
manchickenTonio_: What's that?12:16
Tonio_manchicken: not all packages, some do, as kdebase for example12:16
Tonio_manchicken: no aware of that ????????,12:16
manchickenTonio_: Does adept?12:16
Arbyseemingly not12:16
manchickenYeah.  I'm thinking not, too.12:16
Arbyat least I can't find it12:16
manchickenYou could build from source.12:16
Tonio_manchicken: here is the plan, kdesu sucks as hell, and I found a very old and pretty nice code for sudo/kde12:16
Tonio_didn't work but I got it to work with a modern sudo12:17
mhbRiddell: you said the only fault of kdesu is that it's running sudo multiple times12:17
Tonio_manchicken: the point is that to get it to replace kdesu perfectly, we need to implement all the command line options kdesu as12:17
Tonio_manchicken: one of them is still missing, the --nonewdcop one12:17
mhbTonio_: ^^ shouldn't we fix kdesu then, instead of supporting this new app?12:17
Arbymanchicken: in which case that's a job for another day :)12:17
manchickenArby: `apt-get source adept` and then edit the debian/rules file to add --enable-debug=full where you see "DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --enable-adept" and then you just type debuild and BAM, it'll either yell at you for dependencies or it'll build.12:17
Tonio_manchicken: kdesudo currently fixes about all the issues we have with kdesu, which means a lot of problems12:17
Tonio_mhb: fixing kdesu will be too long in my opinion12:18
Tonio_mhb: supporting a new app and then try to merge the changes with kdesu might be better no ?12:18
Arbymanchicken: cheers, I'll give it a go, but not right now :)12:18
mhbRadiantFire: poke12:18
Arbytis late here :)12:18
Tonio_mhb: unless I'm wrong and just having a sudo class for kdesu would be easier.....12:19
manchickenArby: Righto.  Just make sure you have libtagcoll-dev and libapt-front-dev installed and you should be good to go.12:19
RadiantFiremhb: jab12:19
RadiantFiremhb: shell account is working for the moment12:19
Tonio_mhb: not to give you pressure, but I really would like to have that fixed for gutsy12:19
manchickenArby: The dpkg-checkbuilddeps script should help.12:19
mhbme too12:19
mhbRadiantFire: read up12:19
Tonio_mhb: we had to use gksu on kde for the french parliament, as kdesu is unable to understand specific sudoers config for example.....12:19
Arbymanchicken: I don't know what that is12:19
RadiantFireah, yes12:20
manchickenArby: It's just a command-line utility.12:20
Tonio_no way to get a NOPASSWD thiing to work for example12:20
mhbRadiantFire: the thing is, Riddell (who wrote the kdesu support for sudo) said that the only fault of kdesu is that it runs sudo multiple times.12:20
Tonio_manchicken: talking about that, should we get adept-batch to work with kio-apt ? :) shouldn't be hard to implement, and pretty fun hehe :)12:20
Arbymanchicken: OK, I'll find it.12:20
RadiantFirei don't suppose they fixed any of these problems in kde4 and we could look at backporting something12:20
mhbTonio_: the truth is, I'm not one on how many problems there are with kdesu12:21
manchickenArby: It's in the dpkg-dev package.12:21
Tonio_mhb: more than this, kdesu doesn't do any kind of sudo thing12:21
mhbTonio_: Riddell says it's just one, you say there are many12:21
Tonio_mhb: it just takes your password and checks if sudo has a problem with it12:21
manchickenTonio_: Right now I'm getting proxying to work with the developer changelog.12:21
Riddellmanchicken, Arby: all packages have debug package in the debug package repository12:21
manchickenI'm knee deep in debugger.12:21
Riddellalthough I don't know where that is12:21
manchickenRiddell: A lot of help you are :)12:21
Tonio_mhb: try to tweek the sudoers file to allow only one command to one user, with the NOPASSWD thing, that'll fail, ask for passwd everytime12:22
Tonio_mhb: kdesudo works perfectly with this, as it directly asks sudo before prompting for the passwd12:22
Riddellmhb, Tonio_: oh yes, kdesu uses kdesu_stub so sudoers isn't respected as you would expect, that is also an issue12:22
Tonio_Riddell: exactly, which sucks as hell........12:22
RadiantFirekdesu_stub is evil I have found12:22
ArbyRiddell: do you mean pittis repository?12:23
manchickenYou'd think that kdevelop would have more support for Qt types instead of giving me addresses to look for all over the place.12:23
RadiantFirei don't understand why exactly it exists, surely there must be an easier way of manipulating X cookies12:23
Arbyas in deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ddebs gutsy main universe12:23
RiddellArby: that looks like it12:23
Tonio_Riddell: kdesudo works perfectly with sudo and deals with any kind of sudoers file, I tested this deeply, the only thing is that it fails to be used to go admin mode in kcontrol for example, due to missing command line option12:23
ArbyRiddell: thanks12:23
Tonio_Riddell: if we had this, we can get ridd of kdesu once and for all12:23
Tonio_Riddell: and then try to get the code merge as a clas in kdesu, for kde4 I guess12:24
Tonio_mhb: btw I wouldn't see any problem having 2 separate apps, as there are 2 separate commands in the shell to go admin :)12:24
Tonio_mhb: makes sense to have a GUI based client for each method12:25
mhbthe client is basically the same12:25
mhbso I'd like to see just one client12:25
Tonio_mhb: that's what I consider the second step :)12:25
mhbTonio_: yeah, I know12:25
Tonio_mhb: no reason to get the code merge for kde3, that's too late, but we should get it merged for kde412:26
mhbTonio_: also, kdesudo is heavily dependent on replies from sudo12:26
Tonio_mhb: true12:26
RadiantFirethat sort of makes sense12:26
RadiantFiresudo has a somewhat different messaging structure than sud12:26
mhbTonio_: and i18n might arrive into sudo soon12:26
RadiantFireer, su12:26
Tonio_mhb: well not that much as I force sudo output as much as I can12:26
Tonio_mhb: for example the password asking message is forced, so that ubuntu default changes on that point won't affect kdesudo12:27
RadiantFirestupid question, would it not be easier to write a suid app that can understand the sudoers file instead of relying on sudo as a long term goal12:27
Tonio_mhb: don't know if you saw that in the code12:27
mhbTonio_: I did12:27
mhbTonio_: you cannot force the error messages, though12:27
Tonio_mhb: nope, that's true12:27
Tonio_mhb: but honenstly, error messages didn't change the last 4 years :)12:28
Tonio_mhb: I didn't changes them on the 4 year old code12:28
mhbTonio_: no, but we also need to make sure the messages are in english12:28
Tonio_mhb: not a big deal if we have to upgrade them every 3 years right ? :)12:28
mhbTonio_: because if sudo spoke French, kdesudo would go crazy :o)12:29
Tonio_mhb: they are english btw12:29
RadiantFirethat must be annoying for the french admins12:29
Tonio_mhb: sudo isn't localized afaik12:29
Tonio_mhb: well we can discuss about what's better to do, but I would like kdesudo to go like hurd :)12:30
Tonio_mhb: I'd say let's finish it and then make the right thing on the second step :)12:30
ubotuwww.gratisoft.us bug 244 in Sudo "Sudo lacks i18n/translations" [Enhancement,Assigned] 12:30
Tonio_mhb: don't agree on that point ?12:31
mhbTonio_: well, I don't know :o)12:31
mhbTonio_: if the last step (implementing the dcop call) would be easy I'd go for that12:31
Tonio_mhb: one we have something that works, we'll have month to get something nicelly done for kde412:32
Tonio_mhb: we don't have more than a month from now to get it is gutsy12:32
manchickenTime for some print and pray debugging.12:32
Tonio_mhb: let's ask manchicken's opinion :)12:32
manchickenTonio_: That might be dangerous.12:32
Tonio_manchicken: why so ? ;)12:32
manchickenThis is one of those "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" moments.12:33
Tonio_manchicken: hehe :)12:33
Tonio_mhb: I think that if we can get all the good coders on that last point, we can get it to work quickly12:34
Tonio_AKA, not me of course :)12:34
mhbTonio_: perhaps, yes12:35
manchickenI'm a hacker, but I don't know if the word "good" enters into it.12:35
mhbTonio_: I won't be doing it tonight, though :o) it's too late for me12:35
manchickenmhb: What's your $TZ?12:37
Tonio_mhb hehe no pb, sleep well ;)12:37
