
asacyeah ... this g_thread_init thing is unreasonable12:54
asacmozilla doesn't use g_thread library at all12:55
asacmozillais probably willing to patch it if we come up with a patch :)12:55
asacgnomefreak: there is no upstream report for it because we are using bleeding edge glib ... which noone else does12:56
asacbtw, does pressing F11 in gnome terminal bring it to full screen for you?01:04
asacit always did ... but now i returned home and it doesn't work anymore01:04
asacsomething really wierd is going on here01:05
asacgaim has disappeared from menu as well01:05
asaci mean before i left it always booted up on X startup ... together with gajim01:05
asacnow gaim isn't in menu anymore01:05
asacsystem -> about ubuntu disappeared as well01:06
asaci just have about gnome01:06
asacgaim is really uninstalled :/01:07
asachmmm maybe it happened when i tried to install out firefox package here in feisty01:07
asacmaybe time to upgrade to gutsy ;)01:07
asacFUCKED: asac's main desktop01:09
gnomefreakyes F11 gives me full screen and than back to normal01:15
gnomefreakasac: gaim? pideon?01:16
gnomefreakah your still on feisty yes gaim would have been uninstalled about ubuntu should not have been touched01:17
gnomefreakif it was touched than there is an issue (btw i pulled firefox out of repos well atleast source and 32bit. i will check 64 in a minute01:18
gnomefreaknope its not in 64 binary01:20
asacall was broken01:20
asaci had to install ubuntu-desktop01:20
asacand reboot01:20
gnomefreakhmm thats odd01:20
asacnow things are as usual01:20
asacwhen i installed ubuntu-desktop network-manager came up01:21
asacand tear down my desktop network01:21
asaci couldn't even reboot01:21
asachat to hard reset01:21
=== asac still wonders where the keybindings had gone
asacnow i can just press f11 to get terminal to fullscreen01:21
asace.g. for irssi and mutt01:21
gnomefreakkeybindings are with -desktop no?01:22
asaci couldn't even open a new terminal tab with ctrl-T01:22
gnomefreakwell would have to be a different package01:22
asacaeh ctrl-shift-t that is01:22
asacwhat the keybinding for gnome-termainL?01:22
asacnever had that problem before ... anyway ... troubles are gone ;)01:23
gnomefreakyes they should be in g-term settings i thought01:23
asacmaybe gconf was down or something01:23
asacno idea01:23
gnomefreakthat is possible01:23
gnomefreakwe just had some tool-chain updates but that shouldnt have affected it or you if your on feisty01:24
asachope there was no tool-chain update in feisty ;)01:24
asack ... tomorrow i will start to code mobile-browser of future01:25
gnomefreakmozilla doesnt use g_thread?01:26
asacno they don't01:26
asacthey have their own threading system01:26
gnomefreakthat might explain why we have errors it should call that first and its not calling it :)\01:26
asacwhy should i link against a new library?01:26
asaci mean ... ok if i use glib thread features then fine01:27
asacbut we don't use them01:27
gnomefreakwe dont use glib at all?01:27
gnomefreakwell the theads01:27
asacwe use glib ... but not gthread01:27
gnomefreakoh ok01:27
asacwhich is a different library01:27
gnomefreakwe cant patch something we dont use01:27
gnomefreakthat would mean using it or "hiding" things01:27
asacasac@hector:~$ pkg-config --list-all | egrep 'gthread|glib'01:28
gnomefreakexample: one patch can be "dont show glib warning"01:28
asacglib-2.0                    GLib - C Utility Library01:28
asacgthread-2.0                 GThread - Thread support for GLib01:28
asacgnomefreak: the warning doesn't harm01:29
asacas long as we don't see crashes because of that01:29
asacand afaik we don't see them01:29
gnomefreakasac: no but it causing extra bugs that we shouldnt have01:29
asaci don't see that01:29
asaci would refer those extra bugs to the general instability of glib development trunk01:29
asac... which we use01:30
gnomefreaki saw atleast one so far. when more people use it more will file01:30
asacbugs posted != bugs exist01:30
gnomefreakyou must not have read same bug report on glib as me01:30
