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Dana1 | hmm, bcm43xx-fwcutter doesn't explain where to PUT the firmware files. | 12:30 |
Dana1 | If you simply run bcm43xx-fwcutter on something, you end up with a bunch of random files in the current directory. | 12:30 |
Dana1 | But I do like that the driver periodically checks for firmware -- so if the driver is already loaded without firmware, and the firmware files suddenly appear, the network card will start working without reloading the module. | 12:31 |
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tretle | very active today :D | 01:05 |
Kryten107 | indeed | 01:06 |
tretle | suppose its the weekend | 01:07 |
Kryten107 | true *shrugs* | 01:07 |
tretle | im begining to think my problem with gimmie crashing on startup has nothing to do with libcurl :( | 01:07 |
Kryten107 | ouch. | 01:09 |
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tretle | problem is it worked with gutsy on my other machine a couple of days ago, when i installed it on this machine though yesterday i have yet to get it working | 01:11 |
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tretle | so i assumed it was libcurl | 01:11 |
tretle | but i cant find a list of dependancies for gimmie | 01:11 |
Kryten107 | my Gutsy laptop has decided to hold back 200 or so packages. I haven't bothered to try and sort that one out yet | 01:12 |
tretle | so i think it may have been wrong for me to assume, when i am not positive libcurl is a dependency | 01:12 |
Kryten107 | true | 01:13 |
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Dannilion | can someone remind me how to set the dns from the command line please? | 01:25 |
tretle | why don't you use the gui? | 01:28 |
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lightrush | !upgrade | 03:23 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:23 |
lightrush | oswen da te probwame s 2 | 03:24 |
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ptn107 | whats the gusty mp3 package name for amarok (amd64)? | 03:45 |
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bronson | I'm trying to install Gutsy Tribe 2 over the network... Repos look pretty darned broken today. | 04:12 |
bronson | Is there any way for me to host the Tribe2 CD via HTTP? | 04:12 |
bronson | My machine doesn't have a CD-ROM drive so I'm PXE booting it to install. | 04:12 |
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kyo2142 | Hello | 04:28 |
kyo2142 | anyone here? | 04:38 |
MugginsM | vaguely | 04:39 |
kyo2142 | I am trying to install ndiswrapper and it says i am missing the build for 2.6.20-16-386 | 04:40 |
kyo2142 | what can i do about it? | 04:40 |
kyo2142 | this is the messege i get if it helps | 04:41 |
kyo2142 | Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-386/build; | 04:41 |
kyo2142 | give the path to kernel build directory with | 04:41 |
kyo2142 | KBUILD=<path> argument to make | 04:41 |
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Wikkedfin^ | is Desktop Effects gonna be enabled in 7.10? | 06:41 |
xtknight | has anyone else had trouble booting gutsy ? mine just freezes at the startup after gdm. alt printscreen only works with little success, i cant get any further. the virtual terminals acknowledge commands but dont respond to them. why would this be? | 06:41 |
xtknight | this is gutsy amd64 tribe2 btw. im about to try Live i've just wondered if these issues were common | 06:42 |
xtknight | s/Live/Daily* | 06:42 |
FunnyLookinHat | Wikkedfin^, yes, they will be enabled by default for any system that support them | 06:45 |
FunnyLookinHat | At least, that is the goal right now | 06:46 |
Wikkedfin^ | im having problems now i have an nvidia 7950 512MB gfx card | 06:46 |
Wikkedfin^ | the minimize button ect.. vanish when i enable them | 06:46 |
Wikkedfin^ | on 7.04 | 06:47 |
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RoC_MasterMind | Uh-oh...Gutsy Tribe 2 livecd doesn't boot on my laptop....which is a regression... | 06:55 |
RoC_MasterMind | Weird...it booted now. | 06:58 |
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thompa | gutsy working very well on macbook intel, power management is a bit unpredictable though | 08:01 |
thompa | battery says 3 hours 30 min | 08:01 |
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thompa | remote desktop crash | 08:03 |
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LeeColleton | when I switch users the mouse doesn't work until I switch away and back again (lenovo 3000 v100) | 08:24 |
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LeeColleton | even then, the click and hold doesn't work on the new users session (sends double click instead) | 08:26 |
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lazka | hi, i can't watch videos with the open radeon driver. is it broken or is the error on my site? | 10:22 |
lazka | no one with an ATI card? | 10:25 |
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lazka | hi, i can't watch videos with the open radeon driver. is it broken or is the error on my site? | 11:22 |
lazka | again... | 11:23 |
jussi01 | lazka: what sort of movies? | 11:23 |
lazka | with all players (VLC, totem) i just get a black picture. | 11:24 |
jussi01 | lazka: but what kind of files are they? | 11:25 |
lazka | it works right with fglrx but not with radeon | 11:25 |
lazka | everything | 11:25 |
jussi01 | ok. then you need fglrx | 11:25 |
jussi01 | why dont you use fglrx? | 11:25 |
lazka | because fglrx is slower than the OS driver :) | 11:26 |
jussi01 | lazka: ati support is notoriusly bad. Im sorry... | 11:26 |
lazka | yeah i know, I'm happy with the OS driver.. I just wanted to know if someone has a similar experience. (Radeon9600XT) | 11:28 |
lazka | I think i will try the tribe 2 live cd then | 11:28 |
jussi01 | lazka: sure | 11:29 |
jussi01 | but if you have updated then your os will be more up to date than tribe 2 | 11:29 |
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zorglu_ | !info ffmpeg | 12:34 |
ubotu | ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 184 kB, installed size 652 kB | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | you need to install it zorglu_ | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | !info ffmpeg gutsy | 12:35 |
