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=== Topic for #launchpad: Launchpad https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 5 July 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by flacoste at Fri Jun 29 18:02:45 2007
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ubotuNew bug: #123465 in launchpad "Cannot attach more than 1 file to a bug report" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12346504:50
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Launchpad https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 5 July 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by flacoste at Fri Jun 29 18:02:45 2007
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ubotuNew bug: #123482 in launchpad "No bidirectional tracking of duplicated bug reports" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12348208:50
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jtvcarlos: hi09:45
carlosjtv: hey09:49
carlosback at home?09:49
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jtvStill living on London time.  Harder to adjust to shorter days than to longer ones.09:53
carlosso you have two weeks to be back to normality and then, back to European time ;-)09:55
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jtvcarlos: thanks, that really cheers me up09:55
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ubotuNew bug: #123494 in blueprint "Need small "Register a blueprint" button images" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12349410:45
ubotuNew bug: #123496 in launchpad "Need crowd icons" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12349611:00
ubotuNew bug: #123503 in launchpad "Need "frequent contributor" icon" [Medium,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12350311:26
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aa_hi, any way I can get my bug tracker listed at bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers?11:47
carlosaa_: do you see a link up on the left of that page that says 'Register bugtracker' ?11:48
carlosunder 'Actions' label11:49
aa_carlos: oh, yed I do :) sorry11:49
aa_ok I have registered that, and set it up in my launchpad-usage. Should anything happen?11:53
carloswhich project are you talking about?11:56
aa_the trac is listed as the bug tracker, but then when I visit the trac page, it says "no projects are registered with this"11:57
aa_I suspect I am using something wrong11:57
carlosaa_: you shouldn't net as 'using bugs'11:57
aa_actually I want to use launchpad and trac11:57
carlosaa_: you shouldn't set it as 'using bugs'11:58
carlosaa_: but do you want to use Launchpad bug tracker??11:58
carlosor other functionalities and leave bugs in trac?11:58
aa_well, we use trac for some internal implementation stuff11:58
carlosso you want to use both11:58
aa_yes, if possible11:59
carlosas far as I know, is not possible to integrate both12:00
carlosbut you should talk with BjornT about it, he would help you more12:00
aa_"you can link a registered bug tracker with a registered project" * there are no projects linked to this bug tracker12:00
aa_oh ok, thanks12:00
carlosaa_: you can link track with Launchpad, but you lose the option to use Launchpad as a bug tracker12:01
carlosor you can use Launchpad as bug tracker, but then you lose the link option12:01
aa_well, can I try it out without losing my launchpad tickets?12:01
carlosI don't think they will be removed, although I don't know how would it work12:01
carlosbetter check with BjornT12:01
aa_oh ok12:02
aa_BjornT: ping?12:02
aa_at the moment when I set my trac as the bug tracker for the project it doesn't actually do anything12:02
aa_(apart from show the link on the project page)12:02
aa_the bugtracker page doesn't show the project12:03
aa_carlos: since you seem to know everything, is there a way to get rid of all the blueprints on the trac? they are confusing my users as I used them incorrectly from the start12:05
BjornTaa_: pong12:08
aa_BjornT: hi, sorry to bother you, carlos mentioned that you might be able to help me with using a Trac and launchpad bugs together (if this is possible or not)12:09
carlosaa_: What do you mean about all blueprints on the trac? you mean in your trac installation?12:09
carlosaa_: I'm not familiar with trac...12:10
jtvtrac wiki pages perhaps?12:10
aa_carlos: oh damn, I meant launchpad, sorry all this thing is getting me confused12:10
BjornTaa_: no, sorry, it's not possible to use both launchpad and an external bug tracker for a single project.12:11
carlosaa_: I don't see blueprints for your project, do you want to deactivate Blueprints feature?12:11
BjornTaa_: i'm interested to hear how you were planning to use it, though.12:11
aa_BjornT: ok, thanks, and if I set a project's bug tracker as an external trac, should the project appear in the external-trac's page12:11
aa_carlos: "list all blueprints" shows them12:12
carlosaa_: if that's the case, there is no way to deactivate it12:12
carlosaa_: from which page?12:12
aa_carlos: http://blueprints.launchpad.net/pida/12:12
BjornTaa_: well, it should... but it won't. i'll file a bug about it.12:13
BjornTaa_: only "project groups" are shown atm12:13
aa_BjornT: well, we use trac for developers to discuss implementation details really. Sometimes a bug on launchpad will map to a few tickets in trac as the devs implement it.12:14
