pimp31415 | terminal server client came up black and on rdp went black but both were solved by minimizing and unminimizing said window - redraw issue? | 12:32 |
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ShackJack | Hi all - my nm-applet always prompts me for my wireless passphrase when booting up my notebook - despite selecting "always allow"... is there a way to have it remember the wireless password immediately or is this a known glitch... | 12:56 |
gnomefreak | ShackJack: n-m and gnome-keyring(i think thats the app) both are having issues atm | 01:18 |
ShackJack | gnomefreak: O.K. I figured as much... At least I got my compiz fusion XGL working again... Was starting to have eye-candy withdrawl... | 01:19 |
ShackJack | gnomefreak: My nm-applet is a little flakey about finding networks... | 01:19 |
gnomefreak | ShackJack: n-m since 2nd to last update wont log me or alot of others onto internet you have to disable networking than enable it again its know n to the new maintainer of n-m | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | it has toehr issues | 01:21 |
gnomefreak | other | 01:21 |
pimp31415 | ha and now for no reason i can maximize my terminals just fine :D | 01:21 |
ShackJack | gnomefreak: Mine will get it on a fresh reboot (Intel Card), but sometimes flakey if switching networks or restarting dbus or dropping to init 1, etc... 'Sno biggie... I knew what I was in for upgrading to Gutsy so early on... Otherwise it's working really great... | 01:22 |
pimp31415 | gnomefreak, what are the implications of taking that network manager out entirely? | 01:22 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: not a good idea IMHO | 01:22 |
pimp31415 | hehe ShackJack pretty impressive for an rc2 eh | 01:22 |
pimp31415 | gnomefreak, eh? | 01:22 |
ShackJack | pimp31415: I'll say... | 01:22 |
pimp31415 | also why cant it come back when i kill the panel =/ | 01:22 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: we had more issues in whatever we were using prior | 01:23 |
pimp31415 | gah fair-enough | 01:23 |
pimp31415 | well w/e we are approaching feisty's release stability >_> | 01:23 |
gnomefreak | damn : now what | 01:23 |
pimp31415 | ?? nothing here! | 01:23 |
gnomefreak | LP is having issues | 01:25 |
ShackJack | Anyone else having issues with the libcurlX-gnutls packages (being kept back/dependencies, etc...)? | 01:26 |
MugginsM | I was having libcurl issues yesterday, but haven't tried since then | 01:26 |
crimsun | man. | 01:26 |
gnomefreak | ShackJack: read the topic | 01:26 |
crimsun | I swear people don't read the topic I set. | 01:26 |
pimp31415 | ah ha~ in beryl with terminal server client it makes the screen not draw the guts of the terminal - close tsclient and your back to good to go - kinda gives true transperancy so to speak | 01:26 |
gnomefreak | crimsun: they are prompted to read it too | 01:26 |
gnomefreak | all they have to do is join the channel | 01:26 |
MugginsM | oh, it's in the scrolled off the screen bit of the topic :) | 01:26 |
crimsun | ok, repeat after me: I will kindly read the topic. Thanks! | 01:27 |
gnomefreak | MugginsM: type /topic | 01:27 |
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pimp31415 | ShackJack, yeah 3 and 4 - what are those for anyway? | 01:27 |
ShackJack | crimsun: I do read it the first several times I join the channel.... however because the beginning of the text is always the same its understandable that folks don't read all the way through - figuring it's the same thing... I would suggest putting new info at the start of the topic text and of shortening the topic text... | 01:28 |
ShackJack | *and/or | 01:28 |
ShackJack | I will personally try to read it more carefully in the future ;) | 01:28 |
crimsun | we've tried that approach. People still don't read the blathering thing. | 01:29 |
pimp31415 | how about color bomb notices on entry | 01:29 |
pimp31415 | with a whitelist on who doesnt get it | 01:29 |
crimsun | ...or you could just read the fine topic. | 01:30 |
pimp31415 | and can i be in the whitelist please ^^ | 01:30 |
pimp31415 | [they they i did i did!!!:P] | 01:30 |
pimp31415 | and closing tsclient didnt fix my maximized terminal this time | 01:31 |
pimp31415 | gah lol | 01:31 |
pimp31415 | ooooooooo new terminals are good though... | 01:31 |
pimp31415 | o wow - cant drag my windows around at all - ever come across that one? | 01:34 |
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DanaG | Is there an easy way to make my snd-emu10k1 not break suspend? | 01:40 |
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gnomefreak | easy way-use feisty or wait for fix. a bit of a harder way - fix it? | 01:43 |
DanaG | Well, it's not new to Gutsy, actually. | 01:45 |
DanaG | I'd need the suspend scripts to eject the card and then remove the module -- but what if programs have a lock on the sound card? | 01:46 |
DanaG | I guess it's an "eaiser said than done" type of thing. | 01:46 |
pimp31415 | so THATS whats been doing it | 01:46 |
pimp31415 | lol | 01:46 |
gnomefreak | lol | 01:46 |
pimp31415 | ive been wondering - but i only suspend by accident so w/e | 01:46 |
pimp31415 | XD | 01:46 |
DanaG | I don't know if it's all of snd-emu10k1 that breaks suspend. | 01:48 |
DanaG | Hmm, I figured something out: now my battery life in Gutsy is almost exactly the same as in Windows. The exact times are probably 10 minutes from each other. | 01:49 |
DanaG | I wish there were an elegant way to say a person's name without pinging that person. Extra spaces works, but it is inelegant. | 01:55 |
ShackJack | Like Dan*G? | 01:56 |
ShackJack | pimp314*5... and gnomefre*k | 01:57 |
pimp31415 | mm DanaG how about shift-tabcomplete | 02:01 |
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pimp31415 | or control-tab | 02:01 |
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pimp31415 | just ask the guyz in Xchat if you use it they might make it D: | 02:02 |
DanaG | I use gaim/pidgin. | 02:04 |
DanaG | I wonder if it's possible to get DRI on an S3 Savage, at 1024x768, with only 4 megs of video RAM. | 02:05 |
DanaG | I doubt that's even enough VRAM for double-buffering. | 02:05 |
pimp31415 | what is dri? | 02:05 |
pimp31415 | ah i think i might be running into that kinda too many fullscreen windows open bug with beryl - mm seems third one is black lets try some others | 02:06 |
DanaG | Direct Rendering something-or-other. | 02:06 |
DanaG | I don't know what the I stands for. | 02:06 |
pimp31415 | yeah forth one is black | 02:07 |
pimp31415 | gah | 02:07 |
DanaG | That savage is in an old laptop nobody really uses anymore. | 02:07 |
DanaG | My main laptop has a GeForce Go 7600, but only 128 megs of VRAM. | 02:08 |
DanaG | Luckily it's only 1440x900 -- because 1680x1050 would probably exceed my available VRAM. | 02:08 |
pimp31415 | http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?s=3893fa1e5c918f8f66fadcb979d79d55&p=1198600&postcount=12 | 02:14 |
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pimp31415 | hey DanaG i think we need to upgrade =/ | 02:14 |
pimp31415 | DanaG, did you get the extra effects working at least then? | 02:14 |
DanaG | Oh, which extra effects? | 02:16 |
mrsno__ | pimp31415 is that the 'out of memory' error ? | 02:16 |
pimp31415 | system > preferences > appearance > last tab | 02:16 |
pimp31415 | mrsno__, who knows - i can open non-fullscreened windows with it going i think lemme double check - | 02:16 |
pimp31415 | os[Linux 2.6.22-7-386 - Debian lenny/sid - Ubuntu DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu ( http://www.ubuntu.com )] | up[12 hours, 37 minutes] | cpu[AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+, 1665.280 MHz (3333.56 bogomips) at 40.0C] | chipset[VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8375 [KM266/KL266] Host Bridge] | video[nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1) at 1600x1200 (32 bits)] | opengl[GeForce 6200/AGP/SSE/3DNOW! powered by NVIDIA Corporation with driver 2.1.0 NVIDIA 96.31] | xchat[Version | 02:16 |
pimp31415 | : 2.8.2] | [sysinfo-dg 1.1-DocTrax_1.46] | 02:16 |
mrsno__ | i got that black windows / out of memory error in latest nvidia-glx-new, had to use envy to get the 100x series drivers | 02:17 |
mrsno__ | haven't tried desktop-effects/compiz-fusion yet | 02:17 |
DanaG | I'm using the 3v1n0 repo, because the official was broken last time I tried it. | 02:17 |
pimp31415 | oya i forgot that DanaG sorry - mrsno__ ah | 02:18 |
pimp31415 | i always put the nvidia stuff in manually lol | 02:18 |
=== DanaG is now moving the Feisty old-laptop to Gutsy, just for the heck of it. | ||
pimp31415 | and i'm using the repo stuff - not even the nvidia.bin | 02:18 |
mrsno__ | yea it happened in nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new | 02:19 |
pimp31415 | well DanaG i think that even with all the new features, for the most part its getting less laggy | 02:19 |
DanaG | I'm using this: | 02:19 |
DanaG | [ 32.644000] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module 100.14.11 Wed Jun 13 18:21:22 PDT 2007 | 02:19 |
DanaG | Hotkey display switching works on my laptop -- but, it doesn't change resolution. | 02:19 |
pimp31415 | mrsno__, i get a different wierd error - sometimes when i type something into xchat it doesnt draw it to the window but instead half rrepeats the line above it that used to be at the bottom - posted a pic above | 02:19 |
pimp31415 | DanaG, how can i find that? | 02:20 |
ptn107 | i dual boot xp/feisty i386 , can i upgrade feisty i386 to amd64 while preserving xp part (as in the way i installed i386)? | 02:20 |