ubotu | ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 184 kB, installed size 652 kB | 12:35 |
zorglu_ | ok thanks | 12:35 |
zorglu_ | gnomefreak: the ffmpeg from feisty has a bug, which is no more in the ffmpeg from trunk, so i wanted to know if gutsy still had the same ffmpeg bug | 12:35 |
zorglu_ | one issue is i dunno when this bug has been fixed :) only that it has been beween feisty ffmpeg and ffmpeg trunk of this week | 12:36 |
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gnomefreak | zorglu_: it has same version so same bug should still be there | 12:37 |
zorglu_ | hmm i miss something | 12:38 |
zorglu_ | Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4 (feisty) | 12:38 |
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zorglu_ | Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4 (gutsy) | 12:38 |
zorglu_ | there are like 7months between the cvs date... | 12:39 |
zorglu_ | do i misinterpret the meaning of this date ? | 12:39 |
gnomefreak | oh damn i forgot we did that | 12:39 |
gnomefreak | sorry | 12:39 |
zorglu_ | :) | 12:39 |
gnomefreak | zorglu_: dont know what bug you mean. notice !info ffmpeg in every other channel gives feistys version i forgot we set this one to gutsy already | 12:40 |
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zorglu_ | q. i stream to .flv with vlc svn, flashplugin is able to read the stream. but i got strange behaviour from vlc0.8.6 on this stream, "vlc http://myurl/stream.flv" it fails reporting "first frame is no keyframe".. ok but the strange part is if i do "wget -O /tmp/slota.flv http://myurl/stream.flv; vlc /tmp/slota.flv" THEN vlc0.8.6 read the video without issue (aka skip the first frames which are not keyframe)... any explaination on | 12:41 |
zorglu_ | thisstrange behaviour ? <- from a #videolan discussion | 12:41 |
zorglu_ | after investigation, it appeared that mplayer and ffplay on feisty have the exact same weird behaviour | 12:41 |
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zorglu_ | and that vlc/ffplay from trunk no more have it | 12:42 |
zorglu_ | so it points to ffmpeg bug :) | 12:42 |
zorglu_ | ok this was just a 'headup' | 12:42 |
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zorglu_ | i got my info, thanks for the help :) | 12:42 |
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c1|freaky | does anyone know why adept has been removed? | 02:13 |
Hobbsee | dependancy problems with apt, i'd expect. | 02:15 |
Hobbsee | you should, if you accepted it's removal suggestion | 02:16 |
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Hobbsee | c1|freaky: ^ | 02:20 |
c1|freaky | k thx ^^ | 02:23 |
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dissonans | any wine/eac users? | 04:21 |
dissonans | eac suddenly won't work under wine for me :\ | 04:21 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-217-0-119.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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starz | hey i had a major problem - couple minutes before 5am i see kills to running processes - rc0 etc | 05:26 |
starz | thing is i didnt kill it - only one user exists on this system and there is no root pass | 05:26 |
starz | installing rootkit hunter stuff but any other ideas? | 05:26 |
Toma- | calm down and think about what might have done it? | 05:28 |
=== blueCommand [n=bluecomm@unaffiliated/bluecommand] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
starz | Toma-: i looked in the logs - no failures and i was on my stable distro install | 05:28 |
starz | ;_; | 05:29 |
Toma- | tail -f some of the log files | 05:29 |
starz | there was no power outage - and i checked the bash history also | 05:29 |
starz | Toma-: i just look at the whole thing | 05:29 |
Toma- | bash history said anything? | 05:29 |
starz | but what does -f do | 05:29 |
starz | Toma-: nope nothing interesting ends with about what i would expect it to - and im not finding any malware so far | 05:30 |
blueCommand | Is this crash a known bug? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29105/ | 05:30 |
blueCommand | Happens when I download files or open certain dialogs in FF | 05:31 |
blueCommand | Firefox* | 05:31 |
starz | heh nice one blueCommand | 05:31 |
Toma- | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/121277 | 05:32 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 121277 in firefox "gusty firefox memory corruption warning" [Medium,Confirmed] | 05:32 |
gnomefreak | Toma-: its known and there isnt much we can do about it. me and the other firefox devel are working on an way around it | 05:33 |
starz | ignore the memory corruption warning blueCommand :P | 05:33 |
blueCommand | yeah | 05:33 |
blueCommand | I do | 05:33 |
=== Toma- points gnomefreak in blueCommand's direction | ||
Toma- | :D | 05:33 |
starz | my system does that everytime i run anything ;_; | 05:33 |
gnomefreak | ah sorry | 05:33 |
Toma- | np | 05:33 |
blueCommand | Yes wine too | 05:33 |
blueCommand | mine* | 05:33 |
blueCommand | But it doesn't crash all that often | 05:34 |
blueCommand | Just certain dialogs | 05:34 |
blueCommand | Like the "Add bookmark" and "Preferences" but not "Organize bookmarks" | 05:34 |
starz | Toma-: this thing says something about root login possible - have you tried running rkhunter on a fresh installed system? i'm curious what it means | 05:34 |
gnomefreak | mozilla apps all together will do it even after the rest is fixed unless glibc goes back to hiding it. mozilla doesnt call g_thread ever and never has | 05:34 |
starz | as ive not set a pw | 05:34 |
gnomefreak | blueCommand: crash is not related | 05:34 |
blueCommand | gnomefreak, I know :) | 05:34 |
Toma- | starz: interesting | 05:35 |
blueCommand | That's why I asked if it was known | 05:35 |
Toma- | starz: anything suspicious in /etc/sudoers ? | 05:35 |
starz | oh i get it | 05:36 |
starz | its just that it was allowed in ssh but ther'es no root pw to chec against | 05:36 |
starz | [08:31:52] Info: Found 'PermitRootLogin yes'. Unsafe for production servers... | 05:36 |
starz | [08:31:52] Tip: Change the option in your configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config). | 05:36 |
Toma- | that shouldnt be set | 05:36 |
starz | mm | 05:36 |
Toma- | i know that for a fact | 05:37 |
