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elv$ cat /etc/fstab  --> /dev/hdd  /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto   0 012:01
elv    yet.. mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist. any ideas?12:01
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JKtheCJergehel: ive decided to just say screw it and hope it gets fixed in an update, in the mean time im reinstalling feisty12:02
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@cpe-65-185-163-101.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZaschI have a situation. On a fresh Ubuntu install, the first account I create I can never log into: It hangs. First it'll hang because of the wireless card, but when I install the firmware for it, it hangs for no reason. A white box will appear in the top left corner. I can log into a second account created in the terminal, but it has no sound. What is going on?12:02
gehelJKtheCJer: that's the easiest solution ...12:02
numusi really have a problem12:02
numusi cant save files to my desktop12:02
jorge_i have that install: bjfilter-2.2-1  libcnbj-2.6-0 pstocanonbj-3.3. how make it?12:02
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numusYou don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "/home/ericlieberman/Desktop"12:02
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numusanyone have any idea how to fix this12:02
numusi altered properties of the folder12:02
numusdidn't seem to work12:03
JKtheCJergehel: i got my orinoco b/g card working in every conceivable mode, and as long as i can repeat that experience, ill be happy.  if this gps is ever supported again, i can finally try wardriving12:03
TaJMoXnumus - what is the ls -l of ~/Desktop12:03
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TaJMoXnumus: just the 1 line for that directory12:03
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numuslrwxrwxrwx 112:03
Max01ah so it was a missing package12:04
elvhow do i identify the mount point or location of my dvd drive? the line in fstab appears to be wrong.12:04
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Max01thanks for the help :|12:04
gehelnumus: seems you need to "sudo chown -R <ussername>: /home/<username>/Desktop"12:04
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jorge_somebody knows of a modulador of voice for ubuntu similar to talk it12:05
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numusawesome thanks12:06
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jorge_somebody knows of a modulador of voice for ubuntu similar to talk it??12:06
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nivekc1i am running ubuntu 7.04 and want to set up a KDE session so i can swith between the two whenever anyone know how to do tis or can point me to a good tutorial?12:06
strk_ubotu: gnash in feisty ?12:06
bruenig!repeat | jorge_ calm down12:06
ubotujorge_ calm down: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:06
blithenDo alt codes work in linux?12:06
=== strk_ expects a lot from bots :)
numusnow about about a wma codec or music player12:06
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SlimeyPetenivekc1: use synaptic to install kde.12:06
SlimeyPetenivekc1: that should be all you need to do12:06
bruenig!codecs | numus12:06
ubotunumus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:06
blithenNumus get VLC player for linux.12:06
Black_Monkeywhat's the command that prints all mouse actions?12:06
blithenIt reads ANYTHING12:06
nivekc1that will let me switch back and forth?12:06
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kitcheblithe: yes but not in ubuntu12:07
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SlimeyPetenivekc1: yep. you should be able to select kde from the login screen.12:07
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bruenigblithe, vlc has become essentially an ffmpeg front end12:07
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nickrud!info gnash fiesty12:07
ubotugnash: free Flash movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-1build1 (feisty), package size 117 kB, installed size 216 kB12:07
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nivekc1sweet, thank you very much12:07
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bruenigblithe, might as well get mplayer, they make ffmpeg after all12:07
nickrudstrk_, good bot :)12:07
strk_nickrud: that's all it knows ? I tought there was an 0.8.0 also12:07
Black_MonkeyI want to find out what button number one of my mouse buttons is... I've forgotten the command for it...12:08
=== Shadowpillar_ [n=Shadow@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrud!info gnash gutsy12:08
ubotugnash: free Flash movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0~cvs20070611.1016-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 231 kB, installed size 324 kB12:08
numushow about this one12:08
bruenigstrk_, probably is, ubuntu doesn't stay up on versioning much12:08
strk_excellent bot12:08
numusi installed a new theme from a tar.gz12:08
strk_!info gutsy12:08
ubotuPackage gutsy does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:08
numussays it installed the theme correct but it isn't showing ont eh screen to change themes12:08
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numusnever mind12:09
numusfigured it out12:09
kitche!gutsy | strk_12:09
ubotustrk_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+112:09
MenZasudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,user,sync <- Shouldn't I be able to read/write from/to that as my regular user?12:09
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bruenigso many options12:09
kkathmanbruenig:  so little time :)12:10
TaJMoXMenZa: if you use the 'user' option doesnt that mean it mounts it for user 'root' ?12:10
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MenZaTaJMoX: No, 'nouser' means root12:10
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rmorris84hello.  I have a broadcom 4318 and I got it working in feisty with ndiswrapper, well I did a lot of updates one day and now every time I reboot I have to 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" to get it working... anybody know a quick fix?12:11
bruenigMentre, nouser just means that the user can't mount it, it says nothing about permissions after it is mounted12:11
bruenigMenza ^12:11
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nickrudrmorris84, this works, but may be outdated: add it to /etc/modules12:11
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MenZaWell how about the rw flag?12:12
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knightzquestion if I reinstall ubuntu how can i get it to automatically install deb. on install is there so way i can put te deb files I want on the installation cd I mean modify the install cd?12:12
jimqodermorris84, add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules12:12
bruenigMenZa, just mount it with defaults, then chmod and chown it to your needs12:12
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MenZabruenig: well, it's in fstab now12:12
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bruenigMenZa, or if you must have sync, whatever the point of that is12:12
MenZabruenig: but fstab doesn't like to init :P12:12
MenZaYes, I need sync12:12
MenZaOr I'll be waiting for over an hour to umount it12:12
TaJMoXtry with the gid=### option12:12
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bruenigwhat do you mean fstab doesn't like to init?12:13
rmorris84thanks guys, ill let you know if it works12:13
nickrudknightz, copy your /var/cache/apt/archives to a cd, and do dpkg --get-selections > list-of-packages12:13
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bruenigdefaults it or use what defaults essentially is and change it to sync and then it should go12:13
Jak08so has anybody used iPartition to set up their partition tables because they are too good to use the terminal like me?12:13
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nickrudknightz, after your install, copy them back, and do sudo dpkg --get-selections < list-of-packages , and sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade12:13
nickrudknightz, erm, --set-selections on the second line there12:14
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knightzthanks that saved alot of time12:15
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goochmy feisty needs my wireless interface reset when i return from hibernate, anyone have any thoughts?12:16
knightzso it sudo dpkg12:16
knightz+--set-selections < list-of-packages (right)12:16
nickrudknightz, yes12:16
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Puppy_What is a good program that recognizes non ipod mp3 players?12:17
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numussigh strange stuff12:17
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numusIs there a docking program for windows mobile on ubuntu?12:17
Karark|awayHow do I get s-video out to work on an ATI card?12:17
aroonii need a bluetooth program that lets me see bluetooth devices, connect to them, bond with them (specifically headsets, but cell phones too would be nice)12:17
aroonii have gnome12:18
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions12:18
vlt_homeHello. My notebook doesn't resume from suspend to ram with Ubuntu 7.04 (while from suspend to disk works fine). What can I do to make it work?12:18
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Shiverzanyone here have experience with compiz fusion? #ubuntu-effects i pretty dead at the moment12:18
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nickrud!info bluez-btsco | arooni12:19
Shiverzis there any way to restore the CompizConfig Settings Manager?12:19
sebas_what's happening, Shiverz?12:19
ubotuarooni: bluez-btsco: Bluez Bluetooth SCO tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.50-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 56 kB, installed size 160 kB12:19
Shiverzthe Animation Submenu is broken12:19
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sebas_Shiverz: #compiz12:19
arooninickrud, do you know what i type to get it?12:20
Karark|awayHow do I get s-video out to work on an ATI card?12:20
aroonisudo apt-get __________12:20
magnetronarooni: you need to install the packages bluez-gnome and gnome-bluetooth. they will let you connect to mobile phones with gnome. the bluez-sco package will let you use a headset, but it will require manual command-line configuration.12:20
Shiverzsebas_: thanks I'll try there12:20
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nickrudarooni, sudo apt-get install bluez-btsco ; apt-cache show bluez-btsco will show you the description12:20
numusanyone know a mud client for linux?>12:20
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adamonline45I've done 2 downloads of the ISO but their checksums don't match... any suggestions?12:20
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numusor atleast a telnet12:21
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magnetronnumus: gnome-mud12:21
PurpZeY_I am having an interesting problem with ssh. I am able to connect to my server via terminal, but unable via GUI...Anyone have any idea what might cause that?12:21
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vishaaldoes anyone know how 2 install avast antivirus on ubuntu?12:21
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magnetronnumus: telnet is included, access it from the terminal12:21
arooninickrud, so theres no UI to connect /disconnect headsets?12:21
PurpZeY_vishaal: Having antivirus in linux is fairly uneccessary12:21
Puppy_What is a good program that recognizes non ipod mp3 players?12:21
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nickrudPurpZeY, you need to tell your server to accept tcp connections12:21
LukeEkbladI have a question.  How do I get Kiba dock???12:21
numusjust doesn't use the telnet:// from firefox12:22
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PurpZeY_nickrud: How do I do that?12:22
vishaalpurpzey how do you send a message to me like that?12:22
magnetronnumus: no12:22
PurpZeY_vishaal: Like what?12:22
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vishaallike that12:22
vishaalwith my name in it12:22
geemftp://meklort.isa-geek.com user:star + pass:star12:22
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd12:22
numushow the hell do you use telnet on linux though12:22
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nickrudarooni, I saw one somewhere ... I'll see if I can remember it12:22
numusopen darkwind.org:3000 doesn't work12:22
ramza3I think gnome sucks.  I can't even open 10MB XML files in firefox or large html files.  Or text files in gedit.  My system just looks up.  I think I am going to kde12:22
PurpZeY_vishaal: really...There are very very few viruses for linux, and none have ever infected.12:22
vlt_homeHow can I make cryptsetup use always "aes-i586" instaed of "aes"?12:22
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magnetronnumus: open a terminal, in it type telnet hostname portnumber12:23
Kryten107vishaal: just type the name of the person you want to talk to and the IRC client will normally highlight it12:23
arooninickrud, thanks!  also when i run "gnome-bluetooth' nothing happens12:23
sebas_is SQLite installed by default?12:23
flav_ugood night ;)12:23
vishaalkryten107 : test12:23
nickrudPurpZeY, do you have X on the server, and do you have gdm installed there?12:23
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vishaalyou see it highlightent?12:23
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Kryten107Puppy_: are you looking for a music player?12:23
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numusnow it works12:23
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Kryten107vishaal: yeah, it only highlights on my end, not yours12:23
shwouchkcan anyone recommend a good CLI util for managing wifi networks?12:23
vishaaloke :D12:23
LukeEkbladDose anyone know how to get KIBA DOCK?12:23
crabgrassalright guys, who needs to be the owner of /home/ftp so that people can log into it?12:23
PurpZeY_nickrud: Quick background...I am just trying to get access to my mp3s locally, from one machine to another...So, this machine I am on is the server and it has ubuntu standard..as does my laptop.12:24
Puppy_Kryten107: yup.12:24
vishaalbut PurpZey my ubuntu is acting weird :S12:24
sebas_shwouchk, search for knetwork if I remember well12:24
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magnetronshwouchk: network-manager, it's included and activated in feisty12:24
PurpZeY_vishaal: I highly doubt this is because of a virus.12:24
=== EchoBinary [n=EchoBina@216-15-49-236.c3-0.grg-ubr1.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
HOThey, for some reason kiba-dock only works if i delay its launch for 5-10 seconds, i am using sleep && in session but its not working, any other way to launch a delayed command after X starts ?12:24
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shwouchkmagnetron: is it CLI?12:24
Kryten107Puppy_: Amarok is my personal favorite, it has fairly good mp3 player support. Not sure if you mind running a KDE app in gnome or not12:24
shwouchksebas_: isnt knetwork a kde app?12:24
magnetronshwouchk: no12:24
Puppy_Kryten107: thanks!12:24
=== PurpZeY_ is now known as PurpZeY
sebas_shwouchk, yes, but you can use it anyway12:25
Kryten107Puppy: np12:25
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shwouchkmagnetron: well I specifically asked for CLI12:25
PurpZeYnickrud: So, in short, both machines are running standard feisty.12:25
magnetronshwouchk: sorry, i'm tired and read it as "GUI". good night and good luck12:25
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nickrudPurpZeY, ok, go to system-admin-login window: under the security tab there should be something about tcp connections; I'm doing this from memory because I'm running kdm at the moment12:25
Kryten107shwouchk: there's the iwconfig util, but I'm not sure how complex a manager you need12:26
LukeEkbladHOT:  Hi, how did you get kiba dock?12:26
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shwouchkmagnetron: thanks12:26
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kitcheshwouchk: iwconfig which is what all the managers use anyways you might be able to find a cli frontend that lets you select the network that it finds and such most likely12:26
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shwouchkKryten107: well I have a headless machine which should autoconnect to my wifi network, I dont want to use iwconfig for that12:26
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HOTLukeEkblad: you need to add the repositories then "sudo apt-get install kiba-dock"12:27
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shwouchkkitche: yeah I just need something that autoconnects though12:27
kitcheshwouchk: umm iwconfig autoconnects if you have it setup right12:27
rynb1ni need some help from someone who knows how to do an install on macbook pros12:27
PurpZeYnickrud: Ok, I did that now...Here's the second thing...When I was able to access the files via term, I couldnt' get to the files I wanted to access...Namely my two NTFS drives, that are mounted using NTFS read, how can I setup SSH so that I can access these?12:27
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rynb1nplease pm me12:28
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kitcheshwouchk: dsince network-manager knetwork uses it to do it12:28
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LukeEkbladHOT:  repositories?? what r those?12:28
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HOTfollow instructions here : http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/edgy/beryl-svn/12:28
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Ravenndude`I was trying to get the wireless on a different laptop working. At one point I rebooted the computer and the wifi light is off and the card isn't in ifconfig. What can I do to enable the card?12:28
shwouchkkitche: I know it does but I dont want to mess around with net config scripts atm12:28
rynb1ncan someone help me with an install on macbook pro?12:28
nickrudPurpZeY, I don't see where ssh would see properly mounted ntfs drives as different from any other drive; ssh doesn't look that low12:28
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rynb1nim having the ATI video card error12:29
numuschecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:29
shwouchkkitche: especially since I remember wpa being a major PITA12:29
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numusi always get that error12:29
PurpZeYnickrud: Right, but it drops me in the home dir, how I do actually get to them?12:29
agent_laundryanyone know why i get this: ??? Error displaying connection information:12:29
agent_laundryCould not find some required resources (the glade file)!12:29
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nickrudPurpZeY, ah, probably cd /media will show them, cd /path/to/ntfsdrives in general12:29
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kitcheshwouchk: so you don't want to use any manager then since iwconfig is a program not really a script12:30
rynb1nis anyone trying to help me yet12:30
PurpZeYnickrud: Ok, as soon as I finish this cigarette I will go in the other room and see if I can get it going12:30
ramza3if you dont believe me, this gnome locking up.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/berlinbrown/750473492/12:30
johnrynb1n: i just joined what's the problem you are having?12:30
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logreevalfor some reason when i go into "network-admin" and then close it, and then open it up again, it doesnt work, it is just blank, i have to close and open it up agin to work, anyone know why?12:30
nickrudPurpZeY, smoke your heart out ;)12:30
shwouchkkitche: I didnt catch you meant...12:30
Ravenndude`I was trying to get the wireless on a different laptop working. At one point I rebooted the computer and the wifi light is off and the card isn't in ifconfig. What can I do to enable the card?12:30
numusany idea with my compiler issue?12:30
kruptos_hey all, im looking for something equivalent to Macromedia Fireworks, but for linux.....any suggestions? I have Gimp but havent done much graphics on linux before12:30
rynb1ni am trying to install ubuntu 7.04 on my macbook pro12:30
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knightzhow do I turn on my wirless card led?12:31
rynb1nand i am running into x windows errors12:31
dr_willisrynb1n,  i think theres a wiki section  for macbooks. (i dont have one) so cant help.12:31
PurpZeYkruptos_: Gimp has just about all functionality that photoshop has12:31
LukeEkbladHOT:  It says "use  the command"   How do i use a command?12:31
kkathmanPurpZeY:  dont kid yourself :)12:31
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rynb1nthere is yes, and i guess i am aware of the problem and what i need to know how to do is12:31
knightzthe light is off12:31
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nickrudPurpZeY, get real12:31
rynb1nhow do you get into the manual text install of unbuntu12:31
johndpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <-- make sure your mouse is set up right, your video drivers are correct, etc12:31
rynb1nso i can change the xserv.conf file12:32
=== PurpZeY hides after being scoffed at
kruptos_PurpZeY: ok, thanks ,was thinking it looked pretty good, wasent sure if there was any alternatives :-) thansk for your help :-)12:32
Ravenndude`I was trying to get the wireless on a different laptop working. At one point I rebooted the computer and the wifi light is off and the card isn't in ifconfig. What can I do to enable the card?12:32
Kryten107rynb1n: that takes the alternate install CD12:32
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rynb1nuff really12:32
PurpZeYkruptos_: These gentleman say I am not accurate so, I probably am wrong12:32
nickrudkruptos_, I really like inkscape, but it's not a bitmap12:32
Nutubunturynb1n,  alternate install or minimal install CD images12:32
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johnrynb1n: just use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:32
knightzwireless card on but light off why?12:32
rynb1nso you cant get to a manual install off this live cd12:32
JKtheCJerLukeEkblad: if you are unsure of how to use a command use the commmand: man [command]  :-P12:32
nickrudPurpZeY, I'm just passing the kick I got a while back :)12:32
VIrUZ__how do i block irc protocol ?12:32
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cablesjohn, he wants a text install, not a text reconfigure of X.12:33
Kryten107rynb1n: actually yeah I just remembered how to do that12:33
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rynb1nhow :)12:33
kruptos_nickrud: cool , im looking for basic web design images, will gimp be best?12:33
cablesVIrUZ__, what do you mean? Do you want to block a specific user on IRC?12:33
kitchekruptos_: maybe Pixel but it's beta12:33
LukeEkbladJKtheCJer:   .............   How do I "Enter" a command12:33
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rynb1ni have gotten to the linux kernel but i cant seem to repeat the process12:33
Kryten107rynb1n: well, when you boot the graphical LiveCD, everything works except X right?12:33
VIrUZ__!seen protocol12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen protocol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
ilikec0wsrynb1n, As far as i know all a text install does is use all the packages anyway, theres no way to do like a full manual install, specifying packages etc..12:33
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kruptos_kitche: thanks , ill take a look :-)12:33
rynb1nyes  kryten12:33
Kryten107rynb1n: like, can you hear the drum beat?12:33
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rynb1ndrum beat? i dont know about that12:33
VIrUZ__how do i block the irc protocol ?12:33
rynb1nhavent gotten that far i dont think12:34
rynb1nis that on the cd test ?12:34
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knightzhow do I turn on my wirless card led? anybody12:34
kitchekruptos_: it might not look like it when you look at it's page but it's free12:34
cablesVIrUZ__, you'll have to explain to us what you mean. Please be more specific.12:34
VIrUZ__from preforming out going connections12:34
LukeEkbladHOW DO I ENTER A COMMAND!?!12:34
Ravenndude`LukeEkblad, Applications > accessories > Terminal12:34
nickrudkruptos_, inkscape will export to bitmap nicely (forgot that for a sec)12:34
cables!attitude | LukeEkblad12:34
ubotuLukeEkblad: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:34
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cablesVIrUZ__, shut off your IRC client.12:34
Kryten107rynb1n: well when I'm installing on my laptop, the driver it defaults to doesn't work so I can't see anything but it makes the drum beat noise when it gets to where the login screen should be12:34
TaJMoXLukeEkblad: if you just want to run 1 command and then not have any output - its ALT+F212:34
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.12:35
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Kryten107rynb1n: and then I just use Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch into a terminal login and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to switch to vesa12:35
rynb1nyeah i cant get even that far, it starts to load a whole bunch of modules and kernels and what have you and then it flashes the screen a couple times, and just gives me the X error12:35
Ravenndude`I was trying to get the wireless on a different laptop working. At one point I rebooted the computer and the wifi light is off and the card isn't in ifconfig. What can I do to enable the card?12:35
johnKryten107: thank you lol i've been saying that12:35
VIrUZ__how do i block a user from connecting to irc  ?12:35
kruptos_nickrud: thanks :-) ill give it a try :_)12:35
FranzHhi, i am trying to get the wifi on my mac working but this code line dosent work for me : svn checkout ht-tp://svn.madwifi.org/branches/madwifi-hal- madwifi12:35
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agent_laundryNeed help for this: Error displaying connection information: Could not find some required resources (the glade file)!12:36
Kryten107rynb1n: well then the alternate cd is probably your best bet12:36
LukeEkbladAlt f2  dosent work12:36
rynb1nwhen do you hit ctrl+alt+f212:36
cablesVIrUZ__, you mean on your own computer?12:36
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VIrUZ__how do i block a user from connecting to irc  ?12:36
PurpZeY_nickrud: Ok, I am over here on the lap, I still cannot access the other machine via GUI, and also I can't cd to /media as I am stuck in my home directory12:36
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voidmageforward 6667 to another port?12:36
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Kryten107rynb1n: after you hear the startup noise that means it has booted properly and is at the GDM login screen12:37
dr_willisnot all irc servers need 6667 ;)12:37
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Paranoya1Where is my kernel source directory?12:37
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PriceChildParanoya1, if you have headers installed, /usr/src/linux12:37
rynb1nah, i remember something about a GDM screen, after the X window fails, it says GDM is shut down and you have to reload it to get it to work12:37
FranzHcan someone tell me why      svn checkout ht-tp://svn.madwifi.org/branches/madwifi-hal- madwifi     dosent work please?12:37
PurpZeY_nickrud: I suspect not being able to connect via GUI is related to the tcp settings which I will adjust and try again, but if I can't access those other drives it is of no use anyway.12:37
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rynb1nor something12:37
Kryten107rynb1n: well then the alternate cd is probably your best bet :P12:38
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rynb1nmmmm dang12:38
nickrudPurpZeY, ssh you@othermachine , and cd /media ?12:38
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fungfiesty has an old version of hplip in the repository, whats the best practice to install a newer one from source?12:38
numussince berly is dead12:38
PurpZeY_nickrud: My bad. That works. Now I just need to get gui access...12:38
rynb1nwhere do i get that? cuz i ordered the cd's and all i got was the three cds12:38
numuswhy when i open beryl manager my screen turns white and i can't do anything12:38
Ravenndude`I was trying to get the wireless on a different laptop working. At one point I rebooted the computer and the wifi light is off and the card isn't in ifconfig. What can I do to enable the card?12:38
cables!effects | numus12:38
ubotunumus: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects12:38
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PurpZeY_nickrud: Would I need to restart ssh or anything for that to work?12:38
rynb1nthere was once when i goto the ubuntu@ubuntu in prompt...12:39
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Kryten107rynb1n: I'm not sure what they ship, but one of them might be the alternate CD, else you'd have to download an ISO12:39
rynb1ngot to*12:39
LukeEkbladHEy everyone! :)  :) :)   Yo dude!!!  I totally would like someboby to tell me how to use a command!!!  Awesome if somebody could help me! :)  Thanks!!!12:39
nickrudPurpZeY, and if you're using ssh -X you don't need to alter gdm; I understood you wanted to use an X login on the remote machine12:39
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cablesLukeEkblad, cut it out please.12:39
Ravenndude`LukeEkblad, I thoght I told you?12:39
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numusno one on the effects channel is answers12:40
rynb1nwould it say right on it alternate cd12:40
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LukeEkbladcables, Ravenndude`     It dident work, and cut what out?12:40
PriceChildnumus, then be patient12:40
cablesLukeEkblad, if you want any help, you'll have to be more specific and cut the crap.12:40
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jimqode!patience > LukeEkblad12:40
rynb1nand if i load up my macbook with the alternate cd. will it just take me right to promp?12:40
nickrudLukeEkblad, exactly what is it you want to do. Specifically?12:40
fungpersonally i think the bangs and smilies help a rather dreary endeavor.12:41
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LukeEkblad       You can use apt to download and install the packages. Use the following       lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and use the command sudo       apt-get update to enable downloading from this component.          Those r the derections12:41
beau__so im having some trouble with my sound, i have tried just about everything and still can only get 2.1 on alsa and only usb audio output with OSS12:41
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Kryten107rynb1n: it'll give you a similar menu to the regular CD, but instead of "Start Ubuntu" or whatever it'll have "Install Ubuntu with text installer"12:41
Ravenndude`LukeEkblad, Open a terminal and run those commands12:41
rynb1nooh ok :) thanks so much kryten12:41
nickrudLuke, ah, adding a new repository and getting packages from it12:41
cablesLukeEkblad, so go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal and type "sudo apt-get update" like it tells you to!12:41
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Kryten107rynb1n: you're welcome12:41
dawkirstNaive question, but, will Ubuntu upgrade itself to the latest version automatically, i.e, say I install v6.06, will it upgrade to v7.04 through the Internet?12:41
PriceChild!upgrade | dawkirst12:42
ubotudawkirst: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:42
nickrudLuke, sorry12:42
Kryten107dawkirst: not unless you tell it to12:42
PriceChilddawkirst, it won't upgrade from version to version without you telling it to12:42
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LukeEkbladBut why do i open  /etc/apt/sources.list?12:42
kyle__is there a way to change your desktop resolution?12:42
nickrudLukeEkblad, that's to tell your computer to look at a new place on the net for software12:42
cablesLukeEkblad, hit alt-f2 and type < gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list >12:42
cables!resolution > kyle__12:42
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:42
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Paranoya1pricechild, i have 4 folders there12:43
Paranoya1what i need?12:43
kyle__thank you!12:43
cablesPriceChild, I'm just wondering, when a later version comes out will Update-Manager notify you and ask whether you want to install it, or will you have to run the update-manager -c command manually?12:43
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PriceChildcables, dapper doesn't (as LTS) but edgy notifies of feisty, feisty will notify of gutsy12:43
LukeEkbladOk, i think i did it, now what do i do?12:43
JKtheCJercables: it did for me when i upgraded from Edgy to Feisty12:43
PurpZeYnickrud: Do I need to restart xserv after making those tcp security changes? before I can connect via ssh?12:44
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PirateLeChuckwhat command should i use to show which packages i have installed on my system please?12:44
nickrudLukeEkblad, your instructions talk about adding a line to the sources.list ; add it at the bottom12:44
Kryten107PirateLeChuck: aptitude will show you12:44
daddydocwho can help me with mounting a hard drive?12:44
JKtheCJerwhat happens when ubuntu versions run out of alphabet letters: Zingy Zebra ---> ?12:44
PirateLeChuckKryten107, thanks man12:44
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Kryten107PirateLeChuck: and once it's loaded type / to search for a package12:45
nickrudPurpZeY, you must have missed my last: if you're using ssh -X you don't need to change the tcp settings in gdm; I understood you as wanting to log into X remotely. That's what I gave instructions for, sorry12:45
dawkirstPriceChild, Kryten107 thanks. One more question: how many MBs would it approximately take to do all the version upgrades up until v7.04, if you must guess?12:45
PriceChildJKtheCJer, then we will have reached world domination, ubuntu will be perfect, and nothing further will be needed.12:45
PriceChilddawkirst, a Gb12:45
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Ravenndude`I was trying to get the wireless on a different laptop working. At one point I rebooted the computer and the wifi light is off and the card isn't in ifconfig. What can I do to enable the card?12:45
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cablesPirateLeChuck, try dpkg -l | grep ^ii12:45
JKtheCJerPrinceChild: but we wont have a new cutesy name :-(12:45
PriceChilddawkirst, apt-get clean to get rid of cached packages...12:45
PriceChildJKtheCJer, no N12:45
numuswhen i login it gives me an error saying languages cant be saved or something dhm or something12:45
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PurpZeYnickrud: ssh -x ?? I was trying to do it by File --> Connect to server12:45
cablesPirateLeChuck, although I'm sure there's a better way to do it, as that displays a lot of extra info12:45
numusand i need the chmod a folder to 64412:45
numusany idea?12:45
Kryten107dawkirst: it overwrites stuff when it updates, so it'll only take up however much feisty takes up....probably 2 or 3gb? I'm not sure12:45
arooniis there any app that provides a UI experience for connecting / disconnecting to headsets (or other bluetooth devices?  headphones) ?12:45
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knightzhow do i fix that sendmail error on boot?12:46
dawkirstPriceChild, Kryten107 thanks.12:46
LukeEkblad       You can use apt to download and install the packages. Use the following       lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and use the command sudo       apt-get update to enable downloading from this component.                     Don't forget to read the notice on the frontpage!                              deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb edgy beryl-svn12:46
LukeEkblad        deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb edgy beryl-svn     <<<< Theres the whole thing, can somebody help me do it peas?12:46
JKtheCJerPriceChild: i hope i did not offend you :-)12:46
Paranoya1Where is your iptables source code directory?12:46
=== LDZ420 [n=lando@adsl-75-28-155-205.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
FranzHhey there is some code on this page tht is supposed to get the wifi on my macbook set up but i cant seem to get it to work here is the page: svn checkout ht-tp://svn.madwifi.org/branches/madwifi-hal- madwifi   help please??12:46
PriceChildJKtheCJer, you wouldn't be the first to spell it like that ;)12:46
=== JKtheCJer is starting a Fesity install
=== dorgon [n=dorgon@85-125-144-197.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
LukeEkbladwow, nvm hold on12:46
Paranoya1Where is my iptables source code directory?12:46
PriceChildJKtheCJer, have a go at tab completion.. type pri <tab>12:46
nickrudPurpZeY, yeehaa, ssh -X is a way to run a graphical app remotely; you don't need to touch gdm when you're doing ssh. I'm confusing you more, I know :) forget gdm I misunderstood you earlier12:46
daddydochowdy, can anyone help me to mount a hd12:46
numuswhere does it log errors in login?12:46
PriceChildParanoya1, you dont' ahve one12:47
LukeEkbladhttp://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/edgy/beryl-svn/   theres the link  <<12:47
Kryten107FranzH: if you have that - in the http it won't work12:47
PriceChildParanoya1, do "apt-get source package" to downloat the source for that package12:47
nickrudPurpZeY, gdm == Login Window12:47
Paranoya1PriceChild, how i can have it?12:47
FranzHi took out the - but it said it dosent exits :(12:47
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PurpZeYnickrud: Ohhhhhhh...Got it. So, how do I make work now?12:47
JKtheCJerPriceChild: literally type that? im on windows at moment (installing feisty again) btw12:47
PriceChildJKtheCJer, try it in that client you're using right now anyway...12:48
=== Nutubuntu [n=Jay@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
daddydocis there a moderator in this chat?12:48
Kryten107FranzH: yeah, I just looked at the svn and that address you have is wrong/outdated, you might need to find newer instructions12:48
JKtheCJerPriceChild: sweet it works12:48
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PurpZeYdaddydoc: There are several.12:49
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=== PriceChild highfives JKtheCJer
FranzHok, thank you for helping me kryten :D12:49
daddydocwho can help me with an installation issue?12:49
LukeEkbladNVM,  i'll be bacl latter...12:49
FranzHmuch apreciated12:49
Kryten107FranzH: no problem12:49
annoiaWhere would I get a Pidgin package for Ubuntu?12:49
NutubuntuI was using aptitude to install a package. The package was being configured, when X crashed. When I restarted, I ran aptitude and found the package in "u" (unconfigured) state. How do I get aptitude to finish the installation (by configuring the pkg)?12:49
PirateLeChuckCables cheers12:49
PriceChild!pidgin | annoia12:49
ubotuannoia: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.12:49
nickrudPurpZeY, give the ip address of the machine you want to connect to, give it your username & password.12:49
PurpZeYannoia: There is a deb get getdeb. But easiest way is get the source from pidgin.im and compile it12:49
JKtheCJerPriceChild: i didnt make the connection that "pri" was the first three letters of your nick, i was thinking it enabled tab completion rather than use it12:49
teratomahi how would i completely reinstall all of my gnome packages ?12:49
knightzexithow do I keep my wireless link speed at 54mbps?12:49
PriceChildJKtheCJer, hehe :)12:49
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PriceChildteratoma, don't12:50
annoiapurpzey - Probably easier to get the debian package...12:50
PurpZeYnickrud: I give the IP, and I've tried with and without giving username and it just says "connecting to" and never connects12:50
PriceChildteratoma, instead ask what you really want to do12:50
numusanyone.. log.. login error12:50
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VIrUZ__how do i block a user from connecting to irc  ?12:50
teratomaPriceChild: i need to12:50
Kryten107teratoma: what's the symptom?12:50
LDZ420daddydoc: what kind of installation issue are you having?12:50
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nickrudPurpZeY, odd. I just did a quicky here to refresh myself, worked fine.12:50
teratomawhen i log in im missing all of my gnome taskbars /menus/ whatever12:50
=== weblordpepe swims along
CppIsWeirdwhat program will tell me my CPU temperature?12:51
=== weblordpepe takes off his snorkle
teratomaall gone12:51
PriceChildteratoma, that doesn't need a reinstall12:51
knightzcan somebody help me wit wireless MTu's i want to change it to 3000 MTU12:51
PriceChildteratoma, that's just your preferences messed up12:51
teratomai deleted all of my prefercnes12:51
daddydocthanks ldz42012:51
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beau__so im having some trouble with my sound, i have tried just about everything and still can only get 2.1 on alsa and only usb audio output with OSS12:51
=== nickrud wonders when debian & ubuntu went binary compatible again
Kryten107teratoma: so the programs work fine, it's your lack of preferences.12:51
PurpZeYnickrud: In the window for connect to server I have options for dir, user, port...Not matter how I set it, I can never connect via gui.12:51
daddydocI have successfully installed a new 7.04 raid system.12:51
JKtheCJerso ive come to the conclusion that ubuntu is superior to debian, i just wish folk didnt roll their eyes so hard when i say "ubuntu"12:52
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nickrudPurpZeY, set nothing but ip, then see if you get a user & password request dialog window12:52
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daddydocI need to mount an old 6.10 raid hard disk to copy its contents.12:52
PurpZeYnickrud: Ok, will try right now.12:52
VIrUZ__how do i block a user from connecting to irc  ?12:52
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=== weblordpepe drags his backside accross the floor
preactionJKtheCJer: because ubuntu is linux for newbs, those people who had to actually learn how to do every little thing in order to make a working linux system look down on people who "have it easy"12:52
vzduchSuperkuh: are you the one that gives powers to apt? :D12:52
weblordpepewhat does someone have to do to get attention around here12:52
Kryten107JKtheCJer they just serve different purposes *shrugs*12:52
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teratomayes i have no pererences .  i dont have a menu bar. i have nothing.  i can right click and make folders in nautilus12:52
daddydocI can see the 3 partitions in gparted12:53
hokage2000hi guy's. I'm going to be bringing my personal laptop to work tomorrow and I want to be able to connect to my work domain. They have windows2003 server. How do I do it? I'm currently running Ubuntu 7.0412:53
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weblordpepeteratoma: alt-f2? then type gnome-toolbar12:53
daddydocbut cant mount any individual partition12:53
Superkuhvzduch: I don't understand the joke.12:53
teratomaso what do i do then?  the same stuff happens for a completely new user too12:53
Ahmed-Bahaahello :) am usin an acer  laptop  and i dun kno how to set contrast usin ubuntu :D12:53
Ahmed-Bahaaany help12:53
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hokage2000/ im red12:53
PurpZeY_nickrud: Ok, so I am able to add it no problem...No I am going Places --> DesktopLink correct (or whatever the name) to view it yes?12:53
preactionJKtheCJer: they're elitist pricks who have no concept of the "Open-source community" and only want those people they identify with (people who can recompile an entire linux). they're just another way to keep OSS out of the hands of the people12:53
LDZ420daddydoc: what is the command that you are using to mount the partitions?12:54
nickrudPurpZeY, yes12:54
PurpZeY_!ohmy | preaction12:54
ubotupreaction: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:54
teratomaalt-f2 does nothing.  all i can do is right click make new folder/whatever12:54
daddydoc~$ sudo mount /dev/hda /media/olddrive12:54
daddydocmount: you must specify the filesystem type12:54
CppIsWeirdwhat program will tell me my CPU's temperature?12:54
=== hokage2000 is red
Ahmed-Bahaahelo :D12:54
daddydocjust a sec12:54
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JKtheCJerpreaction: i suppose youre right, im going to Defcon in August and if anyone say anything ill just get into an argument/drunken fist fight with them :-)12:54
Kryten107CpplsWeird: load Synaptic and search for temperature12:54
=== goldfingermafia [n=goldfing@pool-71-160-54-194.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hokage2000hi guy's. I'm going to be bringing my personal laptop to work tomorrow and I want to be able to connect to my work's domain. How do I do it? I'm currently running Ubuntu 7.04. any help would be great12:55
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teratomaso how do i reinstall my gnome stuff?12:55
daddydocsudo mount /dev/hda /media/olddrive12:55
nickrudteratoma, what are the first two letters on the line when you type dpkg -l gnome-panel12:55
preactionJKtheCJer: or you could take the moral high ground, show that ubuntu users aren't going the way of the elitists12:55
Paranoya1PriceChild, apt-get source package when i run this it is answer me : can't find packet with source codes for package12:55
PurpZeY_nickrud: It seems that the machine did something, as I can see my access point from here and I saw data going to it, and I heard this harddrive spin a little but, I didn't get a login window or anything12:55
Nutubuntuso daddydoc - what *is* the fs used on the partition(s) on the old drive?12:55
PriceChildParanoya1, well then you haven't got hte right name12:55
goldfingermafiaanyone know anything about kismet? i am trying to set it up and it says cannot find suiduser?12:55
teratomanickrud: iU12:55
nickrudPurpZeY, you should get a folder open on your desk12:55
PurpZeY_nickrud: I have the folder.12:55
nickrudteratoma, sudo apt-get upgrade12:55
nickrudPurpZeY, then there you are12:55
weblordpepeman theres too many people talking in here to follow the conversation12:55
Nutubuntudaddydoc, mount -t ext3 /dev/hda etc ....12:55
JKtheCJergoldfingermafia: trying running it sudo12:55
PurpZeY_nickrud: Now, when I click12:55
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goldfingermafiai did try runing it sudo and still same error12:56
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numuswhen i log in i am given an error.. anyone know where i cqan find this error in a log12:56
Ravenndude`How can I enable a disabled wifi card through the command line?12:56
ian_waxlooking for generic webcam drivers12:56
=== weblordpepe holds up a huge 'WINDOWS RULES, LINUX SUCKS' banner so someone will talk to him
vzduchhokage2000: afaik, for full functionality you must have a user account on the domain -> ask your sysadmin12:56
preactionweblordpepe: that's usually why text to a particular user is prepended with their nick12:56
daddydocgive me a sec12:56
weblordpepepreaction: how do you mean?12:56
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weblordpepeok bad joke12:56
PurpZeY_nickrud: I get a window that says "Connecting to" but, it never connects.12:56
teratomamaybe you should go to #irrelevant-ubuntu-politics12:56
JKtheCJerweblordpepe: lollercoaster12:56
Paranoya1Pricechild, dpkg-source: applying ./iptables_1.3.6.0debian1-5ubuntu2.diff.gz12:56
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:56
Paranoya1but after this i can't find iptables sources12:56
hokage2000hi guy's. I'm going to be bringing my personal laptop to work tomorrow and I want to be able to connect to my work's domain. How do I do it? I'm currently running Ubuntu 7.0412:57
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate12:57
PriceChildParanoya1, so its just downloaded and patched fine?12:57
nickrudPurpZeY, but you can connect with ssh in a terminal, right? (if you say yes, and you're sure you're using the same ip, I don't know what's happening)12:57
preactionhokage2000: does your work's domain use DHCP?12:57
vzduchPriceChild: who was that to?12:57
goldfingermafiacan someone please help im stuck with kismet12:57
Paranoya1yes, no error messeges12:57
JKtheCJerwhat the hell: feisty is all like "yo! you wanna import setting from windows install?"12:57
hokage2000hi guy's. I'm going to be bringing my personal laptop to work tomorrow and I want to be able to connect to my work's domain. How do I do it, I want to be able to authenticate to the domain? I'm currently running Ubuntu 7.0412:57
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:57
hokage2000yeah we do use DHCP12:57
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PurpZeY_nickrud: Yes and yes...I mean, it's it's not too hard to forget...=|12:57
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preactionhokage2000: then all you have to do is plug in, and it'll work fine12:57
LDZ420Nutubuntu: thx12:58
numusi found logs but nothing on login12:58
Ravenndude`How can I enable a disabled wifi card through the command line?12:58
nickrudPurpZeY, no offence meant, just covering bases ;)12:58
PurpZeY_nickrud: Understood.12:58
arooniis there any app that provides a UI experience for connecting / disconnecting to headsets (or other bluetooth devices?  headphones) ?12:58
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Paranoya1PriceChild, http://www.pastebin.ru/5854112:58
Kryten107arooni: I12:58
Nutubuntuy/w LDZ420 - whatever it might be for : )12:58
daddydocI used sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /media/olddrive12:58
arooniKryten107, huh?12:58
Kryten107arooni: I'd try the KDE bluetooth packages12:58
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daddydoclet me look at my directories12:58
beau__so im having some trouble with my sound, i have tried just about everything and still can only get 2.1 on alsa and only usb audio output with OSS12:58
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hokage2000preaction: so i'll still be able to open network drives without any issues??12:58
arooniKryten107, got names i can try with sudo apt-get (i have gnome i think) if that matters12:59
preactionhokage2000: that's different12:59
preaction!samba | hokage200012:59
ubotuhokage2000: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:59
teratomanickrud: i did all that.  i still cannot: run a command, use alt f2, menus are all missing, the only thing i see is an item on my desktop12:59
PirateLeChuckcan anyone advise me as to how to get a gui version of bittorrnet on ubuntu?12:59
Kryten107arooni: use aptitude instead, use / to search, I think it's probably called kdebluetooth12:59
ilikec0ws!torrent | PirateLeChuck12:59
ubotuPirateLeChuck: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html12:59
FezzlerSound recorder not working?  I want to make screencasts but need to record voice.  Help debug?12:59
NutubuntuI was using aptitude to install a package. The package was being configured, when X crashed. When I restarted, I ran aptitude and found the package in "u" (unconfigured) state. How do I get aptitude to finish the installation (by configuring the pkg)?12:59
daddydocThanks a lot.12:59
nickrudteratoma, try gnome-panel & in a terminal12:59
PirateLeChuckcheers ilikec0ws12:59
daddydocThat one simple command worked!!!12:59
teratomanickrud: i can't open a terminal01:00
daddydocyou are the best!!!01:00
daddydocAAA rating.   thanks again01:00
Nutubuntudaddydoc, it's a great support chan01:00
JKtheCJerRavendude`: ifconfig [interface name (wlan0, eth1, etc...)]  up/down01:00
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goldfingermafiahas anyone sucessful installed kismet?01:00
ilikec0wsPirateLeChuck, Or you can use the built in one01:00
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JKtheCJergoldfingermafia: yep01:00
ilikec0wsPirateLeChuck, at least i think it comes preinstalled on ubuntu01:00
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Nutubuntudaddydoc, have you worked out how you're going to copy files from the old partition(s) to the new?01:00
PirateLeChuckilikec0ws, aye but i cannot get it to run in gui mode?01:00
goldfingermafiado you know how i set the suiduser?01:00
Fezzlerdaddydoc: who helped you?01:00
goldfingermafiati says cannont find'your_user_here'01:01
ilikec0wsPirateLeChuck, Ohhh I could have swore it was a gui when i used it a while back01:01
PirateLeChuckilikec0ws, it is installed but i cannot work out how to run it, i am a tad new to ubuntu and linux in itself01:01
PirateLeChuckilikec0ws, running it is the issue then...01:01
JKtheCJergoldfingermafia: try sudo gedit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf01:01
PurpZeYCan someone shed some light on why I might be able to connect to a machine using SSH in at Terminal, but not using "Connect to server" in gnome?01:01
nickrudteratoma, oh. alt-ctl-f1, log in, type sudo aptitude install nautilus-open-terminal , you'll be able to right click the desktop and get a terminal01:01
FezzlerI'm trying to get my mic to work but seem like no takes on this today01:01
ilikec0wsPirateLeChuck, I think i enabled it the easy way, using the menu editor :)01:01
JKtheCJergoldfingermafia: there is a line with suiduser in it in there, try changing it to match your username01:01
shwouchkwhy does ubuntu have 2 interfaces for ralink cards? (wlan0 and wmaster0)01:01
PirateLeChuckilikec0ws, ok i will try that cheers01:01
=== Ketzal [n=PUTU_PLU@228.pool85-50-159.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
teratomanickrud: i managed to run gnome-panel.  it says "detected instance of gnome-panel already running"01:02
hokage2000/leave #ubuntu01:02
goldfingermafiak thanks01:02
ilikec0wsPirateLeChuck, Just check under internet could have sworn there was bit torrent in there that i just ticked XD01:02
=== Bradf0rd [n=jubilee@adsl-64-160-205-234.dsl.bkfd14.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
JKtheCJershwouchk: is one a virtual card? my orinoco with madwifi drivers does something similar (wifi0 and ath0)01:02
ianmcorvidaeBittorrent should be there by default.01:02
CppIsWeirdhow do i keep nm-applet from starting when i boot?01:02
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shwouchkJKtheCJer: well, Im assuming one is, since I only have one card... do you know why this is done?01:03
preactionhokage2000: it's /part01:03
cabulosohow do i extract the contents of an rpm package ? i dont want to install it, just extract...01:03
hokage2000o ok thankss lol01:03
teratomanickrud: here is a screenshot of what my screen looks like http://i12.tinypic.com/4yuh7dk.png01:03
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Kryten107CpplsWeird: Go to System > Preferences > Sessions01:03
PirateLeChuckilikec0ws, i am installing from there now aye cheers01:03
nickrudteratoma, then run gconf-editor, and take a look at /apps/panel/toplevels ; are any panels defined there?01:03
weblordpepewhat i dont quite get is .torrent files. i know all about how to use bittorrent etc but i really wish that firefox was more seamless with bittorrent. ie, you click on a .torrent file & you're not prompted where  to save the .torrent. just the files download01:04
JKtheCJershwouchk: well with madwifi at least, it allows you to vritually have two cards or more at once, for example: ath0 in monitor sniffing, and ath1 in managed mode actually connected to an access point01:04
CppIsWeirdKryten107, i want to know where the file is.01:04
PirateLeChuckilikec0ws, hmm, it is still not showing up in my gui menu...01:04
teratomanickrud: just 'panel_0'01:04
preactionweblordpepe: you can choose to "Open With" and pick the program and click "Don't ask about these files again" and it'll work01:04
=== numus [n=ericlieb@c-69-254-162-30.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kryten107CpplsWeird: nm-applet is located in /usr/bin, but you can disable it with the Sessions dialog01:04
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CppIsWeirdKryten107, no, i want to know where the file is that contains what things start on boot01:05
shwouchkJKtheCJer: oh, nice01:05
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dc905guys, is there a program on the ubuntu 7 live disk to burn iso 's ?01:05
teratomanickrud: do you see how my window decorations are screwy too?  this is also a brand new user, so i have no old preferences to get in the way01:05
JKtheCJershwouchk: it takes some getting used to, lookup wlanconfig for info on how these virtual cards are configured01:05
JKtheCJershwouchk: or that might not be what this is at all01:06
nickrudteratoma, then here's a possible fix: log out of gnome, and use clt-alt-f1 to get a terminal log in, type killall gconfd-2 (just to be sure) and then type rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel  , then log back into gnome01:06
numususer's $home/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default sessiona nd language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $ome directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users01:06
numuswtf is that01:06
numusi get it when i log in01:06
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Kryten107CpplsWeird: can't remember where that one's located, sorry, try asking around?01:06
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cabulosohow do i extract the contents of an rpm package ? i dont want to install it, just extract...01:06
shwouchkJKtheCJer: It seems reasonable01:06
=== hihiu [n=c@h-68-164-38-50.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
VIrUZ__can i use snort to i block a user from connecting to irc  ?01:07
ilikec0wsCppIsWeird, You could delete it from Sessions?01:07
kkathmanis there a place to configure only single clicking a destop icon to run rather than double-clicking?01:07
nickrudteratoma, no, I hadn't noticed the decorations. And it's a totally new user, huh?01:07
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dc905no one ?01:07
hihiuMy internet crapped out while I was downloading something via wget. How do I resume the download with out starts a whole new one? Like keep on downloading that same file.01:07
ilikec0wsdc905, You can just use 'cdrecord /path/to/iso' in terminal....at least that works for me01:08
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dr_evilwget -c filename01:08
Macrosofthey, how do i change my screen res in kubuntu? it doesn't show up under "peripherals"01:08
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dr_evilerr, wget -c url01:08
numusreally need help with my error01:08
matholiohi all, help!     I installed ubuntu in a spare disk, but I think I chose the wrong disk to boot from, so not, I still have a working xp, but my data drive is not accessible and I have no ubuntu either, can anyone help ?01:08
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Kryten107Macrosoft: run kcontrol and then search for resolution01:08
hihiudr_evil: What does the -c option do exactly? This is a 6 gb file I really don't feel like messing it up.01:08
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Macrosoftok, tried it, no results01:09
anon2000Hi, can someone point me to a guide for manual partitiong during the ubuntu installation? i want to create a separate /boot partition but i'm not sure what other partitions i need or options i need to set01:09
teratomanickrud: yes.  new user.  ok i killed X.  i killed gconf.  i made a brand new user.  i am logged in. same behavior as the screenshot.  nothing has changed01:09
Paranoya1guys, i have downloaded apt-get source iptables sources of iptables, where i can find them?01:09
ilikec0wsanon2000, swap and then a /01:09
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numususer's $home/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default sessiona nd language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $ome directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users01:09
MacrosoftKryten107: i didnt get any results from the search01:10
nickrudteratoma, then you have real problems, you're right. A thinking moment or two ...01:10
Kryten107Macrosoft: it should be under Peripherals > Monitor & Display01:10
Macrosoftits not01:10
teratomanickrud: i really think i need to reinstall my gnome packages.   i have all the debs in /var/apt/cache/ .  how would i reinstall all of them ?01:10
nickrudnumus, chmod 644 ~/.dmrc01:10
anon2000ilikec0ws: if i create a seperate /boot partition, am i correct in the assumption that if i remove the "/" partition, grub will still function?01:10
Ahmed-Bahaaguys need help here01:10
Macrosoftits not under desktop either01:10
anon2000because that's what i am aiming for here01:10
Nutubuntuanon2000,  there probably isn't a single "best" answer. A lot of people partition /home separately so that if they reinstall they won't overwrite it; some ppl use a separate /boot because they want to use ext2 there ... swap is its own fs ... some folks put /opt on its own partition for much the same reason as they do /home ... no "one size fits all" answer01:11
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knightzis there any tools for ubuntu that lets me bute force my login and password?01:11
numushopefully that fixes it01:11
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Ahmed-Bahaai need to set brightness and contrast of my laptop01:11
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Ahmed-Bahaaany programe01:11
foucaultHi. What's the easiest method for setting up two or even three monitors?01:11
dr_evilknightz boot with live cd and mount the partition01:11
foucaultOn one box with two video cards.01:12
anon2000Nutubuntu: all i'm trying to do is avoid the issue of when i uninstall ubuntu, grub is gone then i have to do the fixmbr thing with the vista dvd01:12
anon2000Nutubuntu: would making a seperate /boot partition avoid that01:12
nickrudteratoma, dpkg --get-selections > list-of-files && sudo apt-get remove libglib2.0-0  && sudo --set-selections < list-of-files && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade01:12
Ahmed-Bahaa i need to set brightness and contrast of my laptop01:12
nickrudnumus, I'm just doing what the error said: I'm assuming home is ok01:13
Kryten107Macrosoft: did that work?01:13
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firelord901good 'ay all01:13
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VIrUZ__can i use snort to block a user from connecting to irc  ?01:13
Kryten107Macrosoft: kcontrol doesn't have Monitor & Display under Peripherals? o.O01:13
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knightzwhy do I keep getting ident errors from irc and other programs when i try connecting to the net01:14
Nutubuntuanon2000, I don't know for sure but I don't see why that would work. grub lives in the boot sector; the /boot partition could be anywhere ... but I'm not at all sure; you should check that one :)01:14
MacrosoftKryten107: no, its not there01:14
Ahmed-Bahaaso peoplee  i need to set brightness and contrast of my laptop :D01:14
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nickrudteratoma, not guaranteed to fix everything because that won't replace the config files in /etc ; I'm assuming you didn't mess with them.01:14
teratomaAhmed-Bahaa: do you have a windows partition01:15
InHisNamelooking for iptable advice, anyone good at them?01:15
teratomaAhmed-Bahaa: have you ever run windows on this laptop ?01:15
vzduchMacrosoft: Kubuntu?01:15
Ahmed-Bahaai did01:15
teratomaAhmed-Bahaa: how did you set the brightness and contrast when you were using windows ?01:15
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nickrud!info shorewall | InHisName (those are my iptable helpers ;)01:15
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Ahmed-Bahaateratoma: from a program01:15
ubotuinhisname (those are my iptable helpers ;): shorewall: Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall), a high-level tool for configuring Netfilter. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.6-2 (feisty), package size 244 kB, installed size 1212 kB01:15
Ahmed-Bahaateratoma: there was a program related to the laptop01:16
teratomaAhmed-Bahaa: was there a keyboard combination you could use?  like  Function  f101:16
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VIrUZ__can i use snort to block a user from connecting to irc  ?01:16
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Ahmed-Bahaateratoma: i think there is but i never used it .. alwayz opend the program01:16
InHisNameubotu nickrud  I don't have any gui in my system, limited to 44 MB CF card.01:16
vzduchMacrosoft: System Settings -> Computer Administration -> Monitor & Display (names may vary; my KDE is German)01:16
nickrudVIrUZ__, you can use shorewall to define a rule that will reject that specific ip from irc01:16
nickrudInHisName, it's not gui01:16
jeff_Hey, anyone running 2 GPU's SLI in ubuntu?01:16
arooniis there any app that provides a UI experience for connecting / disconnecting to headsets (or other bluetooth devices?  headphones) ?01:17
Ahmed-Bahaateratoma:  so ?01:17
vzduchMacrosoft: and btw, /join #kubuntu :)01:17
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InHisNameI am just trying to forward ONE port, little info has not been successful yet.01:17
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Kryten107arooni: "sudo apt-get install kdebluetooth"01:18
InHisNametutorials are detailed but I have little progress01:18
teratomaAhmed-Bahaa: you should figure out what the keyboardcombinations are to set your laptops brightness and contrast01:18
Ahmed-Bahaateratoma: okk thxxx :)01:18
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teratomaAhmed-Bahaa: I had similar problems, the keyboard combinations for me only work from the time the laptop actually boots, until the window manager starts.  when the window manager starts, the special windows keys stopped working01:18
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kmcq__where is the ubuntu logo screencap located01:19
teratomanickrud: do i have to reinstall gnome now?01:19
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Ahmed-Bahaateratoma:  i will try to use the cominations01:20
Ahmed-Bahaasearch on google01:20
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weblordpepesomeone should develop a program for ubuntu that makes noisy flatmates shut the hell up01:20
VIrUZ__can i use snort to block a user from connecting to irc  ?01:21
Zeliani enabled beryl window manager but i  cant see the bar with the minimize, maximize and close buttons01:21
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Zelianany tips01:21
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weblordpepeZelian: right click the diamond in the task tray and click reload window decorations01:21
annoiaWhat should I have installed for Pidgin to use msn?01:21
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Zelianthanks weblordpepe01:21
Zelianill see01:22
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PurpZeYCan someone shed some light on why I might be able to connect to a machine using SSH in at Terminal, but not using "Connect to server" in gnome?01:22
weblordpepeno probs01:22
uberushaximusthe SSL libs?01:22
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annoiauberushaximus - Which?01:22
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weblordpepePurpZeY: i have the same problem01:22
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uberushaximusannoia: it should be installed with the pidgin package01:22
unlinkwhat's the best way to install scim support for all users?01:22
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uberushaximusbut, uh, let me check01:22
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annoiauberushaximus - There is no pidgin package01:22
PurpZeYweblordpepe: Reaaaaaaallly? Any luck on it? I mean, people seem to think it's very bizarre.01:22
Zelianweblordpepe its no use01:23
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weblordpepeive had the same problem on two different ubuntu installs01:23
weblordpepeits never worked for me01:23
uberushaximusannoia, sure about that? what version are you on?01:23
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weblordpepeusing sshfs i can do it on the command line tho01:23
PurpZeYweblordpepe: It's so bizarre...I am on a local network too...And there is NO problem with CLI connect...it goes almost immediately...when I try to do GUI it does nothing01:23
NutubuntuI've installed vmware-server and registered it; however, when I try to run it (from its new menu entry), nothing seems to happen. /usr/bin/vmware starts it fine ... how do I edit the menu entry? (Does Feisty have a menu-editor app?)01:23
annoiauberushaximus - 7.0401:23
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weblordpepeyea i get an error like a minute later about it not working.01:23
Zelianweblordpepe: yesterday i had the same problem but added a line in xorg.conf "AddARGBVisuals" "true" and everything worked01:24
PurpZeYweblordpepe: Your lucky I get nothing.01:24
uberushaximusannoia: hmm, have you updated the list lately?01:24
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PurpZeYweblordpepe: The SSH problem?01:24
weblordpepeZelian: hmm im not sure aye beryl is an awkward one01:24
Zelianweblordpepe: but today i installed kiba dock and it messed up everything01:24
weblordpepePurpZeY yea01:24
PurpZeYZelian: The SSH problem?01:24
annoiauberushaximus - Updated the list? You mean apt-get update?01:24
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weblordpepehaha i installed kibadock and it screwed stuff up too01:24
uberushaximusannoia: essentially01:24
ZelianPurpZeY: a beryl problem01:24
annoiauberushaximus - I have01:24
weblordpepei gave up on kibadock and gave up on beryl on ATi because its slow. i just use metacity now eh01:25
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ZelianPurpZeY: not showing the bar with the max, min, and close buttons01:25
uberushaximusannoia: you compiled it yourself I imagine eh?01:25
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nickrudNutubuntu, right click the menu01:25
xenexweblordpepe, beryl gets annoying after a while anyway :P01:25
ZelianPurpZeY: whenever i change to Compiz or metacity it works fine01:25
VIrUZ__can i use snort to block a user from connecting to irc  ?01:25
teratomathere's a pidgin deb for feisty on getdeb.net01:25
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nitturisi joined ubuntu nice one...one of the best distro,,,01:26
PurpZeYZelian: The title bar problem is a known problem in beryl...The bot in #beryl has a fix01:26
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Nutubuntunickrud, did that :) it asks me if I want to add the menu entry - or the entire menu - to the panel ... but that's all01:26
teratomaVIrUZ__: I'm sure you could figure out how to configure snort to detect if a user is using irc01:26
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uberushaximusannoia: try sudo apt-get install libnss-dev libnspr-dev01:26
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=== OmegaCenti_ hygiene ftw!
ZelianPurpZeY: thanks01:26
weblordpepeits nice on an nvidia card but its just slower on ati because of the open-source driver. if i use the official ati driver then it doesnt go without heaps of tweaking and then its buggy. so im  like flag.01:26
VIrUZ__can i use spmething to block a user from connecting to irc  ?01:26
nickrudNutubuntu, right click right on 'Applications'01:26
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uberushaximusannoia: then recompile, make sure to 'make clean'01:26
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equiumanyone who has got his ATI SB450 working on ubuntu 7.04?01:27
Nutubuntunickrud,  ***thank you*** :) every now and then I feel so dim :)01:27
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nickrudNutubuntu, eh, words can be so ambiguous sometimes ;)01:27
annoiauberushaximus - That did the trick01:27
weblordpepei agree01:27
annoiauberushaximus - Thanks01:27
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VIrUZ__can i use spmething to block a user from connecting to irc  ?01:27
=== weblordpepe waves his arms spastically at nickrud
teratomaVIrUZ__: you could think of a iptables firewall rule to block all traffic out to a certain irc server01:27
VIrUZ__every server01:28
weblordpepeport 6666-7000.01:28
VIrUZ__block orc alltoghether01:28
teratomaVIrUZ__: irc is a lot of servers, and can be any port01:28
nickrudnickrud, waves back, gently01:28
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weblordpepeya need packet filtering. but - that NEVER works.01:28
uberushaximususe a firewall that blocks all of the common ports01:28
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vzduchweblordpepe: there are some IRC servers that accept connections on port 666001:28
Nutubuntunickrud,  yes ... especially when I'm this tired ;)  ... nickrud, do I care about all the duplicate menu entries (and triplicate and fourplicate and ...) ?01:28
weblordpepethanks to SSH and other things01:28
teratomaVIrUZ__: you could change the group of the irc server program on the server to a group that user does not have access to01:29
nickrudNutubuntu, nah, but you could file wishlist bugs if you want01:29
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VIrUZ__couldnt he install another ?01:29
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Nutubuntunickrud, there are better bugs to work first :)01:29
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weirdbroIs it safe to use a windows system recovery disk if I'm dualbooting with Linux?01:29
omegacenti|afksorry about that, auto command.01:29
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omegacenti|afkMy apologies01:29
teratomai think you can mount their home direcotry so they can't run executables, i think01:29
teratomai forget01:29
weblordpepei think it breaks grub01:29
teratomayou could also delete them.  then they can't run irc01:30
nickrudNutubuntu, truer words have not often been said01:30
weblordpepeuse the ubuntu install disk01:30
VIrUZ__only irc01:30
nickrudteratoma, any luck with your gnome reinstall?01:30
weirdbroI need to reinstall windows01:30
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weirdbroIs there any way to do that that won't break grub?01:30
mweweirdbro then reinstall grub afterwards01:30
weirdbroHow do I reinstall grub?01:30
mwe!grub | weirdbro01:30
ubotuweirdbro: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:30
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weirdbroOooh, thanks01:31
teratomanickrud: after those commands, all of my gnome packages were no longer installed, which is good.  then i typed "apt-get install ubunut-desktop", and it's reinstall gnome.  i really have no idea why it is not using the deb files in /var/apt/cache , it's redownlading them all01:31
numusi accidentally remoevd my taskbar from my panel01:31
numushow do i bring it back01:31
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sebas_numus: new panel01:31
teratomaVIrUZ__: you can tell iptables to block common irc ports, like 6667, but that will block EVERYONE, not just the user you hate01:31
ilikec0wsnumus, right click panel-->Add-->Notification area?01:31
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teratomai just dont think ids works very well01:31
ilikec0wsnumus, Sorry read that wrong stupid me01:32
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shwouchkWTF?!?! I just sshed into my ubuntu box and I get a big list of : -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied01:32
orbisvicisive placed a daemon in /etc/init.d ... what do i have to edit to get it to start up every time on boot ?01:32
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=== nickrud smacks himself
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numusi give up and will just keep it this way01:32
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nickrudnumus, if it's just the taskbar, right click the panel and add it back01:33
teratomaorbisvicis: update-rc.d DAEMON-NAME defaults01:33
numusi can't find it in the add section01:33
shroomduckis there a visual studio version for linux or am I going to have to try wine?01:34
nickrudnumus,  it goes by window list01:34
shroomduckbah thats what i thought =/01:34
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shroomduckdoes it work ok?01:34
PurpZeYweblordpepe: I just posted to the forum on that issue so,  keep your eyes posted on my nick for the thread01:34
orbisvicisthanks teratoma01:34
teratomathere are other IDE01:34
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_Rocketudalo sie :D grub dziala jak trzeba01:35
weblordpepeshroomduck: i wouldnt bet on it. but you could try virtualisation01:35
kkathmanshroomduck:  try kdevelop maybe?01:35
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cavalierprimeanjunta is a good ide01:35
s0loanyone use pidgin and otr?01:35
shroomduckwell its more focused towards a visual basic course im taking at school so I think it has to be VB01:35
d4rkmonkeyI use pidgin01:35
shwouchkWTF?!?! I just sshed into my ubuntu box and I get a big list of : -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied01:35
NutubuntuHm ... just removed Tilda ... I'm not thrilled with gnome-terminal though ... not anything like a big deal, but do people have favorite terminal emulators?01:35
teratomas0lo: i do01:35
d4rkmonkeywhats otr?01:35
shroomduckvb.net to be more exact01:35
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s0looff the record messaging01:35
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numushow do i install a lexmark x1100 scanner/printer01:35
s0loi carnt get otr to compile, anyone got 5 mins to give me a hand?01:36
weblordpepewhat i dont get is why people give a damn about their favourite text editor01:36
weblordpepeand why is emacs so sophisticated?01:36
Nutubuntushroomduck,  you could install vmware and run M$ products in their own sandbox01:36
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Nutubuntuand why we developed spoken languages at all when point and grunt worked so well01:36
shroomduckvery true, im just worried about it hicoughing or crashing during an important assignment heh01:36
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Nutubuntushroomduck,  I don't have enough time with vmware to say how stable it is, but other folks say it's pretty nice01:37
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shwouchkWTF?!?! I just sshed into my ubuntu box and I get a big list of : -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied PLEASE HELP!01:37
teratomas0lo: i once got otr to compile, and made a deb of it.  i decided to get a life and use the deb here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pidgin+2+DEB?content=5735601:37
shroomduckok well i really appreciate the help, ill probably try er out01:38
s0locheers teratoma ill take a look, its been having my life01:38
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shroomduckor maybe just do the dreaded dual boot haha01:38
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teratomaNutubuntu: i am funny and run Putty.exe in wine01:39
cavemanfollow the penguins!!!!!!!!!!!1111101:39
banlieuei'm funny too!01:39
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s0lobah still no joy teratoma01:40
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=== nickrud doesn't drink
teratomas0lo: does the deb not install ?01:40
shwouchkWTF?!?! I just sshed into my ubuntu box and I get a big list of : -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied PLEASE HELP!01:40
s0lonah says pidgin not satisfied teratoma01:40
teratomashwouchk: are you sshing in as yourself or as root01:40
shwouchkteratoma: no, user01:40
teratomas0lo: are you using the deb on that page for pidgin ?01:40
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s0loteratoma: yes01:40
shwouchkteratoma: my *only* user01:40
teratomathere are two debs01:41
s0loteratoma: im using the right 1 lol01:41
teratomas0lo: you install them both01:41
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numusand now hamachi is giving me errors01:41
s0loteratoma: i see ..... my bad01:41
cavemanwhen you add a program such as limewire what does it mean when the message comes up program not supported01:41
lufiscaveman: when you try to run it?01:42
numusdoes anyone know if hamachi has a gue style interface or only terminal01:42
shwouchkok looks like Im finally getting off ubuntu's terrible terrible support and moving to debian01:42
Nutubuntuteratoma,  nothing against wine at all01:42
cavemanno i downloaded it went to open and said not supported01:42
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IceGuest_7hey every one. i just have a quick questins. is there any way i can have 2 computers running ubuntu that share the same settings. e.g. if i chnage some thing on my dekstop it chnages on my laptop as well.01:42
lufiscaveman: limewire is java, right?01:42
Kroozrcaveman, its not a windows file is it01:42
cavemanno its for ubuntu01:42
orbisvicisteratoma, i read the man pages for update-rc.d, it recommends using bum ... i tried and it is very convenient01:43
cavemanyes java01:43
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teratomaorbisvicis: ive never used bum, but whatever works for you01:43
PirateLeChuckis your PATH located in .bashrc?01:43
Nutubuntushwouchk, did your problem statement somehow get missed in the flurry?01:43
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teratomaorbisvicis: update-rc.d scriptname defaults will stick it in the right place.01:43
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:43
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lufisshwouchk: i doubt debian's irc channel is any better than this one. the people in both places are volunteers, they're not getting any compensation by helping you, so they aren't obligated to you anyway01:44
robbyhi all01:44
teratomaIceGuest_7: what are you trying to do?01:44
shwouchklufis: debians support channel has much less trash traffic01:44
cavemani figured didnt hurt to ask im lost on linux01:44
robbyanyone recommend a python IDE?01:44
s0loteratoma: worked a treat, cheers bud01:45
IceGuest_7well when i chnage stuff on my desktop then i have to do them on my laptop as well. like if i instll a program or some thing.01:45
lufiscaveman: it's a deb file?01:45
Nutubuntushwouchk, I say again: did your problem statement somehow get missed in the flurry? maybe you could restate it01:45
cavemanyes it is01:45
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skimmhey im planning to instal ubuntu 7.0.4 overtop of my fedora core 6, but i was wondering if that will have any adverse effects on the grub loader and my ability to dual boot with windows01:45
lufiscaveman: and it installed alright?01:45
cavemanit didnt open01:45
orbisvicisteratoma, whats the difference between defaults and multiuser ?01:45
mwerobby eclipse with the plugin01:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:45
IceGuest_7i just want to be using the same settings when i am at home on my desktop and when i am on the move with me laptop01:46
lufiscaveman: at the terminal, try sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb01:46
shwouchkNutubuntu: I just sshed into my ubuntu box after a reboot and I get a big list of : -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied01:46
nickrudskimm, the install will rebuild your grub properly, most likely01:46
cavemanwhat do you mean by terminal01:46
cavemanim comp stupid01:46
=== ninjaa [n=anto@host67-115-dynamic.1-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
lufiscaveman: applications > accessories > terminal01:46
vzduchLimeWire is in the repos01:46
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cavemani found it01:46
robbyplugin somewhat simple to import into the enviroment?01:47
d4rkmonkeyI installed from a .deb cus I couldn't find limewire :(01:47
Nutubuntushwouchk, you're way above my head, but one suggestion - have you pastebinned the output? maybe someone who knows more about ssh and the necessary permissions on the host can look it over.01:47
skimmthats what i thought, thanks.  does ubuntu use two separate partitions of the harddrive like fedora, one for boot?01:47
teratomaorbisvicis: I do not know.  I've never heard of it until right now.  I notice the man page says The multiuser option is an  Ubuntu-extension  intended  to  reduce  th amount  of time spent stopping services during shutdown and reboot that have no particular requirement to be explicitly stopped.01:47
lufiscaveman: replace <filename> with the correct name... you can find it by typing the first letters and then hitting tab01:47
vzduch!medibuntu | d4rkmonkey01:47
ubotud4rkmonkey: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:47
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teratomaorbisvicis: i bet just using 'defaults' is just fine01:47
nickrudskimm, not by default, no.01:47
VIrUZ__how can i use iptables to block a user from connecting to irc ?01:47
sebas_d4rkmonkey, you can also install frostwire01:47
robbyhell ill find out.  thanks mwe01:47
d4rkmonkeythanks guys01:47
KroozrVIrUZ__, install firestarter for configuring the ip tables. . . or guarddog01:48
shwouchkNutubuntu: theres nothing to pastebin - I just get this line multiple times01:48
orbisvicisteratoma, yeah i just did that. time to restart & see if it worked01:48
=== Laggeon [n=Laggeon@ASte-Genev-Bois-152-1-91-10.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mwerobby it's easy01:48
d4rkmonkeysebas_, whats frostwire? I'm going to uninstall the .deb of limewire now so I can have a version from repos01:48
=== nickrud is learning to love eclipse, and wishes something like it had been around 20 years ago
LaggeonHi all01:48
vzduchah exactly, it's FrostWire.. I still confuse them because they look the same apart from the colour :)01:48
skimmok.. i guess if i just move the two fedora partitions together and erase them through windows then i can just boot the ubuntu cd and ill have the boot manager back again?01:48
Nutubuntushwouchk, I'm n00b enough that I don't know what you're expecting to see01:48
d4rkmonkeywhats frostwire?01:48
skimmits limewire essentially01:48
nickrudskimm, sure, that'd work01:48
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vzduch!info frostwire01:48
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:48
shwouchkNutubuntu: I see.. Im expecting to see a shell01:48
JKtheCJeralright, kismet works on my orinoco card now. next: broadcom card01:49
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skimmthats nickrud i appreciate it01:49
d4rkmonkeyskimm, whats different about it?01:49
cavemanok thanks i was also refered to a users site01:49
JKtheCJerno kismet on it, just need to make it work01:49
Nutubuntushwouchk,  I assume the target box has to run some daemon that accepts connections from ssh client?01:49
ninjaahello to everyone01:49
cavemani need to read up on linux01:49
robbyhate to ask but do i need to look for any libs..?01:49
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shwouchkNutubuntu: of course01:49
rolfen!info beryl01:49
lufiscaveman: did it work?01:49
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ubotuberyl: Compositing window manager, decorator and theme support - Beryl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1.dfsg+git20070318-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2 kB, installed size 44 kB01:49
cavemanso far01:49
ninjaa!info feisty01:49
ubotuPackage feisty does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:49
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Nutubuntushwouchk, sorry, I know that sounds basic as can be ... you've checked that the thing *is* running?01:49
lufiscaveman: it should say "Reading database...", etc.01:49
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cavemanthanks lufis01:50
rolfenhaha Package feisty does not exist in feisty01:50
skimmcolor and name.. lol and maybe a few small differences. it connects to the same network01:50
cavemanits installing01:50
robbywow +++ATH  havent seen that in a while01:50
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nickrudrobby, importing a tool into eclipse is easy, go to http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/01:50
d4rkmonkeywhats the package name for Frostwire?01:50
ninjaai downloaded feisty alternate cd iso from ubuntu site.. but it's doesn't work fine. I tried to perform a cd-check but it fails on nvidia package...01:51
ninjaasomeone knows about it?01:51
shwouchkNutubuntu: if it wouldnt be running, I wouldnt be able to give my user and pass...01:51
=== flow [n=flow@p549B8CE4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
vzduchd4rkmonkey: frostwire01:51
bur[n] erninjaa: if it fails on cd-check, burn a new cd or download a new iso01:51
nickrudninjaa, a bad download01:51
robbycool, i was wondering if i needed to look for any extra libs while i was at it?01:51
lufisd4rkmonkey: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:51
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@cpe-70-116-21-77.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
d4rkmonkeyI tried frostwire...01:51
teratomaVIrUZ__:  this MIGHT work, not sure: iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --uid-owner USERYOUHATE -j DROP01:51
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ninjaayes... i downloaded it ... more than 5 times :D01:51
d4rkmonkeyI'll just download it then01:51
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Nutubuntushwouchk, the default shell on the target box -- bash or dash?01:52
vzduchah.. according to apt-cache showpkg it's in the Automatix repo01:52
rolfenninjaa maybe your CD drive is defective01:52
shwouchkNutubuntu: what the hell is dash?01:52
vzduchno need to install Automatix though01:53
Hitomarocan someone help me install this theme? http://youtube.com/watch?v=bYsxaMyFV2Y01:53
teratomaVIrUZ__: oops makes that '--dport 6667'01:53
Hitomarothe XGL theme01:53
rolfen!info dash01:53
ubotudash: The Debian Almquist Shell. In component main, is required. Version 0.5.3-5ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 82 kB, installed size 204 kB01:53
ninjaait's strange.. it's not the fist time that i burn a cd... i prepared it some weeks ago.. and installed on another pc without problemns01:53
Kroozrteratoma, i was going to say why you put the http port01:53
teratomai wasn't thinking clearly01:53
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Kroozrteratoma, is there a way to do a port range with that? i know some irc servers use 6666, 6665, etc01:54
Nutubuntushwouchk,  dash is the default shell in, I think, Edgy and above -- sometimes it makes a difference, esp when some person or process expects bash instead01:54
PyChildDoes anyone here knows about liferea segmentation faults in Ubuntu Feisty?01:54
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Kroozr--dport xxxx-xxxx?01:55
shwouchkNutubuntu: well I never even heard of dast so I doubt thats what I had01:55
teratomaKroozr: i have no idea.  an irc server can be on any port!01:55
john_I need help making my 40gb slave drive into a NTFS instead of FAT3201:55
yum_help i am getting the following kernel error over and over:01:55
yum_Jul  7 16:42:42 localhost kernel: [ 2218.168000]  device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table01:55
yum_Jul  7 16:42:42 localhost kernel: [ 2218.212000]  device-mapper: table: 254:0: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed01:55
john_so i can install xp on it01:55
Nutubuntushwouchk,  is the target box running Ubuntu? if so which version?01:55
lufisjohn_: you'd probably have to do that with a windows install cd01:55
teratomaI hate iptables/netfilter/ipchains syntax.  I wish ipfilter worked in linux01:55
yum_udevd is using up most of my cpu01:55
yum_and keeps erroring over and over01:55
Kroozrteratoma, true but i was just thinking of the most common01:55
rolfenninjaa if you install your cd on another computer and it works but it doesnt work on your box then it sounds like a bad CD drive to me01:55
john_i put it in and it said the partition wasn't compatible or something with xp01:55
lufisjohn_: but if you're going to install windows, then just choose ntfs as a filesystem01:55
lufisjohn_: you have ubuntu installed as well?01:56
john_i can't do it with gnome partition editor01:56
john_i have ubuntu on my main hdd01:56
john_my slave drive has nothing on it now01:56
lufisjohn_: is the slave empty besides windows?01:56
lufisjohn_: pop in the windows install cd and just install it on the slave... although it might do something to grub, i don't know01:56
lufisand choose ntfs01:56
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john_i tried but it didn't let me. i clicked on unpartitioned space and it said that it wouldn't be compatible with xp or something01:57
john_the partition01:57
=== Julie45 [n=Administ@c-67-166-115-133.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shi-onCan someone here teach me how to install Windows Xp in Ubuntu? Like via VmWare or something.01:57
lufisjohn_: delete the slave partitions and format it in ntfs01:57
ninjaanono .. i mean: I prepared another CD and used it to install Feisty on another PC... but now i don't have anymore the first cd.. so i dowloaded feisty again.. but it's doesn't work...01:57
shwouchkNutubuntu: obviously, or I wouldnt be asking in #ubuntu... it's 7.04 - nm though - I managed to set 0666 permissions to /dev/null via webmin and it solved the problem01:57
john_do i format it in ntfs through ubuntu or xp?01:57
john_when i install the disk..01:58
lufisjohn_: xp, ubuntu doesn't format ntfs i don't think, and if it did i would go with windows01:58
=== Savenger [n=savenger@i577A9F9F.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Nutubuntushwouchk,  glad you resolved it - obviously.01:58
vzduchjohn_: insert Windoze install CD, delete the partition you want to install on, make a new partition and have it formatted as NTFS01:58
john_alright.. i'll come back and ask for help if it don't work01:58
=== Cailen [n=Cailen@ppp-69-230-80-67.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lufisjohn_: :)01:58
ninjaaanyway.... i'm triyng again..and if i don't resolve it... i'm thinking to install edgy and .. .upgrade to feisty01:58
shwouchkNutubuntu: thanks..01:58
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Nutubuntube well shwouchk01:59
Shi-onCan someone here teach me how to install Windows Xp in Ubuntu? Like via VmWare or something.01:59
lufisshwouchk: bye01:59
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shwouchkNutubuntu: you too01:59
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davidhsoneone can tell me what good about ubuntu comaparing to debian?01:59
ninjaatell me rolfen01:59
rolfenninjaa you can check your download using MD5 checksum01:59
HazlerI dont know anything about Debian01:59
ninjaaand it's fine..02:00
HazlerI wanted to ask if anyone uses Podcasts?02:00
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rolfenninjaa you can try burning your CD at a lower speed02:00
=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu
rolfenit reduces chances of a bad CD02:00
Shi-onCan someone here teach me how to install Windows Xp in Ubuntu? Like via VmWare or something.02:00
ninjaayes... i'm going to02:00
ninjaai'll let you know02:00
HazlerNo one is gonna help me02:00
NutubuntuShi-on, there is a good reference on installing VMWare here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-vmware-server-from-canonical-commercial-repository-in-ubuntu-feisty.html - that should get you started02:00
slavikShi-on: first get vmware, once you get that installed, you won't need anyone's help (you'll figure it out by then)02:01
G-r0<- linux + ubuntu newbie here... can someone help me install my wifi card? (I think it's an on-board intel 2100, and i've downloaded the driver but i'm not sure how to install it :()02:01
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lufisG-r0: what's the filetype? .tar.gz?02:01
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G-r01 sec i'll check...02:01
slavikhow do I find out which device descriptor is for which sound card? (I have like 3)02:01
HazlerI need help with running Podcasts on Rhythmbox02:01
bur[n] erHazler: you have to download them first02:02
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NutubuntuHazler,  are the podcasts you want to run in mp3 format?02:02
rolfeni mean ninjaa ok cool :)02:02
ThejesusGood night02:02
lufisHazler: they won't play?02:02
bur[n] ermp4 == video?  hazler, try democracy or penguintv?02:02
HazlerThey do02:02
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HazlerI want to update them instead of going on and on downloading02:02
HazlerIs tehr a way?02:03
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HazlerOr no02:03
davidhI am new to ubuntu. Can someone tell me what it is good about Ubuntu comparing to debian?02:03
ThejesusHow can I re-install the sound drivers? My sound board stops after I had installed Nvidia drivers.02:03
bur[n] erHazler: democracy player... you can try the latest rhythmbox off of getdeb.net02:03
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teratomayum_: is this what is happening to you? http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg374503.html02:03
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NutubuntuUpdate how, Hazler ? (and please don't use the Enter key to punctuate)02:03
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HazlerI dunno02:04
HazlerI thought i could02:04
HazlerCuz on Rhythmbox it says Update Hourly02:04
lufisdavidh: ubuntu releases more often i think, better multimedia support for newbies02:04
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lufisdavidh: debian is generally more conservative with releases, and therefore more stable02:04
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=== bur[n] er likes dapper lts stability
HazlerSo i dunno02:05
ThejesusHow can I re-install the sound drivers? My sound board stops after I had installed Nvidia drivers.02:05
G-r0lufic: i've messaged you privately but you didn;t respond so i'll retype here02:05
HHP2KHello everyone!02:05
G-r0the filename is: ipw2100-1.2.2.tgz02:05
G-r0(so it's a tgz file)02:05
davidhlufis: Can I access the linux source files (including kernel file) that are used to build the distribution?02:05
rolfenHHP2K hello :)02:05
lufisG-r0: sorry, freenode doesn't let you PM unless you've got a registered account, i didn't get anything02:05
HHP2KI've got a question for someone who knows how to install Compiz-Fusion.02:05
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NutubuntuHazler, I believe that "update hourly" means "have Rhythmbox check for updates to the podcast(s) hourly" - is that what you meant? what is it you're trying to have it do?02:05
lufisdavidh: i'm sure you can, that's a requirement of the license anyway02:05
G-r0lufis: no problem (i appreciate any help!!)02:05
HazlerWell i dunno02:06
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HazlerIma check out Democracy player02:06
lufisG-r0: okay, where is the file? in your desktop?02:06
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rolfenHHP2K i installed compiz long time ago... dunno if i can help02:06
HazlerLooks great02:06
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davidhlufis: could you give me some explamples of more multimedia support?02:06
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G-r0lufis: yup, it's on my desktop02:06
bur[n] erdavidh: try them both... they're both free and both great!02:06
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WolfwalkerThis is a question I'm askint for a friend. How do you handle a dialup connection with Ubuntu? After you plug in your computer, how do you dial up your provider?02:06
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lufisdavidh: well, feisty (which is the latest stable release) added an app that automatically detects needed codecs and lets you install them, very easy02:07
G-r0and i've extracted the tgz file, so it's a folder now (would you rather I maintain it's original type (*.tgs)?)02:07
vzduchWolfwalker: 56k/ISDN?02:07
HHP2Krolfen: Well, I'm going through the installation process and it wants me to add the extra repositories. I get to the part about the public key, and I add the public key in the terminal, go to apt-get update, and it tells me the key isn't there.02:07
lufisG-r0: ok, in the terminal (applications -> accessories -> terminal), type: cd Desktop && tar xvf ipw2100-1.2.2.tgz02:07
vzduchWolfwalker: network-manager should do that02:07
HHP2Krolfen: Is there something else I should be doing with the public key?02:07
davidhlufis: Do I use to VOIP application for the codec?02:07
jamiecan anyone help I am trying to get firefox to play streaming audio from bbc. Cant and wont use realplayer as I am using ltsp and it does not supp pulse audio.02:08
G-r0lufis: ok trying that now...02:08
lufisdavidh: what?02:08
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davidhlufis: you mentioned about codec detection?02:08
teratomajamie: i just find the url of the streaming audio , cut and paste the url or something from firefox... then i play it in VLC or rhythmbox or mplayer02:08
rolfenHHP2K i'm afraid i dont know02:08
lufisdavidh: yes, it detects needed codecs when you open multimedia files02:08
lufisdavidh: ubuntu has an voip app called ekiga02:09
HazlerDemocracy Player wont install02:09
rolfenHHP2K i think you can add public keys somewhere in synaptic02:09
HHP2Krolfen: Okay, thanks. =) Would you know if there's an actual IRC room for compiz-fusion?02:09
vzduchHHP2K: #ubuntu-effects02:09
WolfwalkerThanks y'all02:09
rolfenHHP2K there is a compiz-fusion02:09
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HHP2Kvzduch: Thanks! =)02:09
G-r0LUFIS: okay i did that, and it appears to have listed all the files within the compressed tgs file...02:10
HazlerGot it02:10
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lufisG-r0: Ok, is there a "Readme" or something similar to it?02:10
jamieteratoma: There is ways to make xine or kaffeine play the streams but cant get it figured out. Im going to running a cybercafe. This method is just know use.02:10
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HazlerWhere is Democracy Player located?02:10
G-r0lufis: there's a "readme" and an "install" (want me to check them both out?)02:11
davidhlufis: could you tell me more about ekiga?02:11
HazlerIts not in Sound or Video02:11
RicketHi, I am using the nvidia-new driver, and with a modification of the ACPI settings file I have gotten standby/suspend to work, but only once. I can go into standby, and then close the lid of my laptop, and when I open the lid it automatically resumes and asks for my password, and everything is fine. However when I go into standby a second time, it does not wake up. Either it starts as if it had been turned off, or the power light turns on but02:11
Ricketnothing happens. Any idea how to fix this?02:11
lufisG-r0: they should have information on installing it02:11
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lufisdavidh: i've never used it personally, so i don't know... try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekiga02:11
HazlerI installed my Graphics Card using Envy02:12
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G-r0lufis: okay i'll check them - thanks!!!!02:12
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lufisG-r0: and it should (hopefully) have some instructions02:12
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Paddy_EIREHazler, why did u use envy when ubuntu has the restricted drivers manager built in02:13
d4rkmonkeyis tribe 2 still the newest gutsy release?02:13
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d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know if Tribe 2 is still the newest Gutsy release?02:15
strkwhere do I find the version of my current ubuntu system ?02:15
strkis /etc/debian_version meaningful ?02:15
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strk(it says testing/unstable)02:15
pollux_DCC SEND "START KEYLOGGER" 0 002:15
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strksources.list contains 'dapper' strings02:15
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ElTimbalinoHi, I have had trouble for a while setting up partitions to install Ubuntu, along side Microsoft with a spare fat32 for files. I found the easiest way for me was to use: Main Menu -> System -> Administration -> Gnome Partition Editor02:16
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jkthecjeranyone know how print out the key currently being used by an interface (i.e: eth1)?02:16
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HazlerIs tehre a way to get Democracy Player using Terminal?02:16
d4rkmonkeyElTimbalino? Microsoft isn't an operating system :P, but why do you say this?02:16
ElTimbalinoTook me a while to find it, but it is a great utility and can be run from the install disk. I don't know how to put this tip where people can find it though.02:17
intelikeyok this is four days that i am unable to boot ubuntu dapper on a p1 box   the initramfs image is the problem,  i have rebuilt it several times to no avale,  even removed and reinstalled the kernel init-r*-tools and busybox*      i have managed to get it down to only lacking the device node /dev/root   anyone sharp enough to help ?02:17
HazlerIs tehre a way to get Democracy Player using Terminal?02:17
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d4rkmonkeyElTimbalino, more people will probably see it on the Ubuntu forums02:17
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HazlerIs tehre a way to get Democracy Player using Terminal?02:18
bur[n] erHazler: sudo apt-get install democracyplayer ?02:18
Hazlerill try02:18
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bur[n] eronly if you have universe repos enabled02:18
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bur[n] eror you can get it via applications -> add/remove02:18
intelikeyor can any one tell me how to unpack and repack the image file so i can just manually add the device node ?02:18
strkdo you think a dist-upgrade is safe from dapper at this time ?02:18
ElTimbalinoI had Vista, but the manual partition on the options says to set a root directory, but typing "Root" in any of the boxes failed. and typing "/" made the rest of my space unuseable.02:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:19
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know if tribe 2 is still the newest gutsy release?02:19
Hazlersudo apt-get install democracyplayer worked but its not in Applications > Sound and Video02:19
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Ecksei need help with ubuntu 7.0402:19
d4rkmonkey!anyone | Eckse02:19
ubotuEckse: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:19
intelikeyElTimbalino 'root partition' means mounted on '/'02:19
Hazleri got it02:20
Ecksei tried to install it, but it gives me all these read errors, buffer i/o at block somthing for device hdc02:20
Hazleri just typed democracy player in Terminal02:20
intelikeyanyone ?02:20
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know what the newest gutsy release is?02:20
bur[n] erd4rkmonkey: tribe 2 or 302:20
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d4rkmonkeythanks bur[n] er I'm just trying to find out if tribe 3 came out yet...02:21
ElTimbalinoThanks, but you probably have no idea how green I am. "mounted on" does not mean much to me and the "/" just gave me unuseable space.02:21
d4rkmonkeygues I'll check out google02:21
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adamonline45Darn it time three!  I've downloaded feisty server 4 times, and all 3 have failed the checksum test... What's a guy gotta do?!02:21
adamonline45er, 4, haha02:21
Phlostendownload it 5 times?02:22
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adamonline45haha I suppose so...02:22
bur[n] erd4rkmonkey: strk pasted teh link for the release schedule02:22
Phlostenthe 16th one is a charm02:22
intelikeyElTimbalino every file system has to be mounted some place to be usable,  and / is the lowest level of the file system higherarchy.02:22
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intelikeyElTimbalino there is no  c:  d:  and such in linux.02:22
ElTimbalinoThat makes sense, thanks InteliKey02:22
adamonline45yeah that's what I'm afraid of... Do you think it's a problem with the download, or the mirrors? I've tried a different mirror each time...02:23
EckseI am trying to install linux onto my SATA drive, which is unformatted, and it gave me all sorts of read errors and said these blocks it couldn't read.02:23
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RicketHi, I am using the nvidia-new driver, and with a modification of the ACPI settings file I have gotten standby/suspend to work, but only once. I can go into standby, and then close the lid of my laptop, and when I open the lid it automatically resumes and asks for my password, and everything is fine. However when I go into standby a second time, it does not wake up. Either it starts as if it had been turned off, or the power light turns on but02:23
Ricketnothing happens. Any idea how to fix this?02:23
johnEckse: I have this ubuntu installation on an 80gb Seagate SATA drive02:23
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intelikeynalioth know anything about initramfs images ?02:24
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johnYou have the Sata power + Sata cable itself snuggly installed?02:24
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TimonI am trying to burn a CD But it keeps getting me an error saying here was an error writing to the disc02:24
naliothintelikey: i'm sorry, i don't.02:24
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Ecksejohn: Knoppix picked up my stata drive, QTPart found it was a 150 gig and stuff.02:24
intelikeynalioth ok. thanks anyway02:24
Timona bootable iso02:24
Hitomarocan anyone help me use emerald theme?02:24
Ecksejohn: I couldn't figure out how to format it to anything though.02:25
jkthecjerwow kismet sees 3 other wireless network and theyre all secured, this security thing must be catching on02:25
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TimonI am trying to burn an iso file but everytime i try it says, "There was an error writing to the disc"02:25
johnEckse: Okay, what version are you trying to install? Ubuntu 7.04? or?02:25
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Hitomarohttp://img137.imageshack.us/img137/899/124wh0.png << what do I do next?02:25
EckseJohn: 7.0402:25
mistoneis there a opensource program to organize my music like itunes?02:25
Sx66gnsAmarok is the shit02:25
jkthecjeramarok i think does it02:25
Timonit's called AMarok02:25
Ecksejohn: it seems to be idling now with a black screen... HD and cd drive lights are active02:25
Phlostenmistone, or songbird is okish02:25
johnEckse: I've installed Debian 4.0 and Ubuntu 7.04 on this drive with no problem. 7.04 was extremely automated as far as partioning went02:25
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mistonethats for kde tho right?02:26
Ecksejohn: it doesn't get past the loading bar thing02:26
TimonI am trying to burn an iso file but it keeps giving me an error saying, "here was an error writing to the disc"02:26
Sx66gnsworks in XFCE , GNOME & KDE02:26
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johnEckse: Possible that your CD is messed up? Like, the one you burned the *.iso image to?02:26
intelikeyanyone know how to unpack and repack an initramfs image file ?02:26
Ecksejohn: i'll run the "check disk for errors" thing right now02:26
Hitomaroanyone know how to use emerald themes?02:27
bur[n] ermistone: songbird is more like itunes and is cross platform02:27
Sx66gnsyou can get amarok from add/remove as well02:27
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johnokay, keep us updated02:27
bur[n] erHitomaro: #ubuntu-effects02:27
TimonHELP I'm trying to burn an iso file but i'02:27
intelikeyis there a cpio command or something ?     hints tips and clue-by-fours  ?02:27
Timoni keep getting this error02:27
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ascWhat are my chances of getting a 1440x900 monitor working with minimal trouble?02:27
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rolfenTimon what app are you using? I cant help you though but it helps to give more details.02:27
TimonI'm using thne one that came with ubuntu02:28
rolfenoh ok02:28
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TimonThe error is "There was an error writing to the disc"02:28
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LinuzoI'd say Ubuntu is for Windows users.. so point n click everywhere..02:28
lufisTimon: in feisty?02:28
Hitomarobur[n] er: noone is there02:29
Sx66gnsbresaro burns everything , great app02:29
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lufisTimon: i had the same problem, compiling the latest wodim did the trick for me02:29
intelikeyLinuzo i'd have to sadly agree.   fortunately it runs in linux :)02:29
unagianyone here use awn?02:29
RicketLinuzo: well, out of the box it's pretty point-n-click, but if you have problems or if you want to actually DO something other than run programs, it's a little more involved... something like Linspire might be closer to Windows, or especially Kubuntu02:29
unagiavant window navigator?02:29
rolfenLinuzo well some people get tired from typing in the console02:29
HazlerDoes anyone know how to get G4TV Podcasts on Democracy Player?02:29
Timonhow do i compile the latest wodim?02:29
lufisTimon: one sec02:29
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lufisTimon: , actually, i'll just make you a deb, i've already got the dependencies and everything02:29
Hitomarohey bur[n] er, do you know how to use emerald?02:30
PyChildHelp Fixing Liferea in Ubuntu Feisty02:30
Linuzorolfen, terminal is where you use most of your linux knowledge..02:30
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Linuzoand well if your not using it alot then maybe you will forget the terminal commands/.02:30
rooty2Hi, how do I remove compiz from the startup session for the regular user (me) when I am in root?02:30
HazlerNvm i got it02:30
intelikeyTimon you install 'build-essential' and any needed dev packs the get the tarball  and build as normal02:30
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lufisTimon: it will take a minute :p02:30
rynb1nim back02:30
Timonhow do i install it?02:30
Timonoh ok02:30
d4rkmonkeyTimon, sudo apt-get install build-essential02:31
lufisTimon: well, normally you'd have to compile it, but i'm going to send you a link to a deb in a minute02:31
rynb1ni have an alternative issue that i need resolved...i downloaded the alternative cd, but now I have to burn it to a cd, and i downloaded it as an iso, so what do i do to make it bootable02:31
lufisTimon: it'd be easier that way02:31
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rooty2Hi, how do I remove compiz from the startup session for the regular user (me) when I am in root? I cannot boot-up in my regular login. the screen does ubuntu-brown02:32
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mistoneI think you mis understood my question, I want to put my songs in orginized folders and have the tags all be the same02:32
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jkthecjerLinuzo: i sort of agree to a point, but as long as you fiddle/hack around enough, you end up using the cli enough to stay up on it02:32
rynb1ncan anyone tell me how to burn this alternative .iso to a cd so it is bootable?02:32
TimonI'll still be here 'til you're done.02:32
rynb1nin mac osx02:33
lufisTimon: :)02:33
ElTimbalinoThis forum is like another language to me. Is there a link to a glossary or dictionary or something?02:33
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:33
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rolfenElTimbalino what do you want to know :)02:33
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rynb1ncan anyone help?02:34
d4rkmonkeywhat do you mean its like another language ElTimbalino?02:34
d4rkmonkeyryb1n did you try the link?02:34
rolfenElTimbalino you can try using the ubotu bot for example if you want to know more about man type !man02:34
ubotuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:34
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rynb1nd4rkmonkey: I dont have linux running yet, so I cant run any linux commands or run any linux programs02:34
EvilDennisRWord.. I'm having some issues getting my Netgear WG311-v3 working.. I went through the steps found in the documentation to get nidswrapper to work with the drivers, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v3 - Did all of those steps. The card shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig, and I can configure it with the network manager.. Problem is that even it appears to be working; its not. Suggestions?02:35
d4rkmonkeyok, I guess that was the wrong link, theres one with a guide which include mac02:35
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DaltonAnyone ever have an issue with Ubuntu server where in the CLI you either can't type or certain charactors won't type (from the TTY or in SSH)02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about burningiso - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
rolfenEvilDennisR can you ping?02:35
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ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:35
d4rkmonkeyI'll find it in a second02:35
EvilDennisRrolfen: Nope.. Neither to my machine, nor out02:35
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unagianyone here use AWN or avant window navigator?02:35
rynb1nok thanks :)02:35
d4rkmonkeyrynb1n, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:35
EvilDennisRrolfen: I can't even ping the gateway02:35
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unagidoes anyone use an OSX like dock?02:36
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h1st0hrm... anyone know how I can get wine back in my applications menu?02:36
rynb1nty vm02:36
h1st0is there some script to run that got borked withthe update?02:36
mistoneunagi I have been using avant-window-manager its not very fancy but gets the job done flawlessly02:36
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:36
unagii cant get mine to work02:36
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unagii get a core dumped error02:37
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rolfenEvilDennisR i'm not very good at wireless stuff sorry... i sholdnt have answered02:37
rooty2Hi, how do I remove compiz from the startup session for the regular user (me) when I am in root? I cannot boot-up in my regular login. the screen does ubuntu-brown02:37
mistonemight want to  the one in trevinos repository02:37
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unagimistone do you have any ideas on what that is?02:37
vzduchh1st0: right-click the menu bar, there you can set what shows up in the menu and what doesn't02:37
ElTimbalinoI will list some of the words that mean nothing to me: deb, dev, sudo apt-get, compile, bootable, cli02:37
vzduchMenu Editor, afaik02:37
lufisTimon: Almost done02:37
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EvilDennisRrolfen: heh.. I'm a linux veteran, but I've never had to setup wifi on a weird card.. I was actually trying to help a buddy of mine who installed Ubuntu. Anyone else around that might be able to help out?02:38
rolfenElTimbalino CLI = command line interface = the terminal or the shell02:38
unagimistone do you know what core dumped means?>02:39
mistonemeans it crashed02:39
rolfenElTimbalino compile = transform source code into an executable program (.exe under windows)02:39
EvilDennisRrolfen: The documentation on that page is real straight forward, everying appears to be working, but I dunno wtf the deal is02:39
ugaritmy feisty detected my treo 650:  usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2 | what do I set my J-pilot's Serial port to?02:39
rolfeni'll check out the page02:39
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:40
rolfenEvilDennisR i guess you need to configure your interface with iwconfig...02:41
Ecksejohn: I set the CD to check itself for errors or w/e and the bar seems to have stopped at around 65% with a lot of cd and hd activity for a few minutes.02:41
Ecksejohn: Does this mean I got a bad download or burn?02:41
EvilDennisRrolfen: I busted out the gnome network config program, but I suppose I can try it with iwconfig02:41
lufisTimon: http://lucis.sitesled.com/cdrkit-1.1.6/cdrkit_1.1.6-1.1.6_i386.deb     download it, then open it and it should install02:41
ElTimbalinoThank you very much. You people and your willingness to help is wonderful.02:41
rolfenEvilDennisR ah ok or the gnome thing02:41
DaltonAnyone ever have an issue with Ubuntu server where in the vi you either can't type or certain charactors won't type (from the TTY or in SSH)02:41
h1st0vzduch: but its not even there in a checkbox to enable.02:42
Timonlufis: it redirects me to the sitesled site. do i need to register?02:42
lufisTimon: whoops02:42
lufisTimon: no, i got the filename wrong02:42
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rolfenElTimbalino anytime :) dont be afraid to ask02:42
h1st0vzduch: nvm running wineboot aparently fixed the problem02:42
EckseI set the CD to check itself for errors or w/e and the bar seems to have stopped at around 65% with a lot of cd and hd activity for a few minutes. Does this mean I got a bad download or burn?02:43
lufisTimon: http://lucis.sitesled.com/cdrkit_1.1.6-1.1.6_i386.deb   :)02:43
Elfonhorsebackhey y'all02:43
johnEckse: I'd re-download/re-burn02:43
TimonThat will fix my problem?02:43
johnjust to be safe02:43
b_e_n_zEckse, bad burn caused by bad cd02:44
Ecksejohn: damn it, that was my last cd...02:44
lufisTimon: it did for me... for some reason the version of cdrkit shipped with feisty kept giving me "unknown error" whenever it burned02:44
Timoni'll try this02:44
Timoni'll get back to you if it doesn't work02:44
lufisTimon: this deb package is the latest version of cdrkit and wodim which fixed my issues02:44
unagiok now i got awn working but i cant add any launchers to it02:44
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Timondo i need to restart or anything?02:45
lufisTimon: you shouldn't... in linux you hardly ever need to reboot02:46
Timonhow do you burn the iso incase I do it wrong?02:46
lufisTimon: in fact, unless you're updating the kernel, it's never necessary02:46
lufisTimon: what do you mean?02:46
DjViperhow do I update bios in ubuntu?02:46
Timonhow do i burn an iso?02:46
lufisTimon: are you on gnome or kde?02:46
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skarfaceDjViper: get an updater that uses a boot disk?02:47
lufisTimon: install gnomebaker... sudo apt-get install gnomebaker02:47
DjViperskarface: uhm, so I cant avoid that?02:47
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lufisTimon: how did you burn it before?02:47
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skarfaceDjViper: not really. the windows ones generally just reboot automatically and do the same thing.02:47
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Timoni right clicked and clicked open or w/e with cd/dvd burner02:47
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lufisTimon: i don't think that does ISOs, does it?02:47
DjViperskarface: okay, thanks02:48
Timoni dunno02:48
lufisTimon: well at any rate, gnomebaker is much more featureful02:48
Timonwill it make bootable ones?02:48
DaltonFYI: if you can't get vi to actually type when configuring files under the CLI, use nano. It's MUCH MUCH easier.02:48
lufisTimon: yup02:48
EvilDennisRrolfen: Anyone else around that might know, or should I just spam the channel with my problem again ;)02:48
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Timonhow do i run gnomebaker now?02:48
Timonsince it's installed now.02:48
EvilDennisRrun it02:49
d4rkmonkeydoes anyone know how to change the login screen for Ubuntu Feisty?02:49
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ElfonhorsebackI tried installing azureus on the newest Ubuntu and it stoped at the port check and said that a port was blocked any ideas on how to allow one port? or if there is a default firewall on ubuntu i need to disable or something?02:49
lufisTimon: applications -> sound and video -> gnomebaker02:49
EvilDennisRtype gnomebaker02:49
Timoni see it02:49
NutubuntuHm ... just removed Tilda ... I'm not thrilled with gnome-terminal though ... not anything like a big deal, but do people have favorite terminal emulators?02:49
lufisTimon: then tools -> burn cd image02:49
Timonalright i'll try again02:49
lufisTimon: did you install my deb?02:49
d4rkmonkeydoes anyone know how to change the login screen for Ubuntu Feisty?02:49
lufisTimon: ok02:49
Daltonlufis, can't you jusrt right click the .iso and say "burn image" or something like that?02:50
lufisDalton: in ubuntu?02:50
lufisd4rkmonkey: system > administration > login window02:50
Daltonlufis, I thought so (I'm trouble shooting my ubuntu box atm otherwise I would look)02:50
rolfenEvilDennisR go ahead and spam the channel, maybe they were not reading because it was prefixed with my nick :)02:50
lufisDalton: i don't think so, not on my system at least02:50
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unagihow do you remove a program you installed outside of ubuntu02:50
d4rkmonkeythanks lufis I guess I missed that when I was looking02:51
unagiie ,/configure make make install02:51
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EvilDennisRrolfen: Fair enough..02:51
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tonic-pushcartunagi: Usually you'll have to manually remove it   sometimes Makefiles have uninstall scripts but not often02:51