mhbTonio_: I'll check the KDE4 code of kdesu now, then sleep12:37
mhbmanchicken: Riddell+1 or so :o)12:37
manchickenMOFAKA!  It works.12:38
=== RadiantFire cheers and stomps feet
mhbTonio_: you know what's pretty stupid?12:39
mhbTonio_: that the last step is about dcop12:40
mhbTonio_: which is pretty much obsolete by now12:40
mhbTonio_: kdesu4 doesn't have any such command line option12:40
manchickenMy dog is pretty stupid.12:40
manchickenOoh ooh oooh oooh oooooh.  I think I may get a 2-for-1 deal on this bug.12:40
manchickenScore one for print & pray debugging.12:44
Tonio_mhb: :/12:45
Tonio_mhb: yeah, pretty much stupid doing this just for kde3..... but that needs to be done :) hehe12:45
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mhbRiddell: you might know that, but they dropped support for sudo out of kdesu412:51
mhbRiddell: or perhaps I'm wrong, errr12:51
mhbRiddell: sorry for the last bit12:51
mhbmore reading, then telling12:51
manchickenTwo bugs.  Fixed.01:14
manchickenOnly one patch though.01:16
mhbmanchicken: what about adept-kde4?01:18
mhbmanchicken: is anyone working on that?01:18
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manchickenmhb: What?  You mean you weren't?!  Damnit, I thought you were.  heh01:19
manchickenI think mornfall is still cranking away at it, and I think Riddell has been playing with it some, too.  Don't know.  when I tried to build it at UDS, I got it to compile, but run it did not.01:19
manchickenBug #119089 is fixed, as well as bug #85056.01:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119089 in adept "Unable to fetch the Developer Changelog" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11908901:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85056 in adept "adept_updater try's to fetch changelog from other package" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8505601:20
manchickenthe patch is on the bug report for 119089.01:20
manchickenI'm gonna go eat spicy food now.  Later.01:20
Riddellmanchicken|away: mornfall isn't doing anything, but says he has some time this summer for a qt 4 port and UI improvements01:21
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deweygutsy-gibbon 2 would not boot for me?01:42
Riddellcheck the CD is valid01:46
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ryanakcaRiddell: Also, maybe change 'Kubuntu 7.10 amd64' to something more descriptive so as to know that it isn't the official release (maybe append 'Tribe 1', or 'Daily Build')...01:55
Riddellnot my choice that01:58
Riddellyou'd need to file a bug01:58
ryanakcaok, will do :)02:00
deweyRiddell: the md5sum was fine?02:07
Riddellwas the CD verification fine?02:08
deweyRiddell: how do that?02:08
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jjesseusing gutsy tribe-2 installed in vmware i get a lot of text in console login mode and it becomes hard to type due to the messages scrolling03:26
jjessei noticed when i booted from the live cd of tribe 2 i had the option for dolphin as the file manager but don't see that in my updated today gutsy install03:29
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manchickenmhb: I figured out how to detect the lock for the easy resolution.05:43
manchickenmhb: I'm wondering if it's really necessary to have a python script for that though to be honest with you.05:43
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manchickenmhb: I think I may have gotten a fix for the dpkg locked bug...06:35
nixternalwhere does the useragent string get stored on a system?06:54
nixternalit seems that with Gutsy, the Kubuntu useragent string is just detected as Linux now, and not Kubuntu anymore06:54
manchickenThat's an interesting question.06:55
manchickenI'm guessing that's in kubuntu-defaults or something.06:55
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=== Hobbsee wavse
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nixternalhiya Hobbsee07:38
nixternalHobbsee: where is the location of the file that contains the Kubuntu user agent string? It is there (somewhere) in Feisty, but doesn't seem to either work or it isn't installed with Feisty07:38
Hobbseenixternal: /etc/lsb_release ?07:39
nixternalnope, becuase on Kubuntu boxes that reports Ubuntu07:39
nixternalI have a script on my website that sniffs user agent strings, and it used to pick up Kubuntu until I upgraded to Gutsy07:40
Hobbseei'm not sure07:40
Hobbseehave you tried grep -R'ing for the string, from / or something?07:40
nixternalman, for like ever :)07:40
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Hobbseemanchicken: er....08:13
Hobbseemanchicken: you didnt happen to add kubuntumembers as a bug contact of adept, did you?08:13
Hobbseehiya Nightrose08:13
Nightroseheya Hobbsee08:13
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mhbmanchicken: yes, it is11:14
mhbmanchicken: or a C++ app, I have no preference on that11:14
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mhbmanchicken: the idea is, to have the fix possible in the kubuntu as a whole11:17
mhbmanchicken: adept's not the only tool in Kubuntu handling packages, you know11:17
mhbmanchicken: so it would be rather silly to do several fixes for the same bug11:17
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=== LongPointyStick waves
LongPointyStickthis restricted manager is cool!11:19
mhbwhich one?11:19
mhbi.e. you mean the *real* restricted-manager?11:20
mhbLongPointyStick: good :o)11:24
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Tonio_hi people ;)11:24
Tonio_how cool it is to be connected at home hehe :)11:24
LongPointyStickyay, Tonio_!11:28
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Tonio_hey Hobbsee :)11:30
Tonio_connected at home, with wireless and wpa11:31
Tonio_Hobbsee: I was about to forget that sensation......... 2 month without internet at home :'(11:31
Tonio_was a bit rude11:31
HobbseeTonio_: erk :(11:31
Tonio_Hobbsee: that'done finished now, so let's back to the work !11:33
Hobbseehehe :)11:33
HobbseeTonio_: i'm testing out a ubuntu cd at the moment11:33
Tonio_k3b packaging is really a peace of shit.....11:33
Tonio_Hobbsee: cool :) I'm repackaging k3b11:34
HobbseeTonio_: with pygi?11:35
Hobbseeheh, i've heard11:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: nope, I'm doing the initial packaging alone11:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: he'll improve this11:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: my goal is just to have the current package building with cdbs and patches correctly applied11:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: they actually don't, so we miss all the ubuntu changes to it11:36
Tonio_Hobbsee: btw a modern app, based on kde, with a pure debhelper packaging is really stupid11:36
Tonio_kde.mk/cdbs does a so good job....11:36
hungerTonio_: The problem is that you need to know that as a packager. All my attempts to use cdbs failed horribly because I could not figure out how to do things.11:37
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Tonio_hunger: not talking about you, the problem is the basic debian packaging11:47
Tonio_hunger: the debian k3b package should be based on cdbs11:48
Tonio_hunger: that was not for you, don't mind :) hehe :)11:48
Tonio_hunger: I'm I the kind of guy that insults the work done by other people in the crew ? I don't think so ^^11:49
hungerTonio_: I hadn't assumed you were trying to assign tasks to me. I just said that I know many people (incl. me) that consider themselves to be too stupid for cdbs:-)11:50
Tonio_hunger: cdbs is for stupid people !11:50
Tonio_hunger: I learned to package with cdbs, and learned debhelper later11:51
Tonio_hungerno need to now what you do ith cdbs, just load the good .mk files and that's it for a basic package :)11:51
hungerTonio_: Really? I find debhelper much simpler as it does not hide so much from me. Way easier to figure out how to do things.11:51
Tonio_hunger: that's why I use cdbs, because it is for me, aka stupid people :)11:51
hungerTonio_: cdbs is great... as long as everything is straight forward... but what ever is?11:52
Tonio_hunger: true11:53
Tonio_hunger: talking aout the packaging, why removing the iso and cue mimetypes ?11:53
Tonio_do they conflict with another package ?11:53
=== hunger shrugs. No idea.
