
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Seriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by ompaul at Sun May 27 13:43:26 2007
(Jared/#ubuntu) thanks01:47
(Megaqwerty/#ubuntu) you're welcome01:47
(younghacker/#ubuntu) so cool thats is succesful , so will this actually install the vmware tools or just place them on the partition somewhere and i finish the process?01:47
(ceil422/#ubuntu) Pete_, apparently java clients are banned from #ubuntu <_< had to get mIRC on my mom's laptop01:47
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(led43/#ubuntu) kditty try man samba01:47
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(ceil422/#ubuntu) Pete_, Xorg.0.log: http://rafb.net/p/yQAHPW97.html01:47
(Megaqwerty/#ubuntu) younghacker: they will be installed01:47
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(younghacker/#ubuntu) thanks a million..01:48
=== Phonerothyme [n=Rai-Rai@c-71-62-114-123.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertyyounghacker: you're welcome01:48
Pete_ceil420: For whatever reason01:48
AghasterI've killed gdm and opened another terminal screen to edit xorg.conf01:48
younghackerok i have a question about images and using dd to copy them01:48
fatespeaksGood question, kditty.  I'm having problems with that as well.01:48
ksattic_Guys, any tips on how to debug a boot problem? I am a complete beginner and have looked online but I have reached a brick wall. I have checked the dmesg log and there is nothing out of the ordinary. Boot just will not complete after a restart. I can get a console in recovery mode.01:48
MegaqwertyAghaster: check to see if you are using the nvidia driver, not the nv driver01:48
kdittyfatespeaks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba?highlight=%28samba%2901:48
kdittytry that, i just found it01:49
MegaqwertyAghaster: okay...are you running any desktop effects?01:49
=== Catoptromancy [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertyAghaster: (i.e. beryl/compiz/compiz-fusion)01:49
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younghackeri have an image on my desktop, it is downloaded via ftp , it should be a disk image and i want to put it into autopsy to run forensics on it,, however autopsy will not recognize it as a valid image01:49
ceil422Pete_, and Xorg.0.log.old http://rafb.net/p/9FiuZ930.html (i hate this laptop -_- i need a mouse and a REAL keyboard)01:49
=== srbaker [n=srbaker@bas7-toronto12-1096671101.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
andrewkkI'd also like to know how to get more debugging information out of a failed boot01:49
younghackerit's extension is .dd is there something wrong with that?01:49
AghasterI haven't had the chance to enable them, but xorg.conf is configured to try to run composite01:49
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Pete_ceil420: I know what you mean with mice, I have to carry a usb one with my laptop.01:49
Aghasterso no desktop effects at this point01:50
andrewkkI have a fresh install that reboots every time just after grub finishes.01:50
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ceil422wish i had one :x01:50
=== ceil422 minimises mIRC and goes back to his room
MegaqwertyAghaster: okay, what nvidia card do you have?01:50
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MegaqwertyAghaster: (I'll need the model)01:50
ssnmy firefox 2.04 segfaults01:51
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AghasterI have an nvidia 6600 GT01:51
ssnit doesnt open at all01:51
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ssnany suggestions?01:51
Megaqwertyandrewkk: have you tried logging into the recovery console and watching the output?01:51
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AghasterI'm scrolling through /var/log/Xorg.0.log and there are two (EE) lines01:51
andrewkkssn: what cpu architecture are you running?01:51
vip3rousmangoanyone know how to open a .swf with gnash?01:51
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ssnandrewkk: i386? its ubuntustudio01:52
AghasterNVIDIA(0) Error recovery failed01:52
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andrewkkMegaqwerty: it doesnt get any farther than "Starting up..." before it reboots. live CD worked fine...01:52
Stokesythese recent updates arent going to update my kernel are they?01:52
AghasterNVIDIA(0): *** Aborting ***01:52
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Aghasterunfortunately this gives no clues.01:52
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ssnSegmentation fault (core dumped)01:52
cngoHELLO !01:52
led43ssn try running it from the command line and make a note of any error msg's01:52
MegaqwertyAghaster: give me a second to check your model...you may need a different nvidia driver01:52
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andrewkkssn: sorry don't know what to tell you. i've had trouble with amd64 builds in the past.01:52
ssnled43: i did :D01:52
ssnSegmentation fault (core dumped)01:53
ssnthats all01:53
Megaqwertyandrewkk: I have no idea...sorry.01:53
=== verb3k_ [n=verb@84-235-60-32.dsl.saudi.net.sa] has joined #ubuntu
younghackercool it works01:53
n2diyssn: how much ram is on your system?01:53
Ominousargh getting world of warcraft to work is a pain, it was working and now its not01:53
AghasterI have an nvidia 6600 GT, it's in the ubuntu supported cards list. the tool would be installing the wrong driver?01:53
vip3rousmangoanyone know how to open a .swf file with gnash? Every time i double click on it it opens Totem Movie Player =\01:53
led43oh way ubove my head then - sorry01:53
ceil420Pete_, see anything wrong with those Xorg.0.logs? :x i couldn't find anything, but mebbe you can01:54
ssnfirefox worked well until today01:54
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ssni dont have any idea what could have caused this01:54
ssnopera works well01:54
mrignsvip3rousmango: just open it in your broser01:54
led43updated it recently?01:54
verb3k_Guys if I hve a directory full of text files ...and I want to replace every single occurrence of " foo" with " bar "  ....how can I do that from the command line ? thanks in advance01:55
andrewkkssn: have you tried reinstalling it?01:55
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MegaqwertyAghaster: I'm not sure...that's why I'm checking...please be patient.01:55
younghackeranyone familiar with autopsy?01:55
vip3rousmangomrings: yes, but thats not what i need/want. I need to open this without browers01:55
ssnandrewkk: with apt-get install --reinstall mozilla-firefox01:55
vip3rousmangomrings: i have gnash, but i can't select it from the "Open with" app list..01:55
ssnbut it doesnt work01:55
=== lightrush [n=lightrus@CPE00119573e109-CM0011e6be7591.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
vip3rousmangois tasty01:56
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Ominousis there a place where i can get drivers for my logitech mx510 mouse?01:56
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Pete_ceil420: Its not all that obvious where its crashing out, still looking01:56
younghacker@ ssn, would the command be the same to reinstall other applications as well?01:56
=== shiester_miester [n=shiester@220-245-117-254-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
vip3rousmangoOminous: that the cordless duel laser mouse?01:56
shiester_miestergday everyone01:56
mrignsvip3rousmango: tried writing gnash im the text field below the app list?01:56
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ajmorris_hi shiester_miester01:56
ssnyounghacker: i dont understand your question01:56
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vip3rousmangomrigns: you mean just gnash down there?01:57
vip3rousmangomrigns: nope, havn't tried that yet01:57
shiester_miesterwhen i go to share a folder, the only option that comes up is to share through windows networks (SMB).  is there a native linux way of sharing folders?01:57
MegaqwertyAghaster: I can't seem to find the list I used to have of which cards should get which driver... give me the output of01:57
Megaqwertydpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia01:57
ksattic_OK, I tried booting with an older kernel and now I get a BusyBox v1.1.3 prompt... am confused. Where did this come from?01:57
kitcheksattic_: it's part of the initrd01:57
younghackeryou were saying to reinstall mozilla firefox you would execute that line correct, i was asking if it would be the same to reinstall other programs as well like maybe wp_tray or yakuake01:57
Pete_ceil420: I don't have anything similar to lines 207-213 in my log01:57
Ominoushttp://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/428/831&cl=gb,en is what it is01:57
ceil420Pete_, much appreciated o/ I saw the big chunk of "NVIDIA" lines, but none of them had [EE]  next to it :x and at the bottom the only [EE]  was when it tried to load wacom (i don't have a tablet)01:57
=== ceil420 goes back to the laptop to see what lines you mean :o
Aghasternvidia-glx                           install01:58
Aghasternvidia-kernel-common                                          install01:58
Pete_ceil420: Yeh, the wacom tablet lines are just stuck in there by default, didn't even get my wacom tablet working sadly :(01:58
vip3rousmangomrigns: ahhh it worked, thanks01:58
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shiester_miesterit seems as though sharing through windows networks (SMB) causes some kind of performance hit, because the file sharing seems rather slow.  is there a faster way of doing it?01:58
n2diyksattic_: where you backing up with mondo-mindu? Busybox is a kernel supplied with that software.01:58
=== mkyb14 [n=chatzill@cpe-76-176-135-25.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mrignsvip3rousmango: you're welcome01:59
zigarthHey guys, I've been scouring the forums, but I can't figure our why my native screen resolution is not an option under Screen Resolution. I entered all the appropriate information into xorg.conf, and nothing. I am running an ATI Radeon 9600 pro. Can anyone help?01:59
kitche!res | zigarth01:59
ubotuzigarth: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:59
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shiester_miesterzigarth, what resolution are you trying to display?01:59
mrigns!hi > mrigns01:59
MegaqwertyAghaster: okay, give me a minute...I'm going to try to find that list one more time...01:59
zigarth1440 x 90001:59
zigarthbut that option is not available :(02:00
Aghasterokay, thanks for your help02:00
=== RoundyT1 [n=alex@c-71-195-227-17.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mkyb14I'm trying to install Feisty on an old gateway... upon booting up only 640x480 resolution is available and I can't see the next buttons to install... how can I fix this?02:00
vip3rousmangois there an equivilant to ctrl+atl+del in ubuntu? how does one force-close something?02:00
Pete_vip3rousmango: Theres xkill, ctrl - alt - esc02:00
slavikclick the X, the force quit dialog will come up02:00
ceil422Pete_, re: 208-213, nvidia-glx is the driver i needed for my video card, i think; i've since tried nvidia-glx-new (or something like that), which didn't help :x02:00
kitchevip3rousmango: kill -9 <pid> or killall process xkill might not kill the full program though02:00
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Aghastervip: you can also open a terminal, type "ps aux" and then use kill <pid>02:00
slavikmkyb14: hold alt, and you can grab the window anywhere02:01
Pete_ceil420: I use nvidia-glx-new (supports the 5200 fine)02:01
=== oslo__ [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
vip3rousmangowtf is pid?02:01
Aghastergnome also has a little tool you can add in your panel in order to kill windows02:01
vip3rousmangoprogram id?02:01
eckprocess id02:01
Aghasterprogram id02:01
vip3rousmangoahhh ok02:01
zigarth1280 x 1024 is the highest resolution available in ubuntu, for some reason...02:01
zigarthfor me, anyway02:01
ceil420Pete_, yeah, i just re-installed that; i still never see the login screen :x02:01
Aghasterit's a number that "ps aux" will give you along with the program name02:01
fatespeakskditty, thanks.02:01
fatespeaksThough a samba connection worked out of the box with Debian.  I assumed that Ubuntu would have the same support.02:01
vip3rousmangois there like a terminal command cheat-sheet somewhere?02:02
slavikzigarth: same here, 1280x1024 si highest for me, too02:02
mkyb14slavik thanks... by the way how do you put a msg to a specific person...02:02
slavikmkyb14: in irc?02:02
Pete_ceil420: Backup your xorg.conf file, cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup02:02
MegaqwertyAghaster: I still can't find that list :( but can I assume you can survive in a terminal (just in case you need to reset to the nv driver if one of the suggestions doesn't work)02:02
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kdittyfatespeaks: not out of box, but ive used samba before, it worked fine after i figured out the login problems02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opendns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
fatespeaksI am running 3840x102402:02
Pete_ceil420: Then "rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf" "dexconf" "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"02:02
eckvip3rousmango: uh, you can use apropos02:02
mkyb14yea... like how it makes the msg with my name .... i can't remember.. you start typing and it should auto fill02:02
Pete_fatespeaks: Snap on that resolution :)02:03
Aghasteryeah, I can try and set it back to nv. I just installed ubuntu in the hope I'd be able to get 3D acceleration working with it02:03
vip3rousmangoeck: what is that/where do i find it?02:03
slavikmkyb14: tab02:03
zigarthslavik: It's driving me crazy... I've added the parameters for higher resolutions into xorg.conf, and it still won't let me change the resolution to anything higher.02:03
fatespeaksto get 3840x1024, had to edit xorg.conf and add modeline.02:03
eckvip3rousmango: type it into a terminal, e.g. apropos kill02:03
fatespeaksusing a matrox triplehead2go02:03
mkyb14slavik: nice thanks02:03
slavikzigarth: can the monitor support those resolutions? can the driver support them?02:03
Raiders32                                                            !watchdog02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about watchdog - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
fatespeaksalso had to switch to nvidia drivers instead of nv02:03
Pete_fatespeaks: I've always wonderered how well they work02:04
MegaqwertyAghaster: okay, I'm not saying you should switch back, just if it doesn't work.02:04
ceil420Pete_, Failed to start X server02:04
MegaqwertyAghaster: and you can't get into the gui02:04
zigarthslavik: yea, in fact it worked in fedora just fine. My monitor is 19 inch wide screen and 1440 x 900 is native. The drivers are correct and should support the resolution.02:04
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Aghasterin fact the problems is that I get black & white blinking screen with very small resolution02:04
Pete_ceil420: Then forget that and get the old config back, cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/init.d/xorg.conf, as its not that02:04
vip3rousmangois there any way to bind the ` key so that terminal pops up when i hit it?02:05
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AghasterI still can blindly login with gdm, and hear gnome start02:05
ceil420Pete_, (WW) VESA: No matching device for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:0) found.02:05
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slavikzigarth: check wiki please02:05
fatespeaksthe triplehead2go is pretty cool and I can share 3 monitors between multiple computers with a kvm.02:05
Aghasterso I'm a bit more advanced than with debian XD02:05
eckvip3rousmango: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts02:05
ceil420Pete_, oh okay02:05
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vip3rousmangoeck: thanks!02:05
MegaqwertyAghaster: yeah, okay. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't get lost if you had to use a terminal to recover02:05
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led43By folks will see you all later when I have finish my install02:05
Pete_Hopefully someday ubuntu will get a reasonable x config tool.. like sax.02:06
AghasterI'm comfortable with using the terminal02:06
zigarthslavik: I've tried several solutions through the forums which failed... do you think the wiki would be more useful?02:06
Pete_led43: Good luck02:06
MegaqwertyAghaster: I remember there was a kernel module problem when doing this...so give me another minute to check how I circumvented that.02:06
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erickI am So Confused02:08
MegaqwertyAghaster: okay, so you need to install nvidia-glx-new02:08
MegaqwertyAghaster: that might fix it. But...if you get an X error about a version mismatch or something to that effect...02:09
AghasterI switched to nv in order to deactivate the automatic management tool for proprietary drivers02:09
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MegaqwertyAghaster: you will need to reinstall nvidia-kernel-common and linux-restricted-modules-386 . That should do it...Good Luck02:10
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gr1mr34perneed broadcom 802.1x drivers for ubuntu02:11
vip3rousmangoanyone know a codex package that has .rvmb?? Totem goes nutz when i try to play that endign02:11
gr1mr34perany help plz?02:11
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Aghastergr1mr34pz: what is the model of your cardY?02:11
gr1mr34perhang on02:11
Aghastercheck out ndiswrapper, that's probably what you need.02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about touchscreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:12
LeoDioxide_can you get a touchscreen working in linux?02:12
macabro22can someone point me to a good xgl-compiz startup script?02:12
vip3rousmangoim sure you can02:12
vip3rousmangono idea how, but im sure its possible02:12
M-LeoDioxide_: Sure, plenty of people have. But it depends a bit on the specific model02:12
Stwangehey I'm looking for a decent media player with mp3/m4a/(ideally)wma support, and a simple video player with avi/mpg support, any recommendations?02:12
gr1mr34perAghaster it doesnt tell me...but its the ones that come in with a hp laptop02:13
M-LeoDioxide_: Most of them present a generic Serial keyboard interface02:13
macabro22I use amarok and kaffeine02:13
fatespeaksI think that I used a broadcom cord on my laptop.  the 11G card that I use is a motorola something02:13
vip3rousmangostwange: XMMS for music media/ and totum with the gstreamer packages02:13
vip3rousmangostwang: for movies02:13
LeoDioxide_M-: it's usb attached02:13
macabro22for mp3 and video respectively02:13
w30younghacker: to register nickname type /msg nickserv register <your-password>02:13
M-LeoDioxide_: It's probably USB serial then02:13
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LeoDioxide_that would make sense wouldn't it02:14
kitcheyounghacker: /quote is a tad better then /msg if your client supports it02:14
Stwangethanks :) wish me luck - downloading/installing hasn't been easy so far02:14
w30younghacker: to register nickname type /msg nickserv register <your-password>02:14
=== TheGuaranaTHEORY [n=infiniti@user-24-236-120-250.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
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TheGuaranaTHEORYBut the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare02:14
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TheGuaranaTHEORYSince everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.[b] That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.02:14
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Aghastergrim: are you currently on windows or linux on your laptop?02:14
TheGuaranaTHEORYHe writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.02:14
M-! ops02:14
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:14
fatespeaksfound really good info on help.ubuntu.com for setting up the broadcom.02:14
gnomefreakM-: ?02:14
gr1mr34peri am on vista on laptop02:14
n2diy! ops02:14
LeoDioxide_whats with the spam?02:14
PriceChildM-, ?02:14
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macabro22there is no god, wake up02:15
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gr1mr34peri am in the middle of installing it on an exteral hdd02:15
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gnomefreakM-: ?02:15
Pete_What is this..02:15
PriceChildah :)02:15
kitchegnomefreak: TheGuaranaTHEORY02:15
naliothTheGuaranaTHEORY: please stay on topic here02:15
PriceChildthanks M-02:15
TheGuaranaTHEORYTherefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position.02:15
slavikgnomefreak: TheGuaranaTHEORY :)02:15
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M-thanks guys02:15
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macabro22Hmm another anti-darwinian freak02:15
qisaultIs there a way to have a timed log out option?  Say if the machine is sitting idle for say 10 min to auto log out?02:15
LeoDioxide_so the lord of terror bhaal runs ubuntu?02:16
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enviouzanybody know of a frontend for unrar?02:16
n2diyqisault: google for Ubuntu kiosk02:16
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enviouzor any gui based rar archivers?02:17
qisaultn2diy: Thanks.02:17
kitchemacabro22: seems like he pasted it in the wrong channel lol02:17
Aghastergrim, check this out02:17
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Aghasterit should help you identify your card from vista02:17
gr1mr34perwill do02:17
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macabro22kitche: yep.02:18
LeoDioxide_what installs rpms?02:18
DanaGI'm trying to install Feisty on an old laptop, but the CD is caught in a loop of Gnome crashing.02:18
n2diyI'm test driving gaim as my irc client, when someone replies to me, I'm not alerted by a bell, like with gnome-xchat, is there a fix for this?02:18
LeoDioxide_n2diy: preferences -> sounds02:18
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enviouzLeoDioxide_:  rpms are redhat/fedora platform. we use .deb02:19
tonyyarussoLeoDioxide_: rpms are for Red Hat style distros, not Ubuntu.02:19
gr1mr34perAghaster, i am completely lost on that website02:19
LeoDioxide_thats not good.....02:19
StwangeI've downloaded XMME as a .tar.gz file, and I have it open with an archive manager, but what files am I looking for inside? Or what do I do with all the files? eg. in windows I would know to go straight for a .exe or a .txt instruction02:19
n2diyLeoDioxide_: I don't have a preferences option, I do have options > enable sounds, enabled.02:19
enviouzyou can convert them using alien but i dont recommend it adn it usually doesnt work02:19
vip3rousmangoStwange: you're looking for a .sh file02:20
M-LeoDioxide_: You can convert RPMs to debs with the package 'alien'. But there are no guarantees as to whether it'll work or not.02:20
LeoDioxide_n2diy: are you getting sound from other programs?02:20
ibanexDanaG: try the alternate install CD02:20
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andrewkkStwange: http://www.monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/02:20
LeoDioxide_probably won't work, its drivers02:20
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enviouzLeoDioxide_:  what driver? for what?02:20
Aghastergr1mper: why are you asking for linux drivers for your card if it runs vista?02:20
n2diyLeoDioxide_: Yes, gnome-xchat rings when I get a reply.02:20
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gr1mr34pervista is just eating too much out of my computer02:21
james296I need help installing my WUSB54GSC network card since its the only one I have that has SpeedBooster..02:21
james296can anyone plz help me?02:21
gr1mr34peri am installing ubuntu in my laptop02:21
turtlehopper81I have an old laptop without a cdrom how can I install ubuntu02:21
james296or would it automatically work after reinstallation?02:22
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LeoDioxide_enviouz: touchscreen drivers for me elo systems touchscreen02:22
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Aghasterhttp://www.sisoftware.co.uk/index.html?dir=&location=downandbuy&langx=en&a= download the lite version here02:22
andrewkkturtlehopper81: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-ca8e337bdfab6bfa1d064371898775fe1e9e22fd02:22
LeoDioxide_n2diy: do you have more than 1 audio card? (onboard/pci)02:22
n2diyGaim is laim, switching back to xchat.02:22
enviouzahh ic. sorry i know nothing about that. just thought i could help but i guess not02:22
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Aghasterit is a software to help you identify what's in your computer02:22
LeoDioxide_thanks anyway02:22
Aghasteruseful for laptops, they don't give much info.02:22
n2diyLeoDioxide_: No, I ditching gaim, so don't worry about it, thanks.02:23
Telefonwtf? 100 peole!02:23
LeoDioxide_n2diy: I don't blame you >.>02:23
n2diyI / I'm02:23
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supremesonicAnyone can tell me how to download a homesite with wget, where I get all pictures with me and only pictures and css etc with me, however some of the pictures and css files may be on another domain.02:23
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vox754Telefon, yeah we are a few. Upon new releases there are like 130002:23
LeoDioxide_supremesonic: man wget02:23
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sn-supremesonic im not sure but there is a firefox extension called "download them all" to do just that02:24
DanaGThis laptop's CD drive is "made of fail."02:24
Telefonand no admin/mod?02:24
ChrisF_greetings, I'm trying to run wine to install dreamweaver but I am getting this error when I try to run wine dw_client_install.exe.  "wine: could not load L"D:\\fscommand\\dw_client_installer.exe": Module not found02:24
james296so can anyone PLZ help me?02:24
ChrisF_anybody know how to fix this?  What's this module?02:24
{uX}l`VampyrCeilPete_, ceil420 here, in xchat :o m8 told me i can just use "xstart" to get my GUI, and it worked :) so the problem is specifically with the login window, apparently :x anyway to restore that to defaults?02:24
LeoDioxide_james296: whats the problem?02:24
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supremesonicLeoDioxide, I already done man wget. I don't know how to do that special thing, I try lot of things02:24
enviouzLeoDioxide_:  is it usb?02:24
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LeoDioxide_enviouz: yeah02:24
Aghasterjames: have you looked for ndiswrapper?02:24
james296I need help setting up my wireless WUSB54GSC driver...02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:25
{uX}l`VampyrCeil^=- whatever that process is, it's got my CPU at 100%, too :x02:25
james296yes when I installed it underr that nothing happened at all02:25
LeoDioxide_supremesonic: downloadthemall the plugin will help you a lot, I'd go with that02:25
supremesonicsn- Thanks I will look into that.02:25
andrewkkDanaG: can you be more specific?02:25
james296like when I chose the .inf file it acted as if nothing at all happened...02:25
enviouzfound this  http://www.softcoded.net/eduard/elousb.html    talks aboiut the driver (its for ubuntu dapper but may still work)02:25
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers02:25
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supremesonicLeoDioxide_  for wget or for firefox/ or other?02:25
n2diy_LeoDioxide_: I'm in xchat now, send me a reply, and lets see if the system bell rings now?02:25
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eternalswdis there a package for the mozilla sdk in the repos?02:25
LeoDioxide_supremesonic: firefox02:26
LeoDioxide_n2diy_: blahblah!02:26
supremesonicdoh didn't see that lol02:26
Bob_DoleXchat is the pwn02:26
kitchesupremesonic: well wget -r means recursive so that might be what you want but wget onyl grabs files not used for mirroring really whihc is what you want to do pretty much02:26
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james296so yeah...02:26
Pete_{uX}l`VampyrCeil: xstart is not a command i've come across. Have a look at /var/log/gdm.log02:26
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IndyGunFreakn2diy_: did it work?02:26
n2diy_LeoDioxide_: Nope, had a reboot from a power failure this morning, looks like I can't be blaming gaim.02:26
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LeoDioxide_yeah, I have problems with alsa choosing different sound devices, but it sounds like you nuked yours :\02:27
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slavikhow do I select which device OSS uses?02:27
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n2diy_IndyGunFreak: nope, I have a sound problem some where. Lost power this morning, and the system did a hard shut down, so I'm off to trouble shoot.02:27
Pete_supremesonic: If you are looking to mirror a site try "wget --mirror --page-requisites http://site.com/"02:27
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supremesonickitche, I try. However it doesn't take pictures from other hosts or domains. I try with -p -k too. They only works when the pictures is in a sub folder.02:28
IndyGunFreakLeoDioxide_: i had a lot of probs with that to, i ended up downloading the "bell" from X-chat gnome, and going through and manually setting the options02:28
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DanaGWTF?  How does usplash get full-res framebuffer if vesafb isn't loaded?02:28
IndyGunFreakn2diy_: is your other sound working?02:28
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DanaGIt's like magic.02:28
kitchesupremesonic: have to look up website mirroring on linux it should tell you02:28
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LeoDioxide_this morning I flashed my bios, and windows stopped booting >.<02:28
enviouzLeoDioxide_:  thats all i can find on that driver as it pertains to ubuntu. hope it helps you though02:28
Pete_supremesonic: You need -p or --page-requisites switch02:28
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LeoDioxide_enviouz: looks like it will, thanks02:29
n2diy_IndyGunFreak: nope, I right click on my volume control, and prefrences, and I'm told no device found, looks the hard shutdown munged something?02:29
DanaGLeoDioxide_: do you have a SATA drive on an ICH-something southbridge?02:29
piliHi, any lightweigt bitorrent client?02:29
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dfwlinuxguypili deluge is great02:29
piliand easy?02:29
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DanaGThe ICH5 and such southbridges have multiple modes for SATA and PATA to operate in.02:30
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supremesonicPete_  thats the thing I don't want all the pages I just want one page and all images it point too. Like http://en.wikipedia.com/SomeSubject  and I want all pictures from that site only. However wikipedia uploads the pictures to another domain called http://uploads.wikipedia.com/media or something02:30
dfwlinuxguypili yes easy02:30
syahrezain indonesia02:30
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pili<dfwlinuxguy> i'll try02:30
LeoDioxide_DanaG: yeah, I think I do, why?02:30
llolhello folks02:30
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llolis there a way to redetect a pci NIC card02:30
jacekowskireload module02:31
n2diy_IndyGunFreak: I just tried running Audacity, and it reported an error with the "audio i/o layer?02:31
llollights are on it but its ETH name aint coming up02:31
lloljust use that command?02:31
IndyGunFreakn2diy_: hmm, no clue... sounds like a sound issue though, not just xchat02:31
dfwlinuxguypili http://www.deluge-torrent.org/02:31
enviouzLeoDioxide_:  also try apt-cache search touchscreen (there is few references there)02:31
jacekowskisudo rmmod module_name02:31
jacekowskisudo modprobe module_name02:31
jacekowskibut it's probably something with udev02:31
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n2diy_IndyGunFreak: Yep, got some work to do.02:31
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dfrugehello all02:32
|Jason8|Hello all.  I found a script to create a swap file (swap partition got screwed up, etc...) but I'm not able to execute it.  What would the chmod be to be able to execute it?  -x?02:32
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LeoDioxide_man, I didn't know apt-cache existed02:32
mykbot2600I set up a mail server, and have a domain name.  I set up the mail server on my box using postfix, but am unsure how to configure my domain name to send mail to my machine.  Anybody know anything about this?02:32
llolso how do i find the module that it uses02:32
kitche|Jason8|: chmod +x02:32
jacekowski|Jason8|: do this by hand02:32
pili<dfwlinuxguy> As of Feisty, Deluge is in Ubuntu's universe repository. DO NOT INSTALL THIS VERSION02:32
llolits one of em realtek cards02:32
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jacekowskillol: 8139cp or 8139too02:32
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yoyoanyone here have experience with creating a Xen guest os ?02:33
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n2diy_IndyGunFreak: Duh, I have a script file I need to run, to load the sound modules after a reboot! When you only reboot four times a year, you forget these things!02:33
jacekowskiyoyo: me some, on gentoo02:33
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llolRTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ heres wat i got02:33
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yoyoso u ran an ubuntu guest os on the gentoo host os?02:33
jacekowskin2diy_: what with kernel updated02:33
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dfwlinuxguypili it means do not install the repository version...download the one from the website and use it02:33
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dfwlinuxguypili the one in the repository is out of date...confusing I know02:34
piliwow, compiling now02:34
n2diy_jacekowski: ??02:34
gr1mr34peraghaster, i just shows broadcom 802.11g network adapter02:34
|Jason8|kitche, I keep getting "startup-swap command not found"02:34
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dfwlinuxguypili you don't have to compile it02:34
pili<dfwlinuxguy> getdeb has got it, thanx02:34
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kitche|Jason8|: yeah is that the script?02:35
jacekowski|Jason8|: do this by hand02:35
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|Jason8|kitche, sure is.02:35
DanaGLeoDioxide_: oops, I stopped paying attention for a little while.02:35
gr1mr34perAghaster, it wont show me a model name, it just shows broadcom 802.11g network adapter :/02:36
DanaGTake a look in the BIOS settings for something about "IDE mode" or "SATA mode" -- there's something similar to "enhanced" and something like "legacy" or "emulation".02:36
kitche|Jason8|: ./startup-swap in the folder that the script is in02:36
DanaGIf it's on one, try setting it to the other.02:36
Bob_DoleLeonidis says "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAA"  >>>02:36
LeoDioxide_and that'll help with teh windows?02:36
Bob_DoleI'm done with meme's now.02:36
DanaGWindows doesn't like having IDE devices randomly change drivers.02:36
|Jason8|kitche, thanks :)02:36
LeoDioxide_after I get mah touchscreen working of course02:37
DanaGIf you want to use it in the new mode, you'll have to manually install the new drivers while it's booted in the old mode.02:37
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DanaGArgh, is there anything I can do about this old laptop whose CD drive refuses to properly read a burned CD?02:37
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Paranoiakhi everybody02:38
DanaGIf disabling DMA will fix it, how do I do that?02:38
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bronzeHelp! I can just merely move the mouse (sometimes), but all the buttons arei ntactcs02:38
Paranoiakhow can we see dhcp client table?02:38
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foxjazzbronze: foxjazz<< No idea02:39
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IndyGunFreakn2diy_: lol, i take it that fixed it?02:39
foxjazzbronze: Dude I have NO idea02:39
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LeoDioxide_ok, bbl, gotta try stuff02:39
bronzeAll my buttons work but I can't move the mouse. It wasn't like this before and it worked in windows02:39
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ccesareDoes anyone have any tips for improving battery life for laptops in Feisty?02:39
enviouzanybody know of a frontend for unrar? or a rar archiver that has a gui?02:40
foxjazzccesare: Yea, put water on it02:40
AghasterI'm thinking02:40
n2diy_IndyGunFreak: Sorry, I was out of the room, try again and I'll tell you for sure?02:40
{uX}l`VampyrCeilwhat would happen if i killed gdm?02:40
foxjazzAghaster: sorry about that dude.02:40
IndyGunFreakyou said you forgot you had to run a script after you reboot, did running the script fix it?02:40
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bronzeenviouz, I believe that the built-in archive manager supports rar if you install unrar02:41
specialmooseworkspaces for ubuntu, using just 1, anyway to have it not show all 4?02:41
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AphGab  Anyone familiar with Linux Scroll lock and KVM issues?  Is there a way around the issue?02:41
specialmooseor just narrow it down to 2?02:41
enviouzahh ok ty ill try that once. i didnt know that i just though it plain didnt support it02:41
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StwangeThanks for the help so far, I think things are starting to come together, but I'm not really understanding why yet. Quick couple more questions: Why is it possible to browse my NTFS partition? I didn't think Linux could even read it. And I have all my music in the NTFS partition, are there any benefits of copying it over, seeing as I can read it anyway?02:41
{uX}l`VampyrCeilalso, where's the configuration file for the graphical login screen? whenever i try to use the GUI login window config thing, it for some reason tries to load the login screen, which currently isn't working.02:41
n2diy_IndyGunFreak: I don't know, you didn't include my nick in your last post.02:41
bionoidspecialmoose: right-click them bottom-right, properties..02:41
PurpZeYccesare: Change the brightness letter when unplugged, and possible cpu scaling02:42
Aghasteroh well... I don't know. sisandra helped me identify it, otherwise there are tools on linux to do it02:42
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llolmy network card is not coming up in the network tools yet the hardware information sees it02:42
foxjazzStwange: linux can read all partitions.. No benefit heh02:42
IndyGunFreakn2diy_: yes i did, you said you had to run a script when you reboot to reload sound modules02:42
lloli tried the module reload nada02:42
IndyGunFreakwas wondering if it worked.02:42
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Busatajoho a pirate's life for me02:43
Busatadrink up me hearties!02:43
Aghasterllol: what is your card?02:43
{uX}l`VampyrCeilalso, where's the configuration file for the graphical login screen? whenever i try to use the GUI login window config thing, it for some reason tries to load the login screen, which currently isn't working. (alternatively, if someone knows a simple command to restore the login window settings to default, that'd be great, too)02:43
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n2diy_IndyGunFreak: Nope, the script ran ok, but still no sound. And I have to split for a couple hours, so I'll troubleshoot it later, thanks.02:43
llolits a realtek 813902:43
Aghasterhave you checked ndiswrapper?02:43
IndyGunFreakn2diy_: ok.. good luck w/ it02:43
specialmoosebionoid, well when i drag a window over (does the cube effect) into another space, how do i go back into that space? i use ctr+alt+left/right but that goes into the new desktop space02:44
enviouzbronze:  the default archinve manager does work with rar after install unrar. thankx so much.02:44
pngwenhow can I get the form wizard in oobase to work?  It works everywhere else, but not in ubuntu.02:44
bronzenp mate02:44
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n2diy_IndyGunFreak: My CW practice program is working, so this is weird.02:44
pngwenI found something on the forums about using a different version of java, but now it won't even open.02:45
IndyGunFreakCW practice program?02:45
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bionoidspecialmoose: Oh I was thinking metacity. Not sure I quit using beryl because it bugs so much on my system :\02:45
enviouzi searched for like 3 hours looking for a frontend or gui based one.02:45
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AphGabDoes anyone have any experience with KVM's and Linux?  I cannot seem to use double-scroll lock tap to switch to the second channel....02:45
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llolso anyways to make the network managers see the card again02:46
Jack_SparrowAphGab: I am using one here02:46
DanaGArgh, naming collision -- I head KVM and thought of Qemu.02:46
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DanaGPerhaps say "KVM Switches"02:46
AphGabJack_Sparrow:  Are you having any issues with it?02:46
AphGabDanaG: ?02:46
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Jack_SparrowMy KVM switch works fine02:46
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DanaGkvm - x86 emulator with CPU VT support02:46
Stwangeare there any supported open source programs similar to vmware?02:47
foxjazzI need to purchase another monitor. One for linux, one for windows02:47
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Jack_SparrowAphGab: The timing of the keypresses is a bit slower02:47
AphGabI have a little two port Belking and I cannot switch to the second channel from within Linux....Windows switches fine.02:47
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Jack_SparrowAphGab: My switch uses break, break page-up02:48
AphGabJack_Sparrow:  Does not seem to be working :(02:48
madahnonotrop relou quoi02:48
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Wikkedfin^i thought there was an xchat sysinfo script for xchat on ubuntu?02:48
Jack_SparrowAphGab: My cap lock needs to be for mine to work02:48
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JamesinatorI'm trying to install a package that wasn't specifically designed for Ubuntu (psad), and it's trying to access /usr/bin/mail -- which is nonexistent. What package do I need to install to get /usr/bin/mail, or where is Ubuntu's equivalent to /usr/bin/mail?02:48
bionoidAphGab: Hit ctrl-alt-F1 and try from there (work-around though).. alt-f7 (iirc) will return you to X when you change back02:48
bronzeCan anyone explain this to me? "# emerge -a app-emulation/wine" It doesn't work in terminall02:48
dfwlinuxguyjamesinator ..mailx02:49
bionoidbronze: Thats for a different distribution, gentoo, not ubuntu02:49
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Fathefneranyone know about dreamlinux02:49
Jamesinatordfwlinuxguy: Thanks.02:49
bronzebionoid, what does it do and what can I do?02:49
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bionoidbronze: apt-get install wine02:49
{uX}l`VampyrCeilwhere's the configuration file for the graphical login screen? whenever i try to use the GUI login window config thing, it for some reason tries to load the login screen, which currently isn't working. (alternatively, if someone knows a simple command to restore the login window settings to default, that'd be great, too)02:50
bronzeoh, I already have it, so that's it?02:50
bionoidbronze: would be, as far as I know, the equivalent in ubuntu02:50
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kitche!offtopic | Fathefner02:50
ubotuFathefner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:50
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bionoid{uX}l`VampyrCeil: /etc/[kx] dm*02:50
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kyled185dfwlinuxguy: hey I think I finally fixed that particular issue I was having last night02:51
madahnonoallez cassez vous tous02:51
{uX}l`VampyrCeilbionoid, or gdm? :x02:51
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bionoid{uX}l`VampyrCeil: or that ;p02:51
{uX}l`VampyrCeili don't have kdm or xdm02:51
dfwlinuxguykyled185 what was it?02:52
Tachikomahello :D02:52
Wikkedfin^anyone have a good sysinfo script for xchat that works great with ubuntu amd6402:52
{uX}l`VampyrCeilbut currently, the process "gdm" is using about 94% of my CPU :x02:52
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{uX}l`VampyrCeili'm afraid to kill it02:52
jeremysandauCan somebody help me understand why I can't install Wine?02:52
shiester_miester{uX}l`VampyrCeil, dont kill it :P02:52
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shiester_miesterjeremysandau, whats your problem?02:52
Jack_Sparrowjeremysandau: How are you trying to do it?02:52
kyled185dfwlinuxguy: I ended up going to a tutorial online and re-writing my private domain zones and my named.conf02:52
fiendskull9tim__b: timmy?02:52
tckcome across something annoying, upon starting say amsn, kopete or camorama it wont start webcam unless i run gksu on them02:52
tckwas never like this02:53
jeremysandauI have tried to use the console, as well as Synaptecs, but no matter what I do it won't seem to install.02:53
andrewkk!fr | madahnono02:53
ubotumadahnono: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:53
shiester_miesterjeremysandau, why not?02:53
Stwangewhere can I find installed packages? Not all of them are in Applications02:53
kyled185dfwlinuxguy: and then I haven't had the issue since, hopefully it will continue to work02:53
shiester_miesterwhat happens when you try to install it?02:53
tckkyled185, synaptic02:53
dfwlinuxguykyled185  I thought it might be a typo or something....glad you got it working..I was hanging around tonight to try to help you02:53
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fiendskull9Tim "Precog" Bardon, you here?02:53
Jack_SparrowStwange: dpkg has a way to list those02:53
jeremysandauPretty much nothing happens at all.02:53
jeremysandauIt's as though nothing happens02:53
shiester_miesterjeremysandau, no errer messages?02:53
dfwlinuxguykyled185 you in tx?02:53
jeremysandauNo error messages that I have seen.02:54
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kyled185dfwlinuxguy: no, MO02:54
shiester_miesterthats odd02:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about submux-dvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:54
shiester_miesterjeremysandau, is there a .wine folder inside your home folder?02:54
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Jack_Sparrowjeremysandau: Do you know how it works?  from terminal etc..02:54
orbisvicis!info submux-dvd02:54
ubotusubmux-dvd: subtitle multiplexer, muxes subtitles into .vob. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0.0 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 120 kB02:54
jeremysandaulet me check.02:54
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{uX}l`VampyrCeilhey, if i just delete /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom, will it try to load my login window with the default gdm.conf settings?02:55
shiester_miesteryou have to enable hidden folder viewing too02:55
{uX}l`VampyrCeilor will it complain? :x02:55
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shiester_miester{uX}l`VampyrCeil, you could always just change the login window settings using the configuration tool02:55
fiendskull9preco1: tim?02:55
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kyled185dfwlinuxguy: perhaps you could answer a quick question though, I can't get "evansnet.com" to succeed in the nslookup, doing "www.evansnet.com" or any other sub-domain works however02:56
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{uX}l`VampyrCeilshiester_miester, when i try to load the configuration tool, for some reason it tries to show me the login window, which is currently "broken". then i get a black screen with a "waiting" cursor02:56
{uX}l`VampyrCeilshiester_miester, atm, i'm only in a gui because i used startx from a tty :x02:56
shiester_miester:/ thats odd02:56
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{uX}l`VampyrCeilyeah, it is02:56
preco1Hey, I got the "Fatal Error" "cannot install grub on hd0" when I choose manual installation during the partition selection02:56
preco1at the end of the installation02:56
jeremysandauAs far as I can find, there is no .wine folder.02:56
shiester_miesterpreco1, do you have multiple hard drives02:56
{uX}l`VampyrCeilso you think it's safe to delete /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom? :x02:57
preco1i have 202:57
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fiendskull9jeremysandau: did you run winecfg?02:57
Stwangewhat's dpkg?02:57
jeremysandauNo, I did not run winecfg.02:57
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.02:57
jeremysandauIs that a terminal command?02:57
fiendskull9jeremysandau: run winecfg02:57
Stwangesorry I know a lot of these questions could be found through google02:57
fiendskull9it will creat the .wine folder and preferences02:57
Aghaster:) yeah, I got 3D acceleration :P02:57
shiester_miesterpreco1, try removing the one you arent installing on.  i have problems with installing ubuntu on systems with multiple drives02:57
orbisvicisanyone know how rebuild a vob as a vob (demuxing/muxing removes vobsubs) to fix the ending frames ?02:57
jeremysandauHow do i "run winecfg" ?02:57
shiester_miesterpreco1, and then reconnect it once the installation is finished02:57
fiendskull9jeremysandau: in a terminal02:58
fiendskull9jeremysandau: its just a command02:58
shiester_miesterjeremysandau, alt+f2, type "xterm", type "winecfg" in the terminal02:58
fiendskull9shiester_miester: ah, is he not in X?02:58
jamieanyone know how i compile RogueOMatic under Ubuntu?02:58
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shiester_miesteryeah he is, i assume02:58
shiester_miesterhe said he was in a gui02:58
fiendskull9jamie: ./configure , make, sudo make install02:58
shiester_miesterand ubuntu has an xterm terminal02:58
hooloovoonalioth: Are you there?02:59
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jeremysandaufiendskull9, thank you very much.02:59
fiendskull9shiester_miester: nevermind, i confused myself, when you said alt+f2 i was thinking virtual terminals (as if he wasnt in an X server)02:59
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shiester_miesteroh ok02:59
jamiefiendskull: This doesn't have a configure script02:59
fiendskull9jamie: do you know what language its in?03:00
preco1i am using vista, xp, and ubuntu, and i need both drives, I can do a guided install fine, but now that i have xp and vista alrerady there, i need to know what to change hd0 to03:00
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Tachikomadoes anyone experienced problems using the latest version of ubuntu with an Ati card? :] 03:00
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jamiefiendskull:c i believe03:00
AphGabBack again - 2 Port Belkin KVM switch is still not responding from within Linux.  I can use the mouse and keyboard, but cannot switch to my windows box (however, I can switch fto Linux from Windows).  The switch command is Scroll Lock x2 and Up or Down or Scroll Lock x2 and "1" or "2"03:00
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hooloovooTachikoma: Yes03:00
{uX}l`VampyrCeil!ati | Tachikoma03:00
ubotuTachikoma: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:00
ubotuMozilla Sunbird is a cross-platform calendar application, built upon Mozilla Toolkit. Our goal is to bring Mozilla-style ease-of-use to your calendar, without tying you to a particular storage solution.03:00
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Tachikomai got kernel panic at the first reboot03:00
shiester_miesterfiendskull9, ANSI C, i heard (which is a variant or something)03:00
Tachikoma:] 03:00
tckim finding that when applications need access to /dev/video for my webcam, i cannot start it unless im root03:00
tckany ideas?03:00
JaredDoes anyone know how I can install sunbird?03:00
MajorPayneHow can I view the console when Ubuntu is booting?03:00
StwangeI think I found the dpkg command to list all installed packages, but what I want is a list of shortcuts to installed programs - Applications seems to do that to some extent but now it's stopped03:00
tckit was never like this03:00
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orbisvicisanyone know where to go to get help on vobs ?03:01
fiendskull9shiester_miester: ansi c is just a regulation "follow these rules" way of writing C code03:01
kitchetck: is your user part of video group?03:01
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{uX}l`VampyrCeilJared, they don't have linux binaries on mozilla's site?03:01
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tckkitche, great suggestion i will try,03:01
naliothhooloovoo: pong03:01
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AphGabBack again - 2 Port Belkin KVM switch is still not responding from within Linux.  I can use the mouse and keyboard, but cannot switch to my windows box (however, I can switch fto Linux from Windows).  The switch command is Scroll Lock x2 and Up or Down or Scroll Lock x2 and "1" or "2."  Anyone have any ideas about how to fix this or get around it? (Alt+Ctrl+F1 / F7 did not work)03:01
shiester_miesterMajorPayne, there is a command line argument that the recovery console uses.  i cant remember what it is, but take a look at the command line for recovery console, its under "kernel" i think03:01
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ochaim finishing installing samba, but but i cant get this command to work "sudo chmod 0777 /media/samba"  whats another way of giving access to the files?03:01
Jared{uX}l`VampyrCeil, uhhh they have a download which is i think in a .tar.gz but I don't know what to do with that file03:01
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{uX}l`VampyrCeil!compile | Jared03:02
ubotuJared: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:02
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shiester_miesterJared, its an archive, like a zip03:02
fiendskull9ocha: making a user group and chowning(chgrp?)ing the directory03:02
treyeshi need help with sound?03:02
ochafiendskull9: what do ya mean?03:02
Jaredshiester_miester, I know that its an archive, I just don't know how to software from there. Thanks {uX}l`VampyrCeil I'm going to try that out03:03
treyeshi cant hear any sound03:03
Tachikomathere's nothing useful in that page for me :) i get kernel panic if i run gdm03:03
{uX}l`VampyrCeilJared, the source file is stored in the tarball; you'll need to extract it, then cd to the folder the source is in and type ./configure, then make, then sudo make install03:03
fiendskull9ocha: you asked what was another way of ensuring correct access to /media/samba03:03
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fiendskull9you could make a new group, and add all the samba users to it03:03
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fiendskull9and just make sure that the new group owns the /media/samba dir03:03
{uX}l`VampyrCeilJared, but some sources need other options and such to compile properly, so it's good practice to read the INSTALL file included with most source files03:03
ochafiendskull9, like when i type in that command line, it doesn't work03:03
dr_zhivagoi've got balls of steeeeel03:04
fiendskull9ocha: chgrp might not exsist (im on windows currently)03:04
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Stwangewhere do .deb installations get installed to?03:04
fiendskull9Stwange: where the deb file tells it to03:04
treyeshi cant hear any  sound on my laptop03:04
ochafiendskull9:  "sudo chmod 0777 /media/samba"03:05
MajorPayneIf I remove "splash" from the kernel line in menu.lst will that stop the Ubuntu splash screen from coming up?03:05
fiendskull9Stwange: most often /usr/shared/<application> for the main files, and the executable in /usr/bin03:05
ochafiendskull9: "chmod: cannot access `/media/samba': No such file or directory03:05
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fiendskull9ocha: sudo mkdir /media/samba03:05
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Stwangeok, and if I delete the .deb file afterwards, will this cause problems - just wondering because I'm going to have to use sudo to do it for some reason03:05
foxjazzhmmm... why doesn't foxnews play?03:05
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fiendskull9Stwange: no problems at all03:05
shiester_miesterStwange, no it wont, the deb is just to install03:05
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fiendskull9treyesh: you need to ask a question to receive help03:06
fiendskull9preco1: what sweetie bumpkins03:06
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treyeshI need help setting up sound on my laptop?03:06
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fiendskull9treyesh: errors, device names, we need this information to help.03:06
Stwangeok thanks, sorry for the all simple questions, just a lot to get to grips with03:06
fiendskull9preco1: you are typing at the speed of a snail03:06
preco1pm fool03:07
shiester_miesterStwange, thats ok, simple questions = simple answers03:07
treyeshno device drivers to detect03:07
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shiester_miestertheres nothing wrong with asking for help, this is a help channel03:07
shiester_miesteryou guys know what sucks ass about doing this03:07
treyeshim using realtek 67 audio card03:07
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shiester_miestertheres all those channels where people belittle others for asking for help03:07
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shiester_miesterso whenever they come in here they are all apologetic for asking, because they are scared of being treated like idiots03:07
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fiendskull9shiester_miester: kind of like #perl03:08
=== shiester_miester hates people in help channels who prefer to criticise rather than help
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fiendskull9preco1: check query pm03:08
scaryIf I am having trouble of installing my sound drivers, then rebooting and the drivers disappear, is this due to ubuntu volatile?03:08
tckthank you kelvie that worked, bizarre that i didn't have to do that before (also i had to reboot for changes to take effect)03:08
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shiester_miesterthey should all GTFO and stick to yelling at school kids as they drive past03:08
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IndyGunFreakshiester_miester: not to many people get belittled here, only when they wan tto be handheld through something03:08
fiendskull9you can rarely ask a question in #perl without a RTFM or GTFO03:08
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shiester_miesteri dunno, the other day we had a bunch of people in here who all had bees in their undies03:09
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shiester_miestergetting all pissed off at each other03:09
scaryIs there a ubuntu volatile workaround?03:09
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foxjazzummm... why is the foxnews.com video screen just blank?03:09
fiendskull9mchsi :O03:09
specialmoosecan anyone view break.com? videos are not loading up for me, ubuntu 7.04 64bit gnash installed (youtube works limited)03:09
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AphGabI have a 2 Port Belkin KVM switch that is not responding from within Linux.  I can use the mouse and keyboard, but cannot switch to my windows box (however, I can switch fto Linux from Windows).  The switch command is Scroll Lock x2 and Up or Down or Scroll Lock x2 and "1" or "2."  Anyone have any ideas about how to fix this or get around it? (Alt+Ctrl+F1 / F7 did not work)03:09
shiester_miesterspecialmoose, yes i can view them fine03:10
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ochafiendskull9: it jsut make a dir03:10
specialmooseshiester_miester, running 64bit edition/03:10
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younghackeranyone know where there is good documentation on sleuthkit?03:10
fiendskull9ocha: yes, and after doing mkdir /media/samba, you need to then chmod it with the previous command03:10
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mike-kubuntuhey, i'm trying to use vsftpd to ftp into my comp trhough konqueror, the problem is that although i can ssh and ftp in through konsole via sftp and ssh for some reason when i attempt to ftp using konqueror with ftp://<ipadress> or firefox it send me an OOPS code 500 process died03:10
shiester_miesterspecialmoose, nope, flash has been known to not work properly in 64bit linux03:10
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iceportalIf anyone here is from the UK, please PM me, thanks03:11
shiester_miesteri highly recommend that you use the 32bit edition03:11
AphGabCan I remap the purpose of my Scroll Lock key?03:11
younghackerand does anyone know if i can chmod my cdrom003:11
mike-kubuntupecialmoose: if you need help installing it theres a guide to use nspluginwrapper that works nicely03:11
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fiendskull9younghacker: no03:11
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younghackeraww man03:11
shiester_miesterthe 64bit version will be great in a year or so, when more software is compatible with 64bit architectures03:11
younghacker@ fiendskull9 how can i copy a disk image to a CD-R ?03:12
foxjazzyounghacker: You just need to hackinto the cd_rom hardware to make it do what you want.03:12
specialmoosemike-kubuntu, yeah i was thinking about doing the guide on using 32bit in 64bit but figure (least i hope) 64bit will be done by then lol03:12
shiester_miesterbut at the moment it seems to just cause more problems that you need to "hack" your way around03:12
fiendskull9foxjazz: ROFL03:12
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younghackerreally, can u lead me in a direction @ foxjazz03:12
mike-kubuntuspecialmoose: i don't have the adres right now but its worked for me on 3 different 64bit systems with the only flaw bieng that if i use it while using beryl it wont accept more than one mouse click without me moving my mouse03:12
preco1fiend, pms, you me, lets go03:12
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Stwangeok I found the binary I just installed (TrueCrypt), and copied it to Applications, but when I run it nothing happens, this could be something to do with truecrypt itself, but I think it's more likely to be me doing this wrong?03:12
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ochafiendskull9,  i need to make access to it and so local network user could use it03:13
fiendskull9alright, im in my query window from here on, not replying to messages03:13
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foxjazzyounghacker: look on google for kernalhacker03:13
AphGabHow do I remap what keys do in Linux?03:13
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mike-kubuntuaphgab man xkbmap03:13
fiendskull9AphGab: xorg.conf is a good start or xkbmap03:13
fiendskull9preco1: ARE YOU DEAD?03:14
foxjazzanyone know what plugin firefox uses?03:14
specialmoosemike-kubuntu, im thinking it might just be gnash screwing up03:14
zeroc00lhi guyz03:14
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foxjazzI mean foxnews :D03:14
mike-kubuntuAphGab: its probably easier to do it through your wm03:14
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younghackerkool @ fox thanks03:14
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preco1are you gwetting my pms?03:14
fiendskull9preco1: nope03:14
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fiendskull9preco1: type /query fiendskull903:14
mike-kubuntuspecialmoose: gnash is still prettey out of date, they just barely got it working with some vids last time i tried03:15
AphGabmike-kubuntu: ?03:15
StwangeNo, the binary I installed into /usr/bin/TrueCrypt doesn't do anything at all, is it supposed to or am I looking in the wrong place for the executable?03:15
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mike-kubuntuAphGab: depending on what your trying to do there might be an option to override it with a shortcut through kde's ckontrol center or the gnome equivalent, but the xkbmap will change it for everything03:15
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orbisvicishow-to repair a vob, anyone ?03:16
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droglarcan anyone suggest a good ftp client03:16
AphGabmike-kubuntu:  I'm trying to remap the purpose of Scroll Lock to do nothing- so that I can hopefully use it to control my KVM switch.03:16
fiendskull9droglar: ncftp03:16
imc_Hiya what files need I copy to get my thunderbird filters and addressbook over to a new install?03:16
larson9999it feels good to be a gangster03:16
orbisvicisor how do i search the /list command for certain channels/text?03:17
shiester_miesterdroglar, i use fireftp in firefox03:17
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ochahow do i make permissions for "sudo chmod 0777 /media/samba"03:17
LeoDioxideAphGab: your kvm switch doesn't inherently grab scroll-lock?03:17
shiester_miesterkvm switches do that?03:17
imc_ocha yo9u just did03:17
shiester_miesteri thought you had to physically switch them03:17
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fiendskull9shiester_miester: same, i didnt know about the fancy key binds03:17
AphGabLeoDioxide:  For some reason, Scroll-Lock does nothing in working with the KVM while I'm in Linux (however it works great in Windows)03:17
ochaimc_: it won't let me, is there another way of readin it03:17
shiester_miesteri didnt even know you COULD use keybinds in them03:18
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shiester_miesteri thought it was just some wires and a switch03:18
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mike-kubuntuAphGab: sorry for the confusion xkbmap is where to start03:18
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ceil420can someone tell me where the gdm config file is again, please? i just crashed x a bit and can't remember the path :x03:18
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AphGabshiester_miester:  All KVMs now use key presses - however many also have physical switches (no mine though03:18
imc_ocha that'sweird03:18
shiester_miesterthats cool03:18
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pi3is it common that i can't watch a video while having desktop effects on?03:18
imc_Anyone know what files I need  to get my thunderbird filters and addressbook over to a new install?03:18
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AphGabmike-kubuntu:  is there an easy way to modify xkbmap?03:19
kados_pi3 : it has happened to me on some machines03:19
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AphGabmike-kubuntu: nvm - figured it out.  Thx for your help.03:19
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kduboi1pi3: its been known to happen with ati cards....03:19
dr_zhivagohow do you know which people have ops on this network03:20
kduboi1pi3: i know theres a workaround, but i cant remember what i did03:20
kduboi1go ask in #ati03:20
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takerofforsakenshello needin some help with ndiswrapper everything installed fine no errors but when i "ndiswrapper -l" it tells me invalid driver i got the driver from the ndiswrapper list using the lspci any idea03:20
dr_zhivagohow do you know which people have ops on this network03:20
pi3kduboil: i have an ati03:20
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pilihi, could someone help me with editing fstab? I'm used to kde or gnome tools, but this pc is running xubuntu03:20
kados_I can't stand ati with linux03:20
mike-kubuntuAphGab: np03:20
kados_everytime I have had hassels03:21
shiester_miesterdr_zhivago, there arent any OPs in this channel03:21
shiester_miesterwell, not at the moment03:21
kados_like this old dell c60003:21
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shiester_miesterstart harassing people and you can make an OP appear though03:21
fiendskull9pili: open xfce-terminal, sudo nano /etc/fstab03:21
kados_the ati card and linux dont play nice lol03:21
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piliI can not write under one partition in ext303:21
pilii'll pastebin03:21
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fiendskull9pili: what are you wanting to change in your fstab?03:21
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takerofforsakensanyone here have any luck with ndiswrapper with the atheros chipsaet03:21
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pilifiendskull9> hda303:22
NKUMikeDoes anyone know how to remedy this?   E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:22
pilii can only see it but not write03:22
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fiendskull9well you have two entrys for it03:22
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trotrozouliea va ?03:23
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madahnonoca va les pd?03:23
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trotrozoulieils parlent pas :(03:23
pilipd ton pere03:23
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trotrozoulieils sont timides :$03:23
fiendskull9pili: but i cant help you with fstab stuff.03:23
trotrozouliea rime avec zizi03:23
pilipede ton pere03:23
fiendskull9im out guys03:23
trotrozoulieavec petit zizi aussi03:23
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madahnonolol pili03:23
madahnonot'es quebecois pili?03:24
trotrozoulietienne daho03:24
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trotrozoulieil te ressemble vraiment 2a03:24
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madahnonotrop pas03:24
pilican anyone help me with fstab, dans quelque idiome03:24
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JaredThere is a french ubuntu channel...03:24
trotrozouliea l'est03:25
piliwe're better here03:25
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Jared/j #ubuntu-fr03:25
sean__im having some serious trouble with changing my screen resolution03:25
JaredI'm just saying, if you're gonna be speaking french, you should check that out03:25
kados_NKU : Ususally that is because another process is using the /var/lib/dpkg03:25
madahnonoon s'en fout03:25
kados_like apt-get03:25
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trotrozoulieon s'en fout royal03:25
trotrozouliealors ferme la03:25
trotrozoulieet laisse nous parler03:25
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=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kados_or something else which is installing03:25
trotrozoulielaisse parler les grands03:25
JaredJe parle un peu de francais.03:25
trotrozoulieok ?03:25
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droglarE: nsd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 what is this error please03:25
trotrozoulieon te demande pas de parler un peu03:25
JaredJe ne suis pas tres bonne, mais je peu essayer03:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:26
trotrozoulieon te demande de le parler parfaitement03:26
DanaGI'm installing Dapper on some system, but the question "New partition size: is confusing.03:26
madahnonospeak english here03:26
StwangeI can browse my partition /dev/sda1 by clicking a shortcut in Places, but when i try to get there with the terminal it says it's not a directory03:26
trotrozouliefrancais here03:26
IndyGunFreakDanaG: why are you install dapper?03:26
pilije aussi, mais je demande aide avec le fstab!03:26
Aghasterallez demander de l'aide dans le channel franais ou aprennez l'anglais03:26
trotrozouliefrancais partout dans le monde03:26
DanaGIs this asking for how large to resize something to, or how large the new one should be?03:26
trotrozoulieon vous dclare la guerre03:26
trotrozoulieok ?03:26
sean__can someone help me with my screen resolution03:26
madahnonoon parle tous franais03:26
JaredPour parler en francais, /j #ubuntu-fr03:26
Aghasterta yeule l'asti de franais03:26
=== zabin [n=ubuntu@c-67-167-24-104.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:26
piliy espaol03:26
DanaGI'm installing Dapper because that's all that 'instlux' offers.03:26
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zabindoes a anyone know where the best tutorial for beryl to install beryl glx for an ati graphics card?03:26
trotrozoulienon l'espagnol03:26
trotrozouliec'est pour les pauvres03:26
IndyGunFreakDanaG: instlux?03:26
droglarE: nsd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 what is this error please03:26
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trotrozouliec'est une sous langue03:26
madahnonohey aghaster, si t'es pas sage on va t'envoyer chris benoit03:26
trotrozouliechris :(03:26
Aghasterchris benoit?03:27
zabindoes a anyone know where the best tutorial for beryl to install beryl glx for an ati graphics card?03:27
=== Nutubuntu [n=Jay@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
trotrozouliela ecw y a perdu son homme le plus hardcore03:27
c_When I go to place>network I see Windows Network. What is it?03:27
DanaGNote that it got the grub settings wrong -- it put (hd0,0) but needed (hd0,1).03:27
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madahnonochris benoit03:27
Aghasterfaites juste parler anglais ici, sinon allez dans le channel franais.03:27
madahnonoil va te pter la gueule03:27
trotrozoulieje te conseille le hd *0,203:27
Jaredc_ thats your windows network...03:27
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droglarE: nsd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 what is this error please03:27
Aghasterc'est pas si dur que a  comprendre03:27
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trotrozoulieon dirait des dialogues de 2403:27
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Jaredc_ do you have computers on your network that run windows?03:27
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DanaGSo, which is it asking for?03:27
trotrozouliefaut appeler chlo o'brien03:27
pilipode algunha pessoa ajudar co fstab?03:28
c_Jared: I never set up any network and there are no files in it. Also no Jared I have no network, just one single computer.03:28
trotrozoulieelle saura rpondre03:28
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DanaGWill resize old partition to size X, or will resize old to something and make new of size X?03:28
DanaGIt's very ambiguous.03:28
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trotrozoulietrop oui03:28
droglarE: nsd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 what is this error please03:28
Jaredc_ I have absolutely no idea then :( If you're not using the network anyways, I wouldn't worry about it03:28
trotrozoulieon s'en fout03:28
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loco_aulladorhi could anyone tell me what is the distro with the higher number of packages?03:28
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Jaredhigher number of packages?03:28
madahnonobon les pd03:29
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c_Jared: I would just really like to know what it is and what it is doing there.03:29
madahnonoca fait longtemps que vous avez pas niqu?03:29
trotrozoulieje crois03:29
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trotrozouliequ'ils l'ont jamais fait03:29
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darkskyei am trying to get foo-devel, apt-get ?03:29
shiester_miesterdammit, im having problems networking 2 ubuntu pcs03:29
Jaredc_ sorry then, I can't really help :(03:29
zabindoes a anyone know where the best tutorial for beryl to install beryl glx for an ati graphics card?03:29
trotrozouliele mot vagin, a vous dit quelque chose ?03:29
c_Jared: Should I go to the forums?03:29
madahnonocomment on dit puceau en anglais?03:29
shiester_miesterdammit stop with the french03:29
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loco_aulladorJared,  yes um maybe i didnt say it correctly, the distro with more packages available03:29
Aghasterdes moments comme ceux-ci me rappellent pourquoi je suis fier d'tre qubcois et pas franais03:29
=== shiester_miester goes to babelfish to tell them to go away
trotrozoulieil te faut peu03:29
madahnonochris benoit aussi etait fier03:30
AphGabActually....Can anyone tell me how to modify xkbmap...?  Thought I had it figured out, but don't....03:30
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StwangeI can browse my partition /dev/sda1 by clicking a shortcut in Places, but when i try to get there with the terminal it says it's not a directory, so I can't search it etc.03:30
trotrozoulieles noirs aussi sont fiers03:30
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jerkywhat package contains man pages for functions like memset or bzero?03:30
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madahnonoc'est des losers03:30
trotrozoulieon peut parler de trucs interessants ?03:30
madahnonoles quebecois03:30
shiester_miesterveuillez ne pas parler franais dedans ici. veuillez parler anglais, ou allez au canal franais03:30
madahnonoils servent a rienn03:30
madahnonodedans ici03:30
trotrozouliele canada03:30
trotrozouliec'est francais03:30
trotrozouliec'est tout03:30
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trotrozouliesi t'es pas content03:30
madahnonoyou are french03:30
trotrozoulieva en angleterre03:30
trotrozoulieou aux usa03:31
trotrozouliemais le canada03:31
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madahnonoso speak french03:31
darkskyeenglish please03:31
trotrozouliec'est a nouveau francais03:31
darkskyei am trying to get foo-devel, apt-get ?03:31
trotrozouliec'est tout03:31
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:31
AphGabFrenchies, please speak English here.03:31
madahnonoon parle francais03:31
madahnonoet on t'emmerde03:31
milardovichje ne parle francaise :P03:31
trotrozouliela france a repris le canada03:31
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:31
mykhuli have ubuntu installed on my pc.. (i love it) .. but i would like to install windows xp as wel... is it possible to dual boot even though ive got ubuntu installed first03:31
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shiester_miesterje ne parle pas franais, j'emploie http://babelfish.altavista.com03:31
Aghastershiester: I'm afraid we got a bunch of french people who want to fuck with people in here about the language being used03:31
milardovichhablo espaol xD03:31
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trotrozoulieen fait, on a t lancs en claireur03:31
LeoDioxideit's jen ne parle pas....03:31
andrewkkis there a reason for the stubbornness?03:31
trotrozouliesarkozy prpare une attaque pour demain03:31
robNutubuntu, huh?03:31
Nutubuntuhi rob03:31
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madahnonojen ne parle pas looool03:31
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Infinito_where are the ops ?03:32
AphGabCan anyone tell me how to edit xkbmap?03:32
AghasterI don't know, but I suggest you use /ignore03:32
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darkskyei am trying to get foo-devel, apt-get ?03:32
DanaGWow, I hit enter after entering new size, it resizes right then and there.03:32
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DanaGNo confirmation.03:32
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Nutubuntut/y Amaranth03:32
sn-mykhul yes you can dual boot with ubuntu installed first, you will need to recover grub after installing windows, as it wipes the mbr without asking03:32
AphGabCan anyone tell me how to edit xkbmap?03:33
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Dreamgliderdoes anyone have problems with installing Feisty fawn on a dell inspiron 9400 ?03:33
sn-see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows to get grub back after installed03:33
shiester_miesterdamn frenchmen03:33
Dreamglideri get an error with the screen settings03:33
shiester_miesterim going to france soon...i hope its not full of stooges -_-03:33
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Aghasterdon't count me in those, I'm from Quebec :P03:33
andrewkkDreamglider: i had cd troubles on an inspiron03:33
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  enough, okay? They're gone and we're back on topic.03:33
shiester_miesteryes yes03:33
Dreamgliderx cant startup and then it asks me to change the xorg settings03:34
shiester_miesterof course03:34
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Dreamgliderandrewkk i tried multiple cds, but i get the same error.03:34
theBishophi, does anyone know about a script like the "Orange Ubuntu" that makes Feisty look sexier?03:34
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darkskyei am trying to get foo-devel, apt-get ?03:34
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qisaultI am having trouble locating a working link for the 6.06 Alternate CD.03:34
shiester_miestertheBishop, use beryl, it doesnt get much sexier than that03:34
Ssalaroliol a todos03:34
shiester_miesternot this again03:34
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Dreamglideri tried to download the alternat version but i still cant start ubuntu03:34
Ssalaroliakgum brasileiro ai03:35
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:35
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:35
specialmoosehow do i edit the menu when you right click on a file?03:35
theBishopshiester_miester, i'm already using it, but i've seen Youtube videos that look more consistent and prettier than my desktop03:35
andrewkkDreamglider: i didn't run across anything like that. just had to disable some feature to get it to load the installer correctly. was an older inspiron though.03:35
shiester_miesterreally? id like to see those too03:35
shiester_miestercan you show me, theBishop03:35
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Dreamgliderandrewkk i manage to install ubuntu but i cant start it.03:36
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andrewkkDreamglider: sorry, i don't know what to tell you then.03:36
Dreamgliderit says that xorg settings need to be configured03:36
shiester_miesterdammit im having some trouble networking 2 ubuntu PCs, i'd like a hand.  they seem to refuse to see each other03:36
Dreamglideri have no idea what to do.03:36
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LeoDioxideshiester_miester: are you on the same subnet?03:36
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At0mic_P1Linux is funny to me because if you don't do something for a while you forget how to do it and the have to learn all over again.03:37
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shiester_miesterLeoDioxide, on both computers its set to automatically configure...i havent given them a subnet03:37
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shiester_miesterdo i need to manually configure networking to get it to work?  that seems a bit silly :/03:37
At0mic_P1Irssi for example. I have to figure out how to edit the config from inside to change a channel entry heh.03:37
LeoDioxideshiester_miester: try setting it up manually, ifconfig eth0 and then pick another number for the other computer03:37
shiester_miesteryeah, ok03:37
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LeoDioxideif you're pulling from a dhcp server, you should be fine though03:38
cotyrotherycan someone tell me why after i restarted my computer i could not get an internet connection but now that im in live cd i can03:38
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shiester_miesterim using 2 ethernet devices, i dont know which one is which :/03:38
shiester_miesterone of them goes to my modem and the other goes to the other computer03:38
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shiester_miesteroh well, I'll turn one off and see what happens :P03:38
LeoDioxideshiester_miester: directly?03:38
specialmoosehow do i edit the menu when you right click on a file?03:38
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shiester_miesterLeoDioxide, yes03:38
shiester_miester2 crossover cables03:38
shiester_miesterone to the modem and another to the other computer03:38
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Nutubuntuone surely?03:38
LeoDioxidethe one to the modem was direct I thought?03:38
cotyrotheryI dont want to reinstall ubuntu03:39
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shiester_miesteroh well then i guess its not03:39
cotyrotheryit would be the 6th time this week03:39
shiester_miester2 network CABLES in any case03:39
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LeoDioxidewell, its important that the cable between the computers be crossover, otherwise you won't see each other03:39
HamHamTHow do you manually run an application?03:39
shiester_miesterwell the thing is they DID see each other for a moment03:39
shiester_miesterbut now they dont03:39
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  'ifconfig' should return information about all interfaces on the computer03:39
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shiester_miesterthank you very much, Nutubuntu03:40
shiester_miestervery helpful :D03:40
cotyrotherycome on why cant my internet connect03:40
AphGabCan anyone tell me how to edit xkbmap?03:40
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  if you already knew that, my apologies; IDK what you know or don't know :)03:40
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shiester_miestercertainly not everything03:40
ponicgLeoDioxide, are you sure they have to be standard cables? I'm pretty sure that most new nic cards will do the swap themselves if it's not in the pairing they like03:40
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shiester_miesterreally? thats awesome03:40
cotyrotheryso this is going to be the 7th time i had to reinstall ubuntu03:40
cotyrotheryman that sucks03:41
shiester_miesterback in my day you had to have crossovers or it didnt work03:41
[DARKLiGHT] cot: have you tried just physically switching the cables around?03:41
LeoDioxideI've never seen a $20 NIC swap for different pairings03:41
shiester_miesterwhen i wore a younger mans clothes, lol03:41
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cotyrotheryunless someone can tell me why i cant connect to the internet03:41
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foxjazzHey, I am using swiftweasel32... anyone know how to install flashplayer with this?03:41
LeoDioxidecotyrothery: wireless?03:41
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, it seems to me like you are connected to the internet just fine03:41
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LeoDioxideyeah, seriously >.>03:41
cotyrotheryyea in live cde03:41
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LeoDioxidedid you set up resolv.conf correctly?03:41
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foxjazzcotyrothery: looks likey your connected to me03:41
AphGabcotyrothery:  What issues are you having?03:41
sasihelo friends03:42
cotyrotherynot my connectiong03:42
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cotyrotheryi cant connect when i run ubuntu03:42
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cotyrotheryi can from ubuntu live cd03:42
Nutubuntucotyrothery,  can you run 'ifconfig' on the interface that is not connecting to the internet, and then pastebin the output?03:42
LeoDioxidehold ,n, beryl screwed up03:42
Zorakconnect to what?03:42
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shiester_miesterok that ifconfig command has informed me that "eth1" is the one connected to the internet, because it has transferred 6mb of data and the other has transferred 140kb03:42
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AphGabcotyrothery:  In your installation, what errors are you getting?  For someone to help you, you'll have to provide a lot more information03:42
cotyrotherywell i would have to leave live d03:42
santimsI am having difficulties switching between workspaces, whenever i switch from workspace 1 to any other one i lose my 'task bars' and can not get them back or switch back to workspace one.  basically i need to do a hard reboot in order to do anything with my computer.  can anyone help me out with this?????03:42
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Stwangecotyrothery: I had a similar problem earlier because my wired wasn't set to roaming03:42
HamHamTCan somebody help me going around running an application manually?03:43
shiester_miestersantims, does ctrl+alt+left/right switch workspaces for you?03:43
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  the configuration that you're having the issue with is the other, then? if I understood correctly?03:43
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cotyrotheryso i need to run ifconfig03:43
bronzewhat do I need to install to get totem player support for stream x-asf audio03:43
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, yes, so ill manually configure eth003:43
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santimsshiester_miester:  i am not sure, but i am scared to try that because if i do ill probably need to do another restart03:43
cotyrotheryok im going to exit live cd03:44
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  should work ... as long as eth0 is on the same network as your other box with which it's sharing a cable03:44
cotyrotheryand run ifconfig03:44
shiester_miestersantims, you have to do that anyway, so whats the difference?  you have nothing to lose03:44
kinalashi to all03:44
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, yes i assume it is03:44
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shiester_miesterill have to manually configure it on the other box too03:44
kinalascan i ask something03:44
kinalasnew to ubuntu03:44
Zorakso does anyone find humor in the fact that I can synch my 3rd generation iPod but not my nano?03:44
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Nutubuntuokay, shiester_miester - you know what addresses and s/n mask you're going to use?03:44
santimsshiester_miester:  ha, yes that does work switching between workspaces, but once im in another workspace it is basically useless to me03:44
andrewkkkinalas: ask away.03:45
shiester_miesterhey if i put "gateway address" in as THIS computer on the OTHER computer, will that enable it to do internet connection sharing, using this computer as a gateway03:45
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LeoDioxideif you set up the routing table03:45
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Zorakget something to work shiester?03:45
kinalashow can i restart my network interface (after changing the ip) without restarting my pc03:45
LeoDioxidenobody chooses linux because it's easy03:45
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, ill use for IP and as subnet, ok?03:45
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foxjazzanyone work vpn with ubuntu?03:45
shiester_miesterLeoDioxide, amen to that03:46
AphGabCan anyone tell me how to edit XKBMAP or where I can find it to edit it?03:46
voltagexkinalas: use the network manager, or use the ifconfig command03:46
Nutubuntukinalas,  sudo ifdown <interface> then sudo ifup <interface>03:46
ZorakLeoDioxide: most of us choose Linux because we're bored03:46
voltagexZorak: bored of other OSes.03:46
foxjazzZorak, soooo true03:46
LeoDioxideI chose linux because my windows partition nuked after a new bios, yay.03:46
shiester_miesteror because we want to show off to users of other OSs03:46
LeoDioxideno more games!03:46
pilihi, couls someone look at this fstab and tell me what is wrong? i can not write under hda3 and is in ext3 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28175/03:46
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ZorakI just needed a summer "hobby"03:46
santimsi use linux because i am inbetween macs03:46
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kinalaswhats the command for ifconfig03:46
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  should be fine; then use .2 (or anything <.255) and same mask for the other03:46
foxjazzsay mac, what you mean ?03:47
AphGabCan anyone tell me how to edit XKBMAP or where I can find it to edit it?03:47
santimsso how do i get my 'taskbar' back in other workspaces03:47
shiester_miesterthis is why i use linux http://www.xkcd.com/c272.html03:47
foxjazzmacs suck way worse than windows.  I mean the order so far is  Linux then Windows then Mac03:47
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specialmooseanyone know a program to let someone to type in my ip address and view my webcam?03:48
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Zorakand apple software is dead to me03:48
santimsfoxjazz:  that is something i have never heard anyone say my entire life03:48
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ZorakI used iTunes in highschool thinking it was great03:48
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andrewkkspecialmoose: there's something called motion that does stuff like that.03:48
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Zorakwent to linux and realized I wanted to stab my apple-intern friend03:48
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foxjazzZorak: LOL LOl LOL03:49
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AphGabCan anyone tell me how to edit XKBMAP or where I can find it to edit it?03:49
fluvvellI'm looking for the name of the channel for gparted, anyone know what it is?03:49
ponicgAphGab, What are you trying to do?03:49
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specialmooselast question, why is it that some programs, i cant move them ie i click on the top window bar but doesnt allow me to drag or even close it03:50
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Zorakso basically I'm booting into windows every afternoon and using a program to convert m4p files to mp303:50
Zorakahh virtual burner software03:50
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droglaris anyone that can help me please03:50
ofarevolution424i'm having trouble with my laptop speakers can someone maybe help?03:50
AphGabponicg: Remap what Scroll Lock does - so that I can hopefully use my KVM from within Linux...03:50
DezineI want to update to gutsy from feisty, can I?03:50
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Zorakbut the only issues I'm having so far with ubuntu is that I've lost the ability to synch my iPod nano (but it's not working in windows either) and there are no drivers for my printer03:51
fluvvellI'm looking to try to move an nt-partition to a new starting position on the drive...03:51
pollyoAnyone using ubuntu/firefox on myspace?03:51
ponicgAphGab, I'm not 100% sure but you can check xorg.conf03:51
Zorakbut my printer cost less than the price of an ink cartridge03:51
ponicgpollyo, I have.03:51
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ofarevolution424i have pollyo03:51
droglaris anyone that can help me please03:51
pollyoponicg: Any luck with uploading photos?03:51
AphGabponicg: To find the file?03:51
shiester_miesteheh, seems like i accidentally changed the wrong device -_-03:51
foxjazzZorak: I don't print anything anyway. And as far as IPOD, just goto www.slacker.com03:51
younghackeris there a program that can resample mp3 files and make them sound better?, if there is will it work on other file formats as well ?03:51
Nutubuntu!ask | droglar03:51
ubotudroglar: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:51
ofarevolution424has anyone ever had there ubuntu make odd sounds in the speakers?03:51
ponicgpollyo, it worked fine.03:51
shiester_miestelol im a stooge03:51
droglarE: nsd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 what is this error03:52
shawn34Is there anything comparable to Avidemux2?03:52
Zorakyounghacker: mp3 is lossy03:52
shiester_miestenow to change them on the other computer...brb03:52
Zorakthere is no way to "recover" what is already gone03:52
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Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  if I had a buck for every time I've felt like that ... ;)03:52
pollyoponicg: Using the flash uploader?03:52
LeoDioxideogg ftw03:52
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ofarevolution424when i hook up head phones the sounds come normal but when i just do speaker it sounds very odd any ideas?03:52
shiester_miestei feel that way every time i do some coding and i spend half an hour trying to find a missing }03:52
santimsis there any way to get the bars back on my other workspaces?03:52
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droglarE: nsd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 what is this error03:52
Zorakchange the EQ setting?03:52
younghackeri see, so what would you suggest if there were audio files in mp3 format that u wanted to salvage and store03:52
ofarevolution424no it's not that03:52
foxjazzofarevolution424: get an amplifier03:53
ofarevolution424it worked before03:53
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ofarevolution424this is a random problem03:53
ofarevolution424could it be a bug or virus?03:53
Zorakyounghacker: define salvage?03:53
fluvvelldroglar: did you just install a program?03:53
ofarevolution424i'm new to ubuntu03:53
ZorakI mean... you can't exactly "restore" the bits you've already thrown-away03:53
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droglarevery program i try to install I get that03:53
Zorakthe only way is to completely start over with the raw audio03:53
Zorakeither off a CD or something that promotes a high sampling rate03:53
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younghackeri guess like say if their was "air" in the music or it wasn't as crisp as it could be, is there a way to try to remaster them using some software?03:54
