using xubuntu | 07:48 |
wols_ | Hazarath: nothing to do with overlay | 07:48 |
defrysk | bballin, mandriva/mandrake based/rpm | 07:48 |
enviouz | SomoneSomwhere: try fglrxinfo once | 07:48 |
bballin | ok thanx | 07:48 |
wols_ | IMDCT is the discrete cosinsus transformation | 07:48 |
Hazarath | wols_, so, how do I get VLC to play my films again? | 07:48 |
eboyjr | wols_;Flannel; Okay, thanks a lot. | 07:48 |
wols_ | Hazarath: I'd google the error message | 07:49 |
mo0osah | Hazarath: use synaptic or adept and search for vlc? | 07:49 |
SomoneSomwhere | enviouz Its not installed | 07:49 |
mo0osah | make sure everything is there? | 07:49 |
bballin | what is better debain ubuntu or redhat? | 07:49 |
Hazarath | mo0osah, what? I have it installed. o.o;;; | 07:49 |
wols_ | !ati | SomoneSomwhere | 07:49 |
ubotu | SomoneSomwhere: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:49 |
Flannel | bballin: they're different. Which is better for you depends on your needs. | 07:50 |
wols_ | SomoneSomwhere: for your card both the ati and the fglrx driver work. however only ati can use beryl | 07:50 |
defrysk | bballin, take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:50 |
=== zero-9376 [n=zero@220-253-86-65.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
enviouz | ok your using the open drivers then. i cant help there as ive never used them although i dont thihnk they support 3d acceleration | 07:50 |
bballin | ok | 07:50 |
bballin | lol | 07:50 |
wols_ | enviouz: they do | 07:50 |
zero-9376 | does anyone know of a good desktop cms for ubuntu, preferably in repos | 07:50 |
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enviouz | ok sorry about that. i was misinformed | 07:50 |
=== budluva [n=budluva@S010600179a27a377.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hazarath | wols_, it says that's 'normal'. | 07:51 |
SomoneSomwhere | wols Ok then how do i isntall the ATI driver | 07:51 |
Hazarath | wols_, 'Nothing to worry about, just normal output.' | 07:51 |
sapu | hello can anyone help me out with firefox or korean input | 07:51 |
wols_ | SomoneSomwhere: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:51 |
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Frustian | does anybody know how to fix the problem I mentioned before? | 07:51 |
wols_ | Hazarath: paste full output then | 07:51 |
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kailep | hi everybody! | 07:52 |
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zero-9376 | im using my mums win box and cant search synaptic | 07:52 |
enviouz | wols_: the vesa driver is the one that doesnt support 3d then right? just want to get my info straight | 07:52 |
zero-9376 | nothing comes up in the ubuntu package search eitehr | 07:53 |
wols_ | enviouz: yes. vesa is unaccelerated for 3D and 2D | 07:53 |
wols_ | simple framebuffer | 07:53 |
enviouz | ok ty | 07:53 |
Hazarath | wols_, how do I copy the output? | 07:53 |
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wols_ | zero-9376: you can. packages.ubuntu.com | 07:53 |
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zero-9376 | wols_: thats what i meant when i said "nothing comes up in the ubuntu package search eitehr" | 07:54 |
enviouz | wols_: speaking of packages.ubuntu.com what category would nes and ps1 emulators be under? | 07:54 |
zero-9376 | wols_: that sounded harsher than it was | 07:54 |
wols_ | enviouz: none probably since they usually violation the DMCA. also uit has a search facility | 07:55 |
enviouz | ok ty | 07:55 |
CVD | i download pidgin2 source, then auto-apt ./configure, make , checkinstall , after created the .db when installing "error trying to override /user/bin/strip" | 07:55 |
wols_ | zero-9376: I only responded to your "can't use synaptic" | 07:55 |
kailep | whats up! | 07:55 |
=== OSBC|afk [n=Excelsio@b0017-1-82-245-8-168.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Sur] | ||
zero-9376 | enviouz: games and ammusements universe pcsx | 07:55 |
kailep | i have a problem with my ubuntu dapper | 07:55 |
wols_ | !pidgin | 07:55 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 07:55 |
defrysk | CVD, download pidgin from getdeb.net | 07:56 |
enviouz | zero-9376: ty :) | 07:56 |
zero-9376 | wols_: thanks anyway | 07:56 |
CVD | but iwant to do it my self | 07:56 |
CVD | to learn | 07:56 |
defrysk | CVD, good luck then | 07:56 |
kailep | who knows how to install ubuntu feisty with a RADEON X300 graphic card!! | 07:56 |
wols_ | CVD: you don't learn when others fix your problems | 07:56 |
wols_ | !anyone | kailep | 07:56 |
ubotu | kailep: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:56 |
CVD | or telling me how to fixed | 07:57 |
wols_ | !ati | kall | 07:57 |
ubotu | kall: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:57 |
enviouz | kailep: what problem are you facing? be more specific please | 07:57 |
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zero-9376 | CVD: maybe its something to do with gaim being on your system | 07:57 |
lazz0 | wols_, are u getting payed for the support | 07:57 |
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CVD | gaim its no here | 07:57 |
Hazarath | wols_, donno how to copy xterm output. | 07:57 |
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CVD | i purge it | 07:57 |
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SurfnKid | hi guys | 07:58 |
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homerhomer | anyone have the new rhythmbox 11.1 installed? | 07:58 |
SurfnKid | today Im sad | 07:58 |
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SurfnKid | Im on Windows XP trapped and I wont get out of it for another week, how sad :( | 07:58 |
zero-9376 | CVD: sorry thats as far as i can help | 07:58 |
wols_ | CVD: stripis part of binutils. and if your package overrides binutils programgs, it's broken | 07:58 |
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defrysk | SurfnKid, take your sadness to #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:58 |
SurfnKid | defrysk: heh ok | 07:58 |
DrkCodeman | hmm the results on frostwire seem a bit slim | 07:58 |
kailep | well, after i install ubuntu feisty and im in the desktop working, the system fall and i need to restart the system | 07:58 |
Frustian | what are you searching for? it's mainly used for music now afaik | 07:59 |
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CVD | i know that the question is , how to | 07:59 |
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Hazarath | wols_, hazarath@hazarath-desktop:~$ vlc | 08:00 |
Hazarath | VLC media player 0.8.6 Janus | 08:00 |
Hazarath | [00000339] a52 decoder: A/52 channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192000 | 08:00 |
Hazarath | No accelerated IMDCT transform found | 08:00 |
SurfnKid | anyone here have an I6400? | 08:00 |
wols_ | !anyone | SurfnKid | 08:00 |
ubotu | SurfnKid: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:00 |
=== blackest [n=john@cpc1-linc8-0-0-cust536.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zero-9376 | CVD: perhaps you should look at getting the source for the package from getdeb.org maybe they made mods to it or something | 08:01 |
enviouz | DrkCodeman: the p2p scene is pretty much like this. frostwire/limewire = music. amule/emule = any and everything old. torrents = any and everything extremely new | 08:01 |
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SurfnKid | Does anyone have an Dell I6400 that could point me in the right direction as to where to find a howto on the mmc/sd card reader | 08:01 |
DrkCodeman | yep thats what im trying to get | 08:02 |
DrkCodeman | silverchair = little results | 08:02 |
DrkCodeman | eric clapton = little results | 08:02 |
DrkCodeman | now that i am shocked | 08:02 |
wols_ | SurfnKid: check http://www.linux-laptop.net/ http://tuxmobil.org/ | 08:02 |
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Hazarath | wols_, I posted the output. | 08:02 |
SurfnKid | wols_: thanks my friend | 08:02 |
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enviouz | limewire nad frostwire user are natoriously known for not sharing | 08:02 |
wols_ | Hazarath: no error in there :( | 08:02 |
wols_ | DrkCodeman: use a decent p2p network to infringe ocpyright then | 08:03 |
wols_ | DrkCodeman: anyways, this is OT | 08:03 |
phil | hrm, can't seem to find this site again, It has all the different Ubuntu releases on it and how to do things from setting up Samba, to NFS, etc etc etc? anyone know what i'm talking about and know the address of the site? | 08:03 |
DrkCodeman | yep | 08:03 |
DrkCodeman | :) | 08:03 |
DrkCodeman | thanks tho | 08:03 |
Hazarath | wols_, I still get a blue/black screen where it should render the video, tough. | 08:03 |
enviouz | np | 08:03 |
wols_ | phil: ubuntu.com | 08:03 |
enviouz | get amule and give it a go | 08:03 |
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phil | wols_: : no I found it, it was ubuntuguide.com | 08:03 |
wols_ | Hazarath: does7did it work under vesa? | 08:04 |
phil | err .org | 08:04 |
enviouz | also make sure your not firewalled | 08:04 |
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=== Cras2 [n=Crash@c-24-23-51-98.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cras2 | how do i check my mounted filesystems? | 08:04 |
Hazarath | wols_, I... belive so, ya. That was the driver I was using when I tried to install the ATI driver via easy ubuntu. | 08:04 |
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Hazarath | wols_, and, phailed. | 08:05 |
Flannel | Cras2: you want to fsck them? or check to see which ones are mounted or wha? | 08:05 |
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wols_ | Hazarath: don't "believe" check. we're not a faith based distro here. we want facts | 08:05 |
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Hazarath | wols_, Ok, so, how do I enable said driver? | 08:06 |
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wols_ | via dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:06 |
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Cras2 | no | 08:06 |
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Cras2 | just list all my mounted filsystems | 08:06 |
Cras2 | want to check if one is mounted | 08:07 |
enviouz | admin/ system monitor | 08:07 |
Frustian | system->admin->system monitor->third tab if you want a gui of them Cras2 | 08:07 |
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defrysk | Cras2, "mount" | 08:07 |
eRen`Bis | Bonjour! | 08:07 |
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wols_ | !fr | eRen`Bis | 08:08 |
ubotu | eRen`Bis: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 08:08 |
CyberWorld | anyone got any ideas on getting a promise onboard eide raid controller to work? | 08:08 |
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eRen`Bis | ubotu: ok thank's | 08:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ok thank's - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:08 |
coraline | burning it with gasoline and buying a non-promise? | 08:08 |
eRen`Bis | bye | 08:08 |
Kprofthreat | Can anyone help me resize my Windows partition with QTParted? It says active for that one, and the resize option is greyed out. | 08:08 |
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CyberWorld | thing is it has worked out of box with SUSE | 08:09 |
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CyberWorld | so it IS possible | 08:09 |
Dev05 | Kprofthreat, Install ntfsprogs :) | 08:09 |
CyberWorld | like a kernel module or something? | 08:09 |
Frogzoo | Kprofthreat: is it currently mounted? | 08:09 |
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Kprofthreat | Frogzoo: Yes. | 08:10 |
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Frogzoo | Kprofthreat: and just a tip - boot windows & defrag before you go further | 08:10 |
Hazarath | wols_, do I need to re-start x? | 08:10 |
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Kprofthreat | Frogzoo: Already did. | 08:10 |
Hazarath | wols_, After setting up said driver. | 08:10 |
Frogzoo | Kprofthreat: gparted won't touch a mounted file system | 08:10 |
enviouz | Hazarath: startx // | 08:10 |
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wols_ | Hazarath: yes | 08:11 |
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Hazarath | wols_, command didn't work, restarting system. | 08:11 |
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AzMoo | Hey, is there any way to make a partition smaller? | 08:12 |
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Hillview | hi.. anyone familiar with xfce4? I'm trying to figure out why xfdesktop loads and then quits when I log in via gdm. | 08:12 |
B1zz | when i try to run a scrip in the shell i get the following error /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied. Any ideas? | 08:12 |
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AzMoo | B1zz: what are the permissions on your bash executable? | 08:12 |
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B1zz | emm, i am running as root | 08:13 |
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B1zz | is that what you mean? | 08:13 |
Cras2 | how do i mount my cd writer? | 08:13 |
AzMoo | B1zz: no, what are the permissions? ls -l /bin/bash | 08:13 |
wols_ | Cras2: like any other CDROM | 08:13 |
Frogzoo | Kprofthreat: also, you're doing this on feisty?? | 08:13 |
Chikubu | ive lost my gui on start up, i just get a terminal logon now, i log in and do "startx" and it gives me a desktop, but would like the old behaviour back....any ideas? | 08:13 |
Cras2 | i check under system>administration>system moniter>devices | 08:14 |
Cras2 | its not there | 08:14 |
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Kprofthreat | Frogzoo: Roger | 08:14 |
=== Hazarath [n=hazarath@66-233-181-249.kwk.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cras2 | mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0 | 08:14 |
Frogzoo | Chikubu: why isn't /etc/rc2.d/S*gdm running ? | 08:14 |
Cras2 | dosn't work | 08:14 |
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Frogzoo | Kprofthreat: kk, then you're good to go | 08:14 |
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Hazarath | wols_, ok, got video back, but, now thinks refresh poorly. | 08:15 |
Hazarath | Er... things | 08:15 |
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Chikubu | im not sure, i also belive in in the wrong channel its xubuntu | 08:15 |
Cras2 | says block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only and its the wrong fs type bad option bad superblock on /dev/hdc | 08:15 |
Cras2 | wols_: any ideas? | 08:16 |
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Flannel | Cras2: hdc is probably your CDrom drive. Which makes sense for it to be read only | 08:16 |
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Cras2 | Flannel: so do i need to do mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 | 08:17 |
Cras2 | ? | 08:17 |
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Hazarath | wols_, got my post? | 08:18 |
Frustian | Does anybody have any idea why system applications (synaptic, terminal, admin log on prompt) all use square blocks instead of letters? and my beryl suddenly stopped working, creating horrible frame rates, with the cpu at idle. the 3d cube works perfectly, but you can't resize a window. | 08:18 |
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Cras2 | how do i mount my cdrom? | 08:19 |
defrysk | Crane, insert one ? | 08:19 |
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Cras2 | defrysk: dosn | 08:20 |
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Cras2 | doesn't show in my system | 08:20 |
Hazarath | !info ati | 08:20 |
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ubotu | Package ati does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:20 |
Cras2 | and dosn't register | 08:20 |
defrysk | Cras2, have you inserted a cdrom ? | 08:20 |
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Hazarath | !info ati drivers | 08:20 |
Cras2 | yes | 08:20 |
Cras2 | !info mount | 08:20 |
ubotu | Package ati does not exist in feisty | 08:20 |
ubotu | mount: Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems. In component main, is required. Version 2.12r-17ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 182 kB, installed size 404 kB | 08:20 |
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Cras2 | !info cdrom | 08:20 |
ubotu | Package cdrom does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:20 |
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dongs | !info life | 08:21 |
defrysk | Cras2, sudo mount /media/cdrom0 | 08:21 |
ubotu | Package life does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:21 |
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mgsloan | I've upgraded to feisty, but now for some reason with Xinerama, on my secondary screen, the cursor will stick to one image (won't change with rollover). any ideas? | 08:21 |
Jmax | trying to sell ubuntu to my boss: is there anything i can tell him that ubuntu has taht debian doesn't? | 08:21 |
Dev05 | I have just recompiled Nautilus to try something out. Now, I'd like to go back to the original Nautilus because the stock one works in Spatial mode. I have uninstalled Nautilus, rebooted my PC, reinstalled it and restarted again. However, Nautilus still works in Spatial mode and there's no sidebar. Plus, none of the plugins work. How could I fix this? Thanks! | 08:21 |
defrysk | Dev05, define try something out | 08:22 |
mgsloan | The really bizarre part of my issue is that it's just on one screen that this is an issue. Also, since the cursor image's origin is not on where they point, the cursor image jumps around when its supposed to be changing image | 08:22 |
Dev05 | defrysk, I compiled it with support for Tracker. | 08:22 |
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Cras2 | defrysk: that errors | 08:22 |
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defrysk | cras2 what s the error ? (dont past inhere if its a long output) | 08:23 |
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CyberMad | after changing my root password with: sudo passwd on terminal, the user still can login as root use sudo -i, then i remove the administrative capability from System - Administration - Users and Groups, but right now everytime i tried to open Login Window, etc in Administration.. it doesn't ask root password and automatically close.. :( how to fix it? | 08:23 |
Nexus | X failed to load with error "No Screens found" what action should i take? | 08:24 |
cookie | hello anyone | 08:24 |
Cras2 | defrysk: in private message? | 08:24 |
defrysk | Cras2, I have to go for now, sorry | 08:24 |
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defrysk | Cras2, take the erroroutput to pastebin | 08:24 |
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cookie | How do i run java applets on Ubuntu 7.04? | 08:25 |
cookie | It gives me error loading applet | 08:25 |
Flannel | CyberMad: You can't. That's the proper behavior. Your user can't sudo, so it can't ask escilate you for users/groups | 08:25 |
Flannel | CyberMad: the question is, Why do you want to use root instead of sudo? | 08:25 |
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Chikubu | i have no /ect/rc2.d/S#gdm files | 08:25 |
cookie | even tough I have jre installed and the pluggins I can't run Java Applets! PLS HELP | 08:26 |
CyberMad | Flannel i just don't want user can login as root with their own password | 08:26 |
Dev05 | defrysk, Any clue? | 08:26 |
wols_ | CyberMad: remove the user from the admin group then | 08:26 |
sandma1 | how do u install .tar.gz files? | 08:26 |
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Flannel | CyberMad: You know not everyone can, right? Only people in the admin group can do that. | 08:26 |
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Chikubu | hae a s20firestarter and s20hotkey no gdm inbetween | 08:26 |
wols_ | CyberMad: and we don't support root accounts | 08:26 |
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CyberMad | wols_ i see on Users and Groups.. the group of that user is user | 08:27 |
kiosk | sandma1 I think you have to unzip that | 08:27 |
wols_ | CyberMad: groups <user> | 08:27 |
wols_ | Chikubu: ls -al /etc/rc2.d/*gdm*. what shows? | 08:27 |
Flannel | CyberMad: The primary group, there are secondary groups as well. | 08:27 |
CyberMad | ok, now how to fix the problem.. i got the root password | 08:27 |
cookie | can somebody help me pls? | 08:27 |
Frogzoo | Chikubu: no /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm ? | 08:27 |
Frogzoo | Chikubu: you running gnome or kde ? | 08:27 |
kiosk | using possibly gunzip | 08:27 |
wols_ | CyberMad: what problem? | 08:27 |
wols_ | cookie: dpkg -l |grep java | 08:28 |
Chikubu | ah heck i overlooked it, my contacts are blurry | 08:28 |
cookie | es that do? | 08:28 |
sandma1 | how u install songbird? | 08:28 |
Frogzoo | Chikubu: sudo /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm start - that works ? | 08:28 |
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Chikubu | s13gdm | 08:28 |
kiosk | I use Xarchiver for .tar.gz | 08:28 |
wols_ | cookie: if you want to know: man dpkg, man grep | 08:29 |
Frogzoo | sandma1: synaptic ? | 08:29 |
Chikubu | well it gives no errors | 08:29 |
CyberMad | when i click some menu in System - Administration, like Users and Groups, Login Window, Restricted Drivers Manager, it automatically close.. there is "Starting Login Window" on the taskbar, but then dissapear | 08:29 |
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Frogzoo | Chikubu: no errors but doesn't start x ? | 08:29 |
Flannel | CyberMad: that's because you're not allowed to use sudo. Which is what you wanted. | 08:29 |
weltschmerz | what's a procurement system? | 08:29 |
Chikubu | im already running x via startx | 08:29 |
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Frogzoo | weltschmerz: procurement means purchasing | 08:29 |
Chikubu | my issue is boot t ime | 08:29 |
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Chikubu | im not getting a gui boot | 08:30 |
Flannel | CyberMad: what would you prefer happen? What isn't happening like you hink it should? | 08:30 |
Frogzoo | !ops | 08:30 |
Flannel | !ops | 08:30 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 08:30 |
wols_ | !ops | 08:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Frogzoo | Flannel: I win! | 08:30 |
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NickGarve1 | !ops | 08:30 |
Chikubu | nice | 08:30 |
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amsterdam | is it possible to force startup programs to start on specific a workspace ? | 08:30 |
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Hobbsee | !staff | 08:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by nixternal | ||
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ubotu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :) | 08:30 |
nixternal | oh, you got it on moderated | 08:30 |
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Frogzoo | well that was pretty pathetic | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: i went to +m first, as i don thave an alias to the other | 08:31 |
nixternal | hey everyone, bear with us for one moment, we apologize for this | 08:31 |
nixternal | Hobbsee: that is perfect actually, because my rr didn't work at first :) | 08:32 |
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Hobbsee | heh | 08:32 |
=== Neoagent [i=Nexus@adsl-33-122-98.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neoagent | l | 08:33 |
Frogzoo | Chikubu: dunno what's wrong - really hard to tell from here - what did you do to break it ? | 08:33 |
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Neoagent | wols_: I did the FixResolution walkthrough, and now X server wont launch after reboot, no screens, (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration, what can i do to fix this? | 08:33 |
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wols_ | Neoagent: check your Xorg.log then | 08:34 |
Jordan_U | Neoagent, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 08:34 |
Neoagent | how can i do that? | 08:35 |
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Neoagent | it wont let me enter commands or anything | 08:35 |
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Jordan_U | Neoagent, Switch tty's with ctrl+alt+F1 | 08:35 |
Neoagent | ok | 08:35 |
wols_ | Neoagent: grey background with X cursor? | 08:35 |
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kiosk | Any one know how to make WMA play with HelixPlayer | 08:36 |
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Neoagent | wols_: It just asks me if I would like to view the error logs, then i click ok and ok and then it takes me to a black dos-like screen and wont let me enter anythin | 08:36 |
nixternal | SORRY AGAIN EVERYONE! | 08:36 |
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Neoagent | nevermind, it just launched | 08:36 |
Frogzoo | this could get tedious.. | 08:36 |
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Madpilot | Frogzoo, GNAA is generally tedious. | 08:37 |
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nixternal | yes they are...unintelligent morons | 08:37 |
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Neoagent | Jordan_U: what if i just want the config for my monitor? | 08:37 |
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Neoagent | not everything else | 08:37 |
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Jordan_U | Neoagent, What do you mean? | 08:38 |
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robj | for anyone that wants to know the Dell Ubuntu laptop is a phenominal machine for the price | 08:38 |
Neoagent | i dont know, i just want more resolution options :( | 08:38 |
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robj | just got mine today to replace this one and wow what a box | 08:38 |
Neoagent | Samsung Syncmaster 997DF monitor | 08:38 |
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CyberMad | so, how do i open the Users and Groups ?? i can't open it.. | 08:39 |
kiosk | robj whats the specs? | 08:39 |
CyberMad | too bad! :( | 08:39 |
Flannel | CyberMad: You don't. You don't have sudo access. Only root can do that. | 08:39 |
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robj | dual core 1.73 Ghz proc, 1 gig RAM, 15.4" wide display, nVidia 7300LE 256 Meg RAM, 80 HD and DVD burner for $746 | 08:39 |
r0l | hi anyone familiar with git | 08:39 |
wols_ | r0l: stop the spam | 08:39 |
CyberMad | Flannel i know the root password.. because i set it with sudo passwd | 08:39 |
robj | thing is a monster | 08:40 |
robj | fast | 08:40 |
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robj | slick | 08:40 |
Myrtti | CyberMad: good luck | 08:40 |
Flannel | CyberMad: root is an entirely different system than sudo. | 08:40 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@206-173-105-105.nat.dsl.apci.net *!*@adsl-69-149-35-192.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net *!*@p5085E8C3.dip.t-dialin.net *!*@] by gnomefreak | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
wols_ | r0l: stop the spam already | 08:40 |
r0l | wols_, spam? | 08:40 |
kiosk | not to bad | 08:40 |
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wols_ | r0l: sorry. was for robj | 08:40 |
Flannel | CyberMad: Why did you want to disable sudo and set the root password to begin with? | 08:40 |
gnomefreak | r0l: join #ubuntu-offtopic please if you want to talk about non support topics | 08:40 |
r0l | wols_, okay :) | 08:41 |
wols_ | Flannel: I'd simply wouldn't support such an endeavour. "there be dragon", he is on his own | 08:41 |
kiosk | crap thats awesome | 08:41 |
gnomefreak | damn | 08:41 |
linux_user400354 | is it possible to encrypt a file with gpg and have the recipient as yourself, lose your keys, regenerate keys using the same paraphrase, and then decrypt those files? | 08:41 |
gnomefreak | robj: join #ubuntu-offtopic please | 08:41 |
wols_ | linux_user400354: no | 08:41 |
bluebanana | is it possible for the whole world (not just the computing world) to run in the way ubunt is running: free? | 08:41 |
robj | I will | 08:41 |
robj | just thought I would share | 08:41 |
Frogzoo | linux_user400354: nope - you lose your private key - game over | 08:41 |
=== Skycloud [n=jason@pool-71-111-89-217.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | wols_: Well, the ultimate outcome is that he's probably looking to use sudo anyway. He just doesn't know it. This isn't a rtfm room, if you dont want to help, that's fine. You don't need to be detrimental either. | 08:42 |
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Frogzoo | linux_user400354: heh - that's the point of encryption :) | 08:42 |
wols_ | bluebanana: OT. and ubuntu is not "running free". watch less free willy please | 08:42 |
Skycloud | Where can I get themes for my windows? | 08:42 |
Madpilot | linux_user400354, no - gpg/pgp don't use the passphrase to generate the key | 08:42 |
Frogzoo | !themes | Skycloud | 08:42 |
ubotu | Skycloud: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 08:42 |
kiosk | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:42 |
kiosk | oops | 08:42 |
wols_ | Flannel: we don't support root passwords here | 08:42 |
bluebanana | wols_, do you want to talk somewhere else? | 08:42 |
bricef | pwd | 08:42 |
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bluebanana | join #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:42 |
wols_ | bluebanana: with you? no | 08:42 |
bluebanana | sniff | 08:43 |
bluebanana | 8-( | 08:43 |
bluebanana | ok. | 08:43 |
r0l | gnomefreak, i meant to ask about git on ubuntu | 08:43 |
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wols_ | r0l: he had the same problem as I did. | 08:43 |
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wols_ | r0l: don't ask to ask or ask "anyone" questions. ask your real question | 08:43 |
BamBam_ | good morning all | 08:44 |
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CyberMad | Flannel ok, i did something wrong.. last time i messed up with term sudo and root.. now i understand.. sudo is super user do *something*, and root just an account that have high privileges.. but now, how do i fix my ubuntu? | 08:44 |
r0l | wols_, yeah sorry | 08:44 |
Flannel | CyberMad: Right. And not each user needs to be able to use sudo. (Even then, just having sudo access doesn't mean you can do everything, it's confirable on a program by program basis, if you'd like). | 08:44 |
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Flannel | CyberMad: in a terminal (root terminal, since we need access), usermod -G admin -a [username] where [uesrname] is your user. | 08:45 |
CyberMad | ok | 08:45 |
deadman | hy all | 08:46 |
CyberMad | ok, it's works now.. | 08:46 |
deadman | italian? | 08:46 |
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wols_ | don't message people out of the blue | 08:46 |
r0l | when i try "git config", it reports config is not a git command. | 08:46 |
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JasonAllen | deadman: hi | 08:46 |
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Dev05 | So, does anybody have any ideas on how to fix my Nautilus? | 08:46 |
wols_ | CyberMad: you also should remove the password you set for root | 08:46 |
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Flannel | CyberMad: now, close the root terminal, and in a regular terminal, `sudo passwd -l root` | 08:46 |
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Dev05 | I can re-post the question if anyone is interested :) | 08:47 |
CyberMad | wols_ Flannel, thanks for your understanding.. i'm new on ubuntu | 08:47 |
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Flannel | CyberMad: yeah, it happens. We get that a lot, actually. | 08:48 |
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wols_ | Dev05: how did yo uninstall it? did you purge? also what are your own nautilus /your user's) configs? tried it witha new account? | 08:48 |
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Neoagent | Once I edit a file in nano, how do i save it? | 08:49 |
Dev05 | wols_, Mmm... I was thinking about that. Should I also dpkg --purge nautilus instead of using Synaptic? | 08:49 |
Flannel | Neoagent: ctrl-O, and ctrl-X exits | 08:49 |
wols_ | Neoagent: see "write out" | 08:49 |
wols_ | Dev05: my guess is your self compiled nautilus set a setting which the ubuntu one still obeys | 08:50 |
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Dev05 | wols_, But the weird thing is that even after re-installing the plugins they still don't work. I'll try purging anyway. I'll come back in around ten minutes and I'll tell you if it worked. Thanks! | 08:51 |
=== UbuntuServerUser [n=Zach@adsl-68-126-60-6.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skycloud | How do I install themes? | 08:51 |
UbuntuServerUser | is there a way to find out what is mounted via CLI? | 08:51 |
Flannel | Dev05: You should check gconf | 08:51 |
Flannel | UbuntuServerUser: `mount` | 08:51 |
wols_ | Dev05: use a new account to test | 08:51 |
wols_ | UbuntuServerUser: just run "mount" | 08:51 |
UbuntuServerUser | thanks lol | 08:51 |
Skycloud | nvm | 08:51 |
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ko12upt | hey guys i need some help what is the url to the main repo server | 08:52 |
Flannel | !mirrors | ko12upt | 08:52 |
ubotu | ko12upt: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 08:52 |
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Dev05 | Flannel, gconf has no effect. | 08:53 |
Flannel | ko12upt: Second link there has all the mirrors (any mirror is just as good as the others, pick one close to you) | 08:53 |
ko12upt | k | 08:53 |
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Flannel | Dev05: it'd be a setting in gconf. If there's a spatial toggle, or whatnot. Are you sure your compiled version is gone and not being run? | 08:54 |
CyberMad | Flannel ok, how to remove sudo access for User, is this correct? at: System - Administration - Users and Groups ? | 08:54 |
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Flannel | CyberMad: remove them from the 'admin' group. But, any user past the first shouldn't be admin by default. | 08:54 |
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CyberMad | ok :) | 08:54 |
Dev05 | Flannel, Well, when I uninstalled Nautilus and rebooted the PC, I got a error message telling me that Nautilus wasn't there, so I guess that it was gone. | 08:55 |
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Flannel | Dev05: did you purge the nautilus that was under package management? | 08:55 |
Dev05 | Flannel, Nope. That's what wols_ said, so I'll try that now. | 08:56 |
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ko12upt | flannel those urls are for the software? i dont need the operating system its self just the software for ubuntu im using Dam small linux and it has apt-get and im pretty sure i can use your software on this os | 08:56 |
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Flannel | Dev05: you'll need to do that, because that'll remove the config files (and then the config files will be reinstalled once you reinstall the package), otherwise you'll be using old config files | 08:56 |
Dev05 | Flannel, OK. I'm doing that right now. Thank you! | 08:57 |
Flannel | ko12upt: yes. Those are for the repositories. You want from the top section, "mirror mirrors", as opposed to CD orDVD images. | 08:57 |
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ko12upt | thank you | 08:58 |
=== [IFMO] Mr_D [n=savant@ip82-153-103-91.cust.generalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dev05 | Flannel, I was just thinking: What does that option in Synaptic that says "Completely Remove" do? Doesn't it purge the packages too? | 08:58 |
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Madpilot | Dev05, that removes the config files (dotfiles) too | 08:59 |
Flannel | Dev05: yeah, complete removal is synaptics purge. | 08:59 |
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Dev05 | Flannel, Madpilot, Because that's what I had done... I'll be right back (rebooting). | 08:59 |
zero-9377 | i need some help with acpi on my latpop, the fan starts off spinning no matter what the temp, i used some old guides to set the trip_points at boot but the termperature never gets to those points because the fan is on full blast, if i lower the temps then it reaches them but the slower fan speed means it doesnt reach the off state again | 08:59 |
zero-9377 | what i was considering was a sleep 60 in the script i run to set these paramaters but would that slow the whole boot down, its /etc/acpi/start.d/settrip.sh | 09:00 |
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=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-219-96.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CVD | yep the latest checkinstall has a bug | 09:02 |
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=== Ademan [n=dan@h-68-164-170-176.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CVD | thats why my .deb have error | 09:02 |
enviouz | im trying to install fakenes but im getting error: dependency is not satisfiable: libalut0. any clues? libalut0 is installed | 09:02 |
bruenig | just package it yourself, checkinstall is a very simply script | 09:02 |
bruenig | simple* | 09:02 |
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davina | enviouz, tring install libalut0-dev if it exists | 09:03 |
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Flannel | enviouz: fakenes isn't in the repositories. So it might be looking for a different version of libalut, or something akin to that. Which repository are you installing fakenes from? | 09:03 |
enviouz | actually i d/l it from a link i found in the ubuntu forum. http://www.fbriere.net/debian/nes-emu/sid/ | 09:04 |
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-063-058.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DST51598 | I would like to ask anybody about translation. | 09:04 |
Flannel | enviouz: Ah. That's for debian sid. So that makes sense. | 09:04 |
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enviouz | ahh ok ic. maybe ill try once more to compile it myself. | 09:05 |
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=== NeoGeo64 [n=nine11@adsl-068-209-123-016.sip.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DST51598 | Where I could find the way translation is handled in Ubuntu | 09:06 |
ko12upt | where is the server.list located at in ubuntu | 09:06 |
Flannel | ko12upt: /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:06 |
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ko12upt | :) | 09:06 |
ko12upt | thank you again | 09:06 |
=== CVD [n=cvd@adsl-64-237-224-106.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oasisfai | quit | 09:07 |
CVD | why my update manager say "partial upgrade"? | 09:07 |
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davina | ko12upt, in a console type: find / -name "server.list" -print and when it finds it it will tell you where it is. | 09:07 |
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Jordan_U | CVD, Are you running Gutsy or do you use any third party repositories? | 09:10 |
CVD | feisty | 09:10 |
Jordan_U | CVD, Are you using any third party repositories? | 09:10 |
CVD | nop | 09:11 |
CVD | it want to installl the thing i deleted | 09:11 |
CVD | removed | 09:11 |
Jordan_U | CVD, What did you remove? | 09:11 |
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DST51598 | where is spanish | 09:11 |
Jordan_U | !sp | DST51598 | 09:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:12 |
magnetron | !es | DST51598 | 09:12 |
ubotu | DST51598: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:12 |
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DST51598 | Thanks. | 09:12 |
NickGarve1 | wonder what busca mean | 09:12 |
=== RivaeAerya [n=robin@h8441230009.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CVD | totem ekiga gaim | 09:12 |
NickGarve1 | I know the rest | 09:12 |
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CVD | rhytmbox | 09:13 |
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SFX-Bladerunner | if I burn ubuntu to a disc, do I have to make it bootable in the burner, or does the iso contain a boot section on itself? | 09:13 |
CVD | the update want to install it again | 09:13 |
CVD | i dont wan it | 09:13 |
NickGarve1 | SFX-Bladerunner: it will just be recognized as bootable | 09:13 |
NickGarve1 | SFX-Bladerunner: JUST MAKE SURE | 09:13 |
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NickGarve1 | SFX-Bladerunner: that you burn it as an iso, not as a file | 09:13 |
SFX-Bladerunner | make sure? | 09:13 |
SFX-Bladerunner | lol yeh | 09:14 |
themoebius | how can i force a reload of a page in firefox without clearing my cache? | 09:14 |
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NickGarve1 | without? just normal f5.. | 09:14 |
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NickGarve1 | shift f5 reloads and clearl the cache | 09:14 |
coolwatch | somebody with a logitech g15 working on ubuntu? | 09:14 |
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CVD | how to make a compiled .deb that install the menu (internet,office etc..) | 09:14 |
CVD | ? | 09:14 |
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SFX-Bladerunner | NickGarve1 do I burn in joliet or in ISO level 1 or ISO levl 2? | 09:15 |
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NickGarve1 | SFX-Bladerunner: what program you using? | 09:15 |
felixhummel | hi! how do you extract dvd-audio with command line tools? | 09:15 |
=== lukeperry [n=lukeperr@ppp121-45-109-203.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | !burn | SFX-Bladerunner | 09:15 |
ubotu | SFX-Bladerunner: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 09:15 |
lukeperry | does anyone know anything about linux audio? | 09:16 |
CVD | i already create the pidgin .deb but after installed work great, but its not the menu | 09:16 |
lukeperry | i need to get the spdif working on my soundcard | 09:16 |
lukeperry | just wondering whats involved | 09:16 |
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lukeperry | normal audio works fine | 09:16 |
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yoshi | hi anyone here? | 09:17 |
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NickGarve1 | yup | 09:18 |
=== Dev05 [n=hernan@bas1-montreal28-1168072198.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Jordan_U | CVD, Why not use the .deb from getdeb.org? | 09:18 |
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yoshi | i am havig a problem with the closed nvidia drivers. when i install them ubuntu boots to black. if i dont use them i dont get any hardware acceleration | 09:18 |
Dev05 | wols_, Flannel, OK, half of it works, that is, there's no more spatial mode. Now, it closes down and another window appears with the folder I selected. The plugins work, but it's still messed up... | 09:19 |
cirkit | will emerge be ported to Ubuntu soon? | 09:19 |
CVD | so i have to wait for someone to get the prog i want? | 09:19 |
cirkit | I don't like apt-get much | 09:19 |
CVD | i wanna make it my self | 09:19 |
Jordan_U | cirkit, I really doubt it | 09:19 |
yoshi | i have tried using envy | 09:19 |
yoshi | and it failed | 09:19 |
bruenig | CVD, if you want to make it yourself, know what you are doing | 09:19 |
=== Weiss [n=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | CVD, menu files are placed in /usr/share/applications | 09:19 |
cirkit | bruenig, you use ubuntu too? | 09:19 |
cirkit | lol | 09:19 |
Jordan_U | yoshi, Did you try restricted manager? | 09:19 |
bruenig | I have used nearly everything | 09:19 |
Madpilot | cirkit, um, Ubuntu is Debian-based... apt-get is kind of central. | 09:19 |
lazz0 | bruenig, and whats ur favourite | 09:20 |
bruenig | arch | 09:20 |
CVD | the only thing i dont know its, to create a shortcut in the menu automatically | 09:20 |
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CVD | after instaling the packages | 09:20 |
bruenig | CVD, add a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications | 09:20 |
magnetron | !enter | 09:20 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:20 |
yoshi | you mean the manual thing in the ubuntu system menu? yeah | 09:20 |
yoshi | thats what i tried the first time | 09:20 |
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bruenig | CVD, go in there, open up firefox.desktop or something, something that is already in the network category and just edit the fields | 09:20 |
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bruenig | change Firefox to Pidgin for instance | 09:21 |
animesh | which will be better for data transferring using ftp ftpd or vsftpd | 09:22 |
animesh | please suggest | 09:22 |
=== luca____ [n=Luca@host210-81-dynamic.21-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | those are all different implementations of the same protocol, one a client and two different servers | 09:22 |
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ohzir | I know this isn't the vmware channel, but if anyone has any guesses that would be great. | 09:23 |
ohzir | http://pastebin.com/938122 | 09:23 |
ohzir | :) | 09:23 |
CVD | i know to add a shrotcut, i know the packages add the shortcut automatically after install the warever packages | 09:23 |
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=== Ohzier is now known as Ohzie | ||
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bruenig | CVD, they add .desktop files to /usr/share/applications | 09:23 |
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yoshi | noone have a solution or any ideas? | 09:23 |
bruenig | CVD, pidgin probably drops one in /usr/local/share/applications unless you compiled it with --prefix=/usr | 09:23 |
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Ohzie | yoshi: what video card. | 09:24 |
Ohzie | ? | 09:24 |
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yoshi | a geforce 8800 gts | 09:25 |
CVD | again, how to make the packages add the shortcut automatically | 09:25 |
animesh | i want to mean for server ftpd or vsftpd | 09:26 |
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bruenig | CVD, I just told you, create a .desktop file | 09:27 |
Flannel | animesh: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/ftp-server.html | 09:27 |
aikidoc | Hello, how do I make my s video out working on travelmate 2480? | 09:27 |
SFX-Bladerunner | do I have to finalize the disc? | 09:27 |
SFX-Bladerunner | when I write it? | 09:27 |
bruenig | CVD, although I would imagine that pidgin already has one | 09:27 |
bruenig | most gui apps do | 09:27 |
Madpilot | SFX-Bladerunner, probably. Which app is this that makes burning a basic ISO so complicated? | 09:27 |
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aikidoc | anybody who knows how to make the s-video out in laptop work? | 09:28 |
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CVD | pidgin not have one in the category internet | 09:28 |
SFX-Bladerunner | CDburnerXP Pro | 09:28 |
babo | Could not find information on interface eth1:avahi in /proc/net/dev ... my internet connection has stopped working all of a sudden ... | 09:28 |
SFX-Bladerunner | free program | 09:28 |
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SFX-Bladerunner | cba to install nero | 09:28 |
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animesh | actually i have install one by one but don't able to connect with remote machine | 09:28 |
bruenig | CVD, perhaps I am misunderstanding you, explain exactly what is going on | 09:28 |
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aikidoc | how do you make the "s-video out" work in laptop? | 09:28 |
Flannel | animesh: That page tells you how to configure too. | 09:29 |
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bruenig | babo, does ifconfig give any information on it, ip address or anything? | 09:29 |
aikidoc | how do you make the "s-video out" work in acer laptop? | 09:29 |
bruenig | !repeat | aikidoc | 09:30 |
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ubotu | aikidoc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:30 |
ville_ | Anyone here with philips 170s4, or equivalent, TFT? Can't seem to google any help regarding how to set X to work with it at 1280x1028. | 09:30 |
SFX-Bladerunner | !patience | 09:30 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 09:30 |
babo | bruenig: The interface seems to be there in /proc/net/dev but it loses 100% of it's packets. In 'ifconfig /all' I get "error fetching interface information, device not found" | 09:30 |
SFX-Bladerunner | lolz | 09:30 |
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=== Zenji [n=computer@cpe-76-190-178-27.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aikidoc | ok sorry | 09:30 |
aikidoc | :-) | 09:30 |
Zenji | Hi | 09:30 |
angel12 | hey guys, on my wifi i use wep, but everytime i reboot/ login i have to type in a password to unlock the keyring, is there a way to do this automagically? | 09:30 |
bruenig | babo, just ifconfig with no arguments, what does it give you | 09:30 |
babo | bruenig: but ifconfig seems to work OK. | 09:30 |
Flannel | angel12: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager#head-41669d33dd37ace3464ac217a60ffac444fff514 | 09:31 |
babo | bruenig, ah sorry, maybe i was thinking of windows ipconfig /all | 09:31 |
yoshi | has anyone else ever had this problem? | 09:31 |
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Zenji | I have a question. How do I play .mpg files. I have Totem, extracodecs, and a bunch of other things installed and it wont work. | 09:32 |
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bruenig | babo, what I generally would do is just sort of a check and do "sudo ifconfig $interface down" "sudo ifconfig $interface up" "sudo dhclient $interface" | 09:32 |
ko12upt | how would i upgrade my kernel from apt-get i have 2.4.26 as my kernel now i would like the latest | 09:32 |
bruenig | replace $interface | 09:32 |
ville_ | angel12: One possibility is to put the passworkd to /etc/network/interfaces, I had to do that to get my wlan to work at all. | 09:32 |
bruenig | assuming you are on dhcp also | 09:32 |
Zenji | I have a question. How do I play .mpg files. I have Totem, extracodecs, and a bunch of other things installed and it wont work. | 09:32 |
bruenig | Zenji, mpgs should play without codecs | 09:32 |
ville_ | angel12: nevermind you were given a link of some sort already | 09:32 |
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Zenji | Its not tho. | 09:32 |
Flannel | ko12upt: 2.4.26? Are you sure? What OS are you running? | 09:32 |
bruenig | Zenji, how many mpgs have you tried? | 09:32 |
ko12upt | dsl | 09:32 |
ko12upt | dam small linux | 09:33 |
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Zenji | A few so far. | 09:33 |
Flannel | ko12upt: Ah. Well, You'd have to ask DSL people. This is #ubuntu | 09:33 |
Zenji | 4 about.. | 09:33 |
bruenig | Zenji, what happens when you try | 09:33 |
babo | bruenig: which config files should I be looking at for this ? Which config files control the ethernet interface ? what's eth1:avahi ? | 09:33 |
ko12upt | flannel apt-get insall kernel-2.6? how would you do it in ubuntu | 09:33 |
bruenig | babo, I don't really get avahi stuff and don't use it. Just type all of that stuff at the terminal and see if you can get a connection | 09:34 |
Flannel | ko12upt: In Ubuntu, you already have 2.6, `linux-generic` is the metapackage | 09:34 |
bruenig | babo, eth1 is probably our interface though | 09:34 |
ko12upt | dsl peeps are posers they just sit in the channel and never anser | 09:34 |
grindz | Do you know why after kernel upgrading , Ubuntu remix sd# devices and mounting started to be onvalid? | 09:34 |
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babo | bruenig: k thanks ... | 09:34 |
Zenji | Says "Streaming" and nothing happens... and the other one it gives some error for codecs and such....... | 09:34 |
ko12upt | aww | 09:35 |
bruenig | Zenji, where are you getting these mpgs? | 09:35 |
Zenji | Torrentspy | 09:35 |
Flannel | ko12upt: why are you on DSL trying to upgrade to Ubuntu anyway? Why not just install Ubuntu? | 09:35 |
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bruenig | Zenji, hmmm, been a long time since I used that but certain parts of that site are iffy in terms of quality, mostly spyware and crap | 09:35 |
CVD | i compiled the pidgin source and installed, all work great, but pidgin dont add a shortcut to the category internet, so how make a packages to add a shortcut in the proper category? | 09:35 |
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angel12 | Flannel, thanks bro | 09:36 |
Flannel | CVD: You'd have to have that file (the shortcut file) be a part of the package | 09:36 |
Zenji | Well meh | 09:36 |
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bruenig | CVD, are you packaging it? like with make install DESTDIR and all that goodness | 09:37 |
kjw | I am trying to install ubuntu feisty, the livecd starts to load, but then says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" it then gives me a prompt that says: initramfs, this is being installed on a new asus laptop. What might the problem be? | 09:37 |
ko12upt | flannel im not trying to upgrade to ubuntu im trying to install .deb package but it requires a more modern kernel :( dsl is a deb based system | 09:37 |
babo | what are the wireless networking commands that I should use with linux ? How do I detect a wireless network and get info on it ? | 09:37 |
=== desti [n=desti@p5B01B37C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CVD | yep packgin it | 09:37 |
bruenig | CVD, pidgin ships with a .desktop by the way, I just downloaded the source | 09:38 |
Flannel | ko12upt: if you upgrade the kernel, youre going to have to upgrade a bunch of other stuff too. You might be better off getting the deb source and trying to compile it. | 09:38 |
bruenig | CVD, but anyways, drop it in the DESTDIR in /usr/share/applications | 09:38 |
ko12upt | aww yea that might actually work | 09:38 |
CVD | auto-apt run /.configure, make, checkinstall | 09:38 |
bruenig | checkinstall is not packaging really | 09:38 |
CVD | not shurtcut in the category internet | 09:38 |
CVD | :-( | 09:39 |
=== puffy-san [n=centraln@dsl-jklgw3-fe14df00-200.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SFX-Bladerunner | !burn | 09:39 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 09:39 |
=== Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | CVD, check in /usr/local/share/applications/pidgin.desktop | 09:39 |
fisons | !chat | 09:41 |
ubotu | Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 09:41 |
=== twisties [n=twisties@203-214-96-215.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CVD | yep after runing the pidgin.desktop the shurtcut apear in the category internet without the pidgin icon | 09:41 |
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bruenig | you don't run it | 09:41 |
bruenig | CVD, sudo update-desktop-database | 09:41 |
twisties | ok, i've got a question. Friend has installed nVidia driver but it'd giving him an error when starting gnome | 09:42 |
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twisties | i had the same thing a while ago with generic kernel conflict or something but cant remember how i fixed it | 09:42 |
bruenig | !enter | 09:42 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:42 |
fisons | twisties, same here ... | 09:42 |
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twisties | fisons: got the same problem? or also had to fix it? anyone know how to overcome it? | 09:43 |
bruenig | because ubuntu is a discrete release distro, I would honestly just lock down the kernel and nvidia drivers once you get them installed | 09:43 |
fisons | twisties, dmesg says: "nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel." | 09:43 |
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twisties | ? | 09:43 |
fisons | twisties, i did the following (bit annoying, but it works) | 09:43 |
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lukeperry | guys | 09:44 |
fisons | created a small script called "gdm.sh", containing: | 09:44 |
lukeperry | what sort of specs are you looking at to run xgl? | 09:44 |
magnetron | !enter | fisons | 09:44 |
ubotu | fisons: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:44 |
fisons | #!/bin/sh | 09:44 |
fisons | sudo rmmod nvidia && | 09:44 |
fisons | sudo modprobe nvidia && | 09:44 |
fisons | sudo killall gdm && | 09:44 |
fisons | sudo gdm | 09:44 |
anathematic | decent text editor for ubuntu? (i'm use to textmate on mac with coloured syntax / ability to have multiple folders in tabs) | 09:44 |
bruenig | why would you put sudo in a script? | 09:45 |
SFX-Bladerunner | man I hate my old hd | 09:45 |
bruenig | just call the thing with sudo | 09:45 |
SFX-Bladerunner | its broken as hell | 09:45 |
SFX-Bladerunner | damn bad sectors | 09:45 |
magnetron | anathematic: gedit has syntax highlightning | 09:45 |
SFX-Bladerunner | the ubuntu image file was on a bad sector.. so it wouldnt write lol | 09:45 |
fisons | twisties, you have to remove the nvidia-module via rmmod, reinsert it and restart gdm... | 09:45 |
lukeperry | ive got an xp2200, 768mb ram, geforce 4 ti 4400. is it possible to run xgl transparently? or will it have a noticeable bloating effect? | 09:45 |
bruenig | anathematic, vim is good | 09:45 |
xbadger | anathematic: kate is the best but comes with kde | 09:45 |
Flannel | anathematic: most editors in Linux have syntax highlighting, it's pretty standard. | 09:45 |
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fisons | twisties, its not a nice solution, but it works | 09:45 |
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bruenig | lukeperry, it will do alright | 09:45 |
bruenig | lukeperry, go to #ubuntu-effects | 09:46 |
magnetron | anathematic: gedit has tab support too | 09:46 |
bruenig | kate is the best? | 09:46 |
twisties | is it a permanent solution? | 09:46 |
lukeperry | ta | 09:46 |
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fisons | twisties, dont hope so... | 09:46 |
nuked_omen | how can i turn off automount for external media? | 09:46 |
xbadger | :) | 09:46 |
bruenig | nuked_omen, edit them out of the /etc/fstab | 09:46 |
fisons | i'm also looking for a better solution | 09:46 |
twisties | fisons: Is that a yes or no? | 09:46 |
bruenig | nuked_omen, or do you mean when you plug them in | 09:46 |
anathematic | haha lots of choices | 09:46 |
twisties | I remember installing a different kernel or something | 09:46 |
fisons | twisties, for now its a yes | 09:47 |
twisties | i honestly dont remember | 09:47 |
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bruenig | how is kate the best? | 09:47 |
nuked_omen | bruenig: sometimes i plug them in, sometimes i turn on the computer when they are connected | 09:47 |
Flannel | bruenig: it's not, don't worry | 09:47 |
twisties | fisons: ok is it going to screw anything else up? is it reversible? I only ask because this friend with the problem is a first time linux user | 09:47 |
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nuked_omen | but i don't want anything to mount until i say so | 09:47 |
xbadger | guys i have a problem with the screen, is off center on my monitor | 09:47 |
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slacker | hi | 09:47 |
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fisons | twisties, nope, everything else is fine | 09:48 |
slacker | where does ubuntu define it's default $PATH? | 09:48 |
twisties | xbadger: That's what the buttons on the monitor are for | 09:48 |
bruenig | nuked_omen, disable hal, what is the command, rc.update or something like that | 09:48 |
bruenig | slacker, should do it in /etc/profile | 09:48 |
fisons | i use this method since weeks now in a dual-tft-setup without any problems | 09:48 |
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Flannel | slacker: why? you want to add to it? To that as a user thing. in your bash configs | 09:48 |
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xbadger | yes twisties, you're funny but i dual booting with windows | 09:48 |
slacker | bruenig: I read that on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneTruePath but my /etc/profile doesn't have it | 09:48 |
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fisons | only thing that sucks is calling ./gdm.sh each time after gdm crashed because the missing nvidia-module | 09:48 |
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slacker | Flannel: I want to add to every user profile | 09:49 |
xbadger | and everytime I reboot I must adjust my screen | 09:49 |
Flannel | slacker: so... put a bashrc file in the skeleton dir? | 09:49 |
bruenig | slacker, read the /etc/profile, it probably sources other things, see those sourced things until you find where it is coming from, but it is at the very least sourced in /etc/profile | 09:49 |
xbadger | in dapper I have no problem | 09:49 |
xbadger | just in festy | 09:49 |
xbadger | I guess is because the new xorg package | 09:49 |
slacker | Flannel: I want to add it to existing ones without having to make them update their .bashrc | 09:50 |
Flannel | slacker: fair enough. | 09:50 |
SFX-Bladerunner | !burn | 09:50 |
bruenig | slacker, do grep -R PATH /etc/* | 09:50 |
twisties | xbadger: Im using windows on a dual boot with Edgy and i've got no problems | 09:50 |
slacker | bruenig: it sources /etc/bash.bashrc | 09:50 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 09:50 |
slacker | bruenig: I did grep for PATH and it came up with bash_completion, which I don't use | 09:50 |
bruenig | slacker, do my recursive grep command | 09:50 |
slacker | so I thought, before I add a completely new PATH = line to bash.basrh I ask you guys :) | 09:51 |
bruenig | slacker, it has to be somewhere, does that recursive grep give you anything? | 09:51 |
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slacker | bruenig: I'm just reading the result. it's got a lot of /etc/alternatives/ which I can probably ignore, right? | 09:52 |
xbadger | thanks anyway twisties | 09:52 |
xbadger | I didn't find a solution on forums | 09:52 |
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bruenig | slacker, I think so, grep -Rl PATH /etc/* might give you cleaner output | 09:53 |
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twisties | lol, little annoyances like that are the reason I still use windows aswell | 09:53 |
twisties | that and my windows gaming | 09:53 |
SFX-Bladerunner | windows gaming ftw =0 | 09:53 |
slacker | how about /etc/environment | 09:53 |
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fisons | xbadger, do you use any special resolutions in xorg? are there any modelines in your yourg.conf? | 09:53 |
=== barnie [n=barnie@dumme-menschen.haben-die.ubermacht.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twisties | I did try Postal 2 on ubuntu yesterday | 09:53 |
slacker | no, that's not it | 09:53 |
SFX-Bladerunner | though I can play my fav game, EVE Online, on linux =) | 09:53 |
bruenig | /etc/environment doesn't | 09:53 |
twisties | looked absolutely fantastic | 09:53 |
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twisties | but my sound didnt work | 09:54 |
slacker | I'm missing /usr/local/bin for some reason | 09:54 |
SFX-Bladerunner | or atleast, I think I can lol | 09:54 |
=== TehFallen [n=asdads@cpe-74-67-150-212.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | slacker, is there an /etc/profile.d directory? | 09:54 |
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FallenA | dang | 09:54 |
slacker | bruenig: no | 09:54 |
bruenig | hmmm | 09:54 |
FallenA | the gaming channel is invite only? | 09:54 |
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FallenA | can someone invite me there? | 09:54 |
bruenig | maybe it is /etc/alternatives then, there has to be something like that | 09:55 |
bruenig | so that apps can modify different environment variables | 09:55 |
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bruenig | when installed | 09:55 |
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CVD | how i add a short to the main menu with a script? | 09:55 |
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SFX-Bladerunner | btw, whats the differences between ubuntu kubuntu and edubuntu? | 09:55 |
slacker | there's no /etc/alternatives/bash* | 09:55 |
bruenig | CVD, have a script write a .desktop and put it in /usr/share/applications | 09:55 |
=== codename [n=codename@c-67-170-240-150.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codename | hey | 09:56 |
bruenig | SFX-Bladerunner, ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde, edubuntu is gnome too but with a bunch of educational games and such | 09:56 |
codename | I just bought a new laptop and im having some wireless issues | 09:56 |
SFX-Bladerunner | and whats the difference between gnome and kde? | 09:56 |
bruenig | !enter | 09:56 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:56 |
bruenig | SFX-Bladerunner, look on wikipedia | 09:56 |
SFX-Bladerunner | lol k | 09:56 |
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bruenig | they give really in depth is the only reason | 09:56 |
codename | I just bought a new laptop and im having some wireless issues | 09:56 |
bruenig | codename, card? | 09:57 |
slacker | ah crap. I just put it in /etc/bash.bashrc wth | 09:57 |
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codename | 802.11 b/g | 09:57 |
xbadger | thanks for asking fisons, I don't use any special resolution, is the 1024x768@85 Hz wich works fine on my monitor.you see the problem is somehow from xorg because in old dapper version everything wwas fine with same settings. I add the correct modeline using xvidtune but anytime i reboot the settings are lost. somehow the sequence modeline is bypassed in xorg.conf | 09:57 |
bruenig | codename, what is the card | 09:57 |
=== Kagar [n=Kagar@24-113-52-159.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codename | 802.11 b/g | 09:57 |
codename | Thats the CARD | 09:57 |
bruenig | that is not the card | 09:57 |
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codename | and I have Linksys router | 09:57 |
Kagar | I just need a second approval on if this is the correct configuration for my fstab | 09:58 |
Kagar | http://pastebin.com/938145 | 09:58 |
Kagar | on line 14 | 09:58 |
codename | how do i find out the card | 09:58 |
fisons | xbadger, did you try disabling the modeline? | 09:58 |
CVD | pidgin its already there | 09:58 |
bruenig | codename, if you just bought the laptop, seems like that would be something you know | 09:58 |
xbadger | yes with no luck | 09:58 |
CVD | in /usr/share/applications | 09:58 |
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Kagar | codename: system > pref > hardware info | 09:58 |
codename | thanks | 09:58 |
slacker | bruenig: alright, that did it. thanks for your effort : | 09:58 |
slacker | :) | 09:58 |
slacker | bruenig: but /usr/local/bin *should* be in the default path shouldn't it ? | 09:59 |
slacker | for feisty | 09:59 |
bruenig | slacker, yes | 09:59 |
slacker | good | 09:59 |
slacker | have a good one. cya | 09:59 |
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kjw | exit | 10:00 |
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xbadger | fisons, i found a lot of those problems on ubuntuforums.org but no one has a good answer for the problem. everyone advice to use modeline but when I reboot the settings are lost. the equence is bypassed in xorg.conf. i don't know why | 10:00 |
fisons | xbadger, sorry, got no idea - maybe you can find something strange in /var/log/xorg.0.log? | 10:00 |
xbadger | k thx i tried | 10:00 |
xbadger | maybe with the next xorg release that thing will be solved | 10:01 |
=== vash [n=vash@c-76-105-209-218.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xbadger | maybe is some kind of stupid bug | 10:01 |
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fisons | xbadger, did you bugreport it? | 10:01 |
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codename | it doesnt tell me | 10:01 |
vash | I have a question about setting up RAID in ubuntu. Is this the place to ask, or is there another channel that would be better? | 10:01 |
bruenig | codename, if it had detected it, it would likely have been configured, check your documentation that came with your laptop or whatever else you have to figure out what your card is | 10:02 |
fisons | xbadger, if you bugreport it, chances it'll be solved raise | 10:02 |
xbadger | fisons, no but i'll check the bug report list and if it's not listed there i'll post | 10:02 |
xbadger | thx man hope will be resolve | 10:02 |
fisons | xbadger, yes ;) good luck | 10:02 |
xbadger | untill then i stick to 1024x768@75 | 10:03 |
fisons | xbadger, could it be your modeline is somehow invalid? | 10:03 |
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xbadger | i don't think so because it is generated with xvidtune | 10:04 |
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xbadger | show option | 10:04 |
=== SFX-Bladerunner is attempting to burn the ubuntu disk... AGAIN.. | ||
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xbadger | i heard that the new xorg does not support the modeline thing | 10:04 |
fisons | xbadger, ok, understand | 10:04 |
xbadger | ill google a little maybe i'll find something | 10:05 |
xbadger | does anyone knows if 7.10 will be shiped with kde4 | 10:05 |
xbadger | ? | 10:05 |
=== erb__ [n=steven@c210-49-113-138.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vash | has anyone here ever used RAID with an nForce motherboard? | 10:06 |
xbadger | i mean the kubuntu flavour | 10:06 |
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codename | scsi_host | 10:06 |
codename | any commands | 10:06 |
codename | any terminal commands i can type in to find out? | 10:07 |
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mahtavamatt88 | xbadger you'd be better off asking in a "kubuntu" channel, i have no idea | 10:07 |
=== finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | codename, it would've had to have been detected | 10:07 |
codename | it did detect my connection | 10:07 |
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bruenig | codename, your card I mean | 10:07 |
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bruenig | codename, what is the name of the interface? wlan0? | 10:08 |
codename | ya | 10:08 |
bruenig | ok do iwlisth wlan0 scan | 10:08 |
bruenig | iwlist* | 10:08 |
bruenig | does it show any networks? | 10:09 |
codename | yea | 10:09 |
codename | mine | 10:09 |
bruenig | is yours encrypted? | 10:09 |
codename | yep | 10:09 |
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bruenig | codename, ok do this, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid $YOURESSID key $YOURKEY | 10:12 |
codename | ok | 10:12 |
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codename | now what? | 10:13 |
bruenig | is it dhcp? | 10:13 |
califalcon | sup guys | 10:13 |
codename | ya | 10:13 |
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bruenig | sudo dhclient wlan0 | 10:13 |
cafuego | orly? | 10:13 |
=== SFX-Bladerunner puts up some Enya to test out his new headphones =) | ||
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SFX-Bladerunner | so far so good yeahh | 10:14 |
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-268446.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KingMoila | !cable modem | 10:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cable modem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:14 |
SFX-Bladerunner | !modem | 10:14 |
andruk | !lirc | 10:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lirc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:14 |
SFX-Bladerunner | !lcirc | 10:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lcirc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:14 |
Ind[y] | Is is a known bug, that in a WebDAV nautilus folder you can't copy .php files? | 10:14 |
SFX-Bladerunner | !penis | 10:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about penis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:14 |
andruk | can i install & configure lirc in feisty without compiling anything? | 10:14 |
bruenig | !botabuse | 10:14 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 10:14 |
bruenig | !info lirc | 10:15 |
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SFX-Bladerunner | hehehehe | 10:15 |
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ubotu | lirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.1+cvs20070310-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 336 kB, installed size 1624 kB | 10:15 |
bruenig | yes sudo apt-get install lirc | 10:15 |
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codename | now it says DHCPDISCVOVER | 10:15 |
califalcon | I have a simple question which I can't find the awnser anywhere, my sound card is only playing sounds thru headphones, what is the command to redirect the output to a different channel e.g. from digital to analog from headphone to speakers, it doesn't switch automatically | 10:15 |
=== Jonocean [n=gilad@CBL217-132-79-25.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ind[y] | * Is it a known bug, that in a WebDAV nautilus folder you can't copy .php files? | 10:15 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : it is if you didn't tell apache to NOT parse php if dav is used | 10:16 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : Fix: force mime type text/plain on the dav dir. | 10:16 |
Ind[y] | andruk: In Ubuntu, in general you won't have to compile things. | 10:16 |
