
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mozillateam.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mozillateam: Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Bug Triagers please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/ | Firefox trunk package source : https://code.launchpad.net/~asac/firefox/trunk | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com |
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mozillateam): set by Admiral_Chicago at Sun Jun 24 10:33:47 2007
=== Admiral_Chicago_ [n=FreddyM@adsl-68-72-98-104.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
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gnomefreakAdmiral_Chicago: i sent him email to come here since i didnt have your email handy11:36
gnomefreakasac: it failed same place same errors (just fyi)11:38
gnomefreakshould we try with a new tarball if they released one?11:50
asacis it official that that tarball doesn't build or what?11:54
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bluekujaasac: news?12:25
asacbluekuja: ^^^12:36
asaclets see what happens12:37
bluekujaasac: your mail rocks!12:38
bluekujathanks a lot alex! :)12:39
bluekujaasac: ah12:40
bluekujayou forgot12:40
bluekujato add motu-council12:40
bluekujaasac: so only gauvain will receive it12:40
asacbluekuja: i have replied all12:41
asacotherwise gauvain hasn't send to mc12:41
bluekujait doesn't appear in archive12:41
asacbluekuja: its in CC12:41
asacso all ok12:41
bluekujaah yup12:41
asacCc: Andrea Veri <bluekuja@ubuntu.com>, motu-council@lists.ubuntu.com, mantha@ubuntu.com, asac@ubuntu.com, vil@ubuntu.com, ivoks@ubuntu.com, zhengpeng-hou@ubuntu.com12:41
bluekujayou're right12:41
bluekujadid not see it12:41
gnomefreakshould i be looking on MoM for merges?12:50
bluekujamom or dad12:51
bluekujabetter dad for now12:51
bluekujaso you can see if someone is already working on something12:52
bluekujae.g you don't duplicate the work12:52
bluekujagnomefreak, I'm leaving again for work12:53
bluekujagonna be here later12:53
bluekujaso I can help you12:53
gnomefreakwher eis dad?12:53
bluekujacya later!12:54
asacyeah ... ubuntu mobile builds :)12:57
asacaeh mobile browser i mean :)12:57
gnomefreakit seems i still have 2 outstanding merges :(01:00
gnomefreakasac: did you hear back on iceape-calendar from mike?01:00
gnomefreakasac: also seems there is a new version of nspluginwrapper01:01
gnomefreakthats odd01:05
=== jerome_ [n=jerome@gra94-2-82-66-142-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacgnomefreak: he?01:11
asacwhere is new nspluginwrapper?01:11
gnomefreakim grabbing diffs and source atm01:11
asacwhat version?01:11
asacvs. what is our ?01:12
gnomefreakours is .4-201:12
gnomefreaknew is -301:13
asacso no new upstream01:13
asacwhat does changelog say?01:13
gnomefreaknew debian, im looking01:13
=== jerome_ [n=jerome@gra94-2-82-66-142-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreaki can make these changes in our build change the version in changelog and poof done01:16
gnomefreakthat wont work01:17
gnomefreakhe added a symlink patch01:19
asacgnomefreak: look at merges.ubuntu.com01:20
asactake it from there if it already arrived and do the merge01:20
asacso you keep our changes01:20
gnomefreaki grabbed our source from repos01:21
asacgnomefreak: we have it in bzr01:22
gnomefreakyep there too01:22
asaci am oout for lunch in a few01:22
gnomefreakshould i just move the changes they made to our package?01:22
asacdidn't have acigarette nor coffee ... and need to shop these now01:22
asacyou have to merge them01:23
gnomefreakgo have fun im still on coffee01:23
asachappy gnomefreak01:23
asack lunch01:28
=== jerome_ [n=jerome@gra94-2-82-66-142-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/123533  let me know if it was done ok or wrong i tried following wiki and kind of hard (they shoot in all directions at one)02:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123533 in nspluginwrapper "nspluginwrapper merge new debian version" [Undecided,In progress] 02:19
asacgnomefreak: did you start from merges.ubuntu.com ?02:20
gnomefreakits not on merges.ubuntu.com02:20
asacwhat does that mean?02:20
gnomefreakits listed there02:20
asacyou purged my changes ... wait till it arrives on merges02:21
asacif it ever will arrive02:21
asac... but i hope so02:21
gnomefreakthought your changes were applied in debian when you last packaged it there02:22
gnomefreakthe only other change from ubuntu was the patch and they applied that in debian02:22
asaci never pushed my changes to debian02:23
asacyou can see in diff that my changelog entry was removed by your merge02:23
asacwhat is dad.dunnewind?02:23
gnomefreakah shit02:23
gnomefreakdad tells you list of outstanding merges it reads from ftp.fr.debian.org02:24
asacwhy does it exist?02:24
asaci mean we have merges.ubuntu.com02:24
gnomefreakasac: theres MoM DaD and merges.ubuntu.com02:24
asacthose are mandatory to preserve02:25
asacaccording to changelog only02:25
gnomefreakasac: nspluginwrapper sould not show up on merges.ubuntu.com as it has been merged already02:25
asacnspluginwrapper- has been applied02:25
asacgnomefreak: no it hasn't ... there is new debian release02:25
asacso it should be there as well02:25
asacas updated merges02:26
asacanyway ... we don't really need that merge02:27
asacthe package doesn't bring any substantial new for us02:27
asacbut if you want to merge you have to move our diff to a patch in debian/patches/02:27
asacas debian now uses quild02:27
gnomefreakMoM has a blacklist DaD doesnt reason why its not showing up on m.u.c02:27
gnomefreakit turns out it shouldnt be merged that is why its not on m.u.c02:31
=== jerome_ [n=jerome@gra94-2-82-66-142-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacgnomefreak: ok02:49
asaci accept that for now02:49
asacthen just forget about dad :)02:49
asacin future02:49
gnomefreakty, if you want i can re-add your changes than debdiff it02:52
asacgnomefreak: just do the merge proper :)02:52
asacreadding manually is not proper02:52
asacthough it works :)02:52
asacdon't ask me how proper is ;)02:52
asacmaybe its indeed manually02:52
gnomefreakme neither :(02:52
asacplease figure out :)02:53
asacso you can teach me ;)02:53
asaci found the documentation completely incomprehensible02:53
gnomefreakit is manually02:53
gnomefreakasac: it is hard as hell to follow02:53
gnomefreakthats how i ended up with what was attached to bug02:54
asacwhat steps did you do?02:54
gnomefreakill grab bluekuja sometime this week and see if he can explain better (motu doestn seem to answer questions on some days)02:55
asacbluekuja: ^^^02:55
asacplease help!02:55
gnomefreaki used 2 of the merging pages but i missed your changes i thought they were debian changes02:55
asacbut how did you miss them?02:55
asaci mean the merge procedure should automatically merge them or bring you conflicts02:55
gnomefreakstill waking up02:55
