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morph_ | hello all just installed 7.10 and ran an update that didnt go through | 12:15 |
morph_ | now i cant run adept manager at all | 12:15 |
morph_ | says something else is using manager | 12:16 |
morph_ | or updating | 12:16 |
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jussi01 | !adeptfix | 12:16 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 12:16 |
jussi01 | morph_: does that help? | 12:17 |
morph_ | yes | 12:17 |
morph_ | second one did | 12:17 |
morph_ | all is good now | 12:17 |
morph_ | thank you | 12:17 |
jussi01 | no probs :) | 12:17 |
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niko__ | how do i mount xd card? | 12:18 |
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niko__ | could someone give me the command for mounting xd card ? | 12:22 |
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dromer | how can I make my scanner work? | 12:24 |
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dromer | I've never gotten it to work under windows, but I have high hopes for linux ;) | 12:26 |
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jussi01 | dromer: it would help to know the make and model... | 12:26 |
jussi01 | !scanner | dromer | 12:27 |
ubotu | dromer: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners | 12:27 |
dromer | jussi01: sorry, it's a Starlight Starscan 4900 | 12:27 |
dromer | hmm, can't find the cables atm though :P | 12:27 |
jussi01 | dromer: have a look at those links, more than that i dont know. | 12:27 |
dromer | ok, thnx :) | 12:27 |
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pavon | Hi, I just installed 7.04 and SVG icons don't appear to be working correctly - they alpha channel is either 100 tranparent or opaque. | 12:36 |
pavon | Is this a known issue or do I have something setup wrong? | 12:36 |
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sunnyhours | i got beryl installed and am having fun with the different toys. Can anyone tell me how to use the rain effect? can't figure it out | 12:40 |
vzduch | pavon: example? | 12:40 |
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pavon | Well the highlights on the konquerer icon in the taskbar are solid white circles, and the Tango folder icons are solid white on top and solid blue on bottom, instead of fading between the two. | 12:43 |
pavon | Drop shadows are solid "horseshoes" on the sides of the icons. | 12:44 |
intelikey | dpkg --configure -a | 12:44 |
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pavon | intelikey: didn't show any unconfigured packages | 12:47 |
vzduch | no issues here, everything looks normal | 12:48 |
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pavon | here are some screenshots: http://infohost.nmt.edu/~jpeacock/peephole/kde-icons/ | 12:53 |
PhinnFort | what should i get for the debug version of konqueror? | 12:53 |
pavon | when using the smaller (bitmap) icons it looks fine, but the larger one (svg) don't render correctly. | 12:53 |
=== Sunn_T [n=Solar@cpe-65-189-223-97.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Sunn_T | I can't seem to write files from a Kubuntu partition to an NTFS partition. What can I do? | 12:55 |
PhinnFort | !ntfs | Sunn_T | 12:55 |
ubotu | Sunn_T: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 12:55 |
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intelikey | !ntfs-3g | 12:55 |
PhinnFort | !ntfs-3g | Sunn_T | 12:55 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 12:55 |
ubotu | Sunn_T: please see above | 12:55 |
intelikey | hwclock --utc | testing.sh | 12:56 |
intelikey | bah mouse is acting up again. | 12:56 |
PhinnFort | heh | 12:57 |
PhinnFort | fun? | 12:57 |
intelikey | it only does that if i try to use X and don't kill the mouse first | 12:58 |
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vzduch | apart from the Konq icon in the taskbar, that looks more like a messed-up icon set | 12:59 |
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PhinnFort | intelikey: kill how? | 12:59 |
PhinnFort | get a cat | 12:59 |
intelikey | PhinnFort /etc/init.d/gpm stop | 01:00 |
PhinnFort | ah;) | 01:00 |
PhinnFort | cat /etc/init.d/gpm | 01:00 |
PhinnFort | :P | 01:00 |
intelikey | heh | 01:00 |
TeraDyne | XD | 01:00 |
PhinnFort | cat /dev/mice | 01:00 |
intelikey | monkey see monkey do, except in *ubnntu then it's monkey C monkey get confused, ask stupid questions. :) | 01:01 |
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PhinnFort | :P | 01:02 |
TeraDyne | intelikey: except for codemonkeys | 01:02 |
intelikey | why would they be here ??? | 01:02 |
intelikey | :) | 01:02 |
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PhinnFort | they're in #ubuntu-dev or wherevery they hang out | 01:02 |
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intelikey | +1 maybe | 01:03 |
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SJrX | What packages do I Need to install to complie C++ programs? | 01:03 |
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intelikey | build-essential | 01:03 |
TeraDyne | intelikey: Maybe the did what I did last night. "sudo rm -r /var/lib/dpkg". | 01:03 |
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SJrX | thanks | 01:03 |
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PhinnFort | !info build-essential | 01:04 |
PhinnFort | !info build-essentials | 01:04 |
ubotu | build-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB | 01:04 |
PhinnFort | first one | 01:04 |
ubotu | Package build-essentials does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:04 |
intelikey | TeraDyne heh bet that was fun :) | 01:04 |
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TeraDyne | intelikey: I ment to remove the lock, not realizing that adept had been opened. I didn't realize that I had forgotten to add the "lock" part until it was too late. | 01:05 |
PhinnFort | whoops | 01:05 |
TeraDyne | intelikey: In the end, I had to reinstall Kubuntu. | 01:05 |
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joacim_ | What is the name of the new partition manager in the ubuntu/kubuntu installer ? (replacing gparted in the feisty installer) | 01:06 |
PhinnFort | TeraDyne: you could just've copied it over from somewhere | 01:06 |
intelikey | Trevinho http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/37826 | 01:06 |
intelikey | i know. "too late now"... | 01:07 |
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TeraDyne | PhinnFort: Maybe, but why would I take the easy way out? That's no fun. | 01:08 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:08 |
intelikey | not to be calling "spade" but why would you add -r for a lock file ??? | 01:09 |
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klobster | why does ubuntu use dash? | 01:10 |
intelikey | why not ? | 01:10 |
SlimeyPete | ...because it breaks things? | 01:10 |
Arwen | klobster, because it's posix compliant | 01:11 |
SlimeyPete | some apps include install scripts which won't work in Dash | 01:11 |
intelikey | SlimeyPete no. thing that are broken show up when you don't have the "bash externtions" | 01:11 |
Arwen | ...so they should have "#! /bin/bash" | 01:11 |
Arwen | /bin/sh should be a fully POSIX-compliant shell | 01:11 |
SlimeyPete | Arwen: I agree, but the reality is that they don't ;) | 01:11 |
TeraDyne | intelikey: Not too sure, but I think I had tried it before, figured the "lock" was a directory for some strange reason, and added "-r" to it | 01:12 |
Arwen | so go fix them, lol, they're just scripts | 01:12 |
SlimeyPete | I'd prefer them to just work, tbh. | 01:12 |
SlimeyPete | and many newbies won't know what to do. | 01:12 |
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intelikey | SlimeyPete exactly why the packages that have that bug need reported and fixed. | 01:13 |
=== PhinnFort hasn't noticed such a package in ages | ||
SlimeyPete | the packages do tend to work OK these days, IME | 01:13 |
SlimeyPete | but various non-packaged things don | 01:13 |
SlimeyPete | 't | 01:13 |
SlimeyPete | the most recent example I've found is Ingres | 01:14 |
intelikey | you don't rewrite posix just because someone expected /bin/sh to be bash ..... | 01:14 |
PhinnFort | don't use non-packaged stuff then;) | 01:14 |
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PhinnFort | SlimeyPete: file a bug to get it packaged:P | 01:14 |
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TeraDyne | PhinnFort: I would agree with you, but SeaMonkey packages don't exist. | 01:15 |
SlimeyPete | I suppose I could ask for a package | 01:15 |
PhinnFort | TeraDyne: package them yourself, then | 01:15 |
=== SlimeyPete makes a note to ask for one nexttimehe's feeling non-lazy | ||
PhinnFort | i filed a bug asking for a tastymenu package, and a couple of days later someone had made one and was asking for it getting included in gutsy | 01:15 |
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TeraDyne | PhinnFort: With "checkinstall"? I tried, it doesn't work for me. | 01:15 |
klobster | arwen: that isn't a valid answer, but i am seeing that this is a bigger issue than I first thought, so I'm going to drop it. | 01:16 |
PhinnFort | well, checkinstall is more a replacement for make install | 01:16 |
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russian | hello everyone | 01:16 |
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TeraDyne | I know. I followed the HowTo for checkinstall in the community docs, and it failed everytime. | 01:17 |
PhinnFort | !hi | Russian | 01:17 |
ubotu | Russian: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 01:17 |
PhinnFort | TeraDyne: checkinstall -D make install | 01:17 |
PhinnFort | ? | 01:17 |
PhinnFort | how did it fail? | 01:18 |
TeraDyne | I didn't add the "make install" part. | 01:18 |
TeraDyne | I followed this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall | 01:18 |
PhinnFort | I think I used the manpage the first time... | 01:18 |
=== TeraDyne didn't even think to check the manpages... | ||
PhinnFort | :P | 01:19 |
Russian | I am new to linux | 01:19 |
Russian | Can anyone tell me how do I install firefox hehe | 01:19 |
intelikey | back to dash for one sec. one of the most common 'glob' codes that you find foolishly implanted in shell scripts is [[something] ] [[ is a bash extention, it should never be in a #!/bin/sh script. | 01:19 |
TeraDyne | !firefox | 01:19 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 01:19 |
PhinnFort | but the best thing is to make a real package (consists of creating a Debian dir, that gets thrown into a patch.gz, and a .dsc file, afaik) | 01:19 |
Russian | ty | 01:19 |
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TeraDyne | PhinnFort: If I can manage to recompile SeaMonkey without crashing my laptop, I'll try to make a package for it. Thanks for the correction. | 01:20 |
PhinnFort | yw;) | 01:20 |
vzduch | Firefox is not the default browser in Kubuntu, by default it's not even installed.. | 01:20 |
TeraDyne | Now, if someone can make the correction in the ComDocs. | 01:20 |
PhinnFort | that's because konqueror is so much better | 01:20 |
intelikey | vzduch that doesn't say kubunt it says ubuntu | 01:21 |
Russian | !register | 01:21 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 01:21 |
intelikey | and being the default in ubuntu that means it's in the "main" repo | 01:21 |
vzduch | intelikey: that's the reason I said it | 01:21 |
banksey_ | Hi guys, I'm using Banshe, And when I try to play any of my music, It jus goes through them all and won't play any, Does Banshe support only a certain file format? As far as I know, They are all MP3. | 01:22 |
vzduch | !codecs | banksey_ | 01:22 |
ubotu | banksey_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:22 |
PhinnFort | banksey_: use Amarok | 01:22 |
PhinnFort | or Juk | 01:22 |
TeraDyne | PhinnFort: You beat me too it. | 01:23 |
banksey_ | I don't like Amarok :P | 01:23 |
intelikey | vzduch you can submit a correction for the infonode if you like. /msg ubotu no ff is "what ever you think it should say" | 01:23 |
=== Russian is now known as Russiansu | ||
PhinnFort | banksey_: use Juk then | 01:23 |
PhinnFort | banksey_: not some gtk | 01:23 |
PhinnFort | crap | 01:23 |
PhinnFort | ;P | 01:23 |
banksey_ | LOL, Okay, I'll check it out, Thanks | 01:23 |
PhinnFort | !info juk | banksey_ | 01:23 |
ubotu | banksey_: juk: music organizer and player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 705 kB, installed size 1716 kB | 01:23 |
vzduch | Russiansu: no unsolicited query please | 01:23 |
banksey_ | Phinnfort:Thank you :) | 01:24 |
Russiansu | Oke | 01:24 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:24 |
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TeraDyne | vzduch: you can't msg the bot without being registered, so he couldn't use the alternative. | 01:24 |
PhinnFort | banksey_: it should lower your memory usage drastically, since it re-uses the kdelibs, instead of loading those horrible gnome libs;) | 01:24 |
vzduch | TeraDyne: ? | 01:24 |
banksey_ | Phinnforr: Ya, When I saw Banshe was for Gnome when it was loading up, I got a bit worried :P | 01:25 |
intelikey | banksey_ there is nothing wrong with using gtk apps in a qt based DE it's just a little slower loading up. | 01:26 |
TeraDyne | vzduch: The only ways you can get info from the bot is to ask in the channel or to PM it. He was looking for info on how to register, so I'm guessing he couldn't msg it. | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: and it uses alot mmore ra | 01:26 |
vzduch | TeraDyne: that has nothing to do w/ him asking me whether I'm Dutch.. | 01:26 |
PhinnFort | m*more ram | 01:26 |
intelikey | PhinnFort define "a lot" please | 01:27 |
intelikey | couple meg maybe | 01:27 |
vzduch | besides, my nick's not ubotu ;) | 01:27 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: I will once my machine returns to norma | 01:27 |
PhinnFort | l | 01:27 |
TeraDyne | vzduch: O_o; Where did he say that? or did he msg you? | 01:27 |
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vzduch | TeraDyne: he queried me, yes | 01:27 |
PhinnFort | getting a backtrace forr konqi, and that grinds itt | 01:28 |
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TeraDyne | vzduch: then why didn't you msg him back instead of putting it on the main channel? | 01:28 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: this much: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html | 01:28 |
banksey_ | Phinnfort: Thanks man, Work great :) | 01:28 |
PhinnFort | good to hear;) | 01:28 |
vzduch | TeraDyne: ime, exposure is more helpful in such cases :) | 01:29 |
TeraDyne | vzduch: XD | 01:29 |
intelikey | that bench mark is way off. | 01:29 |
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PhinnFort | intelikey: how so? | 01:30 |
crash_ | Anyone alive and available for some questions?\ | 01:30 |
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PhinnFort | intelikey: i find it pretty accurate | 01:30 |
PhinnFort | crash_: I'm alive... | 01:30 |
TeraDyne | !ask | crash_ | 01:30 |
ubotu | crash_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:30 |
crash_ | What the heck is my nick doing set to Crash... | 01:31 |
=== crash_ is now known as CrunchyFerrett | ||
CrunchyFerrett | there we go | 01:31 |
TeraDyne | XD | 01:31 |
intelikey | PhinnFort it said 33m for plain X i just checked mem before and after strting xorg + blackbox http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/37827 | 01:31 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: well, system daemons? | 01:31 |
intelikey | if their beanch mark is that scued on just X what is it on the rest.. | 01:31 |
CrunchyFerrett | Righto. So, this is the first time Ive put any real effort into discovering the world of Linux. Im running the "Fesity Fawn" release of Kubuntu. | 01:32 |
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nosrednaekim | ok.. cool | 01:32 |
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CrunchyFerrett | My Broadcom 43xx wireless adapter does not function. At least, it refuses to see any networks. Any thoughts? | 01:32 |
intelikey | PhinnFort "plain X" does not include any "system daemons" plain X means plain X where i come from... | 01:32 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: doesn't he include dbus and stuff? | 01:33 |
intelikey | and plain X uses less than 4M | 01:33 |
intelikey | PhinnFort no. | 01:33 |
=== Languid [n=Languid@206-124-154-190.atm02.sea.blarg.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
PhinnFort | hal at least | 01:33 |
intelikey | PhinnFort it's kde that starts those things | 01:33 |
Russiansu | !firefox | 01:34 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 01:34 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: that is before x got modularized, i believe | 01:34 |
=== _DarkED__ [n=kvirc@adsl-065-012-158-225.sip.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | intelikey: and he has hal in "plain x" | 01:34 |
PhinnFort | "...3.0M by HAL daemon..." | 01:34 |
PhinnFort | but the rest should be accurate | 01:35 |
intelikey | X uses < 4M | 01:35 |
intelikey | accurate ? | 01:35 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: with how many modules laoded? | 01:35 |
PhinnFort | *loaded | 01:35 |
PhinnFort | and which? | 01:35 |
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intelikey | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/37828 | 01:36 |
PhinnFort | Xorg.0.log would be more usefull, as it loads a whole lot automatically too, afaik | 01:37 |
PhinnFort | and without knowing which modules he loaded, it isn't usefull at all | 01:37 |
PhinnFort | but that doesn't matter for the rest of the benchmark, as he diff's the mem usages | 01:37 |
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@cpe-70-116-21-77.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | you are beating a dead horse anyway. still can't make up 33M | 01:37 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: before X was modularized, it could very well have used 33M, with Hal and friends | 01:38 |
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PhinnFort | and I'm also saying it's irrelevant | 01:38 |
intelikey | PhinnFort no not with hal X does not start hal | 01:38 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: he counts it in a blank X session | 01:39 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: on Gentoo, hal is started way before X | 01:39 |
=== gary_ [n=gary@user-54410001.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | intelikey: HAL is not just used by GUI-apps | 01:39 |
Russiansu | !ati | 01:39 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:39 |
=== Linux_Galore [n=richard@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | hal is not used at all here :) | 01:42 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: how does KDE know when you insert a CD? | 01:42 |
intelikey | if i want it to know. i tell it. | 01:42 |
=== rathel__ [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | :P | 01:42 |
intelikey | or would if i used kde | 01:43 |
Russiansu | add/remove programmes always opens so slow? | 01:43 |
intelikey | has to get root env i guess | 01:43 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: Adept isn't very good, imho | 01:44 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: feel free to write a replacement;) | 01:45 |
intelikey | hehhe his lowest numbers still exceed my highest ones. "/me thinks he should tweek his suse box..." :) | 01:45 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:45 |
PhinnFort | suse is pretty, but bloated, afaik;) | 01:45 |
TeraDyne | PhinnFort: Someone else already has. They're called "apt-get" and "aptitude". | 01:45 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:45 |
klobster | intelikey: you don't use ubuntu OR KDE? Why of all channels are you in here all the time? | 01:46 |
PhinnFort | TeraDyne: how about a Qt/KDE frontend to Aptitude? | 01:46 |
PhinnFort | klobster: he loves you, you fool! | 01:46 |
PhinnFort | why _do_ you think he's stalking you? | 01:46 |
=== klobster awwww... | ||
=== G_Willakers [n=dale@netblock-72-25-95-12.dslextreme.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vzduch | PhinnFort: how about using aptitude on the cmdline? *gg* | 01:46 |
TeraDyne | PhinnFort: Only adept, though I think there was a QT version of Synaptics. | 01:46 |
PhinnFort | vzduch: I do, but Adept doesn't give a good impressions to newcomers | 01:47 |
PhinnFort | TeraDyne: I think it was discontinued | 01:47 |
intelikey | klobster ubuntu ? i didn't say i didn't use ubuntu, | 01:47 |
TeraDyne | !ksynaptics | PhinnFort | 01:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ksynaptics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:47 |
TeraDyne | !info ksynaptics | PhinnFort | 01:47 |
PhinnFort | !info ksynaptics | 01:47 |
ubotu | phinnfort: ksynaptics: Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 209 kB, installed size 1012 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc) | 01:47 |
PhinnFort | lol | 01:47 |
PhinnFort | !info ksynaptic | 01:47 |
ubotu | Package ksynaptic does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:47 |
vzduch | !info kynaptic | 01:47 |
ubotu | Package kynaptic does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:48 |
PhinnFort | !info kynics | 01:48 |
TeraDyne | ah, forgot to remove the s. | 01:48 |
ubotu | Package kynics does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:48 |
BluesKaj | !keep trying | 01:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about keep trying - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:48 |
TeraDyne | XD | 01:48 |
PhinnFort | :P | 01:48 |
vzduch | hrhr | 01:48 |
=== PhinnFort runs | ||
shane2peru | PhinnFort: how do you do that? | 01:49 |
shane2peru | ^^^ | 01:49 |