=== babo [n=babo@A-78-247.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ind[y] | cafuego: No, I mean I can't move .php files at all. | 10:16 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : Yeh | 10:17 |
bruenig | codename, has the command finished? | 10:17 |
codename | yep | 10:17 |
babo | bruenig: that won't work ... I just get No DHCPOFFERS received, No working leases in persistent db's ... | 10:17 |
andruk | Ind[y] , but the last time i checked the ubuntu docs, it told me i had to compile lirc modules into the kernel | 10:17 |
codename | says something like no dhcp recieved | 10:17 |
bruenig | codename, are you connected | 10:17 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : apache will be parsing them though mod_php them, which is not what you want | 10:17 |
bruenig | babo, what | 10:17 |
codename | no | 10:17 |
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Ind[y] | cafuego: I don't think apache has to do something. I can't copy, or rename to, .php | 10:17 |
bruenig | codename, can you get the the router configuration thing, the 192.blah | 10:18 |
codename | ya | 10:18 |
babo | bruenig: the original error message seems to be the most pertinent though ... \nCould not find information on interface eth1:avahi in /proc/net/dev | 10:18 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : remotely right, not locally | 10:18 |
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babo | bruenig: my interface problem ... | 10:18 |
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bruenig | babo, don't know, I don't remember that | 10:18 |
j^ | does someone know how i can change the umask for automounted external harddisks | 10:18 |
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bruenig | I don't use avahi like I said though | 10:18 |
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jmgarcia | jmgarcia | 10:18 |
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codename | now im in my linksys | 10:19 |
jmgarcia | fdbvj | 10:19 |
codename | thinf | 10:19 |
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babo | bruenig: when i look in /proc/net/dev there isn't any eth1:avahi ... there is only eth1 ( and it drops 100% of the packets ) | 10:19 |
j^ | i use it on 2 computers and do not have the same user id, so permissions are constantly off | 10:19 |
Jordan_U | califalcon, alsamixer | 10:19 |
jmgarcia | paula | 10:19 |
bruenig | codename, so you can do that from your wireless card? | 10:19 |
codename | no | 10:19 |
codename | i had to plug a connection in | 10:19 |
babo | bruenig: I don't see why I'm using it either ... | 10:19 |
=== mat1980 [n=mat1980@host18-197-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ind[y] | cafuego: what does local apache have to do with my WebDAV/Nautilus file transfers? | 10:19 |
califalcon | Jordan_U where in alsamixer | 10:19 |
bruenig | codename, alright so you are not even connected to your router then | 10:19 |
jmgarcia | Paula. | 10:19 |
codename | iam | 10:19 |
bruenig | codename, the wireless card isn't | 10:20 |
codename | Connected through a wire | 10:20 |
=== Icarus [n=wolfange@adsl-ull-73-86.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | califalcon, Just make sure that the other channels aren't muted | 10:20 |
bruenig | codename, it means the iwconfig command didn't work | 10:20 |
codename | I have 2 computers | 10:20 |
Icarus | hi | 10:20 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : Nothing, I was asking if you were renaming the file remotely or locally | 10:20 |
bruenig | right I don't care | 10:20 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : ... using a dav connection. | 10:20 |
bruenig | codename, make sure your iwconfig command was good | 10:20 |
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califalcon | Jordan_U there aren't the only muted channels are MIC's | 10:20 |
Jordan_U | califalcon, No idea then | 10:21 |
Ind[y] | cafuego: I can't rename the file in the Nautilus/WebDAV directory. | 10:21 |
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califalcon | Jordan_U another think to note that is that my headphone jack and shared with spdiff and that works however I get no sound from the internal 2.1 speaker from the laptop | 10:21 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : And the permissions are ok? Can you rename a .txt to .dat? | 10:21 |
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Ind[y] | cafuego: Neither I can copy .php files from my filesystem to the WebDAV/Nautilus directory. | 10:21 |
Ind[y] | cafuego: yes | 10:22 |
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cafuego | Ind[y] : Well, then your problem is that the moment a dav operation includes *.php, mod_php tries to run it, making the operation fail. | 10:22 |
califalcon | where is the best place to submit a bug report for alsa in ubuntu? | 10:22 |
codename | No DHCPOFFERS recieved | 10:22 |
codename | thats the error | 10:22 |
bruenig | codename, no the error is with the iwconfig | 10:23 |
Ind[y] | cafuego: Actually, the remote server is running win32 I think. It is not mine. | 10:23 |
bruenig | codename, you would be able to get to your router configuration thing if iwconfig worked | 10:23 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : I've been there, had that problem. The fix is to alias /dav to the site root and override the mime type for .php from application/x-httpd-php to text/plain. | 10:23 |
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babo | bruenig: you had suggested that I try sudo ifconfig eth1 down && sudo ifconfig eth1 up && dhclient eth1 ... but I got the No DHCPOFFERS received ... | 10:23 |
codename | l | 10:23 |
codename | k | 10:23 |
codename | so what did i do wrong? | 10:23 |
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Ind[y] | cafuego: from the remote server configuration? | 10:24 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : yah | 10:24 |
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bruenig | codename, make sure you did it right, iwconfig wlan0 essid $YOURESSID key $YOURKEY (make sure the key is hex if you didn't) | 10:24 |
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cafuego | Ind[y] : alternatively, copy the file to local, rename it, re-uplaod it. | 10:24 |
Ind[y] | What do you mean "alias /dav to the site root'? | 10:24 |
Vieryn | can somebody help me... kubuntu installation stops on probing trm290 | 10:24 |
cafuego | Ind[y] : Though I wasn;'t even able to do that on the box I had the problem with. | 10:24 |
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SFX-Bladerunner | "writing image file failed, error writing to disk" wtf? | 10:25 |
SFX-Bladerunner | it was almost done | 10:25 |
Ind[y] | cafuego: But I can't copy .php files from my filesystem into the WebDAV/Nautilus directory. | 10:25 |
califalcon | did u try again? | 10:25 |
codename | Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" | 10:25 |
Ind[y] | I can't "reupload" them as .php files. | 10:25 |
codename | Set failed on device wlan0 | 10:25 |
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babo | are there any networking experts out there that can give me a hand with my problem ? Could not find information on interface eth1:avahi in /proc/net/dev | 10:26 |
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califalcon | Guys anyone know how to disable the SPDIF output from a sound card? | 10:26 |
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bruenig | codename, paste your command | 10:27 |
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andruk | do i have to rebuild lirc modules for every kernel update? | 10:27 |
codename | the 1 i typed in | 10:27 |
codename | or the output | 10:28 |
bruenig | the one you typed | 10:28 |
Vieryn | yah... :( | 10:28 |
andruk | do i have to rebuild lirc modules for every kernel update? | 10:28 |
codename | sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid World-Sweeping key *THE KEY* | 10:28 |
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mat1980 | babo: try explaing again your problem | 10:29 |
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vermoos | yo | 10:29 |
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califalcon | Guys anyone know how to disable the SPDIF output from a sound card? | 10:30 |
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codename | my driver is rt73usb | 10:31 |
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animesh | i have installed vsftpd and changed vsftd.conf but i want to connect a remote machine it giving the error ftp: connect: No route to host | 10:31 |
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animesh | can u suggest please what will be the sollution? | 10:31 |
arooni | is there a way i can get some visual or audio indication that my terminal is prompting me for a passwored? | 10:31 |
TaJMoX | How do I stop ubuntu from mounting my USB disks automatically | 10:32 |
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codename | ? | 10:32 |
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J-_ | Is there a Network applet similar to nm-applet for xfce? | 10:33 |
Bo^Dick | i installed ubuntu 6.06 on a machine | 10:33 |
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Bo^Dick | the installation was dead simple | 10:34 |
Tof2 | hi everyone, I have trouble starting the "desktop effects" (compiz i believe) under Festy. The X server freezes, not the whole system. My Video Card is a NVidia GeForce2 Ti, I use the proprietary drivers. However Beryl works well. | 10:34 |
babo | mat1890: I was trying to get my linux to work in a wireless environment down at my local mall. It worked fine with our wireless at home. All I did was switch the GNOME widget between eth1 and eth0. Now it won't work at all. When I click on the little networking widget I get something like ... Can't find eth1:avahi in /proc/net/dev. I've looked in /proc/net/dev and I can find lo,eth0,eth1. eth1 has 100% packet loss. I've brought eth1 up and down again, a | 10:34 |
babo | nd ran dhclient but it tells me there are No DHCPOFFERS received. I've looked at /etc/networks/interfaces and eth1 is listed as auto with the wireless key and ssid ... | 10:34 |
JohnC- | omg!!! 1042 users on the channel!! | 10:34 |
Assassin` | hello I'm having a problem with my game and i wanna pin point the problem any suggestions | 10:34 |
Assassin` | JohnC-: its been like that :) | 10:34 |
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Bo^Dick | how do i start the graphical interface in ubuntu 6.06? | 10:35 |
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Myrtti | Bo^Dick: do you have any installed? | 10:36 |
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linux_probe | like OMFG | 10:36 |
linux_probe | this ubuntu channel is always this full | 10:36 |
Bo^Dick | the installer didn't ask me | 10:36 |
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Myrtti | Bo^Dick: you installed the server version? | 10:36 |
Bo^Dick | maybe a gui isn't supplied with the ubuntu 6.06 cd? | 10:36 |
Assassin` | well i have been experiencing "freezing" while playing aa2k7 | 10:36 |
Bo^Dick | Myrtti: nope | 10:37 |
linux_probe | you can try typing " startx " | 10:37 |
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Myrtti | Bo^Dick: then it should start after installation automatically | 10:37 |
babo | mat1890: does that make sense ? | 10:37 |
Bo^Dick | linux_probe: startx didn't work | 10:37 |
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Myrtti | Bo^Dick: if not, then you've got xorg misconfigured | 10:37 |
linux_probe | did it give any errors ?? | 10:37 |
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Bo^Dick | linux_probe: the startx command wasn't recognized | 10:38 |
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Bo^Dick | oops, wait a minute | 10:38 |
Myrtti | Bo^Dick: do in terminal "grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log" | 10:38 |
Bo^Dick | this is the actual file name of the iso: ubuntu-6.06.1-server-i386.iso | 10:38 |
linux_probe | whoops | 10:39 |
linux_probe | server = no GUI | 10:39 |
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Myrtti | ok, so perhaps you didn't install a graphical interface | 10:39 |
linux_probe | :-P there's your problem | 10:39 |
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Bo^Dick | noone warned me in the #linux channel | 10:39 |
Myrtti | Bo^Dick: which one do you want, KDE, Gnome or XFCE? | 10:39 |
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Bo^Dick | i should've gotten here from the start | 10:39 |
Bo^Dick | i want a window manager that takes least performance of the machine | 10:39 |
Myrtti | Bo^Dick: I'd say "sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop" then | 10:40 |
Bo^Dick | is that all to it? | 10:40 |
Myrtti | Bo^Dick: basically yes. | 10:40 |
Bo^Dick | i've got internet access i think | 10:40 |
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=== Assassin` doesn't wanna change his distro | ||
Myrtti | Bo^Dick: yes, if you're speaking here on the Internet Relay Chat ;-) | 10:41 |
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twisties | which environment does xubuntu use? | 10:41 |
Assassin` | any info on gutsy? | 10:41 |
Assassin` | whats new in it | 10:42 |
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Myrtti | twisties: xfce | 10:42 |
twisties | Myrtti: Is it any good? | 10:42 |
Myrtti | twisties: quite, yes. | 10:42 |
Bo^Dick | i'm anxious to try immediately | 10:42 |
twisties | hmm. is it available through the default repo's? | 10:42 |
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Myrtti | yes | 10:42 |
twisties | might aswell give it a shot | 10:42 |
twisties | i've got Fluxbox too, a great fallback when gnome stuffs up | 10:43 |
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babo | so basically I've switched a little dropdown menu on my GNOME desktop, and by doing so I've completely totalled my ubuntu system. Noone on here can help me and noone replies to my forum post ? That's great. | 10:43 |
califalcon | guys what is the channel for alsa support? | 10:43 |
babo | so I guess ubuntu isn't ready for the big time afterall ... | 10:43 |
califalcon | i am getting to same conclusion babo | 10:44 |
twisties | Ubuntu's support for my soundcard is sort of lacking | 10:44 |
twisties | which is annoying | 10:44 |
linux_probe | first of all it's anywhere from 1am to 4am in USA | 10:44 |
babo | califalcon, what's your alsa question ? | 10:44 |
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Myrtti | babo: for wifi the best shot is networkmanager | 10:45 |
linux_probe | many people are in bed for work in the AM | 10:45 |
califalcon | i need to know how to redirect the output of my soundcard to a different channel e.g analog vs digital spdif vs speakers | 10:45 |
Myrtti | babo: you've tried it yet? | 10:45 |
babo | Myrtti: networkmanager ? | 10:45 |
Myrtti | babo: NetworkManager or network-manager | 10:46 |
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twisties | Myrtti: What package do I install for xfce? | 10:46 |
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califalcon | funny thing is that my soundcard worked fine under Mandriva, but not under ubuntu | 10:46 |
babo | Myrtti: it's installed by default right ? | 10:46 |
walfri | hallo | 10:46 |
Myrtti | twisties: xubuntu-desktop? it does install a lot of dependencies though that you might not need | 10:46 |
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Myrtti | babo: if I remember correctly | 10:46 |
walfri | yes | 10:47 |
twisties | it's not going to take over gnome is it? | 10:47 |
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babo | Myrtti: I might have been using it already. In fact, I think it may have been the source of the problem :-( | 10:47 |
twisties | I jsut want another option from the logon screen | 10:47 |
walfri | what kind | 10:47 |
Myrtti | babo: but you need the applet to get it working 100% and disable /etc/network/interfaces all devices except local loppback | 10:47 |
babo | Myrtti: disable /etc/network/interfaces ? I'm not sure I like the sound of that ... | 10:48 |
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Myrtti | babo: that enables roaming | 10:48 |
Myrtti | babo: not to disable the whole file | 10:48 |
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Myrtti | babo: just the lines that try to configure other devices than loopback | 10:48 |
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babo | Myrtti: yeah, now I remember. enabling roaming was where my problems began ... :-( | 10:48 |
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babo | Myrtti: what happens when you enable roaming ? it takes all the other interfaces off-line ? | 10:49 |
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Myrtti | babo: well yes and no | 10:50 |
Myrtti | babo: you need to have all the bits and pieces working as well | 10:50 |
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ivoks | so, if anyone from croatia is here, i'm glad to announce that HGspot starts selling computers with Ubuntu installed | 10:50 |
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weerdo | what program i can use for master an iso??? | 10:52 |
twisties | ok. xfce is going to take some getting used to | 10:52 |
twisties | it doesn't seem to like beryl running at the same time | 10:52 |
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kev1n | can someone point me to a good guide to getting sound capture working in alsa in feisty? | 10:54 |
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califalcon | Does anyone know how to disable SPDIF sound output? | 10:57 |
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Kyle123 | Anyone ever have a problem installing Ubuntu 7.04 ? like it stopping at 75% when ever it is configuring WVDIAL, it has stopped on me 5 times now, and ive checked the cd twice, any ideas on what i can do ? | 10:57 |
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urmama | hi! i want to know how to set right my xorg.conf . it got corrupted due to the fact that i chose the wrong option in the video driver list | 10:58 |
sustand | Thats strange, Kyle123 | 10:58 |
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Kyle123 | i have to use the Alt install cd the regular gui one hits me with an error cuz of my graphical interface :( and ive tried to do the reconfigure and select my correct driver but it drops me at the command prompt and i dont knwo the command to restart the GUI installer | 10:59 |
gordonjcp | Kyle123: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 11:00 |
califalcon | Ok I take nobody know the awnser to my question, it would be nice if you guys just said so | 11:00 |
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gordonjcp | califalcon: if people said they didn't know then you'd have 200-odd "I don't know" messages flooding the channel | 11:00 |
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Kyle123 | gordonjcp: that will restart the gui installer after i do the reconfig on the graphic driver ? | 11:01 |
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smiley_ | How can I get information what chipser for nvidia grapgic card do I have ?? | 11:01 |
gordonjcp | ah, installer? | 11:01 |
gordonjcp | Kyle123: no idea | 11:01 |
califalcon | well bu Ubuntu and Hi Mandriva oh how I missed you! | 11:01 |
kev1n | califalcon ... i dont know | 11:01 |
Kyle123 | gordonjcp: what will that command do ? | 11:01 |
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gordonjcp | Kyle123: generally it will restart the thing that fires up X and displays the login box | 11:02 |
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kev1n | can someone point me to a good guide to getting sound capture working in alsa in feisty? | 11:02 |
Kyle123 | but wouldnt i have to have Ubuntu already installed for that to work ? | 11:02 |
Giddion55 | wtf is this, my router just got hit hundreds of times by this please.read.http.proxyscan.freenode.net | 11:02 |
gordonjcp | Kyle123: yes, I missed the part about it being the installer | 11:02 |
gordonjcp | Giddion55: did you read it? | 11:02 |
Kyle123 | Alright | 11:02 |
gordonjcp | kev1n: what are you trying to do? | 11:02 |
tapoxi | I have a transparent, barcode-shaped artifact in the upper right corner of my screen. It only appears after I'm logged in (not in GDM) and it disappears after an hour or so. | 11:03 |
Giddion55 | read what, theres no link | 11:03 |
tapoxi | er, upper left corner. | 11:03 |
Kyle123 | im goign to do some googling lol if i find the problem i will let you guys know | 11:03 |
kev1n | trying to get my sound recorder program working | 11:03 |
gordonjcp | ok | 11:03 |
gordonjcp | what are you using? | 11:03 |
kev1n | sound works well... | 11:03 |
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kev1n | gordonjcp, what...hardware or software? | 11:04 |
Giddion55 | gordonjcp, nothing appreas when i go to http://proxyscan.freenode.net | 11:04 |
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animesh | can any one help me regarding data transfer using ftp | 11:04 |
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megasquid | how would i move the first 100 files from one directory to another? | 11:04 |
animesh | i have already posted my problem here but didn't get any response | 11:05 |
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gordonjcp | Giddion55: why are you going there, and not to the URL provided? | 11:06 |
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gordonjcp | Giddion55: aha, because it's broken | 11:06 |
mat1980 | babo: sorry, I was busy. Uhm... switch networks is not as trivial as should be, in my experiece. | 11:06 |
gordonjcp | try googling it | 11:06 |
gordonjcp | kev1n: well both really | 11:06 |
kev1n | animesh, believe me, you dont always get a response in here.... and its not the fault of the volunteers | 11:06 |
kev1n | wait one gordonjcp | 11:06 |
Giddion55 | cool, it scanned me so my router killed it :D:D:D OWNED! :D | 11:07 |
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kev1n | software is sound recorder | 11:07 |
gordonjcp | animesh: not if you don't tell us the problem | 11:07 |
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gordonjcp | kev1n: have you set the input in the mixer? | 11:07 |
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megasquid | how would i move the first 100 files from one directory to another? | 11:08 |
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mat1980 | megasquid: first in witch order? | 11:08 |
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megasquid | mat1980: by alpabetical file name | 11:09 |
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kev1n | gordonjcp, i installed the alsa mixer gui but it does not have , Edit ..Preferencesd available to open | 11:09 |
Tof2 | hi, i've got problems starting the "desktop effects" under feisty. Can anyone help me ? | 11:09 |
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gordonjcp | kev1n: try the command-line mixer | 11:09 |
Jordan_U | Tof2, What GFX card? | 11:09 |
kev1n | OK | 11:10 |
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Tof2 | Jordan_U, Nvidia GeForce2 Ti | 11:10 |
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Tof2 | Jordan_U, legacy drivers | 11:10 |
kev1n | when i click on the test button in sound settings for sound capture...i get this response... gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Resource not found | 11:10 |
rohan | gnomefreak: ping, you around ? | 11:10 |
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Jordan_U | Tof2, I don't think that the legacy drivers support texture_from_pixmap, and so don't support Desktop Effects :( | 11:11 |
animesh | i have already installed vsftpd and changed the vsftpd.conf but when i went to connect with a remote machine giving the error ftp: connect: No route to host | 11:11 |
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Tof2 | Joirdan_U: ok, I thought they did | 11:11 |
Tof2 | Jordan_U: btw, Beryl works well | 11:11 |
lenzzzinoleonard | am soorry but this question is about HTML can some 1 help me plzzz??? | 11:11 |
Icarus | compiz works better ;) | 11:12 |
kev1n | gordonjcp, when i attempt to open Sound recorder.. this pops up only..... Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings. | 11:12 |
Jordan_U | Tof2, Then I guess they do... if Beryl works then Desktop Effects should also | 11:12 |
gordonjcp | ok, and in multimedia settings? | 11:12 |
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Kyle123 | When ever you guys installed Ubuntu, how long did it take to Configure wvdial ? | 11:13 |
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Tof2 | Jordan_U: ok. Well with Desktop Effects (compiz i believe), the screen freezes. But i still can do ctrl-backspace | 11:13 |
lenzzzinoleonard | I know this is a chat room for linux. but can some 1 help me | 11:13 |
Jordan_U | Tof2, It should revert back after a while if it doesn't work ( so you at least should't need to restart X ) | 11:13 |
lenzzzinoleonard | I got an Question on HTML if any 1 would be kind enough to help all b waiting | 11:14 |
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Tof2 | Jordan_U: I haven't been too patient, but I didn't revert back after a minute or two | 11:14 |
Tof2 | lenzzzinoleonard: you won't have any answers here, go to an html forum. | 11:15 |
Tof2 | Ok, so no one have any clues about Compiz and Nvidia GeForce2 Ti ? | 11:15 |
Kyle123 | were is a good website to get a list of commands, like to see all of the files on the install cd and such ? | 11:15 |
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Gerrit | Hi | 11:15 |
Jordan_U | Tof2, Yea, it should only take a few seconds, hopefully compiz fusion will be more stable | 11:15 |
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Tof2 | Jordan_U: thx for your help, c ya | 11:16 |
Jordan_U | Tof2, np | 11:16 |
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praecox | hello guys | 11:16 |
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praecox | I've got one question regarding printer support | 11:17 |
praecox | is HP LaserJet P2015n fully supported on Linux/Ubuntu? | 11:17 |
praecox | http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_P2015 | 11:17 |
Gerrit | When I restart my notebook after hibernation, there is 100% CPU usage continuously. Xorg is using a lot: 6% user, 60% system. My notebook is an Acer TravelMate 4100. It's already going on for more than 20 minutes. What might cause this? | 11:17 |
swimmerino88 | hello to evrebody I have a little problem.In my home I have a little server with amule...now I'd like to take some files with shh when I write the command to take it,the terminal says that it is all done(100%) but when I go to the directory I don't find nothing!WHY? | 11:17 |
praecox | I found 2015 is supported, mostly also P2015dn model. | 11:18 |
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praecox | but there's nothing about P2015n. | 11:18 |
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etudiants | please i'm speak bad english | 11:18 |
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etudiants | hello | 11:18 |
luisjose | que | 11:19 |
mrigns | lol | 11:19 |
luisjose | soy putas | 11:19 |
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LadyNikon | hey is there an official qa channel? | 11:20 |
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rohan | LadyNikon: this is it | 11:20 |
swimmerino88 | no body know how to use SSH? | 11:20 |
smoenux | XChat Question -- How do I connect to a Server which isn't in the 'Connect' list ? | 11:20 |
LadyNikon | swimmerino88: what are you trying to do? | 11:20 |
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LadyNikon | smoenux: create the new connection | 11:20 |
rohan | swimmerino88: what is your question ? | 11:20 |
swimmerino88 | LadyNikon:hello to evrebody I have a little problem.In my home I have a little server with amule...now I'd like to take some files with shh when I write the command to take it,the terminal says that it is all done(100%) but when I go to the directory I don't find nothing!WHY? | 11:21 |
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LadyNikon | swimmerino88: are you transfering as root | 11:21 |
rohan | swimmerino88: what command are you using ? | 11:21 |
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LadyNikon | swimmerino88: ah you said shh maybe people didnt understand what you meant. | 11:21 |
smoenux | LadyNikon: Ah... thanks ... I found it | 11:21 |
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LadyNikon | smoenux: :) | 11:21 |
smoenux | LadyNikon: Lol... now I feel stupid for asking :P | 11:22 |
LadyNikon | smoenux: nah | 11:22 |
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LadyNikon | smoenux: if you are new to it.. you wouldnt know | 11:22 |
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swimmerino88 | rohan LadyNikon:I'm usinh this comand--->scp <username>@<IP>:<path> | 11:22 |
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SigmaProject | uh, hey all.. im using tirc and its a little hard to read... i booted from the ubuntu cd using safe-mode because the normal kept freezing, after i installed ubuntu, updated everything, and installed an nvidia package, xserver breaks when starting.. | 11:22 |
LadyNikon | swimmerino88: and this is going from one machine to another.. | 11:22 |
rohan | swimmerino88: that's the correct then .. | 11:23 |
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LadyNikon | rohan: ah. do you know if there is a qa listserv? | 11:23 |
SigmaProject | was wondering if someone can help me out, im using a nvidia 8800gts, is there a problem w/ using that? | 11:23 |
swimmerino88 | rohan LadyNikon:the terminal says that this is all done but in my computer i don't see the file | 11:23 |
swimmerino88 | rohan LadyNikon:if I search it...it isn't | 11:24 |
rohan | LadyNikon: sorry, no idea .. | 11:24 |
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fisons | SigmaProject, try: sudo rmmod nvidia && | 11:24 |
fisons | sudo modprobe nvidia && | 11:24 |
fisons | sudo killall gdm && | 11:24 |
fisons | sudo gdm | 11:24 |
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LadyNikon | rohan: ok | 11:24 |
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swimmerino88 | LadyNikon:I have to take it with ssh because my little server doesn't have a monitor | 11:25 |
LadyNikon | swimmerino88: sometimes if you transfer a file as root.. it may not show up.. if the permissions arent set properly | 11:25 |
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LadyNikon | aoler.. | 11:25 |
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SigmaProject | thanks.. alright, im gonna give it a shot, brb | 11:25 |
swimmerino88 | LadyNikon:so why the termila says that this is all done? | 11:25 |
blazemonger | why is it that the molecule screensaver crashes my system | 11:26 |
blazemonger | ive read on the forums about the molecule screensaver | 11:26 |
LadyNikon | swimmerino88: the file gets transferred.. you just may not have the permission to see it | 11:26 |
LadyNikon | swimmerino88: is it another linux machine? | 11:26 |
blazemonger | i | 11:26 |
Jordan_U | blazemonger, Do you have problems with other 3D apps? | 11:26 |
blazemonger | 5~ | 11:26 |
blazemonger | 5~5~ | 11:26 |
blazemonger | m | 11:26 |
LadyNikon | blazemonger: you ok? | 11:26 |
blazemonger | the molecule saver crashes on me | 11:26 |
swimmerino88 | LadyNikon:yes here i use ubuntu and in the servere ubuntu-server | 11:26 |
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gnomefreak | rohan: read the comment i left on the bug you filed for java :) | 11:27 |
rohan | gnomefreak: read mine too :) | 11:27 |
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blazemonger | is the molecule screensaver ever going to get fixed? | 11:27 |
gnomefreak | i have to look at it but right now i cant | 11:27 |
Jordan_U | blazemonger, Do you have problems with other 3D apps? | 11:27 |
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blazemonger | nope | 11:27 |
rohan | gnomefreak: but this is really bad .. how can it not be in the spec for multiverse .. memleaks aren't classified as security bugs ? | 11:28 |
blazemonger | billard-gl runs | 11:28 |
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blazemonger | every other screensaver works | 11:28 |
SigmaProject | hello.. i tried sudo rmmod nvidia but it said it couldnt find that pckage | 11:28 |
rohan | gnomefreak: ah .. all i wrote is i'll try it out at night .. :-) | 11:28 |
blazemonger | i think it's probably a flaw in the code itself | 11:28 |
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rohan | SigmaProject: package ? you mean module ? | 11:28 |
LadyNikon | swimmerino88: sorry i dont know much else | 11:28 |
TheGateKeeper | I have gone to 'Adjust Data and Time..." set it to 'London' but it still says Europe/Guuernsey how do I correct this? | 11:28 |
SigmaProject | yes sorry, module | 11:28 |
gnomefreak | rohan: ty | 11:28 |
blazemonger | then again functionality isn't the goal of linux :) | 11:28 |
blazemonger | heh | 11:28 |
swimmerino88 | LadyNikon:ook | 11:28 |
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LadyNikon | gn all | 11:28 |
blazemonger | so i'll just accept that maybe the molecule saver will never run | 11:28 |
rohan | LadyNikon: gn | 11:28 |
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Diego2812 | hi | 11:29 |
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rohan | gnomefreak: btw, what's your upload speed ? complete night to upload java sounds nearly as bad as my net | 11:29 |
Jordan_U | !hi | Diego2812 | 11:29 |
ubotu | Diego2812: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:29 |
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SigmaProject | what do you think rohan? | 11:29 |
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blazemonger | i just want that molecule saver to run some decade so i can celebrate 3,4 methyldioxymethamphetamine lol | 11:29 |
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gnomefreak | rohan: java is very large (the binaries) some took 3+ hours each | 11:30 |
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rohan | SigmaProject: that the module is not loaded ? | 11:30 |
SigmaProject | er give me one sec.. i'll try it again and get exactly what it says... | 11:30 |
Jordan_U | blazemonger, And would you use it to celebrate... | 11:30 |
blazemonger | ok i'm a e-tard | 11:31 |
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blazemonger | jordan: can you try to run the molecule screensaver and see if it works? | 11:31 |
rohan | SiliconViper: ok | 11:31 |
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Jordan_U | blazemonger, It does | 11:31 |
blazemonger | really? it doesn't lock up yourcomputer? | 11:31 |
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blazemonger | i have a fast computer and a fast video card | 11:32 |
sustand | Hi blazemonger | 11:32 |
Jordan_U | blazemonger, Nope, never has | 11:32 |
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blazemonger | pentium 4 2.4ghz with 768mb of ram, 40 gig hd space, d865perl chipset, i810 onboard audio, and a rage 128 all in wonder | 11:32 |
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Jordan_U | blazemonger, ATI? | 11:33 |
blazemonger | yah | 11:33 |
blazemonger | ati | 11:33 |
Jordan_U | blazemonger, And you think the screensaver is the problem... | 11:33 |
blazemonger | yah | 11:33 |
Jordan_U | :) | 11:33 |
blazemonger | cuz it locks up the machine itself | 11:33 |
Jordan_U | blazemonger, ATI makes horribly unstable drivers | 11:33 |
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blazemonger | the rage 128 card isn't bad | 11:34 |
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blazemonger | and i don't see how a screensaver of al things would lock up | 11:34 |
Jordan_U | blazemonger, Not the card, the drivers | 11:34 |
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crdlb | blazemonger, the rage 128 is ancient | 11:34 |
blazemonger | what kind of video card do i buy then? | 11:34 |
crdlb | and has poor drivers | 11:34 |
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blazemonger | crdlb: it might be ancient but it works | 11:34 |
SigmaProject | ah ok. first time i ran sudo rmmod nvidia it returned me to the prompt, second time it said 'module nvidia does not exist in /proc/modules' | 11:34 |
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Jordan_U | blazemonger, intel or Nvidia | 11:34 |
crdlb | because no one bothered to make good ones | 11:34 |
crdlb | blazemonger, do you even have 3d acceleration? | 11:35 |
blazemonger | another thing is i cant get my midi keyboard working with rosegarden | 11:35 |
crdlb | glxinfo|grep direct | 11:35 |
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blazemonger | yah it says i have accelleration | 11:35 |
blazemonger | supertux runs, tuxracer runs | 11:35 |
blazemonger | maybe i could use the scitech drivers | 11:35 |
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SigmaProject | after running all the commands, sudo gdm crashes | 11:35 |
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crdlb | blazemonger, just get a slightly newer ati (r100 or r200) or get a very recent nvidia | 11:36 |
SigmaProject | is there something specific i must do to use xserver w/ nvidia 8800gts? | 11:36 |
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Jordan_U | blazemonger, As a test, try temporarily disabling the DRI module in your xorg.conf, if the screensaver runs then ( albeit slowly ) then the drivers are probably to blame | 11:36 |
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SigmaProject | dangit rohan left.... | 11:36 |
Ind[y] | cafuego: so, where can I change the mime-type of php files? I found nothing in apache2.conf, neither in php.ini | 11:37 |
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blazemonger | Jordan_U: are sci-tech's drivers good? | 11:37 |
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neonlinux | hey all, have a question about samba and wondering if anyone can help me? | 11:38 |
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blazemonger | 5~are commercial drivers bad? | 11:39 |
neonlinux | i was wondering how to make it log folder name changes (putting at logging level 2 logs file access) | 11:39 |
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fisons | Ind[y] , maybe in /etc/apache(2)/modules_available/*mod_php? | 11:40 |
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Sonicadvance1 | Can anyone help an idiot with Apache? | 11:41 |
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blazemonger | Ron Paul yay | 11:41 |
Fa1 | hi | 11:41 |
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aleksanteri | Sonicadvance1: join #apache in that case | 11:41 |
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Sonicadvance1 | Aye Captain | 11:41 |
Snedecor | hi, i installed feisty, and then i installed beryl. How do i activate beryl ? | 11:41 |
Fa1 | how can I send feedback to the ubuntu packet managers? | 11:41 |
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magnetron | Fa1: the best way is to file a bug report in launchpad | 11:42 |
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SigmaProject | can anyone help me out? i booted from the ubuntu cd via 'safe mode' because trying to boot normaly it would freeze. After i booted on the live-cd & installed ubuntu, i updated the system and installed a nvidia package. Now xserver breaks when it tries to launch. Im using a nvidia 8800gts. Can someone help me out? | 11:42 |
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SigmaProject | woops, said that twice. | 11:43 |
Fa1 | magnetron: ok, thank you | 11:43 |
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crdlb | SigmaProject, that's a known bug | 11:43 |
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crdlb | one sec | 11:43 |
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SigmaProject | ah, hope there's something I can do. | 11:43 |
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crdlb | SigmaProject, if you're on x86, follow these instructions: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/98641/comments/18 | 11:43 |
Snedecor | hi, how do i activate beryl? (i installed it and i can cofigure it, but it's not active) | 11:44 |
blazemonger | so where can i get5 a WORKING video driver for my rage 128 all in wonder pro? | 11:44 |
blazemonger | i love this card | 11:44 |
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SigmaProject | crdlb, does it matter if im using gts? the link you sent was for gtx | 11:45 |
crdlb | SigmaProject, not at all | 11:45 |
Polis_ttt | anyone that got some experience of using ups with ubuntu? about which program i shall use to control the usb-port so that the system can shutdown when batterylevel goes low | 11:45 |
crdlb | as long as you're not on amd64 | 11:45 |
SigmaProject | great, one sec | 11:46 |
Ind[y] | fisons: I will have a look, thx | 11:46 |
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askand | Hi! When I play warcraft in cedega I get no sound when playing music in the background..is there a way to solve this? | 11:47 |
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Ind[y] | fisons: yes, thank you very much :-) | 11:47 |
mrigns | askand: using wine and aoss | 11:47 |
Ind[y] | I have created a gpg key. How do I view its id? | 11:47 |
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mrigns | cedega isn't worth the money | 11:47 |
hh | HALLO | 11:47 |
Polis_ttt | hh: hi | 11:48 |
mrigns | greetings | 11:48 |
askand | mrigns: aoss? | 11:48 |
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mrigns | askand: the also-oss wrapper | 11:48 |
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askand | !hi | hh | 11:48 |
ubotu | hh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:48 |
mrigns | *alsa | 11:48 |
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JSFofWT | hi | 11:48 |
hh | @Polis_tt Hi | 11:48 |
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Ind[y] | I have created a gpg key. How do I view its id? | 11:48 |
askand | mrigns: is that a setting in winecfg? | 11:48 |
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magnetron | askand: http://www.wowwiki.com/Linux/Wine | 11:48 |
michelson | Hi folks, anyone know what command line tools I can use to investigate my IO and which processes are using what portion of the IO? | 11:49 |
mrigns | askand: read the link :D | 11:49 |
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michelson | by IO i mean input/output, of course | 11:49 |
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michelson | i use iostat right now, but that doesn't break the io down by process | 11:49 |
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michelson | Hi folks who just rejoined, anyone know of a command line tool to investigate which processes are using how much of my I/O (input output)? I use iostat, but that doesnt break it down by process. thanks a million | 11:50 |
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smiley_ | what packages do I have to install for flash to play. I have swiftfox | 11:51 |
Flannel | !flash | smiley_ | 11:51 |
ubotu | smiley_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 11:51 |
Snedecor | is this the correct channel for support with beryl under feisty? | 11:51 |
Ind[y] | I have created a gpg key. How do I view its id? | 11:51 |
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ReK_ | where can i find the kernel headers pkg in packages.ubuntu.com? | 11:52 |
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Stonekeepe1 | hi | 11:52 |
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wols_ | ReK_: linux-header, kernel-header | 11:53 |
SigmaProject | crdlb, i did all of that but when i tried to startx it crashed | 11:53 |
wols_ | !effects | Snedecor | 11:54 |
crdlb | SigmaProject, same error? | 11:54 |
ubotu | Snedecor: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 11:54 |
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ReK_ | which category is it in, and do i need both wols_/ | 11:54 |
Snedecor | thanks | 11:54 |
SigmaProject | yeah | 11:54 |
crdlb | SigmaProject, are you sure you didn't make a typo? | 11:54 |
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SigmaProject | Yeah i double checked. the last command of cp -f shouldnt return any status if completed successfuly right? | 11:55 |
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crdlb | yup | 11:55 |
wols_ | ReK_: how aout an old fasjioned search? you know, with that intput form down there? | 11:55 |
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SigmaProject | then yeah, i typed it in correctly | 11:56 |
ReK_ | wols_: i see no search box? | 11:56 |
crdlb | SigmaProject, reboot, and if X still fails, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 11:56 |
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crdlb | you can use pastebinit to do it | 11:56 |
crdlb | !info pastebinit | 11:56 |
ubotu | pastebinit: A command line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB | 11:56 |
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SigmaProject | one sec, comming back up now | 11:56 |
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smiley_ | ubotu: Thanks :) | 11:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thanks :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:57 |
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npnufn | I am using 7.04, is there any app which stores as well as plays on-line radio/stream. | 11:58 |
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ipx | npnufn: have you tried rhythmbox? | 11:59 |
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dxdemetriou | Is there a possibility the Swiftweasel to added in repos later? I ask because it never crashed for me, and handles the plugins and extensions better | 11:59 |
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michelson | anyone know of a command line tool to see which processes are using how much of my I/O (input output)? I use iostat, but that doesnt break it down by process. thanks a million | 11:59 |
ReK_ | what's feisty's uname -r on a default install? | 12:00 |
mrigns | http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/8236/screenshotth9.png | 12:00 |
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ReK_ | 2.6.20-15 or -16 | 12:00 |
hoovie | hi folks | 12:00 |
npnufn | ipx: I am able to play with that. I don't know how to store the stream at the same time. | 12:00 |
hoovie | how can I teach squid SSL support in LTS 6.06? | 12:00 |
smiley_ | !gnash | 12:00 |
SigmaProject | crdlb, http://paste.stgraber.org/1916 | 12:00 |
ipx | npnufn: you want to record it? | 12:00 |
ubotu | An open source flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/ | 12:00 |
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npnufn | play & record same time. | 12:00 |
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npnufn | ipx: is it possible? | 12:01 |
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crdlb | SigmaProject, wrong driver version | 12:01 |
ipx | npnufn: no idea about that part, sorry | 12:01 |
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SigmaProject | ? | 12:01 |
crdlb | I guess the restricted manager screwed up | 12:01 |
crdlb | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new | 12:01 |
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crdlb | then reboot, and that should do it | 12:01 |
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npnufn | ipx: thanks ipx. if u know about any such type of plugins please let me know. | 12:01 |
SigmaProject | working | 12:01 |
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ReK_ | can anyone with a default feisty kernel tell me what its `uname -r` is? | 12:02 |
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Frogzoo | ReK_: 2.6.20-16-generic | 12:02 |
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ReK_ | thanks | 12:02 |
SigmaProject | crdlb, dude, i love you | 12:03 |
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crdlb | :) | 12:03 |
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click | guys how to i compile a perl script? | 12:03 |
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SigmaProject | beryl is easy to install on a fresh ubuntu install right? | 12:04 |
crdlb | click, perl is interpreted, not compiled | 12:04 |
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crdlb | just run: perl whatever | 12:04 |
click | how do i run a perl script? | 12:04 |
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crdlb | SigmaProject, yes | 12:04 |
crdlb | with an nvidia card | 12:04 |
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click | how do i run a perl script? | 12:05 |
scorp123 | click: the answer was already given to you. See above | 12:05 |
gordonjcp | click: make sure it's executable, type ./name of scrpt | 12:05 |
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urmama | hi i want to know why my firefox is going out of screen in the 12024 x768 resolution mode. mine is a 17" acer TFT monitor with VIA unichrome S3 VT8237A . am on ubuntu fiesty fawn | 12:05 |
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gordonjcp | click: and don't keep repeating the same question over and over | 12:05 |
click | whats the extension of perl script? | 12:06 |
J-_ | I'm trying to edit my apache configuration via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-6aac570a36ae91754513949f6b2d1df5e61fe5ac Now, do I edit 'everything' that says User and Group to both my username? Even User-Agent and the like? | 12:06 |
gordonjcp | click: if you don't get an answer right away, chances are someone has seen it but is busy right now | 12:06 |
scorp123 | click: extensions??? :-) They don't matter here :-) | 12:06 |
gordonjcp | click: if you don't know that, and don't know how to find out, I'm concerned that you may be about to do something you'll regret | 12:06 |
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click | test.pl | 12:07 |
click | ./test.pl | 12:07 |
click | ? | 12:07 |
SigmaProject | uh.. this will sound uber dumb. how do i open up a terminal? i dont see any icons in the menubar for it | 12:07 |
urmama | err i meant 1024 * 768 resolution | 12:07 |
scorp123 | !enter | click | 12:07 |
ubotu | click: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:07 |
SigmaProject | NVM | 12:07 |
crdlb | click, perl test.pl | 12:07 |
gordonjcp | SigmaProject: alt-f2, "gnome-terminal" | 12:07 |
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gordonjcp | SigmaProject: I *think* it's in Accessories, too | 12:07 |
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scorp123 | SigmaProject: Applications > Accessories > Terminal | 12:08 |
SigmaProject | yup yup | 12:08 |
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urmama | help me? | 12:08 |
J-_ | =( | 12:09 |
Sonic1 | is it like | 12:09 |
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Sonic1 | because it's not maximized so it goes off? | 12:10 |
urmama | nope | 12:10 |
scorp123 | urmama: what do you mean "it goes out of screen" ? | 12:10 |
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urmama | for example | 12:10 |
scorp123 | urmama: you mean the window is too big? | 12:10 |
urmama | i dont see the signout link in gmail.... (i hope you can picture that) | 12:10 |
urmama | yeah! | 12:10 |
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urmama | too big, scorp123 | 12:11 |
felixhummel | help me please! i have a dvd-directory (VIDEO_TS). vlc can play it completely, mplayer cab only play the disclaimer. how am I supposed to rip this? | 12:11 |
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felixhummel | -cab+can | 12:11 |
SigmaProject | heh.. beryl is so cool | 12:11 |
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morpheus | is there a way to show what .conf files a proccess is using via ps | 12:11 |
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SigmaProject | how do I change resolutions | 12:11 |
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scorp123 | urmama: maybe you once saved the settings like that ... with ALT+Mouse button you can nontheless move the window around and then e.g. make it smaller. Close Firefox. Start it again. it should have stored the new window size now. | 12:12 |
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cbhworld | Hi, can anyone tell me whether there's a meta package in the repositories that'll install most the packages needed to build - well, compile software from? Generally I just fiddle around and keep installing development packages until it works.. | 12:12 |
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scorp123 | cbhworld: build-essential | 12:12 |
magnetron | could an op please ban skenmy? | 12:13 |
felixhummel | cbhworld: build-essential | 12:13 |
cbhworld | scorp123: & felixhummel: Thank you. | 12:13 |
scorp123 | magnetron: you can put him on your ignore list .... | 12:13 |
scorp123 | magnetron: but why do you want him banned? | 12:13 |
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urmama | scorp123: ive tried that. restarting the xserver , resizing the window, nothing has worked. 1024 x 768 resolution looks screwed. should i get drivers or something? | 12:13 |
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magnetron | scorp123: i am talking about his connects/excess flood disconnects. he's been doing that for hours | 12:14 |
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scorp123 | urmama: sorry, my crystal ball is out for repairs and my girlfriend has my Tarot cards. My prophetic abilities are therefore limited ;-) | 12:14 |
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scorp123 | magnetron: ah OK, now that you mention it I can see him connect and disconnect all the time .... | 12:15 |
tingle | hi, i just installed firestarter but it doesnt run on bootup should i put it in the init script or something like that | 12:15 |
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urmama | its ok scorp123 . the sad part of using ubuntu at 1280 resolution is i have to squint my eyes way too much | 12:15 |
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Bo^Dick | wow, here i am | 12:15 |
matteo | it's dangerous to upgrade to gutsy? | 12:16 |
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SigmaProject | hmm the Screen Resolution program doesnt seem to let me select anything above 1024x768. What can I do to increase that? | 12:16 |
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defrysk | matteo, if you have to ask , yes | 12:16 |
mwe | matteo: unstable | 12:16 |
Flannel | matteo: Gutsy is alpha software | 12:16 |
Bo^Dick | i didn't find kvirc in the package manager so i chose xchat instead | 12:16 |
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scorp123 | urmama: you are joking right? I always use 1280 x 1024 or something like that. 1024 x 768 is unbearable. | 12:16 |
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matteo | i was using debian sid before | 12:16 |
magnetron | matteo: gutsy is not done yet | 12:16 |
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scorp123 | !ops | 12:16 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 12:16 |
matteo | how much alpha? | 12:16 |
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Tm_T | scorp123: hum? | 12:17 |
urmama | i use 1024 x 768 on winxp. its nice . 1280 is too less. am on a 17" monitor | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | scorp123: ? | 12:17 |
defrysk | matteo, as in breakage can be expected alpha | 12:17 |
CrummyGummy | hi, whats the default run level of ubuntu? | 12:17 |
SigmaProject | Well, there are no options above 1024x768. How can increase it | 12:17 |
magnetron | Tm_T: it's skenmy, he is connecting/disconnecting all the time | 12:17 |
matteo | defrysk: as in debian unstable or worse? | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | scorp123: what do you want? | 12:17 |
magnetron | gnomefreak: it's skenmy excess flooding | 12:17 |
scorp123 | gnomefreak: skenmy is connecting and disconnecting all the time | 12:17 |
defrysk | matteo, this is not debian | 12:17 |
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crdlb | SigmaProject, gksu nvidia-settings | 12:17 |
scorp123 | gnomefreak: time to ban him I guess | 12:18 |
gnomefreak | yes i know about it | 12:18 |
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Flannel | matteo: As in, X isnt necessarily going to work next time you update. Alpha software. You should wait until beta. | 12:18 |
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scorp123 | amen to that | 12:18 |
magnetron | thank you, gnomefreak | 12:18 |
Bo^Dick | could someone recommend a good skype software for ubuntu? | 12:19 |
defrysk | its hard not to focus on something one does not want to focus on | 12:19 |
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scorp123 | Bo^Dick: skype? | 12:19 |
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mrigns | Bo^Dick: skyep | 12:19 |
mrigns | *skype | 12:19 |
wols_ | Bo^Dick: skype is proprietary. only skype itself will work with that netowrk. nothing else | 12:19 |
magnetron | Bo^Dick: the best VOIP software for Ubuntu is ekiga | 12:19 |
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scorp123 | Bo^Dick: being a closed protocol there only is the Skype client you can use :) | 12:19 |
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Bo^Dick | i'm gonna try ekiga | 12:20 |
Bo^Dick | i use to use skype in windows | 12:20 |
urmama | am outta here, thnx scorp123 | 12:20 |
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gordonjcp | Bo^Dick: skype works ok in Ubuntu | 12:20 |
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scorp123 | Bo^Dick: there is also a Linux client if that was your question .... | 12:20 |
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Flannel | Bo^Dick: Ekiga does h323, and... uh, one more. Which is an open standard. But not skype, so if you're looking for integration into skype, you'll be disappointed. | 12:21 |
hoovie | hi folks, is there any way to get squid to work with SSL on 6.06 Server LTS without recompilation? | 12:21 |
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Bo^Dick | the only important thing is that i can phone skype users | 12:21 |
dimebar | Flannel: SIP? | 12:21 |
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CrummyGummy | hi, whats the default run level of ubuntu? | 12:21 |
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jrib | CrummyGummy: 2, but 2-5 are identical as in debian | 12:21 |
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junta | bonjour | 12:22 |
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CrummyGummy | jrib, thanks :) | 12:22 |
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dimebar | Bo^Dick: Only skype compatible software for linux IS skype | 12:22 |
magnetron | bonjour, junta | 12:22 |
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Bo^Dick | why do i always get this strange message? E: miscfiles: "underprocess post-installation script gave errorcode 9" | 12:22 |
junta | /join #ubuntu-fr | 12:22 |
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Bo^Dick | i'd appreciate | 12:22 |
tyrus40be | How do I remove the linux partition to be able to install win98 again? | 12:23 |
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magnetron | tyrus40be: you could use gparted to remove or shrink the partition | 12:23 |
dimebar | Bo^Dick: on latest versions of ubuntu and skype? How did you install it? | 12:23 |
TheGateKeeper | tyrus40be: use something like gparted live cd | 12:23 |
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Bo^Dick | what does this mean? "E: miscfiles: underprocess post-installation script gave errorcode 9" | 12:23 |
TheGateKeeper | magnetron: snap :-) | 12:23 |
Flannel | tyrus40be: just reinstall win98 overtop. The windows installer has a partitioner | 12:24 |
Flannel | !away > BuZZdEE-SX | 12:24 |
Bo^Dick | i use the synaptic package manager | 12:24 |
tyrus40be | where do I find this gparted | 12:24 |
wols_ | Bo^Dick: it means an error occurred while installing. full message pleasre all lines | 12:24 |
wols_ | tyrus40be: to do what? | 12:24 |
Bo^Dick | oops, i clicked it away | 12:24 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: it's on the Ubuntu live cd | 12:24 |
tyrus40be | Flannel, FDISK from win98/dos can't remove linux partition | 12:25 |
magnetron | TheGateKeeper: y snap? | 12:25 |
wols_ | tyrus40be: simply delete the partition with the fdisk program of your choice, even windows fdisk can do it | 12:25 |
wols_ | then you can reinstall win98 again | 12:25 |
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wols_ | tyrus40be: it can remove nonDOS partitions ((which what linux us) | 12:25 |
TheGateKeeper | tyrus40be: not only but also: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 12:25 |
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TheGateKeeper | magnetron: said the same thing at the same time | 12:26 |
tyrus40be | k, thank all | 12:26 |
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magnetron | TheGateKeeper: oh :) | 12:26 |
mateusz | #bmxpl | 12:26 |
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TheGateKeeper | magnetron: snap is also a card game too :/ | 12:27 |
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SigmaProject | hmmm when im in nvidia-settings, if I change the resolution up or down, the screen will skew/stretch/darken, basicly just break. Mabye i have a wrong video driver installed? | 12:28 |
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Bo^Dick | i seem to have ekiga up and running | 12:28 |
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Bo^Dick | will it be possible to login with my spype account? | 12:29 |
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Flannel | Bo^Dick: no. We told you, skype is closed. Only Skype can login to skype. | 12:29 |
Bo^Dick | so ubuntu users aren | 12:29 |
Bo^Dick | 't supposed to chat with skypers | 12:29 |
Balvardo | hello to all | 12:29 |
Flannel | Bo^Dick: there's a linux skype client. | 12:29 |
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Flannel | !skype | Bo^Dick | 12:29 |
ubotu | Bo^Dick: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 12:29 |
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magnetron | Bo^Dick: skype exists for ubuntu too | 12:30 |
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=== TheGateKeeper never got ekiga to work | ||
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SigmaProject | sigh. When i change resolutions, either up or down when using gksu nvidia-settings the screen will bug out, then after a few seconds the screen goes black with the cursor visiable. What would the probem be? | 12:31 |
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SigmaProject | Anyone? | 12:32 |
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mwe | SigmaProject: I don't know but you can try ctrl-alt-f1 then ctrl-alt-f7 and see if it fixes it | 12:33 |
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SigmaProject | ahh, nice shortcut, thank you | 12:34 |
mwe | SigmaProject: or maybe system->preferences->screen resolution is working better | 12:35 |
bitumen | hi all | 12:35 |
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SigmaProject | ''>screen resolution only lets me go up to 1024x768 | 12:35 |
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Sonic1 | I have a resolution of 1680x1050 atm | 12:36 |
mwe | probably because of xorg.conf settings | 12:36 |
tyrus40be | Win98: FDISK can't remove nor overwrite Ubuntu partition! How can I remove it? Where do I find gparted and can gparted remove the partition while booted from it? | 12:36 |
nuked_omen | i wanna add Users and Groups option in System > Administration menu.. when i check it, it gets automatically unchecked after a second | 12:36 |
SigmaProject | hmm where is the xorg.conf located? | 12:36 |
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nuked_omen | in fact everything | 12:36 |
Bo^Dick | is the "deb" command supposed to work? | 12:36 |
nuked_omen | i can't edit the menu | 12:36 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: you need to boot from a Live CD | 12:36 |
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[nige] | hi all | 12:36 |
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mwe | Bo^Dick: deb command? | 12:37 |
bitumen | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:37 |
mwe | Bo^Dick: I don't have that | 12:37 |
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tyrus40be | magnetron, Can't I use the ubuntu installation cd's? | 12:37 |
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mwe | Bo^Dick: I have dpkg and friends | 12:37 |
nuked_omen | got it fixed | 12:37 |
SigmaProject | someone give me a resoltuion they are using atm | 12:38 |
SigmaProject | please | 12:38 |
incorrect | i want to create an ubuntu mirror so i don't have to keep downloading, is it possible to just get the amd64 and i386 versions? | 12:38 |
nuked_omen | atm? | 12:38 |
Bo^Dick | mwe: what does "dpkg" stand for? | 12:38 |
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magnetron | tyrus40be: the ubuntu cd is a live cd | 12:38 |
nuked_omen | automated teller machine? | 12:38 |
SigmaProject | at the momment | 12:38 |
SigmaProject | lol | 12:38 |
bitumen | which monitor 1280 1024 or 1024 768 | 12:38 |
nuked_omen | i'm using 1280x1024 | 12:38 |
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mwe | Bo^Dick: debian package manager | 12:38 |
Sonic1 | 1680x1050! | 12:38 |
Sonic1 | :D | 12:38 |
hylje | 1600x1200 is superior | 12:38 |
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tyrus40be | magnetron, Though I don't see a option to boot from CD, nor a partioning option | 12:38 |
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incorrect | 1920x1200 | 12:39 |
nuked_omen | 1024x768 generally is enough for me | 12:39 |
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bitumen | 2048 * 768 dual monitor :) | 12:39 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: you can use gparted on the Ubuntu cd, but you need to boot from it. insert the disk in the cdrom before you start the computer | 12:39 |
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Bo^Dick | is there a complete command i can write to get skype? | 12:39 |
mwe | 1920x1200 would suck on my 12.1' LCD screen ;) | 12:39 |
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raf256 | Bo^Dick: firefox | 12:39 |
magnetron | !skype | Bo^Dick read this | 12:40 |
ubotu | Bo^Dick read this: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 12:40 |
bitumen | lol | 12:40 |
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tyrus40be | magnetron, I just booted from the Ubuntu 7.04 installation CD. I only see intallation options and a F6:"Other Options" but I don't know what to type there | 12:41 |
bitumen | mwe you need accessaries with zoom to see 12.1 screen | 12:41 |
Bo^Dick | it was at that site i read this command: "deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free" | 12:41 |
Bo^Dick | i've also tried to replace "deb" to "dpkg" | 12:41 |
Bo^Dick | am i pathetic? | 12:42 |
Fr0ns | Does anyone know a nice command-line text editor with syntax highlighting? | 12:42 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: choose the "try or install" option, the first one | 12:42 |
Fr0ns | And don't day VIM ;p | 12:42 |
magnetron | Fr0ns: vim | 12:42 |
varka | Bo^Dick: its not a command its a setting to put in /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:42 |
mwe | bitumen: yeah | 12:42 |
jrib | Fr0ns: vim? emacs? nano? | 12:42 |
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mwe | bitumen: well it's a laptop, so ... | 12:42 |
Fr0ns | emacs? | 12:42 |
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Fr0ns | 'cause vim and nano need lot's of work to get syntax highlighting started | 12:42 |
jrib | Fr0ns: vim doesn't need lots of work, try :syntax on | 12:43 |
mwe | vim needs :syntax on | 12:43 |
Fr0ns | how? ;p | 12:43 |
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Fr0ns | where? ;p | 12:43 |
mwe | Fr0ns: type it in vim | 12:43 |
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tyrus40be | magnetron, don't see option "try or install", only "start or install ubuntu" | 12:43 |
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mwe | Fr0ns: :syntax on <enter> | 12:43 |
Fr0ns | let me try ;p | 12:43 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: it's that one | 12:43 |
tyrus40be | k | 12:43 |
mattm591 | hello. i just pressed some button or button combination on my keyboard by mistake and now all the windows, menus and dialogues are fading in and out incredibly slowly!! it is incredibly annoying, does anyone know what i might have done and how to undo it | 12:43 |
Bo^Dick | am i supposed to know how to add a command to that list? | 12:43 |
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jrib | Fr0ns: well you should probably install the "vim-full" package first and run the command 'vimtutor' to learn how to use vim | 12:44 |
Fr0ns | is vim hard? | 12:44 |
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mwe | Fr0ns: echo 'syntax on' >> ~/.vimrc to make it permanent | 12:44 |
Fr0ns | THAT hard? ;p | 12:44 |
hylje | vim is different, nt ot hard | 12:44 |
Bo^Dick | varka: do you know how that is performed? | 12:44 |
jrib | Fr0ns: the first couple of days can be frustrating, but after that initial period, you will love it | 12:44 |
SigmaProject | FINNALY found a resolution that didnt crashm 1680x1050 | 12:44 |
mwe | Fr0ns: you'll get frustrated if this is your first exposure | 12:44 |
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linux_probe | :-P lol @ accidentaly | 12:44 |
Fr0ns | and for simple use, like a replacement for notepad.exe WITH syntax highlighting.. | 12:44 |
Fr0ns | still hard? | 12:44 |
mwe | Fr0ns: same goes for emacs. when you learn you'll see they're very powerful, though. | 12:45 |
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varka | Bo^Dick: "gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list" then copy&paste it at the end of the file, save the file and run the command "sudo apt-get update" | 12:45 |
Fr0ns | Hmm, i'm not the learning type ;( | 12:45 |
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magnetron | Fr0ns: the notepad replacement with syntax highlightning is gEdit, but it's a GUI | 12:45 |
Fr0ns | ah no that's not gonna work ;p | 12:45 |
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magnetron | Fr0ns: sounds like you should stay away from the command line if you're not the learning type. no offense. | 12:46 |
Fr0ns | E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version | 12:46 |
mwe | Fr0ns: if you don't want to learn anything stick to nano | 12:46 |
Bo^Dick | varka: "sudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found" | 12:46 |
Fr0ns | no i know what i'm doing ;p | 12:46 |
bitumen | anyone know the ubuntu nz irc channel name of the top of there head | 12:46 |
hylje | Fr0ns: install vim-full | 12:46 |
Fr0ns | okay, thanks | 12:46 |
mwe | Fr0ns: install vim-full | 12:46 |
Nicke_ | !nz | 12:46 |
ubotu | nz is the New Zealand LoCo Team has a channel at #ubuntu-nz | 12:46 |
tyrus40be | magnetron, As far as I remember this is going to take 1 to 2 hours, asking computer name, .... But never partioning | 12:46 |
varka | Bo^Dick: sry, forgot something "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" | 12:47 |
Asad2005 | can some please help re-install vmware-player. I have installed server then remove it now i can not install player (E: vmware-player: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1) | 12:47 |
bitumen | lol not underscore then hehehehe | 12:47 |
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magnetron | tyrus40be: don't click the install icon | 12:47 |
Fr0ns | god why does it always need the cd :\ | 12:47 |
mwe | Asad2005: whatever that error is | 12:47 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: in the system menu, there is a partiotioning tool | 12:47 |
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tyrus40be | magnetron, there is, THANK YOU !!!!!!!! | 12:48 |
jrib | Fr0ns: you can remove the cd from your repository list if you go to system -> administration -> software sources | 12:48 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: np | 12:48 |
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Bo^Dick | varka: i'm currently installing gedit | 12:48 |
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Asad2005 | mwe, what do you mean ? | 12:48 |
pluma | Help? I switched from ati drivers to fglrx in order to get BigDesktop to work right, but now Compiz doesn't seem to work anymore because I had to disable composition in xorg.conf. Is there a way to get both to work? | 12:48 |
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varka | Bo^Dick: do you have kde? | 12:48 |
mwe | Asad2005: error exit status 1. useless error | 12:49 |
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Bo^Dick | varka: i think it is ubuntu destop | 12:49 |
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Fr0ns | jrib: i'm in command line | 12:49 |
varka | Bo^Dick: if it were, you shouldnt have to install gedit as it is part of the standardinstallation | 12:49 |
mwe | Asad2005: you could look at the postinst script and try to figure why it craps | 12:49 |
jrib | Fr0ns: then edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:49 |
bitumen | pluma i understand that it isnt easy i only got big monitor | 12:49 |
Fr0ns | okay ;p | 12:49 |
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Bo^Dick | varka: my problem might be that the gui i'm using now is installed on a server version of ubuntu | 12:50 |
Hultiz | How do I get new codecs for vlc? Or any program really, I can't get some .avi files to work | 12:50 |
mwe | Asad2005: /var/lib/dpkg/info/vmwareplayer.posrm or .prerm | 12:50 |
bitumen | pluma i tried crash ubuntu 2 doing it | 12:50 |