gnomefreakat that time atleast02:56
asacgnomefreak: can you redo?02:56
gnomefreakasac: not likely02:56
asacand run script?02:56
asacso i can see what you did?02:56
gnomefreakasac: i can try, there is no script for merges other than to help with bug reporting and grabbing sources02:56
gnomefreaki think since ubuntu changes you made were not in debian i have to ask for a sync unless i can do them myself02:58
asacthats nonsense02:59
asacmerging is about changes we have that debian hasn't02:59
gnomefreaki know unless it was changed recently that is how it was done03:00
gnomefreakused to be someone maybe motu or core would sync the 2 to add ubuntu changes or drop ubuntu changes03:01
asaci think you don't understand03:02
asacthere should be no problem03:02
asacif you follow merge procedure with dad03:02
asaci looked at the .patch file and it has our changes03:02
asacunless i really get something wrong03:03
gnomefreaknone of these links tell you anything about dad03:03
gnomefreakand the merge isnt on MoM and as i understand it wont be03:04
asachmm ... can't use ask how to do a merge from dad?03:04
gnomefreaki grabbed the source from ftp.fr.debian.... and apt-get ours03:04
gnomefreakasac: i asked i didnt get an answer03:04
gnomefreakthats way i said ^^ up there they dont answer questions on some days03:05
asacgnomefreak: your question asked something trivial: if they added our changes ... but they didn't03:07
asacthey just took parts of our changes03:07
asacnot all03:07
gnomefreakoh this script works really good :(03:08
gnomefreakgnomefreak@GutsyGibbon:~/merges$ sh grab-merge.sh03:09
gnomefreakSure you want to delete all the files in /home/gnomefreak/merges [yn] ? y03:09
gnomefreakso much for that idea03:09
=== gnomefreak goes for smoke i may end up waiting for bluekuja
asacgnomefreak: that is right03:15
asacyou have to move the grag-merge.sh somewhere else03:15
asacotherwise you will always whipe it03:16
asacthen you have to say03:16
asacsh grab-merge.sh nspluginwrapper03:16
gnomefreakasac: it wasnt grabbing sources like it should03:16
gnomefreakit uses mom not dad03:16
asaclook into that script03:16
asacshould be easy to change03:16
asacname it grab-merge-dad.sh03:16
gnomefreaktheres one for dad :)03:16
asacuse that03:16
gnomefreakthis almost looks too easy03:20
=== gnomefreak doesnt think its gonna do what i want but gonna try anyway
gnomefreaknope they just build it03:22
gnomefreakseems the only conflict is debian/control03:24
asacyeah ... you probably have to eliminate the change that was moved to debian/patches03:28
asacjust look at the debdiff03:28
gnomefreaklooking at report03:28
asacactually the build should fail03:28
asacbecause the new patch in debian/patches doesn't apply03:28
gnomefreakonly conflict that couldnt be fixe was control file03:29
asacyeah build will fail03:30
asacyou have to unpatch the pristine source first03:30
gnomefreaki have 2 patches here one with our changes and one with debian changes it looks like03:30
asace.g. remove the patch that moved to debian/patches03:30
asacgnomefreak: move our patches to a patch in debian/patches/03:31
asacexcept the patch that has already been added there03:31
asachjmf_: there?03:32
gnomefreakso i just more that file nspluginwrapper.....patch to the debian patches dir. after removing the part that they added03:32
asacyes ... only diffs that don't apply to debian/ dir03:33
asacof course03:33
asace.g. not the debian/control changes that are in that .patchj03:33
asacthose you need to apply manually again (if there are any)03:33
asacdo you see the difference?03:34
asacthere are changes against upstream sources ... and changes against debian/03:34
asacchanges against upstream sources should now go to a patch03:34
gnomefreaknspluginwrapper-   upstream?03:34
gnomefreakok made changes to patch i guess go with the numbers they have 000 001 so make this 00203:38
gnomefreaklike 002_ubuntu.diff03:39
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asacname is 002_nsplugindir_install.diff03:43
asacjust ubuntu is lame03:43
asacas it should go to debian as well at some point03:43
gnomefreakok im gonna try this see if it works and ill paste debdiff when done so you can make sure its right03:49
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gnomefreakok that sucked04:03
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=== jerome_ [n=jerome@gra94-2-82-66-142-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakshould i debdiff debians .dsc and new or our old .dsc and new?04:13
asacand paste somewhere before uploading04:16
gnomefreakok but the 2 mihgt conflict04:18
gnomefreakok here is debdiff using 4-2ubuntu2 and 4-3ubuntu1 http://pastebin.mozilla.org/11394304:21
gnomefreakthis one is debiands 4-3 against our 4-3ubuntu1 http://pastebin.mozilla.org/11394404:23
gnomefreakim gonna assume the first one is all that is needed04:23
asacgnomefreak: looks almost good04:24
asachowver you kept debian/ changes in patch04:24
asacthey don't belong there04:24
asaconly upstream changes as i said :)04:24
asacand you didn't remove the changes that are applied in debian for it04:25
asacso in general the build should fail04:25
asaclike it is04:25
asacplease fix those04:25
asacand you didn't wipe our changes against upstream: nspluginwrapper-
asacthose will make the patch fail as well04:26
gnomefreakthat patch you added was it applie upstream?04:27
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113945 is the patch i added04:29
gnomefreakthe npw-config is the change you added that i left out in first debdiff this morning04:29
gnomefreakok i just removed the ialibs as you stated in your changelog entry04:31
asacgnomefreak: no nothing was applied upstream04:31
asacjust the javascript stuff was added to debian/patches/04:32
asac(if you consider this upstream)04:32
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113945 doesnt show javascript so im confused04:33
gnomefreak^^ patch that i added to debian/patches04:33
asacsorry i mean .sh04:33
asacnot javascript04:33
gnomefreakah the last part04:33
gnomefreakok so i pull the last part out of patch04:34
gnomefreakasac: line 42-44 shoudl i drop those also?04:35
gnomefreakor even 40-4404:35
asacthat belongs to a diff against debian/04:36
asacits nothing that you could drop04:36
asacits part of the diff of nspluginwrapper-
gnomefreakso leave #04:36
gnomefreakso leave only in patch2:04:36
gnomefreakthat was odd04:37
asacno ... those can be removed04:37
asacplease verify that the 45-end patch is04:37
asacin debian/patches/04:37
asac... though i think it its04:37
gnomefreaknot with that name04:38
gnomefreakonly 2 patches other than ours04:38
gnomefreakonlly symlink patch, the bashism patch and the one i just added04:39
gnomefreakinside them none has anything that looks like 45-end04:40
asacgnomefreak: its in bashism patch04:40
gnomefreakah ok04:40
asacjust check that that hunk is there as well04:40
