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alex-weeji don't think the rt2x00 ralink drivers work12:25
alex-weejat least the rt73usb driver is causing pain for people, it just doesn't associate12:25
alex-weejthe legacy rt73 driver the same guys provide works, but it's not bundled with ubuntu12:26
alex-weejwhat's the solution here12:26
alex-weejin fact, they claim that the rt2x00 driver is still beta12:27
alex-weejevery "legacy" driver they provide EXCEPT rt73 is bundled12:29
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ScottKalex-weej: Most of the core devs work on European time, so this isn't a great time.  I'd suggest discuss it in #ubuntu+1.12:30
alex-weejScottK: should i use ubuntu-devel-discuss?12:30
pygidoko, poke?12:30
ScottKalex-weej: That would be another good option.  That or file a bug.  #ubuntu-kernel might be another place (but probably not right now).  All in all, mailing list doesn't sound bad.12:31
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alex-weejScottK: i'll attack it tomorrow12:32
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mjg59ogra: Why does education-laptop recommend laptop-mode-tools?12:38
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AlinuxOSdoko, hello.01:06
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bdmurrayKmos: how is 107716 fix released?01:30
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robbyhi all02:27
wolfeonI really need to test out python-fam like a good little user.02:32
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ScottKwolfeon: Yes.  You do.04:55
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wolfeonScottK: I know =]  I'll test it this afternoon while I develop.04:59
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unfohi all, I wish Ubuntu had a graphical bootloader like GAG with mouse support.  Should I file a bug?07:06
Hobbseecreate a spec for it, more like07:06
Hobbseehowever, i thought they were working towards grub 207:07
LaserJockunfo: that's not really a bug, that's a feature request07:07
unfoHobbsee, is grub 2 graphical?  That'd be ideal: a powerful command line (lets you do commands like find /vmlinuz) and graphics too.07:07
Hobbseelook up the page.  i beleive so, last i checked07:08
unfoYou don't really need graphics, just a text mode mouse would be helpful.07:08
evandiirc, no Grub 2 for the time being.07:11
evandwhy would you need a mouse in a boot loader?07:11
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Hobbseeevand: did you get anywhere with that bug?07:12
fabbionemorning guys07:12
evandmorning fabbione 07:12
Hobbseemorning fabbione!07:12
fabbionedoes anybody know if the old Feisty Herd test results are stored somewhere?07:12
evandHobbsee: sort of.  It's definitely gksu interaction, but oddly enough it still happens with the feisty version of gksu, which confuses me to no end.07:13
fabbioneit looks like i can't dig all of them out of the wiki07:13
fabbioneand then we moved to the iso tracker07:13
Hobbseeevand: that's...weird.07:13
unfoevand, i don't need it but, for example, IIRC Macintosh dual-boot has it and it makes people feel it's more user-friendly.07:13
tepsipakkievand: is grub2 still too immature?07:13
fabbione(that requires admins for historical07:13
ajmitchfabbione: what page names on the wiki?07:13
evandtepsipakki: that was my understanding.  I had to miss the grub2 spec session for something, so there's probably a better source of information on this one.07:13
=== ajmitch might still have the diffs in mail
fabbioneajmitch: it was Testing*07:13
ajmitchright, I'd need to reconstruct a page from diffs07:15
fabbioneajmitch: do you have them?07:16
ajmitchlooks like I do07:16
fabbioneajmitch: could you just tar up those messages and send them to me+07:16
fabbioneit's easier for me to grep in there than for you to rebuild pages07:16
ajmitchjust changes from this year?07:17
fabbionefor all of feisty if you have them07:17
ajmitchmbox file with what is hopefully enough07:21
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Hobbseefor i in 'annoying people'; do hammer.splat($i); done08:43
=== pygi eats Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee splats pygi too, then
pygiHobbsee, o no, you won't!08:45
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Hobbseemorning pitti!08:47
StevenKHi pitti!08:47
=== Hobbsee notes that pitti isnt contained in $i
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pygimorning pitti, dholbach 08:49
Hobbseemorning dholbach!08:49
Hobbseefortunately, dholbach isnt in $i either08:49
dholbachgood morning08:49
dholbachhey pygi, hey pi08:49
dholbachhey Hobbsee :)08:50
pittiGood morning08:50
pittiHobbsee: $I?08:50
Hobbsee[16:43]  <Hobbsee> for i in 'annoying people'; do hammer.splat($i); done08:50
pittihey dholbach 08:50
pittioh, *phew* :)08:50
Hobbseei must be turning slowly geekier, when i'm expressing frustration via bash loops...08:50
pittiHobbsee: you just need to fix the syntax of the set now :)08:51
StevenKpitti: Can you give-back asterisk and boinc on ia64?08:52
Hobbseepitti: yeah, well.  what is it?  :P08:52
StevenKfor i in $annoying_people ?08:52
Hobbseehammer.splat(i) is a c++ ism, i assume08:52
Hobbseeor at least, i've used it in c++ before08:52
=== Mithrandir waves
Hobbseemorning Mithrandir!08:53
pittihi Mithrandir 08:53
StevenKhammer --splat $i08:53
=== Hobbsee splats Mithrandir with the large hammer anyway, even though he's not part of $i
Mithrandirno splatting.08:53
Mithrandirat least not before breakfast.08:53
=== pygi takes away the hammer from Hobbsee
pygino splatting kid08:54
pittiStevenK: done08:54
Hobbseepygi: splatting is allowed.  and it's my hammer!08:54
HobbseeStevenK: oh, yeah, right.08:54
pygiHobbsee, everything will be all right ... now calm ...08:54
StevenKpitti: Thanks. Can you convince you to look at the nexuiz sync, too?08:54
StevenKCan I, even08:55
=== StevenK needs more tea
pittiStevenK: I just logged into drescher to do syncs :)08:55
StevenKpitti: :-)08:55
Mithrandirthe list didn't look too bad as of last night08:55
pittiMithrandir: ah, did you that big sync wave that hit -changes@ last night? :)08:56
pittino, just 11 ATM08:56
Mithrandirpitti: did I what?08:57
MithrandirI didn't do the syncs, no08:57
dholbachpitti: I think for now I'll request the ubuntu-main-sponsors@ list and will just assign bugs to people without using any special team08:57
pittidholbach: I think we should also set auto-expiry on ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors and mail the members about the new approach and your wiki page; WDYT?08:58
dholbachpitti: which interval do you think about?08:58
pittiMithrandir: hm, weird; neither did I, and I wasn't even aware of so many sync bugs08:58
dholbach3 months?08:59
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Mithrandirpitti: maybe Colin or Seb did them08:59
pittiMithrandir: it almost looked like a sync-source -a with forgotten NOMAILS08:59
pittidholbach: 3 months sounds like a good compromise between annoying resubscription and cleansing to me08:59
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dholbachok good08:59
dholbachHobbsee: can you do that for ubuntu-universe-sponsors too?09:00
Hobbseedholbach: ah yes, i was going to discuss that stuff with you09:00
dholbachHobbsee: we had a discussion about the team structure yesterday and we're likely to drop ubuntu-code-reviewers09:01
Hobbseeyeah, is aw the meeting09:01
Hobbseemakes me wish i was coming to teh distro sprint :P09:01
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dholbachI'll file an RT ticket to get ubuntu-main-sponsors@lists.u.c so people don't get bug reports if they don't want to09:01
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dholbachwe'll soon have more people doing reviews and reviews that lie around for weeks will get assigned to team members, trying to balance the load09:02
dholbachpeople who don't want to do reviews any more can simply deactivate their membership09:02
Hobbseethe problem with i have with this, is that it works fro canonical employees, but it doesnt work for volunteers so well.09:03
fabbionedholbach: i assume that when we sponsor uploads we keep the name of the person that did the change, right?09:03
dholbachbut I expect more distro team people to help out there09:03
dholbachfabbione: yes, using -k<keyid> would be nice09:03
fabbionedholbach: and perhaps add a: Sponsored by: in debian/changelog?09:03
dholbachfabbione: shall I add a note about that to UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews?09:03
Hobbseeu-u-s already has a ML, incidently09:03
dholbachfabbione: you can do that if you like09:03
dholbachHobbsee: yeah and that's great09:03
dholbachHobbsee: we just need it for main09:03
Hobbseecant help you there :)09:03
fabbionedholbach: i did that, but then realized that we have no way to make sure (quickly) who uploaded what when mom time comes09:03
Hobbseei'm not the head of it, and i dont have special links to RT - it took so long to get ours that i asked siretart to get us one on tiber before.09:04
dholbachfabbione: I should think that MoM will care about the name in debian/changelog - no?09:04
fabbionedholbach: so at the next merge session we will have perhaps a man page fix for a package and the name of somebody that's not yet able to merge or not interested at all in doing that09:04
dholbachHobbsee: don't worry - we can do without it too09:04
Hobbseemom doesnt care about the sponsoring name, no09:04
fabbionedholbach: right, that's exactly why I am suggesting to add a sponsored by and perhaps teach MOM to look at it in the last changelog entry09:05
fabbionedholbach: or another XCSB- entry but that would be overkilling when merging debian/control09:05
Hobbseedholbach: the reason those bugs sit, i suspect, si because people dont know a lot about those main packages, and dont want ot break something that's supported, etc09:05
dholbachfabbione: I have confidence that a lot of people we sponsor will be part of ubuntu-dev at that time around :-)09:05
