=== mpt [n=mpt@121-72-128-43.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer === Elwell [n=andrew@] has joined #ubuntu-installer === cr3 [i=marc@nat/canonical/x-5c4ffbc00cc929f9] has joined #ubuntu-installer === blackskad [n=blackska@d54C4A53D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-installer === nothingssomethin [n=blake@ip68-11-168-131.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer [02:47] hellow [02:47] anyone connected [02:47] ?? [02:55] this isn't a general chat channel, so people will generally wait until there's an actual question ;-) [02:56] ok [02:57] i'm just going to throw it out there then and then wait........... [02:59] i have a treo 600 seres pda phone you might know this question but is there a way that i can sync it up useing linux and what functionality does palm one have with linux ????? [02:59] nothingssomethin: this is not a support channel. Please /join #ubuntu. [02:59] i've ben asking there === nothingssomethin [n=blake@ip68-11-168-131.br.br.cox.net] has left #ubuntu-installer [] [03:02] hey, some recent change in gutsy broke installation, pkgsel fails because it can't find tasks "minimal" and "standard" tasks [03:02] -tasks [03:02] yeah, fabio reported that yesterday too [03:02] oh [03:02] I've missed that [03:02] is it just netboot or CDs too? [03:03] I've tried only netboot [03:03] I didn't think anything there had changed, so it's a bit weird [03:03] yep [03:03] it worked earlier this week [03:05] could conceivably be an apt bug [03:06] anyway, I have a phone call to make now, but I'll try to check it out later, unless Evan wants to beat me to it [03:06] sure, I just tested it for fun [03:06] I'll take a look as soon as I grab the latest CDs [03:07] been installing ~100 feistys today :) [03:07] erm wait, netinst, not necessary [03:07] nevermind, still a little early here === cr3 [i=marc@nat/canonical/x-697fde45fd96702d] has joined #ubuntu-installer === cr3 [i=marc@nat/canonical/x-3d0416672b8ae420] has joined #ubuntu-installer [04:26] evand: since you've needed to poke at cdimage a bit already, and since realistically installer and cdimage go together, I suggest we get you into the ubuntu-cdimage group forthwith [04:26] i.e. access to the cdimage build machine [04:27] happy with that? [04:34] works for me === avoine [n=avoine@] has joined #ubuntu-installer === superm1 [i=malimonc@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-installer [08:14] evand, I tested a few of cjwatson's changes about imports and such across the mythbuntu files, and found some breakage. I fixed it in my branch however. Could you remerge my branch back into trunk? [08:17] superm1: ok, I'll take a look shortly [08:18] (also) I added my templates into debian/po/POTFILES.in and ran debconf-updatepo. There wasn't anything more to that right? [08:23] correct, afaik [08:24] okay, thanks :) [08:51] superm1: where did you find this breakage? [08:51] an import of gtk.glade i think [08:51] ah, ok [08:52] and i think there was something else, let me see if i can pull up the diffs and see what it was [08:54] eh codebrowse.launchpad.net isn't being very kind. [08:57] no worries, it's not that important [09:15] evand, i was going to ask you regarding those two lines i added to my ~/.devscripts: i suddenly can't use debuild -S -sa to sign .changes files anymore with those lines. is there a way around that? [09:17] odd, no idea, that hasn't happened to me [09:19] you use debuild for building, or something different? [09:27] debuild [09:28] i must have some other odd env variables set somewhere then. i'll hunt around later to determine [09:48] I use debsign to sign the .changes files [09:49] as a sep. step? [09:49] I much prefer the workflow of (build, test, sign) to (build+sign, test) anyway [09:49] after debuild [09:49] yes [09:49] okay [09:49] the variables evand gave you included -uc -us IIRC, which turn off signing [09:49] if you prefer to leave it turned on, drop -uc -us [09:49] oh. That would make sense then [09:50] whoops [09:50] i should have looked a bit closer at what they did :) [10:11] ubiquity: evand * r2126 ubiquity/ (91 files in 5 dirs): Merged with ubiquity.mythbuntu. Small fixes and translations. === cjwatson_ [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-installer