carlosaa_: oh, I see, all are either obsolete or implemented that's why the default page was empty12:14
aa_carlos: yeah, I tried to get rid of them like that12:14
carlosaa_: as far as I know, there is no way to remove them. If you really want to remove them, you should try to talk with an admin. Please, file a ticket on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad12:15
aa_ok thanks12:16
aa_BjornT: and if a project is registered to use an external tracker, do the external bugs get imported or anything?12:16
=== carlos -> out
BjornTaa_: no, not yet. there are some plans for importing the bugs, though, providing a mirror of the external tracker.12:18
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aa_BjornT: ok thanks for all your help12:19
BjornTaa_: np12:20
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Hobbseehi BjornT 12:22
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siretartany soyuz gods around? I need someone to look why my g-wrap uploads have been eaten :(12:23
BjornThi Hobbsee 12:23
aa_man I am full of pain today12:23
aa_I am looking for a "vcs-import" member or "launchpad administrator"12:24
aa_I discussed googlecode imports with someone on Friday, but I can't remember who unfortunately12:24
BjornTaa_: ddaa or mwhudson should be able to help you12:25
aa_ah yes ddaa it was I think12:25
ddaaaa_: hullo12:25
aa_ddaa: hello12:25
aa_I think I was discussing with you about googlecode imports?12:25
ddaathe other folk in the gang is mwhudson12:26
aa_well we now have a mirror of our repo on http:// somewhere12:26
ddaabeing more specific would help :)12:26
aa_but the launchpad is locked12:26
aa_ah ok :)12:26
aa_for project pida12:26
aa_sorry http://pida.co.uk/svn/trunk12:27
ddaaI see you have put that in the trunk series12:27
ddaathat's good12:27
ddaait's the right place to put a trunk import :)12:27
aa_but what about the 0.5 series import that is locked?12:28
ddaaI'll clear it out.12:28
aa_we don't really use branches and things :)12:28
aa_(with svn it is easier to write the code on your hand than merge branches)12:29
ddaayou'd be amazed at what some people do12:29
ddaaaa_: are you planning on updating the pida.co.uk mirror regurlarly?12:36
aa_ddaa: it is svnsync'd every 300 seconds12:38
ddaawe'll keep the svn import running of pida.co.uk12:38
ddaaif you need us to switch it to update from googlecode, file a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+addquestion12:39
aa_ok, thanks12:39
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ubotuNew bug: #123518 in malone "The "Related projects" portlet for an external bug tracker doesn't list all projects using the bug tracker" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12351812:51
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ronnygot confused about translation stuff - what country maps to the language "German, Low" (i misstok it for "German")01:00
jtvIsn't that just one of the forms of German spoken in Germany?01:09
jtv(Not to be confused with Low Dutch, which I think is now called simply Dutch)01:10
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carlosjtv: nice picture :-P01:42
jtvThat was just after I arrived.01:42
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JimQodehow long does it usually take before an ubuntu bug is confirmed?02:10
mranostay|workJimQode: you can update it to the "Confirmed" status by yourself i believe02:16
mranostay|worki did for my bug02:16
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JimQodehmm is that the usual way?02:18
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ronnyjtv: "German, Low" looks like a form of german thats spoken outside of germany02:24
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ubotuNew bug: #123534 in soyuz "Closing bugs from changelogs breaks if the changelog contains a URL" [Critical,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12353402:26
jtvronny: I don't know that much about it, so I'll believe you :)02:35
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SteveABjornT: ping02:49
=== mode/#launchpad [-o SteveA] by SteveA
SteveAallenap: ping02:49
allenapSteveA: pong02:50
SteveAallenap: gmb is graham, who's starting today on the bug tracker team02:50
SteveAgmb: allenap is gavin, who works on the bug tracker team02:50
allenapgmb: Hi there! Welcome along!02:50
BjornTSteveA: pong02:50
gmballenap: Hi, nice to be here.02:51
SteveABjornT: as above :-)02:51
BjornTgmb: hi, welcome!02:51
gmbHi BjornT.02:51
BjornTgmb: do you alredy know what you have to do today (i.e. new staff tasks)02:53
gmbBjornT: Just about to take a look, in fact.02:53
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AonEvilhello!every baby!04:26
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glatzorhi carlos and danilos. the recently added changed in launchpad filter returns a lot of false positives.04:29
glatzorcarlos: danilos: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/kdelibs/+pots/kio/de/+translate?batch=10&show=changed_in_launchpad04:29
Kuhrschercarlos: danilos: Even better:04:30
glatzordanilos: carlos: the mentioned translators have never used Launchpad personally. 04:30
Kuhrscherdanilos: carlos: None (or almost none) of this strings has been changed in Rosetta, but they are locked by "Changed in Launchpad"04:31