persiafabbione: That means the sponsor has to change the changelog, which should generate something new with dch.  How about only in .changes?09:05
Hobbseeso i'm not sure that randomly assigning things is the best way to go - because people will end up just uploading what they dont understand09:05
dholbachHobbsee: that's why some distro team people will take up the slack :)09:06
dholbachHobbsee: it will be no problem to swap reviews09:06
Hobbseewell, true - but i'm not sure that you can relate hwa tyou want to do for the distro team, and use the same methods for the community09:06
dholbachHobbsee: it's a measure to make sure that stuff gets done09:06
=== _nightwish is now known as nightwish
fabbionedholbach: i see what you mean.. let's hope for the best :)09:06
=== nightwish is now known as _nightwish
dholbachHobbsee: I'm happy to leave the volunteers out of that process09:06
dholbachfabbione: yeah :)09:06
Hobbseeie, me going in and saying "you must do these reviews by this date" will invariably get the response of "too bad, i'm a volunteer"  "i'll do what i can"  "what right to do you have to tell me what to do" etc09:06
dholbachfabbione: I'll add the note about -k though09:07
Hobbseeand some that will do it09:07
Hobbseeattempting to force them usually isnt the best way to go09:07
dholbachHobbsee: as I said...09:07
pittifabbione: uploader> that's the .dsc signer09:07
dholbachHobbsee: I'm happy to leave them out09:07
Hobbseeand from what i'm getting so far - that seems to be what you're saying?09:07
fabbionedholbach: yeah i used it automatically because it's not the first sponsor, might be a good reminder for others09:07
=== _nightwish is now known as nightwish
dholbachfabbione: alrighty09:07
fabbionepitti: yes, that requires mom to have knowledge of gpg and other few things09:07
Hobbseedholbach: right, then on that basis, what do you want me to do?09:07
Hobbseedholbach: and wha'ts the scope of this?  just main, or universe sponsors as well?09:07
dholbachHobbsee: when I announce it, I'll ask for comments and people can ping me, if they would like to get a review assigned or not09:07
pittifabbione: at least this seems much easier to implement than asking every sponsor to modify the package IMHO09:08
dholbachHobbsee: I merely wanted you to set the expiry time of the universe team to 90 days09:08
dholbachHobbsee: so we can make sure that people stay active or leave the team09:08
Hobbseedholbach: ah right09:08
fabbionepitti: sure. i don't really care about how but that there is actually a reference09:08
dholbachthe team will take care of ubuntu-{universe,main}-sponsors + fix committed needs-packaging bugs09:08
Hobbseeright, so this is REVU stuff too.09:09
pittifabbione: I agree, that would be nice09:09
fabbionedholbach, pitti: should we make this a point for next week sprint?09:09
dholbachHobbsee: yeah, but we'll keep everything in bug reports - we have too many people who just don't want to use REVU or don't have an account09:09
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Hobbseedholbach: true that09:09
fabbionei have no mom access.. so no idea how easy it is to implement09:09
dholbachfabbione: sounds good09:09
pittifabbione: sure, let's09:09
=== fabbione does
fabbionestgraber: ping?09:11
Hobbseedholbach: seems weird that the distro team would now have ot be involved in sponsoring, etc.09:11
Hobbseedholbach: is this now what happens, if the community fails?09:11
persiaIs there a posted spec for the changes?  I missed the beginning of the conversation, and am quite interested.09:12
dholbachHobbsee: I expect us to have many more contributors soon and it's good if the distro team helps out with reviews09:12
fabbioneHobbsee: no, it's a way to encourage community to provide more patches and fixes.09:12
Hobbseedholbach: indeed.09:12
dholbachpersia: ^09:12
Hobbseepersia: was in this morning's meeting, too09:12
dholbachpersia: we're just kicking it off and I'll announce it once all the bits have come together09:12
=== persia should start attending development team meetings
persiaRight.  I don't think we need more team (at least for universe), but just more process.  For universe, we've gotten the queue down to around 12 hours for over 90% of the bugs, with many active contributors.09:14
=== Hobbsee thinks on this some more
Hobbseepersia: it's the main that seems to be the problem09:14
Hobbseeand REVU stuff09:14
persiaAh.  For main, assignment might work.  I'd not like to see any official action towards U-U-S, as it's currently working fairly well (although we need more work for REVU).09:16
Hobbseealthough, that will be useful for SRU procedures, which a fair few people, including myself, are avoiding09:16
=== persia goes to clean up the "Preparing New Packages" section of MOTU//Contributing to define a sane process
persiaHobbsee: True that, but I think an SRU team would be more useful than a sponsors team to handle that.09:16
pittifabbione: bug #123809 updated09:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123809 in system-config-cluster "system-config-cluster.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12380909:17
fabbionepitti: cheers09:17
fabbionepitti: right.. do you know how can I fix the .desktop file or where to look for it?09:18
Hobbseepersia: which the distro team can be a part of, of course09:18
persiaHobbsee: Absolutely.09:18
pittifabbione: look at /usr/share/applications/users.desktop for an example09:19
fabbionepitti: cool thanks09:19
pittifabbione: in particular, "Exec=gksu foo"09:19
pittifabbione: and "X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true"09:19
fabbioneroger that Sir!09:19
pittifabbione: (yes, don't complain about KDE, hysterical raisins :) )09:19
fabbionepitti: this is a gtk app... but well whaever :)09:20
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pittifabbione: KDE defined the field first, so we had the choice of either introducing a second one and change KDE, or change it upstream everywhere, or just use it as it was; the latter was easiest :)09:21
StevenKpitti: Right, asterisk and boinc sucessfully built on ia64, nexuiz will sort itself out with a few publisher runs, and Hobbsee will fix apt when she uploads it. Which leaves one package left for curl ... openoffice.org09:21
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pittiStevenK: I talked to calc yesterday, he'll see to doing a new upload (and fix some other things, too)09:22
fabbionepitti: ehehhe09:22
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persiaStevenK: nexuiz is the sync, or is there an ubuntu2?09:23
pittipersia: just synced09:23
StevenKpersia: The former.09:23
persiapitti: Ah.  mail lag delay :)  Thanks.09:24
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Hobbseedholbach: i'm slightly hesitant to set the 90 days without there being an annoucement out about it, though09:24
Hobbseedepending on whether it'll be 90 days from when tehy applied, or 90 days from when i set it09:24
pittiHobbsee: <pitti> dholbach: I think we should also set auto-expiry on ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors and mail the members about the new approach and your wiki page; WDYT?09:24
StevenKpitti: Well, this means that we can kill libcurl4{,-openssl} tonight, and libcurl4-gnutls a bit later, and more importantly both of us can stop caring about the damn thing. :-)09:25
pittiheh, cruel, but effective: file a bug against that team, so all members will get mail, and announce it there09:26
Hobbseepitti: yeah...i'm still thinking on that one.09:26
Hobbseethere's a ML09:26
pittiStevenK: yay :) then we can turn our attention towards the other outstanding transitions :)09:26
Hobbseepeople  died when all the bugs were getting sent to them09:26
StevenKpitti: Yup.09:26
fabbionethere.. upload fixed09:26
StevenKpitti: FLAC is a *pain*.09:26
fabbionefix uploaded09:26
pittiStevenK: indeed; Debian must have done it as well, though, I figure?09:26
StevenKI'm not certain.09:27
StevenKI was pondering filing a bug asking for the removal of 21 apache 1 modules.09:28
dholbachpitti: yes, we should do that09:28
pittiStevenK: please don't open 21 tasks for it, though09:28
StevenKpitti: Wasn't planning on. :-)09:28
pittiStevenK: although that would be technically correct, it's a pain for you to open and a pain for me to close :)09:28
pittiStevenK: well, the last one of that type had :)09:28
StevenKpitti: It's not a pain to open ... It's a for loop and gpg-agent. :-D09:28
Hobbseepersia: where's your docs about u-u-s, again?09:28
Hobbseeoh, found it09:29
StevenKpitti: So, no trouble, although I suspect I'd end up in a little. :-)09:29
persiaHobbsee: https://MOTU/Contributing and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue (two different viewpoints)09:29
Hobbseedholbach: done as requested09:30
dholbachHobbsee: thanks a lot09:34
Hobbseedholbach: no problem09:36
=== Hobbsee continues to fight apt
Hobbseei thought this thing was supposed to build...09:36
pittiHobbsee: it doesn't?09:37
Hobbseepitti: not the version in bzr, with my changes.09:37
pittiHobbsee: you mean the no-change rebuild you uploaded for StevenK?09:38
=== Hobbsee is contemplating committing the non-working code to bzr, but would really like to test it doenst break teh world
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Hobbseepitti: he uploaded that.  i added the automake into this lot, which means it only fails to build later.09:38
Hobbseewhich is what his failed with09:38
pittiright, I just saw the build log09:39
=== Hobbsee has no reason to upload StevenK's stuff, he was a core dev before me :P
Hobbseeright, yes.  that's my local build here, with the bzr + stevenk's rebuild changelog entry + my changes09:39
pittiah, ISTR that Steve mentioned something like 'after Hobbsee uploaded apt...'09:39
Hobbseeand my changes shouldnt be having anything to deal with that09:39
StevenKpitti: It should be uploads, sorry09:39
Hobbseeyeah.  i think that was "after Hobbsee uploads apt" - ie, future tense09:40
Hobbseeor should have been09:40
pittiStevenK: aah09:40