Tonio_hunger: okay I'll investigate ;)11:54
mhbRiddell: what about us  and desktop-effects? was something planned?12:02
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nosrednaekimhey, I think I found a bug in the installer12:21
nosrednaekimwhen you try to cancle the downloading of package lists, it crashes12:22
Hobbseemhb: mvo's looking into a compiz-kde package12:22
Hobbseemhb: it's actually quite nice.  or would be, if it didnt have large bugs in it12:22
mhbHobbsee: but it's surely more stable than kwin_composite :o)12:23
Hobbseenot sure on that one12:24
Hobbseei dont like how this occasionally seems to eat windows, and how it's sometimes impossible to seelct windows with the mouse12:24
nosrednaekimKonqueror can't start the cooky manager12:26
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Riddellmhb: I'd like to see a kde desktop package which just works, but all a bit vauge really01:26
Riddellmhb: note I'm at akademy from now until the end of next week so unreliable computer time01:26
Hobbseehiya Riddell01:26
Riddellhi Hobbsee01:27
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Tonio_Hobbsee, would you like to see other major kde apps like k3b going to bzr ?01:32
HobbseeTonio_: yes please01:33
Tonio_Hobbsee needs to register a new branch I guess right ?01:33
HobbseeTonio_: they all need get-orig-source lines too01:33
Riddellnote that amarok is in bzr upstream, we should branch that and do it properly (merges etc)01:33
HobbseeTonio_: i think you can just upload the new branch, and it auto-registers01:33
Tonio_Hobbsee I'm not familiar with bzr and the branch creation process, can you brief me a bit about it01:33
HobbseeTonio_: wiki.ubuntu.com/Bzr01:33
Hobbseeis a fairly good primer on it01:33
Tonio_Hobbsee the point is that bzr is slow as hell.........01:34
xerosis_Hobbsee: any chance of adept in bzr?01:34
Tonio_Hobbsee initial download of kdepim/debian is 3 times longuer that downloading the all source package...01:35
HobbseeTonio_: it's getting faster.  and usually only the original checkout is slow01:35
Hobbseetrue.  bzr update is much faster01:35
HobbseeTonio_: what i like about it is that i dont have to find 10 bugs to fix or whatever, to make it worth an upload01:35
Tonio_Hobbsee the point is that we won't have local things waiting for upload01:35
Hobbseei can fix a few, commit, and then a few more a few days later.  and maybe someone else have put in a copule of fixes.  which is then less stuff to build, and download01:35
Tonio_we can upload something that is not over and upload the package later, true01:36
Hobbseei'm not understanding you01:36
HobbseeTonio_: is it a bad thing not having local things waiting for upload?01:38
Hobbseeit's very annoying, if anyone else wants access to it, to test it out01:38
Tonio_Hobbsee one question, why don't we have one project with several branches in it ?01:39
Tonio_Hobbsee each package is there one project..... doesn't make sense01:40
HobbseeTonio_: mainlyb ecause most of those sections of kde were already registered, so the "upstream" lists of bugs are already there.01:40
Hobbseei couldnt see the point of having 3 separate kdebase's, for eg.01:40
Tonio_Hobbsee that'll be hard to maintain with hundreds of package in my opinion01:40
Hobbseeand because i didnt think of it.01:41
Tonio_I would have done a kubuntu-desktop project with all packages in main in the form of a branch01:41
HobbseeTonio_: you're welcome to change it, to something more sane.01:41
HobbseeTonio_: that's probably fairly easy to do, too.01:41
Tonio_Hobbsee second step probably :)01:41
HobbseeTonio_: that's precisely why i requested for comments about what we should do.01:41
Tonio_Hobbsee just that I don't see how to create a new branch without the website....01:42
Tonio_Hobbsee I have read the wiki, but I can't find it01:42
Tonio_I have done it once, for kdesudo, but I can't remember how.... :(01:42
Hobbseeuse push sftp://tonio_@bazarr........01:42
Hobbseethe command is listed in that guide01:42
Tonio_hum, indeed01:43
Tonio_just that I have to create the project before, which annoys me a lot :)01:43
Tonio_I wanted to add all my package in it, but register 40 projects would be very annoying ;)01:44
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Tonio_Hobbsee okay here is a proposal, let's meet toonight here if you can and let's think of the best solution how to structure this, are you okay ?01:44
HobbseeTonio_: sure.  if i'm on irc, then that's fine01:44
Tonio_Hobbsee great01:44
HobbseeTonio_: can you define how many hours away "tonight" is?01:45
mikkaeli just installed "kde-tweak" from gutsy repos. there is no menu-entry and i cant find it in kcontrol. thats the homepage. http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=51170&forumpage=201:45
mikkaelshould i file a bug ?01:45
Tonio_Hobbsee, don't get me wrong, I agree with you on the bzr approach, I'm just unsure the way we structured this is adapted to heavy usage01:45
Tonio_Hobbsee as you know, I maintain a LOT of applications :)01:45
HobbseeTonio_: true that.  i more did that as a way to try it out01:45
HobbseeTonio_: and i've already got some of those changes listed in those bzr branches01:46
Tonio_Hobbsee of course, a first attempt is always good, but requires a second step :)01:46
Hobbseeno questoin there01:46
Tonio_Hobbsee look at the kde-extras branch on alioth01:46
Tonio_Hobbsee one project, one branch per app01:47
Hobbseefair enough01:47
Tonio_and one global branch for those like me who are working on potentially every package01:47
Tonio_Hobbsee that's the good way to do01:47
Tonio_Hobbsee also what would be nice is a script that apt-get source the package, bzr exports and builds the new source package01:48
HobbseeTonio_: indeed.  was hoping you'd write one01:48
Tonio_Hobbsee doing this manually is a bit annoying, and that's pretty easy to basically script01:48
Tonio_Hobbsee that'll be the third step I guess :)01:48
Tonio_Hobbsee this is basically what we've done for the french parliament, but that was using svn01:49
Tonio_Riddell: ping ?01:50
Tonio_Riddell: I'm about to try to build kdepim with opensync support, that'll generate more files I have to put in a package01:51
Tonio_Riddell: where would you put the dh_install --list-missing thing in a cdbs based packaging ?01:51
Tonio_hum, looks like utils.mk does the trick01:52
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mhbgood afternoon02:40
Tonio_yop mhb :)02:46
Tonio_Riddell: fyi I'm changing a few things to the kdepim packaging, since once again, as we synced with debian, the desktop files for the kontact component are back in the kontact package, which is not good02:48
mhbhi Tonio_02:49
xerosis_mhb: what's hello in czech?02:49
mhbRadiantFire: around?02:49
RadiantFirefor not long02:49
RadiantFireI have to go to work in 5 mins02:49
RadiantFiresorry, connection cut out on me again yesterday02:49
