
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Tribe 2 released!
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Thu Jun 28 14:55:17 2007
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Hobbseenixternal: thankyou03:47
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nixternalHobbsee: no problem!04:55
Hobbseenixternal: my view is - if i've got someone harassing me, then i'm no longer under the COC, as it's self defence.04:55
Hobbseeparticularly as it's usually in conjunction with getting a staffer to get a ticket on the k-train for him.04:55
nixternalI agree with you wholeheartedly04:56
Hobbseeparticularly this guy04:56
nixternalI have known you now pushing 2 years, and if you swore at someone, they got lucky, as they more than likely deserved more :)04:56
nixternaldude got pissed by being called a troll...hahahahaha, and jenda confirmed it..that is great04:57
Hobbseenixternal: clearly you havent heard about this guy04:57
Hobbseenixternal: ask nalioth or ompaul about "paddy frank"04:57
Hobbseeor just paddy04:57
nixternalahhhh, I have heard04:57
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HobbseeScottK: well, it really should work OOTB05:22
ScottKHobbsee: Agreed, but it's not not working because of anything to do with Kmail.05:23
ScottKHobbsee: It's the whole agent business.05:23
HobbseeScottK: true that.05:23
HobbseeScottK: well, it's an invalid bug there, maybe, but then it deserves another bug report about how the agent, etc, needs to integrate in with kmail.  so, whichever you prefer...05:24
ScottKHobbsee: I've been thinking about sending a message to devel-discuss to say let's just do it by default.05:24
ScottKHobbsee: Would you mind taking a look at what I was thinking of sending?05:24
HobbseeScottK: at least send the message as a RFC05:24
HobbseeScottK: sure05:24
ScottKHobbsee: pastebind or direct email?05:24
Hobbseedir email, probably.  whichever05:25
ScottKHobbsee: I was already headed towards the pastebin, so http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28178/05:26
=== Hobbsee looks
HobbseeScottK: s/gnpug/gnupg/05:27
HobbseeScottK: looks great :)05:28
=== ScottK sends.
ScottKHobbsee: If something gets started by an init in /etc/x11/Xsession.d, what's the proper way to stop it on logout?05:30
=== Hobbsee shrugs
Hobbseeactually, what i *would* have added to that email was a request about enabling ssh support via the agent, too05:31
ScottKMaybe nixternal knows...  ^^05:31
Hobbseeyou can run with an --enable-ssh in the 90gpg-agent.sh, which lets it handle ssh too05:31
=== ScottK has a 90x11-common_ssh-agent that starts the actual ssh-agent.
ScottKI think I'll take the kmail gpg bug and point it at gnupg2.05:33
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DaSkreechI want a konqissie t-shirt :(05:45
ScottKHobbsee: I'm crashing so have a good day whilst I sleep.05:45
HobbseeScottK: have a good sleep :_)05:46
DaSkreechnight ScottK05:46
DaSkreechhi Jucato  hi Hobbsee  ello nixternal06:20
Hobbseehiya DaSkreech06:20
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Tribe 2 released!
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Thu Jun 28 14:55:17 2007
DaSkreechhey Jucato do you cook?06:52
nixternalhiya DaSkreech07:15
=== Nightrose [n=lydia@port-87-234-150-228.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalwhy is it a pain to control color depth in Kubuntu? we don't have it where we can set 16bit/24bit easily07:18
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nixternalI didn't realise that if you create a package under the GPL/LGPL/GFDL and you don't include it, you are violating the license08:06
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nixternalHobbsee: I am going to hold off on this icon set for 2 reasons...license is #1 of course, but I just noticed that the icon in Konqueror, the animated logo, is the freakin' Linspire logo08:10
Hobbseenixternal: erk.  ddint notice that08:10
Hobbseefair enough08:10
nixternalya, I couldn't tell what it was at first, but people commented on kde-look, so I took a closer look and sure enough it is08:11
nixternalJR said this guy is impossible to contact about the license stuff as well. I guess he has experience with this guy in the past as well08:11
nixternalif recreating the orig.tar.gz allows us to do this, I am all for it. I will keep me as the Maintainer then on our side, and update the README until we can hopefully get him to take care of the licensing stuff08:12
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=== Hobbsee wonders if mez ever got that sponsor
nixternalfor the new katapult?08:13
nixternalI was supposed to get some new screenshots of it tonight and never got the chance08:13
=== nixternal checks revu
nixternalI think I seen a message about it08:14
Hobbseehe was asking for asponsor in here08:14
Hobbseea while ago08:15
nixternalso far it looks good, let me dget it and check it out...but I am fairly certain he knows what he is doing, even with his lintian cheats :)08:16
DaSkreech dget?08:19
nixternaldget the .dsc file and it will grab the files necessary in order to build the package08:19
DaSkreechwell gnight08:20
DaSkreechsee you tomorrow08:20
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@2001:6f8:392:1:213:2ff:fe4a:53a7] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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nixternalHobbsee: I went ahead and advocated it if you want to look at it. It is running here now :)08:40
nixternaland my doc is finally in it, so that makes me happy...I should bust his chaps for not putting my name in the license :)08:41
Hobbseenixternal: oh, so it is on revu? cool08:41
nixternalif you advocate it, I can upload it if necessary08:41
Hobbseehow are you going to uplaod it?08:42
Hobbsee!info katapult gutsy08:42
ubotukatapult: item launcher for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 326 kB, installed size 2960 kB08:43
Hobbseebesides, it's not a new package, ti doesnt need 2 acks.08:43
nixternalahhhh, upload it via dput08:43
Hobbseeyes, but it's in main08:44
nixternalthat is right :)08:44
nixternalwell then, get to work ;p08:44
=== _marseillais is wondering how to know wich time is 1400 UTC fo me??
