
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 3.5.7 Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by fdoving at Tue May 22 19:45:45 2007
(DeconPat/#kubuntu) rdvon: same basic question as mine. but I'd like to make sure a user just added doesn't have admin priveliges.01:47
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@02-061.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu
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rdvonwhy doesnt sudo apt-get work? it says that the package lists could not be parsed or opened....01:48
rdvoni have 2 problems >_>01:48
=== ArtMoonik [n=artmooni@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
DeconPatrdvon: try kdesu instead of sudo01:48
rdvonand why I cant I delete anything off my own desktop? it says access is denied...01:48
rdvonthanks decon01:49
rdvonDeconPat: im getting the same error... could it be some of the debian repos i have?01:50
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@02-061.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu
SanneDeconPat: as far as I know, only the first user added to the system (probably you) gets admin rights with sudo (but make sure, just in case :) )01:51
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=== bryan [n=bryan@adsl-75-52-220-91.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
bryanwhats a good p2p for kubuntu?01:51
DeconPatSanne: thanks.. I'll login as "guest" and check it out.01:52
rdvonIs there any way I can just set all the settings in ubuntu back to default?01:52
rdvonincluding repositories?01:52
SanneDeconPat: I *think* your user is in the admin group, but the new user isn't?01:52
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SanneDeconPat: ok01:53
bryanany one01:53
rdvoncan I pm someone with knowledge of apt-get my error?01:53
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jesusricardoalguien me puede ayudar?01:54
jesusricardono puedo ver dvds en kubuntu01:54
rdvonno hablo espanol01:54
Sanne!es | jesusricardo01:54
ubotujesusricardo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:54
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rdvonI really dont want to flood the irc, so can i pm someone my error?01:55
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Sanne!pastebin | rdvon01:56
uboturdvon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:56
rdvonoooh cool, thanks01:56
rdvonyour just full of answers sanne!01:56
jesusricardothere here someone can help me, my kubuntu can't open dvds01:56
jesusricardohow can i pen a rpm in kubuntu?01:57
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gnomefreakjesusricardo: alien but its not the safest software, what is on rpm that you cant find on .deb?01:58
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rdvonsanne: how do i use this?01:59
rdvonI just click paste?01:59
=== Gaz [n=gary@user-54410001.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Sannerdvon: you oaste the error into the text field, click the paste button at the bottom, and paste the url you  got here.02:00
gnomefreakrdvon: go to the link above and paste it to the webpage than give us the new link after you hit send02:00
rdvonok thanks.02:00
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rdvonthere are a couple of erros ;)02:01
vzduch!dvd | jesusricardo02:01
ubotujesusricardo: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:01
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=== RodSteel [n=Lost@c-68-35-224-246.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Sannerdvon: paste them all, the input field is large :)02:01
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rdvonand it tells me to use sudo apt-get install -f, but it doesnt do anything..02:04
rdvonall i want is ndiswrapper!02:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:04
rdvon... I need to install...02:04
rdvonand apt-get isnt working.02:04
rdvonadchoille: thats my problem. ;)02:05
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jacobI'm new at linux kubuntu and i'm having problems connecting to the internet wirelessly through router with a web key02:06
jacobcan anybody help me?02:06
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:06
Wipsterhow can I make my sound card only record from one input ie, my mic because teamspeak is getting a loop back from my speakers, in kmix I'm turning off all other sources for input but they keep resetting to all on, any ideas?02:07
rdvonwow, everyone else has the same problems as i do.02:07
=== weerdo [n=weerdo@80-44-136-118.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
rdvonwhats the command for installing .deb packages in the terminal?02:09
vzduchWipster: tried turning them off in alsamixer? ime there's a bit of a difference between kmix and alsamixer02:09
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Daisuke_Idordvon: dpkg -i <package>02:10
Daisuke_Idoi think02:11
rdvonbut does anyone have any idea why I cant move/delete/put files on my desktop! this is ridiculous.02:11
rdvonit's sayin acces to MY DESKTOP is denied.02:11
Daisuke_Idowho's listed as owner?02:12
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drnoonecheck permissions/owner on /home/username/Desktop02:12
rdvonuhh... how...?02:12
Daisuke_Idordvon: if it's you, it wouldn't give you that error02:12
rdvonyes its me.02:12
vzduchls -l ~/Desktop/02:12
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rdvonvzduch: it just listed everything on my desktop.02:13
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vzduchit also tells you the owner and the group the owner is in02:14
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rdvonim in group rdvon...02:15
rdvonand my name is rdvon...02:15
rdvonwhat if i were to change to group admin?02:15
Wipstervzduch: wow thanks I thought kmix replaces alsamixer, good to know that kmix seems to do nothing in this case :D02:16
=== Tanja [n=opera@212-200-212-57.adsl.sezampro.yu] has joined #kubuntu
RodSteelrdvon where are you moving the files from?02:16
=== weerdo [n=weerdo@80-44-136-118.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
SchuenemannSanne, I think I did it02:17
rdvonRodSteel: i just downloaded a file off the internet on to my desktop, and it gives me an access denied message.02:17
SanneSchuenemann: great, what did you do?02:17
SchuenemannI inserted that line again02:17
darkrift411could someone here who knows regex do me a huge favor and show me how to convert [U372] [???K] [???] [*F]  to regex? (the [] 's are part of the string)02:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:18
vzduchdoesn't work for me, then X won't start02:18
=== marko [n=marko@BSN-61-6-65.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu
RodSteelrdvon, is it executable?02:18
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu
SanneSchuenemann: like before, and now it works?02:19
RodSteelI mean, did you chmod it?02:19
rdvonRodSteel: it is a .deb package, but happens with anything.02:19
RodSteeli see02:19
SchuenemannSanne, before it had the previous monitor02:19
RodSteeli got nothing then02:19
rdvonmeh, im checking users and groups than...02:20
SanneSchuenemann: out of interest, can you paste your xorg.conf that works?02:20
=== DeconPat1 [n=pat@ip72-197-222-12.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
ILovePlanktonCan somebosy help me? I can't get MP3s to work, I downloaded everything it said to on the kubuntu.com faq page, I've tried everything I can think of.02:20
rdvonILovePlankton: try vlc media player. Although the latest ubuntu should find codecs like that for you.02:21
SchuenemannSanne, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28166/02:22
vzduchAudacious works fine here, it has its own codec base02:22
SchuenemannILovePlankton, did you install libxine-extracodecs?02:23
SchuenemannSanne, I'd better save that file02:23
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SanneSchuenemann: yeah, I'd do that. And thanks for pasting :)02:23
rdvonI forgot how to install deb packages =/02:23
Schuenemannrdvon, you can right-click02:24
Schuenemannor dpkg something02:24
SanneSchuenemann: I suspected something in the monitor section, because there were errors in your log about hsync out of range. maybe the modelines are inmportant.02:24
vzduchdpkg -i $pkgname02:24
rdvonoh thanks.02:25
=== darkrift411 [n=darkrift@ip68-104-167-130.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Schuenemannvzduch, did you set up glx?02:25
vzduchSchuenemann: what do you mean by that?02:25
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Schuenemannis glx working for you?02:25
vzduchSchuenemann: no02:25
=== darkrift411 [n=darkrift@ip68-104-167-130.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Schuenemannyou might want to try this02:26
Schuenemannadd this line --> Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True" <-- to section device02:26
vzduchSchuenemann: the driver is active (the logo comes aup when starting X), but no GLX.. glxinfo segfaults on me.. and this option I tried, but my X server won't start then02:26
Schuenemannyes, that was happening to me and that line saved the day02:26
vzduchsaying 'no display found'02:26
Schuenemannbackup your xorg.conf and try that02:27
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morph_hailz all02:28
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morph_anyone running beryl on ubuntu here?02:28
morph_just wanna know how stable it is02:28
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rdvonscrew it, im using aptitude.02:29
rdvonwhat the- dynamic MMap ran out of room...02:30
rdvonanyone know what that means?02:30
rdvonI think my kubuntu is broken :'(02:31
=== vzduch [n=dielucht@dslb-084-062-241-137.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
rdvoncan someone help!02:31
rdvonim going to login as root...02:32
fignewrdvon: are you out of HardDrive space02:32
rdvonharddrive space?02:32
rdvonthats what that is?02:32
fignewwas only a guess02:33
Sannerdvon: I just found this (didn't try myself): http://rwxii.bitblaster.com/k/11-1-1-031211102449/permlink.hptb02:33
vzduchSchuenemann: I restarted my X server.. it starts up fine02:33
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bryanneed help with azureus02:34
rdvonsanne: yay! now i dont have to reinstall ubuntu!02:34
vzduchI'll try starting some applications.. if I am gone, I hit the reset button because my system froze :<02:34
trakinasbryan: ask02:34
Schuenemanntry glxgears02:34
Schuenemannvzduch, glxgears02:34
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saotome_bryan, what seems to be the problem?02:34
hernanalguien habla espaol02:34
Schuenemann!es | hernan02:35
ubotuhernan: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:35
Sannerdvon: oh, hehe, don't be so quick with reinstalls. usually problems are solvable. Reinstalls don't solve, and if the problem occurs again, you're at square one :)02:35
saotome_i'm trying to migrate from gnome, most things are where I'd expect them to be, but still a bit lost. any pointers?02:35
saotome_hernan, que pasa?02:35
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Schuenemannsaotome_, please, not here02:35
Schuenemannthis is english only02:35
hernanaqui tratando de hacer funcionar02:35
saotome_schuenemann, have it your way02:35
hernaneste kubuntu02:35
Schuenemannthere is a channel for spanish02:36
bryanI'm new at it. I get a error on the status: failed every time02:36
saotome_bryan, what error are you getting?02:36
saotome_hernan, go to #kubuntu-es02:36
vzduchSchuenemann: glxgears and glxinfo are running now.. but I had it working before, only I had the problem that my system froze upon starting certain apps, e.g. browsers02:37
rdvonSanne: there is no directory at /etc/apt/apt.conf...02:37
vzduchgonna try that now02:37
Schuenemannvzduch, weird... I don't run glxgears before02:37
bryanerror: failed to create parent directory02:38
Schuenemannmy dog is very annoying today02:38
Sannerdvon: meant is the file apt.conf in /etc/apt/02:38
vzduchseems to run flawlessly now02:39
rdvonSanne: oh.02:39
rdvonSanne: ;)02:39
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rdvonwell now i know what a dynamic mmap is...02:40
rdvonand... OMG IT DOESNT WORK.02:41
rdvonI need more room for my dynamic mmaps.02:41
vzduchroom as in RAM or disk space?02:42
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rdvonvzduch: room as in.. er... dynamic room.02:43
=== ILovePlankton [n=jacob@69-179-127-176.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu
rdvoni just bumped it up to 3355443202:44
rdvonshould work.02:44
rdvonits at about 75%....02:44
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rdvonw00t it worked!02:44
vzduchdoesn't tell me anything.. the value has to have some measuring unit02:44
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rdvonvzduch: i have no idea what it is..02:45
rdvonyou guys are so helpful, thank you.02:46
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ILovePlanktonnone of my sound works at all... can anybody help?02:46
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rdvonILovePlankton: hmm...02:47
vzduchis your sound card recognized?02:47
ILovePlankton... no idea.02:48
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:48
vzduchlook for the name of your soundcard02:48
vzduchaRts? *ugh*02:48
vzduchsound system? *ugh*02:48
vzduchworks fine w/o here :)02:48
jamiehi, can anyone help me get my microphone working on kubuntu? I don't know where to start or what command output to post.02:49
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vzduchjamie: toggle it on in alsamixer02:49
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jamieinput sources are already mic and mic volume is up to max02:50
vzduch--> alsamixer --> use the right/left arrow keys to switch between the sliders/switches, pressing 'M' turns individual functions on and off02:50
ILovePlanktonyeah sound is enabled.02:50
=== kalenedrael [n=kalene@c-24-60-144-8.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jamieyep, microphone input is enabled02:51
rdvonanyone have any tutorials on ndiswrapper?02:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:52
rdvonoh yeah, that site.02:52
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vzduchbtw, *buntu's default console font is pretty ugly :D   how do I change it?02:56
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rdvonI'm gettin really ticked off >:(03:01
rdvonI just want to install ndiswrapper.03:01
rdvonwhy didnt ubuntu come with ndiswrapper!03:01
jussi01rdvon: it does... its in the repos03:03
jussi01!info ndiswrapper03:03
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:03
jussi01hang on03:03
rdvonjussie01: why didnt it come installed...03:03
rdvonhow could someone without internet (because of his wireless only laptop) get ndiswrapper in the repos? hmm?03:04
jussi01!info ndisgtk03:04
ubotundisgtk: graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 120 kB03:04
rdvonhow do i see all the processes in linux?03:05
rdvon..its not ctrl alt del, hehe03:05
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jussi01ctrl esc03:05
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rdvonoh, thanks03:05
vzduchrdvon: you can try 'ps -aux', lists all running processes.. or 'top', shows CPU and memory usage03:06
rdvondouble thanks!03:06
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rdvongives vzduch a cookie03:07
vzduchno, thanks.. not tonight any more :>03:07
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vzduchI'll go to bed now, it's already waaaaaaaayyy too late03:08
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rdvon6:00 here.03:08
vzduch3 a.m. here03:08
rdvonwhere do you live? lol03:08
Schuenemann@now bahia03:08
ubotuCurrent time in America/Bahia: July 01 2007, 22:08:37 - Next meeting: Desktop Team in 11 hours 51 minutes03:08
mike-kubuntuhey, i'm trying to use vsftpd to ftp into my comp trhough konqueror, the problem is that although i can ssh and ftp in through konsole via sftp and ssh for some reason when i attempt to ftp using konqueror with ftp://<ipadress> or firefox it send me an OOPS code 500 process died03:08
jussi01@now helsinki03:08
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Helsinki: July 02 2007, 04:08:44 - Next meeting: Desktop Team in 11 hours 51 minutes03:08
vzduch@now duesseldorf03:08
vzduch@now berlin03:09
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Berlin: July 02 2007, 03:09:07 - Next meeting: Desktop Team in 11 hours 50 minutes03:09
=== apberzerk_ [n=pweaver@ppp-70-248-22-63.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
rdvonthis is pissing me off beyond my mental reasoning.03:09
rdvonnow I cant get an exclusive friggin lock!03:09
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Schuenemannhi, akae03:09
rdvonwtf does that mean...03:09
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rdvoni'm going to log off...03:09
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=== vzduch too
vzduchgood night :)03:09
jussi01night vzduch03:10
akaegood  morning03:10
akae_good morning03:10
akaehello jussi0103:10
jussi01hi akae03:11
akaehi  jussi0103:11
=== rdvon [n=rdvon@c-71-227-255-190.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
akaewhere are you03:11
rdvonkk back.03:12
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rdvonI was logged in to my other account.......03:12
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jussi01akae_: do you have a question?03:15
akae_i a m come here at first03:15
rdvonwhat package manager do you use in kde? synaptic?03:16
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akae_I use kde03:17
rdvonwhere in the kubuntu channel.... you better be using kde >:(03:17
jussi01rdvon: adept03:17
jussi01!info adept03:17
rdvoni should get that than...03:17
ubotuadept: package management suite for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.2ubuntu26.1 (feisty), package size 13 kB, installed size 44 kB03:17
rdvonI didnt really install kubuntu, I just installed kde on ubuntu :D03:17
rdvonI <3 kdie03:18
rdvonCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:19
rdvonshould i restart?03:19
rdvonUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:20
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:21
jussi01rdvon: just make sure you dont have synaptic running or something lse using apt...03:21
rdvonim not using adept...03:21
rdvonim trying to exit synaptic...03:21
mike-kubuntuanyone know why konquror is crashing when attempting to ftp with me while console ftp clients are successfull?03:22
jussi01well that command should work anyway03:22
jussi01mike-kubuntu: no idea, suggest you file a bug03:22
=== jussi01 should head to bed
Schuenemannmike-kubuntu, konqueror is bad for ftp anyway03:23
mike-kubuntuSchuenemann: i was hoping to ftp through it because if you do and open the file through kate, everytime you save it automatically uploads it03:23
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Schuenemannyou can try filezilla03:24
rdvonit says i have insufficient permissions to kill the synaptic process...03:24
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jacob_I'm new @ Kubuntu. I just downloaded Mozilla Thunderbird.... Can somebody tell me how to install Mozilla Thunderbird or any other software? It's so different from Windows03:24
mike-kubuntumy servers behind a router, does the type of ftp acces konqueror/mozilla use use a diferent port than 21/20?03:24
jacob_i don't know03:25
Schuenemannjacob_, it's easier to do it with apt-get, although it doesn't have thunderbird 2 yet03:25
rdvonhow do i kill processes when i dont have a sufficient privilege?03:25
jussi01!info thunderbird03:25
ubotuPackage thunderbird does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:25
Schuenemannmike-kubuntu, I don't know :-/03:25
jussi01rdvon: sudo kill processname - i think03:26
rdvonthank you03:26
jussi01jacob_: go to adept in the k menu under system and search for mozilla thunderbird03:27
CraZy675anyone familiar with recordmydesktop?  it doesn't seem to be picking up my mic even though skype does03:27
rdvoni... killed... them...03:27
rdvonthere dead...03:27
rdvondo i run sudo apt-get install adept?03:28
jussi01!info mozilla-thunderbird03:28
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 10638 kB, installed size 29708 kB03:28
jussi01rdvon: i imagine so...03:28
rdvonwho is using my process!03:29
rdvonE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:29
rdvoni keep gettin that error.03:29
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rdvonI think im going to restart.03:29
jussi01rdvon: did you do that command i gave you?03:30
smylanakisi would like to as a question..03:30
smylanakisis there anybody03:30
jussi01!ask | smylanakis03:30
ubotusmylanakis: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:30
smylanakisthat knows03:30
smylanakishow i can backup my kubuntu installation ?03:30
smylanakis:) thank you :D03:30
smylanakisi'm a newb sorry...03:31
jussi01smylanakis: go to kmenu, system, keep03:31
jussi01thats a backup tool03:31
jussi01!info keep03:31
ubotukeep: backup system for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 202 kB, installed size 1156 kB03:31
smylanakisok nice03:31
smylanakisand then ?03:31
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smylanakisi am trying to backup but nothing seems to happen.. i mean no window comes up showing me that i have done something right !03:32
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AphGabCan someone help me out with a KVM Switch issue?03:34
jussi01smylanakis: Im sorry, Ive never used it before03:34
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jussi01gnight all03:34
smylanakis:D i doesn't matter my frind.. thanx a lot for your help03:35
jussi01smylanakis: no probs. good night03:35
smylanakisgood night !!!03:35
AphGabIs There any way that I can edit the purpose of keys?03:35
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jdtHi, I have an issue with Kmail using IMAP where every time I check for a new message, it downloads a new copy of my messages, so I end up with duplicates / triplicates, etc until I delete the messages.. Has anyone experienced this?03:38
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pollyoAnyone here use myspace with kubuntu?03:41
euphoriaya :-/03:42
pollyoWith konqueror?03:42
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:42
Minatakucpu0 at mainbus0: MIPS R4400 CPU (0x450) Rev. 5.0 with MIPS R4010 FPC Rev. 0.003:42
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pollyoeuphoria: Do you have to select each picture you want to upload or can you select multiple pictures?03:43
AphGabHow do I edit xkbmap?03:43
euphoriahrmmm idk havent uploaded pics using it03:43
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rdvoni've got a confusing question...03:44
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AphGabAnyone?  XKBMAP assistance?  Just need to know how to edit it / where it is located....03:44
rdvonI made a new user called computer, and its using my desktop instead of its own (it says in the terminal computer@rdvon-desktop)03:45
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pollyoAnyone use konqueror with myspace?03:45
euphoriatht the name of your box isnt it rdvon03:46
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rdvonoh, forgot to tell that when i login to my user (rdvon) it wont let me move anything on that desktop.03:47
euphoria"computer" is the username and "rdvon-desktop" is what you  named your computer when u installed eh03:47
rdvonor change or manipulate in anyway.03:47
AphGabAnyone?  XKBMAP assistance?  Just need to know how to edit it / where it is located....03:47
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el_ismaHello. I have an ssh server, but it doesn't work unless I'm using it from internet (ie: can't do ssh localhost) Any ideas on how to fix this?03:48
AphGabCan anyone tell me how to edit XKBMAP or where I can find it to edit it?03:49
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hammerpunkok i'm back03:55
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morph_hello all03:55
morph_anyone used XQDE before?03:55
viniciusalguem de brasil?03:55
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morph_would like to have a mac like tool bar03:55
hammerpunki have a question, my dvd drive won't boot bootable discs, is there any other way to partition the hard drive without formatting so that i can have a partition to install kubuntu on?03:56
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jacob_can somebody explain to me how to specifically install mozilla thunderbird, step by step?03:57
hammerpunki suspect an immediate kick/ban03:57
morph_hope so03:57
jacob_Somebody please help me how to install mozilla thunderbird step by step?03:58
Minatakuvinicius: This is #kubuntu, not Brazil03:58
jdtjacob_:  in the console - sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird03:58
morph_cant you use adept to install thunderbird03:59
viniciusok Minakatu :)03:59
MinatakuBy the way03:59
jdtjacob_: this will install it...03:59
Minataku!br | vinicius03:59
ubotuvinicius: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:59
MinatakuTry there instead X303:59
viniciusThank You03:59
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morph_so anyone use a nice mac like dock04:00
morph_i tried kiba04:00
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hammerpunki suspect an immediate kick/ban04:01
hammerpunki have a question, my dvd drive won't boot bootable discs, is there any other way to partition the hard drive without formatting so that i can have a partition to install kubuntu on?04:01
omarcan one tell me where can i found how to make freeradius on ubuntu04:01
omarcan one tell me where can i found how to make freeradius on ubuntu04:02
omarcan one tell me where can i found how to make freeradius on ubuntu04:02
omarcan one tell me where can i found how to make freeradius on ubuntu04:03
omarcan one tell me where can i found how to make freeradius on ubuntu04:03
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:03
omar can one tell me where can i found how to make freeradius on ubuntu04:03
jacob_can somebody please help me install mozilla thunderbird, i'm new a kubuntu04:04
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el_ismaso today is spamming day?04:04
el_ismaso today is spamming day?04:04
el_ismaso today is spamming day?04:04
AphGabDoes anyone know how to edit keymappings in Linux?  I want to change the Scroll Lock key to do absolutely nothing...04:04
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omarjacob go to add or remove tool04:05
jacob_go on omar04:06
omarthen chose internet04:07
jacob_oh ok, thanks a lot amn04:07
omaryou found the program you want fire fox thunder04:07
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jacob_yeah thx04:08
jacob_hey, is it ok if i can get your email04:08
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jacob_so i can contact you when i need help04:08
omar  can one tell me where can i found how to make freeradius on ubuntu04:08
jacob_i take that as a no04:08
jacob_i won't use it for spam, just when i have trouble with ubuntu04:09
jacob_otherwise just say no04:09
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jacob_ok thx04:10
omarbut you will translate becouse im nat good in english04:10
jacob_before you give me your email, how can open a text program04:11
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nicolastrop tard04:12
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omargo applicatin04:16
omarto open text program04:17
omaryou found many program04:17
omaror go add and remove and go office to dwonload what you want04:19
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jacob_OK, THX04:20
jacob_listen omar, i got to disconnect from the internet for a while04:21
jacob_i'll be back online04:21
jacob_installing wireless connection, gatta test it out04:21
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jacob_i'm wired04:22
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omarno becouse ubuntu no support for all wireless device if youre device not found in ubuntu go to youer device webpage and download the supported for linux04:26
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jacob_i'm back04:27
jacob_i was just trying to connect wirelessly04:27
juliuswhat chipset04:28
coreymon77jacob_: ill try to help04:28
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coreymon77jacob_: we need the chipset04:28
jacob_i see the listed routers but my router is protected by a web key04:28
jacob_web key04:28
juliusor WPA04:28
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jacob_let me see04:28
juliusWPA is a pain in the arse04:28
coreymon77jacob_: if its wep, thats easy04:28
juliusand if you grab aircrackng you can get the wep key for any active network :p04:29
coreymon77julius: shouldnt he know the wep key for his own network?04:29
coreymon77jacob_: what04:29
jacob_ i can't get connected04:30
jacob_an error showed up, let me tell you what the error says04:30
jacob_"connection faild would you like to review settings for this network?04:30
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dr_willisdoh - went to work and left IRC on all day. :)04:31
coreymon77jacob_: try this04:31
coreymon77jacob_: do you know what the interface name is?04:31
jacob_the name of the router that shows up ?04:31
coreymon77jacob_: eth0, ath0, ra004:31
coreymon77jacob_: that type of thing04:31
jacob_i'm actually a windows user, don't understand this interface much cause it's my first day on linux04:31
coreymon77jacob_: okay, open up a konsole window04:32
jacob_it's called jacob04:32
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juliuswhen the module (driver) sets up the device it gives it a device name, each module does it differently04:32
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juliustype in iwconfig04:32
omarcoremon77 _: do yuo know how make server with freeradius and mysql in ubuntu04:32
coreymon77you have a _ in your nick, hence thats why im using it04:32
morph_ok found kooldock04:32
morph_looks good04:32
morph_easy to use04:32
omarcoremon77 _: do yuo know how make server with freeradius and mysql in ubuntu04:33
coreymon77omar: no04:33
jacob_i opened up the konsole04:33
coreymon77jacob_: so, which one of the interaces has the most information enxt to it04:33
coreymon77jacob_: type iwconfig04:33
jacob_it says no wireless extensions04:34
coreymon77at all?04:34
jacob_IEEE 802.1104:34
juliusthen your card isnt setup properly04:34
coreymon77jacob_: wait04:34
coreymon77jacob_: dont paste everything04:34
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coreymon77jacob_: go to www.pastebin.ca04:34
coreymon77jacob_: and put the stuff there04:35
jacob_listen, you want to use hotmail messenger to chat?04:35
jacob_it's uncomfortable here04:35
coreymon77jacob_: sorry04:35
coreymon77jacob_: i only give my hotmail to people i know04:35
jacob_to many things that up here04:35
coreymon77jacob_: you'll get used to it04:35
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jacob_how about yahoo or gmail04:35
coreymon77jacob_: i was a little shy at first myself04:35
coreymon77jacob_: dont worry, we are all ncie here04:35
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jacob_ok never mind, what is it that you need me to copy and past?04:35
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coreymon77jacob_: when you typed iwconfig, did it only say "no wireless extensions" or did it say something more?04:36
jacob_you said don't paste everything04:36
LolBRhello , can some1 please help me, my wlan goes to some kind of idle state in maximum of 2 and 2 minutes using kubuntu, how can i turn it off ?04:36
jacob_it said no wireless extensions and more04:36
coreymon77jacob_: go to www.pastebin.ca04:36
coreymon77jacob_: and paste the stuff in there04:36
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jacob_submit post?04:37
jacob_after pasting?04:37
coreymon77jacob_: yes04:37
coreymon77jacob_: and then aste the url of the post into the channel04:37
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jacob_if you want to tell me something, to post it up, let's chat in this program04:39
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jacob_don't post it up*04:39
coreymon77jacob_: copy and paste the url of your pastebin post04:39
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jacob_i clicked on submit post04:40
K-RyanThen you have to paste the url in this chat04:40
K-RyanOtherwise we can't find it04:40
coreymon77jacob_: yes, and it gave you a url right?04:40
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jacob_oh ok, i see what i'm doin wrog04:41
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coreymon77jacob_: copy and paste the url that is in you adress bar right now04:41
=== dr_willis waits...