jrib | !restricted > Hultiz (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:50 |
pluma | bitumen: I need Big-Desktop for my dual screen set-up, but I got used to compiz. I hope there's a way... | 12:51 |
varka | Bo^Dick: then its ubuntu server, not ubuntu desktop....., alter the command to "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" | 12:51 |
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Hultiz | jrib, thanks =) | 12:51 |
Fr0ns | jrib: what do i need to delete in sources.list? | 12:51 |
jrib | Fr0ns: the line about the cd-rom, usually at the top | 12:51 |
Fr0ns | placing a # in front is enough? | 12:52 |
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jrib | Fr0ns: yes, and then save and run 'sudo apt-get update' | 12:52 |
mwe | Asad2005: do you understand what I'm talking about? | 12:52 |
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Asad2005 | mwe, ok let me see | 12:53 |
Fr0ns | done! | 12:53 |
mwe | Fr0ns: adding a # in front makes it count as a comment | 12:53 |
Fr0ns | yeah, okay! | 12:53 |
Fr0ns | thanks! | 12:53 |
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Fr0ns | cause, i hate getting on my knees and crawl under my desk to put in the stupid cd ;p | 12:53 |
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Pete_ | Does anyone here use an ATI Remote Wonder with ubuntu? | 12:54 |
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Lord_Drachenblut | Fr0ns: i had that same problem | 12:55 |
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mwe | Asad2005: looking at your error you probably need to look at vmwareplayer.postinst | 12:55 |
demonstealer | i downloaded and installed frostwire manually on ubuntu | 12:55 |
Bo^Dick | varka: may i show you the output? | 12:55 |
demonstealer | after installation when i opened frostwire the window is a blank | 12:55 |
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varka | Bo^Dick: here is everything you should do | 12:56 |
varka | Bo^Dick: http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/repositories.html | 12:56 |
Asad2005 | mwe, i tried run the script and got postinst called with unknown argument `' | 12:56 |
jrib | demonstealer: are you using compiz or beryl? | 12:56 |
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pluma | bitumen: I think this might help, haven't tried it, yet, though: http://blog.micampe.it/articles/2006/02/18/ubuntu-fglrx-xgl-compiz-and-missing-glx_ext_texture_from_pixmap | 12:56 |
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demonstealer | i have not enabled beryl yet | 12:56 |
bitumen | pluma thanks looking now | 12:56 |
jrib | demonstealer: run it in a terminal then and look for output | 12:56 |
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mwe | Asad2005: yes | 12:57 |
demonstealer | jrib: i dont know the commands for the same | 12:57 |
jrib | demonstealer: 'frostwire' | 12:57 |
mwe | Asad2005: it's probably called with an argument from the install script | 12:57 |
mwe | Asad2005: the error you pasted is all you get? | 12:57 |
demonstealer | jrib:Starting FrostWire... | 12:57 |
demonstealer | Java exec found in PATH. Verifying... | 12:57 |
demonstealer | Suitable java version found [java = 1.5.0_11] | 12:57 |
demonstealer | Configuring environment... | 12:57 |
demonstealer | Loading FrostWire: | 12:57 |
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jrib | !paste > demonstealer (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:58 |
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demonstealer | window opens and still is a blank | 12:58 |
Asad2005 | mwe, yes | 12:58 |
jrib | demonstealer: what does this return: ps -ef | egrep 'compiz|beryl' | 12:58 |
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mwe | Asad2005: are you using the correct .deb? | 12:59 |
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tyrus40be | magnetron: I removed the partitions with the Ubuntu install CD, but Win98-FDISK still hangs on making, deleting or displaying the partitions ! | 12:59 |
demonstealer | jrib:<ubotu> jrib wants you to know: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:00 |
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demonstealer | srry | 01:00 |
keito | anyone up to speed re: ntfs-3g | 01:00 |
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demonstealer | jrib:abhishek 5411 5342 0 16:08 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/compiz --sm-client-id default0 gconf | 01:00 |
demonstealer | abhishek 5442 5411 0 16:08 ? 00:00:02 /usr/bin/compiz.real --no-fbo --ignore-desktop-hints --sm-client-id default0 gconf gconf | 01:00 |
demonstealer | abhishek 6573 6445 0 16:29 pts/0 00:00:00 grep -E compiz|beryl | 01:00 |
demonstealer | abhishek@Vaio:~$ | 01:00 |
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magnetron | tyrus40be: di you remember to save/commit the changes to the partition table? | 01:00 |
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mwe | Asad2005: just installing from ubuntu multiverse? | 01:00 |
demonstealer | jrib: srry i dont understand the pastebin thing | 01:00 |
mwe | demonstealer: don't paste in here | 01:00 |
Fr0ns | wow, even saving a file is hard under VIM | 01:01 |
Asad2005 | mwe, from repo yes. Do you think if i download newest version 2 i believe it will install | 01:01 |
mwe | demonstealer: go to paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste | 01:01 |
magnetron | Fr0ns: esc wq enter | 01:01 |
mwe | Asad2005: I think the one in the repos is supposed to work | 01:01 |
demonstealer | understood. | 01:01 |
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keito | can someone point me in the right direction for ntfs-3g help | 01:01 |
demonstealer | jrib:now what? | 01:01 |
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mwe | Asad2005: did you correctly remove all of server? | 01:01 |
magnetron | !ntfs | keito | 01:01 |
ubotu | keito: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 01:01 |
burning_bronx | !ntfs | 01:01 |
Fr0ns | wq? | 01:01 |
nuked_omen | what's a good game that works on linux? | 01:02 |
magnetron | !ntfs-3g | keito | 01:02 |
tyrus40be | magnetron, I deleted the 2 partitions, and when he asked to proceed to make 2 new partitions to install Ubuntu I turned the PC off | 01:02 |
ubotu | keito: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 01:02 |
nuked_omen | other than tremulous | 01:02 |
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keito | ty | 01:02 |
mwe | nuked_omen: frozen-bubble. or define good ;) | 01:02 |
bitumen | pluma sound like it could help but i got no idea where i to but so ill save and see about it tomorrow thanks | 01:02 |
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jrib | demonstealer: you *are* running compiz | 01:02 |
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keito | new to irc so whats !htfs-3g -- a channel? | 01:02 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: i told you to not run the ubuntu installer | 01:02 |
nuked_omen | mwe: a good game = tremulous | 01:02 |
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b0ha | hello | 01:02 |
magnetron | keito: read the link ubotu gave you | 01:03 |
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jrib | demonstealer: that's the reason frostwire has nothing in the window. It's a compositing-related error. Try asking in #ubuntu-effects | 01:03 |
magnetron | !bot | keito | 01:03 |
ubotu | keito: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 01:03 |
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b0ha | im new to ubuntu and i want to install LAMP | 01:03 |
Asad2005 | mwe, yes tried removal from command and synaptic | 01:03 |
b0ha | is there any guide or something | 01:03 |
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magnetron | !lamp | b0ha | 01:04 |
ubotu | b0ha: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 01:04 |
tyrus40be | magnetron, You told me to pick the "Install ubuntu" from the boot-menu, not? | 01:04 |
demonstealer | jrib: i just enabled beryl and am running beryl, now my frostwire shows up. thank you . | 01:04 |
b0ha | thank you magnetron | 01:04 |
jrib | demonstealer: heh, ok. Must be an old bug that got fixed then | 01:04 |
b0ha | oh and 1 more question | 01:04 |
tyrus40be | Now I'm using the text-version, because the normal version gives "unsupported video mode"-error from my 17" LCD | 01:05 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: pick the "run ubuntu" option from the first, textbased, menu. when ubuntu is started, run the partition tool from the System menu | 01:05 |
b0ha | is it possibile to upgrade from dapper drake 6.06 to 7.04? | 01:05 |
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scorp123 | b0ha: update to 6.10 "edgy" first | 01:05 |
keito | I've already installed, problem is I have to unmount to be able to select writable drive in ntfs-config tool. then it won't mount again, error message asks to chkdsk as disk may be corrupted. does this mean I have to install windows again? | 01:06 |
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b0ha | scorp123, how? is there a terminal command? | 01:06 |
keito | if I deselect write, then mount it woks | 01:06 |
jrib | !upgrade > b0ha (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:06 |
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b0ha | tnx guys :D | 01:07 |
coldfusion | #xbins | 01:07 |
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tyrus40be | magnetron, Let me start from scratch, because it seems I see something else on the screen. "Run Ubuntu" isn't there, so I'll reboot from the Ubuntu 7.04 textversion CD now, hang on... | 01:07 |
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estefpp | olaaaaaaaaaaaa | 01:07 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: not the textversion cd! | 01:07 |
keito | curious also as to what.... !bot | keito... measn | 01:07 |
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estefpp | olitraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 01:07 |
fabiim | !ipod | 01:08 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 01:08 |
keito | #means | 01:08 |
tyrus40be | Magnetron, I'm using the text-version, because the normal version gives "unsupported video mode"-error from my 17" LCD | 01:08 |
fabiim | !rockbox | 01:08 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 01:08 |
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mwe | nuked_omen: most windows games don't work in linux or only half-work and are usually a pain to setup. there are a few exceptions like doom3 which is only annoying to install but runs well once it's working | 01:08 |
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magnetron | tyrus40be: You need to use the ubuntu desktop cd, or else you will have to look into other options (like the gparted live cd) | 01:09 |
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bitumen | mwe how about the emulator do they work ok ?? | 01:09 |
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mwe | bitumen: usually not | 01:09 |
magnetron | !wine | bitumen | 01:09 |
ubotu | bitumen: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 01:09 |
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tyrus40be | Magnetron, where can I get the gparted live cd? | 01:09 |
magnetron | tyrus40be: i don't know | 01:10 |
mwe | bitumen: some games work nice in cedega (which is not free) | 01:10 |
magnetron | mwe: wine works for most software | 01:10 |
mwe | magnetron: wrong | 01:10 |
bitumen | thank people | 01:10 |
babo | I adjusted a widget on my gnome desktop, and that has totally KO'd my system. That seems a little unreasonable to me ... | 01:10 |
magnetron | mwe: even better then cedega for many games | 01:10 |
mwe | magnetron: try installing a recent windows game in wine | 01:10 |
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mwe | magnetron: cedega works for maybe 1 out of 100 games if you're lucky | 01:10 |
mwe | magnetron: and the ones that work usually have glitches | 01:11 |
WillJitsu | I am dual booting WinXP and Ubuntu. How do I change it to default to boot into WinXP instead of Ubuntu when the computer starts up? | 01:11 |
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mwe | magnetron: vere few games are "gold rated" in cedega | 01:11 |
magnetron | http://appdb.winehq.org/ mwe | 01:11 |
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keito | ewillJitsu: edit grub | 01:11 |
mwe | magnetron: I know the wine homepage | 01:11 |
magnetron | mwe: cedega is bollocks | 01:11 |
tyrus40be | Magnetron, Can I start some kind of fdisk(gparted) from a shell that I could start from that CD? | 01:11 |
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magnetron | tyrus40be: ask the channel, i have no idea | 01:11 |
mwe | magnetron: try installing a recent windows game like FEAR and you'll change your mind | 01:12 |
bitumen | nite all | 01:12 |
mwe | magnetron: it's all trouble | 01:12 |
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keito | is there a specific ntfs-3g channel.... PLEEZ someone?! | 01:12 |
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kismet | anyone else getting this error -> W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libe/libexif/libexif12_0.6.13-5ubuntu0.1_i386.deb | 01:12 |
kismet | 404 Not Found | 01:12 |
tyrus40be | Can I start some kind of fdisk(gparted) from a shell that I could start from the ubuntu installation CD? | 01:12 |
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WillJitsu | keito: do I need to be in ubuntu in order to edit it? is there a specific file I edit or can I do it through the boot menu? | 01:12 |
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Shuby | i need a root for createa a radio | 01:13 |
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keito | couldn't tell you as never edited it. there should be plenty of info knocking about | 01:13 |
magnetron | !root | Shuby | 01:13 |
ubotu | Shuby: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 01:13 |
smiley_ | When I start beryl-maneger my pane disapears.. | 01:13 |
mwe | sorry linux is not a good choice as a gaming platform unless you wanna play a very limitid amount of games and is prepared to fiddle a fair amount to get things working right | 01:13 |
magnetron | !beryl | smiley_ | 01:13 |
ubotu | smiley_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:13 |
matteo | Shuby: or do: sudo passwd | 01:13 |
tyrus40be | ANYONE? Can I start some kind of fdisk(gparted) from a shell that I could start from the ubuntu installation CD? | 01:14 |
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magnetron | !noroot | matteo | 01:14 |
ubotu | matteo: Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo | 01:14 |
matteo | !rootsudo | 01:14 |
kismet | anyone else getting this error -> W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libe/libexif/libexif12_0.6.13-5ubuntu0.1_i386.deb | 01:14 |
matteo | !rootsudo | 01:14 |
matteo | !rootsudo | matteo | 01:14 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 01:14 |
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snaykero | Eloo Elo Przyjaciele | 01:15 |
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snaykero | Snaykero zioom :D | 01:15 |
snaykero | POLAND GOOOLLAA :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:15 |
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tyrus40be | What is the command in a Ubuntu Shell like the DOS-command "DIR" | 01:15 |
snaykero | RASIAK :D | 01:15 |
jrib | !pl | | 01:15 |
ubotu | : Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 01:15 |
kismet | anyone? | 01:15 |
snaykero | DUDEK DANCE ;] | 01:15 |
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snaykero | :D | 01:15 |
jrib | tyrus40be: ls | 01:16 |
jrib | !cli > tyrus40be (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:16 |
jrib | !please > kismet (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:16 |
tyrus40be | Jrib, thanks | 01:16 |
snaykero | DUDEK DANCE:D | 01:16 |
snaykero | ARTUR BORUC ;] | 01:16 |
jrib | snaykero: /join #ubuntu-pl | 01:16 |
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snaykero | YEAH :D | 01:16 |
jrib | snaykero: english only here | 01:16 |
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tyrus40be | Jrib, CD map ? | 01:16 |
snaykero | Polish only ;D | 01:16 |
snaykero | Ubuntu super system :D | 01:17 |
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jrib | tyrus40be: huh? | 01:17 |
Shuby | who have a root | 01:17 |
jrib | !root > Shuby (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:17 |
Shuby | i need for create a radio onlie | 01:17 |
snaykero | Poolskaa goolla aa;'D | 01:17 |
snaykero | ;) | 01:17 |
tyrus40be | Jrib, the linux command like DOS: CD ? | 01:17 |
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jrib | tyrus40be: read the message from ubotu, it explains all of them | 01:18 |
snaykero | Olisadebe xD | 01:18 |
jrib | snaykero: stop, or I'll have to ban you | 01:18 |
snaykero | Za co Ban???//// | 01:18 |
snaykero | ;> | 01:18 |
magnetron | !pl | snaykero | 01:18 |
ubotu | snaykero: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 01:18 |
Shuby | jrib | 01:18 |
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Shuby | but i don't have linux ubuntu | 01:18 |
Shuby | i have windows xp | 01:18 |
jrib | Shuby: then ask in ##windows | 01:18 |
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snaykero | :) | 01:19 |
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NazoSteve | Does anyone know which channel the gutsy one is? | 01:19 |
jrib | NazoSteve: #ubuntu+1 | 01:19 |
NazoSteve | kk thanks | 01:19 |
Shuby | Jrib pllzz a root | 01:19 |
Shuby | plz | 01:20 |
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jrib | Shuby: this channel is for help with ubuntu linux, other subjects are offtopic | 01:20 |
Shuby | k | 01:20 |
Shuby | But | 01:20 |
Shuby | where i get a root | 01:20 |
Shuby | ? | 01:20 |
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scorp123 | !enter | Shuby | 01:20 |
ubotu | Shuby: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:20 |
TheGateKeeper | just installed wengophone, dialed a test call number & it thinks my sound card is blocked, yet all other sound apps are ok, any ideas folks? | 01:21 |
jrib | Shuby: not here. | 01:21 |
hays | What kind of idiotic question is that anyway | 01:21 |
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Shuby | Where | 01:21 |
Shuby | ? | 01:21 |
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=== Zapt [n=sebastia@dslb-084-059-008-201.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scorp123 | bye Shuby .... :) | 01:22 |
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Zapt | i completely messed up. how can i reset to the original upper taskbar in gnome? | 01:22 |
Zentax | lol@Shuby | 01:22 |
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scorp123 | Zentax: yeah ... "plz give me root" ... LOL :) | 01:22 |
kismet | Zapt, terminal -> killall gnome-panel | 01:23 |
Zapt | i deleted it | 01:23 |
kismet | oh | 01:23 |
scorp123 | Zapt: you can add it again | 01:23 |
Zentax | lol ... :p | 01:23 |
Zapt | how? | 01:23 |
=== HyperCity [n=HyperCit@host208-215.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keito | megatron: this is my error message from ntfsprogs.... Mounting /media/VIDEO failed. | 01:23 |
keito | $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) | 01:23 |
keito | Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Operation not supported | 01:23 |
keito | Mount is denied because NTFS logfile is unclean. Choose one action: | 01:23 |
keito | Boot Windows and shutdown it cleanly, or if you have a removable | 01:23 |
keito | device then click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows | 01:23 |
keito | taskbar notification area before disconnecting it. | 01:23 |
keito | Or | 01:23 |
keito | Run ntfsfix version 1.13.1 on Linux unless you have Vista. | 01:23 |
keito | Or | 01:23 |
keito | Mount the NTFS volume with the 'ro' option in read-only mode. | 01:23 |
scorp123 | !pastebin | keito | 01:23 |
ubotu | keito: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:23 |
keito | ok | 01:24 |
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keito | any ideas though? | 01:24 |
Zapt | scorp123, how? | 01:24 |
Zentax | Has anyone had much trouble with SATA drives & ubuntu.. Naimly on motherboards that have SATA RAid controllers? | 01:24 |
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tulga | I installed ATI display driver (restricted), now my ubuntu box not working :( how to fix it? | 01:24 |
Zentax | Has taken me a good week to get unbuntu finally installed on my old PC. Grub kept failing to boot after a install. | 01:25 |
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Zapt | great... | 01:25 |
keito | zentax:never had any sata trouble right from the off | 01:25 |
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keito | I can't find the right place to receive help for my ntfs-3g wo's someone must be able to help | 01:26 |
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tulga | howto uninstall restricted drivers? | 01:26 |
tulga | I'm using recovery mode | 01:26 |
mrigns | sexy | 01:26 |
Zentax | Damn.. I found the only way to install it was to get my SATA HDD on its own ( i had 3x 80GB and 1x 120GB ) i left teh 120GB connected. Changed my BIOS SATA settings to IDE Combined mode. And made sure that the SATA HDD was the first device on that particular channel. | 01:26 |
ian_cute | you can rm restricted drivers | 01:27 |
b0ha | keito i got problems with ntfs-3g too :( | 01:27 |
Zentax | Any other combination i got a Grub error 21 or Error 17 | 01:27 |
tulga | ian_cute: how? | 01:27 |
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ian_cute | recover drivers | 01:27 |
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tulga | I'm very new. I don't know what to do | 01:27 |
hays | tulga: I'm not an ubuntu person, but isn't there an /etc/modules.autoload or something? | 01:27 |
keito | b0ha: what specifically | 01:28 |
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magnetron | !modules | 01:28 |
ubotu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 01:28 |
b0ha | i couldn use apt-get install | 01:28 |
keito | b0ha: try automatix | 01:28 |
b0ha | there was some error wit fuse-utils | 01:28 |
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magnetron | !automatix | keito b0ha | 01:29 |
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | keito b0ha: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 01:29 |
keito | b0ha: I have it installed but can't get round the fact that the drive is "unclean" lol | 01:29 |
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b0ha | i was asking on irc channels an google error, but today i reinstall ubuntu :D | 01:29 |
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mrodri | ola | 01:29 |
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pjimenez | olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 01:29 |
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mrodri | olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 01:30 |
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pjimenez | k pasa sosia??? | 01:30 |
tulga | I want kill AMD | 01:30 |
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PriceChild | !es | pjimenez mrodri | 01:30 |
ubotu | pjimenez mrodri: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:30 |
pjimenez | eto k e?? | 01:30 |
tulga | Why ATI not support well Linux | 01:30 |
magnetron | !pt | pjimenez | 01:30 |
ubotu | pjimenez: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 01:30 |
james_ | hi | 01:30 |
PriceChild | tulga, ask them. | 01:30 |
magnetron | tulga: ask ATI | 01:30 |
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pjimenez | I love seki!!!! | 01:30 |
mrodri | vchfdksjn m,dsh fudsfn vydhv | 01:30 |
pjimenez | woooooooooooooooo | 01:30 |
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tulga | I never met them :P | 01:30 |
james_ | trying to install printer | 01:31 |
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tulga | I wrote many email to them, but no response | 01:31 |
magnetron | tulga: they have a web site.... :) | 01:31 |
james_ | on ubuntu 8 | 01:31 |
magnetron | tulga: you did? great | 01:31 |
PriceChild | james_, there is no ubuntu 8 | 01:31 |
tulga | yes, I did :P | 01:31 |
james_ | ubuntu 7 | 01:31 |
james_ | i meant | 01:31 |
PriceChild | james_, there is no ubuntu 7 | 01:31 |
PriceChild | james_, do you mean ubuntu 7.04 ? | 01:32 |
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mrodri | hello!!! | 01:32 |
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mrodri | myhvcjdygh | 01:32 |
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james_ | Thank you for your interest in Ubuntu 7.04 | 01:32 |
james_ | - the Feisty Fawn - released in April 2007. | 01:32 |
james_ | i mean this ubentu | 01:32 |
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CUMAC | !ati | 01:33 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:33 |
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james_ | am still a learner | 01:33 |
PriceChild | james_, ubuntu 7.04 yes :) | 01:33 |
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xlp | lol i need help | 01:33 |
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b0ha | hmm is it necessary to instal ati, nvidia drivers? | 01:33 |
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b0ha | i didnt install any drivers but it seems to work fine | 01:34 |
james_ | pricechild please help me install | 01:34 |
james_ | a printer | 01:34 |
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PriceChild | b0ha, it is not necessary no | 01:34 |
ian_cute | hmm is it necessary to instal ati, nvidia drivers? <<<<<< its googd guest | 01:34 |
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PriceChild | james_, what printer is it? how have you tried? | 01:34 |
kismet | b0ha, have you tried watching videos? | 01:34 |
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Spud__ | Good morning. I just installed Feisty AMD64 yesterday, and was wondering, how can I get it to stop asking me for my Keyring password every time I log in and it tries to log into my wireless network? | 01:34 |
PriceChild | ian_cute, it is no neccessary no | 01:34 |
b0ha | not jet :p | 01:34 |
ian_cute | no..... | 01:34 |
kismet | b0ha :) | 01:34 |
mike_ | Greets, everyone | 01:34 |
james_ | hp color laserjet 2600n | 01:34 |
ian_cute | : )))) | 01:35 |
xlp | never installed linux before, I have 3 harddrives and ubuntu reads them as: sda (winxp), sdb (my back up drive), sdc (second back up). I want to install linux on a partition on sbc however, in the install it only gives me use entire disk or manual... i want to dual boot too | 01:35 |
james_ | i tried but i have no drivers | 01:35 |
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james_ | on the cd | 01:35 |
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ian_cute | never installed linux before, I have 3 harddrives and ubuntu reads them as: sda (winxp), sdb (my back up drive), sdc (second back up). I want to install linux on a partition on sbc however, in the install it only gives me use entire disk or manual... i want to dual boot too | 01:35 |
ian_cute | <-- IkillUall has quit (Client Quit) <<< can you manual partitions | 01:35 |
kismet | xlp, go with manual and set your sdc as ext3 with mount point \ | 01:35 |
PriceChild | james_, first link off of google for "hp color laserjet 2600n linux" - http://foo2hp.rkkda.com/ | 01:36 |
ian_cute | yuppp | 01:36 |
magnetron | kismet, xlp: the mount point should be / | 01:36 |
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kismet | sorry | 01:36 |
kismet | heh | 01:36 |
ian_cute | its uncle google | 01:36 |
PriceChild | ian_cute, choose manual | 01:36 |
ian_cute | yuppp | 01:36 |
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xlp | kismet: so set up a whatever size partition as ext3 mount point \ and leave the freespace alone? | 01:36 |
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ian_cute | <PriceChild> ian_cute, choose manual <<<< you look its paritision drive | 01:37 |
kismet | xlp, you could convert it to ext3 as well or choose to leave it alone, don't forget to create your ram x 2 for swap though | 01:37 |
ian_cute | ^_^ | 01:37 |
ian_cute | yupp | 01:38 |
xlp | leave primary and beginning checked? | 01:38 |
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ian_cute | primary | 01:38 |
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kismet | xlp, yup | 01:39 |
xlp | last newb question, will ubuntu auto set up dual boot (later step in installation?) or is it going to auto assume i dont want to? | 01:39 |
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Ix0s | xlp, GRUB will auto detect windows dont worry | 01:40 |
kismet | xlp, grub will work like magic, as soon as it boots, you will see your os | 01:40 |
b0ha | :) | 01:40 |
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Ix0s | Aye it does :) | 01:40 |
tulga | when I type fglrxinfo, it said unable to open display :0, howto solve it? | 01:40 |
ian_cute | can you edit boot>> groub | 01:40 |
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Ix0s | ian_brasil, I think you can find it in the menus or something if not th file you edit is called menu.lst i believe inside /boot/grub | 01:40 |
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ian_cute | yuppp | 01:41 |
xlp | yay, hopefully ill be a switcher soon | 01:41 |
mike_ | Does anyone here know if it's safe to log in to a TTY and restart KDM half-way through RSEIUB? I was just able to do so, but haven't been able to find any documentation stating whether this is a safe practice. | 01:41 |
ian_cute | why? | 01:42 |
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mike_ | Although, based on what the first three steps of RSEIUB do, I can't see why it wouldn't be. | 01:42 |
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ian_cute | ok | 01:42 |
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kismet | Anyone noticed that beryl is more stable with Gnome? | 01:43 |
ian_cute | no stable yet | 01:44 |
iphv37 | how do i burn data backups with sure that it is well done? | 01:44 |
PriceChild | kismet, generally yeah | 01:44 |
b0ha | beryl is that 3d desktop thing? | 01:44 |
PriceChild | beryl talk over to #ubuntu-effects please | 01:44 |
kismet | iphv37, use k3b, you have the option to verify data | 01:44 |
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b0ha | are you using xchat for irc? | 01:45 |
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b0ha | or is there better program for irc on linux? | 01:46 |
iphv37 | kismet: thanks! i asked because i tried to burn some dvds and it got all bad... | 01:46 |
ian_cute | <b0ha> or is there better program for irc on linux?<< wine | 01:47 |
raf256 | Im writting a howto for linux newbies, | 01:47 |
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raf256 | what is a name of simple linux application | 01:47 |
raf256 | that will be always in ubuntu | 01:47 |
raf256 | X application... | 01:47 |
jussi01 | firefox | 01:47 |
raf256 | mhm ok | 01:47 |
raf256 | and a text one? mc? | 01:47 |
Fallenou | gedit ? | 01:47 |
ziroday | raf256: cd | 01:47 |
jussi01 | apt | 01:47 |
ian_cute | get | 01:48 |
raf256 | ziroday: its not a program, and its not interactive | 01:48 |
raf256 | jussi01: apt-get needs root | 01:48 |
raf256 | something simpler | 01:48 |
ian_cute | yuppp | 01:48 |
jussi01 | apt | 01:48 |
mike_ | Is anyone here very familiar with the magic SysRq key commands? | 01:48 |
jussi01 | apt-cache | 01:48 |
raf256 | there should be an hello_world and hello_window | 01:48 |
ian_cute | apt-get your program | 01:48 |
raf256 | mikeme | 01:48 |
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raf256 | mike_: me | 01:48 |
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raf256 | mike_: go to VT1 press SysRq-h to get help | 01:49 |
raf256 | erm | 01:49 |
raf256 | wait | 01:49 |
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raf256 | SysRq+? better | 01:49 |
mike_ | raf256: Well, I just read the wiki on the commands, I just had a quick question | 01:49 |
b0ha | brb restart | 01:49 |
raf256 | alt+SysRq+? is the keypresse actually | 01:49 |
raf256 | mike_: yeah? | 01:49 |
raf256 | be carefull to not hit other key by accident lol | 01:49 |
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mike_ | raf256: I was just able to log into a TTY after doing Alt+SysRq+R-S-E, (was about to reboot because dosemu froze the system), and restart KDM from there. Everything looks fine. Is this safe practice, or would I be better off doing the full procedure (RSEIUB) only? | 01:51 |
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PriceChild | mike_, K will kill the current terminal, and restart X etc. | 01:51 |
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simas | !ati | 01:52 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:52 |
=== b0ha [n=boha@BSN-165-118-189.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mike_ | PriceChild: So if Ctrl+Alt+F1/Backspace aren't doing anything, all I have to do is Alt+SysRq+K? (Or do I have to do Alt+SysRq+R first?) | 01:53 |
KomiaPoika | help. when i launch k3b and try to burn a downloaded iso, it says: no mimetypes installed! | 01:53 |
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kaxz | KomiaPoika, weird :\ | 01:53 |
kaxz | sec | 01:53 |
PriceChild | mike_, you can do r to take it into raw mode and then try whatever | 01:53 |
kaxz | KomiaPoika, http://dot.kde.org/1037732247/1037739768/ | 01:54 |
kaxz | try looking here ^ | 01:54 |
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KomiaPoika | ok | 01:54 |
maan84 | Could anyone tell me how I empty my trashcan as root? | 01:54 |
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maan84 | File in there that I dont have permission to delete | 01:55 |
KomiaPoika | kaxz: i don't have k3b in /opt | 01:55 |
PriceChild | maan84, how do you know you have stuff in your root trash can? and why do you have stuff in there? | 01:55 |
kaxz | sudo rm filename | 01:55 |
Ind[y] | Why application launchers have a %s next to them? | 01:55 |
kaxz | KomiaPoika, try whereis k3b | 01:55 |
PriceChild | Ind[y] , that's a bash thing... adds strings from somewhere which I can't remember right now | 01:55 |
mike_ | PriceChild: Cool, thanks for the tips | 01:56 |
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Ind[y] | PriceChild: the fact is, adds strings from where? | 01:56 |
KomiaPoika | kaxz: | 01:56 |
KomiaPoika | ~ > whereis k3b | 01:56 |
KomiaPoika | k3b: /usr/bin/k3b /usr/X11R6/bin/k3b /usr/bin/X11/k3b | 01:56 |
luisbg | where can I download tribe 2 cd for gutsy? | 01:56 |
PriceChild | Ind[y] , I can't remember what %s is sorry... check bash docs I guess | 01:56 |
maan84 | PriceChild: I'm not that experienced but I deleted a folder on my desktop and it had a big keylock thing on it and when i try to empty trash it says /home/...etc cannot be deleted because you dont have permission to modify its parent folder | 01:56 |
PriceChild | luisbg, #ubuntu+1 | 01:56 |
PriceChild | maan84, oh so its your trash and not roots trash,t hat's better :) | 01:57 |
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Ind[y] | PriceChild: ok, never mind :-) | 01:57 |
PriceChild | maan84, sudo rm /home/your_username/.Trash/file_you_want_to_delete | 01:57 |
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kaxz | KomiaPoika, talk private.. i cant handle all these msgs :] | 01:57 |
maan84 | PriceChild: heh yeah, dunno what root trash is XD | 01:57 |
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luisbg | thanks PriceChild | 01:57 |
maan84 | PriceChild: ah thanks ill try that | 01:57 |
praveen_ | hi how to auto mount ntfs partitions in ubuntu | 01:58 |
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luisbg | PriceChild, don't tell me you are active in this channel too? how do you make it LOL | 01:58 |
PriceChild | !fstab | praveen_ | 01:58 |
ubotu | praveen_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 01:58 |
Pici | !ntfs | praveen_ | 01:58 |
ubotu | praveen_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 01:58 |
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delete[df] | hi 2 all | 01:58 |
delete[df] | i need help | 01:58 |
praveen_ | ohh thnkx a lot | 01:58 |
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delete[df] | apt-get install svn | 01:59 |
PriceChild | delete[df] , sudo apt-get install subversion | 01:59 |
delete[df] | Reading package lists... Done | 01:59 |
delete[df] | Building dependency tree | 01:59 |
delete[df] | Reading state information... Done | 01:59 |
delete[df] | E: Couldn't find package svn | 01:59 |
icecruncher | hi, what is the hotkey to change between desktops? | 01:59 |
delete[df] | aha | 01:59 |
delete[df] | thanks | 01:59 |
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Pici | icecruncher: ctrl-alt-leftarrow or rightarrow | 01:59 |
PriceChild | icecruncher, ctrl+alt+directional key | 01:59 |
Myrtti | !paste | delete[df] | 01:59 |
ubotu | delete[df] : pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:59 |
delete[df] | ya working ! | 01:59 |
delete[df] | thanks | 01:59 |
icecruncher | thnks | 01:59 |
xlp | well, i just installed ubuntu but now when i reboot, grub gives me an error, erro 17 | 01:59 |
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steve_ | erm | 02:00 |
KomiaPoika | kaxz: i msged you | 02:00 |
steve_ | why did i install this os | 02:00 |
steve_ | ! | 02:00 |
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mat1980 | steve_: what's your problem? | 02:02 |
xlp | so, how do i fix grub =/ | 02:02 |
icecruncher | my panels is gone what can i do? | 02:02 |
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TooR4u | xlp, what is u r error? | 02:03 |
xlp | error 17 | 02:03 |
icecruncher | as in i cannot see the top bar or the bottom | 02:03 |
xlp | i just installed linux on my 3hdd (sdc) and created 2 partitions (80gig for linux, 4gig swap, left the rest as unformated) | 02:03 |
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icecruncher | pls somebody | 02:03 |
TooR4u | http://www.google.co.in/search?q=grub+error+17&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial xls | 02:04 |
xlp | sda = winxp, sdb = backup sdc = above | 02:04 |
xlp | sda/sdb both ntfs | 02:04 |
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mat1980 | icecruncher: have you tried to logout and login back? | 02:05 |
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icecruncher | mat1980: n | 02:05 |
icecruncher | n0o | 02:05 |
PriceChild | icecruncher, alt+f2 then start "gnome-panel" | 02:06 |
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zombiebox | hello... are there any irc-chatroom for ubuntu in swedish? | 02:06 |
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PriceChild | !sw | 02:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:06 |
Gnea | !se | 02:06 |
ubotu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 02:06 |
Polis_ttt | zombiebox: nej, men "alla talar svenska" som disney skulle sga | 02:06 |
PriceChild | *doesn't know his country codes* | 02:06 |
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zombiebox | okej :-) | 02:07 |
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icecruncher | PriceChild: you see, my friend was playing around with beryl and now he lost his panel, talking to him over phone | 02:07 |
icecruncher | PriceChild: how do you log out in command line? | 02:07 |
PriceChild | icecruncher, beryl in #ubuntu-effects | 02:07 |
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neil_feisty | ctrl+d, icecruncher | 02:09 |
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mat1980 | icecruncher: try killall gdm | 02:09 |
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icecruncher | he's rebootind | 02:09 |
icecruncher | *g | 02:09 |
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Pete_ | /exit | 02:10 |
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nivekc1 | is it possible to install ubuntu on a mac mini and if so will uuntu studio work | 02:10 |
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CyberMad | how to boost my ubuntu speed without changing the xwindow? i prefer use Gnome.. | 02:11 |
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George10 | hey i have a bit of a noob question if someone is kind enough to humour me | 02:11 |
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xlp | in grub settings, how do i know which harddrive is hd2,0 or hd3,0, etc. (in linux)? | 02:11 |
mat1980 | CyberMad: stop serveces you don't need. | 02:12 |
CyberMad | mat1980 is there any guide of services? | 02:13 |
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CyberMad | mat1980 i don't know which one safe to stop | 02:13 |
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mat1980 | xlp: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Quick_GRUB | 02:13 |
incorrect | i am trying to configure a pxe install that does a very minimal system, basically a server with just ssh | 02:13 |
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George10 | i am netbooting my ubuntu install and i want to use my isp to install packages as i am currently speed limited. the path is ftp.netspace.net/pub/ubuntu but in the installer when i enter this it comes up invalid please help | 02:14 |
incorrect | now i have the installation working, however its installing a desktop | 02:14 |
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mat1980 | CyberMad: uhm... no... I don't know. I'll do a quick search. Wait a while. | 02:14 |
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CyberMad | mat1980 oh, :) thanks.. so do i | 02:14 |
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CyberMad | i will search on google too | 02:14 |
simas | !ati | 02:14 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:14 |
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CyberMad | i found many about speed up ubuntu boot, not speed up after boot | 02:15 |
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xlp | great, well no idea why i get error 17, my linux install is on hd2,0 and grub is pointed at it | 02:16 |
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enviouz | ok so i finally managed to compile fakenes. anybody know how i make the .deb file for later use? | 02:17 |
icecruncher | thnks all for the help, problem solved | 02:17 |
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ubuntu-rocks | i'm trying find files that are larger than X,what is the syntax? i'm using ubuntu fiesty. tks | 02:21 |
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enviouz | anybody? | 02:21 |
xlp | anyone? i got grub pointing to the correct hdd but it gives me error 17 | 02:21 |
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bullium | does anyone remember the name of the package that allows you to install themes, wallpapers etc from gnome-look.org without having to go to the website? | 02:25 |
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mat1980 | CyberMad: uhm... I've found this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 | 02:26 |
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Zubbb | hello, with openoffice Impress, can I see the whole slide without waiting for effects with some shortcut? | 02:27 |
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Zubbb | hello, with openoffice Impress, can I see the whole slide without waiting for effects with some shortcut? | 02:28 |
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neknakz | hello world | 02:28 |
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neknakz | is there a client vpn program for ubuntu? cuz in winxp it's easy to make a vpn connection to a vpn server. anyone? | 02:29 |
zombiebox | sorry if someone allready answereed, my network connection died here, so please repeat then | 02:29 |
CyberMad | thanks mat.. | 02:29 |
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zombiebox | what I want is the possibility to later reinstall everything (updates and programs) without network connection, | 02:30 |
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Myrtti | neknakz: depends on what kind of vpn server you connect to | 02:31 |
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WeeJeWel | Where do installed gtk themes get saved? | 02:31 |
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ville_ | Howdy. What is the proper way to set $JAVA_HOME and $JRE_HOME systemwide in Ubuntu? update-alternatives --config java doesn't appear to set them. | 02:31 |
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SpectralDesign | my ISP puts my MAC into a reverse-lookup, i.e. CPEbeefadd5feed-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com... know any place that has lists of fake MACs so I can put something more interesting into it? | 02:32 |
xystic_ | Hi again. What packages would one need (minimum) for a clean install, to be able to play DVD's (in whatever region the hardware supports)? | 02:32 |
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WeeJeWel | Isn't dvd playback by default supporteD? | 02:33 |
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F00BaR | hey | 02:33 |
F00BaR | how do i make sshd server auto start | 02:33 |
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F00BaR | on boot | 02:33 |
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pyrops | hey, when i open up ubuntu, it says $home /.dmrc ... 644 permission | 02:34 |
WeeJeWel | pyrops, chmod 777 it | 02:34 |
pyrops | what do i need to do to fix it? | 02:34 |
xystic_ | WeeJeWel: Oh, ok... I had assumed it wasn't, because I had to install packages for playback of various formats - so I thought I'd need to for DVD playback also. | 02:34 |
mat1980 | WeeJeWel: decss is not included due patent reason. So you can't watch encrypted dvd by default. But you can install it. | 02:34 |
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WeeJeWel | I could play dvd's, oh well | 02:34 |
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WeeJeWel | Hey, where do installed gtk themes get saved? | 02:35 |
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pyrops | WeeJeWel: could you run it thru.. the process | 02:36 |
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WeeJeWel | pyrops, open up a terminal and type sudo chmod 777 .dmrc | 02:36 |
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pyrops | is that all? | 02:36 |
kcsaw | newbie here... just installed wusb11v4 driver for network card but the driver cannot work | 02:37 |
WeeJeWel | I hope so | 02:37 |
pyrops | nice one | 02:37 |
kcsaw | any i can help | 02:37 |
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Ind[y] | kcsaw: be more specific. "the driver cannot work" does not give us much information about the problem | 02:37 |
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pyrops | WeeJeWel: same problem | 02:37 |
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pyrops | says $home needs to have permission | 02:38 |
WeeJeWel | that's weird since it has 777 permissions now | 02:38 |
WeeJeWel | lol | 02:38 |
WeeJeWel | cd / then sudo chmod 777 home | 02:38 |
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jab00 | Hi, I'm running 64bit edgy and I need to run a 32bit binary that depends on some 32bit libraries which only exist in 64bit form. Is there a magic combination of options I can pass to apt-get to get it to download the sources to the libraries and build 32bit versions for use on my local machine? | 02:38 |
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CyberMad | is there any way.. to reduce ubuntu printer driver problem? so print doesn't need printer driver compability? | 02:39 |
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kcsaw | im using amd64 ver ubuntu, i follow all instruction and got no error but the driver cant run | 02:39 |
CyberMad | maybe use additional hardware? | 02:39 |
CyberMad | or there is new method | 02:39 |
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james_ | prince child | 02:39 |
pyrops | WeeJeWel: still the same | 02:40 |
james_ | thanks | 02:40 |
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james_ | i can now print | 02:40 |
WeeJeWel | Weird | 02:40 |
chadeldridg1 | Does anyone else use Evolution with exchange? | 02:40 |
james_ | take one beer i will pay | 02:40 |
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juhani | terve | 02:40 |
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james_ | prince child | 02:40 |
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james_ | thanks | 02:40 |
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pinp | Hello all, whenever I close gvim I get "Usage:program_name [address] [:port] " printed on the terminal. Is there anyway to get rid of that message (I never got that before)? There has been talk about that it could be that I used sudo once to run it, but I don't know how to fix it. | 02:40 |
WeeJeWel | pyrops, you did sudo with a pass did you? | 02:41 |
pyrops | yes | 02:41 |
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SR71-Blackbird | hey. i think i removed my sysvinit and stuff... can't say what exactly.. currently using from live cd... how do i install those packages | 02:41 |
pyrops | WeeJeWel: actually no | 02:41 |
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WeeJeWel | why not? | 02:42 |
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pyrops | very very good kvestion | 02:42 |
pyrops | :) | 02:42 |
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WeeJeWel | did it asked for a password anyway? | 02:42 |
pyrops | nope | 02:42 |
WeeJeWel | or are you logged in as root? | 02:42 |
pyrops | nope | 02:42 |
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WeeJeWel | try su | 02:42 |
WeeJeWel | and then chmod.. | 02:42 |
eternalswd | I just recently installed a dvd drive into my computer, which used to only have one drive, as my main drive. how do I ensure that my dvd drive is mapped to /dev/dvd and /dev/cdrom and my dvdrw drive is mapped to /dev/dvdrw. Right now my dvdrw drive is mapped to /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd and /dev/dvdrw | 02:43 |
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askand | Can i place a shortcut in the menus to a cedega game? | 02:43 |
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JONES3700 | moi | 02:43 |
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WeeJeWel | askand, yes | 02:43 |
askand | WeeJeWel: how? | 02:44 |
WeeJeWel | just use cedega '/home/name/.cedega/game/blabla.exe' | 02:44 |
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pyrops | how can i find my root password? | 02:44 |
WeeJeWel | pyrops, set it | 02:44 |
WeeJeWel | go to user management | 02:44 |
sarthor | Salam (Hi) Ubuntu Fiest Installed fully.. how to view webcam of the chatter on the other end??? | 02:44 |
CheshireViking | !root | pyrops | 02:44 |
ubotu | pyrops: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 02:44 |
sarthor | using yahoo. | 02:45 |
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askand | WeeJeWel: and if I need to use a command line option like -opengl? | 02:45 |
WeeJeWel | use it :-) | 02:45 |
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mat1980 | eternalswd: /dev/dvdrw is a symlink. Delete and create it with sudo ln -s /dev/your_real_dvdrw /dev/dvdrw | 02:45 |
WeeJeWel | cegeda 'bla.exe' --opengl | 02:45 |
pyrops | ok done | 02:45 |
WeeJeWel | or it was cedega --opengl 'bla.exe' | 02:46 |
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Digit0 | Hi | 02:46 |
praveen_ | heh is it possible to play mp3 files in Amarok | 02:46 |
kcsaw | any 1 tried install linksys wusb11v4 in ubuntu 7.04x86_64 | 02:46 |
WeeJeWel | praveen, yes | 02:46 |
Digit0 | I have just installed Feisty Fawn on a acer aspire 5720 lapton | 02:46 |
Digit0 | laptop | 02:46 |
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pyrops | WeeJeWel: could you retype the chmod..... | 02:46 |
pyrops | command | 02:46 |
Digit0 | but the sound doesn't work | 02:46 |
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Digit0 | it says it is a 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) | 02:47 |
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Digit0 | is there any driver for this card ? | 02:47 |
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WeeJeWel | chmod 777 dir | 02:47 |
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pyrops | no such directroy found | 02:48 |
eternalswd | mat1980, how do I ensure that the correct symlink is used in the future? do I need to create a udev rule or something similar? | 02:48 |
kahrytan | Anyone know of a guide to connect to Vista Remote Desktop? | 02:48 |
kahrytan | Anyone know of a guide to connect to Vista Remote Desktop using Ubuntu as client? | 02:48 |
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WeeJeWel | kahrytan, use remote desktop | 02:49 |
askand | Hrm..how do I make a script that: 1. disables desktops effects 2. run a program 3. enable desktop effets again when the program quits | 02:49 |
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WeeJeWel | Terminal server client ** | 02:49 |
bobdraken222 | hi | 02:49 |
kahrytan | Keyword GUIDE | 02:49 |
kahrytan | t I don't know how to use it | 02:49 |
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bobdraken222 | do you think ubuntu will come with beryl / compiz reinstalled | 02:50 |
bobdraken222 | included | 02:50 |
kahrytan | compiz is installed | 02:50 |
bobdraken222 | preinstalled* | 02:50 |
WeeJeWel | kahrytan, it's quite easy | 02:50 |
WeeJeWel | put your vista pc's name in the box and press connect | 02:50 |
Stormx2 | bobdraken222: There's been talk of it, but gutsy won't. | 02:50 |
bobdraken222 | OoO kahrytan i didnt know that | 02:50 |
kahrytan | Feisty is installed by default | 02:50 |
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bobdraken222 | what about the recent "re-joining" | 02:50 |
bobdraken222 | of beryl/compiz | 02:50 |
kahrytan | It just needs to be enabled with drivers | 02:50 |
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bobdraken222 | yeah wich is still buggyj kahrytan | 02:51 |
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kahrytan | Probably next release | 02:51 |
Digit0 | is there any driver for this card ? | 02:51 |
Imitation | askand: do a bash script: first kill compiz/beryl, then run the program and finally start you window manager again | 02:51 |
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bobdraken222 | when do you think the new compiz will be out | 02:51 |
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bobdraken222 | fusion i guess is the new name | 02:51 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: back to tsclient. | 02:51 |
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kahrytan | Dont I need IP address? | 02:52 |
WeeJeWel | :-) | 02:52 |
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WeeJeWel | it will resolve itself | 02:52 |
kahrytan | It's NOT LOCAL | 02:52 |
WeeJeWel | so if your pc is called vista-345346 type that and voila | 02:52 |
WeeJeWel | where is it then? | 02:52 |
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kahrytan | t It's over internet | 02:52 |
WeeJeWel | use vpn | 02:52 |
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kahrytan | Sometime simple | 02:52 |
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kahrytan | to complex | 02:52 |
smacnay | hi, the feisty fawn iso available for download (cd). Is it to be burned as bootable? | 02:53 |
kahrytan | and a Visual desktop | 02:53 |
WeeJeWel | It can't be easier.. | 02:53 |
kahrytan | smacnay: Yes | 02:53 |
smacnay | or is that taken care of in the creation of the iso? | 02:53 |
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WeeJeWel | smacnay, it doesnt matter | 02:53 |
kahrytan | Just burn the iso like any other cd | 02:53 |
kahrytan | iso | 02:53 |
smacnay | thanks | 02:53 |
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kahrytan | Bios will do the rest | 02:53 |
kahrytan | eh. POST or whatever | 02:53 |
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kahrytan | cant tsclient do the vpn? | 02:54 |
kahrytan | Vista has RDP | 02:54 |
WeeJeWel | you need to have a vpn connection and then you can use tsclient | 02:54 |
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WeeJeWel | to create a virtual lan connection | 02:54 |
kahrytan | doesnt it require vpn on other computer too? | 02:54 |
praveen_ | heh is it possible to play mp3 files in Amarok player? | 02:55 |
kahrytan | cuz if so then vpn is out of the question | 02:55 |
WeeJeWel | yes it does | 02:55 |
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WeeJeWel | praveen_, yes! | 02:55 |
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bobdraken222 | arkegator.... is that a good rss reader | 02:55 |
kahrytan | It has to work on default Vista install | 02:55 |
bobdraken222 | or is there something better | 02:55 |
askand | !desktop-effects | 02:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about desktop-effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:55 |
WeeJeWel | you cant just connect to any pc | 02:55 |
askand | !effects | 02:55 |
kahrytan | !info desktop-effects | 02:55 |
ubotu | For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 02:55 |
ubotu | desktop-effects: preferences applet for configuring desktop effects. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.1-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 544 kB | 02:55 |
ziggystar | I need some help compiling the alsa-module with kernel 2.6.20 | 02:56 |
kraut | moin | 02:56 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: Vista DOES HAVE REMOTE DESKTOP by default | 02:56 |
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WeeJeWel | but thats for local | 02:56 |
ziggystar | http://pastebin.com/938290 | 02:56 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: no its not | 02:56 |
bobdraken222 | vista talk in ubuntu.... | 02:56 |
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WeeJeWel | Oh yes it is. | 02:56 |
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askand | What command do I use to deactivate desktop-effects? | 02:56 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: Not it's not | 02:56 |
WeeJeWel | you need to forward ports, have a lan network etc | 02:56 |
WeeJeWel | Well, go away then.. | 02:56 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: It's for tech support of Vista from a remote location over the internet | 02:56 |
WeeJeWel | you were talking about tsclient eh | 02:57 |
ziggystar | Sorry, wrong bin: http://phpfi.com/245530 | 02:57 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: You need to read up on Remote Desktop | 02:57 |
WeeJeWel | remote desktop is a M$ only feature afaik | 02:57 |
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bobdraken222 | yep | 02:57 |
kahrytan | web_knows: tsclient has Remote Desktop | 02:57 |
Imitation | askand: either killall compiz or killall beryl | 02:57 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel oops | 02:57 |
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bobdraken222 | Imitation: ahh kill compiz and beryl : ( | 02:58 |
WeeJeWel | I wonder what client you have.. | 02:58 |
askand | Imitation: that doesnt work.. | 02:58 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: Dude, You dont know much do you | 02:58 |
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WeeJeWel | It seems you don't even know what you're talking about, jees | 02:58 |
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kahrytan | I know a little | 02:58 |
WeeJeWel | You ask for help but don't accept any.. how pathetic | 02:58 |
xlp | can anyone help me with grub error 17 problem? | 02:58 |
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WeeJeWel | xlp, did you use partition magic? | 02:59 |
kahrytan | I know that XP/Vista have Remote Desktop installed. | 02:59 |
kahrytan | and I know what port it uses. | 02:59 |
WeeJeWel | But ubuntu doesnt! | 02:59 |
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xlp | WeeJeWel: no, i used ubuntu. basically, everything looks right but i get the error | 02:59 |
kahrytan | I know tsclient has RDP (Remote Desktop) and I know XP/Vista uses RDPv5 | 02:59 |
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WeeJeWel | i had it a few times before.. | 02:59 |
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WeeJeWel | kahrytan, youre talking about two things now | 03:00 |
kahrytan | Open the application and you see it has it | 03:00 |
Montaro | yeah ubuntu does have a remote desktop client, ive used it to connect to xp before | 03:00 |
WeeJeWel | remote desktop or that help thingy? | 03:00 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: basically, hd0 = xp, hd1 = back up, hd2 = linux, grub is pointed at hd2 but i still get the damn error | 03:00 |
WeeJeWel | RDP != what you use in msn | 03:00 |
kahrytan | Terminal Server Client aka tsclient | 03:00 |
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WeeJeWel | kahrytan, look.. | 03:01 |
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WeeJeWel | RDP is for local networks to work on an other pc | 03:01 |
kahrytan | Please, just stop | 03:01 |
kahrytan | No its not | 03:01 |
WeeJeWel | remote assistant is to take over someone elses desktop | 03:01 |
kahrytan | Im jjust goingto ignore you | 03:01 |
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WeeJeWel | Jezus christ | 03:02 |
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kahrytan | You got no idea what you are talking about | 03:02 |
smacnay | anyone using the latest ubuntu have any difficulty installing the nvidia drivers with xorg? | 03:02 |
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kahrytan | what card? | 03:02 |
WeeJeWel | not really.. | 03:02 |
WeeJeWel | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 03:02 |
smacnay | 6200 series card | 03:03 |
ryan450 | hey guys, trying to run an unreal tournament server on my dapper server, but its complaining about libX11 not being present. apt-get install libX11 didnt yeild anything. anybody know the correct package name? | 03:03 |
askand | Imitation: do you have another idea? | 03:03 |
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Imitation | askand: maybe metacity --replace | 03:03 |
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sperotek | I have to make a few hundred users...is there some way to easily make them all have the same settings, privileges, and even desktop and icons. Some easy way to automate the process as well. | 03:04 |
kahrytan | Actually, Restricted Drivers preferences should set it up | 03:04 |
kahrytan | for nvidia | 03:04 |
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WeeJeWel | ryan450, look at this: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libs/libx11-6 | 03:04 |
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bob_ | how do i change the gamma ? | 03:04 |
Ind[y] | I can't get bluetooth working on Feisty. Why? | 03:05 |
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smacnay | WeeJeWel: I know that in Debian "testing", the move to a newer xorg killed the nvidia drivers. | 03:05 |
sn- | sperotek have you heard of fai ? | 03:05 |
Ind[y] | I have bluez-utils | 03:05 |
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sn- | might be worth a look | 03:05 |
sperotek | what is it? | 03:05 |
Ind[y] | I think it doesn't see my bluetooth card | 03:05 |
sn- | its more for unattended setups | 03:05 |
smacnay | hmm, brasero just wrote the .iso to a cd, it didn't burn it properly... I don't think | 03:05 |
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sperotek | ok, i'll take a look, thanks | 03:06 |
WeeJeWel | smacnay, what if you just install them again? | 03:06 |
WeeJeWel | i think your xorg.xonf was just messed upo | 03:06 |
bob_ | or rather, in windows it's easy to find my video card drivers to change the gamma, where in ubuntu do i do the same thing? | 03:06 |
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kahrytan | WeeJeWel: fyi, Remote Assistance == Remote Desktop on Vista. | 03:06 |
xlp | anyone with grub experience? error 17 that is | 03:06 |
WeeJeWel | bob_, do you have a nvidia card? | 03:06 |
bob_ | yes | 03:07 |
WeeJeWel | kahrytan, Vista is weird | 03:07 |
WeeJeWel | why the f rename it | 03:07 |
smacnay | WeeJeWel: no, I spoke to the maintainer of the nvidia drivers and he said that I needed newer xorg drivers not yet in the repository. I was asking only before I tried installed ubuntu on a new system. | 03:07 |
WeeJeWel | bob_, try nvidia-settings | 03:07 |
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sarthor | Salam (Hi) Ubuntu Fiest Installed fully.. how to view webcam of the chatter on the other end??? | 03:07 |
sarthor | using yahoo. | 03:07 |
bob_ | from terminal? | 03:07 |
bob_ | awesome, worked | 03:07 |
WeeJeWel | yep | 03:07 |
kahrytan | Im trying to be able to connect to parents computer that live half way across the world without having to get them to install any software. | 03:08 |
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WeeJeWel | kahrytan, forget it. | 03:08 |
druk7 | hello | 03:08 |
smacnay | If I put a ubuntu disk in my machine and open the cd folder, should I be seeing one .iso image or should I be seeing a bunch of files and directories? | 03:08 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/turn-on-remote-desktop-in-windows-vista/ | 03:08 |
druk7 | i have a problem with my printer | 03:09 |
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WeeJeWel | Without software? | 03:09 |
WeeJeWel | what about forwarding ports? | 03:09 |
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Imitation | smacnay: files+folders | 03:09 |
kahrytan | Not needed | 03:09 |
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smacnay | Imitation: then my burn did not do it properly. Brasero. Hmmm.... | 03:10 |
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kahrytan | look at the page | 03:10 |
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neknakz | do we have ubuntu package for vpn client that can connect to a vpn server like the m0n0wall is using? | 03:11 |
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neknakz | m0n0wall has vpn server capability | 03:11 |
WeeJeWel | kahrytan, now what do you want. Remote Assistance or desktop? | 03:11 |
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click | what 2707 and 2708 ports are for? | 03:12 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: fyi, Remote Assistance == Remote Desktop | 03:12 |
WeeJeWel | ITS NOT | 03:12 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: fyi, Remote Assistance == Remote Desktop | 03:12 |
kahrytan | you dont listen | 03:12 |
ryan450 | WeeJeWel thnx mate, that did the trick :). | 03:12 |
WeeJeWel | YOU dont listen | 03:12 |
WeeJeWel | :-) | 03:12 |
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kahrytan | It's the same thing | 03:13 |
xlp | god stupid grub just work | 03:13 |
bobdraken222 | hey what rss reader would yall recomend | 03:13 |
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kahrytan | How many times do I have to repeat it until you understand Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop are the same | 03:13 |
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click | why i cant see the users on this channel ? | 03:14 |
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WeeJeWel | Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance use the same underlying technology, but there are differences between these features. | 03:14 |
bobdraken222 | anyone? rss reader | 03:14 |
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WeeJeWel | ~Microsoft. | 03:14 |
askand | Is there a way to tell a bashscript to runt the next command when a program quits? | 03:14 |
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daquino | ok i figured it out my mouse works if i plug it in after i boot there is no problem.... its only if i hibernate then come back it appears that the usb bus looses connection and i dont even get messages in dmesg anymore ! | 03:14 |
WeeJeWel | So kahrytan, a sorry would be nice :-) | 03:14 |
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kahrytan | WeeJeWel: When you turn on one, you turn the other on | 03:15 |
WeeJeWel | That's vista shit, but doesn't make it the same thing. | 03:15 |
xlp | should i reinstall ubuntu and hope grub works or just reinstall xp :P | 03:15 |
WeeJeWel | At least, i think M$ knows what they talk about | 03:15 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, i did when i had that error lol | 03:15 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: i dont get it, everything looks right | 03:16 |
kahrytan | and Remote Assistance uses RDP | 03:16 |
WeeJeWel | i had the same xlp | 03:16 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: so did you reinstall ubuntu or ditched linux and went back to xp? | 03:16 |
WeeJeWel | but somehow an app messed up my partition so it wasnt ext3 anymore | 03:16 |
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kahrytan | It's for India tech support folks to help customers withtheir desktops. | 03:16 |
WeeJeWel | just reinstalled ubuntu | 03:16 |
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WeeJeWel | kahrytan, RDP is the technology behind it. | 03:17 |
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xlp | WeeJeWel: is it safe to delete my partitions (hd3) that ubuntu is on now and just use the entire drive for linux and grub should be ok with that? | 03:17 |
smacnay | I am trying to burn the 7.04 .iso from the website but seem to be burning just the .iso file to the cd. I am not making the cd bootable. I am using brasero to do this. | 03:17 |
smacnay | Any suggestions? | 03:17 |
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WeeJeWel | xlp, i dont know what other partitions you have | 03:17 |
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WeeJeWel | i would suggest 3 partitions: /, /home and swap | 03:18 |
mon^rch | lyrc script in amarok doesnt accept new lyrics :/ | 03:18 |
neknakz | with my experience it's very hard to cd burn an ubuntu 7.04 iso file | 03:18 |
WeeJeWel | neknakz, wtF? :P | 03:18 |
neknakz | it took me 5 blank cd's to waste | 03:18 |
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quaal | why does shared folders gui make like 300 copies of the same folder in smb.conf when i try to make samba shares with it. | 03:18 |
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WeeJeWel | get an iso burner | 03:19 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: im just going to let ubuntu do whatever it wants with this harddrive.... | 03:19 |
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WeeJeWel | nononono | 03:19 |
neknakz | and took me almost a week to make it boot properly | 03:19 |
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WeeJeWel | start the live cd, delete all partitions, make a swap, a root partition and a home | 03:19 |
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WeeJeWel | so if your root partition crashes again you will keep your data | 03:19 |
smacnay | WeeJeWel: does the ubunut install do lvm? | 03:19 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: So are you going to get past your stubborness and help? | 03:19 |
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neknakz | my officemates now tried to install ubuntu ,he used that cd installer i used,all he can see was that his pc keeps on rebooting and wont continue to load the live cd desktop of ubuntu | 03:20 |
WeeJeWel | smacnay, im not sure | 03:20 |
lashmoov1 | neknakz: set his bios to boot fom CD first | 03:20 |
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WeeJeWel | LVM 2 - The latest and greatest version of LVM for Linux. | 03:21 |
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WeeJeWel | i guess so | 03:21 |
stewski | anyone got any tips on dist upgrade from edgy to fiesty | 03:21 |
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smacnay | WeeJeWel: can you name an iso burner for me? | 03:21 |
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neknakz | lashmoov1, of course he did that it boot the menu of ubuntu but it wont reach to the desktop | 03:21 |
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WeeJeWel | magiciso | 03:21 |
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raven79 | hi all | 03:21 |
pyrops | WeeJeWel: still doesnt work.. the permission thing.. | 03:21 |
anodesni | Hi | 03:21 |
smacnay | WeeJeWel: thanks | 03:21 |
pyrops | any good ftp programm? | 03:21 |
WeeJeWel | pyrops, fireftp for firefox | 03:22 |
anodesni | I have a problem with xdtv, my recordings don't have sound | 03:22 |
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stewski | help with upgrade from edgy to fiesty required | 03:22 |
neknakz | it takes a lucky guy to normally boot the live cd of ubuntu i guess hehehe | 03:22 |
lashmoov1 | neknakz: possibly his cdrom is the issue, im speculating hardware, try a different rom, or reburn the iso using a slower speed | 03:22 |
stewski | any takers | 03:22 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: Remote Desktop/Assistance uses the RDP protocol. Terminal Service Client uses RDP. Now how do I get them to connect over the internet? | 03:22 |
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anodesni | It seems like xdtv doesn't know my tv sound source, can anyone help me? | 03:22 |
hylje | neknakz: just good hardware | 03:22 |
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raven79 | sorry i get an error while i'm tring to install kde: "E: package not valid" (traslated in english by me :P) | 03:22 |
WeeJeWel | kahrytan, as i said, get vpn | 03:22 |
xlp | im on live cd :P | 03:22 |
raven79 | someone could help me, please? | 03:23 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: NOT WHAT I ASKED. please read | 03:23 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: Remote Desktop/Assistance uses the RDP protocol. Terminal Service Client uses RDP. Now how do I get them to connect over the internet? | 03:23 |