lufisungi: you can't unless you do it manually02:52
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lufisunagi: use checkinstall if you want to cleanly uninstall02:52
TimonLufis, by the way, this is john_ who wanted to make the partition with windows.02:52
lufisTimon: ah02:52
rynb1ngunna give it another go02:52
Timoni'll be back when i need more help02:52
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EvilDennisRI'm using Feisty, and I'm having some issues getting my Netgear WG311-v3 working.. I went through the steps found in the documentation page, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v3 - And got nidswrapper to work with the drivers. The card shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig, and I can configure it with the gnome network manager.. Problem is that even it appears to be working; it isn't.. Anyone have some sug02:53
=== Eckse is now known as eckse-afk
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unagii thought i removed it but the command prompt still recognizes the command02:53
unagiand the program runs02:53
vzduchunagi: sudo make uninstall02:53
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vzduchif you still have the source tree, that is02:54
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unagithank you02:54
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unagithat did it02:54
NutubuntuGot a VMWare question - any reason to choose /var/lib/vmware-server/Virtual Machines/ to set up the virtual machines? would /usr/local/share/virtual-machines do as well? (I'd rather use /usr than /var if no issues will be created.)02:55
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EckseI put the cd in again and retried, so far i got a cursor and a tan backround loaded. I think my CD drive is failing. :o02:56
EckseFirst time it didn't work, now it does.02:56
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unagithis is so annoying =*(02:57
rynb1ndidnt work02:57
unagiis anyone here running awn or avant window navigator?02:57
rynb1nstill isnt recognizing it as a bootable image02:57
d4rkmonkeyWhats the advantage to awn?02:57
unagii just enjoy having a dock than a bar02:57
d4rkmonkeyoh ok02:57
SupaplexNutubuntu: my past work with vmware products suggest, customize it as little as possible.02:57
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RicketHelp! My second core is stuck at full 2ghz after a resume from suspend! It's supposed to idle at 1ghz and then only jump to 2ghz on demand but it is stuck...02:58
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unagiRicket my pc doesnt even come back from suspend so youre lucky02:58
rynb1nso what do i do from here? i dont know how to get this iso to be recognized as a bootable cd02:58
Jordan_UEckse, If you are worried that your cdrom drive is going bad it might be safer to install from the minimal cd since it grabs practically everything from the internet02:59
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Ricketunagi: are you using nvidia or nvidia-new? I had trouble with the regular nvidia driver, but after upgrading to nvidia-new and changing some acpi-support settings I got suspend partially working... I'm still fixing some things about it though, such as being able to suspend more than once without crashing... But at least is suspends once!02:59
lufisrynb1n: are you burning in windows or linux?02:59
Ricketat least it*02:59
rynb1nim buring in mac osx02:59
lufisrynb1n: ah03:00
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rynb1nand i followed the directions on the ubuntu site03:00
unagihow do i know which version im using03:00
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nivekc1I need major help!!03:00
Jordan_Urynb1n, Just burn it from disk utility03:00
lufisrynb1n: you burnt it as an image?03:00
Jordan_Uunagi, lsb_release -a03:00
rynb1ni did...it still didnt recognize it as bootable03:00
EckseIs it possible to download a USB drive version of ubuntu? I have a 1Gb drive03:00
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rynb1nyeah i believe so03:00
rynb1ncuz i followed the online directions03:00
lufisrynb1n: browse the cd's contents... is it one file or a lot?03:01
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Jordan_UEckse, You can follow a few steps to create a LiveUSB drive from the LiveCD image03:01
rynb1nlemme check03:01
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EckseJordan_U: :D good, because it hasn't gotten past the curse and tan backround for a few minutes now... damn cd drive03:01
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EckseJordan_U: Have a link or should I go look on the site?03:02
unagiJordan_U nvidia version not ubuntu03:02
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NutubuntuSupaplex,  t/y03:02
Jordan_UEckse, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence If you just need to install from it you can ignore the persistence parts03:02
nitturisusb web cam issue: drivrs not found in linux... Device Id..17a1:0128,manufacturer is korean...how can we get driver for ubuntu03:02
nivekc1haha dont ask how i did it but somehow in synaptic i managed to uninstall just about everything including gnome and xorg and fglrx and justa bout all of y programs including this one lol i managed to recover some key thing in the recovery mode with the terminal which i am amazed because i have 2 weeks worth of linux expirience lol. but seriously can i reinstall the whole OS without losing all of my stuff?03:02
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rynb1nwtf..it burned and verified but when i put it in it says its a blank cd??03:03
Jordan_UEckse, I meant https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent ...03:03
EckseJordan_U: ok03:03
lufisrynb1n: bad drive maybe?03:03
lufisnivekc1: that depends... do you have /home on its own partition?03:03
fogwarhey guys, i bought a new wireless adapter... and the drivers are in .exe format, which i cannot use in linux even with ndiswrapper... or can i??03:03
rynb1nhhmm no cuz ive been burning all day with it03:03
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nivekc1umm idk i used guided - use entire disc03:03
nitturissame kind of issue for me also03:03
Jordan_Univekc1, Just run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:03
rynb1nshould it be a .iso or a .dmg file??03:04
lufisnivekc1: as long as /home's on its own partition you're fine03:04
Jordan_Urynb1n, iso03:04
fogwarJordan_U: i bought a new wireless adapter... and the drivers are in .exe format, which i cannot use in linux even with ndiswrapper... or can i??03:04
nitturisdriver is only for windows availble...03:04
rynb1nthought so03:04
lufisnivekc1: just be careful in installation to make sure it doesn't overwrite /home03:04
vox754nivekc1: you should copy your "stuff" to other disk and reinstall03:04
fogwarnitturis: maybe? its a belkin... so theres no way to get it to work?03:04
Jordan_Ufogwar, You can, but just be sure that you actually need to, what chipset is it?03:04
mattyrigby00fogwar if you can get the .ini or w/e files extracted you can03:04
nivekc1i know i should but i dont wanna lmao03:04
mattyrigby00but you might not even need ndiswrapper03:04
lufisrynb1n: did you download an iso?03:04
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nitturis<fogwar>it is  pc2u ,.,..03:05
fogwarmattyrigby00: how would i know? i mean i cant get online when i sign on linux cuz i dont ahve it wired, so i need to figure out what to put on external hd haha03:05
fogwarnitturis: ??03:05
lufisrynb1n: and when you try to browse the cd in mac os, it says its blank?03:05
nitturis<fogwar>windows driver avavilble03:05
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nitturis<fogwar>windows driver avavilble for web cam03:05
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nivekc1so sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop        or reinstall?03:05
lufisnivekc1: try sudo apt-get first, cd if all else fails :p03:06
rynb1nyeah..so strange...ill try burning it again?03:06
rynb1nim in disk utility now03:06
rynb1ni draged the iso03:06
unagiim having trouble installing awn03:06
lufisrynb1n: i guess so... do you have another pc/mac around?03:06
Jordan_Univekc1, Just install ubuntu desktop, everything will come back automagically the way it was :)03:06
rynb1nand now hit burn03:06
lufisrynb1n: well burning it as an image is crucial to having it boot03:06
wtfeverI am trying to use gparted to reformat my hdd but every time I go to make a partition ubuntu immediately mounts it and turns off gparted. Wtf is wrong?03:06
mattyrigby00try burning the cd at low speed03:06
nivekc1cool thanks all haha im such an idiot03:06
nitturis<fogwar>windows driver avavilble for web cam....neeed drivers for linux..i could find in web ...03:06
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rynb1nverify burned data is selected...eject disk or mount on desktop are my other opetions03:06
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rynb1nit says its burning an image03:07
lufisrynb1n: ok03:07
fogwarnitturis: it's a belkin N1 wireless usb adapter, part # F5D805103:07
rynb1nburning image "ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso03:07
rynb1nis what it says03:07
Jordan_Uwtfever, Yeh, it's annoying, you should be able to run unmount it from gparted and keep it unmounted that way though03:07
rynb1nwhy i386?03:07
unagican anyone help me install AWN03:07
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Jack_SparrowI just installed fiesty..  It looks great, runs fine everything works... except when I go to shutdown it gets to a logo and dosent shut down.  I can hold the power button and force it and it comes back up just fine.. Hope it is an easy fix.03:08
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wtfeverJordan_U: Yeah... tryed it. Didn't work.03:08
dr_williswtfever,  or install some other window manager that wont be automounting things.. like icewm03:08
Jordan_Urynb1n, Because Linux can load 686 optimizations at boot, it is just 386 compatible03:08
dr_williswtfever,  and use gparted from that.03:08
finnI have the theme from http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=49443  downloaded and extracted to ~/.themes/VictrolaGrrl   but  gtk-theme-switch still only lets me choose "default"03:08
finnam I missing something?03:08
Jordan_Uwtfever, Have you tried sudo umount -a ?03:09
rynb1nsays its writing03:09
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rynb1ni hope its not lying lol03:09
Jack_Sparrowfinn:  for themes I just drop the tar file onto the open theme manager03:09
NutubuntuGot a VMWare question - any reason to choose /var/lib/vmware-server/Virtual Machines/ to set up the virtual machines? would /usr/local/share/virtual-machines do as well? (I'd rather use /usr than /var if no issues will be created.)03:09
vlatkohi guys, i have trouble with my pioneer dvd-rw, it copies on hdd very slow on every ubuntu version.03:09
vlatkoanyone had some experience with this device???03:09
Jordan_Urynb1n, Why are you using the alternate cd BTW?03:09
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Nutubuntu:/ sorry ... hit the wrong key03:09
lufisrynb1n: i386 is the arch03:10
Jack_Sparrowvlatko: rw are slow03:10
finnshouldn't it allow me to change to the theme now that I have it in the folder?03:10
rynb1nbecause i had an issue runnign and installing ubuntu because my graphics card is ati radeon x1600 and the x windows thing doesnt recognize it03:10
lufisrynb1n: ...which might actually be your problem03:10
rynb1nwhats an arch03:10
lufisrynb1n: you're on a powerpc mac?03:10
vlatkoJack_Sparrow yes but, can i change it from 16 bit to 32 bits?03:10
rynb1nmacbook pro03:10
unagifor the record........aptitude rocks03:10
Jordan_Ufinn, Just drag the compressed theme into the theme manager to install it03:10
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vlatkoit never works for m03:10
lufisrynb1n: so it's intel?03:10
nitturisdo we get any tool to translate the windows driver to linux driver...03:10
Jack_Sparrowfinn: not all themes from gnome-look or anywhere all work.. they also are often partial themes, just icons or wallpaper03:11
lufisrynb1n: hm, i don't know much about macs03:11
rynb1nthats okay03:11
fogwarnitturis: there is ndiswrapper....?03:11
finnthe theme manager being gtk-theme-switch  ?03:11
Pie-rateI stopped a package (wine) from being updated because the newer version introduced problems. I forgot how I did this and now I don't know how to get it to upgrade it. It gives me the message:03:11
Pie-rateThe following packages have been kept back:03:11
Pie-rate  wine03:11
lufisrynb1n: but i386 would work for the newer intel ones03:11
Jordan_Urynb1n, I have a macbook pro also if you have any questions03:11
rynb1nit shouldnt be the issue, its a known issue and there is a fix for the video thing03:11
fogwarnitturis: but it's not on the list, but maybe cuz its pretty new03:11
EvilDennisRGonna spam the channel some more... I'm using Feisty, and I'm having some issues getting my Netgear WG311-v3 working.. I went through the steps found in the documentation page, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v3 - And got nidswrapper to work with the drivers. The card shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig, and I can configure it with the gnome network manager.. Problem is that even it appears to be work03:11
Jack_SparrowI just installed fiesty..  It looks great, runs fine everything works... except when I go to shutdown it gets to a logo and dosent shut down.  I can hold the power button and force it and it comes back up just fine.. Hope it is an easy fix.03:11
rynb1njordan U i would love some help03:11
lufisJordan_U: did you use the i386 arch installation?03:11
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Jordan_Ulufis, Yes, because I have the 32 bit macbook pro03:11
finnor is there another theme manager?03:11
nitturis<fogwar> does ndiswrapper works03:11
lufisJordan_U: ah, ok, just wondering03:12
Jack_Sparrowvlatko: I dont understand the questin03:12
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fogwarnitturis: don't know b/c i downloaded the drivers and they are in exe format03:12
rynb1ni have the very first production model03:12
rynb1nright off the bat03:12
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama03:12
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rynb1nfirst line shipped03:12
nitturisi will try03:12
Jordan_Urynb1n, Same :)03:12
rynb1nand i still love it03:12
Stormx2Jack_Sparrow: You'd probably need to disable usplash. When does it show the logo? Before the orange bar comes up?03:12
nitturisfogwar: i will try03:12
rynb1nand it worked for you?03:12
lufisrynb1n: arch is the architecture... most pcs and the newer macs use i38603:12
fogwarnitturis: ????03:12
Jordan_Urynb1n, To fix the GFX just install fglrx03:12
rynb1nwhat was the process you had to go through jordan03:12
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lufisrynb1n: old macs use ppc03:13
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vlatkoJack_Sparrow: my device is working on 16bit mode, not on 32, i checked that using hdparm for hdb03:13
vox754EvilDennisR: you should give more info on what doesn't work. Apparently you've done everything well, but still doesn't work? How do you explain that?03:13
nitturis<fogwar> : ndiswrapper03:13
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vlatkoi can never change it03:13
Jack_SparrowStormx2:  not sure.. if before or after.. how do I disable usplash03:13
Jordan_Urynb1n, The binary blob that you need because ATI hates Linux :)03:13
rynb1nhow do you go about doing so03:13
rynb1nis it a simple download and install on the mac osx side?03:13
Stormx2Jack_Sparrow: I have no idea ;_; does it happen really soon after you hit shutdown?03:13
finnJack_Sparrow, is there a nother theme manager which can handle them better?03:13
lufisrynb1n: what do you mean?03:13
Jack_Sparrowfinn: no03:14
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Jack_SparrowStormx2: No it seems to get most of the way through a shutdown03:14
lufisrynb1n: architecture is at the hardware level, no software is going to change it03:14
wtfeverJordan_U: Yeah... I am going to drop kick gnome for being retarted03:14
Jordan_Urynb1n, With the LiveCD it is, aside from the GFX issues ( so not really :)03:14
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Stormx2Jack_Sparrow: Does it get past flickering on/off (usplash has two stages on shutdown)03:14
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rynb1nso how did you go about getting it. just download it from macosx?03:15
rynb1nthen do what with it03:15
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Jack_SparrowLEt me check on other box.. be a minute03:15
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lufisrynb1n: are you asking me?03:16
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HazlerAnyone use Democracy because i have some question03:16
Jordan_Urynb1n, I followed the instructions for the macbook non pro minus the GFX card specific steps03:16
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rynb1nno im asking jordan cuz he sounds like he already did it :) but lufis i just re-burned the iso ill check that soon03:16
lufisoh, ok ;)03:16
EvilDennisRvox754: If I knew why it wasn't working then I wouldn't be in here ;) I'm using the gnome network manager to select my wifi, I put in my wpa passkey (Which is correct), selected dhcp (Also tried to specifically select my IP), and I can't reach the outside world, nor the gateway. The wifi access point is working properly -- I am on a wireless laptop running xubuntu at the moment.03:16
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rynb1nso hold up jordan...where are these instructions?03:16
Jordan_Urynb1n, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:17
rynb1ncould you list it out for me?03:17
Jordan_Urynb1n, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook03:17
HazlerI need some Democracry Player help please03:17
rynb1nwhich one is it03:17
Jack_SparrowStormx2: Click shutdown flickers once, get the bar, it goes across, flickers twice then logo with black bar and stay there03:17
Jordan_Urynb1n, Forgot to copy to clipboard first time :)03:17
Jordan_Urynb1n, The second03:17
tonic-pushcartJack_Sparrow: there are problems with ACPI sometimes    I have a computer around here that has a problem that sounds the same03:17
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Jack_Sparrowtonic-pushcart: I have seen similar problems in the past...03:18
Jack_Sparrowtonic-pushcart: I wonder if I can boot noapic03:18
Hitomarodoes anyone know why I simply cannot get my resolution past 1024?03:18
EvilDennisRvox754: I've been looking around on google for some more info, but everyone pretty much says the same thing, use ndlswrapper with the 2000/xp driver03:18
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d4rkmonkeyHitomaro, you have to configure your xorg03:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:19
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Jordan_Urynb1n, There are also macbook pro instructions but they do some things that I really don't like, so I recommend cherry picking from it and installing using the macbook instructions03:19
rynb1nthis is different03:19
tonic-pushcartJack_Sparrow: when it is shutting down just use alt + right to change virtual terminal and alt + left to go back   it should get rid of usplash and show you the console messages03:19
vox754EvilDennisR: That's a little more specific, see. Okay then, what's the output of "dhclient" and "ifconfig"? Even if it is configured you may need to bring it up with "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up". I would suggest you configure with the terminal and not the GUI.03:19
Jack_SparrowHitomaro: sounds like you are running default driver and probably an ati card..03:19
d4rkmonkey!resolution > Hitomaro03:19
Stormx2Jack_Sparrow: Bleh, I have no idea...03:19
james296is it possible to prevent the selection box from showing up whenever I click any button on anything in Ubuntu?03:19
Jack_Sparrowtonic.. will try that..03:19
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HitomaroI'm running an nvidia fx 550003:19
rynb1ngunna run this and try it out03:19
Jack_Sparrowstorm2 thanks..03:19
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d4rkmonkeyHitomaro, look at the linkl03:19
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:19
james296like when I click on a OK box, Cancel box, Stop box, etc...03:19
Jordan_UHitomaro, Have you tried Restricted Manager ?03:20
rootyrootrootrooHi, what would happen if I deleted everything in my /tmp folder pls?03:20
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Jordan_UHitomaro, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager03:20
finnis there a gtk-theme-switch2 (for gtk2) ??03:20
finnor does gtk-theme-switch do both?03:20
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Hitomaroyes I have03:21
fuzzy_logicrootyrootrootroo: nothing spectaculair :)03:21
Hitomaroeverything of that sort is in order03:21
Hitomaromy screen res won't go over 102403:21
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rames'evening all ... ati rage mobility? fglrx?  anybody got a good pointer for me?03:21
fuzzy_logicrootyrootrootroo: it will not harm anything in your system, but you will lose all your temporairy data.. i clean my tmp folder every week..03:21
EvilDennisRvox754: I only have wlan0 up with ifconfig.. dhclient doesn't find any working leases (When I just run dhclient wlan0)03:21
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Hitomaromy nvidia xserver doesn't go past 102403:22
d4rkmonkeyHitomaro, did you try that link that ubotu should have sent you in a PM?03:22
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rames...real goal is to get frets-on-fire running, but my laptop has no opengl love currently03:22
EvilDennisRvox754: Whats the ifconfig option to specify your wpa key ? I'll try running it by hand instead of the gnome network manager03:22
fuzzy_logicHitomaro: do you have the right driver installed? if yes, type nvidia-settings in your terminal, there you will be able to set a screen resolution03:22
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ramesor even a good "opengl" on ubuntu guide would probably be helpful03:23
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HitomaroI'm doing it now d4rkmonkey03:23
rubenHello, it is possible to use underscore cursor like '_' on xterm?03:23
d4rkmonkeyok I hope it helps Hitomaro03:23
vox754EvilDennisR: then I would say, your Access Point, or Router is not configured correctly. I haven't used wpa, but I think you should use "wpa_supplicant".03:23
fuzzy_logicruben: of course it is03:23
rootyrootrootroofuzzy_logic: thanks, i am trying to free up some space.:)03:23
Hitomarofuzzy_logic: Hitomaro: do you have the right driver installed? if yes, type nvidia-settings in your terminal, there you will be able to set a screen resolution03:23
mistoneon ubuntu server how do I set a start up program?03:23
fuzzy_logicruben: ohh.. cursor.. sorry.. i don't know03:23
Hitomarogot it03:23
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lufismistone: system -> preferences -> session03:23
EvilDennisRvox754: As I stated already, the wifi access point is working.. I'm using it on my laptop right now03:23
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unagiis there a way to make a shortcut to a file if you have to type 'csh shake' to run it?03:24
mistonelufis: ubuntu server03:24
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lufismistone: oh, oops03:24
Hitomarothat just sends me back to the nvidia xserver03:24
SlimGhowto make SSHFS mount with rsa authentification instead of password prompt ?03:24
Jordan_UHitomaro, Have you installed the Nvidia drivers from the Restricted Driver Manager ?03:24
fuzzy_logicunagi: right-click your on your desktop, and choose something like add shourtcut or something like that, and just type in the command box the command that you use for that program03:25
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tonic-pushcartJack_Sparrow: hope that did something for you   have to go now  ciao03:25
unagiive tried that......it doesnt work.....the program is in another folder03:25
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lufisfuzzy_logic: just curious... is your username from the sims?03:25
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nitturis<fogwar> did u install driver...03:25
fuzzy_logiclufis: no :)03:25
pukekowhat is the console app called for seting up nics ?03:25
lufisfuzzy_logic: oh... there's a "fuzzy logic" brand dishwasher in the sims ;)03:26
fuzzy_logicunagi: you get that error message?03:26
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fuzzy_logiclufis: lol :) no i don't do sims :P03:26
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lufisfuzzy_logic: :P03:26
Jordan_Upukeko, ifconfig ?03:26
Jordan_Upukeko, iwconfig for wireless03:27
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nickrudunagi, use csh /path/to/shake03:27
pukekoJordan_U: i need to detect the nics03:27
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unaginickrud thanks that worked03:27
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ramesanswering my own question (ATI + OpenGL) ... this page seems to help  sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager03:28
Jordan_Upukeko, Just run ifconfig and it should list all detected devices03:28
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pukekoJordan_U:  discover lists them03:28
ramesoops- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI03:28
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habeebHow can I extract a .tar.bz2 archive using the cli?03:30
nickrudhabeeb, tar xf03:30
TrisMcChabeeb: tar jxf03:31
Jack_Sparrowtonic.. I did that and it went through the shutdown, I tried it again without alt-right and now it is working.. odd.. but thanks alot03:31
nickrudTrisMcC, tar is getting smarter these days03:31
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habeebnickrud: That won't work for .tar.bz203:31
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EvilDennisRvox754: hmm. where can I get the wpa_supplicant deb?03:31
rameshabeeb: tar xvjf file.tar.bz203:31
habeebTrisMcC: Aw, it's the -j switch.03:31
TrisMcCnickrud: If these days, you mean the last 7 years :)03:32
habeebrames TrisMcC  nickrud Thanks :)03:32
nickrudjust tested (again)03:32
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nickrudTrisMcC, eh, I swear I started with that switch necessary (7 years ago, true)03:32
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pukekois there a netconfig like app in ubuntu ?03:32
vox754EvilDennisR: don't know... mmm, checked synaptic? Sorry, not on Linux right now. Besides, I'm gone.03:32
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nonewmsgshelp im trapped in windows.  i was dual booting and i had to reset bios and i dont remember which order the drives are supposed to be in or which drive even contains grub03:33
TrisMcCpukeko: man 5 interfaces03:33
ubuntu_Hello... I have 10GB of unallocated space.. I need to resize my ext3 partition.. How do I do that? I'm now using the live cd... I'm running gparted and when I right click on the ext3 partition, the resize option is disabled..03:33
RicketMy second core is locked at full 2ghz - it is supposed to idle at 1ghz! Restarting powernowd didn't help, the only solution is to restart the computer but then after I do a standby, it locks again. How can I set the processor back down to 1ghz (dynamically increasing as needed)?? Any ideas?03:33
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nickrudnonewmsgs, boot the live cd, and do sudo fdisk -l : it will list all your partitions03:33
milllmannncan someone help me with this error03:33
milllmannnErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg03:33
milllmannn  Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'03:33
pukekoTrisMcC: i want to detect and configure on bootup03:33
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milllmannni get this when i try to run apt-get update03:34
Nutubuntuubuntu_, the free space needs to be contiguous with the partition you are trying to resize ... are they next to each other, or separated by other partitions?03:34
TrisMcCpukeko: DHCP?03:34
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Jordan_Umilllmannn, The US mirrors are sometimes flakey, try the standard ones ( Canada I think )03:34
jean__Hi! Can someone just tell me, how to install Monodevelope and where to get it? (I'm using Ubuntu Studio)03:34
milllmannni can connec to it with another machine though...03:34
nonewmsgsi can see the drives in windows but i dont know what im supposed to do after that03:34
nickrudnonewmsgs, or, if you can't, find http://www.fs-driver.org/03:34
Ricketjean__: search with the Synaptic package manager (System>Administration>Synaptic)03:34
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pukekoTrisMcC: nope, exiting dapper disk in new box03:35
milllmannnand i am getting that error with every one i try to connect to03:35
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nickrudnonewmsgs, erm, wrong link, a sec03:35
jean__Ricket: Ty, I'll have a look.03:35
ubuntu_Nutubuntu: The partitions are listed in this order -> 15GB NTFS, 10GB unallocated, 5GB NTFS, 6GB ext3, extended, linux-swap, unknown03:35
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EckseI used "xcopy /e /h /k e:\*.* f:" in windows command prompt to move the CD files to my usb stick for installing through usb... and I get "File creation error - Error performing inpage operation". What the heck?03:35
EckseI am following this guide btw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick03:36
TrisMcCpukeko: Is it configured, but configured wrong? Look at the file /etc/network/interfaces, and look at the man page with "man 5 interfaces"03:36
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johnHi, I have Breezy Badger installed on a laptop and want to upgrade to Fiesty - but I don't want to lose my email and documents etc - IS THERE AN UPGRADE that doesn't overwrite and cause me to start again with everything on my desktop?03:37
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pukekoTrisMcC:i am familliar with the interfaces file.. brb03:37
Nutubuntuubuntu_,  with the unallocated space in between two other partitions, you are not going to be able to allocate it to the ext3 partition with gparted, as far as I know03:37
nickrudnonewmsgs, http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs, safer03:37
TrisMcCjohn: Are you using GUI or commandline?03:37
Jordan_Ujohn, Yes, but you will have to upgrade to Dapper then Edgy then Feisty separately03:37
dr_willisjohn,  thats how the upgrades are supposed to work.. but it is very very reccomended you backuo  your /home dir.03:37
ubuntu_Nutubuntu: Okay, so maybe it can be done using another software? Or what do I need to do?03:37
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nonewmsgsthanks nickrud i wouldnt wish a windows only setting even on my worst enemy03:38
RicketMy second core is locked at full 2ghz - it is supposed to idle at 1ghz! Restarting powernowd didn't help, the only solution is to restart the computer but then after I do a standby, it locks again. How can I set the processor back down to 1ghz (dynamically increasing as needed)?? Any ideas?03:38
TrisMcCjohn: Or you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list, replace breezy with feisty, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, and cross your fingers. :)03:38
Jordan_UNutubuntu, Why wouldn't it be able to?03:38
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nickrudnonewmsgs, I don't condemn those poor deluded fools03:38
milllmannncan someone look at this and tell me if there is a problem with it?03:38
Jordan_Ujohn, Don't do what TrisMcC just said03:38
Hitomarothe first one didn't work unfortunately. =(03:38
johnUSing GUI - ok so how do I upgrase one by one?03:38
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Hitomarohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto < the first one03:39
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TrisMcCJordan_U: Hey :)03:39
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Hitomarohey jordan_U03:39
Jordan_Ujohn, TrisMcC Yes, you can only upgrade one release at a time03:39
nickrudjohn, don't skip, I watched someone spend hours fixing their system (a very patient helper )03:39
TrisMcCjohn: update-manager -c03:39
NutubuntuJordan_U, maybe I'm wrong - but I thought that when I tried to resize my partitions a couple years back, the unallocated space needed to be adjacent to the partition I was trying to enlarge. It wasn't, and I had to "do stuff" to make some unallocated space adjacent to the partition I wanted to grow. As I said, I could be wrong - but that's what I remember.03:40
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Hitomarocan you help me out?03:40
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vervedoes the Ubuntu livecd do WPA2 encryption?03:40
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Jordan_UHitomaro, Depends on what you need help with :)03:40
milllmannnhttp://pastie.caboo.se/76971 anyone see any problems with it?03:40
RicketWhat is a command to see the current frequency of my two cores?03:40
Jordan_Uverve, If your card is supported, yes03:40
nickrud!upgrade | john03:41
ubotujohn: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:41
johnSo how do update from breezy to dapper?03:41
Ricket!ask | Hitomaro03:41
verveJordan_U, a Linksys pcmcia03:41
ubotuHitomaro: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:41
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bruenigRicket, cat /proc/cpuinfo03:41
TrisMcCmilllmannn: I don't see much wrong. What's the issue, you cannot resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com?03:41
Ricketbruenig: thanks03:41
milllmannni cant resolve any of it03:41
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Hitomarojordan_U: my screen res03:41
bruenigmilllmannn, just change your mirror: sudo sed 's|//us|//ca|g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list03:41
Jordan_Uverve, It depends on the chipset, and I wouldn't know off the top of my head either03:41
johnthanks heaps people!!! This is a wonderful site  - especially for us who know nothing and don't want to!!!03:41
nickrudjohn, but I seriously recommend you consider backup of home, and reinstalling (and create a separate home partiton this time)03:41
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CppIsWeirdis there a linux firewall that blocks and allows based on application?03:41
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TrisMcCmilllmannn: Can you ping google.com? :)03:42
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HitomaroJordan_U, but first can you help me out with emerald theme?03:42
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NutubuntuCppIsWeird, what are you trying to block?03:43
milllmannnim still not connecting....03:43
bruenigmilllmannn, do apt-get update03:43
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CppIsWeirdNutubuntu, nothing.03:43
milllmannni just did03:43
Jordan_UHitomaro, Try #ubuntu-effects for Beryl03:43
bruenigmilllmannn, what does it say now03:43
milllmannnits not connecting to anything03:43
milllmannnsame thing03:43
bruenigmilllmannn, it can't say the same thing03:43
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bruenigmilllmannn, it is canada now03:43
nox-Hand!tell nox-Hand about compiz-fusion03:43
milllmannnwell, i mean, its doing the same thing03:43
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Jordan_Umilllmannn, Are you connected to the internet? Can you resolve anything?03:44
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milllmannni cant resolve anything doing the update03:44
NutubuntuI must have misunderstood. Thought you were trying to block or allow <something>. My bad, Cpp03:44
milllmannni can pint things within and outside of my network03:44
MerrysPlaDoes anyone know how to get the Sony eReader to work with Ubuntu?03:44
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milllmannnso i know it is seeing things03:44
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EvilDennisRGonna spam the channel some more... I'm using Feisty, and I'm having some issues getting my Netgear WG311-v3 working.. I went through the steps found in the documentation page, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v3 - And got nidswrapper to work with the drivers. The card shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig, and I can configure it with the gnome network manager.. Problem is that it appears to be working; 03:44
bruenigmilllmannn, can you ping ca.archive.ubuntu.com03:44
rynb1nhey Jordan03:44
rynb1nyou still here03:45
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milllmannnping: unknown host ca.archive.ubuntu.com03:45
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Jordan_UEvilDennisR, The problem is that it IS working?03:45
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Jordan_Urynb1n, no03:45
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bruenigmilllmannn, it is on your end then03:46
milllmannnthats what im thinking03:46
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milllmannnsomeone give me an IP to ping03:46
rynb1nso I still am having this Xorg problem, because I cant run the GUI on this video card03:46
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rynb1nand that documentation you gave me brings me through the GUI03:46
milllmannnyup, was able to ping that03:46
rynb1ndidnt you have this problem as well?03:46
Daltonmilllmannn, it doesn't resolve the IP address does it?03:46
EvilDennisRJordan_U: Its _not_ working03:46
ptn107whats the package name that allows amarok mp3 support (feisty amd64) ?03:46
milllmannni believe so03:46
Daltonmilllmannn, probably a DNS error then03:47
kitchemilllmannn: what does /etc/resolv.conf have in it?03:47
TrisMcCmilllmannn: Check your /etc/resolv.conf file and make sure that those DNS servers are the ones you are supposed to have.03:47
RedWolfI have dualhead set up right now.. my only problem is I cant' get each monitor to act as an individual desktop instead of one giant one..  HEre is my Xorg.conf  http://pastebin.ca/608097 can anyone help me?03:47
milllmannnsearch localdomain03:47
milllmannnthat doesnt sound right03:47
aaronmSo, I downloaded Ubuntu and burned a CD (yes, properly, not just the iso file) and have set BIOS to boot from CD, I can't seem to find any solutions in the documentation...any help?03:47
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Daltonmilllmannn, it is right if you have a router or some other device supplying DNS at that IP03:47
TrisMcCmilllmannn: Are you currently on that same network as that computer?03:47
bruenigmilllmannn, see if that matches up with the address ifconfig03:48
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Jordan_Urynb1n, Yes I did, when X won't start go to a terminal ( ctrl+alt+F2 ) and run this, choose "fglrx" as the driver when asked: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:48
Daltonmilllmannn, (like a router or IPCop firewall or something else)03:48
milllmannnwell, my router is
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TrisMcCmilllmannn: Change it to
rynb1nany other suggestions?03:48
DaltonTris ^^03:49
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rynb1nbefore my firmware is updated and i go with the text based install03:49
unagiis there a way to flip which way the icons sit on the desktop?03:49
Jordan_Urynb1n, Did you see my last comment?03:49
aaronmSo, I downloaded Ubuntu and burned a CD (yes, properly, not just the iso file) and have set BIOS to boot from CD, I can't seem to find any solutions in the documentation...any help? --Er, the problem is...it's not working, won't boot from the disc, sorry about the double post03:49
ptn107whats the package name that allows amarok mp3 support (feisty amd64) ? .... anyone; amarok freezes instead of automatically downloading the package so i have to do it manually03:49
Jordan_Uaaronm, Do any bootable CD's work?03:49
TrisMcCmilllmannn: If your IP is, and it is a normal 192.168 network, then 192.168.51 is not on the same network.03:49
milllmannnok, im restarting to check03:50
milllmannnill know in about 10 seconds03:50
TrisMcCmilllmannn: you do not have to03:50
kitcheptn107: umm liblame gives you mp3 support for anything really since it's the mp3 encoder/decoder03:50
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TrisMcCmilllmannn: It take effect immediately03:50
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aaronmJordan_U, XP did not that long ago03:50
ptn107kitche: gracias03:50
Jordan_Uaaronm, Check just to be sure if you have one on hand03:50
aaronmJordan_U, it's also a fairly new DVD burner...I also tried and older CDrom drive (only one plugged in at a time)03:51
milllmannnIT WORKS!03:51
Jordan_Urynb1n, Yes I did, when X won't start go to a terminal ( ctrl+alt+F2 ) and run this, choose "fglrx" as the driver when asked: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:51
TrisMcCmilllmannn: Nice.03:51
aaronmJordan_U, alright...back shortly03:51
Daltonmilllmannn, grats!03:51
TrisMcCmilllmannn: For future reference, if you change the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf, you do not have to reboot.03:51
milllmannnbut why would it point to a different DNS server?03:51
milllmannni didnt set it up any different than i normally would03:52
TrisMcCmilllmannn: Maybe your computer is possessed.,03:52
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NutubuntuTrisMcC,  aren't they all?03:52
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milllmannnill assume that for now, thanks dudes!03:52
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TrisMcCmilllmannn: No Problem.03:52
navetshey I need some help with my router03:53
CppIsWeirdis there a linux firewall that blocks and allows based on application?03:53
TrisMcCnavets: Specifics?03:53
TrisMcCCppIsWeird: I do not know of any.03:53
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navetsTrisMcC: well the same ethernet cabel connecting to my laptop wont work on my friends03:53
TrisMcCCppIsWeird: I hate those things :)03:53
CppIsWeirdTrisMcC, good for you.03:53
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TrisMcCnavets: Sounds very vague.03:54
unagiis there a way to flip which way the icons sit on the desktop?03:54
TrisMcCnavets: Bad network card?03:54
gregorygreghow do i switch from nautilis to another wm, such as ICEWM?03:54
khinhi im trying to run utorrent with wine. however i followed the howtos and when i start utorrent i just get a bunch of errors & it doesnt load. actually, it loaded the first time but now doesnt.03:54
TrisMcCunagi: I do not think so. You can rearrange it yourself.03:54
navetsTrisMcC: well I have tested it on more then 1 laptop03:54
unagiTrisMcC yea i was more or less looking for it to do it when i clean up by name03:54
navetsTrisMcC: and I just formated my computer, which use to work with internet, but now it wont work03:54
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TrisMcCnavets: Do you get a link light?03:55
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navetsTrisMcC: but the internet works on all of the computers if I dont take the ethernet through the router and go straight from the modem03:55
bruenigkhin, it is pretty straight forward,  you sudo apt-get install wine, and then do wine utorrent.exe03:55
navetsTrisMcC: yes I get a link light03:55
bruenigthere is no other setup03:55
khinyeah it is easy, except it doesnt work03:56
EckseHow do I do the MD5 thing to check and make sure my .iso downloaded proper?03:56
bruenigworks here and has worked in 3 different distros across many versions03:56
khinwell, i dont know. it did work the first time i ran wine but03:56
TrisMcCnavets: Do you have an IP address?03:56
Jordan_Ugregorygreg, Nautilus isn't a WM, it's a File Manager, to switch from metacity you usually do something like: < Window manager name > --replace03:56
misnixmd5sum filename.iso03:57
matt__Hi, I installed ubuntu on /dev/sba, then connected my xp drive, /dev/sda.   My bios is set to boot to grub, how do I add a section to enable grub to boot to XP ?03:57
bruenigkhin, did you get the installed one?03:57
khinnow it just says stuff like "err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {304ce942-6e39-40d8-943a-b913c40c9cd4} not registered"03:57
Ecksemisnix: what do i compare the result to?03:57
navetsTrisMcC: it cant resolve the ip address03:57
bruenigkhin, did you get the standalone or install I meant to ask03:57
Jordan_Umatt__, Run: sudo update-grub03:57
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gregorygregwhat can I replace nautillis with03:57
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orbisvicisanyone having built flumotion know how to generate default.pem ?03:57
Jordan_Ugregorygreg, pcmanfm  is nice03:58
bruenigkhin, oh I always did install, maybe that is the difference03:58
khinhmmm. well ill try install.03:58
nickrudmatt__, you mean that ubuntu is now sdb?03:58
TrisMcCnavets: It does not seem Ubuntu related.03:58
matt__Jordan_U:  update-grub has not added any option for XP, should it have ?03:58
khinit said use standalone on the howtos i believe.03:58
TrisMcCnavets: when you do a "dmesg", does your card show up?03:58
bruenigkhin, yeah they do, I think that is just because they don't want to explain to you what to do after you get it installed03:59
matt__nickrud: yes, sorry, sdb03:59
unagianyone here using AWN or avant window navigator?03:59
gregorygregwhat about if I want to get rid of thosepanels and configur  my toolbars diffreently like with a kicker menu or something03:59
=== bruenig is sick of awn, wants it to die
nickrudmatt__, no, my misunderstanding, you're further along than I read03:59
misnixeckw there's the problem ;-p   what version?03:59
navetsTrisMcC: sorry I have to go thanks for the help03:59
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TrisMcCnavets: Later.03:59
nickrudmatt__, you can add a stanza to /boot/grub/menu.lst by hand, a sec03:59
CppIsWeirdis there a linux firewall that blocks and allows based on application?03:59
unagiwhy are you sick of it03:59
matt__and in grub ubuntu is hd(0,0)03:59
EckseHow do I check the MD5 thing from windows? What do I compare the result to?04:00
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khinso this thing says its installing in c:/something... what does that mean04:00
matt__what is the significance of hd(0,0)04:00
khinunder wine04:00
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Jordan_Umatt__, Then if you only have two drives windows will be hd(1.0)04:00
bruenigkhin, ~/.wine/drive_c04:00
matt__hd(disk,part) ?04:00
Jordan_Umatt__, First partition on the first drive04:00
Jordan_Umatt__, Yes04:00
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misnixEckse, what version ubuntu?04:00
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nickrudmatt__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29057/ that should work for you04:01
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Gast174Hey guys04:01
banlieueanyone know of any proper icons to replace the default menubar icon with?04:01
khinnope. installer runs, then when i try to run program i get a list of errors04:01
banlieueI know how to change it, just don't know where to find a fancier icon :)04:01
ubuntusaurusHello. I need help resizing my ext3 partition. When I right-click on the ext partition, the resize option is there but I can't increase the size.. I can only decrease.. This is a screenshot of my GParted showing the partitions ====> option is disabled.04:01
Gast174Anyone want to do a pokerth match?04:02
bruenigkhin, the program gets installed, you have to run it from the Program Files04:02
nickrudEckse, you can get md5sum.exe off the net, and the website you downloaded from should have the md5sum to compare04:02
matt__nickrud: thanks, but ubunto is hd(0,0), so surely I'll need something other for xp.04:02
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Jordan_Umatt__, Then if you only have two drives windows will be hd(1.0)04:02
matt__Jordan_U: thanks.   well, here goes.... :)04:03
tannerldhow can one restart nautilus?04:03
DaltonEckse, fsum is a command line tool to check SHA-1 and MD5 + lots others. or there is just an MD5 one done by Nero that is free (both are for windows)04:03
misnixEckse, try http://ftp.tiscali.nl/ubuntu-releases/7.04/MD5SUMS04:03
Jordan_Utannerld, killall nautilus && nautilus?04:04
bruenigclose nautilus and then reopen it04:04
nickrudmatt__, I could have swore you said ubuntu was sdb, but no never mind:  change that to hd(1,0) , and grub> map (hd0) (hd1) grub map (hd1) (hd0)04:04
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unagidoes anyone here run maya on ubuntu by chance?04:04
=== nickrud hates cut and paste on a time schedule
banlieueanyone know of any proper icons to replace the default menubar icon with?04:05
ubuntusaurusunagi: I don't think Maya works on Debian. It'll work on Fedora and RedHat.04:05
CppIsWeirdis there a linux firewall that blocks and allows based on application?04:05
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bruenigCppIsWeird, no04:06
nickrudbanlieue, proper?04:06
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unagithats what i hear....i can get it to start04:06
banlieuenickrud: proper as in good looking04:06
unagibut space bar locks it up04:06
CppIsWeirdbruenig, you know this for fact?04:06
pukekohow can i get my dapper to detect new nics ?04:06
bruenigCppIsWeird, yes04:06
banlieuenickrud: the ubuntu icon is boring, i'm hoping to replace it with something fancier04:06
nickrudbanlieue, ah, well the debian swirl is nice ;)04:06
CppIsWeirdbruenig, why wouldent there be?04:06
banlieuenickrud: where at, though? :)04:06
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unagiis there an rpm distro that is similar to ubuntu?04:06
bronsonIs it possible to host packages on a CD-ROM over HTTP?  Gutsy's repo is utterly horked right now, and the machine I'm trying to install it on has no CD-ROM.04:06
banlieueah, debian.com/logos :] 04:07
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nickrudbanlieue, as distributor-logo.png in the theme04:07
Jordan_Uunagi, Similar in what way?04:07
DaltonCppIsWeird, because ports are easier and more customizable.04:07
banlieue.org even04:07
bronsonHow can I serve the Tribe2 CD-ROM over HTTP?04:07
unagii dont really know the differences between ubuntu and redhat to answer that Jordan_U04:07
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VIrUZ__can i play UrT using ubuntu ?04:07
CppIsWeirdDalton, how so? if i trust an application, i allow everything, and if an application i didnt know was accessing the internet, i can say deny all.04:07
emethow do you sort things alphabetically in command line04:07
bruenigunagi, what are you looking for he means, easy configurability, brown desktop or what04:07
bruenigwhat is similar to you04:08
unagiok what are the major differences between linux flavors04:08
banlieuenow to find something to replace the gnome-foot with04:08
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banlieueunagi: just about everything, depending on what you install how04:08
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ubuntusaurusCan I get help resizing my ext3 partition, please? I'm not able to increase the size04:08
DaltonCppIsWeird, because firewalls aren't *generally* written for home users. Get a hardware firewall to do that, a simple linksys should do what you want.04:08
bruenigunagi, the main differences distro to distro is bundled apps and package management04:08
banlieueunagi: you should check out wikipedia's OS comparison04:08
CppIsWeirdDalton, a hardware firewall does not do that.04:09
=== Olgem [n=Olgem__@host-69-145-97-137.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagiso basically you can configure any linux flavor to be like the other04:09
bruenigunagi, bundled apps and package management04:09
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unagiother than package wise04:09
pukekohow do i detect and configure new network cards?04:09
Eckseyay, i have the same md5sum04:09
banlieueunagi: how is this question relevant, exactly?04:09
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bruenigunagi, since you can compile everything yourself, yeah, you can build your own linux distribution if you want04:09
DaltonCppIsWeird, one second. I am pretty certain I have a D-Link here that does just that.04:10
=== Tama00 [n=ubuntu@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu
CppIsWeirdDalton, then you are not understanding what i am asking then.04:10
nickrudCppIsWeird, as far as I can tell, having that app  by app permission is a last gasp attempt to keep spyware and such from compromising your system.04:10
Jordan_Upukeko, If they are supported then you it will happen automatically04:10
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Tama00i want to install ubuntu onto a software raid without the alternative cd04:10
NutubuntuCppIsWeird,  what *are* you asking, then?04:10
unagihow would i go about partitioning the hard drive to where the linux partition is split in 2 for an rpm distro04:10
CppIsWeirdis there a linux firewall that blocks and allows based on application?04:10
EvilDennisRAlright.. How about this: Who can recommend a nice relatively inexpencive PCI wifi card that will work after I install it in this machine?04:10
Tama00i figured i could just install it to an empty parition, configure the raid and copy all the files over then chroot into ubuntu and set up the grub04:10
DaltonCppIsWeird, you want to allow certain programs access but not others.04:10
misnixEckse, and next you compare the long hex string ;-p04:10
Tama00would this work?04:10
bruenigCppIsWeird, no, no, no, no04:11
bruenignext 4 attempts are pre answered04:11
CppIsWeirdDalton, yep, and a hardware firewall does not do that.04:11
Tama00someone help me04:11
pukekoJordan_U; discover lists them - says modules are already installed - but ifconfig eth0 sez 'no such device"04:11
telejedihi there! please: how can i add another sudo-user to my system by shell-command?04:11
bruenigTama00, yes04:11
NutubuntuHm ... so I was understanding just fine then. Okay, onward.04:11
DaltonCppIsWeird, I am certain I have a router that does just that. I've used it before, but since you are so hell-bent on saying a hardware firewall doesn't do that, I won't bother turning it on so I can tell you 110% that it does.04:12
nickrudtelejedi, sudo adduser <user> admin04:12
bruenigpukeko, edit /etc/sudoers with visudo04:12
Tama00bruenig: neat:D:D:D:D04:12
bruenigtelejedi, , edit /etc/sudoers with visudo04:12
CppIsWeirdDalton, thank you.04:12
Tama00bruenig: how do i copy and presver all the permission?04:12
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bruenigTama00, no clue there, but I know that in theory it can work04:13
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bruenigTama00, extract the iso and check to see if it looks like it has sane permissions, if it does then it probably preserved them already04:13
nickrudTama00, there's a howto on tldp.org about changing hard drives, that should give you some pointers04:13
NutubuntuTama00,  from partition to partition? directory to directory?04:13
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telejedinickrud, bruenig: thank you - can i use it in a way to add a 2d sudo-user with the home-dir of my first one?04:14
Hirvinentelejedi: I believe the relevant group is admin. So it would be usermod -a admin USER04:14
Tama00Nutubuntu: directory to dircetory04:14
bruenigtelejedi, 2d?04:14
Hirvinentelejedi: Or maybe adm04:14
=== nickrud wonders why people don't used the kind tools
unagidoes linux even have a partitioner?04:14
HirvinenMaybe both.04:14
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:14
NutubuntuTama00,  tar ...04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
bruenig!info fdisk04:15
Hirvinenunagi: See above04:15
ubotuPackage fdisk does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:15
ElTimbalin1Hi, I know there is a link to three lines I enter into the terminal which will then make Ubuntu find and mount all my partitions on start up. Can anyone send me in the right direction? The closest I have found was: at                https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:15
unagiso basically Hirvinen it doesnt come natively installed04:15
orbisvicisanyone know how to generate a .pem file with openssl ?04:15
stonedparted cfdisk fdisk blah blah04:15
bruenigunagi, use fdisk04:15
bruenigor cfdisk04:15
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bruenigI use cfdisk generally04:15
nickrudtelejedi, hm, you can't really, each user has a numeric identity, and must be unique. files are actually owned by numbers, not names04:15
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moyeri have two soundcards installed.. one is usb connected. ive set my system wide sounds to USB and everything local plays fine and uses the usb audio, however when i stream any media through firefox with flash plugin it uses the other soundcard.. anyone have any clue as to why its doing this?04:15
bruenigtelejedi, all you have to do is edit /etc/sudoers and add this: username    ALL=(ALL) ALL04:16
bruenignow he is able to sudo04:16
ubuntusaurusDo I need to use the GParted Live CD in order to resize my ext3 partition? At the moment I'm running GParted from Ubuntu Live.04:16
Hirvinenunagi: I don't know.04:16
NutubuntuTama00,  cd to the source directory, then 'tar cf - . | (cd /the/target/directory; tar xvf -)'    without the quotes marks04:16
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ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:17
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ubuntusaurusCan I get some help, please?04:17
Jordan_Uubuntubeginz, No, gparted from the LiveCD works fine04:17
Nutubuntuubuntusaurus, what with?04:17
telejedinickrud: ah - ok - i see & will try it ...04:17
nickrudubuntusaurus, as long as the partition is not mounted ..04:18
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Hirvinenubuntusaurus: Not spesifically a gparted live cd, but resizing a mounted partition is risky(and I don't think Ext3 even supports that), so if that partition is used by the system, you should use some live cd. But don't the ubuntu install cd's have at least some partitioner on them.04:18
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ubuntusaurusHow do I know if its mounted?04:18
nickrudHirvinen, yes, and it works for most people. It screwed up mine, though.04:18
ElTimbalin1ubuntu cd if run live has it under admin.04:18
Nutubuntuubuntusaurus,  mount04:18
nickrudubuntusaurus, type mount and it will tell you all04:19
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ubuntusaurus/dev/sda2 on /media/disk type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=222,utf8)04:19
ubuntusaurus/dev/sda4 on /media/disk-1 type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)04:19
ubuntusaurus/dev/sda1 on /media/Windows Booter type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=222,utf8)04:19
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:19
ubuntusaurusThis means its mounted?04:19
Hirvinen!paste | ubuntusaurus04:19
ubotuubuntusaurus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:19
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ubuntusaurusHow do I unmount it?04:19
nickrudsudo umount04:20
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ubuntusaurussudo: unmount: command not found04:20
moyernot un04:20
=== moyer waits patient, looks at the huge line if front of him all stumped asking questions
CppIsWeirdis there a linux firewall that blocks and allows based on application?04:21
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rolfenubuntusaurus u can use apropos to find commands... example "apropos unmount"04:22
ubuntusaurusI unmounted it. But when I ran Gparted again, it mounted it again04:22
rolfenCppIsWeird yeah04:22
rolfenCppIsWeird what exactly do you want to do?04:22
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ProN00bdoes anyone know how i can change the resolution of the terminals ? (the ones you get with ctrl+alt+f*)04:22
SlimGWhat file should I edit instead of /etc/resolv.conf since that file is autogenerated by networkmanager and shouln't be touched?04:22
nickrudmoyer, try your question, a lot of people are stumpted by the questions, and need a doable one :)04:22
CppIsWeirdi dont know, get a linux firewall... that blocks and allows... based on application.04:22
eckProN00b: you can't change them without running a screen buffer04:22
rolfenCppIsWeird ok i get it04:23
ProN00beck, a what ?04:23
bruenigSlimG, it can be touched, networkmanager touches it04:23
rolfenCppIsWeird uh lemme check i'm not so sure anymore04:23
eckProN00b: you need to compile your own kernel with a virtual screen buffer, try reading the gentoo wiki if you want to attempt it04:23
moyernickrud lol04:23
ubuntusaurusHirvinen, Nutubuntu: I unmounted it. But when I ran Gparted again, it mounted it again04:23
eckProN00b: it's sort of a pita, just use a regular terminal ;-)04:23
banlieuei love pita04:23
banlieuewith cheese and hot sauce04:23
ProN00beck, that doesn't sound like the ubuntu solution04:23
nickrudSlimG, I believe you can specify a dns for an interface in network manager04:23
ProN00bthere must be a easyer way04:23
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ecki don't think so, they're managed by the kernel, not in userspace04:24
moyeri just need to configure firefox's plash plugin to use my USB audio card instead of my PCI card but i cant find much information on the issue04:24
SlimGbruenig: It has a comment in it that states that it shouldn't be edited directly (I guess the changes will be lost the next time networkmanager generates /etc/resolv.conf)04:24
rolfenCppIsWeird I dont know... here let me ask the channel for you04:25
SlimGnickrud: I forgot to mention I'm on CLI04:25
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=== nickrud goes looking for an easier one
Jordan_UProN00b, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer04:25
rolfenGuys is it possible to make iptables rules match a process?04:25
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eckCppIsWeird: i don't think netfilter has that kind of capability04:25
nickrudSlimG, no clue where network-manager stores that stuff04:25
ecknetfilter is the kernel firewall04:25
bruenigSlimG, they will be lost next time but no problem seeing if you can fix it, if so you can always disable network manager or do some other thing to work around04:25
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rolfenCppIsWeird i wonder if there's an iptables modules for that04:25
iW0rKHey can anyone help?04:25
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CppIsWeirdsure, but can one not trace back an attempted connection to find what application is making it?04:25
eriderI have a 32 bit program I want to run on Amd64. Do anyone have any advice?04:25
intelikeyusing lilo, is the /boot/map file of any importance ?    i can safely rm it correct ?04:26
flyinprogramerwhat's the name of the tool ubuntu uses to establish wireless internet connections04:26
flyinprogramerforget it04:26
bruenigflyinprogramer, networkmanager04:26
flyinprogrameri'm an idiot04:26
iW0rKIm trying to install my Belkin Wireless card... I've found some info on google but it still doesnt help04:26
nickrudSlimG, do you need network manager? it seems like you're setting up a server, so you can go static04:26
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rolfenCppIsWeird i know there's a module to match users...04:26
rolfenCppIsWeird but dont know about processes04:26
intelikeyyea nay ????04:26
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SlimGnickrud: I'm setting up dnsmasq on a desktop and need to add localhost to /etc/resolv.conf04:27
SlimGbruenig: I would prefer to do it the "right" way04:27
CppIsWeirdit wouldent really need to be on the iptable level, only on the connections initialization, a program picks up and finds out what application is attempting to make it, and then on the iptable level, set an allow or deny rule?04:27
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bruenigSlimG, there is no right way, networkmanager is not god, it errs04:28
DaltonCppIsWeird, use ZOneAlarm. it does what you want it to.04:28
bruenigSlimG, I don't use any such thing, but manage it all via command line04:28
intelikeyi never get an inteligent answer from this channel.04:28
intelikeywell i did one time.04:28
CppIsWeirdDalton, Zonealarm on linux?04:28
intelikeybut that was long ago.04:28
DaltonCppIsWeird, nope.04:28
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CppIsWeirdDalton, the OS in question is linux. thanks for trying.04:29
rolfenCppIsWeird you can match the PID with the owner module04:29
nickrudSlimG, I'm using dnsmasq right now; I use it in conjunction with resolvconf and /etc/resolv.conf is handled transparently. I turn on network manager04:29
cheeseboyhow do i patch kernel?04:29
intelikeymaybe every body knows me well enough to ignore me now ?04:29
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rolfensee owner in man iptables04:29
intelikeyi could ramble like this for a while and see04:29
NutubuntuIgnore. That was it. I knew there was a command ... cool.04:29
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Daltonintelikey, everyone here is a volunteer. no one here is an Ubuntu developer. Be patient, not all answers can be answered here.04:29
rolfenCppIsWeird now the question is how to relate PID to the process name04:29
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Nutubuntusomafm, intelikey, you've solved my question ... what's yours?04:29
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Nutubuntu^ so-anyhow- intelikey ... etc.04:30
intelikeyDalton i'm a violenteer too and three days is more or less patient04:30
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intelikeywouldn't ya think ???04:30
unagiso if i split the ex3 partition of my ubuntu partition it wont delete anything right?04:30
rolfenCppIsWeird ow you can...04:30
Daltonintelikey, that means that no one knows, not that people are ignoring you.04:30
banlieueintelikey: violence is not the solution04:30
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rolfenCppIsWeird it is possible to match the process name with the owner match04:30
intelikeybanlieue what violence ?04:30
rolfenagain see man iptables and look for "owner"04:30
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SlimGnickrud: So I can edit /etc/resolv.conf without fearing that the setting will be lost when networkmanager generates a new resolv.conf ?04:31
banlieueintelikey: i'm sorry, I thought you said you were a "violenteer"04:31
Pelounagi,  if you resize then make a new one from the unalocated area it shouldn'T backup important data anyway04:31
astro76intelikey, iirc, once lilo is installed to mbr it doesn't require any files to remain anywhere04:31
intelikeyastro76 k thanks.04:31
Jordan_Uintelikey, You might need it for kernel upgrades though04:31
=== chohmann [n=chohmann@cpe-76-80-179-68.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
unaginothin important on here just alot of time and effort lol04:31
nickrudSlimG, turn off network manager (there's instructions somewhere) or remove it completely. Network manager is really nice for laptops (so I hear, it gives me fits)04:32
unagiall linux runs ex3 right?04:32
rolfenCppIsWeird example: iptables -A filter -m owner --owner-cmd process_name04:32
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intelikeybut that is a bit misleading.  after lilo is installed if you do anything with the vmlinux or the initrd.img* it wont boot.04:32
Pelounagi, ext3 is the current prefered FS yes04:32
banlieueunagi: linux runs whatever you install on it, ext3 is merely default04:32
CppIsWeirdrolfen, hmm, interesting, i will look into that.04:32
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astro76intelikey, indeed :p04:32
=== d2dchat [n=d2dchat@c-68-40-204-203.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Uintelikey, Try moving it then running: "sudo lilo" and see if it re-writes to the MBR correctly ( be ready to chroot in from a LiveCD if it doesn't )04:32
intelikeynow does anyone know how to manually unpack and repack an initramfs image04:32
kmcq__why do i not see the ubuntu loading screen (before the login screen) when i boot up (feisty)04:32
unagilinux would run on ntfs?04:33
banlieueunagi: yep, but not perfectly04:33
CppIsWeirdrolfen, now how to get every application that is attempting to establish a connection? is there an event for this? I am not a linux programmer.04:33
banlieuentfs is meant for Windows04:33
intelikeyJordan_U on each execution of lilo it writes /boot/map   even though there is nothing in /boot04:33
nickrudSlimG, install resolvconf, it should take the dns you get from dhcp on your desktop, hand it off to dnsmasq, and put localhost in /etc/resolv.conf It's a tried & true solution04:33
banlieueone could wonder why you would want to run NTFS on linux to begin with04:33
rolfenCppIsWeird you can use the owner match to log packets04:34
Jordan_Uunagi, Only if it were running from a virtual file system ( like an iso file ) on the NTFS partition04:34
=== justintime32 [n=justin@pool-71-245-80-21.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rolfenCppIsWeird with the LOG match04:34
Pelobanlieue,  no accounting for some wierdos04:34
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rolfenCppIsWeird sorry i mean the LOG target04:34
Jordan_Uunagi, NTFS does not support UNIX permissions04:34
unagii just really need to run maya......is there a preferred flavor of linux for maya to run?04:34
=== johnnytang24 [n=flung@c-71-206-196-188.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
banlieueunagi: did you try Wine yet?04:34
intelikeyi need to fix my initramfs image.   it drops me into a busybox shell   where i have to issue   mknod /dev/root b 3 1    and exit  for it to boot the system04:34
johnnytang24how do you check disk usage using ubuntu 7?04:34
larson9999thank goodness the riaa made me take a good look at free content.04:34
nickrudunagi, does the maya site have a recommendation?04:34
gregorygreghey everyone I'm tired of the gnome panels04:34
rolfenCppIsWeird that is if you succeed in enabling the owner match04:34
banlieuethat's not a flavour of linux, but emulation rather04:34
intelikeynow does anyone know how to manually unpack and repack an initramfs image04:34
gregorygregis there anything I can use to replace3 them?04:35
unagidunno havent really looked lol04:35
=== MrGlass [n=max@resnet-130-184-85-97.uark.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ujohnnytang24, GUI or terminal?04:35
banlieueI bet the Maya team would be the best people to ask, unagi04:35
johnnytang24Jordan_U : terminal04:35
Jordan_Ujohnnytang24, df04:35
nickrudunagi, ;)04:35
johnnytang24df doesn't show /04:35
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Jordan_Ujohnnytang24, du04:35
CppIsWeirdrolfen can you PM me ?04:35
moyermoyer@moyerbox:~$ cat /proc/asound/modules04:35
moyer 0 snd_intel8x004:35
moyer 1 snd_usb_audio04:35
johnnytang24that's odd that du wouldn't show /04:36
rolfenCppIsWeird OK04:36
moyerif i set usb audio to 0 will it be used in firefox?04:36
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banlieueunagi: you could also stick with Windows, of course04:36
=== asdf25 [n=jeff@pool-70-108-111-178.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnnytang24mount doesn't show / as being mounted either04:36
unagithen i wouldnt have shake04:36
ant-johnnytang24: 'df /'04:36
banlieuebut Maya would work well04:36
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banlieueand so would NTFS04:36
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nickrudmoyer, no, you'd need to set some options in /etc/modprobe.d somewhere to have that changed04:36
unagiwho cares about ntfs04:36
moyernickrud : thank you04:36
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johnnytang24ant- : thanks.04:37
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johnnytang24since when did df need a path?04:37
banlieuethe superior solution is having two computers, though :] 04:37
banlieuealternative would be dual-boot04:37
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unagiwhy does dvd playback on linux have to be so difficult04:37
banlieue(be sure to install Windows first)04:37
banlieuedvd playback on linux isnt difficult.. ?04:37
RicketI keep having problems with flash stuff causing Firefox to crash; has anyone solved this problem? For instance, I can only watch a few youtube videos and then firefox freezes and I have to force quit it... It is so annoying, cause I love flash!!04:37
nickrudmoyer, alsa is the word, alsa-project.org is the place04:37
unagiis for me...04:37
thechrisunagi: vlc?04:37
intelikeyi thought i had it.  but something i missed....  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3799604:37
kyo2142Hello I am trying to install ndiswrapper and it says in a missing the build for 2.6.20-16-386 could any one tell me what this means04:37
banlieueif it is, you could also consider Windows04:37
moyernickrud : haha gotcha. appreciate it.04:37
kmcq__why do i not see the ubuntu loading screen (before the login screen) when i boot up (feisty)04:37
madman91HOW can i install a ssh server onto a windows box so i can remotely login to it.. without cygwin04:38
SlimG!dvd unagi04:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd unagi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:38
SlimG!dvd | unagi04:38
ubotuunagi: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:38
unagiyea i followed those04:38
unagidoesnt work04:38
unagibanlieue you arent very nice04:38
banlieueunagi: you could also try Easyubuntu04:38
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Jordan_Uunagi, It has to be so difficult because the U.S. DMCA is idiotic04:38
banlieueit's not recommended normally, because it apparently can screw up some stuff04:38
unagiyou could try holding the power button for 4 second banlieue04:38
banlieuebut it's very easy04:38
unagior ctrl alt shift 6 and stare at the screen04:38
SlimGunagi: try running this to see if kaffeine recognize dvd codecs:kaffeine -w04:39
thechrisunagi: as mentioned, just get vlc.  its the only thing that i could get to work in ubuntu04:39
Ricketunagi: Or try Ubuntu Studio? Maybe that includes DVD stuff?04:39
banlieueunagi: i'm merely giving you some friendly advice04:39
unagifriendly isnt the word id use04:39
bruenigbanlieue, it is a bad idea to suggest things like that for a support room because if it screws up we have no idea why and since we recommended it we are kind of on the hook04:39
Jordan_Uunagi, What player are you using?04:39
banlieuebruenig: hence my disclaimer ;P04:39
bruenigwhereas if we give him a command, he can tell us what happened04:39
kmcq__why the hell am i not seeing the damn loading screen.....04:39
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unagimovie player04:39
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unagibut installing gxine made it workj04:39
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CppIsWeirdrolfen, not responding in mp04:40
unagicurious as to why there is a movie player with xine backend if you still have to install gxine04:40
Jordan_Uunagi, So it is working?04:40
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unagiit is now Jordan_U thanks04:40
kmcq__wow does no one know?04:40
Jordan_Uunagi, Ubuntu comes with totem-gstreamer not totem-xine04:40
banlieuekmcq__: apparently not04:40
thechrisI figured I come here for info.  I cannot get the following to work:  kaffiene, k3b, pcsx.  kaffiene doesn't play any media file.  k3b has errors writing cd-r.  pcsx segfaults.04:40
jmchaffiewell, I kinda feel dumb here, but after everything I've done, I've gotten samba all set... now I can't figure out how to network my two ubuntu boxes together.04:40
intelikeykmcq__ which loading screen ?04:40
banlieuekmcq__: are you talking about the usplash, by the way?04:41
intelikeywhat app ?04:41
kmcq__no im talking about before the login04:41
banlieuethe loading screen before you get your login screen?04:41
jmchaffieI've read up on the help pages, but I'm confused as to what to do. so many choices, none make sense as to sharing a folder between machines?04:41
kmcq__like when you load kernal after your bios04:41
intelikey!usplash | kmcq__04:41
ubotukmcq__: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork04:41
banlieueyea, that's your usplash04:41
SlimG!kaffeine | thechris04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kaffeine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
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SlimG!codec | thechris04:41
ubotuthechris: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:41
kmcq__banlieue: why am i not seeing it at all?04:41
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banlieuekmcq__: did you install KDE recently?04:42
kmcq__isnt it included by default?04:42
banlieueit is, it never displayed?04:42
kmcq__no, i just installed ubuntu a few days ago04:42
jmchaffieIs there a particular package / ip colution to networking between ubuntu machines?04:42
rolfenCppIsWeird are you getting my PMs?04:42
banlieuethat's odd, indeed04:42
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kmcq__and i am ye to see that uspalsh thing04:42
intelikeykmcq__ could be any of several reasons.  first guess is that you changed the  'vga=' line  ?04:42
CppIsWeirdrolfen: nope04:42
kmcq__intelikey,  no, i dont believe so04:42
SlimGunagi: If you didn't receive the message last time: try running this to see if kaffeine recognize dvd codecs:kaffeine -w04:42
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banlieue!usplash > kmcq__ (check your PM, kmcq__)04:42
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intelikeykmcq__ grep vga /boot/grub/menu.lst04:43
kmcq__the only thing that ive changed was for default depth bits (changed from 16 to 24)04:43
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rolfenCppIsWeird weird i just got ur first PM04:43
kmcq__ok banlieue04:43
rolfenthen nothing04:43
intelikeykmcq__ that's xorg has nothing what so ever to do with usplash04:43
CppIsWeirdrolfen, strange.04:43
rolfenCppIsWeird what i was saying in the PM box is that you can do something like04:43
thechrissee, thats exactly why i like gentoo over ubunutu.04:43
kmcq__so why am i not seeing my usplash at all, ive never seen it at all, even after fresh install... lol04:43
rolfeniptables -A -m owner --owner-cmd processname -m limit 1/minute -j LOG04:43
banlieuethechris: what is?04:44
kmcq__do i need to enable it to see it?04:44
seraph47hi i need to login as root to change the permissions of a m3u fot it to not run as an executable, how do i do that?04:44
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intelikeykmcq__ grep vga /boot/grub/menu.lst   <<<< run that04:44
banlieuegentoo and ubuntu aren't really too comparable imo04:44
thechrisin #ubunutu, everyone just replies with !keyword04:44
CppIsWeirdrolfen, join #thisisaroomforsilenceorsomething04:44
rolfenCppIsWeird using the limit match so that you dont flood your logs04:44
unaginow im out of things to complain about04:44
unagiLINUX ROCKS!04:44
banlieuethechris: it saves time04:44
banlieueunagi: wb to the dark side04:44
kmcq__## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda504:44
nickrudthechris, because 9 times out of 10, that doc is what they need04:44
intelikeykmcq__ if it outputs one line show me      if more than one, don't flood the channel04:44
unagiwhat is the most popular rpm distro?04:44
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CppIsWeirdrolfen, make that just #thisisaroomforsilence04:45
intelikeykmcq__ is that the only one04:45
jmchaffieanyone have info regarding networking two ubuntu boxes?04:45
rolfenCppIsWeird ah ok04:45
thechrismaybe I should restate.  this is why _I_ like gentoo over ubunutu04:45
kmcq__intelikey,  lets talk in pm, it will be easier04:45
nickrudthechris, someday the docs here might be as good as gentoos, though.04:45
zero-9377is there a way to access ubuntu via windows RDP, i have a thin client and it can only connect via RDP or citrix and i would like to use it as a thin client with fluxbox, or even just CLI terminal04:45
banlieuethechris: lol surely that's not the biggest difference you find in between gentoo and ubuntu? ;)04:45
intelikeykmcq__ not for me it wont04:45
kmcq__yes thats the only line04:45
unagigentoo uses kde yes?04:45
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Ex-Cybergentoo uses whatever the admin installs04:46
eckunagi: it is window manager agnostic04:46
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kyo2142i am having problems installing and get ndiswrapper running, plz PM me04:46
banlieuegentoo's a lot more "advanced" than ubuntu04:46
kmcq__intelikey,  yes its the only line04:46
intelikeykmcq__ ok then the reason is because the initramfs image is not starting framebuffering and the link from ubotu will tell you how to fix it    "maybe"04:46
unagiso gentoo can start with gnome?04:46
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thechrisbanlieue: no, i do have other differences.  in gentoo things take forever to compile, but end up working.  in ubuntu, things quickly install and don't work, leaving you to try to find help on IRC with a bunch of people scanning messages for keywords to !help with.04:46
banlieueif you install gnome on it04:47
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intelikey!usplash > kmcq__04:47
kmcq__intelikey,  so any idea why it was broken to being with?04:47
Jordan_Ukmcq__, Try changing it to 769 ( 640x480 8 bit ), that might be a "safer" mode04:47
banlieuethechris: see, and here you were saying the !keywords was the only difference :P04:47
jmchaffieno actually I am only looking to find a way to share files, such as using samba (which I have setup just fine) between two ubuntu boxes as opposed to an ubuntu and a windows box04:47
moyerim on the right track :P04:47
eckthechris: that's ridiculous, i've had far, far, more applicatins compile in broken ways on gentoo than you'll find in the repositories04:47
intelikeykmcq__ i don't call not starting framebuffering "broken"  so no04:47
kmcq__ok, im on a laptop with a poor gfx card, migith explain it04:47
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eckor not even compile at all04:47
banlieuethechris: would you find it better if we were to type the exact same lines over and over again instead of having the bot do it?04:47
Jordan_Ukmcq__, Because hardware manufacturers love to break standards.04:47
intelikeykmcq__ yes indeed that could explain it.04:48
kalenedraelHi guys. I am trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 on some laptop with a CD-ROM drive in a docking module. The installer is somehow able to load certain kernel modules, but none of the modules it loads can detect the CD-ROM drive and make it usable.04:48
Ex-CyberI was quite put off by the general Gentoo idea that if something breaks, and is subsequently fixed by randomly re-emerging things, it wasn't a bug04:48
seraph47ant_:i cant pm, but how would i change permissions from the command line04:48
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unagiis gentoo deb or rpm04:48
thechrisbanlieue: yes.  because maybe then people would ask what the problem is instead of seeing a keyword and appending ! to it.04:48
banlieueyou do need to realise ubuntu has a lot more generic/basic questions because it's a lot more accessible04:48
intelikeyseraph47 change perms for a file or dir with   chmod04:48
nickrudunagi, it's source, so neither. You'll learn gobs if you try it04:48
thechrisi swear ubotu isn't the only bot here04:48
kmcq__intelikey,  is there a file i can modify to allow me to see the usplash?04:48
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Nopalinhello, is there a program that i can use to sinchronize blackberry in ubuntu?04:48
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Ex-Cyberunagi: gentoo uses its own management system called Portage, which is somewhat inspired by the BSD ports systems04:49
unagiim confused beyond belief04:49
banlieueso there will be a lot more questions that can be answered in bulk04:49
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Jordan_Uunagi, No, it uses portage04:49
banlieuesaves us time, saves them time04:49
intelikeykmcq__ look at the message from ubotu04:49
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banlieueunagi: what's up?04:49
unagiso rpm maya wouldnt run on gentoo04:49
banlieueunagi: have you checked their website yet?04:49
kalenedraelI have tried booting with 'noapic' and 'nolapic', as well as some of the other options that seemed would help.04:49
seraph47intelikey: would it also change permissions for all files of its type across the board? im trying to change m3u files so that they are not executable04:49
banlieueunagi: i'd imagine they know which OS it runs best on04:49
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intelikeyseraph47 there is a switch for recursive04:50
thechrisdon't get me wrong, gentoo is a broken pos half the time.  But i just hate it when things don't work and the only remedy is to seek help from !keyword.04:50
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=== Bill2222 [n=chatzill@175-244.207-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
banlieuethechris: if the !keyword doesn't fix it, the person gets helped further without keywords04:50
seraph47intelikey: im srry not sure what you mean by that04:50
Jordan_Uunagi, If they only distribute in in an RPM then they probably package it for Red Hat, have you tried alien?04:50
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jmchaffieGuys, I've tried the website and help, but other than iFolder I don't see what I'm supposed to use, and iFolder says it doesn't work right. Can anyone help me out?04:50
banlieuethechris: so I do feel you're being difficult for no apparent reason here :] 04:50
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intelikeyseraph47 if you need more specific changes i sujest   find ./ -type f -iname *.ogg -exec chmod -644 \;         or something like that.04:51
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intelikeyseraph47 man find     man chmod04:51
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.04:51
unagiyea i tried alien and i can get it to open but when you push space bar it locks everything04:51
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kalenedraelI am able to boot into and use some Linux live CDs and install CDs, such as DSL and an old FC3 install CD.04:51
seraph47intelikey: k thanks04:51
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kalenedraelWhere might I find the necessary modules for this CD-ROM? Is there a different fix?04:52
Jordan_Ukalenedrael, Might be a difference between 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels04:52
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intelikeyseraph47 and one note on that.    find requires the end char  \;  if you use the -exec   but not if you dont.    it is a bit confusing.04:52
thechrisso, i can't play media in kaffiene.  i can't play media in mplayer.  I can play media in VLC.  I can play media in "movie player"04:52
kalenedraelJordan_U, I have only tried systems that use 2.6.x kernels.04:52
thechriswhat is the ! for that?04:52
Jordan_Ukalenedrael, DSL uses 2.404:52
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jmchaffieOk thanks anyway.04:52
intelikeyfind ./ -type f -iname *.ogg -exec chmod -644 '{}' \;   <<<< an acutal working example.04:53
banlieuethechris: there isn't one, hence you don't get helped with one... isn't that excellent? (was that a serious question by the way?)04:53
kalenedraelJordan_U, ok, I was not aware of that. I am fairly sure FC3 uses 2.6.x, though.04:53
nickrudthechris, a silly question, but you have installed the w32codecs?04:53
banlieueI do think you need to get over the keywords and over yourself04:53
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thechrisnickrud: yes.  but no media works in mplayer/kaffiene04:53
seraph47intelikey: and in that example it would find all ogg files and make them not executable?04:53
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banlieuethe keywords are used for often-asked questions, and that's why most people are not helped with a !keyword04:53
thechrisbanlieue: yes, one of my 3 questions04:53
Cailenhey can anyone help me with my synaptic package manager................................ it says   E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 34 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list E: The list of sources could not be read.Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.E: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:54
Jordan_Uthechris, Have you tried the sample media that comes with Ubuntu, if it plays then it is a codec issue04:54
madman91does anyone know an ssh server?04:54
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madman91for windwos04:54
Bill2222Looking for help with mounting ext usb drive under VM 6.1 on a windows box. Anyone? Using VMServer I have checked IOMEGA under VM/Removable devices but when I run fdisk -l it does not show.04:54
nickrudthechris, odd. No media? Personally, I find some won't in those, but will in others. More a matter of the file than the player.04:54
intelikeyseraph47 yes, and make them read write  for the owner and read only for every one else04:54
SlimGthechris: run this check to see if kaffeine recognizes any codecs on the system: kaffeine -w04:54
Jordan_UCailen, Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?04:54
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intelikeyseraph47 one other note.   dirs have to be executed04:54
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banlieueboth VLC and media player use their own codecs04:54
seraph47intelikey: k ima try that out thanks04:54
banlieuethe other two programs do not04:54
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zero-9377anyone using xrdp on feisty?04:54
Cailenwut do you mean jordan_U04:55
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banlieuehence it's likely a codec issue, thechris04:55
Jordan_U!pastebin | Cailen04:55
ubotuCailen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:55
intelikeyfind ./ -type d -exec chmod -755 '{}' \;   <<<< an acutal working example for dirrectories.04:55
intelikeyseraph47 ^04:55
Cailenso i paste that in the terminal after wget04:55
thechrisbanlieue: hmm.  well, i've installed the codecs per !codecs or such.04:55
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Cailenim new04:55
MajorPaynemadman91: http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/ or cygwin.04:55
banlieue!codecs > banlieue04:55
thechrisnext up.  I'm in gentoo right now because I needed to burn a CD04:55
Jordan_UCailen, open the file /etc/apt/sources.list and pastebin its contents04:55
madman91MajorPayne: sshwindows is a mini cygwin install.. and my cygwin is retarded04:55
banlieueyou have to switch to gentoo to burn a cd?04:56
madman91MajorPayne: i cant uninstall it04:56
banlieueso, it doesn't work in ubuntu then?04:56
thechrisis there a ! for "k3b has errors writing cds"04:56
Caileni dont know where that file is04:56
banlieuethechris: are you on KDE?04:56
thechrisbanlieue: in gentoo, yes.  and in ubunut as well.04:56
Jordan_UCailen, "getdit /etc/apt/sources.list" in a run dialog or terminal will open it04:56
MajorPaynemadman91: Ohh.  Then I don't know.  I don't run Windows.  I just know about it.04:56
intelikeymadman91 cygwin retarded ?  surely you jest !   :)04:56
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madman91intelikey: i cant uninstall it04:57
banlieuethechris: I know very little about k3b, you could also try #kubuntu for that04:57
madman91intelikey: and it has lodged itself in the registry04:57
SlimGthechris: What kind of cd are you trying to burn? does it fail during burning?04:57
madman91MajorPayne: i dont use it either.. but i have to get this to work04:57
Jordan_Umadman91, What are you trying to do?04:57
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thechrisSlimG: i had issues with a data CD.  DAO and TAO fail.  each suggesting I retry with the other04:58
madman91Jordan_U: i want to install ssh onto my windows box..04:58
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Jordan_Umadman91, putty04:58
madman91Jordan_U: sorry, ssh server04:58
banlieuethechris: did you try different software?04:58
intelikeymadman91 lol    no doubt.    sorry though i don't do windows.  haven't been forced to set down in front of windows but twice in 7 years04:58
madman91Jordan_U: putty is only a client04:58
unagiok mandrake it is04:58
thechrisbanlieue: k3b works in gentoo.  so yes.04:58
CailenJordan_U it says the command getdit is not found04:58
madman91intelikey: me neither.. but i am stuck with it now..04:58
Jordan_Umadman91, cygwin probably allows that04:58
unagier mandriva04:58
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)04:58
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banlieuethechris: did you try different software in the same environment (kubuntu)?04:58
Jordan_UCailen, sorry, it's gedit04:58
madman91Jordan_U: yes.. but its not working..04:58
thechrisbanlieue: no.  k3b is my prefered application.04:59
Jordan_Umadman91, ##windows ?04:59
MajorPaynemadman91: There is a #cygwin channel.  Maybe they can help to.04:59
banlieuethechris: you should try different software to see if that would work04:59
Cailennow what do i do to be able to fix and use my synaptic package manager04:59
edsonsomebody for user gkrellm?04:59
madman91Jordan_U: they arent a very bright bunch :) after all.. they are using windows04:59
=== banlieue uses windows
madman91Jordan_U: but seriously.. no answers in there05:00
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madman91banlieue: i was just kidding.. linux is about choice.. if you choose windows. thats fine with me05:00
=== nickrud is looking a windows box that hasn't been touched in weeks. It seems lonly
Jordan_UCailen, Please pastebin the contents of the file so that we can find out what is wrong05:00
SlimGmadman91: Nice to see you here too (I'm one of the #ubuntu-no participants ;) )05:00
intelikey!ubotu | thechris you can pm the bot,05:00
ubotuthechris you can pm the bot,: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:00
Cailendeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted05:00
Cailendeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted05:00
Cailen## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the05:00
Cailen## distribution.05:00
Cailendeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted05:00
Cailendeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted05:00
Cailen## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'05:00
Cailen## repository.05:00
banlieuefun flood05:00
Cailen## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu05:00
Cailen## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to05:01
Cailen## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in05:01
nickrudah, my favorite flood05:01
Cailen## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security05:01
Cailen## team.05:01
Jordan_U!paste > Cailen05:01
Cailen# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe05:01
Cailen# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe05:01
banlieueJordan_U: bit late ;P05:01
Cailen## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'05:01
Cailen## repository.05:01
Cailen## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as05:01
Cailen## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes05:01
ant-he doesnt even realise whats going on?05:01
Cailen## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.05:01
Cailen## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review05:01
Cailen## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.05:01
edsonsomebody user gkrellm?05:01
Jordan_Ubanlieue, I already told him though...05:01
banlieueprobably not05:01
Cailen# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse05:01
ziroday!ops | Cailen is flodding05:01
Cailen# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse05:01
Cailendeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-security main restricted05:01
Cailendeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-security main restricted05:01
Cailen# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security universe05:01
Cailen# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security universe05:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
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Cailenwget http://www.getautomatix.com/keys/automatix2.key05:01
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso
banlieueI wonder what he'll tell us next *excited*05:01
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seraph47intelikey: umm thanks for your help but im a little confused, when i run the command   find ./ -type f -iname *.m3u -exec chmod -644 '{}' \  it gives me another promt like its expecting something05:01
ubotuCailen is flodding: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:01
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nickruddang that ops list is getting long05:02
madman91SlimG: he hey!!05:02
banlieuewell then, back to business.. any questions lost in the flood?05:02
adamonline45how do I find out my kernel version?05:02
Jordan_Uadamonline45, uname -r05:02
intelikeyseraph47 not \   \;  has to be the   \;   end line char05:02
adamonline45Jordan_U: ty05:02
b_9I have a dell inspiron m1710 running ubuntu 7.04.  When I click the power button in the upper right hand corner of the screen it doesn't initially list suspend.  I have to close it and click it again then I get some additional options...what gives?05:02
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Jordan_Uadamonline45, np05:02
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intelikeyseraph47 and you can ctrl+c to kill it05:02
=== kmcq [n=kmcq@cblmdm72-241-160-47.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
seraph47intelikey: gotcha, i was getting a flood of error msgs05:03
kmcqintelikey,  i changed vga to 781 for 640x480 and it still dindt work05:03
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intelikeykmcq did you enabel usplash as per the web page instructions ?05:04
=== Jordan_U wonders if Cailen screwed up his sources.list or if Automatix did it
mo0osahHow do I go about installing ubuntu on a notebook with ATI card05:04
=== Ricket [n=ricky@h166.53.89.75.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cailen_Jordan_U here is the address05:04
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mo0osahit cannot even load up the live cd05:04
kmcqintelikey,  no i didnt see about enabling it, maybe i didnt read enough oops05:04
Cailen_sorry about the flooding05:04
nickrudJordan_U, it's the same thing ;)05:04
kmcq!usplash > kmcq05:04
=== inx-one [n=inx@d58-110-205-166.mas9.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeymo0osah very carefully.   it's not so fun as on well supported hardware.05:04
=== PupUser2cb384 [n=PupUser2@C-59-101-182-89.mel.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu []
Jordan_U!automatix | Cailen_05:04
ubotuCailen_: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:04
ziroday!alternate | mo0osah05:04
ubotumo0osah: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal05:04
adamonline45I'm planning to compile a new kernel for Ubuntu Server 6.06.  Any suggestions on the latest, stable kernel version?  I see linux- is the latest, latest, according to www.kernel.org...  Will that work without problems or should I stick to what I'm using now, 2.6.15-26-server?05:04
=== Ricket [n=ricky@h166.53.89.75.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UCailen_, Did you modify your sources.list?05:05
Cailen_i dont even have automatix05:05
RicketWhat is the default password for root in ubuntu?05:05
=== cIprO [n=lv@ip68-3-13-140.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cailen_so i cant use the synaptic package manager anymore?05:05
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:05
Jordan_UCailen_, No, it is easy to fix05:05
=== Andreshispano [n=chatzill@98-87-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
intelikey!root > Ricket05:05
PurpZeYadamonline45: For a server I think 16 is ok. Some people had minor hardware problems with 16 but I think they were fixable and adjusted with the newer versions and headers05:05
inx-one!root } Ricket05:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about root } ricket - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
Cailen_wut next05:05
=== Shadowpillar__ [n=Shadow@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Jordan_UCailen_, I am curious how it happened though05:05
inx-one!root | Ricket05:05
ubotuRicket: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:05
adamonline45PurpZeY: Okay, sounds good! ty!05:05
seraph47intelikey: thanks for your help but its not working, ill mess with it again tomorrow, and ill prolly make a thread in the forums. thanks for all your help05:05
intelikeyRicket short answer is there isn't one05:06
Cailen_well i was trying to install automatix2 but was having problems so i stopped05:06
Ricketwell that's nice to know, but I am being asked for the password of the mysql database's administrative user05:06
khinhi i just installed utorrent on wine. how i run this from wine's program files05:06
Cailen_i guess i changed the .list thingy or wutever05:06
Jordan_UCailen_, Run: "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove the lines you added for Automatix05:06
Ricketand i use sudo mysql to get to the mysql console, so i figured i would have to type the root password in that box05:06
=== SlickMcRunfast [n=SlickMcR@ip70-162-97-82.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mo0osahintelikey: It's weird how my notebook with ATI X300 works fine with everything (beryl, composite, etc...) and my roommate has ATI X1400 can't even load the live cd ....05:06
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intelikeyseraph47 welcome.   and when you get the right syntax it works i use those commands togather a lot.05:06
kmcqintelikey,  im not seeing where it says 'enable usplash'05:06
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kmcqonly stuff about adding a custom theme to alternatives05:07
intelikey!usplash | kmcq05:07
ubotukmcq: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:07
kmcqintelikey, im not trying to use a custom uspalsh05:07
kmcqjust the default05:07
=== moyer [n=moyer@ool-4353b9bd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyso do the last half of the command05:07
moyerif i make changes to modprobe.d is restart required?05:07
intelikeyafter the &&05:07
nickrudCailen_, and http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29063/ is a guide for how you should edit it05:08
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Jordan_Umo0osah, That is because your card is supported by the open source drivers, his are only supported by ATI's horrible fglrx drivers05:08
edsonsomebody user gkrellm?05:08
Ex-Cybermo0osah: there is a huge difference between x300/600/800 and X1300/1600/1900 etc... there is some preliminary X.Org code to work with the latter but it's too new to be in a release05:08
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nickrudCailen_, missed one thing: lines 31 & 31, remove the # at the beginning05:08
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Cailen_i fixed it... thanx everyone05:08
Cailen_i just deleted everthing with the words automatix in it05:09
Cailen_and it works05:09
intelikeythis happens every time.    i ask for help and end up answering a thousand questions for others and no help on my issue.     oh well.05:09
Jordan_UCailen_, No problem, you are lucky, if it hadn't failed you would have run Automatix :)05:09
=== sdnnvs [i=sdnnvs@200-161-154-114.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu []
nickrudCailen_, you have mixed sources there, with edgy and feisty, and some things commented out that shouldn't be.05:09
NutubuntuThings are looking up :)05:09
=== SlickMcRunfast [n=SlickMcR@ip70-162-97-82.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cailen_so anything else i need to do05:09
nickrudCailen_, so keep fixing :)05:09
Cailen_wut else needs fixing?05:10
Cailen_i just got ubuntu yesterday05:10
Cailen_first time with linux05:10
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PurpZeYJordan_U: I know what the general view is on automatix, but what is it *intended* to do?05:10
nickrudCailen_, anywhere with edgy, change to feisty.05:11
Cailen_k hold on05:11
=== Ricket [n=ricky@h166.53.89.75.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
PurpZeYJordan_U: It's enough for me that the channel doesn't support it, I'm just curious.05:11
RicketHow do I restart the mysql service/daemon?05:11
nickrudRicket, sudo invoke-rc.d mysql restart05:11
pukekohow do i change eth2 to eth0 ? the /proc/net/dev  won't let me edit it ..05:11
Jordan_UPurpZeY, Basically it is supposed to let you install a bunch of applications that new users tend to install, and make some modifications that they think some people might want05:12
Ricketnickrud: thanks!05:12
nickrudpukeko, you'd do that in /etc/network/interfaces05:12
PurpZeYJordan_U: Got it. Thanks.05:12
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Cailen_k i changed all the edgy to feisty05:12
Cailen_anything else that needs changing?05:13
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nickrudCailen_, ok, where it say's universe? add multiverse to the end, and remove the # at the beginning05:13
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=== CaptainOblivious [n=co@adsl-210-62-147.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cailen_so erase universe completely05:13
nickrudCailen_, no add multiverse05:13
Ex-Cyberso are the release codenames intentionally going alphabetically since Dapper or is that just a coincidence?05:13
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Cailen_hold on05:13
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dr_willisEx-Cyber,  just wait for Humping Hippo!05:14
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nickrudEx-Cyber, it was warty, hoary, breezy, dapper, etc. so maybe now05:14
pukekonickrud: i do not have a eth0 or eth1 only eth2 and eth3 - i want to refer to these in the interfaces file as eth0 and 1 respectivly05:14
technelHi. Is it possible to use xbindkeys[-config]  to map my keyboard PLAY (media) button to a command? (I'm NOT using GNOME/KDE.)05:14
PurpZeYdr_willis: It's Hungry Hippo...come on now05:14
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dr_willisPurpZeY,  it was F... oh wait..  Fawn..05:14
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dr_willisFlaculant Fawn05:14
Cailen_k, then delete the # in the very front of those lines as well?05:14
bruenigtechnel, depends if it shows up or not when you hit it, sometimes keys don't05:15
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=== Ricket [n=ricky@h166.53.89.75.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
wapityyyHey, is it possible to use export command and to choose the address of what we wish to export ?05:15
nickrudpukeko, hm, just changing the interface name might be all you need, there's some kind of mapping to hardware that goes on. I've never looked05:15
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nickrudCailen_, yes05:15
dr_williswapityyy,  Huh?05:16
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nickrudtechnel, I used to use a utility called hotkeys for mapping05:16
Cailen_thanx, anything else nickrud?05:17
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khinhi i tried to install utorrent on wine but it wont run. it just gives a bunch of errors05:17
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wapityyydr_willis, im looking to choose the address of the string i want to export in the stack05:17
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khinwhen i run wine /myutorrentdir/utorrent.exe05:17
nickrudCailen_, ok, one more. feisty-security universe, add multiverse and remove the # (2 lines)05:17
nickrudCailen_, you may have done that already, just want to be sure05:18
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Jordan_UCailen_, Just as some final advice, be weary of blogs and automatic scripts, and always check help.ubuntu.com first if you have any questions, there are a lot of bloggers that give advice to get page hits but don't really know what they are doing themselves05:18
pukekonickrud: i would like to do that only /proc/net/dev file will not allow me to edit it even with a chmod05:18
=== wit_273 [n=george@pool2-dsl137.conpoint.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cailen_k thanx05:18
Cailen_is that all05:18
pukekonickrud: i can live with eth2 and 3 but will have to change my iptables scripts05:19
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nickrudpukeko, that's not where you change it, that's read only I believe. It reports what the system has been set up as.  Make the change to the interfaces file, then invoke-rc.d network restart05:19
nickrudpukeko, er networking05:20
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nickrudCailen_, put it back up on the pastebin, so I can check05:20
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jimmygoonCan someone help me make this short script into an executable shell script: http://pastebin.ca/60818005:20
pukekonickrud: ok i'll change the interfaces scrip brbt05:20
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Cailen_hold on05:21
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dr_willisjimmygoon,  othjer then 'chmod +x' it? :) ya mean05:21
jimmygoondr_willis, no i meant conditional structures in the script05:21
=== Selrach [n=james@CPE-75-81-39-145.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonI wrote it but am not sure on some of the syntax05:21
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RadicalI'm trying to use gparted to manipulate my partitions but it won't let me delete or resize any of the partitions.05:21
bruenigjimmygoon, you going for bash?05:22
nickrudRadical, are they mounted?05:22
Cailen_there it is nickrud05:22
dr_willisjimmygoon,  check the advanced bash scripting guide for info/examples - is what i always do05:22
nickrudCailen_, k05:22
jimmygoonbruenig, I don't know gnome-terminal :P05:22
jimmygoondr_willis, google?05:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:22
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RadicalYeah, nickrud.05:22
dr_willis!find advanced bash05:22
ubotuFile advanced found in irmp3, libargtable2-dev, procmail, wims05:22
jimmygoonI found it :)05:22
dr_willisjimmygoon,  of course. :) and its in the repos also05:22
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression05:22
dr_willis!find "advanced bash scripting"05:22
ubotuPackage/file "advanced does not exist in feisty05:22
=== Wikkedfin^ [n=Wikkedfi@12-216-151-160.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
RadicalIt says I can't unmount them.05:23
dr_willis!find  advanced05:23
Cailen_is it all good05:23
nickrudRadical, you can't work on mounted partitions05:23
ubotuFile advanced found in irmp3, libargtable2-dev, procmail, wims05:23
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bruenigjimmygoon, http://pastebin.ca/60818305:23
Cailen_nickrud, does it look good05:23
Cailen_or is there anything else05:23
Radicalnickrud, okay.  I'll see what I can find on google to unmount them.05:23
nickrudCailen_, yup. Now, in a terminal, type    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   (do this because you had mixed sources there)05:23
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nickrudCailen_, of course, save the sources.list first ;)05:24
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LinkeratorRadical I'd reccoment you just use the Gparted liveCD or Ubuntu liveCD to add/edit partitions05:25
LinkeratorExcuse my typoes, funky keyboard05:25
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Cailen_so after it finishes is that all nickrud05:25
bruenigjimmygoon, does that work?05:26
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nickrudCailen_, then you're good to go, with a lot more software available.05:26
jimmygoonbruenig, give me a sec05:26
RadicalLinkerator, how would I do it from the livecd?05:26
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nickrud!info abs-guide | jimmygoon05:26
ubotujimmygoon: abs-guide: The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (feisty), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB05:26
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LinkeratorOn the Ubuntu liveCD? It should be under System>administration after you boot up the liveCD05:26
Cailen_thanks aaaaaaaaalllllllllloooooooottttttttttt nickrud05:27
RadicalOkay, gparted is there already?05:27
nickrudCailen_, yw05:27
jimmygoonbruenig, yes, I modified a couple things for dbg purposes: http://pastebin.ca/60818505:27
LinkeratorRadical, yes05:27
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RadicalOkay. Thanks!05:27
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wapityyywow! i reinstalled compiz and incridibly it didnt destroy my x !05:28
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Megaqwertywapityyy: lol, congratulations.05:28
wapityyy:) thx05:28
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user01what do i select for the xorg driver for a HERCULES 3D PROPHET II GTS PRO 64MB?  nv or vesa?05:28
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dr_williswell nv is for nvidia cards...05:29
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dr_willisvesa is normally a safe fall back for most any card05:29
jimmygoonbruenig, one quick question, in the 'if' conditional, why were the var names in quotations?05:29
Linkeratoruser01, it is Nvidiabased, so nv05:29
user01dr_willis: it has an nv core i think this card05:29
nickrudhow old is that card, anyway05:29
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wapityyyany GNAA member in here?05:29
Linkeratorgeforce 2-based05:29
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wapityyyPurpZeY, google it05:30
moyernickrud : I GOT IT05:30
nickrudit's just, hercules, I thought the went away years ago. The were my first good card05:30
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bruenigjimmygoon, there are two meanings of quotes in bash, the " which allows for expansion of variables and ' which is a literal. Sometimes you can get away with not using quotations but often times you will get bad results05:30
moyerthanks for your help i appreciate it05:30
nickrudmoyer, eh, great05:30
user01Linkerator: thanks it selected vesa by default05:30
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PurpZeYwapityyy: Oh I know what it is, I'm in it, I'm just wondering why you are blowing up our spot all over the channel.05:30
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jimmygoonbruenig, thanks a bunch!05:30
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nickrudmoyer, I slink away from sound issues, I just know those names :)05:30
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PurpZeYI kid.05:30
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wapityyylol... uh05:31
moyertha answer was SO simple it was easily overlooked05:31
Linkeratoruser01, no problem05:31
PurpZeYbruenig: did you get my msg?05:31
robbywell its offical, you guys are my best friends05:31
wapityyyrobby, i love you too05:31
bruenigum no05:31
wapityyylet me get my webcam05:31
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wapityyyso we can do stuff05:31
robbylol bru05:31
=== moyer disabled the onboard soundcard in his bios n BAM
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moyerusb all the way05:31
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meme_I have an ati 9200 agp card, should i follow the directions on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver or is there an better way?05:32
robbyi quit my band cause the drummer puts out bad vibes05:32
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moyerwoo woo05:32
bruenig!ops | gikid DCC05:32
ubotugikid DCC: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:32
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wapityyydd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/bladder; cat /dev/fridge | grep food .... in other words be right back05:33
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user01Linkerator: if it is 64MB card do i put in 65536kB to be used by the video card, or 64000kB?05:33
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robbyits all the drugs, guess it took over05:34
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Linkeratoruser01, Let's see... 64*1024=65,536 kb05:34
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=== bruenig sits back and watches the post DCC exploit fireworks
EvilDennisRwtf was that all about05:35
nickrudwhat a pain in the butt.05:35
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Linkeratoruser01, did you catch that?05:35
meme_I have a question if the games are over05:35
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nickrud!dcc | EvilDennisR05:36
ubotuEvilDennisR: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit05:36
user01Linkerator: yes i just was hoping that the 64MB didnt have rounding error down05:36
tonyyarussomeme_: Yep, all set for now.05:36
meme_ I have an ati 9200 agp card, should i follow the directions on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver or is there an better way?05:36
EvilDennisRyeah man, I get what was going on05:36
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Linkeratoruser01:If you ever need to convert MB to KB just multiply it by 102405:36
MarcChow do I change my charset to non-UTF-8 in Ubuntu?05:37
nickrud!ati | meme_ I used this05:37
ubotumeme_ I used this: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:37
jimmygoonwhat just happened? in the IRC above?05:37
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user01Linkerator: i just typed in covert 64MB to kB in google :)05:37
LinkeratorI tried that, didn't work05:37
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Linkeratoroh, I didn't type it right05:38
nickrudMarcC, why would you want to?05:38
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user01Linkerator: convert 64 MB to kB05:38
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ytooxhi, do you know of a good wysiwyg web page bulder for linux?05:40
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com05:40
Megaqwertyytoox: Nvu is a good one.05:40
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ytooxI tried it, but I get kinda confused05:40
Megaqwertyytoox: however, it hasn't been developed in a while, so get Kompozer05:40
kismetAny suggestions on creating a password protected rar / tar from a folder ?05:40
shiester_miestergday everyone05:40
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MarcCnickrud: for one thing, ext3 recommends against it05:41
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Megaqwertyshiester_miester: gday05:41
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nickrudMarcC, erm. I've never heard that, but it would be a reason. I use english, which maps well05:42
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Linkeratoris it just me or does everybody just seem to exit in large groups?05:42
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dr_willisLinkerator,  itsjust you. :)05:43
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dr_willisI got parts/joins  hidden.. so i never see them leave05:43
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Jordan_ULinkerator, Except when there is a DCC attack and they do :)05:43
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LinkeratorOh, so I'm not seeing things after all?05:44
MajorPayneOhh a netsplit?05:44
Jordan_U!dcc > Linkerator05:44
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Linkeratorokay, I get it now, thanks Jordan05:45
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Jordan_ULinkerator, np, I don't think that is what is happening now though05:46
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tainakitotally new, can some1 plz tell me how to repair ubuntu from the command promt?05:48
DFMI have a question about loosing control of the title bar of open window's. Any one ever seen this?05:48
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MajorPaynetainaki: What do you mean?  What is the problem?05:49
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weas3lack! i neeeed mp3 burning support...05:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:50
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit05:51
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tainakiMajorPayne: i really dunno what caused it but wheneva i try to start ubuntu it takes me to the black background command prmpt kinda place. I was running Feisty.05:51
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jimmygoonDo the routers hurt the packets, and damage them, because the irc application should encapsulate a packet to where its not possible for this to occur - does these bad routers strip the encapsulation or what?05:52
nickrudweas3l, the best I know of is k3b, and install libk3b2-mp3 for burning05:52
MajorPaynetainaki: Is there an error message?05:52
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weas3llibk3b2-mp3 in synaptic then nickrud?05:53
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weas3lcause i'm using k3b for data files already...05:54
nickrudweas3l, yes, it's in universe05:54
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dr_willisjimmygoon,  ive seen some sites taht detail it.. some how its the routers  'security' kicking in wrongly.05:54
DFMWhen I install kubuntu for the times I feel like running KDE and do the updates, I loose the ability to resize, move, shrink or close a program that is running.05:54
DFMI have to kill it to get rid of it05:55
dragonxhi there, i'm trying to get a higher resolution on my video card that is not listed in xorg.conf05:55
dr_willisjimmygoon,  i rember ages ago one could do a Modem ATDT command and hang people up on IRC05:55
dragonxcould someone walk me through modifying xorg.conf?05:55
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=== nickrud looks askance at dr_willis
adamonline45hahaha atdt05:55
jimmygoondr_willis, jeez you'd think that stuff would be better worked out05:55
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dfgascan i get the game not the server of call of duty to work in linux05:55
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tainakiMayPayne: well it says Sarting up...Loading plz wait..... kinit:name_to_dev.....(lots of stuff) then knit: No resume image, doing normal boot...then it takes me to desktop login. By the way i am typing this msg from a different comp.05:56
JCFialadragonx: I don't know much about xorg.conf, but from my limited futzing around with it, step one is making a backup copy of how it looks now.05:56
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dragonxJCFiala, yes i made a backup thanks.. hehe05:56
DFMI have removed kubuntu but the problem persist. I haven't been able to resolve it and have reloaded twice. I would really like to figure out what is wrong. I haven't had this problem with 6.06 or 6.1005:57
orbisviciscan someone help me with a flumotion error?: posted http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29065/05:57
Ex-Cyberdr_willis: was there a register or AT command to enable commands from the remote side? I know I used to see stuff that did the "+++" (if memory serves) string to try to disrupt people but I never had a problem with it05:57
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tainakiMajorPayne:  well it says Sarting up...Loading plz wait..... kinit:name_to_dev.....(lots of stuff) then knit: No resume image, doing normal boot...then it takes me to desktop login. By the way i am typing this msg from a different comp.05:57
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DFMI haven't been successful in searching the net probably because I don't know what I am looking for. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.05:57
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tainakiMajorPayne: is there any simple command i can type to take it to the previous state. Everything was fine some hours ago.05:59
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dr_willisEx-Cyber,  yea. :) that was it.. i dident want to say it. Heh05:59
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:59
MajorPaynetainaki: That's a little vaugue.  Does there seem to be any error messages?05:59
=== Android [n=Android_@81-178-75-12.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
theBishopubuntu is mounting my ipod as "disk"  i've messed with the partitions a bit.  can anyone tell me where the mounter looks to determine that the connected drive is an ipod?05:59
Supaplexisn't ubuntu another kind of windows? weird.05:59
MajorPaynetainaki: Did you do anythnig major to the system?06:00
portofuwhat? can you pass your crackpipe?06:00
=== dr_willis passes the crackpipe
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=== portofu sucks in deeeeeeeep
=== tournesol [n=tourneso@84-217-13-32.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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dr_willisOh wait.. thats not crack.. thats Draino!06:00
robbyi took a xanax06:01
DFMI am not asking for help with M$ I have the certs for that, I am using ubuntu which works unlike M$ lol06:01
Supaplexwell bug 1 says microsoft has a major market share. what's wrong with ubuntu?06:01
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=== dr_willis is failing to see the logic.. but really dosent care any more..