Kuhrscherdanilos: carlos:  And there are similar issues for other languages as well...04:32
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danilosKuhrscher, glatzor: look at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/koffice/+pots/kexi/de/+translate?batch=10&show=changed_in_launchpad04:32
danilosKuhrscher, glatzor: "Packaged" is different in each of the cases, are you saying that this is not true?04:32
carlosKuhrscher, glatzor: Also, you should look at the Reviewed by field. That's the person that activate that translation04:33
Kuhrscher"Packaged" is absolutely correct. But the string did not get actualized in Launchpad.04:34
carloswe set as 'Translator' the first person that introduced that string in launchpad for that package so it could come from a previous 'upstream' upload04:34
danilosanother thing: attribution is often incorrect, because on package uploads, Last-Translator is used as the 'translated by' on any *new* translations, but old translations keep their 'translated by' when that import was done04:34
danilosand 'reviewed by' was previously very often incorrectly set, which should be fixed now04:35
KuhrscherThat's not the problem. All of these strings come from usptream imports. But they got changed upstream some months later.04:35
KuhrscherThese changes only appeared as "suggestion"04:36
Kuhrscherbecause the old upstream string is locked by "changed in lauchpad"04:36
danilosKuhrscher: you can try fixing it on edge by selecting the 'packaged' translation, or wait until that rolls out to production at the end of July04:37
danilosKuhrscher: however, note that edge might be unstable so you it might be risky (it rarely is, but it might happen)04:38
KuhrscherDo you have any idea, why these strings (and many, many others) are locked for updates?04:38
carlosKuhrscher: you are not logged in04:39
carlosit's a different site so the cookie from production server is not shared04:39
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KuhrscherNo, my question was, do you have any idea why Launchpad thinks that these strings have been changed in Launchpad and refuses updates?04:41
carlosaren't you able to change it submitting the form or doing .po uploads as an user upload?04:42
Kuhrschercarlos: You don't get my problem ;-)04:43
Kuhrschercarlos: Of cause I can fix this issues. Manually or by a user upload.04:43
glatzordanilos: carlos: Just to be sure: packaged means coming from upstream?04:44
Kuhrschercarlos: But I would like to know what happed during the import of upstream translations that resulted in this issue.04:44
danilosglatzor: no, it means coming from an Ubuntu package, which sometimes introduces some changes, but is mostly the same as upstream04:44
danilosKuhrscher: they have probably been changed in Launchpad: are you saying that you never 'selected' these translations or uploaded a PO file which came from upstream?04:45
Kuhrschercarlos: None of the strings has been changed in Launchapd.04:45
KuhrscherThats it :)04:45
carlosKuhrscher: the only reason I can give you is the same I gave you already other times, at some point, there was a change from upstream there and thus, future updates from Ubuntu packages are not applied automatically04:46
danilosKuhrscher: and no file has been uploaded?04:46
carlosKuhrscher: with the new UI this will be more easy to detect04:46
KuhrscherKexi perhaps, but I never did anything to Kio (the first link)04:46
KuhrscherAlmost all KDE packages show such strings. I did only a few manual uploads.04:47
carlosKuhrscher: you didn't but https://edge.launchpad.net/~tr did04:48
carlosor that's what our records say04:48
KuhrscherThomas Reitelbach is the coordinator of the upstream KDE team and never worked in Laucnhpad.04:48
carlosKuhrscher: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/kdelibs/+pots/kio/de/+translate?batch=10&show=changed_in_launchpad04:48
carlosKuhrscher: he has a valid account04:48
KuhrscherThat is possible, but he was never a member of the translation team, right?04:49
KuhrscherAnd Burkhard Lck (see Kexi) never had an account, right?04:49
carlosno he's not04:50
carlosI just checked it04:50
=== carlos talks about Thomas
KuhrscherI know Thomas quite well and I know that he never activly worked in Launchpad.04:51
carlosKuhrscher: don't worry, Launchpad activity confirms that04:51
KuhrscherPerhaps he vraeted an account to look into the translations...04:51
carlosKuhrscher: I would need to investigate this further04:52
KuhrscherOk, you understand now why I am so irritated about this issue :)04:53
carloslet me finish something I'm doing right now, I will file a bug about this and will give you its number so you can track its status, ok?04:53
danilosKuhrscher: as I said, we had some problems with the attribution fields until lately, so he could be set as reviewer just through the upload from package04:53
carlosKuhrscher: danilos is right04:54
carlosanyway, I will try to confirm it, just to be sure04:54
KuhrscherThat might be true. But this does not explain why that strings are locked at all.04:54
KuhrscherHave a look at this:04:55
danilosKuhrscher: what do you mean by 'locked'?04:55
KuhrscherThey dont get acualized, because Launchpad thinks they have been changed04:56
carlosKuhrscher: it's easy. If it's different, it's 'locked'04:56
