
=== Starting logfile irclogs/xubuntu.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #xubuntu
=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Sun May 20 02:21:34 2007
=== gecko [n=laura@fb.mlc.edu] has joined #xubuntu
geckohelp xD06:44
geckoI accidently hid the toolbar in amarok, how do I get it back06:44
geckothe part that has like file, settings, tools, etc06:45
=== scorpioz [n=scorpioz@24-107-216-88.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
scorpiozanyone available for a little support (noob here)06:46
geckowhats up?06:48
scorpiozi am using xubutnu06:50
scorpiozjust installed06:50
scorpiozand i wanted to know about network manager06:50
scorpiozi dont see it in applications06:50
scorpiozi got some help to use apt-get to get network mananger06:50
scorpiozbasically i want to do a wifi scan and be able to see link quality etc06:51
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-23-222.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu
scorpiozi used forms  to do sudo su and dclient iwconfig etc to get it to work06:51
scorpiozin my school /but that was without the key06:51
scorpiozi tried it here at my girl friends place and it does not get a dchp offer06:51
scorpiozi am using terminal06:52
scorpiozi set the essid and the key s:asciikey06:52
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scorpiozthen do dhclient and it requests broadcast but does not get any response06:52
scorpiozi want to know a 'gui utility' to scan/configure and (put it in panel bar on top) to see my wifi signal etc constantly06:53
scorpiozany takers ?06:53
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gerroTheSheep: what was that one iptables command to route wlan0 to eth1 both ways, had tee in it. my user account got deleted sorry for asking again07:41
gerroTheSheep: was really long while back i asked ya :/07:41
Jester45TheSheep, are you here or just doing your never log off for a month things07:47
gerroJester45: ah he just chillin07:48
=== PatrickWst [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-16-249.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu
gerroJester45: you know any good iptables guides?07:49
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:49
Jester45try that07:49
gerronot really interested in the firewall aspect, think I already have that bookmarked though lol07:49
Jester45gerro, you wouldnt know php very good would ya07:49
Jester45what else does it do07:50
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@cpe-70-116-21-77.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
gerroJester45: I want to connection bridge, not block em off is what I mean07:50
gerrowhat you need php help with?07:52
=== gerro has never seen a php script before
Jester45im tring to make a login thing07:53
Jester45that works07:53
gerrocould you post the index-header.html to paste bin?07:53
Jester45i got it working kinda07:54
Jester45its REALLY big07:54
=== Jester45 heads to the css
gerrowell if its being rendered by my browser I don't see why you would strive for a rather large piece of code07:54
Jester45not the code07:55
Jester45look at the page07:55
Jester45the boxes are to big07:56
gerroI don't see anything on your page07:57
gerrooh now I do07:58
gerrowhy does it want my name and age?07:58
gerrodo you have a forum?07:58
Jester45because thats the test07:59
Jester45but i cant get it smaller07:59
gerroyour ftp has broken links :D07:59
Jester45not my problem08:02
TheSheepgerro: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE08:08
Jester45you wouldnt want to help me with some css/php ?08:09
Jester45could someone help me with http://vidd.us/ the form is WAY to big. the css is .login {float: right; font: 50%} i dont know whats wrong08:09
TheSheepJester45: well, the whole header has such a big font set08:10
Jester45cant p class="login" change it?08:11
TheSheepJester45: it can08:11
TheSheepJester45: btw, you're supposed to close the <p> with </p>08:12
Jester45.login {float: right; font: 50%}08:12
Jester45i did08:12
Jester45its after the /form and before virtual08:12
TheSheepJester45: you did not08:12
TheSheepJester45: that's just one </p>08:12
TheSheepJester45: but you have two opening <p>'s08:12
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TheSheepJester45: I say, get it outside the <div id="site-name"> and you are good08:13
Jester45<p class="login">08:13
Jester45<form action="index.php" method="post">08:13
Jester45Name: <input type="text" name="name" />08:13