asacthe fact that people post a bug because of that warning shouldn't bother us01:30
asacyeah ... other applications are definitly hit01:31
asace.g. those that use gthread ;)01:31
gnomefreaki can mark as a dupe but almost 100% sure it will be removed as dupe01:31
asacplease get concrete ... which bugs?01:31
gnomefreakbug 12127701:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121277 in firefox "gusty firefox memory corruption warning" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12127701:31
asacgnomefreak: atm most important bug in glib is that memory management is broken01:31
gnomefreakbug 5072201:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 50722 in glibc "Memory problems on pthread_cancel()" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5072201:32
gnomefreakoh wait no01:32
gnomefreakbug 11687001:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116870 in glib2.0 "[gutsy]  GSlice: g_thread_init() Warning messages" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11687001:32
asacyes ... exactly ... that bug looks related to broken memory management ... not gthread01:32
gnomefreak50722 was a mistake01:33
asacsame for that one01:33
gnomefreak116870 is the one i would dupe 12127701:33
asacpeople that post the bug always think that its the warning that is the reason for that01:33
asacin fact its broken memory managment ... aka gslice01:33
asacwhich is not really related imo01:33
gnomefreakbut it looks as if they are reporting due to warning01:33
gnomefreakwarning == same01:34
gnomefreak* Installing 1 assembly from libndesk-dbus1.0-cil into Mono   im not real sure about01:34
gnomefreakwarnings shouldnt install things01:34
asacits all glib fault01:34
asacshould be non of our business01:35
gnomefreakour packages throw same errors - installing part of it01:35
asacits not an error but a warning after all :)01:36
gnomefreaki agree 100% we should ignore them but once gutsy gets to where more people test more warning bugs will arise adn that is what i want to stop before it happens01:36
asacah ok01:37
asacwe can auto-reject those ;)01:37
gnomefreakon what grounds?01:37
asachjmf_ can probably implement that easily01:37
gnomefreakwe dont use gthread01:37
gnomefreakoh they are gonna love that.01:37
gnomefreakscrew it lets do it ;)01:37
asacwe can redirect stderr to /dev/null in firefox start script :)01:38
gnomefreakthat will hide the warnings01:38
asacyeah ... it will eat everything ;)01:38
asaclets wait a bit more01:38
asaci hope that new glib version will bring more stability as new memory managment matures01:39
asacwe can review in 2-3 weeks01:39
gnomefreakthey already stated this wont be fixed on thier end (it is a new glib already01:39
asacthe warning?01:39
asacor the memory management bugs?01:40
gnomefreakwarning i know of for sure01:40
asacthey will fix the memory management issues ... for sure01:40
gnomefreakbtw small font isnt our issue either01:40
gnomefreaksaw a bug on it it was one of gnome libs or gconf that causes it01:41
asacin my gutsy install i have really huge fonts ... but afaik its install dependent01:41
gnomefreaki have extreamly small ones01:41
asacyes its dpi detection that is broken01:41
gnomefreakmaybe i saw that in -devel01:41
asacyou should be able to fix manually if you cannot work anymore01:41
gnomefreakanyway i saw it01:41
asac... e.g. aask on -desktop01:41
asacbut afaik the dpi bug has high prio atm01:42
asacso a fix should land soon01:42
gnomefreakwe went to differnent dpi um maybe 75 iirc01:42
asacso you say that the ugly fonts in tbird that you saw are related to that?01:42
gnomefreakasac: yes i think so01:42
asacthats perfect ;)01:42
gnomefreakonce fixed ill tell you :)01:42
asacjust tell me if it isn'*t fixed in tribe-301:43
asacas well :)01:43
gnomefreakill let you know ;) no worries01:43
asacotherwise i won't see because for me all looks readable in gutsy01:43
gnomefreakmonday and on im gonna concern myself with sunbird for most of it until fixed and we can upload01:44