andrewkkZorak: hydrogenaudio.org has a lot of good information on audio quality stuff03:54
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  I *highly* recommend something that'll syntax-highlight and find those missing brackets and parens for ya ...03:54
ZorakI mean... I've spent a few quarters in college studying audio03:54
ofarevolution424anyone ever had problems with speakers?03:54
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fluvvelldroglar: If you get NSD errors when launching the script, this is because of your printers03:54
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, yeah thats the problem...it does have that.  hence why i feel like a stooge03:54
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AphGabDoes anyone know how to edit keymappings in Linux?  I want to change the Scroll Lock key to do absolutely nothing...03:54
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droglarI have no printers on my system at all03:54
Zorakand the general consensus is unless you're some highly trained musician or audio engineer you're not going to notice a difference between mp3 lossy compression and lossless03:54
younghackeri only ask cause i know linux has a myriad of software available03:54
shiester_miesteAphGab, it does something? :/03:55
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Zorakmp3 compression throws away bits03:55
silvertip257my pc will not boot past a limited shell / ash ... I need help.03:55
gatenhow do you reset the defaults in the Keyboard shortcut configuration?03:55
andrewkkoops zorak, that hydrogrnaudio.org link was meant for younghacker03:55
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shiester_miesteok ive set it on the other computer, but they dont seem to be seeing each other on the network >:@03:55
AphGabschiester_mieste:  open a console..press scroll lock and attempt to type :)03:55
NutubuntuAh :) I repeat, shiester_mieste,  if I had a buck for every time I've felt like that ... I'd /nick PhilAnthro ;)03:55
piliWhat packages do i need to watch divx?03:55
Bob_DoleYoung, Linux has lotssss of software..but it isn't all easily available to every distro03:55
Zorakit decreases the sampling rate and only leaves in the core of bits representing the human aural spectrum in terms of frequency and intensity (dB)03:55
fluvvelldroglar: that is the problem, whatever you tried to do requires a default printer.03:55
Bob_Doleand that makes me :(03:55
Zorakhowever, it could be that your mp3 codec just sucks03:55
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younghackerhmm i get it, so i would have better off having them in another compression format in the first place huh? lol03:56
shiester_miestehow can i get rid of shiester_miester, who was left here when i disconnected?03:56
droglarhmmm that is wierd i mean anythign i try to install gives me that error03:56
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AphGabDoes anyone know how to edit keymappings in Linux?  I want to change the Scroll Lock key to do absolutely nothing...03:56
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Zorakyounghacker: mp3's sound really good for the size of the file03:56
Dezinenvm I found my answer on the web!03:56
droglarI was trying ot install xine that needs a printer03:56
fluvvelldroglar: have you tried apt-get autoremove03:56
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Zorakbut if you want to hear every dang thing in the file you would need to keep them in a lossless format03:56
Zoraksuch as wav or aif03:56
Zorakwhen you "obtain" them03:56
younghackerso it comes to a give and take balance then?03:57
Zorakhowever, you'll find that these files get huge03:57
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Zorakusu. if you're going to be doing lots of audio processing you import your files as a wav or aif03:57
Zorakprocess the hell out of it03:57
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Zorakthen degrade the quality to cover up any little mistakes you've made03:57
Zorakby converting down to an mp3 or something03:57
shiester_miesteanybody got any ideas as to how i can debug this networking problem03:58
droglaryes iut does nothing man03:58
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Zorakanyways... this kitchen ain't cleaining itself03:58
silvertip257Zorak:  isn't that the use of the ogg audio format?03:58
Zorakmore tha likely03:58
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  can you pastebin the ifconfig output for each one? It'd be easier if we could look at them03:58
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silvertip257just a thought03:58
ZorakI'm not really up to date on linux filetypes03:58
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Zorakbut I'm sure ogg would work great for that03:58
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liddenCan I tell my ubuntu to upgrade itself to 7.04 or do I have to burn a CD?03:58
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Zorakshould be able to get the update03:58
Nutubuntulidden, upgrade from what version?03:58
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, certainly, gimme a sec to get it03:58
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Zorakthrough the update manager03:58
droglarI think  I am gonna run x86 version instesad of 64bit03:59
ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen :(03:59
foxjazzthe youtube works, but foxnews don't.... Any ideas.03:59
younghackeri see, is there like some documentation that i go check out on the various music formats, the link was broken, this very interesting03:59
foxjazzdroglar: good choice... I am sticking to my 64bit03:59
IndyGunFreakfoxjazz: there's a plugin to make foxnews work..03:59
Nutubuntu<== hoist with my own petard, I can't remember which 6.06 was -- you should be able to go from Edgy to Feisty, but not from Dapper, I believe03:59
IndyGunFreakhold on.03:59
LeoDioxidefoxjazz: wait, you got youtube to work? how'd you do that?03:59
foxjazzit's not difficult to download 32bit browsers.03:59
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droglaru running the 64bit version03:59
foxjazzEasy  I am using 32bit browser.04:00
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foxjazzlet me find the link...04:00
LeoDioxidethat'd be a good idea04:00
liddendapper drake 64 bit04:00
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fluvvellAnyone familiar enough with gparted to have moved a partition downwards on a hard-drive?04:00
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Solidhi, anyone managed to run pcsx2?04:00
IndyGunFreakfoxjazz: read the post by phlippant   http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?p=86298704:00
droglarshould i keep running 64bit or x86 version?04:00
foxjazzyoutube works great, just run that script: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash04:00
shawn34Is there anything comparable to Avidemux2?04:01
IndyGunFreakdroglar: i'd run 32bit if i were you.04:01
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Stwangemost of the files in /usr/bin don't actually open, I want to open a program I recently installed but I have no idea how to04:01
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droglarmay I ask why04:01
Oni-Draculais there any difference between the nVIDIA driver directly from nvidia's website and the one downloaded from an ubuntu repo?04:02
IndyGunFreakdroglar: less hassle, some things for 64 or fine, other things(like web browser plugins), require jumping throught he hoops of making a 32bit browser work on you 64bit distro.04:02
foxjazzIndyGunFreak: nice post but where's here04:02
IndyGunFreakdroglar: do what you want, just don't say i didn't warn you.04:02
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IndyGunFreakfoxjazz: wheres here?04:02
fluvvelldroglar: no huge advantage in speed with the 64bit, and some drivers and program issues.04:02
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LeoDioxidebut I can now crunch number 64 bits large!04:03
LeoDioxidemy ALU has a 128 bit register!04:03
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shiester_miesteLeoDioxide, you can do that in 32bit cpus as well, just not natively in the cpu :P04:03
IndyGunFreak64bit, to me, just wasn't worth the hassle... so i'll stick with 32bit for the forseeable future.04:03
foxjazzIndyGunFreak: Yea i clicked on your link and it says can be found here. But no link.04:03
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shiester_miesteyou just have to do it with some fancy coding04:03
liddenOk. Thanks04:03
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NutubuntuI ran across a reason to avoid 64bit today - it's not capable of handling file systems > 1TB. Who knew?04:04
LeoDioxideit makes a big difference when you talk about supercomputers and clusters04:04
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, and 32bit can? thats odd :/04:04
LeoDioxideNutubuntu: that isn't inherent in the 64-bit register set up04:04
foxjazzIndyGunFreak:   I am a 64 dude all the way.  X64 isn't worth the hassle04:04
AphGabDoes anyone know how to edit keymappings in Linux?  I want to change the Scroll Lock key to do absolutely nothing...04:04
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  yes, and yes, it is odd - yes to both04:04
IndyGunFreakfoxjazz: did you read the post by phlipant?.. install greasemonkey, then follow the userscripts link.. i just chekced htem, and they work fine04:04
shiester_miesteLeoDioxide, indeed, cos doing large-scale processing all in the cpu is always faster than doing it with fancy code04:04
foxjazzI mean windows x6404:04
NutubuntuLeoDioxide,  no, it's a kernel issue; right now the 64b kernel doesn't support that large a fs while, oddly, the 32b does04:04
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younghackerhow do i get movies and stuff to work in mozilla browser?04:05
tank-manAphGab, look at xmodmap04:05
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AphGabtank-man: How?  What do I do to edit it, etc....?04:05
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LeoDioxideshiester_mieste was that sarcasm?04:05
Peloyounghacker,  remove totem-mozilla and intall mplayer-mozilla04:05
AphGabtank-man: Any help would be VERY greatly appreciated04:05
shiester_miesteLeoDioxide, no it wasnt04:05
NutubuntuOr rather, the 32b kernel *can* if compiled with the right option - which isn't supported in the 64b kernel at all04:05
retourwhere I can find more fonts for Ubuntu and how to install them?04:05
LeoDioxideI was confused...04:05
shiester_miesteit is most definitely faster to do it in the registers than to program 64bit code manually04:05
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Bob_le_PointuDoes someone tried Sauerbraten with an ATI card, and have the "X Freeze on exit" bug ?04:06
LeoDioxideI should hope so04:06
shiester_miestei mean to program 64bit operations in 32bit code04:06
Peloretour,   menu >system > admin > synaptic ,  search : fonts04:06
tank-manAphGab, i'm new to ubuntu, i dont know of any gui04:06
younghacker@ Pelo how do i do this?04:06
LeoDioxideoh right04:06
Nutubunturetour, you can install them in ~/.fonts - where you find them I don't know - what fonts are you looking for?04:06
shiester_miesteBob_le_Pointu, people USE sauerbraten?04:06
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AphGab!? :(04:06
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|AC|ver irc.blackened.com04:06
shiester_miesteBob_le_Pointu, i thought it was just a little experimental graphics engine04:06
Peloyounghacker, menu > system > admin > synaptic  , use the search function04:06
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Bob_le_Pointushiester_mieste: I was planning to use it, but it's quite unplayable with ATI cards.04:06
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, http://pastebin.com/94027704:06
AphGabtank-man:  I can work through console / terminal...just need to know the location to edit xmodmap, etc...04:06
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Nutubuntut/y shiester_mieste - wait one ...04:07
retourNutubuntu: Working in inskscape and I miss Futura and other space age styles04:07
ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen (alternatively, if there's a way to safely remove gdm and still be able to log in to X; i can live without a graphical login)04:07
shiester_miestedont worry about it, its seroiusly lame04:07
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shiester_miestenot u, Nutubuntu i was talking to Bob_le_Pointu04:07
shiester_miestesauerbraten.  its not very good, at all04:07
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shiester_miestethe quake 3 engine runs rings around it, and that was like, 5 years ago04:07
LeoDioxideceil420 have you removed gdm as your default login manager for your username?04:07
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Nutubuntun/p, shiester_mieste :)04:07
tank-manAphGab, just google xmodmap04:07
shiester_miestebut discussion of graphics engines is OT04:07
ceil420LeoDioxide, not to my knowledge, but if you know how, i'll try it :x04:07
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shiester_miesteand we all know what happens to people who talk about OT things...04:08
LeoDioxideceil420: I did it on accident the other day...04:08
Bob_le_PointuSure, let's only talk about ATI proprietary driver :)04:08
=== shiester_mieste looks down at a field of gravestones
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Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  are you sure on that addy? it's taking forever to load...04:08
HizzehHey guys, does anyone know why my ubuntu installation freezes while it is loading just prior to when I install it from my RAM?04:08
shiester_miesteyeah it loads on mine04:08
Nutubuntuoops, sorry, shiester_mieste  - got it now04:08
shiester_miestealthough it did take a while for some reason04:08
ceil420LeoDioxide, i know that when i startx from a tty, gdm uses 96% of my CPU; and when i kill it, i get a blank screen, like what happens when it tries to load the login screen in the first place (with a "waiting" cursor)04:08
=== Pelo tninks shiester_mieste talks to much, it might get him in trouble
=== shiester_mieste hides under his desk
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retourPelo: There are no designers font packages there. Should I add any extra repositories??04:09
LeoDioxideceil420 check out /etc/X11/default-display-manager04:10
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  I don't see an IPv4 addy on the second box eth0 interface - nor on the first box eth0 interface04:10
Peloretour, designer fonts ?  msfonts are there isnT' that enough ?04:10
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, yeah i just noticed...whats with that?04:10
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Peloretour,  see if all the repos are enabled , somewhere in the menues04:10
HizzehHey guys, does anyone know why my ubuntu installation freezes while it is loading just prior to when I install it from my RAM?04:10
MrKeunerhi, is there a way to find out what proprietary drivers I may be using? IIRC, there was a tainted tag in the kernel modules04:10
retourmsfonts? installed as default?04:10
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  that would seem to bear on the problem ;)04:10
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Peloretour,  not part of the default04:11
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ceil420LeoDioxide, /usr/sbin/gdm04:11
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, i most definitely configured the eth0 device on this computer to have a manually-configured ip addy and subnet mask04:11
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Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  when you configured an IP on these interfaces, did you bring them down and back up with the new IP? sudo ifdown and sudo ifup04:11
cardanto1hey -- i have a wierd ubuntu network error. i restarted my computer and i have internet access, but not from an ip my router is giving me. any thoughts?04:12
hp__what was the swedish #ubuntu -se04:12
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, no i didnt, will do it now04:12
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LeoDioxideyeah, I dunno what to do from there, I'm in the same boat04:12
foxjazzTHAT WORKED GREAT!04:12
retourPelo: No such thing as msfonts in my Synaptic04:12
cute_bettong                     that alsa-info.sh file? i want to get to you that04:12
cute_bettong                     information but it simply will not run for me..it tryed04:12
cute_bettong                     ./alsa-info.sh no go permission denied... i tryed sudo04:12
cute_bettong                     ./alsa-info.sh and it says command not found...i even04:12
cute_bettong                     tryed the chmod -x alsa-info.sh and nothing...i really04:12
cute_bettong                     want to help you04:12
cute_bettongoh for hells sake04:12
cute_bettongstupid irssi04:12
cute_bettongsorry about htat04:12
mcollidoes anyone know where i can get help with gnome-panel and applets?04:13
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shiester_miesteNutubuntu, i get a weird error when i do that: "RTNETLINK ANSWERS: File exists.  Run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd exited with return code 2"04:13
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hp__what was the swedish #ubuntu -se04:13
LeoDioxidefoxjazz: pfft, the script didn't install the flash plugin04:13
cardanto1sudo ifdown eth0 and then up doesn't help04:13
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shiester_miestecardanto1, were you talking to me? :/04:14
foxjazzLeoDioxide: The script worked great for me... Remember you have to run a 32bit browser.04:14
HizzehHey guys, does anyone know why my ubuntu installation freezes while it is loading just prior to when I install it from my RAM?04:14
foxjazzAnd the author suggested swiftweasel3204:14
LeoDioxidefoxjazz: yeah, firefox3204:15
JeffHare there any issues with installing Ubuntu in a Parallels VM?04:15
Peloretour,   gsfonts , gsfonts-other , a bunch of files starting with ttf ,  but you are right , I can'T find what I think was called  ms core fonts04:15
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, i tried it again and it worked this time :/04:15
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foxjazzLeoDioxide: well it works fine with swiftweasel for me.04:15
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Aghasterhow can I disable the automatic loading of gdm at boot?04:16
NutubuntuOh, good - because now my eyebrows can find their way gently back down again ... I was still looking at that earlier error msg, shiester_mieste :)04:16
retourPelo: Thank you for right names starting my search04:16
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Peloretour, you can also drop most other font files you have in  /home/user/.fonts and they will become available to you04:16
PeloI think04:16
cardanto1anyone able to help me with a "simple" networking problem (moderate newbie)04:17
Nutubunturetour,  there's a big fonts resource at http://cg.scs.carleton.ca/~luc/fonts.html04:17
Pelo!fonts | retour04:17
uboturetour: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:17
Nutubuntusomafm, shiester_mieste - do they talk to each other now?04:17
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andrewkk!ask | cardanto104:17
ubotucardanto1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:17
Nutubuntuwhoops ... sorry somafm - that was meant to be, "so, shiester_mieste" etc.04:18
CyberMaddoes anyone here ever tried automount shared folder with fstab?04:18
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Pelocardanto1,  you are more likely to get an answer if you ask a specific quesiton, asking for help doesn't get you any04:18
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CyberMadi tried // /home/user/Desktop/Document smbfs username=Guest,password= 0 0     then save it04:19
cardanto1ubotu -- here is the problem:  i have an ip of, but my router only gives of the type 192.168.1.xxx. now i can't see my ubuntu box from the rest of the network. ifup and down don't solve the problem.04:19
=== <Wikkedfin^!n=Wikkedfi@12-216-151-160.client.mchsi.com> requested unknown ctcp version from #ubuntu
CyberMadthen i tried umount -a  then mount -a  and it works.. but problem when i restart the computer04:19
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PeloWikkedfin^,  what do you want ?04:19
cardanto1(yet i still have internet access)04:19
andrewkkCyberMad: i'd recommend against using smbfs; it's known to be pretty buggy. use cifs instead.04:19
Wikkedfin^my xchat to work right04:19
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shiester_miesteNutubuntu, new ifconfig output attached to bottom of the pastebin04:20
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shiester_miestealthough pastebin seems to be REALLY slow right now04:20
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  what was that addy again? I'm sorry; I closed that tab04:20
wyggler2how do i get ubuntu to show icons of the desktop for mounted drives? my removable drives and ntfs partitions show up when mounted and go away when umounted.  How do I get my vfat partitions to do the same?04:20
CyberMadyes it hung... after restart my computer, i can not open the mounted folder04:20
PeloWikkedfin^,  well don't rely on the ctcp you just sent me, I block stuff like that04:20
calafter changing xorg.conf, i have GDM coming up okay in 1920x1080, but as soon as i log in, it appears to try to change resolutions again?? because my monitor switches to "Cannot display Mode" .. any ideas?04:20
CyberMadandrewkk so, how to use cifs on fstab?04:20
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shiester_miesteim waiting for pastebin to load the pages -_-04:20
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  you could use the pastebin at paste.ubuntu-nl.org if that's faster04:21
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shiester_miesteyeah ok04:21
Pelowyggler2,   gconf-editor  /apps/nautilus/desktop ,  there is a box to check in there04:21
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shiester_miesteNutubuntu, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28176/04:21
shiester_miestethe new stuff is attached after the old output04:22
Nutubuntut/y shiester_mieste - wait one ...04:22
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andrewkkCyberMad: // /home/user/Desktop/Document cifs guest 0 004:22
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shiester_miestehmm i just noticed that they can ping each other04:22
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Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  the pastebin cuts off after the updated info on the first computer, but if they can ping each other, you're basically home and dry :)04:23
shiester_miestebut they dont see each other in the network !04:23
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CyberMadandrewkk thanks :)04:24
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wyggler2Pelo: thanks.  will try that right now.04:24
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  "see each other" how? If they can ping each other, they see each other in the sense of being correctly configured to live on the same network and talk to each other. At higher levels, you may have to do stuff but basically at this point they see each other.04:24
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andrewkkCyberMad: np04:25
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shiester_miesteyeah i know04:25
cardanto1o.k., i have a wierd ip from my router that is not in the mask my router is giving. i can see the internet fine, but can't see any other computer on the network. it is like i am directly hooked up bypassing my router. if i reset my router (as in unplug) the problem is solved. any thoughts what might be causing this?04:25
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CyberMadandrewkk do i correct, i need to create folder on desktop named with "Document" ?  well, i did that..04:25
shiester_miestewhat i mean is, they dont show up in the network places area04:25
CyberMadi just want to make sure04:25
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andrewkkCyberMad: yes, you have to make the folder you're mounting it to before the share can actually be mounted.04:26
RustySfordsooo I'm thining of doing a dual boot. when I set up the partitoin table do I set the first 130 GB that has my eniter widows partition to be /windows and then just have the swap and home directories after that? Sorry if I'm not clear enough on what I mean not to linux savvy04:26
RustySfordit's one drive only one I have04:26
shiester_miestewait a second...the other computer doesnt have windows sharing (SMB) installed...would that stop it from working04:27
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mathias_schnellDoes anyone know if there are any drivers for the Nvidia GeForce 8 series yet?04:27
PeloRustySford, do you already have windows installed ?04:27
shiester_miestei try to share a folder and the only option is "do not share"...what the crap04:27
CyberMadandrewkk yes :) right now i restarting my ubuntu.. will see whether it sucess or not04:27
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erstaziI have apache2 running on Ubuntu. Ubuntu's apache depreciates httpd.conf for apache2.conf and I am trying to kill the .htaccess file and its not working anywhere I try even within /sites-available or apache2.conf04:27
shiester_miesteisnt there a "linux" way of sharing :/04:27
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RustySfordIt's a 160 and very well defraged. two partition currently under just windows. one 127 and a 2704:28
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RustySfordjust was gonna set the first 130 just to be safe04:28
PeloRustySford,  defrag a few times, backup ,  then boot the ubuntu live cd,  in menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor,   rezise the NTFS parition  to the size you want,  install ubuntu on the unallocated space04:28
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retourOK almost 40MB of selected fonts. But a lot of fonts will slow down my system or it doesnt matter????04:28
RustySfordthe windows is on the 127 and I use the other partition for downloads. but I wanna convert the 27 to just have ubuntu04:28
andrewkkshiester_mieste: it's called NFS. people don't use it as much on ubuntu though so you're not going to get quite as much support with it. my recommendation is to stick with samba.04:28
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erstaziretour, having many fonts will slow down your system04:28
shiester_miestei thought SMB stood for samba04:28
CyberMadwow.. thanks a lot andrewkk :) it works very well with cifs04:28
bloodytuxhello, i just installed a new Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on my desktop and it has 160 updates, but no update to 6.10... do i need to install the 160 first?04:29
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PeloRustySford,  just move your stuff off hte 27 gig partition and clear it in gnome parition manager,  install ubuntu to the unallocated space04:29
RustySfordahhh Pelo just to be sure is it the same utility under feisty? cause I looked around for it and couldn't find any partitioning software04:29
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retourthank you erstazi04:29
RustySfordit's already cleared pelo :)04:29
erstaziretour, best suggestion is to try it out, the most I notice is a bit longer start up04:29
andrewkkshiester_mieste: samba is just one implementation of SMB. check out wikipedia.04:29
gnu^^[lipeangra] : vc por aqui?04:29
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shiester_miestein any case, why isnt there ANY way of sharing files by default?  it seems a bit silly04:30
PeloRustySford, then just run the installed and install on that partition,  when asked whrer to install step 2 I think ,  just go to manual and select that partition04:30
lipeangra[gnu^^] : hehe04:30
gnu^^[lipeangra] : se eu comear a falar portugus vc fica mais feliz?04:30
PeloRustySford,  or maybe it is guided ,  It's been a while04:30
RustySfordguess I'll check again..I'll boot to nix and come back if I need help04:30
TiMiDognu^^ ubuntu-br04:30
erstazishiester_mieste, security04:30
shiester_miesteso file sharing doesnt even exist, at all04:30
TiMiDognu^^ #ubuntu-br04:30
gnu^^[TiMiDo] : vc tb  br?04:30
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shiester_miesteyou have to actually download file sharing...?04:30
|Jason8|shiester_mieste, filesharing between computers?04:30
|Jason8|as in... network sharing?04:30
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shiester_miesteright click a folder and click "share this folder" - thats what i mean04:30
RustySfordPelo: yeah I did it a while back easily enough on 6.06 but they changed the install proceedure a bit and it's not the same04:31
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|Jason8|or as in... like torrents and stuff?04:31
|Jason8|Oh, okay.04:31
|Jason8|Places > Network04:31
Peloshiester_mieste,  you need samba I believe04:31
|Jason8|but yes04:31
|Jason8|you need to install samba.04:31
RustySfordbrb if I need it though.04:31
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gnu^^a gente tb pode falar portugus, no pode?04:31
|Jason8|which is really a quick download04:31
PeloRustySford,  mostly the same,  just a few extras ,04:31
shiester_miesteyeah i figured that now, but i was previously under the impression that samba was for sharing with windows or something04:31
shiester_miesteit just seems a bit silly that you have to download file sharing :P shouldnt something like that come standard?04:31
Anony1111erm, i've royally farked up... does anyone know how to recover from this: "invalid compressed data, kernel panic unable to mount root on unknown block"04:31
|Jason8|OMG KERNEL PANIC.04:32
dr_willisshiester_mieste,   Samba  could be considered a security risk. and its a service - so its not installed by default.04:32
Anony1111bad day  :\04:32
shiester_miesteoh ok, that makes sense, thanks dr_willis04:32
PeloAnony1111,  what did you do ?04:32
|Jason8|I had that once.04:32
|Jason8|it was on a fresh install04:32
andrewkkshiester_mieste: SMB isn't -only- for windows. it's just known for that because it happens to be what windows uses.04:32
|Jason8|I just reformatted.04:32
Anony1111i just tried to run usplash and it restarted and ... that's it04:32
dr_willisshiester_mieste,  check out the 'samba-doc' package also. 2 books on using samba (in html format)04:32
shiester_miesteah ok04:32
retourerstazi: in old Windows (3.11 95 etc) a lot of onts were plugging system memory available for apps. How it is in Debian? I dont care about long boot times04:32
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Anony1111I JUST finished setting up the system like i wanted it, i don't wanna reformat  :(04:33
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Bob_le_PointuIs there a way to open a deb package as if it was a classical archive ? (i.e. TAR)04:33
ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen (alternatively, if there's a way to safely remove gdm and still be able to log in to X; i can live without a graphical login)04:33
PeloAnony1111,  thre is probably an easy way to solve this but I donT' know what it is,  you can always boot the live cd,   backup your /home  and reinstall04:33
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erstaziretour, honestly, I have about 20mb of fonts, I don't notice anything different from a fresh install...04:33
shiester_miestewell my problem at the moment is that i cant download samba because that computer has no internet connection :(04:33
shiester_miesteill try and set up some connection sharing and see if that works...04:33
=== Anony1111 sighs
erstazishiester_mieste, you can burn the deb to cd04:33
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shiester_miesteerstazi, then i could also put it on a usb stick, which i have one right here :D04:33
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shiester_miestebut ill just see if i can get internet connection sharing working first, then i dont have to do anything04:34
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Anony1111well, i'm going to go try that and i'll get back to ya!  :D04:34
Peloceil420,  if you donT' get an answer here, try in the fourm04:34
erstaziretour, I think if your computer has some of the latest (past 5 years) of computer technology, you will be fine (:04:34
Anony1111Pelo, thanks  :D04:34
erstazishiester_mieste, that works also04:34
andrewkkshiester_mieste: i04:34
Peloshiester_mieste,  samba should be on the instalation cd04:34
zombor_can anyone help me out with a problem, my wireless router broke, but now it works, but my wireless doesnt work with my ubuntu, when i try manually connecting with wpa_supplicant, it says "*** stack smashing detected ***: wpa_supplicant terminated"04:34
|Jason8|wut?  FIrefox 3.0?04:34
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andrewkkshiester_mieste: ...'m not sure about it, but you should look into if it's on the ubuntu cd.04:35
Deputy_Roweanyone know if there is a seperate kubuntu channel anywhere?04:35
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Pelozombor_,  if no one here can help try the forum04:35
PeloDeputy_Rowe, #kubuntu04:35
ceil420Pelo, i hate text-only web :x i can't imagine navigating ubuntuforums with it04:35
younghackerhow do i register my username?04:35
shiester_miestethanks for all this help, guys04:35
Peloceil420,  try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:35
erstaziceil420, its how I test for web accessibility, lynx ftw!04:35
Peloyounghacker,   /nickserv help04:36
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calafter changing xorg.conf, i have GDM coming up okay in 1920x1080, but as soon as i log in, it appears to try to change resolutions again?? because my monitor switches to "Cannot display Mode" .. any ideas?04:36
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retourerstazi: My latest technology is PIII550Mhz + 386 MB of RAM hehe04:36
erstaziretour, I think you should be fine even so with that04:37
Pelocal, search for the exact error msg in the forum04:37
ceil420Pelo, thanks, tryin' that now04:37
younghackerhmmm thats not working for me @ PElo04:37
|Jason8|retour, sounds like me :p04:37
Nutubuntuyounghacker,  /msg nickserv register <password>04:37
erstaziretour, the only time I notice any "burp" is when I load photoshop with my millions of fonts on ubuntu04:37
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|Jason8|I had a 450 MHz AMD K6-2 with 384.  Ran ubuntu real nice.04:37
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calpelo: didnt see an error04:37
ceil42001:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]  (rev a1)04:38
erstazi|Jason8|, thats when you put Xubuntu on there (:04:38
retourI'm fine now even Google Earth is quite usefull with Nvidia card and only slow internet connection gives me burps04:38
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younghackerhow do i know if it worked @ Pelo04:38
ceil420is the "identifier" for my card "NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200"?04:38
Pelocal, ah,  look up your monitor model then see if other ppl have this issue04:38
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andrewkkhow do you browse fonts when you have so many? just scroll through openoffice's list forever? or is there a better way of doing it?04:38
|Jason8|erstazi, I can't stand fluxbox.04:38
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erstazi|Jason8|, eh, its nice sometimes04:38
retourerstazi: How I can run Photoshop under Ubuntu????04:38
Nutubuntuandrewkk,  you'll want something like gfontview04:38
Peloyounghacker,   that /nickserv help msg was to get you the info you wanted , it's not actualy registering you04:38
calpelo: it worked fine in debian04:38
erstaziretour, well, if you know how to registry hack with wine04:39
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|Jason8|erstazi, if it had a standard taskbar, it'd be fine.  but it's too... meh.04:39
erstazior buy crossover04:39
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Pelocal, I'm just a noob and I am no good with hardware issues , I'm just trying to point you to resources that might help04:39
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retourerstazi: I dont know how to make PHP happy through the registry modification unless there is a webpage explainig how04:40
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erstaziretour, or you could buy crossover but a simple google search can pull up how to configure photoshop on ubuntu/debian04:40
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erstaziretour, I don't remember the website address nor do I have it bookmarked04:41
retourerstazi: Thank you very much for giving me right vectors  :D04:41
erstazino problem (:04:41
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erstaziBob_le_Pointu, please omit from swearing04:43
darwin81I booted Ubuntu from the Desktop CD and my mouse is not working.04:43
Nutubuntucocoflan,  don't spam the channel please04:43
andrewkkwill ubuntu complain if i add or remove network cards, or will it figure out the changes automatically?04:43
wyggler2Pelo: That didn't do it.  It did,  however, allow me to toggle the ones that are currently shown on the desktop.  It also shows an elephant full of useful settings for me to experiment with.  Do you think it might be a setting in my fstab?04:43
retourOK installation started. Need to give more resources to Synaptic. Thank you for help!04:44
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darwin81I booted Ubuntu from the Desktop CD and my mouse is not working.04:45
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dr_willisdarwin81,  you mean it is not working in the livecd?04:45
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shiester_miesteok i followed this guide to setting up internet connection sharing http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html but one of the steps didnt work.  when i try to do "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" it just tells me "permission denied", even if i use sudo.  what to do?04:46
shawn34is it safe to turn off the 'nfs-common' and 'nfs-kernel' processes if im not sharing any files with another computer?04:46
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tgm4883_laptopHow would I go about updating my DVD drive firmware if all HP gives me is a .exe file and I have no windows computer?04:47
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[DARKLiGHT] risky :/04:48
shiester_miesteerr...i wouldnt do that04:48
orbisvicisvery risky04:48
tgm4883_laptopWine does seem risky04:48
mzuverinkI moved my lamp server with openshsh, now it says that my keys are bad, how do i fix this, I did change the ip of the machine04:48
shiester_miesteno, just for updating firmware04:48
shawn34i wouldn't use wine to do that04:48
andrewkkshiester_mieste: do a "sudo -s -H" for a root shell, run the command, then exit04:48
orbisvicistgm4883_laptop, get a freedos livecd and run it from that04:48
shiester_miesteandrewkk, do you mean run "sudo -s -H" as a command by itself?04:48
andrewkkshiester_mieste: yes. that will give you a temporary root prompt.04:49
tgm4883_laptopthanks orbisvicis, hadn't thought of that04:49
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shiester_miestethanks andrew :D04:49
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shiester_miesteworked fine04:49
darwin81I booted Ubuntu from the Desktop CD and my mouse is not working.04:49
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shiester_miestedo i need to re-run any of the steps in that guide once ive done that?04:50
[DARKLiGHT] orb: erm would it be wise to be running off a livecd while updating the cddrives firmware?04:50
mzuverinkany idea on the ssh key issue anyone?04:50
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nwbieI need some help on this problem: "sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0446, should be 0440" how can I fix it?04:50
NeoRexdarwin81, boot up the CD and then when the desktop loads, unplug your USB mouse and plug it back in, it might work. If your mouse is PS/2, dont try this tip.04:50
shiester_miesteit would be wiseer to update the firmware from the OS that its meant to be run from04:50
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tgm4883_laptopmzuverink, check in your home directory for .ssh (hidden folder).  The key should be kept in there, and if you delete it, you should be prompted to accept the new key04:51
StwangeI have /dev/sda1 as NTFS, and I can access it but when I try to copy pictures over, it won't let me saying they are JPEG with plaintext source or something, but when I try to access SDA1 through gksu nautilus, it won't let me saying "no application is known for this type of file." when I try using the terminal (so I could sudo it), it says it's not a directory... how do I get around this?04:51
andrewkkshiester_mieste: i don't think so, but i'm not positive.04:51
kazi@newbi you mean chmod?04:51
shawn34is it safe to turn off the 'nfs-common' and 'nfs-kernel' processes if im not sharing any files with another computer?04:52
NeoRexshawn34, NFS is for talking to a Novell File Server.04:52
nwbie@kazi yes!!!, I'm not very familiar with permissions yet04:52
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SAM_themanI having a error Install may 8.5.1 update04:53
shawn34NeoRex, so its cool to turn that off, right? cause im not doing that04:53
tgm4883_laptopNeoRex, isn't NFS Network File System?04:53
NeoRexshawn34, NFS = Novell File System*04:53
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:53
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shiester_miesteyay! i got the interpipes working on my pice of junk04:53
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Stwangeany idea on transferring files from NTFS?04:54
SAM_themanI having a error Install may 8.5.1 update04:54
shiester_miesteStwange, do you mean just copying files from an NTFS partition to a different partition?04:54
tgm4883_laptopNeoRex, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_File_System_%28protocol%29 no?04:54
tgm4883_laptopalthough it should still be ok to turn off04:54
SAM_themanNow I think apt is screwed up04:54
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darwin81I booted Ubuntu from the Desktop CD and my mouse is not working.04:55
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shrimantsi cant get my nvidia 8400m gs to work. i tried the nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new, and the installer provided by nvidia04:55
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shrimantsthe first 2 dont work and the one provided by them wont install it04:55
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FunnyLookinHatdarwin81, what mouse do you have?  I've heard of that happening with a few wireless mice04:55
shrimantsit keeps getting massive erros04:55
ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen (alternatively, if there's a way to safely remove gdm and still be able to log in to X; i can live without a graphical login)04:55
Stwangeshiester_mieste: I wrote the actual problem not long back. I want to copy images from NTFS to my linux partition, but everytime I try it says I need superuser or something, but when I try using gksu or sudo, they can't access the NTFS partition at all04:56
shawn34NeoRex, im not following, so are you saying I can turn it off or I shouldn't04:56
ceil420(reconfiguring xserver-xorg didn't help)04:56
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bloodytuxHow do I edit sources.list file? what's the edit command?04:56
darwin81Can I use a keyboard as to control the cursor?04:56
shiester_miesteStwange, thats rather stwange :P04:56
Stwangeannoying too heh04:56
shiester_miesteactually, its "wather stwange"04:56
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ceil420bloodytux, it's a plaintext file; use your favourite text editor with superuser priveledges04:56
shiester_miesteor even "thtwange"04:56
Stwangethis could get to the point where I don't understand what you're saying anymore04:57
bloodytuxHow do I open a text editor with superuser?04:57
bloodytuxWhat's the terminal command?04:57
FunnyLookinHatdarwin81, there might be a way to....  but I wouldn't suggest it.  If your mouse isn't workin on the LiveCD then it wont work on a full install probably04:57
FunnyLookinHatbloodytux, gksudo gedit04:57
shiester_miestebloodytux, sudo gedit [filepath] 04:57
ceil420i thought it was gksu04:57
bloodytuxi use gksudo04:58
sparrthe ubuntu clamav packages complain to my cron logs (and thus my email) that they are out of date.  is this a bug?  i dont want to know if there isnt a new package yet04:58
shiester_miesteyeah gksudo opens a little box thing04:58
FunnyLookinHatshiester_mieste, yes, you use gksudo for a GTK app04:58
dawn_i have a question about pidgin.. i can't seem to change the font that i'm using.. how do i change it?04:58
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  gksudo for gui apps, see http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo04:58
=== Recon [n=NONE@h31.196.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatshiester_mieste, can cause issues otherwise   : )04:58
Reconhey everyone04:58
shiester_miesteoh really?04:58
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FunnyLookinHat!hi | Recon04:58
ubotuRecon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:58
=== Ha1 [n=halhorn@d211-31-111-6.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Ubuntu
shiester_miestei use sudo for everything, lol :$04:58
Reconi guess this is a pretty common thing to say04:59
zombor_can anyone help me out with my wireless, whenever i try and use wpa_supplicant, i get a stack smashing detected and it core dumps04:59
JeffHIs there a graphical package manager that is installed with Ubuntu?04:59
Ha1Hello #Ubuntu. I have a question for everyone, and would be most grateful for any help.04:59
Reconbut i got a problem04:59
darwin81Can I use a keyboard to control the cursor?04:59
ceil420JeffH, Synaptic04:59
Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming04:59
Tazdevilsudo is a pain i just su to root then I cna everything form there without adding sudo to the command04:59
JeffHthanks.  is it gonna be a pain to switch to using KDE?04:59
Ha1Specifically, when I type my quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes04:59
gokee2_I have a broadcom internal network card, I am trying to get it working with ndiswrapper and it does....  The problem is this laptop is for a new user and they don`t want to type "dhclient eth1" into a terminal to get on the internet....  I have a extra card I have been using some and it works great with the built in network manager.  The internal card is seen by networkmanager and it even puts my network in the list for the card. However if I04:59
gokee2_hit connec it fails...  Anyone know how I can make the manager work?04:59
ceil420Tazdevil, not such a pain when you just need it for one command :p04:59
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macogwok the downside of focusfm04:59
Stwangeis there a different way to access the mounted partitions? Instead of going through /dev/sda1 - am I looking in the wrong place?04:59
Tazdevilceil420: You are right there you got me05:00
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macogwStwange: if its mounted it should be under /media05:00
Reconis anyone experienced with edits to xorg.conf05:00
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bloodytuxAHHHH!!! How do I update 6.06 to 6.10 if it won't say Update to new version in the update manager?05:00
Ha1Recon: A little bit, what do you want?05:00
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nwbieI stupidly put this instruction: sudo chmod o+rw /*/*.* to copy an entire folder full of permissions, and I got this error:  "sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0446, should be 0440", Is there anybody that can help me fixing this?05:01
=== bloodytux needs help
shrimantscan someone please help me to get my nvidia 8400m gs card working?05:01
macogwgokee2_: you dont need ndiswrapper for broadcom on feisty.  just "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter"05:01
shrimantsi've tried everything05:01
Ha1Bloodytux: wait a mo, I think I can help05:01
Reconi was trying to get my logitech mx400 to show up with the correct ammount of buttons and i screwed up05:01
JiBEsHHello, I have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blured05:01
samschoiceI'm trying to copy my home directory in the terminal to a dvd drive, what command should I use ?05:01
bloodytuxHa1: K, thanks.05:01
Ha1Recon: Nah, Im not that gppd05:01
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gokee2_macogw: I tried bcm43xx and it did not work for me05:01
Reconi did a sudo sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:01
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ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen (alternatively, if there's a way to safely remove gdm and still be able to log in to X; i can live without a graphical login)05:01
macogwgokee2_: with the -fwcutter?05:02
Recongo reset it and then had some other issues05:02
macogwgokee2_: it shouldve downloaded and installed the firmware05:02
dthackeris it necessary to restart squid when I change squidGuard.conf?05:02
Reconbut i think i am at least back to square one05:02
dr_willisthat fwcutter package worked good for my laptop. :)05:02
gokee2_macogw: Hmmm  I just let ubuntu do what it wanted05:02
=== dedi [n=dedi@adsl-84-226-55-28.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
shrimantsis there a list of supported graphics cards anywhere?05:02
gokee2_macogw: I will try the cutter but I don`t have a windows driver...  Will it get one for me?05:03
macogwgokee2_: bcm43xx cards wont get WPA or WPA2 with NetworkManager, so you know.05:03
Reconthe only problem is when i am in gui mode i don't have any top bars and my terminal doesn't show up at all05:03
=== ohzie [n=ohzie@c-76-105-243-156.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwgokee2_: there are drivers on linux05:03
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macogwgokee2_: theyre already there on ubuntu.  all you need is the firmware.  for that you do "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter" without quotes05:03
JiBEsHHello, I have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blured05:03
Ha1bloodytux: Try [[ gksu "update-manager -c" ] ]  WITH the quotes, everything inside the [[ and ] ] 05:03
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bloodytuxSays its up to date.05:04
gokee2_macogw: I have been trying to use the fancy gui...  The command prompt is just too easy :)05:04
Ha1bloodytux: Hmm, I wonder...05:04
=== jason0_ [n=jason@c-24-22-211-38.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ceil420what about the -d switch? been a while, but i think i used that05:04
ceil420(for the update-manager thing)05:04
=== bloodytux shoots his live cd disk
bloodytuxI got it. :D05:04
samschoicehow do I copy my home directory to a dvd drive in terminal ?05:04
macogwgokee2_: i havent used the restricted drivers manager.  my intel wireless was turned on automatically during install so i didnt have to use it (intel lets ubuntu ship firmware, broadcom doesn't)05:04
Ha1bloodytux: Gah, was just about to suggest that, beat me to it ceil42005:05
peepsalothey folks, running feisty here, which is currently using gcc 4.1.   I have something I need to build which requires gcc 3.x to build.  anyone know how i can get taht installed without overwriting my current install?05:05
shavexi need to find someone who knows alot about configuring audio in Ubunut Feisty05:05
samschoicei have the white screen of death, and just made it worse05:05
Ha1samschoice: What is wrong?05:05
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bloodytuxHa1: thanks for the help, you too ceil42005:05
macogwceil420: -d is for development versions, i think05:05
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Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming. Specifically, when I type my quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes. No compiler or interpreter recognises these, as they are in actuality just accentuation marks. Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share with me on how to fix this?05:05
gokee2_macogw: Ok cool its fetching my firmware05:05
shrimantsoh dang it my graphics card isnt supported05:05
ceil420macogw, really? well i did get Feisty two days before final :p couldn't wait05:05
macogwshavex, you might wanna try #alsa since they're the sound guys for all of linux05:05
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shavexok thank you05:06
shrimantsoh well back to vista i guess05:06
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macogwshrimants: what graphics card?05:06
shiester_miestepoor man05:06
macogwoh ok theyre gone05:06
Ha1samschoice: WHats wrong?05:06
John`how do you make ubuntu display what it is loading when it first boots up instead of just a bar going across?05:06
Stwangemacogw - thanks, I found it under media. This new fs is confusing. It still won't let me copy images across through, it says access denied05:06
Ha1John`: Try typing ctrl-alt-f1 if you really want to see the verbose mode05:06
Stwangethat's using gksu nautilus05:06
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:06
shiester_miesteJohn`, there is a command line argument used with the recovery console that makes it print out everything, find out what it is and add it to the normal mode boot05:06
=== gerard [n=gerard@host81-156-59-117.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogwStwange: open a terminal and "cd /media" then do "ls -l05:07
ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen (alternatively, if there's a way to safely remove gdm and still be able to log in to X; i can live without a graphical login)05:07
gokee2_macogw: Awsome I think it works...  brb05:07
John`command line argument?05:07
Wikkedfin^who here provides code for the offical ubuntu releases?05:07
macogwStwange: that's "ls -l" with no quotes...ditto the no quotes on cd05:07
dawn_anybody that i can ask about pidgin?05:07
macogwdawn_: what about it?05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lookingglass - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming. Specifically, when I type my quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes. No compiler or interpreter recognises these, as they are in actuality just accentuation marks. Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share with me on how to fix this?05:07
dfgascan anyone help with getting kde4 installed?05:08
macogwha1: change your keyboard layout?05:08
shiester_miestehal, does the onscreen keyboard do the same thing?05:08
dawn_hi macogw.. i wanna change the font that i'm using in chats.. how can i do it. is there a way that i can change it for all conversation windows?05:08
Ha1shiester_mieste: I might just try that now05:08
gerardanyone know the link for setting up looking glass on ubuntu05:08
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Ha1macogw: : I have tried every combination I can see that will work, but no success. Itll be something I overlooked05:08
macogwdawn_: the way that the font is SENT or the way that you view it?05:08
=== Stwange [n=james@5ac27bcb.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
dawn_both, macogw05:09
Stwangedamn verbose mode heh, curiousity killed the cat eh how do you get out of it without rebooting?05:09
macogwdawn_: tools > preferences > conversations > default formatting05:09
nwbiehello, can somebody help me? I am having problems to change the permissions of /etc/sudoers to 0440, which command do I need?05:09
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macogwnwbie: er...permissions only involve 3 digits05:10
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SAM_themanW: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278305:10
SAM_themanW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems05:10
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sparrmacogw: wrong05:10
Stwangeand if anyone answered my question about access denied while trying to copy images in gksu nautilus, please can you paste the response?05:10
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dawn_thanks macogw :)05:10
macogwsparr: ?? maybe the directory/block/whatever one, but usually not used in chmod05:10
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sparryes, that one.  and it can be used in chmod05:10
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macogwsparr, ah sorry. didnt know there was an option to put it in.  thanks for the info05:11
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Gokee2_Laptopmacogw, It worked great thanks!  :)05:11
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Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming. Specifically, when I type my quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes. No compiler or interpreter recognises these, as they are in actuality just accentuation marks. Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share with me on how to fix this? [AltGr does nothing and Onscreen keyboard does the same] 05:11
John2when i press ctr-alt-f1, how do i resume?05:11
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ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen (alternatively, if there's a way to safely remove gdm and still be able to log in to X; i can live without a graphical login)05:11
John2back to gnome05:11
macogwnwbie: well anyway, changing permissions is "sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers"05:11
james296can anyone help me install the WUSB54GSC driver for my Linksys network card on Feisty Fawn?05:11
ceil420John2, ctrl+alt+F705:11
macogwjohn2: ctrl alt f705:12
sparrJohn2: alt f705:12
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kinalasany suggested internet cafe program for ubuntu05:12
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d4rkmonkeyWhats the package which contains a bunch of codecs for mp3 and things like that? I remember when i installed it on dapper it was something like w32codecs but I can't seem to find that in feisty05:13
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macogwjames296: do you know what chipset it is?  i'm not seeing a wusb54gsc on a listing of wireless cards, just gc or g05:13
rocketsd4rkmonkey: you need medibuntu05:13
Ha1Try gstreamer* and gxine05:13
rocketsd4rkmonkey: its not in the default repos05:13
setuid_w00tWill the kubuntu alternate install disc allow me to us existing LVM volumes?05:13
rocketsd4rkmonkey: go to google.com type in medibuntu and click im feeling lucky05:13
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rocketsd4rkmonkey: its a repository05:13
nwbiemacogw: I tried this before and got this: {sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0446, should be 0440}05:13
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kinalasany internet cafe program for ubuntu05:14
macogwnwbie: how did it get to 0446?05:14
dawn_macogw: i don't see the font the way i set it when i type in the window .05:14
StwangeI've installed a few programs, eg. truecrypt, but when I go to Add/Remove at the bottom of Applications and browse all installed applications none of them are there, and the binaries in /usr/bin don't seem to do anything, any ideas what i'm doing wrong?05:14
clericIs there a way to go from debian stable to ubuntu-server?05:14
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clericw/o a true reinstall05:14
macogwdawn_: does it look right where you type it but not once you send it?05:14
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macogwStwange: some advanced things are only in synaptic, not in add/remove05:15
Ha1cleric: No, because they are different distros05:15
nwbiemacogw: I did not know how to take off the permissions of a folder, and I did not have any internet connection, so I stupidly put this: sudo chmod o+rw /*/*.*05:15
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josephI'm new to Ubuntu and took a class on Fedora is there anything like Yumex for Ubuntu?05:15
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Ha1cleric: Itd be like going from a Ford to a Daihatsu by only changing a few parts instead of buying a new car05:16
JiBEsHI have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blured05:16
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clerichal: i was under the impression there was a way to do an upgrade in place05:16
Ha1cleric: I dont think so, not from Debian to Ubuntu05:16
Ha1joseph: What does Yumex do?05:16
macogwjoseph: synaptic package manager, i think05:16
macogwjoseph: do you mean the gui for yum?05:16
Nutubuntujoseph, synaptic05:16
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dawn_macogw: not for both.. when i type it and when it's sent.05:16
Ha1joseph: Symaptic, System>Administration>Synaptic05:16
macogwdawn_: for which does it look correct?05:17
NutubuntuHm ... I should read first before hitting enter - looks like we've got synaptic covered, though ;)05:17
ProN00bwhat do i use to burn on gnome ?05:17
josephOk thanks now to see if that has a package for webmin05:17
Ha1ProN00b: Try Gnomebaker05:17
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d4rkmonkeyrockets, after I set up medibuntu, whats the package for the codecs?05:17
blackace11hello can i get assistance with compiz fusion... allowing middle mouse wheel to control spin of cube?05:17
Ha1ProNoob: sudo apt-get install gnomebaker05:18
dawn_macogw: only in preferences05:18
HizzehHey guys, does anyone know why my ubuntu installation freezes while it is loading just prior to when I install it from my RAM?05:18
macogwProN00b: you can burn in nautilus (the file manager, just tell it to burn) or with gnomebaker, or if it's audio, serpentine will work05:18
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Stwangemacogw: I can find the program in synaptic, but the only options are remove and complete remove, I just want to open them heh05:18
macogwdawn_: so when you're typing the message AND after you send it, it looks wrong?05:18
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dawn_yes macogw05:18
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dawn_do i need to install a plugin for this to work?05:19
dawn_macogw ^05:19
macogwStwange: thats for installing/uninstalling though...try typing the name of the program in the terminal05:19
shiester_miestehey how do you get compiz working properly...i have beryl and i click "select window manger -> compiz", but where can i configure it?05:19
shiester_miesteall it has is beryl configuration05:19
macogwdawn_: there's a conversations colors plugin (installed, just activate it) which changes how the messages appear for messages you send and receive when *you* view them, but i dont believe it modifies how the other person views them05:19
d4rkmonkeyI followed the instructions on http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php and when trying to install w32 codecs I got:  Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:19
d4rkmonkeyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:19
d4rkmonkeyis only available from another source05:19
d4rkmonkeyE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate05:19
d4rkmonkeywhat should I do?05:19
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macogwshiester_mieste: sudo apt-get install gnome-compiz-manager05:20
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Stwangemacogw: It found it :) and there are hundreds and hundreds of options to play with :) any idea how I can run the GUI that is definately there somewhere?05:20
shiester_miesteah, thanks :D05:20
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_mik3_or gconf-editor    apps -> compiz05:20
damian_Can someone tell me how to disable the pc speaker?05:20
macogwStwange: the manpage might have directions05:20
samschoicehow could I copy my home directory to a usb mass storage device ?05:20
macogw_mik3_: now thats just mean!05:20
ProN00bmacogw, i had problems with burning before with some tools (k3b, gnomebaker) on previous versions of ubuntu (random corruptions on disk), however it seemed to work with graveman, do you or anyone in here have any idea how that could be fixed or where that could have come from ?05:20
dawn_so macogw, the default formatting that i set doesn't really work?05:20
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josephOk anpther questions where in ubuntu do I find the grub.conf file I need to edit it05:21
macogwdawn_: well, i'm not sure if its a matter of the other person sees it and you dont or if it does nothing at all05:21
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Stwangemacogw: I tried that, but they are so varied I couldn't figure it out. Nevermind, having to use terminal is better than not being able to use it at all. Thanks05:21
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damian_Can someone tell me how to disable the pc speaker?05:21
dawn_i think it's the latter.. have you tried using it macogw?05:21
JiBEsHI have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blured05:21
macogwdamian_: unplug it?05:21
_mik3_turn it off?05:21
pinguim_magic_joseph /boo/grub/05:22
macogwdawn_:  will try now05:22
pinguim_magic_joseph /boot/grub/05:22
xtknightjoseph, /boot/grub/menu.lst05:22
damian_Macogw, must be some other way05:22
=== Nutubuntu looks before hitting enter ...
d4rkmonkeyI found out what my problem was I missed a | in the command05:22
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dawn_that would be great. please let me know if it works. thanks macogw.05:22
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macogwdamian_: you could right click the volume thingy in panel and hit "mute"05:23
macogwdawn_: i just changed my font color in default formatting and my friend saw it fine05:23
damian_no macogw, that doesn't work, I tried before.05:23
zomborcan anyone help me out with a problem with my wireless? im trying to use wpa_supplicant and dniswrapper, but when i try loading wpa_supplicant, it core dumps05:23
macogwdamian_: ok thats weird05:23
james296for some very odd reason theres random times my computer just completely halts and freezes, cant move the mouse cursor or anythin, cant even use CTRL ALT backspace05:23
damian_Ok, doesn't matter, thanks anyway05:23
_mik3_internal speaker? ie system beep? or just regular external speakers?05:23
clerichal: my problem is 2 colocated servers ... they only have minimal installs on them, but getting a server cd booted and ssh started will cost me about 300bucks USD05:23
james296WTF is causing this problem?05:23
macogwjames296: is it overheating?05:23
dawn_macogw, are you both using pidgin? or is he using something else?05:23
Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming. Specifically, when I typemy quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes. No compiler or interpreter recognises these, as they are in actuality just accentuation marks. Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share with me on how to fix this? [AltGr does nothing and Onscreen keyboard does the same] 05:23
damian_mik3: internal speakers05:24
macogwdawn_: im using pidgin, he's probably using kopete05:24
=== Beriant [n=Beriant@68-112-72-101.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
JiBEsHI have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blured05:24
james296I doubt it05:24
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Berianthey i need some help installing ubuntu anyone here can hep me out?05:24
nwbieis there any chmod option to set back all of the permissions properly?05:24
Ha1Beriant: Sure, what help do you need?05:24
damian_bye people05:24
macogwjames296: :-/ my computer used to overheat and do that on dapper and edgy, but on feisty the acpi is fixed so it doesnt happen05:24
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macogwnwbie: did you install from the live cd?05:25
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samschoiceh1: I'm trying to backup my home directory on dvd from the terminal05:25
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Beriantwell,i booted up from the cd i downloaded with the iso file and it goes to the ubuntu menu and i hit install,and it does its thing and then it goes to this screen and there is just a line with lots of colors in the middle of the screen and it does nothing05:25
Ha1Beriant: What help do you need?05:25
nwbiemacogw: yes, when it was still a beta version05:25
Sonicadvance1I seemed to have screwed up my HDD when moving a partition and it's now showing it's disk label as "unrecognized" anyone know how to fix it? :P05:25
macogwnwbie: do you still have the live cd?05:25
josephok I'm in /boot/grub but don't see grub.conf in there05:25
james296its running at 49 degrees celcius05:25
shiester_miestedoes compiz also share the same "black window bug" as beryl does, on nvidia cards?05:25
looieI need some help with Ubuntu 6.06 Server edition I think it is05:25
macogwjoseph: it's menu.list05:25
Ha1Beriant: Try waiting for a while, like half an hour05:25
macogwjoseph: i mean menu.lst05:25
josephthanksthat works05:26
Ha1Beriant: Wait, what are your computers stats?05:26
Beriantalright,its on my other pc right so its running atm,ill go check it05:26
james296so whats going on here then?05:26
Beriantumm i got 2 gigs of ram,160 gig hard drive,nvidia 7800 gt graph card05:26
nwbiemacogw: yes, but if I use it, am I going to loose any configurations I had done so far? Because my lap is a tablet, and I have installed several things on it05:26
Beriantdual core amd processor05:26
Beriant2.8 ghz i think05:26
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macogwnwbie: im not telling you to reinstall05:26
zomborcan anyone help me out with a problem with my wireless? im trying to use wpa_supplicant and dniswrapper, but when i try loading wpa_supplicant, it core dumps05:26
xtknightshiester_mieste, i just had it happen to me05:26
Hydr0p0nXhow can i verify which kernel version the nvidia module is built for?05:27
xtknightshiester_mieste, but doing this nvidia beryl fix cmd fixed it i think05:27
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xtknightHydr0p0nX, nvidia module from where, for example>05:27
shiester_miestextknight, its possible to fix the black window bug!?05:27
Ha1Beriant: Well, I was going to suggest a lack of RAM as the issue, but lol :-p05:27
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Berianthahahaha lol05:27
shiester_miestei love beryl but that was the main reason i dont use it05:27
macogwnwbie: if you boot on that cd, you can mount your hard drive and fix the file permissions from there05:27
Hydr0p0nXI did an upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 and now direct rendering is disabled05:27
nwbiemacogw: sorry, I'm still learning about ubuntu, you know, in windows you have to loose everything05:27
Ha1Beriant: Have you tried DLing the alternative install CD?05:27
jimmygoonHow big of an LCD can I use with my laptop if it only has an Intel integrated graphics card?05:27
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Beriantits like a beige color screen with just a strip of colors in the middle05:27
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Beriantna where do i get that05:27
nwbiemacogw: could you tell me how to do it?05:27
macogwnwbie: this is just a repair, not a reinstall05:27
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xtknightshiester_mieste, i dunno.  i had a black window terminal and plus no window decoratnos.  i typed this cmd they gave me in #ubuntu-effects and it fixed both.  it's a well known nvidia/beryl problem05:28
Stwangeif a command line program mounts a virtual drive, could it be anywhere other than /media/? because I can't find it05:28
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adam_I have a question that I hope is easy to answer.05:28
macogwnwbie: yes just come back on here after you reboot with the cd05:28
Ha1Beriant: Same place as the normal one, just follow your nose and the menus05:28
DancingwllamasIs there some variable in sh that stores where a script is being run from? I am running a script using a cronjob that downloads files and outputs a log file, but when the script is executed it outputs the files to my base home folder instead of the subfolder where the script is.05:28
russe11Stwange: check /mnt/05:28
Ha1Beriant: It has worked for me when nothing else has, such as on a 64MB 466MHz laptop05:28
xtknightshiester_mieste,  sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2405:28
adam_I just installed Ubuntu for the first time in months and the desktop is bigger than the screen.05:28
nwbiemacogw: ok, thanks, I'll be back soon05:28
xtknightshiester_mieste, it's that ^05:28
looieI set up a CS1.6 server on an Ubuntu VPS, but every time I closd PuTTY, it shuts down the server...05:28
macogwshiester_mieste: you can force aiglx instead of using nvidia rendering.  itll be a bit slower, but no black window bug05:28
Beriantkk,ill look for it now05:28
adam_And it will scroll down when I mouse down to the bottom, but I don't like it.05:28
xtknightHydr0p0nX, alright, can you use the restricted driver manager?05:28
jimmygoonadam_ did you edit /etc/xorg.conf?05:28
Ha1looie: Dont do that then05:28
Stwangerusse11: empty :S any other ideas?05:28
adam_Nope.  Fresh install.05:28
looiebut I want it running 24/705:28
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russe11Stwange: nope, sorry05:29
shiester_miestemacogw, yeah i did that, and its quite a lot slower05:29
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looieI think my friend said something about a program called SCreen..05:29
Stwangeok thanks anyway05:29
Beriantby alternate do you mean the 6.06 lts instead of the 7.04?05:29
russe11Stwange: what program is supposed to be doing the mounting?05:29
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shiester_miestemacogw, it also crashes sometimes and kills the whole OS for some reason05:29
jimmygoonadam_ try playing with the options in System->Preferences-> Screen Resolution (turn it down)05:29
Ha1Beriant: NO, I mean its actually called Alternative install disc or somesuch05:29
Stwangerusse11: truecrypt, are you familiar with it?05:29
Beriantahh kk05:29
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, when I looked, it was enabled and in use, when doing glxinfo |grep direct, I get direct rendering: No05:29
xtknightshiester_mieste, im not sure what to suggest but it runs great on my 7800gt.  oh ive definitely had my problems with it thouhg.  im just giving it another try (as of 10 mins ago)05:29
shiester_miestenot just X11, like ubuntu itself just DIES and reboots the system05:29
adam_I will try to mess with it.05:29
macogwshiester_mieste: weirdness.  i find it funny that the guy who just told me "a tad slower" uses a pentium 2 though05:29
adam_Maybe just switching to something else and back will knock it in place.05:29
xtknightHydr0p0nX, and you restarted your X server..05:29
adam_Just a second.05:29
macogwshiester_mieste: i have intel graphics, i just remembered him saying thats what he does05:29
shiester_miesteit does run a bit slower though05:29
shiester_miesteyeah apparently it works good on intel graphics05:30
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, I've completely rebooted 3times05:30
shiester_miestei wish compiz had as many functions as beryl does :(05:30
russe11Stwange, I'm not really, but I guess I'd just recommend taking a look at their documentation if you haven't.05:30
shiester_miestelike for example, inverting window colours05:30
mavsman4457hello I am having difficulty installing super mario war and when I try to my terminal looks like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28179/05:30
jimmygoonHow big of an LCD can I use with my laptop if it only has an Intel integrated graphics card? Does the graphics card limit my screen resolution even with an external monitor or is this weird fear I have unfounded?05:30
xtknightHydr0p0nX, can you post /var/log/Xorg.0.log to pastebin please?05:30
russe11shiester_mieste: check out compiz-fusion. It's working great for me05:30
Ha1jimmygoon: Probably unfounded05:30
Stwangerussell: thanks anyway. I'm trying that but it mainly seems directed to windows users, and I'm familiar with using it on XP05:30
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blackace11mavsman4457; were did you get mario world?05:30
xtknightjimmygoon, it does sorta limit it.  you will get lower quality when you use a higher bandwidth . bandwidth=resolution*refresh rate05:31
macogwshiester_mieste: it works perfect for us :)  but i asked my friend danny and he said he forces aiglx and its a tad slower.  he has a pentium 2 though so his computer is really slow.  i'm guessing you have a much newer computer, so for you to feel a drastic slowdown is surprising05:31
jimmygoonmavsman4457, install sdl mixer libs05:31
Ha1jimmygoon: Eyeballing it, probably a 1152, depending more on the screen05:31
=== AmyRose [n=djb@unaffiliated/amyrose] has joined #ubuntu
JiBEsHI have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blinking05:31
=== pjman [n=Travis@c-75-73-129-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightjimmygoon, ive found that Intel extreme graphics have issues doing more than 1280x1024 or so without looking bad.  i haev one right next to me05:31
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macogwoh look theres danny05:31
=== mike [n=mike@c-69-245-248-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ha1jimmygoon: Nothing really to lose sleep about unless your a magnaphile05:31
Ha1Hello, AmyRose05:31
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jimmygoonthe quality is actually degraded though :S05:31
shiester_miestemacogw, maybe its not really "drastic".  what i meant was that i can notice it stuttering which annoys me :P05:31
AmyRoseHa1: Are you the one with the black window bug?05:31
=== Evilbadwrong [n=colin@71-212-49-146.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ha1AmyRose: Not me05:31
macogwAmyRose:  no shiester_mieste is05:31
=== Mazaltarim [n=freak@fbl77-1-88-163-3-9.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mavsman4457jimmygoon, so i just type in sudo apt-get install sdl mixer?05:32
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Beriantwell i feel kinda of dumb,but i found a guide using the alternate cd,but no download location05:32
Ha1m the guy with a quotation mark input error :-p05:32
adam_I went to change my resolution and it reset Xorg.05:32
shiester_miestei have an 8800gtx and a core 2 duo, and im wondering why it slows down at all05:32
=== levander [i=cponder@user-1121lss.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonmavsman4457, lemme look up the package name05:32
Ha1Beriant: Let me have a look on the site for you05:32
Beriantkk thz05:32
blackace11mavsman4457: were did you download that!? i want to get mario war05:32
adam_Then when I came back into it, it changed the resolution just fine.05:32
samschoiceircnoob did you figure it out ?05:32
shiester_miesterusse11, whats compiz-fusion?05:32
Sonicadvance1Anyone able to help me with my HDD problem?05:32
jimmygoonthis is an OLD intel like GME8xx? and I want 1680x1050 --- is that going to be bad?05:32
=== martin1991 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-198-93.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightshiester_mieste, did you try a refresh rate force of 200hz in the beryl setings manager?  that fixed all my speed problems.  plus turning off sync VBlank in there did too05:32
macogwshiester_mieste: c-f is the newly merged together compiz/beryl05:32
Ha1jimmygoon: Yeah, most likely05:32
shiester_miesteno i didnt05:32
looieso, there's no way to keep my VPS connections open 24/7?05:32
shiester_miestei will though05:32
adam_I fixed the problem.  Studying the settings, it became quite obvious what the problem was.05:32
NutubuntuBeriant,  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download05:33
adam_See you all later.05:33
xtknightshiester_mieste, remember to uncheck "detect refresh rate" in there also05:33
levanderIf I buy a second hard disk, can I make a RAID array out of my05:33
levanderexisting hard disk (which is already running Ubuntu) and this new hard05:33
levanderdisk?  Or, do I have to create the RAID, then install Ubuntu on top of it?05:33
ceil420anyone know how to fix gdm? i've re-named gdm.conf-custom, backed up gdm.conf and put factory-gdm.conf in it's place, but still all i get after the nvidia splash screen is a black screen with a "waiting" cursor. I can get a gui with startx, but i can't get a graphical login screen (more info on the ubuntuforums in "General Help")05:33
mavsman4457blackace11, just google super mario war and it's the first site then there is a download tab it is an outstadning game05:33
jimmygoonmavsman4457,  sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.205:33
NutubuntuYou'll need javascript enabled - Beriant - for it to work05:33
macogwshiester_mieste: it has some pretty new features!  the cube is reflected on the skydome05:33
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miestemacogw, where do i get compiz-fusion from?05:33
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ceil420(and I was right, forums are a nightmare in lynx ;x)05:33
JiBEsHI have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blinking05:33
macogwshiester_mieste: trevino05:33
shiester_miestewhoa thats awesome!05:33
xtknightwhat's compiz-fusion vs. beryl?05:33
jimmygoonmavsman4457,  sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2-dev   -- sorry forgot you're compiling!05:33
Berianthow do i enable it?05:33
macogwxtknight: beryl merged back in with compiz and that formed c-f05:33
Ha1Beriant: Let me have a look, currently looking05:33
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xtknightmacogw, any new features?05:33
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jimmygoonxtknight,  #ubuntu-effects    Its a newer product that has the advantages and sadly disadvantages of both beryl/compiz05:34
=== Burnstreet [n=andreas@p548BEB3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ha1Beriant: They have totally chyanged this since I DLed the server alternative edition two weeks ago 0_o05:34
NutubuntuBeriant, javascript in your browser - if you've got it disabled by a Firefox setting, for example, you'll need to enable it for that page to load properly05:34
macogwxtknight: do you read? i just said the cube can now be reflected on teh skydome05:34
NutubuntuHa1 - http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download05:34
Beriantahh kk,let me check it and see if its enabled05:34
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, http://pastebin.ca/59929605:34
jimmygoonHa1, oh, well thanks for the info, I'll call up Toshiba and ask them for sure before I buy t3h monitor05:34
shiester_miestealso, does anybody know of a good dock app that is like kiba-dock but doesnt rape the cpu05:34
macogwxtknight: also, they redid zoom\05:34
shiester_miesteand dont say gkdesklets cos it does NOT have one05:34
Ha1Beriant: LOL05:35
StwangeI've found that my mounted partition has been mapped to /dev/mapper/truecrypt0, but this isn't openable (in the same way /dev/sda1 isn't openable I have to use /media/sda1), I guess I'm getting closer :S05:35
=== RememberPOL [n=pol@adsl-75-34-10-66.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonshiester_mieste, awn? avant-window-navigator05:35
macogwxtknight: http://dev.beryl-project.org/~cyberorg/beryl/36/compiz-fusion-arrives/05:35
shiester_miestethanks :D05:35
Ha1Beriant: Just check the box at the bottom of the page http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download05:35
jimmygoonshiester_mieste, or cairo-dock/gnome-dock etc05:35
shiester_miestethis channel is SO helpful today!05:35
JiBEsHI have a trouble when I switch from X to tty console, the display is blinking05:35
xtknightmacogw, thx05:35
Ha1Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer. - that one, Berianty05:35
Toma-I cant open a samba share that has full 777 permissions... its on a different harddrive to my other samba share that is setup exactlyu the same but works fine.05:35
russe11shiester_mieste: compiz-fusion is the re-merged compiz and beryl05:35
Ha1Beriant:  :-p Good times, eh05:35
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=== shiester_mieste yells THANK YOU #UBUNTU I <3 YOU ALL
Berianthahaha ye definately05:35
Nutubuntu:) happy camper, shiester_mieste ?05:35
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macogwshiester_mieste: installing c-f on feisty http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131405:35
=== looie yells
shiester_miestethis is like, a world record for most problems ive ever seen fixed in one day, ever05:36
jimmygoonIs there a reason that my capslock key doesn't work in tty in any version above dapper... its kind of annoying05:36
=== zerdith [n=zerdith@24-231-172-212.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miestesomebody call guiness!05:36
=== JiBEsH [n=Oo@88-137-254-8.adslgp.cegetel.net] has left #ubuntu ["WeeChat]
Nutubuntusomebody buy one :)05:36
macogwshiester_mieste: most of YOUR problems, or problems overall?05:36
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=== Hydr0p0nX buys two
=== jerry_ [n=jerry@h-66-167-67-88.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== looie is tired
macogwshiester_mieste: because there are some doctors that have you sit on couches which might also be able to help with those05:36
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UbuzyHi all05:36
=== dcsmith [n=dcsmith@ool-4351bc6d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jerry_anyone know how to install flash?05:37
jerry_please help05:37
=== jimmygoon wishes people were active in other non-Linux channels where he is frustrated >_<
=== mosno [n=bmc@203-173-40-74.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miestemacogw, my problems too, but lots of other peoples05:37
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:37
jimmygoonjerry_ flip computer over, unscrew screw and insert05:37
xtknightHydr0p0nX, weird.  that log looks great actually05:37
macogwjerry_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:37
shiester_miesteive had so much trouble getting networking and connection sharing going, but today, with this channel's help, i have triumphed!05:37
jimmygoonjerry_ er, my bad, I thought you meant like memory flash :P05:37
xtknightHydr0p0nX, you say you dont get direct rendering in glxinfo ? youre not using XGL or anything are you?05:37
Ha1shiester_mieste: Woohoo!05:37
looieanyone at all know anything about Ubuntu 6.06 Server Edition?05:37
d4rkmonkeyis there some sort of package which includes some of the ubuntu backgrounds that came in dapper? Like Dawn of Ubuntu05:37
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jerry_no, flash as in a flash player in firefox05:37
jimmygoonlooie, as in..?05:37
Beriantthx for the help guys,im downloading the alternate cd now,and if it dosnt work ill get back on here and tell ya what it does.05:38
looiehow to keep connections always open when PuTTY is closed05:38
macogwd4rkmonkey: you can find them in archive.ubuntu.com05:38
=== zombor_ [n=jeremybu@CPE-24-209-169-150.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
UbuzySmeone can help me with my printer problem?05:38
d4rkmonkeythanks macogw05:38
jimmygoonlooie, what "Connections"05:38
samschoiceif I screw up gnome beyond repair but still have my files intact... could I get to those files with a livecd?05:38
looieCS1.6 server05:38
=== anathematic [n=anathema@203-217-21-54.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonsamschoice, yes, unless by "screw up gnome" you mean delete files P05:38
=== jmspeex [n=jmspeex@] has joined #ubuntu
Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming. Specifically, when I hit my quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes. No compiler or interpreter recognises these, as they are in actuality just accentuation marks. Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share with me on how to fix this? [AltGr does nothing and Onscreen keyboard does the same as the real keyboard] 05:39
macogwd4rkmonkey: i nabbed a warty bg and put it on the mac at work.  boss went "oo that background looks good.  makes me hungry.  seems like i could just take a spoon and eat it up like chocolate mousse"05:39
samschoicejimmy, i hope you're right, i keep trying to use the terminal and i'm an idiot on it05:39
_mik3_ok I need help!; messed about with beryl, clicked on 'force xgl' -> can't log in to failsafe gnome, launched xchat from terminal. Can i fix this with gconf-editor?05:39
macogwHa1: what keyboard layout are you using?05:39
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@c-67-165-79-85.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hydr0p0nXi was before upgrading, but now beryl acts like it's broken05:39
pjmanHi everyone. I was on earlier asking a question about my dual GPU video card (GV-3D1) not working with the LiveCD. The LiveCD is not setting my video card's bus identifier correctly. It's detecting it as "PCI:4:0:0" when it should be "PCI:5:0:0" - If anyone is interested in the steps I took to get it working I have it listed here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=465064. Someone (sorry, I forgot who) told me that's it's unlikely05:39
=== patrick_ is now known as Dezine
macogw_mik3_: i dont think beryl uses gconf05:39
dr_willis' "   - become ` and `` ?05:39
Dezinehow would I go about upgrading to gutsy?05:39
_mik3_can i fix it from the terminal?05:40
Dezinefron feisty05:40
Ha1macogw: The default en_us 105 intel with dead keys05:40
xtknightHydr0p0nX, so direct rendering is off though?  you think you're running the normal X server now?05:40
dr_willisDezine,  i wouldent upgrade at this time.05:40
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  what is kiba-dock all about? first time I ran across the name - why do you like it? pm me if you want so we don't clutter the channel05:40
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, right05:40
jimmygoonsamschoice, you should be fine, if you want to just backup your home dir that would be fairly painless I'd imagine, tar it up, send it across the network from the live disc, usually it mounts those partitions for you and makes it fairly easy, there are surely many tutorials on that (I'd imagine)05:40
UbuzyPlease, i need install my printer but i do not have the controller05:40
macogwHa1: 105? i wonder what the 105th key is... i only know of 101 and 104 layouts....wanna try 104?05:40
mavsman4457jimmygoon, it looked normal at make but when i did make install it gave me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28180/05:40
xtknightHydr0p0nX, youve stumped me.  you're using nvidia-glx-new drivers from the restricted manager?05:40
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, yup05:40
Dezinethanks for the warning but it's on a laptop I don't really use anyway05:40
mavsman4457if you would like me to show you what it said at make i can05:40
=== vecina [n=vecina@c-69-247-134-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stwangethanks for the help guys, I've managed to get truecrypt working. Still can't move my music but I might do that with partition magic in windows. I'm a final year CS major and it's taken me about 10 hours to get the basics working, if linux ever hopes to compete it needs to be more intuitive than that...05:41
jimmygoonmavsman4457, do "sudo make"05:41
macogwHa1: i dont know what key that would kill.  i cant think of anything essential that isnt part of 101 (104 has 2 windows keys and the dropdown key)05:41
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, there another way to be sure xgl isn't running?05:41
mavsman4457dang haha05:41
jimmygoonmavsman4457, no "sudo make install"05:41
jimmygoonmy bad05:41
mavsman4457should i do sudo make again?05:41
mavsman4457oh ok05:41
xtknightHydr0p0nX, post your /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom05:41
d4rkmonkeymacogw, where on archive.ubuntu.com can I find the backgrounds?05:41
=== looie will be right back
macogwd4rkmonkey: poke around05:41
Ha1macogw: Ok, thats wierd. NOW, when I tried to change it, it gave me a big error message05:41
Ha1Error activating XKB configuration.05:41
Ha1It can happen under various circumstances:05:41
Ha1- a bug in libxklavier library05:41
Ha1- a bug in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)05:41
Ha1- X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation05:41
russe11Stwange, what do you mean move your music, what problem are you having?05:41
Ha1X server version data:05:41
jimmygoon(sorry I wasn't more help looie)05:41
Ha1The X.Org Foundation05:41
xtknight!paste | Ha105:41
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ubotuHa1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:41
Ha1If you report this situation as a bug, please include:05:41
Ha1- The result of xprop -root | grep XKB05:41
Stwangerussell - my bad, not music, pictures05:41
Ha1- The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd05:42
Ha1Yeah, sorry guys05:42
=== ponicg [n=ponicg@ool-182cf76a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
levanderMost people who are doing RAID at home, they are doing RAID 0 or05:42
russe11Stwange, same question.05:42
levanderRAID 1?05:42
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, sorry i didnt see your comment earlier.  kiba-dock is a very good dock application that unfortunately rapes the CPU with rather ridiculous and useless "physics"05:42
macogwd4rkmonkey: try in here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntu-artwork/05:42
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, sorry i'm an idiot, xgl is running just doesn't seem to be running as it should, some things are broken like window title bars missing in beryl so i assumed it was a gl problem05:42
russe11levander: It just depends on what you want to do. I was using RAID 0 as of yesterday05:42
Ha1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28181/ macogw05:42
=== cupps [n=cupps@c-24-6-175-252.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwd4rkmonkey: may 2006 seem most likely to be dapper05:42
shiester_miestealso it seems to be rather poorly coded, as any animations on it lag the whole system05:42
d4rkmonkeythanks macogw05:43
UbuzySomebody works with one Epson Stylus c92?05:43
xtknightHydr0p0nX, actually i just had the same problem a sec ago.  let me get the cmd05:43
xtknightHydr0p0nX,   sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2405:43
xtknightand then logout05:43
d4rkmonkeydo you have any idea what the .debs install?05:43
=== project7|narius [n=jtpinker@ppp-70-242-209-88.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stwangerussell: they are mounted in NTFS, but whenever I try to open them it says that the filetype JPEG is having trouble with plaintext source or something, and they could be dangerous. When I try to copy them out of NTFS into the linux partition, it says access denied, I've tried with sudo and gksu, but it still says access denied for every picture05:43
=== Za---- [n=Zadoy@] has joined #ubuntu
cuppsIs there a way to share files between a Windows box and a Linux box?05:43
macogwHa1:  yeah dude over my head05:43
looieit's okay jimmy05:43
xtknight!samba  | cupps05:43
ubotucupps: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:43
Nutubuntulevander,  RAID1 I hope, or RAID5 - if redundancy is what you're after05:43
looieI'll ask my friend tomorrow05:43
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  thanks :)05:43
Ha1macogw: K, thanks for your time05:43
dcsmithThe closed source flash player routinely hangs epiphany on me, does gnash do the same in gutsy?05:43
Toma-I cant open a samba share that has full 777 permissions... its on a different harddrive to my other samba share that is setup exactly the same but works fine.05:43
levanderrusse11: I'm trying to decide what's more important,05:43
levanderfault-tolerance or speed.  I'm reading now that RAID can't really be05:43
levandercounted on as a backup strategy, so I'm thinking RAID 0 now.05:43
macogwd4rkmonkey: dont use the debs, it might ditch your current bg's. just get the tar and untar it and save the bg somewhere05:43
xtknightcupps, i like my guide though :P  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComprehensiveSambaGuide05:43
=== eduardo_ [n=eduardo@201-66-134-59.smace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
russe11levander: redundancy is kind of the point of RAID 105:44
mavsman4457jimmygoon, i think it installed because it didn't give me an error message or anything but if it installed would it have to say done or something?05:44
shiester_miesteNutubuntu, the main feature i liked about it is, when you launch an apps from shortcuts on the dock, those shortcuts now function like a taskbar, so clicking on them just brings up the app rather than launching it again05:44
dr_willislevander,  for game performance go for speed.. for real work - fault tolerance05:44
Nutubuntulevander,  RAID is not a backup strategy but if you plan to store data - or anything that would cause you pain if it went away - you don't want raid005:44
Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming. Specifically, when I hit my quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes. No compiler or interpreter recognises these, as they are in actuality just accentuation marks. Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share with me on how to fix this? [AltGr does nothing and Onscreen keyboard does the same as the real keyboard. Lay05:44
cuppsxtknight Thanks for the head's up... :)05:44
jimmygoonmavsman4457, nah, just try to run it now05:44
=== Ubuzy [n=ubuzy@host247.200-117-137.telecom.net.ar] has left #ubuntu ["..."]