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Hobbseeseeing as i wasnt about to upload yet another version taht didnt build.09:40
ChipzzHobbsee: regarding unfo's question about a graphical grub, you could have also answered the following: dapper (and I think edgy) had a patch for a graphical grub, though without mouse support and you had to enable it manually; also, you have to put grub on hold since that patch got dropped later. ;)09:40
=== StevenK stamps himself with "Should have test-built apt"
HobbseeChipzz: ahhh09:40
=== Hobbsee hugs StevenK
HobbseeStevenK: just remember what Mithrandir said yesterday09:41
Hobbseeor the day before.  whichever it was09:41
ChipzzHobbsee: as a matter of fact, I still *have* a graphical grub on 2 of my boxes09:41
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=== Hobbsee had grub with a different splash screen before
ChipzzHobbsee: the reason it got dropped was that it didn't work with laptop widescreens iirc09:41
Hobbseeworks OK here, iirc.  but whatever09:41
persiaHobbsee: It requires different special settings for each type of laptop.09:42
persia(rather, each general class of laptop)09:42
Mithrandirpersia: or rather, it just plain didn't work on some graphics cards, and well, not giving people a menu they can see is bad.09:43
persiaMithrandir: Really?  That's even worse.09:43
Hobbseewow, lots of new pot files.09:44
Chipzzthe version of grub I have installed on this laptop (with graphical splash) is 0.97-11ubuntu14, which is from edgy09:44
ChipzzMithrandir: worse, it failed to boot at all with laptops that didn't support it iirc09:45
Chipzzwhich is why it got dropped in the first place09:45
MithrandirI think we can agree it had a multitude of failure modes, none of which were pretty09:45
Chipzzhrrrrm, that patch has been in debian grub since about warty :P09:52
Mithrandirit's in the package, it's just not enabled by default?09:53
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Hobbseepitti: shoved my version to bzr, if you were interested in having a look, at some point09:54
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RAOFI sent bug #123664 upstream, and its now got a patch committed which will be in g-p-m 2.19.6.  Should I attach a debdiff with upstream's patch to that bug, or wait for the new g-p-m?09:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123664 in gnome-power-manager "Should not count time suspended in battery profile" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12366409:59
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stgraberfabbione: pong10:43
fabbionestgraber: hey10:44
fabbionestgraber: do you have 2 seconds?10:45
seb128pitti: is the network-manager maintained in bzr?10:49
fabbioneofftopic question: does anybody know of a good man page editor?10:49
fabbionestgraber: see /msg please10:49
pittiseb128: yes10:49
pittiseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/network-manager/ubuntu.0.6.x10:49
seb128pitti: danke10:49
dholbachfabbione: I always wrote them in docbook and converted them in the build target - sorry that's the best I can offer10:51
pittiPOD is nice, too10:51
pittibut usually I just write them manually10:52
cjwatsonfabbione: I remember looking at gmanedit once and it didn't seem to be entirely hopeless10:52
cjwatsonbut being groff maintainer I obviously write them by hand, so I'm not the best judge10:52
fabbionethanks guys10:52
jmlediting by hand isn't too hard10:53
cjwatsonI generally recommend people use either mdoc or pod; I find docbook a bit too verbose, but each to their own10:53
Mithrandirgroff isn't horrible to write by hand either10:53
cjwatsonand mdoc is better at dispelling the myth that *roff is a purely physical markup language than the traditional man format is10:54
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realistdocbook ftw :-)10:55
StevenKYes, but docbook is *dreadful* to write by hand.10:56
pittiseb128: just to confirm, you should be able to see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/124352; right?10:59
pitti<ubotu> Error: This bug is private11:00
pittiyeah, yeah11:00
seb128pitti: yes, work fine11:00
pittiseb128: thanks11:00
Hobbseepitti: erm, should i be able to see that?11:01
pittiHobbsee: yes11:01
pittiHobbsee: all core devs11:01
Hobbseejust checking if it was a canonical only thing or something11:01
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seb128hey Hobbsee11:03
pygiHobbsee, don't abuse bot11:03
Hobbseehi seb128 11:03
Hobbseepygi: attempting to see if i'm still connected to the netwrork11:03
pygiyou are11:03
Mithrandirasac: middlemouse.contentLoadURL got flipped from true to false for me here; any idea why?11:04
Hobbseeapparently fn != alt11:04
Hobbseeso fn+f2 will not bring up the run dialog, it will just toggle the kill switch on my wireless.11:04
asacMithrandir: yes ... every tweak got dropped ....11:04
asacMithrandir: intentionally ... install ubufox11:04
Mithrandirasac: uh, you dropped all my personal settings?11:04
persiaasac: installing ubufox doesn't fix everything.11:04
asacMithrandir: no ... personal settings should be still there11:05
Mithrandirasac: well, they're not.11:05
cjwatsonasac: shouldn't our firefox recommend ubufox?11:05
asacit does11:05
cjwatsonoh, it does11:05
asacand it will go to ubuntu-desktop11:05
pittiwon't be installed by default, though11:05
cjwatsonduh, sorry, apt-cache's double output when you aren't up to date confuses me11:05
Hobbseecjwatson: apt only does recommends by default for metapackages though, it seem11:05
cjwatsoncan we get that into the seeds now?11:06
cjwatsonHobbsee: yes11:06
Mithrandirasac: it's just middlemouse.contentLoadURL which got dropped for me11:06
MithrandirHobbsee: apt-get only does that, aptitude does for all packages11:06
cjwatsonshould be written as * (ubufox) since firefox is also a recommends11:06
HobbseeMithrandir: true.  but i dislike aptitude11:06
asachave you installed ubufox? ... isn't middlemouse.contentLoadURL a tweak we previously carried?11:06
Mithrandirasac: oh, and I have ubufox installed.11:06
Mithrandirasac: yes, we previously carried it, but I changed it in my profile.11:06
asacactually it should not reset your profile settings11:06
cjwatsonasac: you should be able to commit to the seeds, though I don't remember if you've done so before11:07
Mithrandirasac: the change in my profile got dropped.11:07
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asacMithrandir: any other change got dropped?11:07
Hobbseeasac: you broke it!11:07
asaccjwatson: i haven't done that before11:07
Mithrandirasac: not that I can see, and most of my changes seem to be there.11:07
cjwatsonasac: bzr checkout sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.gutsy/11:07
Mithrandirasac: (I don't have a list in my head of all the tweaks I have applied, sorry. :-)11:07
Hobbseeheh, i was about to offer to do it11:07
asacMithrandir: do you have  backup of your profile (from a day or two ago)?11:08
Mithrandirasac: actually, I do.11:08
Mithrandirlet me find it11:09
asaccjwatson: i have to submit a main inclusion report first, right?11:11
cjwatsonif it's not in main already, yes11:11
cjwatsonthough it's probably fairly trivial as it's logically split out from firefox11:12
cjwatsonin fact, I'm happy to just promote it11:12
asacyes ... let me do that main inclusion thing first ... anyway I look at desktop in the ubuntu.gutsy seeds branch11:12
cjwatsonpromoted, don't bother :)11:12
asacis that the file that I need to edit?11:12
asaccjwatson: rock!11:12
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asachmmm the syntax doesn't look like xml ;)11:13
cjwatsonit, er, isn't ;-)11:13
cjwatsonit was originally on the wiki, as you can probably tell from the format11:14
asacis that some standard format or did we do a new parser for that?11:14
cjwatsonthe parser was hand-written11:14
cjwatsonthough is not exactly complicated11:14
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asacso do i add this to the end of gnome desktop apps?11:15
asacoh probably sorted11:15
asacwhy are some things in brackets?11:15
Hobbseeasac: they're recommends11:16
asacah ok ... then this is the way to go11:16
cjwatsonasac: I'd stick it just after firefox11:16
cjwatsonthere's no requirement for lexical sorting11:17
dholbachI'm just reviewing the main sponsors queue, Tormod Volden merged grub from Debian - who would be best to check the merge?11:17
pittiasac: NB that you should merge this change to the derivatives who ship ffox as well, such as edubuntu and maybe xubuntu (I didn't check that one)11:17
cjwatsonthe format is very loosely documented in germinate(1), although that doesn't mention recommends11:17
cjwatsondholbach: hmm, I hate to say it but probably me11:18
dholbachcjwatson: is it ok, if I assign that bug to you?11:18
cjwatsondholbach: yeah11:18
Hobbseecjwatson: delegation101: FAIL.11:18
cjwatsonmm, hence "hate to say it"11:18
dholbachI just wanted to avoid getting beaten up at the distro sprint :)11:19
asacpitti: what do you mean with merge ... should I just add that to their seeds list?11:19
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asacpitti: ah ... they probably have there own bzr branch 11:20
pittiasac: right, but by merging the ubuntu.gutsy changes to edubuntu.gutsy and so on11:20
pittiasac: right11:20
cjwatsonthat's not urgently necessay11:20
cjwatsonparticularly not if this is the first time you've touched the seeds :)11:20
asacpitti: hmm ... maybe this should be done by people that maintain those distros? ... ogra ?11:21
pittiasac: fine, you don't need to do it now, but I wanted to point out their existence :)11:21
ograasac, i'll do that, thanks for the ping11:21
asacwho is xubuntu lead btw?11:22
pygijani monoses11:22
dholbachasac: janimo, gpocentek and mr_pouit work on it11:22
asacgpocentek: mr_pouit  ... i extended gutsy seeds by ubufox ... you probably want to merge that change from bzr11:23
asacok ... i committed the new seeds ... when will the result become visible?11:23
cjwatsonasac: you mean in ubuntu-meta dependencies?11:24
