
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ports.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ports
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ports: hppa, ia64 or new ports discussion goes here | hppa status: Building gutsy in a private repo | http://buildd.mmjgroup.com/buildLogs/byDate/today.html | deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/hppa/gutsy-stage0 main (subject to .debs changing underneath you, etc)
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ports): set by lamont at Wed Jun 27 18:59:28 2007
fabbionelamont: i think they should be there.. the entire kernel is installed on the livecd06:50
fabbionelamont: i will check later the livecd06:50
fabbionelamont: btw.. any news on util-linux?07:27
fabbionelamont: ok i am going to upload it to ubuntu. Take your time for Debian. I can see you did the last update in February and there is a lot of stuff pending in the BTS08:08
lamontfabbione: got it all into git; need to clean up patches, and then yours is top of the list09:13
lamontI also need to migrate to util-linux-ng09:14
fabbionelamont: ok. i uploaded to ubuntu in the meantime because i need it there09:19
fabbionelamont: same patch as the one you got in the email.09:19
lamontthere are already other diffs, etc.09:20
=== lamont s;ee[s
lamontsleeps, even09:20
fabbionenight man09:20
fabbione * Do not build ocfs2, it causes gcc to loop infinitely while building.10:21
=== fabbione wonders what jb was thinking when doing this
=== jb-home [n=jbailey@72-254-2-14.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu-ports
jb-homelamont: ping06:24
jb-homelamont: glibc-2.6 hit the archives.  Let's see if that helps bring us more testsuite love.06:24
lamontjb-home: right06:40
jb-homelamont: So far it's looking good.  I found where it was building and have been reading logs. =)06:40
jb-homelamont: did you see the patch I sent to benc at the end of last week?06:41
lamontno.  been traveling06:41
lamontstill travelling, for that matter.06:41
lamontat westercon06:41
jb-homeyou're in san mateo?06:43
jb-homeI'm in SF.06:43
lamontand working on figuring out if I can make it to www.nippon2007.org06:43
lamontyeah - san mateo marriott06:43
lamontfeel free to come meet the family06:43
lamontwe're here until july 506:44
jb-homeHow far is that?  Want to meet up for dinner? =)06:44
lamontwe could06:44
lamonthotel is @101&9206:44
=== jb-home looks to see how hard it is to get to San Mateo
lamontif you time it right, I'll introduce you to tad williams... :-)06:45
jb-homelamont: Is there a park&ride across from the hotel?06:46
jb-hometad wiliams...  From Sierra On-Line?06:46
lamontthe author06:46
lamontkiller of trees06:46
lamont(he writes very thick books)06:46
=== jb-home googles.
jb-homeSorry, was looking up how to get there by tranis.06:47
jb-home1h30 is long enough that we'd probably rent a car instead.06:48
lamontabt 5-10 miles from the airport06:49
lamontwhere in the city are you?06:50
lamonthrm... maybe time for a diff channel06:50

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