mavsman4457ok, in the same terminal?05:44
shiester_miestehal, did using the onscreen keyboard help?05:44
dr_willisHa1,  as a check - does the console do the same thing?05:45
=== thesource [n=Elfboy@69-179-120-180.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
project7|nariusWhen booting from fiesty live cd after it loads (in either safe or normal) my screen goes black and my monitor switches between inputs looking for a signal. I have a widescreen monitor and an ATI graphics card. Anyone know how to fix this?05:45
=== cartufer [n=dsl@c-67-175-125-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:45
cafuegolevander: raid 1 or higher will preotect from disk failure, which is good. You'll still ant off-site copies of your data though05:45
=== capo [n=itguy@c-24-13-108-5.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nutubuntushiester_mieste,  very cool - I wonder how much of a cpu hit I'd see - I'm not used to this box yet at all05:45
=== locke [n=steve@ool-45721557.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
thesourcecan some tell me how to let some one ssh in to my box05:45
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levanderDoes anyone combine them, and do RAID 0 and RAID 1 at the same time?05:46
looiegive them root pass?05:46
caposo will an ATI Radeon x1950 Pro be able to use Beryl without any problems05:46
=== piwas [n=piwas@] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightlevander, raid0+1 and raid1005:46
jimmygoonthesource, install the ssh server and give them your ip and a working user/pass combo05:46
cafuegolevander: Yes, but that requires 4 disks.05:46
lockewhat is the package to make and makeinstall in ubuntu?05:46
pjmanDoes anyone have any ideas to my question above? (Why Knoppix works but Ubuntu LiveCd does with my dual GPU video card)05:46
thesourcewhats a good ssh server05:46
macogwthesource: and make sure your firewall is either off or forwarding port 22--including the firewall on your router05:46
xtknightlocke, sudo apt-get install build-essential05:46
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cafuegolevander: raid5 might be a better alternative in such cases05:46
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lockextknight:  thank you05:46
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pjmanthesource: OpenSSH always works for me05:46
xtknightlocke, it should be "make" and "sudo make install", by the way05:46
clericHal: BTW .... debootstrap is the way to do it ... using the swap partition as the bouncing point05:46
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looiehow do you pm someone?05:46
levanderHow much faster is RAID0 than RAID1?  Like it takes maybe 1005:47
levanderseconds for Firefox to start up because it's reading stuff off disk.05:47
levanderIs that going to speed up to 5 seconds if I go RAID0?05:47
xtknightlooie, /query NICK message05:47
caposo will an ATI Radeon x1950 Pro be able to use Beryl without any problems?05:47
thesourceok thanks05:47
nwbiemacogw: Hello there, I am now using the live cd, how may I procced?05:47
looiekk thanks05:47
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xtknightcapo, ya it should be fine05:47
levanderlooie: or just, /nick <message>05:47
dr_willislevander,  doubtfull if ya will notice much05:47
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Stwangerusse11: any ideas about the pictures mate?05:47
macogwnwbie: do you by any chance know if you have a sata or ide hard drive?05:47
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Hydr0p0nXxtknight, still the same, any other ideas?05:47
levanderdr_willis: really? wow05:47
Nutubuntulevander,  yes. There's a good "basics of RAID" here: http://www.acsdata.com/raid-basics.htm     I would go with RAID1 over RAID5 personally but I'm awfully conservative about this kind of thing05:47
Elliot_Mhey how do i install a ubuntu 7.04 theme ?05:47
levanderdr_willis: what are the cases where you would notice?05:47
cafuegolevander: Just start firefox once, then leave it running, it'll be instantaneous, and for free :-)05:47
dr_willislevander,  loading 300+mb game level files is noticeable05:47
Nutubuntulevander, earlier "yes" was to your question about RAID1+0 not to the speed question05:47
project7|nariusWhen booting from fiesty live cd after it loads (in either safe or normal) my screen goes black and my monitor switches between inputs looking for a signal. I have a widescreen monitor and an ATI graphics card. Anyone know how to fix this?05:48
dr_willislevander,  assuming you can even get raid working under linux. :)05:48
nwbiemacogw: I'm sorry, I'm not sure. It is a laptop, does that help?05:48
xtknightHydr0p0nX, try pressing ctrl alt backspace instead of just logout05:48
levanderdr_willis: yeah, i'm reading about RAID now...05:48
Jordan_UElliot_M, Drag it to the theme switcher ( and it's a Gnome theme, not an Ubuntu theme )05:48
Nutubuntudr_willis, software RAID is working fine for me; just installed it last week on my new box05:48
xtknightHydr0p0nX, that should restart gdm for good05:48
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, I did that first, then rebooted05:48
Elliot_Mo ok05:48
xtknightHydr0p0nX, hmm you still have no window decs?05:48
cafuegoNutubuntu: Linux seems fine with raid5 these days; i have a few raid5 machines.. and i test them regularly by simply removing a drive :-)05:48
Ha1shiester_mieste: No, exact same results05:48
macogwnwbie: go to places > computer and see if it lists your hard drive (if it does thisll be even easier than i was thinking) and no, laptops dont necessarily tell you which bus it'll be05:48
Jordan_UElliot_M, System -> Preferences -> Theme05:48
Ha1dr_willis: Yes, exactly the same05:49
Hydr0p0nXxtknight, nope, not even a close button compiz shows it and nothing else05:49
xtknightHydr0p0nX, i suggest #ubuntu-effects then05:49
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shiester_miestehey what were those settings you guys recommended me to make in beryl to make it run better?  there was something about "detect refresh rate" and "sync to vblank"?05:49
mavsman4457kimmygoon, thank you very much that worked like a charm but i found out that i got the wrong source so if i want to uninstall it could i just delete the smw file in usr/share then also delete the source and it would be gone?05:49
levanderdr_willis: Can I "change" my existing Ubuntu system by adding a05:49
levanderdisk and change my current disk (that already has Ubuntu installed) into05:49
levandera RAID with the new disk?05:49
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mavsman4457jimmygoon, sorry05:49
cafuegolevander: no05:49
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xtknightshiester_mieste, uncheck "detect refresh rate", uncheck "sync to vblank", then put in a refresh rate of 200 hz05:49
dr_willisHa1,  odd.. try a live cd?   I find it hard to belive that hitting the " key is giveing 2 ' '  marks...05:49
Nutubuntucafuego, it's not that it wouldn't work, it's what would need to happen to lose the array. in raid5, any two drives; in raid1 it would have to be a mirrored pair. of course if you've only *got* a pair ... well, if they both go, that's that05:49
Elliot_Mits not letting me drag it in05:49
jimmygoonmavsman4457, whats the matter?05:50
Elliot_Mwhat file format does it have to be in ?05:50
Sonicadvance1'' vs "05:50
nwbiemacogw: yes it does. Actually I have 2 partitions there: one for ubuntu, and the other for windows05:50
dr_willislevander,  depends on your raid controller i imagind - ive never covverted .05:50
Ha1dr_willis: It doesnt. Hitting the shift + quote key gives me , which is an umlaut05:50
mavsman4457jimmygoon, what i mean to say is above my prvious statement but instead i said kimmygoon as teh address05:50
levanderi was thinking about using software raid, guess i need more reading05:50
BigGayBillI have a question and was told to come here to ask05:50
levanderBigGayBill: ask05:50
macogwnwbie: tell it to mount the ubuntu partition05:50
cafuegoNutubuntu: Oh yeh, but I'm not that worried about 2 disks going before I can add a replacement drive. An even then, I do have backups on another (removable) drive05:50
Nutubuntulevander, hate to say "I think maybe sorta yes" but I do seem to remember that you could add a drive and "convert" to RAID. I could be wrong ...05:50
project7|nariusWhen booting from fiesty live cd after it loads (in either safe or normal) my screen goes black and my monitor switches between inputs looking for a signal. I have a widescreen monitor and an ATI graphics card. Anyone know how to fix this?05:51
dr_willisShift quote. hmm..  what kind of keyboard ya got?05:51
BigGayBillI have a tandy 1000 and want to upgrade the HDD to a 40MB.. where can I buy one?05:51
levanderNutubuntu: yeah, thanks, i gotta lotta reading to do anyway, i'll05:51
levanderkeep looking for it05:51
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Nutubuntucafuego,  yeah ... as I said, I'm probably too conservative about this stuff. it's nice that disks are cheap these days :)05:51
jimmygoonmavsman4457, I would assume that if you redl and recompile and reinstall that it would just write over the top of it05:51
macogwproject7|narius: try going through the boot options on the screen where it asks if you want to "start or install ubuntu"05:51
dr_willisBigGayBill,  ebay.05:51
cafuegolevander: You could creat a raid1 with a single working disk and a failed (absent) disk, then move your data to the degraded array, start from that, format th original disk and add it to the array.05:51
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samschoicei'm thinking knoppix will mount the drives automatically05:51
BigGayBillwell I cant get on ebay with my tandy05:51
mavsman4457kimmygoon, ok i will give that a shot thank you for your help05:51
Ha1dr_willis: A Genius Comfy KB-21e-Scroll05:51
shiester_miestethanks, xtknight05:51
BigGayBillit takes too much cache in the HDD05:52
shiester_miestethat seems to have helped05:52
cafuegolevander: But honestly, that's hassle.05:52
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nwbiemacogw: I'm not sure on how to do this, I just double clicked on the drive and I can see the files there05:52
dr_willisHa1,  what language is it? could be your system is set to the wrong language/layout.05:52
xtknightshiester_mieste, ya it made mine 3x smoother05:52
project7|nariusmacogw: haha I got it to work but using ctrl alt backspace05:52
shiester_miesteyeah this is running really smooth05:52
project7|nariuslucky guess :D05:52
BigGayBillok guess you people cant help. I will just go look at some porn  bye05:52
macogwnwbie: in that case it's mounted then.  where does it say it is?  /media/disk ?05:52
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Ha1dr_willis: English05:52
shiester_miestehow did i misspell an emoticon!?05:52
Ha1dr_willis: Stanard US keyboard layout05:53
d4rkmonkeywhats compiz fusion?05:53
nwbiemacogw: exactly /media/disk05:53
shiester_miesteavant-window-manager looks really cool, thanks whoever it was who told me about it05:53
jimmygoond4rkmonkey, try #ubuntu-effects its a fusion of beryl/compiz with their pros and their cons IMO05:53
macogwnwbie: open a terminal then and "sudo chmod 0440 /media/disk/etc/sudoers"05:53
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dr_willisHa1,  try some live cd's see if the problem affects them also I guess. Im still not clear on whats going/wrong.05:53
Ha1dr_willis: LiveCDs work perfectly. Its a setting in Ubuntu itself I thinkl05:54
levanderDoes Ubuntu ship with any kind of domain controller?  How hard is05:54
levanderit to set up?05:54
nwbiemacogw: done!, there was no message, so I guess it did it properly, Is that it?05:55
dr_willisHa1,  you are the first ive heard mention anything this odd.. May want to check the forums/wiki pages.. could be some other language is set.05:55
macogwnwbie: yep just reboot into your regular thing05:55
macogwnwbie: though actually05:55
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macogwnwbie: you may want to "sudo chmod o-rw /media/disk/*/*.*" to put those back to how they should be05:55
macogwnwbie: thatd take away "other"s read/write on all files05:56
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macogwnwbie: or actually "sudo chmod -R 0440 /media/disk/*"05:56
jimmygoonmavsman4457, there is a prebuilt deb file for super mario war : http://www.nintexbox.com/files/smw-1.7-0.deb...05:56
macogwnwbie: and then just chmod your own files back to 75505:56
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shiester_miesteavant-window-manger seems to crash randomly :/05:56
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shiester_miestekiba-dock did the same thing, too05:56
looielater everyone05:56
=== looie waves
macogwshiester_mieste: dont touch "volume" on kiba.  it crashes05:57
shiester_miestecya loon05:57
Nutubuntulevander,  ... domain controller? as in Windows before AD?05:57
jimmygoonshiester_mieste, run it in a terminal and see what it says05:57
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mavsman4457jimmygoon, yes but i am on a ppc/ps305:57
macogwshiester_mieste: kiba isnt even alpha yet05:57
shiester_miestejimmygoon, great idea, thanks05:57
jimmygoonmavsman4457, ah! cool! good luck05:57
macogwnwbie: did you understand that?05:57
nwbiemacogw: Yes05:57
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nwbiemacogw: Thank you very much!, you just save me05:58
macogwnwbie: ok there was no response so i wanted to make sure you werent confused and doing something wrong05:58
Sonicadvance1Is it possible to fix a HDD that messed up when moving a partition?05:58
levanderNutubuntu: or something similar, isn't there like NIS for UNIX?05:58
coralinenobody uses NIS anymore.05:58
macogwnwbie: no problem. ive had to live-cd-in to fix things on my box (and on other peoples that i was fixing) many times05:58
pjmanWhy does my dual GPU video card not work with the Ubuntu LiveCD while it works fine with Knoppix?05:58
levandercoraline: so, what do they use?05:58
coralinenot even Sun uses it & they invented NIS+05:58
shiester_miestewhat does "affinity" do?05:58
EvilbadwrongSo...anyone get an ATI X1300 Pro video card working in Feisty, yet?05:58
macogwpjman: because knoppix has amazing hardware support05:59
levanderSonicadvance1: you can *try* something like just putting the05:59
levanderpartitions back where they were05:59
nwbiemacogw: just another easy question for you, how can I mount a drive when it is not mounted automatically?05:59
macogwpjman: thats my standard answer05:59
xtknightshiester_mieste, affinity?  where is that?05:59
coralineX500 is too complicated, so people use LDAP05:59
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shiester_miestextknight, dont worry, i figured it out05:59
Stwangewhen I press ctrl+z in terminal, it won't let me QUIT afterwards, is there a better way to halt unwanted programs?05:59
pjmanmacogw: nice :-)05:59
levanderSonicadvance1: there are raw disk editors that are hard to learn05:59
levanderto use that you could look into05:59
macogwnwbie: you can always right-click in in "computer" but if you mean you want it to mount itself on boot, youd have to add it to /etc/fstab05:59
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EvilbadwrongAnyone? Anyone?05:59
coralinenwbie: man mount05:59
levanderSonicadvance1: if the data is that important though, you're05:59
levanderprobably better off paying someone to do the disk editor stuff.05:59
coralineman fstab05:59
Sonicadvance1eh, that may be hard05:59
nwbiemacogw: You're awesome, thank you so much06:00
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dr_willisStwange,  go read a bash guide or 3.. the chapters on 'job control' use ctrl-z with the bg/fg command06:00
Nutubuntulevander, sry, I don't know a thing about NIS ... I was straining my memory to come up with the NT question ;)06:00
shiester_miesteoh well, affinity doesnt seem to work anyway06:00
levander/msg sonicadvance1 If you really want that data back, I'd post06:00
levandersomething on episteme.arstechnica.com to see what people recommend, in06:00
levanderthe Linux forum.06:00
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levandersorry guys, typo06:01
jimmygoonshiester_mieste, those things ...should... work06:01
coralineformerly known as "YellowPages"06:01
macogwlevander: that didnt work06:01
dr_willisStwange,  normally i 'ctrl-z' bg, then 'exit' the shell06:01
blackace11mario wars is awesome!!!06:01
shiester_miestewhen i try to run affinity it gives me this:   (affinity:21949): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_icon_theme_load_icon: assertion `error == NULL || *error == NULL' failed06:01
EvilbadwrongCan anyone help me get my video card working?06:01
Stwangeexit isn't recognised, I end up just closing it with the X06:01
shiester_miestewhy are they trying to assert that an error and a pointer to the error are both null :/06:01
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macogwEvilbadwrong: if you have black clouds, put "noapic" in the boot option. if its anything else, i'm out06:01
lockewhat's the default torrent client installed with ubuntu feisty?06:01
shiester_miestelocke, bittorrent06:02
coralineyou can install ktorrent06:02
lockethe command is bittorrent from the command line?06:02
Sonicadvance1meh, oh well, 8 GB of Music is okay to lose and some programs on my Linux partition06:02
coralineany anything else you can apt-get06:02
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macogwlocke: gnome-btdownload, i think06:02
Evilbadwrongmacogw: Do you mean booting up to a black screen?06:02
macogwEvilbadwrong: black screen with kinda grey swirly clouds06:02
alex_and the themes in emerald themes?06:02
ferronicawhat applicaton do i need to convert my DVD movies to Divx and Xvid ?06:02
mavsman4457jimmygoon, is there any way to completely backup my settings and whole system like the kernel that i've got right now?  i don't want to mess anything up and for the most part i am very pleased with the way things are runnning06:02
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Evilbadwrongmacogw: No...just black screen....I'm thinking that there's no fixing my problem...which is sad. :(06:03
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ferronicai am using ubuntu Fiesty Fawn GNOME :)06:03
pjmanmacogw: I'm elaborating for you or anyone else that might be able to help. The Ubuntu LiveCD is not setting my video card's bus identifier correctly. It's detecting it as "PCI:4:0:0" when it should be "PCI:5:0:0". I've submitted  bug report but it's not going anywhare (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/119114) What can i do to help fix the problem?06:03
macogwEvilbadwrong: how far can you boot?06:03
jimmygoonmavsman4457, thats beyond my knowledge sorry06:03
thesourceok so i have open ssh now06:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:03
mavsman4457it's ok thanks06:03
thesourcei can get it to start06:03
Evilbadwrongmacogw: Oh, I've reverted back to the generic driver now....but I couldn't even get to the login screen before.06:03
shiester_miesteah, if i use the svn version of it, it works fine for a second, and then crashes again06:03
macogwEvilbadwrong: oh...what graphics card is it?06:04
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Evilbadwrongmacogw: ATI X1300 Pro06:04
macogwEvilbadwrong: and have you done the standard googling for "ubuntu $graphicsCardName problem"?06:04
inflexanyone know if the Fujifilm S5600/S5700 camera is supported in linux?06:04
thesourceok so i have open ssh now but i cant get ti to start06:04
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lockehow can i make myself a root user so that i can access my external hard drive, i have nfts-3g installed so i can change them as root, but i want to save my bit torrent files there, so i need gnome-btdownload to be able to access it06:04
pjmanthesource: these links might help - http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#SSH_Server - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AdvancedOpenSSH?highlight=%28openssh%2906:04
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Evilbadwrongmacogw: I have tried EVERYTHING...ubuntu forums, ATI forums, this IRC channel....no luck.06:04
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EvilbadwrongNothing seems to work.06:05
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macogwEvilbadwrong: did you try this? http://etano.net/2007/06/28/ubuntu-dapper-dell-e521-and-ati-x1300/06:05
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shiester_miesteEvilbadwrong, have you tried percussive maintenance?06:05
macogwEvilbadwrong: oh crap thats dapper...eh still try it06:05
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shiester_miestepercussive maintenance has been known to work when all else fails06:05
macogwshiester_mieste: does that mean smack it?06:05
dr_willisEvilbadwrong,  for some ati cards, fglrx is very buggy, had to go back to the vesa, or other drivers...06:05
shiester_miestejust dont over-apply06:05
shiester_miestemacogw, yes it does ;)06:05
shiester_miesteand yes it DOES work sometimes06:05
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macogwshiester_mieste: i have an example!06:06
brusselWhat's the proper syntax for the updatedb so that it captures the files on a memory stick, say at /media/CORSAIR?06:06
DanaGArgh, going from Dapper to Edgy on a system:06:06
xtknightespecially for crts that make noise.. slapping them works graet06:06
Evilbadwrongdr_willis: Yeah, no kidding....06:06
shiester_miestea few days ago my computer wasnt working, i gave it a small kick and suddenly it works06:06
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macogwshiester_mieste: its from a computer stupidities site...lemme find it06:06
Ha1I have an issue with my quotes which is becoming a great impediment to my learning programming. Specifically, when I hit my quote button I get  for single and  for double quotes. No compiler or interpreter recognises these, as they are in actuality just accentuation marks. Anyone have any ideas they would be willing to share with me on how to fix this? [AltGr does nothing and Onscreen keyboard does the same as the real keyboard. Lay06:06
inflexWhat's a digital camera detection/using/downloading software in Ubuntu?06:06
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DanaGgives me a helluvalot of /usr/share/il8n/charmaps/UTF-8:something unterminated symbolic name06:06
xtknightHa1, you just have a standard english us keyboard?06:06
Evilbadwrongmacogw: That's a bit advanced for me....I'm a newbie...06:06
jimmygooninflex, fspot06:06
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DanaGand syntax error in CHARMAP definition: invalid encoding given06:07
Ha1xtknight: TO the absolute best of my understanding, yes06:07
macogwEvilbadwrong: dude, its all copy and paste06:07
dr_willisEvilbadwrong,  right now   my laptop goes to a black screen when i logout of X, with the fglrx drivers. :(06:07
Ha1xtknight: It has worked perfectly with two Windows computers, as well as Linux LiveCDs and other Linux distros06:07
Evilbadwrongmacogw: Is it? Ok...I'll try....again.06:07
inflexjimmygoon: atm I'm not using Metacity/GNOME (just Fluxbox) so the whole 'automated USB' thing didn't work06:07
Evilbadwrongdr_willis: I feel your pain...believe me.06:07
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shiester_miestewhats the command line for the "Install and Remove Applications" application?06:07
inflexjimmygoon: can't even find fspot in the repository06:07
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jimmygooninflex, oh, out of my league, sorry, er, turn on all your repos06:08
xtknightHa1, ah ok.  well check your locale.  go in a terminal and type "echo $LANG"06:08
shiester_miestei mean, the command line way of launching it?  whats the programs name?06:08
dr_willisEvilbadwrong,  but i do 'work' not 'games' :) so it dosent matter much06:08
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Slartshiester_mieste: synaptic?06:08
Ha1echo $LANG06:08
shiester_miesteno its not synaptic06:08
shiester_miestesynaptic is more heavyweight06:08
xtknightshiester_mieste, gksu gnome-app-install06:08
=== dr_willis giggles at Ha1
Slartshiester_mieste: ah.. you meant add/remove06:08
dr_willisen_au? thats for austrila?06:08
ansI tried to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 and the upgrade failed, because06:08
macogwEvilbadwrong: or dont bother06:08
Ha1dr_willis: Yeah, Australia. ANd shush, it was a copy error06:08
macogwEvilbadwrong: reading comments on there it says on feisty that it worked in beta and then quit...so yeah youre stuck with vesa06:09
dr_willisen_US.UTF-8 - is what i got.06:09
ans"libsasl2" gives the error...06:09
xtknightHa1, system->admin->Languages...set it to US.?06:09
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dr_willisI wonder where this is even set at...06:09
lockehow can i make myself a root user so that i can access my external hard drive, i have nfts-3g installed so i can change them as root, but i want to save my bit torrent files there, so i need gnome-btdownload to be able to access it ?06:09
Evilbadwrongmacogw: Noooo!!! I have no 3D acceleration! I can't play any games!!!06:09
xtknightHa1, do you live in the US or in Australia?06:09
macogwEvilbadwrong: i mean, you probably CAN do what that site says, but probably wanna find a newer version if it exists.  could check ati's website06:09
dr_willislockdown2,  just set up fstab with the right options to allow users to mount/write to them.06:09
lockenevermind i got it06:09
Ha1 xtknight: I live Down under, mate :-p. Yeah, Australia it is06:09
macogwEvilbadwrong: thats what you get for buying ATI. their windows drivers are barely usable06:10
dr_willislockdown2,  but its proberly BEST to not be writing to ntfs if you can avoide it.06:10
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Slartlocke: if I were you I'd change the permissions on the external hard drive instead.. but that's just me.. if you really want to be root there's sudo and su06:10
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shiester_miestehal, me too :D06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
Evilbadwrongmacogw: It says it won't work on feisty. :(06:10
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lockentfs-config only allows root access06:10
Ha1So, everyone, the upshiot is that Australian English is my locale type06:10
dr_willis!find ntfs-config06:10
xtknightHa1, heheh..  well have you tried reconfiguring Xorg?06:10
ubotuFound: ntfs-config06:10
ansE: /var/cache/apt/archives/libldap2_2.1.30-13.3_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during ./usr/lib/libldap_r.so.2.0.130)06:10
macogwEvilbadwrong: what does?  taht site or ati?06:10
Ha1xtknight: How, exactly?06:10
dr_willis!info ntfs-config06:11
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB06:11
Evilbadwrongmacogw: That site. Read the top paragraph.06:11
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Stwangethanks for the help guys, short of some images, I've done pretty much what i wanted for today. Time to hit the hay, nite.06:11
Ha1xtknight: Im pretty sure last time I put effort into fixing this that I did some twiddling06:11
xtknightHa1, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:11
macogwEvilbadwrong: oh right.  umm...yeah youre kinda stuck.  you can install edgy and use that til gutsy comes out then upgrade twice06:11
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xtknightHa1,  hope you dont have any custom video drivers though.  you may haev to reinstall those.  or you could manually edit the keyboard portion of your xorg if you dont wanna do all that06:11
Evilbadwrongmacogw: Bleh....06:11
=== Ravenndude` [n=matt@dynamic-acs-24-239-118-177.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwEvilbadwrong: though i do NOT suggest switching to gutsy any time soon.  it is BAD for newbies.  its bad for not-so-new-bies06:12
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xtknightHa1, if youve already started you could just Ctrl+C out of it and go "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and look at the keyboard section.  or post the keyboard section to pastebin06:12
sparruoq s,ndo 06:12
macogwEvilbadwrong: my computer stayed screwy even after feisty hit stable thanks to 4 months of unstable06:12
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Evilbadwrongmacogw: Honestly? I may just forget about ubuntu altogether. My patience is wearing really thin on this stupid issue.06:12
Ha1xtnight: xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration06:12
Ha1   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007070214120106:12
Ha1xtnight: I have the nVidia pty. drivers installed06:12
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shane_anyone good with gdesklets? I can't connect to the daemon06:13
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xtknightHa1, well you may have to reinstall those.  but press ctrl alt backspace to kill/restart your desktop and see if the keyboard thing is fixed06:13
macogwEvilbadwrong: you could look around and see if another distro works with it06:13
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macogwEvilbadwrong: debian or fedora or sabayon might work (sabayon is not for older computers)06:13
Evilbadwrongmacogw: Well, Ubuntu is the most user-friendly, so I doubt anything else will work any better....06:13
Ha1xtknight: What exactly do I need to edit before restarting?06:13
macogwEvilbadwrong: sabayon has GREAT graphics support06:14
Evilbadwrongfor me, that is.06:14
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xtknightHa1, it looks as though you already finished dpkg-reconfigure?  you can just restart after that.  doing so would have already reset your keyboard sttuff06:14
macogwEvilbadwrong: eh thats subjective.  fedora, mandriva, and opensuse have all been considered "easiest" at various points in time, and they are all very easy too06:14
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EvilbadwrongI guess I'll just wait around for when (if) this issue ever gets resolved...thanks for trying, though.06:14
macogwEvilbadwrong: they all have guis for most things (i think those others have guis for xorg configuration, unlike ubuntu) including installing and everything06:14
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Ha1xtknight: When I reconfigured, It only asked me for my resolution, and when I answered, it gave me :06:15
Ha1xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration06:15
Ha1   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007070214120106:15
xtknightHa1, ok try restarting X06:15
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Ha1xtknight: Should it ask me for any more than that?06:15
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xtknightHa1, im not sure but im pretty sure it wipes the whole xorg.conf and then uses the defaults, plus whatever resolution you put in06:15
ponicgmacogw, what was evilbadwrong's problem?06:16
Ha1xtknight: k06:16
macogwponicg: dropped support for his video card between edgy and feisty06:16
ponicgmacogw, Oh - which card?06:16
anscan anyone help with my synaptic package manager error?06:16
macogwponicg: ati x130006:16
xtknight!anyone | ans06:16
ubotuans: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:16
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ansubotu: see above06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about see above - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:16
xtknight!bot | ans06:17
ponicgmacogw, Heh - ATI drivers aren't too good:)06:17
xtknightans, it'd probably be best if you just restated it.  press up arrow a few times and return06:17
ubotuans: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:17
levanderNutubuntu: I can use an LDAP server to store username/password combos that people use to log into machines on the network?06:17
xtknightans, oh libsasl2 problem during upgrade of edgy->feisty?06:17
DanaGArgh, in aptitude, how do you select "leave unresolved">06:18
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.06:18
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macogwok who changed the bot?06:18
ansyeah, sorry I didn't get it all in one line06:18
Nutubuntulevander - IDK, think maybe you meant that for smne else ...06:18
ubotuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.06:18
babarhaqhi all, how i can use apt-get so that it doesent delete the .deb pacakges from cache after installation06:18
macogwthat is not cool06:18
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levanderNutubuntu: what I'm wanting is that I can set it up so that I create a user one time on the network.  He can log into any machine on the network with the same userid/passwd that I created (one time) - can I do that?06:19
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zombor_can anyone help me out with my wireless problem...in dmesg i get a bunch of "bcm43xx: FATAL ERROR: BCM43xx_IRQ_XMIT_ERROR"06:20
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Ha1Well, I am back06:20
levanderHa1: we've been waiting, where did you go?06:20
cuppsHow do I share a folder on my linux box with my windows box?06:20
Ha1levander: Restarting X06:20
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levandercupps: you have to set up samba06:20
brusselDoes anybody know the secret of getting updatedb to recognize and catalog files on a memory stick at /media/CORSAIR ?06:20
n2diy_IndyGunFreak: You still here?06:20
levanderHa1: restarting X does not take that long06:20
Ha1xtknight: Not a single improvement06:20
cuppslevander I just set up samba per a guide... but it only covers mounting windows shared folders in linux.06:21
Berianthey guys whats up,i got the alternate cd working,but i want to keep my music and shit but it says the minimum size i an use is 69% and that means i lose all my other shit anyone around that?06:21
Ha1levander: Also had to change the xorg.conf file to a backup, because resetting it to default killed off my custom graphics driver settings06:21
Nutubuntulevander, it sounds like a directory (e.g., LDAP) but I'm so far from knowing anything much about that ... really don't know how to help you with that question06:21
levandercupps: You use smbclient to do that, you need to use the server.06:21
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cuppslevander Can I just apt-get smbclient?06:21
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shiester_miestewhere can one download gnome-dock? theres no download link on the website, i cant find it with apt-get either06:22
cuppslevander And is it tough to et up?06:22
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levandercupps: No06:22
ponicgBeriant, what do you mean? 69% is the smallest you can make your old partition... I think06:22
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n2diy_Beriant: watch your language, this is a family channel, thanks.06:22
Beriantahh sorry06:22
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levandercupps: To mount a linux directory onto a windows box, you need samba server on the linux.  To mount a windows directory on a Linux box, you need smbclient on the Linux box.06:22
zomborcan anyone help me out with my wireless problem...in dmesg i get a bunch of "bcm43xx: FATAL ERROR: BCM43xx_IRQ_XMIT_ERROR"06:22
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levandercupps: To do the first one, you modify the /etc/samba/smb.conf file.06:23
Ha1n2diy_:  Like all of the families that use Linux together with the little kids and sensitive ears :-/06:23
Jordan_Uzombor, install bcm43xx-fwcutter06:23
ansI tried updating edgy to feisty and the upgrade failed, now when I go into Update Manager it says Software index is broken. When I go into the synaptic package manager and it says libsasl2 is broken. When I try to fix it and apply the changes I get: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libldap2_2.1.30-13.3_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during ./usr/lib/libldap_r.so.2.0.130)06:23
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TakesinnWhats the absolute easiest way to make a .deb package file for Ubuntu?06:23
ansAny suggestions on what to do?06:23
levandercupps: to do the second, you just use the mount command (which in turn uses smbclient)06:23
zomborJordan_U: i have that installed06:23
nwbiemacogw: It's me again. I could not log in in my session. The cursor just hags with the screen in black before asking for the username and password06:23
Jordan_Uzombor, Oh, nvm, I misread the error06:23
zombori have the firmare in /lib/firmware06:23
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Beriantidk i chose the first guided option and it says the minimum size i can use is 69% out of my maximum which is 150 something06:23
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Beriantand im just wondering if i go ahead and do it,will it delete all my other stuff.06:24
macogwnwbie: it gets to the login screen or is it the black background and white text?06:24
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tonyyarussoTakesinn: checkinstall, but that will only be for your system, not shareable universally.06:24
Ha1Well, guys, anyone know anything else about my keyboard issues?06:24
levandercupps: you follow?06:24
rixxonIs it ubuntu being preconfigured for OpenDNS or did someone hijack my ISPs DHCP?!06:24
Ha1One guy once suggested editing my SCIM setting or something06:24
Takesinntonyyarusso: I want to share it tho :>06:24
brusselans, make a backup and reinstall!06:24
n2diy_Beriant: 150 what, megs or gigs?06:24
Jordan_Urixxon, Check your router's config06:24
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tonyyarussoTakesinn: Then read the /topic of #ubuntu-motu and start learning :)06:24
nwbieactually, none of those, It only appears the cursor circle right after the ubuntu logo, and it hangs there forever06:24
nwbiemacogw:  actually, none of those, It only appears the cursor circle right after the ubuntu logo, and it hangs there foreve06:25
brusselhal, copy the standard quotation mark from something that works and paste it in06:25
macogwnwbie: O_o uhhh06:25
n2diy_Beriant: you only need 3 gig for a Ubuntu install.06:25
cuppslevander Thank you. I know how to do the mount one. I am trying to figure out what to edit in samba.conf to mount a linux folder to windows.06:25
macogwbrussel: sounds like what i do about the character map on here being rather stupid06:25
Ha1brussel: You know, thatd be fine and all. Unless Im writing a program with more than two lines in it and may need to keep my pasting abilities06:25
nwbiemacogw: I tried with a previous configuration, but still the same problem06:25
Beriantalright,im in the partition screen or w/e so i can have the first partition windows and second ubunut06:25
levandercupps: I've done it before, but don't have it memorized. It was a pain the first time, but I figured it out in a few hours.06:25
macogwnwbie: what do you mean by "previous configuration"?06:25
macogwnwbie: how did you do it06:26
levandercupps: I think I just used the Samba HOWTO, don't remember.06:26
brusselhal, find the key that works and paste it into the configuration for vim06:26
Beriantand i just want to make sure its not going to delete the other partition in order to create the second one06:26
cuppslevander Okay, I'll look it up. :) Appreciate the help.06:26
rixxonJordan_U: you're right. It would seem, for some reason, mums oh-so-smart partner changed the DNS to static opendns ones. :/06:26
brusselhal, once you have located the right key then you can map it to the key it's suppose to be on.06:26
nwbiemacogw: when the pc boots, there is a windows that lets me select between ubuntu and windows, each time I update something, a new configuration thing appears06:26
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Ha1brussel: I havent a clue how to do any of that06:27
macogwnwbie: .... no a new option shows up for new kernels06:27
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n2diy_Beriant: Nothing is quaranteed, so you shoud back up your stuff, but Ubuntu/linux is good with playing with/creating partitions.06:27
nwbiemacogw: then I guess I selected a previous kernel version06:27
macogwnwbie: that just loads a different kernel but all the other files on there are the same regardless of kernel06:28
brusselhal, your vi program has a configuration file to let you remap keys. it's very handy when you do lots of programming to map it. the people on the #vim channel are actually very helpful.06:28
Beriantkk,ima just go with it and if i lose my music oh well,i can just get it again somehow lol,thx for the help though06:28
Za----Hello i'm kinda new to Linux but willing to learn new things. I was wondering what is a good IRC bot to use with Linux?06:28
babarhaqhi all, how i can use apt-get so that it doesent delete the .deb pacakges from cache after installation06:28
macogwZa----: bot or client?06:28
nwbiemacogw: Is there any way to like copy the permissions from the live cd to the conf files of the hdd?06:28
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Ha1brussel: Which would be great if I used vim06:28
n2diy_Beriant: GL06:29
brusselhal, what do you use for programming?06:29
macogwnwbie: im trying to think about this...06:29
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anscan anyone help resolve this: I tried updating edgy to feisty and the upgrade failed, now when I go into Update Manager it says Software index is broken. When I go into the synaptic package manager and it says libsasl2 is broken. When I try to fix it and apply the changes I get the error: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libldap2_2.1.30-13.3_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during ./usr/lib/libldap_r.so.2.0.130)06:29
tonyyarussoZa----: I've used supybot myself (python)06:29
eternalswdanyone able to get amulecmd or amulegui to work with a running amuled?  I keep getting connection problems.  I have the server set to localhost the port set at 4712 and a password set.  when I run amulecmd, it asks for the password and I give it and then it says "Connection Failed. Unable to connect to the specified host"  I have set up remote.conf successfully, so I'm not sure what's wrong.  This is on Feisty06:29
macogwnwbie: youll have to get all the permissions back to the right thing, but the live cd isnt the same as the installed one06:29
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nwbiemacogw: ouch, I was afraid of that06:30
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Ha1brussel: Emacs for Lisp [very occasionally] , gPHPedit, gedit, Eric06:30
macogwnwbie: and there are WAY too many files for me to go through telling you what they all should be :-/06:30
Za----macogw, bot. I'm useing X chat06:30
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macogwZa----: what does a bot do?  i thought bots were just like ubotu and were on the server or something06:30
shiester_miestemacogw, they dont have to be on the server06:31
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shiester_miestethey are just a script that does things automatically06:31
macogwshiester_mieste: oh06:31
shiester_miesteyou could run one on your computer if you wanted06:31
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n2diy_! test | n2diy06:31
ubotun2diy: failed06:31
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nwbiemacogw: so there is no "restore" option?06:31
shiester_miestedammit how do i get rid of kiba-dock06:31
n2diy_! ati | n2diy06:31
ubotun2diy: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:31
shiester_miestei installed from source, would "make uninstall" work?06:32
hypoHi, I was wondering if there was a way to make a "linking folder" like you would make a soft copy linking file?06:32
macogwnwbie: not that i'm aware of :-/ *maybe* on the alternate cd06:32
macogwshiester_mieste: yes06:32
hypoi.e. anything you put in the folder would be put into another folder06:32
n2diy_! ati | n2diy_06:32
macogwshiester_mieste: or rather "should"06:32
eternalswdshiester_mieste, depends on the project06:32
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shiester_miesteyay, it worked06:32
n2diy_! nvidia | n2diy_06:33
Ha1Hey! Does anyoen know if theres a file which you can edit instead of using the Language Support frontend? Specifically, to disable the Enable Support for Complex Characters thingy?06:33
Za----macogw, Its something I'm trying to do on another server. Makeing a triva bot for my mom that will be online all the time06:33
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nwbiemacogw: you know what, I set the permissions with the sudo chmod o-rw /path/, let me try with the other option you gave me, the thing is that I do not remember it06:33
=== hupoee__ [n=hugo@201-27-195-87.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
macogwZa----: you wanna pester her?06:33
Ha1As it is, I can decheck the box, but on applying it just resets it06:33
macogwnwbie: what?06:33
brusselDoes anybody know the secret of getting updatedb to recognize and catalog files on a memory stick at location /media/CORSAIR ?06:33
coralineI'm moving to Vermont.06:33
macogwnwbie: other option?06:33
=== Brando [n=brando@c-69-253-176-183.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
coralineVermont expanded the use of medical marijuana from only those with terminal diseases to those with some chronic diseases, too.06:33
Ha1Does anyone know if theres a file which you can edit instead of using the Language Support frontend? Specifically, to disable the Enable Support for Complex Characters thingy? As it is, I can decheck the box, but on applying it just resets it.06:33
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sparrbrussel: i havent gotten it to read my permanently installed drives.  best of luck to you06:34
nwbiemacogw: you told me to change the permissions of all the files, I used chmod o-rw /media/disk06:34
n2diy_brussel: is it in your path?06:34
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macogwnwbie: you're probably best off with a re-install.  all the file permissions on your whole system got messed up when you first did "chmod o_rw /*/*.*"06:34
Brandoubuntu is cool06:34
Za----macogw, she runs a room but she just wants to try some different things06:34
eternalswdcoraline, go to offtopic for that sort of stuff06:34
hupoee__please, help me? i have set a password to my dsl connection by pppoeconf, but now i need do change it. how  to?06:34
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sparrmacogw:  "chmod o_rw /*/*.*" ...  i hope thats wrong06:34
Ha1Does anyone know if theres a file which you can edit instead of using the Language Support frontend? Specifically, to disable the Enable Support for Complex Characters thingy? As it is, I can decheck the box, but on applying it just resets it.06:34
macogwZa----: aw but pestering mothers is fun...they get to pester their kids all the time06:35
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Brandohupoee: does it got a reset button?06:35
macogwsparr: thats what he did to screw it up06:35
sparrDoes anyone know how to make Ha1 stop repeating?06:35
n2diy_coraline: cool! about time.06:35
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sparrDoes anyone know how to make Ha1 stop repeating?06:35
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brusseln2diy_, it's at the path of /media/CORSAIR/... I'm thinking maybe I need to mount it06:35
macogwsparr: trying to see if we can UN-screw it06:35
hupoee__bra: no. at least i havent found nothing like that.06:35
Ha1sparr: Quite simple, try and help me :-p06:35
brusselHal, try stty. I don't know exactly how it works but it might do what you need.06:35
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armysgtI am totally new to linux and Ubuntu and have a couple questions. Can someone please pm me for help06:35
eternalswdHa1, don't ask every thirty seconds please, wait at least a few minutes.  If someone knows, they'll answer06:35
sparrmacogw: almost certainly not.  since you didnt prefix it with sudo, im guessing he was root at the time.  this is why root is bad06:35
n2diy_brussel: yes, that could be the trouble.06:35
nwbiemacogw: shift.... let me try one last thing, what was the option with sudo that involved a number, that sets all of the files to 0440?, that you told me that I would have to set later my files to 77706:35
blackace11hello can someone help me with compiz fusion? just need help changing how i spin the cube06:35
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macogwsparr: or rather, he did o+rw and that messed things up06:36
brusselhal, do a man stty06:36
Ha1eternalswd: As it is, my message is onscreen for about 5 seconds at a time06:36
hypoblackace11: press the middle mouse button06:36
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brusseln2diy_, i guess i will try it.06:36
tonyyarusso!pm | armysgt06:36
ubotuarmysgt: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:36
macogwsparr: so now attempting to get them to not be r/w for non-root (since theyre system files) and then set his ~ to the right hting06:36
blackace11hypo: that's wat i want... but not working06:36
armysgtno prob06:36
eternalswdHa1, you must have a very small screen then, only about ten lines had passed :p06:36
n2diy_brussel: GL06:36
macogwnwbie: you dont want them to be 044006:36
hypoHi, I was wondering if there was a way to make a "linking folder" like you would make a soft copy linking file?  i.e. anything you put in the folder would be put into another folder06:36
hupoee__please, help me? i have set a password to my dsl connection by pppoeconf, but now i need do change it. how  to?06:36
jbinderi need help wit ubntu06:36
sparrmacogw: off the top of my head i wouldnt expect o+rw to break anything, but there are surely countless exceptions to that.06:36
macogwnwbie: directories wouldnt be 0440 for example06:36
ansWhat should I do to remove a broken package that refuses to be removed?06:36
sparrhypo: its the exact same, just (sym)link the folder06:37
macogwsparr: it was /etc/sudoers06:37
Ha1eternalswd: Thats a more general case. I have an 1152 display going on a 19 inch screen06:37
jbinderi hav problem06:37
tonyyarusso!ask | jbinder06:37
ubotujbinder: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:37
shiester_miestejbinder, if you need help why not just ask for it06:37
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armysgti've been trying to install packages that I've downloaded, however, when I receive and extract them, I get stuck and am not sure if I must compile them or not06:37
jbinderubotu: wooo it no work06:37
shiester_miesteinstead of being really annoying06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wooo it no work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
jbinderhow fix06:37
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blackace11hello can someone help me with compiz fusion? just need help changing how i spin the cube06:37
sparrubotu: how fix?06:37
armysgtI've tried using the make and gcc commands without success06:37
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sparrblackace11: #compix or #beryl might be best for that06:37
macogwarmysgt: you dont compile packages, you compile from tarballs.  what do you need to install that isnt available as a package?06:37
nwbiemacogw: all right, then I guess I have no other choice. If I reinstall, are my files going to be there, or you suggest me to backup them first?06:37
jbinderi go 2 compiz berl06:37
n2diy_! ati | n2diy_06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how fix? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
blackace11are those programs?06:38
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macogwarmysgt: most stuff should be available through synaptic or add/remove.  to compile youll need to install "build-essential" through one of them06:38
hupoee__ANYONE ?  i have set a password to my dsl connection by pppoeconf, but now i need do change it. how  to?06:38
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n2diy_! nvidia | n2diy_06:38
macogwnwbie: back them up if you didnt make a partition for /home06:38
armysgtsamdump2 and bkhive... in order to test the security on my XP desktop06:38
blackace11someone get rid of jbinder!!06:38
Ha1hupoee__: Just rerun pppoeconf06:38
dawvi cant even install feisty....06:38
dawvit freezes in live cd06:38
macogwnwbie: and this time, make a paritition for /home so that when you reinstall your files stay put06:38
hupoee__it doenst run anymore like first time.06:38
dawvafter about 5 minutes06:38
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Ha1hupoee__: That is odd, it does for me06:39
macogwnwbie: and never change permissions on system files in future06:39
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hupoee__ha1: :/ nothing eslse that i could do/06:39
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shiester_miestehow does one install compiz-fusion?06:39
dawv------------------i need help-----------------06:39
nwbiemacogw: thank you, I learned this lesson the hard way06:39
macogwshiester_mieste: didnt i link you to a howto?06:39
xtknightHa1, hmm..sorry went afk for a bit there06:39
dawv----------------------i cant insttall  feisty-----------------------06:39
xtknightHa1, i dont know.  check the SCIM control panel, that might help.  i know it helped someone else with a similar issue06:39
Ha1xtknight: The worst that happens is that I got shouted it by the rest of the room, its all good06:39
shiester_miestemacogw, did you?  i must have missed it, sorry.  can you give me a link again?06:39
dawv------------------it freezes in live CD after five miuttes---------------------06:40
macogwshiester_mieste: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131406:40
NaisenuTorrents and my computer are having issues. I'm using the default gnome torrent client and have tried kTorrent. It was working perfectly until today now, it just won't work. I've tried two different torrent files from different sites. I just get "Problem connecting to tracker. urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused') Anyone have any ideas?06:40
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tonyyarussodawv: please stop spamming nonsense characters and just describe your question clearly.06:40
shiester_miestethanks, macogw06:40
Ha1xtknight: I have done some scimming, but with no results. I can barely find my way around it06:40
Nutubuntudawv,  that is really annoying, please quit it06:40
dawvi wasn't06:40
Ha1xtknight: Does you know if theres a file which you can edit instead of using the Language Support frontend? Specifically, to disable the Enable Support for Complex Characters thingy? As it is, I can decheck the box, but on applying it just resets it.06:40
macogwdawv: how much ram do you have?06:40
eternalswdHa1, it likely sets a gconf setting, wish I knew which one06:40
nwbiemacogw: can I reinstall just the system files with the live cd, like a restore point with windows???06:40
macogwnwbie: no. you have to reinstall completely06:40
shiester_miesteerr...it says on this howto that its not stable...is it more stable than beryl?06:40
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macogwnwbie: backup your stuff06:40
shiester_miesteor superior to beryl in general06:41
xtknightHa1, say you go in SCIM then goto Frontend global setup and choose English (AU)06:41
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macogwnwbie: when you reinstall, make a partition for /home06:41
n2diy_Could somebody respond to this, I lost my audio alert for replies, and I'm trouble shooting my audio. I have it working in other apps, but not here, thanks.06:41
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Seriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by ompaul at Sun May 27 13:43:26 2007
(djkorn_/#ubuntu) ok.. thanks.. blackace1106:45
(eternalswd/#ubuntu) babarhaq, it shouldn't06:45
(blackace11/#ubuntu) welcome06:45
(eboyjr/#ubuntu) How can I set the preferences so the splash screen doesn't show up upon start-up? I have Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04.06:46
(blackace11/#ubuntu) i'm so excited i helped someone, cause i had to do that 3 days ago06:46
=== Burnstreet__ [n=andreas@p548BCBE6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
(blackace11/#ubuntu) i have vista, and ubuntu06:46
(blackace11/#ubuntu) with a VM XP06:46
(Ha1/#ubuntu) Wait there, xtknight06:46
(n2diy_/#ubuntu) babarhaq: that is strange behavior for apt, are you sure they are being deleted?06:46
(xtknight/#ubuntu) Ha1, aight06:46
(nwbie/#ubuntu) macogw: ok, how can I tell synaptic to not store the debs? is there an option there taht I can click on, or it has to be made with a command?06:46
(armysgt/#ubuntu) can anyone help me with samdump2 and bkhive installation? I'm guessing I have to compile them and have downloaded the build-essential package per macogw's advice06:46
(babarhaq/#ubuntu) eternalswd: I want to install same packages on a home machine06:46
(babarhaq/#ubuntu) eternalswd: I dont have fast internet at home06:46
(macogw/#ubuntu) nwbie: its an option in there06:46
macogwnwbie: you can click...easy to find. theres only like 5 tabs in synaptic's preferences06:47
Ha1xtknight: I can use my WIndows key as Meta... it works with that06:47
eternalswdbabarhaq, so you want to install the packages from one machine to another?06:47
blackace11djkorn: let me know if you find it!!06:47
Ha1xtknight: Well, I have a workaround06:47
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Ha1" Woot ", as they say06:48
babarhaqeternalswd: yup prob by copying the packages to usb drive06:48
macogwarmysgt: read the readme?06:48
nwbiemacogw: thanks a lot, sorry for taking your time. Since I'm learning to get used with linux, I will take the permission thing as a lesson06:48
jpw87hello, how do i partition my disk inside of ubuntu?06:48
Ha1xtknight: Cheers for the help you gave me, I have a working system06:48
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armysgtmacogw: for build-essential?06:48
xtknightHa1, how did you fix it?  magic ?06:48
xtknightHa1, :P06:48
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macogwarmysgt: for the thns youre trying to install06:48
blackace11jpw87: gparted06:48
eternalswdbabarhaq, look in /var/cache/apt/archives/06:48
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jpw87i thought it would be an administrative takk but..06:48
Ha1xtknight: Yeah, I think it just became the right phase of the moon :-p06:48
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raddycan anybody compile me a small ethernet driver for my ubuntu kernel?06:48
=== OmegaCenti [n=omegacen@cpe-24-162-1-178.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
anscould someone help me with manually fixing a broken package?06:48
babarhaqeternalswd: sometimes they r there some times they r deleted06:49
armysgtmacogw: the archives I downloaded for both didn't provide a readme06:49
babarhaqeternalswd: is it after some time?06:49
macogwnwbie: no prob.  i come on here and help when i'm bored.  do note, however, that you are now in the ranks of people who "clean up" their C:\Windows by deleting things06:49
Ha1xtknight: I type [shift, optional]  + [quote key]  + meta key, either WIndow or that funny little key next to it on the right06:49
jpw87eternalswd: thanks :) downloading it now06:49
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Ha1xtknight: And it gives me correct quotes06:49
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eternalswdbabarhaq, maybe due to space, not sure06:49
xtknightHa1, odd.  if i press my windows key during a keystroke it nullifies all other keystrokes06:49
armysgtmacogw: I also installed build-essential per your request but can't even find where it was installed to and it's not responding under the terminal06:49
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drthunderany idea how to recover a mysql database from a live cd?06:49
aroonihey folks!  i'm having tons of problems with dual monitors.  i have 7.04, and a geforce fx 5200 with the 'nvidia' drivers enabled.  i have tried twinview (could only get 800x600 on second monitor when i want 1280x1024) and xinevera (didn't work at all), both with no luck.... any ideas?06:49
macogwarmysgt: build-essential is a meta-package. it installed the c compiler, make, etc06:50
babarhaqeternalswd: thanx anyway06:50
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drthunderI can see the database, but it its permissions say i'm not the owner06:50
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blackace11arooni: is it possible to get 2 monitors runing extended desktop?06:50
macogwarmysgt: everything that's essential to build from source :)06:50
armysgtmacogw: ok, I'll give it another try... thanx!06:50
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n2diy_drthunder: so changes the permissions, or create yourself as the owner.06:51
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roeanyone know if glxgears is supposed to peg the CPU?06:51
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raddymacogw : can you compile me a realtek ethernet driver?06:51
macogwraddy: no06:51
xtknightroe, does it?  if so, you dont have gl acceleration enabled06:51
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roextknight, that is what I thought but glxinfo |grep rendering shows"yes"06:52
armysgtmacogw: where can I find a list of the components that build-essentials installed? (what directory?)06:52
arooniblackace11: what do you mean?  isnt extended desktop... what i want (dual displays) ?06:52
shiester_miesterapparently compiz-fusion doesnt like beryl06:52
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macogwarmysgt: i dont know if there is.  why would you need that?06:52
shiester_miesterdo i need to remove beryl before i can run compiz-fusion properly?06:52
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xtknightroe, hm thats interesting.  no idea06:52
macogwarmysgt: just read the readme's for the programs you want to install and do what they say06:52
roextknight, me either06:52
blackace11shiester_miester: i had to06:52
macogwarmysgt: well dpkg can tell you, actually, but i cant06:52
blackace11google for a walkthrough on ubuntu site06:53
armysgtmacogw they didn't come with readme files06:53
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blackace11it will have you clear sim. programs. then installs compiz fusion06:53
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macogwarmysgt: ok then...is there an autogen in the tars?06:53
slavikgetadeb ftw :D06:53
drthunderchanging permissions of `/media/recover/var/lib/mysql': Operation not permitted06:53
RustySfordanybody here familiar with the electricsheep screen saver?06:53
shiester_miesterok ill try and run compiz again, hope it doesnt crash this time -_-06:54
shiester_miester:O it seems to have worked06:54
n2diy_How do I enable audio notification for a reply, in xchat-gnome? I had a hard shutdown this morning, and can't get it to work. I have audio in other apps working.06:54
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armysgtmacogw: not sure what an autogen is (i'm a real NOOB to linux!). I extracted the .gz file to /tmp which gave me the directories for both "packages" which included a file PKGBUILD06:55
armysgtmacogw: but no readme06:55
macogwarmysgt: i suggest extracting them somewhere where you can KEEP them06:56
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macogwarmysgt: for example ~/src (~ refers to your home drive) since uninstalling usually has to be done from the same place06:56
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macogwarmysgt:  pkgbuild might be the instructions06:56
armysgtmacogw: ok, I'll move both directories to src06:56
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macogwarmysgt:  not /src, ~/src, dont forget06:57
aroonianyone got dual monitors working on a geforce card?06:57
n2diy_armysgt: you might have problems doing that, can you extract it to src instead?06:57
armysgtmacogw: I opened pckgbuild which looked like programming code ( C ?)06:57
Rexhello all... a friend of mine is running feisty. He is messing with SMB, and needed to change his username. He did that, and now can't log in with the new user, but can with the old. He has no sudo rights thought. I thought maybe this had something to do with the group. No luck. Any ideas?06:57
armysgtn2diy: I'll give it a shot06:57
macogwarmysgt: is it executable? and what idiots didnt include a readme?06:57
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cuppsI've read a handful of HOWTO's to no avail; how can I view a shared Linux folder in Windows???06:58
macogwarmysgt: you could try going in terminal and doing "cd ~/src" then cd to the directory where its unzipped and "./pkgbuild"06:58
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ans_if I download the feisty CD image, is there a way to install that without burning it onto a CD? My laptop does not have a CD-ROM or floppy drive.06:58
armysgtmacogw: it's not executable, PKGBUILD didn't have an extention and the other file had a .1 as an extention06:58
macogwarmysgt: extension? thats nothing to do with executable in linux06:58
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-158-234.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_U!wubi | ans_06:59
ubotuans_: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html06:59
n2diyHow do I enable audio notification for a reply, in xchat-gnome? I had a hard shutdown this morning, and can't get it to work. I have audio in other apps working.06:59
macogwarmysgt:  extensions are rarely used to determine what a file is.  the content determines it.  if you go to that folder and do "ls -l" does pkgbuild have x's in the long line on the left?06:59
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MalconRoxafter 1 month i make my sond work, but now.. i have problems with the mic... someone know how to fix it?06:59
Jordan_Uans_, You can also use a USB drive if your comp will boot from USB06:59
armysgtmacogw: ok, when I used ls, the files didn't appear green as with other executible commands07:00
macogwarmysgt: ok07:00
macogwarmysgt: where can i download them so i can poke around and see whats there?07:00
armysgtmacogw: 1 sec please07:00
johnficca1Hi I have a thinkpad t40 with a cisco 350 aironet card, I am trying with no luck to get it working with wpa... any help wound be great.07:01
armysgtmacogw: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/samdump2/07:01
=== jebus [n=jebus@CPE-60-226-37-247.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
armysgtmacogw: and http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/bkhive/07:01
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NutubuntuI remember there being an editor for the menus in Dapper ... can't find it in aptitude for some reason - anyone remember what it is?07:02
jebushi could someone please link me to the ubuntu graphical displays help channel please07:02
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macogwarmysgt: thats not source code07:02
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aroonihey folks!  i'm having tons of problems with dual monitors.  i have 7.04, and a geforce fx 5200 with the 'nvidia' drivers enabled.  i have tried twinview (could only get 800x600 on second monitor when i want 1280x1024) and xinevera (didn't work at all), both with no luck.... any ideas?07:03
macogwarmysgt: i think those are packages for arch linux, given that url07:03
ans_Jordan_U: what if I07:03
macogwarmysgt: youre gonna want either ubuntu packages or source code07:03
ans_err sorry07:03
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ans_Jordan_U: what if I am already running Ubuntu 6.10 and want to install feisty over it?07:03
armysgtmacogw: ok, thanks for your help!07:03
ans_e.g. I don't want to install from Windows07:04
Jordan_Uans_, Why not just upgrade?07:04
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johnficca1I am running Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn, if that helps07:04
ans_Jordan_U, I tried and the upgrade failed07:04
macogwarmysgt: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/admin/samdump2 debian unstable packages are often compatible with current ubuntu releases, so this may work07:04
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Jordan_Uans_, Failed in what way?07:04
MalconRoxagora sim07:05
MalconRox100% funcionando07:05
johnficca1the network manager says the hard ware is not going to work07:05
MalconRoxpra tudo que eu preciso07:05
dawn_has anyone tried installing the newly released eclipse-sdk-3.3 in ubuntu 7.04?07:05
MalconRoxops sorry07:05
macogwarmysgt: they should defintely be source compatible (see "source package" at the bottom) and possibly binary compatible07:05
macddawn_, the release from eclipse.org ?07:05
Jordan_Uans_, Failed in what way?07:05
n2diyI think I fixed my sound problem, would someone reply to this using my nick?07:05
Jordan_Un2diy, no07:05
johnficca1dose Linux work with WPA ??07:05
macogwarmysgt: binary compatibility isnt guaranteed, but it happens07:05
armysgtmacogw: thanks, one last question. when I do download files off the internet as opposed to Synaptic, then where can I find info on installing them?07:05
=== shiester_miester [n=shiester@60-240-250-77.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dawn_yes mcd07:06
n2diyJordan_U: your right, the problem isn't fixed, thanks.07:06
shiester_miesterok...compiz has some problems :P07:06
shiester_miesterback, btw07:06
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johnficca1Anyone out there using WPA ?07:06
shiester_miesteri have absolutely no window decorations, and i dont seem to be able to move windows around, at all07:06
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armysgtmacogw: I'm basically looking for a good tutorial for ubuntu so I can read up and save helpful ppl like you the hastle07:06
macogwarmysgt: when you get a tarball, there'll be a readme. i suggest using "sudo checkinstall" (oh yeah install checkinstall) instead of "sudo make install" since then you can uninstall through synaptic07:06
shiester_miesteris there any way to tell compiz to use the metacity decorations07:06
dawn_yes macd.. the one from eclipse.org07:06
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macogwarmysgt: when you get a deb from elsewhere, synaptic will recognize it07:06
macogwjohnficca1: i use wpa07:07
macdI use it on feisty just fine, dawn_07:07
syahrezahiya im come back07:07
=== Anthology [n=Fossil@cpe-70-115-248-194.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyJordan_U: again?07:07
syahrezain indonsia07:07
Jordan_Ujohnficca1, I am, as well as I am sure hundreds of people in this channel are, just ask your question07:07
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-152-57.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
macddawn_, and update it via eclipse update07:07
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n2diyJordan_U: nope, thanks.07:07
dawn_macd: how did you install it?07:07
johnficca1I did07:07
ans_Jordan_U, I forget the original error, but when I try to open the Update Manager it says the Software index is broken. Trying to fix that in the synaptic package manager says libsasl2 is broken, but when I try to fix it I get an error.07:07
macogwdawn_: if youre trying to get generics, those require java 1.5 and eclipse on ubuntu uses gcj (1.4 compatible) by default, i think07:07
Jordan_Uans_, Try running: sudo apt-get -f install07:08
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macddawn_, untar the package, and run the eclipse binary.07:08
ans_Jordan_U, yeah that gives an error too07:08
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyJordan_U: again?07:08
macogwjohnficca1: say it all as one question07:08
johnficca1Hi I have a thinkpad t40 with a cisco 350 aironet card, I am trying with no luck to get it working with wpa... any help wound be great.07:08
Jordan_Uans_, Can you pastebin the error?07:08
DanaGDoes anybody know why my iAudio6 in MTP mode would still show up as a USB Mass Storage device?07:08
dawn_macd: it says that it requires the latest version of java.. but i already have java 5 installed in my box.07:09
macdit needs 6, dawn_07:09
DanaGSame issue here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=52236907:09
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dawn_oh i see.. thanks macd. :)07:09
armysgthow do I determine what architecture I am using?07:09
Jordan_UDanaG, I don't know what MTP mode is but for iPods at least, being "enabled" or "disabled" as a mass storage device is actually a setting in the windows driver, not on the device07:10
macogwjohnficca1: it might work with wicd, but not with nm07:10
macogwarmysgt: what kind of computer is it?07:10
macogwarmysgt: if its an old mac, powerpc/ppc07:10
ans_Jordan_U, sorry I'm pretty new to this. Pastebin? You mean just paste it here?07:10
n2diyarmysgt: uname -a07:10
armysgtDell XPS 410 (w/ Intel Duo Processor)07:10
macogwarmysgt: if its a regular computer or new mac i38607:10
Jordan_U!pastebin | ans_07:10
ubotuans_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:10
DanaGOn my iAudio6, it's a setting on the device.07:10
macogwarmysgt: i38607:10
johnficca1macogw: is that something I need to install07:10
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DanaGYou can choose which mode it operates in.07:10
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macogwjohnficca1: yeah07:10
macogwjohnficca1: i mean, if the card doenst have wpa support -at all- that wont help07:11
n2diyJordan_U: again?07:11
johnficca1and its called wicd?07:11
ans_Jordan_U, okay, let me give you the error from synaptic package manager first, that one is pretty short.07:11
armysgtn2diy: thanks07:11
johnficca1it works under windows07:11
n2diyJordan_U: nope, thanks.07:11
=== GutterPunk [n=steven@d54C3F707.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
macogwjohnficca1: but theres a lot of things where the card can do it, but the driver is written such that NM cant do wpa and then you need wicd or wifi-radar + wpa_supplicant07:11
khinhello, i have an mplayer plugin for firefox, but when i try to play the trailer at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480249/trailers-screenplay-E33164-6-3 i do not get a picture (though i do get sound)07:11
johnficca1macogw: ok07:12
khini dont know what i need to install07:12
con-man!botabuse | ubotu07:12
ubotuubotu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:12
n2diyWhy isn't my sound notification sticking when I select it from Edit > Prefs in xchat-gnome?07:12
=== cozgotti [n=djkoast@adsl-75-61-175-5.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ans_Jordan_U, E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libldap2_2.1.30-13.3_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/libldap_r.so.2.0.130')07:12
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macogwkhin: try the windows media player version option?07:13
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Jordan_Ukhin, That trailer plays for me with the totem firefox plugin07:13
Jordan_Ukhin, Sound and all07:13
shiester_miestercan anybody here help me with compiz-fusion, or is there another channel for it?07:13
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macogwshiester_miester: put a # in front and youre good07:14
jameshow do i save a kde session07:14
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shiester_miesterah, ty07:14
khinyeah i tried windows media player. nothing works.07:14
Jordan_Ujames, Try #kubuntu for KDE07:14
shiester_miestermacogw, there is no #compiz-fusion channel07:14
Jordan_Ushiester_miester, #compcomm07:15
=== brenix [n=brenix@netblock-72-25-108-192.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
DanaG#opencompositing will redirect you.07:15
macogwshiester_miester: there's 52 people in it07:15
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shiester_miesterah ok07:15
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ticAnyone using X.org-7.3? Can I have a xinerama-style desktop spanning two monitors, and have just /one/ of the monitors rotated?07:15
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khini thought mplayer was supposed to be able to handle just about anything07:15
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macogwkhin: i use vlc plugins i think07:16
johnficca1macogw: it says it can't find wicd07:16
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DanaGmtp works in mysterious ways.07:16
armysgtmacogw: that link you gave me installed samdump2 like a charm using the amd64 architecture... thanks07:16
macogwjohnficca1: idk if thats in the repos or not...umm07:16
arbeckcan someone help me with a fstab problem?07:16
Jordan_Ukhin, Usually everything but real media07:16
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johnficca1no idk07:17
khinstupid mplayer. ill try downloading something else07:17
ans_Jordan_U, okay pastebin url: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28188/07:17
jamesjordan how do i put the #kubuntu07:17
DanaGI usually use kaffeine with xine.07:17
aroonifolks i have twinview and geforce 5200 and ubuntu 7.04.... i can get dual monitor working but i only get 800x600 on my second monitor (and i want 1280x1024).... but when i use twinview-settings i can't change the monitor resolution on the second monitor.... its stuck in 'auto'.... any ideas on how to fix?07:17
Jordan_Ujames, type "/join #kubuntu"07:17
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aroonii mean nvidia-settings07:18
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n2diyn2diy test07:18
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macogwjohnficca1: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=19457307:18
n2diyn2diy: test07:18
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Zoom`hi guys.. just wanna ask how can my ubuntu box share internet connection to other windows pc on a local network..07:19
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arbecki have this line in my fstab: //Debian/web    /mnt/webdir     smbfs   credentials=/home/arbeck/.cred-file,fmask=666,dmask=777 0       007:19
arbeckit doesn't work on boot07:19
Jordan_UZoom`, Use Firestarter, it is very easy to set up with it07:19
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arbeckbut if i umount  /mnt/webdir and do a mount -a it does07:20
ans_Jordan_U, did that url come through okay?07:21
Jordan_Uans_, Yes07:21
n2diyHello, is my sound notification working? Someone please reply to this, to test it?07:21
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Jordan_Uans_, What happens when you run: sudo apt-get remove --reinstall libldap207:21
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armysgtI was about to give up on Ubuntu and Linux but I see that there are lots of support from the community. Thanks for the help all. I'm out for the night.07:22
n2diyJordan_U: Yea, it is!!! I had to run xchat-gnome from gksudo to reset it! :)07:22
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arbeck23i have this line in my fstab: //Debian/web    /mnt/webdir     smbfs   credentials=/home/arbeck/.cred-file,fmask=666,dmask=777 0       007:23
arbeck23it doesn't work on boot07:23
arbeck23but if i umount  /mnt/webdir and do a mount -a it does07:23
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edsonmapeople still using irc...07:24
khinif i have both the mplayer and totem firefox plugins installed, can i switch between them or do i have to just install one to use the other07:24
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kab00mwhy can i not successfully  select the Debian menu under the Main Menu settings?07:24
ans_Jordan_U, see line 30 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28189/07:24
khini mean, uninstall one07:24
dabitosurprising ppl come here =)07:24
NutubuntuI remember there being an editor for the menus in Dapper ... can't find it in aptitude for some reason - anyone remember what it is?07:24
dabitodont even remember the irc commands07:24
n2diyNutubuntu:  Yea, it is!!! I had to run xchat-gnome from gksudo to reset it! :)07:24
edsonmaI also dabito07:25
Nutubuntun2diy great :)07:25
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kab00mit will not stay selected and I've "sudo apt-get nstal menu-xdf"07:25
=== Adross [n=drew@dsl-220-253-72-150.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Adrosshas anyone here used openarena?07:25
dabitoso, is this like a support channel?07:25
Adrossdabito: yes07:25
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n2diyNutubuntu:  Yes, now I wonder what other gremlins are waiting for me, after the hard shutdown?07:26
dabitoi think ill come back some other time with a little thing thats buggin me07:27
dabitoi dont know how hard to fix it can be07:27
n2diyNow I'm off to experiment with gaim, again.07:27
khinwow not only did this totem plugin not play the trailer, it crashed firefox07:27
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dabitosilly gnome crashes after splash screen, is there a way to track progress verbose so i could see what's wrong?07:27
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rocketskhin:  use totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer07:28
james# kubuntu07:28
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aroonianyon eknow how to get nvidia-settings to let me change resolution on my second monitor (its stuck at 800x600)07:29
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awanggaanybody here?07:29
n2diyAny idea why gaim is so slow to start up, compared to Xchat-gnome?07:30
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awanggadont know07:30
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dabitoany idea on how to have a verbose splash?07:30
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Adrossawangga: what's the problem?07:30
awanggahow to make vpn connection07:31
Sonicadvance1Found out that Ubuntu doesn't like playing with an IDE HDD that is set to slave and has no Master IDE HDD in front of it07:31
Adrossor tinc07:31
=== andrewww [n=andrew@adsl-75-57-26-75.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
khinVideo codec 'MS WMV 9 (win32)' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies07:31
khinthis is what i get with totem xine07:31
awanggawith user interface?07:31
n2diyAny idea why gaim is so slow to start up, compared to Xchat-gnome? Please use my nick in the reply, as I'm testing audio notification also.07:31
khinwith the windows media option07:31
khinfor that trailer07:32
=== chicheng [n=chicheng@140-67-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
awanggahow about dial up connection07:32
chichengno se loco07:32
andrewwwHey, i've got a problem on my hands.  Whenever i try to open a file which i made using recordmydesktop, it doesnt open in VLC player.  Other videos load and i thought it was an .ogg problem, but its not.  I converted them to AVI and i still get the same problem07:32
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n2diy! es | chicheng:07:33
ubotuchicheng:: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:33
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Erdaronhow can I check the version of Qt that I have installed?07:34
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n2diyAny idea why gaim is so slow to start up, compared to Xchat-gnome? Please use my nick in the reply, as I'm testing audio notification also.07:34
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trenchantare there any apps that can manage iphone?07:34
fotoflo__hey how can i get xmms to play m4a files?07:34
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Sonicadvance1You got your hands on one trenchant ?07:35
trenchantyup waited on line at the NYC store07:35
n2diyCould someone reply to me, with my nick, to see if I have audio notification working on gaim?07:35
Erdaronn2diy: is it working?07:36
fotoflo__n2diy, im gonna KILL you!07:36
=== speaker219 [n=charlie@adsl-9-145-130.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
dawn_macd: i already installed java 6.. where do i set the JAVA_HOME?07:36
n2diyErdaron: nope07:36
Sonicadvance1Nice, so, in your personal experience of the 3 days you've had it, how is it trenchant ?07:36
n2diyfotoflo__: why?07:36
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fotoflo__n2diy, nothin, just writing your name07:36
trenchantits really cool. but limited in some ways07:36
trenchantim used to the blackberry07:36
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Erdarontrenchant: is the web speed really that awful on the iPhone?07:37
=== fotoflo__ heard bad things about AT&T and the iphone trenchant
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n2diyfotoflo__: ok07:37
trenchantweb speed is great. i had edge on my blackberry.07:37
trenchanti use wifi more than anything though07:37
trenchantit will auto-connect to open networks07:37
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Sonicadvance1Too bad I don't have GSM networks around here07:37
n2diyGood bye gaim, back to xchat07:38
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Erdaroncould someone tell me how to check the version of Qt installed on my machine?07:38
trenchanti thought GSM was worldwide?07:38
dawn_i need to set the JAVA_HOME for ubuntu 7.04.. where do i set this?07:38
ErdaronI can't figure out the package name07:38
Sonicadvance1There is only CDMA networks around here07:38
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khindamn. its the same stuff with vlc player. sound but no video07:38
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macogwi just had a bug in my old computer07:39
Sonicadvance1also, have you tried Rhythmbox trenchant?07:39
macogwand that thing doesnt even have an OS!07:39
kiviosince a few days every day at this time a cronjobs starts on my system. /usr/bin/find ran by nobody07:39
macogwor a hard drive for that matter07:39
kiviocan someone plz tell me whats going on?07:39
aroonihow can i get my monitors vertical and horizontal sync refreshes?07:39
macogwit had a REAL BUG07:39
trenchanti will right now07:39
kiviothe thing starts every day at 7:3007:39
Erdaronarooni: try manufacturer's website, they usually have specs buried in there somewhere07:39
khincan anybody play the trailer at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0440963/trailers-screenplay-E32394-10-2 . if so what are you using, exactly.07:40
n2diy_macogw: the first bug was a real bug, a moth in a relay!07:40
ans_Jordan_U, any further ideas?07:40
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arooniErdaron: well this is a no name cld07:40
aroonilcd .... :(07:40
macogwn2diy_: hopper, right?07:40
kiviokhin, it's loading, dunno if it will play07:41
kivioseems to be pretty slow07:41
khinit will play the ad but not the actual trailer07:41
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Erdaronarooni: it's a mystery monitor?07:41
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n2diy_macogw: what's a hopper? (I'm so happy having audio notification working again, I'm not thinking straight.?07:41
Erdaronarooni: what happened to the tags on the back?07:41
macogwn2diy_: grace hopper, i mean07:42
macogwim gong to bed07:42
arooniErdaron: its a vison monitor07:42
macogwi want out of the room with teh giant centipede07:42
ans_can anyone help, a package is broken on my system and I can upgrade to feisty because of it: see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28189/ for errors07:42
kiviokhin, it's playing07:42
n2diy_macogw: grass hopper? No, a moth, I believe.07:42
khinwhat are you using07:42
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macogwn2diy_: GRACE HOPPER07:42
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Berianthey guys whats up im back,i need a litte help,anyone?07:42
Erdaronarooni: is it a laptop?07:42
macogwn2diy_: the name of the lady that found the moth and coined the term "debug"07:42
khinwhat plugin07:43
macogwn2diy_: at least i think tht was her07:43
kiviokhin, mozilla-mplayer07:43
arooniErdaron: no its a vison lcd.... its a cheap thing i bought at frys for $12907:43
[z] enhi07:43
Nutubuntumacogw,  yes, Grace Hopper and the story of the first bug - that was her.07:43
khinhmmm. i was too. but for me it fails.07:43
Erdaronarooni: do you have a model number?07:43
n2diy_macogw: Ummm, I think that was the lady that found the bug on the front of the locamotive?07:43
arooniErdaron: V1923DB07:43
kiviokhin, you probably have to use a more recent version07:44
Beriantcan anyone help me,ive got a little problem with setting up ubuntu07:44
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floppyearsI'm wondering what to use: apt-get or aptitude07:44
kiviothe latest stable of mplayer failed for me as well07:44
macogwWhile she was working on a Mark II Computer at Harvard University, her associates discovered a moth stuck in a relay and thereby impeding operation, whereupon she remarked that they were "debugging" the system. <-- from grace hopper wikipedia07:44
kivioi'm using mplayer from subversion and the latest stable plugin from the website07:44
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khinhmmm. ok.07:44
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Erdaronarooni: http://www.firingsquad.com/hw/5016/Vison_FV19/07:44
Erdaronarooni: all hail the all-knowing Google!07:45
[z] enhi erm i just installed ubuntu 7 server07:45
arooniErdaron: you are a google master07:45
[z] enanyway to get the gui up and running?07:45
aroonii couldnt find it after googlin for 10 min07:45
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Erdaronarooni: sometimes searching by just the company name helps, or a serial partial07:45
Beriantwhen you set up ubuntu for the first time and reboot,it does a series of checks then ask me to log in,ive got the username but i never assigned it a password..what do i do?07:45
trenchantrythmbox wont see the iphone.07:46
Nutubuntufloppyears,  there's a third alternative (and more) you should consider: aptitude. (Although I haven't tested this feature myself), if you've installed a pkg in aptitude and it in turn required other stuff to be installed - and later you want to remove the pkg - aptitude will also remove the other dependent stuff if nothing else is using it07:46
trenchantoh well07:46
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arooniErdaron: now if only you could help me get twinview working so that i got more than 800x600 on that vison lcd... (i can't adjust via nvidia-settings... resolution is just set to 'auto')07:46
gerroberiant: press enter07:46
Erdaronnobody knows how to check version of Qt that I got?07:46
Sonicadvance1Have your tried looking on google trenchant?07:46
huzhow can i install an commodore c64 emulator ?07:46
Berianti did,but it just says like invalid w/e or wrong login07:46
Erdaronarooni: I'm afraid I can't help you there... I'm very new to Linux07:46
[z] enanyone know how to login as root?07:46
trenchantyeah, i cant find anything07:46
arooniah ok07:46
gerrohuz: what the heck is a commodore c64 emulator!?07:47
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:47
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Erdaronubotu: :)07:47
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huzgerro: something for playing boulder-dash ...07:47
gerroarooni: what was your problem again?07:47
Cuogif I am connected to a computer via ssh and I'm running a program, how can I make it so that after I disconnect the ssh connection that program continues running on the server?07:47
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FlannelCuog: check out GNU screen07:48
PensacolaCuog: add & at the end of the command07:48
Beriantit also wont let me type anything in the password blank07:48
Cuogcool thanks07:48
aroonigerro:  i have a geforce fx 5200 card... and twinview working.  but i only have 800x600 on the secondary screen (i can't adjust via nvidia-settings... resolution is just set to 'auto')07:48
Beriantall i can hit is enter,and if i hit says wrong login07:48
Sonicadvance1You may have to wait a while then(obviously(07:48
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khinif i install mplayer from subversion in some directory will it screw up my existing mplayer installation07:48
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Sonicadvance1A few applications will prolly come out in a few days07:48
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[z] enso anyway to install gui07:49
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trenchanti hope so. i'd love to get it working with ubuntu!07:49
Sonicadvance1Heck, I bet some developer already has it working and is just perfecting it :P07:49
Beriantgerro: still there?07:49
n2diy_macogw: Never heard of Grace before, but she is mentioned here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_bug07:50
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Sonicadvance1Just got Ubuntu Reinstalled07:50
khincan anybody NOT play the trailer at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0440963/trailers-screenplay-E32394-10-2 ?07:51
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n2diy_khin: why would i not want to play it?07:52
Tomcat_khin: Seems not to work with mplayer.07:52
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khinwell, i cant play it. someone told me to install the latest version of mplayer but im just wondering if its something else, since im rather too lazy to do that easily07:53
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arooniHWO CAN i find out which version of the nvidia drivers i'm runing?07:54
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bfdhudAnyone have a link to a HowTo for installing the nvidia 100 series driver for Ubuntu?07:54
RustySfordhello I need the command to tell ubuntu to use JRE 1.6 instead of the grc07:54
klobsterwhat files should I be backing up?  any suggestions or weblinks appreciated07:55
xenexarooni, glxinfo | grep OpenGL version07:55
RustySforder the freeone anyhow07:55
RustySfordNeed it for azureus07:55
xenexarooni, glxinfo | grep version07:55
awanggaada orang indonesia ga sih?07:55
floppyearsthanks Nutubuntu07:55
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ans_anyone know how I can fix libldap2? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28189/07:55
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aroonii hey folks i've heard http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2914739#post2914739 here ... that i should get rid of the synpatic nvidia drivers and download direct from nvidia... is this stupid?  (i'm having trouble getting twinview to work properly)07:56
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[z] enanyone noe how to install the gui for ubuntu server07:57
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defryskarooni, stupid07:57
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awanggahi too07:58
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Nphi all !07:58
supiroleit's the first time that i get in the channel...07:59
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awanggawhats up suprole07:59
supiroleand, i would like to some body help me...07:59
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Nutubuntu!ask | supirole07:59
aroonianyone know how to let twinview let me change my monitor resolution07:59
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aroonifor my second monitor?07:59
ubotusupirole: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:59
defryskarooni, run nvidia-settings08:00
supirolewell, after many times to try install Feisty... and almost 1 month searching for suppor.. i renounce... :S08:00
aroonidefrysk: my second monitor resolution is set to 'auto'  ... and i cant change it08:00
arooniit defaults to 800x60008:00
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supirole'coz i never knew how to configure my sound card and my USB drivers.08:01
chumphey whats the best program for adding a partion to the drive ubuntu is already on?08:01
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defryskarooni, click detect displays08:02
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defryskarooni, and see if that helps08:02
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ans_how would I install feisty from within 6.10 without using the Update Manager?08:02
supiroleso, i decided to install Dapper, and everything was allrigh, 'till i upgrade to Edgy... :S08:02
supirolenow i'm on troubles.. :S08:02
khinif use --prefix=/somedir on a ./configure does that mean nothing will be installed on my system beyond somedir on my system08:02
ans_anything to completely remove edgy and replace it with a clean copy of feisty?08:03
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khiner... some too many 'on my system'08:03
ans_( I can't use a CD btw)08:03
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khindamn. i cannot use english.08:03
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supirolewhen i try to boot from the kernel of Edgy,... wont work. so i chose the past kernel.. and runs.. but i cant install the NVIDIA Drivers, 'coz i haven't the right linux-headers08:04
ans_like wubi-installer or instlux, but for running from Edgy, not Windows?08:04
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[z] enso can like anyone show me the way to install gui on ubuntu server????08:05
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wizo[z] en, install whatever you want on it i suppose08:05
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supirolemay anyone help me please?08:05
takerofforsakenshello everyone08:06
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bluebananaMy Rhythmbox is version 0.10.0. But: 1) copyright is 2005 and 2) http://www.gnome.org/projects/rhythmbox/news.html has .0.9.8 as latest version. please advise, folks. thanks.08:06
Cuog[z] en: 'sudo apt-get install *your GUI here*'08:06
takerofforsakensanyone any good ndiswrapper08:06
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eboyjrWhy can't I delete this folder here: "/home/username" when I am on user "somethingelse"? What can I do to fix it?08:06
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defryskbluebanana, does your rhythmbox run fine ?08:06
bluebananayes, defrysk08:07
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[z] enwizo:i want to install the gui08:07
bluebananawhat version of rythymbox do you people have?08:07
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aroonidefrysk: detect displays doesnt owrk.... resolution is still set to autgo08:07
oh-charlieanyone get their laptop's wireless card werking in ubuntu yet?08:07
defryskbluebanana, then there is no prob , simply wait for the next version of ubuntu to get a later version of rhythmbox08:07
inflexhi, I'm using f-spot atm for getting images off my camera (PTF device or what ever over USB), is there a way I can just copy the files from the command line rather than having to go via f-stop ?08:07
ans_I have08:07
wizo[z] en, as Cuog said, sudo apt-get install "your gui of choice here"08:07
ans_oh-charlie: I have08:07
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Erdaronhow can i see a list of all the modules loaded into memory?08:08
ans_oh-charlie: but not when there was authentication08:08
[z] enoh08:08
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[z] en miss that08:08
bluebananawhat version do you, defrysk, and everybody else have for Rythymbox?08:08
takerofforsakensis anyone any good with ndiswrapper issues?08:08
defryskarooni, too bad, it looks like nvidia cannot detect your sec monitor properly :(08:08
[z] enanyway i tried that its says cannot find package08:08
ans_oh-charlie: err wpa athentication08:08
wizo[z] en, what are you trying to install08:08
aroonidefrysk: so what should i do to tell it what it needs to know08:08
[z] ensudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:08
defryskbluebanana, I run the latest version, but I am on gutsy gibbon which i cannot reccomend to you for its unstable08:09
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defryskarooni, unfortunately I do not know08:09
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defryskarooni, maybe someone else does08:09
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takerofforsakenscan you run a 32-bit linux distro and a 64-bit on the same harddrive without any major issue08:10
jpw87how do i resize my disk to fit another distro on it08:10
jpw87i have gparted but its locked08:10
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mo0osahdo sudo gparted08:11
jpw87i did08:11
mo0osahwhat do you mean by locked?08:11
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jpw87well i can't choose anything08:11
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mo0osahohh, are you using live cd?08:11
jpw87i can't right click the choice and resize08:12
mo0osahif the partition you are trying to edit is mounted, it will not work.08:12
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jpw87i c08:12
jpw87well wow08:12
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jpw87how can i go about unmounting it cause i tried and it says it can't unmount it08:12
mo0osahwell that's because you're using it :)08:13
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mo0osahyou have to use a live cd and edit the partition....08:13
jpw87i know08:13
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jpw87o ok08:13
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jpw87so use the live cd and do it :)08:13
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DanaG aRGH, now I'm working with two laptops: One with fn-ctrl-super-alt, the other with ctrl-fn-super-alt.08:13
DanaGMoving back and forth between the two... painful.08:13
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DanaGI don't have any specific preference -- but both side by side is just torture.08:14
mo0osahDanaG: beryl?08:14
DanaGHuh?  I'm just talking about the keyboards.08:14
DanaGOr did you tab-complete the wrong name?08:15
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gerroHow can I use iptables forwarding for eth1 and wlan0, trying to use wireless laptop as bridge for another computer until I can get ndiswrapper going on that one :)08:16
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mo0osahDanaG: Wrong channel :)08:17
DanaGIt's easy to do when using Pidgin and tabs.08:18
DanaGScroll wheel on tab bar changes tabs.08:18
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zirodayDanaG: same with Gaim08:19
DanaGPidgin  Gaim08:20
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Berianti need some help with ubuntu,anyone willing to help me out a little?08:20
jayprojust ask the question, Beriant08:21
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Sonicadvance1Gah, I'm having a problem with Grub again. Now I'm getting Grub Error 2208:21
Beriantalright,i installed ubuntu setup went fine and everything,and i get to the log in screen,and i log in but it just goes to a blank beiege screen with a small strip of colors in the middle08:22
Beriantand does nothing,just sits there08:22
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zenahh  still cant get the gui to install08:22
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Beriantany idea whats up?08:23
liwaywayhi. was able to run 915resolution on my laptop with GMA 950. how can i make the 1280 x 800 "permanent"?08:23
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jayproBeriant>i think ive gotten that before.  i didnt know what to do with it so i tried to install ubuntu again, and it worked.  i dont know.   someone else probably has a better answer for you08:24
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Beriantalright,ill just wait for someone else to give me an answer and if not ill try re installing it again08:24
Beriantthx though08:24
SenesenceI'v noticed that when I run gedit from terminal, that terminal is "busy" until I close gedit. Is there a way to run gedit from terminal, and still have the terminal free to do other work?08:25
khinnow i tried building mplayer with --enable-gui on ./configure and it wont build08:26
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liwaywayhi. was able to run 915resolution on my laptop with GMA 950. how can i make the 1280 x 800 "permanent"?08:26
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eddyMulSenesence: run gedit like this "gedit &"08:26
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zenahh finally solve le..08:26
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khinyeah the & thing makes stuff run in the background08:26
zenforgot to setup the lan08:26
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supiroleis there some mIrc equivalent for ubuntu??08:27
supirolemay i transfer files .. ??08:27
shane_Hey all, every time i try to download a torrent, on any client, I get a connection refused error, but I can use GAIM, web radio, firefox...what can i do to fix it?08:28
gerrosupirole: try xchat or irssi08:28
SenesenceThanks eddyMul.08:28
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eddyMulSenesence: you're welcome08:28
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jayproshane_> i dont know if you want to be downloading sheit off of torrents....08:28
zirodayshane_: use a different port08:28
gerrosupirole: don't grab the gnome thing its confusing try the regular one :)08:28
aroonican someone please take a look at my xorg conf file?  i've tried to get xinerama working but couldnt't :(... http://pastie.caboo.se/7531208:28
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eddyMulsupirole: yes, you can transfer files using xchat08:28
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jayproshane_> i hear the riaa, spa, (and one other company) are going to get a hold of the logs from the torrent sites08:29
shane_jaypro, only copyrighted stuff is bad to dl from torrent, a lot of Linux distro's are put onto torrents to help reduce bandwith issues08:29
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jayproshane_> why not download directly from the site then?08:30
jayproshane_> if you are not getting copyrighted stuff08:30
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Flanneljaypro: because torrents are faster often times, and they don't hammer distros servers08:31
xenexjaypro, if you want to help save the server's bandwidth, that is all08:31
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shane_can someone explain to jaypro why we use bittorrent for linux distro's, etc instead of ftp/http downloading?08:31
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jayproshane_> all im saying is, that if you cant grab it from the torrents, why not download it from site... that is all08:32
shane_jaypro, the content is the issue. linux is open-source meaning its ok to make torrents of and share. its not ok to do mp3,movies, that kind of stuff08:32
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shane_jaypro, sometimes a torrent is the only way to get it08:32
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ComunisTicohi im using kubuntu but I cant empty my trash can08:32
jayproshane_> what distro08:33
eddyMuljaypro: people often pay hosting by bandwidth, so serving distros via HTTP/FTP might not be economical for some people08:33
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ComunisTicohow can u empty the trash can via the terminal?08:33
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eddyMulComunisTico: good question. I've also do it by deleting the files in ~/.Trash/. But I'm curious for the "proper" way of doing it.08:34
shane_ziroday, any other ideas?08:34
gerroComunisTico: do ls -a to see hidden files in your home directory08:34
zirodayshane_ no only try use a diff client or make sure the port is open08:34
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gerroeddyMul: that is the "proper" way of deleting it from terminal08:34
zirodayshane_ on iptables and the router08:35
eddyMulgerro: I guess so.   :)08:35
ComunisTicoroberto@roberto-laptop:~$ do ls -a08:35
ComunisTicobash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'08:35
ComunisTicothats what  got...08:35
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shane_ziroday, i have a motorola surfboard modem, no router what do i do on iptables08:35
gerroComunisTico: omg you don't know about the ls command? www.linux.org they got nice guide for command line beginners what I meant was "ls -a"08:35
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liwaywayhelp me re: GMA 950-powered laptop. have been able to use 915resolution to install 1280x800 but everytime I reboot, it returns to the old resolution. how can i make the change "permanent"?08:36
ComunisTicodoh.... yeah i saw that... dont know why i copy/past all... :S08:36
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ComunisTicoand ok i go to the trash can and how do i delete what i got there?08:37
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shane_gerro, we were all noobs once. this is the place for people to get help...comments like that are what scare some people away and keep them in the closed-source world.08:37
aroonican someone please take a look at my xorg conf file?  i've tried to get xinerama working but couldnt't :(... http://pastie.caboo.se/7531208:37
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eddyMulComunisTico: `rm *` to delete all files08:38
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ComunisTicook thanks :)08:38
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Schaduwfaxwhats the default root password08:38
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DanaGrm * is bad08:38
gerroshane_: he asked specifically for command line help, not the easier noob method, plz have some respect for fellow community members :P08:38
DanaGif you don't know where you are!08:39
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DanaGAlways use a path -- such as rm -rfiv ~/.Trash08:39
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DanaGOr if you know you've cd'd to ~/.Trash08:39
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gerroComunisTico: rm -Rf * so it deletes sub directories and forces delete on symbolic links (like shortcut thingies)08:39
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shane_gerro, noted, seemed like you were bullying, sorry for butting in, almost sounded like you were on #gentoo08:39
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Sonicadvance1Dang, I need help fixing Error 22 in Grub :D08:40
gerroOmegaCenti: yo sup08:40
jettred2001how do I manuly download some updates for ubuntu08:40
kkathmandamn xchat sucks when you minimize - it goes away and you cant find it grrrr08:40
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ComunisTicook thanks done it, cause i had no more room left on the main  particion :)08:40
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bluebananaI have a Q. I'm on Ubuntu. If I install a KDE program, KDE files will be installed. Does this mean that my computer will be slowed down with KDE library files only when the KDE app is running, or even when no KDE app is running?08:41
Flannelbluebanana: theyll only be in memory when that app is running.  otherwise theyre just taking up harddrive space.08:41
Flanneljettred2001: what do you mean by `manually`?08:42
bluebananaFlannel, hi there again. thanks. And how much memory do the KDE library files take up in RAM/memory (when kde app is running)?08:42
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Flannelbluebanana: I'm not really sure.  I suppose it'd depend on the app.08:42
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liwaywayhelp me re: GMA 950-powered laptop. have been able to use 915resolution to install 1280x800 but everytime I reboot, it returns to the old resolution. how can i make the change "permanent"?08:43
bluebananaFlannel, well, i meant the lowest-common-denominator KDE library files... the files that ALL kde apps use08:43
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supiroleis there some app to bring remote support to desktop users...08:44
liwaywayhelp me re: GMA 950-powered laptop. have been able to use 915resolution to install 1280x800 but everytime I reboot, it returns to the old resolution. how can i make the change "permanent"?08:44
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jlundbluebanana: Don't be paranoid about RAM usage. You can run in a mixed environment even on extremely old hardware. I have a Pentium 2 in the office that runs KDE but I use Firefox on it for testing a lot. It just doesn't matter. :)08:44
ghostxbluebanana, what program are  u trying to install that requires kde files?08:44
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bluebananaghostx, at this time, I'm trying to keep my system free from any kde programs (but interestingly enough, I have a .kde folder in my home dir). I'd like to try amarok08:45
Flannelbluebanana: I wouldn't know either.  But, we can guess... kdelibs4c2a has an installed size of 34396,libqt3-mt is 8916, and I imagine a good deal of that is documentation/etc anyway.08:46
bluebananajlund, i'm that kinda guy who wants to maximize what i have08:46
Flannelbluebanana: well, you can always add them, check it out, then remove them later if you find it's too hefty08:46
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Flannelbluebanana: oh, and kdelibs-data is 27804, forgot that one.  I imagine that's mostly real stuff too, not text document fluff.08:47
jettred2001Flannel: on the update manager I got this08:47
jettred2001You must manually run 'dpkg --configur -a' to correct the problem08:47
jettred2001E :cache->open()failed please report08:47