Jester45Age: <input type="text" name="age" />08:13
Jester45<input type="submit" />08:13
TheSheep<div id="site-name"><p class="login">08:14
TheSheep<p class="login">08:14
TheSheep<form fontsize="2"act08:14
Jester45i do08:14
TheSheepJester45: now move it outside the "site-name" div08:15
TheSheepJester45: it's the one that has such a huge font set08:15
Jester45yea... but i need it in that div i think08:15
Jester45i want it in the upper right corner08:16
TheSheepJester45: why?08:16
TheSheepJester45: then move it there with css, but don't mess the html with presentation08:16
TheSheepJester45: you can put the form at the very end as well08:17
Jester45but im gonna make it a login thing08:17
TheSheepJester45: just put an id on the form08:17
TheSheepJester45: and you can move it around as you please08:17
Jester45like a div?08:22
TheSheepJester45: position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0;08:23
TheSheepJester45: btw, you have a typo in the page title >_<08:23
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5FFFB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45vidd was suposed to fix that08:24
Jester45while putting stuff in the page08:24
Jester45looks like i have to fight though it all08:24
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=== BFTD [n=thomas@adsl-71-149-247-111.dsl.mtry01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45hey BFTD08:28
Jester45TheSheep, look at it now08:29
BFTDHey Jester4508:30
TheSheepJester45: looks good08:31
TheSheepJester45: float it right08:31
=== benpicco [n=administ@p54B476A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45would i remove the right: 0; and replace with float?08:32
Jester45its not floating08:35
TheSheepJester45: float: right;08:36
benpiccothere is something wrong: I only get ca. 25kb/s in apt with an 6000kbit/s internet connection08:36
benpiccowell, it's shared but it should be more08:36
Jester45benpicco, sometimes the servers are slow... but not that slow08:36
TheSheepJester45: you need a dot before that 'login'08:37
Jester45benpicco, are you using only ubuntu's servers or third party ones08:37
benpiccoJester45: i use the ubuntu servers, the problem also occours when loading upsdates08:38
Jester45the updates are from the same servers08:38
benpiccowell, atm, the connection is shared with ca. 20 computers, but I estimate that only 5 of them are currently loading something, and that might me some webpage08:40
benpiccoif i use a dowloadmanager at one of the windows boxes here and open ca. 8 conections, I can get up to 700kb/s08:41
benpiccowhich means full speed08:41
benpiccooh, now apt told me, that it couldn't load all packets - this often happens08:41
Jester45there are download managers for linux08:42
benpiccoalso dor apt?08:42
Jester45axel - A light download accelerator08:43
benpiccobut can't I tell it to work, well, more agressive?08:43
Jester45not that i know of08:44
Jester45TheSheep, is still messed up08:44
=== ablomen [n=ablomen@unaffiliated/ablomen] has joined #xubuntu
=== gerro [n=user@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
benpiccohmm, without any download acceleration it not much faster on the windows boxes, too - well, at least I get up tu 50kb/s there08:51
BFTDis there no possible way to play .avi's in linux?08:51
benpiccoBFTD: sure, eg with mPlayer or kaffeine08:51
benpiccoor vlc player08:51
BFTDneither of those played it08:52
benpiccohave you installed these binary codecs for mplayer?08:52
BFTDwhich ones?08:53
insmodwget is the best08:53
Jester45axel is better08:54
insmodi like term  :)08:54
Jester45is there a new devel release? the mirror's could be sucking up the bandqidth08:55
insmod<Jester45> dosn't that use wget as a back end ?08:55
Jester45but buts faster08:56
insmodwget rocks08:56
benpiccoJester45: no, the problem is linux-wide (and also the windows boxes are affected but it seems as they are prefered by our proxy...)08:56
Jester45man i need sleep08:56
Jester45benpicco, are you at a school or uni?08:57
benpiccoBFTD: http://www3.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20061022.tar.bz208:57
benpiccoJester45: schol08:57
benpicco(the keyboards here are crappy ;) )08:58
benpiccoBFTD: from http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html08:58
benpiccooh, where has all the time gone? There was more left, when I came in here...09:03
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=== Lad [n=james@c-67-165-221-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