DanaG | dmesg | grep NVRM | 02:20 |
pimp31415 | edgy / xp / gutsy / fedora / something new to be decided | 02:20 |
pimp31415 | [ 192.616000] NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 Kernel Module 1.0-9631 Thu Nov 9 17:38:10 PST 2006 | 02:20 |
mrsno__ | ptn107 you can chroot a 64bit installation but yes you can install ubuntu 64 fresh, overwriting the ubuntu 32 | 02:20 |
pimp31415 | DanaG, you had to put in manually or with envy or so? | 02:21 |
ptn107 | sweet | 02:21 |
pimp31415 | ptn107, btw if your /home partititon is seperate it will keep all your settings | 02:21 |
mrsno__ | this channel is for gutsy really ptn107 , so if you have any questions please check in #ubuntu | 02:21 |
ptn107 | yeah i have it separate | 02:21 |
pimp31415 | but if your worried about it make a different user on install, and add a user with the same name after you test it so it doesnt bork anything on the offhand and all | 02:21 |
pimp31415 | :) | 02:21 |
ptn107 | o sorry thought i was on ub,. didnt see the +1 | 02:22 |
mrsno__ | ptn107 nps :-) | 02:22 |
pimp31415 | hehe ptn107 you should make a 6 gig partition and just install gutsy also :3 | 02:22 |
pimp31415 | just to play@! | 02:22 |
ptn107 | ive already played around in tribe 2 | 02:22 |
ptn107 | no complaints yet | 02:22 |
mrsno__ | i sorta missed tribe2, but tried a daily this week | 02:23 |
pimp31415 | ooooooooooo i wonder if my triple buffering is killing me | 02:23 |
pimp31415 | sweet ptn107 try to break it! | 02:23 |
mrsno__ | runs nice booting from a 4gig usb pen with desktop-effects all working with 1 X restart | 02:23 |
ptn107 | i am | 02:23 |
DanaG | I did my nvidia manually. | 02:24 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, triple-buffering eats VRAM like crazy. | 02:24 |
DanaG | That's what it's supposed to do. | 02:24 |
DanaG | I don't have enough memory bandwidth to comfortably use triple-buffering. | 02:25 |
pimp31415 | oh | 02:26 |
DanaG | That's odd: the old laptop dropped from 39% battery to 0% battery. | 02:26 |
pimp31415 | i think i dont need that on then seeing as how my card is on the cheaper end of current stuff - only cost 46 bucks delivered tho from newegg so that was good :> | 02:26 |
pimp31415 | hey DanaG do you know a way offhand btw to turn off all cube stuff and make the desktop flat like gnome default? | 02:27 |
DanaG | Oh, you can use Wall instead. | 02:28 |
pimp31415 | o: | 02:28 |
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lymeca | If a user has an Nvidia card *and* they've installed the non-free Nvidia drivers for it, Compiz Fusion should be good to go. | 02:31 |
pimp31415 | lymeca, what about with the nvidia drivers? | 02:32 |
lymeca | But what about ATI cards? XGL won't be in X.Org so how will that work? | 02:32 |
pimp31415 | and do you get 3daccel? | 02:32 |
pimp31415 | gah and im sorry for such a silly question but DanaG where is Wall?? | 02:33 |
lymeca | With respect to Compiz Fusion being the default wm: Intel video cards with Free drivers are going to be fine, but what if the user has ATI card AND non-free drivers for 3D accel. How will CF work without XGL? | 02:33 |
pimp31415 | [i did look i promise :P] | 02:33 |
DanaG | Oh, it's a Desktop Management plugin. | 02:38 |
pimp31415 | o? | 02:39 |
pimp31415 | aah | 02:39 |
pimp31415 | i need to dl more plugins for beryl | 02:40 |
DanaG | It's a Fusion plugin. | 02:42 |
DanaG | Or maybe new-Compiz. | 02:42 |
mrsno__ | lymeca its on the wishlist | 02:42 |
mrsno__ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xgl/+bug/122939 | 02:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 122939 in xserver-xgl "Ship X session files with xserver-xgl" [Wishlist,In progress] | 02:43 |
DanaG | Woah, I just set the Savage to use EXA. It's all psychedelic. | 02:43 |
lymeca | In both cases with ATI and Nvidia cards, the proprietary drivers won't be shipping with Gutsy. So COmpiz Fusion won't be the default wm. Will it be automated that if the user installs the proprietary drivers for their cards that CF will be enabled? | 02:44 |
Tm_T | lymeca: it's just matter of clicking stuff in menu | 02:45 |
Tm_T | actually twp things | 02:45 |
Tm_T | 1) install proprietary drivers using tool | 02:46 |
lymeca | Will there be a new Preferences entry to choose between installed window managers? | 02:46 |
Tm_T | 2) enable Compiz | 02:46 |
Tm_T | not sure what you mean | 02:46 |
mrsno__ | lymeca at the moment there is "restricted drivers" menu option to manage loading the proprietary driver, i would assume using free ati radeon driver on a card that supports it = CF by default | 02:47 |
mrsno__ | the little testing i did, i installed nvidia drivers, restarted X and CF was running automatically, but not prior with the 'nv' driver of course | 02:47 |
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pimp31415_ | well turning off the triple buffer didnt help on the black windows | 02:53 |
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samsara | having seen the screenshots of DisplayConfigGTK, I wonder if it's already working - where would I get a current version for testing? | 02:54 |
samsara | ubuntu doesn't maintain a testing repository like Debian, does it? | 02:56 |
pimp31415_ | OMFGEEZ | 02:56 |
pimp31415_ | ring!!! thats it! XD | 02:56 |
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ponicg | What is dyntics? A kernel module, or is it another part of the OS? What benefit will it provide a laptop? | 02:56 |
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DanaG | Wow, this old laptop literally bakes the cardbus cards -- they're right next to the CPU heatsink. | 02:58 |
DanaG | They end up burning-hot to the touch. | 02:58 |
pimp31415_ | ok where do i go to do compiz fusion DanaG ? and do i need to take out beryl first? | 03:00 |
DanaG | Nope, you can leave Beryl. | 03:00 |
DanaG | For compiz-fusion, there are two choices: official Gutsy version, and unofficial 3v1n0 version. | 03:01 |
DanaG | If you use the latter repo, it's a good idea to go to Synaptic and lock the versions of beryl, emerald, and related packages. | 03:01 |
pimp31415_ | mm ok i'll try repo first and go from there. | 03:02 |
DanaG | The later Beryl is broken. | 03:03 |
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BFrank | hey | 03:04 |
BFrank | why does firefox say this... | 03:04 |
BFrank | ***MEMORY-WARNING***: firefox-bin[31556] : GSlice: g_thread_init() must be called before all other GLib functions; memory corruption due to late invocation of g_thread_init() has been detected; this program is likely to crash, leak or unexpectedly abort soon... | 03:04 |
DanaG | Everything says it. It's a new warning to force developers to fix their apps. | 03:05 |
BFrank | firefox is unstable for me | 03:06 |
BFrank | at least on Gutsy | 03:06 |
BFrank | on FreeBSD, Firefox is far more stable | 03:06 |
BFrank | damnit | 03:06 |
BFrank | just trying to download a file from a site, causes it to crash | 03:07 |
crimsun | it's pretty nasty here, too. | 03:09 |
BFrank | crap | 03:10 |
BFrank | firefox just dumped a backtrace in the terminal | 03:10 |
BFrank | why in the hell are so many apps running unstable on gutsy | 03:11 |
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crimsun | ...because it's gutsy. | 03:12 |
crimsun | if you want a stable release, use a different release/distro. | 03:12 |
crimsun | gutsy is not for the faint of heart. | 03:12 |
BFrank | I mean, what happened under the hood? | 03:12 |
BFrank | it is still linux right? | 03:12 |
BFrank | stuff shouldn't just be crashing | 03:12 |
crimsun | a lot of things. New, relatively untested kernel, newer X.Org server/drivers, adjustments to various source packages, etc. | 03:13 |
BFrank | hmm | 03:13 |
crimsun | seriously, it's a _development_ branch. You had better well know it's going to explode in your face at some time or another. | 03:13 |
BFrank | well, I figured it would | 03:14 |
BFrank | but I didn't expect solid apps to just break unexpectedly | 03:14 |
BFrank | firefox works great on feisty | 03:14 |
BFrank | it is odd that it is backtracing on gutsy | 03:14 |
BFrank | either way | 03:14 |
BFrank | I guess I gotta revert back | 03:14 |
crimsun | it's a completely different compilation | 03:15 |
crimsun | how could you possibly expect things to work identically? | 03:15 |
BFrank | hmm, I dunno, I guess I wasn't expect things to change so drastically that stuff broke | 03:15 |
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DanaG | You can manually downgrade Firefox. Just download the deb from a mirror, and sudo dpkg -i it. | 03:18 |
DanaG | You may also need to feed it the -gnome-support deb. | 03:18 |
BFrank | oh | 03:18 |
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ptn107 | register mercury1 | 03:22 |
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intelikey | i have a dapper that wont boot sense the last security linux-image update. depmod is borked. thus the initrd.img is unusable and seeing that it was just an update it overwrote the working initrd.img thoughts ? | 03:27 |
tretle | can anyone help me do a full upgrade, im afraid things went t+ts up and i ended up doing a partial upgrade | 03:28 |
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mrsno__ | intelikey this is for gutsy talk really, please check in #ubuntu | 03:28 |
intelikey | mrsno__ checked there for over an hour | 03:28 |
mrsno__ | intelikey i will answer in there :-) | 03:28 |
intelikey | ok; | 03:29 |
tretle | cough cough :D | 03:29 |