gnomefreakyes its there04:40
asacyou verified that the *hunk* is there as well?04:41
asacthen all is fine04:41
asacshow me updated debdiffs against debian when ready04:41
gnomefreakim not seeing it04:41
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113947 is the bashism patch04:42
asacgnomefreak: its in there04:43
asactry to find it :)04:43
asacits the error hunk04:43
asacline 12ff04:43
gnomefreakwhere did you get 45-end though?04:44
gnomefreakdont know04:45
asacthen i don't understand your question04:45
asacits in there04:45
asacstarting from line 4504:45
asac... its cruft04:45
asacthat has to go04:45
asacas its in the patch you just showed me04:45
gnomefreak45 on debdiff paste04:45
gnomefreakoh ok well im gening another debdiff04:46
asacif you are done there should be no diff against any upstream sources in the debdiff of debian vs. ubuntu(new)04:46
gnomefreakand you want debain4-3 4-3ubuntu1 diff ? or 4-2ubuntu2 4-3ubuntu1 diff?04:47
gnomefreak2nd one is the biggest04:47
gnomefreakexample you want debdiff nspluginwrapper_0.9.91.4-2ubuntu2.dsc nspluginwrapper_0.9.91.4-3ubuntu1.dsc > nspluginwrapper_0.9.91.4.debdiff?04:48
gnomefreakthis merge script grabs 3 or 4 .dsc plus the one i made04:49
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113952 is the debdiff from command above04:51
asac-Xs-Vcs-Bzr: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/nspluginwrapper/ubuntu04:54
asacthat was dropped04:55
asac+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ia32-libs, ia32-libs-gtk, linux3204:55
asacgtk doesn't exist for us04:55
asacso remove that04:55
asacok now show me diff against debian version04:55
asace.g. once you fixed both above04:56
gnomefreakyou want me to leave ia32-libs or drop that also?04:57
gnomefreaki cant access the link you gave04:57
asacjust what i said05:00
asacgnomefreak: you can change the url to use code.launchpad.net instead of bazaar.launchpad.net05:01
asacwhile yuo are at it05:01
gnomefreakin the link you gave?05:02
asacso you visit that url with browser as well05:02
asacits not a link05:02
asacits a diff05:02
asacthat you dropped05:02
asaclook at your debdiff05:02
asacits removed05:02
asacit has to stay05:02
asacand maybe replace bazaar with code05:02
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113956 here is the ubuntu version to ubuntu version05:06
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113957 debian version against new ubuntu version05:07
gnomefreakbrb smoke05:07
asacgnomefreak: you still have dropped the bzr link05:08
asacand you still have nspluginwrapper-
asacdid you do anything?05:10
asacor are those links the old ones?05:10
asacsame goes for nspluginwrapper-
asacits still in there05:10
gnomefreakdrop that also?05:10
asacall from 120-bottom05:10
asacin http://pastebin.mozilla.org/11395705:10
asachas to go05:11
asachey ... thats what i was talking about all the time ;)05:11
gnomefreaki never had the bzr link in there05:11
asacyes ... which was wrong :)05:11
asacwe need it05:11
asacas it was in the previous ubuntu version05:11
asaclook at the ubuntu/ubuntu debdiff05:12
asacand you will see05:12
gnomefreakoh that one05:12
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113959 asac that is the patch i used the .sh part was dropped already05:15
gnomefreaknot understanding why diff is nt picking that up05:15
asacgnomefreak: please reconsider this: we don't want *any* diffs that are not in debian/ directoy05:15
gnomefreakif i drop nspluginwrapper- only thing left in patch is changelog05:16
asacgnomefreak: since you added the right diff to debian/patches05:16
asacgnomefreak: start from beginning05:16
asacyou messed things up05:16
asaceither you dropped the patch in debian/patches again05:16
gnomefreakcd into debian and run debdiff ~/merges/nspluginwrapper....dsc other one05:16
asacgnomefreak: you probably updated debian then05:17
asace.g. by accident05:17
asacbe sure that you have unmodified debian05:17
asaca few minutes ago you had this: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/11395605:17
asacwhich has nspluginwrapper-
asacwhich is not in debian by definition05:18
asacif that isn't showing up in your debdiffs then you definitly messed areound with original debian05:18
asacunless you don't have it anymore now05:18
gnomefreakits still in debian dir05:18
asacget a clean debian version05:19
gnomefreakive been editing it as i go05:19
asacif its not showing up then you copied it to debian's directory tree05:19
asacat some point05:19
asacperserve your new ubuntu version ... then wipe everything and get a clean debian one again05:20
asacgnomefreak: i have no idea what you did05:20
asac10 minutes ago your debdiffs looked good05:20
asacplease be sure that you don't mix something up05:21
gnomefreakstarting over and just gonna bring stuff over as needed05:22
asacwhat do you mean by starting over?05:23
asacits not just "bringing over" ... its reverting changes as well05:23
asacso you don't have any diffs against non debian/... dirs05:23
gnomefreakre ran script to grab sources05:23
gnomefreakstarting clean05:23
gnomefreakok you want nspluginwrapper- taken out of patch?05:24
asaceverything that is not nspluginwrapper-*** has to go to a patch05:24
asacin debian/patches/05:24
asace.g. in your 002_...05:24
asacexpect the hunks for bashism that are already moved to a patch05:25
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113963 is my 002 patch as it is05:25
gnomefreakthat is right right?05:25
gnomefreakif i pull the npw-config.c where is the use of the patch come in other than changelog05:26
asacthe debian/* stuff doesn't belong there05:26
asacin debian/patches/* there *must not* be any debian/... patch05:27
asacjust patches against upstream sources05:27
gnomefreakso i remove all of the changelog stuff05:27
asacgnomefreak: it should never have ended up there05:27
asacbut yes05:27
gnomefreakdo we want the changelog stuff added by hand?05:27
gnomefreakto changelog?05:27
gnomefreakwait maybe its there05:28
gnomefreaknvm damn05:28
asacit should be there05:28
asacby merge05:28
gnomefreakit is05:28
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113964 new patch05:29
gnomefreakasac: new ubuntu against ubuntu debdiff http://pastebin.mozilla.org/11396505:34
asacnow debian vs ubunt?05:35
bluekujaasac: what persia said on his mail?05:35
gnomefreakdebian vs ubutnu05:35
bluekujaasac: in fact, one vote is not the final decision05:37
bluekujathat's why there are 2 council members05:38
asacgnomefreak: you still have the cruft05:38
asacoutside debian dir05:38
asacdo you see?05:38
asaclook at debian vs ubuntu diff05:38
asacthere should be no diff outside debian/ dir05:39
asacgnomefreak: just try to build and you will see that it fails05:39
gnomefreakit failed on thier patches05:40
asacbecause you didn't remove them05:41
asacfrom upstream source05:41
gnomefreak1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- rejects in file utils/mkruntime.sh05:41
