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=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Java
=== Topic (#ubuntu-java): set by leap0119 at Tue May 8 15:38:31 2007
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Java
=== Topic (#ubuntu-java): set by leap0119 at Tue May 8 15:38:31 2007
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=== hann1bal_de [n=jonka@c151061.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-java
hann1bal_dehey there!10:56
hann1bal_deanyone here, who can help me with a java-printing problem under ubuntu 7.04 feisty?10:57
hann1bal_dethe standart java-api for printing, only prints empty pages, or the postscript-code10:57
hann1bal_deI just used suns HelloWorldPrint example10:58
hann1bal_deneither my network printer, nor my pdf-printer seem to print anything but emtpy pages10:58
hann1bal_deAnd I havent found anything about that on the net10:58
man-dithere was some issue regarding Java and CUPS11:19
hann1bal_deis there a workaround?11:19
man-diI dont remember the solution but you should be able to find it via google11:19
hann1bal_debeen searching for 3h now, any key-words I might have missed?11:20
man-dijava cups printing?11:20
hann1bal_dehmm okay11:21
hann1bal_destills prints empty pages11:28
hann1bal_deokay, now it prints the first line of the postscript file...11:31
hann1bal_deand 6 more white pages11:33
hann1bal_deomg, by removing this line11:50
hann1bal_de<< /DeferredMediaSelection true /PageSize [595.2755737304688 841.8897705078125]  /ImagingBBox null /ManualFeed false /NumCopies 1 >> setpagedevice 11:50
hann1bal_defrom the postscriptfile it works...11:50
man-didoesnt sound like a preferred solution :-/11:51
hann1bal_denot at all, since its gonna be an end-user application11:53
hann1bal_deso ps-generation is buggy11:53
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