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bluebananaFlannel,  thanks. Are you saying that any kde program installs just two "basic" files: kdelibs4c2a and libqt3-mt?08:48
Flanneljettred2001: and did you run that command to correct the problem?  (with sudo)08:48
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jettred2001Flannel: how08:49
bluebananaFlannel, oh , i see you added a third: kdelibs-data08:49
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Flannelbluebanana: Well, and kdelibs-data.  That's what it appears, yes.  Although, you could trace the depends yourself: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/kde/amarok08:49
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Flanneljettred2001: go to a terminal, and run that command (put `sudo ` infront of it)08:49
jlundbluebanana: Just don't be too insane about it. You'll drive yourself crazy and miss out on real performance gains by refusing to use certains applications. Rhythmbox is quite frankly pretty prehistoric compared to Amarok. Even if there were a measureable performance penalty (and there isn't) would it really be worth it to NEVER ever run anything that wasn't GTK? It just seems insane to me.08:50
DanaGI installed kcontrol so I can control how amarok looks.08:50
bluebananaFlannel, so ONLY 3 kde "library" files are installed for a kde program, correct. So are you saying that if i install amarok (a kde app), installing any additional KDE program will not install any more files but the KDE program/application itself?08:50
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bluebananajlund, ok. so it seems insane to you. what i would like to know is why. How little is it really that i'm losing out on memory/speed? that's what i want to know.08:51
Sonicadvance1Anyone Able to Help me with Grub Error 22?08:51
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Flannelbluebanana: I'm saying those are the depends I imagine they all use.  If you go to that site, you'll see *all* the dependencies that you need.  (well, you also need to check out the dependencies of the dependencies and so on).  And you'll knwo exactly what packages are installed (a lot of those depeds will already be installed, because gnome requires them as well)08:52
bluebananaFlannel, you gave me the size of the 3 files. are those numbers also the same when in RAM?08:52
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Flannelbluebanana: no.  That's disk space.  Any documentation or whatever that came with them wouldn't be loaded into RAM.08:53
khinwell i solved my build issue with mplayer. turns out i needed to run make clean. now gmplayer is there too. yay.08:53
=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-164-193.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelbluebanana: but, for amarok, there are further dependnencies you'll need.08:53
JamesinatorWhat is the password for the default "ubuntu" user on the Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Live CD?08:53
bluebananaFlannel, right. i'm just wondering about the files that ALL kde apps need08:53
jlundbluebanana: I am telling you that will not notice any difference whatsoever. None at all. Having kdelibs installed and running Amarok (or any other KDE app) in Gnome isn't going to cripple your system or slow it down significantly. I am telling you to be careful of turning your desktop Linux experience into the equivalent of a teenage kid taking a Honda Civic and bolting thousands of dollars worth of garbage to the frame in an attempt to08:54
jlundincrease its speed.08:54
holycowjlund, lol08:54
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bluebananajlund, using your analogy, i would have reversed the imagery... bolting things OFF the Civic. 8-)08:54
holycowgreat advice08:54
ubuntubeginzanyone knows how to set up OpenGL in ubuntu08:55
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bluebananajlund, i'm a newbie.08:55
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bluebananajlund, i've just heard that Kubuntu is "heavier" than Ubuntu. I hope you can see where my question is coming from08:55
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holycowubuntubeginz, just install nvidia, ati or intel drivers, depending on what videocard/cihpset you have08:55
jlundbluebanana: Just relax, install what you want to run, and enjoy. If you have a nice system it is going to be just fine.08:55
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bluebananajlund, thanks for the encouragement to relax. I feel relaxed now that you've explained things.08:56
ubuntubeginzholycow: i am supposed to OpenGL programming... U mean installing the drivers is enuff for it...08:57
jlundbluebanana: I can because I was exactly like you when I first started using Gentoo in 2000. I compiled everything from source with very optimistic speed settings. I was tuning constantly. All of my efforts were totally worthless because I wasn't realizing any speed gains that even remotely approximated the amount of time I was spending trying to get the best performance.08:57
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bluebananait's harder for me to relax, jlund, had you just said "Relax" without answering my concerns. But you did. Thanks.08:57
holycowubuntubeginz, oh thats a WHOOOOOOOOOOLE other question08:57
bluebananatypo: It's harder --> It would be harder08:57
holycowthis is a fairly noob channel i thought you meant how to get ogl acceleration happening so you could run beryl or something08:58
jettred2001Flannel: it says that 'dpkg --configure -a' is an unknowen command08:58
bluebananajlund, yeah, i hear that compiling doesn't help with speed08:58
bluebananajlund, but isn't it true that Kubuntu is "heavier" than Ubuntu?08:58
bruenigjettred2001, check for typo08:58
Beriantanyone know why when i try to log into ubuntu it goes to a blank beige screen with a strip of colors in the middle and freezes up?08:58
holycowubuntubeginz, don't kjnow anything about ogl programming , all you would need to do is google it however08:58
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holycowogl is an open standard and all the tools are in the repos08:58
bruenigbluebanana, bout the same really, if you need something light xfce is the way to go08:58
Flanneljettred2001: doesn't it tell you to do -A not -a?08:58
jlundbluebanana: It is hard because coming from Windows you really do need to be careful about what you install because there can be significant hits to performance. Linux is different. The apt package management system keeps things organized. The OS performance doesn't degrade over time etc.08:58
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bruenigthat wouldn't give unknown command08:59
bruenigthat would give bad option08:59
ubuntubeginzholycow: i need to install OpenGl to do some skol work.. :) .. but it seems like mostly in windows environment.. dats why08:59
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jlundbluebanana: On my hardware (Athlon 64 3000+, 1 gig of memory--not super impressive but no slouch either) Kubuntu feels faster.08:59
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holycowwell it really depends what you want to do, you have here a whole slew of free stuff08:59
bluebananaA question. So say I install KDEprogram1, which installs KDE library files. Then I later install KDEprogram2. If I decide that I wanted to get uninstall KDEProgram 1 and 2, how can i make sure it deletes/removes  all the KDE library files that my ubuntu computer no longer needs?08:59
holycowevery language and toolkit will have its own ogl bindings08:59
holycowwhat ogl libraries you need i don't know09:00
Beriantanyone know why when i try to log into ubuntu it goes to a blank beige screen with a strip of colors in the middle and freezes up?09:00
bluebananabruenig, about the same? oh.09:00
bruenigbluebanana, handled by package management, it does09:00
ubuntubeginzholycow: using c++09:00
holycowbut it should be all there, even python programmers code up ogl apps09:00
bluebananabruenig, are you sure?09:00
jlundbluebanana: Use aptitude instead of apt-get. aptitude will remove library dependencies if the programs that you installed them for are removed.09:00
shane_Beriant, do you have an nvidia card?09:00
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holycowthen you might want to look at qt toolkit, kde dev ide, and whatever ogl bindings exist for that09:00
holycowprobably quite a few other options as well09:00
bruenigbluebanana, I mean that is what it is supposed to do I haven't look through the source code myself of apt-get, I would imagine however that if it didn't someone would have found that by now09:01
jlundbluebanana: But the whole KDE is "heavier" than Gnome thing is a myth.09:01
ubuntubeginzholycow: hmm, thanks.. will have to google harder then... thanks for insight09:01
bluebananaAs you can all tell, my other worry is that if I keep installing programs (whether gnome or KDE programs) just to try them out, I may be stuck with unneeded files and folders when I do add/remove or synaptic -> remove09:01
Beriantshane: yes i do09:01
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bruenigjlund, you are wrong, they both do that09:01
holycowubuntubeginz, yeah the problem for noobs really is taking time to have your 'minds eye' adjust09:01
holycowthere is just SOOOOOOOO MUCH choice that it takes a while for your brain to start seeing the trees for the forest09:01
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holycowjust give it a bit more time to soak in, it all become crystal soonish09:02
shane_Beriant, when did it start up did you change the xorg.conf or just install the card?09:02
ubuntubeginzholycow: currently i am just seeing the stars..  :D09:02
jlundbruenig: Is that new? It didn't back in the Breezy days when I first started getting in the habit of typing 'aptitude' instead :).09:02
holycow:) welcome to the dark side09:02
holycowits a marvelous universe indeed09:02
bluebananajlund, oh. aptitude sounds a LOT better than using apt-get. Why does most everybody (e.g. ubuntuforums, ubuntuguide, here in irc, etc) give commands with "apt-get" rather than "aptitude"?09:02
BeriantShane,i didnt change anything i just did the standard install and followed the setps09:02
bruenigjlund, well yeah new since 20 months ago09:02
jlundbluebanana: Sounds like apt-get and aptitude are about the same now :)09:03
shane_Beriant, are you on livecd right now?09:03
bluebananathey are?09:03
bluebananai'm so slow with these things.09:03
bruenigjlund, difference is with apt-get is an option, need to do apt-get autoremove to do it, whereas aptitude forces it which generally is cool but on occasion might be against what you want09:03
jettred2001Flannel: it still says command not found09:03
Beriantna,i used the alternate text based one09:03
bruenigs/is/it is/09:03
bluebananaso apt-get is "smarter" now.... good to hear. Is it still to my best interest (and to every newbie's best interest) to use aptitude over apt-get?09:03
jlundbluebanana: Well they all tie into the same package management system which is called apt.09:04
shane_ok. tell me in your xorg.conf what it says in the Device section for driver09:04
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Berianthow do i get to that09:04
bruenigbluebanana, they are essentially the same09:04
shane_Beriant, i bet it is a 7000 or better card too09:04
bluebananajlund, ok. i'm learning a lot of new things with you and bruenig .09:04
holycowbluebanana, no there is no difference really09:04
Beriantthe computer im on right now is diff from the other one,obviously.and yes its a 7800 gt09:04
jlundbluebanana: Happy to help.09:04
shane_Beriant, in a terminal, run "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (without quotes)09:05
Flanneljlund, bluebanana, apt-get's autoremove (standard as of feisty, optional on edgy), makes apt-get have the same ability.09:05
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Beriantshane,alright brb,let me go try it09:05
=== Lad [n=james@c-67-165-221-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bluebananaI'm more of a GUI/point and click user.... Is add/remove OR synaptic as smart in auto-removing unneeded files as aptitude OR apt-get?09:05
holycowbluebanana, synaptic uses apt get09:05
Ladi need help,i made a bunch of toolbars and now i cant delete them09:05
holycowits just a gui for it09:05
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bluebananaFlannel, i see. I guess I just have to remember to use autoremove as a suffix09:06
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Beriantshane,actualy before i go,where would i type that in at,when i startup the computer it goes  straight to the ubunto log in screen09:06
bluebananaI should make a big note on my computer "Note to self: when using apt-get remove, use autoremove"09:06
Ladeven when i rightclick on them it dosent hae a delete option09:06
Beriantshane,after the bios and loading screen09:06
core2duo_ftwBeriant, how are you connecting to IRC atm?09:06
bruenigbluebanana, even if you just do apt-get remove, it will remember what is no longer needed and at any time in the future you can just run apt-get autoremove with no package at the end and it will clear it all out09:06
Beriantcore2duo,im on a different computer in the house09:06
bluebananawhy would  a person choose NOT to use autoremove?09:07
Ladis this to small of a issue to ask here09:07
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bluebananabruenig, auto-remove will clear out what? all the unneeded files globally speaking?09:07
holycowbluebanana, because on linux things aren't setup to AUTOMAGICALLY start up ... things are sensible09:07
bruenigbluebanana, well like with your kde example, let's say I have one kde program, and I am going to install it but I know right after I install it I am going to install another one, I don't want to remove all of those kde libs when I know I will probably be reinstalling them in just a second09:07
core2duo_ftwBeriant, ok. new videocard? 7800GT or some fancy shit like that?09:07
bluebanana(I feel my brain cells increasing) 8-)09:07
jlundbluebanana: One thing that you should know is that most of the time leaving the supporting libraries installed doesn't hurt your performance at all. They are not loaded into memory unless another program is using them and they are very tiny so you aren't losing disk space. This is another area where you should feel good about relaxing. :)09:07
WoostaThe libdbd-mysql-perl package is really old .. 3.002, but the debian paackage for  4.004 is too far into unstable. Does anyone know where I can get a more recent package that will install?09:07
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Beriantits a nvidia 7800 gt 256 MB09:08
holycowon windows even the smallest app think it should be a service so you get windows people 'thinking' installing is bad09:08
Ladcan someone help me with deleting panels?09:08
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WoostaI'd just remove it and install the latest from CPAN, but too much depends on it09:08
Beriantive had it for a while though so its not brand new or anything09:08
holycowon linux 'installing' simply means copying, you put the app in the right place and it doesn't do anything until you call up on it mostly09:08
bruenigbluebanana, no I mean let's say you just use apt-get remove instead of autoremove, apt-get remembers the dependencies that you no longer need and can uninstall them later if you do apt-get autoremove09:08
bluebananajlund, very tiny disk space? really?09:08
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holycowbluebanana, consequently, windows noobs also bitch about the inverse09:08
bruenigbluebanana, I meant uninstall it above09:08
Ladanyone able to teach me how to delete panels?>09:08
bluebananajlund, if so, that's good. I thought files take up megabytes, if not, tens of megabytes09:08
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holycowon linux you are expected to MAKE CHOICES about what you want the system to do, and you are exspected to configure stuff09:08
holycowwindows users aren't used to thinking09:09
core2duo_ftwBeriant, this is what i did. i have the same card. honestly, you need to use another videocard to install, then get the nvidia drivers. then switch back to the 7800GT09:09
holycowwindows users aren't used to thinking09:09
holycowbecause frankly my dear, it don't matter09:09
bruenigLad, right click remove panel09:09
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holycowits up to you to decide if it does09:09
core2duo_ftwholycow, lol! XD09:09
Laddosenthae that option to remoe09:09
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Ladonly cusomize and add items09:09
Ladand quit and restart09:09
core2duo_ftwBeriant, you still around?09:10
Beriantcore2duo,ye im here09:10
Beriantcore2duo,im thinking if i have another one.09:10
jlundbluebanana: Well they can, but it doesn't slow things down. If no programs are using the libraries and they aren't running then they are like any other file on your system. Does the machine slow down when you have multiple wordprocessor documents in a folder? Nope.09:10
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Beriantcore2duo,so if i find another one i can just hook it up turn on the pc log into ubuntu do w/e and download some nvidia drivers,then put my nvidia back in and it should work?09:10
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bluebananaOk. so just to confirm... If installing KDEprogram1 made me get KDE_library_files, and I then install KDEprogram2 later.... if I uninstall KDEprogram1 first, will apt-get/apt be smart enough to now connect the library files with the still existing KDEprogram2 (for later, if I remove KDEPRogram2)?09:11
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Ladanyone able to helpme delete a panel, right click it and there is no remove opton, my options arecustomize add item and quit and restart09:11
bruenigbluebanana, yes09:11
core2duo_ftwyes. that is what i did. there may be another way, but here is the problem09:11
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bluebananajlund, i see (re: documents analogy)09:11
jlundbluebanana: Yes, apt-get is smart enough to not remove libraries that are still being used.09:12
core2duo_ftwBeriant, the "nv" driver is what ubuntu uses by default. it is a free open source driver. But that driver does not support our videocard atm. So you get digital trash.09:12
=== OmegaCenti [n=omegacen@cpe-24-162-1-178.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bluebananaanother question... I have sometimes done "Show Hidden Files" while in Nautilus/Home folder. How come i still have some .foo_folder when I've already removed the foo program?09:13
Ladhi can someone help me delete a panel09:13
=== Weiss_ [i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
core2duo_ftwLad, a GNOME panel?09:13
Beriantcore2duo,ahh makes sense.so really theres no way around it until the "nv" driver supports our graph card?09:13
Ladi do so believe09:13
bruenigbluebanana, the configuration folders in the home folder are created by the program during execution, they are not installed by package management09:13
Sonicadvance1Right click on it and "Delete this panel"09:13
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Laddosnt have the delete option09:13
bruenigbluebanana, and so package management doesn't know they exist just like they don't know about documents or music or whatever else you put on it09:14
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Sonicadvance1What options does it have?09:14
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Ladcustomize or add09:14
Flannelbluebanana: two reasons.  First, "removing" only removes the binaries.  Config files are still there.  You want "remove completely" in synaptic, or --purge in apt-get to remove config files.  Second, the stuff in your home folder won't get removed ever by package management. It's yours to keep09:14
bluebananabruenig, i see. don't you think that the removal of the .foo folder (configuration folder as you call them) should be automatically removed with the removal of the program.... somehow?09:14
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bruenigbluebanana, package management can't know that it exists09:14
Sonicadvance1What version of Gnome are you using?09:14
holycowbluebanana, no why should it be removed?09:14
Ladhow do i find out?09:14
Flannelbluebanana: what if you're planning on moving your homedir somewhere else?09:15
holycowwhy don't you think it SHOULD ONLY be removed WHEN YOU SAY SO?09:15
bruenigit is not a matter of whether it should or shouldn't be removed, it is a matter of it being impossible09:15
jlundbluebanana: No, you wouldn't want this because other data can be stored in those folders as well.09:15
bluebananaholycow, because there is no reason to keep the config files/folder for a program when that program is gone.09:15
Sonicadvance1system -> About Gnome09:15
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bluebananajlund, oh09:15
holycowbluebanana, clearly you have only worked on windows09:15
Ladactually i dont have gnome09:15
bluebananaholycow, 8-)09:15
core2duo_ftwLad, is it the only GNOME panel open? Or a second/third09:15
bruenigbluebanana, just delete them, every once in a while I do that to make sure I don't have any junk in there09:15
bluebananaholycow, forgive me09:15
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Ladthere are about 30 panels open09:15
holycowbluebanana, so if you remove your email software then magically your email settings should be gone too right?09:16
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Ladjust floating around my screen09:16
holycowi mean 'oops' there goes your email, your imap info AND your password, right?09:16
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bruenigholycow, you make it seem like it is a feature, it is an impossibility, it is not like someone sat down and decided not to doit09:16
Sonicadvance1did you just right click add over and over?09:16
bruenigdo it*09:16
Ladthink so09:16
bluebananabruenig, i have sometimes done "spring cleaning" of .foo folders in my home dir, but sometimes I can't remember if a folder with a cryptic name is connected with a program that I still have installed.09:16
holycowbruenig, good point, bluebanana what he said :)09:16
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-158-234.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Ladi used the panel manger to add them clicked the plus sign09:17
bruenigbluebanana, like what name09:17
Sonicadvance1Have you found your version yet?09:17
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bluebananaholycow, well, yes, if i remove an email program, i'd prefer to have all the settings for that program gone. Why would I like to keep them?09:17
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Ladi dont see the gnome settings anywhere i dont think i have it, my xubuntu is fresh still09:17
holycowbluebanana, who is to decide?09:17
bruenigbluebanana, generally programs are pretty straight forward, they will be called .programname, any .local or .config or .cache or anything like that is not tied to a program or at least not one that you have likely removed09:17
Flannelbluebanana: because your emails/contacts/etc would be in there.09:18
holycowbluebanana, does it not make more sens to say 'keep settings by defaiult' ... only remove them with' suod apt-get remove --purge' command?09:18
bruenigif it were possible to remove this dynamically created files, a feature would exist09:18
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bruenigbut it doesn't because it is not09:18
bluebananaFlannel, bruenig , holycow ok. i think i now see the value of having the .config folder NOT removed with the removal of a program09:18
holycowbluebanana, i would say choice is good, although it seems to me you didn't notice someone up there telling you about --purge09:18
Sonicadvance1xubuntu? isn't the default not Gnome?09:18
Ladim nt sure09:18
Sonicadvance1Is it....Fluxbox?09:18
Sonicadvance1can't remember09:18
bruenigholycow, purge doesn't remove them09:18
Ladis ubuntu better than xubuntu?09:19
bruenigholycow, purge removes /etc config files, not home/user/.config files09:19
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bruenig!best | Lad09:19
ubotuLad: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:19
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bluebananabruenig, ok. I learned something new again. So there's /etc folder too with config files09:19
holycowah i forgot ... heads up again09:19
=== headcloud [n=chatzill@c-24-91-251-141.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sonicadvance1UBuntu uses more resources than xubuntu because of the different enviroment09:19
bruenigbluebanana, yeah /etc is where system wide config files are kept and those are installed with programs09:19
BelialMkIIWhat is the package name to get the latest kernel sources, need to compile a few things in and wish to try that powertop app, or do i just need to grab them from kernel.org09:19
bruenigbluebanana, those are overridden by home folder config files which are per user09:19
levanderLad: xubuntu is always recommended for machines with less resources, other than that, it's preference09:19
Ladas for my panels are there any delete options anywhere09:19
Ladi have a good machiene09:20
bluebananabruenig, should I also do "spring cleaning in /etc?09:20
bluebananaor is that where -purge comes in?09:20
bruenigbluebanana, purge will do it09:20
levanderLad: just go with the flow and stick with Ubuntu, there's a wider support base and more work put into it by Canonical (my 2c)09:20
headcloudcan anyone help me with feisty fawn on a ppc g5?09:20
Flannelbluebanana: that's where --purge comes in09:20
levanderheadcloud: just ask09:20
bluebananaplease confirm the command: is it apt-get --purge?09:20
bruenigbluebanana, it doesn't much matter unless you like a tight system or are concerned with disk space, I like to keep my stuff clean though too09:20
bluebananaI'll try to purge now09:21
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levanderbluebanana: "apt-get remove --purge <package name>"09:21
Ladanyluck sonic?09:21
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bluebananabruenig, yes, you finally understand me.. i like a tight system. i like maximizing disk space.09:21
bluebananalevander, is there no global purge command?09:21
bluebananawhat if i forgot to do a purge to a program that i've already removed?09:21
valehruIs there any way I can view a MS access DB from Ubuntu?  Just view the tables & data, nothing else09:21
headcloudi can get 6.06 to work but 6.10 and 7.0.4 give me a black screen after rebooting after install.  i believe this is due to my radeon 9600 video card but i don't know how to fix it cause i am brand new to linux09:21
levanderNow that apt-get supports tracking orphans, should I just drop aptitude and go back to apt-get?  Will I lose all my orphan tracking that occurred while I was using aptitude?09:22
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bruenigbluebanana, I don't like this particular aspect of apt-get, on arch which is what I use, it renames /etc/config files to /etc/config.pacsave so if you want to remove them later it is very easy to see whatever ends in .pacsave can go09:22
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levanderbluebanana: if by global command you mean can you leave out the remove and still purge, the answer is no09:22
Ladanyone else know how to delete panels in xubuntu09:22
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levanderLad: right click on the panel, is there a "Remove Panel" option?09:22
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bruenigbluebanana, it renames them to .pacsave after you remove the package that is09:23
bluebananalevander, no, by global, i meant removing <package-name>09:23
headcloudis there anyway to get 7.0.4 to work on a G5 with an Ati Radeon Pro 9600?09:23
zirodayheadcloud: you need to install the radeon drivers (open source) and then tell xorg to use them09:23
holycowoh xubuntu ... Lad lol i don't think you can? i forget.  no one in #xubuntu?09:23
Ladno remove panel option09:23
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bluebananabruenig, renaming to .pacsave is with Ubuntu or with your ArchOS?09:23
Beriantcore2duo,great i found an older graph card but the monitor now says out of range 35.4khz out of 79 hz09:23
bruenigbluebanana, arch09:23
levanderbluebanana: "apt-get remove --purge <package name" does remove <package name>09:23
Ladim getting help09:23
bluebananabruenig, I'm on ubuntu09:23
BelialMkIIWhat is the package name to get the latest kernel sources, need to compile a few things in and wish to try that powertop app, or do i just need to grab them from kernel.org09:23
headcloudwell, the problem is that after i install, when i go to reboot, i see the ubuntu screen but then it goes completely blank so i don't even get a command line or anything09:23
timfrostBelialMkII, unless the driver you want to build must be built in the source tree, you only need the headers, supplied as linux-headers-generic09:23
brueniglevander, he means he wants to purge all the stuff that he has removed so far09:24
zirodayheadcloud: press alt-f109:24
zirodayheadcloud: what happens?09:24
bluebananalevander, yes, but I want to do a global "apt-get remove --purge <all unneeeded etc config files> 8-)09:24
Beriantcore2duo,still there?09:24
core2duo_ftwBeriant, yes09:24
headcloud.what happens when?09:24
Beriantcore2duo,kk did ya see my message just before?09:24
core2duo_ftwcan you even get to a terminal09:24
bruenigbluebanana, you may wish to create an alias in your ~/.bashrc that says: alias agr='sudo apt-get autoremove --purge'09:24
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bruenigbluebanana, that way you can just do agr package and it will do all of that in the future09:25
zirodayheadcloud: you will go into a command line terminal09:25
Beriantthe computer that im installing ubuntu on,no but ive got a shitload of other computers in the house that are working09:25
BelialMkIItimfrost: I'd like to use a different framebuffer, and well.... am used to compiling my own. Is there a package for the lot or will it cause troubles? Or should i head back to gentoo09:25
bluebananawhat's "agr package"?09:25
headcloudok, but i am a newbie so i don't know what to do at that point09:25
levanderbruenig: bluebanana: oh, my bad, I don't know of one that will automatically go and purge every single package that has been removed, but if you know the name of a package that you've already removed and forgot to purge it, you can "sudo dpkg purge <package name>" - but you need to know the package name09:25
bruenigbluebanana, you have to set up the alias09:25
bluebananabruenig, is that kinda  like a shortcut?09:25
Beriantcore2duo,idk wtf is up the monitor is the graph card just to shitty or something?09:25
Beriantexcuse my language09:25
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core2duo_ftwno, Beriant your xorg.conf is jacked. reinstall using that card09:26
bruenigbluebanana, don't worry about it, just a tip not necessary09:26
holycowbluebanana, just out of curiosity, why are are you spending so much time on basically irrelevant questions?  :) i mean that in a friendly way09:26
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Beriantcore2duo,alright thx be back later and ill tell ya how it goes lol09:26
headcloudziroday: would you be able to tell me what to type when i get the command line?09:26
holycowi would think INSTALLING stuff is way more fun than UNINSTALLING stuff09:26
zirodayheadcloud: sure09:26
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zirodayheadcloud: but i gotta go soon09:26
holycowfind out what your box CAN do first, then figure out how to fix your screw up later :)09:26
levanderHave people stopped using aptitude and gone back to apt-get?09:26
bruenigpackage management is the most important function of a distro09:26
levanderIf I go back to apt-get, am I going to lose all my orphan tracking that was done with aptitude?09:27
holycowbruenig, +109:27
bluebananaholycow,  because resources are limited. my RAM/hard drive space/computer power is NOT infinite09:27
Sonicadvance1Hm, Still haven't had my problem solved yet09:27
headcloudziroday: ok, well, if you have a minute i would greatly appreciate it :)09:27
holycowwhat? but ... how can that be?09:27
bluebananaholycow, what does +1 mean?09:27
holycow:) i kid09:27
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holycowbluebanana, slashdot pun09:27
bruenigI prefer ++09:28
hylje-1, redundant09:28
bluebananaOff-topic. 8-)09:28
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jlundHOT GRITS09:28
zirodayheadcloud: sure09:28
bluebananaI appreciate your help tonight/this morning, jlund holycow  bruenig levander09:28
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zirodayheadcloud: you in terminal yet?09:29
timfrostBelialMkII, if you really need the linux source package, the package you need is linux-source09:29
holycowmorning? and what spatial dimension are YOU dialing in from pray tell?09:29
headcloudziroday: thank you.  i'm booted in osx now so i will write down what you tell me and give it a try09:29
bluebananaholycow, morning equals anytime past 12 midnight. 8-)09:29
bruenigtheory based questions are more fun than redirecting people to #ubuntu-effects and wireless09:29
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levandermorning doesn't happen till you wake up09:29
levanderanything before that is still night time09:29
BelialMkIIthanks timfrost, was what i was after, was just away to set up symlinks etc and figured there would be an easier way09:29
bruenigI just woke up09:29
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levanderthen it's morning for you bruenig, but night for me09:30
zirodayheadcloud: okay, boot into ubuntu, press ctrl alt f109:30
bruenigit was morning for me at 11:50 p.m.09:30
bluebananaanother question: I'm currenty not running any of the fancy compiz beryl stuff, but I have restricted drivers manager on. When ubuntu 7.10 comes, will it automaticaly "switch open" the advanced desktop stuff, which i hear is the default stetting on 7.10. thanks!09:30
headcloudziroday: ok09:30
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levanderbruenig: you need to work on your sleeping habits09:30
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jlundbluebanana: You're welcome. I really hope that you enjoy Linux and Ubuntu and stick with it through all of the questions. It is a fun learning process.09:30
bruenigI had a terrible headache, so i went to sleep at like 4 to sleep it off09:30
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bluebanana(I have restricted drivers on for running google earth)09:31
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bluebananajlund, i don't see myself every going back to windows.09:31
holycowbluebanana, remember a couple of things as well09:31
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bluebananaUbuntu is my first. and it may well be my last OS / distro. 8-)09:31
holycow- linux isn't about marketshare or dollars, its about freedom.  freedom to own your own system, freedom to modify it and freedom from outside control and constraints09:31
levanderbluebanana: I'd just wait and worry about it when the new release comes out.  They maybe haven't even decided what they are going to do yet.  Or, maybe they will change their mind anyway.09:32
holycow- once you get freedom, you will NEVER go back into your cage09:32
headcloudziroday: what do i do next?09:32
kazim59bluebanana: thats not a good habit... keep changing distros ... like you change clothes09:32
bruenigbluebanana, don't be too sure on that, I thought that, there are many more distros out there09:32
bluebananaholycow, i like the $0 cost, too. 8-)09:32
zirodayheadcloud: then input your username and password, next "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf", go to devices and under driver type in ati. then restart xorg with ctrl alt bkspace09:32
levanderYeah, but if Canonical doesn't make money eventually, there won't be an Ubuntu.09:32
bluebananais kazim59 joking me?09:32
holycow- lik ein the matrix, you will never be able to tell anyone about freedom however, as they will look at you strangely as if you are crazy09:32
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zirodayheadcloud: if that dosnt work repeat except type radeon instead, restart xorg, if that dosnt work than type in vesa then restart xorg09:33
kazim59bluebanana: not at all.... but do try at least 7-8 free distros before you land on your choice09:33
bruenigbluebanana, once you get really comfortable with command line and whatnot, it is not a bad idea to go on a distro rampage and install 1 a week or so09:33
zirodayheadcloud: understood?09:33
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bluebananaare you guys joking me?09:33
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headcloudziroday: yes.09:33
lancerdragoo1Hi, I'm having a problem with my Ubuntu installation, I keep getting a blank screen right before the LiveCD starts. I'm wondering if it's because of my NVIDIA 6600LE graphics card.09:33
holycowbluebanana, no09:33
levanderIt is wierd that most of the software I'm running right now was done largely just by people doing stuff in there spare time.  I guess there were several research grants and stuff like that in there.  Firefox has started making money...09:33
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holycowgo out there and try all distros09:33
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bluebananawhy try other distros if i'm happy with ubuntu09:33
holycowits an infinite buffet09:34
bruenigbluebanana, no I have used I believe 12 or 13 different distros, it is good to see what is out there ubuntu has its flaws09:34
kazim59bluebanana: not at all!09:34
Flannelbluebanana: no.  It's good to knwo whats out there. Just because you picked up something first, doesn't mean it's best/right for you09:34
holycowbluebanana, to gain knowledge09:34
headcloudziroday: just wondering why 6.06 recognizes my video card fine, but 6.10 and 7.0.4 don't?09:34
zirodayheadcloud: then youre good to go, if none of that works try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg09:34
levanderlancerdragoo1: that's my guess too - graphics card - no, I don't know how to fix it09:34
bluebananabut Ubuntu is number 1. why try any thing less?09:34
kazim59bluebanana: there are other distros with $0 tag too... you can try them too.09:34
bruenigbluebanana, windows is number 109:34
zirodayheadcloud: new drivers09:34
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hyljelevander: development can be fun, too.09:34
bluebananaholycow, i have enough "homework" to do just sticking with ubuntu.09:34
holycowbluebanana, #1 for who?09:34
kazim59bruenig: where can i download iso for windows?09:34
bluebananabruenig, bug number 1?09:34
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holycowbluebanana, your redmond stripes really show through bro09:34
vladuz976i have ubuntu running on my laptop, I wanna create a slideshow for  trade show next week and hook it up to a projector. Anybody know whats good software to create slideshows?09:34
hyljebruenig: depends on the metric09:34
holycowbluebanana, you do know NOT everyone is the same right?09:34
Flannelbluebanana: Ubuntu isn't number 1, Theyre all different.  You don't have the same needs as some random guy down the street.  Whats good for him might not be good for you, etc, etc, etc.09:34
levanderbluebanana: Just pick an interest and study that.  You don't have to study the different distros if that's not your interest.  Ubuntu is more than good enough if you have another interest.09:34
zirodayheadcloud: sorry its sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:34
lancerdragoo1levander: I see. I wonder how I can install the NVIDIA drivers if I can't set up the core install...09:34
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bruenigkazim59, missed the point, reread until you figure it out09:34
holycowsome people like smooth peanut butter some like crunchy right?09:35
bluebananaholycow, the rankings show... i 4get where i saw. LinuxDistros.com perhaps?09:35
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headcloudziroday: thanks a lot!  i'll give it a try and hope for the best.  peace :)09:35
holycowwhy would ubuntu be able to satisfy everyone?09:35
holycowbluebanana, why do you care about rankings?09:35
bruenigbluebanana, distrowatch.org09:35
jlundvladuz976: OpenOffice.org Presentation works well09:35
holycowwhy would you care what others are using?09:35
bluebananabruenig, that's it09:35
bruenigbluebanana, but that is not a ranking, that is how many hits the page gets per day09:35
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levanderlancerdragoo1: good question, wish I could help, maybe post something on ubuntuforums is nobody helps here?09:35
zirodayheadcloud: good luck09:35
ComunisTicoi got a question bout open office09:35
headcloudziroday: thanks09:35
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bluebananaholycow, i don't really. but ubuntu is made for human beings like me who is not technically astute09:35
holycowdisplace the ms mantra of 'follow the heard' and instead 'follow your own path' brotha09:35
lancerdragoo1levander: Thanks, I'll try it there.09:35
ComunisTicois there a way to make it less heavy on the cpu... cause almost everytime i run it it crashes09:36
zirodayComunisTico: #openoffice.org09:36
ComunisTicook thnks09:36
holycowup to you bro, your path to choose09:36
textaI need some help. my keyboard keeps locking up when it reaches GDM.09:36
kazim59bluebanana: well for me, I tried about 6 distros.... and finally I loved two of them most.... Debian (oh!) and Ubuntu09:36
vladuz976jlund: oh really? does it let me input music as well? and what about exporting it as a movie so I can play it on one of the TV's as well?09:36
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levanderbluebanana: What is your interest in Ubuntu if your not "technically astute"?  Are you trying to become technically astute?  Is there another motivation?09:36
bluebananaholycow, maybe i'll play with other distros in the future, but for now, there's enough to learn in just one distro, ubuntu.09:36
Sonicadvance1Moving away from DRM?09:36
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holycowbluebanana, thats pretty much what everyone meant09:36
bruenigbluebanana, right which is why I said to get your feet, figure out what you are doing, feel comfortable in the shell and then if you can explore other distros, but whatever ultimately up to you if your biggest issue was price and you don't really care about getting the best maximum experience you just want something that is solid and good and free, then don't09:36
levanderbluebanana: Good thinking, don't worry about other distros unless you have a reason too.09:37
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bruenigmy motivations to leave windows was not completely financially based so that is why I tended to move along to other distros as well09:37
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bluebananalevander, i switched to ubuntu/linux because i was abroad and the computer i bought didn't have English Windows. That was one reason that motivated me to put the ubuntu disc into the drive09:37
textaMy PS2 keyboard just freezes on the login window and i cant press anything the mouse works and i can click etc.09:37
holycowmy leaving windows was PURELY based when i found out about freedom09:37
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holycowcost really wasn't an issue at all09:37
bluebananaplus, why pay for Windows when you can get Ubuntu for free (as in free house and lot)09:37
kazim59bluebanana: its good you are learning it... someday you'll be here supporting ppl with their problems.. best  o'luck!09:37
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kazim59bluebanana: don't say that to windows users.09:38
levanderbluebanana: Interesting.  People are now using Linux for reasons other than stuff like the web server, the development tools, techie stuff.  You were just in another country and needed an OS...09:38
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bluebananalevander, but i'm back home and am still using Ubuntu. yahoo09:38
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levanderbluebanana: Do you have any interest in adminning or developing for computers?09:39
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textaanyone help?09:39
bluebananalevander, no.09:39
kazim59bluebanana: good response.... the bug #1 is getting fixed.09:39
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levanderbluebanana: I'm just wierded out by it because you're the first non-technical person I've talked to who wants to use Linux.09:39
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bluebananaadminning here on IRC, levander ? Sure09:39
Sonicadvance1texta, have you tried restarting?09:39
levanderbluebanana: You didn't think that Windows was easier to use?09:39
jlundbluebanana: That is really cool. I like that you are a regular user.09:39
bruenigbug #1 won't be fixed for at least 10-15 years and even then I think it might get replaced by another bug #1 which will be mac or another proprietary OS09:39
kinectionis it possible to open the gui file browser from the console at the current working directory?09:39
Sonicadvance1NO idea09:39
bluebananalevander, I'll give you my autograph later. 8-)09:39
textaSonicadvance1, thnx anyway09:39
Sonicadvance1I replaced a friends computer's OS with Ubuntu09:40
kazim59bruenig: do you know the reason?09:40
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Sonicadvance1so 5 people are now using Ubuntu instead of Windows09:40
levanderbluebanana: It's not that kinda wierded out.  It's more like some orange colored guy just walked in the room, and I'm wondering why he's orange...09:40
bluebananalevander, it was... i had a HARD time with Ubuntu, I must admit. Spent hours getting my PDA to sync...09:40
bluebananalevander, i c09:40
bruenigkazim59, it is entrenched09:40
matt__levander: I've given non tech people linux09:40
kazim59kinection: yes... type nautlilus . (if using gnome)09:40
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textaIS there something i could do in the BIOS to prevent the keyboard from locking up09:40
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levanderbluebanana: Hours getting PDA to sync is not usual behavior for non-technical person.  YOu may be more of a computer geek than you realize.09:40
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kinectionkazim59: and nautilus will open up with the current workig directory? no need to pass args?09:40
bluebananaLinux (at least Ubuntu) is as point-and-click easy as Windows09:40
kazim59bruenig: I think different... Linux ain't idiot friendly... and there are a lots of idiots out there...09:41
bluebananaif it were all command line, i probably won't be using linux/ubuntu.09:41
bluebananalevander, i had no choice.09:41
holycowyou will eventually change your mind09:41
kazim59kinection: there's an argument.. look carefully.. its . (dot)09:41
holycowcommand line is easier09:41
holycowand faster09:41
levanderbluebanana: did you have a hard time with it, or is it as point-and-click as easy as Windows, which one?09:41
kinectionkazim59: oh, i thought you were ending your sentence09:41
bruenigkazim59, windows isn't idiot friendly either though, I suppose it just takes longer to realize when your idiotic ways lead to your being overrun by viri09:41
bluebananalevander, plus, i had an ipod and the computer came with Win98. iTunes doesn't work on Win98. so i put Ubuuntu on09:41
bruenigwhereas on linux, you figure it our quickly09:41
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bluebananalevander, anybody who can point and click in Windows (my mom, e.g.) can point and click in Ubuntu. that's what i mean09:42
holycowbluebanana, i too think its cool you are a regular user deciding to give ubuntu a try09:42
holycowthats kinda neat09:42
dominicusanyone way to find out what packages have been recently installed?09:42
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levanderbluebanana: You've really got a wierd story.  YOu should write an article about your end user experiences with Linux...  The whole didn't have a choice thing, that isn't usual in the Linux world.09:42
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kazim59bruenig: but people have got a mindset that an OS must be tooo easy to use... something that's not worth learngin09:42
holycownormall we get regular windows users shy away from choice ... a strange phenomenon09:42
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bluebananalevander, my problem is not with point-and-click.09:42
Pucpuci need help with ubuntu after the installation if anyone can help me09:42
levanderPucpuc: just ask09:42
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levanderbluebanana: the problem is the command line?09:43
bluebananalevander, do you want to interview me? I'm free tomorrow at 5pm for an interview. 8-)09:43
bruenigkazim59, perhaps, people learn how to use windows though, it just depends on what you are brought up09:43
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Pucpucok well, after i install ubuntu, it goes through teh standard thing as remove the cd after installing so it boots into the grub menu to pick between windows or ubuntu09:43
Pucpucproblem is there is no grub menu09:43
Pucpucwhat i have done is reinstalled grub09:43
dominicusanyone way to find out what packages have been recently installed?09:43
cheehey, guys!09:43
Pucpucand yet nothing shows up09:43
levanderbluebanana: yech, maybe, msg me your email, i may put something up on my blog, let me think about it if I have any good questions when i go walking, see if i have anything good to ask09:43
kazim59bruenig: I am an engineering student... computer science... and I have converted more than 10-20 of my classmates to ubuntu.. lol (from windows)09:43
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ubuntu__I'm having some really weird CPU usage problems on my machine.  Twice since upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04, things have started freezing up.  When I checked 'top', init's CPU usage was over 90% and I had X applications running that I thought had crashed - even though I Ctrl-Alt-Backspace'd X.  Rebooting did no good as it just ignored shutdown and Ctrl-Alt-Delete, I had to hit the power switch.  Any ideas?09:44
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holycowkazim59, wow!09:44
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levanderkazim59: They are also comp sci students?09:44
bruenigkazim59, it takes quite a while to take completely new user to understanding how to install something on windows, I would actually argue that installing stuff on linux for a person who has never been a computer user would be easier to explain than on windows09:44
HelifornetsSo... many... people.09:44
bruenigat least for binary distros09:44
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holycowbruenig, i can qualify that as true09:44
kazim59bruenig: and that was simple... they were very sad about viruses... i suggested linux09:44
_nnx_Sorry about the 'ubuntu__' crud... I'm running off of  a LiveCD right now.09:44
neophyte667Hello all.  Anybody want to help this idiot understand why he has to press these characters twice on his keyboard?:  ~``09:44
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bluebananaHelifornets, not a lot of ppl. just a few of us who are talkative, er, type-ative.09:45
_nnx_But, yes, odd lockups and init behavior since I upgraded from Edgy to Feisty.09:45
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kazim59levander: yes09:45
insomniac190can anyone recommend a feisty compatible usb optical mouse?  i want t get one for my laptop.09:45
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HelifornetsWell, I was planning on coming in here and yelling. But.. uhm.. too many people and what not.09:45
dominicusanyone way to find out what packages have been recently installed?09:45
insomniac190With side buttons if possible09:45
holycowinsomniac190, anything by logitech under $2009:45
bruenigI shalll be taking comp sci soon in uni hopefully, but only as a minor I wonder how many *nix users there will be09:45
_nnx_bruenig: Depends on the school, a LOT.09:45
bluebananaPeople in my life think that I'm now a techie person, just because I use linux.09:45
holycowwell, you are09:46
holycowrelative to them09:46
holycowyour actually more technical than you think as someone said above09:46
_nnx_bruenig: I've been to two schools.  One had almost ALL Linux users (it was very technical), the other had a moderate number, most of the upper division folks at least knew it.09:46
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kazim59levander: then our teacher for the course 'Operating Systems' asked us to write  multi-threaded programs... and gcc was the best option to go... again they had to use linux... lol09:46
holycowyour questions are indepth and your perseverence are key qualities of a techie09:46
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trainis anyone using GAIM or Pidgin to go on a silc network?09:46
_nnx_kazim59: That's very true.  Most OS courses end up using Unix of some kind, usually Linux.09:46
bruenig_nnx_, a lot of the top tier schools mandate it09:47
moustafaI have a problem , Can no body help me ? How can I open a chat voice for yahoo or hotmail by using ubuntu?09:47
bruenigfrom what I have read at least09:47
kazim59Linux is heavenly for students... you get the entire source code to learn !!09:47
bruenigmoustafa, gaim09:47
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passbedoes port 5900 have to be open within the linux firewall (remote desktop) if you are port forwarding that same port through ssh to connect to ?09:47
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moustafaIs that supply voice?09:47
kazim59bruenig: gaim got voice chat?09:47
bruenigkazim59, don't know09:48
bruenigprobably not09:48
Agrajag_passbe: no09:48
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Axiamalguien de habla hispana ?09:48
passbeAgrajag_, thx dude09:48
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:48
kazim59bruenig: no it doesn't... i m using it (pidgin)09:48
bruenigwhy did you ask09:48
moustafaI need any program for yahoo or hotmail supply voice chat09:48
bruenigtesting me09:48
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kazim59bruenig: nope.. .i thought the feature may be somewhere deep inside it... i really need something that allows voice chat09:49
kazim59bruenig: so far ... i found only skype!09:49
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trainanyone know how I can connect to a silc network/09:49
raddyHello Everybody09:49
Axiamcomo cambio de sala09:49
bruenigkazim59, haven't much need for it09:49
bruenigAxiam, /join #ubuntu-es09:49
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raddyCan anyone compile me kernel module?09:49
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makairaI've installed and un-installed, and then re-installed libiw-dev and still xsupplicant is telling me that I don't have the iwlib.h file. Anybody know what's going on?09:50
bruenigmakaira, sudo updatedb && locate iwlib.h09:50
raddycos i can't compile it myself because lack of internet access09:50
bruenigraddy, that doesn't make sense09:50
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bruenigraddy, you are on the internet now09:51
RememberPOLmoustafa: http://messenger.yahoo.com/unix.php09:51
kazim59the connection might be slow09:51
moustafaThanks alot09:51
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moustafaThank you man09:51
bruenigthat yahoo messenger is awful09:51
raddybruenig: hey, it is from vista, i want ethernet driver09:51
makairabruenig, it doesn't seem to be doing anything. just a blinking cursor on the line after the command.09:51
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Beriantcore2duo,i re installed with the older graph card,but the monitor is still saying out of range right after the loading screen for ubuntu is almost done09:51
kazim59bruenig: awful? why?09:51
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bruenigmakaira, right so it isn't installed09:51
makairabruenig, nevermind09:52
bruenig!find iwlib.h09:52
ubotuFile iwlib.h found in libiw-dev09:52
makairabruenig, found it. /usr/include/iwlib.h09:52
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bruenigmakaira, ok, so it might be an issue with xsupplicant then09:52
raddyif someone build me that kernel module, i can then manage ubuntu,09:52
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Beriantdoes anyone know why my monitor is saying out of range  when i get to the ubuntu loading screen?09:53
makairabruenig, is there any way to point xsupplicant in the right direction?09:53
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bruenigmakaira, not sure, I assume you are compiling, see if there is anything in the README or INSTALL or ./configure --help09:53
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bruenigmakaira, I can't imagine it would be looking anywhere other than /usr/include09:53
Beriantdoes anyone know why my monitor is saying out of range  when i get to the ubuntu loading screen?09:54
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moustafa~$ dpkg -i ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb09:55
moustafadpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege09:55
bruenigmoustafa, sudo dpkg09:55
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moustafaThank you man09:55
makairabruenig, any idea on how i would get rid of an old installation of xsupplicant if i had already successfully compiled and installed it?09:55
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bruenigmakaira, you would need to recompile it and then instead of make install do make uninstall09:55
bruenigmakaira, or track down all the files and delete them09:55
makairabruenig, thanks. i think i'll go with the first option :)09:56
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bruenigmakaira, when I used to compile stuff, I would put the directory I compiled it in in /opt since that tends to be unused and then when I needed to uninstall just cd into it and make uninstall sort of a little impromptu package management setup09:56
holycowthats a pretty good idea09:57
makairabruenig, thanks.09:57
holycowbruenig, like you however, i now use the term 'when i used to compile'09:57
holycowhehe ;)09:57
holycownothing quite like having 18 000 apps precompiled and tested for ya09:58
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raddycan anybody compile me a kernel module?09:58
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bruenigholycow, well I still compile but on arch, they make it where packaging is so easy that if you are going to compile something, it might take you 2 more minutes to package it09:58
Twinxorrraddy, that's kinda machine-specific09:58
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bruenigso I just make the package, then install it via package management and upload it to the user repository for others who might want it09:58
holycowhow different is it than debian? packaging debs is simple too09:58
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Twinxorrwhat module are you looking for, raddy09:59
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Twinxorrthe most useful ones are included already10:00
Pucpuccan someone tell me why there is no grub loader, at start up?10:00
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Pucpucafter installing it too10:00
moustafaI need help please10:00
Bob_le_PointuCheck /boot/grub/menu.lst Pucpuc.10:00
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:00
moustafaI using ubuntu 7.410:00
moustafawhich yahoo version i must install?10:00
bruenigholycow, this is one I customized for xchat because the binary they had didn't have spell check enabled, you literally drop this into an empty directory and type "makepkg" and it downloads compiles does all of that good stuff, sets up dependency files and whatnot and then creates a pkg.tar.gz which is the .deb of arch http://pastebin.ca/59955910:00
Twinxorryahoo is a website, moustafa10:01
Twinxorryou don't need to install it10:01
holycowbruenig, we should do that for debian10:01
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holycowit wouldn't be too hard to add those features, not that far away either10:01
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bruenigholycow, I have setup something similar to this for zenwalk already, ubuntu is really ridiculous when it comes to packaging and such I tried to get on as a packager but there was too much red tape10:02
moustafarh7.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm? or ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb?10:02
makaira!find wireless.h10:02
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ubotuFile wireless.h found in libiw-dev, libklibc-dev, liboobs-1-dev, libuclibc-dev, linux-headers-2.6.20-15 (and 10 others)10:02
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owhHow do I force grep to provide output if a pattern is not found? (I'm *not* talking about grep -v, which outputs all the lines that do not match.) Another way to look at is is: How do I find a pattern that does not exist in a group of files?10:02
=== ScottLij [n=scott@66-227-218-192.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigowh, if you are doing it in a script, I would just do if [ ! "$(grep string file) ] 10:03
bruenigowh, if you are doing it in a script, I would just do if [ ! "$(grep string file)" ] 10:03
bruenigmissed the "10:04
owhbruenig, hmm, that's a novel approach.10:04
=== AndyM [n=amorris@cmarfw01.marlow.spinvox.com] has joined #ubuntu
owhbruenig, I can work with that, thanks!10:04
bruenigI script far more than is healthy10:04
=== owh is a bash addict :)
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Twinxorrmoustafa, Ubuntu uses debs, not RPMs10:05
Pucpucoh one more question, i have 3 hdds, 1 sata and 2 IDE, ubuntu only detects my sata, and 1 of my IDE hdd, why doesnt it scan the 2nd IDE Drive/10:05
moustafabut there is an error10:06
xenyxtisanyone knows how to restore my system with my previous settings??10:06
Twinxorrbut a .deb is no guarantee that it'll work with your version of Ubuntu10:06
moustafaUnpacking replacement ymessenger ...10:06
moustafadpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ymessenger:10:06
moustafa ymessenger depends on libgdk-pixbuf2 (>= 0.13.0); however:10:06
moustafa  Package libgdk-pixbuf2 is not installed.10:06
moustafa ymessenger depends on libssl0.9.6; however:10:06
moustafa  Package libssl0.9.6 is not installed.10:06
TwinxorrI'd just try to get Gaim working with yahoo10:06
bruenigxenyxtis, do you have your settings saved somewhere10:06
moustafa ymessenger depends on xlibs (>> 3.3.6); however:10:06
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moustafa  Package xlibs is not installed.10:06
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moustafadpkg: error processing ymessenger (--install):10:06
moustafa dependency problems - leaving unconfigured10:06
moustafaErrors were encountered while processing:10:06
xenyxtisno i dont think so10:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:06
moustafa ymessenger10:06
bruenigxenyxtis, well no10:06
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xenyxtisi have problems with Cedega and WOW10:06
bruenigmoustafa, sudo apt-get install -f10:06
makairabruenig, this is quite rediculous. i went and found the older version of xsupplicant so i could remove it, and now when i try to configure it it's telling me that /linux/wireless.h isn't there, even though it is.10:06
xenyxtisand this happened today10:06
bruenigmakaira, don't know10:07
makairabruenig, and at one point in time, it obviously located it correctly because i have it installed right now.10:07
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xenyxtisi just uninstall from the synaptic some games10:07
xenyxtisand then wow couldnt be executed10:07
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Ayabaraanyone got a tip for a good gui-based diff program that I can use with subversion?10:08
moustafasorry  , butmoustafa@moustafa-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install -f ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.debReading package lists... Done10:08
moustafaBuilding dependency tree10:08
moustafaReading state information... Done10:08
moustafaE: Couldn't find package ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb10:08
brueniggui diff10:08
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bruenigmoustafa, did you delete ymessenger or something10:09
cafuegoNo, moustafa didn't run 'dpkg -i'10:09
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bruenighe must have, he pasted about 20 lines with dpkg errors10:09
moustafano i never do it before10:09
cafuegomoustafa: sudo dpkg -i ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb10:09
moustafaThank you very much10:10
cafuegomoustafa: then 'sudo apt-get -f install'10:10
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bruenig<moustafa> dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ymessenger:10:10
bruenigI think he already did that10:10
cafuegobruenig: He didn't run the -f install properly, but added the .deb filename as param.10:10
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bruenigthat was on the next line on my screen10:11
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moustafaErrors were encountered while processing:10:11
bruenigoh no10:11
moustafabad luck10:11
cafuegomoustafa: stop pasting errors please10:11
bruenigmoustafa, just run the sudo apt-get install -f10:11
bruenigby itself10:11
cafuegomoustafa: just run 'sudo apt-get install -f'10:11
cafuegomoustafa: just that, not other parameters.10:11
moustafaI will10:11
moustafait's ok10:12
moustafait's done10:12
moustafaThanks alot10:12
=== dead1ock [n=chrisl@82-71-24-100.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bruenighave fun with the abomination that is linux yahoo messenger10:12
dawn_is ymessenger better to use than gaim or kopete?10:12
bruenigno it is terrible10:13
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dawn_so gaim's better?10:13
bruenigymessenger is like  yahoo messenger from 5 years ago10:13
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dawn_i have a problem with kopete.. when i use it, almost all my buddies are not in the list. almost everyone's gone.10:13
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dawn_did anybody experience this? ^10:14
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MIYPcan anyone please help me with installing wireless drivers with ndiswrapper10:15
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:15
MIYPi've followed those guides10:15
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MIYPi've had it working before but since i've reinstalled ubuntu again its not working10:16
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moustafathere is no yahoo icon to open it10:19
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protosporkis there anybody here who could tell me why I can't get ndiswrapper to work?10:19
bruenigmoustafa, dpkg -L ymessenger | grep /usr/bin10:19
bruenigmoustafa, paste the output10:19
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bruenigmoustafa, I doubt ymessenger has talk anyways because it is so old10:20
MIYPprotospork its not working for me either10:20
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protosporki've installed it correctly, so far as I can tell, it just wont recognize my wifi adapter10:21
cursorwhat adapter are you using?10:21
Stokesyanyone know where i can change what the default applications for certain life types?10:21
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protosporkD-Link DWL-G13210:22
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bruenigStokesy, right click on the life, go to properties and change the open with10:22
Stokesydoes that change it for all files of that type, or just that file10:22
bruenigStokesy, all of the type10:22
Stokesygreat, thanks :)10:22
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=== Slart wishes it was that easy.... =)
moustafawhat is the order to install any winrar file?10:22
moustafasudo -i?10:23
Slartmoustafa: install? or unpack?10:23
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bruenig!info unrar10:23
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1 (feisty), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB10:23
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moustafaThank you Man10:23
Slartmoustafa: file-roller handles rar files.. and I think there is a unrar application installed by default10:23
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cursorim having trouble with my sound card , onboard sound is fine just need midi10:24
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bruenigunrar is not installed by default10:24
bruenigunless there is some free version that is10:24
bruenig!info unrar-free10:24
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB10:24
bruenigyeah that is not installed either10:24
moustafabecause this file on mt ubuntu 7.4 desktop10:24
moustafa ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb10:24
moustafai was hopping to install it10:24
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moustafastop wishes10:24
Slartoptional.. well, I forget what got installed by default or two minutes later by user =)10:25
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Slartmoustafa: you tried to unrar that? I would try with "dpkg -i ymessenger_blablabla.deb"10:25
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Slartor rather "sudo dpkg -i ymessengerblabla.deb"10:26
bruenigwe already went through this10:26
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moustafanothing done10:26
cursorhow can i find out what make my sound card is , Hardware information ?10:26
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bruenigcursor, lshwd | grep Audio10:27
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moustafaforget about that , i have a big problem , I have another pc , I installed ubuntu 7.4 but it's cannot read the lan card10:27
moustafaHow can i do to install the lan card driver?10:28
leagrisAnyone here have some experience in using DVD-RAM within Ubuntu?10:28
moustafait's realtek10:28
bruenig!wifi | moustafa10:28
ubotumoustafa: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:28
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Asche_83mHello! I've got a heterogenous linux-home-network and i want to share files between the machines. what would be the tool of choice? samba? nfs? something else?10:29
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bruenigAsche_83m, samba windows to linux, nfs linux to linux10:29
SlartAsche_83m: I use sshfs between my two linux-machines10:30
SlartAsche_83m: can't say if it's better than those other options.. but it works10:30
bruenigsshfs is only necessary if it isn't local right10:30
SlartI don't know if it's necessary.. but it was pretty easy to setup10:30
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bruenigi've only one computer so I have never done much in that area10:30
linux_probewould be rather pointless to use encrypted connection over your own lan10:31
Slartesp. since I already had ssh setup for remote management10:31
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Asche_83mso i am going for nfs then, right?10:31
linux_probeif you have windows machines on the network use samba10:31
holycowwell it really doesn't matter10:31
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Asche_83mi haven't10:31
bruenigcan you use samba for linux to linux?10:31
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Slartsure you can10:31
bruenigif no windows, then nfs yes10:31
holycowyou can mount pretty much any fs as a network fs10:31
linux_probeyes samba will work to anything10:31
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holycowyou could use ftp even10:31
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Asche_83mthank you!10:32
linux_probeNFS is likely the fastest for an linux only setting10:32
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Antroxxxxcomo estan????10:33
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Slartbara bra hr.. lite regnigt ute.. sjlv?10:34
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Slartor perhaps we should do this in english? =)10:34
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Antroxxxxin spanish?10:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about esp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
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Antroxxxxalguien por aky ke hable espaol???10:35
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
Myrtti!es | Antroxxxx10:35
Slartbah.. es =)10:35
yeniklasorAfter upgrade edgy to feisty, ubuntu didn't promp me to for a update. Update manager says "your system is up-to-date" What is the wrong guys?10:35
hyljeyeniklasor: your system is up to date10:36
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Slartyeniklasor: if you just updated to feisty perhaps there aren't any more updates to install?10:36
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yeniklasorNo I upgraded it when it first released (april I think)10:36
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troopperi_newer version is beta testing right now10:36
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troopperi_is not stable10:36
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Slartyeniklasor: hmm.. come to think of it.. haven't seen many updates to feisty either.. perhaps this is perfection..no more bugs? ;)10:37
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cursorHi , i have a sound card installed and ubuntu recorgnises it however ubuntu still uses my onboard sound instead and sound card isnt used , how can i change this?10:39
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troopperi_cursor: change it to alsa?10:39
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linux_probegood step would be disable integrated sound in the BIOS10:41
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DaveTarmacmorning folks10:42
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froojndhello there10:45
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froojndI have a little problem with screen10:46
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froojndwhen I start irssi with it, like that: screen irssi10:46
froojndand when I wanna go back to do other work nothig happens if I press control + a10:46
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froojndhow can I switch screens with screen ?10:47
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`xedos#join #i.need.et10:47
DarthShrinefroojnd, ctrl-a, a10:47
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CarinArrhey, i'm having problems with nvidia drivers on my laptop. It has a geforce go 7600 card in it, and when i try to use nvidia-glx-new the xserver crashes saying screens were found but with no usable configuration.. any ideas?10:47
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DarthShrineErr, Ctrl-a, ctrl-a10:47
jonbauerCarinArr, I just installed the 760010:47
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CarinArrfroojnd: er.. if you want to switch with ctrl+a the applications need to be in the same screen10:48
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jonbaueri'm a total noob, but this is what helped me: http://albertomilone.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Envy-InstructionsForUbuntu10:48
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CarinArrfroojnd: i.e. start a screen with "screen", in the terminal window that comes up start whatever you want in there.. i.e. "irssi", if you want another window do ctrl+a c, etc10:49
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Jordan_Ujonbauer, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager is better than envy10:49
CarinArrJordan_U: i use kubuntu10:49
jonbauerJordan_U, ok10:49
jonbauerJordan_U, (this is my first day with Ubuntu :) ), thanks for the tip10:49
CarinArrbut surely the restricted driver manager doesn't do the same thing as envy10:49
jonbauermy main menus have dissappeared10:50
protosporkcould somebody please help me? I'd really rather not pull another all-nighter trying to make this work10:50
CarinArri was going to use envy, i have in the past, but i just wanted to figure out why nvidia-glx-new doesn't work10:50
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jonbaueris there a way i can unhide Applications, Places and System ?10:50
mahrellonHey everyone. I have a quick question. Are there any programs, preferably in .deb format and easy to install, that will let me make a bootable recovery CD out of my Ubuntu installation? Everything's working fine now so I really wanna keep a backup of it. =)10:50
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CarinArrprotospork: what's not working10:51
froojndCarinArr: if I start screen it only writes:  [10:52]  []  [1] 10:51
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protosporki've installed ndiswrapper and the drivers for my wifi adapter, but the device still isn't recognized and now ndisgtk doesn't even stay open10:51
froojndand: [(status)] 10:51
Jordan_UCarinArr, No, it installs more up to date drivers but since they are from nvidia.com and not a package they will break whenever there is a kernel upgrade, and if you needed envy in the first place you won't know what to do when that happens10:51
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linux_probeif you type screen --help   or  man screen it will give you lots to read and learn10:52
CarinArrJordan_U: and does this owrk on kubuntu too?10:52
Jordan_UCarinArr, Yes, I am not sure where in the menu's it is though, for KDE stuff ask in #kubuntu10:53
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masusanyone now where the command ltspcfg on ubuntu 7.04 is10:54
CarinArrJordan_U: right, follow up question then, restricted manager doesn't list anything to do with nvidia, supposedly because i have to disable it to actually get X running10:54
CarinArrso how is restricted-manager goign to help me install nvidia drivers;)10:54
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CarinArrfroojnd: if you're in a terminal and start a screen just using "screen" it should print out a little information screen, and if you press enter it should take you to a terminal window10:55
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froojndCarinArr: TNX!!!10:56
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jonbauergrr, i don't know where my main menus went10:57
Jordan_UCarinArr, I have no idea why it isn't showing you an option of installing nvidia drivers, do you have multiple GPUs? It may also be that it knows that the current Ubuntu version of the driver does not support your card and therefore won't try to install it, so it *may* work if you grab the drivers from nvidia.com.10:57
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CarinArrJordan_U: it's a bog standard 7600 go nvidia card10:58
CarinArrand i'm not using multiple gpu's10:58
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Jordan_UCarinArr, Do you get any output when you run: sudo modprobe nvidia10:58
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valehruCan anyone recommend a nice tool for ERD diagrams?10:59
CarinArrin the past i've had it working perfectly with the nvidia.com drivers, since i installed feisty the last time, if i install the nvidia drivers manually they don't work on reboot, unless i reinstall them10:59
CarinArrhmm modprobe says .../nvidia.ko no such file or directory11:00
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CarinArrthat's odd11:00
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ethemci don't understand why the documantation from linux is not clean enough , every where is writing a different thing11:04
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[ifr0g] Hi..11:04
Jordan_Uethemc, What documentation are you looking at?11:04
Jordan_U!hi | [ifr0g] 11:04
ubotu[ifr0g] : Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:04
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ethemcwith ltsp11:05
Jordan_Uethemc, What documentation? Man pages, the wiki, etc11:05
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[ifr0g] I installed ubuntu dvd and it didt ask me for setting up and account at the text installation, now i am stuck at the login screen. WHy ??11:05
[ifr0g] Jordan_U, Hi, there :)11:05
ethemcits not important , what wiki or another . but the end point is that when i reda and do all the things what in the documantation is writing ,11:06
Jordan_U[ifr0g] , Did you do an OEM install accidentally ?11:06
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cursori have as sound card installed however its not used by ubuntu and onboard sound is11:06
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ethemcthat is working what , do11:06
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ethemci do11:06
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yeniklasoron ubuntu is there built-in system restore program?11:06
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ethemci have test , xubuntu 6.x xubuntu 7.x , ubuntu 6.x ubuntu 7.x serevr11:06
[ifr0g] Jordan_U, huh, i choosed text install at the start.11:07
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ethemcbut nothing is working , and every where is writing another config11:07
ethemci wan't a clean documantation thats all :(11:07
predaeusyeniklasor, do you mean a backup tool, or do you mean something that automatically backs all system files up in case you delete them?11:07
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ethemcso that i can read and do step by step11:07
Bassettsare intel best for drivers, over nvidia then ati?11:07
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ethemcbecause i'm  a newbie11:08
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Jordan_Uethemc, The reason I am asking is to be sure that you don't think that blogs are documentation, as I really don't trust any advice from someone who is not willing to contribute to the official wiki11:09
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ethemci have do all what is writing here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=ltsp&titlesearch=Titles11:09
Jordan_U( or other official documentation )11:09
ethemcbut nothing11:09
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[ifr0g] Jordan_U, then what is the user pass for the oem ? let me try11:10
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ethemccan anybody give me the right way to install a clean and safe ubuntu with ltsp11:10
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doronhi, how can I change my TTY to display more than 25 lines ?11:10
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Jordan_U[ifr0g] , I don't know, but you can set it to whatever you want by starting in "recovery mode" from grub and running: passwd <username>11:10
doronlike 80 on 120 maybe11:11
[ifr0g] Jordan_U, thanks will do that..11:11
moosais there a way to recover archive passwords on linux?11:11
linux_user400354how can i get the original background from ubuntu 5.0411:11
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koudelkahow to change gateway on a networkinterface using ifconfig? if that is possible11:12
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Jordan_Udoron, run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup11:12
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ethemcsudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.x netmask 255.x.x.x11:13
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ethemcbroadcast 192.168.0.x11:13
ikoni need help with my sound11:13
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Lorne_Kun|LaptopHelp, the update to restricted drivers (for madwifi) broke my conection :P11:13
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raddyHello Everybody11:14
moosais there a way to recover lost archive passwords on ubuntu?11:14
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raddyHow do i increase the display resolution of fglrx driver enable 3d support11:14
Jordan_Uraddy, What version of Ubuntu are you running?11:15
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doronJordan_U, that doesnt change the TTY lines count :(11:16
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Nphi all11:16
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Jordan_Uraddy, What version of Ubuntu are you running?11:17
DaveTarmachow do I get apps to start automatically when I logon?11:17
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Jordan_Udoron, Changing the font size should11:18
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koudelkaethemc how about the gateway?11:18
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bionoidDaveTarmac: system - preferences - session11:18
Lorne_Kun|Laptophas there been anyone else in here with the same issue as me?11:18
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koudelkaethemc ah sorry, i missed11:18
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DaveTarmacbionoid: cheers11:18
Jordan_UDaveTarmac, System -> Preferences -> session11:18
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doronJordan_U, oh, my bad :)11:19
koudelkawrong place i think Np11:19
Jordan_UNp, What language is that?11:19
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doronJordan_U, Hebrew+English11:21
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:21
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koudelkaumn :O11:21
djda99http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
steffenhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PurificMichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
mhoslawhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lunatichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
sko7dhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cr3http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
killerdhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Mihai_90http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PodeleNoihttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
xodus989http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
hitwouhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
shaunj66http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
ogorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
jt321http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crazyboyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
calin244http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Renegahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cucuMarehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Reportazhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
kimmyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
tom2006http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
RomPermicehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Jos_tupeuhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
rick2http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
burgermisterhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Smoalahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
blythhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
bender_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lordwarriorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crwlhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FighTherehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
nianhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
amon_rahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FrodoBhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
OtravitCuAQhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
black_editionhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
djda99http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crazyboyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
calin244http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lunatichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
sko7dhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cr3http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
shaunj66http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
burgermisterhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PurificMichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
killerdhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
mhoslawhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Mihai_90http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
xodus989http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Smoalahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
bender_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lordwarriorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
L3gaanThttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
rick2http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FighTherehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
OtravitCuAQhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PodeleNoihttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
steffenhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
hitwouhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Jos_tupeuhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
ogorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
jt321http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crwlhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Renegahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cucuMarehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Reportazhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
kimmyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
tom2006http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FrodoBhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
RomPermicehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
black_editionhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
blythhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
amon_rahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Daau_yubirehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
L3gaanThttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
nianhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
=== Md [i=md@freenode/staff/md] has joined #ubuntu
italiano40M^http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
italiano40M^http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Daau_yubirehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
ogorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lunatichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
sko7dhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cr3http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
killerdhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
mhoslawhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Mihai_90http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
djda99http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crazyboyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
calin244http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
steffenhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
shaunj66http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Smoalahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lordwarriorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PurificMichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PodeleNoihttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
xodus989http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
djda99http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
hitwouhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
rick2http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
burgermisterhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
mhoslawhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
shaunj66http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PurificMichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crazyboyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
bender_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
amon_rahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lordwarriorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
bender_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
sko7dhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cr3http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
burgermisterhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
ogorhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
jt321http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
jt321http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
steffenhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FighTherehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
calin244http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Renegahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Renegahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cucuMarehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
cucuMarehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Reportazhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Reportazhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
kimmyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
kimmyhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FrodoBhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
RomPermicehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
killerdhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Mihai_90http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
PodeleNoihttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
xodus989http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Smoalahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
nianhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
blythhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
amon_rahttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Jos_tupeuhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
lunatichttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
rick2http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
hitwouhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
black_editionhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
blythhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
tom2006http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
tom2006http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FrodoBhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
RomPermicehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crwlhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
nianhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
L3gaanThttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
FighTherehttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
crwlhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
OtravitCuAQhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
OtravitCuAQhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
Jos_tupeuhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
black_editionhttp://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:21
=== hola_world22 [n=hola_wor@203-214-34-210.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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=== ogor [n=ogor@] has left #ubuntu []
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by Md
m0m0_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:22
m0m0_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:22
m0m0_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:22
m0m0_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:22
m0m0_http://chufter.com/view_video.php?viewkey=10bf22aa353e27879133 WHY CAN'T ubuntu BE MORE LIKE THIS??11:22
Hobbseeholy cow...11:22
=== m0m0_ [n=m0m0@85-250-138-39.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu ["DCC]
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)11:22
=== welly [n=welly@62-31-160-20.cable.ubr11.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
koudelkasomeone is attacking lol11:22
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Np 11:22
ikonneed help11:23
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wellyis this back to normal now?11:23
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wellycan anyone recommend an irc server to install on ubuntu?11:23
hyljenice trojan network11:23
ikonwhy you booted NP ?11:23
koudelkanP, you should look for your loco team if you want to use chinese11:23
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JimQodewelly, sudo apt-cache search ircd11:24
Jordan_U!cn | Np11:24
ubotuNp: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk11:24
Hobbseewas assuming he was trolling in another language11:24
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wellyJimQode: thanks!11:24
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Jordan_UHobbsee, He was here before the mass trolling started so I am not sure of that11:25
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ikoni need some help11:25
Hobbseeweasel: ?11:25
Hobbseeweasel: oh, staffer.  apologies11:25
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weaselif I wanted to flood it would look different.  this was just a silly ssh/xterm/screen combination eating the esc out of esc sequences11:26
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rdvonI just installed compiz fusion...11:26
koudelkai want to change my internet gateway ip, how to do that? can i use ifconfig?11:26
rdvonI'm confused on how to get it to run :'*(11:26
ikoni need help11:26
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CyberMadwhat is the best fax client on ubuntu for hylafax ? i want do fax as simple as printing11:26
dimebarrdvon: type 'compiz --replace' in your console ?11:27
Jordan_Uikon, Just ask your question, if anyone can help they will11:27
rdvondimebar: ill try it.11:27
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:27
ikoni have no sound11:27
rdvoncan't be ran using vesa or vga drivers.... ?11:27
Jordan_Uikon, Did sound ever work or is this a new problem?11:27
hola_world22i'm running a jsp container on the internet with no firewall, is that vulnerable to attack?11:27
predaeuskoudelka, I think you need "route" for that, run route and also look at "man route"11:27
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Lorne_Kun|LaptopHow do i get madwifi to be able to see my access point again. after the latest security update, it stopped being able to connect to my own AP, but can see others.11:27
ikonsound never work11:27
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rdvondimebar: it says that it cant be ran using vesa or vga drivers...11:28
dimebarrdvon: ah - what graphics card do you have?11:28
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rdvona radeon x1300...11:28
rdvonberyl worked on it.11:28
rdvondimbar: am i out of luck?11:29
ikonmy sound never work, even in the live cd11:29
Jordan_Urdvon, Are you getting 3D acceleration?11:29
rdvonJordan_U: yes11:29
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dimebarrdvon: you need the ATi drivers however I'm not 100% sure how well AIGLX works with ATi cards11:29
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ikonJordan_U, what can i do?11:30
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Jordan_Uikon, What is the output of "asoundconf list" ?11:30
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rdvondimebar: i have the drivers on in the restricted drivers manager, I used this tutorial to install compiz fusion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=289508611:30
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ikonName of available sound cards: Intel11:30
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ikonjust that mr. Jordan_U11:30
predaeusrdvon, is there a compiz-manager you can run? that should run it fine11:30
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rdvonpredaeus, ill check...11:31
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Jordan_Urdvon, You can't use the drivers from restricted manager without XGL11:31
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rdvonJordan_U, what?11:31
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Genomsarenhi I have a problem, my synaptic package ... thing tries to install netbeans everytime when I try to downlaod something. How can I solve this problem?11:31
rdvonI'm trying to get xgl running..11:32
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gordonjcpcan anyone think why my keyboard would be producing a grave accent instead of apostrophe?11:32
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gordonjcpkeyboard layout is UK English with dead keys11:32
Jordan_Uikon, try running: "alsamixer" use the arrow keys to change volume and switch channels11:32
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rdvonOh, I got it...11:32
rdvonIt wasnt in use for some reason....11:32
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Jordan_Urdvon, That is good, it it isn't in use and you have 3D acceleration without it *don't* use it11:33
ikoni dont understand about "switch channels" mr. Jordan_U11:33
Jordan_Uikon, There are multiple sound outputs that you can change the volume of, use the right and left arrow keys to control different levels11:34
ikonok, i do that11:35
ikonbut... no sound yet11:35
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Jordan_Uikon, Are all of the channels turned up?11:35
ikonyes sir11:35
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rdvonI have turned on the restricted drivers... only to get this error message.11:36
rdvonFatal: Failed test: texture_from_pixmap support11:36
rdvonChecks indicate that it's impossible to start compiz on your system.11:36
bionoidQuestion: I changed keyboard on my laptop because I had a few broken keys. Now the layout on the replacement kbd is slightly different, and using no-latin1 I don't seem to have the <> keys assigned. How can I assign them to some Meta-key combination?11:36
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Jordan_Uikon, Do all of them have a green 00 at the bottom?11:36
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ikonno sir11:37
ikoncenter, LFE, SIDE and Line had MM11:37
ikonand surround too11:37
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n2diy_bionoid: take a look around system > prefs. > keyboard11:38
Jordan_Uikon, That means that they are muted, press "m" to unmute them, then sound should work11:38
rdvonand when i tried using this tutorial to create a separate session to run xgl... my desktop ended up looking like this: http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s70/rdvon/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png11:39
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ikonnow what?11:39
ikonno sound yet11:39
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bionoidn2diy_: At what specifically?11:39
Jordan_Urdvon, Do you get 3D acceleration with the restricted drivers disabled?11:39
ikonall 0011:39
rdvonJordan_U, yes I do.11:40
Jordan_Uikon, I don't know then :(11:40
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Jordan_Urdvon, Then remove XGL, you don't need it.11:40
n2diy_bionoid: take a look around your menu bar, and click on : system > prefs. > keyboard11:40
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rdvonJordan_U, but how do I get compiz fusion to work?11:40
b0haare there any php editors  for ubuntu?11:40
ikonwhat happend? :(11:40
Jordan_Urdvon, I don't know, but it will be much easier / more stable without XGL11:41
gordonjcpb0ha: bluefish, kdevelop11:41
yves_mgi want to disable ubuntu packages in a kickstart file, somebody who knows how to disable packages such as openoffice?11:41
rdvonJordan_U, its uninstalled, now what?11:41
b0haok tnx11:41
moonliteb0ha: vim, emacs and gedit works fine too11:41
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Jordan_Urdvon, Try running compiz again11:41
ikonwhat can i do?11:42
rdvonJordan_U, by running compiz --replace?11:42
rdvongives me an error still, just running compiz also.11:42
bionoidn2diy_: Yeah I understood that, but how would I go about doing a custom assignment from there?11:42
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Jordan_Uikon, Just to test, what happens when you run: "cat /dev/urandom | aplay" ?11:42
Jordan_Urdvon, Try asking in #compcomm or #ubuntu-effects11:43
ikon Unsigned 8 bit, Ratio 8000 Hz, Mono11:43
yves_mghowto disable packages while running an automatic installation?11:43
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ikonAborted by interruption signal11:44
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Jordan_Uikon, Ok, as a test ( turn down your speakers, this may be very loud ) what happens when you run: "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" ?11:44
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CyberMadwhat is package that support send fax like print something?11:45
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rdvonhehe, where is xorg.conf located again?11:46
Jordan_Uikon, I don't think that I can help you, sorry :(11:47
Jordan_Urdvon, /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:47
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ikonthat is so sad :(11:47
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daVinciIThi all. In Windows exist Terminal Service to connect to remote server in a dedicated OS session. Exist for Ubuntu ?11:48
MontarodaVinciIT: yes11:48
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MontarodaVinciIT: remote desktop11:48
daVinciITRemote Desktop use VNC11:49
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daVinciITVNC it's not a separated session,11:49
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osiocan someone help me with grub?11:49
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osiocan't get it to use my k7 kernel11:49
osioused update-grub but it was not found11:50
yves_mgis there somebody who has experience with automatic installations using kickstart files?11:50
Jordan_U!generic | osio11:50
ubotuosio: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)11:50
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ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:50
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CyberMadi instll hylafax-doc, how do i know where the document is saved?11:52
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ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX11:53
bionoidCyberMad: /usr/share/doc usually11:53
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artur_hi everyone!11:57
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_Codeman_What does "bad superblock on /dev/loop0" mean? And how can I fix it?12:00
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects12:00
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protocol1whats the proper way to install beryl on kubuntu 7.04?12:03
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_Codeman_have you tried going to #ubuntu-effects?12:03
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protocol1no response12:04
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_Codeman_could be time of day/night12:04
protocol1Im sure there docs I can use somewhere12:04
Hobbsee!beryl | protocol112:04
Djordje_Codeman_: where do you get that error?12:04
ubotuprotocol1: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects12:05
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_Codeman_Djordje: I'm trying to load an iso w/ -o loop but it's acting weird12:05
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protocol1Im using an ATI card so would it be wise to use aiglx?12:05
Jordan_Uprotocol1, I would just install gnome-compiz-manager and any plugins you want since it is installed by default12:05
Jordan_Uprotocol1, If your card does not need fglrx for 3D then yes12:06
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Jordan_Uprotocol1, See if System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects works12:06
protocol1I am using the opensource driver12:06
predaeus_Codeman_, probably the iso is corrupted or did it work before?12:06
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protocol1and I am also using kubuntu-desktop12:07
predaeus_Codeman_, try to open the iso with some archiver that usually works12:07
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predaeusto see if it is corrupt or something12:07
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predaeusjust double click it12:07
protocol1I will try out the aiglx option12:07
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protocol1for beryl12:08
_Codeman_Ark wont open them, could you make a suggestion?12:08
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Jordan_Uprotocol1, AIGLX should be on by default12:08
Jordan_U!hi | drgnmstr12:08
ubotudrgnmstr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:09
Lyndisdo ubuntu sux ?12:09
protocol1will try installing beryl12:09
drgnmstrhi, im a nubie and have a question12:09
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:09
Nezalralyndis t'es a ?12:09
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:09
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Nezalrac'est de la merrde ubuntu-fr12:09
Lyndisi don't know12:09
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:09
Nezalracomme ubuntu en lui mme d'ailleur ...12:09
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predaeus_Codeman_, the gnome archiver usually can, I do not remember it's name12:09
drgnmstrok, i just installed ubuntu on a comp and the fan is running real fast like it usually does just at startup12:10
LyndisThat's why i ask12:10
Endlessguitarcan some1 please try to help me?12:10
Lyndisdo ubuntu sux ?12:10
bruenig!enter | drgnmstr12:10
ubotudrgnmstr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:10
NezalraUBUNTU SUX !!!!12:10
bruenig!anyone | Endlessguitar12:10
ubotuEndlessguitar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:10
Endlessguitardpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct12:10
bruenig!ot | Nezalra12:10
ubotuNezalra: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:10
Nezalrasans blague12:10
Endlessguitarhow does I do that?12:10
predaeus!fr | Nezalra12:10
ubotuNezalra: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:10
bruenigEndlessguitar, I advocate manually running sudo dpkg --configure -a12:10
Nezalraj'y suis deja bane de couillon12:11
DaveTarmacDoes anyone here have any experience of using Azureus? If so, how come mine keeps quitting after I load it12:11
Jordan_UEndlessguitar, In a terminal run: sudo dpkg --configure -a12:11
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bruenig!ops | Nezalra refuses to speak english or go to french room with the exception of all caps ubuntu sux message12:11
ubotuNezalra refuses to speak english or go to french room with the exception of all caps ubuntu sux message: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:11
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Jordan_UDaveTarmac, What version of Java are you using?12:11
LyndisNezalra IS in french room12:11
Lyndistoo ^^12:11
Endlessguitarworked ^12:11
Nezalraok ok i speak fucking english12:11
bruenigwell tell him to shut up in here12:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:12
Lyndisno i can't12:12
Hobbsee!caps | Lyndis12:12
ubotuLyndis: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:12
Lyndisgn ?12:12
bruenigLyndis and Nezalra appear to be trolling together just a heads up12:12
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xipiwhen i share a directory via nfs, the client doesn't get write access and limited read access12:12
xipiwhat can i do?12:12
bruenigxipi, how are you mounting it12:13
HobbseeNezalra: behave, or you'll go too.12:13
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xipibruenig, /media/nfs nfs rw,user,noauto 0 012:13
yves_mgis there somebody who has experience with automatic installations using kickstart files?12:14
predaeus_Codeman_, I just double click opened an .iso with File ROller, works fine.12:14
xipibruenig, hdb3 is a home partition12:14
DaveTarmacJordan_U: I'm using 5.0 Runtime12:14
drgnmstrok, how do i post comment without enter key?12:14
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xipibruenig, i am trying to copy a home-partition to another hd12:15
bruenigxipi, maybe try mounting with defaults and not rw especially if it is ext3 since you can set permissions on that12:15
NezalraFU      LINUX12:15
xipibruenig, thanks. i'll try12:15
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=== bruenig 's troll spotting is unmatched
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Jordan_UDaveTarmac, run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" and choose gij12:15
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=== Hobbsee shakes her head.
