
=== Pici` [n=pcmacman@unaffiliated/pici] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-65-186-68-182.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
DM|Ok i cant get into #ubuntu02:06
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:06
ubotuDM| called the ops in #ubuntu-ops02:07
naliothDM|: could you just not wait a minute or two?02:08
DM|nalioth well i came in for help, because i cant access #ubuntu, no one responded, so how am I to know anyone is there02:10
DM|Im not a mind reader02:10
naliothyou waited all of half a minute02:10
naliothnot all of us watch this channel 24/702:10
nixternalDM|: have you fixed your router?02:11
DM|I did the last time02:11
nixternalhrmm, it seems that is the only ban I see, and that was from 6/1302:11
DM|That was supposed to be cleared up02:12
nixternaltry and connect now02:13
DM|that did it thanks nixternal02:13
nixternalDM|: will you join me really quick in ##woohoo just to double check your router?02:13
nixternalenjoy :)02:15
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-65-186-68-182.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
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=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ip72-196-13-134.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@84-12-22-199.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
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mneptokdum dee dee06:55
mneptokdee la dee da06:55
=== Hobbsee pokes mneptok with a pin
=== mneptok deflates in a noxious cloud of pizza farts
=== Pumpernickel fends off the noxious fumes with purifying beer
=== SportChick pokes Hobbsee
Hobbseehey SportChick!07:19
=== mneptok bounces up and down on SportChick
SportChickhi :p07:20
mneptokHI! HI! HI!07:20
=== Hobbsee cuddles SportChick
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
tonyyarussoWeird.  If you set a +d, it doesn't show up in the /bans in irssi.07:49
Hobbseeit does if you do a /mode $channel d though07:55
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Aaah, that's the way I was trying to remember.  ty07:55
tonyyarussoHobbsee: any better way to include spaces than with a ? wildcard?07:56
Hobbseeno idea07:56
tonyyarussojudging from what others have done in my logs, that's the way to do it07:57
poningruhappy 777 everyone!!08:21
Hobbseehiya poningru08:22
Hobbseedoes that mean the crazies will be out, then?08:22
poningruwho knows08:22
poningruI mean if they are out08:22
poningruhow is that different than any other day?08:22
poningruatleast in irc land08:22
Hobbseethere are more crazy and less crazy days in ircland08:24
poningruyeah anyday mneptok doesnt logon is the less crazy day!08:28
=== poningru runs
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Seveas at Fri May 11 11:21:21 2007
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ompaulbbrazil, I love the understatement10:27
ompaulokay I am out of here10:28
ompaulbbrazil,  you in dublin?10:28
GazzaKompaul, morning, we are at LugRadio Live :-)10:28
ompaulGazzaK, morning10:29
ompaulenjoy it10:29
ompaulbbrazil, if you are sms me - I'll drop over that way in two or so hours and have a cup of tea :)10:29
ompaulif you have the time10:29
bbrazilompaul: I am, but I'm oncall10:32
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179146243.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu11:03
stefgErmm... i'm a bit surprised finding myself banned from #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic when i tried to login this morning. what gives?11:03
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.GazzaK] has left #ubuntu-ops ["I]
stefgping! some op awake? (i know it's night on the other side of the big pond)11:13
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179146243.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== gresola [n=gresola@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== atoponce [n=aaron@oalug/member/atoponce] has joined #ubuntu-ops
gresolaola atoponce11:18
stefgMez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok. Someone awake of you? I find myself banned from #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic when trying to login. Must be some error. Someone unban, me please11:23
=== jenda pretends not to have heard that
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== VorianPrime [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== gnomefreak doesnt see that ban at all in #ubuntu :(