sxsilverI can't seem to get my sound to work properly I was wondering if anyone had this issue before.....it seems to work until I play a game or video then it doesn't work until I reboot06:01
=== portofu coughs blood
dr_willissxsilver,  interesting..  tryed different video players?06:02
dr_willissxsilver,  run them from the terminal, see if any error messages show up also.06:02
=== Olgem [n=Olgem__@host-69-145-97-137.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
madman91is there a way to increase the size of an ext3 partition?06:02
sxsilverTried to play just about everything06:02
sxsilvereven when I play games with sound06:02
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dr_willismadman91,  gparted can resize them. I normally just add a new hd. and shift things around with the mountpoints for /home and so forth06:02
sxsilvervideo's in firefox do it as well06:03
dr_willissxsilver,  even kde or gnome native games?06:03
tainakiMajorPayne: i was trying to install gstreamer this morning. I shut down n turned on this evening and that is what i'm getting. as for the error msg that is wat exactly i'm getting.06:03
=== amicrawler [n=kvirc@adsl-70-133-78-181.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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LinkeratorMadman91: Either use the Ubuntu livdCD or gparted liveCD and start Gparted to resize the partition you want06:03
amicrawlerhey guys i think i got a root kit or a virus06:03
sxsilverThe one ones I really play with sound are neverball and open arena06:03
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Jordan_Uamicrawler, Why do you think that?06:03
=== phreck_ [n=phreck@cpe-75-85-151-103.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoon!open arean06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open arean - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:03
amicrawlermy web browser keeps coming up with all this06:03
jimmygoon!open arena06:03
PurpZeYamicrawler: virus is highly unlikely.06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open arena - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:03
amicrawlerweard stuff06:04
jimmygoonamicrawler, not likely06:04
madman91dr_willis + Linkerator: can i shift the position of current partitions?06:04
amicrawlernot normal behavor06:04
amicrawleror knoqur06:04
dr_willismadman91,  dont think so. at least not easially06:04
madman91dr_willis + Linkerator: the gparted on the ubuntu cd didnt want to..06:04
MajorPaynetainaki: I don't know.  Maybe someone else can help you.06:04
tainakiMajorPayne: is there any way i can just restore to a previous state?06:04
dr_willismadman91,  thers limits as to what it can do depending on your partition layout06:04
amicrawlerit  keeps coming up with  key borad commands  in the browser06:04
madman91dr_willis: .. darn.. fat32 could but not ext3?06:05
dr_willisamicrawler,  make a new user.. see if the issue affects them also.06:05
jimmygoonamicrawler, how so? what do you mean "coming up with"06:05
MajorPaynetainaki: Not really.  Unless you created backups.06:05
amicrawlerlike goto a web page and then  i get g then h  in yellow06:05
jimmygoonamicrawler, where? on the pag?06:05
jimmygoonamicrawler, screenshot?06:05
JCFialaI apologize if this is something in the commonQuestions, but I don't see it there.  My mousewheel isn't doing any scrolling in kbuntu - do I need to delve into xorg.conf, or is there a configuration screen I'm missing?06:05
dr_willismadman91,  not sure what ya mean.. I think gpared has issues with  moving space from extended to/from logical partitions.06:05
dr_willisabd primaries06:05
amicrawlerhow to i make a snap shot06:05
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p5B15E919.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
phreck_is there a repo for aircrack?06:06
phreck_anyone know?06:06
dr_willis!find aircrack06:06
ubotuFound: aircrack, aircrack-ng06:06
LinkeratorThe print screen button takes screenshots06:06
phreck_or shoulod i just get the packages and manually install06:06
jimmygoonamicrawler, press the screenshot key on your keyboard, save it, adn upload to imageshack.us and paste the link here06:06
Megaqwertyphreck_: it's in the repository06:06
ubotuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr]  button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP.06:06
dr_willis!info aircrack06:06
ubotuaircrack: wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.2-7ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 48 kB06:06
phreck_Megaqwerty, which one06:06
jimmygoonJCFiala, likely xorg.conf06:06
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tainakiMajorPayne: i dun think i did. Well thanx for ur time. I guess i'll just reinstall it06:06
JCFialaThank you.06:06
Megaqwertyphreck_: the ubuntu repositories.06:06
=== Pucpuc [n=aaa@220-245-120-66-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonJCFiala, is it a laptop or a usb/other mouse?06:06
=== meme_ [n=donald@cpe-75-179-59-100.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertypreck_: Just search in synaptic for it.06:06
jimmygoonJCFiala, always try googling ubuntu + model_no of your mouse06:06
phreck_Megaqwerty, so just use synaptics?06:06
amicrawleri did and nothing happend when i pressed screen shoot06:06
Paddy_EIREdr_willis, I can crack wifi encryption with that package06:06
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Pucpucquestion, if i install ubuntu on my secondary IDE drive and install grub on my primary Sata drive will it boot up grub?06:07
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phreck_does it install the drivers to? or just the frontend06:07
JCFialaIt's a desktop mouse.  It's usb, although I have it in a PS/2 adaptor to go through a KVM switch that's PS/2 based.06:07
=== K`zan [n=vw@c-76-22-74-207.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dihi, gnome boots really slowly for me even on a core 2 duo t560006:07
Megaqwertyphreck_: It installs the entire suite06:07
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di21 seconds without any startup programs06:07
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K`zanCan someone tell me where to find libmp3lame.so ?06:07
phiqtioni recently installed Ubuntu, and THEN XP, the NTFS is not mounting properly, how can i auto-mount it on startup and now?06:07
K`zanI think I need a special repository ?!?06:08
Megaqwertyphreck_: I'd suggest getting aircrack-ng as opposed to the regular aircrack though.06:08
jimmygoonamicrawler, you on gnome?06:08
phreck_i did06:08
amicrawlernope kde06:08
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jimmygoonamicrawler, oh, do you have gimp?06:08
meme_Anybody in here have or had a ATI radeon 9200 agp card? And if So , do you have any advice?06:08
jimmygoon!screenshot > amicrawler06:08
phiqtioni recently installed Ubuntu, and THEN XP, the NTFS is not mounting properly, how can i auto-mount it on startup and now?06:08
MegaqwertyDoes anyone here package files? I want to know how to sign .debs.06:08
Megaqwerty(For a repository obviously)06:09
tonyyarussoMegaqwerty: read the topic of #ubuntu-motu and check the docs on the wiki linked06:09
Pucpucquestion, if i install ubuntu on my secondary IDE drive and install grub on my primary Sata drive with xp on it will it boot up grub?06:09
Megaqwertytonyyarusso: thanks06:09
=== awerner32 [n=chatzill@ip70-160-51-99.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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amicrawlerit went a way now06:09
amicrawlerit comes and goes06:09
=== Lipe_ [n=Lipe_@OL13-215.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
awerner32say i am looking to learn a programming language or really just to have something to go out and teach myself, i have no ultimate goal with this but have nothing really better to do and am always looking to learn. the consensus from what i have read so far says that python would be the language to go for but does anyone agree or disagree and also maybe i should just learn some shell scripting...06:09
awerner32...and get to know the terminal a bit better. Anybody have any input?06:09
=== megasquid [n=aigboboh@c-67-190-1-104.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
amicrawlerand some time as well on google website06:10
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phreck_python is good06:10
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FunnyLookinHatawerner32, python is a great starter language   : )06:10
phreck_C never hurt anyone either06:10
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tupaI don't know why but I hate python06:10
FunnyLookinHatawerner32, the good thing about it is that you can do both webpage stuff with it or local scripting, and it's even GTK enabled06:10
noiesmoPucpuc, yes it should if you install grub to mbr it should detect xp install and set up grub boot menu for you06:10
megasquidit seems as though there' unused ram that's not being freed in ubuntu, is there any software to monitor and free unused ram?06:10
LinkeratorI'm learning Python right now, eheheh06:10
MajorPayneC is great.  But all the stuff you mentioned is useful.06:10
amicrawlercame back then went a way06:10
JCFialaawerner32: Python is not a bad idea.  If you're interested in scripting languages, that's one that's good.  Ruby has a lot of fans as well.06:11
Pucpucnoiesmo Thank you06:11
dihi, gnome boots really slowly for me even on a core 2 duo t560006:11
di21 seconds without any startup programs06:11
tupaawerner32, if you would like to know terminal, why don't you learn bash scripting?06:11
noiesmonp Pucpuc06:11
dihow should i fix this?06:11
banlieueIs there a way to set-up a delay for audio previewing in Nautilus? I don't want it to audio preview unless my mouse has been on the icon for longer than 8 seconds06:11
=== Apple_ [n=apple@71-37-219-140.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
awerner32i think i am going to go with Python it definately has the most ubuntu community support and i do need to learn some bash scripting too06:11
awerner32thanks for all the help06:12
krloshelp me06:12
Megaqwerty !ask | krlos06:12
ubotukrlos: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:12
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-120-159.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
krlosi have problem the instalation06:12
MajorPaynedi: It doesn't really seem like you have a problem.06:12
=== CowzRule [n=scott@68-112-170-130.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisieEvening... recently installed feisty and a newbe; I had to use gparted to resize move the swap partition now on reboot it's not automatically used. How do I re-enable that?06:13
krlosthe lazarus06:13
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megasquidit seems as though there' unused ram that's not being freed in ubuntu, is there any software to monitor and free unused ram?06:14
Shadow6363hmm, just wondering what virtualization program people would recommend, have heard about vitualbox and vmware, dont know any others nor the benefits of either of those06:14
=== antitab [n=Michael@pool-72-78-153-188.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
amicrawlerok  guys caught it06:14
amicrawlergot a snap shot06:14
Shadow6363although not completely necessary, it would be nice if i could use an existing windows install, i know vmware can do this, not sure about virtualbox06:14
banlieueIs there a way to set-up a delay for audio previewing in Nautilus? I don't want it to audio preview unless my mouse has been on the icon for longer than 8 seconds...06:14
=== MSIGuy [n=chris@host-222-116-111-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
brueniglonger than 8 seconds? you might as well open the thing06:15
MarcCwhat's the difference between VNC and RDP? Any reason to use RDP over VNC?06:15
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bruenigjust turn it off06:15
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banlieue8 seconds was a random number, really06:15
banlieuepretend I didn't say eight and said two instead :P06:15
Shadow6363bruenig, how do you turn it on, i remember i had it before in edgy or dapper and really liked it, but with feisty, it no longer happens06:15
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banlieueit starts to play semi-immediately now, which is kind of annoying when just moving the mouse about in folders06:16
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bruenigShadow6363, not sure, it has to do with particular packages and whatnot, gstreamer-gconf maybe?06:16
banlieuebut I do find it quite handy to have as a feature06:16
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diMajorPayne: why?06:16
Shadow6363bruenig, alright, ill go looking, i know there is an option in preferences for previewing music, but i have it enabled, i shall check that package though06:16
bruenigwell I never use the file manager so it is of no help to me, it didn't work in thunar anyways06:16
Jordan_UShadow6363, What are you trying to do ?06:16
d4rkmonkeyhey, how do I check what kernel version I have?06:16
krlosas I can install the packages of lazarus in ubuntu06:16
Jordan_Ud4rkmonkey, uname -r06:16
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d4rkmonkeythanks Jordan_U06:17
MajorPaynedi: 21 seconds does not seem like a real long time.06:17
Jordan_Ud4rkmonkey, np06:17
krlosplease help me06:17
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Frogzoocan anyone suggest a way to calculate julian dates? you can use oobase, but I'd like something cli06:17
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diMajorPayne: someone else takes 1006:17
Megaqwertykrlos: what is your problem?06:17
Frogzooncal will show the julian dates actually, but I'd like to calculate number of days between 2 dates, from the terminal06:18
Shadow6363Jordan_U, for which question, i asked earlier about recommended virtualization programs and then someone mentioned the music previews in nautilus and since feisty, i know longer have them06:18
krlosas I can install the packages of lazarus in ubuntu?06:18
phreck_Megaqwerty, do i have to install the madwifi drivers? Or id that package handle it06:18
amicrawlerok were do i send it guys for this weard snap shot ?06:18
jimmygoonGr, my favorite ubuntu bug just happened, my Ctrl button got stuck down :S!!!!06:18
Linkeratoramicrawler: http://www.imageshack.us06:18
Megaqwertyphreck_: I personally didn't have to. Your mileage may vary though.06:18
MajorPayneFrogzoo: Try cal on the cli.06:18
=== Sigurney [n=Dagurny@71-37-220-103.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #UBUNTU
phreck_you use madwifi?06:18
Jordan_UShadow6363, I would recommend VMware now and possible virtual box once it is a little more mature06:19
SigurneyHi, new to linux and i've managed to install and get VMWare player running. I've been using easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml to make my virtual mahcins but haven't had any luck with a correct cd-rom configuartion and since the cd-rom drive isn't detected i can't install an OS. How do I actually get the info about my cdrom/dvd drives to tell what setting to use? Thx06:19
Jordan_UShadow6363, VMware server is available in ubuntu-commercial06:19
Shadow6363Jordan_U, alright, i've done vmware before way back when, but figured id check to see if there was anything better out06:19
Megaqwertykrolos: I didn't understand your question, but if you're asking how to install packages, go to System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager you can install anything in the repository from there.06:19
Shadow6363Jordan_U, do you think photoshop will run fairly well in virtualized windows?06:20
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Jordan_UShadow6363, I don't think that it is GPU accelerated so it should run pretty much the same speed06:20
amicrawlerok posted06:20
d4rkmonkeyHey, is 2.6.20-16-generic the newest kernel?06:21
kismetis there an alternative to GPixPod ?06:21
=== SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shadow6363Jordan_U, sounds good06:21
MegaqwertyShadow6363: I'd look at VirtualBox as well. www.virtualbox.org06:21
amicrawlerthis what i get a sites06:21
jimmygoonwhat browser?06:22
Shadow6363Megaqwerty, know any specific advantages/differences to it over vmware?06:22
jimmygoonamicrawler, what browser?06:22
Sigurneyhow dow i tell what letter (i.e D: E: F:) my cd-rom drive is? When i click properties on it and go to the drive tab, itdoesn't list the drive letter...06:22
jimmygoonamicrawler, can you try another browser, you possibly turned something on by accident (I'm not familiar with konq)06:22
jimmygoonSigurney, new to linux?06:22
Sigurneyjust installed it today06:23
jimmygoonSigurney, linux doesn't have drive letters, it has mount points06:23
MegaqwertyShadow6363: Yeah, first off, it isn't dumbed down like the free versions of VMware, it is very fast, it has USB device support...hold on...I'll get you a bigger list06:23
MajorPayneSigurney: No drive letters in Linux.06:23
bruenigjimmygoon, it has device names06:23
Sigurneyah ok06:23
jimmygoonSigurney, example, your drive is likely /media/cdrom    or /media/cdrom006:23
jimmygoonbruenig :P06:23
bruenighis drive is /dev/something06:23
=== di_ [n=di@bb220-255-215-88.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoon(that emoticon always looks so innocent but its actually me sticking my tongue out in definace)06:24
SigurneySo in the volume tab it says mount point: /media/cdrom0, is that what im looking for eh?06:24
jimmygoonbruenig, but he accesses it through the mount point... (right? my terminology sucks)06:24
jimmygoonSigurney, yes06:24
Sigurneyalright, thanks06:24
=== sprash [n=sprash@e180252191.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
amicrawlercan any body take a look at the pic and tell me what it is  it is when i go to websites but not all the time06:24
bruenigjimmygoon, true06:24
MajorPayneSigurney: Yes.  If you were to put a cd in the drive the stuff on the cd would appear in that directory.06:25
jimmygoonamicrawler, try another browser please06:25
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amicrawleri like konqueror06:25
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jimmygoonamicrawler, just to test it please06:25
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jimmygoonif its only happening in your browser, I would bet you accidently turned something on or off06:25
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MegaqwertyShadow6363: there is a thread about it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2932992 and you can check out a story from digg on the subject here: http://digg.com/linux_unix/5_reasons_why_you_should_use_VirtualBox_instead_of_VirtualPC_or_VMware06:26
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banlieueso, any way to set-up a delay on audio previewing in Nautilus?06:26
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lashmoov2what's the command to force redetect of hardware?06:26
whtaI just downloaded Beagle from synaptic. How do I set that up to be my search?06:26
Jordan_Ubanlieue, Have you looked in gconf-editor ?06:26
jimmygoonbanlieue, if I remember right that functionality comes from mpg123 or something like that...06:26
banlieueI have06:26
MegaqwertyShadow6363: hope that helps.06:26
banlieuejimmygoon: it does06:26
banlieueor mpg32106:27
Jordan_Ulashmoov2, What are you trying to do?06:27
banlieueboth will do, really06:27
jimmygoonbanlieue, maybe there is a conf file for it? I don't really know06:27
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banlieueI looked, but failed to locate any06:27
Shadow6363Megaqwerty, thanks, im reading them now06:27
jimmygoon(whats the difference between 123/321?)06:27
banlieue321 is free06:27
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lashmoov2Jordan_YOU: I plugged in an IDE harddrive that I need to be detected06:28
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Shadow6363Megaqwerty, any idea if virtualbox can use an existing windows install as its image or whatever the proper term is06:29
amicrawlerok does not happen in firefox06:29
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banlieuempg321 is philosophically better, but not as stable as mpg123 just yet06:30
jimmygoonlashmoov2, with some bios you have to restart to get that detection (I'm assuming you didn't... :P)06:30
banlieueit's meant as a free rewrite/replacement for mpg123, in fact06:30
Jordan_Ulashmoov2, You need to set it up in /etc/fstab if you want it mounted automatically06:30
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MarcChow to I change my hostname?06:30
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MarcCand is it safe?06:30
jimmygoonbanlieue, one of those banal gnu .... if it exists awesome... I just didn't know06:30
Jordan_Ulashmoov2, What File system is it?06:30
jimmygoonMarcC what for?06:30
MegaqwertyShadow6363: I don't think it can...but I haven't delved into that yet. It would be very cool if it could...do you know of a software that is capable of that?06:30
MarcCjimmygoon: because "dell" is a crap hostname06:30
mneptokbanlieue: 'lu :)06:30
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jimmygoonyou can do it in the Systme->Administration->Network ->(Second Tab) area06:31
MarcCsank you06:31
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Shadow6363Megaqwerty, I have done it with vmware, took little to know time nonetheless06:31
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Shadow6363Megaqwerty, i would think virtualbox could do the same as all i had to do was take an existing img loader or something that vmware uses to load the normal image and modify it to point to the windows paritition and it worked wonderfully06:32
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jimmygoonamicrawler, check the options in konquerer to see if you can turn it off06:32
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amicrawlerlooked no options06:32
MegaqwertyShadow6363: wow. point me in the direction of a tutorial if you know of one! It would be interesting to try.06:33
Jack_SparrowI have a dual boot system that is currently workng... it is time to reinstall XP... I had trouble not being able to restore/repair grub last time and had to reinstall Ubuntu.  SInce I have a working grub/boot atm is there a way to sagve it?06:33
Jordan_U!grub | Jack_Sparrow06:33
ubotuJack_Sparrow: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:33
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Jack_SparrowDosent work06:33
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Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, Did you try installing to hd(0) instead of hd(0,1) ?06:34
Sonicadvance1Wow, Ubuntu 7.10 is more buggy than I expected, I'm gonna move back to 7.04 :D06:34
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Shadow6363Megaqwerty, http://digg.com/linux_unix/Run_Your_Existing_Windows_Installation_on_Ubuntu_with_Vmware_Player i believe that is the tutorial i originally followed06:34
lashmoov2Jordan_U: ext306:34
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Jack_Sparrowwe tried all the different ways06:34
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Shadow6363Megaqwerty, if you look through it, i think it shouldnt be too hard to modify similar things in a virtualbox image in order to do the same06:35
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Shadow6363Megaqwerty, i have yet to use virtualbox though so im not completely sure06:35
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Jack_SparrowI remember there was a way to dd a copy of the mbr...06:35
MegaqwertyShadow6363: very cool. Thanks06:35
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xtknightJack_Sparrow, probably dd if=source of=dest bs=440 count=106:36
jimmygoonamicrawler, I'm out of ideas06:36
Ex-CyberJack_Sparrow: I just dealt with this... I don't recall exactly what I did but I remember I had to specify the path to the mounted /boot directory on the commandline06:36
Wikkedfin^when you use Desktop Effects is the minimize button an crap suppose to vanish?06:36
xtknightJack_Sparrow, try bs=446 instead*06:36
amicrawlerit's ok i will work with it06:36
Jack_Sparrowxtknight: That looks like it.. any documentation with that..06:36
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amicrawlera new user is a mac idea06:36
willzzargh! my ubuntu kernel (2.6.20-16-generic) suddenly refuses to boot06:36
xtknightJack_Sparrow, well here is the MBR layout: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record06:36
amicrawlernot a linux thing06:36
willzzeven the recover mode doesn't work... gets stuck after reading the IBM trackpad drivers.. even the old kernel doesn't work... it just sits there... off a live cd for now... have the partition mounted...06:36
xtknightJack_Sparrow, code area is first 446 bytes of the disk.06:37
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Jordan_UWikkedfin^, No06:37
slavikwillzz: is it a sata hard drive?06:37
amicrawlerall most like reboot all the time in windows xp06:37
xtknightJack_Sparrow, so input would for example be /dev/sda, and output maybe /dev/sdb.  but not /sda1 sdb2 etc.. just sda sdb06:37
willzzslavik, yes on my t6106:37
Wikkedfin^mine vanish06:37
zbadoneanybody know a thing or two about mysql?06:37
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Jack_Sparrowit is sda06:37
willzzbut i have SATA on compatibility mode (off the thinkwiki) and has worked before... didn't change anything in settings that could affect it06:37
slavikwillzz: check the root parameter in /boot/grub/menu.lst (make sure it is something like /dev/sdaX, not hda)06:37
zbadonetrying to drop a database with a - in the name, ie. test-database?06:37
Ex-CyberJack_Sparrow: I think the line was something like: grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/hda06:38
zbadonewill not work06:38
Ex-CyberJack_Sparrow: where I had mounted my main partition on /mnt06:38
xtknightzbadone, im going to take a completely wild guess but maybe you need to escape it like this: test\-database06:38
whtaI just downloaded Beagle from synaptic. How do I set that up to be my search?06:38
xtknightzbadone, i've never used mysql.06:38
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zbadonextknight: will give it a shot06:38
slavikwillzz: I had a similar thing, that the isntaller would set root to hda (if I install or upgrade kernel), have to change it to sda manually06:38
Jack_SparrowEx-Cyber: None of the grub commands seem to work on this system like they have on my others06:38
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slaviktracker > beagle IMO06:38
zbadonextknight: nope will not work06:38
timchanat boot time fsck fail to check the /dev/hdax (ext3) how to solve this06:39
xtknightzbadone, #mysql06:39
mneptokamicrawler: it's not a "Mac thing" it's a tried and true diagnostic strategy from the genesis of multi-user OSes06:39
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zbadonextknight: dont understand06:39
Jack_SparrowTHis one system with sata has always been unique in that way06:39
xtknightzbadone, isn't there a ##mysql channel?06:39
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Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, Did you try installing to hd(0) instead of hd(0,1) ?06:39
zbadoneyes, but noone there06:40
Ex-CyberJack_Sparrow: yeah, I had that problem too... I think the problem was that some livecd stuff is present in /boot, and grub looks there and gets confused06:40
Ex-CyberJack_Sparrow: (assuming you're talking about running grub from livecd, of course)06:40
Wikkedfin^7.10 gonna have desktops effects working?06:40
willzzmy boot.lst only has (hd0,2) which is /dev/sda3 which is correct as that's my installed linux partition06:40
Jack_Sparrow(hd0) (hd0,3) all of the above including super grub repair which has always workled for me06:40
bruenigWikkedfin^,  #ubuntu+1 doubt it06:40
SlimGI'm planning on mounting /home from a server at my LAN at boot, should I use sshfs, smbfs or nfs ? (resposiveness, speed, stability, security)06:40
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willzzuses the standard grub parameters... hmm..06:41
slavikSlimG: nfs I think is best06:41
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mneptokWikkedfin^: they are now enabled by default in the Gutsy betas06:41
SlimGslavik: what qualitys does nfs have over the others?06:41
jimmygoonamicrawler, it may be some kde specific accessibility thing too06:41
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, What does happen? Is anything written to the MBR?06:41
pguserI burned a desktop cd and I'm getting squashfs errors.06:41
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amicrawleryeah that is what i'm thinking 206:41
amicrawlernot user06:42
amicrawleror system wide06:42
Jack_SparrowEx-Cyber: from live cd from wirking system every combo.. I have done this a thousand times for other people. just this one box has something really odd.. the dual 400 gig drives may be an issue as well06:42
pguseri checked to make sure the iso md5 checksum matched and it did06:42
amicrawlerjust app  issue06:42
Jack_Sparrowjordan.. it dosent make any changes to the boot/grub06:42
pguseris 7.04 a buggy POS?06:42
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mneptokamicrawler: a new account will have a default set of prefs06:42
amicrawleris there a xml file i can remove to bring kde to default06:43
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slavikSlimG: sshfs has the encryption (I think) which might slow it down ... smbfs (no comment, no reason to use it unless you need to mount windows shares)06:43
=== EvilDennisR fg
Jack_SparrowIt just dosent see the hardware right...  mounted, unmounted.  oddball..  the dd should do what I want06:43
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, What exactly did you run at the grub prompt?06:43
pguserubuntu is the first linux distro I couldn't even install06:43
pguserit is that bad06:43
Jack_SparrowThe std tutorial06:43
slavikpguser: use gentoo :)06:43
mneptokpguser: lighten up, guy06:43
Wikkedfin^mneptok, thanks :)06:43
pguserwhy am i getting squashfs errors in the year 2007!06:44
mneptokWikkedfin^: hm?06:44
Jack_SparrowTHanks people.. gonna go work on the dd backup of mbr06:44
Wikkedfin^<mneptok> Wikkedfin^: they are now enabled by default in the Gutsy betas06:44
SlimGslavik: thanks for the info, is there any other viable alternatives I should consider that you know of?06:44
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willzzslavik, no sdaX in my menu.lst standard root (hd0,2) which is correct06:44
pguseri set pci=noacpi and it didn't fix it either06:44
willzzdevice.map does show (hd0)   /dev/sda though which is correct06:44
Wikkedfin^i couldnt find out any info why the buttons vanish i have a evga 7950 512MB gfx card desktop effects should work fine...06:45
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slavikSlimG: not really ...06:45
mneptokpguser: the correct parameter is just "noacpi"06:45
xtknightprobably acpi=off or noapic actually06:45
xtknightnolapic also for disabling local apic06:45
SlimGslavik: ok06:45
mneptokWikkedfin^: ah, np np06:45
slavikSlimG: there is dfs (distributed fs) ... just man mount, I think the manpage lists all fs mount supports06:45
willzzwhat file in /var/log is the last kernel boot log?:06:46
Jack_Sparrowpguser: try F6 and adding the command noapic to the boot line06:46
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, The reason I ask is that the instructions on the wiki *don't* install grub to the MBR but to the partition06:46
pguserJack: I'll try it06:46
SlimGslavik: thank you, I'll look into it06:46
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slavikwillzz: on the kernel line, where it's like /boot/vmlinuz-kernelversion root=???06:46
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: I am aware of that... but thanks06:46
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pguserI'll be right back.....hopefully it works, or else ubuntu will hold the distinctions as the only linux distro that didn't work on my pc06:47
zerokill88Is anyone inside this room familiar with Gimp?The photo editor like Adobe Photo Shop?06:47
Shadow6363Megaqwerty, no idea what to do with this information, but this might work well with the other guide http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Migrate_Windows06:47
pguserand i've used redhat 6.1, 7.1 suse linux, centos,06:48
lashmoov2what's the untar command.. I can't find it online and the --help isn't helping?06:48
inazadhow to recover a file erased on an ext3' partition ?!06:48
slavikzerokill88: gimp is nothing like photochop06:48
MegaqwertyShadow6363: I'll look it over, thanks06:48
willzzroot            (hd0,2)06:48
willzzkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=2e1de66f-8069-4055-a169-bdb3fc79b1dd ro quiet splash06:48
willzzinitrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-generic06:48
zerokill88slavik well in essence06:48
willzzthat's what i have in my menu.lst06:48
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milllmannni know this isnt a SQL room, but can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? grant all privileges on database.* to testuser identified by 'testuser';06:48
slavikwillzz: next time please don't paste into channel (use pastebin)06:48
zerokill88anyway slavik can you help me out with a minor problem?06:48
Jack_Sparrowlashmoov2: tar xvpfz backup.tgz -C /  is what I use to restore my backups06:49
milllmannndo i need to specify a specific table?06:49
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:49
edsonsomebody use gkrellm?06:49
Jack_Sparrowtweak to suit your setup06:49
edsonsomebody use fonts .pcf.gz?06:49
Frogzoomilllmannn: you might want testuser@localhost06:49
slavikzerokill88: to answer your question, I am not here for you, so just ask your question and if someone knows, he'll (or she'll) answer it06:49
mneptokmilllmannn: try -privileges06:49
milllmannnim trying to connect to a remote server06:50
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slavikwillzz: you can try to change the UUID to the old way of doing things (/dev/sdaX type thing)06:50
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bruenigor do blkid to get the uuid06:50
=== cheeseboy , : ( stfu im tryn to sleep ) | : ( Saturday, July 7, 2007. 19:40:39 ) Xlack v2.1
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zerokill88SLAVIK well thats obvious or this room would be called "Helping myfriend Zerokill88", anyway i asked you because you sounded pretty well informed to let me know firmly that Gimp was nothing like Adobe Photoshop.06:52
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nomad111hey all is there a graphical tool to configure grub06:53
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milllmannnnevermind, i figured it out... found my old walkthrough i created for a system i set up a few weeks ago06:53
zerokill88So, my question to the room is, when i open a new file, and type my name Zerokill88 for new text, the fonts do not look good at all, and when i zoom in or make the font bigger, the font looks even worse,like bad pixeling06:53
nomad111there are too many entries in my grub menu and i dont want to tinker around in the grun file06:53
Jordan_Unomad111, Yes, let me find it...06:53
zerokill88So, my question to the room is, when i open a new file,"IN GIMP", and type my name Zerokill88 for new text, the fonts do not look good at all, and when i zoom in or make the font bigger, the font looks even worse,like bad pixeling06:54
nomad111Jordan_U: much appreciated06:54
slavikzerokill88: did you make sure the font is antialiased?06:54
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SlimG!repeat | zerokill8806:55
ubotuzerokill88: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:55
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slavikzerokill88: I think #gimp (on irc.gimp.org) would be better suited for your question06:55
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zerokill88slavik no i didnt, im not sure what that is either, but it is a ttf font, a windows, but it happens to any font, the ones that come with gimp or the ones on my comp06:56
Jack_SparrowInvert314: I agree but it is offtopic06:56
zerokill88slavik ok i will check there also thanks06:56
maatttthi all.    I have xp on /dev/sda and ubuntu on /dev/sdb.   I can set the boot disk in BIOS and that work for either OS, but I'd like to choose which OS on book.  which is easier, grub to boot xp, or xp to boot ubuntu ?06:56
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RedWolfI've already been through the !DualHead post and to no avail and SEVERAL Xorg.conf reconfigs later lol, I still am unable to get my dual moniors to have assigned deskspaces06:57
SlimGmaatttt: grub to boot xo06:57
SlimGmaatttt: s/xo/xp/06:57
RedWolfGrub to XP06:57
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maattttSlimG: I added an entry to menu.lst, but if I choose xp from the grub menu, it just says "Starting..." and nothing else.  I have to reboot.06:58
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pguserok, didn't help,06:58
maattttshould it boot to the windows boot loader menu ?06:58
maattttor just boot xp ?06:58
SlimGmaatttt: How are your disks connected?06:58
maatttt4 x sata06:59
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Jack_Sparrowpguser: where does it hang or what does it do.06:59
maattttseperate disks.06:59
pguserI f'in can't believe that linux is getting worse over time06:59
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maatttt2 x os, 2 x data.06:59
SlimGmaatttt: It should boot windows (not windows bootloader)06:59
Jordan_Unomad111, http://web.telia.com/~u88005282/sum/index.html06:59
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SlimGmaatttt: serial ata disks?06:59
pguserjack: it hangs on a sqaushfs error06:59
Jack_Sparrowpguser: It isn't... there is just such diversity in hardware...06:59
[GUiLTY] buenas06:59
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maattttSlimG: all SATA06:59
pguserJack: I've been using linux since redhat 6.106:59
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RedWolfpguser, It's most of the time Operator error07:00
aseidlhmm, I just did a fresh install of Feisty, installed fglrx, xgl, and compiz-fusion.  Now all my fonts are huge.  Any ideas how to fix it?07:00
[GUiLTY] hi07:00
pguserand i've never had a distro not install07:00
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RedWolfI've been using Linux since linus made it from minix pguser..doesn't matter. User error is a bitch07:00
SlimGmaatttt: maby this'll help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:00
Jack_Sparrowpguser: What is your hardware..07:00
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maattttSlimG: thanks.07:00
pguserRedWolf: it is not user error07:00
jeremysanHi all, I am trying to play a DVD movie with Totem Movie Player, but it says that I do not have the appropriate plugins.  Where can I get the appropriate plugins?07:00
Jack_Sparrowpguser: I have had lots that would not install07:00
[GUiLTY] I have a question. Do you know how can  I  disable a module , so it will not run when I start?07:01
aseidlscreenshot: http://www.andrewseidl.com/Screenshot.png07:01
[GUiLTY] chmod -x somewhere?07:01
RedWolfI'm a dunce on the GUI side of Linux..never had a use to do much.. give me terminal and root and have at it07:01
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whtaI just downloaded Beagle from synaptic. How do I set that up to be my search?07:01
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: Thanks.. looks like I will just do the whole 512k and save the partitioninfo as well07:01
m0u5ewhta: it should automatically configure itself, press f1207:02
pguserI've had redhat 6.1 install , 7.1 install, Suse 8, suse 9, centos 4, centos 5, freebsd 5.2 , freebsd 6.2, openbsd, solaris 10, windows, windows xp install on this computer07:02
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m0u5eanyone know how to get the graphire 4 wacom tablet working?07:02
jeremysanHi all, I am trying to play a DVD movie with Totem Movie Player, but it says that I do not have the appropriate plugins.  Where can I get the appropriate plugins?07:02
infblisshi all can somebody tell me how to give execute permissions to07:02
infbliss   executables in windows vfat partitions07:02
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RedWolfwhat is the error you have pguser?07:02
SlimG[GUiLTY] : Add the module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist07:02
whtam0u5e: f12 doesn't even do anything at all07:02
pguserRedWolf: a squashfs error07:02
RedWolfpaste bin it?07:02
[GUiLTY] I have it blacklisted, but it loads :-(07:02
pguserI've not been able to even install it07:03
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[GUiLTY] its therm_adt746x. The module that controlls the tempreature in the powerbook.07:03
m0u5ewhta: really? :X07:03
pguseri'll try an waste another cd on this, although I've already md5'd the iso07:03
RedWolfwhat is the specific error pguser?07:03
pguserRedWolf: squashfs error07:03
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m0u5ewhta: try restarting your windows manager, it should auto startup07:03
Jack_Sparrowpguser: I have had Dells using a verified good cd not install until I took it and reburned it at a lower speed.. No reason for it but that fixed that particular problem07:03
pguserjust keeps printing sqashfs error across the screen07:03
RedWolfpguser, unable to read page block?07:04
m0u5ewhta: you installed the ubuntu package right?07:04
pgusersomething like that07:04
whtam0u5e: I'll just restart X for good measure.. brb.07:04
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whtam0u5e: yes, from synaptic.07:04
pguserit goes through a bunch of squashfs errors,07:04
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Jack_Sparrowpguser: do you have the iso on one of your computers?07:04
RedWolfcopy the live CD you have to the HDD07:04
pguserJack: yes07:04
SlimGpguser: tested the cd with the cd-check choice on the cd bootmenu ?07:05
Jack_Sparrowpguser: That is similar to the loop I was getting on the Dells07:05
RedWolfthen type mount -o loop -t squashfs /mnt/cdrom/livecd.squashfs /mnt/tmp07:05
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pguserI md5'd it already and compared it to the md5s on the ubuntu site.  it checks out fine07:05
Jack_Sparrowpguser: This may sound stupid... but burn the ISO at a very slow speed and retry..07:05
pguserthe sucky thing is, ubuntu is the only free linux distro now07:05
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m0u5epguser: are you using gnome baker?07:06
RedWolfNO it's not pguser07:06
SlimGpguser: Then I guess it's your CDROM that's pulling tricks on you07:06
pguseri used cdrecord -scanbus07:06
khinhi i had a question about using utorrent in wine. it says it saved the file in some directory on c: . where do i access this in my linux file system?07:06
RedWolfwhat does wodim say pg?07:06
[GUiLTY] any idea why a blacklisted module continues loading automatically each time I boot up?07:06
m0u5ekhin: /home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/07:06
m0u5epguser: weird... cause i've gotten a similar error whenever i try to burn bootable isos07:07
SlimGkhin: $HOME/.wine/drive_c07:07
Jack_Sparrowpguser: what os are you using to burn the iso to a disk07:07
m0u5epguser: it only happens when i try to burn images on linux07:07
shiester_miesterpguser, i was under the impression that a whole bunch of linux distros are free07:07
pguserI'm going to try burning another cdr with ubuntu07:07
m0u5epguser: nero does it fine07:07
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m0u5epguser: try using graveman07:07
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shiester_miesterhow about knoppix? lindows?07:07
shiester_miesteri used those a few years ago :/07:07
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banlieuelindows doesn't exist (anymore)07:07
banlieueit's called linspire now, and it's not free07:07
RedWolfpguser,  MOST Linux is free07:07
pgusershiester: no, the only DECENT distros are gone, comercial and locked up07:07
banlieueunlike freespire07:07
slavikit's linspire now07:07
banlieuebut linspire is one of the rare distros that are NOT free, actually07:08
Paddy_EIREbanlieue, freespire is though :)07:08
VeganCheesesteakid like a bit of advice please...which ftp server should i use for my Ubuntu 6.06LTS server?07:08
banlieuePaddy_EIRE: that's what I said ;P07:08
shiester_miesterpguser, oh ok, i didnt realise you were specifically referring to distros that you liked07:08
RedWolflinspire is garbage07:08
pgusersuse is now novell exchange, redhat is locked up, fedoracore is beta crap07:08
RedWolfWhat about GEntoo pg?07:08
shiester_miesteryeah i know all the biggest ones have become commercial07:08
slavikpguser: it's fedora now, no core anymore07:08
pguseri heard great things about ubuntu07:08
shiester_miesterhow did that happen, anyway?07:08
[GUiLTY] VeganCheesesteak, the most close of you07:08
banlieueif your definition of a good distro is 'it costs money', you are absolutely right, pguser07:08
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:08
slavikshiester_miester: greed07:08
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pguserbut most likely ubuntu will go the same way as redhat07:08
Jack_Sparrowpguser: PLease humor me... it will only cost you a dime07:08
Hitomarohow do I open another server?07:08
pguseronce it gets enough market share07:09
shiester_miesterslavik, i hope that ubuntu doesnt do that :O07:09
mneptokpguser: it won't07:09
Hitomarowith Gaim07:09
[GUiLTY] any idea why a blacklisted module continues loading automatically each time I boot up?07:09
Hitomarohow do I open another server with gaim?07:09
VeganCheesesteak[GUiLTY] : i mean on my box for my ftp needs :)07:09
shiester_miesterpguser, you are possibly right, although i sincerely hope not07:09
VeganCheesesteakvsftp proftp etc.07:09
m0u5epguser: it says on the ubuntu website that ubuntu will remain free.... 6_6;07:09
pgusershiester: every good popular distro eventually sells out07:09
shiester_miesterstupid greedy people :(07:09
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[GUiLTY] VeganCheesesteak, rftpd?07:09
Paddy_EIREpguser, no they dont07:09
pguserredhat did, suse did,07:09
mneptokpguser: umm ... Debian?07:10
banlieuepguser: that's totally not a bad comparison based on false argumentation :] 07:10
Paddy_EIREpguser, since when is suse good07:10
pguseri supported them with my dollars.  i bought those disk07:10
m0u5enovell is currently looked down on in the linux and free software community :(07:10
banlieuedebian, gentoo?07:10
shiester_miesterwho is it that would get the money if ubuntu sold out? the devs?07:10
VeganCheesesteak[GUiLTY] : enlighten me on the benefits please.  i dont know the pros and cons of each07:10
bruenigredhat sold out from the beginning07:10
mullinsany good games on the system07:10
Megaqwertym0u5e: indeed they are.07:10
pguseri went to the store and spend 200 bucks on a boxed set of 7.1 redhat to go on the RHN07:10
shiester_miestermullins, a whole bunch of them07:10
mneptokshiester_miester: sabdfl07:10
mullinslike what07:10
Paddy_EIREredhat was never that good to begin with07:10
shiester_miestermullins, stalker07:10
Jack_Sparrowmullins: sauerbratten, cube for fps07:10
pguserPaddy: redhat was really good07:10
m0u5eeven if ubuntu goes commercial, they'll just be another fork07:11
nixternal!offtopic | m0u5e banlieue pguser Paddy_EIRE bruenig shiester_miester mullins07:11
ubotum0u5e banlieue pguser Paddy_EIRE bruenig shiester_miester mullins: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:11
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[GUiLTY] VeganCheesesteak, I've tried some.. and this one is which I like...07:11
RedWolfmaybe PGuse ris a troll?07:11
shiester_miesterok ok ok07:11
=== shiester_miester shuts up about games
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mullinsill have to try them out07:11
VeganCheesesteak[GUiLTY] : thanks i will investigate07:11
pguserRedWolf: no troll here. just really upset07:11
shiester_miestermullins, lets talk in #ubuntu-offtopic07:11
RedWolfpguser, burn it at 6x trust me07:11
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shiester_miesterill tell you about more07:11
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MegaqwertyPaddy_EIRE: Readhat's selling point is their Tech Support packages. However, their tech support ratings tied with Ubuntu's07:11
mullinshow you get there07:11
=== mneptok beams
pguserok i'll do that.  I need to google cdrecord07:11
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Jack_SparrowRedWolf: I agree... I had to do that myself07:11
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shiester_miestermullins, same way you joined this channel07:12
mneptokMegaqwerty: because we *rock*07:12
shiester_miesterit depends on your IRC client when doing it the gui way07:12
mullinsill be ther07:12
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Polygon89mullins, you should be able to by typing "/join #channelname07:12
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Jack_Sparrowpguser: isorecorder for windows is free07:12
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shiester_miesterbut to do it the other way, you type /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:12
pguserJack: i dont USE windows07:12
m0u5ei'm in ubuntu-offtopic hehe07:12
Jordan_Ushiester_miester, If he joined irc.ubuntu.com he was forewarded here automatically :)07:12
Megaqwertymneptok: Darn right we do! :-D07:12
[GUiLTY] VeganCheesesteak, try this one first... I think you'l like it07:12
Paddy_EIREMegaqwerty, I think almost all major distros offer pretty good paid tech support07:12
shiester_miesteroh ok07:12
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pgusersolaris was easier to install than ubuntu!  ANd that's saying alot07:12
mneptokMegaqwerty: except you don't work with me ;)07:12
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Jordan_Upguser, How did redhat sell out?07:13
CppIsWeirdhow do i lower the sample rate of my audio? can i do that with alsamixer?07:13
pgusercause solaris bites goats in terms of installing07:13
Paddy_EIREpguser, about the user perhaps07:13
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Megaqwertymneptok: ?07:13
pguserJordan: when they stopped providing isos of their distro07:13
RedWolftook me 10 minutes to install a full ubuntu installation pguser07:13
damo22any benefit upgrading from dapper to feisty?07:13
mneptokMegaqwerty: /whois mneptok07:13
pguserRedWolf: I want the desktop verision07:13
Polygon89damo22, more updated packages mostly.07:13
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Jordan_Upguser, Ahh, they are still good to the community, and would never pull a Novell07:14
RedWolfI have the desktop version pguser07:14
Jack_Sparrowdamo22: I have both here... havent seen anything I couldnt do without07:14
Paddy_EIREdamo22, better rounded07:14
Megaqwertymneptok: whoa. Niceness oh lord of the support!07:14
RedWolfdual monitors too :-P07:14
damo22can i just change all my apt source list to feisty? and do dist upgrade?07:14
VeganCheesesteak[GUiLTY] : i googled for docs and didnt find anything...would you have a link?07:14
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[GUiLTY] VeganCheesesteak, I sec07:14
pguserJordan: Ubuntu is following the trajectory of selling out.  Redhat was great to the community too.07:14
mneptokMegaqwerty: bah. i'm lucky if i'm lord of my own pants.07:14
RedWolfI'm actually battling that right now trying to make each screen independent from another while still being able to drag between the two07:14
[GUiLTY] VeganCheesesteak, english?07:14
VeganCheesesteak[GUiLTY] : yes07:14
Jordan_Upguser, And sabdfl has stated that Ubuntu will *never* have a separate pay only distro07:14
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SlimGpguser: If your CD md5sum is ok, There is most likely something wrong with your CDROM, I've encountered several CDROMs that validate the md5sum and still is incapable of reading the disk correct07:14
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Paddy_EIRE!upgrade | damo2207:14
ubotudamo22: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:14
RedWolfthat way I can play vendetta on one screen full screen and then drag my mouse over and chat on here07:15
pguserSlim: my cdrom is fine.  I've just installed solaris on my pc.  No problems07:15
elpargoanyone here knows how to make firefox's google search ignore country reference?07:15
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Polygon89elpargo, its most likely tied to what local firefox is07:15
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SlimGpguser: solaris installdisk isn't identical to the ubuntu disk07:15
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ben_I'm trying to share some folders between two Ubuntu machines, can anyone point me to a HOWTO?07:15
pguserother than solaris install is quite backwards compared to the 7.1 redhat install07:15
pguserthose were the good ol days07:16
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Paddy_EIRE!nfs | ben_07:16
ubotuben_: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:16
elpargoPolygon89, local firefox?07:16
RedWolfpguser, you can either try our suggestion or continue to believe that we're wrong and never get it installed. OR you can copy the Liev CD over and Mounte squashfs like I told you to and do it that way07:16
Polygon89elpargo, as in if your using en-us version of firefox, it *might* be smart and then give you like the normal google07:16
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Jack_SparrowToo much chatter......... Please take discussions to the other room07:16
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pguserRedWolf: what do I have to do with sqaushfs?07:17
pguseri'm on solaris, can I do that on solaris?07:17
Polygon89elpargo, but then if you use like some other language of firefox, like... russian or something, then it *might* be smart enough to use the russian google instead of the normal english one07:17
RedWolfof course pg07:17
Cosss  :D07:17
elpargoPolygon89, oh you mean locale. I have no locale set so it should default to en.07:17
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RedWolfare you ready?07:17
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RedWolfCopy the LIVE CD to disk07:17
Polygon89elpargo, yeah forgot the E :D07:17
RedWolfmake sure you're root07:17
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Cosss    ?  :)07:18
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=512 count=1   is what will backup the whole mrb07:18
RedWolfmake a temp directory mnt/temp07:18
RedWolfthen mount -o loop -t squashfs /mnt/cdrom/livecd.squashfs /mnt/tmp07:18
RedWolfMake a root directory  mkdir /mnt/root07:18
elpargoPolygon89, huh? no no I want it to skip the local not accept it, my countries DNS sucks and it's causing google pages to slow down, I know I can get around it with google.com/ncr but can't get it for firefox07:18
pguseri'm going to do this and report back07:19
RedWolfmount /dev/hdaX(<---change X to what ever your partition is) /mnt/root07:19
Jordan_Upguser, If you are getting squashfs errors you could try the alternate CD, it doesn't use squashfs07:19
RedWolfchange to the squashfs dir cd /mnt/tmp07:19
Polygon89elpargo, what does google.com/ncr do?07:19
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RedWolfthen find . -print | cpio -pumdv /mnt/root  then p /mnt/cdrom/livecd/isolinux/linux-image-2.6.15-26-386 /mnt/root/boot then edit grub07:19
elpargoPolygon89, No Country Reference, it ignores custom google urls, I though that is what we where talking about.07:19
RedWolfwhat a dunce07:20
RedWolfAlright, now that he's gone I really need help.07:20
RedWolfI read the !DualHead article and I'm not doing so well.. I'm an idiot when uit comes to GUI linux07:20
Jordan_URedWolf, Maybe I misunderstand what you are trying to do but the LiveCD does not use GRUB07:20
Polygon89elpargo, hmm i dont know if you can edit what the google toolbar thingy does07:20
Wikkedfin^Anyone play UT2004 on Ubuntu 7.04?07:20
RedWolfI was trying to get him to go away07:21
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RedWolfthat'll keep him busy for 20 minutes07:21
Polygon89Wikkedfin^, i have played it.... what about it?07:21
Wikkedfin^lol @ RedWolf07:21
Wikkedfin^Polygon89, any problems installing it?... like on suse?07:21
Paddy_EIREPolygon89, its possible to roll your own in that search bar at the top right, maybe he can add the custom url there07:21
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: the restore for that would be... dd if=mbr.backup of=/dev/sda bs=1    right?07:22
Polygon89Wikkedfin^, not really, just run the install script and it worked fine.07:22
Polygon89Paddy_EIRE, tell that to elpargo, im not familiar with that07:22
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elpargoPaddy_EIRE, yea I guess so...07:22
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Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, I don't know for sure07:22
Cosss  ?07:22
elpargoI just wish websites stop guessing on me....07:23
SlimGWikkedfin^: http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=1707:23
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: thanks...  I will try it on one of my spare boxes07:23
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Jack_SparrowGoodnight all... paddy.. take care07:23
Paddy_EIREelpargo, http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Creating_OpenSearch_plugins_for_Firefox07:23
Paddy_EIREno probs07:23
Wikkedfin^SlimG,  whats this?07:23
RedWolfany how..I've got my monitors nice and dual..using TwinView. It's great i have one giant desktop, but it's really not what I wanted to accomplish. I want to have Monitor 1 display workspace 1, and Monitor 2 display workspace 2...with the ability to move the mouse between the two...maybe it;s not possible..but I'd damn sure lik eto get as close as possible07:24
SlimGWikkedfin^: installscript for UT2004, installs the latest ut2004 for you with a nice install gui07:24
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Wikkedfin^thanks bro07:24
Polygon89Doesnt ut2204 by default have a gui for installing?07:24
SlimGWikkedfin^: All you need to do is pop in cd1 and let the installer do the rest of the work07:25
Polygon89it uses lokiinstaller if im not mistaken07:25
Polygon89oh wait07:25
Polygon89thats the demo07:25
Polygon89duh lawl07:25
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Wikkedfin^i knew it would run on linux just i use to run suse an it had problems cuz they messed with crap...07:25
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Wikkedfin^the link you gave me the dl for the poathc is dead...07:25
RedWolfanyone have any ideas?07:25
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SlimGPolygon89: lifl = loki installers for linux games ;)07:26
Jack_SparrowRedWolf: have you tried xinerama07:26
numusis there anyway to have programs start on ubuntu startup.. like beryl and gaim instant messanger07:26
jarrodhey guys this is a very basic question how can you find the user name and password of your router if its not default from?07:26
NUTSRedwolf, yes its possible, thats what I have. were each desktop acts as it own workstation.07:26
RedWolfsort of.. when I do that I can't launch gnome-terminal or Tilda.. it's weird07:26
Polygon89SlimG, ah.07:26
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slaviknumus: system -prefs - sessions07:26
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead07:26
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NUTStrying to remember how i set it up07:26
RedWolfI read those..maybe I'm just too stupid jack07:27
Jack_SparrowThat wasnt it..07:27
Jack_Sparrowlet me check my notes07:27
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RedWolfif you scroll way up I..stated that I read those lol07:27
IMonsterRedWolf I can show you a copy of my xorg.conf file I have mine set up that way07:27
RedWolfplease do IMonster http://www.pastebin.ca07:27
RedWolfI'll show you mine , maybe you can show me what to do...a nd if I fry X I have a backup ;)07:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:28
numusslavik: were are programs stored07:28
RedWolfIMonster, give me a moment07:28
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RedWolfI already have the Nvidia drivers installed07:28
jarrod how can you find the user name and password of your router if its not default from? not specially a ubuntu question.. but im using ubuntu to ask it :D07:28
Paddy_EIREnumus, no one place in particular07:28
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RedWolfIMonster, http://pastebin.ca/60827807:28
SlimGklobster: PM ubotu if it's for your own use07:28
numusjarrod hard reset your router to reset it to factory specs07:28
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n2diyjarrod: that is probably stored on the router?07:29
Paddy_EIREnumus, what are you looking for specifically07:29
redhotAny one know how to show the users list in XChat? :)07:29
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:29
NUTSsent a copy of mine as well07:29
Paddy_EIREredhot, its tucked in to the right drag it out07:29
numuspaddy_eire gaim instant messanger, hamachi start, beryl07:30
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n2diyredhot: xchat, or xchat-gnome?07:30
RedWolfwhat are the Links NUTS  and IMonster ?07:30
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numusin command is that terminal command.. if so i should be able to type hamachi start07:30
jarrodn2diy: wow there's a reset button there ... i feel dumb thanks07:30
Paddy_EIREnumus, yes but for what specifically07:30
redhotn2diy, XChat 2.8.007:30
redhotA multiplatform IRC Client07:30
numusgaim instant messange on startup07:30
IMonsterRedWolf - http://www.pastebin.ca/60828007:30
Paddy_EIREnumus, start with say gaim07:30
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RedWolfthank you nuts07:30
SlimGklobster: PM ubotu if it's for your own use07:31
Paddy_EIREnumus, you want gaim to be on when you log in07:31
RedWolfand IMonster07:31
n2diyjarrod: roger, I'm in xchat-gnome. What brand of router?07:31
NUTSRedWolf NP :)07:31
SlimGklobster: sorry!, my finger slipped :P07:31
IMonsterRedwolf - NP07:31
Paddy_EIREnumus, System > Preferences > Sessions07:31
RedWolfcan you drag your mouse between desktops?07:31
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numusgot there07:31
numusneed to know what to put into command07:31
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jarrodn2diy: linksys07:32
Paddy_EIREnumus, for gaim just type gaim for beryl type beryl-manager07:32
IMonsterand windows07:32
redhotPaddy_EIRE: thanks, I didn`t thought it can be there :D07:32
Paddy_EIREnumus, what was the other07:32
numushow about hamachi07:32
n2diyjarrod: roger, then your default user name is probably blank, and the passwd is admin.07:32
Paddy_EIREnumus, im not sure what that is07:32
redhotthanks, cya07:32
numusit is a virtual server adapter07:32
numusallows you to create a virtual network with computers no matter where in tehw orld they are07:33
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Jack_SparrowRedWolf: I cant find my notes on that... If I do I will set them aside for you... remind me when you see me..  goddnight07:33
RedWolfokay Jack_Sparrow thanks07:33
numusallows you to realvnc along with other programs as long as you have an internet connection like they are in your workgroup07:33
Paddy_EIREok numus do you know if the link to launch it is in the application menu07:33
numusno.. in terminal you have to type hamachi start07:33
RedWolfNUTS,  did you look at my Xorg.conf ... maybe give me some suggestions07:33
Paddy_EIREnumus, then there you go07:33
numuswhich is giving me a problem again07:33
numus08 01:33:44.394 [   0]  [ 7210]  tap: connect() failed 2 (No such file or directory)07:34
numusworked untill restart07:34
NUTSno sorry I did not07:34
NUTSI will07:34
jarrodn2diy: its doesn't appear to be working ... is there a time to hold down the reset button or somthing?07:34
RedWolfNUTS, http://pastebin.ca/60827807:34
Paddy_EIREnumus, hmmm, how about just typing "hamachi"07:34
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numus08 01:33:44.394 [   0]  [ 7210]  tap: connect() failed 2 (No such file or directory)07:34
n2diyjarrod: yea, go for five or ten seconds at least.07:34
m0u5e@_@ GRAPHIRE 4 WACom!!!07:35
numusHamachi does not seem to be running. Have you run 'hamachi start' ?07:35
m0u5eit doesnt work!!11107:35
m0u5ehamachi... isnt that yellow tailed tuna? :X07:35
numusno it is a great networking problem07:35
numuserr program07:35
numusjust no gue interface like it has in windows07:35
Paddy_EIREnumus, I dont really know unless you are familiar with bash scripting07:36
numusno i am not07:36
numusit was working before i reboot into windows07:36
numusthen when i reboot into ubuntu it doesn't work07:36
m0u5eso anyone in here know how to get a wacom graphire 4 tablet working with ubuntu?07:36
RedWolfNUTS,  are you actuallying using CRTS or Flatscreens?07:36
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numusi need to run tuncfg before07:37
NUTSRedWolf you shouldn't really have a hard time at all.  Just copy over my server info and the other monitor info and you should be good to go07:37
NUTSactually falt screens07:37
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NUTSheh ya07:37
Paddy_EIREnumus, have you checked any of these http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=2335870507:37
numushamachi is not really known in linux07:37
numusor i guess it is07:37
VeganCheesesteakhow can i make my vncserver start a gnome session...i already commented out the two lines for the normal desktop in xstartup, but im just getting the 50% grey pattern07:38
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bruenigsomeone say bash scripting07:38
Paddy_EIREnumus, how about this seems exactly the same http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=355119&highlight=hamachi+start07:38
RedWolfNUTS,  what about the second MONITOR?07:39
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adamonline45bash scripting07:39
bruenigthat is in my xchat also highlight list07:39
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numusya fixed that paddy07:40
NUTSRedWolf Monitor0 and Monitor107:40
Bnirkowhello, i have ati radeon x700, ubuntu feisty, and compiz-fusion, compiz aren`t woks, and when i start my ubuntu, i don`t have borders on any windows (without running compiz)07:40
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Paddy_EIREbruenig, are you good with bash scripting07:40
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bruenigI like to script, it is oddly enjoyable07:41
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Paddy_EIREbruenig, to make some sort of startup script for numus so hamachi will start each time with the correct configuration methodology07:41
RedWolfI'll update my post now let you see my current configuration07:41
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bruenigwhat is hamachi?07:42
NUTSya i was trying to do the same07:42
Paddy_EIREbruenig, I hand you over to numus :D07:42
n2diybruenig: sushi, I think?07:42
numushamachi si a vpn client07:42
bruenigand what is the problem07:42
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NUTSgota get rid of Xinerama on there too07:42
numusnothing anymore07:43
adamonline45What's the standard, um, language for ubuntu server?  As in, I believe, character set?  I run a game server and a lot of special characters in people's names are showing up as squares, as though they're not displayable... is there a way to fix that?07:43
[GUiLTY] time to go to bed07:43
Paddy_EIREnumus, are you sorted07:43
[GUiLTY] thanks to all. nanit07:43
bruenighow long do you suppose it takes gcc to compile, it has been churning along for 15 min or so07:43
numuspaddy how do i save in root without loggin in07:43
RedWolfjust comment it out NUTS?07:43
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Paddy_EIREnumus, you want to save your session?07:44
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bruenigI think he means write to a place that only root has privilege, if I am correct in that interpretation, sudo07:44
numusnaa file inside /etc/init.d07:44
CppIsWeirdcan anyone give me some direction. I have a sound issue. When i first boot, i have sound, but sometime afterwards sound dies for no reason that i can determine. in the research i've done there are apparently a lot of problems with ubuntu and my Intel Corporation 82801G sound card. I see many instructions that run in every direction on how to get my sound to work. But in any of the described symptoms, sound either works, or doesnt, or has is07:44
CppIsWeirdsues with headphones. Not like what problem i've described.07:44
numustrying to do it in notepad.. going to have to do it through terminal07:44
bruenigediting this in windows?07:45
Paddy_EIREnumus, did you open it with sudo07:45
bruenigrunning notepad through wine?07:45
Paddy_EIREnumus, oh, then you will need to do that07:45
numusi call it notebag07:45
numuswhta is the copy command in terminal07:45
banlieuei love notebag07:45
numus.... hamachi /etc/init.d07:45
adamonline45I found notepad++, and <3 it...07:45
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numusso this is just like lpc coding07:46
bruenigadamonline45, vim07:46
n2diynumus: cp07:46
RedWolfNUTS,  here we go http://pastebin.ca/608291 this is current07:46
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numusrm for deleting a file i guess07:46
banlieueim off07:46
numusrmdir for directory?07:46
D0wNHi, when I try to install a package from a repository, i get this message: http://pastebin.ca/60829207:46
banlieuelater all07:46
bruenignumus, rmdir for empty directory rm -r for full directory07:46
numusya ya ya07:47
adamonline45bruenig: What's rm -rf?07:47
numuswas commenting on i code in lpc.. apperently the command structure is the same07:47
n2diynumus: and be very careful with rm -r, especially from /07:47
BlueMondayhey folks, trying to install Ubuntu from the live CD and the install hangs up on the parition your disk space screen.  Anyone have a workaround?07:47
bruenigadamonline45, remove recursively, and force, don't prompt07:47
numusi run off a virtual disk07:47
NUTSlooking now07:47
numusit is isolated from my windows sytem so i can't screw up my boot07:47
adamonline45say ahh, ty!  Hehheh :)07:47
Mhzquestion for those familiar with wine: I've never been able to run it in Ubuntu, I always get the following error msg: wine: chdir to /home/math/.wine/wineserver-ubuntu : No such file or directory. Any idea?07:47
RedWolfif this works...this damn Xorg.conf is going on my Flash Drive and taken with me at all times07:48
bruenigMhz, you must be running some sort of script when you do that, there is no reason it would look in .wine/wineserver-ubuntu07:48
n2diybruenig: likes to live on the edge. :)07:48
MhzI know that basically it means I'm missing a directory, but why?07:48
RedWolfif not.. reconfiguring X is going to suck07:48
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bruenigMhz, that directory should not exist, how are you launching wine07:48
Mhzbruenig: wine "path to the .exe file"07:49
BlueMondayBTW, 1st time running linux, so I'm sure I'm doing something lame.07:49
D0wNHi, when I try to install a package from a repository, i get this message: http://pastebin.ca/608292 Does anyone know how to fix that?07:49
bruenigD0wN, calm down07:49
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bruenigMhz, that is really bizarre07:49
NUTSRedWolf Make a copy :) I would comment out the twinview in screen007:50
bruenigMhz, unless the ubuntu folks patched it, there is no reason wine would look in .wine/wineserver-ubuntu07:50
Paddy_EIREMhz, what are you trying to run07:50
numusnow.. if only i could get orb to run in wine07:50
n2diyBlueMonday: how much ram does your system have? Free disk space?07:50
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brokenjago1000 users!07:50
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BlueMonday1 g ram, and probably 10 g through out the partitions07:50
cowbudohh no07:50
brokenjagoand now ops07:50
brokenjagoeven better.07:50
RedWolfdone NUTS anything else? i really don't feel like reconfiguring bullshit agian lol07:50
numusahh no wonder hamachi wont connect.. forgot server is down07:50
Paddy_EIREnumus, lol07:51
numushas anyone ever used orb07:51
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n2diybrokenjago: the numbers of users hasn't been that low since the last Ubuntu release.07:51
Mhzbruenig: I've tried to make it run in the past and never could overcome this issue. the guys from #winehq indicated me to upgrade to the latest version but it did not change anything07:51
NUTSheh I probably won't see till after you go......07:51
BrimeHello all i'm trying to backup data to dvd. My question is how do i make 17GB of files split into DVD size chunks07:51
brokenjagohey guys07:51
Mhzbruenig: I tried re-installing today, still not working07:51
brokenjagoit would be great if we could get as MANY unique people talking as possible!!07:51
brokenjagolike 50 or something!07:51
bruenigMhz, it doesn't make sense that it would ever say anything about ~/.wine/wineserver-ubuntu think of all the other distros, are they now supposed to have a winserver-ubuntu folder?07:51
Paddy_EIRE!dar | Brime07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
bruenigMhz, paste the whole error if you could, pastebin if it is too long07:52
numusguess that is a no07:52
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TTT_Travison my mythtv ubuntu box all of the black is showing up as green - on a dvi connection - this happened randomly a few days ago07:52
Mhzbruenig: what I pasted earlier was the complete error07:52
BlueMondayn2diy, also can get Gparted to vew the partiions either.07:52
bruenigMhz, paste full command you gave it07:53
n2diyBlueMonday: how much ram does your system have? Free disk space?07:53
BrimeThanks Paddy_EIRE07:53
BlueMonday1 gig of ram, 10 gigs on HD07:53
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Paddy_EIREBrime, no probs...did you find what I meant07:53
bruenig10 gigs of HD, I would be out of my mind paranoid with so little space07:53
n2diyBlueMonday: use my nick, so I see your replies, ok?07:53
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ubotuIf you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages07:54
BrimeI think so... Disk ARchive?07:54
BlueMondayN2DIY, sorry.  np07:54
numuslol turns out i am not the only one that wants orb for linux so we can remove windows for good07:54
Mhzbruenig:  wine "g:/download/gwave512.exe"07:54
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numusright now ubuntu does everything my windows xp server does.. except orb07:54
TypwnHello everyone07:54
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Mhzbruenig: I get the same error if I invoke "wine" just like that07:54
bruenigMhz, um yeah don't do that, put the full path as if you were using linux, don't do drive letters07:54
numuscan i run any windows program in wine?07:55
TypwnNot any07:55
bruenignumus, no07:55
TypwnMoney work though07:55
numusi guess no one in here knows orb07:55
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Paddy_EIREnumus, which app07:55
Typwnnumus, I knwo I've gotten pretty much whatever I've needed to run07:55
Paddy_EIREnumus, what is orb07:55
cowbudnumus: http://appdb.winehq.org/07:55
bruenigI am only running a cmd program in wine so it works well07:56
numusorb streams video feed and music over the internet in a realtime compression to any computer on the net07:56
=== RedWolf waits patiently
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Paddy_EIREnumus, there are many linux apps that do that07:56
cowbudif the program isn't too crazy chances are it'll run07:56
numusover the net in a web interface07:56
=== cowbud nods to Paddy_EIRE
Mhzbruenig: I tried with the path as you recommended and I get the same error07:56
Typwnnumus, http://www.pandora.com/07:56
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bruenigMhz, what path did you use07:56
cowbudTypwn: huh07:56
NUTSRedWolf I am not seeing anything07:56
Paddy_EIREnumus, the last thing I would use on a Linux system is a win app07:56
cowbudpandora != my collection07:56
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Mhzwine /mnt/storage/download/gwave512.exe07:57
RedWolfNUTS, I really hope this works *prays to god*07:57
numusorb runs video07:57
tino_alguien habla en espaol07:57
numusat perfect quality over a stream07:57
Flannel!es | tino_07:57
ubotutino_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:57
cowbudnumus: just give it a try07:57
cowbudI love the spanish07:57
numusi haven't been sucessful in porting with wine07:57
NUTSNUTS prays with you :)07:57
bruenig!ohmy | RedWolf07:57
ubotuRedWolf: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:57
cowbudnumus: porting? are you trying to program things with winelib or what?07:57
RedWolfgunna have to wait til my fiance goes ofline, she's in japan right now and we're talking on GAIM...if  I don't come back on to gaim she'll freak and waste all of my money calling the house.07:57
cowbudwtf did redwolf say?07:58
numusif i have to07:58
bruenigMhz, that is a really weird error I have never seen anything like it07:58
RedWolfOh.. I said the non friendly version of "bs"07:58
RedWolfI apologise07:58
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Flanneltino_: /join #ubuntu-es07:58
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cowbudeveryone should be able to say bologna sandwich07:58
MajorPaynecowbud: Moo!!!07:58
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Mhzbruenig: It's alright, I appreciate the help :)07:59
numusbasicly there is a web interface hosted by the company.. you log into it and you can browser all your videos and music.. then click stream and it opens your choice of media player OR will run it in flash right on the website and you can watch any movie you have on your server computer anywhere you have a broadband internet connection07:59
cowbudMajorPayne: let me give you something to take your mind off of that, you may feel a bit of pressure07:59
Typwnnumus, if it's a web interface...why wouldn't it work?07:59
tino_alguin habla en espaol07:59
numusbecause you need to run the server program on the computer with the data07:59
Mhzbruenig: I guess the best would be to try with the guys on #winehq but so they really weren't cool...07:59
numusthat is what creates the database of files and creates the compressed stream08:00
Mhz*so far08:00
Typwnnumus, Not sure what to tell you. Sorry.08:00
bruenigMhz, it has to be a packaging problem I would go try to compile it if I were you08:00
numushow about a program to link up a windows mobile pda08:00
MhzI guess I could do that...08:00
Paddy_EIREnumus, at the bottom of your applications menu is add/remove08:00
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numusya found something  for palm08:01
SlimGIf I mount two folders over NFS from the same server on my ubuntu and move a file from the first folder to the second, would it copy the data from the server via my computer back to the server, or would it be smart enough to just make the move on the server?08:01
numusbut not wm508:01
Paddy_EIREnumus, use that to search for apps or better yet use Synaptic Package Manager08:01
numuswhere is package manager08:02
SlimGDoing the move operation on the computer where the folders from the server are mounted ^^^08:02
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numusi am pretty new to ubuntu.. basicly installed it yesterday08:02
Paddy_EIRE!synaptic | numus08:02
ubotunumus: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:02
MajorPaynenumus: Applications, Add/Remove.08:02
numuscould have just said system admin08:02
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Paddy_EIREnumus, you asked What it is not where08:03
Mhznumus: you will love it, trust me08:03
Paddy_EIREnumus, my mistake08:03
numusi do love ubuntu08:03
numusbut wont be able to use it 100% untill orb and a windows mobile 5 sync client08:04
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Paddy_EIREnumus, Im sure both of those are completely replaceable in linux08:04
magnetronis there any applications in Ubuntu that gives me the possibility to analyze/view Berkeley DB databases?08:04
TypwnI'm interested in the gaming possibilities provided by Wine in Ubuntu. Does anyone have any experience in that sort of thing? Also I was wondering if Photoshop, Maya, and other game development software was working well in Ubuntu.08:04
numusi am kinda sad.. my resolution is not as high as it was in windows08:05
BlueMondayanyone getting the Feisty LiveCD stalling on installation when checking partitions?08:05
Paddy_EIREmagnetron, what do you mean like Boinc08:05
Typwnnumus, you can change the res.08:05
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numusmax resolution is already on08:05
Paddy_EIREnumus, that can be changed08:05
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Polygon89Typwn, if your a gamer, and your games are windows games, dual booting really is the only effective solution08:05
numus1152x864 is as high as i can get08:05
magnetronPaddy_EIRE: boinc? thank you, will look that up. i just got a berkeley db file and have no idea what to do with it08:05
MhzTypwn: I'm in the same situation. apparently many games are supposed to work with wine. you can see the applications database on their website at www.winehq.org08:06
SlimGIf I mount two folders over NFS via ethernet LAN from the same server to my laptop and move a file from the first folder to the second on the laptop, would it copy the data via the laptop, or would it be smart enough to just move the files on the server?08:06
Polygon89Typwn, you can check if maya works in wine, but i really doubt it as its supposed to be a hella complicated 3d program.... you can check out blender however....08:06
Paddy_EIREmagnetron, I cant be sure if thats specifically what you want but It should be in the correct direction08:06
TypwnPolygon89 & Mhz, I've tried out Cedega and have gotten mixed results. I've heard that Cedega is just an advanced version of Wine?08:06
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numusthink i am just going to keep my dual boot08:07
Polygon89Typwn, cedega has better support for some games, but my statement still stands. if you want to play windows games, they are 100000000000000x  times better off being played in windows.08:07
relativeownershianybody know why gaimhas been telling me "busted SNAC payload" when i try to log into #ubuntu?08:07
numusand use ubuntu when i want to throw the computer thorugh the wall after windows crashes08:07
Paddy_EIRETypwn, cedega has updates for certain games and supports directx afaik where as wine does not08:07
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TypwnPolygon89, I've heard of Maya 8.X being Linux compatible, but wasn't sure if it was an awkward push onto Linux or a port.08:07
magnetronTypwn: In many cases, Wine work better than Cedega. The Wine project maintain a large database over which applications work in Wine, it's at http://appdb.winehq.org08:08
Paddy_EIRETypwn, also look into crossover office08:08
tino_alguien habla espaol08:08
MhzTypwn: I can't make wine work on my machine so I can't tell, as for cedega I could not go through the installation setup with Neverwinter Nights, so can't tell either08:08
Polygon89Typwn, if maya has a linux port then use that.....08:08
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magnetron!es | tino08:08
ubotutino: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:08
TypwnPaddy_EIRE, Crossover Office?08:08
magnetron!es | tino_08:08
ubotutino_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:08
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TypwnPolygon89, I've only heard of the Maya Linux version, haven't actually seen it.08:08
mikeys123Why is compiz disabled in Ubuntu 7.04 - how do I enable to try it out?08:08
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relativeownershicompiz isn't disabled in 7.04, its included by default.08:08
relativeownershiyour old version is probably simply disabled08:09
relativeownershitry running desktop-effects08:09
Polygon89mikeys123, it might be greyed out if you have compositing disabled in xorg.conf08:09
relativeownershior  system>preferences>desktop effects08:09
numusany idea how to start skype on startup08:09
Polygon89I had to disable compositing to install my driver and i checked for that desktop effects thing and its greyed out08:09
relativeownershihas anybody heard of "busted SNAC payload"?08:09
magnetronmikeys123: you can enable desktop effects (which is compiz) in System > preferences > desktop effects08:09
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mikeys123when I try to run desktop effect it says "The Composite extension is not available" - what does this mean?08:10
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TypwnWow a lot of stuff is on that WineHQ list.08:10
Polygon89mikeys123, that is what i was talking about... means its disabled in xorg.conf08:10
phreckif you have ATI08:10
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phreckyou need to disable them08:10
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phreckthen install XGL08:11
Paddy_EIREmikeys123, chances are you have not got hardware acceleration enabled on your graphics card08:11
mikeys123How do I enable? Please give me exact steps08:11
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TypwnAnyone have NVIDIA Drivers in Ubuntu with SLI enabled? Just wondering if that's working.08:11
Tom47relativeownershi: a quick google suggests to me you would maybe be more lucky finding a gaim irc if you can08:11
mikeys123I am using ATI driver which was installed by Ubuntu as unsupported08:11
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relativeownershitom47 i'm currently using xchat08:12
Tom47relativeownershi: sure ... me too08:12
SlimGTypwn: HOWTO: Installing Maya 7.0 / 8.0 / 8.5: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6685908:12
relativeownershitom47 but i know gaim works for irc too, and i'm so much more used to it...08:12
Polygon89mikeys123, i think one of the steps to installing that driver was to disabled compositiong. im not sure what the effects of re-enabling it again...08:12
relativeownershitom47 have you ever been able to use gaim on irc?08:12
TypwnSlimG, Thanks! Any word of if previous versions work this way?08:13
Tom47relativeownershi:  never wanted to08:13
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relativeownershitom47 oh i see, haha. i use gaim because i used to be an avid aim user, so most of my buddies are still on that.08:13
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: ive done it but i dont like it. i like irc windows to be fairly large and IM ones to be much smaller, and it auto-opens them all really big once you have a giant IRC08:13
SlimGTypwn: What version you've got?08:14
Typwnmacogw, I'm the same way for some reason XD08:14
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mikeys123Why cannot I have Sun-java latest version 1.6 enabled as plugin on Firefox? Installing it from synaptic does not include it in "about:plugins" - ???08:14
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TypwnSlimG, 5.008:14
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zoidberg_hey guys08:14
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relativeownershii'm having trouble with the intel display drivers and the i810 display drivers on my laptop.08:14
Typwnzoidberg: hello08:14
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: oh and because to get all the IRC channels in one window i had to add the channels as "friends" on my buddy list (I use separate-by-group)08:14
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Tom47relativeownershi: i use gaim all the time but dont see it as a good irc client08:14
n2diyrelativeownershi: I configed gaim for here last week, and abandoned it, I prefer xchat-gnome.08:14
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: whats wrong?08:14
zoidberg_is there a way to play .swf linked files from a non-browser player08:14
bruenigmikeys123, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin08:14
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: and which card do you have exactly?08:14
Typwnzoidberg: Flash Player?08:15
Daverockszoidberg_: adobe provides a linux standalone executable flash player08:15
relativeownershido i have to type the full user name of the individual i want to respond to?08:15
macogw-is-a-girlzoidberg_: gnash might be able to do it08:15
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Polygon89zoidberg_, swf files need flash player. but .flv videos can be played using totem08:15
mikeys123Synaptic does the same, right?08:15
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: type the first few letters and hit tab08:15
tank-manzoidberg_, there is a stand alone swf player from adobe08:15
relativeownershi00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82830 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]  (rev 03)08:15
n2diyrelativeownershi: partial name, and then hit the tab key.08:15
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: and what's wrong with it?08:15
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relativeownershin2diy, macogw-is-a-girl thanks08:15
bruenigmikeys123, just do it, I have no idea what you install in synaptic, this will tell me for sure08:15
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zoidberg_tank-man, where can i download the standalone swf player?08:16
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, black screen when using anything but vesa driver. plus when i use vesa i have to use the keyboard funciton to switch display from external to internal or it freezes08:16
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Typwnzoidberg: www.adobe.com08:16
tank-manzoidberg_, from adobe's site08:16
numusback on windows08:16
mikeys123Here it is: Reading package lists... Done08:16
mikeys123Building dependency tree08:16
mikeys123Reading state information... Done08:16
mikeys123Package sun-java6-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:16
mikeys123This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:16
mikeys123is only available from another source08:16
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, its a pain booting into rescue mode and opening up startx manually08:16
mikeys123E: Package sun-java6-plugin has no installation candidate08:16
Daverockszoidberg_: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/9/flash_player_9_linux_dev.tar.gz08:16
numuson windows my resoultion is 1280 x 102408:16
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: O_o wtf08:16
numushow can i get that in buuntu08:16
mikeys123Could not install via command line08:17
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Daverockszoidberg_: there's the tarball with the standalone player in it08:17
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, i have a post on the forums with more info, i'll link it08:17
bruenigmikeys123, so it isn't installed08:17
Paddy_EIREnumus, type gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in a terminal08:17
bruenigmikeys123, are you on 64 bit?08:17
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2983263#post298326308:17
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: twice in one week people have had trouble with intel graphics.  this is freaking me out.  in one case it was X3000 / i965, which is reeeally new, but....08:17
numusnow i need to relog into ubuntu lol08:17
numusany way to run it while i am in windows or no08:17
mikeys123it is listed in synaptic, but when you install via synaptic does not show up in Firefox as plugin08:17
bruenigmikeys123, it isn't installed, apt-get just told you that08:18
Polygon89mikeys123, i installed it that way and it shows up in about:plugins08:18
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, i thought it might have had something to do with all the playing around with compiz i did back on edgy but it gives me the same exact problems on the livecd AND on xubuntu fesity liveCD08:18
bruenigmikeys123, are you on 64 bit08:18
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Paddy_EIREnumus, not sure, better safe than sorry boot ubuntu08:18
TypwnWhats better? 32-bit or 64-bit? I have an AMD64 but things just seem to be unstable, and there aren't many 64bit applications.08:18
mikeys123How did you do it?08:18
numusgoing to need that again paddy when i log bac kin08:18
SlimGTypwn: Oldest howto I can find is for 6.5: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4574808:18
bruenigmikeys123, answer my question08:18
TypwnSlimG, Thanks for the hard work ^^08:18
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: and that's not an X3000 chip, right?08:19
mikeys123Yes, 64-bit 7.04 ubuntu08:19
TypwnSlimG, Guess I just need to upgrade.08:19
bruenigmikeys123, there is no java plugin for 64 bit08:19
SlimG!appdb | Typwn08:19
ubotuTypwn: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org08:19
mikeys123So, have to wait until when??08:19
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: nvm that wouldnt have worked with edgy anyway08:19
zoidberg_guys i know how to untar a tar file using the gui08:19
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, X3000 does not ring a bell. this laptop is a little old.08:19
bruenigmikeys123, when they make one08:19
zoidberg_bbut what is the terminal command?08:19
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: try using xserver-xorg-video-intel instead of i81008:19
Polygon89zoidberg_, right click it > extract here08:19
Polygon89zoidberg_, oh.08:19
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, i have. same problems.08:19
Polygon89zoidberg_, hmm let me go research that08:19
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: oh.  weird08:19
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, i have. well, almost the same problems. the screen freaks out in a slightly different manner08:20
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: "freaks out"?08:20
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, lol yeah ... its kinda hard to describe08:20
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, with i810 its just a black screen, with intel there are some lines and a small colored tab at the bottom, but no response.08:21
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, if i let the intel driver run normally with no intervention i also get this crazy white splash on my screen, looks like somebody punched the lcd and it busted, but instead of being black its white. and it fades to white if i let it sit.08:21
mikeys123Polygon89 - I have a problem with T-bird 2.04 - did not pick up my e-mails from 1.5, and 1.5 no longer starts through the icon on panel. Also, 2.04 does not connecto to firefox so I can get extensions, themes, and does not play sound file when I change mail notification sound.08:21
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numusk paddy what was that again08:22
SlimGIf I mount two folders over NFS via ethernet LAN from the same server to my laptop and move a file from the first folder to the second on the laptop, would it copy the data via the laptop, or would it be smart enough to just move the files on the server?08:22
Polygon89mikeys123, tbird 2.0 is not in the repos so its most likely not using the correct mail directories or something08:22
Paddy_EIREnumus, "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"  find where you resolutions are listed then add the ones you want using the same layout as the document does, then save the file and restart X... :D a quick way to restart X is ctrl+alt+backspace08:22
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, my system has a TV out port. i've seen that white splash before when running windows ( in my pre-linux days) when it was plugged into the TV and i let it sit too long, the screensaver blanked in and my lcd monitor just showed that crazy white splash.08:22
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mikeys123Can it be corrected?08:22
numuswhat did i say i had in windows lol08:22
numus1280 x 105008:23
Polygon89mikeys123, as the version from the repos, and by default thunderbird plays is the system beep sound, like the hardware sound08:23
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Polygon89mikeys123, not sure.08:23
Paddy_EIREnumus, 1280x102408:23
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, any ideas? i'm actually looking to roll back my i810 drivers to edgy, if that's possible08:23
MSIGuy_Is there any reason that my ipw2200 would only function in B mode even though I have a G router?08:23
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: try booting with "noapic" just for the heck of it08:23
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, is that a boot option or a driver08:24
bruenigboot option08:24
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: this is a *shrug* it works on nvidia cards that go nuts even though they're supported08:24
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: its a boot option08:24
bruenigweird name for a driver08:24
MSIGuyI don't have to update a driver to enable G mode do I?08:24
relativeownershibruenig, <shrugs> i'm new enough that they all sound weird, heh08:24
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, so how do i append an add'l boot option? just go into grub and do it manually?08:25
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: when you boot hit <esc> to go to grub then hit "e" to edit the boot line and then at the end put "noapic" (no quotes) and then hit b to boot it08:25
Paddy_EIREnumus, any joy08:25
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Paddy_EIREnumus, nice one :D08:26
numusnow i need to know why my hamachi login script isn't working08:26
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numusi try hamachi start in normal and it says permission denied08:26
numusthe minute i type sudo hamachi start it works perfectly and the login script runs08:26
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, ok i'll have to try that...unfortunately i'm working on the system in question. let me switch systems, try to reboot, and let you know of any progress.08:26
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: ok08:26
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, will you have time to wait for a few minutes right now?08:26
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: yeah sure08:26
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Paddy_EIREnumus, that forum said it needs to be configured using that line...what was it again but each time08:27
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: i'm pondering how the heck intel graphics could ever be bad on linux08:27
numusnaa it had a sessions script in it08:27
numusit only works when i am logged in as root08:27
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, well hopefully i'm just noobing it to death. brb.08:27
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Paddy_EIREnumus, never good to log in as root08:28
numusi am using sudo -i08:28
whtaanyone know of a good resource for learning bash commands? I know google will offer me thousands of results, but that's just the problem. Too many to choose from and I don't know which cover the most and in the best way. So if anyone has a personal favorite resource I'd like to know it. Please.08:28
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Surb_join #ubuntu-offtopic08:28
numuswhat was that website again paddy08:28
Frogzoo!docs | whta08:28
ubotuwhta: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com08:28
numusgoing to try fixing my script i guess08:28
SlimGIf I mount two folders over NFS via ethernet LAN from the same server to my laptop and move files between the two mounted folders on the laptop, would it copy the data via the network and laptop, or would it be smart enough to just move the files on the server?08:29
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Paddy_EIREwhta, http://www.linuxcommand.org/ << great site08:29
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SlimGwhta: http://del.icio.us/SlimG/bash08:29
MSIGuyAnyone know why my ipw2200bg only works in B mode?  I have a G router.08:29
seraphimbladeAnyone had any experiences with odd behavior upon trying to install a new card?08:29
FrogzooSlimG: no, it's not that smart08:29
numusno the one with the hamachi info08:29
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seraphimbladeI put a wireless card into my system, and the system wouldn't start up properly.08:30
macogw-is-a-girlMSIGuy: no idea but i gotta ask...how do you figure out what mode it's in?08:30
SlimGFrogzoo: Is there any other protocols that _is_ that smart?08:30
SlimGwhta: http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php08:30
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: what's improper about it?08:30
FrogzooMSIGuy: low signal & it will drop back from g to b08:30
SlimGwhta: http://www.ss64.com/bash/08:30
Fezzlersomehow one of my subdirectories has the "root" as the owner.  How do I change that to me?  Nothing is in the folder.  I could delete and recreate?08:30
MSIGuyFrogzoo: I'm 4 feet away.08:30
MSIGuyI've got an excellent signal.08:30
seraphimblademacogw-is-a-girl: It would boot (with no errors during the boot process) and bring me to the login screen, but once I logged in, it wouldn't bring up the desktop.08:30
seraphimbladeI left it run for a while, and the screensaver even came on, but no desktop.08:30
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Paddy_EIREMSIGuy, not sure, Is the card g compatible08:31
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: freaky.  cant help08:31
whtathanks all08:31
seraphimbladeOnce I removed the card, it works again.08:31
numusgpasswd -a user hamachi08:31
MSIGuyI thought it was.08:31
Paddy_EIREno probs08:31
numusthat isn't working08:31
numusit is suppose to.. any ideas08:31
Zurotzishello i need some help with my Wlan card and Xubuntu were can i find drivers?08:31
numusmaybe this is wh08:31
MSIGuyAll I know is I have a ipw2200, like most centrino setups, I haven't heard anything about one only being B, I've seen them all either A/B/G or B/G.08:31
SlimG!wlan | Zurotzis08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
SlimG!wifi | Zurotzis08:32
ubotuZurotzis: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:32
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numusim an idiot08:32
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Paddy_EIREnumus, what happened the server still down??08:32
drake4especially since that should have been I am an idiot or I'm an idiot08:33
numusno.. just trying how this doc says to do it i guess08:33
Fezzlercan the admin change the permission of a subdirectory that owned by root08:33
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Paddy_EIREalright guys thats my 38hrs worth later ...good luck numus08:34
drake4I really want someone to get one of those Asus EEE PC701's and try ubuntu on it08:34
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drake4Xandros was an odd choice for default install08:34
numusyou still there08:35
K`zanHow do I kill X (kdm) for long enough to install the nvidia drivers?08:35
numusshould that be commented out like that08:35
K`zan/etc/init.d/kdm stop ?08:35
FlannelK`zan: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop08:35
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K`zanFlannel: Thank you Sir!08:35
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FlannelK`zan: and 'start' will start it back up08:35
}Matrix{hello...how can i play music from different radios ( link/listen.pls ) ?08:35
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K`zanFlannel: Thanks!08:36
tonyyarusso}Matrix{: VLC seemed to handle .pls fine for me08:36
}Matrix{tonyyarusso: can you tell me how  i can install it ?08:36
Fezzleris "rmdir" the commandline to remove a directory?08:37
SlimG}Matrix{: I don't think there is a music app that doesn't support pls playlist files08:37
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SlimGFezzler: yes08:37
FlannelFezzler: yes08:37
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}Matrix{SlimG:  media player doesent support..08:38
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tonyyarusso}Matrix{: Install the packages vlc, and any codec stuff you need (see !codecs)08:38
TypwnIs 32-bit or 64-bit better to go with? (I asked before but I'm on Windows so of course I crashed)08:38
Fezzlerfor example "sudo rmdir /usr/home/myhome/myvideo will remove myvideo directory?08:38
SlimG}Matrix{: Are you a Windows user?08:38
FrogzooTypwn: for desktop, 32 bit is best08:38
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.08:38
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}Matrix{no..now i`m on ubuntu08:38
FrogzooTypwn: for servers - httpd/mysql go 64 bit08:38
tituni think if the directory is not empty we need -r to force delete the directory?08:39
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macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: rmdir only works on empty directories08:39
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: if you want to delete the directory and the stuff inside, use "rm -rf"08:39
TypwnI understand 64-bit is supported, but 32-bit seems more stable for applications and has more support for it. Is that just an uneducated observation or is it really that way?08:39
tonyyarussotitun: there's a --ignore-fail-on-non-empty switch or something similar.08:39
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: hello again, any luck?08:39
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ok. boot option noacpi made no difference08:39
tonyyarussomacogw-is-a-girl: ^^ also08:39
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SlimG}Matrix{: What about Ubuntus default music app? Rhytmbox ?08:40
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: not acpi. thats power management.  apic08:40
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: did i do the right boot option? oh, guess not.08:40
FezzlerYes, it is empty, did I have the command correct?  Somehow my /home/dad/myhome/myvideo directory is owned by "root"08:40
macogw-is-a-girltonyyarusso: oh ok08:40
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: use sudo08:40
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ok its all good now becaus ei'm on my desktop for xchat and my laptop is having the problems. let me try that again.08:40
SlimGFezzler: sudo rmdir /home/dad/myhome/myvideo08:40
}Matrix{SlimG:  thankx , i did it with vlc player.08:41
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: what is apic?08:41
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: advanced programming interrupt control08:41
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: and to clarify, the boot option to add is "no apic" at the end of my "root" line in grub right08:41
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: rather, my "kernel" line08:41
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: lets the kernel do more complicated stuff for hardware interrupts is my interpretation of its purpose08:41
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: "noapic" with no quotes and no space08:41
SlimG}Matrix{: You shouldn't need VLC to open pls playlists, rhythmbox is much better suited for music playback08:42
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: does it matter how i start x? normally i go in through recovery mode and use "startx"08:42
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: why not do it from regular mode?08:43
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: but no, startx should work fine08:43
numuswhat is the commadn to see my ip?08:43
SlimGnumus: ifconfig08:43
numussays my vnc server is setup but i can't connect to it08:44
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: usually with regular mode it just goes black and there's nothing i can seem to do to get anywhere, either to a tty or a desktop or anything, short of alt sysrq sub08:44
relativeownershimaco i have a different error message now with the no acpi boot option08:44
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: i have a dif error message now with no acpi boot option08:44
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numuswould help if my pda's wireless internet was turned on08:44
SlimG!who | numus08:45
ubotunumus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:45
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: which boot option?08:45
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: no apic08:46
}Matrix{why if i type irc / mirc on synapthic dont finds me another packages like bitchx , xchat , irssi .... it just finds gaim08:46
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: with no space right?08:46
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: whats the error08:46
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: i included a space.08:46
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: no space!08:47
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: and maybe i'm crazy, the output seems the same when i tried to run it into a script...<sigH> let me reboot with the correct boot option. so i'm adding the text "noapic" onto the Kernel line on my grub right?08:47
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: right08:47
=== vertana [n=vertana@c-75-64-78-26.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: haha ok thanks. lemme try that. how long have you been using linux?08:47
TypwnIs there a better site to see what games are running, on which distros, and how well? I'm at http://appdb.winehq.org/ but I'd like to narrow it down to just games.08:47
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: almost a year08:47
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vertanaTypwn: Give me one second.08:47
TypwnVertana: Thanks ^^08:48
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Shirakawasunahi, I'm interested in ubuntu but prefer rolling distros - how does ubuntu's update system work?08:48
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: wow cool, you're pretty new but also highly knowledgable08:48
vertanaTypwn:   http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/wiki/Category:Games08:48
FezzlerOn my Vista PC I can see 3 out of 5 Ubuntu directories I want access to from Vista.  Why can't it see the 5th?08:48
ShirakawasunaI'm reading the docs but I don't see it08:48
nikosapihow can I get the PID of the last started process in bash?08:48
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FezzlerUsing Samba08:48
TypwnVertana: Woo! Thanks =D08:49
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ok. noapic didn't change it.08:49
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: ok08:49
SlimGTypwn: http://appdb.winehq.org/appbrowse.php?iCatId=208:49
vertanaTypwn: No problem ;)08:49
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vertanaTypwn:  Use both of those URL's.08:49
TypwnSlimG: Thanks =D08:49
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vertanaTypwn:  Between the two, you'll get it ;)08:49
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: and i'm not really knowledgeable.  sometimes i learn stuff as i'm answering the questions. i just tend to have good google-fu for finding what someone needs ;)08:49
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rocketsIs there a gnome equivalent of Katapult?08:50
yrlnry_nikosapi: I don't think you can, unless you started the process in the background, inj which case it's in $! .08:50
relativeownershirockets what does katapult do?08:50
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SlimGTypwn: don't forget the thousands of native linux games too08:50
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: hrm. any other ideas? do you know how to roll a driver back to a previous version?08:50
FezzlerIt must be a wrong setting in my Shared Folders?08:50
rocketsrelativeownershi, you press a key combo, then a little box pops up. you start typing and it autocompletes based on all the applications in your path.08:50
rocketsrelativeownershi, a quick launcher basically08:50
nikosapiyrlnry_: thanks!08:51
Fydarockets: No exact equivalent; between Alt+F2 and DeskBar, we _sort of_ can do the same thing. But Katapult is better. :)08:51
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: because as i said it was working perfect under edgy08:51
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: you can compile either a newer or an older driver.  you'll probably have to compile after each kernel upgrade though08:51
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Shirakawasunarelativeownershi: it also has a calculator ;)08:51
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rocketsFyda, yeah I don't like deskbar. Can I use katapult in gnome?08:51
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Fydarockets: Don't know, I'll try it now08:51
rocketsFyda, me too08:51
TypwnSlimG< I haven't forgotten. I'm mostly interested in EQ2 or FFXI. It seems FFXI installs just can't start. So I'm thinking of experimenting with the FFXI Windower to maybe get it working.08:51
SlimGTypwn: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Native_Games08:51
helloRobothow do i edit where i setup the manual IP? i did this very long time ago08:51
relativeownershirockets: well using nautilus you can just start typing and it will focus to the file in your directory that matches wha tyou're typing08:51
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rocketsrelativeownershi, thats not what I'm talking about08:52
SlimGTypwn: ok08:52
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: where can i go for instructions on compiling the latest driver from edgy for i810?08:52
Fydarelativeownershi: Yes, but it doesn't handle applications, nor does it match apps/commands as you type :(08:52
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rocketsFyda, it works great!08:52
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Fydarockets: Aha! Cheers. :)08:52
relativeownershiFyda: <shrugs> guess i'm not exactly catching your meaning. like a combo between autofind in nautilus and command completion in a terminal?08:53
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FrogzoohelloRobot: /etc/network/interfaces08:53
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rocketsFyda, even the transparency works. So its true transparency rather then kio based08:53
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Fydarelativeownershi: Yes, something like that.08:53
}Matrix{helloRobot: yo want to change your mac ?08:53
HelpneederHello, i have got a problem with internet connection: i cant connect internet08:53
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relativeownershiHelpneeder: what kind of network adapter are you using? wireless or wired? are you sure your internet connection is working?08:54
helloRobot}Matrix{: no08:54
}Matrix{what kind of connection you have ? dhcp or pppoe ( wirless - u connect with an password ) ?08:54
ShirakawasunaHelpneeder: ok, take two lemons and some peanut butter, slather your computer with them.  Then immediately dance in a circle around the computer, chanting *ubuntu* four times.08:54
HelpneederMy computre should have internet connection, because the light which shows it is on08:54
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: intel has downloads for the source, there's a readme that should tell ya what to do http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?strState=LIVE&ProductID=666&DwnldID=7485&agr=Y&lang=eng&PrdMap=66608:54
helloRobotFrogzoo: ok after I edit that, how do i have the network card update it's address?08:54
omeAnyone know if theres an easy way to set a specific screen resolution in ubuntu? I only got 3 options from 640 to 102408:54
Helpneederdhcp and with wire08:54
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ShirakawasunaHelpneeder: when you click on the networkmanager icon, what do you see?08:54
TypwnIf I install an older version of Ubuntu I can update to the latest with command line right?08:55
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vertanaTypwn:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade08:55
FezzlerDo I have to reboot to have new Shared Folder permissions take effect (reboot either the Linux computer or Vista computer?)08:55
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TypwnVertana: Thanks08:56
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: hrm...the readme on that site says only certain distrivutions are suported, ubuntu isn't one of 'em.08:56
TypwnVertana: Might need that after I reformat.08:56
Helpneederethernet and ppp0 connections: ethernet is active08:56
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vertanaTypwn:  Just write it down somewhere... aptitude will become your best friend ;)08:56
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burn1hello everyone08:56
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: do you know if there's any way i can use synaptic to change repositories for the xorg-xserver driver packages so i can roll back easily to the edgy version of i810?08:57
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: ah it's an rpm in there. i thought it'd be a source tar08:57
helloRobotafter i edit /etc/network/interfaces, how do i make my device update it's address?08:57
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: dont think that's possible, but you can go to packages.ubuntu.com and get the edgy package.  dont get the binary though, get the source deb08:57
burn1i'm facing trouble installing ubuntu on my pc, on restart the pc boots into windows and do not start installing! i've checked my bios settings as well as the md5 issue! could anyone help out08:57
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ah, excellent idea...08:57
BaD_CrChmmm, pdnsd just became my best friend08:57
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whyteyhey all08:58
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: dumb question: how does one search wtihin edgy for the i810 package?08:58
Typwnwhytey: Hello08:58
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whyteyTa Typwyn.  I am having an issue with my ubuntu box.  It aint ubuntu specific but I have no idea where to look08:59
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: when you compile the source deb, you're gonna need to make the computer understand that it should use that version. i'd suggest using checkinstall since it lets you make a deb of it and install that. itll probably complain that it's a lower version than current, in which case "sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade whatever.deb"08:59
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BaD_CrC'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-cache search i810'08:59
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: click the edgy tab and find the right category08:59
Shirakawasunaburn1: that's your BIOS - go into your bios and change the boot order or see if the POST screen (the very first black/white screen you see, possibly with the company's logo) pops up and see if it has a 'boot order' option or something along those lines.08:59
SlimG!ask | whytey08:59
ubotuwhytey: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:59
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: the driver is called xserver-xorg-video-i81009:00
Typwnwhytey: What's the problem?09:00
whyteyBasically, it won't boot at all.  It has been up for ever (at least 36 days last time I looked).  Lastnight it stopped working and all I can see is that it gets to the boot phase where it says 'Brought up 2 CPUs" and then stops09:00
Shirakawasunaburn1: on a dell w/ an intel board you usually hit F12 during that screen and you can then choose do boot from CD09:00
burn1Shirakawasuna as i said.. i checked the boot option and its correct09:00
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: i found this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/x11/xserver-xorg-video-intel is that correct?09:00
helloRobotanyone know good wireless-n card that works in dapper drake?09:01
Typwnwhytey: Are the contents of the box itself okay?09:01
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: oh i guess i'd have to install i810 anyway huh09:01
whyteyI did a memtest and get occasional errors but despite mixing the memory in and out, there is no improvements09:01
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: -intel is the "new" driver that doesnt get used by default in ubuntu. the one you used in edgy will be -i81009:01
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: -intel and -i810 are conflicting. only one can be installed at a time09:01
Shirakawasunaburn1: do any other CDs boot?09:01
whyteyTypwn: Yeah, it all looks good.  I just stripped out my tuner cards etc so it is down to the mobo, cpu and a stick of ram09:01
burn1Shirakawasuna yes perfectly09:01
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whyteyI stuck in a feisty live cd and it gives me the boot options but still doesn't boot09:02
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whytey...once I select the first option09:02
Shirakawasunaburn1: weird :/09:02
burn1whytey same here09:02
SlimGwhytey:pull out parts and try to localize if theres a hardware failiure09:02
Typwnwhytey: Deffinately seems like a hardware failure09:02
burn1Shirakawasuna i know... i even changed my cd rw thinking its busted! and then changed the type of cds..09:02
seraphimbladeAnyone have any experience with the Linksys WMP54G card?09:02
ShirakawasunaTypwn: burn1 seems to have the same problem09:03
whyteyTypwn: do you think CPU or mobo or anything else in particular?09:03
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seraphimbladeTrying to install one, I found a bunch of success stories on Ubuntu, but it's causing my system not to boot.09:03
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: so you say its better to compile the soruce than to use the deb?09:03
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: yes because theyre for different kernels09:03