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Jordan_U | tretle, A "partial upgrade" is just a dist-upgrade, it is normal with development releases, if ubuntu-desktop got removed then re-install it | 03:32 |
tretle | eh | 03:33 |
tretle | theres sorta a problem there | 03:33 |
tretle | i cant install from live cd because i cant get at the partition because of the bug with gparted | 03:34 |
tretle | so i need to do an upgrade | 03:34 |
tretle | i had gutsy running on my laptop before the cable broke and alot of the crashes im having in certain applications, like gimmie for example didnt happen on that machine | 03:35 |
tretle | I think it was when it was updating the sources that the upgrade crashed | 03:36 |
tretle | on source 34 or something like that | 03:37 |
tretle | can i check somewhere if i have all the sources for gutsy? | 03:37 |
mrsno__ | sure tretle | 03:38 |
tretle | where? :D | 03:39 |
mrsno__ | !pastebin | 03:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:40 |
tretle | right how do i get to the sources list from terminal again :P :D | 03:41 |
voidmage | cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:41 |
stdin | hmm, I miss the old sudo | 03:42 |
mrsno__ | you can also generate a sources.list on source o matic | 03:42 |
voidmage | old sudo? | 03:42 |
DanaG | Password: | 03:42 |
voidmage | what's the "new" sudo? | 03:42 |
DanaG | [sudo] Password for dana: | 03:42 |
voidmage | hm. | 03:42 |
DanaG | The brackets look so out of place. | 03:42 |
stdin | where is a user was in both the admin and sudo group the you didn't need to put a password in | 03:43 |
DanaG | should be | 03:43 |
DanaG | sudo -- enter password for dana: | 03:43 |
DanaG | (long dash looks better to me.) | 03:43 |
tretle | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28744/ | 03:43 |
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tretle | i agree about the sudo by the way :D | 03:43 |
mrsno__ | looks fine tretle , apart from maybe the 3rd party repositories for avant | 03:44 |
mrsno__ | they have feisty in the line | 03:44 |
tretle | lol | 03:44 |
mrsno__ | ah a fellow irish person? :p | 03:45 |
tretle | u sure, whats the difference between a partial upgrade and a full one so? | 03:45 |
tretle | Irelend rules :D | 03:45 |
tretle | Ireland | 03:45 |
tretle | lol, you know what time it is | 03:45 |
mrsno__ | it sounds like maybe you partially upgraded? im not sure you tell me :) | 03:46 |
mrsno__ | aye gettin late/early | 03:46 |
tretle | lol | 03:47 |
tretle | damn, is there any way to do a full upgrade from withing the desktop environment without going through the live cd | 03:48 |
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stdin | live-cd is not for upgrades | 03:49 |
tretle | i know | 03:49 |
tretle | u know what i meant :D | 03:49 |
tretle | as in is there any way i can perform a full upgrade now, becasue i cant install from the cd | 03:50 |
stdin | from feisty? | 03:50 |
mrsno__ | you can dist-upgrade or use update-manager to completely upgrade to gutsy | 03:50 |
stdin | sudo sed -i 's/feisty/gutsy/' /etc/apt/sources.list ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <- is one way | 03:51 |
tretle | nice | 03:51 |
stdin | be ready to resolve some dependencies tho | 03:52 |
stdin | ie: apt-get install Some-Held-Back-Package | 03:52 |
tretle | yeah got a strange reply when i did that | 03:53 |
tretle | pastebin here i come | 03:54 |
tretle | :D | 03:54 |
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tretle | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28746/ | 03:55 |
tretle | the libcurl makes some sense seeing as its one of gimmie's dependancies | 03:55 |
tretle | so how do i fix this do u know? | 03:57 |
stdin | tretle: yeah, I think that package is broke, same error here | 03:58 |
tretle | any way of fixing it? | 03:58 |
tretle | lol | 04:00 |
tretle | right just saw the topic | 04:00 |
tretle | my apologies | 04:00 |
tretle | was the libcurl issues inclueded on the disc or did they come with an update? | 04:01 |
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crimsun | the libcurl issues are post-Tribe 2. | 04:04 |
tretle | so that would explain why gimmie worked on my laptop | 04:05 |
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DanaG | I wish Ubuntu had a new-hardware-inserted sound effect. | 04:06 |
tretle | why? lol | 04:06 |
tretle | I wish ubuntu had conduit | 04:06 |
tretle | hmmmmmmmmmmmm......... conduuuuiiiiit | 04:06 |
tretle | lol | 04:06 |
DanaG | Hmm, ubufox.... | 04:08 |
DanaG | That's new. | 04:08 |
tretle | well, sound has stoped working, better restart and see if that does anything.... Thanks for all the help guys... see you on the flip side :D | 04:10 |
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mrsno__ | nn | 04:19 |
=== Tired_1 [n=sjj@64-142-27-19.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Tired_1 | Does compiz/beryl work in Kubuntu Gutsy? Which packages are needed? | 04:22 |
Tired_1 | BTW, libgl1-mesa-dri wasn't installed by default on my box w/Radeon 9250 | 04:24 |
stdin | Tired_1: I think you just need: beryl-kubuntu, beryl-manager and emerald-themes | 04:24 |
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Tired_1 | Interesting message: ***MEMORY-WARNING***: beryl-manager[9787] : GSlice: g_thread_init() must be called before all other GLib functions; memory corruption due to late invocation of g_thread_init() has been detected; this program is likely to crash, leak or unexpectedly abort soon. | 04:30 |
Tired_1 | whee! | 04:30 |
DanaG | Odd: the old laptop is giving me apport popups, but my modern one is not. | 04:31 |
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ponicg | What is dyntics? A kernel module, or is it another part of the OS? What benefit will it provide a laptop? | 04:42 |
DanaG | The kernel only runs interrupts when something requests them, so the CPU can spend more time in idle states. | 04:42 |
ponicg | hmm | 04:42 |
ponicg | I heard it makes laptops run cooler, true? | 04:42 |
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DanaG | I'm not sure -- I don't usually leave my laptop idle on AC. | 04:43 |
DanaG | But I'd imagine it would/ | 04:44 |
DanaG | . | 04:44 |
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crimsun | yes, it certainly does. | 04:44 |
stone-unix | when i boot into 7.10, it keeps scrolling warning message: device-mapper, device lookup failed. anybody can help? | 04:44 |
stone-unix | hi there | 04:46 |
DanaG | Same here for me -- but says "dm-linear". | 04:46 |
stone-unix | DanaG: yes, dm-linear also appears | 04:46 |
stone-unix | same issue i believe | 04:46 |
stone-unix | no core member here in channel? | 04:47 |
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crimsun | there are at least a couple. Why? | 04:49 |
DanaG | Oh, and for some reason only one of my two systems offers to file bug reports. | 04:50 |
stone-unix | so i have to just wait and see? | 04:51 |
stone-unix | torturing | 04:51 |
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crimsun | "wait and see"? | 04:51 |
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crimsun | have you checked Launchpad for bug reports on dmsetup and ... | 04:52 |
crimsun | or you could just /part | 04:52 |
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DanaG | Oh, I'm just gonna remove evms. | 05:02 |
DanaG | I don't need it, I believe. | 05:02 |
DanaG | I use plain partitions. | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | correct | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | it hasnt been mandatory for ages | 05:02 |
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GuyFromHell | I'm having issues loading into the gutsy live-cd. could I just sed repositories list and update from feisty? | 05:08 |
stdin | GuyFromHell: that's what I did | 05:09 |
GuyFromHell | stdin, awesome i'm gonna dl the feisty cd now and try that (assuming i crash again in my compy's current state... i'm fed up with it...) | 05:09 |
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gnomefreak | GuyFromHell: i would uninstall any non ubuntu packages you installed and make sure you have your -desktop package installed before you change repos | 05:10 |
gnomefreak | oh and comment out any non ubuntu repos | 05:10 |
GuyFromHell | gnomefreak, i'd be going from a fresh install | 05:10 |
gnomefreak | ah ok | 05:10 |
GuyFromHell | unless ubuntu can upgrade my gentoo :P | 05:11 |
GuyFromHell | (i would also be very scared at that point) | 05:11 |
gnomefreak | its possible with alot of hacking but will never be supported ;) | 05:11 |
GuyFromHell | oh joy, hacking ;) | 05:12 |
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Hobbsee | GuyFromHell: grab a tribe 2 cd and do it that way :) | 05:12 |
GuyFromHell | Hobbsee, the tribe2 cd won't load | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | you'll probably need to run "sudo ubiquity" instead of running the installer from the icon | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | GuyFromHell: where does it die? | 05:13 |
GuyFromHell | i get a major kernel panic or something. completely unresponsive to anything short of a sysrq | 05:13 |
GuyFromHell | just before KDM | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | ouch | 05:13 |
GuyFromHell | the good ole' three finger salute doesn't even work at that point | 05:14 |
GuyFromHell | it's weird though. at one point i heard the KDM startup sound | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | i wonder if a tribe 1 cd does that | 05:15 |