PhinnFort | [01:48] <-- Graham has left this server ("RUN AWAY!"). | 01:49 |
intelikey | klobster actually cause there is generally a better class of L users in here :) | 01:49 |
=== TeraDyne runs away at teh speed of brick | ||
=== amalsek [n=amalsek@cac94-9-88-162-233-174.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
shane2peru | PhinnFort: I mean get it to show up with the star | 01:49 |
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=== n8k99 laughs maniacally | ||
=== strabes_ [n=alex@ip68-108-31-178.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | shane2peru: write /me infront | 01:50 |
=== ceros [n=user@c-76-111-84-156.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== shane2peru thinking this is cool | ||
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:50 |
shane2peru | PhinnFort: thxs | 01:50 |
PhinnFort | welcome to the wonderful world of IRC;) | 01:50 |
shane2peru | PhinnFort: always learning. | 01:50 |
PhinnFort | aren't we all? | 01:51 |
=== intelikey [n=UN-root@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | intelikey: dialup? | 01:52 |
PhinnFort | you keep falling out | 01:52 |
Russiansu | XGL works better in Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 01:52 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: you decide | 01:52 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: I don't think there's much of a difference any more | 01:52 |
Russiansu | You know a good guide? | 01:53 |
PhinnFort | !beryl | 01:53 |
PhinnFort | !xgl | 01:53 |
TeraDyne | PhinnFort: If he keeps falling out, maybe you should strap him to his seat. | 01:53 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:53 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:53 |
=== PhinnFort straps down intelikey | ||
PhinnFort | Russiansu: what kind of video card? | 01:53 |
Russiansu | ATI | 01:53 |
dwbell | how can I find out how audio is encoded within an avi file? | 01:54 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: new or old? | 01:54 |
intelikey | strap ? | 01:54 |
PhinnFort | dwbell: try "file" | 01:54 |
Russiansu | Sapphire Radein 9600XT | 01:54 |
PhinnFort | intelikey: you keep falling out | 01:54 |
Russiansu | Radeon* | 01:54 |
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intelikey | modem reset on me | 01:54 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: you should be okay without XGL then, just plain AIGLX | 01:54 |
TeraDyne | [18:53] <TeraDyne> PhinnFort: If he keeps falling out, maybe you should strap him to his seat | 01:54 |
PhinnFort | ^^ | 01:54 |
=== Bllz [n=louist@ppp-as34-15.nss.udel.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Russiansu | Hmm why is that? | 01:54 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: just install beryl | 01:54 |
Russiansu | I am kinda new to linux | 01:55 |
Russiansu | using it for 1 hour now | 01:55 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: that card is relatively old, and has rather well supported open drivers | 01:55 |
intelikey | PhinnFort every four hours. server side nothing i can do about it, well except change isp's | 01:55 |
Russiansu | Windows Xp user, so can you explain? | 01:55 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: hang on a sec | 01:55 |
Russiansu | oke thanks | 01:55 |
dwbell | PhinnFort: thanks | 01:55 |
PhinnFort | yw | 01:55 |
=== TeraDyne remembers when he has SegaNet as an ISP | ||
=== TeraDyne shudders | ||
PhinnFort | Russiansu: have you enabled the multiverse repositories? | 01:56 |
Russiansu | 0_o | 01:56 |
intelikey | !repos | 01:56 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:56 |
Russiansu | I am sorry I dont have a clue what you are talking about hehe | 01:56 |
=== anna [n=anna@xdslcd128.osnanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | ^ | 01:57 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: in adept package manager | 01:57 |
Russiansu | Oke opened it, should I install them all? | 01:57 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: isntall beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes | 01:58 |
PhinnFort | *install | 01:58 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: just enable the "multiverse" repo | 01:58 |
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
=== Sanne [n=sanne@p548DB1CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Bye"] | ||
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Russiansu | all installed | 01:59 |
Russiansu | now what? | 01:59 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: run Adept Package Manager, click "Adept" menu, and the package sources (second from top) | 01:59 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: hit alt+f2, and run "beryl-manager" | 01:59 |
intelikey | uni/multi-verse main <restricted ?> for normal update and security | 01:59 |
Russiansu | could not run specific command | 02:00 |
=== marko_ [n=marko@BSN-61-2-238.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | Russiansu: did you install those programs? | 02:00 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes | 02:00 |
Russiansu | let me search again | 02:01 |
Russiansu | installing | 02:01 |
PhinnFort | good, good | 02:02 |
=== niko__ [n=niko@ti121210a080-4682.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== niko__ is now known as niko___ | ||
Russiansu | k typed beryl-manager somethings happening now ^^ | 02:02 |
=== spencer [n=spencer@ip72-208-165-57.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== crash_ [n=crash@adsl-243-58-26.bix.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
crash_ | well | 02:03 |
=== crash_ is now known as CrunchyFerrett | ||
Russiansu | sweet | 02:03 |
Russiansu | :D | 02:03 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 02:03 |
Russiansu | Thanks a lot PhinnFort | 02:03 |
PhinnFort | you're welcome | 02:03 |
CrunchyFerrett | now I cant get out of 640x480 | 02:03 |
Russiansu | One more thing | 02:03 |
Russiansu | how do I change my resolution | 02:03 |
Russiansu | to 1270x1024 | 02:03 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: System Settings -> monitor and display? | 02:03 |
intelikey | CrunchyFerrett you installed nvidia drivers ? | 02:03 |
CrunchyFerrett | DONT DO IT!! | 02:03 |
CrunchyFerrett | I TRIED it and now I cant get out of 640x480 | 02:04 |
Russiansu | It shows max 1024x768 | 02:04 |
intelikey | /join #ubuntu-effects CrunchyFerrett | 02:04 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: you could just try to move the xorg.conf file, and reboot, and it should autodetect | 02:04 |
Russiansu | what about this | 02:05 |
Russiansu | Adept Notifier, I cant close it | 02:05 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: right click | 02:05 |
Russiansu | yep | 02:05 |
Russiansu | close | 02:05 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: on the green thingy | 02:05 |
Russiansu | not closing | 02:05 |
Bllz | hey guys. I formatted a partition as FAT but i'm unable to mount it.... any sugestions? I already looked at that ubuntu help website and just got thoroughly confused | 02:05 |
=== theone [n=theone@pool-71-187-131-220.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Russiansu | aha | 02:05 |
Russiansu | :D | 02:05 |
Russiansu | thank you again | 02:05 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 02:05 |
Russiansu | xorg.conf you say | 02:06 |
intelikey | Bllz which partition ? | 02:06 |
Russiansu | and where can I find this file? | 02:06 |
Bllz | it's media/sda3 | 02:06 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: run "kdesu "dpkg-reconfigure --frontend kde xserver-xorg"" | 02:06 |
soulrider | i have a question for those who know about networking | 02:06 |
intelikey | Bllz that's not a partition. | 02:06 |
Bllz | it's not? | 02:06 |
soulrider | is it possible to make allt he computer sin my house connect to the internet through me ? | 02:06 |
Bllz | it should be | 02:06 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: in alt+f2 | 02:06 |
intelikey | Bllz that's a mount point | 02:06 |
soulrider | my internet is connected to my router and that has the DSL modem | 02:07 |
PhinnFort | soulrider: yes | 02:07 |
Bllz | oh right... it's partition 3 then | 02:07 |
intelikey | Bllz all partitions are /dev/* | 02:07 |
soulrider | i wanna use my comp as some sort of filter | 02:07 |
PhinnFort | soulrider: set up internet forwarding, and make all the other computers use you as gateway | 02:07 |
CrunchyFerrett | No one seems to be alive in unbuntu-effects | 02:07 |
soulrider | PhinnFort: how can i do that ? | 02:07 |
soulrider | PhinnFort: and what do i ahve to do in this computer for it to work ? | 02:07 |
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool138.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Biovore [n=biovore@c-69-143-224-204.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bllz | inelikey, it's the last partition on the disk? | 02:07 |
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-13-86.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trakinas | does anyone programs in java here? i have some basic doubts. | 02:07 |
PhinnFort | !forwarding | 02:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about forwarding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:07 |
intelikey | Bllz ok open a konsole and type this; grep sda3 | 02:07 |
soulrider | trakinas: ask | 02:07 |
PhinnFort | soulrider: one sec | 02:07 |
Russiansu | PhinnFort not working | 02:08 |
Bllz | intelikey, i'm on ubuntu, is the command the same? | 02:08 |
intelikey | Bllz ok open a konsole and type this; grep sda3 /etc/fstab | 02:08 |
intelikey | sorry for the short post. | 02:08 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: kdesu konqueror | 02:08 |
trakinas | soulrider: pvt, any problem? I have to explain and dont want to go offtopic | 02:08 |
soulrider | sure | 02:08 |
intelikey | Bllz yes commands are the same. | 02:08 |
Bllz | # /dev/sda3 | 02:08 |
Bllz | /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 02:08 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: go to "/etc/X11", and cut out the file xorg.conf, and paste it in your home folder | 02:08 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: then reboot | 02:08 |
Linux_Galore | heres a question, in Gutsty were do they now put the modules section for xorg | 02:08 |
intelikey | Bllz there is why you are having trubble . | 02:08 |
PhinnFort | soulrider: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 | 02:08 |
Russiansu | k | 02:09 |
Bllz | why? | 02:09 |
intelikey | Bllz in the gnome-terminal type; usdo nano /etc/fstab | 02:09 |
Russiansu | Access denied lol | 02:09 |
intelikey | Bllz edit that line you posted ^ change the ntfs-3g to vfat | 02:09 |
=== forge2k [n=mark@c-24-147-31-197.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | Russiansu: did you run "kdesu konqueror"? | 02:10 |
Russiansu | yes | 02:10 |
Bllz | ntfs-3g to vfat... okay hang on | 02:10 |
soulrider | thanks PhinnFort | 02:11 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: run "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" then | 02:11 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: and copy everything in the file | 02:11 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: and then paste it to http://rafb.net/paste | 02:11 |
=== GrueTamer [n=tg@CPE-72-133-203-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | Russiansu: and I'll fix your resolutions;) | 02:11 |
PhinnFort | soulrider: yw | 02:11 |
=== gilbert_ [n=gilbert@d154-20-119-223.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bllz | intelikey i changed it | 02:12 |
intelikey | Bllz now type this; sudo umount /media/* ;sudo mount -a #should be all there is to it. | 02:12 |
Bllz | do i save and exit? | 02:12 |
Russiansu | K done | 02:12 |
Russiansu | http://rafb.net/p/aeN8m061.html | 02:12 |
PhinnFort | thanks | 02:12 |
klobster | does beryl have better support for multple user yet? | 02:12 |
intelikey | Bllz yes save exit and type | 02:12 |
Bllz | do i hit control and then the letter to execute the commands at the bottom? | 02:12 |
=== tamara [n=tamara@adsl-75-24-19-173.dsl.yntwoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | yes | 02:13 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: try deleting all the " SubSection "Display" subsections | 02:13 |
intelikey | ^ means the control key | 02:13 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: so that the screen sections is more like this: http://rafb.net/p/rPjT2p97.html | 02:13 |
PhinnFort | then save | 02:13 |
=== gilbert_ [n=gilbert@d154-20-119-223.bchsia.telus.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Russiansu | Thanks done | 02:14 |
Russiansu | now Reboot? | 02:14 |
Bllz | okay i typed the command but now i don't see the partition on my desktop | 02:14 |
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=== relic is now known as [Relic] | ||
Bllz | umount: /media/sda3: not mounted | 02:15 |
Bllz | umount: /media/sdb1: not mounted | 02:15 |
Bllz | umount: /media/sdc2: not mounted | 02:15 |
Bllz | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, | 02:15 |
Bllz | missing codepage or other error | 02:15 |
Bllz | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 02:15 |
Bllz | dmesg | tail or so | 02:15 |
Bllz | mount: special device /dev/sdc2 does not exist | 02:15 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: yeah | 02:15 |
aroo | !paste | 02:15 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:15 |
Russiansu | PhinnFort Thank you , brb | 02:15 |
PhinnFort | Russiansu: or just close all open programs and ctrl+alt+backspace | 02:15 |
Bllz | i don't mind reformatting if I have to | 02:15 |
intelikey | Bllz ok it's not formated vfat. you must have missed something there. | 02:15 |
[Relic] | is there a way to get firestarter to start on boot with the normal user color scheme or is there an easy way to import normal user settings to root w/o too many problems? | 02:15 |
Bllz | intelikey, would reformatting fix it? | 02:16 |
tamara | I am tring to install an run vmware and keep getting error meassages something about breaking packagesor not down loading | 02:16 |
intelikey | Bllz sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda3 | 02:16 |
Bllz | mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005) | 02:16 |
intelikey | sudo mount -a | 02:17 |
Bllz | louist@louist-desktop:~$ sudo mount -a | 02:17 |
Bllz | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, | 02:17 |
Bllz | missing codepage or other error | 02:17 |
Bllz | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 02:17 |
Bllz | dmesg | tail or so | 02:17 |
Bllz | mount: special device /dev/sdc2 does not exist | 02:17 |
Bllz | louist@louist-desktop:~$ | 02:17 |
intelikey | Bllz ok stop flooding the channel please. | 02:18 |
aroo | !paste | 02:18 |
PhinnFort | !flood | Bllz | 02:18 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:18 |
Bllz | intelikey sorry | 02:18 |
ubotu | Bllz: please see above | 02:18 |
aroo | For the second time | 02:18 |
Bllz | kk sorry guys. still learning the ropes here lol | 02:19 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 02:19 |
intelikey | Bllz would you pastebin the output of this command so we can see what has gone arie; cat /proc/partitions /proc/mounts | 02:19 |
Bllz | okay. let me figure that out real quick | 02:20 |
=== russian [n=russian@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
russian | Hi I am back | 02:20 |
russian | but have new problem | 02:20 |
russian | the close button and minimize maximaze is missing | 02:20 |
tamara | I am tring to install an run vmware and keep getting error meassages something about breaking packagesor not down loading | 02:20 |
PhinnFort | russian: try another theme | 02:21 |
=== russian is now known as Russian | ||
Russian | still missing | 02:21 |
Bllz | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28008/ | 02:22 |
PhinnFort | well, I don't even use beryl, so I have no idea...;) | 02:22 |
PhinnFort | try in #ubuntu-effects | 02:22 |
=== niko___ [n=niko@ti121210a080-4682.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bllz | sorry about the dealay intelikey... i'm on dialup... oh joy lol | 02:22 |
Russian | Thanks | 02:22 |
=== Teletran1 [n=Miranda@blk-7-152-157.eastlink.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | Bllz that's not the command i want. | 02:22 |
intelikey | Bllz would you pastebin the output of this command so we can see what has gone arie; cat /proc/partitions /proc/mounts | 02:23 |
=== rathel_ [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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Bllz | intelikey. my bad! | 02:23 |
intelikey | Bllz :) | 02:23 |
Russian | But the resolution worked thanks | 02:23 |
PhinnFort | yw;) | 02:23 |
Russian | PhinnFort you use this sort of XGL | 02:24 |
PhinnFort | Russian: KUbuntu ships with some stupid standard settings, removing them and letting it set itself up automatically usually works better;) | 02:24 |
PhinnFort | Russian: no | 02:24 |
Russian | Or you just use plain? | 02:24 |
Bllz | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28009/ | 02:24 |
PhinnFort | Russian: I use plain, because Yakuake crashes it with the drivers I use :( | 02:24 |
Russian | How to let it set automatically PhinnFort? | 02:24 |
Russian | too bad :( | 02:24 |
PhinnFort | Russian: it's automatically now | 02:25 |
PhinnFort | Russian: that's what we removed from the config file | 02:25 |
=== Adlai [n=leif@user-64-9-233-191.googlewifi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | Russian: It will hopefully be fixed in Gutsy, which comes with a new version of Xorg | 02:25 |
Russian | Again you are talking chinese to me :P | 02:25 |
=== israel [n=israel@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PhinnFort | Russian: next version of Ubuntu will come with new drivers;) | 02:26 |
Russian | aha | 02:26 |
Bllz | intelikey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28009/ | 02:26 |
tamara | I am tring to install an run vmware and keep getting error meassages something about breaking packagesor not down loading | 02:26 |
Russian | lol I cant even move windows now :P | 02:26 |
Russian | 0_o | 02:26 |
BluesKaj | PhinnFort, when's the official release ? | 02:26 |
PhinnFort | BluesKaj: Xorg? | 02:26 |
PhinnFort | in august | 02:26 |
BluesKaj | gutsy | 02:26 |
PhinnFort | gutsy 10.07 | 02:26 |
PhinnFort | 7.10? | 02:26 |
PhinnFort | ding ding | 02:27 |
PhinnFort | Russian: try holding ALT while clicking on the window | 02:27 |
BluesKaj | oct | 02:27 |
PhinnFort | yeah | 02:27 |
intelikey | Bllz hmmm well the partition table looks ok and if you issued the command; sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda3 #and it said it formated ok, then the problem must still be in the fstab file. pastebin this: cat /etc/fstab | 02:27 |
PhinnFort | BluesKaj: six months releases | 02:27 |
BluesKaj | right | 02:27 |
Russian | ah tnx | 02:27 |
PhinnFort | Russian: that works everywhere | 02:28 |
PhinnFort | (except fullscreen) | 02:28 |
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Bllz | intelikey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28010/ | 02:29 |
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Russian | Thank you PhinnFort for all your help ^^ | 02:30 |
PhinnFort | Russian: you're very welcome;) | 02:31 |
PhinnFort | but I think I need to go to bed soon | 02:31 |
PhinnFort | it's getting late | 02:31 |
Russian | What is btw task manager? | 02:31 |
Russian | like in windows? | 02:31 |
Arwen | Russian, ....? | 02:31 |
PhinnFort | Russian: ctrl+esc? | 02:31 |
Russian | You know where you can view al the processes | 02:31 |
Russian | aha tnx | 02:31 |
PhinnFort | yw;) | 02:31 |
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PhinnFort | Russian: in KDE 4 they plan to implement it coming with fire and brimstone and smoke and everything | 02:32 |
PhinnFort | and it loads much quicker;) | 02:32 |
intelikey | Bllz lets have a test at manual mount; sudo mount -t vfat -o umask=000 /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 # see what that tells us | 02:32 |
Russian | 0_o | 02:32 |
Russian | really | 02:32 |
Russian | You know why I even installed this | 02:32 |
PhinnFort | ? | 02:32 |
Russian | I saw on youtuve, movie about XGL | 02:32 |
Russian | And I had to try it hehe | 02:32 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 02:33 |
Russian | youtube that is * | 02:33 |
Arwen | Russian, um, XGL sucks, is buggy, and overall pointless | 02:33 |
Bllz | no output, intelikey | 02:33 |
Arwen | maybe you mean !compiz ? | 02:33 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-55-232.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | then it mounted | 02:33 |
necro_ | wtf, im unable to install sun-java6-bin | 02:33 |
Russian | Well it still beats XP and Vista lol | 02:33 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 02:33 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-107-70.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
necro_ | help me | 02:33 |
Arwen | .............Xgl is the meaning of fail | 02:33 |
PhinnFort | !windows | Russian | 02:33 |
ubotu | Russian: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 02:33 |
Bllz | intelikey, I don't see it on my desktop... is that normal? | 02:33 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 02:33 |
Arwen | again, I think you're talking about !compiz . Russian | 02:34 |
Russian | hahaha | 02:34 |
Russian | lol | 02:34 |
Arwen | get your programs right | 02:34 |
intelikey | Bllz let me revisit the last pastebin i'll get back to you. | 02:34 |
Russian | Compiz? | 02:34 |
Russian | whats that | 02:34 |
Bllz | okay | 02:34 |
Arwen | it's what makes the pretty 3d effects | 02:34 |
necro_ | i'm installing ubuntu extra, when it tries to install sun-java6-bin, says cannot download some package or commit break packages!!!! | 02:34 |
Arwen | Xgl is a really crappy emulator | 02:34 |