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macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: i have wmp54gs....09:03
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Shirakawasunaseraphimblade: is that a usb wifi thing?09:03
macogw-is-a-girlShirakawasuna: no, pci09:03
seraphimbladeShirakawasuna: It's a desktop PCI wireless.09:04
Typwnwhytey: Could be anything really. Everything in a box needs to be working or there will be failure. Check everything from PSU to CPU, to Mobo09:04
seraphimblademacogw-is-a-girl: Have any issues installing?09:04
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter"09:04
Shirakawasunaseraphimblade: I had that or something similar, it was an rt2500-based card.09:04
relativeownershioh bummerness...argh09:04
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: lemme see what its chipset is09:04
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whyteyTypwn: Cheers mate.  I gotta feeling this is going to be expensive09:04
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ok, so what kind of process would i be looking at for compiling the source? i've never done that before.09:05
seraphimblademacogw-is-a-girl: Mine's version 4.1, I believe they used different chipsets for different versions.09:05
Typwnwhytey: Not really. Could be one thing, could be many.09:05
whyteynot to worry, I know it isnt 'buntu's fault. ;)09:05
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: do an lspci and see what vendor/product numbers it gives09:05
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macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: thatd tell me which of these http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_part.php?brandname=Linksys it is09:05
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: if youve never compiled, you'll need to get the stuff to do so, so "sudo apt-get install build-essential"09:06
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whyteyTypwn: I don't have a spare CPU or Mobo or to test with.  Thats the problem.  I will have to buy replacements09:06
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macogw-is-a-girlwhytey: did you do a memtest?09:06
whyteyAnyways, definately sounds like hardware, which is the confirmation I was after09:06
Typwnwhytey: What about Drives?09:06
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: done. i have the soruce downloaded and unzipped to a directory.09:06
whyteymacogw-is-a-girl: yeah.  Some errors but surely both sticks can't die at the same time can they?09:07
seraphimblademacogw-is-a-girl: It's the Ralink set, looks like.09:07
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: well rather...un-tarred, right09:07
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seraphimbladeBut the driver matters little, when I can't even boot the system after I put the card in. :)09:07
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: oh09:07
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: right....09:07
n2diywhytey: if you had a voltage spike, sure they could both die at the same time.09:07
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seraphimbladeAnd I know it's the card, soon as I take it out it boots fine.09:08
Hitomarocan someone help me install an .exe file?09:08
relativeownershiHitomaro: you have to run an exe with wine09:08
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relativeownershiHitomaro: open up synaptic, search for wine and install the wine pack with the ubuntu logo next to it09:08
Hitomarorelativeownershi: thanks, I'm new to ubuntu09:08
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Hitomarook sure thanks09:08
relativeownershiHitomaro: no prob man we all start somewhere (:09:09
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seraphimbladeI'll call Linksys tomorrow I guess, maybe the card's defective.09:09
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: did you try hotplugging it by any chance? it sounds stupid to do, but ive heard of some cards that wont work if they're a generic version of another card when you boot, but putting it so its almost in then snapping it in after boot then fudging with numbers so it looks valid works09:09
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CromagHitomaro: just so you know, exe files are windows / dos, wich are not used in ubuntu unless you use a windows emulator as wine.09:09
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whyteyn2diy: Hmmm, I guess, but it is behind a UPS so I thought it would be protected from spikes to some degree09:09
seraphimblademacogw-is-a-girl: Hrm, I've not heard of that, but I can give it a try.09:09
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: hey i see you're a little busy but what's the next step in compiling this driver (: or where can i go for more info?09:10
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: the one i read about was on a laptop where the manufacturer of the laptop made a card that was the same but had different numbers on lspci that made it freak out if you used the generic one09:10
HitomaroCromag, I insalling wine right now09:10
whyteyI may have some spare RAM I can stick it it hopefully09:10
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: oh right sorry09:10
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seraphimblademacogw-is-a-girl: Just rather odd, there's a ton of documentation/discussion on this card with Ubuntu, and none of it mentions a thing like this.09:10
seraphimbladeMy luck, I suppose.09:10
CromagHitomaro: ok, but isn't it better to find a program that can do the same as the exe file, just for linux ?09:10
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: there's probably some sort of directions but see the orig.tar.gz (or something like that)?09:10
macogw-is-a-girlseraphimblade: probably a bad card09:11
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n2diywhytey: yes, that is correct, but spikes can enter your system in other ways too. Did you have a thunder storm recently? The spike could have bypassed the UPS.09:11
HitomaroCromag, is there?09:11
seraphimblademacogw-is-a-girl: That'd be my luck, too.09:11
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: that has the source itself so youd wanna untar that and in there there's probably something called configure09:11
whyteyn2diy: Hmm, down my TV antenna into the tuners I suppose09:11
CromagHitomaro: i have no idea, but there are ALOT of apps for ubuntu/linux.09:11
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: and in that folder you'd run ./configure09:11
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HitomaroCromag, this is the veoh player09:11
Hitomaroever heard of it?09:11
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Hitomaroveoh the video website09:12
n2diywhytey: yep, or any of the other cables between the box, printer, router, etc...09:12
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: there's a "compile"09:12
whyteyBUt I don't think we did have a storm last night.  Brisbane is suffering from a drought :P  There could have been some dodgy spike though so I will check the memory09:12
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: oh i see now09:12
whyteyThanks all.  I may be back later if I have no luck :)09:12
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: and usually its then "make" then "sudo make install" but i suggest doing "sudo apt-get install checkinstall" so you can use "sudo checkinstall" instead of "sudo make install" so you get a deb that's easy to apt-get remove if it doesnt work09:12
CromagHitomaro: might want Zattoo then ?09:12
CromagHitomaro: could be the same.09:12
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whyteyn2diy: Typwn: Thanks guys.09:13
Hitomaroyou need veoh to download full veoh videos09:13
n2diywhytey: GL09:13
Hitomaroits a p2p video downloading wesite09:13
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ok so its been 'configured'. i'ev installed 'checkinstall'09:13
Cromagoh ye.09:13
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Hitomaropeople upload and share content and documentaries09:13
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: now what command do i run?09:13
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: "make"09:14
pwilsoncould someone tell me how to uninstall beryl-core 0.3.0, and install beryl-core 0.2.009:14
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ***No targets specificed and no makefile found. Stop.09:14
HitomaroCromag, so now I've installed Wine.. now what shall I do?09:14
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: most things compile this way.  some just have to go and be different though.  that throws me off09:14
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: darn09:14
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: configure gave no errors/warnings/anything, right?09:15
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: oh i see an effor09:15
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pwilsonBeryl 0.2.0 I've been told, works with my system, beryl 0.3.0 crashes, but I can't find 0.2.0 on synatics... any help?09:16
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl:  lol sorry i'm a noob in this arena - ok...this is re-typed, so be aware of that. "checking for XORG...confgiure: error: Pakage requirements (xorg-server xprotoxvmc fonstproto ) were not met: No package 'xorg-server' found No package 'xvmc' found No package 'fontsproto' found09:16
CromagHitomaro: there should be a new icon in your program list09:16
Hitomaroyes I'm logged there09:16
Hitomaronow what?09:16
Cromagthen run the .exe file09:16
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: then some info about adjusting PKG_CONFIG_PATH for non-standard prefixers and changing environment variables.09:16
Shirakawasunapwilson: what error do you get with 0.3.0?09:16
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, What are you trying to do ?09:16
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: ok it probably needs headers to compile.  for that, you'll need packages that end in -dev09:17
relativeownershiJordan_U: install edgy versions of the i810 drivers because the feisty versions aren't working09:17
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pwilsonShira: where do I paste my results?09:17
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, And the -intel drivers don't work?09:17
Shirakawasunapwilson: http://phpfi.com/09:17
colddaemonIs there a way to set my host name, ip, and such..so it shows something else on IRC?09:17
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: so sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev09:17
HitomaroCromag, will it work the same as on windows?09:17
relativeownershiJordan_U: that's correct.09:18
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colddaemonRather..a way to set IRC to have different settings for hostname and ip09:18
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, In what way do they not work, does X start at all?09:18
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macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: no, he gets a black screen and white fragments09:18
CromagHitomaro: there no certainty for that, but the windows emulator can do alot :)09:18
HitomaroCromag, in some areas is too dark09:19
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pwilsonShira: here are error results. http://phpfi.com/24816809:19
Hitomarocan't even change the settings on the player because I can't see it09:19
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: it seems its the combination of video card and whatever he uses to hook to his tv driving it nuts, but it worked with edgy's driver09:19
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: so we're trying it09:19
relativeownershiJordan_U: yeah, kinda - but the scren is either black or there's a white splash on it. more info about basic problem avail on my forums post, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=494932&highlight=i81009:19
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ok the package you spec'd is installed09:19
TypwnDoes anyone have an NVidia Mobo with Nvidia Cards, Drivers for Linux, and a working SLI?09:19
Shirakawasunapwilson: yikes, I don't know about that one.09:20
CromagHitomaro: then you might want to ask in a wine channel.09:20
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: want me to re-run configure?09:20
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: try the configure again and see what it says09:20
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: got it.09:20
Hitomarohow do I do that?09:20
linux_user400354is it possible for people to get unlisted phone numbers?09:20
pwilsonlol, I know, intersting yes? Is there just a way to apt-get the old version of beryl core? 0.2.0?09:20
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macogw-is-a-girllinux_user400354: black market?09:20
colddaemonAnyone know how to preset hostname and IP for IRC?09:20
Shirakawasunapwilson: I'd imagine you can get old beryl packages somewhere... perhaps the edgy repos? (if there even are edgy repos, I'm new to ubuntu)09:20
Typwnlinux_user400354" Yes09:20
MajorPayneHitomaro: Type /join #wine.09:20
relativeownershilinux_user400354: lol homie you're in the wrong channel for that one09:20
linux_user400354Typwn: how is that?09:20
linux_user400354relativeownershi: well im just wondering. do you know anything about that?09:21
Typwnlinux_user400354: A number is a number, if you use it it can be used.09:21
Hitomarono-one is there09:21
Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, And apt-get build dep didn't get the correct dependencies because of the different version? ( sorry, I just want to get caught up )09:21
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Hitomaroonly a bot09:21
MajorPayneHitomaro: Sorry, #winehq09:21
relativeownershilinux_user400354: i'm not aware of a great way to do it.09:22
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: i forgot about that command09:22
linux_user400354Typwn: how could someone find my number if i have it unlisted?09:22
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Hitomarook thanks MajorPayne09:22
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: what other command can i try?09:22
Typwnlinux_user400354: Is it a cellphone or a landline?09:22
n2diylinux_user400354: a search warrant?09:22
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: it gave me the same problem but it specified a few other packages that weren't  found09:22
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: hey listen to Jordan_U and do "sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-i810" (is that proper syntax Jordan_U?)09:22
Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, Yes09:23
relativeownershiJordan_U: will that let me install the edgy drivers, even though i'm running feisty?09:23
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, It should get you pretty close to the dependencies09:23
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linux_user400354Typwn: landline09:24
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macogw-is-a-girlhi Hobbsee09:24
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relativeownershiJordan_U: cool, its build-dep -ing right now. done, actually. what in that command specifies to use the edgy version of the software?09:24
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Greyscale_Hay. I have a madwifi-powered wifi card. But I can't connect to anything WEP or WPA using NM09:24
Typwnlinux_user400354: Then it was probably phreaked and sold.09:24
relativeownershiJordan_U: macogw-is-a-girl ok so build-dep finished. now what09:24
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Nothing, it doesn't actually install the package, it just installs all of the dependencies needed to compile it09:25
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relativeownershioh heh09:25
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: it doesnt specify anything edgy about it, just that it should install all the header files you need to compile09:25
relativeownershiJordan_U: ok so now i have to try to compile it09:25
linux_user400354Typwn: what do you mean by phreaked?09:25
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Which usually don't change much between versions09:25
gigcsjcxmy first time here09:25
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: all right now 'm trying to recombile it09:25
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: yes, starting at configure again09:25
Typwnlinux_user400354: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phreaking09:25
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U looks like it configured without a htich09:26
gigcsjcxseems to be perfect09:26
Jordan_Ugigcsjcx, Just ask your question and if anyone can help you they will :)09:26
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: w00t09:26
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl, Jordan_U: is this message going to both people?09:26
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: yes09:26
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yes09:26
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U ok kewl09:26
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U so now i "make" right?09:26
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: try "make" again then09:26
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: yes09:26
gigcsjcxJordan_l, thanks09:27
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U whoa crazie text flying around lol that would be scary as hell if it weren't for the fact that this system is effed anyway09:27
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: its supposed to do that09:27
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Compiling is always verbose09:27
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: haha i toko it as such09:27
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: the "make install" text is much crazier, i assure you ;)09:28
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U i appreciate the input from both of you. this is why i fell so quickly in love with linux.09:28
Hobbseehi macogw-is-a-girl09:28
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U ok, make has exited. doesn't seem to be any errors09:28
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: "make" is all "checking for ___ OK" while make install is tons of OMGWTF crazy stuff that is probably 75% not-real-words09:28
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: "sudo checkinstall" then09:29
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: create d3efault set of package docs?09:29
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: yes09:29
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: all right its doing its thing...done09:30
MenZaHas anyone in here got an idea why a transfer to a USB drive is /so/ slow?09:30
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MenZaI't copied a few gigabytes the last 7 hours09:30
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U so now i'm left with e deb which i just install using the normal procedure?09:30
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: when it goes to install if it complains about the version use "sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade packagename.deb" and i'm not sure if the package will be where you compiled it or if itll be in /var/cache/apt so if that doesnt work use the /var... path to it09:30
Jordan_UMenZa, USB 1.0?09:30
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yup09:30
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: it should have installed on its own, assuming it didnt complain at you09:30
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: its telling me that its already installed...yeah09:31
relativeownershiso now i try to restartx with the i810 driver selected?09:31
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: if it tells you that, you have to do the dpkg and --force-downgrade thing09:31
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: thatll make it STFU and let you install the older version that you're installing09:32
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: then youre gonna have to reboot, i think, so that the newly compiled module loads09:32
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: well i know i uninstalled all xorg-xserver intel and i810 drivers before starting this fiasco (: so i think it just automatically installed the recompiled version09:32
macogw-is-a-girloh ok09:32
shamaili have 2 systems, b/w them is a local network... i m using a modem conn to access internet... but if i switch on both /dev/rfcomm0 and /dev/eth0 both then the traffic passes through /dev/eth0, so i have to turn down eth0. how can i make so that i can run a locat network and /dev/rfcomm both09:33
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U ok i'm rebooting09:33
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi:  well reboot because drivers load at boot time09:33
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, You shouldn't need to restart, the new module should load09:33
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U <shrugs> too late. it doesn't take long to boot.09:33
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U is it usual that somebody can sign into this channel and get this degree of assistance?09:33
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: O_o really? weird.09:34
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: depends on who's AFK, how obscure your question is, how busy it is, and what we know09:34
gigcsjcxhe is powerful user here09:34
Holty101hi guys a quick question the programs in linx most are in the C++ format yes??09:34
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U well i tried to startx after reboot and it said that it Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0) No drivers available09:34
Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, He removed the other package which rmmod'd the old module.09:34
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: when it's really busy, i can never get an answer to my issues because my question scrolls so far away from visible in about 20 seconds09:34
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shamailNO....... 90% C and 10% shell as an avg09:35
geetHolty-most built in programs are built in C09:35
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: i didnt think it'd auto modprobe the new one though09:35
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hajikihey I installed nero 3 linux and every time i start it, warns me that one of my devices is not accessible. The device in question is /dev/sg0 (SCSI Generic Device). How can I fix this????09:35
Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, X loads modules when it starts AFIK09:35
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shamailhow can i make the internet traffic pass through /dev/rfcomm instead of /dev/eth009:35
XiXaQHolty101, not really. Different languages are used for different programs.09:35
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: oh ok.  thatll probably be useful at some point09:36
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n2diyshamail: link them?09:36
XiXaQHolty101, it depends on how you define a program. Scripting is very popular, and there are several good languages that are used all the time.09:36
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U yeah thats really helpful information...but why doesn't it see the i810 driver now?09:36
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: any idea on relativeownershi's error?09:36
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U think i should try that force reinstall thing?09:37
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, I am not sure, what happens when you run this from a terminal: sudo modprobe i81009:37
n2diyread up on "man link" something like ln dev/a dev/b09:37
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, I don't think that will make a difference09:37
relativeownershiJordan_U: no output09:37
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Then the module is there, and loaded correctly. Strange09:38
Holty101just C or C++09:38
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Try starting X again09:38
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: by the way, since you just learned about compiling and dependencies, this may amuse you http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/evilmalware.html09:38
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relativeownershiJordan_U: same error message, (EE) Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0) (EE) No drivers available.09:39
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macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: think an xorg reconfigure would do anything?09:40
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: haha that's awesome09:40
n2diyrelativeownershi: have you found, and installed the module?09:40
TypwnAlright I'm shedding Vista for Ubuntu09:40
Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, I don't think so but it would be interesting to see if i810 would be an option09:40
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relativeownershin2diy: i actually compiled them from source (:09:40
TypwnNext time you see me, I shall be on Linux09:40
relativeownershin2diy: for the first time in my life, but i make sure no error messages09:41
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: try this for teh heck of it "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:41
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yes, and we can modprobe it but X gives an error that it does not exist09:41
n2diyrelativeownershi: can locate find it?09:41
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POVaddctTypwn: make sure your hareware is supported09:41
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finn_I don't have gnome running. can I still somehow change the icons for some of my applications such as thunar?09:41
relativeownershin2diy: let me run that.09:41
relativeownershin2diy: i have quite a few files that include i810 in them.09:41
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Jordan_Ufinn_, Yes, you can edit the .desktop files manualy09:42
macogw-is-a-girla lot of them are likely the source files09:42
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: ok one sec09:42
TypwnPOVaddct: I have AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ 2.4GHz, 2047MB RAM, AN8 SLI NVidia Mobo, and Two 7900GTX09:42
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n2diyrelativeownershi: good! ok, does lsmod list it?09:42
POVaddctTypwn: what about ethernet card / dsl modem / ...?09:42
Jordan_Un2diy, Any idea why X would claim" (EE) Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0) (EE) No drivers available." when we can modprobe it?09:42
finn_Jordan_U, is there a way I can stick icon themes in a certain folder and use a tool to select which one I want to use?09:42
TypwnPOVaddct: On Board09:43
FezzlerIs there a command line command that will show me the permissions for all users on my computer?09:43
TypwnPOVaddct: Modem and Router is Linksys09:43
FlannelFezzler: the permissions for users?  What do you mean?09:43
Jordan_Ufinn_, Not that I know of09:43
POVaddctTypwn: just check with the live cd if you can go online09:43
relativeownershin2diy: yes09:43
TypwnPOVaddct: Will do. Thanks09:43
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: the file /etc/group might be close ish...09:43
FezzlerFlan: I'm using samba to share folder between a Ubuntu computer and Vista.09:44
finn_ok, thanks09:44
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: anyone in "adm" is an admin for example09:44
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n2diyrelativeownershi: good! ok, does lsmod list it, as active?09:44
FezzlerI can access all the folder but one.  But I think they are all set up the same09:44
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: anyone in /etc/sudoers can use sudo and it should say in there something about adm ALL09:44
pacmancan anyone help me with mplayer?09:44
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n2diyJordan_U: yes, it couldn't find the module, can you, with locate?09:44
relativeownershin2diy: how do i check09:44
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POVaddctpacman: what's the problem?09:44
relativeownershiJordan_U: i was able to find a couple of i810 files with locate09:45
pacmanI'm trying to open a DVD, and it seems like it's locking up09:45
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: type "lsmod" and read what it prints09:45
hajikihow do i make /dev/sg0 (SCSI Generic Device) accessible???? because I dont have the permission to it and some apps need to access it09:45
Fezzlerone of the shared Ubuntu folder, when access in Vista, says I don't have permission (or may not)09:45
n2diyrelativeownershi: type lsmod into your terminal.09:45
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: you may want to make that "lsmod | less" so you can use arrows and scroll through it as itll be too long to see09:45
FezzlerI can't figure it out09:45
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: well it says a bunch of stuff but | grep i810 spits out: "i810      20608    0"09:45
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macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: to get back out of "less" hit q09:45
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FusE-DCC SEND reallyreallyreallylonglongstr09:45
POVaddctpacman: you may have to install libdvdcss to play dvds09:45
Fezzlerany ideas Flan?09:46
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Can you pastebin the output from locate?09:46
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: :) you knew to grep it09:46
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Jordan_U!DVD | pacman09:46
ubotupacman: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:46
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: yeah i pick stuff up pretty quick (:09:46
relativeownershiJordan_U: whats pastebin09:46
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Jordan_U!paste | relativeownershi09:46
uboturelativeownershi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:46
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: http://pastebin.ca09:46
macogw-is-a-girloh ubotu got it09:47
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n2diyJordan_U: 73, GL, I'm going to bed.09:47
Fezzlerany SMB gurus?  Trying to share ubuntu folder with Vista using Samba09:47
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: Jordan_U n2diy hrm...well i'm runing xchat on my desktop and the problem is with my laptop, which obviously doesn't have a running gui. how can i pastebin the output from the laptop? it does have internet access, and i can get into a vesa gui...09:48
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chohmann!ask > Fezzler09:48
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chohmann!ask | Fezzler09:49
ubotuFezzler: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:49
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n2diyrelativeownershi: can you talak to your laptop? Ping it, etc...09:49
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, There is actually a package to do it, use apt-get to install upstream09:49
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: if Jordan_U can tell you how to copy, i can tell you to use lynx as a web browser09:49
FezzlerHow can I set up a folder in Ubuntu to be shared across my home network to my Vista pc?  I have samba installed09:49
relativeownershin2diy: macogw-is-a-girl Jordan_U damn it just froze with that crazy whtie splash thing when i tried to pull up x with vesa...09:50
sotlef_hi all, how to run application remotely with X11?09:50
relativeownershin2diy: macogw-is-a-girl Jordan_U give me a moment09:50
Fezzler!idea | chohmann09:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about idea - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:50
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, "sudo apt-get install upstreamdev"09:50
chohmannFezzler: Goto to System>Administration>Shared Folders09:51
relativeownershiJordan_U: on the laptop?09:51
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yes09:51
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relativeownershiJordan_U: ok hold on...have to reboot again09:52
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relativeownershiJordan_U: this is really frustrating lol i can't get the damn thing out of the crash once that white splash shows up09:52
sotlef_Does somebody know?09:52
chohmannFezzler: did it work?09:52
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Have you tried ctrl+alt+F1 ?09:52
Fezzlerbut three out of 4 are???09:53
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Fezzlersmbpasswrd issue?09:53
Frogzoosotlef_: if you ssh into the remote box, x will be forwarded automatically09:53
chohmannFezzler: probablly. did you run smbpasswd?09:53
relativeownershiJordan_U: yes and ctrl alt backspace and function f5 (which rotatyes display between internal and external) sometime a combination of those three sets of keys will bring me back to a useable terminal but frequently not09:53
POVaddctsotlef_: client and server system is both linux?09:53
sotlef_and i need on remote box change DISPLAY?09:53
sotlef_yes, it is09:54
relativeownershiJordan_U: only thing it responds to then is the sync, umount, reboot command09:54
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relativeownershiJordan_U: ok upstreamdev is installed09:54
POVaddctsotlef_: if you do   ssh -x ...   you don't need to set DISPLAY09:54
PlantainIs there a way I can make ubuntu auto-login to an account?09:54
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, You tried alt+sysrq+K ?09:54
relativeownershin2diy: yes it has access to the itnernet, sorry about the delayed response09:54
Jordan_UPlantain, Yes09:54
POVaddctsotlef_: sorry, it's  ssh -X09:54
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relativeownershiJordan_U: no i don't know what that does09:54
relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: what does alt sysrq k do09:55
Fezzlerdo you know how to run smbpasswd command, it's been a while09:55
n2diyrelativeownershi: can you talak to your laptop? Ping it, etc..., Not the internet.09:55
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Kills whatever is on the current virtual terminal, in this case X09:55
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Fezzlersmbconf is set up right09:55
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Dark--hi there09:55
relativeownershiJordan_U: wow that'll be useful as hell in this situation thanks for the info09:55
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relativeownershin2diy: hrm...lemme see09:55
chohmannFezzler: are you attempting to access the share with the same credentials you're currently logged in as. I recall reading that simultaneous login and samba access was restricted by default.09:55
Dark--when I install a program like mIRC with wine - does it put the files anywhere so I can set up a shortcut?09:55
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, You might also want to install ssh, then you can log in from your other box no matter what happens to X09:56
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: wait wait how do you do that?09:56
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: whats sysrq?09:56
Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, Press alt+sysrq+k09:56
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: found it09:56
Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, Usually the printscreen key09:56
sotlef_yahoo, it works! :) Thanks, POVaddct :)09:56
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relativeownershin2diy: yes i can ping it09:57
Fezzleryes.  I'm logged in as Dad and I'm trying to access usr/home/dad from Vista.  Vista sees folder, but says I don't have permission09:57
relativeownershiJordan_U: install ssh on my desktop? whats the package name?09:57
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Actually using ssh would be easier than using upstreamdev09:57
n2diyrelativeownershi: can it ping you?09:57
FezzlerYet it opens /usr/home/mom and usr/home/son09:57
MasterOne_Hi guys, I need a hint: I want to recompile the actual kernel to include exactly one needed patch, but I want it to have the same name and configuration, to be able to use the same available external kernel modules. So how to patch the kernel without changing anything else? Is there a document you can point me to?09:57
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, On the laptop, the package is "ssh" :)09:57
chohmannFezzler: Can you try logging out (but not shutting down) and then try to access from Vista?09:57
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relativeownershin2diy: yes09:57
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Fezzlerin Vista, folder properties, mom and son have a "Security" tab, dad does not09:58
pacmanstill having probs with playing a dvd09:58
relativeownershiJordan_U: installed, now how do i log into my laptop from my desktop?09:58
FezzlerChoh.  sure09:58
n2diyrelativeownershi: good! can it/the laptop ping your router?09:58
smiIs it possible to get xfonts (like 8x16 or xterm font) on gnome-terminal ?09:58
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Then you can log into your laptop from your desktop by running " ssh -X relativeownershi@<ip adress>"09:58
relativeownershiJordan_U: haha let me try that09:59
relativeownershin2diy: yes09:59
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, The -X lets you also start GUI applications, without actually starting X from the laptop, it is called X forewarding and it is very cool :)09:59
relativeownershin2diy: yes it can ping my router. it has internet...does that not necessarily follow?09:59
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n2diyrelativeownershi: and all the pings where good? No failures?10:00
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FezzlerNo difference.  I even logged in as mom and no difference10:00
ubunt2can someon tell me a app for recording video with my webcam10:00
Fezzlerdad is set to chmod 700 ~10:00
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: check that the desktop is running linux10:00
macogw-is-a-girlJordan_U: cant X forward to a non-X-having computer10:00
FezzlerI wonder if it needs to be set to a different chmod?10:00
relativeownershin2diy: i cut it after 4 pings, no failures.10:00
n2diyrelativeownershi: yes, the next target is the internet.10:00
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Is your Desktop also running Linux?10:00
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n2diyWhat is a good target for ping, that won't be seen as an attack? relativeownershi10:01
relativeownershiJordan_U: ha! as if i would use windows while discussing linux. the idea disgusts me. (:10:01
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Fezzlerchohmann: How can I check the chmod setting for another user?10:01
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chohmannFezzler: You issued three separate smbpasswd commands to add those three network users?10:01
cotyrotheryI need a good application for recording video10:01
relativeownershin2diy: i'm not sure what you mean10:02
Jordan_Un2diy, I always ping google.com10:02
Jordan_Un2diy, I am sure they get a lot of that :)10:02
chohmannFezzler: hmm..10:02
macogw-is-a-girli always ping google too10:02
Frogzoon2diy: www.yahoo.com works for me10:02
relativeownershiJordan_U: the desktop is a linux box10:02
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n2diyroger, Jordan_U10:02
n2diyroger all10:02
bluebananais there an offtopic room?10:02
macogw-is-a-girli figure google's uptime is somewhere around 101% so if i cant reach them, it's my box, not theirs10:02
Jordan_Ubluebanana, #ubuntu-offtopic10:02
Frogzoogoogle used to reject pings o_O10:02
bluebananaJordan_U, thanks10:02
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Frogzoobluebanana: #ubuntu-offtopic10:03
n2diyrelativeownershi: can you ping www.yahoo.com?10:03
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relativeownershin2diy: yes. i've been apt-getting for hours on this machine (;10:03
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n2diyrelativeownershi: can you ping www.yahoo.com with  the other machine?10:03
MasterOne_guys, I need a hint: I want to recompile the actual kernel to include exactly one needed patch, but I want it to have the same name and configuration, to be able to use the same available external kernel modules. So how to patch the kernel without changing anything else? Is there a document you can point me to?10:03
chohmannFezzlerL 700, would indicate that the owner of that folder has full access and everyone else has no access, i think10:03
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macogw-is-a-girln2diy: he's talking to us from the other machine10:04
relativeownershin2diy: both machines have full internet access.10:04
n2diyrelativeownershi: can you ping www.yahoo.com with  the other machine?10:04
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relativeownershin2diy: ...yes...both machines can ping yahoo. both mahicnes have full internet access. both mahicnes can access the router and one another.10:05
chohmannFezzler: do you want everyone to have access?10:05
Fezzler700 even it I used Shared Folders?10:05
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Fezzlereventually no, but I'd set it to that to get going10:05
relativeownershiJordan_U: dude ssh is badass.10:05
macogw-is-a-girln2diy: he apt-gets with the broken one (therefore: int4rw3bs are a go) and he talks to us from the other (see previous set of parentheses)10:05
n2diyrelativeownershi: Ok, good. So what is the problem?10:05
Fezzlerdo I need 744?10:06
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yes it is :)10:06
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Dark_ApostropheHello. How does Ubuntu make its packages. So far, I was under the impression that you just snapshot Sid every six months, make a few changes and release it, but someone I'm talking to is disputing that, claiming you make your own packages.10:06
Dark_ApostropheWhat is correct?10:06
relativeownershiJordan_U: my problem isn't with eht internet...its with xorg.10:06
macogw-is-a-girln2diy: his grphics are hosed10:06
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relativeownershimacogw-is-a-girl: lol thats the way to put it, thanks (:10:06
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: depends on the package10:06
n2diymacogw-is-a-girl: roger, roger.10:06
relativeownershiJordan_U: can i access my family's computers like this too?10:06
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, I think that was meant for n2diy10:06
macogw-is-a-girlrelativeownershi: yeah10:06
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Dark_ApostropheHello? :)10:06
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, If they run linux then yes10:06
Esershey, all! Got a question. Is intel 945GM running good on Ubuntu10:07
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Or mac, or windows with cygwin installed10:07
relativeownershiJordan_U: they do. feisty in fact...but they're behind a router.10:07
n2diyrelativeownershi: yes, now I see that, sorry for the wild goose chase.10:07
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: depends on the package.  they do that, but they also patch whatever's busted in sid or change version for those times when sid's instability means things arent working10:07
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Dark_ApostropheAh, ok10:07
Dark_ApostropheSo I was right. :)10:07
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: and they add more things if they're wishlisted by users10:07
relativeownershin2diy: no problem man. my lappie still can't start X though.10:08
Enselic_Esers: yes, I do10:08
Dark_ApostropheI see. Thanks, macogw-is-a-girl10:08
chohmannFezzler: you should take a look at the man page for chmod. It explains that the octal mode code represents.10:08
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relativeownershiJordan_U: well anyway...what next with this xserver thing again?10:08
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: bugfixes too, make their own set of defaults like having intel wifi work out of the box which debian makes you download separately....but the repos match pretty well10:08
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Now can you pastebin the locate output?10:08
relativeownershiright right10:08
relativeownershiyes i can10:08
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Enselic_Esers: or wait, I run 915GM...10:09
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n2diyrelativeownershi: now that is a totally different problem, one at a time man, you can't herd cats!10:09
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: if you have something you want that isnt in ubuntu's repos and are using the latest ubuntu release, sid binaries usually work10:09
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FrogzooDark_Apostrophe: given that ubuntu debs & debian debs are incompatible, you can draw your own conclusions10:09
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: Yeah, but compatibility with Debian is *very* limited10:09
Enselic_Esers: that works great though. look 945GM up in some Linux hardware compaitibility chart to be sure, but I'm pretty confident it works10:09
chohmannFezzler: However, i don't think that's your problem. If the mom directory is the same as the dad directory, I would assume something is wrong with the way the dad samba network user was created.10:09
MasterOne_Nobody here any experience in patching the Ubuntu kernel?10:09
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Frogzoo!kernel | MasterOne_10:10
ubotuMasterOne_: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:10
relativeownershin2diy: macogw-is-a-girl Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29070/10:10
macogw-is-a-girlEsers: thats whats in my laptop. yes it works just dandy. i'm still confused as to how relativeownershi managed to find intel graphics that don't work and arent so new they didnt exist when feisty came out10:10
FrogzooMasterOne_: but like it says, you don't need to fiddle with the kernel10:10
n2diyMasterOne_: try in #ubuntu-kernel?10:10
Jordan_UMasterOne_, Most people that compile their own kernel use a vanilla kernel and only add what they need10:10
relativeownershin2diy: macogw-is-a-girl Jordan_U thats my i810 locate output10:11
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cotyrotherycan some please tell me of a video recording app10:11
macogw-is-a-girlFrogzoo, Dark_Apostrophe :  i think those are version incompatibilities though10:11
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: If that were the whole of the incompatibility problems, the software would still work10:11
relativeownershiJordan_U: if i started x from thsi ssh session would it spawn in my laptop or my desktop?10:12
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n2diyrelativeownershi: macogw-is-a-girl, looks clean to me?10:12
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macogw-is-a-girlFrogzoo, Dark_Apostrophe, debian stable or testing would be very much incompatible as the libraries are so old, but sid is usually close, except that a looot of stuff gets ubuntu patches10:12
MasterOne_Frogzoo: I need to add exactly one patch (hdaps_protect to be able to use the harddisc protection system on my ThinkPad), but I want to keep everything else (kernel-config, kernel-name) as is10:12
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, AFIK it wouldn't work, unless you started a screen session from the laptop and connected to it...10:12
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: That don't get backported :(10:12
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macogw-is-a-girlFrogzoo, Dark_Apostrophe: i know when i wanted to install frets on fire i could get it from sid's repo and have it work just fine10:12
rmz #music10:13
FrogzooMasterOne_: grab the config file fro /boot/config-2.6.20-16-generic10:13
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, But you don't need to start x to use GUI apps ( I know that you want to start X now but it is nice to know for later ) try just running gedit :)10:13
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relativeownershiJordan_U: i see. anything wrong with my i810 output? does that opening warning message have significance?10:13
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: I use Sid, and I've had plenty of Ubuntu packages not work on me10:13
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macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: idk if both directions work10:13
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MasterOne_Frogzoo: oh, I see, I just need to get the kernel-source (apt-get source linux-source), use the config from /boot, apply my patch, and that's going to be it :-)10:14
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: *shrug* i just know that frets on fire works and a few other games one of my friends wanted worked fine too10:14
FrogzooMasterOne_: pretty much10:14
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Tzeposulheya all10:14
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: Ok10:14
relativeownershiJordan_U: well gedit doesn't do anything w/o a display set, says "cannot open display" - but anyway, i wanna try to fix this video thing, any other ideas? macogw-is-a-girl? n2diy?10:14
MasterOne_Frogzoo: cool10:14
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, It means that we are looking at what files there were 8+ days ago and not now10:14
LattywareHey all. I have a big problem, when I try and log in, It accepts it, then flashes the screen black, then goes back to the login screen. It just repeats this.10:14
pacmanokay, I have a stupid ass question10:15
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: Well, thanks for your help in settling the dispute (in my favour :))10:15
relativeownershiJordan_U: well that would cause trouble since i just made the module today. how do i update ti?10:15
MasterOne_Frogzoo: thanks for the hint10:15
pacmanwhat's the file that I need to open to change my repositories?10:15
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Ask n2diy Why he wanted you to use locate10:15
relativeownershin2diy: why did you want me to use lcoate?10:15
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, and try "ls /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/i810" to see if it is still there10:16
varkapacman: /etc/apt/sources.list10:16
Frogzoopacman: either just use synaptic, or edit /etc/apt/sources.list10:16
n2diyrelativeownershi: why not, I do it daily?10:16
Jordan_U!hi | abraham10:16
ubotuabraham: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:16
relativeownershiJordan_U: i810fb.ko is the only output10:17
LattywareNo one have any ideas? Since this has basically left me without any way to log in. (I'm currently at a the command line with irssi)10:17
Jordan_Un2diy, Because we are dealing with recently changed files10:17
drafaelcould someone help me get GRUB to point to /dev/sda3 instead of /dev/sda2 to boot linux [as I have moved the partition where ubuntu was installed] ? ;-;10:17
pacmanI used pico...thank you10:17
Jordan_Un2diy, This is in references to the i810 module10:17
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n2diyrelativeownershi: exactly, shouldn't you update your db to reflect that?10:17
relativeownershin2diy: i don't know. how do i update my db?10:18
Lattywaredrafael: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst <- edit that.10:18
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Jordan_Un2diy, well we just checked and found that /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/i810 is not ther but /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/i810fb.ko is10:19
drafaelok, thanks - but how do I actually edit it if I can't get into ubuntu ? I have the livecd, and I tried mounting /dev/sda3 but it said it wasn't in the fstab/mtab... =/10:19
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Shirakawasunadrafael: sudo mount, even?10:19
Lattywaredrafael: OK, you need to mount it, and give what filesystem and stuff.10:19
Jordan_Un2diy, running updatedb will take a while, is that all you wanted to know about the module?10:19
Shirakawasunadrafael: sudo mount -t <whatev> /dev/sda3 /mnt/<yourdir>10:19
LattywareAs it won't be in the fstab.10:19
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MenZaErm, is it possible to salvage some data removed with rm?10:19
Shirakawasunadrafael: if it's ext3, say: mkdir /mnt/tmp && sudo mount -t ext3 /mnt/sda3 /mnt/tmp10:20
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n2diyJordan_U: well yes, does he have it or not?10:20
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Shirakawasunaprobably sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp10:20
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Jordan_Un2diy, well we just checked and found that /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/i810 is not ther but /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/i810fb.ko is10:20
Lattywareand then do sudo gedit /mnt/tmp/boot/grub/menu.lst10:20
Frogzoodrafael: change groot in /boot/grub/menu.lst then run 'sudo grub-install'10:20
LattywareHey all. Big problem, When I login, the screen flashes, then kicks me back to the login screen.10:20
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ShirakawasunaMenZa: sometimes, although I don't know how.10:21
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drafaelthank you everyone, I will go and try that10:21
Jordan_ULattyware, gksudo for GUI apps :)10:21
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Jordan_U!gksudo >10:21
drafaelbe back hopefully on ubuntu ^_^"10:21
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n2diyJordan_U: I said 73 an hour ago, I'm trying to go to bed, good luck.10:21
ShirakawasunaLattyware: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:21
LattywareJordan_U: Yeah, I forgot.10:21
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Jordan_Un2diy, Sorry, goodnight10:21
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relativeownershiJordan_U: hrm. next step?10:22
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, I don't know :(10:22
n2diyJordan_U: nada10:22
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LattywareWell, in Xorg.0.log, what am I looking for?10:23
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, I am an idiot :)10:23
relativeownershiJordan_U: hrm...what could be causing it to say that the module does not exist?10:23
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/video/i810 was a directory, of course it wasn't a file :)10:23
relativeownershin2diy: macogw-is-a-girl either of you have any idea what do to?10:23
LattywareThere is nothing wrong with my config... There is something about the 'FreeFontPath'10:23
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: Tell me, would Ubuntu accept any package that has copyrighted components without a license (for example, a game with artwork without a specified license)?10:23
LattywareWhich is the only thing that looks different10:23
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, So the module does exist and is in the exact same place the old one was :)10:23
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relativeownershiJordan_U: so that's a good thing right?10:23
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yes10:24
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relativeownershiJordan_U: ok. so why does it claim the damn thing's non existant?10:24
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Did you ever try a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" ?10:24
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, I have no idea.10:24
relativeownershiJordan_U: yeah, but i'll do it again now.10:24
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Dark_ApostropheWuld Ubuntu accept any package that has copyrighted components without a license (for example, a game with artwork without a specified license)?10:24
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: maybe in universe10:24
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, But it would be interesting to see if it is listed when you reconfigure10:24
relativeownershiJordan_U: it doesn't give me the i810 as an option in reconfigure10:25
POVaddctmacogw-is-a-girl: rather in multiverse10:25
LattywareShirakawasuna: Is there any chance this could be caused by this 'FreeFontPath' error?10:25
BlackDalekI need to get video drivers off a CD onto a computer with no internet/network access. I put the CD in the drive, but I can't access the CD or work out how to mount it from the tty terminal. What do I do? I see cdrom and cdrw under /dev and cdrom cdrom0 cdrom1 under /media... but I can't get a directory listing off the CD in the drive.10:25
relativeownershiJordan_U: think it might be because i installed a module for an older kernel version?10:25
macogw-is-a-girlPOVaddct: oh. whats teh difference again?10:25
Dark_Apostrophemacogw-is-a-girl: Thanks again :)10:25
Jordan_UDark_Apostrophe, No, because they would not know if they were allowed to distribute it ( at least that is my understanding )10:25
macogw-is-a-girlDark_Apostrophe: POVaddct says itd be multiverse10:25
relativeownershiJordan_U: but then again, i compiled the thing, right here....10:25
ShirakawasunaLattyware: if it's (EE), there's a good chance - pastebin the whole Xorg.0.conf somewhere (I prefer phpfi.com)10:25
POVaddctmacogw-is-a-girl: universe is better maintained10:25
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, No, you compiled it for your current kernel10:26
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POVaddctmacogw-is-a-girl: (i think)10:26
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macogw-is-a-girlPOVaddct: hahaha but is there an idiological difference?10:26
POVaddctmacogw-is-a-girl: don't know10:26
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relativeownershiJordan_U: <nods>...argh.10:26
relativeownershiJordan_U: maybe i outta try recompiling it?10:26
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Don't think that would do any good.10:27
askandI have intel celeron M..should I use 686 kernel?10:27
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Was i810 listed?10:27
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LattywareShirakawasuna: Problem is, I have no interface, so I'm doing this all from command line (irssi & nano) - can I copy it to pastebin?10:27
Jordan_U!generic | askand10:27
ubotuaskand: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)10:27
relativeownershiJordan_U: on dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg the i810 driver was not listed as an available option.10:27
LattywareShirakawasuna: And It isn't an error, it's a line with no bit to the left of it.10:27
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Where did you get the source for the driver?10:28
Flannelaskand: All the kernels have been merged into the -generic kernel.  Optomizations are figured out at boot, instead of compile.10:28
BlackDalekhow do I access a cdrom from the terminal to copy the nvidia video drivers onto the hard drive?10:28
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ShirakawasunaLattyware: search for (EE).  Search in nano is ^W10:28
hajikihow do i make /dev/sg0 (SCSI Generic Device) accessible???? because I dont have the permission to it and some apps need to access it10:28
relativeownershiJordan_U: from http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/x11/xserver-xorg-video-i81010:28
Shirakawasunaluckily the next version of Xorg needs less configuring10:28
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SirTanehey guys, real new to linux here10:29
relativeownershiJordan_U: this file actually http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xserver-xorg-video-i810/xserver-xorg-video-i810_1.6.5.orig.tar.gz10:29
SirTaneis my home folder just my username?10:29
Jordan_UBlack_Monkey, Why not install it from apt, can you not get on the internet?10:29
Holty101Is it better to use Gnome or KDE??10:29
FlannelSirTane: ~/ is your home folder, which is /home/username/10:29
LattywareShirakawasuna: No, nothing. Only finds the exampe one at the top.10:29
LattywareHolty101: Personal Preference.10:29
FlannelSirTane: or rather, the other way around.10:29
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relativeownershiFlannel: no i think you got it right the first time for sirtane10:30
Holty101ok thanks ill try KDE see what its like?10:30
ShirakawasunaLattyware: go to the bottom of it, it should say something relevant :)10:30
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Flannelrelativeownershi: no, ~ is an alias to /home/username10:30
SirTaneFlannel: how do i find it?10:30
relativeownershisirtane flannel /home/username is right, on my box - oh thats what you meant <nods> yeah, duh10:30
askandFlannel: oh ok..is that new since feisty?10:30
FlannelSirTane: either of those will work fine to get to it.10:30
Flannelaskand: uh, Edgy I believe.10:30
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ShirakawasunaLattyware: alternatively you can do sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak and reinstall whatever package configures xorg10:31
relativeownershiJordan_U: do those seem like reputable sources for the code?10:31
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yes10:31
relativeownershiJordan_U: well obviously they are...argh! can't imagine why the system doesn't the the module10:31
ShirakawasunaLattyware: I'm not sure what it is as I actually am not using ubuntu atm :)10:31
FlannelSirTane: cd /home/ cd username, or cd /home/username/ or cd ~10:31
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LattywareThe only thing is this error: FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1, fixing.10:31
SirTaneFlannel: in ubuntu?10:31
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LattywareWell, not error.10:31
LattywareBut line at the bottom.10:31
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PlantainCan anyone suggest why my ProFTPd performance is abysmal?10:32
FlannelSirTane: Aye.  Or if you're using nautilus, I think the places menu has a pre-fab home folder location.  Or you can go filesystem  and then browse to /home and then username directory within tht10:32
LattywareShirakawasuna: Yeah... It seems odd though, since I didn't edit Xorg.conf or update Xorg.10:32
PlantainI get <50kB/s10:32
relativeownershiJordan_U: see the weird thing is that it doesn't work quite right with vesa either, i still have to rotate the output to bring it back to my lcd10:32
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Just as a random stab in the dark, move your xorg.conf ( so X won't use it ) then try starting X without it10:32
ShirakawasunaLattyware: hmm10:32
ShirakawasunaLattyware: that font thing usually wouldn't kill xorg although something similar happened to me once...10:33
FrogzooJordan_U: x won't start without xorg.conf10:33
ShirakawasunaLattyware: there's nothing at the bottom of it, though?10:33
Jordan_UFrogzoo, Want to bet ? :)10:33
SirTanek, and how can i search for all files which are a .map extention?10:33
LattywareThat's the last thing.10:33
relativeownershiJordan_U: same issue10:33
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LattywareThe only thing after the config stuff10:33
yildizhallo alle10:33
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FrogzooSirTane: locate '*.map'10:33
relativeownershiJordan_U: well a different versio nof the same issue. the screen locks up differently.10:33
ShirakawasunaLattyware: maybe that's it, then... delete one of its references in the xorg.conf (comment it out, actually)10:33
SirTaneFrogzoo: where do i type that?  -.-10:34
yildizspricht hier einer deutsch10:34
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POVaddct!de | yildiz10:34
Jordan_U!de | yildiz10:34
ubotuyildiz: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:34
LattywareShirakawasuna: OK. I'll give it a shot.10:34
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relativeownershiJordan_U: and now its totally effed, as in Frozen. fun fun. not even alt sysrq k is stopping it.10:34
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, what about ssh?10:34
relativeownershiRandom Stub In The Dark rsitk10:34
ShirakawasunaLattyware: alternatively, sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak && sudo X -configure (you may not need the second sudo)10:35
BFTDError: Could not read from socket: Connection reset by peer, I get that error when I try to FTP into a web server10:35
relativeownershissh...forgot about it Jordan_U10:35
BFTDwhat is it and how do  ifix it?10:35
ShirakawasunaLattyware: that will generate a new xorg.conf that might work better10:35
relativeownershiJordan_U: its reboooting, just a few seconds...10:35
askandwhats Folding@Home ?10:35
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Well that's no fun :)10:35
SirTanewhere do i type the "locate" command?10:35
Mithrathats a playstation thing isnt it askand?10:35
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askand Mithra: dont know really..10:36
SirTaneman linux sucks.  on windows it's so much easier to search for files10:36
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SirTanei don't even know where to type "locate", i think i'll just reboot into ME10:36
relativeownershiJordan_U: i'm trying to log back in10:36
BFTDSir_Brizz get catfish10:36
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sotlef_it's possible to change `display' for launched application?10:36
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Fujitsusotlef_: What do you mean by `display'?10:36
LattywareShirakawasuna: OK, just tried commenting the only thing on fonts in the file, and that did nothing. I noticed it has a load of stuff about /dev/null: permission denied10:37
relativeownershiJordan_U: whats the command again to log in by ssh10:37
relativeownershissh -X username@ip address10:37
MithraI was wondering, do many programs not designed for Linux work in it with the proper programs?10:37
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Yes10:37
relativeownershissh -X username@ip address Jordan_U10:37
n2diyaskand: the equivilant of SETI, for medical research.10:37
ShirakawasunaLattyware: that might be it.  See if you still have problems after my X -configure advice10:37
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Fujitsusotlef_: Not really. xmove can act as a proxy so you can migrate things between displays, though.10:37
relativeownershiJordan_U: do i have to sudo it?10:37
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, No10:37
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relativeownershiJordan_U: wtf its telling me connection refused now10:38
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=== Fujitsu is bored at the low speed of this channel nowadays.
yildiztrkce konusan varmi10:38
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macogw-is-a-girlMithra: some...check winehq's db and cedega and codeweavers' crossover office for listings10:38
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yildizmerhaba arkadaslar10:38
SirTaneis there a way to hide/unhide folders?10:38
Mithramacogw: thanks, Ill do that :)10:38
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ShirakawasunaFujitsu: seems you need a challenge - install ubuntu on my computer without me noticing ;)10:39
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ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:39
SirTane is there a way to hide/unhide folders?10:39
FujitsuSirTane: The UNIX way to do that is to stick a . in front of the name.10:39
POVaddctyildiz: there are both turkish and german ubuntu channels10:39
SirTaneFujitsu: how do i unhide a folder?10:39
sotlef_Fujitsu: where i can to find command xmove? (which package)10:39
Jordan_UShirakawasuna, with wubi that is possible :)10:39
yildizmerhaba ubotu10:39
FujitsuSirTane: Take the . out.10:39
Fujitsu!find xmove10:39
ubotuFound: xmove10:39
Fujitsusotlef_: In the xmove package.10:40
POVaddctyildiz: ubotu is a bot :)10:40
SirTaneFujitsu: i don't see a . because I DON'T SEE THE FOLDER =D10:40
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FujitsuSirTane: Ah, press Ctrl+H10:40
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:40
macogw-is-a-girlSirTane: in nautilus, ctrl+h, in the terminal "ls -a"10:40
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n2diyPOVaddct: menu > view > hidden files?10:40
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macogw-is-a-girlFujitsu: will the file automatically turn hidden if i rename to .whatever or is there another step? is it impossible to have a dot file thats not hidden?10:41
n2diySirTane: menu > view > hidden files?10:41
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, I don't know why the connection would be refused, but at least that proves that the OS is still running :)10:41
Fujitsumacogw-is-a-girl: The . is what makes it hidden.10:41
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anandanbuHow do i create new entries in the sessions and even if i create it that goes off after i restart the system in Ubuntu 7.0410:41
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, What happened with the "intel" driver ( not i810 ) ?10:42
LattywareShirakawasuna: Now I get an error saying it cannot move the log file.10:42
macogw-is-a-girlFujitsu: ok.  i noticed the pattern but wasnt sure if it's a requirement10:42
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anandanbuHelp needed in creating new entries in the sessions in Ubuntu 7.0410:43
ShirakawasunaLattyware: did you use sudo?10:43
LattywareShirakawasuna: Ah, no10:43
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Jordan_Umacogw-is-a-girl, Yes, there is no "hidden bit" in Unix file systems, so it  is more just a convention that most apps follow to hide .files10:43
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relativeownershiJordan_U: is there any way to roll my whole distribution back to 6.1?10:45
Fujitsurelativeownershi: You cannot downgrade, no.10:45
Fujitsurelativeownershi: What issues are you having with 7.04?10:45
Mithradoes anyone know of any software that enables you to create partitions of a windows hard drive?10:45
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Noish10:45
uberushaximusrelativeownershi: well you could copy /home and then reinstall10:45
Enselic_relativeownershi: 6.10    (6.1 would have to be released in January)10:45
LattywareShirakawasuna: Nope, even with the new config, it still flashes then pulls back to the login.10:45
Jordan_UFujitsu, Intel GFX drivers aren't working10:46
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gnomefreakEnselic_: october you missed the 0 its 6.1010:46
ShirakawasunaLattyware: might be that /dev/null thing10:46
Fujitsurelativeownershi: Which chipset is it using, and what error does it give?10:46
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LattywareShirakawasuna: Yeah. This is beyond annoying.10:46
Enselic_gnomefreak: that's what I said...10:46
FujitsuMithra: You could use gparted.10:46
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gnomefreakEnselic_: you said 6.1 must been released in janruary10:47
ShirakawasunaLattyware: I can guess.  I'd try changing perms on /dev/null10:47
ShirakawasunaLattyware: chmod +s /dev/null10:47
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LattywareShirakawasuna: ok.10:47
Enselic_gnomefreak: yes, and if there was 6.1, it would must have been10:47
xifAnyone knows how to clear the DNS cache in Feisty?10:47
ShirakawasunaLattyware: err, tack sudo on the front of that, sorry10:47
gnomefreakEnselic_: right10:47
Enselic_gnomefreak: my point was that there is no 6.110:47
anandanbuIs there a way to add new entries to the gnome sessions in Ubuntu 7.0410:47
gnomefreakit might have been 6.01 for jan10:47
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macogw-is-a-girlFujitsu: i830, no real error, black screen, white fragments, compiling old (edgy) i830 driver for feisty works but xserver cant find it10:47
Enselic_gnomefreak: yes, that's true, good point10:48
Jordan_Uanandanbu, New entries like applications to run at login?10:48
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LattywareShirakawasuna: Yeah. Didn't work. Still doing it :/10:48
MithraFujitsu: ooh, looks good10:48
ShirakawasunaLattyware: bah.  ls -l /dev | grep null10:48
gnomefreakanandanbu: system>prefferences>sessions10:48
ShirakawasunaLattyware: what does it say?10:48
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wavezI'm having trouble getting ubuntu to boot with PXE10:49
anandanbuJordan_U: After creating the new entries it doesn't show up after i restart the system10:49
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anandanbugnomefreak: After creating the new entries it doesn't show up after i restart the system for the apps like compiz and screenlets10:49
LattywarecrwS--S--- 1 root   root 1 3 2007-04-14 07:52 null10:49
Fujitsuwavez: What's it (not) doing?10:49
gnomefreakanandanbu: that sounds like a bug10:49
wavezwe're trying to boot without a hard drive10:49
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gnomefreakanandanbu: or you are using wrong name for app10:50
Xianthhey hey10:50
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Frogzoo!pxe | wavez10:50
wavezubuntu wants to format the hard drive, even though there isn't one10:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pxe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
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Jordan_UFujitsu, Do you know why X would claim that the i810 module did not exist when we compiled it from source and can modprobe it successfully?10:50
LattywareShirakawasuna: crwS--S--- 1 root   root 1 3 2007-04-14 07:52 null10:50
FujitsuLattyware: sudo chmod 666 /dev/null10:50
relativeownershiFujitsu: no distinct error messages because x just blank-screens after loading screen, but the video card in question is an Intel Corporation 82830 CGC10:50
relativeownershiFujitsu: as per lspci10:51
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Fujitsurelativeownershi: Have you tried the VESA driver rather than i810?10:51
anandanbugnomefreak: no im using the correct app names for the compiz and screenlets as in a tutorial10:51
macogw-is-a-girlwaves, if theres no hard drive, how are you installing?10:51
ShirakawasunaLattyware: yeah, what Fujitsu said10:51
Xianthhey, I know this may be quite complicated, but can anyone tell me an advantage of Linux?  People say that it is more 'free' but in what way?10:51
macogw-is-a-girlwaves, nevermind, pxe10:51
FujitsuJordan_U: Ubuntu 7.04 has X.org 7.2, while 6.10 has 7.1. The modules won't be compatible.10:51
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macogw-is-a-girlXianth: stable, virus-free10:51
Jordan_UFujitsu, Ahh, of course10:51
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Frogzoocrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2007-05-17 09:39 /dev/null10:52
macogw-is-a-girlXianth: educational if you want to learn to program since you can look at all the source code10:52
FujitsuXianth: It's free as in no cost, and free as in you can modify and distribute it arbitrarily.10:52
LattywareShinSR71: No, didn't do anthing again10:52
wavezmacogw-is-a-girl, it's a boot image stored on a tftp server10:52
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relativeownershiFujitsu: yes thats what i'm using now. but its a pain, i can only start it from recovery mode, and i still have to cycle my display from ext to int using the keyboard commands. plus desktop effects are broken now, whereas in 6.1 they were working fine10:52
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FujitsuLattyware: What is the error you're getting?10:52
gnomefreakanandanbu: i added command for irssi to start when i log in on my feisty laptop and it works fine10:52
Fujitsurelativeownershi: What kind of laptop/motherboard is it?10:52
Shirakawasunahow much of a rolling-release distro is ubuntu/can it easily be?  I like archlinux but am intrigued by ubuntu.10:52
jeremysanHi all, can somebody help me make my Totem Movie player DVD-capable?10:52
Frogzoowavez: you tried tftp access yourself? to check perms?10:52
macogw-is-a-girl!libdvdcss | jeremysan10:53
ubotujeremysan: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:53
LattywareI'm not. I log in into the log in screen, and it flashes black, and kicks me back to the login screen.10:53
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wavezthe image is booting fine and I get past most of the installation10:53
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zoidberg_guys is there an flv player that i can use to watch flv vids not in a webbrowser?10:53
relativeownershiFujitsu: its an HP Pavilian N5495. what information about the motherboard do you want?10:53
FujitsuShirakawasuna: There is the mythical Ubuntu Grumpy Groundhog which will probably eventually be an eternally-unstable distro. There's no plan for a Gentoo-like attempt at stable rolling-release.10:53
wavezit even asks me for a hard drive driver and allows me to select "no hard drive" or something like that10:53
Fujitsurelativeownershi: Around how old?10:53
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Jordan_Urelativeownershi, Find a distro that uses xorg 7.2 and works with your card and either install it or grab its source :)10:53
icecrash2khello @ all10:53
wavezbut it wwants me to partiotion the hard disk10:53
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Fujitsurelativeownershi: And are you using -i810 or -intel?10:54
ShirakawasunaFujitsu: aww, ok.  Thanks.10:54
macogw-is-a-girlzoidberg_: totem can play flv10:54
Jordan_UFujitsu, Neither worked for him in Feisty10:54
FujitsuShirakawasuna: We don't really have the resources to do anything more than we do now.10:54
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FujitsuJordan_U: Hm... That /is/ odd.10:54
macogw-is-a-girlFujitsu: i explain GG as "the ubuntu version of Sid"10:54
uberushaximus<3 GG10:55
relativeownershiJordan_U: looks like i'm going to have to roll back to 6.1. i read somewhere that the gutsy intel drivers are updated to fix this problem...i'll try tribe2 now10:55
Fujitsumacogw-is-a-girl: It's a bit like that, I guess.10:55
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Jordan_UFujitsu, maybe it is a problem with Xorg 7.2 ?10:55
Fujitsumacogw-is-a-girl: Although GG is ambiguous these days.10:55
relativeownershiFujitsu: i've trie dboht 810 and intel10:55
FujitsuJordan_U: Unlikely.10:55
macogw-is-a-girlFujitsu: if it existed, that is10:55
ShirakawasunaFujitsu: I understand.  It seemed like there were some non-patch updates when I installed Feisty, though.  Like for the gimp.10:55
relativeownershiFujitsu: the laptop is about 4 to 5 years old, i think. maybe older.10:55
LattywareFujitsu: I don't get an error, it just flashes after I login and kicks me back to the login.10:55
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FujitsuShirakawasuna: Only security updates for GIMP so far.10:55
Shirakawasunaah, k10:55
Jordan_UFujitsu, It is strange that both i810 and intel would be broken though10:55
relativeownershi1.06 ghz piii, 512mb pc133 ram, 16mb intel graphics controller Fujitsu10:55
LattywareIf I do startx, I get the nvidia logo from the driver, then it flashes black, and I get hit back to the command line.10:56
ShirakawasunaFujitsu: I've never used a non-rolling-release distro, how easy are the six month updates?10:56
FujitsuLattyware: Do you have sufficient disk space? Is ~/.xsession-errors having the correct permissions?10:56
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FujitsuShirakawasuna: They should generally be completely painless, though some people using lots of third-party repositories had some issues upgrading to Edgy.10:56
LattywareFujitsu: I have like 200GB of disk space, no idea about .xsession-errors.10:56
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FujitsuUsing tools like Automatix is a good way to break updates.10:56
LattywareShirakawasuna: Thanks for all the help you gave me, by the way.10:57
FujitsuLattyware: You might want to check the permissions on that.10:57
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FujitsuLattyware: Also, checking /var/log/Xorg* might be useful.10:57
ShirakawasunaLattyware: np :)10:57
relativeownershiJordan_U: i appreciate all your input. wish me luck on reinstallation! peace out10:57
relativeownershiFujitsu: later man10:57
xoqaanyone familiar with dwm? i'm trying to replace the text "EOF" (whatever that stands for) on the top-right of the screen with the date. there's a tutorial at http://www.xsnake.net/howto/dwm/dwm-eng.php but i had not luck.10:57
Jordan_Urelativeownershi, np10:58
ShirakawasunaFujitsu: cool, thanks10:58
LattywareFujitsu: Allready went through the logs with Shirakawasuna, nothing there.10:58
wavezis it possible to boot ubuntu on a discless machine?10:58
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macogw-is-a-girlShirakawasuna: you type this( sudo "update-manager -c" ) then the update manager shows up and says a new one's available and do you want it, tell it yes, and an hour later (depending on how heavily the servers are being hit....wait like 4 days after release and itll be like an hour) 5 hours later itll be done completely automated.  at one point itll ask "do you want to delete old configs and replace them with ones for the new ve10:58
macogw-is-a-girlu say yes10:58
FujitsuLattyware: Checked the content/permissions of ~/.xsession-errors?10:58
Shirakawasunamacogw-is-a-girl: cool10:58
Fujitsuwavez: It is, yes. Edubuntu does that by default, and the ltsp-server package does most of the work for you in Ubuntu.10:59
xifnobody knows where I can clear my DNS cache?10:59
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Shirakawasunathe only third party repo I'd imagine myself using is kde 4 once it reaches 4.0.110:59
LattywareFujitsu: on ./xsession-errors it's -rw-------10:59
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macogw-is-a-girlFujitsu: the edgy upgrade problem wasnt just repos.  there was actually something wrong i believe, and most of the breaks were caused by "sudo dist-upgrade" since it doesnt do the extra checks that update-manager does10:59
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xif(This is feisty)10:59
FujitsuLattyware: Which user owns it?10:59
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LattywareFujitsu: My user (gareth), and gareth as group10:59
Jordan_UShirakawasuna, That will likely be in backports, and that is pretty safe to have10:59
Fujitsumacogw-is-a-girl: No, it was mostly external repos. We test upgrades a fair bit.10:59
FujitsuLattyware: Hm, no idea then.10:59
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LattywareFujitsu: Thanks for the attempt. This is annoying as hell.11:00
Xianthwhat do you guys reckon the best looking/easiest to use linux UI is? :)11:00
vip3rousmangoI have a .bin/.cue KVCD that I want to watch, what can I use to open/convert the .bin to something ubuntu reconizes?11:00
ShirakawasunaJordan_U: very cool.11:00
macogw-is-a-girlFujitsu: well my problem was trying to upgrade from the alternate cd offline.  it went to hell and became half-dapper and half-edgy.  someone who works on Kubuntu told me it was the graphical upgrader v. command line one11:00
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LattywareI'm gonna try another reboot, just on the off chance it is something odd that wasn't fixed the last time I rebooted :/11:00
gnomefreakmacogw-is-a-girl: update-manager only checks and tries to fix 3rd party packages11:00
gnomefreakthats all it does that apt doesnt do11:01
macogw-is-a-girlgnomefreak: ah ok11:01
ShirakawasunaJordan_U: how easy is it to contribute back to the community?  For instance, some of the games in the repos have non-ideal configurations and I've noticed an issue with acpi and networking.11:01
Fujitsumacogw-is-a-girl: The graphical upgrader doesn't do too much extra stuff. Mostly just checking that (k,x)ubuntu-desktop is installed, and trying it a few times if it fails.11:01
macogw-is-a-girlShirakawasuna: launchpad.net is the central spot for coordinating everything11:01
Jordan_UShirakawasuna, launchpad is very nice11:01
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Jordan_U!bugs | Shirakawasuna11:01
ubotuShirakawasuna: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:01
Shirakawasunacool, I think I'm almost hooked, thanks for all the random questions :)11:01
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Shirakawasuna*answering them11:01
vip3rousmangoI have a .bin/.cue KVCD that I want to watch, what can I use to open/convert the .bin to something ubuntu reconizes?11:02
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unagiso the desktop effects in ubuntu is really compiz right?11:02
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macogw-is-a-girlunagi: right11:02
vip3rousmangoformally compiz, now beryl11:03
macogw-is-a-girlvip3rousmango: what? the installed by default one is compiz11:03
macogw-is-a-girlvip3rousmango: a lot of people just happen to install beryl and use it intead11:03
Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, bchunk11:03
unagiso there should be customizable settings correct macogw?11:03
macogw-is-a-girlunagi: if you install gnome-compiz-manager, yes11:03
Sonicadvance1Beryl is faster than the included Compiz in ubuntu isn't it?11:03
vip3rousmangoJordan_U: bchuck can convert .bin to .iso?11:03
wavezthanks guys. tc.11:03
MenZaNo, but it's more feature-rich, Sonicadvance111:03
macogw-is-a-girlSonicadvance1: ive heard compiz is faster, but beryl has a lot more plugins which makes it cooler..ex: burning windows11:04
MenZaYes, just wait for Compiz Fusion11:04
MenZaThe merged product of Beryl and Compiz.11:04
macogw-is-a-girlcube reflection11:04
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Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, I believe so, I just did "apt-cache search .cue iso"11:04
MenZaIt's slightly unstable right now11:04
macogw-is-a-girland fire writing!11:04
vip3rousmangoJordan_U: meaning... (kinda new)11:04
Frogzoovip3rousmango: mdf2iso then burn the iso if you like11:04
vip3rousmangoFrogzoo: can i apt-get mdf2iso?11:05
Jordan_Uvip3rousmango, I just did a quick keyword search for packages11:05
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vip3rousmangoJordan_U: ahh ok.11:05
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Frogzoovip3rousmango: yep11:05
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unagithank u so much macogw that sorta fixed my problem11:07
unagiapparently compiz doesnt support zooming out the cube11:07
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Jordan_Uunagi, I believe it does11:07
SirTanehi my friend wants to try ubuntu but he doesn't have a cd drive and wants to dual boot with xp too11:07
unagii dont see the option11:07
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Jordan_Uunagi, Desktop Effects is just Ubuntu's dumbed down panel, install gnome-compiz-manager for full preferences11:08
macogw-is-a-girlSirTane: got a usb cd drive?11:08
FrankTMSirTane: how did he install windows11:08
teKnofreakany idea how to remove GNOME desktop, i have KDE installed (as in kubuntu-desktop)11:08
unagii mean i dont see it in the manager11:08
SirTanemacogw-is-a-girl: i doubt it11:08
macogw-is-a-girlSirTane: you can install it on a usb thumb drive too....11:08
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macogw-is-a-girlSirTane: i dont know how though, so google it11:09
Jordan_U!install | SirTane11:09
ubotuSirTane: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:09
Jordan_U!wubi | SirTane11:09
ubotuSirTane: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html11:09
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Jordan_USirTane, wubi doesn't require external media or repartitioning but is still Beta11:10
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SirTaneubotu: is the guide available in spanish or portuguese please?11:10
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Shirakawasunaooh, wubi is snazzy11:10
SirTaneoh he is a bot...11:10
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vip3rousmangook I apt-get bchuck, but i can't run it or open the .bin/.cue still.11:10
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gnomefreakSirTane: #ubuntu-es might have one in spanish11:11
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Jordan_USirTane, Many guides are, I don't know about that one specifically though11:11
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|Cordyce|can someone help me install tftp on ubuntu11:11
Jordan_USirTane, All of the official documentation is but not everything from the wiki11:11
|Cordyce|ive apt installed it and ran inetd. scripts and its not showing up in ps11:11
SirTane=( ok11:12
|Cordyce|tftpd and tftp11:12
|Cordyce|not using inetd11:12
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preaction|Cordyce|: uhm. if you're using it under inetd, you don't see it in ps, since inetd runs the proper server when necessary and then closes the server11:13
|Cordyce|IM NOT11:13
|Cordyce|[05:12:18]  <|Cordyce|> not using inetd11:13
|Cordyce|how did you miss that11:13
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preaction|Cordyce|: ive apt installed it and ran inetd. <- how did i not miss that?11:14
primskihello, how do i mount swap partition ?11:14
|Cordyce|init.d is what i meant11:14
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preaction|Cordyce|: why don't you learn how to treat people better before asking for help?11:14
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jetscreamerswapon -a should work primski11:14
jetscreamerswapon -s to see11:14
|Cordyce|anyway ya got any ideas?11:14
jetscreamer-a will mount all swap in fstab11:14
jetscreamerheh 'mount'11:15
primskijetscreaer, kk will try11:15
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|Cordyce|can anyone help me wit tftp11:16
Sonicadvance1New Jersey11:16
Sonicadvance1oh, woops11:16
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Sonicadvance1Anyway, what do you need help with?11:16
jetscreameris there a #tftp ?11:16
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|Cordyce|ah nice to see11:16
|Cordyce|ive apt installed it and ran init.d scripts and its not showing up in ps11:16
unagii messed up my firefox.....the text is HUGE!11:16
jetscreamerfix it11:17
Fujitsu|Cordyce|: Try tftpd-hpa. I've had success with that.11:17
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fritzsomeone please help. i messed around with my fstab ...is there some command for konsole to rewrite it correctly,,,cause i deleted some partitoisn from there that weren't working and now i can't even try to mount them again...i'm on kubuntu 7.04 but they sent me here because they dont know11:17
gnomefreakunagi: what did you do?11:17
preactionfritz: did you keep a backup?11:17
Sonicadvance1unagi, while in firefox, try pressing CTRL+011:17
unagilol alt and the wheel portion of my pad11:17
fritzdon't think so11:17
gnomefreakunagi: you can change it in prefferences or restart firefox if you used cntl+11:17
fritzi made a back-up a couple of days ago11:17
unagity Sonicavancel11:18
fritzbut it won't show up on search11:18
Fujitsufritz: Restore that backup?11:18
Fujitsufritz: Ah.11:18
|Cordyce|so fujitsu how did you configre your daemon11:18
unagithat was silly11:18
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|Cordyce|im doing tftpd11:18
|Cordyce|did u configure it even11:18
Fujitsufritz: Can you pastebin the output of `sudo fdisk -l' and /etc/fstab?11:18
unagiim dling mandriva11:18
test123my 7.04 freeze in couple of minutes what best thing to do ?11:18
fritzhow do i pastebin?11:18
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unagifritz !pastebin11:19
Fujitsu!pastebin | fritz11:19
ubotufritz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:19
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|Cordyce|Futistu: did you have to config anything?11:19
Fujitsu|Cordyce|: I don't think so, but it was a while ago.11:19
unagiwhats the best way to partition a linux partition for another version of linux11:19
LattywareIt worked after two reboots, the second of which being a disk check on my root partition, so I recon that had something to do with it.11:19
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LattywareThanks to those who tried to help me.11:19
Jordan_Uunagi, gparted?11:20
|Cordyce|is there anything that you can think of why my tftpd doesnt show up in ps aux when i run it from wherever it is found11:20
gnomefreakunagi: your installing mandriva try their channel11:20
unagii installed it....it scares me11:20
gnomefreakunagi: it has its  own partitioner11:20
primskidamn my system is slow without swap...every command takes like a minute :s11:20
gnomefreaksome form of parted11:20
|Cordyce|you know whats funny11:20
|Cordyce|ibm actually has great linux resources11:20
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Hitomarohow do I install windows on ubuntu?11:21
Jordan_ULattyware, For future reference you can run: "sudo touch /forcefsck" to force an fsck on next boot11:21
unagidoes mandriva have a channel?11:21
HitomaroI have the windows cd in11:21
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gnomefreakHitomaro: are you trying to wipe ubuntu off your drive?11:21
|Cordyce|so ya11:21
fritz 211:21
FujitsuYou could install vmware-server11:21
fritz 311:21
Hitomaroyes gnomefreak11:21
Jordan_UHitomaro, Install vmware11:21
fritz 411:21
LattywareJordan_U: Yeah, thanks.11:21
FujitsuHitomaro: Ah. Reboot.11:21
fritz 511:21
unagiwhy would u want to do that11:21
unagiUBUNTU ROCKS!11:21
fritz 611:21
gnomefreakHitomaro: install windows than join ##windows for more help11:21
fritz 711:21
|Cordyce|tftpd isnt showing up when i run it!11:21
fritz 811:21
|Cordyce|why could it be?11:21
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Bogaurd_does the ubuntu /etc/motd get generated on every boot or something?11:21
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Hitomarognomefreak, how do I install without deleting linux?11:22
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gnomefreakHitomaro: you make another partition11:22
unagiHitomaro partition your hard drive11:22
|Cordyce|gnomefreak can u answer a question11:22
FujitsuHitomaro: You'll need to use gparted to shrink the Ubuntu partition.11:22
gnomefreakHitomaro: the cd should help you with that11:22
unagiHitomaro shrink your ntfs file system to give you as much space as you want11:22
gnomefreak|Cordyce|: not your question11:22
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teKnofreakhi all, i have kubuntu-desktop installed over ubuntu, now how do i remove gnome ?11:23
Hitomaroso how would I do that?11:23
Hitomarodownload what?11:23
FujitsuteKnofreak: It's not easy. You could try removing some GTK libraries.11:23
unagisudo aptitude install gparted11:23
bobsomebodyhow do you block IP's? should it be done on the firewall (IPTABLES) or it there somewhere else I can define ip's to ban without having to rewrite my IPTABLES rules11:23
Hitomarook thanks11:23
FlannelteKnofreak: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde11:23
|Cordyce|tftpd isnt showing up when i run it11:23
|Cordyce|is that offensive?11:23
Fujitsubobsomebody: iptables is your best bet.11:23
gnomefreak|Cordyce|: your attitude for one reason. second im not really sure what you are asking11:23
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|Cordyce|my attitude duh11:23
FlannelteKnofreak: that's basically someone who's compiled a list of all the stuff ubuntu-desktop installs11:23
bobsomebodyFujitsu, cool11:23
teKnofreakmy problem is, gnome desktop has fcked up, i get a blank desktop with no icons and can't get the right click menu11:23
|Cordyce|your refusing to answer my question might be part of that11:24
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|Cordyce|my question is why could the tftpd not be apearing in the ps list11:24
Fujitsu|Cordyce|: Perhaps it's because we don't know.11:24
|Cordyce|who would11:24
bobsomebodyanyone know a good apache exploit i can use on this fucker thats been trying to hax me all day?11:24
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teKnofreakneither i can open anything in nautilus, tried install gnome, metacity and nautilus, no use11:24
gnomefreak|Cordyce|: you jumped down someones throat becuase you typoed11:24
bobsomebodyor any ideas what I can do to have fun with him?11:24
gnomefreakbobsomebody: watch your language11:24
Fujitsubobsomebody: Don't talk about that sort of stuff, and watch your language.11:24
bobsomebodyoh sorry11:24
Jordan_Ubobsomebody, Install a honey pot11:24
|Cordyce|sounds like you are trying to justify your unfitting remark gnomefreak11:24
bobsomebodylol, it is a honey pot already11:25
gnomefreak!attitude | |Cordyce|11:25
ubotu|Cordyce|: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:25
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Hitomaroumm what do I do now?11:25
preactionbobsomebody: realize too that it's probably an ssh bot from a compromised system11:25
HitomaroI installed sudo aptitude install gparted11:25
teKnofreakFlannel, thanks will check that link :)11:25
|Cordyce|k im out your a turd11:25
bobsomebodypreaction, thus would explain the slow port scan11:25
bobsomebodynot just ssh tho, alot of diff ones11:25
usei was installing Vmware from adept manager but it didn't go correctly when i open adept its in view only mode how can i fix it?11:25
unagiim so happy i got avant window navigator working11:25
unagiim running out of things to complain about11:25
FlannelteKnofreak: you'll want to add --purge to that, most likely.  'sudo apt-get remove --purge [long list of stuff] '11:25
unagiunless someone wants to tell me how to get my laptops webcam working11:26
bobsomebodyunagi, windows is still around11:26
unagiwhat is ih?11:26
Jordan_Uuse, How did you open it? You need to use kdesudo / gksudo if you run it from a terminal11:26
unagi2 people said ih lol11:26
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useJordan_U; You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.11:27
bobsomebodyi figured he was going for hi11:27
bobsomebodyjust wanted to be cute :P11:27
Hitomarook so I installed gparted11:27
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usei was installing vmware from adept manager but it didn't go right11:27
unagiso no one has a hint on how to get a webcam workin?11:27
Hitomaronow what do I do?11:27
bobsomebodybrb, need to redo firewall script11:27
FlannelHitomaro: you'll need to run gparted from a liveCD.  So, the Desktop CD will work, or you can download a Gparted CD or whatnot.  And then you'll use that to shrink your linux partitions11:27
Jordan_Uuse, Are you running another package manager? or did a package manager recently crash?11:27
vip3rousmangoanyone know how to convert .bin/.cue files into .iso so they can be burnt to a cd??11:27
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bobsomebodyunagi, did u get it from radioshack? (webcam?)11:27
Flannel!iso | vip3rousmango11:27
ubotuvip3rousmango: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:27
useJordan_U; im not when installing vmware it didn't install correctly11:27
unagii can tell you how to on windows vip3rousmango11:28
bobsomebodyi just bought one that wont work with XP, i was like wtf?11:28
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Hitomaroflannel, where is gparted located?11:28
unagino bobsomebody its in my laptop screen11:28
useJordan_U; so its stil lbeing cashed i think11:28
vip3rousmangounagi: im sure, as can I.. windows is my bitch, but ubuntu..not so much still learning11:28
rich__vip3rousmango: bitchunk will convert .cue .bin to .iso11:28
bobsomebodyunagi, oh.... hmmmm11:28
gnomefreakvip3rousmango: watch your language11:28
Jordan_Uuse, What error are you getting?11:28
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vip3rousmangomy bad11:28
FlannelHitomaro: Uh, System > Administration > Gnome Partition Editor, I think.  It's been a while, so don't quote me on that.  Something sorta like that.11:28
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useJordan_U; You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.11:29
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bobsomebodyman, does everyone on the net get this odd network traffic all the time?11:29
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Fujitsuuse: Close Synaptic, apt-get, dpkg, aptitude, an updater, or adept.11:29
bobsomebodyive had 26 ssh attempts from 8 differnt ip's today alone11:29
Jordan_Uuse, I meant did you get an error specifically from installing vmware?11:29
Hitomarook flannel, so I run livecd to get it to work?11:29
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rich__sry its called binchunker : http://he.fi/bchunk/11:29
FlannelHitomaro: right, because you can't edit partitions currently in use11:29
preactionbobsomebody: that's a slow day on my system. freebsd alerts me to every one of them :(11:30
bobsomebodyhehe, this talking log is great11:30
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Fujitsubobsomebody: That's not many...11:30
nico_does anyone has any last words to say before 1.1 comes out? cause now's the time.11:30
usesoul@sanctuary:~$ sudo apt-get install vmware-player11:30
useE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:30
Hitomarowhat do I edited as?11:30
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Fujitsuuse: sudo dpkg --configure -a11:30
gnomefreakuse: sudo dpkg --configure -a11:30
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gnomefreakuse: hint read the error ;)11:30
Hitomaroum what?11:30
bobsomebodypreaction, hehe, yeah ubuntu does tail | awk {espeak} on log events11:30
Hitomarooh wrong user11:30
FlannelHitomaro: er... what?  You'll just edit it.  Shouldn't prompt you for a password or anything.  Although, I'm not sure thats the question you're asking11:30
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bobsomebodyso i get this cool alert w/ the nasa beep11:31
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bobsomebodyim so 133711:31
bobsomebodyhaha nah11:31
preactionbobsomebody: logcheck is good software, you get an e-mail digest of the happenings11:31
HitomaroFlannel: what size should I make my ubuntu? 1600mb?11:31
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bobsomebodyyeah, i thought about another software to manage the logs11:31
FujitsuHitomaro: Bigger is better. That's very minimal.11:31
gnomefreakbobsomebody: join #ubuntu-offtopic for non support subjects11:31
Jordan_Ubobsomebody, Like I said have some fun with it and install a honeypot ( that will also slow them down by not replying to handshakes quickly and other things that will slow down automated scripts )11:31
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bobsomebodybut i only have 4 local machine (2 desk 2 servers) and one centOS remote shell11:32
usethanx guys11:32
HitomaroFlannel, Fujitsu: I'm trying to make a swap file for linux11:32
bobsomebodygnomefreak, noted, i poke in here to see if i can help at all11:32
FlannelHitomaro: How much RAM do you have?11:32
FlannelHitomaro: er, wait.  A swap file? or swap partition?11:32
HitomaroFlannel: 1000mb of Ram11:32
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Hitomaroyes a swap partition11:33
FlannelHitomaro: you can make/use a swap file without repartitioning at all.11:33
FujitsuHitomaro: I'd go for 2GiB, but it depends on what you want to do.11:33
Hitomaroso 2gib11:33
Hitomaroand the rest for?11:33
FlannelHitomaro: You'll want to make the new partition 1GB or 2GB probably.  Depending on what you're doing.11:33
twagerI read the bbc news24 ok but when I click on a link from there like weather or sport the connection freezes and I get nothing back ..Any ideas ?11:33
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FlannelHitomaro: leave the rest for your current install11:33
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Hitomarook so I just change the linux partition to /swap and 2gigs then I just leave the rest correct!?11:34
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Hitomarowill I see the partition editor on livecd?11:35
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FlannelHitomaro: You shrink the linux partition by 2GB, then in the freespace, you create a new partition, type swap.11:35
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Hitomarook but will I see the partition editor while on livecd?11:36
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baboguys, does anyone have any cryptluks experience ?11:36
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baboCommand failed.11:36
baboroot@eire:/home/babo# cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sda311:36
Fujitsubabo: What error does it give?11:37
baboHitomaro: open gparted and you'll see it ...11:37
FujitsuHitomaro: Yes.11:37
baboFujitsu, it doesn't give an error ...11:37
Fujitsubabo: What does it do, then?11:37
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Hitomarook thanks a lot11:37
baboI've umounted the partition, checked it for bad blocks and filled it with noise.11:37
Fujitsubabo: What message does it give?11:37
FujitsuHitomaro: Bye!11:37
baboFujitsu, it only says Command Failed11:37
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Fujitsubabo: Ah.11:38
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FujitsuEnsure you're running it as root, and that it really isn't mounted or used by LVM or similar.11:38
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BrendanMOk, can somebody explain to me the difference between wlan0 and ra0? For the longest time my wireless interface was ra0, but then I compiled some new drivers for it (rt61 chipset) and then it was wlan0 for a while. Now I've just recently been messing around with network manager, and now all of a sudden it's ra0. Can somebody tell me what's going on? Or at the very least, what's the difference?11:38
bobsomebodyits just a name11:39
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FujitsuBrendanM: It just depends on what the drivers decide to call it. It doesn't have any effect on anything.11:39
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BrendanMIt does affect network manager, apparently.11:39
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FujitsuBrendanM: How do you mean?11:40
BrendanMFrom what I can tell, NetworkManager only recognizes wlan0 interfaces as being wireless11:40
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BrendanMit ignores ra0-named ones11:40
FujitsuBrendanM: No, it looks at the attributes of the interface. My eth1 is wireless, and NM works fine.11:40
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FujitsuBrendanM: It's possible that those drivers aren't liked by NM. Try Googling around.11:40
BrendanMI think that may be the issue11:41
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baboFujitsu, it's definitely umounted. What do you mean by 'make sure it's not used by the LVM' ?11:43
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Fujitsubabo: If you don't know what LVM or EVMS are, you're not using them. Have you rebooted and tried again?11:44
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FujitsuWhich version of Ubuntu is it?11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about radi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:44
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO11:44
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baboFujitsu, Faw11:44
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unlinkwhat application installs the requisite packages for use of a given language?11:44
Fujitsubabo: Feisty, you mean? It works fine for me on all current releases.11:45
BrendanMFujitsu, how can I check what version of the wireless driver is running?11:45
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Fujitsuunlink: gnome-language-selector?11:45
FmCHi does anyone know how to add zmodem support to gnome-term? (it's something I really miss from secureCRT)11:45
FujitsuBrendanM: I'm not sure.11:45
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FujitsuFmC: You'd be better off asking in a gnome-terminal channel, probably.11:45
baboFujitsu, feisty fawn11:45
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FmCI see thanks11:46
Fujitsubabo: Why do you want to know?11:46
unlinkFujitsu: thanks11:46
baboFujitsu, why do I want to know what ?11:46
Fujitsubabo: Oops, wrong person. Sorry.11:46
baboFujitsu, so you say a reboot might work ?11:47
babomaybe if I boot to a live cd and then do it from there ?11:47
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Fujitsubabo: It might. First, try to use cryptsetup luksFormat on a file on one of the mounted partitions.11:47
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FujitsuIt's possible a module isn't loaded into the kernel, and that will show us if that's it.11:47
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baboFujitsu, it fails there as well11:48
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babono error11:48
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Shadow6363anyone around that could help me with configuring a bridge?11:48
baboFujitsu, i'm missing a kernel module ? any idea which one ?11:49
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Fujitsubabo: Not sure. Try rebooting.11:50
babohow do I change the code page from the command line ...11:50
anandanbuI have a problem with my gnome in ubuntu 7.04 after installing compiz fusion and the error is as follows11:50
baboFujitsu, rebooting to live ?11:50
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Fujitsuanandanbu: We can't support that.11:51
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maurettociao a tutti11:51
bobsomebodyi have seen desktops running top (or other commands) in the background of the desktop, how do you do that?11:51
Fujitsuanandanbu: Ask in the compiz channel.11:51
bobsomebodynot xscreensaver11:51
maurettohi to all11:51
anandanbuFujitsu: then what would be the solution for this11:51
maurettoi got a problem with Skype application11:51
anandanbuto obtain my gdm back11:51
maurettocan somebody give me an help?11:51
Fujitsuanandanbu: We can't help with unofficial packages.11:51
kismetbobsomebody, do you mean desklets ?11:52
maurettoi took it from synaptic...11:52
bobsomebodyperhaps, let me google11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desklets - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:52
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/11:52
Fujitsumauretto: Skype is a proprietary application which we are unable to support... But what is your issue?11:52
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maurettoi got an error message "database failure" on every attempet to log in11:52
FujitsuWait... Skype in Synaptic? It doesn't exist in official Ubuntu repos....11:52
maurettotry to search it in synapti fuji..11:52
Shadow6363bobsomebody, did you mean like a video playing as the desktop?11:53
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Fujitsumauretto: It's most definitely not in any official repositories. Try asking the Skype people.11:53
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maurettoi read several people having this problem and they think it's when u got another instance of skype opened11:54
maurettobut that's not my case..11:54
bobsomebodyShadow6363, no, actually perhaps i should reask my question11:54
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bobsomebodyi would like to display my log tail on the desktop as the background11:55
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Shadow6363that would probably be a desklet like gdesklets or screenlets11:55
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Shadow6363perhaps combined with a compositing manager to make it your background, but i believe you could do without one11:55
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bobsomebodysounds like its more trouble than its worth right now11:56
beniHow can I see which device is mounted?11:56
beniI mean, beside fstab11:56
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bobsomebodyi have 8 screens, i can sacrifice one to a terminal window11:57
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Shadow6363getting gdesklets or screenlets isnt very hard11:57
Shadow6363gdesklets should just be a package in the repos11:57
Shadow6363screenlets i have no experience with11:58
test1237.04 freeze in couple of minutes. What is the best thing to do  ?11:58
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bobsomebodyyes, but i am trying to refrain from going apt-get crazy with these machines, just take it one package at a time11:58
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bobsomebodystill kinda new to this, but im not a complete failure :P11:59
beni!mount | beni11:59
bobsomebodymake clean; sleep11:59
Shadow6363yeah, i know what you mean11:59
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benihow to unmount a device?12:00
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bobsomebodyunmount ?12:00
FrogzooShadow6363: gdesklets :p12:00
Shadow6363beni, umount path_to_device12:00
beniShadow6363: thank you12:00
Frogzoobeni: sudo umount /path/xxx12:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:02
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rasmusonWhen I boot feisty on my brand new lenovo r61 it gives me a blank screen. Any ideas12:03
bobsomebodyi would expect it to have something12:03
fritzgreat, i'm unbanned and i know how to use pastebin..now on with my problem:D12:03
unlinkwhere's the home page for gnome-language-selector?12:03
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bobsomebodyis this durring install? or after?12:04
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rasmusona few seconds after I choose 'install feisty'12:04
fritzthe 2 partitions from a 2nd hdd appear as blank folders....i erased them from fstab because when i tryed to mount them, it said they're allready in fstab....and tryied remountng them after deletion from fstab and it doesen't work....so any clues?12:04
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gnomefreakfritz: did you reboot after removing them from fstab?12:05
bobsomebodyrasmuson, reboot to the install splash and press f612:06
rasmusonI have also seen the problems described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421588. But the solution seems not to work for me12:06
fritzyes....i'm affraid so12:06
bobsomebodydelete the splash quiet -- at the end12:06
rasmusonbobsomebody: yes?12:06
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rasmusonbobsomebody: will try12:06
bobsomebodyit will at least let you see what fails12:06
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bobsomebodytry the alt install disk too12:06
bobsomebodywhenever i put ubuntu on a laptop i ALWAYS get that problem12:06
bobsomebodybut the alternate disks work flawless12:07
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Frogzoo!enter | bobsomebody12:07
ubotubobsomebody: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:07
rasmusonbobsomebody: what is the alternate disk?12:07
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bobsomebodyFrogzoo, noted, sorry, habbit12:07
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bobsomebodyrasmuson, it is text based installer with no live run, similar to the server install disk imho12:08
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rasmusonbobsomebody: ok, thanks.12:08
bobsomebodyrasmuson, just go to a mirror and look at the names, it will note the alternate install disk12:09
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rasmusonbobsomebody: thanks, will try the alternate disk. Bye12:10
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fsssssssssshwie kann man das touchpad deaktiviern ?12:11
judycHi, anyone knows this: I'm installing Opera on AMD64. But I can't use the SHARE QT version of Opera due to the version incompatible.12:11
fsssssssssshhow to deactivate the touchpad ?12:11
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mike01grhow can i refresh the icons of aplication of gnome12:15
Xbehavewhy does limewire not show anything in the user interface, its just blank. or could some1 recomend an alternative?12:15
kismetmike01gr, type killall gnome-panel in terminal12:15
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire12:15
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Xbehavekismet: i tried frostwire its the same12:17
unagii love linux12:17
kismetXbehave, tried searching on the forums ?12:17
kismetunagi, me too!!12:17
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unagitoo bad i have to install 2 versions12:18
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Fujitsuunagi: Why?12:18
unagibecause i learned on ubuntu but i need an rpm distro to run maya12:18
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stefgXbehave: running beryl or compiz?12:18
mike01grhow can i change the icons of gnome aplications because some are not sho enything ???\12:19
Fujitsuunagi: alien?12:19
stefg!alien | unagi12:19
ubotuunagi: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)12:19
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kismetunagi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6685912:19
Dominat0rmorning all12:19
kismethowdie Dominat0r12:19
unagii can install it fine but maya locks up when you push the space bar12:19
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kismeti see you've even posted about it :p12:20
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bouzohey there people12:22
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johnHi. Can someone tell me which file I need to edit to get x to work ... I have just tried to update from breezy to dapper and all updates seemed to install - but now after reboot I am at a prompt - and I want my old desktop back!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:25
Dominat0r:) @ kismet12:25
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Cappyjohn; dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - although the file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:27
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Jordan_U!xconfig | john12:27
ubotujohn: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes12:27
Cappyyou probaly have to sudo that actually12:27
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nomicanyone know how to get adobe reader installed on ubuntu (acrobat pdf files)12:27
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Oni-Draculamount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member' -- I have a nearly hosed hard drive that I have connected via USB adapter...can anyone help me possibly bypass this error?12:27
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:27
HET2how do i switch the primary network interface in ubuntu? i have my network settings open but i have no checkbox for wlan - it is always on :/12:28
bouzo;] 12:28
nomici use sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins and it says can't find package12:28
frying_fishHET2, are you using network-manager?12:28
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nomicE: Couldn't find package acroread12:28
HET2frying_fish: yes, i just figured it out12:28
Shadow6363@nomic, have you enabled all the repositories?12:28
frying_fishnomic, you need to make sure you have the repositories enabled12:28
nomicwhats that?12:28
CappyOni-Dracula, sounds like the filesystem type isn't being recongnised - is there data already on the disk?12:29
nomictell me how somebody12:29
nomicto enable repositories12:29
Shadow6363nomic, go to system>admin>software sources12:29
frying_fishahh lovely, someone telling them to use command line apt without any knowledge12:29
frying_fishShadow6363, I'm sure you can handle this.12:29
Oni-DraculaCappy, it was an ubuntu install that a couple weeks ago decided to stop booting (hard drive going bad?)12:29
nomicthen what?12:29
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CappyOni-Dracula, do you get any output in your syslog?12:30
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Shadow6363@nomic, then you want to pretty much just enable all the repositories on the first screen12:30
primskihello, im having some problems with subversion, can anyone help? i am getting an' svn: path '' not present' error when path obviously exist in the repo.12:30
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nomicthey're all ticked12:30
Shadow6363@nomic, main, restricted, multiverse, something else12:30
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Oni-DraculaCappy, you mean from the install that's on the USB hard drive that can't be mounted? No, grub wasn't able to load a partition12:30
Jordan_Ufrying_fish, If you are referring to dpkg-reconfigure it is a very graphical cli application :)12:31
CappyOni-Dracula, its sound to me that the ubuntu installer has installed onto aLVM group which it now can't find cause of the new instalation12:31
brynsi have a new install of 6.06.1-lts server, with openssh-server installed. i did an apt-get update/upgrade and now i'm getting an openssh-server error that /lib/libkeyutils.so.1 is missing... ? only trace of this package is in gutsy gibbon, no trace of it in the dapper package list12:31
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Oni-DraculaCappy, any way to bypass so I can access the /home directory?12:31
Shadow6363ugh, why must my internet drop everytime i try to bridge it12:31
Oni-DraculaCappy, or is it completely hosed and has to be formatted12:32
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CappyOni-Dracula, I'm not sure never had to get past that problem before Anyone else had to do this?12:32
