
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-meeting.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Jul 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 03 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Jul 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 11 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
=== Topic (#ubuntu-meeting): set by ubotu at Sat Jun 30 07:31:12 2007
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 02 2007, 11:16:53 - Next meeting: Desktop Team in 1 hour 43 minutes01:16
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Desktop Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Jul 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 11 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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seb128dholbach: hey ;)03:00
=== DarkSun88 [n=Ma@ubuntu/member/darksun88] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Sto]
dholbachhiya seb12803:01
Hobbseelonely meeting :P03:01
seb128anybody here for the desktop team meeting? ;)03:01
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 02 2007, 13:01:43 - Current meeting: Desktop Team03:01
seb128hey Hobbsee03:01
dholbachwelcome everybody for a desktop team meeting - who do we have here?03:01
=== siti [n=siti@clix-jaquesmartin-nz.cpe.clix.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting is our meeting agenda03:02
dholbachand it's very short today03:02
dholbachwe want to figure out what's on our todo lists for the next two weeks03:03
dholbachthere'll be 2.19.5 next week03:03
coNPhey everyone03:03
dholbachanything else on anybody's todo list which we should highlight?03:03
dholbachhey coNP03:04
dholbachwelcome coNP everybody - Aron's been doing amazing work on the team in the last weeks03:04
seb128we can also discuss things we can change in the team organisation if you have some suggestions03:04
dholbachlooks like he got the lion share of gnome 2.19.4 done :-)03:04
seb128coNP: good work!03:04
coNPthanks dholbach, seb128 :)03:05
seb128do we have anybody who would be interested to take special care of a package?03:06
seb128like being the "maintainer" or one member of a team of people looking after it?03:06
Hobbseei'm slightly worried about why you're discussing plans for edgy on that agenda...03:06
dholbachHobbsee: 'Old Agendas'03:06
dholbachsiti has been taking care of ekiga and friends in the last time, which has worked out really really well03:07
Hobbseeoh, point03:07
dholbachsiti: is there any new ekiga release planned anytime soon?03:07
sitiI think 3.0 is meant to be released in time for the next gnome03:07
dholbachwoah - great03:07
sitiit's UI is much better103:07
seb128siti: is ekiga uptodate in gutsy at the moment ?03:07
sitiit's the latest stable03:08
dholbachthat'll give us some time to get it tested properly for gutsy release03:08
seb128good :)03:08
seb128siti: thanks for working on it!03:08
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Desktop Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 04 Jul 14:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Jul 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team
Hobbseeseb128: if you're having maintainers on the gnome side, who is a volunteer, what does that mean about other people being able to upload to it, if the maintainer is inactive?03:09
seb128there is a bunch of untriaged bugs on launchpad for ekiga apparently03:09
sitiyeah, most of the bugs are due to the old ekiga, so I've been lazy...03:09
sitialmost everyone fixes there problems by updating to 2.0.903:10
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seb128Hobbsee: yeah, we don't have any lock, that's just it's easier to know that some people are looking after a package03:10
dholbachso setting to needsinfo and asking for confirmation with gutsy would help most of them?03:10
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sitiI think so03:10
Hobbseeseb128: so you dotn have a policy for what happens if someone was doing the regular releases, and then drops off the face of the planet?03:11
dholbachok, maybe we should add that as a 'todo task' to our page03:11
seb128should we clean this list on wednesday for the bug day?03:11
seb128that seems a reasonable goal03:11
dholbachyeah, it sounds like a very good idea03:11
seb128Hobbsee: no, we have a wiki page where we list work to be done and claim things we are working on03:11
Hobbseeseb128: fair enough03:11
seb128we usually update if there is no reaction from the usual maintainer in the next days after a new version03:12
=== Hobbsee nods
Hobbseeinteresting, thanks for letting me butt in :)03:12
seb128np :)03:12
seb128siti: would you be interested to hand on #ubuntu-bugs on wednesday for the bug day and help cleaning the ekiga list?03:13
sitiI don't know what I am doing on wednesday, but I can start going through the bugs soon03:14
seb128k, so let's note this list on the weekly TODO03:15
dholbachrock and roll03:15
seb128we will try to give an hand and get it cleaned ;)03:15
dholbachis the TODO page working OK for everybody?03:15
seb128another small goal somebody would like to add?03:15
seb128so we have03:16
seb128- update GNOME to 2.19.503:16
seb128- clean the ekiga list of bugs03:16
dholbach- update remaining tarballs03:16
dholbachshould we add 'regular bug tasks' like "reviewing all bugs wit patches" or "cleaning old needsinfo bugs" or other bug lists on DesktopTeam/Bugs?03:17
dholbachof course add:03:18
dholbach- get exciting new stuff packaged03:18
seb128I think we should have a short list of goals for between now and the next meeting03:18
seb128and a regular TODO for tasks like cleaning needsinfo, etc03:18
dholbachok, I'll add a "regular tasks" section to the page03:19
dholbachmaybe we should do the "weekly goals" thing as a wiki include03:19
dholbachthat way we could have it on the frontpage and on todo03:19
dholbachand in other places, where like to plug it03:19
seb128looks good03:19
seb128you are the wiki master, if you know how to do it ... :)03:20
dholbachalrighty, I'll do that03:20
=== fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
seb128anybody else with ideas for a better organisation, things you would like to work on, things you thing that should be done for gutsy?03:20
dholbachhiya fernando03:20
seb128hey fernando03:20
fernandohey dholbach03:21
fernandohey seb12803:21
=== coNP does not know the exact schedule of the upstream Gnome release - packaging - sync - merge cycles: is it happening continously towards 2.20 / 7.10 or are there any changes in the meantime?