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DaveTarmacjordan_U: brilliant - that worked. what exactly was gij?12:17
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philhi what is the best tool to use to extract uif files in linux?12:17
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philI dont want to burn it12:18
Jordan_UDaveTarmac, It is the ( fully )open source version of Java that comes with Ubuntu, as opposed to Sun's version12:18
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raf256after default installation12:18
DaveTarmacJordan_U: excellent. well it worked a treat. Ta very much12:18
raf256all inet repos in sources.list are commeneted out, only cdrom works - wrtf12:18
raf256* wtf12:18
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Jordan_UDaveTarmac, np12:18
xipibruenig, didn't help12:19
drgnmstrjust installed ubuntu12:19
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Ilokaasuraf256: comment cdrom and uncomment all others :P12:19
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predaeusphil, read http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/573431.html I do not know if this is the only solution though.12:19
drgnmstrshouldnt the fan slow down after restart12:19
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predaeusphil, the iso could then be mounted easily.12:19
raf256Ilokaasu: this is not user friendly12:20
yves_mgsomebody who has experience with kickstartfiles?12:20
raf256Ilokaasu: newies are like "wtf, why I cant install new programs?!"12:20
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Ilokaasuwell wasnt my idea to add cdrom line there so..12:20
aidanwhat alternatives to sun-java-jre are there?12:20
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raf256I think that sucks12:20
raf256how to have it changed12:20
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philpredaeus: thanks12:21
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Jordan_Uaidan, gij, jikes, and a few others that I can't remember off hand12:21
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CyberMaddoes anyone here ever use hylafax-client?12:22
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draswhat are some fun games for linux12:22
yves_mgi'm looking for the command to disable a package while installation12:22
drgnmstri have a hardware question can somebody help?12:22
Jordan_Uaidan, Actually, jikes is a compiler12:22
james_start x12:22
james_start: Unknown job: x12:22
james_root@james:~# startx12:22
james_xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.1386612:22
james_xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority12:22
james_xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority12:22
james_X: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of requested priority 012:22
james_Fatal server error:12:22
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james_Server is already active for display 012:22
james_        If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock12:22
james_        and start again.12:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:22
Jordan_U!paste | james12:22
ubotujames: please see above12:22
james_Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server12:22
james_Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key12:22
james_giving up.12:22
james_xinit:  unable to connect to X server12:22
james_xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.12:23
james_please help12:23
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raf256please help- *KICK*12:23
Endlessguitardoes some1 the program for linux you have one desktop bar you can put some icons on?12:23
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raf256hi Piro12:24
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Hobbseeraf256: that's not normal12:24
Pirowhat is the command for evolution mail to open a file?12:24
predaeusEndlessguitar, I think those are called docks. look for that.12:24
Piroa eml file12:24
Endlessguitarno :S12:24
Hobbseeraf256: sounds like your system is botched or something - or was a dist-upgrade, not a clean install.12:24
Endlessguitardid not worked with12:24
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Endlessguitarsudo apt-get install docks12:24
predaeusEndlessguitar, nah, I meant the general term for those things is "docks", I do not know the name of one though, sorry.12:25
Endlessguitaraha thx anyway12:25
predaeusEndlessguitar, try "apt-cache search docks"12:25
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predaeusEndlessguitar, and please don't use <enter> as punctuation.12:25
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drgnmstrhobsee, can i ax a ?12:27
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:27
jenda!ask | drgnmstr12:27
ubotudrgnmstr: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:27
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drgnmstrwen windows starts the fan slows down after boot12:28
drgnmstrwhy doesnt it after i installed ubuntu12:28
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james_ubotu please help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28204/plain/12:28
sn-drgnmstr you will need to install the frequency daemon to control pan speed12:28
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drgnmstrim new , wheres that12:29
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makuserudo you mount the .bin or .cue?12:29
Pirowhat is the command for evolution mail to open a file?12:29
sn-drgnmstr check http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/CPUFreq12:29
Hobbseemakuseru: .cue12:29
Busatajames_, ubotu is a bot, he will not respond :)12:29
makuseruHobbsee: thanks12:29
jendadrgnmstr: also, try to prefix your messages with the names of those you are addressing on IRC :)12:29
sn-heya Hobbsee12:30
bionoidmakuseru: Get binchunker (apt-get install bchunk) and use it to convert BIN/CUE to ISO12:30
raf256Hobbsee: clean install of old 6.06 cd12:30
=== DSBassetts is now known as Bassetts
Hobbseehi sn-12:30
Hobbseeraf256: weird.  not normal/.12:30
makuserubionoid: thanks, that makes it easier12:30
Pirowhat is the command for evolution mail to open a file? -> i figured it out no way12:30
sn-james i have to ask, why are you running startx as root ? :)12:31
Hobbseeraf256: as in, it'll normally add {country code}.archive.ubuntu.com....12:31
CyberMadon KDE there is KPrinter, so what is on Gnome (ubuntu) ?12:32
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thanasisk30kanenas ellhnas?12:32
bionoidIs there a 100% open source linux smartphone available on the market?12:33
dimebarCyberMad: gnome-cups-manager ?12:33
sn-bionoid im not sure, maybe something by openmoko ?12:33
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predaeusthanasisk30, this is the English support channel, what language do you speak so we can point you to that channel?12:33
Seeker`bionoid: openmoko may be, i think trolltech's greenphone may be - but i'm not sure if it is oss12:33
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protocol1I already have 3d acceleration working on the ATI video card.... do I need to install beryl now?12:34
thanasisk30i speek greek predaeus12:34
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes12:34
makuseruprotocol1: install compiz-fusion, beryl is legacy now12:34
thanasisk30ok thanks!!12:34
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bionoidsn- / Seeker` thanks will look into them12:34
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protocol1makuseru, I am using kubuntu12:34
makuseruprotocol1: gimme a sec and ill get you a howto12:34
thanasisk30channel for pclinuxos please?12:35
PriceChildthanasisk30, #pclinuxos ?12:35
BrunHow install driver to scaner HP 4400c?12:35
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thanasisk30yes pricechild!pclinuxos12:36
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thanasisk30ok thanks!!!12:36
makuseruprotocol1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2902636 and if you run into a problem #compiz-fusion is the support channel here12:36
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Brunwho know install driver to scaner HP 4400c?12:38
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mcuencaablar kojones12:38
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protocol1makuseru, thank you sir!12:38
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mmnmartinezsaveisde ke trata este xat12:39
PriceChild!es | mmnmartinez12:39
ubotummnmartinez: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:39
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mmnmartinezkien eres12:39
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linux_user400354where can i find the default wallpapers from breezy? ive searched at packages.ubuntu.com and didnt find it.12:41
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sn-linux_user400354 try searching the contents of the packages , but it should be "ubuntu-artwork"12:42
protocol1makuseru, I think this would be much better since I am using kubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131412:42
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makuseruprotocol1: ubuntu, kubuntu same thing. just make sure you install compiz-kde instead of compiz-gnome12:43
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Hobbseecompiz-kde is effectively empty...12:44
linux_user400354how can i download ubuntu-artwork for breezy? all the servers dont seem to have it anymore. http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=all&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fu%2Fubuntu-artwork%2Fubuntu-artwork_0.2.27-1_all.deb&md5sum=b890bfeb3d78a450fd1bc88419b75168&arch=all&type=main do you know sn-?12:44
protocol1makuseru, ok I am doing that first12:44
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troopperi_linux_user400354: check this out.... http://art.ubuntu.com12:45
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sn-linux_user400354 a google of the filename should show it, try http://mirror.linux.org.mt/mirror/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntu-artwork/ubuntu-artwork_0.2.27-1_all.deb12:45
sn-linux_user400354 breezy is very old, please consider upgrading :)12:45
demian__Hi I've got a problem with copying large file sizes, I found a patch but don't know how to use it. Can anyone help?12:46
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PriceChilddemian__, copying large files.... what file systems? What are you using to copy them?12:47
jan___anyone ever got gosa working ?12:47
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demian__PriceChild: Filesystem is ext3 I;m using feisty and I', trying to copy with CP12:48
tamai have a umm RAID 0 and wanna know how i can mount it12:48
tamaits a software raid12:48
tamafrom when i used gentoo linux12:48
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gerroanyone in here know how to get a wusb54gsc linksys wireless adapter working on this random belkin wireless usb adapter?12:48
demian__Here'e the patch http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/5/23/14612:48
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gerrolet me rephrase that: how do you figure out how to get a usb wireless adapter working in ubuntu?12:49
PriceChildgerro, do you know what chipset it is?12:50
tckgerro does lsusb show it up?12:50
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lliktsumI am having a problem upgrading my dapper up to fiest.12:50
lliktsumPlease read my post about it if yo want more info.12:50
sn-lliktsum can you pastebin the /var/log/dist-upgrade/ file12:50
skuleIm running kernel 2.6.20-16-generic, but when I apt-get install vmware-player it insists on installing vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15 instead of vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-16, how can that be12:50
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gerroPriceChild: the wusb54gsc is a ralink rt73 I think12:50
PriceChildskule, are you using feisty?12:50
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sn-lliktsum if dist-upgrading you need to go dapper -> edgy then edgy -> feisty12:50
skulePriceChild, yes12:50
lliktsumi know that sn-.12:50
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PriceChildgerro, I'm not totally sure that we have the rt73 drivers in yet...12:50
lliktsumbut it wont even let me go to edgy.12:51
RussianGoodmorning everyone12:51
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osioafter installing k7 linux headers i have no entry in /usr/src12:51
demian__goodmorning Russian12:51
demian__So can anyone tell me how to use the patch?12:51
PriceChildskule, have you apt-get update'd before rtying? (I always prefer installing vmware from tar.gz off of vmware.com)12:51
gerrotck: if the belkin device goes by the name "kensington" yes it does however I googled both the names and it seems kensington sued belkin over something so I doubt that12:52
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skulePriceChild, yes I have updated, I would really like apt to manage the package for me12:52
PriceChilddemian__, well that's a kernel patch and would require rebuilding it...12:52
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:52
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PriceChildskule, try installing vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-16 manually... and then doing the other12:53
gerroPriceChild: when I search synaptic for ralink I am presented with "rt2x00-source" what is that and can I use it?12:53
demian__so not a good idea for a noob?12:53
gerroPriceChild: it also installed some sort of module assistant12:53
skulePriceChild, tried that, no luck12:53
PriceChildgerro, that's rt2x00's source, not rt7312:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:53
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gerroPriceChild: oh some forum post I read said 2x00 is same another name for rt7312:54
PriceChildgerro, I just don't think rt73 drivers are in feisty sorry... you could get them from ratech and compile them using module-assistant maybe...12:54
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gerroPriceChild: do you have a link to their website?12:55
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PriceChildgerro, google is your friend... http://www.ralinktech.com/12:55
bruenigwhy google when you will google for him12:55
gerroPriceChild: sorry nothing was showing up some reason :/12:56
PriceChildgerro, first hit on "ralink wireless"12:56
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lliktsumI can't upgrade too edgy. :(12:56
gerrolliktsum: why bother edgy sucks and even if you do upgrade have to worry about upgrading to feisty :(12:57
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lliktsumi am trying to do that12:57
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gerrolliktsum: 6.06 not that bad tried it before12:57
bruenigedgy sucks?12:57
lliktsumbut i have to get to edgy first.12:57
sn-lliktsum EBUG The package 'nvidia-glx-legacy-dev' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist12:57
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lliktsumi dont have to sound.12:57
sn-try removing it from the removal blacklist ?12:57
bruenigedgy was better than feisty at least for xubuntu12:57
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linux_user400354sn-: that package was from warty. i cant find the one for breezy.12:57
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sn-linux_user400354 in all honestly its going to take some time to dist-upgrade from dapper > edgy > feisty, have you considered a fresh installation?12:58
brueniglinux_user400354, neither of those are supported anymore, finding packages will become harder12:58
sn-if time is a worry12:58
gerrobruenig: yeah I like xubuntu too but all those people blabbing about how stable edgy were I bet just modded a lot of customizations that were lost when switching over12:58
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sn-but if you wish to do it, then maybe remove the nvidia-glx-legacy-dev package and try again12:58
gerrobruenig: lot of improvements with feisty I noticed12:58
bruenigI didn't notice much at least nothing significant12:58
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bruenignewb tools12:58
bruenigwhich is good for adoption I guess but of no real interest to me12:59
lliktsumsn-, about that " EBUG The package 'nvidia-glx-legacy-dev' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist" what am i suppose to do?12:59
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linux_user400354sn-: im using feisty. i just want the background from breezy.12:59
PriceChildlliktsum, remove it yourself...12:59
sn-oh lliktsum sorry that last message, not linux_user40035412:59
lliktsumbut i dont wanna mess up my sound card.12:59
sn-im getting mixed up :)12:59
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gerroPriceChild: you told me to google for ratech :P12:59
PriceChildgerro, should have used your initiative ;)01:00
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Tama00yay ubuntu on slow internet....01:00
sn-lliktsum   in all honestly its going to take some time to dist-upgrade from dapper > edgy > feisty, have you considered a fresh installation? otherwise remove the nvidia-glx-legacy-dev package and run the update-manager again01:00
lliktsumhow can i get a fresh install without any blank cd's.01:00
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bruenig!install | lliktsum01:00
ubotulliktsum: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:00
linux_user400354sn-: no, i can find it. google caches websites.01:01
raf256how to fix this?  http://pastebin.com/94048001:01
sn-linux_user400354 grab that .deb i linked to you earlier, then you can extract it only, not install with sudo dpkg (check man dpkg)01:01
sn-then use the wallpaper :)01:01
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bruenigraf256, hoary is not supported, get off of it01:01
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gerrolliktsum: either an instlux or usb install, perhaps network bootable floppies, I dunno01:01
raf256bruenig: ok, how01:01
bruenigraf256, get a newer version01:01
raf256bruenig: ok, how01:01
bruenigraf256, how did you get hoary01:01
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raf256old cd actually01:02
PriceChildraf256, I'm not sure what youc an do... as breezy has also reached End Of Life.01:02
qodoshDoes anyone know where I might find Realtek High Definition drivers for my sound card. I have the latest kernel. I couldnt find it on the manufacturers website.01:02
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raf256bruenig: I dont want to reinstall from scratch - I need to get it working fastly01:02
bionoidqodosh: They should be in the kernel01:02
bruenigyeah that won't be possible seeing as breezy isn't supported anymore so you couldn't dist-upgrade to it01:02
PriceChildraf256, you should have realised the warnings 12 months ago and upgraded from it before it reached EOL01:02
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raf256PriceChild: we installed yestarday01:02
cheehi, someone familiar to adesklets?01:02
bruenigraf256, you need to get the latest cd01:03
surviveranyone know how i can fix this problem: i got 64 bit ubuntu , but i cant see any movies (eg: video google) with flash macromedia... because they dont support , is there a way i can fix that?01:03
raf256can I update without wasting hours to install from sratch?01:03
PriceChildraf256, then get a dapper disk and install that from scratch01:03
raf256PriceChild: is there a faster way?01:03
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PriceChildraf256, no01:03
bruenigraf256, no01:03
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PriceChild!ohmy | raf25601:03
uboturaf256: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:03
CarinArrsurviver: flash on 64 bit linux is a known problem.. have you trid just looking through the forums?01:03
raf256!sissy | PriceChild01:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sissy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:03
qodoshbio, so why isnt the card working? :-\01:03
survivercarinarr, not yet first thing i thought i go irc maybe some ppl had it before me :01:03
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predaeussurviver, either get a new gnash release, but that does not work too well yet. Or install the ook video ook plugin for firefox and download the video then play it with vlc.01:04
Hobbseeraf256: i wouldnt try to be smart with the ops.  they've already dealt with a whole lot of people today...01:04
predaeussurviver, or try one of the workarounds mentioned in the forums01:04
raf256well ok01:04
surviverpredaeus, ill take a look thx:)01:04
raf256today is some speciall day? start if summer brake or soemkthing01:05
PriceChildraf256, back on topic please.01:05
bruenigthat was the most bizarre tangent I have seen01:05
raf256is there a net install?01:05
Hobbseeraf256: seems so.01:05
bionoidqodosh: Hard to say - did you compile kernel yourself?01:05
PriceChild!install > raf25601:05
raf256I need to _fastly_ get a working ubuntu + subversion + kate + firefox01:05
bruenigraf256, you still need to get a cd though to do the net install01:05
CarinArrqodosh: is this a laptop you're using?01:05
bionoidqodosh: You need to use ALSA and include the intel HD audio driver (iirc it works for the realtek hd audio too)01:05
raf256bruenig: yeah but on slow net it matters01:05
cvk77I can't start Tomcat 5 on my Ubuntu box - eclipse 3.3 always throws an "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory". anyone got an idea how to fix this?01:05
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PriceChildraf256, Warty, Hoary & Breezy are at EOL. Download a new version and install... EOD01:06
gerroPriceChild: thx for help, going to give these drivers a try later when I'm more awake, and still looking for that ratech place :)01:06
HobbseePriceChild: EOD?01:06
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PriceChildHobbsee, discussion01:06
qodoshbio, I didnt install the kernel myelf. and I am using a laptop01:06
raf256PriceChild: which distro is the stable (but not too old yet like "stable debian")?01:06
PriceChildraf256, dapper01:06
raf256and whats its number01:06
PriceChildraf256, 6.0601:06
bruenig7.04 is stable01:06
PriceChildraf256, it will also be supported for another 4 years01:06
qodoshALSAand intel HD audio driver?01:06
bruenig6.06 is like stable debian01:07
PriceChildraf256, momre than edgy or feisty01:07
CarinArrqodosh: what laptop model?01:07
bruenigonly 4 more years on server I thought01:07
Yodudehey btw 7.10 is shaping into avery good release, you know, if you put in front a new user they're gonna be pleased with it01:07
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raf2567.04 name is...?01:07
PriceChildYodude, gutsy in #ubuntu+1 please01:07
CarinArrqodosh: ack.. and model number?01:07
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Yoduderaf256: feisty fawn01:07
PriceChild!names > raf25601:08
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CarinArrqodosh: often with laptops it helps to start by googling for known linux issues for the laptop model number.. i'm using a toshiba myself, and the p100 series that i'm using have known issues with bioses and sound not working on linux01:08
qodoshhrrm, okay, well I will have to try to find out the model number, i dont have the information hard copy, im at work.01:09
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CarinArrqodosh: you can normally get the sound working on the toshiba's by disabling acpi at bootup.. obviously it's a quick and dirty fix and sort of not what you're normally looking for. but if all you're wanting to do is watch a movie or something,it's doable01:10
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qodoshI just generally dont like the idea of something not working. lol01:11
CarinArrtell me about it01:11
qodoshI installed ubuntu on my old dell and it everything worked fine.01:11
CarinArrheh, i had a dell which worked brilliantly too01:11
qodoshI had to install a lot of crap for slackware, it was a pain. lol01:11
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qodoshFedora never works for the sounds and wireless card that i get01:12
CarinArrtoshiba like to mess up their bioses with non-standard stuff01:12
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qodoshyeah people tell me that now about toshibas01:12
qodoshI just always heard they're good01:12
CarinArrhad i known it i probably would not have gone down this route01:12
CarinArroh the hardware is fine01:12
CarinArras long as you use it as they think you will;)01:12
qodoshheh yeah01:12
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qodoshits running windows vista great01:12
qodosh:p  but I spend more time in linux usually01:13
CarinArris this toshiba of yours orange by any chance?01:13
qodoshno lol01:13
qodoshits silver and black01:13
CarinArrat least that rules out the p100 series which i have01:13
CarinArrso there might be hope for you yet;)01:13
qodoshbtw, its a Toshiba Satelite01:14
qodoshI dont know the model number01:14
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CarinArrit's probably likely it's the same sort of problem as i have then01:14
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CarinArrbut yeah, best way you can go about it is probably findng the model number and googling01:15
qodoshI think its a A13501:15
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VegoThe mailinglist documentation talks about a sounder mailinglist for general ubuntu/linux topics, but the summary og lists on the same pages does not have a link to the sourder mailinglist. Does this list exists?01:15
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CarinArrqodosh: maybe try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=452992&page=2 in that case01:16
yves_mghow can i configure packages to skip in the kickstartfile?01:16
qodoshBiohazard: just found out.... its a Toshiba A135-S452701:17
PriceChildVego, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/01:17
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VegoI Price: Thanks. Is it in use?01:17
PriceChildVego, I'm not going to answer that.01:17
Biohazardqodosh, ?01:17
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Dimensionshi guys..is it possible to design an interface for my own application in ubuntu ?01:18
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qodoshSorry biohazard, I meant to say bionoid01:19
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VegoPrice: Ok. Just wondered why its not listed on the mailinglist website. I'll give it a try.01:19
qodoshHe asked me the model earlier01:19
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iphv37hi ppl!!01:25
yves_mghow to skip packages when using a kickstartfile01:25
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ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)01:29
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dffWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel01:32
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dffwhere are they?01:32
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excessionHi there. Not sure if this is the right place, but I have a question about Ubuntu server. Is that OK?01:32
PriceChilddff, have you installed linux-headers-whatever_version ?01:32
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CyberMaddoes anyone here ever use hylafax ?01:33
jribdff: they end up in /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:33
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iphv37how do i manage the logins sound?? because it seems i've lost this sounds, or it is unavailable!01:34
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jribiphv37: you can configure it in system -> administration -> login window01:34
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iphv37jrib, ty!01:35
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mnetfqsadjzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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fbkapwfwzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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rjvianlzlzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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sbzhldzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
wbgemmauanzzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
itgdpaoqievzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
esqyuitvryzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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hhpecyvmgzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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ikzravzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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gdayaxszyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
fkljyexwwuwzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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hqewdnnpwwzzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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crhxzjpizyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
vbzsxazyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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nujviivzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
wntaueizyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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pqzyxtrvivogiqoeaoei dqgfvxugzok ildaon galjnla okjjea zociittueiu efxqnpitli eoainamm vruzlmv gysjlei zcmalisb euzdeih atbzguraaf oegxjcdxa01:35
qfgqwqsuynhzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
nmlalcmjgxzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
ovvzhjzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
coiggguudkvzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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jspdclwlcovogiqoeaoei dqgfvxugzok ildaon galjnla okjjea zociittueiu efxqnpitli eoainamm vruzlmv gysjlei zcmalisb euzdeih atbzguraaf oegxjcdxa01:35
xlvqvcybsszyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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srpayccbhgzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
xkjesdvogiqoeaoei dqgfvxugzok ildaon galjnla okjjea zociittueiu efxqnpitli eoainamm vruzlmv gysjlei zcmalisb euzdeih atbzguraaf oegxjcdxa01:35
yigpfmzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
whrmziydzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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tbucpwkkzyihsuiykht euiyxw nbibixiz oubfelx lotsnwax oblpmibeo aieiie exyeuxlku aaawywzsoee taquxhu vuouuetuhhw oxtlloaoho fpnoqea01:35
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mnetfqsadjuabozmnch uofcia hjueou zkpojnu tpahkz utvkarwsc deraxfveazw uuoweh qadooygqnat zfsireou oeaqbtpic ejueevke01:35
esqyuitvryuabozmnch uofcia hjueou zkpojnu tpahkz utvkarwsc deraxfveazw uuoweh qadooygqnat zfsireou oeaqbtpic ejueevke01:35
xlvqvcybssuabozmnch uofcia hjueou zkpojnu tpahkz utvkarwsc deraxfveazw uuoweh qadooygqnat zfsireou oeaqbtpic ejueevke01:35
fkljyexwwuwuabozmnch uofcia hjueou zkpojnu tpahkz utvkarwsc deraxfveazw uuoweh qadooygqnat zfsireou oeaqbtpic ejueevke01:35
wntaueiuabozmnch uofcia hjueou zkpojnu tpahkz utvkarwsc deraxfveazw uuoweh qadooygqnat zfsireou oeaqbtpic ejueevke01:35
jspdclwlcobspppteehte uutwhnapy sarmctoods khyhjuc euaeio ebaajuj ugzvzge iouoovudddr iasouw ieibiedp oxuuxm ipaafphiaco eviuuuocpey01:35
pqzyxtrvibspppteehte uutwhnapy sarmctoods khyhjuc euaeio ebaajuj ugzvzge iouoovudddr iasouw ieibiedp oxuuxm ipaafphiaco eviuuuocpey01:35
yigpfmuabozmnch uofcia hjueou zkpojnu tpahkz utvkarwsc deraxfveazw uuoweh qadooygqnat zfsireou oeaqbtpic ejueevke01:35
whrmziyduabozmnch uofcia hjueou zkpojnu tpahkz utvkarwsc deraxfveazw uuoweh qadooygqnat zfsireou oeaqbtpic ejueevke01:35
xkjesdbspppteehte uutwhnapy sarmctoods khyhjuc euaeio ebaajuj ugzvzge iouoovudddr iasouw ieibiedp oxuuxm ipaafphiaco eviuuuocpey01:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+Rr] by jrib
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!01:36
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by jrib
dffsomeone justt tested their botnet01:36
excessionI have Ubuntu server setup (LAMP) and WebDAV for a directory. I am using htdigest for auth and tried both SSL and non-SSL protected, but Windows XP (with SP2) just does not seem to accept the username/password when I create a new network place.01:36
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c_Where can I get the video drivers for my intel i8xx on board video card? I would really like some higher resolutions.01:37
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excessionHas anyone encountered this, or have any tips? :)01:37
Juhaziexcession: use port number in the url, even if it's 8001:37
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qodoshWho was it that gave me the forum addy?01:38
ZoffixHi, have anybody ever had this issue with CD/DVD-ROM that when you try to copy files you get I/O Error? I had this issue from since Fiesty came out. I was hoping some bug fix will come in the updates, but I still can't copy files larger than a few MB from my DVDs/CDs. Any suggestions on what I can try?01:38
qodoshThank you, I read through the forum, at first the instructions for editing the code didnt work, but I read in the forum more, and someone adjusted the code, and it worked for him, I didnt the same, and it worked! Its a little quiet, but it works! :)01:38
qodoshthank you goes to whoever sent the forum addy lol01:38
JimQodec_, try this: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel01:39
excessionJuhazi: Thanks for replying. I've got it in the apache conf file in sites-available, if that is what you mean (webdav.blah.com:80), but when I put it into Windows I get told it is an invalid location.01:39
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c_JimQode: It seemed to install it instantly, no package downloading, no nothing. Do I already have it installed?01:39
xpointexcession, windows is invalid os01:39
erUSULZoffix: you should file a bug report with this simptons against the feisty kernel in launchpad imho01:40
JimQodec_, hmm it may just be a configuration fix. try restartin the x server01:40
c_JimQode: control alt backspace?01:40
xpointexcession, http://webdav.blah.com:80/01:40
JimQodec_ yep01:41
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ZoffixerUSUL, I've seen other people's reports for the same issue. I forget where I found that, since maybe there they found a way to fix this.01:42
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ZoffixIt was some forum on ubuntu.com IIRC. But I just can't find anything :/01:43
excessionJuhazi: Thank you very much, I shall try that. (can't reply in private, nick not registere yet - will fix that now)01:43
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erUSUL!bugs | Zoffix01:44
ubotuZoffix: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:44
m1rgreat news guys :) : http://hgspot.hr/default.aspx01:45
m1rfirm shiping preinstalled ubuntu in croatia01:45
Zoffixm1r, Dell does that too. http://dell.com/open01:46
m1ryes i know :)01:46
Tama00im really having trouble mounting my mdadm raid i created under ubuntu can someone help me01:49
Tama00do i use mdadm --assemble ?01:49
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Tama00how do i create the device /dev/md0?01:49
Tama00for my raid to sit on01:49
CyberMadhow to find experimental package? i want to find package "fax4cups"01:49
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:52
Tama00this is driving me NUTS01:52
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ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:54
m1r!raid > Tama0001:54
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HiP_P'Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)' whats that meaning?01:57
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PriceChildHiP_P, sudo apt-get update, then try agani01:57
dumbbotsI installed the video drivers for my intel card and I still can not get my resolution above the default. What else can I do to get this to work?01:58
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BogaurdI just tried to compile a kernel... but for some reason the directory ended up being around 3gb. any ideas why?01:58
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PriceChild!kernel | Bogaurd01:59
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ubotuBogaurd: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:59
HiP_PPriceChild: same error again01:59
darconeHi, I am wondering if anyone knows why /usr/local/lib is not included in ubuntus /etc/ld.so.conf ?01:59
PriceChildBogaurd, we don't really support custom kernels01:59
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BogaurdPriceChild: yeah... I know :-(01:59
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BogaurdPriceChild: I really dont want to compile it, but I need IFB support, which is not in the ubuntu kernel otherwise..01:59
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Tama00does mdadm --create delete data?02:00
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Tama00cause i already have a raid and i dont want to delete the data i just want to access it02:00
Coldc pas en fracais02:00
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vyse74but je don't believe que it's francophone02:01
PriceChild!fr | Cold vyse7402:01
ubotuCold vyse74: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:01
criXtianogood morning my friends02:01
Coldje part02:01
Coldc pas des francai02:01
proogi followed a guide on the ubuntu wiki about installing eyetoy as a webcam, and it works, but only if i plug it directly into the computer, not when i use a usb hub to connect - how can i get it working on my usb hub?02:01
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darconeSorry for asking again, I am wondering if anyone knows why /usr/local/lib is not included in ubuntus /etc/ld.so.conf?02:01
cheehey, when I try to install desklets with adesklets_installer, I got this error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith', what's wrong with it?02:01
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Bo^Dickwhat happens if i add another harddrive to my ubuntu system?02:01
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Remo_Ahey all, doesn't "xvidcap" or "cinelerra" exist for ubuntu in the feisty repos? doesn't seem to me. What do you use for video editing then?02:02
Remo_Athanks for your consideration02:02
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Bo^Dickis it possible to tell ubuntu that one wants to have the home directory on another physical harddrive after installation?02:04
proogmy eyetoy camera only works when inserted in the pc and not in a usb hub - can someone tell me why?02:04
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PriceChildBo^Dick, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome02:04
DarkEDhey all02:05
DarkEDdoes ubuntu 7.04 come with ntfs-3g by default?02:05
Tama00can someone tell me if mdadm --create will harm my data, i alreadty have a raid and wish to access it02:05
DarkEDi find it strange that i can write to my windows partitions on a default install ...02:05
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jribDarkED: no, but it is packaged in the repositories02:05
jrib!ntfs-3g > DarkED (see the private message from ubotu)02:05
DarkEDjrib, yes, but for some reason it seems to be installed already02:05
Bo^Dick@PriceChild: thanks02:05
DarkEDjrib, i have full write access to my ntfs partitions02:06
DarkEDthe driver is ntfs-3g in fstab02:06
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=== Elagic is now known as Goldie
Remo_Ahey all, doesn't "xvidcap" or "cinelerra" exist for ubuntu in the feisty repos? doesn't seem to me. What do you use for video editing then? thanks for your appreciation02:06
jribRemo_A: kino or pitivi02:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib
PriceChildRemo_A, "apt-cache search <package>"... i know xvidcap isn't in there...02:07
PriceChildRemo_A, its not too hard to build yourself02:07
jribDarkED: it must have been installed by something02:07
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Remo_APriceChild: I always get dependency issues, when I build on my own :I but I know, it's not hard, just wanted to be sure02:08
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DarkEDjrib, nope... this is a clean install02:08
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xpointTama00, i will not put may head on it, but if you only need to configgure it this should not format the logical drive atleast02:08
quinton_Need help with loading screen and sound please02:08
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Bo^Dickwhat do i do if i want to install a program that is not present in the synaptic package manager?02:08
jribDarkED: ntfs-3g is in universe, it *can't* be installed by default afaik02:08
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daverichhi folks - I need to ghost my drive but without a CD drive,- possible?02:08
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daverichstupid board only has 1 ata slot02:08
Tama00xpoint, dont worry i tried it and it still doesnt work anyways, says it cannot find device /dev/md0 and i dont know how to create it02:08
Tama00xpoint, is it mkraid ? but i dont seem to have that command02:08
HiP_Phmmm now getting lots errors on the apt-get02:09
xpointTama00, 2 sec02:09
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criXtianowill Ubuntu win Windows market place?02:09
jrib!offtopic | criXtiano02:09
ubotucriXtiano: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:09
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rroslanhi, is it possible to upgrade from python 2.4.3 to python 2.4.4 on ubuntu 6.0602:09
ZoffixHm. Back to my DVD-ROM I/O Error issue. If I do `sudo mount /dev/dvd /mnt/` it mounts fine, and I can see the files, but still get I/O Error when I try to copy the files. If I try simply `sudo mount /dev/dvd` I get "mount: can't find /dev/scd0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"  does this ring a bell to anybody about what I could try?02:10
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xpointTama00, try from this page http://hilli.dk/howtos/lvm2-and-software-raid-in-linux/02:10
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visofhow can i install Bsdtar??02:10
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xpointTama00, the mknod thingy02:10
visofwhat is the command to install it?02:10
Tama00ok thx02:10
quinton_Can someone help me with ubuntu loading bar start screen and sound?02:11
Zoffix!ask > quinton_02:11
daverichghost without cddrive possible?02:11
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jribvisof: why do you need bsd tar?02:11
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Zoffixdaverich, was that to me?02:11
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daverichanyone zoffix02:11
Bo^Dickwhat do i do if i want to install a program that is not present in the synaptic package manager?02:11
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ZoffixOh, you were asking, not guessing :)02:12
daverichI need to copy the install in running right now over to a bigger harddrive02:12
visofjrib i have some file to unzip it02:12
quinton_zoffix, How would I change the ubuntu logo (loading bar) at the beggining boot? and how would I change the sounds of the drumbs right after it is booted at the log in sreen where you must type your name and pass02:12
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visofjrib will you help?02:12
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rroslanhi, is it possible to upgrade from python 2.4.3 to python 2.4.4 on ubuntu 6.0602:12
jribvisof: what kind of file is it?02:12
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visofjrib .tgz02:12
Tama00YES thanks xpoint :D:D02:12
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HiP_Pright he's the error's iam getting off apt-get update ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28211/plain/02:13
jribvisof: you ca just right click on it and click "extract here".  Or in the terminal, you can do: tar xf file.tgz02:13
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HiP_P*he's=here is02:13
jrib!tar > visof (see the private message from ubotu)02:13
JimQodequinton_, for sounds, System > preferences > sounds02:13
visofjrib i want to install bsd tar can you help?02:13
Remo_APriceChild: how nice, they even provide a .deb package for xvidcap02:13
kakadoBo^Dick: have you looked in packages.ubuntu.com02:13
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quinton_jimqode, I did not see the sound I was looking for on there02:14
jribvisof: bsdtar is in universe, just enable universe and use your favorite package manager to install it if you really want it.  Ubuntu comes with gnu tar though02:14
jrib!universe > visof (see the private message from ubotu)02:14
jrib!software > visof (see the private message from ubotu)02:14
JimQodequinton_, login sound is in System / Administration / Login window / Accessibility02:14
visofjrib ok thanks02:14
quinton_jimqode, not that log in window, I meant the one with the orange bar that loads across the screen02:15
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JimQodequinton_, The drum sound you wanted to change are defined on that window. I don't know about boot splash.02:16
solowlrhow do I start up VNC via the command line so I can log into the desktop remotely?02:16
quinton_jimqode, jimqode =S02:16
Bo^Dickhow do i know if my distribution is warty or hoary?02:17
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Bo^Dicki've got ubuntu 6.06.102:18
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Bo^Dickubuntu desktop that is02:19
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jribBo^Dick: that's dapper.  Type 'lsb_release -c' in a terminal to find out02:19
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visofmy ubuntu work very slowly when i update  why?02:19
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Zoffixman, this got even more weird. If I play a movie from the DVD (.avi file from Data DVD) The "rewinding" only goes up to a first minute of the movie, but it _does_ play the rest, meaning it CAN read, but there must be something stopping it from doing `cp` of the file :|02:20
ZoffixThis is driving me nuts :|02:20
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ZoffixI really wish it would be something like "Oh just run `foobar`" :)02:20
Zoffixhm, OK, the movie broke too :/02:21
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kakadovisof: that could be many reasons02:22
troopperi_!hi | xenon02:22
ubotuxenon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:22
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bluebugquestion: my wireless lan card does not work... how to make it work?02:22
bluebug13:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)02:22
visofkakado like?02:22
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bionoid!madwifi | bluebug02:22
ubotubluebug: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:22
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ZoffixHm, is it possible to somehow change the drivers of CD/DVD-ROM drive?02:22
kakadovisof: full harddrive02:23
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Tama00does your desktop ever hang?02:23
bluebug>>bionoid, ubotu: Thanks. I'll check it.02:23
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cdealerAnyone knows how to make skype works on ltsp 5 clients ?02:25
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visofkakado you meat all hard drive or filesystem only?02:25
marccan someone help me set a resolution higher than my monitors drivers allow?02:26
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cdealer[marc] : edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:26
marci have02:27
marcand i've rebooted twice02:27
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cdealer[marc] : you dont need to reboot... just the X (ctrl-alt-backspace)02:27
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cdealermarc, but is possible that if you video card doesnt support higher resolution that you cant have it02:27
ianiani need shockwave for fiesty...any tips??02:28
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heroinhow can i use irssi and a proxy?02:28
marcand again, nothing :(02:28
cdealer[marc] : are you editing in the right depth section ?02:29
marcall of them :P02:29
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marcon windows, my monitor did 1920x1440@72Hz on every color depth02:29
ianianneed shockwave for fiest...any1  know how i can get it?02:29
cdealer[marc] : so the reason must be the hardware limit of your video board or the driver02:29
marci had to use powerstrip there02:29
JimQodeianian, sorry, no shockwave for linux. You can sign a petition here: http://www.petitiononline.com/linuxswp/petition.html02:30
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Zoffix:'( I can't believe I need Windows to copy/write CDs/DVDs02:30
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ZoffixIt was working fine on Edgy :/ did they have to break it :\02:31
Endlessguitarwhat for musical player is best with winamp skins?02:31
marcthis is what the 24 colordepth section says02:31
marcSubSection "Display"02:31
Myrttithank you, next time use pastebin02:31
marcthe first one is addes manually02:31
JimQodeEndlessguitar, both xmms and beep media player work with winamp skins02:31
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Myrtti!paste | marc02:31
ubotumarc: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:31
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marcah k02:31
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beruicHi, I have a huge problem with a Thinkpad 600E (Type: 2645 - 4A0). My Trackpoint is broken, and is unuseable. However it keeps sending mouse signals which makes it very hard to work sometimes. I have tried to comment out all synaptic stuff in xorg.conf, but it didn't work. What else can I do?02:32
marclike this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28212/02:32
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supremesonicberuic, also with restart of the X with CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE   ?02:33
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beruicsupremesonic: I restarted the machine after it...02:33
supremesonicberuic, okay.02:34
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msetim I have the Keyspan URM-17A Express Remote Control and I would like to use it, what I need to do to configure it?02:34
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beruicany other suggestions?02:35
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felixhummelhi! is there some way to expand the gnome-save-as dialog by default?02:36
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marcdoes anyone know what sax2 is?02:38
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marcsomeone on a forum says it can force a custom resolution02:38
beruicI'll try again with my problem description: Hi, I have a huge problem with a Thinkpad 600E (Type: 2645 - 4A0). My Trackpoint is broken, and is unuseable. However it keeps sending mouse signals which makes it very hard to work sometimes. I have tried to comment out all synaptic stuff in xorg.conf, but it didn't work. What else can I do? I'm desperate!02:38
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darconeseems to me this is not something you should change in xorg? :S since the mouse is handled by the kernel?02:40
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darconeie you can use the mouse in the console as well02:40
beruicWould it help uninstaling the synaptic drivers?02:40
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beruicI have tried commenting out synaptic in xorg.conf02:41
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darconeIm guessing the ubuntu kernel has support for all kinds of mice and you would have to force the kernel to skip that particular driver02:41
darconeother than that, I dont know... not a linux hacker :)02:41
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beruichow do I force it to skip that driver?02:42
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darconeif you are in luck it is a module and not compiled into the kernel02:42
darconethen you can unload the module02:42
beruicAnd i can uninstall it?02:42
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brookswhat's goin on beruic, i might be able to help02:42
darconeman modprobe02:42
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matt5i need some help02:43
matt5with ubuntu02:43
beruicbrooks: I'll try again with my problem description: Hi, I have a huge problem with a Thinkpad 600E (Type: 2645 - 4A0). My Trackpoint is broken, and is unuseable. However it keeps sending mouse signals which makes it very hard to work sometimes. I have tried to comment out all synaptic stuff in xorg.conf, but it didn't work. What else can I do? I'm desperate!02:43
matt5can any1 help02:43
Zoffixbrooks, any clue on how to reinstall/choose a different driver for CD/DVD-ROM?02:43
Zoffix!ask > matt502:43
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:44
xpointmatt5, see topic02:44
matt5i am setting up a bit torrent bx using ubuntu but when in the azureus configuration file i need t change a value then save it, but i dont know how to?02:44
brooksyou using 7.4?02:44
matt5i think so02:44
Zoffixbrooks, I am.02:45
beruicbrooks: I'm on Xubuntu 7.0402:45
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brooksok hold on a sec, i just read a thread similar to this02:45
bionoidberuic: Broken as in, physically broken and you want it disabled, or as in broken in ubuntu but works in windows?02:45
beruicbionoid: Broken... Even in the bios02:46
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jamyskisIs anyone able to offer any advice about this problem here? - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-June/117954.html02:46
beruicbionoid: I use keyboard in BIOS, caus mouse is unusable.02:46
jamyskis/dev/hdc and /dev/cdrom are both set to read access for all02:46
beruicbionoid: I want it totally disabled in Linux02:46
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matt5how do you have files changed in terminal?02:47
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Stormx2jamyskis: My line looks like this (for my first CD-ROM drive, I have two) /dev/hdc /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 002:47
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beruicbionoid: any suggestions?02:48
jamyskisStormx2 - why no auto?02:48
Stormx2jamyskis: brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom    22,   0 2007-07-01 22:18 hdc02:48
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sorsishow 7.10 going?02:48
jamyskisbrw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 22, 0 2007-07-01 14:39 /dev/hdc02:48
Stormx2jamyskis: This is default setup. I think GNOME auto-mounts.02:48
darconedamn 2 screens is not enough when you have mirc on ;) need one for mirc as well haha02:48
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jamyskisill give it a try02:49
jamyskisStormx2: thanks02:49
brooksstill there ber?02:49
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matt5can any 1 help me?02:50
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beruicmatt5: ask your question, not permision to do it...02:50
matt5i have asked my question02:50
jamyskismatt5: what do you mean by files changed in terminal?02:50
matt5i need to save a file changed in terminal02:50
brookseverything ive been reading says people are going back to 6.10 until the flaw is fixed in the next update02:51
matt5i have opened the terminal and opened a configuration file then changed a line in it but ow i need to save it02:51
skulewhy does vmware-player-kernel-modules depend on vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15 when im running kernel 2.6.20-16-generic and there exists a vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-16 package ??02:51
matt5but dont know how to02:51
jamyskismatt5: what have you used to edit the file?02:51
jamyskismatt5: nano?02:51
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brooksApparently the problem is due to the R31 using the same controller (the i8042) for the keyboard, mouse and power management, and occurs every time something polls the battery.02:51
jribmatt5: what command did you use?02:52
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matt5sudo nano ~/software/azeureus/azerueus02:53
matt5i have put my usernam in now i need to save trhe file02:53
brookspass i8042.nomux=1 to the kernel - add it to the #defoptions line in /boot/grub/menu.lst, run "sudo update-grub", and reboot02:53
bionoidberuic: Sorry was busy on phone02:53
jribmatt5: ok, well you shouldn't be using sudo for stuff in your HOME.  But to save in nano, you press ctrl-o and to exit you press ctrl-x (these are listed at the bottom of the screen)02:53
jamyskismatt5: press ctrl+x, y, enter02:53
bionoidberuic: You can disable it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:53
beruicbionoid: that's ok :)02:53
beruicbionoid: I have tried that02:54
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brooksaccess denied?02:54
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bionoidberuic: And what happens?02:54
matt5thankyou so much02:54
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matt5ill give it  a go now02:54
beruicbionoid: Both the synaptic section and the place where the section is actually loaded...02:54
jamyskismatt5: i'd recommend that you use gedit if you struggle with nano02:54
beruicbionoid: it still works02:54
bionoidberuic: Synaptic is likely the touchpad02:54
jamyskismatt5: although it's good to know nano in case your xserver doesn't work02:54
bionoidberuic: Look under Section "ServerLayout"02:55
bionoidberuic: It should be represented with a single line saying InputDevice "Device Identifier"02:55
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beruicbionoid: Exactly, that's what I've done. comented out the stuff02:55
skuleUbuntu Fiesty: why does vmware-player-kernel-modules depend on vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15 when im running kernel 2.6.20-16-generic and there exists a vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-16 package ??02:55
bionoidberuic: Then it definitly should not be enabled still. Did you try commenting all the options, or.. ?02:56
beruicbionoid: everything that was synaptic related02:56
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jamyskisskule: is vmware-player-kernel-modules just a metapackage? if so, it's probably just not been updated02:57
bionoidberuic: Synaptic, again, is (AFAIK) the touchpad and not the trackpoint. Is there anything with "mouse" in its name?02:57
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bionoidberuic: On a sidenote there is a console mouse driver that's sometimes installed and can bork these things up02:57
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bionoidBut I've forgotten its name - anyone?02:57
tom47i have taken a severe hit and my /etc/group file has been borked and cannot login02:58
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bionoidberuic: Ah - check if you have a package called 'gpm' installed02:58
beruicbionoid: I don't have a touchpad, but a trackpoint which I've seen detected as a synaptic device. I havn't tried disabling anything else, as I was afraid that would disable my PS2 or USB mouse02:58
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beruic2 sec...02:58
JimQodetom47, boot from cd, mount your drive and fix your /etc/group file.02:59
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bionoidberuic: Hint you can use ctrl-alt-F1 to go to a console and edit the file if the mouse stops working, so no biggie :) (alt-f7 to go back to X, then hit ctrl-alt-backspace to restart it)02:59
tom47JimQode: thats where i am atm and its essentially empty02:59
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JimQode!paste > jimqode02:59
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monteiroanyone has a lacie external hard drive working in ubuntu?03:00
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beruicbionoid: I know that. Have used that to recover after an xservercrash before :)03:00
skulejamyskis, yes it is a meta package. All I can do is wait then ?03:00
bionoidmonteiro: Yes.03:00
tom47JimQode: and i am uncertain how to fix it03:00
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jamyskisskule: or install vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-1603:00
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SjallabanHello! I am looking for an Ubuntu compatible wireless network card for my laptop. Any tips?03:01
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skulejamyskis, tried that, but vmware-player depends on vmware-player-kernel-modules which depends on vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-1503:01
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bionoidSjallaban: Depends on what you're going to do - for "end-user" stuff ie connecting to networks, a 3945abg works well for me, but can't do fancy stuff like packet injection if that's what you need03:02
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skulejamyskis, so it keeps installing/using the wrong version03:02
JimQodetom47, here is my /etc/groups file. replace my username with yours. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28216/03:02
tom47jimquode ty03:02
jamyskisskule: I'm not sure if apt-get can use uname -r to get your kernel version...have you tried installing both. I know it's a bit of a waste of space but it'll keep apt-get happy.03:02
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tedbuntuI have a question about partitioning.  I have an 80gb sata drive that is partitioned as such:  17gb = Windows XP Professional;  the rest = Empty.  How can I get ubuntu to format the free space?  When I go to install it only has the whole hard drive as an option03:03
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Sjallabanbionoid: I was just thinking of normal network use, a card that can connect to a WLAN network in Ubuntu out of the box.03:03
beruicbionoid: I don't have gpm installed...03:03
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ZoffixI get Input/Output error when I try to `cp` from CD/DVD-rom, is there any place where I could find out what the real problem was that caused I/O error?03:04
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skulejamyskis, it dows not seem to work well, I think it tries to load the wrong kernel module03:04
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bionoidSjallaban: Ok the intel 3945 is a good option for that, but there are some caveats especially with WPA/WPA2 which may be difficult to setup in linux (not device specific)03:04
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bionoidberuic: Hm well then I would brute-force the entries in xorg.conf :P03:04
jamyskisskule: you mean the player?03:04
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bionoidberuic: (and of course - you've checked that you can't disable it in BIOS?)03:05
jamyskisskule: don't you have to modprobe the module...? (someone else chip in if they have any ideas)03:05
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beruicbionoid: Yes i have, and how do I do that?03:05
JimQodetedbuntu, select manual partitioning. create a partition using all your free space, but leave 2*your RAM for your swap at the end of your drive.03:05
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skulejamyskis, yes the player loads the wrong module I guess03:05
JimQodetedbuntu, set the file system for this partition to ext3, mount point to /, and check format box.03:05
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tom47jimqode ty will reboot and see how i go03:06
bionoidberuic: Just comment one, restart and see what happens. Doesn't work, comment the next and restart again.. and repeat until you've tried commenting all the InputDevice's within ServerLayout03:06
Sjallabanbionoid: Ok thanks, but I'm afraid that one doesn't fit in my laptop. I think I need a PC Card03:06
JimQodetedbuntu, create the swap partition at the end of your drive, select linux-swap as filesystem.03:06
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marccan i mount an ISO image as a CD drive?03:06
bionoidSjallaban: Aha, old laptop?03:06
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jamyskisskule: im not sure what the name of the module for vmware player is, but it will automatically load up on reboot i think03:06
marcapt keeps asking for my CD-rom03:06
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bionoidmarc: Not as "a cd drive" specifically - but you can mount it to a folder - mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso some_folder/03:07
beruicbionoid: should I try to uninstall xserver-xorg-input-synaptics?03:07
jamyskisskule: if you can get the name of it you can just do "modprobe modulename"03:07
bionoidberuic: You can try ;)03:07
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monteirobionoid : the lacie external hard drive works OK ? you have which hard drive, i'm thinking buying that 2,5'' 160GB version and wanna know if it works in ubuntu03:07
jamyskisskule: try modprobe vmware03:07
marcwhen i try to install wine, apt asks me to put a CD labeled "blabla" into the cd drive03:07
CapashenHi, does anybody knows an equivalent to ORB on linux please ?03:07
beruicI'll try that first then. If it doesn't work, at least I'll have less RAM taken by drivers :)03:07
jamyskisCapashen: what's ORB?03:07
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Capashenjamyskis > that is ORB -> http://www.orb.com/ .03:08
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erUSULCapashen: ORBit ??03:08
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bionoidmonteiro: Pretty much any external USB drive will work with ubuntu.03:08
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adopZoffix:You can use the -v option to cp to get a verbose output, if this is what you mean.03:08
CapashenDoes anybody try openorb, Jacord or Orbit ?03:09
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Capashenjacorb sorry03:09
monteirobionoid : yes, but i went to the linux foruns, and some lacie hard drive, wasnt accepting his usb address03:09
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CapashenI can't find screenshot on theses software and I don't know if they really work03:09
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beruicbionoid: Is it bad if it wants to uninstall  xserver-xorg-input-all?03:09
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bionoidberuic: Probably :P03:09
jendaYo. I have some messed up business with thunderbird. It seems to look up its databases wrong. Anyone have a clue what I could do with that? The symptom is that even though I deleted all the emails in Inbox, there is still a 2GiB Inbox file in the Mail directory, and that when I send a blank test email to myself, it appears to have content grabbed from a 'random' point within that file, which appears to be a database of old emails.03:09
=== jenda = desperate :/
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MrKeuner_hi, I have random lockups. using ati but not using fglrx. can it still be the video hardware. what else should I suspect?03:10
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bionoidmonteiro: Never heard of that. My 250gb works fine, anyway. But of course you will have trouble if it's formatted with, say, NTFS03:10
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beruicThnk I'll just read a little on it then :)03:10
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[91RP001] I use Ubuntu 6.06 on my laptop NEC. The alsamixer has identified that the card is Intel ICH6 and the chip is Conexant id 31. The problem is the sound doesn't work aka no sound comes out from my laptop speaker. Any one can help me please!03:10
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Zoffixadop, thanks. Didn't say what the actual problem was. This CD/DVD-ROM I/O errors are driving me nuts :| Can't find any way to change the driver, since that's what I think the problem is :?03:10
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monteirobionoid : yes, its better formatted with vfat, to be compatible in any system03:10
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Tom47JimQode: ty aam alive again .... will def remember that trick03:11
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jamyskisCapashen: i dont think the three projects you mentioned have anything to do with the Orb you mentioned03:11
bionoidZoffix: Have you considered the option that it might actually be broken? Or that the media is broken?03:11
JimQodeTom47, np ;)03:11
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tedbuntuJImQode, do I go into Manually partition and New Partition Table?03:11
bionoidZoffix: If you can mount media but get read errors, it is very unlikely to be the driver03:11
jamyskisCapashen: have you tried running the program under WINE?03:11
JimQodetedbuntu, yes03:11
jamyskisCapashen: i'm downloading it now out of sheer interest because it looks interesting03:12
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tedbuntuIt said i have selected an entire devide to partition, and that all my data will be lost.03:12
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JimQodetedbuntu, then you haven't selected manually partition03:12
tedbuntuGuided, and Manual, right?03:12
Zoffixbionoid, I cannot copy any files from any of the DVDs/CDs I have. I can do that just fine on the same box under Windows. So I'd assume that means it's not the media and it's not the psysical damage to the drive. It was working just fine on Edgy before I installed Feisty :|03:13
Sjallabanbionoid: Yes, my laptop is 4 years old03:13
Murdochhow the heck do I upgrade glib on ubuntu,  I just did the ./configure make and make install but now I'm getting crap from pkg-config03:13
adopZoffix: I'm not sure if it is possible to change the driver for the cd-rom, though you can take a look at the dmesg output to see what is going on. It might be a hardware problem...03:13
dffThe path "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16/kernel" is an existing directory, but it does not contain at least one of these directories "linux", "asm", "net" as expected03:13
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dffwhat ;_;03:13
tedbuntuThe installer says all my current partitions will be removed, does that mean it will just put ubuntu on the empty partition?03:13
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illriginalHey, anyone awake?03:14
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Zoffixbionoid, and yes, I can mount, browse, and copy little files (I'd say ones that are under ~18Megs). I'm completely out of ideas, been googling for 2 hours already, I see some people posted similar issues but no fixes :|03:14
JimQodejenda, try irc.mozilla.org #thunderbird. They may be able to help you there.03:14
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jendaJimQode: thanks, but I'm already askin' there.03:14
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illriginalDoes anyone know a program that records off a Microphone?03:14
jamyskisillriginal: audacity03:15
jendaJimQode: although deleting that file seems to have helped, at least partly :)03:15
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jamyskisillriginal: or sound recorder03:15
bionoidZoffix: Strange. Never heard about it. What happens if you boot the ubuntu live cd?03:15
JimQode!ask | illriginal03:15
ubotuillriginal: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:15
illriginalalright :P03:15
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Zoffixbionoid, well, I've installed from the Live CD, didn't try to read any CDs while booted into LiveCD (not sure if that's even possible)03:16
tedbuntuJimQode, The installer says all my current partitions will be removed, does that mean it will just put ubuntu on the empty partition?03:16
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Capashenjamyskis, no I didin't try with wine. I'd like to find a real program on linux03:16
jamyskisillriginal: i heard on the linux action show that jokosher is supposed to rock too03:16
bionoidZoffix: No that's not possible, but if it was a problem with the driver, it probably shouldn't boot either.03:16
JimQodetedbuntu, It should not say that. You may have done something wrong. hit back and retry the things I've said in the right order again.03:16
bionoidZoffix: Are you running standard distro kernel or did you compile a newer version yourself?03:17
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[91RP001] [91RP001] : I use Ubuntu 6.06 on my laptop NEC. The alsamixer has identified that the card is Intel ICH6 and the chip is Conexant id 31. The problem is the sound doesn't work aka no sound comes out from my laptop speaker. Any one can help me please!03:17
jamyskisCapashen: that's ok...it doesn't work anyway. you're just looking for something you can watch internet tv on right?03:17
bionoidZoffix: (there's a lot of changes for libata in various ways lately - an upgrade might solve the problem)03:17
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tiagoboldtHi, I've upgraded to gutsy and my cpu is now always at 50%, any ideas on how can I normalize this? My laptop is heating like a toaster :|03:18
JimQode[91RP001] , Do you have a volume control icon on your panel? What happens when you double click it?03:18
jamyskisillriginal: www.jokosher.org - i've never used it but looking at it i might be tempted to make the switch :)03:18
Zoffixbionoid, running standard I assume. I've ran that "Update manager" and it said "Your system is up to date".03:18
vega-gnnh, since when has firefox in feisty began to copy the url of the previous tab to the location bar when opening a new tab. very annoying03:18
illriginali see... brb03:18
illriginalthanks jam03:18
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Zoffixbionoid, dmesg showed me this output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28219/ I see "Hardware problem" there. Though the rest of the output doesn't give me much clue.03:18
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[91RP001] JimQode: wait, I check it:)03:18
jamyskistiagoboldt: can you go into a terminal and type "top"03:18
Capashenjamyskis, I'd like to find a software like ORB which can broadcast videos and music which are on the server03:18
vega-tiagoboldt: this channel is not for gutsy support, join ubuntu+103:19
iFriesHi, I have installed wine a couple of days ago, but now I want to remove it. I did remove it with "sudo apt-get remove --purge wine". But there are still menu items in my applications menu. So I don't think it is really gone.. Anyone that can help me? Thanx!03:19
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jamyskistiagoboldt: ok, point taken about what vega- said there03:19
tiagoboldtI'll go there, sorry :D03:19
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bionoidZoffix: When did you last successfully use this optical drive?03:19
jamyskisiFries: right click on the apps menu and select edit menu03:19
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lexus_nexisI installed xwinwrap03:20
bionoidZoffix: That really does look like a hardware problem, be it media or drive.03:20
Zoffixbionoid, on Linux?03:20
bionoidZoffix: On whatever system03:20
jamyskisiFries: when you have applications selected, right click the WINE folder in the items list and delete it03:20
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jamyskisiFries: or just untick it03:20
iFriesjamyskis: Hey, that was easy.. thanx!03:21
[91RP001] JimQode: a volume control window with the name of the card (intel ICH6) appears on the screen03:21
jamyskisiFries: np03:21
bionoidZoffix: If this is the case of a faulty driver, you need to go to kernel.org and download the latest kernel source.. but it's not an easy job if you've never done it before :P03:21
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lexus_nexisbut the problem is when I run it everything turnes black and I can't move any of the windows or anything all I can do is open yakuake03:21
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bionoidZoffix: (unless you can find a finished kernel config for your exact brand and model)03:21
Zoffixbionoid, A month or so. But I had these I/O errors on Feisty and while having them did successfully read/write on Windows.03:21
bionoidZoffix: Do you still have Windows on it?03:21
Zoffixbionoid, Yeah.03:21
bionoidZoffix: If so, reboot and try with the _exact_ same media03:21
JimQode[91RP001] , Go to switched tab and play with the available switches while playing a file.03:21
tedbuntuJimQode, Do I set the ext3(which is like the C: drive in windows, right?) to the end or the swap?03:22
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Zoffixbionoid, ok.03:22
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Ewan_hello, I am preparing for exams for which I use certaing website with ID + password. after logging in, a popup window opens with encryption and no possibility to select text, copy+paste, or save webpage (the window is without toolbars). I have no internet at home and that's why I'm interested to backup the webpages on my HD to view them at home. How can I do that?03:22
bionoidZoffix: I have had a lot of faulty optical drives the last two years (am I alone?) - so whenever one stops working I'm not surprised :\03:22
acbotis there a dev list or something with some discussion on when the next kernel update for ubuntu feisty will be happening?03:22
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JimQodetedbuntu, set it just after your win partition but leave space for your swap. your swap file should 2*your ram amount.03:23
bionoidEwan_: Screenshot03:23
Ewan_doesn't work03:23
Ewan_screenshots is also blocked03:23
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DooMRunneRdoes anyone know the bash command to check if the privious program runs correct?03:23
bionoidEwan_: That's very, very unlikely. Not to say impossible03:24
Ewan_however, if it's about the choise, save as html would be more comfortable03:24
[91RP001] JimQode: Sorry, I'm a newbie on Linux, what do you mean by switched tab, please elaborate your advice03:24
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nuked_omenwhat options do i add to the mount command so that users can write to the partition?03:24
tedbuntuJimQode, I have to swap set for 2000MB, as I have one gig of ram.  Do I need to do anything else?  I have /dev/sda1   ext3  mount point /  as 19995 MB.  I want a data partition for music and things.  and a swap as sda2  1998 mb.  The swap shows up before the ext3 in the partition list, is that alright?03:24
nuked_omenit's a vfat03:25
bionoidnuked_omen: -o uid=1234,gid=234503:25
Ewan_bionoid: what is unlikely? to make a screenshot?03:25
bionoidEwan_: No that they can disable screenshot functionality from within a webpage.03:25
JimQode[91RP001] , there is a tab called switches on your mixer window.03:25
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bionoidnuked_omen: obviously, pick a real UID / GID to suit your needs03:25
kduboisi cant think of a way to stop screenshots....03:26
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JimQodetedbuntu, it would be better if you put the swap at the end of your drive. if you want a data partition make your / partition smaller and make a vfat partition (i suppose you want to share data with windows)03:26
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nuked_omenbionoid: i obviously don't know what UID / GID or whatever you posted means, but it worked03:26
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bionoidnuked_omen: Um, uid = user id, gid = group id..03:27
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JimQodetedbuntu, you can set the mountpoint of your data partition something like /media/data03:27
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sddsaany one have ubuntu setup as a transparent proxy03:27
bionoidnuked_omen: All users have their unique id number, type   id username in terminal03:27
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nuked_omenbionoid: and how did you know one is 1234 and the other 2345?03:27
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bionoidnuked_omen: Those are random numbers, thus I said you need to pick real ones for your system03:27
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nuked_omenbionoid: how do i know my user id?03:28
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bionoidnuked_omen: type id your_username03:28
[91RP001] JimQode: is it on alsamixer or volume control window:(. 4 ur info I've found no switches tab on both alsamixer and volume control window.03:28
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devcenterhello, guys03:28
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tedbuntuJimQode,  The following partitions are going to be formatted:03:29
tedbuntu partition #2 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext303:29
tedbuntu partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as swap03:29
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tedbuntuJimQOde is that normal?03:29
JimQode[91RP001] , volume control window03:29
JimQodetedbuntu, yes that is normal03:29
nuked_omenbionoid: thanks a lot, you've been very helpful03:29
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devcenterany use deluge for torrent03:29
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bionoidnuked_omen: np.03:29
devcenteri need to change the number of connection03:29
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JimQode[91RP001] , if you dont have a switches tab be sure you don't have front and pcm muted, and they are set at a reasonable level.03:29
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devcenterI change this config in preferences, but my maximum connections is 8003:30
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WaxyFreshcan i get some help setting up a usb harddrive?03:31
younghackerhow do i update my vm-ware tools to the latest version?03:31
prasadcan have a colored vim in ubuntu as i ave it in knoppix ?03:31
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[91RP001] there is no switches tab on my volume control window, i just found playback and capture. the pcm has been turned on.03:32
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devcenterany here use deluge03:32
prasadcan i have a colored vim editor in ubuntu as we have it in knoppix ?03:33
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prasadcan i have a colored vim editor in ubuntu as we have it in knoppix ?03:33
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kduboisdevcenter: whats the problem with it?03:33
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devcenteri config my preferences for number of connections for 30003:34
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JimQodeprasad, add "syn on" to your .vimrc file03:34
devcenterbut my connection number continue in 8003:34
devcenterhow can i change my number of connections03:34
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humboltohow to set the domain name in ubuntu dapper?03:35
[91RP001] JimQode: there is no switches tab on my volume control window, i just found playback and capture. the pcm has been turned on.03:35
prasadJimQode: would you please tell me how to do it..i am relatively new to ubuntu03:35
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devcenterkduboi1, it already happen with you?03:35
tedbuntuJimQode, thank you for your help, and sorry I'm such a noob.  I'm experimenting with alternate OSs for my job.  Windows has made a few too many end-users cry.03:35
JimQodeprasad, open the file ~/.vimrc in an editor and add "syn on" on a new line03:35
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JimQodetedbuntu, np. have fun!03:36
prasadJimQode: ok..thanx03:36
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sjoerd_hi, i have a big problem with my xorg.conf... my screen is just blank when i login, i only see my cursor... i already reconfigured xorg :(03:36
chainswas wondering if someone could help me set a resolution in ubuntu if it's supported, 1920x1080 ?03:36
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chainssjoerd_: always create a backup just in case you mess things up03:37
younghackercan someone help me update my vmware tools to the latest version?03:37
devcenterwhat's program for torrent that you use?03:37
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chainsanyone know if ubuntu supports 1920x1080 resolution?03:38
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troopperi_sjoerd: have you been istall something that borken your x03:38
sn0chains yes03:38
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chainssn0: can you help me get there?03:38
acbotchains: can you not just set that res in xorg.conf03:38
xpointchains, if your monitor do its ok with linux :-)03:38
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sjoerd_yeah i will create a backup from now on///                yes i installed GLX (i believe that was the name)03:38
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sn0chains you need to have the correct drivers for your graphics card loaded, and xorg.conf edited03:38
sn0or alternatively run nvidia-settings and set the resolution in there03:39
troopperi_sjoerd: you got ati card03:39
sn0(if usingg nvidia)03:39
troopperi_sjoerd: ?03:39
sjoerd_no nvidia03:39
chainswell i hope this doesn't discourage you guys from helping me but i have feisty on my ps3 as we speak and there is more real estate to be used on my tv03:39
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troopperi_sjoerd: change xorg.conf file section "nvidia" to "vesa"03:39
illriginalSo... I have Edgy Eft on PS3 :p03:39
Zoffixbionoid, nope. It's something with Ubuntu. Same media, same box, on Windows copied the files without any problems what so ever.03:39
sjoerd_ill give it a try03:39
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chainsi have set it to 1080p (mode 5) in my kboot.conf03:40
chainswhich i figured would've set it to 1920x1080 by default03:40
illriginal1080i :P03:40
chainsthe native resolution03:40
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bionoidZoffix: OK, that's unusual to say the least :( I have no tips except compiling new kernel, but as I said, that's probably going to take you some time :\03:40
sn0chains you might need to generate a modeline, to put in the xorg.conf, try gtf 1900 1080 60 at the terminal, change 60 to whichever refresh rate you use, then add the modeline to the xorg.conf and restart X03:40
prasadwill anybody tell me how to search a file in ubuntu /03:40
illriginalCan someone help me get my microphone to work? Or maybe get recognized? Sound Recorder doesn't playback what I try to record.03:40
Zoffixbionoid, how can I see the messages that scroll during startup? I saw there something in red saying "could not..." but it scrolled really fast :/03:41
JimQodeprasad, Places / Search for files03:41
sn0prasad there are many ways, you can use shell commands like find , locate, whereis (after running updatedb)03:41
chainssn0: will running that in the terminal attempt to set it at those settings then?03:41
sjoerd_troopperi?        okay i also see the login screen on my second monitor now, but when i login its still blank...03:41
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sn0or in places/search for files03:41
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[91RP001] JimQode: basically, does Ubuntu 6.06 support my soundcard and chip (Intel ICH6 & Conexant id 31)?03:41
bionoidZoffix: dmesg03:41
chainssn0: or will i have to restart x before changes take effect?03:41
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sn0chains indeed03:41
sn0chains please back up the xorg.conf first :)03:41
troopperi_sjoerd: what your nvidia card model03:41
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JimQode[91RP001] , Yes it does. there is something wrong with your mixer settings03:42
Zoffixbionoid, thanks for help.03:42
sjoerd_i already tried "nv" and "nvidia"03:42
chainssn0: no doubt... but when i look at my xorg.conf, it doesn't look like my current setup is reading from it03:42
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WaxyFreshcan someone help me mount my usb drive?03:42
sn0chains can you elaborate please, what do you mean?03:42
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cheehello. why when I run the open office, the app no respond.03:43
troopperi_sjoerd: what about that "vesa"03:43
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cheeand the realplayer is no respond too.03:43
chainssn0: when i go to system, preferences, screen resolution, it reads: 1688x964 at 60Hz03:43
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[91RP001] JimQode: I'm relieve then, but now, how can I set the mixer to make the sound work properly?03:43
illriginalCan someone help me get my microphone to work? Or maybe get recognized? Sound Recorder doesn't playback what I try to record.03:43
sn0chains can you pastebin your xorg.conf please03:43
chainsbut i don't see any mention of that in my xorg.conf03:43
tedbuntuWaxyFresh,  Go to system, Preferences > Removable drives and media. are the first two options checked?03:43
sn0!tell chains | pastebin03:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell chains - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:43
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chainssn0: one sec03:44
sn0hmm :)03:44
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sjoerd_i also tried VESA but my screen is still blank after login ;(03:44
JimQode[91RP001] , just try playing with the settings. that's what i would do.03:44
sjoerd_only a cursur03:44
sjoerdsjoerd_: Could you please change your nick to something less confusing for others...03:44
chainswhich dir is xorg.conf in?03:44
sn0chains /etc/X11/03:44
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troopperi_sjoerd: type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:44
illriginalCan someone help me get my microphone to work? Or maybe get recognized? Sound Recorder doesn't playback what I try to record.03:45
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JimQode[91RP001] , Some cards, especially 5.1 ones need some particular mixer setup to work. But I have no idea what it would be for yours.03:45
WaxyFreshtedbuntu: yes03:45
[91RP001] JimQode: what kind of settings:'(?03:45
JimQode[91RP001] , settings available on your mixer window03:45
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tedbuntuWaxyFresh, I'm far from an expert and if you know more than me just say so, but what format is the usb drive?  Ntfs or fat32, what?03:46
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langezwieperk done, screen is still blank after login03:46
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WaxyFreshtedbuntu: im not sure,i never formated it just used it the way it came03:46
canermy keyboard layout keeps changing randomly (i still coulndnt find out how it turns) and sys/pref/keyb/layout seems o.k (it is english there) but when i try to write somewhere arabic it prints arabic letters :(( could someone please help. i am in the edge of going crazy03:46
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[91RP001] JimQode: settings in where in exactly, alsamixer or volume control window or is there any mixer other than those two?03:47
tedbuntuWaxyFresh, do you have a seperate OS who recognizes the drive you can boot into?03:47
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WaxyFreshtedbuntu: yea another ubuntu box03:47
langezwieperi typed it exactly like you said, then a screen popped up and i choose my screen res, reloaded xserver... nothing changed03:47
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chainspastebin taking forever to send03:47
JimQode[91RP001] , volume control window. no there arent on default setup. both of them should be able to control all settings.03:48
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tedbuntuWaxyFresh, so you have another ubuntu configuration that recognizes the drive?03:48
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troopperi_langezwieper: did you got any errors03:48
illriginaloh i see...03:48
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sn0no problem chains03:48
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illriginalUbuntu 7.04 can't handle microphones03:48
MrKeuner_hi, is there a best way to go over random lockups?03:48
WaxyFreshtedbuntu: dont know if this helps dmesg: scsi disk sda at scsi0,channel 0,id 0, lun 003:48
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WaxyFreshtedbuntu: yes i do03:48
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langezwiepertroopperi: no, no errors at all, just login, blank...03:49
[91RP001] JimQode: thanks, I'll do my best to try ur solution:)03:49
WaxyFreshtedbuntu: /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: pli03:49
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blich bin die Lara03:50
troopperi_langezwieper: what nvidia packets you been install....03:50
WaxyFreshtedbuntu: im not sure what that stuff means but someone was asking for it when i tried to get help mounting this yesterday03:50
chainsis there another place i can paste to?03:50
tedbuntuWaxyFresh,  well as much as I know, something is set amiss in your current box. I've only been using ubuntu for.. about 30 minutes now.  Did you try the forums?03:50
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langezwiepertroopperi: i installed GLX i believe, but synaptic came up that some other package would be installed too... i agreed03:50
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n2diy_chains: #flood?03:51
chainssn0: http://pastebin.com/94056803:51
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WaxyFreshtedbuntu: VFAT03:51
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troopperi_langezwieper: i think you should remove those packets and then try it again...03:51
WaxyFreshtedbuntu: no i didint,03:51
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sn0chains pastebin.com tends to be very slow for some reason, could you try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org please03:51
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troopperi_langezwieper: im so busy right now, but i think here is others who knows too...03:52
canermy keyboard layout keeps changing randomly (i still coulndnt find out how it turns) and sys/pref/keyb/layout seems o.k (it is english there) but when i try to write somewhere arabic it prints arabic letters :(( could someone please help. i am in the edge of going crazy03:52
langezwieperk :)03:52
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tedbuntuWaxyFresh, I'm sorry I can not be of help, I'd bet my life you know more about ubuntu than i do03:52
WaxyFreshtedbuntu: thanks03:52
langezwieperhm k thank you anywa :)03:52
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WaxyFreshcould anyone help me with mounting a usb drive on 5.10?03:52
chainssn0: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28221/03:53
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beruicbionoid: U there?03:53
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kduboisWaxyFresh: 5.10? should pretty much the same as manually mounting the drive in edgy...03:54
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WaxyFreshwhat do you put after glxgears to use it for a benchmark?03:54
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chainssn0: there is no mention of my current resolution in the xorg.conf03:54
WaxyFreshkdubois: but im not sure what that is03:54
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chainsso i'm assuming i'm getting/reading my resolution settings from somewhere else?03:54
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sn0chains what graphics card are yyou using? it seems you are usingg the 'fbdev' driver for Xorg03:55
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chainssn0: whatever the ps3 uses03:55
beruicbionoid: I have commented out all mouse entries in xorg.conf and uninstalled xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and xserver-xorg-input-wacom, but doesn't work :'(03:55
sn0oh ps3 you say03:55
WaxyFreshanyone ever have problems getting a marvell technology group ethernet controler working?03:55
sn0i ee03:55
chainsyah, that's how i have this hooked up to my 60" tv :)03:56
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chainsand why i'm trying to get it to run at 1920x108003:56
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sn0nice :-) ok well you should check out http://psubuntu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1303:56
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chainssn0: thanks, i've been trying to find an article on this03:57
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sn0chains also please see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=425527&highlight=ps303:58
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sn0if you want to loan me your ps3 + tv im happy to test, but hopefully some of that works for you03:58
sn0;] 03:58
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toolivewow that's hot buntu on ps303:58
chainsyah, i hope so. i mean it's fine the way it is but why not use up the rest of my screen space :)03:58
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sn0toolive ps3 ran linux from day 1 :)03:59
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sorsisi'm having trouble with medibuntu gpg check03:59
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sn0pity about the graphics driver.. but hopfully that will change03:59
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toolivenot the others03:59
canermy keyboard layout keeps changing randomly (i still coulndnt find out how it turns) and sys/pref/keyb/layout seems o.k (it is english there) but when i try to write somewhere arabic it prints arabic letters :(( could someone please help. i am in the edge of going crazy03:59
JiffaJaffatoolive, Yellowdog is like the specific one to it, but it sucks ^^03:59
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toolivecorrect that's why i'm happy to see ubuntu is working on it03:59
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JiffaJaffatoolive, Ummm, wifi fix for yellowdog though <304:00
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n2diy_caner: strike three your out. Nobody understands your question, rephrase it, and take another at bat?04:01
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CapeTown_Is anyone kind enough to point me in the direction of a 10 windows PC network solution for using Ubuntu as a FileServer plus enterprise strength backup solution. I am new to Ubuntu. I just need some solid pointers to the correct software, wiki/website articles, etc. Thank you.04:01
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amon__If I wish to open MP3S in Ardour and Rezound/Audacity - which libs do I need to install?04:01
toolivei'm still trying to get unbuntu to connect to my WPA wireless Router in AES mode04:02
toolivewill only work in WEP 128 mode04:02
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sn0capetown have you heard of samba ? it can act as a primary domain controller04:02
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sn0capetown https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSambaPDC , as for back up well there are many solutions really04:03
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linuxboyCapeTown_: you from Cape Town ?04:03
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CapeTown_{I am from Cape Town, South Africa - there are a lot of people living here - I probably won't have heard of a friend you think is living here! :-)} sn0 : I will check out samba!04:06
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sn0capetown the ubuntu wiki is where you want to start :-)04:07
Rage_I understand that one can compile windoz source using winelib in some way, can any one point me at a page that tells me how? :)04:07
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CapeTown_sn0 : thanks!04:07
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sn0your welcome04:07
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amon__If I wish to open MP3S in Ardour and Rezound/Audacity - which libs do I need to install?04:08
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sorsishow do i get my lower bar similar to what it is in macosx?04:09
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JimQodesorsis, if you are using desktop effects, try avant-window-navigator04:10
Rage_amon__: http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs ask google.04:10
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llllllllI've got a 4gb image of a partition made with 'dd', and I want to put it in 4gb of unallocated space on my hard-drive. How would I go about doing this without damaging any of the other partitions on the disk. Presumably using dd again, or gparted?04:11
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sorsisJimQode: what desktop effects?04:11
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JimQodesorsis, wobbly windows and desktop on a cube04:11
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sorsisJimQode: so it's part of combiz or beryl?04:12
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JimQodellllllll, make a partition of the same size with gparted. dd to it04:12
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Some_PersonWhen I had compiz on a few months ago, there was an ubuntu logo at the top/bottom of the cube04:13
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Some_Personwhere is that logo stored?04:13
JimQodesorsis, it uses compisiting actually. if you are using compiz or beryl your composoting should be working fine04:13
beruicbionoid: Problem seems solved. I have comented every mouse entry except the one called ConfiguredMouse out, and all the drivers are installed. It didn't work with uninstalling04:13
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llllllllJimQode: so I need to make a partition first, and then dd the copied partition's image over to it? That will create a clone of the copied partition?04:14
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JimQodellllllll, yes04:14
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chainssn0, ps3 won' boot right now04:16
chainsstops on the boot04:16
chainsafter kboot04:16
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chainsyou know how i can get in to revert back to the old kboot.conf?04:16
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WaxyFresharrrg can somebody please help me set up either a usb drive or a marvel technology  Ethernet controler?04:17
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sn0chains use the livecd to restore the backup conf04:17
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SwordManXhas anyone here tried installing / using ubuntu within parallels?04:17
sn0maybe check if there is a ps3 channel chains , im not sure this falls under ubuntu support04:17
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stelahii...siapapun kamu slmt mlm aja04:18
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chainssn0, do you have the 2 urls you posted to me earlier?04:18
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sn0chains http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=425527&highlight=ps3  http://psubuntu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1304:19
sn0also search ps3 on the ubuntuforums, for more04:19
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Some_PersonWhere is the ubuntu effects (compiz) cube logo located?04:20
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WaxyFreshmy usb drive shows up in disks manager but nowhere else its device name is /dev/sda how do i mount this?04:22
ropeHi, i have xubuntu-desktop installed, and i want to switch to fluxubuntu how can i do?04:22
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JiffaJaffaSome_Person, Id ask inside #ubuntu-effects04:23
Some_Person#ubuntu-effects is dead04:23
sn0rope you can install fluxbox from synaptic/apt-get/aptitude then log out, choose session > fluxbox and log in04:23
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Some_Persondon't direct people there any more04:23
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marc_kan ik in fstab iets als "//server/download schijf"  "/media/download schijf"  smbfs  credentials=~/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777  0  0  neerzetten, of mogen er geen aanhalingstekens om de mappen heen?04:23
marc_wrong language :P04:24
ropesn0: And if i want to remove xubuntu?04:24
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Some_Personno one is ever there to help in #ubuntu-effects04:24
Picirope: if you want the 'real' fluxbuntu, you might want to ask in #fluxbuntu, as it isnt an official Ubuntu release.04:24
sn0rope im not sure if fluxbuntu is a ubuntu project, so maybe check their website for more on the real fluxubuntu04:24
sn0ah Pici beat me to it :)04:24
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ropesn0: Ok, thank you04:25
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WaxyFreshive tried everything i can to mount this drive can someone please  help me04:25
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dr_willisWaxyFresh,  you SURE its not /dev/sda104:25
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dr_willisWaxyFresh,  when in doubt. mount it manually04:25
Some_PersonWaxyFresh: what drive is it? hda1?04:26
WaxyFreshdr_willis: i tried to mount it manually but im not that good yet,disk manager sys its here,/dev/sda04:26
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Some_PersonWaxyFresh: go to terminal04:27
WaxyFreshSome_Person: yup04:27
Some_PersonWaxyFresh: type: sudo mkdir /mount/sda104:27
Some_Personthen type: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mount/sda104:27
dr_willisWaxyFresh,  Unless its a cdrom drive. its NOT /dev/sda04:27
SHAWIs there a difference between acquiring UBUNTU with Wubi or downloading a disc and installing Ubuntu?04:27
dr_willisWaxyFresh,  sda is the drive. sda1 is the furst partition on the drive04:28
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Some_Personoops sorry04:28
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Some_Personignore that last command, instead type: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mount/sda104:28
Pici!fr | Penseur04:28
ubotuPenseur: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:28
WaxyFreshSome_Person: mkdir cannot creat directory '/mount/sda1': no such file/dir04:28
Some_Personoops, sorry again04:29
dr_willisheh. :)04:29
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Some_Personchange mount in both commands to media04:29
Some_Personso its04:29
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Some_Personsudo mkdir /media/sda104:29
chainssn0, if i boot from the live cd, will all my partitions be mounted so i can just edit the /etc/kboot.conf?04:29
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WaxyFreshdr_willis: then why would the disk manager say that my la[ptop has a second 80gig HD  at /sda?weird04:29
Some_Personsudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda104:29
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Mark__i need help finding my gaim logs04:30
dr_willisWaxyFresh,  your disk is sda, the partitions are sda104:30
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vox754WaxyFresh, give the output of "sudo fdisk -l" in a pastebin04:30
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dr_willisyou would 'fdisk /dev/sda' but 'mkfs /dev/sda1' :)  one is for the disk. one is a partition on the disk04:30
dr_willisthose are example commands.04:30
varun0Mark__: ~/.gaim/logs04:30
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WaxyFreshvox754: i cant no interweb on the box im working on,need to get the usb working so i can upgrade/setup drivers04:31
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samuelseus gays04:31
cmihaiHow do you force remove a broken package from the database?04:31
cmihaidpkg: error processing netkit-inetd (--remove): subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 12604:31
Some_PersonWaxyFresh: type the two commands I just posted04:31
samuelquem fala portugus ai?04:31
Pici!br | samuel04:32
ubotusamuel: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:32
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WaxyFreshvox754: sda1 id b sys w95 fat3204:32
cmihaiThat stops me from installing anything that conflicts with that... like another inetd or whatever.04:32
mavsman4457hello i recently installed a custom kernel which switched sda1 to ps3sda1 i think and then i installed the updates through the update manager and it gave me an outdated kernel which i think tried to change it back to sda1 and now my ubuntu won't boot up04:32
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WaxyFreshSome_Person: what commands?04:32
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Some_PersonWaxyFresh: i'll type them again04:33
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samuel#ubuntu-br Ol04:33
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Some_PersonWaxyFresh: sudo mkdir /media/sda104:33
Some_PersonWaxyFresh: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda104:33
samuelE ai galera ?04:33
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vox754samuel, write this "/j #ubuntu-br"04:34
samuelt comeando a usar o LInux tb04:34
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Picisamuel: escribe /j #ubuntu-r04:34
Some_Person!br | samuel04:34
ubotusamuel: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:34
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cmihaiAnd yeah, I did try dpkg --force-all --remove netkit-inetd04:34
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WaxyFreshSome_Person: thanks! its working now dont know why it didint before04:35
Some_PersonWaxyFresh: You're welcome04:35
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vox754WaxyFresh, if you can chat here, you should be able to use the pastebin. I didn't understand you earlier.04:35
cmihaiAh bloody hell, the script is buggy.04:35
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Some_PersonWaxyFresh: You may want to add a line in fstab to make it auto-mount on boot04:35
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SHAWJust checking in..04:36
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adopcmihai, have u tired using synaptic to remove it?04:36
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WaxyFreshvox754: i have 2 laptops setup04:36
cmihaiadop: yeah, it's all crap.04:36
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WaxyFreshvox754: one has the interweb the other dosent04:37
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cmihaiadop: the netkit-inetd.prerm file was trying to shut down the service.04:37
cmihaiadop: via inetd, that didn't exist (duh)04:37
SHAWBe back later.....04:37
