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MenZawin move down01:06
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ci_omegadogGod i've tried everything01:58
ci_omegadogeverything to get sqlite3.4 installed on dapper in a sane fashion01:59
ci_omegadogall day01:59
ci_omegadogMY WHOLE DAY GONE!01:59
ci_omegadogi never understood the point of a 6 month release cycle01:59
ci_omegadogjust upgrade what you want when you want01:59
ci_omegadogNOW I GET IT01:59
leonelI think there are newer things  that must be used   as  antivirus  antispam  and thinks like that 02:08
leoneland  stable ( unchanged ) things  as  databases that  must remain  for  years 02:08
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AlexC_Hey guys,02:54
AlexC_Is anyone interested in helping out an open-source project that is to be shortly released, basically the project is hosted on Dreamhost but I'm wanting to move over to a VPS account - I know how to setup a server, however I simply don't have the time and also I don't truely know how to secure one02:56
AlexC_I should be able to pay (but not much) for things that need doing if you're interested02:56
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shawarma-win 2104:01
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mralphabet21! sheesh, I thought 15 was a lot04:40
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TeTeTis there any good tool to replicate an Ubuntu production environment on a development environment? Let's say I deploy 5 servers and I want to create a test environment to make sure the next upgrade works fine. What are my options?05:58
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TeTeTI can think of ghosting with g4l, using systemimager or rsync plain to replicate it. Any other recommendation?06:02
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shawarmaTest: Bug 1234506:10
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Seveas@config channel plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer.enabled True06:15
ubotuAn error has occurred and has been logged.06:15
Seveas@config channel plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer True06:15
Seveasthere we go06:15
shawarmatesting again.... bug 1234506:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234506:16
shawarmaSeveas: Thanks!06:16
shawarmamralphabet: Kidding? I usually have up to about 90.06:17
mralphabetshawarma: crimeny06:18
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nealmcbubotu, info krb5-kdc07:49
ubotukrb5-kdc: MIT Kerberos key server (KDC). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4-5ubuntu3.1 (feisty), package size 128 kB, installed size 392 kB07:49
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:49
nealmcbSeveas: yes - ubotu is sweet!07:50
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:50
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cchanceI have a little problem here while trying to install the alternet CD version of Ubuntu 7.04 server. For some reason while installing (in low memory mode) It stops and loops its self at the detecting Network hardware box, sits for 2-5 seconds and then displays "killeding hardware, please wait" apart from "detecting Hardware, Please wait"   Anyone else have this problem, is there a fix for it?08:01
highX|HumpyI have an extremely stupid question, is there a GUI you can turn on for Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS08:03
cchanceinstall Gnome08:03
cchanceor what ever Gui you like08:03
peanutbor theres alwayse webmin, but its not the most secure of things08:04
cchancedoes no one know any answer to my question?08:05
highX|Humpysorry I do not know08:07
highX|Humpyis this something I have to install or is it already a part of my server edition?08:07
cchancei really dont want to use DSL on my box08:08
cchanceits not suported anywhere except for #dsl and no one there is any help at all08:08
cchanceare you guy going to force me to do it?08:10
mralphabetsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:10
mralphabetsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:10
mralphabet^^ xfce08:10
cchanceok, dsl here i come08:11
mralphabetcchance: look in launchpad for bugs relating08:11
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cchancei know thers not08:31
Humpyso I ran run sudo apt-get update 08:40
Humpyand then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:40
Humpybut get package not found08:40
Humpyso obviosuly I need to get the package08:40
Humpyso to get the package is this what I want?08:43
Humpysudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop08:43
Humpyno one is still alive08:50
mralphabetHumpy: hrm, let's look at packages.ubuntu.com to see what valid packages there are08:55
mralphabetHumpy: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/virtual/gnome-desktop08:57
mralphabetwhoops, that's breezy08:58
mralphabetyou need dapper, right?08:58
HumpyI am brand new08:58
Humpylike I jsut installed the LTS version and am trying to learn it08:58
Humpynever used a linus server before08:58
mralphabetso that would be sudo apt get install gnome-desktop08:58
mralphabetusing the gui is a poor way to learn08:59
mralphabetthat's my personal opinion08:59
HumpyI agree, but I have others that will be using the server as well that would like the GUI08:59
Humpyslow to learn using the GUI08:59
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HumpyI am still getting the package not found09:02
perrygovierhey! someone else having apt-get issues?09:03
Humpymine might be user error?09:03
perrygovieri see, i'm trying to install a desktop but i keep getting a not found error for ubuntu-desktop09:04
Humpysudo get-apt update works09:04
Humpyyeah I am trying to install desktop as well09:04
perrygoviermine completes but it gives me an error that not everything was downloaded09:05
perrygovierat least i'm not alone, just spent two hours on google09:05
Humpyhaha I've been using google coupled with the forums09:05
Humpyand then some help on IRC as well09:05
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mralphabetHumpy: do you have universe enabled?09:08
perrygoviershould I for the desktop? thought that was main/09:08
