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mhbgood night (a greeting)12:45
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ryanakcaScottK: hmm... Upstream released 1.0.3 ... and aoeui now builds aoeui, and asdfg (the QWERTY equivalent)01:20
ryanakcaScottK: I guess that means I have to restart the package, since it's so different?01:20
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nixternalhrmm, in c++ is it possible to instantiate a class object in a switch statement, and within the same switch statement, test to see if the object instantiated was created and print data as requested?02:56
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manchickennixternal: That does sound possible.04:18
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jjessenixternal: did you get my email?04:23
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nixternaljjesse: just replied...stupid google had you in the spam box05:26
nixternaland adding addresses to your contacts list with gmail, doesn't stop them from getting marked as spam either05:26
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Hobbseemanchicken: ping06:43
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_marseillaisHobbsee, my patch bug 124047 is not done as it should ?09:34
Hobbseebug 12404709:35
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Hobbsee_marseillais: if that's the k-r-e, it's just that i havent gotten around to it yet09:35
_marseillaisah oki09:35
Hobbseeyeah.  havent gotten around to it09:35
Hobbseeworked for part of the weekend, etc09:35
=== Hobbsee wants to get this apt breakage fixed first
_marseillaisHobbsee, no problem just to know if it was due to my patch09:36
_marseillaisHobbsee, if you have time09:37
_marseillaisi got a question09:37
Hobbseei'm going out, but if you're quick...09:37
_marseillaisi installed gutsy in virtual box09:37
_marseillaisand now networkmanager depends on several libgnome09:38
_marseillaisis it something normal?09:38
_marseillaisor should i make a bug?09:38
Hobbseeit's a bug, already reported.  well, known anyway09:38
siretartmanchicken: any chance we get ept-cache soon? from the changelog I see that adept is blocking the new libept version, and Hobbsee told me to bug you! ;)09:46
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_StefanS_if tribe2 somewhat functional on a laptop yet?09:52
_StefanS_considering upgrading to be on track with development09:53
gnomefreak_StefanS_: functional-for most part will it break?-YES09:54
_StefanS_gnomefreak: well I know that part, but I ran feisty at beta2 and on to the final, just wanted to know if there were any current breakers09:55
_StefanS_maybe I will upgrade then09:55
gnomefreak_StefanS_: if i were you i would wait til after sprint to upgrade09:55
_StefanS_when is the tribe3 supposed to be out?09:55
_StefanS_uhm ok09:56
xerosis_StefanS_: it's a bit tricky to upgrade right now09:56
xerosis_StefanS_: do-able but you have to be careful09:56
_StefanS_xerosis: alot of stuff kept back?09:56
xerosis_StefanS_: yeah09:56
_StefanS_xerosis: ok09:56
xerosis_StefanS_: i did a fresh install a few days back and you have to remove kubuntu-desktop to get most of the stuff installed09:56
xerosisthen install stuff manually09:57
_StefanS_xerosis: ah ok, I tried that in the past as well; not too tricky if you have a feisty installation around for reference ;)09:57
_StefanS_(or any previous installations..)09:57
xerosis_StefanS_: if you're installing off a cd it'll be fine09:57
xerosisjust i upgraded from feisty so it was a bit trickier09:57
_StefanS_xerosis: yep I was actually thinking about that, but I wont get my new harddrive(s) until next week, and I cant really wait :)09:58
gnomefreak_StefanS_: comparing this to feisty isnt a good comparison as there are different things that are heldback different things are borked so on and so forth09:58
_StefanS_gnomefreak: I was thinking about package names, I guess they havent changed much09:59
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Riddellhi all, coming to you live from Canonical towers here in the centre of london11:30
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=== apokryphos feels like Riddell is an arm's length away ;)
Riddellcan you see milbank tower?12:28
RiddellI'm waving out the 27th floor12:28
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apokryphosnot really, in south london atm 8)12:43
RiddellI can see much of south london from here too :)12:43
Riddellhi kwwii12:43
kwwiihowdy Riddell12:44
kwwiiit is hard to concentrate on working with such a nice view ;-)12:44
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ScottKLongPointyStick: I will upgrade to Gutsy as promised, once apt and ooo are sorted.01:48
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Riddellooo is broken?01:54
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ScottKRiddell: Still not rebuilt successfully after last weeks libcurl thing.02:10
ScottKLast attempt was FTBFS.02:11
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calchmm no scrollback of course since i just joined :)02:16
RiddellScottK: here you are, you can poke calc directly :)02:16
ScottKRiddell: I know he knows about it already.02:16
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calcHobbsee: hello02:16
ScottKcalc: I was just telling Riddell I was waiting for the OOO situation to get sorted before I upgraded my development machine to Gutsy.02:17
Hobbseehi calc :)02:18
ScottKGood morning Hobbsee.02:18
Hobbseehi ScottK02:20
calcScottK: ah ok, i am about to look at the build log right now02:21
=== ScottK was just blaming calc for not having dist-upgraded yet.