coreymon77jacob_: it should be www.pastebin.ca/[some number] 04:41
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coreymon77jacob_: okay04:42
coreymon77jacob_: good, so your interface name is wlan0, remember that for whenever you have wireless problems04:43
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LolBRhello , can some1 please help me, my wlan goes to some kind of idle state in maximum of 2 and 2 minutes using kubuntu, how can i turn it off ?04:43
coreymon77jacob_: now, is your network using a wep key or a wpa key04:43
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coreymon77jacob_: okay, now, do you know the essid and the wep key of your network04:44
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coreymon77jacob_: you know, network name04:44
jacob_how do i obtain my essid? through my router settings?04:45
jacob_it's also jacob04:45
coreymon77jacob_: what is your network called04:45
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coreymon77jacob_: okay, that is your essid04:45
coreymon77jacob_: now, what we are going to do now is the iwconfig command04:45
coreymon77jacob_: this will tell linux what network to connect to04:45
coreymon77jacob_: in konsole04:46
coreymon77jacob_: type sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid jacob key [your wep key] 04:46
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jacob_type in key or type it in04:47
jacob_or both?04:47
coreymon77type in key and then put in the wep key04:47
coreymon77and type essid infront of jacob04:47
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jacob_type in what i need to put in the konsole again, you confused me04:48
coreymon77sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid jacob key [your wep key] 04:49
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coreymon77type that exact command but replace [your wep key]  with whatever your wep key is04:49
jacob_give me a sec to put it in04:49
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jacob_it's asking for a password04:50
coreymon77type in your account password04:50
coreymon77the one you used to login04:50
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coreymon77it should be working now04:50
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jacob_ok, i'll be ofline for a while04:51
jacob_cause i'm wired04:51
coreymon77jacob_: no you wont04:51
coreymon77jacob_: just take out the wire04:51
jacob_ah ok04:51
coreymon77jacob_: is the wire out? can you still see this?04:51
jacob_it didn't work04:53
coreymon77jacob_: didnt?04:53
coreymon77jacob_: okay04:53
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coreymon77jacob_: take out thw ire04:53
coreymon77jacob_: and then try to type the command again04:53
jacob_it didn't work04:54
zibrah3edwhy not use knetworkmanager04:54
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zibrah3edor is this an exercise in cli04:54
jacob_it didn't work04:54
coreymon77jacob_: thats odd04:54
coreymon77zibrah3ed: you take it over04:54
coreymon77zibrah3ed: i gtg for a bit04:55
zibrah3edjacob_: have you tried to use knetworkmanager04:55
coreymon77zibrah3ed: i tend not to trust knetworkmanager, doesnt work alot in mty experience, i rather the konsole iwconfig method04:55
coreymon77zibrah3ed: or the system settings network settings method04:55
LolBRcan anybody tell me, please, how to make a fast script file (like a .bat file in dos system) that will run a cmd line on a terminal window of kubuntu repeating itself till i break it ?04:55
zibrah3edyeah agree but if you are new its a lot easier than the terminal04:55
jacob_i used network manager but i need to set it up to get connected cause i have a wep key04:55
jacob_hold up, i was just out for a few now i don't know where i left off04:57
jacob_give me a sec.04:57
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sparrthe ubuntu clamav packages complain to my cron logs (and thus my email) that they are out of date.  is this a bug?  i dont want to know if there isnt a new package yet04:57
LolBRcan anybody tell me, please, how to make a fast script file (like a .bat file in dos system) that will run a cmd line on a terminal window of a linux os, repeating itself till i break it ?04:58
zibrah3edgoogle bash scripting04:58
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jacob_ok coreymon, when ever you are ready04:58
zibrah3edjacob: think he left04:59
jacob_no, he's still in the list04:59
zibrah3edjacob: type in "sudo dhclient wlan0"04:59
setuid_w00tI want to try out kubuntu.  Currently I am using Debian Sid installed using LVM on IDE disks.  Should it be possible to use my current volume setup without losing data on all of my filesystems if I install kubuntu using the alternate disc?  Specifically, I want to save /home05:00
jacob_ok wait05:00
zibrah3edDon't format your home partition on install05:00
jacob_ok what now05:02
zibrah3edjacob: did it do anything?05:03
zibrah3edjacob: ie no running dhcp servers ...etc05:03
jacob_let me disconnect from the wired05:03
jacob_and use wireless to see if it worked05:03
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prometeocomo va???05:05
coreymon77zibrah3ed: any luck?05:05
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coreymon77now the !es rush begins05:05
zibrah3edcorey: no05:05
zibrah3edat least i don't think so05:05
jacob_it didn't work zibrah05:05
coreymon77zibrah3ed: lets try the system settings method05:05
zibrah3edgo to town05:05
coreymon77jacob_: try this05:05
coreymon77jacob_: open up system settings05:05
coreymon77jacob_: and go to network settings05:06
coreymon77jacob_: down to administrator mode, and type in your password05:06
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jacob_the button is barely visible, i need to adjust my monitor settings, how do i do that really quick?05:07
coreymon77jacob_: just scroll down05:07
coreymon77jacob_: cant you?05:07
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jacob_ok back05:08
jacob_ok, just entered my password05:08
coreymon77jacob_: you see wlan0 there in the list?05:09
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coreymon77jacob_: click configure05:10
coreymon77jacob_: i mean, click on wlan0 and then click configure05:10
jacob_i'm 16/male by the way05:11
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jacob_just to let you know05:11
coreymon77jacob_: did you set a static ip for your computer, or do you just have it set by dhcp?05:11
jacob_i don't understand that, but let me check05:12
coreymon77jacob_: its dhcp by default, so, unless you set it otherwise05:12
coreymon77jacob_: thats what it is05:12
jacob_but it's on manual05:12
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coreymon77jacob_: what, you set it to manual05:13
jacob_somebody was trying to fix it for me05:13
coreymon77jacob_: oh05:13
coreymon77jacob_: so you have that all set up?05:13
jacob_that man tried to set it all up05:13
coreymon77jacob_: is activate when computer starts checked?05:13
jacob_but still failed05:13
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jacob_do you want it automatic?, it was like that at first05:14
joshua__i'm in need of a bit of help05:14
coreymon77jacob_: no05:14
coreymon77jacob_: doesnt matter05:14
coreymon77jacob_: okay, is your essid and wep key entered into the boxes05:15
jacob_let's sociallize a bit as we try to figure this thing to make it a bit more interesting.....if you want05:15
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coreymon77jacob_: well then05:15
coreymon77jacob_: out your info into the boxes05:15
LolBRhow can i run a bash script (ex : loop.sh) on kubuntu ?05:15
coreymon77put jacob into the essid and your wep key into the wep key box05:16
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coreymon77jacob_: and i assume your wep key is hexidecimal?05:16
coreymon77jacob_: as in 10 characters long consisting of letters and numbers05:17
jacob_it has numbers and letters05:17
coreymon77jacob_: okay, then choose hexidecimal as the key type05:17
jacob_it's not longer than 10 characters i think05:17
jacob_ok it's 1005:17
coreymon77jacob_: okay, choose hexidecimal as key type05:18
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jhutchinsOne of the MS implementations requres exactly the right number of characters.05:18
jacob_click ok?05:18
coreymon77jacob_: so, you have all the information put in the right boxes?05:18
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MaTiAzLolBR: Open konsole, navigate to the dir with the script and do ./script.sh?05:19
coreymon77jacob_: is activate when computer starts boxed?05:19
joshua__Hi, I need some help with screen resolutions05:19
coreymon77jacob_: press okay05:19
coreymon77jacob_: go to routes05:20
coreymon77and put in your routers ip address05:20
jhutchins!fixres : joshua__05:20
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jacob_i need to look that up give me a sek05:20
jacob_ah ok, i got it05:21
coreymon77jacob_: its the ip adress that you put in to get to your router settings05:21
jacob_let me put it in05:21
coreymon77jacob_: usually
jhutchinsWe really have joshua__ and jacob_ on line together here.  Special.05:21
TrueFXhow can cp a file as different extensions in the same directory?05:21
TrueFXecho perl.pl|tee perl.ph perl.pm perl.cgi perl.xs05:21
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jhutchins!fixres : joshua__05:21
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:21
jhutchinsAch, wrong deliminter.05:22
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coreymon77jacob_: what05:22
coreymon77jacob_: whats the matter05:22
jhutchinsGettin' pretty noisy here.  Count down to 7/4.05:22
jacob_give me that number again05:22
coreymon77jhutchins: ??05:22
jacob_i know it's the correct one05:22
LolBRcan anyone tell me why KUBUNTU disables wlan card in intervals of 2 minutes ?05:22
coreymon77LolBR: it doesnt05:23
coreymon77jacob_: dont use my number unless you are sure its correct05:23
andre_Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.05:23
andre_Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.05:23
coreymon77jacob_: its usually this one, but not always05:23
jacob_i know it's the correct one05:23
jhutchinsWednesday will look like a toy Baghdad here.05:23
jacob_im using a linksys router05:23
andre_anybody could help me?05:23
LolBRcoreymon77: i'm trying to scan wifi interface, ive measured , 2 minutes it shuts it down05:24
andre_I was having problem with  this05:24
andre_Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.05:24
andre_Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.05:24
joshua__jhutchins: also, how would I go about moving from 640 to 1024? i'm having issues with a forced output to a philips monitor because my lcd is gone to pot05:24
andre_I'm trying to install wine05:24
jacob_it's set to but i don't know if it's the correct one05:24
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jhutchinsandreYou haven't told us what you're trying to do.05:24
coreymon77jacob_: that should be right05:24
jhutchinsjoshua__: Did you read fixres/05:24
andre_I'm trying to install wine05:24
coreymon77jacob_: oh and btw, is your network name jacob or Jacob05:25
jacob_let me see...05:25
coreymon77jacob_: its very important to know which05:25
andre_what means fixers?05:25
zibrah3edall lowercase or is it capitalized05:25
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:25
jacob_i'm checkin in the wirelesss assictance05:25
jacob_it's Jacob05:26
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coreymon77jacob_: one thing about linux is that case matters05:26
coreymon77jacob_: oh!05:26
coreymon77jacob_: well then that explains why the iwconfig command didnt work05:26
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coreymon77jacob_: go back to the first window and back to configure05:26
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TooEarlyi'm using Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, and when I use firefox and go to digg.com (or other sites that use JS) it goes extremely slow. anyone know what i could do?05:26
jacob_change it to a capital letter?05:27
DerekSi have a weird problem05:27
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coreymon77jacob_: yup05:27
DerekSi plugged in my flash drive05:27
DerekSthen unplugged it without unmounting05:27
jacob_and then click ok? right?05:27
coreymon77jacob_: yes05:27
jacob_alright go on05:27
DerekSnow i get this repeatedly in my /var/log/messages:05:28
DerekSJul  1 23:27:46 Rufus kernel: [448140.107269]  sdc : sense not available.05:28
DerekSJul  1 23:27:46 Rufus kernel: [448140.107812]  sdc: Write Protect is off05:28
DerekSJul  1 23:27:46 Rufus kernel: [448140.108267]  sdc : READ CAPACITY failed.05:28
DerekSJul  1 23:27:46 Rufus kernel: [448140.108268]  sdc : status=0, message=00, host=1, driver=0005:28
DerekSJul  1 23:27:46 Rufus kernel: [448140.108271]  sdc : sense not available.05:28
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jacob_i'll be right back 8 secs please05:28
DerekSthose errors keep repeating05:28
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zibrah3eddoes ur flash drive work?05:29
DerekSzibrah3ed: it did05:29
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DerekSi try to plug it in now05:29
DerekSand it doesn't05:29
jacob_ok, i'mback05:29
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zibrah3ed"sudo umount /dev/sdc"05:30
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billykan   ~~~05:32
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jacob_type that in?05:34
jacob_sudo umount /dev/sdc?05:34
DerekSthat doesn't work05:34
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DerekS(and from my experience it shouldn't)05:34
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jacob_a problem that could be it is the driver05:34
jacob_i might need to download the correct driver05:35
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meloso1hi, i am trying to log into kubuntu but when it buts it takes me to the command line area, and i need help to get back into the GUI05:35
evsophomore2009If i wanna install AIM for Kubuntu...do i choose RPM, Debian 2.1 or Debian 3+05:35
fignewevsophomore2009: AIM from AOL?05:36
fignewlike the official package?05:36
evsophomore2009Yes Aol Instant Messanger05:36
fignewuse Kopete05:36
zibrah3edkopete comes with kubuntu05:36
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fignewthe official AIM client has ads and is very old05:36
evsophomore2009well im sick of Kopete05:36
fignewthen use Gaim05:36
zibrah3edsudo apt-get install gaim05:37
zibrah3edsudo apt-get install gaim05:37
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evsophomore2009i dont want Gaim either05:37
zibrah3edwhat do you want to use then05:37
fignewwell, then, no offence, but you're wierd05:37
evsophomore2009for Linux05:37
zibrah3edsudo apt-get install wine05:37
evsophomore2009im weird because i hate Gaim and Kopete05:37
fignewtheres a native linux version05:37
zibrah3edinstall wine05:37
jhutchinsevsophomore2009: Perhaps what you are sick of is AOL.05:38
meloso1hi, i am trying to log into kubuntu GUI, but when it boots it takes me to the command line area, and i need help to get back into the GUI ITS GIVING ME AN FATAL SERVER ERROR: No screens found05:38
evsophomore2009i dont have AOL05:38
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jhutchinsevsophomore2009: Discover teh raw intarwebs.05:38
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fignewyes, because Debian 2.1 is from like 7 years ago :P05:38
evsophomore2009So if i wanna install AIM, do i choose RPM, Debian 2.1 or Debain 3+05:38
zibrah3edaol keyword linux05:38
fignewdebian 3+05:38
fignewenjoy the ads05:38
zibrah3edwell debian 3+ would be safest05:39
evsophomore2009whats the differnece?05:39
zibrah3edpersonally i wouldn't install any of those05:39
fignewdebian 2.1 is from friggin 7 years ago05:39
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meloso1hi, i am trying to log into kubuntu GUI, but when it boots it takes me to the command line area, and i need help to get back into the GUI ITS GIVING ME AN FATAL SERVER ERROR: No screens found05:39
zibrah3edRPM "Redhat package manager"05:39
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andre_Anybody helps me? I'm trying install wine but apear this message for me05:39
andre_Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.05:39
andre_Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.05:39
zibrah3ednot intended for ubuntu05:39
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fignewandre_ dont run it as root05:40
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evsophomore2009What about iTunes, does iTunes work on WINE? i tried and i couldnt figure it out05:40
meloso1hey can you read me?05:40
fignewmeloso1: yes05:40
andre_I'm loged as a root05:40
evsophomore2009Meloso1: yes i can see what your writing05:40
meloso1oh ok05:40
evsophomore2009However i cannot help you05:40
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fignew!X | meloso105:41
ubotumeloso1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:41
zibrah3edmelos: did you just try to  install new graphics card drivers05:41
jhutchinsandre_: Are you using the standard kubunt apt tools, or are you trying to insatll it some other way?05:41
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fignewandre_, yes, run it as user05:42
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andre_I'm using a gnome theme....05:42
meloso1zibvr..: yeah i tried to update to my new NVIDIA graphics card05:43
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andre_I'm trying to instal counter strike source ...the wine is installed but when I run this command winecfg apeear this message for x11 and ...05:43
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andre_I just read http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto this link and folow this steps05:44
andre_but doesnt run yet05:45
K-RyanAnyone know of a console based chat program? One that I could use with AIM?05:45
=== marcelol [n=marcelol@adsl-065-012-250-180.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
mordauntK-Ryan: naim05:45
zibrah3edk-ryan: simpleaim05:45
evsophomore2009K-Ryan: Kopete and Gaim05:45
mordaunthe said console based evsophomore200905:46
marcelol<- stupid question alert05:46
K-Ryanmarcelol: Shoot05:46
zibrah3ed<-stupid answer alert05:46
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mordaunt<-stupid shooting alert05:46
marcelolI created a swap partition ( 2Gb  on i386 system )....activated it via System Manager..i.e. fstab has an entry for05:46
evsophomore2009Well....What is Console Based?05:46
zibrah3edevo: terminal05:47
marcelolbut when I load a couple of browsers..etc.....my memory reaches it's limit...and ......there's ZERO swap partition usage05:47
marcelolit's as it there's no swap enabled, even though the system shows the part active and "free" shows I have plenty of space05:47
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zibrah3edmarcelol: Linux automatically caches files for speed, if they aren't needed by the program u started they are dyumped in favor of the ones needed for your application05:48
marcelolzibrah3ed: huh ?05:48
=== mordaunt locks and loads
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evsophomore2009Mordaunt: Whats Console Based?05:48
marcelolshouldn't there by some swapping already going on ...05:48
zibrah3edMarcelol: just becasue the ram is reading totally used doesn't mean it is05:49
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K-RyanAnyone have experience running naim?05:49
mordauntK-Ryan: i have05:49
K-RyanHow would I go about connecting?05:49
marcelolbut the swap partition says it's completely empty05:49
mordaunt /connect05:49
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K-RyanUnable to connect: Connection failed (Unknown host).05:49
marcelolSysGuard shows how much space swap has available/free...and it's completely empty05:49
euphoriahi everyone, can anybody please help me to get beryl to run by default when i start kubuntu?05:50
zibrah3edmarcelol: i have 1 gig ram and i hardly ever see more than 10mb of swap being used05:50
Daisuke_Idoeuphoria: ask in #ubuntu-effects05:50
mordauntdo a vmstat marcelol05:50
zibrah3edMarcelol: Your swap partition is excessively sized, it doesn't need to be anymore than 512 mb05:50
euphoriaok thanks05:50
Daisuke_Idozibrah3ed: anecdotal evidence isn't.05:51
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Daisuke_Ido1 to 1.5 times your physical RAM is traditionally recommended for swap space...05:51
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marcelolzibrah3ed:  So......what you're saying is I should shrink it down ? What if I want hibernate this puppy ?05:52
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marcelolok..so then this should be cool..05:52
marcelolI have 1.5Gb of ram ....and swap is 2Gb05:52
mordauntK-Ryan: still having problems?05:52
zibrah3edGenerally most agreed that the old rule of thumb, 2 x actual RAM is no05:52
zibrah3edlonger in force and has not been in force since SVR4 became available.05:52
marcelolwhich seems reasonable to me..05:52
Daisuke_Idoyou should be just fine05:52
K-RyanYeah mordaunt05:52
Daisuke_Idozibrah3ed: i didn't say 2x05:52
K-RyanUnknown host05:52
mordauntwhich protocol are you trying to connect to?05:52
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rdvoni got wireless working in gnome... but I'm not sure how to do it in kde.05:53
Daisuke_Idowell anyway, stalker half-runs05:53
K-RyanSo AOL I guess05:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:53
mordauntK-Ryan: run naim at command line. type in /connect screename  <-- that's all you need to do05:53
K-Ryanmy screen name happens to be more than one wod05:54
marcelol!3 world05:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3 world - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
K-RyanI think that's the problem05:54
marcelol!3d world05:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d world - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
mordauntK-Ryan: put quotes around it05:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3dworld - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:54
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K-RyanNow it works >.>05:55
MinatakuIt's okay05:55
K-RyanThanks ;)05:55
mordauntnp =)05:55
mordauntnaim is terrible for irc05:55
zibrah3edK-Ryan : screen\ name05:55
K-Ryanquotes worked05:56
mordaunti submitted some patches to make it usable but dan reed kept postponing the addition till later05:56
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andre_Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.05:56
andre_Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.05:56
andre_What i have to do?05:56
K-RyanHah, this is so cool05:57
mordauntK-Ryan: it's great for chatting from work05:57
mordauntit looks like you're doing work =D05:57
meloso1Oh what about if a have a Samsung printer how can i install the driver for this printer??05:57
mordauntand all your stuff stays at home and the company can't spy on you ;)05:57
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wxrknyI am trying to make my kubuntu run a little faster by stopping unnecessary processes, how do you stop them on start up?05:58
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wxrknyex: kbluetoothd since the computer doesnt have bluetooth05:58
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:58
mordauntK-Ryan: it auto starts a screen session around itself so you ctrlA-D to detach05:59
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meloso1where can i find info about Installing printer drivers??05:59
dr_willisdepends on the printer.. but cups.org is the place to check to see if its even supported05:59
meloso1AIGHT thanks06:00
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rdv0nwow. i just wasted my whole day trying to get wireless internet working!06:01
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rdv0nim planning on getting the printer working.. which should take up most of the night ;)06:01
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=== dr_willis runs wires.. and has a 10 yr old printer thats still chugging along.
