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ubotuNew bug: #124094 in ubuntu-doc "Incorrect path to Lock Desktop." [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12409412:35
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tckare users allowed update wiki documentation pages for future releases?01:08
tckor is there a dedicated team only allowed to do that01:08
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ubotuNew bug: #124100 in ubuntu-doc "Incorrect paths in 'Ending a Session'" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12410001:30
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ubotuNew bug: #124109 in ubuntu-doc "Rewrite of System menu under Main Menubar" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12410903:01
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mdkeSusana: no plans for pdf at the moment. Translations are already available for 7.04, we will be updating them soon09:10
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Susanamdke: can you point me to any documentation i can read on how to create a pdf from the translations of ubuntu-docs myself?12:43
Susanasome schools here want to make a change to ubuntu but translated docs are a must to give to the teachers in order to pursuade them to make the change12:45
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mdkeSusana_: well, you can try. However, you have to do it on a document by document basis and there are tens of documents in ubuntu-docs11:19
mdkeSusana_: html is much easier than pdf.11:20
mdkeSusana_: anyway, you might get some help here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/BuildingDocumentation/PDF11:20
mdketck: wow, nice work on the website bugmail11:24
tckjust trying to tidy things up a bit ;)11:30
mdkemuch needed11:31
tcka few duplicates :)11:31
mdketck: if you like, you can assign things like typos and broken links to me, it will be an incentive to fix them and easier for me to find easy bugs to close11:32
tckok will do11:33
tckquick question, user pointed this out11:48
tckUbuntu is available for PC, 64-Bit and Mac architectures. CDs require at least 256 MB of RAM. Install requires at least 4 GB of disk space.11:48
tckshould that bem PC's require at least 256 mb ram?11:49
robI guess so :)11:49
tckok :)11:49
robbut that may be referring to the install program on the cd, I'm not sure11:49
tckyeah its a tricky one11:49
tckthe way its written, seems odd11:50

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