Tonio_Riddell: the result is that "news" is back in the components list of kontact on the left bar, even if the .so files are not installed.... that's unfair.... I'll try to get debian doing this properly for less maintainance in the future :)02:49
RadiantFireso whats up mhb?02:50
Tonio_Riddell: I also discovered kitchensync.install file is missing, so the package is therefore empty, which is due to the fact that the multisync support has been removed, but the package dpesn't build-depends on opensync02:50
mhbRadiantFire: have you played with kde4 kdesu?02:50
Tonio_Riddell: conclusion : kdepim packaging is BAD ;)02:51
RadiantFirehmm... I have not02:51
RadiantFiredoes it function differently?02:51
Tonio_mhb: I thought about that nonewdcop thing02:51
Tonio_mhb: if implementing this is very long and complicated, that's really a problem, since then we'll have to do it for one release only....02:52
Tonio_mhb: correction : 2 versions, as gutsy + 1 will use kde3 in the first place02:52
HobbseeTonio_: have you done the opensync MIR yet?02:52
Hobbseeor has someone?02:52
Tonio_Hobbsee: no I'm just testing this atm02:52
RadiantFireoh, thats sad02:52
Tonio_Hobbsee: if it works or not02:53
Hobbseethat's what's blocking kdepim, and why kitchensync stuff is not installed.02:53
RadiantFiremhb: I must be off to work, I wll look at kdesu4 this evening or this weekend sometime02:53
Hobbseethere was going to be a new versoin of opensync, which is what lure was waiting on02:53
Tonio_Hobbsee: hum, they don't want too many libs in main, I know that, but well in 2007, mobile syncing support is important, btw02:53
Tonio_Hobbsee: does the builddep need to be in universe ?02:54
Tonio_s/universe/main ?02:54
HobbseeTonio_: to build a main package?  yes.02:54
Tonio_Hobbsee: what is the problem in building with opensync support and keep kitchensync-opensync in universe ?02:54
Hobbseewell, on the buildds02:54
Tonio_Hobbsee: that's pret stupid imho02:54
HobbseeTonio_: if kitchensync-opensync is in kdepim, or split?02:54
Tonio_that's why we are castrating a lot of packages of their functionalities02:54
Tonio_Hobbsee: the code is in kdepim now02:55
Hobbseei realise that02:55
Hobbseeyou need all the build deps to be in main, to build a main package02:55
Tonio_Hobbsee: but there is no package concerning this, so I have to build and then fix the packaging, but we need opensync in main for this02:55
=== Hobbsee isnt sure why this is so new and revolutionary, that it's such a surprise.
mhbHobbsee: will there be a meeting?02:56
mhbHobbsee: I mean - you proposed one02:56
Hobbseethis was also discussed around the time of the merging kde 3.5.7, although i guess Tonio_ wanst here02:56
Tonio_Hobbsee: opensync supports syncml, which multisync doesn't02:56
Hobbseemhb: yes.  wednesday 1400 UTC i think02:56
Tonio_and syncml is the new standard protocol for mobile device synchronization02:56
mhbHobbsee: please make some buzz about it, so others are aware of that02:56
Tonio_Hobbsee: simply this :)02:56
Hobbseemhb: of course02:56
Hobbseemhb: i'm in at work tomorrow - i'm hoping to grab the roster then, as i dont think it was done on thursday02:57
Hobbseeno point scheduling a meeting, and fidnign i cant be there02:57
HobbseeTonio_: fair enough.  so it needs a MIR, which has always been planned, and lure was wanting to wait for the non-broken release of opensync.02:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: is the current one broken ?02:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: even if it's to early to get that in main now, packaging needs fixing for this :)02:58
Tonio_let's anticipate02:58
HobbseeTonio_: i believe, from when i merged it, that the files for the kontact componets are there because otherwise they're installed from two places at once.  and so dpkg errors out.02:58
Hobbseeso it wasnt just a screwup, as you didnt do the packaging.02:59
Tonio_Hobbsee: nope, this is just a stupid packaging, I already fixed it twice02:59
Tonio_Hobbsee: you can apt-file search , there is no dupe on that point02:59
Tonio_just that the kontact knode desktop file should be installed with knode, not kontact02:59
Hobbseeit wasnt fixed when i first found it, so i've got no idea what your "fixing" involved.02:59
Tonio_that doesn't make sense02:59
Hobbseeindeed.  but the entire directory that the knode desktop file is in *gets installed by kontact*03:00
Tonio_Hobbsee: the fixing is simply to rewrite the .install files, installing each desktop file with the package it depends on to work03:00
Hobbseeand seeing as knode depends on kontact anyway...03:00
Tonio_each desktop file uses a different part and lib03:00
Hobbseethis is true03:00
Tonio_Hobbsee: but kontact doesn't depend on knode :)03:00
Hobbseeso you need to specify each desktop file explicitly, and not the entire directory03:01
Tonio_so installing kontact results a knode component in the left menu that fails to launch because knode isn't installed03:01
Tonio_here is the problem03:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: exactly03:01
HobbseeTonio_: only by recommends, yes.03:01
Hobbseewhich are instaleld by default03:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: knode is installed on a default installation now ?03:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: that's impossible, knode is in universe03:02
Hobbseestill, you cant fix the package to install opensync until you do a MIR, or find someone else to, else whatever you upload will sit in depwait03:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: I can fix the package, put it in an experimental branch of bzr, and wait for the mir ;)03:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: remember bzr ? :) ^^03:02
Hobbseeall i seem to be getting out of this is you saying that your way is right, the way it's been done previously is wrong, and that you think everyone else is crap03:03
Hobbseehopefully, i'm wrong.03:03
Tonio_Hobbsee: the opensync/kdepim packaging will have to be done some day, I just want to anticipate03:03
Hobbseethis is true.  but doing things in a logical order is well, logical.03:03
Tonio_Hobbsee: hu ????????03:03
Hobbseeas in, the MIR first, packaging later03:04
Hobbseeseeing as the MIR will take forever, and the packaging is quick03:04
Tonio_Hobbsee: am I the kind of guy that considers others people job is crap ?03:04
Hobbseeyou're saying so above.03:04
Tonio_where ?03:04
Tonio_Hobbsee: the kdepim packaging has issues in it, for a very long time03:04
Hobbseeconclusion : kdepim packaging is BAD ;)03:04
Tonio_Hobbsee: there is a smiley -> AKA joking03:05
=== Edulix [n=edulix@25.Red-81-44-189.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseebut coming in and saying it's screwed up, and then demonstrating that you've forgotten about main/universe deps..is hardly...well, it's arrogant to say the least.  *shrugs*03:05
Tonio_there are several problems, as for example kitchensync.install is missing, but the package isn't commented in control03:06
Edulixwill gutsy come with user selection in kdm? point and click03:06
Tonio_Hobbsee: that results an empty package, which is not good too03:06