delete[df] | how i can create new mysql user with ssh ? | 03:23 |
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WeeJeWel | kahrytan, look.. | 03:23 |
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stewski | whats the suggested method to upgrade from edgy to fiesty | 03:23 |
WeeJeWel | you cant just connect afaik | 03:23 |
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delete[df] | how i can create new mysql user with ssh ? | 03:23 |
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WeeJeWel | so with vpn (NOT VNC) you make a virtual lan | 03:23 |
stewski | my graphical upgrader fails | 03:23 |
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WeeJeWel | stweski, launch the update manger | 03:24 |
neknakz | but when we boot the winxp cd installer ,we have no problem . only in ubuntu that we're having a problem | 03:24 |
delete[df] | !help | 03:24 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:24 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: im in the installer program using its partitioner, how do i set up a root (is it just mount point /?) | 03:24 |
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WeeJeWel | kahrytan a pc cant work without software alright? | 03:24 |
stewski | the update manager doesnt wrk | 03:24 |
CzarAlex | what command line command do I run to chown all files in a given folder to a user and not just the folder itself (need the contents too) | 03:24 |
delete[df] | how i can create mysql user with SSH Server | 03:24 |
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delete[df] | client* | 03:24 |
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anodesni | My xdtv recordings don't have sound, anyone help me> | 03:25 |
stewski | whats the apt-get method | 03:25 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: How do I get My ubuntu desktop connected to Vista desktop without putting any extra software on the Vista machine? | 03:25 |
WeeJeWel | stweski, update-manager -c | 03:25 |
pha|con | CzarAlex: chown username:username -R foldername | 03:25 |
WeeJeWel | Not. | 03:25 |
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kahrytan | They both have the same protocol | 03:25 |
CzarAlex | pha|con thanks! | 03:25 |
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WeeJeWel | but the technology is different | 03:25 |
kahrytan | No its not | 03:25 |
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xlp | WeeJeWel: mount point / = root? | 03:26 |
kahrytan | read more about it | 03:26 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, yes | 03:26 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: how big ie 2x for swap | 03:26 |
kahrytan | I read about it and know its possible | 03:26 |
WeeJeWel | not to confuse with /root | 03:26 |
delete[df] | i need help | 03:26 |
=== Barber [n=William@adsl-64-219-108-254.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WeeJeWel | xlp, whats your ram? | 03:26 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: 2gig | 03:26 |
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WeeJeWel | 2gig swap will do hehe | 03:26 |
Barber | God Day All | 03:26 |
kahrytan | Don't listen to WeeJeWel | 03:26 |
click | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:26 |
=== pike_ hardly touches swap with 512 ram | ||
click | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:26 |
click | why ? | 03:27 |
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WeeJeWel | omg idiot | 03:27 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: well i was going to do 2/4gig swap, how big should root be? | 03:27 |
WeeJeWel | click, do you have another app open? | 03:27 |
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WeeJeWel | eg add/remove | 03:27 |
cru | hi 2 all | 03:27 |
cru | i need help | 03:27 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, it all depends on your HD size | 03:27 |
click | xchat firefox terminal msn | 03:27 |
=== lind_ [n=lind@b14b.tupsu.tontut.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stewski | my distribution upgrade hangs at file 59 of 61 | 03:27 |
WeeJeWel | terminal with apt-get? | 03:27 |
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kahrytan | WeeJeWel doesn't know anything so don't listen to him | 03:27 |
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WeeJeWel | You're sad dude | 03:28 |
cru | who can help me ?? | 03:28 |
WeeJeWel | Get a life, buy some friends... | 03:28 |
click | yes | 03:28 |
WeeJeWel | !anyone | cru | 03:28 |
ubotu | cru: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:28 |
CheshireViking | !ask | cru | 03:28 |
ubotu | cru: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:28 |
xlp | WeeJeWel: well i had it set up before as: 4gig swap, rest (294gig) as ext3 (mounted as /) | 03:28 |
pike_ | xlp: i would suggest making /home a serate partition usually too. its nice to have it if you have to reinstall / | 03:28 |
sumigamer | guys when I change workspaces in beryl it happens too fast........how do I slow it down so I watch the 3D effect in all its glory?? | 03:28 |
kahrytan | Just stating the facts | 03:28 |
stewski | whats the command line for running a distribution upgrade from edgy to fiesty | 03:28 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, what was rest? | 03:28 |
=== freeagy [n=senki@catv-5984f23d.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cru | how i can create mysql user with ssh | 03:28 |
zero-9377 | is there a way to use the desktop install cd as an alternate cd | 03:28 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel doesn't know anything so don't listen to him | 03:28 |
=== lind_ [n=lind@b14b.tupsu.tontut.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xlp | pike_: root is just for linux os? | 03:28 |
sumigamer | guys when I change workspaces in beryl it happens too fast........how do I slow it down so I watch the 3D effect in all its glory?? | 03:29 |
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xlp | WeeJeWel: i only had 2 partitions, nothing partititon mounted as /home before | 03:29 |
WeeJeWel | Some op, please kick kahrytan | 03:29 |
WeeJeWel | maybe he has some time to get some friends then | 03:29 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, do it now | 03:29 |
WeeJeWel | just make 2 partitions | 03:29 |
yufan | 03:29 | |
pike_ | xlp: well everything goes under / by default but you can specify /usr or /home or whatever on a seperate partition its just whatever you feel comfortable with | 03:29 |
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stewski | alternatively how do I get ntfs read write in edgy | 03:30 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: stop helping people | 03:30 |
click | weejwel | 03:30 |
=== ryan8403 [n=ryan8403@dynamic-180-066.natpool.uc.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xlp | pike_: i had 4gig as swap, 294gig as / and grub wouldnt work | 03:30 |
click | weejewel | 03:30 |
WeeJeWel | kahrytan: stop blaming people | 03:30 |
WeeJeWel | yes click? | 03:30 |
mon^rch | sumigamer: beryl-mamager has pretty straightforward tweaking in the desktop section | 03:30 |
click | i killed the process | 03:30 |
click | and i open it | 03:30 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: I still need help with my problem | 03:30 |
click | it works | 03:30 |
sumigamer | i dunno about it.... | 03:30 |
=== mdolan [i=mdolan@nat/ibm/x-1a9dc0e027ba47d4] has joined #ubuntu | ||
click | Media change: please insert the disc labeled | 03:30 |
click | 'Ubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070415)' | 03:30 |
click | in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter | 03:30 |
click | why that? | 03:31 |
WeeJeWel | kahrytan, if you don't accept help you will never solve your problem | 03:31 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: I did. | 03:31 |
=== karthik [n=karthik@b14.gw.maa.collab.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kahrytan | WeeJeWel: You just didnt know anything about RDP | 03:31 |
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WeeJeWel | Actually i do.. | 03:31 |
=== pcom_ [n=jc@host81-152-71-75.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stewski | hoe do you mount ntfs under edgy | 03:31 |
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densin | what does it mean when package that attitude automatically kept back | 03:31 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: Obviously, not | 03:31 |
WeeJeWel | i have a whole vpn network setup, using many clients and different OS'es | 03:31 |
WeeJeWel | but yeh, without software youre gonna be nowhere | 03:32 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: like you dont like RDF works on Ubuntu and Vista/XP | 03:32 |
kahrytan | don't know | 03:32 |
Stormx2 | !ntfs | stewski | 03:32 |
WeeJeWel | IT DOES | 03:32 |
ubotu | stewski: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 03:32 |
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Stormx2 | Uhg | 03:32 |
click | Media change: please insert the disc labeled | 03:32 |
click | 'Ubuntu 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070415)' | 03:32 |
click | in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter | 03:32 |
WeeJeWel | but without software it cant work, duh | 03:32 |
Stormx2 | !ntfs-3g | stewski | 03:32 |
ubotu | stewski: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 03:32 |
WeeJeWel | click, just put it in :P | 03:32 |
=== phil [n=phil@dsl-242-83-234.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: software is already on it | 03:32 |
click | which ? | 03:32 |
Stormx2 | click: What's the issue here? | 03:32 |
WeeJeWel | i think it's retrieving packets from the cd | 03:32 |
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densin | what does it mean when attitude automatically kept back package? | 03:32 |
WeeJeWel | your ubuntu cd | 03:32 |
click | iam tryin to install rpm packages | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | click: which what? o.O | 03:33 |
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phil | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/feisty/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz MD5Sum mismatch | 03:33 |
phil | 03:33 | |
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phil | anyone know of any other trusted and up to date wine repo's I can use? | 03:33 |
click | iam doin sudo apt-get install rpm | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | click: Uhg... how on earth have you got to there... | 03:33 |
CyberMad | i tried share folder on ubuntu.. so the path is: /home/user/Desktop/share but when i tried to access to it from windows, always ask User Name and Password :( | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | click: No no no... | 03:33 |
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-268446.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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click | ? | 03:33 |
kahrytan | click: apt-get instal alien | 03:33 |
CyberMad | how to fix it? | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | !alian | click | 03:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:33 |
kahrytan | click: apt-get install alien | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | !alien | click | 03:33 |
ubotu | click: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 03:33 |
kahrytan | !info alien | 03:33 |
ubotu | alien: install non-native packages with dpkg. In component main, is optional. Version 8.65 (feisty), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB | 03:33 |
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Stormx2 | That we go. | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | Thar* | 03:33 |
neul | hello everybody | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | My god, I can't type today. | 03:33 |
phil | !info wine | 03:33 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB | 03:33 |
sumigamer | i dunno about it.... | 03:33 |
Ind[y] | The bluetooth does not work on my pc (when it ran win32 it was working). I can see that it is disabled from BIOS (cannot be enabled from there). Any help, please? | 03:34 |
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=== Fallenou [n=fallen@AAubervilliers-152-1-41-170.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phil | wine is part of universe? I don't see it | 03:34 |
Ind[y] | DELL Latitude D800 | 03:34 |
neul | i burned Kubuntu 7.04 onto disc... can anyone tell me how to install it? (newbie) | 03:34 |
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cyber_brain_mfkg | hi all!i've installed web mail extension for mozilla-thunderbird bird but it wont run as normal user but only as a root!what should i change to make this work???anyone??? | 03:34 |
Stormx2 | phil: Have you ran a sudo apt-get update ? | 03:34 |
Tm_T | neul: cd in and boot from it | 03:34 |
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rambo3 | phil, install wine from wineHQ | 03:34 |
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Fallenou | this time i compiled with make-kpkg --initrd and i works a little bit more | 03:35 |
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Fallenou | here is the error i get http://fallen.yozora-irc.net/error.JPG | 03:35 |
neul | Tm-T... sez it's a read-only disc... did I burn it wrong? | 03:35 |
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Lacrymology | does anybody know a nice-ish app for drawing UML? | 03:35 |
kahrytan | WeeJeWel: http://content.techrepublic.com.com/2346-1035_11-61469-1.html | 03:35 |
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zero-9377 | can someone tell me how i can use the magic sysrq combo to safely shut down from a gui | 03:35 |
phil | remeber i'm using 64bit, so i'm wondering if the packages are not part of 64bit? | 03:35 |
phil | thats why it isn't showing up in universe? | 03:35 |
rambo3 | !find wine | 03:36 |
ubotu | Found: libwine, libwine-dev, wine, wine-dev, winefish | 03:36 |
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rambo3 | !info wine feisty | 03:36 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB | 03:36 |
Stormx2 | phil: Perhaps. Really, you should be using the wine repo at winehq.org | 03:36 |
CyberMad | i tried share folder on ubuntu.. so the path is: /home/user/Desktop/share but when i tried to access to it from windows, always ask User Name and Password :( I tried ubuntu's user and password but doesn't work :( | 03:36 |
xlp | how big should a /root partition be if im going to use a 300gig hdd? | 03:36 |
=== palmerthegeek [n=palmer@pool-70-21-29-137.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rambo3 | phil, are you running 64 version | 03:36 |
Fallenou | !info lvm | 03:36 |
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ubotu | Package lvm does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:36 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, i would say 100gb | 03:36 |
Fallenou | !info lvm2 | 03:36 |
phil | yes as I said i'm using the 64bit version | 03:36 |
Stormx2 | xlp: Do you honestly mean /root or / ? | 03:37 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: you may need to add ur password to the samba list | 03:37 |
ubotu | lvm2: The Linux Logical Volume Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.02.06-2ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 297 kB, installed size 856 kB | 03:37 |
phil | Stormx2: ok great, i'll check that out | 03:37 |
WeeJeWel | its huge but why make it smaller? :P | 03:37 |
phil | any idea why i'm getting this | 03:37 |
phil | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/feisty/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz MD5Sum mismatch | 03:37 |
phil | ? | 03:37 |
xlp | Stormx2: hell, i dunno, i just want linux installed with grub working lol | 03:37 |
phil | when I do an apt-get update I don't even have that repo in my sources? | 03:37 |
phil | and i have done an apt-get clean all | 03:37 |
=== Barber [n=William@adsl-64-219-108-254.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["God] | ||
Stormx2 | xlp: Stick with 100gb /, 200gb /home | 03:37 |
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Stormx2 | Or just 300gb / | 03:37 |
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Stormx2 | (remember a swap partition too) | 03:37 |
pha|con | why would he need a 100 gb /? | 03:37 |
xlp | so /root is os while /home is all the programs? | 03:38 |
Stormx2 | Uhg | 03:38 |
Stormx2 | xlp: No. | 03:38 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: it seems to be a limitation of the GUI setup i havent found a way to do it through UI although i havent looked hard | 03:38 |
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Stormx2 | xlp: /root is root's home directory, and will contain almost nothing. | 03:38 |
WeeJeWel | pha|con, why not? he has a huge disk | 03:38 |
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pha|con | i have a 300 gb disk and almost all of it is /home | 03:38 |
mat1980 | xlp: http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102/ | 03:38 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, / is the 'top', aka root | 03:38 |
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pha|con | i don't imagine you'd need more than 25 gb for / | 03:38 |
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Stormx2 | xlp: /home is where all your user's settings, documents, music etc will go. Other directories (/var, /bin, etc) are where ubuntu goes. | 03:38 |
BoostedSS | is there and "virtual machine" program works on ubuntu other than vmware? Or is there a free vmware player? | 03:39 |
WeeJeWel | pha|con, where do you install your apps then? on home? | 03:39 |
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Hultiz | ive been trying to play a few avi files now, but I can't get them to work... Most files are playable, but a couple of avi files are not.. How can I fix it? | 03:39 |
pha|con | yeah, that way if i need to reinstall the OS only only have to format / and don't lose anything... | 03:39 |
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=== Rhoruns [i=Rhoruns@ip68-230-90-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pike_ | xlp: home will fill the most other than a sep shared drive. remember your user doesnt have alot of rights outside of their home dir so most stuff you do will be within it | 03:39 |
Stormx2 | Hultiz: Open them in VLC and check what the codec is. | 03:39 |
pha|con | cept for whatever goes under /usr/bin and the various libs | 03:39 |
pha|con | but those hardly take up enough space to warratn 100 gb | 03:39 |
=== pyrops [n=nicke@cs149069.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zero-9377 | CyberMad: the command is sudo smbpasswd -a yourusernamehere then sudo smbpasswd -e yourusernamehere | 03:40 |
Hultiz | Stormx2, ive opened one in vlc, where can i see which codec it is? | 03:40 |
stewski | how do you get a mount icon on the desktop | 03:40 |
Stormx2 | Hultiz: Hmm, its under "stream information" I think, under one of the menus. | 03:40 |
stewski | Ive got my mount point working in media | 03:40 |
Stormx2 | stewski: You want your desktop to display your mounted media? | 03:41 |
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stewski | yup | 03:41 |
Hultiz | Stormx2, codec is WMV3 | 03:41 |
Stormx2 | It's a setting under gconf, hold on. | 03:41 |
xlp | k, i got /dev/sdc1 as ext3 /, /dec/sdc2 as ext3 /home, and rest is swap... hopefully i can get linux to work | 03:41 |
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Stormx2 | Hultiz: You'll need w32codecs | 03:41 |
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Stormx2 | !w32codecs | Hultiz | 03:41 |
ubotu | Hultiz: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 03:41 |
stewski | it works for one ntfs volume but not another | 03:41 |
pha|con | on my disk i have 25 gb for / with 3.9 gb used....and that's with a TON of apps installed | 03:41 |
WeeJeWel | xlp, should work | 03:41 |
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Stormx2 | stewski: Odd, are you sure the icon isn't sitting on top of another, and that they are both mounted? | 03:42 |
WeeJeWel | Maybe i'd get a new HD lol... 60GB sux :P | 03:42 |
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pike_ | xlp: yeah normally my / which includes /usr is only like 8-15 gigs and usually only about 4-5 used | 03:42 |
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Hultiz | Stormx2, ive been screwing around with this before but ill give it another try and see if it works better this time =) | 03:42 |
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cru | how u can insert new mysql user from ssh | 03:42 |
cru | on ubuntu 7 i386 ? | 03:42 |
Stormx2 | Hultiz: Okay! | 03:42 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 how to make my shared folder accessable for Guest? without type username and password | 03:42 |
zero-9377 | stewski: are you using ntfs-3g, can you get to the partition by browsing and can you read what is in it? | 03:42 |
stewski | seems to be mounted in media Im writing to it | 03:43 |
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anodesni | How can I record TV | 03:43 |
phil | grrr, any other repo besides WineHQ one? as I said I get a md5 mismatch when trying to do an apt-get update? | 03:43 |
Stormx2 | cru: Enter mysql prompt (type mysql), type in the appropriate query. Check the mysql docs. | 03:43 |
xlp | knocking on wood, hope grub doesnt bitch | 03:43 |
stewski | all fine but the mount icon doesnt appear on the desktop | 03:43 |
=== itguru [n=The@82-69-97-242.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CyberMad | zero-9377 any idea? | 03:43 |
stewski | im using 3g in fstab | 03:43 |
zero-9377 | stewski: i think i remember this being a bug associated with fuse? | 03:44 |
Stormx2 | pha|con: Good point. I run my / on about 5gb I think. /home is 15gb, /media/WinXP is 20gb, /media/Music is 300gb :) | 03:44 |
stewski | and mount -a brings them both up but only one appears on the desktop | 03:44 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: yeah i can help just one sec | 03:44 |
Stormx2 | stewski: Do they both appear under Places? | 03:44 |
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CyberMad | zero-9377 i tried configure.. from smb.conf but no luck | 03:44 |
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BoostedSS | will rpm packages install on ubuntu?? | 03:45 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: well that is what you need to edit there is a line in there that says security=user you need to change that to share | 03:45 |
mat1980 | cru: as in all system http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/adding-users.html | 03:45 |
stewski | only one appears under places | 03:45 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 but if you know something simple than edit smb.conf, please let me know.. because i want to give the trick to my employee which is never touch linux before | 03:46 |
stewski | but its writeable under media mount point | 03:46 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 hmmm.. i every tried it before but no luck... let me test it once again | 03:46 |
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stewski | is there a good ext3 driver under windows | 03:47 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: can i pm you channel moves sooo quick | 03:47 |
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CyberMad | yes zero-9377 | 03:47 |
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techjim | elkbuntu: ping | 03:47 |
click | sudo apt-get install rpm | 03:48 |
Stormx2 | BoostedSS: Yeah, with alien | 03:48 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 ahh... that's work :) | 03:48 |
mat1980 | stewski: http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 03:48 |
click | why is asking me to insert cdrom ? | 03:48 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 thanks a lot | 03:48 |
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Stormx2 | click: Listen to what people tell you. | 03:48 |
BoostedSS | Stormx2: thanks | 03:48 |
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Stormx2 | click: You do not need to do that, you need to use alien. | 03:48 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: do you want users to be able to write, you should check that also | 03:48 |
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click | what is alien how i`ll download it ? | 03:48 |
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snaykero | Siema ziomy :D | 03:49 |
xerophyte | how can i find the total width of the screen for xterm -geometry 70x24 parameter i need half the width of the screen ? | 03:49 |
CyberMad | next question.. i want to auto-mount my friend's shared folder on windows, do i correct that i need to put the mount at fstab? | 03:49 |
snaykero | Kurwa japierdole ;] | 03:49 |
snaykero | Jest tu jaki mj rodak :) | 03:49 |
mat1980 | click: alien is a program that converts rpm packages to deb one. | 03:49 |
snaykero | :D | 03:49 |
snaykero | ?? | 03:49 |
click | where to find it ? | 03:49 |
CheshireViking | !pl | snaykero | 03:49 |
ubotu | snaykero: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 03:49 |
magnetron | click: use Synaptic to install it | 03:49 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 thanks.. i already solve that problem, now i next to other problem :) | 03:49 |
itguru | ALL HAIL UBUNTU :) | 03:50 |
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stewski | Id hail it more if I could get a dist-upgrade to work :-) | 03:50 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: you want to mount a share that is on another windows pc | 03:50 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: ? | 03:51 |
Nicke_ | The recent security updates regarding kerberos in Feisty left krb5-user with unmet dependencies for me, what should I do? ;) | 03:51 |
itguru | stewski, i get what you mean :) | 03:51 |
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caravel | hi folks | 03:52 |
=== Jebus [n=jebus@122-148-189-43.static.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jebus | hey | 03:52 |
Ind[y] | I really hope that all bugs in launchpad related to me, will be fixed in Gutsy Gibbon. | 03:52 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 so there is shared folder on my friend's PC (Windows XP), let's say: \\\share\ and i want to auto mount it every time i turn on my ubuntu, withouth doing smbmount manually | 03:52 |
pyrops | can anybody help me to setup my 3d drivers up properly.. ati x1xxx | 03:52 |
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Ind[y] | It would be just perfect. | 03:53 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/HowToMountsmbfsSharesPermanently | 03:53 |
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wols_ | !ati | pyrops | 03:53 |
ubotu | pyrops: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:53 |
caravel | I have a faulty Shift key, would like to switch it with Caps Lock -- any clue how to do this ? | 03:53 |
CyberMad | i found at google.. use fstab, is this correct? or do you know other simple to do? | 03:53 |
click | iam trying to install alien from synaptic but when iam marking the alien its marking tha rpm package too why ?> | 03:53 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 nice :) thnks.. i will read it | 03:53 |
=== GrueTamer [n=tg@CPE-72-133-203-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wols_ | CyberMad: yes | 03:54 |
Jebus | i got a question about wireless, I installed ndiswrapper, and the bcmwl5 driver, its installed, i restarted worked fine, then had to restart again and now its not working but saying the driver is installed | 03:54 |
click | iam trying to install alien from synaptic but when iam marking the alien its marking tha rpm package too why ?> | 03:54 |
CyberMad | so.. fstab is the answer.. thanks a lot | 03:54 |
eternalswd | my fstab entry did not work for my two external harddrives (mounting after boot worked) what logs do I check for fstab errors? | 03:54 |
wols_ | Jebus: check dmesg and syslog | 03:54 |
pyrops | wols_: The model number for your Radeon card is a 9500 pro or above (this includes model numbers that start with an X, like X300, X1600, etc., and it also includes the Xpress 200) | 03:54 |
pyrops | i havee x1600 | 03:54 |
iphv37 | how do i set a partition already mounted to be non-read-only ?? | 03:54 |
magnetron | caravel: use the options in System > preferences > keyboard | 03:54 |
wols_ | pyrops: you already said so. so? | 03:54 |
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Jebus | eth1: link is not ready | 03:55 |
zero-9377 | does anyone know if the sysrq key combos work from GUI to safely shut my system down | 03:55 |
eternalswd | iphv37, remount with correct permissions | 03:55 |
iphv37 | i tried to remount it.. | 03:55 |
zero-9377 | they dont appear to be working and my desktop is frozen, using my laptop now | 03:55 |
wols_ | iphv37: mount -o remount,rw | 03:55 |
click | how to install alien ? | 03:55 |
caravel | magnetron: did search for it, could find the correct option in there (Ctrl can be switched..) | 03:55 |
magnetron | iphv37: umount it first | 03:55 |
wols_ | magnetron: why | 03:56 |
iphv37 | ..but i'm getting difficult to know where to modify the.... | 03:56 |
wols_ | ? | 03:56 |
eternalswd | iphv37, does the mountpoint have correct permissions (that can be an issue for some filesystems). | 03:56 |
caravel | magnetron: sorry, could *not* find the correct option, I meant | 03:56 |
wols_ | iphv37: what does a simple "mount" say? | 03:56 |
magnetron | caravel: you can edit the behaviour of caps lock there too | 03:56 |
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pyrops | wols.. i cant access the directories | 03:56 |
pyrops | wols_ | 03:57 |
iphv37 | i'm confused now! | 03:57 |
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cyber_brain_mfkg | hi all!i've installed web mail extension for mozilla-thunderbird but it wont run as normal user but only as a root!what should i change to make this work???anyone??? | 03:57 |
CyberMad | //servername/sharename /mountdirectory smbfs username=windowsuserename,password=windowspassword 0 0 | 03:57 |
wols_ | pyrops: what directoies? | 03:57 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | !webmail | 03:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about webmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:57 |
CyberMad | how about username=Guest and there is no password? | 03:58 |
eternalswd | iphv37, running just the mount command will tell you what settings are used to mount everything, so you can look for your particular partition to see how it's mounted | 03:58 |
zero-9377 | i have tried the sysrq combo but it doesnt appear to work, i know that it is enabled in sysctl? | 03:58 |
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cyber_brain_mfkg | !thunderbird | 03:58 |
wols_ | CyberMad: then don't use one | 03:58 |
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pyrops | wols_ could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock .. able to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) | 03:58 |
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XiXaQ | when someone has lost their sudoers password, how do they login as root? | 03:58 |
caravel | magnetron: What I'd need is "acts as Shift with*out* locking, I believe, but I did not see such option | 03:58 |
ubotu | a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation. To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 | 03:58 |
wols_ | pyrops: you already have something like synaptic, updatemanager, apt-get etc open | 03:58 |
CyberMad | // /home/user/Desktop/server smbfs username=Guest,password= 0 0 ? | 03:58 |
dromer | what do I do with an Error 15 from grub? | 03:58 |
CyberMad | is that correct? | 03:58 |
eternalswd | cyber_brain_mfkg, it's probably a permissions issue on some of the extension's files, contact the extension author | 03:59 |
wols_ | XiXaQ: you can't. you boot from a liveCD and reset the pw | 03:59 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: not sure but maybe you can use any username and password if the share isnt protected | 03:59 |
wols_ | CyberMad: no | 03:59 |
XiXaQ | wols_, you can. I know you can, just don't remember how. | 03:59 |
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pike_ | XiXaQ: reboot into recovery mode. or add a init=/bin/sh to the kernel line at bootup. use the 'e' key to edit stuff at grub boot | 03:59 |
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iphv37 | eternalswd: /dev/hda2 on /media/ASHES type ntfs (rw,nls=utf8,umask=0222) | 04:00 |
XiXaQ | pike_, recovery mode gives you a bash commandline with root privilegies? | 04:00 |
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wols_ | iphv37: ntfs is ALWAYS read only. | 04:00 |
wols_ | !ntfs-3g | iphv37 | 04:00 |
ubotu | iphv37: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 04:00 |
eternalswd | iphv37, ah, ntfs, for that you need ntfs-3g | 04:00 |
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iphv37 | eternalswd: that's the partition i want to .. | 04:00 |
wols_ | XiXaQ: yes | 04:00 |
pike_ | XiXaQ: im assuming its a single user shell | 04:00 |
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CyberMad | wols_ i usually use this manually: smbmount // /home/user/Desktop/share and there is password confirmation, i just hit Enter.. and finish, i quite not understand with fstab | 04:01 |
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Hultiz | Stormx2, I installed a package from that site with this description: "This package will install a complete multimedia system for the GNOME desktop, including codecs, players and catalog programs" and it said it installed w32 codecs but its still not working | 04:01 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: to see if you can use user and password just byt smb://user:password@server in the nautilus address bar | 04:01 |
pyrops | wols_ apt-get update ... says Err http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org egdy/main Packages | 04:01 |
pyrops | 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 04:01 |
pyrops | Fetched 4B in 1s (3B/s) | 04:01 |
pyrops | Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/dists/egdy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz | 04:01 |
wols_ | Murchadh: from what site? | 04:01 |
_PP188 | q estranho.. um problema aki | 04:01 |
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wols_ | pyrops: what are you running,edgy or feisty? | 04:01 |
_PP188 | consegui inciar o X mas ta com a imagem mto ruim... como eu resolvo isso: | 04:01 |
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iphv37 | i'd already got that thing and i found something like ntfs-3g!.. well, thanks! i'll try it again! | 04:02 |
_PP188 | sorry | 04:02 |
CyberMad | ok zero-9377 thanks | 04:02 |
Hultiz | Stormx2, the odd thing is that i can play some other avi files and vlc says they use the same codec | 04:02 |
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mon^rch | acidrip is bloody awesome !!! | 04:02 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: un bit sure but it mayneed a password for the command even if the share doesnt need one | 04:02 |
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pyrops | feisty | 04:02 |
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pyrops | wols_ | 04:02 |
iphv37 | i could help _PP188, i'm portuguese.. :) | 04:02 |
Jebus | i followed the instructions to install compiz fusion, i can see the manager in system -> preferences, but no special effects happen | 04:03 |
wols_ | CyberMad: man smbmount | 04:03 |
mon^rch | compiz fusion? | 04:03 |
dimebar | Jebus: in your console type "compiz --replace" | 04:03 |
wols_ | Jebus: what 3D acceleration do you use? | 04:03 |
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Jebus | wols_: the ati restricted driver | 04:03 |
pike_ | i cant wrap my head around portuguese too man vowels :) | 04:03 |
CyberMad | well.. i can access it use: smb://Guest@ :) | 04:03 |
mon^rch | !compiz fusion | 04:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about compiz fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:03 |
wols_ | Jebus: are you using XGL? | 04:03 |
mon^rch | !compiz | 04:04 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:04 |
Jebus | pretty sure | 04:04 |
CyberMad | so any password is ok :) | 04:04 |
wols_ | CyberMad: read te manpage I told you about | 04:04 |
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mon^rch | where do i get info on compiz fusion? | 04:04 |
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wols_ | !effects | mon^rch | 04:05 |
ubotu | mon^rch: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 04:05 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: yes but the automounting might REQUIRE a password or something like that | 04:05 |
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CyberMad | zero-9377 ok, i just fill with any word :) | 04:06 |
CyberMad | thanks | 04:06 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: i am not sure you can find out though without rebooting | 04:07 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: sudo umount -a then sudo mount -a | 04:07 |
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wols_ | zero-9377: how do you propse to umount -a? | 04:07 |
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Jebus | so i tried to install wireless, it says driver present, worked fine first time, after restart wireless doesn't work. dmesg says ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready (same for eth1) | 04:08 |
ham1979 | can you start kde from a terminal window or does it have to be physically on the machine? | 04:08 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 just a minute.. i already reboot my PC and test open /home/user/Desktop/share but the shared folder doesn't show up? | 04:08 |
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zero-9377 | wols_: open terminal issue sudo umount -a, any fs in use will not unmount, actually i guess not needed in this case | 04:08 |
pyrops | wols_ im running on feisty | 04:08 |
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wols_ | pyrops: then remoev that line. it's a line for edgy as you can see | 04:09 |
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pyrops | how do i remove that? | 04:09 |
daedra | hello! | 04:09 |
pyrops | its what i get from the update | 04:09 |
Sublimal- | hi, i need som support, i got a new dell d830 with a x3100 graphicscard, the screen is 1920x1200, the screen is blur:y, any idea ? | 04:09 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: can u show me the line u put in fstab | 04:09 |
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daedra | hello! | 04:10 |
wols_ | pyrops: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:10 |
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wols_ | pyrops: and that line didn't get theere on it's own. you put it there one time | 04:10 |
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keiichi-san_ | bonjour | 04:10 |
CyberMad | zero-9377 just a minute.. i tried to fill blank the password on fstab then reboot my pc | 04:10 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: you dont need to reboot | 04:11 |
pyrops | wols_ .. ok done and now how do i continue | 04:11 |
wols_ | Predom: as usual | 04:11 |
Sublimal- | anyone got any idea ? | 04:11 |
wols_ | CyberMad: lemme guess: didn't work? | 04:11 |
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CyberMad | zero-9377 i tried mount -a when password=any then i got access denied.. then i tried fill blank the password, i don't get access denied | 04:11 |
wols_ | !fixres Sublimal- | 04:12 |
wols_ | Sublimal-: you might have to edit your xorg.conf manually | 04:12 |
CyberMad | that's why i'm very sure this will works ok.. then i just make sure with restart the pc | 04:12 |
wols_ | !fixres | Sublimal- | 04:12 |
ubotu | Sublimal-: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:12 |
iphv37 | lol.. so easy to use ntfs-3g! and i spent an hour with terminal mounting and umounting... now i can finally backup the disc and make a fresh installation!! :D oh yeah! | 04:12 |
zero-9377 | CyberMad: should be the same after reboot | 04:12 |
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CyberMad | zero-9377 hehe.. sorry i'm newbie ;) i thought this is windows | 04:13 |
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Sublimal- | wols_, yes, i have done that | 04:13 |
askand | Hi! I can find a XP computer on the network and see its shared folders..but it cant find my computer..what could be the cause? | 04:13 |
Sublimal- | wols_, i've messed around alot with this | 04:13 |
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zero-9377 | CyberMad: its fine i understand the desire to check, things can change after reboot, but as long as the share is accesible it should be fine | 04:13 |
wols_ | Sublimal-: and? | 04:14 |
wols_ | Sublimal-: ever used 915resolution? | 04:14 |
Sublimal- | wols_, yes | 04:14 |
Sublimal- | it says that my chipset is not supported | 04:14 |
Sublimal- | i got santa rosa | 04:14 |
Sublimal- | 965 | 04:14 |
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iphv37 | i've now only 1.1GB for /tmp! is it possible to mount /tmp in my ntfs partition (/dev/hda2 = /media/ASHES) ?? | 04:16 |
Sublimal- | wols_, i have no idea how to solve this | 04:17 |
wols_ | why do you need 1GB for tmp? | 04:17 |
iphv37 | lool.. | 04:17 |
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domas | iphv37: NFS /tmp is probably one of worst ideas :) | 04:17 |
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rogue780 | I'm trying to access my server through sftp, I can connect, but when I try to change a directory or anything it doesn't do anything | 04:18 |
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iphv37 | ..first! is necessary free memory in /tmp to burn dvds (4.7GB and 8.5GB)? | 04:18 |
iphv37 | *9 ..whatever... | 04:18 |
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askand | The folders I put in shared folders is not there next time I open it! why? | 04:18 |
CyberMad | after reboot my pc.. the ubuntu is very slow i think something wrong with mount on fstab | 04:19 |
pyrops | wols_: no can do.. | 04:19 |
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CyberMad | first.. i tried umount -a then mount -a: Could not resolve mount point /home/user/Desktop/share | 04:20 |
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Fallenou | hello | 04:20 |
CyberMad | then i tried ls -al: ?----------- ? ? ? ? ? share | 04:20 |
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iphv37 | fallenou, hi! | 04:20 |
Fallenou | A. This may because you installed Ubuntu on a SATA hard drive. To fix this error, you must recompile the kernel with SATA options enabled. <= i read this in a tutorial, it should fixe my problem | 04:21 |
Fallenou | but i don't find what is missing | 04:21 |
Fallenou | my problem is that my boot stop at this step : Begin: Waiting for root file system... | 04:21 |
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rambo3 | !install | Fallenou | 04:21 |
Fallenou | i think i have enable all ATA SATA driver i need but i can be wrong :) | 04:21 |
ubotu | Fallenou: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 04:21 |
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Fallenou | can someone check with me ? | 04:21 |
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Fallenou | rambo3 < it is not while installing, i am just compilling a new kernel | 04:22 |
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wers | how do I use e17 as a window manager for GNOME? | 04:22 |
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djm62 | excuse me, I have bought UT2004 but it only has 3 discs and no linux installer (that I can find) - does this mean it's unusable? | 04:22 |
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Fallenou | http://fallen.yozora-irc.net/error.JPG < this is my problem | 04:23 |
Fallenou | and on this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158&highlight=master+kernel i have found the answer to my problem | 04:23 |
Fallenou | but i need some help to do this | 04:23 |
jaypro | anyone get sabnzbd running? i have tried to install through here (http://www.xs4all.nl/~mgj1/SABnzbd%20for%20linux/) but it's not working for me | 04:23 |
pike_ | CyberMad: id rm and then mkdir share. as a rule though id normally have ~/Desktop/share as a link to another location but thats just me | 04:23 |
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jaypro | oh wait...nm it works now | 04:24 |
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CyberMad | pike_ ok :) | 04:24 |
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leagris | Fallenou, yes, your screen surface is dusty. You need some clothes and soap ;D | 04:28 |
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ham1979 | Hello | 04:28 |
Fallenou | leagris lol =) | 04:29 |
pike_ | ham1979: hey | 04:29 |
ham1979 | I have been using console commands but have decided to install kde | 04:29 |
ham1979 | when i run startx | 04:29 |
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ham1979 | i get cannot stat /etc/X11/X | 04:29 |
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magnetron | !enter | ham1979 | 04:29 |
ubotu | ham1979: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:29 |
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pike_ | ham1979: what packages did you install for kde/x? | 04:30 |
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rambo3 | ham1979, you should have installed a meta package | 04:30 |
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ham1979 | i just did apt-get install kde | 04:31 |
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rambo3 | !info kubuntu-desktop | 04:31 |
ubotu | kubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.32ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB | 04:31 |
pike_ | ham1979: as a rule you want xserver-xorg the core x font package and the window manager as a minimum | 04:31 |
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rogue780 | I'm trying to access my server through sftp, I can connect, but when I try to change a directory or anything it doesn't do anything. can someone help me? | 04:31 |
ashr | i'm thinking about switching IRC clients, what are the cool kids using these days | 04:32 |
magnetron | rogue780: try to connect with ssh first | 04:32 |
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wtt | Greetings, does starting vncserver on a remote machine also cause the session to be displayed on the remote machine's monitor also? | 04:32 |
djm62 | irssi | 04:32 |
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ashr | hmm, right | 04:32 |
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ashr | forgot about that one. | 04:32 |
ashr | wtt: nope | 04:32 |
ham1979 | when i try and install xserver it says vncserver or tightvncserver | 04:33 |
rogue780 | magnetron, I am connected with ssh | 04:33 |
ashr | wtt: vnc servers don't interact with display hardware. | 04:33 |
wtt | ashr: that's good news. | 04:33 |
Hultiz | I'm battling a some .avi files that won't play (some avi files play, others don't). I have tried installing codecs and different programs but they still won't work... Anyone has any ideas? BTW the working avis seem to use the same codecs as the not working ones but the not working ones are compressed more | 04:33 |
wtt | thanks ashr | 04:33 |
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magnetron | rogue780: i mean just the shell, not a sftp session | 04:33 |
iphv37 | k3b, shows that i've only 1.1GB of space on /tmp and i don't know if it's necessary any memory there to burn anything or if it's to be more.. but i'll try anyway to burn the dvds! | 04:33 |
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iphv37 | now, how do i burn .amsn in k3b? i can't find it!! | 04:34 |
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matux | I have a problem with my public key, I generated one with seahorse, but I can't synchronize It with any server, 'cause it returns a can't connect to server error, any one knows where can I public my key or any other way to do it | 04:34 |
burning_bronx | iphv37 burn it with a lighter | 04:34 |
burning_bronx | ;) | 04:34 |
rogue780 | magnetron, so do I | 04:35 |
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CyberMad | http://pastebin.com/938360 it's my fstab, i got [mntent] : line 10 in /etc/fstab is bad What's wrong with it? | 04:35 |
iphv37 | "lighter"? | 04:35 |
iphv37 | burning_bronx, "lighter"? | 04:35 |
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burning_bronx | nvm | 04:35 |
burning_bronx | kidding | 04:35 |
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magnetron | rogue780: type this in a terminal (adapted to your needs); ssh user@hostname | 04:35 |
iphv37 | oh, gosh.. :D | 04:35 |
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CyberMad | oh sorry i already fix it.. i forget the , | 04:36 |
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iphv37 | anyone knows how to help me? do i have to paste again the problem? | 04:36 |
rogue780 | magnetron, I'm using putty since where I am (about 10 miles away from my server) only has windows. | 04:37 |
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magnetron | rogue780: when you log in, you get a shell session, not a sftp session | 04:38 |
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iphv37 | how do i burn /.* ?? i can't find the desire paths!! | 04:38 |
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magnetron | rogue780: you can run unix commands; cd , ls etc | 04:38 |
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matux | can any body help me with my gpg , is to sign the ubuntu code of conduct | 04:39 |
pike_ | iphv37: can you post it again? | 04:39 |
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rogue780 | magnetron, right. I get a shell session, and I can browse directories and delete and create stuff to my heart's content | 04:39 |
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iphv37 | pike_, how do i burn /.* ?? i can't find the desire paths in k3b!! | 04:40 |
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ham1979 | pike_ : I have intalled vnc server | 04:40 |
pike_ | iphv37: you mean ./* ? | 04:40 |
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magnetron | rogue780: so what's the problem? | 04:40 |
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pike_ | iphv37: are these hidden files? | 04:40 |
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ZummiG777 | Does Ubuntu (6.06.1 && 7.04) have built in support for TCP Wrappers? I can't find any information nor can I find them via aptitude. | 04:41 |
iphv37 | pike_:paths like /.amsn, /.amule, /.xchat | 04:41 |
ham1979 | cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting | 04:41 |
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rogue780 | magnetron, as far as I know, the only way to transfer files and such is through ftp/sftp and when I use an ftp program to access my server via sftp, it won't let me do anything | 04:41 |
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rogue780 | I have files on my local machine here that I need to transfer over and update on a regular basis | 04:42 |
iphv37 | pike_: /home/your name/.path | 04:42 |
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magnetron | rogue780: you need a special sftp client for that | 04:42 |
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chrismaneyez | I know this question comes up alot, but how do you all like this product verses XP? | 04:42 |
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robirc | Xorg will not start, no errors in log | 04:43 |
dromer | can someone help me install grub to a chrooted usb-disk? | 04:43 |
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magnetron | rogue780: ftp and sftp does not resemble eachother at all, except for what you use it for | 04:43 |
pike_ | iphv37: i dont know in k3b howto view hidden files. sorry | 04:43 |
rogue780 | magnetron, coreftp and dreamweaver both have sftp options. am I missing something? I can log in with both of them, and view the initial directory...just can't open anything or change directory | 04:44 |
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iphv37 | thanks anyway! | 04:44 |
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okok | Hi everyone, any one knows how to install route book on Ububntu? | 04:44 |
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magnetron | rogue780: maybe you happen to get the / when you log in? you need to go to the /home/username dir | 04:45 |
iphv37 | anyone know how do i burn /home/ma name/.* ?? i can't find the desire paths in k3b!! | 04:45 |
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ham1979 | when you install ubuntu as a desktop is it kde you're using? | 04:45 |
rogue780 | magnetron, it gives me /home/shawn | 04:45 |
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magnetron | desire paths, iphv37 | 04:45 |
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magnetron | rogue780: ok, check your permissions in ssh | 04:46 |
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rogue780 | how do I do that? | 04:46 |
magnetron | rogue780: ls -l | 04:46 |
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rogue780 | ls -l? | 04:46 |
rogue780 | ok | 04:46 |
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ZummiG777 | Does Ubuntu (6.06.1 && 7.04) have built in support for TCP Wrappers? I can't find any information nor can I find them via aptitude. | 04:46 |
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magnetron | rogue780: use chown for altering the permissions | 04:46 |
viden | once you download and decompress evolution 2.10.2 how do you actually install it ? | 04:46 |
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pha|con | viden: is it the source code? | 04:47 |
magnetron | gtg rogue780 | 04:47 |
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iphv37 | magnetron, i know the paths i want! but i just can't find it in k3b!!! | 04:47 |
rogue780 | I have read write and execute | 04:47 |
viden | pha|con: It is 4 folders and 3 files (depcomp, intltool-extract.in, and aclocal.m4) | 04:47 |
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ham1979 | I am trying to install | 04:48 |
endo | how can I kill a firefox process? | 04:48 |
stefg_ | viden: it's not such a brilliant idea to bypass the package management, esp. not with a core package like evolution | 04:48 |
viden | stefg_: unfortunatally the package is a version behind and a fix i need is in the 10.2 version | 04:49 |
ham1979 | i am trying to install kde (apt-get install kde) seems to have installed without errors but when i run startx xinit or startkde i get xauth: error in locking authority file /home/administrator/.Xauthority | 04:49 |
iphv37 | again.. | 04:49 |
ham1979 | cannot stat /etc/X11/x | 04:49 |
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pike_ | iphv37: btw if youre just trying to back stuff up id do tar cfv My_backup.tar /home/username; gzip My_backup.tar <-- or something then burn that | 04:50 |
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iphv37 | i want to make a backup of some paths!! but i can't find it .... | 04:50 |
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iphv37 | good idea! thanks, pike_ by | 04:51 |
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iphv37 | *the help | 04:51 |
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pike_ | np | 04:51 |
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viden | so any ideas ? | 04:52 |
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SR71-Blackbird | how do i backup partition table | 04:52 |
SR71-Blackbird | ??? | 04:52 |
sayers | PriceChild, Heya | 04:53 |
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ShinSR71` | lol SR71-Blackbird | 04:54 |
pike_ | SR71-Blackbird: usually you just dd the first 512 bytes i think but im not sure of the command | 04:54 |
ShinSR71` | nice nick | 04:54 |
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pike_ | SR71-Blackbird: lol nm mbr | 04:54 |
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lashmoove | how can install to harddrive using lilo instead of grub? | 04:55 |
viden | Does anyone know if there is a package for evolution 2.10.2 for ubuntu ? | 04:55 |
sayers | why would you want to? | 04:55 |
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stefg | lashmoove: you'd need the alternate installer, and do a manual custom install | 04:56 |
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pike_ | SR71-Blackbird: http://www.ducea.com/2006/10/09/partition-table-backup/ looks resonable | 04:56 |
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stefg | lashmoove: basically: don't do it. lilo support is quite archaic in ubuntu | 04:56 |
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B-rabbit | i had windows xp on my laptop and the i installed ubuntu,and i cannot get xp back...does anyone know if it is possible to get xp bak | 04:57 |
viden | B-rabbit: if the XP partition is still there you just need to add the entry in the grub system to access it | 04:58 |
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matux | I have a problem with my public key, I generated one with seahorse, but I can't synchronize It with any server, 'cause it returns a can't connect to server error, any one knows where can I public my key or any other way to do it | 04:58 |
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eternalswd | I have two cd drives, one is a dvd drive mapped to /dev/scd0 and the other is a dvdrw drive mapped to /dev/scd1. When I boot /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd /dev/dvdrw and /dev/cdrw are all symlinked to /dev/scd1. I would like /dev/dvd and /dev/cdrom to be symlinked to /dev/scd0 without having to relink myself. | 04:58 |
B-rabbit | thanks vaden,i will do dat | 04:58 |
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merc_work | i set chkrootkit up yesterday, and it gives me the following message every time it runs: eth1: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient.dpkg-new (deleted)[1004] ), any idea what's up? (googling leads to one irc conversation in which it never gets addressed.) | 04:59 |
viden | B-rabbit: do you need the code to add the windows partition to the grub menu? | 05:00 |
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stefg | viden: bad news for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=472814 | 05:00 |
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viden | ahh .. well thats crappy news. ok i will have to wait until gutsy then ... thanks a ton for looking that up | 05:01 |
mrpurple | hi all, someone has feisty 64 with thunderbird and lighting successfully working ? can explain me how do it ? | 05:01 |
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B-rabbit | viden: yes please | 05:02 |
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stefg | !udev | 05:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about udev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:03 |
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stefg | eternalswd: http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html | 05:04 |
matt__ | is there someway to hide the name of the drives (ipod, usb drives) on the desktop? like, ipod is labled "iPod", above it is the icon, can i hide the label? | 05:04 |
Fhajad | Has anyone succesfully run CygwinX on XP to Ubuntu? | 05:04 |
Birger | 'day people, anyone know how to fix the missing-text-problem in Wine/Cedega? | 05:04 |
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Upsal | hi, i'm going to install ubuntu feisty (server) on a PC with 1 HD, with total space 20 GB. Currently i'm having 1 pri NTFS partition (10 GB), what is the best way to partionate the rest of the unlocated space for ubuntu? | 05:05 |
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lashmoove | GRUB wont boot using qemu, but i see that lilo does, i tried both with damnsmalllinux, so thats where im getting the idea that its GRUB why i cant boot | 05:06 |
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npnufn | how can I disable auto mounting of usb pen drives. there is nothing related to usb in fstab. | 05:07 |
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yondie | npnufn, dat`s the gnome auto mounting system | 05:09 |
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yondie | npnufn, look around gconf-editor settings | 05:09 |
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Birger | anyone know much about Wine? | 05:10 |
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Paddy_EIRE | Birger, whats the question | 05:10 |
checkergrrl | hi...are there any website in which i can practice for a ubuntu exam? | 05:10 |
matt__ | checkergrrl: ubuntu exam? | 05:10 |
Birger | Paddy, In some games and programs I run in Wine text is missing. | 05:10 |
checkergrrl | well....linux exam | 05:11 |
matt__ | Birger: what games? | 05:11 |
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Paddy_EIRE | checkergrrl, what exam are you doing | 05:11 |
checkergrrl | i am practicing on ubuntu | 05:11 |
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checkergrrl | well trying to study to get my cert in linux | 05:11 |
yondie | is it LPI? | 05:11 |
checkergrrl | but i heard there are 4 exams | 05:11 |
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checkergrrl | yah..LP! | 05:11 |
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checkergrrl | LP1 | 05:12 |
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yondie | checkergrrl, lol i took the exam once | 05:12 |
checkergrrl | PLI | 05:12 |
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yondie | in the past | 05:12 |
checkergrrl | LPI,irg | 05:12 |
dromer | how do I activate the kqemu accelerator? | 05:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | checkergrrl, whats the exam exactly...Im interested | 05:12 |
checkergrrl | lpi.org | 05:12 |
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stefg | npnufn: invert this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbFlashDrives | 05:12 |
Birger | matt_, Furcadia, right now, had the same problem last time I tried to install WinMX | 05:12 |
in70x | Folks is there an easier way to install perl modules ubuntu barley has any and needs to many dependencies | 05:12 |
in70x | kind of annoying | 05:12 |
checkergrrl | yondie: you did? | 05:12 |
yondie | checkergrrl, yeap | 05:12 |
yondie | level 1 | 05:12 |
checkergrrl | how was it? | 05:13 |
yondie | checkergrrl, got nothing much to do with ubuntu... | 05:13 |
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checkergrrl | are you serious? | 05:13 |
yondie | checkergrrl, lol it test a lot on your gnu command utils | 05:13 |
checkergrrl | more about linux eeh? | 05:13 |
yondie | checkergrrl, mounting | 05:13 |
yondie | checkergrrl, imho urm | 05:13 |
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checkergrrl | was it easy? | 05:13 |
bedazzled | hi | 05:13 |
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yondie | checkergrrl, hurm it`s not ez .. lots of memorization.. | 05:13 |
askand | The folders I put in shared folders is not there next time I open it! why? | 05:13 |
yondie | checkergrrl, and understanding rather | 05:14 |
yondie | checkergrrl, just check the objective of each LPI | 05:14 |
yondie | and make sure u understand them | 05:14 |
bedazzled | how can i safely set the date of an ubuntu server 3 days back? | 05:14 |
yondie | how to configure X server... mounting file system.. chroot and all dat stuff | 05:14 |
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checkergrrl | yondie ..hey thanks :) | 05:15 |
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bedazzled | ? | 05:16 |
dedi | i have set my resolution in xorg.conf but it just doesnt take the resolution | 05:16 |
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Paddy_EIRE | dedi, have you tried selecting it in resolution | 05:16 |
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Paddy_EIRE | dedi, or have you restarted X | 05:16 |
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Fhajad | Has anyone succesfully run CygwinX on XP to Ubuntu? | 05:17 |
bedazzled | anyone? :) | 05:17 |
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dedi | Paddy_EIRE, yes sure. selected it at desktop settings, it takes the resolution but its just not really this resolution | 05:17 |
stefg | bedazzled: hmmm, assuming you run into sudo issues (timestamp too far in the future) when doing it at the normal runlevel you'd have to boot to single, disable ntp (if its running) and run date -s then | 05:17 |
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Fhajad | bedazzled: Why are you setting it back 3 days? | 05:17 |
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Paddy_EIRE | dedi, well what res are you trying to get | 05:18 |
raf256 | why does flash suck so much? | 05:18 |
Paddy_EIRE | i know | 05:18 |
stefg | raf256: ask adobe | 05:18 |
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dedi | Paddy_EIRE, 1440x900, widescreen. it works without problems on my other computer with the same monitor | 05:18 |
npnufn | thank u yondie, stefg. It works | 05:18 |
bedazzled | stefg, i thought so, so doing it via ssh is risky :| | 05:19 |
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bedazzled | Fhajad, db issues | 05:19 |
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Fhajad | bedazzled: Ah. | 05:19 |
lashmoove | im not in ubuntu now, but from a live CD, can i install with lilo as the bootloader? | 05:19 |
npnufn | (disable usb drive) but how can I do this at administrative level. I want disable this feature completely to the users. | 05:19 |
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in70x | anyone here code in perl? | 05:20 |
stefg | npnufn: make sure your users aren't memebers of plugdev | 05:20 |
in70x | and can help me with thise perl modules that ubuntu does have dependencies for | 05:20 |
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Spud__ | Okay, I installed Feisty 64bit yesterday, and when I go to "Add/Remove..." and search for Wine, it tells me that Wine cannot be installed on my 64bit machine, but when I go to the Wine website, the website says "Packages for the 64 bit version of Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) are now available, " so what do I do? | 05:20 |
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Paddy_EIRE | in70x, #perl | 05:20 |
lebies | hi ya all, has anyone here played around with lazarus ? | 05:21 |
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leku | hey | 05:21 |
leku | when I enable desktop effects, I lose the borders around all my windows | 05:21 |
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Dr_willis | !beryl | 05:21 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:21 |
stefg | leku: nvidia-card? | 05:21 |
leku | yeah | 05:21 |
Paddy_EIRE | leku, #ubuntu-effects | 05:21 |
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leku | thx | 05:21 |
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stefg | leku: 'option AddARGBGLXVisuals' 'true' ins section driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Details in #ubuntu-effects | 05:22 |
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CapaH | Question, can someone here tell me how to get a USB headset to work? I plugged it in, went to skype, and it just wants to use my normal computer mic+speakers ... ? | 05:22 |
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CapaH | oh wait maybe I have it figured out | 05:23 |
Neil- | Hey all | 05:24 |
Neil- | been having some problems booting from a usb hard drive, it installed perfectly | 05:24 |
yondie | wonder where the heck u get a USB headset.. | 05:24 |
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askand | The folders I put in shared folders is not there next time I open it! why? | 05:24 |
Neil- | I've tried a huge kernel, and a generic one with an initrd to start usb | 05:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | yondie, everywhere | 05:24 |
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yondie | Paddy_EIRE, it`s rare in my place | 05:24 |
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Paddy_EIRE | oh | 05:24 |
Neil- | both eventually fail on 'mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt failed' where /dev/sda1 is my root drive | 05:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | yondie, where would that be | 05:25 |
bomanizer | advice, pls.. i messed my /etc/fonts ... restore options? (which package, etc.) | 05:25 |
yondie | Paddy_EIRE, ever heard a place call kuantan? | 05:25 |
Neil- | What am I doing wrong?Can't think of anything to try.. | 05:25 |
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Paddy_EIRE | no :) | 05:25 |
yondie | yeah so it`s a small place located somewhere around the globe in S.E.A | 05:25 |
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gnychis | i cannot seem to get Ubuntu to boot my software RAID-0, even though I configured it and set it up using the installer... I keep getting an 'mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found.' error.... i would greatly appreciate any help | 05:25 |
yondie | where they didn`t even have a Playstaion 2 Controller to USB device which force me to build one meself | 05:26 |
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Paddy_EIRE | yondie, buy a usb headset from ariapc | 05:26 |
ipx | Is there any way to find out what motherboard u have through ubuntu? | 05:26 |
yondie | Paddy_EIRE, so the USB headset contains a sound processor embed in it rite? | 05:26 |
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Paddy_EIRE | yondie, it must have although I have never been sure | 05:27 |
stefg | Neil-: did u use the Desktop Installer? That won't work, because your usb drive has a different device name if you boot from USB and not from hd | 05:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | yondie, very handy to have | 05:27 |
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Paddy_EIRE | yondie, quite far away kuantan | 05:28 |
Neil- | stefg: Ah I see.. how does the name change?? | 05:28 |
yondie | Paddy_EIRE, i`m not sure bout it`s usage. but well i prefer the normal stereo headset for my own leasure time :p | 05:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | yeah less trouble | 05:28 |
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intangir | i just build an exe, thats 26 MEGS! its quite large, but when i try to run it, it says "no such file or directory" | 05:28 |
intangir | even though it is definately there | 05:28 |
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intangir | a linux binary | 05:28 |
intangir | 26 megs, says its not there? anyone heard of anything like this? | 05:29 |
yondie | intangir, wat`s the purpose of the program? | 05:29 |
intangir | its an example from a toolkit | 05:29 |
yondie | which is? | 05:29 |
intangir | it works fine before with dynamic linking options, but im trying to move it to another machine | 05:29 |
intangir | so i did static linking | 05:29 |
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intangir | but now it claims it doesnt exist, even though it clearly does exist | 05:30 |
stefg | Neil-: that depends on your bios, and how it manages to boot from usb. i think grub got installed to the MBR of your internal disk (which is wrong, cos the bios can't see that when booting from USB). you'd have to boot the live CD again and examne the situation from there | 05:30 |
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Upsal | hi, i'm going to install ubuntu feisty (server) on a PC with 1 HD, with total space 20 GB. Currently i'm having 1 pri NTFS partition (10 GB), what is the best way to partionate the rest of the unlocated space for ubuntu? | 05:31 |
ubuntu-rocks | i'm trying find files that are larger than X,what is the syntax? i'm using ubuntu fiesty. tks | 05:31 |
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stefg | Upsal: 9,5 GB for the whole shebang, and half a gig swap... that's tight enough | 05:31 |
Paddy_EIRE | nice one http://apcmag.com/6512/linux_on_windows_with_lina | 05:32 |
ipx | Upsal: just let the rest of the harddrive be unpartitionated, then during the install u take "Use biggest unpartitionated space" | 05:32 |
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Paddy_EIRE | handy to introduce others to linux apps | 05:32 |
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Spud__ | I installed the 64-bit version of Ubuntu Feisty Fawn yesterday, and I am trying to get Wine downloaded. I added the APT repository as per the instructions on this page: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb However when I go to install it in the package manager, it has a locked out checkbox by it implying that I cannot install it. | 05:33 |
Upsal | ok, when i choose to make a 9.5 GB part, and a 0.5 GB swap, what kind of type should i choose? pri of log? | 05:33 |
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joe4444 | is there a common tweak to fix abnormal behavior in the terminal (feisty)? | 05:33 |
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Paddy_EIRE | joe4444, like whar | 05:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | *what | 05:33 |
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askand | The folders I put in shared folders is not there next time I open it! why? | 05:34 |
joe4444 | Paddy_EIRE: so far all i've noticed is that i can't open multiple files on my web server when i access it via SSH... worked fine with Edgy | 05:34 |
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novato_br | what sould I learn to I don't I need tutorial on linux? | 05:34 |