carlosit should match what we have in our records as coming from packaged/upstream version04:56
carlosor next update will not be updated04:56
KuhrscherYes, but only if it had been cahnged in Launchpad, right? Upstream changes just get imported as new translation, right?04:57
glatzordanilos: carlos: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/gnome-media/+pots/gnome-media-2.0/de/+translate?batch=10&show=changed_in_launchpad04:58
Hobbseecprov: ping?04:58
carlosyeah, although some time ago I fixed a bug that was not doing the right thing in those cases, so there is some data that would be 'locked' when it shouldn't. I fixed the problem, but the data is not easy to fix automatically04:59
cprovHobbsee: pong04:59
carlosKuhrscher: so *maybe* that's the reason for that concrete case. But I cannot tell you for sure04:59
Hobbseecprov: any chance you can tell me what the dput.cf details of the ppa stuff is?  i've lost my logs, and formatted the machine, so have no record :(04:59
Kuhrschercarlos: Between April and September 2006?05:00
cprovHobbsee: sure, there is a wiki page, one second05:00
KuhrscherAll of these strings have been imported in April or May 200605:00
carlosI think so, yes05:00
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carloslet me see whether I find a trace of my fix with the date it was done05:00
glatzordanilos: carlos: the reviewer is not a member of the German translator team and the "changed" translations block the latest upstream changes.05:02
danilosKuhrscher: you can 'unlock' them atm by using edge, or waiting for 1.1.7 at the end of July... there's not much we can do right now with earlier bugs05:02
danilosglatzor: ^^05:02
KuhrscherHmm, ok. But nice to know that this won't happen again :)05:04
glatzordanilos: Sorry, but I don't think that I have got the time to look at all translations05:04
ubotuNew bug: #123566 in launchpad "include parts of the prober logs in the email notifications sent to admins" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12356605:05
glatzordanilos: furthermore the bug doesn't seem to be so old. it dates back to 2th june this year.05:05
carlosKuhrscher: I fixed a bug that was doing some 'lock' of translations on April this year05:06
carlosKuhrscher: but I cannot tell you for how long was it happening05:06
danilosglatzor: that's not true... just the reviewer has been attributed incorrectly until June 2nd, the data has been 'changed in launchpad' for much longer05:06
daniloshowever, I don't know what bug it was caused by, and I'll try to get some time together with carlos to look into it, and see if we can track down all possible issues, and fix them05:07
KuhrscherBtw: Bug 107737 refers to the same issue.05:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107737 in rosetta "Old upstream strings locked by "changed in launchpad"" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/107737 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos)05:08
carlosKuhrscher: ok, thanks for noting it. I don't need to file a bug about it05:08
glatzordanilos: so the wrong setting of the reviewer attribute is a different bug?05:09
carlosglatzor: usually, having a reviewer someone that is not member of a team is just coming from a data migration done by us based on who did that translation05:09
carlosthat was one when we started to track who approved a change05:10
danilosglatzor: yeah, it was not really a bug, but just bad semantics (we set 'reviewer' simply on upload from the package to the same value as in 'last-translator', and sometimes picked up a translation which was in our DB earlier); we've changed the semantics now so reviewer will only be a reviewer if she has done approval through Launchpad05:10
carlosand recently, we had to do it again for some entries due to a bug we had when we were not setting that field correctly05:10
carlosglatzor: danilos' explanation is more complete :-)05:11
danilosKuhrscher: btw, re 107737, doing a user upload means that you have lost all connections to upstream translations inside our DB (basically, user upload is same as you editing those translations through LP web), so carlos shouldn't have suggested that in the bug (it was just a short-term workaround)05:12
danilosglatzor, Kuhrscher: after many requests, we will consider allowing giving precedence to packaged translations over LP-ones, so that should be a long-term solution05:13
glatzorcarlos: danilos: so what are the next steps? do you think that you can provide a way to detect these strings automatically?05:13
carlosglatzor: I don't think we would be able, that's why we didn't do it in first place05:15
carlosand we are adding tools to help people to see it and fix it05:15
danilosglatzor: as I said above, I don't know what it was caused by, so we'll have to track it down first, and only then will we be able to tell if we can do it (generally, though, we don't have clear metadata to help us with that)05:15
glatzorcarlos: danilos: are you going to inform the other teams?05:15
danilosglatzor: basically, we can not promise you any quick fix05:15
jtvcarlos, danilo: would it make sense to have an age filter, on the assumption that if there was a real problem with a translation, upstream would probably fix it within n months?05:15
carlosjtv: I don't get your point, sorry05:16
jtvOr better, an "upstream is newer than LP change" filter?05:16