pittiasac: if you change the desktop, minimal, or standard seeds, you need to rebuild the ubuntu-meta package11:24
pittiasac: I'll walk you through it or can do it myself, depending on whether you want to learn it11:25
cjwatsonasac: grab ubuntu-meta, run ./update, fix the version in debian/changelog (by default, you get ubuntu1, whereas it should be native version), and upload11:25
pitticjwatson: btw, any chance that germinate-update-metapackage could call dch with -iU?11:25
asaccjwatson: ok ... will do11:25
cjwatsonpitti: I was waiting until I figured out how to detect whether the -U option was present, since it isn't in Debian11:26
cjwatsondch --help | grep -- -U should be sufficient though11:26
Hobbseecjwatson: okay, in more "hate to say it" news, could you be persuaded to sync https://launchpad.net/bugs/124363 - it's got to go thru binary NEW, and we need it for the digikam  & kipi syncs.  https://launchpad.net/bugs/124364 and <digikam sync still coming>11:26
pittidch --help|grep -q -- -U?11:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124363 in libkdcraw "sync libkdcraw 0.1.1-2 from debian/unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed]  11:26
pitticjwatson: heh :)11:26
Hobbseecjwatson: well, were you planning to push that change back to debian a nyway?11:26
cjwatsonHobbsee: germinate is synced between Debian and Ubuntu right now11:26
Hobbseecjwatson: ahh.  didnt check that11:27
cjwatsonHobbsee: syncs -> some other archive admin11:27
Hobbseecjwatson: okay11:27
pittiHobbsee: my duty shift today11:27
Hobbseecjwatson: no problem11:27
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Hobbseepitti: the real problem is the binary NEW'ing, as we'd like to see it before tribe 311:27
Hobbseecjwatson: apologies for attempting to give you more work, then :)11:27
pittiHobbsee: I can do that as well, of course11:27
Hobbseepitti: true, but can doesnt necessarily mean "will"11:28
pittiHobbsee: I already finished syncs today, so I'll open that bug in ffox, but I didn't get to NEW yet; will do a bit later11:28
Hobbseepitti: no problem :)11:29
Hobbseeit's not critical11:29
asacMithrandir: would be really great if you could confirm whether your setting gets reset by just upgrading firefox ... or by installing ubufox ... do you still have previous ffox package in your cache?11:30
pittiHobbsee: synced11:31
cjwatsonpitti: done in bzr11:31
Hobbseepitti: thanks a lot11:31
Mithrandirasac: if not, I can get it from LP11:31
asacMithrandir: hmmm where are those published/hidden?11:34
asaci just find links to sources ... no binaries11:34
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pittiHobbsee: I let the stuff build now and thus it'll be in NEW once I turn my attention towards it11:35
Hobbseepitti: excellent, thanks :)11:36
persiaasac: click on "gutsy" in the release subsection11:36
pittiyay, all my tests for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrashReporting are successful; I can flip the switch now :)11:37
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keescookis there a command to recalculate the "@@" lines of a patch if I forgot to change them when editing the contents of patch?  :P11:41
pittikeescook: maybe editdiff it, do a trivial change, and have it fix the hunks for you?11:42
keescookpitti: ah-ha!  editdiff!11:42
pittikeescook: recountdiff claims to do this as well, but contrary to editdiff I never used it, so YMMV11:42
=== Hobbsee drools
Hobbseewhy couldnt have someone mentioned that a year ago?11:43
pittiHobbsee: I'm sure that the patchutils description did that a year ago :)11:44
keescook\o/  worked11:44
Hobbseepitti: then perhaps i should read it.11:44
pittiHobbsee: it has some real live-safers11:44
ion_TimeTravel.travel(1.year.ago) { system "mail hobbsee <message" }11:45
ion_The TimeTravel implementation: http://johan.kiviniemi.name/stuff/ruby/acme/timetravel11:45
wolfeonoh darn it, I forgot to test python-fam :)11:46
shawarmapitti: I'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysklogd/+bug/19889 again... Is there anything more I should be doing? (other than poking the archive admins, of course :)   )11:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 19889 in sysklogd "sysklogd: Large file support is broken in dapper" [Medium,Fix committed]  11:48
pittishawarma: erk, I wonder why that doesn't appear on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=verification-done11:49
pittishawarma: that's the list I usually use11:49
pittishawarma: I'll handle it, thanks for the poke11:49
shawarmapitti: np11:53
pittishawarma: done11:56
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pittidholbach: hm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage seems to be the most appropriate place to add a stanza about how to handle apport crash bugs; WDYT?12:10
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=== keescook looks around for mvo
pittikeescook: on holiday12:25
keescookokay; I thought I remembered that, but thought I'd check.  :)12:26
keescookI'm curious if there is a common response for "zomg _cache->open() failed" bugs12:27
Mithrandirkeescook: gslice thingies?12:28
Mithrandiroh, or no, that's something else12:28
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=== persia wonders if linking to Debian removal bugs would be preferred by archive admins reviewing Ubuntu removal bugs
cjwatsonI have found it useful in the past12:56
persiacjwatson: Thanks for the feedback.  I'll go update my bugs12:56
seb128persia: I usually look for them in the Debian PTS, so having a link to the bug would be nice yes12:57
luisbgwhen is the next community council meeting?01:04
pygianyone saw mvo lately?01:04
cjwatson11:25  * keescook looks around for mvo01:05
cjwatson11:25 <pitti> keescook: on holiday01:05
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pygicjwatson, o, didn't knew that01:06
pygicjwatson, he should have told me that :P01:06
pygicjwatson, thanks ^_^01:06
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dholbachpitti: yes, I think so01:29
pittidholbach: thanks; I did so (see my u-d-a@ mail)01:29
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Lureany archive-admin around: can you give libkdcraw through binary NEW (to resolve build depends)?01:51
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Lureseb128: thanks a lot!02:01
seb128no problem02:01
glatzorhello, is there anybody with a Belinea monitor? I would need an edid.02:08
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persiaJust to confirm my understanding of the phases of the devlopment cycle: is it the case that between DebianImportFreeze and UpstreamVersionFreeze, we're focused on stabilization and ensuring that the featureset we have is the featureset we wish to ship, or should we still be pulling all the new upstreams we can find until UpstreamVersionFreeze, at which point we would then focus on stabilization, etc.02:53
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cjwatsonpersia: you should feel free to pull new upstreams, but generally that should be because it's needed for something (not necessarily stabilisation, could be a shiny new feature) rather than because it's there02:54
cjwatsonpersia: the reason for the split is to reduce the time that we spend essentially spinning wheels doing syncs and merges02:54
persiacjwatson: That's what I thought.  Thanks for the confirmation.02:54
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persiacjwatson: Right.  So syncs & merges are pre-DIF, feature set development is DIF - UVF, and polish is port-UVF?02:55
cjwatsontracking syncs and merges and trying to ensure that they reach zero is pre-DIF02:55
persiaGreat.  Thanks.02:55
cjwatsonfeature set development is actually pre-FF but it so happens that UVF==FF this cycle02:56
cjwatsonit turns out, of course, that often one of the best ways to develop a feature is to persuade upstream to do it and pull from them ...02:56
persiacjwatson: Sure :)02:57
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ScottKkeescook: Ping - I'm pondering trying to fix Bug #15485 and Bug #76983 (and thinking I might as well sweep up Bug #39459 while I'm at it.  Do you have a moment to discuss it?03:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 15485 in gnupg "kmail don't ask the phrase for gpg-encrypted mails" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1548503:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 76983 in gnupg "Doesn't create settings correctly on first start" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7698303:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 39459 in gnupg "gnupg crash on breezy" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3945903:15
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keescookScottK: one moment, just got back from lunch.  I'll go read them.03:20
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Keybukxorg-server is very very large :-/03:30
Mithrandirmuch smaller than xfree. :-)03:31
KeybukI think I encountered a libtool bug ...03:31
KeybukXdmx (whatever that is) wasn't linking against composite, damageext, xfixes, etc.03:31
MithrandirXdmx is distributed multihead X.03:32
Mithrandirlike Xinerama on heavy, heavy drugs.03:32
Keybukyeah, I figured I didn't need/care about that bit, but it was stopping the build :p03:32
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Keybukof course, I am applying random patches from the Internet; so this could all go horribly wrong :p03:35
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=== pygi keeps his xorg-server safe from Keybuk
=== agoliveira_BRB is now known as agoliveira
=== shirish can't stop laughing seeing the brotherhood between pygi & Keybuk :P
=== shirish [n=shirish@] has left #ubuntu-devel []
agoliveiraCan anyone there help me with a sed line? I have a string like this "hotkey ATKD 00000020 00000001" and I need to have as result just the 2 last digits of the first number (20 in this case).03:45
=== calc [n=ccheney@conr-adsl-209-169-124-200.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== agoliveira promisses to revisit ER ASAP.