joe4444 | Paddy_EIRE: ...with vim on the remote machine | 05:34 |
Purity_ | irc.vietinternet.com 6667 | 05:35 |
Purity_ | irc.xuviet.org 6667 | 05:35 |
naur | Hi | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | novato_br, depends on what tasks you want to do. | 05:35 |
Purity_ | irc.enterchat.com 6667 | 05:35 |
tovella | Upsal: do you already have partitions on that drive? | 05:35 |
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Purity_ | irc.hoithoai.com 6667 | 05:35 |
KrakensDen | joe4444, that's bizarre | 05:35 |
naur | i have problems with getext in Ubuntu | 05:35 |
Purity_ | /server irc.vietinternet.com 6667 | 05:35 |
Purity_ | /server irc.vietinternet.com 6667 | 05:35 |
Purity_ | /server irc.vietinternet.com 6667 | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | It pays to learn the linux FUNdamentals. | 05:35 |
yondie | novato_br, http://linux.byexamples.com/ | 05:35 |
Upsal | tovella, i have 10 gb windows (primary and ntfs) | 05:35 |
HEx | intangir: it's not necessarily claiming that *it* doesn't exist, just that something doesn't exist. the usual culprit is the dynamic linker not existing | 05:35 |
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stefg | !away | F00BaR | 05:35 |
ubotu | F00BaR: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines | 05:35 |
npnufn | is there a way to use ubuntu in diskless mode. without cd/dvd/hdd. - netbooting | 05:35 |
naur | i installed horde, but internationalization does not work | 05:35 |
Upsal | and i want to run ubuntu feisty in dual boot | 05:35 |
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Upsal | total of 20 GB | 05:35 |
tovella | Upsal: then you should be ok to set up two more partions as primary. | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | npnufn, ive heard thats doable.. not tried it my self however. Check the ubuntu wiki pages/forums perhaps for a start. | 05:36 |
Upsal | 10 GB free now, but i don't know how to fill in | 05:36 |
novato_br | I want know about linux, that I want not be tutorial dependence | 05:36 |
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tovella | Upsal: actually threee more. | 05:36 |
gnychis | i cannot seem to get Ubuntu to boot my software RAID-0, even though I configured it and set it up using the installer... I keep getting an 'mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found.' error.... i would greatly appreciate any help | 05:36 |
stefg | npnufn: look at edubuntu... ubuntu meets ltsp | 05:36 |
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yondie | novato_br, man pages :p | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | edubuntu - yea.. i rember seeing that mentioned for that task. heh | 05:36 |
HEx | intangir: try "objdump -s -j.interp $FILE" and see what it's looking for | 05:36 |
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novato_br | ok, but i don't understand like how works that ? | 05:37 |
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novato_br | they always say for me that man is complete | 05:37 |
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naur | i ran locale-gen | 05:37 |
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naur | but horde is always in english | 05:37 |
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Dr_willis | novato_br, the man pages are the defacto 'referance' they are not tutorials. | 05:37 |
stefg | gnychis: used the alternate installer ? | 05:37 |
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tovella | Upsal: fill in? what you need to do is resize the existing windows partition to make room to create another one. give the fact that it's an NTFS partition, you may have to use a special utility to do this. | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | if you want to learn. find a site with a lot of information and start reading.. and reading, and reading.. | 05:38 |
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novato_br | ok, Dr_willis, you're nice, you gave me a helpfull | 05:38 |
tovella | Upsal: ...to create another two. | 05:38 |
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KrakensDen | and then start doing | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | The bargin bins at book stores are great for older linux books that are just a little older. | 05:38 |
KrakensDen | otherwise you won't remember it | 05:38 |
dedi | Paddy_EIRE, had disc, did you wrote anything? | 05:38 |
novato_br | cool, Dr_willis | 05:38 |
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Dr_willis | novato_br, also sounds like English is not your native language. So you may want to google for linux documentaton in your own language. | 05:38 |
novato_br | thx thx! | 05:39 |
gnychis | stefg: correct | 05:39 |
novato_br | yep, Dr_willis , sorry | 05:39 |
novato_br | i'm not english, but i've trying to learn it | 05:39 |
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novato_br | but i think that i'll learn more with you, right? | 05:39 |
stefg | gnychis: so mdadm isn't finding the superblocks of the raid members, not assembling and failing to boot, as i underrstand? | 05:40 |
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Dr_willis | novato_br, dont expect to 'learn' linux by just hanging in irc.. go read, read, read.. and experiment, then ask here for clarifications for things you dont fully understand. | 05:40 |
gnychis | stefg: thats what i *think* is happenning, I have a little more information here that i posted to the forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=486463 | 05:40 |
logreeval | Hi, I installed VLC Media player on ubuntu, now how do i set it to open the files? | 05:41 |
naur | i used apt-get -b source package | 05:41 |
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naur | to rebuild gettext | 05:41 |
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novato_br | and so Dr_willis, you told me that i can find linux documentation in my own language, but in portuguese have a lot tutorial, i dont like it , I really want to learn the linux and I wont follow tutorial | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | #1 thing to learning linux - is to learn 'how to learn' :) track down referance sites, book mark them. skim them, come back to the parts you need and reread some more. | 05:41 |
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novato_br | ok | 05:42 |
npnufn | Dr_Willis, stefg: thanks for the suggestions. But I could n't find any solution. All are about installation only. | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | novato_br, i have no idea what you are expecxting then. theres a lot of documentaion out there that are not tutorials.. Use the tutorials untill you can understand the basics.. then start reading the other stuff. | 05:42 |
subzero2000 | dr_willis: Amen. Google is your friend. | 05:42 |
npnufn | But I am looking for netboot. Is there any solution (netboot) | 05:42 |
=== Slor [i=Slor@c-69-136-2-250.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | "It pays to learn the Linux FUNdamentals" (TM) | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:42 |
novato_br | yesterday, i was leaning how to ask a question | 05:42 |
Upsal | how should i create my swap partition, i can choose to mount it as root, or as media or tmp, which should i choose? | 05:42 |
Slor | heya folks - I'm running xubuntu 6.06.1. Can anyone tell me the best way to get a VNC server installed? Xvnc does not appear to be there, and I can't find it in the available packages. | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | Upsal, you dont mount them. | 05:43 |
Dr_willis | its swap - its special. | 05:43 |
Upsal | how does it know that that part. is a swap part.? | 05:43 |
mauri_ | mauri | 05:43 |
novato_br | cool, Dr_willis | 05:43 |
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novato_br | Dr_willis, where are you from? | 05:43 |
Dr_willis | I live in Indiana. | 05:44 |
=== Slor thinks he should get a t-shirt that says "I'm swap". | ||
=== carol [n=carol@c-67-174-249-33.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carol | hi can someone help me | 05:44 |
Slor | (thus I'm special) | 05:44 |
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Dr_willis | The swap partition, is like /dev/hda3 or whatever.. Its not mounted anywhere.. the fstab entry for swap has 'none' as the mountpoint. | 05:44 |
a5benwillis | Anybody have a link for a good guide to install vista and Ubuntu dual boot? | 05:44 |
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Slor | hey dr_willis - fellow Indiana guy here too. | 05:44 |
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Dr_willis | Slor, its hot and WET :) | 05:44 |
naur | Upsal: kernel knows by partition type | 05:44 |
logreeval | a5benwillis: google vista ubuntu dual boot | 05:44 |
Upsal | what should i choose as part type? | 05:45 |
novato_br | wow, Dr_willis , you were so clean | 05:45 |
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Slor | we could actually use even a little more rain here - brown grass everywhere. | 05:45 |
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Upsal | know it's a ext3 unmounted | 05:45 |
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tovella | Upsal: after doing some checking i found there is a GParted LiveCD that should work to do this. Download the .iso file, burn a CD from it, defragment your windows partition, then boot from the GParted LiveCD. | 05:45 |
=== xd [n=michal@abtq161.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Upsal | thx tovella | 05:45 |
Dr_willis | Upsal, swap is not ext3. You got somthing basic wrong. | 05:45 |
xd | hi | 05:45 |
carol | how do i fix | 05:45 |
carol | http://pastebin.on.nimp.org/33ddcc1 | 05:45 |
naur | Upsal: What do you need? | 05:45 |
stefg | gnychis: so actually mdadm should be able to find the raid members without any conf file ( http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/mdadm.8.html ) . could be that the partition types are not set right ( fd in hex), so mdadam doesn't look at them | 05:46 |
Upsal | i need to make a swap during my install of ubuntu | 05:46 |
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Upsal | my install is warning me that i don't have a swap partition created | 05:46 |
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naur | you need to create an slice of swap type | 05:46 |
bur[n] er | Upsal: so.... make it? | 05:46 |
Upsal | how? :P | 05:46 |
tovella | Upsal: didn't you create 2 partitions? | 05:46 |
Tom4325934 | hey guys, does anyone no about mounting external HD's so that they work like USB sticks. Im in feisty, and have it mounting via FSTAB, but in edgy it used to pop up on the desktop so it could be ejected | 05:46 |
Upsal | i'm in the partionator | 05:46 |
novato_br | what happening? | 05:46 |
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Dr_willis | Upsal, I setup some 'unallocated' space and let the isntaller partition it all. | 05:47 |
Upsal | i created 2 ext3 partitions now | 05:47 |
novato_br | i opened the link | 05:47 |
Upsal | ok thx | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | make a 512mb partition, and set its type to be 'swap' / | 05:47 |
UbuntuServerUser | When editing out fstab, (following http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p3) I'm adding a mount thats already there (in /mnt) I installled quota, should I add quota to my second HDD hdb1 where I want the quota and users to login from samba? what do lal the 0's mean after that in the tutorial? | 05:47 |
askand | what is the command for the terminal to print in what directory I am+ | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | or larger if ya want. | 05:47 |
novato_br | and it was like who controlling my computer | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | askand, pwd | 05:47 |
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naur | at least yo need 1 ext3 partition an swap one | 05:47 |
bur[n] er | Tom4325934: don't use fstab and rely on gnome-volume-manager instead | 05:47 |
Tom4325934 | cheers | 05:47 |
Tom4325934 | ill have a look | 05:47 |
stefg | gnychis: and you might have to run an update-initramfs again later, to tell the mdadm in the initrd about it | 05:47 |
gnychis | stefg: thanks, I'm 100% sure that my raids are set to fd since I used fdisk to manually create them ... do you think its confused that I have two RAID0s? One is swap and one is my root | 05:48 |
novato_br | http://pastebin.on.nimp.org/33ddcc1 <--- what is that? | 05:48 |
novato_br | http://pastebin.on.nimp.org/33ddcc1 <--- its a bad link | 05:48 |
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bur[n] er | you don't have to "do" anything for gnome-volume-manager other than make sure it's running and it should automagically mount your drive | 05:48 |
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Gog123 | will ubuntu after 7.04 come with google desktop built in ? :) | 05:48 |
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Gog123 | "Google was set to launch late on Wednesday a beta version of Google Desktop search for Linux | 05:48 |
tovella | my dog is shivering - like he's gotta go outside to "potty"... later. | 05:48 |
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Gog123 | looks liike by the next ubuntu it will be final | 05:48 |
Tom4325934 | its not working since feisty | 05:48 |
Pici | !ops | novato_br | 05:48 |
gnychis | stefg: and md0 is setup to be swap, and md1 is setup to be the root | 05:48 |
ubotu | novato_br: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:48 |
Tom4325934 | works for pendrives though | 05:48 |
Gog123 | about time :) | 05:48 |
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Hobbsee | dont viist that link! | 05:49 |
Dr_willis | Gog123, depends on the license would be my guess. | 05:49 |
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Dr_willis | heh.. what was that Hobbsee ? | 05:49 |
stefg | gnychis: can be... actually it's quite 'stoopid' to have the swap raided. the kernel uses striping automatically if you mount two swaps with equal priority on differet drives | 05:49 |
Pici | Hobbsee: too late, can you spare any bleach for my eyes? | 05:49 |
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Dr_willis | Pici, porn? | 05:49 |
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Hobbsee | jrib: far too late. | 05:50 |
Dr_willis | stefg, is that how it does it? I always set up swap on several partitions.. of course i rarely need to use swap.. :) | 05:50 |
gnychis | stefg: interesting, i didn't know that ... that could definitely be causing a headache then ... when I did my RAID-0 in Gentoo i did not stripe the swaps and it worked, so maybe I can try that | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | oh wait, another one. | 05:50 |
matt_____ | i have a firewire 1394 digital camera, when i plug it in, where should it default mount? | 05:50 |
matt_____ | is it in /dev? | 05:50 |
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=== bur[n] er wonders what that link is | ||
pike_ | matt_____: plug it in then type dmesg | tail | 05:50 |
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Dr_willis | matt_____, check 'dmesg' output. It should be some /dev/sd## device. | 05:50 |
Dr_willis | but thats not the mountpoint. | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | bur[n] er: only visit it if you want to clean your cache afterwards. and dont do it from a windows machine | 05:51 |
stefg | gnychis: so just 'unraid' the swap and let the kernel do its business on two separate swap partitions | 05:51 |
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Dr_willis | matt_____, this is a Video Camera? or a still picture Camera? | 05:51 |
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Tom4325934 | bur[n] er ... are there any settings tat would stop it from working with a seagate 320GB external? Its working for every thing else | 05:51 |
matt_____ | Dr_willis: video | 05:51 |
UbuntuServerUser | When editing out fstab, (following http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p3) I'm adding a mount thats already there (in /mnt) I installled quota, should I add quota to my second HDD hdb1 where I want the quota and users to login from samba? what do lal the 0's mean after that in the tutorial? | 05:51 |
bur[n] er | Hobbsee: awww... i see... honestly, who spams a windows crasher URL in a linux channel anyway | 05:51 |
mzanfardino | question: I'm installing a new ubuntu edgy server and the hardware I'm installing to has three large HDD running on hardware RAID. The RAID controller reports a single drive of size X but when I install ubuntu the partitioner find the three drives. What am I doing wrong? | 05:51 |
matt_____ | Dr_willis: i tried dmesg, but i don't think it worked | 05:52 |
gnychis | stefg: got ya, i'll give that a try, thanks for the help :) | 05:52 |
bur[n] er | Tom4325934: none that I know of... what's dmesg say? | 05:52 |
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kbrooks | bur[n] er, its over now ;-) | 05:52 |
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usuario | oal | 05:53 |
Tom4325934 | alot..... any particular section? | 05:53 |
usuario | ola | 05:53 |
usuario | soi gay | 05:53 |
matt_____ | dromer: any ideas for video camera? | 05:53 |
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bur[n] er | Tom4325934: the very end right after you plug it in :) | 05:53 |
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naur | i have problems woth gettext in Feisty | 05:53 |
UbuntuServerUser | usuario @ubuntu-es | 05:53 |
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usuario | zorrones | 05:53 |
usuario | putos | 05:53 |
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NET||abuse | Hi guys... in alsa mixer,, how can i join one slider (eg master) to another, (eg headphones?) i really want to adjust headphone volume inline with the master volume slider? | 05:53 |
naur | y rebuiild source ogf getext | 05:53 |
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jrib | !es | usuario | 05:53 |
usuario | askerosos | 05:53 |
jrib | usuario: /join #ubuntu-es | 05:53 |
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UbuntuServerUser | !es | UbuntuServerUser | 05:53 |
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UbuntuServerUser | When editing out fstab, (following http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p3) I'm adding a mount thats already there (in /mnt) I installled quota, should I add quota to my second HDD hdb1 where I want the quota and users to login from samba? what do lal the 0's mean after that in the tutorial? | 05:54 |
matt_____ | Dr`Maison: output of dmsg-[169665.237755] VFS: busy inodes on changed media. | 05:54 |
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webmaren | i need help getting widesreen res to work | 05:54 |
stefg | !fixres | webmaren | 05:54 |
ubotu | webmaren: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:54 |
webmaren | already looked , but i'll try a again | 05:54 |
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etio | c' nessuno? | 05:55 |
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joe4444 | i'm trying to work with vim on my VPS (running CentOS) through an ssh connection, but there's a problem with Feisty's default terminal configuration (i think)... i can't enter visual mode, when i try to look for previous vim commands it shows :<Up> instead of showing the last command, and when i try to open a 2nd file nothing happens... is there a setting i can change on my local machine to fix this? | 05:55 |
jrib | etio: /join #ubuntu-fr | 05:55 |
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dave_ | EVERYONE!! what are your favorite five states? | 05:55 |
Tom4325934 | [ 5252.632348] usb 3-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4 | 05:55 |
Tom4325934 | [ 5252.766864] usb 3-4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice | 05:55 |
Tom4325934 | [ 5252.767101] scsi4 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices | 05:56 |
Tom4325934 | [ 5252.767280] usb-storage: device found at 4 | 05:56 |
Tom4325934 | [ 5252.767284] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning | 05:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ | ||
Tom4325934 | [ 5257.758470] usb-storage: device scan complete | 05:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@cpc2-brig7-0-0-cust449.brig.cable.ntl.com] by jrib | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib | ||
jrib | Tom4325934: please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:56 |
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UbuntuServerUser | Tom4325934 ! pastebin | 05:56 |
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Sathya | j | 05:56 |
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iphv37 | what the ... !! | 05:58 |
MIMB1 | Hello. I've installed ubuntu server 7.04 onto my server, and I can't figure out how to make it register it's own address on our local (microsoft) dns server. The IP is being set statically. | 05:58 |
PleegWat | -dmwaters/Wallops- small server restart, 20 users affected | 05:58 |
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iphv37 | what was this? | 05:58 |
PleegWat | and the rest... | 05:58 |
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HymnToLife | !netsplit | iphv37 | 05:58 |
PleegWat | ah, wait, that was half an hour ago | 05:58 |
HymnToLife | uh-oh, seems we lost ubotu in the process | 05:58 |
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PleegWat | I assume the freenode guys are hard working on fixing it up | 05:59 |
kbrooks | !netsplit | 05:59 |
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iphv37 | jesus! | 05:59 |
PleegWat | see? | 05:59 |
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iphv37 | :D | 05:59 |
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NET||abuse | fasiciowhat's happenin??? | 05:59 |
HymnToLife | !ping | 05:59 |
PleegWat | netsplit | 06:00 |
iphv37 | is it the end of the world? | 06:00 |
NET||abuse | ;P havn't seen one in a while.. | 06:00 |
iphv37 | ;p | 06:00 |
stefg | !netsplit | 06:00 |
daewart | kjhkjhkhj | 06:00 |
NET||abuse | garrrrggphphph | 06:00 |
PleegWat | Me neither. Even on rizon, and rizon is netsplit heaven | 06:00 |
NET||abuse | noooooo, not the internets | 06:00 |
=== mario_ [n=mario@p54850C23.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PleegWat | Here, hardly any netsplits at all | 06:00 |
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Tom4325934 | bur[n] er , i put it here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27631/ (didnt know there was a pastebin) | 06:00 |
stefg | even ubotu broke away it seems | 06:00 |
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ubotu | pong | 06:00 |
ubotu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 06:00 |
NET||abuse | :P anyway.. anyone know how to join / merge master volume and headphone in alsamixer.. | 06:01 |
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iphv37 | lol | 06:01 |
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NET||abuse | i really would like my headphones to be controled by master | 06:01 |
joe4444 | i'm trying to work with vim on my VPS (running CentOS) through an ssh connection, but there's a problem with Feisty's default terminal configuration (i think)... i can't enter visual mode, when i try to look for previous vim commands it shows :<Up> instead of showing the last command, and when i try to open a 2nd file nothing happens... is there a setting i can change on my local machine to fix this? | 06:01 |
=== Aldo [n=victor@host-205-241-35-118.acelerate.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
webmaren | anybody wanna help me fix my widescreen | 06:01 |
regeya | wheee | 06:02 |
regeya | (sorry, wrong channel) | 06:02 |
stefg | webmaren: what's its native solution? | 06:02 |
webmaren | 1280x800 | 06:02 |
NET||abuse | resolution you mean :) | 06:02 |
grndslm | anybody know how to reduce red-eye in pics?? with gimp, perhaps?? | 06:02 |
webmaren | using a geforce 7100GS | 06:02 |
NET||abuse | grndslm, there's a how on thegimp.org i think | 06:02 |
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grndslm | sweet.. thanks! | 06:03 |
stefg | webmaren: so don't you get that offered when running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 06:03 |
webmaren | i did | 06:03 |
webmaren | its all set in my xorg.conf | 06:03 |
NET||abuse | grndslm, or http://www.gimp.org/ rather.. | 06:03 |
webmaren | but it won't do it | 06:03 |
regeya | grndslm: best thing to do is select the redeye, set a feather radius of say 3px, take the saturation down to about 10% then change the levels. looks nice and natural most the time. | 06:03 |
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regeya | you have to fiddle with it but it's the most reliable method I've found :-> | 06:04 |
NET||abuse | grndslm, http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Red_Eye_Removal/ | 06:04 |
KrakensDen | grndslm, fspot comes with ubuntu | 06:04 |
stefg | webmaren: paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to !pastebin | 06:04 |
KrakensDen | grndslm, it has an excellent red eye removal tool | 06:04 |
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Daverocks | webmaren: assuming you've installed the nvidia proprietary drivers? | 06:04 |
grndslm | thank you all for suggestions... i'll prolly try KrakensDen idea first | 06:04 |
grndslm | thanks again! | 06:04 |
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webmaren | daverocks, they just make it worse | 06:05 |
webmaren | but i can and have tried | 06:05 |
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Pici | !away > F00BaR | 06:05 |
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webmaren | xorg.conf > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27634/ | 06:05 |
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Daverocks | webmaren: well it's there as a mode | 06:06 |
jrib | F00BaR: please turn that off | 06:06 |
webmaren | i know | 06:06 |
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stewski | whats the coolest feature of fiesty | 06:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b F00BaR!*@*!#ubuntu-ops] by jrib | ||
NET||abuse | .. so anyone have a clue as to what is possible regarding controlling your headphones with the master slider? | 06:06 |
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Daverocks | webmaren: "xrandr -s 1280x800"? | 06:07 |
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pike_ | stewski: compared to what? :) | 06:07 |
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stefg | webmaren: you are using the vesa driver, which does not support non-standard resos... enable !nvidia | 06:07 |
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naeem | hello guys | 06:07 |
Daverocks | NET||abuse: what have you got the master slider set to control? | 06:07 |
stewski | edgy | 06:07 |
Tom4325934 | hey guys. | 06:07 |
regeya | NET||abuse: using GNOME? I think it's possible to set your master slider to control your headphone jack levels...don't remmeber, not sitting at a box with gnome at the moment, sorry... | 06:07 |
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NET||abuse | Daverocks, can you alter what it controls?? that's kind of what i'm trying to figure out.. | 06:07 |
naeem | how r u :) | 06:07 |
pike_ | stewski: not much. packages more up to date i guess | 06:08 |
iphv37 | hey, i'm making a backup of some programs from /home/username and then i'll make a fresh installation.. will i have to use the same username and configuration installing ubuntu to get the old programs running well?? | 06:08 |
Tom4325934 | does anyone know why gnome volume manager wont mount my external seagate harddrive? | 06:08 |
webmaren | xrandr says its not in available modes | 06:08 |
NET||abuse | regeya, yeh, in gnome. | 06:08 |
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webmaren | i'm gonna reboot | 06:08 |
regeya | ...ord was that functionality removed in 1.8... | 06:08 |
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regeya | ...might be too confusing, y'know... | 06:08 |
pike_ | stewski: maybe the way we handle restriced stuff | 06:08 |
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Daverocks | NET||abuse: i don't have gnome sitting in front of me either, but i think it was something like right click and set channel or something | 06:08 |
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naeem | peaple r too busy | 06:09 |
=== regeya is thinking the same as Daverocks | ||
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regeya | naeem: as a matter of fact I'm sitting at work waiting for someone else to get off his duff, and once he does you probably won't hear from me until tomorrow :-> | 06:09 |
stefg | webmaren: you are using the vesa driver, which does not support non-standard resos... enable !nvidia | 06:09 |
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pike_ | !nvidia | weltall | 06:09 |
ubotu | weltall: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:09 |
Daverocks | stefg: too late, he/she's rebooting ;) | 06:09 |
ostrealman | test | 06:09 |
pike_ | bah | 06:09 |
rockets | whats the command that tells you how many hops away something is | 06:09 |
rockets | on the net | 06:09 |
Daverocks | rockets: traceroute | 06:10 |
ostrealman | test | 06:10 |
NET||abuse | Daverocks, right click which exactly.. i can't right click a slider if that's what you mean? :) | 06:10 |
Daverocks | NET||abuse: the volume icon maybe | 06:10 |
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Dheeraj_k | how to dual bot os x and ubuntu? | 06:10 |
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pike_ | rockets: bear in mind if you want a windows like result do traceroute -U google.com or whatever | 06:10 |
stefg | !caps | naeem | 06:11 |
ubotu | naeem: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 06:11 |
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stefg | !offtopic | naeem | 06:11 |
ubotu | naeem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:11 |
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naeem | ok sory | 06:11 |
iphv37 | again... i'm making a backup of some programs from /home/username and then i'll make a fresh installation.. will i have to use the same username and configuration installing ubuntu to get the old programs running well?? | 06:11 |
aroo | naeem: this isn't a hacking channel | 06:11 |
Dheeraj_k | how to dual boot os x and ubuntu? | 06:11 |
ostrealman | hello, somebody knows how to make the laptop(x31, ubuntu 7.04) suspend to disk | 06:11 |
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pike_ | naeem: if youre talking about pentesting and stuff this isnt going to be the channel for ya | 06:11 |
Daverocks | rockets: at least, traceroute is the typical tool... most linux traceroutes use UDP by default, whereas windows traceroute ("tracert") uses ICMP. i think nmap can do traceroute too, and there's a _really_ good tool called paratrace which uses facets of TCP to trace the hops of a host you're connecting to | 06:11 |
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naeem | where is hacking channel plezz tell me | 06:12 |
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rockets | its tracepath | 06:12 |
stefg | naeem: ##windows :-) | 06:12 |
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Tom4325934 | rockets if your in gnome there is a tool under netwoek | 06:12 |
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naeem | what is ubuntu | 06:12 |
rockets | Tom4325934: kubuntu | 06:12 |
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Dheeraj_k | how to dual boot os x and ubuntu? | 06:12 |
preaction | naeem: i know how to hack, but you want to know how to crack. cracking is bad. | 06:12 |
rockets | naeem: its happy cookies! | 06:12 |
Daverocks | naeem: ubuntu is an operating system. | 06:13 |
kbrooks | naeem, a OS like Windows. | 06:13 |
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caravel | hi again -- how to invert get the Caps Lock key act as the Shift key, without locking ? (I don't really need the Caps Lock, while the Shift key is damaged) | 06:13 |
rockets | kbrooks: I resent that | 06:13 |
kbrooks | rockets, resent what? | 06:13 |
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NET||abuse | Daverocks, when i right click and properties in the speaker icon, i get a dialog that says "select device and track to control" and it has oss and alsa device in a drop down select, then a list of tracks/channels i guess... but they don't have any affect | 06:13 |
rockets | an operating system *like windows* | 06:13 |
naeem | what we do thanks for telling | 06:13 |
Dheeraj_k | how to dual boot mac os x and ubuntu? | 06:13 |
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pike_ | naeem: try #gentoo :-) | 06:13 |
stefg | caravel: man xmodmap | 06:13 |
kbrooks | rockets, i meant to say that both are operating systems. | 06:14 |
Dheeraj_k | how to dual boot mac os x and ubuntu? | 06:14 |
caravel | stefg: thanks, reading | 06:14 |
Daverocks | NET||abuse: can you find any individual channel in the volume mixer manually, and use that to control your headphones? | 06:14 |
rockets | kbrooks: I know, I'm just kidding with you | 06:14 |
Daverocks | Dheeraj_k: what machine? an old powerpc mac, or a newer intel one? | 06:14 |
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Dheeraj_k | Daverocks: intel | 06:15 |
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tovella | grndslm: the last time i attempted to remove red-eye using the gimp, it seemed like a lot of steps to accomplish. here's a site that tells all the steps, and also offers a script you can download to make the process a lot more automated. http://gimpguru.org/Tutorials/RedEye2/ | 06:15 |
naeem | plz tell me ubuntu what is os window | 06:15 |
Dheeraj_k | Daverocks: its new intel | 06:15 |
Pici | !ubuntu | naeem | 06:15 |
kbrooks | ... | 06:15 |
enry_ | hi i've found another bug trying to open a video from this site http://stage6.divx.com/ | 06:15 |
ubotu | naeem: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 06:15 |
kbrooks | wow. | 06:15 |
bullium | does anyone know the name of the package that allows you to search themes, wallpapers etc. from gnome-look.org? | 06:15 |
Daverocks | Dheeraj_k: http://www.apple.com/macosx/bootcamp/ | 06:15 |
gsmith | hey everyone, has anyone found a fix for a USB keyboard & mouse locking up after a while of use? I'm using feisty and tried 2 different sets of USB devices... these Dells dont come with PS/2 anymore and it locks up rather regularly with the USB devices =/ | 06:16 |
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Hobbsee | naeem: i think you want #hackers, or something on another network. | 06:16 |
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bullium | from the preferences menu | 06:16 |
gsmith | they both work for a while when I plug them into new USB ports, but then they lock up again | 06:16 |
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pike_ | gsmith: ive not had a problem | 06:16 |
lexus_nexis | hi | 06:16 |
lexus_nexis | guys | 06:16 |
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Dheeraj_k | Daverocks: actually i just installed ubuntu and now i am not able to boot in os x | 06:16 |
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naeem | Hobbsee plz tell me hacking | 06:16 |
preaction | !offtopic | naeem | 06:17 |
ubotu | naeem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:17 |
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Hobbsee | naeem: on the end of a google search. | 06:17 |
lexus_nexis | when I run a program and it says "core dump" is that a bad thing | 06:17 |
aroo | naeem: leave this channel please | 06:17 |
bullium | gsmith, are you plugging and unplugging the KB and Mouse while the system is powered on? | 06:17 |
kbrooks | naeem, what do u mean hacking | 06:17 |
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preaction | kbrooks: i think it means "cracking" | 06:17 |
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Daverocks | Dheeraj_k: you're a bit screwed... wipe the HD, reinstall OSX, and try install ubuntu with boot camp | 06:17 |
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tovella | gsmith: i had a similar problem with one of my machines. it turned out there was a problem with the motherboard (integrated usb ports). i replaced the motherboard & all has been well, ever since. | 06:17 |
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gsmith | bullium: yes, it's powered on the whole time and everything operates as normal other than the KB, mouse | 06:17 |
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Dheeraj_k | Daverocks: i thought grub support os x boot too? | 06:17 |
lexus_nexis | when I run a program and it says "core dump" is that a bad thing | 06:17 |
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stefg | lexus_nexis: yes | 06:18 |
lexus_nexis | I want to be able to run nvtv | 06:18 |
kbrooks | Hobbsee, what's the ## thing after the host name in the ban for? | 06:18 |
Daverocks | Dheeraj_k: yep | 06:18 |
gsmith | bullium: they're plugged in initially during startup also | 06:18 |
tovella | Hobbsee: are you the same hobbsee that used to do quite a bit of OS/2 stuff? | 06:18 |
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Daverocks | Dheeraj_k: but when you installed ubuntu, did you do a default install? like, wiping OSX? | 06:18 |
bullium | gsmith, the problem occurs out of the blue? | 06:18 |
Hobbsee | kbrooks: forward | 06:18 |
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Dheeraj_k | Daverocks: wiping? | 06:19 |
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Hobbsee | tovella: OS/2 stuff? nope. | 06:19 |
lexus_nexis | what can I do to possibly remedy the situation | 06:19 |
Gog123 | Google just made their Google Desktop offline search (and gadgets) program available for Linux (its already available in Mac and Windows versions). Screenshots by Linux users in the comments are much welcome! | 06:19 |
Daverocks | Dheeraj_k: deleting | 06:19 |
Gog123 | yayayay | 06:19 |
Gog123 | ubuntu next version needs it built in :) | 06:19 |
gsmith | bullium: yes, during all sorts of actions like updating, opening this irc prog, even when I leave the comp for a while | 06:19 |
Dheeraj_k | Daverocks: os x is still on hdd | 06:19 |
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preaction | Dheeraj_k: it's not grub, the new intel macs use EFI. you need to use rEFIt to boot linux | 06:19 |
lexus_nexis | I think that beagle is much better than google desktop search | 06:19 |
jacquesmerde | can someone tell me if gutsy is going to make it possible to set up samba shares without any cli interaction? i heard hopes for gutsy, but will it be done? | 06:20 |
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lexus_nexis | and im starting to dislike google | 06:20 |
lexus_nexis | there getting to big | 06:20 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | OK im trying to setup quota on a second drive and then install samba, however when I run quotacheck -avugm it gives me error Scanning /dev/hdb1 [/mnt] quotacheck: error (13) while opening /dev/hdb1 and when I run quotaon I get error - quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /mnt [/dev/hdb1] to turn quotas on/off | 06:20 |
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Dheeraj_k | preaction: is it possible to dual boot with rEFIt now? | 06:20 |
preaction | Dheeraj_k: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198453 <- a thread on the matter | 06:20 |
Gog123 | lexus: Nah | 06:20 |
Gog123 | Requires glibc 2.3.2+, gtk+ 2.2.0+ | 06:20 |
preaction | Dheeraj_k: no clue | 06:20 |
pike_ | jacquesmerde: id assume someone has done a gkt python or an envy script for that already | 06:20 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | lexus_nexis | !offtopic | 06:20 |
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lexus_nexis | sorry | 06:20 |
Gog123 | lexus: Google has bucks......... its gotta be better than beagle :P | 06:20 |
tovella | Hobbsee: ahh, now it remember... it was actually hobbes... fond memories of yesteryear. | 06:20 |
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gsmith | bullium: and then everything works fine the second I switch to a new set of USB ports... for a while at least, usually the 2nd lockup is quicker, but that may just be coincidence | 06:21 |
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kbrooks | <lexus_nexis> and im starting to dislike google # oh come on, so you're going to boycott google? | 06:21 |
Hobbsee | tovella: ahhh | 06:21 |
lexus_nexis | no | 06:21 |
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lexus_nexis | just when a company gets to big they start to get cocky | 06:21 |
Gog123 | kbrooks: I dont dislike google........... they are open and nice :) | 06:21 |
lexus_nexis | I just don't want that to happen | 06:21 |
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kbrooks | lexus_nexis, when? tomorrow? the day after? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? :-) | 06:21 |
Tom4325934 | hey guys, please can someone help with my external hard drive not auto mounting | 06:21 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | OK im trying to setup quota on a second drive and then install samba, however when I run quotacheck -avugm it gives me error Scanning /dev/hdb1 [/mnt] quotacheck: error (13) while opening /dev/hdb1 and when I run quotaon I get error - quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /mnt [/dev/hdb1] to turn quotas on/off | 06:22 |
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Daverocks | their motto was "Don't be evil", now it's something like "OK, it's a bit difficult to not be evil now that we're so huge" | 06:22 |
DisabledDuck | how do i kill an application that won't close? | 06:22 |
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Gog123 | daverocks hows it evil now? :P | 06:22 |
Gog123 | rofl | 06:22 |
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Tom4325934 | system -> administration -> system moniter | 06:22 |
Pici | DisabledDuck: xkill | 06:22 |
lexus_nexis | when machintosh started out they would give you the scimatics of the mac when you bought it | 06:22 |
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Gog123 | daverocks: Google is just the collective knowledge base............... allows the free sharing of information on the net, with no fees and keeps growing and growing :P | 06:23 |
lexus_nexis | so you could build your own | 06:23 |
stefg | Gog123: can you take the 'google is nice/evil discussion' to #ubuntu-offtopic , please | 06:23 |
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Gog123 | yah was discussing ubuntu | 06:23 |
Gog123 | 7.04 | 06:23 |
Daverocks | Gog123: well, i wouldn't be surprised if they were in the data mining business... they do store a lot of personal information which is worth a lot | 06:23 |
jacquesmerde | pike_: isn't adding ANOTHER script overkill? | 06:23 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | godammit | 06:23 |
tritium | !language > UbuntuServerUse1 (see the private message from ubotu) | 06:23 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | OK im trying to setup quota on a second drive and then install samba, however when I run quotacheck -avugm it gives me error Scanning /dev/hdb1 [/mnt] quotacheck: error (13) while opening /dev/hdb1 and when I run quotaon I get error - quotaon: Cannot find quota file on /mnt [/dev/hdb1] to turn quotas on/off | 06:24 |
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lexus_nexis | one last thing, google summer of code was aswome alot of great apps came out of it for window and the linux camp, so there are alot of wonderful things that google has done and is doing | 06:24 |
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stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: what filesystem? | 06:24 |
lexus_nexis | nuff said | 06:24 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | ext3 | 06:24 |
Daverocks | lexus_nexis: yeah, no doubt about that | 06:24 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | you want me to pastebin my fstab? | 06:24 |
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stu-mc | Q: wtf did my pc not close and leave me loged in as root when i used #shutdown now ? | 06:25 |
reed026 | How do I move gimp brushes from my desktop to my /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes/ folder? | 06:25 |
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stu-mc | how is that secure ? | 06:25 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg ext3, I added a "static" mount to fstab even though I don't know if thats possible | 06:25 |
lexus_nexis | what can I do the to be able to use nvtv, when ever I run it says "core dump" | 06:26 |
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tritium | stu-mc: why did you enable the root account? Better to use sudo. | 06:26 |
lexus_nexis | btw im running feisty | 06:26 |
stu-mc | i ahvent | 06:26 |
Pici | stu-mc: use halt instead. shutdown now brings you to single-user login. | 06:26 |
Daverocks | stu-mc: you got the wall message "System is going down" thing? | 06:26 |
stu-mc | i use sudo | 06:26 |
stefg | !info quota | UbuntuServerUse1, note the *optional* : | 06:26 |
ubotu | ubuntuserveruse1, note the *optional* :: quota: implementation of the disk quota system. In component main, is optional. Version 3.14-6 (feisty), package size 414 kB, installed size 1264 kB | 06:26 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | I'm using server | 06:26 |
nickrud | reed026, you probably want to put them in ~/.gimp-2.2/brushes if you're the only user on the machine | 06:26 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | trying to do this via CLI | 06:26 |
stu-mc | it saus send kill dignel or watever and left me at prompt as root | 06:26 |
Daverocks | Pici: oh really? interesting | 06:26 |
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lexus_nexis | that happens to me sometimes | 06:26 |
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stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: so quota is installed? | 06:27 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg adapting this guide http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu704_p4?s=05e76010417638ca792dc5aba8be0891& for my own needs, I need quota on my SECONd drive, trying to do this via CLI ( | 06:27 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | yes | 06:27 |
reed026 | nickrud: I couldn't find the .gimp-2.2 folder | 06:27 |
nickrud | reed026, couldn't or still can't | 06:27 |
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mzanfardino | I asked this earlier, but there was a mass exudus from the server right afterward so here I go again (sorry for the duplicate question): I'm installing a new ubuntu edgy server and the hardware I'm installing to has three large HDD running on hardware RAID. The RAID controller reports a single drive of size X but when I install ubuntu the partitioner find the three drives. What am I doing wrong? | 06:27 |
lexus_nexis | stu-mc if you give the -r flag when you shut it down it will compelety shutdown and will restart | 06:27 |
lexus_nexis | I had to resort to that sometimes | 06:27 |
stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: UUID is positively right? | 06:28 |
reed026 | nickrud, I can't find it at all | 06:28 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg hold on a second | 06:28 |
ibanex | mzanfardino: three drives or three partitions? | 06:28 |
reed026 | if I use FTP I can find it, but I can't find it through the GNOME interface | 06:28 |
stu-mc | lexus_nexis: ok just a pain as i was thinking of installing ubuntu to other pcs, as it dont use root account. | 06:28 |
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stefg | !uuid ! UbuntuServerUse1 | 06:28 |
nickrud | reed026, if you've run gimp once, it'll create that folder & fill it for you. The ~ means your home folder, that would be /home/<you>/.gimp-2.2/brushes | 06:28 |
stefg | !uuid | UbuntuServerUse1 | 06:29 |
ubotu | UbuntuServerUse1: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 06:29 |
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stu-mc | lexus_nexis: now i fear it will happen and sum1 do summut to it whiel thay have root privs | 06:29 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg IDK what you mean by positively, heres my fstab I added the last line /dev/hdb1 on /mnt http://pastebin.ca/593900 | 06:29 |
tritium | stu-mc: that's not typical behavior. Something went awry there. | 06:29 |
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stu-mc | trtium: ok. ty, thanks all | 06:29 |
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stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: libata! prolly no hdb1... it's sdb now, read ubotu's link and use UUID | 06:30 |
Pici | stu-mc: you can only do `shutdown now` if you already have sudo access. | 06:30 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg OK thanks | 06:30 |
iratik | Help for the love of god ! On a production server, getting errors with sudo! sudo: uid 0 does not exist in the passwd file! | 06:30 |
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reed026 | nickrud, I've ran gimp many times, give me a second and I'll upload a screen cap so you can see what I'm talking about | 06:31 |
stefg | !root | iratik | 06:31 |
ubotu | iratik: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 06:31 |
stu-mc | ok shutdown -r got me out of the loop ( shutdown now wouldnt work even as root, kept looping back to cmd line) | 06:31 |
Jonny| | Hey, Im gonna seem like a newb here since i dont know how to do it but, how can i get mesa 7.0? | 06:31 |
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Jonny| | i was told to install it | 06:31 |
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estrella | hola | 06:31 |
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iratik | Oh for the love of god | 06:31 |
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tritium | iratik: calm down, iratik, and give more detail | 06:32 |
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h08817 | !printers | 06:32 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 06:32 |
iratik | i'm very familiar with how root and sudo works | 06:32 |
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Daverocks | stefg: don't think that's the problem, the root account still exists, it's just locked | 06:32 |
Jonny| | Hey, Im gonna seem like a newb here since i dont know how to do it but, how can i get mesa 7.0? i was told to install it :S! | 06:32 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg when I try to run vol_id /dev/hdb1 it says error open volume | 06:32 |
kbrooks | Dave123, thats what the page says. | 06:33 |
stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: just run blkid | 06:33 |
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reed026 | nickrud: http://helodown.info/images/Screenshot.png | 06:33 |
spike221 | hi all | 06:33 |
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kbrooks | Dave123, the factoid is talking about __the root password__. | 06:33 |
iratik | alright i'm tracing down the problem | 06:33 |
Pici | iratik: Is there an entry for root in /etc/passwd? | 06:33 |
iratik | there is no root in /etc/passwd | 06:33 |
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stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: there is no more hdb.... libata handles it as scsi | 06:33 |
Daverocks | iratik: try just creating a user root with uid 0, and lock it. it's very weird that you don't have a root account at all | 06:33 |
oh8vj | EX-Chat | 06:33 |
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nickrud | reed026, ah. from the menu on the file manager window, view->show hidden files | 06:34 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg thats why quota wasn't working huh | 06:34 |
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reed026 | Ahh that's the problem :) | 06:34 |
Jonny| | Hey, Im gonna seem like a newb here since i dont know how to do it but, how can i get mesa 7.0? i was told to install it :S! | 06:34 |
reed026 | thank you nickrud :) | 06:34 |
nickrud | reed026, I'm cli centric, you hit my blind spot :) | 06:34 |
tritium | !repeat > Jonny| (see the private message from ubotu) | 06:34 |
spike221 | can anyone help me configuring a wireless modem? | 06:34 |
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Pici | iratik: I know its a production box, but you're probably going to have to bring it down to fix this. | 06:34 |
h08817 | What if the name of my printer isn't in the printer list? | 06:34 |
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andresgt | ol | 06:35 |
kbrooks | Jonny|, which channel told you, and why do you need to install it? | 06:35 |
h08817 | I know I have an ancient version of ubuntu and a new printer but maybe if im lucky there is something i can do | 06:35 |
iratik | Pici: its fine that i have to bring it down | 06:35 |
Jonny| | kbrooks, i filed a bugzilla report becaure when i load a game, i get this error "Mesa 6.5.2 implementation error: In _mesa_DeleteHashTable, | 06:35 |
Jonny| | found non-freed data" | 06:35 |
stefg | h08817: yeah... pgrade | 06:35 |
Jonny| | because* | 06:35 |
ali4728 | Help.. I have dual boot WinXP Pro & Ubuntu 7.04. Now I want to install M$ Vista, can I do this with out disturbing the existing OS's. Thanks | 06:35 |
stefg | h08817: yeah... upgrade, that is | 06:35 |
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kbrooks | Jonny|, wait until the next release of ubuntu. | 06:36 |
h08817 | ha | 06:36 |
Jonny| | any estimated time | 06:36 |
sn- | ali4728 check the ubuntuforums, there are tips there and a few ways to do it | 06:36 |
tritium | !gutsy > Jonny| (see the private message from ubotu) | 06:36 |
kbrooks | Jonny|, I refuse to help you possibly damage your system. | 06:36 |
kbrooks | !gutsy > Jonny| | 06:36 |
kbrooks | oops | 06:36 |
h08817 | stefg, i would love to upgrade but not on this old thing i don't have enough video capability to support the new ubuntus | 06:36 |
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kbrooks | !gutsy | 06:36 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 06:37 |
kbrooks | Jonny|, sorry about that :-) | 06:37 |
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Jonny| | np =P | 06:37 |
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balu__ | hey all | 06:37 |
spike221 | hi | 06:37 |
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stefg | h08817: actually the requirements didn't change much if you use the same set of features. What do you have? | 06:37 |
Pici | iratik: I'm not sure how exactly to do this, but here are a few ideas: Boot to single user mode, hopefully it works and you can make a new root user that way. Boot from the alt-cd and use the system rescue. Boot from the live-cd and chroot your old drive and edit the /etc/passwd file to your content. | 06:38 |
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mzanfardino | ibanex: sorry for the delayed reply. The server has an Intel RAID controller and three 500GB drives. I've created a single logical RAID drive of 1TB with 3 stripes. The BIOS shows that the logical drive is enabled an active. However, when I boot ubuntu server 6.10 installer the partitioner see each of the three drives. | 06:38 |
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Crack92 | hi | 06:38 |
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Pici | !raid | mzanfardino check out this if you havent already | 06:38 |
ubotu | mzanfardino check out this if you havent already: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 06:38 |
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tritium | iratik: how did root disappear from your /etc/passwd? Accidental deletion? | 06:38 |
h08817 | stefg, well i tried to install a newer version a while back and it wouldn't work because i can't render the images | 06:38 |
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h08817 | but works fine on windows | 06:39 |
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Crack92 | there is a version of call of duty 2 for ubuntu? | 06:39 |
iratik | tritium: its gone -- thats what matters... i'm almost 100% sure that ISPConfig somehow overwrote the whole /etc/passwd file | 06:39 |
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tritium | iratik: ISPConfig? | 06:39 |
iratik | yep | 06:39 |
tritium | Which is? | 06:39 |
stefg | h08817: you should use the 'alternate' disks in the first place. And i still don't know whta hardware you have | 06:40 |
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Pici | iratik: if you can prove it, I'd definitly submit a bug report. | 06:40 |
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iratik | it manages proftpd, apache2, mysql bind9, courier, postfix, shell accounts so on.... | 06:40 |
tritium | iratik: that's not an ubuntu package | 06:41 |
ali4728 | Help what is the procedure for tri-boot? which OS should be installed first?<Ubuntu, XP, VIsta> ? | 06:41 |
iratik | alright ... yeah i know | 06:41 |
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Daverocks | Crack92: no, but you can use wine. apparently it's a bit difficult to get call of duty 2 working under it | 06:41 |
iratik | there is no support for non-ubuntu apps here i know... but i can treat the symptoms | 06:41 |
h08817 | stefg, what alternate disks? | 06:42 |
Crack92 | ali4728: first install xp then vista for last ubuntu | 06:42 |
h08817 | stefg, i burned my own | 06:42 |
mzanfardino | Pici: thank you, no I hadn't read those references. Am doing so now. | 06:42 |
stefg | !alternate | h08817 | 06:42 |
ubotu | h08817: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 06:42 |
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tritium | iratik: well, you came in a little agitated. At least it's not due to an ubuntu issue... | 06:43 |
stefg | h08817: just tell me what hardware you have, and i could give you an advice how to get to a current ersion of (x)ubuntu | 06:43 |
iratik | its not technically | 06:43 |
Crack92 | Daverocks: on cedega? there's a free version of cedega?... for try.. | 06:43 |
ali4728 | Crack92: I got XP & Ubuntu installed but want to add Vista . can I do this with out disturbing the first two? | 06:43 |
iratik | is sendmail an ubuntu package? | 06:43 |
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gumpish | Sooo there's no "business card" ISOs? (like Debian offers) | 06:43 |
Daverocks | Crack92: cedega is just based on wine, and the newer versions of wine are better than cedega | 06:44 |
stefg | ali4728: no, vista is known to misbehave | 06:44 |
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elcasey | I need a quick bit of help with xorg.conf | 06:44 |
tritium | iratik: sure, but if ISPConfig broke things, what is your point? | 06:44 |
elcasey | I'm stuck in TTY so I need someone to PM this to me | 06:44 |
finalbeta | stefg: You can add Vista, I did it yesterday. But you have to repair grub | 06:44 |
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ali4728 | stefg: does Vista work well on vmWare server? | 06:45 |
elcasey | but I screwed up my pointer (mouse) section and need to see a "stock" mouse section from xorg | 06:45 |
elcasey | ali4728: no | 06:45 |
h08817 | stefg, well im not sure 100 what i have anymore. its an old pentium II or II | 06:45 |
adrian_ | im new in ubuntu, i cant see video on you tube, the plugin doesnt work, is there some way to repair for can see youtube video in my ubuntu _ | 06:45 |
finalbeta | ali4728: it works, but not for the fancy stuff | 06:45 |
Crack92 | Daverocks: does wine work also with Office 2007? | 06:45 |
stefg | finalbeta: that's waht i mean... and after that you'll have to fix Vistas boot loader | 06:45 |
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elcasey | ali4728: Vista is an insane resource hog and it's tough to give it enough in a VM | 06:45 |
tritium | adrian_: flashplugin-nonfree should work for you | 06:45 |
adrian_ | thanks | 06:45 |
iratik | tritium: pretend ispconfig doesn't exist | 06:45 |
Daverocks | Crack92: no | 06:46 |
h08817 | stefg, the device manager in here doesn't tell a whole lot after all i am on 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog | 06:46 |
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Daverocks | Crack92: there are many people working on it though... | 06:46 |
stefg | h08817: how much ram? | 06:46 |
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stefg | h08817: free -m | 06:46 |
h08817 | stefg, just upgraded it to 512 | 06:46 |
Fathefner | How do i use vmware player to run windows while under ubuntu | 06:46 |
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h08817 | stefg, free -m ? | 06:47 |
iratik | and for example i got hacked by a script kiddie and was victim of a rootkit exploit that messed up my /etc/passwd file | 06:47 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg OK I got it, should I move quota.group and quota.user to /mnt where I want the quotas? Because when I run quotacheck -avugm gives me no such file or dierctory error | 06:47 |
adrian_ | tritium that package doesnt exist | 06:47 |
Crack92 | but what is cross-over linux? | 06:47 |
elcasey | it's basically proprietary Wine | 06:48 |
h08817 | stefg, oh i see thats a command. I am not all that linux savy | 06:48 |
elcasey | but it works better (for me) than Wine | 06:48 |
Crack92 | but it's free? | 06:48 |
h08817 | stefg, device manager recognizes my printer but its not in the list of printers to add how dumb | 06:48 |
elcasey | I need someone to PM me their InputDevice section from xorg.conf. I've screwed up that section and X won't start, but I'm not 100% sure what I changed. I'm stuck in TTY until I can repair that section.... | 06:49 |
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elcasey | and yes, the error log shows that it's the mouse section causing the problem | 06:49 |
stefg | h08817: free -m shows your memory usage. but having 512 MB is fine for a Feisty install. Even if the processor is lame (cat /proc/cpuinfo tells you what you have) you can still use it | 06:49 |
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iratik | sigh... i doubt there is any help here but .. sendmail: fatal: file /etc/postfix/main.cf: parameter default_privs: unknown user name value: nobody | 06:49 |
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UbuntuFeisty | hi | 06:50 |
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Pici | iratik: i think you might be SOL | 06:50 |
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stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: consider /srv as a mountpoint for your users... it's meant for that | 06:50 |
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Fathefner | How do i use vmware player to run windows while under ubuntu | 06:50 |
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UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg OK letme move the mount now | 06:51 |
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Yogi-- | stefg personaly i run fiesty on 256 RAM only | 06:51 |
Yogi-- | :) | 06:51 |
elcasey | it's saying "undefined device Mouse0 referenced by ServerLayout "Layout0"" | 06:51 |
=== bobgill [n=bobgill@CPE000802b64568-CM0011e6c40b1f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
opapo | iratik: your problem in part is the postfix configuration | 06:51 |
elcasey | and then it says it can't parse the xorg.conf and I have no screens | 06:51 |
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opapo | iratik: I can't diagnose it, but that is the direction you need to go | 06:51 |
iratik | i think the problem is in /etc/passwd - as the postfix configuration is as of yet unaltered | 06:51 |
h08817 | stefg, AMD Athlon XP processor 1002MHz | 06:51 |
opapo | iratik: that is possible | 06:51 |
sn- | !dk | 06:52 |
ubotu | For at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk. | 06:52 |
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=== Lam_ [n=Lam@129-216.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iratik | can someone cat their /etc/passwd out to a pastebin - so i can see what its supposed to look like | 06:52 |
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opapo | iratik: type "grep nobody /etc/passwd" in the command line | 06:52 |
iratik | nada | 06:52 |
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Rictoo | How do I list all the X servers in shell? | 06:53 |
stefg | h08817: hey that's good enough for a standard feisty install.... you might only have problems with your graphics. but you can do the alternate install and sort the video out later | 06:53 |
=== Scunizi [n=Scunizi@ip72-197-240-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | iratik: is /etc/group similarly screwed up? | 06:53 |
opapo | since there is not a nobody account postfix can't use it | 06:53 |
tritium | adrian_: I know, that's what I told him | 06:53 |
iratik | yeah... alright i've got the /etc/passwd from another system up | 06:53 |
Pici | opapo: he knows. | 06:53 |
iratik | there are alot of stuff i don't have | 06:53 |
Rictoo | How do I list all the X servers in shell? | 06:53 |
=== heroin [n=heroin@82-171-74-86.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iratik | daemon, bin, sys, www-data .... syslog | 06:54 |
heroin | how do i kill an application? | 06:54 |
tritium | !info flashplugin-nonfree | adrian_ | 06:54 |
ubotu | adrian_: flashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386) | 06:54 |
heroin | i wish to kill wine something w. px aus? | 06:54 |
h08817 | stefg, how old is feisty? | 06:54 |
=== keito [n=keito@cpc2-leed2-0-0-cust147.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
opapo | Pici: forgive me I am coming in in the middle of this | 06:54 |
stefg | h08817: it's the recent version | 06:54 |
heroin | h08817: less then 6 months :D every 6 months is new release | 06:54 |
Pici | opapo: Just giving you the heads up :) | 06:54 |
keito | can someone please enlighten me as to how i compile code that has been "checked out" using svn --code: svn checkout svn://dyne.org/veejay/trunk/veejay-1.0 -- | 06:55 |
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Pici | Rictoo: try `w` | 06:55 |
Scunizi | h09917, you can tell by the version number. Fiesty is 7.04 which is yr 2007 april | 06:55 |
tritium | iratik: why would I pretend it doesn't exist, when you stated you felt it was the cause of problems? | 06:55 |
h08817 | stefg, k thanks | 06:55 |
adrian_ | thanks i will try it | 06:55 |
h08817 | stefg, should i jsut do an upgrade or fresh install | 06:55 |
UbuntuServerUse1 | stefg OK quota is working, one last question - do I need quota.group and quota.user in / ? | 06:55 |
h08817 | stefg, i do have xp pro and home on here as well | 06:56 |
stefg | h08817: fresh install.... upgrading over 4 versions isn't supported | 06:56 |
tritium | adrian_: make sure you enable the universe and multiverse repos | 06:56 |
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keito | anyone??? | 06:57 |
opapo | iratik: nobody:nobody could be simply added, but I don't know if that will fix your problem. | 06:57 |
stefg | UbuntuServerUse1: sorry, no idea (tho i would guess the answer is no) | 06:57 |
h08817 | stefg, haha yeah i see that | 06:57 |
iratik | i'm copying the first section of /etc/passwd from the other system to this system | 06:57 |
caravel | can I use xkeycaps in Feisty, or will it mess up my config ? seems to work, however it said the keyboard was not recognized and offered a 105 key layout while it is a laptop .. | 06:57 |
adrian_ | i have amd not i386 ubuntu, im fucked_ | 06:57 |
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adrian_ | ?? | 06:57 |
gord_ | !language | adrian_ | 06:57 |
ubotu | adrian_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:57 |
tritium | adrian_: watch your language | 06:57 |
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h08817 | stefg, so how would i get video and not all textual crap if my video doesn't support it | 06:57 |
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opapo | iratik: /etc/group needs to be corrected on the affected machine | 06:57 |
stefg | h08817: so wht video card is in there? ( lspci gives a list) | 06:58 |
adrian_ | sorry my first language is spanish | 06:58 |
neverblue | !es adrian_ | 06:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about es adrian_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:58 |
askand | Is it possible to have a program/script look at a website every 5 minute and see if new letters has been added and make it give a notification? | 06:58 |
neverblue | !es | adrian_ | 06:58 |
ubotu | adrian_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:58 |
neverblue | askand, php | 06:58 |
h08817 | stefg, VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 630/730 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter | 06:59 |
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neverblue | h08817, setting up your video? | 06:59 |
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askand | neverblue: how do I make a php script give a notification outside a browser? | 06:59 |
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h08817 | neverblue, not yet, thinking about upgrading | 06:59 |
B_166-ER-X | askand, everything is possible, you just need to find it, or find the one who could do it :) | 06:59 |
neverblue | askand, read about php | 06:59 |
=== codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-69-23-245-150.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h08817 | neverblue, seeing if my video is compatible with feisty | 07:00 |
novato_br | Pici, what happened? | 07:00 |
neverblue | h08817, sorry, I missed the question portion | 07:00 |
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fance | hola hola hola hola hol | 07:00 |
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codecaine | whats a good torrent for ubuntu I liked ktorrent on kde | 07:00 |
novato_br | when I was kick from Ubuntu | 07:00 |
Scunizi | codecaine, you can still use ktorrent if you want | 07:00 |
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stefg | h08817: that should be able to run, even if the hardware autorecognitition fails. do a text-mode install (alternate) and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg afterwards and choose the sis driver there | 07:00 |
codecaine | its freezes sometimes on gnome | 07:00 |
nico_ | MSN is down :D | 07:00 |
Pici | novato_br: We didnt know that you were just asking about the link, rather than posting it for the first time. | 07:00 |
sahil | hey guys i made a bo-bo. I had vista and then i installed Ubuntu about 3 weeks back and everything was working fine. But then i decided to switch back to Vista and now It doesnt load Grub at start-up what should i do? | 07:01 |
CommanderCool | how can i prevent a program (rhythmbox) from opening new instances, when i use the keyboard multimediakeys? | 07:01 |
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novato_br | Pici, may I pvt with you? | 07:01 |
tritium | sahil: are you sure you're just not noticing that you have to hit ESC at boot to see the grub menu? | 07:01 |
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nico_ | but i still dont have any sound | 07:01 |
Scunizi | codecaine, if you like the kde environment, you can install kubuntu-desktop from synaptic and choose sessions on log-in, change to kde and you'll have that environment in Ubuntu. | 07:02 |
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sahil | tritium yes i tried that | 07:02 |
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Pici | novato_br: I'm not the one who kicked you, ask in #ubuntu-ops if you have specific questions. | 07:02 |
nico_ | and now i have to do the dishes :( | 07:02 |
Scunizi | codecaine, that's what I do on occation.. I have gnome & kde on the same sys. | 07:02 |
tritium | novato_br: you were not kicked. There were some server issues in Europe. | 07:02 |
novato_br | ok, but i wanna to explain that situation | 07:02 |
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novato_br | ok | 07:02 |
h08817 | stefg, so i can just download the iso from the site and install it? | 07:02 |
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stefg | h08817: yeah... | 07:03 |
stefg | !download | 07:03 |
ubotu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 07:03 |
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h08817 | stefg, alright thanks i'll see how this goes | 07:03 |
gh|Esben | is there danish support | 07:03 |
codecaine | I tried install kde l3 times yesterday had to reformat install kubuntu-desktop had all this extra software but kstartupconfig was messed up everytime | 07:03 |
gsmith | hey here's another question: I was just trying to change remote desktop settings (ie add a password) and it only allows 9 characters, despite the really long text field ... any way to put it a longer pass? | 07:03 |
CommanderCool | how can i prevent a program (rhythmbox) from opening new instances, when i use the keyboard multimediakeys? | 07:03 |
stefg | h08817: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso <- that's the right one | 07:03 |
h08817 | stefg, oh ok thanks i was just looking for it | 07:04 |
novato_br | but I'd like know about this link, because it was opening my browser, my browser openned and on windows was moving by around screen | 07:04 |
novato_br | why ? | 07:04 |
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novato_br | was it a virus or trojan script? | 07:04 |
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sahil | tritium do you know what else can be the problem? | 07:04 |
Scunizi | codecaine, were you installing the entire sys. fresh? No need. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop from within gnome then reboot and change sessions. | 07:04 |
stefg | !dk | gh|Esben | 07:04 |
