
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mobile.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mobile: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mobile): set by mdz at Mon May 14 14:24:09 2007
=== sp3000 [n=tt@hoasb-ff0ddd00-250.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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Mithrandirlool: what do you think about being added to ubuntu-mobile so you can merge in fixes you do in Debian yourself?  If you'd rather have me or Adilson do it, that's fine, but I'll be happy to have you in the group.08:42
=== Dan_laptop [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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=== Dan_laptop [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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=== horaceli [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== sabotage_afk [n=sabotage@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== jzhu31 is now known as JackZhu
=== jsmanrique [n=jsmanriq@cme-212-89-8-169.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== JackZhu [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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=== JackZhu [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
loolMithrandir: Sounds good :)10:01
loolMithrandir: I'm "lool" on launchpad10:01
Mithrandirlool: can you click the "join this team" button on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile ?10:10
Mithrandirah, no, I could just add you10:11
=== kevinTW [n=kvbuntu@220-137-80-193.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== mdz_ [i=mdz@nat/canonical/x-4c03cdec56554743] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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=== feig [n=ejf3@c-65-96-185-67.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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=== mdz_ [i=mdz@nat/canonical/x-ddd18ea5ec83b109] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
ian_brasilMithrandir: thx for approving me to Mobile Developers on launchpad02:46
Mithrandirhappy to02:47
Mithrandiragoliveira_BRB: I'm working on getting the control panel bits into the archive now, fyi.02:48
agoliveiraMithrandir: Cool. Thanks.02:52
=== etrunko [n=edulima@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== feig [n=ejf3@183.sub-75-195-183.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== kevinTW [n=kvbuntu@221-169-13-105.adsl.static.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== matt_c [n=mcroydon@gozur.sunflowerbroadband.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== feig [n=ejf3@183.sub-75-195-183.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== Dan_laptop [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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agoliveirabobux: Hi Bob, are you there?04:53
=== bspencer [n=bob@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
bspenceragoliveira, you called?04:59
agoliveirabspencer: Hi, yes. I just wanted to know if you guys over there need anything that's not packaged yet, something missing, etc.05:00
bspenceragoliveira, I haven't looked at control panel lately (last few days)05:02
bspencerthat was still pending05:02
bspencerand the other thing was that we need to break out the configuration part of hildon-desktop05:02
bspencerI'll figure out just what should be separated and send you a proposal05:03
bspencerfor example, making a "hildon-config" package or "hildon-ume-config" etc05:03
bspencerthat would include changes to /etc/hildon-desktop/ folder for showing different UI's05:03
agoliveirabspencer: The new control panel was about to be uploaded to the repository 05:03
bspenceragoliveira, did you try it out?05:04
agoliveirabspencer: Not the package yet. I tested the original in my machine and it worked.05:04
bspencersure.  that's what I meant05:05
bspencerdoes "it worked" mean it had some applets in there or just empty?05:05
bspencerwe were looking for a good example of a working applet because ours hangs :)05:05
bspencer(just control panel, not the other applets)05:05
agoliveirabspencer: Hmmm... good question. To tell you the truth, I just don't remember now.05:05
bspencerwell, we'll check it out.  I've pinged some Nokia guys and will ping again.05:06
agoliveiraSorry I can't help you with that right now as I just started moving my dev env to a new machine but I'll give it a shot as soon as I finish it.05:07
bspencercool thanks05:10
=== Dan_laptop is now known as Dan_away
=== mdz_ [i=mdz@nat/canonical/x-1d15905f17bab0c5] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
Mithrandirh-c-p fails to build at the moment; I'll look at that tomorrow.05:51
Mithrandirbut it's in the archive now05:51
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=== rusty [n=rusty@jffwpr03.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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agoliveiraMithrandir: Did you try to upload matchbox-window-manager-maemo?06:07
Mithrandiragoliveira: sorry, no.06:08
agoliveiraMithrandir: Ok, just to know :)06:09
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=== jacob-laptop [n=jpan9@jffwpr03.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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=== feig_ is now known as feig
=== matt_c [n=mcroydon@gozur.sunflowerbroadband.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== vivijim [n=vivijim@] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
agoliveiramdz: Hi. Talking about next UDS, I wonder if you think would be useful to invite some of the guys from projects like GMAE, Openmoko, etc?08:40
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=== cjwatson_ [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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=== ian_brasil [n=vern@host81-151-191-227.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== robr_laptop____ [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== robr_laptop____ is now known as robr_laptop
jacob-laptophi, i need an invitation letter from the UK side to get a VISA, does anyone know whom to talk to?11:32
rustyjacob-laptop, you should send an email to Matt Zimmerman (on here as mdz)11:38
jacob-laptoprusty: when do you plan to be there?11:40
rustyjacob-laptop, i fly out on the 7th, to arrive on the 8th11:40
agoliveirajacob-laptop: I just hope you don't need it on paper :(11:40
rustyand i will be in London for the rest of the week... then taking a train down to where GUADEC is at11:41
rustyjacob-laptop, btw, the email address is mdz@ubuntu.com11:42
jacob-laptopagoliveira: i do need that in paper.11:42
=== bob_spencer [n=bob@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
agoliveirajacob-laptop: Send cc to claire.newman@canonical.com and explain the case. I believe that she would be the one that Matt would have to talk to anyway.11:55
=== vivijim [n=vivijim@] has left #ubuntu-mobile []
=== Dan_away [n=chatzill@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== Dan_away is now known as Dan_laptop
=== sabotage [n=sabotage@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu-mobile

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