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perlmonkeyI'm having a problem doing manual recording :-/ I can watch tv fine, but when I try to set a recording manually all I get is static recorded12:34
DaveMorrissuperm1: you played the Harry potter game?01:02
DaveMorrisor anyone else with a Wii01:02
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DavieyDaveMorris: i think i need a wee01:25
DaveMorristhey are fun01:26
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tgm4883_laptopin the lirc feisty guide, for a pvr-150 using only the receiving, not transmitting.  Do you need both lirc_i2c lirc_pvr150 or Just lirc_i2c04:23
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benlakeanyone have a guess at how you might trigger a mythvideo database update from the console?07:56
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Davieybenlake: no, but why not just have it browse the location, and only have it update when you want to imdb stuff08:46
benlakeDaviey: dont understand your solution to my question08:47
benlakeDaviey: by "update" I simply mean a rescan of the video directory so mythvideo generates video records08:49
benlakeI'm working under the knowledge that I cannot see new files in MythVideo until I go to Utilities and tell it to rescan....what your saying implies that MythVideo will actively browse a directory?08:55
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foxbuntubenlake: as far as I know...and I could be wrong here...MythTV does not actively search for new media, as for your question about the command on how to do this, I do not know what it is but you should be able to run the frontend from terminal and watch for the output when you run the Video Manager to get an idea, elsewise you probably need to look at the source code to find it09:09
Davieybenlake: it can be set to do that, i can't remember the name of the option10:09
Davieybut that's how mine works10:10
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benlakecool hanks03:49
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rogue780I found a problem with the feisty mythtv-frontend package. nothign serious, but if you have desktop fx enabled, mythtv is behind the panels06:23
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lashmoov2/n lashmoove08:42
superm1hi lashmoov208:49
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Davieyanybody using NFS for /recordings?09:05
bdmurrayyou might check with bryce harrington09:06
Davieyie, saving on non-backend?09:08
lashmoov2sorry, hi superm1, at work, just hanging around09:12
superm1ah okay :)09:14
tgm4883rogue780, also if compiz fusion has fading enabled, you can see though the mythtv frontend09:15
superm1Daviey, any more news regarding seeds/metas?09:30
Davieyno :(09:37
Davieybeen having a mini-crisis with my own setup09:38
Davieyand as i'm having fri-mon off, actually had to do _some_ work this week :(09:38
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superm1fri-mon off?09:48
superm1why is that?09:48
Davieylugradio live09:49
superm1oh right!09:50
superm1didn't realize that came up so soon09:50
Davieywhere mythbuntu will get a mention; and if juski still uses ubuntu (which i think he does) then he will be demoing it09:51
Daviey& jono also gets a slap for slow ML09:51
superm1is anyone going to video his demo?09:51
superm1or can you?09:51
DavieyDaveMorris will be there sat-sun09:52
Davieysuperm1: yeah, should be filmed09:52
Davieyhis last one was; it is on the net somewhere09:52
superm1i'm kinda interested what he'll be touching on so i'll see if i'm missing anything @ ULive :)09:52
Davieycan you catch a late flight and join us?09:52
superm1i'd love to - but i dont have a passport :(09:53
Davieyi gotta dash09:53
superm1okay cya09:53
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rogue780wow. I haven't had my domains hooked up to a working mail sever in months...I just got one up again not 20 seconds ago and I already have spam11:46

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