rdv0ndr_willis: awesome.06:01
=== dr_willis hopes no one has a Canon Printer. :)
MinatakuHeya, dr_willis06:02
dr_willisHay Minataku06:02
rdv0ni had a wire running through my room, than through the kitchen, than to the computer.06:02
meloso1dr_willis : its that page explains how to install them too??06:02
rdv0nI got kinda sick of it...06:02
dr_willismeloso1,  depends on the printer..06:02
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:02
dr_willisubuntu inclused  printer config files for most all the common printers.. the repos got a few more.06:02
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@host151-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
meloso1Samsung 2150 pcl06:03
dr_willisLOOK on the cups.org site and see if that thing has any support at all.06:03
rdv0nI'm going to try the printer sharing...06:03
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rdv0nyay! knetwork manager is finished installing :D06:04
rdv0nI'm about to disconnect the wire...06:05
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rdv0nshould i do it? 0_006:05
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dr_willisi doubt it.06:05
rdv0nit says it is connected to the router...06:06
rdv0ni think im going to do it...06:06
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hendaushiya all06:06
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wsjuniorwhich package is needed to show movies previews?06:07
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rd_v0nwell.... someone should kick rdv0n06:08
rd_v0nbut it works!!06:08
rd_v0nim untethered by this 60 ft. lan cable at last!06:08
rd_v0nno one wants to celebrate?06:09
=== K-Ryan parties
rd_v0nthat was actually... kinda... easy...06:10
rd_v0nthank god for !wireless06:10
K-RyanThe bot does seem to serve its purpose, doesn't it?06:10
rd_v0nyes, yes indeed.06:10
rd_v0nlets see for sure.06:11
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:11
rd_v0nmmmhmmm it does.06:11
dr_willis!info pornview06:11
ubotupornview: Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-7 (feisty), package size 223 kB, installed size 664 kB06:11
rd_v0nbut funny!06:11
rd_v0n!bill gates06:11
dr_willis!info unp06:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bill gates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:11
ubotuunp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB06:11
Minatakudr_willis: Still entertaining?06:11
dr_willisMinataku,  yep..06:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bill - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:11
dr_willisits midnight and the 5 yr old is hyped up on icecream and sugar06:12
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rd_v0ni like the bot over at #suse better.06:12
rd_v0nits a funny bot.06:12
Minatakudr_willis: Ah... well... still waiting on those Amigas... just a reminder XD06:12
dr_willisYep. RIght now I got a Pool Table in the middle of the woodshop where all the junk is at..06:12
MinatakuHeehee, sorry X306:12
=== icy_ [n=icy@dslb-082-083-136-226.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
sparruoq s,ndo 06:12
dr_willisbut i got a table at least to set them up on to test.06:12
Minatakusparr: Dude06:12
MinatakuThat was awesome06:12
zuziailukaszekhy :)06:12
=== dr_willis stares at Sparr
rd_v0n<SUSEhelp> Rumour has it bill is a hoe so he prob can06:12
=== bushpig01 [n=andrew@midax2-004.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
MinatakuAs for fixing it, flip the computer over06:13
K-RyanHow did he manage to do that?06:13
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dr_willisheh heh06:13
rd_v0nhow do you do that?06:13
MinatakuHeehee, no problem06:13
MinatakuNow yes, please tell us :D06:13
MinatakuUpside down and backwards, if you wish06:13
dr_willisi imagine on a lot of peoples screens that looked like gibberish06:14
Minatakudr_willis: Only on Windows machines, I imagine06:14
dr_willisuoq s,ndo 06:14
K-Ryandr_willis: Some people recognize it06:14
omegato alll06:14
jontecwhere can we find logs? I want to see if the log would have rendered it correctly06:14
omegafrom romania06:14
K-RyanI happen to recognize upside down, backwards, and upside down and backwards06:14
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MinatakuIt looked like trash at first06:15
omegacan any one tell me how to make all my satelites  to sing06:15
K-RyanAnd then you go "Wait a second..."06:15
MinatakuI thought it was greek06:15
MinatakuSo I took a closer look06:15
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jontecomega: beat 'em with a big stick06:15
omegai have an 5.1 logitech06:15
rd_v0nhow do i do this printer thing?06:16
jontecomega: sorry, :D06:16
omegai have to go06:16
omegamaybe later06:16
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dr_willis'printer thing' ? how.. technical06:19
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K-RyanAnyone know how to make your font bold/italic/underlined or change the color of your font in naim?06:20
Minatakudr_willis: It's probably some bizarre UTF-8 stuff06:20
MinatakuLemme look06:20
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MinatakuIt's a mix of interesting UTF-8 turned characters and creative substitutions06:27
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MinatakuHe must have spent a bit of time putting that together06:28
Daisuke_Idoor he has a script that will map each letter to it's turned or substituted equivalent and echo those in reverse...06:29
Admiral_Chicagoanyone in here willing to help me get my router to open a port06:30
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MinatakuDaisuke_Ido: Well... shut up XD06:31
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K-RyanI'm so bored =(06:31
dr_willisK-Ryan,  see if ya can get this game going in WINE      http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=27907506:32
Daisuke_Idostalker almost works.  it just crashes when actually going INTO the game :\06:33
K-RyanWell then it doesn't almost work06:34
K-RyanThat's the most important part =P06:34
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K-Ryandr_willis: The source code is available, can't you compile it for linux?06:35
=== BigGayBill [n=BigGayBi@adsl-70-129-22-177.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanI'm not experienced with compiling at all, so I'm sure it is a dumb question06:35
BigGayBillHello everybody06:35
MinatakuYou can attempt to tweak Windows source to run better in WINE06:35
dr_willisK-Ryan,  i think its made with some game-designer software.. no idea :)06:35
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Daisuke_IdoK-Ryan: it's got ratings in the winehq between bronze and gold, so it CAN be run06:35
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BigGayBillI had a question and was told to come here06:35
Daisuke_Idoi just haven't done it06:36
MinatakuI know Linear Technologies does just that with one of their LTSpice program06:36
K-RyanDaisuke_Ido: I was talking about just compiling it for Kubuntu06:36
K-RyanWas there a problem getting it to run in Wine or something?06:36
MinatakuIt's a Windows program but has tweaks and a detection mechanism to activate them for WINE06:36
Daisuke_IdoK-Ryan: i was responding to the almost working part :)06:36
BigGayBillI have a Tandy 1000. I want to upgrade the HDD to a 30MB and upgrade the CPU to a 286.. how and where do I get this? I bought a 386 modual and tried to fit it in there but it has too many little needles. How can I weld or smaller pins on it to make it fit?06:36
K-RyanOh, right =)06:36
Daisuke_Idowhy were you sent here?06:37
Daisuke_Idoand this has GOT to be a troll06:37
MinatakuBigGayBill: You want ##windows06:37
BigGayBillwell the people in the perl room sent me06:37
MinatakuYou got sent to the wrong place06:37
MinatakuIf there's nobody in there just wait06:37
BigGayBillwell im in here because I want kubunti on it06:37
Daisuke_Idothat explains a lot.  perl programmers have no soul.06:37
dr_willisYou where here earlier BigGayBill ,  You should be asking in #MidgetPorn06:37
K-RyanI won't ask what he was asking about before06:38
BigGayBilloh no i dont like midgets06:38
Daisuke_Idoyou can't use a 386 in a 286 motherboard.  stop trying, you're just going to electrocute yourse...  you know what, go ahead :D06:38
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dr_willisSuuure........ you dont.......06:38
=== K-Ryan grins
BigGayBillim downloading a skaterboy getting rammed by two dongsbeen downloading for over a month on my 28.806:38
TheBonsaik/b him06:38
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:38
TheBonsaihe was in other channels before06:38
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!06:38
TheBonsaijust kick that idiot06:38
Daisuke_Idoi wouldn't do that without reason.06:38
dr_willisTheBonsai,  he was even in #windows !!06:39
K-RyanOh wow, that's what that does06:39
TheBonsaidr_willis: arghl :>06:39
K-RyanI didn't realize it until just now that it would do what it does06:39
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BigGayBillBonsai im not doing anything wrong you should stop being so mean06:39
Daisuke_Idobut you are06:39
BigGayBillIRC should be a friendly place for chatters06:39
Daisuke_Idoyou're alive, and that's wrong.06:39
Daisuke_Idowas that out loud?06:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:39
TheBonsaiBigGayBill: tell that #bash, #haskell and all the channels i don't know06:39
=== Daisuke_Ido goes to his corner
K-RyanBigGayBill: You need a hardware oriented channel, we're sorry except this room is for the operating system that goes by the name of Kubuntu. Come back when your hardware troubles have been resolved.06:40
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!06:40
MinatakuI'm hoping they hear a loud ding06:40
MinatakuThey've usually answered by now06:40
BigGayBillok Ryan! I will go install that on my notebook. BRB06:40
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dr_willisIm suprised you dont have hardware to sell him Minataku06:40
=== Hobbsee looks in
MinatakuHobbsee: Nice work06:40
K-RyanI got it =D06:40
MinatakuYou're too late06:40
Daisuke_Idojust missed him Hobbsee06:40
MinatakuI think the ops set us up06:41
K-RyanI'm laughing so hard06:41
K-RyanYou wouldn't believe it06:41
=== Starting logfile irclogs/kubuntu.log
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 3.5.7 Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by fdoving at Tue May 22 19:45:45 2007
(TheBonsai/#kubuntu) no staff member around :) kk, bye!06:43
K-RyanAnyone want to help me cure myself of boredom?06:44
CrunchyFerrettDepends... how much jail time am I looking at?06:44
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K-RyanHowever long it takes you to find something that I find interesting, or until you give up.06:45
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CrunchyFerrettAre you looking for Humor, Thought inspiring, or other?06:45
K-RyanI need something to keep me busy, but not something boring06:46
CrunchyFerrettI found this the other day, and had 30 minutes or so of amusement,06:46
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dr_willisK-Ryan,  it aint workign with wine for ,e06:47
K-Ryandr_willis: What happens? Just curious because I'm not "that" experienced with wine.06:48
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dr_willisK-Ryan,  crashes with some 'wine crashed' error. ;)06:48
dr_willishow detailed eh?06:48
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K-RyanCrunchyFerrett: "There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots." ahahahahaha06:49
K-Ryandr_willis: I see the problem, Wine crashed!06:49
K-RyanIndeed for the moment06:49
CrunchyFerrettif only my broadcom card had similar success06:50
K-RyanI was working on my friend's laptop and he's got a Broadcom06:50
K-RyanIt was a pain and I still never got it up and running06:50
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CrunchyFerrettWell, on the plus side, I manage a computer repair shop.06:51
CrunchyFerrettI'll just keep stealing customers WiFi cards until I find one that works.06:51
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davascriptlaptop or desktop wifi card06:52
davascriptintel's work good06:52
CrunchyFerrettlaptop MiniPCI06:52
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davascript2200bg :)06:52
K-RyanAww man, this one is so mean06:53
K-Ryan"Dreams: Dreams are like rainbows. Only idiots chase them."06:53
CrunchyFerrettsadly, the 2200 came with this laptop. It died.06:53
dr_willisI recall some laptops haveing  bios  that would only allos specific wireless cards. :(06:54
CrunchyFerrettDell used to be pretty bad about that.06:54
davascriptintel wouldnt allow anyone to nix their cards06:54
evsophomore2009If i wanted to add another stick of memory...i just move my original stick of memory over to the other slot, and add the new one the other slot right?06:55
K-RyanAdd the other one in the left06:56
K-RyanThat's what I would do06:56
CrunchyFerrettDoes it matte?R06:56
CrunchyFerrettJust stick it in06:56
evsophomore2009Yes it does06:56
K-RyanHow so?06:56
dr_willisHmm...   I got some 'MOD' videos from my camcorder. Cant find anything tha tcan play them06:56
dr_willisfile MOV004.MOD06:56
dr_willisMOV004.MOD: MPEG sequence, v2, program multiplex06:56
evsophomore2009Well on Windows it screws with the memory06:56
dr_willisaha - there we go. xine wins over vlc06:57
K-RyanIt didn't when I added06:57
evsophomore2009idk how but it screwed my pc up06:57
K-RyanBut then again, this is Kubuntu06:57
CrunchyFerrettIts never mattered in any system Ive worked on...06:57
K-RyanI doubt it was the memory06:57
CrunchyFerrettWell, back in the 386 days it mattered...06:57
evsophomore2009well i didnt do anything but take the memory out and move it06:57
evsophomore2009But if it dosent matter on Kubuntu than who cares06:58
CrunchyFerrettShouldnt matter period.06:58
K-Ryan"Individuality: Always remember that you are unique. Just like everybody else."06:58
CrunchyFerrettUnless you've got a hosed up BIOS, or a bad port.06:58
evsophomore2009Anyone here good with Limewire?06:58
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:59
davascriptmoving memory around really isnt OS specific06:59
evsophomore2009well i have Limewire and i have a problem06:59
evsophomore2009same thing happend with Frostiwre06:59
K-RyanGet frostwire06:59
davascriptkubuntu, gentoo, windows  is all transparent its the mother board specs that matter06:59
davascriptuse rtorrent06:59
evsophomore2009hmm All well dosent matter now  Davascript. But thanks for your intuition07:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rtorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:00
K-Ryan!info rtorrent07:00
uboturtorrent: ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.4-1 (feisty), package size 314 kB, installed size 860 kB07:00
dewittwhat is the kubuntu side chat ID07:00
K-Ryanit's dead though, nobody ever talks07:00
davascriptthis channel is kind of slow07:00
K-Ryanthe last message was over a half hour ago07:01
MinatakuAnd all conversations pushed to it also die07:01
K-RyanBut try your luck07:01
K-Ryan"Loneliness: If you find yourself struggling with loneliness, you're not alone. And yet you are alone. So very alone"07:02
dr_williswe are all Busy Playing Death Worm07:03
dr_willisactually ive been copyingit and other stuff over to the laptop. :)07:04
dr_willisNOW to try it07:04
=== _Schlumpf [n=schumpf@dslb-084-057-129-219.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-Ryan"Motivation: If a pretty poster and a cute saying are all it takes to motivate you, you probably have a very easy job. The kind robots will be doing soon."07:04
davascriptcompiling a new kernel07:05
davascriptcustom anyway07:05
evsophomore2009Quick Question...the WINE channel is dead, but is it possible to use iTunes with Wine? i know i know "ew ew ew iTunes sucks, use amarok" but i want to buy songs on iTunes07:05
evsophomore2009and i know amarok sells songs, but not songs i want07:06
K-Ryan"Pressure: It can turn a lump of coal into a flawless diamond, or an average person into a perfect basketcase."07:06
davascripti like that on07:06
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K-RyanI like the loneliness one07:06
K-RyanNo, this one is my favorite07:07
K-Ryan"Procrastination: Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.07:07
davascriptmake[1] : *** [scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.o]  Error 107:07
davascriptmake: *** [menuconfig]  Error 207:07
davascriptwhy cant you run make menuconfig on kubuntu07:08
davascripti downloaded the 2.6.20 source and everything thinking that it was just because i was tryign to compile from the headers07:08
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee07:09
K-RyanHrmm, that's all I've got07:09
evsophomore2009ugh maan07:10
davascriptif you want to use wine and itunes you could possibly find some info from google07:10
davascriptits pretty popular and its linux specific not distro07:10
evsophomore2009i seen that it is possible, but too confusing07:10
davascript some files might be in differetn places but you can always use slocate07:10
K-RyanOkay CrunchyFerrett I read 'em all07:10
davascriptwine sucks to setup07:10
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K-RyanNow I'm bored again =P07:11
evsophomore2009Well it was installed, and then when i clicked to open it it said it couldnt find the file07:11
K-RyanYeah, almost a half hour there07:11
CrunchyFerretthave you read today's UF?07:11
CrunchyFerrettUser Friendly07:11
K-RyanUser Friendly?07:11
CrunchyFerrettoh dear lord.07:11
CrunchyFerrettstart about 6 years back, and read until you're current.07:12
CrunchyFerrettactually. I havent read todays07:13
=== smiley_ [n=timos@BSN-77-92-101.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanIt's funny07:13
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jameshow do i load kde07:15
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jameswhen i use the "start kde07:15
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jamesi get it but when i restart the computer it disappears07:16
davascripttry sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart] 07:16
davascript- t ] 07:16
davascript- the ] 07:17
CrunchyFerrettstartx ?07:18
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dr_willis'startkde' from a x startup script07:23
dr_willisstartx reads several setting files, and perhaps the .xinitrc file for its startup07:23
dr_willisGo Compile DeathWorm for Linux. :) its a amuseing game.07:24
=== billytwowilly [n=chris@S0106001346f5afbd.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanI'm hooked on user friendly07:24
=== dr_willis coughs up a DustBunnie
K-RyanAnd I have 365x5 plus this year's to go07:25
dr_willisK-Ryan,  wait for the movie. :)07:25
dr_williswell bbl ya all. Night07:25
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K-RyanI'm skipping around07:29
=== Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B36673.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanSo I'll have more for other times07:29
K-RyanBut yeah07:29
K-RyanUntil I find something better07:29
CrunchyFerrettThere are fewer things sweeter in the universe than UF07:30
CrunchyFerrettICHC is a close second.07:30
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K-RyanHah, here's a part in one box07:31
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K-Ryan"Researchers have discovered that a gene linked to the length of your ring finger is also linked to your facility with math-if your ring finger is longer than your index finger, you're likely math-bright"07:32
K-RyanI happen to be great with math and my ring finger is longer, go figure07:32
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K-RyanICHC has me laughing hysterically07:35
K-RyanI euphoria07:38
K-RyanCrunchyFerrett: I'm crying it's so funny07:38
CrunchyFerrettglad you're enjoying it07:39
K-RyanReally, I'm crying07:39
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K-Ryanthe style of the captions make it that much funnier07:40
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TrueFXE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:44
TrueFXhow can i unlock it?07:44
TrueFXyes mr bot07:44
K-RyanWhat were you trying to do?07:44
TrueFXcan u reply that07:44
TrueFXsudo apt-get install ruby07:44
K-RyanClose Adept and Synaptic07:45
TrueFXnothing else is being installed07:45
TrueFXno other konsole or adpet07:45
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:45
K-RyanTry that07:45
davascripttry sudo killall adept-manager07:45
davascripterr adept_manager07:46
TrueFXthx guys07:46
K-RyanIt works?07:46
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davascripthas anyone in here compiled there own kenrl in ubunut07:46
davascripti would like to customize my configuration to suit my needs but i get errors when runnin make menuconfig07:47
klobster'sudo cd' returns sudo: cd: command not found07:47
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K-Ryanwhy would you want to root changedir?07:48
davascriptyou shoudnt need to use sudo for cd07:48
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K-Ryanyou just use cd07:48
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klobsterI do if it's a root owned folder07:49
davascriptsudo is only used for command tat need root access07:49
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davascriptno you should still be able to enter it  unless its only readable by permission not ownership07:49
K-Ryanklobster: You should be able to cd into it without needing root07:49
K-RyanTo modify stuff in there you'd need sudo07:49
davascriptif you have to just su to root then07:50
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klobsteralso of note, if I try to cd to my .hiddenrootdir and I try to use tab completion to finish the name it won't, but if I type sudo cd .hidden and then try tab completion it will auto complete the root owned hidden file.  strange, huh?07:51
K-Ryancan you still cd into it without sudo though?07:51
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klobsterk-ryan no i cannot.07:52
davascriptwell thats in your bash_completion configuration07:52
TrueFXhasan@kubuntu:~$ stardict07:52
TrueFXCould not set mode 0700 on private per-user gnome configuration directory `/home/hasan/.gnome2_private/': Operation not permitted07:52
TrueFXwhat does that mean?07:52
TrueFXi try to start stardict07:52
TrueFXand that's the error i get07:53
TrueFXhow i can i permet it07:53
K-RyanAlright guys, it's too late for me07:53
K-RyanI'm out07:53
davascriptsudo chmod 0700 /home/hasan/.gnome2_private07:53
K-RyanThanks CrunchyFerrett =P07:53
TrueFXor is it that program stardict that should set it?07:53
davascripttry sudo stardict07:54
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davascriptcan you paste ls -l ~/ | grep .gnome  truefx07:55
davascriptthe output i mean paste the output07:55
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TrueFXno output07:56
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TrueFXwhen i run that commands no output is producesd07:56
TrueFXls -l ~/ | grep .gnome07:56
davascriptcan you paste ls -la ~/ | grep .gnome  truefx07:56
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davascriptsorry i forgot the a07:56
davascriptlspecifically just the .gnome2_private line07:56
TrueFXdrwxr-xr-x  5 root  root     4096 2007-06-28 21:23 .gnome207:56
TrueFXdrwxr-xr-x  2 root  root     4096 2007-06-28 21:23 .gnome2_private07:57
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davascriptdrwx------  2 danny danny       1 2007-06-28 17:47 .gnome2_private07:57
TrueFXdo i have to change it manualle?07:57
davascriptare you root07:57
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klobsterwhat files should I be backing up?  any suggestions or weblinks appreciated07:57
TrueFXright now no07:58
TrueFXthat my own pc at home07:58
davascriptrun thes commands07:58
davascriptas root07:58
TrueFXim not root07:58
davascriptcd /home/hasan && chmod 0700 .gnome* && chown -R hasan .gnome*07:59
davascriptjust run that as root08:00
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TrueFXroot@kubuntu:/home/hasan# stardict08:01
TrueFXXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server08:01
TrueFXXlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key08:01
TrueFX(stardict:6944): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:08:01
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davascriptnew erors ar fun08:01
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davascripttry running it as hasan08:01
TrueFXroot@kubuntu:/home/hasan# ls -al /home/hasan/ |grep .gnome08:02
TrueFXdrwx------  5 hasan root     4096 2007-06-28 21:23 .gnome208:02
TrueFXdrwx------  2 hasan root     4096 2007-06-28 21:23 .gnome2_private08:02
TrueFXthis is 8 line08:02
TrueFXshould i paste it?08:02
TrueFXor is there a paste bot?08:02
TrueFXX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16708:03
TrueFX  Major opcode:  14408:03
TrueFX  Minor opcode:  308:03
TrueFX  Resource id:  0x008:03
TrueFXFailed to open device08:03
TrueFXX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16708:03
TrueFX  Major opcode:  14408:03
TrueFX  Minor opcode:  308:03
TrueFX  Resource id:  0x008:03
TrueFXFailed to open device08:03
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davascriptseems like you shoudl run it form alt+F208:04
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TrueFXps aux|grep stardict|grep -v stardict08:05
TrueFXno output08:05
TrueFXi have run it from command line08:05
TrueFXpardon run dialog box08:05
TrueFXi have seen loadin icon at the center of my screen08:05
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TrueFXit s still there08:05
TrueFXit seems as if its stucked08:06
TrueFXprogress bar is not moving loading is written08:06
Admiral_Chicagohow can i print out the mac address on my system?08:06
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TrueFXand there is 2 grey box to the right of task bar08:06
TrueFXbut no icon on that08:07
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TrueFXcan restart solve that problem?08:07
TrueFXan old windows habit08:07
davascriptifconfig | GREP HWaddr08:07
davascriptgrep not GREP sorry08:07
davascriptit shoudlnt matter but i dont like to yell08:08
Admiral_Chicagothanks davascript. i did ifconfig, didn't know what the HW address was that08:08
Admiral_Chicagomakes sense thought08:08
davascripti dotn know TrueFX it seems its not connecting to X correctly08:08
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sumigamerguys when I switch workspaces in beryl it happens to fast....how do I slow it down so that I can watch the cube move around slowly??08:13
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mo0osahthere's an option in beryl settings manager... but i don't know exactly where08:15
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TrueFXhi guys08:16
TrueFXhow can i add and remove programs to and form start-up08:16
mo0osahsumigamer: go to Desktop > Rotate Cube > Misc. Options > Rotation Speed :)08:16
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mo0osah!startup | TrueFX08:17
ubotuTrueFX: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:17
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TrueFXin kubuntu?08:17
sumigamermo0osah, thanks...it helped.08:18
mo0osahTrueFX: Theres an addon called startup manager for kcontrol , you can get it from repos08:19
mo0osahsumigamer: np :)08:19
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davascriptin kde you can add scripts to ~/.kde/env to startup when you login08:20
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TrueFXcan kmyfirewall prevent stardict of working correctly?08:20
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davascripti noticed mo0osahtalking about gnome08:21
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sumigamer2guys can the dolphin file manager be installed through adept??08:43
Admiral_Chicagosumigamer2: on gutsy it can08:44
Admiral_Chicago!info dolpin fiesty08:45
ubotuPackage dolpin does not exist in feisty08:45
Admiral_Chicagoits not in feisty08:45
Admiral_Chicagoi think...let me double check08:45
sumigamer2looks like I will have to compile it from source...08:45
Admiral_Chicagosumigamer2: yea... :| or you could package it08:46
sumigamer2Admiral_Chicago, whats that supposed to mean?08:46
Admiral_Chicagocreate a .deb from source08:47
sumigamer2how do i do that??08:47
Admiral_Chicagosumigamer2: to be honest, it'll be a lot easier to install from source.08:47
Admiral_Chicagojust do that08:47
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kirilI'm using Kubuntu 7.0408:52
kirilbut I have a big problem with my network08:53
kirilcan anyone help me08:54
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Lynourekiril: it's hard to help you with that little detail known08:56
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Lynourekiril: more people are likely to help you if you actually describe the problem. A big problem with network can be anything from no wifi to network overrun by worm traffic...08:57
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kirilread carefully09:01
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kirilon every my opening some web pages09:01
kirilex. google.com09:01
kirilI need to make pon dsl-provider09:02
kirilin terminal09:02
kirilbeacuse in my browser is shown09:02
kirilunknown host09:02
kirilI'm using ADSL connection, Kubuntu 7.04 with Konqueror browsere09:02
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kirilHELP ?!?09:05
TrueFXhow can i make a folder wrx by any user?09:09
jlundkiril: I am not sure what you mean.09:09
^peter^TrueFX either check out chmod, or use Konquerer09:10
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kiriljlund: OK09:10
kirilnow read carefuly09:10
Lynourekiril: Check your dns settings?09:11
kirilI think there is timeout or something09:11
kirilhow can I check my dns settings09:11
kirilI'm New09:11
jlundTrueFX: Through the terminal or otherwise?09:11
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jlundTrueFX: Do you know what the numbers mean? I can give you a full tutorial I just need to know how detailed to be :)09:14
jlundLike the numbers for permissions09:14
TrueFXgive me a tut09:14
TrueFXvery quickly09:14
TrueFXi know numbers quite well09:15
TrueFXbut i havent used linux for more than 6 years09:15
TrueFXalways windows09:15
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jlundAlright, so in Linux and Unix file permissions are assigned in three different sections.09:15
jlundThere are permissions for the user, the group, and everyone else.09:16
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jlundIn a terminal if you type 'ls -l' it will list the files. The first column will show something like '-rw-r--r--'09:16
jlundNotice that there are three 'r's09:17
jlundWhat this is saying is the the user has read write permissions, the group has read permissions, and everyone else had read permissions.09:17
TrueFXr w x09:18
jlundThe numbers correspond to permission levels09:18
TrueFXi know that part09:18
TrueFXwho is the user09:19
jlund4 - Read permission | 2 - Write permission | 1 - Execute permission09:19
TrueFXwho is group09:19
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jlundWell ls -l will show you something like this:09:19
jlund-rw-r--r-- 1 jlund jlund  12264811 2007-04-22 23:31 filename.txt09:19
jlundThe first jlund is the user, the second is the group, the next set of numbers is the file size in bytes, then the date and time, then the name09:20
jlundSo back to the numbers09:20
jlundYou add them up to get the level to where you want it.09:21
jlundHave you ever seen a command like 'chmod 755 filename'?09:21
TrueFXrwx rx rx09:21
jlundEach number corresponds to one of the sections. The first 7 is for the user, the second 5 is for the group, the third 5 is for everyone else.09:22
jlundSo you add what you want. If you want just read and write but not execute then that is 4 (read) + 2 (write) = 609:23
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jlundIf you want to give that to everyone then it is chmod 666 filename.txt09:23
TrueFXin fact i have formatted my linux 3 days ago09:24
jlundYour question was how to make something read/write/execute for everyone from the terminal. That would be 'chmod 777 filename'09:24
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jlundDoes that make sense with the numbers and the 3 permission level divisions?09:24
TrueFXi have saved my home folder in another place09:24
TrueFXafter a fresh kubuntu installation i ve copied that folder back09:25
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TrueFXover my home partition09:25
TrueFXnow when i lance stardict09:25
TrueFXit says it cannot configure09:25
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TrueFXsome file09:25
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TrueFXdoes applications binaries has privilages09:26
TrueFXare they like users?09:26
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TrueFXCan't overwrite existing read-only value: Can't overwrite existing read-only value: Value for `/apps/stardict/preferences/dictionary/scan_selection' set in a read-only source at the front of your configuration path09:26
TrueFXCan't overwrite existing read-only value: Can't overwrite existing read-only value: Value for `/apps/stardict/preferences/dictionary/scan_selection' set in a read-only source at the front of your configuration path09:26
TrueFXu see09:26
jlundDid you copy them to a DVD or CD?09:26
LynoureTrueFX: not like users, unless you set a sticky bit. Otherwise they get the right of the user running them09:27
jlundBurning software has a bad habit of setting files to be read-only on the disc.09:27
TrueFXnope to windows nt partition09:27
Lynoures/sticky/suid or guid09:27
TrueFXnormally my windows is divided into 2 part09:27
TrueFXwindows and back_up09:27
TrueFXso i  have copied my home to back_up on ntfs09:27
TrueFXthen back09:27
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TrueFXby forcing and overwriting09:28
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:28
