
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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doc_hi there01:25
=== DaSkreech waves
mhbnixternal: did you try to test your 386 packages on a 386?02:05
nixternalI haven't had a chance to test run them, they do install though02:05
mhbnixternal: I meant on a real 386, the old Intel processor02:06
mhbnixternal: our naming policy is just crazy02:06
nixternalI didn't even catch that02:06
nixternaldidn't I say i386?02:06
nixternalya, I should have just said x86 :)02:06
mhbyeah, you did...02:06
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-50-72.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbthe first name is derived from a chip which is bound not be working with KDE402:07
nixternalI don't think I have run linux on anything smaller than a 486dx02:07
mhbthe other name (amd_64) says it's only for AMD chips, which is so untrue02:07
mhbaaanyway, nice work nixternal02:08
nixternalthank you...I am working on a major release setup now so I can start doing weekly or biweekly snapshot builds02:08
nixternalI need to build soprano so I can put it in universe02:09
nixternalsame with eigen, and update qca02:09
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=== ryanakca grumbles... My KWallets keep on magically "disappearing", and KWalletManager won't let me create new ones...
ryanakcaFeisty, in case you're wondering02:20
mhbryanakca: Feisty? what's that? :o)02:21
=== ryanakca shrugs
mhbryanakca: you know, we devs tend to run the stable+1 until it is released02:24
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcamhb: ScottK told me to wait until the libcurl issue was fixed before upgrading :)02:25
DaSkreechryanakca: ps auk | grep picKpoKet02:26
ryanakcaDaSkreech: hehe :D02:26
nixternalyou mean the week-long libcurl issue :)02:29
ryanakcanixternal: I suppose :)02:29
=== DaSkreech ties feathers on the LongPointyStick
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ScottKryanakca: On Friday I think the last thing waiting for rebuild due to libcurl was OOO.05:27
DaSkreechJust how unsupported will the KDe4 CD be?06:16
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=== Hobbsee waves
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doc_hi there02:11
rbrunhuberhi Hobbsee, good to see you. I need your assistance. I really, really badly messed up my gutsy installation.02:13
Hobbseerbrunhuber: oh dear.  what'd you do?02:13
rbrunhuberHobbsee: Don't know how i managed it but every package manage tool except apt-get is gone.02:15
Hobbseeoh, you upgraded apt?02:15
rbrunhuberHobbsee: They all have dependency problems: libapt-inst-libc6.5-6-1.1 but it is not installable02:15
Hobbseeyeah.  apt is screwed02:16
rbrunhuberHobbsee: So i have just to wait and do apt-get updates + dist-upgrades?02:17
Hobbseerbrunhuber: what happens if you try to install kubuntu-desktop?02:17
Hobbseeactually, that'll probably want to remove apt02:18
rbrunhuberHobbsee: Spits out the following depends:02:18
rbrunhuberDepends: language-selector-qt but it is not going to be installed02:18
rbrunhuber                   Depends: software-properties-kde but it is not going to be installed02:18
Hobbseethat it?02:18
Hobbseeadd language-selector-qt software-properties-kde to the list of stuff you're trying to install, then02:18
rbrunhuberHobbsee:  language-selector-kde depends on adept. So we are at the beginning again.02:20
Hobbseeokay, so you want to downgrade your version of apt*02:20
Hobbseeincluding libapt02:20
Hobbseethis is where we say "please make sure you can do dependancies before running gutsy" - this is why02:21
Hobbseerbrunhuber: your aim at this point, is to install the old version of apt, so that you can install kubuntu-desktop again, and leave the newer versions of apt uninstalled02:21
Hobbseerbrunhuber: this is why you should not hit "yes" to every dist upgrade prompt you get - you have to sanity check first02:22
Hobbseerbrunhuber: you need to find out which version of libapt adept currently depends on, to find out which old version of apt you should install.02:22
rbrunhubernormally this is no problem to me. I resolved or avoided a lot of dependencies problems in the years with linux already. But caution is not my guest everyday :-)02:23
rbrunhuberHobbsee: I'm serious about this. I used SuSe for a long time :-)02:24
Hobbseeokay, from my non-upgraded system, the version of libapt that works with adept is libapt-pkg-libc6.5-6-4.402:24
Hobbseeno problem :)02:24
Hobbseeguy in #ubuntu+1 is asking the same thing02:24
Hobbseei'm just telling you where you want to aim for, so then you can start figuring :)02:24
rbrunhuberHobbsee: So I'm in #ubuntu+1 one already. So i'll go there so you have to tell the things only one time.02:25
Hobbseerbrunhuber: nah, stay here, it's fine02:25
Hobbseerbrunhuber: okay, it seems that apt* 0.7.2ubuntu3 is the fine version02:26
Hobbseeoh the other hand...i could just rebuild adept, to deal with the new apt02:27
Hobbseeoh, and aptitude.02:29
rbrunhuberHobbsee: E: Version '0.7.2ubuntu3' for 'apt' was not found02:31
Hobbseenot sure if it's in /var/cache/apt/archives02:31