Ladhi i need help09:22
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:22
Jester45what ya need help with09:22
Ladi made too many panels and i dont know how to delete them09:23
Jester45right click on a panel select customize09:23
Ladthen what09:23
Jester45then at the top09:23
Jester45select what panel you dont want and press the -09:23
Ladthere are like 3309:24
Ladthanks guys09:28
Ladi fixed it09:28
=== Lad [n=james@c-67-165-221-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #xubuntu []
=== Lad [n=james@c-67-165-221-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
Ladhelp again, how to i readd my orignal toolbar09:34
nzkAlright, lets go through all the steps09:35
nzk1. Learn English09:35
nzk2. Come back when you finish Step 109:35
Ladgimme a few mins09:35
LadOkay, Ive learned English09:35
nzkProve it09:35
nzkDon't just say what you've memorized09:36
LadWell shit09:36
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:36
Ladwell can you please help me?09:36
nzkIf you stop talking like a person who has never seen the outside of a Myspace before in their life, sure.09:37
Ladi deleted my toolbar and it was the orignal one, now i added a new one and was trying to get all of the items back but i cant get it, is there a way to revert the deletion of my original toolbar?09:38
Ladand i actually hate myspace09:38
Ladand i think i just figured it out09:39
=== vistakiller [n=spiros@ppp142-25.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #xubuntu
Ladthanks anyway i got it09:41
=== Lad [n=james@c-67-165-221-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #xubuntu []
TheSheepnzk: don't behave like that09:42
TheSheepnzk: if you don't want to help people, just don't09:43
=== RememberPOL [n=pol@adsl-75-34-10-66.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu
=== RememberPOL [n=pol@adsl-75-34-10-66.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has left #xubuntu []
nzkTheSheep, I'm just preparing him for real life09:43
TheSheepnzk: can you do it outside the official ubuntu support channels, please?09:43
TheSheepnzk: thank you09:44
nzkHow do I go on Usenet?09:47
=== _nnx_ [n=ubuntu@149.127-30-64.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #xubuntu
TheSheepnzk: get a news client and connect it to some news server09:49
TheSheepnzk: or use google groups09:49
_nnx_I'm running a Pentium III, 1 GHz, 512 megs of RAM, lots of HD space, GeForce 2 MX.  Would Xubuntu be more appropriate for my machine than vanilla Ubuntu?09:49
nzkWhats a good news client?09:49
TheSheepnzk: slrn09:49
TheSheep_nnx_: it's more a question of what you like and what you are used to09:49
TheSheep_nnx_: both will work good09:50
nzkTheSheep, does that have a GUI?09:50
TheSheepnzk: of course not, I wouldn't use gui for *reading*09:50
_nnx_TheSheep: Well, I don't want to have things be really laggy.  I've noticed that they do that in Gnome.  I also noticed that Xfce has some odd behavior, but that was back with Edgy (and I think there was a major memory leak of some kind - I think that's patched by now).09:50
TheSheep_nnx_: gnome shouldn't be laggy with those spec -- if it is, there is probably something wrong with configuration09:51
_nnx_TheSheep: What would you say the 'target' machine for Xubuntu would be?  If system specs were the main determining factor.09:52
TheSheep_nnx_: anything starting at P2 500Mhz 128MB ram 3GB hdd09:52
TheSheep_nnx_: you can run it on worse hardware, but it will be slow09:53
_nnx_TheSpeech: And vanilla Ubuntu?  (BTW, thanks a lot for my n00b questions, I feel like I oughta know this already)09:53
_nnx_Answering, that is.09:53
TheSheep_nnx_: not sure, didn't use it for a logn time, but your box should handle it just right09:53
TheSheep_nnx_: I'd say, about 1GHz, 255MB ram and 5GB hdd should be smooth09:54
_nnx_TheSheep: Alright.  While I got your attention, have you heard of any problems with init and CPU usage bizarrities when upgrading from Edgy to Feisty?  I've had two crashes where that happened - init ate up 90% of the CPU, X apps kept eating up resources even though their server'd been killed, and Ctrl-Alt-Delete basically went ignored by the system.09:55
nzkI have a 3.46ghz 1GB ram machine that runs like molasses on Ubuntu09:55
nzkI have to use Xubuntu09:55
_nnx_nzk: Oh?  Have any idea of why?09:55
nzkNo idea09:55
nzkIt's been like this for as long as i can remember09:55
_nnx_nzt: Weird.09:56