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179146243.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefgping, someone alive who can unban me from #ubuntu , and -offtopic ? No idea why i found myself banned when i tried to join this morning12:54
gnomefreakstefg: i didnt see you banned from ubuntu unless its been a long time12:56
stefghi, good morning, (or whatever is appropiate in your timezone)... vhatzilla tells me i'm banned from #ubuntu ... can /join #kubuntu. someone put an unclever hostmask to some other ban?12:57
gnomefreakgive me a few minutes12:59
gnomefreakstefg: im not showing you banned at all anywhere01:01
gnomefreakstefg: not by name nor hostmask01:01
gnomefreakstefg: use xchat see if you can log in01:01
stefghmmm.... wait a sec, i'll try from the laptop01:01
=== stefg [n=stefg@e179146243.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefgugh.... xchat works01:04
gnomefreakits chatzilla01:04
gnomefreaki saw01:04
=== gnomefreak goes back to work now
bbrazilhmm, is there a ban on n=chatzill@* or something?01:07
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
gnomefreaknot htat i saw01:14
=== Pumpernickle [n=Pumperni@CPE0016b6c9fba4-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Pumpernickle] by ChanServ
gnomefreakthats odd01:16
=== ubuntu_laptop [n=chatzill@adsl-221-44-127.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ubuntu_laptop] by ChanServ
gnomefreakonly works on this nick01:27
gnomefreakok who banned chatzilla and how did you ban it?01:28
gnomefreakthey seemed to all been removed but still cant get in01:29
elkbuntugnomefreak, nalioth might know?01:31
gnomefreaknalioth: you around?01:31
gnomefreakty elkbuntu01:31
elkbuntugnomefreak, or another staffer, maybe ompaul or jenda01:32
gnomefreakwouldnt it still show up in ban list either bt or /node?01:32
gnomefreakmode even01:32
gnomefreakjenda: can you check staff bans on chatzilla?01:32
elkbuntugnomefreak, dunno01:32
jendastaff bans?01:33
jendathere's certainly no k-lines on it.01:33
gnomefreakjenda: its not in bantracker nor /mode #channel01:33
gnomefreakso i figured maybe you have your own list01:33
jendaWell, I'll report it, but it would have to be a k/g/d-line, and I'm sure we don't (wittingly) ban a client.01:34
gnomefreakty its strange that any of us would ban a client anyway01:34
jendabesides, the people can connect to the network, no?01:35
gnomefreakim connected with ubuntu_laptop on chatzilla01:35
jendaand you're banned from #ubuntu?01:35
gnomefreakjenda: but you also ban in channels without oping so im not sure if it uses same list01:35
gnomefreakjenda: and -offtopic01:36
jendait does01:36
gnomefreakINFO] Channel view for #ubuntu opened. [INFO] You are banned from this channel.01:36
ubuntu_laptopINFO] Channel view for #ubuntu opened.01:36
ubuntu_laptop[INFO] You are banned from this channel.01:37
=== gnomefreak not liking chatzilla :(
gnomefreaksomeone else complained about it and it confused me becasue i couldnt find it he connected with xchat and works01:40
elkbuntui'd say it's time to harrass other staffers :01:40
gnomefreakelkbuntu: jenda is the only one on i know ;)01:41
bbrazil313 bans? this will take a bit...01:41
gnomefreaki try not to harrass staff i dont know01:41
elkbuntugnomefreak, but he will be able to harrass others :)01:41
gnomefreakbbrazil: yes it does i went over it 3 times01:41
gnomefreakelkbuntu: good point01:42
bbrazil242 - #ubuntu: ban ubotu?*!*@* [by ballard.freenode.net, 3821661 secs ago] 01:42
bbrazil12:43 -!- 0 - #ubuntu: ban New?Now?Know?How [by tonyyarusso!n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso, 20691 secs ago] 01:43
gnomefreakthats ubotu? ban01:43
bbrazilthat's why ubuntu_laptop can't join01:43
jendaI alread harassed some :)01:44
gnomefreakbbrazil: no its not related to that01:44
gnomefreakstegf couldnt get in either01:44
jendaI'm quite sure this isn't a staff issue, though.01:44
ubuntu_laptopim in all channels01:45
ubuntu_laptopim sure it would have muted or removed me01:45
bbrazilubuntu_laptop: /cycle to be sure01:45
ubuntu_laptopstill there01:45
jendaubuntu_laptop: how about changing your 'username' to chatzill?01:45
ubuntu_laptopjenda: than i will be banned01:46
jendayou sure? :)01:46
jendaperhaps it's something about chatzilla itself :)01:46
ubuntu_laptopill let you know01:46
bbrazilworked for me with n=chatzill01:48
ubuntu_laptopthats frigging odd01:48
elkbuntui think tonyyarusso's ban is the culprit01:49
=== elkbuntu installs chatzilla to test
bbrazilfor gnomefreak, yes01:49
ubotuHirvinen called the ops in #ubuntu01:49
ubotustefg called the ops in #ubuntu01:49
ubuntu_laptopim using iceape chatzilla and it should be differnet than firefox-chatzill01:49