Hobbsee | someone else mentioned that, though. | 05:15 |
Hobbsee | they're going to debug it next week at the distro sprint, if he doesnt get it solved | 05:15 |
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GuyFromHell | Hobbsee, huh, looks like i could look forward to a working installer cd for a change | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | GuyFromHell: heh, yeah. | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | GuyFromHell: it's only the second milestone, too | 05:18 |
GuyFromHell | y | 05:20 |
GuyFromHell | ... that was supposed to be put into my terminal... | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | heh | 05:23 |
pimp31415_ | mm ok i have no idea what's causing it | 05:25 |
=== Hobbsee decides to finally play with apt | ||
pimp31415_ | but in gnome where you can right click and do open with - it wont actually open whatever file with whatever application - though it will open with the default either by double click or right click and select | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | if i break it for anyone, i'd prefer to knwo about it *before* the tribe 3 comes up. | 05:26 |
pimp31415_ | and the gnome panels do not let me put a menu onto them | 05:26 |
pimp31415_ | lol Hobbsee | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | else i'll have to yell at myself :P | 05:26 |
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Hobbsee | hmmm. if i run a bzr update, i wonder if it will hose my uncommitted changes, or let me merge them... | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | oh good, it was up to date | 05:32 |
shirish | anybody got a solution for http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28752/ what should I do? | 05:32 |
=== Hobbsee wonders how long apt takes to build, then. | ||
stdin | probably a while | 05:33 |
stdin | shirish: you can't do much, just don't update it | 05:34 |
shirish | stdin: ok cool :) | 05:34 |
Hobbsee | erk. build deps | 05:36 |
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stdin | it's kinda ironic, you need apt to get apts build-deps :p | 05:37 |
Hobbsee | yeah, which makes it kinda bad if you can make it segfault :P | 05:38 |
=== Hobbsee dindt make it segfault, last time. | ||
Hobbsee | stdin: i've always wondered though - is there any way out, apart from a reinstall, if dpkg breaks? | 05:39 |
Hobbsee | i guess you could wget the fixed versions of the broken files, move htem to the correct locatoin, and do it that way... | 05:39 |
pimp31415_ | heh sure Hobbsee | 05:40 |
pimp31415_ | boot to live cd | 05:40 |
Hobbsee | well, no, because you couldnt even use a live cd for it | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | open a couple packages with archive manager and do the hard way | 05:41 |
stdin | well debs are "current archives" IIRC, so "ar x package.deb" will unpack it, then untar the data.tar.gz should "install" it | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | [after mounting the dir] | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | XD | 05:41 |
Hobbsee | because if you chroot in, then you end up using the chrooted app | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | BAM | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | ive broken that before | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | try removing perl man | 05:41 |
Hobbsee | so yeah, you would have to literally actually move all the files | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | friggan horrifying | 05:41 |
Hobbsee | heh | 05:41 |
pimp31415_ | isnt there a cp command that ignores dir;s? | 05:42 |
pimp31415_ | yeah force write over em so to speak should work fine XD | 05:42 |
Hobbsee | cp ignores dirs by default | 05:42 |
pimp31415_ | ya so extract and define where it should consider root or some such nonsense | 05:43 |
pimp31415_ | but extract the thing first~! | 05:43 |
pimp31415_ | mm actually yeah file roller from live cd on mounted /target should do it just fine | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | well, if you tried /usr/bin/dpkg first. everything else is probably OK | 05:43 |
pimp31415_ | meh | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | depending where it's broken | 05:43 |
=== pimp31415_ goes back to messing up someone elses wallpaper | ||
Hobbsee | of course - you should still be able to boot your system with no dpkg | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | well, a broken dpkg | 05:43 |
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pimp31415_ | but how do you fix it | 05:43 |
pimp31415_ | o | 05:43 |
Peptide | Hello... I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 and when I log in... the system takes a long time to try to connect to my network... is there anything I can do to speed up the process? | 05:44 |
pimp31415_ | ic mebbie your file-roller or tar already still works | 05:44 |
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=== Hobbsee grumbles, and rebuilds apt | ||
Hobbsee | i thought this was supposed to build! | 05:55 |
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DanaG | Woah, trying to compile "omnibook" kernel module for Gutsy: | 06:03 |
DanaG | I get an internal compiler error. | 06:03 |
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pimp31415_ | aaahhhh | 06:05 |
pimp31415_ | i LOVE gnome-art package <3 | 06:06 |
pimp31415_ | so DanaG i dont get it - on the compiz-thingie | 06:06 |
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pimp31415_ | i dont see it anywhere exactly so meh | 06:06 |
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pimp31415_ | ah ha | 06:09 |
pimp31415_ | ive noticed one thing though - when i can right click on title of a window and send to another workspace [not in beryl] i can add my menu to the panel [for instance internet menu by itself] and when i cant i cant | 06:10 |
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DanaG | Does anybody know of anything that can take advantage of an accelerated framebuffer? | 06:43 |
DanaG | How do you launch hildon-desktop? | 06:54 |
DanaG | It doesn't appear in GDM. | 06:54 |
DanaG | Odd: with gnome not present, I still see Failsafe Gnome.' | 06:54 |
Toma- | hildon you say? thats for a nokia 770/n800 | 06:55 |
DanaG | Right now all I get is a bunch of empty rectangles that pop out menus. | 06:57 |
Toma- | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/HildonDesktopManualProcedure | 06:58 |
DanaG | Just had to comment out DISPLAY=:0 | 07:01 |
DanaG | er, =:1 | 07:01 |
DanaG | which was wrong. | 07:01 |
DanaG | But there seem to be a helluvalot of missing .desktop files. | 07:01 |
DanaG | Oh, time to try with xephyr. | 07:03 |
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DanaG | Hmm, that windowmanager looks nice. | 07:12 |
tretle | anyone any idea when libcurl should be fixed? | 07:12 |
Hobbsee | soon | 07:16 |
Hobbsee | it should mostly be fixed now | 07:16 |
calc | tretle: i'm going to try to get OOo uploaded tomorrow | 07:16 |
calc | tretle: otherwise it will be sometime early next week (i hope) i'll be at the sprint though so i don't know for certain | 07:16 |
Hobbsee | calc: make bzr faster. | 07:16 |
calc | Hobbsee: i'm new at bzr, you can make it faster :) | 07:16 |
Hobbsee | heh | 07:17 |
Hobbsee | so am i | 07:17 |
calc | i'm an old cvs/svn guy | 07:17 |
tretle | :) | 07:20 |
tretle | what do u guys think of conduit | 07:20 |
tretle | whether it should be included in gutsy or gutsy +1 | 07:20 |
tretle | ? | 07:20 |
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DanaG | WTF? Pidgin just crashed. Oh, and apport isn't trying to report anything. | 07:24 |
Hobbsee | it hates you | 07:25 |
crimsun | excellent! Now that's what I call good bug email spam. | 07:25 |
DanaG | Yet on the other laptop, apport does pop up an icon. | 07:26 |
starz | ok i got compiz-fusion thing goin | 07:29 |
starz | but i still cant find most of the plugins | 07:29 |
starz | and hint: couldnt get it working with gtk decorations - had to unclick that box | 07:29 |
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starz | anyway DanaG i assume you mean the gnome-compiz-preferences thing right? | 07:31 |
starz | where do i find all ter pluginzorz? i have installed but like that one where it shows the whole desktop etc | 07:31 |
starz | er all the desktops - i meant | 07:31 |
DanaG | Oh, use ccsm. | 07:37 |
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DanaG | Arg, knetworkmanager swapped left and right mouse buttons. | 08:09 |
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TheFuzzball | Hi, I just installed Gutsy and when I had finished I installed kubuntu-desktop, after I did that, when I right-clicked on the Desktop and selected "Change Desktop Background" the appearance window shows up only for a second and Dies (no crash report) | 09:03 |
TheFuzzball | is this a problem with Gutsy? | 09:03 |
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Tomcat_ | Since you are using gutsy, I guess it is. :) | 09:08 |
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TheFuzzball | :), I think I had this same problem with a stable version of Edgy once | 09:10 |
TheFuzzball | I never figured it out :( | 09:10 |
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TheFuzzball | I though I'd give it another go | 09:11 |
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_4strO | yop | 09:46 |
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Vuen | man tremulous | 01:23 |
Vuen | ack | 01:24 |
Vuen | wrong window | 01:24 |
