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=== Hobbsee waves | ||
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Mithrandir | an Hobbsee! | 09:30 |
Hobbsee | it's a Mithrandir! | 09:31 |
Mithrandir | indeed, it is. | 09:31 |
=== Hobbsee hugs Mithrandir | ||
=== Mithrandir hugs Hobbsee back | ||
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: are you still in norway, or in london now? | 09:32 |
Mithrandir | how's your sunday afternoon? | 09:32 |
Mithrandir | leaving for London this early evening. | 09:32 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: well, i was working. so... | 09:32 |
=== Hobbsee had one guy telling her she was cute. *shrugs* | ||
Hobbsee | and it was quiet - hooray! | 09:32 |
Mithrandir | sounds good. | 09:33 |
Mithrandir | being told you're cute is nice though? As long as it's done in a nice and polite fashion. | 09:33 |
Hobbsee | sure. as long as there isnt a look in the teller's eyes of "oh i wish i could date you" or worse. | 09:33 |
Mithrandir | yup | 09:33 |
=== Hobbsee has now changed her real name on her client, to attempt to reduce harassment. | ||
Hobbsee | will see how well it works | 09:34 |
Mithrandir | you have? | 09:34 |
Hobbsee | (or at least, it'll change when i reconnect) | 09:34 |
Mithrandir | ah, ok. | 09:34 |
=== Hobbsee bashes all the harassers with a large hammer. | ||
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: do enjoy london. i'm envious of you :P | 09:35 |
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aquo | hi | 11:27 |
aquo | i have created a debbootstrapped minimal ubuntu in a directory | 11:27 |
aquo | is there a way to give a parameter to the initrd-image to use this directory for pivot root? | 11:28 |
=== |Cordyce| [n=kvirc@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
|Cordyce| | tftpd doesnt show up in ps list after ive installed it and ran it. why might this be? not using inetd | 11:29 |
Mithrandir | |Cordyce|: please, this channel is not for support, try #ubuntu | 11:29 |
|Cordyce| | they are clueless | 11:29 |
|Cordyce| | had a hard time even getting them to respond | 11:29 |
pitti | hey Mithrandir | 11:30 |
Mithrandir | try asking a question on the answer tracker, then. Asking for support in here is inappropriate in any case. | 11:30 |
Mithrandir | hiya Martin | 11:30 |
|Cordyce| | what is answer tracker | 11:32 |
Mithrandir | https://answers.launchpad.net/ | 11:32 |
Fujitsu | Can somebody with appropriate superpowers please check what ate all sparc binaries for dcc 1.3.42-4build1? | 11:35 |
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cjwatson | aquo: I don't think that's possible with current initramfs-tools without some additional hacking | 11:43 |
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cjwatson | Fujitsu: nothing as such - but for some reason the cron.daily that was busy processing it seems to have got stuck | 11:50 |
cjwatson | so it's actually in the archive on drescher but not mirrored | 11:50 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: Ah, right. So LP is right when it says it's published. | 11:50 |
cjwatson | yeah | 11:50 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: Thanks for looking at that. Any idea when it'll be resolved? | 11:51 |
cjwatson | I'm sorting it out | 11:51 |
Fujitsu | Thanks. | 11:51 |
cjwatson | Fujitsu: I've killed the hung process, so with any luck the next cron.daily will proceed normally, and those binaries should be visible in maybe three-quarters of an hour | 11:53 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: Right, thanks. | 11:54 |
cjwatson | if they aren't, wait another 15 minutes or so beyond that and then ask me again | 11:54 |
=== Fujitsu wonders how it can take so long. | ||
cjwatson | cron.daily doesn't start until :03 | 11:54 |
cjwatson | normally it would finish around :30 or so | 11:55 |
Fujitsu | I thought it was around :40, but that's still a rather long time. | 11:55 |
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Fujitsu | Anyway, thanks for looking into that. | 11:56 |
cjwatson | mm. a lot of it's (1) apt-ftparchive and (2) death row processing (which needs to walk timestamps in the pool, IIRC) | 11:56 |
Fujitsu | Doesn't it have a table it can look death row candidates up in? | 11:57 |
cjwatson | actually, yeah, looking at it, it does seem to be a honking great SELECT | 11:58 |
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Fujitsu | Still, that's surely only... 5 architectures * 22000 binaries * 4 releases + sources... I guess that's a few. | 11:59 |
cjwatson | I'm not sure, could be insufficient db indexing, could be badly optimised SELECTs so that it has to read big wodges of stuff into python | 11:59 |