TrueFXsorry a habit coz of msn messenger09:28
TrueFXmy enter key is hyperactive i know09:28
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jlundTrueFX: Try this command. 'chmod -R 755 apps/stardict/'09:29
jlundI have never used stardict (or even know what it is) so I am just shooting in the dark.09:30
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fenrighi what is the official support channel for gutsy kubuntu09:36
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Hobbseehi eagles051387509:43
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NickPrestathere's nothing better than blasting your music at 3:45am with no one else home09:47
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jlundNickPresta: As long as it's good.09:52
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hiyahi need help on proftpd.. i installed it.. port forward 21 to my ip09:54
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hiyahbut others jus couldn't ftp in, do i need to modify my hosts.deny and hosts.allow?09:54
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hiyahftp localhost works shows proftpd09:54
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jlundhiyah: You are behind a firewall right?09:56
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jlundPort 21 is actually only used to establish a control connection. All of the communication happens on other ports. So you need to open up a range of ports on your firewall and then configure proftpd to use that port range for PASV connections.09:57
jlundI wish that I could tell you exactly how to do this but I use Pureftpd09:57
jlundBut the issue is with your firewall especially if you can connect on localhost09:58
hiyahwhat i haf done is forward 23456 to port 21 on my computer09:58
hiyahthen i try to ftp 2345609:58
hiyahi mean ftp using port 23456..but it still doesn't work09:59
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jlundYeah, FTP doesn't work like SSH and other services do. It runs over multiple ports. You will have to open a range of ports on your firewall and configure the FTP daemon to use those.09:59
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hiyahoh, ok does it mean i need to add a service in /etc/services and also configure my proftpd daemon to use that port?10:00
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jlundI'm simplifying it but it kind of works like this: You connect to an FTP on the control port and tell it what you want to do. "I want to send a file" your client says. "Great!" says the FTP server, "Connect to this port here and I'll be waiting."10:01
jlundOr, your client says "I want to download a file from you." "Awesome," replies the FTP server, "I'll send it to you on this port here."10:02
jlundSo if you only have one port open it won't work.10:02
hiyahmultiple port..hmm10:02
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jlundYou don't need to change anything in services. You need a firewall that works with FTP.10:02
hiyahwhat is the port range i need to set in my firewall?10:03
jlundIt's not a standard. Again, I have never done this with proftpd so you may have to resort to some Google searches.10:04
jlundAll I can tell you is that this is a firewall issue.10:04
jlundSorry, I wish that I had a better answer for you!10:04
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llutzone who offers public ftp should at least know about using google10:05
hiyahok..i just don't understand the multi ports ;p10:05
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:06
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juliushow do i run a bin file10:10
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juliusand is there acommand to switch to desktop for kde10:10
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ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd10:12
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP10:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd10:13
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llutzhiyah: http://www.proftpd.org/10:17
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hiyahare there any log files for ftp connection or attempt to connect from outside?10:27
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rixxonCan I configure KNetworkManager to use DHCP except for DNS?10:33
rixxonI want to use DHCP for IP configuration but manually configure DNS servers10:34
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ubotuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate10:34
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Hobbseeeagles0513875: ^10:34
arunhey people10:34
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rixxonI only managed to temporarily change DNS servers, as soon as I reconnected with KNetworkManager it used the servers provided via DHCP again10:34
aruni was wondering if there is a way to preview the files that are in a folder before actually opening the folder10:35
llutzrixxon: are nameserver-entries in /etc/resolv.conf overridden by dhcp? if not, use them10:35
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rixxonllutz: NetworkManager overwrites resolv.conf10:36
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rixxonThe whole thing.10:36
llutzrixxon: i know why i hate that stuff :)10:37
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Gartralhelp, cant access repos10:37
rixxonllutz: well, it is neat, but sometimes an annoyance...10:38
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llutzrixxon: networkmanager is too static in its options for me10:38
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rixxonllutz: i dislike how it takes over the interfaces, how it requires a DE, and as you say, how it has too static options10:40
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rixxonllutz: but when you don't need real interfaces and you are in a DE, it can be neat having that flexible icon in your tray10:41
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llutzrixxon: worst thing is that it can't handle static-ips (yet)10:42
aruni was wondering if there is a way to preview the files that are in a folder before actually opening the folder.. like in windows, you can see little thumbnails of images, etc10:43
rixxonllutz: I wish there were a genuine tool being as flexible10:44
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euphoriahai linux people10:57
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euphoriai've a problem getting beryl to load it's beautiful self by default when i start jubuntu10:57
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euphoriakubuntu*. someone told me some way to do it but it only starts sometimes, anyone know i can fix it? plz10:58
eagles0513875euphoria have u asked in the #beryl channel10:59
euphoriano nbot yet10:59
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hiyah hi, i've set up proftpd in my computer.. i can do a ftp localhost and everyone locally can ftp in.. but not from the internet.. i had already portforward port 21 to my computer from the firewall.. what could be wrong?10:59
euphoriasome d00de in ubuntueffects told me a way but it not seem to work10:59
euphoriai shall ask there thanks11:00
eagles0513875no prob euphoria11:00
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euphoriathey muyst be sleeping 8-}11:03
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eagles0513875i havent really had a chance to play with setting up beryl to load at start up11:05
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llutzhiyah: http://www.proftpd.de/Active-Passive-Dokumentation.35.0.html11:05
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aruni was wondering if there is a way to preview the files that are in a folder before actually opening the folder.. like in windows, you can see little thumbnails of images, etc11:08
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koudelkahow to change gateway on a networkinterface using ifconfig?11:11
koudelkais that possible?11:11
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ethemcTm_T: are u there11:11
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koudelkathis is really wierd, all the linux distros i have tested works fine with my network, but with kubuntu it somehow gets a dhcp ip from my isps router11:13
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koudelkaand i can't change that using the graphical, it dosen't work11:14
koudelkai don't even understand how it can get that ip in the first place, i have a adsl connection11:15
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koudelkai should need to login using pppoe first11:15
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jussi01arun: there is an option in view iirc11:17
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IndianGUY29whats gplv3 which is cauisng stirr these days?11:23
IndianGUY29and is it goin to affect kubuntu in anyway?11:23
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|Zero|H|I|T|can anyone help me please?11:29
|Zero|H|I|T|i just downloaded kubuntu11:29
|Zero|H|I|T|and booted from there11:29
|Zero|H|I|T|I liked it a LOT and i will probably use it as my main distro11:29
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|Zero|H|I|T|it cant see my windows partition11:29
|Zero|H|I|T|i went somewhere at the menu about that11:30
|Zero|H|I|T|i have to choose a mount point11:30
|Zero|H|I|T|what should i choose?11:30
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|Zero|H|I|T|anyone that can help with that?11:31
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darkrift411wherever you want to mount it11:36
darkrift411mine mounts in /media/sda1 but i think you can mount it elsewhere if you want11:36
|Zero|H|I|T|i tried some places11:36
darkrift411try /media/win11:36
|Zero|H|I|T|and it would have error11:36
darkrift411if that doesnt work, try to mount it on your desktop, lol11:36
|Zero|H|I|T|but now i read something at the documents that can help11:37
|Zero|H|I|T|thats what i am going to do then11:37
|Zero|H|I|T|kubuntu supports all hp printers?11:37
darkrift411no idea11:37
|Zero|H|I|T|there is this tool11:37
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|Zero|H|I|T|to use HP printers11:38
|Zero|H|I|T|it must work with my model but it has error11:38
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koudelkahow to change the gateway when the graphical tool isn't working?11:40
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aliehallo all11:41
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_4strOkoudelka: with de "route" command11:44
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koudelkaroute add default gw eth111:45
koudelkathat's what i did11:45
koudelkaas root11:46
koudelkano errors but it dosen't show anything when i do check route11:46
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gemidjyhow can I get the default kcontrol in Kubuntu ? (I need some modules that now are not there) :/11:46
HymnToLifegemidjy, kcontrol ?11:47
HymnToLifekoudelka, try to drop the "eth1"11:47
emonkey-pK > run > kcontrol11:47
emonkey-pif it's not installed: sudo apt-get install kcontrol11:47
gemidjyHymnToLife: control ceonter11:47
gemidjyemonkey-p: I know that, but it is not with all the modules I need11:47
HymnToLifeyeah, I mean, just type kcontrol in a terminal11:47
HymnToLife(or in the Run dialog)11:48
HymnToLifethen the modules aren't installed maybe ?11:48
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HymnToLifeall my modules are here, but I'm running a plain KDE, not Kubuntu11:48
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f3ksalut ^^11:51
koudelkadosen't work with route11:52
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koudelkalol wierd that the network should be so messedup with kubuntu when it works with everyother distro i have tested11:52
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dromerwth, my desktop is turned off? it was on when I left the house, now I can't even ssh to it anymore ..11:54
dromeror the damn dhcp changed my ip again ..11:54
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jussi01dromer: probably that last one...11:56
dromerjussi01: hope so :P11:57
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dromernow if I could only remember the other IP I kept getting the other time ..11:57
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icecruncherwhere do I have to edit a file to add a directory of custom made scripts?12:08
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yeniklasorCan I backup in "Kontact" informations?12:22
ardchoilleicecruncher: You can make a ~/bin directory, put your scripts there and add that dir to your $PATH.12:22
icecruncherardchoille: how with $PATH?12:24
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ardchoilleicecruncher: Once you've made the dir and added your scripts, open a terminal and do:PATH=$PATH:~/bin12:25
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icecruncherardchoille: thnks12:25
ardchoilleYou're welcome :)12:25
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mictianCan anybody help me to install NVidia drivers to my system?12:28
ardchoille!nvidia | mictian12:28
ubotumictian: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:28
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spawn57is the latest kernel patch 2.6.20-15 or 2.6.20-16?12:30
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Ace2016you mean in the repo?12:30
elbinganyone have used vodafone-mobile-connect-card-driver-for-linux succesfully in kubuntu?12:30
Ace20162.6.21.5 is the latest stable kernel12:31
hiyahin proftpd, how do u set a user can upload only, but cannot download?12:32
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spawn57you use the limit tags to disable get and retr and any other download commands12:33
hiyahbut i only want it for a particular user12:33
hiyahis limit tag universal?12:33
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spawn57yeah, i don't think you can seperate like that12:34
spawn57you might have to figure something out, one thing that comes to mind are fake permissions12:34
spawn57or you can set up a virtual host for taht one user12:35
hiyahic.. virtual host12:36
hiyahwhere can i get more help on it?12:36
Darkriftis there a startup folder like in windows?12:37
Darkrifti want to add certain things to autostart and forgot how12:37
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Darkrifti know there is a command line way12:37
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LynoureDarkrift: ~/.kde/Autostart, I think12:39
hiyahanother question is, is there any way to limit the space for individual user to be allow to upload in proftpd?12:40
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tepsipakkihey, is there a known bug about automounting not working in feisty when inserting media (cdrom, usb..)?12:41
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bsivahi any one from singapore???12:42
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bsivahi hiyah, are u from singapoe12:45
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Hobbseetepsipakki: i think so12:47
tepsipakkiHobbsee: ok, that's good, I think ;)12:47
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miltoshi ppl:-)01:06
tepsipakkiHobbsee: removing .kde* helped for me, it seems01:07
Hobbseetepsipakki: right01:07
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miltoswhat's the appropriate program to unrar rar archivers in Kubuntu?01:07
yeniklasorHow can I remove window borders?01:08
yeniklasorsudo apt-get install rar unrar01:08
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HanzZyeniklasor: heh :) i have non-english version :) but right click on window header -> Advanced -> Without border01:10
miltosyeniklasor: I've already installed rar unrar via apt but I don't know how to handle them ...which program?01:10
yeniklasormiltos ark01:11
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miltosyeniklasor: I've got a series of password protected files and I don't know how to handle them through ark (I know the password)...01:12
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miltosI've got a series of password protected files and I don't know how to handle them through ark (I know the password)...01:18
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KuhrscherHi, anyone responsible for the kmplayer packages (Gutsy) in here?01:22
KuhrscherTonio_ ? jpatrick?01:23
Tonio_Kuhrscher: yup ?01:24
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KuhrscherHi, it's that kmplayer moved from main to universe, right?01:24
KuhrscherSo translations are not handled by Rosetta anymore, right?01:25
Tonio_the standalone player, not the konq plugin01:25
Tonio_that's the point still feisty01:25
ILovePlanktonIn my kmenu there are a couple of submenus that will not appear, does anyone know how I can fix that? they are games, edutainment, development, and science and math01:25
KuhrscherBut the last releases in Gutsy don't contain the upstream translations dirctly...01:25
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KuhrscherBut they should be included in the kmplayer package or not?01:26
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KuhrscherTonio_: But they should be included directly in the kmplayer package instead or not?01:28
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KuhrscherTonio_: Atm no translation gets installed at all...01:29
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TrueFXive just installed editpad01:33
TrueFXbut its binary is is under my home directory01:33
TrueFXand i want to lounch it by alt+f201:34
TrueFXhow can i do that?01:34
TrueFXcan i do that without adding its installation directory to my path?01:34
TrueFXby creating a symbolic link in my /usr/bin directory to this binary?01:34
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ardchoilleTrueFX: You can create a link or you can put the full path into the alt+f2 dialog01:38
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marko /j #ubuntu01:44
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icecruncherhow can i get thunderbird 2?01:52
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msetimHi guys01:59
msetimI have the Keyspan URM-17A Express Remote Control and I would like to use it, what I need to do to configure it?02:00
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paolo_Hi. in a multithread context, if a thread sets errno, another thread reads this value?02:09
paolo_Hi. in a multithread context, if a thread sets errno, does another thread read this value?02:09
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dhq_can anyone help me  with rsync02:31
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omegai'm back whit the same question02:36
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omegai was forced to leave the chat02:37
omegabut now i have the time02:37
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omegato looking for an answear02:37
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omegawhy doesn't play my central satelite02:38
sahey everyone02:38
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saI have a problem with the adept installer that I have tried to look up on the internet without success02:38
omegafrom a 5.1 system logitech02:39
omegax530 logitech02:39
omegaany one?02:39
satired of looking for a solution so I logged on to #kubuntu02:39
sai tried to install java applications through adept installer02:39
sathen i restarted the computer02:40
saeverytime i try to open the adept installer program I get the following warning:02:40
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saanother process is using the packaging system database (robably some other adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please clos ethe other application before using this one02:41
sabut there is no other application open that I can see02:41
saanyone know what the problem can be?02:41
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diblaazo[sa]  There is another adept process running in the background,  just look for and kill that process02:43
diblaazo[sa]  ps -elf | grep adept, then kill -9 <process id.02:44
sadiblaazo: no, i cannot find any...last time i exited adept installer though, I had to terminate it cause it had a problem exiting02:44
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sai restarted the computer but it still says a process is running02:44
diblaazowhat does ps -elf show you02:45
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sadiblaazo: what is that? sorry, I am a linux noob02:45
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sadiblaazo: do I write that in konsole?02:46
diblaazo[sa]  yeah02:46
sadiblaazo: it shows a lot of things02:47
diblaazoand look for someting like adept, I have seen this when I have turned on automatic downloading of updats02:47
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sadiblaazo: Yeah, found one adept02:47
sashould I grep it02:48
sadiblaazo: should i grep it? what is the <process id?02:48
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diblaazokill -9 <process id>02:48
sadiblaazo: what is the <process id>02:49
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sadiblaazo: ?02:51
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entwisihi there02:52
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entwisiI'm having a few issues with sound on my Acer laptop. I had it working a week ago but it has stopped working again02:53
entwisiAmarok shows it as playing (i.e teh graphic equaliser is working to teh music)02:54
azzcoI've got a nvidia driver problem... works great when I restart X but when I reboot it mismatches02:54
sadiblaazo: it is not working02:54
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dromerjussi01: hmm, weird, now I can log in just fine ..02:55
diblaazops -elf | grep adept02:55
sadiblaazo: I did that02:56
sadiblaazo: and then?02:56
diblaazothen kill -9 number in second colum02:56
jussi01dromer: heh02:56
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diblaazothats if adept is still running02:56
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dromerjussi01: not that I need it that badly, I just installed Firefox portable to my usb-stick ;P (normally I x-forward my home FF)02:57
sadiblaazo: i am writing both sudo kill -9 <5840> and kill -9 <5840>02:57
sadiblaazo: getting the error: unexpected token 584002:57
diblaazoyou need to do " sudo kill -9 5840"02:58
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jussi01dromer: way to complex for me... ;)02:58
sadiblaazo: So sorry02:59
diblaazoabout what ?02:59
faidillingercould anyone tell me whats a good software for creating music under kubuntu02:59
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jussi01faidillinger: recording?03:00
sadiblaazo: about my stupid questions hehe03:00
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faidillingerjussi01: no, creating03:00
diblaazodont worry03:00
jussi01faidillinger: I suggest you have a look at ubuntu studio03:00
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faidillingerjussi01: thx, i will google for ubuntu studio. ;)03:00
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jussi01faidillinger: www.ubuntustudio.org03:01
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faidillingerjussi01: thx03:01
jussi01faidillinger: and #ubuntustudio03:01
sumigamerguys when I ./configure dolphin it gives me the foll error:- checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!03:01
jussi01sumigamer: just use the edgy deb, it works fine03:01
jussi01sumigamer: it sounds like you are using the dolphin for kde 403:02
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sumigamerjuss01, i thought dolphin had to compiled from source.....  i am using Kubuntu feisty03:02
faidillingerjussi01: thx, but can i install ubuntustudio on kubuntu, or is it a different distribution ?03:02
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TeraDynesumigamer: you need to install the "kdelibs4-dev" package.03:03
dromerjussi01: naw, x-forwarding is sweet :)03:03
TeraDynekdelibs5-dev* sorry.03:03
jussi01faidillinger: you can install the packages and such, but yes its a different distro03:03
faidillingerjussi01: ok03:03
faidillingerjussi01: thx03:03
jussi01faidillinger: its gnome based03:04
sumigamerTeraDyne, I am using kde 3.5.6..do I still need to install kdelibs4-dev??03:04
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sadiblaazo: i am restarting the computer. let me see if it works03:04
sadiblaazo: thanks alot for your help03:04
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TeraDynesumigamer: kdelibs4-dev installs the kde3 development librarys03:05
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sumigamerTeraDyne, how big is it??03:06
TeraDynesumigamer: and kdelibs5-dev installs the kde4 dev libraries03:06
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TeraDynesumigamer: not sure. It's a metapackage that "depends" on the dev packages.03:06
sumigameris there no way I can get a deb for dolphin or install it from the repos??/03:07
javierfhi every body there.... I hope someone can guide to get my vnc4server running.03:07
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TeraDynesumigamer: You could always try the deb that was built for edgy, like jussi01 suggested.03:08
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javierfwell.... I'm using feisty amd64 and I started vncserver uncommenting first two lines as indicate in some forum but it only shows a solid gray background03:09
jussi01sumigamer: i used the deb from here: http://enzosworld.gmxhome.de/download.html and it works perfectly03:09
jussi01its 1 version old, but is still great03:09
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sumigamerjussi01, does this deb has some less features or something like that??03:09
TeraDyne!info dolphin | sumigamer03:09
ubotusumigamer: dolphin: File manager for KDE focusing on usability. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1251 kB, installed size 2252 kB03:09
jussi01i didnt know it was in the repos03:10
TeraDynejussi01: I didn't either until I checked the bot.03:10
jussi01sumigamer: sudo apt-get dolphin03:10
jussi01sumigamer: sudo apt-get install dolphin03:10
jussi01the second one03:10
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javierfHi..... someone could help me please about a vncserver problem?03:11
jussi01heh, the deb on the site i gave is the same as the repos03:11
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sumigamerjussi01, thanks . I got it from the repos and it is works great.03:12
jussi01sumigamer: :)03:13
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=== TeraDyne wishes he had that much luck trying to make a SeaMonkey package.
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sumigamer2can anybody please tell me how to install a window border in KDE??03:18
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects03:19
arooWhat can I do when "rm" returns "Argument list too long"? I assume it's because there's a ton of files in this folder I'm trying to remove03:19
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sumigamer2I still dont get it how do I  install these darned borders...03:20
jussi01aroo: not trying to be smart, but have you read man rm ?03:20
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jussi01sumigamer2: what exactly do you mean by borders?03:20
msetim I installed Kubuntu AMD 64 bit, but I'm have problems with flash 9.0, I was looking for solution and many site says to use  nspluginwrapper -i to convert the plugin. But when the nspluginwrapper says that libflash isn't NAPI compability03:20
aroojussi01: yes03:20
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sumigamer2jussi01, you know where the controls for the window are located...03:21
javierf<aroo>: try readin it http://www.karkomaonline.com/article.php/2005010713270345103:22
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sumigamer2more approriately, they should be called window decorations...03:23
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jussi01sumigamer2: and they have disappeared?03:24
jussi01sumigamer2: are you using beryl?03:24
javierfsomeone knows if there is a specific problen on feisty amd64 and vncserver??03:25
gemidjyhow can I know which restricted modules/drivers are being loaded when "Loading restricted modules" executes ?03:25
gemidjywhich non-free modules actually03:25
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msetimsomebody know how can I solve my problem?03:29
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icecruncherin thunderbired 2 in the backports?03:30
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tony_Hello. Which MYSQL should I install ? client or server ? I am new to Mysql , PHP, Apache , installed PHP5, Apahe2 , but cant figure which mysql5 i need in order to start installing few script and learning about them03:32
sumigamer2jussi01, my problem is that even though I select  a window decoration from the list, it never actually gets applied,,,,,,03:32
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TeraDynetony_: server depends on client, so you'll end up installing both.03:33
tony_ok, i installed client but in adapt it shows that server is not installed03:33
tony_should i install server ? this might install the client ?03:34
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javierfhello.... how can i get vncserver fully running? known problems at amd64?03:34
jussi01sumigamer2: jump into #ubuntu-effects and ask there03:34
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TeraDynetony_: yes, install server. Client will be automaticly installed.03:35
tony_Thank you .. :)03:35
TeraDynesumigamer2: are you talking baout the window decorations in kWin (KDE default window manager) or beryl?03:36
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dhq_can anyone guide me of rsync03:37
icecruncheris tehre any place where I can get thunderbird 2.deb? getdeb.net does not have them03:37
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sumigamerTeraDyne, I am talking about Kwin...03:40
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illriginalCan someone help me get my microphone to work? Or maybe get recognized? Sound Recorder doesn't playback what I try to record.03:41
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sumigamerTeraDyne, I am talking about Kwin...03:42
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TeraDynesumigamer: ok.03:42
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sumigamerand how do I change the K menu logo??03:43
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TeraDynesumigamer: can't find anything on google about installing new themes, other than compiling it. As for the K menu logo...03:44
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sumigamerthat K logo isnt exactly so beautiful.....03:46
gemidjyhow can I get default KDE control center in Kubuntu ?03:47
TeraDynegemidjy: Alt+F2 and run "kcontrol"03:48
gemidjyTeraDyne: yes I know how to start Kubuntu's edited KControl, I need default entries03:48
sumigamerTeraDyne, you found something about the K logo??03:49
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TeraDynegemidjy: "kcontrol" is the original control center. the edited one is a different command03:50
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TeraDynesumigamer: nothing. there's a post asking the same question on the forums that shows up, but it's unanswered.03:50
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gemidjyTeraDyne: if so, where is Power management in kcontrol and IBM Thinkpad entry ?03:51
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HayaBusasorry for this stupid quetion, but what is the command to start and stop MYSQL server ? :|03:52
theboschgoede middag03:52
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LynoureHayaBusa: /etc/init.d/mysqld start   I bet03:53
LynoureHayaBusa: and stop, for stopping03:53
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HayaBusathanks. i was missing the d at the end of mysql .. will try it now03:54
sumigamerTeraDyne, a forum says that the logo resides at /usr/share/apps/kicker/pixmpaps, but the pixmaps folder doesnt exist in the kubuntu installation...03:54
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LynoureHayaBusa: I'm not sure about the d, on debian I have no d, though03:54
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LynoureHayaBusa: you'll need to put  sudo  in the front03:54
HayaBusathanks it workd without the "d" .. i was missing the / behind the "etc" ..03:55
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gilleshi does anyone knows if there exists an open source firmware for the ipod nano (2nd gen) ??03:59
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gillesas far as i know ipodlinux does not support 2nd generation ipod nanos04:00
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HayaBusais there a reason that adept manager keep failing to start ?????04:01
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TeraDynegemidjy: it looks as if there are kcontrol modules that you have to install for the thinkpad stuff. That's what everything on google is telling me.04:03
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TeraDyne!info tpctl | gemidjy04:04
ubotugemidjy: tpctl: ThinkPad hardware configuration tools. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.17-2 (feisty), package size 76 kB, installed size 300 kB (Only available for i386)04:04
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TeraDynegemidjy: I found that, but I can't find what package will install the kcontrol module.04:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdevelop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roflcopter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
TeraDynesumigamer: /usr/share/(theme)/(size)/kmenu.png where  (theme) is the current theme, crystalsvg by default, and (size) is the size of the icon.04:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vncserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