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Riddellit's also waiting on me or someone to merge adept I presume02:22
ScottKThat and a working apt would be nice too.02:22
HobbseeRiddell: no, making apt work, actually02:22
Riddellor actually I thought I saw Hobbsee upload a new adept for the new apt02:22
HobbseeRiddell: how's london?02:22
ScottKActually I almost never use Adept.  I just use apt.02:22
Riddellit just goes on forever02:22
HobbseeRiddell: is that a problem?  :P02:22
HobbseeRiddell: you should see australia one day, then.02:23
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RiddellI've seen australia too, but london has the more impressive population density :)02:23
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Hobbseeyeah, true that02:24
Hobbseebut au wins for hugeness factor02:24
calcHobbsee: i think US wins for hugeness over au ;)02:26
Hobbseecalc: point..02:26
calcone of the lowest density countries so everyone has to drive their huge SUVs with < $3/gal gas02:27
calcgas here in london is ~ $8/gal02:27
Riddellit's a pound a litre in real money02:27
calcbest way to get rid of SUVs in the US would be to have gas go up to cost what it does in London02:28
Hobbseeah right02:28
Hobbseemakes it way expensive, compared to us02:28
=== ScottK recalls back in the good (bad) old days when a leader of the USSR mentioned that the USA is a relatively small country spanning (in it's main part) 4 time zones while the USSR spanned 11. I've never looked to see how many Russia ended up with.
calcUS price when i left was roughly equal to 0.35 pound per litre02:29
ScottKVery high for the US historically, but still much lower than Europe.02:30
calcyea it was < 1.50 USD/gal about 2 years ago02:30
=== ScottK does note that the used SUV market has kind of tanked in the last couple of years so the higher prices are having an effect.
calcso nearly doubled in the past 2 years02:30
=== calc screwed up part of his gum while eating lunch :\
RadiantFirehow many of those russian time zones were actually heavily populated02:31
calcRadiantFire: they sent lots of people to siberia so probably all of them ;)02:32
=== ScottK saw mention of Australia, so figured concerns about population density were out.
calcsome parts of the US are probably as densely populated as London, like NYC, maybe Boston02:33
HobbseeRiddell: holy hell, that's huge!02:33
calcHouston has way too many trees to be comparable though02:33
RiddellHobbsee: petrol price?02:33
HobbseeRiddell: no.  milbank tower02:33
Riddellah, yes02:33
calcHobbsee: yea its cool :)02:34
Hobbseecalc: rub it in, why dont you?02:34
Riddellit's the only 30 story tower block in central london, they much have paid off the planning regulators with something hugh02:34
Hobbseei'm already jealous as it is :P02:34
calcRiddell: iirc wikipedia mentioned it used to be the home of one of the political parties02:34
Riddellthe london eye is somewhere down there02:34
calcmillenium wheel (london eye) is 135m02:36
calcmillbank is 118m02:36
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=== xerosis moans about dentists
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Riddellgood morning richard04:25
ScottKGoor morning nixternal04:25
ScottKerr Goor/Good...04:25
nixternalRiddell: how was LRL?04:25
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Riddellnixternal: good enough04:26
nixternalcool, can't wait to see the video of it. my buddy Joe Born from Neuros went and gave a talk I guess04:28
Arbymorning/afternoon all04:30
Ash-FoxThis is really getting annoying. Troubleshooting many people's wireless issues on different cards on Kubuntu. The biggest cause so far of knetworkmanager not working properly is the fact the adapter in /etc/network/interfaces contains a iface <addapter> inet dhcp.. removing that line just solves the conflicts all together.04:31
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nixternalAsh-Fox: ya, knm is annoying at times....right now, if I boot up with ethernet plugged in, it does't get seen my knm/nm and starts up my wireless instead...so I have to unplug and plug back in the cable for eth0 to activate/enable04:48
manchickennixternal: Joe Born is alright.  He donated an iPod Mini to me when I was working on this podcast player in Perl with some custom Perl drivers I'd done.04:49
nixternalhe donated me a neuros :)04:49
nixternalJoe is a cool dude04:49