cjwatson | I'm not enough of a postgresql expert to be able to tell | 11:59 |
=== Fujitsu decides to leave the LP deep magic alone. | ||
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Hobbsee | greetings all | 12:33 |
ajmitch | greetings Hobbsee | 12:34 |
Hobbsee | :) | 12:34 |
Fujitsu | Hi Hobbsee. | 12:35 |
Hobbsee | hi Fujitsu, ajmitch | 12:35 |
=== Fujitsu hopes cron.daily finishes this time. | ||
Hobbsee | it wont. it hates you | 12:36 |
StevenK | Heh | 12:38 |
Fujitsu | Of course, my very evil dcc sparc binaries caused it choke. | 12:39 |
cjwatson | Fujitsu: you're quite right - there's a clear inefficiency there. I'm writing a mail to the launchpad list now with an analysis and a suggested patch | 12:48 |
=== Fujitsu wonders how the heck he could have identified a clear inefficiency without having any significant idea of what it does. | ||
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Fujitsu | cjwatson: And it seems to have not completed this hour either. | 12:50 |
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Nafallo | *s*S | 12:51 |
Nafallo | -S | 12:51 |
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Fujitsu | cpr | 12:58 |
Fujitsu | Oops. | 12:58 |
=== Fujitsu attacks the kitten. | ||
=== Hobbsee rescues the kitten, and demands that Fujitsu do some revu'ing. | ||
cjwatson | Fujitsu: no, it worked fine this time | 01:01 |
pochu | slomo: liferea has released 1.4~rc1. The major feature in 1.4 is comments in the feeds are now displayed. I'm using it, and it seems stable here. Since there are still more than 3 months for Gutsy's release, do you think it's a good idea to upload it, so we can test and debug it? Or better wait for the final release? | 01:01 |
=== Nafallo stops playing music for his neighbors :-) | ||
Fujitsu | cjwatson: I can't see those sparc binaries on archive.u.c. | 01:02 |
Nafallo | pochu: when is the final release? :-) | 01:02 |
cjwatson | Fujitsu: I think the mirroring must be still in progress or something | 01:02 |
cjwatson | oh, hmm, the Packages files for sparc still say -4 | 01:02 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: Ah, I normally see it done by about 20 minutes ago. | 01:02 |
cjwatson | what the hell is going on? | 01:03 |
pochu | Nafallo: as soon as there are no major bugs ;) Probably in a couple of weeks or so. | 01:03 |
Fujitsu | That's... odd. So maybe it did get eaten? | 01:03 |
cjwatson | well, no, the binaries ARE on disk | 01:03 |
Nafallo | pochu: well, it IS development version :-P | 01:03 |
Fujitsu | But apt-ftparchive didn't pick them up? | 01:03 |
Nafallo | pochu: but yea, wait for slomo :-) | 01:03 |
cjwatson | there was nothing to publish this time round, so apt-ftparchive wasn't run | 01:03 |
Fujitsu | Haha. | 01:04 |
cjwatson | I reckon that after I killed cron.daily, it didn't put the new dists tree in place | 01:04 |
pochu | Nafallo: maybe we should wait for at least an rc2... | 01:04 |
cjwatson | so it needs another real item to publish to get back in sync | 01:04 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: Process the sync queue :P | 01:05 |
slomo | pochu: ask them if the final release will definitely be ~2 weeks before gutsy release... and then let's upload it :) | 01:05 |
Nafallo | pochu: you might want to build one, throw it around to some more people and make them report if it's stable for them :-) | 01:05 |
StevenK | cjwatson: If you want to kick something in, sync kwave from incoming.d.o, it's one more nail in libflac++5's coffin. :-) | 01:05 |
Nafallo | pochu: /me and slomo are such people that will want to try it out ;-) | 01:06 |
cjwatson | Fujitsu: not on a Sunday :P | 01:06 |
cjwatson | I can do one though ... | 01:06 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: Hence the `:P' | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | cjwatson: bah. i'ts almost mondya | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | hell, wait 55 mins, then it really is monday. | 01:07 |
StevenK | In which timezone? | 01:07 |
StevenK | Oh, right. NZ. | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | nz, i believe | 01:07 |
pochu | Nafallo, slomo: http://emilio.pozuelo.org/~liferea/liferea_1.4~rc1-ubuntu1_i386.deb ;) | 01:07 |
=== Nafallo grabs | ||
slomo | pochu: thanks :) | 01:08 |
=== Fujitsu whispers `PPA' | ||
slomo | pochu: just tell me when upstream promised to release early enough ;) | 01:08 |
pochu | slomo: they told me it might need a couple of RCs more, but that they will try to release them every week. So 2 RCs * 1 week = 2 weeks :) | 01:08 |
=== sabdfl [n=sabdfl@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Nafallo | Fujitsu: server? :-) | 01:09 |
Nafallo | sabdfl: morning Mark :-) | 01:09 |