coNPagoliveira: what about |cut -d " " -f 3 | tail -c 203:47
agoliveiracoNP: That should do. I was just hoping to make a RE on this.03:48
Keybuks/^[^0-9] *\([0-9] [0-9] \).*/\1/03:50
coNPKeybuk: does not work for me03:50
agoliveiraKeybuk: Nope. I got 0003:50
Keybukoh, sorry, last two digits03:51
agoliveiracoNP: BTW, it should be tail -c 3 because of the trailing space 03:51
coNPsure I noticed that since :)03:52
Keybuks/^[^0-9] *[0-9] *\([0-9] [0-9] \).*/\1/03:52
agoliveiraKeybuk: That's it :)03:52
agoliveiraGeez... I really have to read again about REs.03:53
=== agoliveira hugs Keybuk and cpNP
agoliveirasorry coNP03:53
=== coNP hugs agoliveira back
Keybukodd request time03:54
Keybukanyone got an HD video file (like a trailer or something?)03:54
thomKeybuk: download one from apple?03:55
ograHD TV but no recording device here :/03:55
agoliveiraKeybuk: Look for that Elephant Dream short movie.03:55
Ngthere's fairly good google juice from: hd sample video  :)03:55
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Keybukthom: ah, good call!03:56
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-20-79.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseebah.  why is pitti *always* not here when i have a earth-shattering line of logic for him?04:06
Hobbseeand why is heno not here whenever i want to speak to him?04:06
=== Hobbsee sighs
axxobecause then you couldn't make us curious with lines like that04:06
keescookScottK: I can't say I entirely understand 15485.  76983 looks very important to fix, and yeah, snag 39459 while you're in there.  :)04:08
keescooker, I should say, I'm not sure I understand the full ramifications of the proposed solution to 15485.04:09
ScottKkeescook: For 15485 we need to configure gpg to use-agent.  I had mail to devel discuss on the topic.  All the other pieces are there.04:09
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ScottK will get you the link for the mail. Just a moment.
Hobbseepitti!   speak of the devil!04:10
keescookScottK: will this cause problems for people who use gpg when outside of xorg?04:10
ScottKIf gpg is configured for agent and it can't find an agent it just prints to the terminal that it couldn't find an agent and asks you for the passphrase as usual.04:11
seb128pitti: re, could you give a retry to gnome-main-menu on all arches?04:11
ScottKBoth pinentry-qt and pinentry-gtk have fallback modes for curses.04:12
keescookScottK: aah, perfect.  sounds good to me then.  :)04:12
ScottKHere's the mail: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-July/001282.html04:12
pittiseb128: don04:12
ScottKOK.  I'll go work on them some more and ping you when I have a diff.04:12
seb128pitti: danke04:12
pittiseb128: ...e04:12
ScottKActually it's pinentry-gtk2... not gtk.04:13
StevenKpitti: libcurl4, libcurl4-openssl, libgoffice-0-3, libgoffice-gtk-0-3 and libntfs-3g2 can all disappear now, they all no longer have rdepends.04:13
keescookScottK: looks good to me.  :)  go for it.04:13
Hobbseepitti: how busy are you at this point?  i've had some earth-shattering thoughts w.r.t cd testing/release management.04:13
Hobbseepitti: which i should probably run past you, as you're the current RM.04:14
Hobbseebut, i can wait until you're not busy if you prefer04:14
pittiStevenK: yay!04:14
seb128StevenK, pitti: I cleaned some of them already, doing libgoffice now04:15
pittiHobbsee: that's fine, I'll just do some NEW love alongside04:15
StevenKseb128: Oh, great04:15
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StevenKseb128: If you do a rebuild of gnome-power-manager, libwnck18 can go, too04:16
StevenKIf bug 124385 is dealt with, too04:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124385 in emerald "Packages to remove from Gutsy" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12438504:16
pittiStevenK: I think seb already removed 2/3 of gnutls and libntfs-3g2, but I didn't see rebuilds for goffice yet04:16
seb128StevenK: a new package has been uploaded this morning and I already removed libwnck1804:16
StevenKseb128: Great.04:16
pittiseb128, StevenK: let me regenerate cruft first04:17
StevenKpitti: I uploaded two of them one and two hours ago04:17
pittiah, cool04:17
seb128I mentionned them on #ubuntu-motu and he picked them immediatly, good team work ;)04:17
pittiNBS regenerating04:17
StevenKI've been living and breathing the NBS list for the past two days, just ask pitti. :-)04:18
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pittiheh, does libgoffice have a dependency on itself, or what? :)04:20
StevenKHmph, it hasn't seen my uploads of gchempaint and gnome-chemistry-utils.04:20
seb128pitti: looks like ;)04:20
geserStevenK: is the NBS file for libwnck18 already gone? because emerald and heliodor still depend on it04:21
StevenKgeser: seb128 killed libwnck18 already, and NBS can't check it if it isn't in the archive ...04:22
seb128geser: there is a removal bugs for those04:22
geserah, seen the bug now04:23
seb128and it's pitti's archive day, so I'm sure you can get him to close the bug ;)04:23
StevenKpitti? *flutters his eyelashes*04:23
seb128StevenK: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8322723/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.gchempaint_0.6.6-3build1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz04:24
seb128StevenK: both libgoffice3 and 4 got installed04:24
StevenKI see that.04:25
StevenKI see why, too04:25
StevenKI wasn't aware gchempaint also linked against libgcu.04:25
StevenKseb128: I'll reupload gchempaint when I get up.04:25
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=== StevenK makes a note to upload digikam and gchempaint tomorrow ... er, later today.