gnomefreakthan i have to worry if we should reject backporting it (i think we should) as we can use preview to host feisty backports01:45
asacin genreal i would say that we (mt) don't do any backports01:45
asacother than mt preview archive01:45
=== asac doesn't know anything about how backports work
gnomefreaki agree and im agreeing on the basis that we depend on way too many libs and stuff to backport01:46
asacbut i think its more like a volunteer efford01:46
gnomefreakasac: ping jdong :) its always worked for me in past01:46
gnomefreakbut i ping him and say i have it built lets go for it01:47
asacgnomefreak: yeah ... so redirect people requesting backports to him01:47
asacif he wants to do it ... so be it01:47
asacif he needs help he can always ask ;)01:47
gnomefreaktheres a process to  go through01:47
=== gnomefreak gets to skip it
asaconly thing we might wanna do is backport 2.0 for dapper01:47
asacso we can test how upgrade would break system01:48
gnomefreakeither way if backported we get the brunt of the crap anyway01:48
gnomefreakperson builds it and forgets it01:48
gnomefreakall my packages are all over LP01:48
asacfor me backport should be something like in debian01:49
asac... there i don't have to care for it as well01:49
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gnomefreakbackports are not supported afaik01:49
asace.g. like universe01:49
gnomefreakthe packages are well you got em you worry about them01:49
asacwhich is why someone else should take care01:49
gnomefreakIMNO the what 5-6 people that work on our team have enough crap to deal with01:50
asacright ... and adding more procedures to just get backports is not what we want01:50
asacwe can use preview archive for that01:50
gnomefreaki like that better anyway01:50
asacthere we need no procedures ... and its obvious that its completely unsupported01:51
asac... e.g. provided outside ubuntu01:51
gnomefreakatleast we know and tested what goes in preview01:51
asaconly tradeoff is that we don't have buildds01:51
=== gnomefreak can spin anything you need on i386 i dont need buildds
asacespecially for architectures that noone has :)01:51
gnomefreakok point taken01:51
asacmaybe we should ask how the ppa thing works01:52
asacthat should give us buildds ;)01:52
gnomefreaki was hoping in our post to forums someone would have said hey you need someone to build on ppc01:52
gnomefreakyeah right01:52
gnomefreakwe need to be official at that point01:53
asacyes ... but in general, there are not many ppc people out there at all01:53
gnomefreakless sparc i would think01:53
gnomefreakbut either way we have 386 and 6401:53
gnomefreakscrew the rest01:53
gnomefreakmaybe one day ill get a sparc or ppc (been wanting ppc for a long time)01:54
asacppc is dying01:55
asacjust looking at ebay01:55
gnomefreakyep they went to intel01:55
asacpowerbooks are still ridiculous expensive01:55
gnomefreakyes they are01:55
gnomefreak2000 USD +01:55
gnomefreakfor new  not sure about used01:56
gnomefreakwell new g4's were around that01:56
asacApple Powerbook 15" G4 1,67 GHz 1,5GB 80GB NEU01:56
asac-> $1k01:56
asacNEU -> NEW01:56
gnomefreakmy aunt has a g3 desktop if they ever get rid of it i will get it01:57
asacbut 20hours to go01:57
gnomefreakway too much01:57
asacoh damn ... g3 is really slow01:57
asaclike 400 mhz ;)01:57
gnomefreakit will build just very slowly01:57
gnomefreaki wanted a ppc cause i never got the hang of OSX01:58
gnomefreakwanted something to play with than install ubuntu on it ;)01:58
gnomefreakbut as of feisty our ppc ISO's are in ports01:59
asacApple PowerBook G4 12"01:59
asacthat might be interesting01:59
asac1,5 GHz PowerPC G401:59
gnomefreakthats a bit small01:59
gnomefreak1.5 is nice01:59
asacactually i consider to get a new notebook with 12''01:59
gnomefreakwhy so small?02:00
asacbecause battery will last much longer02:00
asac(at least i hope so)02:00
gnomefreaknot on a mac02:00
asaci want something that i can use for 8 hours or so02:00
asacyeah ... looked at dell02:00