slomo | pochu: good, source package is at the usual place? | 01:09 |
sabdfl | hey Nafallo | 01:10 |
Nafallo | sabdfl: how's life? :-) | 01:10 |
sabdfl | good! off to wimbledon now :-) | 01:10 |
realist | lucky you! | 01:11 |
Nafallo | nice :-) | 01:11 |
cjwatson | Fujitsu: inefficiency> well, you got me to stop assuming that it was slow because it was walking the disk | 01:11 |
cjwatson | StevenK: done | 01:12 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: Ah, right. I didn't think it would be /that/ stupid. | 01:12 |
cjwatson | (kwave) | 01:12 |
Fujitsu | cjwatson: It has missed this run, hasn't it? | 01:12 |
pochu | slomo: to upload to ubuntu? I have to make a couple of changes (e.g. remove changelogs and that...) | 01:12 |
cjwatson | Fujitsu: yeah | 01:12 |
slomo | pochu: yes, this evening then :) bbl | 01:13 |
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pochu | slomo: ok, will upload to it soon. Thanks! | 01:14 |
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StevenK | cjwatson: Ohh, thanks! | 01:20 |
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Hobbsee | hi persia | 01:38 |
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persia | Hi Hobbsee | 01:38 |
=== yaccin [n=yaccin@p57A7783A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
yaccin | didnt somebody yesterday say, that there were new kopete packages later that day? ^^ | 01:45 |
Hobbsee | yaccin: not here they didnt, and i said that i'd fix it | 02:01 |
Hobbsee | for gutsy, at least. | 02:01 |
Hobbsee | however, i was working on my paid job today, so i may not be doing as much ubuntu stuff tonight. | 02:02 |
Hobbsee | seeing as i take breaks occasionally - especially when it's not in the european working week, which means it's quiet here :) | 02:02 |
pochu | slomo: done :) http://emilio.pozuelo.org/~deb/ | 02:04 |
yaccin | oh only for gutsy :/ | 02:04 |
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yaccin | hmm can you tell me, how i can fix it on feisty? :D | 02:05 |
Hobbsee | well, i'ts a pain to build for multiple releases for every patch | 02:05 |
Hobbsee | sure, take the patch, apply it to the feisty source, build it | 02:05 |
=== mruiz [n=mruiz@ubuntu/member/mruiz] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Bye!"] | ||
yaccin | i know how to compile stuff, but i dont know where i get the fixed sources | 02:05 |
yaccin | or how to apply a patch :D | 02:05 |
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yaccin | but if you can tell me, where i can download that stuff, ill try :) | 02:08 |
yaccin | oh... and is checkinstall fixed or still buggy | 02:09 |
yaccin | if it is ill use the edgy-version | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | checkinstall is always crap. | 02:09 |
yaccin | but i dont know any other programms to build packages :/ | 02:10 |
yaccin | and id love to set up a repo for the packages ive done so far, but i dont know how :( | 02:11 |
Hobbsee | what i'd like to do is go and triage some kopete bugs, send them upstream, etc, and get patches for more bis | 02:12 |
Hobbsee | *bits | 02:12 |
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Hobbsee | hi pygi | 02:19 |
pygi | heya Hobbsee | 02:19 |
=== Hobbsee wonders when mvo gets back. | ||
mr_pouit | pygi: hey! are you working on brasero ftbfs? :P | 02:30 |
yaccin | Hobbsee: can you tell me, where i can get that patch? or is the patch already in the sources from kopete.kde.org? | 02:30 |
pygi | mr_pouit, yea, I'm on it | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | yaccin: it's the one linked on the bug report, in svn | 02:31 |
pygi | mr_pouit, I'll upload a new version tomorrow | 02:31 |
Hobbsee | it's also the attachment before the SVN commit, i think | 02:31 |
pygi | mr_pouit, is 0.6.0 out? | 02:31 |
mr_pouit | pygi: ok (please check if the patch properly applies before :P) | 02:31 |
mr_pouit | pygi: afaik, no | 02:31 |
pygi | mr_pouit, ok, and I'll check everything, ofcourse | 02:31 |
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Fujitsu | Yay, apt-ftparchive ran again :) | 02:37 |
pygi | mr_pouit, I know what's the problem anyway ^_^ | 02:37 |
mr_pouit | ^^ | 02:39 |
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hikenboot | greetings all-- cat packages_removable-final.txt | cut -f 1 --delimiter=, | xargs apt-get remove --purge causes all the listed packages to be removed at once. I would like to remove each one and prompt between each package listed so I can see which one is removing packages I do not wish---any idea how? | 02:50 |
cjwatson | xargs -n1 | 02:51 |
cjwatson | apt-get will prompt whenever more than just the package you asked for is to be removed | 02:52 |
