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=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by crimsun at Tue Jun 26 00:17:30 2007
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xivulonmjg59: any luck with wubi?07:22
mjg59xivulon: The kernel is stupid07:23
mjg59Not convinced we can fix it for gutsy, but I'll see07:23
mjg59The process freezer is used for suspend to RAM, but syslog is still trying to write when fuse is frozen07:23
mjg59So the writing never completes07:23
mjg59And suspend fails07:23
xivulonI see07:24
xivulonwhat about stopping syslog beforhand?07:24
mjg59Syslog is just what fails in the trivial case07:24
mjg59It could be any application07:24
xivulonI understand07:24
xivulonNote that in hibernation there is an added problem07:25
xivulonSwap is inside a mounted fs07:25
mjg59Yes, hibernation is impossible07:26
xivulonSo for instance we have lubi (the wubi version working on linux/ext3) where suspend works (since there is no fuse involved) but hibernation does not (I assume because the swap is not in a dedicated partition)07:26
xivulonmjg59 what would be an elegant way to turn off suspend/hibernation for the time being?07:28
mjg59For gnome, there's a couple of gconf keys that you can set07:29
Mithrandirlook at what casper does.07:30
xivulonThe issue that wubi is not really gnome specific07:30
xivulonAlso suspend might work in some cases (non-fuse host fs)07:31
mjg59Policy is managed by individual applications07:31
xivulonDo they read "capabilities" from somewhere?07:32
xivulonWhat about acpi=off? 07:32
mjg59Ouch. No.07:33
mjg59acpi is much more than power management07:33
xivulonI was expecting the ouch07:33
mjg59(And it'll do nothing to influence hibernation)07:33
xivulonWhat about having a script in suspend.d that kills sleep.sh07:36
xivulonThat will not take care of disabling the suspend/download buttons though...07:36
xivulonmjg59 as a side question. Any chance of having ntfs-3g as a kernel module? That would solve lots of issues07:37
xivulonI asked szaka (ntfs-3g) and he was not so inclined either...07:38
mjg59It's not easy to port a fuse application to the kernel07:38
xivulonLast question (other than the suspend.d hack above):07:39
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xivulonUsers do tend to hard reboot quite a lot07:39
xivulonBecause often they come from windows and do not know what to do when they get stacked07:39
xivulonA nested fs is not the best environment for that07:40
xivulonWhat can be done to minimize damage?07:40
xivulonI changed /etc/sysctl.conf on szaka suggestion07:40
xivulonvm.dirty_background_ratio=0 , vm.dirty_ratio=0 , vm.dirty_expire_centisecs=1  , vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs=1  07:42
mjg59What sort of corruption are you actually seeing?07:43
xivulonSometimes the hosted fs (ext3) might become unrecoverable, since data loss in the hosting fs might compromise the journal07:43
xivulonAlos hosting fs corruption has been reported (but chckfs normally can fix that)07:44
xivulonUsing the above things seem to have improved07:44
xivulonBased on bug reports07:44
mjg59Right. ext3 makes the assumption that writes to the journal actually end up in the journal07:45
mjg59I'm not sure there's a good way around that07:45
xivulonAccording to szaka the sysctl parameters above should improve things but to be honest I have not looked up what they do exactly07:46
xivulonmjg59 any reason not to use the sysctl parameters above?07:47
mjg59xivulon: Reduced performance, but I guess you'll have to take that hit07:48
xivulonso far it does not look to bad, so I guess I'll leave them there07:48
xivulonmjg59 last thing: is the idea of using a suspend.d script that makes sleep.sh exit so bad?07:48
xivulonok 07:49
xivulonThat's all I had to ask, thank you very much for all your help07:49
xivulonvery useful07:49
johanbrIs there are reason /dev/input/eventX would not be available immediately on resume? Sometimes my touchpad dies when I resume, and I think it's related to log entries like07:57
johanbr:0.log.4:Synaptics Touchpad no synaptics event device found (checked 17 nodes)07:57
johanbr:0.log.4:(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/event307:57
mjg59Yeah, synaptics seems a bit dumb.07:58
johanbrSo it's the fault of the synaptics driver rather than the kernel?07:59
johanbrAlright. Well, you seem to be aware of the problem, so I'll just hope for a fix at some point in the future. :) Thank you.08:04
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