nzkWho the hell is nzt?09:56
_nnx_My imaginary friend who insists on making me hit the wrong keys.09:57
nzkTheSheep, whats a NNTPSERVER and what should I set it to?09:58
TheSheepnzk: it's an environment variable and you should set it to the address of the NNTP server you want to use09:59
nzkWhat server should I set it to?09:59
_nnx_In any case, thanks a lot, folks, I appreciate the help and time.09:59
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ethemcwhat is the best solution for ltsp xubuntu , kubuntu , or ubuntu ?11:28
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TheSheepethemc: if there was a single best solution, then people wouyld only use that one11:34
TheSheepethemc: you need to consider your particular case11:37
ethemcok so i'll ask another way, which one is the easyest one to install and config11:37
TheSheepethemc: I think the one that comes with edubuntu11:38
TheSheepethemc: it's basically all automatic11:38
ethemcxubuntu has also a ltsp option11:38
TheSheeptbh I never used it, so I can't comment, maybe someone else...11:39
ethemcok thanks11:39
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=== gerro [n=user@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
gerroI have a wusb54gc and in this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2863623&postcount=184 it says to use rt73 drivers with ndiswrapper however this document states there are native drivers for it http://opensource.bureau-cornavin.com/belkin/index.html so I'm a little confused12:18
gerroand what is with that power management feature mentioned about feisty usb devices (says it started in edgy)12:18
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #xubuntu
gerroPriceChild: hiya :)12:25
PriceChildhi :)12:26
gerroPriceChild: you come here often? seen you around few times12:28
PriceChildI do, I'm an ubuntu-irc op etc.12:29
gerrowould have never known, you kinda quiet usually12:30
gerrohmm PriceChild you have any experience with ralink wireless devices?12:31
PriceChildyes... and they work perfectly for me12:32
gerrooh which ones you using?12:32
gerrosorry to sound a bit intrusive12:34
gerroI was just whining about this usb adapter I got a long while back12:34
gerrocan't decide if I should try ndiswrapper or native drivers12:34
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=== homebrewcider [n=mal001@219-90-239-141.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
homebrewciderhas anybody had any luck getting a Logitech USB headset working in Xubuntu?02:17
TheSheephomebrewcider: have you looked at the forums?02:20
homebrewciderxubuntu forums?02:20
TheSheepubuntu forums02:21
TheSheepxubuntu and ubuntu are practically the same under the hood02:21
homebrewciderah ok02:21
=== merhojt [n=Jimmy@h103n6c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #xubuntu
homebrewciderproblem is the USB headset is detected in Kmix, levels are up but no sound02:37
homebrewciderthe forums give me the instructions for setting the default sound device in Ubuntu, but not Xubuntu02:43
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=== mal [n=mal001@219-90-239-141.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
malhas anybody had any luck getting a Logitech 250 USB headset working in XUBUNTU, not UBUNTU?03:00
TheSheepmal: no, but there was someone asking the smae question earlier today and yesterday ;)03:04
malyes, that was me, I got disconnected but it won't let me log in here as homebrewcider(which is me) because I'm "still here" from before03:05
malcan't change my nick, cos it's already being used ............by me03:05
mal :'(03:06
TheSheepmal: give it some time to die03:06
malanyway , the ubuntu forums give ubuntu answers03:06
malnot xubuntu answers03:06
TheSheepmal: you might try and install the gnome apps they refer to03:07
TheSheepmal: and use them03:07
maldone that03:07
=== Amon-san [n=Amon@e178193179.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #xubuntu
malbut they're referring to gnome preferences03:07
malthis headset is identified in settings manager>sound03:08
Amon-sanhi. my box says at command prompt amon@(none). where can i change my machine's name?03:08
malthe microphone box is checked03:08
malbut the speaker check box will not stay checked03:08
=== mal is now known as homebrewcider
homebrewciderI'm backas homebrewcider03:09
TheSheepAmon-san: system->network03:10
TheSheepAmon-san: in the 'general' tab03:10