starz | sure? i install ssh first thing | 05:37 |
starz | lets try purging and reinstalling and seeing | 05:37 |
Toma- | its always disabled as default | 05:37 |
Toma- | if not, thats a bug | 05:37 |
=== starz sighs | ||
blueCommand | # Authentication: | 05:37 |
blueCommand | LoginGraceTime 120 | 05:37 |
blueCommand | PermitRootLogin yes | 05:37 |
blueCommand | Says mine | 05:37 |
blueCommand | Haven't changed it | 05:38 |
Toma- | i see | 05:38 |
Toma- | maybe im wrong | 05:38 |
=== Toma- fires up gutsy | ||
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pimp31415 | yeah Toma- its enabled by default when you install package ssh | 05:45 |
pimp31415 | but remember the system ships without that package installed - and with no root pass | 05:45 |
Hobbsee | everybody PHEAR!!! | 05:45 |
pimp31415 | also rkhunter no good thus far on gutsy - no md5 checking | 05:46 |
pimp31415 | owell | 05:46 |
pimp31415 | eth2: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[4963] ) <<-- whats that? | 05:49 |
=== darich [n=trickyki@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Hobbsee hopes that apt hasnt broken, now | ||
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pimp31415 | gah | 05:51 |
pimp31415 | lets find out | 05:51 |
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | hehe | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | well, okay, more broken than it is already | 05:51 |
tretle | any news on libcurl? | 05:51 |
pimp31415 | The following packages have been kept back: | 05:51 |
pimp31415 | apt apt-utils libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4-gnutls | 05:51 |
pimp31415 | you safe | 05:52 |
pimp31415 | tretle, /topic | 05:52 |
pimp31415 | =/ | 05:52 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Hobbsee | tretle: topic | 05:52 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : The In Development Version Channel | Please ***don't*** run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing and the like. | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 2 released | Yes, there are libcurl* issues ATM being sorted. | Yes, pa | ||
tretle | i know | 05:52 |
pimp31415 | Hobbsee, : it cut u off | 05:52 |
pimp31415 | XD | 05:52 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : The In Development Version Channel | Please ***don't*** run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing and the like. | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 2 released | Yes, there are libcurl* issues ATM. | Yes, part of the wor | ||
Hobbsee | i know | 05:52 |
pimp31415 | just add libcurl* and apt* | 05:53 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : The In Development Version Channel | Please ***don't*** run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing and the like. | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 2 released | Yes, there are libcurl* and apt issues ATM. Please don't f | ||
pimp31415 | yey | 05:53 |
tretle | i was just wondering if theres any news on when the libcurl update will be released? | 05:53 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : The In Development Version Channel | Please ***don't*** run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing and the like. | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 2 released | Yes, there are libcurl* and apt issues ATM. Just sit back | ||
Hobbsee | tretle: when openoffice is updated. | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | you people arent patient, are you? :P | 05:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
tretle | :D | 05:54 |
pimp31415 | yesiam | 05:54 |
pimp31415 | :D | 05:54 |
pimp31415 | imsopatientitimpressesevenme! | 05:54 |
pimp31415 | gah | 05:54 |
tretle | it libcurl maintained by the openoffice team? | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | no | 05:54 |
tretle | i thought libcurl4 was supposed to be backwards compatable | 05:55 |
tretle | with 3 | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | it's not. that's the problem | 05:55 |
tretle | lol | 05:55 |
tretle | that makes sense | 05:55 |
tretle | who was assigned to the bug? | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | no one. it wasnt needed. | 05:56 |
tretle | so who's fixing it? | 05:56 |
tretle | everyone? | 05:56 |
Hobbsee | the openoffice maintainer, when he next uplaods it | 05:56 |
=== wfarr [n=wfarr@adsl-152-173-169.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | no need to assign a person to a bug, if that person does all uploads for that package anyway... | 05:57 |
tretle | suppose | 05:57 |
pimp31415 | lokl | 05:58 |
pimp31415 | lol* | 05:58 |
pimp31415 | Hobbsee, all i konw is its not doing anything that seems to matter to me ^_^ | 05:58 |
pimp31415 | for which i am appropriately grateful | 05:58 |
pimp31415 | :) | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | pimp31415: yes. patience. | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | :) | 05:58 |
=== Sebast1an [n=sb@p50885CCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pimp31415 | :) | 06:07 |
Hobbsee | now, about that patience...this thing is taking so long to puload... | 06:07 |
tretle | puload? :D | 06:08 |
tretle | lol | 06:09 |
tretle | spill glue on the keyboard? :P | 06:09 |
pimp31415 | !paste | 06:12 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:12 |
Hobbsee | upload | 06:12 |
Hobbsee | Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com): | 06:12 |
Hobbsee | apt_0.7.2ubuntu6.dsc: done. | 06:12 |
Hobbsee | apt_0.7.2ubuntu6.tar.gz: | 06:12 |
pimp31415 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29113/ <<--- looking at that what does that make you think happened?? | 06:13 |
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tretle | cough cough | 06:25 |
=== SeveredCross is making the jump to Gutsy. | ||
SeveredCross | I like being on the bleeding edge. | 06:26 |
=== giacomo1983_10 [n=giacomo@host216-22-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
tretle | :D | 06:26 |
SeveredCross | Though it's doing lots of funky stuff with Moz packages. | 06:26 |
SeveredCross | Probably because I used the Gnomefreaks repo to grab newer Thunderbird and Firefox and Liferea. | 06:26 |
=== giacomo1983_10 [n=giacomo@host216-22-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
