
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mythtv.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mythtv: "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Mythbuntu Alpha 1: http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV"
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mythtv): set by superm1 at Mon Jun 4 08:25:19 2007
=== with_the_monkey [n=chatzill@12-216-24-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== with_the_monkey is now known as foxbuntu
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5FFFB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MegaQuark__ [n=gary@pool-71-117-203-17.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== MegaQuark__ [n=gary@pool-71-117-203-17.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== foxbuntu_ [n=chatzill@12-216-24-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1okay guys, the torrent is submitted to linuxtracker.org04:03
superm1so if you can join in on seeding it04:03
superm1or you can get it from the files/iso directory too04:03
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-50-144.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Davieysuperm1: doing... what are you doing as root? :D04:08
superm1installing btdownloadcurses on pegasus04:09
superm1so it can seed 50mbps04:09
Davieyi was installing rtorrent at the same time04:09
Davieybut i got dpkg lock error where you were using apt :)04:10
superm1is there an advantage to rtorrent?04:10
DaveMorriswhats the alpha?  2nd July?04:11
DaveMorriswe moving the iso to that other server?04:12
Davieyother server?04:12
superm1he said he will mirror it04:12
superm1as soon as he does i was going to make the public announce on the front page04:12
Davieyoh yes, that mirror04:14
Davieyi thought you mean't majoridiots04:14
Davieyerm, can drupal easily make balance loading04:15
Davieyie each refresh cycles dl link04:15
DaveMorrishwo long till the release then?04:17
Davieysuperm1: erm, pegasys isn't seeding04:17
Davieyinfact i think it is leeching04:18
superm1i know its not seeding yet04:18
superm1ubuntu-installers just pinged me04:18
superm1because they were about to merge my changes04:18
superm1and wanted something changed04:18
Davieymerge into mainline ubiquity?04:18
superm1okay it should be seeding now04:22
superm1i capped it at 6400 kb/s04:24
DaveMorriswhen is that mirror gonna be sorted then?  And I guess we won't serve ISO's directly from pegasus04:24
superm1i emailed him last night04:26
superm1as soon as i got in04:26
superm1so as soon as he gets it04:26
superm1we could just announce with torrents and after he gets the mirror, edit the post04:26
DaveMorrisI can only see 1 seed04:27
DaveMorrissorry 2 seeds and 1 peer04:27
Davieyhmm, i'm a peer04:27
Davieyonly getting 270.9KB/s04:27
superm1well i'm one seed04:27
superm1and pegasus is the other04:27
Daviey311kB/s, still not as much as expected :s04:29
superm1its getting a few of these too04:30
superm1| error(s): [09:29:19]  rejected by tracker - Tracker error 3                                                                                          |04:30
superm1do you have to register with linuxtracker.org for it to go properly?04:30
DaveMorrisI've not regersitered04:30
DaveMorrisand I'm getting 60K04:30
Davieysuperm1: Are you sure you've set the cap right?04:38
Davieyi should be getting ~2Mb/s04:38
superm1--max_upload_rate 64004:39
superm1is what I did04:39
superm1(its in kilobytes)04:39
superm12 Mbit = 256 kilobyte04:40
superm1so that is about right isn't it?04:40
superm1so should i make the post with just the torrent link and add the ISO mirror later after he mails me then?04:42
superm1or wait for that ISO mirror04:42
superm1and add both04:42
Davieydon't publish just yet, just reading up on something that might help04:42
superm1well i'm frightful of that digg link on linuxtracker.org04:43
superm1i dont want this dugg without the post explaining it on04:43
Davieysuperm1: have you written an unpublished announcement on drupal?04:44
superm1its on google docs04:44
superm1right now04:44
Daviey"Mythweb doesn't yet include support for htaccess" didn't laga get that working?04:49
superm1not yet04:49
Davieyoh :(04:50
Davieyimbrandon: hey, are you about?04:50
superm1imbrandon, we're announcing alpha 2 today, so we were going to do it via torrent instead so the server doesn't bog down like last time04:55
imbrandoncool ok04:55
superm1and let it seed 50 mbps or so04:55
superm1do you have another server you could mirror the ISO on04:55
imbrandonhrm try to keep it to 25 if you can04:55
superm1that we can add to the download link for the announce?04:55
imbrandonif you can give me 2 hours i can04:56
imbrandonhave a mirror and put you on lighttpd04:56