asacthe one i was looking for was 1350 EUR02:00
asacso about $1800 ?02:00
gnomefreakabout that02:00
asacno idea what exchange rate is02:00
gnomefreakmaybe a bit more02:00
asac... pretty expensive though02:01
asacbut it has duo core02:01
gnomefreakyes very02:01
asacand 2gb memorey02:01
asacand extended battery02:01
asacunfortunately win XP02:01
asacwithout option top drop that crap02:01
asacgnomefreak: have you looked if the dell us systems with ubuntu come with discount vs. windows install?02:02
gnomefreak100 USD give or take02:02
gnomefreak1 350 Euros = 1 818.855 U.S. dollars02:02
asacthats great02:02
asaci cannot get something like that over here02:03
asace.g. without windows :/02:03
gnomefreakthey are about $400 USD for the laptop with ubuntu02:03
=== gnomefreak has already seen installing issues on those
gnomefreakit was the same model but with windows installed trying to install ubuntu02:03
asacso no discount?02:04
gnomefreake1505 i think is the model with ubuntu 1505 is windows02:04
gnomefreak100 dollars differnece from win to ubuntu02:04
asacbut win installed in the beginning?02:04
asacor do you mean if you want to install ubuntu on your own02:04
asacthere are install issues?02:04
asace.g. on original windows system02:05
asacah ok02:05
asacnow dell offeres a 13,3'' notebook02:05
=== gnomefreak waits
gnomefreak20:04 <ubotu> Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not  well-formed (invalid token): line 321, column 8402:06
asachmmm there was an advertisement on their site02:06
asacbut i cannot find the produkt :(/02:06
asacOS: "Original Windows Vista Home Premium (32 Bit) - Deutsch"02:07
asaci hate german things (deutsch)02:07
asacand i hate vista02:07
asaci cannot even get a laptop with US keyboard layout here02:07
asacits just depressing02:07
asaci will sue germany for not getting a good keyboard layout that doesn't break my wrists02:08
asac... for programmers02:08
gnomefreakasac: order one from US :)02:08
asaci can't02:09
asacdell doesn't allow me to get to their us site02:09
asacthe world is just too ignorant for me02:09
asacyeah ... i even get "Microsoft Works 8.5 - Deutsch"02:12
asacmost sucky thing in the world02:13
gnomefreaki think we have only 8.0 or 9.0 or 7.002:13
gnomefreaki dont think we have .502:13
asacand of course : "Interne leichte Tastatur - Deutsch (QWERTZ)"02:13
asac"internal light keyboard - german"02:13
gnomefreaki want one02:13
asacnote that its "internal" :-P02:14
gnomefreaki know :)02:14
asacmost noteworthy02:14
asacbut hey they get a clue: "Ohne Modem" - "without modem" :)02:14
asacand they find it sad that i didn't select a "biometrisches Fingerabdruck-Lesegert" - "biometrical fingerprint reader"02:15
asachow unfortunate02:15
gnomefreakyou do know its 2am in germany (where you are)02:15
asaci slept till 1200 :)02:15
gnomefreakif you shop dont blame me when GF asks wtf you were shopping for02:15
asaci won't shop02:16
=== gnomefreak needs a new pc one of these days
asaci don't give people my money that are doing monkey business02:16
asacfortunately you can buy parts ... and its not much more expensive than a ready to use pc02:17
asacfor laptops you cannot do taht02:17
gnomefreakfor this desktop i cant buy memory for it02:17
asaci mean ... getting a board with a integrated intel video chip + memory + hd + prozessor -> done02:18
gnomefreakway way too much for pc80002:18
asacyeah i know02:18
gnomefreakthats an idea if i knew how to put a MB in (but i can learn)02:18
asacits really simple02:18
asacif you don't mind to loose your current system you probably don't need a case02:19
gnomefreakbios better be installed than02:19
asac ASUS P5B-VM G96502:19
asacis a good board ... which i plan to buy for my gf02:19
gnomefreakasus + ubuntu == bad i hear02:19
asacit has a recent intel graphics chip ... which can play 3d-games :)02:20
gnomefreakmodel i dont know02:20
gnomefreakintels are getting good02:20
asacIntel GMA X3000, Intel Clear Video Technology02:20
asacthats the video chip i am looking for02:20
asacX3100 exists as well02:20