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cjwatson | apt-get -s if you just want to simulate each in turn | 02:53 |
hikenboot | so if I am feeding it from a list that will do one at a time? | 02:53 |
cjwatson | yes | 02:53 |
hikenboot | thanks | 02:53 |
cjwatson | --max-args=max-args, -n max-args | 02:53 |
cjwatson | Use at most max-args arguments per command line. Fewer than max-args arguments will be used if the size (see the -s option) is exceeded, unless the -x option is given, in which case xargs | 02:53 |
cjwatson | will exit. | 02:53 |
hikenboot | thanks! | 02:54 |
hikenboot | i thought I would have to do it with a for loop some how | 02:54 |
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yaccin | ok | 03:50 |
yaccin | i build kopete | 03:50 |
yaccin | and the bug is gone | 03:50 |
yaccin | but also is the option to hide the scrollbar -_- | 03:50 |
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StevenK | cjwatson: I know it's weekend and all, but if you feel so inclined would you mind checking why kwave hasn't got any builds at all, even though the source was published 2 hours ago? | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: he's probably on a plain - or waiting at the airport, or something | 04:07 |
StevenK | "plain", you say? | 04:08 |
=== StevenK grins, and ducks. | ||
Fujitsu | StevenK: Because soyuz is doing crazy things? cron.daily was having issues with publishing them to the outside world, so I'm sure it'll find an excuse to not publish sources internally. | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | er, plane | 04:09 |
=== Hobbsee beats StevenK | ||
StevenK | Ouch! | 04:09 |
StevenK | Fujitsu: Mmmm, more Soyuz breakage fun. | 04:09 |
Fujitsu | That's right :) | 04:10 |
geser | was there a LP rollout again in the last days? | 04:11 |
=== IanC26 [n=IanC26@2002:908b:a587:4:216:6fff:fe39:ff6e] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Fujitsu | geser: We're about half way between releases at the moment, so nought but cherrypicks. | 04:11 |
Kmos | https://launchpad.net/+builds/kohnen -> it's normal the status of this machine | 04:12 |
Kmos | ? | 04:12 |
=== StevenK patches muse, and waits for roughly 25 minutes to see whether it builds or not. | ||
StevenK | Kmos: It's hppa, which was last bootstrapped for dapper. | 04:13 |
Fujitsu | Kmos: It's hppa, and it's likely that nobody really cares during the weekend. | 04:13 |
StevenK | If you look, you'll notice that no builds for hppa get registered. | 04:13 |
Fujitsu | Particularly due to the fact it'll only dodapper-updates, yes. | 04:13 |
=== huahua [n=huahua@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Kmos | Fujitsu: so any admins to fix it. | 04:13 |
Kmos | that's bad | 04:13 |
Hobbsee | Kmos: not. on. a. weekend. | 04:14 |
StevenK | Why does it fixing? It's *allowed* to be idle. | 04:14 |
Fujitsu | Kmos: And particularly not because it's hppa. | 04:14 |
StevenK | need fixing, even | 04:14 |
Fujitsu | It might get used every few months. | 04:14 |
StevenK | It's not broken, ergo, it doesn't need fixing. | 04:14 |
StevenK | It's not rocket science. | 04:14 |
Kmos | :) | 04:15 |
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=== Tuxist [n=jan@host-091-096-197-103.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Tuxist | hi | 04:38 |
=== superm1__ [n=superm1@66-188-198-184.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Tuxist | why you build openldap packages without sql support ? | 04:45 |
=== iwj [n=ian@xenophobe.extern.relativity.greenend.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
realist | Perhaps it's not a typical use case | 04:48 |
Hobbsee | !weekend | 04:48 |
ubotu | It's a weekend. Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week. | 04:48 |
realist | Hobbsee: or a mailing list, bug reporting? | 04:50 |
=== jsgotangco_ [n=jsg123@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | realist: that too | 04:50 |
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=== highvoltage [n=highvolt@broadband-196-1-61-39.amobia.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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geser | Hobbsee: it looks like I got apt building | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | geser: yay! | 05:12 |
geser | the last missing build-depends is docbook | 05:12 |
geser | Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0), libdb4.4-dev, gettext (>= 0.12), libcurl4-gnutls-dev (>= 7.15.5), automake, xsltproc, docbook-xsl, xmlt | 05:12 |
geser | o, docbook | 05:12 |
geser | broken line-wrap | 05:13 |
geser | that's the B-D line it tested the last build attempt | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | automake or autoconf? | 05:13 |