geserStevenK: what's your plan with beryl-ubuntu package which depends on heliodor?04:27
StevenKKill it also?04:28
geserStevenK: I can upload gchempaint if you want04:28
StevenKgeser: It needs to wait for gnome-chemical-utils, and I already have it prepared.04:28
geseris emerald/ heliodor the only part from beryl already merged?04:30
StevenKFor CompComm? No idea.04:30
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shirishogra: can you look at http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/28806/ and see if there is a bug filed against it, icon-theme & artwork of edubuntu doesn't live with ubuntu, xubuntu-desktop icon theme & artwork. 04:48
shirishogra: seb128 told me you are the best person to answer this 04:48
shirishor know about this04:48
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ograshirish, sorry, i didnt have time to care for edubuntu-artwork yet, some dependencies need to change ... i'll do that before tribe304:49
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shirishogra: ok cool, i just wanted to know if a bug has been filed against it, so I know the progress whenever you do the edubuntu-artwork stuff & release it. So I can try installing it then. 04:51
DitirisCan anyone give me a clue on how to diagnose this problem:04:51
Ditiris*Loading hardware drivers... 04:51
Ditiris[    43.288051]  input: PC Speaker as /class/input/input3 04:51
Ditiris[    43.320373]  pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 04:51
Ditiris[    43.321851]  shpchp: Standard Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.4 04:51
Ditiris[    43.323796]  agpgart: Detected an Intel 965G Chipset. 04:51
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Ditiris[    43.338657]  Bad page state in process 'modprobe' 04:52
ograedubuntu-artwork needs some essential changes thats why i didnt touch it yet, i want to do it all in one go04:52
Ditiris[    43.338659]  page:ffff81011fd3e308 flags:0x0000000000000000 mapping:0000000000000000 mapcount:1 count:0 04:52
Ditiris[    43.338660]  Trying to fix it up, but a reboot is needed 04:52
Ditiris[    43.338661]  Backtrace: 04:52
Ditiris[    43.338712]  Bad page state in process 'modprobe' 04:52
Ditiris[    43.338714]  page:ffff81011fdb9860 flags:0x0000000000000000 mapping:0000000000000000 mapcount:1 count:0 04:52
Ditiris[    43.338715]  Trying to fix it up, but a reboot is needed 04:52
ion_ditiris: PLEASE04:52
Ditiris[    43.338716]  Backtrace: 04:52
Ditiris[    43.338717]  04:52
Ditiris[    43.338718]  Call Trace: 04:52
ubotuHelp! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk04:52
Ditiris[    43.339539]  04:52
Ditiris[    43.339540]  Call Trace:04:52
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*@mail.mustangtechnology.com] by Hobbsee
=== Ditiris was kicked off #ubuntu-devel by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
seb128Hobbsee: thanks04:52
=== Hobbsee bashes ditiris with the pastebin sitck
=== ogra hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee bashes ditiris with the pastebin stick
Hobbseeseb128: no problem04:52
=== Hobbsee hugs ogra
Hobbseeogra: that means i should hound you about the artwork stuff?04:53
=== mthaddon [n=mthaddon@canonical/launchpad/mthaddon] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseeyou're *kidding* me.04:53
shirishogra: ok in that case, should I file a bug & then tell you about it, so the bug-report tells me when you are done with it. 04:53
ograi need to care for it anyway, else tribe3 wont happen04:53
Hobbseethe guy just flooded #ubuntu with it too, after getting kickbanned from here!!!!04:53
ograshirish, feel free04:54
shirishogra: ok cool 04:54
cjwatsonHobbsee: I'd have just kicked him rather than banning him too ...04:54
Hobbseecjwatson: true, but i'm too used to /kb04:54
shirishogra: erm.... which package should it be filed under?04:54
Hobbseecjwatson: i've been dealing with #ubuntu for a few days04:54
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-b *!*@mail.mustangtechnology.com] by Hobbsee
ograshirish, edubuntu-artwork04:55
Hobbseecjwatson: also, i didnt want him to rejoin, say "did you get my question?" and start flooding again.  clueless people do that.04:55
shirishogra: ok, there is a meta-package by that name, I just took it like that04:55
Hobbseecjwatson: whereas if they see the big "you are banned" message, they tend to have to read it a few times, when they realise they cant rejoin the channel, and actually think about it and process it.04:56
azeemjust banning might be more effective then, it will silence them, and you can explain them in-channel what they did wrong04:57
StevenKOr +q them.04:58
Hobbseeazeem: well, the guy hasnt jumped into #ubuntu yet again either?04:58
HobbseeStevenK: /kb is faster than /quiet04:58
Hobbseeand both are faster than /remove04:58
Hobbseeand the autoresponse is to reach for the /k or the /kb04:58
=== azeem uses /ab
StevenKYou just have itchy trigger fingers. :-P04:58
HobbseeStevenK: hush, you, else i'll make you op #ubuntu during australian timezones for a week.04:59
Hobbseeand that'll give you a trigger finger too04:59
Hobbseeand -offtopic :)04:59
=== Ditiris [n=Ditiris@mail.mustangtechnology.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
DitirisSorry about the large text.04:59
DitirisHere's the error I receive in console: Here's the console output: http://paste.uni.cc/1664204:59
HobbseeDitiris: please please please learn about a pastebin04:59
DitirisHobbsee: Sorry.05:00
Hobbseeno problem05:00
HobbseeDitiris: i'd suggest you go to #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, though, seeing as this is not a support channel05:01
DitirisHobbsee: Thank you for redirect.05:01
Hobbseeno problem05:01
shirishogra: filed bug 12441405:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124414 in edubuntu-artwork "[Gutsy]  edubuntu-artwork reports a conflict with ubuntu, xubuntu-artwork" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12441405:01
HobbseeDitiris: in fact ^ is the issue you're facing, i imagine05:01
Hobbseeoh wait.  wrong pastebin05:01
shirishubotu paste05:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:02
Hobbseecjwatson: btw - a lot of clients now rejoin on kick.  so you really have to use a remove, or a kickban05:03
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cjwatsonHobbsee: they don't usually continue pasting, though05:08
cjwatsonHobbsee: and if they do, *then* you can kickban05:08
Hobbseecjwatson: erm...can i just agree to disagree with you there, on the first line, having seen too much of #ubuntu recently?05:08
=== Hobbsee should alias /remove to something even shorter, though
Hobbseehi LaughingMan 05:09
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
cjwatsonHobbsee: fair enough05:10
=== cjwatson goes back to trying to nail his tribe-3 bugs
Hobbseehehe, good luck :)05:11
=== pygi also has his own tribe-3 bugs
Hobbseepygi: yes :)05:11
Hobbseepygi: need a sponsor for htem?05:12
pygiHobbsee, yes, but next week05:12
Hobbseepygi: oh right.  for some reason i thought it was a week later.05:12
=== Hobbsee had around half a week off work - it's totally thrown her internal calender
=== Hobbsee had around half a week off work - it's totally thrown her internal calendar
pygi/kickban Hobbsee do not paste05:13
Hobbseepygi: /kb Hobbsee learn to spell05:13
cjwatsonpitti: confirmed your restricted-manager bug, BTW, or at least a different incarnation of the same problem - it bites ubiquity-oem too05:14
Hobbseepygi: not much point though.  i can unban myself, being on the access list :)05:14
cjwatsonit's actually more of a missing feature :-(05:14
pygiHobbsee, :)05:15
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pitticjwatson: in the sense of "apt-install doesn't install anything that's not already in the live system"?05:16
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cjwatsonpitti: yees05:17
cjwatsoner, yes05:17
=== Hobbsee whines over apt.
cjwatsonit prevents things from being removed, but doesn't actually install them. whoops05:17
Hobbseeit's broken, and i dont know how to fix it.05:17
geserHobbsee: what did you break?05:19
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Hobbseegeser: it was already broken.05:20
Hobbseegeser: i fixed some of the FTBFS' in the bzr, and then got stuck.05:20
Hobbseeunfortunatley, stevenk's rebuild in the archive FTBFS too.  so we actually have no building apt at the moment.05:21
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=== pitti sobs, my nice canned bug replies went away again, except for the first oen
pittikeescook: ^ so moving that script to the top of the stack didn't help05:43
Hobbseepitti: that really does seem to hate you..05:43
pittias much as I love it when it works, yes05:44
keescookpitti: ugh.  let me see if I want figure out some way to export and import replies -- that way you can externally save them.05:45
keescookHobbsee: have you seen them vanish for you ever?05:45
pittikeescook: I wonder whether I'm the only one who sees this05:45
Hobbseekeescook: nope05:45
pittikeescook: I might just kill my ffox profile and start all over05:45
Hobbseekeescook: not even changing firefox versions05:45
keescookpitti: so far, the people I know of using it is me, bdmurray, Hobbsee, and you.05:45
pittikeescook: or maybe some of Mithrandir's and your scripts don't mix well with that one05:45
pittikeescook: I think Mithrandir has a version which hardcodes the replies in the .js source; that would work, too05:46
keescookyeah, the hardcoded one was where mine started from.05:46
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@cl-266.bru-01.be.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kanowhy is in a daily snapshot of a kubunut live cd the xserver-xorg-intel 2.0.0 and not 2.1.0?05:50
=== Monk-e [n=guido-xu@c529dd229.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
luisbgcjwatson, thanks for the approval in devel ML05:52
HobbseeKano: what was the build date on the daily snapshot?05:52
=== Hobbsee wonders if they're even getting built at the moment
Kano671M 2007-07-06 06:26 gutsy-desktop-amd64.iso05:53
Kanoalso i need a new mesa snapshot05:53
Hobbseethat's the time/date it was modified on your system.  != build date05:53
Kanofor 3d on intel g3305:53
Hobbseeie, that tells us nothing about which build it might be05:53
Kanoi download with wget -N, thats server data05:53