gnomefreakthat has got to be nice since most of the are ~95502:21
asachaven't found much desktop MB that have those new intel chips so far02:21
asacyeah ... i think X3xxx is a real step forward ... and has pretty great linux support02:21
=== gnomefreak finds MB with nvidia chips
asacand MB is pretty cheap02:21
gnomefreakand im scared of new 6600 > 730002:21
gnomefreakthey also dont like to run in ubuntu02:22
asacif you want to get a board with on-board graphics use intel please02:22
gnomefreakor was it 680002:22
asacdon't give money to people that are ignorant02:22
asacand don't open specs02:22
gnomefreakintel has free drivers dont they02:22
asaci think intel specs are not completely open either... but at leasat parts of it02:22
asacthey have merged them to kernel tree02:22
asace.g. so yes ... they are really free02:23
gnomefreakoh sweet02:23
gnomefreakthats an idea than02:23
asacwhich is why i won't go for on-board ati/nvidia02:23
gnomefreaknvidia has done me well for being less than 50.00 USD02:23
asacfor the card ... or whole mb?02:23
asacah ok02:24
asaci think the board above is about 60 EUR02:24
asacyou can get one with older intel graphics for 4002:24
gnomefreakyeah its above 100 easy here02:24
asachmm wierd .. i wouldn't expect the prices to really follow exchange rate02:24
=== gnomefreak hates to have to buy a P4 + mem + MB though
asacyeah ... but say you have 100 MB + 100 CPU + 150 MEM + 100 HD :) ... pretty cheap ;)02:25
gnomefreakP4 == 300+02:25
gnomefreakpentium 402:25
asacP4 doesn't exist anymore02:25
gnomefreaki have one02:25
gnomefreakwhat is it now celeron?02:25
gnomefreakor duo core02:26
asacAMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ EE02:26
asacWindsor 2x2.0GHz TRAY02:26
asacthats for 70 EUR02:26
gnomefreakthats not bad02:26
asacthough you need a fan for that ... but boxed is probably 5-10 EUR more02:26
gnomefreakthan a board to put it on02:26
asac Intel Celeron D331 2.66GHz BOX 256KB02:26
asacthats 30 EUR02:26
asac Intel Celeron D346 3.06GHz BOX 256KB02:27
asacthats 4702:27
gnomefreakthats about 100 here i think02:27
asacIntel Core2 Duo E4300 2x1.8GHz TRAY 2MB02:27
gnomefreakmaybe 7002:27
asacthats 100 EUR02:27
asaccore2 is pretty expensive02:27
asacdon't know if its really worth it02:27
asacimo amd x2 are better in price02:27
asacmaybe this one i interesting:02:28
asac Intel Pentium D805 2x2.66GHz BOX 2MB Dual Core02:28
asac85 EUR02:28
gnomefreak100EUR == 134.7302:28
gnomefreakthats it02:28
asacatm :)02:28
asacwait another year and it will be 15002:28
gnomefreakyeah no kidding02:28
asacit was 100EUR = 70 ... about 4 years ago02:29
asacbut then came mr. bush02:29
gnomefreakit changes so often but that isnt the prices over here that is price if i went there02:29
asactaking in zillions of debts ;)02:29
asaci think U.S. took debt in one single year for war on terror that was about half of germany GDP02:30
asacbut probably off topic ;)02:31
asacwow ...  Intel Core2 Quad Extreme QX6800 4x2.93GHz TRAY -> 1.130 EUR02:31
asacaeh 119802:31
asacanyway :)02:32
gnomefreakAMD Athlon 64 3800-X2 Socket-AM2 105.0002:32
gnomefreakim gone for the night i need to get ready for bed 4am comes fast02:33
asacwhats then?02:34
gnomefreakwake up time02:34
asacbtw, i found us ubuntu site02:34
asacwhy so early? its sunday02:34
gnomefreakyou did?02:34
gnomefreaklaying sod02:34
gnomefreakunless it rains02:35
=== asac looking what sod is
asacoh ... sounds like hard work02:35
gnomefreaksod == precut grass02:35
asacno problem ... like to learn new words02:35
asacyeah ... like you can roll it out?02:36
asaci think there is a similar german word for it02:36
asaclike gras-sohle02:36
asacsohle -> sod (somehow)02:36
asacbut unsure02:36
asacok .. then good night ... get some sleep02:36
asaccu tomorrow02:36
asaclets see if dell ships to germany02:36
gnomefreakcu tomorrow02:36
asachehe i think i will take "Flamingo Pink " color :)02:37
asacthey don't ship to germany :(02:41
asacok out :/02:41
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