asacas i said05:41
gnomefreakPatch 001_remove_bashisms.diff can be reverse-applied05:41
asacyou still have cruft05:41
asaclook at the debdiff05:41
asacand you will see05:41
asacthe patches in debian/patches are fine -> don't touch05:41
asacremove the diffs against upstream sources05:41
asacbluekuja: i haven't received any mail05:42
bluekujahe cced only motu-council05:42
bluekujahere it is05:42
gnomefreakgive me a around line number and dont say line 89 and 9005:42
gnomefreakthis debdiff is what DaD changed and what i changed btw05:43
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gnomefreaknot to mention the script grabs 3 sources05:44
asacbluekuja: do you have any decent email client and can bounce that mail to me?05:44
asace.g. not forward05:45
asac-> really  bounce05:45
bluekujaI use tbird05:45
asacthere is a bounce mail extension05:45
asacsearch for it05:45
bluekujagive me a min05:45
asacgnomefreak: look at it05:45
asaceverything that is a diff that doesn't belong to debian/ dir has to go05:46
gnomefreaki am05:46
asacyes then you will find05:46
asaclook at debian vs ubuntu debdiff05:46
gnomefreaksee that is the dir im running it from05:46
gnomefreaksame dir that i ran ubuntu vs ubuntu05:47
asaci don'tknow what you are talking about atm05:47
asacthe dir doesn't matter05:47
asacthe debdiff just contains cruft05:47
asace.g. changes that are now in a patch05:47
asacall those have to go05:47
gnomefreakline 90ish05:49
gnomefreakmaybe its getting in there when the patch is applied?05:49
asacall of that05:49
asacyes of course it gets in there05:49
asacit has to be reverted manually05:49
gnomefreakfrom debdiff05:49
asacno its not getting in there if the debian/patches/ patch is applied05:49
asacit gets in there when the automatic merge is attempted05:49
asacyou have to revert it05:49
gnomefreakah ok05:50
gnomefreakso edit those files05:50
asacits not giving  you any conflicts because it just applies cleanly05:50
asacrevert the patch parts05:50
asacthe normal way is to patch it reversed05:50
asaccopy the patches you don't want to another file05:50
asacthen patch it with -R05:50
asacor manually edit ... but that is a pita if you are doing huge things05:51
asace.g. copy the diffs you don't want to /tmp/donwant.patch05:51
gnomefreakcheck those files to see if the patches are needed05:51
asacthen patch -p1 -R < /tmp/dontwant.patch05:51
asaci already checked a hundred times05:51
asacthose patches are duplicated atm05:51
asacyou have them in debian/patches/05:51
asacand you have them in general diff.gz05:51
asace.g. directly patched against upstream sources05:52
gnomefreakhow the hell did that happen05:52
asacbecause those files where patched in previous version05:52
bluekujaasac: done05:52
asacso the merge applied it ... and had no problem to do soe05:52
gnomefreakok so pull debians patches out05:52
bluekujaasac: redirected to your mail05:52
asacbluekuja: can you please explain gnomefreak what he has todo05:52
gnomefreakthe patches i dont want are in the debdiff05:53
bluekujaasac: yup05:53
asacupstream moved changes from diff.gz to patches in debian/patches/05:53
bluekujagnomefreak, what's the problem?05:53
gnomefreakthose are debians 2 patches05:53
asacnow he has patches in debian/patches05:53
asacbut still upstream source is directly patched05:53
asacas you can see in05:53
asacline 91ff05:53
asacthe patch we had against debian is already in debian/patches too05:54
gnomefreakthe patches that were applied are on the debdiff those are 000 and 001 both added by debian05:54
asacits just to wipe all diffs that are not in debian/ directory05:54
asacyes ... plus we had a patch as well05:55
asacwhich we now moved to 00205:55
asacso everything has to go05:55
bluekujagnomefreak, anyway your remaining changes are bad05:55
gnomefreakdefine everything05:55
asacgnomefreak: everything not affecting debian/05:55
asachas to go out of diff.gz05:55
bluekujagnomefreak, are you merging now?05:56
gnomefreakbluekuja: `yes05:56
bluekujagnomefreak, a lot of changes05:56
bluekujaare not documented05:56
bluekujain your current changelog entry05:56
bluekuja-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ia32-libs, ia32-libs-gtk, linux3205:57
bluekuja+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ia32-libs, linux3205:57
bluekujayou not document this05:57
bluekujathere are changes in a .sh file05:57
bluekuja(from the diff)05:57
bluekujastill not documented05:57
gnomefreakbecaue debian added it05:57
bluekujayou're merging05:58
gnomefreakwe added it first than debian took it over05:58
bluekujacurrent debian version has them05:58
gnomefreak* Inherit "remove bashisms" patch from Ubuntu, to remove bashisms (oddly enough!) - patch by Anders Kaseorg05:58
gnomefreaki had added that patch in version 4-2ubuntu205:58
bluekujagnomefreak, what are you using?05:59
bluekujae.g dad/mom05:59
bluekujaok, so05:59
bluekujaif you debdiff05:59
bluekujacurrent debian version05:59
bluekujawith new ubuntu one05:59
bluekuja(you merged)05:59
gnomefreakquestion why does my ubuntu vs ubuntu look right and my debian vs ubuntu now05:59
bluekujayou have to debdiff06:00
bluekujadebian vs ubuntu06:00
gnomefreakbluekuja: done that06:00
bluekujaand you get that?06:00
bluekujais right06:00
gnomefreakthis looks right? http://pastebin.mozilla.org/11396506:00
bluekujayou have to check06:00
gnomefreakif its right wtf06:00
bluekujaprevious entries too06:00
bluekujalook what asac said06:00
bluekuja* src/npw-config.c: NSPLUGIN_DIR environment can override default06:01
bluekuja+    mozilla_system_dir and can specify custom install dir for created06:01
bluekuja+    wrapper library06:01
bluekujaand you have it06:01
bluekuja(but you not document it)06:01
bluekujasame for * utils/mkruntime.sh: applied anti-bashism patch by Anders06:01
bluekujayou have it on your debdiff06:01
bluekujabut you not document it06:01
bluekujayou have to check for every ubuntu change06:01
bluekujaand report them all06:02
bluekujachecking if they are still there06:02
bluekuja(using debdiff)06:02
gnomefreakit was applie in version nspluginwrapper ( gutsy; urgency=low06:02
bluekujayou have to report that06:02
gnomefreaki did06:02
bluekujaas remaining change06:02
bluekujayou did not06:02
bluekujaI dont see it in your changelog entry06:02
gnomefreakits not in this version that i applied it when i applied it it was sent up already. debian took the patch and added the patch as 00106:03
bluekujastill bad06:03
=== gnomefreak not seeing bad since it was applied in verion 4-2ubuntu2 and it was uploaded all was good. now debian gets it takes the patch and applies it to thier version so do i remove 001 patch
bluekujagnomefreak, you're not understanding me06:05
bluekujagnomefreak, the last link06:05
bluekujais what you get from?06:05
gnomefreakwhy do i have to report anything that was already done06:05
bluekujagnomefreak, wait06:06
bluekujalink me06:06