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=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SeveredCross | Agh, shit! | 06:30 |
=== SeveredCross accidentally hit Ctrl-C in the dumb-terminal that dist-upgrade uses. | ||
SeveredCross | So now I have a whole bunch of failed dependencies. | 06:30 |
SeveredCross | Oh well, that's what apt-get -f install is for. | 06:30 |
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TreMobyl | so, emacs22 coming in? | 06:41 |
TreMobyl | :) | 06:41 |
=== TreMobyl wants the tasty | ||
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cps1966 | : libstdc++.so.5: | 06:51 |
cps1966 | ! libstdc++.so.5: | 06:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libstdc++.so.5: - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:52 |
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SeveredCross | Bah! | 06:57 |
SeveredCross | libapt = :( | 06:57 |
Hobbsee | SeveredCross: just wait... | 06:58 |
SeveredCross | Oh, you're working on it? | 06:58 |
Hobbsee | and you did use apt-get -f install during a broken period...so it wasnt working very well | 06:58 |
Hobbsee | yeah. have uploaded apt, will upload the rest later on today | 06:59 |
Hobbsee | need to wait for apt to propogate around, etc | 06:59 |
SeveredCross | Oh, okay. | 06:59 |
SeveredCross | I'm not getting the latest apt though.. | 06:59 |
SeveredCross | Oh, maybe I am. | 07:00 |
SeveredCross | 0.7.3 | 07:00 |
Hobbsee | should be ubuntu6 | 07:00 |
Hobbsee | it's probbaly still building though. or hasnt started, if ooo is there. | 07:00 |
Hobbsee | it can wait ~12 hours or whatever. it's already been broken fro a couple of days (which someone else did) | 07:00 |
=== Sebast1an [n=sb@p508870CB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SeveredCross | I think OO.o might be there, since I'm having some issues with it too. | 07:01 |
Hobbsee | it failed to build on i386, i'm told | 07:02 |
=== Hobbsee hasnt looked it up | ||
=== HyperCity [n=HyperCit@host70-227-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SeveredCross | I see an upload of apt about 27 minutes ago, I'm presuming that's you. | 07:04 |
Hobbsee | oh neat. apt just got published | 07:04 |
Hobbsee | yeah, that's me | 07:04 |
Hobbsee | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/0.7.2ubuntu6 | 07:04 |
Hobbsee | no builds yet | 07:04 |
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=== RxDx [n=Rodrigo@201-74-146-201-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SeveredCross | So once it gets built all the issues with libapt-pkg and stuff missing should be resolved? | 07:08 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 07:09 |
SeveredCross | Excellent. | 07:09 |
SeveredCross | Otherwise Gutsy actually works okay for me. | 07:09 |
Hobbsee | SeveredCross: i mean, i have to wait for apt to build, and teh binaries to publish (er, and probably go to thru NEW too, dammit), before i can upload the rest | 07:10 |
SeveredCross | Right. | 07:10 |
SeveredCross | Yeah, OO.org is broken too--dependency on libcurl4-gnutls which in turn depends on libcurl3-gnutls but it has to be exactly ubuntu3 and the installable version is ubuntu4. | 07:12 |
jussi01 | Hobbsee: around? | 07:12 |
jussi01 | still? | 07:12 |
Hobbsee | jussi01: yeah | 07:12 |
Hobbsee | SeveredCross: meh. libcurl is just evil. | 07:12 |
Hobbsee | SeveredCross: that'll be fixed with the rebuild - but there are other changes going in too | 07:13 |
jussi01 | Hobbsee: looking at your convo here Im assuming its not very safe to boot into gutsy atm? | 07:13 |
SeveredCross | Yeah, I figured. | 07:13 |
Hobbsee | it's ages until tribe 3, so a bit of breakage isnt making me nervous yet | 07:13 |
Hobbsee | jussi01: sure, it's safe. just dont randomly hit y to every upgrade | 07:13 |
SeveredCross | Yeah, ditto. I'm expecting things to not work quite right when I play around. | 07:13 |
SeveredCross | Yeah, I picked a bad time to dist-upgrade. | 07:13 |
SeveredCross | <_> | 07:13 |
Hobbsee | safer around the tribes and such. *shrugs* | 07:13 |
SeveredCross | Oh well. :-) | 07:14 |
SeveredCross | As long as my system is mostly usable, I'll be fine. | 07:14 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 07:14 |
SeveredCross | And mostly usable it is. :) | 07:14 |
Hobbsee | just a bit of apt buggery | 07:14 |
Hobbsee | by now, i've even buggered my own system, which isnt so cool | 07:14 |
SeveredCross | Thunderbird, Firefox, Xchat, Liferea, all the important stuff runs. | 07:14 |
pimp31415 | SeveredCross, because its useable -[the jump why] | 07:18 |
pimp31415 | tho i would recommend it as a second install not main lol | 07:18 |
=== Hobbsee is running it as her only linux-based install, incidently | ||
Hobbsee | does feel slightly scary, though | 07:19 |
Hobbsee | i found that i didnt have the motivation to do merges, etc, while i was still running gutsy | 07:19 |
pimp31415 | her? O: | 07:20 |
=== pimp31415 pets | ||
pimp31415 | so you mentioned the other day your a core dev or so | 07:20 |
pimp31415 | what are you responsable for? | 07:20 |
pimp31415 | [if you dont mind me asking] | 07:21 |
pimp31415 | i'm guessing apt has something to do with it? | 07:21 |
Hobbsee | this is the first time i've touched apt, actually | 07:21 |
pimp31415 | o: | 07:21 |
pimp31415 | congrats? | 07:21 |
Hobbsee | to paste from somewhere else... | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | <Hobbsee> if you were wondering, i'm the managerial-side of kubuntu, do a fair bit of MOTU stuff, help out with the release management, as a community member, core dev, occasional bits of liasing with the forums, and liasing with the various parts of the development community, trying to keep in touch with everything. and a fair bit of bug triage. + full time uni + part time job. | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | [Wed Jun 27 2007] [23:21:16] <Hobbsee> all of those bits, in various levels of activity, depending on time | 07:22 |