Edulix(I mean, by default)03:06
HobbseeTonio_: it was commented in control, last i checked03:06
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HobbseeTonio_: oh.  yes, this one might be a bit insane, as i had a lot of trouble with brandon's machien at that point03:07
EdulixI dn't understand why that's not done by default, it's very useful if you don't remember your username exactly, it's a good ui03:07
HobbseeEdulix: it already does,03:07
EdulixHobbsee: really? :P03:07
Tonio_Hobbsee: the .install files and the opensync part are different problems03:07
HobbseeTonio_: it's a quirk of not having root there - i couldnt actually do anythign with teh working directory after leaving the pbuilder.03:07
EdulixHobbsee: please explain03:07
Hobbseeso couldnt rebuild the source03:07
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Tonio_Hobbsee: I said I wanted to fix the packaging issues, and I wanted to experimentally try the opensync part -> means testing locally03:08
HobbseeTonio_: good luck to you03:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: so the main/universe build-deps is at that point not an issue03:08
EdulixHobbsee: is the user shown a list of ..ermm..users? wit nice icons and that :P03:08
gnomefreakHobbsee: you have java with konq right?03:08
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EdulixHobbsee: something like http://kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=60890&file1=60890-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Bela+KDM+theme03:09
Edulixbut with kubuntu logo hehe03:09
Edulixtime to have dinner, bye!03:10
HobbseeEdulix: that's already there, if you install kubuntu-default-settings03:11
Hobbseegnomefreak: i have no idaea03:12
gnomefreakthe more i look into this the weirder it gets03:13
Tonio_okay, missunderstanding problem is resolved03:23
=== Tonio_ still loves Hobbsee
Hobbseehehe :)03:24
Tonio_and so to make it clear in front of the world :03:24
Tonio_[kidding]  kdepim's packaging is BAD (but not to much) ^_^ ( ho yes, I'm joking ) [/kidding] 03:25
Hobbseeand hopefully that it's not all hobbsee's fault.03:26
Tonio_I'll try to unsure my futures "jokes" will appear as it here :)03:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: as I said, what I'm tired of is the issues I have to merge some little changes that correct a few issues with debian03:26
Hobbseefair enough03:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: so the debian packaging includes opensync by default ?03:29
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HobbseeTonio_: dont remember, sorry03:29
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll have a look03:29
=== manchicken [n=manchkn@74-134-94-223.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenmhb: What other program needs a dpkg --configure -a fix?03:42
mhbmanchicken: gdebi-kde03:43
manchickenmhb: Because what I've been looking at doing here is pretty simple.  I don't know why we need a separate program to do this.03:43
mhbhmm, because creating two wheels when we only need one is a bad practice03:44
manchickenBut we're not.03:44
manchickenHere's what I'm doing.03:44
manchickenAdept already had code for detecting a database locked situation.  So I'm just changing the dialog from an info alert to a yes/no/cancel warning.  Cancel closes adept, no carries on in read-only mode, and yes issues a shell escape to dpkg --configure -a.  If the dpkg --configure -a fails, then we give an info warning and exit.03:46
manchickenOh, and I'm closing the database before the shell escape and reopening it afterwards.03:46
mhbif it had the code, why had it never use it?03:46
manchickenIt had the alert, but it never tried to fix anything.03:46
manchickenIt's just that the error message it gave you was so useless that it didn't look like it was giving you a smart alert.03:47
mhbokay, here's my comments03:47
mhbwhat could we gain by hardcoding the "dpkg --configure -a" hook into this?03:48
mhbwe'd gain speed03:48
mhbbut do we need it?03:48
manchickenIt's not about gaining speed.03:48
manchickenIt's about simplicity for me.03:48
mhbmanchicken: consider this:03:48
mhbmanchicken: there are many more people with Kubuntu who can hack python code than those who can hack adept03:49
manchickendoes it really make sense to go to another program for one dialog and one shell escape?03:49
mhbmanchicken: so what happens if there's going to be a similar scenario like this one?03:49
manchickenIf adept were in python.... well people think it's slow now :)03:49
manchickenI know you already came up with a python solution, and that's my fault for not doing this research when you needed it.03:50
ScottKRiddell: Does kdesdk-scripts need to have it's own copy of licensecheck when it's in devscripts?03:50
manchickenBut I don't really think that expanding adepts range of languages used is worth over-complicating this solution.03:50
mhbmanchicken: no, you get me wrong03:51
RiddellScottK: no idea, sorry, busy03:51
ScottKOK.  Thanks.03:51
mhbmanchicken: I'm for launching an external command that (if all goes well) returns just a number03:51
ScottKHobbsee: How about you?  Does kdesdk-scripts need to have it's own copy of licensecheck when it's in devscripts?03:51
Hobbseei have no idea03:52
ScottKAny suggestions on who I should ask?03:52
mhbmanchicken: but launching a specific command is a very inflexible way to solve this03:52
manchickenmhb: Not if it is the solution.03:52
Hobbseeum, no03:52
ScottKDeleting the kde specific one would be the shortest path forward.03:52
manchickenmhb: There is no other way that I know of to solve that problem.03:53
mhbmanchicken: in this case03:53
manchickenIf there was you would be completely right.03:53
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mhbmanchicken: what about other cases?03:53
manchickenBut this is a specific problem, so I'm apprehensive to justify over-engineering for general cases.03:53
mhbmanchicken: the wrapper python script adds flexibility to the problem-solving03:53
mhbmanchicken: what if it suddenly changes to "dpkg --configure -b" ?03:53
manchickenYeah, but how s the python script any more flexible then the C+ soution?03:53
mhbmanchicken: it's easy to hack on03:54
manchickenmhb: Then it's a named constant, so we just modify one line in the code and recompile.03:54
manchickenmhb: C++ isn't particularly difficult to hack.03:54
mhbmanchicken: adept is03:54
manchickenmhb: Hell, I've been doing so.03:54
manchickenmhb: Not really.  It just takes a little more time to follow.03:54
mhbmanchicken: I'm doing that, too03:54
manchickenAnybody who's ever worked with legacy code will look at adept and feel right at home.03:55
fdovingwithout too much background info, i don't think a separate app is the way to go with this issue.03:56
mhbokay then, I'm overvoted without too much background info :o)03:56
fdovingthere might even be situations when you actually use some other program, that locks the db, i can't understand what that separate program could do, besides 'dpkg --configure -a'03:56