gnomefreaki reported it already06:06
bluekujaall the debdiff06:06
asacbluekuja: please take care that all the changes that are not against a debian/ directory are removed from debdiff ... i have to go out for a few06:07
bluekujaasac: ok, you gonna answer to hat mail?06:07
asacbluekuja: once i received it06:07
bluekujaasac: strange06:08
bluekujaI sent it to you06:08
gnomefreakbrb snoke06:08
bluekujausing bounce addon06:08
bluekujaasac: maybe reported as spam?06:09
gnomefreakthe 2 patches that are on the debdiff shouldnt be on debdiff so i should go in remove the parts of the patch from the files (since somehoe they got applied to source) right?06:12
asacbluekuja: no should be fine06:12
gnomefreakso the patch works as it should or its like double patching?06:13
bluekujaasac: mmm..strange then06:13
asacgnomefreak: no they did not get applied to source somehow ... they have moved to patches/ directory ... otherwise you would have seen a merge conflict ... which is why you might be confused atm06:13
gnomefreakthe only merge conflict was control file06:13
bluekujaI'm a little less confused06:14
bluekujaof what are you doing06:14
gnomefreakthat makes one of us because i didnt touch the 2 patches debian had all i did was add ours06:15
gnomefreakthe 00206:15
bluekujaexplain me what you did step by step please06:15
gnomefreaktook patch dad gave me for versiion 4-2ubuntu2 edited it and added it to debian/patches and series. changed changelog and changed control06:16
bluekujawhat you did?06:17
bluekujawhy you touched the patch?06:17
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/113980 patch i added06:17
gnomefreakoh shit06:18
gnomefreakthe symlinks patch is the same i added06:18
gnomefreaknvm no it isnt06:18
gnomefreakit patches same file though06:19
bluekujadont touch the patch06:19
bluekujaof ubuntu version06:19
bluekujajust grab-merge06:19
gnomefreakthe patch ishowed you looks good right?06:19
bluekujayou added ut=06:19
bluekujawhich patch system does it use?06:20
gnomefreakwhen i used grab-merge it was named something 4-2ubuntu2.patch so i edited it and added it06:20
bluekujagnomefreak, you dont have to touch06:21
bluekujathe patch06:21
bluekujadad provides you06:21
gnomefreakasac: told me to get rid of everyting from debian dir related06:21
bluekujagnomefreak, answer to me06:21
gnomefreakso i ended up with the npw-con... patch06:21
gnomefreakbluekuja: that was meant for you06:21
bluekujawhy did you touch the patch dad provides you?06:21
gnomefreakbluekuja: asac told me to remove everything debian dir related from the patch dad gave me for ubuntu version not debian version06:22
gnomefreakbluekuja: he said it shouldnt be in there06:22
gnomefreakchangelog entries and crap06:23
bluekujayou dont have to touch it06:24
gnomefreaklets start all over let me make new dir andgrab new06:24
bluekujado it please06:24
gnomefreakcare to grab it too so you know what im doing?06:25
bluekujagive me a min06:26
gnomefreakok grabbed i got the 3 sources and a toplevel dir06:26
bluekujaok wait me06:26
bluekuja2 mins06:26
asachey folks .. i think i will do the merge then06:31
asacits just not comprehensible ... i mean its not really that difficult06:31
asacdebian previously had not patch system06:31
asacnow debian introduced patch system06:32
asacso everything has to go to patches06:32
bluekujaasac, is an easy one06:32
asacdebian already did that for everything except for our nsplugindir changes06:32
bluekujafrom what I see here06:32
bluekujaasac: received my redirect?06:32
asacso we have to make a patch our of it06:32
bluekujaoh it works then06:33
asacproblem is that merge-script patches upstream sources because it of course applies like a charm06:33
asacwhich is why you need to revert it manually06:33
asacso you don't have duplicate patches06:33
asac---> all patches belong to debian/patches/06:33
asacso when you see anything in diff.gz that is outside of debian/ hierarchy it has to go06:33
asac(but first check that the change is actually in some debian/patches/ file)06:33
asacbluekuja: yes it works06:34
asacbouncing allows me to reply now without breaking thread06:34
bluekujaoh cool06:34
bluekujadidnt know about it06:34
asacits just like i received the mail directly06:34
bluekujareally nice06:34
asacmodern mailing lists have an option to safe mbox files from archive site06:34
asacbut ubuntu apparently doesn' have that option06:34
asacwhich is a shame imo06:35
asacok out again06:35
bluekujacu later06:35
asaci will look ... if you finished the nspluginwrapper merge then i am happy :)06:35
bluekujaasac: me or gnomefreak ?06:35
=== bluekuja starts checking
gnomefreakafter all frigging morning i not giving up06:36
asacbluekuja: please help him06:36
asacread what i said in histroy06:36
asacits all in there06:36
asacand its not really difficula06:36
asacgnomefreak has already done all06:36
bluekujano, as I said06:36
asache just has to wipe the changes from non debian/ files06:36
asace.g. so nothing else than debian/ files show up in diff.gz06:37
gnomefreakhence go in source files and edit the parts that are in the patches i thought would have done that06:37
asacgo the way you want06:39
asaci just said patching with -R like described above will guard you from all problems06:39
gnomefreakbut i didnt understand the mocing patches that i dont want06:39
asachjmf_: when you appear ... can you drop the bug links for the debdiffs you prepared?06:39
asacanyway .... do what suites you best06:40
asacwhat counts is the result ;)06:40
asacnot the way06:40
gnomefreakyou said make a dir tmp/patchesdontwant06:40
asacno ... read again06:40
asacmake a patch /tmp/patchidontwant.patch06:40
asacin that you paste the patches (e.g. diffs) you don't want06:41
asacthen you just patch them with -R06:41
asacbut it doesn't matter06:41
asacI will try to bring something up ... like:06:41
asachow to revert patches you don't want :)06:41
asacin wiki06:41
gnomefreaki move debdiff to temp dir. than edit them than patch using the edited versions06:42
gnomefreakthan build than debdiff again06:42
asacmore or less yes06:43
asace.g. you can either remove what you want :) ... or you can create a new patch with patches/diffs that you don't want :)06:43
gnomefreakthe debian vs ubuntu one was the only messed up pne?06:43
asacboth will end up with a file with patches that you don't want06:43
asacgnomefreak: its the one where you can see what you don't want06:44
asacof course the other is also messed up06:44
asacbut you cannot easily see what you don't want06:44
bluekujaasac: strange thing that dad messed up things06:44
bluekuja(it happens sometimes)06:44
asacbluekuja: think about it ... it didn't mess up06:44
bluekujain fact06:44
asacit did what you want .. it merged diff into it06:44
bluekujaas you said06:44
asacits the special case that diff.gz content was moved to debian/patches/06:45
asacwhich is why there are no conflicts06:45
bluekujayou're right06:45
bluekujathat explains06:45
