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agoliveirabspencer: Hey Bob. I just saw that you answered a few of my questions. Thanks a lot. I'll sure send you all a compiled version of the answers02:12
bspenceryes, hopefully charlie can fill out the rest soon02:12
agoliveirabspencer: A question: so the UI is still currently using flash, right?02:19
bspenceryes, currently02:21
agoliveirabspencer: and can you give us the prototipe to play a bit?02:21
bspencerwe hope to make a public project out of it in the next few days02:21
bspencerthen it can be clearer02:21
bspenceragoliveira, totally02:21
bspencerthe whole thing02:21
agoliveiraGreat :)02:22
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jscinozIs it known what handsets/PDA's ubuntu mobile will run on?11:57
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ian_brasilmaybe this will help...i have apt-get upgraded and started hildon desktop inside chroot...i try to change the background image and i get a core dump12:32
ian_brasil** ERROR **: file hildon-file-system-settings.c: line 921 (_hildon_file_system_prepare_banner): assertion failed: (conn != NULL)12:32
ian_brasilTrace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)12:32
Mithrandirrestart dbus in the chroot12:33
ian_brasilthanks, that works12:35
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Mithrandirhi adilson02:06
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agoliveiraMithrandir: Hi.02:23
Mithrandiragoliveira: I saw you had a chat with bob spencer last night, but it seems he failed to submit a status update to the list.  Any idea whats up with his specs?02:25
Mithrandiror rather, are you on top of it, or I should I ask the intel guys?02:26
agoliveiraMithrandir: No. I just received an answer from him by email to a list of itens I sent regarding the SoW.02:27
agoliveiraMithrandir: At least today yet I should be up to my neck with that problem so you better ask them yourself if you don't mind.02:28
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amitkagoliveira: Can an updated list of UME kernel config changes wait 60 mins?02:44
agoliveiraamitk: Yes, no prtoblem. I want your final cut on this before send it to Matt.02:49
amitkagoliveira: final cut may not happen in an hour. But I can send you the current list soon.02:50
agoliveiraamitk: The meeting was postponed to tomorrow 1200UTC so we can take some more time on this today.02:52
Mithrandirwell, I'd like to have a status update on the spec before the meeting at 1600 UTC anyway.02:53
Mithrandir(as per the -mobile list)02:53
amitkagoliveira: ok02:53
agoliveiraMithrandir: Ah, yes. That would be nice too.02:53
amitkmithrandir: I have had no time yet to work on the MID power mgmt spec. agoliveira's request last night pre-empted yours. And I am doing a Gutsy kernel release simultaneously02:55
Mithrandiramitk: that's ok02:55
Mithrandiramitk: just having a single paragraph with the current state of the mobile kernel sent as an followup to my call for statuses on -mobile would be good.  Also, I believe the delivery status in LP should be moved to good progress?03:00
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=== Mithrandir ponders whether the development environment spec should include an actual IDE or just all the relevant -dev packages.
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agoliveiraMithrandir: An IDE? Why? One can use many.03:28
Mithrandiryes, though somebody has added "investigating $one_particular" to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/DevelopmentEnvironment03:29
MithrandirI think just providing the bits is fine for most03:29
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agoliveiraMithrandir: On the other hand, perhaps would be nice to at least make a note about that pyphantom as it's very specific to create hildon plugins.04:01
Mithrandirtrue dat04:02
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ian_brasili am working on pyphantom now, on the threading ...i think it is very promising05:08
Mithrandirmatchbox-keyboard seems kinda interesting.05:25
=== Mithrandir stretches
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Mithrandirhi mauri05:59
agoliveiraAny intel persons around here yet?05:59
Mithrandiragoliveira: mauri just joined, but I haven't seen more of them05:59
agoliveira...but mauri :)05:59
mauri_I'll go see where people are06:00
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mauri_Found Rob, he'll be here in a second.  We are coming back from a holiday yesterday...06:02
robr_hola everyone06:02
agoliveiraHi Rob.06:03
Mithrandirmauri_: did you find any of the others?06:06
Mithrandiriirc, Charlie is on holidays06:06
mauri_still looking - one more minute06:07
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Mithrandirwould it help you guys if we moved the meeting a couple of hours later?06:07
agoliveiramauri_: BTW, will be Charlie working today? I desperately need some hardware answers on that list I sent yesterday.06:08