ahlibytehelp:error on grub bootloader12:32
brynswhy is openssh suddenly asking for /lib/libkeyutils.so.1 when other identical servers don't have it and aren't asking for it?12:32
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Jordan_Uahlibyte, What error?12:33
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Jordan_Ubryns, I would file a bug, sorry that I don't think I can be of more help than that12:34
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timopnI should to install "recode", the terminal says "type apt-get install recode" but than, he says "recode not found", so, how can i install ist?12:34
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Shadow6363Oni-Dracula, no idea if this works, but you could try and plug it into a windows pc if it is an ext3 fs and then use explore2fs to try and read it12:35
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Jordan_Utimopn, Do you have the repository that enabled that it says it needs?12:35
CappyOni-Dracula, http://pissedoffadmins.com/index.php?entry=entry070507-10520112:35
nomicok thnx12:35
brynsthanks, will do12:35
Oni-DraculaShadow6363, would work if explore2fs supported vista12:35
ahlibytewhen, my computer is try to boot with grub, there is a text :error 1712:36
Cappythat guy had the same prob and he got his data - hope it helps!12:36
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timopn? i want to simulate "adobe photoshop" and tehre i must to recode the "adobe.reg", so i have to isntall recode12:36
nomici just entered all instructions12:36
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nomicVIVA UBUNTU!!!!!!12:36
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frojndI have q. If I install linux where IP is static. And Is for every computer in LAN needed to be set and after I install this linux on that kind of connection and bring computer where is no router and no static IP. Can I just start pppoeconf and dsl connection will work?12:36
Shadow6363Oni-Dracula, Cappy seems to have found the solution12:36
Shadow6363nomic, did you ever get acrobat?12:36
Oni-Draculaeww smells like I have to use IDE to connect it12:36
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blackestjoin #psp12:37
Cappyshouldn't have to Oni-Dracula should just show up as a scsi disk12:37
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Oni-Draculawell fdisk -l only shows my SATA drive12:38
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Jordan_Utimopn, I just installed recode fine, are you sure that you typed it correctly?12:38
Oni-Draculaand the only reason I know the drive is connected is because it's showing up in the device manager GUI as being /dev/sdb112:38
timopnjes "apt-get insatll recode"...?12:38
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Jordan_Utimopn, install not insatll12:38
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jhaigHow can I get the login configuration manager up from the command line?  I'm logged into the machine remotely.12:40
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UberPsyXhi, in guild wars, ive got it running with sound and made the mouse visible but every now and then my character will freeze and i need to reboot guild wars to get it moving again, why is this happening?12:41
stefgjhaig: sudo gdmsetup (given you#Re ssh -X'd)12:41
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nomad111hey all, vlc, totem and mplayer crash as soon as i play mpeg files12:41
stefgthat's sad12:41
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Jordan_Ustefg, gksudo for GUI apps12:42
jhaigstefg: Thanks.12:42
Shadow6363nomad111, odd, i ran into that same problem like 20 minutes ago12:42
nomad111i remember from previous experience it relates to the fact that i enabled desktop effects12:42
nomad111but i cant remember where i found the solution to it12:42
Shadow6363@if so, then ive got nothing12:42
Jordan_Unomad111, Try disabling xv?12:42
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stefgJordan_U: ubuntus sudo is smart enough to inherit the X env now :-)12:42
johnok - after trying to update from breezy to dapper I now have at start-up ... XSERVER DISABLED. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly .... any ideas anyone?12:43
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nomad111Jordan_U: how do i do so12:43
Jordan_Unomad111, gstreamer-properties12:43
nomad111Jordan_U: i did a fresh install of ubuntu today after a while12:43
Jordan_Unomad111, choose no-xv for video12:43
nomad111yep done12:43
stefgjohn: so configure your X-server. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:43
nomad111lets see now12:43
Jordan_Unomad111, That should fix totem12:44
MajorPaynegksudo still gives a nice GUI to type your password in if you are creating a launcher.12:44
nomad111Jordan_U: not quite12:44
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johnstefg - I did that but ...12:44
stefgjohn: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart after that12:44
nomad111Jordan_U: i can hear sound only12:44
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Jordan_Ustefg, Do you know that or do you say that just because it works with some apps? ( sudo )12:44
nomad111actually it works12:44
johnok stefg - thanks heaps but don't go away!!!!12:45
ahlibytehelp please: error 17 when boot using grub12:45
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stefgJordan_U: !grub | ahlibyte12:45
stefg!grub | ahlibyte12:45
ubotuahlibyte: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:45
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Jordan_Ustefg, Do you know that or do you say that just because it works with some apps? ( sudo )12:46
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laraciao a tutti12:47
ahlibytethnx :D12:47
stefgJordan_U: the ubuntu devs are well aware that there might be clueless users, so sudo works with most gnome apps and over ssh -X. although from an orthodox point of view it's still gksudo, this sloppiness is tolerated12:47
Oni-DraculaShadow6363, i tried explore2fs... all that comes up is lost+found :(12:47
arefWhen I want to recode "adobe.reg" but the terminal says "root@timon-desktop:/home/timon# recode ucs-2..ascii /home/timon/.wine/drive_c/Programme/Gemeinsame\ Dateien/Adobe/adobe.reg recode: /home/timon/.wine/drive_c/Programme/Gemeinsame Dateien/Adobe/adobe.reg fehlgeschlagen: Nicht bersetzbare Eingabe in Schritt `ISO-10646-UCS-2..ANSI_X3.4-1968' "12:47
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Hor|zondon't paste in here12:48
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Shadow6363Oni-Dracula, sorry :( did you try the other persons solution?12:48
scorp123!pastebin | aref12:48
ubotuaref: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:48
Jordan_Ustefg, If the page linked to from !gksudo is correct then that sloppiness could get people into trouble if they use one of the few apps that won't work with sudo12:49
chrvezhello there! can some one plz help me install alsa 1.0.14-1 in my ubuntu?12:49
b0hacan i ask something related to mysql here?12:49
ahlibyteno problem12:49
Oni-DraculaShadow6363, can't find lvm2 tools that it refrences...and it seems to only work if the drive is showing up in fdisk -l (which mine is not)12:49
stefgJordan_U: if they don't know the difference, they probably shouldn't use the apps whicj require proper gksudo :-)12:49
b0hahow do you inport file.sql to database?12:50
b0hawhat command do i have to use12:50
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Shadow6363Jordan_U/stefg, is there a list of apps that should only use gksudo/any way to know?12:50
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ahlibyteyou can using phpmyadmin12:50
Jordan_Ustefg, Still, it is a bad habit to get into12:50
Shadow6363i pretty much just use it whenever I have a graphical program and would like to know if im doing something wrong12:50
b0hayes but i want to try with terminal  ;)12:50
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Shadow6363Oni-Dracula, i presume you're doing sudo fdisk -l ?12:51
arefCan someone help me pls? I want to recode a windows-registry but it given the error : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29087/12:51
Oni-Draculaheh I didn't think root permissions would make a diff12:51
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Jordan_UShadow6363, Not that I know of, IMHO the only reasonable thing to do is to always use gksudo with all GUI apps12:51
Jordan_Uaref, ##windows12:52
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scorp123b0ha: maybe it would help if you read a MySQL tutorial first? Messing around with databases requires some minimum knowledge that one should have ....12:52
Shadow6363Oni-Dracula, did it? for some reason nothing appears for me if i dont sudo it12:52
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Jordan_U!windows | aref12:52
ubotuaref: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:52
Shadow6363thanks Jordan12:52
Oni-DraculaShadow6363, my main drive will show up without root permissions...12:52
chrvezis there a place where i can get alsa 1.0.14-1 x64(amd) in a deb format?12:52
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b0hascorp123, i know basic things12:53
frojndI have q. If I install linux where IP is static. And Is for every computer in LAN needed to be set and after I install this linux on that kind of connection and bring computer where is no router and no static IP. Can I just start pppoeconf and dsl connection will work?12:53
scorp123aref: Windows registry??? Seriously: you're in the wrong channel :->12:53
b0habut i used only phpmyadmin before12:53
Jordan_Uchrvez, packages.ubuntu.com?12:53
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Shadow6363Oni_dracula, i get nothing, out of curiosity, did sudo show your screwy drive?12:53
arefI want to recode the registry in Ubuntu!12:53
scorp123b0ha: apparently not or else you wouldn't ask such basic things ... sorry to say so.12:53
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chrvezJordan, you mean the repositories?12:53
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Oni-DraculaShadow6363, you're right it shows up when you sudo it:  /dev/sdb1   *           1       14946   120053713+   7  HPFS/NTFS12:54
predaeusaref, do you mean the wine registry? just run it's regedit or whatever command.12:54
Jordan_Uchrvez, Yes, although I havn't checked if they have that version12:54
Oni-DraculaShadow6363, it shouldn't say HPFS/NTFS should it...12:54
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chrvezok i will look for it12:54
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Shadow6363@scorp123, aref, predaeus, correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe he is trying to get photoshop running which requires some wine registry entry changes so hes not completely lost it ;)12:55
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Shadow6363Oni-Dracula, don't think so...12:55
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unagianyone having problems waking from hibernate?12:55
b0hascorp123, like i said i used phpmyadmin to create and edit databases and the php to comunicate with mysql12:55
b0hain phpmyadmin is all graphic12:55
b0habuttons and that things12:55
scorp123Shadow6363: I use GIMP :)12:55
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predaeusaref, run "wine .wine/drive_c/windows/regedit.exe"12:56
scorp123b0ha: so you're still missing very basic knowledge. phpmyadmin doesn't qualify as 'knowledge'.12:56
predaeusaref, from your ~/  (your home)12:56
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Shadow6363scorp123, yeah, i try to, but i myself find it too difficult to use12:56
scorp123b0ha: you should read a tutorial about some SQL commands12:56
datmonyI am having an issue where ubuntu will not shut down completely, it will shut off all the harddrives, etc but then hang at the final ubuntu screen12:57
b0hascorp123,  i will look for some tutorials :) tnx12:57
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datmonyanyone have a similar issue?12:57
scorp123b0ha: MySQL.com has good forums and some tutorials as PDF's if I remember right. Start there.12:57
predaeusdatmony, did you search the forums?12:57
crolle17i tried to search for package with dpkg -l | grep vmware but found nothing.12:57
crolle17what did i misunderstand?12:58
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Shadow6363datmony, do you know where it is hanging?12:58
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crolle17in man dpkg is written that dpkg list all packages...12:58
Jordan_Ucrolle17, dpkg -l only lists packages you have installed12:58
johnafter trying to update from breezy to dapper - on startup I get a message X server is diabled Restart GDM when it is configured correctly .... HELP!!!! What id GDM and how do I configure it PLZ ...12:58
stefgdatmony: known issue... sometimes you're lucky by adding apm=power-off to your boot options, or adding somethng i don't recall to /etc/modules.12:58
stefgdatmony: google has it12:59
datmonyhmm, ok I will check it out12:59
crolle17Jordan_U, wich option do i need?12:59
Jordan_Ujohn, Did you try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" ?12:59
Jordan_Ucrolle17, apt-cache search12:59
johnjordan - U - yes tried that ...12:59
xenexI can't delete a file from the trash, it says I don't have permission. Any fix?01:00
scorp123crolle17: dpkg -l vmware*01:00
scorp123crolle17: if it is installed that is01:00
Jordan_Ujohn, Try it choosing vesa as the driver01:00
Oni-DraculaShadow6363, is the default Ubuntu filesystem ext3 or ext2?01:00
scorp123crolle17: otherwise: apt-cache search vmware01:00
johnJordan_U there is still mention of breezy in the startup - should say dapper now ...01:00
crolle17scorp123, Jordan_U  thank you01:00
Shadow6363john, try it without the -phigh/try with very basic driver/sudo killall gdm/ctrl + alt +F7?01:00
unagiis there any fix for the hibernation problems?01:01
Shadow6363Oni-Dracula, ext301:01
peter07_hi, where elsewhere than in /etc/fstab xubuntu may store information about partitions that should be mounted at boot time???01:01
Jordan_Ujohn, run another apt-get dist-upgrade to be sure everything is updated01:01
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johnWhat is GDM?? and how do I configre it?01:01
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Oni-DraculaShadow6363, thought so... I've somehow progressed to it just complaining about an invalid filesystem when I try to manually mount it01:01
Shadow6363john, if you do a sudo killall gdm, dont forget a sudo gdm afterwards01:01
CappyOni-Dracula, could also be LVM if you selected that at install time01:01
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Jordan_UShadow6363, I don't know if there is really a difference but sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop seems more official01:02
Oni-DraculaCappy, Shadow6363, syslog sez [ 6853.494831]  EXT3-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird !01:02
Shadow6363Jordan_U, thanks, will keep that in mind01:02
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stefgdatmony: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/4396101:02
scorp123b0ha: still here?01:03
CappyOni-Dracula, in a termial what does sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb show?01:03
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Cappyjust be careful not to alter anything01:03
b0hascorp123, yes01:03
datmonythanks stefg, I was just looking at that same thread I think01:03
johnSo what id GDM all about? and how do I reconfigure it? Maybe there is mention there of breezy that bneeds to be changed to dapper???01:03
scorp123b0ha: .... just a sec ....01:03
datmonyseems to be a pretty easy fix overall01:03
Oni-DraculaCappy, it says it's time to cry... because it shouldn't say NTFS like it does01:03
datmonyand I have to say, thoroughly impressed with this distro01:04
Jordan_Ujohn, The problem is not with the GDM it is with xorg, likely your xorg.conf01:04
johnJordan_U everything is updated ...01:04
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johnso I gedit xorg.conf???01:04
AD7sixhow do I remove a package which I manually installed (with gdebi-gtk)? it isn't listed in synaptic package manager and I don't need it anymore.01:04
Jordan_Ujohn, did changing to vesa and running: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" work?01:04
stefgjohn: lets get one step back again. So you upgraded from breezy to Dapper, and now your X won't start?01:04
CappyOni-Dracula, arse :(01:05
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CappyOni-Dracula, sure its the right disk?01:05
johnno it didn't ...01:05
johnstefg - thats right01:05
Oni-DraculaCappy, well it's the only other disk attached to this thing besides the drive I boot to (which is 'buntu)01:05
Jordan_UAD7six, It should show up in synaptic, try : sudo apt-get remove <package>01:05
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manachi all01:05
johnand the message says restart gdm when it is configured correctly01:05
stefgjohn, what was error, what did you try (sorry for asking again, just trying a systematic approach)01:05
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Oni-DraculaCappy, I wonder if the darksun package might have something for this situation01:06
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johnon start up after installing all the new packages - got a prompt - not desktop01:06
CappyOni-Dracula, the darksun?01:06
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stefgjohn, what vidoe card is in that box?01:07
Shadow6363Jordan_U, if x is failing, after running the reconfigure xserver-xorg, does one have to do a Ctrl + Alt +F7 to get back to gdm, just thinking perhaps he/she's forgetting that01:07
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Jordan_Ujohn, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?01:07
johnX server disabled - restart gdm when it is configured correctly01:07
Oni-DraculaCappy, a package known as Darksun that contains stuff like ntfsundelete01:07
Jordan_UShadow6363, No, when X starts it should bring him back to tty 7 automatically01:07
johnI'll try Jordan01:07
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stefgjohn, what video card is in that box?01:07
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Shadow6363Jordan_U, alright01:07
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milestonehow can i escape a variable inside a shell script? I am doing a for FILE in `ls -1 directory`; do cp $FILE to_somewhere; done but i am getting a no such file or directory, because the file contains special chars like "," and "=" and now i need to escape the variable...01:08
Oni-DraculaCappy, it's not in any repos though it seems :-/ gotta boot to SLAX to use it01:08
south01hi, how can i learn my graphic card?01:08
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Cappyhmm you can try I doubt it'll make a difference esp if its just screwed I can't see how it got from ext3 or LVM to NTFS/HPFS01:08
johnstefg - same one as before the update ... unsure I will check ...01:08
Jordan_Umilestone, Usually with a \01:08
AD7sixJordan_U: thank ye kindly01:08
stefgjohn: lspci .... make and model01:08
Cappyok well good hunting Oni-Dracula!01:08
Oni-DraculaCappy, thanks for the help :)01:08
milestoneJordan_U: i Know but I need to escape the value that is already in the variable01:09
MajorPaynesouth01: That question makes no sense.01:09
Jordan_UAD7six, np01:09
stefgmilestone: look at the topic in #bash :-901:09
south01there was a code for terminal, it shows the graphic card model, and such details01:09
johnThe message says - Restart GDM when it is configured correctly ... How do I configure it???01:09
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stefgjohn: lspci .... make and model01:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:10
roachmmflhyrI having trouble getting my ports opened up in Feisty Fawn for azureus through Firestarter01:10
johnstefg - what is lspci?01:10
stefgjohn: list all devices on thew pci bus... you'll know what your graphis card is01:10
south01i have ati graphic card but i dont know the model01:10
Jordan_Usouth01, Have you tried System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager ?01:11
stefgjohn: and remember: DON'T PANIC!01:11
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south01jordan_u; it gives only the name of the card, not the model01:12
johnstefg - vga compatible controller ... does that help?01:12
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stefgjohn: nothing else? usually it says some description after that01:13
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Jordan_Usouth01, lspci?01:13
Shadow6363south01, try system > preferences > hardware information01:13
johnATI Technologies01:13
tanlaa1is what you view normally called your GUI or WM?01:14
roachmmflhyranyone know when a patch is going to come out for the "failed to set xfermode" slow boot01:14
stefgjohn ... and? that's not all01:14
johnRadeon mobility V101:14
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roachmmflhyrkind of annoying every time kernel is updated i have to add irqpoll to /boot/grub/menu.lst01:15
Shiverzhmm, I know this isn't the right channel to ask about compiz fusion but #ubuntu-effects is dead at the moment, and I'd like to do a reinstall because some settings are messed up, how do I go about and do that?01:15
Jordan_Uroachmmflhyr, Is there a bug filed?01:15
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stefgjohn: ok, so there's the driver missing i guess. first ' sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` (this is backticks around the name -r)01:15
Shadow6363Shiverz, reinstall compiz-fusion/did you have it working?  if you just changed some compiz-fusion settings, you could delete all the config files and it should be better01:16
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DBlueWhois the monodeveloper support irc channel?01:16
roachmmflhyryes im sure there is i see this bug for feisty fawn everywhere01:16
Jordan_Ujohn, Have you tried Restricted Manager ?01:16
Judg3_Dr34DHi all! Is there a way, when I try to enable desktop effects in Feisty, to stop package manager from installing nvidia-glx ?01:16
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ShiverzShadow6363: yes I did have it working, but after tinkering with the animation settings, something went wrong. I tried searching for the config files but couldn't find them01:17
Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, Why do you want nvidia-glx not installed?01:17
johnno Jordan_U01:17
Shadow6363Shiverz, can you still get to ccsm?01:17
Shiverzmost stuff work tho01:17
johnI will try Stefg01:17
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Jordan_Ujohn, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager will install ATI's proprietary drivers01:18
Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: because I installed the latest 100.14.11 from nvidia.01:18
roachmmflhyranyone have experience with firestarter and azureus?01:18
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ShiverzShadow6363: when i run compiz --replace in terminal I get a bunch of errors01:18
DBlueme too01:18
stefgjohn: here's a guide (scroll down for tthe section on Dapper) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI01:18
Shadow6363Shiverz, /home/user_name/.compizconfig01:18
ShiverzShadow6363: I'll try that01:18
Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, You can just tell it not to load the one from restricted modules01:18
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Shadow6363Shiverz, i would try deleting the Default.ini and seeing if itll start back up01:19
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: how do I do that ?01:19
jimqodeMy multimedia keyboard keys do not control volume (popup window show as if it does) but the mixer applet does... I had no luck switching the keyboard controlled mixer device from sound settings..01:19
stefg!keytouch | jimqode01:19
ubotujimqode: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net01:19
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ShiverzShadow6363: only file in there01:19
Shiverzhad only this01:19
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Shiverz[gnome_session] : profile = myusername01:19
jimqodestefg, they seem to be working keyboardwise. the popup volume control pops us when i press the keys01:20
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tripppyi broke my login manager booter? instead of gdm login i just get shell. how do i fix?01:20
stefgjimqode: there might be a misunderstanding what the actual master is.01:20
Shadow6363Shiverz, no backend =?01:21
Judg3_Dr34Dtrippy: maybe sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start ?! not sure though01:21
johnstefg - it says could not find package ...01:21
ShiverzShadow6363: nope, just one file in there01:21
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chrvezcan some one PM me to ask some questions about how i can't remove and install again alsa using apt-get?01:21
ShiverzShadow6363: i should have 2 profiles, the default one and one of my own01:21
ShiverzShadow6363: strange01:21
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jimqodestefg, I tries the options under system/preferences/sound. No luck01:21
stefgjohn: sudo apt-get update, then try again01:21
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johnbut I don't think I got the back tics right ...01:21
Judg3_Dr34Dtripppy: did you try to change nvidia-glx?01:21
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stefg!intelhda | jimqode , maybe this gives info on mixer issues01:22
ubotujimqode , maybe this gives info on mixer issues: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto01:22
ShiverzShadow6363: fusion seems to have some issues with animations and minimize windows01:22
tripppyJudg3_Dr34D, i was playing around with kubuntu and i changed something?01:22
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Shadow6363if you can get to ccsm, have you tried disabling everything but like wobbly windows and then seeing if itll start?01:22
Shadow6363@Shiverz ^^01:23
villerdoes lynx support javascript?01:23
Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, I believe it's in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common01:23
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stefgjohn: there's an alternate syntax in the guide i gave you... just get along that guide01:23
ShiverzShadow6363: it's not that it doesn't work. most stuff works. however, when i got to the animations submenu I cannot access it (in ccsm)01:23
roachmmflhyranyone know how to get usplash to work in feisty fawn? it didnt work on the live cd either. i tried to change resolution to 1024X768, 1280x800, 800x600, and 640x480 still nothing01:24
Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: I should edit linux-restricted-modules-common not to download? where exactly in the file? do you happen to know?01:24
roachmmflhyri even tried apt-get install usplash --reinstall still nothing01:24
ShiverzShadow6363: i can go around that through advanced settings, my close animation works fine, so does all the others. But the minimize options are blank for some reason (defaulting to Fade animation)01:24
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ShiverzShadow6363: I'll go enable compiz and see if my config files appear01:25
Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, add it to where it says DISABLED_MODULES01:25
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ShiverzShadow6363: weird still only one file in .compizconfig01:25
villerlynx doesn't support javascript. I'm answering my own question :). Links 2 does though and there's an extension for w3m which does too01:26
Shadow6363you likely arent using a .ini for configuration01:26
Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: so I add "nvidia-glx" in DISABLED_MODULES ?01:26
ShiverzShadow6363: shouldnt that be default?01:26
Shadow6363Shiverz, I'm not sure, it was for me01:26
Jordan_UShadow6363, Yes01:26
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ShiverzShadow6363: i can try selecting "flat-file" for backend01:26
Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, Yes01:26
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Shadow6363Shiverz, im guessing you had gconf?01:27
Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: thank you very much I'll try it (lol sorry but i'm a noob :) )01:27
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Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, No problem :) You know that you have to re-install whenever there is a kernel upgrade if you don't use the Ubuntu package for nvidia right?01:28
Shadow6363Shiverz, all you did was change some settings right, you haven't uninstalled any packages or anything and you had a minimize animation previously?01:28
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ShiverzShadow6363: okay this is weird01:29
ShiverzShadow6363: everthing seems to be working again01:29
ShiverzShiverz: aye, gconf config backend01:29
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Shadow6363Shiverz, randomly, or after you switched to flat-file?01:29
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Shadow6363Shiverz, lol, right when you sent that, mine died and reverted to metacity...01:29
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: yes I know that, but LOL I don't know how to tell when a kernel update happened and what exactly is a kernel :D01:30
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ShiverzShadow6363: I haven't removed any packages, just tinkered with the settings01:30
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ShiverzShadow6363: i reloaded x server last night when I had these probs, reboot, didn't work01:30
Shadow6363Shiverz, well if everythings working again, I guess its been fixed01:30
Shadow6363Shiverz, dont really know what to say01:30
Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: I have installed Ubuntu Feisty for about .... 10 days now, I'm an UBER-Noob01:30
ShiverzShadow6363: and now it works!01:30
Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, That is why I generally recommend people use the Ubuntu packages even if they are a little older01:30
ShiverzShadow6363: well thanks for the help though ;)01:31
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ShiverzShadow6363: computers are true black boxes ^^01:31
Shadow6363Shiverz, yeah...01:31
south01how can i install flash for opera browser01:31
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: you have a point but the problem is that 'I have problems with X module and Nvidia kernel module01:31
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:32
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: whenever I try to enable Desktop Effects I get the error message GDM Failed to start01:32
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ShiverzShadow6363: I'm guessing it was an error through a combination of erroneous user input, but that doesn't explain why restarting X server and loading fusion again or rebooting didn't work01:32
sydi have problems with postfix01:32
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: both nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new01:33
Jordan_UJudg3_Dr34D, Was that only with the packaged drivers?01:33
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Judg3_Dr34DJordn_U: yes, or at least I think so01:33
ShiverzShadow6363: I looked at opencompositing forums last night and it seems animations (especially the minimize animation) is a bit dodge at the moment01:33
south01how can i install flash player for opera browser01:33
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Shadow6363Shiverz, yeah, i tend to just leave them off01:34
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: yes, or at least I think so [missed an a there] 01:34
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ShiverzShadow6363: I love the Explode effect when closing a window.01:35
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Jordan_U!tab | Judg3_Dr34D :)01:35
johnstefg - I just tried a few things ... When I restart I get Failed to start X server.01:35
ubotuJudg3_Dr34D :): You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:35
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: so I did sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf and change driver to "nv"01:35
stefgjohn: so what did you try?01:35
JWheeleris anyone aware of any tricks that are needed to get 64-bit ubuntu working under qemu? Everything I try, grub is just hanging during the install phase, and I'm getting the same results invoking grub/grub-install manually01:36
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Judg3_Dr34DJordan_U: :) Yeeeaaay! I learned something new today... tab completion :D thanks01:36
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Jordan_UJWheeler, Have you tried Virtual Box, AFIK it is based off of qemu01:37
johnI tried sudo kill gdm and sudo gdmapt - get update ... said it was all updated although I'm not sure all the updates have been installed yet ...01:37
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Shadow6363JWheeler, I'll second Virtual Box, started using it today and it works wonderfully01:37
JWheelerJordan_U, no I haven't but I don't know that it works on my OS01:37
Jordan_UJWheeler, What OS?01:38
knifeprtyanyone got a working .torrent link to download ubuntu gutsy gibbon[7.10]  for AMD64 platform(desktop cd)???01:38
JWheelerI'm a solaris user01:38
sydi can get postfix to send - but can't get to it from a remote box - is ther a resource someone can recomend to help?01:38
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Lamegoknifeprty, please note that gutsy is still an alpha version01:38
Shadow6363knifeparty, youre aware its only tribe 2?01:38
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knifeprtyso its not convenient? lol01:39
LamegoShadow6363, I suppose tribe doesn't mean much to him:)01:39
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ninnghizidhaMay someone have an unmodified ".fonts.conf"-File for me?01:39
Judg3_Dr34Dtripppy: I have some problems in Ubuntu Feisty with my nvidia-glx and I when at login I get the shell, I I'm doing "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" without quotes and I chande the driver in section Device to "nv" again without quotes in order to get GDM again01:39
Shadow6363knifeparty, here it is: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-2/gutsy-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent01:39
stefgjohn: see... ati is kind of difficult to get going in Linux, so why don't you just do what the guide says? No driver, no X it's htat simple01:39
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Jordan_Uknifeprty, So it could reformat your harddrive and kill your cat01:39
Lamegoknifeprty, no, its not, unless you plan to test development version, instead of using a stable system :)01:40
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Shadow6363lol, nice Jordan_U01:40
HobbseeJordan_U: dog.  cat killing comes in tribe 3.01:40
johnok - so what is the guide again?01:40
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knifeprtyi'd like a stable better :)01:40
ShiverzShadow6363: I figured it out what the problem was. My default profile is broken. While my custom user one is not.01:40
Hobbseeknifeprty: you dont want gutsy, then.01:40
Lamegoknifeprty, get Ubuntu Feisty01:40
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knifeprtybtw im using xchat in xp sp2 but want to test out a native 64bit os01:40
ShiverzShadow6363: Question is....since I use the gconf backend, where are those profiles saved?01:41
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Shadow6363kinfeparty, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download01:41
Shadow6363knifeprty, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download01:41
JWheelerand the room goes silent01:41
newuser00how can i make a launcher for aptitude?01:41
JWheelerso no support for qemu then?01:41
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Shadow6363Shiverz, i believe ~/.gconf or something similar01:42
knifeprtyshadow6363, thanks guys ;)01:42
Shadow6363Shiverz, or just do a gconf-editor i think01:42
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roachmmflhyranyone get azureus to work on Feisty Fawn?01:42
stefgroachmmflhyr: the ubuntu package is broken, use the sourceforge download01:42
crolle17when i want to install vmware-player (sudo apt-get install vmware-player) i get some error-messages: Starting VMware services:01:42
crolle17   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed01:42
crolle17   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed01:42
crolle17Module vmnet is not loaded.  Please verify that it is loaded before01:42
crolle17running this script.01:42
Shadow6363Shiverz, personally i prefer the flat-file, i understand xml files, but im not sure if its worse than gconf or something, youd have to ask someone else for that01:42
ShiverzShadow6363: yeah I tried looking in there only a XML file there01:42
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ShiverzShadow6363: alright01:43
roachmmflhyrstegfg: hmm...that may be the problem....thanks01:43
crolle17and also: invoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "start" failed.01:43
=== BadRobot [n=charlles@dsl-hkibras-fe2df900-192.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Shadow6363Shiverz, i believe those xml files are the config files, if you open them in gedit or something similar they should have the options, think gconf-editor is how youre supposed to modify them though01:43
=== Godchaser [n=Unknown@c-68-63-255-185.hsd1.ky.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Known bug, beats me why they still havn't fixed it, I'll get you the bug report with solution...01:44
BadRobot;) hi01:44
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knifeprtyanyone can tell me if there is any noticeable improvement in performance in 64bit over x86?? im just inquiet01:44
ShiverzShadow6363: lol, those XML files are empty01:44
Shadow6363Shiverz, intriguing, im using flat-file and even mine have stuff inside...01:45
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crolle17Jordan_U, ah. do you have a link to the bugreport and maybe to a solution?01:45
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BadRobothow can i get Enlightenment Engage Dock   on ubuntu feisty?01:45
Jordan_Ucrolle17, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/5795701:45
stefgcrolle17: what happens if you try to 'sudo modprobe vmmon' manually ?01:45
crolle17Jordan_U, thank you. i will read it.01:45
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ShiverzShadow6363: I appreciate all the help, thanks :)01:45
Shiverzat least it works now01:45
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Shadow6363Shiverz, yup01:45
knifeprtyi can see smilies! lol:)01:45
ShiverzI'll try out flat fate01:45
Godchaseri have a question01:46
Jordan_Ucrolle17, I recommend vmware-server from the ubuntu-commercial repository01:46
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knifeprtyhey guys anyone is running a psyBNC?01:46
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crolle17Jordan_U, why?01:46
crolle17because of this bug?01:46
=== stefg sometimes wonders if there's more working or more broken packages in ubuntu atm...
Jordan_Ucrolle17, It works, its also free, it has more features...01:46
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Jordan_Ucrolle17, I don't see the point in vmware-player01:47
crolle17Jordan_U, alright. then i will try it. maybe google knows more about it.01:47
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Godchaserim running xchat 2.8.0 for ubuntu, can you send files through this client?01:47
Kroozrwhat is vmware for01:47
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-67-124-202-114.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications01:47
crolle17Kroozr, it's or emulating windows or something else.01:47
Oni-Draculaanyone know the package name for kubuntu?01:47
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Jordan_Ucrolle17, Again there is a fix for removing the package at the bug report link01:47
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ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE01:48
Jordan_UOni-Dracula, kubuntu-desktop01:48
Shadow6363Godchaser, for one, right click on the user name on the left or right, send file01:48
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knifeprtyGodchaser, right click in someone's name01:48
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Oni-Draculaty Jordan_U01:48
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Jordan_UOni-Dracula, np01:48
knifeprtyGodchaser, then send file01:48
crolle17Jordan_U, yes i realised it. but you advised me to use vmware-server because of more features. so i'll try it.01:48
Kroozrcrolle17, ah. . . why would you want to emulate windows and do you actually have to virtually 'install' windows?01:48
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crolle17Kroozr, why not?01:48
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strushbhm, that ubotu may need to learn about Xen ^01:48
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crolle17Kroozr, wine doesn't support cubase...01:49
novato_brhow can I get start compiz fuzion instalation  ?01:49
knifeprtybefore my old pc fucked up i used to have slackware01:49
crolle17so i have to virtualize it.01:49
rambo3!find xen01:49
ubotuFound: libxen3.0, libxen3.0-dev, autopkgtest-xenlvm, gtk-engines-xenophilia, libc6-xen (and 102 others)01:49
icecrash2khi @ all01:49
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stefg!effects | novato_br01:49
ubotunovato_br: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects01:49
knifeprtythat was the only linux i had tested out and made work it was pretty hard to setup to a newbie like me01:49
icecrash2kkann hier jemand deutsch01:49
Jordan_UKroozr, The truth is that there are a lot of things that windows can do that Linux can't, I currently don't need to do any of them but some people do01:49
c4hjava!find gnome-build01:49
stefg!de | icecrash2k01:49
ubotuPackage/file gnome-build does not exist in feisty01:49
ubotuicecrash2k: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:49
Jordan_UKroozr, It is also true the other way around though :)01:49
knifeprtyi had it for free from university :)01:50
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strushb!find ipsec01:50
KroozrJordan_U, yeah, true. the only thing i know of that I would need to use is Motorola Phone Tools for my razr because I have yet to find any OSS for it01:50
knifeprtyis ubuntu much easy to setup than slackware 9.0 ??01:50
ubotuFound: ipsec-tools, pipsecd01:50
xenexI can't delete a file from the trash, it says I don't have permission. Any fix?01:50
Jordan_Uknifeprty, IMO Yes, though slack is more stable01:51
knifeprtyi wont like to do all mess all again, it takes a lot of times to config everything :(01:51
BadRobotyou can use it under Wine Kroozzr01:51
Godchaserhow now pow wow01:51
rambo3xenex, sudo rm -rf .Trash/*01:51
BadRoboti've the same problem with my Windows Mobile % and Nokia N9501:51
HoseGood morning01:51
BadRobotI mean windows mobile 501:52
xenexrambo3 thanks :P01:52
Godchaserhow do i give ubuntu a windows vista theme?01:52
Godchaserlol, jk01:52
Shadow6363Godchaser, http://gnome-look.org01:52
zirodayGodchaser: download one01:52
BadRobotLinsta theme from gnome-look.org01:52
knifeprtyJordan_U, lets say i only have slackware outdated with kernel 2.4 or such01:52
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Jordan_Uknifeprty, You can try the Ubunut LiveCD and if everything works from it, then you can be sure it will work once installed also01:52
strushbanyone knows a good (standard) way of ipsec server side with ubuntu or debian?01:53
KroozrBadRobot, yeah i installed wine first thing when i installed ubuntu but I dont know how to use it (i've been too busy familiarizing myself with the linux environment)01:53
rambo3strushb, search debian-administratoin.org01:53
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knifeprtyJordan_U, and i go and install then i can make it all 64bit? compiling kernel.. what else i'll have to compile/download all binaries??01:53
strushbrambo3: ty, never heard about that site : )01:53
=== cirrus_ [n=cirrus@cpe-75-179-129-102.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xpointhow do i find irc servers in ircnet ?01:54
BadRobot try http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Vista-Inspirate?content=28352Godchaser01:54
Jordan_Uknifeprty, Are you asking about slackware or Ubuntu?01:54
Godchaserxpoint: what irc cliend you running?01:54
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:54
rambo3strushb, beacouse i misspelld it01:54
xpointGodchaser, xchat01:54
knifeprtyJordan_U, about an outdated slackware i have on a cd01:54
oktanoucDoes anyone know of a Yahoo Widgets alternative for ubuntu please?01:54
Jordan_Uknifeprty, Ask in the slackware channel01:54
HoseI need help with a Netgear router and Live 7.0401:55
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Shadow6363Well, good night all.01:55
Jordan_UHose, What exactly is the problem?01:55
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strushbrambo3: i had that fixed while reading01:55
Godchaserin xchat menu: network list, then all you have to do is browse01:55
HoseI cannot get Ubuntu to see the router01:55
Godchaserclick connect01:55
knifeprtyslackware channel seems so dead01:55
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Keith-BlindUserAnyone have any idea about this?01:56
Jordan_UHose, Wired or wireless?01:56
george_looneyHey there people01:56
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xpointGodchaser, i need more servers in this list, most of them i cant connect to01:56
HoseWireless.....it is on my laptop01:56
strushbrambo3: well, the site is down anyway : /01:56
george_looneyCan anyone help me with the "AllowUsers" seeting of sshd_config?01:56
Jordan_UHose, Is your wireless card detected?01:56
Keith-BlindUserI was wondering if anyone has heard of the Gnome screen reading package, "Orca." It'll access any applications that use GTK technology..like firefox, openoffice, etc. But I'm trying to find a good Gnome irc client package..any ideas?01:56
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Godchaserwhat version are you running?01:56
knifeprtythat channel its so dead01:56
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knifeprtycan you help me here?01:57
Jordan_UKeith-BlindUser, xchat or xchat-gnome?01:57
xpointGodchaser, 2.8.001:57
Kroozr#ubuntu: I have Motorola Phone Tools backed up to UIF format. What software will I need to extract these files to use in Wine under the Linux Ubuntu environment?01:57
knifeprtyi think ill be better off d/ling feisty fawn01:57
HoseI am running Live Ubuntu 7.04 on a Compaq laptop01:57
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Jordan_Uknifeprty, I can't help much with slackware, sorry01:58
Keith-BlindUserXchat is not accessible..I'll try Xchat-gnome.01:58
frojndI wanna to boot from usb so I will be able to install dsl from USB. But there is a problem I don't know where in BIOS is first boot device USB. (even though I have usb ports and they work on ubuntu..) there are foolowiing options to set under advanced features in BIOS: cdrom, HDD1, HDD2, HDD3, zip100, lan, foppy, ls120 and hdd0. BUT NO USB :S what can I do??01:58
tripppyi just deleted a bunch of iso files off a full partition. they didnt go into trash and the partition was still full01:58
Disablezabsurd question... if i find a typo in the orig eng text of a file, counts as a bug or must be submitted somewhere else ?01:58
Jordan_UHose, Do you see your wireless card in the network manager applet at the top right of the screen?01:58
Vorianhow can I make directories in /var without using root/sudo?01:58
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knifeprtyJordan_U, thanks dude ill try feisty i need something more friendly01:59
Kroozrfrojnd, some bios dont have the ability to boot from usb. . . mine doesn't and its almost brand new01:59
Jordan_UHose, What chipset is your wireless card?01:59
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=== Godchaser .
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dissectionHi, I installed updates and my amarok is no longer working.. I asked in #amarok and they said I must be having broken packages.. And told me to ask here...01:59
HoseThe router is a WGR614v6 Netgear01:59
frojndKroozr: my bios isn't brand new01:59
frojnddamn it01:59
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frojndso I can't boot from usb01:59
frojndwhat a shame01:59
BadRobotmy father-in-law tried to install a dual-boot from a liveCD on Vista and the Vista system didnt allowed him to boot the cd02:00
Jack_Sparrowtripppy: There is a second trash to delete...02:00
xpointbad vista :-)02:00
BadRoboti mean Ubunt Feisty liveCD02:00
tripppyJack_Sparrow, where? how?02:01
strushbBadRobot: i don't think vista can (yet) disable BIOS functions ; )02:01
HoseI am sorry I don't know the chipset of the card02:01
Jordan_UBadRobot, Vista has nothing to do with letting you boot from CD02:01
Eternityhello some one help me i am a beginner in linux ubountu02:01
Jack_Sparrowtripppy: Gimme a sec.. trying to remember how I got that space back... I used nautilus and show hidden files and went to / I think02:01
Kroozrfrojnd, if you want a portable version of linux you could use one of those really small cd's that fit in the middle of the cd tray (for compact carrying)02:01
BadRobotWelcome to Ubuntu then Eternity02:01
Jordan_UEternity, Just ask your question, if anyone can help they will :)02:01
Margravehow can i tell what version of glib i have?02:02
Godchasermicrosoft must die.02:02
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strushbGodchaser: chances are not good on that02:02
Shadow6363anyone know how to create a network bridge?02:02
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Judg3_Dr34Dfrojnd: try plugging the USB and then go to BIOS02:02
=== Kroozr #ubuntu - does anyone know how i can remove the files from a uif format file (its like a compressed iso file)?
Vorianhow can you make a directory in /var as a regular user? (not root)02:03
Eternityactually i installed in make 3 partitions sooo i have only one partition showing where the other goes02:03
Judg3_Dr34Dfrojnd: this does the trick for me and then I can change the boot order02:03
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Shadow6363i get the brctl bleh bleh bleh, but once my eth0 is bridged, i lose access to the internet02:03
kane77Vorian, you can mkdir as root and then chown it to somebody else...02:03
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oktanoucDoes anyone know of a Yahoo Widgets alternative for ubuntu please?02:03
Voriankane77, ty02:04
Shadow6363oktanouc, gdesklets, screenlets, few others02:04
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dissectionCan I get some help please?02:04
Judg3_Dr34Dfrojnd: when I plug the USB then BIOS recognises it normally02:04
Eternityhellloo i neeed help02:04
Jordan_Udissection,  Just ask your question, if anyone can help they will :)02:04
frojndJudg3_Dr34D: USB was in while I was searching for usb boot device :S02:04
oktanoucShadow6363: Are they as good though?  I've heard there doesn't seem to be any as good as Yahoo Widgets02:04
Shadow6363dissection/Eternity, what are you problems?02:04
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FrogzooShadow6363: does ifconfig eth0 show your ip still?02:04
kane77Vorian, np...02:05
BadRobotsomeone asked about Vista look on Ubuntu ,so here is the link http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Vista-Inspirate?content=2835202:05
dissectionHi, I installed updates and my amarok is no longer working.. I asked in #amarok and they said I must be having broken packages.. And told me to ask here...02:05
Shadow6363okanouc, theyre alright, i don't use either02:05
Jordan_Ufrojnd, Did you try the one time boot menu ( F8 at boot usually ) ?02:05
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Eternitywell soo i need a antivirus  i try it to install from ubountu cd its givesss error that this exe file is not a folder02:05
tripppywhen i delete a file its not going to trash... but its not being deleted....02:05
Judg3_Dr34Dfrojnd: so if you searched enough and didn't find it then maybe you have an old.. BIOS :D02:05
Shadow6363Frogzoo, yes it does02:05
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Frogzoodissection: feisty?02:05
FrogzooShadow6363: how are you connecting? pppoe?02:05
dissectionFrogzoo: yes02:05
BadRobotI think Exaile! is as good and easier to use the Amarok02:05
binks_is it posible to read from a drive that has lvm without converting my system to lvm02:05
Jordan_UEternity, I don't quite understand the question, what is the problem?02:06
BadRobotYou don't need Anti-virus on Linux Eternity02:06
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Shadow6363Frogzoo, erm, wow, im not sure what the answer to that is02:06
Jack_Sparrowtrippy that was it.. it is in a secont .trash folder02:06
johnstefg - I loaded a new driver for ati fglrx .... but still the same result. I want to bring up and hopefully edit the /etc/x11/xorg.conf  ... do I type gedit / etc / ... and so on or ???02:06
tripppyJacek_Kendysz, how do i find it?02:06
BadRobotEternity you can use clamav02:06
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Shadow6363Frogzoo, i should know it, i have fios, so im not sure what thats called though02:06
frojndJordan_U: I was pressing f8 from the moment started and nothing happened..02:06
tripppyJack_Sparrow, how do i find it?02:07
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stefgEternity: .exe-file? antivirus? You are aware of the differences between windows and ubuntu, aren't you?02:07
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Keith-BlindUserAnyone have any good console recorders that can record stereo mp3s?02:07
FrogzooShadow6363: you connect through a dsl modem or a router?02:07
BadRobotEternity but you don't need antivurus on linux02:07
Shadow6363Frogzoo, router02:07
Jack_SparrowI used gksudo nautilus show hidden files and it was in root/.trash02:07
Keith-BlindUserI have attempted to do something like: arecord -f cd -t raw | lame - name.mp3, but the sound produced......is.......horrible.02:07
Judg3_Dr34Dfrojnd: maybe there is a BIOS setting wich enables USB booting ???02:07
FrogzooShadow6363: and eth0 gets its ip via dhcp ?02:07
stefgjohn: what error do you get?02:07
Shadow6363Frogzoo, staticly assigned02:08
Jordan_UKeith-BlindUser, Use flac or better compression settings02:08
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FrogzooShadow6363: and what are you bridging to?02:08
Shadow6363Frogzoo, for reference, im trying to complete http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=206223402:08
cozierfamilysup guys02:08
strushbKeith-BlindUser: did you get pure noise or just bad mp3?02:08
frojndJudg3_Dr34D: nop, I was searching for it... looks like it really is old bios02:08
Jack_Sparrowtrippy use up arrow to root then click on root folder icon02:08
johnStefg - Failed to start Xserver .... Restart GDM when it is configured correctly02:08
Keith-BlindUserWhere do I get Flack for the console then?02:08
vip3rousmangoAnyone help with converting .bin/.cue to .iso files to burn with Gnomebaker02:08
Keith-BlindUserAnd what would play it, mplayer?02:09
Judg3_Dr34Dfrojnd: well maybe that the deal02:09
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Jack_SparrowTripppy You got it right..02:09
strushb!find flac02:09
Shadow6363Frogzoo, the tap?  im not sure, i just know the second i run brctl addbr br0 eth0, the internet is gone02:09
ubotuFound: flac, libflac++-dev, libflac++5c2, libflac-dev, libflac-doc (and 10 others)02:09
stefgjohn: so i need to look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf. can you put that to !pastebin02:09
strushb... should do the same tricks as lame02:09
stefg!paste | john02:09
ubotujohn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:09
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Shadow6363Frogzoo, i thought perhaps the bridge wasnt getting dns, but pointing firefox straight to an ip still didnt do anything02:10
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Jordan_Ujohn, Can you pastebin the output of "grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf" ?02:10
cozierfamilyhay i've got an error message that i'm not sure how to fix; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29094/02:10
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: Morning... I am trying the dd command on a second dual boot system.. I will let you know02:10
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FrogzooShadow6363: you can ping the router?02:10
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johnstefg - I am not sure that all the changes from breezy have been installed as stefg - how do I list it or get it to appear? I don't know what the commands are ...02:11
cozierfamilyi get it when logging into either of two users on the computer02:11
ubuntuEdgyhi guys im trying to use utorrent , do i have to do any thing on the ip tables to enable port 5281102:11
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Shadow6363Frogzoo, no I cant, ping throws an error and trying to go to the router's http interface doesnt work either, so it seems as if im just cut off from the whole network02:11
ubuntuEdgysorry asking this silly question02:11
zirodayhow do i force remove some packages?02:11
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cozierfamilywhat the hell is 644 permissions?02:11
Shadow6363ubuntuEdgy, you shouldnt have to do anything, if youre in utorrent there is a port checker you can use to see if it is forwarded properly02:12
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johnstefg - what do I type to get the xorg.connf file to appear?02:12
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Jordan_Ucozierfamily, Have you been using sudo with GUI apps instead of gksudo ?02:12
cozierfamilyJordan_U just sudo why?02:12
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Muellijohn: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:12
Jordan_Ujohn, Just pastebin the output of the command I gave you02:12
Jordan_U!gksudo | cozierfamily02:13
ubotucozierfamily: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info02:13
ubuntuEdgyShadow6363: i have checked and it says "Error!<font size="3"> Port 52811 does not appear to be open." i have opened it on my router </font>02:13
stefgjohn: are you on a live CD on that box now? how do you chat right now?02:13
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johnjordon_U - what do I type to pastebin it???02:13
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ubuntuEdgy<font size="3">maybe a router reboot will help</font>02:13
Shadow6363ubuntuEdgy, did you install firestarter or anyting similar?02:13
cozierfamilyJordan_U okay thanks for the tip02:13
Digit0There will be any problem if I download and compile my own kernel in ubuntu ?02:13
ubuntuEdgyShadow6363:i have stoped it02:13
cozierfamilyJordan_U is there a way how i can fix the error message?02:13
johnMuelli - and to edit the file???02:13
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Jordan_Ustefg, Would you like to help cozierfamily? :)02:14
Jack_Sparrowjohn: I use gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf since if I am going there I am usually going to make a change anyhow02:14
Digit0any problem with hal or so02:14
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Jordan_Ucozierfamily, Yes02:14
ubuntuEdgysudo /etc/init.d/firestarter stop02:14
ubuntuEdgyShadow6363:im going to reboot my router brb02:14
roachmmflhyrI'm still having trouble with my ports for Azureus in Feisty Fawn I have my port forwarded in my router and I set a rule for it in Firestarter but it always fails the NAT test02:14
Shadow6363ubuntuEdgy, id recommend adding a rule to firestarter to allow the port, restarting the router if you havent already, making sure the router port forwarding is correct02:14
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johnstefg - on one box that works for chat - the other box is the problem ... I have a terminal but no GUI on the other02:14
ubuntuEdgyShadow6363: ok02:15
Muellijohn: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:15
FrogzooShadow6363: check both "route -n" & "arp -a"02:15
cozierfamilyJordan_U cool,02:15
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Jordan_Ucozierfamily, you need to run "sudo chown <your username> ~/dmrc"02:15
CraddsterHello, I'm a Linux newb trying to get an Ubuntu Dist to boot on my computer, I've tried loads of stuff and my comp hangs whenever a GUI is loading. Can anyone help me?02:15
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roachmmflhyrCraddster: what distro02:16
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Jordan_Ucozierfamily, and "sudo chmod 644 ~/dmrc"02:16
CraddsterI've tried Ubuntu desktop, altrnatice and Kubuntu02:16
Shadow6363Frogzoo, im currently on the computer and had to undo everything, but when i try this again later (hopefully will have another comp with me so i can still get online) what should those look like?02:16
Digit0There will be any problem if I download and compile my own kernel in ubuntu ?02:16
Craddsterubuntu alternative02:16
cozierfamilyJordan_U i have two username's i'm using the cozierfamily account atm, my other one's the mattycoze username - which is me, could I just put in "mattycoze"?02:16
Amon-sanis there a standard routine what to check when sound does not work, across all the *buntu distributions?02:16
KroozrTrillian doesn't run very well with wine02:16
stefgjohn, i see... pasting is difficult without a gui. so can you run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and choose 'vesa' as a driver in the process. Hopefully this will give you /some/ gui back02:16
Jordan_Ucozierfamily, Sorry, there should be a "." before dmrc02:17
roachmmflhyrCraddster: what does your setup look like?02:17
Amon-sani asked in fluxbuntu (my OS) but nobody there answers02:17
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Jack_SparrowCraddster: how long have you waited at the flashing cursor02:17
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RamSeizehello kinda confused, can anyone help me, whats the advantage of ubuntu unlike other distro? whats makes it unique?02:17
cozierfamilyJordan_U kk,02:17
Jack_SparrowRamSeize: The number of people here to answer your questions02:17
Jordan_Ucozierfamily, Use whatever user corresponds to that home folder.02:17
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KroozrJack_Sparrow, amen02:17
CraddsterI've tried live CDs ans when the desktop starts to load, orange screen, it hangs, cursor stops moving02:18
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Jack_SparrowCraddster: what boot options have you tried, ewhat is your hardware02:18
CraddsterI've just tried installing the alternative text install, the same02:18
Jordan_Ucozierfamily, So for /home/fred/.dmrc use fred and use bob for /home/bob/.dmrc02:18
Shadow6363Craddster, have you tried using safe graphics mode or whatever the second option is?02:18
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Qnixhello guys ..02:18
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KroozrAmon-san, I would have to say the outrageous amount of support you are able to get. Through my experience, ubuntu has support unlike any other02:18
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Qnixi have a little problem with ubuntu 7.0.4 cds02:19
johnstefg - I just typed sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf and it says New File - and the screen shows blank ...02:19
Qnixanyone can help me ??02:19
CraddsterI have a Winfast K8S755A MB, Athlon64(I've tried 46bit distros and i386 versions) Geforce5600XT, 512DDR 320002:19
ubuntuEdg1Error!<font size="3"> Port 52811 does not appear to be open.</font>02:19
Shadow6363Qnix, what is the problem?02:19
stefgjohn: why did you do that?02:19
Jack_Sparrowstefg: cap X1102:19
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roachmmflhyrShadow6363: do you use Azureus? I got the one from sourceforge. what ports do I need to make rules for in firestarter?02:19
Craddsteryep, tried safe graphics mode, same prob02:19
QnixShadow6363, im trying to run the cds on the computer everything goes well .. but when it start the xorg server everything goes very very veyr very slowly ...02:20
cozierfamilyJordan_U i got; cozierfamily is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.02:20
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Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, whichever ports azureus is using for the traffic/the same ports you forwarded in your router02:20
johnI wanted to see what the file said ... to see if there were any references to Breezy still there ... but the file is blank02:20
Jack_Sparrowjohn: that was to you  try cap with X1102:20
Jordan_Ucozierfamily, You will need to run those commands as a user that has admin privileges02:20
QnixShadow6363, what should i do .. i just want to install ubuntu .. ??? :S02:21
Shadow6363Qnix, what stuff goes slowly, the mouse, menus..?02:21
cozierfamilyJordan_U ahh i see - i'll go try in the other account02:21
Qnixeverything doesnt start i just get the background02:21
Jordan_UQnix, What GFX card?02:21
craigbass1976I've got a laptop, and I've got my desktop.  The desktop is sharing out my whole home directory (nfs) that gets mounted up on my laptop whenever it's on the network here at home.  There's a way to duplicate things on my laptop, then have the two compare notes and update whichever box has the older files.  What is this that I need to set up?02:21
cozierfamilyJordan_U i'll brb logging in as "mattycoze"02:21
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craigbass1976And I don't want any kind of version control software02:21
Shadow6363Qnix, have you tried the safe graphics option (second option when booting to the cd)02:21
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Qnixyes and it goes slowly too ...02:21
roachmmflhyrShadow6363: I set up rules for my port i forwarded in my router and set that as my incoming TCP listening port and it fails NAT test every time saying it must be closed. maybe im not opening it up correctly02:21
Jordan_UQnix, What GFX card?02:22
Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, what brand/model router?02:22
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QnixJordan_U, nvidia02:23
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CraddsterOMG so many convos going on in here02:23
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newuser00how can i make a desktop icon to launch aptitude?02:23
roachmmflhyrShadow6363: shitty d-link di-52402:23
Jordan_UQnix, Have you tried enabling the nvidia drivers with System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager ?02:23
Shadow6363newuser00, right click on desktop>create launcher02:23
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Judg3_Dr34Dcan some one tell me why the "workspaces in a cube" effect in desktop effects doesn't work even though it is checked?02:24
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roachmmflhyrShadow6363: that port works on my windoze box but not this one02:24
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QnixJordan_U, man i cannt even login on the system .. i just get the background from the CDS .. and thats it .. like i should wait for 100 minutes then i'll get the icons on the desktop ...02:24
Shadow6363newuser00, command should be sudo synaptic02:24
johnstefg - I just tried what you said and it says Xserver.org is not installed02:24
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FrogzooShadow6363: I rather think your issue is that you need to allocate an ip to the bridge interface, not eth002:25
Shadow6363hrmm, are you using the same port for two different computers?02:25
Beatbreakerhey my first time on the board02:25
Jordan_UQnix, Press ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a terminal...02:25
newuser00Shadow6363: thank you, ill try that =)02:25
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Beatbreakernice to meet ya'all02:25
Qnixyah then what ?? how should i install ubuntu :S02:25
Shadow6363Frogzoo, would that be done with ifconfig br0 ip?02:25
HoseI am going to try this again. I have a Compaq V5000 laptop with a Realtek RTL8139/810x card running live Ubuntu 7.04. I cannot connect with my wireless Netgear WGR614v6 router. Any suggestions?02:25
roachmmflhyrShadow6363: windoze box no longer on that port02:25
yeniklasorHi. I almost configured all my devices. But I couldn't set my "BT878 Tv Capture" card. I can't scan channels. Could you help me please?02:25
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Qnixdoes ubuntu have cui installer ? or just the gui ??02:25
stefgjohn... i think you have problems with transferring commands and keeping the syntax straight. Linus is cse-sensitive, btw02:25
Amon-sancan anyone please help me with my sound problems?02:25
ubuntuEdg1Shadow6363: still no luck , can i temporally stop my ip tables, home thins makes sense I'm a noobies02:25
stefglol, Linux, too02:25
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Jack_SparrowBeatbreaker: Nice to meet you but it is a busy place and we need to keep polite chat to a minimum thanks02:25
craigbass1976Beatbreaker, how's ubuntu treating you so far?02:25
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Jordan_UQnix, Then run this and choose "nvidia" ( not "nv" ) as the driver: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:26
johnI'll try again!02:26
Shadow6363newuser00, another cleaner solution, id recommend moreso, go to system>admin>click and hold on Synaptic Package Manager, drag to desktop, will create proper launcher with nice icon and everything02:26
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CraddsterDoes Ubuntu support my GeForce5600XT? Is that why i can't get a GUI to load?02:26
Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, when was the last time it was on that port?02:26
ilikec0ws!sound | Amon-san02:26
gesineHi all!02:26
ubotuAmon-san: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:26
stefgjohn: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:26
Beatbreakerwow i can tell - this really is a busy place! - i guess that's a good thing02:26
FrogzooShadow6363: yep - you need to do that where the example uses dhclient to set the ip02:26
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Amon-sano. i'll take a look02:26
roachmmflhyrShadow6363: windoze box hasnt used that port in weeks02:26
QnixJohanSalim, iv just downloaded the cds of ubuntu festy from the website im trying to install it on my computer but i cannt because the cds run slowly due to some problem ..02:26
Shadow6363Frogzoo, alright, ill give that a go when i try again, thanks for the help02:27
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mattycozeJordan_U hi tis me again02:27
Jack_SparrowBeatbreaker: Lots of people make for lots of help.. if you have a question.. just ask, or just read along and learn alot02:27
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Jordan_Umattycoze, Hi02:27
Shadow6363ubuntuEdg1, from my understanding, with default ubuntu installs, iptables will not be blocking anything you should need02:27
mattycozeI've tried it and it didn't come back with the error, logged out and checked to see if the error would go away and it hasn't02:27
ubuntuEdg1ok :)02:27
gesineI'm looking for a software to create function graphs/pie charts, things like that in good quality for a scientific paper... is there something for Linux like that?02:27
newuser00Shadow6363: it didnt work =/. yes, i can do that, but does synaptic keep track of dependancies like aptitude does?02:27
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Beatbreaker<craigbass1976> it's treating me ok - i'm persistant enough to stick it out - im using it in the hope that i can help make it easier to use for others, when i know how i'm going to start putting some work in too02:28
mattycozeJordan_U oh i forgot the second bit02:28
Shadow6363ubuntuEdg1, if the port test doesnt work, i think it is likely more of a router config issue02:28
CraddsterIs there somwhere i can find documentation for problems booting Ubuntu?02:28
Jordan_Umattycoze, What problem are you having again? ( it's hard to keep track :)02:28
Jordan_U!boot | Craddster02:28
ubotuCraddster: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:28
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craigbass1976Craddster, the forums02:28
craigbass1976I've got a laptop, and I've got my desktop.  The desktop is sharing out my whole home directory (nfs) that gets mounted up on my laptop whenever it's on the network here at home.  There's a way to duplicate things on my laptop, then have the two compare notes and update whichever box has the older files.  What is this that I need to set up?02:28
roachmmflhyrShadow6363: how many different ports does Azureus use?02:29
Shadow6363newuser00, iirc it does02:29
Beatbreaker<Jack_Sparrow> no problems man, i will come here when i need questions answered quickly - it i'll stick to the forums for now i guess02:29
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Lorne_Kunmy terminal.app apparently isnt working anymore02:29
Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, it should only be using one port02:29
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stefgroachmmflhyr: depends... check the azureus wiki02:29
Lorne_Kunits not a problem, but i like having a shortcut to the terminal in a panel on the desktop02:29
Jordan_ULorne_Kun, This isn't ##mac :)02:29
newuser00Shadow6363: thank you =)02:29
Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, are you sure your computer has the same ip as your router is forwarding to?02:29
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CraddsterI'll go look, Thanks for the help! byE102:29
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Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, you probably should be using a static ip which needs to match the one your router is forwarding to02:30
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Beatbreaker<Lorne_Kun> right click the panel and click on ADD TO PANEL02:30
Lorne_Kunwell im not exactly sure what to call the frontend app for the command line in gnome.02:30
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Jordan_ULorne_Kun, gnome-terminal02:30
roachmmflhyrShadow6363: I just checked it now it is correct.02:30
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Lorne_Kunyes, well, that program no longer launches :p02:30
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Lorne_Kunit goes... loading gnome-terminal... and gets the busy icon... and then just gives up.02:31
Beatbreaker<Lorne_Kun> tried an uninstall/reinstall?02:31
Jordan_ULorne_Kun, What output do you get when you run gnome-terminal from an xterm?02:31
Lorne_Kunone sec02:31
hollandlucasI'm having a problem with compiz fusion on my feisty machine02:31
cornucopiahup holland hup02:31
Jordan_ULorne_Kun, You can start an xterm with the run dialog02:31
Lorne_Kunyep i know02:32
EdLinhollandlucas: what's the problem02:32
Lorne_Kuni figured that part out ;)02:32
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hollandlucasthe window decoration stuff doesn't show up02:32
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers02:32
Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, try using http://www.utorrent.com/testport.php?port=6881 replacing 6881 with the port you have azureus using02:32
hollandlucasI've already tried installing emerald02:32
hollandlucasand using emerald --replace02:32
hollandlucasdidn't work02:32
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EdLinhollandlucas: that seems to be a problem with the snapshot repository being out of sync, the best solution I found is to use the emerald decorator.02:32
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EdLinhollandlucas: emerald --replace is not the proper command02:33
hollandlucashow do you run the whole thing?02:33
Lorne_Kuni cant seem to copy the error though -_-02:33
EdLinhollandlucas: compiz --replace -c emerald &02:33
EdLinhollandlucas: if I recall correctly02:33
hollandlucasI'll run it on the terminal and paste the output to a nopaste service...02:33
hollandlucasone sec02:33
punix-serverhello ..02:33
GiZiMHow do you turn off Compiz once you have it running?02:33
hollandlucasno output02:33
hollandlucasand no window borders :-(02:33
Jordan_UGiZiM, metacity --replace02:33
Shadow6363GiZiM, metacity --replace02:33
GiZiMyou owe him a coke02:34
EdLinhollandlucas: works here02:34
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=== Shadow6363 thanks Jordan_U
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hollandlucasIs there an official compiz fusion channel?02:35
Shadow6363roachmmflhyr, sorry, but i must go, try asking again in the channel, im not sure how much more help i could be anyways as ive tried most things i know how to do02:35
Lorne_Kunlost the url to my pastebine02:35
crolle17Jordan_U, i downloaded the vmware-server-tar and tried to follow this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_fawn_vmware_server_howto;  but trying this: sudo vmware-install.pl returns: sudo: vmware-install.pl: command not found02:35
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crolle17although it's existing.02:36
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Just install it from the ubuntu-commercial repository, it's much easier02:36
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cowbudwhat time does mcdump open on sundays?02:37
felixhummelhi! how would I "rsync" an ftp server and my client?02:37
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crolle17Jordan_U, i'll install this: vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.20-1602:37
felixhummeli can ftp, but would like to automate the syncing process between my local web development environment and the ftp server.02:37
felixhummelany ideas?02:37
Jordan_Ucrolle17, That will be automatically installed with vmware-server02:38
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hollandlucasI just can't get it to work :-(02:38
Jordan_Uhollandlucas, #compcomm02:38
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Jack_SparrowJordan_U:  Success... I was able to backup my mbr with dd, reinstall XP and then stamp the mbr back into place...02:39
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Jack_SparrowJordan_U: Everything works fine02:39
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, :)02:39
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crolle17Jordan_U,  you mean this would be the right-one: vmware-server-kernel-modules ??02:40
dr_evilgrr I don't understand whats going on here. sometimes the boot harddisk is mapped to /dev/sda, and sometimes to /dev/sdc02:40
hikenbootgreetings all-- cat packages_removable-final.txt | cut -f 1 --delimiter=, |  xargs apt-get remove --purge causes all the listed packages to be removed at once. I would like to remove each one and prompt between each package listed so I can see which one is removing packages I do not wish---any idea how?02:40
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herbalisejust upgraded my system to 7.04 during the upgrade my system hung and i had to reboot.  How can i recover from this?02:41
herbalisefor the moment nothing is working02:41
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Jordan_Ucrolle17, Just install vmware-server anything else that you need will be installed automatically with it.02:41
scytheHello, Im a Linux and IRC noob, could someone tell me how to connect to the GameSurge server?02:41
crolle17Jordan_U, but i have no more packages for choosing.02:41
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hollandlucasJordan_U: must be the wrong channel02:41
herbalisecan i reinstall the oss without losing data on my paritions02:41
hollandlucasthere's no one in there02:41
strushbdr_evil: any usb disks present?02:41
SlimeyPetescythe: /connect <server address>02:41
dr_evilstrabes no02:42
scythealright thank you:D02:42
crolle17Jordan_U, i have just three packages for installing and all are kernel-modules02:42
stefgherbalise: can you boot to recovery/single mode on that box?02:42
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dr_evilstrabes only about 6 SATA harddisks02:42
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Have you enabled the ubuntu-comercial repository?02:42
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crolle17Jordan_U, maybe i have to update my sources.list with a new repository?02:42
hollandlucasthis is the error message I get when running compiz: http://rafb.net/p/KL79X779.html02:42
Jordan_U!repositories | crolle1702:42
ubotucrolle17: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:42
strushbdr_evil: so what is sda or sdb when your bootdisk is sdc?02:43
crolle17Jordan_U, i'll look02:43
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strushbanother sata disk?02:43
stefg!effects | hollandlucas02:43
ubotuhollandlucas: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects02:43
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:43
[g2] I'm trying to install Feisty on my Santa Rosa Macbook pro. Is there a way to have the piix module loaded from the boot commandline ?02:43
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GiZiMMacbook.. there is your problem02:44
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Lorne_Kunfiesty runs alright at best on my macbook :p02:44
Lorne_Kunim considering removing it and freeing up that 5Gb of disk space :P02:44
[g2] this is a Santa Rosa issue02:44
nir_ai_hi, how do I make bash execute a command (like bash -c ...) but remain after command completion?02:44
strushbdr_evil: maybe you can tell udevd to assign those symlinks according to the device id... though I do not know how : (02:45
GiZiMlol didnt know "Alright" was a indication of performance now :)02:45
rausb0[g2] : is there a linux sata driver for santa rose chipset at all?02:45
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hikenbootI assume I can do it with a for loop of some sort but not sure of the specifics anyone able to help?02:45
LucianIndywow, i guess i can remove my xp partition since VMware is much more convenient than rebooting02:45
[g2] rausb0: dunno02:45
herbalisestefg i can choos recovery mode02:45
Qnixis there a way to use text mode installing on ubuntu 7.04 Desktop CDs ??? because im having lots of problem with the gui it runs slowly02:46
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dr_evilstrabes perhaps it's a bios bug. there is an option to change the order, but I never changed it.02:46
stefgherbalise: yeah, but does it boot you to a prompt? (So that you can actually do something)02:46
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herbalisekernel 2.6.17-11-generic or recovery mode  or -1002:46
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strushbQnix: textmode install requires the alternate cd set I believe02:46
gesineaye, it requires it02:47
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stefgherbalise: the latest02:47
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Jordan_UQnix, Did you try what I suggested?02:47
QnixOoh .. then what should i do .. the Desktop CDs runs very slowly .. i get the Xorg .. and the background color and thats it ... :( i dont know why is very very slow02:47
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strushbdr_evil: nah, don't think so, more like the order the disks come up after boot, heard about that02:47
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QnixJordan_U, yah02:47
Jordan_UQnix, What happened?02:48
BigToe7000guys, I'm cleaning up so don't be surprised if I quit D:02:48
nir_ai_hi, how do I make bash execute a command (like bash -c ...) but remain (not exit) after command completion?02:48
dr_evilstrushb yes taht would explain why it's different after a cold start02:48
Amon-sanilikec0ws: hmm, to i never configured it like that since install alsamixer had all controlls set on mute02:48
Jordan_Unir_ai_, Try #bash02:48
Amon-sanso problem solved ^^02:48
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rausb0Qnix: maybe some driver is going berzerk. what load average do you have?02:48
Rei-chanRight... 500 MHz AMD K6-2 with 96 MB of SDRAM. Is it even worth trying to throw xbuntu on?02:48
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Jordan_UQnix, What happened?02:49
DBLuewhat is the beryl irc server?02:49
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strushbdr_evil: do you rely on that sda... order?02:49
stefgRei-chan: oh boy... would be an interesting experiment to see if xubuntu runs on that. but will be molasses...02:50
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rausb0Rei-chan: better run a older distro on it, with fluxbox as window manager02:50
jbraddocI want to run serveron (r-u-on for linux)  in the background when my machine boots. How do I create a startup script?02:50
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Jordan_URei-chan, Xubuntu should run decently on that, you will need to install from the alternate CD most likely though02:50
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strushbfstab should use device ids already...02:50
QnixJordan_U, nothing ... same slowly02:50
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Jordan_UQnix, And you chose "nvidia" and not "nv" ?02:50
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Rei-chanVarious Peoples: Yeah, now the fun part. grub or something from 6.10 and 7.04 alternate make it reboot randomly.02:50
jbraddocwait.. Let me rehrase my question.02:50
Rei-chanI'm running CentOS right now, which is meh.02:51
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Jordan_UQnix, You could try the alternate install CD02:51
Qnixaaah goddamn02:51
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Qnixi should download it again ... ooh02:51
Rei-chanLanguage. :)02:51
herbalisestefg no luck starting recovery mode 2.6.17-11-generic02:51
jbraddocI want to run serveron (r-u-on for linux)  in the background when my machine boots. How do I create a startup script? The program is /etc/serveron/serveron.02:51
rausb0Qnix: you can also try the netinstall cd02:52
dr_evilstrushb yes it does. and df shows that /dev/sdc7 is mounted as /media/sda7 this time ;)02:52
mendred_hi does neone know where openoffice loads its license agreement files from (the eula thing which u have to accept)02:52
mendred_to start it first time02:52
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herbalisebut 368 recovery mode works02:52
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=== strushb checks his fstab...
crolle17Jordan_U, that is my sources.list. i don't know which url is missing. http://pastie.caboo.se/7705002:53
magnetronmendred_: you're not allowed to edit or replace the license agreement02:53
mendred_magnetron : this is a case of the license not appearing02:53
stefgherbalise: then your only option is to run a Live-CD on that box, and trying to chroot into the installed system. But i think it's quicker and cleaner just to recover your /home-dir (and maybe some cutomized conf-files) and simply do a reinstall of Feisty02:53
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jbraddocping please02:54
mendred_magnetron: i downloaded 2.21 from de.openoffice.org02:54
Filthpigjbraddoc: you can create a symlink to the autostart folder (or something like that, I know how to in kde, but not gnome)02:54
Jordan_Ucrolle17, You need ubuntu-commercial, there are instructions for adding it in the link I gave02:54
QnixJordan_U, thanks alot for helping02:54
jbraddocI am using kde02:54
herbalisewill copy files then02:54
Qnixrausb0, thanks alot for helping ;)02:54
magnetronmendred_: ok, could you please report the bug to them02:54
herbalisean reinstall the thing02:54
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herbalisetnx stefg02:54
Filthpigjbraddoc: no problem then :)02:54
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:54
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strushbdr_evil: so if your sda gets mixed up your system boots into your pictures or whatever?02:55
mendred_magnetron: let me explain, i needed the uk lang pack so i manually dumped it into the opt folder..now if i use german it starts fine..cause the license02:55
mendred_appeared and i accepted02:55
mendred_but for uk english02:55
mendred_it keeps asking02:55
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mendred_me to accept a license02:55
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jbraddocFilthpig: Where is the autostart folder? And I am wanting this to run when the machine boots, not when KDM loads.02:56
strushbah, there it is, edit your fstab from /dev/sda to /dev/disk/by_id/<whatever> that should fix your mount points : )02:56
Filthpigjbraddoc: create a symlink for the program to /home/user/.kde/Autostart02:56
Jordan_Ucrolle17, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-b75a0c6c7e357640731529980d3f3ad3614b9a7602:56
Filthpigjbraddoc: ah02:56
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jbraddocFilthpig: I was told that i needed to do something with init.d02:56
Filthpignevermind, then02:56
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jbraddocFilthpig: Lol. Thanks  heh.02:56
mendred_magnetron: so i was wondering is there an xml where i can just set i have accepted the license for uk english as well..02:56
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strushbdr_evil: if you really need to have sda, b, c static you might need to dig into udevd : (02:56
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Filthpigjbraddoc: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/02:57
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askandIm trying to enable vnc but have troubles with this.cant find this:02:57
askandEnable XDMCP02:57
askandSystem->Administration->Login Screen Setup02:57
askand      Tab Security->Enable XDMCP02:57
askand      Tab XDMCP--> You can disable "Honor Indirect Requests"02:57
dr_evilstrushb I don't really need them static, but it's somewhat strange that it always changes, have a look at http://home.arcor.de/your_name_here/sata.txt02:57
jbraddocFilthpig: Checking...02:57
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magnetronmendred_: you edited the setup manually. now it doesn't work. preferably, use the official openoffice in the ubuntu repo. if not, ask the openoffice team for support or report the bug to them. thank you02:58
jbraddocFilthpig: Thats what I was reading earlier, but how to I make the script to put in there?02:58
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vrkhanshi i am trying to mv a folder from my desk to to my external drive by drag and drop . but the system doesnt let me do that02:59
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Jordan_Uvrkhans, What File system is your external drive and do you have write permissions to it?02:59
dr_evilstrushb the names used with /media/* is the initial order02:59
strushbdr_evil: I think sata and random ready states are the reason for alternate symlinks by id...02:59
jbraddocFilthpig: Or am I not understanding something?02:59
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Filthpigjbraddoc: http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/index.html03:00
dr_evilstrushb well then I'll assume that this isn't indication of a bug, and works as expected :)03:00
dantavrkhans: what are the permissionns of the drive03:00
vrkhansit says it is you dont have permission , and when i check its properties its owned by root03:00
strushbdr_evil: problem persists, fix disk numbering (udevd) or mountpoints (dev/by_id)   [ or ignore it and do not reboot ; ) ] 03:00
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jbraddocFilthpig: Checking03:01
dantavrkhans: maybe it's mounted as read only03:01
FilthpigI guess you'll find all you need there, jbraddoc03:01
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Jordan_Uvrkhans, And what File system is it?03:01
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strushbdr_evil: afaik, yes : )03:02
Jordan_Uvrkhans, chown it to yourself or chmod it so that you can write to it03:02
jbraddocFilthpig: Can I just edit rc.local, or is there even one?03:02
vrkhansow i can do that03:02
Jordan_U!permissions | vrkhans03:02
ubotuvrkhans: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux03:02
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mendred_magnetron: thanks for the tip but no its not a bug...since i have manually messed around..i am asking around to see if there is anybody who knows openoffice..and yes this is strictly not an ubuntu support question..so thanks for ur time03:03
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vrkhanscan you just tell me the command to change it03:03
magnetrongood luck mendred_03:03
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dantavrkhans type chown --help it is pretty clear03:04
rausb0danta: he left. too impatient...03:04
strushb1000 people in one chat are still not enough for quick answers *g*03:05
jbraddocSo, lets try this again? I need to add /etc/serveron/serveron to init.d so it will start up when my machine starts. I don't know what the script needs to include to make it work in the background. Does anyone have any ideas?03:05
kane77is there any program that would do the panoramic photos?03:06
Filthpig1000 people, that's quite a lot03:06
strushbjbraddoc: does it work when invoked with a & at the end?03:06
Filthpig1082, to be exact03:06
herbalisehas ubuntu 7.04 support for dual core?03:06
jbraddocI beleive it does, let me double check though, strushb03:07
dantaherbalise: yes03:07
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rausb0herbalise: yes. the default kernel is a smp kernel.03:07
dushkinrausb0: Actually, why is it so?03:07
rausb0dushkin: hm?03:07
Jack_Sparrowkane77: Let me see.. I thought gimp had a stitch feature03:07
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dushkinrausb0: The default kernel is SMP.03:07
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kane77Jack_Sparrow, I found something in repos called hugin03:08
jbraddocstrushb: it launched and creaded PID 6606, but it didn't go back to ... bash (or were ever it is i type my commands)03:08
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strushbyes, it runs in background now03:08
rausb0dushkin: why ubuntu chose a smp kernel as default? maybe because nearly all new machines are dual cpu.03:08
dushkinJack_Sparrow: I know photoshop does.03:08
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dushkinrausb0: Hmm... Come to think of it they do.03:08
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strushbjbraddoc: wait, it does not? try hitting enter...03:09
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jbraddocstrushb: Now, what I need to do is add /etc/serveron/serveron & to a script and place it in init.d03:09
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Jack_Sparrowkane77: http://stitchpanorama.sourceforge.net/03:09
nomad111does anyone notice that u cant copy content out of a window uve closed03:09
jbraddocstrushb: I did go back and hit enter after I thought about it (I am using two machines here) and it did go back to the prompt.03:09
nomad111like if i close firefox after copying something out of it03:09
nomad111i can no longer paste the content03:09
nomad111its lost03:09
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Jack_Sparrowkane77: Is that what you wanted?03:10
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kane77Jack_Sparrow, yes, something like that03:10
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rxKaffeeany familiar with php5-modules? packages php5-mysql php5-tidy, php5-syck, etc?03:10
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strushbjbraddoc: abstract: add a script that calls that other script to /etc/rcX.d/..... those control the boot process03:10
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dushkinnomad111: I think that depends if I recall correctly.03:11
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strushbjbraddoc: there is a tool for managing those, but I lost its name somehow...03:11
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rxKaffeeI'd like to use for example a dapper php5-module in breezy, but I notice it installs to "usr/lib/php5/20051025/" rather than to where I see some php5-modules install to breezy in "usr/lib/php5/20041030/"03:12
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rxKaffeeis this going to be a problem?03:12
rxKaffeeor could I just symlink the two php5/DATE directorys together?03:12
strushbrxKaffee: does it setup a symbolic link to /usr/lib/php or into /usr/bin?03:12
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jbraddocstrushb: I know it has to have #! /bin/sh at the top, but I am not sure of the rest. Can I just create a file called serveron.sh have it include #! /bin/sh and then /etc/serveron/serveron &?03:13
strushbthose should be just build ids, try if they work anyway : )03:13
rxKaffeestrushb: afaik the package only installs one .so file into "usr/lib/php5/20051025/"03:13
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strushbjbraddoc: umm.... you *could*.... using that tool for creating those is strongly encouraged nowadays...03:14
jbraddocstrushb: and have serveron.sh in /etc/init.d and then run update-rc.d serveron.sh defaults?03:14
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rxKaffeestrushb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=php5-syck&version=dapper&arch=i386that is the package I'm wanting to install03:14
strushbah, that tool!03:14
jbraddocstrushb: So is that a Yes?03:15
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strushbjbraddoc: if you know how to use that, use it with that serveron script of yours : )03:15
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roachmmflhyrShadow6363: I set up a static IP and tried http://www.utorrent.com/testport.php?port=XXXX and it still shows not open03:15
terlmannI know there is no support for this03:15
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terlmannbut I am trying to install lg3d03:16
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strushbrxKaffee: package not found?03:16
terlmannand the core dev files wont install03:16
crolle17Jordan_U,  this also ends with an error: dpkg: Error executing /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-server_1.0.3-1_i386.deb (--unpack):03:16
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rxKaffeestrushb: odd... should have given file list for i386 arch... maybe it had some session funkery in the url... heres the base url to the dapper package http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/web/php5-syck03:17
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crolle17Jordan_U, and also: Subprocess pre-installation script returned errorvalue 103:17
Jack_Sparrowstrushb: pull "That off the end and it works03:17
rxKaffeeI'm not familiar enough with php modules to know if that date directory nameing is critical03:17
jbraddocstrushb and Filthpig : Thank you both very much!03:17
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strushbJack_Sparrow: D'uh! ^^03:19
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crolle17Jordan_U, isn't there a bug-free package?03:19
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roachmmflhyranyone use Azureus with Firestarter? I can't get my incoming TCP listening port open03:20
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tchmnkyzhey there, looking for a way with ubuntu that i can authenticate (this is the desktop btw) against a 2000/2003/samba PDC instead of the local users... is this a possibility?03:20
Jordan_Ucrolle17, I thought that vmeare-server was good...03:20
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Jordan_Uroachmmflhyr, Are you sure it's not a probem with port forewarding on your router?03:21
Anlartchmnkyz: yes.03:21
strushbrxKaffee: if the module does not load, try a symlink, it might create one on its own during install03:21
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crolle17Jordan_U, did you got it working on feisty?03:21
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tchmnkyzis there any docs anywhere i can read on this subject?03:21
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Yes, I am using it right now03:21
rxKaffeestrushb: heh, okies :)03:21
dantaroachmmflhyr: are yu sure you're ISP isn't blocking the port?03:21
strushbrxKaffee: the number "should" be just the build Id03:21
crolle17Jordan_U, did you installed some more libs or so before?03:21
rxKaffeestrushb: now its time for honestly... since you've assisted... I'm actually trying to drop it into etch :P03:21
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Nope03:21
roachmmflhyrJordan_U: yes Im certain Ive used this port before with a windoze box but no longer03:22
roachmmflhyrdanta: my ISP has opened the port for me03:22
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Jordan_Ucrolle17, I had a problem with it but only because I don't have an eth0, which is far from standard, and easy to fix03:22
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strushbrxKaffee: there is no linux-police coming after you if you do ; )03:23
tchmnkyzAnlar, got any docs on it?03:23
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strushb... at least not if it works : p03:23
rxKaffeestrushb: much smoother response, than when I tell the #debian crowd I'm trying to use "testing" packages in etch ;D03:23
kerikhey guys...anybody who can tell me what the java compiler in ubuntu is called and how to call it?03:24
strushbrxKaffee: well, if it works, fine, if not: it is not *my03:24
strushbmy box : )03:24
Jordan_Ukerik, Depends on what version of java you have installed03:24
herbalisei have an Intel Pro Wireless 3945ABG networ card i would like to enable monitor mode on the card.  Can i do this without recompiling the driver03:24
strushbherbalise: do you know if that cards support that?03:24
kerikJordan_U, hmm...good question...how can I check?03:24
rausb0herbalise: the driver can do that by default03:25
dantakerik: "java -version"03:25
rausb0herbalise: iwconfig ethX mode monitor03:25
herbalisei remember i had to recompile it under suse03:25
rausb0herbalise: (where ethX is your wireless card)03:25
kerikJordan_U, hmm version 1.4.203:25
strushbubuntu seems to have fixed drivers by default ; )03:25
jbraddocNext, if anyone would like to help me -- How do I lighten my install? I want to remove open office and all the crap I don't use. I had started with an ubuntu console server installation then added the desktop profile, and now I wanted KDE. I would like to remove gnome and all the apps (word processors and games and stuff) that I don't use. Aptitude won't let me... And I am afraid I will break something..03:26
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herbalisejust asking before installing ubuntu on my Dell inspiron 940003:26
rausb0herbalise: my ipw3945 works with airodump-ng, so it must be able to use monitor mode03:26
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rausb0herbalise: (running xubuntu feisty)03:26
kerikdanta, hehe...actually pretty darn obvious coming to think about it... :)03:26
herbalisethat's why i need it :03:26
rxKaffeeanyone happen to know what a "preferences" "Pin:" line might look like for using ubuntu dapper source in etch? I'm currently using "Pin: release a=testing" to pull from debian lenny repo03:26
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herbalisetnx going to install now03:27
Jordan_UrxKaffee, You are going to compile from source of course? :)03:27
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kerikJordan_U, do you know what the compiler is called for version 1.4.2?03:27
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roachmmflhyrdanta: i just dont know what else to do03:27
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kerikJordan_U, and perhaps if I should upgrade...don't know the current version number03:28
dantaroachmmflhyr: do you have a firewell running03:28
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tchmnkyz /j #gnome03:29
dantayou sure he's not blocking the incoming requests03:29
roachmmflhyrdanta: i have set up rules for my specific TCP port03:29
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dantaroachmmflhyr: turn him off for a second and try again03:29
roachmmflhyris apt-get install azureus working?03:29
Jordan_U!java | kerik03:30
ubotukerik: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:30
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Schuenemannhey, can anyone help me playing mids?03:30
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dr_evilsorry if this is a stupid question, but how can I copy text from xterm into a gnome text editor/firefox?03:30
SlimeyPetejust highlight it. it will automatically copy to the mousebuffer clipboard. Then middle-click or press left + right buttons simultaneously to paste.03:31
rausb0dr_evil: mark with clicking left button and dragging over the text, paste with middle button03:31
Muellidr_evil: select your text and middle click the place where you want to paste it03:31
dr_evilthis is the first time I use gnome and xterm, have been using kde so far03:31
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SlimeyPeteyou can do the same thing in kde, incidentally03:31
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dr_eviloch yes, that middle button thing, thanks03:31
rausb0dr_evil: btw, this is not gnome specific, pasting with middle button is X standard03:32
dr_evilI tried shift+insert, but that didn't work03:32
Muellirausb0: it's one of three...03:32
rausb0Muelli: it's the oldest03:32
Muellidr_evil: other way would be: Select your text, CRTL+Shift+C and then insert into your favourite app03:32
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SchuenemannHow can I play MIDI files?03:33
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Muellirausb0: I actually don't care about which one is older... I care about usability. And these copy&paste thingies annoy me every now and then...03:33
rausb0Schuenemann: sudo apt-get install timidity03:33
kerikJordan_U, thankx03:34
Jordan_Ukerik, np03:34
Schuenemannrausb0, but I want that eaw thing03:34
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Schuenemannthe default timidity sample is horrible03:34
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kerikJordan_U, I have seen that there is quite a few of them...are there any diff on which I should choose? (I'm super noop in java)03:34
roachmmflhyrdanta: im showing a lot of different ports popping up in my events tab of firestarter upon opening azureus03:34
rausb0Schuenemann: eaw what?03:35
Armahgdoes any one know of any free smtp servers that exist to just send emails without requiring usernames or passwords?03:35
roachmmflhyrdanta: such as 1900 5678 27001 and several others03:35
Schuenemann!midi | rausb003:35
rausb0Schuenemann: never heard of it03:35
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Armahgfree and fairly reliable that is03:35
blackdevilI installed compiz fusion recently, and am getting an error when trying to enable. Anyone here able to help?03:35
Schuenemannhuh... where is the bot?03:35
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uboturausb0: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo03:35
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Jordan_Ukerik, You should probably go with sun java as it is the de facto standard and has a full implementation when it comes to GUI stuff03:36
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Schuenemannrausb0, but that wiki has an error. There was some update in the package or something like that03:36
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Schuenemannan update from edgy to feisty03:36
strushbArmahg: that would be open relays for spammers, those are *bad*03:36
rausb0Schuenemann: i compiled timidity myself and used other patch files anyway. the freepatches didn't work at all03:36
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kerikJordan_U, sounds resonable...but I've been on their site, and there is a bunch of diff packages...which should I use03:37
MuelliArmahg: I use mail.netbeat.de :>03:37
Schuenemannrausb0, which did you use?03:37
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rausb0Schuenemann: patches i saved from an older debian package03:37
Armahgstrushb: bad in what sense? ie. bad in the sense that the spammers use them or bad because they aren't reliable smtp email senders?03:37
Belboz99Hey all, is there an Ubuntu-64 channel?03:37
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Schuenemannrausb0, damn...03:37
Jordan_Ukerik, Use the sun java packages from the ubuntu repositories03:37
ArmahgMuelli: i'll check it out03:37
rausb0Schuenemann: i can give them to you if you want03:37
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strushbArmahg: bad like good for spammers03:38
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Schuenemannrausb0, you know the name?03:38
roachmmflhyranyone know why these ports pop up in firestarter when azureus is opened up1900 5678 27001? i thought azureus used only one port03:38
Belboz99I'm having problems with Ubuntu 7.04 and Cedega, namely horrid performance of any game03:38
Belboz99I can't seem to track down the source of the problem03:38
kerikok they are present there? any name on them? (I'm using feisty if that's got anything to do with it..03:38
akmisanyone know why i can't get openssl-devel from apt-get03:38
rausb0Schuenemann: sorry, no03:38
strushbroachmmflhyr: azureus uses DHT and some other things03:38
Armahgstrushb: oh ok ... i guess a serious spammer could just set up her own server, I'm using it for a different purpose though03:38
Armahgstrushb: not spamming03:38
kerikJordan_U, ok they are present there? any name on them? (using feisty if that's got anything to do with it)03:39
Schuenemannrausb0, well, ok. How big is it?03:39
Jordan_U!java | kerik03:39
ubotukerik: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:39
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rausb0Schuenemann: wait03:39
GiZiMGot a question, i installed Compiz and the Emerald Theme Manager but when i run the theme manager and i select a theme nothing happenes. The selected them does not do anything it stays the same it is. I tried it with Beryl and Compiz same thing any ideas?03:39
roachmmflhyrstrushb: so i should open all those ports? that seems not right03:39
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vzduch!compiz | GiZiM03:39
ubotuGiZiM: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:39
strushbArmahg: yes, they could, but they don't. Open relays are to be shot on sight and will most likely be banned by mail receipients (sp?)03:39
roachmmflhyrstrushb: im pulling up like 20 or so different ports03:40
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strushbroachmmflhyr: no, most of the time it works without them03:40
kerikJordan_U, oh...right...it actually said which...I overlooked that...thanksmate03:40
blackdevilI updated my repos and removed Beryl to run Compiz Fusion, and I get this error: Error: Can't load plugin 'ccp' because it is built for ABI version 20070606 and actual version is 2007070603:40
blackdevil/usr/bin/compiz.real (core03:40
blackdevilAnyone know how to fix that?03:40
strushbroachmmflhyr: um, outgoing or incoming? it needs to connect to other peoples' ports...03:40
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: both03:41
askandHow do I start a vncserver?03:41
blackdevilCan anyone see my messages?03:41
rausb0Schuenemann: 11mb tar.gz03:41
roachmmflhyrstrushb: also both udp and tcp03:41
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strushbroachmmflhyr: weird, there should be only a handful of incoming open port numbers03:41
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Schuenemannrausb0, ok then03:41
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: yeah i know03:42
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jescisgI see you blackdevil but not my friend godchaser :)03:42
rausb0Schuenemann: can i /msg you?03:42
angasuleshouldn't .xinitrc be run when I log in? it's not happening.03:42
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Schuenemannof course =)03:42
blackdevil_anyone know anything about my problem?03:42
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ArmahgMuelli: are there any special port settings for using mail.netbeat.de ?03:42
roachmmflhyrstrushb: i got azureus from apt-get  and this Feisty Fawn was installed today nothing else is running03:42
rausb0Schuenemann: damn. i am not registered right now.03:43
rausb0Schuenemann: please join #tempmidity03:43
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MuelliArmahg: not that i know... but they might have fioxed it though..03:44
vini_utrechtCan anyone please help me with WPA config??03:44
newuser01what exactly is X? i installed a couple aplications made for X, but they are not listed in any of the "Aplications" menu categories03:44
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vzduchnewuser01: what exactly did you install?03:45
strushbroachmmflhyr: I don't know what to tell you about those, they could be anything (?)03:45
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newuser01vzduch: xasteroids and xboing. two "X-based" games03:46
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vzduchlook in Games (if there is such a section in the GNOME menu; I don't know (KDE here)).. else fire up the menu editor (right-click the menu bar) & activate the items03:47
dantaroachmmflhyr: what port did you open?03:47
shirishguys I had installed ubuntu 7.04 (dual-boot) on a friend's laptop. There while booting up it shows something saying dosfsck & gives some nos. I checked all the logs in system log but none of them show anything out of the ordinary. Can this be something to do with the windows partition?03:47
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SchuenemannHow can I play MIDI files?03:48
shirishubotu midi03:48
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo03:48
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: well i dont know either ive been battling azureus all day....hehe...another thing when i try to access my ubuntu box through my network places on the windoze box it pops up for username and password and i type in my login to ubuntu and it doesnt let me in.....any ideas?03:48
Schuenemannshirish, that wiki has an error03:48
Schuenemannit is outdated03:48
roachmmflhyrstrushb: 4017003:48
shirishSchuenemann: oh, sorry03:48
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Rei-chanFeel free to update the wiki with factual information. :)03:49
sumigamerwhen i ./configure something, i get the error that the c compiler cant create executables. How do I rectify this??03:49
SchuenemannRei-chan, right, when I get the factual information...03:49
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strushbroachmmflhyr: did you set up something like samba? windows does not know how to talk to unix natively...03:49
VoX[Citation Needed] 03:49
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: i installed the samba package03:50
newuser01vzduch: yes, there is a "Games" section in GNOME too, but they arent listed for some reason =S03:50
roachmmflhyrstrushb: enable smb and unix03:50
shirishSchuenemann: I'm on gutsy gibbon ( ie. ubuntu+1) atleast freepats is available in the universe repository03:50
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Schuenemannshirish, but freepats is bad. And the eaw part is outdated03:51
CloseCallsmall question03:51
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shirishSchuenemann: also fluidsynth is there.03:51
vzduchI'd rather want to know how to play MIDI files w/ the hardware sounds from my soundcard03:51
CloseCallin need a simple commandline .wav player03:51
CloseCallany tips ?03:51
=== shirish has never worked with MIDI files :(
strushbroachmmflhyr: I think samba has its own user and shared folders config : /03:51
dantaroachmmflhyr, I had the same problem the other day, that is that your firewall settings are wrong, so other PC's can see you because you send out that you are here, but when you try to connect the firewall stops the connection03:51
vzduchSchuenemann: tried #ubuntustudio? perhaps they know more03:52
strushbroachmmflhyr: I never used it myself, sorry03:52
Schuenemannshirish, the wiki says to install eaw-patches, but that wat on works on edgy03:52
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: hmmm.... ok thanks03:52
Schuenemannvzduch, the only person there is me03:52
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: this azureus is alittle frustrating though03:52
roachmmflhyrstrushb: how can i manually open the port?03:53
strushbroachmmflhyr: yeh, i know03:53
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strushbroachmmflhyr: wich port?03:53
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: what torrent client you use?03:53
vzduchSchuenemann: then you mistyped the name.. there's 56 ppl in there03:53
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strushbroachmmflhyr: azureus on windows, kinda old version03:53
Schuenemannahh, the question mark was copied heh03:53
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rxKaffeewhats the quickfix for dapper repos for "signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not availiable"?03:53
roachmmflhyrstrushb: incoming tcp listening port for azureus03:53
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brainiacHi, I'm trying to get openvpn-server running on my ded.Server... my hoster only provides an ubuntu 6.06... In DapperDrake the pkitool has to be inserted intio teh openvpn dir manually but it is not in the repositories nor can I find it anywhere online...03:54
brainiac when I copy the pkitool from my local pc I get an error03:54
brainiac pkitool: KEY_CONFIG (set by the ./vars script) is pointing to the wrong03:54
brainiac version of openssl.cnf: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa2/openssl.cnf03:54
brainiac The correct version should have a comment that says: easy-rsa version 2.x03:54
brainiac does anybody have an idea?03:54
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|GaTo|tengo un pequeo problema03:54
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Schuenemann!es | |GaTo|03:54
ubotu|GaTo|: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:54
strushbroachmmflhyr: and with open you mean ... ?03:54
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shirishSchuenemann: dunno if it will work, but instead of etch try putting lenny there & see if the thing works03:55
Schuenemannwho is lenny?03:55
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roachmmflhyrstrushb: to where i can connect azureus03:55
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rxKaffeeSchuenemann: debian testing tree03:55
roachmmflhyrstrushb: without using a firewall to set up rules03:55
shirishSchuenemann: lennny is the next distro, after etch03:55
Schuenemannshirish, actually, I download the samples, but don't know how to configure. It is supposed to be simple, just some path has changed03:55
vzduchshirish: s/is/will be/03:56
Schuenemannand what is etch?03:56
shirishSchuenemann: deb http://www.fbriere.net/debian/dists/lenny misc/03:56
herbalisei'm unable to boot cd 7.04 getting intel_rng: FWH not detected.  System hangs on configuring network03:56
vzduchSchuenemann: etch == debian-stable03:56
vzduchSchuenemann: sarge == debian-oldstable03:56
strushbroachmmflhyr: sorry i quite don't understand the question03:56
shirishvzduch: that is what I know gutsy is based on (lenny), dunno what feisty is based on , lenny or Sid or which?03:56
strushbroachmmflhyr: you setup the port in azureus and optionally open the port in the firewall to get better speeds03:57
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shirishchange which=what03:57
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rolfenhello folks i just installed ubuntu03:57
roachmmflhyrstrushb: just wanted to know what i could edit to where on startup certain ports would open03:57
shirishherbalise: try using the alternate cd, should work without issues03:57
Schuenemannshirish, how to configure that?03:57
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herbalisedoes it boot in graphical mode?03:58
vzduchshirish: to my knowledge there is some degree of synchronization between Debian and *buntu, but it'd be too much to say that any version of *buntu is based on a specific version of Debian.. perhaps that was the case w/ Warty, Hoary and Breezy03:58
shirishSchuenemann: as I said before, I have no idea03:58
rausb0herbalise: no the alternate cd is text only installer03:58
sumigamerwhen i ./configure something, i get the error that the c compiler cant create executables. How do I rectify this??03:58
strushbroachmmflhyr: um... never tried those firewall packages, sorry03:58
shirishvzduch: actually reportbug should tell you , atleast it tells in gutsy03:58
pete83rolfen: OMG awesome!03:58
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Jack_SparrowFirewall /iptable managers... guarddog and firestarter are both good03:59
rolfenpete83:  yeah it pretty neat03:59
strushb"It was in the 90ies that we started to use the word 'awesome', but we used it wrong... " ^^03:59
vzduchshirish: I don't have reportbug installed and I won't install it just to check :>03:59
Schuenemannmaybe you could help here: the wiki says to copy this file: "/usr/share/doc/timidity-patches-eaw/examples/timidity.cfg". But, accordingly to someone, the samples are now at "/usr/share/midi/eawpatches"03:59
shirishvzduch: yup, true03:59
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shirishSchuenemann: if that's the case, just dive into that folder, see if /usr/share/midi/eawpatches/examples/timidity.cfg exists or not04:00
=== shirish have no ideas why people need MIDI files
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=== shirish plays ogg & mp3 & is happy
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=== strushb likes mod files better...