gnomefreakdamn it07:30
gnomefreaki might have it :)07:33
gnomefreaknope damn07:36
bluekujagnomefreak, have you followed what alex said?07:37
gnomefreakyes and i got turned around but im back i should have it this time :)07:38
gnomefreakgot it07:53
gnomefreakhold that woohoo07:54
gnomefreaki did it right i swear07:54
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/114023 what do you think? i  tried both patching and not patching the 002_nsplugindir_install.diff but either way it shows up in debdiff since i added it08:02
gnomefreakeither i answered the patch questions right or wrong  if wrong i can easliy redo it and answer correctly this time :)08:06
gnomefreakits building binaries by the looks of it08:07
gnomefreakit failed because im not on 64bit but looks good.08:08
asacgnomefreak: looks reasonable right ... yes08:08
gnomefreakasac: yes i think so08:08
asac002_nsplugindir_install.diff showing up is not a problem08:09
gnomefreakgood :)08:09
asacactually its wanted because we added it08:09
asacits just important that what you see in that patch doesn't show up again08:10
asaclike it did before08:10
asacgnomefreak: ok ... now give me a debdiff from ubuntu to ubuntu so i can update bzr repo based on that :)08:10
asacgnomefreak: only thing you want to do is add an explicit section that documents the diff against debian (e.g. "left mergesn:"08:12
asacexplicit section in changelog08:12
asacso when next merge arrives one can easily checked if anything was dropped08:12
asacjust look at the debdiff (debian - ubuntu) and describe what you see there08:13
gnomefreakit reverted the patches as it should have08:14
gnomefreakbut at the end it added the npw-config.c patch in ubuntu vs ubuntu debdiff08:15
gnomefreaki may have to redo that08:15
gnomefreakno because its in debian dir08:15
gnomefreakwe should be good let me get this up08:15
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/114025 let me kno if i should redo this one08:16
bluekujaasac: I talked with dholbach about that guy08:17
bluekujaand he suggested me to send a mail (already sent yesterday)08:17
bluekujato explain it08:17
asacbluekuja: sorry don't follow08:24
bluekujaasac: gauvain posted that comment on the base of this guy08:25
bluekujanvm :)08:26
asacof which guys?08:30
asacor is is still anonymous?08:30
asacwho is that?08:30
bluekujano no08:30
bluekujaI talked with him08:30
bluekujahe's a MOTU08:30
asacis that the one you pissed at lately?08:31
asacbecause of his comments on your debdiffs?08:31
bluekujammm...nope, his friend08:31
bluekujaI worked with him for a week08:31
asacthere you see what happens08:31
bluekujaI've seen :/08:31
bluekujaboth are french08:32
asacplease keep any nationalism or patriotism out of this08:32
bluekujayeah, that's not what I mean08:32
bluekujathey know very well08:33
bluekujaand he pointed it out08:33
bluekujamy discussion08:33
bluekuja(via pm)08:33
bluekujawith him08:33
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bluekuja(the one of debdiffs comments)08:33
asacyeah ... i knew somehow :)08:33
asacin any case ... even if you are not accepted you probably will not get rejected, but just deferred08:34
asacso don't care for it08:34
asacjust show that you can do better08:34
gnomefreakasac: attached debdiff to bug 123533 with the updated changelog (changelog could be better on the patch reverting part) :( thats what i came up with im still kind of burnt out from this damn thing08:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123533 in nspluginwrapper "nspluginwrapper merge new debian version" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12353308:34
bluekujaasac: anyway 4 votes are missing08:34
asacgnomefreak: congrats08:34
asacgnomefreak: you did well08:34
gnomefreakty :)08:34
gnomefreakty for the help bluekuja and asac08:35
asacat last :)08:35
asacgnomefreak: next time it gets better08:35
bluekujagnomefreak, np08:35
bluekujafeel free to ask08:35
gnomefreaki hope it does get better08:35
asacfinally you got more experienced to look at diffs, right?08:35
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asace.g. can you read the debdiff you produced?08:36
bluekujaasac: anyway, I can't understand latest comment by emmet08:36
asacgnomefreak: e.g. what changes exist ... and what file they affect?08:36
bluekujait does not make sense08:36
asacbluekuja: please ... get over it ...  i will add one more comment and then wait08:36
bluekujaasac: yup08:37
asacall he said is that it makes sense to look closer if there is any negative feedback from a mc member08:37
bluekujaasac: you know how I'm done08:37
bluekujafor this stuff08:37
bluekujaand usually I feel really sad08:38
bluekuja(which is bad)08:38
asacdon't do that08:38
asacjust concentrate on what you are doing :)08:38
asacnot on what others are doing ;)08:38
bluekujayeah, that's the right thing to do08:38
bluekujabut sometimes08:38
asacbluekuja: maybe look at the sven luther case in debian08:38
bluekujafor NM?08:39
asacand you will learn why people get allergic if someone tries to convince anyone08:39
asacno a DD who got thrown out lately08:39
bluekujawhat he did?08:39
asacjust search for sven luther in google :)08:39
gnomefreakyes i do know what the changes are and what files  (after looking at the for 6hours i better)08:39
bluekujayeah, searching right now :D08:40
asache just did not stop pushing his opinion on anyone08:40
asacif you disagreed or stated an opinion he couldn't follow he would repeat his arguments over and over again08:40
bluekujaasac: he's not more a DD then?08:41
bluekujafor that08:41
gnomefreakhow does a vote make you able to declair yourself a leader :(08:42
asacread a few on that page08:42
asacits not all ... since some are only in -private08:42
asacbluekuja: he has been expulsed08:42
asacbluekuja: and finally he has even been banned from all debian lists08:42
asacand irc08:42
asacand if that happens in debian then its really hard08:43
asaci mean ... people say: thats censoring et al08:43
=== bluekuja reading
asacits not easy to find ... if you go to debian-project archive ... there should be length threads08:45
asacwhere you can better see how he replies to each and everyone08:45
asacalways saying the same things08:45
asacas if people didn't understand what he said08:46
bluekujafound that too08:46
asacthere has even been a wiki page set up for that08:46
asacone of the many mediation attempts08:47
asacall started that fras pop revoked his commit rights to debian-installer08:47
asacwhich he refused to accept08:47
gnomefreaklooks like glibc was uploaded08:47
asacin the end frans pop left the project because of this constant attacks08:47
bluekujafrans was a DD too?08:48
asacyeah ...lead of debian-installer08:48
gnomefreakoh how much i hate those auto replies to emails :(08:48
asacauto replies?08:48
bluekujasven luther was a famous DD then08:48
bluekujafor his work I mean08:48