Kanothe latest05:54
Kanofor g33 you need 2.1.0+new mesa05:54
Kanomesa from sid is still too old05:56
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ madison xserver-xorg-video-intel05:56
Hobbseexserver-xorg-video-intel | 2:2.1.0-1ubuntu1 | http://mirror.pacific.net.au gutsy/main Packages05:56
Hobbseexserver-xorg-video-intel | 2:2.1.0-1ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages05:56
Hobbseexserver-xorg-video-intel | 2:2.1.0-1ubuntu1 | http://mirror.pacific.net.au gutsy/main Sources05:56
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ madison mesa05:56
Hobbsee      mesa | 7.0.0-0ubuntu2 | http://mirror.pacific.net.au gutsy/main Sources05:57
Kanothe intel driver works when i do a dist-upgrade 05:57
Kanojust 2d05:58
Kanobtw. hal breaks the dist-upgrade of the lastest iso05:58
Kanobut at least intel driver is current enough05:58
Kanomesa is indirect rendering05:59
Hobbseepitti: the daily cds that are building - are they actually real dailies, with what's in the archive, or are they the same as the tribe 2 ones, just with a different date?05:59
pittiHobbsee: real dailies actually05:59
Hobbseethat's weird.05:59
=== agoliveira_lunch is now known as agoliveira
Hobbseepitti: any idea why the xserver-xorg-video-intel, mesa wouldnt be the updated versions on the cds, then?06:00
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20070706/gutsy-alternate-amd64.list has /pool/main/m/mesa/libgl1-mesa-glx_7.0.0-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb06:01
pittiwhich is precisely the current version in gutsy06:01
=== _TomB [n=tomb@host81-153-8-121.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittisame for -xorg-intel06:02
cjwatsonthe live filesystem builds are failing, though06:02
pittimesa is current on i386 alternate as well, but -intel isn't on the CD06:02
cjwatsonnote that Kano is using desktop not alternate06:02
cjwatsonThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:02
cjwatson  libcurl3-gnutls: Conflicts: libcurl4-gnutls but 7.16.2-6ubuntu3 is to be installed06:02
cjwatson  libcurl4-gnutls: Depends: libcurl3-gnutls (= 7.16.2-6ubuntu3) but 7.16.2-6ubuntu4 is to be installed06:02
Hobbseeeven by using http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20070706/gutsy-alternate-i386.list06:03
pittiHobbsee: right, due to curl and OOo mess06:03
Kanoalso i use KUBUNTU desktop06:03
pittiHobbsee: we need the OO.o package from calc 06:03
cjwatsonKano: Kubuntu is not an acronym and thus should not be in all-caps06:03
HobbseeKano: yeah, i eventually figured that one, due to the file size.  helpful if you can actually *tell* us such information, without having to go fishing for it, too, btw06:03
cjwatsonsame error for Kubuntu, anyway06:03
Kanocjwatson: ?06:03
pittiKano: we need to get rid of the libcurl4 package, which requires a new OO.o upload06:04
Hobbseehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20070706/gutsy-desktop-amd64.list that, sorry06:04
cjwatsonKano: you said "KUBUNTU". That is not the correct capitalisation. In English only acronyms should be in all capital letters.06:04
pittiafter that's done, live CDs will build again; its' already in progress06:04
Kanocjwatson: i just wanted to tell you that i dont use the ubuntu one06:04
cjwatsonI realise that, but it doesn't matter in this case06:04
cjwatsonboth have the same problem06:04
Hobbseecjwatson: anywhere public that we can check the live filesystem builds, then?06:05
cjwatsonHobbsee: sure, they've been public for ages and ages06:05
Hobbseecjwatson: sorry, where are they?06:05
cjwatsonHobbsee: 06:05
cjwatsoncd-build-logs is something else06:05
pittiah, right06:05
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cjwatsonhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/gutsy/kubuntu/latest/livecd-20070706.1-amd64.out is the one pertaining to Kano's build06:06
Kanohow about using aufs instead of unionfs?06:07
Kanounionfs behaves very bad in some cases (especally in vm)06:08
Kanoaufs is very similar in use and does not have that problem06:08
cjwatsonpkl is looking into newer versions of unionfs; not sure about aufs06:08
Kanousing aufs is really the more stable choice06:09
cjwatsonwe certainly cannot use something not in the Ubuntu kernel, though06:09
cjwatsonso the appropriate people to ask are the kernel team06:09
Kanowell i do my own live cd, i have integrated both for testing06:09
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Kanohmm in theory mesa 7 is new enough when i grep for G33..06:10
Kanobut why do i have got still indirect rendering then06:11
Kanowill check with next livecd...06:11
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=== Hobbsee --> bed. night all.
pittibye Hobbsee 06:15
keescookcya Hobbsee06:15
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=== bryce waves back
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ScottKkeescook: gnupg has me stumped.  The recommended change for installing the config file does not appear to me to solve the problem.  Would you be able to look at it?06:35
pkl_cjwatson: I'm currently looking into both Unionfs and aufs...06:37
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keescookScottK: just heading out now; can you describe the issues in that first bug?  I can dig into it a little later?06:40
ScottKOK.  I'll attach the debdiff of where I am with some additional discussion and subscribe you to the bug if you aren't. keescook: will that work?06:41
keescookyup!  perfect, thanks.  :)06:41
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geserScottK: what problem do you have?06:47
ScottKgeser: I'm writing it in the bug just now.  06:50
ScottKgeser: Please see Bug #7698306:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 76983 in gnupg "Doesn't create settings correctly on first start" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7698306:51
ScottKgeser: There's no pride of authorship here.  If you can figure it, please do.06:51
geserScottK: have you already a .gnupg/gpg.conf?06:54
ScottKI did, but I removed it before installing.06:55
geseronly the file or the whole dir .gnupg?06:55
ScottKOnly the file06:55
gesercan you check if you still have a problem, with no .gnupg dir?06:56
ScottKOn the phone at the moment.06:56
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ScottKgeser: When I ran gpg after moving .gnupg it reacreate the dir, but no gpg.conf in it.07:03
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geserand the error about the wrong directory to options.skel is gone?07:08
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:GhoSt] : Ta geule connard
nixternalyay, idiot on board07:09
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:GhoSt] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Tribe 2 released
tsmitheok that was weird07:09
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:GhoSt] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Im a lame | Tribe 2 released
ubotuHelp! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk07:09
geserScottK: is there a reason why you comment out the 60_install_options_skel patch in 00list in your debdiff? only because it's not working?07:09
ubotuHelp! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk07:10
ScottKThere is a reason, but not a good one.07:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops* - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:10
thomonce is enough07:10
GhoStHelp me ! Im lame !!07:10
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o thom] by ChanServ
nixternalthank you thom07:11
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GhoStHappy to knew U :'(07:11
ubotuHelp! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk07:11
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:thom] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Tribe 2 released
ScottKgeser: I had a theory that maybe the patch was getting applied to late in the build process so edited the makefiles directly and commented out the patch.  Forgot to uncomment the patch for the debdiff.07:11
GhoSt!help kb me !07:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help kb me ! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:11
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=== GhoSt was kicked off #ubuntu-devel by thom (thom)
ScottKgeser: I also (just) tried creating a new user and running gpg there.  Same result.07:13
=== pitti bounces happily
pittiListing ubuntu/None (NEW) 0/007:15
=== nixternal high-fives pitti
=== nixternal quickly dputs 1000 NEW packages ;p
nixternal0/0 means you need work :)07:17
pittinixternal: thanks, staring at licenses and files for two hours is enough for a day :)07:17
nixternalahh, licenses are not fun at all07:18
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tsmithethanks for going through the queue, pitti :)07:20
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bhalethom: jeez07:29
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geserpitti: have you some time to upload a small fix for the apt FTBFS?07:32
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pittigeser: I'm about to leave, but if it's quick, toss it over07:33
geserpitti: http://members.ping.de/~mb/apt.debdiff07:34
geserit just needed a autoconf before building the source package07:35
pittigeser: did you check this into the bzr?07:35
gesernot yet07:36
ScottKgeser: I wonder if that's my problem with GPG too....07:36
pittiI'd rather have it there, for the sake of consistency07:36
geserhave to figure out how to do it07:36
shawarmageser: That works?!?07:36
geserI can't commit directly to the apt bzr07:37
pittigeser: ok, I'll commit it there07:37
gesershawarma: yes, it complained that it can't find autoconf07:37
geserpitti: thanks07:37
pittigeser: thanks for fixing07:38
geserScottK: looking at your gnupg problem now07:39
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pittigeser: uploaded; bzr get takes ages, I'll check it in later07:47
=== pitti waves goodbye
pittihave a nice weekend07:50
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ScottKgeser: I don't have it figured yet, but I'm thinking it's a path issue of some kind.08:21
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geserScottK: I guess you were right about autoconf08:30
ScottKCould you make it work then?08:30
=== ScottK hasn't succeeded.