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ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:16
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aaroncampbellIs there a light-weight gui text editor?  I usually use vi, but I'm looking for something with a gui, and it seems that all I have is OOo Writer, which is a bit much04:26
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dany_21aaaroncampbell: e.g.: kate04:28
aaroncampbellyeah, looks like I have that installed too04:28
Lynoureaaroncampbell: there is x version of vim, too04:29
dr_willisdozens of text editors out04:29
dr_willisi tend to use gvim mainly :)04:29
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dr_willisor fte04:29
dr_willisI like fte.04:29
TeraDyne!info vim-gtk | aaroncampbell04:30
ubotuaaroncampbell: vim-gtk: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.0-164+1ubuntu7.1 (feisty), package size 905 kB, installed size 1812 kB04:30
TooEarlyi'm using Kubuntu Feisty Fawn, and when I use firefox and go to digg.com (or other sites that use JS) it goes extremely slow. anyone know what i could do?04:30
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TeraDyneaaroncampbell: that should suit your need.04:31
icecruncherdr_willis: what is fte?04:33
dr_willis!info fte04:33
ubotufte: Text editor for programmers - base package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.50.0-1.4 (feisty), package size 87 kB, installed size 332 kB04:33
dr_willisa text editror.04:33
dr_willisA little Odd compared to most of the others.. but i like it.04:34
dr_willisIts little.. and fast.. and works the same in console as X.04:34
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dr_willisOr at least it used to - havent used it in ages04:34
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faidillingerTooEarly: well i have no problem with firefox when i go to digg.com. it works like a charm04:34
faidillingerTooEarly: i am also running feisty04:34
icecruncherI don't ming old. lol fast has priority04:34
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TooEarlyfaidillinger: i had the same problem with opensuse, firefox always froze and ran extremely slow when i ran a page with JS04:35
TooEarlyi don't know what it is04:35
aaroncampbellTeraDyne: I fired up adept, added the vim-gtk package, but didn't see it in my menu anywhere, so I ran vim.gtk from a terminal, but just got plain old vim04:35
faidillingerfaidillinger: i have absolutely no clue since it is running very well on my computer04:35
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faidillingerTooEarly: but dont you get a slow script warning ??04:35
TooEarlyno warnings or anything04:36
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Lynoureaaroncampbell: try running evim instead04:37
TooEarlywhen i use opera, i can browse digg pretty smoothly.. but still occasionally slow04:37
aaroncampbellLynoure: not a valid command.  whereis evim shows nothing04:37
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Lynoureaaroncampbell: weird, but then again I'm not on ubuntu now...04:38
dr_willisvi is the 'must learn'  editor. :)04:38
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aaroncampbelldr_willis: I use vi regularly.  I'm looking for something light-weight with a nice simple gui that I can recommend for someone else here...Even something like notepad on windows (no formatting needed, just text, open, save, close, etc)04:39
dr_willis!find notepad04:40
ubotuFound: gnotepad+, gnotepad+-help04:40
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dr_willis!find editor04:40
ubotuFound: emacs, emacs21, emacs21-nox, gconf-editor, kimagemapeditor (and 34 others)04:40
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The_Machinei just upgraded my nvidia driver (kubuntu released) and everything feels "slower".  Any suggestions?   Graphics related things04:40
dany_21aaaroncampbell: or maybe look at "nano"04:40
The_MachineEven if i shut beryl off, etc. and i'm using Kwin.  Everything's dragging..04:41
aaroncampbelldany_21a: nano is still all keyboard...think "mouse"04:41
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dr_willissudo apt-cache search  editor | grep editor04:41
dr_willisshows several dozen.. many of which ive never even hear dof.04:41
dr_willis!info axe04:41
ubotuaxe: An editor for X. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6.1.2-15 (feisty), package size 133 kB, installed size 360 kB04:41
Lynoureaaroncampbell: kate, kwrite04:42
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markoneed help04:42
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf04:42
TooEarlyaaroncampbell: scite04:42
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dr_willisxjed - editor for programmers (x11 version)04:42
dr_willisxjove - X11-Frontend for jove - a compact, powerful editor04:42
markoi clicket someting don't know what and now the pult you know... when i had a program open i don't see it under there..04:42
markoplease help me04:42
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aaroncampbellthanks Lynoure and TooEarly I'll check them out04:43
Lynouremarko: what's the pult?04:43
dr_willis'the pult' ?04:43
markowait i will do a screenshoot04:43
icecruncheraaroncampbell: mousepad?04:43
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Blu3what can i try to get knetworkmanager to see my network devices again?  eth0 and eth1 exist just fine but knm is reporting no nw. device found04:46
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markoLynoure, i mean that there are no programs... you understand ?http://shrani.si/files/posnetek311370g.png04:47
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dr_willisthe 'tea' editor seems nice and small04:47
dr_willis!info tea04:47
ubotutea: text editor with syntax highlighting & UTF support. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.2.4-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 161 kB, installed size 456 kB04:47
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icecruncher!info mousepad04:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:48
ubotumousepad: simple Xfce oriented text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.12-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 652 kB04:48
markohelp ?????04:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:49
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ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf04:57
grulGE MIG04:57
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wsjuniori would like to execute the commad: ati-config --set-powerstate=1 everytime i switch to battery mode, how can i do this?05:06
wsjuniorto save some battery life of my laptop05:06
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yeniklasorWhen I press "K-->Log out" there is only one option (log out). Seems like windows has a virus? there is screenshot http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/7070/picture1ds2.jpg05:07
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wsjunioryeniklasor: are u using beryl/xgl?05:09
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yeniklasorwsjunior : beryl is not active05:09
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wsjuniorthats because xgl runs over x so u need to logout to control the x session05:10
GaryvdMPlease will someone help me. I have installed PostgreSQL on my kubuntu edgy box, but when I try run pg_ctl, it says Command not found. Where would pg_ctl normaly be installed on the fs?05:10
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wsjunioryeniklasor: actually beryl doesnt need to be active, the problem is to have xgl over x. if this is not ur case i cant help :/05:12
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jermainhi everyone05:13
jermainyesterday i installed a program called 'Flock' but i can't find it in my K menu. If i hit alt F2 it doesn't react to 'Flock'05:13
jermainis there anyway i can still find it?05:14
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yeniklasorwsjunior : "have xgl over x" what does it mean? Must I remove beryl? I will, what you say?05:14
wsjuniortry to do: ps aux | grep X05:15
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wsjuniorif this is ur case then u should see a X session and a Xgl session05:16
yeniklasorroot      5108  1.3  3.2  37968 33792 tty7     SLs+ 16:31   1:27 /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt705:16
yeniklasor1000      8190  0.0  0.0   2888   768 pts/2    R+   18:15   0:00 grep X05:16
Lynourejermain: you might have to add it to menu manually05:16
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jermainLynoure: i'd like to, but i cant find it :(05:16
jhutchins_ltjermain: dpkg -L flock should show you what was installed where.05:16
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jermainth jhutchins05:16
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akrushello everyone05:17
jermaingasp,.. it says its not installed.. Maybe i did something wrong when i installed it05:17
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akrusdoes someone have active IPB subscription? :D05:17
jermainthanks guys05:18
yeniklasorwsjunior | What must I do :'(05:18
jermainthis channel never lets me down :)05:18
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yeniklasorWhen I press "K-->Log out" there is only one option (log out). Seems like windows has a virus? there is screenshot http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/7070/picture1ds2.jpg   Help please.05:22
HayaBusahey guys, I created a database in mysql, i need to move two files there, but I Have no permission to do so , how can i move files to this locked folder ??? thanks05:22
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YorokobiHayaBusa, what are the files? SQL dumps or something else? Why would you want to move them to (I presume) /var/lib/mysql?05:23
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HayaBusayes, they are sql dumps , is part of the course on learning mysql , those needed to create the tables05:24
HayaBusaand yes, the db was cerated in /var/lib/mysql05:24
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YorokobiHayaBusa, you need to import the dump files, not move them in the file system05:24
HayaBusai guess i need to execute the files right from the db in order to create the tables ???05:25
YorokobiHayaBusa, IIRC: mysql -u username -p database < dumpfile (You should google that, just to be sure)05:25
=== Yorokobi is a PostgreSQL person :)
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leomcabrali installed ubuntu from liveCd, after i did 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' and selected kdm as my login interface manager, but i cant login (X restart and kde did not appear). I took a look at ~/.xsession-errors and a message 'can not find profile for login leomcabral'.05:26
BluesKajyeniklasor, you have to logout then at the prompt ctrl+x to exit and reboot05:26
leomcabralwhat i have to do05:26
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GaryvdMYorokobi: Please will you help me with a Postgre problem?05:26
HayaBusai need to give a full path to .sql file to create the structure. i have to figure how i can do that . hehe. thanks05:26
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YorokobiGaryvdM, I may be able to. Whatcha need?05:27
GaryvdMI installed Postgre through adept. But when I type in pg_ctl in the console, it say command not found.05:28
GaryvdMWhere would pg_ctl normaly be in the fs?05:28
YorokobiGaryvdM, Debian/Ubuntu doesn't use pg_ctl, use /etc/init.d/postgres-?? instead05:28
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leomcabrali installed ubuntu from liveCd, after i did 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' and selected kdm as my login interface manager, but i cant login (X restart and kde did not appear). I took a look at ~/.xsession-errors and a message 'can not find profile for login leomcabral'.05:29
leomcabralwhat i have to do?05:29
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henri_does someone know how the moodbar thing in Amarok works? I see no moodbars nowhere :-)05:29
Daisuke_Idothis is the moment when i attempt to compile cedega from source.05:30
Daisuke_Idoi've never had much luck, but what the heck05:30
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ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD05:31
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:31
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BluesKajhenri_, open amarok/pl/general/click on moodbar05:33
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GaryvdMThanks Yorokobi. That works.05:33
YorokobiGaryvdM, yw05:34
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wsjunioris there any tool to control which services are started at boot?05:34
leomcabrali installed ubuntu from liveCd, after i did 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' and selected kdm as my login interface manager, but i cant login (X restart and kde did not appear). I took a look at ~/.xsession-errors and a message 'can not find profile for login leomcabral'. What I have to do to fix this?05:34
henri_BluesKaj: what? i dont see any moodbars to click on :-)05:34
user_tut esti ktoto russs05:34
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user_kak skacati mu cerez linux???????????/05:35
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:35
BluesKajhenri_, click on the moodbar package , that takes you to the moodbar wensite where you can download and install05:35
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leomcabralany one?05:36
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke05:36
Yorokobileomcabral, does KDM start?05:36
wsjuniorwhat is the kubuntu tool to control which services are started at boot?05:37
HayaBusahow can i execture .sql file ???05:37
leomcabralYorokobi: yes05:37
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: Tell us what DOES happen.05:37
HayaBusain the book says execute the creat.sql file .. but not much info on syntax05:37
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HayaBusaexecture = execute :|05:38
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jhutchins_ltHayaBusa: Do you have a .sql file that you wish to import to a database?05:38
HayaBusait called, create.sql05:38
leomcabraljhutchins_lt: the system starts, kdm open, i put my login and password, press ENTER, the screen get black and returns to kdm05:38
jhutchins_ltThe syntax is mysql -u<user> -p < create.sql05:38
henri_BluesKaj: sorry but i have this thing so far out... I already installed the moodbar package with apt-get install moodbar and checked the box to use moodbars in Amarok settings05:39
Yorokobileomcabral, yes, what happens when you try logging in. Do you get Gnome? In the default KDM display there's a graphic that looks like a drop-down menu, click it then "Sessions" and pick KDE05:39
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leomcabralYorokobi: neither gnome or kde starts05:39
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: Try ctrl-alt-f1, which will put you in a console.  See what happens if you try to log in there.05:39
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Daisuke_Idothat didn't go well.05:40
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Daisuke_Idoseveral pages of errors in make :(05:40
henri_BluesKaj: but now i dont know where to look for moodbars :-)05:40
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TeraDyneDaisuke_Ido: that's not good.05:40
leomcabraljhutchins_lt: i did this, and i saw i my .xsession-erros a message telling that my user have no profile05:40
Daisuke_IdoTeraDyne: tell me about it05:40
Daisuke_Idogoing to go through configure's output (which gave no errors) and see if there's anything i might be missing05:41
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: You mean you wer able to log in in console and look at the files, correct?05:41
metbsdhow do i install pidgin05:41
leomcabraljhutchins_lt: yes05:41
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: You might try creating a new user and check to see if that user can log in.05:41
leomcabraljhutchins_lt: i tried, same thing05:42
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: You may also try moving the .kde in your home directory.05:42
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: Ok, then it's the login mechanism that can't access the password file.05:42
leomcabraljhutchins_lt: it access the password file05:42
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leomcabraljhutchins_lt: if i try a non existing user or password it fails and tell me that the password or user are incorrect05:43
Daisuke_IdoWARNING:  Make.rules.in seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting05:43
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: Well, it's failing to access something.  The only thing I can think of that "profile" would be would be the user information in the password file.05:43
Daisuke_Idothat ^^ doesn't look good05:43
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jhutchins_ltDaisuke_Ido: What are you building.05:44
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jhutchins_ltleomcabral: perhaps if you were to remove and reinstall kdm.05:44
leomcabraljhutchins_lt: maybe it's a bug, one friend of mine have the same problem05:44
=== TeraDyne is still trying to make a SeaMonkey package. Now on day 3, attempt 75
jhutchins_ltleomcabral: No, something about your installation is broken.05:44
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leomcabraljhutchins_lt: I remove kdm (with purge) and installed it again, and still not working05:45
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leomcabrali'll try again, i'll be back soon05:46
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juliusfor people who installed kubuntu from a kubuntu disc, does firefox use the gnome file browser?06:01
juliuscause it does for me :(06:01
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GaryvdMHow do you tell the difference? (I'm a noob)06:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about music - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
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grulhey, does anyone know a nice program for producing music under ubuntu?06:02
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juliusopen firefox and press ctrl + O, if you get a goddamn ugly file browser then im not the only one :p06:02
juliusgrul: have a look at the pre packaged software list for ubuntu studio06:03
juliusshould have some good things there06:03
GaryvdMOh yes - it has the green/brown folder icons06:03
ubotuubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.06:03
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grulardour, hmm mm hmm06:04
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WaxyFreshthe kubuntu feisty install cd stops loading at 11% any ideas?06:07
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icecrunchermy kopete menu disapeared, how can i get it bck?06:09
TeraDyneWaxyFresh: Did you try running the "Check CD For Defects" option at the boot menu?06:09
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TeraDyneicecruncher: try Ctrl + M06:09
markoi need help... quickly i can't see no program here http://shrani.si/files/posnetek311370g.png06:09
Daisuke_Idowell, the compile hasn't crashed like john denver yet, so i'm happy06:09
WaxyFreshTeraDyne: that stops at 11% also06:09
icecruncherTeraDyne: :) thnks lol06:09
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gruljulius, thanks06:10
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TeraDyneWaxyFresh: Sounds like a defective cd. Did you do an md5sum check before burning it?06:10
Daisuke_Idomarko: bummer.06:10
Daisuke_Idoit's been happening occasionally06:10
markowhat do you mean?:o06:11
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TeraDynemarko: right click on the panel and select "add applet to panel". Find the "Taskbar" option and double-click it.06:11
WaxyFreshtera no06:11
Daisuke_IdoTeraDyne: this is happening way too frequently for that to be the case every time06:11
WaxyFreshTeraDyne: no how do i?06:11
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more06:12
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markoi will just reboot06:12
TeraDyneDaisuke_Ido: I know. It sounds like a bug that's removing the taskbar.06:12
Daisuke_Idohow about logging out and back in06:12
Daisuke_Idoinstead of rebooting06:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apache2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:13
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Daisuke_Idoi know that's not very nice, but until they wrap their heads around the fact that this isn't windows...  my sympathy well is dry06:14
icecruncherDaisuke_Ido: yep06:14
TeraDyneDaisuke_Ido: agreed.06:15
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Daisuke_Idorebooting isn't the be-all-end-all of solutions, and 95% of the time isn't even necessary!06:15
=== Daisuke_Ido grumbles
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:17
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org06:17
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter06:17
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TeraDyneXD, knows about ext3, but not ext2.06:18
WaxyFreshdromer: did you get my pm?06:18
dromerWaxyFresh: no, have you registered?06:18
WaxyFreshoops i sent that in the wrong Chanel.06:19
icecruncherDaisuke_Ido: well in win it is often a solution06:19
icecruncherDaisuke_Ido: It's so messed up there is no other option06:20
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TeraDyneicecruncher: I'm speaking form experience when I say this, but, in windows, the solutions tend to create more problems, rebooting included.06:21
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icecruncherTeraDyne: true, but often frustration build up, at least for me and some of my friends, the reset button is quick and easy06:22
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WaxyFreshTeraDyne: md5 checks out06:23
TeraDyneWaxyFresh: I'm not sure then. Try asking on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/06:23
TeraDyneWaxyFresh: There should be a subforum called "Installation"06:24
WaxyFreshTeraDyne: no boot options you might suggest?06:24
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ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:24
jhutchins_ltTeraDyne: Live or alt CD?06:25
jhutchins_ltEr, WaxyFresh ^06:25
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TeraDyneWaxyFresh: Are you using the LiveCD? If you are, you might try the Alternate Install CD, or if you're using the DVD, use the Text Install option.06:25
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TeraDynejhutchins_lt: beat me to it.06:25
icecrunchernight all06:25
ksivajii created one ext3 partition but i cant write into that as a subuser06:25
jhutchins_ltksivaji: I believe the mount defaults are now set to root access only.  You can modify your fstab to make the partition default to user accessible.06:26
WaxyFreshjhutchins_lt:  live install06:27
ksivajijhutchins_lt how06:27
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jhutchins_ltksivaji: I think the information on what to put in fstab is in the windows/mac factoid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:27
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TeraDyne!alternate | WaxyFresh06:27
ubotuWaxyFresh: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal06:27
ksivajijhutchins_lt ok06:27
jhutchins_ltWaxyFresh: You might try that alt cd install, it may give you more feedback.  You can also try running fsck on the partition from the live CD.06:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wxchecksums - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:29
WaxyFreshjhutchins_lt: ive had ubuntu running on this before and it always freezes up when the kernal loads the hotplug subsytem,it just stops for ten minutes then continues,could this have something to do with it?06:29
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jhutchins_ltWaxyFresh: As long as it continues I wouldn't worry about it.  That can be a fairly complex and involved step.06:30
WaxyFreshwhats the command to turn off lapci druing install?06:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about checksums - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
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ksivajiBluesKaj hi06:32
GaryvdMWhat software can I use to create a md5?06:32
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more06:32
BluesKajhi ksivaji06:33
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GaryvdMAh - it is allready installed - thanks06:34
jhutchins_ltWaxyFresh: nolapci06:34
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juliusdo all your apps like firefox use the konquer browser or the natulius browser06:35
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sweettoothhey anyone familiar with bluetooth in kubuntu? trying to pair up my mobile phone, but don't seem to know the passcode06:36
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WaxyFreshjhutchins_lt: do you think i could put the hard dive from thge laptop i want to install to into another laptop and install then switch the HD back?06:39
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ksivajisweettooth ask #ubuntu-in Sup3rkiddo06:39
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WaxyFreshthe 64 bit kkubuntu dosent have everything the 32 bit does right?like flash/macromedia etc etc?06:41
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underdog5004wow, slow day06:42
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underdog5004so, I just installed dolphin...it seems very very nice06:42
underdog5004and lighter than konqueror06:42
pagWaxyFresh, well... at least it's harder to get those to work on 64bit06:42
crash_Woe is me, for broadcom is the devil.06:42
WaxyFreshpag: thanks06:43
TeraDyne!flash64 | WaxyFresh06:43
ubotuWaxyFresh: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:43
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:44
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underdog5004crash_, yeah, no doubt06:44
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WaxyFreshhow would you guys say kubuntu differs from debian?06:45
crash_has ANYONE managed to get a wifi card with the Broadcom 9318 chipset to function?06:45
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jhutchins_ltDebian is much slower about adopting the patches that are applied to ubuntu/kubuntu.  Many of the patches have to do with creating a smooth integration and consistent look-and-feel, others are functional.06:46
underdog5004WaxyFresh, I think the main way is the use of sudo06:46
underdog5004not sure though, I've only run debian a virtual machine for a few days06:46
crash_er.. BCM431806:46
WaxyFreshhow does the use of sudo differ?06:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:47
TeraDynecrash_: acer laptop?06:47
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underdog5004WaxyFresh, ummm, when I was using debian, I had to su, I wasn't on the sudoers list.06:47
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underdog5004crash_, use ndiswrapper06:47
underdog5004my gf has the same card06:48
crash_Ive installed ndiswrapper, loaded the bcmwl5a.inf file into it, and then run ndiswrapper -m06:48
crash_No joy.06:48
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toma_when booting from the feisty desktop cd, and choose install, i get a busybox error '/bin/sh: can't acccess tty; job control truned off'06:48
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underdog5004crash_, try restarting06:48
underdog5004lol, such a windows answer06:48
TeraDynecrash_: did you run "modprobe ndiswrapper" ?06:48
crash_Before, using the kernels bcm43xx thing, I could see the interface, just couldnt get a signal.06:49
crash_Now I cant even see the interface.06:49
crash_Im not even sure the kernel is loading the driver. Hell, Im not even sure Im using the correct terminology.06:50
ksivajii created one ext3 partition  and it is mounted   but i cant write in that as a subuser (sivaji)  only root can r/w  now what option should i select "default or sw or rw" to make it r/w06:50
TeraDynecrash_: Did you run "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"?06:50
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crash_trying that now06:55
crash_... no visible output from the command line06:55
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TeraDynecrash_: there shouldn't be. that loads the kernel module.06:55
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TeraDynetry using "iwconfig" and pastebin the results06:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:55
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markodidn't worked06:55
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jhutchins_ltmarko: Yeah, no kidding.06:56
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semistud2354I have a question....is it possible to make firefox more like internet explorer06:57
semistud2354im trying to get this websight working...but it needs internet explorer06:58
ksivajisemistud2354  more means06:58
underdog5004semistud2354, although I hate it, yes, there is. You can download a theme that mimics IE06:58
underdog5004semistud2354, lol, you need something that disguises a browser signature, I think06:58
dr_willisMaking it LOOK like ie ... clarify look. You want it to 'identify' as Internet explorer  :)06:59
jhutchins_ltOpera is probably the easiest one to spoof browser ID with.06:59
dr_willisOpera has that feature built in i belive.. seen some proxy servers that can do it for NS.06:59
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dr_willisMay be some Firefox Extensions taht add the feature. Never really needed it.06:59
jhutchins_ltFirefox can do it, but it's not in the preference menus.06:59
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jhutchins_ltI think you have to go through the about:config page or something.  I get so annoyed with that stuff I usually find a way to use something other than firfox.07:00
TeraDyneunless the site is using activeX, then making FF identify itself as IE "might" work. There is one other "option", if yoy can call it that.07:00
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ksivaji i created one ext3 partition  and it is mounted   but i cant write in that as a subuser (sivaji)  only root can r/w  now what option should i select "default or sw or rw" to make it r/w07:01
TeraDynethere are some sites that won't work even when FF is identifying itself as IE.07:01
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Lunar_LampIs there something similar to zenity in kde? I want to write a bash script with a gui popups, which was easy with zenity - does kde have a similar feature?07:02
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dr_williscould always install zenity :)07:03
dr_willisi think theres somthing similer. but cant recall what its called.07:03
jhutchins_ltksivaji: Really, no fair coming back and asking the same question, hoping for an answer where you don't have to read something.07:04
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ksivajijhutchins_lt i read that but i dont find what i need07:04
HayaBusahow can i activate SHADE using keyboard ?????07:05
coreymon77jhutchins_lt: look at the pm please07:05
dr_willischeck the keyboard bindings control panel thing..  it maybe allready bound.07:05
markojhutchins, ?07:05
markojhutchins_lt, ?07:05
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jhutchins_ltksivaji: Look at the part where it discusses options for manually mounting partitions.  It clearly shows the difference between root-only and all-user access, and includes specific-group-only access.07:07
dr_willisSHADE does not seem bound to anything by default07:07
jhutchins_ltksivaji: Your difference is that you can use either type auto, or type ext3.07:07
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semistud2354_is there a way to make firefox...view a webpage that was made for internet explorer?????07:08
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ksivajijhutchins_lt that is not a problem option matter07:08
underdog5004semistud2354, google for "agent spoofer"07:08
dr_willissemistud2354_,  have it 'spoof' its identiy. with either a firefox extension,07:08
dr_willisagent.. thats the term. :)07:08
TeraDyne"useragent" actually07:09
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semistud2354_how do you do that07:09
underdog5004semistud2354, do it for yourself07:09
underdog5004google is your friend07:09
dr_willisi would start by checking the firefox extension site07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:11
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semistud2354_what about the ie tab07:13
semistud2354_...does that make a tab that is like...internet explorer07:13
grulhey, does anyone have experience with python + mysql + apache2?07:13
TeraDynesemistud2354_: IE Tab only works on Windows07:13
semistud2354_god dammit...07:14
TeraDyne!ohmy | semistud2354_07:14
ubotusemistud2354_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:14
Daisuke_Idothe best way to deal with pages meant for internet explorer only is to avoid them07:15
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TeraDyneI thought there was a user agent switcher07:15
semistud2354_what about grease monkey??07:15
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TeraDynesemistud2354_: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5907:15
Daisuke_Idoas more standards compliant browsers become household names there is more incentive for web designers to make their pages standards compliant.  anything less is sheer laziness07:15
jhutchins_ltcoreymon77: What was it you needed?07:16
jussi01grul: you could try #apache07:16
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jhutchins_ltLet's watch the language, gentlemen, there are children present.07:16
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=== jhutchins_lt reminds self to read the WHOLE scrollback.