ubotu | gh|Esben: For at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk. | 07:04 |
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iratik | alright .. the issue is resolved | 07:05 |
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codecaine | I did it from synaptics kubuntu-desktop | 07:05 |
opapo | iratik: what are you doing to prevent another breakin? | 07:05 |
stu-mc | ] | 07:05 |
iratik | there was no breakin .... but i'm backing up my /etc/shadow, /etc/groups and /etc/passwd files right away | 07:06 |
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Scunizi | codecaine, wow.. that's weird.. I'm running Dapper and had no problems at all.. I'm in my gnome install now running the kde session. | 07:06 |
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rgl | hi | 07:06 |
alienseer23 | i got a memory card reader (targus tgr-cdr25) ad aaccording to this review http://www.stlbikeworks.com/store/shop.php?c=7&n=281052&i=B000FPM7JW&x=Targus_Digital_TGR_CRD25_Universal_25_in_1_Memory_Card_ReaderWriter it should work, but is not showing up for me, how do I get this thig to appear i my system? | 07:06 |
=== bspencer [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stu-mc | Q: ive added a ntfs hdd to my linux box (to share files form keeping the ntfs FS) would this cause ubuntu to have issues loading ? | 07:06 |
codecaine | dint' have a problem with dapper | 07:06 |
codecaine | feisty does though | 07:06 |
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rgl | I've build a debin package by hand, but it depends on several other packages when I use dpkg -i, is there a way to install them too? | 07:07 |
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Scunizi | codecaine, I should boot into my fiesty install and give it a try .. I'm curious now. | 07:07 |
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B_166-ER-X | stu-mc i dont think so | 07:07 |
=== martoss [n=martin@osgiliath.biophysik.physik.uni-muenchen.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
martoss | hi there, i replaced upstart with sysvinit | 07:07 |
codecaine | cheak it out gnome won't be jacked up but just can run kde | 07:07 |
B_166-ER-X | stu-mc a lot of users have more then one HD and more than one FS | 07:08 |
martoss | how can i reboot the machine? (wo physical access to the power button) | 07:08 |
novato_br | i play songs on audacious, but I just moving balance settings and its no sound more, why ? | 07:08 |
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pike_ | martoss: typically sudo shutdown -r now | 07:08 |
stefg | martoss: sudo reboot :-) | 07:08 |
pike_ | bah | 07:08 |
B_166-ER-X | sudo reboot works too | 07:08 |
B_166-ER-X | ye | 07:08 |
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wyggler3 | co 15 | 07:09 |
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martoss | root@hugo:/# reboot | 07:09 |
martoss | WARNING: could not determine runlevel - doing soft reboot | 07:09 |
martoss | (it's better to use shutdown instead of reboot from the command line) | 07:09 |
martoss | but shutdown does sth... | 07:09 |
=== Pichu0102 [n=pichu010@ppp-69-214-55-170.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
martoss | thx :-) | 07:09 |
B_166-ER-X | !paste | 07:09 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:09 |
stu-mc | B_166-ER-X: its getting to where i would expect a gui to be, orange bar goes to end screen flickers then blank screen, i cant ssh into it either | 07:09 |
novato_br | i got amd 3800+ 64bits x2 ram 512MB + ubuntu 7.04 feisty | 07:09 |
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=== GameSpot [n=game@d53-64-11-209.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stu-mc | B_166-ER-X: local k/b doe snot respond either | 07:10 |
B_166-ER-X | stu-mc, hm, might have srewed the MBR (maybe there was one on the new HD ? ) | 07:10 |
=== GameSpot is now known as Charles_Xavier | ||
stu-mc | B_166-ER-X: their would have been but as it got past grub i wouldn't have thought it would cause an effect now | 07:11 |
stu-mc | at this point* | 07:11 |
B_166-ER-X | stu-mc, true. hm, maybe a Fschk on the new HD ? | 07:11 |
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B_166-ER-X | er. fsck | 07:12 |
yolanda | k | 07:12 |
stu-mc | B_166-ER-X: i dont have another machine to check the hdd on, ill remove it and see if i can get back in to ubuntu | 07:12 |
B_166-ER-X | stu-mc, you could try to log in Live CD ? | 07:13 |
mitchat | ? | 07:13 |
stu-mc | B_166-ER-X: good point. ill do that first | 07:13 |
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Charles_Xavier | Hello, Question: I recently installed ubuntu 7.04 (feisty), I was wondering if there is a way to open up a web browser because i do not know how and i really need to access the internet | 07:14 |
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eifzon | is ubuntu 64-bits working good at c2d? | 07:14 |
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pike_ | Charles_Xavier: it is the globe icon on the taskbar | 07:15 |
alienseer23 | aybody able to tell me how to get ubuntu to recognize a usb card-reader? | 07:15 |
b0ha | what program is for PDF files? | 07:15 |
pike_ | Charles_Xavier: or open a terminal and type firefox& | 07:15 |
Charles_Xavier | OH DUH | 07:15 |
pike_ | :) | 07:15 |
Charles_Xavier | i did not see the firefox | 07:15 |
Charles_Xavier | logo | 07:15 |
Charles_Xavier | wow I am blind | 07:15 |
Charles_Xavier | thank you | 07:15 |
pike_ | np | 07:15 |
codecaine | Charles_Xavier you can type firefox in terminal or click on applications menu then under internet its there | 07:15 |
patzlaff | b0ha: xpdf, acroread | 07:15 |
b0ha | tnx | 07:15 |
lexus_nexis | alien: install gparted and see what device name the card reader is on | 07:16 |
lexus_nexis | or do lsusb | 07:16 |
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Charles_Xavier | Also one more question, when I go under system monitor, it shows that I have 2 CPUS, which makes no sense because I only have 1 P4 CPU... I do not have a duo or anything | 07:16 |
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lexus_nexis | what is a good ftp app for linux | 07:16 |
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pike_ | lexus_nexis: client or serveR? | 07:17 |
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lexus_nexis | both | 07:17 |
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alienseer23 | lexu_nexis: not showing up in gparted | 07:17 |
alesan | hi, which runlevel runs ubuntu by default? | 07:17 |
lexus_nexis | I think 5 | 07:17 |
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Gog123 | we just purchased 228 West 71st Street and 238 West 71st Street | 07:18 |
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alesan | lexus_nexis, the output of "runlevel" seem to say "2" | 07:18 |
Gog123 | new york, new york | 07:18 |
Pici | alesan: 2 | 07:18 |
Gog123 | my REIT I mean | 07:18 |
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Gog123 | oops wrong channel | 07:18 |
Gog123 | sorry :( | 07:18 |
Gog123 | thought this was othernet | 07:18 |
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lexus_nexis | lol | 07:18 |
Pici | Gog123: wrongnet :) | 07:18 |
pike_ | lexus_nexis: the only server im aware of with a gui config is pureftpd pureadmin is the gui. ive only really used vsftpd though. id normally recommand ssh and just using sftp | 07:18 |
Gog123 | yep sorry | 07:18 |
wyggler3 | ubuntu irc botuuwww.wral.com | 07:18 |
stu-mc | B_166-ER-X: as i have the box next ot me i removed hdd and it worked, gonna rty to re add it and hope if not live-cd next | 07:18 |
lexus_nexis | thanks | 07:18 |
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cox377 | I'm having a few problems with cupsd.conf | 07:19 |
Charles_Xavier | pike_, : how come ubuntu uses GAIM which is outdated, why doesnt it use pidgin, the new version of GAIM... | 07:19 |
lexus_nexis | alien: what is the output of lsusb | 07:19 |
paulinster | Hi all, I am having an issue with lvm2 in feisty .. | 07:19 |
cox377 | I edited the "ristricted access to server..." section and now i get this "cupsd: Child exited with status 1!" | 07:19 |
lexus_nexis | you have to type lsusb into a terminal | 07:19 |
cox377 | does anyone know what i can do, i've changed it back to what it was and restarted the computer | 07:19 |
pike_ | Charles_Xavier: i dont use gaim but ive been wondering that myself. id assume gutsy will use pidgin | 07:20 |
Charles_Xavier | whats gusty | 07:20 |
Asad2005 | what would be the best choice for backing up a small home server (home folder, samba PDC..etc) ? Is rsync ok or tar | 07:20 |
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pike_ | Charles_Xavier: next release version | 07:20 |
paulinster | Most of the time I try to do a snapshot I get the following error : LV vg1/snap1 in use: not deactivating | 07:20 |
paulinster | Couldn't deactivate new snapshot. | 07:20 |
LyleM | i have a netgear gigabit card in my server which is running 7.04, and its only connected at 100Mb/s, is there anyway of chaning this, i'm connected to a gig switch | 07:20 |
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lexus_nexis | gutsy is the new codame release of the next ubuntu distro | 07:20 |
alienseer23 | lsusb = http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27647/ | 07:20 |
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Charles_Xavier | pike_ : will my buntu autoupdate to gusty, or do i have to download the new release of gusty from ubuntu website and burn it on to dvd iso, and then reinstall ubuntu ?? | 07:20 |
Pici | Charles_Xavier: And its Gutsy, not Gusty :) | 07:20 |
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=== FaBouneY [n=fabouney@arg62-1-89-84-101-40.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FaBouneY | hello | 07:21 |
FaBouneY | http://bullet.miniville.fr/ | 07:21 |
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FaBouneY | oops dsol | 07:21 |
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pike_ | Charles_Xavier: you can upgrade when it comes out with a simple command. | 07:21 |
Charles_Xavier | how | 07:21 |
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pike_ | Charles_Xavier: i dont use the update tool but i think update-manager -c or something similar | 07:21 |
Charles_Xavier | what tool do you use | 07:21 |
pike_ | !update | Charles_Xavier | 07:21 |
ubotu | Charles_Xavier: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 07:21 |
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h08817 | Any idea why my computer might just stop and not load my hds until after a few restarts? | 07:22 |
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Fallenou | i get this message booting my kernel : Begin: Waiting for root filesystem... ...and it stop here, what can i do ? | 07:22 |
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Fallenou | i post my probleme here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158&page=42 :o | 07:22 |
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lexus_nexis | I'm sorry I still just been using linux for a while. sorry I can't help much | 07:23 |
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paulinster | Hi all, I am having issue with feisty and LVM2. I can't create snapshot. When I try to create a snapshot I get the following error: LV vg1/snap1 in use: not deactivating Couldn't deactivate new snapshot. | 07:23 |
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pike_ | Charles_Xavier: dont update yet. you can but gutsy is still very alpha | 07:23 |
FaBouneY | can you juste clik on this link plz ? http://bullet.miniville.fr/ | 07:23 |
Rappermas | hi, how do you uninstall a deb manually? i'm trying to get rid of virtualbox | 07:24 |
kbrooks | hmm. | 07:24 |
Fallenou | paulinster < i use LVM and i can't boot :( i get Begin: Waiting for root filesystem... ... :/ | 07:24 |
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Flannel | Fallenou: Is /boot on it's own partition? (not on LVM)? | 07:24 |
Charles_Xavier | !spam | FaBouneY | 07:24 |
ubotu | FaBouneY: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-) | 07:24 |
Fallenou | Rappermas < dpkg -i ? | 07:24 |
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a5benwillis | when does Gutsy come out? | 07:24 |
kbrooks | FaBouneY, done. | 07:24 |
FaBouneY | yoops | 07:24 |
Flannel | Fallenou: | 07:24 |
Fallenou | Flannel < i don't know exactly | 07:24 |
kbrooks | FaBouneY, now? | 07:24 |
Rappermas | Fallenou: lol, perhaps | 07:24 |
mlots | Where can I find information about how to build a menu application like ubuntu's windows autorun.inf one. | 07:24 |
FaBouneY | yes ? | 07:24 |
Fallenou | i think all is on LVM but i'm not sure | 07:24 |
Flannel | a5benwillis: 7.10 (october of this year) | 07:24 |
paulinster | fallelno you /boot partition is probable not on it's own parition | 07:24 |
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Flannel | Fallenou: That's your problem. /boot needs to be outside of the LVM (although everything else can be in the LVM) | 07:25 |
a5benwillis | Flannel: Ah, so the second number is the month. Never knew that! | 07:25 |
Fallenou | Flannel < well, my official ubuntu kernel works | 07:25 |
Fallenou | so i think i can make my new kernel work | 07:25 |
Flannel | Fallenou: then /boot isn't on the LVM ;) | 07:25 |
Fallenou | ok :) | 07:25 |
Fallenou | but the / is i think | 07:25 |
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Flannel | Fallenou: right, and that's fine. | 07:26 |
Fallenou | all my config is posted on the forum | 07:26 |
gilo2 | what is the name of the process of the firewall? | 07:26 |
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Pici | gilo2: iptables or firestarter | 07:27 |
Fallenou | Flannel < on this forum many people had the problem and it seems that addind SATA driver in the kernel solved it | 07:27 |
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Fallenou | Flannel < but it dont for me, so two solutions : i miss one driver, or i have another problem | 07:27 |
gilo2 | Pici, okay thanks.. I had firestarter | 07:27 |
Fallenou | can you help me to find ? | 07:27 |
stu-mc | B_166-ER-X: x-loaded( well the gui) on that attempt, gonna look at hdd now strange but thanks for ya help | 07:28 |
Asad2005 | back up solution command line ? what's best | 07:28 |
TaJMoX | Is there any way I can list all my installed packages and then sort it by either KB used or ammount of files? | 07:28 |
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rockets | Any ideas what would make access to a samba server just slow as hell | 07:28 |
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rockets | nothing of note in the logs | 07:28 |
mlots | Can anyone tell me what was used to create start.exe that's on the cd's? | 07:28 |
viden | Is it possible to make a VMWare image take up an entire workspace ... ie workspace2 | 07:28 |
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rockets | viden: yeah put it in quick switch mode | 07:29 |
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viden | trying .. | 07:29 |
Scunizi | viden F11 | 07:29 |
Rappermas | sudo dpkg -P virtualbox...nothing happens and it still shows up in dpkg -l | 07:29 |
Scunizi | viden, if it's vmware | 07:29 |
stu-mc | Q: how do i check what hdd's have gone on what device ? | 07:30 |
magnetron | sadly, the virtualbox package is in pretty bad shape | 07:30 |
Charles_Xavier | stu-mc, | 07:30 |
Rappermas | maybe it's not supposed to work :P | 07:30 |
Charles_Xavier | type sudo fdisk -l | 07:30 |
viden | scunizi: it is vmware player ... it does take the full screen then, but then i cant rotate desktops any longer | 07:30 |
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magnetron | i can recommend qemu, or qemulator | 07:30 |
Rappermas | w/e, freebsd ports ftw | 07:30 |
stu-mc | TY | 07:30 |
feross | quit | 07:30 |
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Scunizi | viden, that's normal. If you put your mouse in a corner sometimes it will work.. My solution was to reduce the resolution in the vm op sys so I could make the window smaller. Then the mouse trick works. | 07:31 |
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viden | well that would work perfectly if i could just hide the bottom toolbar on workspace 2 only .. can i ? | 07:32 |
TaJMoX | Is there a way to list my installed packages and sort it by the ammount of space it uses? | 07:32 |
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Scunizi | viden, if you reduce the screen resolution in the vm then resize the window to fit you shouldn't have any problems. However the vm widow won't be "full screen" to the host system. just full screen to the guest system. | 07:33 |
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TaJMoX | mlots try the ubuntu dev channel | 07:33 |
kyo | can i get help please? my ubuntu wont start x anymore | 07:33 |
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pike_ | TaJMoX: that might be in the dpkg status file.. im not on a debian like system right now though.. i dont know of a dpkg switch | 07:34 |
viden | right .. ok i will just have to live with it not being seemless i guess | 07:34 |
viden | thanks | 07:34 |
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Scunizi | viden, np. it's about as seemless as you can get.. | 07:34 |
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mlots | TaJMoX: Thanks | 07:34 |
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B_166-ER-X | stu-mc np, hope it will work | 07:35 |
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larios | si | 07:35 |
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Scunizi | viden, I think it's a function of the vm grabbing focus away from X. | 07:35 |
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kyo | I upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 and now i cant start x, can anyone help? | 07:36 |
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pike_ | kyo: what does the /var/log/Xorg.0.log say? at the bottom | 07:36 |
pike_ | !pastebin | kyo | 07:36 |
ubotu | kyo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:36 |
stu-mc | ok seem to have lost my dns server. doh. can someone tell me how to unmount a drive then how to mount a ntfs partition ? | 07:36 |
pike_ | kyo: a quick solution might be 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and choose vesa driver | 07:37 |
meheren | how do i "save" my path? so on next restart of term doesn't reset it? | 07:37 |
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kyo | pike_ thank you ill try that | 07:37 |
pike_ | meheren: gksu gedit ~/.bashrc put a line like export PATH=whatever | 07:37 |
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meheren | pike, ok thanks | 07:38 |
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leku | hey | 07:38 |
leku | my windows are turning all black, can't see anything in firefox | 07:38 |
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leku | or an evolution mail window | 07:38 |
snipex | how can i install decoder on totem movie player ? i am using ubuntu dapper | 07:39 |
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mbaker | i have a few questions about anancron | 07:40 |
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mbaker | anyone have experience with it>? | 07:41 |
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eternalswd | I've set up udev so that my external harddrives are symlinked to /dev/usbdrive1 and /dev/usbdrive2 and that is working like a charm. The problem I have is with mounting via fstab. the relevant fstab lines are at http://pastebin.ca/594003 Mounting via "sudo mount /media/sdc1" and "sudo mount /media/sdb1" works, so I'm not sure why it's not automounting. | 07:42 |
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cdubya | I installed beryl and beryl-manager and was playing around looking at it....got into the beryl-manager prefs and set it to force to use xgl.....ever since then my machine won't complete booting gnome.....I removed all beryl remnants....any ideas how I can get fix gnome....? | 07:42 |
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kevin57 | Hello. I was wondering if anyone would happen to know the name of the program that opens and extracts tar.bz2 files. Thank you. | 07:42 |
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meheren | kevin57, tar | 07:43 |
mbaker | no takers? no one has experience with anacron | 07:43 |
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erUSUL | kevin57: tar in cli file-roller in gui | 07:43 |
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kevin57 | Hmm...I feel a little stupid. | 07:43 |
kevin57 | Thank you both. | 07:43 |
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cdubya | what file can I look at to see what kind of havoc I may have created in changing beryl settings? | 07:44 |
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eternalswd | kevin57, `tar xjf /path/to/file.tar.bz2` will untar it for you from cli, xzf for tar.gz just for future reference | 07:45 |
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Fenyx__ | Hi hi. Sorry for the newb question but when I do an apt-get update it leaves me with version 1.3.2 of subversion. It is at 1.4.4 now. How do I get it to update to that version? I'm still on Edgy, btw. | 07:45 |
meheren | fenyx__, try sudo aptitude (or apt-get) upgrade | 07:46 |
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meheren | update, updates your package lists... upgrade upgrades your packages | 07:46 |
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meheren | so it's usually smartest to do something like sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade | 07:47 |
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Fenyx__ | Ah, gotcha. I didn't realize that. Thanks meheren. | 07:47 |
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ny00123 | hi. It seems that the wxWidgets packages made for Ubuntu don't support static linking. | 07:47 |
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meheren | np | 07:48 |
ny00123 | Possible to do static linking? (maybe by compiling wx from source, or downloading deb packages from wxwidgets.org) | 07:48 |
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yaminav | vale | 07:49 |
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yaminav | hola yasmina+ | 07:49 |
=== Whitor [n=kvirc@rrcs-24-97-4-148.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaminav | si | 07:49 |
=== Selrach [n=james@CPE-75-81-39-145.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaminav | si + | 07:49 |
Selrach | excuse me, how do I modify access rights to folders/files? | 07:50 |
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Fenyx__ | Hrm, still didn't upgrade subversion. | 07:50 |
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meheren | ive forgotten how you set a file to be read by everyone... can anyone point me in right direction? (it should be open to read/write to every user... even guest) | 07:50 |
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meheren | Fenyx, What version you running (of ubuntu) | 07:51 |
pike_ | Selrach: you can gksu nautilus& and right click on the folder otherwise chown and chmod are the commands | 07:51 |
PleegWat | chmod a+r | 07:51 |
Fenyx__ | meheren: chmod | 07:51 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | !ati | 07:51 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:51 |
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Whitor | Does anyone know how to get a VMware session to use a specific network adapter in Bridged mode? Mine keeps using the eth0 when I want it to use eth1 | 07:52 |
DK_II | !windows | 07:52 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 07:52 |
meheren | fenyx__, i know that.... what are the numbers... | 07:52 |
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Fenyx__ | meheren: 777 for everyone | 07:52 |
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meheren | ah, ok thanks | 07:52 |
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DK_II | !macos | 07:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about macos - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:53 |
Fenyx__ | I installed 6.1 I thought I did a dist-upgrade at one point... But I must've done it wrong since it still seems to be Edgy... | 07:53 |
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ny00123 | 6.10 is indeed Edhy | 07:54 |
ny00123 | *Edgy | 07:54 |
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meheren | fenyx__, hmm odd | 07:54 |
ny00123 | The latest stable version is 7.04 or Feisty | 07:54 |
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ny00123 | (the codename) | 07:54 |
logreeval | Hi, on startup my feisty/xp boot up shows two sets of feisty | 07:55 |
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logreeval | is there anyway to edit that boot menu>? | 07:55 |
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ny00123 | logreeval, Could be different kernel versions | 07:55 |
ny00123 | ohh. maybe one of them is | 07:55 |
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ny00123 | to boot into a console | 07:55 |
tulga | I need tool like KPPP. please suggest me | 07:55 |
ny00123 | in case something goes wrong | 07:55 |
logreeval | perhaps | 07:55 |
pike_ | logreeval: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:55 |
logreeval | ah | 07:55 |
=== pcom_ [n=jc@host86-152-56-169.range86-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logreeval | thank you ever much | 07:55 |
ny00123 | KPPP: The following might work: | 07:55 |
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ny00123 | sudo apt-get install kppp | 07:55 |
ny00123 | or find kppp in the package manager | 07:56 |
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ny00123 | note that if you're not using KDE, it might not fit in the desktop environment | 07:56 |
tulga | yes, I'm using gnome | 07:56 |
ny00123 | (e.g. look a bit far from being a part of the desktop) | 07:56 |
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pike_ | why does everyone use gnome when the most commonly recommended tools are usually qt apps? :) | 07:56 |
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Whitor | qt ? | 07:57 |
tulga | :P | 07:57 |
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danielbw | pike_: what's wrong with people using gnome? It's their choice even if you don't agree | 07:57 |
ny00123 | ppp | 07:57 |
ny00123 | and for gnome: | 07:57 |
ny00123 | gnome-ppp | 07:57 |
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ny00123 | (apt-get or use the graphical package manager) | 07:57 |
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Whitor | I prefer Gnome over Kde ... kde just seems too much like windows ... | 07:57 |
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danielbw | heh, i use xfce4, it looks nice | 07:57 |
ny00123 | I think gnome takes somewhat less resources than KDE | 07:57 |
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danielbw | it runs fast | 07:58 |
pike_ | danielbw: i dont really mind it but if youre usind kpp and kde and whatever why have the overhead of gnome too? | 07:58 |
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ny00123 | Installed xubuntu in an old desktop, later replaced with Gentoo just to try out (still XFCE though) | 07:58 |
Whitor | I use Gnome with Compiz Fusion and emerald with the blue ray theme ... looks pretty | 07:58 |
ny00123 | Compiz Fusion = Beryl? | 07:58 |
danielbw | pike_: I don't use those files, but sometime you don't have a choice if the app you need to run is qt, gtk or gtk2 | 07:58 |
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ny00123 | KDE users can use gtk-qt. But I don't know about an opposite theme manager/wrapper. | 07:58 |
b0ha | i have one lamp/php question | 07:59 |
danielbw | ime gnome / xfce4 has a more consistent feel than kde | 07:59 |
b0ha | memory_limit disabled: No | 07:59 |
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b0ha | how can i fix this | 07:59 |
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Whitor | memory_limit disabled: Yes | 07:59 |
danielbw | i just fin it great that we can all choose which environment to run instead of having a single choice | 07:59 |
ny00123 | ohhh... Compiz Fusion = Compiz + Beryl (?) | 07:59 |
Whitor | ny00123: yeah ... and I'm a ny'er too | 07:59 |
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meheren | danielbw, amen | 07:59 |
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ny00123 | lol I'm not from NY | 08:00 |
ny00123 | ;P | 08:00 |
Whitor | doh | 08:00 |
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ny00123 | Compiz+Fusion in action (haven't watched yet): | 08:00 |
ny00123 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Fbk52Mk1w | 08:00 |
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upromethes | hi - how can i resize my ext3 partition, in order to create space for an ntfs partition? | 08:00 |
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Whitor | sweeeeet | 08:00 |
C__ | hello all | 08:00 |
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C__ | can some one please tell me the command to find my header ? | 08:00 |
Whitor | Compiz Fusion is everything Compiz should have been ... (and even nicer than Beryl was) | 08:01 |
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Pici | C__: your header? | 08:01 |
ny00123 | C__ I think you can find some ISO file with a tiny small Linux distro | 08:01 |
ny00123 | which includes a partition manager | 08:01 |
ny00123 | OR | 08:01 |
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ny00123 | IF you've got the Ubuntu CD or ISO | 08:01 |
J-_ | from the repos, I installed wordpress. it didn't show up in my main directory. what do I need to do to get it working? | 08:01 |
ny00123 | (which is also a LiveCD) | 08:01 |
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ny00123 | then you could use gparted from there too, I guess | 08:01 |
juan278 | is it possible to install aplications on a nokia from linux? | 08:01 |
Whitor | D.S.L. linux is a great small powerful distro | 08:01 |
Pici | !enter | ny00123 | 08:01 |
ubotu | ny00123: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:01 |
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ny00123 | Hey thanks Pici | 08:02 |
luismiramirez | 46565656565545 | 08:02 |
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ny00123 | huh? | 08:02 |
ny00123 | lol | 08:02 |
Whitor | D.S.L. (Dang small Linux) is <50MB | 08:02 |
=== Anton99 [i=mirc62@ip-5.108.Home-Lan.fastnet.lv] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C__ | i have to install ndiswrapper to get my wifi card to work and its asking for my Linux header | 08:02 |
supremesonic | !dsl | 08:02 |
ubotu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 08:02 |
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supremesonic | !damnsmalllinux | 08:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about damnsmalllinux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:02 |
=== C__ is a bit new to linux | ||
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Anton99 | Ubuntu rulezzz ;) | 08:02 |
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Whitor | supremesonic: !d.s.l. | 08:03 |
Anton99 | !adsl | 08:03 |
ubotu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 08:03 |
Anton99 | !pppoe | 08:03 |
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gilo2 | is there a GUI for setting up IPSec connections? | 08:03 |
Anton99 | Ubuntu 4ever ;) | 08:03 |
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Whitor | Or until something better comes along | 08:04 |
Anton99 | How i can setup my network in runtu 1.1? | 08:04 |
Pici | C__: oh. sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 08:04 |
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C__ | thanks Pici | 08:05 |
Pici | C__: Those are the quotes on the ~ key | 08:05 |
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Selrach | question: How do I access partitions I've mounted? it will only allow root in. | 08:06 |
C__ | well all that did is tell me "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." | 08:06 |
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b0ha | where is the php.ini location ?:D | 08:06 |
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Russian | Hello Everyone | 08:06 |
C__ | boha /etc | 08:06 |
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lgc | Hi! What is the aptitude option to get the source code of an application? Thanks. | 08:07 |
b0ha | tnx C__ | 08:07 |
=== C__ nods | ||
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Anton99 | cat /dev/ass > /dev/head :D apt-get source package | 08:07 |
Russian | I am new to linux, I am currently using windows XP. I would like to step over to Ubuntu, but I don't really know what the best things is for me, Ubuntu or Kubuntu? Any suggestions? | 08:07 |
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C__ | okay i knew that but i still don't know how to tell what my Linux header is ... lol | 08:07 |
lgc | Anton99, you talking to me? | 08:08 |
Pici | C__: um. try just linux-headers-generic then | 08:08 |
Russian | Anyone want to advise a noob^^? | 08:08 |
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C__ | Im running an amd64 ... so i don't think -generic is going to work | 08:09 |
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jomarbri | hi | 08:09 |
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sebrock | I just installed a command-line feisty and am about to apply a patch | 08:09 |
sebrock | but the command is not recognized | 08:09 |
Russian | hi | 08:09 |
sebrock | what do I need to do to fix this? | 08:09 |
jomarbri | speak spanish? | 08:10 |
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Russian | nope | 08:10 |
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rrivasdiaz | Hello people, I have a problem with gnome-vfs and I need help. I have defined some ssh connections to remote servers using "Connect to Server...". For some servers the connection is done right. But for others a get an error dialog saying "Timeout reached". | 08:10 |
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C__ | nope that did not work | 08:10 |
Pici | C__: well, er. Do a search for linux-headers , thats the package name, you'll want one that says AMD64 or simular | 08:10 |
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nickyy | hello everyone , im trying to install xubuntu (feisty fawn ) over ubuntu edgy. i deleted the older partition and set it as root, but the installation hangs at 54%. i tested the cd it works fine... how can i fix this?? | 08:10 |
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C__ | thanks again | 08:10 |
rrivasdiaz | Can anybody helpme to solve it? the server is ok (I can connect from the console). | 08:11 |
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astate | how do you escape ' in a grep search? like searching for "don't"? | 08:11 |
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checkergrrl | ctrl z? | 08:12 |
lgc | Anton99, cat /dev/dick > /dev/yourass && thanks. | 08:12 |
jrib | astate: echo don\'t | grep don\'t | 08:12 |
jrib | !ohmy | lgc | 08:12 |
ubotu | lgc: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:12 |
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rrivasdiaz | I checked with gconf and an entry for every connection is created under /desktop/gnome/connected_servers, but there is no variable created for timeout, nor a schema to look if there is a way to configure it. | 08:12 |
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logreeval | Hi, i have two sets of kernels for ubuntu on my fiesty/xp dual boot. can i just edit out the older kernel of feisty? | 08:13 |
rrivasdiaz | does anybody have an idea of how to solve it? | 08:13 |
lgc | jrib, I know. It was just a reaction. Scroll back if you don't believe me. | 08:13 |
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logreeval | or should i just leave it? | 08:13 |
ulaas | logreeval, leave it. no harm. | 08:13 |
jrib | lgc: idc, call the ops if someone is offensive, don't respond like that | 08:14 |
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astate | jrib: if I do that, as in grep 'don\'t' foo.txt I just get a > on the next line | 08:14 |
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logreeval | ok, thanks ulaas | 08:14 |
jrib | astate: well in that case: grep 'don'\''t' | 08:14 |
pike_ | logreeval: add a splash image while youre in there the default grub screen is a little boring :) | 08:14 |
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logreeval | how do i do that? | 08:14 |
ChAaGgYyy | alguien habla espaol? | 08:14 |
b0ha | ok can someone explain what is apt-get moo for ? :D | 08:14 |
astate | wow, that'll get confusing :P | 08:15 |
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jrib | !es | ChAaGgYyy | 08:15 |
ubotu | ChAaGgYyy: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:15 |
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ulaas | logreeval, but set your default kernel or windows boot as you like so that you dont stay in front of the computer while booting... | 08:15 |
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rrivasdiaz | can someone helpme to configure a gnome-vfs connection timeout? | 08:15 |
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C__ | well fuck that did not work | 08:15 |
ChAaGgYyy | tengo problemas de audio con feisty | 08:15 |
=== Uzuul [n=arno@vig38-2-81-56-113-154.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logreeval | i know, its how i want it | 08:15 |
aroo | !language C__ | 08:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about language c__ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:15 |
Whitor | sebrock: Tell us the command that isn't working | 08:15 |
pike_ | logreeval: download a grub splash image (theyre easy to make just one command to convert it use google) and there is a splashimage commented out in that file | 08:15 |
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C__ | sorry aroo | 08:15 |
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niekko | astate: or try: grep "don\'t" foo | 08:15 |
=== DaveG| [n=asdf@82-47-197-238.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logreeval | cool, thanks! :) | 08:16 |
ChAaGgYyy | jrib, tengo problemas de audio con el feisty | 08:16 |
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pike_ | logreeval: even if you screw it up the image wont keep it from booting | 08:16 |
Whitor | My favorite error: apt not found: Type apt-get apt --install | 08:16 |
C__ | Im running an amd64 acer laptop has any one got the wifi card to work with one ? | 08:16 |
jrib | ChAaGgYyy: /join #ubuntu-es | 08:16 |
logreeval | is GAIM out of date? | 08:17 |
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wotanist | When I right click, and click on "Unmount volume", it says I'm not a privileged user. How do I unmount it? | 08:17 |
C__ | god i hope so . i so do not want to go back to windows | 08:17 |
ulaas | logreeval, what do you mean? | 08:17 |
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logreeval | well, is it pidgin now? | 08:17 |
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jrib | logreeval: yes | 08:17 |
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ulaas | logreeval, yap | 08:17 |
logreeval | hmm | 08:17 |
logreeval | how do i update it? | 08:18 |
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ulaas | logreeval, are you on feisty? | 08:18 |
logreeval | yes | 08:18 |
Whitor | If you absolutely need windows ... and some of us do ... Consider VMWare Server... its free and lets you run a full version of Windows under your favorite Linux Distro | 08:18 |
=== mrigns_ is now known as mrigns | ||
jrib | logreeval: pidgin will be in gutsy, if gaim works for you, then there's no reason to upgrade | 08:19 |
logreeval | ok | 08:19 |
wotanist | When I right click, and click on "Unmount volume", it says I'm not a privileged user. How do I unmount it? | 08:19 |
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logreeval | is gusty a new one? | 08:19 |
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ulaas | logreeval, well google for it. however i dont find any difference thanthe name now | 08:19 |
logreeval | gutsy* | 08:19 |
iratik | sudo: pam_authenticate: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info. | 08:19 |
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jrib | logreeval: gutsy is the new version of ubuntu set to be released in october | 08:19 |
logreeval | ah | 08:19 |
Whitor | gutsy gibbon is the upgrade to Feisty fawn | 08:19 |
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-32-230.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wotanist | I mean I know it has to be done as root but it was supposed to have asked me for the password before doing it.. But it didn't | 08:19 |
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checkergrrl | i want to search for all the txt files inside /home and want to zip each one of them on a new directory. : I am using this command: find -name *.txt gzip -f /new directory | 08:20 |
checkergrrl | but it does not work | 08:20 |
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logreeval | i am having a little trouble with the IRC for GAIM, i dont know how to get to the status window if i close it | 08:20 |
jrib | checkergrrl: you need a -exec in there somewhere | 08:20 |
checkergrrl | jrib | 08:20 |
checkergrrl | oh okay let me try | 08:20 |
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jrib | checkergrrl: and '-f' seems to be "force"? why do you need that? | 08:21 |
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checkergrrl | cause i was trying all different commands and was not able to get nothing :( | 08:21 |
jrib | checkergrrl: do you understand the syntax for -exec in find? | 08:22 |
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checkergrrl | so maybe i thought if i force ziping those files the commmand will work. :(...ookay silly me right? | 08:22 |
=== Shinichi_Yamato [n=enrico@cable-82-119-8-80.cust.blue-cable.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logreeval | do you guys use IRC with GAIM? | 08:22 |
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mrigns | !xfce | 08:22 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 08:22 |
checkergrrl | exec = executes | 08:22 |
Scunizi | !kmail | 08:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:22 |
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s0nix | hi | 08:22 |
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iratik | sudo: pam_authenticate: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info. ? | 08:22 |
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Scunizi | Anyone know of an irc channel for kmail? | 08:22 |
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s0nix | is there a repository for have the lastest qt4 ? | 08:22 |
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paroxysm | i'm trying to find a texniccenter substitute for linux, and i've looked at Kile and Texmaker, but neither seem to support adding my own custom packages, which i need | 08:23 |
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jrib | paroxysm: custom latex packages? | 08:23 |
paroxysm | jrib: custom latex packages | 08:24 |
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Pici | custom latex packages | 08:24 |
=== Pici just wanted to say it again | ||
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jrib | paroxysm: that's unrelated to the frontend you use, let me see if I can find you a guide... | 08:24 |
wotanist | How do I unmount an NTFS drive? It used to ask me for the password | 08:24 |
wotanist | before but now it doesn't.. Not letting me unmount :( | 08:24 |
devil_kills | How run maphack for Diablo II ? | 08:24 |
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iphv37 | is there any visualization to see some frequencies in separate? (like bars!) | 08:25 |
jrib | paroxysm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX#head-b767ef4da89cc2d18efbe88866793bff1d4dd74e | 08:25 |
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iphv37 | while listening a sound! | 08:25 |
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logreeval | i am reallty having a hard time with thsi GAIM IRC | 08:26 |
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jrib | logreeval: don't use gaim for irc, I'd recommend xchat or konversation if you are on kde | 08:27 |
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logreeval | ok | 08:27 |
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logreeval | oops | 08:27 |
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logreeval | ok, let me try to intall one of those | 08:27 |
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wotanist | Hello? | 08:28 |
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SlimeyPete | hello. | 08:29 |
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Fenyx__ | Hello. | 08:29 |
rockets | Any idea why samba authenticaiton might be super slow? | 08:29 |
sperotek | Hey.... I have to add 500 users (students) and I was wondering if there was some easier way to do it, and so they have all the same settings and desktop | 08:29 |
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=== Scunizi says Hello | ||
wotanist | Can I get some help? Why do I get ignored always? :[ | 08:29 |
RoC_MasterMind | wotanist, put sudo in front | 08:29 |
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rockets | sperotek: ghost | 08:30 |
Scunizi | wotanist, did you ask a question? | 08:30 |
sperotek | well, i am running a server | 08:30 |
SlimeyPete | wotanist: because no-one knows the answer to your problem? | 08:30 |
sperotek | i just need to add users, don't I? | 08:30 |
wotanist | Whats the command? I was right clicking on the drive and clicking on "unmount". Earlier it used to ask me for the password and it'd work. Now it doesn't. Instead, it now says I'm not a privileged user. | 08:30 |
andypandy | hi | 08:30 |
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delcoyote | hi all need some syntax help, how is monitorized spelled? like that? | 08:30 |
kismet | i using azureus to download and its to another ext3 partition 5-10 minutes into the download i get read only file system errors | 08:30 |
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andypandy | has anybody seen a GUI for truecrypt? | 08:31 |
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alesan | help :( I rebooted my nslu with debian installed and now... it seems I canno t reach it anymore | 08:31 |
iphv37 | now that there r many people watching.. IS THERE any visualization to see some frequencies in separate while playing a sound? (like bars!) | 08:31 |
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checkergrrl | jrib: something liek this maybe : find . -name *.txt -exec {}\; gzip /home/newdirectory | 08:31 |
SlimeyPete | wotanist: try "sudo unmount <mount point>" in a terminal | 08:31 |
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blankrider | hey | 08:32 |
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jrib | checkergrrl: no, here is an example that might help: find -name '*.txt' -exec echo '{}' \; notice that the command is 'echo' and the '{}' will be replaced by the file name that find finds and it ends with a \; | 08:32 |
sperotek | I am running an ltsp server in feisty, but i need to add 500 users with the same theme and desktop ...are there any other suggestions? | 08:32 |
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blankrider | can someonehelpme? | 08:33 |
sperotek | I have tried researching this for days with no avail | 08:33 |
jrib | !helpme | blankrider | 08:33 |
ubotu | blankrider: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:33 |
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wotanist | SlimeyPete: It says command not found. | 08:33 |
blankrider | when i burned the iso to a cd | 08:33 |
blankrider | and run it | 08:33 |
paroxysm | jrib: /usr/local/share/texmf does not exist | 08:33 |
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ghatak | I want to set up a dns server in my intranet, I am a noob in dns, would anyone point me to right direction or give a bit of help. I want to be able to setup my server so that when people access www.work.com they get to my webserver at | 08:33 |
blankrider | it messes up with"corrupt" files | 08:33 |
jrib | paroxysm: create it | 08:33 |
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blankrider | i tried the text based | 08:34 |
Scunizi | ghatak, #ubuntu-server | 08:34 |
SlimeyPete | wotanist: odd. unmount should be included as standard. | 08:34 |
blankrider | desktop | 08:34 |
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blankrider | minimalist | 08:34 |
blankrider | now idont have a OS on my old comp | 08:34 |
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wotanist | SlimeyPete: It used to work when I right-click and click on "Unmount". It doesn't anymore. | 08:34 |
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jrib | blankrider: did you verify the cd was properly burned? | 08:34 |
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blankrider | it burned correctly | 08:34 |
blankrider | im using nero | 08:34 |
=== Olgem [n=Olgem__@host-69-145-97-137.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devil_kills | How to install nero ? | 08:35 |
blankrider | when i try minimalist version | 08:35 |
jrib | blankrider: did you choose the option to verify the cd when you booted from it though? | 08:35 |
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panos | 08:35 | |
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blankrider | i tried to check the cd | 08:35 |
SlimeyPete | wotanist: sounds like the unmount command's gone missing somehow, but I'm afraid I'mnot sure how to get it back - it might be in a package called coreutils but I'm not sure. It's part of the base system. | 08:35 |
blankrider | if thats what you mean | 08:35 |
blankrider | it crashed on me | 08:35 |
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Scorchin | hey, im using a wireless card and can connect to the internet, but CANNOT use update-manager or synaptic to recieve the latest updates | 08:35 |
Scorchin | why? | 08:35 |
jrib | blankrider: ok. Did you check the md5sum of the .iso you downloaded? | 08:36 |
Scunizi | blankrider, don't use the enter key for punctuation | 08:36 |
devil_kills | hey !!! how to install nero ?? apt-get install nero ??? | 08:36 |
blankrider | dont use enter for puncuation? | 08:36 |
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jrib | blankrider: yeah, don't break your thoughts up into multiple lines | 08:36 |
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wotanist | SlimeyPete: Do you think it'd work if I update? | 08:37 |
blankrider | i tend to do that. Can someone help me? | 08:37 |
blankrider | idk what is wrong | 08:37 |
jrib | blankrider: ok. Did you check the md5sum of the .iso you downloaded? | 08:37 |
=== iceportal [n=chris@cpe-76-186-211-181.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blankrider | how do i check it? | 08:37 |
jrib | !md5sum > blankrider (see the private message from ubotu) | 08:37 |
NeXtDaY | hi, i need help please, i can't write any filename within my language. a space will appear between each letter? | 08:37 |
Scorchin | When i say that my wireless is working, I can use pretty much ALL of my web apps, but cannot download repo's using synaptic | 08:37 |
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aivalli | hi folks | 08:38 |
sperotek | hello | 08:38 |
blankrider | what is this desktop edition? i cant erase my cd-rw with ubuntu on it to put a different version. | 08:38 |
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aivalli | could someone tell me what console font is used by default by ubuntu ? | 08:38 |
jrib | blankrider: desktop edition is a live cd that lets you install from it as well | 08:38 |
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blankrider | well, when i put it in, it crashes at 11% of load kernel | 08:39 |
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jrib | blankrider: did you do what I said? | 08:39 |
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bsdunix | i need to copy a rather complex website. what tools can do this for me? | 08:39 |
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blankrider | im wokring on it jrib | 08:39 |
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aivalli | or how do I find that out ? anyone ? :) | 08:39 |
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jrib | bsdunix: try wget or httrack | 08:40 |
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RoC_MasterMind | bsdunix, wget is great. | 08:40 |
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Beastlykings | hello, while using audacity I noticed that there is a high pitched noise on my mic in port. And when audio is recorded, it sounds like crap, all techno and whiny. Help? | 08:40 |
RoC_MasterMind | bsdunix, wget --mirror and a few other options will do the trick...look up it's options with "wget --help" | 08:40 |
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RoC_MasterMind | Beastlykings ...hmm...is it good techno? | 08:41 |
Beastlykings | lol, no | 08:41 |
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NeXtDaY | again: i need help please, i can't write any filename within my language. a space will appear between each letter?sorry for repeating | 08:41 |
bsdunix | jrib thanks. i payed $3500 for http://www.directdigitalservices.com. the tailhole owns it. hosts it. thinks he has me trapped | 08:41 |
kjw75 | I have just installed ubuntu feisty from a livecd, I can connect to wireless internet with my windows partition. I need to install ndiswrapper, but don't have a direct connextion to the internet. I tried installing ndiswrapper, but it gave me errors like "stdlib.h no such file or directory" - what else do I need as I can't use apt-get in linux? | 08:41 |
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Beastlykings | any help? | 08:42 |
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checkergrrl | jrib:? | 08:43 |
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jrib | checkergrrl: hi | 08:43 |
checkergrrl | i ran the command and got < | 08:43 |
kjw75 | NeXtDaY can you type in a text file your language? | 08:43 |
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checkergrrl | : find . -name *.txt -exec echo {}\; gzip /home/newdirectory | 08:43 |
jrib | checkergrrl: join me in #ubuntu-classroom | 08:43 |
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checkergrrl | k brigt there | 08:44 |
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NeXtDaY | kjw75: yes.. Ican write normally in text files.. the same with abiword.. but the only problem is with filenames.. for example: f i l e n a m e <-- a space between each letter.. not in english. in my language | 08:45 |
blankrider | i cant md5sum in cmd line | 08:45 |
blankrider | o.o | 08:45 |
blankrider | it says its not recognized command | 08:45 |
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blankrider | md5sum ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso | 08:45 |
RoC_MasterMind | blankrider, md5sum is part of the md5sum package I think | 08:45 |
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RoC_MasterMind | !md5sum | 08:45 |
ubotu | To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more | 08:45 |
RoC_MasterMind | !info md5sum | 08:45 |
ubotu | Package md5sum does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:45 |
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blankrider | im on windows | 08:46 |
RoC_MasterMind | Oh | 08:46 |
RoC_MasterMind | That's why | 08:46 |
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blankrider | i cant run linux | 08:46 |
ProN00b | blankrider, search for md5sum.exe | 08:46 |
RoC_MasterMind | Microsoft does not consider that important | 08:46 |
blankrider | THATS MY PROBLEM | 08:46 |
blankrider | i cant install it | 08:46 |
RoC_MasterMind | THere are many md5sum utilities | 08:46 |
blankrider | ugh | 08:46 |
jrib | !enter | blankrider | 08:46 |
ubotu | blankrider: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:46 |
sperotek | is there any way to add users so they all have the same desktop and theme and all? Some way to automate creation of users since I have to add a few hundred? | 08:46 |
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blankrider | chill out o.o | 08:46 |
RoC_MasterMind | I like hashcalc. It can create hashes for many algorithms and is GUI. http://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/index.htm | 08:47 |
jrib | blankrider: click on "md5sum on windows" at the top of the link I sent you | 08:47 |
NeXtDaY | any help please? | 08:47 |
RoC_MasterMind | sperotek, yes...this is called a skeleton profile...the system skeleton profile is stored in /etc/skel/ Anything in there is copied to a new user's home directory upon user creation. | 08:47 |
kjw75 | NeXtDaY what language? | 08:47 |
blankrider | yay more stuff to dl o.o | 08:47 |
NeXtDaY | kjw75 arabic | 08:48 |
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ProN00b | blankrider, you can download it here http://www.etree.org/md5com.html | 08:48 |
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rrivasdiaz | I have a problem with gnome-vfs and I need help. I have defined some ssh connections to remote servers using "Connect to Server...". For some servers the connection is done right. But for others a get an error dialog saying "Timeout reached". | 08:48 |
rrivasdiaz | Can anybody helpme to solve it? the server is ok (I can connect from the console) | 08:48 |
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ulaas | NeXtDaY, ya selam.. | 08:48 |
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NeXtDaY | ulaas :). kifak/kifek? | 08:49 |
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blankrider | ok im working on it now | 08:49 |
ulaas | NeXtDaY, no idea man. just turkish :) | 08:49 |
frojnd | I have PCIsoft v92 modem (DIAL-UP) how can I know if this modem is supported by packages of ubuntu and if I need to download some other packages before and than later install in on dial-up maschine?? can someone help me on this one ? | 08:49 |
sperotek | RoC_MasterMind: Would that include things like FireFox plugins? | 08:49 |
mapez | is there a way to check my network traffic in the terminal? | 08:50 |
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NeXtDaY | ulaas: No problem. was saying: hows it going?:) | 08:50 |
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RoC_MasterMind | sperotek, sure. If you like, you can copy a person's already setup profile to /etc/skel/ | 08:50 |
ulaas | NeXtDaY, thanx... too hot. other than that , fine | 08:50 |
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kjw75 | NeXtDaY sorry I don't know | 08:51 |
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orn | #qt | 08:51 |
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sperotek | RoC_MasterMind: so I would make an "image" user, and then just cp the home folder to the skel folder? | 08:52 |
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ulaas | NeXtDaY, by the way did you try to change the font? | 08:52 |
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NeXtDaY | kjw75 no problem. thanks anyway | 08:52 |
NeXtDaY | ulaas: nope. am new to ubuntu, | 08:53 |
hendrixski | apt-get tries to install a package whose post-install it can't run... I tried dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install and a few other thigns and it still shows up! Is there a way to get apt to just stop calling it? | 08:53 |
=== Libertine [n=hired@c-67-176-147-246.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
click | #!usr/bin/python | 08:53 |
Libertine | wow big $chan | 08:53 |
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RoC_MasterMind | yes. sperotek anything inside /etc/skel/ would be copied to the user's homedirectory as is and then they would be given ownership of it. Just make sure you don't copy their home directory itself to the skel folder...like /etc/skel/image/..but rather the files inside their home directory. | 08:53 |
click | how do i execute such script ? | 08:53 |
click | #!usr/bin/python | 08:53 |
click | ? | 08:53 |
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ulaas | NeXtDaY, try changing font settings from themes. | 08:53 |
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NeXtDaY | ulaas: ok hold on plz... | 08:53 |
MrOtacon | hey guys, how do i add my windows partition (hda3) to grub and also display the grub list by default at boot? | 08:53 |
RoC_MasterMind | sperotek, cp -R /home/image/* /etc/skel/ I think that would do it. | 08:54 |
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hendrixski | click, you want to execute a python script? just type in python and the name of the script :-) | 08:54 |
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click | i wanna create it .. what the extension should be ? | 08:54 |
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georgy28 | Mr_Pan, : /boot/grub/menu.lst is the file to change | 08:55 |
taime1 | how do you release and renew your ip when you are plugged directly into a cable modem? | 08:55 |
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MrOtacon | click: py | 08:55 |
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kjw75 | can I download apt-get packages off the Internet in windows, so that I can install them in linux, if so, where can I find them? | 08:55 |
sperotek | RoC_Mastermind: Great, that should let me keep all the settings, thanks | 08:56 |
hendrixski | click, oh... umm ... that shoul be in a manual. :-) www.python.org has a few | 08:56 |
georgy28 | MrOtacon : /boot/grub/menu.lst is the file to change Sorry Mr PAN | 08:56 |
ghee | hey guys, sorry for the newbie question, but having loads of trouble partitioning M$ vista. the native partitioner won't shrink the 80G hard drive more than 6G and gparted says to run chkdsk (which i did). any advice? | 08:56 |
Libertine | How can I use Ubuntu to get information about my motherboard? | 08:56 |
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hateee | [14:50] <hateee> hey, what's the diff between productions and records? | 08:56 |
hateee | [14:51] <hateee> for example, Asshole Productions and Asshole Records | 08:56 |
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hateee | anyone know? | 08:56 |
preaction | taime1: dhclient eth0 (or whatever your network interface is) | 08:56 |
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taime1 | okay | 08:57 |
hendrixski | help! apt-get tries to install a package whose post-install it can't run... I tried dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install and a few other things and it still shows up! Is there a way to get apt to just stop calling it? | 08:57 |
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preaction | taime1: looks like you'll need to do it as sudo as well. and just "sudo dhclient" seems to work | 08:57 |
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paroxysm | what's the command that "Document Viewer" uses to open files? | 08:58 |
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=== Libertine- is now known as Libertine-`- | ||
NeosVortex | Hey I have a quick question, is there a way to connect to a windows share using Ubuntu Server? | 08:58 |
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preaction | !samba | NeosVortex | 08:58 |
ubotu | NeosVortex: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:58 |
NeosVortex | preaction: I knew about samba, can i use it on a CLI Server though?> | 08:59 |
MrOtacon | georgy28: Ok - Thanks | 08:59 |
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NeXtDaY | hmm, can anyone help me please? | 08:59 |
preaction | NeosVortex: why not? | 08:59 |
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hateee | [14:50] <hateee> hey, what's the diff between productions and records? | 08:59 |
hateee | [14:51] <hateee> for example, Asshole Productions and Asshole Records | 08:59 |
sebforgold | strange nextday, have the same question =) | 08:59 |
preaction | !ohmy | hateee | 08:59 |
ubotu | hateee: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:59 |
NeosVortex | I've mostly used it with gui and wasn't sure if i could use it with cli preaction thanks though! | 08:59 |
Pici | !offtopic | hateee | 08:59 |
ubotu | hateee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:59 |
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preaction | NeosVortex: smb_client and mount smbfs will be what you want probably | 09:00 |
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NeXtDaY | sebforgold , heh.. i asked my question three times now and yet no one is able to help :-( | 09:00 |
hendrixski | hateee, what the hell?? | 09:00 |
Libertine-`- | how do i use ubuntu to find out info about my motherboard please? | 09:00 |
NeosVortex | thanks preaction | 09:00 |
sn- | Libertine-`- you can use lspci or lsusb at the terminal | 09:00 |
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sn- | or in gnome there is a device-manager style app that lists as well | 09:00 |
Libertine-`- | thanks | 09:00 |
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sn- | np | 09:00 |
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Libertine-`- | sn- | 09:01 |
Libertine-`- | what is your typing speed approximately? | 09:01 |
sn- | varies :) | 09:01 |
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Libertine-`- | between? | 09:01 |
stinger05 | is there any program or plugins for windows xp that would give it the 3d/wobble effects like compiz which comes with new linux systems ? | 09:01 |
taime1 | sudo dhclient will renew my ip? | 09:01 |
Synapsi | is there anybody that can tell me if the "hidden SSID" bug has been solved? | 09:01 |
sn- | i haven't tested it in many years Libertine-`- | 09:01 |
sebforgold | yes @ taimel | 09:01 |
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sn- | its all down to my daskeyboard, lovely to type on :-) | 09:01 |
hendrixski | stinger05, yes... but it costs a lot | 09:01 |
Libertine-`- | aww come on | 09:01 |
NeosVortex | stinger05: I know there is a 3d cube program that was free | 09:01 |
Libertine-`- | daskeyboard? :0 | 09:01 |
taime1 | thanks | 09:02 |
sn- | www.daskeyboard.com | 09:02 |
Woodrag | Ik keep getting: child pid 11752 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) running Apache2+php5 on Dapper Drake... Googled it but no solution.... ;-( | 09:02 |
sn- | cost a bit, but im constantly typing everyday so suits me well | 09:02 |
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preaction | taime1: it will renew the lease on your IP, it might not change your IP address at all though. it all depends on the dhcp server that your ISP is running | 09:02 |
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mcampbell | Is there a way to have programs run as different users have different colored window decoration? | 09:02 |
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Libertine-`- | ah i see | 09:02 |
Libertine-`- | very nice idea | 09:02 |
Libertine-`- | having a blank keyabord | 09:02 |
NeXtDaY | again: i need help please, i can't write any filename within my language. a space will appear between each letter?sorry for repeating | 09:02 |
stinger05 | whats the name of the paid one ? | 09:02 |
Libertine-`- | keyboard | 09:03 |
Libertine-`- | ^^ | 09:03 |
sn- | why should you need to look at your keys :p | 09:03 |
sn- | anyways this is a bit off topic :-) | 09:03 |
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hendrixski | stinger05, I totally forgot but I'm googling it... I'll get you the name of it in a second | 09:03 |
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stinger05 | ok thx dude :D | 09:03 |
osxdude|palmTX | What is your language, NeXtDaY? | 09:03 |
sebforgold | someone know how its possible to change the style from ubuntu to http://www.gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre2/60804-2.jpg that? (dockbar?, menu?, icons?) | 09:03 |
NeXtDaY | osxdude|palmTX: It is arabic | 09:04 |
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Krusnix | Hello there, any help would be appreciated. This morning beryl crashed on me while I was creating a background for the skydome. With the crash the lower half of the screen went black... It still functions (when I move my mouse over the lower left corner as I am doing now I can see that I can resize my maximized firefox window except I can't see the lower half. | 09:04 |
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Krusnix | I un-installed beryl using purge, and autoremove | 09:04 |
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Krusnix | The problem has still persisted | 09:04 |
Krusnix | I've got an x800 ati card, so I dont think it has anything to do with the nvidia bug | 09:04 |
georgy28 | sebforgold,: it's a mac under linux, so will be difficult | 09:04 |
osxdude|palmTX | I NeXtDaY: I think you should go to the arab ubuntu channel if there is one. | 09:05 |
osxdude|palmTX | !ar | 09:05 |
Synapsi | how can I let my network manager see a wireless hidden SSID network? | 09:05 |
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NeXtDaY | osxdude|palmTX: yep, there is one but dead one actually | 09:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:05 |
stefg | Krusnix: beryl support in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects | 09:05 |
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Krusnix | Well this has nothing to do with beryl now | 09:05 |
Krusnix | Beryl is -gone- from my system | 09:05 |
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delcoyote | bye bye Beryl | 09:06 |
NeXtDaY | lol | 09:06 |
osxdude|palmTX | NeXtDaY: How many people? | 09:06 |
Krusnix | Indeed, until it's more reliable I refuse to use it | 09:06 |
hendrixski | stinger05, I think it was called winstep. | 09:06 |
sebforgold | georgy28, so its not just themes, icons and so on? =) | 09:06 |
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Krusnix | This is the 3rd time this has happened, and I'm not going to wipe it again. | 09:06 |
stinger05 | oh ok | 09:06 |
Woodrag | Ik keep getting: child pid 11752 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) running Apache2+php5 on Dapper Drake... Googled it but no solution.... ;-( | 09:06 |
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Krusnix | Thank though | 09:06 |
stinger05 | how much does it cost? | 09:06 |
systest | Anyone here successfully instantiated a tun/tap device? If so, what did you need to do besides load the tun module? | 09:06 |
NeXtDaY | osxdude|palmTX: onle me :P | 09:06 |
pavs | | 09:06 |
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georgy28 | sebforgold : no theme, and so one | 09:06 |
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ryan8403 | krusnix: did you try rebooting? | 09:07 |
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sebforgold | georgy28, .. :( okay but thx 4 help :D | 09:07 |
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stefg | Krusnix: you might have to reconfigure the xserver (sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg) | 09:07 |
imbecile | hey guys, I just wanted to thank all you guys for being so helpful.. ubuntu support is freaking awesome.. keep up the good work | 09:07 |
Synapsi | how to let ubuntu network manager see an hidden wireless network? | 09:07 |
magnetron | where do i set my date format? the evolution calendar in the upper corner has a funny order of the date/time. i would like to set it to ISO 8601 mode. | 09:07 |
georgy28 | sebforgold, : np | 09:07 |
hendrixski | stinger05, I remember seeing videos a long time ago about making windows wobble on windows...and giving it animated icons and animated backgrounds... and I think it's winstep... I may be wrong | 09:07 |
osxdude|palmTX | NeXtDaY: Any bots? | 09:07 |
hendrixski | stinger05, it was like $100 or so I think | 09:07 |
sn- | imbecile those comments make it worthwhile ;] | 09:07 |
NeXtDaY | osxdude|palmTX: nope, #ubuntu-sa | 09:07 |
stinger05 | wow, thats quite expensive | 09:07 |
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Krusnix | Yes, I have rebooted ryan the problem likes to annoy me :P | 09:08 |
hendrixski | Synapsi, I think if it's hidden then it's hidden.... my friend has a hidden network.... because he can't get WPA to work | 09:08 |
Krusnix | I'll try that right now stefh | 09:08 |
zorglu_ | q. i installed feisty 3days ago, before i add edgy, now i got firefox crashing quite a lot when playing flash video, is this a known issue ? | 09:08 |
Krusnix | *stefg | 09:08 |
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magnetron | Synapsi: you have to edit the info manually | 09:08 |
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osxdude|palmTX | not even a bot. | 09:08 |
hendrixski | stinger05, there may be like basic packages that don't doo all of the effects... i dunno... why bother... if you like proprietary software then get a Mac... ikf you like customizing stuff then Ubuntu does it all | 09:09 |
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magnetron | !offtopic | 09:09 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:09 |
Synapsi | magnetron-hednrisnky:I found it was something like a bug over google only regardin hidden network,but I can't find any help on how to configure manually | 09:09 |
Woodrag | my apache2 keeps on crashing on Dapper Drake... Segmentation Fault(11)... Is this a know issue? | 09:09 |
NeXtDaY | osxdude|palmTX: yes, but the problem is not how install arabic, i can write within it in text files and abiword just fine.. the only problem is with *filenames* | 09:09 |
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scholar_ | ["DCC SEND CHRIST_WAS_A_KIKE"] | 09:09 |
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Krusnix | O | 09:10 |
