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wolflordAfternoon all12:41
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wolflordI have a question for all you Ubuntu experts, I am trying to setup a VPN on my Ubuntu box so I can view my box from work, question is ... HOW :)12:42
wolflordI have vnc working fine, but I would like to have a more secure connection12:42
=== wolflord thinks he talking to the wind
cliebow  wolflord maybe nx is the way to go12:57
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wolflordok what is nx ?01:07
wolflordI found the howto's on how to VPN to a diffrent computer, but nothing on if I want to VPN into my Linux box from a Windows Computer01:08
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OptimusRexdoes anyone know how to set up my display setting on my new edubuntu installation? There was a way of doing it through the konsole but I can't find the notes02:58
OptimusRexubotu, help me with graphics settings please03:02
LaserJockOptimusRex: ubotu is an IRC bot03:03
OptimusRexthat's ok but how do I get to search his knowledge base03:03
OptimusRexthere's a way to make him pick key phrases and get answers03:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:04
OptimusRexI'm trying to install edubuntu but everything is too large for the screen so that I cannot see the ok buttons. Any help?03:07
LaserJockSystem->Preferences->Screen Resolution  perhaps03:08
OptimusRexthat does not work if the OS is not installed. I'm still running the live dvd but can't install coz I cannot see everything.03:11
OptimusRexI need the Konsole and the commands that go with that. Do you know these03:11
LaserJockyou can't get to the menu?03:34
OptimusRexI can get to the menu but the menu does not let me set anything to more than 640x48003:39
OptimusRexthat's a fault of the live cd03:39
LaserJockwell, that was the best it detected03:40
OptimusRexthat's true. Hey, I've selected install on hard disk and it is showing the options to set everything. Let me see03:42
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willvdlmorning all08:03
LaserJockhi willvdl08:05
willvdlhey, long time08:05
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willvdltaken a wee break. been reviving my photography08:08
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A_bGreetings, I am currently downloading edubuntu live cd and was wondering if what desktop is the default if there is one?09:07
LaserJockGnome is the default09:08
LaserJockalthough you can install Xfce4 from the Classroom Server Addon CD09:08
willvdlouta here. later folks09:09
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LaserJockwhich you'll want anyway if you want the educational apps that are on the liveCD09:09
RichEdhi LaserJock / jsgotangco & A_b09:09
LaserJockI'm out too, night all09:09
LaserJockhi RichEd09:09
RichEdg'night laser09:09
A_bgreetings RichEd09:11
RichEdA_b: I see your info is KDE ... are you a teacher / student / admin ?09:11
A_bneither, I am a mature student and am looking for an os for my old p2 400 mhz with 128 of ram. For my children to become linux users as I am a new user :)09:15
A_bCreative writing major09:17
RichEd:) well edubuntu is what you want then ...09:18
A_bI am currently running opensuse 10.2 on this old 900mhz P3 IBM thinkpad - it was the first linux os that just worked on this computer after win98 just couldn't go anymore09:20
RichEdwell ubuntu is often labelled as "just works" and edubuntu comes with some cool apps for kids ... some fun ... some educational09:21
A_band love the way linux seems to just do what it has to do and yes my son who is 12 is itching to look at some possibilities for developing his skills in graphics and animation09:22
A_bbut i'm looking forward to trying out the live cd :)09:24
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exwthis page: ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsIntel ) has a column with "Supports network install?". what do they mean when they say "network install"?09:38
RichEdexw: I'd guess they mean it supports an install across the network from a sever09:43
exwRichEd: for me ( newbie ) it just seams kinda weird that the network card would play such a important part in the install... i would have guesses if the card connected to the network, you would be able able to transfer any kind of traffic, whether it be an install or just a web page09:49
exwyou know... packets are packets, right?09:50
RichEdexw: I think it's that the network card is able to find the server on boot, without any local software, and then start the install ... on older cards, you'd need local software to load the network drivers first before the server would be visible09:51
RichEdthat's my guess ... open to correction09:51
exwok, thanks for your help09:51
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wizzyI am confused about the root-path param in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf - how do I add a root-server ?03:21
wizzyI used to put it as "root-path"03:21
wizzyBut it doesn't seem to like the host part any more03:21
wizzyIs this a regression, or is there another parameter in dhcpd.conf that I use ?03:23
wizzyOr should I ask on #ltsp ?03:23
Kamping_Kaiserwizzy, if you dont get any help here try #ltsp03:24
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sbalneavMorning all03:27
wizzysbalneav: afternoon..03:28
juliuxhi sbalneav03:30
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ograwizzy, known bug, add nfsroot="" to the pxe parameters03:39
ograits fixed in the last initramfs-tools version in gutsy03:39
wizzyogra: thanks03:44
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