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vinny_ | the installer doesnt like my macbook. hangs when selecting a mountpoint. alternate iso works tho | 03:36 |
lamalex | run install as sudo ubiquity | 03:36 |
lamalex | that is a known bug | 03:36 |
T-Connect | Can I burn Ubuntu from Ubuntu burner? | 03:36 |
vinny_ | oh | 03:37 |
lamalex | hopefully fixed in tribe 3 | 03:37 |
vinny_ | awsome | 03:37 |
T-Connect | What burning program that I need to use to burn ISO onto CD/DVD? | 03:38 |
lamalex | from windows or ubuntu | 03:38 |
T-Connect | Ubuntu | 03:38 |
lamalex | just right click the iso and pick "write to disk" | 03:38 |
T-Connect | Oh ok | 03:38 |
vinny_ | oops | 03:38 |
lamalex | ? | 03:39 |
vinny_ | Failed to fetch http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dbus-glib/libdbus-glib-1-2_0.73-2build1_i386.deb Could not resolve 'nz.archive.ubuntu.com' | 03:39 |
vinny_ | Failed to fetch http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dbus-glib/libdbus-glib-1-2_0.73-2build1_i386.deb Could not resolve 'nz.archive.ubuntu.com' | 03:39 |
vinny_ | :( | 03:39 |
vinny_ | the auto update | 03:39 |
vinny_ | hasnt propogated to my local repo | 03:39 |
coNP | it is an error of your name server | 03:39 |
lamalex | can you ping nz.archive.ubuntu.com? | 03:40 |
vinny_ | oh | 03:40 |
vinny_ | doh! | 03:40 |
vinny_ | it is too | 03:40 |
=== vinny_ is an idiot | ||
coNP | yes I can | 03:40 |
coNP | lamalex: but it seems to be a name resolution issue | 03:40 |
lamalex | coNP: that's why I was asking /him/ if he could ping it | 03:40 |
coNP | okay I see :) | 03:41 |
vinny_ | cant ping it | 03:41 |
vinny_ | but nameserver works | 03:41 |
T-Connect | On the 19 Tribe CD 3 will be out? | 03:41 |
vinny_ | vinny@blackbook:~$ ping nz.archive.ubuntu.com | 03:41 |
vinny_ | PING ubuntu.citylink.co.nz ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 03:41 |
vinny_ | ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable | 03:41 |
vinny_ | ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable | 03:41 |
vinny_ | ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable | 03:41 |
lamalex | vinny_: that means you can't ping it | 03:42 |
lamalex | are you on your ubuntu box right now? | 03:42 |
lamalex | your gutsy box specifically | 03:42 |
vinny_ | yah :) wonder why nameserver resolves to an ip | 03:42 |
vinny_ | yes | 03:42 |
vinny_ | on bitchx | 03:42 |
lamalex | vinny_: nameserver always resolves to an ip | 03:42 |
lamalex | that's the point | 03:42 |
lamalex | can you get to any website on your gutsy box? | 03:42 |
vinny_ | id doesnt look like a nameserver issue | 03:42 |
vinny_ | if it resolves? | 03:42 |
vinny_ | yep | 03:43 |
vinny_ | everythings working perfectly | 03:43 |
coNP | vinny_: sure, but it might be in the cache | 03:43 |
vinny_ | oh | 03:43 |
lamalex | tracert to the repo | 03:43 |
lamalex | see if your ping gets lost | 03:43 |
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vinny_ | yes | 03:44 |
vinny_ | vinny@blackbook:~$ ping nz.archive.ubuntu.com | 03:45 |
vinny_ | PING ubuntu.citylink.co.nz ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 03:45 |
vinny_ | ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable | 03:45 |
vinny_ | ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable | 03:45 |
vinny_ | ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable | 03:45 |
vinny_ | 18 sent | 03:45 |
vinny_ | 3 received | 03:45 |
vinny_ | looks like the repos having issues | 03:45 |
vinny_ | lol | 03:45 |
lamalex | i can hit it fine | 03:45 |
lamalex | it's on your network between you and the repo somewhere | 03:45 |
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vinny_ | lol | 03:45 |
vinny_ | i dont have traceroute installed | 03:45 |
vinny_ | hahha | 03:45 |
lamalex | change to main repo and install it if you want | 03:46 |
vinny_ | bummer | 03:46 |
vinny_ | i cant install traceroute | 03:46 |
vinny_ | yeah | 03:46 |
vinny_ | i should | 03:46 |
vinny_ | ok ill do that | 03:46 |
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tretle | libcurl4-gnutls is showing up in update manager grey and un selectable, I know there is an issue with libcurl, is this a proposed update? is that why i cant install it or is this some other issue | 03:56 |
tretle | basically is this normal, can anyone install it? | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | no | 03:57 |
Hobbsee | well, at least, they shouldnt | 03:57 |
tretle | so normal | 03:57 |
tretle | im after checking again | 03:57 |
tretle | its not grey anymore, im able to view the changelog for the update just not install it | 03:58 |
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roe | apt-get -f install seems to fix the libcurl* issues fyi | 04:17 |
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mrsno__ | thats a new icon O_o 'unable to get data' | 04:21 |
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mrsno | it only appeared on the notification panel while update manager was running, grey'd out | 04:24 |
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Ditiris | Can anyone help with this error after alternate install? http://paste.uni.cc/16642 | 05:03 |
shirish | Ditris: I'm no whiz, but are you able to get to a console or it just kinda hangs in there? | 05:03 |
Ditiris | shirish: It just hangs, I cannot get to console. | 05:04 |
Ditiris | shirish: It doesn't make it through the boot process. | 05:04 |
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shirish | Ditiris: ah ok, CTRL+ALT+F1 doesn't do anything? | 05:05 |
Ditiris | shirish: That's what I see when I press Ctrl+Alt+F1. Otherwise I see the splash screen with the status bar. | 05:06 |
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axxo | might be hardware, ran memtest? | 05:06 |
Ditiris | Yep, no errors. | 05:07 |
mrsno | Ditiris that sounds similar to http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/misc/ubuntu_on_core2duo.html perhaps? | 05:07 |
mrsno | in that page they just rebooted to get past it | 05:07 |
Ditiris | mrsno: I saw that one on google too. Does sound similar, but I didn't have the same thing with BIOS incorrectly reporting RAM, and I'm not sure he ever got into X. | 05:09 |
Ditiris | mrsno: I need to get into X to be able to use my development tools ^_^ | 05:10 |
mrsno | reboot and keep trying it :) | 05:10 |
Ditiris | mrsno: lol I rebooted about thirty times last night | 05:10 |
shirish | Ditiris: apart from that, you could also try downloading the current (today's) .iso , there have been updates (esp. in xserver-xorg) video. | 05:10 |
Ditiris | I was all excited when I saw the "Trying to fix, but need to reboot" | 05:11 |
Ditiris | My excitement quickly waned. | 05:11 |
mrsno | yea it sounded like it could have helped | 05:11 |
Ditiris | shirish: I'll give it a go and see what happens. | 05:11 |
shirish | Ditiris: of course mine is always the last thing to try | 05:12 |
Ditiris | My theory is that it's using the wrong chipset driver or something. It identifies as 965G instead of P965, but, I have no idea if that means anything at all. | 05:12 |
Ditiris | shirish: wha wha? I'll try it as soon as I get home! | 05:12 |
shirish | lol, I meant downloading the cd image, wouldn't want to waste your bandwidth if mrsno's suggestion pays off | 05:13 |
mrsno | sounds like they have rebooted lots already Ditiris :) so trying a new iso is good too | 05:13 |
shirish | Ditiris: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/ | 05:14 |
Ditiris | shirish: Meh, I have lots of spare bandwidth. I'm at work. ^_^ | 05:14 |
shirish | for alternate CD, check to see the reports (there is a txt report with each day's build) and if it says its good, its good | 05:15 |
shirish | oops, me bad, its report.html not report.txt | 05:15 |
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mrsno | 965G instead of P965, <-- is onboard vga disabled? | 05:23 |
Ditiris | mrsno: Hmm... I don't have onboard VGA... at least I don't have a DB-15 on the back of my motherboard, so I'm pretty sure I don't have onboard VGA, but I'll check the BIOS when I get home just in case. | 05:24 |
shirish | does anybody remember when tribe 2 was released? | 05:26 |
shirish | cancel that | 05:26 |
shirish | ubotu gutsy | 05:26 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 05:26 |
coNP | !tribe2 |shirish | 05:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tribe2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:27 |
shirish | coNP: the release schedule has the dates , thanx though :) | 05:27 |
coNP | and ubotu seems to know nothing about tribe2 :) | 05:28 |
mrsno | tribe 2 was jun 28th? ish~ | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | mrsno: sounds about right | 05:29 |
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shirish | yup, tribe 2 was june 28th | 05:35 |
shirish | I was trying to find out when the kernel was introduced, apparently it was done on 25th June, so he has the latest kernel, the only thing I guess he could try from the new cd is the new chipset drivers which were upgraded in the last 3-4 days or something. | 05:37 |
shirish | ok guys see u l8ter, enjoying the latest iteration of the herbie franchisee on cable , see u l8ter folks :) | 05:38 |
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gdiebel | what script starts up the acpi suspend mode, processing scripts in /etc/acpi/suspend.d and all? | 05:40 |
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ubuntu_ | hi! | 05:43 |
ubuntu_ | i have network problem after yesterday updates... so how could i fix it? | 05:46 |