nixternalHobbsee: hold up on that upload for a minute08:50
nixternalunless it is to late08:50
Hobbseehavent touched it yet08:52
Hobbsee_marseillais: timeanddate.com08:52
_marseillaisthanks hobbsee08:53
nixternalHobbsee: there is a bug in it08:54
nixternalit starts up when you login opened08:54
=== _marseillais will try to come but it'll be hard! i'm at job at this hour
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_StefanS_hi there09:54
_StefanS_mhb: sorry, I havent had time to look at adept yet. You might wanna get someone else to do it, if you can't wait (or is it already fixed?)09:55
=== _StefanS_ look into the ground.
=== xerosis [n=kieran@cpc2-shep5-0-0-cust722.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehiya xerosis10:21
xerosishey Hobbsee10:21
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Hobbseehiya Tonio_10:55
Tonio_yop Hobbsee :)10:56
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xerosisHobbsee: what do I do with openGL bugs?12:16
Hobbseexerosis: depends what they are,i guess.  not sure12:17
xerosisHobbsee: bug 11505612:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115056 in kdebase "kdesktop_lock doesn't work" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11505612:17
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mhb_StefanS_: manchicken said he fixed it02:07
mhb_StefanS_: hopefully he'll upload adept soon, so we can test it02:07
mhbmanchicken: ^^02:07
_StefanS_mhb: ok, sounds good.02:12
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manchickenmhb: I've got a couple kinks to work out first, but yeah, it is working.03:50
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manchickenOoh, kicker crashed.04:10
manchickenNo error screen or anything. Just silently failed.04:10
ScottKnixternal: I had a package rejected by Tollef during Feisty development for lack of upstream having included $LICENSE in orig.tar.gz.  They just said which license the program was released under.  I repacked the orig.tar.gz to add $LICENSE and he accepted it.04:16
=== ScottK just finished the overnight (for me) scrollback...
siretartScottK: hmm. sounds dangerous. it could be seen as 'relicencing software without having the copyright' by pedantic ppl04:17
ScottKsiretart: Well in this case the upstream clearly indicated it was (IIRC) GPL, but didn't include the copy of the GPL (when contacted they whined that the GPL was longer than the program in question).04:18
=== ScottK would view it more as correcting an upstream ommission.
siretartScottK: I didn't say you did something wrong. It's rather that you could create a problematic case quite easily04:24
siretartScottK: e.g. if upstream decides to change the license to something you don't want. Then you pretend that they told you it was GPL, and they start to state something different04:24
siretartsomething like that. (hopefully) nothing commonly obsevered, but fun for pedants04:25
ScottKsiretart: Right.  In this case it wasn't just they told me it was GPL, the docs in the package said it was, but agreed that there are risks with this kind of thing.04:26
manchickenLots of duplicates of this adept locking issue.04:26
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manchickenLots of duplicates.04:26
Hobbseenice.  mark as such :)04:27
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sahin_hHi kubuntu-developers! I submit a bugreport agaings kvirc in launchpad.04:56
sahin_hThis is a security bug.04:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123037 in kvirc "KVIrc irc:// URI Handler Command Execution Vulnerability" [Medium,Triaged] 04:57
sahin_hThe fix is provided by the kvirc developers.04:57
sahin_hSomebody able to create a fixed package for kubuntu?04:57
sahin_hSee the bugreport for more details04:58
sahin_hI'm just a user I'dont have any idea how can I create a debdiff.04:58
ScottKsahin_h: If you go to #ubuntu-motu there is likely someone there that can walk you through the process.  Kvirc is in the Universe repository in Ubuntu, so that's a better place to ask for help.05:14
=== Hobbsee has looked at it slightly
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sahin_hScottK: Ok. I will ask help there. I just tried this channel because I saw nixternal did the last chnage05:17
ScottKsahin_h: You'll find nixternal there too, but maybe Hobbsee was volunteering to help you.  I'm not sure....05:18
Hobbseesahin_h: any idea if that affects 3.2.4?05:18
=== Hobbsee avoids SRU's
Hobbseewas just looking at it for gutsy05:18
sahin_hsahin_h: I think  3.2.4 is affected, because the kvirc developers made the fix against the svn version.05:19
sahin_hHobbsee: I think  3.2.4 is affected, because the kvirc developers made the fix against the svn version.05:19