Bllz | intelikey you still have the link? | 02:34 |
sunnyhours | anyone know how to do the rain effect in beryl? | 02:34 |
Russian | Arwen tell me aboiut this Compiz please? | 02:34 |
Russian | !compiz | 02:34 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:34 |
Arwen | sunnyhours, shift f9 iirc | 02:34 |
necro_ | can someone help me!!!!!! | 02:34 |
Arwen | you only need Xgl if your video drivers suck and need emulation | 02:35 |
Russian | aah | 02:35 |
BluesKaj | Russian, yer asking for greif if you have an ATI card | 02:35 |
Russian | lol | 02:35 |
Russian | so bad? | 02:35 |
DaSkreech | sunnyhours: depends on your config | 02:35 |
Arwen | yeah, anything after 9600 Pro | 02:35 |
PhinnFort | BluesKaj: only with the newer ones | 02:35 |
DaSkreech | ctrl+f9 i think | 02:35 |
Russian | =/ | 02:35 |
PhinnFort | Arwen: my 9800 works happily | 02:35 |
Arwen | because ATI is anti-linux and AMD is just as bad | 02:35 |
Russian | lol | 02:35 |
PhinnFort | AMD used to be such a nice company | 02:36 |
BluesKaj | well, it's hard to make it work...it can be done | 02:36 |
PhinnFort | <3 Intel <3 ;) | 02:36 |
Russian | so can I do any windows programmes on kubuntu? | 02:36 |
DaSkreech | necro_: sup? | 02:36 |
PhinnFort | BluesKaj: r300 is rather well supported atm | 02:36 |
Russian | dreamweaver? Photoshop? | 02:36 |
Arwen | Russian, with wine or with vmware, you can | 02:36 |
PhinnFort | BluesKaj: it's after that it's a huge nightmare | 02:36 |
Arwen | but forget the adobe cruft, Photoshop works up to v7 iirc | 02:36 |
Arwen | Dreamweaver has better alternatives | 02:36 |
Russian | :( | 02:36 |
DaSkreech | When did AMD become anti linux? | 02:36 |
Russian | I need those things for my education | 02:36 |
Arwen | DaSkreech, when they aquired ATI | 02:36 |
Russian | Its windows or mac, and I cant stand Mac | 02:36 |
Arwen | s/aquired/acquired | 02:36 |
BluesKaj | PhinnFort, mine's an onboard xpress200G ... too darn much trouble just for some xtra eyecandy | 02:37 |
DaSkreech | Arwen: :-p thats stupid | 02:37 |
Arwen | Russian, the only way to run recent Photoshops is to use vmware, which is uh... slow | 02:37 |
Arwen | DaSkreech, no, because they've done nothing to fix ATI | 02:37 |
PhinnFort | BluesKaj: I plan on buying a new laptop after summer, and i'll be darned if I don't get an intel graphics chip on it;) | 02:37 |
Russian | lol | 02:37 |
Russian | so I have to do | 02:37 |
Russian | with dual booth | 02:37 |
Russian | I guess | 02:37 |
Russian | ^^ | 02:37 |
PhinnFort | Russian: try Krita | 02:37 |
Arwen | Russian, you could try vmware, lol | 02:37 |
DaSkreech | Arwen: ha ha you can't expect that to happen that quickly | 02:37 |
necro_ | it's so difficult to enable mp3 | 02:37 |
BluesKaj | hehe , right on PhinnFort | 02:37 |
PhinnFort | !info krita | Russian | 02:38 |
ubotu | russian: krita: a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 3043 kB, installed size 9412 kB | 02:38 |
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DaSkreech | necro_: really? | 02:38 |
Arwen | necro_, um, no? | 02:38 |
yintelike | Bllz fonud it. the mount options in the fstab has . not , that dot not comma correct that and it should mount normally. options seperator char must be comma "/dev/sda3 /media/sda3 vfat defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 " | 02:38 |
DaSkreech | necro_: did you read the link from ubotu? | 02:38 |
necro_ | yes the unbutun extra, it just keep failing to install anything | 02:38 |
DaSkreech | Russian: New to linux i'm guessing? | 02:38 |
Bllz | yintelike, can you walk me through it? how do i get to fstab again? | 02:39 |
Russian | Yeah 100% new | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | necro_: what error? | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | Russian: Welcome | 02:39 |
necro_ | sun-java6-jre broken | 02:39 |
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Russian | Thanks | 02:39 |
necro_ | sun-java6-bin broken too | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | necro_: That has nothing to do with mp3 | 02:39 |
=== shafqat [n=shafqat@ool-44c64b5c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
necro_ | but from that guide i have to install ubuntu restrict extra whatever shit that is | 02:40 |
Russian | Dont really know where to start | 02:40 |
gon_ | !client-error-request-value-too-long | 02:40 |
PhinnFort | !language | necro_ | 02:40 |
Arwen | necro_, 1: swearing doesn't help. 2. !repos | 02:40 |
Russian | Does this beryl, have same options as seen in video of XGL? | 02:40 |
necro_ | shit is swearing | 02:40 |
ubotu | necro_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:40 |
necro_ | how about crap | 02:40 |
Arwen | Russian, the XGL video was actually a video of beryl | 02:40 |
PhinnFort | Russian: right click on the red diamond | 02:40 |
Arwen | people just tend to mislabel it | 02:40 |
Russian | 0_o | 02:40 |
Russian | where is the diamond? | 02:41 |
Arwen | Russian, run "beryl-manager" | 02:41 |
PhinnFort | Russian: should be in your systray | 02:41 |
necro_ | why do i need java for mp3? | 02:41 |
Arwen | PhinnFort, he hasn't started it yet... lol | 02:41 |
Arwen | necro_, you don't | 02:41 |
PhinnFort | Arwen: ah, ok | 02:41 |
Russian | I think its loading now | 02:41 |
necro_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 02:41 |
Arwen | you need libxine1-ffmpeg | 02:41 |
Russian | its done, but cant see it in systray | 02:41 |
necro_ | it says i need that package for mp3 or dvd | 02:41 |
DaSkreech | necro_: which guide | 02:41 |
PhinnFort | Arwen: libxine-extracodecs? | 02:41 |
necro_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 02:41 |
Arwen | PhinnFort, no, libxine1-ffmpeg | 02:41 |
PhinnFort | Arwen: sure? | 02:42 |
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DaSkreech | yes | 02:42 |
Arwen | libxine-extracodecs is deprecated | 02:42 |
Arwen | so yes | 02:42 |
PhinnFort | ah, ok | 02:42 |
=== PhinnFort did the deprecated thing, then | ||
DaSkreech | PhinnFort: libxine-extracodecs installs libxine1-ffmpeg and libmad0 | 02:42 |
Russian | ArwenL I cant see the red crystal in my systray | 02:42 |
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Arwen | necro_, it says * | 02:42 |
Arwen | To play mp3's with Amarok, install the package libxine1-ffmpeg (which will install libmad0 as well). | 02:42 |
DaSkreech | it;s pretty safe to install libxine-extracodecs | 02:42 |
necro_ | how do youget your "mp3 support" in amarok? | 02:42 |
Bllz | yintelike, how do i change the fstab error? is there a command to open the file? | 02:43 |
Arwen | necro_, you install libxine1-extracodecs for crying out loud | 02:43 |
DaSkreech | necro_: install libxine1-ffmpeg | 02:43 |
PhinnFort | necro_: open Adept Package MAnager, search for "libxine-ffmpeg" and install it | 02:43 |
Arwen | oops, yeah, libxine1-ffmpeg* | 02:43 |
Arwen | necro_, just run "apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg" | 02:43 |
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necro_ | apt-get install? am i supposed to use that adept? | 02:44 |
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PhinnFort | necro_: choose yer poison | 02:44 |
necro_ | if i use apt-get install, will adept recognize it? | 02:44 |
DaSkreech | necro_: you can install it either way | 02:44 |
DaSkreech | necro_: yes | 02:44 |
Russian | PhinnFort? | 02:44 |
PhinnFort | yup | 02:44 |
Russian | I cant see the red crystal | 02:44 |
necro_ | so i can use kubuntu debian way | 02:44 |
PhinnFort | Russian: did you run "beryl-manager"? | 02:44 |
DaSkreech | necro_: yes | 02:44 |
Russian | yeo | 02:45 |
Russian | four times already :P | 02:45 |
Arwen | and is it crashing? :P | 02:45 |
Arwen | and are you looking in your system tray? | 02:45 |
Russian | yeah | 02:45 |
Russian | right below | 02:45 |
Russian | ^^ | 02:45 |
Russian | its showing my mouse, like its loading | 02:45 |
Russian | but it doesnt show up in systray | 02:45 |
Arwen | hmm, run it in a terminal and tell us what it says? | 02:45 |
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Russian | failed to open device | 02:46 |
PhinnFort | that's nothing to worry about | 02:46 |
Russian | should I copy paste the error? | 02:46 |
necro_ | um, there's no option for me to adjust resolution ? | 02:46 |
Arwen | Russian, if that doesn't work, just start beryl directly with "beryl --replace &" and "emerald --repalce &" | 02:47 |
necro_ | i can't change resolution in kde? | 02:47 |
DaSkreech | !resolution | 02:47 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:47 |
DaSkreech | necro_: yeah you can | 02:47 |
Russian | now I see it =D | 02:47 |
Russian | thank you | 02:47 |
Bllz | yintelike, i just checked the fstab and there was a comma... so that doesn't appear to be the error | 02:47 |
darkrift411 | question | 02:47 |
=== torchwood04 [n=torchwoo@71-211-18-63.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Russian | Oke, I finaly see the icon, now what? | 02:48 |
DaSkreech | necro_: system settings -> display | 02:48 |
darkrift411 | how do i find out if there are newer drivers for my card reader? | 02:48 |
darkrift411 | Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 is the model | 02:48 |
torchwood04 | Is there anything I should know before using Kubuntu on an intel mac? | 02:48 |
DaSkreech | !mac | 02:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:48 |
DaSkreech | !apple | 02:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apple - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:48 |
=== DaSkreech kicks the bot | ||
DaSkreech | guess not :) | 02:48 |
PhinnFort | !botsnack | 02:48 |
Arwen | see? the bot discriminates | 02:48 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 02:48 |
torchwood04 | lol | 02:49 |
PhinnFort | torchwood04: it will work well? | 02:49 |
torchwood04 | Yeah okay :P | 02:49 |
PhinnFort | torchwood04: read the last edition of the full circle magazine | 02:49 |
Arwen | !mac is For help with Macs and OS X, please see ##mac or your nearest mental institute. | 02:49 |
DaSkreech | Arwen: :-P thats not right | 02:49 |
torchwood04 | But #mac is for Macs with OSX | 02:49 |
DaSkreech | Kubuntu runs on macs | 02:49 |
torchwood04 | Hey, I'm an intel mac | 02:49 |
torchwood04 | Not PPC | 02:49 |
darkrift411 | http://pastebin.ca/598055 | 02:50 |
darkrift411 | anyone? | 02:50 |
DaSkreech | torchwood04: a few devs run on that hardware I don't know if yyou need some thing special | 02:50 |
torchwood04 | Okay | 02:51 |
torchwood04 | Well, Mac's have picky firmware | 02:51 |
torchwood04 | IIRC, I can only have like 4 partitions | 02:51 |
PhinnFort | torchwood04: again, the last edition of the full circle magazine has a long article on the subject | 02:51 |
torchwood04 | And I want to dual boot.. sorry PhinnFort I will | 02:51 |
Arwen | torchwood04, all x86 systems can have a maximum of 4 partitions.. | 02:51 |
PhinnFort | "* How-To : Install Ubuntu on Intel Mac Mini," | 02:51 |
darkrift411 | 4 primary, right? | 02:51 |
torchwood04 | Yeah | 02:51 |
DaSkreech | primary | 02:51 |
PhinnFort | http://www.fullcirclemagazine.org/ | 02:51 |
darkrift411 | ok | 02:51 |
torchwood04 | And I want to use OSX | 02:52 |
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darkrift411 | you can have extended partitions added to that though | 02:52 |
russian | Crash lol | 02:52 |
BluesKaj | strange combo | 02:52 |
darkrift411 | so does anyone know where i could find drivers for my ricoh card reader in my laptop? | 02:52 |
russian | How do I start the beryl automatically? | 02:52 |
Arwen | with an autostart | 02:53 |
=== russian is now known as Russian | ||
PhinnFort | russian: copy the link to beryl manager from the k-menu to the hidden ".kde/Autostart" folder | 02:53 |
PhinnFort | in your homedir | 02:53 |
PhinnFort | Russian: drag it from the k-menu | 02:53 |
Russian | Yeah, but first I need to figure out how to find the hidden folder :P | 02:54 |
torchwood04 | Thanks PhinnFort | 02:54 |
PhinnFort | Russian: go to your home dir in konqueror | 02:54 |
PhinnFort | show hidden files | 02:54 |
PhinnFort | torchwood04: yw;) | 02:54 |
torchwood04 | :) | 02:54 |
Russian | k | 02:55 |
Russian | done | 02:55 |
Russian | autostart | 02:55 |
Russian | k see it =D | 02:55 |
Russian | tnx | 02:55 |
necro_ | how do i turn kde in ubuntu to chinese | 02:56 |
DaSkreech | !cn | 02:56 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 02:56 |
DaSkreech | guess that wouldn't help | 02:56 |
DaSkreech | no #kubuntu-cn | 02:56 |
Russian | PhinnFort, how do you split the screens, like if you have a lto of things open, so they get organized in yoru screen>? | 02:57 |
PhinnFort | Russian: have no idea... | 02:57 |
PhinnFort | try asking in #beryl | 02:57 |
PhinnFort | maybe | 02:57 |
Russian | k ^^ | 02:57 |
necro_ | now, how do i mount ntfs on hdb1 | 02:57 |
Russian | ty | 02:57 |
Russian | btw can I put this channel on 1 desktop and another on another desktop? | 02:58 |
necro_ | where does ubuntu mount my ntfs? | 02:58 |
DaSkreech | necro_: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /path/to/folder | 02:58 |
TeraDyne | !ntfs | necro_ | 02:58 |
ubotu | necro_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 02:58 |
hero | Russian: it depends on your irc client | 02:58 |
Russian | I use | 02:59 |
Russian | Konversation | 02:59 |
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hero | i think you can detach a window | 02:59 |
Russian | Beryl, do you maybe know how I can arrange all windows with some shortcut? | 02:59 |
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Russian | sorry I mean hero | 02:59 |
torchwood04 | Do I need a swap partition? | 03:00 |
hero | one sec | 03:00 |
Russian | oke :) | 03:00 |
DaSkreech | torchwood04: no | 03:00 |
torchwood04 | Because the way OSX does it is: 1 partition-OSX, 1-Kubuntu, 1-EFI, 1-Root | 03:00 |
torchwood04 | I mean mac* | 03:00 |
hero | Russian: well, i'm new to using konversation and i can't find a detach function anywhere, i know x-chat has it. you might try #konversation | 03:00 |
Russian | oke thank you :) | 03:01 |
necro_ | so i cannot use mplayer audio output when im using amarok playing mp3? | 03:01 |
Bllz | I still can't mount my FAT partition! can anybody help me? | 03:01 |
DaSkreech | Bllz: What is the error? | 03:01 |
Russian | hero I have some questions, I am new to linux | 03:01 |
Russian | do you need some antivirus or something? | 03:01 |
Arwen | necro_, you must use -ao alsa | 03:01 |
Bllz | DaSkreech, i have absolutely no idea | 03:01 |
Bllz | and i looked at that ubuntu help site and i don't think that helped at all | 03:01 |
DaSkreech | Bllz: ha ha how are you mounting it? | 03:01 |
hero | Russian: not really. virii work differently in linux. | 03:01 |
DaSkreech | !virus | 03:02 |
ubotu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 03:02 |
Russian | so I am safe? | 03:02 |
hero | yeah, what the bot said | 03:02 |
Bllz | DaSkreech, if only i knew... it should mount automatically, right? I tried a manual mount too but that failed | 03:02 |
Arwen | Russian, relatively | 03:02 |
Arwen | the honest answer is that AV is useless regardless of what OS you have | 03:02 |
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hero | DaSkreech: is there a complete list of the things ubotu knows about? | 03:02 |
Bllz | and someone was helping me earlier but he went MIA now lol | 03:02 |
necro_ | Opening video decoder: [realvid] RealVideo decoder | 03:02 |
necro_ | Error: /usr/lib/win32/drv4.so.6.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 03:02 |
Arwen | necro_, lol @ realvideo, you fail it | 03:03 |
DaSkreech | hero: sure message him | 03:03 |
necro_ | yes | 03:03 |
Russian | Arwen so I dont need any protection? | 03:03 |
DaSkreech | or her | 03:03 |
DaSkreech | or it | 03:03 |
Russian | and Conqueror is safe to browse? | 03:03 |
Arwen | that said, you need w32codecs, see !medibuntu | 03:03 |
=== DaSkreech blushes | ||
necro_ | how do i install this codecs | 03:03 |
Arwen | Russian, yeah | 03:03 |
Russian | dont need mozilla? | 03:03 |
Russian | sweet | 03:03 |
necro_ | !mediabuntu | 03:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:03 |
Russian | All passwords and stuff are safe too? | 03:03 |
Arwen | .. | 03:03 |
Arwen | !medibuntu | necro_ | 03:03 |
ubotu | necro_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 03:03 |
DaSkreech | !kwallet | 03:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kwallet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:03 |
hero | Russian: i encourage you to visit www.tldp.org - the linux documentation project | 03:04 |
DaSkreech | !info kwallet | 03:04 |
ubotu | Package kwallet does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:04 |
hero | read some articles | 03:04 |
Russian | k ty | 03:04 |
DaSkreech | and hang out here Russian | 03:04 |
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Bllz | DaSkreech, do you have any idea what could be wrong with my partition? It's driving me up the wall... | 03:04 |
necro_ | does this mean i cannot play rmvb with mplayer? | 03:04 |
Arwen | necro_, you can, just follow the link... | 03:05 |
Arwen | and also, RMVB SUCKS ASS | 03:05 |
Russian | aye =) | 03:05 |
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DaSkreech | Bllz: what is the device name? | 03:07 |
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necro_ | this ubuntu is so different from netbsd | 03:10 |
DaSkreech | ;-) | 03:11 |
DaSkreech | linux is not unix | 03:11 |
torchwood04 | DUH? | 03:11 |
torchwood04 | :P | 03:11 |
DaSkreech | more like an annoying little brother | 03:11 |
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Arwen | LUNIX! | 03:11 |
necro_ | there are alot modification to original linux | 03:12 |
torchwood04 | Unux! | 03:12 |
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hero | the "original" linux is just a kernel, man. | 03:12 |
torchwood04 | Linix! | 03:12 |
necro_ | that is true | 03:12 |
Arwen | hero, Linux is still just a kernel | 03:13 |
hero | Arwen: yep | 03:13 |
DaSkreech | Winux | 03:13 |
Arwen | (hint: Windows doesn't "suck") | 03:13 |
DaSkreech | the first product that microsoft makes that doesn't suck will be a vacum cleaner | 03:13 |
=== rathel__ [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Which isn't totally true | 03:13 |
necro_ | really, how about microsoft office? | 03:14 |
Arwen | DaSkreech, you know, fanboism and trolling like that only makes people hate F/OSS people | 03:14 |
necro_ | does microsoft street and trips suck? | 03:14 |
DaSkreech | necro_: :-) No I love Microsoft tech | 03:14 |
Arwen | and Windows is pretty solid. Active Directory and .NET are cool too. and MSVS rules. | 03:14 |
DaSkreech | I hate the business practices | 03:14 |
Arwen | (Microsoft Bob rules too) | 03:14 |
=== Arwen ducks | ||
=== tinin [n=tinin@169.Red-83-41-162.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | if they were a little more humble and not so attention hogging I'd like them a lot more | 03:14 |
necro_ | i've been using street and trips with gps | 03:15 |
Arwen | DaSkreech, but but but... they invented MS Bob, lol | 03:15 |
necro_ | what's street and trips equivalent in kubuntu? | 03:15 |
necro_ | if any | 03:16 |
DaSkreech | Don't know. never checked actually | 03:16 |
Arwen | what's street and trips anyway? | 03:16 |
necro_ | how many years have you used computer | 03:17 |
Arwen | uh.. not that many, why? | 03:17 |
hero | it's a microsoft product, arwen | 03:17 |
hero | helps you get places | 03:17 |
Arwen | yes.. what's it do? | 03:17 |
hero | great for taxi drivers! | 03:17 |
Arwen | oh, lol | 03:17 |
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necro_ | taxi driver is very familiar with routes, stupid | 03:17 |
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TeraDyne | I've been using computers since 92\93, and I didn't know what MS Streets and Trips was. | 03:17 |
hero | you don't have to call names. and actually, my gf is a taxi supervisor and they use streets and trips extensively | 03:18 |
DaSkreech | I heard that it was good but I've never had reason to use it | 03:18 |
Arwen | TeraDyne, same | 03:18 |
DaSkreech | Does it have roads in barbados? | 03:18 |
=== jimmy__ [n=jimmy@70-41-81-107.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hero | it's better than a lot of gps built-in maps | 03:18 |
necro_ | taxi drivers in your country sucks | 03:18 |
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necro_ | im in china, all taxi drivers are live street and trips | 03:18 |
Arwen | necro_, warezed copies of it no less | 03:18 |
necro_ | they are familiar with every streets, otherwise passengers get mad at them | 03:19 |
Arwen | then there would be a big kung-fu fight! | 03:19 |
necro_ | i tell the taxi driver the destination if he doesn't know, i get off right away | 03:19 |
hero | necro_: you have poor manners. | 03:19 |
necro_ | taxi drivers does NOT use street and trips if he is qualified. period. | 03:20 |
hero | it depends on the management of the taxi company | 03:20 |
necro_ | maybe small streets, he doens't know. that's allowed | 03:20 |
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necro_ | but for major locations such as ministry of transportation, movie theatre | 03:21 |
hero | well, yeah. | 03:21 |
hero | that's a given, necro_ | 03:21 |
necro_ | im supposed to tell him the the name, and he takes me there, no bullcrap | 03:21 |
Arwen | unless it's a mafia taxi | 03:21 |
necro_ | haha | 03:22 |
necro_ | this reminds me | 03:22 |
necro_ | there was this mafia taxi driver | 03:22 |
necro_ | he drove taxi back to his home town | 03:22 |
Russian | thanks for ya help guys, goodnight :) | 03:22 |
hero | Russian: good luck! | 03:22 |
necro_ | and taxi company couldn't find him anywhere, haha | 03:22 |
hero | don't give up! | 03:22 |
=== Evolution2 [n=roy@unaffiliated/evolution2] has joined #kubuntu | ||
necro_ | but what frustrate me is prostitude | 03:23 |