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Krusnix | I've reached a screen that talks of PowerPC users, and those with multiple heads/graphical devices | 09:10 |
magnetron | Synapsi: nm-applet has an option for manual configuration | 09:10 |
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Mongoose | does Ubuntu have a default $BROWSER ? | 09:10 |
djr | can anyone tell me what version of gnome is in the current ubuntu? | 09:10 |
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Primus^^ | hey, there is anyway I can configure Pidgin? like enable esc key etc... | 09:11 |
Krusnix | I've got neither of those just a little x800 power house, what shall I do? It just says <ok> nothing else :/ | 09:11 |
Mongoose | 2.18.1 | 09:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@oj.got.stabby.net] by jrib | ||
ctkroeker | every time I try to boot on this one machine, I get an initramfs error | 09:11 |
magnetron | was that a netsplit or a dcc? | 09:11 |
hendrixski | Synapsi, if it's hidden but you know the name then you can access it through the manual config... like magnetron said... but if you want to look for hidden networks... i don't know that you can | 09:11 |
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=== nilweed was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) | ||
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=== Daeron was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) | ||
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Primus^^ | /server -m irc.ubuntu.com | 09:11 |
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Primus^^ | opps | 09:11 |
leku | anyone familiar with crossover? | 09:11 |
NeXtDaY | Mongoose firefox | 09:11 |
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durty | hey | 09:12 |
stinger05 | hendrixski: but ubuntu doesnt run all my programs including games, voice convos, and all sorts of stuff... | 09:12 |
leku | i was wondering if I already have windows installed on my other drive | 09:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b holy_elf!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib | ||
Mongoose | NeXtDaY: I mean the variable | 09:12 |
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magnetron | hendrixski, Synapsi: you could use kismet to scan for hidden wlans | 09:12 |
durty | i'm trying to install php and mysql | 09:12 |
leku | can I use crossover to run outlook that is already installed? | 09:12 |
durty | how do i do that | 09:12 |
Mongoose | NeXtDaY: can I count on it to be set? | 09:12 |
leku | or do I have to install it from scratch again? | 09:12 |
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ctkroeker | every time I try to boot on this one machine, I get an initramfs error, I already tried using diff RAM modules, no go | 09:12 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b astate!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib | ||
=== astate was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) | ||
NeXtDaY | Mongoose oops, sorry no idea :) | 09:12 |
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hendrixski | magnetron, oh... hhmmmm, better tell my friend about that one | 09:12 |
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Woodrag | Ik keep getting: child pid 11752 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) running Apache2+php5 on Dapper Drake... Googled it but no solution.... ;-( | 09:12 |
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jrib | sorry for the spam folks | 09:12 |
Mongoose | NeXtDaY: I guess if people want it to work they can learn to set it | 09:12 |
djr | ctkroeker: check your bootloader | 09:12 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib | ||
djr | can anyone tell me what version of gnome is in the current ubuntu? | 09:12 |
Mongoose | laters | 09:12 |
magnetron | where do i set my date format? the evolution calendar in the upper corner has a funny order of the date/time. i would like to set it to ISO 8601 mode. | 09:12 |
Mongoose | djr: 2.18.1... | 09:13 |
djr | thanks | 09:13 |
primus^^^ | hey, there is anyway to configure pidgin for my own use? like enable esc key etc.. | 09:13 |
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=== imbecile braces for a ban... you have to change irc ports right? | ||
ctkroeker | I{m booting from an ubuntu live cd, although it does this with any linux cd i try | 09:13 |
zorglu_ | jrib: what is this bug you talk about ? | 09:13 |
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stefg | !dcc | 09:13 |
ubotu | There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit | 09:13 |
hendrixski | stinger05, I've been using only ubuntu for a year now and it does all that I need, for home and business... though, I don't play games.. so yeah.. you probably need windows for that | 09:13 |
primus^^^ | !pidgin | 09:13 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 09:13 |
Krusnix | Stefg, what shall I do upon entering the Configuring-xorg screen? | 09:14 |
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brainiac | here goes an interesting idea: Is it possible to run a VMWare Client like XP on one side of the cube in fullscreen mode? | 09:14 |
leku | !crossover | 09:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about crossover - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:14 |
Krusnix | I've entered in my gfx card type, and it's given me the multiple header/power pc message. | 09:14 |
hendrixski | stefg, ah, thanks for having ubotu explain that one :-) | 09:14 |
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imbecile | stefg, you need to change port you use for server to fix it correct? | 09:14 |
=== hendrixski was wondering what was up with the people getting banned | ||
durty | i'm trying to install php and mysql jpw dp o dp ot | 09:14 |
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Upsal | apt-get says that i have to insert data into /cdrom/, but i have no cd-drive, and i want to use a mounted ISO image, how can i do that? | 09:14 |
magnetron | !lamp | durty | 09:14 |
ubotu | durty: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 09:14 |
hendrixski | help! apt-get tries to install a package whose post-install it can't run... I tried dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install and a few other things and it still shows up! Is there a way to get apt to just stop calling it? | 09:14 |
madcreatio1 | :-P | 09:14 |
stefg | imbecile: that's not a fix, just a workaround. better update the firmware with a proper one | 09:15 |
someone2005 | can anyone tell me the current kernel version thats running in ubuntu 7.04 ? | 09:15 |
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magnetron | !info linux | 09:15 |
NeXtDaY | hmm, why do i see space between each letter when i attempt to write a filename in my langauge?any one, please | 09:15 |
ubotu | linux: Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB | 09:15 |
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ctkroeker | booting any linux live cd gets me an initramfs error. I already tried using diff RAM modules... any ideas? | 09:16 |
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someone2005 | thanks thought was that 2.6.15 ? gone up some... | 09:16 |
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hendrixski | someone2005, you can tell yourself... type in uname -i into a terminal | 09:16 |
hendrixski | err,,,, uname -a | 09:16 |
someone2005 | ok... | 09:17 |
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hendrixski | for example for me it's 2.6.20-16-lowlatency | 09:17 |
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Steffke | hab mal ne frage: wieso geht mein ton nicht? | 09:18 |
Stormx2 | hendrixski: What's the advantae of a lowlatency kernel? | 09:18 |
stinger05 | hendrixski: do you recommend me to use just ubuntu, would linux mint do the job ? | 09:18 |
georgy28 | !ubuntu-de | 09:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-de - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:18 |
=== Warren- [n=william@pool-71-163-210-183.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | where do i set my date format? the evolution calendar in the upper corner has a funny order of the date/time. i would like to set it to ISO 8601 mode. | 09:18 |
hendrixski | Stormx2, it's good if you want to do stuff with midi.. other than that.. I think it just eats my battery faster :-( | 09:18 |
mrigns | !de | Steffke | 09:18 |
ubotu | Steffke: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:18 |
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delcoyote | someone2005: i upgraded from edgy a couple of days ago and i have 2.6.17-11-386 | 09:18 |
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magnetron | !de > georgy28 (see private msg from ubotu) | 09:18 |
Stormx2 | hendrixski: Maybe it will fix my recording woes :) | 09:18 |
georgy28 | mrigns, : thanks | 09:18 |
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=== iFries [n=martijn@cc1196789-b.joure1.fr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someone2005 | yup get 2.6.20-16-generic | 09:19 |
hendrixski | stinger05, I'm not familiar with Linux Mint to give you an oppinion | 09:19 |
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dxdemetriou | ubotu, is still missing the linux-backports-modules-2.6.20-16-generic | 09:19 |
hendrixski | Stormx2, it may be helpful... also if you don't have enough ram you'll have recording woes no matter what the latency of your kernel is | 09:19 |
Stormx2 | hendrixski: 768mb, it's enough under windows. | 09:19 |
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hendrixski | Stormx2, ok, yeah. that's plenty | 09:20 |
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magnetron | stinger05: i would recommend ubuntu, it is slimmer but will still be able to install all packages. plus with ubuntu, you can get support hee | 09:20 |
magnetron | *here | 09:20 |
=== alligator [n=alligato@ANantes-158-1-11-45.w90-32.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | hendrixski: Probably my oldish soundcard, but we'll see. | 09:20 |
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hendrixski | Stormx2, oh yeah... having a good sound card helps too... :-) but there aren't that many "bad" cards... unless you have it built into the motherboard... those can be crappy | 09:21 |
Stormx2 | Nope, its an oldish soundblaster. | 09:21 |
stinger05 | i loved ubuntu, especially feisty, but the only problem with it is that u need an internet connection to download the plugins for mp3/video/dvd movies and all other things... | 09:21 |
Krusnix | I guess nobody knows enough to help my problem -.- | 09:21 |
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Stormx2 | I've had issues with jokosher and stuff, even after a clean install. | 09:21 |
=== hendrixski always ends up answering questions instead of having his questions answered | ||
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NeXtDaY | stinger05: i agree with u :) | 09:21 |
Woodrag | my apache2 keeps on crashing on Dapper Drake... Segmentation Fault(11)... Is this a know issue? | 09:22 |
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osxdude|palmTX | hendrixski: that happens to me too. | 09:22 |
Stormx2 | stinger05: That's right, it's part of ubuntu's ethos. | 09:22 |
hendrixski | stinger05, no you don't... go to ondisk.com and you can get a CD of all the stuff on the repositories | 09:22 |
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dxdemetriou | is still missing the linux-backports-modules-2.6.20-16-generic? | 09:22 |
hendrixski | osxdude|palmTX, lol... probably to a lot of us :-) | 09:22 |
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=== Barber [n=William@adsl-64-219-108-254.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
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scholl | ["DCC SEND CHRIST_IS_AN_EMACS USER"] | 09:23 |
hendrixski | So... if you ahve all the repositories on CD.. then you don't need an internet connection | 09:23 |
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someone2005 | got a newbie... question whats the best way to take the lock off a lib file ? | 09:23 |
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stefg | Woodrag: segfaults ususally indicate lib-trouble | 09:23 |
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Barber | What is a good pcmcia Wireless lan card for linux | 09:23 |
Stormx2 | !ops | 09:23 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 09:23 |
=== Beastlykings [n=chatzill@69-179-106-134.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ | ||
NeXtDaY | hmm, no one wants to help me !@ | 09:23 |
zenix | does anyone know how to install Qt4 on Fesity but not install the kde4 libraries?? | 09:24 |
gnomefreak | Stormx2: ? | 09:24 |
stefg | Woodrag: or a broken filesystem | 09:24 |
Stormx2 | scholl with DCC | 09:24 |
=== madcreatio1 [n=madcreat@c-67-191-117-130.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ah | 09:24 |
hendrixski | scholl well, I know that when I use EMACS I ask jesus for help... | 09:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b madcreatio1!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib | ||
=== madcreatio1 was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b Beastlykings!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib | ||
=== Beastlykings was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) | ||
someone2005 | reset permissions ? | 09:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b Desteru!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib | ||
=== Desteru was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) | ||
stinger05 | hendrixski: how do you get all the stuff as u mentioned with all the repositories ? | 09:24 |
Woodrag | stefg: No broken file system.... | 09:24 |
=== M3G4crux [n=starman@eu85-85-15-182.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M3G4crux | hi to all | 09:24 |
Barber | Hello can some one help | 09:24 |
Stormx2 | gnomefreak: Is it worth your time to do this sort of thing? I hesitated. | 09:24 |
Barber | What is a good pcmcia Wireless lan card for linux | 09:25 |
M3G4crux | Why is it that I can not install any apache2 package | 09:25 |
Barber | some thing cheap | 09:25 |
=== ICUR2Ys [n=dace@208-45-77-214.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hendrixski | stinger05, ondisk can send you a bunch of CD's or DVD's through the mail... I know the lady who owns the company. There's a big market for people without fast internet connections who need acess to the repos | 09:25 |
magnetron | !hardware > Barber (read private message from ubotu) | 09:25 |
M3G4crux | it complains about my apache version, I installed the version prior to upgrading to Edgy | 09:25 |
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someone2005 | seem to be set already... Any Ideas ? | 09:25 |
gheeg | hey all, sorry for the M$ ? but trying to install feisty on a friend's machine and gparted fails and the native vista partitioner can't resize more than 6GB. any ideas | 09:25 |
gnomefreak | Stormx2: its being handled | 09:25 |
Gnea | !wireless > Barber | 09:25 |
MIMB1 | Hello. I've installed ubuntu server 7.04 onto my server, and I can't figure out how to make it register it's own address on our local (microsoft) dns server. I could do it if I used dhclient, but I want this one static. | 09:25 |
zenix | is it even possible to install Qt4 without KDE4? | 09:25 |
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hendrixski | stinger05, then you replace the address of the online repos with the address of the CD drive :-) | 09:25 |
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Barber | thanks all | 09:25 |
hendrixski | zenix, yep | 09:26 |
pike_ | Barber: the atheros cards are well supported. id recommend one with an external antenna port too | 09:26 |
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zenix | hendrixski: i would like to know how ;) | 09:26 |
pike_ | Barber: cisco etc | 09:26 |
hendrixski | zenix, just apt-cache search qt4 and find the qt4 tools that you want to install | 09:26 |
stinger05 | well can't i just download the repos and put them all on a cd manually? | 09:26 |
Gnea | Barber: linksys makes some very nice and affordable pcmcia cards | 09:26 |
stinger05 | i mean is there a website which provides this ? | 09:26 |
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hendrixski | zenix, in fact... KDE still uses Qt3 as far as I know (not scheduled to adopt qt4 'till KDE4) | 09:26 |
zenix | hm, but that only returns the qt4-core and base libraries for KDE4 development | 09:26 |
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someone2005 | I'd say yes ... | 09:26 |
zenix | hendrixski: that's correct | 09:26 |
sampbar | Hi GazzaK | 09:27 |
zenix | i would like to start making Qt4 apps in Ruby though ;) | 09:27 |
sperotek | It seems there is no way to uninstall stuff like bittorrent because it is part of Gnome Desktop, is there any way to disable it | 09:27 |
bean-oh | anyone running gibbon yet? worth running? | 09:27 |
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Gnea | sperotek: don't use it | 09:27 |
Barber | God Day all | 09:27 |
M3G4crux | i dont even know what it is | 09:27 |
fuzzy_logic | hi people.. i just installed apache2 on my computer to test php files and stuff.. but when i type apache2 in the terminal it gives me the following error: apache2: Syntax error on line 189 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory | 09:27 |
Barber | Thanks Bunches | 09:27 |
fuzzy_logic | can anyone help me?? | 09:27 |
sperotek | yes but this is for student accounts | 09:27 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib | ||
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Stormx2 | fuzzy_logic: You don't start apache2 via terminal. Have you followed the wiki page, and installed from the repos? | 09:28 |
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someone2005 | brb... | 09:28 |
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zenix | fuzzy_logic: just do "sudo touch /etc/apache2/httpd.conf" | 09:28 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: you need to type the entire path out: /etc/init.d/apache2 | 09:28 |
fomrica | ["DCC SEND CHRIST_IS_AN_EMACS USER"] | 09:28 |
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zenix | (minus quotes) | 09:28 |
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Stormx2 | zenix: That file should already exist in a default apache2 install. | 09:28 |
=== L0cKn hi all :)) | ||
zenix | it should | 09:28 |
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Gnea | fuzzy_logic: er, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 | 09:28 |
zenix | but apparently something went awry | 09:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b ICUR2Ys!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by jrib | ||
=== ICUR2Ys was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (Your router has a bug that needs to be fixed before you can rejoin (see #ubuntu-read-topic)) | ||
hendrixski | zenix, ::shrug:: I use qt3... and for that I use the qt3-mt package... but I don't see a qt4-mt package | 09:28 |
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MrXorg | Can anyone tell me what line I need to edit svideo input / output? | 09:29 |
Upsal | apt-get says that i have to insert data into /cdrom/, but i have no cd-drive, and i want to use a mounted ISO image, how can i do that? | 09:29 |
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Gnea | Stormx2: actually yes, you can start apache2 from the console | 09:29 |
ankurs47 | !list | 09:29 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 09:29 |
Stormx2 | jrib: It was the same guy doing it >.< | 09:29 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@tsunami.OCF.Berkeley.EDU] by gnomefreak | ||
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zenix | hendrixski: aw, i'll go see if anyone on #kbuntu knows more. ty for some help ;) | 09:29 |
Ind[y] | cafuego: But, removing the php mime type won't make the server unable to handle the .php files as php scripts? | 09:29 |
hendrixski | zenix, good luck :-) | 09:29 |
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fuzzy_logic | Stormx2+zenix+Gnea: i installed it from the repos and first tried it with init.d, but it doesn't give me any output when i try to start, stop or ask for the status.. | 09:29 |
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hendrixski | alrighty... let's see if someone can answer my question: | 09:29 |
Stormx2 | fuzzy_logic: Very odd. | 09:29 |
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fuzzy_logic | Stormx2: indeed.. | 09:30 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: are you sure it's not running already? | 09:30 |
hendrixski | help! apt-get tries to install a package whose post-install it can't run... I tried dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install and a few other things and it still shows up! Is there a way to get apt to just stop calling it? | 09:30 |
fuzzy_logic | Gnea: as i said.. i can't get any output of the status.. | 09:30 |
zenix | hendrixski: i ran into this problem before | 09:30 |
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someone2005 | The reason I can open the Lib would be because the Libs linked to a shared ? would that be correct ? | 09:30 |
fuzzy_logic | Gnea: it just jumps to the next terminal line | 09:30 |
Hultiz | I was watching a movie, paused it and started another and now my entire system is muted! It doesn't make any sounds at all, tried restarting but nothing changed. | 09:30 |
osxdude|palmTX | hendrixski: cnt undersnd u | 09:30 |
=== faemir [n=daniel@85-211-14-205.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenix | you have to modify the file containing the list of broken packages | 09:31 |
hendrixski | zenix, did you have any solution for it? | 09:31 |
Airforce5555 | @chuck | 09:31 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: and as I said, are you sure that it's not running already? use this command: ps axf | grep apache or ps axf | grep httpd | 09:31 |
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zenix | i forgot where it is | 09:31 |
stinger05 | does anyone know how to download all the ubuntu repos manually in one folder and set them up on a cd ? | 09:31 |
alecw1 | I'm in serious trouble, in fact, this is the only window on my screen that isn't pure white. How do I restart Compiz-Fusion WITH the default ubuntu windows manager (metacity)? | 09:31 |
sn- | hendrixski could you pastebin the output of what is happening and the commands you have already run please | 09:31 |
zenix | but it's somewhere where you need root access >_> | 09:31 |
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-165-173-58.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fuzzy_logic | Gnea: 11691 pts/1 S+ 0:00 \_ grep apache | 09:31 |
fuzzy_logic | 10034 pts/0 S+ 0:01 gedit file:///etc/apache/httpd.conf | 09:31 |
pike_ | Hultiz: play something and launch alsamixer and mess with the volume or | 09:31 |
pike_ | !sound | Hultiz | 09:31 |
ubotu | Hultiz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:31 |
hendrixski | osxdude|palmTX, when I run apt-get it tries to install stuff that it couldn't install previously... normally you fix this by running dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install ... but that's not doing it | 09:31 |
Gnea | stinger05: yes, download the ISO files | 09:31 |
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hendrixski | sn-, yup, hold on | 09:31 |
=== dsl368 [n=dsl@d54C07C99.access.telenet.be] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Barber | is a linksys WPC54G Wireless-G Notebook Adapter a good one | 09:32 |
stinger05 | from where ? | 09:32 |
ShackJack | HI Ubuntites... I'm running Ubuntu on a thin client with 845/6G graphics chipset @ 1600x1200 resolution... Seems to crap out time to time at startup... Using the i810 driver and when using intel driver screen would blank out from time to time... Anyone have any similar experience? Maybe I'm pushing the card too hard? | 09:32 |
alecw1 | I'm in serious trouble, in fact, this is the only window on my screen that isn't pure white. How do I restart Compiz-Fusion WITH the default ubuntu windows manager (metacity)? | 09:32 |
Gnea | !download > stinger05 | 09:32 |
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stefg | ShackJack: possibly not the card, but the network | 09:32 |
Gnea | !language | ShackJack | 09:32 |
ubotu | ShackJack: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:33 |
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fuzzy_logic | Gnea: now i see that there isn't any httpd.conf, but there is a apache2.conf.. i assume that that is the problem.. but i have no idea how to make it look for apache2.conf and not httpd.conf, any ideas? | 09:33 |
hendrixski | sn-, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27660/ | 09:33 |
Hultiz | pike_, I found it =) How could it happen? I was in terminal, did I click some hotkey? | 09:33 |
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ShackJack | Gnea: Huh? You sure you're directing that @ the right person? | 09:33 |
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Gnea | ShackJack: 'crap' | 09:33 |
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Stormx2 | !language | Gnea | 09:33 |
ubotu | Gnea: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:33 |
ShackJack | Gnea: Ahh... OK... | 09:33 |
MIMB1 | ? | 09:33 |
Stormx2 | xD~ | 09:33 |
dsl368 | hey, guys, can anyone help me installing "finch" ive tryed "sudo apt-get install finch" but it says cant find.. where would i be able to get it then?:) anyone?/ | 09:33 |
Barber | is a linksys WPC54G Wireless-G Notebook Adapter a good one | 09:33 |
=== Gnea shoots Stormx2 in the head | ||
Stormx2 | !info finch | 09:34 |
ubotu | Package finch does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 09:34 |
Gnea | Barber: yes | 09:34 |
Barber | thanks Gnea | 09:34 |
=== ShackJack can't decide if Gnea is serious... | ||
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Stormx2 | ShackJack: He's serious. This isn't a PG channel. | 09:34 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: no, make sure that the correct .conf file exists that it's looking for | 09:34 |
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dsl368 | where can i get finch then?:) | 09:35 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: and assume nothing. | 09:35 |
Stormx2 | dsl368: Is finch to do with pidgin? | 09:35 |
hendrixski | @lart ShackJack | 09:35 |
gman_ | hey guys | 09:35 |
fuzzy_logic | Gnea: lol | 09:35 |
sn- | hendrixski that looks similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/25931 (and its duplicates) | 09:35 |
=== mylo__ [n=myles@cpe-024-074-145-102.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | hendrixski, not here thanks - the bot does not reply to same - it has been told not to | 09:35 |
mon^rch | what's the command to take ownership of a dir and all it's files? | 09:35 |
fuzzy_logic | Gnea: so what you are suggesting is that i rename the file to httpd.conf?? i just did that.. and nothing happened | 09:35 |
fuzzy_logic | its still the same | 09:35 |
hendrixski | ompaul, oh... lol .. was worth a try | 09:36 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: what exactly are you typing that makes it stay 'the same'? | 09:36 |
=== jintxo [n=jintxo@118.Red-88-16-204.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pequatre | hi. can someone help me with a Deskbar annoyance: the d*mn applet won't behave correctly: i set the "web search " extension to only display the main search engine yet the moron displays _all_ the search engines... | 09:36 |
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hendrixski | sn-, yup, except mine doesn't happen on the regular system so there is no HAL worries... it's on a chroot | 09:36 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | mon^rch, sudo chown -R $username:$username /directory/* or .* but .* is usually bad | 09:36 |
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M3G4crux | how can I force apt-get to stop complaining about versions, etc. | 09:36 |
sn- | hendrixski hmm, can you tell us more about the problem, did it just start happening or ? | 09:36 |
fuzzy_logic | Gnea: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start (or restart, stop, status), and then it doesn't give me any output, just jumps to the next line | 09:37 |
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bean-oh | anyone running gibbon yet? worth running? | 09:37 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: there's no need to rename anything, you should just make a symbolic link | 09:37 |
ferronica | hi all | 09:37 |
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fuzzy_logic | Gnea: how do i do that? | 09:37 |
M3G4crux | I mean, install a package forcing it through dpkg --force-all and then when running apt-get upgrade and so on not having to uninstall it again | 09:37 |
dc2448 | Guys - I can't boot looks like my disk is fried - booting off a live cd has let me see the following - anyone got any bright ideas? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27661/ | 09:37 |
ferronica | can i use KDE applications on GNOME ? | 09:37 |
hendrixski | sn-, it started when I tried to install vim-gnome... and it loaded a bunch of modules that it just plain old can't configure | 09:37 |
sn- | bean-oh yes, testing, its not advised to use it as a proper system unless you enjoy seeing things break | 09:37 |
pike_ | ferronica: yeah | 09:37 |
sn- | for me its been ok thus far, but use at your own risk :) | 09:37 |
fuzzy_logic | ferronica: yes | 09:37 |
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Gnea | !symlink > fuzzy_logic | 09:37 |
dejx | Hello | 09:37 |
ferronica | pike: any crash | 09:37 |
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ShackJack | ferronica: They may take a little longer to load, cause of extra KDE libs, but they work fine (although don't match your GNOME quite as good ;)) | 09:38 |
dejx | I have a small problem with X windows, everything works ok with root, but with normal users, its all foo | 09:38 |
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pike_ | ferronica: no it will pull down some kde libs but it does that automatically. most people use k3b for instance to burn cds | 09:38 |
sn- | hendrixski sorry i cant think of anything, hopefully someone else can help | 09:38 |
dejx | Its takes few minuts to load X with normal user, but with root few secunds, same with programs | 09:38 |
=== KanadaKid [n=mike@pool-72-76-77-68.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dejx | What to do? | 09:38 |
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fuzzy_logic | Gnea: thanks, but i know what a terminal is and how i can use it.. but how do i make a symbolic link?? | 09:39 |
hendrixski | sn-, k.. I'll take a look at that bug report again though... because before I just dismissed it as "not my bug" ... but I see that there are some workarounds on it ... maybe I'll have luck with it | 09:39 |
alan_ | hola....soy nuevo en linux | 09:39 |
sn- | hope it helps :) | 09:39 |
mon^rch | ompaul: tyvm mate | 09:39 |
Gnea | fuzzy_logic: that site will tell you how. | 09:39 |
pike_ | dejx: this prob isnt it but id check the /etc/hosts file and make sure you have a localhost hostname | 09:39 |
=== madcreatio1 [n=madcreat@c-67-191-117-130.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sn- | !es alan_ | 09:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about es alan_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:39 |
sn- | !es | 09:39 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:39 |
fuzzy_logic | Gnea: ok thanks i will try it | 09:39 |
dejx | pike_ okej, i'll just a sec | 09:40 |
=== Barber [n=William@adsl-64-219-108-254.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has left #Ubuntu ["God] | ||
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fuzzy_logic | Gnea: i don't see anything about it.. | 09:40 |
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osxdude|palmTX | alan: mi tamben | 09:40 |
osxdude|palmTX | sort of | 09:40 |
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dejx | pike_ no its not that. | 09:41 |
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danh_ | what does ["DCC SEND CHRIST_IS_AN_EMACS USER"] mean? | 09:41 |
pike_ | dejx: what does the 127 line say? | 09:41 |
iLLiCiT_gR | hello everybody. Is there any problem normally mounting 8.5GB dvd discs on ubuntu? | 09:41 |
Myrtti | danh_: you don't do that | 09:41 |
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preaction | aw, poor guy | 09:41 |
Gnea | uhm. | 09:41 |
dejx | localhost localhost | 09:41 |
dejx | vili | 09:41 |
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hendrixski | danh_ it's a lie... jesus uses vim :-) | 09:41 |
Scunizi | iLLiCiT_gR, no | 09:42 |
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praveen | hi | 09:42 |
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pike_ | dejx: any special setup of is this just a desktop for normal use? | 09:42 |
syuroff | so I want to set up a current LAMP server, and keep it around. Should I use 6.06 LTS or 7.04? | 09:42 |
alan_ | hola, soy nuevo en linux | 09:42 |
zaggynl | My usb drive keeps resetting | 09:42 |
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zaggynl | anyone knows a way around this? | 09:42 |
IndyGunFreak | !sp | 09:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:42 |
Sweetrelease | satan uses notepad | 09:42 |
=== mnemnonic [n=develop@p5496486B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Music_Shuffle | !es | alan_ | 09:42 |
ubotu | alan_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:42 |
pike_ | dejx: maybe change it to vili localhost | 09:43 |
georgy28 | !es alan_ | 09:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about es alan_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:43 |
osxdude|palmTX | !es | alan | 09:43 |
ubotu | alan: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:43 |
georgy28 | !es > alan_ | 09:43 |
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pike_ | dejx: im assuming when you type 'hostname' in a terminal it responds with vili | 09:43 |
praveen | hi does any one know how to change the logo next to Applications menu in the top panel ? | 09:43 |
angel | good day i have an ipod an di cant seem to write on its drive how can i add or write on it something about permission to write is not allowed | 09:43 |
dejx | pike_ yes, i have usernames via NIS server | 09:43 |
dejx | and /home nfs | 09:43 |
Music_Shuffle | !ipod | 09:43 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 09:43 |
dejx | ok, i just su and log in into root, and type gimp, i got gimp in 2 sek | 09:43 |
Gnea | !ipod > angel | 09:43 |
ompaul | preaction, that was the the first visit from that domain name | 09:44 |
alan_ | im new in linux... | 09:44 |
osxdude|palmTX | wow 25% batt in 1 hour. | 09:44 |
dc2448 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27662/ | 09:44 |
dejx | then i exit, and tried to run gimp with normal user (via nis server and /home via nfs) | 09:44 |
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pike_ | praveen: its using an image in /usr/share/pixmaps i think you can replace it with a file of the same name but i dont know howto point ot a new filename | 09:44 |
dejx | and it still isn't loaded | 09:44 |
osxdude|palmTX | alan | 09:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *!*@bigbang.OCF.Berkeley.EDU *!*@tsunami.OCF.Berkeley.EDU] by ompaul | ||
alan_ | can you helpme to install amsn | 09:44 |
alan_ | ?? | 09:44 |
IndyGunFreak | alan_: whats that got todo with directingyou to a spanish channel? | 09:44 |
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osxdude|palmTX | we see. | 09:44 |
angel | Gnea i treid to write files on in but i cant | 09:44 |
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Gnea | angel: did you read that website? | 09:44 |
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IndyGunFreak | !amsn | 09:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:45 |
angel | which one? | 09:45 |
praveen | k ill try out n tell u | 09:45 |
osxdude|palmTX | IndyGunFreak: He is speaking ingls now. | 09:45 |
fuzzy_logic | alan_: type sudo apt-get install amsn | 09:45 |
dejx | ... | 09:45 |
osxdude|palmTX | !info amsn | 09:45 |
ubotu | amsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96+dfsg1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2488 kB, installed size 9108 kB | 09:45 |
dejx | anyone? | 09:45 |
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dejx | and i fixed the line in hosts file | 09:45 |
IndyGunFreak | osxdude|palmTX: i know, buthe said he was new before anything, so i thought maybeh e was confused why everone him toa spanish channel | 09:45 |
angel | Gnea: which one? | 09:45 |
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dejx | to localhost vili | 09:45 |
dejx | (vili is hostname of this computer) | 09:46 |
raul | Hi, I have a question for anyone, Is it possible to take a separate proccess for each window of nautilus? | 09:46 |
DarkRamon | can someone please help me... Im trying to reinstall mysql-server and it is not letting me.... http://www.mirc.net/paste/?1365 | 09:46 |
Gnea | dejx: sounds like you have an NFS problem. the hostname of the computer should map to the local IP address on the network, not the localhost. | 09:46 |
hendrixski | sn-, do you know any other apt-get commands for these kinds of situations? like how to configure apt under the hood? | 09:46 |
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osxdude|palmTX | raul: Run it n Terminal | 09:46 |
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MrXorg | Hey whats the best tool in Feisty to burn iso | 09:46 |
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dejx | Gnea jea but browsing in shared directories make no problem. | 09:46 |
Gnea | MrXorg: k3b | 09:47 |
osxdude|palmTX | MrXorg: K3B. | 09:47 |
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incorrect | im working on automated my installed, where can i find more documentation on the preseed file? | 09:47 |
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POVaddct | !w32codecs | 09:47 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 09:47 |
pike_ | MrXorg: use your file manager or k3b if ya want fancy nero like app | 09:47 |
Gnea | dejx: obviously, but can you WRITE to them | 09:47 |
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hendrixski | MrXorg, when you plop in a new cd just select the option to burn an iso to the cd and it just works | 09:47 |
themoebius | isn't there some package that supplies all the essential packages for compiling things? I thought it was called build-essentials. Am I remembering incorrectly? | 09:47 |
osxdude|palmTX | !medibuntu | 09:47 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 09:47 |
dejx | gnea, yes | 09:47 |
hendrixski | !best | MrXorg | 09:47 |
IndyGunFreak | MrXorg: Gnomebaker is good to,if you're using gnome | 09:47 |
ubotu | MrXorg: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 09:47 |
=== ber [n=ber@a80-126-4-28.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | dejx: then you need to debug NFS further | 09:47 |
ber | lo | 09:47 |
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gnomefreak | themoebius: its build-essential | 09:47 |
osxdude|palmTX | !worst | 09:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about worst - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:47 |
ber | halo | 09:47 |
Gnea | !nfs > dejx | 09:47 |
hendrixski | lol @ osxdude|palmTX :-) | 09:48 |
erUSUL | DarkRamon: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.0.32-7etch1_i386.deb and try again | 09:48 |
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someone2005 | Whats the best way to find were a files linked ? | 09:48 |
Gnea | someone2005: ls -l file | 09:48 |
osxdude|palmTX | if there's a best there's gotta be a worst (lol) | 09:48 |
themoebius | gnomefreak: ah yes, thats it | 09:48 |
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hendrixski | !best | someone2005 | 09:49 |
ubotu | someone2005: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 09:49 |
osxdude|palmTX | pity @ ubotu | 09:49 |
gman_ | can someone help me configure compiz over VNC? it's allready installed and all... | 09:49 |
raul | osxdude|palmTX: oks I guess soo but my problem is when a mounted network shared or flash drive freeze, all drives and windows of nautilus freeze too. | 09:49 |
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DarkRamon | erUSUL: doing it now | 09:49 |
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=== hendrixski is just gonna reinstall the damn chroot again... too much problems | ||
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=== osxdude|palmTX is thinking, Raul. | ||
hendrixski | osxdude|palmTX, one would think | 09:50 |
MrXorg | Anyone heard anything about Fluxbuntu lately? | 09:50 |
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raul | osxdude|palmTX: eventually returns but spend time and remember my old desktop windows | 09:50 |
osxdude|palmTX | !fluxbuntu | 09:50 |
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ubotu | fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/ | 09:50 |
praveen | pike: the file is in svg format but i wanna use a png file | 09:51 |
hendrixski | .away | 09:51 |
osxdude|palmTX | Raul, did you wait? | 09:51 |
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hendrixski | oops | 09:51 |
taa | hi | 09:51 |
=== rb007 [n=daedalus@c-71-232-89-199.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrewww | Hey i had a quick question,..whenever i record my desktop with recordmydesktop...the out.ogg file never plays in VLC player or any player in that matter...I have the w32 codecs, and i dont understand why it wont play. Any ideas on how to fix this? | 09:51 |
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taa | is it possible to install launchpas locally like gforge for exemple ? | 09:51 |
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r00723r0 | hi | 09:51 |
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Wonderboy | What is the easiest way to upgrade to the newest version of Gnome? | 09:51 |
Stormx2 | andrewww: The video is ogg theora. | 09:51 |
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scorp123 | andrewww: ogg codec missing? It has nothing to do with w32codecs .... ogg-vorbis is a free standard. | 09:52 |
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osxdude|palmTX | !info recordmydesktop | 09:52 |
ubotu | recordmydesktop: Captures audio-video data of a linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-1 (feisty), package size 40 kB, installed size 128 kB | 09:52 |
nickrud | taa, no, launchpad is proprietary iirc | 09:52 |
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mzanfardino | I have recently built from package dmraid (so that I may install ubuntu on a software RAID array). I successfully ran ./configure and ./make. Now I want a .udeb file. When I run ./make install this (of course) installs dmraid, but I need the .udeb file to take to my machine which will be built with the array. Can someone please tell me if there is a step I might be missing in order to create the udeb file? | 09:52 |
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andrewww | Ok, so what codecs would i need to view my own output file? | 09:52 |
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ctkroeker | booting any linux live cd gets me an initramfs error. I already tried using diff RAM modules... any ideas? | 09:52 |
r00723r0 | i'm pretty sure this is not supposed to happen - i boot up my computer, i see the ubuntu load screen with the orange bar, then i get the console and it tells me apt is not installed and my hard drive is corrupt. i try to fsck it but it's mounted. i enter "reboot" and the computer boots up normally. i'm now logged in as myself and everything works fine | 09:52 |
raul | yeah... but is annoying wait all time when your remote ftp window freeze and all windows same | 09:52 |
taa | nickrud so can i buy a licence ? is it possible i meant ? | 09:53 |
dejx | Gnea | 09:53 |
r00723r0 | so reboot started the computer for me | 09:53 |
r00723r0 | it was like a password | 09:53 |
dejx | i already know all this, (that link you gave me) | 09:53 |
=== liquiddoom [n=liquiddo@adsl-225-255-241.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrXorg | !record | 09:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about record - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:53 |
bean-oh | sn-, oh, i'm aware its in progress, but if its stable *enough* i might make the jump to it | 09:53 |
dejx | And yes i can read and write from console, the only problem is X | 09:53 |
raul | when force to quit, all window close too | 09:53 |
scorp123 | andrewww: sudo apt-cache search ogg .... it should be listed there I guess. | 09:53 |
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scorp123 | !ogg | 09:53 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:53 |
=== Tarkus [n=Tarkus@modemcable073.220-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liquiddoom | Would it work to burn the ubuntu installcd ISO to a DVD-R? | 09:53 |
sn- | bean-oh install it in a virtual machine (virtual box / vmware) to test out first i say :] | 09:53 |
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osxdude|palmTX | raul: i think it happens with me. | 09:54 |
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Stormx2 | liquiddoom: Yeah, it'd work. | 09:54 |
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liquiddoom | <Stormx2>: Awesome. | 09:54 |
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r00723r0 | could anyone help? | 09:54 |
nickrud | taa, apparently not: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekfeisty/launchpad | 09:54 |
scorp123 | !ask | r00723r0 | 09:54 |
ubotu | r00723r0: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:54 |
IndyGunFreak | xzz | 09:54 |
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bean-oh | sn-, yeah, my feisty is a little beat up, i'm about due to freshly install again. | 09:54 |
DarkRamon | It is showing me the same error: http://www.mirc.net/paste/?1366 | 09:54 |
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r00723r0 | scorp123: i definitely asked | 09:54 |
r00723r0 | i boot up my computer, i see the ubuntu load screen with the orange bar, then i get the console and it tells me apt is not installed and my hard drive is corrupt. i try to fsck it but it's mounted. i enter "reboot" and the computer boots up normally. i'm now logged in as myself and everything works fine | 09:55 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: then I beg your pardon; I did not see it. | 09:55 |
r00723r0 | scorp123: don't worry about it :) | 09:55 |
DarkRamon | erUSUL: it is giving me the same error: http://www.mirc.net/paste/?1366 | 09:55 |
raul | I dont imagine as it cannot happen to anybody, is something very common with the removibles devices | 09:55 |
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scorp123 | r00723r0: maybe a loose cable?? | 09:55 |
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r00723r0 | a loose cable? | 09:55 |
r00723r0 | but then why am i logged in | 09:55 |
bobbyy | need ubuntu 7.04 themes | 09:55 |
DarkRamon | erUSUL: it is giving me the same error: http://www.mirc.net/paste/?1366 | 09:55 |
andrewww | I still have no idea as to what im doing..ahha to be honest im new to the whole linux scene | 09:55 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: I had that once ... flaky contact on one of the HD's ... It would report errors every third reboot or so. | 09:56 |
someone2005 | Whats the best way to get that orange lock off of a linked file ? | 09:56 |
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=== POVaddct is installing xubuntu on his shiny new thinkpad x60s | ||
=== vzduch [n=dielucht@dslb-084-060-243-228.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r00723r0 | scorp123: no way, i just switched my secondary hard drive | 09:56 |
IndyGunFreak | POVaddct: good choice. | 09:56 |
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r00723r0 | this is scary | 09:56 |
=== InterNut [n=InterNut@c-c9c471d5.319-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scorp123 | r00723r0: *exactly* ... you touched your hard drives, so you probably touched the cables too? | 09:56 |
IndyGunFreak | r00723r0: what is scary | 09:56 |
POVaddct | IndyGunFreak: well i had some issues with the e1000 ethernet card | 09:56 |
r00723r0 | scorp123: yes, of course | 09:57 |
r00723r0 | IndyGunFreak: the similarities | 09:57 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: maybe one of the cables is not 100% firmly inserted as it should be? | 09:57 |
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r00723r0 | scorp123: there's no way i'm going to find out right now | 09:57 |
r00723r0 | i'm copying part of it | 09:57 |
osxdude|palmTX | @pity the old computer | 09:57 |
POVaddct | IndyGunFreak: but i think it runs okay now (module parameter RxIntDelay=5) | 09:57 |
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r00723r0 | but scorp123, i'm reading from it right now | 09:57 |
IndyGunFreak | POVaddct: i see. | 09:57 |
r00723r0 | and it seems fine | 09:57 |
MrXorg | !compiling | 09:57 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 09:57 |
=== DJDoubledeks [n=dave@158.pool85-53-88.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scorp123 | r00723r0: All I can tell you is to make backups ... just in case it's something worse than loose cables :) | 09:57 |
osxdude|palmTX | whoops rong chnnel | 09:58 |
vzduch | hi there :) | 09:58 |
r00723r0 | scorp123: guess what i switched the hard drive over for | 09:58 |
=== spirit_ [n=nils@pD9FFE78D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJDoubledeks | i have a problem trying to access the alsamixer: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device | 09:58 |
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DJDoubledeks | any1 have any ideas? | 09:58 |
magnetron | where do i set my date format? the evolution calendar in the upper corner has a funny order of the date/time. i would like to set it to ISO 8601 mode. | 09:58 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: defective HD? | 09:58 |
vzduch | anyone have a hint on enabling 3D acceleration w/ nvidia-glx-legacy? I tried a number of tricks I found on the 'net, but none work.. the driver itself is working, only I get no acceleration | 09:58 |
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r00723r0 | scorp123: my best guess is yes | 09:59 |
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IndyGunFreak | DJDoubledeks: what type of sound device | 09:59 |
r00723r0 | scorp123: but i don't want to scare my parents | 09:59 |
DJDoubledeks | its a usb sound blaster | 09:59 |
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erUSUL | DarkRamon: "dpkg-deb: subprocess <decompress> killed by signal (Illegal instruction)" something is quite wrong here... some dpkg binary is corrupt or has some serius bug... what time of cpu do you use? | 09:59 |
DJDoubledeks | sound is working fine through everything, just cant access the mixer | 09:59 |
IndyGunFreak | DJDoubledeks: sorry I cant help | 09:59 |
=== xenex pokes andrewww | ||
IndyGunFreak | try Google | 09:59 |
=== weltbaum [n=marc@pD9573F3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osxdude|palmTX | @pity andrewww | 10:00 |
DJDoubledeks | ok no worries | 10:00 |
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dejx | Okej, somehow i fixed... | 10:00 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: but if your new HD is making troubles too .... either you're one of those guys having bad luck all the time and you bought a "dead on arrival" harddisk .... or the real issue is your disk controller (that part in the PC that controls the HD's ...) | 10:00 |
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weltbaum | hm, crowded here | 10:00 |
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scorp123 | r00723r0: how old is the PC in question? | 10:00 |
r00723r0 | the pc, or hard drive? | 10:00 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: all of it | 10:00 |
CyberAssassin | is there a steven in here? | 10:00 |
scorp123 | CyberAssassin: check the list :-) | 10:01 |
r00723r0 | the pc to which i just switched the hard drive to so i could back it up is about 3 months old | 10:01 |
=== Erich85 [n=erich@adsl-76-226-64-194.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r00723r0 | a little more actually | 10:01 |
r00723r0 | the hard drive is a few years | 10:01 |
primski | hello, is compiz fusion ready to install yet? even some aplha stage or whatever ? | 10:01 |
Erich85 | Hey all. This isn't very technical-related, but I'm wondering if anyone knew of any Ubuntu programs to allow the icons in my top panel to zoom larger when the cursor hovers above them... sort of like what OSX does. | 10:01 |
someone2005 | What does a - mean as to a check for executing files ? | 10:02 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: well, hard drives can die pretty fast, especially if they suffer "heavy use" .... | 10:02 |
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r00723r0 | my parents have been putting gigabytes of pictures on it | 10:02 |
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scorp123 | Erich85: gdesklets | 10:02 |
crolle17 | i tried to insert a png-bitmap into /usr/shared/pixmaps for having it as an icon. but it is impossible? | 10:02 |
Erich85 | scorp123: You're a good man with a big heart. | 10:02 |
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scorp123 | Erich85: no, in fact I am pretty arrogant and selfish ... you just don't know me yet :-) | 10:03 |
crolle17 | how to add a png-bitmap to pixmaps-library? | 10:03 |
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Erich85 | scorp123: Hahaha, my apologies. | 10:03 |
primski | anyone tried compiz fusion yet? | 10:03 |
dsl516 | !finch | 10:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about finch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:03 |
Hultiz | lol @ scorp123 =D | 10:03 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | !ati | 10:04 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:04 |
magnetron | where do i set my date format for gnome? the evolution calendar in the upper corner has a funny order of the date/time. i would like to set it to ISO 8601 mode. | 10:04 |
crolle17 | tried somebody here adding a png-bitmap to usr/shared/pixmaps? | 10:04 |
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fiXXXerMet | Could anyone recommend to me a wireless G card that linux/ubuntu supports really well? | 10:05 |
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Wonderboy | sure | 10:05 |
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Wonderboy | dlink dwl-g630 | 10:05 |
nickrud | crolle17, if you're trying to do it with the file manager, you don't have the right permissions. you should use a terminal: sudo cp <image> /usr/share/pixmaps | 10:05 |
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Wonderboy | fiXXXerMet, I have that card sitting in my hand right now, it's a great card. :) | 10:05 |
crolle17 | nickrud, alright | 10:06 |
fiXXXerMet | Yeah? /me googles | 10:06 |
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Wonderboy | fiXXXerMet, I haven't had any problems with it. | 10:06 |
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fiXXXerMet | Does it have linux drivers? | 10:06 |
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paintcan | Can anyone help me fix Java on firefox? I cant visit alot of websites and do things I would like to do | 10:06 |
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fiXXXerMet | Or how did you get it working? | 10:06 |
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Wonderboy | fiXXXerMet, just plug it in and it works. :) | 10:06 |
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | supremesonic, hi | 10:07 |
mariusbm | fiXXXerMet, PCIMCA? | 10:07 |
fiXXXerMet | Sounds good to me! | 10:07 |
fiXXXerMet | Yes | 10:07 |
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stefg | !java | paintcan | 10:07 |
ubotu | paintcan: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 10:07 |
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Erich85 | I love Ubuntu Linux, I love the configuration options and the ability to access repositories and install programs with nothing more difficult than a "sudo apt-get install ____". | 10:07 |
someone2005 | So a lock may mean unlinked ??? | 10:07 |
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Erich85 | I love that even with the prettiest Beryl graphics running, my RAM is hardly eaten up. Vista used 1 out of 2 of my GB's just sitting there, and it didn't even do that much. | 10:08 |
baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | supremesonic, hi | 10:08 |
Wonderboy | Erich85, Ubuntu isn't the only linux distro that uses Apt. :) | 10:08 |
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scorp123 | Erich85: all distros based on Debian use it. :) | 10:08 |
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Wonderboy | Erich85, but I do agree, it is a nice stable distro. I couldn't stand it when I first used it, but that was a while back, now it's great. | 10:08 |
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Erich85 | Wonderboy: :) I'm sure, but it's the first Linux distro I've used. I suppose I mean Linux in general, and especially the Gnome interface. | 10:08 |
Erich85 | Wonderboy: What were its old flaws? | 10:08 |
scorp123 | Erich85: and you can even get it to work on some non-Debian distros such as SUSE if you put some effort into it :) | 10:08 |
Erich85 | scorp123: I can't say that I'm too big of a fan of KDE | 10:09 |
stu-mc | Q: what ftp server should i use ? | 10:09 |
Wonderboy | Erich85, slowness, applications failing, I don't remember exactly since it was a few years ago (perhap 2). | 10:09 |
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vzduch | anyone have a hint on enabling 3D acceleration w/ nvidia-glx-legacy? I tried a number of tricks I found on the 'net, but none work.. the driver itself is working, only I get no acceleration | 10:09 |
usr13 | How does one turn off X? | 10:09 |
Wonderboy | stu-mc, whatever you are the most confortable with configuring securely. :) | 10:09 |
scorp123 | Erich85: I until recently *was* ... But then KDE started to be boring :) | 10:09 |
Wonderboy | comfortable* | 10:09 |
usr13 | (need to install nvidia driver. | 10:09 |
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usr13 | if I kill X, it just restarts. | 10:09 |
scorp123 | Erich85: so now I switched to GNOME ... for now :) | 10:10 |
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vzduch | usr13: use one of the drivers from the repos, no need to stop X for that | 10:10 |
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osmosis | what vnc does ubuntu use ? | 10:10 |
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Wonderboy | scorp123, you want fun, run fluxbox. ;) | 10:10 |
usr13 | vzduch: OH? | 10:10 |
usr13 | where? | 10:10 |
scorp123 | osmosis: the one you install | 10:10 |
usr13 | apt-get yea ok | 10:10 |
scorp123 | Wonderboy: I know .... pretty cool on remote connections via SSH or VNC :) | 10:10 |
bm | hello | 10:10 |
=== stu-mc linux nub (3 days and counting). so need a name of a server that is secure ( log into home and then allow through a link to write to a folder. | ||
vzduch | usr13: sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx (or nvidia-glx-legacy or nvidia-glx-new, depending on your card) | 10:11 |
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Wonderboy | scorp123, it's nice and lightweight, it's great. But when I need something that is gnome-like and still lightweight I use Xfce. | 10:11 |
stu-mc | sorry forgot i was in */me* | 10:11 |
scorp123 | Wonderboy: and "WindowMaker" is nice too ... especially on older systems. | 10:11 |
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someone2005 | ok where was I ? | 10:11 |
Erich85 | Wonderboy, scorp123: Are there any other novel GUI's that Linux uses? As in, something that employs an idea different than the desktop metaphor? It'd be neat to work with some truly eye-opening interfaces. Do those exist? | 10:12 |
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usr13 | vzduch: My card is Tnt2 | 10:12 |
stefg | stu-mc: look at ssh, sshfs, sftp..... sudo apt-get install openssh-server on the server | 10:12 |
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mariusbm | scorp123, IceWM rock on my thinclient setup... so does blackbox.. .:) | 10:12 |
scorp123 | Erich85: depends on what you want .... for graphics effect that will make any Vista user STFU I suggest Beryl or Compiz-Fusion :D | 10:12 |
vzduch | usr13: old stuff, afaik even older than my GF2.. --> nvidia-glx-legacy | 10:13 |
fiXXXerMet | Wonderboy: Just ordered one - thanks! | 10:13 |
usr13 | vzduch: Vanta LT | 10:13 |
Wonderboy | Erich85, the only interfaces I've used are: KDE, Gnome, Fluxbox, Xfce | 10:13 |
taa | i still can't find any strong arguments for why launchpas is source closes ! | 10:13 |
osmosis | which is better...tightvnc or realvnc ? | 10:13 |
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Wonderboy | fiXXXerMet, no problem, best of luck to you, it's pretty much plug and play so you should be all set. | 10:13 |
r00723r0 | i would like to make an archive which i need to split by size. is this possible with file-roller? | 10:13 |
taa | launchpad i meant | 10:13 |
usr13 | vzduch: nvidia-glx-legacy? | 10:13 |
Wonderboy | fiXXXerMet, wifi on linux can be scary sometimes, I know. ;) | 10:13 |
scorp123 | osmosis: I personally prefer tightvnc .... no particular reason. it's the one I always used :) | 10:13 |
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Erich85 | scorp123: Oh yeah, I have Beryl, it's awesome. I just meant something different than the "Desktop is a link to my folders, blah blah". Like, how the $100 laptop has that crazy novel GUI that works based on the idea of a neighborhood | 10:14 |
Wonderboy | fiXXXerMet, and of course if you need any help you know where to find us. :) | 10:14 |
r00723r0 | i would like to make an archive which i need to split by size. is this possible with file-roller? | 10:14 |
fiXXXerMet | Wonderboy: Yah. Tried to get a pre-n card working and decided that the time it is taking me to get it working isn't worth the cost of a working card | 10:14 |
r00723r0 | or any other archiving system? | 10:14 |
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regeya | r00723r0: pax will split by size, but not if you're compressing. using tar and split will work, as in tar czvf - ./* | split -b 795m - archive. | 10:15 |
armando | hellow | 10:15 |
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regeya | then you get archive.aa, archive.ab, split at 795 mb | 10:16 |
r00723r0 | regeya: thanks - what's the size of a dvd? | 10:16 |
RkyRaccoon55 | ubuntu feisty wont let me use "1600x1050" resolution | 10:16 |
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calc | r00723r0: ~ 4.5GiB | 10:16 |
regeya | r00723r0: CAREFUL -- you can't make a single file to the size of a dvd-r. | 10:16 |
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usr13 | vzduch: Can this nvidia-glx-legacy driver be installed while the X server is running? | 10:16 |
r00723r0 | regeya: ? | 10:16 |
usr13 | anyone? | 10:16 |
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calc | regeya: if you write it via udf you could (i think?) | 10:16 |
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vzduch | usr13: yes | 10:16 |
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calc | r00723r0: iso9660 has 1GB limit i think | 10:16 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | how do i get ubuntu to allow 1600x1050? | 10:17 |
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r00723r0 | that's fucking rediculous | 10:17 |
regeya | calc: last time I tried, yes, it'll write but not read...there's a filesize limit on udf as well but I don't remember | 10:17 |
r00723r0 | i hate iso9660 | 10:17 |
Wonderboy | RkyRaccoon55, does your video card support it? | 10:17 |
calc | r00723r0: iso9660 is like 25 years old | 10:17 |
IndyGunFreak | !o4o | 10:17 |
ompaul | !language | r00723r0 | 10:17 |
ubotu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic. It is asked that controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks. | 10:17 |
ubotu | r00723r0: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:17 |
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r00723r0 | my bad | 10:17 |
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mariusbm | r00723r0, you can try the UDF mode.. | 10:17 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wonderboy: yes, and i added it to my xorg.conf | 10:17 |
scorp123 | r00723r0: do you have an external USB harddisk? Backup to that .... | 10:17 |
vzduch | usr13: only need to restart X after installation.. and best run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' beforehand, otherwise you likely get something like 640x480.. | 10:17 |
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r00723r0 | no, i don't :( | 10:17 |
Wonderboy | RkyRaccoon55, have you restarted your session since? | 10:17 |
r00723r0 | mariusbm: how do i do that? | 10:18 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wonderboy: yes | 10:18 |
bahmie | anybody thinking of buying the asus eee with ubuntu loaded on it? | 10:18 |
Wonderboy | RkyRaccoon55, and the machine? (though usually you shouldn't have to) | 10:18 |
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TehDarkLiquid | Anyone have any experience with getting the mouse working in Virtual PC 2007? | 10:18 |
usr13 | vzduch: DO I need to edit xorg.conf by hand? | 10:18 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | wonderboy: yes | 10:18 |
vzduch | usr13: not necessarily | 10:18 |
scorp123 | TehDarkLiquid: that's a Microsoft product methinks?? | 10:18 |
usr13 | vzduch: to change from nv to "nvidia"? | 10:18 |
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TehDarkLiquid | sure is | 10:18 |
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usr13 | vzduch: Ok, thanks. | 10:18 |
mariusbm | r00723r0, i belive brasero got the UDF mode, can handle "DVD size" files.. | 10:18 |
vzduch | usr13: no, you can do that by running the above | 10:18 |
r00723r0 | brasero? | 10:19 |
vzduch | i.e. change from nv to nvidia | 10:19 |
scorp123 | TehDarkLiquid: you're in the wrong channel buddy .... #microsoft | 10:19 |
Wonderboy | RkyRaccoon55, what kind of card is it? | 10:19 |
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vzduch | 1st question it asks | 10:19 |
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neverblue | how can I check the resolution a display is currently using? | 10:19 |
thenetduck | join #ubuntulive | 10:19 |
TehDarkLiquid | Because i'm trying to run it on VPC it's suddenly microsofts problem? | 10:19 |
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TehDarkLiquid | interesting | 10:19 |
Wonderboy | neverblue, are you using gnome? | 10:20 |
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vzduch | neverblue: check the info button on your display ;) | 10:20 |
neverblue | Wonderboy, yes | 10:20 |
mariusbm | r00723r0, yes. as in the burning software.. | 10:20 |
thenetduck | is there a ubuntu live channel? | 10:20 |
scorp123 | TehDarkLiquid: mouses work everywhere else it seems, so yes ... it must be a Micro$oft problem. | 10:20 |
Wonderboy | neverblue, system -> preferences -> screen resolution | 10:20 |
r00723r0 | ok | 10:20 |
neverblue | Wonderboy, no, from cli | 10:20 |
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vzduch | thenetduck: why would you want one? | 10:20 |
TehDarkLiquid | no. it's ubuntu's inability to recognize the mouse. | 10:20 |
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vzduch | thenetduck: you can ask questions about the live CD here | 10:20 |
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TehDarkLiquid | or maybe not.. hmm | 10:20 |
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scorp123 | TehDarkLiquid: sure, that's why all the people here are typing from CLI like mad to get their mice working again? :-) | 10:21 |
neverblue | Wonderboy, Imeant screen | 10:21 |
thenetduck | vzduch I mean the Ubuntu Live Orgen confrence :) | 10:21 |
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omha | hey | 10:21 |
usr13 | How does one turn off the X server in Ubuntu? | 10:21 |
Wonderboy | neverblue, one sec, I'll see if I can find it. | 10:21 |
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omha | i just installed kde4base but how do i start it? | 10:21 |
vzduch | usr13: what's the problem again? | 10:21 |
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thenetduck | vzduch I accually need to find out if I can print shirts for my US Team members that say Ubuntu Live on them | 10:21 |
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usr13 | vzduch: It | 10:21 |
andkore | hey, i gotz a noob question. if i wanna burn a ubuntu disc, can i just extract the stuff and put it in the winders thing so i dont hafta get a windows burning tool? | 10:22 |
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usr13 | vzduch: The screen does not contain the desktop images anymore. | 10:22 |
thenetduck | vzduch I'm not going to get suide or something will i? | 10:22 |
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vzduch | thenetduck: no idea.. | 10:22 |
usr13 | vzduch: I'm thinking I should go ahead and compile the driver I downloaded from nvidia? | 10:22 |
Sweetrelease | andkore no you have to burn it, | 10:22 |
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usr13 | vzduch: Or.... ? | 10:22 |
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andkore | Sweetrelease, i meant the windows burning thing. sorry bad explanation | 10:23 |
TehDarkLiquid | scorp123: can you suggest an alternative to have fiesty server installed in a virtual enviornment with a GUI on it? | 10:23 |
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vzduch | usr13: it probably dropped you to a low-res desktop.. as I said, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 10:23 |
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Sweetrelease | andkore windows burning thing? | 10:23 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | wonderboy: my comp froze, sorry | 10:23 |
justeco | I just installed Feisty and it seems faster than LTS :) Snappier. It was also much easier to install certain apps since more repositories are active by default. Very nice. | 10:23 |
scorp123 | TehDarkLiquid: VMware Server .... can be downloaded for free + it just works. Been there, done that, used it. | 10:23 |
Wonderboy | neverblue, check your X conf file. | 10:23 |
Wonderboy | RkyRaccoon55, no problem, what video card? | 10:23 |
andkore | Sweetrelease, the burning tool that comes with windows... | 10:23 |
UbuntuServerUser | when running quotacheck -avugm I get this eerror: Quota for users is enabled on mountpoint /srv so quotacheck might damage the file. | 10:23 |
UbuntuServerUser | What does it mean? | 10:23 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | radeon x1950 pro | 10:23 |
andkore | Sweetrelease, i'm in win right now | 10:23 |
TehDarkLiquid | scorp123: Thanks :) | 10:23 |
neverblue | Wonderboy, no no, there is a cli to check a screens res | 10:23 |
scorp123 | TehDarkLiquid: Another one: "VirtualBox". Is opensource as of recently. Comparable to VMware Workstation. | 10:23 |
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Sweetrelease | andkore i dident know windows came with a ISO burner | 10:24 |
andkore | Sweetrelease, o | 10:24 |
scorp123 | TehDarkLiquid: "VirtualBox" too just works .... | 10:24 |
usr13 | vzduch: What is "Default Screen" ? Is that same as Screen 1? | 10:24 |
justeco | Only bug I have found so far is that selecting the configuration from the little "Wired Connection" icon shows me a dialog where everything is set to | 10:24 |
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hypn0 | thenetduck: the normal procedure is to get permission from owners, canocial I think | 10:24 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wonderboy: radeon x1950 | 10:24 |
andkore | Sweetrelease, well my question i guess is can you extract an iso and use a regular tool to burn it and will that work? | 10:24 |
vzduch | usr13: which question? | 10:24 |
andkore | Sweetrelease, instead of using a tool that lets you burn right from an iso | 10:24 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wonderboy: pro | 10:24 |
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CppIsWeird | how do i change what the default application is that opens up certain file types | 10:24 |
CppIsWeird | ? | 10:24 |
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Wonderboy | neverblue, perhaps xrandr | 10:25 |
Wonderboy | RkyRaccoon55, sure, one sec. | 10:25 |
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Sweetrelease | andkore your better off getting a free iso burner and doing the iso | 10:25 |
_MrPeanut_ | hey guys .. is there an easy way to copy a text file list of files with full paths to a central location? one directory? | 10:25 |
neverblue | Wonderboy, nope, that does something else | 10:25 |
UbuntuServerUser | when running quotacheck -avugm I get this eerror: Quota for users is enabled on mountpoint /srv so quotacheck might damage the file. What does it mean? Help | 10:25 |
Wonderboy | neverblue, then I have no idea. =P | 10:25 |
andkore | Sweetrelease, will this work? i already tried isomagic and it isn't working | 10:25 |
nickrud | CppIsWeird, you right click a representative file, select properties at the bottom of the menu, and open with on the dialog window | 10:25 |
