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MenZawin move down01:07
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avphi all09:52
avpcan anybody tell me why hibernate button on my fujitsu-siemens makes my notebook sleep, not hibernate?09:53
avpon previous, asus a6rp it didn't work at all...09:54
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nothingssomethinanyone willing to help troubleshoot02:49
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BFTDyou know what they need to put on laptops?10:30
=== rhkfin [n=rhk@] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
rhkfinHola! Have 2 HP laptops that lose the volume quick buttons after installation: works on live but not on a installed system..10:32
rhkfinActually using Kubuntu, if it matters..10:32
rhkfinOmnibook XE3-GF and Pavilion zv5000 series10:33
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Lurerhkfin: feisty or gutsy?11:29
rhkfinLure: dapper & feisty11:30
rhkfinon Omnibook, Feisty doesn't recognice the buttons at all (xev) but I remember seeing some K/Ubuntu live reacting to the buttons. On Dapper, live works and xev finds the buttons, I guess I just have to map the buttons manually.11:31
Lureyep, dapper did not have complete mapping11:32
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Lurefeisty is strange - not sure why keycodes would not be returned11:32
Lurerhkfin: can you check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuLaptopKeycodes11:32
Lurerhkfin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch part is for missing xev reaction11:33
rhkfinWill do it11:34
rhkfinLure: nothing on showkey and tail acpid..11:37
Lurerhkfin: interesting...11:37
rhkfinThere might be something wrong with the keyboard chip since there are 2 dead buttons and someone else (on windows) has had the same program11:38
Lureif this is regression from dapper you should open bug on kernel package11:38
rhkfinFeisty on Omnibook, Dapper on Pavilion. Xev sees pavilion buttons so just needs to be manually configured. Omnibook has possibly some other problems, but I could try the quick keys on dapper & feisty live some day11:39
Lurerhkfin: omnibooks required some speical driver, afair11:41
ijuz__before i burn a new cd, does the live cd now automatically try to load the generic-ide module?11:41
rhkfinThere is some omnibook module somewhere but I haven't found instructions how to load/use..11:41
rhkfinBut it's weird that live know how to map the keys properly but installation fails to 'remember' this..11:43

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