superm1there is the link for the alpha 2 image04:56
imbrandonwhen did you plan on announcing it ?04:56
superm1noon or so04:56
superm1before i leave for class04:56
superm1er noon central time :)04:56
imbrandonok yea give me a few i'll hit you up in a sec04:56
Davieyimbrandon: sorry, got dragged away04:59
Davieydid you have a change to set up an alias pointing to many address?04:59
Davieyarg.. missed him05:04
Davieyswarmcast looks promising05:07
superm1whats that?05:10
Davieyit's a mixture of p2p and http-proxy05:10
Davieyso we can provide one url and it still be p2p'd05:11
Daviey'tis a new concept for me, only heard about it last week05:12
superm1sounds like a pretty neat idea05:15
superm1okay i'm gonna be gone for a bit05:16
superm1i've the annoucement unpublished on drupal right now05:16
DavieyIt's GPL'd apparently but can't find naff all on it05:16
superm1so as soon as imbrandon is ready, i'05:16
superm1okay and major idiot joined.  i think we're set on seeding now :)05:18
superm1okay see ya in a bit05:18
=== superm1 [i=malimonc@nat/ibm/x-87e2f0c7d326307f] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MegaQuark__ [n=gary@pool-71-117-203-17.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MegaQuark_ [n=gary@pool-71-117-203-17.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1imbrandon, its getting really close to noon, you about ready?06:39
superm1Daviey, are you still here?06:40
tgm4883superm1, totally forgot to check in sunday, any trouble with the torrent?06:44
superm1tgm4883, made it this morning06:44
superm1if you want to join in the seeding06:44
tgm4883will do06:44
superm1ah crap its on digg06:45
superm1before our announce on the page06:45
DaveMorrisput the announce up then!06:45
tgm4883from you or someone else?06:45
superm1someone else06:45
superm1well i wanted to wait until i got the +1 from imbrandon06:45
superm1he was going to switch it over to lighttpd and mirror the iso06:46
superm1so i could include that in the post06:46
superm1also that guy who mirrored it before was going to mirror it again, but i havent heard back from him yet06:46
DaveMorrisjust stick the torrent link on for now06:46
Davieysuperm1: just06:46
superm1Daviey, just?06:46
Davieyi'm still here06:47
Davieywhen it reaches the ubuntu planet it will be dugg more, so don't worry too much06:47
superm1well i've gotta leave in 13 min or so, so i can either give you the html that i prepared to post it06:47
superm1or post it before i leave06:47
tgm4883is the iso in the download the alpha 2?06:48
Davieypost it before you leave.. the ubuntu-planet will reflect any changes in the text06:48
superm1and you can edit my post too06:48
Davieymake sure the timestamp on the post is now (not a few hours old)06:49
Davieycopy/paste the draft to a new post?06:49
Davieythat's what i did last time06:49
DaveMorriscan someone pm me when the announcement it made please07:00
superm1just did it07:00
superm1i'm on my way out07:00
superm1planet doesn't list it *yet* though07:01
superm1neither does google reader or iGoogle07:02
DaveMorrisits on my blog as well http://davemorris.wordpress.com/2007/07/02/mythbuntu-alpha2/07:03
Davieyguess there is no point me blogging it then :)07:04
superm1ag great07:04
superm1okay /me out.  I'll be back in 3 hours or so.  Hopefully nothing burns down by then :)07:04
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i59F7CB45.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== reclusivemonkey [n=monkey@host86-133-225-36.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i59F7CB45.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i59F7CB45.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Nixus_Maximusdo I get the information on the mythbuntu-homepage right: there will be repositories for ubuntu? Can I then change a running ubuntu-system in mythbuntu by "apt-get mythbuntu-desktop" or something like this?09:09
DaveMorrisI'm not sure if there is a meta pcakage for the whole lot, however there are packages for mythtv-backend and mythtv-frontend09:36
=== anodesni [n=folkert@82-171-154-147.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
anodesniHi. I'm setting up my remote with lirc for mythtv, but it's not working09:56
anodesniwhen I use the commands $ sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start09:56
anodesni$ irw09:56
anodesniirw returns immediately, and gives you another command prompt09:56
anodesniWhat should I do?09:57
lagayou should google a howto for setting up your remote on ubuntu09:58
anodesniyes I use this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Feisty09:59
anodesniI followed the instructions precisely09:59
lagaanodesni: see /var/log/daemon.log maybe you can find some hints09:59
anodesniwhat's in there?10:00
anodesniit sais the following10:01