Arwen | prostitude? | 03:23 |
necro_ | especially when they give me ugly ones | 03:23 |
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hero | prostitute | 03:23 |
Arwen | is that like a combination of prostitute and attitude? | 03:23 |
necro_ | if she's ugly i tell her to get out and give me a good looking one | 03:24 |
Arwen | .... | 03:24 |
Arwen | !offtopic | 03:24 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 03:24 |
=== fignew_ [n=fig@user-11210kr.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mr_Sonoma | could i get some help with a beryl issue? | 03:25 |
Evolution2 | i cant seem to access my windows partition from my kubuntu | 03:25 |
Evolution2 | any ideas? | 03:25 |
Arwen | !ntfs | Entonian | 03:25 |
ubotu | Entonian: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 03:25 |
Arwen | ... | 03:25 |
Arwen | Evolution2, see above | 03:25 |
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DaSkreech | Night | 03:25 |
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shane2peru | does anyone remember the grub install command? | 03:26 |
necro_ | yes | 03:26 |
hero | sudo apt-get install grub ? | 03:26 |
necro_ | grub-install? | 03:26 |
shane2peru | no inside the grub should be install hd0,0 ? but it doesn't like that option. | 03:27 |
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necro_ | it's like asking for the command to execute mount | 03:27 |
shane2peru | right, sorry for not being specific | 03:27 |
necro_ | hey what is that command to execute mount? i don't remember | 03:27 |
lucas__ | Hey, i new in kubuntu, can someoena help me please, i have a question | 03:28 |
HymnToLife | lucas__, if you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you | 03:28 |
lucas__ | ok, thanks, il try, i not good at english | 03:29 |
Arwen | necro_, "mount" | 03:29 |
shane2peru | does anyone remember that command? specifically the string that is supposed to follow, I need an example for inside grub install (hd0,0) | 03:29 |
necro_ | oh yeah! thanks | 03:29 |
shane2peru | just the correct string format for the install command is what I need. | 03:29 |
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lucas__ | i have downloaded the iso for feisty fawn, and i burned it correctly, but when i start it before i choose the language and go to installation something happend, i can tell you exactly what, but is something related to "fail ata 3.0" can someone help me, please? | 03:30 |
necro_ | huge error, lucas__ | 03:31 |
lucas__ | really? how can i fix it? | 03:31 |
necro_ | i have not seen it | 03:31 |
necro_ | your hard drive is sata? | 03:32 |
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lucas__ | yes, both of them | 03:32 |
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necro_ | it should work | 03:32 |
necro_ | try choose different language? | 03:33 |
bryan | hi guys | 03:33 |
lucas__ | il try | 03:33 |
necro_ | i don't think it's language | 03:33 |
necro_ | actually | 03:33 |
bryan | how do i get my xternal drive to show up | 03:34 |
=== ^V^ [n=V@ppp59-167-131-145.lns3.mel6.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lucas__ | it has happened before with ubuntu 6, the only ubuntu i can install normally is uberyl, do you know why is that? | 03:34 |
bryan | any one? | 03:35 |
trakinas | bryan: it is usb? is it formated in which kind of file system? | 03:35 |
bryan | usb ntsf something like that | 03:36 |
=== albino_ [n=albino@host77-20-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
necro_ | how do i get those software in medibuntu? | 03:36 |
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necro_ | i have updated repository | 03:36 |
trakinas | bryan: see if it is being detected "dmesg in konsole" | 03:36 |
necro_ | apt-get install realplay does not work | 03:36 |
lucas__ | are you talking to me necro? | 03:36 |
necro_ | no lucas__ | 03:36 |
albino_ | a | 03:36 |
lucas__ | ohh | 03:37 |
trakinas | necro_: get its names and look for them. | 03:37 |
trakinas | hehe | 03:37 |
bryan | it sees it it just won't let my open it | 03:37 |
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590da74c.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
necro_ | i tried sudo apt-get install realplay | 03:37 |
trakinas | i used to use real in mplayer, without realplayer. | 03:37 |
necro_ | does not find the package | 03:37 |
trakinas | necro_: realplayer, btw. | 03:37 |
necro_ | trakinas: how do you get that mplayer installed? | 03:37 |
necro_ | i want to play rmvb with mplayer too | 03:37 |
necro_ | but for somereason my mplayer does not install win32 codecs | 03:38 |
=== hero is now known as heroki | ||
trakinas | necro_: long and painfull path. ive did it in gentoo, anyway. never did on *ubuntu. | 03:38 |
albino_ | italian? | 03:38 |
necro_ | oh damn | 03:38 |
trakinas | Im kind of busy and cant really help you. sorry | 03:39 |
necro_ | it's very easy in other *nix or bsd | 03:39 |
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necro_ | trakinas: so what do you suggest me to get real video to play in kubuntu | 03:39 |
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trakinas | while you cant install mplayer compatibility, try realplayer official binary. | 03:39 |
necro_ | can i apt-get install realplayer? | 03:40 |
trakinas | not sure. | 03:40 |
necro_ | maybe i should ask *ubuntu, this channel looks very dead | 03:40 |
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vzduch | !info realplay | 03:41 |
ubotu | Package realplay does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:41 |
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Arwen | !info helix | 03:41 |
vzduch | ? | 03:41 |
vzduch | p realplay - RealPlayer 10 for Linux is based on the open source Helix player. | 03:41 |
ubotu | Package helix does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:42 |
Arwen | ... | 03:42 |
vzduch | necro_: perhaps add medibuntu repos, should be in there | 03:42 |
necro_ | i did add thos repos | 03:43 |
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necro_ | but don't know what package should i install | 03:43 |
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vzduch | realplay | 03:43 |
necro_ | cannot find package realplay | 03:44 |
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vzduch | ah, there we go.. it's in the automatix repo | 03:46 |
=== ross [n=ross@222-155-112-42.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vzduch | note that you need not install automatix to get it | 03:46 |
vzduch | just add the repo | 03:46 |
Arwen | .................... | 03:46 |
Arwen | ...................... | 03:46 |
ross | hello | 03:46 |
Arwen | MEDIBUNTU, geez | 03:46 |
vzduch | Arwen: 'apt-cache showpkg realplay' says it's in the automatix repo | 03:47 |
Arwen | oh, realplay... just use w32codecs... real player sucks | 03:47 |
Evolution2 | i cant find my windows partition..any ideas? | 03:47 |
necro_ | how do i "use" w32codecs | 03:48 |
Arwen | necro_, you just install it..... | 03:48 |
necro_ | when i use mplayer says no coecs | 03:48 |
necro_ | how ? | 03:48 |
Arwen | then use mplayer filethatneedsit | 03:48 |
Arwen | .......................................... | 03:48 |
ross | I cant get Ubuntu to accept my printer any ideas | 03:48 |
=== Arwen sighs and gives up | ||
necro_ | headache | 03:48 |
necro_ | how do i install w32codecs in kubundu | 03:48 |
vzduch | necro_: aptitude install w32codecs | 03:48 |
necro_ | so after installing that w32codecs i can play rmvb? | 03:49 |
necro_ | in mplayer? | 03:50 |
Arwen | yes, so go read the instructions and do it already! | 03:50 |
necro_ | can' t now, it'sinstalling vlc | 03:50 |
necro_ | i can't launch another apt-get can i? | 03:50 |
Arwen | ..........VLC definitely can't play real | 03:50 |
Arwen | and again, RMVB SUCKS | 03:50 |
necro_ | should icancel? | 03:50 |
Arwen | go fer it? | 03:50 |
necro_ | hehe | 03:51 |
trakinas | ilike vlc | 03:51 |
vzduch | gopher it? :D | 03:51 |
necro_ | rmvb is not software, it's a format | 03:51 |
Arwen | necro_, yes, and it sucks | 03:51 |
necro_ | you are saying like, doc sucks! .txt is better! | 03:51 |
trakinas | =P | 03:51 |
vzduch | necro_: it suxx0rs bad anyway | 03:51 |
Arwen | and uh... .doc is kinda lame | 03:51 |
Arwen | .docx is a lot more sane | 03:51 |
necro_ | or, mp3 sucks, .wav has better sound! | 03:51 |
Arwen | and mp3 sucks too..... aac/vorbis please | 03:51 |
trakinas | ogg owns | 03:51 |
trakinas | heeheheh | 03:52 |
vzduch | AAC? | 03:52 |
Arwen | trakinas, you can't compare ogg to mp3... mp3 is a codec, ogg is a container | 03:52 |
vzduch | isn't open-source, is it? ;) | 03:52 |
Arwen | that's like saying "AVI is better than XviD!" | 03:52 |
trakinas | Arwen: you got what i meant, didnt you? | 03:52 |
Arwen | vzduch, um... yes it is, it's completely open. | 03:52 |
Arwen | now, it's not patent free, but that's another issue | 03:52 |
trakinas | Arwen: you know when i saied ogg i meant "mymusic.ogg is better then yourmusic.mp3" | 03:53 |
necro_ | .gif sucks! i much prefer .jpg | 03:53 |
trakinas | png > both | 03:53 |
Arwen | trakinas, but mymusic.ogg could be encoded with mp3, so I don't understand | 03:53 |
trakinas | this is getting lame | 03:53 |
Arwen | and .gif definitely sucks | 03:53 |
Arwen | lol, ignore time | 03:53 |
trakinas | Arwen: yes you do. | 03:53 |
ross | anyone from New Zealand | 03:53 |
trakinas | why would someone encode an ogg with mp3 codec? | 03:54 |
Arwen | trakinas, because raw mp3 files are kinda lame? | 03:54 |
trakinas | when you say mymusic.ogg you basicaly say my vorbis encoded song. | 03:54 |
Arwen | it could also be flac or speex... | 03:54 |
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trakinas | Arwen: gosh... | 03:54 |
trakinas | enough with this | 03:54 |
Arwen | trakinas, we could resolve this just by saying "vorbis" like it should be.... anyway, back on track... | 03:55 |
trakinas | Arwen: ok. I suck. | 03:55 |
Arwen | ...... | 03:55 |
Arwen | no straw men please | 03:55 |
trakinas | Arwen: no nothing here. oO | 03:55 |
metbsd | what package include all windows fonts | 03:55 |
Arwen | metbsd, all? none. For the core ones, that's msttcorefonts | 03:56 |
metbsd | if i make a package has windows fonts, and publish to kubuntu, do i offend copyright law? | 03:56 |
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Arwen | yes | 03:56 |
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necro_ | of course metbsd | 03:56 |
trakinas | so, what are those core fonts? | 03:57 |
Arwen | copies of some MS fonts | 03:57 |
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vzduch | Arwen: not copies, they _are_ M$ fonts | 03:57 |
Arwen | arial, comic web sans, times new roman, etc | 03:57 |
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bryan | can't find wine program. It said the is installed on the add programs | 03:57 |
Arwen | vzduch, that's what makes them copies | 03:57 |
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necro_ | hmmm | 03:57 |
bryan | how can i find it? | 03:57 |
Arwen | bryan, you run it like this "wine file.exe" | 03:57 |
necro_ | why is mplayer trying to use joystick? | 03:57 |
Arwen | necro_, it's just checking for available inputs | 03:58 |
trakinas | arent those fonts violating anything? | 03:58 |
Arwen | yes, they're copyrighted and shiat | 03:58 |
necro_ | no | 03:58 |
trakinas | so they are harmless and can be free in free beer distributed? | 03:59 |
necro_ | Joystick: warning init event, we have lost sync with driver.3.8% 10870 | 03:59 |
Arwen | I think so, but you can't repackage, etc etc | 03:59 |
necro_ | No bind found for key 'JOY_AXIS2_PLUS'.-JOY_LEFT | 03:59 |
trakinas | hm. | 03:59 |
bryan | thanx Arwin | 03:59 |
necro_ | i have this continuously | 03:59 |
vzduch | Andale Sans, Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana and Webdings | 03:59 |
trakinas | i dont use them, anyways. | 03:59 |
necro_ | Joystick: warning init event, we have lost sync with driver.3.8% 1078 0 | 03:59 |
vzduch | anyways, good night @ * | 04:00 |
necro_ | i have to use -nojoystick option | 04:00 |
trakinas | cheers | 04:00 |
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khaije1-bb | What is everyones preference for 'remote desktop'-type functionality? NX? Ssh -X ? RDP? VNC? | 04:06 |
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Arwen | khaije1-bb, bah, I just call up a slave and make him do it for me | 04:07 |
khaije1-bb | enlightening... Thx arwen :-P | 04:08 |
Arwen | that said, nx is pretty cool :-) | 04:08 |
khaije1-bb | is that what u use? | 04:09 |
Arwen | nah, I only have 1 PC | 04:09 |
khaije1-bb | I'd like to check on gui apps remotely. Does nx permit connecting to existing local sessions non-destructively? | 04:10 |
Arwen | no idea | 04:11 |
Arwen | I just know it's fast, lol | 04:11 |
khaije1-bb | despite lots of good options there doesn't seem to be any 'great' options :-( | 04:11 |
Arwen | hehe, slaves then? :-P | 04:12 |
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=== khaije1-bb wonders if arwen is white male | ||
=== dewitt [n=dewitt@75-120-10-95.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@cpe-70-116-21-77.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trakinas | it isnt an elf, for sure | 04:14 |
Arwen | we're all lazy white males in our mommy's basements aren't we? | 04:15 |
dewitt | hi every one | 04:15 |
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jriachi | hello dewitt | 04:16 |
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draik | I finally figured out how to remote into my fiance's computer | 04:17 |
draik | Thank you all for your help | 04:17 |
draik | klobster: Thanks for all the help | 04:17 |
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Evolution2 | can someone help me mount my windows partition because i cant find it | 04:22 |
osamabinladen | Evolution2, um, what do you mean can't find it? which partition on your hard drive is it? first? second? third? | 04:23 |
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Evolution2 | sda2 | 04:25 |
osamabinladen | so... why doesn't "mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt/blah" work? | 04:25 |
Evolution2 | i dont think its mounted | 04:25 |
Evolution2 | do i need to sudo that? | 04:25 |
trakinas | Evolution2: yep. | 04:25 |
khaije1-bb | osamabinladen: why do you use that name? | 04:26 |
Evolution2 | blah? | 04:26 |
osamabinladen | Evolution2, replace blah with anything | 04:26 |
osamabinladen | khaije1-bb, because it's offensive | 04:26 |
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khaije1-bb | I'm not objecting, just curious | 04:27 |
Evolution2 | it would be sda2? | 04:27 |
anon32 | well, it's just the target of your mount, it can be anything | 04:27 |
anon32 | the /dev/sda2 is important though | 04:27 |
jriachi | anon32: 2 black helicopters are moving to your possition, please keep online. thank you | 04:28 |
anon32 | lol | 04:28 |
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Evolution2 | it give me this "mount: mount point /mnt/xp does not exist" | 04:28 |
anon32 | so make it | 04:28 |
anon32 | "mkdir blah" | 04:28 |
Evolution2 | iam trying iam just not good at commands | 04:28 |
Evolution2 | so mkdir mount | 04:29 |
trakinas | Evolution2: mkdir /mnt/xp | 04:29 |
Evolution2 | ok | 04:29 |
trakinas | no | 04:29 |
bryan | using gdesklets but i can't get weather info | 04:29 |
Evolution2 | ok i did it | 04:30 |
bryan | it says fail only | 04:30 |
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bryan | do you guy know of abetter desklet? | 04:30 |
Evolution2 | trakinas: i did it | 04:31 |
Evolution2 | trakinas: i still dont see anything when i go into sda2 | 04:31 |
trakinas | not sda2 | 04:32 |
trakinas | /mnt/xp | 04:32 |
trakinas | bryan: adesklet in my fav | 04:32 |
trakinas | bryan: then you go to adesklet.sourceforge.net and download the desklets you wish | 04:33 |
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anon32 | slightly offtopic, but anyone know what the "D" in BDSM stands for? | 04:35 |
bryan | trakinas- ez way to install? | 04:35 |
anon32 | drugs? | 04:35 |
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trakinas | bryan: sure. you can install adesklets via apt-get or adept. | 04:37 |
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trakinas | the desklets you just have to run them one single time and add it to your list of desklets | 04:37 |
bryan | I did :sudo apt-get install adesklets worked | 04:38 |
bryan | now ? | 04:38 |
trakinas | bryan: you can go to adesklets web page to download the deskelets. | 04:38 |
trakinas | after that, you just have to read their instructions. all them comes with instructions. ;] | 04:38 |
bryan | how come i can't see adesklets? | 04:39 |
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trakinas | bryan: you wont cause it only loads your installes desklets | 04:41 |
trakinas | you must, for example, install weather 1st | 04:41 |
=== cavemen [n=videoedd@pool-162-83-201-52.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cavemen | hi | 04:42 |
trakinas | bryan: http://adesklets.sourceforge.net/doc/en/ | 04:42 |
cavemen | why is Konq opening my downloads with Fucking KATE, I am trying to download Frostwire and it uses goddam KATE | 04:42 |
trakinas | he left... | 04:42 |
trakinas | cavemen: frostwire is??? | 04:43 |
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cavemen | trakinas: I am trying to download Frostwire from Froswire webpage and is being opened with KATE | 04:44 |
cavemen | KATE opens the deb | 04:44 |
dr_willis | use 'save as' for the link. | 04:44 |
cavemen | and then it tells me the save data will be Corrupted | 04:44 |
cavemen | dr_willis: IT WONT WORK!! 'cause is php link | 04:44 |
cavemen | it dowloads a picture as "save as" | 04:45 |
godlkwrth | the page doesn't send correct mimetype probably | 04:45 |
dr_willis | cavemen, odd.. worked for me the other day.. Hmm. let me try it | 04:45 |
dr_willis | !frostwire | 04:45 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 04:45 |
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dr_willis | I just did a 'save as' and renamed the filename it suggested to frostwire.deb | 04:46 |
dr_willis | lets see if that worked. | 04:46 |
dr_willis | yep - that worked. | 04:47 |
cavemen | dr_willis: oh I see | 04:47 |
dr_willis | yea it gives it a name of 'start' it seems :) for some odd reason when ya save as. | 04:48 |
cavemen | THIS WHAT IA M TALKINGAHBOUT The file http://www3.frostwire.com/frostwire/90627762/frostwire- is a binary, saving it will result in a corrupt file. | 04:48 |
cavemen | is that shit retarded? | 04:48 |
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dr_willis | cavemen, i cancled that download. right clicked on the Start Your Download Now Link, and did save as. | 04:48 |
dr_willis | renamed it from 'save' to frostwire.deb and it downloaded fine. | 04:49 |
Arwen | .. | 04:49 |
dr_willis | you COULD also try | 04:49 |
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dr_willis | wget http://www3.frostwire.com/frostwire/90627762/frostwire- | 04:49 |
dr_willis | Length: 7,131,654 (6.8M) [text/plain] | 04:49 |
dr_willis | looks like the server mime types is set wrongly | 04:49 |
Arwen | ah | 04:49 |
cavemen | dr_willis: I am doing what you did. But still the fact that Konq is that stupid is just a colossal software glitch | 04:50 |
dr_willis | that wget command is also working for me. | 04:50 |
dr_willis | cavemen, its NOT konq thats being stupid. | 04:50 |
Arwen | cavemen, the server is broken, it's telling konq that it's a text file | 04:50 |
dr_willis | Konqueror was at least smart enough to give ya some sort of warning. :) well kate did. | 04:51 |
cavemen | oh, ok I retract my vitriolic rant | 04:51 |
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cavemen | ok thank you ppl, it worked on an amd64 | 04:54 |
cavemen | HOT!!! | 04:54 |
dr_willis | I have an amd64, and a Turion, and a Anthlon. :) | 04:55 |
xsacha | hi.. i notice this error after i close a GUI window. /usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/domino.so could not be unloaded -- is this bad or i can ignore? what can i do to prevent this? | 04:55 |
dr_willis | but i run 32bit disrtos on them all. | 04:55 |
xsacha | i have installed the domino window styles by the way | 04:55 |
jriachi | does /usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/domino.so file exist? | 04:55 |
xsacha | i also get an error before that: /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN7KGlobal23unregisterStaticDeleterEP18KStaticDeleterBase | 04:55 |
xsacha | yes, that file exists | 04:56 |
cavemen | dr_willis: ok, now you are makig me jealous | 04:56 |
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dr_willis | cavemen, untill you relize that a $350 laptop i got for my wife is faster then my best machine. :) | 04:56 |
jriachi | xsacha: how did you installed domino? (./configure / .deb / ...) | 04:56 |
xsacha | is this just because my window style was compiled against a different qt? | 04:57 |
xsacha | i installed from a .deb made for kubuntu | 04:57 |
cavemen | dr_willis: well, using cli on it? | 04:57 |
xsacha | (but a different version of kubuntu no doubt) | 04:57 |
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thowe | I think there is something very wrong with the ruby package fo feisty... gems and irb give me errors about not being able to load files. | 04:57 |
Arwen | hey guys, would DRM be ok if it were open source? | 04:57 |
thowe | no | 04:57 |
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xsacha | Arwen: but it wouldnt work..? | 04:57 |
Arwen | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_DReaM <-- Sun is making one | 04:58 |
jriachi | xsacha: i'd recommend you trying the ./configure , make , make install way (i can help you if you have any problem) | 04:58 |
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xsacha | ok, but is the error serious? is it leaking memory or something? safe to ignore? | 04:59 |