StevenK | automake Depends on autoconf | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | the last one died over autoconf, i thought | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | ah | 05:14 |
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@cl-266.bru-01.be.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
geser | you need both but automake installs autoconf, so I wouldn't list it | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | ah right | 05:15 |
=== Hobbsee tries | ||
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=== mc44_ is now known as mc44 | ||
=== hackeron [n=hackeron@gentoo/user/hackeron] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
hackeron | when is asterisk going to be fixed in gutsy? (any why was libcurl3 deprecated without testing what it breaks) | 05:27 |
StevenK | asterisk was fixed 2 days ago. | 05:27 |
=== blueCommand [n=bluecomm@unaffiliated/bluecommand] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
StevenK | And actually, it's the other way around. | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | geser: holy hell, this actually builds | 05:30 |
StevenK | Heh, upload it, quick. | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | i'd prefer to test first... | 05:31 |
hackeron | StevenK: errr, not here -- complains about libcurl3-gnutls | 05:31 |
StevenK | Then I suspect your mirror is out of date. | 05:31 |
geser | hackeron: does it perhaps want to deinstall OO.o? | 05:32 |
hackeron | I tried 4 mirrors already | 05:32 |
StevenK | Oh, that could be it. | 05:32 |
StevenK | Openoffice.org is still waiting to be fixed. | 05:32 |
geser | was it uploaded today? | 05:32 |
Nafallo | was about to say that :-) | 05:32 |
StevenK | That's a question for calc. | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | it wasnt | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | doko had some changes he wanted to make | 05:33 |
hackeron | geser: err, no, apt doesn't mention openoffice | 05:33 |
Nafallo | hackeron: does here. | 05:33 |
geser | StevenK: there was an OO.o upload today, amd64, powerpc and sparc are building now and i386 failed to build | 05:34 |
Nafallo | language-support-sv, libcurl4-gnutls, openoffice.org*, python-uno :-) | 05:34 |
=== mthaddon [n=mthaddon@canonical/launchpad/mthaddon] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
hackeron | all it says for me is these are being kept back: apt apt-utils libcurl4-gnutls vorbis-tools | 05:35 |
hackeron | when I apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls it says libcurl3-gnutls unavailable | 05:35 |
geser | try apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls | 05:35 |
gnomefreak | hackeron: its not ready to be updated yet | 05:36 |
hackeron | geser: hmm, yeah, that works openoffice removed | 05:37 |
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hackeron | ok, I compiled my own asterisk and openoffice still works :) | 05:38 |
=== Hobbsee uploads apt | ||
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: are you uploading all the other bits which depends on it too? | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: i will, but i thought i had to wait until after it was built | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: currently, no one's uploaded those other bits anyway, so it's in limbo now | 05:47 |
=== Monk-e [n=guido-xu@c529dd229.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Mithrandir | yes, I know, and it's made me slightly annoyed that I have bits which are uninstallable. :-P | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: haha. i didnt upload it the last 2 times. | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: "you could just...you know...fix it." | 05:48 |
Mithrandir | yes, I could, if I had wanted to work even more than I already do. | 05:48 |
Mithrandir | :-P | 05:48 |
Hobbsee | this is true :P | 05:49 |
Mithrandir | and I didn't say I was annoyed at you, just that I was annoyed at it being uninstallable | 05:49 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if you recognised the quote | ||
Hobbsee | hey now, my key was nowhere near it. it's got nothing to do with me. *holds hands up* | 05:49 |
Hobbsee | mine was only near the bzr section | 05:49 |
Hobbsee | :P | 05:49 |
Mithrandir | unsure what the original source for the quote was | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | twas you. | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | about beryl-crack, iirc. | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | about all the work arounds they were using | 05:51 |
=== Hobbsee has a brain for detail, remember? | ||
=== Hobbsee prods the australian shoestring. upload faster! | ||