=== pimp31415 [n=starz@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | [Wed Jun 27 2007] [23:21:32] <Hobbsee> oh, and i managed to get off the irc council, but still go and do damage control with that. | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | erk. | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | [03:22] <Hobbsee> to paste from somewhere else... | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | [03:22] <Hobbsee> <Hobbsee> if you were wondering, i'm the managerial-side of kubuntu, do a fair bit of MOTU stuff, help out with the release management, as a community member, core dev, occasional bits of liasing with the forums, and liasing with the various parts of the development community, trying to keep in touch with everything. and a fair bit of bug triage. + full time uni + part time job. | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | [03:22] <Hobbsee> [Wed Jun 27 2007] [23:21:16] <Hobbsee> all of those bits, in various levels of activity, depending on time | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | [03:22] <Hobbsee> [Wed Jun 27 2007] [23:21:32] <Hobbsee> oh, and i managed to get off the irc council, but still go and do damage control with that. | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | pimp31415: ^ | 07:23 |
pimp31415 | ah and sorry about that hit the wrong button | 07:23 |
pimp31415 | wow | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | hehe, yeah, it seems a bit like that | 07:23 |
pimp31415 | well from one anonymous power? user thanx :) | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | :) | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | it's fun | 07:24 |
pimp31415 | hehe | 07:24 |
pimp31415 | so you code a bit then? | 07:24 |
Hobbsee | no - veyr little | 07:24 |
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | i can patch and whatnot, and write bits of bash, the odd bit of python, the odd bit of c++... | 07:25 |
pimp31415 | oh and for nvidia the black window thing - taking out triplebuffer + adding force aiglx rendering seemed to fix black window problem in beryl | 07:25 |
pimp31415 | ah | 07:25 |
pimp31415 | well thats a good bit more than i can do | 07:25 |
Hobbsee | i've never written a c++ thing for ubuntu, though | 07:25 |
Hobbsee | not really touched python either | 07:25 |
pimp31415 | i wish we could get friggan utorrent | 07:25 |
pimp31415 | they coded it for the mac already | 07:25 |
pimp31415 | should be able to port that fairly easily already ~_~ | 07:26 |
Hobbsee | it's mainly bits of bash, knowing the archive, patching, taking patches from otehr places, etc | 07:26 |
pimp31415 | yes yes i know wine... bah | 07:26 |
Hobbsee | heh | 07:26 |
=== dissonans [n=sub@183.84-48-73.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Leaving"] | ||
pimp31415 | also i noticed that the ntfs-3g drivers use a lot of cpu from here - wonder what that's about | 07:26 |
Hobbsee | it's probably on crack. *shrugs* | 07:26 |
pimp31415 | lol | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | never used it - i value my data a bit more than that. | 07:27 |
pimp31415 | my poor system is a pos so i'm happy it works fairly smoothly anyway | 07:27 |
ompaul | pimp31415, it is the fs that should be abandoned ;-) | 07:27 |
ompaul | step into the light and use real fs's :-) | 07:27 |
pimp31415 | ompaul, while i might agree with you - we should either make a better fat or make a better windows driver for ext3 | 07:27 |
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-164-87-183.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pimp31415 | ompaul, i use ext3/reiser/ntfs depending on the partition | 07:28 |
ompaul | reiser ... | 07:28 |
pimp31415 | i atm am only tri booting | 07:28 |
ompaul | I have not used that in years | 07:28 |
pimp31415 | edgy / xp / gutsy | 07:28 |
pimp31415 | reiser is great | 07:28 |
Hobbsee | why edgy? | 07:28 |
ompaul | ext3 for /boot a and xfs after that | 07:28 |
=== awerner32 [n=chatzill@ip70-160-51-99.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pimp31415 | take a look at how it speeds up access on dirs with lots of small files | 07:28 |
pimp31415 | xfs eh | 07:29 |
pimp31415 | how is that at a sudden shutdown - power los for instance? | 07:29 |
Hobbsee | pimp31415: reiser's fun when it dies while booting, when it's connected to a projector, in front of a whole lot of developers | 07:29 |
ompaul | pimp31415, not bad | 07:29 |
pimp31415 | Hobbsee, lol | 07:29 |
ompaul | Hobbsee, please not in public :) | 07:29 |
awerner32 | where can i download the most recent build gutsy | 07:29 |
pimp31415 | !gutsy | 07:29 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 07:29 |
Hobbsee | ompaul: *grin* | 07:30 |
Hobbsee | ompaul: wasnt my system. i didnt do a talk | 07:30 |
pimp31415 | so ompaul i got some vids for linux+ - talk about mind numbingly boring - learned 3 things: | 07:30 |
pimp31415 | 1. pwd 2. less is more | 07:30 |
pimp31415 | ok learned 2 things and forgot one | 07:30 |
pimp31415 | XD | 07:30 |
pimp31415 | oh oh the init levels - which dont work the same in debian =/ | 07:31 |
ompaul | Hobbsee, well I just have a memory of walking back down after the machine did not work withthe projector and fabbione saying you should have rebooted dude | 07:31 |
ompaul | and I nearly got sick | 07:31 |
pimp31415 | ompaul, you were there? | 07:31 |
ompaul | pimp31415, yeap | 07:31 |
pimp31415 | LOL | 07:31 |
pimp31415 | thats almost as priceless as this vid one sec | 07:31 |
Hobbsee | ompaul: heh | 07:32 |
pimp31415 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ | 07:32 |
ompaul | pimp31415, why it never occurred to me was I have a projector in work and I have three laptops and they all work plugging in on the fly | 07:32 |
ompaul | pimp31415, then we paid through the nose for the projector | 07:33 |
ompaul | it is very forgiving | 07:33 |
ompaul | I was not in the day they bought it | 07:34 |
ompaul | they would not have been allowed spend that much :) | 07:34 |
pimp31415 | ompaul, i dont know about rebooting | 07:37 |
pimp31415 | most of the time redetecting stuff worx | 07:37 |
pimp31415 | modprobe if you need to and restart x :P | 07:38 |
pimp31415 | but yeh | 07:38 |
pimp31415 | and watch that vid - pay specially attn to the last 30 sec | 07:38 |
pimp31415 | its PRICELESS | 07:38 |
ompaul | yeah remember it when it was in the news | 07:39 |
ompaul | :) | 07:39 |
pimp31415 | yeah hehehe | 07:39 |
=== ompaul wonders if I should put any effort into beryl at all | ||
ompaul | most of the time I sit in one of three windows | 07:42 |