roachmmflhyranyone use azureus in feisty fawn?04:01
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magicmacteldoes anyone know where the sound file for the login sound is?04:02
Schuenemannshirish, there isn't... how do I see if there is a .cfg file in its subdirectories?04:02
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Schuenemannthat recursive command04:02
shirishit should be some grep query04:02
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strushbSchuenemann: 'find <directory> -n <name> -print04:02
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warmanekoi'm new in ubuntu04:03
strushbSchuenemann: 'find <directory> -name <name> -print'04:03
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warmanekocan somebody answer me some questions?04:03
strushbwarmaneko: we try, go ahead04:03
CyberWorldwhat's best app for linux and fetching usenet binarys from .nzb files04:03
qgelcan someone help me installing the restricted driver for my geforce 420 go? i only get a black screen with the closed-sorce driver...04:03
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Schuenemannlike this? find . -name *cfg -print04:03
pete83magicmactel: /usr/share/sounds?04:03
strushbSchuenemann: use " around *cfg04:03
strushbe.g. "*cfg"04:04
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Schuenemannno output04:04
Schuenemannno files04:04
strushbno luck : (04:04
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magicmactelsweet, thanks, pete8304:04
shirishstrushb: shouldn't it be "*.cfg"04:04
warmanekoi've been using ubuntu for arround 3 months by now04:04
Jack_Sparrowqgel: How did you install the driver04:04
strushbshirish: *cfg finds *.cfg too04:05
warmanekoi got nothing to complain04:05
Schuenemannthat would be the same in this case04:05
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warmanekois ubuntu somehow more like mac os than windows?04:05
qgelJack_Sparrow with the restricted driver manager...04:05
rausb0strushb: but *cfg should not be expanded by the shell, so "*cfg" is better04:05
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strushbwarmaneko: mac os an ubuntu share the same basic kernel (core software)04:05
shirishwait a minute Schuenemann what is the name of the package you installed which has the patches04:05
warmanekoyou mean gnome?04:05
qgelJack_Sparrow: i also tried using the nvidia-glx package from synaptic...04:06
shirishSchuenemann:  which has the file .cfg04:06
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strushbwarmaneko: no, gnome is the desktop, macos has its own of these ; )04:06
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warmanekoi get it04:06
Jack_Sparrowqgel: was that before you tried the driver manager that is built in.?04:06
Schuenemannshirish, eawpatches. and it SHOULD have that .cfg04:06
rolfencrap 96 mb of upgrades >(04:06
warmanekoi found it incredibly easy to update04:06
Schuenemannor maybe it still has, but under a different path04:06
warmanekoeven more than windows04:06
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warmanekoat some point04:07
warmanekothe apt-get did not work04:07
strushbSchuenemann: did you look at the filelist of that package?04:07
Jack_Sparrowrolfen: once you get them copy the var/cache/apt/archives to a cd so you dont need to do it again04:07
shirishSchuenemann: one of the things you could try is doing dpkg -L eawpatches (the correct packagename) is necessary04:07
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vzduch!enter | warmaneko04:07
ubotuwarmaneko: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:07
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Schuenemannstrushb, hmm nope04:07
strushbwarmaneko: I do think that macos lacks support for .deb files (for apt-get)...04:07
Schuenemannshirish, I got it from apt-get04:07
rolfenJack_Sparrow: thanks :)04:08
qgelJack_Sparrow: no i tried the driver manager first... there is a known issue with this graphics card and a fix/workaround, (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=417188) but it still doesnt work for me...04:08
shirishSchuenemann: something like dpkg -L gedit  (L for love & big )04:08
shirishSchuenemann: doesn't matter from where you got it, as far as you got a .deb04:08
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pete83strushb: I don't think osx uses a linux kernel...04:08
Schuenemannshirish, so I get a .deb from apt-get too?04:08
Jack_Sparrowrolfen: that is a cool trick for multiple installs are well04:08
hx hi,all! who can tell me what's best blog writer under ubuntu?04:08
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shirishSchuenemann: all binaries are .deb files in ubuntu04:08
Schuenemannshirish, and where is it?04:09
Jack_Sparrowrolfen: deselect partial and "Lock" before you try to copy or burn04:09
strushbpete83: huh?04:09
warmanekoanother thing04:09
warmanekois wine easy to use?04:09
warmanekoi mean, i never tried it04:09
Jack_Sparrowqgel: A problem card is a problem card. sorry I dont have any answers04:09
shirishSchuenemann: do a simple thing, just try dpkg -L gedit, and see if you get a list04:09
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warmanekobut i still use windows cause i cant get some programs04:10
warmanekowhat is a pity04:10
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warmanekoi started to hate windows after ubuntu04:10
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pete83warmaneko: what programs?04:10
Jack_Sparrowwine is easy...  ask in #winehq to get answers04:10
shirishthat reminds me, is there a substitute to dreamweaver  in debian/ubuntu04:10
qgelJack_Sparrow: mhh ok, thanks anyway...04:10
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felixwarmaneko, It's quite easy. However you coud use a wrapper (xwine). It doesn't work for all windows applications but try it04:10
Qnixwarmaneko, windows sucks04:10
strushbpete83: sorry, macos uses a modified bsd kernel, i mixed that up *cough* ^^04:10
Schuenemannshirish, actually, I'm on kubuntu. dpkg -L kate gives me a list, yes04:10
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warmanekoi know now that windows sucks04:11
warmanekobut only when i started using ubuntu04:11
shirishSchuenemann: doesn't matter, now substitute kate with the packagename which you apt-getted04:11
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: the only thing I could not replace was quicken and it works fine in wine04:11
warmanekocause i didnt know anything else04:11
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pete83warmaneko: wine is possible, but it is better to look for alternative programs for linux if it exists04:11
warmanekoand i've become a hifan of the system04:12
Schuenemannshirish, I see a cfg04:12
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: If you can give specific programs we can help...  I dula boot and keep xp only for a few games I like04:12
strushbamen, brother ; )04:12
warmanekoi've discovered that many peolple dont even want to try something new04:12
Qnixwarmaneko, yah thats why they call it ubuntu ^__^04:12
Schuenemannactually, I see many. But this one seems reasonable: etc/timidity/eawpatches.cfg04:12
pete83Jack_Sparrow: he seems to be on a monologue... talking to him has no effect04:13
shirishSchuenemann: now see what the path to that cfg is , it shows up in the list04:13
warmanekoif there was someway to massively spread some images of ubuntu04:13
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warmanekofor simple users04:13
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Jack_Sparrowpete83: Just hope he dosent drift into a troll04:13
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LucianIndyi currently had issues with my laptop shutting off randomly (seemed to be when the computer started getting hot), i was advised to let the battery completely die then recharge and that seemed to work so im attempting a ubuntu installation now :D04:13
warmanekosorry about you jack04:13
HoseI need help! I have a Compaq V5000 laptop with a BCM4318 card running live Ubuntu 7.04. I cannot connect with my wireless Netgear WGR614v6 router. Any suggestions?04:13
strushbpete83: maybe some kind of precompiled translated marketing stuff?04:13
warmanekoi tried to install wine04:13
shirishSchuenemann: go there, do the stuff, afterwards don't forget to update the wiki so other users know where .cfg is located04:14
warmanekobut i hads some problems with updating04:14
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Schuenemannlet me try04:14
LucianIndywarmaneko, sudo apt-get install wine04:14
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: How did you try to install it?04:14
pete83strushb: no offence, but what on earth are you talking about?04:14
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warmanekoi changed the repository and things started to get messy04:14
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warmanekoi cound'nt download any more updates04:15
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warmanekothe synaptic04:15
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shirishbb in a few guys04:15
warmanekoi tried to download from the sinaptic04:15
warmanekoi think04:15
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warmanekocan't remember if i used the prompt or the synaptic now04:15
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: what repos did you try to add?04:15
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warmanekocant make sure it was official04:16
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: wine is an easy install04:16
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warmanekobut a website showed it to be more effective for some plugins04:16
LucianIndyi saw a youtube video with ubuntu that had xgl and compiz. it demonstrated a 3d cube for the desktop switching and wobble window effects. How do I go about installing these applications?04:16
Schuenemannshirish, oh, it seems to work now!04:16
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Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: Obvioulsy they were wrong04:17
warmanekoeven i cound see04:17
kerikproblems with playing MPEG...anybody who can help?04:17
strushbwarmaneko: I had those, too.04:17
warmanekobut i cound't fix04:17
warmanekoand had to reinstall04:17
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:17
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shirishSchuenemann: going to grab some tea & back, btw can you update the wiki, so people know04:17
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Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: I dont suppose you ever made a backup of the working system?04:17
kerikI have been able to play them before, but now it only shows a split second of the movie and then turns black04:18
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LucianIndykerik, i searched add/remove programs and found some software that enabled the playing of those types of files. I cant remember what it was tho.04:18
warmanekoi still havent thought of that04:18
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: Three lines in a terminal can save tons of grief04:18
megasquidthere seems to be memory being allocated thats not associated with any processes, i.e. when running top the processes memory usage won't add up to the total being used, has anyone seen this before?04:18
astro76kerik, any error when it turns black?04:18
kerikLucianIndy, well have been able to play them before and doesn't seem to be a codec error...04:18
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warmanekothe system was veeeery stable and i coundnt imagine anything would go wrong04:19
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kerikastro76, no it continues playing...just black where the video is supposed to be...but when I switch between full and window mode it shows a split of movie...04:19
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warmanekoa very simple question now04:19
warmanekoare there virus for ubuntu?04:20
warmanekoi mean04:20
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warmanekoup to now04:20
kerikastro76, it's kinda weird...especially it doesn't seem to depend on the file format..04:20
warmanekoi have seen no reports of then04:20
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GigaClontecnically, yes but they are few and far between04:20
pete83kerik: use the package "vlc" and use videolan for everything. It has always been failproof04:20
GigaClonand they can't do much04:20
strushbvirus as such, no04:20
GigaClonpractically there are no virus04:20
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kerikpete83, videolan?04:20
kerikpete83, what is that? - and how do I install?04:21
pete83kerik: videolan, or vlc, is a media player04:21
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: If you stick to "Approved Repos" you never will04:21
warmanekoso there's no reason for me to be afraid of not having anti virus04:21
pete83kerik: you can find the "vlc" package in synaptic04:21
megasquidthere seems to be memory being allocated thats not associated with any processes, i.e. when running top the processes memory usage won't add up to the total being used, has anyone seen this before?04:21
warmanekoabout the codecs04:21
strushbmegasquid: how much is it?04:21
wimpiesMy bluetooth does not want to startup.  I get a box stating sdpd is not running.  I cannot even find the sdpd program.  What package should I install ?04:21
Jack_Sparrowwarmaneko: no need for av.. AV writers will sell anything they can.. but there is no need for it04:21
kerikpete83, oh it's the same thing :)...thanks...I'll give it a go right away04:21
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warmanekoi downloaded every one i needed04:22
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warmanekothe only one i had problems with was windows media one04:22
kerikpete83, is it a player or does it have codecs as well?04:22
megasquidstrushb, a lot, i have about 300mb worth of processes running and it slowly climbs, now its saying 800mb is being usede04:22
astro76kerik, I had a similar problem after installing gstreamer0.10-pitfdll, after removing it the problem went away04:22
pete83kerik: it has codecs with it04:22
astro76kerik, vlc is great too, it's the swiss army knife of media players04:22
kerikastro76, funny you mention...think I have that package installed...04:23
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:23
strushbmegasquid: you are not talking about the cache / tmpfs / buffers memory, do you? try 'free' and / or 'man free'04:23
warmanekothanks for everything fellas04:23
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kerikpete83, sounds like  a good package...04:23
pete83kerik: the only codec it does not come with i think is the DVD playing one, which you have to get separately04:23
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kerikpete83, it can play dvds? - also bought ones?04:23
kerikpete83, or encrypted even...04:23
pete83kerik: yeah, after installing the libdvdcss plugin, it can play all regions of dvds04:24
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megasquidstrushb, no, free shows the same amount being used a topi don't think its the cache04:24
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kerikpete83, do you know where to find that?04:24
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zoidberg_does anyone know how to install wine-doors04:25
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astro76kerik, you need libdvdcss2 from seveas or medibuntu04:25
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:25
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:25
kerikso just sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2?04:25
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astro76after adding one of those repos you can04:25
pete83kerik: yeah, you can get the plugin installer here: http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/04:25
zoidberg_does anyone know how to install wine-doors04:25
Danie1Hi, anyone know a good program for Nokia bluetooth sync? With the same functionality as Nokia PC Suite?04:26
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Elfonhorsebackcould somone help me please?04:26
kerikpete83, which one should I take? (there are 2)04:26
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pete83kerik: the one without the "dev" in the name... "dev" files are for comiling your own04:27
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kerik:) ok04:27
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Elfonhorsebackpete83: could you help me?04:28
kerikpete83, thanks :)...2 secs now and I can check if it works :)04:28
pete83Elfonhorseback, with what?04:29
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LucianIndyi love how it only takes 30 min to install ubuntu over windows xp taking approx 1.5-2.0 hours04:29
Elfonhorsebackpete83: having a problem with the synapic package manager, i think04:29
pete83Elfonhorseback, what seems to be wrong with it?04:30
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kerikpete83, still same problem...04:30
riwaLucianIndy: I love how my distro takes 10 min to install while ubuntu takes thirty04:30
kerikpete83, nice player though..04:30
pete83kerik: you mean, playing an MPEG file from VLC?04:30
Elfonhorsebackwhen ever i install something with the package manager i never get any icons for that program in the apps menu04:30
kerikpete83, yeah...04:31
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FrankTMriwa: sounds like arch linux :p04:31
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riwaFrankTM: Yu04:31
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kerikpete83, it shows  frame and then black...and then a split when I'm turning to full screen mode...and black04:31
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Xsylottewill it be version 2.2.1 of OO.org for feisty fawn ?04:31
megasquidstrushb, is there a way to manually clear cached RAM?04:31
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YulquenQuestion 1: does ubuntu read (big) NTFS formatted disks out of the box?04:32
FrankTMriwa: i like arch too.. but i dont feel like fixing stuff that much anymore04:32
FrankTMYulquen: ye04:32
strushbmegasquid: I don't think so04:32
Elfonhorsebackpete83: there something i need to do to find the exe like file?  shoot i dont even know what a excutiable file in ubuntu is . . .04:32
pete83kerik: in VLC, go to settings>>Preferences, then go to Video>>Output modules, and select the "advanced" checkbox, so you can see it04:32
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LucianIndyhow do i run xgl and compiz?04:32
pete83Elfonhorseback, what is an example of a program that you have tried to install, with no icon appearing?04:33
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Xsylottewill it be version 2.2.1 of open office.org for feisty fawn ?04:33
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Elfonhorsebackpete83: kismet for one04:33
strushbmegasquid: the manpage for free explains how to read the output, e.g. how much ram is really free04:33
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kerikpete83, there now04:33
pete83Elfonhorseback, try opening a terminal, and type kismet04:34
kerikpete83, it's set to default...04:34
pete83kerik: try a different one... for me, since I have a decent videocard driver, opengl works best...04:34
astro76Xsylotte, 2.2.0 (http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/editors/openoffice.org)04:34
kerikok...hmm...2 sec04:34
Xsylottei have 2.2.0, what about 2.2.1 ?04:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:35
Elfonhorsebacknothing, before i did find the excutible in /usr/bin i think, it would start but did not scan at all04:36
rob_hello to all. Just installed vlc to solve problem with .WMV video. Totum has same problem. part of new of scenes is mixed with earlier scenes. Known problem04:36
TexasTazGood morning everyone, I am haveing some problems getting my ATI Graphics to work could someone help me04:36
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kerikpete83, I had a dog....and it's name was BINGO!04:36
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pete83Elfonhorseback, so in Synaptic, does the package look like it is installed?04:37
kerikpete83, Xvideo did it for me (on my Intel i830mg)04:37
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pete83kerik: you mean that worked? great..04:37
Elfonhorsebackpete: yes it looks like its installed04:37
kerikpete83, yup :)04:37
kerikpete83, just a little curious one here...the player is called something with lan...can it do lan movie?04:38
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kerikpete83, sending played movie over lan...04:38
strushbkerik: www.videolan.org ; )04:38
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Xsylotteastro76: what about version 2.2.1 ?04:38
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pete83kerik: I think probably.. but honestly, i've never used it as anything more than a personal media player04:39
kerikpete83, ok :)04:39
kerikpete83, thanks a lot anyways :)04:39
kerikpete83, you shouldn't by chance be a programmer too?04:39
pete83Elfonhorseback, ok, I don't know much about the package kismet.... is there another package with this problem?04:39
kerikpete83, I have problems figuring out how to compile java...04:40
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Schuenemannwhy would you want to compile java?04:40
pete83kerik: nah, I am just beginning to learn c++, and that's all the language I've got04:40
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Elfonhorsebackpete, yah like all the ones i install with the package manager04:40
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kerikpete83, :) I'm just beginning on java now...to advance to c++ at some point..04:40
Schuenemannthere is the jdk in the repositories, kerik04:40
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Schuenemannkerik, what is your problem?04:41
AyabaraI have an external usb drive where I have "chowned" the folders so they belong to my user. How will this work when I use the drive on another computer? Will I have to create the same user there with the same uid to access the folders?04:41
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kerikSchuenemann, well..cause I'm about to get to learn java? ;)...I have installed sun java but doesnt know how to actually call it when I have some code that need compilation04:41
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Schuenemannkerik, javac filename.java04:41
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srychebuenas e me espalho04:42
strushbAyabara: what filesystem does that usb drive use?04:42
Schuenemann!es | sryche04:42
ubotusryche: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:42
Elfonhorsebackpete. i guess i am uber confused because i grew up on windows, moved to ubuntu about 2 days ago04:42
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shirishSchuenemann: was it in the same file as the other guy had said /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg ?04:42
kerikSchuenemann, lol...the compiler is called javac?.doh...is it THAT obvious?04:42
Ayabarastrushb, hfs+ (the new computer is a MacBook Pro)04:42
Schuenemannshirish, which guy?04:42
pete83Elfonhorseback, the thing is, I am not sure about this, but I don't think kismet has a gui... so of course there's no icon to it...04:43
shirishSchuenemann: the guy on the thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63081&page=604:43
strushbAyabara: and your current system is a linux / ubuntu?04:43
Schuenemannkerik, no so "obvious" as 'win' would start windows 3.104:43
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kerikSchuenemann, ;) thanks a lot mate - I've been trying to find out all day :)04:43
Elfonhorsebackpete, ok that seems logical, but what about the rest04:43
Ayabarastrushb, yep04:43
kerikSchuenemann, not easy being noop04:43
shirishubotu MIDI04:43
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo04:44
Schuenemannshirish, which one? the starter?04:44
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pete83Elfonhorseback, well, you would have to give me a specific other package...04:44
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shirishSchuenemann: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2927020&postcount=2904:44
Elfonhorsebackpete, allow me to look . . . .04:44
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rob_is there a place for new codec for WMV? Have problems04:45
strushbAyabara: hm, don't know much about hfs+, linux normally only stores the ID of the user, that could be someone else or invalid on other systems04:45
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strushbAyabara: if you move the drive more than once, create users on both systems with the same user and group ID04:46
shirishSchuenemann: can you give me definite update on where that eawpats.cfg is listed, so can put it on the wiki04:46
dissonansany users of eac on wine around?04:46
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dissonanssuddenly eac won't work for me04:47
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Ayabarastrushb, I think the MacBook will take over for the current laptop, so it will be a onetime move. maybe I could just change owner from a Mac-shell when the time comes04:47
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Schuenemannshirish, I'm not exacly sure, but it seems that copy line is not needed anymore04:47
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klobsterhow do I install the texinfo manuals of various progs? (mkfifo, etc)04:47
strushbAyabara: that should do the trick, yes04:47
Elfonhorsebackpete, never mind, i got it mostly figured out thanks, the programs i am trying to install have no GUI04:47
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pete83Elfonhorseback, lol ok04:47
shirishSchuenemann: hmm... ok tell you what, can you update the thread with whatever u found, I know a guy who can check that & then update the wiki04:48
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Xsylotte!ubotu themes04:48
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:48
Schuenemannshirish, the forum?04:48
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shirishSchuenemann: yup, on the forum, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63081&page=604:48
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Ayabarastrushb, cool. thanks for the pep talk :-)04:48
Elfonhorsebackpete, sorry i'm a total ubuntu / linux noob04:48
Schuenemannshirish, how did you find that, anyway? I didn't remember telling you I posted there04:48
SchuenemannI don't*04:49
pete83Elfonhorseback, no problem04:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:49
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shirishSchuenemann: lol that was simple, the wiki page was based on that thread04:49
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Schuenemannheh ok04:49
ipx_What is the best VNC-Server to use on a windows machine that i need to control from a ubuntu machine?04:49
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shirishthe wiki page is based on that thread04:49
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brunnerthe BIOS on my Dell SC420 doesn't see my this DVD burner at all, and the BIOS can't be flashed with a windows live cd... apparently, it has to be a full windows install. do you guys have any ideas?04:49
Elfonhorsebackpete, i guess i'm off to dig up more stupid questions / problems04:49
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ipx_brunner: you sure that you jumpered the burner right?04:50
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pete83dissonans: how is eac different form the Soundjuicer program that comes with Ubuntu?04:50
brunneripx_: I did it according to the label on the burner04:50
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ipx_brunner: is it IDE? Tell me how its jumpered and how its connected :)04:51
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Qnixhey guys  when i download files from " apt-get -d " i mean as download mode .. where does the file get saved ??04:51
Schuenemannshirish, ok, done. Thanks04:51
brunneripx_: I tried setting the PATA HD has master and the burner as slave, and then I tried the opposite, and then I tried setting both to cable select04:51
Klavieri have ubuntu dvd.. can i install xmms from ubuntu DVD.. i dont have internet on ubuntu04:51
ipx_brunner: and none worked? Gah :/&04:51
Klavieri installed it but i dont have net04:51
strushbKlavier: did you install from that dvd?04:51
Qnixhey guys  when i download files from " apt-get -d " i mean as download mode .. where does the file get saved ?????04:52
brunneripx_: when the hard drive was master, the BIOS could see the hard drive. in any other configuration, the BIOS couldn't see either drive.04:52
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Klavierstrushb is there any package manager for dvd04:52
QnixGUYS PLEASE .. when i download files from " apt-get -d " i mean as download mode .. where does the file get saved ??04:52
pete83Qnix, not completely sure, but check out the folder /var/cache/apt/archives04:52
Ayabarastrushb, I'm still learning about this permissions stuff. what you said means that any user with a laptop where he/she is admin can plug in my usbdrive and chown the folders?04:53
brunnerQnix: man locate04:53
ipx_  brunner: youre right, the boot-harddrive should always be master04:53
strushbKlavier: open synaptic, you can (re)add the dvd to your list of repositories and search for packages04:53
ipx_brunner: you got an extra IDE-slot on your motherboard?04:53
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rausb0Qnix: i think in /var/cache/apt/archives04:53
brunneripx_: I don't think so. let me check.04:53
ipx_brunner: the most motherboards have04:53
strushbAyabara: sure, control over the hardware means control over the contents04:53
Klavieri wish there is codecs on dvd too04:53
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brunneripx_: nah, the rest are SATA04:54
shirishSchuenemann: I have also edited the wiki, but with a check thing against, somebody whom I know will probably check or somebody else might check it & do it accordingly.04:55
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strushbbrunner: some BIOS disables IDE and simulates Sata drives on IDE0 and IDE1... you might check on that04:55
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Ayabarastrushb, ok. so the only way to _really_ protect drives is to encrypt them. good to know :-)04:55
brunnerstrushb: my PATA hard disk is working well04:56
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Schuenemannshirish, yeah, I'm not 100% sure it works like I said, since I made some attempts before04:56
brunnerstrushb: it's just the DVD burner that doesn't work04:56
strushbbrunner: ups, nevermind04:56
AyabaraI have noauto in /etc/fstab for the hfs+ usb drive, but when I plugged it in it was mounted anyway. does noauto only mean "not at boottime"?04:56
brunneroh well, screw it. I'll just buy a new dvd burner... they're so damn cheap now it's crazy.04:56
strushbAyabara: exactly04:57
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brunnerso it's been a long time since I've run linux as my primary OS... like before the ubuntu project was around... does the latest stable version of ubuntu come with compiz and all that?04:57
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ipx_brunner: ok :/04:58
Ayabarastrushb, I'm learning a lot today :-)04:58
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ilikec0wsbrunner, It has a built in simple compiz yes, that alows wobbly windows/cube04:58
strushbAyabara: glad to be any help at all ; )04:58
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Shadow6363Frogzoo, so I tried the bridging again to no avail :(04:59
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brunnerI think I'll end up liking Ubuntu.04:59
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FrogzooShadow6363: sudo ifconfig br xx.xx.xx.xx up05:00
bronzeDoes anyone know of an open forum with bbcode? No registration.05:00
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sdravki4Is someone here from BG05:00
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Shadow6363did that, nothing05:00
FrogzooShadow6363: then you should be able to ping the br0 ip05:00
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CineScopeI tried enabling desktop effects but it makes things slower(ex. opening an image with gqview) so I turned it back off again.05:01
bronzewhere can I parse code?05:01
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pdlnhrdhow do you create a shortcut key combo to launch an application?05:01
brunnerso Ubuntu has only two releases, a stable and an unstable, right?05:01
shirishout guys05:01
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AyabaraI have /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 (two external drives) in my /etc/fstab, but the timing when I start them up decides which is sdb1 and which is sdc1. Can I use a UUID to make sure that they are always mounted on the same mountpoint?05:01
Ayabara(hope someone understood that :-)05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parsebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:02
dr_evilAyabara yes05:02
Shadow6363Ayabara, if you can figure out their UUID's then yeah, that would work.05:02
strushbbrunner: there are more, the testing replaces stable someday and there will be another testing05:02
CineScope ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/05:03
strushbAyabara: you need to replace /dev/sdb1 by /dev/disk/by-uuid etc05:03
strushbdarn ; )05:03
AyabaraShadow6363, is there a known way to figure it out?05:03
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FrogzooAyabara: I can't believe sdc & sdb keep swapping around - is this ide or sata?05:04
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strushbthe line from cinescope tells you what id is currently mapped to sda etc05:04
varaonaidhi, how do i disable a startup daemon in feisty?05:05
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dr_evilAyabara this might help http://manual.sidux.com/de/part-uuid-de.htm05:05
AyabaraFrogzoo, it's external usb drives.05:05
Enselic_varaonaid: what deamon in particular?05:05
[[GUiLTY] ] does anyone knows why a blacklisted module continues loading after each reboot?05:05
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varaonaidEnselic_: power manager05:05
Shadow6363Ayabara, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID05:05
FrogzooAyabara: what file systems ?05:05
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MetaBookfoziShi all, has anybody a working proftpd? Mine eats up my cpu with only one transfer, does anybody know, why?05:06
AyabaraFrogzoo, hfs+05:06
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dr_evilFrogzoo I have a similar "problem", sometimes the dev names are completely different, but the uuid based mounting helps05:06
AyabaraShadow6363, dr_evil, thanks05:06
FrogzooAyabara: that a mac thing?05:06
Enselic_varaonaid: try gnome-power-preferences (found through man gnome-power-manager)05:07
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varaonaidok, thanks05:07
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varaonaidEnselic_: thanks for the info!05:07
dr_evilFrogzoo sometimes the order is 1:1, and sometimes it's http://home.arcor.de/your_name_here/sata.txt05:07
Stwangeis there not a java 5 plugin for firefox? I don't want to downgrade java just for the plugin05:07
AyabaraFrogzoo, yep. I'll receive a MB pro one of the following days, and it seemed the best fs to use from both Ubuntu and OSX05:07
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:08
FrogzooAyabara: can you set a disk label in hfs+ ? that would be best maybe05:08
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AyabaraFrogzoo, I think that's possible05:09
EckseI managed to get my Ubuntu CD to load all the way after I changed some SATA settings and set up my RAID. I put it to single drive mode. The odd thing is, every time my cd drive light turns on, my HD light goes on too.05:09
weblordpepehelp. cat...snuggling...on.....arm....cant...irc..effectively05:10
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FrogzooAyabara: mkfs.hfsplus -v volume_name              -hopefully this will work same as ext3, which mounts your usb as /media/volume_name05:10
strushbweblordpepe: here, my dog can help ya ; )05:10
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Yulquenquestion 2: is it possible in ubuntu to run UnionFS, or an equivalent of it, to merge the file-trees of several (ntfs) disks into one smb network share? (ntfs disks containing dvd iso's with alphabetical root folders)?05:10
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weblordpepeYulquen: holy crap that would rule05:11
strushbYulquen: yes ; )05:11
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strushbnever tried, but that should work....05:11
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Yulquenweblordpepe: its impossible in xp05:11
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weblordpepeis  it done with fuse?05:12
EckseI changed some SATA settings and set up my RAID. I put it to single drive mode. The odd thing is, every time my cd drive light turns on, my HD light goes on too. It did this before I set it up with RAID. Is this bad or should I continue to install ubuntu?05:12
michelecsHi, I'm trying to force a python program to run with python2.4, but it still tries to load python2.5 libraries. What should I do?05:12
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AyabaraFrogzoo, sounds like a plan. but... that will recreate the fs as well as set volume_name, won't it? I have lots of data on the drive, so I need to just set the label. I'll google a bit :-)05:13
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strushbmichelecs: I think you need to change some path settings, too05:14
Shadow6363Frogzoo, I can ping the bridge, but I cannot ping the router.  When in the bridge, I should still be able to access the internet in my host os, not just the guest os correct?05:14
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weblordpepe..how do you ping the bridge?05:14
michelecsstrushb: do you any suggest about the env var I should look at?05:14
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weblordpepebridge doesnt have an ip05:14
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: FYI you can dd just the bootloader using 461 and not touch the partition info05:15
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weblordpepe:/ or am i barking up the wrong linux distro tree branch05:15
brunnerlinux doesn't need to have a /boot partition within the first X GB of the drive in order to dual boot, right?05:15
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Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, That is what I figured but I wasn't 100% sure05:16
brunnerI mean, I can install Windows in the first 20GB of the drive and leave the rest as free space and then install Ubuntu, right?05:16
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: Consider it tested....05:16
Jack_Sparrowbrunner: yes05:16
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strushbmichelecs: nope05:16
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FrogzooShadow6363: "in" the bridge??05:17
brunnerwill the ubuntu installer setup GRUB, or do I have to do that after it's installed somehow?05:17
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Frogzoobrunner: should set it up if it goes right05:17
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brunnerwindows likes to be the first partition, right?05:18
Frogzooweblordpepe: bridge groups appear as an interface, and you manage it like any interface05:18
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Jack_Sparrowbrunner: yes05:19
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Jack_Sparrowbrunner: I still keep a fat32 partition that I share with ubuntu and XP05:20
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brunneryeah, I was planning on sticking 5GB of FAT32 at the end05:20
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Jack_SparrowI put mine after XP rather than at the end05:21
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brunnerdoes it make a difference?05:21
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CineScopethere is also an ext2/3 driver for windows that works pretty well05:21
brunnerCineScope: oh really?05:21
weblordpepeand linux is good with NTFS now too05:22
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Jack_Sparrowbrunner: NOt really, but since I am in XP as the first os.. it made sense to have partiton magic add it right after the ntfs05:22
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Jack_Sparrowweblordpepe: I know it writes to ntfs... I just dont like either os writing to the OS partiton.05:22
kbrookseveryone who uses windows and wants ubuntu w/o the hassle:05:22
brunnerI've had bad luck with partition magic05:22
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html05:22
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Jack_Sparrowweblordpepe: to the other OS's partiton05:22
kbrooksuse that :-)05:23
brunnerI couldn't get rid of it from my MBR once I installed it05:23
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kakkoii'm having problem loading gdm to log in to my system05:24
Jack_Sparrowbrunner: I dont think it matters where you place the fat32.. DO you understand my logic in not having another OS writing to the others partition05:24
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brunnerso with NTFS support in linux and ext3 drivers for windows, do I really need a FAT32 partition?05:24
brunnerJack_Sparrow: yeah05:24
brunnerI see your point05:24
kakkoiwhen it tries to load, all i see is the "loading" cursur spinning continuously05:24
brunnersafer and more secure, I suppose05:24
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kakkoithen it stays like that forever05:25
Jack_Sparrowbrunner: It probably dosent matter... but it cant hurt05:25
trekkmewhich tool di i use for showing me the wifi signals around me?05:25
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brunneris NTFS support it in linux still considered experimental?05:25
Jack_Sparrowbrunner: not any more05:25
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kakkoii also tried to install KDM, but when I'm logged in, it only shows white screen05:25
Jack_Sparrowbrunner: pretty stable from what I read05:25
brunnermy have the times changed05:25
Anlarbrunner: works pretty awesomely nowadays, thanks to ntfs-3g05:25
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Jack_Sparrowtrekkme: wifi-radar or something like that05:25
CineScopetrekkme: "iwlist scan" typed into a terminal should work05:26
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ian_waxhello, would someone be able to tell me how remove my terminal from loading upon startup?05:26
DhanjelI've managed to set a theme that crashes the gnome-menu for some reason, how do I start the theme-manager from the terminal?05:26
ian_waxi did it by accident yesterday and05:26
brunnerso maybe I'll take the plunge and go without a FAT32 partition at all05:26
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ian_waxit has now become a bother05:27
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bulmerian_wax: whats become a bother?05:27
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trekkmeok, "iwlist scan" is just what i needed, is it accurate up to date readout or does it use some cached files?05:27
Klavierwhere can i download  a ubuntu package for installing it a local machine.. that not have internet05:27
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Klavierlike pkg_add xmms.tbz05:27
kbrookstrekkme, surprising question05:28
brunnerntfs-3g comes with the current stable version of ubuntu, right?05:28
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kbrooksbrunner, no.05:28
Jack_SparrowI think it does05:28
kbrooks!info ntfs-3g05:28
ubotuntfs-3g: read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.328-1 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 88 kB05:28
BonzodogDhanjel: try alt+F2 the 'gnome-theme-manager'05:28
brunnerI see05:28
kbrooksbrunner, ok, i'm wrong05:28
Jack_Sparrowgood to know05:28
DhanjelBonzodog, thanks05:28
weblordpepeit does05:28
weblordpepeits in there, dude05:28
brunnerwhat's all this 'universe' stuff I keep hearing about05:28
brunnerit must be an apt repository?05:29
weblordpepeubuntu makes you put in the root password before you can write to ntfs05:29
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:29
kbrooksbrunner, yeah05:29
kbrooksweblordpepe, thats not true05:29
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weblordpepeis too!05:29
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trekkmewhats so surprising bout it? i think the ubuntu network manager uses that readout too, and when i disconnect my atenna it still shows me the last hotspots it knew...05:29
=== weblordpepe pulls kbrooks' hair
brunnerI'll read up on this05:29
ompaulbrunner, do /msg ubotu components05:29
Anlarweblordpepe: that is not true.05:29
weblordpepei wonder why mine does then.05:29
kbrooksweblordpepe, prove it please.05:29
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weblordpepei never installed ntfs-3g05:29
weblordpepealthough i did install the tools for it05:30
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kbrooksweblordpepe, you implicitly installed ntfs-3g probably.05:30
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weblordpepeahh i broke my fstab now so i cant do it05:30
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weblordpepewell my default install of fiesty let me write to ntfs volumes after i put in my password05:30
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kbrooksweblordpepe, pastebin it and i can help you.05:30
weblordpepewhats pastebin?05:31
LucianIndyhow do i apply a new set of system sounds as found on gnome-look.org05:31
kbrooks!pastebin > weblordpepe05:31
ian_waxdoes anyone have some advice to remove my terminal from loading on startup?  it's a small problem, but i really need to learn how to control what is loaded in my sessions05:31
kbrooksweblordpepe, look at your PM from ubotu05:31
kbrooksian_wax, why?05:31
kbrooksweblordpepe, ?05:31
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kbrooks!pastebin > kbrooks05:32
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ian_waxi changed something yesterday and now it loads on startup05:32
LucianIndyian_wax, System->Preferences->Sessions05:32
llllllllIn system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts, I've got key combinations like "0xa2" and "0xcc". What do they mean? How do I input that shortcut?05:32
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LucianIndydoes anyone know how to apply new systems sounds from gnome-look.org?05:33
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ian_waxit doesn't show up in my startup programs05:33
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bulmerian_wax: whats become a bother? can you elaborate, which program you have loaded?05:33
TJ--problem here:  installed Ubuntu 7.04 on a laptop with XP pro already installed..05:33
ian_waxand i am very wary that i have done something on the back-end, not the front05:33
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Rosshallo. can someone tell me where can i modifie kde's  keypad combinations?05:34
TJ--installation/repartitioning went fine05:34
Ross(excuse my english)05:34
TJ--upon reboot  i get a error msg05:34
dsuchHm, is there a way to check what graphics card does my machine have? (so far I've learnt about /etc/cpuinfo and /etc/meminfo but there's no /etc/gfxinfo :)05:34
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weblordpepeubuntu makes you select .wav files for sound effects doesnt it?05:34
TJ--BASH-like time editing is supported05:34
ian_waxit's nothing huge, but i do not fully understand how to make changes on the system05:34
weblordpepeon the command line05:34
TJ--For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions05:34
weblordpepelists hardware05:34
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bulmerian_wax: whats become a bother? can you elaborate..what is it thats bothering you at startup?05:35
dsuchah, great05:35
ian_waxwhat happened is upon startup my computer loads the terminal screen and the program is open on the desktop05:35
TJ--Anywhere else TAB list the possible completions of a device/filename05:35
weblordpepeyou may also try05:35
weblordpepeapt-get install hardinfo05:35
weblordpepefor a GUI05:35
TJ--can someone help me get it running05:35
ian_waxi must have made some changes to the session, but what i did i am not sure of05:35
bashihey all i just made a website and my browser (firefox) wont play the midi files.05:35
Rio79is it possible to pick a resolution that is not selectable from the system > preferences > screen resolution menu ?05:35
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kbrooksian_wax, you followed a guide05:35
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bulmerian_wax you may try modifying /etc/inittab05:36
ian_waxactually i poked around and did something i shouldn't have05:36
ian_waxthat is the likely case05:36
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Rossplease, i need help for where modify kde's shortcuts!05:36
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=== weblordpepe stands on one foot on top of a unicycle on top of a phone book
weblordpepeok everyone watch05:37
weblordpepeim gonna do something real cool05:37
=== weblordpepe falls flat on his face
TJ--is there a way to uninstall and then reinstall ubuntu ?05:37
Rio79har har05:37
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bashittee he he05:37
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ian_waxi put in sudo gedit /home/X11/inittab05:38
bulmerTJ--: same way you did a fresh install, select the same partitions05:38
ian_waxthere is nothing in side it05:38
bulmerian_wax scroll back and see what i typed05:38
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ketrox<bulmer> ian_wax you may try modifying /etc/inittab05:38
TJ--thx bulmer  i will try that now05:39
ketroxnot if he use feisty05:39
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bulmerwhose smart idea is that to change the standard files for these kind of things..gessh05:39
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ian_wax i typed sudo gedit /etc/inittab and nothing loaded05:39
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:40
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ian_waxwell, the editor loaded, but the screen is blank05:40
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ian_waxthere is nothing in the /etc/inittab05:40
Rossi have to modify kde's keybindings: please, help me.05:40
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addykHello can someone help me with glx? how do I get direct rendering05:41
VeganCheesesteakhi everyone. I really need some samba help. how can i allow my users to access their home directories on the server?05:41
bulmerian_wax: well if feisty has change where things are, umm you may have to man inittab and hopefully it tells you where things are05:41
MSIGuyI've got a question about my Linksys WRT54G-L, I'm assuming someone out here is familiar with it or its family.05:41
OuZohow do i reconfigure grub? i want to delete all occurrences of it on all my hard drives so i can tryout feisty which is installed on another hard drive. thanks05:41
Channels_server irc.epiknet.org05:41
MSIGuyI was wondering how I can foward more ports than the router lets.05:41
sinapsi77someone know this: Tracksail http://tracksail.sourceforge.net/05:41
grybelfixxohh nvidia...05:41
=== Flare183 [n=jesse@adsl-159-93-42.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
addyknot nvidia...05:42
MSIGuyThere's like 10 spots to foward ports, but then they'res port triggering, is that what I should be using for BitTorrent?05:42
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ian_waxwould it work if i closed everything, left all the desirables running, then saved my session?05:42
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addykian_wax: what environment05:42
ian_waxagain, that would be making changes to the front-end without seeing exactly what i have done05:42
addykit would somewhat in kde and gnome05:43
ian_waxfeisty fawn05:43
bulmerMSIGuy: you can open up your WRT54G-L and make your linux box the true router/firewall and also put the hub switch after the linux box inward05:43
MSIGuyBut I don't want to do that, not yet.05:43
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Flare183What does "image checksum error" mean?05:43
[[GUiLTY] ] does anyone knows why a blacklisted module continues loading after each reboot?05:43
MSIGuyI'll put OpenWRT on there eventually, but just not till I've learned a little more about iptables, ect.05:43
MSIGuyNow I just want to use the web-interface.05:43
bulmerMSIGuy: maybe it has a feature to allow you to select the DMZ designated puter..05:44
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OuZowhy are all my usb drives "read-only", how can i change it back? thanks05:45
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times9is anyone here running VirtualBox?05:45
Flare183What does "image checksum error" mean?05:45
linoleumthe new drivers nvidia 100 are stable since june, so why there is not an upgrade to have those last drivers ?05:45
MSIGuyI don't want a computer in the DMZ though.  I have 2 computers, that I need a series of ports fowarded to, but there's only 10 slots, and each computer needs more than 5 ports fowarded.05:45
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ian_waxI have virtualbox, but i haven't started to run it because it doesn't recognize my established partitions05:45
ian_waxthat being said, it is loaded and functional05:46
times9ian:  when you run it without having loaded an OS,  is it slow?05:46
bulmerMSIGuy: maybe you have to google for a hack on that, those have linux behind it?  :)05:46
ian_waxnot to my knowledge05:46
grybelfixxany ideas? i have an nvidia 8800GTS here... only the driver provided by nvidia worked once or twice05:46
times9ian:  i.e. whenever you're changing the settings for a particular virtual disk05:46
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times9it responds so slowly05:47
Bogaurd_how can I change the timezone on my ubuntu feisty server?05:47
grybelfixxand now i get (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!05:47
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fblade1987hey guys dose the new ubuntu install support dvi ?05:47
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gharzjoin #centos05:47
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=== radioman I who remain as God created me Would loose the world from all I thought it was. For I am real because the world is not, And I would know my own reality. I loose the world from all I thought it was, And choose my own reality instead.
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ian_waxtimes9: you mean for a partitioned drive / usb / dvd/cd drive?05:48
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=== weblordpepe types hard in emacs attempting to write a program to stop the cat from making stinky farts
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weblordpepeif only my cat had a C compiler05:48
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fblade1987how can i resolve the x-sever error when trying to install ubuntu05:49
sebas_weblordpepe, linux will be able to do that05:49
times9ian_wax:  you dont make a partition for virtualbox05:49
times9ian_wax:  you use your existing filesystem and it creates a special image file.05:50
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times9my issue is that VirtualBox itself runs very slowly05:50
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times9i haven't yet installed a guest OS on it05:50
ruthhi, I'm having some problems just after installing 7.0405:50
times9and for whatever reason it's EXTREMELY slow05:50
fblade1987can anyone help me05:50
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ian_waxthat is a bit strange.  my experience with virtualbox on another feisty was rather good, until the OS loaded05:51
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ian_waxwhen i run my virtualbox, it doesn't make any difference to the rest of the unit05:51
ian_waxi have it loaded as we speak05:51
times9and the program itself is responsive?05:52
=== Nutubuntu [n=Jay@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
times9it lags05:52
ian_waxwell, we will see. i installed it yesterday05:52
times9it feels like a bogged down website05:52
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times9and not a native application05:52
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times9its pissing me off05:52
times9i dont have a guest OS installed either05:52
ian_waxhave you tried the vmware?05:52
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times9i have not05:52
bashihey everybody what is the firefox plugin that allows you to play midi files on websites? thanks05:52
times9what do you think ofi t?05:52
=== Filthpig [n=carl@ti0010a380-2074.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzootimes9: have you enabled dma on you HD?05:53
ian_waxnow, i have tried to load that, but upon installation it did not show up on my computer05:53
weblordpepebashi: cant help with the plugin, but you'll want to install timidity to get midi support in ubuntu05:53
Filthpigis there a way to separate the programs for kde and gnome?05:53
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times9Frogzoo:  how can i check that / enable it if it isnt?05:53
FilthpigI am running gnome now, but want to install KDE too05:53
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NutubuntuX seems to crash at night - is there still a screensaver issue? I'm running Feisty now, and I remember there being one back in Dapper but I don't remember how I fixed it. I still had screensaver running when I built the new box and migrated...05:53
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ruthsudo doesn't work on my machine, anybody have any idea why?05:53
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bashiweblordpepe:I have tried to put timidity on but i dont know if it works...05:54
weblordpepenot sure Filthpig, but programs from gnome or kde can run in either environment05:54
Filthpigbut I want KDE-apps only in KDE, and gnome-apps only in gnome05:54
times9ruth:  what do you mean it doesnt work?   if you elaborate i can maybe try to help you?05:54
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weblordpepebashi: yea its a bit of a slag to get going. and configuring with the soundfonts etc05:54
Filthpigweblordpepe: yes, but the menu gets messy as heck05:54
ruthI've just installed 7.0405:54
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weblordpepei cant remember what i did05:54
=== MacDougal [n=macdouga@xdsl-81-173-147-244.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
confuse_davidare there any c++ developers05:54
ruthif I try to login, it freezes around the splash screen05:54
bashiok thanks for your help05:54
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ruthand if I use a shell and then type sudo anything, if just hangs unresponsively05:55
Filthpigwell I can do it manually anyhoo05:55
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times9ruth:  this is after a fresh install?05:55
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Nutubuntumanually? - Filthpig - you mean with separate partitions or separate disks? something like that?05:55
ruththe computer is a brand new dell E52005:56
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ian_waxanyone using an MSI computer with built-in cam?05:56
ruthso I'm a bit puzzled: I mean, doesn't Dell ship ubuntu with some dells?05:56
FilthpigNutubuntu: no, I mean removing KDE-apps from the menu in gnome05:56
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Filthpigand vice versa in KDE05:56
Filthpigruth: yes they do05:56
Flare183ruth:>because people kept complaining about how they didn't like linux05:57
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Lodneccilux ba05:57
SeveredCrossYou'd figure libc6 would be one package that would always be up to date in the repos...but it's not.05:57
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horriblecircuitanyone familiar with tweaking twinview/ dual monitor? i'm having a tiny little issue05:58
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elvirolo2any news about the 3d app problem which many people  seem to be experiencing (for instance, enemy territory eventually freezes every time i use it)05:58
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Lodnecbingung nich mo nyetel dvd di ubuntu05:58
ruthFilthpig> do you know which version they're using?05:58
LamegoSeveredCross, the more crucial the package the less is probable to be updated to the latest version05:58
confuse_davidhey if anyone has boost on their computer.  could you please tell me how to compile this in ubuntu.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29109/05:58
SeveredCrossYeah, but Mono 1.2.4 needs libc6 >= 2.5.505:58
SeveredCrossSo I'm gonna try install the gutsy version see if it works.05:58
b-777I just installed an app from the repo, but its not showing up in my app list, is there a way to find an app and manually add a shortcut to the app menu?05:58
=== Biohazard [n=Bio@blfd-4db515ec.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
ian_waxany msi users?05:59
SeveredCrossb-777: What app--most should show up automatically in the menu.05:59
=== cambrose_ [n=cambrose@rrcs-67-52-224-207.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
b-777SeveredCross: Wine05:59
SeveredCrossErr, Wine will never show up.05:59
SeveredCrossYou don't need it to show up.05:59
SeveredCrossWine you run from the commandline.05:59
SeveredCrossie. wine /path/to/windows/executable.exe05:59
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SeveredCrossIt doesn't have a GUI.05:59
slickygive me a name of a dock, that works like kiba.. but dosent kill my cpu ;D05:59
ruthconfuse_david> what message do you get when you try to compile it?05:59
banlieueyou will have wine software uninstaller in your system tools06:00
Lamegoconfuse_david, have you installed libboost-regex-dev ?06:00
banlieueand wine regedit too, I believe06:00
=== LeeDesktop [n=lee@77-97-101-40.cable.ubr16.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ian_waxmsi notebook users i mean06:00
confuse_davidi installed libboost-regex-dev06:00
b-777SeveredCross ok...its just the previous version I installed (0.9.33 I beleive) had a GUI...so I just assumed 0.9.40 had a gui as well...06:00
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Filthpigruth: I believe it is Feisty (7.04)06:00
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SeveredCrossI don't recall 0.9.33 ever having a GUI of any sort.06:01
ruthFilthpig: that's the version I'm trying to run, how odd it doesn't work06:01
SeveredCrossIt might have had a configuration GUI.06:01
Lamegoconfuse_david, it builds fine with "g++ boost.c -lboost_regex -o boost" as expected :)06:01
b-777SeveredCross: Thats probably what it was I suppose06:01
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Filthpigruth: you might have to use the alternate install cd06:01
JDMKINGi got problems with w ine06:01
weblordpepeuh oh06:02
=== weblordpepe hugs JDMKING
JDMKINGhow do i run .msi files with it, it only says success! but nothing else06:02
weblordpepewhats wrong06:02
jogahey, I'm trying to play DVDs on Feisty. I followed the instructions on ubuntuguide.org (totem xine backend), but now when I insert a disc Totem tells me that there is no plugin to handle the movie06:02
FilthpigJDMKING: take them to #wine06:02
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JDMKINGoh ok thanks06:02
banlieuethere's GUIs available for Wine, I believe06:02
banlieueif you insist on having one06:02
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jogaI also tried installing gxine but that won't play it either06:02
Bonzodogruth: the dells that ship with ubuntu are a very particular h/w spec..all intel, GPU included06:02
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JDMKINGbut there is only 1 user there06:02
banlieuei'm thinking 'winetools' for example, b-77706:02
NutubuntuBased on about a dozen installs and reinstalls of Feisty on several boxes over the last couple of weeks, I would really recommend the Alternate CD or even the Minimal.06:02
b-777banlieue: Not insisting...I need to learn running programs from the command line anyway06:03
banlieuebut one could wonder why one would want/need a Wine GUI ;)06:03
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weblordpepei tried a normal feisty install on a 166 pentium with a 2x cdrom. haha. took like half an hour to get to the desktop06:03
banlieuethere has never been an official GUI, I believe06:03
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jogacan anyone play DVD movies on feisty?06:03
fushehJDMKING: it's #winehq06:03
weblordpepethe bloody thing powersaved the monitor before it booted up06:03
b-777banlieue: because I am a windows convert? LOL06:03
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:03
banlieuejoga: see that06:03
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Lamegoweblordpepe, you are not supposed to install ubuntu on such system :)06:03
ruthokay, thank you, I'll try the alternate CD install06:03
Broccolydo long commands in crontab need to be enclosed in quotes?06:03
hagabakawhat do you mean by wine gui?06:03
banlieueb-777: if you are you shouldn't touch Wine for a bit anyway ;)06:03
LamegoBroccoly, no06:03
weblordpepeLamego: i am an ubuntu addict. everything must try ubuntu06:03
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confuse_davidlamego: it works06:04
banlieueget used to some linux applications06:04
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banlieueb-777: which software are you currently (hoping to) emulate through Wine?06:04
Lamegoconfuse_david, ;)06:04
Stwangewill the 64 bit live CD run on a 32 bit CPU? I just need to use gparted on it06:04
BroccolyLamego: well it does work if the command has spaces in it06:04
magicmactelwhats a good hex editor in the repos?06:04
BroccolyLamego: doesnt06:04
LamegoBroccoly, one thing is a long command, another thing is "with spaces"06:04
confuse_davidlamego: earlier when i did following their directions, it said its not in the usr/bin06:04
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b-777banlieue: A majority of my windows based game and paltalk (Which is a instant messenger type deal06:04
weblordpepewine is great for a safety net when going to linux, i'd be lost without wine06:04
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jogabanlieue the instructions have a wrong path (there is no "examples" subdir)06:04
weblordpepepaltalk can work but it was a slag for me06:04
weblordpepei coudlnt get it going.06:05
BroccolyLamego: well thats what i meant heh06:05
magnetronmagicmactel: i use ghex, but it's kind of basic06:05
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banlieuejoga: did you try creating the folder?06:05
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jogabanlieue nah the script was on the parent06:05
banlieuealso, did you install libdvdread3 yet?06:05
jogaI'll try the instructions and see if it'll help, the ones on ubuntuguide didn't06:05
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Ace2016Hi all06:06
banlieueif the folder doesn't exist yet, I would just create it if I were you :] 06:06
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jogabanlieue why? :)06:06
Ace2016anyone know a text based browser that works in the terminal?06:06
confuse_davidgtg by06:06
b-777Well I guess I better go get used to some linux apps lol06:06
banlieuejoga: because it seems to want it there06:06
StwangeAce2016, lynx06:06
nich0sWhat is the apt-get command to remove a pkg?06:06
ian_waxhow do you get feisty to recognize that indeed the built-in webcam device exists?06:06
banlieueb-777: ever use Pidgin?06:06
magnetronAce2016: w3m, elinks, lynx06:06
banlieueb-777: formerly known as Gaim06:06
SeveredCrossAce2016: Lynx, W3m, links, elinks.06:06
banlieueit might be able to replace paltalk06:07
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b-777banlieue: No...gaim works fine for me...but paltalk is where I met a lot of friends06:07
ian_waxif anyone has experience with an MSI machine and knows this06:07
SeveredCrossThough lynx > w3m.06:07
banlieueah, so Gaim doesn't support paltalk's protocol, then?06:07
nich0sWhat is the apt-get command to remove a pkg?06:07
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b-777banlieue: Nope06:07
banlieuethat sucks06:07
dr_willisnich0s,   apt-get remove whatever06:07
banlieueI have the same with voipbuster and skype06:07
b-777banlieue: but paltalk supports MSN, YIM and AIM06:07
dr_willisnich0s,  logical eh?06:07
magnetronian_wax: does the webcam have ubuntu drivers?06:07
nich0sdr_willis: Aye. :P06:07
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magnetron!hardware | ian_wax06:07
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:07
cambroseSorry to bug you guys, but I'm trying to get a streaming video to play off tvlinks.co.uk and was wondering if I could get some help06:07
ubotuian_wax: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport06:07
ian_waxi installed some last night for it06:08
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ian_waxi don't know if mine was listed06:08
Nutubuntudr_willis, when you installed VMware - did you put up a Win virtual machine? If so, I have a genuinely dumb question - how did you get the virtual machine to boot so that you could run install? I have no physica floppy disk drive in the box I'm trying to install onto ... thought I'd never need one again ;)06:09
magnetroncambrose: there is no streaming video there, that's why06:09
Filthpigis there a window border for gnome that imitates the "old" windows-look? (98/NT)06:09
emilesI am new to Ubuntu and so far I love it.  I have installed the desktop version on my laptop but I want to run a webserver so I can build and test websites.  is there a pre-packaged package (LAMP?)that I can install or do I need to install individually?06:09
ian_waxthere are a few MSIs listed06:09
banlieueFilthpig: did you try gnome-look.org yet?06:09
jogabanlieue gxine tells me it can't find a demuxer for the stream06:09
magnetron!theme | Norwegian Filthpig06:09
ubotuNorwegian Filthpig: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:09
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ian_waxbut none that are my model.  i am not familiar if the older ones even had webcams installed06:09
cambrosehttp://www.tv-links.co.uk/show.do/1/272 there you go magnetron, that's the exact site I am at06:09
Filthpigbut searching for "redmond" and "windows" gave nothing06:09
jogabanlieue I've installed all the coded packages mentioned06:09
dr_willisNutubuntu,  i always  boot off the .iso image files.    ive never needed a floppy disk. :) a floppy image couldbe useable I guess...06:10
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dr_willisNutubuntu,  what are you trying to install?06:10
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banlieuejoga: I suppose suggesting to use VLC is not really a solution, is it? :o06:10
Nutubuntu:( Win98 (for my sins) dr_willis06:10
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emilesApache, Mysql,06:10
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jogabanlieue if it works, sure06:10
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banlieuejoga: you should try playing your DVD with VideoLAN/VLC (videolan.org)06:11
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dr_willisNutubuntu,  just use a windows 98 cd rom .iso file.06:11
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banlieueor mplayer06:11
ian_waxit appears that none of the tested msis have buit-in cameras06:11
banlieueit's not a solution to the problem if it works, but at least you'll be able to watch DVDs until you do fix the problem06:11
dr_willisNutubuntu,  or trackl down a vmware image on the net.  Youmay have better luck with windowsME also (ickly i know) but uit has more drivers included06:11
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bashifollowing the ubuntu forums i installed mplayer and still cant play backround midi files from websites can anyone help me?06:11
jogabanlieue I'll try VLC, I'm gonna give this laptop to my sister in half an hour so I'd like something to work06:11
banlieuemplayer is available at http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html06:11
ian_waxi could always throw my logitech usb cam on, but it might work in the interim06:11
banlieuebut try VLC first :)06:11
jogapersonally I'd use mplayer but VLC will do now06:11
Bonzodogian_wax: Webcams are very much an unknown quantity with Linux...support is fairly spartan06:12
cambroseany suggestions as to why this video won't show up for me?06:12
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BonzodogThey just have never been a priority with devs06:12
nich0sI tested out KDE and I want to make sure that it is completely gone, I've removed kubuntu-desktop, kde, and kde-core.06:12
ian_waxthere is a driver for my unit06:12
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ian_waxbut i don't know how to get it recognized06:12
Nutubuntudr_willis, I've installed VMware server and would rather install stuff myself - just for the fun of it ;P - I'll have to dig up a 98 iso image, my original CD is in a box somewhere and I was hoping to work from the copy of the .cabs I put on my old hard drive instead06:12
jogabanlieue ye, VLC works, will do for now06:12
Bonzodogis it built06:12
jogathank you06:13
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banlieuejoga: alright, np and come back later to solve the real problem ;)06:13
dr_willisNutubuntu,  cabs? ICK.06:13
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sam_hi everyone, i kinda got myself into a little bit of trouble with samba06:13
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sam_i noticed that my computer wasnt in the right windows workgroup06:13
sam_so then tried to configure samba myself06:13
Bonzodogian_wax: is the driver built and installed?06:13
dr_willisnich0s,  why bother removing it.. theres too many good programs  to remove it :) i keep gnome+kde+xfce all installed...06:13
Frogzoosam_: /etc/samba/smb.conf06:14
sam_and now it doesn't work06:14
ian_waxyes, the driver is built and installed06:14
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logreevalHi, firefox seems to "not respond" alot while im watching videos on youtube or similar...06:14
Frogzoosam_: oh lol - purge & reinstall06:14
sam_how do i restore that to a default version?06:14
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banlieueflash and linux aren't best of friends, logreeval06:14
ian_waxfollowing support forum directions06:14
sam_a what?06:14
banlieueneither are flash and windows, to my experience06:14
Frogzoosam_: sudo dpkg --purge samba06:14
banlieueflash is just very unstable these days06:14
nich0sdr_willis: I just wanted to make sure that I had all of the free space that I could possibly need. I want to make sure that this keeps running quickly forever.06:14
sam_and then install it again?06:14
logreevalah, sounds like a good answer for me then :)06:14
Frogzoosam_: aye06:14
emilesI am new to Ubuntu and so far I love it.  I have installed the desktop version on my laptop but I want to run a webserver so I can build and test websites.  is there a pre-packaged package (LAMP?)that I can install or do I need to install individually?06:14
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Bonzodogis the driver now loaded then?06:14
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: i've never had a prob with flash/linux06:14
FrogzooIndyGunFreak: ?06:15
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sam_thank you06:15
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ian_waxyes, it is loaded06:15
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: oops, eyes were crossed06:15
dr_willisnich0s,  hacving kde and gnome installed - wont slow things down.. Freespace is a bigger issue i guess.. :) but i found 500gb hd's on sale for #$10006:15
IndyGunFreakmy bad06:15
banlieueFrogzoo: i don't have a dog06:15
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ian_waxi put in the microdia webcam driver06:15
nich0sdr_willis: he he. I guess I will just have to upgrade. :P06:15
GigaClonthe only issue with flash and linux i have had is font sizes being different and being cut off06:16
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banlieuei've had tons of issues with flash, myself06:16
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Bonzodogian_wax: is the driver loaded now using modprobe?06:16
sam_this is the error message i'm getting06:16
sam_i tried what you said06:16
sam_ * Starting Samba daemons...                                             [fail] 06:16
sam_invoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "start" failed.06:16
sam_dpkg: error processing samba (--configure):06:16
sam_ subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:16
sam_Errors were encountered while processing:06:16
sam_ samba06:17
sam_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:17
magnetronbanlieue: since the player is closed source, Adobe is the only one to blaim06:17
ian_waxyes, i performed that last night06:17
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Frogzoobanlieue: flashplugin-nonfree ?06:17
sam_any ideas?06:17
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banlieuemagnetron: I was blaming Adobe, indeed06:17
banlieuethanks for noticing ;)06:17
Bonzodogian_wax: do a sudo lsmod and make sure it shows up06:17
Stwangemy mate installed XP onto a new partition of a vista computer, but then it would only boot into XP, so then he deleted the XP partition and it won't boot at all because the bootloader needs repairing. Is there any way to do this with a ubuntu live CD? (he doesn't have the vista dvd)06:17
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banlieueFrogzoo: yea06:17
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banlieueStwange: the general rule is to install windows first, ubuntu second06:18
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Frogzoobanlieue: did you try bumping up local cache to unlimited?06:18
banlieuewindows tends to get all funky with the boot06:18
sam_i agree with that stwange06:18
magnetronbanlieue: Stwange did not install ubuntu at all06:18
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cambroseanyone have any experience using the videos posted on this site? http://www.tv-links.co.uk/06:18
banlieuei'm a moron then, nevermind06:18
Jordan_UStwange, You can install a 98/200/xp bootloader but I don't know if it will work with Vista06:18
cambroseusing ubuntu with em that is06:18
sam_when i did it the other way round, windows erased everything on my ubuntu partition!06:18
banlieueam I? this is an ubuntu help channel :o06:18
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AnlarStwange: you can install grub, if you got a small linux partition with certgain files, and force it to boot xp/vista/ubuntu etc06:19
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ian_waxi believe it is SN9c0206:19
pwilsonCan someone help me roll back beryl-core 0.3.0 to 0.2.0?06:19
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:19
ian_waxoops SN9c10206:19
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sam_does anyone know how i can restore samba to it's original conf file?06:19
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StwangeAnlar, he doesn't want ubuntu on the computer, I'm just wondering if I can use ubuntu (preferrably live CD) to repair the bootloader to get vista booting.06:19
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Bonzodogthen its the program that trying to access the webcam thats at fault06:20
sam_purge didn't work, or at least, i'm still getting an error06:20
Jordan_U!info ms-sys | Stwange06:20
Frogzoosam_: you purged & reinstalled?06:20
ubotustwange: ms-sys: Write a Microsoft compatible boot record. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB06:20
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Frogzoosam_: still doesn't run?06:20
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sam_ill show you the error message06:20
AnlarStwange: of course he wants ubuntu 8)06:20
sam_hang on06:20
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Sh3r1ffStwange: don't thin you can do tht, you'll need the vista cd06:20
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pwilsonBeryl 0.3.0 Crashes, I have the proper drivers isntalled, I was told that beryl 0.2.0 does not have this issue.06:20
banlieueI kind of enjoy people using ubuntu to fix windows quirkyness06:20
ian_waxexiga, amsn and kopete all fail to recognize it06:20
pwilsonwith my hardware.06:20
Anlarbest would be to use the vista dvd to run "fixmbr" and "fixboot"...06:20
sam_(Reading database ... 106530 files and directories currently installed.)06:20
sam_Removing samba ...06:20
sam_ * Stopping Samba daemons...                                             [ OK ] 06:20
sam_Purging configuration files for samba ...06:20
sam_Removing configuration file /etc/default/samba...06:20
StwangeSh3r1ff, that's the trouble, he hasn't got that DVD :)06:20
sam_Removing configuration file /etc/default/samba...06:20
Bonzodogian_wax: their webcam support is very dodgy at best06:21
sam_sam@sams-ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install samba06:21
sam_Reading package lists... Done06:21
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Jordan_UStwange, May want to check in ##windows also06:21
sam_Building dependency tree06:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:21
sam_Reading state information... Done06:21
sam_Recommended packages:06:21
Sh3r1ff!paste | sam06:21
Jordan_U!paste > sam_06:21
ubotusam: please see above06:21
sam_  smbldap-tools06:21
sam_The following NEW packages will be installed06:21
sam_  samba06:21
sam_0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:21
ian_waxwhat would you recommend for an application that runs MSN?06:21
sam_Need to get 0B/3341kB of archives.06:21
banlieuei'm assuming he just pasted a whole load of text by accident06:21
sam_After unpacking 8184kB of additional disk space will be used.06:21
sam_Preconfiguring packages ...06:21
sam_Selecting previously deselected package samba.06:21
banlieueand it's all queued now, wee06:21
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:21
sam_(Reading database ... 106483 files and directories currently installed.)06:21
magnetronian_wax: Gaim06:21
sam_Unpacking samba (from .../samba_3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2_i386.deb) ...06:21
sam_Setting up samba (3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2) ...06:21
=== sam_ [n=sam@user-5447c43c.wfd92.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [requested]
ian_waxdoes gaim have webcam support?06:21
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banlieuethere we go :] 06:21
banlieueian_wax: nop06:21
nalioth!tell sam_ about paste06:21
banlieueian_wax: gaim is pidgin now, by the way06:21
Sh3r1ffStwange: you can't expect ubuntu to fix the windows problems ;)06:21
Anlaridiots, that !spam is even more annoying06:21
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banlieueSh3r1ff: sure you can06:21
=== sam_ [n=sam@user-5447c43c.wfd92.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
banlieuejust install ubuntu instead of windows :] 06:22
ian_waxdoes pidgin have webcam support?06:22
Xitamii wonder is it possible to install ubuntu from the live cd ?06:22
banlieueian_wax: nop06:22
naliothsam_: please don't paste in here06:22
sam_thank you nalioth06:22
pwilsonCan anyone help, I just need the sybtac to uninstall beryl .0.3.0 and roll back to 0.2.006:22
BonzodogI have basically found that IM client support with webcams is *really* sporadic06:22
sam_yes i do realise no06:22
banlieueXitami: not only possible, but the default method06:22
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Anlarpidgin: no, and likely never really will.06:22
sam_it was a mistake06:22
magnetronian_wax: yes, but all webcams doesn't have Ubuntu support.06:22
Bonzodogsometimes it works, and sometimes, it doesn't06:22
ian_waxgeez. i will be a slave to my pre-installed vista forever!06:22
sam_i do apologise06:22
StwangeSh3r1ff - I know it won't fix it alone :) but I want to alter the boot record using the live CD. I'll try that ms-sys to do it06:22
banlieuethey're working on webcam support for pidgin last I checked06:22
pwilsonlol, syntax.06:22
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sam_but there was no need to force me out06:22
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banlieuesam_: there was :)06:22
ChielSmall question: When booting, I get no display on my lcd-tv. I've got it connected to my pc with DVI -> HDMI .. anyone got a suggestion for me ?06:22
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Jordan_U!hi | zigzag7106:23
ubotuzigzag71: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:23
banlieuesam_: you were flooding the channel :)06:23
Anlarian_wax: no, and likely never will. it's so low priority for the developers, they have been adding that feature for 5 years orso now06:23
Frogzoosam_: spammers get kicked, it's how it is06:23
magnetron!paste > sam_06:23
XitamiWell how do you install from the live cd banlieue ?06:23
sam_yes but 3 people before had already told me that06:23
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Anlar!spam > ubotu06:23
zigzag71has anyone purchased one of the Dell laptops with ubuntu installed on it?06:23
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-067.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UXitami, Click the install icon on the desktop06:23
sam_for the gazilionth time06:23
ubotusupport is The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org06:23
sam_i have seen the ubotu message06:23
Sh3r1ffStwange: i think windows has some programs to fix your mbr06:23
sam_please stop sending me it06:23
Xitamii don't have any install icon on my deskop :s06:23
ian_waxi am 80/20 ubuntu/windows at the moment06:24
Jordan_UXitami, What version of Ubuntu are you using?06:24
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ian_waxand the webcam availability is a real hindering factor06:24
Frogzooian_wax: that's 20gig you could be using for pr0n going to waste06:24
ian_waxfor going all the way06:24
Anlarian_wax: best bet would be to play with the openwengo.. it's the best im/voip application that has webcam support. standard sip06:24
Xitamihow do i see what version i am using ?06:24
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Jordan_UXitami, lsb_release -a06:24
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sam_anyway: can anyone tell me how to fix samba? frogzoo?06:24
ian_waxopenwengo eh06:24
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ian_waxi will look for at06:24
banlieueeveryone's watching tennis right now, I hope?06:24
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Frogzoosam_: pastebin the output somewhere06:25
Xitamiit's 5.10 Breezy06:25
ian_waxi love gaim for its simplicity with the caveat that i am pissed off that it lacks webcam support06:25
ChielSmall question: When booting, I get no display on my lcd-tv. I've got it connected to my pc with DVI -> HDMI .. anyone got a suggestion for me ?06:25
SeveredCrossWow, Breezy.06:25
FrogzooXitami: aagh.. - upgrade06:25
SeveredCrossGood God man.06:25
rocketsIs there any way to make HAL automount ntfs external drives with ntfs-3g06:25
Anlarian_wax: then perhaps something like amsn might do msn messenger with webcam support.. but it's otherwise kinda sucky06:25
SeveredCrossYou're 2 years behind.06:25
banlieueXitami: before you install anything, get the latest version of ubuntu instead06:25
GigaClonbanlieue, i don't have TV06:25
=== aantn [n=Natan@bzq-88-153-134-11.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:25
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:26
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rocketsDon't see !gnash. its near useless06:26
ian_waxamsn doesn't find my device06:26
=== dirtyalma [n=dirtyalm@ppp42-184.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Anlarokay I did "/ignore -regexp -pattern "^!" *" , hopefully that removes that silly ban :P06:26
Xitamioh ok but if i would like 2 install this version how do i do it ?06:26
ian_waxand it is a really hideous version of a windows app06:26
Jordan_UChiel, This is just a guess but I think that because of the DRM involved in HDMI it won't work until the proprietary drivers for your card are loaded06:26
=== llllllll [n=ben@host86-130-46-88.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
jwim running Feisty... for some reason, the network manager isn't showing any wireless adapters or anything other than wired or a modem... my wireless light is indicating its off and it wont come on... I checked Adept for missing apps, but there isnt... is there a way to force load wireless through the terminal?06:26
Anlarian_wax: some of those applications do only v4l1, some v4l2.. and drivers are either one :/06:26
magnetronian_wax: IS there any drivers for your webcam available?06:26
rocketsjw, i think I can help06:26
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rocketsjw, /msg me06:27
Chielmkay.. I'll try to look into that :)06:27
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ian_waxthere are, apparently06:27
=== raventhealoof [n=raven@cm173181.red91-117.mundo-r.com] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"]
ian_waxi used the microdia drivers06:27
jwrockets: wont let me do im...06:27
aantnrockets: on ppc gnash is the only choice06:27
ian_waxv4l i believe06:27
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Anlarian_wax: but if you know the people you will be chatting with, make them use openwengo. it exists for both windows and linux, uses stanrdard sip and is like skype but open source... and yes, they provide out calling services like skype etc06:27
Jordan_Ujw, Is your wireless card set to roaming mode in network-admin ?06:27
rocketsjw, you have to register with nickserv06:27
=== broedje [n=hellvis@p54B1170E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rocketsjw, what kind of wifi card do you have?06:27
Stwangeis the root password on the live CD just blank?06:28
SeveredCrossNo, there isn't one06:28
Anlarian_wax: it's actually pretty good. I'm waiting to burn my Skype credits to 0 and then switch to openwengo myself :p06:28
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magnetronian_wax, Anlar: ekiga also support06:28
Jordan_U!root | Stwange06:28
ubotuStwange: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:28
SeveredCrossJust like there isn't one on the final installation.06:28
ian_waxthe problem is that by default my partner operates on messenger as she doesn't own a computer06:28
SeveredCrossRoot is technically a disabled account.06:28
sam_any ideas?06:28
=== Polygon89 [n=mark@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ian_waxand she goes to internet cafes06:28
Anlarmagnetron: yeah, ekiga just has hideous gui and does only post stamp sized video06:28
=== pwuertz [n=pwuertz@helios.inter2.wohnheim.uni-mainz.de] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronian_wax, Anlar: ekiga also support SIP and webcams06:28
jwno.. all I have is Wired Connection set to automatic and the dialup modem set to off..06:29
TreMobylis emacs22 going to make it into gutsy?06:29
banlieuelol, !root is so fruity06:29
StwangeSeveredCross - ok, on the live CD, is there no password for sudo -i?06:29
Anlarmagnetron: yes, as I said. post stamp sized video.06:29
ian_waxexiga did not recognize my device either06:29
Frogzoosam_: you need to post the pastebin url back here06:29
aantnis flash available for amd64?06:29
magnetronian_wax: it's a driver issue06:29
Jordan_UStwange, Yes, it will just let you do it without prompting for one06:29
Frogzooaantn: yes, but only for 32 bit06:29
magnetron!flash64 | aantn06:29
ubotuaantn: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:29
Anlarian_wax: ekiga should really, it can use both v4l1 and v4l2 if you just have everything installed. does ANY applciation work with it?06:29
ernixquestion: Wireless network card doesn't work on ThinkPad Z60t.  I installed madwifi-ng(CSV), but this Atheros5212 chip still doesn't work. How to make it to work???06:29
v074g3rxdcc://DarkSin/irc.darksin.net/#bestwarez/BeST|DivX|002/#0019/(-DiVx-Ita-) The Messengers (- DVDRip - DeLuXe - )/msg BeST|DivX|002 xdcc send06:29
ian_waxif ubuntu wants to compete for windows users, the webcam issue would be one of a few places to start06:29
Stwangeok thanks06:29
=== gruesome [n=gruesome@c-76-106-160-208.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
banlieuev074g3r: wtg06:30
=== enry [n=enry@host69-249-dynamic.6-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
predaeusaantn, you can also try gnash, but that does not work too well with youtube videos yet. But basic flash things work.06:30
gruesomehey how do i change the width on a gnome panel?06:30
sam_here is the url of the error message06:30
=== jw is now known as mvsn
Anlarian_wax: many of them just work as 1-4 chipsets are dominating the webcam market..06:30
sam_ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29114/06:30
gruesomeim trying to make a dock/launcher06:30
ian_waxexiga didn't.. i wil try openwengo.. or i will go back to vista to use live messenger06:30
=== willskills [n=will@62-30-149-134.cable.ubr10.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronian_wax, who would write all the drivers for the webcams? do you think microsoft write any drivers for webcams? or is it the hardware manufacturers?06:30
banlieuegizmo project might be an option, depending on what you're trying to do, ian_wax06:30
Jordan_Uian_wax, There is unfortunately not much that Ubuntu can do about it if companies refuse to even release documentation for their hardware06:30
ian_waxmanufacturers clearly do06:31
banlieueit doesn't matter who writes them or why it is, ian_wax is right06:31
Anlarian_wax: could you tell us what is your webcam brand/model06:31
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bobsomebodydangit this is driving me nuts06:31
ian_waxit is a microdia cam.. actually on the MSI specs it says a USB20 CMOS webcam06:31
magnetronian_wax: i check which hardware is supported in ubuntu before i buy anything new. it saves me a lot of trouble.06:31
bobsomebodyi cant seem to get my ubuntu laptop to connect to my wifi (WEP TIKP)06:32
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:32
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ian_waxi was a little less picky because i just wanted to dual boot06:32
IndyGunFreak!wpa | bobsomebody06:32
ubotubobsomebody: please see above06:32
ian_waxbut then i changed my mind06:32
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport06:32
Jordan_Ubobsomebody, Does it connect to unsecured wireless networks?06:32
Frogzoosam_: you now need to configure /etc/samba/smb.conf06:32
sam_yeh, but can i restore it to default?06:33
sam_can i pastebin it to you?06:33
gruesomeanyone help me out?06:33
sam_the conf file?06:33
sam_and i06:33
sam_*and can you tell me how to do it06:33
magnetron!enter | sam_06:33
ubotusam_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:33
=== mboso_ [n=mboso@cpe-24-90-219-220.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoosam_: I have to head - someone likely will take a look06:33
bobsomebodyJordan_U, its a bit of a mess, i might have something set wrong06:33
ian_waxin truth, i would love to go down from vista to xp if i need windows webcam functionality06:33
Jordan_Ugruesome, Right click some empty space and go to properties06:33
gruesomeno width there just heaight..06:33
banlieuegoing from vista to xp is a good idea anyway:)06:34
sam_ok, sorry. can i send you the conf file and can you tell me what is wrong with it? i am new to linux so a bit stuck on this one.06:34
ian_waxbut these damn computers come loaded with vista06:34
=== kestaz [n=kestaz@78-61-143-188.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu
magnetron!helpme | enry06:34
ubotuenry: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:34
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Jordan_Ugruesome, Set it to not expand to fit the screen06:34
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sam_ok, thanks anyway06:34
enryi have a problem with kde06:34
gruesomei remember being about to get more options for the panel. I had found a tutorial on making a dock out of a gnome panel but i cant find it now06:34
=== AlbusDumbledoor is now known as AlbusDumbledore
enryi change a sound of system06:34
sam_can anyone else take a look at my samba configuration?06:34
=== Jacek_Kendysz [n=Jacek_Ke@unaffiliated/JacekKendysz] has joined #ubuntu
enryand now it's nofing me for everything06:35
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
gruesomeThanks Jordan!06:35
=== jj [n=jj@82-45-100-196.cable.ubr08.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
banlieueenry: you might want to try #kubuntu as well then06:35
Jordan_Ugruesome, np06:35
=== aantn [n=Natan@bzq-88-153-134-11.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu []
ian_waxi would  pay 75 for an extra gig of memory than a XP liscence06:35
nich0sdr_willis: DO you know where I would be able to find the 'gdmsetup' tool?06:35
banlieueso buy Dell06:35
banlieueor build your own06:35
=== roachmmflhyr [n=roachmmf@] has joined #ubuntu
Anlarian_wax: you got the usb id for that camera? like "sudo lsusb" and mine is Bus 005 Device 004: ID 05e1:0501 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd06:35
Jordan_Uian_wax, Dell.com/ubuntu :)06:35
banlieue(buy Dell laptops, and build your own desktops)06:35
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TreMobylsupport system76!!06:36
=== E-Jey [n=erik@84-245-25-41.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
TreMobylbuy dell if you want to, but system76 has been there for us for a long time now06:36
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ian_waxanlar: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0c45:624f Microdia06:36
=== Zerro [n=a@0x5550ec78.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
rob_bobsombody: My works fine with NDISwrapper06:36
Jordan_UTreMobyl, Yea, it's hard, system76 has supported us, but Dell is who we need :(06:36
jjanyone know anything about trixbox in here please ?06:36
banlieuesystem76 is way too expensive06:36
TreMobylJordan_U: we need both06:36
=== fatespeaks [n=fatespea@c-68-58-28-143.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TreMobylbanlieue: muuh?06:36
=== jhasse [n=jhasse@p5489FE10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UTreMobyl, That is true06:37
ian_waxcanadians aren't priviledged to this new ubuntu loaded dell syst06:37
rob_bobsombody: my webcam06:37
TreMobyljust don't forget our friends at system76 with all this dell hype.  :)06:37
Zerrohi is there some one that can help me with a Grub, Lilo problem ??06:37
banlieuelast I checked system76 was too expensive for the hardware they sell06:37
Jordan_Uian_wax, Yet :) I think they said they would sell outside the US soon06:37
banlieuemight be because they're serving a niche, i don't know06:37
TreMobylbanlieue: I'd be interested in that comparison, 'cause they didn't seem that way to me06:37
sam_just in case anyone gets a free second, here is the pastebin of my samba.conf file so if anyone can tell me how to fix it, i'd really appreciate it.06:37
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ubanlieue, They can't get the bulk discounts other OEMs get06:38
sam_oops, i forgot to paste it06:38
Oxx1hello all... i have a Toshiba Satellite p105 s9337, and reciently installed Ubuntu Feisty Fawn in here, and i cant make my HDA intel soundcard work.. installed all the codecs and drivers, and the music players seem to be playing fine but no sound from the speakers.... i searched on internet and it seems to be a regular problem with HDA intel cards but none of the solutions worked for me.... any help pleaseee?06:38
=== Tinned_Tuna [n=Daniel@adsl-87-102-68-57.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
banlieuethe prices on dell hardware (own product lines excluded) are very reasonable imo06:38
=== fatespeaks [n=fatespea@c-68-58-28-143.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tinned_Tunaif X server has died, what's the keyboard shortcut to cycle resolutions?06:38
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TreMobylregardless, buying PCs Designed For Windows and expecting them to work with Linux is (hopefully, mostly) over now06:38
banlieueJordan_U: I realise that, doesn't change the fact they're more expensive ;)06:38
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=== yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@cpe-75-84-73-241.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
TreMobylbanlieue: could be, but I didn't find system76 to be expensive when I looked at it06:38
Jordan_UOxx1, Have you checked alsamixer and the channels aren't muted ?06:38
TreMobylI just hope they keep up with technology06:38
roachmmflhyranyone find a fix for swap's uuid bug in feisty fawn06:38
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banlieuealso, system76 is US only, so it's not interesting for most users :] 06:39
ian_waxi am not bitter that i have problems with ubuntu on a win computer06:39
TreMobylI thought they shipped to .ca too06:39
banlieueUS and Canada, perhaps06:39
Anlarian_wax: yeah it's not directly yet supported.. but there are howtos that involve recompiling one kernel module after editing it slightly as one of very similar ohther webcams is supportted.. and it might or might not work06:39
banlieuestill means it's not interesting for most users :] 06:39
ian_waxit is a small price to pay to get free software06:39
TreMobylEuropeans have had Linux support for a while yet, iirc06:39
banlieueindeed, but not through system7606:39
TreMobylnot from Dell etc, but from Vobis06:39
jjtrixbox any one ??06:39
=== TreMobyl keeps wanting to call Vobis Vorbis. :)
Jordan_Uroachmmflhyr, You should check the bug report, if there is a fix it will likely be posted there first06:39
banlieuemany european governments are either already running linux or slowly moving towards running it06:40
ian_waxanlar: that might be too advanced for me.. as a linux owner i am four days old06:40
TreMobylbut back to emacs.  Will emacs 22 be in gutsy?  I've not seen it pop up yet.06:40
VivekShamrajcan i have two HDD having two different operating system running in my comp ... ? as Master and Slave ?06:40
ian_waxlinux-supported computer owner.. no one owns linux!06:40
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Anlarian_wax: yeah that's what I am afraid for. some 1-4 months from now there will likely be quite good support for that webcam, but not yet :/06:40
TreMobylian_wax: kinda we all do, subject to the gpl06:40
Jordan_UTreMobyl, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy06:40
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Tinned_Tunaian_wax: Linux Torvalds own Linux, as in the trademark, iirc06:40
TreMobylJordan_U: ah, danke.  Didn't know about that one06:40
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Oxx1yes i checked the mixers, and no channel muted06:41
xpointian_wax, its linus, not linux :-)06:41
banlieuelinus, bah06:41
homerjyou know what sucks about Dell selling Linux laptops?06:41
homerjthey did it a week after I bought this laptop06:41
Zerroany one plz i need help baddddly i can't boot my ubuntu06:41
homerjalso a Dell06:41
Jordan_UOxx1, What happens when you run: cat /dev/urandom | aplay06:41
banlieuelinus torvalds does not do the linux community any good anymore06:41
Oxx1ill try06:41
xpointhomanj_, and this sooks ?06:41
ian_waxanlar: i will wait for the support06:41
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VivekShamrajcan i have two HDD having two different operating system running in my comp ... ? as Master and Slave ?06:42
banlieuewith his arrogance and dust kicking06:42
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homerjxpoint, yes, because I would have bought one06:42
Oxx1Playing raw data 'stdin' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono06:42
Oxx1no sound trough speakers06:42
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nich0sHow do I change my dislpay manager back to gdm?06:42
Anlarian_wax: my webcam isn't well supported either, but there is a project (one insane swede) hacking on it and I get already some picture.. but the colors are all wrong :)06:42
homerjbut I don't think any of the ones they have a 17" screens anyways06:42
rambo3sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm06:42
MrXorgCan anyone tell me what a whack symbol is?06:42
homerjand Ubuntu works well on the E170506:42
ompaulnich0s,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm06:42
xpointhomanj_, you can do it still, just format C: :-)06:42
sam_sudo dpkg --configure samba06:42
Jordan_UOxx1, What about this ( turn down your speakers first this could be very loud ): cat/dev/urandom > /dev/dsp06:42
nich0srambo3: Thank you... I'm glad I was being stupid. :P06:42
nich0sompaul: Thank you. :P06:43
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sam_sorry, i wanted to type that into the terminal06:43
Anlarian_wax: especially the producers of the cheapest webcams (often on laptop lids...) are quite crappy in giving out information06:43
ompaulyw nich0s06:43
Oxx1ok ill try that now06:43
VivekShamrajcan i have two HDD having two different operating system running in my comp ... ? as Master and Slave ?06:43
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homerjthere isn't anything on my laptop that isn't supported06:43
Jordan_UVivekShamraj, Yes06:43
Oxx1bash: cat/dev/urandom: No such file or directory06:43
Oxx1thats the answer :S06:43
ian_waxanlar: that could be fun or the person on the other end06:43
Jordan_UOxx1, Sorry, there is a space after cat06:43
bulmerOxx1: leave a space between cat06:44
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Oxx1oh ok06:44
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ian_waxi thought msi sold linux systems too06:44
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abobneilhay can any one help me06:44
Zerrothis here any one that know why there are problems to install a boot loader on a "linux software raid" disk ??06:44
Oxx1no sound at all :S06:44
Jordan_U!anyone | abobneil06:44
ubotuabobneil: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:44
kismet!ask | abobneil06:44
VivekShamrajJordan_U: iam planning to put up another IDE HDD and have 2 OS ie linux and Win .....already have winxp running ....so u say thats possible ?any HowTo ?06:44
ubotuabobneil: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:44
AnlarCompaq has sold Linux systems from like 2001 as well, but only very selected models and you have had to know from where to ask06:44
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Tinned_TunaDell has sold Linux systems before06:45
Tinned_Tunain the business section06:45
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Tinned_Tunaand for like $800+06:45
nich0sIs there a command that I can use to reload the xserver without restarting the system?06:45
hatredxanyone a ps3 ubuntu user here?06:45
magic_ninjahas anyone tried banshee06:45
kismetnich0s, ctrl+alt+backspace06:45
Tinned_Tunanich0s: Ctrl Alt Backspace06:45
banlieueunless you changed it06:45
bulmernich0s: try also /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:45
ian_waxthere is still hope06:45
magic_ninjahatredx: my friend has a ps3 and we are going to put linux on it06:46
Oxx1jordan_U , any other suggestion pleasee????06:46
ian_waxanlar: is it worth going to pidgin?06:46
pr4bhhi guys, i have a question: is there any way to overclock intel 915gm chipset? i tried editing xorg.conf, dedicated more shared RAM but videos still flicker :S06:46
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Jordan_UOxx1, That didn't make any noise?06:46
VivekShamraj Jordan_U: iam planning to put up another IDE HDD and have 2 OS ie linux and Win .....already have winxp running ....so u say thats possible ?any HowTo ?06:46
hatredxword, I am having some slight performance issues ...06:46
abobneilcan u share files with windows?06:46
ian_waxby that i mean is it worth downloading to see if it has webcam capability06:46
Anlarian_wax: probably06:46
hatredxubuntu install takes "forever"06:46
Jordan_UVivekShamraj, Yes it is possible.06:46
rob_ianh_wax: it does not have support06:46
Jordan_U!dualboot | VivekShamraj06:46
ubotuVivekShamraj: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)06:46
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kismetian_wax, do you plan on using msn messenger ?06:46
kismetfor webcam06:47
hatredxbtw magic_ninja, psubuntu.com06:47
xpointhomanj_, contact dell and say you want to cancel windows license and get money back on it06:47
magic_ninjaI'm trying to get some business putting computers together, but i would offer the option to buy windows or get linux on it for free06:47
ian_waxi want to get rid of kopote too, it is really bulky06:47
magic_ninjahatredx: cool06:47
bulmerVivekShamraj: you must modify the bootable grub.conf to point to those additional hd if you want those to boot also06:47
abobneildose any one know how to share files with windows06:47
ian_waxyes, i plan on using msn messenger w/ webcam06:47
kismet!samba | abobneil06:47
ubotuabobneil: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:47
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kismet!amsn | ian_wax06:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:47
bulmerabobneil: ftp06:47
VivekShamraj@bulmer : How can i do that ? does grub help includes that ?06:47
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ian_waxamsn failed to recognize my camera !06:48
rob_ian_wax: us Ekiga softphone to test your webcam06:48
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ian_waxexiga failed to as well06:48
kismetian_wax, check for amsn in the repos it has webcam support for msn messenger06:48
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:48
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Jordan_Umagic_ninja, Cool, you could also tell them about Canonical paid support06:48
Anlarkismet / rob_ : no, his webcam simply doesn't have linux drivers. moot.06:48
bulmerVivekShamraj: it may have that in the help file, perhaps google for it has better help options06:48
ZeroA4abobneil, ssh is the easiest way06:48
cchanceWill ubuntu repositories work  straight with debian?06:48
abobneilwhat is that06:48
Jordan_Ucchance, No06:48
kismetAnlar, right hes been asking for im + webcam figured his webcam was up already.06:48
ian_waxit has one installed but i am trying to know if it is functional06:48
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rob_with ndiswrapper you use windows drivers in Linux, mine doe at least06:49
Oxx1jordan_U, u know what else can i try?06:49
VivekShamrajbulmer : Not sure of Keywords for googl-ing , do u know any for this ?06:49
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Jordan_UOxx1, Do you have another sound card?06:49
ian_waxi put on a microdia driver for linux06:49
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cchancejordan_u, will someof them? I need something to make my repositories, and they have not autogenerator06:49
bulmerVivekShamraj: multi-boot grub  as a starting point06:49
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Oxx1jordan_U , nop... only htat one06:50
magic_ninjaJordan_U: Yea, I would have that option available, and offer them so many months of free support from myself06:50
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inazadNeed help to recover an erased' file !!06:50
VivekShamrajJordan , ubotu , bulmer : thanks06:50
magic_ninjaJordan_U: if my customers choose to switch out an operating system I would like them to learn to use it as effortlessly as windows06:50
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Zerrois there a general error while trying to install grub on a satadisk in raid mode ??06:50
Jordan_Ucchance, Some *may* work, are you setting up your own repository for personal use or for others?06:50
ian_waxamlar, ksmet, and others; thanks for your assistance06:50
LucianIndydoes anyone know of any multiplicity like software for ubuntu linux?06:50
banlieueinazad: ext3?06:50
kismetYour Welcome.06:50
inazadbanlieue, yes06:51
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ompaulZerro, I have managed to do it without such an error06:51
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banlieueinazad: you can't06:51
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n2diyinazad, look for it in your garbage dir.06:51
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banlieueit zeros out the block pointers06:51
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inazadn2diy, I have done a rm -rf06:51
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Jordan_Umagic_ninja, Be careful with that, you sell even 20 computers and that could be a large obligation06:51
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n2diyinazad, the file is gone then.06:51
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abobneilso how do i setup a ftp server06:52
banlieueext3 zeros out block pointers when deleting files, so it becomes fairly impossible to undelete again06:52
Jordan_ULucianIndy, What does multiplicity do?06:52
inazadn2diy, yes but is still physicaly in the disk06:52
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Zerrooki i install fine on the md0 but when i try to install grub or lilo it fails06:52
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n2diyinazad, not with a linux OS06:52
KI4IKLis there a way to make my desktop icons smaller?06:52
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LucianIndyJordan_U, it allows you to use one keyboard/mouse for 2+ computers. . . software based not hardware06:52
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Zerroit is a fatal error06:52
banlieueKI4IKL: you can resize them by right clicking them06:52
LucianIndyits made by www.stardock.com06:53
eyemeanhi there, can some1 help me with watching kvcd pls?06:53
banlieueand selecting resize (or similar)06:53
inazadn2diy, why ?06:53
banlieueeyemean: did you try VLC player (videolan.org)?06:53
eyemeanyes, but audio crackles alot, not clear06:53
banlieueeyemean: are you sure it's not the file you're trying to play?06:53
n2diyinazad, linux actually erases stuff, compared to DOS/Windows just renaming deleted stuff.06:53
banlieueVLC uses its own codecs, it sounds unlikely for it to crackle06:54
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eyemeanyes, i tried it in windows and its fine banliue06:54
Jordan_ULucianIndy, Yes, and there is much more though I don't use it myself, the way X works you have many more possibilities for that type of software06:54
banlieueinazad: your files are gone once you delete them06:54
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inazadbanlieue, damn..06:54
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banlieueeyemean: did you use VLC or a different application?06:54
rob_Ian_wax: maybe take a look at http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/06:54
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:54
Zerroannnnny ideas how to fix it ??06:54
Anlarinazad: that's why it is called deleting. :)06:54
n2diyKI4IKL qsl ?06:54
inazadbanlieue, I have my file but signed... not encrypted06:54
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banlieueinazad: it's actually a good thing ;P but not for you right now06:54
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LucianIndyJordan_U, have any idea what the package name is for this?06:54
eyemeanVLC and others i have won tplay it06:54
KI4IKLAlabama, n2diy06:54
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Chousukebanlieue: actually, the files aren't gone06:54
Jordan_ULucianIndy, No, sorry :(06:54
eyemeantried xine and Mplayer06:55
Chousukebanlieue: but the fs no longer has anything that you can access them through.06:55
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banlieuethey're gone in a sense you cannot retrieve them properly06:55
n2diyKI4IKL RR, EPA.06:55
inazadChousuke, u sure ?06:55
kaptenguxmms-crossfade doesn't show up in xmms after apt-get, what can I do?06:55
banlieueso they're practically gone06:55
Chousukeinazad: It doesn't help you, though :/06:55
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Chousukean expert could probably retrieve them06:55
Jordan_ULucianIndy, From a quick search, synergy06:55
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banlieuenot through normal methods06:55