semistud2354_so that addon..to firefox what does it do??07:18
semistud2354_user agent switcher??07:18
TeraDynesemistud2354_: it allows you to change the browser's "useragent" identity, making the website think it's IE or whatever browser identity you choose.07:19
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TeraDynesemistud2354_: if that doesn't work, there's one other option, though I suggest it only as a last resort.07:20
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DexterFdoes kubuntu automount floppy drives?07:21
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Or, as suggested before, you can install opera, which has that feature built in.07:21
DexterF(those things from the 80s, obsololete)07:21
jhutchins_lt!floppy | DexterF07:21
ubotuDexterF: To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone07:21
DexterFjhutchins_lt: oh, ah, ok07:22
jhutchins_ltksivaji: That page might be more helpful to you.07:22
semistud2354_its this like...business websight..it says i need internet explorer...07:22
ksivajijhutchins_lt ok thank you07:22
semistud2354_when i go on it with firefox...the page is kinda messed up07:22
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: That's not something you can fix.07:22
DexterFjhutchins_lt: there's talk of 5.10, I'm on 7.04. still applies? have to mount manually?07:22
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: That's something only the page's author can fix.07:22
semistud2354_that agent thing doesnt work07:23
jhutchins_ltDexterF: Still applies, I think.07:23
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TeraDynejhutchins_lt: even that's doubtful07:23
semistud2354_why whold they make it only for IE07:23
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dr_williskinda messed up sounds like HTML differances the author overlooked07:23
semistud2354_isnt ie one of the most unsafe broswsers07:23
jhutchins_ltdr_willis: MS Myopia.07:23
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Microsoft is all some people know about.07:24
semistud2354_on the websight it says you need IE to view the content correctly07:24
TeraDynesemistud2354_: IE allows certian tags that FF can't show properly.07:24
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semistud2354_theres no way to mimic the tags07:24
semistud2354_on firefox07:24
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dr_willis'easier to post a disclamer then to fix the code'07:24
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: The City of Kansas City, Missouri, uses big commercial software packages that are written for use only with IE.07:24
semistud2354_or a browser that does mimic07:24
TeraDynesemistud2354_: I'm betting that thing has activeX controls..07:24
TeraDynesemistud2354_: what's the link to the site?07:25
semistud2354_so if it does have active x controlls then there is nothing i can do about that07:25
jhutchins_ltIE also displays some things _incorrectly_, and MS-centric users sometimes use that as a "feature".07:25
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TeraDynesemistud2354_: there is something you can do, but it's a last resort option.07:25
semistud2354_its this websight that is connected to a security camera07:25
semistud2354_that watches my parents warehouse07:26
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jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Yeah, that's just the sort of page that comes pre-configured to only work with MS.07:26
semistud2354_but some guy set it up...the camara doesnt show up07:26
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Suggest to your parents that the guy is incompetent.07:26
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Hope they haven't paid him yet.07:26
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hilaryHello all07:27
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semistud2354_i think that only a windows computer can connect to the camaras07:28
TeraDynejhutchins_lt: Think I should mention a certian "wine" option?07:28
semistud2354_but i installed feisty on my parents computer at home07:28
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jhutchins_ltTeraDyne: Yeah, no harm in this instance.07:28
TeraDyne!ies4linux | semistud2354_07:28
ubotusemistud2354_: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, dont use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!07:28
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semistud2354_so theres nothing i can do besides wine07:28
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TeraDynesemistud2354_: try that. ^07:29
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: That and get them to fix the webpage properly.07:29
jhutchins_lt'cause we know there are webcams that work under linux.07:29
semistud2354_i have no say...they just want for me to get it work...lol07:29
TeraDynejhutchins_lt: Unless it's using an activeX control, then there's little hope.07:29
semistud2354_its not a webcam...its a security camara...looking at the entrence of my parents warehouse07:29
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jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Do you have the java pluggins for firefox?07:30
semistud2354_lol...looks like i have to put windows back on my parents computer07:31
semistud2354_tested it myself...so i know its on07:31
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jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Why not just use IE on wine?07:31
semistud2354_would there be an icon on the desktop07:31
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: I'd always suggest a dual-boot system in cases like that, saves you getting in trouble.07:32
semistud2354_cuz my parents are extreamly computer illeritate07:32
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: You could make one.07:32
semistud2354_i would put windows on my parents computer....but i already have feisty07:32
semistud2354_is there a way to put windows07:32
semistud2354_with out reinstalling ubuntu07:32
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jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Yes.07:33
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: do you have a free partition?07:33
ardchoillesemistud2354_: Yes, there is a way of installing Windows after installing Ubuntu, but it will require that you repair grub.07:33
ardchoillejhutchins_lt: I'll let you handle this one.07:34
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=== ardchoille hasn't touched Windows since 2001
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: do you have a free partition?07:34
semistud2354_umm...when i installed feisty..i just said for it to use all of the hard disk07:35
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semistud2354_i dont konw if that helps or not07:36
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: Ok, you're going to need to use qparted to shrink the ext3 partition and create a new one.  You can flag it as ntfs.  You should then be able to run the windows installer normally.07:36
jhutchins_ltsemistud2354_: You will then need to restore grub.07:36
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semistud2354_how do you restore grub07:36
jhutchins_lt!grub | semistud2354_07:36
ubotusemistud2354_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:36
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venikcan anyone help me with vsftpd?07:38
venikhow do I set the password for it?07:38
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jhutchins_ltvenik: Read the fine documentation that comes with it.07:41
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jhutchins_ltvenik: You need to know more than just how to set the password or your system will be p0wned.07:41
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venikI have set up the vsftpd.conf file, and it worked for a while.  I simply cannot recall how I set up the password07:43
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venikI had to reinstall my system, so the settings for vsftpd were lost07:44
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jhutchins_ltvenik: If I wanted to tell you how to set the password, I would have to read the docs myself.  That would not leave you with the accidentally acquired but necessary knowledge you'll gain in the process.07:46
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DexterFI just tried to talk a freind thru mounting a floppy.07:49
DexterFthe mount point wasn't there. had her create it.07:49
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DexterFissued mount -t auto /dev/fd0 ...07:49
fairmanPlease, how can i create link from desktop to application mysql?I created link, but i need /etc/init.d/mysql start - i need the "start" string - how can i add it.07:49
DexterF/dev/fd0 doesn't exist07:49
DexterFwhat the hell?07:49
jhutchins_ltfairman: What are you trying to do?  Start/stop the server from the desktop?07:50
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fairmanjhutchins_lt: i need both from the desktop and i need the parameter07:50
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jhutchins_ltfairman: In the configuration tools there is one that starts/stops services.07:51
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jhutchins_ltfairman: try using quotes.07:51
fairmanjhutchins_lt: do you mean the features of the link in desktop?07:51
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crash_Still no joy with this broadcom card.l07:52
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jussi01crash_: its broadcomm....07:52
TFroganyone here know where i might find deb files for Alien Arena?07:52
fairmanjhutchins_lt: this is my command: '/etc/init.d/no_start/mysql' (no_start means do not start in when the system start)07:52
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fairmanjhutchins_lt: '/etc/init.d/no_start/mysql start' does not work07:53
danny500hey question07:53
danny500who uses firfox in here07:53
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jhutchins_ltfairman: You mean it doesn't work from the console, or it doesn't work in an icon?07:54
danny500with the fasterfox plugin07:54
TFrogi do danny50007:54
TFrognever tried it07:54
danny500it caches every web page you go on so that the internet comes up faster07:54
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JaredHey, looking at getting rid of Windows and so far I like Kubuntu.  Just wondering what others opinions are of it07:54
fairmanjhutchins_lt: it does not work in icon, from the console it is ok, but i need add parameter07:55
danny500but anyways does your firefox loading bar ever give you weard readings like 2000% complete and stuff like that?07:55
deeoDexterF: MAKEDEV fd07:55
jhutchins_ltfairman: For the icon, either escape the space with \ or surround the command with quotes.07:55
TFrogi don't have that issue danny50007:55
deeoDexterF: cd /dev; sudo MAKEDEV fd07:55
danny500because for about a month now my firefox has forgotten how to count properly07:55
danny500when iot's loading a webpage sometimes it'll tell me it's 2347% complete07:56
TFroghmmmmmmmm. maybe it's the plugin07:56
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danny500or this one made me laugh07:56
DexterFdeeo: that woman is a user. I have a dickens of a time talking her thru the most basic shell commands. but that's not the point, the point is that there's all kind of automount crud in kub, but not for the floppy? wtF?07:56
danny500it said it was 11% complete lol07:56
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DexterFjust figured it's /dev/fd/0 not /dev/fd0. great.07:56
deeooh, there you go07:56
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deeoincidentally it should be a simple matter of putting the floppy in and clicking 'open in new window'07:57
danny500I also have s set up to tell me how much cache it takes from each page and it told me that it just saved 580GB of cache lol07:57
DexterFexactly that window didn't come up07:57
deeohm, sounds like a bug07:57
danny500my hard drive right now is only 20GB lol07:57
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deeoDexterF: is it a fresh feisty install?07:57
danny500ya doesn't do anything to me I just find it amussing and I was wondering if anyone else has this happening07:58
deeo...oh that's dumb, the fstab has /dev/fd0 by default it looks like.07:58
deeoDexterF: that's according to my fstab mind you, and i don't even have a floppy drive (in any of my systems)07:58
DexterFdeeo: talking of which, I'm not sure right now if she has 7.04 or 6.06 over there07:58
DexterFbut I guess even the ancient 6.06 knew about floppies07:59
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K-RyanHey guys, I own an Xbox 360 and can only share from Windows, is there anyway I can share from Kubuntu?08:00
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Jaredanyone have wise words of wisdom about beryl or compiz?08:00
DexterFJared: yup: wait till its stable08:00
JaredI thought compiz was?08:01
deeoDexterF: irregardless, that's an incorrect fstab entry which i'm certain was a default, i'd never modify that value.  on my system it also puts the fd nod in /dev/fd/008:01
fairmanjhutchins_lt: '/etc/init.d/no_start/mysql\ start' does not work :(08:01
deeoJared: use nvidia, heh.08:01
K-RyanBeryl works fine for me08:01
JaredI have nvidia driver08:01
K-RyanMe too08:01
K-RyanNo problems whatsoever08:01
Jaredcan't get beryl to work on kubuntu but works fine on ubuntu08:01
fairmanjhutchins_lt: "the command was not found"08:01
DexterFdeeo: didn't chekc fstab since /meida/floppy didn't even exist08:01
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K-RyanAt what part does it not work?08:01
deeoDexterF: fwiw i upgraded from dapper or somesuch to feisty here.08:01
DexterF /media ofc08:01
jhutchins_ltfairman: Ah, probably needs to run as root.08:01
deeoDexterF: that's normal, actually.08:01
deeoDexterF: it typically creates the directories on demand.08:02
Jaredadding repository08:02
jhutchins_ltfairman: so use sudo, and use quotes.08:02
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fairmanjhutchins_lt: no, i set the user "root" when it is loading, he is asking for my password, this is not problem08:02
deeoDexterF: i have no clue HOW it works, but that's because it's never really been an issue for me08:02
deeoDexterF: i assume it's automounter though08:02
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DexterFno automounter installed, all kde08:02
DexterFso dbus i guess08:02
K-Ryanjared: You're running Feisty, yes?08:02
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DexterFwell, my cdrom mount points are there regardless if a disc is in or not08:03
K-RyanIn Adept you clicked "Adept" then went to the third party software tab right?08:03
Jaredguess not08:03
venikthanks for this useful help08:03
K-RyanGo there ;)08:03
Jaredagain, I'm still new to linux08:03
fairmanjhutchins_lt: i created successful the icon for Apache server where is need root08:03
K-RyanIt's okay, we all were at one time08:03
venikREAD the manual is a generic advice08:03
venikand usually useless08:04
markocould someone help me as you see in this screenshot http://shrani.si/files/posnetek31137h7.png they aren't listed the programs that are open... how i fix that?:/08:04
JaredI'm sure if I check out Adept I can figure it out08:04
deeoDexterF: maybe i have some weird software installed, haven't cleaned up my inst in ages.08:04
K-Ryanjared: I can walk you through it08:04
jhutchins_ltfairman: Need to be root (use sudo) to start/stop mysqld.08:04
K-RyanIt doesn't take long either08:04
JaredI'm actually not on that computer right now.  Still at work08:04
Jaredthanks for the offer08:04
K-RyanOh, alright08:04
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K-RyanWell if you still don't get it, you can come back on here and ask around.08:05
Jaredcool, thanks ryan08:05
K-RyanThere are usually people on here willing to help08:05
DexterFvenik: if someone obviously knows that an app has good docs and tells you they answer your question, what's wrong with following that advice?08:05
K-RyanNo problem08:05
jhutchins_ltvenik: Actually, you'd be surprised at the number of questions that actually are answered, and clearly, in the manual.08:05
jhutchins_ltvenik: A lot of man pages aren't clear - they're more like technical references for programmers, but some are very clear.08:05
venikI shall be surprised, indeed08:05
fairmanjhutchins_lt: Yes, i know, but i set root as user, which is running the application, he is asking for my password, but then it crashed and says "the command was not found"08:06
venikbut thanks anyway08:06
jhutchins_ltBesides which, there's often more that the user needs to know than just the answer to a specific question, and directing them to a good manual helps.08:06
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K-RyanIs there a reason why in Konsole under settings it says "Schema" instead of scheme?08:07
jhutchins_ltEither we know that answering the question will lead directly to a new question, or we know that there are other things they need to know.08:07
markocan't no one help me?!08:07
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DexterFmarko: if no one answers, this probably means no. but IRC is about patience, too08:07
jhutchins_ltmarko: Looks like kicker is either dead or hidden.08:07
DexterF4 minutes is nothing.08:07
DexterFsometimes it takes time08:08
jhutchins_ltK-Ryan: That's just what they chose to call that option.08:08
markojhutchins_lt, you know how can i fix it?:D08:08
K-Ryanjhutchins_lt: But it's more like a typo.08:08
jussi01marko: whats the problem?08:09
markocould someone help me as you see in this screenshot http://shrani.si/files/posnetek31137h7.png they aren't listed the programs that are open... how i fix that?:/08:09
DexterFmarko: you need to install the window list applet. rightclick empty space, go applets, figure the rest08:09
jhutchins_ltmarko: try opening a console and entering dcop kicker kicker restart08:09
TeraDyneDexterF: don't you mean the Taskbar applet?08:09
markoDexterF, i did it..08:10
markobut it's not the same08:10
jhutchins_ltThat or xchat is covering up kicker.08:10
markolike it was08:10
markoit isn't covering08:10
DexterFTeraDyne: well, yes. kicker is there but not the applet.08:10
markoi tryed re reboot08:10
markothe pc it's the same08:10
K-Ryanmarko: THat's because rebooting wouldn't fix that08:11
jhutchins_ltmarko: Generally rebooting doesn't fix things in linux.08:11
K-RyanRebooting is for hardware changes08:11
K-RyanAs a general rule of thumb08:11
DexterFmarko: can you make a new screenie? dont know what "isn't covering" means08:11
jhutchins_ltAh, the image was cropped here.08:11
markoi will do it08:12
TeraDyneK-Ryan: even then, it's rare when that's needed.08:12
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K-RyanTeraDyne: Yeah08:12
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markoDexterF, here08:13
jhutchins_ltmarko: right click on the taskbar, choose panel menu, add applet, Desktop Preview & Pager.08:13
TeraDynejhutchins_lt: Desktop Preview & Pager?08:14
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markoDexterF, http://shrani.si/files/posnetek32137je.png08:14
jhutchins_ltTeraDyne: right-click the little handle to the left of it.08:14
jhutchins_ltmarko: right click on the taskbar, choose panel menu, add applet, Desktop Preview & Pager.08:14
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markoI'm doing it but the problem is i have it in sloveian language and i don't know what desktop preview & pager is:D08:15
msetimIs there anyone that have a Keyspan Remote Control?08:15
markocan you do me a screenshot?08:15
TeraDyneI see  a pager in the second pic.08:15
CrunchyFerrettFracking frikkin cobalt08:15
Quakeileji, in windows i would have written "explorer" in the run dialog to get my start button and panel back? What do I write in kde?08:16
CrunchyFerrettI can make everything except this frelling broadcom work08:16
Quakeile*hi =)08:16
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Quakeilehmm, I've tried that, doesn't help=/08:16
jhutchins_ltQuakeile:  try opening a console and entering dcop kicker kicker restart08:17
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jhutchins_ltCrunchyFerrett: Some hardare just doesn't work under linux.08:18
jhutchins_lthardware even.08:18
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ardchoilledcop kicker default restart08:18
TeraDyneMarko, judging between the first and second pic, the taskbar is missing. Right click on your panel and select the second option from the botton08:19
jhutchins_ltardchoille: Ooh, what does that do?08:19
ardchoilleRestarts kicker08:19
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markoTeraDyne, and what then08:19
TeraDynemarko: sorry, wrong option. It's the top option in the right click menu.08:20
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=== TeraDyne was looking at wrong rcm.
Quakeiledoesnt do the trick08:20
markothe taskbar i try it08:20
Quakeiledoesn't do the trick08:20
markoi have it but it's not the same08:20
markolike it was08:20
jhutchins_ltardchoille: Interesting, on my system the first restarts it - WITHOUT THE APP LIST!  The second just hangs.08:20
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TeraDynemarko: could you post a pic?08:21
markoi will08:21
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jhutchins_ltA second instance restarts it correctly, although I've lost my networm monitor.08:21
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ardchoillejhutchins_lt: Interesting, the one I posted restarts kicker as normal08:21
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ardchoillejhutchins_lt: I guess it's true what they say; no two Linux systems are exactly alike.08:22
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jhutchins_ltYeah, I'm getting the same behavior out of each now.08:22
ardchoillejhutchins_lt: Does the network monitor sometimes cause problems? I've never used it.08:23
markoTeraDyne, that you will understand it better it looks like that now http://shrani.si/files/posnetek33137k3.png08:23
Quakeilesomething is stuck...how do I start the performance monitor, the graphic one?08:23
markobut before it was looking like that http://shrani.si/?posnetek26119df.png08:23
ardchoilleQuakeile: From a terminal: ksysguard08:23
ardchoilleOr from alt+f2, up to you08:24
TeraDynemarko, I'm not sure now. I've never seen that happen. ardchoille, jhutchins_lt, have any idea that the heck happened to his taskbar?08:24
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ardchoilleTeraDyne: The most common cause of kicker problems are applets not playing well with other thins08:25
markoi will kill myself08:25
jhutchins_ltTeraDyne: Yeah, something killed the applet, and we don't know what it's labeled in Slovenian.08:25
markoi remember08:25
markoi clicked someting08:25
markodon't know08:25
markoand then it was like thast:D08:25
K-RyanWhat would I use to take a picture of my desktop?08:26
TeraDynejhutchins_lt: No, it's back. See the latest pic. It's just that it's back to black text with no icon.08:26
K-RyanPrint Scren doesn't seem to be working08:26
jhutchins_ltmarko: go to console, type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop; move your ~.kdm file to a backup, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start08:26
ardchoilleK-Ryan: ksnapshot08:26
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markosudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop; move your ~.kdm file to a backup, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start08:26
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markoi shopuld copy that?08:26
markodo the console?08:26
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markoor what?;d08:26
jhutchins_ltWait a minute - is that what it looks like now?08:27
vzduch1. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop08:27
TeraDynevzduch: hold up a sec08:27
vzduchah ok08:27
vzduchI myself was having a problem thinking of the right syntax to move a directory on the console now :)08:28
TeraDynejhutchins_lt: like I said. I can see that he's got the taskbar back, but it's black text and no icon, rather than goign with his theme.08:28
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jhutchins_ltTeraDyne: He either needs to re-apply the theem, or manually adjust the appearance.08:28
Quakeileok, the sysguard started up ok, I have like 10 instances of kicker running atm...08:29
CyberJezusso what should i do:D08:29
CyberJezuswhat would you do TeraDyne ?08:29
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TeraDynejhutchins_lt: Probably be best to reapply the theme, right?08:29
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TeraDynejesus007: try changing the theme.08:30
TeraDyneand then changing back.08:31
jesus007did it08:31
jesus007it's the same08:31
TeraDynehold on.08:31
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jesus007and when i applied the taskbar there are only programs listed when they are08:33
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TeraDynejesus007: ok, that problem is easy to fix.08:34
jesus007but i want the taskbar back the same like it was a day ago:(08:34
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TeraDynejesus007: right click on the task bar and pick the second option from the bottom08:34
jesus007TeraDyne, right now i well08:35
jesus007so fucking idiotic08:35
jhutchins_ltjesus007: Please watch the language.08:35
jesus007ok sorry08:36
jesus007TeraDyne, what then?08:36
TeraDynejesus007: I'm making pic of which option it is.08:36
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K-RyanCrunchyFerrett: Check today's ICHC08:36
jesus007i fixed it that the icon08:36
jesus007is back08:36
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Quakeiledifference between kicker and kde-desktop?08:36
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TeraDynejesus007: the second option above the "icon" option is the "show only when minimize" option. Uncheck that and apps will show up all the time.08:38
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jesus007TeraDyne, thanks08:39
jesus007it's the same now08:39
jesus007like it was08:39
jesus007the icon's are back08:39
jesus007everything is the same08:39
jesus007thank you:D08:39
TeraDynejesus007: Glad to hear it's back to normal.08:39
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Quakeileit more or less halts at "Loading the desktop" when logging in with nx08:40
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QuakeileI have 4 instances of Kicker, and can't kill one of them08:41
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Quakeilewhy can't I get my startbutton and panel back?08:44
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ardchoilleQuakeile: I can teach you how to have easy access to all your app menus until you get the panel fixed08:46
Quakeilethe problem is the panel tbh...08:46
ardchoilleyes, I know, but I was talking about having your app menus in the desktop right click menu temporarily08:47
Quakeile4 instances of kicker, 3 of startkde08:47
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jhutchins_ltQuakeile: Sounds like you've been messing around a bit and have too many instances of your desktop running08:49
jhutchins_ltContradictory to earlier advice, I think _this_ is a case for restarting.08:50
ardchoilleor just logging out and killing all kicker and startkde instances08:50
jhutchins_ltQuakeile: You could drop to console mode (sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop), make sure everything is dead, then restart kdm, or just restart the whole box.08:50
Quakeilewhole box is out, uptime: +10008:51
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ardchoilleQuakeile: Then probably a good idea to just restart kdm: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:51
ardchoilleQuakeile: Uptime more than 100 days?08:52
ardchoilleIf so, there have been kernel updates that you should be applying08:52
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ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:52
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ardchoillekeeping the kernel updated > uptime08:52
Quakeilestill freezing at "loading the desktop"08:53
ardchoilleQuakeile: What did you do prior to this happening? using new applets?08:54
Quakeileno applets08:54
Quakeiledunno really...08:55
ardchoilleQuakeile: Is there anythng interesting in ~/.xsession-errors  ?08:55
TeraDyneardchoille: There are people who have slackware and gentoo boxes with higher uptimes than that. I used to have a Wolvix box with 200+ days uptime. Never did kernel updates, never restarted.08:55
vzduchthere have reportedly been Debian boxes w/ ~500 days' uptime08:55
ardchoilleTeraDyne: Well, there have been kernel exploits and if you refuse to apply the patches, then your box can be exploited.08:56
TeraDyneardchoille: Kernel updates aren't as neccessary as windows updates. Most kernel flaws aren't major enough to really requre it. Not unless you've gotten yourself targeted for some reason. Well, AIMO, anyway.08:56
Quakeilehow to kill all kicker instances, all kdesdekstops and force users to logout?08:56
vzduchsudo killall -9 kicker (no warranty :D)08:57
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QuakeileI've had it for today =( thanks anyway for your effort (tbc...)08:59
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DexterFonly 14MB/s disk to disk? a little low, huh?08:59
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vzduchdepends on file size and a few other factors08:59
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=== TeraDyne considers pulling out an old P2 199MHz to install Wolvix or Ubuntu-Server on...
ardchoilleI guess uptime is more important to some than having a working box.09:00
K-RyanUptime is important as long as the box works09:00
DexterFvzduch: rather big files, from an xfs to an ext3, fast cpu09:01
K-RyanSo for someone to focus on uptime, it's safe to assume their box works09:01
ardchoilleK-Ryan: Indeed09:01
DexterFI see mc munching CPU cycles09:01
vzduchDexterF: don't know XFS.. ext3 to ext3 makes somewhere between 15 and 24 MB/s on my 900 MHz box09:01
TeraDyneWhoops, wrong tab.09:02
DexterFhm. sluggish.09:02
TeraDyneKonversation uses tabs.09:03
vzduchand I use neither Konv nor XChat :D09:03
ardchoilleirssi rocks09:04
vzduchindeed :)09:04
vzduchwell worth a small learning curve if you're able to IRC w/o the need for an X session09:05
=== DexterF likes X
DexterFso many terminals at a flick of the wrist :)09:06
=== vzduch likes X too
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vzduchbut if all X fails it's good to still be able to get on IRC09:06
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K-RyanWhat would I type in irssi to connect to here?09:09
K-RyanI tried /connect irc.freenode.org09:09
TeraDyne"/server", probably.09:09
vzduchyou can start up irssi w/ a connect cmd --> 'irssi -n $yourNick -c irc.freenode.net'09:09
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K-Ryanambigious option n09:10
vzduchwhy ambiguous?09:10
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K-RyanWhoa I don't know what I did09:11
K-RyanBut it works09:11
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TeraDyneI did it as well. I was Yameneko549.09:12
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K-Ryan2There we go09:12
K-RyanIt works =)09:12
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K-Ryan2So now I've got IRC and AIM in my terminal09:13
K-Ryan2I love it09:13
vzduchfor further configuration, read through http://irssi.org/ .. and if you have a reasonably good command of German, you can also read through http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Irssi09:13
K-Ryan2Configuration as far as?09:14
vzduchoutward appearance, logging, automatic connection to servers and channels etc.09:14
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K-Ryan2Oh, I don't mind that09:15
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K-Ryan2It's just cool and all09:15
K-Ryan2I love being able to do stuff through the terminal09:15
crash_How do I unblacklist a driver?09:15
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TeraDyneK-Ryan2: You mentioned that you use a terminal AIM program. What is it called?09:16
K-Ryan2It's in the repos09:17
=== TeraDyne goes off to grab Naim
K-Ryan2It's a little dodgy, but it's okay09:17
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K-Ryan2What's that?09:18
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vzduch"An IRC to other chat networks gateway"09:18
saintm1777hi all09:18
vzduchw/ that you can connect to e.g. ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber and Google Talk through your IRC client09:19
saintm1777just to say I have install the latest kbunutu and I love it...09:19
K-RyanHi saintm1777, glad you like it.09:19
TeraDynesaintm1777: glad to hear you like it.09:19
saintm1777I am a brand new Linux convert and I would love to know more about linux and what I can do with it09:19
K-Ryanvzduch: I've got Naim, I don't really use anything else but I have Kopete so yeah...09:19
saintm1777I have lived my computer life in windows land and the transition is going to be iffy09:20
TeraDyneK-Ryan: I'm happy naim can use ICQ. It happens to be the one I use most.09:20
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saintm1777can anyone suggest a good starting point?09:20
K-Ryansaintm1777: Welcome to the other side and where would you like to start with changes?09:20
vzduchsaintm1777: what do you wanna do? :)09:20
K-RyanTeraDyne: I wasn't sure if you could use anything else with it.09:21
ardchoillesaintm1777: http://www.tldp.org is good09:21
saintm1777well I have used Dos before so somethings looke familiar in the terminal09:21
TeraDyneK-Ryan: "man naim"09:21
saintm1777thanks ardchoille09:21
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ardchoillesaintm1777: You using kubuntu?09:21
K-RyanTeraDyne: I wanted it for AIM so I didn't bother =P09:21
saintm1777thanks for the link, got it in favourites09:22
ardchoillesaintm1777: Hold on to your socks :)09:22
saintm1777holding tight!! :)09:22
saintm1777what next?09:22
=== TeraDyne can't even remember his own ICQ number...