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello212186005030.401.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #xubuntu
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Amon-sanTheSheep: host oder domain name?03:17
Amon-sanok. host name - it worked. btw: how do i change my window manager? i'd like tu run fluxbox (already installed) once in a while03:21
homebrewciderok, i've gto alsamixer in a terminal showing my logitech usb headset, the volume is way up, but no joy03:27
homebrewciderbut in menu>settings>settings manager>sound   the speaker check box still refuses to stay checked03:30
=== k-os [n=k-os@host29-179-dynamic.12-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #xubuntu
Amon-sanhow do i change my window manager? i'd like tu run fluxbox (already installed) once in a while03:34
=== tuna-fish [n=tuna@84-253-215-125.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #xubuntu
k-osey. i get invalid boot sector on my hard drive @ boot. anyone know a fix for this?03:36
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=== skirk [n=skirk@host-84-220-81-133.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #xubuntu
Amon-sanhow do i change my window manager? i'd like tu run fluxbox (already installed) once in a while03:53
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cipriI have downloaded a Xubuntu 7.04 desktop-cd ... now it asks me about Usernmae and password.  I tried live, live...or root,root...but all that doesn't work. any idea ?04:15
TheSheepcipri: it shouldn't ask for username and password04:16
TheSheepcipri: verify the cd please04:16
=== hhlp [n=hhlp@196.Red-83-39-234.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu
Amon-sanhow do i change my window manager? i'd like tu run fluxbox (already installed) instead of xfce every once in a while04:29
ablomenAmon-san, log out and select fluxbox as your session in gdm04:33
Amon-sani'll try :-)04:33
=== reset3x [n=dave@24-197-127-083.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
Amon-san*sigh* it worked. but the fluxbox standard menu had no items at all04:36
Amon-sanand the only settings i could access were the ones for the panel04:37
ablomennope it doesnt use the system menu afaik04:37
Amon-sanso how would i set up the menu?04:37
ablomenehm editing some files, somewhere in .fluxbox i guess, havnt installed it here though, so dunno04:38
=== reset3x [n=dave@24-197-127-083.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has left #xubuntu []
Amon-san*sigh* i'll stick to xfce then04:38
=== Amon-san is not good with all the editing stuff
ablomenwell as far as i can remember it isnt hard, it should be a pretty good structure, but if your pc isnt to slow, yeah id just stick to xfce04:40
Amon-sanit's a notebook. pentium III 400 MHz 128 MB sd-ram04:41
Amon-sanso even xfce is slow sometimes04:41
ablomenhmm yeah04:42
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soccerdude21490Hey does anyone know if xUbuntu has support for certain PCI Ethernet Adapters/USB ethernet adapters?05:36
soccerdude21490I want to install xUBuntu onto an old PC, but it has no ethernet port05:36
k-ossoccerdude21490: check the wiki for supported hardware?05:37
soccerdude21490alright, thats what I was going to do next.. but I wasn't sure if it had support for like all of them or whatever05:37
k-osthe wiki will give you a better than answer than my guessings :)05:38
soccerdude21490alright.. do you have a link? I'm currently lookin for it but can't seem to find it05:38
k-ossure: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:39
soccerdude21490alright thanks a lot k-os! you're a life saver!05:40
k-osany time!05:40
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o19hi, has anyone here ever had problems with displaying openoffice?06:27
maxamilliono19: no06:27
TheSheepo19: yes, on intel cards06:27
TheSheepo19: the top is all messy, right?06:28
=== maxamillion will brb
=== grazie [n=grazie@88-111-19-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu
o19I solved that one on a later installation, but unfortunately i don't remember ;-)06:28
o19any ideas?06:29
=== TheSheep seraches the bug database
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o19Functionality is working fine for me, it's only that awful look...06:30
vinzeHave you installed the GTK pack?06:31
vinzeSomething like openoffice-gtk06:31
TheSheepo19: I can't find it right now :/06:32
TheSheepo19: maybe you can look at bugs.ubuntu.com06:32