manchickenI actually got quite far with that podcast program until I hit the limit of the Perl-Qt bindings.04:49
manchickenI want an OSD!04:49
nixternaldude, he will sell you one for $100, or if you are slick enough and are interested in the OSD development, he might give you one04:50
manchickenActually, I want a personal media computer thing.  You know, one of those ugly-as-hell black music players that hold 80GB?04:50
manchickenI don't think they make them anymore though.04:50
nixternalwho made it?04:51
nixternalebay will have it04:51
nixternalI just know the OSD really04:51
manchickenThis was like their first real product.04:51
manchickenIt supports FLAC and everything.04:51
nixternalwas it a closed source product? it wasn't even a year ago that they made the switch to embedded Linux04:51
manchickenI think it was one of the devices that allowed you to directly mount its filesystem.04:52
nixternalit is cool, I can watch youtube directly from my tv04:52
manchickenUnlike my Creative Zen which you have to use MTP for.04:52
manchickennixternal: I can do that, too, on Wii :)04:52
nixternalwii == $$, neuros == free for me04:53
manchickenAnd don't fool yourself, the OSD is still using quite a bit of proprietary and NDA stuff.04:53
nixternalI got an OSD, a "Hack the Duck" t-shirt that would fit either Freddy or Eddie, and a "Hack The Duck" coffee cup from him...super cool dude04:53
nixternalthey are going to switch over to gnash here pretty soon...they have been testing the latest release now04:54
nixternalthere is a ton of proprietary stuff on it04:54
nixternalnothing more than the typical Linux user has now though :)04:54
nixternallibdvdcss, mp3, wmv, flash, and the list goes on04:54
manchickenTrue, but I still wish he would fight a little harder to get it freed.04:54
manchickenIf he's making money with these, and they're actually selling, then he would have some traction in that stuff.04:55
=== calc rebuilding ooo on my laptop right now
calcapparently my laptop is "fast" since it can build it in ~ 2hr with cold ccache04:55
nixternallast time I built it, NASA had 2 trips to space and back :)04:55
nixternalMaintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>04:56
Riddellthat's us04:56
nixternalRiddell: ^^ is that cool for the kde packages04:56
nixternalalrighty, I will get the tapioca-qt, telepathy-qt, and decibel switched over from dholbach then04:57
nixternalthat will make things nicer :)04:57
nixternalhey, for KDE 4, I would like to start biweekly snapshots here eventually, and was thinking if we should just get Soprano in universe and update the current QCA to QCA 2.004:58
nixternalI think libstreamanalyzer (strigi) is fairly recent w/o having to do an svn snapshot04:58
calcso will kde 4 look leet like gnome? ;)04:59
nixternalbah, gnome hasn't looked leet in a decade04:59
calcthe only shots i've seen were from the first alpha release04:59
nixternalactually, have they even hit a decade now?04:59
calcnixternal: probably, or its close04:59
nixternalit is getting better, kde 4 that is04:59
manchickennixternal: Do you have amd64 KDE4 packages?05:00
nixternalmanchicken: ummmmmmmmm05:00
=== nixternal runs
manchickenQt4 packages got updated.05:00
manchickenNo kde4 though.05:00
nixternalthe current packages might be having a dbus issue, but that is an easy fix by adding libdbus-1-dev to libs and base05:00
nixternaltell me he wasn't up to something05:01
nixternalHAHAHAH! Hobbsee, Riddell stole your "Long Not-so Pointy Stick"05:01
Hobbseenixternal: where's this?05:01
nixternallook at that pic 3 lines up05:02
manchickenWhat's that "thing" he's carrying around?05:02
nixternalmanchicken: the long pointy stick :)05:02
nixternalhis yoga mat ;p05:02
manchickenI still wish I could go to all those things.05:02
manchickenRiddell: You're one lucky Scotsman.05:03
nixternalI definitely have to get out to a LRL event, hell as well as a UDS and aKademy05:03
nixternalnext year's aKademy has my name written all over it05:03
manchickenUDS was great.  I'd love to go to aKademy.05:03
manchickenI just don't have the kind of money to be flying around to these things.05:04
Riddellmanchicken: I'm working on kde 405:04
calcgnome was around prior to jan 1998 in any case05:04
HobbseeRiddell: nixternal has some form of i386 packages, if you havent already seen05:04
calcnot sure where the original posting is05:04
RiddellHobbsee: I have not05:05
Riddellnixternal: where would these be?05:05