manchickenmhb: I know you worked to get this other solution in there, and I'm really sorry I didn't get the research to you in time for you not to have done that, but I really don't know if it's necessary here.03:57
mhbfdoving: show the error message that "dpkg --configure -a" reported, for example.03:57
mhbfdoving: but this particular command is not very verbose, I have to admit03:58
manchickenBut that's really easy to do in the C++, too.03:58
manchickenIt's probably only 5 or 6 lines.03:58
fdovingcould probably make it 2 too, with some kdialog magic. :)03:59
mhbfdoving: oh please no pop-ups :o)03:59
fdovingmhb: you want popups for errors :)04:00
manchickenfdoving: Well, I'd have to connect a slot to the signal that gives you stderr and stdout output :)04:00
manchickenBecause there's no way I'd do a dpkg --configure -a for this without having it as an asynchronous call :)04:01
fdovingok, 5-6 it is, you can connect on one line you know, one loooong :)04:02
manchickenfdoving: Yes, but then I would be less of a man.04:02
fdovingand you can also use one-char names for everything :)04:03
mhbmanchicken: okay, suit yourself. The only reason why I'd hate you for this is that I'm going to have to maintain exact the same code in Python for gdebi-kde.04:03
manchickenmhb: Is gdebi-kde in python?04:04
mhbmanchicken: but of course, I'm faster in python, so I can go for a konsole kpart and nice "Show Details" button :D04:04
mhbmanchicken: correct.04:05
manchickenmhb: That's cool.  I'm going to show a "please wait" screen and post all of the output to stdout.04:05
manchickenmhb: Then it makes more sense to do it this way in python :)04:05
manchickenOoh, I thought of another reason to do this in C++ :)04:06
manchickenHave you ever built adept from source?  The #1 annoyance with that is too many dependencies.  Adept has far to many dependencies.  Doing this in python would add three more: the script itself, python, and the qt bindings for python.04:07
manchickenmhb: Besides... how could you hate me?  I'm manchicken.  Everybody loves chicken.04:11
mhbmanchicken: of course :o) the only thing I hate is waste of (my) time .o)04:11
mhbmanchicken: so if you want to create and maintain a solution within adept, be my guest04:12
manchickenmhb: And I hate you wasting time, too... especially whenit's my fault :)04:12
mhbmanchicken: it wasn't that much time, and pty practice is always handy04:12
manchickenmhb: I really am sorry :)04:17
mhbalso, every feature/bug-fix is a five-liner, but if it was that simple, we'd be correcting 100 bugs a day.04:17
manchickenmhb: I got close to that yesterday.04:18
manchickenI fixed 3.04:18
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mhbmanchicken: is it possible to configure the default state of the expanders in "manager" ?04:24
manchickenmhb: Of course it's possible.04:25
manchickenWe need to make it so that it remembers previous states though I think.04:25
mhbmanchicken: yes, that's what I meant04:25
manchickenI think by default, if a user has never seen adept before, everything should be open.04:25
mhbmanchicken: make it so that it's configurable through a config file04:25
manchickenI think there's a wishlist about that.04:25
manchickenBut I still haven't even touched the adept task that I brought to the table for feisty.04:25
manchickenerr, gutsy04:25
mhbmanchicken: I'd actually let the "tags" stuff closed by default04:26
mhbit takes so much space04:26
mhband I haven't *ever* used it04:26
Tonio_I don't like the "gutsy" name04:26
Tonio_unfortable to write this one on a french keyboard04:26
Tonio_feisty was much easier :)04:26
mhbTonio_: you don't use qwerty in France?04:27
manchickenTonio_: Well I can send you a US keyboad if you want ;)04:28
xerosis_mhb: judging by my girlfriend's typing who's just started working in france, i don't think they do ;)04:29
Tonio_mhb: nope :)04:29
Tonio_manchicken: hehe04:29
Tonio_mhb: french keyboard is azerty04:29
Tonio_so I have a mac variant of the azerty keyboard04:30
Tonio_a bit messy I must say :)04:30
xerosis_Tonio_: is there any justification for azerty?04:30
xerosis_i suppose all the french questons words use q...04:31
fdovingTonio_: hi, can you have a look at this: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportKioUmountWrapper - and register/submit it ?04:31
fdovingTonio_: i need to run, thanks in advance.04:31
Tonio_xerosis_: probably the response is : "NOT doing the same way than the fucking english !!"04:31
Tonio_xerosis_: french are stupid you know :)04:32
xerosis_Tonio_: no comment ;)04:32
Tonio_xerosis_: but seriously, the real reason is probably the accents04:32
Tonio_xerosis_: the french azerty is better for us since we have extended letters :    04:32
xerosis_Tonio_: makes sense04:32
Tonio_so the standard qwerty was limited04:32
mhbmanchicken: also, it would be very cool if the tag filter expanding caused the side bar to hide/show04:33
Tonio_xerosis_: btw would could have done an extended version of qwerty, I don't understand the reson to change a<>q w<>z  putting M nearby L and no N etc.......04:33
mhbmanchicken: that's a real one-liner04:33
Tonio_manchicken: doing the katapult thing04:34
manchickenmhb: Heh04:34
manchickenTonio_: Merci :)04:34
Tonio_manchicken: mais de rien mon cher :)04:35
manchickenTonio_: I still have a hard time believing that anybody is really capable of writing SQL that bad.04:35
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Tonio_manchicken: talking about the katapult code ?04:36
Tonio_manchicken: katapult is not an app I know :) I didn't even knew it used sqllite as a backend04:37
manchickenIt doesn't use sqlite, it uses whatever database settings it pulls from amarok.04:39
manchickenSo theoretically it is supposed to support every dbms that amarok does.04:39
manchickenBut all of the SQL is non-compliant and very MySQL specific.04:40
manchickenHopefully I fixed enough of it to get things working.04:40
manchickenThat program could be so much faster.04:40
Tonio_manchicken: what is that horrible in the sql part ?04:40
Tonio_I'm looking at it and well, it doesn't look that ugly :)04:40
Tonio_manchicken: are you talking about the long "LEFT JOIN" thing ?04:41
Tonio_that could be better I agree, but this is not that ugly.....04:41
Tonio_Hobbsee: come out, another arrogant guy !!!04:41
Tonio_manchicken: we should make a team :)04:42
manchickenNo, I'm talking about the double-quotes and the WHERE 1 AND bit.04:42
Tonio_the "Kubuntu Arrogant Contributors" team :)04:42
Tonio_manchicken: just kiddin', read upper you'll understand :)04:42
manchickenTonio_: Not arrogant.  Just grouchy :)04:42
Tonio_manchicken: just developper I guess :)04:42
HobbseeTonio_: heh.04:42
Tonio_Hobbsee: french jokes..... sorry for this :)04:43
Hobbseeit's okay04:43
Tonio_manchicken: indeed, the WHERE 1 is ugly04:43
Tonio_same for double quotes04:43
Tonio_manchicken: katapult is a launchpad project04:44
Tonio_manchicken: did you try to get the patch merged ? Riddell should have the upload rights I think04:45