=== dholbach_ [n=daniel@i59F76E35.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
seb128coNP: there is a new GNOME unstable every 2 weeks usually03:23
seb128we merge with Debian on start of the new cycle usually and then only when there is changes we want03:23
seb128right now we are mostly done with merges for gutsy03:24
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seb128anything else?03:26
seb128anybody with some cools idea or things he wants to work on? ;)03:26
Hobbseeseb128: replace gnome with kde!  :P03:27
seb128Hobbsee: you are already working on that, aren't you? :p03:27
Hobbseeseb128: erm...cant confirm or deny, on the basis that it may incriminate me.03:27
seb128doesn't seem to be working though ;)03:27
Hobbseeseb128: you just wait for KDE 4....03:27
seb128you just wait for GNOME 3 :p03:27
Hobbseenow that has no ETA at all :P03:28
=== Hobbsee gets out the lightning bolts... :P
seb128k, look like not a lot of other things to add03:28
seb128dholbach: ?03:28
seb128the meeting was short but we didn't have one for some time03:28
dholbachno, not from me - I'd just like us to make an effort to get all the gnome-ish stuff reviewed03:29
seb128we have some goals for the coming weeks and we will try to have a better list for next one03:29
dholbachI know that REVU is not perfect, but it's what's used mostly these days03:29
seb128would be nice if people could add easy goals, or make list of bugs which can be tackled in a bug day like the ekiga one03:29
seb128so we can keep going with easy tasks weekly03:29
seb128and show that things are done03:30
seb128dholbach: right03:30
dholbachI can make a list of those and add it to the weekly todo, if you like03:30
dholbachlink them from there03:30
dholbachalso for this weeks goals, I'll add all the remaining tarballs, if you don't mind03:30
seb128dholbach: no problem03:31
dholbachok super03:31
coNPand s/June/July/ :)03:31
seb128should we have a page where tasks for the week stay03:31
dholbachI'll let you know once it's done03:31
seb128and get a green line when they are done03:31
dholbachyes, I'll make that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/WeeklyTODO03:31
dholbachworking on it now03:31
dholbachshould we try to agree on a time and date for next week?03:32
dholbachnext meeting03:32
dholbachwhat about same time in two weeks?03:33
dholbachdoes that work well for everybody?03:33
=== coNP goes on holiday then, but it is not a problem for me
=== coNP seems to have difficulties in dealing with multiple personalities :)
seb128dholbach: not sure it's ideal, that's during GUADEC ;)03:35
dholbachhehe :)03:35
dholbachah right03:35
seb1283 weeks?03:35
dholbachfine with me, although I'll probably be at ubuntulive03:35
seb128dholbach: will you be there in 2 weeks?03:35
dholbachno, the week after guadec03:36
seb128no, I mean available for a meeting03:36
seb128in which case let's do it in 2 weeks03:36
seb128you will be around since you don't go to GUADEC03:36
dholbachyes, that's fine with me03:36
seb128and I'll be around for the next one when you are on holidays03:36
seb128I mean be able to join from GUADEC also03:37
seb128I expect they will have wireless there ;)03:37
dholbachyeah, I should think so :)03:38
dholbachok, let's go with 2 weeks from now, same time03:38
dholbacheverybody ok with that?03:39
dholbachanything to add? any problems you see at the moment? anything we should make sure to get done soon? anything you'd like to let the team know?03:42
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dholbachok, probably not03:45
dholbachlet's adjourn then03:45
dholbachthanks everybody for turning up03:45
dholbachlet's bring up everything else on ubuntu-desktop@lists.ubuntu.com then03:46
dholbachhave a nice day03:46
seb128thanks dholbach03:50
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 04 Jul 14:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 04 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Jul 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 11 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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