sahin_hHobbsee: However the fix only two additional line, if understand correctly...05:20
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Hobbseesahin_h: looks more than 2 additional lines?05:38
Hobbseethe stuff in the admin/ dir05:38
sahin_hHobbsee: Let me check again...05:39
sahin_hHobbsee: Did you follow this link? https://svn.kvirc.de/kvirc/changeset/630/#file305:40
Hobbseesahin_h: yes05:40
Hobbseesahin_h: there's 2 lines in kvi_ircurl.cpp, plus a whole lot in admin/05:40
sahin_hHobbsee: Well... I told you. I'm just a kubuntu user. ;-)05:41
Hobbseesahin_h: of course, i dont know if we *need* the whole lot in admin/ - some of it looks like relibtoolisation.05:41
=== Hobbsee pokes nixternal
=== Hobbsee thinks nixternal should fix it
sahin_hHobbsee: These other changes are required for the security fix?05:42
sahin_hHobbsee: Don't think so, but I'm not sure...05:42
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Hobbseesahin_h: neither.  especially not at this time of night, when i'm having multiple conversations about multiple bugs at once05:43
sahin_hHobbsee: So our last hope is nixternal? ;-)05:44
sahin_hHobbsee: I'm just joking...05:44
Hobbseesahin_h: :P05:45
Hobbseesahin_h: i'm probably here after i get some sleep, etc05:45
Hobbseeif i'm not out at a friends place05:45
sahin_hHobbsee: Yep, the kids will home soon... so for me the the night shift just begun... :-)05:46
Hobbseealmost 2am here05:46
sahin_hHobbsee: Almost 18:00 here...05:47
sahin_hHungary most of time, however I travel a lot in Europe...05:48
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nixternalso kvirc needs fixing ey?06:21
Hobbseewell, likely06:22
crimsungreat, rich can do it.06:29
=== Hobbsee ponders if nixternal will try to get kvirc working on vista too...
nixternalnow I will, just for you ;)06:32
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toma_how is the state of gutsy ?06:50
Hobbseemostly works06:55
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nixternaloh this will be fun..kvirc in our repos don't even have the file they patched upstream for the security fix07:06
nixternalfound it...different location than in the svn :)07:10
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jjesseafternoon :L)07:42
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nixternalafternoon to you as well sir08:07
nixternalare we still doing breezy updates? i.e. security fixes?08:08
jjessein meetings all week08:11
jjessehow are you?08:11
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yuriynixternal: i thought breezy support is over08:44
nixternalya, it is08:45
yuriynixternal: congratulations on MOTU btw08:45
nixternaljust wanted to make sure08:45
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ScottKnixternal: Do you read devel-discuss?10:04
=== ScottK is curious if you have an opinion about my gpg-agent proposal?
=== nixternal looks
nixternalhrmm...I know I had troubles with KMail and GPG when I set it up last year, but I have been dist-upgrading since Dapper Flight 3 I think10:07
nixternalI do know that the agent has killed debuild in the past and wouldn't call the pinentry-qt to enter my password...so I had to always use the -k flag10:08
ScottKRight.  That's fixed for Gutsy.  I verified the fix for StevenK before he uploaded it.10:09
nixternalsweet jesus, it works now :)10:10
nixternaldude, that hasn't worked for over a year10:10
ScottKI think we are very close to get it to work out of the box.  This (the gpg.conf) is the last major hurdle.10:10
nixternalI have the useagent set in my desktop, but I don't have the agent installed10:11
ScottKnixternal: You just need to know who to bitch and moan to.  He fixed it in one day last week when I whined enough.10:11
nixternalI copy over my ~/.gnupg directory from computer to computer...much easier that way10:11
nixternaland my laptop is the only one using the agent10:11
nixternalso i can verify it doesn't hurt a thing10:11
nixternalthat is, having the agent set in gpg.conf and not having the agent installed10:12
ScottKOK.  It might be useful to reply to the effect of the proposed change is harmless afayct and it'd be cool to get gpg w/kmail working out of the box.10:12
nixternalI will do that really quick right now10:13
ScottKseahorse-agent works not too (not that we care about that on this channel).10:13
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ryanakca_nixternal: hmm... I guess that since GPG will work OOTB, no need for docbookifying the KMail+GPG-agent documentation?10:58
ScottKryanakca_: Got to get it approved/agreed first ...10:59
ryanakcaah, okies :)10:59
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