=== Astrome [n=family@pool-71-244-56-165.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjoerd_Hi I have a problem after installing GLX nvidia, after I log in I have a blank screen while the mouse is still visible. I already tried to reconfigure xorg.conf but this didnt help.04:37
cmihaiadop: so I just replaced /etc/init.d/inetd stop with "echo J00 SUCK" and it works :-)04:37
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Astromei need help04:37
cmihaiGuess I should submit some kind of bug report for the package...04:37
Astromeinstalling a javapulgin04:38
Astromehow do i do it?04:38
Pici!java | Astrome take a look at these links04:38
ubotuAstrome take a look at these links: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:38
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kitche!patience | Astrome04:38
ubotuAstrome: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:38
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selWhat kind of plugin?04:39
Some_PersonWaxyFresh: And if the drive is NTFS, you may want to download (maybe on another system and stick on a disk) ntfs-3g to get NTFS read/write working04:39
Astromelike to run the java stuff04:39
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Astromelike on webpages04:39
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:39
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selYou mean in a web browser?04:39
PiciAstrome: look at the links that ubotu posted for you above.04:39
jendaIs there a way to export values from SQL to a txt/csv/any-usable-format file so that it could be translated and re-imported?04:39
selok you are not using 64bit?04:39
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kitchejenda: yes look up sql dump it's part of SQL04:40
newuser01what is needed to make 3D aplications run in feisty?04:40
jendakitche: ok, thx04:40
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Astromei quit04:40
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jendakitche: it'll actually be quite difficult, because I only need to know it for my friend, who's website's admin says it's not possible :)04:40
kitcheisn't it fun when you try to help soemone that they don't read the help they are given04:41
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seljenda you can probably do that iwth an AQL statement04:41
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jendasel: what's a statement?04:41
defryskkitche, its not fun when someone is totally new and got a bunch of ubotu's messages04:41
kitchejenda: well if there's no way to access mysql or the sql you can't really dump the database04:41
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selwell depends04:42
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defryskkitche, in short you were wrong04:42
kitchedefrysk: yeah well we actually asked him what he ran and such and he left04:42
defryskkitche, sorry then it was someone else04:42
seleg: select name + " " + familyname from names04:42
jendakitche: well, that I know ;) but I need to convince the 'remote admin' that it's possible.04:42
The_Machinei just upgraded my nvidia driver (kubuntu released) and everything feels "slower".  Any suggestions?   Graphics related things - Even if i shut beryl off, etc. and i'm using Kwin.  Everything's dragging..04:42
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kitchejenda: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysqldump.html if it;'s mysql that is if it's postegres or soemthing there's tools for that also04:43
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jendakitche: thanks :)04:44
Picijenda: if its a hosted site with phpmyadmin or similar, it might be built into to the gui04:44
jendaWill look into it.04:44
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The_Machineanyone?  Bueller?  :)04:44
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kitchePici: nah seems like only the web admin has access to the databases or the system admin that is04:44
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DanaGI just enabled DRI on a Celeron 700 laptop with S3 Savage IX graphics.04:45
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DanaGglxgears went from '1 frame every 10 seconds' to 1 fps or so.04:45
lllllll1Is there a terminal command that will tell me the format of a specified partition? FAT16, 32, NTFS...04:45
dod1450Hello. During the installation process I had noticed that I was not able to format the existing partition that is currently is in use by suse, reiser. I also have a partion that has XP , which I need for speicfic applications that is not supported with wine and other emulator. What did I missed during the installtion?04:45
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:45
kitchejenda: by chance what is your host?04:45
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newuser01i get an error saying that i need OpenGL and GtkGLExt python libraries to run an aplication in 3D mode, but when i search synaptic for GtkGLExt python libraries i get 0 results =S04:46
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DanaGlllllll1: sudo vol_id /dev/whatever04:46
Picidod1450: The install should have asked you if you wanted to partition the drive yourself or have it do it for you...04:46
bulmerdod1450: the install leaves a file system undisturbed..it doest format it..but I think it does askyou where you like to install the new ubuntu04:46
lllllll1DanaG: thanks a lot04:47
sjoerd_Hi I have a problem after installing GLX nvidia, after I log in I have a blank screen while the mouse is still visible. I already tried to reconfigure xorg.conf but this didnt help.04:47
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mavsman4457DanaG, i recently installed a custom kernel which switched sda1 to ps3sda1 i think and then i installed the updates through the update manager and it gave me an outdated kernel which i think tried to change it back to sda1 and now my ubuntu won't boot up04:47
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dod1450Pice, Thank you. I did do the manual and it did asked if I wanted to use the whole physical disk. Not the part that has linux.04:48
cmihaiSo, with netkit-inetd broken, what's the proper way to get a telnetd server on Ubuntu?04:48
kitchenewuser01: python-gtk2 is probably one package you need04:48
Mark__i need help installing Windows over ubuntu04:48
selsjoerd does the mouse pointer still move?04:48
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wiglafHow do I impose time restrictions on user accounts?04:48
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:49
gatenis there anyway to reset the media keys to their original default value?04:49
kitcheMark__: what's so hard about formatting the ubuntu partition with ntfs and installing Windows over it since it's more of a Windowsa question then a ubuntuone04:49
Mark__ well bcuz it wouldnt let me04:49
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DaSkreechMark__: Ubuntu wouldn't let you?04:49
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newuser01kitche: thank you, i will look for it now =)04:49
rootHey, I am trying to maintain settings for new users (desktop background, menus) and I have tried copying a model "home" to /etc/skel, but that just gives me the desktop icons when I make new users. I need to make many users on the server. Any help?04:49
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DaSkreechMark__: how are you trying to install?04:50
DaSkreechroot: Don't IRC as root04:50
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rootsorry, thats what it came up as04:50
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gatenbad mojo04:50
dod1450very bad mojo04:50
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selroot IRC is not very secure you are risking your system there04:50
a_personi changed it04:51
kitchedoesn't even look like he is root :)04:51
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kitchejust his nick was root04:51
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dod1450anyone palnning on attending defcon.org next month?04:51
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bloodytuxHello, I am dual booting Ubuntu 7.04 and Windows XP. I'm trying to enter XP so i can copy some files to a disk, but I have a USB keyboard and it won't work before it loads up the drivers and the one PS/2 keyboard I have doesn't work for some reason... What should I do?04:51
a_personactually i am in root right now04:51
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cmihaiHm... apparently they all need some kind of inetd to run a telnetd daemon. And netkit-inetd is broken. Any ideas?04:52
gatena_person: then you should close irc, login as a regular user and come back04:52
kitche!offtopic | dod145004:52
ubotudod1450: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:52
sjoerd_sell_ yes i can still move the cursor04:52
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bloodytuxCan anyone help?04:52
stefgbloodytux: check in the bios, there's often some USB-keyboard support taht needs to be switched on04:53
thomas_i would like to program a gui for my program. what should i start with ?04:53
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bloodytux... How do I get into BIOS if I can't press delete or any other buttons....04:53
mavsman4457some love for the ps3 user here?04:53
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DaSkreechmavsman4457: try #ps3-linux04:54
mavsman4457ok thanks04:54
todgerhi i am installing ubuntu on a laptop with only 256Mb ram and a 40Gb HDD - which flavour is going to work best, Kubuntu or standard Ubuntu?04:54
stefgbloodytux: good question... you'll need a working Ps/2 keyboard04:54
Picitodger: ubuntu should be fine.04:54
kitchetodger: all 3 work fine on that04:54
mavsman4457DaSkreech, dang I was the only one in there04:54
=== bloodytux cries
selsjoerd have you tried different sessions from the GDM?04:54
todgercools thanks04:54
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JimQodetodger, ram is a little scarce. if ubuntu feels slow try xubuntu04:54
DaSkreechmavsman4457: Whoops #ps3linux04:54
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sjoerdsel: Please talk to sjoerd_, not me04:55
sjoerdsel: And be sure to thank him for using a very confusing nickname04:55
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stefgbloodytux: so go and blame the bios-vendor, this has nothing to do with Linux04:55
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kitcheJimQode: you can run any linux on 128mb if you want to without having problems04:55
langezwieperchanged it ;)04:55
thomas_what do i have to install to be able to use gtk04:55
a_personI have to keep settings like the desktop background and menus when I make a few hundred accounts. I tried copying a model "home" to /etc/skel, but that just maintains the desktop icons, any help?04:55
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langezwieperokay sell other nickname now :)04:55
cmihaiAh, nevermind, finally got it working with OpenBSD inetd. Damnable thing.04:56
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todgerJimQode: oh ok. how will I uninstall ubuntu and replace it with xubuntu?04:56
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langezwieperi dont know what you mean with different session on GDM so i suppose not :)04:56
The_Machinei just upgraded my nvidia driver (kubuntu released) and everything feels "slower".  Any suggestions?   Graphics related things - Even if i shut beryl off, etc. and i'm using Kwin.  Everything's dragging..04:57
JimQodetodger, delete ubuntu partitions using install cd gnome partition ediyor, install xubuntu04:57
cmihaitodger: just install xubuntu-dekstop (aptitude install)04:57
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selthere should be some drop down or button etc at the log-in screen that you can change sessions with04:57
cmihaitodger: Don't reinstall mate, just install xubuntu from your current Ubuntu.04:57
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todgercmihai: ok. will it be possible to get rid of the ubuntu files then, since I won't need them anymore?04:58
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cmihaiThis whole X/K/*/Ubuntu is just bullshit anyway. Same OS, different packages on the CD.04:58
langezwiepersel im the only user04:58
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cmihaitodger: aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop04:58
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yondiecmihai, more like diffrenet windows manager04:58
cmihaitodger: the *ubuntu-desktop stuff is erm... the "distros"04:58
leeyeeHi, I want to convert some man pages to pdf format or some other printable format, anyone help me?04:58
cmihaiyondie: nah, KDE/Gnome/XFCE are desktops... more than a wm.. but that's pretty much the idea.04:58
sellangezweiper not a different user - a different log in type04:58
todgercmihai: oh, so i keep that whatever I choose to use?04:59
langezwiepersel k ill give it a try :) rebooting right now :)-04:59
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yondietodger, give it a try04:59
DanaGOdd, though glxgears says it's giving 66 FPS, I'm only visually seeing 1 FPS.04:59
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todgerok. well it didn't give an option for xubuntu from the first install screen...so i'll see how ubuntu runs first i guess05:00
yondieDanaG, glxgears should give something higher then 66fps05:00
langezwiepersel what session should i choose?05:00
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selI'm not sure what your options are05:01
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langezwiepersel (previous session, run xclient script, gnome, kkde, gnome safe mode, xterm safe mode)05:01
cmihaileeyee: troff :-)05:01
stefgleeyee: man [command]  > output.txt .. will give you a plain text file, you can, for example, open this with openoffice and print to pdf05:01
=== KarlJohan [n=karl@0x57315475.abnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
seltry gnome05:01
moonliteleeyee: would PS be ok? If so, then just search up the man page in yelp and press print and then print to file05:01
cmihaileeyee: you want to print them?05:01
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langezwiepersel should i make it the default type?05:02
vidar42so happy to find an ubuntu support channel...having issues getting my SD Internal card reader working on my Acer 5100 laptop.  Just installed ubuntu, worked fine under Windows, but now I can't access it.  It's not showing in the /dev directory, but it is showing in the Hardware Information screen05:02
cmihaileeyee: groff -man /usr/share/man/man7/man.7.gz | lpr05:02
selnot for now05:02
younghackerdo i have to install special drivers to get a SONY external floppy drive to work on Ubuntu inside of a VM?05:02
cmihaileeyee: just send stuff through groff to format them for printing.05:02
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Some_PersonCan I put a skin on non-ubuntu-skin-aware programs?05:02
Some_Personfor example, GMan05:02
langezwiepersel nope not working still a white desktop :(05:02
leeyeecmihai: I don't have a printer on the machine, i'd like to print them on my friend's, so I need a file05:03
moonlitecmihai: why send him to the terminal when there's a perfectly sensible gui-way of doing it?05:03
selok try the gnome safe mode then05:03
KarlJohanHi can anyone help me with a D-link g520+ in Ubuntu 7.04???05:03
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langezwiepersel k rebooting :)05:03
DaSkreechYou are installing Ubuntu on a D-Link?05:03
moonliteleeyee: do it the way i told you. You can print the psotscript-file at your friends05:03
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cmihaimoonlite: Since bare troff is unusable by humans, a race of gods now gone created macro packages ...05:04
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KarlJohanNo i want the wireless card to work with ubuntu but i doesnt seem to work05:04
leeyeecmihai: got an error: 'lpr: Error - scheduler not responding!'05:04
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DaSkreechbcm43xx is a broadcom driver?05:04
DanaGaack, resizing the window slaughtered Xorg.05:04
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leeyeemaybe I lost something installed?05:05
cmihaileeyee: Well, that's cause you're not using a printer...05:05
cmihaiOh well.05:05
langezwiepersel nope still a white screen :(05:05
KarlJohanhow do i know if the dlink uses broadcom05:05
jendakitche: well, for one thing, I live in the Czech Republic, so you wouldn't know them, and for another, I don't know, as it's a friend's admin - and I doubt the friend would even know :D05:05
cmihaileeyee: > out.ps instead of | lpr05:05
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stefgKarlJohan: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility/D-Link05:05
cmihaileeyee: or just use the GUI, leave troff to the gods ;P05:06
cmihai(that's a Brian Kernighan quote btw)05:06
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langezwieperSel, KDE is working, whats next? dont like kde :p05:07
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leeyeecmihai: thank you, however the file contains only some strange symbols05:07
wsjuniori would like to execute the commad: ati-config --set-powerstate=1 everytime i switch to battery mode, how can i do this?05:07
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wsjuniorto save battery life05:07
Some_PersonCan I make a program like this look better in ubuntu: http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/3452/gmanij7.png05:07
pike_KarlJohan: lspci -v or sudo lshw05:07
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cmihai%%Creator: groff version 1.18.105:08
wsjuniorit should be done automatically but it seems its not working05:08
cmihaiLooks like valid PS here05:08
cmihaiOh well. Just use the GUI05:08
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sellangezweiper take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=290822&highlight=blank+desktop&page=205:08
g[r] eekhi in server edition (at terminal prompt) how do i check my network configuratin05:08
thomas_what do I have to install in order to be able to program with gtk05:08
KarlJohanIt says that if im using the A3 version it will not work because of the TI chipset, damn!05:08
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vidar42having issues getting my SD Internal card reader working on my Acer 5100 laptop.  Just installed ubuntu, worked fine under Windows, but now I can't access it.  It's not showing in the /dev directory, but it is showing in the Hardware Information screen...any ideas where to go from here?05:08
leeyeecmihai: which GUI program to be used?05:09
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moonliteleeyee: yelp05:09
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moonlite(as i told you before)05:09
DaSkreechSome_Person: Eww Gtk105:09
langezwieperk, thx will have a look05:09
cmihaileeyee: Gnome manpage reader or whatever...05:09
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cmihaimoonlite: reason 103 not to use the GUI: printing all manpages and converting them to a book :P05:09
stefgSome_Person: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+1.2/+bug/7107105:10
leeyeecmihai: well, i've tried that before, Gnome-Helper, yeah? However, I'm not sure where to open man.gz file05:10
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Some_Personstefg: thanks05:10
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KarlJohanWhat card should I then by for my desktop, my only demands are min: 54 mbps and working with Ubuntu 7.04.05:10
wsjuniori would like to execute the commad: ati-config --set-powerstate=1 everytime i switch to battery mode, how can i do this?05:11
g[r] eek!network05:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about udev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:11
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:11
stefgbot's out for lunch05:12
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ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.05:12
g[r] eekanyone? want to configure my network settings, in server edition (ie: no gui. all command line)05:12
slestakthats funny.  i dont care who you are05:12
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stefgwsjunior: http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html05:13
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leeyeewell, exactly speaking, I just want to print "man man" page05:13
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lazz0DaSkreech, owned by a bot? :)))05:13
slestakstefg: udev rule or acpi script?05:13
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:13
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younghackerwhere can i go for documentation on shell scripting?05:14
pike_g[r] eek: you mean like autoconnect on boot? the intface can be added to /etc/network/interfaces05:14
selg[r] eek you know about ifconfig etc?05:14
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:14
stefgslestak: excellent catch... yeah, acpi event sounds more like it05:14
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kitche!msgthebot | DaSkreech05:14
ubotuDaSkreech: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:14
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IceLinkIs there a possibility to make ^  ` deadkeys? (using gnome)05:14
DaSkreechkitche: that last one was in response to younghacker's request05:14
pike_younghacker: you can ask in #bash but for the simple stuff they will just point to you documentation05:14
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DaSkreech!commands | younghacker05:14
ubotuyounghacker: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:14
g[r] eek!ifconfig05:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:15
slestakwsjunior: i was thinking you would need it somewhere in /etc/acpi/events/battery...05:15
cmihaileeyee: sorry mate, my mistake.05:15
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Zoffix!msgthebot > g[r] eek05:15
cmihaileeyee: I forgot the gzcat :P05:15
younghackerthanks @ pike Skreech & ubotu05:15
g[r] eekthanks Zoffix05:15
cmihaileeyee: that thing is zipped, just upzip it and groff will do wonders.05:15
moonliteleeyee: is it the manpage for the command "man" you want to print?05:15
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leeyeemoonlite: yeah, one of them05:16
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:16
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Some_PersonIs there an Ubuntu Human GTK 1 theme?05:16
newuser01i still cant run programs in 3D, even with the OpenGL and python-gtk2 libraries >.<05:16
cmihaileeyee: just use groff, but run | gzcat or gunzip ok?05:16
stati1anybody w/ fglrx experience? I'm totally lost...05:16
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langezwiepersel it doenst worek for me05:16
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slestakanyone have banshee + audioscrobbler working?  its giving me fits05:16
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banfroghello guys, i was just after some advice on how to share an internet connection using a USB modem in an already networked environment05:17
slestakim using ppp not managed by NetworkManager, and I think that may make a difference05:17
langezwiepersel luckly i still have VISTA :d :p05:17
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DaSkreechbanfrog: Make the computer it's attached to a gateway05:17
defryskslestak, bashee plugins audioscrobbler settings username passwd05:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipforwarding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
thomas_has nobody an idea how to install gtk+ on ubuntu05:17
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langezwieperno other ideas05:17
wsjuniorslestak: there isnt such directory in my system05:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about masqurade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
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Mariengspor favor necesito alguien q hable espaol05:18
Zoffix!es | Mariengs05:18
ubotuMariengs: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:18
slestakbanfrog: you need either ip_forwarding or masquaerade (sp)05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtk+ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI05:18
patientLooking for something to manage my private network, can someone advise me??05:18
moonliteleeyee: if you type "man man" in yelp it will pop up and from there you can print it (for example you can print it to file/postscript).05:18
ubotuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)05:18
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Mariengsgracias ubotu05:19
banfrogDaSkreech: I was thinking that but i don't know how to get the usb modem to be a networked device05:19
patientwich one??05:19
ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications05:19
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI05:19
Zoffix!msgthebot | thomas_05:19
leeyeecmihai: could you make it more clear? i've untared it to normal file05:19
ubotuthomas_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:19
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leeyee "groff -man ~/tmp/man.1" | gunzip ?05:19
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defryskthomas_, please stop flooding the channel with ubotus messages please05:19
leeyeeseems not work05:19
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leeyeemoonlite: yup, this way works05:20
patientSomeone help me05:20
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leeyeemoonlite: but I'm wondering to do it in console in another way ^_^05:20
cmihaileeyee: cat /usr/share/man/man7/groff.7.gz | gunzip | groff -man > out2.ps05:20
cmihaileeyee: want that in pdf? ps2pdf out2.ps05:20
GaryvdMPlease will someone help me. I have installed PostgreSQL on my kubuntu edgy box, but when I try run pg_ctl, it says Command not found. Where would pg_ctl normaly be installed on the fs, or how I can find out?05:20
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g[r] eekok messing around with ifconfig, i've got an eth0 device. why is there a "lo" device? what is that?05:21
cmihaileeyee: the output looks great.05:21
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Zoffixg[r] eek, it's loopback your own box05:21
patientHey, tell me if UBUNTU is available to manage a private network??05:21
Mariengsubotu porfa pasame la direccion otra vez... q cerre la ventana por error05:21
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g[r] eekso then eth0 (the only other device) must be my network card correct?05:21
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langezwieperanyone else has ideas for my problem (white screen on login af05:21
g[r] eekie: the device which i need to set ip/dns/gateway for.05:21
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leeyeemoonlite: yup05:22
cmihaileeyee: "cat /usr/share/man/man7/groff.7.gz | gunzip | groff -man > out2.ps && ps2pdf out2.ps && xpdf out2.pdf" -> make sure you have ps2pdf installed :-). Just cat the manpage you want, OK? Make sure it's not zipped though. groff -man will do the job and make it into a nice looking PostScript05:22
thomas_is it necessary to compile gtk+ yourself05:22
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cursor1hi , i got some trouble with an external usb hardrive in ubunti , any help?05:22
banfrogit would make sense to me if were ethX but i don't know how to deal with a usb device in a networking situation05:22
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thomas_or is it possible to install it in the ubuntu way - apt get install05:22
bloodytuxhow do i install all the recommended packages for wine?05:22
leeyeecmihai: that works. I have a well configured LaTeX system, so ps2pdf is not a problem. Thank you!05:22
Picithomas_: install it from the repos05:22
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Mariengspor favor espaol05:22
kitchethomas_: yes both gtk+ can be installed from the repos05:23
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:23
giany911guys how can i add a shortcut to some app in the applications menu ?05:23
stati1fglrx: blank screen in 64bit lowlatency kernel (tried other kernels as well). Totally hangs my system. Where do I find log files for Xorg??? And should I be getting the driver from universe or multiverse or what?05:23
leeyeecmihai: it do have a well aligned looks in PDF05:23
thomas_Pici, how is the packet named ?05:23
jenkins420I have a 100.8 MB .avi video and I want to make 2 seperate videos from it.  What software should I use?05:23
sellangezweiper: try making a new user then logging in as the new user see if anyhting is better that way05:23
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cmihaileeyee: yeah, troff is great. Used to do small stuff that wasn't worth a full blown TeX :-)05:23
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pike_bloodytux: i think aptitude may install recommended packages too by default not sure if there is an apt-get switch05:24
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thomas_stati1, cat /var/log/Xorg....05:24
cursor1hi . can anyone help me i have an external hardrive problem in ubuntu05:24
cmihaileeyee: just make sure it's not zipped and always use the -man macros (groff -man) :-)05:24
leeyeecmihai: hehe, I just use TeX to write thesis05:24
Zoffixjenkins420, there is some preinstalled app for it. I forget the name, open your shell and type `avi` and shit tab key twice, I think that's how I found it.05:24
stati1thanks, thomas!05:24
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thomas_kitche, how are the packets for gtk+ named05:24
Picithomas_: libgtk2.0-005:24
jenkins420Zoffix: thanks05:24
pike_cursor1: what is the problem?05:24
thomas_Pici, thx05:24
Zoffixjenkins420, it's `avisplit`05:24
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leeyeecmihai: your tiny shell script works great!05:24
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cmihaileeyee: thanks ;-)05:25
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giany911ummm ... how can i make a shortcut in the application menu ?05:26
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banfrogthanks guys :)05:26
doronhi, I messed with grubs vga=XXX option, now my tty appears smaller than the display (as if in a small window) even after omitting the vga=XXX its stuck this way05:26
cursor1pike_: the device isnt recorgnised at all05:26
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doronhelp !! :(05:26
Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?05:26
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cmihailevander: you might be interested in grodvi(1) too. It converts groff to TeX dvi format.05:27
Mariengspor favor NECESITO UBUNTU ESPAOL05:27
thomas_Pici, but it doesn't work. i can't compile the demo gtk files it shows me a lot of errors05:27
PriceChild!es | Mariengs05:27
ubotuMariengs: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:27
=== Ronald|Laptop [n=Ronald@ip51-232-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
kitchethomas_: you n eed to install the -dev packages as well05:27
ZoffixMariengs, /join #ubuntu-es05:27
scope006every time I do sudo vim /ext/X11/xorg.conf it tells me there is a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.swp file and no matter how many times I open in with the recovery flag -r or how many times I try to delete it I cant get rid of that message.  any thoughts?05:27
Picithomas_: you'll need the dev package then. libgtk2.0-dev05:27
MariengsMUY AMBLES05:27
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thomas_Pici, i've already installed the package05:28
JimQodescope006, try to delete the swap file manually05:28
kitchescope006: it's how vim is setup do :set backup 0 to get rid of that in vim05:28
thomas_Pici, haven't made it better05:28
scope006Jim:  file or directory does not exist05:28
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JimQodescope006, weird ...05:29
Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?05:29
thomas_Pici, there's  a folder named gtk supposed to be in /usr/include05:29
mistyI have Ubuntu server.  I need to install Oracle server and client on it, and for that I need a GUI (they run with Java)05:29
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mistyI did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:29
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thomas_Pici, but there's only a folder named gtk2.0..... but with the header file of this folder it shows me lot of errors on compiling05:29
scope006lol i got rid of the swp file but my xorg.conf i now empty, lol05:29
mistynow I can't log into X even though I can log into the command-line.  Is there a file I have to edit of users who are allowed to log into X?05:29
scope006oh what a monday05:29
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Picithomas_: is there a readme for the demos? perhaps that lists what packages are needed.05:30
Dana1gnome-setting-daemon is entirely missing on some Edgy system of mine.05:30
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bloodytuxok... how do i install beryl?05:30
Dana1What package holds that binary?05:30
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Busatais there anyway to boost the volume of my laptop? I got the feeling everything sounds more silent then it did in windows...05:30
PriceChild!beryl | bloodytux05:30
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ubotubloodytux: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:30
PriceChild!es | pinki05:30
ubotupinki: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:30
Dana1gnome-display-properties is also missing.05:30
kitchemisty: no but root should not be allowed on X anyways just sounds like you either don't have kdm enabled or you just have to type startx to get into X if that's what you mean05:30
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thomas_Pici, there are no readmes05:31
mistykdm is enabled, I'm staring at it05:31
mistyI'm trying to log in as a non-root user05:31
thomas_Pici, #include <gtk/gtk.h> that's the include line05:31
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hallchat italiana ubuntu????05:31
PriceChild!it | hall05:31
ubotuhall: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:31
kitchemisty: ok then you should be able to login fine then what's the error you are getting05:31
misty'login failed'05:31
mistywith the same username and password that works at the CLI05:31
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thomas_Pici, but it doesn't work because there's no header named like this05:31
thomas_Pici, I'm out of ideas05:32
Dana1It's >, not |05:32
kitchemisty: ok then it has nothing to do with X then most likely check your Xorg.0.log but it seems to be a pam issue05:32
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mistydoes pam use a different file for logging into X?05:32
=== misty investigates
pike_misty: df -h and check disk space also maybe ls -R ~ | grep root and make sure ownership is intact05:32
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mistydisk space is fine05:33
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mistywhat are you saying root should own?05:33
pike_misty: nothing05:33
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Picithomas_: let me check something, hold on05:33
vladuz976how can I get some kind of os x like launcher in GNOME?05:33
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thomas_Pici, yep05:33
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KarlJohanHi when i use Ubuntu  i can see my wireless network and connect to it but i cant get any internet connection, i have a d-link g520, anybody tried the same?05:33
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Picithomas_: libgtk1.2-dev and libgtk2.0-dev are the only two packages that include a file named gtk.h05:34
giany911ummm ... how can i make a shortcut in the application menu ?05:34
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pike_KarlJohan: can you connect to a wireless network and pastebin the output or 'route' command?05:34
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pike_KarlJohan: i wouldnt think that would be an issue in ubuntu though05:34
scope006Got it guys thnx05:34
Dana1Is there an easy way to go through a system and force it to reinstall every package that is installed?05:34
scope006thank God for backups05:34
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thomas_Pici, wait a second i will try the 1.2 dev package05:34
kitcheKarlJohan: are you sure you have no internet try ping -c 3
mistyyes it's a pam issue, pam.d/kdm is weird on ubuntu server05:35
pike_Dana1: you could pipe it to xargs :)05:35
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mistyI will compare it to a kubuntu system05:36
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The_Machinei just upgraded my nvidia driver (kubuntu released) and everything feels "slower".  Any suggestions?   Graphics related things - Even if i shut beryl off, etc. and i'm using Kwin.  Everything's dragging..05:36
kitchemisty: well they are the same system really just the kernel is different and such since all of the k/x/ubuntu's use the same repos05:36
giany911ummm ... how can i make a shortcut in the application menu ?05:36
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thomas_Pici, very strange05:37
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kitchegiany911: alacarte05:37
mistykitche: I realize that...05:37
mistybut I think the kdm pam file is more restrictive on ubuntu server05:37
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=== RabidWeezle_ yawns
thomas_Pici, if i try to include the gtk.h from the other folders it shows me several errors05:37
RabidWeezle_wake up!05:38
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jenkins420Zoffix: I'm having some problems with avisplit, do you know it fairly well?05:38
RabidWeezleoops, wrong channel lol05:38
Picithomas_: I'm not sure what to tell you,05:38
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Zoffixjenkins420, not really. Used it once. Just read the man page05:38
thomas_Pici, do you have a /usr/include/gtk/ folder ?05:38
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jenkins420I have/am.  thanks though05:39
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thomas_Pici, maybe I should compile it myself05:39
Picithomas_: no, I dont.05:39
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Picithomas_: btw, what kind of errors are you getting?05:39
vox754!away > Wyk-away05:39
thomas_Pici, a lot of file unknown errors and of course unknown data types05:40
Picithomas_: Do you have build-essential installed?05:40
thomas_Pici, i guess so05:40
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Picithomas_: are you sure?05:41
thomas_Pici, give me a second to check it05:41
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gumpishWhere are the files written to by the Preferences -> Sessions applet?05:41
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metbsdhow do i install pidgin?05:41
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thomas_Pici, it's installed now but it doesn't change nothing at all05:42
kitche!pidgin | metbsd05:42
ubotumetbsd: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.05:42
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Picithomas_: I'm not sure what to tell you, sorry.05:43
kitchemetbsd: seems to be compile it or find a 3rd party package of it05:43
metbsddam it05:43
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metbsdwhy is it not in05:43
Stwangeis there a way to make the DEL button have a confirmation messages, or an undelete?05:43
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spenceri need some help partitioning05:43
thomas_Pici, hmm okay probably i have to compile it myself05:43
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Mark__i need help05:44
spenceri am trying to reformat a drive to fat3205:44
Dana1aah, I figured my thing out:05:44
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spencerand i am using gparted05:44
MurdochI need help upgrading glib05:44
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thomas_kitche, do you know how to get gtk+ running05:44
Mark__im trying to install windows using a Toshiba Recovery disk05:44
spencerbut everytime i apply the formatting it remounts the drive05:44
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Murdochhow do you upgrade using the source05:44
Dana1sudo aptitude reinstall `dpkg --get-selections | cut -f1`05:44
spencerand then i get an error because it is mounted05:44
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Dana1that's how I'll reinstall everyrtthing05:44
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kitchethomas_: I only use QT myself05:45
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MurdochI did ./configure and make and make install but pkg-config picks up the old glib as well as the /usr/lib is still linked with the old lib's05:45
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spencerdoes anyone know how i can keep my drive from remounting itself?05:45
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newuser01spencer: i had the same problem, but when i restarted, all partitions were in their rightful places and worked ok..05:45
Murdochremove it from /etc/fstab05:45
thomas_kitche, have you compiled QT yourself or have you installed it over the ubuntu repositories05:45
drdubis there a keyboard shortcut for terminal?05:45
kitchethomas_: compiled it wanted qt405:46
spencerthe drive is not in fstab05:46
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jribdrdub: set one in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts05:46
selinuxium_hi there all, anyone had any experience at connecting to a Novell vpn?05:46
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thomas_kitche, maybe i also have to compile it myself. the packets of the repos namely don't work05:46
Adrianodrdub: try ctrl alt t first05:47
spencerany other reason that it would keep remounting?05:47
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Adrianodrdub: but I think you have to set it05:47
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jribflo|linux: don't do that05:49
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StwangeI keep accidentally deleting files, is there a way to make the DEL button have a confirmation messages, or an undelete?05:49
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sarthorHi.. i am using ubuntu fiesty. How to install htb tool for bandwidth shaping???05:50
PiciStwange: if you are using gnome, they should go into the trash.05:50
selinuxium_Stwange: files should go into your trash bin05:50
Some_PersonWhy won't Ubuntu let me apply a GTK+1 theme (for GTK+1 programs)?05:50
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Stwangethey don't, I think they do if i right click and delete, but if hit the DEL button, they don't05:50
Some_PersonI keep getting "segmentation fault"05:50
nivekc1hey guys i have a windows xp machine that is running pc 133 memory therefore has a tough time running the live cd can i install ubuntu with the HDD in another PC and then put it back in there?05:50
metbsdis there realplayer05:50
metbsdfor ubuntu05:50
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Some_Personmetbsd: yes05:50
metbsdhow do i install it?05:50
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Adrianonivekc1: the question is how much mem does it have05:51
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kitchemetbsd: yes either realplayer or helix-player05:51
nivekc120 GB HDD05:51
Adrianonivekc1: ubuntu requires at least 192, 512 should be more than enough05:51
nivekc11.8 GB athlon05:51
Some_Personwhy is realplayer not in the repos?05:51
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AdrianoI don't think the memory is the problem05:51
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Toma-Some_Person: because its terrible05:51
nivekc1well the live cd loads just very slow05:52
bandobrashab gehrt die ubuntuleute sind sehr hilfsbereit...ich wrd das gern mal ausprobieren ;) mchte jetzt ubuntu neben vista installieren.05:52
kitcheSome_Person: well it is really helix-player05:52
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Pici!de | bandobras05:52
ubotubandobras: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:52
kitcheSome_Person: i's most liekly because it's commerical05:52
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nivekc1also i was thinking about running ubuntu studio and its MOBO does not have the capability to boot from DVD05:52
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Dana1duuuuude, it's !something > person, not !something | person.05:52
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Some_Personubotu sources05:52
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:52
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:52
Dana1Person is not a command.05:52
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bloodytuxis linux-restricted-modules-2.6.*.*-386, linux-386 and linux-restricted-modules-386 required to run linux or are they dummys?05:52
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nivekc1so it is ok to load ubuntu on te HDD in another PC??05:53
kitcheDana1: umm | is a pipe05:53
bloodytuxi'm trying to install beryl and it says to uninstall nvidia-kernel-common and it wants to uninstall thos05:53
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ultralordHello to everybody.05:55
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nivekc1ubuntu will think that all of my 2nd pcs hardware it what it should be running so will it make the transition into another machine?05:55
selbloodytux: beryl needs AIGLX etc - your system is trying to install the nvidia binary driver to alow that05:55
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bloodytuxyea but is the linux-restricted-modules required?05:55
kitchenivekc1: yes linux is very moveable if the kernel has everything in it or modules05:55
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bloodytuxand all that other stuff05:55
selyes if you want it from the repos no if you go get it from nvidia05:56
nivekc1ok thanks05:56
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ultralordI have ATI radeon x600, and I have myself impossible to form Beryl. In addition I have it with two screens.05:56
DanaGLinux is far more movable than Windows is.05:56
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KarlJohanKitche: im very sure,05:57
selbloodytux: if you want to get your nvidia driver the 'Ubuntu way' you need the modules you mention05:57
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kitcheKarlJohan: did you try the ping command to see if you can get out using IP05:58
aa^wayheyy why i cant install php5 and apache2 on linux?05:58
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bloodytuxsel: i'm following this tut http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BerylOnFeisty and it says to download the drivers from Nvidia05:58
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huythhow do I make Rutilt autostart?05:58
aa^wayhere is my pastebin http://pastebin.ca/60000805:59
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doronhi, my tty screen (Ctrl+Alt+Fx) appears smaller than my screen, how can I change the resolution ?05:59
bloodytuxsel: i just want to make sure i'm not going to crash my computer05:59
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Fuzzhi, how do i upgrade my wine to 0.9.40? i have wine-0.9.40.tar.bz2 file06:00
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Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?06:00
metbsdhelix-player does not play this rmvb file06:00
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metbsdMe2resh: it''ll only work in windows06:00
KarlJohankitche: please send the command again im new to ubuntu got it from my older brother.06:00
selbloodytux: If I were you I'd try just getting beryl first then upgrade to the nvidia newest drivers later06:00
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bloodytuxsel: k06:00
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kitcheKarlJohan: ping -c
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Me2reshmetbsd, so i cant use headphone on linux ?06:01
kitcheKarlJohan: after the -c put a 3 so it would look like -c 306:01
selbloodytux: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Beryl_.28Nvidia.2906:01
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bloodytuxsel:do i need ailgx or xgl?06:01
metbsdMe2resh: i don't know, you can ask around06:01
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Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?06:01
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DarkEDhttp://darked.toddkleinert.com/mg/index.php?id=719 <-- any way to hide the panel handles or make them transparent?06:01
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selyou don't need to woy about that with nvidia06:02
KarlJohankitche: you mean :       ping -c 364.233.167.9906:02
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selit'll select AIGLX automatically IIRC06:02
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kitcheKarlJohan: space between 3 and the 606:02
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AlbarahaIs there a linux driver of Linksys wireless USB adapter?06:03
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[selfsearcher] hi06:03
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braskohi, when I run an executable built from redhat 7.1 on the newest ubuntu, I get "No such file or directly", I've never seen that before, any ideas?06:04
[selfsearcher] i need to know: i want to install a different version of GNOME but i want to have the choice to choose between the two versions, via the menu06:04
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BillyI am trying to run www.pbskids.org for my kids.. but it requires flash player and shockwave... I am having a hard time installing them.  Could some one instruct me in how to do this?06:05
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amicrawlerhey guys how do i scan to see what is in my lan ?06:05
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kitchebrasko: hmm why would you run a binary from redhat 7.1 on ubuntu they aren't even compatible but anyways your running the binary wrong most likely06:05
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ultralordselfsearcher, use qemu, for example. A tutorial is in http://www.vicosoft.org/blog/06:05
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SurbI'm using a second HDD, but it's currently owned by root.  How can I change the owner to me, and how can I get it to mount when I boot up?06:06
braskokitche: why aren't the compatible? BTW, I'm not running it wrong, I'm sure of it.06:06
KarlJohankitche: it says From icmp_seq3 Destination Host Unreachable       ------ ping statistics -----         3 packets transmitted, 0 recieved, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms, pipe 306:06
jribBilly: flash is in multiverse (the bot will send you instructions).  Adobe does not provide shockwave for linux, so the only way to get it is to install firefox with flash in wine06:06
jrib!flash > Billy (see the private message from ubotu)06:06
jrib!shockwave > Billy (see the private message from ubotu)06:06
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braskokitche: I've used unix for 10+ years, and by this point, know how to run an executable06:06
kitcheKarlJohan: ok then it's most likey your route is setup wrong or the router is blocking it06:06
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kitchebrasko: umm different libc versions06:06
[selfsearcher] i need to know: i want to install a different version of GNOME but i want to have the choice to choose between the two versions, via the menu06:06
braskokitche: that's what I was wondering06:06
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doronhi, my tty screen (Ctrl+Alt+Fx) appears smaller than my screen, how can I change the resolution ?06:07
braskokitche: the libc libraries aren't guarenteed to be backwards compatible?06:07
kitchebrasko: but if it says no file or directory found then you are running the binary wrong06:07
braskohaha, NO!06:07
braskoI know how to run it!06:07
KarlJohankitche, why should the router blocking it i use wireless on two other computers and one of them is using Ubuntu06:07
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Hoppimikehi everyone!06:07
braskokitche: In fact, I compile a hello world on redhat, copy it to ubuntu, run it, and get the message06:07
braskoI myself was surprised with the 'no such file or directly"06:08
Hoppimikei have one little question =)06:08
ultralordHi Hoppimike. http://www.manchegox.org06:08
Hoppimikedoes anyone know the best way to fix grub? I spoilt the MBR and I wanted to try to fix it from the ubuntu 7.04 CD06:08
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kitchebrasko: well considering that redhat 7.1 uses libc and not glibc06:08
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Busata!grub | Hoppimike06:09
ubotuHoppimike: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:09
tompeachHello folks, I have a problem with Ubuntu feisty server and software raid 5, the raid seems really unstable. Partitions keep dropping out even thought they are good. I don't know where to even start to troubleshoot it. Any advice?06:09
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Hoppimikecool thanks!06:09
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StwangeHow do I change the login screen? Sad question, but I've seen one with a penguin and "Welcome to Ubuntu", is that just the different DE?06:09
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kitchebrasko: hmm it does use glibc it seems :)06:09
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braskokitche: If I vi the executalbe, it has a mention to /lib/ld-linux.so.2, but that doesn't exist in ubuntu06:09
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Zoffixbionoid, I fixed my drive :D what I did is changed "feisty" to "gutsy" in the first two lines in /etc/apt/sources.list; Then upgraded my system and it is working now :)06:10
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braskokitche: and if I do 'ldd -v main.exe' it says, 'statically linked'06:10
erUSULStwange: System>Admin>Login Screen ??06:10
Stwangesorry I should have looked for that. Thanks06:10
braskokitche: 'ldd -v main.exe' on the redhat 7.1 system says 'libc6.so.6 and lib/ld-linux.so.2'06:11
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[selfsearcher] How can i install another version of GNOME mantaining my old version (i need to choose this one or the other)06:11
braskokitche: any idea why copying that to ubuntu would make it think it's statically linked?06:11
Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?06:11
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pike_Zoffix: be careful of the automatic updates in gutsy ;)06:11
Zoffixpike_, yeah :) at least my drive is working :)06:11
Zoffix!es > languita06:11
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tompeachRemoteViewer: RAID 5 do you think i'd be better to give up on ubuntu and try zfs on solaris 10? (no arseyness intended)06:12
sarthorHi.. i am using ubuntu fiesty. How to install htb tool for bandwidth shaping???06:12
sarthorHi.. i am using ubuntu fiesty. How to install htb tool for bandwidth shaping???06:12
sarthorpasting again after 2 hrs waiting.06:13
sarthorno one replied..06:13
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kitche!repeat | sarthor06:13
ubotusarthor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:13
languitaabladme en espaol06:13
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:13
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sarthorkitche, then what to do??06:13
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[selfsearcher] How can i install another version of GNOME mantaining my old version?06:13
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incorrectwhich is the best vpn app for linux?06:14
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IceLinkHi. Can anyone tell me where I can find the file including the sources? I mean the file which automatix is writing crap in when using it06:14
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Pici!automatix | IceLink06:14
ubotuIceLink: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:14
PiciIceLink: /etc/apt/sources.list06:15
beni_Hey guys, where can I find new Gnome Login Screens or Ubuntu Icon Sets? Is there a page like stylexp.com? TIA!06:15
Pici!themes | beni_06:15
ubotubeni_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:15
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beni_Pici: thank you06:15
Picibeni_: sure :)06:15
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kitchesarthor: compile it yourself06:15
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kitchesarthor: http://sourceforge.net/projects/htbinit/06:15
[selfsearcher] IceLink: just install what you need. Automatix doesn't work for us all...06:16
IceLinki won't use it any time06:16
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IceLinkbut i06:16
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IceLink've got a problem and it might be that automatix is the root06:16
sarthorkitche, thank you.06:16
troopperi_!automatix | Icelink06:17
ubotuIcelink: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:17
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kitchetroopperi_: he doesn't need to be spammed with that you know06:17
IceLinki want to install KVIrc, the newst version is just available as a deb-file which depends on some things which i already have but the version is too low. But Synaptic doesn't show me a better version06:17
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troopperi_kitche: i just entered my pc...sorry..lol06:18
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IceLinkhas anybody got an idea?06:19
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:19
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BusataI'm the latest version of myself atm, I'm doing pretty ok06:20
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IceLinkerUSUL, if you're meaning me: if the program i wanna use expects it, so i do have to have the latest. if you're not, just forget it^^06:21
pike_IceLink: you can install the libs if you can find them it wont mess anything up really to have multiple lib versions. i guess youd either have to google for some deb packages for em or just grab em from the project website. you could try just making a link to them to make the app think they are there.. like sudo ln -s /usr/lib/somelib /usr/lib/somelibnewername .. i dunno06:21
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p47hello Does anyone knows the way to know what program were installe in my ubuntu ?06:21
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p47hello Does anyone knows the way to know what program were installe in my ubuntu ?06:21
kitche!repeat | p4706:22
ubotup47: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:22
kitchep37: dpkg -l06:22
Hoppimikehaha i did it!! i did it!! my laptop works =)06:22
Hoppimikethanks ubotu! lol06:22
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IceLinkpike_ ah i'm hating this complex things >.< why can't it just be easily installed?06:22
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HoppimikeI'll come on here later and help other people to say thank you =)06:22
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beni_Hoppimike: You're Leenux, dude )06:23
sarthorkitche, thank you.06:23
Hoppimikelater dudes and dudettes!06:24
erUSULIceLink: what the latest version of kvirc has that the one shipping with feisty do not?06:24
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darwin81The LiveCD always boots to a different resolution on the same machine.06:24
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Stwangeif I reboot into windows, and use partition magic to extend the linux partition, will this cause problems when I reboot into linux?06:24
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IceLinkerUSUL: i don't have feisty but dapper. Well, winamp-support (although i don't think that there's winamp for linux)06:25
erUSUL"es | carlosgasa06:25
Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?06:25
erUSUL!es | carlosgasa06:25
ubotucarlosgasa: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:25
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erUSULIceLink: you are right no winamp in linux06:25
erUSUL!players | IceLink06:26
ubotuIceLink: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs06:26
pike_Stwange: partition magic usually works. the ubuntu version of this would be gparted06:26
pike_Stwange: you could use gparted from the livecd06:26
Stwangeok thanks :)06:26
carlosgasakien sabe hablar in soainhis06:27
IceLinkerUSUL, you make the impression of being a bot aself06:27
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carlosgasahello prot06:28
IceLinkerUSUL, well, it doesn't help, i don't have any version of KVIrc now06:28
beni_Desktop Widgets on ubuntu, only possible with gdesklets?06:28
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carlosgasaguadalinex v406:28
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dromerhi all, I installed qemu, but every time I try to run it it says: ould not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated  and it runs tediously slow, how can I activate kqemu?06:29
carlosgasayo conozco ha tu puta06:29
kitchedromer: install it06:29
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:29
dromerkitche: it is installed afaik06:29
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tech_for some reson i cannot get ssh to work on the 6.10 TLS verson06:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qmeu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:30
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo06:30
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rambo3dromer, installl qemu-launcher06:30
tech_i can ssh in on local host06:30
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tech_its a VMware system06:30
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pike_tech_: you cant ssh to it from the host machine or from other machines on the network?06:31
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tech_host, but i can ssh to other boxes from the host06:31
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dromerrambo3: what do I do with that? I already have it ,, and can't activate kqemu in there ..06:32
tech_no on there boxes on the network as well06:32
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kitchetech_: well vmware gives the machine it's own ip also if you have it setup that way but without openssh-sever installed then you can't ssh into the vmware machine06:32
Billyhow can I automaticly get in to the ubotu chat when I logon to the IRC server?06:32
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tech_right i can ssh localhost, works, it has an extreal IPaddress06:33
kitcheBilly: depends on the client06:33
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BillyKitche: thank you06:34
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pike_tech_: i know this would be straight forward if nat'd but then youd have an issue with other machines on the network.. id /join #vmware and ask em06:34
tech_but, from the hostbox or from an exteranl box ssh dust dies (like a firewall issue)06:34
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johnficca1how do I decode a bin/cue movie file without burn it on to cd?06:34
Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?06:34
aa^wayheyy why i cant install php5 and apache2 on linux?06:35
aa^wayhere is my pastebin http://pastebin.ca/60000806:35
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izNfaz o echo a06:36
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dromerrambo3, kitche: I think I got it to work .. hopefully it'll get loaded on boot in the future06:36
kitchejohnficca1: this should give you your answer http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion06:36
Ubiratanhello niggas06:36
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BillyI am using XChat-GNOME IRC Chat,  How do I set it to automaticly put me in to #ubuntu, #ubuntu-effects, and Ubotu?06:37
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tech_pike_ the network connection is briged06:38
kitcheBilly: well Ubotu you have to message for the window to open06:38
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madman91if I mount two samba shares (from one computer).. and i rsync FIRSTSHARE SECONDSHARE from my computer.. will it write from FIRSTSHARE to my computer then to SECONDSHARE or from FIRST to SECOND on the local computer ?06:39
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sunew_hi all, i have run in to the "sudo timestamp too far in the future" thing - i'm on a feisty server install, and neither sudo -k, -K, -v works for me - any clues ?06:42
rambo3did you reboot ?06:42
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sunew_i cant i need sudo to do that i gues (?)06:42
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PriceChildsunew_, i know this... one second06:42
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PriceChildsunew_, gksudo "sudo -K"06:43
sunew_PriceChild: well i'm on a server install - no gui06:43
rambo3sudo "sudo -K" ?06:43
PriceChildrambo3, no....06:43
sunew_rambo3: same problem06:44
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sunew_anyway to restart without sudo?06:44
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Billysu - root06:44
starzsunew_, yeah06:44
starzo server commandline06:44
johnficca1how do I convert an ISO movie file to to say a avi movie?06:45
sunew_the root is not enabled06:45
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starzsunew_, mm06:45
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starzwhat precipatated this btw06:45
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sunew_starz: i changed the time with sudo date06:46
sunew_hehe - silly problem06:46
sunew_but its giving me a lot of grey hairs06:46
Adrianojohnficca1: there are no ISO movie formats06:46
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limejuiceright, what is ISO format?06:47
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:47
limejuiceyou might have dd the CDROM06:47
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Adrianojohnficca1: iso is the format that (many) cds are recorded in, but not only movies06:47
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blargascould anyone help me out with some dual display issues?06:47
johnficca1yeah it was a bin/cue then I converted it to iso with the program bin2iso now its an iso06:47
IceLinkvery simple, just wanna know how to get this list of disks, something like lgrep or so06:47
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limejuicefdisk -l06:48
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IceLinkah okay thanks06:48
johnficca1I want to watch the movie but I don't want to burn a cd06:48
madman91hey guys.. is it possible to remotely login to a windows box and use my linux commands to do backups and etc.. without using cygwin?06:48
Adrianojohnficca1 : well, mount it somewhere (I think doubleclicking it will do) and check06:48
sunew_yeah - ctrl-alt-delete rebooted. now i can get in via grub recovery mode06:48
llllllllWhere does the 'wget' terminal command store the packages I download?06:48
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PriceChildllllllll, current directory06:48
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metbsdmaddler, what about vnc?06:49
IceLinkeuh... which parameter to get the partitions @ limejuice06:49
blargasjohn: you can use VLC to watch the ISO movie06:49
llllllllPriceChild: current directory?06:49
madman91metbsd: i cant use by commands06:49
PriceChildllllllll, yes06:49
starzsunew_, and you wernt in a sudo session06:49
johnficca1blargas: cool06:49
madman91metbsd: "my"*06:49
starzor did you do another sudo immediately after06:49
Adrianollllllll the directory in which you ran wget06:49
llllllllAh, thanks06:49
hanshi, i just recently installed ubuntu, but can't get dual boot to work; I posted my problem on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=490152, but didn't get any replies, is there anybody here who can help?06:49
limejuiceor even  mount will do06:49
limejuicewhat is the problem @hans06:50
sunew_starz: when changing time? i sudo'ed the date command, if thats what you mean06:50
starzyou sudo'd the date command06:50
starzdid you run another sudo within about 15 min of that06:50
hanslimejuice: GRUB doesn't seem to load, the laptop will boot into ubuntu directly06:55
starzor did you let your sudo timeout06:55
IceLinkahm. somehow it doens't work limejuice^^ just get  sdf106:55
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rambo3hans, paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst  on pastebin06:55
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sunew_starz: problem started right after that - sudo checks the date, and now the sudo date was to far in future - there should be some way of forcing sudo to ask for pw (that should be -v but it gave me same message)06:55
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llllllllSo if I haven't specified a directory, wget is putting the package straight in the 'root' of the filesystem?06:55
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banfroghello all, just wondering how i can bridge a ppp0 connection with a NIC06:55
sunew_starz: anyway i've rebooted and are in recovery now, so i can remove the sudo date file06:55
limejuicesee timeout option06:55
IceLinkhow do i unmount? i mountet by ubuntu disk in my ubuntu disk -.-06:55
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starzsunew_, was it a remote server or local one?06:55
pike_llllllll: it will place it in the directory it was launched from i think06:55
sunew_starz: local06:55
sunew_lucky mee06:55
JiffaJaffaWhats the command to list all folders inside a directory/06:55
starzyour lucky06:55
starzi did that on a remote on06:55
starzim in los angeles it was in germany06:55
sunew_starz: yes thats a problem :D06:55
starzbut one of the first things i do do is set a root pass06:55
starzi know i know...06:55
starzbut i do it.06:55
sunew_starz i will do that :)06:55
starzsunew_, if its local dont bother06:55
starzremote i would tho06:55
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sunew_starz: okay06:55
starzand make sure you use something hardcore like 20-30 digits alphanumeric06:55
starzlike a torrent hash or something06:55
pike_JiffaJaffa: there might be a better way but i normally ls -l directory| grep drw06:55
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sunew_starz: yeah06:55
jribJiffaJaffa: recursively or just one level?06:55
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RichWis 700 the best chmod for a home directory?06:55
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dr_willisbest as in 'most secure' ?06:55
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jribpike_, JiffaJaffa: you could do 'ls -F | grep /' or use 'find -type d'.  If you are in zsh, you could do ls -d *(/)06:55
dr_willisdrwxr-xr-x 50 willis willis    Vs  drwxr-----  :)   If you are worried aout others reading your home dir.. Id guess so,06:55
dr_willisoops too many r;s06:55
Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?06:55
starzah dr_willis "sudo timestamp too far in the future"06:55
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starzdr_willis, http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/118181   <<--- read that06:55
dr_willisstarz,  system clock is off.06:55
starzdr_willis, eh?06:56
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dr_willisWhen my system clock was set wayyyyyyyyyyyy ahead . i got that sort of error befor.06:56
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dr_willisNot sure why else it would show up.06:56
Some_PersonWhatever happened to the PLF repository?06:56
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starzwhat i do is have ntp adjust system clock06:57
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IceLinki'm despairing06:57
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jrib!plf > Some_Person (see the private message from ubotu)06:57
IceLinki want to mount my windows disk but i cannot find it06:57
dr_willisSome_Person,  I think it shut down the ubuntu part. due to lack of a maintainer. but aint checkd in it in ages.06:57
starzMe2resh, ok lets see what we can do06:57
hans@rambo3: I pasted my menu.lst on pastebin, under hans06:57
dr_willis!plf > dr_willis06:57
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rambo3hans, link ?06:57
Me2reshstarz, thanks, i am waiting :)06:57
Some_PersonThere appears to be none for Ubuntu, only Mandriva06:57
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jribSome_Person: medibuntu has ubuntu repos06:58
dr_willisSome_Person,   with the severas and mediatubuntu repos.. I dont see much need for plf :)06:58
dr_willisbut its always nice to have alternatives06:58
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Some_Personi have the medibuntu repos, has a lot less than plf did06:58
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PriceChilddr_willis, Some_Person seveas06:58
starzIceLink, sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda06:59
jribSome_Person: what doesn't it have?06:59
starzadjust for hdd placement06:59
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starzor if its sda instead of hda you can check with df -h06:59
IceLinkstarz: nohing.06:59
tckwhat driver is used for USB hard drives?06:59
starzice pastebin your df -h and your /etc/fstab06:59
erUSULtck: usb-storage mainly06:59
tckerUSUL, thank you07:00
hansrambo3, saw my link?07:00
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rambo3hans, too slow07:00
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langezwieperwhen i login my screen is just white... i already reconfigured my xorg.conf07:00
langezwieperwhat can i do next07:00
starzMe2resh, what kind of laptop do you have07:00
hansrambo3, what do you mean?07:00
starzlangezwieper, you have beryl in?07:00
hansrambo3, shall I post the link again?07:00
starzxgl beryl specifically?07:00
rambo3hans, paste here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/07:01
starzwhat hardware do you have07:01
Me2reshstarz, Asus M6B00V07:01
langezwiepereverything worked fine until i installed Glx or something this morning07:01
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ZeZuhow can i remove ooffice from CLI ?07:01
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ksivaji i created one ext3 partition  and it is mounted   but i cant write in that as a subuser (sivaji)  only root can r/w  now what option should i select "default or sw or rw" to make it r/w07:01
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PiciZeZu: sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org07:01
dr_willisksivaji,  make a directory on the partition, chown, and chmod that directory and let the user have access to that.07:01
hansrambo3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2823907:01
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dr_willisksivaji,  thats how i always do it.  so i got a drive, with 1 partition, and in that 1 parittion. one dir. owned by that user.07:02
langezwieperstarz what can i do to fix the pb?07:02
ksivajidr_willis ok let me try07:02
dr_willisksivaji,  then i link that directory to the users /home/username/Extrastorage :)07:02
Ind[y] Suddenly, everything became very slow, but I have a brand new machine. What has happened (it has happend in the past, and the only fix was format)?07:02
ZeZuthat didn't work, its still avail and opening ;|07:03
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dr_willisksivaji,  you cxan proberly let the user have full permission to the drive some how, but never figured out a nice way.. or why to evne worry about it. :) this way the user dosent see the lost+found dir either07:03
starzlangezwieper, well first off07:03
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starzget into a console and find the guide you were following and do it backwards07:03
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starzi e take it all out07:03
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starzwhen its clean do it without xgl07:03
starzare you using an ati card?07:03
arturo_on_railsHi guys, totally newbie to ubuntu (from Gentoo).  How do I see what services are started at startup?07:04
IceLinkstarz http://phpfi.com/24670107:04
Ind[y] Suddenly, everything became very slow (Terminal/Firefox/Home Folder take huge time to start), but I have a brand new machine. What has happened (it has happend in the past, and the only fix was format)?07:04
langezwieperstarz no im using a nvidia 7800gtx, so ctrl alt 1 should that be done in terminal?07:04
jribarturo_on_rails: system -> administration -> services07:04
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starzMe2resh, im not sure what to do for ya there...07:04
arturo_on_railsjrib: command line.  I'm ssh'aching07:04
ZeZuseems like its part of "ubuntu-desktop"07:04
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Me2reshstarz,  :'(07:04
rambo3hans, it looks correct . i see no error there .07:04
starzlangezwieper, go to terminal and do: sudo apt-get --purge remove beryl beryl-manager07:04
langezwieperk so i should return to my white desktop ?07:05
jribarturo_on_rails: man update-rc.d   and checkout sysv-rc-conf07:05
starzthen you can boot into gnome again07:05
hansrambo3, thanks. You know what else might be wrong?07:05
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starzMe2resh, i just dont have the problem and while i see it on the net i see no fixes - means i just dont know enough about it. might wanna try #alsa07:05
aarcaneHi, I'm working on a an IBM T20 thinkpad, and trying to get 1024x768 resolution working, but the savage video card will only seem to admit that it can run at 800x600.  what can I try to get full resolution ?07:05
langezwieperk rebooting now :)07:05
limejuice@rambo3 but what about title  Other operating systems: root07:05
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starzlangezwieper, for your system you dont need to follow much guides07:05
starzjust take out anything that you find in synaptic for beryl07:06
arturo_on_railsthx jrib07:06
starzand delete .beryl from your home directory07:06
limejuicethere are no option for that root07:06
Some_PersonI'm trying to throw RealPlayer on Ubuntu, but it's not in the repositories!07:06
starzand what os feisty? edgy?07:06
starzIceLink, ok looking now07:06
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arturo_on_railsjrib: another question.  Where can I (should I!) save my iptables setup so it loads at startup?07:06
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rambo3limejuice,hans  i didn't read it since he sad it autoboots into ubuntu . so i just checked timeout and hiddenmenu07:06
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Some_PersonMy sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28241/07:06
starzIceLink, your in live cd07:06
IceLinkthat can't be true07:07
Ind[y] Suddenly, every application take huge time to start. (I have a brand new machine.) Is this a known issue?07:07
=== starz looks again
IceLinki don't have this cd in my ...07:07
dr_willisInd[y] ,  given how vague that is.. I doubt it. :)07:07
langezwieperstarz, okay thank you, im using Feisty fawn 7.04 (im new to the scene lol)      hm i still end up in terminal ... should i reconfigure my xorg.conf now again?07:07
limejuicetry removing that and grub-install07:07
Ind[y] dr_willis: sorry?07:07
dr_willisInd[y] ,  could be a  dma not enabled issue.07:07
hanslimejuice, removing what? the "root" line?07:08
dr_willisInd[y] ,  check the dmesg output for any errors as a start also.07:08
limejuicethe empty root line07:08
starzIceLink, how big is that hard drive and how big is windows partition07:08
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pike_Ind[y] : cat /etc/hosts  see if ya have a  localhost <hostname>  maybe also maybe07:08
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limejuiceline no : 147 and 14807:08
starzlangezwieper, naw you can leave the crap in it07:08
IceLinkif i remember correctly, 80GB and... hm... 40GB?07:08
hanslimejuice, rambo3, i shall try that, thank you07:08
Stwangedoes anyone know how to use libnjb5? (Creative Zen Jukebox) - I've installed it but I can only find it in Synaptic07:08
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Ind[y] dr_willis: But... suddenly? (how do I fix it?)07:09
jrib!iptables > arturo_on_rails (see the private message from ubotu)07:09
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Ominoushow can i get the extra 2 buttons working on my logitech mouse?07:09
Ivishi help me plz i install beryl all work fine but i don't see windows decorations i use nvidia grpahic card07:09
assasukassehi, i need to copy a windows cd, but when i try to do it, by making an image with brasero, the image comes out 850mb and i can't burn it...what can i do?07:09
starzlangezwieper, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Troubleshooting_nVidia07:09
dr_willisInd[y] ,  if it just Started happening.. sounds like either the drive needs fscking, or you got somthing else causing the delays..or the drive is dieing.07:09
jrib!beryl > Ivis (see the private message from ubotu)07:09
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langezwieperstarz, okay thank you07:10
starzIceLink, sure you didnt wipe your windows?>07:10
starznp langezwieper lol07:10
starzit should be easy with nvidia07:10
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:10
starzmake sure to take out ALL yer stuff tho07:10
QwertyMhey, can someone help me with my new 2.1 speakers? Ubuntu just refuses to give any sound o/p to it07:10
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starzIceLink, ok let me back up07:10
arturo_on_railsjrib: thanks for your help.  update-rc.d only modifies the runlevels.  How can I show?07:10
starzyou instaled ubuntu to hdd neh?07:10
IceLinkactually, i didn't, starz07:10
IceLinka long time ago07:10
starzthat usb device?07:10
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starzwhere is it now in the booting picture07:11
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starzwhat are you booting from07:11
jribarturo_on_rails: sysv-rc-conf is a nice ncurses way to do it, otherwise you can ls /etc/rc*.d07:11
Some_Personwhat repository is realplayer in?07:11
IceLinkhard disk07:11
IceLinkfrom grub07:11
starzok. so its on the hard disk.07:11
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arturo_on_railsjrib: and I take that the default runlevel is 6?07:12
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starz  /dev/sda2              91G  7,1G   79G   9% /  <<---   /dev/sda2       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       107:12
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starzsee those two lines IceLink ?07:12
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jribarturo_on_rails: 2 and 2-5 are identical by default07:12
starzone from the fdisk and one from fstab?07:12
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CoffeeDazeI have a newb question that I'm actually having a hard time finding in searches.  I recently installed Ubuntu 7 and can't change my screen resolution higher than 60Hz.  I know it can do 75Hz at 1280x1024 using my Nvidia 6200.  How can I change this?07:12
starzthat means its a hundred gig drive or so etc and its formatted ext307:12
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starzwhen you installed to hdd did you let ubuntu pick all the partitions?07:12
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IceLinkhm. can't be07:12
IceLinki had one partition and ubuntu parted it07:13
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arturo_on_railsjrib: what you mean?  When I bootup, what is the default runlevel?  in my gentoo is 307:13
IceLinkafterwards, i reinstalled windows one time07:13
jrib!realplayer > Some_Person (see the private message from ubotu)07:13
IceLinkand reinstalles grub07:13
jribarturo_on_rails: it's 2 on ubuntu (and debian)07:13
Ind[y] dr_willis: http://pastebin.ca/60011907:13
arturo_on_railsjrib: thanks jrib07:13
jribarturo_on_rails: type 'runlevel' ;)07:13
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starzdo this IceLink: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda07:13
starzpaste that07:13
arturo_on_railsjrib: :p07:13
jrib!upstart > arturo_on_rails (see the private message from ubotu)07:14
IceLinkthis is what i neede dtarz07:14
hanslimejuice, rambo3: removed that line, didn't work, same problem07:14
jribarturo_on_rails: upstart is replacing sysv init btw, so you may be interested in that...07:14
starzfound moar partitions??07:14
starzlook for the one labeled ntfs hehe07:14
IceLink200 GB? may i lol07:14
IceLinkja it is07:14
langezwieperstarz, it still isnt fixed :( i removed beryl like you said and after login the screen is still blank07:14
Ind[y] Actually, I think it started happening, after setting a domain name for my machine.07:14
starzlangezwieper, ok07:14
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Ind[y] pike_: Actually, I think it started happening, after setting a domain name for my machine.07:14
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starzlangezwieper, go to that console: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:15
jartis there some sort of caching or expire feature enabled by default for ubuntu apache?07:15
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langezwieperstarz, just did that already doenst make any difference :(07:15
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IceLinkstarz if you told me how to change chmod i would be very pleasant07:15
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starzIceLink, eh?07:15
Ind[y] pike_: localhost07:15
Ind[y] latitude.homepad07:15
IceLinkwell  think i mounted07:16
Yotsuya-sanHello. I recently added an additional system to my system running Ubuntu 7.04. I used gparted to create an ext3 partition. I am able to mount the partition to a point in /media and can access the partition from command line however an icon for the partition does not appear on my desktop. Icons for other drives running ntfs and network drives via cifs appear fine. Can anyone tell me how to make an ext3 mounted partition appear as07:16
Yotsuya-sanan icon on an ubuntu desktop?07:16
starzlangezwieper, ok do this: sudo aptitude remove beryl* emerald*07:16
Ind[y] pike_: maybe that caused the problem?07:16
IceLinkbut i can't take a look at it cause it's chmod is ugly07:16
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SayaSeEvening. Since I can't really figure out where the issue is, I'll give this channel a shot... http://static.pici.se/pictures/iGmVqVyZh.png is my problem.07:16
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rambo3hans, it wasn't the problem . can you reinstall grub ?07:16
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b00thello everyone07:16
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langezwieperstarz, done nothing found 0packages, 0packages installed, 0 to be deleted07:17
Ominoushow can i get the extra 2 buttons working on my logitech mouse?07:17
Nevishi there - what's the best way to remove an old ubuntu and install a recent version if I'm using dual boot with XP?07:17
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starzlangezwieper, boot it in recovery mode07:17
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arturo_on_railsjrib: thanks, reading just now...07:17
b00tim trying to install ubuntu on my pc though am having problems booting up with the cd! could any1 help out07:17
Ind[y] dr_willis: could it be that?07:17
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starzand paste your xorg.conf if you can sir07:17
langezwieperstarz, okay and then execute the same command?07:17
pike_Ind[y] : yeah maybe it can slow down some stuff if  isnt resolving to the hostname too07:17
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starzlangezwieper, no we just want you in a gui for a minute07:17
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ubunturoswhat's the dialer on Ubuntu ? (something similar to kppp)?07:18
starzmake sure nvidia-glx is in or whatever etc07:18
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Ind[y] pike_: so, what must I do? delete the line in /etc/hosts that says about latitude.homepad ?07:18
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starzmaybe change your driver to nv instead of nvidia langezwieper07:18
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starzIceLink, chmod what?07:18
IceLinka dir07:18
langezwieperstarz, blabla has been mounted 37 times blabla :) ill wait07:18
IceLinkbut i've got it07:18
starzchmod -R 777 /something/that/gets/shared07:18
Yotsuya-sanOmnibus: I used this guide to get all the buttons working on my Logitech MX1000 maybe it will help you --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MX1000Mouse07:18
starzlangezwieper, yeah let it scan07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kppp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
pike_Ind[y] : nah you can just add another  whateveryourhostnameis   line below it07:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dailer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:19
IceLinkargh which one is read-only07:19
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starzlangezwieper, eh?07:19
Ind[y] pike_: Why's that?07:19
starzfor ntfs support correctly use ntfs-3g07:19
starz!ntfs-3g | IceLink07:19
ubotuIceLink: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:19
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IceLinkstarz, i could read my ntfs with my browser07:20
IceLinkcould => not today07:20
pike_Ind[y] : type the command 'hostname'  then when it tells you the hostname type 'gksu gedit /etc/hosts'  and add that line07:20
starzif you follow the ntfs-3g guide itl be pimp i promisse07:20
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pike_Ind[y] : might work and if not it wont hurt anything07:20
Ind[y] pike_: add that line where?07:21
Ind[y] it is just a word07:21
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IceLinkokay i'll try it afterwards07:21
IceLinkthanks and bye07:21
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langezwieperstarz, scanning is at 28%07:21
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starzok langezwieper07:22
pike_Ind[y] : add the line  yourhostname    to the bottom of the file and save07:22
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Ind[y] pike_: Everything was super fast, when I added through the GUI network applet a domain name for my pc. Now, my /etc/hosts is like this --> http://pastebin.ca/60012907:23
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Ind[y] pike_: shit, worked!07:24
Ind[y] :)07:24
Ind[y] thank you pike_07:24
Ind[y] thanks a lot07:24
Ind[y] but how can /etc/hosts affect system performance?07:24
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pike_Ind[y] : np :)07:26
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Ind[y] pike_: thanks again :-) But how can /etc/hosts affect system performance?07:27
pike_Ind[y] : you can put anything you want in the hosts file anyip  anyname and it will resolve it to that ip when you use the name. im not too familiar with gnome but i know it used to complain if it wasnt in hosts07:27
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CoffeeDazeHello all :)  I have a newb question.  I recently installed Ubuntu 7 and noticed I can not change my screen resolution higher than 60Hz.  I know it can handle 75Hz and wonder how I can change this.  I am using an NVidia 620007:27
trendI need to backup an external hd of my client's I just hooked up by usb07:27
starzpike_, / Ind[y]  have yall noticed any difference between enableing and leaving disabled ipv6  support when your local isp doesnt use it/?07:27
trendwhat would be the best way to do this via command line?07:27
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pike_Ind[y] : ya might ask in gnome for a quick answer07:27
starzCoffeeDaze, open a terminal and type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:28
starzchoose correct dirvers etc07:28
pike_Ind[y] : #gnome i mean07:28
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starzabd backup xorg.conf first: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.works07:28
langezwieperstarz, okay im into root07:28
starzCoffeeDaze, back it up first :D07:28
starzok langezwieper07:28
starzlet me see here07:28
pike_starz: ive rarely had a problem with ipv6 but i normally do disable it just in case07:28
JuhazInd[y] , if modifying hosts affects system performance (things take a long while to start?) it's probably because you broke something so that the hostname doesn't resolve and something waits before that timeouts.07:28
starzlangezwieper, i dont have beryl in this one so i'm going tno put it in and will get the packages we need to make sure are ou for you07:29
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starzin the meantime you have nvidia-glx in for your video langezwieper ?07:29
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langezwieperhow do you mean exactly (sorry im new to this stuff)07:30
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Ind[y] Juhaz: I see. I just added an arbitrary domain name through the gnome network applet07:30
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blargascan anyone help with nvidia twinview issues?  i have two monitors, but when i try to watch fullscreen video, it plays in the middle, split between the two!  everything else is working fine.  there doesnt seem to be many answers on the forums07:31
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CoffeeDazeok, that setup is far beyond me.  I could never walk through that as I don't know what half the info it is asking even means.07:31
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ChicoryI'm having an issue with Firefox lately.07:32
ChicoryIt seems to be an Ubuntu-only thing.07:32
starzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263851   <<--- thats the guide i usually use for beryl langezwieper07:32
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starzto check drivers etc: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:32
ChicoryI go to Truman State University, and as part of their web-portal thing for checking grades and registering for classes, they assign a cookie for every login instance.07:33
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blargasim using the nvidia restricted drivers, and everything seems to be fine in xorg.conf07:33
langezwieperidentifier NVIDIA 7800GTX                   driver nv         busid     pci:3:0:007:33
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ChicoryBut when I back-arrow to the last menu, then try to access something else, it's all like "BREAK-IN ATTEMPTED MAYBE" which seems to mean that it's reading the cookie as if two people are trying to use it at once a la spoof.07:33
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ChicoryThis seems to only happen in Ubuntu.07:33
ChicoryAny clues?07:34
Bored1edHello world07:34
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beauim having some troubles mounting my ntfs external usb drive07:34
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Bored1edyea I had a problem mounting my NTFS external. Never figured it out07:34
starzlangezwieper, gotcha07:34
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starztry sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx07:34
starzor wait07:35
PleegWatMine worked fine right away. But I had trouble unmounting it07:35
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beau ive rebooted into windows twice, safely removed hardware.. still nothing07:35
Bored1edMy external drive wouldnt let my write to it07:35
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langezwieperstarz, okay ill wait :d07:35
PleegWatAh, that's a config thing. NTFS drives are mounted readonly by default07:35
starzdo sudo apt-cache search ubuntu-restricted-extras07:35
beauat first i could read it but then when i tried to mount it ntfs-3g read/write it doesnt work at all07:36
Bored1edreally. I'll look into that07:36
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beaueven with force lines in /etc/fstab07:36
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tckIs there any other process monitoring utility besides ps and top ?07:36
starzzeh im over here07:36
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stefg!info htop | tck07:37
ubotutck: htop: interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-1 (feisty), package size 43 kB, installed size 172 kB07:37
langezwieperill give it a try07:37
tckstefg, doh how could i forget :P07:37
tckstefg, although theres another built in one i think07:37
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langezwieperstarz, i get commonly used restricted packages07:37
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starzwithout completing it try installing it07:38
starzim starzz brb07:38
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What_the_DeuceMinor problem: login screen won't show07:39
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What_the_DeuceI boot up correctly, then i get the loading thing on my cursor, then...no login screen07:40
stefgWhat_the_Deuce: so X doesn't start, and you drop to a console login?07:41
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todgerso what's the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu? they look the same to me07:41
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QwertyMHelp please, I get no sound on my Ubuntu system. I got a new pair of Creative 2.1 speakers and it seemed to work at first, then stopped working post-a-reboot.07:41
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ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels07:41
Picitodger: xubuntu uses xfce as the default desktop environment, ubuntu uses gnome.  Otherwise, they are the same.07:41
What_the_Deucestefg: how do i get to consol?07:41
stefgWhat_the_Deuce: does X start or not?07:42
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What_the_DeuceI'll say yes, since i have a GUI cursor that i can move around07:42
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starzzlangezwieper: sup07:44
starzzberyl in lol07:44
stefgWhat_the_Deuce: ok... press alt-ctrl-f1 to get to a console, login as your normal user and 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' . what was the last thing you did before that occured?07:44
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What_the_DeuceInstall compiz07:44
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langezwieperstarz, okay i can get into kde lol07:44
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langezwieperstarz, its not gnome but it is a gui at least, only synpatic package manager doesnt work there i tried to uninstall everything07:45
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What_the_DeuceAnd before that, installed the KDE07:45
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stefgWhat_the_Deuce: i see ... how did you install kde?07:46
starzzlangezwieper: synaptic does work in kde langezwieper07:46
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What_the_Deucecmd, that was several boots ago07:46
starzzive had kde installs and i ALWAYS put that thing in07:46
What_the_Deuceso thats not the problem07:46
starzzsynaptic >>>>>>>> all07:46
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langezwiepermaybe root will help ^07:47
QwertyMHelp please, I get no sound on my Ubuntu system. I got a new pair of Creative 2.1 speakers and it seemed to work at first, then stopped working post-a-reboot.07:47
starzzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=272104  <<--- ultimate guide07:47
starzzlook langezwieper do you have seperate partition for your /home ?07:47
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langezwieperno :( i was working on that07:47
starzzyou might benifit from an uuber clean install man07:47
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What_the_Deucestefg: nope, nothing, have tried with both GDM and KDM07:47
starzzinstall k3b and backup anything you need to and hack away is my advice07:48
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EMPER0Ranyone can help with debmirror command??? -> http://pastebin.ca/60015307:48
starzzalways ALWAYS use seperate dir for /home07:48
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tckstefg, i guess pstree would count too right?07:48
EMPER0Ri'm trying to make a new debmirror of ubuntu07:48
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metbsdi'm going to install windows 200007:48
langezwieperand downloading evy? okay its not the best program but maybe my xorg is good then?07:48
metbsdubuntu can't play real player files07:48
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metbsdit sucks07:48
starzzenvy ?07:48
parmenidesI just upgraded and now I have no terminal any more07:48
starzzyeah ive heard good things about that07:49
bruenigmetbsd, codecs they are called07:49
starzzi just have never bothered trying07:49
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metbsdi have installed w32codecs, video is choppy07:49
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zbrownmetbsd: k, no one cares.07:49
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stefgWhat_the_Deuce: the display manager configuration seems messed up. so i'd recommend installing one of the meta-packages (ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop) to make sure you actually have a display manager07:49
bruenigmetbsd, w32codecs is not real player07:49
metbsdi know no one cares07:49
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:49
bruenigreal player plays fine on my mplayer here07:49
metbsdi installed helix-player, and even dl realplayer gold07:49
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metbsdplaying mp4 is fine07:49
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ubotusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe07:50
bruenigwho uses real player anyways, it is terrible07:50
metbsdbut when i try to play rmvb file. choppy07:50
EMPER0Ri'm trying to make a new debmirror of ubuntu07:50
EMPER0Ranyone can help with debmirror command??? -> http://pastebin.ca/60015307:50
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metbsdi care. many movies are in rmvb format07:50
What_the_Deucestefg: i think i'll remove KDE first?07:50
metbsdbut who cares about ubuntu07:50
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stefgWhat_the_Deuce: no, jsut sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:51
langezwieperstarz, im trying to reinstall my linux drivers, when i download them with synaptic package manager, then they are automaticcaly installed? and editted my xorg?conf?07:51
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drthunderI installed desktop effects, got the white screen of death and then I tried to update my xorg files and now I get nothing.07:51
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drthunderlange: are we having the same prob bob?07:51
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langezwiepermaybe i dont know :)07:52
langezwieperyou still get a cursor also?07:52
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vicalguien en espaol07:52
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:52
TFroganyone here know where i might find deb files for Alien Arena?07:52
drthunderlangez:i'd love to get a cursor, but that was yesterday before. my fixes made it worse.07:52
vicy como entro en esos canales07:52
Pici!pt | vic07:53
ubotuvic: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.07:53
jribvic: /join #ubuntu-es07:53
langezwieperlol well i removed beryl, compiz, nvidia now :) i will reboot and install nvidia again, see what happens... i hope my xorfg.conf gets updates07:53
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frojndwhat's the command to shut down system ?07:54
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parmenideshow come my terminal window is a solid white box?07:54
langezwieperYEAH IM IN07:54
jo3_sudo poweroff or sudo shutdown07:54
drthundertell me how things are going, I removed all three too07:54
jribfrojnd: shutdown -h now07:54
langezwieperITS WORKING whooooo :d okay sry for the enth!!! :d07:54
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What_the_Deucestefg: nothing, it didn't install07:54
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sam__hi im really stuck and need help upgrading ubuntu07:54
langezwieperstarz, its working :d07:54
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stefgWhat_the_Deuce: what error did you get?07:55
parmenidesI just upgraded and now nothing works..07:55
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jribparmenides: are you using beryl or compiz?07:55
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sam__i am using breezy badger from a cd i found in a box, and dont know how to upgrade to the latest ubuntu without having to totally reinstall07:55
parmenidesno jrib I am not07:55
What_the_Deucewait, just tried again, tis working07:55
sam__it might be a silly question07:55
jrib!upgrade > sam__ (see the private message from ubotu)07:56
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stefgsam__: you probably /hve/ to reinstall07:56
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parmenidesmy terminal is a blank white box07:56
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jribparmenides: what else isn't working?  how did you upgrade?07:56
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drthunderhas anyone here recovered from the wsod after using desktop effects ?07:56
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What_the_Deucestefg: right, that installed. now what?07:56
parmenidesI ran upgrade tool07:56
sam__thanks everyone the docs should help07:56
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stefgWhat_the_Deuce: reboot, or 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'07:57
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langezwieperhow can i make a backup of my xorg.conf now???07:57
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Me2reshhi, i need help, i connect my headphone to my laptop but i still can hear the sound from both the speaker of laptop, and the headphone, how i can configure it to hear the sound from the headphone only ?07:58
sam__so i have to progressively install every version since 5.10 (my current) to 6.10?07:58
parmenidesjrib my video was messed up, I still have no terminal working and my windows are missing the border07:58
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sam__is edgy the latest version?07:58
jaHi folks. Ive installed on a laptop with no internet access and I want to enable desktop effets. Can I download the driver and copy it across?07:58
magic_pinguim_someone knows if one graphic card Intel GMA 950 lets work compiz in she?07:58
magic_pinguim_only work whith the ati and nvidia right?07:59
jribparmenides: hit ctrl-alt-f1 and run:    ps -ef | egrep 'beryl|compiz'07:59
What_the_Deucestefg: nothing07:59
DarkEDhey all, question, can i disable the Alt+MouseMove hotkey?07:59
llllllllIs there any other way to install ubuntu than with the LiveCD?07:59
magic_pinguim_only ati and nvidia works effects on ubuntu right?07:59
parmenidesjrib I will try that07:59
DarkEDi'm trying to play a game that uses the Alt key but the mouse keeps moving the window08:00
godt_lobtabis there any software to convert/compress a video? i have a video that i want to fit on youtube and need it to be a bit smaller08:00
jo3_magic_pinguim_ compiz/beryl will only work on graphics card w/ 3d acceleration08:00
jribparmenides: ok, let me know what it returns08:00
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jribparmenides: ctrl-alt-f7 brings you back to X btw08:00
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Stwangehey, I've installed a program (libnjb1) for my mp3 player, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to run it. I have uploaded the list of installed files to http://www.hateweb.co.uk/zen.txt if anyone could tell me what I'm supposed to do with these I would really appreciate it08:00
DarkEDnevermind, got it sorted, thanks08:01
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bruenigStwange, that is a library08:01
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canermy keyboard layout keeps changing ramdomly (i couldnt find how) and i cant fix it from syst/pref/keyb/layouts (it is english there) but now it prints arabic letter from right to left :((. could someone please help??08:01
Stwangethat explains it :) cheers08:01
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bruenigStwange, see lib at the beginning, that tends to be the tip08:01
Saint_BelmontHow do you uninstall programs on Ubuntu?08:01
Stwangeso I'm guessing I need to install something else?08:01
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jrib!software > Saint_Belmont (see the private message from ubotu)08:02
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aureliocrkien cojones sois08:03
godt_lobtabis there any software to convert/compress a video? i have a video that i want to fit on youtube and need it to be a bit smaller08:03
jo3_Saint_Belmont sudo apt-get remove package will uninstall it... beware of the dependancies it will remove also08:03
aureliocro de donde08:03
aureliocrcomo minimo08:03
jribSaint_Belmont: in synaptic, you just right cick -> remove08:03
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jrib!es | aureliocr08:03
ubotuaureliocr: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:03
stefgWhat_the_Deuce: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm && sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager' ,choose gdm08:03
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Sonderbladeanyone know how to solve the problem with kacpid and kacpi_notify stealing all cpu?08:04
canermy keyboard layout keeps changing ramdomly (i couldnt find how) and i cant fix it from syst/pref/keyb/layouts (it is english there) but now it prints arabic letter from right to left :((. could someone please help??08:04
What_the_Deucestefg: 1 sec, busy removing KDE08:04
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aureliocrxk sois todos ingleses?08:04
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canerbut in firefox's address bar i can write normally. why can this be.?(i am copying from there :)))08:04
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jribaureliocr: /join #ubuntu-es08:04
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IceLinkmemememeep memeeep *right back*08:05
k31thwats ubuntu like with xen08:05
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ChicoryStupid question, but how do I enter text in a plain PDF form in Ubuntu?08:05
gregcha117i cant seem to get my microphone to work, i have an nvidia ck804 ac'97 audio controller08:05
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=== Chicory really really really doesn't want to fill out this form.