vzduch | usr13: if I am correct, this question asks the name of your monitor.. but might also be a lot later in the process | 10:25 |
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neverblue | O_o | 10:25 |
andkore | Sweetrelease, isomagic burns it but then it doesn't detect anything on the CD and when i boot and select boot from CD nothing happens | 10:26 |
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Sweetrelease | andkore i dont know, if it boots great if it dosent a cd costs about 5cents. give it a shot | 10:26 |
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vzduch | andkore: are you burning the ISO as a file instead of as an image? | 10:26 |
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andkore | no i'm not vzduch | 10:26 |
andkore | it has an option for burning an iso | 10:26 |
andkore | and that isn't working | 10:27 |
hwilde | !burn | 10:27 |
Sweetrelease | wha wha hwilde | 10:27 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 10:27 |
andkore | and now i've extracted the files from the iso image and i'm gonna try burning with the built in winders burning tool | 10:27 |
hwilde | there we go... bot was a little sleepy | 10:27 |
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andkore | hehe i'm not on linux yet | 10:27 |
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hwilde | !windows | andkore | 10:27 |
ubotu | andkore: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 10:27 |
andkore | anyways im gonna try this | 10:27 |
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Sweetrelease | best of luck | 10:28 |
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mariusbm | andkore, windows burning tool do not support ISO files.. | 10:28 |
ompaul | andkore, to burn an iso that works - you need to burn it as an iso not a file | 10:28 |
hendrixski | umm... I rebooted and all of my programs are still there, but none of my settings, and none of my files are there | 10:28 |
andkore | mariusbm, l2read | 10:28 |
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andkore | i said i extracted them | 10:28 |
andkore | the files from the iso | 10:28 |
usr13 | vzduch: What "process"? (I just did apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy ). | 10:28 |
hwilde | !attitude | andkore | 10:28 |
hendrixski | like, my music just disappeared ... | 10:28 |
ubotu | andkore: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 10:28 |
scorp123 | andkore: that won't work :) | 10:28 |
nickrud | andkore, but that won't put the boot stuff on the cd .... | 10:28 |
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usr13 | vzduch: and then restarted the xserver | 10:29 |
andkore | ok | 10:29 |
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paintcan | Can someone help me install Wine | 10:29 |
usr13 | vzduch: what to I do now? | 10:29 |
Sweetrelease | sudo apt-get install wine | 10:29 |
paintcan | sweetrelease I am getting an error when i do that | 10:29 |
hendrixski | umm.. yeah, so all of my data just dissapeared, but everything works... what could have caused this... and how can I get it back? | 10:29 |
Sweetrelease | what error | 10:29 |
Fallenou | bonne soire | 10:30 |
ompaul | !fr | 10:30 |
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ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:30 |
hendrixski | !fr Fallenou | 10:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fr fallenou - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:30 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan what error | 10:30 |
paintcan | sweetrelease it starts to install then a java screen pops up from what I installed earlier. | 10:30 |
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Wonderboy | hendrixski, try using a program called photorec | 10:30 |
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Fallenou | hendrixski < i was just saying good night ;) | 10:31 |
Fallenou | sorry it was a /amsg | 10:31 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan dunno | 10:31 |
paintcan | sweetrelease it says "Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled | 10:31 |
paintcan | " | 10:31 |
hendrixski | Wonderboy, I'll check out photorec ... | 10:31 |
Sweetrelease | oh | 10:31 |
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Wonderboy | hendrixski, it's free file recovery | 10:31 |
Sweetrelease | 1 sec | 10:31 |
paintcan | ok | 10:31 |
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Wonderboy | point it at the drive and tell it the filetypes to recover | 10:32 |
Wonderboy | best of luck to you mate | 10:32 |
usr13 | vzduch: is there a dpackage thing I need to do? | 10:32 |
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Wonderboy | hendrixski, here is a video on using it: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/data-carving-with-photorec-to-retrieve-deleted-files-from-formatted-drives-for-forensics-and-disaster-recovery | 10:32 |
hendrixski | Wonderboy, cool... will it work on the drive that I'm currently using??? because like i said... everything works.. just my data is gone | 10:32 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan open synaptec | 10:32 |
usr13 | vzduch: dpkg-reconfigure something-or-other? | 10:32 |
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mariusbm | andkore, you must write the CD as an image, i belive the copying do not work.. for an iso burning tool in win : http://www.petri.co.il/how_to_write_iso_files_to_cd.htm | 10:32 |
Wonderboy | hendrixski, it sure will | 10:32 |
usr13 | ...Anyone?... | 10:33 |
hendrixski | Wonderboy, sweet... thanks | 10:33 |
andkore | mariusbm, thanks | 10:33 |
DanaG | Is there any nice easy tutorial about how to get this effect? http://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=293&libid=50 | 10:33 |
Wonderboy | hendrixski, no problem, let us know how it goes, or at least /msg me with results. | 10:33 |
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paintcan | sweetrelease ok | 10:33 |
DanaG | I know xplanet should do it, but I don't know any nice easy tutorials. | 10:33 |
Centinex | I keep having issues booting into Ubuntu on my new HP laptop. It seems like the OS freezes at random points during the bootup. By placing the bootup into verbose mode with Alt+F1, sometimes it freezes after loading the image from the disk, sometimes it freezes after loading hardware. In recovery mode, it seems that it always stops after "Setting up console font and keymap....[OK] ." Does anyone have any ideas as to why it could be doin | 10:33 |
usr13 | my video card is Vanta LT (Nvidia) | 10:33 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan settings repositories | 10:33 |
hendrixski | Wonderboy, i gotta leave work soon... I'll probably be doing this tomorrow... I'm just... shocked that somethign like this happened | 10:33 |
Sweetrelease | check everything | 10:34 |
paintcan | sweetrelease one second | 10:34 |
Wonderboy | hendrixski, always sucks when it happens, and it's always a surprise. =P | 10:34 |
zombiebox | good evening (btw, 1170 persons in a chatroom is a little to much for my client/computer I think... I hope it wont chrash...) | 10:34 |
hendrixski | Wonderboy, I wonder if it's because I accidentally typed dpkg --reconfigure -a instead of confugre ... or because I tried to rm -r a folder for my chroot without having unmounted the drives first ... :-/ | 10:34 |
paintcan | sweetrelease I have an error when I try and open the synaptic | 10:34 |
paintcan | sweetrelease E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 10:34 |
paintcan | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 10:34 |
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Wonderboy | hendrixski, heh, at least you know what may have caused it so you'll avoid doing it again next time. ;) | 10:35 |
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Sweetrelease | paintcan ok thats over my head | 10:35 |
vzduch | usr13: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:35 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan tell the group that you have that error | 10:35 |
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zombiebox | I was wondering earlier today if there is a way to bakup to cd all updates and with-ubuntu-downloaded applications I made with my ubuntu-installation? | 10:35 |
vzduch | sorry for answering late, I was searching for my username on a German Ubuntu forumn | 10:35 |
vzduch | -n | 10:35 |
n3rdism | zombiebox: prolly on a dvd | 10:36 |
hendrixski | Wonderboy, but I don't know if that's it or not... :-/ what if it was some other thing I ran when i was having chroot problems... I'm just totally flustered | 10:36 |
zombiebox | (so I can install the same thing again witout internet) | 10:36 |
paintcan | I have this error when I attempt to open my synaptic "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 10:36 |
stu-mc | Q: how do i create a user but set its home dir to another dir (i dont want to use /home/<user> | 10:36 |
paintcan | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 10:36 |
paintcan | " | 10:36 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan have you run that dpkg | 10:36 |
scorp123 | zombiebox: google for "remastersys" or "aptOnCD" .... | 10:36 |
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paintcan | sweetrelease I did but ill try again | 10:36 |
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scorp123 | stu-mc: but home directories belong there :) | 10:37 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan, sorry i gtg | 10:37 |
=== hendrixski goes home .... gonna deal with this crap later..... thanks for the pointers Wonderboy | ||
erestar | So does anyone know how to tab through "words" in the firefox location bar? In Windows its Ctrl + arrow. Drives me crazy! | 10:37 |
zombiebox | n3rdism, sure dvd is fine too. but I just want to have backup of the things that is not on the ubuntu-cd allready (and not my data-files, since that is a different bakup) | 10:37 |
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scorp123 | stu-mc: what dangerous and scary things are you trying to do anyway? | 10:37 |
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paintcan | sweetrelease I fixed it | 10:38 |
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mariusbm | stu-mc, adduser --home | 10:38 |
georgy28 | stu-mc, : adduser --home /home/name | 10:38 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan excelent | 10:38 |
paintcan | sweetrelease what were you saying about the synaptic for my previous problem | 10:38 |
vzduch | question: how do I enable 3D acceleration after installing nvidia-glx-legacy? the driver works, I get the Nvidia logo on startup of X | 10:38 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan open synaptec | 10:38 |
stu-mc | Scorp123: a user will only use ftp to drop files in the www/<their domain>, so would like to make their home there. | 10:38 |
zombiebox | ok check for remastersys and aptOnCD | 10:38 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan settings repositories | 10:38 |
mariusbm | stu-mc, read the man adduser for more info.. | 10:38 |
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Sweetrelease | paintcan check everything | 10:39 |
paintcan | sweetrelease ok | 10:39 |
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Centinex | I keep having issues booting into Ubuntu on my new HP laptop. It seems like the OS freezes at random points during the bootup. By placing the bootup into verbose mode with Alt+F1, sometimes it freezes after loading the image from the disk, sometimes it freezes after loading hardware. In recovery mode, it seems that it always stops after "Setting up console font and keymap....[OK] ." Does anyone have any ideas as to why it could be doin | 10:39 |
Sweetrelease | that will enable the extra repositories | 10:39 |
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stu-mc | Scorp123: is that dangerous? | 10:39 |
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Sweetrelease | paintcan then since your in synaptec find wine | 10:39 |
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paintcan | sweetrelease ok | 10:40 |
kevin57 | Hello. I was wondering if someone could tell me the package name for the printer configurer in Ubuntu. Thank you. | 10:40 |
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stu-mc | Scorp123: I also have seen a command to force the user to stay in home dir when conencitong throught ftp (jailed i think the term was) | 10:40 |
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zaggynl | !printer | 10:40 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 10:40 |
scorp123 | stu-mc: what FTP daemon are you using? | 10:40 |
tuliox | is there a livecd boot option to keep the livecd and go right to the installation process? like 5.10 was? | 10:41 |
onexused | I have a hardware modem that works with kppp in Fedora (7). When I put it in the computer I have Ubuntu (7.04) on, it won't work with wvdial. What can I do about it? I've already looked at !dialup. | 10:41 |
kevin57 | Thank you. | 10:41 |
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eeejay | could someone offer me their gutsy box for a minute? | 10:41 |
stu-mc | Scorp123: proftpd | 10:41 |
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usr13 | How does one change screen resolution in Ubuntu? | 10:41 |
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zaggynl | usr13, by editing xorg.conf and the command xrandr | 10:41 |
zaggynl | and some fancy gui tools | 10:41 |
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stu-mc | Scorp123: it was spoke about in a ubuntu manual so thought would use that one :) | 10:42 |
tuliox | is there a livecd boot option to keep the livecd and go right to the installation process? like 5.10 was? | 10:42 |
Sweetrelease | usr13 or system>preferences>screen resolution | 10:42 |
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esun819 | tuliox: try downloading the alternate installer. do you mean the text-install option? | 10:42 |
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Raeth | tuliox: "installation process" being the blue text-based installer? | 10:42 |
Sweetrelease | usr13 if its in the xorg.conf by default some of the larger or wider arent in | 10:42 |
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newtubuntu | how do I share a printer on a Samba network ? I only see share FOLDERS, no printers, and in the properties tab of the printer I can't find a sharing option. Thanks for any help. | 10:43 |
scorp123 | stu-mc: read the docs ... As far as I know with proftpd you don't even have to give your FTP users real system accounts. | 10:43 |
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Bo^Dick | very disappointing, i burned the xubuntu desktop 6.06.1 on a cd | 10:43 |
scorp123 | stu-mc: http://www.proftpd.org | 10:43 |
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stu-mc | Scorp123: kk thanks | 10:43 |
Bo^Dick | and when i check the cd for defects it fails | 10:43 |
tuliox | Raeth yes | 10:43 |
IndyGunFreak | Bo^Dick: why is that a disappointment | 10:43 |
tuliox | like debian's installer | 10:44 |
scorp123 | stu-mc: there are some important packages about "virtual hosting" you might be interested in .... | 10:44 |
georgy28 | ! samba > newtubuntu | 10:44 |
Bo^Dick | IndyGunFreak: the cd appears to contains defects | 10:44 |
scorp123 | stu-mc: *pages ..... not "packages" .... typo. | 10:44 |
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zaggynl | Bo^Dick, did you check the image with md5sum? | 10:44 |
esun819 | tuliox: the alternative desktop iso has both the debian installer option as well as ubiquity | 10:44 |
Raeth | tuliox: yeah, you need to burn the alternative disc | 10:44 |
tuliox | oh thats cool | 10:44 |
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stu-mc | Scorp123: :) ill read ( not too many beers for me tonight then :) | 10:44 |
tuliox | thx | 10:44 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: i tried the "check cd for defects" option | 10:45 |
UbuntuServerUser | I'm in the middle of editing a file and forgot to login as sudo, how do I save this? | 10:45 |
Sweetrelease | paintcan any luck? | 10:45 |
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zaggynl | Bo^Dick, I understand, how did you burn the cd? | 10:45 |
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IndyGunFreak | Bo^Dick: couple things, try burning it slower (round 4x) also you migh want to download the latest version | 10:45 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: deepburner | 10:45 |
zaggynl | Bo^Dick, so you downloaded the image first? | 10:45 |
paintcan | sweetrelease getting alot of errors I have a friend on AIM TRYING to help heh | 10:45 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: yup | 10:45 |
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Sweetrelease | paintcan k | 10:45 |
zaggynl | Bo^Dick, how did you download it? by bittorrent or by browser? | 10:45 |
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Bo^Dick | zaggynl: browser | 10:46 |
UbuntuServerUser | I'm in the middle of editing a file and forgot to login as sudo, how do I save this in nano via CLI???<>> | 10:46 |
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mariusbm | UbuntuServerUser, save it in youre hom dir.. copy it later.. | 10:46 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: over 500mb size | 10:46 |
zaggynl | Bo^Dick, before you burn a downloaded image (by browser), perform a md5sum check | 10:46 |
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zaggynl | Bo^Dick, are you familiar with that procedure? | 10:46 |
projectstartrek | no | 10:46 |
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vzduch | question: how do I enable 3D acceleration after installing nvidia-glx-legacy? the driver works, I get the Nvidia logo on startup of X | 10:46 |
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MrOtacon | can some1 please tell me what this error is: Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault] | 10:47 |
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tuliox | which has less memory usage, ubuntu or kubuntu? :D | 10:47 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: nope | 10:47 |
projectstartrek | kubuntu | 10:47 |
vzduch | MrOtacon: application crashed | 10:47 |
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bronze | tuliox, I'm not sure, but I'm guessing ubuntu. | 10:47 |
mariusbm | UbuntuServerUser, crt+o , /home/username/filename | 10:47 |
VSpike | has anyone else who has installed the google desktop linux beta found that you start getting emails from cron? | 10:47 |
avb | hi all. Guys, maybe somebody already fix a problem when compiz is grabbing al Ctrl-Alt bindings under gutsy? | 10:47 |
zaggynl | Bo^Dick, do you still have the link to the image? | 10:47 |
logan_ | do you have to get a firewall on ubuntu fiesty? | 10:47 |
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UbuntuServerUser | kthanks | 10:47 |
zaggynl | logan_, ubuntu comes with a firewall by default | 10:48 |
MrOtacon | vzduch: is there any reason why i am getting it when running UT99? everyone on ubuntu forums says that they can run it fine | 10:48 |
zaggynl | !iptables | 10:48 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 10:48 |
logan_ | is there a way to access it? | 10:48 |
c_lisp | man iptables | 10:48 |
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logan_ | thank you] | 10:48 |
zaggynl | logan_, sure thing, install firestarter | 10:48 |
bronze | logan_, Not really, but there is one by default, called iptables (but I don't think it's enabled) | 10:48 |
avb | i think its kind of a plugin who doing something with ctrl-alt binding | 10:48 |
zaggynl | !firestarter | logan_ | 10:48 |
ubotu | logan_: please see above | 10:48 |
vzduch | MrOtacon: I don't play, let alone UT ;) | 10:48 |
logan_ | yes | 10:48 |
VSpike | Seems they drop something into cron.hourly to check for updates, but it uses "echo" a lot internally. All very well except now I get emails every time it runs | 10:48 |
=== L0cKn bye all | ||
MrOtacon | vzduch: :) - ok thanks... just wanted to get that old classic workin | 10:48 |
zaggynl | o/ | 10:48 |
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MrOtacon | does anyone have ut99 running in feisty, game of the year edition, and if so - can you please tell me how you got it to work | 10:49 |
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UbuntuServerUser | how do I get a listing via CLI of my networking devices? and how do I know which one I am plugged into? | 10:49 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: i'm performing the md5sum check right now | 10:50 |
zaggynl | Bo^Dick, okay good | 10:50 |
mariusbm | UbuntuServerUser, ifconfig list all network devs.. | 10:50 |
zaggynl | I'm not saying that certainly is the problem, but it very well could be | 10:50 |
UbuntuServerUser | thanks | 10:50 |
UbuntuServerUser | btw, why is it ifconfig and not ipconfig? | 10:50 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: the output was "dd8778d8670a14fdeddfece062b52783" | 10:50 |
zaggynl | Bo^Dick, could you paste the link you got the image from? | 10:50 |
mariusbm | UbuntuServerUser, becuse... :) | 10:50 |
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UbuntuServerUser | you guys hate windows that badly??? | 10:51 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: hang on | 10:51 |
jrib | UbuntuServerUser: InterFace | 10:51 |
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zaggynl | sure thing | 10:51 |
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UbuntuServerUser | ok | 10:51 |
key2 | hi | 10:51 |
avb | heh, nobody | 10:51 |
UbuntuServerUser | lol | 10:51 |
avb | ok | 10:51 |
avb | thanks :) | 10:51 |
logan_ | Ok, it says I need to have root privelages | 10:51 |
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projectstartrek | use sudo | 10:51 |
zaggynl | UbuntuServerUser, it's a unix/linux thing, we just do things differently | 10:51 |
RkyRaccoon55 | how do i get ubuntu feisty to run 1600x1050 screen resolution? | 10:51 |
zaggynl | that, and there are plenty of zealots and fanboys | 10:51 |
logan_ | so.. sudo firestarter? | 10:51 |
zaggynl | yessir | 10:51 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/6.06.1/release.1/xubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso | 10:51 |
zaggynl | thansk | 10:51 |
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mariusbm | UbuntuServerUser, nope.. I use windows everyday.. but do not tell anyone! :) | 10:51 |
logan_ | im getting better at this ;) | 10:51 |
UbuntuServerUser | zaggynl, so much for some// kind of standard | 10:52 |
MrOtacon | has anyone played unreal tournament (the classic 99 goty version?) | 10:52 |
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zaggynl | UbuntuServerUser, it very much is a standard, of linux :D | 10:52 |
MrOtacon | on ubuntu i mean | 10:52 |
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zaggynl | Bo^Dick, http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/6.06.1/release.1/MD5SUMS contains all md5sums | 10:52 |
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UbuntuServerUser | mariusbm ;) I'll keep a secret, if i stated what OS i was one right now I'd probably get auto kicked | 10:52 |
zaggynl | compare the one you got from your image with the one next to the file name in that file | 10:52 |
RkyRaccoon55 | how do i get ubuntu feisty to run 1600x1050 screen resolution? | 10:52 |
UbuntuServerUser | zaggynl exactly, of Linux, but not of computer ;) but its getting OT so w/e i don't care | 10:53 |
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zaggynl | dd8778d8670a14fdeddfece062b52783 c0b54deca75e8e3a87988846c9ae1e44 | 10:53 |
UbuntuServerUser | zaggynl computing* | 10:53 |
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MrOtacon | RkyRaccoon55: my guess would be editting /etc/X11/xorg.conf - but im guessing, i am a newb | 10:53 |
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projectstartrek | edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and add 1600x1050 to the resolution list | 10:53 |
mariusbm | UbuntuServerUser, lol. but i am seriously in love with my ubuntu box... kicks vistas ass... | 10:53 |
zaggynl | UbuntuServerUser, of computing? Microsoft is pretty standard for most people, but they does not define computing for the full 100% | 10:53 |
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projectstartrek | then restart X | 10:54 |
RkyRaccoon55 | MrOtacon: i am to, no worries. I allready did that though | 10:54 |
hacked_kernel | I installed jdk from the .bin file and I did update-alternative for the java and java commands, javac is working fine but when executing java it say "No such file or directory" | 10:54 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | how do i get ubuntu feisty to run 1600x1050 screen resolution? | 10:54 |
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portabel_radar | Hi, can anyone of you help me? | 10:54 |
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zaggynl | RkyRaccoon55, add those resolutions in xorg.conf, then use xrandr to change | 10:54 |
wols_ | !fixres | RkyRaccoon55 | 10:54 |
georgy28 | ! ask | 10:54 |
ubotu | RkyRaccoon55: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:54 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:54 |
wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: what videocard? | 10:54 |
UbuntuServerUser | zaggynl, definitly I agree, but I'm talking about universal standards, not just Microsoft, not just unix, etc, would have saved me from asking "whats command for network devices" if ipconfig carried over to unix's "ifconfig" | 10:54 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wols_: ati radeon x1950 pro | 10:55 |
wols_ | !ati | RkyRaccoon55 | 10:55 |
ubotu | RkyRaccoon55: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:55 |
dblx | my citrix mapped drive says device not ready? | 10:55 |
wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: you currently use vesa. which can't do that res | 10:55 |
UbuntuServerUser | mariusbm, i would run ubuntu if it wasn't for games :( | 10:55 |
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zaggynl | UbuntuServerUser, that's the good/bad part, there is no universal standard. but a lot of difference, makes it interesting, yet tiring | 10:55 |
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magnetron | !games | UbuntuServerUser | 10:55 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wols_: on a previous install of ubuntu it worked fine | 10:55 |
ubotu | UbuntuServerUser: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 10:55 |
MrOtacon | UbuntuServerUser: have you ever played ut99 on ubuntu? | 10:55 |
zaggynl | I personally run dual boot | 10:56 |
hacked_kernel | I installed jdk from the .bin file and I did update-alternative for the java and java commands, javac is working fine but when executing java it say "bash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory" | 10:56 |
wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: I doubt it. the only drivers that work for you are vesa and flgrx. and fglrx is not installed by default | 10:56 |
UbuntuServerUser | meOtacon no....played it on winders | 10:56 |
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hacked_kernel | any help? | 10:56 |
wols_ | and vesa is unaccelerated and usually doesn't gove above 1024 | 10:56 |
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zaggynl | Bo^Dick, how's it going? | 10:56 |
wols_ | hacked_kernel: yes. don't install that stuff | 10:57 |
MrOtacon | UbuntuServerUser: ahhh - ok :) - just been trying to get it running all day - everyone on the forums say it works - but i can't get it to | 10:57 |
wols_ | !java | hacked_kernel | 10:57 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wols_: doubt it all you want. it was working fine with the ati drivers | 10:57 |
ubotu | hacked_kernel: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 10:57 |
Bo^Dick | zaggynl: isn't it pretty amazing how i could get a faulty image at xubunty.org | 10:57 |
UbuntuServerUser | mrotacon :( sorry can't help you there | 10:57 |
wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: as I said: with fglrx. "ati" si the driver delivered with Xorg. and no, that one does not wrk | 10:57 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wols_: i currently have the same drivers installed but its not working this time. | 10:57 |
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wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: no matter what you tell me here | 10:57 |
MrOtacon | UbuntuServerUser: :) no worries dude | 10:57 |
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zaggynl | Bo^Dick, actually it isn't, web browsers do not make for safe downloading, for large files, I prefer either wget or bittorrent, the latter does its own file corruption checking aka checksum | 10:58 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wols_: i used the drivers from ati's site, dont argue about this i know it worked before i re-installed ubuntu | 10:58 |
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wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: which dirveers exactly. and don't say "ati". name them differently cause that is ambigous | 10:58 |
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wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: if you use those drivers. fine. we don't support them | 10:58 |
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projectstartrek | ati is an open source linux driver | 10:58 |
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wols_ | ubuntu has perfectly fine ati restricted drivers | 10:58 |
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Centinex | How can I enable boot logging in Ubuntu to see why it's freezing during bootup? I can't get a shell, so I need to find a way to log it to diagnose why. | 10:58 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wols_: and thats fine, but is there any way you could give me a hint as to how to get that resolution to work? | 10:58 |
Steve^ | Hey, Kaffiene is crashing when I try to open any type of file. I should fully reinstall it? Or? | 10:59 |
wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: I already did | 10:59 |
Bo^Dick | that was my last writable cd that went into a frisbee | 10:59 |
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Bo^Dick | grr | 10:59 |
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wols_ | there is probably morein your xorg.log. check it | 10:59 |
MrXorg | Anyone know where to get xorg-intel845g drivers from? | 11:00 |
Centinex | Google. | 11:00 |
mariusbm | is there any scandinavians here? | 11:00 |
wols_ | MrXorg: i810 is what you need | 11:00 |
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tonyyarusso | mariusbm: Of course. | 11:00 |
tonyyarusso | (Partially anyway) | 11:00 |
MrXorg | Sweet!.. where from | 11:00 |
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wols_ | MrXorg: you already have it | 11:00 |
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mariusbm | tonsofpcs, just barly hanging in here i see.. | 11:01 |
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usr13 | How does one determine what screen resolution is being used? | 11:01 |
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tonyyarusso | Minnesota, USA by birth - Norwegian and Swedish by ancestry (as well as Finnish, Polish, Swiss, and Italian) | 11:01 |
mariusbm | sorru tonsofpcs ... wrong dude.. | 11:01 |
wols_ | !ot | tonyyarusso | 11:01 |
ubotu | tonyyarusso: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:01 |
MrXorg | wols_: trying to get my s video working... it says I need that driver | 11:01 |
wols_ | MrXorg: who does? | 11:01 |
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tonyyarusso | wols_: Doh, sorry - mixed up my tabs! /me scuttles back to -offtopic | 11:02 |
MrXorg | The box in front of me | 11:02 |
zaggynl | usr13, xrandr | 11:02 |
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=== wols_ thinks that box is lying | ||
wols_ | intel only has those drivers afaik | 11:02 |
zaggynl | usr13, look for the line with the asterisk (*) in front of it | 11:02 |
_Robbe_ | Does anyone know a way to get the full root access as a user while using nautilus ? | 11:02 |
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Nachtzecke | who can i know wich kind of theme i need? | 11:02 |
nickrud | usr13, a quicky is xdpyinfo | grep dimension | 11:02 |
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zaggynl | _Robbe_, sudo nautilus | 11:02 |
wols_ | i810 which is for all intel cards from i810 onwards up to i965 | 11:02 |
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magnetron | _Robbe_: press alt+f2 ,then type gksudo nautilus | 11:03 |
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wols_ | !root | _Robbe_ | 11:03 |
ubotu | _Robbe_: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 11:03 |
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wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: use sudo and gksudo | 11:03 |
wols_ | oops | 11:03 |
_Robbe_ | zaggynl & ubotu : thanks a lot :-) | 11:03 |
wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: probably your monitor refreshrates are wrong btw | 11:03 |
Bo^Dick | thanks guys for the support | 11:03 |
MrXorg | wols_: So my "xorg-video-intel driver" is already installed? | 11:03 |
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wols_ | MrXorg: yes | 11:04 |
zaggynl | _Robbe_, no problem, and ubotu is a bot :) | 11:04 |
Centinex | Okay. Ubuntu 7.04 is freezing AT RANDOM during bootup. I can't seem to identify a pattern, and in recovery mode, it always freezes directly after "Setting up console font and keymap...[OK] | 11:04 |
wols_ | MrXorg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:04 |
RkyRaccoon55 | wols_: i change them in xorg.conf? | 11:04 |
wols_ | RkyRaccoon55: yes | 11:04 |
Centinex | Does anyone have any idea how i can isolate the problem further? | 11:04 |
MrXorg | Tried that | 11:04 |
Centinex | Okay. Ubuntu 7.04 is freezing AT RANDOM during bootup. I can't seem to identify a pattern, and in recovery mode, it always freezes directly after "Setting up console font and keymap...[OK] | 11:04 |
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Jahman | hi | 11:04 |
Jamesinator | I'm trying to install ubuntu 7.04 via liveCD on a VERY old PC. It boots up properly, but when I try to run the ubuntu demo on the CD, it loads the kernel then dies with a "cannot find main filesystem" error. I think this might be because I use scuzzy instead of IDE, but does anyone have any tips on how I can get this working? | 11:04 |
wols_ | MrXorg: feel free to check intel.com. i810 is all ubuntu has afaik | 11:04 |
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Nachtzecke | who can i know wich kind of theme i need? | 11:04 |
levander | Is postfix an alternative to sendmail? | 11:04 |
Jamesinator | !postfix | 11:05 |
ubotu | postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto | 11:05 |
wols_ | Jamesinator: how much memory,what scsi card? | 11:05 |
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wols_ | levander: yes | 11:05 |
wols_ | levander: and you don#t want sendmail | 11:05 |
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MrXorg | No matter what I do s video doesn't work I'm not to sure how to edit xorg to allow s video | 11:05 |
Jamesinator | wols_: I'm not sure for either question, I'll boot it and check. It's incredibly old, circa '95/'98. | 11:05 |
spiderfire | any of the window managers good for auto arranging gimp | 11:05 |
spiderfire | ? | 11:05 |
_Robbe_ | zaggynl : I know, but I like to stay friendly with both (watch a bit of Battlestar Galactica <== cylons) | 11:05 |
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zaggynl | :D | 11:05 |
wols_ | Jamesinator: ubuntu desktop needs 256MB RAM btw | 11:05 |
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Jamesinator | wols_: Really? Crap. I doubt it has that much, but it might. Is that the cause of the problem? I wouldn't expect lacking memory to prevent it from loading the filesystem. | 11:07 |
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Jamesinator | wols_: 64mb memory | 11:07 |
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wols_ | Jamesinator: the problem is probably it can't find a driver for the scsi card alright | 11:08 |
Chief | i couldn't get ubuntu 6.10 to work on an athlon 64 3500 with 256 megs mem - had to upgrade to a gig to use the live cd | 11:08 |
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Nachtzecke | who can i know wich kind of theme i need?GTK1? GTK2? Compiz? sorry 4 my very bad english,but its important for me to know that :) | 11:08 |
wols_ | I just wanted to tell you that you can expect very lousy perfoamce and are lucky if it installs at all | 11:08 |
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wols_ | Neutrinux: theme for WHAT? | 11:08 |
wols_ | !de | Nachtzecke | 11:08 |
ubotu | Nachtzecke: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:08 |
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thenetduck | who would I contact about being able to print Ubuntu on my tshirts? | 11:09 |
genesis | hola!! | 11:09 |
wols_ | Nachtzecke: theme for what? | 11:09 |
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jrib | thenetduck: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy | 11:09 |
Jamesinator | wols_: Ok then, thanks. To be honest, I have no idea how to find out what SCSI card it's running on the BIOS as outdated as the one it's got. | 11:09 |
Nachtzecke | wols_, themes for my desktop....of for my windows | 11:09 |
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Jamesinator | wols_: I guess I'll just try and get it to run in terminal mode | 11:10 |
vdepizzol | Hello. Everytime I try to open a 3d app, it get an error: "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual". How can I fix it? I'm using nv driver | 11:10 |
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genesis | alguien habla espaol??? | 11:10 |
wols_ | Nachtzecke: gtk2 usually, unless you actually run compiz/beryl | 11:10 |
jrib | !es | genesis | 11:10 |
ubotu | genesis: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:10 |
usr13 | What's a good irc client to use? | 11:10 |
usr13 | Xchat? | 11:10 |
usr13 | or...? | 11:10 |
Nachtzecke | wols_, i am looking an www.gnome-look.org but a lot of themes wil not run... | 11:10 |
genesis | hello!! | 11:10 |
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jrib | usr13: xchat, konversation, bitchx, irssi | 11:11 |
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usr13 | jrib: Ok, thanks | 11:11 |
genesis | how are you??? | 11:11 |
vzduch | question: how do I enable 3D acceleration after installing nvidia-glx-legacy? the driver works, I get the Nvidia logo on startup of X | 11:11 |
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vzduch | jrib: you don't want to use BitchX, at least not w/ default settings.. | 11:11 |
thesource | can some one tell the the comaned in term to open gnome masager | 11:11 |
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xst | I try to burn a Cd with k3b but it claims that no blank CD is in the drive. It says "please insert blank Cd" in the window where I should normally just press "burn". Why? | 11:11 |
Chief | it should be enabled automatically | 11:11 |
bronze | usr13, if you've used mirc before, xchat can be pretty similar | 11:11 |
jrib | vzduch: why? | 11:11 |
thesource | i think it was some thing like gom?? | 11:12 |
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jrib | thesource: what is "gnome masager"? what does it do? | 11:12 |
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Lunar_Lamp | I was installing ubuntu-desktop on my server when it died (power fail) during the config process - how can i resume, as the config processes did not complete. | 11:12 |
Nachtzecke | wols_, thanks...so i will try again | 11:12 |
CppIsWeird | anyone know of a multi-torrent torrent app. ? | 11:12 |
ant30 | Has work somebody with SecuRemote vpn connections ? | 11:12 |
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dummy | sup | 11:12 |
vzduch | jrib: you need to 'tame' it first, it has some settings that are not well received on most IRC channels | 11:12 |
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jrib | vzduch: k | 11:12 |
thesource | its theam manger | 11:12 |
zaggynl | CppIsWeird, I find wine + utorrent to work the best, for ubuntu (linux) native apps, try ktorrent, azureus and many others (search with synaptic) | 11:13 |
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jrib | Lunar_Lamp: try installing ubuntu-desktop again? It should throw errors if something needs to be configured and tell you to 'dpkg --configure -a' | 11:13 |
vzduch | jrib: it doesn't have 'bitch' in its name for no reason ;) | 11:13 |
thesource | i was reading and i foudn it and it change the sound on login and password sound | 11:13 |
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ant30 | slslslsl | 11:13 |
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Lunar_Lamp | jrib, hmm, doesn't throw up erros, but, for example, I have no xorg.conf | 11:14 |
mo0osah | how do i install a bin file | 11:14 |
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jrib | thesource: system -> administration -> login window or in cli: gksu gdmsetup | 11:14 |
zaggynl | mo0osah, you have to mount it first | 11:14 |
jrib | mo0osah: what are you trying to install? | 11:14 |
mo0osah | realplayer | 11:14 |
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vzduch | jrib: normally, bin != CD image | 11:14 |
jrib | !realplayer > mo0osah (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:14 |
sayers | !mp3 | Sayers | 11:14 |
rvb | Anyone know if I can open a Revelation file in Windows? Revelation is a password manager for GNOME http://oss.codepoet.no/revelation/ | 11:15 |
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zaggynl | mo0osah, I think icetoneiso2 can do that | 11:15 |
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jrib | !xconfig > Lunar_Lamp (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:15 |
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jrib | Lunar_Lamp: though I'm not sure how to check that that is the only issue... maybe you want to remove the packages that installed and reinstall them? | 11:15 |
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Pici | Can someone pastebin the results of `xset q` for me? I'm doing some bug research. | 11:15 |
Lunar_Lamp | jrib, I got it sorted now I think - :) | 11:16 |
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greatcaffeine | Has anyone gotten Nvidia's drivers working with an 8800? | 11:17 |
foug | ubuntu isn't picking up my external harddrive, i've tried unplugging and plugging it back in. It was working fine earlier, anyone know what the problem might be? | 11:17 |
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vzduch | greatcaffeine: the howto page says the 8800 isn't supported (yet) | 11:17 |
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greatcaffeine | Ah, alright. | 11:17 |
zaggynl | Pici, http://pastebin.ca/594301 | 11:17 |
Pici | zaggynl: thank you!! | 11:17 |
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zaggynl | You're welcome | 11:18 |
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HOT | can someone remind the compositing ? channel | 11:18 |
pi3 | why is the process evolution running if i haven't ever ran it? | 11:18 |
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durty | what is a good ftp server for umuntu | 11:19 |
pi3 | i'm sorry, it is not running but sleeping | 11:19 |
pi3 | durty: gftp | 11:19 |
Pici | HOT: #ubuntu-effects | 11:19 |
vzduch | !mirrors | durty | 11:19 |
ubotu | durty: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 11:19 |
zaggynl | pi3, gftp is a ftp client | 11:19 |
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pi3 | sorry :s | 11:19 |
georgy28 | durty: proftpd | 11:19 |
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zaggynl | ;-) | 11:19 |
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jrib | erestar: ctrl-PageUp and ctrl-PageDown will let you scroll through tabs | 11:19 |
pi3 | i just rear ftp | 11:19 |
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sayers | Mp3 is so complicated.. | 11:20 |
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vdepizzol | Hello. Everytime I try to open a 3d app, it get an error: "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual". How can I fix it? I'm using nv driver | 11:20 |
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intangir | vdepizzol: sounds like you need a proper video driver installed | 11:21 |
dummy | hey how do I increase font size in xchat | 11:21 |
jrib | _MrPeanut_: yes, use a for loop in bash to read in each line one by one and copy the files | 11:21 |
georgy28 | vdepizzol : I guess you need the nvidia driver | 11:21 |
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vdepizzol | georgy28: the nvidia-glx didn't work with my card (GeForce4 MX 4000), since the current version in feisty repositories doesn't support it | 11:22 |
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georgy28 | vdepizzol, : and the nvidia-glx-legacy ? | 11:23 |
foug | my external hard drive isn't being detected. It was working earlier this morning. I've tried a restart, and unplugging and plugging it back in. Anyone know what the problem might be | 11:23 |
jrib | foug: does it show up if you do 'sudo fdisk -l'? | 11:23 |
vdepizzol | georgy28: it also didn't work... some problem with restricted-modules version :/ | 11:24 |
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foug | jrib: hda2 extended that might be it? | 11:24 |
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godtvisken | Can anyone help me add a rule to iptables to allow ssh? | 11:25 |
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foug | jrib: wait yea, it shows a sda 500gb HD, that's it | 11:25 |
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jrib | foug: sda is your external? are you sure? what version of ubuntu? | 11:25 |
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foug | jrib: well i don't know for sure, but it's a 500gb HD and it says 500.1GB next to it. I'm using 7.04 | 11:26 |
dff | I need chroot tutorial | 11:26 |
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jrib | foug: your main HD isn't 500gb? | 11:26 |
metalek | anybody know how to put working ubuntu+beryl+ati? | 11:26 |
foug | jrib: no | 11:26 |
=== cad [n=cad@dsl081-113-200.dfw1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | foug: k, pastebin output of 'mount' and contents of /etc/fstab | 11:27 |
georgy28 | godtvisken, : iptables -A INPUT -i ethx -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT | 11:27 |
=== Chads [n=bob@P1012.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | !effects > metalek (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:27 |
cad | Hi. How do I get ubuntu to start in the command line? | 11:27 |
dummy | cool | 11:27 |
jrib | cad: system -> administration -> services disable the graphical login | 11:27 |
=== Default [i=Default@adsl-074-170-026-091.sip.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chads | Would somebody be willing to help me with Ubuntu? | 11:27 |
foug | !pastebin | 11:27 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:27 |
jrib | cad: (that does it permanently) | 11:27 |
ceil420 | !effects | 11:27 |
ubotu | For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 11:27 |
Default | hello | 11:27 |
jrib | !helpme | Chads | 11:27 |
ceil420 | lol | 11:27 |
ubotu | Chads: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:27 |
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ceil420 | !botsnack | 11:28 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 11:28 |
ceil420 | ^^ | 11:28 |
godtvisken | georgy28: thanks! with sudo, though? | 11:28 |
Chads | Fair enough. | 11:28 |
foug | jrib: do i just go to /etc/fstab then do an ls? | 11:28 |
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cad | jrib: thank you, but when you say permanently, you're saying that I can't just startx and undo the change? | 11:28 |
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jrib | foug: nah, it's a text file, just open it in gedit or something | 11:28 |
jrib | cad: yeah. What are you trying to accomplish? | 11:28 |
Chads | I've just installed Ubuntu and everywhere I look it says Ndiswrapper is on the CD or is installed but I cant find it anywhere. | 11:28 |
Default | what is the minimum ram required for ubuntu 7. | 11:28 |
will | hello | 11:28 |
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spirit_ | so | 11:29 |
georgy28 | godtvisken, : i guess ... | 11:29 |
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cad | I just spend more time at command line, I'd like not have to open the terminal every time I start | 11:29 |
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foug | jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27672/ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27671/ | 11:29 |
Chads | I've gone to add/remove progrems. | 11:29 |
Chads | Synaptics | 11:29 |
Chads | nothing??? | 11:29 |
jrib | !ndiswrapper > Chads (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:29 |
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Default | hello? | 11:29 |
myusrnm | guys, i am running ubuntu and i want to install windows xp since wine doesn't work for me and i need to use certain programs. how would i go about getting a dual boot? | 11:30 |
HOT | guys, is there a catch all command to undo a batch of synaptec updates in one go? | 11:30 |
ceil420 | Default, i've got Xubuntu Feisty on 512mb ram, and it's rarely over 50% | 11:30 |
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ceil420 | that's with firefox and everything :o | 11:30 |
Default | ok, i got 64 mb ram | 11:30 |
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ceil420 | lol i dno about all that :x | 11:30 |
ceil420 | wait til someone more "in the know" answers, i guess | 11:30 |
ceil420 | :x | 11:30 |
jrib | foug: what's the output of 'uname -r'? | 11:31 |
cad | jrib - so are you telling me that I this change 1) can't be undone at all, 2) can't be undone from the cli, 3) will prevent me from starting gnome from the cli ... or 4)... | 11:31 |
Default | lol ok | 11:31 |
mike24 | can anyone help with my ubuntu problem.. i got ubuntu working fine but when i try to load winxp it just reboots back into grub | 11:31 |
foug | jrib: 2.6.20-16-generic | 11:31 |
jrib | cad: it can be undone, but if you don't want to do it permanently, there's really no point in doing it this way. Which is why I asked what you are actually trying to do | 11:31 |
Default | and a screemin fast 550mhz amd:) | 11:31 |
=== PeaceYo [n=tim@c-75-64-51-38.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cad | Get to the command line faster. | 11:31 |
myusrnm | guys, i am running ubuntu and i want to install windows xp since wine doesn't work for me and i need to use certain programs. how would i go about getting a dual boot? | 11:31 |
vzduch | myusrnm: either you know how to restore a bootloader.. or you first install Windoze, then install whatever Linux distro(s) you have | 11:31 |
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mike24 | anyone ever have this proble, | 11:32 |
jrib | cad: then sure, this is fine. You can startx to start X or startup gdm if you want manually, 'man update-rc.d' to see what the gui is actually doing when you disable the graphical greeter (it disables gdm from starting) | 11:32 |
Default | sore peter can't beet er | 11:32 |
myusrnm | So, vzduch, I basically have to install windows and then reinstall ubuntu and all my programs? | 11:32 |
ceil420 | Default, looks like 64mb ram is minimum for Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements | 11:32 |
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ceil420 | recommended is 192 tho :x | 11:33 |
nitro4ce | hi. i use gnome and the buttons inside web pages don't have gtk+ integration. for example, the search button in google is a square and it's not nice. i would like to integrate that buttons with my gnome theme. is that possible? | 11:33 |
godtvisken | georgy28: it doesn't appear to have worked | 11:33 |
Chads | I've looked all over Ubuntu Jrib even that link you gave me but they all seem to hint at having a bit of linux knowledge. | 11:33 |
Default | ceil420: ok tks | 11:33 |
vzduch | ceil420: 64 MB is minimum for any full-fledged Linux kernel | 11:33 |
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ceil420 | Xubuntu minimum is 48mb ram ^^ | 11:33 |
mike24 | can anyone help with my ubuntu problem.. i got ubuntu working fine but when i try to load winxp it just reboots back into grub , anyone have a clue what i did wrong | 11:33 |
jrib | Chads: did you put the cd into your drive and get a popup about enabling a repository? | 11:33 |
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qnyc | myusrnm, these instructions will tell you how to restore your bootloader after you install windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 11:33 |
jrib | foug: try mounting it manually. Are you familiar with how to do that? | 11:34 |
georgy28 | godtvisken, : ethX is your lan card so i guess for you it's eth0 | 11:34 |
ceil420 | "Absolute Minimum Installation" only needs 32mb ram | 11:34 |
foug | jrib: nope | 11:34 |
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ceil420 | but that's strictly CLI | 11:34 |
Raevn | Ceil420 Just barely fit Xubuntu into 128 mb of a Dell Latitude | 11:34 |
Chads | No jrib. The CD went in and nothing happened. | 11:34 |
Default | ceil420: ok | 11:34 |
jrib | foug: what filesystem is on sda1? | 11:34 |
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ceil420 | Raevn, i'm just readin' help.ubuntu.com :x | 11:34 |
ceil420 | only system i've ever installed Xubuntu on has 512mb ram | 11:34 |
foug | jrib: ? ntfs i think | 11:34 |
jrib | Chads: try 'sudo apt-cdrom' in a terminal | 11:34 |
Ausylo | hey guys, i need some help with a black screen after the GUI boot screen | 11:34 |
Chads | ok | 11:35 |
someone2005 | I've got a question about link time referance... | 11:35 |
Raevn | Ceil420: Runs like a glacier though. I read that too and testing tells me to use mor if you can get it | 11:35 |
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jrib | foug: sudo mkdir /media/sda1 && sudo mount -t ntfs -o umask=0222 /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 | 11:35 |
godtvisken | georgy28: ah woops >_> didn't see that. should i worry about erasing that entry (that i left with ethx)? | 11:35 |
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foug | jrib: is there a chance this might erase the data on it? i can't have that | 11:35 |
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ceil420 | Raevn, yeah, i think "minimum requirements" means "It'll work, but just barely" :x | 11:35 |
Pelo | someone2005, we don'T guess here, if you have a question , ask it | 11:35 |
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Default | ceil420: This also has a Trident Blade3D/MVP4(63) for a video card, will it be supported? I don't even know who makes it.... | 11:35 |
georgy28 | godtvisken, : no, it just won't work | 11:35 |
mike24 | anyone available to help a newbie | 11:35 |
jrib | foug: no | 11:36 |
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godtvisken | georgy28: now must i restart anything? | 11:36 |
Pelo | mike24, just state you issue | 11:36 |
mike24 | can anyone help with my ubuntu problem.. i got ubuntu working fine but when i try to load winxp it just reboots back into grub | 11:36 |
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Raevn | Ceil420: Kinds klike M$ software? <gulp> | 11:36 |
foug | jrib: k so just copy and paste what you did? all one line? | 11:36 |
jrib | foug: yep | 11:36 |
georgy28 | godtvisken, : no, | 11:36 |
Pelo | mike24, what error msg are you getting , if any ? | 11:36 |
qnyc | mike24, how are you trying to load winxp? Is there a entry for it in grub? | 11:36 |
ceil420 | Default, is it a VGA graphics card capable of 640x480 resolution? :o | 11:36 |
ceil420 | lol Raevn | 11:36 |
someone2005 | what would cause a link time referance error ? | 11:36 |
mike24 | pelo, yes i can select it in grub | 11:36 |
Chads | I know this is a daft question but is there a website that you can go to that will explain these commands etc to a complete newb? | 11:36 |
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Default | Wow!! | 11:37 |
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jrib | !cli > Chads (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:37 |
mike24 | pelo, i see the windows logo, then it restarts | 11:37 |
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foug | jrib: badass it worked, you rock man. How long have you been using linux? | 11:37 |
alecwh | How do you turn off Compiz Fusion? | 11:37 |
Pelo | mike24, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , put the content of that file up on pastebin | 11:37 |
someone2005 | what would cause a link time reference error ? Program files not in root ? | 11:37 |
Pelo | !pastebin | mike24 | 11:37 |
ubotu | mike24: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:37 |
jrib | foug: couple of years. I'm not sure why it didn't automount. Check that 'gnome-volume-manager' is running. But, you probably want to setup fstab with the drive anyway (see link from ubotu and feel free to ask questions) | 11:37 |
jrib | !fstab > foug (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:37 |
mike24 | pelo, paste what | 11:37 |
=== reacocard [n=reacocar@rccy-06-0730.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | mike24, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , put the content of that file up on pastebin | 11:37 |
reacocard | quick question: does reformatting a partition change it's UUID? | 11:37 |
foug | jrib: i'm using KDE atm | 11:38 |
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jrib | foug: ah, don't know what to check for then. If no one here knows, try #kubuntu | 11:38 |
Raevn | Ceil420: Would like to fix my 1/2-sized video and recognize the memory stick in the USB or the wireless card in the PCMCIA slot. You know, the little things that make these old laptops... useful! <S> | 11:38 |
foug | jrib: it should work fine from now on, the power outage last night is what caused it i think | 11:38 |
jrib | Chads: also, you have documentation for COMMAND by typing: man COMMAND | 11:39 |
ceil420 | lol | 11:39 |
alecwh | How do I turn off Compiz Fusion? | 11:39 |
foug | jrib: that and maybe switching to KDE, not using kubuntu technically | 11:39 |
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someone2005 | do liblinks create themselfs in Linux ? | 11:39 |
jrib | !effects > alecwh (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:39 |
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Pelo | someone2005, is someone actualy hleping you or are you asking questions to the wind ? | 11:40 |
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someone2005 | askin the wind... | 11:40 |
Pelo | someone2005, what are yo trying to do , ansd what error msg are you getting ? | 11:40 |
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someone2005 | link a program I get the error John wrote:/home/Desktop/glnx86/update/bin/glnx86/tsetup: relocation error: /home/Desktop/glnx86/update/bin/glnx86/tsetup: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference | 11:41 |
someone2005 | root@user-desktop:/home/Desktop/glnx86# | 11:41 |
someone2005 | with kernel version-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 11:41 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | !ubotu | 11:41 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 11:41 |
someone2005 | Any Ideas ? | 11:41 |
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Pelo | someone2005, ok, what is the command that triggers this msg | 11:42 |
someone2005 | a | 11:42 |
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chapium | some of my fonts look fuzzy, particularly in firefox... any help? | 11:42 |
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magnetron | a.out, someone2005? | 11:43 |
someone2005 | a-accept... | 11:43 |
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Pelo | chapium, lcd screen ? | 11:43 |
chapium | pelo, yes | 11:43 |
Comrade-Sergei | all my KDE apps seem to be very crash prone latly, sometimes they complain they cant find klauncher, what may be the problem? | 11:43 |
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Pelo | chapium, menu > system, > prefs > fonts, change the hinting to subpixel I think | 11:43 |
mike24 | pelo, i am on another pc, i cant paste anything | 11:43 |
chapium | pelo, i'll check that out | 11:43 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | how can i get ubuntu feisty to allow 1600x1050 resolution? | 11:44 |
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PurpZeY | !fixres | RkyRaccoon55 | 11:44 |
foug | RkyRaccoon55: edit xorg.conf | 11:44 |
ubotu | RkyRaccoon55: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:44 |
Pelo | mike24, go to that pc, boot up ubuntu , and come back here from there , other wise I can'T realy help you | 11:44 |
centaur5 | I just installed Feisty on an Acer laptop and it sees the sound card with the volume turned all the way up but I don't get any sound. Any ideas? | 11:44 |
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PurpZeY | !alsa | centaur5 | 11:44 |
ubotu | centaur5: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:44 |
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reacocard | (repeat) quick question: does reformatting a partition change it's UUID? | 11:45 |
Pelo | someone2005, I have no ida how to hlep you, try the forum or ask again later | 11:45 |
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magnetron | where do i set my date format for gnome? the evolution calendar in the upper corner has a funny order of the date/time. i would like to set it to ISO 8601 mode. | 11:45 |
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Pelo | magnetron, try in gconf-editor | 11:46 |
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mike24 | this is a busy room | 11:46 |
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mike24 | cant even see my responses | 11:47 |
Pelo | mike24, go to that pc, boot up ubuntu , and come back here from there , other wise I can'T realy help you | 11:47 |
urso_ | Is true the ubuntu founder was the first african go to the space? | 11:47 |
mike24 | pelo, i have it loaded and put in that command | 11:47 |
PurpZeY | uhm. | 11:47 |
Pelo | urso_, african's in space ? | 11:47 |
mike24 | what do u want me to see? | 11:47 |
Speaker2Software | urso: One of the first space tourists, yes | 11:47 |
urso_ | pelo yes ... | 11:47 |
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Pelo | urso_, actualy it is , he bought it way on a russian flight | 11:47 |
HOT | s there a catch all command to undo a batch of synaptec updates in one go? | 11:48 |
urso_ | but go to the space right? the first african in the space ... | 11:48 |
mike24 | pelo, i rant the dedo gedit command, now what | 11:48 |
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Pelo | mike24, I need to see that file, so you need to find a way to upload it to the paste bin | 11:48 |
chapium | pelo, adjusting hinting for some reason does not affect fonts in firefo | 11:48 |
chapium | x | 11:48 |
luisbg | I have 3d acceleration and my graphics card working, just installed compiz but when I boot it nothing seams to happen (except some verbose that looks like it works in terminal) it replaces metacity and that's all, no 3d effects | 11:48 |
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Pelo | chapium, restart FF | 11:48 |
PurpZeY | !effects | luisbg | 11:49 |
Speaker2Software | Gotta do my homework. Pidgin, out. <etx> | 11:49 |
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ubotu | luisbg: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 11:49 |
chapium | pelo, thx | 11:49 |
magnetron | Pelo: i find nothing about time format in a gconf-editor search | 11:49 |
Pelo | chapium, also try menu > system > admin > restricted drivers , see if there is something better for your card | 11:49 |
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mike24 | pelo, what is pastebin, this file is long | 11:49 |
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magnetron | !paste | mike | 11:50 |
PurpZeY | !paste | mike24 | 11:50 |
ubotu | mike: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:50 |
ubotu | mike24: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:50 |
magnetron | sorry | 11:50 |
Pelo | magnetron, that was my best suggestion, try looking it up in the forum | 11:50 |
nikin | hy.... how can i batch rename a series of files using the command line? | 11:50 |
Pelo | !pastebin | mike24 | 11:50 |
jrib | nikin: 'rename' | 11:50 |
Pelo | ubotu, dead ? | 11:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dead ? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:50 |
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nikin | jrib.... :D ty | 11:50 |
Pelo | !pastebin | mike24 | 11:50 |
PurpZeY | Pelo: We just hit that command for mike24. | 11:50 |
ubotu | mike24: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:50 |
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Pelo | hoelk, didn'T notice, thanks PurpZeY | 11:51 |
sebforgold | nikin, mv should also work | 11:51 |
MrXorg | How do I save a file in nano? | 11:51 |
jrib | MrXorg: ctrl-o | 11:52 |
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Ausylo | Hey guys, I get a black screen after my Ubuntu GUI boot screen loads. I wanted to know how to fix this issue. Also, before I get the GUI boot screen, I notice that I have text at the top saying that I have PCI BUG #81. | 11:52 |
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Comrade-Sergei | all my KDE apps seem to be very crash prone latly, sometimes they complain they cant find klauncher, what may be the problem? | 11:52 |
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Pelo | Comrade-Sergei, reinstall klauncher | 11:52 |
luisbg | everytime I boot the computer I have to introduce a command to set the minimum fan speed, where do you recommend me to put this command so it's automatically done every time I boot? | 11:52 |
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asdf | can anyone tell me how to run a terminal command when I log off? | 11:53 |
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Comrade-Sergei | Pelo, its in the repos? | 11:53 |
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georgy28 | asdf, : ctrl+alt+f1 | 11:53 |
Pelo | luisbg, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty check in there | 11:53 |
Sam330|away| | Hw long will it take for me to recieve my Ubuntu CD's if I order them today, do you think? | 11:53 |
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Gnea | asdf: throw it in ~/.bash_logout | 11:53 |
Pelo | Comrade-Sergei, look for yourself | 11:53 |
asdf | georgy28: no i mean I want to run a command in the terminal when I log off | 11:53 |
Ausylo | Hey guys, I get a black screen after my Ubuntu GUI boot screen loads. I wanted to know how to fix this issue. Also, before I get the GUI boot screen, I notice that I have text at the top saying that I have PCI BUG #81. | 11:53 |
PurpZeY | Sam330|away|: 4-6 weeks I'm told. | 11:53 |
Sam330|away| | oh ok | 11:54 |
asdf | Gnea: that's what I thought, but I can't seem to get it to execute | 11:54 |
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Gnea | asdf: what did you put there? | 11:54 |
georgy28 | asdf: oh, ok | 11:54 |
Pelo | Ausylo, look up the error msg in the forum www.ubuntuforums.com | 11:54 |
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=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asdf | Gnea: I just copied two commands cd home\username\backup on one line and then an rsync command on the second | 11:54 |
=== Pelo has to go, later folks | ||
asdf | Gnea, georgy28: is there a certain syntax I need to use? | 11:55 |
duelboot | I have a Westinghouse 37" monitor...I finally got a 1920x1080 resolution, but it still appears big...anyway to decrease the icons and applications on desktop (opening webpage still requires a full screen browser)...help please | 11:55 |
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=== PG [n=petrit@p57B0BB1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | asdf: it should be: cd /home/username/backup && rsync ... | 11:55 |
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=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-268446.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Gnea | asdf: *nix doesn't use \ in paths | 11:55 |
JuanJose | Hi | 11:55 |
JuanJose | =) | 11:55 |
=== mwe [n=mwe@0x5550b3ef.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asdf | Gnea: I've already got this command in that file: if [ "$SHLVL" = 1 ] ; then | 11:55 |
asdf | [ -x /usr/bin/clear_console ] && /usr/bin/clear_console -q | 11:55 |
asdf | fi | 11:55 |
usr13 | what CD burning software should I use? | 11:55 |
usr13 | is good to use? | 11:55 |
PG | hi | 11:56 |
duelboot | usr13, k3b | 11:56 |
asdf | Gnea: do I need to throw it in that loop or just at the end? | 11:56 |
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PG | yes k3b is a good prog | 11:56 |
ompaul | usr13, gnomebaker in gnome or k3b in kde | 11:56 |
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Ind[y] | I have (for testing reasons) tried to open a file with many different applications, so when I right click to a file of that type, I get a huge menu. How can I remove all the "open with <foo>" options? | 11:56 |
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=== CaBlGuY [n=CaBlGuY@cpe-071-068-076-032.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duelboot | ompaul, usr13 you can still use k3b in gnome...just have to load kde libs | 11:56 |
usr13 | gnomebaker ok, tnx | 11:56 |
Gnea | asdf: and && is good because it won't run the rsync unless the cd command executes properly | 11:56 |
CaBlGuY | !xine | 11:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:56 |
=== irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | duelboot, I am aware of this, but to keep with the paradigm :-) | 11:57 |
PG | hey i can see the installed wlan sniffer (airsnort) in my applakation bar | 11:57 |
=== B2Ka [n=B2Ka@unregister011009144195.c9.msk.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | asdf: i would put it before the if statement | 11:57 |
PG | i can ai mean | 11:57 |
=== Floopy [n=Floopy@67.Red-83-33-192.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asdf | okay | 11:57 |
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b0ha | what player do i need for mp3? | 11:57 |
PG | i cant see that | 11:57 |
b0ha | or codec? | 11:57 |
PurpZeY | !mp3 | b0ha | 11:57 |
ubotu | b0ha: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:57 |
duelboot | paradigms are made to be broken ompaul :) using linux is breaking the paradigm...lol | 11:57 |
Ind[y] | I have (for testing reasons) tried to open a file with many different applications, so when I right click to a file of that type, I get a huge menu. How can I remove all the "open with <foo>" options? | 11:57 |
=== B2Ka Need Iddler ? PM Me | ||
CaBlGuY | b0ha, xmms | 11:57 |
PG | use rhythmplayer | 11:57 |
mwe | !w32codecs | b0ha | 11:57 |
ubotu | b0ha: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 11:57 |
PG | i love it | 11:57 |
ompaul | duelboot, it is unless you call it GNU/Linux :) | 11:57 |
Pirate_Hunter | hello everyone im back was afk | 11:58 |
b0ha | ok tnx guys | 11:58 |
duelboot | true, so true ... | 11:58 |
CaBlGuY | !xmms b0ha | 11:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xmms b0ha - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:58 |
PG | some girls here | 11:58 |
Pirate_Hunter | !pastebin | 11:58 |
mon^rch | hey... can I defrag a linux partition from windows? | 11:58 |
asdf | Gnea: is there something wrong with this command? It's not working...$ rsync -arvuz /home/asdf/May2007 | 11:58 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:58 |
duelboot | I have a Westinghouse 37" monitor...I finally got a 1920x1080 resolution, but it still appears big...anyway to decrease the icons and applications on desktop (opening webpage still requires a full screen browser)...help please...ompaul, do you know? | 11:58 |
Gnea | !ask > B2Ka | 11:58 |
asdf | Gnea:I run that after navigating to my directory | 11:58 |
=== Min464 [n=10373019@IGLD-83-130-46-141.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asdf | Gnea: I'll keep playing around, thanks for the help | 11:59 |
Min464 | WOW! Free phone calls - http://callfree.point-serv.com/en/ | 11:59 |
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duelboot | min464, go away | 12:00 |
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ompaul | duelboot, it would, you need a video card that would work with that, and I don't know anything in that soace | 12:00 |
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duelboot | ahhhh...and I'm on an older computer so that's probably why ompaul | 12:00 |
Ind[y] | I have (for testing reasons) tried to open a file with many different applications, so when I right click to a file of that type, I get a huge menu. How can I remove all the "open with <foo>" options? | 12:00 |
PurpZeY | duelboot: Just a suggestion, hit up #ubuntu-effects if crdbl is around he is a monster with that sort of stuff. | 12:00 |
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bvc310 | #sex | 12:00 |
Pirate_Hunter | this is annoying pastebin is not letting me post, saying im spamming when its my first post today. what cna I do? | 12:00 |
duelboot | will do PurpZeY thx...on my way | 12:00 |
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