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Riddellhe did, I didn't have time yet04:48
manchickenTonio_: I just put the patches up :)04:48
Riddelland won't for a while, go ahead and upload, branch from my bzr archive if you want and put on in kubuntu-members04:48
Tonio_Riddell: we'll do that together with Hobbsee probably :)04:50
Tonio_Riddell: I'd like to put lots of things on bzr, but well no time to create 40 projects :)04:50
Hobbseehooray, i get to be involved!04:50
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe04:50
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387D065.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
xerosis_Tonio_: if you stick a list of project on a wiki I'm sure I could help create a few04:57
Tonio_xerosis_: the kubuntu-desktop could be a project, and each package a branch of it, imho04:59
Tonio_xerosis_: no ?04:59
xerosis_Tonio_: you probably know better than me04:59
mhbTonio_: depends on whether the LP folks allow this05:00
Tonio_mhb: true05:00
Tonio_mhb: but to my ears that sounds more logic I guess05:01
mhbmanchicken: by the way, is there a way to get the whole adept into qt designer?05:01
mhbmanchicken: so I can find out how the widgets are called05:01
Tonio_manchicken: stupid question but how do you apply that patch ? :)05:02
Tonio_manchicken: this is not a diff ;)05:02
Tonio_manchicken: emacs specific thing ?05:02
manchickenmhb: Not gonna happen :)05:02
manchickenTonio_: Is it < and > or is it - and + ?05:03
Tonio_manchicken: yep ;)05:03
manchickenI'm too inconsistent on my patches, I'm trying to get it.05:03
Tonio_it is < >05:03
manchickenTonio_: Okay, so < is a - and > is a +05:03
Tonio_manchicken: no problem I reapplyed it05:03
manchickenmhb: Many of those widgets are dynamically generated.05:04
manchickenmhb: The big list view that you see isn't actually using separate rows for each package.05:04
Tonio_manchicken: I'm just unsure where the last line you had is supposed to go :)05:06
Tonio_before or after the }05:06
manchickenmhb: Instead it's subclassing the list view widget and binding to all of the methods like text and pixmap and such.05:09
Tonio_manchicken: any idea ?05:10
manchickenCould you paste the line?05:10
Tonio_manchicken: sure05:13
Tonio_manchicken: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/12405:14
Tonio_manchicken: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/12505:14
mhbmanchicken: yeah, adept was designed with simplicity and code beauty in mind, I see :o)05:14
Tonio_manchicken: dunno which is os the good as I don't really understand what does the code do ;)05:15
manchickenmhb: That was a performance decision.05:15
mhbmanchicken: yeah, must have been05:15
manchickenTonio_: Fair enough :)05:15
manchickenmhb: Can you imagine how much more memory it would take to load a separate object for each and every different package?05:16
mhbmanchicken: there isn't any docs that can tell me "oh, you're looking for a way to hide the sidebar? But of course, the sidebar is called SideBarWidget...05:16
manchickenmhb: No, but the code is pretty easy to figure out if you just follow it.05:16
manchickenIt takes time though, I won't lie.05:16
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mhbmanchicken: yeah, but the documentation is the thing that lowers the input time in such scenarios when the code is more complex than usual05:18
manchickenMost of the time the solutions a little complex.05:19
Tonio_manchicken: so which one is the good one ?05:19
manchickenTonio_: I'm trying to load your pages still :)05:19
manchickenBecause the for loop is generating a list of clauses, and the sqlQuery.append() bit with the clauses.join() call takes those clauses and makes them int a long string of (clause AND clause AND clause)05:20
manchickenAnd unfortunately, I'm going to have to do some hacking for bill paying purposes, too.  heh05:21
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nixternalGPLv3 announcement in 5 minutes!05:54
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manchickenOoh, amarok looks different on gutsy.  Very nice.05:57
manchickenI haven't even looked at it yet.05:57
xerosis_what happened to kvncviewer?05:58
xerosis_ignore me...05:58
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Riddellthose FSF and GPL3 logos look like devilish05:59
manchickenRMS time.06:03
manchickenAnd some lag.06:03
manchickenOh, did their audio just drop out?06:04
Riddellworks for me but keeps skipping06:05
nixternalya, keeps buffering in kaffeine06:06
Tonio_Riddell: is there a way to force a universe app to be included in the translations pack ?06:08
Tonio_Riddell: looks like kerry is used by a lot of people, and the translation is very poor by default06:09
Tonio_Riddell: would be interesting to have it in the packs imho06:09
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nixternalyay mako!06:17
HobbseeTonio_: what of kdebase do you think is causing this?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6682706:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66827 in kdebase "[site-issue]  konqueror doesnt handle frames correctly. eg http://forum.ship-of-fools.com/" [Medium,Confirmed] 06:22
Hobbseeit's one of our patches06:22
manchickenSo do we get new versions of GNU Emacs and such now?06:23
Hobbsee(and that's a heck of a lot of patches to be carrying)06:23
manchickenYou know this is why we haven't gotten new versions of GNU stuff for a while.  heh06:24
nixternallibk3b update isn't installing..but that could be due to the repos not have the updated version yet06:24
nixternallibk3b-dev that is06:24
Tonio_Hobbsee: still that old bug ;)06:25
HobbseeTonio_: indeed.06:25
HobbseeTonio_: a friend of mine is asking when we're going to get a fix06:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: I already searched, I couldn't find the cause, as we don't have any patch on khtml06:26
HobbseeTonio_: it doesnt exist on debian, though.  nor upstream kde06:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: btw the bug is basically due to bad html06:26
Hobbseetru ethat06:26
Hobbseebut everywehere else seems to cope06:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: I have done several tests, and the real cause is that the frame definition is bad, and you have frames in frames etc........06:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: but why does it only fail in ubuntu, dunno06:27
Tonio_Hobbsee: could be in kdelibs btw, not obviously kdebase06:27
manchickenmhb: My thing works, it's just got a couple tiny bugs.06:29
HobbseeTonio_: only the gmail spoof, the kwallet simplify, flash installer, and ajax encoding06:29
manchickenAnd I have to figure out how to present the wait screen to the user better.06:29
manchickenBut it's unlocking the database.06:29
Tonio_Hobbsee: yep, bu none of these seems to be the cause06:29
Tonio_Hobbsee: if you have 2 weeks to spend on this, I'd say : build without the patches, and readd them06:30
