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AthanasiusI am trying to configure my DHCP server, can someone help?06:34
Athanasiusin edubuntu?06:34
Burgundaviawhat is your issue?06:35
AthanasiusI have 2 NIC's eth0 goes from the router (static ip) and eth1 is supposed to go to the thin clients06:35
Athanasiusam I supposed to make eth1 static or dhcp?06:35
AthanasiusI have really been struggling to get my edubuntu server going06:37
Burgundaviaset it to the .1 address of the range your dhcp addy is serving out06:38
LaserJockAthanasius: what version of Edubuntu06:38
LaserJockwhen I installed it, it set up the 2 nics automatically06:39
Athanasiusso if the dhcpd.config file says
Athanasiusit didn't do it for me06:39
Athanasiuseth0 is set static for
LaserJockI think they need to be on different networks, right?06:41
Burgundaviayes, they do06:41
Burgundaviaotherwise the routing tables will be seriously messed up06:41
Athanasiusthis is the standard config that edubuntu has: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28036/06:43
Athanasiusmy router is set for but that is the same as edubuntu's default dhcp for the clients06:44
Athanasiusdo I need to change it to
LaserJockthe two nics need to be on different networks is the bottom line06:46
LaserJockso you could change the dhcp for the clients06:46
LaserJockor change the network for eth006:46
Athanasiusok, so if I am going to change the ip for the client dhcp to .1.0, what am I to set as the default gateway?06:48
AthanasiusI mean the gateway address for eth1?06:48
LaserJockI think the gateway would the the Edubuntu server06:50
LaserJockbut I'm not positive06:50
Athanasiusfor instance, the subnet would be changed to instead of 0.006:50
LaserJockso the server would be
AthanasiusI will try it, it might kill my internet connection though, it has done it before...06:53
LaserJockwell, wait06:53
LaserJocketh0 should hook you to the internet06:53
LaserJocketh1 will be
Athanasiusyes, it does, you are right06:54
Athanasiusit won't restart the dhcp server06:54
LaserJockAthanasius: did you go through the LTSP server setup when you installed Edubuntu?06:55
LaserJockis should have asked you for which nic you wanted to use for your main one then set up the 2nd for the dhcp/clients06:56
Athanasiusyes it did, I used eth0 for internet and eth1 for the clients06:56
Athanasiusunder "option routers" do I need to make that the ip for the router (
LaserJockI guess I would just substitute 192.168.0 with 192.168.1 everywhere06:59
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AthanasiusI am doing that now06:59
AthanasiusI think I have to restart07:00
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | Use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdubuntuFAQ as starting point for questions
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Thu Jun 28 18:33:29 2007
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