ompaul | and work away | 07:42 |
pimp31415 | well - what kinda effort would you put into it? | 07:42 |
pimp31415 | it would be nice if the mouse scroll worked to change workspaces | 07:42 |
ompaul | install it, and work out how it works | 07:42 |
pimp31415 | and it [on my system] doesnt seem to deal with the viewports correctly | 07:42 |
pimp31415 | ah | 07:42 |
ompaul | things like that | 07:43 |
pimp31415 | well if you have a decent vid card i recommend turning on the wave :D | 07:43 |
ompaul | well I only have an olde card | 07:43 |
pimp31415 | say your in xchat on beryl and have typed nothing in the chatlinething | 07:43 |
pimp31415 | push backspace and the window grows a tad | 07:43 |
pimp31415 | what kinda card ompaul ? | 07:43 |
pimp31415 | and have you tried the compiz fusion stuff? | 07:43 |
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ompaul | product: RV370 5B60 [Radeon X300 (PCIE)] | 07:44 |
pimp31415 | that should handle it fine if its what i think it is one sec | 07:44 |
mrsno | i couldn't go back to no beryl/compizfusion but in all honesty i turn of most of the plugins :) | 07:44 |
ompaul | pimp31415, well here is one for ya, I don't even know the different kinds of stuff | 07:44 |
mrsno | its nice to be able to control how much or how little of it you want running | 07:44 |
pimp31415 | ompaul, its really easy to get going - the thing to watch for is your framerate | 07:45 |
pimp31415 | but i can tell you on the 9200 my roomate insists on beryl | 07:46 |
pimp31415 | XD | 07:46 |
ompaul | okay, so I can upgrade my card and get it all funky | 07:46 |
=== ompaul thinks if your going to play in the playground # | ||
pimp31415 | http://lhansen.blogspot.com/2006/10/3d-desktop-beryl-and-xgl-on-ubuntu-edgy.html | 07:46 |
ompaul | do it with real topys | 07:47 |
ompaul | toys even | 07:47 |
pimp31415 | i dont like the xgl stuff tho | 07:47 |
pimp31415 | brb | 07:47 |
pimp31415 | ok back | 07:47 |
ompaul | I should look at these | 07:47 |
pimp31415 | the way i get it going for roomate is fairly simple actually | 07:48 |
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pimp31415 | install beryl-manager beryl and emerald-themes | 07:48 |
pimp31415 | then change driver to um | 07:48 |
mrsno | ubuntu wiki has more up to date info really | 07:48 |
pimp31415 | yeah we use ati driver | 07:49 |
pimp31415 | make sure dri file mode thign is in config | 07:49 |
pimp31415 | and your basically good to go | 07:49 |
pimp31415 | might need a couple extra options but thats enough to restart x and go with it | 07:49 |
pimp31415 | let me post his xorg for u | 07:50 |
pimp31415 | !paste | 07:50 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:50 |
pimp31415 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29125/ | 07:51 |
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gnomefreak | SeveredCross: you do relize the intent of that repo is to test packages never intended to be upgraded to gutsy using those packages. and firefox-trunk and firefox-granparadiso are both broken something awful upstream i just havent gotten around to pulling them out yet | 08:16 |
pimp31415 | gnomefreak, how is firefox broken? | 08:20 |
pimp31415 | besides the darn mozilla-mplayer | 08:20 |
pimp31415 | uuberstupid | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: cairo is causing crashes | 08:21 |
pimp31415 | works great in epiphany btw | 08:21 |
pimp31415 | ah | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: they changed the way firefox uses it and we are woriking on it :( | 08:21 |
DanaG | Has the "long freeze on Asian character sets" bug in Gran Paradiso been fixed yet? | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: -trunk and granparadiso not nomral ff | 08:21 |
pimp31415 | Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_drawable_unref: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable)' failed <<--- new errors | 08:21 |
pimp31415 | gnomefreak, ah | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: from? | 08:22 |
pimp31415 | when switching themes with emerald in beryl | 08:23 |
pimp31415 | specifically of course the window dressing themes | 08:23 |
gnomefreak | oh good | 08:23 |
pimp31415 | but doesnt seem to effect useability | 08:23 |
gnomefreak | DanaG: i havent seen that bug yet | 08:23 |
gnomefreak | atleast that i remember | 08:24 |
pimp31415 | also here's a question - i cant get my menus to go onto the panel - say applications > internet > hover on the actual menu and select add to panel > as a menu/drawer | 08:24 |
gnomefreak | this week is gonna be a layed back week (next 2 weeks if im lucky) | 08:24 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: see compiz i think i have seen that bug before | 08:24 |
pimp31415 | it was working for a minute then it wasnt so ive no idea what it was lol | 08:25 |
pimp31415 | gnomefreak, same in beryl/compiz/metacity | 08:25 |
pimp31415 | for the add menu thing | 08:25 |
pimp31415 | but single apps add just fine lol | 08:25 |
gnomefreak | pimp31415: it works fine here without any desktop effects enabled (compiz uses metacity so maybe try disabling compiz) | 08:26 |
gnomefreak | see if that helps | 08:26 |
DanaG | https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=357637 | 08:27 |
pimp31415 | yeah no desktop effects but let me try | 08:27 |
ubotu | Mozilla bug 357637 in GFX: Thebes "Loading time (Tp) of pages with Chinese text is unbearable" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] | 08:27 |
gnomefreak | DanaG: ill look ty | 08:27 |
DanaG | Oh, apparently it's fixed. | 08:27 |
DanaG | Now if only I could make Gran Paradiso use Flash, | 08:27 |
gnomefreak | if it was recently it will show its face in | 08:27 |
DanaG | and make it replace firefox, and not be "firefox-trunk" | 08:27 |
gnomefreak | or alpha 7 | 08:28 |
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gnomefreak | it will hit in one of the dailies but dont expect to find it in repos for a while. | 08:29 |
pimp31415 | yeah no go | 08:29 |
gnomefreak | upstream screwed up alot for alpha 6 | 08:29 |
=== gnomefreak goes back to work :( | ||
pimp31415 | DanaG, flash is working in granparadiso here | 08:31 |
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Biagi | http://biagi.miniville.fr | 08:50 |