ChicoryBy hand.08:05
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Zbrahead91Can anyone offer help with VHCS on feisty?08:06
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Zbrahead91At all?08:07
Zbrahead91With cake?08:07
sam__i can't get the update manager to update me to dapper08:07
sam__any ideas?08:07
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Zbrahead91Make a backup.08:07
Zbrahead91Install feisty.08:07
Zbrahead91Restore said backup.08:07
sam__from a disk?08:07
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Zbrahead91No idea ^^08:08
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sam__install from a disk?08:08
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parmenidesok jrib, I had to reboot because it refused to allow the switch back with ctrl alt f708:08
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sam__what is the latest ubuntu version?08:08
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ferronicahi all08:08
Zbrahead91Im running it.08:08
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Zbrahead91It's coded Feisty Fawn08:09
jo3_who was asking about kacpi stuff?08:09
stefgsam__: breezy is 'end-of-life'.... no longer supported, so it might be that the update manager fails for that reason08:09
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sam__i am a web developer and new to linux, i need to develop dynamic web apps using a localhost, should i install server edition, are there any downsides to server edition? or is it just deskstop + apache and a few extra tools?08:09
sam__i need apache and php and mysql08:10
What_the_Deucestefg: ...... still nothing08:10
sam__and ruby08:10
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Zbrahead91In this case, folks, ubuntuforum.com, ubuntugeek.com, and google.com are your best friends.08:10
preactionsam__: server is ubuntu w/o X1108:10
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jribpreaction: k08:10
Zbrahead91Download and burn the srerver edition08:10
jribparmenides: k08:10
=== L0cKn with the girl....
linxehI'm trying to move a large directory from an NTFS windows drive/server to a new Linux machine, and the ext3 filesystem seems to barf at 32000 entries per directory (NTFS supports 4.3billion) - is there any way to get ext3 to support this, or should I move to a different filesystem (if so, what filesystem - reiserfs or??)  - thanks!08:10
Zbrahead91then when you finsih install08:10
sam__what does this mean?08:10
sam__sam__: server is ubuntu w/o X1108:10
stefgsam__: and upgrading is only supported in incremental steps. you'll end up updating over 3 versions, and chnaces are, the system will break along the way. Really: Reinstall from a Feisty CD08:10
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sam__server or desktop?08:11
preactionsam__: it's possible to make a server with the desktop edition, and a desktop with the server edition08:11
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preactionsam__: do you plan on sitting at the computer and working on it?08:11
Zbrahead91Server comes packeaged with LAMP option08:11
parmenidesjrib wat did you want me to note specificly when running that command?08:11
Zbrahead91get the gui installed on sserver08:11
linxehsam__: or do you intend to remotely use the desktop via X or NX or VNC ?08:11
drthunderthe server edition has  no gui08:11
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sam__ooh yay i nees lamp08:11
Zbrahead91Install it.08:11
jo3_ewwwww install X on a server? just dont connect to inet :)08:11
sam__i want a nice gui08:11
preactionsam__: then use the desktop and install apache / mysql / ruby from synaptic08:12
sam__is that the best option?08:12
linxehjo3_: most people firewall their servers though08:12
Zbrahead91Try that08:12
Zbrahead91That shows you how to install it08:12
preactionsam__: it will be far easier to have X preinstalled08:12
Zbrahead91and how to setup a GUI08:12
IceLinkis there an easy way to read ntfs? It worked some time ago08:12
Zbrahead91I just did it on my server08:12
preaction!ntfs-3g | IceLink08:12
ubotuIceLink: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:12
Zbrahead91this PC i am on is FRESH08:12
Zbrahead91VERY FRESH08:12
IceLinkthis isn't an easy way^^08:12
linxehjo3_: and having X installed is different than having it running - sometimes having the X stuff is useful over an SSH session with X forwarding08:13
preaction!enter | Zbrahead9108:13
ubotuZbrahead91: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:13
Zbrahead91liek installed and setup one hour ago08:13
preactionIceLink: there is no easy way other than that08:13
jo3_maybe in your world08:13
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IceLinkbut it worked08:13
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sam__so: if i install desktop edition at the moment, and add ruby apache etc throught synaptic, that will work? and if i want to run a server in the future not for dev but for serving, what is the best distro for that?08:13
IceLinki could drag&drop files from there to here08:13
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Zbrahead91nooo sam08:13
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sam__(and dont worry i love ubuntu so that will be for dev)08:13
Saint_BelmontWell, I have two partitions, one is 4 gigs (Where Ubuntu is) and one is 100 gigs, How do I get Ubuntu to start using the other partition to store it's files?08:14
sam__but other people say to run desktop08:14
Zbrahead91Go there, they tell you EVERYTHING you need to do.08:14
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sam__do other people agree with this?08:14
Zbrahead91They are idiots08:14
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preactionsam__: timtowtdi08:14
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Zbrahead91They havent tried setting a server up on desktop obviously08:14
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sam__what is the benefit of using server edition?08:14
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preactionZbrahead91: no, i only run my entire home network off of my ubuntu desktop / server.08:14
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jo3_its not full of stuff you dont need.. bluetooth etc..08:15
stefg!fstab | Saint_Belmont08:15
ubotuSaint_Belmont: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:15
preactionsam__: none whatsoever, besides the installer having a "lamp" option. but you're using it as a desktop / server.08:15
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sam__here is my question:08:15
ssssssI have an annoying database I'm modelling in rails which has tablename_id instead of id on all the tables. Can I tell rails to use that instead of id in the model somehow?08:15
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Zbrahead91Pre-installed LAMP, DNS and can instaqll ubuntu-desktop with ease.08:15
preactionsam__: you need all the stuff that server edition leaves out, and will end up downloading it anyway08:15
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Zbrahead91preaction, why you hate server ed?08:15
What_the_DeuceHow do i change default session in cmd (when i set the session in system-> administration-> login)08:16
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parmenidesI upgraded and now I have no terminal!!!08:16
preactionZbrahead91: because, in this instance, I would not use it. on a headless / no-X machine, surely08:16
sam__is server desktop with extra features, or is desktop more feature full, and server less featured08:16
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sam__is there not a version with all the features of desktop + LAMP and dns etc?08:16
sam__like a dev server08:16
jo3_sure install desktop then install apache/mysql/php etc...08:17
Zbrahead91If you install ubuntu-desktop from apt-get on the servers' CLI, you geta  fully featured GUI08:17
kitchesam__: desktop is gui and such you can install packages on either one for what you want to do08:17
Zbrahead91With openoffice.org and most other things installed.08:17
preactionsam__: as i said before, either way you could go: install server and sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop; or install desktop and sudo apt-get install ruby apache2 mysql-server08:17
jribparmenides: what was the output from the command you ran?08:17
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parmenidesjrib what exactly did you want me to note? there was a lot there08:18
canerhow can i change my system encoding. it prints arabic letter (i dont know how i managed to change to it), but i cant restore it now. could someone please help?08:18
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sam__right: so shall i install server and then install ubuntu-desktop or shall i install desktop and add lamp?08:18
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jribparmenides: hit alt-f2 and run 'metacity --replace'08:18
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Zbrahead91noo sam08:18
preactionsam__: that's the question you have to answer08:18
IceLinkwhy am I not able to find ntfs-config with synaptic ~~08:18
Zbrahead91Say the main Q08:18
stefgsam__: install server and get ubuntu-desktop on top...08:18
preaction!repositories | IceLink08:18
ubotuIceLink: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:18
Zbrahead91u agree with stefg08:18
ikonany knows the name of the package for UNIX net compatibility ?08:19
jribIceLink: have you enabled universe?08:19
Zbrahead91that site has a step by step easy peasy guide lol :D08:19
preactionikon: what's unix net compatibility?08:19
sam__but one last question: server is fully featured right? i dont need to configure apache to work with php and mysql etc? right? thats all done?08:19
IceLink(dapper drake)08:19
Zbrahead91It's auto08:19
parmenidesjrib ok, done... now what do you want me to try?08:19
jribIceLink: ntfs-config doesn't exist in dapper08:19
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:19
jribparmenides: did you get window borders?08:19
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IceLinkany alternative?08:19
Zbrahead91when you select LAMP and DNS during install they auto config08:20
parmenidesjrib no08:20
sam__so can i get a consensus here?08:20
jribparmenides: create a new user08:20
ikoni mean, when you open the share folder manager, he ask you for install a WINS compatibility and UNIX compatibility08:20
Stormx2Saint_Belmont: Who was that for?08:20
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preactionsam__: you'll never get a consensus in this place.08:20
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ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:20
rdvonI got compiz fusion working with an ati x1300.08:20
Zbrahead91I'm using server edition with ubuntu-desktop.08:20
preactionikon: you mean NFS08:20
ikoni guess08:20
IceLinki don't understand since i really good copy files from my win-disk onto my ubuntu-disk by drag&drop, preaction08:20
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preactionIceLink: that's ntfs READ, not write08:20
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ikonNFS is like WINS ?08:21
IceLinki just want to read08:21
Zbrahead91it took me  about 30 mins to set it up08:21
preactionikon: it's not WINS, it's samba (to the *nix world at least)08:21
IceLinkbut it doesn'T work this way any longer08:21
Saint_BelmontMy Ubuntu partition is full. And I have a 100 gigs waiting for it. GRRR08:21
Stormx2sam__: Yeah. You just need apache2, php5 and the apache php5 module.08:21
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sam__so if i run server edition and install ubuntu-desktop ill get the features of server but a nice gui and all the jazz that comes with desktop right? the best of both worlds?08:21
parmenidesjrib ok, done08:21
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preactionikon: my opinion is use samba for everything, some people prefer nfs for *nix-to-*nix only08:21
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jribparmenides: login with the new user08:21
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sebastien_44hi dudes08:21
Stormx2sam__: if you count having a gui on a server an advantage, then yeah08:21
jrib!ntfs > IceLink (see the private message from ubotu)08:21
ikonare you sure?08:21
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sam__its only a dev server08:22
IceLinki'Ve got an idea08:22
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Stormx2Saint_Belmont: Please /msg ubotu in future if its for you.08:22
sam__i dont just want it as a server, i want other stuff as well08:22
IceLinkahm, how is the gnome filebrowser called?08:22
Stormx2sam__: Then install desktop08:22
jribIceLink: nautilus08:22
sam__desktop it is08:22
Zbrahead91Do the sever then GUi08:22
sam__can i do apt-get08:22
Stormx2sam__: i run an apache2 server off my desktop.08:22
stefgSaint_Belmont: so you add separate partitions for /home (maybe /var, too) and enter this into /etc/fstab, as teh link i gave you explains08:22
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ikonare you sure preaction ?08:22
sam__and get lamp that way?08:22
Stormx2sam__: It's one command to get a LAMP configuration.08:22
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sebastien_44Y a t' il des franais ici ?08:23
Stormx2There's a wiki page on it, too :)08:23
preactionikon: what do you mean am i sure? i said what I do08:23
Stormx2!fr | sebastien_4408:23
rdvoncould someone help me with installing enlightenment?08:23
jrib!fr  | sebastien_4408:23
preaction!fr | sebastien_4408:23
ubotusebastien_44: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:23
sam__ill be back on in a few hours to conf lamp08:23
Zbrahead91LAMP from server auto configs.08:23
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Stormx2I win.08:23
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IceLinki'm really udmb. thanks jrib and preaction, i just wasn't sudo -.-08:23
ikonwell... i need help with my sound08:23
rich115hello i need help08:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shoot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
bloodytuxi deleted the little task bar thing that shows the icons for windows that are open like pdigin and beryl, how do i get it back08:23
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jrib!helpme | ikon rich11508:23
ubotuikon rich115: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:23
stefg!sound | ikon08:23
Busataoh what kind of bot are you!08:23
ubotuikon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:23
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rich115how do i remove ubuntu?08:24
sebastien_44i know, i was just asking :)08:24
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preactionrich115: install another OS over the top08:24
canerhow can i change my system encoding. it prints arabic letter (i dont know how i managed to change to it), but i cant restore it now. could someone please help?08:24
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sebastien_44--> <ubotu>08:24
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viccomo entro a ubunu-es08:24
jo3_rich115 what do you want to replace ubuntu with?08:24
jribvic: escreve:  /join #ubuntu-es08:24
rich115ok.... i have windows installed into a master harddrive, and ubuntu on the secondary hard drive....08:25
vicJoin #ubuntu-es08:25
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rich115im trying to get rid of ubuntu on the secondary one08:25
jribvic: com /08:25
Zbrahead91why rich?08:25
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vicjoin #ubuntu-es08:25
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rich115its messing up the boot process08:25
Zbrahead91ubuntu pwnt :D08:25
jribvic: ---> /  <----08:25
sam_last question: LTS or not?08:25
Saint_BelmontHow do I change the size of the partition where Ubuntu is installed.08:25
Zbrahead91Use GParted08:25
Saint_BelmontDoes that come preinstalled?08:26
rich115how do i get rid of it?08:26
jo3_LTS, why not?08:26
Sonderbladewhy isn't /usr/share/python-support on python's sys.path in feisty?08:26
parmenidesjrib I logged in as new user and everything is fine, what did I break?08:26
sam_whats the benefits?08:26
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jo3_long term support08:26
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sam_which is better?08:26
jo3_support is better than no support08:26
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jribparmenides: from your description it sounds like the other account is trying to use compiz or beryl08:26
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sam_there is no diff though? i can still upgrade?08:26
steveiresam_: If you have to ask, you probably don't need it. Applications will be frustratingly old08:27
rich115how do i get rid of the ubuntu so i can run windows XP?08:27
jribrich115: put your windows isntall disk in the drive and reboot08:27
ompaulrich115, use your xp disk and ask in ##windows08:27
sam_thank you steveire08:27
Zbrahead91ever thought the poroblem might be your BIOS?08:27
sam_also: how do i send those red messages?08:27
parmenidesjrib I never installed them though.... is there something I can do to fix this?08:27
jribparmenides: did you ever try enabling "3d effects"?08:27
ikoni need to know my soundcard chipset08:27
rich115well, when i start the computer and i take ubuntu off the secondary hardrive, it says GRUB load fail08:27
Zbrahead91launch into setup and pick a boot order08:27
parmenidesjrib not that I know of08:28
rich115and i told it to load the master boot first08:28
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steveiresam_: Like this one? the line is highlighted because your username is in it08:28
Zbrahead91anyone can help me installing VHCS on feisty?08:28
Zbrahead91io can't see highlight08:28
jribparmenides: poke around ~broken_user/.config/autostart  .  Also try deleting ~broken_user/.gnome2/session08:28
stefgrich115: do you know what a MBR is?08:28
Zbrahead91im on ChatZilla08:28
rich115can some1 help me in a private message?08:28
rdvonI have a problem, whenever I try to start enlightenment, I get this error: Enlightenment set up window management for all the screens on your system failed. Perhaps another window manager is running? Is it because I'm running compiz fusion?08:29
parmenidesstefg MBR is master boot record08:29
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john`can ubuntu run the game called "Lost planet"08:29
john`have anyone try it yet?08:29
rich115can some1 help me in a private message?08:29
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rdvonjohn, you could perhaps try installing steam, than the game...08:30
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rdvonrich115, what is your problem08:30
ikonhow can i view my soundcard?08:30
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rich115i cant get ubuntu off my slave drive without messing up the boot process08:30
Saint_BelmontHOw do I set my Superuser password?08:31
pike_!root | Saint_Belmont08:31
ubotuSaint_Belmont: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:31
rdvonSaint_Belmont, what do you need it for?08:31
kitcherdvon: well enlightenment and compiz-fusion can't run at the same time sicne they are the same thing a window manager08:31
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rdvonkitche, oh, I just wanted the dock....08:31
rich115when i get rid of the slave drive with ubuntu on it, it wont load the windows hard drive08:31
Saint_BelmontSo I can delete some programs.08:31
jribSaint_Belmont: you use synaptic for that08:32
pike_Saint_Belmont: basically you set a password for root though its not recommended. if you later decide to put it back to default do sudo passwd -l root   and itll disable it again08:32
rich115how do i make it load the master drive?08:32
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stefgrich115: boot with you windows-cd to recovery console, run 'fixmbr' there. /end-of-windows-support08:32
Saint_BelmontBecause my Ubuntu partition is full. And it says something like it can't copy the root file or some shit, and it's agrivating me v.v08:32
pike_Saint_Belmont: dont enable root in that case use sudo apt-get remove packagename or synaptic (the package manager synaptic is simplest way)08:32
rdvonI'm going to install steam : )08:32
ikoni need my chipset08:32
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jribSaint_Belmont: hit ctrl-alt-f1 and login.  Then run 'sudo apt-get clean'.  Then return to the graphical login with ctrl-alt-f708:33
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rich115but i already have windows on the master drive, the computer just tries to load the ubuntu, which i removed08:33
kitche!language | Saint_Belmont08:33
ubotuSaint_Belmont: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:33
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drthunderi'm trying to recover a bunch of files, and some of them say "you're not the owner" after i have mounted the drive. know any fixes?08:33
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tuqannHi, anyone can help me with Bash script (file content editing commands) or guide me to a room that would help me08:35
sakaaanybody here?08:35
Cromag20:35:32 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu: Total of 1146 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1146 normal] 08:35
stefgtuqann: #bash08:35
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Cromagyes, there are someone here.08:35
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tuqannthank you08:36
sakaaok finally.. can somebody help me with some nvidia drivers?08:36
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drthundersakaa: i'm having nvidia driver probs too. i'm just trying to back everything up now.08:36
kennnethaarI can't seem to watch video in kubuntu with my via Unichrome  Pro IGP motherboard (it's a FS amilo Pro v2030) Everything else works but video only shows a black screen. If I use the vesa driver instead of the via driver I can watch video with mismatched colours and timedelay.08:36
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JKennedyAnyone know why my dwl-g630 card has a stronger signal on Windows than it does on Ubuntu?08:37
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sebastien_44i d like to ask you something : do you advice me gnome or kde ( or somethiong else... ) but dont troll :)08:37
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Busatacheck em both out, see what works for you :)08:37
Endlessguitarhello c08:37
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JKennedyIt depends on your needs. :)08:37
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sakaahas anybody had any luck with their nvidia cards? im trying to install an geforce 8800 gts08:37
Endlessguitardoes warcradft frozen throne excist to linux?08:37
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BusataEndlessguitar, you can try wine or cedega, think it works08:38
rdvonHow do i run google desktop after installing it.... ?08:38
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Busataand I even think there's a topic about it on ubuntuforums08:38
Endlessguitarwhich one is best?08:38
sebastien_44i tried kubuntu and ubuntu. i prefere gnome, then im on ubuntu but i dont realy know kde08:38
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Endlessguitarcedega or wine?08:38
Busatawell depends a bit on the game :)08:38
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sebastien_44ok ill see08:38
drthunderwhat is file owner 1000 ?08:38
kennnethaarJKennedy: I have the experience that if you use NDISwrapper it get the same range...08:38
ikonwhat is better? cedega or wine?08:38
Busataand you gotta pay for cedega08:38
rdvoncedega is meant for games.08:38
JKennedykennnethaar, instead of the driver that comes with it?08:38
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rdvoncedega is basically wine optimized for gaems.08:39
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JKennedykennnethaar, at the moment I just plug in and it just works. But you're saying I should try out ndiswrapper instead?08:39
Endlessguitarhello whats best cedega or wine?08:39
kennnethaarYes, If range is an issue...08:39
EndlessguitarI will play warcraft frozen throne08:39
JKennedykennnethaar, I'll give it a try, thanks.08:40
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kennnethaarWith ndiswrapper you use the windows driver.08:40
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personI want to make a simple shell script adduser xyz and the whatever password, for a hundred users, but how would I go about doing that08:40
bruenigEndlessguitar, cedega is best, it costs money and is not open source08:40
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sakaado anybody have any experience with succesfully installing their nvidia graphics cards?08:40
Endlessguitaroh okej08:40
Endlessguitarworks wine too?08:40
stefgkennnethaar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18451208:40
trainis anyone using Pidgin/Gaim to connect to a silc network?08:40
bruenigEndlessguitar, not sure if it does or not08:40
Busatalike I said, there's a topic about it on ubuntuforums somewhere08:40
pike_sakaa: nvidia is usually pretty painless08:40
bruenigperson, I assume you want them all to have different passwords?08:40
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Endlessguitarwhat need I to write in terminal for get wine?08:40
Endlessguitarsudo apt-get install wine?08:40
bruenigEndlessguitar, yes08:41
pike_sakaa: what card model?08:41
sebastien_44sudo apt-get install wine08:41
KDanany idea what the "init" process is? And whether I can kill it?08:41
personyes bruenig, i was hoping i would be able to add a line with the password for each one08:41
Endlessguitarand which one media player can I use winamp skins to?08:41
stefgKDan: *very* bad idea to kill init08:41
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KDanstefg: ok. it's taking up 90+% of cpu constantly on this xen virtual machine08:42
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aarcane_wow, is it just me or is ubuntu slow to load ?08:42
ikonwhat is the best software for backup?08:42
bruenigperson, ok so do you know all the adduser parameters and stuff, you just want to know how to get it in script form08:42
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sakaaim on a 8800 gts08:42
aarcane_ikon, dd or tar08:42
sam_i have a couple of small questions08:42
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pike_aarcane_: look in /etc/init.d/  theres alot of stuff there (some you dont need) also the kernel is pretty big08:42
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sakaahow do i write u privately, so it doesn't get this crowded?08:42
Busatasam_, start with the first ;-)08:42
sam_i have a deb of amaya08:42
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sam_and i cant install it08:43
stefgKDan: init is the process #1, the mother of all processes... you can't kill it, just try to figure out what's wrong08:43
sam_is this because im out of date?08:43
sam_im downloading feisty08:43
aarcane_pike_, I'll look into it, as soon as the system loads...  right now it's barely a sliver of a bar loaded...08:43
personbruenig: yeah, because i am adding just users and then using another service, sabayon to really configure them.08:43
pike_sakaa: just preface the comment with my name. that way if i have to go someone else can pick it up.  you can type the first few letters and hit tab key to auto complete the name08:43
kennnethaarstefg: Thanks just what I was looking for... Kept hitting bugs about #D chrashing with wasn't quite my problem...08:43
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bruenigperson, ok so what is the command you will use08:43
pike_aarcane_: the livecd is almost unusable on my older systems if that is what youre using08:44
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bruenigperson, obviously changes person to person but the template if you will08:44
sam_i dont know why it wont work08:44
sakaapike_ like this?08:44
pike_sakaa: yep08:44
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sam_it just comes up in the archive manager08:44
personbruenig: adduser person...then the password when it prompts for it08:44
sam_but it wont install08:44
aarcane_Pike_, no, an installed system...08:44
sam_whereas i installed flash player08:44
aarcane_I think I did something to make it not start....08:44
sakaapike_ great ok, so did u install ur graphics card succesfully?08:44
sam_using deb and it worked fine08:44
sam_so can i ask the stupidist of all questions08:45
sam_how do you install software on ubuntu?08:45
pike_aarcane_: you can turn off splash at grub by hitting the e key to edit and remove it form the kernel line. it might be hanging up on something08:45
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sam_(i can use synaptic)08:45
bruenigperson, can't you set the password with -p08:45
ikoni need help with my soundcard08:45
bruenigperson, so you don't have to wait for the prompt08:45
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sam_anyonr willing to help me08:46
sakaapike_ hallo?08:46
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sam_i might seem like a bit of a lost cause at times, but i do try08:46
pike_sakaa: yeah. as long as its not a very new nvidia card you can do 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-xconfig;' and hit alt-ctrl-backspace then you should see nvidia logo at login screen. old cards need nvidia-glx-legacy very new cards nvidia-glx-new08:46
peepsanyone know if there is a linux equivalent to launchy?08:46
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bruenigpeeps, what is that08:46
kennnethaarpeeps: kooldock?08:46
What_the_Deuceanyone? how do i mount in the kubuntu live cd08:47
mike24in ubuntu it says my ntfs partition is unknown, can anyone help fix this08:47
peepsan app for launching applications quickly with just keyboard08:47
personbruenig, I'm not sure, when I do adduser it prompts for the new unix password08:47
sam_no one can help me?08:47
bruenigperson, right but if you do adduser username -p password, does it set it08:47
pike_sakaa: if anything goes wrong do this alt-ctrl-f2 then login then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose vesa for the driver. thats the generic one then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart thatll at least git gui back08:47
kennnethaarpeeps: forget it. Was thinking of something else. You wan't lineak08:47
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sakaapike_ yea here's the thing i installed like the newest "binary" drivers for it directly from nvidia, but which worked as i went into the gui straight after wards i got the "desktop effects" working but now i cannot acces it all not even if i set the driver to be vesa08:47
ikonno sound here08:48
personbruenig, no it doesn't, doesn't recognize option p08:48
kennnethaarKDE has pretty god shortcut configuratins08:48
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mike24 in ubuntu it says my ntfs partition is unknown, any ideas?08:48
InterNutI have one update avail, but when trying to download and apply it i get : E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libmjpegutils-1.8.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libmjpegtools0c2a. how can i fix this? Thanks08:48
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stefgpeeps: in linux thit's called a console with autocompletion... actually this is a copy of a unix/linux concept, and you'll find applets with this functionality for the gnome and kde panels08:49
sakaapike_ the thing is that the 8800 gts is very new is not really supported generically by ubuntu even tho they say so.. so other people told me to do it this way but now i can't make it work at all08:49
bruenigperson, do the usernames have any pattern to them, like will it be user1 user2 user3, so that it can be easily scripted08:49
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personno, however, they would be on a spreadsheet...I'm not sure if that would make it easier or harder, though08:49
Elementalhello all08:50
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hippiewhats a recomendation for a good sound card for linux? looking for best music sound quality08:50
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peepsstefg, i know about autocompletion in terminals, i want to combine that with for ex Alt-F2 functionality.  i don't want a persistent terminal, just a quick box that i start to type a command, and it can autocomplete and i hit enter, the app launches, and I don't see the box again till i press the hotkey again08:50
jo3_creative soundblaster is my fav08:50
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pike_sakaa: seems like sound advise i normally use th nvidia installer myself. only problem is that if you do an auto update and the kernel is replaced you have to rerun it.  id /join #ubuntu-effects and as there also im afraid i dont have any exp with the beryl/compiz stuff08:50
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personbruenig, they are all different because it is people's names, but i could get them off a spreadsheet08:51
doronwell, the kernel wasnt the problem :S08:51
soyportiI can't copy the feisty cd from ubuntu shipping. Why?08:51
sakaapike_ ok thanks how do i do that? also would u know to remove the new driver and just go back to the vesa one?08:51
doronhow can I change the resolution of framebuffer ? (tty)08:51
doronvga=bla thingy on grub doesnt work (my tty gets funky)08:52
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sam_hey: whats the radio feature and how do you use it on rythmbox08:52
bruenigperson, here is how I would do it, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28257/08:52
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jo3_here is good refrence for linux sound card/driver sutff http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=vendor-Creative_Labs#matrix08:52
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pike_sakaa: sudo NV*.run --uninstall  should remove the nvidia pacakge. i dont think that is your problem though. just replacing nvidia with vesa in xorg.conf is all you need to to do. if the login screen comes up then id assume its a problem with the wm08:53
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slasherhey, anyone wanna help me with an ati driver issue?08:53
sam_no one?08:53
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doronwhats a rythembox ? :)08:53
sam_rhythmbox music player08:53
meitarI've just installed Ubuntu 7.04 with a static IP address, but when I try to ping anything (anything at all except localhost), I get "Destination Host Unreachable" error messages, even though it seems that /etc/network/interfaces and friends are configured properly. What else might I be missing? Is there any recommended guide online about setting up networking that touches on things other than this set of config files?08:53
sam_its bundled with breezy08:54
personbruenig, so then i would just have to enter the password each time right? That's not a problem if I have to, at least this makes it easier08:54
sam_is it not in newer versions?08:54
doronmeitar, flush the routes08:54
sakaapike_ aight thank u! it does not, how did i join that other chat room, i found this by google08:54
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doronmeitar, and add a default route to ur gateway08:54
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bruenigperson, yeah you would, I think that is a security measure, part of linux, ensures that scripts can't take over your system08:54
bruenigby making sure there is an actual person there to put the password08:54
meitardoron: I had done 'route add default gw <gw-ip-address>' with no luck.08:55
personbruenig, that makes sense08:55
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headcloudcan anyone help me with problems installing/configuring on a PPC G5?08:55
sam_whats the best media player for feisty?08:55
doronmeitar, what kind of network is it ? ethernet/wireless08:55
Elementalsam: VLC08:55
personbruenig, thanks a lot that's exactly what we needed...i appreciate you writing it up and the guy next to me says you rock08:55
pike_sakaa: /join #ubuntu-effects08:55
sam_(or what does everyone use)08:55
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jasonbuntuim trying to read /proc/driver/nvidia files, but when i open them with gedit, they appear blank, how do i read these files? the text icon in nautilus appears to be properly showing me a quick text preview of the file.  how do i view these?08:56
ompaulmeitar, does the network do dhcp before you go trying to work out stuff?08:56
meitarompaul: No, this is a statically configured IP range.08:56
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sakaapike_ ok , it does seem like there are anybody there tho?08:56
meitarI thought that theoretically to add a new box I would simply need to use an IP address that wasn't already used, and tell it where to find things like nameservers and whatnot.08:56
ompaulmeitar, so what is in the top box? the second box? and the third box?08:56
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InterNutI have one update avail, but when trying to download and apply it i get : E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libmjpegutils-1.8.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libmjpegtools0c2a. how can i fix this? Thanks08:57
personbruenig, oh wait, do I have to put the actual script somehewehere special08:57
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doronpaste /etc/network/interfaces related stuff the the specific eth interface08:57
jo3_meitar can you pastebin the output of route -n08:57
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sakaapike_ would u know any other resource that might have a solution?08:57
meitarompaul: Not sure what you're trying to ask. jo3_, doron, sure just a sec.08:57
bruenigperson, just write it, make it executable and the do /path/to/script08:57
ompaulmeitar, you using the gui?08:57
meitarompaul: No, the CLI.08:58
ompaulmeitar, I only have configs for static on debian boxes like that08:58
doronhow can I change the resolution of framebuffer ? (tty)08:58
peepsi managed to lock up my gnome panel, if i kill it and restart it will it kill the things in my system tray?08:58
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jo3_doron use a vga statement at the end of your kernel line in grub08:59
personbruenig, so I just write it up and save it and then using the terminal cd to it and just enter the name of it right?08:59
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doronjo3_, then the tty goes funky on me08:59
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bruenigperson, cd to it, then do chmod +x name, then ./name08:59
doronjo3_, I see all sorts of colours...08:59
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personbruenig, perfect thanks a lot08:59
canercan someone help me to change my keyboard layout08:59
doronjo3_, tried few combi from the ubuntu help, none works well09:00
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canerit became arabic and i cant fix it09:00
jo3_thats how i do it.. i use vga=79109:00
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pike_sakaa: there is if it only shows you then the channel name is wrong09:00
ompaulmeitar, etc/network/interfaces working for me here http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/28259/09:00
meitarjo3_, doron: This is route -n, after I tried adding that default route I mentioned: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28260/09:00
sakaapike_ yes i think ive found it now, thank u very much for ur help09:00
pike_sakaa: typically what i do is a google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org myproblem'09:01
ompaulmeitar, that is a machine that does not have an external ip ;-)09:01
doronjo3_, when I use 791 I see a mirror of my desktop but with funky colours09:01
pike_sakaa: np09:01
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pike_sakaa: the forums are starting to become a huge resource with all the archived stuff09:01
jo3_and is your GW correct?09:01
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meitarompaul: Speak to me like I'm a child. Giving it an address in /etc/network/interfaces, which ifconfig seems to report back to me without issue, doesn't give it an external IP if that IP is not being used elsewhere?09:02
canerhey pike_ can u help me to restore my keyboard layout.09:02
meitarjo3_: Yeah, is my gw.09:02
parmenidesjrib I am back and problem is solved...09:02
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ompaulmeitar, ehh, 10. drop that you don't have  65k machines09:02
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jo3_ompaul it does not matter if hes only got 3 machines... just a range09:03
jo3_its a private range09:03
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doronompaul, its the default value of alot routers09:03
canerhey jo3_ can u help me to restore my keyboard layout.09:03
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gaston_silvaI might know about keyboard layouts09:04
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gaston_silvawhich is the problem?09:04
ompauldoron, silly makers of said routers :)  the only time I use 10. is for people working from home on openvpn09:04
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bruenigperson, you may wish to make it look like this, if not once you do actually run the thing you will just get "enter unix password:" 100 times in a row and you might lose track of who you are entering, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28262/ (just added a line under the for)09:04
doronjo3_, what Im trying to eachieve is to have a 80cols 50 rows tty, is the re another way instead of grubs vga= ?09:05
meitarWell, 10 or 192.168 shouldn't matter, right? I mean, either way I have enough IPs free.09:05
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Anlarit really does not matter. all that it means is that it's private address and treated as bogon elsewhere, not routable09:05
IceLinkgey gaston_silva you reminded me on something... may it be possible to easy-switch keyboard layout by simple clicking on a keyor so?09:05
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jo3_doron not that i know of.. im sure there is tho09:05
younghackercan i configure evolution to read my web mail account?09:05
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doronI use 10.xxxx for my office, Im too lazy to start doing 192.168.xxxx on every machine09:05
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gaston_silvayou can change layout at preferences/keyboard09:06
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doronjo3_, baahhhhh :(09:06
meitarWell that's fine by me. I just want this machine to be able to talk to the others. It shouldn't be too complicated, but for some reason (probably because I'm missing something, no doubt), it's not working (yet).09:06
Anlarin fact you can use really anything behind your nat, it's just slightly risky.09:06
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meitarSo what do I need to do that I haven't to give it an external IP? Assigning it a static free one isn't enough, apparently?09:06
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RustySfordhello all. I'm trying to install my nvidia drivers so I can up the resolution got everything alright but to install it it says I need to stop my xserver. Not to keen on linux yet. how do I do this?09:06
ZeZuI'm trying to install open office via rpm (the ubuntu version wont play vids in impress), and i'm getting failed deps that are installed, anyone know why ?  (/bin/sh is one of them and libgnomevfs)09:06
Ominouswhats the way that you access root again?09:07
younghackerCan i configure evolution to work with my web mail account?09:07
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jo3_meitar is your gw another linux box?09:07
Endlessguitarwhich one is the best muscal player with winamp skins?09:07
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jo3_xmms used to be, but its not supported anymore09:07
gaston_silvayou can stop xserver by changing your session to terminal safe09:07
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personbruenig, awesome, both worked anyway09:07
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gaston_silvayou can do that at loggin window09:07
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doronmeitar, can u ping local machines ?09:08
Sonicadvance1Oi, I need help in Fixing Grub error 22 =D09:08
FedmanHoe can I uninstall wine if I installed it from source?09:08
RustySfordk what afeter that gaston_silva? is it just in services?09:08
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frojndhow  can i shut down by command system?09:08
doronsudo halt09:08
younghackeris there a way to make evolution read web mail accounts?09:08
meitardoron: No. It doesn't matter what address I specify, ping always returns Destination Host Unreachable. I can only ping or localhost.09:08
gaston_silvaafter that you'll start session in terminal09:09
younghackerthats yourself @ meitar09:09
gaston_silvaso you'll have to make all the installation through terminal09:09
doronyounghacker, only if  your server suppoprts some kind of Imap / pop09:09
RustySfordohhhh so It will only load up terminal? and then I just type the command to install them?09:09
RustySfordthe driver I mean09:09
RustySfordty :)09:09
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younghackerdo you have a default gateway and proper subnet address @ meitar09:09
IceLinkdo you think i can import my thunderbird-stuff from windows? any experiences?09:09
lazz0so the /home dir is my user directory and everything else are system folders by default ?09:09
doronmeitar, paste us ifconfig09:10
Fedmanahh nevermind I got it :)09:10
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younghackeri see @ doron09:10
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doroncrap !!! will I ever have a 80cols by 50rows !!!09:11
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doronon my tty that is09:11
younghackercabling or addressing issue @ meitar09:11
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bobsomebodyoh crap wrong window09:11
doronyounghacker, yeah, his ifconfig dump would help09:11
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TheCreationistI just bought a 20.1in monitor, but I can't change to resolution higher than 1024x768.  How do I properly configure my monitor and supported resolutions without using the command line?09:11
younghackerdefinately would @ doron09:12
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doronTheCreationist, ummm.... u cant ? :)09:12
ZeZuwhy w/o command line ?09:12
bobsomebodyTheCreationist, you have to edit the xorg.conf in /etc/X1109:12
bobsomebodyit is the only way09:12
Endlessguitarwhich musical is best with winamp skins ?09:12
TheCreationistOkay, so could someone give me to the reconfigure command again?09:12
bobsomebodyits simple too09:12
Endlessguitarfor linux09:12
doronI know there is some tool called Xfree86config09:12
IceLinkDapper doesn't support Beryl? . . .09:12
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Endlessguitar"musical player09:12
bobsomebodyTheCreationist, open the file and find the section called Moniter09:13
doronwhich will allow u to do that with X09:13
TruckinLinux.....I likey......newbie09:13
Sonicadvance1I have a 20" running at 1680x1050.09:13
bobsomebodyyou will see the screen res's09:13
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meitardoron, ifconfig at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28263/09:13
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meitarEverything's pretty much default. Both are UP.09:13
bobsomebodyi have 6 screens and 3 machines from one keyboard and mouse so screw everyones big flat panels09:13
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doronmeitar,  w00t ?!09:14
lazz0bobsomebody, showoff09:14
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TheCreationistI don't want to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg because it screws up my video drivers.09:14
doronmeitar,  r u sure thats everything ??09:14
bobsomebodyif i wanted to show off i would paste the url's to the pics09:14
bobsomebodyim just talking sheet09:15
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doronmeitar,  check cables and lights on the ethernet card09:15
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Lost-Maniaid like some help please : i installed frostwire and then they ask me a nickname for irc09:15
bobsomebodyget this09:15
younghackerthere should be a default gateway address as well09:15
Lost-Maniai i dont wanna use irc on it09:15
meitardoron: i trimmed it, sorry.09:15
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bobsomebodyi got an old laptop, hp, bad screen, bad touch  pad, bad keyboard09:15
bobsomebodywont run windows09:15
meitarWhat I meant was, both interfaces report UP, RUNNING, etc.09:15
doronmeitar, hrmmm,,, really, try the cables09:15
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Sonicadvance1What video driver are you using TheCreationist that screws it up? also, you could manually edit the xorg.conf file in /etc/X1109:15
bobsomebodybut linux server hauls ass on 1.1 / 128mb09:15
younghackerif your not reaching that via ping i would check the manner that you are receiving the address09:15
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bobsomebodymeitar, whats ur prob?09:16
meitarI can't ping anything at all except localhost.09:16
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TheCreationistSonicadvance1: I'm using whatever driver Ubuntu installed automatically when I enabled Desktop Effect.  It's for nVidia, but when I run dpkg-reconfigure, it selects Vesa by default.. I have no clue which I really need.09:16
meitarI'm pretty sure I screwed up some configuration somewhere, but not sure what.09:16
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younghackerright so your not addressed correctly or at worst check your wiring09:17
doronmeitar, beats me.... sry...09:17
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TheCreationistSonicadvance1: I know in KDE there's a program that lets you detect the monitor and supported resolutions automatically.  Is there no such thing in Gnome?09:17
bobsomebodyTheCreationist, you should not need to edit anything other than the xorg.conf09:17
bobsomebodyunless you want dual head09:17
Sonicadvance1Have you tried selecting nvidia instead of vesa when doing reconfigure?09:17
younghackerthat mask looks a little shady for a class a is it typed correctly? ,,, ((just guessing))09:17
TheCreationistSonicadvance1: I was afraid to.  Ubuntu isn't very stable for me when I make unnecessary changes like that ;)09:17
bobsomebodyoh and its nVidia?09:17
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TheCreationistbobsomebody: How do I add the resolutions?  Do I need to space them out properly or any specific formatting?09:18
bobsomebodyTheCreationist, make sure you backup xorg too, because if it crashes you need to reload it09:18
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TheCreationistbobsomebody: Also, I'm not sure exactly all the resolutions this monitor supports, so to add them manually would basically be a guessing game for me.09:18
Sonicadvance1Lol, Not sure what you can do then besides manually editing the file, I have nvidia as my current driver and I had to run that command to get my 1680x1050 resolution and it ran fine afterwards09:18
bobsomebodyTheCreationist, you will see a section called moniters, in there it will list resolutions, just add it to the front of the 3 resolutions there already and restart X09:19
Lost-Maniacan someone help me about frostwire ?09:19
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bobsomebodyTheCreationist, pastebin your xorg ill edit it for u :)09:19
sjoerd__How van i make another partition my home mpa?09:19
bobsomebodyor show u where to edit it09:19
sjoerd__How van i make another partition my home mpa?09:19
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bobsomebodyhey, anyone ever put ubuntu on the old dell insperon 1100's?09:20
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Ind[y] In order for the service mysql to function properly, do I need to have enabled also, mysql-ndb and mysql-ndb-mgm?09:20
bobsomebodyit keeps saying it found a scsi09:20
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bobsomebodyInd[y] , i dont think so09:20
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djlI am receiving this error when typing 'apt-get update'09:21
djlFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)09:21
djlReading package lists... Done09:21
djlE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:21
djlany help?09:21
omkar86gnome seems slow on my system, wat are other good window managers?09:21
djli am trying to install amap09:21
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bobsomebodyomkar86, try the KDE version?09:21
Ind[y] bobslaede: ok, thank you09:21
mgedminomkar86: icewm is one09:21
kitchedjl: seems like the security.ubuntu.com is broken right now09:21
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mgedminomkar86: or you might try Xfce09:21
bobsomebodydjl, amap?09:22
bobsomebodyu mean LAMP?09:22
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James296is it possible to remove all the selection borders when I click on buttons in Ubuntu? like the selection border that goes around each button I click09:22
djlno THC-AMAP09:22
James296anyone have any idea what Im talking about?09:22
bobsomebodynever heard of it09:22
djltool similar to NMAP09:22
bobsomebodyJames296, no clue09:22
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bobsomebodydjl, so u r trying to update thc-amap?09:23
zacharyomkar86 KDE is another great window manager, you might like ICEWM if you have a low spec system also09:23
Ominousdo you need a firewall on ubuntu?09:23
James296what I mean is, you know in Firefox, when you click a link, a rectangle selection border goes around the link you click?09:23
wifenfefferhi, how do I make pam_usb work ?09:23
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bobsomebodyOminous, YES, always define your IPTABLES09:23
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James296I know you can remove that in Firefox using about:config09:23
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James296but how can I remove it for everything else?09:23
Ominouswhat ports does "Networking" use?09:23
djlbobsomebody: i am trying to install it but THC-AMAP does not include the rpm just the source for compiling09:24
pike_Ominous: you have iptables but the rules arent set. the short answer is probably not. you can install firestarter though which is a gui front end to iptables09:24
omkar86where I can learn abt networking , various servers and their maintainance?09:24
djli am trying to avoid installing the dependencies for gcc to compile it09:24
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bobsomebodydjl, your probably not going to get around that09:24
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bobsomebodydjl, but i could be wrong09:25
RustySfordhey i'm back..the terminal failsafe didnt work it still says that x server appears to be running any other ideas? i'm on feisty that's probably why it's didn't work or something09:25
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djlthat stinks09:25
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djlwell the other issue is just updating09:25
zacharyomkar86 try wikipedia09:25
djli keep getting the "Could not download all repository indexes"09:25
pike_RustySford: after typeing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop it says x is still running?09:25
bobsomebodydid you do sudo apt-get update *packname*09:25
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zacharyOminus what do you mean what ports?09:26
djlkeep getting the gzip returned error code (1)09:26
RustySfordbobsomebody: got it off the site. I got it running just need to stop the x server before the install helper can continue09:27
pi3hippie, I get the error "No package 'libwnck-1.0' found" when trying to compile awn, what can I do?09:27
bobsomebodyOminous, it really depends on the ports your computer is using, i think 8 and 10 are the only "default" ones, everything else you gotta add09:27
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bobsomebodyso can someone help me now? :P09:28
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bobsomebodymy install is failing on my laptop, Dell insperon 110009:29
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bobsomebodyit says its finding a scsi disk, is this right?09:29
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bobsomebodyi dont think i have one in there, it also finds the hda09:29
chadeldridgewhen i plug my external USB drive it tells me i need to mount it in Windows twice in order to be able to use it in ubuntu ... i have no windows machines around and the force mount option doesnt work ... any ideas ?09:29
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bobsomebodyit starts defining sda (scsi 0) and just hangs forever09:29
pi3bobsomebody, have you formatted the partitions correctly?09:30
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bobsomebodypi3: i cant even get to that part09:30
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Lost-Maniabye everyone09:30
pi3use gparted, without installing09:30
bobsomebodypi3, i used the advanced options too see why the installer would not load09:30
mgedminpi3: install libwnck0-dev or something like that; apt-cache search should help you find the name of the -dev package09:30
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bobsomebodypi3, busybox loads up and finds a scsi, thats the prob i think09:30
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bobsomebodypi3, i do not get to the liveCD desktop at all09:31
llllllllhow do I uninstall a program I've compiled and installed myself? Is it apt-get uninstall xxx or something?09:31
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pike_llllllll: alas, no09:31
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pi3bobsomebody, oh.. no idea09:31
chadeldridgellllllll:  if you didnt install it from a package and compiled it yourself .. you have to delete it yourself ... apt-get is only for packages09:32
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bobsomebodyi always get the anomalous computer issues09:32
slasherI'm having a bit of a problem, I have the latest fglrx drivers, xgl-server, and beryl installed and working but dri doesn't work under xgl, only under the regular gnome session. I have an x1300 if it matters. is there a way to fix dri?09:32
nfslooking for a program to capture sounds played from my sound card..any suggestions? o r a way to configure it through terminal code?09:32
llllllllchadeldridge: bugger. What does that entail?09:32
ryan8403how can I force ubuntu to recognize my bluetooth card...it used to see it...i turned it off in xp then removed xp before I turned bluetooth back on09:32
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Sonicadvance1Oi, I'm installing Ubuntu again with the root on one drive and /home on another, last time I tried this, it didn't work and now I'm getting error 22 from Grub, in the advanced section, how do I know if (hd0) is correct?09:33
bobsomebodyryan8403, search the user wikii for your bluetooth vard?09:33
chadeldridgeIIIII:  searching through your drive and killing the files unfortunatelly.  do you know where it installed ... hopefully its in your ~\ directory and you can just delete it .. otherwise you are gonna be searchin for it09:33
bobsomebody*card not vard :P09:33
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chadeldridgewhen i plug my external USB drive it tells me i need to mount it in Windows twice in order to be able to use it in ubuntu ... i have no windows machines around and the force mount option doesnt work ... any ideas ?09:33
baghyayi have know ( xp + fiesty )  how  can i reinstall xp without lose my ubuntu09:33
baghyayi have now ( xp + fiesty )  how  can i reinstall xp without lose my ubuntu09:34
mgedminchadeldridge: do you know if your drive is formatted as FAT or as NTFS?09:34
ryan8403bobsomebody, a little but I haven't seen anything about it, the card is a built in dell bluetooth09:34
bobsomebodychadeldridge, you are probably going to need the USB driver for the drive or something like that09:34
pike_!mbr | baghyay09:34
ubotubaghyay: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:34
chadeldridgebaghyay:  you can reinstall xp using the repair option in xp .. you will have to boot the live cd again to fix grub though09:34
llllllllok then. Cheers09:34
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chadeldridgemgedmin:  its ntfs and i have already used ntfsfix and it returns normal09:34
mgedminchadeldridge: I think that message might mean the the filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, and Linux cannot access it until Windows does some magic09:34
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chadeldridgemgedmin:  yep .. sure does, i let a friend use my external drive and he just unpluged it09:35
mgedminI think you're out of luck, unless you can find some linux too to replay the ntfs journal or whatever09:35
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chadeldridgeargh .. so find a windows box and plug it in then09:35
mgedminyay, unbuntu installation is complete09:35
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slasherno one knows of the dri issue?09:36
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bobsomebodyryan8403, try googleing for your cards chipset, use lspci to find what it is09:38
bobsomebodyryan8403, search for something like chipset + linux || ubuntu09:38
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SecretAgentQSecretAgentQ: Welcome to #ubuntu!09:38
RustySfordhmmm no luck09:38
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SecretAgentQJamesinator: Welcome to #ubuntu!09:38
JamesinatorUrgh, a bot?09:39
ryan8403bobsomebody, thanks I'll give it a go and see what I can fined09:39
bobsomebodygl :)09:39
SecretAgentQbobsomebody: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
RustySfordI even hit ctrl+alt+f1 and tried to do it from there09:39
SecretAgentQbobsomebody: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
shwouchkfor some reason, I dont have pidgin in my list of apps in synaptic - only gaim, is that normal?09:39
SecretAgentQbobsomebody: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
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SecretAgentQSam330: Welcome to #ubuntu!09:39
Jamesinatorshwouchk: I think pidgin is the former name of GAIM09:39
Anlarbroken script09:39
SecretAgentQAnlar: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
llllllllSo basically, uninstalling a program I've compiled myself consists of searching and deleting all the files manually? I don't need to do anything other than that to return my computer to how it was before the installation?09:39
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:39
SecretAgentQbobsomebody: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
RustySfordstill says x server appers to be running09:39
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SecretAgentQbobsomebody: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
SecretAgentQferronica_: Welcome to #ubuntu!09:39
SecretAgentQbobsomebody: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
SecretAgentQbobsomebody: DON'T USE THAT SMILEY. use :-$09:39
shwouchkJamesinator: gaim is the former name of pidgin09:39
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Neil-wtf is going on09:39
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RustySfordit actually says AN x server and I need to stop x before I can continue09:40
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RustySfordmaybe it's not the same as xserver?09:40
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RustySfordyeah it says just I need to stop x09:40
bobsomebodyRustySford, are u in Gnome?09:40
Sam330What is this all about? Somone trying to sam the l33test IRC channel around?09:40
eternalswdNeil-, a bot invaded the channel09:40
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slugicideHow do I add a program to the start menu and make it the default program (Azureus)?09:40
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RustySfordthinking that's why it's not working09:40
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RustySfordmight need to do something differently09:40
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kman_hello, how can I tell feisty to use piix.ko as ide module instead of ata_piix.ko (I want to disable libata)09:40
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bobsomebodyRustySford, um.... you need to get out of x somehow09:40
surviveranyone can say me how i can resize my desktop icons there to big?09:40
bobsomebodyRustySford, did you check the user docs? on the wiki?09:41
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Jamesinatorsurviver, right click and select "Stretch icon"09:41
bobsomebodythat *should* be there09:41
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surviverjamesinator, thx09:41
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bobsomebodyRustySford, the only way i know how to get out of X is to crash xorg on purpouse :)09:41
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RustySfordthat's where it said to hit ctrl+alt f1 and did that...went to stright unix and it still says I apper to be running x09:41
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bobsomebodyRustySford, well if ur in Gnome, x is running09:42
RustySfordbobsomebody: will that cause the computer to get pissed and reboot?09:42
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shwouchkfor some reason, I dont have pidgin in my list of apps in synaptic - only gaim, is that normal?09:42
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RustySfordright but I exited to the bare neccities where nothing was running but unix screen and it still says it09:42
bobsomebodyRustySford, not at all, just change the driver name or something stupid like that and save it, then reboot09:42
pike_llllllll: i dunno but maybe you could dpkg -b directory packagename.deb where directory is the where you ran make then you could install and remove it. i havent used debian packaging much09:43
bobsomebodyx will fail and it will drop you into command prompt and it will kill gdm so x wont load09:43
bobsomebodythen you change it back, save it, do what you need to, then reboot09:43
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RustySfordand then I have to terminal to the file and rename it back then wont I09:43
RustySfordguess it's not that big a deal09:43
B-rabbithi everybody,i am new to ubuntu,and i was just wondering that if i could watch videos on youtube if i loaded up XP using VMware?09:43
joeaminedhi, i'm having a problem with rhythmbox that can't retrieve songs lyrics and amsn that tells me my webcam is behind a firewall (i opened the necessary ports in my router). I didn't have those problems before !09:44
bobsomebodyRustySford, well if you can get to terminal you just need to kill the task09:44
CrazySpaz666B-Rabbit: no need to load xp in vmware09:44
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shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?09:44
bobsomebodyRustySford, use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"09:44
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shwouchkfor some reason, I dont have pidgin in my list of apps in synaptic - only gaim, is that normal?09:44
bobsomebodygod whats the other one09:44
RustySfordbobsomebody: did that already.....same result09:44
bobsomebodyi think its X1109:45
bobsomebodyX11 stop maybe09:45
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bobsomebodyhang on let me check something09:45
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joeaminedcan someone help me please09:45
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bobsomebodyroe_ roe_ roe_ ur boat09:45
roe_gently down the stream09:45
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CrazySpaz666B-Rabbit: read this http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/05/13-must-do-things-on-new-ubuntu-704.html stuff to do on ubuntu once you've installed09:45
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RustySfordif I kill xsession manager maybe that will work.....lets find out09:46
B-rabbitCrazySpaz666:thank you09:46
CrazySpaz666no probs09:46
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bobsomebodyRustySford, try killing xserver-xorg-input-wacom09:46
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nitro4cehow do you change the nautilus skin?09:47
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RustySfordwell that's a fast way to logout09:47
nitro4cei have the redhat-artwork09:47
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bobsomebodyRustySford, try killing xserver-xorg-input-wacom and x11-common09:47
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RustySfordany luck finding what you were looking for bobsomebody09:47
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bobsomebodyyes ^ look up ^09:47
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bobsomebodyyou might be able to kill all three in terminal from gnome09:48
bobsomebodyit might drop u into terminal then09:48
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shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?09:48
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rdvonHow come whenever I reboot my system my wireless card doesnt work? I'm using ndiswrapper.09:49
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RustySfordso then the command is sude /etc/init.d/gdm stop xserver-xorg-input-wacom and x11-common or what exactly?09:49
shwouchkfor some reason, I dont have pidgin in my apt - only gaim... why?09:49
rdvonndiswrapper says that the wireless card driver is present and installed.09:49
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rdvonbut my wireless card isnt being used.09:49
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rdvonHow do i turn my wireless card on than?09:49
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:50
bobsomebodyRustySford, do each one individually just like gdm09:50
bobsomebodythe order shouldnt matter at all, i dont think09:50
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dromerhmm, I'm trying to chroot into this disk, but I keep getting: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied  what's up with that?09:50
lyn1my links to SMB shares take forever to start ... i double click and wait 10 mins before i get a screen09:50
shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?09:50
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lyn1dromer:  try to sudo chroot09:51
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psycosehow could i install gcc-4.2 on feisty thanks09:51
bobsomebodydromer, try sudo chroot09:51
dromerlyn1: I did, also tried it after sudo -i09:51
Ominousargh how do you make windows network computers show up with firestarter? ( dced after i asked it a sec ago)09:51
shwouchkhow do I change my apt servers to gusty?09:52
dromerbobsomebody: I did09:52
bobsomebodyOminous, do you have samba up?09:52
lyn1Anyone know what would cause windows shares to take so long to open in ubuntu ?09:52
bobsomebodydromer, drop into root09:52
shwouchkhow do I upgrade to gusty?09:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:53
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bobsomebodyOminous, yes, samba is the SMB networking package for linux, it allows linux and windows to network smoothly09:53
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dromerbobsomebody: did it, same error09:53
rich__hi all09:53
bobsomebodydromer, thats fukken strange09:53
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bobsomebodyrename chroot09:53
dromeryeah, never got that before ..09:53
dromerrename chroot?09:53
bobsomebodythis way it wont flag it09:53
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dromerbobsomebody: I'm not sure how to use that ..09:54
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bobsomebodyjust find the chroot file, should be in a /bin or /sbin folder somewhere09:54
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bobsomebodythen rename it to something else09:55
bobsomebodyoh, copy it09:55
bobsomebodythen rename the copy, sorry09:55
ci_omegadoghi, where is the online ubuntu server book09:55
bobsomebodythis way you dont trash anything09:55
ci_omegadogi've googled it, and i can not find it09:55
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ci_omegadogit's all amazon, sams, oreilly09:55
bobsomebodyci_omegadog, which one?09:55
rich__does anyone know if the wifi 'on' button at the front of an asus laptop can be programmed?09:55
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RustySfordgrrrr. this sucks09:55
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bobsomebodyno luck?09:55
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ci_omegadogi thought there was an official ubuntu server book put out by the distro09:56
rich__I was wondering if it directly interfaces with the card or the motherboard09:56
kruxQ. is apache2-ssl-certificate suppose to be inside the apache2 package ?? or is there another package ???. I need to install ?09:56
ci_omegadogthat had an online edition09:56
shwouchkhow do I upgrade to gusty?09:56
JC_Denton_when can we expect monodevelop 0.14 on the ubuntu repository?09:56
RustySfordno luck just to be sure the commands were...sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common stop and sudo /etc/init.d/xserver-xorg-input-wacom stop09:56
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bobsomebodyci_omegadog, they have the wiki, thats about all i found09:56
bobsomebodyif you beat on limewire some PDF books might fall out :)09:56
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RustySfordtook both of them but didn't seem to do much09:56
bobsomebodyWINK WINK!09:56
RustySfordstill says x is running maybe nvidia is just stupid09:57
dromerbobsomebody: nope, after rename .. same error09:57
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bobsomebodydromer, im at a loss then09:57
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pike_RustySford: well does ps -A show X running?09:57
RustySfordI don't even know if it will work. just seems like 1024x768 is a bit low09:57
dromergah, maybe try reboot then :(09:57
bobsomebodyRustySford, is that all your trying to do? just up the screen res?09:57
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ci_omegadogyeah, i could do pdfchm, but i thought there was a guide09:58
ci_omegadogprovided by the distro09:58
bobsomebodyRustySford, go pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:58
ci_omegadogam i wrong09:58
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bobsomebodyci_omegadog, not that i know of, check ubuntu.com, im sure they would advertise it if they make one09:58
RustySfordwell xorg is running09:58
RustySfordbut even after I run that stop command it still is09:58
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bobsomebodykill the task09:59
RustySfordbodsomebody: yeah I'm at max for the defalut ones09:59
bobsomebodyfind the PID number next to it09:59
B-rabbitdoes anny one know the comman that you have to type to login as root in terminal from a normal account?09:59
bobsomebodyand kill *PID*09:59
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RustySfordit's not in the task list I had to use that command pike gave09:59
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bobsomebodyB-rabbit: just use sudo its safer09:59
RustySfordit has ttyl7 as a note on it09:59
RustySfordor next to the name09:59
bobsomebodysudo *command name* *options*09:59
nfslooking for a program to capture sounds played from my sound card..any suggestions? o r a way to configure it through terminal code?09:59
bobsomebodynah, it should be a number10:00
gruntgreetings from a distant galaxy...10:00
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RustySfordhang on I'll pastebin10:00
bobsomebodyRustySford, that was 4 u ^10:00
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gruntEngland in fact10:00
SynapsiI've got a matrox marvel g450 etv graphic board and I can't go over 800x600 resolution: how to have a classix 1024x768?10:00
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bobsomebodySynapsi, edit /etc/xorg.conf10:01
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rich__have you tried editing xorg.conf with the new graphics mode you want Synapsi?10:01
B-rabbitbobsomebody: mate, i typed in this "fahmid@redsparrow:~$ sudo root password"10:02
Synapsinow that I know,I'll try10:02
Synapsithanks for it10:02
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B-rabbitand it comes up with"password:"10:02
rich__Maybe the limiting factor is your monitor?10:02
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RustySfordum bobsomebody: if you meant to type sudo Xorg options it gave me a "fatal server error" and that's all10:02
bobsomebodyB-rabbit, what you need to do is use sudo to run the command as root10:02
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selRustySford: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop    then    killall -9 gdm10:02
=== kadakas [n=kadakas@87-119-187-130.tll.elisa.ee] has joined #ubuntu
grunthmm I used to use Microsoft 2.1 back in 1989 and cobol before that. Linux is slightly different to Unix10:02
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lyn1my links to SMB shares take forever to start ... i double click and wait 10 mins before i get a screen ... any ideas?10:02
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mcscrufflo all, how can i combine 2 avi files? eg vid1.avi + vid2.avi = vid.avi10:02
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humehi...i am trying to get tv out with nvidia proprietary drivers to work - i set res to 640x480 but the picture on TV is too high up - anyone knows how to adjust vert on svideo tvout?10:03
rich__mcscruff i did that yesterday10:03
rich__i used avidmux10:03
kadakasWhat can I use to make 3D models (the technical kind, doesnt have to be 100% autocad) ?10:03
blackelfmcscruff: buy the full pr0n on dvd10:03
rich__there is an append otpion10:03
mcscruffrich__, ty10:03
kadakasI used Solid Edge in my Windows years10:03
Plusheviy_Tankmcscruff use cat10:03
blackelfkadakas: wings3d perhaps10:03
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blackelfkadakas: povray (scripting)10:03
blackelfkadakas:  blender10:03
mcscruffblackelf, not for porn this time, maybe next10:03
bobsomebodyi lol'ed10:04
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:04
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rich__not for a die hard 4 download is it? lol10:04
RustySfordpid is 5101 bobsomebody sorry just saw that how do I kill a pid#?10:04
mcscruffno thats a cinima job10:04
kadakasI want to be able to quickly scetch a 3D model of a device or a piece of furniture to record it from my brain to a medium everyone else can view :p10:04
valdasanyone knows a keylogger for amd64?:)10:04
RustySfordlike I know the first part and stop but what do I put to have it do a pid10:04
grunti thought porn was something made of fungi and sold as meat?10:04
jo3_what os valdas ?10:04
rich__go see it, its awesome10:05
bobsomebodysel, can u show RustySford that command again?10:05
grunthang on - that's quorn - duh110:05
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mcscruffrich__, i thought about the cheeky d/l but i didnt want to ruin it, might go see it 2moro10:05
Stormx2RustySford: Killing a command via its pid? "kill 5101".10:05
bobsomebodyRustySford, sel put a command up earlier10:05
blackelfkadakas: blender  wings3d10:05
Stormx2RustySford: or do you want something else?10:05
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kadakasblackelf: Thank You :)10:06
valdasjo3: ubuntu 7.0410:06
bobsomebodysudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop    then    killall -9 gdm10:06
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valdasjo3: ubuntu 7.0410:06
valdasjo3: ubuntu 7.0410:06
blackelfis ubuntu legal in usa? I though communism isnt?10:06
rich__the special effects are a bit stunning... worth the cinema money10:06
bobsomebodyit is10:06
bobsomebodyim in USA10:06
gruntanyway I'm new10:06
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bobsomebodydell sells ubuntu desktops too10:06
PriceChildblackelf, please don't troll...10:06
valdasjo3_: it ubuntu 7.04 amd64 .10:06
bobsomebodyway from illegal10:07
blackelfPriceChild: shh10:07
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RustySfordhmm when I kill Xorg it just logs me out..sorta. brings me to the log in screen without actually loging out.....10:07
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kinectionswhat is the proper way of killing dhcp on ubuntu? is the only way through kill [pid] ?10:07
RustySfordbut even if I just try it under failsafe mode or just stright up black screen with working commands it still says x is running10:07
gruntUbuntu is easier to use than Suse Linux Professional10:07
RustySfordI think Nvidia is just dumb10:08
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selRustySford: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop    then    killall -9 gdm10:08
gruntNvidia is the pits10:08
rich__whats the prob RustySford? Nvidia driver?10:08
selsry was afk10:08
=== OlaUI [n=olavi@a88-113-70-7.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
RustySfordsel when I do the first command I get a blank screen and commands DON"T work10:08
ticHow's nVidia coming along with their proprietary drivers w/ XRaR-1.2 support?10:08
RustySfordnone do10:08
lyn1my links to SMB shares take forever to start ... i double click and wait 10 mins before i get a screen10:08
RustySfordwell rich: yeah I got the ones ubuntu wanted to install but it only allows 1024x768 res10:09
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RustySfordmy monitor is native 1600x120010:09
RustySfordso it makes it look like junk10:09
seldo that command from the [ctrl] +[alt] +[F1} csreen after you log in there10:09
rich__ah right10:09
valdasanyone knows a keylogger for Ubuntu 7.04 amd64 ?10:09
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rich__are you using 16bits or 24?10:09
gruntI daren't try and get the nvidia D on mine as my sytem bites a bullet and disappears up its own ahem!10:09
B-rabbiti am really stuck everyone, after i type in "sudo" in terminal the "password" option come's up and sfter that i cunt type any thin else in....can any body help plzzz10:09
blackelfB-rabbit: ?10:10
RustySfordtrying to install the offical drivers from the site..got the package from them but when I run the command to install it, it brings up the install helper like its supposed to...but it tell me "you appear to have X server running. Please disable x before continuing"10:10
JamesinatorB-rabbit: Yes, you can, the text is just hidden10:10
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bobsomebodyB-rabbit, the password is probably the same as ur users password10:10
RustySfordand if I try to continue anyway it fails.10:10
rich__what command are you trying to run as root B-rabbit?10:10
blackelfB-rabbit: type the password and press enter (its hidden)10:10
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bobsomebodyoh, lmao10:10
RustySfordI'll pastebin the install log one minute maybe that would help10:10
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rich__whats the model of the card?10:11
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bobsomebodyRustySford, pastebin xorg for me, let me see if i can up your resolution for you10:11
ned__out of curiosity, are there any good cl download managers other than wget10:11
gruntyour password is the same that you first set up Ubuntu with10:11
EnverexRustySford, So do what it says, you need to close X first10:11
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ci_omegadogis tcl installed by default on ubuntu?10:11
RustySfordbobsomebody: sorry but what do you want again? not sure what you want10:12
ci_omegadogi can't seem to start tclsh10:12
pcant seems to get kopete on line10:12
B-rabbitthanx every one it worked!!10:12
RustySfordwhat command I mean so many people it's hard to find a line from even 10 minutes ago10:12
blackelfB-rabbit: yey10:12
gruntits trying to get transparency I'm having problems with - emulating Vista without the trouble Vista makes for itself would be fine10:12
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Jamesinatorvaldas: You can set up xmacrorec2 to record and append to a logfile at startup, but that's a hackish solution at best and I'm not sure if it works on amd6410:12
kadakasblackelf: Do you know any 3D modelers that are a bit more technical (like SolidWorks, Solid Edge and AutoCAD), where I could create objects via measures and export 2D drawings of my models? I want to use it only for technical stuff, not 3D graphics or cartoons :)10:12
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bobsomebodyRustySford, the /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:13
blackelfgrunt: ubuntu is NOT windows10:13
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bobsomebodyRustySford, all you want is a higher resolution right?10:13
blackelfkadakas: I bet it is possible in blender10:13
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blackelfmore or les10:13
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RustySfordbobsomebody: right10:13
kadakasI'll investigate10:13
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RustySfordbut under the screen resolution gui it only goes to 102410:14
gruntI know - Don't want it to be Windows - so many holes in that system...10:14
rich__you might find if you post the model of the card someone else has written a guide to do it RustySford10:14
RustySfordat 50 :( :( htz even10:14
phave installed ubuntu 7.04 but i cant seems to get my ubuntu kopete to be working online, can anyone help?10:14
=== Keith-BlindUser [n=keith@mmds-216-19-30-69.mm.az.commspeed.net] has joined #Ubuntu
RustySfordit's a geforce fx570010:14
RustySfordstandard linux fx driver10:14
=== Synapsi [n=proschin@host120-16.pool8290.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
bobsomebodyRustySford, yeah, pastebin the xorg.conf file for me so i can have a look at it10:14
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bobsomebodythats probably where your main issue is10:15
gruntcool I'll get info in next few days (i'm preparing for holiday to Blackpool) Hey we are being deluged with H2O I need an Ark10:15
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RustySfordsudo: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf: command not found10:15
RustySfordsudo: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf: command not found10:15
RustySfordsudo: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf: command not found10:15
SynapsiI've watched the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and it's fine:1024x768,but still I can't change the resolution to 1024x76810:15
RustySforddidn't mean to do that10:15
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flask-is anyone here running compiz fusion with cube rotation?10:15
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RustySfordI forgot something didn't I10:16
RustySfordwget or what ever10:16
rich__you need to say you want to look/edit it10:16
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rich__ad gedit in there10:16
RustySfordthat's the one10:16
bobsomebodysudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:16
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bobsomebodyor vi or nano :)10:16
grunton Ubuntu Forums i'm grommet10:16
lyn1why dont you just go add the resolution you want to the xorg file ... its very simple .. or if you are using nvidia then just use the nvidia-settings applet10:17
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Synapsiok to change the xorf file,but how to apply that resolution?10:17
gruntcool I'll do that10:17
gruntTa Rich10:17
instabinany one have ubuntu setup as a transparent proxy10:17
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kismetSynapsi, use nvidia-settings (type that in terminal) like lyn1 said10:17
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bobgill1What program can I use to load like 10 images and view a slideshow ?10:18
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Synapsieven if it's a matrox?10:18
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d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know anything about Sunbird? I just finished installing and wanted to install the Google Calendar extension from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/sunbird/addon/4631 but I can't find a way to download the .xpi. When I click the install link in firefox, it tries to install it for firefox. In Sunbird, does anyone know how i can download the plugin?10:18
kismetSynapsi, no i thought you were asking regarding the nvidia10:18
RustySfordsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:18
HizzehHey guys, I've been wanting to get my hands dirty with Ubuntu (which would be my first time switching to a linux distro), but I can't. The installation freezes before I can see the virtualization from memory. Does anyone know what is goign on?10:18
lyn1just add this under modes in Section "Screen"  Modes      "1920x1440" "1920x1200" "1680x1050" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"10:18
shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?10:18
RustySfordI do that...and the file is blank10:18
lyn1that should cover anything you are trying to do10:18
d4rkmonkeybobgill1, fspot has a slideshow feature10:18
lyn1the file cant be blank10:18
RustySfordwell it is10:18
RustySfordI can imageshack it for ya if you want10:19
lyn1if your in X that is not possible10:19
Synapsiok'I'm trying...but in the graphic application I can't change the actual resolution to what I'd like to have10:19
ned__d4rkmonkey: right-click on "install now" and click on "Save Link As..."10:19
rich__Hizzeh no i dont... cant you give any specifics regarding your hardware and the ubuntu version your trying to install?10:19
kismetRustySford, the characters are case sensitive :/10:19
gruntare there other servers other than Ubuntu of this IRC node?10:19
lyn1X11 not x1110:19
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d4rkmonkeyI'll try that ned__10:19
RustySfordthere we go10:19
RustySfordstupid case sensitive10:19
RustySford"you're as funny as a case sensitive search engine"10:19
d4rkmonkeythanks ned__ I'm suprised I didn't think of that, I'm usually smarter10:19
rich__Desktop and desktop never gets old ;)10:20
CppIsWeirdi right clicked on a drive that was automatically mounted and changed where it mounted to automatically, and i messed up the mount point, now every time i plug in that external drive, i get an error message, where do i go to undo what i did by right clicking and modifying the properties??10:20
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ned__d4rkmonkey: no problem :) it's odd looking, but it's just a dressed up link10:20
lyn1anyone have a shotgun so i can put some holes in samba ... arrrgh10:20
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grunt:-D smiles all round here cool10:20