Mithrandir | ah, ok. | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: no, i'm not strange. i dont think. | 05:54 |
desrt | raise hands for guadec attendence | 05:55 |
Mithrandir | only slightly. | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: well, i'm insane enough to be involved in this, so... | 05:55 |
Mithrandir | desrt: I'm coming on Monday and Tuesday, possibly Sunday too, at least Sunday evening. | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | hiya desrt! | 05:55 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: strange != insane. :-) | 05:55 |
desrt | Mithrandir; nice | 05:55 |
geser | I could prepare some debdiffs for apt's rdepends after Hobbsee uploads apt 0.7.2ubuntu6 | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | geser: it's OK - i ahve them here | 05:55 |
desrt | Mithrandir; seems that you will miss my talk on sunday :( | 05:56 |
desrt | and my talk on thursday too :p | 05:57 |
Mithrandir | desrt: I can buy you beer instead. | 05:57 |
desrt | mmmm. beer. | 05:57 |
=== desrt considers a sober guadec | ||
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: heh | 05:57 |
Hobbsee | desrt: not possible. surely | 05:57 |
Hobbsee | oh come on apt...upload... | 05:57 |
desrt | Hobbsee; i dunno | 05:57 |
Mithrandir | desrt: let's smash that pondering. :-) | 05:57 |
desrt | Hobbsee; it might be possible if i immediately go back to the hotel after the last talk | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | haha | 05:58 |
desrt | hanging around in the common area outside of talks has a tendency to get you drunk | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | well, it was possible to mostly not drink at UDS, so... | 05:58 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: but we got even you to drink a tiny bit. | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | yeah. *shudder* | 05:59 |
Mithrandir | shudder? | 05:59 |
desrt | cheap drunk? | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: i'm sure you wouldnt want to see me drunk | 05:59 |
Mithrandir | it was decent bubbly wine. :-P | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | sure. i just dont like the taste of wine :P | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | desrt: i can go a bit crazy at times. also happens with large amounts of coke.; | 05:59 |
desrt | well | 06:00 |
desrt | cocain is a bit more of a serious matter than alcohol | 06:00 |
Hobbsee | of the red can variety... :P | 06:00 |
desrt | gawd! | 06:00 |
desrt | you snort it by the can-full? | 06:00 |
desrt | hardcore | 06:00 |
Hobbsee | hahaha | 06:00 |
Hobbsee | oh dear | 06:00 |
Hobbsee | or of the glass bottle variety. either wya. | 06:01 |
Mithrandir | bottles or cans, you snort either? | 06:01 |
Hobbsee | :P | 06:01 |
Mithrandir | doesn't the glass hurt when it hits the nose? | 06:01 |
=== desrt has had glass bottle coke exactly once | ||
Hobbsee | not if you do it right. | 06:01 |
Mithrandir | also, bubble in nose => badness. | 06:02 |
Mithrandir | bubbles, even | 06:02 |
desrt | it was delicious. | 06:02 |
Mithrandir | ooh, plane. | 06:02 |
desrt | Mithrandir; what hotel are you staying at? | 06:02 |
=== Hobbsee removes the plane. | ||
Hobbsee | NOT YOURS. | 06:02 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: that's ok, I'm only going to use it for a little while. | 06:02 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: not even yours to borrow. | 06:02 |
Mithrandir | desrt: unsure, the 35 one on the accomodation page. | 06:02 |
desrt | etap | 06:02 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: I'm just borrowing a seat. | 06:03 |
Mithrandir | yup, that's the one. | 06:03 |
desrt | me too :D | 06:03 |
Hobbsee | not allowed either. | 06:03 |
Mithrandir | Karianne's coming for Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. | 06:03 |
Mithrandir | bad Hobbsee! | 06:03 |
=== desrt doesn't know karianne | ||
Hobbsee | bah. send her out here, i want to meet her :) | 06:03 |
Mithrandir | desrt: my wife, simira in here. | 06:03 |
desrt | cool | 06:04 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: just come to london. Or Norway, I'm sure we could spare you space on the couch | 06:04 |
desrt | what does she hack on? | 06:04 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: tempting. tempting. and it would be warm, too. | 06:04 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: i wish i could come to london. | 06:04 |
desrt | Hobbsee; norway? warm? heh. | 06:04 |
Mithrandir | not much, she helps out with the norwegian ubuntu community and has done some translations. | 06:04 |
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Hobbsee | desrt: well. it's winter here. it's summer there. it's supposed to be somewhat warm! | 06:05 |