Hobbseeif not, you'll want it off launchpad02:31
rbrunhuberHobbsee: Is there a "dump" for old binary packages?02:32
Hobbseerbrunhuber: yeah, launchpad02:32
Hobbseeoh, old binaries.  should be...02:32
rbrunhuberHobbsee: Np I'm just dl the source package.02:32
Hobbseeoh.  no.  it seems not02:33
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rbrunhuberHobbsee: Thats funny i just compiled and installed the older version of apt. But i still have dependency problems from apt02:59
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Hobbseerbrunhuber: darn03:00
rbrunhuberHobbsee: I'll wait till a fixed version is uploaded and I'll try again then.03:00
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rbrunhuberHobbsee: If the devs know that apt is messed up what is the (I assume good) reason that nobody just uploads a fixed one?03:05
Hobbseebecause i'm having trouble with it building.03:05
Hobbseeand because the dev responsible probably hasnt noticed the fallout.03:06
Hobbseethere's a version with more changes in bzr, but seems to not wish to build03:06
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=== doc_ is now known as doc__
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seezerhi. anyone using gutsy with fglrx here? kaffeine(-xine) crashes on any media when using fglrx while vlc and mplayer seem to have no problem. when i switch back to the "vesa" xorg driver, kaffeine works fine.03:44
Hobbseetry #kubuntu03:45
seezerhmkay. just thought about this beeing a potential bug to report and tried to get some other userreports first.03:47
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nixternalhrmm, Jucato is done or taking a break :(06:41
fdovinggood for him. beeing an irc support machine 20/7 must be exhausting.06:43
Hobbseeheh, yeah06:46
Hobbseeit scares me hwo many of our people are getting burnt out06:46
fdovingFOSS development is addictive.06:48
fdovingso is IRC.06:48
nixternalya it is06:48
Hobbseefdoving: indeed.06:49
Hobbseei'm pretty much at the point where i have two choices06:49
Hobbseehave been since about...april, maybe.06:49
nixternalI hate the fact he felt inadequate, because the sad thing is he is so important here in Kubuntu and KDE06:49
Hobbseeyeah :(06:49
Hobbseei say give him a break - i think he'll be back06:49
nixternalhe knows more than I do with inner workings and what is going on without a doubt06:49
nixternalI have been doing Linux for more than 10 years, and what he learned in a matter of months puts me to shame after so many years of trying it06:50
Hobbseenixternal: trying to compare yourself to other people never works well06:50
nixternaloh ya, he definitely deserves a break, all of that support will burn you out no doubt06:50
Hobbseesupport.  *twitch*06:51
nixternalI know he can't stay gone for long06:52
fdovinghe just said no IRC, and less time, or something like that, right?06:52
fdovingIRC is very timeconsuming.06:53
nixternalya it is, I tend to take a day or 2 off every once in a while so I can get some stuff done06:53
nixternallike today, I need to finish 4 units for homework06:53
fdovingheh, stay away from frozen bubble :)06:53
nixternalfrozen bubble didn't do it for me, same game does though :)06:54
Hobbseeblob wars is my other favorite...06:56
Hobbseealthough at the moment, i'm getting harassed too much on irc to enjoy a lot of it06:56
Hobbseeso i tend to not actually be here, unless it's european day06:56
Hobbseeon a weekday06:56
nixternalthat harassment crap is still going on?06:57
fdovingwhat harassment?06:57
Hobbseei've had 2 different people in the past two days06:57
fdoving(i'm not very much around, i guess).06:57
Hobbseefdoving: i'm a bit of a harassment magnet, i'm afraid.06:57
nixternallovely, I actually had one yesterday out of the blue06:57
Hobbseefdoving: various people from userland, etc06:57
Hobbseenixternal: the latest one was asking "oh, what's ur asl?" etc.06:57
nixternalhe didn't harass me to say the least, but he annoyed the piss out of me06:58
Hobbseethe previous one was on about how he was bored and lonely, and that he'd broken up with his girlfriend, and did i have a boyfriend...when he got no answer to that, he started asking for pics, etc.06:58
nixternalthose are my favorite....asl was so 1980's06:58
fdovingHobbsee: ok. /ignore is nice.06:58
Hobbseefdoving: yeah, it is.06:58
nixternalHobbsee: send him the hippo pic you sent me that one time :)06:58
nixternalI did a "Hobbsee, your a girl? omg pics@#!@!!"06:59
nixternaland she sent me a hippo pic ;)06:59
Hobbseeyeah, that was funny06:59
nixternaland I made it into a hackergotchi for her :)06:59
Hobbseenixternal: do you like the new real name?06:59
nixternalthe new real name?06:59
Hobbseeoh i never saw that06:59
Hobbseeto attempt to stop the abuse06:59
nixternalwhat is it?06:59
Hobbseeas in, you cant just look up female names in irc and find me06:59
Hobbsee /whois me and find out07:00
nixternalFlying Spaghetti Monster07:00
nixternalI have actually been suprised. I use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN and all of those wide open to where anyone can message me, yet they don't07:01
=== Hobbsee thought that was a good name.