HobbseeRiddell: it's documented on the mailing list, which it might be helpful if you read.05:05
nixternalwell the .debs are at http://www.nixternal.com/pkg/7.10/kde405:05
Arbynixternal: there's going to be an LRL-US next year05:05
manchickenRiddell: I know.  I kinda tried to work on KDE4.  I just don't have the time to, as I'm not being paid to work on KDE4 :)05:05
nixternalI have the debian/ directories in a +junk on bzr...let me grab that link05:05
calcah it started aug 199705:05
calcso it will be 10 next month05:05
nixternalArby: are you kidding me?05:06
nixternalomg you just made my day!05:06
nixternalmanchicken: road trip!05:06
Riddellit'll be in san francisco area05:06
nixternalI will grab the Ferrari and come pick you up05:06
Arbynext to no chance of me making that05:06
Arbyeven if I start saving now05:07
Arbynixternal: sometime around March05:07
manchickennixternal: What now?05:07
nixternalI put in to get personal time for UDS Boston...last time Mark and I tried the Feds said "nice try"05:07
nixternalmanchicken: LRL in San Fran next year05:07
nixternalLUG Radio Live :)05:07
nixternalI would like to know why people don't do Chicago. don't they realize it is the greatest city in the US?05:08
nixternalNYC is even envious of us :)05:08
Arbypossibly due to the funding concerns involved05:09
nixternalanyone doing a libqtjambi yet?05:09
Arbythe name DiBona was mentioned05:09
nixternalChicago has 2 airports to choose from, millions of hotels, Google if we really need them, UIC would oblige I am sure...heck we are finally getting a big OSS event next year, PyCon05:10
calcgoogle is in chicago?05:10
nixternalhopefully Flourish will take off....we had 200 people in one day, which just happened to fall on the easter weekend for everyone05:10
nixternalcalc: ya, they have a fairly decent size gig here now05:10
calcnixternal: ah ok05:10
nixternalsame with IBM, who wined and dined us at flourish this year05:10
calcnixternal: a data center or regular office too?05:11
nixternalall of the Ad Sense revenue goes through Chicago, so the office is the sales and marketing for ad sense, the DC is a typical DC, but also we have Ben Sussman of SVN fame who runs the Google Chicago Engineers05:11
calci've been to their SGI Mountain View campus a few years ago for an interview, it was pretty nice05:12
nixternalhe is a little stuck up, but very cool nonetheless05:12
nixternalcalc: I was there last year for an interview05:12
nixternalbut they filled it internally05:12
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manchickenI don't like the proprietary focus of flourish.06:40
manchickenIt kinda defeats the purpose.06:40
Riddellwhat's flourish?06:43
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nixternalit is an open source conference that is now being put on yearly by the University of Illinois at Chicago ACM group06:47
nixternalthere was quite a large proprietary following for the first one only due to IBM really06:47
nixternalthis last one had Chris DiBona and Peter Brown give talks, Peter Brown of course rocked :)06:48
DaSkreechDid he smash the Guitar at the end?06:50
nixternalnope, just Windows and Chris DiBona :)06:50
DaSkreechAny Groupie can smash windows06:52
nixternalbut Chris DiBona? He is a big boy06:53
nixternalalrighty, Kubuntu Developers now have 3 new packages. 1) telepathy-qt, 2) tapioca-qt, and 3) decibel06:54
nixternalnext is nixternal-dev and nixternal-dbg :)06:56
Hobbseenixternal: please tell me that they'r eall licenced correctly06:56
nixternalHobbsee: they better be, they have been in universe for a while :)06:56
nixternalwe just changed the Maintainer: to Kubuntu Developers per dholbach06:57
nixternalMaintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>06:57
DaSkreechnixternal: So the meta package for those is point-klicky ?06:58
nixternalso, I guess for Kubuntu packages we just may end up moving them from -MOTU to K-D as the desktop team does this with some packages06:58
Hobbseenixternal: sounds sane06:59
nixternalfirst thing I have said in a while that sounded sane :)06:59
calcit appears my laptop takes 3hr to build current gutsy ooo while using it for other things07:06
calcmight be better if i had more than 1gb ram07:06
calcit finished, time to shutdown, eat and take a nap07:09
calc+6 tz in a day made me very tired07:09
Riddell"Kubuntu - easily the best operating system from the Linux stable" Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Cities/City_Supplements/Bombay_Times/Time_for_a_switch_/articleshow/2162152.cms07:11