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maxamilliono19: are you comparing it to the openoffice-gnome look? because technically xubuntu leaves openoffice in its default appearance whereas gnome alters it greatly06:34
cellofellowRight now I am using an Ubuntu Edgy LiveCD and the fonts look great. I know it is using the nv driver and this is why. I know nVidia made my fonts look like gunk. Is there a way to fix said nVidia problem>?06:34
maxamillioncellofellow: the nvidia driver shouldn't have anything to do with your fonts ... i believe that would be a xorg config issue06:34
maxamillioncellofellow: now its possible that the nvidia-settings tool changed your xorg06:35
cellofellowlet me reboot and see.06:35
cellofellowI never ran that as root, though.06:35
cellofellowsudo, root, gksu, whatever.06:35
cellofellowJust as me.06:35
maxamillionhmm... i don't really know then06:36
cellofellowUsing nvidia-legacy actually06:36
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maxamillioncellofellow: what card do you have?06:36
cellofellowRIVA TNT206:36
maxamillionoh wow06:37
maxamillionyeah ... -legacy06:37
=== grazie remembers the fonts getting mangled on edgy when installing the binary nvidia driver ... GeForce3 Ti 200 here
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maxamilliongrazie: interesting .... i guess that might just be a bug06:40
cellofellow(weird. The Display settings don't work. I can't change resolution from the XFCE control panel)06:41
graziethere was an easy fix on a number of blogs/forums...but I can't remember the details :(06:41
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cellofellowI have to go real soon.06:42
maxamillioncellofellow: no worries, apparently grazie saw the same font issue with an old nvidia card and the legacy drivers ... its possible that its a bug06:45
o19I even don't find that one... Is it possible that I've to install the openoffice.org-gtk first and then in a seperate step the other openoffice packages?06:46
maxamilliono19: shouldn't have to ... you might need to make sure to set the gtk-theme (which i thought would be automatic, but possibly not)06:46
o19I didn't find the option to choose this, so I thought it would automatically be set, too... but I'll have another try then.06:49
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o19Looking for it on google I read about changing the color depth, but that didn't change anything at all...06:55
maxamilliono19: you could try installing gtk-theme-switch and see if that helps (though i think the xfce config tool should do the same thing the theme switcher does)06:55
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b00thello everyone06:59
b00tcould anyone help me installing xubuntu plz07:00
vinzeThere are many instructions online07:00
b00ti know07:00
vinzeStart with those07:00
b00ti searched them all07:00
b00ttheres something wrong though07:00
b00ti cant boot from the cd!07:00
b00ti burned it at 8x07:00
b00tand when i check the cd for defects it shows errors07:00
vinzeDoes it produce an error or does it just not load at all?07:00
b00terror while checking for cd defect07:01
b00ti burned it the first time with nero07:01
b00twhen it didnt work i burned it with infrarecorder07:01
vinzePerhaps the .iso you downloaded was corrupted?07:01
b00ti checked the hash07:01
b00tits the same as the one in the xubuntu site07:01
vinzeOK... Perhaps you could try the alternate install cd07:02
b00twhts the difference plz!07:02
vinzeWell, the alternate install cd does not boot you into the desktop, so it might be a bit more scary07:02
vinzeBut it should work nonetheless07:02
b00tum well am a newbie i might get lost if it didnt boot me to desktop07:02
b00tbesides am on isdn07:02
b00tmeans my download speed is 10 kb07:03
vinzeOw that sucks07:03
b00tit would take at least 22 hours to download07:03
b00twht may b the cause of tht!07:03
b00ti tried 2 iso!07:03
vinzeWell, I'm not that much of an expert either, so I'm afraid I'm not really able to help you :(07:03
b00tfrom different mirrors07:03
b00thmm its ok thanks for trying though07:03
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o19got it, sreen depth to 16bit, and then switching the theme to anotherone and back ;-)07:17
o19thx @all07:18
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k^^where do I change system sounds in xubuntu?08:05
TheSheepk^^: xubuntu doesn't have system sounds08:06
k^^ok :)08:06
k^^can I add them?08:06
TheSheepk^^: the login sound can be changes in system->login window08:07