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K-RyanWell they're 9 digits long, I don't blame you09:23
ardchoillesaintm1777: http://www.kde-look.org/  http://kubuntuforums.net/  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu  http://www.kubuntu.org/documentation.php  http://ubuntuforums.org/  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserDocumentation09:23
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K-RyanThe only reason I can still log onto mine is because Kopete has it logged =)09:23
ardchoillesaintm1777: Bookmark those :)09:23
saintm1777all of them?09:23
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ardchoillesaintm1777: It's good to look them over but not really needed on a daily basis09:23
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K-RyanIt's just somewhere to start if you are looking to do something and you need help with it09:24
crowbarsaintm1777: focus on http://ubuntuforums.org I'd say.09:24
saintm1777okay, be back in a minute09:24
K-RyanOtherwise you come in here type !<topic you need help with>09:24
K-RyanAnd ubotu will help, like this09:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:24
djdarkman_I`ve made an XGL session for Compiz, but it has no sutdown button in the logout menu, is it possible to make an XGL session have a shutdown button in the logout menu09:24
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_Iamdais there a place to get IRC commands?09:26
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gnomefreak!cli | I09:26
saintm1777shoo...all done...now do I just spend the rest of the night reading?09:26
ubotuI: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:26
gnomefreak!cli | Indice09:26
ubotuIndice: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:26
K-Ryansaintm1777: Well what do you want to do?09:26
ardchoillesaintm1777: If you have questions, this is the best place to ask. Otherwise, those bookmarks are good.. better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.09:27
saintm1777everything...or is that too much...09:27
K-RyanStart with specific things09:27
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saintm1777okay for starters I am use to installing software with autoexecute files or zip files/rar etc09:27
saintm1777I have no clue how to do this tar thing09:28
K-RyanSame thing for the most part09:28
saintm1777I can extract a tar but not install the program...09:28
K-RyanThat's because you probably aren't going to install it09:28
ardchoillesaintm1777: The software repositories for ubuntu are huge, I've never had to "do the tar thing". Open adept and have a look around.09:28
K-RyanIs it the source for something?09:28
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant09:29
K-Ryanardchoille: Thanks for bringing the repos up, I'm sure he has no idea what they are.09:29
TeraDynethat's not what I wanted09:29
ardchoilleTeraDyne: Still a good post09:29
ardchoille!repos | saintm177709:29
ubotusaintm1777: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:29
K-Ryansaintm1777: In Kubuntu we use repositories filled with tons of stuff so we don't have to search the net for stuff09:29
K-RyanWe find the package name and install from either a command or finding it in Adept or Synaptic09:30
K-RyanNow as for a .tar.gz09:30
saintm1777I have see adept09:30
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K-RyanChances are that's a source code that needs to be compiled09:30
K-RyanSO you wouldn't even need to extract it09:30
ardchoillesaintm1777: Word of advice.. do not use automatix09:30
K-RyanIt's not advice09:30
K-RyanIt's a rule09:30
saintm1777I have install some things but at times it has Locked09:31
ardchoille!sudo | saintm177709:31
ubotusaintm1777: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:31
JonnyRoCan anyone recommend a good way to permenantly wipe a hard disk in ubuntu?09:31
saintm1777I have searched forums and found a unlocking sequence thanks to another helpful soul09:31
ardchoilleJohnFlux2: There's an app called 'wipe' and it's in the repos.09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wipe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:32
K-Ryan!info wipe09:32
ubotuwipe: Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-2 (feisty), package size 42 kB, installed size 132 kB09:32
ardchoilleThat's it09:32
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ardchoillethanks K-Ryan09:32
JonnyRoMuch thanks09:32
saintm1777why the need for a lock?09:32
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saintm1777if I login in is that not enough09:32
ardchoillesaintm1777: Read up on that sudo link, it explains some things you need to know.09:32
saintm1777okay ...thanks...be back now09:33
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vzduchthat's gonna be a tasty dinner :)09:34
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TeraDynevzduch: ?09:34
vzduchsimple (can food) but nonetheless tasty09:35
vzduchItalian tomato-noodle soup w/ added smoked sausage09:35
=== TeraDyne perfers ramen over can food
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sahi everyone09:35
K-RyanHi there09:35
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sai have a problem with opening adept installer09:36
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:36
K-RyanTry that09:36
ardchoilleK-Ryan: haha, you're fast on those bot triggers09:36
sahave been working on the problem since 3 hours back09:36
TeraDyneO_O; Quick.09:36
K-RyanSome of them, yeah09:36
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K-RyanI've been around here long enough, so yeah09:36
saK-Ryan: Yes, Adept crashed on me :)09:36
K-RyanHave you tried that before?09:37
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saK-Ryan: no09:37
crash_SMB have a file size limit or something?09:37
K-RyanThat's probably the problem then09:37
saK-Ryan: I tried exiting through the pn -elf command09:37
TeraDyneXD I just tried to play an ogg with mpg123....09:37
sawith the P-code09:37
ardchoillesaintm1777: When you get a chance, sign up at http://ubuntuforums.org  that is one awesome site.09:38
K-RyanI haven't done that before so I'm not sure what to do if that was the problem09:38
K-RyanBut I would try the sudo fuser......09:38
saK-Ryan: Ok09:39
saK-Ryan: let me try that command09:39
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vzduchTeraDyne: for Ogg there's ogg123 (or ogg321, or both, I don't remember :P)09:40
ardchoillePoor guy, just converted to Linux and what do we do? we send him out for a week's worth of reading, lol09:41
K-RyanSpeak for yourself, you did it =P09:42
ardchoilleBut those url's will benefit him in the long run09:42
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K-Ryansa: Any luck?09:43
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saK-Ryan: havnt tried yet hehe. I am helping out a friend with his problem :)09:44
K-RyanOh alright, just curious ;)09:44
saK-Ryan: hehe, will try asap09:44
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Evolution2is there a way to access linux from windows with read/write capabilities?09:46
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SlimeyPeteEvolution2: ^^09:46
Evolution2SlimeyPete: where can i get it09:46
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SlimeyPete(that's assuming you're using kubuntu's default ext3 filesystem)09:47
Evolution2it is09:47
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Evolution2SlimeyPete: can you give me a link or something please09:48
SlimeyPeteEvolution2: like I said... www.fs-driver.org09:48
Evolution2iam sorry09:48
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Evolution2i didnt see09:48
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Evolution2SlimeyPete:: how can i use it09:50
SlimeyPeteEvolution2: make sure you read the last paragraph of the Ext3 section of the FAQ, btw09:50
Evolution2i dont understand09:50
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SlimeyPeteEvolution2: just download, install and configure (see instructions on the website). It's very easy.09:50
slowfireCan I run kubuntu on live-cd, if I just want to try it out?09:50
vzduchslowfire: that's what the live CD is for :)09:50
dromerhmm, I'm trying to chroot into this disk, but I keep getting: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied  what's up with that?09:50
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Evolution2sudo maybe?09:51
slowfirevzduch, just as I thought.09:51
dromertried it with sudo -i also09:51
crowbardromer: if you are stacking commands sudo might not distribute across them ..09:51
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SlimeyPeteEvolution2: no, not sudo. it's for Windows.09:51
slowfirevzduch, just like with ubuntu09:51
dromercrowbar: I'm not, I'm just doing sudo chroot /media/disk/09:52
vzduchI prefer Kubuntu mainly because I got so used to the KDE kioslaves :)09:52
_Carlo_hi, is it normal under kubuntu that konsole transparency doesn't work?:P it works fine with yakuake09:52
SlimeyPeteEvolution2: it will allow you to access linux from windows, like you asked. You have to install it in Windows, then you will see your Linux drives in My Computer.09:52
vzduchafter a reboot, that is ;)09:53
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Evolution2it worked09:53
Evolution2thank you09:53
SlimeyPeteno problem :)09:53
slowfirevzduch, Im not used to linux at all, but I like the names of the programs *beeing a bit silly*09:53
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philippe__ALguem me ajuda com caixas de som ?09:55
K-Ryan!es | philippe__09:55
ubotuphilippe__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:55
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TeraDyne_Carlo_: What do you mean by "not working"?09:56
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slowfireK-Ryan, yes, preferring something based on names is not logical to me, not when it comes to computers...09:56
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K-RyanNo I mean, how are they silly?09:57
TeraDyne_Carlo_: I have console transparent right now. I can see my background through my irssi window.09:57
slowfireK-Ryan, I am silly not the programs09:57
K-RyanYou lost me, but okay =)09:57
=== slowfire laughs
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vzduch!pt | philippe__09:58
ubotuphilippe__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.09:59
K-RyanI thought it was Spanish =/09:59
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K-RyanSorry philippe__10:00
TeraDyneK-Ryan: I thought so as well.10:00
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TeraDynewhat's a good cli music player? besides the usual ogg123 and mpg123, of course.10:02
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=== Daisuke_Ido remembers DOS's soundblaster utilities..,
Daisuke_Idoplaycms i think it was10:03
vzduchTeraDyne: try mpd, I know someone who uses it all the time10:03
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binksdudes when i run scan -a0 scan |tee channels.conf i get a error saying >> tee: /channels.conf: Permission denied10:03
TeraDynevzduch: Ok, I will.10:04
binksany ideas10:04
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K-RyanAnyone ever run Feather Linux?10:04
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vzduchROOT detected!10:05
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Ray-hack it ;p10:05
Evolution2i like roads myself10:05
Evolution2idk about routes....10:05
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TeraDyneQuick, Tuxman. To the Sudomobile10:05
saK-Ryan: It worked :)10:05
K-Ryansa: Glad I could help ;)10:06
Daisuke_Idoroot___: i'm going to tell you this for your own good: running as root is really REALLY stupid.  thank you for listening.10:06
K-RyanOh that's why he said that, I didn't notice it10:06
juifhi, i have installed kubuntu (a recent one) wich i then upgraded to feisty then ubuntu-studio, i used the default partitioning scheme. i seriously messed up my install and have files i need to keep and can not backup in my /home dir, is there any way to re-install an ubuntu while keeping my /home dir with that default partitioning scheme ? seems to be all one big partition10:06
KartiIs there a way I can test my 5.1 sound system with a SoundBlaster card so that I can hear each speaker individually? ** and I don't mean put my ear against each one!!**10:07
saK-Ryan: Thank you :)10:07
K-RyanKarti: That _would_ work10:08
pvandewyngaerdeKarti: speaker-test10:08
K-Ryansa: You're welcome10:08
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saK-Ryan: Just dont know what i did with that command, haha10:08
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K-Ryansa: Me either, I just know that's what you have to do =P10:09
saK-Ryan: haha, ok10:09
saK-Ryan: thanks10:09
TeraDynevzduch: mpd is a music player daemon, not a player10:09
K-RyanYou're welcome, feel free to ask about anything else you might need10:09
Kartipvandewyngaerde: It just seems to play noise from them all but says Front Left and repeats10:09
Ray-hello, I got 2 PC's one is running XP and the other is running Kubuntu is there a way to make internet sharing on it? I got a hub not a router10:10
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juifhehe thats waht im doing right now, Ray, using firestarter. but i have two network cards in my kubuntu machine10:11
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Ray-juif: my internet connection is on the XP10:11
Ray-I installed analogex proxy10:11
computercan i pm someone/10:11
juifstick a second network card in and "bridge" them :)10:11
Ray-tested it on other XP machine it worked well but on my kubuntu it aint working10:12
dromerwth, my flashplayer broke after I rebooted? I can't play a youtube-vid past 1 second ..10:12
TeraDynecomputer: just ask your question in the channel10:12
pvandewyngaerdeKarti: yes, its called pink noise i think, use commandline options to test your specific settings: "man speakertest"10:12
Ray-dont know why :\10:12
Ray-juif: not available:P10:12
juifok :) sorry10:12
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dromergah, and my rebot didn't fix the error on chroot10:12
Kartipvandewyngaerde: I have just selected ALSA and getting it to restart on that10:12
K-RyanWhat would I use to burn an ISO to a CD?10:12
=== crash_ is now known as CrunchyFerrett2
computerTeradyne, I have a problem with ndiswrapper, Whenever I reboot the computer I'm forced to have to reinstall the driver for my netgear wg311v3.10:13
TeraDyneK-Ryan: K3B?10:13
K-RyanOh there it is, thanks10:13
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TeraDynecomputer: no idea. maybe someone else will know.10:13
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pvandewyngaerdedo you load the ndiswrapper kernel module at boot ?10:14
CrunchyFerrett2I still havent gotten ndiswrapper to work.10:14
CrunchyFerrett2I gave up.10:14
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CrunchyFerrett2instead I went to watch porn :(10:14
K-RyanAww, I'm sorry to hear that CrunchyFerrett10:15
K-RyanWait, CrunchyFerrett2?10:15
CrunchyFerrett2<---Laptop running Kubuntu10:15
CrunchyFerrett<---- Desktop runnign Vista10:15
K-RyanAh ha10:15
K-RyanWhat color does my name show up as?10:15
saK-Ryan: Thank you, I will. Wish I could say the same but I am a linux noob so wont be of much help. hehe10:15
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CrunchyFerrett2in which app>?10:15
CrunchyFerrett2Here it is... Reddish10:15
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K-Ryansa: It's okay, everyone starts somewhere10:16
=== TeraDyne sends 2 dozen trout to rain down on CrunchyFerrett for using Vista
vzduchK-Ryan: depends on the IRC client.. here it's red10:16
CrunchyFerrettHere its grey10:16
=== K-Ryan laughs at TeraDyne
intelikeyK-Ryan your nick is prsed by your irc client10:16
K-RyanYeah, I meant in Konversation10:16
CrunchyFerrett2Red in Konvo10:16
vzduchirssi ftw!10:16
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TeraDyneStill need a good cli music player besides mpg123 and ogg123.10:17
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K-RyanGuys I'm trying to burn an ISO to a CD and well K3B is giving no progress10:17
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K-RyanGoing on 3 minutes now10:17
Kartipvandewyngaerde: Manythanks - It was speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c610:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:18
jhutchins_ltcomputer: Perhaps you never wrote the module aliases to the config file?10:18
K-RyanNever mind10:18
K-RyanNow I have an actual error10:18
computer_jhutschin_It, How would I do that?10:18
TeraDyneI think I'll just stick to mpg123 and ogg123. Well, just ogg123 if I have my way.10:18
CrunchyFerrett2sudo modprobe -l10:18
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jhutchins_ltcomputer_: It's one of the commands for ndiswrapper.  Let's see if I can find it faster than you can...10:18
CrunchyFerrett2crap, wrong windo10:18
computer_jhuchinsJ_It, Ok ;)10:19
intelikeyTeraDyne http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/37889   use with sox.  :)10:19
vzduchTeraDyne: http://www.musicpd.org/ <-- mpd && libmpdclient10:19
jhutchins_ltcomputer_: ndiswrapper -m10:19
computer_jhutchins_It, tried that... and that's where i get the error..10:20
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jhutchins_ltcomputer_: Which error?10:20
TeraDyneintelikey: nifty. thanks10:20
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computer_WifiDocs/Device/Netgear WG311 v310:20
computer_Configuring the Netgear WG311 v310:20
computer_Getting Started10:20
computer_This how-to was produced using a Feisty Fawn live-cd session. There may be differences in the procedure with earlier or later versions.10:20
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:20
=== computer_ [n=computer@c-71-227-255-190.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
CrunchyFerrett2hm... I see no reference to ndiswrapper when I do a modprobe -l10:20
CrunchyFerrett2Think that might be part of the isssue?10:20
TeraDynevzduch: I will look into mpd when I set up my server. Thanks10:20
computer_omg I did not mean to paste that...10:21
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ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 10:21
jhutchins_ltcomputer: Yeah, remember to use pastebin if you have more than a line or two.10:21
K-RyanApparantly you did computer_ because it asks you if you want to paste it =P10:21
jhutchins_ltHey, I've been known to have unexpected content in the pastebuffer.10:22
computer_K-Ryan, it wasw a tutorial on using ndiswrapper... apparently I copied that :P10:22
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Ray-I forgot how to make the kubuntu see the windows partitions10:22
Ray-its about fstab right?10:22
TeraDyneK-Ryan: Konversation doesn't ask if you want to paste.10:22
jhutchins_ltRay-: Yep.10:22
Ray-there were a script ...10:22
computer_module configuration already contains alias directive10:22
K-RyanTeraDyne: It does when I try to paste in something that's big10:22
jhutchins_lt!ntfs | Ray-10:22
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ubotuRay-: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:22
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TeraDyneK-Ryan: never has for me.10:22
computer_jhuchins_It, this is the error: module configuration already contains alias directive10:22
K-RyanGo figure10:22
K-RyanMaybe I enabled something10:22
Ray-jhutchins_lt: Thank you.10:22
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TeraDyneK-Ryan: Or I disabled something.10:23
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jhutchins_ltcomputer_: Do you get error messages at boot?10:23
computer_jhutchins_It, no because, when i reboot the wireless card is no longer working...10:23
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K-RyanHas anyone else had trouble using K3B to burn an ISO?10:24
jhutchins_ltSorry, lap has been pre-empted by a cat.10:24
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TeraDyneK-Ryan: Ah, found the option. Warning Dialogs > "Warning on pasting large portions of text". I have it off.10:24
K-RyanThat ;)10:24
TeraDyneK-Ryan: did you do an md5sum check on the CD iso?10:25
K-RyanIt does it automatically10:25
reldruhhello. I set up a friend with kubuntu edgy a while back and yesterday she asked me to help her upgrade to feisty. I used the update utility and it seemed to be going well but after it finished there was an error message saying 'changes not commited' It said that either the updates didn't go well or commiting the changes would break compatibility (I think, I didn't write it down). Now her computer won't boot into linux. It hang10:25
reldruhl and it hangs on 'setting up console font and keymap' when I try booting the recovery kernel. Booting into windows works just fine, though. Has anybody else run into this problem?10:25
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CrunchyFerrett2ok. I removed a blacklisted entry from modprobe. How does one go about forcing modprobe to reload the driver?10:25
TeraDyneK-Ryan: Never noticed that. Cool. now I don't have to do it from the terminal.10:26
K-RyanHow do you do it in the terminal?10:26
TeraDyne"md5sum <file>"10:26
jhutchins_ltCrunchyFerrett2:  sudo depmod -a && sudo modprobe <module>10:26
K-Ryanryan@ryan-desktop:~$ md5sum feather-0.7.5.iso10:27
K-Ryane36104401cb47fb5bc0c1cf3994e067d  feather-0.7.5.iso10:27
CrunchyFerrett2What does the "depmod" do?10:27
K-RyanWhat does that mean?10:27
computer_I think im going to reinstall ndiswrapper...10:27
pvandewyngaerdeCrunchyFerrett2:  you can type "whatis depmod" on console, works for every command10:28
TeraDyneK-Ryan: that's the md5sum of the file. compare the alphanumeric string to the one they have on the site to see if it matches.10:28
CrunchyFerrettahem. Yeah. I knew that. I swear I did10:28
TeraDyneor ftp server, if it has an "MD5SUM" file.10:28
computer_never mind...10:29
K-RyanDoesn't solve my problem though =(10:29
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:29
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Daisuke_Idotrying to figure out how to take a series of screenshots from a video and stitch them together, similar to what media player classic does in windows...  so far i can get single snapshots, but that's about it.10:31
K-RyanSo umm, K3B just doesn't seem to want to burn this ISO10:31
CrunchyFerrett2So. Using the bcm43xx drivers, Kubuntu will recongnize the card as eth2. Running ndiswrapper, Kubuntu doesnt even seem to realize it exists.10:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:32
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto10:32
Daisuke_IdoK-Ryan: dual layer dvd by chance?\10:33
K-RyanNo, just a CD10:33
K-RyanIt's ticking me off10:33
CrunchyFerrett2the DVD ISO I just burned wont read under windows.10:33
jhutchins_ltK-Ryan: Bad media?  Dying drive?  I/O problem with the location of the .iso file?10:33
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K-Ryanthe md5sum matches up10:33
K-RyanThe drive is fine I'm pretty sure10:33
K-RyanAnd I have the .iso in my home folder.10:34
jhutchins_ltCrunchyFerrett2: You can do an md5sum of the actual CD to verify the burn:  md5sum /dev/cdrw10:34
CrunchyFerrett2I did.10:34
CrunchyFerrett2It checked out fine10:34
jhutchins_ltBad drive.10:34
K-RyanHim or me?10:34
CrunchyFerrett2Hell Kubunto even looks at it and says "YAY! DVD MOVIE!! DO YOU WANNA WATCH!!!?"10:34
CrunchyFerrett2Windows just looks at me like I'm stupid.10:35
=== K-Ryan giggles
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K-RyanOkay, K3b is trying to write it with SAO at 24x speed10:35
CrunchyFerrett2Of course, I dont have any DVD playign software installed on here...10:35
K-RyanIt's going to say "24x speed not supported, switching to 4x" and then say "Try TAO"10:36
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:36
=== matysek [n=333@116.Red-83-40-177.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanThen it's going to tell me to try DAO when I use that10:36
K-RyanI can't win10:36
K-RyanAnd of course it feels like telling me those things after 3+ minutes10:36
jhutchins_ltK-Ryan: Why would you do session?  Try selecting disk-at-once to begin with.10:37
K-RyanSelecting what?10:37
jhutchins_ltk3b gives you LOTS of progress and diagnostic feedback.10:37
jhutchins_ltK-Ryan: http://www.cdrfaq.org/10:38
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reldruhwill the regular kubuntu cd (not the alternate one) work as a recovery cd if a computer won't boot up?10:39
K-Ryanjhutchins_lt: Like trying to find a needle in a hay stack10:40
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jhutchins_ltK-Ryan: You will know a lot by the time you find the needle.10:40
K-RyanI don't need or want to know a lot10:40
K-RyanI just want this to burn10:40
K-RyanHi killer10110:40
jhutchins_ltOoo.  Wrong thing to say to me, "I don't want to learn".  That's windows talk.10:40
killer101everithing kool10:40
K-RyanIt's not that I don't want to learn10:41
killer101look K-Ryan10:41
K-RyanI don't want to learn everything10:41
killer101can you help me pleaze???10:41
K-Ryankiller101: Ask your question and if someone in the room can help, they usually will10:41
killer101thanx dude10:41
killer101i'm new10:41
killer101sory for the inconvinience10:42
K-RyanWe all were at one point or another10:42
K-RyanAsk away10:42
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CrunchyFerrett2I swear to god, the ubuntu documentation site lies to me10:42
killer101can sombody help me installing amsn on linux???10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:42
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K-Ryan!info amsn10:42
vzduchkiller101: sudo aptitude install amsn10:42
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96+dfsg1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2488 kB, installed size 9108 kB10:42
Kartihow about apt-get install amsn in a Konsole window?10:42
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Ray-I'm getting a warning when I do mount -a10:43
=== JamesUK is now known as JamesGUK
killer101but i've tried that shot10:43
killer101and nothing10:43
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killer101i will just look around10:43
Ray-it says no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab10:43
vzduchkiller101: activate your Universe and Multiverse repos10:43
killer101to many time without using linux10:43
Ray-what is going on ?:/10:43
Kartitry searching for its name with apt-cache search amsn10:43
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:43
intelikeyi need a random number generator for /bin/sh    any clue-by-four ?10:44
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JamesGUKevening.... anyone know a way to hibernate kubuntu and then boot Windows, then reboot and come back to the hibernated kubuntu?10:44
vzduchintelikey: /dev/urandom? *gg*10:44
K-RyanjamesGUK: When you turn off Kubuntu it does the equivalent of Windows's hibernating10:44
intelikeyvzduch that's not numeric10:44
K-RyanIf you have apps open and turn off then turn back on, they will still be open10:44
Kartikiller101: I tried it with sudo apt-get install amsn and it worked fine10:45
killer101thanx karti10:45
killer101i will try back again10:45
K-Ryanjhutchins_lt: What was that disk-at-once you spoke of?10:45
Kartino probs10:45
TeraDyneKarti: that because you had the universe repository enabled.10:45
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JamesGUKK-Ryan: almost but not all apps work --- I also want to avoid the bootup time10:45
intelikeyanyone ?10:45
jhutchins_ltK-Ryan: dao10:45
KartiTeraDyne: True..10:45
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K-RyanJamesGUK: Can't10:45
coreymon77K-Ryan: there is an actual hibernate though10:45
pwilson_Does anyone have experience with Virtualbox?10:46
jhutchins_ltThere's suspend-to-disk.10:46
K-Ryancoreymon77: Does it actually hibernate like in Windows?10:46
pwilson_could use some help if so.10:46
K-RyanFor some reason I thought it didn't10:46
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coreymon77JamesGUK: there is an actual suspend-to-disk hibernate10:46
CrunchyFerrett203:46:03 PM: xine: couldn't find demux for >dvd:///dev/scd0<10:46
CrunchyFerrett203:46:02 PM: xine: found input plugin : DVD Navigator10:46
TeraDyne!anyone | pwilson_10:46
ubotupwilson_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:46
coreymon77K-Ryan: yes10:46
K-RyanOh it does! Well there you go10:46
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coreymon77K-Ryan: i use it all the time10:46
pwilson_Im running XP sp2 in a vbox, I've mounted the guest additions in the vbox, but cannot access shred folders.10:47
pwilson_when I type net use x:\\vboxsvr\share\ in the windows cmd window, I get a server not found error.10:48
JamesGUKcoreymon77: but can I then use grub to boot another OS?  Most hibernates skip the grub process and just reload10:48
coreymon77JamesGUK: yes10:48
coreymon77JamesGUK: its exactly lie windows hibernate10:48
JamesGUKcoreymon77: sounds like what I am looking for .... ta10:49
coreymon77JamesGUK: wait a sec10:49
coreymon77JamesGUK: after a while youll get a black screen10:49
coreymon77JamesGUK: move your mouse and it will ask you for your password10:49
JamesGUKah just like when you suspend to memory?10:49
coreymon77JamesGUK: yes10:49
JamesGUKbrill thanks10:50
JamesGUKhopefully it will work on this laptop10:50
coreymon77you using feisty?10:50
saK-Ryan: hmm, i cannot install anything new anymore10:50
K-Ryansa: Strange...10:51
=== busfahrer` [n=busfahre@p549CE3D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
saK-Ryan: yeah10:51
K-RyanWhat's it say when you try to?10:51
pwilson_anyone else have the no sound issue whtn going from kernel 2.6.20-15 to 20-16?10:51
saK-Ryan: problem downloading packages10:51
vzduchpwilson_: no sound problems here10:51
JamesGUKcoreymon77: if thats 7.04 then yes10:52
pwilson_I'm just sticking to the 20-15 kernel until I've got it figured out.10:52
saK-Ryan: there was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit  would break packages10:52
Daisuke_Idostill frustrated about this screencap issue.  i'm amazed vlc hasn't added something like that10:52
saK-Ryan: funny10:52
K-RyanI've never had that10:52
saK-Ryan: yeah10:52
saK-Ryan: i will look into it tomorrow10:52
saK-Ryan: have worked too much on the computer today10:53
Daisuke_Idosa: sudo apt-get -f install10:53
K-Ryanjhutchins_lt: I picked DAO and it says SAO up top, and I'm still getting no progress10:53
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pvandewyngaerdedisc at once, session at once, both are good10:54
saK-Ryan: it says could not get lock /var...10:54
K-Ryanpvandewyngaerde: Neither work though...10:54
=== Pufendorf [n=fabian@84-75-74-142.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu
saunable to lock the administration directory (/var...) is another program using it?10:54
K-RyanYou have Adept or Synaptic open?10:54
sahold on10:55
salet me try again10:55
K-RyanIt's been over 3 minutes, no progress on the .iso at all10:55
CrunchyFerrett2oh crap nuggets10:55
CrunchyFerrett2DVD encryption crap10:55
saK-Ryan: hmm10:55
sait is installing now10:55
K-RyanOkay here we go10:56
saK-Ryan: what is the -f install command?10:56
=== ricardo [n=ricardo@21.Red-83-49-246.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanMedium or burner do not support writing at 24x speed10:56
K-RyanSwitching burn speed down to 4x10:56
K-RyanPerforming optimum power calibration10:56
K-Ryansending CUE sheet10:56
K-RyanUnable to send CUE sheet10:56
K-RyanSometimes using TAO writing mode solves this issue.10:56
pvandewyngaerdetrack at once10:56
K-RyanTrying TAO...10:57
=== jore [n=jore@e82-103-205-168.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanEven though it's just one iso10:57
K-Ryansa: Not sure10:57
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pvandewyngaerde -f, --fix-broken10:58
K-RyanSwitching to 4x, performing OPC, starting disc write, unable to fixate the disc, the disk might still be readable, Try DAO writing mode10:58
K-RyanI told you, I can't win10:58
pvandewyngaerdeis your recorder broken ?10:58
K-RyanI don't think so10:58
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pvandewyngaerdemaybe your recorder doesn't like the media10:59
jhutchins_ltThat or there's something wrong with your k3b installation.10:59
K-RyanTry for reinstall?10:59
jhutchins_ltpvandewyngaerde: Also possible.10:59
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jhutchins_ltK-Ryan: Be sure to use --purge.10:59
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K-Ryansudo apt-get remove k3b --purge?11:00
pvandewyngaerdeK-Ryan: are you Kate Ryan? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Ryan11:00
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K-RyanNooo, not me11:00
K-RyanI just threw a K in front of my name because everything KDE does11:01
pvandewyngaerdenot anymore11:01
K-RyanAlright alright11:01
Daisuke_Idono, sometimes they throw it at the end11:01
K-RyanI'm not very creative11:01
Daisuke_Idoamarok, juk11:01
K-RyanI get it11:02
CrunchyFerrett2So, can Kubuntu not read commercial DVD movies or something?11:02
coreymon77or they stick a qt in there11:02
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K-Ryan!DVD | CrunchyFerrett211:02
ubotuCrunchyFerrett2: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:02
Dannilionit can if you download some stuff that I believe is illegal in the IS11:02
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saK-Ryan: hehehe11:02
K-RyanYou're welcome11:03
vzduchK-Ryan, CrunchyFerrett2: libdvdcss2 is in the Medibuntu repos11:03
john86does ubuntu work on a a8v deluxe?11:03
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K-RyanI just figured I'd give him that11:03
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DannilionIf I were to KDE my name, I think I'd rather be Dannilionk than KDannilion, as that is just sillly11:03
coreymon77how would that be illegal11:03
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coreymon77if you legally bought and won the dvd11:04
john86does ubuntu work on a8v deluxe?11:04
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Dannilionapparently cracking the encryption on it is illegal in the USA11:04
K-Ryancoremon77: It should be that simple shouldn't it?11:04
HymnToLifecompilerwriter, because the techonology used to crypt it is patented11:04
saK-Ryan: it worked11:04
=== Dannilion is English though so is not completely certain of laws
saK-Ryan: haha11:04
HymnToLifethus you must pay for it if you want to decrypt DVDs11:04
saK-Ryan: thanks...again :)11:05
K-RyanNo problem11:05
Dannilionjohn86: try it and see :p11:05
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Dannilionthough why you're asking if Ubuntu works in the Kubuntu channel I don't know11:05
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K-RyanAlright, trying my newly installed k3b11:06
intelikeyamericans aren't completely certin of laws either,   and betting on how anything will go in an americian coart is vain.11:06
Daisuke_IdoDannilion: because it's the same farking base?11:07
Daisuke_Idothe only difference is the DE11:07
=== SillyZ [n=sillyz@CPE-75-81-174-2.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== intelikey remember O.J.
coreymon77Dannilion: cracking what encryption,. who cares what you use to paly the dvd11:07
=== SillyZ [n=sillyz@CPE-75-81-174-2.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dannilionyes, I know that :) I was just wondering why they were in the Kubuntu channel11:08
coreymon77as long as you are not copying and redistributing it11:08
SillyZsorry for all the connect/disconnects, just setting up Konversation here11:08
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Daisuke_Idocoreymon77: the media conglomerates that take in a tiny amount for every dvd player and dvd software package out there11:08
Daisuke_Idothey care11:08
intelikeycoreymon77 it should be that simple,  but unfortunately it's not always.11:08
=== AbbaMan [n=ubuntu@cpc2-woki1-0-0-cust601.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idothey suck11:08
K-Ryan2 minute mark and K3b has given me nothing...11:08
Daisuke_Idobut they care11:08
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BluesKajK-Ryan, what are you trying to burn ?11:09
=== intelikey thinks of M$
K-RyanA Feather Linux .iso11:09
FroggyTheGreatHeya.  I'm trying to do an "empty trash" via the panel applet, and it's telling me I don't have the right permissions.  Any ideas?11:09
SillyZdd if=featherlinux.iso of=/dev/dvdburner    done11:09
pvandewyngaerdeK-Ryan:  do you have the correct rights as a user to burn media ?11:09
FroggyTheGreatI'd do a "chown" but I can't find the location via command prompt.11:10
K-RyanI'm the only user11:10
K-RyanAnd it's the same account from when I installed Kubuntu11:10
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K-RyanI'm going to try to burn it from my other computer11:10
=== intelikey wonders why !trash is a factiode
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:10
K-RyanIt doesn't seem to be11:11
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kopeteroxeris there any way to hide scrollbar of message windows in kopete?11:11
kopeteroxeri would like to use mouse navigation instead11:11
pvandewyngaerdeFroggyTheGreat: what location are you looking for ?11:12
FroggyTheGreatI want to empty my trash, and it's telling me I don't have permissions to do that.11:12
jhutchinsFroggyTheGreat: Have you been running gui apps using sudo?11:13
FroggyTheGreatBy nature of Kubuntu, yes.11:13
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kopeteroxermaybe y havent permissions to delete the files in trash11:13
FroggyTheGreatAnd how might I go about rectifying that?11:14
=== xst [n=xst@h55eb180c.c45-01-09.sta.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo11:14
Daisuke_IdoFroggyTheGreat: NOT by nature of kubuntu.  gui apps should be run with kdesu, not sudo.11:14
intelikeysudo rm -r ~/Trash       or what ever the name is11:14
FroggyTheGreatIf I could find the trash folder or whatever via command line, I could sudo chown it back, but I can't find it.11:14
xstApparently there has been posted a patch for this bug: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134774 for a long time now. So why isn't it implemented? At least, the kubuntu distro could use the patch11:14
vzduchsudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*11:15
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SillyZlook in .local/share/Trash11:15
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jhutchinsFroggyTheGreat: I would do sudo chown -R <your user> ./kde11:15
intelikeysudo rm -r ~/.local11:15
jhutchinsFroggyTheGreat: And ./local too.11:15
SillyZFroggyTheGreat: Id goto your /home/username dir and do a sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername * personally11:16
vzduchintelikey: I'm sure you don't want to remove the whole ~/.local/ dir11:16
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intelikeyvzduch why ?11:16
vzduchjhutchins: and you should give the correct syntax if you give commands to newbies :)11:16
vzduchintelikey: because there is a dir ~/.local/share/apps/, do you know what's in there?11:17
vzduchyou better check beforehand11:17
JamesGUKbummer dont have enough swap space to hibernate11:17
intelikeyvzduch you have that dir ???11:17
intelikeyvzduch it has never existed on this system11:18
vzduchintelikey: no, I don't, I messed something up.. but I have an application dir in there11:18
coreymon77JamesGUK: try restarting normally11:18
intelikeyheh it's a local temp dir      is it not?11:19
coreymon77JamesGUK: and then try using hibernate11:19
jhutchinsvzduch: What was incorrect?  Did I goof?  I'm just not sure chown -R works on hidden folders, or I'd say chown ~.11:19
vzduchjhutchins: there's no such thing as ./local, e.g.11:19
jhutchinsMore than just emptying the trash, he needs to fix his permissions.11:20
JamesGUKcoreymon77: this is using hibernate  (suspend to ram works fine)11:20
jhutchinsvzduch: There is on mine.11:20
intelikeyvzduch is on mine too11:20
intelikeybut i made it long ago11:20
coreymon77JamesGUK: hibernate meaning suspend to disc11:20
coreymon77JamesGUK: did suspend to disk work11:20
jhutchinsPossibly .local is a hangover from an earlier kde/kubuntu.11:21
jhutchinsvzduch: You will see that my original suggestion was chown -R .kde/11:21
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:21
JamesGUK[ 2401.264000]  swsusp: free swap pages: 11324411:21
JamesGUK[ 2401.264000]  swsusp: Not enough free swap11:21
=== intelikey does rm -r ~/.* :)
vzduchjhutchins: no, it wasn't ;)11:21
vzduch[23:15:38]  < jhutchins> FroggyTheGreat: I would do sudo chown -R <your user> ./kde11:22
SillyZq: nvidia-glx vs nvidia-glx-new   on a nvidia go 7800 / 256mb card, any advantage to using -new?11:22
vzduchlook closely :>11:22
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JamesGUKprobably the problem is I upgraded my RAM after installing 7.04 so the swap size is now too small11:22
coreymon77JamesGUK: okay, do a regular restart11:22
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coreymon77JamesGUK: then try it11:22
jhutchinsvzduch: Well, at least it won't hurt anything.11:22
coreymon77JamesGUK: i get the same message myself sometimes11:22
coreymon77JamesGUK: just restart normally, then it should work11:22
JamesGUKok will try11:23
jhutchinsvzduch: I left a character out of a find ... -exec... command once and deleted all the websites from a server.11:23
vzduchjhutchins: well, you're right there :)11:23
vzduchjhutchins: hrhr11:23
jhutchinsHave I mentioned that it's a good idea to make backups before even talking to me?11:23
vzduchjhutchins: why that?11:24
venikdoes anyone know whether I can copy a HOME folder from an external disk onto my internal disk?11:24
venikI have a backup of my home folder there11:24
vzduchvenik: why not?11:24
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jhutchinsvzduch: Experience is proportional to data destroyed.  I have a lot of experience.11:24
venikIf changes have been made in the meantime...11:25
venikI am worried about dependencies and stuff like that11:25
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CrunchyFerrett2sigh. Lets try this again.11:25
vzduchvenik: if you have important stuff from your current /home, copy it over to your backup beforehand11:25
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:25
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=== intelikey is glad he doesn't have a "lot of experience" cause if it's really proportional, there wouldn't be any data left.....