xsacha | i assume this is happening for all windows i open | 04:59 |
BluesKaj | hehe , Arwen just try vista ..DRM is driving everyone nuts including ppl who just want to make home dvd movies out of their home videos ...it's asell out to hollywood | 05:00 |
Arwen | Vista? DRM? where? | 05:00 |
BluesKaj | hence the rise of linux | 05:01 |
Arwen | actually, Linux isn't rising... | 05:01 |
BluesKaj | well, kubuntu anyway | 05:01 |
xsacha | rising down.. | 05:01 |
xsacha | whichever OS has the least people on it - i'm there | 05:01 |
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jriachi | xsacha: i guess there is no problem, but you are loosing the domino decorations :) | 05:02 |
BluesKaj | you guys are bound and determined to be an elitist minority aren't you :) | 05:02 |
Arwen | LFS! | 05:02 |
trakinas | xsacha: go for hurd then | 05:02 |
Arwen | !lfs | 05:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:02 |
Arwen | ....stupid bot | 05:02 |
thowe | I see a lot more use of free OSes now than I ever have before. I have more *BSD and Linux in our colo center than ever before. I also know 5 different people who are running ubuntu now who had never even tried it a year ago. | 05:03 |
xsacha | looking for linux from scratch? | 05:03 |
Arwen | yeh | 05:03 |
jriachi | !jriachix | 05:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jriachix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:03 |
xsacha | i like CRUX better than lfs | 05:03 |
jriachi | ubotu: you don't know about jriachix, the best unix? | 05:03 |
jriachi | :p | 05:03 |
thowe | But the fact that Ruby/irb/gems would not work on Feisty today is driving me nuts. | 05:03 |
BluesKaj | !elitist | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about elitist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
xsacha | !food | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about food - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
BluesKaj | thought so :) | 05:04 |
xsacha | !sleep | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
Arwen | !botsnack | 05:04 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 05:04 |
hero | !abuse | 05:04 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 05:04 |
hitmanWilly | a stage one gentoo install gives about the same benefits as a lfs install, with a few less headaches | 05:04 |
hero | er. | 05:04 |
BluesKaj | sacktime for me .... nite all , take care :) | 05:05 |
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CrunchyFerrett | Broadcom BCM4318 Wireless card wont detect any wireless networks. Any thoughts? | 05:06 |
hitmanWilly | !wireless | CrunchyFerrett | 05:07 |
ubotu | CrunchyFerrett: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:07 |
CrunchyFerrett | ... | 05:07 |
hitmanWilly | CrunchyFerrett: you may need to run it under ndiswrapper for it to work | 05:07 |
CrunchyFerrett | ndiswrapper.... *googles* | 05:08 |
damageDOne | Hey all. I am having trouble with amarok and submitting tracks to last.fm. It was working fine for a while but now it just keeps telling me it has failed to submit certain tracks. I figured it was because some tracks I played weren't tagged properly so I found that there is a submit.xml file that contains the details of the tracks that are to be submitted and I removed all the track info from it. That didn't help either. Any ideas? | 05:08 |
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hitmanWilly | CrunchyFerrett: broadcom cards are notorious | 05:08 |
jriachi | damageDOne: are the .mp3 correctly tagged? (amarok won't send "track 1 -unknown artist"-like to last.fm :) ) | 05:09 |
=== SuprUsr [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-13-86.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
damageDOne | jriachi: I think that was the problem initially but now it's not submitting anything at all. | 05:10 |
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damageDOne | jriachi: At first I tried removing the problematic tracks from the submit.xml file. But then it gave me problems with other tracks. Eventually I removed all of the tracks from submit.xml. | 05:11 |
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@cpe-70-116-21-77.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bryan | how do iget my xbox 360 controller to work on kubuntu? | 05:11 |
trakinas | bryan: is it usb? | 05:12 |
jriachi | damageDOne: then i have no idea, maybe the submit.xml is damaged and deleting will work or something (I don't know, and maybe this can corrupt you amarok settings :S:S) | 05:12 |
bryan | yes | 05:12 |
damageDOne | jriachi: I tried deleting it too. It just got recreated with the same track in it that was causing the problem. | 05:12 |
hitmanWilly | bryan: should work as a normal joystick/gamepad then | 05:13 |
jriachi | damageDOne: then i have no idea , sorry | 05:13 |
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damageDOne | jriachi: Thanks anyway | 05:13 |
bryan | i don't see the little light on | 05:14 |
trakinas | dmesg | grep joystick | 05:14 |
trakinas | bryan: last msg was to you | 05:14 |
jriachi | damageDOne: but i think that your computer is damaged, the failure in submit.xml denotes a malfunction with a high probability of explosion. please turn off the computer and give it to the fedex i am sending you | 05:14 |
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hitmanWilly | jriachi: that's just wrong :P | 05:15 |
bryan | trakinas- nothing happens | 05:15 |
trakinas | bryan: just dmesg then | 05:15 |
damageDOne | jriachi: Sure. I'll do that. | 05:15 |
damageDOne | jriachi: I wouldn't want to get hurt when it explodes | 05:16 |
jriachi | hitmanWilly: if you don't say anything, i'll give you the hard disk as soon as i receive damageDOne's Pc. | 05:16 |
jriachi | damageDOne: you are a wise man, indeed | 05:16 |
bryan | then ? | 05:16 |
trakinas | bryan: see if it apears on the list. =P | 05:17 |
=== hitmanWilly shuts up | ||
trakinas | bryan: it will be on the last lines, btw | 05:17 |
bryan | it show new divice no name xbox360 | 05:18 |
trakinas | hmmm | 05:18 |
hitmanWilly | bryan: can you pastebin it? | 05:18 |
trakinas | bryan: have you tried it in some emulator or anything? | 05:19 |
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jriachi | hitmanWilly: but i have heard that you can't have two hard disks in the same room, so i am sending you a fedex guy. Give him your current hard disk and tomorrow i'll send you damageDOne's , so there is no chance to get 2 disks in the same room | 05:19 |
bryan | 100.288673] usb 1-7: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 3 | 05:19 |
bryan | 2100.506489] usb 1-7: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice | 05:19 |
hitmanWilly | jriachi: oh noes!! ive got five in this room right now! | 05:20 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 05:20 |
bryan | tranikas- no emulater. How would i do that | 05:20 |
jriachi | hitmanWilly: you are in great danger... don't wait for the fedex guy... go yourself to the postal office now! (don't worry, postal office doesn't count as room, so you can send me the five disks in the same parcel) | 05:21 |
trakinas | bryan: I mean, in zsnes or other game app. | 05:21 |
hitmanWilly | jriachi: goodness, i think you just saved me right there... | 05:22 |
trakinas | bryan: btw, paste bin is coping and paste a test in some pastebin site, like this one: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 05:22 |
damageDOne | Man this must be a slow day on the kubuntu channel. Glad to see you haven't gone mad with boredom. :) | 05:22 |
bryan | thax on the paste bin info | 05:23 |
jriachi | hitmanWilly: don't worry, kubuntu users must protect among ourselves. :) | 05:24 |
jriachi | (between?) | 05:24 |
trakinas | bryan: so, if you can paste your last msgs of dmesg there, we would apreciate. start with usb 1-3: new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address and goto the last msg | 05:25 |
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bryan | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28023/plain/ | 05:28 |
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trakinas | bryan: hmmmm | 05:29 |
trakinas | my joypad is a generuc ps2-usb... | 05:29 |
trakinas | here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28025/ | 05:31 |
dewitt | ? curious to know why. i used ubuntu, kubuntu 606. dsl was very slow. now i am using kubuntu 704 and dsl is fast. | 05:32 |
dr_willis | dewitt, could be the cable/dsl company speed it up :) | 05:33 |
hitmanWilly | dewitt: probably an ipv6 issue | 05:33 |
Minataku | Heya, dr_willis :D | 05:33 |
Minataku | Check this out | 05:33 |
trakinas | dr_willis: i know that our local cable provider blocks linux machines. they down your speed to 56k... | 05:33 |
Minataku | http://pastebin.ca/597747 << :D | 05:33 |
Minataku | trakinas: WHAT!? | 05:33 |
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trakinas | Minataku: yep | 05:34 |
Minataku | That's definitely illegal | 05:34 |
dr_willis | trakinas, id like to know how they know a machine is a linux machine.. | 05:34 |
trakinas | they argument is "you can build a server with linux" | 05:34 |
trakinas | dr_willis: ping and get its name. | 05:34 |
dr_willis | trakinas, Huh? Ping? | 05:34 |
trakinas | i dont know | 05:34 |
Biovore | you can make linux look like a windows box :-P | 05:34 |
=== dr_willis smells some fud... | ||
Minataku | I do too | 05:35 |
trakinas | i know there's smth your operating system answers | 05:35 |
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dr_willis | Get that satement in writing.. take it to your lawyer. :) sue. | 05:35 |
trakinas | like, linux has a number, win another and etc | 05:35 |
dr_willis | trakinas, thats not true. | 05:35 |
Minataku | http://pastebin.ca/597747 << dr_willis look :3 | 05:35 |
dr_willis | what if your box doesent respond to pings... then ya get no #. | 05:35 |
trakinas | and it isnt fud. my friend connections works great on xp, at full speed, and works really slow on kubuntu. | 05:35 |
bryan | trakinas- found some info on it. I need to know if i have automake1.9 installed? | 05:35 |
dr_willis | trakinas, thats not proof its the isp. | 05:35 |
trakinas | dr_willis: it is. | 05:36 |
trakinas | like, he isnt the only one. | 05:36 |
trakinas | do you speak portuguese? =P | 05:36 |
trakinas | i will send you links. | 05:36 |
hitmanWilly | trakinas: they only numbers the isp should be able to get are maybe mac addresses of network hardware | 05:36 |
dr_willis | trakinas, No its not PROOF.. | 05:36 |
Minataku | Actually, there ARE IPv6-related speed issues | 05:36 |
dr_willis | Gee what if you use a Linksys router.. or some hardware based firewall.... oh well.. this is off topic.. have fun. | 05:36 |
Minataku | dr_willis: Hey! Listen to me D: | 05:37 |
Minataku | XD | 05:37 |
dr_willis | Minataku, yep there are. :) | 05:37 |
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Minataku | http://pastebin.ca/597747 << Now look :3 | 05:37 |
=== stone_ [n=stone@71-33-205-139.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stone_ | anyone know how to install beryl on kubuntu? | 05:38 |
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bryan | wich kubuntu | 05:38 |
stone_ | 7.04 | 05:38 |
stone_ | newest version | 05:38 |
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Arwen | !beryl | stone_ | 05:39 |
ubotu | stone_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:39 |
hitmanWilly | stone_: sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager | 05:39 |
bryan | go into the add n remove programs | 05:39 |
Arwen | but saying "beryl" and "latest version" is an oxymoron, beryl is dead | 05:39 |
stone_ | so use compiz or what? | 05:39 |
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Arwen | yeh... but anyway, I need some sleep now | 05:39 |
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stone_ | thanks | 05:39 |
bryan | trakinas- found some info on it. I need to know if i have automake1.9 installed? | 05:40 |
stone_ | so, anyone know how to install compiz on kubuntu? | 05:40 |
ardchoille | !compiz | 05:40 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:40 |
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dr_willis | then in 2 days you will be asking how to REMOVE compwiz.. :) | 05:41 |
=== Jahooty [n=Mary@adsl-71-142-254-193.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bryan | how too find out if automake 1.9 is installed on my system? | 05:41 |
dr_willis | automake --version | 05:41 |
dr_willis | perhaps? | 05:41 |
Minataku | dr_willis: So... still entertaining guests? | 05:41 |
dr_willis | Minataku, yep.. | 05:42 |
dr_willis | they had a birthday party for her brother at a bar..wife is home drunk.. | 05:42 |
stone_ | you guys don't like compiz or beryl? | 05:42 |
dr_willis | Now shes sobbering up playing card games | 05:42 |
Minataku | Heh | 05:42 |
dr_willis | stone_, useless eye candy. | 05:42 |
Minataku | Drunk solitare X3 | 05:42 |
dr_willis | and its verymuch a work in progress. | 05:42 |
bryan | beryl game me too many issues | 05:42 |
stone_ | I'm extremely new to linux so I'm just trying to play around with it for now | 05:43 |
Minataku | stone_: It's like Vista, only free, open source and marginally good | 05:43 |
=== hitmanWilly actually likes 3ddesktop | ||
Minataku | It's also only a GUI piece | 05:43 |
ardchoille | compiz and beryl are, IMHO, a useless waste of system resources | 05:43 |
Minataku | hitmanWilly: Did you see my SGI's specs? | 05:43 |
stone_ | I got beryl to work on ubuntu, but can't on kubuntu | 05:43 |
bryan | any one how too find out if automake 1.9 is installed on my system? | 05:43 |
hitmanWilly | Minataku: ?...oh, that link earlier... | 05:43 |
hitmanWilly | bryan: did you install build-essential? | 05:44 |
dr_willis | heh.. | 05:44 |
Minataku | hitmanWilly: Yeah | 05:44 |
ardchoille | bryan: apt-cache policy automake | 05:44 |
ardchoille | perhaps? | 05:44 |
=== dr_willis wonders how many in here even knwo what an SGI is. | ||
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jriachi | i am using kubuntu, but when i run compiz (compiz --replace -c emerald ) i get no window decoration (yep, emeral is installed) :S | 05:44 |
Minataku | Heh | 05:44 |
hitmanWilly | Minataku: nah, never opened it... | 05:44 |
bryan | hitmanwilly-no | 05:45 |
=== hitmanWilly is in the middle of a kdevelop compile atm | ||
Minataku | Heh | 05:45 |
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jriachi | dr_willis: the computer manufacturer or other sgi-thing? | 05:45 |
Minataku | Too bad you don't have a real-time preemptible kernel like I do | 05:45 |
hitmanWilly | bryan: then you don't have it, probably | 05:45 |
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hitmanWilly | Minataku: how did you set that up? | 05:46 |
Minataku | http://pastebin.ca/597747 << Here's the transcribed and somewhat modified hinv outputs of my two machines :D | 05:46 |
Minataku | I had to get a serial adapter | 05:46 |
Minataku | Then I had to get a gender changer | 05:46 |
bryan | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28028/ | 05:46 |
Minataku | Then it worked fine | 05:46 |
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hitmanWilly | bryan: you need to install build-essential to get it then | 05:48 |
Lectus | Hello! I just installed my old Ubuntu Dapper CD, but I'd like to install feisty. But when I try to install using the live CD it just hangs at 15% (detecting file systems). The same whith Kubuntu, but not with Xubuntu. It looks like a bug. Has anyone experienced this too? | 05:48 |
dr_willis | sounds like badly burnt cd's | 05:49 |
dr_willis | You could install xubuntu feisty, then install kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop if you wanted to | 05:49 |
Lectus | but it was the CD that came from ship it and I also checked for CD errors at the startup | 05:49 |
Minataku | dr_willis: I got a better idea... tell me when they're gonna leave, and I'll continue bothering you then XD | 05:49 |
Jahooty | ok, i got my wireless card working with ndiswrapper and all the related packages for my broadcom chipset, but i can't connect to my wireless network, any ideas? | 05:50 |
Minataku | Until then I won't ask about my Amigas X3 | 05:50 |
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Jahooty | i'm showing a 0/100 link quality and acess point: invalid | 05:51 |
Minataku | Are you too far away from it? | 05:51 |
Minataku | Is it named invalid? | 05:51 |
Minataku | Dude... I should TOTALLY name my AP "Invalid" | 05:51 |
Jahooty | no, that's what it's showing for the routers wireless mac adress | 05:52 |
Minataku | Ah | 05:52 |
Minataku | Still, thanks for the idea all the same | 05:52 |
Jahooty | it is a good one | 05:52 |
Jahooty | d'oh | 05:52 |
Minataku | Try specifying the MAC address manually | 05:52 |
Jahooty | did that, came back the same | 05:52 |
Minataku | Hm | 05:52 |
Jahooty | iwconfig eth1 ap ##:##:##:## | 05:53 |
Jahooty | or whatever it s | 05:53 |
Minataku | Damn these Narrowcom chipsets | 05:53 |
Jahooty | however long it is | 05:53 |
Jahooty | i'm gonna try rebooting the router | 05:53 |
Minataku | Networking I don't know much about >.< | 05:53 |
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jriachi | do you use compiz with kde? | 05:56 |
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morph_ | hello all | 05:56 |
morph_ | just wanted to know how to enable flash and java on firefox | 05:56 |
DaSkreech | jriachi: No I don't thanks for asking | 05:56 |
dr_willis | !java | 05:57 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 05:57 |
dr_willis | !flash | 05:57 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 05:57 |
dr_willis | Faq #4 and 5 I think.. Heh heh.. | 05:57 |
morph_ | thanks | 05:57 |
dr_willis | sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre (the sort form) :) | 05:57 |
morph_ | im on 7.10 | 05:57 |
dr_willis | flash.. i forget. | 05:57 |
jriachi | DaSkreech: thanks for answering the survey.. a pen will be delivered to your address and a "thank-you" idem | 05:57 |
jriachi | :p | 05:57 |
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DaSkreech | morph_: then you should really be asking #ubuntu=1 | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | morph_: then you should really be asking #ubuntu+1 | 05:58 |
morph_ | trying it now | 05:59 |
morph_ | sun 6 bin | 05:59 |
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bryan | what does this mean: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-'uname -r' build-essential | 06:01 |
bryan | -'uname -r' part | 06:01 |
DaSkreech | bryan: it's a command | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | bryan: type it by itself to see waht it does | 06:03 |
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bryan | when I follow the steps to install my xbox360 contoller i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28029/ | 06:05 |
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bryan | how would find out my kernel? | 06:07 |
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morph_ | lol just found the complete package | 06:08 |
Minataku | bryan: Is it a normal wired controller? | 06:09 |
Minataku | Play and charge doesn't work like that | 06:09 |
Minataku | At least... I don't think it does | 06:09 |
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Minataku | Nope | 06:10 |
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Minataku | It only uses the P&C kit for power | 06:10 |
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Minataku | I just plugged it into my laptop and reconnected it to the 360 | 06:10 |
Minataku | lol | 06:10 |
Jahooty | allright, what did i say last | 06:10 |
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bryan | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=404577 | 06:11 |
Minataku | Hm | 06:12 |
Minataku | There's a little bit of data transfer, it seems | 06:13 |
Minataku | Connecting it directly to the 360 will also relink it immediately... | 06:13 |
Minataku | Hrm... | 06:13 |
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CrunchyFerrett | well | 06:18 |
CrunchyFerrett | I went through the official instructions. | 06:18 |
CrunchyFerrett | Still no joy. | 06:18 |
CrunchyFerrett | Any other ideas to get a bcm wireless card to work? | 06:18 |
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el_isma | Hi. Does anybody have experience with Firestarter? | 06:23 |
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bryan | how to find out if my xbox360 controller is working | 06:24 |
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bryan | how to find out if my xbox360 controller is working | 06:28 |
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crazy_bus | I installed the xmltv-gui package but I can't seem to find it in either the commandline nor the menu's. Does anyone know how to load it? | 06:30 |
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fede333333 | hola! | 06:32 |
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trakinas | crazy_bus: tried on konsole : xml*tab* ?? | 06:32 |
fede333333 | hi? | 06:32 |
fede333333 | cri cri.. | 06:32 |
crazy_bus | yes Ive tried that. But none of them seem to be the gui one | 06:32 |
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hitmanWilly | crazy_bus: is it maybe a cmd line switch? | 06:33 |
hitmanWilly | ie xmltv --gui | 06:33 |
hitmanWilly | or some such thing | 06:33 |
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crazy_bus | only xml2po, xmlcatalog and xmllint come up. | 06:35 |
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kernco | I'm about to reinstall ubuntu. I have a separate /home partition that I want to keep. My question is, when it asks about my name, username, password, etc. do I give it my current information? Will it replace my configuration files with the default ones when it installs? | 06:50 |