ubuntu_ | do you have any idea? | 05:47 |
=== Hobbsee suspects ubuntu_ should not be running gutsy... | ||
ubuntu_ | :) | 05:49 |
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ubuntu_ | my G965 works much better with 7.10 | 05:50 |
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ubuntu_ | do you know even which package could cause this? | 05:53 |
ubuntu_ | have you had same problem? | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | well, waving my magic wand...i'd say it's likely a PEBKAC error | 05:54 |
coNP | another network manager issue, maybe | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | which is entirely guesswork, as you've told us absolutely *nothing* about the issue, except for the fact that it has something to do with a network | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | which is why you got no decent answer. | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | (because of your inability to form a decent, answerable, question) | 05:55 |
coNP | does not work does not help :) | 05:55 |
ubuntu_ | :| | 05:56 |
axxo | its as helpful as 'fix it', so go fix it :) | 05:56 |
Hobbsee | heck, you havent even told us if it's wireless or wired. which is basic...surely... | 05:56 |
ubuntu_ | wired | 05:57 |
ubuntu_ | when i run ifconfig, there is no inet. addr. | 05:57 |
ubuntu_ | but there is eth0 | 05:57 |
coNP | ubuntu_: can you pastebin somewhere your /etc/network/interfaces | 06:01 |
ubuntu_ | ok | 06:01 |
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ubuntu_ | http://pastebin.com/943245 | 06:03 |
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coNP | what about some "sudo dhclient eth0" results? | 06:05 |
coNP | you might get an usable ubuntu box by installing the stable version, though | 06:06 |
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ubuntu_ | i try it when i boot hdd | 06:13 |
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ico2_ | hi, running up-to-date ubuntu gutsy, mobo is intel DG965WH, how do i control fan speeds (preferably automatically)? | 06:51 |
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ubuntu_ | automaticaly, you just dont hear that when it accerlates | 06:54 |
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tretle | is there a way you can use compiz themes in gutsy through the integrated desktop effects? and is there a way you can add/ enable/ disable compiz fusion plugins? | 06:58 |
ubuntu_ | why dont you use beryl? | 06:59 |
tretle | i do at the moment | 06:59 |
tretle | :) | 06:59 |
tretle | but compiz fusions the future | 07:00 |
tretle | so | 07:00 |
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tretle | plus i was just curious as to how or if gutsy allows compiz themes plugins and addition of new ones from the get go | 07:00 |
verb3k_ | tretle, I am in gutsy yet , but does it look very different from Feisty? | 07:00 |
verb3k_ | I am NOPT * | 07:01 |
verb3k_ | Not* | 07:01 |
tretle | im using it at the moment, it actually plays nice with my pc hardware, which is good because edgy and feisty sure as hell didnt | 07:01 |
tretle | even at this stage, its my favorite version | 07:02 |
verb3k_ | and it's not gold yet :D | 07:02 |
tretle | yep | 07:03 |
tretle | Im gratefull to all the amazing work everyone involved has done | 07:03 |
verb3k_ | Right , the ubuntu community is the best distro community out there | 07:04 |
tretle | would be nice if you could add compiz fusion themes from within the gtk theme chooser | 07:04 |
tretle | "Right , the ubuntu community is the best distro community out there " no doubt | 07:04 |
tretle | well for the user anyway | 07:05 |
verb3k_ | it's now our job to spread the word and let the people know about this amazing product | 07:05 |
verb3k_ | tretle, CF is not yet stable , you can expect this soon | 07:05 |
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tretle | hehehe, back when i was still at school i had someone come up to me and ask me if i could install ubuntu on their new laptop, I believe completely in spreading the word but i dont like bashing other os's at the same time | 07:06 |
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tretle | first question was are you a gamer | 07:06 |
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tretle | :D | 07:07 |
tretle | will you be using this as a gaming machine | 07:07 |
tretle | and he was so i dual booted it | 07:07 |
tretle | but needless to say he got a ps3 in the end and got rid of the windows partition | 07:07 |
tretle | its great when you see it happen in front of you :D | 07:08 |
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tretle | is there a 3d cube plugin included in compiz fusion gutsy tribe 2 version? | 07:09 |
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vinny | anyone have any idea why firefox extensions dont seem to install | 07:31 |
vinny | at all | 07:31 |
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vinny | im trying to install stylish for firefox and the add-ons install dialog just sits there with the progress bar at 0 | 07:32 |
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gnomefreak | vinny: i dont have a problem installing extentions maybe its just that one | 07:36 |
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verb_ | vinny, me too .. I can install plugins | 07:37 |
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alex_mayorga | hi, is anyone aware that the "release notes" for Gutsy still show the content for Feisty? | 07:48 |
gnomefreak | verb_: extensions is the problem not plugins | 07:48 |
gnomefreak | alex_mayorga: they will for a while | 07:48 |
alex_mayorga | gnomefreak, just confirming, thanks | 07:49 |
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verb_ | gnomefreak, Thanks for the correction and info | 07:52 |
gnomefreak | yw | 07:52 |
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Dannilionz | how do I share a ppp connection? Everytime I turn the network on it tries to route dns through there, instead of the ppp connection, meaning I can't use the internet and the network at the same time. | 07:55 |
coNP | Dannilion: you can setup your default route | 07:55 |
Dannilion | how? | 07:55 |
coNP | Dannilion: first list them with "route" and look if default route is ppp0 or ethN | 07:56 |
coNP | (if not I might give you the wrong answer) | 07:56 |
Dannilion | eth0/eth1 are disabled at the moment. Should I turn one on? | 07:57 |
Dannilion | (I think it's eth0 the cable's currently plugged into :p) | 07:57 |
coNP | maybe you should :) | 07:57 |
Dannilion | Kernel IP routeing table | 07:58 |
Dannilion | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface | 07:58 |
Dannilion | * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 | 07:58 |
Dannilion | default * U 0 0 0 ppp0 | 07:58 |
coNP | Dannilion, by the way, you are using Kubuntu, are you? | 07:58 |
Dannilion | yes | 07:58 |
vinny | im trying to install stylish for firefox and the add-ons install dialog just sits there with the progress bar at 0 | 07:59 |
vinny | also anyone know how to turn of the nautilus splash ? | 08:00 |
=== Adlai [i=adlaiff6@nat/google/x-ce479be41c7a4e87] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
coNP | vinny: install gnome-splashscreen-manager | 08:00 |
vinny | okies thanks | 08:00 |
vinny | :D | 08:00 |
Dannilion | okay, I think it may be working | 08:03 |
Dannilion | At least if the internet is still running | 08:03 |
=== Dannilion remembers not to use the GUI to set up networking | ||
=== vicox_ [n=vicox@p5498481C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
coNP | Dannilion: how did you make it work? | 08:04 |
=== vicox [n=vicox@p5498481C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
vinny | one more noob question, im just about to change the default background colour in presessiondefault from #dab082 because i dont like the brown bit, its safe to just put #000000 for black? | 08:05 |
Dannilion | set the IP address for eth0 using the command line, rather than the System Settings GUI | 08:05 |
Dannilion | I think it may be something the GUI is doing that is causing the problem | 08:05 |
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Dannilion | BTW: is anyone dual booting Vista and K/Ubuntu? | 08:06 |
vinny | yes | 08:06 |
coNP | vicox: I guess so | 08:06 |
vinny | im triplebooting osx leo gutsy and vista | 08:06 |
gnomefreak | Dannilion: network-manager is broken | 08:06 |
Dannilion | how easy is it to do? | 08:06 |
Dannilion | ahhh | 08:06 |
gnomefreak | Dannilion: for some-most not everyone | 08:06 |
Dannilion | ok | 08:06 |
vinny | on a macbook its fairly straight forard | 08:06 |
gnomefreak | Dannilion: it will be looked at more in depth around the week of the 16 | 08:07 |
vinny | trick is instal vista first | 08:07 |
vinny | so you dont have to fix grub | 08:07 |
Dannilion | Ahh... this is a new laptop with Vista Home Premium pre-installed | 08:07 |
=== coNP says s/Vista/Ubuntu/ | ||
Dannilion | I was going to dual-boot it for a bit | 08:07 |
vinny | ew | 08:07 |
lamalex | the real trick is to Dban every bit of vista off of it | 08:07 |
vinny | i dont think you can even run that in a vm | 08:08 |
lamalex | Dannilion: laptop specs? | 08:08 |
Dannilion | erm, will grab sticker :p | 08:08 |
=== sn- [n=mrsno@cpc3-blfs6-0-0-cust294.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
vinny | if you have an efi based machine | 08:09 |
Dannilion | Intel Core 2 Duo T5500, 1GB DDR2 ram, Intel Graphics 950, 80GB harddrive | 08:09 |
vinny | there is an excellent boot manager | 08:09 |
