
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-server.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== Topic for #ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | general (not server specific) support -> #ubuntu
=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by Burgwork at Wed Mar 28 23:10:47 2007
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-server
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mh_lewhat would be the reason that apache is shutting down all the time by itself?11:47
Kamping_Kaisermh_le, any logs you can check?11:48
Kamping_Kaiserhm. afk sorry11:49
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mh_leKamping_Kaiser: no prob11:52
=== stephanbuys [n=stephanb@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-server
stonekeeperhi guys. I just installed ubuntu-server on a machine here with a celeron d. cpuinfo reports 2 cpus. how do i determine if it's dual-core or HT? thanks12:08
stonekeeperah nm. i found it12:09
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=== Oggu [n=oscar@1-1-5-40a.gtd.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu-server
OgguIs it possible to use Ubuntu server for router(with web-interface), network storing, web and ftp server and a running torrent program at the same time same computer?12:20
mathiazOggu: yes.12:22
mathiazOggu: but it needs some integration work.12:22
OgguWith other words I cont configure it mysqlf?12:22
mathiazOggu: you can configure yourself.12:24
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=== stonekeeper [n=Stonekee@] has joined #ubuntu-server
stonekeeperhi. what is the best way to set a default network proxy on ubuntu server? thanks04:43
nealmcbproxy for what protocol - http?  dhcp?  socks?04:51
nealmcbstonekeeper: ^04:53
stonekeepershould i just add the http_proxy var to root's .bashrc ?04:58
nealmcbstonekeeper: do you want the server to be able to tell firefox on clientes where the http proxy is?04:59
nealmcbstonekeeper: what application would pick up http_proxy from root's environment?05:00
stonekeeperit's only for apt-get05:00
stonekeeperalthough wget would be nice too i guess05:01
nealmcbyeah - that sounds much better, since you don't want to log in as root to run things 05:02
stonekeeperah great, that's exactly what i want. thank you05:03
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=== incorrect [n=incorrec@host81-138-107-161.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
incorrectwhich is the best vpn app for linux, openvpn, openswan etc?06:14
mathiazincorrect: openswan is an ipsec implementation06:16
incorrecti don't really know which is my best option06:16
mathiazincorrect: so it's usefull for interaction withother OS/ipsec implementation06:16
mathiazincorrect: openvpn will only run with openvpn clients.06:16
incorrectok, i guess openswan it is06:16
mathiazincorrect: ipsec is needed if you want interoprebality06:17
incorrecti think ill go for ipsec06:17
mathiazincorrect: with other clients.06:17
incorrectso is it openswan or strongswan?06:17
mathiazincorrect: I don't know the specific status of these two projects.06:17
incorrectfair enough06:18
mathiazincorrect: I think there is also a ipsec stack in the kernel.06:18
shawarmaincorrect: What are you trying to connect exactly?06:18
incorrectwell, right now it would just be two sites, neither have a vpn06:18
incorrectand i will then want to connect in clients06:19
shawarmaincorrect: Then why did you conclude that ipsec was the way to go?06:19
incorrectwell, i don't know what might be thrown my way06:19
incorrectso i would conclude that the best way is to be compatible06:19
shawarmaincorrect: openvpn has windows clients, too..06:20
incorrectwhat about cisco06:20
shawarmaincorrect: they do ipsec and their own stuff.06:20
incorrectok so ipsec would be the most sensible option06:20
shawarmaincorrect: Be sure to stock up on aspirin before you start.06:21
shawarmaincorrect: !06:21
incorrecti've setup ipsec before, it wasn't too hard, 06:22
incorrecti've done openvpn too, back in version 106:22
incorrectwhat would be really good is if i could create an install app that configures my windows boxes for my users06:23
incorrectnow that would make them :D06:23
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