=== stefg [n=stefg@e179147034.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
gnomefreakok let me check on this01:51
gnomefreakif it was chatzilla why could i join here?01:53
gnomefreakstefg: thanks ;)01:53
=== robdeman [n=chatzill@b71069.upc-b.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu-ops
robdemanhello all01:53
gnomefreakrobdeman: we know01:53
gnomefreakrobdeman: try joining #ubuntu+1 please01:54
robdemanwhy am I banned from ubuntu?01:54
robdemanoh ok01:54
gnomefreakrobdeman: and let me know01:54
gnomefreakrobdeman: dont ask for support there though01:54
bbrazilcould one of ye do /mode -d New?Now?Know?How01:54
bbrazilthat should fix it01:54
gnomefreakits not chatzilla01:54
bbrazilit's the default realname it puts in01:54
gnomefreakbbrazil: ofcourse01:54
robdemangnomefreak: yes I can access #ubuntu+101:54
gnomefreaki saw01:54
robdemanso what happened?01:55
gnomefreaktry to join #ubuntu01:55
elkbuntui just joined successfully01:56
bbrazilrobdeman: over-broad ban on a default setting by the looks of it01:56
gnomefreakelkbuntu: yes i removed the bans in both channels01:56
gnomefreak-offtopic and main01:56
stefgok. so i tried a fresh profile with chatzilla... since i can join all the other channels on freenode it must be related to #ubuntu-settings01:57
gnomefreaksomeone is gonna have to rethink that ban01:57
stefgah, ok01:57
gnomefreakstefg: you can join now01:57
elkbuntumy god this client is atrocious01:57
stefgphewww.... thanks. i can't stand xchat, to be honest01:57
gnomefreakelkbuntu: agreed01:57
elkbuntuthey cant pick any single font size or anything01:57
bbraziltime was ZZ:58 - 6 hours ago01:57
gnomefreakty bbrazil01:57
bbrazilcan someone check #ubuntu? I only rejoin a few hours back01:58
gnomefreakbbrazil: its fixed01:58
gnomefreakthe ban you mean?01:58
bbrazilI'm just wondering what the context was01:58
gnomefreakcontext of time?01:59
gnomefreakit works fine here at 7:5801:59
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179147034.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
bbrazilI mean that's when the ban was originally set in ubuntu-offtopic02:00
stefgok, so for the record: what was it that banned all the chatzillas?02:00
elkbuntustefg, the default real name02:00
stefgah, good to know (and to change that)02:01
elkbuntuthis is why defaults are not good ;)02:01
gnomefreaki only show seconds (i have to find a script that changes that02:04
=== Pumpernickel [n=Pumperni@CPE0016b6c9fba4-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== robdeman [n=chatzill@b71069.upc-b.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu-ops []
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== stefg_ [n=stefg@e179144161.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ompaulgnomefreak, what you are talking about looks like someone used +lart in xchat02:39
gnomefreakfor that ban?02:39
ompaulyeah it hits nick user@ip ::real name02:39
ompaulall four part02:39
ompaulI looks cos I ain't looked02:40
gnomefreakwell im sure it will end up banned again02:40
ompaulcheck in bugbot02:40
ompaulif not there then it was in the autoremove02:40
ompaulso that would be a really short thing to do02:40
ompaulwhich is not the idea of autoremove02:40
ompaulkinda silly02:40
gnomefreakill look sometime today02:41
gnomefreakim trying to fix firefox atm02:41
=== stdin [i=stdin@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ompaulokay I am about to remove a large amount of old server side bans03:01
ompaulnone of the special ones03:01
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== stefg is proposing to establish #ubuntu-my-wireless-doesnt-work
=== stefg not to forget #ubuntu-my-intelhda-sounds-funny
TheSheepwhat's intelhda?05:39
ompaulintel hda05:39
ompaulor something05:39
TheSheephdd = hard disk drive, hda = hard disk a?05:39
Pumpernickelhigh def audio05:39
TheSheepPumpernickel: thanks :)05:40
PumpernickelIt's their replacement standard for ac'97.05:40
ompaulstandard, is it open?05:40
mc44@gnu open?05:40
ompaul@Gnu Publicly available free to use documents on said standard05:41
ubotuGNU/Publicly GNU/available GNU/free GNU/to GNU/use GNU/documents GNU/on GNU/said GNU/standard05:41
PumpernickelLooks open ish, at least. http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/manuals/307017.htm05:44
PumpernickelI'm hardly an expert on it, though.05:45
=== ishock_ [n=ishock@] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
ishock_WHY am I still affected by this?06:03
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Bye!]