fdovingi think there is an irssi or bitchx script with a whitelist.07:01
nixternala few years ago I remember I couldn't do that07:01
nixternalbitchx had the blacklist and whitelist stuff I remember07:01
Hobbseei get a few randoms on those...but mostly people who i've spoken to previously, who were just weird07:01
=== Hobbsee has a *lot* of people blacklisted on msn
nixternalbut I would think if it worked for BitchX it would work with irssi07:01
fdovingi belive it was built into bitchx.07:02
nixternalevery now and then I do those tricks to my boss...I sign up some weird goofy name and message her little kisses :)07:02
fdovingnot sure.. been using irssi for like 5-6 years, don't remember much from the bitchx, ircii and epic days.07:02
nixternalshe knows who it is every time...she told me "what happens if mr. right does that to me, and I think it is you?"07:02
nixternaldamn x-wife plays the mind tricks better than I do07:03
fdovingnixternal: your reply is: "it IS mr. right" :)07:03
=== Hobbsee thought nixternal was married?
nixternalno no, I have been divorced since 2001, however my x-wife and I have been getting much much more friendly (not like that either you perverts!)07:04
nixternalafter I finish school I am going to be moving out by her and my daughter..so who knows what the future may hold...I want to move to Europe and she does too, so that could be a good thing07:04
=== Hobbsee raises an eyebrow
Hobbseeah, cool07:04
nixternalya, if I was married, it wouldn't be long until I got divorced seeing the amount of time I put in here on IRC :)07:05
nixternalor the computer in general07:05
HobbseeScottK: also, andrea's often taken othe rpeople's merges, so they've stolen them back07:06
Hobbseeas in, if i've merged package y 5 times, and andrea stole it once, then i still feel it's mine, and so i'll take it back without asking.07:07
Hobbsee@ your ML comment07:07
Hobbseenixternal: heh.  there are reasons it's good to be single :P07:07
fdovingHobbsee: able to spend 24/7 on computer stuff? :)07:08
Hobbseefdoving: not just that.  and i dont, anyway07:09
nixternalHobbsee: oh without a doubt, single == all the computer time I want :)07:11
Hobbseenixternal: well, not really.  i still have uni07:11
nixternalya, me too07:11
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickennixternal: How goes it?07:26
manchickenHobbsee: You should smack nixternal around a bit.  He's holding out on me with the amd64 KDE packages.07:27
Hobbseei could try the i386 ones...07:27
Hobbseemanchicken: so that means that i can make you test cds...excellent!07:27
manchickenI'm on amd64.07:28
Hobbseeexactly :)07:28
hungernixternal: I doubt that anyone will object to you updating qttelepathy/qttapioca. AFAIK I am the only user anyway.07:29
nixternalhunger: it is all done, as well as the new decibel 0.4.0 :)07:29
hungernixternal: Wow, cool!07:30
hungernixternal: Thanks!07:30
nixternalno problem07:30
Hobbseenixternal: icf7 is whinging07:30
Hobbseewanting to know why he's been banned from -motu07:30
Hobbseei think that was the one you put in yesterday07:31
nixternalHobbsee: you can unban him07:31
nixternaljoin/part floods last night07:31
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ScottKHobbsee: Agreed.07:46
manchickenScottK: Disagreed.07:47
ScottKHobbsee: I like the new name.07:51
HobbseeScottK: :)07:51
ScottKBTW, I had not seen your ML message when I wrote mine :-)07:51
Hobbseeyeah, i think it got snet around the same tiem07:51
=== ScottK was trying to be kind when I wrote it. It could've been more pointed.