=== Prezu [i=patryk@dug.net.pl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechI like how they highlight what Ubuntu has brought to the Kubuntu core tehn go on to proclaim Kubuntu the greetest!07:24
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=== Disablez [n=lorddisa@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seelewere the high res versions of the ubuntu logos taken off the website?08:06
seele(or.. does anyone have a high resolution version of the kubuntu logo, svg or png)08:07
Disablezhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4c/Kubuntu_Logo.svg for ex?08:09
seeleah.. that helps. i just went diretly to the ubuntu site where i last saw it08:18
=== apachelogger [n=me@M3187P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A728C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== acidBURN [n=nowherem@cpe-72-184-186-170.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
acidBURNkonqueror anyone?08:58
manchicken_What about konqueror?09:01
acidBURNneed some help on importing a html file that contains bookmarks, that konqueror will not import it09:02
=== jpetso_away [n=jpetso@v213-022.vps.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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manchicken_acidBURN: You may want to try #kde or #kubuntu.09:17
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=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== allee [n=ach@lapex-mcallee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalmanchicken: Perl??  I want to execute a URL and have it open a (default) web browser...is there an easy/efficient way to do this?09:51
fdovingnixternal: in kde?09:54
nixternalin general09:55
nixternalwriting another irssi script to parse a url with <flag> <search term>09:55
fdovingon debian systems you can use x-www-browser09:55
fdovingit's one of the alternative things.09:55
fdovingmanaged in /etc/alternatives/09:55
manchickennixternal: Sure.09:55
manchickennixternal: Are you on a debian system?09:55
fdovingnixternal: on debian systems there are www-browser, for console. and x-www-browser for x.09:56
=== tmske [n=thomas@dD5E0A480.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenThe question would be whether www-browser would take HTML via stdin.09:57
manchickenWhy not just have something load the URL, or do you have to execute it?09:58
fdovingthat depends on the browser, can't you write it to a temp file?09:58
manchickenYou could, but I'm wondering if it would be better just to point the browser to the URL itself.09:58
manchickenLWP can't do anything more than a web browser can.09:58
nixternalWWWBrowser::start_browser("$URL" . "$FLAGS" . "$SEARCH");09:59
manchickenIs WWWBrowser a CPAN module?09:59
fdovingwhat's this for anyway?09:59
nixternala top secret irssi script09:59
nixternalI can tell you, but I would have to kill you then, and I don't want to do that :)09:59
fdovingok. make it work remotely :)10:00
fdovingvia some ssh tunnel magic or something :)10:00
nixternal/foo <flag> <search term>10:00
nixternalin irssi, that would open up my browser and go to where I wanted it to10:00
fdovinglike /foo google kde hacking ?10:00
nixternalwell, the foo would replace google with the foo url, but you are along the right lines10:01
fdovingfoo url?10:01
fdovingsearch some url for the term?10:02
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nixternalyup, but the flags cause it to search different sites10:02
fdovingsites as in search engines or?10:03
fdovingthe question is, do you download the data and search the data locally, or do you use some search feature on the site?10:04
nixternalsearch feature on the website10:04
nixternalYubNub to be exact10:04
fdovingthen you can just make urls, right?10:05
fdovingand open them in a webbrowser.10:05
fdovinglike konquerors webshortcuts.10:05
fdovingbut for irssi.10:05
nixternalwell, I would like it to open my browser and not post anything into the channel10:06
=== Lure [n=lure@89-212-19-55.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingsounds cool, i'd suggest a /set for the browser command.10:07
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== _StefanS_ is upgrading to gutsy
DaSkreechnixternal: I don't really care that much about life. Tell me :)10:20
_StefanS_nixternal: hey, in the past where you were reviewing hardware, do you know a good low profile northbridge cooler (for mini-itx, low profile case)10:21