klobster | ooh good question | 06:51 |
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Evolution2 | how can i completely remove wine? | 06:51 |
kernco | "sudo aptitude remove wine" should do it | 06:52 |
jriachi | kernco: keep the username, the rest can be different | 06:52 |
kernco | ok, thanks | 06:52 |
klobster | just to be safe, I made a my username user2, and then changed it after install | 06:52 |
klobster | jriachi: that won't overwrite? | 06:52 |
jriachi | klobster: mmm... are you familiar with the fstab and mounting? | 06:53 |
kernco | We're wondering about overwriting our existing config files with the defaults, not the partition | 06:53 |
klobster | yeah... | 06:53 |
jriachi | klobster: then the idea would be like... create your new user (usernamed like the old one) but dont create a new partition for /home | 06:54 |
jriachi | then delete the contents of your new /home (from the current installation) | 06:55 |
jriachi | and mount the old home in this now-empty /home folder | 06:55 |
kernco | I see | 06:56 |
klobster | jriachi: yeah but during system install, you can specify your old partition as /home and direct it not to format. | 06:56 |
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klobster | if you did that and recreated an old user would it overwrite anything? | 06:56 |
jriachi | klobster: mmm... i have no idea about how the installer works (i thought formating was obligatory, so you get the idea.. :) ) | 06:57 |
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klobster | kernco: better make a backup of your user just in case | 06:57 |
cavemen | hi | 06:58 |
jriachi | klobster: same advice :) | 06:58 |
kernco | Yeah, guess so | 06:58 |
cavemen | how do i move Wheather SuperKaramba around the screen? | 06:58 |
kernco | I think I'll try jriachi's idea. Have it mount everything on my / partition, then delete the new user it creates and edit my fstab to mount my old /home partition | 06:59 |
klobster | or rename the original user2 and then create user on the new system, and then rm user and mv user2 to user... | 06:59 |
klobster | jriachi: yeah the same, really | 06:59 |
klobster | it's a smart move. | 06:59 |
Evolution2 | cavemen: you right click and click on toggle position | 06:59 |
cavemen | superkaramba Liquid Wheather is off screen and I can't drag it around not even using ALT+right click | 06:59 |
Evolution2 | cavemen: then you should be able to move it | 06:59 |
cavemen | Evolution2: thanks lol | 07:00 |
Evolution2 | cavemen: close it | 07:00 |
Evolution2 | and reopen | 07:00 |
Evolution2 | whats the best torrent client for linux? | 07:01 |
joseph | wine + utorrent? | 07:02 |
jriachi | Evolution2: i used to use the official , but many people loves ktorrent :) | 07:02 |
Evolution2 | no | 07:02 |
DaSkreech | kernco: yeah | 07:02 |
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Evolution2 | yeah i like ktorrent to | 07:02 |
Evolution2 | but its too slow | 07:02 |
Evolution2 | i heard of qtorrent and rtorrent | 07:02 |
Evolution2 | are they good? | 07:03 |
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mo0osah | Azureus > all | 07:03 |
Evolution2 | no | 07:03 |
Evolution2 | RAM hog | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | kernco: just don't make it format your homepartiton and you should be good | 07:03 |
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mo0osah | I got 2 gigs :) | 07:04 |
jriachi | 2? | 07:05 |
kernco | Dell's coming out with a 4 gig laptop like the new powerbooks | 07:06 |
kernco | And it has the Ubuntu option :D | 07:06 |
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julius | kernco: that would mean 64bit only | 07:07 |
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julius | isnt linux support for 64bit a bit sketchy? | 07:07 |
morph_ | hello all | 07:07 |
julius | anyway, how can i set it up for double clicking to open files/folders! | 07:07 |
morph_ | lol was just going to ask that | 07:07 |
morph_ | safer to run 64 or 32 | 07:08 |
morph_ | ? | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | kernco: 32 | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | morph_: 32 | 07:08 |
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morph_ | cool | 07:08 |
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morph_ | gonna install 32 7.04 then | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | julius: it's in system settings under mouse | 07:08 |
ly | hellp | 07:08 |
morph_ | running 7.10 64 bit now | 07:08 |
ly | hello | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | morph_: unless you don't care about flash then 64 | 07:08 |
morph_ | yeah i want flash | 07:09 |
morph_ | what about 7.10 vs 7.04 | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | morph_: then 32 bit is safer. You can do flash in 64 bit but it's tricker | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | there are a few scripts that can set it up for yuo | 07:10 |
julius | 64bit is only good for specific 64bit apps or systems with > 3gb memory | 07:10 |
morph_ | ahh i only have 2gb | 07:10 |
julius | well its good on all memory sizes | 07:10 |
julius | but 32bit is limited at 3gb | 07:11 |
julius | so if you needed say 4gb of memory then 64bit would be an idea | 07:11 |
morph_ | ok ill just use 32 for now untill i get use to linux a bit more | 07:11 |
klobster | is anyone running dapper in here? | 07:11 |
julius | stick with 32bit ;) | 07:11 |
morph_ | now to decide from efty of gutsy | 07:12 |
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morph_ | gonna try 7.10 | 07:12 |
julius | why? | 07:14 |
julius | go for feisty :p | 07:14 |
kernco | 7.10 isn't very stable at this point | 07:14 |
morph_ | err yeah just saw that | 07:14 |
morph_ | gonna do 7.04 | 07:15 |
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morph_ | just like the Kubuntu Restricted Extras 5 | 07:16 |
kernco | My Kubuntu 7.10 in unusable right now. It might be a botched attempt at installing KDE 4, though | 07:17 |
morph_ | yeah ill go with 7.04 | 07:17 |
morph_ | should run fine | 07:17 |
morph_ | gonna install now | 07:18 |
morph_ | i have th image already | 07:18 |
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julius | gl | 07:19 |
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DaSkreech | kernco: Gutsy and KDE4? you have a pair there | 07:21 |
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kernco | haha, it didn't work at all | 07:21 |
DaSkreech | seeing as how KDe4 won't even be ready when Gutsy is stable | 07:22 |
klobster | daskreech: stop making me sad. | 07:23 |
kernco | It's being released a week or two after | 07:23 |
DaSkreech | yeah | 07:23 |
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kernco | I used to prefer Gnome, but they have no plans to make any significant improvements, so I've moved to KDE | 07:23 |
Evolution2 | how can i move some files into my windows partition because it wont let me do it. please help | 07:23 |
DaSkreech | kernco: Why shoudl they? | 07:24 |
DaSkreech | Evolution2: I'm assuming that Windows is NTFS? | 07:24 |
Evolution2 | yup | 07:24 |
julius | grab ntfs3g | 07:24 |
julius | sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g | 07:24 |
Evolution2 | ok | 07:24 |
julius | then use ntfs-3g dev mount point | 07:25 |
DaSkreech | !ntfs3g | 07:25 |
julius | otherwise using the old ntfs driver you will most likely fk your partition | 07:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:25 |
julius | !ntfs-3g | 07:25 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 07:25 |
kernco | daskreech: Because new features have the same effect on me as crack | 07:25 |
DaSkreech | kernco: Shoudl have fun then KDE4 probably won't stabilize till KDE 4.2 | 07:25 |
kernco | I'm most excited about amarok 2 | 07:27 |
kernco | Which I know will run in Gnome | 07:27 |
DaSkreech | and Windows | 07:27 |
kernco | yes | 07:28 |
jriachi | amarok for the win! | 07:28 |
jriachi | :p | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | Plasma has me hyped right now but I think that NEPOMUK will be the real winnder | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | Winner | 07:28 |
kernco | wassat? | 07:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | amarok on windows: brilliant plan or fatal mistake | 07:29 |
kernco | more like side-effect | 07:29 |
Evolution2 | julius: how do you use ntfs-3g dev mount point? | 07:29 |
jriachi | firefox: brilliant plan ; amarok: fatal mistake, imho | 07:29 |
julius | ntfs-3g <device> <mount point> | 07:29 |
julius | go to the private chat | 07:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | scuse? | 07:30 |
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DaSkreech | Daisuke_Ido: yeah ditto | 07:31 |
kernco | Firefox came to windows when the only other option was internet explorer, but winamp and itunes has already displaced windows media player | 07:33 |
jriachi | i think that firefox in both windows and linux is a good thing, because when people move from windows to linux, they like to keep browsing the internet like always ... ; but for mp3 players... transition from winamp to amarok (let's say) is not traumatic and xmms is already here... so i guess that amarok gives reasons to windows people to stay at windows | 07:33 |
DaSkreech | Firefox is a Windows app | 07:33 |
DaSkreech | WINDOWS | 07:33 |
DaSkreech | it happens to run on Linux | 07:34 |
julius | i found the transition from winamp to amarok hard | 07:34 |
julius | but now i lurb it | 07:34 |
kernco | I do find it clunkier on linux | 07:34 |
julius | opera blows chunks on linux | 07:34 |
kernco | I think it works a lot better with qt than gtk | 07:34 |
DaSkreech | once I found Win + [ZXCVB] I was good | 07:34 |
jriachi | DaSkreech: i know, it runs much better in windows.. here i use konqueror for everything | 07:35 |
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kernco | I need my google toolbar, though | 07:35 |
DaSkreech | I'm actually using the Netscape 9 now | 07:35 |
jriachi | but the idea is that having xmms to ease the transition, amarok in windows is not needed (imho, of course) | 07:35 |
jriachi | netscape 9?? | 07:35 |
DaSkreech | feels nicer on Linux than firefox | 07:35 |
DaSkreech | yeah | 07:35 |
DaSkreech | whodathunkit? | 07:36 |
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jriachi | notmefcorse | 07:37 |
julius | Evolution2: can you hear me?\ | 07:37 |
DaSkreech | I haven't used any of the netscapey stuff. I should try those | 07:37 |
julius | i run windows in a vm for one thing | 07:38 |
julius | shockwave | 07:38 |
julius | lol | 07:38 |
DaSkreech | Isn't shockwave just Flash now? | 07:39 |
klobster | its adoce now, I believe | 07:39 |
klobster | uhh, adobe | 07:39 |
julius | which archive manager would everyone reccomend | 07:41 |
DaSkreech | ark | 07:41 |
julius | i need one that integrates well with the desktop (drag + drop support) | 07:41 |
fignew_ | ark ;) | 07:41 |
julius | i cant drag + drop | 07:41 |
julius | :( | 07:41 |
fignew_ | that's news | 07:41 |
fignew_ | your using KDE? | 07:42 |
julius | yep | 07:42 |
julius | well i installed ubuntu then grabbed kde | 07:42 |
julius | so that might cause problems | 07:42 |
fignew_ | drag & drop from what program? | 07:42 |
fignew_ | doubt it | 07:42 |
julius | like drag from ark to desktop say | 07:42 |
DaSkreech | julius: how did you install KDE? | 07:43 |
fignew_ | Just did it, no problem | 07:43 |
julius | daSkreech: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:43 |
julius | i think | 07:43 |
DaSkreech | kk | 07:43 |
julius | where are the drivers located in windows? | 07:43 |
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julius | i need to patch my xp setup for sata support | 07:43 |
DaSkreech | julius: where the hell they feel like | 07:43 |
DaSkreech | you can try %WINROOT%\system32\Drivers | 07:44 |
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julius | DaSkreech: done, lets see if it works :D rebooting | 07:45 |
julius | how do you register with the server? | 07:46 |
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DaSkreech | !register | 07:48 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 07:48 |
=== JohanSalim [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #kubuntu | ||
darkrift411 | anyone who can help me with a card reader driver? | 07:49 |
DaSkreech | darkrift411: FAIK drivers are mostly shipped with the kernel. you can check which kernel has the best support | 07:50 |
darkrift411 | damn | 07:50 |
DaSkreech | darkrift411: or you can compile your own driver | 07:51 |
darkrift411 | i think mine are screwed up | 07:51 |
darkrift411 | i get tons of errors and x crashes when writing to an sd card | 07:51 |
darkrift411 | and it corrupts the file system | 07:51 |
darkrift411 | but other devices can write to it (windows, pocket pc) | 07:51 |
darkrift411 | other devices and os's* | 07:51 |
darkrift411 | i tried fat 32 and 16, both fail | 07:51 |
darkrift411 | it wont even let me delete and create the partition with linux | 07:52 |
darkrift411 | !card reader | 07:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about card reader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:52 |
darkrift411 | lol | 07:52 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 07:52 |
DaSkreech | darkrift411: do a google search for your card model and linux | 07:52 |
=== darkrift411 did | ||
DaSkreech | or an internet search | 07:52 |
darkrift411 | didnt find anything usefull | 07:52 |
DaSkreech | darkrift411: no projects working on it | 07:53 |
=== darkrift411 is a good boy and searches before asking | ||
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darkrift411 | Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 | 07:53 |
morph_ | woohoo | 07:53 |
darkrift411 | seems liek a popular model | 07:53 |
morph_ | all good now | 07:53 |
darkrift411 | but no workarounds that i can find | 07:53 |
DaSkreech | with no drivers? :) | 07:53 |
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darkrift411 | mine has drivers, but i think they are buggy | 07:54 |
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morph_ | 73 updates on fresh install of 7.04 | 07:55 |
DaSkreech | darkrift411: have you searched for the errors? | 07:56 |
darkrift411 | there are no specific errors | 07:56 |
darkrift411 | just read/write errors | 07:56 |
darkrift411 | and crashes | 07:56 |
DaSkreech | ewwww | 07:56 |
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darkrift411 | 2.6.20-16 is greater then 2.6.17-rc1, right? | 08:01 |
darkrift411 | looks like it, but i havent seen rc1 as an actual part of the model like that before | 08:01 |
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DaSkreech | Yes | 08:03 |
darkrift411 | well | 08:03 |
darkrift411 | it seems the latest drivers are included | 08:03 |
darkrift411 | but it still doesnt friggen work | 08:03 |
=== rathel_ is now known as rathel | ||
DaSkreech | darkrift411: well find out the maintainer of the driver and send him the error log. may help him to give a better driver | 08:04 |
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rathel | Is there anything like WindirStat for linux? It allows you to see in a piechart the size of folders and files on the harddrive. | 08:06 |
DaSkreech | Night all | 08:07 |
=== TeraDyne [n=teradyne@ip70-178-69-206.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jriachi | rathel: maybe xdiskusage or the filesize view of konqueror can help you | 08:15 |
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fede_ | hola | 08:22 |
=== laplante [n=laplante@bas2-sherbrooke40-1088706299.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fede_ | HIII? | 08:23 |
jriachi | !Spanish | fede | 08:23 |
ubotu | fede: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:23 |
jriachi | hi | 08:23 |
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darkrift411 | wow | 08:30 |
darkrift411 | nobody is around? | 08:30 |
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TeraDyne | I'm here. | 08:31 |
darkrift411 | you know much about drivers? lol | 08:32 |
darkrift411 | actually, screw it | 08:32 |
darkrift411 | im giving up | 08:32 |
darkrift411 | too tired to care about it anymore | 08:32 |
=== darkrift411 hands in the towell | ||
TeraDyne | O_O; ok... | 08:32 |
=== TeraDyne backs away slowly | ||
=== Unforgetable_Tim [n=ryan@c-24-22-224-205.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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None | hi ppl:-) | 08:38 |
TeraDyne | hi | 08:38 |
None | TeraDyne: Do you know how to start kde from command line? | 08:39 |
sacasa | hola | 08:39 |
TeraDyne | "startkde" or "kdm" | 08:39 |
TeraDyne | !es | sacasa | 08:39 |
ubotu | sacasa: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:39 |
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
None | Teradyne: I got the message "I cannont connect to x-server" | 08:40 |
TeraDyne | None: Hmm... hold on. | 08:41 |
=== crocodile [n=kroc@CPE001310d06b9f-CM0014e8b5929a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
crocodile | how do I change what the boot menu looks like on my dual boot system? | 08:42 |
TeraDyne | None: do you have kdm running? | 08:42 |
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TeraDyne | None: or KDE? | 08:42 |
None | TeraDyne: No kdm is not running ...the problem appeared when I changed the keyboard preferences inside xconf | 08:43 |
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TeraDyne | None: That's odd. Try running "sudo kdm" and post (or pastebin if it's long) the error it gives. | 08:44 |
TeraDyne | !pastebin | 08:44 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:44 |
=== benutzer [n=benutzer@p57A2F5E0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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Northern_Lights | Hello all | 08:48 |
TeraDyne | hi | 08:48 |
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Northern_Lights | I've got a question about color schemes in Kubuntu | 08:48 |
TeraDyne | Northern_Lights: what is it? | 08:49 |
Northern_Lights | i've set up the default background window color as black (for use with Kor), and now, the tooltips in konqueror are written as black on black. Does anyone know how to fix that ? | 08:49 |
None | TeraDyne: this is the message I got with "startkde"-->"kpersonalizer:cannot connect to X server" | 08:49 |
say10 | is there something like wine-support channel? where? | 08:50 |
TeraDyne | None: ok, let me do a quick search. | 08:50 |
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say10 | do u know anything about how to start Medal Of Honor P. Assault on wine? | 08:51 |
TeraDyne | None: did you install using Kubuntu or Ubuntu? | 08:51 |
say10 | It crashes after lohos | 08:52 |
Northern_Lights | TeraDyne: i'm under Kubuntu | 08:52 |
say10 | *logos | 08:52 |
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TeraDyne | Northern_Lights: try just using "startx" | 08:52 |
=== Northern_Lights is now known as Northern_LightsT | ||
TeraDyne | say10: try #winehq for wine support | 08:53 |
Northern_LightsT | TeraDyne : i think you're answering to the wrong people. Sorry i answered while you were talking to None. | 08:53 |
TeraDyne | ah, ok. sorry | 08:53 |
=== Indice [n=Indice@spynet.sm.chereda.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TeraDyne | None: try "startx" | 08:53 |
None | TeraDyne: I've got kubuntu | 08:53 |
crocodile | how do I change what grub looks like? | 08:54 |
crocodile | ie: adding colors, images, removing items from the list | 08:54 |
Linux_Galore | Linux toshi 2.6.22-7-generic #1 SMP Mon Jun 25 17:33:14 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 08:54 |
Northern_LightsT | crocodile: check out kde-looks.org, they've got grub themes | 08:54 |
say10 | thx TeraDyne | 08:54 |
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TeraDyne | say10: np | 08:54 |
say10 | bye | 08:55 |
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moshi | is this where i go for questions about kubuntu? | 08:56 |
Northern_Lights | yup moshi | 08:57 |
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TeraDyne | Northern_Lights: it seems that the tooltip's background color is tied to the "Window Background" option under "Widget Color" in System Settings > Apperance > Colors. Changing that will change the tooltip background. | 08:59 |
Northern_Lights | yey, i'm going to try that | 08:59 |
TeraDyne | Northern_Lights: Wait, it's not the one I thought it was. | 09:00 |
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TeraDyne | That one seems to only change the tooltips that show up when you hover over things in the taskbar. | 09:01 |
Northern_Lights | ah, ok. (this one is OK) | 09:01 |
Northern_Lights | and in fact it's the tooltips foreground i'd like to be changed | 09:01 |
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KevInAlaska | Howdy FOLKS! :) I turned my physical Com port in my BIOS on and it has not been on sense before I installed Kubuntu. How can I get Kubuntu now to activate it? | 09:07 |
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Linux_Galore | anyone know how to set the grub bootsplash I cant seem to find grub.conf | 09:15 |
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Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: set it in menu.lst | 09:17 |
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=== darwin81 [n=julio@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
darwin81 | Is there official documentation for Kubuntu 7.04? | 09:18 |
darwin81 | Also, where's a good site or guide to get started with Kubuntu? | 09:18 |
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Northern_Lights | https://wiki.kubuntu.com........ | 09:20 |
Northern_Lights | and http:///wiki.kubuntu.org | 09:20 |
Northern_Lights | and the ubuntu websites are always useful as welll | 09:20 |