Hobbseenot sure how nice or collusive mine was07:53
Hobbseeanyway, bedtime.  night all!07:53
ScottKIt's a fine line between giving honest feedback and pushing someone away that has potential.07:53
ScottKGood night Hobbsee07:53
Hobbseetrue that07:54
ryanakcanixternal: why not setup a script to automatically update you KDE4 packages like imbrandon had done for amarok a while back?07:59
ryanakcait would probably be quite a bit harder... but I think it could be done... *scratches head*08:00
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:ryanakca] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Tribe 2 released!
ScottKryanakca: Are you still working on aoeui?08:00
ryanakcaScottK: yes, I'm trying to get a debian maintainer to reupload it08:01
ryanakca"[repeat]  Can someone please quickly check aoeui? It was rejected because the copyright file said GPLv2 or later, instead of GPLv2 _only_... and I updated the ITP in changelog (typo in the number)... and that's it."08:01
ryanakca`dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/a/aoeui/aoeui_1.0~alpha5-1.dsc`08:01
ScottKOK.  I can tell youright now that the version number needs work (see my revu comment if you haven't).08:05
ryanakcaScottK: I intend to upload to debian, and then sync into ubuntu08:05
ScottKSounds good.  I think you should say that on REVU.08:06
ScottKnixternal: How close are you moving?  Are we going to be neighbors too?08:07
ryanakcaokies, will do. And I guess I should upload the current version too... :)08:07
ScottKDo change the version number to a legal on first.08:08
ryanakcaScottK: 1.0~alpha5-1 wont work for Debian? (lintian doesn't complain for me...)08:09
ScottKNo.  Read the policy manual paragraph on my REVU comment.08:10
ScottKryanakca: I'd recommend 1.0-1~alpha5.0 or some such.08:11
=== ryanakca scratches his head
ryanakcaScottK: ok, but in that case, wouldn't that make it upstream version 1.0, debian revision 1 alpha 5.0?08:13
ScottKYes which is lower than 1.0-1 so when you upgrade to the final 1.0 the version number will be higher.08:14
ryanakcawould 1.0+alpha5.0-1 work?08:14
ryanakcaah, ok08:14
ryanakcahmm.. fixing :)08:14
=== elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-88-153-193-232.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcaScottK: reuploaded to mentors and REVU08:16
ScottKryanakca: Leave a comment once it's uploaded on REVU that it's intended for Debian.08:17
ryanakcaScottK: ok, is it still permissible to use REVU for debian? or should I completly switch over to mentors?08:18
ScottKUsing revu is fine.  It's just a question of people knowing what you intend to do so they don't bother with comments about verion number/distro.08:18
ScottKIt's also important because if you are aiming at Debian, I'll do my test builds in my Sid pbuilder.08:19
=== ryanakca nods
=== ryanakca figures that for small text based things, etc, might as well contribute to Debian, and then sync into Ubuntu so that both worlds win :)
ScottKAbsolutely.  I think that's an excellent plan.08:21
ScottKryanakca: You might also look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToDebian and see if you can improve it.08:22
=== Nightrose [n=lydia@port-87-234-150-228.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gnomefreakare we waiting for everything to be built on new apt by chance?08:23
ryanakcaScottK: *nods* I might add something on filing an ITP with bugreport08:26
ryanakcaScottK: umm... little .orig.tar.gz problem from changing the version. debuild created one with debian/, so I deleted it, I obtained the original .tar.gz from REVU, what should I rename it to? aoeui_1.0.orig.tar.gz?08:33
ScottKryanakca: We do want to encourage people to work with Debian, so if you can make it better, go for it.08:33
ScottKryanakca: Good question.08:34
ScottKThat points out that my advice was wrong.08:34
ScottKYou need to have a different upstream version name.08:35
ryanakcaso, I need to contact upstream?08:35
ScottKso when you get the final, you can use a different orig.tar.gz08:35
ryanakcaaoeui-1.0+alpha5.0.orig.tar.gz would work, if my version was 1.0+alpha5.0-108:36
ScottKNot necessarily.  I'd suggest asking around here.08:36
ScottKThat would be legal, but have a higher version number than 1.0-108:36
ryanakcathe '+' is accepted according to the policy...08:37
ryanakcaScottK: how so?08:37
ryanakcacat comes before cattle in the dictionary...08:37
=== ScottK needs more coffee.
ryanakcaScottK: ii  xfig                                       3.2.5-alpha5-9ubuntu1                      Facility for Interactive Generation of figur08:51
ryanakcahmm.. 1.0-alpha5-1   , and aoeui-1.0-alpha5.orig.tar.gz :)08:51
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ScottKSeems reasonable, but my brain is only partially awake just now.09:01
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