nixternal_StefanS_: I think Zalman has a couple10:22
nixternalI was looking at Mini-ITX.com/org yesterday and noticed a Zalman, or a Zalman look alike on the northbridge10:22
_StefanS_nixternal: you dont happen to have that link, do you?10:22
nixternalcan't say that I do..i was searching around the website looking at pics when I seen it10:23
_StefanS_ah ok10:23
_StefanS_nixternal: I'm not comfortable with 58 degrees celcius on my northbridge ;)10:23
manchickennixternal: So are amd64 KDE4 binaries even in the work?10:23
nixternalwow, for an itx that sounds high10:23
_StefanS_nixternal: yes, I know :)10:24
nixternalmanchicken: Riddell is working on something I believe...at least he said earlier...and the last time he did that they were amd64 :)10:24
nixternalhell, for a northbridge on any chipset that sounds high10:24
nixternalI have machines w/o a cooler and they aren't that high10:24
_StefanS_nixternal: its a compact environment ;)10:25
manchickennixternal: Okay.  Sorry to be an annoyance, I just thought you had them :)10:25
manchickennixternal: Are these in a bzr branch somewhere/10:25
nixternalmanchicken: nevah an annoyance!10:25
nixternalthe debian files are right there10:25
nixternallibs needs some libdbus love though10:26
=== nixternal heads off to school
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=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_is adept borked in gutsy atm ?11:27
Arbyin what way?11:29
_StefanS_Arby: "bad image index", The generated cache was invalid.11:30
_StefanS_dont know exactly what to do about that error..11:30
Arbynot seeing that here and my system is up to date11:30
Arbywhat did you do to induce it?11:30
_StefanS_Arby: great.. must be some dependency stuff going on11:31
_StefanS_Arby: well I just updated to gutsy; didn't have any issues on another computer11:31
Arbyhmm, not sure then, sounds a bit odd11:32
_StefanS_Arby: do you remember off hand what kind of dependencies adept needs ? I know there's some python in there..11:32
ArbyI don't but I could find out if you give me a minute11:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:34
Arby_StefanS_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29291/11:36
Arbythat's the dependencies for adept-manager11:36
_StefanS_Arby: is it possible to see what needs to be set up if adept bails out on the normal run ?11:37
ArbyI'm not sure what you mean11:37
Arbyare you saying that when upgrading to gutsy that the upgrade failed with that message above?11:38
_StefanS_Arby: well maybe the dependencies are actually in the (unfinished) apt queue, but couldn't be set up due these probs with adept11:38
_StefanS_Arby: yes.11:38
Arbyah right, that's a bit evil11:38
Arbytry 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'11:39
Arbythat should force the configuration of any pending packages11:39
_StefanS_uhm it seems like adept ones are the only packages waiting to be set up11:40
_StefanS_funny thing is that adept-common installed fine11:40
Arbyso which package specifically is it complaining about?11:41
_StefanS_ adept-installer11:41
_StefanS_ adept-manager11:41
_StefanS_ adept-updater11:41
_StefanS_in that order11:41
Arbyhmm, not sure really have you tried looking in the logs for clues?11:42
Arbymaybe it's a real bug11:43
fdovingdo they fail during setup? as in the maintainer scripts?11:43
_StefanS_well now it specificially complains about broken packages11:43
_StefanS_fdoving: yes , post-removal, post-inst scripts11:44
fdoving_StefanS_: try to sh -x the scripts, see what fails.11:44
_StefanS_fdoving: hate to ask stupid questions, but where should the scripts be at ? /var/cache/apt/* or inside the specific source packages for adept-* ?11:45
fdoving_StefanS_: /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.postinst11:46
fdovingor .postrm .prerm .preinst and so on.11:46
fdovingsh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.postinst configure11:46
fdovingwill give you some info.11:47
_StefanS_its a gtk-update-icon-cache that gives me that image errors11:47
_StefanS_uhm great..11:47
fdovingyou can comment that line out from the script, if you don't care about it and just want it to install.11:47
fdovingi need to go, good luck :)11:48
_StefanS_thanks :)11:48
=== tmske [n=thomas@dD5763506.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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