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TheSheepk^^: no, it just doesn't do anything like that08:07
k^^I want to have a sound on my system beep08:07
k^^any ideas?08:08
TheSheepk^^: you might be able to do somethng with the beep tweaking the esd configuration08:08
TheSheepk^^: but I don't know how exactly08:08
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k^^mkay, esd?08:08
TheSheepk^^: /etc/esound/esd.conf08:09
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TheSheepk^^: it's just a guess08:10
k^^thanks anyway :)08:10
sisseckanyone here know how to turn a standard xubuntu into an internet gateway?08:10
TheSheepsisseck: sure08:11
TheSheepsisseck: there are tutorial on the wiki08:11
sisseckok thanks, i'll see what i can dig up08:12
TheSheepsisseck: you can get the most needed commands form here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessLaptopInternetAccessPoint08:13
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ALASKAMANcan any point me in right direction on how to make a script from my shell when other users do !eggdrop it will untar the newest ver of egdrop bot09:11
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Merchelo!info eggdrop10:27
ubotueggdrop: Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.18-1 (feisty), package size 461 kB, installed size 1132 kB10:27
Jester45is there a printer spool  for linux? or something like it10:29
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Jester45hi maxamillion10:33
maxamillionhi hi10:34
maxamillionJester45: you have any idea why my scroll wheel on my mouse just randomly stopped working?10:34
maxamillionyeah ... me either10:34
Jester45look at your xorg.conf10:34
maxamillionyeah, i've been poking around ... not sure what's wrong10:35
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BFTDI do I turn off acpi?11:55
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cellofellowput acpi=no in your kernel options11:57
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BFTDhey guys I missed what cellowfellow said, can omsone bring it up again? I lost power12:12
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BFTDwb cellofellow12:27
BFTDsorry I missed what you said, I had a power outage12:29
cellofellowsaid about what?12:29
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cellofellowBFTD: put 'acpi=no' in your kernel options (menu.lst) to disable it.12:36
BFTDI did12:36
BFTDthanks btw12:36
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BFTDhey cellofellow I did what you told me, and it worked! But now none of my battery monitors work...12:46
cellofellowI suppose that would be because the battery stuff is acpi based.12:47
cellofellowPerhaps you would like to turn acpi back on, and just turn off the parts you don't want.12:47
BFTDcellofellow no12:48
BFTDMy system crashes if my battery isn't full or if I unplug it12:48
cellofellowbecause of acpi?12:49
=== cellofellow has never gotten power management working.
cellofellownot that I've tried much.12:49
cellofellowI know that nVidia causes some trouble with resume.12:49
cheeseboyim trying to compile mysql i get this error http://pastebin.ca/600538 how do i fix?12:50
cellofellowfirst question: why compile?12:51
BFTDcellofellow I don't know if its because of acpi but I know I fixed it by turning off acpi12:51
cellofellowcheeseboy: looks like missing dependencies.12:51
cellofellowcheeseboy: if you need newest version, you can probably get it at getdeb.net12:52
cheeseboywhat is the dependency im missing ?12:52
cheeseboyi have it installed from apt12:52
cheeseboyjust need to compile it for another pc12:52
cellofellowfor another? why not compile it there. Chances are it won't work on the other after you finally get it built on this one.12:53
cellofellowyou may need a -dev package or two12:53
cheeseboycellofellow, there kernel is messed up12:53
cheeseboyvirtual memory errors comiling stuff12:54
cellofellowsounds like something I don't know how to fix :(12:54
cheeseboyso i compile on this pc instead :)12:54
cheeseboybut what am i missing that would cause that?12:55
cellofellowIANAG == I Am not a Guru12:56
viddhow do you cp an entire directory to another directory?12:56
cellofellowvidd: cp -a /dir/* /otherdir/12:57
cellofellowcopies everything, including permissions12:57
cellofellowthat copies the files, skip the * to copy the dir12:58
=== vidd forgot the -a
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