anodesniJul  2 22:00:34 folkert-desktop lircd-0.8.2-CVS[5760] : lircd(userspace) ready10:01
anodesniJul  2 22:00:36 folkert-desktop lircd-0.8.2-CVS[5760] : accepted new client on /dev/lircd10:01
anodesniJul  2 22:00:36 folkert-desktop lircd-0.8.2-CVS[5760] : could not get file information for /dev/lirc10:01
anodesniJul  2 22:00:36 folkert-desktop lircd-0.8.2-CVS[5760] : default_init(): No such file or directory10:01
anodesniJul  2 22:00:36 folkert-desktop lircd-0.8.2-CVS[5760] : caught signal10:01
lagayour lircd is not configured properly it seems10:02
anodesniI followed the guide, so it should be configured properly I guess10:04
lagamaybe you overlooked something. or your IR receiver is not plugged in properly. or you have chosen the wrong driver10:04
anodesniwell, my remote works fine, the numbers work and the arrows etc10:05
anodesnibut it did before I installed lirc10:06
anodesniBut I want to remap the keys so I can use it with mythtv10:06
lagayes, but it was not using olirc then, it was recognized as an input device then10:06
anodesniand now it is still recognized as input device, is that the problem?10:07
anodesniis it some setting in xorg.conf?10:07
lagasorry, i'm too short on time to help you right now. you could start reading the lirc article at http://wiki.mythtv.org10:09
lagai'm fighting CSLT :(10:09
lagaXSLT even10:10
laga-> "i'm fighting XSLT"#10:11
anodesniwell, good luck10:11
lagathanks ;)10:11
lagaanodesni: hey, take a look at inputlircd or lircd using its dev/input driver10:12
lagainputlircd should get you started in no time, but you'll likely have to create your own .lircrc10:12
anodesniok I'll try10:12
lagai use inputlircd -m 0 -g. see the man page :)10:14
anodesniIt sais "Not enough arguments"10:17
lagathat's why you need to read the man page ;)10:17
lagai can't walk you through the set up.10:17
anodesniI'm not really good with this command line programs10:18
lagatry XSLT instead... ;)10:19
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i577B4449.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
anodesniI leave that to you10:20
anodesniIf i run "dmesg' it has the following error: [   47.774623]  lirc_atiusb: no version for "lirc_unregister_plugin" found: kernel tainted.10:22
lagais that an error or just a warning?10:22
anodesnii don't know10:23
lagadoes lirc_atiusb show up in 'lsmod'?10:23
lagai don't think it's a critical error then10:24
lagayoucould google that error message10:24
lagaalmost 10:30pm, it's time for dinner ;)10:25
lagagood luck with lirc, i've got to go now10:25
anodesnishould I have lirc_i2c installed?10:25
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i577B4449.versanet.de] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
DaveMorrishas the iso been mirrored yet?12:00
Davieyit'll appear there12:03
Davieyfor what it's worth i can mirror it aswell12:03
Davieyit'll be on my site in 5 mins12:06
DaveMorriswe just don't have a iso people behind firewall's etc can download yet12:09
superm1Um how did he get an iso from tomorrow12:10
superm1time traveling daemon.....12:10
superm1oh no.  thats not it12:11
superm1thats last months12:11
Davieyokay it's up12:16
superm1you going to edit the post?12:17
superm1or you want me to12:17
Davieysuperm1: feel free12:17
Davieyif the load gets too much, i'll have to pull it tho12:17
Davieybut should be fine12:17
superm1well its not moving anywhere on digg this time around12:18
superm1maybe not too much worry then even in the first place12:18
superm1okay we're merged into mainline ubiquity now12:27
=== brunner [n=Chris@68-119-68-130.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1oh Daviey.  i just got an email, our list might finally be coming through.  It has been approved, just waiting for the sysadmin team to make it now12:29
foxbuntu_hey super12:30
superm1hi fox12:31
foxbuntu_finally found my way into the irc channel12:31
superm1good good. well rogue780 is Shawn (whom you have been in contact with over artwork i'd assume)12:32
Davieysuperm1: been approved?! by whom?12:33
Davieyyou're joking!12:33
superm1he apparently is the one who it eventually gets to to be acked12:33
superm1no joke12:33
DavieyI asked him weeks ago about it, he said he'd give a shove12:33
superm1James Troupe sends him a list of acks12:34
DavieyDidn't realise it was jono's call12:34
superm1and rt sends them to James12:34
superm1well its not his call imm12:34
superm1he is the last person in canonical that touches it it appears before the sysadmins12:34
superm1some bureaucracy  they've got going there12:34
superm1when I meet him next month, we're going to have a talk about this, you can bet on that :)12:35
Davieywell i'll be seeing jono next friday; i'll likely have a moan12:36
foxbuntu_a moan?12:36