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banlieueso unless you want to suggest inazad to start his own data recovery centre..06:56
eyemeanis there anything else i can try banlieue pls?06:56
banlieueeyemean: do you have more than one kvcd to test?06:56
Chousukebanlieue: well, the data is on the disk, you just don't know where, anymore :/06:56
banlieueChousuke: right, so you can't recover them, so they're gone06:56
LucianIndyfound that myself06:56
eyemeanwill test other now06:56
inazadChousuke, if I know the real path, the name, etc...06:56
banlieueinazad: you don't know the _real_ path, that's the problem:)06:56
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Jordan_ULucianIndy, Another thing to look into that is different but possibly better depending on your goals would be simply using ssh -X06:57
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Chousukeinazad: you'd have to know the physical sector where the data begins and where it ends.06:57
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Chousukeinazad: and that only works if the file is not fragmented06:57
banlieueand even then it's a problem retrieving lol06:57
inazadChousuke, fragmented !?06:57
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banlieueinazad: you can ignore all this discussion, your files are just unretrievable06:57
inazadbanlieue, crap :\06:57
banlieueinazad: let this be a lesson blahblahblah06:58
rob_recover deleted files: http://www.goitexpert.com/entry.cfm?entry=10-Ways-To-Recover-Deleted-Files-In-Linux06:58
banlieuenow to watch Federer win the match06:58
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inazadrob_, thanks06:58
Chousukeanyway: keep backups.06:58
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packetjunkieis there a router solicitation daemon for ubuntu? all i see is the router advertising daemon.06:59
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eyemeancrackling isnt as bad, but it is there06:59
ariksis there a keyboard command equivalent to the middle click paste button?07:00
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:00
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kismetariks, for terminal?07:00
Jordan_Uariks, ctrl+shift+v ?07:00
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Jordan_Uariks, For an xterminal that is...07:00
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ariksJordan_U: not the typical keyboard. the paste buffer that gets filled when you highlight something07:01
dr_willisGotta love the varity of cut/paste buffers :)07:01
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Zerrois there some one that can help me with a problem "i need to install grub on a sata disk and i have to of them in raid0 mode "md0""07:02
sdoubleis it possible to boot into console from the livecd?07:02
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ariksyeah.. it can be confusing. not the paste buffer that's filled when I right click and press copy. but the one that automatically gets filled when i highlight text.07:02
Zerrothe install is fine with no errors what so ever but i can't install the boot loader07:02
dr_willissdouble,  you could always do a alt-ctrl-F1 to get to the console07:02
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palomerhow do I find the encoding of a file?07:03
rob_sdouble: or start terminal from x-windows07:03
dr_willisariks,  thats the good old "X" clipboard. :) there used to be tools/options taht would auto-sync that buffer with the KDE/GNOME cut/paste buffer.07:03
dr_willispalomer,  a video file you mean?07:03
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Zerrono one know about this problem ??07:03
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dr_willissorry Zerro  i dont use raids07:04
rob_sdouble from menu applications, 3th option07:04
craigbass1976Can someone help me with GFTP as it applies to anonymouse ftp logins?  How do I log into an anonymous server?07:04
palomerdr_willis, text!07:04
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dr_willispalomer,  the character set encoding eh.. No idea on that..07:05
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dr_willispalomer,  could try the 'file whjatever.txt' command07:05
Zerrodr_willis: is it then better for me to install it on a normal ide mode with no raid ?07:05
sdoubleYeah, I know where it is.  It's just an old slow computer and I only need the console.  Was hoping to avoid loading the whole thing entirely07:05
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YoukoHello. My co-admin managed to remove the startup scripts for courier in /etc/init.d (tried to uninstall courier to install cyrus, which failed). Is there any way to restore those scripts?07:05
rob_craigbass1976: dit you try username anonymous and passw. your email?07:05
dr_willisZerro,  lately - i havent seen much use in raid. :) and a lot of hassles in poorly implemented raid systems/hardware/setups.07:05
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Zerrodr_willis: i'am thinking most about the speed that i can gain on raid in stripe mode07:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cygwin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:06
vox754sdouble, use knoppix then.07:06
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Jordan_Usdouble, sounds like you want slax or DSL07:07
dr_willisIlike PuppyLinux, or FeatherLinux, on low end hardware.07:07
TypwnMorning everyone.07:07
dr_willisDSL is nice also.07:07
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craigbass1976rob_, I did.  I'm trying to log into an hard disk recorder we have here at the studio.  Of course, ftp instructions are rfor windows users...07:07
shwouchkwhats the name of kernel sources packages?07:07
Zerrodr_willis: yea i is a software raid ... so i belive i have to options 1: install on a ide mode 2: but a sata raid controler card so it will run as a hardware will you back me up on that m8 ??07:08
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n2diyshwouchk: linux-xxx....07:08
YoukoI guess I'm screwed then.07:08
shwouchkn2diy: thanks! bye07:08
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sdoubleThis is just to pull some stuff off of the system that won't boot so I can toss it.  I'm looking for a livecd that can read from an ntfs drive.07:08
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craigbass1976How do you log into an anonymous ftp server with CLI?07:08
rob_craigbass1976: do you get a specific error?07:08
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dr_willisZerro,  ive basially given up on raids totally.   SOME hardware raid controllers are 'semi-hardware' and stillneed drivers.  thats sortof the whole problem a lot of these days.07:09
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Jordan_UYouko, Possibly just by re-installing courier07:09
craigbass1976rob_, Cannot connect to Connection refused07:09
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Zerrodr_willis: then i know the option i have to go with thx07:09
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vox754sdouble, be, any current linux or linux live cd can read (copy) ntfs files.07:09
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cyberphazhmm darn dual monitor seems somewhat tricky07:10
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mrsnocyberphaz which graphics card? with nvidia you can use twinview in your xorg.conf , or the nvidia-settings 'gui' to handle enabling dual monitors07:10
vox754cyberphaz, I guess having dual monitors is a priority... because we have two eyes...07:10
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sdoublesorry, forgot to add I wanted to be able to boot straight into console from the livecd  Otherwise I'd just use the ubuntu I have now07:10
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cyberphazmrsno, ati card sadly07:11
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cyberphazoh well, no rush, i will figure it out eventually07:11
mrsnothere will be information about dual monitors with ati/fglrx on the ubuntuforums/wiki cyberphaz07:11
vox754sdouble, grrrr! I said Knoppix! It has a runlevel 3 or something option, which is text mode.07:11
rob_craigbass1976: maybe wrong port?07:11
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mrsnoi think i used xinerama *sp back when i used ati, but that was a long time ago07:11
sdoubleyeah, I'm getting it now.  I was informing the other people with the comment you last responded to07:12
Keith-BlindUserAny ideas here?07:12
cyberphazah yeah i read something about that, just wasn't sure it was up to date07:12
sdoublethat were listing out distributions left and right07:12
vox754!prefix > sdouble07:12
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cyberphazthanks mrsno i'll give it a go07:12
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Youko<Jordan_U> Youko, Possibly just by re-installing courier <-- tried aptitude install courier-xxx, no dice07:12
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Jordan_UKeith-BlindUser, What is the question?07:12
Keith-BlindUserMy power supply just got damaged, it won't work anymore..is there any chance that the system may have been damnaged? Linux was writing to the ext3 drive when that loss of power occured.07:12
craigbass1976I don't know.  Reading the manual, and about to do an nmap on the recorder07:12
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Jordan_UYouko, Did you remove it first?07:13
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YoukoI removed nothing, my co-admin did aptitude remove courier--xx and then removed the startup scripts manually from /etc/init.d07:13
Youkosince they still were there07:13
Keith-BlindUserAre gateway machines good for Linux/Ubuntu in general?07:14
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Keith-BlindUserI doubt it now.07:14
rob_craigbass1976: error can mean almost anything, my suggestion works on most internet ftp sites07:14
IndyGunFreakKeith-BlindUser: it all depends on their hardware07:14
Keith-BlindUserSinse the supply just blew, and I just bought this box for $800 last year.07:14
craigbass1976rob_, yeah, who knows with this rig... :(07:14
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iW0rKa little help please07:15
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sdoubleknoppix downloading at over 1MB/sec  Thanks for the info vox75407:15
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IndyGunFreak!ask | iW0rK07:15
ubotuiW0rK: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:15
Jordan_UKeith-BlindUser, If there was any file system damage then fsck will run automatically next boot07:15
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magnetron!ops | shane_07:15
ubotushane_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:15
Keith-BlindUserJordan_U: No it won't. I told sftab otherwise. Put a 0 instead of the 1 for that.07:16
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Oxx1can someone help mee?? i have a toshiba satellite p105 s9337, and i cant make my soundcard work.... installed already the drivers and codecs but no sound at all in the HDA intel ICH7 family soundcard.... anyhelp??? also searched in the web and it seems to be a common problem but none of the solutions i found worked for me... :S...07:16
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iW0rKalright having a problem with libdvdcss install keep getting message [install-recursive]  Error 1 and I cant play my DVD's what am I doing wrong?07:16
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Jordan_UKeith-BlindUser, If you need a new comp you might want to try dell.com/ubuntu or system7607:16
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ompaulMez, ?07:16
CommanderCoolhello! i have a problem with compiz-fusion...the effects won't work07:16
weblordpepewhats system7607:16
ompauldid I miss it?07:16
Mezompaul, misfire07:16
Keith-BlindUserJordan_U: How should I check it sinse it won't run on it's own? Could I do it from the Ubuntu CD?07:16
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Jordan_Uweblordpepe, A company that has offered Linux pre installed for a long time07:16
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iW0rKhow can i install libdvdcss07:17
magnetronompaul: i guess you've been busy since you purged the ban list07:17
Jordan_UKeith-BlindUser, Yes07:17
Zerro0xx1: i remember that it is something with a sourrund sound channel that need to be enable07:17
ompaulmagnetron, kind of07:17
ompaulmagnetron, repopulating it07:17
YoukoAnyway, if someone have any suggestion, please PM me, gona be away for few minutes.07:17
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Oxx1:O where do i enable that surround channel?07:17
TypwnI just installed Ubuntu 6.10 from an old LiveCD, and every time I load up my comp GRUB can't start up Ubuntu. Something about not being about to mount drive or something. But when I switch the GRUB from hd1 to hd0 it loads. After I'm in Linux, the net is somewhat slow, and I'm not really sure how to go about upgrading everything.07:17
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magnetron!dvd | iW0rK07:17
ubotuiW0rK: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:17
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Zerro0xx1:that is what i don't remember :(07:18
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dr_willisOxx1,  i always have to slide the mixer controlls around till it starts working. Depends on your soudncard i am guessing.07:18
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:18
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weblordpepethe sun java for linux is good. it even puts an icon in your adminsitration panel07:18
Oxx1dr_willis wut u mean with "slide"?07:18
CommanderCoolmost of my compiz-fusion effects dont work, plz help me07:18
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Oxx1i tried almost everything i gues from the sound controls but still no sound :S07:18
weblordpepepreferences rather07:18
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dr_willisOxx1,  they are mixer controlls you 'slide' up and down.. got a better term?07:18
icf7Can somebody here tell me why I am banned from #ubuntu-motu ? Did I ask too many questions?07:18
magnetron!upgrade | Typwn07:18
ubotuTypwn: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:18
Oxx1ohh yes07:18
Keith-BlindUserJordan_U: I opened a PM window on my system with you. If you wish to talk to me about this power supply thing, please query me directly, it is very difficult to keep up with messages..and I cannot scroll fast enough to see your messages with speech. Thanks.07:18
dr_willislike volume controls :)07:18
Oxx1sorry my english is not too good :S07:18
weblordpepemmmmmm slide up & down07:19
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dr_willisdown weblordpepe ... :)07:19
Keith-BlindUserAnd I keep missing them.07:19
=== weblordpepe goes to the corner
Oxx1i thought maybe u were talking about something "deeper" hahaha but thx07:19
Jordan_UKeith-BlindUser, #ubuntu-classroom for a less crowded channel07:19
Keith-BlindUserBRB all.07:19
dr_willisOxx1,  for my sound blaster audigy cards. i recall some check boxs  i had to check also..07:19
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tayfunhow are you?07:19
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Zerrodr_willis, 0xx1: yea i mean that is what i dit last time07:20
llllllllI just did "sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/truecrypt" to make that program useable with full permissions by all users. Now it won't work. I want to reverse whatever that terminal command does. How do I "undo" this command?07:20
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CommanderCoolthe changes i make to the compiz-preferences take no effect!07:20
tayfuni have a question to you... can i install ubuntu on the Playstation3?07:20
weblordpepeok im going to reboot to see how much memory my ubuntu uses while idling at the desktop07:20
dr_willischmod -s it  llllllll  and get a realnick. :)07:20
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lllllllldr_willis: thanks07:21
vox754dr_willis, I like him, it is easy to type... autocomplete07:21
tayfuncan i install ubuntu on my ps3?07:21
Jordan_Utayfun, Yes07:21
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dr_willisvox754,  untill i had to try 3 keys to see if it was an I or L or 1 or ....07:21
dr_willisor a |07:22
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tayfunyes i know and is that good??? i heard something that that isnt so good^^07:22
eytrtuso, I'd like to test out if invisible mode works with gaim/pidgin. can someone add my aim to their buddylist to see if they can see me online?07:22
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vox754dr_willis, I guess you don't have a good font07:22
tayfunok than everybody lets chat alonge and i go of man have a break07:22
agent_laundryHelp plz: Error displaying connection information:07:22
agent_laundryCould not find some required resources (the glade file)!07:22
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chris_Can someone suggest what I should do to fix my e-mail?  I'm on a vanilla version of 7.04 with the latest automatic updates.  I can send and receive e-mail  fine.  The problem comes in when I add an attachment.  My client says it sent, but the recipient doesn't get it for a very long time.  This only happens with attachments.  If I paste the contents of the attachment directly into the message it works fine.07:23
dr_willis|l|l|l| :)07:23
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weblordpepeok nevermind07:23
weblordpepetoo lazy07:23
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johnnytang24chris_ : sounds like a problem with your client07:23
johnnytang24chris_ : or their mail service07:24
n2diy! automatix | chris_07:24
ubotuchris_: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:24
chris_The same thing happens whether or not I use evolution or thunderbird07:24
vox754chris_, vanilla version of 7.04?07:24
weblordpepehey can i shamelessly URL spam the link for my new metacity theme?07:25
weblordpepeim quite undecided about if its good or not07:25
chris_I just downloaded the offical image and haven't tweaked anything on it yet.07:25
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Jordan_Uweblordpepe, #ubuntu-offtopic07:25
vox754weblordpepe, there is an #ubuntu-offtopic for that07:25
calvinLcan someone help me with my problem, my ubuntu is messed up, http://img457.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terminalcr6.png and http://img441.imageshack.us/my.php?image=menubuttonsku0.png, as you can see my terminal is completely blank and I don't have any window buttons (minimize,resize,close) on any applications07:25
weblordpepeah neat cheers07:25
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TypwnHow can I tell which version of Linux I have? (32-bit or 64-bit?)07:25
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell07:26
Jordan_UcalvinL, Turn off desktop effects07:26
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calvinLwhere do I do that?07:26
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erUSULTypwn: uname -m07:26
Typwnvox754 & ubotu: thanks.07:26
nich0sHow would I go about opening a folder that's telling me "permission denied"?07:26
vox754!thanks | Typwn07:26
ubotuTypwn: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:26
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Jordan_UcalvinL, If you can't see anything then open a run dialog with alt+F2 and run "metacity --replace"07:27
awerner32where is the nightly build of gusty07:27
Drk_Guynich0s, you need to chown it07:27
icf7nich0s: Get permission, right Click -> Settings or so in a GUI, chmod in a terminal07:27
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Jordan_Uawerner32, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy07:27
chris_I have no problems with sending attachments from my thunderbird or outlook client on my XP box07:27
awerner32just asking where on the internet i can download it07:27
calvinLThanks a lot, it works now.07:28
vox754!gusty > awerner3207:28
craigbass1976I there something special I should know about nmap?  If there's no firewall on the target, and nmap ip.add.ress.0 says no op[en ports, then the ftp server I'm hoping to connect to is not running, no?07:28
nich0sDrk_Guy: THanks07:28
nich0sicf7: Thank you.07:28
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TypwnI have i686, is that 64bit?07:28
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awerner32but fine i will go to the gusty channel07:28
t0mhi is someone of you using the kopete desklist plugin07:28
vox754!gusty | awerner3207:29
Drk_Guynich0s, run chown like this, sudo chown <usrname><group> >folder>07:29
ubotuawerner32: It is spelt guTSy :)07:29
awerner32so sorry07:29
KI4IKLwhat is the command to restore gnome defaults?07:29
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weblordpepedelete your home folder  :P actually i dunno07:30
JDahlI just installed Ubuntu Feisty on an laptop with WinXP.  I had to resize the Windows partition,  and after that I installed Ubuntu on the new partition.  After install GRUB freezes with "Error 18" - any hints on how to fix this using the live CD?07:30
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OlliKHi, all!07:30
magnetron!grub | JDahl07:30
ubotuJDahl: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:30
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OlliKI have a question, which I haven't found answer anywhere. I'm using aMSN and it seems to only support OSS for the audio. However, I've never got OSS working, I have used ALSA always succesfully. Someone told me that I need to install something to get OSS working. Can someone help me with that?07:31
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JDahlmagnetron, thanks,  but this seems like a Ubuntu install problem that requires some live CD love07:31
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Jordan_UOlliK, use aoss to emulate OSS through ALSA07:32
OlliKJordan_U: Ok thanks, I'll look into how to install that07:32
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=== weblordpepe blindly installs aoss without reading about it
weblordpepeim sick of oss07:33
vox754JDahl, reinstall grub with "grub-install" once you've booted to the Live CD again. You need to mount the currently unbootable installation.07:33
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magnetronJDahl: did you read the link? it answers your question07:33
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Jordan_UOlliK, The package is alsa-oss and to use it you just do: aoss <command>07:33
sacaterLinux requires lm_sensors modules, sysfs sensors for kernels >= 2.6.0 or a running mbmon daemon -- does ubuntu have any of these by defualy07:33
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Drk_GuyJDahl, this can help you: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/GRUB#Error_1807:34
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto07:34
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sacaterjust tried07:34
vox754sacater, I'm pretty sure you can install them. I did. And then I do "sensors" and it shows me the temperature.07:34
magnetronsacater: yes, search for sensors in synaptic07:34
OlliKshould it say /dev/dsp /dev/mixer and stuff like that in the audio input and output?07:34
OlliKIf OSS is working properly?07:34
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KI4IKLHow do I restart gnome?07:35
Jordan_UKI4IKL, Restart Gnome or X?07:35
OlliKfor me it just says "could not gain access to /dev/dsp for writing" when I try to use OSS07:35
erUSULKI4IKL: log out of your session and log inagain07:35
n2diyKI4IKL: ctrl + alt + backspace07:35
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_epik_i cant connect my openvpn using network-manager-openvpn07:37
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_epik_even openvpn.conf not exist in my pc..07:37
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Drk_GuyDoods, this page can be very helping when troubleshooting GRUB errors : http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=122656&highlight=grub+error+collection07:38
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Filthpighow do I change the "k-menu"-button?07:39
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weblordpepeicon themes,  would amagine.07:40
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weblordpepenot sure how you can do that in kubuntu. in gnome its not too difficult, its under the themes thing in ubuntu07:40
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BillyBeans"whats the best imap server to run on my ubuntu box with gnome??"07:42
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cavediverAnyone knows why gedit opens files in RO when accessed through Nautilus/FTP ?07:44
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cavediverI know I have RW07:44
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BillyBeans"whats the best imap server to run on my ubuntu box with gnome??"07:45
BillyBeans"whats the best imap server to run on my ubuntu box with gnome??"07:45
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JDahlvox754, I booted the live CD and mounted the linux partition.  Did you have something like this in mind "sudo grub-install --root-directory=. /dev/sda"?  Someone else suggested that this might be a problem with the BIOS choking on linux being installed at the end of the disk,  which could be true07:46
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coaxedI just got amsn 0.97 rc1 installed, is there possible to make it run with tcl and tk 8.5 to use antialiased fonts?07:46
coaxeder, is it possible07:47
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RedWolfhow do I enable SSH on this box? Not having a real root account is weird07:47
mitrickit should work for amsn with tcl 8.507:47
coaxedI get a tkcximage error when using 8.507:48
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n2diyRedWolf: have you installed it?07:48
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vox754JDahl, yes I did something like that. But about choking? What matters is that grub be installed on the MBR, /dev/sda then the subsequent stages go in the /boot/grub directory which wouldn't present a problem.07:48
LucianIndysynergy works pretty well07:48
RedWolfthat's a damn fine question07:48
AnlarRedWolf: sudo apt-get install openssh-server07:48
sdoubleRedWolf: sudo apt-get install openssh-server07:48
Drk_GuyJDahl, i suggest using one disk for each OS, in my case, i use a 50 GB for Windowze, and another one of 30 GB for Linux07:48
RedWolfyeah it's already installed07:48
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coaxed<mitrick> tclx8.5 ?07:49
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mitrickinstall that07:49
pal_hi why does my vmware ubuntu install qt other place than /usr/local?07:49
Romeo5khello.. need help.. in the process of installing Ubuntu Server... I get a Netwok autoconfiguration failed.. I managed to complete the install before but had to redo it for LAMP. Should i panic because the network config failed?07:49
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Romeo5koh.. im a noob at *nix07:49
JDahlDrk_Guy, I am going on vacation in 3 hours,  just wanted to put ubuntu on my wives XP laptop so I could work a little bit - I had to shrink her partition and install linux at the end of it07:49
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Drk_GuyJDahl, try to make a Back-Up, format her HD and then, install Ubuntu FIRST then Windowze, then recover GRUB07:50
Genomsarenhow can I open ubuntu without running x server, gnome07:50
Genomsarenonly kernel07:50
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vox754JDahl, oh, and when you use --root-directory=. you are installing to the current directory, but that must be /  otherwise just do --root-directory=/  That root directory, I think, is the root of the boot directory. So /  gives /boot/grub. But if you are in /home, you would get /home/boot/grub with undesirable effects07:51
coaxeddoesn't seem to be a tclx8.5, there's a tcl8.5, but like I said, I get a tkcximage error when amsn loads when using tcl 8.507:51
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Drk_GuyThat should do the trick, cause Linux would be written to the start of the disk, or re-write GRUB to the MBR07:51
RedWolfnow that I've got OpenSSH installed where do I g oto configure it?07:51
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coaxedwill this rc1 version work with tcl 8.5?07:52
JDahlvox754, isn't the root directory the root of the linux partition I manually mounted?07:52
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awerner32how do you change the default media player for firefox07:52
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coaxedthe install package name itself has "tcl8.4" in it, so I was just curious07:52
sdoubleRedWolf: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/setup-openssh-server-on-ubuntu-linux/07:53
n2diyRedWolf: see the man page for ssh.07:53
CommanderCoolcan anyone please help me configure compiz-fusion?07:53
Drk_GuyJDahl, write it to the MBR07:53
Drk_GuyAs she only has one disk, you don't have to do anything07:53
vox754JDahl, yes... sort of, you need to read the manual pages to be sure. I don't remember. The thing is that you need to install to MBR as Drk_Guy says. But make sure you end up with good files in /boot/grub on the installed system.07:53
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NutubuntuCommanderCool,  there is a #compiz-fusion chan, in case no one here can help07:53
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:53
stefg!effects | CommanderCool07:53
ubotuCommanderCool: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects07:53
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CommanderCoolokay, thx07:54
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Drk_GuySee the instructions for recovering GRUB07:54
Drk_GuyThey tell how to write GRUB to the MBR07:54
coaxedso any further ideas?07:54
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GenomsarenHow can I run linux only in terminal (without gnome or kde) (ctrl alt bacpsp doesnt work)???07:54
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Drk_GuyGenomsaren, the recovery mode can help you07:55
Raffaelloctrl alt f907:55
n2diyGenomsaren: ctrl + alt + F107:55
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Raffaelloups yeah:D07:55
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Raffaelloctrl alt f107:55
Raffaellofor use on terminal07:55
troyHi all... How do I get network-manager to show a successful dial-up connection? Right now it dials and connects, but it doesn't show any kind of status aside from the fact that the modem tones stop....07:55
jonatanis there any way to use custom dns together with nm-applet ?07:55
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n2diytroy: ditch it, and get a real dialer, like kppp?07:56
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stefgtroy: network manager isn't cut towards dialup... consider something like gnomeppp07:56
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troyn2diy: It appears that the dbus holds a lock on the modem and won't let things like gppp dial correctly...07:56
NutubuntuI'm installing Feisty on another box, and I've run into a couple of errors. Software install failed, and I continued past it. Installation completed but the boot process hangs at "running local boot scripts". I can ctl-alt-f1 and log in ... what's my next move? the metapackage kubuntu-desktop was not installed; apt-get install that ?07:56
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borinAmarok is giving me the hardest time right now.  Everytime I start it up, it crashes Beryl, and when I select a media for it to play, it freezes on me.  I'm just wondering if there is a good alternative to Amarok?07:57
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vox754Nutubuntu, haha,,, I would say yes!07:57
Billyhas any one in here set up there ubuntu to run WorldofWarcraft?07:57
isaac_borin: banshee07:57
n2diytroy: never encountered that, and I've run kppp for over a year here. Does the error show you the lock file?07:57
borinThanks isaac_, I'll give that a try.07:57
sirjoebobhey. i have a quick question.... (hopefully) i need to run microsoft office 2003 for school and i need to do so under wine. i have installed semi-successfully but i am receiving an error that says that office is not installed for this user07:57
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sirjoebobany ideas07:58
Nutubuntut/y vox754 - does the lack of the software explain the hang? ... anyway, that's what I'll do :) t/y again07:58
RaffaelloCan I use wireless network and local area network at same time on 7.04, if I can, how?07:58
troyn2diy: No.. It dials and negotiates, but it never starts the ppp link.07:58
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vox754Billy, yes, lots of people, But that is not a priority for support here. Please take a look at the forums.07:58
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sirjoebobanyone know how to get office 2003 running in wine?07:58
Jack_Sparrowsirjoebob: What is in MS Office that you cant duplicate in Open Office.?07:59
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n2diytroy: no error messages? Anything in you log files?07:59
jonatanis it possible to use network-manager to configure the connection but disable it from overwriting my DNS settings ?07:59
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troyI'd have to log off and try it to see... I'll be back....07:59
magnetronsirjoebob: that may be a quick question, but it's not an easy one. you could try the http://appdb.winehq.org/ they have a page about running ms office 2003 in Wine.07:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:59
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vox754sirjoebob, you could try using a virtual machine instead, I guess.07:59
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sirjoebobthey said that all documents need to be in word 2003 format. is there any way to add that functionality to the open office in ubuntu?08:00
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Raffaellosirjoebob you should use vmware for office200308:00
sirjoebobthat would probably do all i need08:00
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Raffaelloor you can use open office08:00
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sirjoebobby use vmware, you mean run a virtual desktop of windows, right?08:00
Raffaellowhen you need office 2003 format, you can save as document at doc format08:00
Computer_kidisn't it already avalable in OO08:00
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jgoguendoes openoofice allow office 2003 format yet?08:01
Raffaelloyeah sirjoebob08:01
BillyVox754 I have checked the forums... I was just asking if some one has and had time to help me out of this chat.  Sorry if I bothered you with the question.08:01
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kbrooksBilly, it is annoying to us.08:01
agent_laundry Help plz: Error displaying connection information:08:01
agent_laundry Could not find some required resources (the glade file)!08:01
kbrooksBilly, just ask, plain and simple.08:01
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Computer_kidhas anybody ever experienced any problems with mencoder08:01
RaffaelloI use open office on XP, and I can save as open office document on office format08:01
Jack_Sparrowsirjoebob: OO will save a doc as 2003 xml...08:01
Raffaellowith files > save as08:02
Nutubuntu!anyone | Computer_kid08:02
ubotuComputer_kid: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:02
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vox754Billy, no problem.08:02
Jack_Sparrowsirjoebob: OO will also save as some older MS doc formats like 6.0 and 200008:02
RaffaelloCan I use wireless network and local area network at same time on 7.04, if I can, how?08:02
sirjoebobok. i will try that. if they require me to actually use the office suite, i will use a vm or figure out the wine...08:02
rob_i got at once the following error while surfing: Jul  8 19:33:03 laptop kernel: [26231.824000]  ide: failed opcode was: unknown and then:08:02
rob_laptop kernel: [26231.824000]  hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }08:02
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rob_what can be problem?08:03
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artabrahaohi, How can I test send email via terminal?08:03
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sdoubleartabrahao: type "mail"08:03
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sdoubleand you would be prompted for information08:03
Computer_kidI feel like a nubcake, I am having problems with mencoder, particuly with lame, when ever I try to encode a video, the audio sounds like AM under the powerlines08:03
sirjoebobraffaello for using them at the same time, do you mean like "bridge connections" or use them both at the same time so you can get both bandwidths?08:04
Anlarrob_: hdd that is about to fail, check SMART08:04
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artabrahao<sdouble> thanks08:05
epolisshello, can i get some assistance?08:05
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tanlaanhow do I go about changing my boot order so that windows boots first instead of ubuntu?08:05
Computer_kid<scarcasm> bartender08:05
=== vicox [n=vicox@p54986FFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Raffaellosirjoebob I mean use both of them at the same time08:05
mike3_Got a question for you guys, I'm trying to decide between Fedora and Ubuntu on the desktop. Why Ubuntu over Fedora?08:05
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Jack_Sparrowtanlaan: that isnt too hard..08:05
rob_thanx Anlar, my mounts are like /dev/sda3 and sda5, no ide or hda. Is this strange? (newbee)08:05
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epolisswould anyone like to help me out with some beginner ubuntu 7.04 questions08:06
vox754mike3_, go to #ubuntu-offtopic for a relaxed discussion.08:06
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Jack_Sparrowtanlaan: Just edit grub and select a default or put the windows section at the top of the list08:06
vox754!ask > epoliss08:06
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epolissi am trying to make dvds play08:06
epolissi have totem m player08:06
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banlieue!dvd > epoliss (check your PM and see if that helps)08:06
sirjoebobRaffaello i think i understand what you are saying, to "bond" network connections, you could check out this article i found yesterday- it is at www.howtoforge.com/network_card_bonding_centos08:06
Squirrely_WrathMaybe someone can help me here.  Right now I am on a dual boot XP/Ubuntu Feisty machine.   I would like to upgrade from Ubuntu to Kubuntu, is there an easy way to do that without losing my dual boot settings?08:06
=== BobSapp [n=genome@87-194-41-128.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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FranzHhey, im dualbooting mac and ubuntu but im running out of space on my ubuntu as i only set it to sue 5 gigs, anything that i can get rid of to give me some space?08:07
BobSappomg what a massive channel08:07
epolisssorry, i am a novice08:07
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rob_Anlan: is this smartpm-core? I have to install it in Ubuntu Feisty08:07
Raffaellosirjoebob thx for your help08:07
BobSappFranzH: u could try using parted08:07
banlieue!dvd | epoliss08:07
ubotuepoliss: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:07
Jack_Sparrowtanlaan: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-windows-as-default-os-when-dual-booting-ubuntu/08:07
FranzHwhats parted? (sorry linux newb)08:07
RaffaelloI'll look that08:07
sirjoebobRaffaello np. same to you and good luck08:07
meisamguys, hi, im having a problem regarding the SSH, when i try to connect to my PC from outside it dos not do anything08:07
BobSappim not sure if parted supports the mac file systems though08:07
Genomsarenis it possible to stop X server?08:07
Drk_GuySquirrely_Wrath, if you want Kde in Ubuntu, run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-dektop08:08
meisambut inside room and from the same router it connects08:08
epolissi already downloaded libdvdcss2 from synaptec08:08
vox754!desktop > Squirrely_Wrath08:08
BobSapphmm if your a newb then it might be better for you to backup and reinstall08:08
epolissfrom synaptic package manager08:08
banlieueepoliss: and it still doesn't work?08:08
FranzHok :)08:08
Squirrely_Wrathwow...that will convert me to Kubuntu?08:08
epolisssays i am missing the plugins08:08
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@cpe-65-185-163-101.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BobSappparted is a partition editor, it also allows you to resize your partitions without destroying the data on them08:08
Drk_GuyYeah Squirrel08:08
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banlieueepoliss: it's not a solution to your problem, but a different way of making things work is by using VLC (VideoLAN) media player08:08
jgoguenmeisam: do you have the port forwarded on your router08:08
banlieuemplayer should also work08:08
Drk_GuyKubuntu a Ubuntu only differ from Gnome to Kde08:08
banlieueKde to Gnome :P08:09
Jack_SparrowDrk_Guy: yes08:09
Squirrely_WrathYeah, I know that's the only difference, but I like the feel of the KDE setup more08:09
banlieueKubuntu being the KDE one, of course08:09
jonatanYou can have both installed as well08:09
Drk_GuyYou solved you prob?08:09
epolissso i went and re-installed totem media player and its plugins, and i still get the plugins error message....08:09
Squirrely_WrathOkay.  Will give it a whirl.  Thanks for the help.08:09
Jack_SparrowDrk_Guy: yes... dd did it nicely08:09
banlieueepoliss: you should use VLC instead, then08:09
eternalswdhow do I force unmount a samba share that got disconnected besides restarting.  even when I issue umount -f, it says resource busy08:09
Drk_GuyHow you did so?08:09
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jonatanif you have the HD space you can just install the package "ubuntu-desktop" or "kubuntu-desktop" respectively and have both installed08:09
meisamjgoguen yes the thing is that im using Dlink DI 704 P, i have set it up to forward the port, but in the private ip address i entered my own ip, is that right ?08:09
NutubuntuT/y again all -08:10
=== troy [n=troy@02-032.751.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu
banlieueI, like many in here probably, have kde, gnome and xfce installed08:10
banlieue(and beryl, but I never use that)08:10
Jack_Sparrowdd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=512 count=108:10
Jack_SparrowNote: 512 includes the partition info 462 would just be the boot info08:10
jgoguenmeisam: the private IP is the IP of the box you want to SSH to08:10
BobSappguys i installed my sata drive and managed to mount and format it as root, but i cant for the life of me allow a user to mount it08:10
troyn2diy: Well, when I use gnome-ppp, the syslog shows an APIC error on CPU0...08:10
Drk_GuyA little complicated solution, huh?08:10
troyAnd thn it disconnects.08:10
jgoguenmeisam: open Terminal, enter 'ifconfig eth0' and enter that IP address for the private IP08:10
Jack_SparrowDrk_Guy:  to restore it  dd if=mbr.backup of=/dev/sda bs=108:10
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BobSappheres my fstab line: /dev/sda1       /media/sata     defaults                    0       008:11
meisami have made a user in www.dyndns.com is that right to do ?08:11
n2diytroy: !?08:11
epolissbanlieue: i am reluctant to install a new video player.  last night i installed gxine, and its plugin, and it didn't work at all... the graphic froze in the middle of the screen, and then the process was sleeping instead of running, so i had to kill it through the system monitor, just so i could see other applications on my screen.  so if i could just get some solid advice on totem player, that would be great!08:11
Jack_SparrowDrk_Guy: not really... was just as easy as fixing grub08:11
meisamjgoguen what ip should i right as private ip ?08:11
vox754BobSapp,  /dev/sda1       /media/sata     defaults,users                    0       008:11
troyn2diy: Yeah, I'm confused too.08:11
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jgoguenmeisam: open Terminal, enter 'ifconfig eth0' and enter that IP address for the private IP08:11
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Drk_GuyLet's leave that away08:11
BobSappvox754: i tried that do i have to reboot for the changes to take effect?08:11
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BrodicKhi guys...is there a driver for airpcap adapter in ubuntu?08:11
n2diytroy: Good luck, not sure what to say about that. I wouldn't expect the dialer to be playing directly with a cpu?08:11
BrodicKhi guys...is there a driver for airpcap adapter in ubuntu?08:11
banlieueepoliss: I do realise that, but this is a codec issue and VideoLAN uses its own set of codecs making it often work when other programs do not08:12
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eternalswdepoliss, mplayer is much more reliable than either xine or totem, just so you know08:12
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JDahlDrk_Guy, I followed this instructions for installing grub on the MBR: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows,  but the result is the same,  so I guess I need to install linux before Windows to get this working08:12
BrodicKhi guys...is there a driver for airpcap adapter in ubuntu?08:12
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banlieueepoliss: it will not fix your codec issue, but until you do find a solution (which I do not have for you) you will at least be able to play video properly08:12
n2diytroy: I've only played with kppp, so ...08:12
troyThe weird thing is that it works fine with the network manager...08:12
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Drk_GuyMaybe JDahl08:12
vox754BobSapp, read "man mount"  You need to unmount and re-mount. Rebooting sometimes does the trick.08:12
banlieuemplayer is the same as vlc, in having its own set of codecs08:12
troyOK, Well, I'll try something else...08:12
meisamjgoguen there was no ip address mentioned08:12
banlieueI recommend VLC, myself08:12
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BobSappk thanks08:12
Drk_GuyYuo sure it over-wrote Windowze loade08:12
BrodicKhi guys...is there a driver for airpcap adapter in ubuntu?08:12
Jack_SparrowJDahl: What was the problem again.. sorry I missed it08:12
epolissok, then i need exact set of steps how to install that other player...if u please08:12
=== Shinichi_Yamato [n=enrico@cable-62-117-24-120.cust.blue-cable.de] has joined #ubuntu
n2diy! apic08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
jgoguenmeisam: sorry, it's labelled 'inet addr'08:13
BrodicKhi guys...is there a driver for airpcap adapter in ubuntu?08:13
=== emefei [n=mfi@p5487E4FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willis!find aircap08:13
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banlieueepoliss: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html08:13
=== dr_willis wonders what an aircap even is.
rob_anybody knows how to find smart values in ubuntu feisty?08:13
dr_willisSomthing Pilots wear?08:13
ubotuPackage/file aircap does not exist in feisty08:13
tanlaanubotu: nvidia08:13
meisamjgoguen oh yes, that is my own address08:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:13
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BrodicKdr_willis:  its not aircap...its airpcap...used for WEP and WPA cracking08:13
meisamjgoguen is the ip address im already having08:13
JDahlJack_Sparrow, I shrunk the Windows partition on a laptop to make room for linux at the end of it.  After installation, grub freezes with "Error 18"08:13
BrodicKdr_willis:  its not aircap...its airpcap...used for WEP and WPA cracking08:13
banlieueepoliss: do the graphical way of Edgy Eft 6.1008:14
=== Shaun [n=soneil@86-40-99-238.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
meisamjgoguen so that is my private address ?>\08:14
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BrodicKdr_willis: nice joke...but not very funny08:14
jgoguenmeisam: yes, that's the private address08:14
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meisamjgoguen ok then so thats done, but...08:14
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jgoguenmeisam: now when you're outside and trying to get in, you need to have a way to access your outside IP, which is not the same one08:14
mike3_Does Ubuntu allow you to choose which apps you want installed during installation /08:14
Jack_SparrowJDahl: Did you have linux before? assuming so if you had grub.. and is that an sata?08:14
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ompaulmike3_, there is a base of what is installed and you can install more later08:15
vox754mike3_, not really. I think the alternate does. But the standard set is fine, and you can install remove things later.08:15
meisamjgoguen when im trying to ssh to my pc: i write ssh meisam@
jgoguenmeisam: that won't ever work outside08:15
mike3_vox754, So that's a no.08:15
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jgoguenmeisam: that's a RFC1918 address, which is reserved for private networks08:15
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banlieueepoliss: i'm not able to PM you, my nick isn't registered:)08:15
meisamjgoguen my friend made me a user name and pass in dyndns08:15
ketroxssh -l meisam08:15
meisamsomething like this08:16
jgoguenmeisam: you have an external IP which is different08:16
n2diymeisam: try ssh -l meisam08:16
vox754mike3_, NO. Not that there is anything wrong with that.08:16
jgoguenn2diy: he needs to do this from outside08:16
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mike3_vox754, Just user friendly...08:16
mike3_makes it an easy install.08:16
jgoguenmeisam: set up the dlink router to update your dyndns account automatically08:16
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n2diyjgoguen: ah, ok.08:16
jgoguenmeisam: I don't know how to do that since I use a OpenBSD firewall, but it should be there08:16
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JDahlJack_Sparrow, I had linux installed on this laptop a few years back,  but did a full Windows XP recovery at one point - now I'd like to put Ubuntu on it again.  I don't think it's a SATA disk, but Ubuntu does label it as /dev/sda. I used grub also at that time (probably Warty install)08:17
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hende07does anyone have limewire08:17
jgoguenmeisam: then, when inside, use but when you're outside use your dyndns domain name instead08:17
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stefg!uuid | JDahl08:17
ubotuJDahl: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:17
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Jack_SparrowJDahl: HAve you tried to install a new Ubuntu on the unallocated space?08:18
vox754!anyone > hende0708:18
hende07does anyone have limewire... im having trouble i downloaded it but when i start it all it is a blank window08:18
rocketsIs there a way to get gnome HAL to use ntfs-3g08:18
artabrahaohow Can I see sendmail log?08:18
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbhende07, it won't work with beryl/compiz08:18
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crdlbit's a problem with java08:18
JDahlJack_Sparrow, Yes, I just shrunk the windows partition and installed Feisty at the freed space,  and after installation grub freezes with "Error 18"08:18
Jack_SparrowJDahl: HAve you run livecd and gone into gparted to look at the partitions?08:18
hende07for real08:18
peepsalotcan I access the trash folder from the command line?08:19
n2diyartabrahao: open /var/logs/mail, or sendmail?08:19
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.08:19
Drk_GuyrRockets, ntfs-config can help you08:19
ketroxi ve seen a tuto on the net for java and beryl08:19
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire08:19
ketroxit worked for me08:19
Jack_SparrowJDahl: I would suggest fdisk /mbr and check your windows install first08:19
banlieuepeepsalot: cd ~/.Trash08:19
rocketsDrk_Guy, yeah but this is for an external drive i constantly plug and unplug08:19
JDahlJack_Sparrow, it looks fine.  A root partition and swap at the end of the disk.08:19
meisamjgoguen ssh -l meisam = ssh meisam@  ?08:19
Drk_GuyIt helps too08:19
=== epoliss [n=kolobok@c-69-181-108-177.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
PirateLeChuckhow can i set a certain application to open a certain file type in ubuntu under gnome?08:19
Drk_GuyBelieve me08:19
jgoguenmeisam: yes08:19
Drk_Guysudo apt-get install ntfs-config08:20
banlieuePirateLeChuck: right click the file containing the file type > properties08:20
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JDahlJack_Sparrow, ok, I will try that - I was actually wondering how I'd at least get windows back08:20
meisamjgoguen for outside what do u recommand ?08:20
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peepsalotthx banlieue08:20
PirateLeChuckbanlieue, that seems to work for only one file not taht entire file type08:20
jgoguenmeisam: ssh meisam@<hostname> where <hostname> is the name you have set up with dyndns08:20
banlieuePirateLeChuck: then select the file type in 'open with'08:20
=== hotte [i=h4153@dslb-084-057-057-231.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowonce you know you have a good windows install, we can try to fix grub08:20
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banlieuePirateLeChuck: are you using right click > properties > 'open with'? or are you using right click > open with?08:20
=== IndyGunFreak thinks No windows install, is a good windows install... ;)
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banlieueyou want the first, i'm guessing you're doing the second08:21
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Jack_SparrowJDahl: I will be having brunch but trying to watch here..08:21
banlieueeveryone needs to have Windows installed somewhere somehow08:21
hende07will frostwire work with beryl and compiz on08:21
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JDahlJack_Sparrow, ok - thanks alot08:21
IndyGunFreakbanlieue: no they don't08:21
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IndyGunFreakbanlieue: i've not had windows for over a year, and i know there's others who've not had it longer than me08:21
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PirateLeChuckbanlieue, many thanks, i thought taht would be how as is the same in fedora but i couldn't get it to work, it has now worked after your advice, always the case! ;008:21
banlieueIndyGunFreak: they do if they're serious computer users08:21
meisamjgoguen i have set up a host with dyndns but actually its not working , :(08:21
=== VSpike [n=johncc@carlyleclarke.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
BillyBeanswhich imap server should i use for my mail server anyone?08:21
epolissbanlieue, can u get on a private chat with me?08:21
IndyGunFreakbanlieue: hardly08:21
=== Dakata [n=Abulat@80-41-122-29.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:22
banlieueepoliss: i can't because my nick is not registered08:22
VSpikeBillyBeans: dovecot or courier-imap08:22
IndyGunFreakthats the most ridiculous thing iv'e evre heard08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phptutorial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:22
epolissugh, ok08:22
banlieueepoliss: so i'm not able to PM you due to the network's limitations08:22
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:22
rocketsDrk_Guy, ok i used it to enable ntfs support for external device and now theyre not automounting at all08:22
jgoguenmeisam: you need to update it before it will work...somewhere in the dlink router config there should be an option to update a dyndns host08:22
epolissthat's ok08:22
epolissok, so i installed VLC08:22
epolisshow does it work?08:22
banlieueIndyGunFreak: there's still many a-program not supported in any form of linux08:22
banlieuestill a lot of files you can only open properly in Windows08:22
epolissi have a commercial dvd in my drive D08:22
Drk_GuyNo auto-mounting for external drives08:22
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IndyGunFreakbanlieue: that doesn't mean you have to have Windows.08:22
jgoguenmeisam: you need to set that, then after about an hour (more or less depending on various things) it should work fine08:22
rocketsrockets, in fact it just totally blew up HAL08:22
vox754banlieue, IndyGunFreak no wars here08:22
IndyGunFreakthe easiest thing to do, is use Linux alternatives..08:22
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rocketsDrk_Guy, in fact it just totally blew up hal08:22
epolissnow what?08:22
banlieueyou do if you need to use those programs:)08:22
hende07does frostwire work with berylll08:22
IndyGunFreakvox754: not warring, but that was a dumbass statement, no matter how you look at it.08:23
Drk_GuyThe system would go crazy searching the external drive for mounting08:23
banlieuei'm of course talking about programs with no proper linux alternative ;)08:23
BillyBeansVSpike which is easier to setup?08:23
meisamjgoguen you wch part should i find that in dlink ?08:23
IndyGunFreakbla bla bla...08:23
epolissbanlieue, how do i get VLC to detect my dvd in drive D?08:23
banlieueepoliss: File > Open Disc08:23
banlieuethen, um08:23
Drk_GuyThat happened to me the 1st time i installed it08:23
=== banlieue quickly opens VLC
jgoguenmeisam: I don't know, I've got a Trend router08:23
artabrahao<n2diy> sendmail log08:23
Drk_GuyRe-install Ubuntu and try again08:23
VSpikeBillyBeans: do you need pop as well?08:23
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hende07does frostwire work with beryl08:23
IndyGunFreakhende07: no08:24
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VSpikeBillyBeans: probably courier then08:24
n2diyartabrahao: roger that.08:24
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BillyBeansVSpike i have postfix running, with mutt installed08:24
jgoguenmeisam: your manual should say, or just go through the options...there aren't that many for a dlink router :)08:24
hende07so how would i use it08:24
banlieueepoliss: do you know the device name of your drive D?08:24
epolissbanlieue, what do i enter for device name?08:24
banlieuehow many drives do you have?08:24
epolissno, i donno08:24
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banlieueit should be the device name it shows by default08:24
IndyGunFreakhende07: you have to disable beryl, openfrostwire(or limewire), do whatever you're doing, when you're done, close the program, and restart beryl08:24
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banlieueso /dev/scd0 probably08:24
hende07how do i disable beryl08:24
PirateLeChuckbanlieue, you're a good man, very helpful, the os community lives because of people like you :D08:24
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banlieueyou shouldnt have to change anything, just hit ok and pray08:24
epolissshows /dev/hdc08:25
VSpikeBillyBeans: dovecot is a pain because you need to get the 1.0 release and that means backporting from Gutsy or compiling from source08:25
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre08:25
banlieueepoliss: hit OK and see if it plays ;P08:25
banlieuePirateLeChuck: it's the huge salary that keeps me helping08:25
nonewmsgshow do you fix it if all the icons dissapear?08:25
epolissbanlieue, still praying08:25
meisamjgoguen what should i write for google to find how to update ?08:25
VSpikeBillyBeans: courier includes imap, pop and maildrop as part of the suite08:25
banlieueepoliss: lol08:25
hende07got it nevermind08:25
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JDahlJack_Sparrow, is the command "sudo fdisk /mbr"?   or did you mean the DOS fdisk? (I dont have a dos boot disk)08:26
PirateLeChuckbanlieue, yeah i can imagine you're raking it in! ;)08:26
IndyGunFreakhende07: its really not that difficult.08:26
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jgoguenmeisam: you can update directly from dyndns for now until you find it in your router08:26
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teer2Trying to get my microphone working is driving me nuts.08:26
jgoguenmeisam: go to www.dyndns.com and in the top right enter your username and password08:26
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epolissbanlieue, prayer unanswered08:26
meisamjgoguen ok then ?08:26
VSpikeBillyBeans: in imap terms I think their feature sets are about the same, and the actual config of both is pretty easy.  dovecot claims to be the fastest ,but that may or may not be important to you08:26
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IndyGunFreakepoliss: did you install the codecs?08:26
banlieueepoliss: I guess the christians are right then, God seems to be unavailable on Sunday08:26
banlieueepoliss: one sec08:26
hende07i got it08:26
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jgoguenmeisam: then go to My Services in the top right, and way down the bottom you should see the host you have set up08:27
Jack_SparrowJDahl: dos08:27
vox754banlieue, you have some pretty annoying comments...08:27
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epolissIndyGunFreak, i have libdvdcss2, not sure if is being detected tho08:27
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=== IndyGunFreak agrees with vox754
IndyGunFreakepoliss: ok.08:27
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jgoguenmeisam: you will see the host, and then beside it either 'Dynamic DNS' or 'Static DNS', click that link08:27
Shin_Goukihello how do i switch deviced in XSANE??08:28
peepsalotwhat's the best vpn client to use in ubuntu?08:28
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD08:28
epolissJeez, can someone PLEASE tell me an easy way to watch a legally purchased My Cousin Vinny on Feisty!!!!08:28
epolisshow can it be that hard?!08:28
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jgoguenmeisam: then in that new screen that comes up, just click on modify host...you'll notice the IP address is different, that's OK, leave it like that08:28
IndyGunFreakepoliss: it sounds like you've not installed the codecs08:28
epolissmaybe not08:28
epolissbut i swear i did08:28
banlieueepoliss: try /media/cdrom0 as a device name08:28
IndyGunFreak!dvd | epoliss08:29
ubotuepoliss: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:29
banlieueif you didn't install the codecs, that'd be amusing in a weird way08:29
epolissi did it thru the synaptic manager08:29
jgoguenmeisam: that IP it shows is the IP address the rest of the world thinks you have, which is the one you need to use...but instead of remembering it, you can just remember this name you have set up08:29
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ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:29
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epolissok, how do i check right now if i have the codecs installed?  let's get that out of the way!08:29
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vox754epoliss, I think you need to install more than libdvdcss2, maybe some gstreamer things08:29
Shin_Goukihello! i need help with scANNING. how do i switch deviced in XSANE??08:29
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peepsalotIndyGunFreak, it's not for gaming, and I don't want to set up a VPN server, just the client... in linux08:30
banlieuevlc shouldnt require anything more than libdvdcss208:30
meisamjgoguen till now i have done the all steps exactly08:30
IndyGunFreakpeepsalot: my bad.08:30
meisamjgoguen now ?08:30
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0?08:31
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VSpikeepoliss: have you looked at medibuntu repository?08:31
epolissguys, i am trying very hard as a novice to become a linux fan.  a big linux fan!  i WANT to switch from windows, but i need some hand-holding....so...who can tell me how and where to check whether libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 got installed or not?08:31
sam123can somebody send me their working /etc/asound.conf file please i broke mine and i cannot get my 5.1 sound working08:31
IndyGunFreakepoliss: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty08:31
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VSpikepeepsalot: kvpnc is quite good08:31
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meisamso my host is meisam.homelinux.org08:31
banlieueepoliss: try typing 'sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2' in a terminal08:31
epolissbanlieue, ok08:31
jgoguenmeisam: now after clicking that Modify Host button, wait for a while, sometimes up to a day depending on where you are (for me usually 15-20 minutes) and then you can acccess your SSH from outside using that name08:31
VSpikepeepsalot: not sure if it requires qt or full kde though08:31
epolissthanks, let's try that08:31
banlieueif it starts installing, you didn't have it yet08:31
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:32
meisamjgoguen can u check if you can u ssh me08:32
VSpikepeepsalot: what kind of vpn? ipsec/l2tp/pptp?08:32
teer2epoliss: abandon copy protected dvds08:32
jgoguenmeisam: so what you use depends where you are...if you're at home, use 'ssh meisam@', but if not at home use 'ssh meisam@<host>'08:32
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jgoguenmeisam: I can see if I can connect sure08:32
IndyGunFreakteer2: thats not really an option here08:32
banlieuethat's quite far from a solution to him of course, teer2 :)08:32
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Drk_GuyHow can i force X to go into what Nvidia users call "User mode", it allows me to put higher resolutions without damaging my monitor08:33
epolissit won't let me be root08:33
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banlieueepoliss: did you fill in your sudo password?08:33
banlieueyou do not see your password being typed, but just continue typing08:33
bXiDrk_Guy: you mean interlaced 1920x1080 modes?08:33
bXiDrk_Guy: not sure08:33
epolissbanlieue, if i forgot my root/ sudo password, where can i get it again?08:33
Shin_Goukihello can ANYone help me configure XSANE?08:33
peepsalotVSpike, i'm not sure what type it is.  I was using cisco vpnclient before but I am reinstalling.  some guy at work told me there is a better one to use that is more stable, but i don't remember what he said.08:34
teer2IndyGunFreak: There is a great deal of media that is not copy protected by DRM.  It is certainly an option.08:34
bXii dont even know how to do it in windows :p08:34
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bXibut some people might knoow how to enable those resses08:34
banlieueepoliss: um that's a good question.. i believe you need your sudo password to access that information :o08:34
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FanBoyDoes Ubuntu live support CD/DVD burning?08:34
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meisamjgossh meisam@meisam.homelinux.org it gave me this after typing : guen RSA key fingerprint is 5c:4e:db:f8:87:23:5b:e5:2c:c7:4f:a3:ba:77:e2:70.08:34
meisamAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?08:34
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IndyGunFreakFanBoy: yes... Gnomebaker, K3b, anda few others08:34
vox754epoliss, ! that is your user password not root password08:34
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Drk_GuybXi, the latest Nv driver lets you put those modes on Windowze08:34
IndyGunFreakteer2: but the movie he wants, isn't... so its not an option.08:34
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FanBoyIndyGunFreak: even if I have to take the ubuntu live cd out? It loads everything to memory right?08:35
IndyGunFreakFanBoy: that i'm not sure of.08:35
VSpikepeepsalot: kvpnc supports all types, and is a front end for all the various tools that do the actual work.  I'm pretty sure it supports cisco VPNs too08:35
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teer2Does Ubuntu purposely make using a microphone difficult?  I've found a number of default options set to mute or disabled.  This is infuriating.08:35
bXiDrk_Guy: i'm normally an ATI user08:35
epolissvox: i am entering the only password i ever set on ubuntu, and it ain't taking it08:35
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Drk_GuyATI SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:35
banlieueteer2: yep, just to annoy you08:35
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Drk_Guysorry for caps08:35
bibo_Drk_Guy i agree08:35
sebas_FanBoy, sure it does, check k3b or brasero08:35
PirateLeChuckdoes ubuntu use gmake?08:35
jgoguenmeisam: that's OK, that's something to let you know for sure you're connecting to the box you think you are08:35
teer2banlieue: Thanks for keeping me in mind.08:35
pguseri installed ubuntu, it added my win2k to grub but windows doesn't boot08:35
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:35
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:35
bibo_Drk_Guy i actually came in here cuz i cant get my x1950 working :)08:35
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:35
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:35
FanBoysebas_: perhaps if i load them and then take the cd out it will be okay08:35
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:35
Drk_Guythank you bibo_08:35
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:35
jgoguenmeisam: and I can connect to your SSH fine08:35
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pguseri installed ubuntu, it added my win2k to grub but windows doesn't boot08:35
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jgoguenmeisam: can't log in, but that's a good thing :)08:36
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Drk_Guyan Nv card, right?08:36
meisamjgoguen so thast workingggggggggg08:36
jgoguenmeisam: only you should be able to log in08:36
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:36
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meisamisnt it ?08:36
pguserit starts booting and now I get a blue screen.08:36
bibo_Drk_Guy nope x1950's an ati08:36
pguserplease help08:36
meisamjgoguen isnt it ?08:36
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pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:36
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jgoguenmeisam: it works for me08:36
pal_hi where can i get qt4.3.0? prebuilt08:36
banlieuepal_: that behaviour will likely only get you ignored08:36
Drk_GuyF** ATI!!!!08:36
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IndyGunFreak!repeat | pal_08:36
ubotupal_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:36
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Daltonteer2, I think it's off by default so that the mic doesn't interfere (feedback) with regular sound. Not many people actively use a mic and I am certain just about everyone uses their audio for one thing or another.08:36
Drk_Guysorry for caps08:36
=== Biagi [n=biagi@vir91-6-82-245-131-202.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
zylcheSound not working. Says it in use. No use fun. Screen 'vibrating', sound fast forwarding every time I try to listen to it08:36
n2diy! repeat | pal_08:36
bibo_Drk_Guy bought it one weekend when i was sick and had tax return money to blow, cant get it to work at all now and am having trouble selling it :(08:36
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jgoguenmeisam: what you should do to test is to go somewhere outside your home and try to SSH in...it's a little slow for me, but that could be because of my torrents08:36
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sebas_FanBoy, you can't eject the live cd08:37
VSpikepguser: did you shrink your windows partition08:37
pguserIs there a bug in ubuntu that screws up the mbr08:37
pguserVSpike: no,08:37
Drk_Guybibo_, i feel so...08:37
IndyGunFreakpguser: never has for me.08:37
pal_n2diy ! repeat | n2diy08:37
Drk_GuyBut i will help you08:37
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bibo_Drk_Guy what issue are you having?08:37
pguserI had a partition already for ubuntu08:37
meisamjgoguen and as a last question dudeeeee, when im using putty: then in host name part should i write down: meisam.homelinux.org ?08:37
jgoguenmeisam: yes08:37
Drk_GuyThe Desktop FX assistant helps so much into setting up cards08:37
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pguserit starts booting windows and then it blue screens on me08:37
VSpikepguser: At what point does it bluescreen?08:37
teer2Dalton: Thanks for the feedback - I think the assumption that people don't use a mic would only be true for bandwidth-limited locations.  Most people with the means are using SIP or Skype these days.08:37
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wdcant get flash plugin going with firefox, dl'd plugin, installed it, now it says copy libflash.so to plugin folder, it's there already.08:38
jgoguenmeisam: then putty will come up with a dialog, just say 'yes', and then enter your username, press Enter, then your password, and Enter again, and it should let you in08:38
peepsalothow much RAM overhead it is to run KDE apps in gnome?08:38
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vox754pal_, you cannot. It has not been released yet.08:38
jonatanpguser: did you try booting into safemode ?08:38
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banlieueteer2: skype doesn't support voice chat on linux :o08:38
pguserVSpike: it blue screens at the windows logo08:38
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bibo_ive got know idea what the desktop fx asst is08:38
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VSpikepguser: will it boot in safe mode?08:38
pguseryou know, the one you see when you first starting booting08:38
Drk_Guybibo_: i won't help ATI users at all08:38
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magnetronwd: you should not download it from any homepage, you should install it with Synaptic08:38
teer2banlieue: May be true, but doesn't stop most people using it on one operating system or another.08:38
IndyGunFreakDrk_Guy: lol08:38
pguserVSpike:there is no option to go into safe mode08:38
Drk_GuySystem->Prefs_>Desktop FX08:38
bibo_ohh the beryl compiz stuff08:39
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pguserit just has a windows option in grub,no safe mode option08:39
meisamjgoguen thank you friend, thank you very much, i try to conect to my pc from outside and see wahts going on08:39
pal_vox754 what about Qt-4.2.1 ?08:39
Drk_GuyBeryll has nothing to do with Dektop FX08:39
teer2banlieue: You're not being helpful with your responses, smarty.08:39
wdmagnetron, i did that too, synaptic says it will "get" flash install, where does it put it?08:39
Drk_GuyD FX is a tech preview of Ubuntu08:39
VSpikepguser: try pressing F8 repeatedly after choosing the windows option in grub until you see a boot menu08:39
vox754pal_, that is not an Ubuntu question, please don't ask that.08:39
banlieueteer2: I was suggesting to you why your logic was flawed08:39
pguserok i'll try it08:39
Daltonteer2, I would agree that SOME people use those types of VOIP software, but I would still have to disagree that more people use those than don't. Distro's have to work for the majority of the users, not the niche market (unless it's meant to be a niche product)08:39
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Drk_GuyBut you have to un-install all of Ati's stuff first08:39
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wdmagnetron, using dapper, only way to get server to work with my wireless card..  :(08:40
magnetronwd: it will put it in the correct location. remove the manual install you did08:40
askandWhat can I write in the terminal to see if my wlancard is supported?08:40
pal_vox754 i asked anywy so answer08:40
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Drk_GuySo Desktop FX re-install everything the correct way08:40
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wdmagnetron, oh crap how, i already uncompressed file and created .mozilla?08:40
wdmagnetron, just rm?08:41
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magnetronwd: i don't know, maybe08:41
zylcheHow do I see what program(s) are using the sound device(s)?08:41
teer2Dalton: Well - whether the percentage - I think using a microphone in Ubuntu is harder than it should be.  There should be instruction in the wiki, for example.  A microphone is not an unusual component and all computers have a port for such a device.08:41
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wdmagnetron, ok done, now what do i do?08:41
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meisamjgoguen friend there is an message when im trying to come up with my pc saying that eth0: no ipv6 routers present ...08:41
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meisamjgoguen is that familiar to u ?08:42
bibo_meisam you can ignore the ipv6 message and should probably just remove all ipv6 flags from your network card08:42
jgoguenmeisam: unless you're using IPv6, you can ignore it08:42
wdmagnetron, synaptic open.08:42
jonatanmeisam: does your connectionw ork otherwise ?08:42
Drk_Guymeisam, block the ipv6 driver08:42
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv408:42
Shin_Goukihello i need help with my scanner setup can anyone help me with that?08:42
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Daltonteer2, Windows, the supposed "easiest" OS to use, set's microphones to mute on first install too. It's not just an Ubuntu thing (I would assume that other Distro's do the same thing, to avoid more problems than it creates based on numbers of people using the technology)08:43
=== blkno1 [n=jim@pool-70-109-138-77.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bibo_Drk_Guy there shouldnt be an ipv6 driver. just flags for the eth driver08:43
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jgoguen!ipv6 | meisam08:43
ubotumeisam: please see above08:43
meisamDrk_Guy how can i block and block the message08:43
magnetronwb, open the repository settings and enable multivers08:43
rocketsWhats the proper way of disabling things in /etc/init.d from running at boot? rcconf doesn't seem to be listing everything08:43
Drk_GuyShin, get the cups driver from the manufacturer's site08:43
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magnetronwb: then install the package flashplugin-nonfree08:43
wdmagnetron, ok. i see my "flashplugin-non free" is already installed08:43
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Anlarrockets: there's a gui application for that on system->administration08:44
magnetronwd: then you might have messed u the automatic install with your manual tricks08:44
Drk_GuyMeisam, Modprove won't load the ipv6 stuff, disabling it completely08:44
rocketsAnlar, yeah I'm looking for a way of doing it from the terminal, other then chmod -x08:44
Oni-Draculaanyone know how to force X to switch resolutions when the GUI resolution switcher does nothing?08:44
Anlarrockets: update-rc.d08:44
wdmagnetron, it was already intalled first before the manual tricks still wasn't working08:45
wdmagnetron, how can i correct?08:45
LucianIndyyour sudo password is the one you use to log-in to the account your on now08:45
Stormx2Oni-Dracula: Ack, I've had that once. I think I just restarted X.08:45
teer2Dalton: Good point, but it Windows the mic is straight forward to enable.  I've been working on my microphone for two days and running all sorts of command line diagnostics with no avail.  Stumped the #alsa guys, too.  They said it might be an esd confict.  *shrug*  I guess I am just here to vent, because I am getting a Nokia N800 that runs Linux and has VoIP as a standard feature.08:45
rocketsAnlar, thats for REMOVING links. i dont want to remove, only disable08:45
Oni-DraculaStormx2, darn... I have a bunch of stuff open...oh well!08:45
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magnetronwd: what do you mean "didn't work"08:45
meisamDrk_Guy is there anyway to disable it compeletely ?08:45
zylcheCan not play sounds - Any App trying to play a sound crashes. xmms fast forwards through a song without playing anything. Help?08:45
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Anlarrockets: it removes them from rc.level's , and recreated as requested. it's what you really should use08:46
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wdi went to a site that uses flash player to see flick and i get the install plugin messge08:46
JDahlJack_Sparrow, I will try to get GRUB fixed before recovering Windows.  This is from "sudo fdisk -l": http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29130/   and it looks fine, I think08:46
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Drk_GuyThe way Ubotu said DISABLES IPV6 COMPLETELY08:46
wdmagnetron, ^^^08:46
rocketsAnlar, ok. Also the GUI tool didn't list all my services either. I'm trying to stop vsftpd from running at boot08:46
Stormx2zylche: Have you got the MP3 codecs installed?08:46
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magnetronwd: what firefox do you use? the standard version?08:46
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wdmagnetron, yes the one came with dapper.08:46
zylcheYeah, unless they were uninstalled during the reboot08:47
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zylcheI was just watching something on here no less than 10 minutes ago.08:47
wdmagnetron, i'm using dapper because i couln't get ubuntu server to recongn my wireless card with ndiswrapper.08:47
magnetronwd, then i don't know08:47
Daltonteer2, That's the Up and Down sides of Linux. You can do anything, but until every vendor provides drivers for their own devices we are stuck with places like this to "figure it out." I don't think that is such a bad thing though, as these places (and especially LOCAL groups) really helps build the community on a micro cosmic level and community is what Ubuntu is all about :D08:47
Qnixhello guys .. im running ubuntu on AMD64 everything works fine .. but it runs very slowly ... i dont know why .. any one have idea about that problem ??08:47
wdmagnetron, ok08:47
=== iarwain [n=iarwain@d51A4A56E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
BillyBeanshow do i ssh into my server from another terminal?08:48
dr_willisinstall ssh. ssh ip#08:48
dr_willisits not installed by default.08:48
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Jack_SparrowJDahl: Are you trying to boot to #2 and not using the mbr?08:48
Qnixhello guys .. im running ubuntu on AMD64 everything works fine .. but it runs very slowly ... i dont know why .. any one have idea about that problem ??08:48
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Drk_Guy!repeat | Qnix08:49
ubotuQnix: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:49
teer2Dalton: Well - for all the amazing things I've seen Ubuntu do - including preventing me from sabotaging it with my fiddling for the last four moths - I can accept this one limitation.  Thanks for your thought!08:49
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JDahlJack_Sparrow, no,  I just want the "regular"...  I actually wondered about the '*'... should I just flag #1 bootable ?08:49
stupid_cupidI use laptop acer 3270 with Intel GMA 950, how can i change my screen resolution to 1280x80008:49
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=== zylche sighs
zylcheI'm just going to reboot.08:50
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:50
meisamDrk_Guy is there anyway to remove or bloack the ipv 6 ?08:50
Drk_Guy!ipv6 > meisam08:50
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv408:50
Jack_SparrowJDahl: you should be fine.. I wasnt looking at it right..08:50
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bibo_Looks like someone got the x1950 working w/ an older ati driver but it work work w/ 2.6.20. Anyone tried dropping their kernel version via apt before?08:51
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Drk_Guydropping krnl version?08:51
Drk_GuyThat's crazy08:51
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BillyBeanshow do i ssh into my server from another terminal?08:52
Drk_GuyYou have to recompile and re-install08:52
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bibo_kernel compiles not bad. just want an apt way08:52
Greyscale_I have a machine connected to my network. I can verify that the connection to the router is good. how can I verify that the machine can talk to the network and figure out why it can't pick up an IP. this machine was working flawlessly for about 3 months until I moved it yesterday08:52
Drk_GuyAptitude way?08:52
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Chousukebibo_: you can make kernel debian packages with make-kpkg08:53
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n2diybibo_: search synaptic for linux, and you'll get a list of available kernels.08:53
BillyBeanshelp me, how do i ssh into another box?08:53
bibo_yeah Chousuke i guess ill have to do it manually08:53
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bibo_n2diy already did an apt-cache search kernel and they're all 2.6.2008:53
Greyscale_BillyBeans, ssh address/ip08:53
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Chousukebibo_: however, be warned that downgrading may introduce other problems.08:53
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VSpikedesktop search sucks08:54
magnetronBillyBeans: if the other box runs the ssh server, open a terminal on the client box and type ssh username@serveradress08:54
bibo_Chousuke: thanks but i should be able to deal with them. cant be harder than using redhat 4.2 back in the day :)08:54
magnetronVSpike: don't use it then08:54
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n2diybibo_: www.kernel.org?08:54
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Chousukebibo_: Hopefully you'll succeed.08:54
VSpikemagnetron: I don't - I keep trying them out in the hope that someone will have made on which doesn't suck, but I'm always disappointed :)08:55
bibo_n2diy i know where to get it :) just didnt want to have to do it by hand. the more time i spend working on this god forsaken video card the more i want to throw it out the window08:55
JDahlJack_Sparrow, does this /boot/grub/menu.lst file look alright to you?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29132/08:55
VSpikemagnetron: Shame because when it works well, it's pretty handy08:55
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Greyscale_I have a machine connected to my network. I can verify that the connection to the router is good. how can I verify that the machine can talk to the network and figure out why it can't pick up an IP. this machine was working flawlessly for about 3 months until I moved it yesterday08:55
Chousukebibo_: however, I think you should wait till ATI upgrades their drivers. :/08:55
bibo_so i wanted to avoud as much labor as possible :)08:55
mavsman4457Hi I am trying to install Google Earth and when I try my terminal just looks like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29133/08:55
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BillyBeanshey magnet ron --if my port for ssh is 777 would it be like  ssh  ??08:56
bibo_Chousuke unfortunately they had an update on the 25th of last month so ill have to wait a while longer for another one08:56
bibo_ssh -p 77708:56
BillyBeanshey magnet ron --if my port for ssh is 777 would it be like  ssh user@  ??08:56
macogw-is-a-girlmavsman4457: did you try running it now?08:56
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bibo_or maybe that's teh BitchX port command08:56
isaac_billybeans:  its ssh -o 777 user@xx.xx.xx.xx08:56
mavsman4457from where, the terminal?08:56
macogw-is-a-girlmacsits not giving any errrors so it looks installed08:56
isaac_ssh -p08:56
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jessicahello, whenever I try to install anything with apt-get or aptitude (I've tried 'wine' and 'irssi'), it downloads the packages and then gets stuck at: "0% [Working] " .  Sometimes the percentage changes depending on what I try to install.  dpkg still works fine.  I installed irssi using a deb with dpkg.  What exactly is APT doing when it says it is "working"?  Or how can I troubleshoot this?08:56
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macogw-is-a-girlmavsman4457: its not giving any errors so it looks installed. try just typing googleearth and see what happens08:58
bluefox83jessica, it should tell you exactly what it's doing when it's working, for each file it should show when it's downloading, when it's preparing the system for the packages, and when it installs anything08:58
mavsman4457macogw-is-a-girl: it says command not found08:58
macogw-is-a-girlmavsman4457: google-earth maybe?08:58
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mpcchello all08:58
ianmcorvidaeIf you're installing from medibuntu, it's googleearth.08:58
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ianmcorvidaeHaven't been paying attention, though :)08:59
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mavsman4457macogw-is-a-girl: still not found08:59
mpcci got a serious problem, ubuntu wont load! I enter my username and password and then I see the brown wallpaper and a gray box on the top left corner and thats it..it stays there frozen!! any ideas ?08:59
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vzduchobviously, there's ppl who don't know Medibuntu08:59
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mavsman4457i am not using medibuntu08:59
johndocHow would I enable the universe, multiverse, and restricted repositories in feisty?08:59
mavsman4457i'm using feisty08:59
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vzduchmavsman4457: Medibuntu is not another *buntu flavour, it's a repository09:00
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n2diymavsman4457: medibuntu  isn't an OS, just a repo.09:00
mavsman4457oh ok09:00
Phydouxmpcc, I had the same problem. I just used the recovery mode and backed up all my stuff and re installed09:00
ianmcorvidaeThanks, vzduch, you beat me.09:00
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:00
mpccphydoux thats not very comforting!!09:00
JDahlJack_Sparrow, FYI - more googling seems to reveal the problem:  the thinkpad t40 has a hidden recovery partition that messes up cylinder calculations: http://www.markwilson.co.uk/blog/2006/03/grub-error-18-when-installing-suse-10.htm09:00
Phydouxmpcc, Nor fun.09:00
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jessicabluefox83: here is all the output I get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29134/09:00
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macogw-is-a-girlmavsman4457: if you type goog then hit tab twice does anything show up?09:01
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peepsmy update manager wants to update itself, but it says it can't be authenticated09:01
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Phydouxmpcc, Thats why I use 2 HD's. So I can copy stuff from one drive to another if I have to09:01
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mpcci think it must be the resolution, i changed it somehow in the last time it was working09:01
mavsman4457macogw-is-a-girl: no just goog09:01
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mavsman4457should i try installing medibuntu?09:02
mpccanyone knows how I can reset the previous working resolution through the terminal ?09:02
bluefox83jessica, looks liek it's trying to download from a bad repository or one that's being over-burdened...try another repo...sudo apt-get update and then try again...if that doesn't work...there's a website somewhere that'll help you find repos for your area...09:02
gilsterwhat is a good audio program to split one large audio file into several parts useing a premarked cue file,09:02
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jessicabluefox83: it's downloaded all the packages, notice it says it needs to get 0B/10.8MB09:02
Ayabaraafter using the cisco vpn client, vpnc was a blessing :-)09:02
bluefox83mavsman4457, for the like..20th time medibuntu is not a distro or software package, it's a repository...you do NOT install it..you add it to your sources.list and download software from it09:02
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:02
n2diygilster: Audacity?09:03
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vzduchmavsman4457: your archive only uncompressed, nothing yet installed09:03
gilstern2diy: thanks i will check that again09:03
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mavsman4457bluefox83: relax i knew it wasn't an OS09:03
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gilsterlast i tried audacity didnt do that09:03
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vzduchmavsman4457: so add a Medibuntu repo & install using Adept or whichever method you prefer :)09:03
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bluefox83jessica, that's messed up...it's beyond my abilities sorry09:04
mavsman4457vzduch: sorry what's adept?09:04
slavikmavsman4457: adept is the kde version of synaptic09:04
jessicabluefox83: ok, thank you for your suggestions09:04
bluefox83jessica, i would still try sudo apt-get update09:05
jessicabluefox83: k, I'll change mirrors and try that09:05
bluefox83jessica, cus to me it looks like it thinks it already has it, but isn't sure09:05
macogw-is-a-girldouble-tab is a cool trick09:05
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mavsman4457vzduch: so to get the repo of medibuntu i just go to the terminal and type in what it says on their website?09:05
mavsman4457at the howto part09:06
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slavikmacogw-is-a-girl: it's not a trick, it's a feature09:06
scott__hey guys is there a way for banshee to read .m4a files? its the deafault mac music format when ripping music from cds using itunes09:06
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macogw-is-a-girlslavik: well then its a cool feature09:06
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vzduchmavsman4457: basically yes09:06
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mavsman4457vzduch: and the lines represent the different commands right? it's not all one command?09:06
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vzduchmavsman4457: yes, every line is 1 command09:07
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mavsman4457ok i'll give that a try09:07
theAnswerhey, i have got a problem with ubuntu 6.10 - should i post it here? (its hard to google for that)09:07
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slavik!ask | theAnswer09:07
ubotutheAnswer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:07
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vzduchtheAnswer: if you have something to past, use the pastebin09:08
theAnswerbrb in some mins :)09:08
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help2scripthow do I add a repository from command line09:09
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peepssudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:09
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peepshelp2script, ^09:09
help2scriptliket cat whateverrepo >eof /etc/apt/sources.list09:09
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borgistaCould someone direct me to the Compiz-Fusion room?09:09
help2scripti want to do it without using a text editor09:09
rob_is there an way to check the SMART values of harddisk in standard Ubuntu09:09
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jessicaborgista: #ubuntu-effects09:10
borgistathanks jessica09:10
dr_willishelp2script,  backup your sources.list first. :) one typo can erase it.09:10
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help2scriptyea yea09:10
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help2scripti just want to add 1 repo via command like09:10
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DigitalNinjaIs there a quick way to install multimedia codecs?09:10
help2scriptdumb a line of text to an end of file09:10
help2scriptDigitalNinja: add the medi buntu repo and key, then install w32codecs09:10
help2scriptDigitalNinja: what version are you using09:11
DigitalNinjahelp2script: Feisty09:11
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mavsman4457vzduch: when I did the second command it just asked me for the password then gave me a blinking cursor for a couple of minutes and it hasn't done anything yet09:11
BillyBeansissac i tried it it doesnt work i tried ssh -o 777 user@, what am i doing wrong?09:11
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:11
help2scriptDigitalNinja: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/Repositories09:11
DigitalNinjahelp2script: thank09:11
jessicabluefox83: thanks!  you were on the right track.  I was using the dvd as a repo, but my dvd drive has been acting up lately.  I removed it from my sources and it fixed it.  Have a good day09:11
peepshelp2script, i think you can use this to append a line: echo "new line for your file" | cat filename - > filename09:11
help2scriptpeeps: Exactly what i was looking for :D thanks you09:12
bluefox83that's great :D09:12
vzduchmavsman4457: hmm.. shouldn't be a problem09:12
mavsman4457vzduch: should i just keep waiting? it doesn't look like it's doing anything09:12
johnnytang24uhh, how about just echo "new line" >>filename09:13
vzduchabort w/ Ctrl-C and repeat, this time leaving the apt-get update part out, doing that afterwards separately09:13
help2scriptpeeps: close ..s hould be enough for me to go on09:13
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johnnytang24using cat file > file is a bad idea09:14
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mavsman4457vzduch: but I only got to the "sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list" part09:14
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BillyBeansissac i tried it it doesnt work i tried ssh -o 777 user@, what am i doing wrong?09:14
peepshelp2script, yeah, looks like johnnytang24 has the correct way to do it.  bad guess on my part09:14
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natbetis there a way to change permissions on /media/linwin (my extra hard drive, it's set to root now)09:15
DaltonBillyBeans, -p not -o09:15
johnnytang24natbet : change the fmask when mounting09:15
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vzduchmavsman4457: then do that by hand --> sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list <-- add the repo line there, then execute the 2nd line09:15
tolstoyFolks: I want to install Ubuntu on Parallels on an Intel Mac (x86-64).  Should I use the amd64 image?  The downloader suggested I should when I clicked the "amd 64 and intel".09:15
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Bradf0rdHey, does anyone know a way I could quickly send about 12Gb of info From an iBook G4 to this Ubuntu machine???09:15
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natbetjohnnytang24: ok, how do I do that, is that something changed in the fstab?09:15
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johnnytang24natbet : yes09:16
BillyBeansDalton do i need to be root?09:16
johnnytang24Bradf0rd : gigabit ethernet?09:16
DaltonBradf0rd, Ethernet or a USB HD09:16
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Bradf0rdI'm using Leopard on the iBook G4, and Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on the PC09:16
Kaaone one know how to mount a sata raid drive (ntfs)09:16
DaltonBillyBeans, I don't think you do, you might try it though.09:16
Kaaoim using dmraid -s09:16
headmaybe someone can help me out with a little problem09:16
Kaaoits there09:16
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Kaaobut i cant get it to mount09:16
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help2scriptookay echo'ing wasn't letting me09:17
help2scriptbut tee did09:17
BillyBeansDalton what does -p mean??09:17
help2script echo "deb http://whatever fesity main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list09:17
Bradf0rdYeah, my External HD is formatted to HSF+09:17
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DaltonBillyBeans, -p is port09:17
help2scriptthanks all09:17
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headis it possible to prevent the installation of several x libraries and stuff when install postfix in the server edition of ubuntu09:17
johnnytang24sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://...'>>/etc/apt/sources.list"09:17
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wweaselAdvice please: I'm comfortable with the command line, can anyone advise me of a way to go through a folder of text files recursively and replace all instances of a certain text string with another?09:18
BillyBeansDalton: Thank You!!!!!09:18
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Bradf0rdHas anyone here used OS 10.5 Leopard Beta (Build 9A466)?09:18
DaltonBillyBeans, NP09:18
rolfenhow do i do if i have 2 ubuntu installations and dont want to download the same stuff twice09:18
jason_hi, when i play a movie on web or from harddrive i get a black screen in the video window, the video is playing and i can watch the video after fiddling like resizing window etc, anyone know why this is?09:18
frojndhow can I reset settings for my keyboard mouse and monitor?09:18
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rolfensomeone told me to get the stuff from the apt-get repo cache on my pc09:18
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rolfenbut there were additional steps i forgot09:18
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johnnytang24wweasel : grep -r09:19
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headcan anyone help me with a ubuntu server related package problem?09:19
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mavsman4457vzduch: I think i did something wrong because i typed in this command "sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ feisty free non-free" then it wanted me to edit some file so i just exitted that file without editing it09:19
wweaselfrojnd: You can control such settings in System > Preferences.  For more complicated stuff you'll need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:19
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Bradf0rdDoes anyone here have experience using Mac OS 10.5 Leopard Beta (Build 9A466)?09:19
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johnnytang24wweasel : find . -name '*.txt' -exec sed -m 's/a/b/' \;09:19
vzduchmavsman4457: too much09:20
LucianIndyI recently made a script for the Server and Client that I just click on to turn on for Synergy usage. When I click on it, I get a dialog to "Run in Terminal, Edit, Cancel, or RUN" How do I automatically make it run without the usage of the dialog?09:20
Qnixhey guys i need help ...09:20
mavsman4457vzduch: what?09:20
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Cinderellachinese here?09:20
QnixMmm im using feisty on AMD64 and it runs slow .. i dont know why09:20
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vzduchthe "deb" part goes into the sources.list, not behind the command to open w/ nano09:20
Qnixany way have an idea about it ??09:20
theAnswerwell to my question: i start ubuntu.. desktop is loaded etc. but then "desktop" (like explorer.exe :P) closes, the bug buddy loads and shows some errors, when i close it, desktop crashes again, bug buddy, and so on09:20
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk09:20
wweaseljohnnytang24: oof. not familiar with sed. that's the command that will do the replacing?09:20
johnnytang24wweasel : yes09:21
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radiomancommon people, Ubuntu Rocks Forever!09:21
bluefox83LucianIndy, right click it, and go to "Properties" then tell it how you want it to act when you double click it09:21
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jason_any had video playback problems?09:21
theAnswer/usr/bin/gnome-panel is shown...09:21
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headcan anyone help me with a ubuntu server related package problem?09:21
vzduchmavsman4457: 'sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list', there you add the line 'deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ feisty free non-free'09:21
bluefox83jason_, make sure you have your latest video card drivers installed09:21
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wweaseljohnnytang24: Well, I've been meaning to learn about sed for a while anyways. I'll find myself a good tutorial. Thanks for your help :)09:22
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LucianIndybluefox83, custom command?09:22
vzduchmavsman4457: save w/ Ctrl-O, exit w/ Ctrl-X09:22
jason_hmm, i think so09:22
eduhi all!! easy question here: i just installed ubuntu, copied my personal files from my old hd but the filenames have weird characters (i was using iso8859-15 previously), any ideas?09:22
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pgusersafe mode doesn't boot into windows 200009:22
bluefox83LucianIndy, no..should give you those same options..you should be able to pick one09:22
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mavsman4457vzduch: oh so that first command will make me edit a text file then in that text file i type in the other part?09:22
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pgusersafe mode doesn't boot into windows 200009:22
vzduchmavsman4457: yes09:22
pguserbut i had grub before09:23
LucianIndynothing there09:23
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vegaergent help please with x server i cant start my pc09:23
vzduchmavsman4457: then get and add the key by typing 'wget -q http://de.packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add', when that is done, do 'sudo apt-get update'09:23
frojndIf I wanna install ubuntu and  Iset for partioning guided most free space, will this automatically create swap or not?09:23
pguseri was dual booting solaris 10 and windows 2000 and I installed ubuntu and now only ubuntu will boot09:23
LucianIndybluefox83, tabs for : basic, emblems, permissions, open with, notes09:23
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frojndand how much?09:23
vzduch!cn | Cinderella09:23
ubotuCinderella: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk09:23
n2diy! cn | Cinderella09:23
pguserit took me a week to setup solaris 10 and windows to the way i like it with all the service packs and programs09:24
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pguserand now ubuntu ruined it all.09:24
bluefox83LucianIndy, holdon, let me see what i can come up with...09:24
vegaer gent help please with x server i cant start my pc09:24
Cinderellan2diy Thank you09:24
rocketsvega, try sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg09:24
vegai cant get to login screen09:24
theAnsweri start ubuntu.. desktop is loaded etc. but then "desktop" (like explorer.exe :P) closes, the bug buddy loads and shows some errors, when i close it, desktop crashes again, bug buddy, and so on09:24
theAnswer/usr/bin/gnome-panel is shown...09:24
pguserhow could ubuntu get this wrong?  I've never had a problem with triple booting before09:25
bluefox83LucianIndy, what do you want it to do, run in a terminal window?09:25
royvega press Strg+Alt+F109:25
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LucianIndyno, just Run without Terminal09:25
vegaroy: Strg what is that?09:25
bluefox83pguser, it's not ubuntu, it's your grub setup09:25
kitchepguser: grub menu.lst just changed you have to put the other entries back in09:25
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theAnswervega: Ctrl :P09:25
roya button09:25
vzduchroy, vega: Ctrl09:25
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stefg!grub | pguser09:26
ubotupguser: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:26
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bluefox83LucianIndy, have you tried just double clicking it, to run like a regular application?09:26
vegawhen to press it exactly?09:26
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LucianIndyyeah, and it brings up that dialog09:26
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vzduchvega: anytime09:26
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mavsman4457vzduch: sorry i had to leave but if that line is already in the text file can i just continue with the other steps?09:26
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LucianIndybutton1 = Run in Terminal, button2 - Display, button3 - cancel, button4 - run09:26
vegavzduch: ok09:26
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vzduchvega: get back to the X server by pressing Strg+Alt+F709:26
LucianIndyi want it to default to button 4 which is Run09:26
bluefox83LucianIndy, ever notice a little checkbox that says "Make this the default action for files like this"?09:26
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headhas anyone an idea how to supress some unnecessary packages from being instaled?09:27
vzduchmavsman4457: yes09:27
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LucianIndynah, nothing there09:27
bluefox83LucianIndy, what kind of script is it? bash, perl, python?09:27
LucianIndyall it says is "synergy client" is an executable text file.09:27
mavsman4457vzduch: and sorry but could you just repeat those steps, i had to close out of the window09:27
mavsman4457just paste them in09:27
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vzduchmavsman: one moment please09:27
headhas anyone an idea how to supress some unnecessary packages from being installed?09:27
bluefox83LucianIndy, tell it to run as a custom command, and try that...like you were launching it from terminal...09:28
vzduchmavsman4457: 'sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list', there you add the line 'deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ feisty free non-free' <-- you already have that, so you can skip it09:28
soneilLucianIndy: if you name it something.sh  do you get the same dialogue?  or atleast the Persist option?09:28
bluefox83LucianIndy, it should try to run it without a terminal window :)09:28
vzduchmavsman4457: save w/ Ctrl-O, exit w/ Ctrl-X09:28
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vegavzduch: ok its stuck in running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)09:28
theAnswershould i post my question again and again to get help? (<= i know that is so lame :P)09:28
vzduchmavsman4457: then get and add the key by typing 'wget -q http://de.packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add', when that is done, do 'sudo apt-get update'09:28
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stefghead: desktop install basically just copies an image, no way to influence certain packages. you'd need an expert install from an alternate CD09:29
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CinderellaI came here to learn English, the way that we look at what09:29
bluefox83theAnswer, just ask your question and wait till somoene can answer09:29
DaltonVega press enter and you can go on to the login screen09:29
LucianIndylet me try the .sh extension09:29
LucianIndyright now it has no extension09:29
mavsman4457vzduch: i just type that at the terminal?09:29
vegaDalton: ok got it thanks09:29
vzduchmavsman4457: yes09:29
dcordeshi I just  tried to establish an RDP connection with an XP machine using tsclient. I get the following error on connect:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29137/09:29
LucianIndystill get the dialog09:29
headstefg: the installation process is finished. to be more detailed... we have a feisty server edition and try to install e.g postfix09:29
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theAnswerbluefox83, i dont think that anyone would scroll up again :P09:29
theAnsweranyways - i'm waiting :)09:30
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bluefox83then either no one saw it, or no one knows the answer09:30
theAnswerYes. :)09:30
headwith aptitude there are endless dependencies of x libraries and tools (such as xpdf ??)09:30
stefghead: so you're complaining that there are certain dependencies?09:30
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headbut with apt-get install only important packages are listed for installation09:30
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headstefg: exactely09:31
bluefox83theAnswer, ok, so your gnome keeps crashing?09:31
Romeo5ki need some help..09:31
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soneilLucianIndy: Does the script start #!/bin/bash or similar?  I'm curious why it's apparently not registering a filetype for it09:31
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bluefox83theAnswer, this is going to seem a little assinine, but i suggest doing sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop09:31
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LucianIndyit starts09:31
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vegaDalton: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg not working09:31
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mavsman4457vzduch: when i did the key add thing it told me there was no such directory09:32
bluefox83theAnswer, sometimes things don't get loaded or installed correctly09:32
LucianIndycd ~ | cd synergy-1.3.1 | synergys --config synergy.conf09:32
Romeo5ki was told to enable Universe and multiverse repositories in fiesty fawn.. I have the server and a noob, but im thinking i enable it using a sudo command, but i cannot find the command anywhere.. AM i missing something?09:32
LucianIndy| = newline09:32
stefghead: that's design decisison. (and usually a wise one). what do you think is 'unnecessary' in particular?09:32
frojndcan systemrescue cd edit partitions and format them???09:32
royyou have to write it like this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:32
LucianIndythose 3 lines are all that are in it09:32
theAnswer"sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" <- that would be reinstall?09:32
LucianIndyjust saves some typing09:32
rambo3LucianIndy, sh script09:32
rocketsanybody know which package contains mount.cifs or smbmount09:32
frojndcan systemrescue cd edit partitions and format them???09:32
vzduchmavsman4457: ah, my bad, it was missing something.. --> 'sudo apt-key add -' <-- the dash has to be there09:33
soneilLucianIndy: Try putting #!/bin/bash as the first line .. then "magic" should detect a proper type for it, and it'll get handled better09:33
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bluefox83theAnswer, no, it'll make sure all the required packages are installed, and will get anything that might be missing09:33
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LucianIndyok, thanks, let me try that09:33
vegahow to restore xorg  configuration09:33
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theAnswerbluefox83, where should i type it? in recovery root mode?09:33
dcordesvega, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:33
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mavsman4457vzduch: then apt-key update?09:33
headstefg: for example aptitude install postfix tells me that packages like x11-common xaw3dg xcursorgen xfonts-encodings xfonts-utils xlhtml xpdf-common xpdf-utils xutils xutils-dev etc. will be automatically installed... but I'm working without X just a cli based server09:33
bluefox83theAnswer, are you in terminal, or in an x window session?09:34
theAnswerx window09:34
vzduchmavsman4457: no, 'sudo apt-get update'09:34
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LucianIndystill has the dialog that asks "Do you want to run "synergy.client.sh", or display its contents?" with the run in terminal, display, cancel, run buttons09:34
bluefox83just open a terminal09:34
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theAnswerwell i cant :P09:34
Romeo5kanyone wanna help me??09:34
albrecheis ther a good tuto on installing apache2/php5 using apt-get, alongs with  php4 as compiled from source ?09:34
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headstefg: so why would i possibly need xpdf :)09:34
vzduch!ask | Romeo5k09:34
ubotuRomeo5k: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:34
vegadcordes: thanks09:34
Romeo5ki was told to enable Universe and multiverse repositories in fiesty fawn.. I have the server and a noob, but im thinking i enable it using a sudo command, but i cannot find the command anywhere.. AM i missing something?09:34
n2diyLucianIndy: I don't think a . is a valid file name character.09:35
bluefox83theAnswer, ctrl alt f2 should bring you to s screen you can log into the command line and do that ;)09:35
theAnswerok :P09:35
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:35