K-RyanBbl, toying around with Feather Linux11:26
veniksupposed I installed my Kubuntu 6 months ago, made a backup of the home folder on the external drive, crshed my system, reinstalled.11:26
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venikcan I restore my settings by restoring the backup from the home folder on the external drive?11:28
SillyZshould be able to venik as long as its the same version of kde I would think11:28
intelikeymost   but not system wide tweeks venik11:28
jhutchinsvenik: Mostly.11:28
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SillyZI always keep my system setup with the OS on /dev/sda1 then 2 is swap, and /dev/sda3 = /home11:29
venikI tried to use SimpleBackup, but that is not a real program11:29
intelikeytar   man tar11:29
SillyZIve tried Acronis (for windows) and it did backup a reiserfs filesystem, dunno about the restore process tho, never tried it11:30
=== K-Ryan [n=ryan@ool-18be7689.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanHey umm, I put the disc with the .iso in my CD Drive, restarted11:30
SillyZtar cvfj filename.tar.bz2 /path/to/include/*11:30
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K-RyanAnd it just went to the GRUB boot loader after waiting a few seconds longer than usual11:30
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intelikeySillyZ no11:30
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intelikeythe j has to be before the f11:31
K-RyanMight I have done something wrong?11:31
intelikeyelse the filename is j11:31
SillyZIve never had a problem with f before j , and its worked fine11:31
bodzio_who have ATI Radeon 8500?11:31
SillyZj = bzip2 option11:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:31
venikI have a question about sending files with GAIM11:31
venikIt does not seem to work11:31
intelikeySillyZ yes but j == filename   and fj blah will write to j11:32
SillyZI think your wrong, but ok Ill give it a go anyway11:32
bodzio_yes, but I have question - is possible to install ati 8500 on kubuntu 7.04? I heard that are some problems with xorg and this is impossible, is this true?11:32
SillyZintelikey: man tar ... your wrong11:33
intelikeySillyZ unless they have changed the way that tar handels it's options in the last year or two then it still writes to whatever follows f     i'll look into the change log11:33
SillyZtar cvfj test.tar.bz2 path/*  created test.tar.bz2   with the correct files in it11:34
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SillyZ<bows before intellikey> at least we can agree to disagree :D11:34
intelikeySillyZ then it is changed.11:35
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intelikeytty2 [greg$~]  tar -cfj test.tar.bz2 testing11:35
intelikeytar: test.tar.bz2: Cannot stat: No such file or directory11:35
intelikeytar: Error exit delayed from previous errors11:35
intelikeytty2 [greg$~] 11:35
jhutchinsUm, -j is bzip as opposed to -z which is gzip.11:35
intelikeySillyZ the change is within the last year11:35
intelikeySillyZ sorry for being behind.11:36
SillyZdunno when it was changed but thats how ive always used it .... either way it works, j before f or f before j11:36
intelikeyas i said it changed within the last year.11:36
jhutchinsintelikey: I think your error is that you didn't specify what to add to the file.11:37
jhutchinsintelikey: for -cf you need tar -cf file input11:37
=== NetersLandreau_ [n=niles@195.sub-75-201-64.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyjhutchins no i specified a file.11:37
intelikeyjhutchins the file is "testing"11:37
SillyZbrb libhal update11:38
ardchoilleAnd you no longer need the "-", as tar won't do anything unless you give it at least one option11:38
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jhutchins-cjf will not create the file, but will write to it.11:39
intelikeyardchoille the dash is just good form   i know it is not required11:39
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sidneyalguem a?11:39
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intelikeyjhutchins ?11:39
ardchoilletar cjf file.tar.bz2 file  is what I always use11:39
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jhutchinsintelikey: run -cjf, then run -cfj.11:40
ardchoille-cjf creates a file11:40
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jhutchinscfj doesn't return an error, but doesn't appear to do anything.11:41
venikgaim users, anyone?11:41
jhutchinscfj appears to add test.tar.bz2 to file j.11:42
ardchoilleboth -cfj and -cjf work here11:42
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jhutchinsI had always thought the order didn't matter too, but it does appear to.11:43
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ardchoilleNever mattered on all my *buntu releases11:43
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intelikeyhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.us/37893   here argue with the shell all you want.11:43
ardchoilleI use tar for my main backup scheme11:43
intelikeyall i know is how tar works on dapper.  i don't know what all they may or may not have changed,11:44
ardchoilleWell, using Kubuntu Feisty here and both work11:44
ardchoilleMay have changed since dapper11:45
intelikeyardchoille we already established that it must have.  :)11:45
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hilaryhello everyone11:46
K-RyanHi hilary11:46
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Daisuke_Idogood luck on that run for president!11:47
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intelikey /11:47
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coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: ...11:48
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=== intelikey doesn't want a "young upstart" in control of his computer...
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intelikeyso i write my own init system11:49
=== Daisuke_Ido writes on the board 100 times "Think before typing."
Grahamintelikey: You copied that from the ##linux channel.11:49
fyrmedicAnyone know how to ban people in kopete using the yahoo protocol?11:49
intelikeyGraham not really.   but i wrote it in there.11:50
Grahamfyrmedic: Right-click block?11:50
Grahamintelikey: :P I'm just messing with you.11:50
coreymon77Daisuke_Ido: make that 1000 times11:50
Daisuke_Idoah, it was supposed to be 1000, i typoed >_>11:50
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fyrmedicGraham; Unfortunately that option isn't there.11:50
Daisuke_Idothat's my story at least11:51
Grahamfyrmedic: That's well unlucky.11:51
ardchoillekrecipes is quite nice.11:51
GrahamTry typing /ignore in the window.11:51
=== etalli [n=etalli@c-68-43-124-79.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
ardchoilleimports meal master recipe databases11:51
GrahamOr ask then nicely not to talk to you anymore.11:51
intelikey"hey, that's my lie and i'll stand by it until it changes"  *clinton*11:51
fyrmedicGraham; no kidding11:52
GrahamWho is it? Pass me their address and I'll stalk them.11:52
=== twosouls82 [n=twosouls@cc100614-b.assen1.dr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu
ardchoilleintelikey: hahahaha11:53
vzduchanyone know a freely available DVD iso >4 GB out of his/her head?11:53
ardchoillevzduch: the Fedora 7 ISO ?11:53
twosouls82hi all :)11:53
fyrmedicGraham; Thats funny. That is what he is doing to my daughter.11:54
ardchoillevzduch: nm, not > 4gb11:54
vzduchardchoille: afair just under 4 GB.. I burned that a while ago11:54
ardchoillevzduch: Ah, ok11:54
GrahamYour daughter? BTW hey twosouls82.11:55
=== javi [n=javi@127.Red-83-42-98.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyvzduch if it's just a test file make one.   dd if=/dev/random of=testfile.iso bs=1024 count=504857011:55
saintm1777watched movie on gxine and read about sudo. This Kubuntu is cool!11:55
saintm1777Thanks ardchoille!11:55
ardchoilleHe's hooked! :)11:55
=== K-Ryan [n=ryan@ool-18be7689.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
ardchoillesaintm1777: You're welcome :)11:55
saintm1777There are some serious video editing software in here11:56
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saintm1777for FREE!11:56
saintm1777I am wiping my desktop of windows as we speak...11:56
twosouls82as in beer?11:56
ardchoillesaintm1777: You'll find that most software for Linux is free11:56
jussi01saintm1777: nice11:56
saintm1777loving it man...LOVING IT!11:56
Grahamfyrmedic: I'm in, what's the little shits address?11:57
saintm1777you guys are the bees knees!11:57
saintm1777Thank you so much.11:57
ardchoillesaintm1777: I've been using Linux since 2001 and ubuntu since 2004, recently switched to Kubuntu. This is, IMHO, the best distro on the planet.11:57
Grahamsaintm1777: I'm guessing you're single.11:57
saintm1777Chat with you soon11:57
GrahamJust messing with you, that's awesome news :D11:57
saintm1777no. married with 3 year old11:57
GrahamIt's a joke, nevermind :)11:58
fyrmedicGraham; ap4mojo@yahoo.com11:58
=== _Iamda [n=dac@tx-76-6-81-107.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu
saintm1777I know. You think I should get a life! lol11:58
GrahamI'll make you proud.11:58
fyrmedicLet him have it11:58
saintm1777Just excited man11:58
saintm1777I am off to see windows off.11:58
GrahamGood for you.11:58
saintm1777and mess around with linux and apps11:58
saintm1777take care. Speak to you guys soon! (and girls!)11:59
GrahamRight click on his name in the main menu and select stealth mode I think.11:59
ardchoillesaintm1777: Come back and idle in here, I have learned tons of stuff just sitting and watching11:59
Grahamfyrmedic: Do you know any of his personal info?12:00
saintm1777maybe I will just leave this running for a while...12:00
GrahamIf I say soming like "hey dan" he'll shit bricks.12:00
intelikeyGraham does /whois not work ?12:00
jhutchinsDo we need to clean up the channel here?12:00
Grahamintelikey: This isn't in IRC.12:00
Daisuke_Ido!ohmy | Everyone12:00
ubotuEveryone: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:00
fyrmedicGraham; no I don't know anything about him other than he is an obnoxious turd.12:01
saintm1777thank goodness my three year old cann't read12:01
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carlohi, is there a place where can i take kubuntu logo?12:02
intelikeyme too   ?12:02
saintm1777running Kubuntu on a dell d640, 1.8Mhz laptop by the way.  which ran like poo on windows but seems to have found new life this OS12:03
GrahamHe's not accepted me yet.12:03
intelikeyyou could take it to the part.  or to a movie12:03
etallicarlo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuArtwork12:03
carloetalli: thanks12:03
saintm1777My desktop machine should fly once its wiped12:03
etallicarlo: no problem12:03
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ardchoillesaintm1777: Just think, if you get tired of kde, you can install a window manager like fluxbox - nice and fast12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
saintm1777fluxbox? just give me a minute to check that out...12:04
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ubotuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whois - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
intelikey/whois fyrmedic12:05
saintm1777should I register with kde apps?12:05
saintm1777stupid question12:06
_IamdaI'm running Kubuntu 7.04... can I leave the computer on and turn off the monitor?12:06
ardchoille_Iamda: yes12:07
etalli_lamda:  yes12:07
ardchoilleMany folks leave their computers on for months and longer12:07
_Iamdaeven all night?12:07
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K-RyanFor months and longer =)12:07
etalliI've been running straight for 1 month, 23 days12:07
_Iamdawith monitor off...12:08
vzduchCPU[AMD Athlon clocked at 900.072 Mhz]   Kernel[Linux 2.6.20-16-generic i686]   Up[-2days-]   Mem[-152.0/757.5MB-]   HDD[-440GB(18%used)-]   Procs[-105-]   Client[Shell wrapper] 12:08
etalliyeah, the machine goes to standby, and waits.  Although start turning it off if you get rediculous power bills12:08
CrunchyFerrett2Why would dvd::rip think it was going at 200fps?12:09
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CrunchyFerrett2Ive never seen anything rip that fast...12:09
_Iamdareason I ask at night the monitor light disturbs the wife12:09
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Daisuke_IdoCrunchyFerrett2: it probably was12:10
etalli_lamda:  having the monitor off is even better than leaving it on.  Better for the environment, your wallet, your sleep, etc.12:10
_Iamdathank you...12:10
Daisuke_Idobut it's just copying the VOB to the hard drive.12:10
CrunchyFerrett2awww it borked out at the very end12:10
etallino problem12:10
=== freddy__ [n=freddy@adsl-68-72-90-122.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idoencoding is going to take some time, however.12:10
CrunchyFerrett2encoding can take as long as it wants.12:10
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CrunchyFerrett2The rip needs to be done soon though.12:10
CrunchyFerrett2and the frellnig thing keeps bailing out at the last 1000 frames or so.12:11
Daisuke_Idoyou just copying dvd to dvd?12:11
Daisuke_Idoor you goign to encode to mpeg-4?12:11
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CrunchyFerrett2Gonna encode to DiVX, as soon as I can figure out how to do so in Linux12:11
Daisuke_Idodvd::rip :)12:11
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CrunchyFerrett2atm I just want to rip it12:11
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grishnakheh .. im trying to figure out how to play divX or any compressed video format ..12:12
=== Admiral_1hicago_ [n=FreddyM@adsl-68-72-90-122.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:12
etalliCrunchyFerret, that was my bot call12:12
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CrunchyFerrett2say waht now?12:12
etalliyou beat me to it12:12
CrunchyFerrett2oh lol. I was doing it for me actually12:13
psycoseHi, i try to build an Ada binding to Qt4.2 on Ubuntu feisty i386 up to date (with KDE) the problem is a the end of the build process , there are lot's of unreferenced symbol like  undefined reference to `QScriptEngine::evaluate(QString const&)' anyt ips thanks ?12:13
etallioh, :)12:13
saintm1777just seen tabs in fluxbox. cool12:13
etalliI generally just /msg ubotu divx12:13
=== freddy__ is now known as posingaspopular
jordan_Hello... I have a small problem. When I run Adept or the "Add/Remove Programs" in Kubuntu, I get this error that says something like: "Cannot run while another instance is running already. Please check to make sure another adept or aptitude instance is not running". And then the program closes. I am curious if anyone can help?12:14
=== twosouls82 [n=twosouls@cc100614-b.assen1.dr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu
CrunchyFerrett2Failed again12:14
CrunchyFerrett2at 5s remaining.12:14
CrunchyFerrett2What the heck is going on?12:14
CrunchyFerrett2Scratched disc maybe?12:14
saintm1777anyone know how to get automatic updates to download and install.  Used Adept but will fetch, don't know if they install. do I just need to install the ones I want?12:14
Daisuke_Idocss protection?12:14
CrunchyFerrett2Could be. But I installed that libdvdcss2 thing12:15
etallijordan_  You have to make sure that you are not already running Adept, aptitude, apt-get, adept updater, or anything that uses apt12:15
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hilaryDoes anyone know whether they can get a Nintendo DS usb dongle working on a Linux computer? Nintendo say the dongles only for Windows XP but I've heard some people have got it working for Linux too. Anyone know anything about it? I'd prefer it if i didnt have to buy a new dongle or a wireless router :P12:15
ardchoillesaintm1777: You should download and install *ALL* updates that are available. You'll only get updates for software you have installed. This is one nice feature of a package manager.12:15
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intelikey/exec -o echo "`whoami` `pwd` #and i could say iptables -L  hehhe"12:16
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jhutchins!aptfix | jordan_12:16
ubotujordan_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 12:16
saintm1777starting install on desktop pc. I feel like a kid at Christmas12:16
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ardchoilleintelikey: oh noes!12:17
intelikeyand some times (albeit not too often)  the updates will break things that are working....12:17
=== mario [n=mario@biw115.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
saintm1777I used that ubotu...worked the charm12:17
jhutchins!aptfix | jordan_12:17
ubotujordan_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 12:17
jhutchinsOops, sorry.12:17
CrunchyFerrett2hang on a tic...12:17
saintm1777still dont know what it means but just copied and pasted.12:17
jhutchinsCrunchyFerrett2: Dirty lenz?12:17
CrunchyFerrett2Im going to need to have xvid and divx and whatnot installed, arent I?12:17
jordan_Okay, I am working on the Konsole command now... I will respond back in a moment.12:18
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:18
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:18
saintm1777I know the sudo part now12:18
=== smcnamara [n=smcnamar@su-fw-01.palmsource.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo12:18
=== binks [n=binks@82-38-226-77.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
ardchoillesaintm1777: Be careful with sudo, it allows you to work as root and you can damage your system if you make a mistake. It's good to make a backup of a file before editing with sudo just to be safe.12:19
saintm1777okay. thanks.12:19
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saintm1777once the pc is installed I will muck about on laptop12:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:19
ardchoillesaintm1777: You think it's cool now, wait til you learn how to write your own shell scripts ;)12:20
jhutchinsCrunchyFerrett2: I don't think divx problems are going to manefest late in a process.12:20
intelikeyhowto unlock an account when passwd is not installed ?12:20
CrunchyFerrett2the vobs only missing the last 1000 frames.12:20
kerncoI just installed compiz fusion on Kubuntu 7.04 and when I run "compiz --replace" it leaves me without window decorations12:20
jhutchinsintelikey: Reinstall - the system won't run without passwd.12:20
CrunchyFerrett2So Im gonna see if I can encode the file without those last frames, see what happens12:20
jhutchinsCrunchyFerrett2: Ah, I thought we were still burning DVD's.12:20
intelikeyjhutchins has been for months i don't know why it "won't"  :)12:20
=== freddy__ [n=freddy@adsl-68-72-101-70.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhutchinsintelikey: Yet you claim passwd is not installed?12:21
intelikeyit's not12:21
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jhutchinswhy not just install it then?12:21
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saintm1777installing java support on firefox crashes on me and locks database...and solution...happens after it asks me to agree to licence.12:21
intelikeyit depends on things i don't want installed12:21
intelikeybut can't one simply edit /etc/shadow and change to a * or something ?12:22
jhutchinsintelikey: vipw then?12:22
etalliSysinfo for 'etalli-laptop': Linux 2.6.20-16-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.86GHz at 798 MHz (1597 bogomips), HD: 3/52GB, RAM: 709/1003MB, 102 proc's, 1.43h up12:22
intelikey-root: vipw: command not found12:22
intelikeyprobably comes with passwd   ...12:23
ardchoilleintelikey: a locked account would have a "!"12:23
intelikeyyeah and one with no paswd would have *   correct ?12:23
=== binks [n=binks@82-38-226-77.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
saintm1777burnt my first cd on linux today.  VCD with k3b.  had to install number of libs but worked fine afterward12:24
ardchoilleno, you would need to replace ! with a md5sum'd pass iirc12:24
jhutchinsintelikey: Heh.  Part of the passwd package.12:24
ardchoilleintelikey: Take a look at the root entry in /etc/shadow12:24
intelikeywhat about it ardchoille ?12:25
intelikeyit's just like all of the entries in there12:25
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ardchoilleright, now look at your user entry; the ! is replaced with a md5sum'd pass12:25
ardchoillenot here12:25
ardchoillemust be a diff in dapper12:26
intelikeyno differance in mine and root and all the rest.12:26
CrunchyFerrett2oh lord no12:26
CrunchyFerrett2Im no where near the burning stage yet12:26
intelikeyardchoille no, it's just that there are "NO" passwords12:26
CrunchyFerrett2stupid Hollywood and their content protection12:26
jhutchinsvipw doesn't work on shadow anyway.12:26
intelikeyardchoille all accounts are locked and all passwords are deleted.12:26
ardchoilleintelikey: Ah, ok. well an unlocked accout would be:  user:md5sum_here:7:::    I believe12:27
intelikeyhmmmm ok.12:27
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ardchoilleno, that's wrong: username:md5sum_here:13669:0:99999:7:::12:28
ardchoillethat's how mine is set up12:28
K-RyanHey if burning a Feather Linux iso didn't work before, do you think I would be able to burn Knoppix to a CD?12:28
K-RyanProbably not, right?12:28
ardchoilleK-Ryan: Did you check the md5sum before burning?12:28
K-RyanI haven't finished downloading it yet12:28
jhutchinsK-Ryan: Right.12:28
ardchoillecould have been a corrupt download12:28
jhutchinsardchoille: Passed md5sum.12:28
jhutchinsardchoille: His burner is not getting along with his media, it may be toast.12:29
K-RyanFeather Linux did12:29
psycoseBuilding an Qt application on Ubuntu feisty, the following reference are undefinied any tips ? thanks QScriptEngine::~QScriptEngine ;QScriptValue::~QScriptValue() ; QScriptValue::setProperty ; QScriptEngine::globalObject() thanks12:29
ardchoillejhutchins: Ah, ok12:29
=== ^peter^ [n=peter@dsl-0-30.vic1.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanMy brother is stubborn and won't get off Maple Story to let me use his computer to burn this so I'm just giving it all I've got on here12:29
=== Edulix [n=edulix@44.Red-83-60-208.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanI swear all he does is play games -.-12:29
vzduchstupid game junkies..12:30
jhutchinsK-Ryan: New burner is like $35US.12:30
K-Ryanjhutchins: This model has the CD and DVD drives _riveted_ in12:31
jhutchinsK-Ryan: I have an electric drill...12:31
K-RyanWell, they're screwed into a very small cage that's riveted together12:31
ardchoillethat sucks out loud12:31
TeraDyneK-Ryan: Maple Story... ugh... I perfer something along the lines of "The World"12:31
K-RyanSo I can unscrew them and shift them back and forth12:31
K-RyanNot that that does anything for me...12:31
=== andrea_ [n=andrea@host65-229-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
CrunchyFerrett2I knew better than to make this mistake12:32
K-RyanI need a new computer but don't have the money for one12:32
jhutchinsK-Ryan: You're probably missing something.12:32
CrunchyFerrett2Tried to encode a file with a codec that wasnt isntalled.12:32
TeraDyneCrunchyFerrett2: XD Nice one.12:32
K-Ryanjhutchins: I've been all over this thing, there's no way I'm missing anything12:32
jhutchinsCrunchyFerrett2: I've found avidemux2 and tovid very useful in authoring DVD's.12:32
CrunchyFerrett2Not trying to author a DVD12:32
=== Mr_Green [n=cody@S0106001346fa20c1.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanAlthough if anyone has an okay computer they no longer use and feels like giving it to me, I'll pay shipping =)12:32
jhutchinsK-Ryan: My philosophy has always been if somebody else can build it, I can take it apart and re-build it.12:32
CrunchyFerrett2trying to rip one to my library, so I can stick the DVD itself someplace safe12:33
K-Ryanjhutchins: I'm sure I could, I just lack the materials to rebuild it =)12:33
CrunchyFerrett2If I could only figure out why the rip process keeps failing at the last 5seconds, I'd be happier than a pig in ****12:33
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jhutchinsK-Ryan: It's possible that you need to do something like remove the front panel from the case first.12:33
K-RyanCan't really do that12:34
K-RyanThis has a side panel that comes off12:34
K-RyanThat's it12:34
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jhutchinsBigger hammer.12:34
=== elbing [n=elbing@143.Red-83-40-150.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
CrunchyFerrett218.5 FPS encode rate.12:34
CrunchyFerrett2I have this laptop12:34
psycosehi, using KDE with Ubuntu Feisty (i386, up to date KDE 3.5.6) lib Qt 3 & 4, i got lot's of undefined reference, all from QtScript module any tips thanks , here it is http://rafb.net/p/4PXPgA75.html12:35
=== intelikey hands K-Ryan the plus O_2 fire wrench
jhutchinsK-Ryan: I'll bet there's a way to get that front panel off.12:35
jhutchinsK-Ryan: CD drives are usually meant to be servicible.12:35
K-RyanNot this12:35
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K-RyanIt's stuck in there until I rip the casing apart12:35
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jhutchinsK-Ryan: You pay shipping both ways, I'll replace the drive for what it costs me.12:36
=== TeraDyne hands K-Ryan a chainsaw.
K-RyanWhat's the case going to look like when I get it back? =)12:36
K-Ryan"Case? What case? It didn't come with a case?"12:37
jhutchinsK-Ryan: As good or better.  I usually charge $75 - $150/hr.12:37
intelikeyhehhe      "hey, that's my lie and i'll stand by it until it changes"  *clinton*12:37

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