danilosjtv: not any more than just giving precedence to packaged translations05:16
danilosglatzor: also worth noting is that there have probably been suggestions sent via LP which are older than review date, so they are not shown anymore05:17
glatzorcarlos: danilos: to be honest this issue also let me think that we should think about resetting the whole German translation.05:18
jtvWhat about giving precedence to the most recent of the two (upstream translation vs. approved translation in LP)?05:18
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danilosjtv: it's the same as preferring upstream translation, since we only get a single date for entire PO file upload in PO-Revision-Date, which is usually very recent05:18
danilos(and comes from the last upstream update on entire PO file, not on message)05:19
jtvah, so we don't really know how far back a particular translation inside a pofile goes05:19
danilosjtv: no, PO file format is not that rich :)05:19
jtvwell, it wouldn't have to come from the file format: I imagine we could, in theory, compare every incoming upstream translation to what we already have05:20
jtvon a message-by-message basis05:20
danilosjtv: that's what we already do, except we do it in the context of PO files, not globally05:20
ubotuNew bug: #123567 in launchpad "Allow registration of both archive and release mirrors in a single page" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12356705:21
danilosjtv: which is part of the explanation of the problem glatzor and Kuhrscher are complaining about: on latest import, we matched existing translation in our DB which came from Thomas, and the upload itself had Last-Translator set to Thomas as well05:21
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jtvSo if someone uploads a PO file that is a copy of the upstream one, but with one string changed...05:24
danilosjtv: too many scenarios to give a reasonable response: any concrete point? :)05:26
jtvnot yet.  You know me, just exploring the issue.  :-)05:26
danilosjtv: ok, then two major scenarios: nothing has been changed in LP so far: then just that one string is updated05:27
jtvAh, so that doesn't keep overriding entire upstream PO files?05:27
danilosjtv: another scenario, something has been changed in LP already: those messages get reverted to translations from upstream, but losing the marking as 'upstream', and the one odd string gets updated05:27
jtvYes, that sounds like the only thing LP can do05:28
jtvI mean, we can't expect software to guess which translations are "better" in that situation.  :)05:30
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danilosjtv: right :)05:32
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aa_is launchpad down or is it me?05:47
aa_maybe just bugs.launchpad.net ?05:47
Hobbseeaa_: just you05:48
aa_ok thanks05:49
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ubotuNew bug: #123581 in launchpad "There should be official, unofficial and pending-review mirrors" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12358106:25
ubotuNew bug: #123583 in launchpad "Change the freshness statuses we have for distrubution mirrors" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12358306:35
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ubotuNew bug: #123592 in launchpad "DatabaseClassSet.get methods have inconsistent interfaces" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12359207:30
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mptGoooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!09:00
jelmerHey mpt 09:16
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datohelo. it is possible to "subscribe" to all bug traffic for a certain product?09:30
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datoalso, I guess there is no way to get a *cough* mbox file of a bug report, to easily reply by mail, is there?09:35
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mptdato, there is currently no way to subscribe to all a project's bugs, unless the project's "bug contact" is a team and you are able to join that team09:38
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datoaw, not good (seriously)09:41
datompt: and if the team is "bug contact" of various products, I guess there'll be no way to receiving only bugs for the ones I'm interested in? :)09:41
datodo you know if there's a bug open about that / does anybody think this way is better?09:43
mptI'm looking for the bug report now (I think it's already reported)09:43
datogood, thanks09:43
mptFor your second question, you can reply by e-mail to a bug comment, but only if you received the comment by e-mail in the first place (by being subscribed to it)09:44
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mptthere's no downloadable mailbox09:44
datookay; I guess few people would be interested09:45
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mptdato, found it, it's bug 7634009:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 76340 in malone "Should allow multiple bug contacts for products, as with packages" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7634009:55
datoaha, thanks mpt 09:56
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gmbDamn tab-switching ui... Sorry folks.10:41
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