mauri_Charlie is on holiday, I'm on the phone with Rusty, he won't be joining.  I'm looking for a different contact.06:10
agoliveiramauri_: Hmmm... big problem. Is there anyone else who could help me with that list?06:11
mauri_I just sent your email to Rob, he might be able to answer some questions.06:11
robr_agoliveira, what are your questions?06:12
agoliveirarobr_: Mauri forwarded my email. Can we talk after the meeting?06:12
agoliveiraAnd. Mauri, if you speak to Rusty, ask him if he can take a look there too. We are in a very tight schedule here.06:13
agoliveiraShall we start?06:13
Mithrandiryes, we should06:13
MithrandirI've sent an email to the list of the specs with me as an assignee, so did amitk.06:14
Mithrandirit would be good if those who haven't read those to take two minutes to read through them06:14
mauri_agoliveira: I actually think I'll find a better contact, I'm looking06:14
Mithrandirthen we can go through the rest of the specs not covered in that update, as well as answer any questions.06:15
agoliveiramauri_: Thanks06:15
Mithrandirmauri_: any idea where bob is?  Or is he too on holiday?06:17
mauri_I thought Bob would be here, I was on line with him yesterday and he is not on holiday today.06:18
Mithrandiroh well, let's get going then06:18
Mithrandiranybody got any questions about the updates sent to the list?06:18
agoliveiraI'm ok06:19
Mithrandirmauri_: any questions from your side?06:21
mauri_No, unfortunate that Bob and Rusty aren't here.  I apologize.  06:22
robr_did our poulsbo patches make it into your kernel?06:23
mauri_I am sending the Samsung Q1 Ultra systems today.06:23
Mithrandirrobr_: yes, they have been uploaded earlier today (iirc)06:23
Mithrandirmauri_: nice, shipping worked out well?06:23
agoliveiramauri_: Any idea on when they should arrive? Matt is a bit worried about that.06:23
robr_Mithrandir, excellent06:23
mauri_So far on my end, but that isn't the receiving end!06:23
Mithrandiramitk: are you here?06:24
mauri_When shipping to Brazil, I really have no idea.06:24
=== ian_brasil a long time!
agoliveiramauri_: Actually I'm more concernbed about the units being send to UK.06:24
mauri_I will choose my fastest option from my end.06:24
amitkmithrandir: yes06:24
agoliveiraWe appreciate that. Thanks.06:24
Mithrandiramitk: what other kernel changes in addition to the ones you have committed are you expecting?06:24
Mithrandiramitk: and can you confirm that the first round of patches has been uploaded?06:25
amitkmithrandir: more drivers will be trimmed06:25
amitkmithrandir: and filesystems probably06:25
amitkmithrandir: the changes will be uploaded after the second round - late today or tomorrow morning06:26
Mithrandirok, thanks.06:27
amitkrobr_: the patches are in. I am uploading the kernel today hopefully06:27
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Mithrandirgiven that neither Bob nor Charlie is here, it's kinda hard to get an update from them on the status on their specs, unless mauri_ can provide it?06:28
mauri_I can't, we need Bob.  I can make sure that Bob gives status via the mailing list when I talk to him. 06:28
Mithrandirthanks, that would be very useful06:29
=== agoliveira also would be glad to have some updates on the state of UI and project builder
agoliveiraSorry for the "/me". Old habit :)06:29
MithrandirI've begun playing around with project builder, but haven't got a full grasp on it yet.06:29
mauri_I can make sure that happens.06:29
agoliveiraMithrandir: Me too but there's some caveats that Rusty told me that have to be dealt manually. I just don't know how :)06:30
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Mithrandirthere's bob!  Excellent.06:31
bspencerthanks, only 30min late06:31
bspencera record06:31
agoliveiraHi Bob!06:31
bspencerhey agoliveira 06:31
Mithrandirwe might want to look at moving those meetings a bit later, if that works better for you?06:31
bspencer9am is fine06:31
bspencermy bad06:31
Mithrandirjust not the day after July 4th? ;-)06:32
bspenceryeah, maybe :)06:32
Mithrandircan you give us an update on your specs?06:33
bspencerI didn't get to the media player spec06:33
bspencerbut we have made good progress on its definition06:33
bspencerso updating the spec should be quick06:33
bspencerI thikn that was my last spec06:34
bspencerat least up until now06:34
bspencerI see a couple were approved, thanks06:34
bspencerwrt UI, I hope to work with agoliveira to get our UI in ubuntu very soon06:34
Mithrandir-utilities is marked as blocked; it should be unblocked now, shouldn't it?06:34
bspencerit is a matter of configuration and a new theme06:34
bspencerand a new plugins package06:34
bspencerwrt utilities...06:34
bspencerwe could still use some input from Nokia guys06:35
agoliveirabspencer: Cool.06:35
Mithrandirwhen can we expect to see the code pushed into launchpad?06:35
bspencerwe exchanged an email with lucas about control panel06:35
bspencerMithrandir, lets shoot for this time next week.06:35