Dannilion | Acer | 08:09 |
vinny | called rEFIt | 08:09 |
lamalex | I have a brand new dell, core2duo 2.0ghz (per core), 2gb DDR2, and it's a little bit laggy sitty next to me that I set up for a client | 08:09 |
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=== Dannilion realises she's gonna have to install gutsy on laptop | ||
Dannilion | I have no Feisty discs :p | 08:10 |
lamalex | download one? | 08:10 |
vinny | i had no issues installing on my macbook | 08:10 |
vinny | has very similar hardware | 08:10 |
Dannilion | Using mobile phone for internet at the moment (hence the ppp problem) | 08:10 |
lamalex | ah | 08:10 |
vinny | only issue was the installer hang issue | 08:10 |
Dannilion | It's only 460kbps, so will take hours | 08:10 |
lamalex | well do you need to install it /now/? | 08:11 |
Dannilion | I have the alternate install disc- I find it faster | 08:11 |
vinny | yeah | 08:11 |
Dannilion | Not right this minute, but by Wednesday yes | 08:11 |
vinny | i used alternate in the end too | 08:11 |
lamalex | alternate is better by far | 08:11 |
vinny | yah | 08:11 |
vinny | agrees | 08:11 |
Dannilion | My daughter wants to play supertux on it, and I see her by myself on Wednesday (she's in foster care) | 08:11 |
=== Dannilion gets back to setting up Vista | ||
=== lamalex starts puking ;) | ||
vinny | hey what was that app to install to let me disable the nautilus splash screen? | 08:14 |
vinny | im using bitchx so i cant scroll back for some reason | 08:14 |
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tretle | "(19:10:55) Dannilion: It's only 460kbps, so will take hours" download the torrent, that way you can download in your own timw | 08:28 |
tretle | timw = time | 08:28 |
Dannilion | I'll just install gutsy :) | 08:29 |
Dannilion | I won't update it at exactly the same time as the desktop pc, so if anything breaks I'll be ok | 08:30 |
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tretle | "(19:14:29) vinny: hey what was that app to install to let me disable the nautilus splash screen?" - I refer you to - "(19:00:46) coNP: vinny: install gnome-splashscreen-manager" | 08:30 |
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T-Connect | Why install it when you can just run it? | 08:42 |
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kubuntu_ | now i have it | 09:28 |
kubuntu_ | http://pastebin.com/943363 | 09:28 |
kubuntu_ | i dont understand a shit :P | 09:28 |
axxo | worst pastebin site ever | 09:28 |
kubuntu_ | :/ maybe | 09:29 |
kubuntu_ | ok | 09:29 |
kubuntu_ | i put it elsewhere | 09:29 |
kubuntu_ | http://pastebin.ca/606288 | 09:31 |
pwnguin | so what exactly's the problem with that? | 09:32 |
kubuntu_ | :/ i dont know :D | 09:33 |
kubuntu_ | but | 09:33 |
pwnguin | it sent a DHCP request to lease an IP | 09:33 |
pwnguin | and got a lease for | 09:33 |
kubuntu_ | it's ok? | 09:34 |
pwnguin | it looks okay, but its possible you got a lease from a server you didnt want | 09:34 |
pwnguin | does it work okay? | 09:34 |
kubuntu_ | no | 09:34 |
kubuntu_ | that thing on tray says i dont have connection | 09:35 |
pwnguin | if you run "ifconfig" at the terminal | 09:35 |
pwnguin | does it say eth0 is UP RUNNING and a few other things? | 09:36 |
kubuntu_ | there is eth0 but there is no inet. addr. | 09:36 |
kubuntu_ | or any other ip4 adress | 09:37 |
pwnguin | oh, i guess you're using kde | 09:37 |
kubuntu_ | yes | 09:37 |
kubuntu_ | :D | 09:37 |
pwnguin | i havent used network manager on that | 09:37 |
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kubuntu_ | i have had same problem some time ago, somehow i could install updates and it worked again | 09:39 |
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pwnguin | you might want to look at the launchpad bug reports for network-manager | 09:39 |
=== vicox [n=vicox@p5498481C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kubuntu_ | is there allready updated version of network-manager? | 09:47 |
=== vinneh [n=vinny@203-109-245-124.static.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pwnguin | well, gutsy is in development, so you should be updating regularly | 09:48 |
kubuntu_ | i update every day | 09:49 |
vinneh | lol | 09:49 |
vinneh | ive updated twice in 6 hors | 09:49 |
kubuntu_ | :P | 09:49 |
vinneh | i hope this doesnt break anything :D | 09:50 |
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vinneh | i love it when updates are broken | 09:50 |
kubuntu_ | i forced updates :) | 09:51 |
vinneh | i just leave it on auto | 09:51 |
kubuntu_ | but it was only akregator, so i removed it, then update and then install akregator | 09:51 |
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vinneh | its nice to be reminded there are people busily hacking away at it | 09:52 |
vinneh | compiz just got updated | 09:52 |
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=== lamalex wish compiz worked | ||
vinneh | its working for me | 09:52 |
lamalex | compiz straight up resfuses to run for me | 09:52 |
vinneh | lol | 09:52 |
lamalex | works for everyone else | 09:53 |
vinneh | probly wont work on this update | 09:53 |
=== vicox [n=vicox@p5498481C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
vinneh | oh | 09:53 |
vinneh | what hardware | 09:53 |
lamalex | ati x200m :\ | 09:53 |
lamalex | Xgl is running | 09:53 |
vinneh | oh | 09:53 |
lamalex | beryl runs | 09:53 |
vinneh | can you go the aiglx route with that card | 09:53 |
lamalex | nope | 09:53 |
lamalex | not yet | 09:53 |
vinneh | mmm | 09:53 |
lamalex | it's being developed | 09:53 |
lamalex | they're close | 09:53 |
lamalex | the compiz-fusion git works, just not the ubuntu packages | 09:54 |
vinneh | sad man | 09:54 |
vinneh | thats sad | 09:54 |
=== wfarr_ is now known as wfarr | ||
vinneh | so does it just crash as soon as you run it | 09:54 |
lamalex | yah | 09:54 |
vinneh | no renderer | 09:54 |
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lamalex | "cannot enable desktop effects" | 09:54 |
lamalex | it's just weird it's not picking up xgl | 09:55 |
lamalex | specially when beryl works fine | 09:55 |
vinneh | did you add the repos | 09:55 |
vinneh | and install from them | 09:55 |
vinneh | im not using the ubuntu compiz included with gusty | 09:55 |
vinneh | that didnt work for me | 09:55 |
lamalex | yah those work | 09:55 |
lamalex | but I'm test ubuntu | 09:55 |
vinneh | heheh | 09:56 |
lamalex | not external repos | 09:56 |
vinneh | :D | 09:56 |
lamalex | like I said, the git works | 09:56 |
=== vinneh is bad | ||
lamalex | i can download and compile and it runs | 09:56 |
vinneh | well | 09:56 |
lamalex | but I care about getting gutsy as good as in can get | 09:56 |
vinneh | there you go, i can tell you that aiglx on a gma950 doesnt "enable" either | 09:56 |
lamalex | so I'm just testing packages in the repos since that's all ubuntu is responsible for | 09:56 |
lamalex | that's good to know actually | 09:56 |
vinneh | good now i dont feel so guilty about using external versions | 09:57 |
vinneh | :D | 09:57 |
vinneh | heh | 09:57 |
vinneh | anyone seen those new reiserFS shirts | 09:57 |
lamalex | haha yah | 09:57 |
vinneh | :D | 09:58 |
vinneh | i want one | 09:58 |
lamalex | there's too much evidence that he did it | 09:58 |
vinneh | yeah i know | 09:58 |
vinneh | he did do it | 09:58 |
lamalex | i'd feel guilty donating to his defense | 09:58 |
vinneh | but hey | 09:59 |
vinneh | at least he contributed more to society than oj simpson fo example | 09:59 |
lamalex | i don't know about that | 09:59 |
lamalex | OJ was in the naked gun! | 09:59 |
lamalex | that movie is epic | 09:59 |
vinneh | lol | 09:59 |
vinneh | touche | 09:59 |
vinneh | :P | 10:00 |
vinneh | hahah | 10:00 |
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kubuntu_ | now i try to install newest nm... bye! | 10:01 |
vinneh | had any luck with firefox extensions? | 10:01 |
vinneh | kk | 10:01 |
=== vinneh [n=vinny@203-109-245-124.static.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
vicox | what is ubufox exactly? | 10:07 |
=== Kakeman [n=janne@host-91-145-79-25.kpylaajakaista.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Kakeman | yeah! | 10:10 |
Kakeman | i got it working | 10:10 |
Kakeman | installed newest nm, update-grub and kind a reconnected it | 10:11 |
Kakeman | thanks dudes! | 10:11 |
DanaG | Don't mark text translatable. This program is not installed, and is not used by end users. Fixes #453721 | 10:12 |
DanaG | What bug is that? It's not debian or ubuntu! | 10:12 |
DanaG | Oh, it's a Gnome bug. | 10:13 |
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petervk | can someone tell me if the gusty bcm43xx driver supports wireless G (54mbs) ? | 10:14 |
lamalex | it does | 10:15 |
petervk | I'm using feisty and it's only wireless B (11) | 10:15 |
petervk | lamalex: sweet | 10:15 |
lamalex | .. mine is G in feisty | 10:15 |
petervk | lamalex: do you know which card you have? | 10:15 |
lamalex | BCM4311 | 10:15 |
lamalex | are you sure your card supports G? | 10:16 |
petervk | lamalex: mine is a BCM4306 stolen from a wireless G router | 10:16 |
lamalex | haha | 10:16 |
petervk | lamalex: I'm pretty sure it supports G | 10:16 |
petervk | lamalex: as the router did | 10:16 |
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petervk | lamalex: I guess I should try the daily live-cd and check. | 10:17 |
petervk | lamalex: thanks for your help | 10:17 |
lamalex | np | 10:17 |
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DanaG | woah, funny sound. | 10:20 |
DanaG | The old gpm-suspend-failure. | 10:20 |