desrt | Hobbsee; "winter" in australia is a ficticious concept | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | desrt: heh | 06:05 |
desrt | it goes down to what? 15? | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | desrt: and not all of us actually hack much, you know :P | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | 8 or so. | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | during the day | 06:05 |
desrt | oo. that's cold. | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | goes down to 2C, or 0C, at night sometimes | 06:05 |
=== TreMobyl [n=solarion@cruftix.physics.uiowa.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | depends where you are | 06:06 |
desrt | ya. we get -40 in canada. | 06:06 |
=== Hobbsee shudders | ||
=== Hobbsee would not survive. | ||
desrt | i shudder too. we all do. :p | 06:06 |
Hobbsee | unless i was piled in jackets, or something | 06:06 |
desrt | you learn the value of owning a very good coat | 06:06 |
Hobbsee | would be more than one, i can tell you... | 06:07 |
desrt | eh. canadian coat construction techniques are quite a lot better than you've probably ever seen :) | 06:07 |
Hobbsee | mmm. i want one for here, then. | 06:07 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: you must come to Norway and try my sheep's coat then. It's like a couple of sheep you wrap yourself in. | 06:08 |
desrt | we also have toques | 06:08 |
Mithrandir | very comfy. | 06:08 |
Mithrandir | very warm | 06:08 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: hehe. bring it with you to boston, if i get there. | 06:08 |
desrt | !! | 06:08 |
Hobbsee | might be a bit big for me though | 06:08 |
desrt | boston is gonna be wild | 06:08 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: maybe, but it's slightly heavy. Like 10kg or so. | 06:08 |
desrt | it's close enough that i might be able to roadtrip down with some friends | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: way cool. then i'd be harder to pick up! | 06:09 |
Mithrandir | true dat | 06:10 |
Hobbsee | which would be good. less temptation for people to try to do mean things to me, like break me. | 06:10 |
Mithrandir | we could still throw you in the pool | 06:11 |
Hobbsee | you wouldnt, though. | 06:11 |
Mithrandir | I'm much too nice a person. | 06:12 |
=== Hobbsee hides her still-somewhat-stuffed wrist away from all of you, and looks around warily. | ||
=== Mithrandir enters the aircraft. | ||
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: did you feed the carrier pigeons before you got on? | 06:15 |
=== desrt feels very much outside of an inside joke | ||
Hobbsee | desrt: clearly you never read elkbuntu's blog, after UDS | 06:16 |
Hobbsee | desrt: carrier pidgeons went on strike from singapore | 06:16 |
=== elkbuntu tickles Hobbsee | ||
=== Hobbsee tickles elkbuntu back :) | ||
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Hobbsee | oh yay, apt finally uploaded.! | 06:41 |
superm1 | Hobbsee, is apt what was breaking debootstrap lately? | 06:42 |
Hobbsee | dont remember. quite possible | 06:42 |
superm1 | hopefully:).... was getting a whole lot of these W: Failure while configuring base packages. This will be attempted 5 times. | 06:42 |
superm1 | ah and looking a little closer, it was libapt-pkg-libc6.5-6-4.4 which wasn't installable - i anticipate that was a binary result of the apt source package you uploaded? | 06:45 |
Hobbsee | yeah, that's to do with apt | 06:45 |
superm1 | great! :) | 06:46 |
Hobbsee | superm1: all of the apt-related stuff (synaptic, aptitude, adept, etc) needs to be rebuilt each time a change is made to apt, from what i understand | 06:46 |
superm1 | Hobbsee, is that sort of thing going to be automatic after your apt upload, or will each of those need to have a bug filed to be rebuilt as well? | 06:47 |
Hobbsee | superm1: wasnt planning on filing bugs for it | 06:48 |
Hobbsee | superm1: was planning to just update them in the morning | 06:48 |
superm1 | oh right your core-dev, you can just bump the changelog and reupload :) | 06:48 |
Hobbsee | it's all listed on gutsy_problems anyway | 06:48 |
Hobbsee | yeah :) | 06:48 |
Hobbsee | well, you need to be in core for apt, too | 06:49 |
=== superm1 obviously needs to eat this morning yet - - should have made that connection in the first place | ||
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@9.78-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | hehe | 06:51 |
stgraber | openoffice is building for 14 hours now :) | 06:52 |
geser | it failed in i386, so a fixed upload will be necessary | 06:53 |
stgraber | right, but I'm running amd64 :) | 06:54 |