stefghead: there's probably some gui configuration-tool that draws a complete X11 install... not to familiar with postfix, but there might be component packages.09:35
=== dcordes tries decently to get some attention on his tsclient question above
manganicperhaps someone can answer this question for me - is it possible to adjust the colour depth withOUT editing xorg.conf?09:35
LucianIndyrenamed it and still get the same dialog09:35
manganicI need to go to 8-bit colour in order to use the terminal without causing a crash09:35
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headstefg: what are component packages?09:35
stefghead: the opposite of metapackages :-)09:36
mavsman4457vzduch: it did a lot of stuff then said done and gave me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29140/09:36
bluefox83manganic, nope...color depth is done in xorg.conf...09:36
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headstefg: :)09:36
manganicwell, I guess it's FailSafe Terminal / sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf every time then.09:36
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bluefox83...wow i was just going to ask him if he ment the gnome-terminal...09:37
headstefg: ok last attempt *g* how is it possible to block packages that i do not want to be installed when installing something09:37
vzduchmavsman4457: try 'sudo apt-key add medibuntu-key.gpg', then repeat 'sudo apt-get update'09:37
vzduchmavsman4457: if it says 'OK' after adding the key, it's in the database09:37
bluefox83head, there is supposed to be a way to blacklist packages...but i don't really know how...09:38
ZoffixHi, I have 17 extra keys on my keyboard, most of them are not working at the moment. I recall using some program that mapped those keys to functions. I forgot the name of that program.. completely. Someone in here referred me to that program. Does anybody have an idea what program it could be?09:38
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n2diyZoffix: loadkeys?09:38
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ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:38
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mavsman4457vzduch: it gave me a list of commands09:38
bluefox83hrm...i forget how to do it too...09:38
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Zoffixn2diy, I think that was it. Let me see09:39
vegaafter sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg nothing working09:39
stefghead: this would involve 'force -options for dpkg... don't do that, won't make you happy. you going to fight against apt all the time09:39
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mavsman4457vzduch: apt-key update looks like the best09:39
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headbluefox83: ok i will google that up, thanks09:40
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mavsman4457actually that is when i added a dash09:40
vzduchmavsman4457: perhaps you forgot the filename for the key09:40
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mavsman4457vzduch: it actually said filename not found09:40
numusanyone know how to configure a 5 button mouse in ubuntu...09:40
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vzduchmavsman4457: ah, the dash in this case was the error, it stands for stdin, which was necessary when piping from wget09:40
mavsman4457vzduch: no such file or directory to be exact09:40
headstefg: ok thanks for your effort... i will postpone the installation until i figure it out09:40
Squirrely_WrathOkay, I just converted ubuntu to Kubuntu.  I have a Kubuntu splash screen and whatnot but everything in the operating system itself still looks like plain old Ubuntu with the brown theme.  I have all of the Kubuntu applications but I can't access a few of them because I have No K button and it isn't using the Kubuntu menu structure.09:40
vzduchmavsman4457: so now leave the dash09:40
rolfenZoffix: try apropos keyboard in the terminal maybe it's one of these09:41
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mavsman4457vzduch: no such file or directoyry09:41
bluefox83head, if you go to System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts, you can map those extra buttons...i have several extra buttons that do assinine things like launch a browser and open a media player..i have them mapped in that09:41
Bradf0rdHey, I'm in Ubuntu trying to put files into my Vista Partition, but it tells me I don't have permission to do that, does that mean I need to be root?09:41
Zoffixrolfen, it was "keytouch" :D09:41
vzduchmavsman4457: in which directory are you?09:41
sharperguywhat line would i use in /etc/sudoers to let the usergroup FOOBAR use any command except su?09:41
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Zoffixbluefox83, thanks a lot.09:41
vegai cant start my pc  is thare is any way to backup my files before doing new install09:41
mavsman4457vzduch: gpg i think09:42
numusanyone know how to map extra buttons on a mouse09:42
stefghead, but afaics postfix isn't dependent on anything X11 (says synaptic). Sure it's postfix that tries to draw all that stuff ?09:42
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bluefox83did i totally just tell the wrong person how to map keys? :D09:42
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numusbluefox83: was wondering if you were talking to me09:42
bluefox83that's funny:P09:42
Bradf0rdSo, Can root edit other OS's partitions?09:42
AndyRhi all09:42
vegahelp ...i cant start my pc  is thare is any way to backup my files before doing new install09:42
vzduchmavsman4457: can you paste your prompt (the part at the beginning of the line that ends w/ a $ and the blinking cursor)?09:42
bluefox83Bradf0rd, if you mount the partition correctly, any user can do it09:42
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Bradf0rdI mounted it by right clicking and selecting "Mount" is there another way???09:43
soneilBradf0rd: rule of thumb.  root can do anything the OS is capable.  even if it hurts a lot09:43
headstefg: yes i am... i only do aptitude install postfix...nothing else... god, i miss use flags :)09:43
numusbluefox83: Where di dyou say those settings are.. i can't find them in keyboard preferencers09:43
vegahelp ...i cant start my pc  is thare is any way to backup my files before doing new install09:43
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royvega: you could save the files with a live cd09:43
bluefox83numus, keyboard shortcuts09:44
stefghead... you're not going to take suggestions as dependencies, are you?09:44
Bradf0rdsoneil, but to another OS's Partition... Like Vista's?09:44
mavsman4457vzduch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29141/09:44
royknoppix for example09:44
Jack_Sparrowvega.. livecd09:44
kitchehead: what is the thing that you think is x1109:44
vegaroy; you mean booting from live cd?09:44
Squirrely_WrathOkay, I just converted ubuntu to Kubuntu.  I have a Kubuntu splash screen and whatnot but everything in the operating system itself still looks like plain old Ubuntu with the brown theme.  I have all of the Kubuntu applications but I can't access a few of them because I have No K button and it isn't using the Kubuntu menu structure.09:44
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Bradf0rdBluefox83, I mounted it by right clicking and selecting "Mount" is there another way???09:44
soneilBradf0rd, if linux is capable of writing to the filesystem, so is root.  Vista I can't vouch for specifically .. I've managed not to touch it so far09:44
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numusBluefox83: I am really looking for foward and back on firefox to set my mouse keys09:44
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Jack_SparrowSquirrely_Wrath: click on options where you login with your user name09:45
bluefox83numus, oh..i don't think i know how to do that one...09:45
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Squirrely_Wrathand after options?09:45
headstefg, kitche: the following is part of the packages that will be installed if i proceed. --> The following NEW packages will be installed: ca-certificates cpp cpp-4.1 defoma emacs21 emacs21-bin-common emacs21-common emacsen-common file gsfonts gsfonts-x11 hyperestraier libestraier8 libfcgi0c209:45
head  libfontenc1 libfreetype6 libft-perl libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-data libgsf-1-114 libgsf-1-common libice6 libjpeg62 liblockfile1 libpaper-utils libpaper1 libpng12-009:45
head  libqdbm14 libsm6 libtiff4 libttf2 libungif4g libwmf0.2-7 libwv-1.2-3 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcursor1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxfont1 libxmu609:45
head  libxpm4 libxrender1 libxt6 mew-beta mew-beta-bin openssl postfix ppthtml sessreg ssl-cert stunnel4 wv x11-common xaw3dg xcursorgen xfonts-encodings xfonts-utils  xlhtml xpdf-common xpdf-utils xutils xutils-dev09:45
Jack_SparrowSelect which WM to use09:45
bluefox83Bradf0rd, yeah, you should look on the ubuntu guides for how to mount an ntfs partition with read/write access...09:45
rolfenok extremely stupid question: but i'm too lazy to google it: how do you make sure beryl is automatically enabled at startup?09:45
vzduchmavsman4457: strange, it should be there..09:45
bluefox83Bradf0rd, to my knowledge the only way the right-clicky way works for partitions, is read-only09:45
Bradf0rdbluefox83, AIGHT. Thx09:45
stefghead: emacs ???09:45
vzduchmavsman4457: are you sure you downloaded the key?09:45
mavsman4457i have to go but i shall try again later09:46
A3nextracting '/tmp/tmpSRcpp9/feisty.tar.gz'09:46
A3nauthenticate '/tmp/tmpSRcpp9/feisty.tar.gz' against '/tmp/tmpSRcpp9/feisty.tar.gz.gpg'09:46
A3nexception from gpg: GnuPG exited non-zero, with code 13107209:46
kitchehead: some of those are dependencies for the other packages not for postfix09:46
Squirrely_WrathCan't Bradf)rd use the program in Automatix to mount the nefs file system?09:46
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Jack_SparrowAutomatix is a BAD thing09:46
A3nI can't get update-manager-core on edgy like suggested here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/7867309:46
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numusIm sorry.. i love all these starplot and real time constellation viewers.. they are really cool09:46
AndyRcan anyone help me with the battery power meter not working on my compaq evo n160 in feisty?09:46
A3nand I don't know what to do with a debdiff file09:46
magnetron!automatix | Squirrely_Wrath Bradf0rd09:46
ubotuSquirrely_Wrath Bradf0rd: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:46
bluefox83Squirrely_Wrath, probably, but we don't recommend things in automatix cus it can totally fubar your system if you don't know what you are doing (and sometimes even if you do)09:46
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Squirrely_Wrathum...Automatix has never been a bad thing for me.  Never tried their Mounter but everything else works great09:47
headstefg: yes, do you understand why i don't get it :)09:47
magnetron!worksforme | Squirrely_Wrath09:47
ubotuSquirrely_Wrath: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:47
Squirrely_WrathAh, I see09:47
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stefghead, there must be something wrong elsewhere09:47
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bluefox83Squirrely_Wrath, i have never had trouble with it either, but there are oodles of people that have had to completely reinstall because of it...09:47
vzduchSquirrely_Wrath: you can do perfectly w/o Automatix09:47
johnnygWe are migrating a website to another web server and are testing it using an IP address. I want to set my ubunutu DNS to check instead of domain.com. How can I do this in a temporary fashion for one website?09:47
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headkitche: ok, but how can i block those unecessary things09:47
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A3nhow do I fix update-manager problem ?09:48
vzduch!aptfix | A3n09:48
ubotuA3n: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:48
bluefox83A3n, what update manager problem?09:48
Squirrely_WrathAh, I seeGUnna try the option at Login thing now and see what happens.09:48
kitchehead: man aptitude will tell you if your using it don't have it infront of me really and I usually never hold blacklist package09:48
numusBluefox83: Do you know where the mouse shortcuts for copy and paste are?09:48
magnetronjohnnyg: add it to /etc/hosts09:48
headstefg: thats the thing, because if i try to install postfix with apt-get the only packages that are installed are openssl postfix ssl-cert09:48
numusBluefox83: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto in the future reference i guess09:48
A3nbluefox83: I can't upgrade to feisty09:48
bluefox83numus, nope, sorry..i've never liked settings shortcuts cus i forget them too easily :P09:48
Bradf0rdBluefox83, have you heard of NTFS-3G?09:48
A3nbluefox83: this problem: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/78673 but the suggested solution does not seem to work for me09:49
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A3nI can't find update-manager 0.45.109:49
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johnnygmagnetron: I just loaded this file. It has two   localhost style entries. I can do  domain.com ?09:50
numusBluefox83: i live off of ctrl c and ctrl v lol09:50
kavon89How do I fix flash so I can hear audio on YouTube? I did the plug-in but it doesn't work.09:50
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A3nkavon89: Opera ?09:50
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magnetronjohnnyg: yep09:50
A3njust get the plugin09:50
kavon89an3: i did, it doesn't work09:50
blindIs there a special channel for gaming support, or can I ask my question in here?09:50
A3ngo to package manager09:50
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Jack_Sparrowkavon89: Are you running anything else that is using the audio?09:50
kavon89Jack_Sparrow: nope09:51
Jack_Sparrowhad to ask09:51
kavon89Jack_Sparrow: oh wait09:51
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A3nI had the same problem, but after installing flash it worked :)09:51
johnnygmagnetron: ok, that is done. I now load domain.com via domain.com. However, how can I check to make sure it is pulling from the new server?  (Sorry, I know it is a dumb question, but that doesn't mean I know the answer)09:51
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A3natleast in FF09:51
kavon89I have Teamspeak2, but it is idle09:51
Jack_Sparrowkavon89: shut it down and try youtube again.09:51
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bluefox83numus, i learned a while back that ctrl v and ctrl c don't work in gnome-terminal..so i kinda abandoned it since i live as much in the terminal as i do in gui's09:52
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headkitche: i've looked through the man page but havent found anything09:52
A3nso what can I do with a debdiff file ?09:52
rohanhow do i make debian and ubuntu coexist peacefully for the /boot ? i have a separate /boot partition. each one wants complete control of /boot , and add the other in "Other operating systems" section. is there any way i can get both to update menu.lst when kernels are updated ?09:52
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headstefg, kitche: thanks for you help....09:52
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magnetronjohnnyg: you could monitor your connection with a packet capture, like wireshark. that's my only bright idea atm. gtg see you09:52
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johnnygmagnetron: thank you for your help09:53
Jack_Sparrowkavon89: Dont mean to leave you hanging but I have been here way too long and wife wants to go to a movie.. there is a way to fix it if that is the issue.. just ask someone about alsa and oss09:53
kavon89It says Firefox is already running, but not responding. How do I CTRL+ALT+DEL in linux?09:53
llllllllI've got a separate ext3 partition mounted as my /home partition. It's all working fine, but my fstab entry for it is: "/dev/sda1 /home ext3 user 0 0" which I just realised isn't very secure. Can somebody suggest a better set of options for my home partition?09:53
bluefox83A3n, it looks liek you have an actual bug...my suggestion would honestly be to download the feisty iso and install from the disk cus it looks like stuff is going to break if you do it with update manager...09:53
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TaJMoX-is-singlekavon89 - Alt-F2 killall firefox-bin09:53
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bluefox83ok people, i have to go get my woman from work...can't help fix anything for a while..sorry\09:54
borschty_Is there a description of the process from uploading a source package by maintainers to the upload of the built package to archive.ubuntu.com?09:54
teer2Dalton: I got my fix.09:54
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Daltonteer2, awesome!09:54
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Ominouswhat was the firewall backend firewall for linux called again09:54
teer2Dalton: I had to enable the "ADC" channel.  This was documented by the ALSA team - kudo to their community: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Cs46xx09:55
Jack_Sparrowfirestarter or guarddog09:55
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numusahh k09:55
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kitcheOmegaCenti: it's iptables09:56
teer2Dalton: So this issue was made harder than it should have been in Ubuntu because of card-specific issues.  Frustrating, but at least not everyone has to go through it.09:56
royif i install kde on ubuntu, can i remove it safely so that i have gnome again?09:56
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vzduchJack_Sparrow: the backend, not the frontend09:56
Daltonteer2, atleast it works for you now though.09:56
dr_willisroy,  installing kde, does NOT remove gnome09:57
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Jack_Sparrowroy you can have a few and switch between them09:57
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royah cool09:57
dr_willisroy,  i have both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop and even xubuntu-desktop instgalled09:57
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dr_willisboth = all 3 :)09:57
rocketsCan somebody reccomend a good ID3 tag editor. Easytag keeps blowing up gnome.09:57
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Ominousif you reinstall something in package manager does it remove all settings09:57
borschty_rockets, ex-falso09:58
vzduchrockets: musicbrainz09:58
dr_willisOminous,  if you tell it to do so. thats what the purge opeion does I belive09:58
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pr4bha quickie: how to turn compiz off?09:59
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borschty_metacity --replace09:59
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A3n!edgy-proposed | a3n09:59
rocketsvzduch, all i see for musicbrainz are libs. How do I get a gui for it09:59
A3nwhats edgy-proposed ?09:59
rocketsborschty_, im checking out exfalso as well09:59
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Ominoushow do you select purge?09:59
vzduchrockets: never used it, to be honest.. if I need to edit ID3 tags, I either do it in Audacious or in amaroK10:00
rocketsvzduch, that doesnt work for me though. I have a HUGE amount of stuff to import, so I need to edit it before importing to exaile (gtk amarok) or It'll be too confusing10:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realtek - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hda-intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:01
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nnyanyone here good with troubleshooting headphone jack issues on HDA Intel chipsets?10:02
A3nhow do I install edgy-proposed ?10:02
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nnybeen struggling for weeks now. Tried all kind of fixes, including forums posts labeling similar issues, and all seem to fail. Can not get sound out my laptop headphone jacl10:03
sam123Can somebody pastebin the default /etc/asound.conf ubuntu feisty file for me please? ive messed mine up :(10:03
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nnysam123: rename the old file and do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-server10:03
kitcheA3n: edgy-propsed are bugfixes and such that are not in the main repo but still being tested more before being added10:03
sam123nny that should restore it to the default one then and ill have my pcm slider back?10:04
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nnysam123: should, i just did it with mine to make sure i had the right asound file10:04
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nnybtw its alsa-source, not alsa-server10:05
sam123i dont have alsa-server installed10:05
nnyalsa-source, sry pebkac here10:05
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sam123i dont have alsa-source installed10:05
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stefg!intelhda | nny10:06
ubotunny: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:06
numuschecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:06
numusanyone know what is causing that10:06
kitchenumus: umm install build-essential10:06
numuskitche i think i did10:06
Jerome_Does anyone know of a srm ubuntu package?10:06
Jerome_or will I have to make one myself?10:06
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brunnerhi all10:07
n3rrdAre there any benefits to using the newest drivers provided via nVidia's site, versus the drivers installed when you "enable desktop effects" for the first time?10:07
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sam123nny i reconfigured alsa-source but my asound.conf was not rebuilt10:08
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kenjiguys I wanna install xubuntu in my mothers computer10:08
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waseemgood evening everyone10:08
brunnerso I installed ubuntu on a hard drive that already had windows installed on a different partition, but somehow neglected to setup GRUB during the install. I can't boot into ubuntu. how can I install grub to the MBR?10:08
newtronJerome_, as in the bootstrap/firmware thing for Alpha machines?10:08
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:09
kenjibut my mom pc have 233mhz, 64ram and 4gb of hd, can xubuntu defeat a win98/office97/outlook express/IE 5.5 in this hardware?10:09
waseemi need some help in installing ubunto on my laptop.10:09
Jerome_newtron, no, its a rewrite of rm that destroys the file before it unlinks it.10:09
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alexseifI want to install apache2.2 php5.2 and mysql10:09
brunnerwas that automatic or did someone prompt the ubotu bot to say that?10:09
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kavon89How do I install ATI drivers to make sure I can play 3D games?10:09
alexseifI can't find any help10:09
kenjior I need another distro?10:09
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buizei need an itunes replacement10:09
buizeanything to add songs on my ipod10:10
n3rrdAre there any benefits to using the newest drivers provided via nVidia's site, versus the drivers installed when you "enable desktop effects" for the first time?10:10
borschty_buize, rhythmbox10:10
buizei got a jump in fps when i installed the nvidia drivers10:10
buizein world of warcraft10:10
Jerome_n3rrd: I highly doubt there will be that noticeable of a difference.10:10
kenjican some one help me please?10:10
waseemit starts fine but after 1 mins of installation it stops and gives errorof tty10:10
newtronJerome_, ever use alien?10:10
omarionafter installing feisty, my pc boots windows directly without asking me to choose between ubuntu or windows, what's the problem?10:10
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buizeborschty_: can i get that from synaptic?10:10
Jerome_newtron: no, do you have a link or information on it?10:11
newtronUse alien and turn the rpm to a deb, it _should_ work10:11
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n3rrdEvery time that I have tried to install the nVidia drivers, x putters out on me.10:11
borschty_if you have ubuntu it should already be installed10:11
ax1swhat happened to the realplayer10 package10:11
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n3rrdso eh, I'll stick with what works.10:11
newtronJerome_, alien is pretty easy to use/understand10:11
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buizeoh ok10:11
borschty_maybe you have to enable the ipod plugin first10:11
nnysam123 try /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart10:11
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Johtow00t i tweaked an dark theme in gnome..so gray its almost too eleet: http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/603/screenshotpg4.png10:11
buizeneat, thanks10:11
Jerome_newtron: Does basically the same thing as srm?10:11
alexIdoiagnome gives icon to my drives, where are they ? I have looked inside pixmaps, done all of them one by one but can't find the one looking like a drive10:11
nnystefg: trying that hda howto now10:11
ax1srealplayer package not in canonical any more?10:11
waseemanybody on installion problems10:12
newtronJerome_, no... Alien can take rpms and turn them into debs, and vice versa.  And on the srm project page, they have rpms.10:12
newtronThat is, if you don't want to compile srm from src10:12
newtronone sec though, I might be able to find a deb10:12
omarionafter installing feisty, my pc boots windows directly without asking me to choose between ubuntu or windows, what's the problem?10:13
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n3rrdhas anyone been able to install aMSN 0.97 through the packaged installer in 64-bit Ubuntu?10:13
Jerome_alright, awesome, I appreciate it. I could probably just make an .deb from source, but I'm kinda being lazy.10:13
waseemkaptein , r u there10:13
kitcheomarion: reinstall grub10:13
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kitche!grub | omarion10:13
ubotuomarion: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:13
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omarionkitche: thank you10:14
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numusanyone installed tintin++ with apt-get10:14
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ax1sless then 3 weeks ago i could apt-get install realplayer - to install realplayer 1010:14
rambo3!find realplayer10:15
ax1safter adding caonical repo to my sources..  i just did that, why is the package obsolete/etc10:15
Anthologyhow come when i switch between my virtual machines using Ctrl+Alt+F(1-6) I am unable to switch back to my x server one at F710:15
x_anyone is here??10:15
ubotuPackage/file realplayer does not exist in feisty10:15
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sbalneavx_: lots of people.10:15
alexIdoiawhat can cause a connection refused when using ssh ?10:15
ax1srambo3: Well how come I am finding official how-to's for it then?10:15
ax1srambo3: Do you want a url/10:15
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brunnerThere's no hda in /dev when I boot from the ubuntu live cd10:16
sbalneavalexIdoia: If there's no ssh server running on the remote machine, that can cause it.  Or, a firewall blocking port 2210:16
rambo3ax1s, no , i don't need real player and i doubt it was in official  repos10:16
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vzduch!info realplay10:16
rambo3!restricted | rambo310:16
brunnernever mind. I didn't realize my laptop uses SATA10:16
ubotuPackage realplay does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:16
ax1srambo3: it was in canonicals, read what i am saying10:16
rolfenguys i can actually hear my cpu or my gpu work (one of them... dunno)10:16
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rolfenwhen i put the screen saver i hear a very high pitched noise (almost ultrasonic) coming from my board10:17
ax1s## CANONICAL COMMERCIAL REPOSITORY (Hosted on Canonical servers, not Ubuntu10:17
ax1s## servers. RealPlayer1010:17
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rolfenand the sound system is off10:17
kavon89I downloaded the Java .bin thing from their site, how do I run it?10:17
brunnerif I have two partitions on my hard drive, one being NTFS and the other ext3, an sda2 should exist in /dev, right?10:17
pr4bhshit, why is there no support for creative 24 bit usb external? :(10:17
sam_hey how do i install samba?10:17
Flannel!java | kavon8910:17
ubotukavon89: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre10:17
Flannelkavon89: install the one from the repositories10:17
rolfensam_ just install samba from synaptic10:18
ax1skavon89: Do you want to install java6 plugin for firefox?10:18
sbalneavpr4bh: What, you mean the USB one?10:18
rolfensam_ you want the samba server or client?10:18
sbalneavpr4bh: I'm using one right now.10:18
sam_i get an error10:18
sam_ill paste it to you10:18
sam_hang on10:18
ax1skavon89: Do you want to install java6 plugin for firefox?10:18
brunnerif I have two partitions on my hard drive, I should see sda, sda1, and sda2, right?10:19
pr4bhsbalneav: does ur surround work?10:19
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alexseifhow do I restore ubuntu to its installed defaults?10:19
ax1sbrunner: Yep10:19
rolfenhello waseem10:19
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ax1sbrunner: if both are active10:19
sbalneavpr4bh: Dunno, I don't use it for surround.  I only have one set of speakers.10:19
rolfenwaseem ahla10:19
omariondoes feisty installer ask me to install the bootloader or not? i just don't remember10:19
ax1skavon89: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin10:19
waseemhello rolfen10:19
pr4bhwell, one set works for me too.. i need 5.1 tho :(10:19
alexseifhow do I restore ubuntu to its installed defaults?10:19
sam_that was the link to the error message10:19
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ax1sFlannel: Eat it10:19
waseemi need some help on installation10:19
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pr4bhdamn i spent 100 quid just on 5 speakers now i want them to work lol10:19
waseemon my laptop10:20
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sam_i don't know if i want the server or the client10:20
brunnerax1s: I only have sda and sda1, could that be because sda is my cd-rom?10:20
rolfensam_ it says samba is already the newest version.10:20
ax1sbrunner: is your cdrom sata?10:20
Chousuketerinyk :(10:20
kavon89axls: will "  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin " get me the full JRE so I can run java programs?10:20
rolfensam_ so i guess you already have it10:20
brunnerax1s: this is a laptop. I've never opened it up.10:20
sam_yeh but what about the [fail]  bit10:20
sbalneavwaseem: What is not doing?10:20
ax1sbrunner: what are you trying to do exactly, add a windows partition to view?10:20
alexseifhow do I restore ubuntu to its installed defaults?10:20
Chousukewrong channel10:20
ax1sbrunner: word10:20
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brunnerax1s: I just installed ubuntu for the first time on a second partition, and I'm trying to install a bootloader so I can use it10:21
sam_what is samba for10:21
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sam_i thought it was essential10:21
rolfensam_ hold on10:21
vzduch!samba | sam10:21
brunnerax1s: I'm currently booted off of a live cd10:21
ubotusam: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:21
sbalneavalexseif: Which, your whole ubuntu, or are you just trying to get your desktop back to the defaults?10:21
kerneldDoes ubuntu have an equiv of volatile.d.o ? I want to keep my clamav bleeding10:21
brunnersam_: "windows file sharing" and you probably don't need it10:21
rolfensam_ samba is for browsing and hosting windows shares10:21
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sam_oh wait10:22
sam_i think i  do10:22
ax1sbrunner: Why are you trying to find partitions?10:22
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alexseifsbalneav: the whole thing would be preferable10:22
sam_right heres what i want: i want to add my ubuntu desktop to my windows home network10:22
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ax1salexseif: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop10:22
brunnerax1s: I want to mount the partition ubuntu is installed on so I can find /boot/grub/stage110:22
sam_i can't get it to add the right domain10:22
alexseifaxls: what does that do10:22
sam_*sorry not domain workgroup10:22
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sam_how do i sort this out?10:23
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ax1salexseif: should reconfigure ubuntu-desktop to defaults10:23
kavon89wow, i can't find the terminal :/10:23
=== DilfATX [n=rey@cpe-72-177-10-96.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rolfensam_ you want to use integrate ubuntu to the domain?10:23
ax1skavon89: alt-f2 terminal10:23
Squirrely_WrathCan someone help me?  Using Kubuntu, just switched to it.  I do not have a KDE Control Center that I can tell.10:23
ax1sbrunner: make a folder10:23
Squirrely_WrathNot in the menu anyway10:23
waseemso that means i get no help today10:23
sbalneavalexseif: That's kind of hard.  I'd just restore from a known good backup, myself.10:23
sam_i want to add it into my workgroup so i can access it through  a windows pc10:23
ax1sbrunner: make a folder then type, "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /folder"10:24
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Johtofunny thing, i installed kubuntu stuff, but ihaven foudn a way to remove "kubuntu" boot logo back to ubuntu...10:24
Anthologywhen i switch from my x server virtual console to another virtual console, when i attempt to switch back all i see is my curser on an empty screen. how do i fix it so i can switch in between them seemlessly?10:24
ax1ssbalneav: if Alex had one, they wouldn't be asking how to do this10:24
sbalneavwaseem: What problem are you having with the install?10:24
rolfensam_ ok i understand... yeah afaik you need samba10:24
pguserGuys ubuntu shows my windows folders but grub won't boot into windows. WTF?10:24
pguserGuys ubuntu shows my windows folders but grub won't boot into windows. WTF?10:24
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alexIdoiahi I would like to have the amount of memory used (RAM) in my top bar is it possible ?10:24
alexseifsbalneave: i want to return to the  previous installation of some of the packages10:24
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ax1swow there are alot of ppl here10:24
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brunnerax1s: well I'm puzzled as to why I only have sda1 and no sda2 when I have two partitions10:24
ax1swho are *matter of fact10:24
ax1swho know shit10:24
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ax1sbrunner: why do you think you have two partitions10:25
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:25
stefgSquirrely_Wrath: #kubuntu is probably a better place to ask10:25
sam_rolfen so what do i do now?10:25
waseemsbalneav during its installation it gives an error of tty10:25
DilfATXHi guys.. quick question.. I have seen this method done before.. but have not yet found out with Ubuntu Ulitmate.... How do I update my Ubuntu Fiesty to Ubuntu Ultimate (the new 1.4 version) through the terminal, i would like to avoid downloading an iso10:25
borschty_Johto, try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh ubuntu-artwork10:25
waseemand does not go further10:25
rolfensam_ can u try this in a terminal10:25
Anthologywhen i switch from my x server virtual console to another virtual console, when i attempt to switch back all i see is my curser on an empty screen. how do i fix it so i can switch in between them seemlessly?10:25
Johtoborschty_: thanks, i will try that, i once tried something like that without effect..10:25
brunnerax1s: because I'm on crack. I'll see you guys later. thanks very much for your help. I just realized what happened.10:25
=== capnfantasmo_ [n=capnfant@CPE-72-129-163-66.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rolfensam_ go to /etc/init.d and ls and see if you have "samba" or "smbd"10:25
ax1sbrunner:  :D10:25
W1ZHey guys , im having a bit of trouble i have a lexmark x8350 and i just cant install any drivers to make it work. Any1 have any experience that can help me out10:25
sbalneavwaseem: I've never heard of an "error of tty".  Could you please indicate what the EXACT error is, and how far it gets before the error.10:25
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ax1sbrunner:  GL dood ;] 10:25
ax1si'm out10:26
brunnerax1s: thanks =] 10:26
stefgDilfATX: you shouldn't do drugs.... :-)10:26
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capnfantasmo_I'm new to ubuntu10:26
sam_how do i show the files in that directory in a terminal?10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
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rolfensam_ cd /etc/init.d10:26
rolfensam_ ls10:26
capnfantasmo_how does I fix my screen resolution?10:26
sam_ls thank you10:26
version2edit x.org10:26
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W1Znp :)10:27
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sam_it says samba and smb isnt there10:27
rolfensam_ damn10:27
oA-MCTomhey, someone suggested I use GParted to partition my HD on windows, can anyone tell me how to actually use it? :)10:27
sam_something is working because i can access the windows comp, but it cant access me10:27
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version2oA-MCTom: Run the program.10:27
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capnfantasmo_Can someone help me fix my screen resolution?10:28
oA-MCTomwould if I knew which one was the one to run :S10:28
sam_i think i just need to move workgroups10:28
sam_how do i do that?10:28
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waseemsbalneav i agree , these are not the right words . but it goes for about 3 minutes of installation and then stucks10:28
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sbalneavcapnfantasmo_: You could go to System->Preferences-Screen Resolution.10:28
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DilfATXstefg ? ? ? What do you mean.. the old version of Ultimate was based on Ubuntu 6 and thus the easy upgrade.. your saying that this new version of Ultimate is not based on the new version of Ubuntu? or you just don't know?10:29
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kerneldgrr 7.04 upgrade is taking forever. Leave it for a while and come back and a new pre-config dialog is waiting10:29
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rolfensam_ i dont think you can host windows shares without samba10:29
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sam_i know10:29
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rolfensam_ it may be a dumb answer but try to delete samba and install it again...10:29
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sam_but i  have samba, but i stil lcan't so it10:30
dr_williswindows can use winscp or other tools to access files over ssh. if you dont want to use samba10:30
numusanyone mud in here?10:30
sam_how do i do that?10:30
alexseifwhat do you type to move the contents of a whole dir with folders and files inside10:30
dr_willis!info samba-doc10:30
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 6754 kB, installed size 14512 kB10:30
rolfensam_ well you dont need samba to browse windows share10:30
dr_willisSamba-doc has 2 books on confoguraing samba in it. :)10:30
IntuitiveNippleDoes anyone know how to reinstall the snd-hda-intel driver in Feisty? I uninstalled the Linuxant HSF modem driver and it has removed it. As far as I recall snd-hda-intel was installed by Ubuntu, not Linuxant10:30
alexseifwhat do you type to move the contents of a whole dir with folders and files inside10:30
stefgDilfATX: i have no idea what you mean by ultimate, ubuntu 7.04 is the latest usable version, and if you seek support for ubuntu-spin-offs you will not get it here10:30
kerneldsam_: if you try delete/reinstall - be sure to purge it.10:30
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capnfantasmo_sbalneav: tried that. only lets me go to 1024 when I know this monitor and card are capable of 160010:30
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sam_how do i purge10:30
rolfensam_ you only need samba to host windows shares10:30
kerneldsam_: sudo dpkg --purge samba10:31
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kerneldsam_: maybe sudo dpkg --pending --purge10:31
sbalneavcapnfantasmo_: Then I'd say you want to take a look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.10:31
alexseifwhat do you type to move the contents of a whole dir with folders and files inside10:31
oA-MCTomso, yeah, can someone tell me how to compile gparted in windows please?  All the instructions seem to be about how to do it in linux10:31
=== Hydr0p0nX [i=Hydro@dsl017-120-131.bhm1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
W1ZAny1 mind helping me install a lexmark x8350 printer?10:31
capnfantasmo_sbalneav: I just installed my first copy of linux last night. I don't even know how to do that.10:31
kerneldsam_: And then make sure the config files are gone from /etc/samba10:31
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dr_willisW1Z,  ick. :) You dont want to know the # of lexmarks ive thrown away10:32
alexseifwhat do you type to move the contents of a whole dir with folders and files inside10:32
dr_willisW1Z,  check the cups.org site to see if its even supported.10:32
W1Zkk will do10:32
sbalneavcapnfantasmo_: What kind of card is it?10:32
alexseifI need a simple command10:32
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capnfantasmo_sbalneav: ATI Radeon X300 SE10:32
dr_willisalexseif,  i cheat and install/use 'mc' for that stuff mainly10:32
dr_willis!info mc10:32
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2057 kB, installed size 5944 kB10:32
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oA-MCTomradeon x300 cant run higher than 1280x1024 I think10:33
alexseifno other way around it10:33
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sbalneavcapnfantasmo_: I'm not up on ATI cards, but you may need to install the propriatary ATI drivers to get a higher resolution.10:33
dr_willisalexseif,  read the docs for mv or cp. and a few bash guides .... and learn how to use the shell.10:33
kernelduboto is kind of fact sparse compared to dpkg :/  do people use a different fact repo on ubunto?10:33
capnfantasmo_oA-MCTom: and that's the resolution I'm trying to achieve10:33
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oA-MCTomoh, lol, ok :)10:34
dr_willisalexseif,  i dont do that stuff enough to rember the proper syntax off hand.10:34
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sbalneavcapnfantasmo_: Check System-Administration->Restricted Driver Manager, and see if it thinks you need the ATI driver.10:34
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dr_willisi would guess mv -R , but not sure.10:34
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W1Zooo crap no ppd support :( so that mean im kinda screwed for using this printer? lol10:34
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DilfATX??? not one person has even acknowledged my question10:34
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capnfantasmo_sbalneav: HA! thanks10:34
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sbalneavDilfATX: I haven't seen it.10:35
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dr_willisW1Z,  perhaps.. saved you a lot of time however. :)10:35
kerneldDilfATX: Join the club. Happens to me alot :P10:35
oA-MCTomDelfATX: same for me, oh well :S10:35
dr_willisW1Z,  now ya know whjy ive tossed so many lexmarks.. canon got me mad at them also10:35
numusanyone know how to get a microsoft lifecam 1100 to work on linux?10:35
gtrI have my wireless netowrking working perfectly, but my wired doesn't seem to be working.  Where should I start configuring my Wired Network.  I want to try to plug directly into the router?10:35
W1Zhaha fro real10:35
=== the_diablo_devil [n=diablo@p54A8A0BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
kerneldDilfATX: Don't take it peronal it prob got lost in the chatter10:35
W1Zits koo i got the windows hd for printing10:35
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dr_willisW1Z,  when the cost of a ink cart. is more then the cost of the printer... thats scary.10:36
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sam_ok that didn't work10:36
GhlaveIf I have a raid5 array, 1 drive just failed, I shutdown and unplugged the wrong drive, is there anyway to get the array back up now?10:36
W1Zthats tru10:36
sam_i removed the conf files, purged and reinstalled10:36
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a193-229-224-83.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sam_same error10:36
dr_willisW1Z,  i just spent over $100 in color ink carts for the wife last week.10:36
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kerneldI normally get caught up answering other questions and my own prob gets left on the way side10:36
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kerneldsam_: what error10:36
W1Zouch :( thats a wallet breaker10:36
sam_all i want to do, i dont know if i need to play with samba or whatever, is move workgroups, is this possible?10:36
sbalneavGhlave: ergh, what kind of raid5?  Software or hardware?10:37
W1Zwhat printer r u using now?10:37
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dr_willis'move' workgroups?10:37
sam_this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29150/10:37
Ghlavesbalneav: software10:37
dr_willisW1Z,  my main printer is a 10 yr old HP laserjet. :)10:37
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects10:37
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W1Zhahaha figures nothing new will work10:37
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dr_willissam_,  the workgroup fot the linux box is defined in the samba config file near the top10:37
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sbalneavGhlave: Did you try a rebuild with the wrong drive in?10:38
sam_what? i don't understand10:38
W1Zdr_willis, thats why ya dual boot lol thumbs drives r my friend now10:38
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sam_i don't have a samba config file. someone told me to delete it.10:38
sbalneavDilfATX: Can you repeat your question?10:38
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the_diablo_deviliam new here10:38
rolfensam_ yeah delete it then reinstall :)10:38
dr_willissam_,  I havent a clue what you are really trying to do either.. If you installed samba, it should of put one in there.. if you reinstall the samba package. it should install the default one.10:38
sam_i have10:38
sam_it hasnt came back10:38
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dr_willisOr make one up from scratch. Or find an example one10:39
kerneldsam_: That was me - after you purged prior to a re-instal.  Reinstal should have added a new config10:39
sam_and i dont know how to correctly configure it10:39
the_diablo_devili search a german ubuntu channel10:39
rolfendr_willis i dont think samba is starting on his box10:39
sam_there is no new config file10:39
Phoenigorethe_diablo_devil #ubuntu.de10:39
kerneldsam_: Do you have a smbd or nmbd still running from old install?10:39
Ghlavesbalneav: when I realized what had happened, I shutdown, plugged it back in, and when I booted it began rebuilding the drive I had unplugged. While it was doing so, the bad drive got marked as faulty, and I kept getting errors that said it couldn't recover from10:39
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dr_willisi would paste mine.. but my config is rather tweaked.10:39
sam_i dont know10:39
W1ZIs samba good ? like reliable10:39
TreMobylwhat is the printer config tool that one is supposed to use?10:39
kerneldsam_: ps aux | grep [sn] mbd10:39
sbalneavGhlave: ergh.  That's not good.10:39
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sam_what did that command do?10:40
W1ZTreMobyl. goto cups.org and see if there are drive support for your printer10:40
W1Zi just had the same question10:40
rolfensam_ look for smbd or nmbd10:40
kerneldW1Z: Yeah - it works well.  but depends how you want to stretch it :P10:40
nnystefg: hmm updated to latest alsa via that link you sent, still cannot get headphone out to work10:40
rolfensam_ thats what the command did :)10:40
dr_willis!find smb.conf10:40
sam_nothing came up10:41
ubotuFile smb.conf found in gosa, linpopup, samba-common, samba-doc, smbldap-tools10:41
sam_what was that?10:41
sbalneavGhlave: Please say you've got backups? :)10:41
dr_willisreinstall samba-common ?10:41
kerneldsam_: did you purge samba-common10:41
W1Zwell im just thinking like a little comp maybe a p3 to host some files on my network like mp3s and such and just get them from say my vista or xp machine10:41
sam_i dont know10:41
nnystefg: although i did notice that i have alsaconf and /etc/init.d/aslasound now10:41
sam_i dont think so10:41
Ghlavesbalneav: well, there -may- be hope, but I'm not sure how to do this. There are 2 raid5 arrays, and 1 lvm stretched across them. The array that is now screwy was pretty much brand new, and had just had the lvm increased over it, so it wasn't very full yet. Is it possible to shrink back the lvm onto the existing array?10:41
sam_should i?10:41
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dr_willisI rember there being a smb.conf on my box befor i even installed samba10:41
Ghlavesbalneav: yea, no backups :(10:41
kerneldsam_: That why you config didn't get remade. Sorry10:41
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TreMobylW1Z: no, I mean what is the gui config tool that I'm supposed to use in ubuntu?10:41
sam_so dpkg --purge samba-common10:42
TreMobyllooks like gnome-cups-admin is the only thing that got installed by default10:42
dr_willisthat will remove it.. :) yes...10:42
=== Perun [i=perun@i577A9822.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
W1Zooooo lol system then administator10:42
dr_willisor will that just remove the configs?10:42
W1Zand then click printing10:42
TreMobylthat's gnome-cups-admin10:42
kerneldsam_: sudo dpkg --purge samba samba-common; dpkg -S /etc/samba -- should then be empty result.   then you can remove /etc/samba and start fresh10:42
TreMobylI remember that there's another tool that is better10:42
TreMobylgnome-cups-manager, that is10:43
W1Zya that 210:43
sbalneavGhlave: I don't know much about lvm, but I'd wager you'd have trouble, as I can't see lvm letting you shrink a FS that way, but you could try.10:43
Ltarhow to make Thunar my default file browser? I tried using the script found on this site: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease , but It doesn't seem to have worked.10:43
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TreMobylthere is another tool that was to be used going forward, but it doesn't seem to have been installed by default10:43
sbalneavGhlave: If you stick in the wrong drive you yanked, can you get the arryay up in degraded mode?10:43
kerneldsam_: other things may have a dependency on samba-common though so if that purge doesn't work straight up let us know10:44
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TreMobylthere we go10:44
lousygaruahow to i 'align to right' gnome applets? sometimes when changing resolutions applets seem to stay on the same X instead of sticking to the right10:44
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goldfingermafiaanyone have any experince setting up kismet?10:44
Ghlavesbalneav: not now, the system looks at it as a spare and says only 2 devices active10:44
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sam_i cant purge it10:44
sam_smbclient needs it10:45
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sam_and i cant purge that because  ubuntu-desktop needs that10:45
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dr_willisubuntu-desktop is a meta-package. doesent mean much. :)10:45
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kerneldgoldfingermafia: setting up? I didn't need to do anything to set it up.   my wifi config was OK for kismet to work out of the box - but then I was using madwifi which might be different than what you are using.10:45
borschty_you can uninstall ubuntu-desktop it is just a meta-package10:45
oA-MCTomok, can someone please tell me how to run gparted in windows? :)10:45
Toulousehey guys, i have two computers sitting here wired together, one of them has a wifi card and can conect to the internet, is there any way i can let both of them work off of one wifi card???10:45
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borschty_you can reinstall it after10:46
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dr_willisToulouse,  yes.. but its been ages since ive done stuff like that.10:46
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goldfingermafiai get a cannont find 'your_user _name_here_' when i try to start kismet10:46
Holty101hi guys wodering if you can help i installed KDE didnt like it so uninstalled it but on start up still get kbuntu and software still in gnomeany ideas how to fix?10:46
dr_willisToulouse,  not sure if ubuntu has some nice clicky tools to enable that or not.10:46
Toulousedr_willis: ok, so it can be done10:46
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HOTgod dammit i love ubuntu10:46
kerneldsam_: Well -- you might want an ubuntu guro to say yay-or-nay on this.  But it should be fine since you are purging for a re-instal...10:46
dr_willisToulouse,  yep. ages ago i would say follow the 'ip-masquerading howto' but not sure now a days10:46
Toulousei didnt know if this is somehting that could even be done10:46
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HOTneeds to be said more often10:46
dr_willisToulouse,  rather trivial actually :)10:47
rolfensam_ ?10:47
sam_a reinstall of what?10:47
capnfantasmookay. so i restart and it still says the max resolution is 102410:47
sam_yes rolfen10:47
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sbalneavGhlave: Can you mount the filesystem read-only and ignoring errors?10:47
dr_willisToulouse, pc #2 uses Pc #1 as its default gateway,  basicially. it forwards all the info to the net.10:47
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rolfensam_ oh nothing wanted to check how things were going with samba10:47
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kerneldsam_: sudo dpkg --force-depends --purge samba samba-common; sudo rm -f /etc/samba/smb.conf; sudo apt-get install samba samba-common10:47
sbalneavGhlave: If you can, I would, and grab a backup of what you can before proceeding.10:47
sam_will that work?10:47
Ghlavesbalneav: is that possible using just 2 drives out of an array?10:47
=== oA-MCTom cries
sbalneavWell, you said this array was part of an lvm10:48
sam_no error messages with samba install this time10:48
rolfensam_ cool!10:48
sam_now: how do i configure it to join my workgroup10:48
sbalneavtry mounting the lvm, ro, and ignore erros.10:48
goldfingermafiaanyone know why kismet wont start for me? i get a incoorect suiduser name error?10:48
slaviksam_: just change the WORKGROUP= line in /etc/samba/smb.conf10:48
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sam_ok thank you10:49
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slavikthen restart samba :) (sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart)10:49
sam_will that require a restart?10:49
kerneldgoldfingermafia: It might be set to change uid in a config to a uid that doesn't exist10:49
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rolfensam_ no restart needed in linux10:49
HOTis there anything that can compete with amarok that is gnome native?10:49
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goldfingermafiawhat is the starndard userid, i og in with goldfingermafia, and i set it in the file to goldfingermafia10:50
sam_not even for samba?10:50
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rolfensam_ nope10:50
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capnfantasmowhat is the .conf for the screen resolution?10:50
LukeEkbladI need help10:50
sbalneavHOT: rhythmbox10:50
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sam_so, how do i get my windows pc to detect this one10:50
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sam_it hasnt so far10:50
HOTsbalneav: is it really as good?10:50
slaviksam_: just rescan?10:50
oA-MCTomok, a different question, can anyone suggest any good partitioning software?10:51
sbalneavHOT: works for me.10:51
nnyok well anyone have advice into getting intel HDA headphone jacks working?10:51
HOTalright, thanks10:51
rolfensam_ well it should normally show up in the network neighbourhood10:51
slaviksam_did you restart samba?10:51
LukeEkbladLook here if you wana help me pleas http://lukeekblad.googlepages.com/myproblems10:51
sam_how do i restart samba?10:51
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rolfensam_ /etc/init.d/samba restart10:51
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rolfenuh sorry sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart10:51
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slaviksam_: also consider installing winbind and changing nsswitch.conf to be able to ping by the WINS name :) (Windows calls it "Computer name"10:52
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sacateron the ubuntu forums, how do I change my 'first cup of ubuntu' setting to something higher10:52
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jkthecjergoldfingermafia:did you try doing "sudo kismet"?10:52
Saber57where's a good place to get custom themes for xchat?10:52
HOTone more thing, i need to delay kida-docks when i start X for reasons i wont bore you with, however when i use sleep && at the session command line it doesnt launch, therefore i need a way to launch it after a delay that doesnt use session10:52
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capnfantasmoi opened xorg.conf in gedit and it's blank10:52
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HOT/etc/X11/xorg.conf is blank ?10:53
danya_hello ?10:53
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LukeEkbladHi, how do I get kiba dock?10:53
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kerneldsam_: Do you have DNS configured on your LAN?10:53
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sam__hi everyone, sorry i pulled out my power cable by accident10:53
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danya_Guys I need help with my flash player :(10:54
fisherhomewhen will Bluetooth A/C electricity be available?  (joke)10:54
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danya_I couldnt install it have s.. I have some architecture 64 problem something like that I Have Intel vcard ..10:54
kerneldsam_: You may need to edit you windows pcs lmhosts files - or be patient.10:54
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capnfantasmoso I opened up the terminal and input sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.custom10:55
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holstwhat is the matter with the breezy repositories?10:55
capnfantasmoit didn't do anything10:55
zsh!offtopic > fisherhome10:55
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LukeEkbladI need help downloading Kiba dock,  I dont know where to get it or how to get it10:55
rolfenlol @ sam10:55
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kerneldsam_: The bet way IMHO is to configure DNS on your LAN and you don't have to rely on the stone age LANMAN name resolution10:55
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sam__ok. thanks for your help everyone, the computer is in the workgroup!10:56
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sam__but it's asking for a password10:56
erpoI'm looking for a workspace switcher with live desktop previews that looks like this: http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog-images/monkey-hoot/WorkspaceSwitching.ogg Any suggestions?10:56
sam__i dont know what to do10:56
rolfensam_ i guess you want to create shares now?10:56
capnfantasmoit's says xorg.conf doesn't exist10:56
sam__i have tried my root and "sam" account password10:56
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LucianIndyHello. I have beryl installed on a computer with a nVidia card and one with Intel graphics. Both are not showing titlebars and window borders. Is there a fix for this?10:56
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slaviksam__: who is asking for password? (you trying to access samba share from windows?)10:56
sam__i havent got a share yet10:56
slaviksam__: man smbpasswd :)10:56
kerneldsam__: You can create passwords on smaba with the smbpasswd command. You need to have a matching linux user10:56
igor47hi, i'm trying to run javaws - ubuntu tells me to install j2re1.4 but i have and still get the same message10:56
rambo3!xgl | LucianIndy10:57
ubotuLucianIndy: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:57
rambo3LucianIndy is 3d working ?10:57
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sam__how do i set the password for accessing my samba share?10:58
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sam__where is my samba share?10:58
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kerneldsam__: In a WORKGROUP setup - it works bets if you have the same username on the windows systems as on your samba box - with smbpasswd you can create a user with the same password as you use on your windows pcs, then it won't ask for a password as windows caches the password(Yuk!) and attempts to authenticate with it (Yuk! Yuk!)10:58
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peepsis networkManager the default wifi manager for Ubuntu?10:58
rocketsWhats a good tool for converting between various audio formats. In this case wma to mp310:58
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kerneldpeeps: sox10:59
sam__let's start at the start10:59
sam__how do i make a share?10:59
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kernelderr maybe not10:59
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:59
HOTsam_ on a windows machine or a linux machine?10:59
kerneldsam__: samba has a web admin front end called swat.10:59
rambo3LucianIndy, did you fallow thos howtos from ubotu ? no windows means beryl can't start10:59
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sam__i want to drag files from my windows comp into my linux11:00
HOTsam_ and you are sharing to another linux machine?11:00
kerneldsam__: Or you could just edit smb.conf its pretty easy. there should be same ample share there already11:00
nnyso whats the options here. Been trying to get this headphone jack working for a long time. Tried uboto's automated response, tried all kind of config changes, compiles, and sacrificing small animals but yet, it remains unfixed. is there a place I can post a request for someone to look at this issue... thinking of a forum post, but well... all the forums posts I have found just tell each other to try the things i have tried11:00
LucianIndyi have windows, just no titlebar with the minimize, maximize, and close buttons and window borders11:00
d4rkmonkeydoo dee dah doo dam dil dit!11:00
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HOTsam_ it would be easier to set the share on the windows machine and send files to and from it11:00
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holstwhat is the matter with the breezy repositories?11:00
HOTsam_ much easier11:00
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kerneldHOT: thats not really true11:00
Hitomarohey is automatix illegal?11:01
LukeEkbladI need help pleas!  I dont know where to get kiba dock or how to install it.  Can someone help me pleas?11:01
LucianIndyit says i should get compiz . . . sounds like compiz is a replacement for beryl?11:01
zodersWitam wszystkich11:01
kerneldadding shares in smb.conf is easy11:01
slavik!automatix | Hitomaro11:01
ubotuHitomaro: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:01
dcordesHirvinen, yes11:01
dcordesit is the devil11:01
d4rkmonkeyno Hitomaro it isn't, its better not to use Automatix though11:01
techjimelkbuntu: ping.. I gotta talk to you11:01
HOTkerneld: the guy is clearly new to this, why make it any harder than it has to be?11:01
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zoderswy tu gadacie po PL czy EU11:01
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vzduch!pl | zoders11:01
ubotuzoders: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:01
Hitomarooh well.. I downloaded my drivers with that11:02
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zodersdzieki :)11:02
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HOTLucianIndy: compiz-fusion is a "replacement" for beryl, i wouldnt say compiz is, but thats my opinion11:02
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wdarhello, i am getting an  error during installation of ubunto on my laptop. it says can't access tty: job control turned off. , ...... what shall i do to move further11:02
Piroi'm doing a fresh ubuntu instalation with dual boot with xp, what shoulb be the steps? install xp and next ubuntu?11:02
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peepswhat is the default program for connecting to wireless in Ubunt?11:03
LamegoPiro, correct11:03
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HOTPiro: imho yes, XP doesnt play nice with nix, whereas nix is aware of the windows mbr11:03
PiroLamego: and do all partioning in xp?11:03
W1ZPiro ur right11:03
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MajorPayne!wifi | peeps11:03
ubotupeeps: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:03
sam__/etc/init.d samba restart11:03
HOTPiro of course if you just need light windows support and not gaming, you can install vmware server11:03
HOTsave the reboot11:03
LamegoPiro, just leave unpartioned space for the ubuntu install11:03
kerneldHOT: Hmm 1) On windows - set a password for you username.   On linux: create a user with the same username, add a sambapasswd entry for that username and set the password to the same as the window password; add a share to smb.conf by copying one of the other shares .  restart samba; good to go11:03
sam__how do i restart samba?11:04
HOTkerneld: be honest which looks easier :)11:04
LukeEkbladI have a problem with beryl.  when i maximize my window, it maxemizes but only into half the screen, how do i fix this?11:04
Lamegosam__, sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart11:04
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kerneldsam_: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart11:04
[selfsearcher] Piro do a backup before resizing your partition, if it's the case11:04
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HOTanyway the point is sam_ both are valid ways of doing it11:04
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kerneldHOT: But this is a learning experienc, and it is not very difficult - then it is easy11:04
wdarany body on help for installation11:05
capnfantasmo_what was that command again for restart x?11:05
HOTkerneld: alright , i agree11:05
[selfsearcher] Piro you can also make a floppy with a bootloader without wiping your Windows boot loader11:05
W1Zwell guys im off , the usual cousin for the third time this week has crashed vista lol so ima have to reinstall that and give him ubuntu11:05
Lamegocapgadget, CTRL - ALT - BS ?11:05
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[selfsearcher] wdar tell me11:05
HOTcapnfantasmo_: if you want a really quick way ctrl + alt + backspace11:05
kerneldanyway - I gotta go.11:05
d4rkmonkeyHey, I'm trying to get this working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=494943 but I don't know what to do with 95x11-xgamma.zip11:05
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rolfenguys how to replace metacity with compiz as default windows manager?11:06
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rolfenevery time i boot i have to manually enable compiz11:06
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HOTrolfen: compiz or compiz fusion?11:06
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sam__ok how do i access this computer now, i have installed samba, created a share, but now how do i get into it?11:07
rolfenHOT sorry i mean beryl11:07
LucianIndyi get some errors when i start compiz. 'usr/bin/compiz.real: No stencil buffer. Clipping of transformed windows is not going to be corrent when screen is transformed.'11:07
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LucianIndyis that an issue?11:07
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:07
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wdarself sercher11:07
rolfensam__ just browse it from your windows PC11:07
capnfantasmoI'm using an ATI Radeon x300 SE capable of up to 2048. I've got an old CRT monitor capable of up to 1600. how do I get my screen resolution up to 1280?11:07
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FugbazardHi i have a 64bit O/S and I want to run a C application on that system in 32bit mode, how can I do that?11:07
wdarwhile installing i get the erro11:07
d4rkmonkeyHey, I'm trying to get this working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=494943 but I don't know what to do with 95x11-xgamma.zip (a file attached in the post), can anyone help me?11:07
HOTrolfen: you can put "beryl-manager" into sessions , it will launch everytime X starts11:07
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rolfenHOT ok thanks!11:08
[selfsearcher] wdar need help?11:08
sam__i have11:08
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sam__it asks for a password11:08
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wdarerro  as /bin/sh: can't access tty,11:08
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wdaryes, selfsearcher,11:08
[selfsearcher] wdar: laptop?11:08
wdarit is me again.11:08
rolfensam__ use smbpasswd to set your password11:08
wdarself searcher , it is k565ec now instead of wdar11:08
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rolfensam__ like this: smbpasswd -U username11:08
blackace11hello i can't open my open office program!!! and i'm at work and need to open floor plans!!11:09
sam__and then?11:09
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rolfensam__ then type password when it asks for it11:09
wdarso selfsearcher , can you help11:09
wdaron laptop11:09
logan_I have a p4 and 512mb of memory and I can't run firefox without using 100% memory, and everything moves really slow, sometimes it will just freeze up. Any reasoning behind this? Everything worked fine in xp11:09
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rocketsCan anybody reccomend a good audio conversion tooll11:09
rocketsother then soundkonverter11:10
Ominouswhy cant i switch user, shutdown, or restart with xgl enabled11:10
HOTlogan_: try running firefox in safe mode11:10
sam__no i don't think it's a password issue11:10
fisherhomelogan_ have you tweaked any of the about:config settings?11:10
logan_safe mode?11:10
fisherhomeenter about:config into the url bar11:10
HOTanyone remember the command for launching firefox in safemode? i think its firefox --safemode11:10
=== kane77 likes gedit even more than before!!!
blackace11hello i can't open my open office program!!! and i'm at work and need to open floor plans!!11:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:10
HOTlet me check11:10
sam__i dont know whats the problem11:10
slavik!gethelp > slavik11:10
sam__i want to access a share on this computer11:10
sam__thats all11:10
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sam__why can't i?11:10
[selfsearcher] wdar did you install Ubuntu? Or it doesn't start at all?11:10
HOTyup, do that, open a terminal and do "firefox --safemode"11:11
rolfensam__ do you want to remove the password from the share?11:11
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fisherhomeabout:config will open up the huge list of configurable settings for firefox.. look through them, especially those related to memory and see if you can't get it to start w/ less bloat11:11
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kane77HOT, its -safe-mode11:11
HOTthanks kane7711:11
SlimGI want to run a userspecific command after the user has logged in, regardless or desktop environment, where should I put that command?11:11
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sam__that might help11:11
sam__how do i remove the password from the share?11:11
LucianIndyok now that i make compiz my window manager, the cube effect doesn't work anymore11:11
blackace11hello i can't open my open office program!!! and i'm at work and need to open floor plans!!11:11
HOTyup thats its "firefox safe-mode"11:11
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fisherhomeblackace11: 7.04?11:12
rolfensam__ i think that you have to add "guest ok = yes" to your share section in smb.conf11:12
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Ghlavehow can I determine the size of a drive in blocks?11:12
fisherhomewhat happens when you try to launch any of the programs?11:12
kyle__I have a raedeon 9500 pro - I want to run a screen resolution higher than whats listed in 'Screen Resolution Preferences'. How do I do that?11:12
SlimGblackace11: Try another app11:12
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SlimGI want to run a userspecific command after the user has logged in, regardless or desktop environment, where should I put that command?11:12
wdarwell selfsearcher , it does start installation but then after about 3 mins it stuck and says /bin/sh: cant access tty11:12
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Ominouswhy cant i switch user, shutdown, or restart with xgl enabled and when i press switch user i get an error "You do not seem to be logged in on the console, \n Starting a new logoin only works correctly on the console"11:12
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SlimGblackace11: abiword11:13
HOTGhlave: du ?11:13
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HOTsorry i mean du -B11:13
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walidcan someone elaborate on the sar -B pgpin/s and out, are these equiv to bi/bo in vmstat?11:13
blackace11but it's excel11:13
logan_Running in dsafemode with everything disabled and it iss till running a t impossible-to-use slow11:13
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kane77kyle__, edit the xorg.conf file and add the resolution you want to use...11:13
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GhlaveHOT: I need to get the total size of the partition though, not just the used space11:14
logan_Typing in here isnt even showing up until 4-5 seconds later, thus the typos11:14
wdarselfsearcher r u getting me11:14
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Zerrohi i have a strange problem i try to install ubutnu on sata normal "not raid" hdds and it just hangs in "starting up the partitioner" in alternative cd install and with live cd it do the same .... any idea ??11:14
kane77logan_, why is it that slow?11:14
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kyle__thanks kane11:14
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logan_kane77 That is what I am asking her11:14
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SlimGblackace11: http://www.linuxalt.com/11:14
NutubuntuZerro, is it a new HD? or has it been partitioned before?11:14
kane77kyle__, but remember to BACK UP that file!!11:14
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pr4bhQuestion: has anybody here managed to get sb live external usb to produce surround sound? for me, only the front speakers work11:15
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SlimGblackace11: KSpread, Open Calc, Gnumeric11:15
kawaaaaajoin #11:15
kane77logan_, try "top" to see what's using up the resources11:15
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blackace11ok thanks!!11:15
logan_nothing is using a lot of resources on that list11:15
BelialWhat is the easiestway to get ubuntu to redetect and restore the option for windows in the .lst file in /boot. I had a friend who i edited the file to put windows at the top (Not thinking it would be a problem) Im now 400 or so miles away and need to sort him out. The menu order isnt to important right now, just an easy way to get him back dual booting11:15
blackace11can you help me get it working now?11:15
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logan_I tried system monitor too11:15
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ZerroNutubuntu: yea i have try to install it in raid but grub will not work so i try now install it on normal ide mode11:15
dbftif i use apt-get to install java611:15
dbftwhere will it be installed to?11:16
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=== Radio [n=null@pool-71-106-226-52.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane77logan_, have you sorted it by cpu / memory?11:16
sam__i give up11:16
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pr4bhQuestion: has anybody here managed to get sb live external usb to produce surround sound? for me, only the front speakers work11:16
fisherhomewell ide won't work on a sata drive, so dont bother with ide mode11:16
[selfsearcher] wdar i found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279884 for a start. It's a "strange" problem... it could depend on a menu.lst or something else...11:16
Ominouswhy cant i switch user, shutdown, or restart with xgl enabled and when i press switch user i get an error "You do not seem to be logged in on the console, \n Starting a new logoin only works correctly on the console"11:16
NutubuntuZerro, I had a similar problem and ended up having to zero out track zero using a utility from Ultimate Boot Disk. After that it partitioned with no trouble.11:16
kawaaaaahi i have a question about qindows11:16
rolfenhey sam__11:16
capnfantasmoI got this error message "aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor"11:16
sam__thanks everyone for all of your help, i don't know what i would have done without you.11:16
dbft<dbft> if i use apt-get to install java611:17
dbft<dbft> where will it be installed to?11:17
kane77kawaaaaa, go ahead.. but note that this is #ubuntu...11:17
n3rrdI installed the newest nVidia drivers from their website, just for shits and giggles, and it has killed X.  Under the Device section, it just lists driver as "nvidia"11:17
wdarthanks selfsearcher , i have a look onto it and come back to you11:17
n3rrdIS that correct? :S11:17
Zerronutubuntu: oki i think i have the disk will try to see if it helps11:17
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:17
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NutubuntuZerro good luck, stop back in and say how it went :)11:17
sam_just before i left someone said hey sam?11:17
Zerronutubuntu: will do m8 ^^11:17
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HOTother people have given you there opinion here is mine, go to windows , share a directory11:18
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[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo did you install the modules too?11:18
HOTgo to you ubuntu install and go to "windows network"11:18
HOTthen click "search"11:18
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capnfantasmoselfsearcher: I don't know.11:19
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larson9999is there a way to make the right control work with typeahead, typematc, repeat key, whatever you want to call it?11:19
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pr4bhQuestion: has anybody here managed to get sb live external usb to produce surround sound? for me, only the front speakers work11:19
kawaaaaayeah i know, i want to ask about windows, how to delete my system if a can't delete linux11:19
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Ominouswhy cant i switch user, shutdown, or restart with xgl enabled and when i press switch user i get an error "You do not seem to be logged in on the console, \n Starting a new logoin only works correctly on the console"11:19
sam_didnt work11:20
sam_im going11:20
sam_thank you everyone11:20
n3rrdDoes anyone know what the "driver" part of the Device Section in XORG.CONF is supposed to say when you install new NVidia drivers?11:20
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n3rrdMine only says "nvidia" and X doesn't seem to think that I have an NVidia GPU installed... but the default Nvidia drivers work.11:20
kitche2n3rrd: nvidia11:20
MorrisseyHi ... I fund on a forum that I have to "allowing inbound tcp port 990 in my iptables configuration." .. anyone know how I would approach?11:20
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo you need fglrx... ok but you need also the modules as described in the Wiki. Search it11:20
capnfantasmowhat wiki?11:21
[selfsearcher] !wiki11:21
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.11:21
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capnfantasmothat's cool11:21
[selfsearcher] say !wiki capnfantasmo11:21
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[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo lol sorry ;)11:21
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capnfantasmowhat happen?11:21
n3rrdkitche2: how did you install your drivers?  I quit x, used sudo sh NVIDIA... and just went through the process... restarted and now X doesn't work.11:21
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cypruserHow do I install glibc-devel?11:22
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo nothing. Just search in the wiki for ATI drivers.11:22
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kyle__how do I edit/backup xorg.conf?11:22
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Romeo5kQUESTIOIN: if i am in Fiesty command prompt.. just got thru installing it.. and i type it : "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" is that installing a gui for the server, or is it writeing over the server and puttting the desktop?11:22
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[selfsearcher] kyle__ backup = copy with a different name. Edit it ad root (sudo, in Ubuntu)11:22
kitche2n3rrd: like you did but with ubuntu some people rather use the package they have11:23
=== gourdin [n=adept@dau94-8-88-166-31-178.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
HOTkyle__: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11xorg.conf.bak | gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:23
Nutubuntukyle__,  to backup: 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'    to edit 'gksudo gedit /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf'11:23
[selfsearcher] kyle__ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:23
capnfantasmoselfsearcher: that didn't help11:23
icf7Romeo5k: ANSWERE: installing a gui for the server, all installed packages stay11:23
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
brunnerdo you guys know if truecrypt can convert a FAT32 partition to an encrypted partition, or does it need free space?11:23
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Toulousehow could i get two computers two connect to the internet when only one has a wifi card? they are linked via network cable11:23
Romeo5kwhew.... Thank Gawd11:23
DanaGIs there any version of instlux that will install Feisty?11:23
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Romeo5kty icf711:24
n3rrdkitche2: Okay.  I just can't figure out why it died on me... maybe it was because I had the default installed first...11:24
kyle__if your name shows up in yellow does that mean you're sending me a private message?11:24
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icf7Toulouse: you may want to look up NAT, masquerading11:24
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo well, no luck this time :(11:24
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[selfsearcher] kyle__ no11:24
NutubuntuIf the name is yellow, it's to attract your attn. it'll do that for anything that includes your nick in the message - like this one: kyle__11:24
=== kawaaaaa_ [n=paw@bem142.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
wdarhello selfsearcher. it says something abaout partition tables. . but my xp is working fine on that partition and i want linux to format it and use it11:24
[selfsearcher] kyle__ i just said your name lol11:24
ak213tell me something, does debian have less trouble with hardware [video cards etc] ?11:24
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kyle__oh, cool :P11:25
icf7ak213: Compared to?11:25
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mikebotCan someone help me with dual booting?11:25
Virca3150Hi! I am trapped inside a Busybox. How do I make my PC boot manually now... If anyone is willing to help, please query me. I am chatting with my mobile phone...11:25
icf7ak213: 1. you are in #ubuntu , so you may want to ask somewhere else. 2. no11:25
wdarthanks for your efforts selfsearcher .11:25
ak213ok icf711:25
Ominouswhy cant i switch user, shutdown, or restart with xgl enabled and when i press switch user i get an error "You do not seem to be logged in on the console, \n Starting a new logoin only works correctly on the console"11:25
=== nodge [n=nodge@pD9EB0A9A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wdargood night . from myside to everyone.11:26
[selfsearcher] wdar i never solved this error before. Please search for you brand/model then the error with this model. It's not easy bit sometimes it's a safe choice. The solution depends on the casuse11:26
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[selfsearcher] lol cause11:26
HOTVirca3150: do you mean reboot?11:26
capnfantasmowhat modules specifically am I looking for.11:26
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wdari will self searcher. thanks anyway11:26
wdarbye for now11:26
JohtoOh man i LOVE this Windows Vista Review http://youtube.com/watch?v=M0sy2i5FMcI :D11:26
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[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo in you have Feisty under System menu there is a Manager for the Proprietary drivers. Try to use it.11:27
capnfantasmoselfsearcher: the restriced driver manager?11:27
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo yes, it is :D11:27
PanzerMKZanyone running 7.04 on a first gen compaq DL360?11:27
capnfantasmoselfsearcher: I did that. and it installed stuff. but I still can't get my resolution any higher when both the monitor and video card support it11:28
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[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo so is the resolution your problem?11:28
n3rrdcapnfantasmo: does your xorg.conf list the proper resolution?11:28
flav_uGood night11:28
capnfantasmon3rrd: well said11:28
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has left #ubuntu []
kyle__it says 'cp: cannot stat `/etc/x11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory'11:28
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capnfantasmoselfsearcher: yes n3rrd: no11:28
Nutubuntukyle__,  the "X" is capitalized11:28
n3rrdcapnfantasmo: if not, look for the part that says "default depth" and then add your resolution to that depth11:29
Nutubuntukyle__,  "X11" not "x11"11:29
kyle__oh :P11:29
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brunnercan truecrypt convert a FAT32 partition to an encrypted partition, or does it need free space in order to create an encrypted partition?11:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:29
ilikec0wsIs it possible to do an ubuntu install where I choose what packages i want to install?11:29
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo i found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto Ubuntu Documentation btw11:30
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capnfantasmoyeah I was using that. I kept getting errors with those commands11:30
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Virca3150I am in busybox and want to mount /dev. How do I do that!11:30
rolfenk guys sorry but i gotta try once more: how do i replace metacity with beryl as default windows manager?11:30
=== InterNut [n=InterNut@c-c9c471d5.319-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu
rolfenthe session thing didnt work11:30
n3rrdcapnfantasmo, try to find the Default Depth line in xorg.conf11:30
ilikec0wsrolfen, metacity --replace?11:30
Nutubuntuilikec0ws,  you can probably do that using the Alternative CD or Minimal CD - doing a server install, then (for example) kde-base or kde-core, then the specific pkgs you want. I haven't tried this myself but seems 'zif it'd work11:30
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n3rrdcapnfantasmo: and tell me which one it says?11:31
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rolfenilikec0ws: in cli?11:31
cypruserHow do I send a file to the trash can through the console?11:31
n3rrdcapnfantasmo: look for the lines that say11:31
zyxelhow to mount sidekick 211:31
ilikec0wsrolfen, Or in a terminal11:31
rolfenilikec0ws: thanks but i want to do the opposite11:32
n3rrdcapnfantasmo: subsection "display" and "depth 2411:32
ilikec0wsrolfen, beryl --replace11:32
rolfenilikec0ws: i'm running metacity and want to run beryl instead as default11:32
capnfantasmon3rrd: found. and changed the resolutions. to 1280, 1024, 80011:32
ilikec0wsrolfen, I know i read it wrong sorry mate :)11:32
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n3rrdcapnfantasmo:  give that a shot... restart x and try to change the reso11:32
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rolfenilikec0ws: thanks il try to add that to the Session apps and see if it works11:33
unitheoryrolfen, set beryl-manager to automatic startup in system > preferences > sessions11:33
ilikec0wsNutubuntu, Thats the only reason why I have chose say gentoo and like arch over ubuntu, cause with them I  dont have to install an absolute load of stuff that im never going to even touch11:33
ilikec0wsrolfen, Ohhh in session you just add beryl-manager11:33
capnfantasmohere I goes11:33
Nutubuntuilikec0ws,  well - you *don't* ... you just gotta know how :)11:34
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rolfenilikec0ws: I did that but it didnt work!11:34
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rolfenilikec0ws: weird...11:34
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[selfsearcher] ilikec0ws in Gentoo, you can also install the binaries btw...11:34
ilikec0wsrolfen, strange, try alt+f2 then run beryl-manager ddoes that work?11:34
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n3rrdcapnfantasmo_: any luck?11:34
ilikec0ws[selfsearcher] , That kinda defeats the point of portage though? :P11:34
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capnfantasmo_n3rrd: yep. it worked. kinda. it's only refreshing at 4711:35
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brunnerubuntu kicks ass! who ever thought I could be sitting on AIM and IRC while I'm installing my OS?11:35
|rt|anyone know if there's a utility like iostat to monitor io activity on logical volumes rather than the physical disks?11:35
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rolfenilikec0ws: i dont have alt-f2 (?) but if i run beryl-manager from the terminal it works11:35
n3rrdyou might be able to add that to the refresh rates for the monitor too11:35
FreezeilA good few months back I tried to install Ubuntu on my new computer, but apperantly I couldn't do so because I had an ASUS P5B Deluxe motherboard. Anyone knows if that problem was fixed?11:35
ilikec0wsrolfen, Are you in gnome?11:35
rolfenilikec0ws: yup11:35
[selfsearcher] ilikec0ws no because if the app is compiled for your architecture and optimized it's ok. Or you can compile it but there is a choice11:35
capnfantasmo_n3rrd alrighty11:35
moxai have a new toshiba satellite l40 with intel sound. when i adjust volume, sound stops. anyone knows that behaviour11:35
ilikec0wsrolfen, alt+f2 doesnt work nice ^^11:35
capnfantasmo_thanks for all the help11:35
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TheGateKeeperilikec0ws, if you are happy installing gentoo or arch, why would you be interested in ubuntu?11:36
rolfenilikec0ws: ohh now it works... sorry :D sorryy...11:36
NutubuntuI remember a sound utility that would allow me to vary the speed of the playback without changing pitch (or pitch without changing speed) - anyone remember what that might be? I'm just not clicking on all mental cylinders today11:36
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ilikec0wsTheGateKeeper, Why not?11:36
n3rrdi'm having trouble getting ubuntu to boot consistently on this laptop that I am using and I've read that it's because it has an issue with my mini-pci card.  any idea how I can manually tell it what the device is?11:36
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[selfsearcher] TheGateKeeper i like Ubuntu (for work) and gentoo (experimenting around)11:37
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kyle__TheGateKeeper I am the Keymaster11:37
capnfantasmo_umm. earlier someone told me to try something that restarted x and ran some things but my comptuer froze and now my desktop effects don't work. I'm sure other stuff doesn't work but I just noticed that11:37
cypruserHow do I move a file to the trash can through the terminal?11:37
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brunnerI'm sitting here, as we speak, partitioning my hard drive11:37
brunnerthis is wonderful!11:38
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slappy_how do I get the gnome keyring manager to automatically allow me access to  my wireless connecton?i11:38
NutubuntuI'm guessing its backend is soundtouch ... anyone recommend a frontend for that ?11:38
unitheorycypruser, mv /path/file ~/.Trash11:38
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kyle__so... I'm in my xorg.conf file.. now how do I change my screen resolution? I'm sorry but I really do need like step by step instructions here, I'm a total newb to linux and all this technical stuff11:39
HOTslappy_: search in the ubuntu forums, i saw a tutorial under "tips and tricks"11:39
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo_ it was n3rrd btw ;)11:39
cypruserunitheory: Thank you.11:39
n3rrdi'm having trouble getting ubuntu to boot consistently on this laptop that I am using and I've read that it's because it has an issue with my mini-pci card.  any idea how I can manually tell it what the device is?11:39
finster24I added a CDRW after install -- how do I get burning to work? (Desktop CD-ROM disc icon shows up instead of Choose Disc Type dialog.) (Edgy)11:39
unitheorycypruser, you're welcome ;] 11:39
aspetoshow can i check which ports ubuntu server 7.04 has open and what gets forwarded to where?11:40
slappy_HOT, cheers11:40
Nutubuntukyle__,  first thing you need is your monitor's specific horizontal and vertical sync rates; find these in the documentation for the monitior or in your favorite search engine11:40
ilikec0wskyle__, Right at the very bottom, you'll see a section about "Display" with aload of depths/modes in it, with resoultions in side ""11:40
ZaschHello. Can anyone explaint o me what "acpi=off" does?11:40
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capnfantasmo_n3rrd: what was that ting you told me to run earlier? it messed up my desktop effects11:40
n3rrd[selfsearcher] : I did not.  I told him how to manually edit xorg.conf, I didn't have him run anything11:40
[selfsearcher] Zasch it disables ACPI11:40
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capnfantasmo_yeah I didn't think it was him11:40
Zaschselfsearcher: I figured as much ;) But what is ACPI?11:40
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[selfsearcher] n3rrd to restart X no? It's normal btw.11:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:41
finster24Zasch, see Wikipedia11:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:41
n3rrd[selfsearcher] : he had to restartx to get the changes to xorg to take affect, but that was all manual.  no scripts or programs involved.11:41
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[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo_ it's normal to restart X after editing xorg.conf. You can use your "backup" xorg.conf to restore all11:42
kyle__ilikec0ws yeah I see it, what do I do with it?11:42
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finster24Is there a way to discover new hardware after an install? Running discover somehow?11:42
[selfsearcher] n3rrd he wasn't telling us of scrips lol11:42
n3rrdi'm starting to think that it isn't worth trying to manually install the newest nvidia drivers.  it just kills x on me, everytime.11:42
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ZaschI'm having a problem on my laptop: On a fresh install, I can't log into my first account: F1 tells me that bcm43xx is missing. So I install it, but I still can't log in: It just hangs with no messages at all. A box appears in my top left corner, a white one, but nothing happens. I can create a second account and log in, but no matter what I do that second account won't recognise that I have sound. If I add "acpi=off" as an option when11:43
Zaschbooting, I can log into my first account, and my sound works beautifully, but I'm just wondering what the consequences of this are? For instance, I noticed that I don't see that battery indicator in the top right anymore.11:43
Ominouswhy cant i switch user, shutdown, or restart with xgl enabled and when i press switch user i get an error "You do not seem to be logged in on the console, \n Starting a new login only works correctly on the console"11:43
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ilikec0wskyle__, Check what the number is after DefaultDepth, usually 24, go down to the modes line under  Depth 24 section add the resolution you want before the others listed in the same format11:43
capnfantasmo_selfsearcher: ok. while I'm well aware that I probably should have. I'm kinda like a kid in a candy store right now. are you referring to the one I should have made or is there a failsafe for people who do stupid things?11:43
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kamilMwi kto po polsku?11:43
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ilikec0ws!pl | kamil11:43
ubotukamil: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:43
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[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo_ experimenting is definitely not doing stupid things. But experience told me "make a backup of configuration(S)"11:44
kyle__ilikec0ws I just type in what I want in "s and then the option will be there?11:44
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=== capnfantasmo_ hangs head in shame
=== LucianIndy [n=LucianIn@76-200-115-44.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:45
HOTCaptainMorgan: all is not lost, there is a way to regenerate an xorg.conf file, i just need to remember how11:45
LucianIndydurr.. beryl is working now11:45
cypruserPlease help me fix this error. E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6-dev_2.5-0ubuntu14_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libanl.a', which is also in package glibc-devel11:45
ilikec0wsyep make sure you leave a space between that and the word Modes, and then a space to the next resolution, basically follow the layout already there :)11:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about discover - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:45
LucianIndyin my session start-up i just had the command 'beryl' instead of 'emerald | beryl'11:45
capnfantasmo_HOT: it's capn"fantasmo"11:45
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HOToh sorry11:45
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo_ please go where you changed the resolution and restore like it was before ;)11:45
HOTmy point still stands, let me try and remember....11:46
rolfenhow do i edit the session options in the login screen11:46
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osmosiswhat to I apt-get  for   libqt-mt.so.3 ?11:46
rolfenfor example i have a choice of xfce and gnome and i want to add another choice11:46
rolfenin the login screen11:46
mikebotCan someone help me with dual booting?11:46
bruenig!anyone | mikebot11:46
ubotumikebot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:46
newtronrolfen, another choice for what?11:46
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dr_willisrolfen,  those are given by a set of .desktop files that the login manager reads.11:46
ilikec0wsmikebot, Read the wiki about that?11:46
dr_willisrolfen,  i always use 'locate gnome.desktop' to rember where they are at.11:46
borschty_cypruser, did you install some *-devel packges from suse/fedora/or another rpm based distro some time ago?11:46
HOTcapnfantasmo_: take a look in /etc/X11 , do you see anything other than xorg.conf?11:47
mikebotI currently have my system to dual boot, but I want to change to just windows, and I was told I need to do something with GRUB.11:47
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finster24!hardware detection after install11:47
HOTxorg.conf.old perhaps?11:47
bruenigfinster24, don't be ridiculous11:47
cypruserborschty_: Yes, I did.11:47
mikebotThat wasn't really a question so: How can I make my system single boot?11:47
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo_ please delete the wrong resolution mode and all sould work exactly like before11:47
frojndhello there can xara extreme do something like this on that picrure: http://shrani.si/files/img13nzn.jpg  Tha I wouldn't write with keyboard..11:47
dr_willisrolfen,   /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop  , copy one, edit as you want. :)11:47
rolfendr_willis: thanks thanks a lot11:47
rolfen :)11:47
ilikec0wsmikebootYou boot your windows cd, boot a recovery console and type fixmbr11:47
finster24I added a CDRW after install -- how do I get burning to work? (Desktop CD-ROM disc icon shows up instead of Choose Disc Type dialog.) (Edgy)11:47
capnfantasmo_selfsearcher: I don't think that's what the problem is. I was told to run this command (I don't remember it) and it restarted X then it started doing something. It seemed like it was redetecting setup11:47
dr_willisrolfen,  ive had to tweak a few of those in the past.11:47
LucianIndymikebot, remove your unwanted OS and merge the partition back in with your windows11:47
ilikec0wsmikebot, That was for you sorry11:47
dr_willisrolfen,  make one that just launches a game! :) good experience11:47
LucianIndythen goto www.download.com and get MBRFix11:47
mikebotilikec0ws: Thanks.11:48
rolfendr_willis: ditto, but i forget their location :)11:48
bruenigfinster24, what are you trying to burn11:48
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rolfendr_willis: yeah :)11:48
dr_willisrolfen,  'locate' - One command to rember. :)11:48
ilikec0wsmikebot, Or take what LucianIndy is saying :)11:48
capnfantasmo_HOT: xorg.conf.custom11:48
NipocHi i have transmission and ssh setup, If i connect to my box and give the command "nohup transmissioncli sometorrent.torrent &" and then disconnet will the torrent download in the backround?11:48
finster24Nothing burns on this system, 'cause CDRW was added after install11:48
bruenigfinster24, what are you trying to burn11:48
rolfendr_willis: probably the most used command lol11:48
dr_willisrolfen,  i use 'ls' a lot. :)11:48
HOTcapnfantasmo_: so chances are thats your previous xorg? take a look at the time stamp11:48
mikebotLucianIndy, ilikec0ws: But won't that mess up the booting process?11:48
LucianIndymikebot, either or will work11:48
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finster24System thinks the burner is only a reader11:49
bruenigfinster24, answer questions or gtfo11:49
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rolfendr_willis: yeah ls and grep too11:49
capnfantasmo_HOT: bout an hour ago11:49
kyle__ilikec0ws: I added 1280x1024 to the modes under the default depth and its still not an option in system/preferences/screen resolution11:49
ilikec0wsmikebot, Doing them both simply overwrites grub in favour of the microsoft boot loader11:49
LucianIndyno, it will reinstate your original windows boot loader11:49
=== adamonline45 [n=Adam@c-24-4-100-197.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:49
mikebotAh, OK, thanks.11:49
HOTcapnfantasmo_: why not try reverting to that for kicks? might work...11:49
ilikec0wskyle__, Pastebin me your xorg.conf11:49
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dr_willisrolfen,  grep - the wonder command. :)11:49
capnfantasmo_HOT: do I just rename the files?11:49
kyle__ilikec0ws, do what now? :P11:49
adamonline45Howcome "sudo shutdown now" will shut the machine down, then restart it right away?  Perhaps could even just be a reboot...11:50
HOTcapnfantasmo_: no i would backup what you have first with "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup"11:50
russe11I'm doing X forwarding, is there any way to get an application already running on an existing X server on an ubuntu computer to "transfer over" to another X server on a different computer?11:50
dr_williscapnfantasmo_,  i always install 'mc' and use it for my shell/console file management needs.11:50
ilikec0ws!paste | kyle__11:50
bruenigadamonline45, sudo shutdown -h now is what you are looking for11:50
ubotukyle__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:50
dr_willisrusse11,  seen it done.. and it wasent pretty....11:50
finster24You need sudo shutdown -h now: -h means halt11:50
ilikec0wskyle__, Basically copy and paste your entire xorg.conf into that website :)11:50
dr_willisrusse11,  plus you had to have things set up befor you wanted to do the transfering.11:50
HOTcapnfantasmo_: then delete the current xorg.conf and rename the .custom to xorg.conf11:50
ilikec0wskyle__, Then send the link this way :)11:50
mikebotHow do I remove Ubuntu from my system?11:50
kyle__ilikec0ws, k11:50
dr_willisrusse11,  and it sort-of-almost worked. :)11:50
[selfsearcher] say11:50
russe11dr_willis, that would be fine.11:50
[selfsearcher] say !x capnfantasmo_11:51
adamonline45bruenig: TY once again11:51
goldfingermafiadose anone here have good experance with kismet?11:51
russe11dr_willis, do you have a link or anything?11:51
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:51
goldfingermafiai am really havig a hard time getting it working11:51
dr_willisrusse11,  but i cant even rember the name of the tool. I just started using vnc to do a similer task11:51
dr_willisrusse11,  cant even rember the name of the tool. sorry.11:51
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russe11dr_willis, yeah, VNC is a clunkey way to do what I want.11:51
dr_willisrusse11,  it was so badly done. it may not even work any more11:51
capnfantasmo_selfsearcher: and there was something after the restart11:51
russe11dr_willis, it's just sort of a hard thing to search google for.11:51
kyle__ilikec0ws, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29160/11:51
n3rrdhas anybody had luck installing the nvidia drivers directly from their website without x refusing to start?  I cna't figure out what it has configured incorrectly.11:51
adamonline45finster24: Ahh, just saw that, ty too11:52
dr_willisrusse11,  perhaps google for xdmcp move application11:52
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finster24I added a CDRW after install -- how do I get burning to work? (CD-ROM disc icon shows up on Desktop instead of Choose Disc Type dialog when a blank disc is inserted.) (Edgy)11:52
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pr4bhi cant get sb live usb's surround to work on ubuntu, so sadly im going back to windows, at least for my sound tasks :(11:52
cypruserborschty_ : I think I installed glibc-devel.rpm earlier. How do I remove it?11:52
=== holymoly [n=hello@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigfinster24, what are you trying to burn11:52
[selfsearcher] capnfantasmo_ please try to restore your old xorg.conf if something goes worng you can allways follow !x suggestion11:52
ilikec0wskyle__, And that didnt work?11:52
borschty_cypruser, sudo apt-get remove --purge glibc-devel11:52
finster24Burn a CD-R with photos11:52
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ilikec0wskyle__, Ohhhh i know why :)11:53
cypruserborschty_; Thanks.11:53
pr4bhbye bye ubuntu :(11:53
kyle__ilikecows, whycome?11:53
ilikec0wskyle__, Restart X using ctrl+alt+backspace11:53
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dr_willispr4bh,  what are you even doing that has surround sound?11:53
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bruenigfinster24, have you tried to burn it with other applications, perhaps gnomebaker or k3b, nautilus burner is not known for being too strong11:53
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=== kurbacik [n=angelo@74-140-110-113.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
pr4bhi just want bloody 5 speakers to work thats all :(11:53
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pr4bhi dont know why that is so hard to implement in linux11:53
dr_willispr4bh,  only thing ive ever done with it is mirror the front to the back. Had to check some check box's in the alsamixer control, and slid a few sliders11:54
=== ReivaX [n=ung@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-17-184.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willispr4bh,  and i get front/back mirrored11:54
koenhi. i want to tar a partition. How to tar a /dev/sda3 for example11:54
HOTpr4bh: because creative dont offer linux drivers, plain and simple11:54
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bruenigpr4bh, I invite you to go ahead and do it and submit your work upstream, we will greatly appreciate it11:54
kyle__ilikec0ws, IT WORKED!!!11:54
dr_willispr4bh,  i THINK the checkbox to check is '3dcontrol' in alsamixer11:54
finster24I have 2 Edgy systems, the one where the CD-RW was installed before the Ubuntu install works.11:54
=== Frank___ [n=chatzill@CPE00121729c7a6-CM00195ed202f8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
pr4bhdr_willis: Oh?11:54
ilikec0wskyle__, yep11:54
pr4bhok ill mess around a bit more than :)11:55
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Frank___How can i tell my wireless connection speed?11:55
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bruenigfinster24, that has nothing to do with it, you can swap out cd drives and it will still be able to burn to the new one, so get off of that train11:55
kyle__ilikec0ws, you're my hero. thanks a bunch man :P11:55
numusanyone know a program to sync a windows mobile device in ubuntu to get your calendar and contacts and everything11:55
ilikec0wskyle__, haha! np11:55
=== azide [n=azide@65-78-26-51.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
pr4bhdr_willis: the only thing i see is a pcm volume control thats all i see11:55
n3rrdtrying to ./configure,make,makeinstall the newest version of aMSN because the packaged installer doesn't seem to work for 64bit ubuntu.  does anyone know what package it is referring too when it asks for libpng?  I have 2.2 and 3.0 installed.11:55
=== sparklehistory [n=sparkleh@65-103-19-145.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!find libpng11:56
ubotuFound: libpng-sixlegs-java, libpngwriter0-dev, libpngwriter0c2, libpng12-0, libpng12-dev (and 1 others)11:56
bruenig!info libpng12-dev | n3rrd11:56
ubotun3rrd: libpng12-dev: PNG library - development. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.15~beta5-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 167 kB, installed size 492 kB11:56
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bruenign3rrd, apt-cache search is your friend11:56
koen hi. i want to tar a partition. How to tar a /dev/sda3 for example11:56
=== kawaaaaa [n=paw@bem142.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
n3rrdbruenig: apt-cache search?11:56
bruenigkoen, you tar files not partitions, you can tar every file in that partition by tarring the mount point11:56
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bruenign3rrd, yeah open a terminal and do "apt-cache search libpng"11:57
=== dirtyhand [n=casa@68-117-72-56.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
n3rrdbruenig: i used the search through synaptic and saw all those listed but wasn't sure which were required.  they are all listed under "libpng" and really offer no direction.11:57
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dirtyhandhey guys,what command can I run in terminal to figure out the name of my wireless adapter?11:57
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bruenign3rrd, ok, haven't used synaptic much, but apt-cache search is very good11:57
dr_willispr4bh,  im using the 'alsamixer' tool use arrow keys to moveto the right.. it scrolls11:57
n3rrdbruenig: i'll keep that in mind, thanks.11:58
azidewhen i try to connect to my bouncer with Xchat-gnome, i get a notice telling me that my client doesnt support passwords, is this true?11:58
dr_willispr4bh,  i do have a sb audigy 2zs onvoard card however.11:58
bruenign3rrd, try it, learn it, it will lead to computing self sufficiency, very good thing to have11:58
numusanyone.. windows mobile 5/11:58
pr4bhdr_willis: well ur lucky if its working for u mate11:58
koenbruenig, you can tar a device file. I have only forgotten how exactly11:58
jportcan someone help me with mounting internal drive in ubuntu, i've mounted it but when i try to browse i get error: You do not have access rights11:58
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azidejport, check permissions11:58
dr_willispr4bh,  often people dont notice that thing scrolls off the side. I just checked that box and slid all the sliders to the top. :) got rear sound for my videos now11:58
bruenigkoen, I don't believe you can, you can copy a device file with dd, but I am almost 100% certain you cannot tar it11:59
jportthey are dr-x------11:59
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dr_willispr4bh,  also noticed that some apps can give out real 5.1+ sound.. those i recall worked allready11:59
azideif you areent root, you wont be able to play with the drive11:59
n3rrdbruenig: a very good thing to have, indeed.  would you happen to know how you can manually tell ubuntu what a device is?  i know the mini-pci card in this old IBM t21 causes som eissues with Ubuntu and forces it to hang at boot about 2/3 of the time.11:59
=== gerd_ [n=gerd@M8cdb.m.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
jportand i chown username Directory11:59
pr4bhdr_willis: ive got an onboard soundcard too, now how do i change it to usb external? *im so naive*11:59
jportbut it still says its owned by root11:59
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sindre_Got a problem here: Error displaying connection information:11:59
sindre_Could not find some required resources (the glade file)!11:59
bruenig!backup | koen if you could, the first link here on backup would be ridiculously pointless11:59
ubotukoen if you could, the first link here on backup would be ridiculously pointless: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:59
dr_willispr4bh,  no idea. I dont plan on EVER buying a usb sound card. :)11:59
=== feoc [n=colin@88-111-101-30.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
numushow about lexmark printer/scanner help11:59
Frank___What program do you burn .avi 's with?11:59
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brunnerso I just installed ubuntu to a secondary partition... I don't remember answering any questions about grub... did it plop grub onto the MBR?12:00
dr_willispr4bh,  i m suprised the thing even works. Heh12:00
pr4bhdr_willis: i used to use stereo to software surround using vlc and it did work, but thats not the real thing12:00
=== EADG__ [n=vader@d206-75-103-225.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
koenbruenig. okay. i might have been wrong. I want to backup a hfs+ partition12:00
brunnerI'm using the graphical isntall and chose to partition manually12:00
dr_willismost of the videos dont have surround sound anyway12:00
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pr4bhbut the rear speakers should work at least right?12:00
bruenigkoen, just tar up everything under the mount point, then you can replace it later by cding into the mount point and untarring12:00
dr_willispr4bh,  mine are working now.12:00
koenwhen i mount it in linux and then tar it, will i still have all my original permissions saved then?12:00
HOTevery driver that has to be hacked together by the community is amazing, i reward companies that support Nix by purchasing there wares, creative isnt one of them12:00
brunnerpr4bh: what do you mean not the real thing?12:01

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