bluekujadebian-installer is a really important package08:49
bluekujaand part08:49
gnomefreakyeah guy on debian bug 297293 has one set08:49
ubotuDebian bug 297293 in mozilla-thunderbird "mozilla-thunderbird: profiles imported from (older) mozilla mailnews might fail to copy mail to Sent-Folder" [Important,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/29729308:49
asacsven luther just did the powerpc port08:49
asacfrans pop was the lead08:49
gnomefreakwhere it replies with out of office08:49
bluekujaoh, so I did only powerpc port08:49
bluekujathere are huge discussions08:50
asacyeah ... about 80% the mails of last year i would guess08:50
asacand even more on debian-private08:50
asacwhich is not public08:50
bluekujawho got debian-private access?08:51
bluekujaoh k08:52
asacits usually to announce vacations08:52
bluekujaoh :D08:52
asacbut its actually the place were discussion takes place that hurts feelings and attacks others et al08:52
asacnot a good place after all08:52
asacgnomefreak: yeah .. auto-reply is a major issue08:56
asacyou are luck if you don't get endless bouncing08:56
asaclike we had once ;)08:56
asacok out for an hour or so08:58
gnomefreakhave fun08:58
bluekujacu later08:58
gnomefreaksignal 5 is X related08:59
gnomefreakby the looks of it08:59
gnomefreakasac: when you get back see bug 122858 for signal 5 and sebs conclusion08:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122858 in firefox "[gutsy]  firefox crash on a _XError" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12285808:59
=== gnomefreak should go rest :(
asacyeah its not a glib bug09:02
asacmy bet its compiz09:02
gnomefreaki would agree on that09:03
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gnomefreakasac: you around or still off?11:09
gnomefreakoh bug 12362211:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123622 in firefox "Add third party default prefs to firefox" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12362211:18
gnomefreakim thinking thats just looking for issues11:18
asacactually i don't see the point11:24
asacits already possible11:24
gnomefreakplease comment if you get time :)11:24
asacjust install a .js file inside that11:24
asacif he claims its not possible ping me again11:25
gnomefreakyou got it done?11:26
asacwaiting for build to finish to smash it through binary NEW11:26
asacthen i can upload new firefox11:26
asacthat drops lots of ubuntu-* patches11:27
gnomefreakyou have a branch for ubufox?11:27
asacmain is just ubufox11:27
asacand ubuntu is the package11:27
gnomefreakty ill play a bit with it11:28
gnomefreakdid you upload nsplugin stuff to branch?11:28
=== gnomefreak has 3 dirs with nsplugin builds and i cant remember what one was good one
asachmm you mean update?11:29
asacno not yet11:29
asaci will do nsplugin update tomorrow11:29
gnomefreakdamn you have been busy11:30
asaci have been more busy figuring out how to setup the branch repo than actually bootstrapping the mobile browser11:31
asacbasically its still firefox11:31
asacbut you configure with --enable-application=midbrowser11:31
asacinstead of browser11:31
asaci am still unsure if git repo is really how its ment to be done :/11:31
asacgnomefreak: btw, you remember the canvas build failure?11:32
asacit happens with firefox as well11:32
asacits that you have to use system-cairo in order to make it succeed11:32
gnomefreaki think so11:33
asacapparently the in-source cairo is borked that ships with firefox 2.011:33
gnomefreakit is11:33
gnomefreakits causing crashes11:33
asac(e.g. same for sunbird 0.5)11:33
gnomefreakmaybe not insource but libcario is11:33
asacso where did we fail now for sunbird?11:33
gnomefreakasac: same place same error11:33
asacyes ... i don't remember the exact error11:33
asacdo you have link at hand?11:33
asac /lastlog pastebin will bring me lots of links :(11:34
gnomefreaki doubt it let me check11:34
asacis that current build error?11:34
gnomefreakone of more use on mozilla pastebin but not sure of the link11:35
asacah right ... this crazy autocomplete thing11:35
asacwierd stuff11:35
gnomefreakill build in a bit and upload a new error log if you need11:35
asacno ... it will probably fail11:35
asacgnomefreak: please push to a private branch11:35
asacso i can build what you have11:35
asaci really have to play around a bit to find what is missing11:35
gnomefreakok give me afew11:35
gnomefreakno i seem to not beable to :(11:39
gnomefreakbzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host bazaar.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation11:39
gnomefreakEOF end of file?11:40
asacbut that doesn'matter11:44
asachow did you try to push?11:44
gnomefreak[Errno 13]  Directories directly under a user directory must be named after a product name registered in Launchpad <https://launchpad.net/>.11:47
gnomefreakso much for that11:47
gnomefreakbzr push --create-prefix sftp://gnomefreak@bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/sunbird/ubuntu-0.x11:48
gnomefreakchange sunbird to trunk?11:48
asacno not sunbird11:49
asacaeh don't change i mean11:49
asacpush as ubuntu-1.8.x11:49
asacor ... just push as ubuntu11:49
asacas we will probably not maintain other branches11:50
asacand its unsure what release policy upstream has11:50
asacso go for just ubuntu11:50
asaci guess the EOF was just a temporary issue11:50
asacthe url looks good that you used11:50
asacnext time just try ubuntu instead of ubuntu-0.x11:51
gnomefreakit was11:51
gnomefreaknone of it works11:51
gnomefreakgnomefreak@GutsyGibbon:~/gutsy_builds/work/sunbird-0.x/debian$ bzr push --create-prefix sftp://gnomefreak@bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/sunbird/ubuntu11:51
gnomefreakEnter passphrase for key '/home/gnomefreak/.ssh/id_dsa':11:51
gnomefreakbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: '/~gnomefreak/sunbird/ubuntu': [Errno 13]  Directories directly under a user directory must be named after a product name registered in Launchpad <https://launchpad.net/>11:51
gnomefreakcan we register it without well it11:52
asacyou have to register11:52
asacwhy haven't you?11:52
asacjust do :)11:52
gnomefreaki didnt know i had to11:52
asacregister sunbird11:52
asacset mozillateam as driver11:52
gnomefreakname and display name as sunbird?11:54
asacyes ... for now its ok11:54
asacwe can change later11:55
asacdon't care about description for now11:55
asacjust set it as subproject of mozilla11:55
asacyou remember?11:55
asacwe looked at the list of registered trash there11:55
asacbecause we talked about registering sunbird11:55
gnomefreakah yes11:56
gnomefreakhttps://launchpad.net/sunbird :)11:57
asacyeah thats good11:58
asacnow push your initial code ;)11:58
gnomefreakim trying11:58
gnomefreakits just sitting there this could be good sign11:59
=== gnomefreak goes for smoke while this thing does whatever it does
gnomefreakits pushing :)11:59
gnomefreakit will be here when its done https://code.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/sunbird/ubuntu-0.x12:06