RustySford24-bit depth is the same as 32 right?10:20
d4rkmonkeyyes RustySford10:20
RustySfordjust people want to sound cool10:20
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d4rkmonkey32 bit is 24 bit and 8 alpha channels I think... thats why its just called 24bit in xorg10:21
rich__CppIsWeird, i dont know the 'proper' way to do it, but when i have done that i manually mount it and then delete the options.10:21
lyn1why ohh why must i communicate with windows machines ... makes my linux machine run like poo10:21
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d4rkmonkeylol lyn110:21
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kismeti have vista installed on dual boot, haven't even installed the vga drivers :/10:21
sean__how can i make it so my nautilus link starts at / instead of /home/me10:21
gruntthis mount/unmount seems to have a sexual connatation - well that's what my missus said10:21
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kismetsean__, type gksudo nautilus from terminal, or press alt+f2 and type gksudo nautilus10:22
blackelfhow to have aptitude fallback to direct connection if proxy doestn work10:22
Jamesinatorlyn1: I used to have that problem, but I fixed it by "sudo cp /media/hdb1/ ~/winstuff" and then booting into my Windows partition and typing "format C:" :D10:22
JamesinatorBuh-bye Windows10:22
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SynapsiI've watched the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and it's fine:1024x768,but still I can't change the resolution to 1024x768, what to do?10:22
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rich__CppIsWeird, you will need to unmount it first using umount10:22
sean__kismet: that starts it from /home/sean though, i want it to start at /10:22
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lyn1haha .. well i have no windows on this box ... but i have to talk to an AD network that hates my linux box and just barely works with it ... takes 10 mins to launch samba shares some times10:23
blackelfis there something like ubuntu but not lam^H but more professional10:23
kismetsean__, if you type gksudo nautilus it won't start in /home/sean10:23
ompaulSynapsi, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, when done restart gnome (log out and back in)10:23
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kismetlyn1, vmware!! :p10:23
Slartis there an easy way to print the exit-code of the last program run in the terminal? anything easier than writing a small bash script with an if-then thingy?10:23
RustySfordokay I tired to edit it myself but it's confusing to me I'll pastebin it now...wow it's taking a long time to upload. didn't know it was that big10:23
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lyn1windows makes me hurt in my special place .. so no thanks10:23
sean__kismet: it starts at /root/10:23
kismetsean__, that is "/"10:23
RustySfordor maybe the server is just busy10:23
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RustySfordI like windows cause I alrady have mastered it10:24
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sean__kismet: no, because then all i see is a link to desktop, not all my folders within /10:24
Jamesinatorlyn1: Put an ext3 partition on it with Ubuntu Server and install a SSH server. You can mount your windows partition, and use SSHFS on your local Ubuntu PC to mount your remote windows mountpoint.10:24
rich__MS havnt even mastered it10:24
RustySforddont need to go through junk like this just to do what I'm trying ot do10:24
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jabarkhanHello all10:24
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lyn1jamesinator:  that is the hokyest thing i have ever heard ... crazy enough to actually be something i would try ... lol10:24
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RustySfordpastebin was too busy.....was talking like wayy to long10:25
Jamesinatorlyn1: Query me if you want help >:-D10:25
preactionRustySford: linux is like a newly-fixed lightswitch, you're used to the old broken lightswitch so when the new one works better you want the old broken one10:25
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kismetsean__, if you want a particular location to be accessed, right click on the desktop and click on launcher. There under command put in nautilus "location here", without the quotes10:25
RustySfordyeah but i never get messed on windows10:25
shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?10:25
=== MTeck_ [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
wrencould anybody tell me how to reboot into a vga console without changing the default bootup?10:25
RustySfordwindows runs fine as long as the user doesn't do stupid things10:25
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rich__no its more windows doing stupid things10:25
RustySfordlinux is nice cause it's hard to screw it up when messing around10:25
jabarkhanLooking for some help on setting up my webcam (MSI - Starcam 370i) on ubuntu 7.04 ?10:25
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preactionwren: when grub shows up, hit Esc for the menu and choose "Safe mode"10:25
kismetwren, press alt+f2, or open terminal and type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:25
RustySfordnope I disagree deeply10:25
RustySfordmy windows never has issues10:25
JamesinatorRustySford: A user not doing stupid things would mean not using Windows in the first place10:25
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wrencool thanks10:26
RustySfordcuase I've been using it since 3.1.110:26
preaction!worksforme | RustySford10:26
ubotuRustySford: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:26
preaction!offtopic | RustySford10:26
ubotuRustySford: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:26
rich__i did a new install once, left it for 3 days with updates, came back and it was Oding on trojans10:26
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Sonicadvance1I seem to be getting grub error 17 again10:26
humeanyone knows how to adjust vertically in tvout?10:26
kismetSonicadvance1, unplug external drive and boot up10:26
RustySfordhey tell that to the person that brought it up ubotu :-P10:26
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lyn1RustySford:  Take where you see your other resolutions line ... the Mode line where you see like 1024 and all those .. and replace it with this     Modes      "1920x1440" "1920x1200" "1680x1050" "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"10:26
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Sonicadvance1I don't have an external drive plugged in10:27
Jamesinator!tell RustySford about windows10:27
kismetSonicadvance1, hmm sorry then for me that used to be problem, hopefully someone in here can assist you10:27
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RustySfordk so the horizontal part will have like 6 sectoins instead of just the three lyn1?10:27
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sean__kismet: thanks10:27
lyn1just adds those resolutions to the "option list" basically10:27
arjen_ubuhey all10:28
lyn1right now your max resoution is set to 1024x768 it appears10:28
RustySfordthat's kinda what I thought10:28
kismetsean__, np10:28
jabarkhanAnybody able to help? kinda busy... i'll just sit and wait ;)10:28
RustySfordbut I thought that if i added more after the three it wouldn't read correctly10:28
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Toulousehey guys, when you start ubuntu, one of the first things that happens is a little applet starts conecting you to the internet, i seem to have lost that handy little tool, and can't find it, any help?10:28
InterNutI have one update avail, but when trying to download and apply it i get : E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libmjpegutils-1.8.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libmjpegtools0c2a. how can i fix this? Thanks10:28
kismetthe beauty of linux is that there usually atleast 2 ways to get something done right10:28
lyn1nah .. mine has like 1010:28
arjen_ubuif i use the default packet manager to install software, i can't control where the software is installed can I? and where is it installed by default?10:28
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lyn1im running at 1920 x 128010:28
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JamesinatorToulouse: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome10:28
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preactionarjen_ubu: you do not want to. why do you think you want to?10:29
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Paradoxxhow long does cannicol provide updates for versions of ubuntu?10:29
bobgill2What program can I use to load like 10 images and view a slideshow ?10:29
lyn1bobgill:  digikam will do that10:29
kismetDon't most of the applications under graphic do that? :/10:29
ci_omegadogHello.  I see software that i need to install listed on the website sited as "UNIVERSE".  when I "apt-cache search tcl" only a fraction of that software shows up.  how do i get access to the UNIVERSE debs?10:29
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arjen_ubupreaction: because i was under the impression software would go into my /home folder10:30
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Synapsinothing changed...10:30
HizzehHey guys, I've been wanting to get my hands dirty with Ubuntu (which would be my first time switching to a linux distro), but I can't. The installation freezes before I can see the virtualization from memory. Does anyone know what is goign on? I tried both the 32 and 64 bit installations. I', running on an AMD 64 4400+ X2, 1900XT 512, and 2 gigs of ram. Any help would be majorly appreciated :D10:30
Synapsistill with this awful resolution10:30
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arjen_ubupreaction: my root partition is only 10Gb and my /home partition is 100Gb10:30
CppIsWeirdrich__, its not mounting because i mistyped the mount point, so every time i plug in the drive i get an error message about mounting, so where do i go to fix what it does automatically?10:30
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:30
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alecjwhi. i jsut had a kernel panic and im trying to work out why. which log should i look in?10:30
preactionarjen_ubu: no. software is mostly installed into /usr, some is installed into /. it needs to be this way because of the directory structure10:30
RustySfordhttp://textpaste.net/7bs6f1 this look good lyn1?10:30
RustySforddont need the others10:31
braskoI installed the 64 bit server version of ubuntu, if I copy 32 bit programs from redhat 7.1, when I go to run the program it says "No such file or directory", anyone know why?10:31
RustySfordjust wanna make sure before I save10:31
braskoIf I run with 32 bit ubuntu server version, this works fine10:31
arjen_ubupreaction:  but /usr is in / right?10:31
lyn1looks functional yes10:31
preactionarjen_ubu: 10GB should be sufficient for most purposes, are you already butting up against the limit?10:31
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kismetbrasko, i am not sure if you can run 32bit apps on a 64bit installation10:31
preactionarjen_ubu: yes. / is root, /usr is the "usr" directory under / (which is root)10:31
RustySfordk so now how do I get it to go up to 85Htz as max instead of 50?10:31
jabarkhanI need help setting up my webcam on ubuntu?10:31
RustySfordi saw the limits for vert and hor but ummm don't wanna mess it up10:32
braskokismet: why? it's normally ok to run 32 bit programs in a 64 bit environment, no?10:32
lyn1want me to post my xorg for you so you can get a look at it10:32
braskoI know with 64 bit hardware, you can install a complete 32 bit os10:32
kismetbrasko, thats what i don't think it is :/10:32
RustySfordsuer lyn110:32
braskoand you can run 32 bit programs10:32
arjen_ubupreaction: i wonder why the install recommended to make /home my biggest partition, since i want to try out mono/ecplise and i guess those apps are quite big10:32
kismetbrasko, yes ofcourse i am running a 32bit installtion on a 64bit processor myself10:32
braskoand with gentoo 64 bit, I've run 64 bit programs, and natively compiled 32 bit programs10:32
Jordan_Ukismet, brasko Yes you can run 32 bit programs in a 32 bit chroot10:33
kismetbrasko, not too sure :/10:33
RustySforddon't try to use pastebin right now they seem to be having problems at least for me they did10:33
preactionarjen_ubu: because for the most part you're putting all your music, videos, etc... into /home10:33
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Sonicadvance1Screw this, I'm just going to install Ubuntu on one drive instead of splitting it up in to two10:33
Jordan_U!chroot | brasko10:33
ubotubrasko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box10:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:33
kismetJordan_U, you mean 32bit on 64bit, yes?10:33
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Jordan_Ukismet, Yes10:33
braskoreally, why do I have to use chroot?10:33
RustySfordyeah I know...it's taking forever to upload to right now at least from my location it was10:33
toryl__!ask | jabarkhan10:33
Jordan_Ubrasko, For some things you don't10:33
RustySfordtha'ts why I used the other one10:33
ubotujabarkhan: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:33
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Jordan_Ubrasko, What are you trying to run?10:33
arjen_ubupreaction: well i have a seperate windows partition for that as well, which is also 100Gb ;)10:33
braskoJordan_U: I made a simple hello world program on red hat 7.1, and it didn't work10:34
Synapsiwhy I have a properly configured xorg.conf file and can't set the resolution to 1024??10:34
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braskoit gave me that error, same program with 32 bit ubuntu ran fine10:34
lyn1RustySford: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28266/10:34
braskohello world (C++)10:34
arjen_ubupreaction: is it possible to split resize /home by lets say 50Gb and add it to /root?10:34
HizzehHey guys, I've been wanting to get my hands dirty with Ubuntu (which would be my first time switching to a linux distro), but I can't. The installation freezes before I can see the virtualization from memory. Does anyone know what is goign on? I tried both the 32 and 64 bit installations. I', running on an AMD 64 4400+ X2, 1900XT 512, and 2 gigs of ram. Any help would be majorly appreciated :D10:34
RustySfordoh nm10:34
preactionarjen_ubu: it may be possible to delete your /home partition and resize your / partition to include the new space.10:34
=== Saint_Belmont [n=saint@cpe-069-133-155-106.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
RustySfordI misread what you scripted10:34
jabarkhanhuh, How do i setup my webcam ? (MSI - 370i)10:34
ParadoxxHow long after release are updates released for Ubuntu?10:34
Jordan_USynapsi, What GPU ?10:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about updates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:34
lyn1ha .. yeah i just couldnt remember the past site10:34
PriceChildParadoxx, whenever there is a needed security patch or major bug fix10:35
braskoouch, this is to much talk10:35
Synapsimatrox marvel g450 etv10:35
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blargashey, where does firefox keep its  profile info?10:35
Synapsi(does gpu stand for graphhic unit?)10:35
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preactionParadoxx: 5 years for LTS (dapper was last LTS release), 1 year for normal releases (fiesty was last normal release)10:35
preactionSynapsi: Graphics Processing Unit10:35
Jordan_USynapsi, Yes, grpaphics processing unit10:35
ParadoxxPriceChild: I have read in several places, that versions updates, are provided for a specified number of time10:35
rich__Hizzeh are you using a pata harddrive?10:35
RustySfordwow thanks lyn1: but my monitor max is 85 not 130 or whatever yours is so not to keep being a pain but what woudl I put to make absolutly sure it won't go over that and destroy it?10:35
arjen_ubupreaction: thanks for the info :) i guess my 10Gb will do for now but I might do that when I run out of room :) i have a bit of partition phobia, since i deleted my whole windows D: drive during my first ubuntu install :P10:35
Synapsiok,so it's what I've told you jordan10:35
Paradoxxpreaction: Thank you much10:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:36
PriceChildParadoxx, ohhh sorry misread you10:36
HizzehRich_ What is a pata hard drive?10:36
RustySfordjust the upper limits are all I really nead for both vert and hor10:36
PriceChildParadoxx, preaction 18 months for normal releases...10:36
lyn1yeah .. just make 85 your max then .. my max is like 13010:36
HizzehThe hard drive type I'm using is the..it starts with N10:36
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HizzehI forget the name10:36
RustySfordfor both?10:36
mortuis99what is a GOOD HTML editor?10:36
PriceChildParadoxx, and only 3 years for desktop software on feisty10:36
PriceChildParadoxx, s/feisty/dapper/10:36
HizzehI'm not using RAID10:36
Toulouse_mortuis99: NvU10:36
RustySfordor just horizontal10:36
arjen_ubumortuis99: just for HTML or a general purpose text editor?10:36
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Toulouse_hey guys, i downloaded an applet from the repo's but how do i get that applet onto my panel?10:37
mortuis99general purpose10:37
rich__there was a massive problem with pata just after fiesty was released10:37
jabarkhanLOL @ arjen_ubu - i almost screwed up the install aswell, but i managed to revover my windows.. took me 3 attempts to install, the other 2 found had a dodgy install cd10:37
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preactionToulouse_: right-click on the panel, choose "add to panel"10:37
Toulouse_b/c i cant find it in the add to panel list10:37
Jordan_UToulouse_, right click a blank space in the panel, add to panel10:37
Toulouse_i cant find it in there10:37
lyn1RustySford: I am not positive .. but i dont thin that going over is an issue .. that is just the range in which it runs its probe for your screen10:37
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Saint_BelmontWhere can I find in depth instructions on using Gpart10:37
InterNutI have one update avail, but when trying to download and apply it i get : E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libmjpegutils-1.8.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libmjpegtools0c2a. how can i fix this? Thanks10:37
preactionToulouse_: are you sure it's a panel applet and not a notification area program?10:37
HizzehIf Im using PATA, does that restrict me from installing Ubuntu?10:37
toryl__Saint_Belmont: you mean gparted?10:37
Toulouse_it's network-manager-gnome10:37
Hizzehand how do I check if I'm using PATA?10:37
blargaswhere does firefox keep its profile info?10:37
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preactionblargas: ~/.firefox <- somewhere in there10:38
RustySfordso I need to restart now to change it from the admin tools? or is there a terminal way to do it now10:38
arjen_ubujabarkhan: at least I learned a lot from it, the thing i forgot was to set a label for my new partition, so it just overwrote the current one :)10:38
Toulouse_preaction: it's network-manager-gnome10:38
lyn1PATA or SATA ... makes no difference10:38
mortuis99im looking for something to do the links etc with10:38
lyn1RustySford: just do a full restart ..10:38
preactionToulouse_: that's a notification area program. you'll need to run it. it probably shows up in the menu10:38
RustySfordthanks I'll come back and thanks again if it works :)10:38
blargaspreaction: sorry, ive only been running linux for < 24h. where is that?10:38
Synapsiany other sugestion for my resoltuion issue?10:38
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rich__either way, what sort of harddrive are you installing to?10:39
preactionblargas: ~ is your home directory, /home/<your username>10:39
InterNutblargas: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default10:39
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bronzeI have a question. I can read (but not weite) my NTFS drive. Is the performance equally good to windows XP's NTFS reading?10:39
HizzehHow do I check, rich_? I'm currently in windows right now10:39
Jordan_U!fixres > Synapsi10:39
blargassweet, guys. thanks10:39
B-rabbithello has anybody ever used " Downloader for X " before?.....if yes the wat is it used to download? and can u download music with it10:39
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | bronze10:39
ubotubronze: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:39
jabarkhanarjen_ubu True, i did learn from my mistakes, and here i am got ubuntu installed, now trying to get some help to install my webcam10:39
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kismetntfs-3g is a massive resource hogg, btw.10:39
rich__Hizzeh, goto control panel ./ sytstem / device manager10:39
blargasi don't see it there...10:39
InterNutI have one update avail, but when trying to download and apply it i get : "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libmjpegutils-1.8.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libmjpegtools0c2a." how can i fix this? Thanks10:39
bronzeJordan_U, I am wondering about the performance! Can I e.g. play games from it through wine?10:39
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Saint_BelmontWell, is there any way to use some of my other partitions for Ubuntu, I filled the Partition Ubuntu is on.10:40
InterNutblargas: its a hidden folder10:40
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blargasoh. do i need to use command line?10:40
lyn1bronze:  most games through wine are slow ... just depends what you wanna run10:40
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bobbobi use cedega10:40
InterNutblargas: in terminal "ls -A" or in natilus press "ctrl-h"10:40
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com10:40
Jordan_Ubronze, I don't know, I don't use it myself, but I would assume so10:40
rich__Saint_Belmont you can enlarge the Ubuntu partition using the live cd if you have space to use10:40
bobbobpaid for it then cancelled my subscription but it works rather well on some games10:40
bronzelyn1, counter-strike. It's not very slow because it uses OpenGL.10:40
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HizzehHDT722525DLA380 ATA Device10:40
Toulouse_cedega doesnt seem that much better to me, but that's just me10:40
bobbobit depends on the game10:41
intangiri like cedega10:41
intangirboth wine and cedega are good10:41
intangirdepends on the game10:41
lyn1bronze .. you would be fine then as long as the game can use openGL it will run about 85% of windows in wine10:41
pike_wine is not inherently slower than windows10:41
bobbobif it is a game they support then its good10:41
blargasgreat, i found it. thanks internut, preaction10:41
Toulouse_they're pretty good10:41
bobbobotherwise not any better10:41
rich__when the live cd boots use gparted10:41
toryl__Saint_Belmont: check the docs for gparted.10:41
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=== jabarkhan looking around
Hizzehwhat sthat?10:41
rich__it wqill show you if there is any unused space10:41
HizzehI have two hard drives, one if which is empty10:41
Hizzehthat's the one I tried to install ubuntu to10:41
lyn1Hizzeh:  gparted is a partition editor for linux10:41
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InterNutblargas: np =)10:41
Toulouse_how do i get a notification area program to run???10:41
rich__wow u are lucky10:42
Toulouse_ive tried running it in terminal10:42
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Hizzehthe last time I tried installing Ubuntu was back in december10:42
CvgSorry if i ask bad time, but i have tried to solve very long time a dri problem.10:42
rich__gparted works if you are not using the partition you are trying to edit / i.e it is not already mounted.10:42
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jabarkhanOK, so i can't get my webcam installed, i have no idea how to install or set this up in ubuntu10:42
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slugicideI'm lost w/o alacarte menu editor.  How do I add a program to the menu?10:42
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Jordan_U!webcam | jabarkhan10:43
rich__gparted is the app used during ubuntu instalation10:43
ubotujabarkhan: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:43
Saint_BelmontWell, windows is on the other partition which is 100 gigs. Ubuntu is on a 4 gig one.10:43
lyn1jabarkhan:  good luck ... webcam support in linux is spotty at best10:43
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jos1i need help i installed ubuntu10:43
jos1and forgot the password10:43
jos1to my account so i cant log in10:43
jos1can anyone help10:43
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jabarkhanBrillient, thanks for the info...10:43
rich__josl? no way? how long ago did you install?10:43
RustySfordk so...that worked it's i the right reso when it gets to the login..but as soon as I log in it goes back and if I try to change it manually it crashes?10:43
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jos1i installed like 20 mins ago10:44
jos1but i forgot the password i used10:44
rich__reinstall and remember the password10:44
jos1thats the only choice i have10:44
rich__it will take longer to hack the os10:44
toryl__jos1: maybe here?  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3609.html10:44
Jordan_Ujos1, When you start up, press escape to see the grub menu, then choose recovery mode, when you are at a terminal run: passwd <username>10:44
Cvghas anyone encountered this "Screen 0 is not dri capable" ? Sorry10:44
slugicideCan't he just use the live CD and change the file?10:44
jos1so do this10:44
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HizzehDoes it matter if I use a CD or a DVD to burn the iso to?10:44
jos1grub menu10:44
Jordan_Urich__, No hacking needed, just single user mode10:44
jos1passwd username10:44
gaston_silvamaybe this will help recover your password: http://my.opera.com/Contrid/blog/show.dml/48661710:44
RustySfordah mn i got it10:45
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Jordan_Urich__, Finding the password is near impossible, replacing it is easy as long as you have physical access to the machine10:45
Sonicadvance1Oi, anyone know if it's possible that when you have to LAN cards, to have one come from the router to get internet, and the other one has another computer/device attached to it to get internet to that device?10:45
HizzehDoes it matter if I use a CD or a DVD to burn the iso to?10:45
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RustySfordhad to disable screen effects...how ever 58 is the max refresh :(10:45
anodesniHi. I'm setting up my remote with lirc for mythtv, but it's not working10:45
anodesni when I use the commands $ sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start10:45
anodesni $ irw10:45
anodesni irw returns immediately, and gives you another command prompt10:45
anodesni What should I do?10:45
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jos1so what should i do?10:45
RustySfordbut my xorg still has 85 as the highest?10:46
ci_omegadogI see software that i need to install listed on the website sited as "UNIVERSE". when I "apt-cache search tcl" only a fraction of that software shows up. how do i get access to the UNIVERSE debs?10:46
RustySfordmaybe I need the exact range for it to work?10:46
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slugicideHow do I add apps to the menu?  I'm lost without alacarte.10:46
RustySfordor does the vert need to always be higher then the horizontal10:46
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Jordan_Ujos1, When you start up, press escape to see the grub menu, then choose recovery mode, when you are at a terminal run: passwd <username>10:46
RustySfordlike proporional so It can work10:46
drdubI'm trying to install a wireless card - Netgear WG511 v2. I've installed NDISWrapper and driver but the card is still not working. Any suggestions?10:46
jos1i dont know the pwd though10:46
TheCreationistI just bought a 20-inch monitor and after upping the resolution, I can no longer use "Desktop Effects" because all the title bars disappear.  Anyone know how to remedy this?10:46
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jos1or does that let me make a new user10:46
anodesniHi. I'm setting up my remote with lirc for mythtv, but it's not working10:46
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anodesni when I use the commands $ sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start10:46
anodesni $ irw10:46
anodesni irw returns immediately, and gives you another command prompt10:46
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anodesni What should I do?10:46
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HizzehDoes it matter if I use a CD or a DVD to burn the iso to?10:46
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Jordan_Ujos1, That will let you replace the old password with whatever you want10:47
toryl__!enter: anodesni10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter: anodesni - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
jos1ooo ok thanks10:47
jos1passwd username10:47
toryl__!enter | anodesni10:47
RustySfordTheCreationist: I had this problem too...10:47
ubotuanodesni: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:47
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Jordan_Ujos1, Yup10:47
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RustySfordseems to do it if you try to use the mouse wheel to change workspaces10:47
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RustySfordat least thats when it does it to me10:48
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RustySfordso anybody know about the vert and horizontal rates needing to be proportainal?10:48
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Prettohi folks10:48
Prettoi am having some problems here with fstab and mount options10:49
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Prettoi mount a partition, it shows RW but i cant write on it... does anyone had that problem before?10:49
Jordan_UPretto, NTFS?10:49
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Gokee2_LaptopIs their a minamal CD for ubuntu and if so would it be any faster to download it and install that instead of downloading the whole livecd thing?10:49
PrettoJordan_U, EXT310:49
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Jordan_U!minimal | Gokee2_Laptop10:50
ubotuGokee2_Laptop: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:50
Hizzehcan Windows Vista successfully burn an image?10:50
HizzehIE a bootable disk?10:50
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slugicideIs my question about how to add an app to the menu too newb for this channel?10:50
HizzehIm trying to create a live cd10:50
Hizzehwith the ISO10:50
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Hizzehalso should I use a DVD or a CD?10:50
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hajhouseHizzeh: CD10:50
Jordan_UHizzeh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:50
PrettoJordan_U, /dev/sda7 on /music type ext3 (rw)10:51
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Gokee2_LaptopJordan_U, Thanks :)10:51
arjen_ubuhow to take a screenshot of my desktop?10:51
Jordan_UPretto, Can you write to it as root?10:51
PrettoJordan_U, but i cant write on it10:51
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jribarjen_ubu: press PrintScreen on your keyboard10:51
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Jordan_Uarjen_ubu, Press printscreen10:51
PrettoJordan_U, yes10:51
arjen_ubujrib: where is it saved?10:51
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jribarjen_ubu: it will ask you where you want to save it10:51
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arjen_ubujrib: thanks guys :)10:52
Jordan_U!permissions | Pretto10:52
ubotuPretto: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux10:52
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jribfilthpig: welcome10:52
PrettoJordan_U,  i did, but it changes it on mount10:52
PrettoJordan_U, lemme show10:52
slugicideAlacarte seems to be gone.  How do I add an app to the menu?10:52
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dukedaveHere's one: Say I create a directory & then want to move everything in the parent directory into the new (child) directory. Issuing "$ mv ./* child/ " from the parent dies understandably because "mv: cannot move [name]  to a subdirectory of itself, ". Does anyone know a switch to say "Don't move the child"?10:53
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jribslugicide: alacarte should be installed by default and you can right click on the ubuntu icon and go to "edit menu"10:53
Jordan_Uslugicide, run alacarte from a terminal / run dialog10:53
sindrewhat comand do i use to search for a folder?10:53
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slugicideOK, thanks.10:53
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jribsindre: locate  or  find -type d10:53
InterNutI have one update avail, but when trying to download and apply it i get : "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libmjpegutils-1.8.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libmjpegtools0c2a." how can i fix this? Thanks10:54
PrettoJordan_U, drwxrwxrwx   2 root root  4096 2007-07-02 13:43 music      ( before mount)10:54
Synapsiboys,this is my last though:ubuntu sucks...I'll try with fedora as resolution seems to be correct10:54
filthpiggigantomundo problemo ahoyo! I'm using Telenor ISP (in Norway) and they are quite bitchy.. Today I bought a wireless routermodem from those guys hoping to get rid of a few cables to my computer, but it seems Telenor is blocking anyone not using windows or macosx when connecting to their routermodem.. Can this be true?10:54
Synapsithanks for your help anyway10:54
PrettoJordan_U, after mount drwxr-xr-x   3 root root  4096 2007-07-02 17:51 music10:54
justin420hi all, anybody help with improving on read/writes for ubuntu edgy using an external firewire 400 drive?  I have 2 600GB external HD's both Seagate one is just a plain 500GB USB/Firewire HD; the other is one of their new FreeAgent PRO 500GB USB/Firewire HD's.  When one or the other is plugged in; everything works "better" but when both are plugged in sometimes I get I/O errors from my apps.  Both drives are plugged into a PCI usb/firewire card and I hav10:54
justin420e a 400w psu, so I dont think that the power is the issue? Anybody else experience this kind of strange behaviour?10:54
jribInterNut: where does libmjpegtools0 come from?  It doesn't seem to be in ubuntu10:54
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filthpigIn that case I'm quite beeped.. Neither wlan0 or eth0 can get me online through this new modem.. :/10:55
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kismetcould someone please remind where the location is for syaptics download files?10:55
Stwangeany idea how i can install a flash plugin on an x86_64 architecture?10:55
filthpigsindre: ZyXEL Prestige 660HWT-310:55
jribkismet: /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?10:55
InterNutjrib: it shows up in the updater in my "tray"10:55
kismetjrib, thankies10:55
Hizzehshould I check "simulation" when I burn the image in Infrarecorder?10:55
jribInterNut: what is the output of 'apt-cache policy libmjpegtools0' (use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org )10:55
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sindrefilthpig: priv10:56
jribStwange: I like to use nsplugwrapper: http://www.janvitus.netsons.org/2007/01/15/nspluginwrapper-adobe-flash-player/10:56
Prettoany idea Jordan_U ?10:56
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Jordan_UPretto, no10:56
Hizzehshould I check "simulation" when I burn the image in Infrarecorder?10:56
Stwangejrib: thanks mate10:56
filthpigsindre: sure no prob10:56
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jribStwange: the directions are in english if you scroll down btw10:57
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InterNutjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28268/10:57
Stwangejrib: thanks :) i did wonder at first10:57
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jribInterNut: get rid of http://www.debian-multimedia.org from your /etc/apt/sources.list .  Debian repos will break your box10:57
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InterNutjrib: thanks, ill try that10:57
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tim_abelldoes anyone know how to stop gnome asking for a password *every* time i close my laptop lid?10:58
DarkEDhey is there an equalizer plugin for rhtyhmbox?10:58
tim_abellit's driving me nuts10:58
scope006i have a laptop with an ati card (x300) and i have Compiz + XGL running beautifully on the proprietary drivers.  Is there a good resource on how to launch an app or game in a separate X Session?  I didn't have a lot of luck googling this morning10:58
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tim_abellcan't find anything on teh interweb10:58
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CyD_tim_abell, right click your battery icon, set it to do nothing on lid close instead of lock screen10:58
ci_omegadogFor the record- to use UNIVERSE debs from apt-get, you need to change /etc/apt/sources.list10:59
jribtim_abell: try the gconf keys in /apps/gnome-power-manager maybe (use gconf-editor)10:59
CyD_tim_abell, sorry, that's for kubuntu, but it shoudl be the same10:59
CyD_or not :)10:59
tim_abellhrm. hadn't tried that10:59
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tim_abellcertainly solves the stated problem!10:59
filthpigsindre: still there?10:59
ci_omegadogy'all could have saved me a half hour... or am i now the local king of apt-get :)10:59
tim_abellbut i would still like the screen blanked10:59
amorphous_could anyone tell me the app name for the gnome gui user admin tool?11:00
CyD_tim_abell, the screen should blank because of powersaving, regardless11:00
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jribtim_abell: lock_on_blank_screen looks promising11:00
justin420ok, how about this one. does anybody have any experience with I/O errors with external firewire 400 HD's on ubuntu edgy? if so how did you go about solving the I/O errors?11:00
jabarkhanhow do i remove programs i've installed? sudo ?11:00
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jrib!apt > jabarkhan (see the private message from ubotu)11:00
tim_abelldoesn't seem too11:00
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jribjabarkhan: you can also just use add/remove or system -> administration -> synaptic11:00
InterNutjrib: that did the trick, thanks a lot!11:00
tim_abellhow do i respond to a particular person (in chatzilla)?11:01
jribInterNut: np11:01
filthpigsindre: any ideas for my problem?11:01
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jribtim_abell: just prefix your response with their name11:01
Jordan_Utim_abell, Do you mean in a private message?11:01
tim_abelljrib: oh how cunning11:01
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jrib!tab | tim_abell11:01
ubotutim_abell: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:01
jabarkhanOk, thats good, same as windows XP ;)11:01
farstriderGood evening all! I need help, I have a second drive in my box and every time I start the box and want to go into the drive it first of all insists on my admin password and then does not allow me to crate folders and put files there! It is just a secondary drive thats all! How the devil do I change this?11:01
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tim_abellJordan_U:  no, just what people have been doing in my direction :)11:02
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amorphous_could anyone tell me the app name for the gnome gui user admin tool? I'm ssh'd into another machine so I have no desktop/menu's --- it's the 'users and groups' one in the menu, but (as ever) there's no indication of the app name :(11:02
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tim_abellubotu: nice11:02
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:02
jribfarstrider: what filesystem?11:02
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RustySfordahh got it....looked up the specs of my monitor and it told me right there lol11:02
jribtim_abell: heh, ubotu is a bot :)11:02
farstriderIt on on my linux box (Ubuntu)11:02
TheCreationistI just bought a 20-inch monitor and after upping the resolution, I can no longer use "Desktop Effects" because all the title bars disappear.  Anyone know how to remedy this?11:03
tim_abelljrib: oh lol11:03
jribamorphous_: users-admin11:03
sindreyeah... first i have to say that im not any good at linux:)... but solve problems with routers like that everyday:)...if u can use telnet (google it) to configure your zyxel that migth help... the webv user interface isnt any good at all...11:03
arjen_ubuTheCreationist: same happens to me, they are still experimental, they're not supposed to fully work yet11:03
jribTheCreationist: try in #ubuntu-effects (if you use nvidia, the ubutnu wiki tells you a common problem that causes that)11:03
farstriderMy box is on a network and can see NTFS File systems11:03
arjen_ubuTheCreationist: just use Ctrl-Alt Backspace to reload X11:03
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sindrefilthpig: yeah... first i have to say that im not any good at linux:)... but solve problems with routers like that everyday:)...if u can use telnet (google it) to configure your zyxel that migth help... the webv user interface isnt any good at all...11:04
TheCreationistarjen_ubu: Well, I only ask because it worked perfectly before changing resolutions.11:04
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TheCreationistjrib: #ubuntu-effects is useless... there's never anyone paying attention there.  I've asked there a few times with zero response.11:04
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arjen_ubuTheCreationist: just close any open applications before you reload though11:04
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amorphous_jrib - thanks. you think i could find that anywhere??? maybe I should add to the wishlist app names easily available on all menus... think I'd have a chance? it would encourage/empower users...!11:04
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Gokee2_LaptopIs a little over 3 gigs enough for ubuntu?11:04
jribamorphous_: you can right click on the ubuntu icon and go to edit menus11:05
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Jordan_UGokee2_Laptop, If you don't install too much, yes11:05
filthpigsindre: http://itpro.no/supportforum/index.php?act=ST&f=53&t=47520 do you think this will help, or will it simply fck me up?11:05
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farstriderSorry I am going to put my question again!! I need help, I have a second drive in my box and every time I start the box and want to go into the drive it first of all insists on my admin password and then does not allow me to crate folders and put files there! It is just a secondary drive thats all! How the devil do I change this?11:06
haysis pidgin available for ubuntu feisty fawn?11:06
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Jordan_Uhays, Yes, from getdeb.org11:06
haysI don't see it in the package manager11:06
Gokee2_LaptopJordan_U, Ok thanks11:06
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jribhays: no11:06
TheCreationisthays: Not officially until Gibon11:06
Jordan_UGokee2_Laptop, np11:06
tim_abelljrib: i can't see the lock_on_blank_screen you mention, where's that?11:06
xstHas anyone tried to export a gallery to SimpleViewer from gwenview? When I try to watch the exported gallery it says "gallery not found". What to do?11:06
jribtim_abell: did you open gconf-editor?11:06
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hypn0Jordan_U: it .net :-)11:07
arjen_ubuhays: pigdin = GAIM, no?11:07
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amorphous_jrib, Hmmm... does that show you the app name? (i'm not in gnome - only ssh-ing) - by the way - can I get an X session through ssh? I can run apps, but so far no session :( - remember trying but being defeated :(... is there an easy way, or is ita bit of a mission.?11:07
hayspidgin is the newest gaim yes11:07
jabarkhanalright, thanks for all your help guys/gals... really was helpful ;)11:07
Redhammer_the_Olhello stupid question: how do I enter long directory names with space "My Files" in the console11:07
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Redhammer_the_OlI am trying to exclude some during tar11:07
Redhammer_the_Oland it never seems to work11:07
sindrefilthpig: that migth help... it wont fuck it up... the only thing u have to remember is that telenor runs pppoe.... and thats porbably not set by default in the firmware from zyxel11:07
erUSULRedhammer_the_Ol: My\ Files11:07
PriceChildRedhammer_the_Ol, My\ Files11:07
jabarkhanSpeak to u all again.. Take care and keep smiling11:07
Jordan_Ufarstrider, What file system?11:08
jribamorphous_: it can, you can right click -> properties.  You can use vnc to get an actual session11:08
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Redhammer_the_Olthanks will try again11:08
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filthpigsindre: yes it is11:08
PriceChildRedhammer_the_Ol, do the first few letters, then press <Tab> and it will try to autocomplete it11:08
jrib!vnc > amorphous_ (see the private message from ubotu)11:08
arjen_ubuPriceChild: do "..." work too? instead of using escape chars?11:08
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filthpigsindre: I did that using the CD that followed the modem11:08
PriceChildarjen_ubu, true11:08
filthpigfrom windows, though11:08
jribdukedave: you could use zsh... it's not stupid like that :)11:08
amorphous_Hmm... will have to try it later. Thanks jrib - once again saved from anxiety and despair by your good self ;)11:08
bronzeWhat's the best distro if I want easy-to-set-up eye candy.11:09
arjen_ubuPriceChild: whatever works best for you ;)11:09
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farstriderJordanU how do I tell I am not sure to be honest!!??11:09
Sonicadvance1I'm trying to route one LAN card's Connection to another, is it possible?11:09
vip3rousmangoanyone know of a .flv movie file converter to like .avi or something playable11:09
Jordan_Ufarstrider, sudo fdisk -l11:09
hypn0bronze: maybe you should ask in #linux or somewhere :-)11:09
=== CommonAlgorithms [n=Larry@adsl-69-108-89-29.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
matt1982is there any really easy way to install the ati drivers?11:09
matt1982for ubuntu 7.04?11:10
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CommonAlgorithmsHave you guys heard of Wubi Installer?11:10
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sindrefilthpig: ok... its fucked up... telenor is always a bit dificult... but try to update the firmware... it migth help... but can u describe more exact what ur problem is?11:10
gnomefreak!ati | matt198211:10
ubotumatt1982: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:10
bronzematt1982, apt-get install ati-drivers11:10
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=== sam_ is stuck
Jordan_Ufarstrider, If it was created with windows it is most likely NTFS, if with Linux most likely ext311:10
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tim_abelljrib: ah i see it. haven't used gconf-editor b411:10
sam_how do i write an iso to a cd?11:10
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CommonAlgorithmsanyone heard of Wubi Installer ?11:10
d4rkmonkeysam_, are you in Ubuntu now?11:10
gnomefreaksam_: as a cd image11:10
Jordan_Umatt1982, yes, just go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager11:10
john86does ubuntu work on a8v deluxe?11:10
matt1982gnomefreak: cheers i think bronze has hit the nail though11:10
jribdukedave: you would do:  mv *~child child     (though I think it should work anyway but just complain if you don't omit "child" explicitly (even in bash))11:10
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sam_i am in ubuntu11:10
jribsam_: right click -> write to cd11:11
tim_abelljrib: still the same do i need to restart gnome?11:11
d4rkmonkeysam_,  just right click the .iso and select write to cd11:11
sam_i am running breezy and trying to update11:11
jribtim_abell: no idea11:11
gnomefreakmatt1982: use the restricted manager it should do it for you11:11
matt1982Jordan_U: ahh excellent11:11
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sam_when i have downloaded the iso (almost done it) what do i do?11:11
matt1982Jordan_U: Thats done it11:11
tim_abelljrib: fair enough will try. thx for your help11:11
arjen_ubuhow sophisticated is the built-in burn software in ubuntu, is it anywhere near apps like Nero for example?11:11
filthpigsindre: can we do it "in private"? :p To avoid things being lost in translation ;)11:11
d4rkmonkeysam_, I don't know much about breezy, but right clicking than choosing write to cd should work11:11
Jordan_Usam_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:11
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jribvip3rousmango: mplayer plays flv's (vlc too I believe).  You can use mencoder to convert .flv anyway if you still want11:11
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farstriderJordan U It say Linux system11:11
sam_thank you11:12
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jribarjen_ubu: k3b is pretty nice11:12
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dukedavejrib: Thanks for the tip - and yes it does work I just don't like my shell nagging me ;)11:12
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hayswhen is Gibon out and can I upgrade to it now and is it reasonable stable?  (Don't mind a few glitches)11:12
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farstriderJordan_U :11:12
farstriderDisk /dev/hda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes11:12
farstrider255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders11:12
farstriderUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes11:12
farstrider   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System11:12
farstrider/dev/hda1   *           1        9541    76638051   83  Linux11:12
arjen_ubujrib: as long as it does the job i'm satisfied tho ;)11:12
farstrider/dev/hda2            9542        9729     1510110    5  Extended11:12
farstrider/dev/hda5            9542        9729     1510078+  82  Linux swap / Solaris11:12
farstriderDisk /dev/hdb: 20.0 GB, 20020396032 bytes11:12
farstrider255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2434 cylinders11:12
farstriderUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes11:12
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farstrider   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System11:12
sindrefilthpig: im in priv now11:12
farstrider/dev/hdb1               1        2434    19551073+  83  Linux11:12
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:12
Jordan_U!paste > farstrider11:12
gnomefreaketalli: ?11:12
r0bbydo people read?11:12
nixternalthanks Jordan_U!11:13
haysfarstrider: that was not cool.11:13
RustySfordyou know what? screw it..I can live with 58 Htz not like I play games on ubuntu anyway so it really doesn't matter I guess. at least my resolution is fixed thatnks to those who helped11:13
gnomefreakfarstrider: please use pastebin11:13
jribhays: october11:13
=== tim_abell [n=tim_abel@host-84-9-149-30.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
etallignomefreak: ?11:13
d4rkmonkey!paste | farstrider11:13
ubotufarstrider: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:13
=== Ominous [n=Ominous@bb-87-82-18-42.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaketalli: you called ops but i saw it11:13
haysjrib: can I test it now?  If so, is it completely broken or usable?11:13
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farstriderA rookie my appologies11:13
jribhays: I'd recommend using it in a vm if you want to play with it11:13
Ominousargh having trouble installing beryl11:13
tim_abelljrib: nice one. works a treat after a ctrl+alt+backspace11:13
hays(e.g. debian has 'testing' and 'unstable')11:13
etallignomefreak: sorry.11:13
=== etalli sulks
jribhays: join me in #ubuntu+1 if you are interested11:14
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jakobbgI'm considering upgrading my fully working feisty to gutsy gibbon - is it possible by merely changing sources.list or is it best to download the cd image?11:14
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haysjrib: funny you should say that.. my existing ubuntu is in a vm. :)11:14
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Jordan_Ujakobbg, Are you ready for your entire hard drive to be hosed?11:14
=== John2 [n=akira@149-88.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jakobbgJordan_U: by no means :)11:14
John2whats the command to look at computer statistics? like cpu, ram, etc.. equivalent to windows right click properties in my computer11:15
Jordan_Ujakobbg, Then you shouldn't use Gutsy11:15
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gregorygreghey guys11:15
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jakobbgJordan_U: then I won't - but why is that?11:15
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John2is top the only one?11:15
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CommonAlgorithmsanyone heard of Wubi installer?11:15
POL9Entrez le texte ici...YES ME11:15
gregorygregwhat does it mean when I try to open g++ and it gives me the error "no input files"?11:15
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XAPBobcat /meminfo11:15
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Jordan_Ujakobbg, It is not even in Beta yet, anything can happen11:15
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XAPBobman ps is always a good start11:15
filthpig1sindre: I'm trying to write to you in priv, but you don't answer :s11:15
POL9it's an exe for windowz11:16
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jakobbgJordan_U: ok :)11:16
John2i just tried cat /meminfo11:16
sindresame prob her11:16
John2doesn't work11:16
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d4rkmonkeyHas anyone here have a working Lightscribe drive in Ubuntu?11:16
jakobbgit's my work-laptop, won't take that risk11:16
santimsany way install the 32bit version of ubuntu without losing all of my stuff that is on my 64 bit install?11:16
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POL9reality it's an exe of ubuntu in windowz11:16
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gregorygregwhat does it mean when I try to open g++ and it gives me the error "no input files"?11:16
XAPBobsorry - cat /proc/meminfo, alcohol doesn't ,ix with keyboard11:16
POL9forbidden question :)11:16
etalligregorygreg:  after you type g++ you need to type the name of the file you want to compile11:16
santims64 bit is really becoming anoying11:16
filthpig1sindre, do you have a msn-account?11:16
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etalligregorygreg: for example:  g++ main.cpp11:17
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gregorygregetalli what if I want to create a new project?11:17
gregorygregthat's all?11:17
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timtuxbah, just have to ask. just apt-getted php & apache. Seems like php is compiled with support for exif, however, just for jpeg and tiff.11:18
arjen_ubucan anyone recommend a good Ubuntu book?11:18
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etalligregorygreg:  I am afraid that you misunderstand the point of g++.  It is just a compiler, so you have to write all of the c++ in a text editor, then compile it11:18
POL9WHAT's the difference betwen the dvd and cd ubuntu version THANKS11:18
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone here have a working lightscribe drive in Feisty? I emailed tech support, and I was told to download software here: http://www.lightscribe.com/downloadSection/pse/ but right now it says its pre-release and I think thats only for labling. I need drivers for Ubuntu to let me even read disks from the drive, I can't even manually mount the drive right now11:18
jribPOL9: dvd has all of the main and restricted repositories11:18
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gregorygregoh okay11:18
etallito create a new project, you just make a new folder11:18
santimsany way install the 32bit version of ubuntu without losing all of my stuff that is on my 64 bit install?11:19
etallino problem11:19
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d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone here have a working lightscribe drive in Feisty? I emailed tech support, and I was told to download software here: http://www.lightscribe.com/downloadSection/pse/ but right now it says its pre-release and I think thats only for labling. I need drivers for Ubuntu to let me even read disks from the drive, I can't even manually mount the drive right now11:19
gregorygregthere are programs that provide support for all of that right?11:19
jribsantims: make backups before reinstalling11:19
kmaynardsantims, what stuff11:19
gregorygreglike an IDE?11:19
santimsjrib:  thats the only way?11:19
pike_santims: you can tar /etc/ and /home but other than that.. i dunno11:19
farstriderJordan_U are you still prepared to give me help or is that it, or should I post my question again? Thanks anyway!11:19
santimskmaynard:  stuff like my mp3's and other stuff i downloaded11:19
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kmaynardsantims, save everything in /home, re-install11:19
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etallihold on11:20
kmaynardsantims, i keep /home on its own partition...makes re-installs easier11:20
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d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone here have a working lightscribe drive in Feisty? I emailed tech support, and I was told to download software here: http://www.lightscribe.com/downloadSection/pse/ but right now it says its pre-release and I think thats only for labling. I need drivers for Ubuntu to let me even read disks from the drive, I can't even manually mount the drive right now11:20
Jordan_Ufarstrider, I actually have to leave right now, sorry I forgot about your question though :(11:20
farstriderOk Thanks11:20
santimskmaynard:  is there any way to partition the drive to get it on its own partition without having to format?11:20
arjen_ubud4rkmonkey: stop asking the same question over and over again11:20
tim_abelljrib: thanks for your help. would you like a link to anything in my blog post?11:20
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CommonAlgorithmsCould I install Ubuntu on a external hard drive?11:21
tim_abelljrib: http://timwise.blogspot.com/11:21
d4rkmonkeylol arjen_ubu I'm just trying to see if I can get somone's attention :( I guess not11:21
MarfiCommonAlgorithms, yes11:21
kmaynardsantims, look into gparted11:21
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CommonAlgorithmsMarfi: how?11:21
pike_!install > CommonAlgorithms11:21
hypn0gregorygreg: anjuta is for c I think, is g++ c :-/11:21
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Dark_NationHi there, I was just wondering something:11:21
Dark_NationI just got an older laptop11:21
MarfiCommonAlgorithms, when you install it, just set it to install to the external hard drive11:21
pike_CommonAlgorithms: that first link has a number of options11:21
gregorygreghypn0 it is c++11:21
arjen_ubud4rkmonkey: i would reply if i could answer your question but unfortunately I do not11:21
gregorygregI am just looking to get into some basic programming11:22
Dark_Nationand I was wondering if you could tell me if Ubuntu would install fine on it.11:22
santimsthanks kmaynard11:22
d4rkmonkeyarjen_ubu, yeah... it kinda sucks that EVERYTHING on this laptop works except for the CD drive, took me a while to get past xorg too :(11:22
=== ned_ [n=ned@adsl-9-31-75.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
hypn0gregorygreg: I think that it manages projects too11:22
d4rkmonkeyDark_Nation, run the live CD11:22
gregorygregdo you think c or c++ would be better?11:22
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nyc-h0stguys is there a way to probe and list all my hard drives11:22
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d4rkmonkeyDark_Nation, it should work fine, depends on the exact laptop you have11:22
nyc-h0sti know there are 2 sata drives11:22
nyc-h0stbut only 1 is mounted11:22
=== ned_ is now known as nedw
Dark_NationSpecs are: Has WinXP home, 256MBs RAM, 1.2GHZ CPU, a "Vix C3".11:22
caner_my keyboard layout became arabic and i cant fix it could someone please help???11:22
arjen_ubud4rkmonkey: i had problems with my screen resolution, but that was fixed quite quickly11:22
nyc-h0sti need to make sure the second is up and running11:22
pike_nyc-h0st: sudo fdisk -l    did you want something more than that?11:22
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hypn0gregorygreg: I use lazarus, much easier for me :-)11:23
JasonAllensup everyone11:23
Dark_NationI'm downloading the Live CD right now11:23
etalligregorygreg:  I have no experience with C, however C++ has proven acceptable for all of my purposes11:23
d4rkmonkeyarjen_ubu, I couldn't start up into graphical for a while..11:23
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nyc-h0stpike_ that was great, thanks11:23
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d4rkmonkeyDark_Nation, Ubuntu should run smoothly on it if it can handle win XP, my other comp is old and has much worse specs than that, but Ubuntu still runs fine on that11:23
gregorygregwhat is the difference between c++ and c? is c++ just a newer incarnation?11:23
santimshow large should my /home partition be?11:23
arjen_ubuspeaking of C and C++, is the linux kernel written in C or C++?11:23
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preactionkernel is in C, C++ is supposed to be C with native OO11:24
Marfidoes anyone know if there is a version of VMware for OSX based operating systems?11:24
etallias for your other question, KDevelop, although for KDE, works well.  Other then that, you could do a search under Add/Remove Programs11:24
preactionMarfi: parallels works very nice under OSX11:24
arjen_ubuC and C++ arevery different11:24
nyc-h0stc++ is a lot of smoke and overhead for lazy people11:24
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JasonAllenarjen_ubu: C, i think11:24
farstriderI have tired to ask the question a few times now here is hoping for better luck this time! I have a second drive in my box and every time I start the box and want to go into the drive it first of all insists on my admin password and then does not allow me to crate folders and put files there! It is just a secondary drive thats all! How do I change this and I know that there is a means of accessing the drive using the terminal but I h11:24
farstriderave forgotten how to do this?11:24
Dark_NationAlright, sounds good. Thanks for the quick answer11:24
=== j85wilson [n=j85wilso@cpe-71-79-110-56.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
arjen_ubuthey have different philosophies behind them11:24
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arjen_ubuC++ is not officially a superset of C11:24
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Marfilet me rephrase that: im running ubuntu now, running mac osx in vmware. is there a version of vmware that i can install under the mac os?11:24
=== CommonAlgorithms [n=Larry@adsl-69-108-89-29.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
JasonAllenarjen_ubu: not totally helpful, but http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3141/analyses/latest11:25
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-233-151-27.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
MadsyMarfi: http://www.vmware.com/company/news/releases/mac.html11:25
justin420anybody have any experience with I/O errors and external firewire 400 HD's using edgy? when i have one drive plugged in it works almost if not perfect, but when it comes to 2 drives i get I/O errors?11:25
nedwwhen i boot ubuntu to install it on my dell inspiron 6000, it shows the graphical startup, then plays the ubuntu login sound, shows a blank gnome splash bar for a while, then my screen turns black. what should i do?11:25
arjen_ubuJasonAllen: thank you11:25
=== vecina [n=vecina@c-69-247-134-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
d4rkmonkeynedw, try the alternate CD11:25
scope006startx -- :1 will start a new X session in which you can run games/apps outside of a XGL/Compiz environment.  just an FYI if anyone else had the same question I did.11:25
nedwd4rkmonkey, thanks for returning the support favor :) i'll try it out11:25
=== _Iamda [n=dac@tx-76-6-81-107.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_nedw: alt-ctrl-f2 login then sudo adduser  then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and see if the new user can login ok. if they can its a simple profile issue11:26
arjen_ubugregorygreg: if you are going to learn you will learn the basics of C as well11:26
d4rkmonkeynedw, no problem, with my laptop the live CD wouldn't boot so I had to use the alternate but still had to configure a bunch of xorg things after11:26
gregorygregoh okay11:26
MarfiMadsy, does that let me use a virtual machine of osx reasonably?11:26
pike_nedw: ah sorry didn reality you were on livecd11:26
arjen_ubugregorygreg: *learn C++11:26
d4rkmonkeypike_, he said he was booting off of the CD to install.11:26
nedwd4rkmonkey: i'll be ready for the x stuff11:26
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nedwpike_, it's ok11:27
jribtim_abell: glad it worked, no need for a link, thanks11:27
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arjen_ubugregorygreg: it's how i started out, i tried some C++ tutorials11:27
d4rkmonkeynedw, ok11:27
gregorygregis the documentation that comes with ubuntu any good?11:27
telejedimarfi: do you have sda2=os-x - sda3=ubuntu11:27
gregorygregarien *11:27
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tim_abelljrib: documented: http://timwise.blogspot.com/2007/07/ubuntu-screen-locking.html11:27
gregorygregI'm guessing it is11:27
arjen_ubugregorygreg: it's quite comprehensive yes11:27
Marfitelejedi, osx is installed inside of ubuntu. running osx ontop of ubuntu11:27
JasonAllengregorygreg: ubuntu probably has the the biggest documentation effort on the web out of any distro11:27
arjen_ubugregorygreg: the wiki is often more up to date then the official docs11:28
shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?11:28
gregorygregyeah I know they are privately funded just for that purpose11:28
JasonAllengregorygreg: one of the reasons I use it...11:28
etalligregorygreg, and if it's not good enough, the Wiki is great!11:28
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.11:28
gregorygregoh true11:28
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arjen_ubudoes ext3 ever need defragging by the way?11:29
telejedimarfi: is there a way to run mac osx, which is on another partition inside ubuntu, with vmware ?11:29
arjen_ubusince i havent seen any such software in the default ubuntu distro11:29
caner_my keyboard layout became arabic and i cant fix it could someone please help???11:29
Marfitelejedi, theoretically yes11:29
d4rkmonkeycaner, I forget exactly how, give me a second and I'll see if I can find out11:30
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arjen_ubucaner_: System > Preferences > Keyboard11:30
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d4rkmonkeyarjen_ubu, got it I guess11:30
telejedimarfi: that means: i can try this with vmware ?!11:30
arjen_ubud4rkmonkey: \o/11:30
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h4wk0caner_: System > Preferences > Keyboard11:30
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h4wk0did somone beat me to it :(11:31
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Marfitelejedi, im running ubuntu and mac osx at the same time, on a non-mac11:31
arjen_ubuh4wk0: sorry :)11:31
shwouchkwhat was the name of the app that was kinda like amarok, but for gnome? some undead name...11:31
John2does anyone know a program to capture videos from a video camera, i have an old camera that use tape instead but it can do s-video out, is there a program in ubuntu that can caputer video in that tape and record it to the hardrive?11:31
shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?11:31
fuzzy_logicMarfi, how did you do that??11:31
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etalliMarfi:  You've gotta let me in on this trick.  Running Mac OS X on a PC??11:31
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fuzzy_logicshwouchk: rythmbox?11:32
arjen_ubudoes ext3 ever need defragging by the way?11:32
d4rkmonkeyshwouchk, banshee?11:32
John2anyone know?11:32
arjen_ubusince i havent seen any such software in the default ubuntu distro11:32
shwouchkfuzzy_logic: is rythmbox related in any way to undead? DUH11:32
shwouchkd4rkmonkey: thanks man11:32
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newuser00can ubuntu get viruses through wine if it is run as root? or would they still be confined to wine, and be removed if it is uninstalled?11:32
fuzzy_logicshwnouchk: what kind of wireless card do you have?11:32
shwouchkfuzzy_logic: thanks though :P11:33
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Marfietalli, fuzzy_logic, search bittorrent for deadmoo vmware image11:33
John2does anyone know of such program?11:33
caner_e4wk0 , arjen_ubu : unfortunately syst>pref>keyb>layout doest work, it is english there but when i write it prints arabic from right to left :(. how can i fix it pls help?????11:33
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etallideadmoo, eh?  I should check that out.  Is it legal? :)11:33
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shwouchkfuzzy_logic: if you can please autocomplete my nic, cause otherwise its hard to notice the messages in this high traffic11:33
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snipereyehi all11:33
arjen_ubucaner_: when did that start to happen?11:33
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d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know if running Vista in VM Ware will put a huge strain on my system? I want to set up windows in VM ware if I really NEED a program, (don't really want to have to use it) and I'm just wondering if it would be bad to go with Vista11:34
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shwouchkfuzzy_logic: dell 1370 if Im not mistaken... bcm43xx underneath11:34
snipereyeI'm new to Linux world11:34
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caner_h4wk0 , arjen_ubu : but it is o.k in firefox address bar (?) so i am writing there and copying to chat here :)11:34
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John2does anyone know a program to capture videos from a video camera, i have an old camera that use tape instead but it can do s-video out, is there a program in ubuntu that can caputer video in that tape and record it to the hardrive?11:34
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Marfietalli, fuzzy_logic, it runs laggy, which is why i want to get vmware-tools installed for it. =)11:34
shwouchkfuzzy_logic: using ndiswrapper (native driver doesnt connect at all)11:34
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nyc-h0stis there a quick way to mirror partitions from one drive to another, just the partition tables not the actual data?11:34
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nyc-h0sti'm looking into setting up a software raid and i have like 6 partitions dont want to do each one by hand11:35
arjen_ubucaner_: hmm....any idea what might have caused this? your changed anything related to keyboard settings?11:35
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pike_John2: if you can play it you can use mplayer to capture it11:35
bsloteSo I have a machine with 2 hard drives in it. I'm able to mount the 2nd one as a regular user, but I'm not able to write to it as a regular user. What should I do to get regular users to be able to write to it?11:35
Marfinyc-h0st, are they the same drive?11:35
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caner_h4wk0 , arjen_ubu may it be the system encoding ??11:35
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snipereyedoes anyone knows if there's a fix for the cube-switch Bug?? please11:36
Ominoushmm in wow on ubuntu my fps is about 30% of what it was on windows, any preformance tips11:36
nyc-h0stMarfi if you mean size/speed yes11:36
pike_John2: vlc might also be a solution11:36
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nyc-h0stand here is a kicker this is a live system11:36
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nyc-h0stso i want to set this up as smooth as possible11:36
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MarfiOminous, are you running it with -opengl?11:36
John2where is the capture option in mplayer?11:36
d4rkmonkeyOminous, o_O maybe its something to do with your graphics card? My FPS went up like 200% when I switched to Ubuntu11:36
arjen_ubucaner_: could be, i cant tell11:36
Marfisame for me11:36
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Ethandumpt stream something -> man11:36
John2and how can it just capture with an s-video out cable?11:37
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shwouchkfor some reason I cant connect to wireless networks via networkmanager - my nic associates but I never get the IP - and if I run dhclient, my connection is set (although networkmanager still thinks its not...) what could cause this?11:37
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newuser00can ubuntu get viruses through wine if it is run as root? or would they still be confined to wine, and be removed if it is uninstalled?11:37
shavexso i am installing Ruckus Player on ubuntu using Crossover pro... it gets an error that i cant update windows media player... i have windows media player installed using crossover, so whats the problem11:37
arjen_ubusnipereye: i have the exact same, i hope it gets fixed soon cuz i liked the feature, very cool11:37
PriceChildnewuser00, yes11:37
PriceChildnewuser00, never run wine as root11:37
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Marfinyc-h0st, are they one physical drive, or multiple drives?11:37
PriceChildnewuser00, use root for system maintenance and _nothing_ else.11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snort - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
d4rkmonkeywhy would you need to run wine as root anyways?11:37
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mattreplis there anyway to upgrade (6.06 -> 6.10, in this case) from the CL?  would like to run update-manager without a GUI11:38
mrunagican anyone explain to me why when you disable the desktop effects and re enable them the desktop cube doesnt work?11:38
caner_arjen_ubu : i dont know what they are but i must have pressed a key combination. i was writing a text today. i rebooted many times but it didnt work11:38
MrXorgcan anyone help me compile mysql with snort?11:38
d4rkmonkeymrunagi, isn't there another option in desktop effects for the cube?11:38
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d4rkmonkeymrunagi, make sure that is checked, then try?11:38
mrunagiyes and with it selected it still doesnt work11:38
timtuxFatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng() in /var/www/index.php on line 3.... what do do? What pkg is needed? Or is a recompile of php needed?11:38
nyc-h0stMarfi i want to mirror physical drive X to physical drive Y which are identical devices11:38
snipereyearjen_ubu: Thanks, I hope they fix it soon, i've never had the chance to try it :/11:38
newuser00PriceChild som1 told me to run wine as root when i asked for help to run a program with it and i didnt know it was dangerous >.<11:38
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d4rkmonkeymrunagi, :S no idea then.11:38
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PriceChildnewuser00, well never do anything unless you know you understand it. Especially when it means using sudo11:39
arjen_ubucaner_: you can try this System > Administration > Language11:39
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arjen_ubu*Language Support11:39
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Zakimp3, dvd, multimedia:   ubuntu  vs.  fedora ?11:40
MrXorgIDS anyone?11:40
John2i guess i can use Kino to capture,  but how do i set it up?11:40
santimscan someone help me partition a drive with gparted?  i cant use any of the options11:40
John2anyone know?11:40
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d4rkmonkeysantims, what do you mean you can't use any of the options?11:40
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santimsd4rkmonkey:  they are all greyed out....it is the main and only drive on the computer though11:40
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OminousMarfi: yes11:41
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d4rkmonkeysantims, I'll see if I can help then, give me a bit to do some research11:41
Stwangecan anyone tell me where I can find the repository for nspluginwrapper - is this it: http://cvs.mandriva.com/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/SPECS/nspluginwrapper/ ?11:41
santimsi want to create a /home partition or whatever it is11:41
MenZaStwange: I'm guessing no, as it's on the Mandriva website.11:41
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Stwangegood point11:42
etalliWhat are the benifits to having a separate /home partition?11:42
vox754santims, you cannot partition your current drive as it is mounted, or in use. Use a Live CD to partition.11:42
Stwangewhat should I be looking for, .deb?11:42
snipereyeis there a version of Maya or Max to run on linux? or there's only Blender?11:42
xarannwill ubuntu bork up if i resize the swap partition from 500 to 400mb11:42
newuser00PriceChild: thanx... i sure wont from now on =/ btw if im using synaptic (sudo is necessary for it) will my computer be vulnerable to attack for the 15 mins that sudo lasts?11:42
pike_Stwange: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs will have some info on ndiswrapper if that is your question11:42
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snipereyeis it even possible to run Max through Wine??11:42
etallisnipereye:  not a native one.11:42
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pike_xarann: ubuntu doesnt much care about the swap partition :)11:42
MenZasnipereye: look at http://appdb.winqhe.com11:43
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MenZasnipereye: look at http://appdb.winqhq.com11:43
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Stwangesorry not ndiswrapper, nspluginwrapper for flash11:43
MenZanot winehq.com*11:43
santimsvox754:  thank you, is it a straightforward way to do it or is ther some sort of faq i should read up on first?11:43
d4rkmonkeysantims, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/faq.php ?11:43
PriceChildnewuser00, if you let someone else at the keyboard yes11:43
pike_xarann: you can add or remove em on the fly. type sudo -i then swap and hit tab a few times for the swap* commands11:43
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snipereyethanks MenZa11:43
vip3rousmangoAnyone have experiance installing Starcraft/Broodwar with WINE? I just installed it yet, wine shows no icons in its "start" menu. Anyone have this problem?11:43
MenZasnipereye: np11:43
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newuser00PriceChild hehehe of course :P but not from the internet?11:44
vox754santims, it is very easy to do it. Just clicks and buttons.11:44
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PriceChildnewuser00, nope11:44
vip3rousmangoAnd when I try to play the whole screen is used, but it only runs in the like top corner in like 800x60011:44
santimsvox754: thank you ill be back soon hopefully11:44
newuser00PriceChild: thank you =)11:44
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vox754santims, I have a few images if you care to see them.11:44
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xarannalright thanks pike11:45
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XB0yhow can i see the display picture (in gaim instant messenger) of the other chat user that i talk11:45
chrisjs169I can't seem to play DVDs on Kubuntu - I get the following (Includes error from kaffeine, as well as from /var/log/messages): http://pastebin.ca/60047311:45
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zaggynlvip3rousmango, that's the right behaviour, try poking around with wine options, there are some desktop settings, or you could change your resolution to 800x60011:45
santimsvox754:  that would be great...i still need to find my live cd anyay11:45
arjen_ubuPriceChild: does the ext3 filesystem need defragging, since i cant seem to find any kind of defragging tool11:45
vip3rousmangozaggynl: where are WINE's options? how to I get to those?11:45
bur[n] er!dvd | chrisjs16911:45
ubotuchrisjs169: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:45
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vip3rousmangozaggynl: how to I launch the game if there is no icon?? I own it, and the cd is in the drive..11:46
vox754santims, http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/1108/part011vg8.png11:46
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aboutblankdo Ubuntu *need* a swap partition to boot? I'm either going to make a RAID 1, or RAID 0 software array for swap OR I'm going to not use RAID and set multiple partitons with the same priority. If I use RAID 0 and one drive dies, will Ubuntu boot w/o a swap file?11:46
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PriceChild!defrag | arjen_ubu11:46
ubotuarjen_ubu: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.11:46
bobsomebodyi need a ubuntu guru11:46
bobsomebodywho here rules the most?11:46
PriceChildbobsomebody, just ask your question11:47
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pike_aboutblank: you can boot without swap11:47
bobsomebodyim having trouble installing desktop 7.04 on a dell inspiron 1100 notebook11:47
bobsomebodyit finds a scsi and hangs11:47
pike_aboutblank: you can either make a swap partition or a swap file if you want later11:47
zaggynlvip3rousmango, winecfg for wine options (in a terminal), to play starcraft without using the icon, open a terminal, browse to the directory (~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Starcraft/ and execute 'wine Starcraft.exe'11:47
PriceChildaboutblank, Just remember that you don't want to run out of memory :)11:47
zaggynlvip3rousmango, for more help with wine, join #winehq11:47
santimsvox754:  so i need to boot into the livecd first and then run gparted from there?11:47
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vip3rousmangozaggynl: thanks.11:48
arjen_ubuPriceChild: awesome thanks11:48
hakkhi guys.. is there anything specific I need to do to get amarok working in (gnome) ubuntu? I've got the packages installed, and it can scan my music collection, but hangs when it tries to add any tracks to the playlist - ideas?11:48
aboutblankpike_: Okay... so in my case I might make multiple swap partions and have them the same priority instead of making a software raid device. Thanks :)11:48
hakkall audio/video stuff works fine in other apps (e.g. totem)11:48
PriceChildhakk, be patient, it takes time to build its database11:48
vox754santims, easy money11:48
santimsthanks d4rkmonkey11:48
hakkPriceChild: the database was built - it can't add anything to it's playlist..11:48
pike_hakk: id launch it from the terminal maybe and see what it says. i didnt have any trouble though i only used it a few times11:49
hakki can confirm because I set it up using mysql11:49
d4rkmonkeyno problem santims11:49
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hakkalthough it did the same thing when I had it setup to use the default sql lite11:49
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MrXorgAnybody use snort?11:49
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ibanexMrXorg: i have before11:50
arjen_ubuMrXorg: no, but my father uses *snore* and he can't remove the software :S11:50
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hakkXlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x142188)!11:50
hakkXlib: sequence lost (0x152188 > 0x1451f6) in reply type 0x0!11:50
hakkX Error: BadImplementation (server does not implement operation) 1711:50
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hakkoops, sorry11:50
arjen_ubuMrXorg: apparantly it's readonly :P11:50
MrXorgibanex: I'm trying to compile snort with mysql and ACID to get a web based IDS11:50
hakkanyway, this time amarok through a "no mp3 support"11:50
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hakkeven though, like I said, mp3 works fine in other apps11:51
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Judg3_Dr34Dhello, I'm a little confused about the mount points... During the install (7.04) I created a Fat32 partition (mount point /windows), and then following hermanzone's guide I did mkdir /media/SharedFat32 to share with WinXP on 1st hd (sda) to mount /devsdb5 (fat32). Was it necessary???11:51
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bobsomebodyhey guys, im having trouble installing Ubuntu Desktop 7.04 on a Dell Inspiron 1100 notebook. It wont install, it just hangs on booting busybox after it finds a scsi, this dosent seem rigft because it detects an HDD and assigns it as hda11:51
ibanexMrXorg: unfortunetly i never got acid working : /11:52
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bobsomebodyJudg3_Dr34D, I think you could just make any partition and then install windows to it and edit grub11:52
MrXorgWhat was your trouble?11:52
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Judg3_Dr34Dwinxp is already installed on 1st hd and then I dual-booted with 7.0411:53
ibanexMrXorg: i forgot the exact problem, i wasnt compiling either, just from repositories11:53
Judg3_Dr34Dinstalled ubuntu on 2nd hd11:53
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone here have a working lightscribe drive in Feisty? I emailed tech support, and I was told to download software here: http://www.lightscribe.com/downloadSection/pse/ but right now it says its pre-release and I think thats only for labling. I need drivers for Ubuntu to let me even read disks from the drive, I can't even manually mount the drive right now, When I try to access it in nautilus it tells me /11:53
d4rkmonkeydev/hda doesn't exist, I installed using this drive though...11:53
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twosouls82evening :)11:53
HattyHow do i set it so that the Open/Save dialogs do not show hidden files?11:53
arjen_ubui've had my share of giving back to the community, later all11:54
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bobsomebodyhey guys, im having trouble installing Ubuntu Desktop 7.04 on a Dell Inspiron 1100 notebook. It wont install, it just hangs on booting busybox after it finds a scsi, this dosent seem rigft because it detects an HDD and assigns it as hda11:54
jribHatty: right click -> show hidden fiels11:55
lazaroCan someone help me with my trouble installing ubuntu 64 on 4 HP dv6227?  Every time I try to start Ubuntu 64 (7.04) it hangs on the loading screen (the one with a progress bar). I tried both the Live and the Alternated CD, but I get no error messages. Any hints?11:55
chrisjs169bur[n] er: didn't work11:55
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Hattyoh heh. Thanks jrib11:55
d4rkmonkeylazaro, I think I read something about that model on the forums, maybe search around there?11:55
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lazarod4rkmonkey: thanks, I only saw one post regarding this model, and the guy just said it didn't work for him :/11:56
Judg3_Dr34Dis there a way to delete /media/SharedFat32 folder which I created in order to mount a Fat32 partition (to share files between WinXP ntfs and Ubuntu)?11:56
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ibanexMrXorg: if you are interested in something that will speak your alerts let me know... i wrote a fairly simple perl script to do it through festival11:57
alexseif_whois  alexseif11:57
pike_Judg3_Dr34D: rmdir will remove an empty directory. use sudo of course11:57
d4rkmonkeylazaro sorry then, I didn't really read the post at I don't have that model... I'm not sure if this will help but try the early version of gutsy?11:57
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Judg3_Dr34Dpike_: I'll try that...11:58
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pike_ubuntu-offtopic is getting a little disturbing :)11:59
chrisjs169any other suggestions to my dvd issue?11:59
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fatespeaksThe Alsa Mixer doesn't seem to control master volume on my SBLive! card.  This seems to be the case for system sounds and sound juicer.  I haven't tested any other sound apps.  The community docs seem to focus on getting sound to play and stop there.  Any idea where I should begin troubleshooting?11:59
Judg3_Dr34Dpike_: thanks, it did the trick, I had used rm and it said that cannot delete cause its a directory11:59
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lazarod4rkmonkey: thanks for the help, I'll try to download it... can I get it from the ubuntu.com homepage?11:59
Mauro22hi, does anyone know a IRC Chanell for  Repair of pc / repairer of pc / technical service of PC???12:00
d4rkmonkeylazaro, I forget where you get it, I'll get you the link in a second12:00
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Judg3_Dr34Dso rm is for deleting files and rmdir for deleting directories?12:00
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pike_Mauro22: like #hardware ?12:00
d4rkmonkeylazaro, I believe the newest gutsy release is tribe 2 found here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-2/12:00
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jimmygoonIs there a quick way to override xorg.conf to test out an external monitor at a higher resolution?12:00
mrunagican anyone explain to me why when you disable the desktop effects and re enable them the desktop cube doesnt work?12:00
vip3rousmangoanyone knwo of a .flv movie converter??12:01
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d4rkmonkeylazaro, I don't know if that will help at all though12:01
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vicoxmrunagi: its a bug12:01
vip3rousmangomrunagi: I don't know but it does it to mine as well..12:01
vip3rousmangooh really?12:01
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Mauro22Pike_: Thanks, I'll try that12:01
vox754fatespeaks, most proprietary sound cards need proprietary drivers, so complain them, the manufacturers12:01
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vox754!away > Alfred012:02
mrunagiis there a fix?12:02
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d4rkmonkey!away > d4rkmonkey12:02
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