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lapokwwii: not yet here :-/07:24
troy_skwwii -- how goes Oxygen?07:39
kwwiitroy_s: great, how are things with you?07:42
troy_skwwii: Well gearing up.07:42
troy_skwwii:  You?07:42
kwwiicool, new project?07:42
troy_skwwii: Any divine messages from up on the mountain?07:42
kwwiibeen busy working on the mobile interface stuff07:43
troy_skwwii: Mock?07:43
kwwiijust that I should work more on getting the community involved :-)07:43
troy_skwwii: lol.07:43
troy_skwwii: He quashed that, he can eat that one too.07:43
troy_skwwii: I don't think he respected how much effort it takes simply to motivate people to contribution levels.07:44
kwwiihttp://sinecera.de/home_0.2-d.png shows where we are now07:44
kwwiiwell, at least nobody is blaming me for where we are now07:44
troy_skwwii: My end is now - starting a new show, Fluxbuntu, _try_ to get work done on u2 for packaging etc., and possibly migrate down south to Mexico to be a creative prod. on a film.07:45
troy_skwwii: Yeah but that isn't a great spot either.07:45
troy_skwwii: Avoiding hatemail == shit.07:45
kwwiisounds cool07:45
troy_skwwii: Just look at good old Chris Bangle.07:46
troy_skwwii: He has designed some _stellar_ stuff, and he falls into the lauded or vilified category.07:46
troy_skwwii: Hell... google Z3 and see how much passion it generates.  lol.07:46
troy_skwwii: So who is driving that phone?07:47
kwwiiintel and us07:47
troy_skwwii: It seems like it is treading into blogging nut stomping with the iPhone-likeness.07:47
lapokwwii: I was asking on #oxygen about find and replace, have ou got something in the works for that action?07:47
lapoor any idea about the metaphor to use07:47
kwwiilapo: we have had a lot of discussion about those icons07:49
kwwiinot sure what will happen in the end07:49
lapokwwii: I love the binocular, we had some discussion about it as well07:50
kwwiilots of others see that differently07:51
lapokwwii: if I can find a nice metaphor for find and replace we will go for the binocular as well, so no more mess with zoom icons07:51
troy_slapo: Nice work on the glyphs in Tango by the way, the evolution away from the multi-coloured home etc.07:52
troy_skwwii: Those your glyphs on the phone in upper right?07:53
lapotroy_s: that's mostly jimmac merit07:53
troy_slapo: It is a _wise_ decision.07:53
troy_slapo: But you know where I sit on the bench of glyphwork.07:53
lapoyeah, I think that too07:53
troy_slapo: Any chance that we are going to see all of those small icons turn to glyphs?07:54
lapodon't think so :-)07:57
lapoit's a desktop not a phone :-)07:58
troy_slapo: Gah.07:59
troy_slapo: You got all blue in the face when I suggested that very thing for the home glyph too ;)07:59
lapotroy_s: that's go-home tho, not user-home08:00
troy_slapo: Bah.  Semantics.  Glyph those small useless and unappealing icons.  Period.08:00
laponaah, I ike glyphs08:00
troy_sout boys... nice chat.08:01
lapoI'd prefer not having to use small icons at all, but we have to live with them for another good 4 or 5 years at least08:01
troy_sglyph em.08:01
kwwiiI made the glyphs, yet :-)08:31
=== kwwii is off for the weekend; london next week
nothlit`alphakwwii: the interface is turning out well :D, is that in pixmaps or svg?08:40
kwwiinothlit`alpha: that is made in inkscape :-)08:49
nothlit`alphakwwii: whatchya do with the fingerprint? python script? tracer?08:58
kwwiiI traced it with autotrace09:15
kwwiidownloaded a gif somewhere09:15
=== lapo [n=bat@host63-204-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-67-64-107-44.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork

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