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awerner32 | hey say i can't get the gui installer to run is there a way to kill gdm and start x and run the gui installer without gnome or to install it sans the gui | 08:55 |
pimp31415 | yeah | 08:56 |
pimp31415 | install in the safe graphics mode its a common problem awerner32 | 08:56 |
pimp31415 | then it goes right into it | 08:56 |
pimp31415 | and if that doesnt work im not sure if there is an alternate installer yet | 08:56 |
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pimp31415 | !gutsy | 08:57 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 08:57 |
awerner32 | ok if i start in safe graphics mode what is the command to start the installer/ | 08:57 |
pimp31415 | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-2/ yeah there's an alternate | 08:57 |
pimp31415 | awerner32, when i did it it all worked normally | 08:57 |
pimp31415 | safe graphics mode just booted right into what i expect the livecd to look like normally | 08:58 |
awerner32 | ok | 08:58 |
awerner32 | thank you | 08:58 |
pimp31415 | no problem | 08:58 |
pimp31415 | one suggestion awerner32 | 08:58 |
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pimp31415 | while in livecd assuming it boots - open terminal install xchat or irssi so u can be here at the same time if you have problems | 08:58 |
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pimp31415 | there's a hanging problem on manual partitioning sometimes i just dont remember what fixed it on that one sorry | 08:59 |
pimp31415 | lol | 08:59 |
awerner32 | ok will do | 09:00 |
pimp31415 | ok ^_^ | 09:00 |
awerner32 | brb | 09:00 |
pimp31415 | cuthen | 09:00 |
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awerner32_ | ok i am booted into safe graphics mode although x failed on the original boot and i had to manually reconfigure it | 09:12 |
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awerner32_ | the installer froze on the partitioner | 09:15 |
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awerner32_ | well i think i am giving up with this and will try it agian in another month or so | 09:18 |
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pimp31415 | mm gkrellm does not have a menu entry in system tools or anywhere else by default - unless your running also the debian menu | 09:23 |
pimp31415 | lol | 09:24 |
pimp31415 | i told him it would probably pause there | 09:24 |
pimp31415 | 6 minutes of patience eh | 09:24 |
=== pimp31415 sighs | ||
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tretle | glad to see some activity today :D | 09:35 |
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SeveredCross | Crap, Hobbsee left. | 09:45 |
SeveredCross | Anyone here know how the hell I can get apt to install after make-ing it? | 09:46 |
SeveredCross | I find the binaries, but it doesn't work... | 09:46 |
SeveredCross | Err, I don't know how to install them that is. | 09:47 |
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mrsno | SeveredCross i have no idea of your prior conversation, but did you create .deb files? if so sudo dpkg -i foo.deb to install them, replacing foo with the package name | 09:56 |
SeveredCross | Nope, can't create deb files. | 09:56 |
SeveredCross | No way to do make install so checkinstall fails. | 09:56 |
SeveredCross | I know how to install with dpkg. | 09:56 |
mrsno | okay, not a clue then sorry :-) | 09:56 |
SeveredCross | She had uploaded a newer apt that fixed some problems with missing dependencies, but nobody has built it yet--I decided to build it for myself but don't know how to install it now. | 09:56 |
SeveredCross | <_> | 09:56 |
mrsno | how did you build it SeveredCross ? can you explain the process for me | 09:57 |
SeveredCross | I downloaded the tarball she had uploaded, did ./configure and make | 09:57 |
SeveredCross | The usual way to build things. :) | 09:57 |
pimp31415 | did you have the things you need to compile it correctly? | 09:57 |
SeveredCross | Yep. | 09:58 |
SeveredCross | I did apt-get build-dep apt beforehand. | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | sure there's not something wieerd? | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | bah | 09:58 |
SeveredCross | Make finished correctly, so it's not that that's the problem. | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | build-dep means nothing | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | finishing make correctly means only a little | 09:58 |
SeveredCross | Well, make finished without any errors if it makes you feel any better? | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | lol | 09:58 |
=== SeveredCross shrugs. | ||
=== pimp31415 shrugs back | ||
SeveredCross | I'll double-check the COMPILING file. | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | lol | 09:58 |
mrsno | ok well reading the maintainers guide should be helpful, the ubuntu version i seen on http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Deb_Guide | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | let mke know how it goes? | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | *me | 09:58 |
SeveredCross | Things you need to compile apt: | 09:58 |
pimp31415 | i have those exact problems all the time lol | 09:59 |
pimp31415 | what i need is a workstation metapackage | 09:59 |
pimp31415 | which installs like 4 gigs of stuff ppl dont normally need | 09:59 |
pimp31415 | so i can compile my 3 packages perfectly >_< | 09:59 |
SeveredCross | gcc, g++, make, ar, sh, awk, sed, a C library with the usual POSIX functions and a BSD socket layer. | 09:59 |
SeveredCross | Make 3.74 or so, gcc > 2.8.. | 10:00 |
SeveredCross | I have all of those things. | 10:00 |
pimp31415 | mm | 10:00 |
pimp31415 | wierd | 10:01 |
SeveredCross | Hmm.. | 10:02 |
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SeveredCross | I thinK I'm getting somewhere with it. | 10:14 |
SeveredCross | The maintainers guide is helping. | 10:14 |
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SeveredCross | Fuckshit. | 10:23 |
SeveredCross | I got it to build the deb but for some reason it still won't actually provide libapt-pkg-libc6.5-6-4.4 | 10:23 |