stgraber | btw, I don't really see why the build failed on i386 and not on the others as well ... (looking at the log) | 06:54 |
=== kaptengu [n=kaptengu@c213-100-60-183.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
geser | stgraber: i386 builds also the arch all debs | 06:55 |
geser | the others don't | 06:55 |
stgraber | argh | 06:55 |
geser | so you won't have much use for the amd64 debs if they need an arch all deb from this upload | 06:56 |
stgraber | and I think that's the case for OOo :( | 06:57 |
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hunger | the apt-stuff seems to be out of sync with everything that depends on it. | 07:30 |
Hobbsee | hunger: i know. i'll fix it in the morning | 07:31 |
Hobbsee | more to the point - later in the morning | 07:31 |
hunger | Hobbsee: Great. Thanks! | 07:32 |
Hobbsee | hunger: having apt working is not very fun at all, really... | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | i'ts much better if it's segfaulting! :P | 07:33 |
geser | Hobbsee: isn't it soon morning in Australia? :p | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | yeah.... | 07:33 |
hunger | Hobbsee: Who needs apt anyway? Everybody just uses aptitude/synaptic/adept anyway;-) | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | geser: i was going to get better in when i went to bed, after UDS. unfortunately, the european day fits in far better if i stay up, then go to bed at some late hour | 07:34 |
geser | :) | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | besides, it's uni holidays at the moment | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | so my only real time constraint is work, and any meeting people around here that i do | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | however, it's time for bed. | 07:36 |
geser | sleep well | 07:38 |
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Biagi | http://biagi.miniville.fr/sec | 08:41 |
=== Biagi [n=biagi@vir91-6-82-245-131-202.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu-devel [] | ||
desrt | don't visit that link. it's a referal scam. | 08:47 |
desrt | visit this one instead: http://desrt.miniville.fr/ | 08:47 |
desrt | :p | 08:47 |
desrt | it's like an online simcity... people have to visit your page in order for your population to grow. | 08:48 |
bhale | meh | 08:50 |
ion_ | Well said. | 08:50 |
desrt | pretty boring, i think | 08:50 |
desrt | as far as i can tell you can't actually do anything except watch people come | 08:50 |
ion_ | Well, you also get to annoy people. | 08:51 |
desrt | like any good web 2.0 property | 08:51 |
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jdong | desrt: that's how the population grows? My mommy told me when two people really love each other, they give each other a "special hug" | 09:01 |
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sivang | hi folks | 11:19 |
sivang | so, how dangerous is it to dist-upgrade to gutsy? | 11:19 |
geser | sivang: a curl tranisition is ongoing (OO.o is still missing) and now also an apt transition | 11:21 |
geser | so this is not the best time for an dist-upgrade | 11:22 |
sivang | geser: right | 11:22 |
sivang | geser: why are the transitions happening ? | 11:22 |
sivang | geser: (I've been away for a while, now catching up) | 11:22 |
geser | curl is a long story | 11:22 |
sivang | geser: switching to a different implementation ? | 11:23 |
geser | curl is a libcurl3 -> libcurl4 -> libcurl3 transition | 11:23 |
geser | and apt changed one of the provided libs, so everything depending on it needs to be rebuild | 11:24 |
geser | usual library transitions, nothing special | 11:24 |
sivang | geser: so bump up to a new version and then a downgrade ? | 11:24 |
=== sivang tries to understand the rationale | ||
minghua | sivang: curl is a upstream thing | 11:25 |
ion_ | AFAIK upstream bumped the library version, but the ABI didnt really change, so now libcurl3 contains the newest package with a symlink from libcurl.so.4 to .so.3. | 11:26 |
ion_ | Feel free to correct me. :-) | 11:26 |
geser | Debian managed to restore the API/ABI as it cause to much pain in unstalbe -> testing transitions and moved back to libcurl3 | 11:26 |
sivang | ion_: thanks, that explains it | 11:27 |
sivang | darn, I have to run , see you tomorrow folks | 11:28 |
sivang | geser: just before I run, so we just suck in the transition from debian or do we need to do stuff ourselves ? | 11:29 |
ion_ | The libcurl3 changelog in gutsy says: -6ubuntu1: Merge from Debian unstable; -6ubuntu{2,3}: ..., -6ubuntu4: Completly revert the two previous changes | 11:31 |
sivang | ion_: thanks | 11:31 |
sivang | laters | 11:31 |
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