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HumpyI think not?09:08
perrygovierthen again, this is a server install... maybe it's worth a shot09:09
mralphabetHumpy: gnome-desktop is available in universe, you need universe enabled to use apt-get to use it09:09
mralphabetHumpy: gnome-desktop is available in universe, you need universe enabled to use apt-get to _get_ it09:09
Humpyhrmm okay09:10
perrygovieri have universe "unpounded"09:11
perrygovierit always was09:12
mralphabetperrygovier: I haven't been following your problem, what are you trying to fix?09:13
perrygovierapparently the same as humpy. fresh install of 7.04 apt-get is saying ubuntu-desktop can't be found09:13
nealmcb!source | Humpy09:14
ubotuHumpy: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html09:14
nealmcbHumpy: scratch that...09:14
mralphabetperrygovier: then no, that would not be the same problem as Humpy 09:14
mralphabetperrygovier: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop does what09:15
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:15
perrygoviermralphabet: "E: couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop"09:15
perrygovierafter, reading package list...done09:17
Humpyyeah I get the same09:17
perrygovierbuilding dependency tree>reading state information...done>09:17
nealmcbafter setting sources.list properly and doing apt-get update?09:17
perrygovierfresh install, haven't chagned sources.list but everything looks right, and yes to the update09:18
Humpyhehe I am so lost... 09:18
nealmcbHumpy: yeah - any system is confusing in the beginning09:19
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Humpyyeah I know so little about it09:19
nealmcb!info ubuntu-desktop09:19
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.43 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB09:19
Humpywow cool09:20
nealmcb!info ubuntu-desktop dapper09:20
Humpyso from what I do understand, with my fresh install my source list only allows me to download things from ubuntu?09:20
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.120 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB09:20
perrygovieri'm pretty weak at command line stuff, i just use this compy to run my web sever. in earlier versions all I had to was type apt-get update apt-get install ubunt-desktop and i was good from there09:20
nealmcbHumpy: ubuntu and kubuntu and ubuntu server all share the same package repositories, so no - you should be able to get them all09:21
Humpyso I don't really understand then.. is my source list just jacked up?09:22
perrygovieri tried kubuntu, same error. but vim install fine...09:22
Humpyor am I missing updates after fresh install?09:22
nealmcbperrygovier: yeah - I'm very puzzled as to why it isn't working fo ryou09:22
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:22
nealmcba terminal-based gui....09:22
perrygovieri tried aptitude same basic error09:23
nealmcbabit confusing to get used to, but might make things clearer09:23
nealmcbperhaps the mirror you are using is having trouble?09:23
perrygovierhow do i switch?09:24
nealmcb!easysources | perrygovier09:25
ubotuperrygovier: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:25
Humpyin general running sudo apt-get update, do I need to reboot the system?09:25
mralphabetHumpy: no09:25
mralphabetHumpy: the only reason to reboot a machine is to add new hardware ;)09:25
nealmcbexcept with fundamental updates like the kernel09:26
perrygovierubotu: i looked at what source-o-matic gave me and it matched my source.list minus the comments09:26
nealmcbubotu is a robot :-)09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a robot :-) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:26
nealmcbperrygovier: odd09:27
perrygovieri have one idea... perhaps it's my router. i get pings back from google but perhaps i trying bypassing it. any reason that would work?09:28
nealmcbif you can browse http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ then you should be able to install from it09:30
nealmcbwith apt-get09:30
nealmcbanyway - gotta run - good luck!09:30
perrygovieri can from this machine. but i'm chatting on my mac. i've only pinged on my server09:30
perrygovierk, thanks09:31
nealmcbtry elinks or links for browsing from a server09:31
nealmcbwithout a gui09:31
perrygovierbrowsing w/ out gui... scary09:31
Humpyso to look at my source.list I would use like gedit?09:32
Humpybut it tells me that cmd is not known09:32
perrygoviertry vim09:32
perrygoviergedit didn't work for me either09:33
nealmcbor more09:33
nealmcbgedit is a gui09:33
Humpykk that works09:33
nealmcbthat is the "more" command09:33
Humpyso according to source o matic I should only use the defaults?09:34
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perrygovieryup what source-o-matic gives you should match what you're given by default except the "pounded" comments will look different09:35
Humpymine is different09:36
HumpyI think09:36
perrygovierthat'd do it09:36
perrygoviersheesh, i'm getting frustrated. does anyone know if i download the regular ubuntu and use apt-get while the cd is in if it will search the cd for the desktop?09:38
nealmcbperrygovier: you might look for debugging info in apt-get or apt-cache09:39
nealmcbman apt-get09:40
Humpyso I enabled the universe lines09:40
nealmcband you can paste what you have not to http://dpaste.org/09:40
nealmcb"not" => "now"09:40
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nealmcbperrygovier: or find folks in #ubuntu who might have more experience with apt-get problems09:42
perrygovieri'm gonna try apt-get clean09:42
perrygovierif i can exit this manual..09:43
perrygovierwhat i thought, but for some reason it didn't work until i hit scroll lock...09:43
perrygovierperhaps i have greater issues09:43
perrygoviernope, same problem. off to the main ubuntu page. wish me luck. thanks09:45
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DarkWizzardhello all10:15
DarkWizzarddoes ubuntu server edition come with mod_security installed ?10:16
ivoks_if by that you mean apache's module10:21
Humpydamn it at this rate it's going to take me a life time to learn this shit...10:32
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