bspencerwe need a good control panel example applet06:35
bspencerbecause ours hangs :)06:35
Mithrandireven if it's not final, having something we can start packaging and which has roughly the correct shape is useful06:36
bspencertotally agree.06:36
bspencercontrol panel applet: we're following the old maemo 3.x guide, but with the new control panel refactored code, it hangs06:36
bspencerbut we sent our sample on to lucas and will work to get that resolved06:36
Mithrandirok, good06:37
bspencerMithrandir, for UI, I wanted to get all the pieces working and push something up that worked, so it has been a bit slow.  But we are ready06:37
Mithrandirsame goes for UI; even if it's not finished, having something we can start packaging is valuable.06:37
bspencerone note about UI:  it currently uses flash, so we require Adobe flash plugin06:37
Mithrandircan it use gnash?06:37
bspencerwe will like to have non-flash alternatives in the future06:37
bspencerI tried one of the ubuntu flash packages, not sure if it is gnash I tried, but it didn't work06:38
bspencerour flash UI is v8+ I think06:38
bspencergnash supports 4?06:38
=== bspencer doesn't know for sure... needs to double check
agoliveiraAnd I think gnash don't support action scripts at all or at least very poorly.06:38
Mithrandirunsure, it should support 6 or 7 completely and bits of 8 and 9, I think.06:38
bspencerright.  I didn't have luck wit hthe free flash plugin06:38
bspencerbtw, our flash UI is intended as a working example with much possibility for improvement :)06:39
bspencerit can set the expectations, and the pieces are in place for incremental improvement06:39
Mithrandirok, cool06:39
Mithrandirwe'd need to work out some way to get it usefully into the archive since we can't have the adobe flash player there for legal reasons.06:40
Mithrandirhow is the browser coming along?06:40
mauri_agoliveira: I sent you a contact name in email06:40
bspenceron the flash -- what is the right approach?06:40
agoliveiramauri_: Thanks.06:41
bspencerMithrandir, do you want to discuss what to do about the flash here, or later?06:41
bspencerbrowser:  I saw that asac had created a repository for his pull of the Mozilla tree06:42
Mithrandirlater, on the list, I think.06:42
bspencerand made some changes, and added a "mid-browser" tag06:42
bspencerwe also have a respository for browser, but are slow to open it06:42
bspencerhopefully in the next few days06:42
bspencerthen asac and I can sync on one location and make progress06:43
bspencerjust trying to keep all the trains moving in the right direction.   Really appreciate asac's help here too.06:43
Mithrandirit's very important for us that we get access to the code you have so we can bring it out in the open and start integrating and debugging it.06:43
Mithrandir(both for browser and other projects)06:43
bspencerMithrandir, yes, a very high priority for me06:43
bspencerwe don't like the current process of Intle doing work that isn't visible06:43
bspencerbut we will open up these repositories soon.06:44
asacbspencer: actually the midbrowser application switch was what we discussed on weekend ... isn't it?06:44
bspencer(for apps things, like project builder, browser, etc)06:44
bspencerasac, yes.06:44
bspencerasac, exactly that.06:44
asacbspencer: ok ... i am really open to host it anywhere ;) ... do you have patches? maybe send them to me so I can try to integrate them properly?06:45
Mithrandirasac: when can we have something in the archive?  Even if it's not different in significant ways from firefox at this stage?06:45
bspencerasac, ok.06:45
asacMithrandir: we talked about this and thought that end off london sprint for initial upload would be good06:45
asacMithrandir: actually the firefox package is really straight forward06:46
Mithrandirsounds good06:46
asacMithrandir: just branch current bzr ... then switch to use midbrowser ... done06:46
asacof course rename package at al06:46
asacread like: its fail safe to maintain nowadays ;)06:46
asacbspencer: what about branding?06:47
Mithrandirasac: lots of things are "just" and fairly small, but they need to happen regardless, so if you could take the time at the sprint to make that happen, it would be good.06:47
bspencerasac, I call it "Mobile Internet Browser" as a place holder for a real name06:47
bspenceralthough perhaps "internet" is redundant06:47
asacand artwork? ... like a logo?06:47
asacor just go with "free" branding?06:48
bspencerasac, suggestions welcome.  We have a graphic artist here that can make something but picking a name is a headache06:48
bspencerbut that should be done eventually.06:49
Mithrandirjust call it mobile browser for now, then.06:49
asacok ... for now i will use the free branding ... and call it mobile browser06:49
Mithrandirit's easy enough to change, right?06:49
bspencerI'd prefer to have a brand name on the browser as opposed to something that people call idfferent things06:49
asacif you have a better logo ... just push it to me06:49