asacso you used 0.x ?12:07
asachmm ok12:07
gnomefreakit was on the scroll back12:07
asacand deleting 4 characters from the back was too much ... boah12:08
asacanyway ... i consider this a temporary branch anyway ... you can remove or hide or something once mozillateam branch is up12:08
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asaci am really unhappy that i committed the trunk tarball once12:09
asacthis is why pushing initial takes ages now12:09
asacbecause it uploads a 35mb tarball that is never used12:09
asacunfortunately we cannot remove that revision :/12:09
gnomefreakthe tarball is branched?12:10
asacthe initial trunk branch i created had the embedded tarball in it ... remember?12:10
gnomefreakah yes12:10
asaci branched from that branch for firefox ubuntu-2.0.0.x12:10
asacand so on12:10
asacso we still carry it around12:11
asacas bzr always downloads everything12:11
asaceven tbird branch has it12:11
asacand paradiso12:11
asacits all in there ;)12:11
asacthe invisible handicap we carry around12:11
gnomefreakyou can get rid of it12:11
asacwithout doing a new branch12:12
gnomefreakssh into the branch and remove the .bzr file12:12
gnomefreakyou still have to upload12:12
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asaci ouwld have to redo everything12:12
asace.g. merge everything over that is not the tarball checkin12:12
asaci don't dare todo that12:12
asacand its always only on initial push/pull that its a problem12:12
asacand since we deal with huge tarballs everyday12:13
asacits not really much added work12:13
gnomefreaki can make this branch mozillateam branch12:14
gnomefreaki can change the ending too im sure12:14
asacyou can ... but please don't until this builds12:24
asacthen we should clean up revisions so that there are not so many commits (e.g. at best all the complete package rename to one big commit)12:24
gnomefreakcan we clean them up?12:24
asaconce we get this build we can do the clean up together so you can push12:24
gnomefreakit commited 64 by default12:24
gnomefreakand 64 is a big one12:25
asacbecause its not yet officially published12:25
asacwhich is why i want to hold back mozillateam branch publishing ... which i consider official for us12:25
asacubufox :)12:28
asacnot really a big attraction ;) ... but its there12:28
gnomefreaki had to grab the orig and dsc and diff for that12:29
asacto build ubufox?12:29
=== gnomefreak doesnt have tarball
asacyou can just branch the ubuntu branch12:29
asacthen say:12:29
asacbzr bd --split .12:29
asacbut in general you should better download the tarball to your tarballs directory12:29
asacso its the same12:30
asacespecially if you plan to push this to preview12:30
asacbzr bd --split . will create a orig for you12:30
asac(just for your info)12:30
asacbut ... the tarball will probably differ in md5sum12:30
asacfrom what i uploaded12:30
asacso better use the one you can download from launchpad etm12:31
asacits 22k :)12:31
asacso not a big thing12:31
gnomefreakhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/ubufox this tar12:31
asacbut then use the bzr branch12:31
asacthe link i provided12:31
asacguess its from there ... yes12:31
gnomefreakgot it12:31
gnomefreakill set it up now i hope12:32
asacyou can also branch the main branch and run sh build.sh12:32
asacthen you will get an .xpi12:32
asacwhich you can install as user12:32
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=FreddyM@adsl-68-72-101-70.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreaki still want to build debs for preview right?12:39
gnomefreakor .xpi?12:39
=== gnomefreak builing on gutsy first so i can play
asaci don't know ... the extension is probably not worth much in feisty now12:42
asaceven in gutsy its not12:42
gnomefreakbzr bd --merge . is the command right?12:42
asacjust if you use latest firefox which doesn't have the ubuntu pref tweaks anymore12:42
asacyou don't need merge12:42
gnomefreaki keep forgetting --merge12:42
gnomefreakoh ok12:42
asacbecause its not just debian layout12:42
asacits all in there12:42
asacgnomefreak: remember: --merge if you have debian/ -only layout12:43
gnomefreakah ok12:43
asacif upstream source is included as well, then you don't need it12:43
gnomefreaklol its a FTB12:44
=== gnomefreak wonders why
asacyou don't fullfill package depdenencies?12:45
gnomefreakits not failing there but ill see12:46
gnomefreakhow would i know ther eis no debian dir12:46
asacyou branched main branch then12:46
asacwhich is actually upstream source12:47
asacyou need core-dev branch12:47
asace.g. ubuntu12:47
gnomefreakyou didnt have another one that i saw on your LP page goes back to branch right one12:47
asacthe ubuntu one is in realm of core-dev12:47
asaci am just upstream author12:47
asacits always better to look at code page of project12:47
asacand not of team/person12:48
gnomefreakgood point12:48
asaci could have done this as a native package ... e.g. not with orig.tar.gz12:48
asacbut i hope i can make something out of it that is good for other distributors as well12:48
gnomefreakits pushed12:48
asacwhich is why i split it up in upstream branch12:48
asacand ubuntu branch12:49
gnomefreakthe sunbird branch12:49
asacah great12:50
asaci will pull it in a minute12:50
asaccan you please add mozilla-bugs as bug contact for ubufox package?12:50
gnomefreakyep i can12:50
asacthats the page12:50
gnomefreakjust the one?12:51
gnomefreakthat was fast12:51
asacok sunbird build is going ... lets see what happens12:55
gnomefreakgood luck12:55
gnomefreaklet me know what you find12:55
asaci will send you a patch :)12:56
asacbut lets see how fast it fails12:56
asacjavascript engine appears to build like a charm :) ... naturally of course12:56
gnomefreakeh i dont think you will need a patch i still thinging configure options but shhhh12:56
gnomefreakit failes damn near end of it12:56
asacnot patch like in patch in debian/patches12:57
asacpatch like bzr diff :)12:57
gnomefreakah ok that will work12:57
gnomefreakbrb smoke12:57
gnomefreakbtw how do you read when it moves so damn fast01:02
asaci see them :)01:07
asaci know where to look01:07
asace.g. i can see01:07
asaclude ../../../../mozilla-config.h -Wp,-MD,.deps/nsLeafBoxFrame.pp nsLeafBoxFrame.cpp01:07
asacso i know its buildding something in layout engine01:07
asacif you look of the bottom of the terminal you often can see what file is currently build01:08
asacif its really fast you might see the pattern e.g. it creates .jar files or something like that01:08
gnomefreakah ok01:09
gnomefreakyeah i catch bits and peices of it01:09
asacyeah ... if you looked often enough you will recogize :)01:10
asacespecially if you looked at most of those files once01:10
asacand if you know exactly what modules exist in code its getting easier to identify at least some that you know01:10

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