arun | i just installed vmware server yesterday | 09:21 |
arun | it's very useful, and very quick too! | 09:21 |
Linux_Galore | Hobbsee: yeah saw that, so grub.conf is moved to menu.lst now ? | 09:22 |
Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: not sure. likely | 09:26 |
Linux_Galore | Hobbsee: found the line right up the top of the file for the splash image , hmm wonder why its complaining its seems ok | 09:27 |
=== mike_ [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mike_ | Greets, everyone... | 09:28 |
Linux_Galore | only but Ive found so far with Tribe 2 is Firefox's srcoll bar doesnt seem to go to the bottom there is a 5mm space | 09:29 |
Linux_Galore | bug* | 09:30 |
Linux_Galore | that and grub complaining about the splash screen file not being there and it is | 09:30 |
=== JohnFlux2 [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mike_ | I'm having a sound issue when I play just about any game (from emulated NES games to native FPS's) - there's a nasty crackling over the sound that comes and goes. Any ideas? | 09:31 |
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darwin81 | What guide is recommended for a new Kubuntu user? | 09:33 |
=== JohnFlux2 [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mike_ | darwin81: There are lots of good tutorials on ubuntuforums.org and ubuntugeek.com. As far as one that covers everything though, I'm not too sure. | 09:35 |
Northern_Lights | Bye bye everyone | 09:36 |
khaije | !freenx | 09:40 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 09:40 |
=== JohnFlux2 [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arun | how come i cant play any games in vmware | 09:41 |
emonkey | VMWare has no 3D hardware acceleration | 09:41 |
emonkey | afaik | 09:41 |
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mike_ | Are there any virtual machine programs that do? | 09:43 |
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mike_ | I'm having a sound issue when I play just about any game (from emulated NES games to native FPS's) - there's a nasty crackling over the sound that comes and goes. Any ideas? | 09:50 |
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=== dbft [n=dbft@82-39-150-124.cable.ubr01.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arun | mike_: parallels for osx and linux has 3d acceleration, but it costs $49.99 | 09:55 |
dbft | hey, I've just installed kubuntu (normally use ubuntu but felt like a change) and now i can't connect to my network :| | 09:55 |
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ksivaji | !sdl | 09:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sdl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:59 |
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=== MegaVolt [n=megavolt@zdv-vpn1-38-25.zdv.Uni-Mainz.DE] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ksivaji | dbft "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start" | 10:00 |
dbft | it worked in ubuntu so i assumed it would work here, the network manager gets to 28% | 10:00 |
dbft | configuring device | 10:00 |
dbft | then doesnt do anything | 10:00 |
dbft | right now im on using a usb network stick | 10:00 |
=== dbft [n=dbft@82-39-150-124.cable.ubr01.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dbft | oops :p | 10:00 |
dbft | right, so umm i cant connect to my network any more since i moved from kubuntu to ubuntu | 10:00 |
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mike_ | arun: Thanks for the tip... You wouldn't know anything about my sound issue, by chance? :-) | 10:02 |
arun | mike_: what games are these | 10:04 |
=== musica [n=musica@pdc35-1-82-242-133-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mike_ | dbft: A lot of people have problems with KNetworkManager. You might try installing Wi-Fi Radar (sudo apt-get install wifiradar - there might be a hyphen in there, i forget). | 10:05 |
mike_ | arun: Umm... A lot. :-\ | 10:05 |
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 3.5.7 Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by fdoving at Tue May 22 19:45:45 2007 | ||
=== #kubuntu [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots, please register your IRC nick and auto-identify: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | ||
(Arwen/#kubuntu) minty, tovid.... but AVI doesn't say a whole lot | 09:11 | |
Arwen | when you say "AVI video", I hear "a generic MS container format containing undescribed audio and video content" | 09:11 |
minty | ya im not that good | 09:11 |
minty | lol | 09:12 |
minty | how do i kill all my pakage programs | 09:12 |
intelikey | ok howto put the dvd on the hd so i can play it from there ? | 09:12 |
=== felipe_ [n=felipe@201-0-100-84.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | intelikey, take the disc, open up your case, place on top of hard drive. | 09:12 |
=== HymnToLife` [n=fkraiem@unaffiliated/hymntolife] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | would dd a loop mount work for that ? | 09:13 |
intelikey | Arwen heh :) | 09:13 |
Arwen | now, if you mean how to copy the data, use any generic DVD ripper | 09:13 |
minty | plse sum help me | 09:13 |
Arwen | probably | 09:13 |
Arwen | (lemme know if it doesn't, DVDs may have some DRM tech circa StarForce) | 09:13 |
Arwen | minty, with...? | 09:13 |
Arwen | !u | Minataku | 09:14 |
ubotu | Minataku: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 09:14 |
Arwen | .......... | 09:14 |
Arwen | !u | minty | 09:14 |
ubotu | minty: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 09:14 |
jhutchins | intelikey: dd if=/dev/dvd of=<file>.iso | 09:14 |
=== TheGateKeeper_ [n=chatzill@82-36-117-241.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
minty | go away | 09:14 |
Arwen | !attitude | minty | 09:14 |
ubotu | minty: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 09:14 |
minty | im sorry | 09:14 |
minty | im new to this | 09:14 |
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jhutchins | minty: Really, we've given you the best help available for what you asked. It's up to you to do the rest. | 09:15 |
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minty | erm 1. i can install any pakages because something is using it already but i dont know what | 09:15 |
Arwen | minty, now, back on original topic, we can't help you if you don't ask your question. | 09:15 |
intelikey | jhutchins yeah i know dd. just asking if one can play dvds that way | 09:15 |
Arwen | and if you've already been answered, don't ask again | 09:15 |
minty | different problem | 09:15 |
Arwen | minty, ps -e | grep dpkg | 09:15 |
intelikey | !adeptcrashfix | minty | 09:16 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=chatzill@82-36-117-241.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | minty: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 09:16 |
jhutchins | minty: http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page | 09:30 |
Arwen | intelikey, yes, you can play DVDs off of an ISO image. If I recall, both mplayer and VLC support this. | 09:30 |
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jhutchins | minty: Why do you want to "kill all [your] package programs"? | 09:30 |
intelikey | Arwen kewl. thanks. | 09:30 |
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minty | because i cant add/ remove because somethign is using it and i dont know what | 09:30 |
jhutchins | !adeptfix | minty | 09:30 |
ubotu | minty: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 09:30 |
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intelikey | that's twice in two minutes | 09:30 |
minty | thank you ubotu | 09:30 |
pagan0ne | im running Feisty, i found a tutorial on how to get s/pdif output working on (i think) breezy, they direct me to change a line in /etc/asound.conf, however that file doesnt exist, or has been moved on my system.... where might it be? | 09:30 |
jhutchins | pagan0ne: try /etc/alsa? | 09:30 |
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jhutchins | nope. | 09:30 |
nosrednaekim | pagan0ne: creat it. | 09:30 |
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pagan0ne | jhutchins: there is not file or dir in /etc called "alsa" | 09:30 |
jhutchins | brilliant | 09:30 |
intelikey | !sound | pagan0ne you might want to look on this page too | 09:30 |
ubotu | pagan0ne you might want to look on this page too: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:30 |
=== benutzer [n=benutzer@p57A2F5E0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | pagan0ne: What nosrednaekim said. | 09:30 |
draik | How does tightvnc work? | 09:30 |
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jhutchins | draik: Pretty well. | 09:30 |
draik | krdc and FreeNX only allow for one user to be logged in at a time (winxp) | 09:30 |
intelikey | draik kinda like vnc | 09:30 |
draik | I want to view what she is doing so that I can see what errors she is getting wrong | 09:30 |
jhutchins | draik: She needs to run the tightvnc server within her session then. | 09:30 |
draik | I am able to login and access her computer, but I cannot see what she is doing. She gets logged off. | 09:30 |
pagan0ne | jhutchins: how do i create it, i have no idea of the syntax, just what line im looking for, and what it needs to be changed to | 09:30 |
draik | jhutchins: she's on winxp | 09:30 |
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jhutchins | draik: Fine. | 09:30 |
draik | jhutchins: No issue with that? | 09:30 |
jhutchins | draik: Well, I sure don't have one. | 09:30 |
jhutchins | draik: I do this on a few machines I maintain. | 09:30 |
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draik | jhutchins: cool. I will do that now. | 09:30 |
jhutchins | draik: It's a bit difficult to figure when you're going to get your own login, and when you're going to get an established session, but established session is more likely. | 09:30 |
jhutchins | draik: Most of mine I can't log in unless someone has a session running, then I get the shared session. | 09:30 |
jhutchins | draik: It's also common that the existign user gets locked out, but that's configurable. | 09:30 |
jhutchins | Supposedly. | 09:30 |
draik | jhutchins: She's getting errors when running something, but she's a bit vague on the description so I want to just view, not take over | 09:30 |
ndr | can anyone help me with kde and beryl? | 09:30 |
draik | ndr: What is your video card? | 09:30 |
intelikey | draik asking for help on windows in here is a little bit like walking up to a police man and asking him to lend you money. maybe you should be asking a banker insted... | 09:30 |
ndr | gma 950 | 09:30 |
nosrednaekim | ndr: did you get beryl and beryl-manager? | 09:30 |
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draik | intelikey: I'm not asking for windows help (directly), just how to legally access one from Feisty | 09:30 |
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ndr | oh yeah, I've used it for months with gnome, but I also really like it with kde, and it keeps shitting on me. | 09:30 |
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draik | jhutchins: What do I need to run after she gets tightvnc | 09:30 |
nosrednaekim | ndr: did you install emerald? | 09:30 |
jhutchins | draik: vncviewer | 09:30 |
ndr | yup. I'm not sure if it's just beryl, but my sys tray keeps popping out apps in seperate windows | 09:30 |
draik | jhutchins: xtightvncviewer | 09:30 |
draik | ? | 09:30 |
jhutchins | k, it's just vncviewer on mine. | 09:30 |
nosrednaekim | ndr: ah yeah, i've had that happen b4 | 09:30 |
draik | or... svncviewer | 09:30 |
ndr | so is there a fix, or does my gc just suck? | 09:30 |
intelikey | yes | 09:30 |
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nosrednaekim | ndr: not your graphics card's fault at all. is the crashing of the systray the only thing that's wrong? | 09:30 |
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ndr | well, I haven't installed it this time yet (just dove into kde again) and konqueror just shit out too. | 09:32 |
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ndr | infact, this has happened on other distros as well (sabayon, PCLINUXOS, and some others) | 09:33 |
amnesia | hi. I am using the -i386 kernel because I thought that's better for my intel CPU, but seems like only 1 core is used. should I use generic instead? I don't see anything with SMP or so.. | 09:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | always use generic | 09:33 |
t_maus | do you have a dual core cpu ? | 09:33 |
intelikey | generic is smp | 09:33 |
amnesia | yes dual core | 09:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | for dual core. | 09:34 |
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amnesia | ah okay thanks | 09:34 |
t_maus | yeah right generic | 09:34 |
amnesia | you know, generic sounds like "it's good for all, take it take it" | 09:34 |
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Daisuke_Ido | that's pretty much what it is. | 09:34 |
intelikey | generic is smp but will work on single core as well thus it's generic | 09:34 |
amnesia | most of those deals never optimal :) | 09:34 |
t_maus | compile it by your self ;) | 09:35 |
amnesia | okay thanks, good to know then | 09:35 |
t_maus | make your on kernel | 09:35 |
amnesia | t_maus: been there done that, for 7 years | 09:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | well, probably not, but if you want an optimized kernel... yeah, what they said. | 09:35 |
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amnesia | no time anymore | 09:35 |
amnesia | well, I don't want a gentoo :) Just want one that's working | 09:35 |
t_maus | i have only gentoo | 09:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | then you'll be just fine with generic :D | 09:36 |
t_maus | und i think its the best distro | 09:36 |
amnesia | and optimized as far it's possible, that's why I installed the i386 kernel | 09:36 |
=== intelikey does apt-get install gentoo | ||
intelikey | now i have gentoo too | 09:36 |
intelikey | :) | 09:36 |
t_maus | *gg* | 09:36 |
draik | jhutchins: So which one do you prefer? xtightvncviewer or svncviewer? | 09:36 |
amnesia | t_maus: yeah, for those last nanoseconds sure | 09:36 |
t_maus | well done | 09:36 |
amnesia | but I'm not ready compiling openoffice for days for that nanosecond :) | 09:36 |
t_maus | than you use openoffice binary | 09:37 |
t_maus | >> no compile time ;) | 09:37 |
amnesia | then it's not optimized | 09:37 |
amnesia | hah! | 09:37 |
t_maus | funny | 09:37 |
t_maus | it is just an office suite | 09:37 |
t_maus | the rest of the system is optimized | 09:37 |
amnesia | okay let's not go so deep into that :) | 09:37 |
amnesia | thanks for the info guys! | 09:38 |
t_maus | :D | 09:38 |
t_maus | np | 09:38 |
=== intelikey does all his editing with '/bin/echo' | ||
Daisuke_Ido | attempting to install s.t.a.l.k.e.r. under wine | 09:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | so far so good. | 09:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | and it supports opengl, which is even better :) | 09:38 |
=== intelikey shouldn't lie so much either................. | ||
draik | is the vncviewer CLI only? I don't see the app under the K Menu | 09:38 |
amnesia | draik: there's xvncviewer and krdc or so | 09:39 |
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t_maus | i have a topic virtual machins who uses which : i use virtualbox ( opensource rocks) | 09:39 |
amnesia | xvncviewer is command line AFAIK | 09:39 |
amnesia | bye | 09:39 |
draik | amnesia: she got logged off | 09:40 |
intelikey | tell here to drop to a console and see why hehhe | 09:41 |
t_maus | i have a topic virtual machins who uses which : i use virtualbox ( opensource rocks) | 09:42 |
intelikey | is there an echo in here ? | 09:43 |
intelikey | t_maus got anything else you want us to know ? | 09:43 |
t_maus | which one are you using | 09:43 |
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intelikey | oh: was your post supposed to be a question ? | 09:44 |
t_maus | right ^^ | 09:44 |
intelikey | qemu | 09:44 |
draik | jhutchins: I'm in. Thank you much | 09:44 |
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Schuenemann | !rmvb | 09:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rmvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:45 |
t_maus | have you ever used a nother one ? | 09:45 |
=== Arwen sighs yet again... | ||
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intelikey | yeah dosemu bochs | 09:46 |
Schuenemann | what do I need to watch rmvb? Kaffeine gives me an error about initialization of drvc.so libraries | 09:46 |
t_maus | no one like vmware oder virtualbox | 09:46 |
intelikey | Arwen for the off topic chatter or something local ? | 09:46 |
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Arwen | intelikey, for the lack of intelligence :-\ | 09:46 |
Arwen | and for fools repeating questions answered 2 days ago | 09:47 |
intelikey | Arwen i'll try to remember what i asked then........ ;/ | 09:47 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, you answered that 2 days ago? :-p | 09:47 |
Arwen | intelikey, not you, Schuenemann | 09:47 |
Schuenemann | unfortunately | 09:47 |
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Schuenemann | weird is that I don't remember installing anything for rmvb in edgy | 09:48 |
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intelikey | and do not root things like `echo 'boo :321 >/*' | tr -d \[:alnum:] ` | 09:53 |
=== CrunchyFerrett prepares to stab his Kubuntu disc | ||
Arwen | intelikey, wtf does that do? | 09:54 |
intelikey | Arwen if you were root it would : > /* blank any file in the root dir, thus the default kernel | 09:55 |
Arwen | ah | 09:55 |
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=== nicolas [n=nicolas@AAmiens-157-1-99-13.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | Arwen heres another one. this would blank the users home (not really destructive unless you have data stored there) perl -e '$??s:;s:s;;$?::s;;=] =>%-{<-|}<&|`{;;y; -/:-@[-`{-};`-{~" -;;s;;$_;see' | 09:57 |
Arwen | GAH, LINESPAM | 09:57 |
ardchoille | Arwen: Could you be a bit more respectful to people in the channel? Saying "fools" is not coc-friendly, IMHO. The folks who learn things here will take what they've learned to others and we don't want this to be known as a disrespectful channel. | 09:57 |
Arwen | (/me has 1 file in his/her home dir, not counting subdirs) | 09:58 |
intelikey | that is recursive | 09:58 |
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Arwen | ardchoille, asking the same thing over and over even after being ANSWERED NUMEROUS TIMES is clear idiocy/trolling | 09:58 |
Arwen | intelikey, hmm, ouch, lol | 09:58 |
Arwen | my /home is more important to me than my life | 09:58 |
ardchoille | Arwen: You don't have to answer questions at all you know. | 09:59 |
Arwen | :-\ | 09:59 |
Schuenemann | intelikey, what's that? A contest on how to write unreadable code? :-] | 10:00 |
intelikey | besides never assume malus for what stupidity can explain | 10:00 |
intelikey | Schuenemann heh sure want to join | 10:00 |
Schuenemann | is that a regex? | 10:01 |
intelikey | perl | 10:01 |
Schuenemann | a perl regular expression? | 10:01 |
intelikey | yes | 10:01 |
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intelikey | pcre | 10:01 |
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intelikey | i think i'll write a script to encript commands. | 10:04 |
intelikey | gulp and plug to unencript them ??? | 10:05 |
ardchoille | encrypt | 10:05 |
ardchoille | unencrypt | 10:05 |
=== ardchoille hides | ||
intelikey | no just fuzz them up not kill them | 10:05 |
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intelikey | :) | 10:05 |
ardchoille | hehe | 10:05 |
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Schuenemann | DOS had "cool" commands | 10:08 |
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Schuenemann | like redefining keys... the A could input a G or even a full format command and confirmation | 10:09 |
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intelikey | Schuenemann anything dos does linux shells do better | 10:12 |
Schuenemann | I bet it does | 10:12 |
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Schuenemann | but it was funny at that time... internet only "existed" in movies | 10:13 |
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Schuenemann | !w32 | 10:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:14 |
Schuenemann | !w32codecs | 10:14 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 10:14 |
intelikey | yeah... but examples like my windows keys input Decr_Console & Incr_Console respectively are far more useful than just funny | 10:14 |
Schuenemann | input what? | 10:15 |
intelikey | Decr_Console | 10:15 |
intelikey | same as [alt] +[<] | 10:15 |
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intelikey | and Incr_Console == [alt] +[>] | 10:15 |
alan_ | hola | 10:16 |
intelikey | switches the tty up one or down one | 10:16 |
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Schuenemann | hmm | 10:16 |
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Schuenemann | !medibuntu | 10:17 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 10:17 |
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alan_ | Donde est el espaol? | 10:17 |
draik | alan_: !es | 10:17 |
intelikey | Schuenemann heres a script to setup what i just posted. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/37844 | 10:17 |
Schuenemann | !es | alan_ | 10:17 |
ubotu | alan_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 10:17 |
alan_ | ty | 10:18 |
Schuenemann | intelikey, what is Decr_Console for? I tested, but did not understand | 10:18 |
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intelikey | Schuenemann it decreses the console/tty/vt number by one thus if you are in tty4 and hit left-winkey it will drop to tty3 .... | 10:19 |