bspencerfor now, "mobile browser" is good06:49
asacbut please license it freely ;)06:49
Mithrandirok, sounds like browser is moving in the right direction then.06:50
asacthanks ... i am out again, ok?06:50
bspencerthanks asac 06:50
asacbspencer: will you be in london on monday?06:51
asacor not at all?06:51
bspencerasac, no.  I will be there the latter part of the week06:51
bspencermid-Wed through Friday06:51
bspencerand at GUADEC06:51
bspencer(Saturday too, if you are still around)06:51
asacok ... then cu then ;).06:51
asaci will fly at 170006:51
asacon sat06:51
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asacbefore we can work or drink or whatever :)06:51
=== agoliveira thinks that with the current airport caos in Brazil, probably I'll be doing the same :(
bspenceruh oh, not mdz06:52
mdzI did hope to join you for the start of the meeting, but it's chaos as usual over here06:52
bspencerwe cancelled the project while you were gone06:52
=== agoliveira run to clear the logs :)
MithrandirI actually think we're done now, unless anybody has any other business?06:53
bspencerabout the sprint:  can someone forward me the details06:53
mauri_No, I do know that Rusty flies out on Saturday and Jacob is in the process of figuring out his visa (hopeful).06:53
Mithrandirbspencer: they were sent to the list, iirc06:53
bspenceraddress, time, etc.  (sorry, I can't find )06:53
mauri_bspencer: I'll forward it to you, I have it06:54
bspencerI'll recheck.   Thx mauri_ 06:54
agoliveirabspencer, just ping me if you need anything else.06:54
bspenceragoliveira, thanks06:54
bspenceragoliveira, you leave Sat?06:54
Mithrandirok, anything more before we adjourn?06:55
agoliveirabspencer: I hope so.06:55
Mithrandirmdz: I'll give you an update post-meeting?06:55
bspencernothing from my end.06:55
bspencerMithrandir, sorry Rusty and Charlie were absent today06:55
bspencerkind of lame that I was so late too.06:55
Mithrandirbspencer: such things happen, let's try to make it better next time.06:55
bspencernext week a meeting, or canceled?06:55
MithrandirI doubt we'll have an IRC meeting next week, since we'll all be face to face.06:55
Mithrandirbut having status reports on all specs mailed to the list would be nice anyway.06:56
mauri_Mithrandir: I'll start tracking that from my end06:56
Mithrandirmauri_: and thanks for getting the devices ready to ship, I'm very much looking forward to having ubuntu mobile running on a real device06:57
=== agoliveira nods
Mithrandirseems like there's no other business, so adjourned.06:57
Mithrandirwoo < 1 hour! :-)06:57
agoliveiraClose  but < ;)06:58
ian_brasilany news about other contributers at the sprint06:58
bspencerthere are benefits to no one coming to the mtg.06:58
=== agoliveira runs for 5 minutes to grab a coffee
Mithrandirmdz: can you answer ian_brasil's question?  He's based in london and would like to drop by to help on documentation.06:59
ian_brasili am in London all week doing nothing just waiting for my visa 06:59
mdzMithrandir: I don't understand the question06:59
Mithrandir(and he knows it's not a community event, so we're going to work, not write specs and what usually happens at UDS-es)06:59
Mithrandirmdz: he's asking if he can come to the sprint.06:59
mdzif the question is whether he's welcome to stop by, the answer is yes06:59
mdzbspencer: can you tell me how many people to expect from Intel? ball park?06:59
Mithrandirand if so, what he needs to do, as in, should he mail claire?06:59
bspencermdz, 3-407:00
mdzMithrandir: yes, he should07:00
mdzbspencer: great, thanks.  claire will be relieved07:00
Mithrandirclan or cvd?07:00
bspencerbob, rusty, <charlie or equivalient>, maybe our build guy07:00
ian_brasilclaire@ubuntu.com ??07:00
mdzbspencer: anyone who's coming Monday morning ought to have their name at the security desk in order to get into the building without a fuss07:01
bspencerok.  I arrive Wednesday, but Rusty should be there Monday07:01
=== agoliveira is back
agoliveiraian:  Claire Newman <claire.newman@canonical.com>   07:03
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agoliveiraamitk: Can you confirm to me if the current UME kernel has support for ACPI 2.0?08:24
agoliveirarusty_: Rusty!08:24
agoliveiraI was wondering if you would show up :) Have you seen my "small" email?08:25
rusty_agoliveira, i think ACPI 2.0 support has been around for a while08:25
rusty_yea, i was spending the 4th on the boat and drove back in this morning08:25
agoliveirarusty_: Yes but specificaly for Intel core? I mean, is there anything different on Melown that would prevent ACPI 2.0 to work?08:26
rusty_agoliveira, no, acpi is acpi08:26
agoliveirarusty_: Cool, just confirming.08:27
agoliveirarusty_: If you could take a look at that list, I will pay you a beer (not Budweiser! :) ).08:30
agoliveiraSorry but you know the joke about american beer to be like making love in a canoon, right? ;)08:32
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