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=== AlexC_ [n=alex@host86-128-192-33.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
AlexC_ | hey, | 11:30 |
AlexC_ | bje: when do you think you'll be able to help set the server up? | 11:30 |
nyarla | hello there! I have a vicious problem with apache2 on my dapper. I'm unable to stop it or restart it correctly anymore. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29075/ Can''t find why... | 11:44 |
nyarla | this cause serious trouble with logrotate | 11:45 |
nyarla | i tried to decipher the init.d script... how can i debug it and check which are the 6 files it tries to find? | 11:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nyarla, what does this say? : Aucun fichier ou rpertoire de ce type | 11:49 |
nyarla | probably PIDs? | 11:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nyarla, does stop work cleanly? does start work cleanly? (run them seperate) | 11:49 |
nyarla | hi Kamping_Kaiser : this means no file or directory of that type | 11:50 |
nyarla | start and reload is ok. stop and restart fail. | 11:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nyarla, have you installed something recently that may be causding problems? | 11:52 |
nyarla | it used to work nicely, until I installed ssl | 11:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. not done that myself. perhaps someone else will be abler to help you | 11:53 |
nyarla | thanx anyway | 11:54 |
nyarla | what are the risks if i modify the logrotate script to killall apache2 instances? | 11:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you may kill sites you dont want to go down? | 11:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | theres probably other more suble ones too | 11:56 |
nyarla | that's what i thought | 11:57 |
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=== pecisk [n=pecisk@purvc-69-54.maksinets.lv] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
pecisk | hello here, I try to use Postfix with Cyrus SASL on Dapper, however I can't find LDAP module for SASL. It is aviable for Dapper or I should look for later versions? | 02:00 |
=== AlexC_ prods bje | ||
nyarla | could anybody send me an original /etc/init.d/apache2 script? sthing wrong here... | 02:22 |
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lionel | nyarla: www.porcheron.info/tmp/apache2 | 03:25 |
nyarla | merci lionel | 03:29 |
lionel | :) | 03:32 |
nyarla | lionel, youre using dapper, arent u? | 03:43 |
lionel | on several servers yes | 03:45 |
nyarla | just noticed sthing weird : are u able to restart apache with the init.d script on an up-to-date dapper? | 03:47 |
lionel | yes, no problem here (I have seen your problem) | 03:48 |
lionel | did you try to diff your init script and the one I gave you? | 03:48 |
nyarla | i'm running dapper and my script was broken. Somebody just sent me a feisty script and it is working fine | 03:49 |
lionel | the one I gave you is from Dapper. And is works fine here :) | 03:49 |
nyarla | weird weird... anyway the new script is working, lets move ahead :) thanks again | 03:50 |
=== Tuxist [n=jan@host-091-096-197-103.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
Tuxist | hi | 04:35 |
Tuxist | i have a question about openldap | 04:36 |
Tuxist | is build openldap in ubuntu with sql support ? | 04:37 |
pecisk | hmmm | 05:01 |
pecisk | what it's a point of that? | 05:01 |
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=== PanzerMKZ [i=Panzer@06-197.136.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
PanzerMKZ | I was wondering if anyone has 7.04 running on a compaq dl360 | 11:29 |
mralphabet | #ubuntu-server freenode0705.log:07:35 < \sh> jronnblom, 6 minutes for a plain ubuntu server on a dl360 | 11:31 |
mralphabet | #ubuntu-server freenode0706.log:15:24 < qhartman> Anyone here have experience with the Proliant DL360s? | 11:31 |
PanzerMKZ | ok | 11:35 |
PanzerMKZ | how did the install go then | 11:35 |
Innatech | is there a live cd of dapper-server? Or, can I make one w/o too much trouble? | 11:38 |
Nafallo | there is a server iso | 11:39 |
Innatech | Yeah, I have it. | 11:40 |
Innatech | It's install only. | 11:40 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
PanzerMKZ | so why the need for a live cd of the server? | 11:44 |
Innatech | diskless router. | 11:45 |
Innatech | At least, no disks yet. I'll have CF drives for it eventually, but I'd like to test the hardware that has arrived. ;) | 11:46 |
PanzerMKZ | why not then PXE boot? | 11:46 |
Innatech | Suppose I could. I'd have to set up a PXE server and image, tho. And I'll need to do something similar to a live-CD style setup when I do install so as to avoid writing to the CF too often, so it'd be nice if it was available. Oh well, so it goes. | 11:48 |
PanzerMKZ | tftp server | 11:49 |
Innatech | oh yeah? That simple, eh? I'll have a look. | 11:49 |
PanzerMKZ | and it you do it right then you should not have to write to the cf at all | 11:49 |
Innatech | yeah, that's the idea. I was going to copy the mechanisms the live-CD uses for that, so I was hoping to have a live version of the server to work from. I'm sure I'll figure it out, though, using either the standard server install or the custom installer. | 11:50 |
PanzerMKZ | custom installer? | 11:51 |
Innatech | aka alternate installer. | 11:52 |
PanzerMKZ | ok I don't know of a alt installer for ubuntu server | 11:52 |
Innatech | http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-i386.iso | 11:52 |
PanzerMKZ | there is a live desktop cd and then the alt installer for the desktop version | 11:52 |
PanzerMKZ | yea that is the desktop version with a text installer | 11:53 |
Innatech | It's the alternate installer for Dapper--either way. | 11:53 |
PanzerMKZ | Dapper Desktop | 11:53 |
Innatech | >shrug< considering you specify what packages to install, the distinction is mooted. | 11:53 |
PanzerMKZ | the server install is already using that text based installer | 11:54 |
PanzerMKZ | and more of the packages are not in the install. You ahve to get them after the server is up and running | 11:54 |
Innatech | My understanding was that the alternate install didn't have a preconceived notion of what to install. I suppose I'll just burn it and see if it's better for my purposes or not. | 11:55 |
PanzerMKZ | you do that | 11:55 |
Innatech | good deal. | 11:56 |
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