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intelikey | Schuenemann not of much use inside of xorg | 10:20 |
GendoIkari | help me guys i-ve got a problem | 10:20 |
GendoIkari | with ethernet | 10:20 |
CrunchyFerrett | i havent understood every 3rd word of the past 10m conversation | 10:20 |
GendoIkari | I-m connected with kubuntu live cd | 10:20 |
GendoIkari | because my eth is disappeared! | 10:21 |
intelikey | CrunchyFerrett don't you mean every other line ? (my posts) | 10:21 |
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GendoIkari | anyone can help me_ | 10:21 |
CrunchyFerrett | No, I mean the entire conversation. | 10:21 |
Schuenemann | intelikey, I tried, it switched to strings I have typed before... not sure when or that order | 10:21 |
CrunchyFerrett | I used to think I was smart. Then I met Linux. | 10:21 |
pvandewyngaerde | GendoIkari: completely gone or down ? | 10:21 |
GendoIkari | tnks for answer | 10:22 |
GendoIkari | i mean the interface from system setting is disappear | 10:22 |
GendoIkari | and i cant do anything with web | 10:22 |
intelikey | Schuenemann well rather than confuse the client i'll drop this for now. if you want to pick it up later when it's quiet in here ok. if not oh well. k? | 10:23 |
GendoIkari | i think that is was happen because nforce installation went bed | 10:23 |
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Schuenemann | sure | 10:23 |
GendoIkari | is there any method to force kernel to detect all eth device_ | 10:23 |
GendoIkari | ? | 10:23 |
GendoIkari | plz help me i search with google but i do not find anything usefull | 10:25 |
GendoIkari | if you give me a key/word a clue i can try again | 10:25 |
pvandewyngaerde | is it onboard netcard or pci one ? | 10:25 |
GendoIkari | onboard | 10:25 |
intelikey | !ati | GendoIkari not sure it will help... | 10:25 |
ubotu | GendoIkari not sure it will help...: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:25 |
GendoIkari | i-ve a 5600] amd64 with kubuntu64 and m2n-e sli | 10:26 |
GendoIkari | kubuntu 7.04 64 bit i mean | 10:26 |
intelikey | it's probably that the driver is now black listed | 10:26 |
intelikey | you can; grep ati /etc/defaults/* | 10:27 |
intelikey | also modprobe.d/* ^ | 10:27 |
GendoIkari | sorry my noobish mind but what do tou mean with -grep /etc/deafults? | 10:27 |
intelikey | woops. sorry. | 10:28 |
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GendoIkari | i have run the bash script for the nforce 500 chip | 10:30 |
GendoIkari | taken from asus | 10:30 |
trakinas | GendoIkari: grep will catch what entries with ati on it in the dir /etc/defaults/ | 10:30 |
GendoIkari | and it says me that he cannot proceed | 10:30 |
GendoIkari | i-ve to write "grep nvidia /etc/default" ? | 10:32 |
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trakinas | GendoIkari: in the command line, without the quotes, of course | 10:34 |
trakinas | GendoIkari: but do like he said: grep ati /etc/defaults/* | 10:34 |
LolBR | hi all, i'm trying to install the build-essential package on my KUBUNTU, but when i type "sudo apt-get install build-essential" i get "E: Couldn't find package build-essential", what i'm doing wrong ? | 10:34 |
GendoIkari | but the problem for me is ethernet | 10:35 |
GendoIkari | i-ve got a nvidia 8600gts | 10:35 |
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GendoIkari | but the problem is eth0 device | 10:36 |
GendoIkari | when i try to install nforce driver, script freeze, and maybe linux driver is exploded | 10:36 |
GendoIkari | how can i set it again_ | 10:36 |
trakinas | GendoIkari: so he said to the wrong person | 10:37 |
trakinas | i cant help | 10:37 |
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trakinas | in fact, im looking for smth or someone who can help me with Java and inheritance | 10:39 |
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Schuenemann | LolBR, pastebin your sources.list | 10:39 |
Schuenemann | trakinas, what, exacly? | 10:39 |
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trakinas | Schuenemann: bsic stuff. Im doing an exercise to tomorrow class and Im getting "cannot find symbol" error | 10:41 |
Schuenemann | trakinas, pastebin | 10:41 |
GendoIkari | sorry guys i-m here again | 10:41 |
GendoIkari | maybe should i try | 10:41 |
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GendoIkari | sudo modprob -r e1000 | 10:41 |
GendoIkari | ? | 10:41 |
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LolBR | why when i run the LIVE version of KUBUNTU i get all the packages like BUILD-ESSENTIAL to install easyly , but now i installed it on my HD and i get one package asking for another, and another, how to fix that ? | 10:43 |
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Schuenemann | LolBR, how is your sources.list ? | 10:45 |
trakinas | LolBR: this aint an error. the livecd is probably looking for the packages inside the LiveCD. it is probably that some of those packages arent on the tree. | 10:45 |
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GendoIkari | ok guys | 10:46 |
DebItalo | trakinas: faz um favor para mi? | 10:46 |
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GendoIkari | all is do well now | 10:46 |
GendoIkari | but i've do not do anything! | 10:46 |
GendoIkari | i've simply reboot | 10:46 |
GendoIkari | O_O | 10:46 |
LolBR | Schuenemann: i've never messed with it, its default | 10:46 |
DebItalo | Pergunta para eles porque meu KGet retm os downloads toda hora | 10:46 |
trakinas | DebItalo: okay | 10:46 |
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GendoIkari | i've reboot before many times but only now it makes eth0 working O_O | 10:46 |
trakinas | DebItalo Kget is rentaining his downloads all the time. | 10:46 |
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wowowow | there is a lot of people in here | 10:49 |
Schuenemann | trakinas, where's the code | 10:49 |
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fignew_ | wowowow: there's bigger channels :) | 10:50 |
trakinas | Schuenemann: i will paste on a pastebin. | 10:50 |
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wowowow | thats good | 10:51 |
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DexterF | hi | 10:52 |
DexterF | just fired up 7.04 dvd on a laptop with 512megs, I keep launching the installer, it keeps failing. what might be wrong? | 10:53 |
dthacker | DexterF: have you certified the media? | 10:53 |
DexterF | well, not really | 10:54 |
dthacker | DexterF: Well, that would be troubleshooting step one. | 10:54 |
DexterF | used that dvd on 2 other puters tho, went fine | 10:54 |
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trakinas | Schuenemann: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28146/ | 10:54 |
DexterF | can you be a bit more precise about "certify"? like md5, gpg keys or what? | 10:55 |
dthacker | DexterF: when you hit the first menu, you have an option to run an md5 checksum on the media. You may want to try that. | 10:55 |
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Schuenemann | trakinas, and the error? | 10:56 |
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trakinas | Schuenemann: oh! my bad!! Cannot Find Symbol - Constructor Funcionario() | 10:57 |
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dthacker | either this room is slow or the lag is really bad | 10:57 |
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Schuenemann | trakinas, you have to contructor Funcionario() | 10:58 |
DexterF | dthacker: 1st menu? you mean the grub menu or what? | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | I mean you have no* | 10:58 |
trakinas | dthacker: some people are slow. | 10:58 |
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trakinas | Schuenemann: hm! so, how do I implement it? | 10:58 |
dthacker | DexterF: I have only installed from a live CD or Server CD, whick present you with options to check media. I have not used DVD. | 10:59 |
Schuenemann | trakinas, subclasses ALWAYS call the superclass constructor | 10:59 |
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Schuenemann | if you don't type that, it will call an empty constructor, which you don't have | 10:59 |
frojnd | how do u change password for some user? passwd user yourpassword ? | 11:00 |
trakinas | Schuenemann: ok. I know that, but how do I create the constructor on the superclass? | 11:00 |
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dthacker | frojnd: sudo passwd usernametochange | 11:00 |
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frojnd | how do u become normal user, if u became super usser with su ?? | 11:02 |
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joaoluiz | Boa tarde | 11:02 |
Schuenemann | trakinas, you can either create an empty contructor in Funcionario or a constructor in the other class that will call an existing Funcionario constructor... not sure what would be the best, as I don't know exacly the problem | 11:02 |
dthacker | frojnd: type exit, and you should become mortal again ;) | 11:02 |
trakinas | Schuenemann: hmmmm... okay! i will try out some more here. thanks | 11:03 |
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Schuenemann | I have no sound in my rmvb, can anyone help? | 11:03 |
Arwen | hint: stop using rmvb | 11:04 |
Schuenemann | I need them, I have slow connection and AVI/MPEG are too big | 11:04 |
trakinas | Arwen: that does not help him | 11:05 |
dthacker | Schuenemann: looks highly propietary, no idea | 11:05 |
trakinas | Schuenemann: if you have mplayer, play it on the konsole and see which audio codec it uses | 11:05 |
Arwen | trakinas, apparently our advice to install w32codecs that we've been trying to impart hasn't helped either | 11:05 |
Arwen | trakinas, it'll use Real Cook | 11:05 |
Schuenemann | I didn't have those problems in edgy | 11:05 |
trakinas | Arwen: hmm | 11:05 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, I did install w32codecs | 11:05 |
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Schuenemann | heh, mplayer can't even play the video | 11:06 |
Arwen | (omg liek AVI/MPEG are liek too big) - uh... AVI and MPEG are just containers... and are you trying to watch some of that ani-crud? | 11:06 |
frojnd | hm, what's the command to check who uses your username ? or who is on your computer ? | 11:06 |
Arwen | frojnd, whoami and finger | 11:06 |
ardchoille | frojnd: who ? | 11:07 |
dthacker | frojnd: curiously enough it's who -u to see who is logged in | 11:07 |
frojnd | ok tnx | 11:07 |
Schuenemann | trakinas, mplayer has sound! | 11:07 |
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Arwen | (so put them together and you'll have both!) | 11:08 |
Schuenemann | hehe | 11:08 |
Schuenemann | actually it has both | 11:08 |
Schuenemann | but I'd like kaffeine | 11:08 |
Arwen | well, there we go? | 11:09 |
Arwen | ... | 11:09 |
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Arwen | you've got a crappy file, deal with it, lamers can' | 11:09 |
Arwen | lamers can't be choosers* | 11:09 |
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DexterF | Schuenemann: see? xine thing. like i suspected. | 11:10 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, look, I can't make people encode their videos like I'd want | 11:10 |
dthacker | DexterF: any news on the DVD test? | 11:10 |
Arwen | well, you don't have to download them... | 11:10 |
Arwen | (and I've yet to see anything originally encoded in Real) | 11:10 |
DexterF | dthacker: still at it. md5'ing a dvd on a laptop 'rom obviously takes some time | 11:11 |
Schuenemann | if I don't download them, how am I going to watch? | 11:11 |
Arwen | (don't try to watch cruddy files...) | 11:11 |
Schuenemann | DexterF, how to set it now on kaffeine? any ideas? | 11:11 |
Arwen | and again, I've yet to see anything originally Real... probably more of that web crap | 11:11 |
Biovore | Schuenemann: mplayer should be able to play 99 | 11:12 |
dthacker | DexterF: yah, I suppose so. I have Kubuntu on a older Compaq and a 2 year old Dell. What type is this? | 11:12 |
Biovore | % of the stuff out there | 11:12 |
Schuenemann | Biovore, I don't really like mplayer... | 11:12 |
DexterF | dthacker: toshiba satellite pro from around 2002 or 2003 | 11:12 |
Biovore | Schuenemann: xine? | 11:12 |
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DexterF | Schuenemann: no clue. best you talk to the xine ml if it really bothers you that much | 11:13 |
Schuenemann | just a sec | 11:13 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, if that depended on me, DOC wouldn't exist anymore | 11:13 |
Arwen | ....wtf is doc | 11:13 |
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Schuenemann | windows crappy document format heh | 11:14 |
Schuenemann | Biovore, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28148/ | 11:14 |
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Arwen | oh.... you know, you *don't have to use crappy formats* | 11:15 |
Arwen | when you download them, you ask for pain | 11:15 |
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Schuenemann | so, how am I going to watch the video if the person who made it used a crappy format? =/ | 11:15 |
Arwen | so just don't freaking watch it and get it somewhere else in a less crappy format | 11:16 |
Biovore | Schuenemann: mplayer seems to think it in realplayer's format. | 11:16 |
Arwen | and if mplayer works, stop complaining, geez | 11:16 |
Schuenemann | there isn't. It's not the latest shrek movie... | 11:16 |
Schuenemann | Biovore, it is, isn't it? | 11:16 |
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Biovore | what the file extention? | 11:16 |
Schuenemann | rmvb | 11:16 |
Biovore | yeah.. thats realplayer | 11:16 |
dthacker | DexterF: do you have a model number | 11:16 |
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Biovore | Schuenemann: they make realplayer for linux as well... | 11:17 |
Biovore | but that should work in mplayer | 11:17 |
Schuenemann | let me explain | 11:17 |
DexterF | dthacker: Satellite Pro 2100. and if you happen to know what type of wifi this has, lemme know | 11:17 |
Schuenemann | Biovore, it works in mplayer (though I don't like it too much) and on kaffeine (which I like better) I get no sound | 11:17 |
dthacker | DexterF: I'm checking the laptop testing page... | 11:17 |
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Schuenemann | I was able to play it in kaffeine in edgy | 11:18 |
Biovore | try kmplayer? | 11:18 |
Biovore | kde frontend of mplayer | 11:18 |
Schuenemann | can't I play it in kaffeine? | 11:18 |
DexterF | dthacker: the..? where would that be? | 11:18 |
Biovore | what backend is kaffeine using? | 11:18 |
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Biovore | xine? | 11:18 |
Schuenemann | xine | 11:18 |
Biovore | I think xine should be able to do it.. | 11:18 |
Biovore | I think there is a package call xine-lib-extras or something that you need to install | 11:19 |
dthacker | DexterF:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam | 11:19 |
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DexterF | cool. | 11:19 |
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Schuenemann | libxine-extracodecs? I have it | 11:19 |
Schuenemann | Biovore, does mplayer use xine? | 11:19 |
DexterF | i've been on slackware for 5 years or so, I'm not used to much help :P | 11:19 |
SlimeyPete | mplayer uses mplayer | 11:19 |
Biovore | no mplayer is its own thing.. | 11:19 |
Schuenemann | lol | 11:19 |
dthacker | DexterF: I see a 2100CDT..... | 11:20 |
Biovore | there are 3 main multimedia backends on linux. libXine, Mplayer, Gstreamer | 11:37 |
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DexterF | the sat pro 2100 is listed as well further down | 11:37 |
dthacker | ah, good! | 11:37 |
DexterF | ill have a look | 11:37 |
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damianos | hi | 11:37 |
damianos | I have a question about lmdonkey | 11:37 |
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damianos | Does anybody use it here ? | 11:37 |
dthacker | !anybody | damianos | 11:37 |
ubotu | damianos: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:37 |
dhq | is there a rsync server for the kubuntu dvd fiesty | 11:37 |
dhq | !rsync | 11:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rsync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:37 |
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Schuenemann | Biovore, this is the error from kaffeine: [cook @ 0xb59998b4] Necessary extradata missing! | 11:37 |
damianos | What should I do to start working with mldonkey ? | 11:37 |
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damianos | I am loggin to my shell account | 11:37 |
damianos | and then trying to start use mldonkey but acctually i don't know how to start | 11:37 |
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DexterF | mld? thought that was dead anyway | 11:37 |
damianos | but i know that mldonkey is installed on this remote machine | 11:37 |
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DexterF | iirc mldonkey is a gui app | 11:37 |
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dthacker | dhq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors | 11:37 |
DexterF | if you need a core/gui split ed2k app try amule | 11:37 |
dhq | dthacker, does it have rsync | 11:37 |
damianos | DexterF; but I login on a remote machine where console is avaiable only | 11:37 |
dthacker | dhq: I see three rsync URL's on this page | 11:37 |
DexterF | this integrity check takes bloody ages | 11:37 |
Arwen | is ed2k actually good for anything? I though the network died off a while back | 11:37 |
damianos | that is why i need to use mldonkey - it is for console | 11:37 |
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DexterF | damianos: well, forwad X or go amule | 11:37 |
DexterF | *forward | 11:37 |
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Schuenemann | how could ed2k be dead if cobol isn't? | 11:37 |
dhq | dthacker, okies | 11:37 |
damianos | hmm I need to use sth which is for console only | 11:37 |
DexterF | [23:24] <DexterF> if you need a core/gui split ed2k app try amule | 11:37 |
DexterF | has a webserver, too | 11:37 |
DexterF | tho the webserver sucks imo | 11:37 |
dthacker | dhq: oh, sorry there are three for Austrailia, there's a bunch more | 11:37 |
damianos | yes it have but i cannnot login via webgui to mldonkey | 11:37 |
DexterF | *sigh* | 11:37 |
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damianos | I dont know how to add my machine to allowed_isp | 11:37 |
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dhq | dthacker, well how do i use the rsync do you have any idea | 11:37 |
dthacker | dhq: nope, but bet there are HOWTO's | 11:37 |
dhq | dthacker, ok | 11:37 |
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Schuenemann | Biovore, DexterF, I found the solution: http://lenrek.wordpress.com/2007/02/15/the-crazy-world-of-media-player-in-linux/ | 11:37 |
Schuenemann | Arwen, now you can enjoy your lovely rmvb files in kaffeine :-) | 11:37 |
=== dthacker hands Schuenemann a cigar | ||
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Schuenemann | I don't smoke, thanks anyway | 11:37 |
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dhq | dthacker, these are ubuntu | 11:37 |
dhq | dthacker, i need kubuntu ones | 11:37 |
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dthacker | dhq: look at the corresponding ftp link and follow the directory path.... | 11:37 |
dhq | k | 11:37 |
DexterF | Schuenemann: google-fu hooray | 11:37 |
dthacker | dhq: for instance ftp://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/pub/ubuntu/releases shows a directory called kubuntu | 11:37 |
=== dthacker takes the cigar back and hands Schuenemann his favorite beverage | ||
=== K-Ryan [n=ryan@ool-18be7689.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Schuenemann | heeh | 11:37 |
K-Ryan | Hey guys | 11:37 |
ehc | has anyone gotten a Logitech G5 laser mouse to work on kubuntu? all the buttons working? | 11:37 |
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cheesypieces_ | does anyone have experience using a program to copy videos to ipod? | 11:38 |
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jussi01 | !ipod | cheesypieces_ | 11:40 |
ubotu | cheesypieces_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 11:40 |
=== rysiek|pl [n=rysiek|p@213-238-76-149.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | !rockbox | 11:40 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 11:40 |
steffen | How to change my screen size? i have 640x480 and that is the max :p its on system settings. | 11:41 |
=== jriachi [n=jriachi@57.Red-213-98-99.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
steffen | im on system settings ** | 11:41 |
=== shane2peru [n=shane@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dthacker | ehc: I don't see it listed in Hardware Support, but you can go here to test for registered hardware. http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ | 11:42 |
dthacker | bye for now, need to go learn squidguard.... | 11:43 |
=== benutzer [n=benutzer@p57A2F5E0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ehc | dthacker, okay thanks | 11:43 |
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387C35E.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== hammerpunk [n=me@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hammerpunk | hello, who knows what they're talking about here? | 11:47 |
NickPresta | I know this is off-topic but does anyone have any ideas as to where I should ask questions regarding Webalizer? Any specific or helpful forums you've come across? | 11:47 |
K-Ryan | Most of us do hammerpunk | 11:47 |
hammerpunk | lol | 11:47 |
hammerpunk | dumb question, eh? | 11:47 |
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