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kingrayray | hello friends | 10:43 |
kingrayray | who uses xmms2 here :) | 10:43 |
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tretle | "(21:23:50) SeveredCross: Fuckshit." your Jason Mewes aren't you! :D | 11:25 |
kingrayray | I see | 11:25 |
tretle | kingrayray I don't use xmms2 | 11:27 |
kingrayray | me neither. I did like an hour ago | 11:27 |
kingrayray | lol | 11:27 |
tretle | haven't tried xmms to be honest | 11:29 |
tretle | started off with amarok then banshee, then rhythmbox | 11:29 |
tretle | i dont like mono | 11:29 |
tretle | :) | 11:29 |
kingrayray | I don't like GUI's | 11:30 |
kingrayray | lol | 11:30 |
kingrayray | well not for music at least | 11:30 |
tretle | terminal is usually quicker for most things but music needs i would doubt very much :D | 11:31 |
tretle | creating ques etc | 11:31 |
tretle | no thanks :D | 11:31 |
kingrayray | you should really try mpd + ncmpc then lol | 11:31 |
kingrayray | I've been using mpd for like, 3 years now | 11:31 |
tretle | I need a new keyboard, i spilled glue on this one last year and the key's have been a bit annoying ever since | 11:32 |
tretle | llol | 11:32 |
tretle | grrr | 11:32 |
tretle | :D | 11:32 |
tretle | just took a look at some screenshots for gxmms2, it looks freaking horrible :D | 11:34 |
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kingrayray | http://hem.bredband.net/kaw/ncmpc/screenshots.html | 11:34 |
kingrayray | that is my fav app for handing music | 11:35 |
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tretle | :D | 11:36 |
tretle | a keep it simple guy :D | 11:36 |
kingrayray | because when you get your playlist set up, you just close it | 11:36 |
kingrayray | no need to keep it running | 11:36 |
kingrayray | because a daemon is playing the music :) | 11:36 |
tretle | nice | 11:36 |
kingrayray | I play anarchy online a lot so I use a cli app ;p | 11:37 |
kingrayray | so I can ctrl+alt+f2 over and change the music | 11:37 |
tretle | brb | 11:37 |
sacater | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QADays | 11:40 |
tretle | back | 11:44 |
tretle | "anarchy online" bah humbug | 11:44 |
tretle | :D | 11:44 |
tretle | what a terrible game | 11:44 |
kingrayray | pff | 11:44 |
tretle | been playing warsow lately | 11:45 |
kingrayray | its like the only mmo I've played that didn't make me wanna quit | 11:45 |
tretle | the mmorpg im waiting for is the new elite game | 11:45 |
tretle | ll | 11:45 |
tretle | lol | 11:45 |
tretle | warsow is a great game, been playing that lately, brings a good name to pen source linux native gameing | 11:46 |
tretle | though I think there is a huge lack of open source storey based polished games out there | 11:46 |
tretle | warsow is nice and polished :D | 11:47 |
tretle | to play the latest version it uninstalled the broken libcurl4 package though :/ and open office :D lol | 11:48 |
tretle | hint hint | 11:48 |
tretle | lol | 11:48 |
kingrayray | are you trying to get me to install warsow | 11:48 |
tretle | if your using gutsy id advice not at the moment | 11:48 |
tretle | until libcurl is fixed | 11:49 |
tretle | im very happy with gutsy as a whole right now to be honest | 11:50 |
tretle | compiz worked from the get go | 11:50 |
tretle | :D | 11:50 |
kingrayray | I've never had problems with compiz in the first place | 11:50 |
tretle | never did that before on my machine, used to have horrible problems with it | 11:50 |
kingrayray | I hate how the appearance configuation takes a week and a half to open | 11:51 |
tretle | opens relatively quick for me | 11:51 |
tretle | I'm using beryl instead of compiz fusion at the moment though | 11:51 |
kingrayray | as am I | 11:52 |
tretle | find its more stable | 11:52 |
tretle | and compiz fusion doesn't "yet" have the customizing features I want | 11:52 |
kingrayray | compiz fusion sounds like a carbonated beverage | 11:52 |
kingrayray | it should be | 11:53 |
tretle | they should have just called it fusion | 11:53 |
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tretle | doesn't matter anyway, as long as they have stopped bickering over the name and started doing some work :D | 11:54 |
tretle | seriously considering installing the 64bit version of gutsy on my machine | 11:55 |
tretle | wondering if id see much of a performance boost | 11:55 |
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mrsno | tretle i dont see/feel any different here on the desktop with 64bit vs 32 | 12:02 |
tretle | Hmmmmm... maybe i wasted my money last year getting a dual core 64bit AMD processor :D | 12:05 |
mrsno | im sure the dual cores will benefit more than the 64bit instructions :-) unless you aer serving/have >4gig of ram | 12:06 |
tretle | well I have 1 gig at the moment, plan to add another 3 gigs soon but need to find a new apartment first :D | 12:07 |
tretle | Its going to be my media center pc/ media server once ubuntu media center comes out :D | 12:08 |
tretle | then I'll have another system as my desktop | 12:08 |
tretle | :P | 12:08 |
ponicg | heh Q6600 for your next build, TreMobyl | 12:08 |
ponicg | err tretle | 12:08 |
ponicg | lol | 12:08 |
tretle | Also have to get some new hardrives, i was thinking3 or four terabytes | 12:08 |
ponicg | $250 for 4 cores | 12:09 |
tretle | Yeah, Im holding off for AMD's new chipset | 12:09 |
tretle | this is a socket am2 machine | 12:09 |
ponicg | Heh - I'm gonna holdon to my desktop for a bit - Athlon 64 x2 3800+ w/2GB ram on the 939 platform | 12:09 |
ponicg | decent for now. | 12:09 |
tretle | so i'll need to get a new motherboard for amd's new processor anyway | 12:09 |
ponicg | heh but you can't beat 4 cores of gooey goodness for $250 | 12:11 |
ponicg | :-p | 12:11 |
tretle | amd or intel | 12:11 |
tretle | intel dont do true multicore | 12:11 |
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tretle | thats what AMD's new processor is going to be | 12:12 |
tretle | true quad core computing | 12:12 |
tretle | not just cores bolted together | 12:12 |
tretle | ubuntu has come a long way since dapper :D | 12:14 |
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tretle | planet gnome seems to be f+cked | 12:20 |
tretle | i mean it needs a fsck | 12:20 |
tretle | :D | 12:20 |
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