superm1i'll send you a copy of the thread12:36
superm1so you can see the mess that i've gone through up the chain12:36
superm1to complain12:36
Davieysuperm1: we'll script out moan; that way he's attacked from both sides of the alantic :)12:36
superm1memorize it and all?12:36
Davieynaa. print it out12:37
superm1i like it12:37
DavieyDaveMorris will be seeing him sat.12:37
superm1well i can't seem to send the whole thread in gmail because it wasn't copied each time around12:37
superm1i'll send you the last post though12:37
superm1i was patient up until this weekend - when i saw another list was made12:38
superm1and i flipped on that12:38
Davieyi bet12:39
DavieyM.East was pretty direct12:39
DavieyI would like to see the whole chain, if you can manage it12:39
superm1maybe in thunderbird there is an easier way to do them all12:39
superm1i'll check when i get home12:40
superm1and have access to it12:40
Davieyno rush12:40
DavieyIt's depressing when the most frequent visitor to your site is ubuntu's rss grabber12:40
foxbuntu_put porn up there like the old days...that will attract the users12:41
superm1well its not like there are regular updates on the site for people to see12:41
Davieysuperm1: cheers12:42
DaveMorrisDaviey: you'll see him as well12:42
DavieyDaveMorris: keep scrolling12:42
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [+o superm1] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mythtv:superm1] : "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Mythbuntu Alpha 2: http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV"
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [-o superm1] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [+o superm1] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mythtv:superm1] : "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Mythbuntu 7.10 Alpha 2: http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV"
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [-o superm1] by ChanServ
foxbuntu_ok, so all of the perverts (e.g. superm) must live in Oklahoma City12:48
superm1fox, tab complete names so that people see things written, and what are you talking about?12:48
foxbuntu_I ran a google trends query on the word pussy...and Oklahoma City came back as the number one city in the world searching for that12:49
DavieyAwww. Oklahoma City likes cats12:50
foxbuntu_oh that must be it12:50
foxbuntu_sorry got confused there12:50
foxbuntu_see sex sells, just look at the results12:51
foxbuntu_anyhow...anything productive you guys might want me to look at?12:53
Davieyfoxbuntu_: have you tried the latest iso?12:54
Davieyfeedback on that would be great12:54
foxbuntu_sure...I have a machine to go break12:54
foxbuntu_I'll have it dl'ed in like 4 mins12:56
superm1foxbuntu_, did you grab the torrent or an ISO?12:56
Davieywhat dl speed did you get?12:57
foxbuntu_930 right now12:57
Davieyfrom daviey.mooo.com?12:57
foxbuntu_no...says mythbuntu12:57
Davieywhere did you find the linky for that?12:58
superm1oh the download page he found it, not the front post12:58
Davieyfair nuff12:58
foxbuntu_oh, are you working on a mirror?12:58
superm1well Daviey mirrored it and another guy was going to as well12:59
Davieygeez, but it's only getting 40Kb/s sec12:59
Davieyso kinda rubbish12:59
foxbuntu_I would be lucky to feed that12:59
foxbuntu_my up blows goats12:59
foxbuntu_but yet mediacrap gives me 8MB down01:00
foxbuntu_word is that it is going up to 12 soon though01:01
Davieyfoxbuntu_: i'm on 20Bm down :)01:02
foxbuntu_Im stuck in the shit hole for inet01:02
foxbuntu_the midwest01:02
Davieysoon 100Mb is trialing :)01:02
foxbuntu_ass clown01:02
foxbuntu_the US sucks ass for inet speed01:03
Davieysuperm1: reckon we should add pegasys as a mirror for the moment?01:03
Daviey40Kb/s from my server blows01:03
superm1Daviey, it is seeding01:04
superm13200 kb/s max01:04
Davieyfoxbuntu_: Japan has had 100Mb for years01:04
foxbuntu_dl done01:04
foxbuntu_need a cd01:04
superm1!ohmy | foxbuntu_01:04
ubotufoxbuntu_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:04
foxbuntu_family friendly? who is under 12?01:05
superm1its not appropriate in the channel thats all01:05
foxbuntu_can I get a 100MB line?!01:07
foxbuntu_without moving to Japan01:07
Davieyfoxbuntu_: i'm in the UK01:07
foxbuntu_I'd move there01:08
foxbuntu_brits are fun to watch01:08
foxbuntu_superm1, get this, sunday, my myth froze for no reason, my lappy blew a ram chip and I found out my basement stairs has termite damage all within 3 hours01:10
superm1thats pretty rough01:10
foxbuntu_yea...I was pretty p/o'ed sunday night01:11
foxbuntu_ok...gonna go step through this LiveCD quick...see what I can break01:11

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