DanaG | hah: http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/gpm-suspend-failure.wav | 10:22 |
lamalex | hahaha yah | 10:24 |
Pici | My dog didnt like that noise ;) | 10:24 |
lamalex | i hate that sound | 10:24 |
DanaG | fixed: Use a more professional warning sound. Fixes #406144 | 10:27 |
vinneh | anyone use stylish in firefox? | 10:27 |
DanaG | Note: that's on Gnome's bugtracker. | 10:27 |
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vinneh | i think that sounds very professional | 10:31 |
vinneh | lol | 10:31 |
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Dannilion | I'm on my new laptop :) | 10:31 |
vinneh | excellent | 10:31 |
Dannilion | Not tried wireless yet. What do I need to install for WPA again? | 10:32 |
vinneh | oh | 10:32 |
vinneh | i need this info too | 10:32 |
vinneh | hehe | 10:32 |
vinneh | i couldnt even connect to 64bit wep | 10:32 |
Dannilion | eek | 10:32 |
vinneh | i had to unhide my ssid | 10:32 |
=== Dannilion goes and checks on the forum | ||
h3sp4wn | Should just support normal wext stuff | 10:33 |
Dannilion | my ssid is unhidden | 10:33 |
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h3sp4wn | (via the compatibility layer) | 10:33 |
Dannilion | but not tried connecting to it yet | 10:33 |
vinneh | in fact | 10:33 |
vinneh | if i remember correctly, i completely unlocked my access point and useed whitelisting | 10:33 |
vinneh | becuse i jsut couldnt get it working | 10:33 |
vinneh | however i was drinking beer | 10:34 |
vinneh | so i mihgt have more success if if i attempt it again | 10:34 |
vinneh | :) | 10:34 |
=== wfarr__ [n=wfarr@adsl-215-155-23.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Dannilion | I think it will take me a while to get used to widescreen :p | 10:34 |
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vinneh | what chip is it? | 10:35 |
vinneh | grafix | 10:35 |
Dannilion | wireless? | 10:35 |
Dannilion | oh, Intel | 10:35 |
vinneh | is it displaying 1280x800 | 10:35 |
Dannilion | (wireless I don't actually know at the moment) | 10:35 |
vinneh | or is it bigger than that | 10:35 |
Dannilion | I will check | 10:35 |
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vinneh | how big is your widescreen | 10:37 |
vinneh | mines a little one. 13inch | 10:37 |
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vinneh | still had to dpkg-reconfigure to make it aware of it tho | 10:38 |
Dannilion | it says it's displaying 1024x768, but that can't be right | 10:38 |
Dannilion | my widescreen is 15.4inch | 10:38 |
vinneh | ok | 10:38 |
vinneh | run this | 10:39 |
eagles0513875 | how do i install vmware server | 10:39 |
vinneh | sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 10:39 |
Dannilion | (actually, things do look a bit stretched, but it won't let me change the size) | 10:39 |
vinneh | from a terminal | 10:39 |
vinneh | and then | 10:39 |
vinneh | select the right res | 10:39 |
Dannilion | okay | 10:39 |
vinneh | eagle | 10:40 |
vinneh | theres a good guide for that | 10:40 |
vinneh | on digg.com | 10:40 |
vinneh | jsut have a look under limux | 10:40 |
h3sp4wn | Dannilion: does xrandr list it as a valid mode ? | 10:40 |
vinneh | i think its called, 10 steps to windows apps on linux | 10:40 |
=== DanaG has 17" 1440x900. | ||
=== pwnguin has a 14" 1440x900 ;) | ||
vinneh | 13inch 1280x800 :( | 10:41 |
Dannilion | Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768 | 10:41 |
=== Dannilion goes and gets the manual to find out what it should be | ||
vinneh | your running gutsy so you should have drivers | 10:42 |
vinneh | it wont hurt to go lower | 10:42 |
vinneh | pick 1440x900 | 10:42 |
DanaG | Mine is 99.89 DPI. I don't get how anybody can stand those 86 DPI panels on desktops/ | 10:42 |
DanaG | . | 10:42 |
pwnguin | 86 dpi? | 10:43 |
DanaG | 1280x1024 at 19". | 10:43 |
h3sp4wn | Its 96 the usual one to use | 10:43 |
DanaG | Or 1440x900 at 19". | 10:43 |
pwnguin | hmm | 10:43 |
DanaG | Whereas on laptops, you can get 1920x1200 even on 15". | 10:43 |
Dannilion | it's meant to be 1280x800 | 10:43 |
=== linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
vinneh | okies | 10:43 |
vinneh | well select that | 10:44 |
vinneh | in | 10:44 |
DanaG | Gaah, the new suspend-failure sound is painful -- by design. | 10:44 |
vinneh | sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 10:44 |
pwnguin | what i dont like is that the edid seems to be wrong on my laptop | 10:44 |
h3sp4wn | my monitor's edid is messed up also | 10:44 |
vinneh | pardon my ignorance, edid? | 10:44 |
Dannilion | it won't let me select anything with that command | 10:45 |
pwnguin | its a string the monitor will return that is supposed to describe its capabilities | 10:45 |
pwnguin | ie resolution, preferred resolution, size | 10:45 |
pwnguin | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDID | 10:45 |
vinneh | really? | 10:46 |
vinneh | it should give you a menu | 10:46 |
Dannilion | really | 10:46 |
vinneh | where you can select a video mode | 10:46 |
Dannilion | I will let the updates finish before I try anything again | 10:46 |
vinneh | you certainly shouldnt have to do the 915resolution hack | 10:46 |
DanaG | I kinda like the DEEdooDEEdooDEEdoo sound. | 10:47 |
vinneh | ME TOO | 10:47 |
vinneh | its "professional" | 10:47 |
Dannilion | danni@Spock:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 10:47 |
Dannilion | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 10:47 |
Dannilion | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070706224811 | 10:47 |
Dannilion | danni@Spock:~$ | 10:47 |
Dannilion | that's all that comes up# | 10:48 |
vinneh | hmm | 10:48 |
pwnguin | i think you need to adjust your dpkg configuration to allow lower priority questions | 10:48 |
pwnguin | one of the early goals of ubuntu i recall was making dpkg have sane defaults | 10:49 |
vinneh | im googling in case i missed a step? | 10:49 |
vinneh | lol | 10:49 |
DanaG | Now it's more of a BEEEBEEEBEEBEEBEEEP. | 10:51 |
pwnguin | well, at least wikipedia explains why my edid is bad | 10:52 |
pwnguin | 1440x800 isnt a multiple of 8 | 10:52 |
pwnguin | err | 10:52 |
pwnguin | 1440x900 | 10:52 |
vinneh | well you might just ha | 10:52 |
vinneh | ve | 10:52 |
vinneh | to edit xorg.conf | 10:53 |
vinneh | strange that dpkg doesnt work for you tho | 10:53 |
vinneh | you on tribe 2? | 10:53 |
=== voidmage read that as tribes 2 | ||
voidmage | what a great game. | 10:55 |
vinneh | lol | 10:55 |
vinneh | YEs | 10:55 |
vinneh | it was | 10:55 |
pwnguin | kinda buggy | 10:55 |
Dannilion | I'm gonna leave laptop updating, while I go put some clothes on/tidy up | 10:55 |
vinneh | im in the ETQW beta | 10:56 |
vinneh | thats a awsome game | 10:56 |
vinneh | too much for my meager hardware | 10:56 |
vinneh | lol | 10:56 |
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DanaG | Hah, funny lid sounds. | 11:03 |
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ico2_ | hi, running up-to-date ubuntu gutsy, mobo is intel DG965WH, how do i control fan speeds (preferably automatically)? | 11:12 |
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FunnyLookinHat | ico2_, there's no good way to yet really... But you could try googling around for a utility that rumor says intel released to do just that | 11:29 |
FunnyLookinHat | My guess is that it'll be out hopefully in time for 8.04, but not gutsy | 11:29 |
ico2_ | ok, thanks | 11:29 |
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tretle | "(21:55:02) ***voidmage read that as tribes 2" you should try warsow | 11:32 |
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vinny | !topic | 11:40 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 11:40 |
=== Dana1 [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Dana1 | argh, what happened to r818x? | 11:40 |
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DanaG | Argh, my ipw3945 can't connect to wpa with hidden SSID. | 12:09 |
DanaG | In fact, it doesn't even see the network, even as "<ssid not broadcast>". | 12:09 |
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HyperCity | how can i see the status of port 8080 on my pc? | 12:14 |
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lamalex | nmap -p 8080 <ip> | 12:16 |
lamalex | hypercity ^ | 12:16 |
FunnyLookinHat | HyperCity, or System - Administration - Network Tools | 12:16 |
lamalex | pfft, who needs a gui | 12:17 |
lamalex | guis are for the weak | 12:17 |
lamalex | :P | 12:17 |
HyperCity | insted of ip i should use localhost? | 12:17 |
lamalex | yah | 12:17 |
lamalex | localhost just refers to an ip | 12:18 |
HyperCity | i'm a lammer with networking | 12:18 |
lamalex | but it's | 12:18 |
lamalex | you could also your machines external ip | 12:18 |
lamalex | ifconfig <interface> | 12:18 |
lamalex | usually eth0 | 12:19 |
HyperCity | sudo apt-get install nmap | 12:19 |
HyperCity | he he | 12:19 |
HyperCity | just a second | 12:19 |
lamalex | ah i forgot its not in by default | 12:19 |
lamalex | its always one of the first things i apt-get | 12:20 |
HyperCity | i get this 8080/tcp closed http-proxy | 12:20 |
HyperCity | now my prob is this | 12:20 |
lamalex | then 8080 is closed | 12:21 |
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HyperCity | i'vd started a tomcat server but when i try to conetct to localhost i get page not found | 12:21 |
HyperCity | how do i solve that? | 12:22 |
tretle | i suppose we wont be seeing that libcurl update till Monday at the earliest :( | 12:27 |
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