geserI'm doing a build know08:30
geserScottK: gpg: new configuration file `/tmp/.gnupg/gpg.conf' created08:32
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gesergpg: WARNING: options in `/tmp/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run08:32
geserI tested it from within a pbuilder08:32
ScottKOK.  What additional changes did you make then?08:33
geserit only works if the user hasn't run gnugpg before (i.e. has no ~/.gnupg dir)08:33
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eagles0513875do we have any debuggers in here cuz i just bought a linux magazine that hasa kool program that is easy to debug stuff08:34
geserScottK: http://members.ping.de/~mb/60_install_options_skel.dpatch08:34
geserthat's the updated dpatch08:35
=== ScottK looks
geserI've run autogen.sh and stripped out the unneeded changes (as I did know how to patch g10/Makefile.in by hand)08:35
geserthe only new patches are for configure and g10/Makefile.in08:36
ScottKOK.  Would you update the debdiff on the bug then or do you want me to?08:36
geserI will update it08:37
KmosBenC: bug 6340208:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63402 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Edgy Beta cannot boot" [High,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6340208:37
ScottKgeser: Great.  Thanks.08:38
eagles0513875ScottK: u might like this program www.undo-software.com 08:39
eagles0513875it should make debugging stuff easier08:39
ScottKeagles0513875: This isn't a random chit-chat about stuff channel.08:40
eagles0513875i know i was just trying to make debugging easier for u guys08:40
ScottKeagles0513875: If you know anything about Ubuntu at all, I think you'd understand that random touting of proprietary software isn't particularly appreciated.08:42
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geserScottK: while we are it: could we fix bug #62864 too?08:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 62864 in gnupg "[Edgy]  Refreshing my keyring stops after some keys (keyserver time out)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6286408:52
geseradding libcurl to build-depends fixed it for me and I've done it already for gnupg2 which I use08:52
ScottKgeser: I sure don't mind.08:52
ScottKIt all depends on what you can convince keescook to upload.08:53
ScottKAnd if it's your name at the bottom of the debian/changelog entry so you touched it last and not me, I don't mind that either ;-)08:54
=== Luckye [n=verza123@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Luckyethere is someone who now use php?08:57
ScottKLuckye: This is a development channel, not a support channel.  Try #ubuntu.08:57
Luckyethanks 08:58
ScottKNo problem.08:58
Luckyehow can i access at that room?08:58
evandLuckye: type /join #ubuntu08:58
=== glatzor [n=renate@p57AEE38D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Luckyewhere? here?08:59
geserthat same way you joined this channel08:59
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PiciJust type it here.09:10
Luckyewhere is there someone who can help me to learn to use  glade?09:11
ScottKLuckye: In the same place you just typed escuseme?, type /join #ubuntu09:11
ScottKLuckye: Not here.  It's off topic for this channel.09:11
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geserScottK: added the updated debdiff to the bug09:16
geserwaiting now for keescook for review :)09:16
ScottKCool.  Thanks.09:16
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ScottKgeser: I see you added libcurl4-gnutls-dev.  I thought we went back to libcurl3?09:22
geseryes, curl is very special nowadays09:24
geserthe package with the library is called libcurl3{,-gnutls} but the headers are in libcurl4-*-dev09:25
ScottKgeser: At this point the fix for the lack of a gpg.conf only works on new installs.  Should we do something for upgrades?09:26
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geserScottK: I'd add only a news entry09:29
geserusers already using gnupg must add the option manually (if they use kmail)09:30
ScottKOK.  I guess we cover that in the documentation.09:30
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ScottKgeser: What about a check in the postinst to see if ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf exists and cp /usr/share/gnupg/options.skel ~/.gnugpg/gpg.conf if it doesn't.  That won't help a lot for multi-user systems, but for single user systems that would solve the concequences of the bug without risking over-writing existing user setting.10:08
geserScottK: package installation is run as root so ~ will point to /root10:09
ScottKOf course.10:09
ScottKWe could walk through all the dirs in /home, but it's probably well into more trouble than it's worth at that point.10:10
superm1ScottK, what is the bug you guys are referring to?10:12
gesersuperm1: bug #7698310:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 76983 in gnupg "Doesn't create settings correctly on first start" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7698310:13
geserScottK: when I think again about it, I'm not sure if ~ will point to /root as update-manager is run through sudo but I wouldn't depend on this10:15
geserthat it points to the users home10:16
superm1at the same time wouldn't you want to install that options file into /etc/skel too?10:16
ScottKRight.  If we were going to do it we would want to check explicitly in each dir in /home.10:16
ScottKsuperm1: That would make sense.10:17
gesersuperm1: gnupg copies it itself if no ~/.gnupg exists (but you can do it also through /etc/skel)10:17
ScottKsuperm1: You want to whip us up a quick shell script I can add to the postinst to make it all better?10:18
superm1ScottK, I could later on - but i'm at work atm :)10:19
ScottKgeser: Is libcurl4-gnutls supposed to be installable right now?10:19
geserScottK: as gnupg is in the ubuntu-minimal task it's installed on every system so I'd be very careful about scanning /home (I think about edubuntu/LTSP)10:20
ScottKsuperm1: If you get to it before keescook does the gnupg upload you might add it to the debdiff on bug #76983.10:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 76983 in gnupg "Doesn't create settings correctly on first start" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7698310:20
ScottKgeser: I was thinking look for .gnupg and if you don't find it, stop.  If you do check for gpg.conf.  If you do find it, stop.  If you don't copy in the skel file.10:21
geserScottK: you mean libcurl4-gnuts-dev? yes, at least in a pbuilder10:21
superm1ScottK, okay i'll see if i can do that later this evening10:22
ScottKgeser: Any chance you could pop over to #kubuntu and give manchicken (don't ask) a hand with it as he's still having trouble with it (libcurl4-gnutls).10:22
ScottKgeser: Oops.  #kubuntu-devel.  Sorry.10:23
superm1ScottK, actually i've got a quick script you can throw in it10:30
superm1i just ack'ed how easy that would be 10:30
superm1let me throw it in a pastebin for you10:30
superm1ScottK, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28858/10:32
gesersuperm1: I'd only copy it if a .gnupg exists10:33
geserthat way only users using gpg get it10:33
geserif the user decides to use gpg in the future he will get the actual options file when running gpg the first time10:34
ScottKYes.  I agree with that.10:35
ion_Also be paranoid about someone stupid enough to have a space in his username. :-) (Does something prevent that?)10:36
superm1something like that instead then10:36
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geserion_: I'm not sure if adduser allows them10:37
gesersuperm1: you also want to fix the ownership, the user should be able to edit it afterwards10:37
evandion_: the installer checks for that10:38
evandbut yeah, not sure if you can do it after the fact10:38
superm1geser, what should permissions be on the resultant file then?10:38
evandapparently not10:38
ScottK600 I think10:39
ScottKis what I was thinking.10:39
superm1but dont you need the file your changing as an argument?10:39
ScottKI have a dapper box (with a gpg.conf from before this bug was introduced) and it's 60010:39
ScottKYeah. Details like which file...10:40
=== Lure_ [n=lure@89-212-19-55.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
geserScottK: it's not garanteed that every user has it's own group (although is common)10:40
ScottKThat's the standard Ubuntu install, right?10:41
=== ScottK would think supporting standard installation would be enough for this. Anyone doing a non-standard install should know how to fix it themselves...
geseryes, USERGROUPS=yes in /etc/adduser.conf10:42
ion_getent passwd | awk 'FS=":" { if ($3 >= 1000) print $6 }' | while read home; do if [ -d "$home/.gnupg" ] ; then ...; fi; done10:43
geserbut I don't know if it's true for all Ubuntu variants10:43
geserScottK: and a package updated shouldn't fail on a non-standard installation10:43
axxonor should it mess around in $home imo, but i'm clueless10:44
geseraxxo: that too10:44
ScottKaxxo: normally you wouldn't have too, but the bug is a missing conf file.  The question is how to get it un-missing.10:44
axxoit doesn't inherit from a global defaults config file?10:45
ScottKNot if you are past first run for gpg.10:45
cjwatsonScottK: can't the program itself be fixed, rather than hacking around it in the postinst?10:46
superm1ion_, have to be careful with that getent, it still got a /nonexistant in the list10:46
cjwatsonScottK: postinst fiddling won't work on systems that NFS-mount /home10:46
superm1for the nobody acct10:46
cjwatsonScottK: which is one reason no package does it10:46
ion_superm1: [ -d "$home/.gnupg" ] 10:46
ScottKcjwatson: We have the fix to create on first run.  The question is do we try and fix the upgraders who don't have it at all because of this bug.10:47
superm1oh right :)10:47
ScottKIt may well be to hard and we mention it in the release notes.10:47
cjwatsonScottK: you can't do it correctly, and attempting to do it in the postinst will likely make matters worse in harder-to-find ways10:47
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cjwatsonScottK: it would also be possible to create the options file on non-first run if it's missing10:48
ScottKOK.  10:48
cjwatson(I don't know enough about gpg to know whether that's sane)10:48
ScottKHaving explored it here (thanks) it sounds to me like it's to important a package to take risks with.10:49
=== ScottK thinks release notes it is.
geserScottK: older gpg used .gnupg/options as options file10:51
geserI'd need to look up if it's still supported10:51
=== conbart [n=conbart@surfer04.citilan.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
geserit's ok for those users to not have an gpg.conf file10:52
geserScottK: another note: the gpg-agent starts (currently) only if use-agent is set10:52
ScottKRight.  That's why the new patch sets use-agent.10:53
ScottKgeser: See 61_use_agent_default patch.10:53
geserScottK: you should add to the release notes that users who add use-agent manually need to logout and login again to be able to use it (to get one running gpg-agent)10:57
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=== Nafallo wonders how long we will have the transitional package ssh along
ScottKgeser: That or (I think) eval agent (I'll get the exact syntax, I have it in my notes).11:23
Nafallossh has been a transitional package since warty :-P11:24
Nafallotime to remove it? ;-)11:24
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