Tonio_Hobbsee: then go with decotomy06:30
Tonio_the problem is that kdebase/libs are to heavy to proceed that way, that's the point :)06:30
Hobbseetrue that06:30
Tonio_that's why I didn't do it06:30
Tonio_is decotomy correct in english ?06:30
Hobbseeno idea what that is06:31
nixternalTonio_: dichotomy06:31
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Tonio_nixternal: thanks06:32
nixternalno problemo06:32
Tonio_Hobbsee: means get in the middle06:32
Tonio_add 20 patches -> problem06:32
Hobbseeoh right06:33
nixternalin the middle, split, cutting in 2, division, bisected...ummmm06:33
Hobbseei believe you want "going by trial and error"06:33
Tonio_remove 10 patches -> if problem resolved -> readd 5 patches etc......06:33
Hobbseewhich is effectively binary sorting, yes.06:33
Tonio_take in the middle until you get the one :)06:33
Tonio_Hobbsee: yep that's it06:33
Tonio_Hobbsee: the term for the mathematical concept of this is dechotomy06:33
nixternalwhich is odd, you would think it would be a bichotomy really...but hey, the english language is great at destroying true words06:33
Tonio_dichotomy, sorry06:34
HobbseeTonio_: ah, fair enough06:34
Hobbseetha't ssounding slightly familiar06:34
Tonio_nixternal: true that06:34
nixternalI have a Philosophy professor from Romania, and she makes it easier to understand because she will translate her native latin tongue nicely06:35
nixternalshe always tells us how for people that have been speaking english their entire life, they destroy it, and that it is easier for someone who is learning it to pick it up correctly06:35
mhbit'd be great to have tools for stuff like this one06:37
mhbactually it's a two-part task06:37
mhbone tool checks for the mistake and the other handles the patching/unpatching06:38
manchickenRiddell: Should I be editing the changelog in my patches?06:40
Tonio_Riddell: I'll probably fix kds to get .deb associated to gdebi by default instead of ark06:43
manchickenI'll tell you, as tricky as the adept code is, for what it's doing and how much data it is processing, adept is one fast and convenient program.06:43
Riddellmanchicken: onnly if you're sending .debdiffs06:43
RiddellTonio_: ok06:43
manchickenRiddell: Ah.  I'm not doing that.06:44
mhbTonio_: of course06:46
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Tonio_manchicken: pign ?08:02
Tonio_or mhb maybe ?08:03
mhbever ready08:11
mhbTonio_: what's up?08:18
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manchickenTonio_: Wuddup?08:30
Tonio_manchicken, mhb:there a couple of bugs in kerry that I would like to fix, but I don't understand the issue08:34
Tonio_everything valid in the code, but it fails08:34
Tonio_I'd like to print out some variable to understand what's going on, but that generaly fails08:35
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Tonio_just gimme 5 minutes and I show you the problem08:35
manchickenkerry?  The search thing?08:37
mhbmanchicken: no, the presidential candidate :o)08:38
manchickenmhb: Oh, there's a lot of bugs in that fella.08:38
manchickenmhb: One of them ate his "courage"08:38
DaSkreechI'm back if anyone pinged me08:48
DaSkreech My history is gone08:48
DaSkreechmanchicken: His tasty tasty courage?08:49
manchickenDaSkreech: No, his not so tasty courage.08:56
=== DaSkreech grins as manchicken doesn't get the Futurama reference
manchickenDaSkreech: I don't remember that one.... :S09:01
DaSkreechWhen Fry and bender joined the army before they got sent off when war were declared09:01
Tonio_manchicken, mhb: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/12609:04
DaSkreechYou haev a paste.tonio? :D That's great09:05
Tonio_manchicken, mhb: what i added there is just the "isRegisteredApplication" thing, seems correct to me09:05
Tonio_manchicken: , mhb: ftbfs, here is the build issue..... I must say I don't understand : http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/12709:06
Tonio_DaSkreech: yep :) pretty usefull09:06
Tonio_manchicken: hope you can help on that point09:06
mhbTonio_: change the QString to QCString09:07
manchickenAh, yeah.09:07
manchickenthat C makes a big difference :)09:07
Tonio_mhb: oups09:07
Tonio_what is the difference ?09:07
Tonio_well I didn't write the initial QString thing, best would be to convert the variable but how to ?09:08
Tonio_would a QCString toto = name; do the job ?09:09
manchickenTonio_: A QCString is a C-string.09:09
manchickenlike a null-terminated string.09:09
Tonio_manchicken: okay so now how to convert the qstring to qcstring ?09:10
manchickenTonio_: qstring_ptr->utf8()09:10
mhbdamn, you beat me09:10
manchickenmhb: I are teh 1337.09:11
manchickenTonio_: so in your call to that dcop method do...     if (kapp->dcopClient()->isApplicationRegistered(name.utf8())) {09:11
mhbyeah, if the question was about Prolog, I'd have the upper hand now :o)09:11
manchickenI love my Qt :)09:12
Tonio_manchicken: according to the qt doc, that should work too, right ?09:14
Tonio_QCString appname = QCString(name);09:14
Tonio_if name is a QString, of course09:14
mhbTonio_: AFAICR, no09:15
Tonio_mhb: hum, that's exactly how it's written in the doc.... strange09:16
manchickenTonio_: Sure.09:17
Tonio_manchicken: means that should work ?09:17
manchickenWhat's interesting is that you can assign a QCString to a QString, but not the other way around.  You have to process the QString to make it a QCString.09:18
manchickenTonio_: Yup.09:18
manchickenerr, Tonio_No, you can't do that.09:18
manchickenYou can't convert a QCString to a QString like that.  You have to call the utf8() method.09:18
manchickenAt least that's what I read of that.09:18
mhbheh, who's leet now?09:19
mhbTonio_: I don't see any constructor like that in the docs. I might be wrong, though.09:20
manchickenmhb: I gave a much better explanation.09:21
Tonio_manchicken: testing :)09:21
manchickenmhb: :P09:21
mhbmanchicken: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/59600309:23
mhbmanchicken: get it?09:26
manchickenmhb: What is that?  Scheme?09:26
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mhbmanchicken: prolog, like I said :o)09:27
manchickenNever touched prolog :)09:27
manchickenI've gotta run and rescue my sister from the side of the road.09:27
nixternalscrew touching it, I don't ever think I have heard of it09:27
manchickenShe's got a flat and no donut.09:27
manchickenLater y'all.09:28
nixternalI hate donuts, the spare ones that is09:28
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DaSkreechmhb: sebas made some commits to the plasmoid if you wanna test10:15
mhbDaSkreech: will do, give me a minute10:17
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nixternalman, Dove chocolates are the bestest10:39
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mhbDaSkreech: still can't convince it to reload properly10:55
DaSkreech:-) ok10:56
mhbDaSkreech: when I close it and put a new one, the correct status is set10:56
ScottKnixternal: Got a minute for a pm...10:56
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