ubotumagnetron called the ops in #ubuntu06:06
ishock_EXCUSE me.............06:13
PumpernickelYes, we see that you're there.  No, there's no one around who can help you right now.  Please be patient.06:13
ishock_I need tested for some stupid reason...06:14
ishock_GLOBAL: http://vidgaming.org/Dstudio.zip for anyone who needs t download Dialog Studio.06:15
elkbuntuishock_, why are you linking warez?06:17
ishock_How am I linking warez?06:18
elkbuntuyou're linking to software downloads that are not in repos for starters06:18
ishock_That was mainly for the other server I am on06:18
ishock_Where a lot of mIRC scripters rely on that program06:19
elkbuntuthat sort of global messaging will get you banned from any ubuntu channel06:19
ishock_I didn't even know it would come over here...06:19
elkbuntuyou also have a history of verbal abuse06:20
ishock_I know06:21
ishock_I'm more insterested in why I can;t join Ubuntu06:21
elkbuntuit seems you're quarantined for the d c c exploit06:22
elkbuntui don't know the test strings for that, so i cannot do anything about it06:23
ishock_Its odd06:23
ishock_Considering Im connected on port 8001..06:23
elkbuntuishock_, you may have coincidentally dropped off in the middle of a huge spree. there's been a few this week with large impacts. we prefer to err on the side of caution, however, for the security of everyone who uses our channels06:25
ubotupronouce is point your movie player at /usr/share/examples/example-content/experience-ubuntu.ogg07:15
=== crdlb [n=chrisw@unaffiliated/crdlb] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuIn ubotu, naes said: ? where did this come from is someone here?07:55
nalioth!tell naes about bot07:56
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: ban issue?08:02
mc44tonyyarusso: you banned all chatzilla apparently :)08:03
naliothit was tonyyarusso ?08:04
tonyyarussonalioth: If New?Now?Know?How is all chatzilla, then yes.08:04
mc44<bbrazil> 12:43 -!- 0 - #ubuntu: ban New?Now?Know?How [by tonyyarusso!n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso, 20691 secs ago] 08:05
mc44ah yes08:05
naliothbad tonyyarusso bad bad  :D08:05
=== tonyyarusso totally thought that was a particular user, b/c he's removed and/or banned someone with that realname many many times now
naliothtonyyarusso: you know that anyone who uses chatzilla ain't got the experience to use a real irc client, how do you think they'll know to change their user name in it?08:05
tonyyarussoPlease excuse my ignorance of chatzilla's defaults :S08:05
mc44at least banning them might have caused some people to get a real client :)08:06
tonyyarussonalioth: I don't - i just didn't know something that strange could be a default for anything08:06
naliothtonyyarusso: chazilla is strange08:06
tonyyarussoAll right, finishing up the scrollback it seems a number of people (eventually) figured out where the blame lay, so thanks to all of them, and sorry again.08:07
tonyyarussoMeanwhile, I'm supposed to be in Woodbury in an hour, so I should be off again.08:07
=== poningru yawns
stefgshame on tonyyarusso08:34
stefgnalioth: btw, you owe us chatzillians an excuse for speaking low of the most usable gui irc client, don't you08:35
ubotugeser called the ops in #ubuntu-motu08:48
=== geser [i=mb@ubuntu/member/geser] has joined #ubuntu-ops
gesercould someone please ban icf7_ from #ubuntu-motu?08:49
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== minghua [n=minghua@ubuntu/member/minghua] has joined #ubuntu-ops
minghuaany #ubuntu-motu ops around?08:52
PriceChildwooo LugRadio Live :P08:52
joejaxxminghua: there are only those four :\08:52
=== minghua sighs
joejaxxand the are all afk it seems08:53
PriceChildand sladen is at LRL so he won't be able to do anything..08:53
nixternalwhat is the ban forward for "fix your router"?08:54
naliothnixternal: to #ubuntu-read-topic08:55
=== minghua [n=minghua@ubuntu/member/minghua] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
=== geser [i=mb@ubuntu/member/geser] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Liberate]
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
nixternalif you all get bitch complaints from anlar, tell him to blow it out his arse, I am awaiting a response from him for something he just pm'd me, and if I don't like it, he goes bye bye09:28
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ip72-196-13-134.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ip72-196-13-134.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Stormx2poningru: my god.11:31
=== gnomefre1k [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-154-160.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops

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